#ooooh things are getting serious
spaceoddball1969 · 2 years
Falling for the Freak - Eddie Munson Fix-It Fic Chapter 09
I have genuinely no idea how we’re already nine chapters into this thing. This is wild. I’m so happy to see more and more of you finding this fic each day. It’s such a treat seeing people interact with it. I am coming to you today actually having had slept a little bit. I’ve got one more shift at work and then I get my day off. I’m so excited. I hope you all really enjoy this chapter and as always thank you so much for reading it.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: They’ve traded clothes by accident. Is she going to give Eddie his shirt back? I certainly wouldn’t. When I have a partner I hoard their clothes with a burning passion. Anyway...the reader continues to battle with her feelings for Eddie until they come to a head. And then just wait to see what happens next! (Can you tell I write these before I’ve written the chapter???) 
WARNINGS: Fluff. I feel like you’ve probably seen or at least are familiar with Star Wars but in case you aren’t, spoiler warning for Star Wars. And just in case you are wondering which movie they’re referring to in the fic, it’s the first movie that came out in 1977 otherwise known as Episode IV: A New Hope. When it came out it was just called Star Wars so that’s why it will only be referred to in that way in this chapter.
Chapter 9
I didn’t quite know why, but I hadn’t give Eddie his shirt back even though it had been over a week since I technically stole it from him. I also had begun to sleep in it most nights. Well, I knew why I had done those things but I didn’t like to think about that. Instead, Eddie and I just didn’t talk about the clothing we had accidentally given each other. I didn’t know where my sweater was and he didn’t really know where his shirt was. He never asked about it, so I figured he couldn’t miss it too much. 
The second half of the semester was picking up quickly. I began to spend all of my free time studying. The only way I ever saw anyone was to have study sessions. Sometimes Dustin and I would sit together at the kitchen table after dinner doing our homework together. When I told Eddie about this one evening on the phone, he asked if he could join us next time. The three of us began spending most evenings together at the table, our heads buried in books. If it wasn’t too cold or snowy, we would take breaks by going on short walks around the block.
Eddie and Dustin often would finish their homework before me and would end up in Dustin’s room planning out campaigns for Hellfire. Sometimes, if I didn’t have too much work to do, I would join them and listen to their discussions. Before Mike, Lucas, and Dustin had met Eddie, it usually was Mike who would plan their campaigns. However, now that they were in Hellfire, that task had fallen on Eddie. Dustin was curious about picking up the skill though, so Eddie let him help with writing the plot and coming up with characters.
“What if he was missing his left eye?” Dustin asked one night while we all were hanging out in his room. Dustin was sitting in his desk chair on one end of the room while Eddie leaned against the windowsill. I sat on the floor with two books on demons open in front of me and a notebook in my lap. 
“And his left arm!” Eddie said excitedly. 
“Oh that would look wicked!” Dustin laughed. “He’s going to be gnarly,”
“You don’t know the half of it,” Eddie said, a grin growing across his mouth.
“You’re really not going to tell me anymore about this campaign?” Dustin complained.
“Henderson, I’m dungeon master for a reason,” Eddie said. “You’re going to have to wait for The Cult of Vecna just like all the other peasants,”
“I’m not a peasant,” Dustin protested.
“Who’s Vecna?” I asked. “And what kind of cult are we talking about here? Are you thinking more like Charlie Manson and his Family or like Heaven’s Gate?”
“Vecna’s an evil sorcerer,” Dustin said.
“And what do you mean what kind of cult? There’s more than one kind cult?” Eddie asked coming to sit next to me on the floor.
“Of course there’s more than one kind of cult. Don’t you know anything?” I said.
“Apparently not,” Eddie shrugged. “Enlighten me,”
“What’s their ideology?” I asked. “How are they bringing in new followers? What do the followers have to do to be a member? Are they hyperfocused on an impending doomsday? Or do they believe in aliens? Or are they creating a race war?”
Eddie and Dustin both fell silent. Dustin looked mildly concerned while Eddie looked impressed. Eddie shook his head and chuckled.
“You’re a little freak aren’t you?” He laughed.
“No,” I said, “I’m just interested in cults,”
“Ha!” Eddie cackled. “I’m just interested in cults. Because that makes you normal. Anyway, I should get going. But I’m deeply interested in continuing this discussion. Maybe you can help me develop what kind of cult an evil wizard would run,”
“I’ll walk you out,” I said, standing up.
Eddie and I strolled to the front door. He slipped on his coat and stepped out onto the porch. Before Eddie left, he turned to me and leaned against the doorway. 
“Hey are you into Star Wars?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, sure I like Star Wars,” I said.
“There’s a showing of it tomorrow night downtown. At eight. You wanna go?” he asked.
“Oh,” I said, “yeah, sure. I think I’m free,”
“Cool,” Eddie said. 
“Yeah,” I said. “I’ll check with Dustin to see if he wants to go,”
“Oh, uh,” Eddie stuttered, “I was actually kind of thinking that we could go. Just us.”
I nodded slowly. “Uh, sure, yeah that’s fine with me,”
“Ok,” Eddie said, “should I pick you up then? Or do you wanna meet me there?”
“You can pick me up,” I said.
“I’ll get here around seven?” he asked.
“Seven works.” I said. “Then we’ll have time for you to buy me popcorn”
“Then we’ll have time for you to buy yourself popcorn,” Eddie said with a laugh.
