#or maybe prime did all this for shits and giggles because he wanted to know what would happen
Thinking about the parallels of Prime showing C-137 the universe and Rick offering to do the same for BP
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aliaology · 16 days
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SUMMARY: in which holtzy and you are dating, and you are very much in love with him
PAIRINGS: alexander holtz x fem!hughes!reader
WARNINGS: none just fluff :)
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driving on the, right side road. he says im pretty, wearing his clothes. and hes got hands that, make hell seem cold. feet on the dashboard, he’s like a poem i wish i wrote. i wish i wrote.
you were the prime example of ‘passenger princess’ but in your very own car. i mean— it wasn’t necessarily your fault that you weren’t the best suited to drive in the city. no no— it was jacks because all he did was drive you and luke around.
but your brother was not the one driving. no, it was your boyfriend who was. you also never understood why he loved to drive your car. but the actual reason was because it was so… you. and he loved that.
your feet were propped on the dashboard, notebook and pen in your lap and hand as you mindlessly scribbled words together. alex’s hand was on your thigh, the warmth from his hand spreading throughout your body like a wildfire.
his fingers traced lightly on your bare thighs, pinky almost sliding up and hitting your shorts with every move he made. the bumps in the road made it so his hand would lightly hit your skin.
your eyes were averted to the pen and paper as you eagerly wrote down word after word, his hand squeezing your thigh every few minutes.
as he squeezed your thigh one more time, you looked over to him. he was the epitome of a love poem and you wished you were the one to write it. with a soft smile on your face, you leaned closer to him and placed your lips onto his cheek.
and he laughs at all my jokes, and he says im so american! oh god, its just not fair of him to make me feel this much. go anywhere he goes, and he says im so american! oh god, im gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up. i might just be in la-la-la-la-love.
you two were at a restaurant, smiling at each other. you spoke, hushed and quietly, almost with embarrassment. your words caused him to burst with laughter, hand slapping over his mouth as his shoulders shook.
his reaction caused you to giggle, a bright smile on your face. the smile would quickly turn to one of embarrassment when you ask a waitress for a meal— one that you have trouble pronouncing. and he laughs as the waitress leaves.
you had a frown on your face— not one of sadness but one of ‘are you kidding me?’
alex snorted as he spoke, “you are so american.”
feigning a look of offense, your eyes narrowed slightly, giving a look of hurt. this just caused alex to chuckle more before grabbing your hand and pressing a small kiss to it.
“how about we just get out of here instead? i think i’d very much rather eat in.” he suggested.
and so you went wherever he did. you ditched the restaurant. you ditched the fancy dinner, and you went home. when you got home; you both eagerly sat on the couch and just watched a movie.
god im so boring, and im so rude! cant have a conversation if its not all about you. the way you dress and, the books you read. i really love my bed but man its hard to sleep when he’s with me. when he’s with me…!
you sat with your friends, picking at your nails as they spoke. their conversation being something about style— something about clothes. you weren’t too interested, you weren’t even talking.
“anything to add, y/n?” one asked.
you shrugged. “i don’t know— style wise i really like alex’s and maybe i’m just biased but it seems super comfy. shockingly he also has a great taste in books and—“
“girl all you do is take about your man!” your friend cut you off.
another friend piped up, “can’t say i blame her. i mean we’ve been friends for what? seven years? in that time frame shes had one boyfriend and he kinda sucked. if i had a man treat me the way hers does, i’d be plastering that everywhere.”
your last friend shrugged. “i get it— honestly i want to hear more about this guy. she talks about him but its never enough because someone interrupts her.”
“its fine— all you really need to know about him is that he treats me very well, and i love him.”
after your little get together with your friends, you made your way to your apartment. the sun was setting and you wanted to lay in bed. but as soon as you got home, locked up and went to your room and saw your boyfriend, you knew for a fact you wouldn’t be going to sleep.
i apologize if its a little too much, just a little too soon. but if the conversation ever were to come up i don’t wanna assume this stuff. but aint it rough? think im in love!
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crowleysgirl56 · 3 months
Wildest dreams wishes for Good Omens Season 3 which will probably not come true but I can still hope hey!
Number 17.
Sex! That’s right we’re going there. Because my latest random post got a lot of differing opinions (which was really just for shits and giggles. Nothing I say should be taken seriously 😜) I thought I’d address what my actual prediction and also wildest hope for season 3 is.
I think what we will get is an implied sex scene. For a number of reasons.
1. The tone of the show is not explicit. Even though you can definitely point to other Amazon Prime shows that will go there (exhibit A: American Gods), I don’t think we would get that for Good Omens.
2. It’s a comedy. So if anything we would get something that is almost silly. Probably to parallel the ridiculous and funny sex scene between Anathema and Newt in season 1 (think of them under the bed popping in and out of frame as papers fly everywhere). I don’t think the S3 scene would be specifically played for laughs, because this is the type of show that is very respectful of a same sex relationship. We’ve had way too many horrible experiences for decades of television programs playing up “men having sex = stupid/silly/funny/not serious/etc”. Neil would not let something like this happen (Exhibit B: American Gods, again). So I would suggest the situation leading up to the act would probably be ridiculous or something we can laugh at, but the act itself would not.
3. Neil reblogged a post a few months ago and annoyingly I can’t find it. But it had something to do with same sex coupling in media and how important it is, and he basically said something along the lines of “I don’t write these kinds of scenes but now I wish I did”. I think he was possible responding to someone saying “Neil wouldn’t do something like that”. That’s a pretty interesting thought and a very pointed comment to make at a time when he had either just started writing season 3, or right before it. Or at least that’s when I saw the post. This is Tumblr so for all I know it could have been posted 2 years ago (seriously, how does Tumblr work? I’ve only been here 6 months!).
So what do I think will ACTUALLY happen? I think we’ll get Crowley and Aziraphale passionately kiss, get to Aziraphale’s bedroom and then fall onto the bed out of shot. If we’re lucky we might get close up shots of hands intertwining, more kissing, some removal of clothing perhaps. Then the scene would shift outside to Whickber street. People will probably noticing a trembling in the ground. Maybe in Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death we see tea and coffee cups rattling on the table and Nina looking confused and concerned. Then a brilliant white light pours out of the upper floor window of the book shop. Cut back to Aziraphale and Crowley holding each other and panting, but it’s a tasteful shoulders up shot.
Subtle, implied, still pretty hot.
So in the mean time, if you want something explicit, to AO3 my fellow Smutgoblins!
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sparkanonymous · 4 months
Alright... who's ready for me to talk about Hazbin Hotel?
⚠️ Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Below ⚠️
I'll most likely do this for Helluva Boss as well, if I even finish this, but I don't promise anything. If you're unfamiliar with how this goes, I jot down notes while I watch the episode. Most of the time, it's probably easier to watch the episode while reading the notes so that you know what I'm talking about, but it's not necessary if you just want to read someone's random thoughts on something.
I have not heard a lot of great things about the HH and HB fandoms. I'm not gonna try and be mean or anything, I'm just writing this stuff down for the shits and giggles. I don't see this doing well on my page anyway since I focus on Total Drama and Ninjago of all things. (I will most likely not join the HH and HB fandoms after this, either. I lurk a little bit in those spaces because of the art, but I don't really participate or go looking for anything related to these franchises... except for rewrites that I don't end up reading.)
Towards the end of this, I became increasingly more distracted and tired, so it's kinda just me listing things that I liked.
Have fun!
Hazbin Hotel - The Pilot
(I've watched this twice, but that was when it first came out.)
The song the pilot starts on is actually really pretty, imo. I've started getting sick of the songs that come from Spindlehorse (I watched the first episode of HH on Prime a bit ago, and I didn't really like either of the songs in it), but this song reminds me of why I wanted to watch this series back then.
Maybe this show is why I like the color red so much, lol
I've seen some spoilers on TikTok. I recognize the design of that one angel character by Adam- I think I saw Adam's silhouette for a moment too, that character that's Alastor's bestie, that techie demon, and maybe I'll recognize more. But how much of this story did Viv have planned before her show got the go-ahead?
(30 second unskippable ad after about 2 and a half minutes into the episode)
I remember when I saw this when it first came out, and I did not understand the point of having the snake villain. He was stupid, his egg minions were stupid, and there were clearly bigger things to focus on- like Charlie's hotel idea and advertising it, and then later, Alastor's whole thing. I had thought this entire battle between Cherry Bomb, Angel, and the snake (what is his name again) could have been cut, and there would be no issues. I still kinda think that this could've been written around. But I do like the snake guy. He's fun and eccentric.
(Another 30 second unskippable ad. We're 5 minutes in. Is it because I keep pausing to write?)
Wow, there are a lot of sound effects.
Where did those goat guys come from?
I wouldn't think that the princess of Hell would be this... innocent? Like, she can't seriously think that this whole hotel ordeal would be that easy, can she? She was literally singing at her balcony over the dozens of fallen demons. Is she just trying to stay happy and hopeful, or is she really just like this?
"I don't touch the gays-" So Charlie and Vaggie are open about their relationship? Or do they just do a terrible job at hiding it? I don't know why, but for the longest time, I thought that their relationship was secret. Damn, I'm just dumb.
"- I have standards." "Oh, yeah? How's that workin' out for ya...?"
Did we really have to cut to Tom in the middle of Kill Joy's rant? It takes away the focus.
Why is she threatening the princess of Hell? Charlie could break her scrawny neck with a hand and wouldn't be told off for it, or Charlie's father- fucking Lucifer- could catch wind of this and kill her himself. Does she want to die?
That quick sweep of the random characters and Vaggie behind the cameras was definitely sped up due to how short Charlie's "well" was. Or to save time. I don't know.
That one background character looks WAY too close to Blitz's design.
Damn. For how feared Alastor seems to be, he was able to walk behind those characters with no one screaming.
Was that Loona? Or that one character from Viv's Timber animation?
A lot of the scenes are way too quick. There are too many quick cuts, and some of the animations seem to be sped up?
During the song, Charlie's singing gets too high-pitched; I couldn't understand some of what she was saying. It's a nicer and shorter song than what Spindlehorse has been coming up with recently, though.
Is Kill Joy supposed to be cicada? Is that why the cicada sound effect keeps playing whenever we zoom in on her? I'm sorry... but if that's the case, she looks nothing like a cicada.
I know realistically bombs would make it hard to hear, but, realistically, being too close to bombs would also make your ears ring and would knock you off your feet. I don't know half of what Cherry Bomb or Angel are saying.
"Oh, harder, Daddy!~" "Son?!" I remember this clip being everywhere. I still like it. But, also, to the snake, have you even fucked anyone? Why would you immediately think that this is your kid? I honestly don't see this snake character enjoying the thought of sex.
The hat on the snake has teeth sometimes, and only sometimes. I can tell this character was probably HELL to animate.
Aw, Angel saving Cherry? Sweet...
So Angel can pull a Stitch and grow another pair of arms? Why? Spiders can't do that, so why should Angel?
I really enjoy Tom's design. He reminds me of a Looney Tunes character.
So... what happened to the turf war? We had like three different fights going on at the same time, and we see none of them? Do we hear more about that later?
Vaggie and Charlie's relationship here is really sweet.
You really thought anyone would want to stay there with how the place looks, Charlie? You're supposed to have the place ready before advertising.
So, wait... I thought Charlie's dad was really nice in the spoilers I saw. Did Charlie's dad say Charlie was useless, at least based on the intro?
How has Angel not heard of Alastor? Ah... for exposition purposes. Nevermind.
I'll be honest, Alastor's hair bothers me. I've never liked how it looks.
Was that an early design for Stolas in the Radio Demon exposition?
Alastor's colors were flickering a tiny bit when Vaggie and Charlie were talking about him.
Alastor clearly does not care about Charlie's dad being king of Hell or Charlie being the princess of Hell. He's just doing this for the shits and giggles.
"What can I do for you, my feminine fellow?" "Uh- I can suck your dick!" "HA- No."
"You think I'm some fuckin' clown?!" "... Maybe."
I thought HuskerDust was supposed to be canon. They're acting like they've never met.
I love the outfit change.
Alastor's reprise of Charlie's earlier song.
So, wait, when was Sir Pentious's first encounter with Alastor?
Alastor's smile when supposedlh killing the snake guy.
Episode 1
(Watched this when it was released on YouTube. After this, everything's new.)
So... new backstory. Also, new backstory for Charlie's dad?
New voices.
Alastor's little commercial is so lazy. He wanted entertainment. How will he get entertainment if the commercial doesn't sell it?
The sound effects haven't exactly been toned down.
The animation feels a little stiffer.
They noticed the fan love for Angel and decided they really wanted him to talk.
The threatening angle on Alastor is not as threatening as in the pilot.
What's up the random scene changes within scene changes? It's cutting randomly.
The first song is alright... for the most part.
I thought Charlie's thing was to not curse, at least not as frequently.
Adam's ramblings remind me way too much of Fizzarolli's boss. They're kinda the same in that aspect, and it doesn't really work for me.
Wow, the acting for the commercial.
How has Adam not been banished to Hell.
Nifty's great.
"You're doin' great, Vagina." lmfao
Exactly. Vaggie speaking facts.
The outfit changes are so nice.
Do sins not count once they die?
Adam should not be cursing, imo
If rules are black and white, you would be banished to Hell, Adam.
The second song with Adam is pretty good... for the most part.
You can't wait to murder? That says bloodlust to me.
Come on, let us see the commercial.
Tom's voice should have stayed the same.
But the body is just sitting there. How have more demons not seen the dead angel.
Damn, this outro song is sick.
Episode 2
That little cat thing is adorable. Kinda reminds me of the cat from Ruby Gloom.
Ooh, Sir Pentious is back.
"-battle, like, 20 times?" What? When? How long have you known Alastor.
I feel like Vox's voice should've been different. Like... imagine if he had Husk's VA.
How many accents does Valentino have?
Valentino x Vox?
Angel encouraging Alastor.
How many times does Sir Pentious have to die? Stop killing him :(
Vox trying to put a bad name on Alastor. He's so petty lol
"That's the tea-" Who told this old man about this generation's lingo?
Overall, the song's actually pretty good.
Face first into the sofa. Same, Charlie
Yay, more Sir Pentious! I actually kinda like him now.
Aw, poor Angel. But Charlie and Vaggie have a point.
Sir Pentious and Nifty give off Damien and Scary Girl from TDI, respectively.
Alastor burning the little piece of his coat in front of Sir Pentious, lol
Sir Pentious is so adorable.
The drug PSA with Angel and Pentious, lmao
The pig from the music video.
So Angel has self-worth issues, got it.
Well, that lasted all of five minutes. Poor Sir Pentious.
Charlie's bedhead is awesome.
His theatrics and the self-depracating comments don't really make Sir Pentious sound so serious about his apology.
This song was meh.
Episode 3
Why do you keep bringing that up, Vaggie?
I think a writer came on to the team and didn't look at the previous scripts very thoroughly.
Charlie, why do you look so uncomfortable with Pentious crying? You should've known that you would've gotten a lot of that.
Is Alastor trying to keep the egg minions safe? If so, cute.
"We have names?" Lol
Damn, they don't give a shit about Alastor. He got too comfortable with everyone knowing him.
The Velvet song reminds me of a different song. Pretty catchy, though.
Their definitions of trust are so different. Awesome.
Poor Nifty lol
Vaggie's army voice doesn't really work imo
Why are Carmine's earrings hanging off her hair?
The second song isn't really my thing, but I can understand why someone may like it... except for the green guy's echoing voice in the song.
Vaggie's singing voice is way too different from her speaking voice.
Pentious redemption. I like that Angel is warming up to him. The snake's precious.
Episode 4
Here's the episode on SA. Guess I'll finally be able to form my own opinion on this.
Poor Charlie and Pentious.
Aw, Husk being a people reader.
Goddamn, what did Nifty do?
So after ignoring Val's calls for days, he's suddenly answering? Maybe he realized it had been too long, and it would be worse if he continued to ignore him?
Charlie, you should've known that this would be difficult?
So Val knows to "respect" Charlie to her face, but
Angel's real name is Anthony?
Angel's VA is selling the performance here. It's gut wrenching.
Angel's song is okay.
I think the writing has been pretty solid since the song. I like Husk and Angel's dynamic.
I like the HuskerDust song and the visuals going with the song.
Goddamn the song's cut off, lmao
I dunno, besides the abuse part, I think the episode was solid. I can't speak on how well it handled SA, so I won't.
Episode 5
Why is this episode so much quieter than the rest?
Why is clown music Lucifer's ringtone for Charlie?
I like Lucifer's design, and his voice matches him, but I don't think he works as Lucifer, y'know?
Where was Alastor for that little meeting?
Alastor's eye twitching just the tiniest.
So Lucifer hasn't heard of Alastor? I thought he was the most threatening demon? Also, why is Alastor testing Charlie's dad?
Lmao, Pentious meeting the king of Hell.
Do people ship Lucifer and Alastor?
Nifty being in the song.
Alastor trying to insert himself as Charlie's father figure.
Oh, yay. Mimzy.
I like the song, besides when Mimzy came in from nowhere.
Lucifer's face in the background when Alastor's pushing Charlie away.
How does Mimzy know everyone? Did she meet Husk and Nifty because of Alastor?
New Alastor lore. I thought people would call him the Radio Demon, not that Alastor named himself that.
Alastor being owned by someone else makes sense.
Poor Husk.
Why does Hell even use money?
Aw, Pentious saving Nifty.
Angel and Husk enjoying the father-daughter drama.
So, does Alastor actually want to keep the hotel safe, or is it because of a deal?
The song reminded me of a Greatest Showman song. It's okay.
Vaggie, you're acting sus.
Episode 6
Yo, Cherry Bomb is back, and she's Aussie.
Pentious lol you're so nervous for nothing.
I love Sera and Emily's designs.
Heaven's song should've been church choir-esque y'know?
Adam has already talked about the exorsists with angels around. There's no way that more people haven't heard about them by now.
Adam named Vaggie? Wth
Damn, they ripped Vaggie's eye clean out with no struggle or hesitation.
Sarah's voice did not hold much confidence for Adam.
Why is Pentious trying to hit on Cherry?
Adam, you fucked multiple times. What the hell are you talking about, you hypocritical asshole.
Aw, poor Nifty. I like Angel and Nifty's dynamic.
Aw, man, poor Pentious.
Why did the music stop when Angel and Val argued? Let him argue without causing a scene.
I don't like that the song has to do with the plot so much, but I like the song.
Please banish Adam to Hell.
I love Sera and Emily.
Episode 7
Aww, Pentious petting the kitty thing.
Alastor is pushing Charlie a little too much.
Alastor kicking his feet while laying on Charlie's bed.
Charlie is going to push Alastor to beating her shit.
"I know something you don't know~" Love this guy.
Charlie's demon horns coming out when making the deal.
With how much they made out Vaggie's past angelhood, I would think that Charlie would be more offensive?
Ah, there it is.
"I know you're an ace in the hole-" "A what now?" Lmao
I love Rosie.
Rosie and Alastor's dynamic is lovely.
They have a month to prepare. What are they gonna do to keep their defenses up within a MONTH. That's like no time.
Who voices Carmine? She sounds mildly familiar.
Why did they have to introduce Susan?
Carmine basically calling Charlie a dumbass.
Vaggie getting her wings back is kind of bullshit. Or am I missing something?
Carmine's song is alright, but give it a little. The UnderTale fandom will get to it. There'll be a parody.
Rosie and Charlie's talk is so nice.
Alastor and Rosie kinda being the parents that Charlie needs is mad deIicious. Love me parental figures.
Despite the name, Cannibal Town is amazing.
I love the song here in Cannibal Town.
I love this episode.
Episode 8
Vox is here. Again. Yay.
Wrong Angel, Nifty lmao
I still love Sir Pentious. He has reserved a place in my heart.
Love this small peaceful scene.
Aw, Alastor and Nifty interacting.
Angel admiring Husk.
Pentious and Cherry? Kinda nice, actually.
Vaggie's song to Charlie is pretty sweet.
I can't... who's righting the relationships in this episode? They're all so lovely.
Adam's rocking "ATTACK!"
The 3 V's watching from the TV.
The outfits the main guys are wearing.
Vox getting turned on by Alastor's impending doom.
Beat his ass, Alastor!
Alastor's staff breaking and him mildly panicking.
Husk enjoying the sex jokes.
Alastor fake out death.
Angel saving the egg.
Cherry and Pentious kissing in front of explosion.
No, not Pentious!
Loved the animation where Charlie and her goats transformed.
Damn, Vaggie fighting even with a hole in her hand.
The angel bitch Vaggie was fighting ripping her arm off was a bit much for me.
Lucifer appearing and fucking Adam's shit up.
Adam's mask falling off.
Nifty getting the last hit on Adam. Awesome.
'Shitting and cumming' being in the headline during the news is fucking hilarious.
Lucifer is fucking fruity.
Lucifer and everyone cheering Charlie up.
Velvet recording Vox and Val dancing.
Sir Pentious's memorial.
Alastor showing up for the last bit of the sing.
I liked most of the song.
YO Sir Pentious showing up in Heaven?!
What was Lilith's agreement?
Overall, I enjoyed watching this show. The pacing and writing could use some work, but yeah. Mimzy was kind of annoying, but she was only in the show for a few minutes in one episode, so it was easy to ignore her... unless you're listening to the song that she so rudely interrupted at the very end of. The constant need to bring in new characters is kind of annoying, but I enjoyed at least half of them.
If I were to draw fanart of any of these characters, it would probably be Husk, Nifty, or Sir Pentious. I'll be patiently waiting for a second season. If there ever is one.
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jahanmp4 · 11 months
“The peak of beauty is blooming” is such a grim sentence when you think about it.
Beauty is at its peak when in bloom, but will unavoidably wither afterwards, and gone it will be. A human could be called “past their prime” once their face starts to “wither” (the apparition of wrinkles), and most people love plants the best when they're in bloom, which only lasts a season.
It is clear that this sentence references k!Louis' unchanging features. He is immortal, he will always be “in full bloom” no matter how old he gets, he's quite literally frozen in time, and can control it, at least to some extent ???
[Unless him stopping time in LLTK was just for shits and giggles idk]
It always intrigued me as to why k!Louis was the King of Beauty/Aesthetics. He is the only king who arguably rules over, first of all, a CONCEPT, but also, a philosophical notion. Aesthetics are all about human perception and what is pleasing to us, but why ?
[I would argue that k!Dann's concept of Change could be taken literally, and his kingdom is called “Door to the Four Seasons” so that's a natural change to begin with.]
Did he become the King of Beauty solely because of his immortal status or was it a title he got from the beginning since he is, indeed, beautiful. k!Dann offers him a rosebud in LLTK, which symbolises young love, but also means that whomever receives it is beautiful/pure/innocent etc. LLTK's first sung line is literally “A child stuck in a time of loneliness”.
[I find it kind of sweet that k!Dann offers him this rose lol]
The painting also gets cracked. Though an obvious reference to The Picture of Dorian Gray, who was obsessed with looking young and beautiful (he would've loved Lana Del Rey), k!Louis' painting doesn't get old, it just simply becomes older itself as an object which is super interesting on so many different levels. First of all, when k!Louis looks at the painting, I'm not seeing any scorn or anger, only sadness and melancholy in Louis' eyes. The painting itself is doing something k!Louis himself isn't capable of and that's absolutely tragic. Second of all, it pulls us back to this concept of beauty that is put upon something or someone, and MAYBE, and that's a big maybe, k!Louis' definition of beauty is getting old, being normal.
Something that could also be a stretch but you know what I can do whatever I want HAH is that, not only do the masquerades in the MV refer to Mujin's line “Unfamiliar masks are dancing in the hall”, it could also represent k!Louis' unwillingness to like, see other people, and watch them grow old while he remains unchanged. He feels constant distress but the lyrics state several times that what keeps him going is his inner flame and his willingness to protect his kingdom : my man is SUFFERING. I wouldn't be surprised if it were canon that masquerades were mandatory at any parties k!Louis attends in Rose Garden. I think it's obvious his kingdom knows about his condition, you cannot hide your immortality when you are the king, so the masks aren't a way for him to conceal himself, but rather to put everyone on an equal footing of remaining unknown and a big part of their faces hidden.
It's also even eerier that the last thing we hear in Intro : Requiem is “Long live the king”. Now if you didn't know, this is part of a two sentence French saying that goes “The king is dead, long live the king !” («Le roi est mort, vive le roi !») as a way to acknowledge the person next in succession after a king's passing. There is no “The king is dead”, only “Long live the king”, because, well, k!Louis is immortal, yet the choreographer really wanted to represent Louis XVIth getting dragged to his death sentence *shlink* which is why Louis gets pulled backwards with the metal bars by the backup dancers. So there is some finality to k!Louis' story, to some extent.
LLTK's lyrics talk about a moment where good and evil collide and an inner-darkness that k!Louis chases off with his light until the sun rises (Jahan what the fuck are you doing my guy people are dying where are you), so he's holding on until the sun comes back. What will happen then actually ????? Will he finally come back to being mortal ??? I so wish that's the case, because this poor man seems nothing but miserable, just like the other kings to be honest.
Anyways, this was my 3-4am brainrot. Good night !
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Paranoid (one-shot)
Synopsis: Loki wasn’t paranoid. I mean, that was before he met the Reader. Ever since then, all day every day he can only think of her, what she’s doing, where she’s going and what’s happening to her. All because she’s a grade A dumb ass.
Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, maybe toiny bit of angst
Warnings: Reader has one brain cell and even that is not used, swearing, a lil bit of sad thoughts and general idiocy.
Word count: 3430
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He was paranoid about her. Always. With every step he took. No exceptions. And it wasn’t how you might think. He’s not paranoid she might find someone better even though he thinks she deserves it. He’s not paranoid to have his heart broken and smashed into pieces because she carries it on velvet palms wherever she goes. No. It’s just that Y/N has quite the knack of getting hurt. And she’s been out on a mission for a month. Without any contact. So it was safe to say Loki was more than worried.
You could say he’s overreacting, but when it comes to his girl, it’s pretty much in the range. In fact, this is the calmest and collected Loki had been during the thirty-two days she was away, all because Y/N was finally coming home, and he could lay his green eyes upon her body to assess the damage.
When they had first met, Loki had had no idea what kind of a tornado he’d let in his life. Even the Black Widow had warned him about the woman before there had been any inclination something more than a friendship could bloom.
“She’s an absolute dumb-ass without a survival instinct,” Nat had said through a laugh, a beer bottle pressed against her rouged lips. “Honestly, I can only hope you two get put together on a mission just so you could see how big of an idiot she is. Bigger than Scott, and that’s saying something.”
In the meantime, Y/N was laughing away, head thrown back and eyes closed. “No,” she’d pointed at the redhead after nearly choking on her coffee as she pressed a tissue against the liquid that had dribbled down her chin. “I do have a survival instinct. I just don’t have a self-preservation instinct.” 
“And what’s the difference?” the Asgardian prince’s black eyebrow rose in question.
“When shit goes down, I do try to, you know, get out in somewhat of a single piece. It’s the before it happens that I don’t do.”
“You mean thinking?”
Y/N clapped her hands in excitement. “Exactly! I don’t do the thinking bit!”
That should’ve been his warning for what kind of chaos she’d bring to his life. 
It started off small with her inability to walk into the adjoined kitchen area without stubbing a toe or bruising the side of her hip against the countertop. Then it evolved into him noticing how Y/N didn’t press the button to release her toast when she thought it was in at prime toastiness level, instead, she grabbed a fork and full-on jammed it down there (DON’T DO THAT), not caring whether she’d get electrocuted or blow out the fuses in the facility. It escalated all the way to her getting trapped in an ex-Hydra base, and her first thought being not to use the window as an escape route, but rather line the sides of the room with explosives and bring the whole floor down while she hid underneath a table. He was genuinely surprised Y/N was still alive. 
But with the chaos also came serenity. She’d sneak into his room with glimmering eyes and a new book in hand, slipping under Loki’s cold sheets to lay against him and explain why the new piece of literature was ‘the actual shit’ and ‘if he didn’t read it right at that moment, she’d gouge his eyes out cause he didn’t deserve them.’
Obviously, they were empty threats, and as Loki rolled the before mentioned green eyes, he’d gently take the book out of her hands while Y/N quickly scurried out of the room to come back five minutes later with two teacups in hand.
Y/N would snuggle up against him and listen to how his voice expertly wove the words into the story, but one time it was different. The day on which the nature of their relationship had flipped upside down, had followed the same routine they’d been having for around three months since they’d become friends, but then not even ten minutes later he felt her wet tongue completely press against his bare shoulder. By that point, after everything she’d done, he didn’t even question it, simply turned the page.
“Did you burn your tongue on the tea, darling?”
“Noube,” she muffled out not letting her tongue off of his chilled skin.
“You know there’s another way I could cool it down.”
“Eah? Ike aht?”
“I could kiss it better.”
Instantly Y/N had peeled herself off from him and stared at the god, the pink muscle hanging out of her mouth like a dog’s on a hot summer day. Loki just stared at the wall. 
He hadn’t meant for those words to escape him; he’d actually always meant to suppress his feelings for the girl until the day the world stopped spinning. In fact, that’s what he’d been doing ever since she’d returned from a mission in East India seven months prior, battered and bruised and his heart had lifted to the heavens at the sight of her simply smiling and breathing.
Loki could hear her swallow harshly, and then she whispered, “don’t offer something you won’t go through with.”
His head snapped to look at her because the tone wasn’t the teasing lilt he’d gotten used to. This woman sitting half-covered by his black bedsheets was no longer the self-assured, confident and no-shit’s-given person he’d grown to love. This woman was looking at him with fear of rejection and yet unmistakable hope in her eyes. 
Slowly he closed the book, not even caring to mark the page he was left on and put it on the side of the bed before leaning over and without hesitation cupping Y/N’s cheeks and pressing their lips together and they sagged against one another at the euphoric feeling. 
Her hands in his hair felt like paradise as she cradled his head in an attempt to pull him closer, and she gasped when he did slip his tongue in her mouth, eagerly accepting the intrusion. But then she just had to ruin the moment by snorting in his face, though Loki couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on his own.
“What? What’s so funny?”
Y/N scrunched her nose. “Your tongue’s really cold.”
“It did the trick though, right?”
She looked like she was pondering it for a bit, and in the meantime slid her legs up so they were now wrapped around his waist. “Dunno. Might need another treatment. You know, so we’re sure it’s cured.”
He didn’t argue for even a second because Loki couldn’t believe his life at that moment. It was filled with giggles, and short breaths as they stole kisses from one another as much as possible, and soft caresses that sometimes turned into biting fingers that dug in the other’s sides whenever a teasing remark slipped past their swollen lips.
His heart flipped in his chest when Y/N threw her head back in a cackle, exposing her neck to him where he laid loving kisses. 
He’d never been more scared of a feeling.
He was terrified of how easily she’d gotten ahold of his heart.
But fuck him, if Loki didn’t love it and wouldn’t dive headfirst into it again.
Though now, when she’d finally returned home after the mission, he was kind of regretting it as Y/N was being wheeled off the Quin-jet on a gurney, one of the hands that had so tenderly braided his hair just a month ago now limp over the side of the stretcher as the other covered a hole in her side that was oozing blood.
White-hot fury blazed through his veins, as he saw the Captain step down the track and onto the landing pad, though fortunately for the blond super-soldier, the god didn’t get to him as he decided to follow Bruce and Tony who were taking Y/N to the med bay. But even knowing the love of his life was being treated by the best of the best, didn’t pacify him especially when they refused him entry into her room. 
“Loki, Loki, calm down,” Nat, who’d been on the mission with Y/N and Steve, pushed against his chest to keep the god away from busting through the door. “They won’t let anyone in until she’s been stitched up, but it’s nothing big… I mean on her scale. She just decided to be dramatic and passed out on her way back.”
He wanted to fight, he wanted to make each person that stood between them crumble underneath him, but he knew it wouldn’t do him or Y/N any good. Loki huffed, letting his shoulders drop and then pressing his thumb and forefinger against the bridge of his nose. “How bad?”
“Umm, Marrakesh level, so, nothing too lethal.”
“By Valhalla,” Loki dragged a hand across his face. “That woman will kill me one day. Not directly, no, but I’ll have a heart attack just because of her recklessness.”
Nat snorted and crossed her arms. “I did warn you.”
“Not enough.”
“Hey, don’t blame me! You were the one that fell in love with her.”
That Loki didn’t have a comeback for, so instead, he just huffed and plopped down into one of the chairs that lined the wall outside of the med bay.
“Our lives would be quite dull without her though,” Nat said, joining the god on the chairs and releasing a restrained groan, as she shuffled into the seat. She most likely had a dislocated hip but had practically bitten Steve’s head off when he told her to go and get checked. She, just as much as Y/N’s boyfriend, needed to know their firecracker was alright.
“Yeah,” Loki sighed. “If only she had one more brain cell in that head of hers, maybe we could live in somewhat of a peace.”
Not even two minutes later, Tony threw open the doors and allowed them to enter, but by that point, everyone had heard the arrival of their teammates, and they wanted to check on them. For example, Thor wanted to see if Loki had murdered anyone yet, but as it turned out, he didn’t need to worry about that. Instead, he needed to worry about his brother’s girlfriend.
“Loki!” Y/N squealed seeing the raven-haired god come into her hospital room. “That’s ma man!” she said to Bruce, who only rolled his eyes already used to the way the woman was while coming out of it. “It’s ma Loki Loki, bo-boki, Banana-fana fo-foki, Fee-fi-mo-moki, Loki!”
She dramatically pointed at the other god standing beside him.
“Oh, and that’s his brother Thor, Thor, bo-bhor, Banana-fana fo-fohr, Fee-fi-mo-mohr, Thor!” Her hands slapped against her cheeks as she squeezed them and wiggled them up and down making her words shake. “My-y-y-y-y fa-a-a-a-a-a-ce fee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ls li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ke cotto-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n.”
“That’s 'cause you’re high,” Tony said.
Y/N was instantly on it. It was like she was on crack and on steroids and a sugar rush while at the same time doing a hundred miles an hour. “Hello, High. I’m dad.”
Tony looked at the ceiling in despair. “That’s not how that even works.”
“Why’s she like that?” Loki asked sitting down next to Y/N on the bed, who suddenly busied herself with the reflections of the sun the golden cufflinks of his shirt sleeves threw. Especially as his face went to caress her cheek, but she grabbed his wrist in a white-knuckling grip and moved it in certain angles to create reflections on the walls. 
        The billionaire sighed. “We gave her a sedative cause when we started to stitch her up, she woke up and almost kicked Bruce in the nuts, but after a little breakdown of the situation by Steve, it turns out there was some gas involved in the mission, and I guess the combination of the two chemicals have flung her in the stratosphere.”
        That wasn’t a good word, as it turned out it was almost like Bucky’s trigger words, given how Y/N immediately screeched out, “Walking on air, living in the Stratospheeeeeeeeeeeeere!”.
        “Wow,” Nat sighed. “Mutemath would hate her.”
        Y/N stuck her tongue out at the redhead. “You’re mute math, how ‘bout that? No one likes to be name called, you bully.”
        “Yeah, okay,” the redhead chuckled as she patted Y/N’s foot. “You’ll survive. I’m gonna have a nap.” And with that she left limping on her way, Steve following so he could scold her into getting her hip put into place by a professional, not by him or Clint. 
        One by one the rest of the team did as well, knowing that they could rest with easy hearts as Y/N was safe, stitched up and sound. Well, as sound as being completely drugged up could be.
Tony checked her vitals one more time before turning to Loki, who’d refused to leave her on her own, one, because he loved her and wanted to know she was alright, two, because he didn’t trust normal Y/N to not do stupid things, let alone this version. 
“Speaking of naps,” Tony said, “if she doesn’t pass out in the next ten minutes please do your mumbo jumbo and make her. She needs rest. I’ve put in some pain meds with a sleepy side effect, so hopefully, she’ll be out like a light in no time.”
Loki sighed, as he felt Y/N rub her cheek against the silken material of his shirt. “Of course.”
With that, the billionaire left, muttering something about how her generation would be the last generation if they didn’t stop being so stupid. Not that Loki would disagree, his girlfriend being a prime example of that.
Y/N hummed Loki’s name quietly, which made him look down at the love-sick puppy dog eyes she was giving him. A gentle smile appeared on his face.
“Yeah, darling?”
“Mhm,” she hummed, snuggling against his side. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he muttered, kissing the top of her head. “Do you wanna lay down?”
She scoffed looking up at him and tried to shove him off the bed, confusion riddling his face until Y/N said, “I have a boyfriend who I love very much. I’ll cut you before I sleep with you.”
“Yeah.” Loki groaned standing up. “Alright.” Green seidr appeared to weave around his arms, and with a flick of his fingers, her eyes started to drop closed as she slid down the sheets and snuggled up in the place where Loki had been sitting.
He dragged a hand down his face and huffed, plopping his body in the armchair which was in the room deciding to sleep for a bit until Y/N woke up. Although he was a god and didn’t need as much rest as mortal people did, he’d sure as Hel need all the energy he could gather because once his girlfriend was awake it’d be chaos all over. 
Loki didn’t get much rest though when a light touch on his shoulder disturbed him from his sleep.
Slowly his eyes fluttered open, mouth stretching in a smile as Y/N’s face looked down on him with a happy expression. 
        “Hey there, sleepyhead.”
        “Hello, dove,” he muttered, kissing the inside of her palm. “You up?”
        She nodded, whispering, “Yeah. But do you think you could help me with all these wires? I wanna go to our room.”
        Her words were what hit him, making Loki jump up, realising Y/N was out of the bed when she was supposed to be resting.
        Gingerly, despite all the protests from her mouth, he took her under the legs and put her back in the hospital bed. 
        “But – “
        “I will tie you down here if you try to step out again.” His voice was deep and filled with a threat he fully intended to fulfil, but Y/N in her Y/N fashion just wiggled her eyebrows and Loki handed a carton of juice and stabbed the top with a straw.
        “Kinky. I like it. But let’s leave it for our own private time.”
        Pinching the bridge of his nose had become a motion Loki was now all too familiar with. Not even after all the time, he’d put up Thor’s bullshit had he had to do that. He was quite certain his fingers had left indents on his skin. 
“What happened on the mission?” he asked, placing a pudding cup and a spoon on the nightstand.
“Dude came out of nowhere,” Y/N said sipping on her apple juice. “Like he just appeared behind me and stabbed me in the side. Talk about rude, right.”
“You need to be more careful.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow. “I am careful. ‘S not like I go out to get stabbed on purpose.”
But Loki’s tone had lost all lightness, as she exasperated. “No, I need you to be more careful.”
“I am. I –“ but she didn’t get a chance to finish as Loki racked a frustrated hand through his hair, snapping at her. “No, you’re the most reckless person I’ve ever met and you think getting stabbed and inhaling chemicals is not a big deal, but it is, and I can’t do this anymore… I can’t lose you.”
And although it was said with anger and frustration, Y/N could see the underlying pain and fear. His family had all but abandoned him, and we’re not talking about his biological one. All he had left was Thor, and Loki would never admit it out loud, he dreaded the day his brother would disappear from his life.
“Loki.” She took one of his hands and pressed a kiss to his cold knuckles. “You could never lose me.”
A bitter chuckle settled between them as he looked up at her. “But I could. You’re so carefree and fluttery while doing things that could kill you, it scares me half to death.”
“I know,” she whispered. “But I have to.”
Loki’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why?”
“Because if I don’t all the darkness will just settle on me, and I’ll never be able to get out of it.”
Loki squeezed her hand in encouragement, and after taking a deep breath Y/N elaborated. “I try to ease myself with the thought that I’m saving people, and helping humanity, but at the end of the day, I’m still taking lives. It’s not like they, you know, the bad guys’ think they’re the bad guys. They’re not doing it because they think they’re evil. They’re fighting for what they think is right. That doesn’t mean it is, but we’re all villains in someone else’s stories, and if I start thinking of it, I don’t know if I’ll ever stop.” A shuddery exhale left her lips, and this time it was Loki taking a hold of her hand. “I need to let myself be a bit crazy. Because if I don’t, I don’t know how I’ll go on. I promise I don’t do it because of some wish to get killed in the process. It’s just that… it makes it easier to look at the world, to not think for a moment about the bad.”
“Can you just promise me something?” Loki’s tone was soft as a feather’s touch as he sighed, understanding where she was coming from. More than once his own dark thoughts tended to overcome him, but in his world, it was Y/N who brought in the light to dissipate them. He hadn’t gotten to the point where he could do it himself, so he supposed he had to at least be happy she’d found a way to fight them off herself, even if it made him fear for her.
Y/N nodded. “Anything.”
“Just – just try to think before you do anything.”
That set both of them off into a fit of giggles as she raised their clasped hands and pressed a kiss to his cold one. “I can try.”
“I promise to try. Though, I’d say don’t get disillusioned. I’m still the same crazy person you met before.”
A soft smile graced Loki’s, face and he brought Y/N’s hand to his lips where he pressed a kiss to her warm skin. “Wouldn’t want it any other way. Though, as much as I doubt, you’ll heed my request, you could do one thing for me?”
“And what’s that?”
 “Stop jamming forks in the toaster.”
“Absolutely not!” she scoffed. “How else am I supposed to get the bread out?”
“You wait for it to be done!”
“It takes too fucking long!”
Although Loki would fight tooth and nail to somehow keep Y/N safe and would use everything in his arsenal to make sure she took care of herself, he’d never change her even if it made him paranoid.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Marvel tags: @nerissa98​ @happyseagrill​ @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @wishingforahome​ @pizzarollpatrol​ @desir-ae​
Hiddles/Loki tags: @marvels-queen-bee @julierousing98 @maggiesimps @horrorx570ximagines​ @luluthegreatandterrible​ @bambamwolf87​ @drakesfiance​ @artbysteph87 @beets1bears1battlestargalactica
A/N: I hope everyone’s staying home and is alright during these crazy times.
I’m back writing for ma boy Loki (I had a dream about that Loki - Tom Hiddles look-alike that is on TikTok that we were cuddling, so I’m on a Loki and Tom lovin’ wave)
P.S. my tags are always open :)
P.S.S. what did ya think?
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hansolmates · 4 years
here comes the bride, all dressed in pride
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summary; You and your cousin Doyeon have had beef with each other since the sandbox. When she plucks the last straw, you decide to end your long-simmering fight by claiming that you and her ex—Jeon Jungkook, are now boyfriend and girlfriend pairing; jungkook x reader (f) genre/warnings; fake dating!au, fluff, crack, mentions of cheating, lang, alcohol, mc eats meat, tw sexual harassment, toxic family, dick talk, making out, if u have that one family member that pulls bs on you constantly this is it, this fic is for all the people who have a huge ass family who wont leave them alone w.c; 17.3k  a/n: my second fic for gcn’s 23 birthday project! the fact that wedding szn zoomed by us like that... and so bc im sad that so many weddings had to be postponed this fic was born! a huge thank u to vivi @eerieedits​ / @chillingtae​​ for creating this BEAUTIFUL fic banner and separator pls check vivi out to make your fics all purty
prompts used: “You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?” and “I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.”
if you enjoyed this pls consider giving a like and a share💕💕
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Doyeon likes to call Jungkook, “the one who got away.” 
You like to call Doyeon, “the one who drove him away.” 
In secret, of course. In fact, the only person who knows how much you loathe Doyeon and her behavior is your father. And all your co-workers. And your boss. And your boss’ ex-husband. 
And Jeon Jungkook, but of course you haven’t seen the man in two years and back then he was far too polite to address his concerns of your hatred of his then-girlfriend. 
Okay, so everyone and their mother knows how much you don’t like your cousin. Kim Doyeon and you have had beef since the sandbox, and for whatever reason is always out to one-up you. A strange competitive nature in everything, academics, family, and even boys. The sick, twisted part of you has come to enjoy it. While you’re not a fighter as devout as Doyeon is, you have your own callous tendencies farmed from the seeds Doyeon has planted in your brain. She gives you a comment? You can’t help but throw one back. Since you’re a painfully mature soul you don’t have any mortal enemies as far as you know, Doyeon is the perfect amount of hot water to keep you on your toes. 
“I’m really sorry that you couldn’t be a bridesmaid,” Doyeon cooes next to you, swirling her champagne glass with a too-jutted pout, “but if I did there’d be an odd number of pairings and you’re a little too old to be walking as a bridesmaid, am I right?” 
Your nails. Are digging. Through your dress. Alas, you’re in public and you have class. Doyeon smiles at you with all teeth, reminding you of the Beldam from Coraline. Aside from that she looks absolutely stunning in that Lirika Matoshi strawberry dress that has her Instagram aching with likes and love from her baseless followers. 
“I don’t know,” you reply lightly, leaning back in your seat, “I mean, if Yoojung and Rena can be bridesmaids and they’re three years older than me, wouldn’t I make the cut? It’s okay to be honest and say you just didn’t want me in the bridal party.” 
Doyeon laughs, slaps your thigh like you told her the most hilarious joke in the world. Anyone passing by would think you’re best friends. You laugh too, incredulous at the amount of power she thinks she holds. 
“Nice party,” you tack on, surveying the room. It’s filled with pastels and beiges, bright and airy.  It’s Parisian themed, and while you’re not a fan of theming cultures, you can’t deny that you’re loving the infinite supply of macarons. 
“Oh, yes. This is just a taste of the real wedding,” she laces her fingers together, as if she thinks she’s living an Elizibethean love story, “speaking of, you put on your RSVP that you’re bringing a plus one. Am I allowed to know who’s the unlucky date?” 
“As if you care.” 
“I care if you’re bringing Jimin. That tiny thing nearly gave Aunt Lillian a heart attack when he gave a striptease at Yoongi’s graduation party.” 
You smirk softly at the bold memory. That was the plan. 
Doyeon sighs dramatically, crossing her legs and popping out a cherry red heel. She plays with the back on the balls of her feet, letting the little pearly rhinestones glisten in the candlelight, “I should really commend you, cousin,” she drawls, “I mean, how kind of you to be so charitable and give your dopey friends a chance to have fun. After all, I’m sure it is difficult for someone like you to find a date.” 
It’s no surprise as to how you end up with a date at any family formal gathering. You say you bring a plus one, and then between Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok. The three of them draw straws as to who gets to gorge on free alcohol and food for that night. 
“Difficult?” you arch a brow, “I get plenty of dates.” 
Doyeon giggles. She must be feeling extra vindictive today, high on her impending marriage and the taste of bubbly champagne. “By taking turns with those three? You gotta be kidding me,” she snorts, tipping back her crystal, “please y/n. Don’t get so defensive because I’m getting married first. Your time will come. That is, if you stop dicking around with your friends.” 
Normally you’d smother any attempt at Doyeon to call out your friends, but now she’s just done that and insulted your ability to get some, and you are livid. 
“Actually,” you quip sharply, “I’ve been dating someone. It’s been a couple months, actually.” 
“Oh?” Doyeon’s genuinely interested, face falling slightly, “you’ve never mentioned anyone, I don’t see anyone on your social media.” 
“Yeah well,” you feign sympathy, pressing your lips together and tilting your head accordingly, “I’ve had to keep it private for a couple of reasons.” 
“What, is he ugly or something?” she chuckles, “but really, who’s the person who has the misfortune of being in a committed relationship with you?” 
Maybe it’s because Doyeon’s right, the both of you are too old. The two of you have been running around each other for years, with no end in sight. Maybe, the words that linger on the tip of your tongue will be the final nail in the coffin. 
“Jeon Jungkook,” you state proudly, clear as day. “Jungkook and I have been dating for three months.” 
And you pick up the vanilla macaron that sits innocently on your plate, ravishing it up like it contained all the tension in your table. Between you and Doyeon’s bubble, you could hear a pin drop. 
“Jungkook?” her smile is concrete-solid, “my Jungkook?” 
“My Jungkook,” you correct, giving her a puppy-eyed look, “I’m really sorry I never told you. I mean, is there ever a right time to tell your cousin they’re dating their ex-boyfriend?” you laugh, either to lighten the mood or because you love the way Doyeon pinches her face, you don’t know.
“How did you two even meet?” 
“We reconnected through Seokjin. You know how the two of them play Starcraft together, I just ended up joining the call and he was so funny and nice. We just sorta… felt it.” Doyeon nods like a slow bobblehead, still comprehending in her pea-sized brain, “I just hope it isn’t too awkward. I know it’s been awhile but, if you really don’t want Jungkook to come I can always take Hoseok or something.” 
“No, it’s fine,” Doyeon says a little too quickly, masking on her picture-perfect smile. “I’m with Namjoon now, and I’m totally happy. Water under the bridge, it’ll be totally fine.” 
“Really?” your eyes practically sparkle, thankful for the amount of glitter and highlighter you’ve dumped on your face today, “I really appreciate it, Yeonie.” 
And she quickly downs her champagne glass, and gets up from her seat. It’s haunting, the way she gets up, pink tulle billowing around her ankles. “I have to attend to the other guests,” she says. 
“Of course,” you raise your glass.
“But, be careful,” she gives you a little smile, one filled with a last-ditch attempt at a jab, “Jungkook, he’s a little hard to deal with.” 
“Oh don’t worry. I know how to deal with Jungkook’s hardness,” you wink, and Doyeon’s face falls like a ton of bricks. 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
“I know,” you shrug loftily, “that’s what I meant, though.” 
And you don’t bother watching Doyeon stomp off the metaphorical stage, double fisting two new glasses of champagne from an awaiting butler as she finds some other poor guest to pick on. Now, the matter of securing your date. Conveniently so, the most important man in the room is walking your way, and you manage to snag his tie just as he passes your table. 
“Ow—ow! I’m choking!” Seokjin grabs, nearly throwing his tall body onto your lap, hands grappling to release the tension on his neck. “Leave me alone, woman! I just wanted to get some chicken tenders!” 
“Jin,” you say sweetly, opening his blazer to retrieve his phone, “I need Jeon’s number, now.” 
“Jungkook?” your favorite cousin pales, eyes widening as you take out your phone of your own, copying down the digits, “what did you do?” 
“Don’t ask questions.” 
Seokjin says your name again, firmer. “You’re playing with fire.” 
“It’ll be fine, it’s the last time,” you quell, already knowing how much Seokjin hates being in the middle of your fights. Once you’ve secured the phone number, you place Seokjin’s phone back into his pocket, patting his breast. “Thank you. You know you’re my favorite cousin, you know that?” 
He grumbles a “damn right I am” before stomping away, resuming his race for his chicken tenders. 
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You: hey jeon it’s y/n. I see you’re doing great, i saw on instagram that you released your first app w/yoongi! Totally amazing, been playing for weeks, really upset that i can’t get past the flaming frog boss :((
You: Feel free to ignore this, i won’t blame you if you do. Im at doyeon’s rehearsal dinner, and she basically snubbed my friends and said i couldn’t get some prime dick even though im?? Me??? Anyway, im tired of her shit so im gonna throw it back at her, one last time before she ties the knot. I told her you and i have been dating, and im bringing you as my date to her wedding. Really sorry, the demons took over my brain and made the worst and best comeback of my life. So… if you’re up for being the hottest couple on the floor in three weeks and showing how madly in love we are, please text me back? Or not. You might think this family is crazy and i accept partial responsibility. 
You: I’ll buy u every meal for every practice date we have if u agree.💕💕💕
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: thanks, i appreciate that. To defeat the frog boss, go back to the coconut cave and find the garnet garter. It absorbs his fire and u can easily defeat froggo w any level 15 weapon
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: and as for the real reason u texted me. Im in. let’s get pork belly tomorrow. 
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Two years ago, you were surprised that Doyeon could manage to snag a man as fine as Jeon Jungkook. Also unsurprised, because Doyeon is gorgeous and could snag any man she wanted, and has snagged every man she wanted. 
Jungkook was different though. He had an air of innocence to him. He loved her, a little too much to be safe. Your heart would betray you every time you would find him at a family gathering, making her plate and counting the calories she so meticulously measured. How can someone so sweet be with someone like Doyeon? 
Your heart ached for Jungkook when they broke up a year later. From what you heard, Doyeon was Jungkook’s first serious girlfriend. And then you wanted to rip your heart out a week later when you caught Doyeon smooching with her favorite graduate professor Kim Namjoon, wanting to erase any possibility you’d have at love. At that time, you never wanted to feel the pain you imagined Jungkook was going through. 
“Y/n! Over here!” you’re a little taken aback at how much has not changed in Jungkook. His eyes still sparkle like fresh dew, his smile is still pearly white and infectious. He’s even early, snagging a table at his favorite barbeque place and waiting for you as if he is the one organizing your first date. 
At the same time, there’s so much that’s changed about him. He’s confident, even going so far as to walk over to you and slip your jacket and purse in his grasp like a gentleman. He leads you by putting a hand lightly at the small of your back, making you feel impossibly small in comparison to his Dorito-shaped body, broad shoulders and a deliciously trim waist. 
“How was the walk over?” 
“Not too bad,” the conversation is casual, easy. You wipe the sweat off your forehead with a napkin. “Could use a little exercise now and again. I did eat a whole tray of macarons at that rehearsal dinner.” 
Jungkook laughs from his belly, causing you to smile. “Nonsense. You look great, by the way,” you don’t mind it, actually, you enjoy it when his eyes rake over your body. After all, he’s now your boyfriend and he needs to get familiar with all the important bits. He leans his arms forward, bracing him against the wooden table so his face is closer to yours. 
“You’re not doing too bad yourself,” your eyes gloss over the veins and intricate tattoos that paint his muscled upper half. Your smile morphs into a smirk, letting him know you’re enjoying the view just as well as he is. 
And as soon as the tension sparks, it ends just as fast when your waiter comes up to light your grill. 
“So,” Jungkook wastes no time in decorating your stove, making sure to add all the appropriate aromatics and infusions to season your lunch, “do you know why Doyeon and I broke up?” 
“Cheated on you with Namjoon, I assume,” you keep your eyes trained on the darkening meat. 
Jungkook slips a piece of meat in his mouth. Any expression of pain (whether it be from Doyeon or the barely cooked meat) doesn’t reveal itself as he stops to take a sip of water. “Who else knows?” 
“Just me and Seokjin. The family loved you too much and Doyeon made up some sob story about how you two were going different life paths.” 
He chuckles to himself, taking great care in flipping the meat. “I really was a fool in love, wasn’t I?” 
“It… was mildly cute.” 
“Tell me the truth, you have no reason not to.” 
“Okay, you made me want to vomit rainbows and glitter every time I saw you.”
The two of you laugh, faces crinkling shamelessly as the two of you busy yourselves with setting up the table. Most of the food is done and the aroma of fresh onions wafts around your grill. As you place chopsticks on his side of the table, you think about all the times Jungkook made it abundantly clear how much he loved Doyeon: the love letters tucked into her purse, 100 day anniversaries, even just a simple Americano for her in the morning. 
“Is that why you never hung out with us?” 
“No,” you reply lightly, “Doyeon made it clear that I shouldn’t talk to you.” 
Jungkook frowns, “You really don’t like each other, do you.” 
You shrug, “Just always been like that,” you quirk a smile when Jungkook places the freshly cooked meat on top of your rice before serving himself. 
“So what’s the plan?” 
“We go to the wedding, make out a little, get Doyeon boiling. Even if she’s not interested in you, she’d still be upset knowing we are together.” 
“And why is that?” 
“Because it’s me,” you grin into your glass, staring at a water-stained Jungkook through the blue tinted glass. “And all you have to do, is enjoy your night and look pretty.” 
His eyes crinkle, chopsticks pressing between his lips. “You think I look pretty?” 
With a roll of eyes you don’t respond, preferring to dig your chopsticks in your rice. No need to inflate Jungkook’s ego too soon. 
Pinning the main theme of your hangout to the side, the both of you dig into your meal. You throw conversation back and forth like pebbles, grains of sand that build and build until you’re caught up with each other’s lives. It feels so strange to admit it’s been two years since you’ve spoken to the man, and all of a sudden the once luscious meat feels dry in your mouth. 
“Jeon,” you put your chopsticks down, “are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean, I know it’s all my fault and I dragged you into it. Don’t feel obligated to agree to this.” 
“I’m a hundred-percent sure,” he doesn’t stop eating, shoving two spoonfuls of rice in his mouth. His cheeks puff up considerably, and your eyes trail down to his neck as he swallows, “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna.” 
“Right,” you don’t need a big explanation or a personal confession from Jungkook, just his consent. “Partners, Jeon?” you hold up your glass. 
“Partners,” he agrees easily. The smile on his face disarms you, a full-fledged grin decked with pearly whites. Clicking his glass to yours he adds, “And it’s Jungkook, babe.” 
Oh, this is going to be interesting. 
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Seokjin thinks the two of you are the most boring fake-couple. 
His eyes dart back and forth between your spot on the couch and his desk, where Jungkook is currently seated. Seokjin is hovered over Jungkook, who’s typing and clicking furiously over his PC game. You’re on your phone, feet pulled up to the coffee table while some old Netflix movie plays in the background. To top it all off both of you didn’t even try to dress like it’s daytime, nearly matching in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. It doesn’t look like a couple coming to visit Seokin, it looks like Jungkook is playing video games with Seokjin while his cousin hangs around like she owns the place. 
“Shouldn’t you guys like, I don’t know, go on dates or something?” Seokjin feels like he’s talking to the air. “Maybe get to know each other before the big day?” 
Pulling your phone down to your lap and Jungkook taking off his headphones, the two of you shrug at each other, “No, we’re good.” Jungkook says. 
“We know enough,” you agree cooly, “Jungkook likes Valorant.” 
“I do like Valorant.” 
“He likes pork belly.”
“I do like pork belly.” 
“He’s ripped as hell.” 
“I am ripped as hell.” 
“Okay but have you guys kissed yet?” Seokjin interjects, probably compensating for the nonchalance in the room with his own brand of freaking out. You two only see each other when you’re hanging out at Seokjin’s apartment, and while he’s happy that you two aren’t doing the whole 9-yards and creating an elaborate scheme, the both of you are almost too relaxed. His anxiety is spiking.
“Yes,” Jungkook answers, “at the barbeque place we went to.” 
“It was nice," you tack on, "Jin, we got this. Don't worry." 
"How can I not worry when you're trying to upset our cousin on her wedding day?" he's sweating in his fully air-conditioned apartment. “I get that she’s the devil’s spawn and everything, but she’s still a human being.” 
“In second grade she pushed me on the treadmill because I was going too slow. I got caught on the roller and got a bald spot for two months.” 
“Okay yes one bad example—” 
“And in senior year she accused me of plagiarizing her essay just because we chose the same topic. I almost didn’t get into college!” Seokjin sighs, crossing his arms. All valid points, and arguing with you isn’t a route he wants to take. “Jin, the point is that she’s constantly pushing my buttons. I’ve always been the bigger person and now that I’m old and confident I just want one jab.”
“That’s valid,” Jungkook pipes up, pressing the spacebar a few times, “I want a jab too, she cheated on me.” 
“See? It’s a mutual decision.” 
Seokjin asks, “Why aren’t you more worried about this?”
"Because Doyeon isn't going to chew me out on her wedding day," you checked your aunt's seating chart last week and you are far, far away from the bridal table. "We're just going to show off a little bit. Get drunk, eat some bomb steak. Break up in three months or less.”
"You don't have to just convince Doyeon, it's your entire family! Not to mention you also have to go to the bachelor party!" 
"Oh I almost forgot," you reach under the couch for your laptop, "Jungkook, in two weekends from now we're flying to Las Vegas for the bachelor party and wedding. I'll buy your ticket now." 
"Thanks, babe!” Jungkook sends a cheeky grin to Seokjin, who is unimpressed. “See? I remember to call her babe.” 
“Alright, get out of my house,” Seokjin tugs Jungkook away from his computer, causing the younger man to swivel around in his plush gaming chair. 
Jungkook frowns at the monitor, “But I’m still bronze one. I’m aiming for silver one by this weekend.” 
“Don’t care. As much as I don’t like this plan, I’m not letting you two slip-up.” Seokjin pulls out his phone, revealing Doyeon’s Instagram story, “Doyeon and Namjoon are at the mall buying swimsuits for Vegas. Go to the mall and ‘accidentally’ run into them.”
You sit up straight, tilting your head to the side. “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” you bound over to grab your jacket, giving Seokjin a big fat kiss on his cheek, “Thanks Jinnie, do you know you’re—”
“I’m your favorite cousin. Yeah whatever, bye.” He waves you off, plopping in his own chair so he can enjoy his games in peace. 
“I’m driving,” Jungkook declares, swiping your keys from Seokjin’s opal dish. 
“Oh, hell no,” you jump on your tippy toes to reach Jungkook’s grasp on your keys, but he’s so freakishly tall there’s no way you can reach. “I drive my car!” 
“I’ve always wanted to drive your car back then,” Jungkook cooes, leaning in so your noses touch. “C’mon, you can trust me.” 
“You two are gross already,” Seokjin admonishes from the other side of the room, “see, it’s working!” 
Poking his cheek so he gives you some space, you whip your head to hide the flush that burns on your cheeks. “Fine, but if you crash you’re buying me a new one.” 
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“They’re over there,” you hiss between the racks, shuffling between the plastic hangers to point to Doyeon and Namjoon at the women’s section of the store. They look disgustingly adorable together, with Doyeon pointedly telling Namjoon which swimsuit suits his stature better while Namjoon nods along and goes with whatever she says. You crouch down lower, fearing Namjoon’s tall frame would catch you. “Now we just gotta act all couple-y and they’ll notice us. Or maybe we can walk over to them? What do you wanna do?” 
“Do you think we should get matching swimsuits?” Jungkook pays no mind to your sleuthing, holding up a red pair of swim trunks to his thighs, “we could pretend to be sexy lifeguards.” 
You tilt your head away from the pair, only because Jungkook has been genuinely interested in this store since you’ve arrived. Putting a hand under your chin, you scrutinize the dark red cutoff shorts. “They’re cute,” you nod appreciatively, “It’ll make your thighs look thick.” 
Jungkook’s grip on his hanger lowers, and he regards you with dark eyes. “You think my thighs look thick?” he asks, leaning in and putting one hand on the curve of your waist. His fingers dance on the surface of bare skin between your top and jeans, and while you’ve agreed beforehand that you two could touch each other wherever in public, it still surprises you when gooseflesh rises to the surface.
“Easy there, tiger,” you chuckle, putting a hand on his chest to stop his sudden bout of flirting. “I’m just stating the facts, we get it. You lift.” 
“You’re so cute when you try to put your guard up,” he’s brushing noses with you now, and you feel the plastic of the hanger crumple pathetically between you two as the gap closes further. “But you can’t hide from me.”
And just as his lips move to press against yours, a shrill “Jungkook!” echoes throughout the large store.
You nearly flop over the boardshorts rack if not for Jungkook’s arms secured around your waist. Oh right, you think dumbly, this is all for show. Doyeon and Namjoon are right in front of you, purchases already made and looking at you two in curiosity. Well, Namjoon is definitely curious, because you know for a fact that Doyeon speaks very little of you to him and you’ve only conversed with him a handful of times. Doyeon on the other hand, looks a little stiff in the grin. 
“Hello to you too,” you remark to Doyeon, who’s barely acknowledged you. You reach over to squeeze Namjoon’s arm, “Hi Joonie,” you crinkle your eyes, and you fight back a squeal when he smiles back with dimples. Doyeon has such a cute fiancé, and if you’re keeping score he’s way too good for her. 
Doyeon’s eyes glaze over to where you’ve touched Namjoon, and she links her arms with his. “What a coincidence, you two are buying swimsuits where we’re buying swimsuits.” 
“Well, there’s only one mall in this town and we’re going on the same trip in two weeks,” you reply blandly, and you feel Jungkook pinch your side. “Oh, Namjoon. Have you met my boyfriend Jungkook?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Namjoon reaches over to clasp Jungkook’s hand, “nice to meet you, man.” 
While Namjoon and Jungkook exchange small talk, you pointedly ignore the waves of negativity Doyeon sends your way in favor of observing the two large men. Namjoon just said it was nice to meet him, therefore he has no clue who Jungkook is. Interesting, considering Doyeon two-timed in favor of Namjoon. It gets you a little antsy, and you wonder if Namjoon is faking this whole interaction or if Doyeon is hiding something. 
“Baby,” Jungkook rests a hand on your shoulder, regarding you with concern, “you spaced out there, are you okay?” 
“She’s like that, Jungkookie,” Jungkook gently presses your shoulders down, blocking your view of Doyeon as she regards your not-boyfriend as Jungkookie. “My cousin’s a bit of an airhead,” her tone is sweet and jesting, the backhanded jab going right above Namjoon’s head. 
“I’m just hungry,” you say, forcing a tight-lipped smile. 
“Well, that’s perfect,” Namjoon clasps his hands together, “Yeonie and I were just about to go grab some dinner. Why don’t you join us?”
Doyeon and you both reply immediately, “That really isn’t necessary—” 
“Nonsense,” you don’t even have the heart to be upset at Namjoon because he looks so damn genuine, “It’s been two years and I haven’t even bought you a meal, y/n. After all, we’re going to be family at the end of the month.” 
“Right,” you answer reluctantly. 
“We’re gonna make reservations at the Cheesecake Factory,” he pulls out his phone, ready to make a call, “but you and Jungkook can finish shopping, okay? The wait will be a little long but by the time you’re done our table should be ready.” 
You and Jungkook wave off Doyeon and Namjoon as they make their way to the restaurant. Your hand is caught in the air by Jungkook, who regards you with worry in his eyes. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you looked spaced out,” he says, “tell me what you were really thinking.” 
Subconsciously, you squeeze his palm for comfort. “I don’t know, it just feels weird knowing Namjoon doesn’t seem to know you at all. Normally Doyeon loves to talk shit about her exes.” 
Jungkook scoffs easily, “I mean, if she’s marrying the guy I’m sure she doesn’t want to let him know the details of how they ended up together.” 
“True,” you decide to let it go, and follow Jungkook to the register to pay for his swim trunks. 
“So,” the little ‘ding’ of the register opens up the money box, and Jungkook quickly hands the clerk his cash, “we’re having dinner with them after this?” 
“Only if you want to.”
“We need to, right?” Jungkook thanks the clerk, holding the bag in one hand and threading his fingers through yours as you head out the store. 
“Well, do you want to?” you ask again. Jungkook stops the two of you on the sidewalk. It isn’t a fast stop, but a slow down that makes his walk a little more thicker, more deliberate as he trudges you down the lane. You move in front of him, clutching your hands between his. “Are you okay? You barely even acknowledged Doyeon.” 