We looked at one another for a silent second. Then Eddie sighed and pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Well, I guess I’ll be going then,”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.
“Looking forward to it already,” Eddie said as he turned around to walk to his car.
“He asked you to go to the movies?” Robin asked the next afternoon as we restocked the candy shelves at Family Video. “Without Dustin?”
“Yeah, but we’ve hung out with Dustin a lot recently,” I said, trying to come up with an explanation as to why it wasn’t weird that Eddie, my just friend, and I were going to the movies alone. “I think he just doesn’t want to feel like we’re babysitting.”
“He asked you to go see Star Wars though,” Steve chimed in from the front counter. “Isn’t that like one of Henderson’s all-time favorite movies?”
“I guess,” I shrugged, feeling a bit guilty.
“So wouldn’t it make more sense for the three of you go together?” Robin asked.
“I guess,” I said again, “but come on, Dustin has seen Star Wars like a billion times, it won’t kill him if he doesn’t watch it this time,”
“But this time it’s in a theater,” Steve said. 
“Are you trying to make me feel guilty for not taking Dustin?” I asked.
“No,” Steve said, “I’m just trying to point out to you that Munson asked you on a date and you’re in denial,”
“I’m not in denial,” I said, shaking a box of Junior Mints at him. “And it’s not a date,”
“So what is it then?” Robin asked.
“Just a couple of friends going to see one of their mutual favorite movies together,”
“It’s a date,” Steve said. “He likes you, you like him. It’s a date,”
“It’s not a date!” I said. “I don’t like him!”
“He’s all you talk about!” Steve said. “It’s a date,”
I glared at him but he was unphased.
“It’s a date,” he repeated.
When I got off work, I sped home and tried to cram some homework in before Eddie came by to pick me up. I tried to pick out an outfit that looked nice but not so nice that it could be a date outfit. I ended up going with jeans, Converse, and an oversized red and black striped sweater. I thought it looked casual but when Eddie came to pick me up his eyes traveled up and down my body before landing on my face. 
“Hey,” he said with a smile. “You ready?”
“Yup,” I said, pulling on my coat.
It only took about fiften minutes to get to the theater, but it felt like a long fifteen minutes. I didn’t really know what to say. Steve’s insistance that this was a date had gotten to me. My brain kept flooding with the reasons why I couldn’t date Eddie. But then he’d smile or flick his hair or I’d get a whiff of his cologne and all of those reasons would go flying out of my brain and all I could think was God, he’s pretty.
“You ok?” Eddie asked as he parked his van. The lot for the theater was already full, so we had to park a block away and walk.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “A bit stressed. School is going to kill me,”
“I know you feel like you have to study a lot to get good grades,” Eddie said, as we walked towards the theater, “but you’re literally a genius. You could sleep through all your classes and pass with flying colors,”
“Thanks,” I said, smiling down at my feet. “But I really want to learn something this year. I’ve been waiting so long to go to college that I just really want to get everything that can out of it,”
“I wish I had your dedication to school,” Eddie said. “Maybe then I would’ve graduated when I should’ve,”
“You shouldn’t feel bad for taking longer though,” I said. “A lot of people need more time. And you are really smart,”
“If only you could convince the teachers at Hawkins High of that,” he chuckled as we got in line to buy tickets.
“You’re going to graduate,” I said. “We’re going to make sure of it,”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
Watching the film was nerve wracking but in the best way. I had seen Star Wars countless times but I had never watched it with a cute boy in a dark movie theater. As it was almost ten years old at this point, there were not that many people out to see it that night. It was mostly parents with their kids who had been too young to see it in the theaters when it was originally released. Eddie and I sat in the back in order to avoid being too close to any potentially noisy children. He bought a large popcorn for us to share and insisted that I didn’t split the price with him despite his protests from the night before.
While I was enjoying my viewing experience, I definitely felt anxious about the whole thing. I told Eddie he could hold the popcorn but it was mostly because I was scared I would drop it by accident. I sat with my legs crossed for a while, trying to hold in any fidgeting I might mindlessly do. Eventually I got stiff and unfolded myself in the seat. I hadn’t noticed that my leg was bouncing until I felt Eddie’s large hand rest on my knee. I could feel the heat of his skin through my pants. I froze as he leaned over without taking his eyes off the screen.
“You ok?” He whispered.
I nodded and he gave my knee a little pat. I expected him to move his hand after this, but he let it stay there. I was scared to move for fear that he would interpret that as my wanting him to move his hand. After about five or six minutes he slid his hand up just above my knee, gave my leg a little squeeze and then went back to eating popcorn as if nothing had ever happened. 
After that I felt less anxious. I inhaled the popcorn with Eddie as Luke Skywalker stared out at the double sunset of Tatooine. I leaned over closer to Eddie.
“This is like my favorite film music ever,” I whispered. 
Eddie nodded vigorously as he shoveled popcorn into his mouth. 
As it was a movie that had been out for a while, the audience was made up pretty much entirely of people who had already seen it. This gave us the liberty to cheer and clap when the heroes succeeded and to boo when the villians came on screen. Though Eddie could help but clap for Darth Vader when he first entered. 
“Traitor!” Somebody yelled at him and threw a piece of popcorn at us.
“Hail Lord Vader!” Eddie shouted back at him, tossing a handful of popcorn in return.