“I’m fine,” you flinch at his harsh tone, and he immediately moves to remedy it by squeezing your hand back. “I’m sorry. It’s just been awhile and I’m definitely over her but,” he bows his head, feeling embarrassed, “she hurt me, you know?” 
Going into this is definitely one of the more selfish plans you’ve put your mind to. Your heart pangs thinking about what must be going through everytime he sees her. If he’s reminded about all the good times they shared, or how much he’s over thought every single conversation he’s had with her up until this point.
“Of course,” you completely understand, knowing from the beginning that this whole mess would end up with some dicey feelings someway or another. “I’m just thankful you chose to stick by me. And we can talk about it if you’re comfortable,” both of you being victims of Doyeon’s brand of torture, you hope the two of you can at least be friends after all of this is over, “we don’t have to go have dinner with them.” 
“But, Namjoon got us a table—” 
“Namjoon will be fine. We can always have dinner with him another time,” you smile softly, “what matters is that you’re okay.” 
His gaze melts, and you feel his grip loosen in your hold. He regards you with weak eyes, betraying the confidence he held himself to moments before. “Thanks, y/n,” he says, “I really appreciate that.” 
“Anytime,” you reply honestly. “We can go to Cheesecake and order to-go. I can make some excuse about how my stomach hurts and that we should do a raincheck.” 
“Sounds good.” 
“Do you wanna eat at one of our places or eat at the park or something?” you’re already pulling up your phone, checking out the menu. “We could invite Jin too.” 
“The park sounds nice,” neither of you acknowledge the fact that you’re not inviting Seokjin, and for some reason that’s okay.
“Yeah,” you agree simply, “the weather’s beautiful.” 
Under any normal circumstances, you would’ve been friends with someone like Jeon Jungkook, easily. A little part of you wishes that you could’ve met Jungkook first, but Doyeon has better connections than you and always had a good crowd around despite her inner motivations. No awkward exchange happens when you suggest to Jungkook to eat together. Even though you’re not technically dating, the two of you know that eating together is better than eating alone.
And you have to admit Jungkook’s great company. The two of you drive to a reserve nearby, overlooking a tiny lake. Instead of a fancy Italian tablecloth the two of you move your car seats down and set a spare picnic blanket in the trunk. Instead of a candlelit dinner the two of you find some emergency electric tealights in the glove compartment, lighting it up between you two as you dig into your to-go boxes. 
You’re a little envious that so much time has passed by. You could’ve been a little sneakier and made a better effort to communicate with Jungkook when you saw him regularly at family parties, and maybe you two would have a better friendship today. Nevertheless, the two of you mesh like peanut butter and jelly, exchanging conversation that has your cheeks sore from smiling too hard. 
By the time you get to dessert, the moon is out and the stars are floating above your heads. The two of you are at war, fighting with your forks over the last strawberry in your cheesecake slice. After some careful stabbing Jungkook manages to nab it with his fork. 
He almost puts it in his mouth, but instead swipes up some whipped cream to press the last strawberry to your lips. 
“I think it’s working,” Jungkook says randomly as you chew the sweet fruit, “you could see it on Doyeon’s face today. She’s unsettled.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, lying down on the lavender gingham picnic blanket. 
“Do you know why she fights with you all the time?” 
“That’s a question I’ve been asking myself since the dawn of time.”
“I think I know why.” Jungkook looks down at you with his large doe eyes, licking innocently on a spoon of whipped cream. 
“Pray tell.” 
“She’s jealous of you.” 
“No,” you disagree easily, “she’s jealous that I have you.” 
“Bzzt! Wrong,” Jungkook puts his empty container in your makeshift trash can, falling beside you and knitting his hands under his head. You have a little window on the roof of your car, so both of you are able to stare at the navy sky, “she’s always been jealous of you. Think about it. The two of you have similar lifestyles: same career path, confidence, taste, education. But even after all of that? People still like you more.” 
You scoff, hands immediately reaching to fiddle with the frayed corner of fabric next to your fingers. “I don’t think so.” 
“I’ve met all of Doyeon’s friends,” he informs you, “they’re weird. Like yeah, they care about each other on the surface level. But they’re nothing of substance. They’re not like your friends.” 
“Please, Doyeon has everything she could ever want,” you don’t know what kind of complex you have supporting Doyeon’s life, but something deep and insecure wants to separate you two as far away from each other as possible. “Like… she’s Malibu Barbie and I’m Polly Pocket.” 
Jungkook turns to face you, resting his head between his palm and leaning on his elbow. “Do you not think you’re beautiful?” 
“Yeah, but compared to Doyeon—” 
“You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?”
You choke on your saliva, feeling small and skittish at the implication behind his words. It’s been two years. You’ve only been friends for two weeks. How can he possibly say that? 
“I uh, saw you once,” Jungkook coughs, and you watch the way his pale cheeks unmatch the moon and instead flit to a crimson hue, “we were at some party and you were wearing this really cute black dress with a white bow in the middle. Doesn’t even matter what party because it was random, y’know? I was gonna go talk to you but Doyeon got to me first and well, the rest is history.” He breaks eye contact with you, unable to handle it. 
You remember that party, vaguely. It was random, some sort of poetry slam in a shady part of town. Doyeon and you didn’t even go with each other, you were with Taehyung and she just happened to stumble in there from another nearby party. You didn’t even know Jungkook was there that night, or how you were a hair's breadth away from meeting him before Doyeon. 
“Don’t ever think you’re lesser than her just because out of all the people she chose to pick on, she chose you. It’s why she never lets you get to know her boyfriends. She’s threatened by you because you’re just as special,” something low sparks in your chest at his words,  “and now that you’ve finally decided to stoop to her level and fight back with a taste of her own medicine, she doesn’t know what to do.” 
Feeling like your body is on a beach and you’re sinking in sand, you soften over your picnic blanket, mulling it over. “Did I make the right choice? Stooping down to her level.” Your voice is quiet, comparable to the chirping birds and buzzing gnats outside. 
“We won’t know until after the wedding,” Jungkook answers honestly, “but I do know I’m sticking with you until the end. We’re friends now, got that? You have no excuse to ignore me anymore.” 
You don’t want to ignore Jungkook, never in a million years. Now you know that you are envious of Doyeon, for having an opportunity to love and care for an amazing person like him. So in a sudden bout of emotion, you roll over to straddle Jungkook’s waist. 
He’s shocked, hands flying to your waist to make sure you don’t wobble off. But you’re determined, and lean down to press your lips against his. He tastes like cheesecake and strawberries, the taste melding with your own as you relish in the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You melt a little when he squeaks, breaking into a soft moan as he reciprocates the gesture. He’s warm and large and he makes you feel safe. Once your brain returns to your body, you break for air. You only pull back a few centimeters, and there’s no way for you to get off because Jungkook has locked you in place. 
“What was that for?” he asks breathlessly. 
“Don’t know,” you’re whispering against his lips, unable to pull away, “just felt like we needed a little more practice.” 
He blinks, before relaxing in a silly smile. “I agree,” he says simply, dipping you on your back so he can be on top the second time around. 
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“We’re in Vegas, baby!” 
Every single terrible comedy movie set in Las Vegas has brought you to this very moment. You’ve always wanted to say that line. Dumping your luggage next to Jungkook’s, you flop on the nearest mattress. Thank goodness you only wore leggings and a t-shirt on the flight, it’s the optimal sleeping outfit after a long day. Feeling something hard and plastic dig into your brain, you hold up the culprit and squeal excitedly. “Look, Kook!” you wave the crinkly confection in your hands, “they put mints on the pillows!” 
Despite your room being a square with two queen beds, the hotel does not skimp on quality. The decor is ornate, the white and gold trim on the doorknobs and metal appliances shimmering beautifully. The beds feel like clouds, as you try to imagine what a cloud could possibly feel like, this is it. 
Jungkook immediately follows suit, ripping off his outer clothes until he’s left in his undershirt and boxers, flopping next to you on the mattress. He immediately opens his mouth when you shoot a mint, catching it easily. “I feel like we’re in a deleted scene of Crazy Rich Asians,” he says, letting the hard mint clink around his teeth, “is this the part where you tell me your family comes from old money and I’m gonna be your sugar baby?” 
“Don’t be so hopeful,” you narrow your eyes, booping his button nose with your finger. 
“I’m just saying, the first class flight threw me off.” 
You giggle, slapping his chest, “No. If that was true, we wouldn’t be sharing a room with my cousin. Sorry you have to share the bed with me, I got the hotel with Jin and he doesn’t want to sleep with you.”
“S’okay,” Jungkook replies softly, leaning closer to make grabby hands at you, “you’re softer.” 
Tentatively, you scooch over so you can lean on Jungkook’s chest. You two have a little time before Doyeon and Namjoon’s combined bachelor and bachelorette party. The past two weeks have been nice—scratch that, the past two weeks with Jungkook have been wonderful. You never cared to measure how much time passed before meeting him, but now that you’ve begun fake-dating, time is the only thing you regard. You’re already beginning to miss him, knowing that in a week, this whole arrangement will be over.
Well, not exactly over. Jungkook says you’ll remain friends after this, but you don’t really want that. You want more, and it scares you to think he may not feel the same. 
But right now you’re snuggling like an old couple, sleeping comfortably between pillow-like sheets and minty breath. Your pretend boyfriend, now your pretend boyfriend with benefits, looks soft and huggable and you want to bottle up this moment forever. You say benefits because, well, the cuddling is an added bonus. Practice practice practice, Jungkook sing songs the words you used that one night under the stars, excuses to seal his lips to your lips. You’ll never argue with that. So when Jungkook’s hand tightens around your waist and pulls you closer, you relent. 
One second, you’re closing your eyes and the next, you’re waking up to Seokin’s wide eyes staring back at you. 
“Eep, you creepo!” you shriek, scrambling away from him. That’s when you realize Jungkook’s missing from bed, the scent of his laundry detergent lingering between the eggshell Egyptian cotton. 
“Jungkook’s in the shower,” Seokjin immediately reads your mind, pulling away so he can unpack his luggage. “My flight just got in two hours ago, you both were out like a light when I arrived.”
“Ugh, I’m really not ready to party.” 
“Doyeon just texted the family group chat. She reserved the rooftop, the party starts in an hour,” he talks mindlessly, rifling through his stuff. Seokjin is fiddling with his clothes, despite the fact that you know Seokjin prepares his outfits days in advance so he doesn’t have to choose. He looks concerned, pulling out a flamingo pink boardshort and setting it down on his mattress. Finally he says, “I’m worried about you.” 
“Because. It’s clear that you’re starting to fall for Jungkook.” 
The words strike you straight in the place you’re trying to avoid. You’ve been living in a fantasy these past two weeks, thinly veiled by the whole reason you two are together in the first place. Doyeon’s wedding is just around the corner, and what then? 
“I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel anything for you either,” that gets your heart skipping a beat, and you secretly hold a hand to your chest under the blankets, “but do you really want to start off a relationship like this? A relationship all messy and morally objective because it’s built on revenge?” 
“Don’t worry about me,” the words easily fall from your lips, “I can take care of this.” 
“I hate it when you say that,” the words are curt and harsh against Seokjin’s plush lips, “I’m allowed to worry about you, y/n. You know why? Because, because you’re my favorite cousin too,” he bites his lip, walking over so he sits on your side of the bed. “So don’t tell me what I can and can’t worry about. I want you to be happy, I want you to stop holding in this anger you have for Doyeon and move on.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, leaning over to press your cheek against Seokjin’s shoulder. “You’re right.” 
“For the first time in a long time, you’ve finally decided to lean on someone,” and both of you know who that someone is. “I don’t want you to lose him over some petty family issue. You should tell him how you feel.” 
“I will,” you wrap your arms around your cousin’s slim waist in a silent thanks. 
“Am I interrupting a tender family moment?” 
The two of you pull away to stare at Jungkook, leaning against the doorframe that leads to the bathroom. He’s in a plain white t-shirt and the red board shorts that you bought at the mall, cutting off mid-thigh and revealing the bulky muscle underneath. You were right, the shorts do make his thighs look thick. 
Seokjin groans exaggeratedly. “Yes, yes you did.” 
Jungkook immediately goes to replace Seokjin’s spot, and some stray droplets fall fresh from the shower due to his slicked-back hair. “Do you wanna get ready? First party’s soon.” 
“Not really,” you admit, “you’re gonna meet the family all over again.” 
“Second time’s the charm,” he winked, “I’ve already met your parents and everything. Not feeling nervous at all.” 
“Oh, really?” 
“Really,” and the facade cools down a little, “well, maybe a little nervous for your Aunt Lillian. Her stares give me the heebie-jeebies.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from Aunt Lillian.” 
“God the two of you get worse every day,” Seokjin has magically changed into his shorts, tucking himself into the bed, “don’t wake me up until we pre-game.” 
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Doyeon and Namjoon don’t skimp on the festivities, although in taste the ideas are Doyeon’s in its entirety. It’s lavish and colorful, with a beautiful infinity pool in the middle decorated with lavender and pink headlights. There’s a buffet table overflowing with tasty food. There’s petal pink champagne overflowing from fountains, decorated with fresh strawberries bobbing around the fizzy drink. 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon and Jungkook have been talking for well over an hour, and it’s clear how well they mesh together. Heck, you’ve accepted that Jungkook may like Namjoon more than he likes you. Jungkook’s eyes sparkle as Namjoon discusses the various genres of rap and hip-hop music, explaining the potency of mature themes in a young community, “but I will say music is like another language, knows no boundaries when it comes to sending their messages to others.” 
You fight the urge to chuckle when Jungkook sighs dreamily at the music theory professor. “Wow, that’s so deep.” 
Getting up from your cabana, you nudge Seokjin, who’s currently flirting it up with one of Doyeon’s bridesmaids. “Hey, wanna get a drink?” you ask, throwing your wrap on the cushions to reveal your strappy red bikini. 
“And chicken tenders,” Seokjin presses a kiss to the bridesmaid’s cheek, bidding her goodbye as he follows you out of the shaded area. 
“Do you two lovebirds want anything?” you stare pointedly at Namjoon and Jungkook. While Namjoon’s eyes stay in contact with you, you can’t help but smile a little more when Jungkook has a hard time keeping his gaze in one place. 
“I think we’re fine,” Namjoon answers for both of them, swirling his beer bottle. “I’ll meet you two at the bar once I’m done.” 
“Sure thing,” Seokjin puts a hand on your back to lead you to one of the open bars. As much as you like being in a handsome hotel with money to burn, nothing beats the fact that your entire family is here to celebrate. The elders have corroborated two cabanas for poker and other games, while your younger cousins are playing ping pong and air hockey on the other side. 
“Namjoon sure is a dreamboat,” Seokjin bemoans, handing you an electric orange drink. You take a sip of it, and bug out when you realize it tastes nothing like alcohol. You’re definitely in for a night. “Like I can hear him wax music thingamajib any day.” 
“I thought you were into that bridesmaid.” 
“A mere diversion,” he sighs, leaning his tanned arms against the bar, “can’t ignore the deep voice Namjoon has, it’s intoxicating.” 
“I’m sure Jungkook would agree,” you egg on. 
“What are you two talking about?” you straighten up when the man of the hour shows up at the bar, absolutely glowing under the sunset. He orders a round for the three of you, and you immediately chug your own drink to get to the next one. 
“Talking about how you’re stealing Jungkook away from me,” you joke, accepting another fruity drink from Namjoon. Damn, this stuff tastes like candy. 
“Oh, never,” Namjoon replies brightly, waving the thought away, “do you see the way he looks at you? Hopelessly in love.” 
Maybe it’s the copious amounts of alcohol, but you feel your stomach flip-flop at the thought of love. You’ve always known what love felt like, the warmth of Namjoon’s cheeks whenever he sees Doyeon, when your mom takes care of you when you’re sick, when Seokjin makes sure you’re not emotionally constipated 24/7. But the thought of Jungkook and you in love? It’s a feeling you secretly yearn for. 
“Right? It’s disgusting,” Seokjin groans with an eye roll, “like, Jungkook wasn’t like that with Doyeon at all when they were together.” 
The slip up has the three of you choking on your own thoughts, staring at each other like the three have just been told you’re on a prank show. But it is no prank, and you look at Seokjin who’s absolutely horrified. 
“Oh shit,” he squeaks, looking at Namjoon guiltily, “did I say something I shouldn’t have said?” 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon replies coolly, “did you?” 
The ominous response gets you going, and you quickly place a hand on Namjoon’s arm, placating him. “They dated, yes. But it was only for a short time and we’ve sorted everything out. Nothing for you to worry about.” 
“Oh,” Namjoon quirks his head, and regards you two with pursed lips. “I’m not one of those guys who freak out over other people’s exes. I’m just surprised that I’ve only heard this now,” Namjoon takes a slow sip of his drink, and despite your drink also being cold and refreshing, you’re absolutely sweating. 
“Well, I’m sure Doyeon didn’t want to worry you.”
At the mention of his future wife, he beams. “You’re right, she’s considerate like that,” and the conversation ends just like that. He holds up his drink to the two of you, and you and Seokjin do the same. With a sharp clink he leaves you two to mull, happily conversing with the next round of guests he needs to entertain for the week. 
“That guy is too nice for his own good,” you shake your head, asking the bartender for your third drink within ten minutes. 
Seokjin leans over you and warbles, “So you’re telling me that Namjoon has no idea that Doyeon cheated on Jungkook in order to date him?” he’s sweating just like you are, following suit to your actions and asking to make his drink a double. 
“I don’t know,” you bite your lip, your teeth worrying the dark skin, “I’ve been thinking about it for a while though. I just don’t want to get involved, you know?” 
“But this is different!” 
“But Doyeon’s family!” 
“And all of a sudden you care about Doyeon’s feelings?” Seokjin gripes back, “it’s not about Doyeon, it’s about the both of them. And if we know something that Namjoon doesn’t, wouldn’t it be in our best interests to warn him before he seals a marriage deal that costs him over a zillion dollars?” he gestures to the extravagant wedding party. 
“But we don’t even have any proof that’s the case,” you frown, “Doyeon could have changed—a little, not a lot—since meeting Namjoon, maybe she thinks it’s best to reveal as little as possible.” 
Seokjin wonders what kind of family he has. One as chaotic as his takes a lot to stomach, and Seokjin likes to pride himself in his strong appetite. “Fine, let’s just keep a close eye on both of them this week. And if anything remotely fishy happens, we strike.” 
You return to the cabana alone, with a plate of fries for both you and Jungkook. Jungkook is also alone, laying on the lounge chair with his eyes closed. It gives you a chance to ogle your fake-boyfriend a little bit, reveling in the sight of his toned body. 
Setting down your plate with a sharp rap of the glass, Jungkook opens one eye. “Hey,” he smiles, drinking in your muted expression, “you okay?”
Damn Jungkook for being able to read you so well. “I think so. It’s nothing, really.” 
“Well, will you tell me if it’s something?” 
“Yeah, I will.” 
“So, I do have something to tell you though.” Jungkook sits up, regarding you wearily. “Can you… stand in front of me?” Confused, you shove a fry in your mouth and walk up to him as directed, your back blocking the entrance as you stand in front of him. “Okay, come closer. Now bend down,” you bend your back 90 degrees, and he presses a hand to your shoulder to stop you, “no, no. With your breasts out, just a little—there! Arch your back. Like you’re doing the Sorority Squat.” 
“Excuse me—” 
“The music isn’t even that loud,” he mutters to himself, “no one would need to push their boobs in my face to hear me.” 
“Jungkook, is someone pressing boobs to your face?” 
“Why,” he breaks into a playful grin, “jealous?”
“Not if it’s Aunt Lillian.” 
“Unfortunately it wasn’t,” he twiddles with the drawstrings of his shorts. “It was Doyeon.” 
Doyeon? She didn’t walk by your cabana all day. Heck, she barely greeted you when you arrived with Jungkook. But when Jungkook’s alone is when she decides to pounce? And with what motive? 
“I don’t know,” he’s rambling to himself, “maybe I’m overthinking it. It was only half a second.” 
“Jungkook, I have something to tell you,” you say instead, panic in your features. 
“Is it something urgent?” 
“Well, no but—” 
“Then tell me when we get back to the room,” Jungkook easily pulls you onto his lap, and you instantly heat up when you feel your bare butt press against Jungkook’s golden thighs. “Like you said, we’re in Vegas. Let’s have fun while we can.” 
“Okay,” you tuck your head between his neck and collarbone, reaching to press a kiss to his smooth jawline. 
Relaxing against the plush lounge chair Jungkook feeds you fries while talking about the things he wants to do this week. It’s his first time in Vegas and he wants to make the most of it. He wants to visit all the buffets he sees on Buzzfeed compilations, relax at the pool, maybe catch a show. The thought of spending all week with him and your family is nice, and suddenly you don’t feel so awkward sitting on his lap, and eventually he pulls you between his thighs so you can lay on his chest. 
“And between you and me,” he fake whispers against the shell of your ear, as if he’s telling you the biggest secret, “we’re the hottest couple here.” 
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The next three days leading up to the wedding are relatively uninteresting. 
Uninteresting in the best way possible. On Monday you and Jungkook spend time with your little cousins, taking them to The Adventuredome, one of the resort's indoor theme parks. On Tuesday you and Jungkook go shopping at the outlet malls with your parents, blowing hundreds of dollars on cheap Levis that have your luggage bursting with a new wardrobe. In between all of that Seokjin and occasionally Namjoon joins you two in your buffet journey, hitting up the top spots and filling your tummies to the brim with delicious food. 
On Wednesday, Jungkook brandishes two gold-foiled tickets in front of you, waving them around like a fan. With one finger, he pushes away your Pokémon battle, “I got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” he announces proudly, “waited in line for an hour.”
You gape, scrambling off of your bed and throwing your Nintendo Switch to the side. “Jungkook,” you marvel, “these are so expensive. How’d you manage to get a show for tonight?” 
He shrugs, “Looked around.” 
“You’ve been impulse buying a lot this week,” you tease, “like really, you don’t need three pairs of the same ripped jeans.”
“This wasn’t an impulse buy,” he says, “I’ve been looking around for shows. Just managed to pick them up today, so go get dressed for our date.”
Did Jungkook just call it a date? Giddy with excitement you throw the covers off, running into the bathroom to get ready. What a surprise, you didn’t think Jungkook would be into spontaneous things like this. 
Seokjin left the bathroom open, so when you walk in the room it is steamy and warm. Your dear cousin is still in the shower, probably waiting for his conditioner to pass three minutes of set-in time. 
“What are you getting ready for?” Seokjin asks over the rain shower.
“Kook got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” you chirp happily, looking through your skin care products. 
“I wanna come!” 
“Nope! Jungkook called it a date.” 
“Oh, a date,” Seokjin drawls, putting his head under the water to rinse his hair clean. “Well then, should I vacate the room for tonight?” 
“What, no!” you’ve closed the door, so thankfully Jungkook can’t hear you talking about him. “We’re not doing anything. We’re just two friends who are fake-dating going on a date.” 
“Sounds like a real date, though,” Seokjin wraps a towel around himself to cover all his important bits before getting out of the shower, bumping elbows with you so he can brush his teeth. “Either way, I’ll be gone tonight. It’s my turn to watch the baby cousins. Don’t have too much fun while I'm in their room watching Despicable Me for the millionth time.” 
“We’ll be sure to stop by with some pizza or something,” you tease, a little wiggle in your hips when you vacate the bathroom. 
By the time you and Jungkook are ready, you two are dressed impeccably. Jungkook is wearing one of the ripped black jeans he bought on Tuesday, combined with a white button up and black blazer. A classic outfit with a little bit of Jungkook-themed flair. And to Jungkook’s surprise, you’re wearing the dress that he first saw you in, all those years ago. You’ve gained a little weight since college, but you still fill out the little black dress beautifully, the little white bow in the middle adding a simple yet adorable touch. It took a little sleuthing and searching through your old college clothes, but you were determined to find it when Jungkook reminded you how much you love the design. 
Clearly from the way Jungkook is currently gaping at you like a bloated fish, he loves it too. 
The show is beautiful and colorful, leaving you speechless and in tears by the end of it. Jungkook lets you hold his hand the entire time, feeling a bout of anxiety anytime the acrobats fall gracefully despite the large height. 
Overall, it was a wonderful show, paired with your equally enamouring date. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish what’s fake and what’s real in your heart, and throughout the night you’re sorely reminded that you should tell Jungkook how you feel. 
But by the time you get to the room your parents are calling you, asking to get their suit and dresses out of the car so hotel service can do a last minute press and dry clean. 
“I’ll be back,” you say to Jungkook, “I need to go get their clothes out of the car. They’re always so forgetful.” 
“Want me to come?” he offers, hand shying away from inserting the keycard in. 
“No, I’ll only be fifteen minutes, tops.”
“So I guess this is this the part where I get a goodnight kiss?” he asks cheekily, leaning on his heels so his tall frame reaches yours. You don’t hesitate to give a short peck to his pretty pink lips. He pouts at the brevity, “that was too quick.” 
“Go inside,” you insist, “the sooner you get ready for bed the sooner I can get ready for bed.” 
“Then more kisses?” 
“Then more kisses.” 
Jungkook breaks into an all-teeth smile, unable to control himself when he dips down and steals a longer, more lingering kiss to your lips. “I had a great time tonight,” he says, mimicking every single teenage rom-com protagonist who’s deeply in love with the popular jock. “Don’t take too long, okay?” 
You nod, pushing him inside, “C’mon, if you stopped talking I’d be back by now!” 
Once the door closes shut, you let yourself do a little dance in the hallway, wiggling your butt and giving yourself a mini-celebration. You quickly text your group chat that you just came back from the Cirque show.
Jimin: what, a date with your fake date?
Hobi: jeon jungcock? 👀👀
Jimin: whaaaaaattttt. U’ve gotta have sat in his lap at least. 3 times since you’ve started this ting
Hobi: i’ve heard things in college… 
Taehyung: u are all gross and i hate u 
Taehyung: but so am i bc im very curious 
Just as you’re about to send a heated reply, the elevator dings, revealing a pissed off Doyeon. She’s bare-faced, in a fluffy lilac bath robe and matching puff ball slippers. You slip in right beside her, making sure there’s a comfortable amount of space between you two. 
“You’re going to the parking garage too?” you ask, eyes lingering on the lit button. 
“Yeah,” she’s looking at her phone, a few stray hairs from her mahogany bun falling onto her forehead, “Aunt Lillian left her medication in the car. I don’t know why she has to send me, I’m busy getting married.” 
“My parents left their formal clothes in the car,” you shrug, “you know, my parents and Aunt Lillian share the same brain cell. Gotta help them out once in a while.”  
The icy silence in the elevator is probably the calmest you and Doyeon have been since you’ve announced your relationship status with Jungkook. You fight the sigh, opting to take out your phone and open some unread messages. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: hurry up, the bed’s cold without u 
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You: lool, why do u look constipated 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: because i am, hurry up. Im bringing ur switch to the toilet and playing on your profile 
You tilt your head a centimeter, feeling Doyeon breathing down your neck like Puff the Magic Dragon. You look at her with wide eyes. Her long, slender neck manages to snake its way next to your head, “Can I help you?” you ask amusedly, clutching your phone to your chest. 
“Are you two really together?” she asks, batting her lashes. All this week she’s left you alone, and you’ve been wondering when she’s going to make herself known. It’s a little self-absorbed you have to admit, but ever since Namjoon’s ignorance to Doyeon’s previous relationship, you’ve been on edge. 
“Of course we are,” you spit back, “I love him.” 
And you must be very convincing, because Doyeon’s gaze falters just a fraction. You glare at her, staking your claim. Ever since Jungkook told you the reason Doyeon hates you is because she’s jealous, you’ve started to feel a bit of sympathy for her. Doyeon is beautiful and smart, she has no reason to feel this way. But the brain holds fickle thoughts sometimes, bringing darkness to the mind. 
“He loved me first,” she bites back, lifting her chin. 
“And why do you care?” you laugh tonelessly. The elevator dings open, and you’re met with the open air and concrete of the parking garage. “He may have loved you first, but he’ll love me last.” 
You leave the elevator first, a little pep in your step as you make your way to the rental car to gather your parent’s things. While the words you uttered are white in nature and may not hold any sort of weight to them, it manages to bring Doyeon to her knees, absolutely quaking in the elevator. 
You’re tasting revenge, and it’s sweet. 
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“Okay, you need to leave,” Seokjin pulls away the shot glass from your lips, “I didn’t spend days planning the itinerary for you to mess it up. Bridal party in Doyeon’s suite and the groom’s party in Namjoon’s parents suite.” 
“That’s dumb,” you chastise, crossing your arms, “we’re all meeting at the same club at 10. Why can’t we pre-party together?” 
“Because it’s tradition!” 
“Screw tradition,” you stumble on your heels as you purse your lips at Jungkook, “Kook, when we get married I don’t wanna do a whole boy-and-girl party. We’re equals, right?” 
“Of course, baby,” he cooes, being careful not to smudge your makeup when he presses his lips to the crown of your head. “But for the sake of Seokjin’s sanity, you should probably go to Doyeon’s. It’ll only be an hour or two.” 
You gasp exaggeratedly at the blatant betrayal. He only grins cheekily in response, dipping down to press a wet kiss to your cheek. “Fine,” you cross your arms, snatching back your drink from Seokjin’s grasp to knock it down. 
Leaving the bachelor pre-party pains you considerably. They’re having such a good time joking around the suite, telling each other fun stories and relaxing in chairs as they watch TV. This is your kind of crowd, not to mention that you can peacefully check out Jungkook’s ass in those tight dress pants without any crazy club lights distorting your vision.
From past family party experience you already have a feeling what’s coming for you in the ladies’ suite. 
Loud music pours from Doyeon’s suite, and it’s completely unlocked. The bridal party is raving, ten seconds away from being completely drunk and immobile. The lights are being manually shut on and off like some sort of cheap rager, and you have to tell Yoojung to tone it down before you get a seizure. 
The stench of acidic drinks and the tang of alcoholic air is palpable, and instead of a shot you opt for a glass of peach champagne to slow you down. 
As you walk deeper into the suite, you notice a crowd forming by the balcony. Tapping your cousin Nari on the shoulder, you regard her with a hug and kiss. “What’s going on over there?” you ask, heels not helping you see any better. 
Nari’s all blushy and pink, hiccuping as she gestures to the balcony. “Her maid of honor got Doyeon a very special gift!” 
Managing to weave through the women blocking your view, you fight the urge to gag when you have a clear view of the scene in front of you.
You really don’t understand the purpose of bachelor and bachelorette parties. “One night to be single all over again!” they all say, even though they’re not actually single? Like why does the couple suddenly get one night of forgiveness when you’ve already spent years being in a committed relationship? 
Why is it okay that Doyeon’s dry humping a stripper on the balcony? Her white silk dress is ruched dangerously high, soon close to flashing her family. Aunties and friends and the like are cheering her on, and she flips her head perfectly to all the phones shoved in their faces, making sure to get the perfect angle. 
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you turn back in the hopes that your other family members would be willing to have a good old-fashioned tip back with you. 
You squeal when your hands accidentally land on a bare, oiled chest. You look up, mortified at the large man covered in black harnesses. “Hey babe, I’m Wonho,” he says, faking a sultry gaze as he looks at you up and down, “you’re part of the bridal party too? Wanna dance?” 
Feeling naked, you push past him, careful not to get anything on your dress. Wonho? Wonno.
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Jungkook loves your family. 
(Except Doyeon.)
As much as he told you not to worry about him, and he’ll be completely fine when he meets your family, he couldn’t help be a little wary on the flight over. After all, it’s been two years and he didn’t know how things would be different. 
Chaoticism and all, your family is a thing to be cherished. Even though Yoongi has been on mood swings that make Jungkook question his sanity from time to time, and Seokjin is secretly breathing down Jungkook’s back every time he so glances at you, he thinks things are right where they should be.  
But despite all that they regarded him with familiarity, hugged and kissed him like old friends, something is different. They’ve turned over a new page for him. They don’t bring up Doyeon. They ask about his family, his job, his life in the city. They ask about how you and Jungkook met, and how happy they are for you. How happy they are for him.
Oh, how he wishes everything could be different. In another world, you two would already be together. 
He wasn’t lying back at the cabana when he said you two are the hottest couple at the resort, including the bridal party (but don’t tell Namjoon). You look absolutely stunning in your sparkly red dress, accentuating all the right parts and lighting up the whole room. 
When he finds you in the club you’re sitting down with your Aunties, keeping the elders company while the younger ones are flagging down the bartenders. He thinks it’s cute, how well you fit in between them, coddling you like you’re still a child in their eyes. 
“Dear, your boyfriend is here!” your one Aunt yells over the loud EDM.
You lift your head up quickly, giving him the prettiest smile. Your teeth glow purple under the neon lights, and he fights the urge to laugh when he holds out a hand. “Mind if I steal her from you?” 
“Of course, she’s gotta live a little!” 
You pout, a little wobbly but nevertheless still in the right mind as you shuffle out of the booth to meet his awaiting arms. “Hey handsome,” your voice is thick and sweet-smelling, “come here often?” 
“Only when my girlfriend does,” he replies cheekily, hands immediately coming to your butt to smooth out your dress. He shys a bit when your Aunties hoot and holler at his public display of affection, but all he wants to do was pull the hem down a little bit. No way is he going to let anyone get a flash of your goods. 
“Let’s dance!” you take your hand in his, leading him to a comfortable corner of the dance floor. 
Clubs aren’t really your scene, aligning with Jungkook’s sentiments towards the loud generic music and terrible smell. But you’re in Vegas, and he feels that it’s all part of the package to experience the nightlife at least once. He puts his hands on your waist and you giggle like you’re in prom, hands coming to rest on the collar of his button down. 
“Hey,” he says with a lopsided smirk, “wanna make out?” 
 “Sure,” he notices that you don’t even check if anyone’s seeing, and it makes his heart flutter when you don’t hesitate to get on your tiptoes to meet him halfway. 
He’s always hoped for a moment like this, a moment where the room stops spinning and both your minds click into place. It’s almost comical, how he distinctly notes that the music fades once his lips touch yours. The kiss is hot, yet intimate. Even though he makes excuses to kiss you all the time because of practice, it goes to show that you two definitely never needed it. Your tiny hands grip the collar of his button down, bringing you two impossibly close despite the hot air. His larger hands grip at the strings that hold your measly dress together, grappling at any excuse to get to your soft skin. The two of you are a natural when it comes to each other’s intimacy. 
The two of you pull away, mesmerized. You haven’t kissed like that before. He melts under your stare, his thumb reaching to nick off any lip gloss that’s moved in the process. 
Seokjin comes down the floor to haul you both by the shoulders, “C’mon lovebirds, they’re taking wedding shots!” 
The two of you follow your cousin to the crowd of people that is your family, already with their own drinks in hand. Doyeon and Namjoon are sitting atop the bar, making a very loud toast that consisted of a quick “thank you!” and “we love you!” before downing their drinks with their arms linked together. The room is thrumming with excitement for tomorrow’s festivities, and surprisingly, you and Jungkook included. He tucks himself in your body like a puzzle piece, hugging you from behind while he watches Namjoon’s eyes sparkle with love under the neons. 
The nightclub gets a little blurry after that, with the copious amounts of alcohol and shameless actions from your family and friends. By the time it’s twelve Jungkook notices you swaying at a rate that you can’t handle. He knows your limits and knows when you have to urge to pee every five minutes, it’s time to go. With a chaste kiss you leave him at the bar, deciding to make a pitstop to the bathroom before telling Jungkook you want to head up.
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You’re locked in a stall when you hear Yoojung’s voice. 
“Ugh,” she groans, voice echoing through the tiny room. “Jungkook is so sexy. Do you see the way he’s dancing out there? He’s a literal babe magnet, I can’t believe he ended up with someone like y/n.” 
You don’t move a muscle, pressing your ear against the door that hides you. The silly slander isn’t news to you, Doyeon has been feeding her friends all sorts of bullcrap so they wouldn’t bother talking to you. 
“Yeah, Jungkook’s a real treat but he dated Doyeon first. Sounds like she’s into sloppy seconds,” Elly replies, another bridesmaid you’ve met in passing. “But I don’t know, they do look happy together.”
“Please, I’m sure Jungkook’s just using her so he can get one more chance at Doyeon before she ties the knot,” you bristle, the thought of Jungkook still having feelings for Doyeon makes your heart thud painfully against your chest, “like, what a downgrade. Namjoon and Doyeon do not deserve this drama. If Jungkook ever liked Doyeon at all, he wouldn’t have come. Period.” 
You slam the door open, causing Elly to squeal and Yoojung’s YSL lipstick to fall onto the sink. You’re the epitome of relaxation, walking towards the sink to wash your hands. The bridesmaids simply stare at you, unable to formulate a comeback. When you finally dry your hands, you say your next words. 
“Jungkook is here because he loves me,” an act act act. This is all an act. You shouldn’t be this offended because you know it’s all false. “And you’re wrong. It’s not Jungkook that doesn’t deserve Doyeon. Jungkook was too good for Doyeon.” 
And you slam your heels against the tile, stilettos pounding to the beat of the music. Your exit is full of anger and frustration as you ignore the burn in your step and the ache in your heart, flagging the first bartender you see to get you a double. 
Shot for shot, that anger soon melts into guilt as Yoojung’s words sink in. The thought of Jungkook using you to get to Doyeon is terrible, you can barely stomach the thought. But that’s exactly what you’re doing, right? You’re using Jungkook to get back at Doyeon. 
Why did you even want to get back at Doyeon anymore? Why do you have to prove anything to her? If she just continues to push you around, isn’t that more on her than it is on you? 
Jungkook soon finds you after you’ve nursed a few drinks, leaning unceremoniously against a barstool. His eyes widen at your state, and he immediately sheds his jacket to wrap it around your waist. 
“Why did you drink so much?” he chastises, “it’s the night before the wedding.” 
“Jungkookie,” you warble, clutching your stomach, “I don’t feel so good.” 
He sighs, bending down. “Get on my back. Make sure the jacket covers you up, okay?” 
He doesn’t even grunt when you put all your weight on him, feeling like a ragdoll as he hoists you up. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting him carry you to your room. Most of the older family already went upstairs to sleep, so none of your cousins could care less when they see you get hauled away by Jungkook. 
You inhale, he smells like sweat and cologne. “I like putting my head between your neck,” you babble, and you feel Jungkook chuckle through his chest, “you smell so nice there. It’s the bestset! Comfiest place ever, ‘specially when m’sleepy.” 
“Are you sleepy now, baby?” You love how smooth the petname falls from his lips. 
“I will be when we get upstairs,” you reply, happy to see the elevator is empty. “I’m just all up in my head.” 
“Is that why you were drinking so much? You said you were gonna stop earlier.” 
“Yeah, but,” you shamefully tuck your head in his shoulder, “I was frustrated.” 
“Frustrated? At who?” concern laces his tone as he struggles to hold you with one hand and fumble for his key in the other. You tighten your legs around his slim waist until the door clicks open, and he immediately walks over to your bed to plop you down. “Babe, are you crying?” he finally has a good look at your face, horrified to see the streaks of tears mixed with mascara running down your face. 
“I wa-was jealous,” you confess tearily, clutching your face in your hands,  “some girls in the bathroom were calling you sexy and that you were only here so you could try to win over Doyeon. I know it sounds ridiculous and you would never do that but. The thought of you getting back with her makes me so jealous and I hate it! I’m starting to feel so guilty about this, all of this. I put all of this on ourselves and I’m ruining it.” 
“Ruining what? You’re not making any sense.” Jungkook places a hand on your knee, crouching down so he can look up at you. 
“I’m ruining us,” you gush despondently, “I’m ruining any potential of us before we even start.” 
Jungkook freezes, hand clutching your knee like a lifeline. The potential of you two together? You’ve thought of that? Jungkook didn’t drink much tonight, so his mind is definitely running on all cogs. 
Coming to a conclusion, he rubs slow, soothing circles on your knee, his other hand reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. “You’re not ruining anything,” he declares firmly, “that’s impossible. I may have agreed to fake-date you because of Doyeon, but I stayed because of you.” 
His heart aches seeing you so upset, and he decides to take initiative to get you out of your clothing and ready for bed. You don’t have any words, opting to let Jungkook take care of you as you try to calm yourself down. He finds a spare t-shirt,  a long one so you’ll be comfortable. He doesn’t bat an eye when he unzips your dress, in favor of balling up the shirt and getting you clothed as fast as possible. He rifles through the bathroom to find your makeup wipes, and he’s gentle when he scrubs up the once pretty makeup you spent half an hour doing. Barefaced and fresh, you look sleepy and ready to crash. 
But before Jungkook can tuck you in, you clutch his arm.
“Jungkook,” you murmur sleepily, “I think I lo—” 
“I know, baby,” he doesn’t want a confession like this, and he’s sure you wouldn’t want it either. You still look a little green and you’re not sober, so he makes the executive decision to pin these feelings for later. “I’m not trying to invalidate you, I promise. I want you to tell me this, all of this in the morning. We’ll talk then.”
“Okay,” you melt in the sheets, pulling the blankets up to your chest. When you see Jungkook move away from the bed, you jolt, “Where are you going?” 
Jungkook smiles, reaching over to tuck you back in, “I left my blazer in Namjoon’s room. I’ll be right back, okay?” 
He walks out of your room as quietly as he can, making sure to close the door slowly. Once it’s sealed shut, he leaps up, giving himself a silent cheer as he bounds down the hall. You like him back! 
The smile on his face is tired but full of fervor as he makes his way to Namjoon and Doyeon’s suite. He doesn’t even care that he probably has to talk to Doyeon to get his jacket back, thoughts filled with the excitement of his requited feelings and going back to his room to cuddle up with you. 
He doesn’t even have to knock when the large double doors swing open. Dumbfounded, he looks down at Doyeon, wearing a tiny black nightie and dangling his jacket with one finger. It’s an outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination, and he feels his neck heat up at the feeling he’s encroaching on an intimate moment. 
“You left this,” she says slowly, a tiny smirk on her lips. 
“Uh, thanks,” he says, making sure not to touch her when he grabs his blazer. 
In her other hand she holds up her room’s designated ice bucket. “Could you also get me some ice, please? Namjoon’s fast asleep and I really don’t want to walk out all… exposed.” 
He swallows his sigh, knowing it’s going to take significantly longer to get back to you when Doyeon drawls like this. “Of course,” he replies tersely, “after all, you are the bride.” 
“Thanks, Jungkookie.” 
He makes quick work of getting Doyeon the ice, pumping his long legs down the hall. The ice room is cold and cramped, barely enough for his tall frame to fit in. He jabs the container in the holder, pressing the button ten times per second to get as much ice out as possible. 
As soon as he turns around with the ice, he drops the whole bucket. 
Like glass, it shatters onto the ground, hundreds of little clear pebbles skimming across the floor like marbles. Doyeon’s pushing Jungkook against the ice machine, freshly manicured hands splayed across his chest. Her body is flush against his, making sure that he feels all of her with her thin silk gown. 
“What the fuck, Doyeon get off of me!” a little part of him hopes she’ll come to her senses on her own so he doesn’t have to put his hands on her. 
“C’mon, Kookie,” her voice is a sickly candy sweet, her eyes wide with hunger as she takes in his form, “just one more night, you and me. Like old times. One more night before I tie the knot.” 
“You’re crazy,” he balks, running his hand through his hair, “this is sexual harassment, do you know that?” 
“You don’t mean that, Kookie,” Doyeon dips a red-tipped nail down his chest, “why settle for someone like y/n when I’m right here?” 
He grabs her wrists, firm. She winces at the contact, but doesn’t say anything when Jungkook delivers her a scary glare. It gets her quiet, fearful of this version of Jungkook. Doyeon’s never seen Jungkook like this before, so unwilling to bend at her whim and emanating all his power against her. 
“Why settle for your cousin?” he whispers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “because, I love her.” 
Her lip curls in disgust, nails digging into the palm of his hand. “But you loved me first.”
“And I’ll love her last,” he spits pack, letting go of her. His anger splits for a brief second, regarding Doyeon with sorrow, “this is low, even for you.”
Jungkook pushes past the ice, wobbling out of the ice room. He doesn’t look back, he just knows that he needs you right now. He needs to tell you everything, figure out a plan to cancel the wedding or something. 
But when he crashes inside the room, you’re dead asleep. He can’t find the courage to wake up Seokjin as well, who returned and is sleeping in his club outfit. He groans, feeling useless as he stares at the two of you, ignorant of what just conspired ten minutes ago. 
And Namjoon, what is he going to tell Namjoon? Poor guy doesn’t deserve any of this. 
Walking up to your side of the bed, he tucks your loose hair behind your ear. You look so peaceful now, so beautiful. 
It’s just going to have to wait until the morning. 
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The morning of the wedding, you wake up alone. 
The first thought that runs through your head is that Jungkook has rejected you. The little, insecure bug that will never go away in your brain fills you with rash thoughts. He’s on a flight half way back home and he regrets this whole week. 
But after that exaggeration, you notice two aspirin and a bottle of water on your nightstand, along with your phone that’s fully charged. 
You pull up the screen to check the dozens of messages that flood your app. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: morning babe, im sorry i had to leave early. Namjoon showed up at our door freaking out that his suit is the wrong fit and shade. Now im running around vegas trying to find a replacement that doesn’t look like an elvis presley extra
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: but i didn’t forget what you said last night, i promise! Just go get ready and i’ll meet u at the chapel outside the resort. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: i also have something to say to you
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: wow i didn’t realize how ominous that sounds. Dw, everything will be fine
When someone tells you something will be fine, it’s a universal agreement that no, things will not be fine. 
So you get dressed, and put on your makeup mindlessly. You don’t really know what to make of Jungkook’s cryptic message, but you decide to leave those thoughts in the back of your mind as you go to the other rooms to help your family get ready. 
Seokjin is busy tying the ring bearer’s tie, looking handsome with his slicked back hair and polished grey suit. “Morning, cousin,” he sing-songs, “you look beautiful today!”
You smooth out your dress, a cascading silver number with starry sparkles. You feel like you’re living out your magical girl fantasies, wrapped up in layers of tulle and a sparkly sweetheart bodice.
“Right back at you. Say, you didn’t see Jungkook this morning, did you?” 
“No, but I heard he’s with Namjoon hunting for a new suit. Why?” 
“Nothing,” you lean against the guest table, “he just said something really ominous over text.” 
“I will never get a peaceful day so long as I’m in this family,” he says this directly to the ring bearer, a toddler who’s obviously confused at his uncle’s weird sayings. 
Your phone beeps conveniently, displaying Jungkook’s name. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: just got his suit. We’ll be there in fifteen. Meet me at the garden behind the chapel, please. It’s urgent 
Now you’re just worried. So you tell Seokjin your sentiments, and that he should have his phone on hand in case you needed him. With a confused nod, you leave him to go down to the garden.  
The groomsmen and bridesmaids are already at the chapel taking pictures. Only the wedding party is really allowed at this time, but you manage your way through the gardens virtually undetected. Jungkook’s already waiting for you, hiding under a white gazebo overlooking the hotel’s fountain. 
He looks gorgeous in his all black pinstripe suit, hair pushed back and pants fitted perfectly around his waist and thighs. When he sees you he gets up, full of skittish energy. You note that his hair isn’t even styled, only washed and curling slightly at the ends, as if he’s in a rush.
“W-wow,” he marvels when you rush up to him, “you look gorgeous.” 
You drop the handful of silver tulle, letting it fall to the floor. “Jungkook,” you clasp his hand in both of his, guilt flooding your eyes. You’ve been thinking about this all morning, and you need to cut to the chase. Jungkook tries to open his mouth but you silence him with a finger on his lips. “I can’t—I can’t do this. I know this sounds really stupid and you probably don’t want anything to do with me after this, but I shouldn’t have made this elaborate scheme,” you bite your lip, feeling even more antsy as Jungkook squirms in his grip. He however, is trying very hard to focus with his eyes, confused at your sudden confession. “I like you, Jungkook. I don’t want to parade you around like a revenge plot anymore, it isn’t fair and it’s wrong in so many ways—” 
“That’s great,” he says simply, brown eyes swirling with thoughts, “um, ditto. But—”
“Wow,” you frown, “I pour my heart out to you and this is what I get?” 
“It’s great that you want to be selfless right now,” Jungkook takes your hand, firm and tight, “but without this elaborate scheme, we wouldn’t be saving asses like we are right now.”
“What are you talking about?” You thought Jungkook rushed you down here so you could talk about each other’s feelings before the wedding. 
“Doyeon just threw herself on me last night. I got her ice and she took that as an invitation to seduce me like an episode of Sex and the City. Namjoon needs to divorce her, like yesterday.” 
Your face then morphs into something dark and ugly, and you fling your whole confession out the window. The thought of Doyeon going as far as throwing herself on Jungkook as a last ditch attempt to get back at you, has you seeing blood red. “What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!”
“You were asleep!” he shoots back, putting his hands on your shoulders. He rubs warm strokes up and down your bare arms, “please relax. You’re shaking.” 
“And why didn’t you tell Namjoon when you were driving around all morning?”
“I tried to!” he retorts, hands swinging in the air. You huff when his hands land back on your shoulders, preventing you from running to the chapel to extract Doyeon out yourself, “but he just kept talking shit about how much he loves Doyeon and he can’t imagine being together with anyone but her and I felt so bad! I’m sorry I chickened out. I really don’t wanna be the one to break Namjoon’s heart. I’m just the plus one!” 
You pinch your brows, mulling it over. “Fuck it, let’s crash a wedding,” you declare, “where’s Namjoon and how can we get him alone?” 
Jungkook exhales, a hand carding up to loosen his thin silver tie. “He’s taking pictures with the groomsmen right now. It’s gonna be awhile before we get a chance to talk.” 
“Fuck,” you curse, sitting down on the white bench. Jungkook presses soothing circles on your back. “We have no choice, we have to get to him before the ceremony starts.” 
“You’ll have to get through me, first.” 
Doyeon’s not even in her wedding dress when she strides up to the two of you. She’s in ballet flats with her hair and makeup done, but the only thing she’s wearing is the thin underdress of her actual ball gown, a simple silk negligee that reaches her ankles. You don’t even know how she’s managed to escape the bridal party, especially without her dress. 
Feeling protective, you step in front of Jungkook. “Before you say anything,” you murmur, “I’m not ruining your wedding, and I never wanted to. You’re ruining it because of your mistakes.” 
“Oh, boo-hoo,” Doyeon rolls her eyes, playing with her nails, “I didn’t even do anything wrong, everyone knows that on the bachelorette’s night she can do whatever she wants. Namjoon could’ve fucked whoever too if he wasn’t so faithful.” 
“Namjoon is ten times the partner you are and would never do that,” You’re seeing red, unable to comprehend the complete garbage spilling from Doyeon’s lips. “You touched my boyfriend without his consent, and I will never forgive you for that,” your voice is scarlet, angry and thin. 
“It’s not like he isn’t used to it, I—”
“NO!” the sound that comes out of your mouth has all three of you flinching, and you’re thankful the gazebo is far enough so that the rest of the wedding party is oblivious to your actions. “You’re not allowed to justify yourself anymore, Doyeon. What you did was fucked up, what you’ve done to all of us is fucked up!” You realize now that you didn’t need to get back at Doyeon with a fake date, what you needed was this. You needed a reprieve, a chance to lay down your law. “Jungkook was right all along. You are jealous. You’re jealous and selfish and have no shame. You think you own whatever you set your eyes on, but you’re wrong. We’re not objects, we’re people.” 
You walk up to Doyeon, eye to eye. You jab a hand at her chest, pushing her back slightly. You soak up your cousin’s expression, and you watch as Doyeon’s eyes pop out in surprise at your act of boldness. “So you have a choice here. You can either swallow your pride and leave Namjoon at the aisle quietly and save whatever dignity you have left. Take your pathetic ass on the next flight back home and pack up your apartment. Or, we can start a big scene at your ceremony,” you probably look manic, filled with freshly injected power, “I know Seokin’s always wanted to yell ‘I object!’ at a wedding.” 
“You have no proof,” Doyeon glares right back, taking a step closer to you. Your noses are practically touching, but you dig your heels in the white-stained wood, puffing up your chest and standing your ground. 
“Doesn’t matter,” you bite back, “what matters is that Namjoon will doubt you. Namjoon knows we’d never do anything to sabotage a wedding without a valid reason. Even if you do get married tonight, we have Jungkook’s word and proof of a relationship that overlaps with his. I find this option to be far worse because it’s prolonging the inevitable,” you shrug, “I hope you two didn’t sign a prenup.”  
Hot, angry tears mess up her meticulously done makeup. Black rivers carve through her porcelain skin, showing the feelings that have been dormant since been hidden under a facade. Doyeon’s eyes dart back and forth between the two of you. She’s practically vibrating in combined fear and rage, seeing blurry images and memories and regrets of what could’ve been if not for her self-absorption. And finally, your cousin comes to a decision. 
“I hate you,” she emphasizes each word with the most concentrated of venoms in her tone. WIth one last look at the two of you, she stomps away. Instead of going to the direction of the chapel however, she takes the shortcut back to the hotel. 
Her grave words are unsurprising, but nevertheless disappointing. A thinly veiled smile grazes your lips, sadder than ever as you watch your cousin go. “And I pity you.” 
As soon as she’s gone Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to scoop you up, hugging you tightly as you fight the urge to cry again. “Oh babe, that was really hot. The way you stood your ground? That was amazing!” Jungkook takes out his silver pocket square to wipe the stray tears that threaten to ruin your makeup. “You’re so strong, don’t you know that? You did it and I’m so proud of you.” 
As much as you want to revel in the affection, go back and bed and fall asleep until noon, you can’t.  Grasping Jungkook by the hand, you tug him to the chapel. “C’mon,” you say, “we have to corner Namjoon.”
The groomsmen photos are done by the time you get there. Thankfully, the to-be-groom doesn’t look too occupied. His eyes widen upon seeing you two stumble from the garden of all places.
“Oh, y/n. Jungkook,” Namjoon tilts his head curiously at how winded you two look, equally flushed and out of breath. From your state, Namjoon muses that it must've taken a lot of effort to finally get to the groom unattended, save for a few random family members he’s making small talk with, “The wedding isn’t for another hour but I must say, you two look radiant together. Doyeon always thought you’d end up an old spinster-catlady, but I always told her that you’re too beautiful to be single for long,” he pauses to send the aforementioned man a wink, “Jungkook’s a lucky guy. What were you two doing back there?”
“Uh, things?” Jungkook scratches the back of his head, not wanting to reiterate the fiasco between Doyeon moments before.
Namjoon smirks at the ebony-haired man, “Couple things?”  
You can’t take this needless small talk anymore. With a teary groan, you throw yourself at Namjoon. You hug him tight, and you don’t even care when you feel a slosh of his water bottle sprinkle your hairstyle. 
“Joonie,” you bemoan, “please, please don’t leave me. You’re the best not-cousin ever. I know it’ll be a pain to face Doyeon after today but you’re a strong independent man and when you’re ready Jin is single and ready to mingle—ow! Jungkook! Did you just pinch my ass?” 
“Do you really think setting him up with the next cousin is the best idea right now?”
“I figured a little humor would lighten the blow,” you sulk.
“I’m sorry what—what blow?” Namjoon frowns, pushing you away from him. “Y/n, have you been crying?” 
The tears resurface at that moment, like a kettle on overboil. Namjoon’s face is knitted together, unable to grasp at any conclusion. Namjoon feels something grave is upon the sky as he tenderly brushes away your tears with his thumbs before releasing you. Instantly Jungkook pulls you to his chest, patting you soothingly. As much as you two do not want to be the bearer of bad news, the time is now. 
“Namjoon,” Jungkook says, finding the strength that was previously stuck in his throat, “we have to tell you something.” 
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Needless to say, Las Vegas is very forgiving when it comes to last minute wedding cancellations. 
The whole wedding party, both Namjoon and yours, collectively feels like a whole ice bucket has been dumped upon your families. You would like to say that the whole issue was handled mess free, but that would be a bald-faced lie. 
There was screaming, crying, hysterical laughter from all sides. Doyeon’s parents were of course furious, embarrassed, unable to calm down a hysterical Doyeon as they haul her on the next flight home. You have a feeling they won’t be showing up to family events anytime soon. 
Namjoon’s family leaves quietly, frustrated, but classy. After all, they know at the back of their heads they dodged a bullet. Everyone leaves except Namjoon however, who isn’t quite ready to go back to his and Doyeon’s apartment. Namjoon invites Seokjin and some other close cousins to stay in his suite until their flight tomorrow afternoon, wanting to be surrounded by close friends and (almost) family. 
As for your family, they decide to find the silver lining. While the chapel was able to cancel the wedding, the reception wasn’t as easy to sway. At the very last second, your grandparents decided to make use of the reception and renew their Golden Anniversary vows instead. The ceremony will be a quick, sweet affair. At this very moment, your cousin Yoongi is getting officiated online. 
And for you? You’re in the place where you’ve wanted to remain all week. A fluffy hotel bed wrapped up with your not-boyfriend. 
Would a not-boyfriend be snuggling against your chest like you’re the softest teddy bear in the toy shop? Would a not-boyfriend be hooking your leg atop his lap, forcing you to latch onto him so his hands can roam freely against your soft thighs? 
“We have to get ready for the wedding,” you whine against his hold, to no avail when he only holds you tighter. 
“But your grandparents are already married,” Jungkook whines right back, nuzzling his nose in your head. “This is like an afterparty fifty years later.” 
“I wanna get dressed,” you insist, pushing yourself up, “and we still need to talk.” 
Without Seokjin staying with you, the hotel room feels much bigger and freer for the two of you. Your clothes are scattered on the floor, uncaring of any wrinkles or smears that would get on the delicate fabric. 
All that matters is that Jungkook is still here with you. Doyeon’s wedding is called off, but he’s still lying in bed with you. You want to burn this image to memory, and keep it forever. Jungkook laying in only his white undershirt and boxers, looking at you dreamily as if he’s still in nap-mode. Hair that was previously windswept and exposing his forehead is now out of place, fluffy and sticking out in all directions. His cheeks are flushed with coral-colored warmth, and a little puffy because you two have been sleeping most of the afternoon. 
“Right, talk,” he repeats, letting you hand him his black button up so he can clothe himself. 
You throw off your shirt somewhere behind you, not wanting to face him as you walk to the full-length mirror. “So, I think my feelings for you are pretty clear and out in the open…” 
“Same, I think I made it pretty clear as well.” 
“What? You turn around, looking at where he’s still half-covered in bed. “You did not. I distinctly remember almost confessing my love to you last night. And then this morning, only for you to cut me off and say ‘that’s great’.” 
“Oh,” he stares at the white sheets that cover his lower half. “I guess I didn’t then.” 
You smile wryly, turning back to face the mirror so you can slip into your dress that’s been pooled around your ankles like a silver halo. “Maybe you thought it in your mind and forgot to tell me.” 
That seems about right. Jungkook has a tendency to be a little too passionate for his own good, windswept in thoughts and feelings until they consume him. He hops out of bed, walking only in his dress shirt and socks as he makes his way to the mirror. “Then let me do all the talking,” he says softly against your neck, hands on your hips. 
You shiver when you feel the cold silver of the zipper whirr up your body, Jungkook’s large hands splaying across your back to smooth out the waistline. 
“You of all people would know that being with Doyeon is a trip,” he chuckles into the crook of your neck, “I thought that was what love felt like. Being codependent, jumping through hurdles, trying so hard to please someone who can’t be pleased.” 
Jungkook’s hands wrap around your waist, hugging you tightly. He squeezes you and holds you like the most precious thing in the entire world. Through the mirror, you two are quite a pair. 
“But with you, I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.” 
“So… are you saying you love me?” you fight the urge to bounce around in his grip, the biggest smile on your face.  
“You really just want me to say ‘I love you’ and be done with it, huh?” 
Within seconds he’s pulling you from behind, whirling you around to the edge of the bed. He manages to flouce up your skirts to billow around his lap, sitting you down on his bare thighs. 
“You look like a cupcake, all sprawled up like this,” Jungkook says cutely, peppering kisses in a trail from your chest all the way to your lips. “You look like a huge, silvery cupcake and I love you. It’s so easy to love you.” 
Maybe it was kismet that Jungkook didn’t get to you first all those years ago. Maybe the right time is right here, right now. 
“I love you, too,” you say happily, dipping down to press a long, passionate kiss to his lips. He tastes like love and a happy future. When you pull away, you encapsulate his face in both your palms, regarding him like the sun and stars. “But you know, if we date you’ll never get away from my crazy family.” 
Jungkook snorts, pressing his forehead to yours, “And miss Yoongi re-marrying off your grandparents tonight, the next year of Seokjin and Namjoon running circles around each other, and a lifetime of happiness?” his hands snake under your dress, finding purchase in your soft skin, “not a chance.” 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (Pt. 8)
Pairing: JJ x Female!Reader / Topper x Female!Reader 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: smut, swearing, underage drinking, drugs 
Part Summary: Y/N must attend the dinner her parents planned. After, she and Topper attend Kelce’s party. 
A/N: not proof read bc school is life rn but I wanna keep updating. ALSO DANG TOPPER IS SPICY IN THIS!!!!
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Your dad hands the keys over to the valet as the other Club worker opens your car door and offers you his hand. You accept, slipping out of the SUV gracefully. Rhett meets you, offering you his arm for which you take and follow him inside. 
"I can't breathe," you inhale shapely. 
"Hot?" Your brother guesses as he buttons up his blazer. 
"No, this satin dress doesn't give at all and Mom made me get a size smaller because she thought it made me look thinner," you grumble, tugging at the unforgiving fabric. 
"She's probably just trying to punish you because of the whole diabolical with Crystal," he points out. 
"Oh, I know she is, she hates that some of her and Dad's friends saw it. They wouldn't shut up about it when I got home," you whisper between the two of you as you cross the threshold into the Club. 
You stop in the lobby with your parents a few feet ahead at the hostess podium with Sarah's parents and Topper's mom. You spot Rafe at the bar with a scotch in hand, Sarah nowhere to be seen. If she managed to get out of this dinner you'll be royally pissed, mainly jealous. 
"Where were you last night anyway?" Rhett’s brows scrunch together. 
"After Topper dropped me off I went over to Sarah's," you lie without a hint of hesitation. 
"What?" He frowns in confusion. "But after lunch Rafe, Kelce, and I went back to his house? Rafe said Sarah was with that John B kid.” 
"Yeah, I picked Sarah up before you guys got there and we hung out for a little bit. After, I dropped her off at John B's," you conjure up as you go. 
"So then where did you sleep?" Rhett inquires, pressing further. 
"On Mars, Rhett!” You snap, much to your brother’s surprise. “Jesus, Mary, and the damn camel," you curse under your breath. 
"Why do you swear all of a sudden? It's not polite, especially in this setting," he hisses between his teeth, checking around for any prying eyes. 
"Because maybe I've lost my marbles or PMSing, you pick," you bite back quietly. 
"Whatever, I'm going to go grab a drink," he huffs, holding his hands up in surrender. "You should do the same," he suggests before disappearing toward the bar and lounge. 
You linger in your spot, observing your fellow Kooks go about their business in their fancy dinner attire. You honestly wonder if some of them ever leave the Club or if they keep closets in the locker rooms. 
“One gin and tonic,” Topper announces as he appears beside you with two glasses. 
“God, I love you," you mumble, taking the drink from him and immediately taking a sip. 
He rubs his hand up and down your bare arm. “You seem tense." 
“I’m practically in a corset!" You roll your eyes. 
“You look amazing,” he compliments with a charming smile. 
“Thanks...” You sigh, unsure of where you two stand. 
After this afternoon, after... well... everything said, you don't know the dynamic between you and Topper. Despite the uncertainty, you still depend on him to get you through this dinner. You feel as though your only friends at the table are Topper and Sarah, and even those two don't like each other. 
“Geez Topper...” You huff in disapproval. 
“Sorry! But you gotta admit it’s not exactly the Four Seasons...” He chuckles. 
“Hey Y/N!” Sarah greets, appearing from the bathroom. “Where did you get here?”
“Minutes ago and I’m already over it,” you grumble.
“If you need a ride to John B’s, he’s picking me up after,” she offers.
You exhale deeply, glancing between her and Topper, unsure of what to say. Yes, you have plans with JJ, but you also aren’t confident in speaking about it in front of Topper.
“Yeah, I’ll think about it. I might want to run home first or something,” you satisfy her and remain vague.
“Topper! Y/N! Sarah!” Your dad waves you guys over as the hostess prepares to seat you all. 
“I’ll see you guys out there, I’m going to grab a drink!” Sarah announces before dismissing herself. 
You and Topper begin toward the doors leading out to the patio, a few yards behind your families. 
“Kelce is after a party later, would you maybe wanna come with me?” Topper offers with a smirk.
“I’m supposed to..." You catch yourself before you mention JJ. "Maybe for a little bit.”
“You’re supposed to meet him?” Topper predicts correctly, making you awkwardly take a sip of your drink and avoid his gaze. “Maybe if you drink enough you’ll start seeing two and The Cut wouldn’t look like utter shit," Topper insults passive-aggressively.  
“I’ll come and have a drink, but that’s all!" You agree to go with Topper to the Kelce's reluctantly. "I don’t want anything that Rafe has up his sleeve.” 
“Noted," Topper gives you a reassuring smile.
"Wait," you halt, giving Topper's arm a slight squeeze. You feel the overwhelming need to speak with Topper for a second before you all gather around a table like one big interconnected family. "Do you know?”
“About what?” The boy frowns in confusion. You glance over at your family anxiously, watching everyone disappear onto the patio outside. Topper takes your hand in his and turns to you. “Y/N, what is it?” 
“That our parents practically have the wedding favors picked out," you rush out nervously, unable to fully believe that this is your reality. 
Topper exhales deeply, his eyes falling to the floor. He does know. “My mom has made some interesting passive comments lately," he nods. "I suspected but I wasn’t positive.” 
“My mom spoke to me before we got here," you describe, checking around the room for any eavesdroppers. "She wanted me to gloat, hang on you, and basically show the Camerons that we’re... I don’t even know...” You shake your head frantically. 
“Together,” Topper finishes your sentence. 
“It sounds so ancient but ‘promised to each other,’" you explain in greater detail. "It’s insane! I mean, we’re only in high school!” 
"You don’t have to do anything!” He comes up with a game plan to get you both through the evening. “Let’s just continue as we have been. They’ll be satisfied and we won’t be losing our willpower.” 
“Okay,” you swallow hard with a faint nod. 