As the Luke and Han received their medals of honor from Princess Leia we all screamed and clapped. When the credits rolled, Eddie sat back in his seat with a bright smile on his face. He sighed contentedly.
“Now that’s how I want to watch every Star Wars movie from now on,” he said. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah it was fantastic,” I said, “this definitely beats watching it on my tiny tv at home,”
“Or at Family Video,” Eddie smirked.
“Anything beats watching a movie at Family Video,” I laughed.
We gathered our things, threw away the crumbs of popcorn we had left, and began walking back to the van. It was lightly snowing and the flakes that landed on Eddie’s hair got stuck and soon melted. By the time we got back to his car, the top of his head was speckled in white and drips of water ran down his curls. He gave his head a quick brush with his hand and then turned to me and did the same to my hair.
“You were all snowy,” he explained. I couldn’t help but smile. 
The drive back to my aunt’s house went by too quickly as we were excitedly reviewing our experience watching the movie. It felt like I had seen the film for the first time all over again. I had forgotten how much I loved Star Wars and this night had completely revitalized my adoration for it. 
“I think next Halloween you should dress up as Princess Leia,” Eddie suggested as he pulled up the driveway of my aunt’s house.
“And you could dress up as Chewie,” I teased. “You have the hair for it,”
“You injure me so carelessly.” Eddie said, “You just stab me in the heart like it’s nothing,”
“Do you have a degree in drama that I don’t know about or something? Because you’re really good at being over the top,” I laughed.
“Nope this is just pure natural talent,” Eddie laughed.
We fell silent and then our eyes met. I had one hand on the door handle, geting ready to get out. My bag was in my lap, but for some reason I wasn’t getting out of the car. 
“This was fun,” Eddie said. “We should do something like this again some time,”
“Most definitely,” I said. 
We watched each other for another minute as if we were both daring the other to make the first move. When it seemed like nobody would, I decided it was time for me to go. 
“Goodnight,” I said, opening my door finally. “Call me when you’re home,”
“Will do,” Eddie said, giving me a salute. “Goodnight,”
I climbed out of the van and walked to the side door. Eddie waited until I was in the house and then pulled out of the driveway. I checked in the living room for my aunt or Dustin, but nobody was around. I listened at Aunt Cladia’s door and could hear her snoring. When I cracked open Dustin’s door, he was sitting in bed doing homework.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hey, how was it?” he asked.
“It was good. Bunch of little kids though. Not many cool people,” I said. “How was your night?”
“It was good,” Dustin said, “Mike and Lucas came by for a bit.”
“Good,” I said. “I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late,”
“Sure thing,” Dustin said as I shut the door.
I crossed the hall to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I quickly changed into my pajamas - which now consisted of a pair of black and white striped shorts and Eddie’s shirt. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and went to brush my teeth. I decided to do just a little bit of studying before I went to bed, so I got out my textbooks and sat down at my desk. 
About a half an hour had gone by when I realized I hadn’t gotten a call from Eddie to tell me he had gotten back to his trailer. I figured he probably just forgot and tried to let it go. Around fifteen minutes passed and then I heard a light tapping at my bedroom window. I turned to look at the window and saw a face peering into my room. I jumped at first but then I recognized the outline of the fuzzy hair and the shape of the big brown eyes. I stood up and rushed to open the window. Eddie stood before me, shivering in the cold.
“I thought you were Ted Bundy coming to murder me,” I hissed at him, pulling my arms to my chest to protect myself from the cold. 
“Well, clearly I’m not,” Eddie said. “Are you going to let me in or am I going to freeze?”
I stepped away from the window to signal that he could come in. Eddie pushed himself up and through the window until he was standing next to me. I quickly shut the window, blocking off the cold. I felt bare. I felt exposed. Eddie was here and he was tall and handsome and he smelled too good for words and I was barefooted and in my pajamas.
“Nice pj’s,” Eddie smirked.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Well I never went home,” he said.
“And why not?” I asked. “Where did you go?”
“Well I started to drive home,” Eddie shrugged, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I stayed standing and we were now just about eye level with each other. “But then I couldn’t shake this weird feeling, like I had forgotten to do something. So then I just started driving around and I ended up back here. I drove around the neighborhood for a little while hoping that something would jog my memory. I drove by this place and it started to feel a bit better. I went by and then turned around to come back.”
“Ok...” I said, stepping forward towards him. “But why are you here? What didn’t you forget?”
I went to sit down next to him, but Eddie reached out and grabbed my arms. I froze, my arms crossed over my chest, his hands now wrapped around my biceps. His hands slid down until they reached my waist. My heart began to race. Eddie wouldn’t look at me. 
“Eddie,” I said. It wasn’t really a question. It was more of a call back to reality. “Eddie what did you forget?”
“I forgot to kiss you goodnight,” he said and finally looked up at my face.
My mouth fell open slightly and Eddie’s eyes watched the movement closely. He pulled me nearer to him gently. I shuffled until I stood between his knees. His hands moved up and found mine. Eddie laced our fingers together and brought both of his hands up to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on each and then lifted his eyes to my own. Eddie stood up slowly. He towered over me as he dipped his head down towards me. I could feel his breath on my lips and that was when I panicked.