“It’ll be okay," Topper reaches up and cups your cheek comfortingly, peering into your eyes. He leans forward, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Well into the evening, Kelce's house is packed to the brim with teenage Kooks and some tourons that snuck their way in. Music blasts from the speakers in the ceiling and water from the pool are scattered across the tile living room. Everyone's in their bathing suits, traveling in and out of the water. Cups litter the floor and various conversations overwhelm the ears. On the balcony, you find yourself leaning against the railing watching people jump off the roof into the pool below as Topper does lines with Rafe on the coffee table just a few feet away. Your bare stomach exposed by your bikini presses against the cool glass railing, keeping you awake. 
"Come on, Princess!" Rafe waves you over, overtly intoxicated. "Got enough for you!" 
“I don’t want anything Rafe!” You remind him. 
“You will," he chuckles, not believing you for a second. "Once you start drinking you always do. You could just skip the innocent act and let yourself go.” 
Topper rises from his seated position and walks over to join you. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as he leans against the rail. He sniffs a few times, making sure all of the coke remains inside. 
“One more drink and we’re leaving,” you tell Topper quietly between the two of you. 
"I know," he nods, planting a kiss on your temple. “We’ll go.” 
You turn toward, peering down at the people as they mess around in the pool. Topper stands behind you, his arms gripping the railing on either side of you. His chest presses to your back as he leans down and plants a kiss to your neck. You tilt your head to the side, granting him better access, causing him to smile against your skin. You’re not sure why you get this way with him when you drink. You’ve thought it over a million times over the years. Is it because it’s what you soberly want but are too afraid to admit? Or, is it because it’s a way to let go? Either way, you and Topper become insufferable whenever you two get too deep, which why you refuse to do anything. If you get any deeper... well... Bermuda is a prime example. 
1 hour later.... 
The drinks slip by you and you quickly lose track of the number. Tequila shots, margarita mix, gin, and coke, everything's mixed. The music has become louder, the colored lights have become brighter, your senses are doing their best to remain active, but your mind is fading. You love this feeling, not having a care in the world. The weight that your parents have placed on your shoulders has long disappeared. Half an hour ago, you and Topper were sharing a joint with Kelce on the roof and now you two are caught in a beer pong tournament.You're slowly starting to lose interest in the game, eager to jump off the roof into the pool as you've seen daredevils do all night. 
"Come on, Top! Please!" You tug on the boy's arm, pleading with him again to jump off the roof with you. 
He does his best to focus on the game at hand, the ball in his hand to take a shot. He squeezes your hand and brings it to his lips for a quick peck. "One second, Baby." 
Drunkenly, you rest your forehead against his bicep, waiting for him to take his shot. Topper tosses the ball, making it into the final cup and the rules call for no redemption. 
“We win!” Topper cheers, causing you to lift your head. Again! The champions!” 
“Woohoo!” You giggle, raising your cup in the air.
Topper wraps his arms around your waist and picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he spins you. He tilts his head back, exposing his sharp jawline as he peers up at you. Staring into his eyes, you two are so immersed in each other that you get carried away and your lips meet. Neither of you is in the right mind to comprehend it, but this is a pattern. You two get intoxicated on a mixture of alcohol and drugs and your natural touchy friendship gets an intensity boost. 
Kelce whistles at the sight of you, urging you guys on. “They act like they’re not together, then they do that!” He not so well whispers to Rafe. 
"Same shit, different night," Rafe grumbles, clearly jealous. He silently wishes he was Topper. He would give anything to have a chance with you. “I wonder how Rhett would feel learning his sister is a slut for his best friend.” 
Kelce shoves him on the shoulder. “Don’t be an ass. Besides, Rhett knows Topper has a thing for her.” 
“But does Y/N have a thing for him or is it just sex?” Rhett challenges, watching you two and hating it. 
Topper lets you down as your lips part. His hands slip down your waist to rest on your ass, giving it a slight squeeze. You bite down on your lower lip, your attention on Topper's smirk.  
“Hey Top!" Rafe pulls Topper's attention and tosses him a metal canister. "For you my friend!" 
Topper pops open the old Altoids container to reveal a pile of color tabs. "Aw no," Topper laughs, tossing his head back. 
“Woah woah woah!" You place your hand over Topper's before has the chance to even think about taking anything. You glare at Rafe, "what is that?” 
“Candy,” Rafe snickers sarcastically. He rises from his seat position and stands before you, taking the tin from Topper. “Here take one," the boy offers with raised brows.  
You push the container back to Rafe. “No, I said I didn’t want to do anything tonight!” 
Beside you, Topper reaches into the container, selects a square piece carefully with the provided tweezers, and places the rainbow paper on his tongue. 
“Try it, Princess,” Rafe pressures with a smirk. 
You glance between Rafe and Topper. The blonde gives you a wink. "You'll feel good," he assures you, rubbing his hand up and down your spine slowly. 
You think it over for a second to the best of your ability. You said you wouldn't do anything hard tonight, but you also don't want to sober up anytime soon. You feel too good. You wish you felt this way all the time. You love yourself when you're carefree. On a whim, you give in and pick up the tweezers to select a piece. You place the bit on your tongue, earning a mischievous smirk from Rafe and words from approval from Topper. You don't know much about what Rafe does, but you know from watching that it takes a while for stuff like this to kick in, so you wait. 
Thirty minutes later... 
After taking swim minutes ago, you and Topper seek some privacy away from the party antics to dry off. You two travel up to the third floor of the house in the dark, this part of the house practically untouched by the people below. You shuffle along the floor in the hall in search of the balcony. You nearly trip of the runner, but Topper catches you by the waist. 
“Oh shit!” You gasp. Abruptly, Topper squats down and tucks his arm under your legs. You fly up and he begins to carry you bridal style. “Topper!” You giggle. 
“Like a proper princess, let me carry you up the tower!” He jokes. 
“You’re ridiculous!” You laugh as Topper navigates his way through Kelce's room toward the screen door leading outside. 
You tilt your head back, letting your hair flow as Topper carries you out onto the balcony. The night breeze and salty scent of the ocean fill your senses. Whatever Rafe gave you is immaculate. You've never felt so connected to the world before. Suddenly, Topper releases you, letting you fall onto one of those massive round loungers with a squeal. You lay back onto the lounger, pondering the sensation of the soft fabric beneath you. 
“You’re exquisite,” Topper admires, towering over you with a gawking look on his face. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows with a smirk. "You too." 
Topper plops down beside you, sliding to be close to your side. His fingertips glide up and down your arm. “How are you feeling?” 
Your eyes fall shut with a grin. “Like I’m on a cloud," you describe in a whisper as you ponder the sensation of his warm fingers on your cool skin. “You feel on fire. So warm...” 
“Do you like it?” He asks in a whisper and you can feel the warm breath wave over your cheek. 
You hum, focusing on every detail of his touch. You exhale deeply as Topper brushes his lips across your collar bone and planting a kiss on your skin. 
“Do you regret us?” He whispers. You don't see it, but Topper watches you intently with a softly broken expression. He hopes you don't. God, does he want to beg you to be his, only his. 
You shake your head, breathless. "No." 
Glad to say the least, Topper moves his attention to your neck, kissing and sucking hard on the sensitive skin. His hand roams your waist down to your inner thigh, making you inhale sharply. Your back arches off the lounger and toward his hand between your legs. You crave to feel more of him. 
“Are you sure?” He checks quietly in your ear. 
“Yes,” you exhale, too overwhelmed by the pleasure growing inside you to focus on his questions. 
As you kisses Topper, you chase the sensation he’s giving you. You're addicted to the way he makes you feel. Topper's lips travel down from your jawline to your chest. The memories of winter break, Bermuda, every intense moment you and Topper have ever shared are your driving force right now. As Topper leaves a trail of affection down your collarbone to your chest, he begins to untie your bikini. Then, your thoughts fixate on JJ. His face flickers across your mind. Physically, you want Topper, but all you can think about is JJ. You wonder where he is, what he's doing, if he's thinking about you. 
You're so far into your own thoughts that your body goes through the motions subconsciously. You're partially distracted by your thoughts of JJ, but the drugs and alcohol also cloud your mind. You're not entirely sure how things escalated, but deep down you're not shocked. It's you and Topper, you've never been fully satisfied when it comes to one another. You can't help but to feel everything, pondering the glorious and overwhelming pleasure as Topper thrusts into you. 
You bite down on her lip, restricting yourself from accidentally whispering JJ’s name. “Topper,” you pant, focusing. 
“Say it again, Beautiful,” Topper pants, planting a kiss to your chest as he picks up his pace. 
“Please Topper,” you whisper breathlessly. 
“God, you’re so perfect,” he grunts, finding himself getting closer with each syllable leaving your lips. 
Topper is your greatest addiction. He’s everything you're supposed to want. He’s utterly devoted to you and secretly you crave his attention. You roll your hips, making him go deeper inside of you, much to his surprise. 
“Fuck Y/N,” he moans in your ear. 
“Holy shit,” you mutter uncontrollably. 
“You always feel so good," Topper swallows hard. "I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.” 
Your nails graze down his back, knowing how much he loves that. “Keep going, I’m so close,” you plead, needing him closer though you know that's impossible. 
“That’s it, Beautiful," Topper guides. "Cum for me,” he demands more than requests. 
“Yes, Topper!" You moan, chasing the high. "Yes!” 
“You’re gonna make me cum,” Topper whispers against the skin of your neck and planting a kiss on your jawline. 
He lifts his head, meeting your gaze. The moment is intimate and draws you two together. You nod, staring into his eyes. “Cum for me." 
You feel Topper finish inside you, a sensation you've experienced almost a dozen times, but it's never enough. Knowing that you can make Topper feel so free and satisfied sometimes keeps you awake at night. Topper  settles down on the lounger next to you, panting. 
You glance at one another, meeting each other's gaze as you catch your breath. You two laugh, in disbelief of what just occurred. 
“Wow!” Topper chuckles. 
You raise your brows, in awe. “I know." 
“And I thought we wouldn’t outdo Bermuda,” he recalls. 
“I swear Bermuda was the Twilight Zone or something," you giggle. "I only remember flashes of it.”
Topper's eyes grow wide and he places his hand over yours. “Do you remember when we found Rafe with that Brazilian chick!” 
“Oh my God!" You gasp, turning onto your side to face him. "They were on that nasty leather couch that Kelce spilled the grenadine all over!” 
“We were off our asses most of the time,” Topper remembers, pulling you into his side. His arm wraps around you like a protective blanket. 
“Facts, we didn’t see Rafe or Kelce for most of it," you add with a snicker. "I think my brother slept out by the pool every night." 
“I honestly don’t even remember Rhett after the plane landing," Topper confesses, his eyes flicker up to the stary sky. "Plane lands, a week goes by no recollection of Rhett, see Rhett on the plane.” 
“You’re kidding!” You gasp. 
“Dead serious! I swear we left him at the airport,” Topper elaborates with a wide grin. 
“He carried you home from the bar that third night!” You remind him. 
His eyes grow wide, utterly surprised. “I thought that was you!” 
“How could it have been me?!” You swiftly counter, laughing harder than you have in a while. 
“That’s why I was so confused!” He reasons. 
“You’re insane!” You struggle to say between fits of laughter. 
You two share in your laughter, not having had a moment like this in a while. You guys have had so much going on that the last time you truly felt at peace together and free to let go was Bermuda. Had you known that coming home would've meant the end of your two's peace of mind, you're not sure if you would've left. You rest your cheek against his chest, settling in comfortably. 
“I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us this way,” he confesses softly. 
“I forgot how good it could be,” you admit with a content smile. 
 Topper glides his fingertips up and down your spine. “Well, I guess that proves it then.” 
You lift your head, resting your chin on his chest to meet his gaze. “Proves what?” 
“It’s JJ,” Topper sighs, giving you a knowing look. 
Your brows scrunch together in confusion. Swiftly, you shuffle through your memories of minutes before, did you say JJ's name? You're almost certain you didn't. You did everything in your power not to. “What do you mean?” 
“I can tell," he shrugs, bringing a hand up to brush your hair away from your face. "It felt great but also different than before. I knew when I had you. I don’t anymore.” 
Your eyes fall to your hand resting on his chest, avoiding his gaze. He caresses your cheek lovingly, despite knowing the truth. “I’m sorry, Topper...” you mumble, full of guilt. 
“It’s okay," he tries to reassure you. "You can love two people at the same time, just in their own way.” 
"I just..." you sit up, frustrated and unable to fully put into words what you're struggling with. Topper sits up beside you, rubbing your back. "When I'm with JJ I'm this one person and when I'm with you I'm completely different! I'm not sure which one is the real me." 
"You don't have to have all answers, just take it day by day," he advises reasonably. "Right now, let's just forget everything else and be here. Nothing can bother us here." 
You exhale deeply and Topper guides you to lay back down. You two stare up at the sky in each other's arms, the faint sounds of the party below not invading either of your minds. The warm night's air breezes by, coating you in a shield of peace. 
“Do you think ten years from now we’ll still be doing this?” Topper wonders. 
“Kinda wanna be married by then,” you giggle. 
“I know, I’d be your side hoe,” he clarifies. 
You swat him on the arm. “Topper!” 
“What!” He laughs. 
“You can’t plan on cheating on your future wife!” You argue playfully. 
“But it’s you, you don’t count!" He reasons. "It’s the Y/N Hall Pass. My wife is wife, obviously my life partner, but you’re... well you’re you," he adds gently, unsure how to describe it. 
“Wow, that’s real flattering,” you joke. 
“You know what I mean!" He rolls his eyes but struggles to hide his amusement. "You know that movie you made me watch last month uh... My Best Friend’s Wedding!” He remembers. You hum, of course, you do, you love that movie. Topper continues, “well, you’re my Julia Roberts.” 
“You want me to try to break up your wedding?” You question, wondering where he's going with this. 
“No, no! Well... if you really think she’s not the one but that’s beside the point," he shakes his head. "I’m talking about what Cameron Diaz said in that elevator scene.” 
“He’s got you on a pedestal and me in his arms,” you quote, predicting his intention. 
Topper tucks his finger under your chin, making you lift your head to meet his gaze. His eyes pour into yours with such intensity, you know he means whatever he's going to say with the utmost certainty. “No one can compete with you, Y/N. Whoever I end up marrying, if I end marrying anyone, they’ll have to be okay that.” 
You lean forward, gently pressing a kiss to Topper's lips. You're not sure if it'll be your last one, but either way, it reminds you of a farewell or closing note. Topper deepens the kiss, bringing his hand to the back of your head, pulling you in. It carries more passion and longing than any other kiss you two have shared, and you've kissed a lot over the years. 
After a couple of minutes under the stars, you and Topper agree that it's time to return to the party before anyone comes searching for you. 
"Wasn't a bad last hoorah if you ask me," Topper concludes as he helps you tie up your top. 
You spin on your heels to face him, bringing your arms to rest on his shoulders. "We really went out with a bang, pun intended." 
"If he ever breaks your heart, I'm first in line," he winks, bringing his hands to your waist. 
You lift your hand to his cheek, caressing his cheekbone with your thumb. "I want you to be happy, even if that's not with me." 
He scoffs, holding back his emotions. "Why does it feel like we're breaking up?" He tries to laugh it off. 
"In a way, we are..." You admit, causing Topper to look at you with surprise. He hadn't expected you to agree, though deep down, he hoped you would. 
He slips his head to the side and presses a kiss to your palm before lowering your hand to rest within his. "I'm slowly coming to terms that it may not be you, though I always imagined it was. I sorta feel like I'm starting from scratch. Whenever I envisioned my future, it was with you. Now, the face is blank. I have no idea what's going to happen," he confesses with a breathless laugh, a hint of worry behind the sound. 
"How exciting!" You encourage. 
"Always the optimist," Topper chuckles, before draping an arm across your shoulders and guiding you toward the doors. "Us ending up together would've been too easy anyway. I hate being predictable," he frowns in disgust. 
"Agreed, far too simple," you nod. 
Topper pauses before the door leading out to the hallway. Once you two leave the safety of the third floor, this time you've had alone will be over. Things will never be the same once you close this chapter. Topper peers down at you, longing to tell you. “You know I’ll always be there for you, right?” 
You nod slowly, certain of his words. “Me too, Topper.” 
He leans down, planting a long kiss on your forehead and you can feel the struggle behind the action. Everything about this is bittersweet. “I love you." 
“I love you too," you whisper. 
Tags:@starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things  @hockeybabe87​ @jolomez​ @plutooryectors 
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Echos In The Caverns
word count: 2,096
summary: while exploring, tubbo made an incredible discovery, and was desperate to show his best friend in grand-tubbo-fashion! however, that was just the one thing that led them to discover a large problem.
if you couldn’t tell, this fic was heavily inspired by the minecraft caves and cliffs update, i think it turned out nicely :D also if you tag this as ship i will personally hunt you down and whack you with my block button
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
Tubbo_: TOMMY
Tommyinnit: what
Tubbo_: wheree are u
Tommyinnit: i’m at my house
Tommyinnit: why
Tubbo_: can yoyou come to your hotel
Tubbo_: and wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty!!!!!
Tommyinnit: why??
Tubbo_: you’ll see!!!
Tommy always knew that Tubbo tended to be quite the… holder of schemes. Good schemes? Maybe. Bad schemes? Also maybe. It really just depended on the day. It wasn’t irregular of him to not say what his plans were either, the young boy was often one for surprises.
Tommy looked down at the clothes he was currently wearing. A red and white baseball shirt and some khakis, also known as what he wore pretty much everyday. He had plenty of other shirts and pants that looked similar, (if not, the exact same) so it would be fine if he got just one outfit a little wet.
The young boy headed out of his small residence, which wasn’t at all far from the hotel at all. He walked down the prime path, entering the gate and heading for the front of the hotel, only to see no one there.
“Tubbo? Where are ya, bee boy?” He mumbled under his breath, looking for his best friend. He wandered around to the back… maybe he was there?
And there he was.
Tubbo had his back turned, placing a line of redstone dust along the ground. He stood up, wiping the dust off of his hands, then turned around with a grin.
“Tommy!!” He ran over to his best friend, engulfing the other in a tight hug.
“Tubbo! You’re gonna get fuckin’ redstone dust all over me.” He grumbled, though a smile was on his face. He could feel Tubbo take his hands, guiding him over and walking the two of them next to a lever that wasn’t there the last time Tommy was here.
“Okay, so earlier, I decided to dig straight down, right at this spot.”
“Idiot.” Tommy poked fun at his best friend.
“I thought it would be a bad idea too, but let me finish. Anyways, I just wanted to do it because, y’know, I wanted to see where it would take me! And man, I discovered something incredible, Tommy.” Tubbo turned around leaning down a flipping the switch of the lever.
“So that’s what you’re going to be showing me, right?” Tommy crossed his arms.
“Mhm!” The older of the two stood back up, looking at Tommy with excitement in his eyes. “Just be sure to be prepared for the drop!”
“…The drop? Wh-”
Before Tommy could finish, he heard the sound of pistons and felt the ground disappear underneath him. Before he knew it, the two of them were falling. It was pitch black, and the two of them were falling and screaming. They let out two different screams, Tubbo’s out of thrill and adrenaline and Tommy’s out of pure fear.
It took about ten seconds of falling and screaming for them to finally see light, but Tommy was too terrified to open his eyes. Instead, he was met with the chilling feeling of cold water. Panicked, he opened his eyes as much as he could and swam to the surface, gasping for air.
“TUBBO! WHAT THE FUCK?!” He yelled at the other, who had also risen from the surface. “What the fuck was that for?! You can’t just make us drop like that with no warning, I thought we were gonna die! I-“
“Oh, quit whining and swim to the shore!” Tubbo brushed him off. Tommy huffed, but obeyed, throwing his arms in front of him to propel him forward. Tubbo got to the shore first, and pulled him out of the water.
“Tubbo, why the fuck did you think that was a good idea?!”
“Tommy- Tommy, calm down. One, I would never kill you on purpose. And two, this was the easiest and quickest way down! Anyways, look behind you. Turn around.” Tubbo said to him. Tommy rolled his eyes and turned, expecting nothing grand, but his eyes widened in shock.
It was the most incredible thing he had ever seen.
A roaring waterfall poured water into the lake they had just dropped into, and sides of the waterfall were lined with purple gemstones. Ores lined the stone walls and lush moss covered the ceiling, draping down. Small, jagged rocks on the ceiling were covered by moss, and it looked like someone, likely Tubbo, had placed torches and lanterns around the area.
“What… What is this?” Tommy asked, jaw agape.
“What you’re looking at is the coolest cave the two of us will ever lay eyes upon.” Tubbo grinned, placing a hand on Tommy’s wet shoulder.
“…Holy shit, Tubbo! This is fucking incredible! A-And you found this just through digging down?!”
“Yep! Now come on, there’s tons of cool things here that you gotta see!” The ram hybrid grabbed Tommy’s hand, running around the lake and dragging him along.
Tommy honestly wasn’t sure if he had ever seen anything this amazing before. He got to climb hills of stone and ore, swim in the grand lake, and he and Tubbo even found an axolotl! They took it in a bucket with water, and since it was pink, they agreed on the name of “Technoblade Jr.”
Eventually though, all good things had to come to an end. The torches wouldn’t fend off monsters forever, so the two of them decided it was best to go back to the surface. Tubbo said that he had dug out a staircase through the stone that led to the surface, somewhere near Eret’s castle.
There was only one small problem. They couldn’t find it.
“I-It should be this way!”
“Tubbo, we’ve been down here for, like- for fuckin’ ever!”
“Okay, we’ve been here for a few hours at the most. And majority of that isn’t even us searching for the stairs.” Tubbo rolled his eyes.
Tommy sighed as he and Tubbo only found another dead end, a wall covered in vines and moss. “Face it, Tubbo. We’re lost. We’re fuckin’ lost, and we’re going to have to spend the night here.” He set a torch on the wall, taking a moment to sit down.
“Oh, don’t say that, Tommy!” His friend sat down next to him on the ground. Tommy crossed his arms, looking away and making Tubbo frown. “Look, we can always make a new staircase! It’ll take a while, but we can do it!” He nudged Tommy lightly with his elbow, but only got more of the silent treatment.
Tubbo huffed in annoyance. Tommy tended to get silent when things didn’t go his way, which was understandable. But it would get frustrating to Tubbo sometimes, he wouldn’t lie. And what’s worse was that he could clearly tell that Tommy was upset, and he wasn’t saying anything about it. He lightly leaned against Tommy’s shoulder, the silence being oddly comforting for a moment.
Tubbo stood up, leaving Tommy to mope by himself. He had to admit, this was a cool place to be lost in. The sights were incredible, and there were so many things he hadn’t found in caves before. Glowing squids, axolotls, crystals, cave vines…
Cave vines.
That’s it! He knew exactly what would cheer Tommy up! Why didn’t he think of this sooner?
Tubbo walked towards the longest vine he could find that draped from the stone ceiling, standing on his toes to pull it down and grinning as the vine snapped in two. He threaded the vine through his fingers, glad to find that it wasn’t rough and didn’t have anything sharp on it. He sat down next to Tommy, holding the vine in his hands.
“Tommy…” He leaned towards his friend, still not getting a response. Quietly, he draped the vine around Tommy’s neck. The other noticed, but said nothing. That is, not until his shoulders scrunched up when he felt Tubbo pull the vine across his neck.
“Tubbo-” He said softly, slamming his lips shut afterwards.
“What’s up, Tommy?” He asked, lightly scratching the other’s neck with his fingers.
“Where’s that smile, big man?” Tubbo used his other hand to poke his friend in the side a couple of times, grinning as he saw a smile start to form at the corner of Tommy’s lips.
“Tuhubbo, quihit it!” He giggled, starting to move away before Tubbo wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, trapping him in a half-hug.
“There we go!” Tubbo scribbled his fingers across Tommy’s stomach, making the young boy squeal and bury his head into Tubbo’s shoulder as an attempt to hide his face. Tommy laughed, trying to grab at Tubbo’s hands.
“Don’t even try to fight back, mister.” He rolled his eyes. “I wanna make sure that you keep smiling! These caves are no place to be sad!”
“TuHUHUB- *snrk* TUHUBBO! Dohohon’t!” Tommy snorted, eventually grabbing onto one of Tubbo’s wrists. Tubbo brought his other hand back to drill his fingers back into Tommy’s stomach, the other laughing and eventually grabbing onto Tubbo’s other wrist. Both of them grinned as residual laughter spilled out of Tommy’s mouth.
“You’re so fuckin’ mean.” Tommy huffed out, unable to fight a grin.
“Oh, come on, you were sad! What else am I supposed to do, not what I do whenever you’re sad?” Tubbo rolled his eyes, smirking. “Besides, you didn’t fight back. We know you liked it.”
Tommy blinked, feeling his cheeks warm up, then narrowed his eyes. “Oh, you’re asking for it.” He growled, holding the other’s hands above his head.
Tubbo squeaked, already starting to squirm. “Wahait, no! Nonono, dohon’t!” He said, unable to stop giggles from coming out from hiding.
“Aww, what’s wrong, Tubbo? Are you scared? Scared of just a little tiny bit of tickling?” Tommy smirked, holding his wrists firmly and letting go, shooting his hands into his friend’s underarms. Tubbo immediately broke, instantly leaning towards the ground to try and get away.
“NoHOHO- gehehehet oHOHOut of thehehere!” Tubbo giggled, twisting his body to try and push off Tommy’s hands.
“You did the exact same to me! It’s only natural to expect revenge!” Tommy scribbled more rapidly, grinning as the other squealed and started to kick his legs. “Wow, Tubbo. Sometimes, I honestly forget how fuckin’ ticklish you are. And then I rediscover it for myself, and I remember just how ballistic you go every time!”
“ShUHUT UHUhup, yohou dihiHIhick!” The ram hybrid yelled through giggles.
“Hey! Well that’s just rude now, isn’t it? Guess you need to learn a lesson, huh?” Tommy asked, chuckling as Tubbo rapidly shook his head. Tommy started to squeeze up and down his thighs, and the other squealed, throwing his head back and hugging himself.
“TOHOhoHOmMY!! NohohoHOHO!!”
“Oh, you brought this onto yourself, don’t even try to “Tommy, no” me!” Tommy played around, trying to see what would work back. Squeezing the back of Tubbo’s thighs made him squeak, squeezing rapidly up and down made him squeal, and raking nails up and down the inner thighs made him cackle.
“TOHOHOMMY!! PleheHEAHase, I- StohoHOhop!!” Tubbo rocked back and forth.
“Hmmm… alright.” Tommy said after a moment of thinking, drawing his hands back.
“Wahait, really?” A giggly Tubbo was quite surprised, starting to sit up.
“…No.” Tommy smirked, suddenly pushing the other’s shirt up, leaning down, and blowing a raspberry on his bare stomach. Tubbo shrieked, retreating back to the ground instantaneously.
“NOHOHOHO- AHAHAHAHA!!! TOHOHOHOMMEHEY!!!” Tubbo squirmed around, trying to get away as Tommy now scribbled and clawed as his stomach with all ten fingers. His laughter echoed throughout the caves, filling Tommy with glee.
“Come on, you deserve this for all of the times you got back at me!” His friend grinned, leaning down to blow another raspberry right onto Tubbo’s belly button. The ram’s laughter went silent momentarily, then came back in the form of cackles with hiccups mixed in. Tommy stopped, laughing softly and ruffling Tubbo’s hair.
“You feeling better, big man?” Tubbo asked with a stupidly large grin on his face.
“Much better.” Tommy grinned, standing up and extending a hand towards his friend, helping him off of the ground. “Now, come on, grab your pickaxe. That staircase isn’t gonna build itself now, innit?”
Tubbo nodded, pulling out a pickaxe and starting to help Tommy dig out a path to the surface. He looked behind him one last time, deciding that he needed to come back here again sometime with Tommy, and maybe some other friends.
After all, it’s good to go back to places that bring you happy memories, right?
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
There's Sand Everywhere!
(quick shoutout to @fires-of-ninjago for the title idea and inspiration for this- you remember that ask game where people suggested titles for fics and you had to come up with a story to go along with it? Well, he sent in this title, and I came up with this, and liked it so much that I screenshotted it and- here we are!)
Prompts: Summer and Heist
Word Count: 7,922
Characters: The whole gang (including Pixal) :)
Timeline: Between seasons 12 and 13
Trigger Warnings: none (holy shit that's never happened before-)
Summary: It was just supposed to be a day off. A simple beach day. But when your family consists of six ninja and a samurai, including a nindroid convinced he’s a detective, his reluctant sidekick, an aquaphobe, a girl who can command the sea, an unassuming teen who seems to attract every animal he crosses paths with, and a bunch of argumentative idiots, nothing is ever that easy.
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“We,” Kai proclaimed, surveying the room, “Need a day off.”
Lloyd shrieked at the fire ninja’s sudden outburst, falling out of his chair. Jay broke into snickers, and Lloyd shot him a glare.
“Kai,” Zane sighed, “get off the table.”
Kai stuck his tongue out at the nindroid, but hopped down, anyway. “Look at you guys!” Kai waved his hands at the group for emphasis. Papers fluttered to the ground where Lloyd had knocked them in his fall, Jay and Nya were sitting on the ground, surrounded by stacks of books tall enough to be mistaken for some kind of fort, Pixal was gathering some of the papers that had gone everywhere, while Cole and Zane had only just paused in their task of boxing up and carrying crates to the far side of the room. “Filing documents and organizing? Boooring.”
“Tasks which you’ve been a big help with, by the way,” Lloyd grumbled, as Cole offered him a hand and pulled him to his feet. He turned back to the desk, shuffling papers off of the keyboard of his laptop, the screen filled with lines of script and dozens of files that made Kai's brain hurt just to look at.
Nya pushed her reading glasses up her nose. “Jay and I technically aren’t working. We chose to do this of our own free will.”
Kai rolled his eyes at her. “What kind of psychopaths read for fun?”
Jay kicked his leg out, aiming for Kai’s ankle, but Cole quickly stepped between them, stopping the conflict before it could escalate into anything worse.
“We’re not reading them, we’re sorting them in order from most potentially useful to least so. They’re mechanics and engineering books. You never know when they might come in handy in a pinch.”
“Oh, because that’s so much more interesting. If you guys wanna spend all your free time geeking out, fine, what do I care. But what about the rest of you? C’mon, Lloydster. You don’t really wanna spend your entire day doing this,” he gestured at the laptop and paper-strewn desk- “do you?”
“It’s not about whether or not I want to. This stuff is important, Kai.”
“Lloyd’s right,” Zane agreed. “With all the crazy missions we’ve been on lately, we’ve neglected all our paperwork, and taking care of the Monastery.”
“It’s because we’ve been gone so long that we need a break!” Kai argued. “We just got done saving the entire city from an evil video game AI! If that’s not worth celebrating, I don’t know what is.”
“Technically,” Nya remarked, not even glancing up from the book she was skimming, “That was Jay who did that.”
Kai spluttered, ignoring the smug look on Jay’s face. “Okay, yeah, but we helped! And what about Aspheera? Or the Never Realm? That was all of us. And we didn’t have time to properly recuperate from that before we got launched right into Prime Empire!”
Pixal’s brow furrowed. “Y’know, he has a point…”
A frown flitted across Zane’s face. “I suppose we have been working for a long time…”
“That’s what I’ve been saying! Come on, let’s do something fun.”
“Not video games,” Cole groaned. “Jay and I spent the last three days playing a Lava Zombies tournament, and I’m all gamed-out.”
“No, let’s actually go somewhere. Like the-”
“The library!” Jay pitched.
“Or the museum!” Zane suggested.
“No!” Kai snapped. “Man, you guys are so lame. I meant somewhere fun. We should go to-”
“The beach!” Nya cried suddenly, standing up so quickly that she sent a pile of books toppling over. “Brilliant idea, Kai!”
“Wait, no,” he yelped. “That’s not what I was going to-”
But no one heard him. They were already scrambling to their feet, murmuring excitedly to one another.
“Guys, wait!” he cried. “Why would you want to go to the beach? It’s all sandy, and wet, and-”
“Don’t worry, Kai,” Nya giggled, “we won’t let the ocean hurt you.”
“That’s not-” he felt himself turning red as the others laughed. “That’s not what I meant! I just thought… wouldn’t laser tag or something be a lot more fun?”
The others glanced at each other, uncertain. Zane stepped forward. “Let’s take a vote. All in favor of laser tag, raise your hands.”
Kai lifted his hand, but no one else did. He scowled at them.
“And all in favor of the beach?”
Six hands went up.
“Seems like we have a clear winner. Let’s get going, shall we?”
“Do you have the towels?”
“All here!”
“What about the sunscreen?”
“Hold on- Jay, did you grab the sunscreen?”
Lloyd cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling louder. “Did you grab the sunscreen?”
“Oh yeah, it’s here! Wait, do you have my-”
“Your what?” Lloyd called, walking over to him, passing Pixal and Zane as they came out of the kitchen. The female nindroid sighed.
“Can’t anything get done around here without everyone making such a racket?”
“Nope,” Nya elbowed her playfully. “When you’ve been with these idiots as long as I have, you get used to it.”
Pixal’s eyes widened. “I can’t imagine ever being used to all this.”
Nya smiled. “Did I mention I’m slightly deaf?”
“We finished making the picnic,” Zane told her, holding out the basket he was carrying. “Is everyone ready to go?”
Nya eyed the guys, who were running around the Monastery, barely avoiding tripping over one another. “‘Ready’ is an overstatement.”