“Eddie-” I started and he froze like a statue. “Eddie, I-I can’t. I can’t do this,”
He remained silent. Eddie sat back down on the bed but wouldn’t look away from me. “Did I just like - did I just read the room entirely wrong or what? Have you not been flirting with me for like four months now?”
“It’s not that Eddie,” I said, feeling a horrible sicking feeling in my chest. “Eddie, it’s not that at all. I just can’t do this. Not right now. Not with you,”
“Why not with me?” Eddie asked, his eyebrows pulling together. “Is it because I’m the town freak? Are you scared of what people would think if I was your boyfriend?”
“No, no, please, don’t ever think that,” I said. “I wouldn’t be ashamed of you at all. It’s Dustin,”
“What?” he asked.
“You’re so close with him,” I said, “And he worships you. If you and I got together and for some reason it didn’t work out and he were to lose you in his life, I couldn’t bare it. I can’t do that to him. There’s more than just us to think about here,”
“You’re going to not date me because of your fourteen year old cousin?” Eddie asked, clearly upset. “Y/N that’s ridiculous. We’re adults, we can make our own choices and I’ve made my mind up with how I want this relationship to move forward,”
“Eddie,” I sighed, trying to fight the tears that were burning in the back of my eyes. “It’s not just that,”
“Ok,” Eddie said and then raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m waiting,”
“I’m not going to be here forever,” I said. “And you aren’t either. I’m not staying here any longer than I have to. I’m going to transfer to a real four year college some day. And you’ve got so many opportunities for your future, who knows where you could go after high school. We would never make it,”
“So instead of giving us a chance you’re going to write it off because you think it would be too difficult?” Eddie asked standing up.
“Don’t say it like that,” I said, stepping back as he moved towards the window.
“No, I will say it like that because that’s what you’re doing,” Eddie said, opening the window. “You’re scared you’ll get your heart broken if something bad were to happen between us. And you’re so scared of that because you know how much you care about me. You’re choosing to deny your feelings so you can avoid any chance of getting hurt,”
“Eddie-” I started.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Eddie said, climbing out the window and storming off through the snow. 
I stood frozen at the window watching him go. When he was out of sight the tears finally released from my eyes and I let out a sob. I cupped my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound and closed my eyes so tight I saw stars. I shut the window and crawled into bed, once more losing a night’s worth of sleep because of Eddie Munson. 
Previous Chapter: Chapter 08 Next Chapter: Chapter 10
Falling for the Freak Taglist:
@dilophosaurusatenewman @efvyqrs @babeyglo @aestaethicvante @lorrainlikesprivacy @possiblyexisting @kbakery @kaqua
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niishi · 1 year
I think zoro has a rlly soft tender side and I think we got to take a small peek at that when he had his scenes with hiyori and that means so much to me
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daycourtofficial · 2 months
In a world of boys, he’s a ✨gentleman✨
Summary: based on this request - your friends help walk you through all the nice things Azriel does for you
Author’s note: I forgot all about this tbh lmao why was this just sitting in my drafts all alone
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“I think Azriel has the best manners,” Feyre says, her cheeks glowing from the wine, wisps of brown hair coming out from her braid.
“And the biggest wingspan,” Mor adds, raising her blonde eyebrows.
“I’m serious,” Feyre turns to Mor, “he’s so polite, he cleans up after himself, he treats (y/n) like a queen, he-“
You choke on your wine. “Treats who like what?”
Mor slaps your shoulder, causing you to almost spill your glass. “Oh, do not start this again, I will scream.”
“Start what?”
Mor rolls her eyes, falling back on the couch, “pretending like you don’t know how nice Azriel is to you.”
Your face heats involuntarily. “He’s very nice to me, I’m well aware of that. He’s a nice guy.”
Mor groans, getting up for more wine, “see! This is what I’m talking about!”
Nesta and Feyre giggle, but you sit up, “what do you mean what you’re talking about? What is wrong with me thinking that he’s nice to me?”
Feyre’s giggles continue, “it’s not that, sweetie. It’s just… he’s exceptionally nice to you.”
“So? We’re friends.”
Mor chimes in, “if any male was as nice to Nesta as Azriel is to you, Cassian would slit his throat.”
“Cassian’s more of a hands-on brute, but I see your point,” Nesta corrects.
“Friends don’t act like the two of you do,” Feyre muses, refilling her wine glass.
Soft touches, sitting needlessly close to each other at gatherings, Feyre catching the two of you napping on her couch on multiple occasions.
“He always blushes around you,” Elain observes.
Images of Azriel’s reddened cheeks and ears flood your memory, and how adorable you’d find it.
“He always asks you if it’s okay for him to pick you up to fly.”
A montage of soft “may I?” and “is this okay?” flutter through your mind. His soft touches of your hair when you’d take off, knowing it was your least favorite part, trying to comfort you in some way.
“He pulls out your chair for you at every family dinner.”
“-and plates her food!”
Azriel’s scarred hands grab the back of your chair, a soft scraping noise filling your ears, replaced by your soft “thank you”.
He sits next to you, grabbing your plate reflexively, piling it with roast, carrots, and potatoes, knowing to avoid the celery.
You thank him again, oblivious to Cassian’s exasperated arm movements at the two of you, as well as Nesta’s immediate swatting of him.
Elain giggles, “he always comes by every Sunday asking me to help him arrange a bouquet for her.”