“Hold your horses, we’re almost done,” Cole grunted, heaving the large beach bag over to them. “Have a little faith in us, Nya.”
Nya put her hand on her hip, waiting- and a second later, there was a crashing sound followed by an angry chorus of yells from Kai, Lloyd, and Jay.
Cole grimaced, rubbing the back of his head. “Okay, maybe you’re right to not have any faith in us.”
After an intense, fifteen-minute argument about what mode of transportation they would take, they ended up deciding on the city bus, and finally, finally got out the door. The bus ride went off without a hitch, for once, (except for a brief panic about not having the proper change for the bus fare, but luckily Zane had a few extra dollars on him), and before Nya knew it, they were staking out an area on Ninjago City beach. She was beginning to think this could actually work out.
“Check out my abs, dude.”
“They’re the same as last time.”
“Are not! I’m way more shredded than last time we went swimming.”
“Okay, that’s just a straight-up lie. I saw you sneak that extra piece of pie last night.”
“You better not be disrespecting my muscles, Flat Stanley.”
“Hey! I’m way more muscly than I used to be.”
“Are you kidding? We call you ‘green bean’ for a reason, and it’s not just because you’re the green ninja. You’re a twig!”
“I’m a twig? Have you seen Jay?”
“Hey, don’t rope me into this, green machine, and, for your information, I weigh a whole fifteen pounds more than you!”
“Yeah, well, you’re also two years older than me!”
“I think the lesson we need to learn here is that neither of you have abs anywhere near as pronounced as mine-”
Zane sighed, rolling his eyes. “Here, guys,” he held out a pouch to the group, “this is a waterproof pouch, you can store all your valuables in here.”
They quickly filled the pouch with phones, watches, and wallets. However, as Lloyd pulled back, he tripped over Jay’s foot, and half the guys collapsed into a pile, groaning.
“Jay! Get your foot out of my face!”
“Right after you get your elbow out of my ribs!”
Nya turned away from them, shaking her head. Glancing at Pixal, she asked, “Wanna help me get set up?”
The nindroid nodded, and they pulled the large picnic blanket out of the bag, unfolding it to lay it across the sand.
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon,” Kai cried, “You get back here right this instant!”
Nya looked up from the blanket to see Kai running through the sand after Lloyd, his feet sinking into the sand with each step, making it difficult for him to retain his balance. He waved a bottle of sunscreen at the green ninja. “It’s sunny out today! And you know how easily you burn!”
“No way!” Lloyd whined. “You always make me stay out of the water for at least twenty minutes to let it set, and it’s way too hot for me to wait that long! I wanna go swimming now.”
Kai lunged for him, and Lloyd yelped, barely dodging out of the way.
“Over here, Lloyd!” Jay cried, already wading into the shallows of the ocean. “He won’t follow you into the water!”
Lloyd hurried after him, splashing up water as he went, accidentally splattering Kai and causing the red ninja to flinch back with a yelp. Sure enough, he froze at the water’s edge, glaring at Jay and Lloyd, where they stood, only about ten feet away, laughing at him.
Zane rubbed a hand over his face, sighing. “They’re both going to get skin cancer, aren’t they?”
“At the very least, they’re going to be bright red tomatoes,” Cole laughed. “Oh, it’s going to be a blast when they take showers.”
Zane stared at him, horrified. “Please don’t let Jay do that again. He had the worst blisters, last time-”
Cole held up his hands. “It was a joke, Zane! A joke!”
Zane narrowed his eyes and didn’t reply.
Nya laughed, grabbing Pixal’s hand. “Come on. Wanna go bodyboarding with me?”
Pixal glanced at her. “I don’t know how.”
“That’s fine.” Nya stepped on the board, flipping it up into her hand and handing it to Pixal, before grabbing a second one for herself. “I can teach you!”
“Thanks, Nya.”
As they walked down towards the shore, they passed Kai and Cole, who had finally managed to get Jay and Lloyd out of the water. Cole had his arms locked around Jay, preventing him from running away as Kai slathered sunscreen across his face. Lloyd was sitting in the sand beside him, pouting, his face already smeared in white.
Nya grinned at him. “Can you guys handle yourselves for twenty minutes if Pix and I go out bodyboarding?”
Lloyd stuck his tongue out at her, and Kai rolled his eyes. “We’ll be fine, Nya. I think you’re forgetting we save the city on a regular basis? We’re perfectly capable.”
Nya put a hand near Pixal’s ear, whispering loudly into it. “Betcha anything the beach will be on fire by the time we get back.”
The two ran off, giggling at the sight of Kai’s smoldering glare, before he could set them on fire.
To Kai’s credit, he did not set the beach on fire, or anything, for that matter, but when Nya and Pixal returned, they found him and Cole shoveling sand onto Zane, who was chest-deep by this point.
“Zane!” Pixal exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
“When Kai told me he had something fun to show me, this wasn’t quite what I had imagined.”
“Aww, come on Zane!” Kai grinned. “I’m having a great time.”
Pixal shook her head, and stepped forward, grabbing Zane’s hand and pulling him up, sending sand cascading down everywhere. Cole and Kai groaned.
“Aww, come on, Pix, that took forever!” Cole muttered.
“Yeah, we were gonna shape it into a mermaid tail. Don’t you know how funny that would’ve been?”
“Humor is subjective.” Zane rubbed at his wrists. “Augh, now I’m going to have sand in my gears for weeks.” Shooting a glare at Kai, he added, “I’ll remember this the next time you ditch your swimming lessons.”
“Hey!” Kai yelped. “That’s totally different! Sand is warm, and solid, and most importantly, not dangerous!”
“You could suffocate,” Zane pointed out.
Kai scowled. “You’re a nindroid, you wouldn’t have suffocated.”
“You’re related to an elemental master of water. You won’t drown.”
“Being related to a master of water and being a master of water are two very different things! I control fire, not water, I can’t do anything to protect myself.”
Cole rolled his eyes. “You’re so lame. Remind me again why we brought our friend with aquaphobia to the beach?”
“Technically,” Zane said, raising a finger, “the word you’re looking for is thalassophobia. Kai doesn’t fear water in general, only large bodies, such as-”
“It was his idea,” Nya interrupted. “If it weren’t for him, we’d still be at the Monastery, filing papers.”
“I never suggested the beach!” Kai snapped. “That was your idea!”
“Yeah, well, your suggestions were lame. The beach was the obvious choice.”
“Hey,” Pixal interjected, suddenly realizing they were missing a couple of people. “Where are Jay and Lloyd?”
Cole sighed, pointing up towards their stuff, where Jay and Lloyd were struggling with a large, yellow duck inflatable that was very much not inflated at the moment. Jay had his lips around the mouthpiece, his face red.
“Blow harder, Jay,” Lloyd insisted, hovering by his side. “You’re hardly doing anything!”
Jay pulled his head back, breathing out heavily as the redness faded from his cheeks. “I’d like to see you do better! You’d probably pass out after a minute.”
“Would not!” Lloyd snatched the floaty away from him, blowing hard into the mouthpiece, putting even less air into the floaty than Jay had. His face reddened as he huffed desperately, although he still wasn’t making much progress. After a few moments, Jay pulled it away from him.
“Okay, that’s enough. I don’t want you to actually pass out.”
Lloyd glared at him, panting. “I wasn’t… going to… pass out.”
Jay sighed, grabbing the inflatable and staring at what looked to be the eyes and a very flat, crumpled-looking beak. “At this rate, we’re never going to get Mr. Quackington blown up.”
Lloyd’s nose wrinkled. “Mr. Quackington?”
Jay blinked at him. “Yeah, that’s his name.”
“No, it’s not! His name is Mr. Waddles!”
“Mr. Waddles? What kind of juvenile name is that?”
“Oh, like Mr. Quackington is any better!”
“It is! It’s loads better!”
“Is so!”
“It’s not!” Lloyd snapped, green energy sparking between his fingers. Jay glanced down at them thoughtfully. “Hey, what if…”
Lloyd was evidently catching on to Jay’s train of thought, his eyes lighting up. “We can use my powers to inflate Mr. Waddles!”
Jay narrowed his eyes. “Quackington.”
Lloyd bared his teeth, the small fangs glinting. “Waddles.”
Jay sighed. “Okay, whatever. We can use your powers to inflate Mr. Waddles.”
Lloyd grinned widely, whether about the promise of getting his inflated duck or having won the name debate with Jay, Pixal couldn’t tell. He held up a hand and formed a basketball-sized sphere of green energy. Jay’s eyes widened, and he held the mouthpiece up to the energy. Lloyd channeled it inside, watching with glee as the duck puffed up, the yellow plastic slowly tinging green, making the duck look like he was about to be sick.
Zane took a step forward, holding his hand out. “Lloyd, wait-”
There was a sharp snapping noise as the floaty popped, and Lloyd and Jay cried out in horror as the yellow pieces of plastic fluttered to the ground. Lloyd fell to his knees, gripping the busted plastic and wailing, and Jay landed next to him, crying, “No! Mr. Waddles, you were so young!”
“I can’t believe he’s really gone,” Lloyd sniffed. “He was my best friend in the whole world.”
Kai threw up his hands. “Great. You spend the last several years of your life looking out for him only to get replaced by his inflatable plastic duck.”
“Oookay,” Nya said, walking over to Jay and Lloyd and ushering them towards the picnic blanket. “Someone’s obviously been out in the sun too long. Go sit under the umbrella and let’s have something to eat.”
“Good idea,” Zane agreed. “I’m sure we’re all getting hungry. Jay, could you grab the picnic basket? It’s right behind you.”
The lightning ninja grabbed the basket, peering inside briefly as he carried it towards them. “I hope you brought the Pringles. I could really go for some of those right now- augh!”
Before anyone could stop him, Jay was falling to the ground, the basket flying out of his hands and landing sideways in the sand.
“Jay!” Kai cried. “Look what you’ve done to our picnic!”
“Hey! That was totally your fault! Why did you leave your shoes right in the middle of the sand, perfectly positioned for someone to trip over?”
“Why were you clumsy enough to get in the way of my shoes?”
“Guys, guys, it’s okay,” Zane assured. Walking over, he carefully lifted the basket out of the sand. “I’m sure it’s still salvageable.”
“Yeah, but now all our food is going to taste like sand,” Lloyd moaned.
“Lloyd, the food barely touched the sand,” Nya pointed out.
“Doesn’t matter. Every time you go to the beach, if the food gets even remotely close to the sand, it always gets sand in it. Every time. It’s one of the great mysteries of the universe.”
“Well, I think you’ll survive,” she said, passing Lloyd a sandwich and a bag of pretzels. Lloyd took them, but narrowed his eyes.
“Brings a whole new meaning to the word ‘sandwich.’”
“Just eat your food, mister.”
Lloyd shot her a glare, but grudgingly obliged. As Pixal bit into her own sandwich, she realized Lloyd was right, she could feel granules of sand between her teeth as she chewed.
“Hey… at least it adds a little crunch, right?” Cole grinned.
Kai grimaced. “Next time, I elect we don’t let Jay anywhere near the picnic basket.”
Jay chucked a grape at him, but Kai turned at the last second, catching it in his mouth. “Ha!” His gleeful expression faded as he caught sight of something behind Jay. “Um, Lloyd, you have someone you wanna introduce us to?”
The group turned to see a seagull had approached them, tilting its head where it stood only a couple feet away from Lloyd. The green ninja was staring at the bird with wide eyes, an awed expression on his face.
“Lloyd,” Nya sighed, “please don’t tell me you fed it.”
“He’s not an it,” Lloyd snapped. “His name is Scully.”
“Great.” Nya rubbed her hands over her face. “We’re already into name territory.”
“Scully?” Kai’s nose wrinkled. “Isn’t that the name of the seagull from The Little Mermaid?”
“No, that’s Scuttle,” Lloyd sniffed. “They’re completely different.”
“Lloyd,” Pixal scolded, reaching for Lloyd’s wrist just as he tossed another chunk of his sandwich at the seagull, “Feeding wildlife is not a good idea, it can be dangerous-”
Lloyd shrieked suddenly as the bird launched itself at Lloyd’s face. He scrambled to his feet, screaming, and Kai lunged forward, pushing the others out of the way. “Move, move!”
“Get it off me, get it off me!” Lloyd shrieked as the bird’s wings flapped in his face, sending feathers everywhere.
“Blast it with your powers!” Kai called, looking worried but keeping a respectable distance.
“I can’t! He’s on my face!”
“Well, I can’t do it, I’ll set you on fire! Nya, you do it!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying,” the water ninja spat through gritted teeth, globes of water already forming in her hands. “I just need to get a clear shot! For the love of… Lloyd, stop moving so much!”
Lloyd hardly seemed to hear her. “He’s going to claw my eyes out,” he wailed, batting weakly at the creature.
Nya quickly thrust her hands forward, sending a large ball of water at Lloyd’s head, drenching him and the seagull. The bird squawked angrily, falling to the ground.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Nya and Kai darted over to him, Nya taking his face in her hands as Kai peered over her shoulder. A small red scratch stretched across his left cheek, but apart from that, he appeared unharmed, just frazzled.
“Dude!” Kai cried. “You just got attacked. By a seagull!”
“It owned you!”
Lloyd shot Jay a glare. “Did not.”
“You should have seen your face!” Jay laughed. “Oh wait, you couldn’t- there was a bird in the way!”
Lloyd crossed his arms. “I’d like to remind you how you reacted that time when my uncle set that berserk chicken on us.”
“The chicken had lightning powers. Hardly comparable to a simple seafowl, bud.”
“Ugh, I hope this doesn’t get infected,” Nya muttered, running her finger along the scratch. “We should probably get you checked for rabies when we get home.”
“Nya, I’m fine,” Lloyd groaned, pushing her off. “A seagull isn’t going to give me rabies.”
Nya shrugged. “With your luck, I can never be sure.”
“This is why you don’t give food to wild animals, Lloyd, it makes them bolder-”
“Watch out, Lloyd!” Jay shrieked suddenly, and they whipped around to see the seagull had caught its second wind, squawking as it charged at Lloyd.
Lloyd shrieked, taking off down the beach with the seagull in pursuit. Nya sighed, putting a hand on her head. Kai grinned, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. “Do you think he’ll learn his lesson?”
“No,” Nya said without hesitation. “Absolutely not. That’s the sad part.”
“Hey,” Cole said, pointing a finger down the beach. “The volleyball court’s just opened up. You guys wanna play?”
“Sure. Tell Lloyd he can join us when he gets that seagull taken care of.”
Nya glanced towards the green ninja, who was currently lobbing balls of energy at the bird and missing by an embarrassingly wide berth. “Looks like it could be a while.”
“Great job, team!” Nya cheered, high-fiving Pixal and shooting a grin at Cole. “Although, if I’m being honest, the rest of you didn’t put up much of a competition.”
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Kai snapped. “I was carrying the team! Jay, Lloyd, were you planning on helping me anytime soon?”
“I was trying!” Jay insisted. “But you kept getting in my way!”
“Because every time I let you get the ball, you dropped it!”
“Hey! I never said I was good at volleyball, okay? Why are you attacking me, Lloyd sucked too!”
“It’s not like I ever had time to fit in volleyball practice between all my green ninja training! It wasn’t exactly a top priority!” “Are you telling me you’ve never played before?” Kai spluttered.
“I’ve played!” Lloyd insisted. “Uh… once or twice.”
Kai facepalmed. “Why did I let you come on my team?”
Lloyd grinned widely. “‘Cause you love me.”
Cole elbowed him. “It’s because he lost the coin toss and Nya got to pick first.”
“Hey!” Jay yelped. “Are you telling me you would have picked me last?”
“After I saw you play, yeah,” Cole snorted.
“I’m still not convinced on some of those calls, Zane,” Kai said, walking over to the nindriod. “I don’t think that one play near the third point was a foul.”
“Hey, the ref’s call is law,” Nya smirked. “Stop trying to cheat your way to victory, Kai.”
“I’m not cheating! Zane’s girlfriend is on your team! He’s obviously biased!”
“I’m a nindriod, Kai. I cannot be biased.”
“Stop being a sore loser, Kai.” Behind her, a wave swelled up. She raised her hand- then pointed it forward at Kai.
Her brother shrieked as the seawater drenched him.
“Nya! What’d you do that for?”
“You deserved it, with all the whining you were doing. Besides, you looked hot. I was just doing you a favor.”
“It’s alright,” Lloyd laughed. “You can share my towel, don’t worry.” As he handed Kai the towel, the fire ninja eyed it shrewdly.
“It’s got ducks on it. Of course it does.”
“Hey, you want the towel or not?”
“No, I’m taking the towel.” Kai wrapped the towel around himself, shivering, unfurling the ducks for all to see. Cole snickered, and Kai shot him a glare.
“Should we pack up, then?”
Zane nodded. “If we want to be back in time for dinner, probably.”
The team trudged back to their blanket, wet and sandy, but chatting amiably. They had nearly packed up all their things when Lloyd cried out suddenly.
“Where’s my wallet?”
Zane frowned. “Didn’t you put it in the valuables pouch?”
“I thought I did, but…” he paused. “Oh, wait. I tripped over Jay. I must’ve forgotten to put it in after that.”
“Well, then, it’s gotta be around here somewhere. What color is it, Lloyd?”
“What do you think? Green.”
They spent a good ten minutes searching through their entire bag and the surrounding sand, to no avail. It quickly became clear that if Lloyd’s wallet had ever fallen around here in the first place, it wasn’t here now.
Kai shrugged. “Oh well. It’s not that big of a deal. You don’t have any cards, and I don’t think you were carrying any of the cash. We can get you a new one.”
“No, but I had the things in there!”
Cole frowned. “The things?”
“You know.” Lloyd lowered his voice. “The things. That the mayor gave us?”
“What?!” Jay yelped. “Those were in there?” “You lost them?” Kai cried. “Lloyd, how could you?”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose!” Kai groaned, rubbing his face. “We should’ve never trusted you with them. Or at least split them up, so they weren’t all together.”
“I still do not understand.” Pixal frowned. “What are these things that are so important?”
“They’re a top-secret gift from the mayor,” Jay whispered. “We’re not supposed to tell anyone we have them. Not that telling anyone now would matter anyway, because we don’t have them anymore.”
“It’s not my fault!” Lloyd insisted. “It’s that stupid seagull’s, he’s the one who distracted me-” Lloyd paused, his eyes widening. “That’s it! The seagull must’ve swiped my wallet when it was chasing me!”
“Looks like we have a lead,” Kai growled.
“Wait a minute, does anyone else hear that mysterious music-”
“Oh no,” Pixal muttered, putting a hand on her forehead. “Zane, please don’t tell me you’re going to do this again.”
“It seemed that, after only a few weeks, it was time for me to crack yet another case.” The odd, deep voice rang out, and they turned to see Zane slipping on a fedora.
“Where did that even come from,” Pixal despaired. “I’m positive you didn’t bring that with you. Positive.”
“Again, I was to be accompanied by my trusty assistant, but this time, my highly trained ninja associates would also be coming along, all determined to reclaim what someone had stolen in the heist.”
Jay glanced between Pixal and Zane. “What is happening right now? Am I supposed to know what’s happening?”
Pixal shook her head. “It’s a long story. Just go with it.”
Zane tipped his hat down. “Already, we were off with a very promising lead. I suspected the culprit to be the feathered fiend that had been spotted lurking around at the scene of the crime only an hour prior.”
Kai snorted, placing a hand on Jay’s shoulder. “Oh, this is gold! Did you mess with his voice again, Jay?”
“No, I didn’t touch him! Pixal, you didn’t…”
She shook her head. “Believe me, I wouldn’t do this if you paid me. It was all him.”
Jay grinned. “What do we do next… detective Zane?” He and Kai simultaneously burst into laughter, leaning against each other for support.
Zane side-eyed them. “The primary suspect was as clear as a black bear in a snowstorm, yet the whereabouts of the creature were still unknown. It had vanished into thin air, without leaving so much as a trace in its stead.”
“Hey,” Lloyd said suddenly, leaning down to pick something up off of the sand, “What about this?”
“It appeared to be part of the plumage of a species of avian native to these shores. Could it belong to the specimen we were looking for?”
Kai plucked the feather from Lloyd’s fingers, examining it. “The feather was white with a dark tip, definitely having originated from a seagull- although the spiked, disturbed edges implied that this was from no ordinary gull- it was from one who had recently been in a fight.”
Jay grinned. “It seemed like we had hit the jackpot. Already, we were one step closer to tracking down this culprit.”
Pixal groaned. “Don’t you two start, too. It was bad enough with just Zane.”
Nya grimaced. “Yeah, this is already getting annoying.”
“How is a feather going to tell us where the seagull is now?” Cole asked.
“I could sense the wind was blowing in from the northwest,” Zane narrated. “If we wanted to find the culprit of the caper, we would have to walk upwind, hopefully leading us to the source of the feather.”
“Alright,” Pixal sighed, “let’s get this over with.”
“And so,” Zane grinned, “The Great Gull Caper began.”
The team trudged up the beach for about twenty minutes, to no avail. They passed many other beachgoers, pointing and staring as the ninja passed, but no seagulls were in sight.
“Are you sure about this, Zane?” Pixal asked.
“The feathered suspect had gained an hour’s head start in its escape from the scene, meaning we would have to hasten our pace if we ever hoped to catch up.”
“Oh, I am not walking an hour just to find this thing. Are we sure it’s that important?”
“Yes!” the guys yelped in unison.
“It’s a very important gift from the mayor! It would be rude to lose it,” Jay said. “We have to get it back!”
“Couldn’t you just ask for another… whatever they are?”
“No! They’re one of a kind!” “Well, can we at least hurry this up? Frankly, I’m getting quite tired of Zane’s shenanigans.”
Zane grinned at her. “Although she voiced her disapproval, my assistant knew the efficiency of my methods, as they had gotten us out of a pinch the last time things had been amok.”
“First of all, I was the one who successfully found Dyer last time. You just ended up getting caught.”
“Perhaps, but you used my techniques.”
Pixal huffed. “Second, I don’t appreciate that you keep calling me your assistant. If anything, we’re partners!”
Zane adjusted his fedora. “So it was a promotion she was after, eh? Well, if my assistant could prove her worth by properly complying with my techniques in this case, she may find herself with a loftier position in the future.”
Pixal sighed. “Whatever. Let’s just find the stupid bird, and go.”
The group trekked after Zane again, and Pixal wondered how long they would be here, when Zane suddenly stopped, causing half of the gang to crash into him.
“What?” Jay yelped. “What’s wrong? Why’d we stop?”
Zane pointed near his feet. “It seemed like the culprit had been careless enough to leave behind tracks in the sand.”
Pixal peered over his shoulder. Sure enough, the tracks of some avian species left a trail in the sand- and after consulting her database, it appeared to match the foot of a seagull.
“We’re getting closer!” Cole said. “It has to be around here somewhere.”
Nya’s eyes went wide, and she pointed towards something in the distance. “Look!”
Down the beach, a large group of seagulls was flocking around a half-eaten pretzel, flapping their wings and squawking as they tried to push past each other.
“It could be any of them,” Lloyd despaired. “How are we going to know which one was the one who stole my wallet?”
Jay smirked. “There’s only one way to find out.”
Lloyd eyed him nervously. “How?”
“One seagull, in particular, has come to associate you with food. One seagull has been known to chase you down.”
“Oh,” Lloyd paled, taking a step back and waving his hands. “Oh, no, I do not like where this is heading…”
“Come on, Lloyd, do it for the team,” Cole pleaded.
“You are the one who lost them in the first place,” Kai agreed. “It’s only fair.”
Lloyd groaned. “Why do I let you bully me into these things?”
“Go on,” Nya gave him a gentle shove. “We don’t have all day!”
Sticking his tongue out at her, Lloyd stepped forward, towards the seagulls. Several of them looked his way, a few flapping their wings anxiously and squawking in warning. Lloyd stopped, swallowing.
“Um. Hey. I don’t suppose any of you have seen a green wallet around here?”
Jay rolled his eyes. “They can’t understand you. Get closer!”
“Okay! I’m going, jeez-” he broke off with a yelp as a seagull darted in front of him, nearly tripping him as he stepped on its tail.
The seagull shrieked, and, in a flurry of feathers, the flock broke into a frenzied panic. Lloyd’s eyes widened, and he cried out, running away and frantically ducking swooping seagulls.
He darted behind Kai as a last nervy seagull hopped after him. Kai held up a fist, which burst into flame, scaring the bird off. Kai glanced back at Lloyd, amusement sparkling in his dark eyes. “You okay, bud?”
Lloyd glared. “Don’t look at me like that. These birds are vicious!”
“Look!” Pixal pointed at a gull that had remained behind. With the others out of the way, she could see the small, green wallet between its beak.
“That’s the one!” Cole cried. “After it!”
For ninja, the group was embarrassingly unstealthy as they clamored after the bird, shooting elemental powers at it and screaming as they narrowly avoided each other’s blasts, so that by the time the seagull reached the water, the beach was a mess of crystalized sand, crevices in the ground, and various burn marks from fire, lightning, and energy.
“It’s a seagull!” Nya cried. “We’ve faced giant snakes, lords of darkness, elemental masters, Oni, more criminals and gangsters than I can count, and an evil video game AI, yet we can’t catch one measly seagull? It shouldn’t be this hard, you guys!”
“It’s getting away,” Jay cried, pointing at the bird, who had finally taken flight and was heading out over the ocean.
“No!” Lloyd moaned. “Now we’re never going to get it back!”
“Not on my watch,” Nya growled, racing past them towards the docks. “Come on!” “Oh no,” Kai groaned. “Nya Smith, whatever you are thinking, stop it right now, because I’m not doing it.” “Come on, Kai,” Lloyd insisted, grabbing his wrist and yanking him along. “We have to hurry!”
They raced after Nya, who was running down the dock towards a man who was examining the boats. Kai followed them more slowly, taking careful steps.
“Sir, we need to use a boat, right away! We’ll pay for it, we promise!”
The man shook his head. “Sorry, ma’am, but these are all private boats. The only one we have is that one,” he pointed to a small, worn-looking fishing boat, “and the motor’s broken, so it’s of no use to anyone.”
“It doesn’t matter, I can take care of that. Everyone, get in!”
“W-wait,” the man stuttered, looking flustered.
“We’ll bring it right back, I promise! Now, come on, we don’t have much time!”
“No!” Kai insisted, as everyone else piled in. “Nuh-uh. No way. Not in a million years. You are not bringing me out into the middle of the ocean in a tiny, crowded boat with a busted engine!”
“You don’t need an engine when you’ve got me!” Nya raised her hand, and the water swirled under the boat, rocking it slightly. “Now, come on, we don’t have time for this!” “Y’know what.” Kai took a couple of steps back from the boat. “I’m good. I’ll stay here. You guys have fun finding the wallet. I’ll cheer you on from the beach. The dry, dry beach.”
“Nope.” Cole reached forward, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him in. “This is your gift we’re saving, too. If you want to get part of it, you’re coming with.”
“Finally!” Nya huffed. The water rippled beneath them, and suddenly, it was propelling their boat, and they were off.
“Where’s the bird?” Nya asked. “Does anyone see it?” “Over there!” Cole pointed slightly towards their left, where the seagull was gliding away with surprising speed. Getting into the boat had slowed them down, and it had gotten a large head start.
Nya gritted her teeth. “Hold on.”
“Don’t go faster!” Kai yelped from where he huddled near the middle of the boat, protectively sandwiched between Lloyd and Cole. “If you tip this boat, I will never forgive you.”
“I know what I’m doing,” Nya growled, although the boat slowed slightly as they continued.
“Our team continued to chase the thief, determined to put an end to the Great Gull Caper and put the culprit to justice. Even when our path took us across the raging waters of the ocean, with nothing but a rusty, broken old boat, and deep, swirling waters around us, filled with the dark abyss and the creatures that lurked there…”
“You mean like sharks?” Lloyd perked, peering over the edge. “Did you see any? I wanna see one!”
“Nope,” Kai yelped, pulling himself into a ball as he sat down on the floor of the boat. “Nopety nope nope nope. I’m done. I’m outta here.”
“The prospect of sharks was a dire one, but one we were willing to take. We would get that wallet back, no matter the cost- even if it meant competition from this fierce predator of the sea.”
Kai screamed into his hands. “Just end me now!”
“What Zane means to say,” Pixal said, elbowing Zane sharply, “is that sharks are actually very off-put by the taste of human flesh, and do not go after humans on purpose.”
Kai stared at her. “Oh joy, now a shark can devour my flesh by accident, what a relief.”
“Do not worry, Kai,” she told him. “There is only one estimated death by shark per year in the greater Ninjago City area.”
“Knowing my luck,” Kai grumbled, “I’ll be that one.”
“Did anyone bring their phone with?” Lloyd asked. “I wanna get a good picture when the sharks come for Kai.”
“I call dibs on his katana,” Jay exclaimed. “Y’know, the super flashy one with the flaming dragon carved into the handle?”
Lloyd wrinkled his nose at him. “Why would you want a fire dragon on your katana? You’re the lightning ninja!”
“Hey, just because my element is lightning, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a super dope fire design when I see one-”
“Guys,” Cole sighed, pushing his way between the two arguing boys. “No one is getting eaten. We’re perfectly safe here, on this boat.”
“Cole’s right,” Pixal agreed. “The sharks around this area are smaller, reef dwellers, and won’t come after us. They may, however, come after our seagull friend if he gets too close to the water.”
Kai made a noise in the back of his throat, and Cole scowled at her. “Thanks for the help, Pix.”
“Nya,” Jay whined, “the seagull’s getting further away! We have to go faster!”
“Don’t!” Pixal cried. “This boat has not been manufactured to withstand a lot of weight. With seven people, especially when two of them are titanium, going too fast would be sure to capsize us.”
“I told you I should’ve stayed behind on the shore,” Kai wailed.
Lloyd leaned further over the edge, raising a hand to his forehead to keep the glare off of his face as he peered intently into the water. “Is… is that a shark?”
Kai stared at him. “Shut up. You’re just baiting.”
Lloyd shook his head, his eyes lighting up in a way that was not reassuring in the slightest. “I’m not! It’s a shark! It’s a real, live shark! I’ve never seen one this close before! Except at like, an aquarium!”
Kai closed his eyes, rocking himself gently. “You’re lying. You stupid liar, I hate you.”
Cole peered over, following Lloyd’s gaze, and promptly bit his lip. “You have got to be kidding me.”
“This is a dumb prank, you guys!” Kai was half-yelling by this point.
“Stop being so loud,” Lloyd hissed. “You’ll scare it!”
Kai blinked at him. “I’ll scare it?”
Lloyd crossed his arms. “A scared shark is an aggressive shark.”
Kai’s mouth snapped shut.
“I can’t believe this,” Cole muttered. “Did we really not bring any weapons?”
“No!” Lloyd yelped. “Cole, you wouldn’t!”
“I would if it kept us from being eaten.”
“For the last time, sharks don’t eat humans!”
Cole ignored him. “Well? Did we?”
Nya snorted. “Why would we bring weapons to the beach?”
“Hey, with how often this city gets attacked, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Nya rolled her eyes. “It was supposed to be our day off.”
“It’s fine,” Pixal reported, keeping a careful eye on the shark. “It’s swimming away now. As long as we leave it alone, we’re safe.”
Kai frowned. “Looks like the gull isn’t so convinced, though.”
Pixal glanced up. Sure enough, the seagull was eyeing the shark nervously, pumping its wings as it flew higher and higher above the surface of the water.
“Do something!” Jay shrieked. “If we don’t stop it now, it’s going to get away for good!”
“Lloyd!” Nya cried. “Is your wallet waterproof?”
“Just answer the question!” “Yes! Yes, it is!”
Nya gritted her teeth. “Hold on, everyone!”
Suddenly, a vast wave rose out of the water, looming over the seagull.
Kai’s eyes widened. “Nya, be careful, you’ll hit us too-”
But it was already too late, the wave crashing down, downing the seagull, and soaking them in saltwater. The team cried out, and Kai screamed, throwing his arms over his head in a futile attempt to protect himself. As they all tried to lurch away from the spray, the boat rocked precariously, and, for a horrifying moment, they were suspended there, on the point between balance and capsize.
And then that moment was over, and they were all falling into the ocean.
Pixal’s world immediately dimmed as she plunged into the water, quietness enveloping her like a blanket. For a moment, she was too shocked to do anything, until a foot thrashed past her face, snapping her out of her trance as she swam towards the surface.
A couple of feet before she reached it, a metal hand snatched her wrist and pulled her the rest of the way up.
“Pixal!” Zane cried, his detective voice dropped. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. What about everyone else? Are we all here?”
Zane nodded his head behind her, and she turned to see the others all within a couple of feet. Cole had his hands on the now upside-down boat, trying to use his strength to push it over, but it was hard for him to get a good grip and stay afloat at the same time. Just behind him, Jay was spitting out a mouthful of seawater, sending ripples across the surface of the ocean as he treaded water. Lloyd was doing the same a couple of feet away, only the green ninja was struggling a lot more because of the arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Don’t let me go, Lloyd!” Kai yelped, although the feat would’ve been impossible even if Lloyd had wanted to- the fire ninja was clinging to him like a barnacle. “I can’t swim!”
Lloyd sighed. “I know that, Kai. It’s the only reason I’m letting you hold on to me like this.”
“I can’t believe this happened,” Kai cried. “We’re going to die out here. This is the worst day off ever.”