Nesta smirks as the other two females let out soft “ooooh”s, as if you all were gossipy teenagers. Maybe you were. Your eyes draw towards the bouquet sitting on the table in front of Elain, the pink and yellow hues making you smile.
“He always has a hand on you whenever you’re out in town.”
The warmth from his hand is a welcome presence on your lower back as you two push through the crowds of the Velaris stalls. You prefer going out into town with him in tow - he was much taller than you and could see over the crowds.
Not to mention how he carried all of your bags and you spent the rest of the day catching his scent on your clothes afterwards.
“I’m not even sure you own your own coat from him lending you his.”
Nights out at Rita’s always ended with the two of you walking along the Sidra, his arm around your shoulder. He’d always wait for you to start shivering before placing his coat around your shoulders, helping your arms into the sleeves.
You scratch at your neck, uncomfortable with all the attention on you. “That doesn’t mean anything… right?”
Mor huffs, dramatically falling back on the couch after draining her glass, “I can’t explain this again.”
“Ask him out,” Feyre says, while Nesta nods her head, “just do it.”
As if the Mother herself were in the room gossiping with you all, Azriel strolls into the room, a bit shocked when five pairs of eyes peer back at him, amusement in four pairs, adoration in one pair.
You can’t help the smile that graces your face when you see him, and Nesta loudly placing her cup on the table jolts you out of your trance.
“Will you- would you,” you clear your throat, rushing the words out before you get too scared, turned in your seat to peer at him, “would you like to have dinner? Tonight? With me? Alone?”
Mor and Feyre are trying, but failing, to hold in their giggles at your nervousness, but you have completely forgotten they were in the room with you.
Azriel’s lips curve into a smile, “I would love to. I can pick you up at 7?”
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
fly on the wall * fem!driver
she crashes in her third race of her f1 career, but she's more concerned about its repercussions than the concussion
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, lewis hamilton x fem!reader
warnings: crashing the car
notes: ooooh my god i had to rewrite this 5 times because it wasn't up to my liking initially, and then tumblr was having some issues saving my shit so i lost it?? it's very sad fr
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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"are you alright?" sebastian's voice comes onto the radio.
his eyes are trained on the big screen, cameras focused on the car parked into the wall out of a turn. he couldn't get an answer out of his driver so he had to resort to the third party.
if his assumptions are correct, she would have hit her head on her seat hard at impact. but things like that can lead to so many bigger things that he might not even be prepared for. 
her vision slowly returns, blacking out for a mere second as the car went into the barriers of the baku track.
she had issues with her brakes for a few laps. sebastian had suggested retiring the car if she didn't feel safe, but she pressed on. the issue didn't seem so serious and it seemed manageable.
at first. 
it's a driver error - missing the early braking point to accommodate her already tweaking brakes. she missed it by a millisecond, clipped the wall and got sent straight into the wall.
she sighs, pressing the button on her steering wheel. "i'm okay," she answers shakily, tears now filling her eyes.
"okay, that's the important part. don't think about anything else. i'll see you in the medical centre." sebastian is quick to shut her thoughts down, clearly prioritising her wellbeing and not the car.
"i'm sorry," she sighs, voice shaking and lips quivering. “i’m so sorry, seb.”
this is only her third race in f1, how could she have already crashed out? on a race where she was so close to that podium. it would have been such a monumental moment — a woman on the podium. 
with 20 laps left in the race and her in 5th place, it wasn’t all that far out of reach at the time. yet, here she is causing a yellow flag as she starts to notice the smoke surrounding her. 
"like i said. don't think about anything else."
she sighs to herself as a marshal appears above her halo, greeting her with a soft smile. she nods, letting herself get helped out of her car.
but only one thought eats away at her: she crashed on her third race. what's everyone going to say about her now?
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“let me talk,” sebastian sighs, hands up in the air as he tries to calm the girl sitting on the examination bed. he’s barely able to get a word in.
she’s slouched against the wall, purple balaclava in her hands as she traces the thread that holds it together at the hem. the minute he walked in, she looked up immediately with tears in her eyes and a string of apologies.
it hasn’t stopped since he poked his head through the door, cutting him off before he could even ask if she’s okay. 
“do you not see the problem?” she shrieks, eyebrows furrowing at sebastian. “i just crashed out! imagine what the media has to say about my performance today? they’re just going to use this as a reason to justify that i shouldn’t be on the track!”
sebastian drops his hands to his side, deciding that he’d just let her get it all off her chest. it might make her feel better. 
though, it doesn’t make him feel good that she’s continually talking down on herself. he vouched for her for weeks for a reason, and it’s because he believes in her. more than she does in herself, it seems. 
“i didn’t work my ass off my whole life just to be undermined because i’m a woman!” she tosses the balaclava aside, now picking at the loose skin by her fingernails. “i didn’t get this far for everyone to count me out because of one crash! can you fucking believe that shit? it’s a fucking rookie mistake, seb! i’ve been racing for years!”
she drops her hands by her side and groans again, rolling her eyes. “i’ve earned my rightful spot to be where i am! they are not going to care about that!”
sebastian shrugs slightly, overlooked by the infuriated woman across him. he can barely get a breath in before she continues, shutting his mouth immediately as she continues her rampage. 
“imagine the headlines tomorrow! a driver is as good as their last race — i know that! don’t try to sugarcoat it. you know i’m right!” she rambles on, eyes darting all over the room. she’s pushed herself off the wall slightly, clearly flustered over the course of events. 
she avoids sebastian’s eyes, the fear of fully breaking down in front of him prominent. crying over a crash seemed like such a silly thing to do, but there’s no denying how demanding the sport truly is. 
in her short three races in the season and people’s neverending criticism of her abilities, it makes her lie awake at night rethinking her position on the grid. 
following her crash, sebastian hadn’t expected for her to ramble on for this long. he initially thought that the crash would have sent her into a shocking silence, so while her anger is warranted, it was definitely not on his list of things to be ready for. 
“imagine what they have to say about me!” she throws her hands in the air, scratching her head gently. “imagine what they’ll say about you! it’s not going to be good, trust me! i’m a woman in a fucking racing car in a male-dominated sport!”
“hey!” sebastian’s voice bounces in the room, making her lift her head with her eyes narrowed into a glare. 
the sudden movement reminds her of her restrictions, hands coming up to nurse the back of her neck. she feels a sharp pain shoot through her head all the way down to her shoulders. “what?” she hisses, quickly looking down to hide the pain. 
“you literally just crashed head-first into a wall at 250 kilometres per hour! you’re lucky all you got was a concussion and whiplash! it could’ve been worse!”
“if i was lucky, i’d have been able to recover and get on the podium as we discussed! i was already 5th!”
“and you didn’t! that’s okay! you learn from things like these!”
“no, it’s not! i’m already hated as it is!”
“it’s part of the sport! fernando alonso has crashed, lewis has, and so have max and charles! every other big name in formula 1 has had their fair share! you’ll be okay!”
she finally meets sebastian’s eyes, slouching even more as she audibly sighs. he watches her body deflate, leaning back dejectedly. “it’s still different.”
she’s still in her fireproofs. her race suit had to be taken off during her short time with the doctor, hanging on the back of the plastic chair in the small medical room. her helmet sits next to her, underneath the balaclava she���d thrown on top of it. 
her hair is in a loose ponytail with stray hairs poking out and resting on her face. the adrenaline has yet to leave her body, chest heaving as if it’d just been over and beads of sweat still scattered all over her.
“i know it’s different. but everyone else who says whatever isn’t the person behind the wheel, you have to remember that,” he says in a soothing tone, finally coming up to stand next to her. he sighs, putting a hand on top of her head. “and i know it sucks.”
she shakes her head. “no, you don’t. we’re different; our problems are different.”
“the way they used to hate me, and things they say about you are different, yes,” sebastian nods in a low voice, his thumb now tracing circles on her head. “but you still can prove them wrong. you just started driving in formula 1 — you’ll have way more chances to shut them all up.”
“i could’ve already. if i just controlled the car a little better.”
“it’s okay.” he slides himself onto the examination bed, sitting next to her. he intertwines his fingers and rests his hands on his thigh. “everybody crashes at one point in their career.
“let the media say what they want, but not all that criticise you have been in a race before. nobody on that grid thinks you’re lesser than you are just because of what happened today.”
“you don’t know that.”
sebastian just shakes his head, refusing to elaborate any further. he leans back into the wall as well. “oscar is on the way with some snacks for you.”
crashing out during a race is never easy. years before he decided to retire, tapping and crashing out of a race has always been demoralising. it always feels like the first time when he does.
“i don’t need snacks. i need to go back to 4 hours ago when i was still on track for a podium finish in the first half of my rookie season.”
“with your talent, i can assure you that this will not be your only opportunity in formula 1. i will make sure of it, of course. wherever i go, you go.”
the door creaks open, cutting her off before she can throw an answer back as sebastian. “i’ve got your favourite snacks. i also stole a couple of twix bars from your backpack, i hope you don’t mind.”
“well, why’d you take them and still tell me about it knowing i wouldn’t even have given it to you in the first place?” she reaches for the nearest object next to her, yanking it towards oscar by the door. 
“because it was calling my name,” he shrugs, pushing the door fully open to reveal who he’s strung along to the medical centre. 
“i took a packet of haribo,” logan shrugs as he steps in. he flinches when she clenches her fist, scrambling to pull something out of his paper bag. “but i got you a can of sprite to make up for it! don’t be mad!”
her gaze softens when she notices lewis hamilton standing behind her friends, a paper bag hanging on his fingers as he grins at her. 
“how are you, sweetie?” his voice is empathetic and low, giving her a look that she’d seen from everyone she’s passed on her way here. 
she sees lewis and sebastian exchange glances, almost making her roll her eyes again. 
she doesn’t talk to lewis that often, but he has addressed her before when she would trail behind sebastian on the track. she would often greet him softly as she hid behind her mentor, or simply excuse herself when she sees either oscar or logan passing by. 
he’s a role model and the last thing she ever wanted to do was be too overbearing. to see him come to her aid is only a dream come true. 
“i hope you don’t beat yourself up because of that. you drove a brilliant race today,” he smiles. “everybody crashes out. don’t even care what others have to say about you. you did well.”
lewis understands being cast out as a minority. he will never understand the struggles and pressure put on her, but he can at least relate to a certain extent. “don’t even sweat it. you’re now one of the world’s greatest in a fast race car. you’d smoke anybody who would dare challenge you.”
oscar tilts his head. “why would someone random just challenge her out on the street?”