“Hey!” Lloyd snapped. “It’s not my fault this happened!”
Nya shot them all a sharp glare from where she was drifting alongside the boat. She didn’t even bother to tread water like the rest of them, instead using her powers to keep herself afloat. “It was going to work until you guys made such a big fuss about getting a little wet and tipped the boat.”
Cole sighed. “We’re not going to die. As soon as I get this right side up again, we’ll climb up and get out of here. Can you give me a hand, Zane?”
As the nindriod moved to help him, Kai suddenly went rigid.
“Lloyd,” he whispered.
“What, Kai?”
“Something just bumped my foot.”
“It’s probably just seaweed, Kai,” Lloyd sighed, looking down- and promptly froze.
“No one. Move.”
Jay squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh no, oh gosh, don’t tell me that’s what I think it is, this is not happening-”
“Jay, shut up,” Nya whispered, her face pale as she watched the dark shape lurking below them in the water.
“Everyone, stay calm,” Pixal murmured. “Don’t make any sudden movements and try to look it in the eyes.”
“Please, the last thing I’m gonna do is look at it,” Kai breathed, burying his face in Lloyd’s hair.
After a moment, the shark slowly swam past, losing interest.
“It doesn’t care about us,” Zane realized. “It wants the seagull.”
Several yards away, the gull was floating on the water, still trying to shake off the moisture from Nya’s wave. Suddenly realizing the danger it was in, the bird raised its wings- and launched itself into the air, just as fierce jaws snapped against empty air where the seagull had been less than a second ago.
Kai’s fingers dug tighter into Lloyd’s shoulders, and Pixal caught Jay biting his lip as he swallowed back a scream, but, its prey lost, the shark was already swimming away.
“Gotcha,” Nya murmured, reaching a hand out and snatching up the wallet, which the seagull had dropped in all the commotion, before it could sink to the bottom of the ocean.
“Okay. That’s great. We got it. Now can we get out of here?” Kai pleaded.
After a minute, they finally got the boat flipped over, and Cole hauled himself aboard before helping to lift the others. Ten minutes later, they were all safely out of the water and on their way back to the dock, and Pixal had never felt more relieved by the fact.
“So,” Jay asked, as the boat glided through the water, leaning closer to Nya. “Did they survive all that?”
“Let’s see,” Nya murmured, opening up Lloyd’s wallet. Pixal leaned forward, anxious to see what all the fuss had been about.
“Yes!” Jay cried, pulling out seven slips of paper. “They’re all here!”
“Wait.” Pixal snatched one from his hand, quickly scanning it. “A summer pass for free all-you-can-eat ice cream from the Dairy Dragon?”
“Yup,” Jay smiled, passing them out to the others. “The mayor gave them to us as a gift after we saved the city from Prime Empire. That’s what we were going to do today, after the beach, actually.”
“You’re telling me,” Pixal deadpanned. “That we just risked our lives. For free ice cream.”
“Free ice cream is free ice cream, Pix.”
“You’ll understand once you’ve tried their butter pecan,” Nya told her. “It’s to die for.”
“Butter pecan?” Jay spluttered. “No way, the Ninjapolitan is best.”
“You heathen, chocolate fudge is obviously the best flavor-”
“What are you guys talking about, mint chocolate chip is superior!”
“You just like it because it’s green.”
“Do not!”
“Do so!” Nya sighed, putting her head in her hands. “Here we go again.”
“Calm down, all of you,” Pixal said. “You can get whatever flavor of ice cream you want. Just do me a favor and try not to end up capsizing us in the middle of the ocean this time.”
Jay hummed. “No promises.”
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 16
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Brief mentions of war and of loved ones passing away.
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Waking up the morning after your heat ended was like a breath of fresh air. You weren’t sweaty anymore, the previous cramping that had made itself at home in your abdomen over the last three days was now non-existent and best of all, getting a knot was the furthest thing from your mind. 
When you opened your eyes, it just so happened to be at the exact same time that Yoongi was walking back into his bedroom. You smiled sleepily as you watched him move over to the dresser to rummage through it, no shirt covering his firm chest and jogging pants slung low enough on his hips that you could see the band of his boxers as well.
Ok, so maybe a knot wasn’t the furthest thing from your mind after all. 
“Hey, good morning,” Yoongi smiled once he had turned around and saw you looking at him. He then walked over to the bed, taking a set on the edge closest to you. 
“Good morning,” you replied, moaning softly when he bent down and gave you a gentle kiss. 
“How are you feeling?” He wondered and you paused in order to take quick stock of your body.
“Ok,” you began slowly. “The cramps are gone but my head hurts a little and I’m pretty sure that I’m super sore.”
“I can get you something for the headache and for the soreness, do you want to take a bath?” He offered. 
“Oh, that sounds amazing,” you sighed dreamily.
“Good thing that I already filled the bathtub then, huh?” he smirked.
“How’d you know?”
“Baby, I knotted you at least 11 or 12 times over the last three days,” he told you. “I know you’re Prime and everything but I’d be a little concerned if you weren’t sore.”
“Shut up and carry me to the bathroom already,” you demanded, making Yoongi chuckle.
“Yes ma’am,” he smiled. After picking you from the bed and carrying you bridal style into the en suite, Yoongi set you down on the ground so that you could work on taking your clothes off while he checked the temperature of the water.
“You hungry?” He asked as he turned to look at you over your shoulder, his breath hitching in his throat a little when he saw that you were already naked. 
“Starving,” you nodded, grabbing onto his outstretched hand and gripping onto it as you stepped into the tub. The hot water enveloped you as you sat down and you instantly sighed in relief. 
“Feels good?” He wondered and you immediately nodded.
“Amazing. Get in with me?” You asked.
“Sure,” he nodded, quickly taking off his own jogging pants and boxers before climbing into the tub as well, settling down behind you and allowing you to scoot back so that your back was pressed up against his chest. 
“Mm, thank you,” you said as you sunk down further into the water.
“It’s no problem baby, you don’t have to thank me,” he replied. “I wanted to do it.”
“I know but still,” you huffed. “I didn’t say or do anything weird during my heat, did I?”
“Your memory still hazy?”
“A little,” you admitted.
“Well, you didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary,” he began. “Lots of begging, lots of you demanding that I knot you right then and there. I think you even cried once.”
“Ok, that’s all normal,” you shrugged.
“You also, uh,” he started, not knowing if he should really bring it up or not because he was sure that you didn’t remember and he didn’t want to embarrass you.
“I what?” You questioned as you looked at him over your shoulder.
“You asked me to bite you,” he revealed and even though he couldn’t see you, your eyes widened. 
“I didn’t,” you groaned loudly.
“You did,” Yoongi confirmed. “I knew that it was just the heat talking though, so I told you no.”
“Thanks for not actually doing it,” you muttered softly. 
“Hey, I’d never forcefully bite you or anyone else for that matter without express consent,” he assured you. “I know what mating means to you and I’d never take that away.”
“I know,” you sighed. “Kind of speaking of that, I have a question.”
“Did you mean what you said last night?” You asked. 
“If you’re referring to when you told me that you loved me and I replied that I loved you too, then yes,” he nodded. “I meant what I said. Did you?”
“I did,” you responded as you carefully turned over, so that your chest was pressed against his. “I know that we’ve only officially been dating for like a month and didn’t really like each other at first, but I do. Love you, I mean. I just don’t want you to think that it was the heat talking, like with the whole bite thing.”
“You were pretty lucid last night so I figured that you were being honest,” he chuckled. “And the length of time doesn’t matter to me. All I know is that you make me feel a way that no one else ever has.”
“Ditto,” you giggled happily, pressing your hand against his chest in order to crane your neck up and kiss him firmly. His hands automatically came down and gripped your hips, pulling you closer to him so that you were able to feel his semi-hard cock against your lower stomach.
“Say it again,” Yoongi grumbled against your lips and you pulled away in order to look into his eyes.
“I love you,” you told him seriously. 
“I love you too,” he smiled and as he kissed you again, you couldn’t help to to think that you wouldn’t mind waking up to that smile everyday.
After spending some extra time in the tub together, you both finally got out, got dressed in more leisure clothes and moved into the kitchen where the two of you worked on making breakfast together. 
Just as the two of you moved to sit down at the small table once breakfast was finished, there was a loud knock on Yoongi’s door. 
“Who the hell is that?” He mumbled, not really liking the prospect of anyone else coming around you with their scent so soon after your heat was over.
“It’s Tae,” you announced and Yoongi looked at you in surprise. “He’s my brother, I could recognize his scent anywhere.”
“Even through the door?” He wondered with a chuckle as he walked over to the door. 
“I’m Prime asshole,” you reminded him and he just shook his head as he pulled the door open.
“Hi hyung,” Taehyung greeted him, his nose promptly scrunching up afterwards when the scents from inside of the house floated out. “What the fuck? Did you drown my sister in cum hyung, or what?”
“You’re disgusting,” you spat as you came to stand next to Yoongi. 
“I definitely did not miss your bravado,” Yoongi huffed.
“Oh please, I’m your best friend hyung,” Taehyung smiled brightly. “You know you love me.”
“Tae, why are you here?” You wondered.
“Oh! Joon hyung called a meeting about the rising tensions between packs,” he said.
“Pack wide?” You asked.
“Elders and high status only,” he told you, which made you eyes widen because that meant that it was serious. “So him, me, you, Hobi hyung, Jungkookie, a few others and some of the elders.”
“No Hyo?”
“Since she’s literally due any day now, Joon hyung doesn’t want to worry her,” Taehyung explained. 
“And just what reaction does he think she’s going to have when she finds out that he called a meeting with only the elders and high status members of the pack?” You demanded to know, only receiving a shrug from Taehyung. 
“Look, if you want to curse him out about that later, that’s between you two,” Taehyung said. “I just came to see if you’d be able to even come to the meeting.”
“My heat only ended just last night,” you revealed. “If I walked into the Head Hall right now, I’d probably send every unmated Alpha into an early rut.”
“I know,” Taehyung sighed before looking over at Yoongi. “Maybe hyung can go for you?”
“Oh, would you?” You asked Yoongi as you turned to look at him as well. 
“Should I?” Yoongi questioned. “If it’s only between trusted members of the pack, then I don’t know if I’d be welcomed. Plus, I’m not even high status within the pack, at least I don’t think.”
“You’re dating Y/N-ah now, your status has definitely risen,” Taehyung smiled.
“Everyone knows that we’re together and besides, you’re just going in my place since I can’t so it should be fine,” you told him. 
“I don’t know,” Yoongi sighed.
“Please baby?” You whispered as you moved closer to him, wrapping your arm around his. “I would really appreciate it and I’ll make it worth your while tonight.”
“Fine,” he relented, smiling in spite of himself when you leaned over and kissed his cheek. “When’s the meeting?”
“In about an hour,” Taehyung replied.
“Well, I’ll have to eat and get dressed in actual clothes so why don’t you join us for breakfast?” Yoongi offered, making Taehyung grin. 
“Thanks hyung,” he said excitedly. You turned around to walk back into the kitchen while Yoongi stepped aside and allowed Taehyung to walk in as well, shutting the door behind him.
“Oh and by the way, you’re so whipped for my sister hyung,” Taehyung smirked.
“Shut up,” Yoongi grumbled, stalking away from him and into the kitchen. 
Once they finished breakfast, Yoongi followed Taehyung to the Head Hall, where they were quickly intercepted by Jungkook. 
“Hey,” Jungkook greeted them, giving Taehyung a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to look at Yoongi. “What are you doing here hyung?” 
“I’m here in Y/N-ah’s place,” he explained.
“Uh, I don’t know if Namjoon hyung is gonna let that slide,” Jungkook grimaced.
“Why not?” Taehyung wondered.
“He’s frazzled Tae,” Jungkook said. “And it’s freaking me out because as long as Namjoon hyung has been Pack Alpha, I’ve never seen him being anything but cool, calm, and collected.”
“Oh shit,” Taehyung sighed. “Has Hobi hyung said anything?”
“Namjoon hyung put him under a gag order so he couldn’t,” Jungkook replied. “This might be some serious shit.”
“Well, maybe we should actually go in there and find out instead of working ourselves up out here,” Yoongi interjected. “And I don’t mind leaving if Namjoon wants me to.”
“Hyung’s right,” Taehyung nodded, reaching out and wrapping his arm around Jungkook’s. “Let’s go.” Yoongi followed behind them as they all stepped into the large assembly room, which was almost shaped like a small amphitheater with a stage that was shaped like a half crescent in the front and rows of chairs surrounding the outside.
Taehyung led them down one of the aisles towards the front, sitting down in the very first row and pulling Jungkook down to sit next to him. Yoongi sat on the other side of Taehyung, waiting patiently as other members of the pack began to file inside as well. 
After about 5 minutes, Namjoon finally walked into the room with Hobi following close behind. 
“Hyung!” Taehyung called out, waving his arm and Namjoon walked down to the front where the three of them were sitting. 
“Hey Tae, Kook-ah,” Namjoon nodded at them before turning to look at Yoongi. “What are you doing here Yoongi?”
“Y/N couldn’t make it because her heat just ended last night so she asked me to come in her place,” Yoongi explained. 
“Did she?” Namjoon sighed heavily.
“I can always leave,” Yoongi offered. “From what Taehyung said, this seems to be very serious and I wouldn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, least of all you.”
“No, you’re fine,” Namjoon assured him. “Your status has changed anyways with you dating my sister so that's not an issue. It’s just...other than you reporting back to Y/N-ah, I trust that you know that anything that’s said in this room stays in this room until I say otherwise?”
“Of course,” Yoongi nodded. 
“Alright,” Namjoon said before turning and walking away, climbing the steps to the small stage. He waited until Hobi was standing next to him and until the room had quieted down before he began to speak.
“I’m sorry to pull you all out of your warm houses for this meeting, and with such short notice at that,” Namjoon began. “But we have an issue that has been brewing for some time and I feel that now is the appropriate time for me to let you all know.”
“It’s about the tensions between packs, right?” An elder woman, Boa, spoke up and Namjoon sighed before nodding.
“That’s just the thing, actually,” he said. “Those tensions that everyone knows about are escalating, and escalating quick.”
“Escalating in what way?” An elder man named Jinki wondered, and Namjoon turned to look at Hobi.
“Hobi,” he whispered, motioning for him to step forward and Hobi did so before speaking up. 
“I’ve caught four lurkers on the edge of the pack’s territory over the last three days,” Hobi revealed and there was the immediate buzz of chatter that filled the room. Namjoon then held his hand up, which caused the chatter to die back down. 
“How do you know that that has anything to do with the tensions between the packs?” Jiyoon, another elder woman questioned.
“That’s the thing, we weren’t sure at first,” Hobi started. “These lurkers had no type of pack marker, no similar pack scent, and they all swore that they didn’t know each other.”
“But to be on the safe side, I decided to do some digging and contact our brother packs, the Im pack and Choi pack, in Busan and Daegu,” Namjoon added. “Turns out, they both have had a suspicious increase of lurkers on their properties as well.”
“Well, who do you think it is?” Jungkook wondered. 
“I think it’s the work of Seo-hyun,” Namjoon confessed and the gasp that radiated through the room at that name was loud enough to send shivers down Yoongi’s spine.
“Fuck,” Taehyung whispered.
“That piece of shit is still causing trouble!” Yoongi heard a familiar voice shout and when he turned to his right, he saw Kibum standing up out of his chair. 
“Let me finish,” Namjoon called out and the room settled back down. “Now, we have no official confirmation yet but between the lurkers on our properties as well as the properties of our allies and the fact that Seo-hyun’s pack has been the main pack resisting any and all attempts of easing tensions, I’d be highly surprised if this wasn’t all his doing.”
“Why don’t we try sending some representatives over to Seo-hyun’s territory to try and make peace ourselves then?” A younger Alpha named Baekhyun suggested.
“You guys know his history,” Namjoon stated firmly. “Whoever I’d send, he’d smell their pack scent and kill them right then and there just to spite me and I won’t gamble with anyone’s life other than my own.”
“So where do we go from here then?” Boa demanded to know.
“The best thing we can do for right now is to be on guard,” Namjoon said. “It is very possible that he’ll try to come in and stage a coup so we need to be ready just in case. Also, if any of you see this man,” he paused to hold up a photo that Hobi handed him, and Yoongi felt all of the blood drain from his face. “Then you come get me, Hobi, or even Jungkook immediately. Do not engage, because this man will not hesitate to kill you.”
“There will also be an increased amount of people doing patrol duty so if you do it, please see me after this meeting for the new schedule,” Hobi added. 
“And remember, this stays in this room until I can gather more concrete information,” Namjoon reminded everyone. “Alright, meeting adjourned.”
The chatter immediately started up again and Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook stood up when Namjoon and Hobi stepped down off of the stage to walk over to them.
“You couldn’t have given me a trigger warning before showing that picture hyung?” Taehyung mumbled and it wasn’t until then that Yoongi noticed how pale Taehyung’s face had become. 
“I’m sorry Tae-ah, but I had to do it,” Namjoon apologized.
“Want me to take you home?” Jungkook asked Taehyung as he wrapped his arm around him and Taehyung nodded numbly before allowing Jungkook to lead him out of the room. Once they were out of ear shot, Yoongi turned to look at Namjoon and Hobi again. 
“Why’d he react like that?” Yoongi wondered.
“Seo-hyun is the man that killed our parents,” Namjoon revealed. 
“And that tried to kill my mother,” Hobi added angrily and Yoongi knew that in that moment, he probably looked as pale as Taehyung had before Jungkook led him away. 
After staying behind to talk with Namjoon and Hobi for a while longer and receiving the new schedule for patrol duty, Yoongi made his way back to his cabin alone. When he unlocked the door and stepped inside, it was dead silent and Yoongi almost thought you had left until he saw your jacket and shoes still in their places by the front door. 
Once he pulled off his own jacket and shoes, he walked down the hallway to his bedroom, pushing open the door and glancing inside. You were laid out in the bed, tangled up in the blankets that Yoongi had bought for you as you slept soundly. Smiling to himself, Yoongi stepped inside and paced over to the bed, sitting down on the edge next to you.
“Y/N-ah?” He whispered, reaching out and setting his hand on your lower back. “Baby?”
“Yoongi?” You murmured sleepily as you opened your eyes, yawning loudly afterwards.
“Hey,” he replied. “Sleep good?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I washed your bedding and the blankets and I just couldn’t resist them when they were so warm straight out of the dryer.”
“I get it,” he chuckled. 
“Get in with me?” You requested and Yoongi nodded, waiting for you to scoot over before he laid himself down, laughing when you immediately snuggled into his side and wrapped your arms around him. 
“You still feeling alright?” Yoongi checked. “Not too sore?”
“No, the bath earlier helped a lot,” you told him. “Tell me what happened at the meeting.”
“Oh, well Namjoon was telling us that Hobi caught multiple lurkers on the pack’s territory while you were going through your heat,” he started.  
“Seriously?” You gasped. “Do they know who they are?”
“They aren’t sure but Namjoon did some digging and he said that he thinks it’s Seo-hyun,” he said and he didn’t miss the way that your breath hitched when you heard that name. “Namjoon told me who he is and I’m sorry Y/N-ah.”
“No, no, it’s ok,” you sighed. “I just didn’t expect that. So what did Namjoon say that he plans on doing?”
“He’s increasing the amount of people on patrol duty at any time and basically just told us to be looking out just in case,” he finished. 
“God, I really hope that it doesn’t escalate into another war,” you groaned. “I don’t know if I’d be able to go through that again.”
“Well if it comes to that, I’ll fight for you,” Yoongi told you and you just looked up at him, smiling softly. 
“Aren’t I lucky?” You giggled as you pushed yourself up a little, giving him a gentle kiss. When you pulled away and snuggled into him again, pressing your nose to his scent gland, Yoongi couldn’t help but to try and figure out how in the hell he was going to tell you the truth. 
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
Valleys and Mountains-BONUS 🏔
2.k words
18 and up only ‼
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A few weeks later you and Chris sat down with your lawyers to sign the divorce papers. As you both walked out, you noticed a young girl sitting outside the room. You finished up the conversation with your lawyer and headed out. You walked by and the young girl smirked at you. It had to be Cree. You stopped.
“Did you just smirk at me?” You wanted all the smoke.
“I’m just glad this is all finalized.”
“You must be Cree the whore. Well, best of luck to you.”
You turned to Chris.
“Did you tell Cree about you kissing me a few weeks ago when you came to get more stuff?” You faced Cree. “Don’t worry sweetie. I stopped him, but just know he was ready to risk it all.”
You turned and headed down the hall, and into your new single life!
Life was so peaceful after your divorce. You were promoted within your job to Vice-President, you were focused on yourself, and traveling a lot. Your job had your flying to Philadelphia for a work conference for a week. You packed up the night before and knew it would be a long week ahead. You headed to the airport and was running a little late because of traffic but luckily you made it! You only had carry-on luggage and boarded the plane. You seat was in first class, you put your suitcase overhead and sat down in relief.
You got yourself situated and looked over to see who your flying buddy was. IT WAS CHRIS! You absolutely froze! He was just sitting here smiling. The stewardess come over and handed Chris a vodka and tonic.
“Hi Y/N”
You had to gather your words.
“Chris…what a surprised. This is crazy!”
It had been 9 months since you last saw Chris. He looked totally different you barely recognized him! He had grown out his hair and his beard, he gained some weight, and you noticed a little tattoo peeking out of his flannel shirt.
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“I know. I was wondering how long it was going to take you to recognize me.” He laughed.
“I mean, you look totally different.”
“Yeah, I change it up from time to time these days.”
You smiled.
“Good for you.”
You ordered two shots of tequila, and some pretzels. The plane finally began to move. It was raining but not a lot so there was no delay. Chris looked so different but yet so good at the same time. You did your best not to look is way. Chris spoke again.
“So, how is everything with you?”
“Busy. Just work and traveling a lot these days. You?”
“Same. I’m just focused on working right now. I thought to take up carpentry.”
“Really? That is so left field, but then again it’s you.”
You both burst out laughing. You wanted to ask about his relationship but hell no. That’s desperate af.
But then….
“Cree and I are not together. I’m living the single life.”
Woah..you wasn’t expecting that one.
“Same. The peace is really amazing.”
You were so happy that shit failed!
You are Chris continue to chat; both were heading to Phly for a work trip. You caught up on family and other things. You were surprised at how mature you were actually being. The two-hour flight went by super-fast. The plane landed and it was time to get off.
“Where are you staying while you are here?”
“The Sheraton that is connected to the airport.”
“Really. Me too.”
Just great. You smiled.
You said goodbye to Chris, grabbed your suitcase, and headed out. You got your rental car and drove around the corner to the hotel and checked in. You were staying in the presidential suit on the 29thfloor. It had everything you needed and more. The view was amazing!
You ordered room service and called it a night. You could not believe what transpired today.
The first couple of days flew by. You went the conference both days, hiking, and sight-seeing. Day three you decided to stay in but then you got a text. It was from Chris…he kept your number.
*Hey Y/N, I just wanted to know if you would like to have dinner tonight? *
You stared at your phone. Dinner isn’t going to hurt anything right? You waited 10 minutes before accepting his offer.  He texted is room number 2530, wait that’s literally a few rooms down, your room number is 2525. What in the hell!
You sent Chris your room number back and agreed to dinner at 7 P.M. Chris arrived at your room a few before 7PM. He knocked at your door.
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“Hey there, come in. I just have to throw on my heels.”
“Heels? For me?”
Your face grimaced.  You turn to him.
“For me.”
Chris giggled.
“Well, you look great.”
“You as well.”
You put on your heels and grabbed your purse.
“Let’s go.”
Chris opened your room door.
“After you.”
You walked by and caught a whiff of his cologne, Guilty Gucci. Some things never change.
You and Chris walked side by side down the hall, down the elevator, and to his rental car that was waiting outside. He opened the door for you. You thanked him and he went around and got in.
“Where are we going?”, you asked.
“To Barclay Prime.”
You looked over at him. That is a very expensive restaurant!
“Oh, that is top tier.”
“Only the best for you.” Chris smiled at you.
You guys arrived at the restaurant and parked valet. You and Chris were escorted to your reserved table that came with an amazing view of the city.
“This is beautiful.”
“It really is. I’m happy you like it.”
Chris ordered a bottle of wine for the table, and you both ordered food.
“Thank you for joining me for dinner.”
“Thank you for having me.”
“You know. I just want to apologize for everything I’ve done to you. I put you through so much and threw our marriage away. I regret it so much. I don’t know what I was thinking. I feel so stupid to this day.”
The waiter brought over your meals. You took a bite.
“Thank you for the apology. You really broke me with the affair. I felt like I had no choice but to retaliate. I wanted to get even….no regrets either.”
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Chris looked up from is meal and took a drink of wine. He wasn’t expecting that at all. It got quiet for a minute, but then the conversation turned light. You both were making jokes and reminiscing about old memories, before you knew it three hours had went by.
“We should go. We’ve drank six bottles of wine and we are getting loud.” Chris said.
“Good idea.”
Chris snatched the check before you could put a finger on it and paid and went back to the hotel. Chris walked you to your room.
“Thank you again. I enjoyed it.”
You said leaning with the door opened.
“I’ll see you around then?”
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight.”
You walked in and closed the door behind you. You stood for a second and couldn’t believe that you even went to dinner with Chris. You took off your heels and sat on the bed.
There was a knock at the door. You went to open it.
Chris was standing there, eyes totally on you. He walked in and grabbed your face and as he kissed you slowly and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he pulled you in closer grabbing your ass with the palms of his hands. You moved your hands down and begin to unbuckle his belt. Well…you just opened that door. Chris began to unzip your dress from the back, and it fell down to the floor. He picked you up and you straddled him as he walked you to the bed and laid down. You laid back and watched him undress. He had a new tattoo….what kind of bird is that? He pulled your body to the edge as he got on his knees and pulled your panties off. He devoured you from the inside out while fingering you nice and slow. You ran your fingers through his hair. Chris’ tongue worked magic. You pulled his head up and pull him on top of you.
“A condom now.”, you said.
“Are you serious.”
He grabbed a condom from his wallet and put it on. Chris climbed back on top of you and penetrator your walls so deep. His dick was so thick and long; your back immediately arched. He held you so close as he moved in and out. You could hear him moan in your ear. You licked his neck and moved up to his ear. He begins to stroke faster making you even more wet. Chris flipped you over and you got on top. You rode him with all you had, you wanted him to regret ever cheating on you. Let him know what he is missing! He had one hand on your ass and another around your neck squeezing gently.
“Fuckkkk.”, Chris whispered.
He then flipped you over on your stomach and fucked you from behind as you laid on your stomach. That was is favorite position.
“I’m about to cum. I can’t hold it.”
You lifted up into doggy style to finish. He was hitting all your spots from behind and you both finished at the same time. You laid next to each other. Chris pulled you close and kissed you on your forehead. You both fall asleep instantly.
The next morning when you woke up it took a minute to process everything. Chris was still asleep in the bed. You laid there for a second and watched him sleep. Today was your last night in Philadelphia before you left tomorrow morning. You literally had a free day. You answered some work emails from your phone and looked over to see Chris finally waking up.
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“Good Morning.”
“Good Morning.”
“You don’t have a conference today?”
“No. I basically have free day until I fly out tomorrow.”
Chris sat up.
“Let’s go sight-seeing.”
“How did you know that’s what I wanted to do today?”
“Woman…although we aren’t married anymore. I still know you.”
He got out the bed, dick swinging from left to right.
“I’m going to shower and change, and I’ll be right back.”
You nodded. You got up as well to shower and put on some comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Chris returned about 45 minutes later. You and Chris toured the city, visited landmarks, and did a little shopping. It was honestly nice. The laughter can’t be explained. You both returned to your hotel room and ordered room service and a movie. Yall had sex one more time in the shower before Chris heading back to his room.
“What time is your flight tomorrow?”, Chris asked.
“6:30 in the damn morning.”
“I think the universe maybe telling us something. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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You both parted ways and you went to bed. The next morning you boarded your flight and Chris asked someone to switch seats in first class, so he can sit next to you. You two conversed all the way back to Boston. The flight landed and you both walked off the plane together towards the exits.
“Y/N, I was just wondering if maybe we can hang out sometimes.  I really enjoyed this week with you and maybe-“
“No Chris we cannot. I would never rekindle anything with you after what you did to me. Thank you for the sex and the food. Best of luck to you.”
You grabbed your suitcase and walked away from Chris, leaving him behind and never looking back…not once. Back to reality!