“oscar, shut up,” logan shoves the australian slightly, landing a warning smack on his shoulder after. “let her have her moment.”
lewis laughs but does wave oscar off as he returns his attention to her. “what they say will string, but trust me, this is not the end of the world. i know it feels like it.”
she nods to herself. “okay, hand me the snacks so i can eat away all my pain. i deserve it.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock
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emphistic · 2 months
a/n: im going to try a new format for one-shots bc i dont like how my old one looked
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul
"He's staring at you!" Your friend, Zoe, whisper-shouted in a singsong tone.
"He's such a moron," you grumbled, focused on finishing your assignment.
"Y/N, c'mon," Zoe turned to you with a serious look on her face. "You should totally just give him a chance. He's got the hots for you, hundred and twenty percent," your friend patted herself on the back.
You sighed, "That's ridiculous," before turning over to look at Sukuna for yourself.
And as your friend has said, he was already staring at you. He rested his head on his fist, and delivered a sultry look your way.
You cocked your head to the side, as if to say, what?
Sukuna mouthed back, you know what, before he lifted his head from his fist, and flipped you off.
Speechless, you gawked at the pink-haired man.
"He is so into you, girl."
"He is so not," you muttered, turning back to face your friend.
"But Y/N," she whined, "you guys are literally so cute together. Combining both of your genes will literally make the best babies."
"He's such an oaf, the most annoying man-child I've ever met," you rolled your eyes, before shaking your head.
At this point, Zoe just gave up on her matchmaking abilities, and rested her head on the desk beside yours.
All the while — across the classroom — Sukuna's twin brother, Yuuji, was no different from Zoe.
Yuuji wiggled his eyebrows at his older brother, "I see the way you look at her. Ooooh, does my cold-hearted brother have a crush?"
Sukuna glared down at Yuuji, who was making kissy faces and noises, "I should've eaten you in the womb."
Yuuji immediately dropped his act, "How dare you."
The rest of the class went by quickly; your friend said she had something to do so you just packed up your stuff.
Minutes after you left the room and entered the hallway, you were roughly pulled into what you assumed was a janitor's closet.
You heard the door lock behind you.
Even in the dark, you could still cleary make out two crimson eyes staring back at you.
"Sukuna. Why are we here?"
"Don't play dumb," he walked towards you as you kept on backing away, until your back met the wall. "God, you're so fucking annoying."
Your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, and you saw Sukuna lean down towards you, your noses barely apart. Your breathing quickened.
"I can't stop thinking about you. You've been in my head all day," Sukuna narrowed his eyes at you.
"And just, what are you going to do that?"
Something snapped in Sukuna, he didn't even bother holding back.
You felt one of his hands roughly grip your waist, while the other tangled itself in your hair. He breathed in your scent; it was intoxicating for him.
He forced his lips onto you like an animal, before biting your bottom lip, drawing blood. You gasped, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside.
This wasn't new to either of you, you've been in this little arrangement of yours for quite some time now. Albeit your friends know nothing of it; which is probably best.
"Sukuna," you giggled against his lips.
"Mm, you're so beautiful. Just can't get enough of you."
Your noses brushed against each other.
"Hah—" You found it hard to breathe.
Sukuna pulled your hair, emitting a squeal from you.
"Sukuna, please, I can't—" You felt tears sting your eyes, your mascara smeared over your cheeks.
He pressed his lips against yours, "Just for a little more. You can take that, right?"
You fervently nodded, although you felt a little dazed, and out of your mind.
The seconds passed by slowly, and the minutes passed by even slower, until Sukuna finally decided he was satisified.
He pulled away, and smirked to himself, looking at your half-lidded eyes, your mascara stained face, your lips stuck out in a pout. And as cocky as he was, Sukuna couldn't deny he was also out of breath.
Panting, you said, "You're such a jerk."
"Sure, sweetheart." Sukuna wiped your lipgloss off of his now shining lips.
"Serious, 'Kuna. You need to learn to let me breathe."
Sukuna rolled his eyes, "Pfft — as if you weren't the one provoking me."
You scoffed, and fixed your hair — or, well, attempted to, at least.
Sukuna adjusted his pants, and ruffled his unruly hair, before moving his hand to unlock the closet. You stood behind him in anticipation.
A beat passed.
"Well? What's taking you so long? Don't know how to unlock a door?" You teased, but when Sukuna didn't retaliate, you soon realized the direness of the situation at hand.
"It's not unlocking," Sukuna turned to face you, confusion mixed in his tone.
"I see that, dumbass," you muttered, sliding down the wall into a sitting position.
You were going to be here for a while.
What could you do to pass time?
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wooyoungiewritings · 8 months
A "First" Date - Yunho x Reader
Summary: Your best friend Yunho and you always find dates for each other, trying to help each other out with love. You always try to find the best ones for each other, but one day, Yunho sets you up with his “friend”, and you quickly realize that your best friend wants to prove a point. And maybe he actually knows you better than you think - in multiple ways.
Word count: 13.6K
Genre: Fluff, smut (it's so cute but oh gosh so dirty)
warnings: Best friend Yunho with fem reader (fem pronouns). Yunho is *cough* BIG *cough*. YUNHO HANDS, Oral sex, messy blowjob, fingering, dirty talk, light choking, unprotected sex, spit, aftercare, honestly it's one big warning because there's SO MUCH I got carried away. But lmk if I missed anything!