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!jinjin
a/n yes yes yes 100x yes, here's the next installment of the college bf!astro series hehe, hope you enjoy it love 😙
{request: Would it be possible to get a college boyfriend Jinjin too?? I super loved the Bin one you did!!!! Thank you in advance 💜}
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 3k
alright theydies
jinwoo–like everyone else in astro–makes me hella hard and soft at the same time so this is gonna be fun
major: music engineer technology
i saw that one ddoca where he was directing all the members for his song and just !!! grr bark bark
literally a fucking sweetie
one of the kindest people you will ever meet in your life
his face is so gentle, especially when he smiles
and then you hear his voice and you're like woah why is it so deep and raspy hey
and then he laughs or giggles and you're like ahh that looks more like you hehe
roommates with university famous dancer!rocky bc i love rap line
such a good roommate and hyung omg
will always make sure rocky eats dinner or takes a shower before going to bed even though he’s exhausted from dance practice or whatever
always shows off how talented rocky (and the rest of the boys) is
very chill
which is a bit of a surprise to everyone bc one of his best friends is literally myungjun
anyway, how do you two meet??
you're a vocal performance major
coincidentally, the same major as myungjun
oh god so you can bet he really played matchmaker for you two
you and myungjun were doing a duet together for one of your final projects during your second year
and you two were joking around like
damn, we should record this, we sound pretty fire
*cue myungjun immediately calling jinjin*
jin: hyung why are you yelling it's literally 6 pm
anyway, it was spontaneous but you and myungjun end up going to one of the recording studios in the music building where jinwoo very often frequents at
you're like a bit shy, like wtf myungjun you didn't tell me that your friend was cute?? you would have worn something better than sweats and a tank
jin's so nice ugh, just imagine him smiling at you as he introduces himself
literally you melted
his fit? bucket hat, glasses, shorts and a tee
it was so casual, but why did he look so cute??
myungjun convinces jinwoo to let you guys record in the studio
it took him just 10 minutes to set up the equipment and everything
you were just looking at him like ooo looks so professional
sksksk im gross
myungjun goes first bc you were nervous
and yeah duh he was a natural, but you couldn't help but admire jinwoo in his prime
he looked so attractive in the producer chair just like instructing mj in the booth
he didn't even know what kind of song you guys were singing, but he directed him so smoothly so that the best parts of myungjun's voice came out
mj joking around: why's your mouth open, y/n? amazed at my voice?
you roll your eyes: sure if that's what you want to believe
your thoughts: ah haha i was totally not oogling your best friend myungjun, totally not
and then it was your turn to go in the booth
you don't know why, but you were hella nervous singing in front of them–or more so, in front of jinwoo
which is dumb bc you're literally a vocal performance major, you sing in front of strangers all the damn time
but you really wanted to impress him for some reason??
okay, you had no reason to be nervous because as soon as you opened your mouth?? jinnie?? literally awestruck
he's heard a lot of singers, obviously bc he's had to record so many of them
but you?? your voice?? a literal siren for him–but in a good way!
your singing entranced him
and then you looked out of the booth to see him just staring at you and your throat went dry
your voice cracked, you've never felt more embarrassed in your life
you: ah! oh my God I'm so sorry, that was horrendous
myungjun's laughing at you, what a nice duet partner
but jin just smiles bc you're whining and hiding your face in your hands
you were so cute??
jinwoo: it's okay y/n, you were doing really good. let's try that again, okay?
he was so sweet about it, ugh you were blushing
you end up recording again, and this time you made the smart decision to close your eyes and just try and focus on the lyrics
and shit, if jinjin wasn’t already a bit interested in you before, he definitely was now
because the way you looked completely immersed in the song and lyrics
his heart skipped like ten miles i dont know
myungjun just knew from the way jinwoo was staring at you
you didn’t get his number from the first meeting
bitch you were too shy, you just squeaked out a “thank you, hope myungjun and I weren’t too much of a bother”
jin: hyung’s always a bother, but you were totally fine
mj: hey!
anyway you leave with a bit of regret, like you should have at least gotten his snapchat or social media or something
or make a dumb excuse to try and see him again
ah but mj was already ten steps ahead of you and jinjin ;)
when you get back to your apartment, there’s a text from myungjun like
“come back to jinwoo’s studio tomorrow for the final mix of our duet”
you immediately jump at the opportunity: okay! what time?
damn could you be any more obvious??
this time you actually tried to look cute, like you were going to see jinwoo again, you couldn’t look like a rat
you get to the studio at the time myungjun told you and you’re like?? oh it’s just jinwoo here?? maybe myungjun’s running a bit late??
jinwoo: oh hey y/n! wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon
you: ???? myungjun told me to come here to listen to the final mix...
jinwoo being shy: he didn’t tell me about that haha
you’re embarrassed, about to turn on your heel and book it
maybe also thinking of murdering myungjun on the way back to your place
but then jinwoo grabs your wrist before you could leave
and you literally felt a spark at his touch, it made you jump a little bit
jin: you can stay if you want–I mean, you came all this way already, I’d be a bit of jerk if I just make you leave
you: I-uh-don’t wanna intrude
he just shakes his head with a smile: you’re not, don’t worry. besides, I’m actually working on your song right now, you can tell me what you think
and that’s how you end up hanging out with jinwoo alone in the studio
you were obviously very awkward and nervous at first
what do you say to him? should you ask him questions? what if you’re bothering him? god you don’t want to sound like an idiot
jinwoo noticed your nervousness––and yes he was nervous too, but he just hid it better than you
he hands you a pair of headphones: here, listen to what I have done so far
you’re like pleasantly surprised??? you and myungjun sound so professional?? like damn put this out on spotify or something
you’re smiling and jinwoo just feels like a huge sense of relief like phew okay you like it so far
and then you two just get to talking while he’s still mixing
you ask him how he got into music and his major and all that fun stuff
you find out that jin’s always loved music and the actual producing aspect of it, he hopes to be a music producer one day and he just flirts with you like
“hey maybe one day you can sing my songs on stage”
and you’re like ??? me??? 
jin: you have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard, it would be an honor for me
ugh jinwoo stop im blushing
you two end up ordering food and eating at the studio bc he promised himself that he wouldn’t leave until he finished your duet and you didn’t wanna leave him alone tf
you and jinwoo exchange numbers this time hehe
before you leave, he’s like “this was nice y/n, you should come over and keep me company more often :) if...you want of course”
you: i’d be happy to! just text me any time :)
internally you’re screaming like yes !! 
you can bet that you start spending a lot of your free time with jinwoo in the music studio
sometimes it’s just you two
sometimes myungjun and their other friends make appearances too
and that’s how you get introduced to their friend group
myungjun to either of you: you’re spending a lot of time with jin/yn lately ;)
about a month after meeting each other, jinwoo asks you out on a date
with the encouragement of astro
it was all expected let’s be honest
cliche first date at the movies, but like you both loved it
wouldn’t be surprised if astro was spying on you two, sitting like a couple rows behind and watching your every move
but shhh if they did, you and jinwoo didn’t notice
the transition from liking each other →  going on dates →  making it exclusive went so smoothly
you and jin were hooked on each other after the first couple meetings that it just seemed so right
myungjun will never stop saying that he’s the reason why you two are in a relationship
you and the other boys grow very fond with each other–particularly sanha
and that was important for jinwoo bc the guys are like his family and it’s basically a dream for him that his partner and friends are close too
sanha is his child do not @ me
so by osmosis, sanha becomes like your baby too
the two of you literally coddle sanha, it’s cute okay
they all go to you and jin for relationship advice sksksk
bc to them, you two just seem so made for each other :’) 
the !! sweetest !! most perfect !! boyfriend
will walk you to class in the morning even if his class is all the way across campus
and you’re like: jinwoo it’s okay, i can see you after this class, you might get late!
jin being pouty: i just wanna spend more time with you :(
im in love with jinjin
loves holding your hand, even when you two are in the studio and he’s mixing something for class or just for fun, he’s still holding your hand
whenever he makes a composition, you’re the first person he shows
really values what you think of his work
vice versa, when you have a song you need to sing, you always ask him to listen to you first
you don’t sugarcoat with each other when it comes to music
will ask you to sing literally all the time
jinwoo gives the best hugs :’)
it’s just so comforting, one of his hands strokes your hair, while the other one rubs your lower back
you know what kind of picture im creating?? yeah
ooooof baby you go with him when he gets his tattoos
you hold his hand through it the entire time even though he probably didn’t feel much pain from it
and like his big ass chest tattoo??? are you drooling??? 1000%
when jinwoo realizes that you get ??? turned on?? by his tattoos, you bet he begins to walk around shirtless in your apartment
is this my transition to down and dirty? yes it is
your first time with him was mmm rough and it’s all thanks to that chest tattoo
you and jinwoo have been steamy before, like makeout sessions and dry humping, and oral (both receiving), but the actual action of fucking? y’all haven’t done it before that night
ofc he’s being a little tease and walking around shirtless
he was always touching you though, not explicitly, but like say you were washing the dishes, he would walk past you and brush his hand passed your waist and he’d whisper in your ear like: sorry baby excuse me
and like he’s done this the whole day so just at one point you lose it and literally push him against the wall and start making out with him
ah he knew you were gonna crack
and god you were so turned on at this point that you were not having any of that soft shit, like you needed him to fuck you asap
jinwoo fucks you so hard your first time together that you couldn’t walk the next day
oh boy he likes to bite
yes he’s the sweetest, but in the bedroom?? lowkey a bit of a masochist
it’s okay bc you don’t mind a little bit of pain ;)
daddy!! kink!! i dont make the rules
will call you baby girl/boy
he’s the dom, like will very rarely let you dom him
very private with your sex life, you won’t catch him teasing you in public with other people around
and if you try, like say if you whisper daddy in his ear or something while you are hanging out with the guys, oof it’s gonna be a rough night for you
alright but studio sex
has he recorded your moans before?? or you two having sex in the booth?? yes
debatably, studio sex happens more than bedroom sex, but that’s only because most of jinwoo’s time is literally in the music building
jinwoo dirty talk !! with his sexy ass raspy voice !! 
ugh jin moaning in your ear what a good girl/good boy you are for him while he’s just fucking you
will slightly degrade you?? like yes you are his cocksleeve
but he also praises you a lot during sex too
ooh you better hope you don’t have a gag reflex bc he’s all into throat fucking
favorite position is actually missionary, believe it or not
he loves seeing you come undone for him
eye contact during sex?? yes
like he will make sure you’re looking at him when you cum, periodt
favorite place to cum is your face oops
also very much into cockwarming
most of the time, your sessions are rough just bc your vibes are like that
but when they’re soft and slow?? and like making love?? 
literally the most passionate man ever
jin makes it all about you and your pleasure when he’s being gentle
after care is full of kisses and cuddles and I love yous
always makes sure you drink water after having sex
stay hydrated kids
and jinwoo’s back to being the bestest boyfriend :’)
first i love you was when you two were in bed together
you both just woke up and were cuddling
jin was watching the video you sent him of you practicing this one song for an upcoming performance
and you were still drowsy, so you were literally drifting in and out of sleep while he was listening to your video
and jinwoo was just awestruck, he’s always been in love with your voice from the get go, but the way you executed this song? even though it was just practice? his chest was constricting
you’re like mumbling when the video stops: i still need to work more on the bridge, my tone gets a bit flat during it, right?
and he just smiles softly at you even though your eyes are closed and you can’t see him
he thought it was perfect already, you were perfect already
and he just calls your name: y/n
you: hmm??
jin: I love you
and suddenly you’re awake and meeting his eyes
they were so genuine and serious and full of love, you don’t even hesitate to say it back
honestly not the jealous type, he’s so patient and trusting and knows that you’re crazy about only him
will constantly reassure you about any of your insecurities: body, voice, school, your relationship, anything
jinwoo just has such a calming aura around him that you can’t help but feel like, as long as he’s by your side everything will be okay
the two of you have many deep talks together, especially at night before going to sleep, it’s what makes your relationship so solid
jinwoo just knew that he wanted to marry you, even early on into your relationship
there was no one that supported him more in his dreams, no one that he’s ever truly felt connected with, no one that he’s shared all his deepest fears with than you
and like after a year of dating like he couldn’t picture a future without you in it
he’s a romantic :’)
shortly before graduating, he makes a song about you and he’s actually singing in it
ugh main vocal jinjin rise
and he shows it to you in the music studio where you first met
and it’s about how much he loves you and admires you and treasures you
basically a proposal but not really
and you’re so touched, like literally moved to tears because it was so beautiful
and lowkey he was cringing at hearing his singing voice but you still loved it nonetheless
and afterwards, jinwoo was like: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you y/n, I’m not asking you to marry me right now, obviously I’ll propose to you in a better way in the future, but I’m serious about you and I can’t imagine being with anyone else.
you jump into his lap and kiss him and just keep saying I love you in between kisses
and jinwoo’s all smiley and giggly like: do you feel the same??
and you hit his arm all jokingly, yes of course you do
you just sit on his lap and he’s hugging you while the two of you are listening to more of his projects and jinwoo’s just thinking like wow I love this person so much
maybe the two of you do owe it to myungjun for playing matchmaker
i guess mj can be the best man at your wedding
y’all this was so soft??
but yes jinnie’s the best bf/husband material out there
im in love with him
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fallen029 · 3 years
"Are you nervous?"
"You sure?"
Mira tilted her head to the side though her eyes betrayed the cute, quirky questioning vibe she was going for as they, instead, seemed rather disbelieving. It was easy for Laxus to note it these days, having fallen like most other in the hall for her typical chaste trickiness and innocuous pretenses over the years, but after being far more than just a guild member to her now for a good number of them as well, he'd begun to pick up on the little things.
Like how she seemed forever trapped in a guilelessness that didn't quite entrap her as well as she thought it did.
But this was fine, the ease at which he disarmed her now, as Mira was able to pick apart the man's own fallacies and walls.
"Yeah," he grumbled to the woman's question, but she only grinned at him, as if victorious, as she picked apart his lies with ease.
"Then why are you biting at your nails?" she asked with round eyes. "You only do that when you're nervous."
And now she'd managed to annoy him.
"I'm only curious," she insisted with a little shake of her head. "Dragon."
He huffed some, his chest deflating as he finally gave her his full attention. They were in the bar, as they typically were, but Mirajane had actually found a moment to take a break. Rest. S-Class trials were, at that very moment, going on and those who hadn't been chosen were sulking away from the guild for the time being while a decent sized group was off being put through the rigorous trials and tribulations that were associated with being designated part of the elite group of mages that were Fairy Tail S-Class wizards.
Laxus had no reason to be nervous.
He'd claimed his spot many years before and, at times, wondered if he even had eventually surpassed the old geezer all together. He'd be a wizard saint, someday, he knew, or at least told himself so, and that meant that he had far more concerns than something as silly as a guild distinction.
Not when may one day have the distinction among the entire continent.
S-Class trials had nothing to do with him and, if anything, he was mostly just glad to find that bar emptied out some that day.
"It's okay," Mira assured him then though and when she reached across the table, it was to grab his hand, pulling it down so that she could caress it as she looked deeply into the slayer's eyes. "I am too."
"You are what too?" he asked dumbly, confused equally by her words as he was calmed by her gesture.
"Nervous," she insisted.
"About what?"
"The same thing as you."
"I'm not," he told her, "nervous."
"What do I have to be nervous about, huh?" Then, frowning, he questioned, "What do you?"
"Well, actually, I'm nervous about a lot of things," she said, releasing his hand, but only so she could bring her own up to her cheek and rest her head there then, as she thought. "I have a shipment of meat that hasn't come in yet and I know, this weekend, if I don't get it, that I'll have to serve meals without any meat portion and the guys will be pretty upset about that, which will affect my tips, and I've been trying to save up money for my wedding. Which brings me to my next point, I've been saving for a wedding that can't yet happen because my boyfriend is dragging his feet with proposing to me even though we've talked about it a thousand times-"
"Mira," he warned, but she only shrugged.
"The dog I look after was sick last night, too," she finished. "I'm nervous about that."
Laxus, with a slight breath, questioned, "What's wrong with him?"
"He has the shits."
And he blinked. Then narrowed his eyes while the woman only gazed right back with hers earnest and honest.
Shrugging some then, Laxus said, "If you need help wrangling him down to a vet, I could-"
"Oh!" Mira sat up then. "And I'm super nervous because my baby brother is off on the S-Class trials and I want him to preform well." Shrugging, she added, "But I'm torn, because I also want all of my friends to do well. Including your best friend. Freed."
Laxus' face fell then as he realized he'd been duped (possibly; her street dog did have a hefty amount of ailments from time to time) and only looked off once more as he remarked, "Sounds like your problem. Not mine."
"Oh, it's not a problem. Laxus. To be nervous about such things." Sighing, she said, "It means that you care. About them. To be nervous for someone else. I want them all to come back, knowing that even though they can't all be the winner, at least invigorated and ready to start right back at training and trying their hardest to, eventually, be that winner. It's an honor to be nervous on someone's behalf. I'd gladly take all of Elf's nerves if it meant he could put all his focus into the trials right now."
Laxus snorted. "Yeah, well, bully for you. Freed can take care of his damn self. I don't need to worry about him, like you and your loser brother."
Snorting, the man looked off before saying, "I'm not worried. Over Freed. Or anything."
"Fine. Not worried then." Mira had lost some of her jolliness at the slight her boyfriend had sent towards her absent brother. "But you are thinking about it. Aren't you? Even just a little? He's your best friend. I would at least think-"
"I'm," he insisted to her with a finality in his tone he usually reserved for literally anyone who wasn't his demon, "not nervous about the S-Class trials. Or worried. Or concerned. Alright?"
Sighing, she looked off for a moment, considering the slight surge of people that had come in in the last ten minutes or so and weighing in her mind whether or not her break was officially over. Not quite ready to let it go though, when her eyes drifted back to her boyfriend, it was with another set of words on her tongue.
"If you're not nervous about the trials," she began in that tone and it was enough, just on its own, to make him regret coming into the hall that day, "then that must mean that you're nervous about something else, so what is it? Huh? Is it that you've been seeing someone else?"
"Mira, what?"
"Some other woman, is it, then? Who is she, Laxus? Huh? Don't think that I wont' make a scene here, right now, in front of everyone, because-"
"What are you-"
"-if you don't tell me what it is that you're so nervous about, then I have no choice but to assume that you're cheating on-"
"I'm nervous for my friend, alright?" And he usually wouldn't take such a tone with her, but he did then, snapping some, out of aggravation and, maybe it was a trick of the lights, but the woman could have sworn she even saw a flick of his fangs as the vein on the side of his head bulged and his eyes darkened. "I want him to be S-Class with me and I'm worried that your stupid brother or one of those other idiots will get it over him. Or that...that… He'll fuck it up himself. Is that what you want to hear? Huh?"
The other people around the guildhall did not.
But they had, quite clearly, heard nearly every word of his little outburst and, feeling all those eyes on him now only made the man growl louder. He was primed for a retreat, storming off and staying away from the hall for a few days, until he could stomach a return without smashing in the face of the first person who questioned him.
Mirajane, however, wasn't going to let this happen.
Because, yes, she had been very happy with the explosion of information that had just fallen out of the slayer's mouth. She'd only been prodding at him her entire break. For it to result in such a satisfying revelation meant it hadn't all been for not.
"Awe," Mirajane giggled, clapping her hands at the slayer's misery. "You guys are just such good friends, huh, dragon? You feel a lot better, don't you? Getting that off your chest?"
"No," he told her with the same candor that he'd just exposed himself and his nerves to the entire guildhall. "I feel worse."
"Well," Mira hummed as, job complete, she got to her feet once more, she offered, "I feel better. Isn't that all that matters?"
"Demon." The moniker was more of a proclamation than an endearing term. "You're evil."
"I love you," was her purest of explanations and she meant it too, he could tell, as her deep blues flashed a bit of hurt. "Helping you admit your feelings for your friends is how I show that."
"Yeah, well," he muttered under his breath, "then you need to find new ways."
Laxus took off that night, before her shift was finished, but that was fine with the woman as she'd more than begun staying most nights at his apartment.
When she arrived, he was flicking through an old atlas, comparing it to a current map. Something for a job, was all he grumbled to her when she lightly questioned, and Mira let his tone go because, well, she had been rather insistent before, at the bar, and all things considered, he hadn't outright acted a fool.
Just mostly.
"If Elfman doesn't make S-Class," she did whisper, eventually, over dinner that night and she saw the man roll his eyes, thinking she was trying to goad him back into a conversation, "I'll cry."
Grunting, he only continued to stab at the steamed vegetables at his plate, never rightly bringing them up to his mouth, but not quite ready to admit, when he insisted in a huff that he be the one to make them, that this was a bad idea.
"Of course," she hummed again, "if he makes it, I'll probably cry then, too."
"I already told you what you wanted to hear," he told her plainly. "What else do you want from me?"
"I'd like you to make a big emotional plea again," she replied back with the same amount of flatness that it almost made the slayer recoil. At the sight of it though, she broke some as, with a giggle, she admitted, "I'm just talking, dragon. About my baby brother. Who wants this so badly-"
"If he wanted it badly, he'll come back S-Class," Laxus told her as, with a shake of his head, he went back to stabbing at his vegetables. "If he doesn't, then that means he didn't want it badly enough."
"Well, I'm not saying that to him, if he comes back not S-Class."
"Yeah, I figured."
"And I'm not saying that to Freed either."
"That's fine," Laxus told her. "I will. He knows where to go to hear the truth."
"A little kindness will get you a lot in life, Lax," she replied, but he only shrugged some.
"Won't get you S-Class," he retorted and, well, the next morning would finally put the entire conversation to rest.
Cana had never looked prouder than herself and, that night, never gotten drunker, than when she was finally, after wanting it for so long, so much, to find herself on the same Fairy Tail tier as her father.
He was there, Gildarts was, having been hanging around for a few days, prepared for this, and she seemed rather annoyed by all of his attention, shoving at the man's face any time he tried to hug her, but betraying her annoyance by the glistening in her eyes, every single time he, also drunkenly, announced to those amassed how proud he was of the guild's newest S-Class member.
His daughter.
Mirajane was caught as she always was, between dismayed at the heartbreak evident on the faces of those who weren't victorious and the one who was. As she comforted both Elfman and Natsu over their losses, she did take note, across the bar, of where Freed was very stoic and graceful in his defeat, but still being comforted in their own ways, by his two friends.
"Who wants to be S-Class anyways?" Bickslow questioned. "When you can be part of the most elite team in all the lands?"
"I would," Ever admitted under her breath though, still, she patted at Freed's shoulders sympathetically.
It was as they stood though that all three felt it. It had been looming, after all, the entire time. The presence of their most highly viewed mentor, Laxus, who came out of hiding, down in the game room. He'd been down there transferring his nerves into some rounds of pool, but Cana and Gildarts very loud commotion had finally caught his attention and he found himself not welcomed to the celebrations of the member he'd most desired.
At his approach, both Bickslow and Ever took a step back. They too had disappointed the man in the past, but never quite in such a grand fashion. Freed was primed to take the gold this time around, only to lose out to the guild drunk and Evergreen couldn't help but to glare over at the other woman, hating her more, even, than Titania, just for that day only.
Laxus came to a stop before the trio, eyes on Freed, and the rune mage forced himself to meet the gaze of the other man. It was just as he was beginning to open his mouth though that he caught sight of Mira, over at the bar, staring very pointedly his way and he took in a breath, instead of speaking, reconsidering his words before he was unable to take the back.
His gaze didn't soften, not exactly, but Freed was almost surprised when, instead of being reprimanded, he was welcomed with a pat at the shoulder from the man, as well as a slight grin.
"You kicked Elfman's ass, at least, right?" the slayer asked to which the other mage bowed his head a bit.
"Well, we did find ourselves across from one another and I found myself moving on while he did not, but-"
"All that matters."
"You'll want it more, next time," he told the other man simply. "After getting so close."
"Yes." And he balled up his fists then, Freed did, nodding his head at the man as he insisted, "I will!"
It was a celebration that night, not a pity party, as Cana was far from someone that anyone could look down upon (especially not with her father there, intent on making certain this didn't happen) and it was a good night.
For everyone.
The night peaked though, for Laxus, when towards the end of it, as he sat up at the bar drinking with the still far too giddy Gildarts, listening to the man go on about all of where he'd been (with some praise for his little girl sprinkled in there), Mirajane appeared at his side. The slayer originally thought it was to refill his mug, which he held up to help her with this, but instead of leaning down to fulfill this request, the woman instead pressed a kiss to his cheek, lingering long enough for Gildarts to giggle at the man.
"Mira," Laxus questioned with a bit of a rosiness to his cheeks as the woman rightened and did, finally, begin to fill his mug with golden ale once more. Such public displays were hardly their style and the man raised his head then to question, "What was that for?"
"I just like it when you're nice, dragon." She even giggled. "I like it a lot."
But the night was busy and she was being called off again, across the bar, which left the still somewhat blushing Laxus and grinning Gildarts.
"You caught a good one, Laxus. Proud of ya."
"No, seriously." And Gildarts glanced over his shoulder then, to the table where his daughter was plying herself with barrel after barrel while her guild members, all so thrilled by her accomplishment, sat nearby, happily congratulating her. "I fucked up. You know. Once. With the only one that mattered. Sometimes you don't get second-chances, man." His serious tone faded though as his face contorted in a smile that didn't seem to stretch right across it as he said, "Unless you're like my Cana! No need for second-chances; she's all S-Class!"
"Yeah," Laxus snorted, "she just needed fourth and fifth and sixth-chances."
"What did you say? Eh? Laxus?"
And when Gildarts turned his head then, his face had contorted into something far darker and Laxus found it best to just sip his beer in silence for awhile.
They left together that night, Laxus and Mira did, the man a bit drunk and the woman, who'd worked the entire night away, stone cold sober, but it was fine, as she seemed high on something else.
"I'm so happy," she insisted to the man. "For Cana. It almost washes away how badly If eel for Elf."
She was twirling and skipping that night, slightly before her boyfriend, and he only watched her for a few moments then before speaking.
"Maybe," he offered with a bit of a shrug, "he could come out with me. Elfman could. And we could train some times. To get him ready for next year."
And she stopped dancing then, Mira did, to look over her boyfriend as she instead flel into step with him. Slipping her arm into the crook of his, she snuggled up close to the man who, even drunk, only rolled his eyes.
"You're so sweet, Lax," she assured him as the man only groaned. "When you wanna be."
Even though his reaction seemed the exact opposite, slowly, Laxus was learning that, maybe, he always wanted to be.
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
snapshot | l.jn
pairing: lee jeno x reader
genre/ warnings: smut, thigh riding, hand jobs, masturbation
words: 2.6k
Jeno is going to pass out.
It’s not because of the lack of sleep he had gotten, the fact that he’s about to miss the deadline for his essay, or because he’s been eating like shit the whole week. It’s not even because of the disgustingly graphic horror movie Renjun had made him watch. It’s because you, his very attractive roommate, have sent him a picture.
Nothing like the normally cute selfies you normally send him, or the ones taken from an awful angle to get a laugh out of him. This one’s sexy. Blue lace just barely covers your breasts, your necklace fitting perfectly in your cleavage. Your lips are parted slightly but they’re swollen, as if you’ve been biting them.
The sheer speed with which all the blood in his body rushes to his cock is fast enough to make him lightheaded almost immediately, and he stares at the picture long enough that it’s permanently ingrained behind his eyelids. Which is a problem. A big, big problem.
He realizes just how big of a problem it is when he gets a hand around his cock, guilt swimming in his stomach as he realizes that he’s about to jerk off to his roommate. His wonderful, lovely roommate who he is friends with. Did he have a mild crush on you? Yes. But your relationship is nothing but strictly platonic. And yet...
Even when he puts his phone away, he can’t stop thinking about that picture. You must’ve sent it to him on accident. Why else would he get that picture?
His phone dings and he opens it, hoping it’s Jaemin asking him to play video games. Lord knows he needs the distraction.
It’s not.
It’s you again. The attachment is a video this time, and holy fuck. The video starts with a shot of your legs, a pair of matching blue panties that just barely cover your pussy. There’s a soft moan, and Jeno’s ears strain to pick up on it.
“I’m so wet for you.” You sigh, letting your fingers slip under the fabric. A gasp leaves you at the feeling and Jeno wishes that he could see what you’re doing, but the fabric blocks his view and he wishes that he could rip it off of you. “God, I wish you were here with me. You’d fuck me so well.”
You move your fingers up to the camera and fuck, you really weren’t lying when you said you were wet. The digits are glistening and Jeno audibly moans. He fucking ascends when you pop the digits in your mouth, moaning around them obscenely. The video ends and yet Jeno is too overwhelmed you process anything, just sits there with his phone in his hand and his eyes glued blankly to his wall.
He can’t stop the images from playing in his mind, but he manages to pull it together enough to come up with a response.
Jeno [11:53pm]
did you mean to send this to me?????
Roomie [11:54pm]
Jeno [11:54pm]
haha it’s okay
i deleted them no worries
Roomie [11:54pm]
im so embarrassed right now
Jeno [11:55pm]
dont be
it happens to the best of us
can i come talk to you or do you need a minute to finish up
Roomie [11:56pm]
anyways yeah give me a min
Jeno wills his boner to go down and takes a few deep breaths, eventually standing from his chair and making his way down the hall. He bounces on his toes and checks the time. It’s been 3 minutes. Surely you’re ready now?
“Come in!” You yell when he knocks and he timidly lets himself in, shutting the door softly behind him. He can’t help but notice how adorable you look right now, wrapped so tightly in blankets that your face barely peaks out. Jeno notices the hoodie you’re swimming in is his, and it fills him with a strange sense of... something. Pride? Happiness?
“Hey.” He starts, standing awkwardly at the foot of your bed.
You take a moment before repeating the greeting. Neither of you know what to say and a horrible silence fills the room. Your laughter breaks it.
“This is so awkward, holy shit.” You giggle, breaking out of your cocoon a little bit. “I can’t even remember a time where it’s been this bad.”
“It was literally less awkward when we first met and that’s saying something.” Jeno snorts, taking a seat on the edge of the bed when you pat it.
The two of you laugh until it peters out into another silence. You clear your throat. “Uh. So about the, uh, pictures. I’m really sorry, I definitely didn’t mean to send them to you.”
Jeno laughs again, hoping that it doesn’t sound too strained. “Yeah, I kinda figured. It’s no big deal though, I already deleted them.”
“It’s not like I would send you nudes anyways, that’s stupid. I’d show you in person.” Jeno’s eyebrows nearly shoot off of his face with how high he raises them, a confused “huh?” leaving him. You laugh. “Y’know, because you’re right next door. Are you okay?”
He somewhat recovers. “Oh! Yeah, yeah, for sure. Face to face contact and all that.” His heart is still beating much too fast, his knee bouncing as he thinks about you showing up at his door in nothing but skimpy lingerie, a pout on your lips as you whisper that you’re so wet and that you need him to do something.
“Mhmm, exactly. Anyways, can we agree to forget about this?” You ask, and Jeno definitely won’t be forgetting about this anytime soon, but he nods anyways and murmurs an “of course”. You beam. “Cool! Are you gonna go to sleep? Because I was about to start a movie if you wanna join.”
Jeno shakes his head, the proximity driving him crazy. “I got an essay to write that is due,” He checks the clock. “9 minutes ago. Maybe another time?”
You open your arms and pull him in for a hug. “I’m holding you to that. Have fun writing your essay.”
He groans. “Oh yeah, the most fun.”
It’s when he gets past your door that you stop him. “Hey Jen?” He pauses, glances back, but doesn’t open the door to peek his head back into your room. “I’m glad it was you I sent the pictures to.”
He pretends like he doesn’t hear it, his mind already a jumbled mess.
The next few weeks are surprisingly not awkward. You both ignore it like you promised, going on with your routine as if it had never happened. Well, as much as possible, anyways.
Jeno is a young man in his prime. He has a very high sex drive. And yet, he hasn’t been able to jerk off in two weeks because every time he tries, he thinks of you. And the guilt that consumes him is always too much, so he ends up with a cold shower and a shit ton of frustration.
But two weeks is a long time to be pent up. So when you pop into his mind while he’s relaxing in bed, he can’t stop himself from grinding his hips down into the mattress. A little bit of relief turns into him humping the mattress like a dog, biting into his pillow to muffle his moans. You’re not home so he doesn’t really need to be quiet, but it’s a force of habit.
Your name still slips past his lips, and no matter how guilty he feels, he can’t stop. He groans your name and flips onto his back, wrapping his fist around his cock and nearly sobbing at how good it feels. His hips snap faster and faster into his hand and he’s so close, so fucking close-
“Jeno?” Your voice is too close to be a part of his imagination and it takes a moment for him to realize why.
His head snaps up and he makes eye contact with you, dread rushing through him. “Shit, y/n, I didn’t-“ He doesn’t finish, doesn’t know what he didn’t do, just yanks the covers up to protect the last bits of his dignity.
You swallow. “My class got cancelled. I uh, I heard you call my name and I didn’t realize that you were...” You trail off, making a vague gesture with your hand.
It’s bad, he knows, but he can’t stop himself from continuing to stroke himself at a torturous pace. He’s hidden from sight by the blanket and he grinds the heel of his palm into the head of his cock, biting his cheek so hard he tastes blood. It’s hurting more than it’s helping, and he knows it’s bad to keep doing it while talking to his roommate who he was just getting off to, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He grimaces, ready to try and talk himself out of it (or at least attempt to) when you continue. “Do you want help?”
Jeno’s eyes nearly fall out of his head and he hisses as he accidentally squeezes his cock too hard. You’re looking at your feet and maybe you’re just as embarrassed as he is.
“I mean, you’ve already seen my nudes. I wouldn’t mind, like, seeing yours too.” Jeno is hallucinating. There’s no way this is real. Shakily, he nods.
You move to sit down next to him, a little stiff, your eyes meeting his for a moment before flickering down over his torso. He jolts as you brush your fingertips along his arm, moving down the limb until you reach his hand, which is still fucking gripping his dick. You giggle when you realize that he’s been jerking off the whole time you’ve been in the room.
The covers are pulled down and your eyes widen briefly. Jeno’s self-conscious for half a second before you’re gasping out an “oh fuck, you’re big”. His ego inflates and he can’t stop himself from smiling.
“You must be close, yeah? Couldn’t stop touching yourself, even when I caught you.” Jeno groans, half in embarrassment, half in pleasure. You brush your fingers of the tip of his cock, just teasing around the head and his hips launch off the bed into your touch.
“Bet you were hoping I caught you. That’s why you were calling my name, isn’t it?” You lean close to brush your lips over his earlobe before moving down to leave wet kisses along his neck. He pants heavily, head tilting to give you more room.
Pleasure clouds his senses when you finally take pity on him, stroking his cock with a tight grip. “You’re the one who sent the pictures.” He pants out. There’s heat pooling his gut and he rolls his hips up into your grip, fucking into your hand.
“Aww, you liked them? Let me tell you a secret.” You move so that you’re straddling his thigh, leaning down to suck a hickey into his chest, and Jeno doesn’t miss the way your subtly rock your hips down. “I was thinking about you when I took them.”
That does it. Images of you picking out that lingerie with him in mind, posing and sucking on your fingers for him, touching yourself while imagining it’s him flash through his mind and it’s too much to handle. Jeno comes with a loud groan of your name, panting shallowly and digging his heels into the mattress. You work him through it, dragging out his pleasure until it’s almost too much and it starts to get painful. A loud whine leaves him and you laugh.
Jeno’s ears are ringing and his brain has turned to mush, so it takes him a while to realize that he’s got an arm locked around your body keeping you anchored to his chest. It also takes him a moment to notice how you grind down against his thigh, how you whimper and moan as you chase that bliss.
He just about comes again when he notices that you’ve got your fingers in your mouth, sucking and lapping at the digits to clean them of his come.
“Fuck,” He groans softly, tensing his thigh and pressing it up against you. “That feel good, baby?”
A hum leaves you, eyes opening to meet his own. You look thoroughly fucked out, sweat beading on your forehead, pupils blown wide with lust. “Yeah, I’m so close.”
Jeno’s hands move without him telling them to, grabbing your hips and pulling you down against his thigh harder, faster. He grips at your ass, loving the way it feels in his palm, and he brings one hand down softly. A slap sounds through the room and you keen, hips stuttering against him.
“Come on baby, let go.” His voice sounds utterly wrecked, deep and gravelly and what was supposed to be a casual phrase comes out as a command. You can’t do anything but moan in response, babbling out some variation of “please, please, I’m so close, I’m so- ohfuck.”
Your pace grows sloppy as you come, sobs leaving you as Jeno forces you to maintain a quick rhythm via his hands on your hips. Watching you fall apart is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He can’t tear his eyes away from you.
“Too much, I can’t- Jeno, I can’t-“ You shake and twitch on top of him and it fills him with satisfaction, seeing that he made you like this. He softens his hold, moving one hand up to your back and anchoring you to his chest. You bury your face into him with a sigh.
Jeno’s content to lay there and rub your back for a bit, maybe get some sleepy cuddles. But you push yourself up onto your forearms and disappointment fills him. He expects you to leave, expects things to be so unbearably awkward between the two of you that you have to move out, expects- well, anything except for the pair of lips pressing to his own.
The kiss takes him by surprise and he makes a muffled noise, taking a moment to coordinate himself enough to kiss back. You’re smiling into the kiss and it makes him smile too, his hand coming up to cup your jaw.
“So you sent me those nudes on purpose.” Jeno teases when you finally pull away, gasping for air. Your eyes widen before you’re shaking your head and giggling.
“No! I actually didn’t. They were meant for Mark, but I was thinking about you when I took them, so I guess my brain decided it would be a good idea to press your name.” You shuffle down a little bit so that your legs fit perfectly with his, limbs tangling together.
Jeno brushes your hair off of your forehead, stroking your scalp softly. You hum and melt into him. “Well, I guess you missed the mark on that one.”
It takes a moment for it to register but when it does, your head snaps up and you glare at him. “That was horrible, oh my God. I’m breaking up with you.”
“But we’re not dating?”
You turn shy, laughing and hiding your face. “Oh yeah. Well, would you maybe, uh, want to?”
Jeno can’t fight the smile that takes over his entire face as he looks at you. He leans down to press a kiss to your forehead. “I would love to.”
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