This is all for fun and is not meant to represent Yunho in any way.
“What happened to the last girl I set you up with?” You ask, looking to your side to see your best friend, Yunho, widening his eyes.
“Are you serious? She wanted to lick my toes in the middle of the restaurant.” He responds with a shiver, “I’m not a kink-shamer, and I respect being open for a foot kink, but I know when things cross my personal line.” He leans further back on the couch as you both stare up at the ceiling, blankly looking at my white loft. 
You and Yunho always hung out. It made it even easier having him living in the house next door, so you were practically spending every day together. Since he helped you get your lunch back from a bully when you both were 6, you two had been inseparable, and everyone knew that. Whenever the two of you met someone new, the first initial thought was that you were dating, but the two of you quickly set the record straight. You were just friends. 
But people didn’t always believe the two of you, though, thinking that you must hook up secretly, but the truth was that you’ve never done that. You’ve never kissed, never sexually touched each other. But Yunho has been the one person in your life who you always would go to, no matter what you need. A deep talk? Yunho would let you talk your heart out and listen for hours. A hug? He’d drop everything in his hands. He knew everything about you and would gladly hold you close whenever you needed it. He was there to keep you safe from anyone and anything, and he’d gladly do it.
But the thought of Yunho that way wasn’t strange to you either.. He was tall, handsome, respectful, funny.. He was every girl's dream, and whoever would end up with him would win the lottery. So you would lie if you said you hadn’t wondered how he acts around a lover, how his big hands would feel gripping your thigh while he is driving the car, or how he would whisper intimate things in your ear with his deep voice. But you would never admit that to anyone, especially not him. 
“What about that marketing guy I set you up with last month?” Yunho’s head turns to you and you immediately shake your head. 
“Ooooh, no no no. He showed clear signs of still being in love with his ex and searching for a rebound. I’m not looking for that.” You sigh, at this point losing track of how many failed dates you’ve been on this year. 
For the past few months, Yunho and you had helped each other on dates, being each other's wing(wo)man. You were both at a point in your life where you wanted something more serious, so why not get help from the person who knew you the best?
A smile crept up on your lips, wanting to hear his opinion on the thought that just popped into your head.
“I’m still down to a second date with that guy from your old work-” You begin to tell Yunho but he quickly shakes his head before you can finish the sentence. 
“Fuck no. You’re not going out with him again.” He spoke like a father to a child who did something rebellious. “He doesn’t treat women well.” 
“Well, you set me up on a date with him, so you must have some kind of idea of him and me together.” You tilt your head to the side as he once again shakes his head. 
“That was before I knew what kind of person he was. Sending you on a date with him is still my biggest failure in this entire wingman show,” His voice had a hint of humor in it, but his eyes were serious. “If he asks you out again, I hope you say no. And if you don’t, I’ll hunt him down and tell him to leave you alone. End of story.” He relaxed on the couch once again, ending this topic like a strict parent. 
And you never had the intention to go out with this guy again. He treated you alright on the date, but the chemistry wasn’t there. And when Yunho found out that the guy he set you up with was a cheater, liar, and borderline mentally abusive, he was quick to end the “relationship” on your behalf. But Yunho never told you what kind of person the guy actually was, he just told you he wasn’t a good person. But that was typical Yunho - he was trying to protect you and didn’t want you to worry too much. 
You roll your eyes at his protectiveness. "If you keep scaring my dates away, I'll never find the one." You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Or you should just open your mind up and start seeing the difference between who's a sociopath and who treats you well. Use your critical thinking skills."
“That’s rich coming from someone like you.” You joke, but still with a hint of truth behind it. 
“Someone like me?!” He sat up straight on the couch and looked at you with a shocked expression. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“It’s hard to find someone who matches exactly what you want. That’s all I’m saying.” You put up your hands and leaned back on the couch while he looked at you, still with a confused expression. 
“What? I may be critical, but I always give my dates a good time.” His hands find their way behind his head, feeling satisfied with himself. One thing Yunho knew for sure would be that he would never leave a date feeling unsatisfied. Whether it would be him doing a little extra on the date to make them feel special, or them, full on having sex in his car. No matter what, he would take good care of them. 
“Well, apparently not, or you would’ve let that girl lick your toes.” Your comment had him rolling his eyes at you.
His tongue clicked. “Oh, shut up,” He shook his head before finding his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “Speaking of dates, you have a date tomorrow.”
The sudden change of conversation topic left you sitting straight up on the couch, excited to hear more. 
“Already? Who is it?” You lean forward towards him to get a look at his phone, but he is quick to send you a glare and push you away from the view of his screen. 
“Damn, you nosy..” He scoffed. “It’s one of my good friends. Can’t say more for now.” He darts back at the screen and types something you can’t see while you send him a glare. Not a single glance is being sent in your direction as he’s too busy typing something on his phone. 
“Well, alright. Where does he want me to meet him?” You ask as you lean back on the couch.
“I’ll just forward the message he sent me,” A moment after a sound comes from your phone, and you see an address and a time in the message from Yunho. “This one doesn’t have an ex or a thing for toes, so you’re good.” He locks his phone as he sends you a confident smile.
“Perfect.” You smile and mentally prepare yourself for the date tomorrow. 
Namsan Park (parking lot) 6:30 Tell her to wear something nice and comfortable :)
You keep your eyes on your phone as you make your way toward the location from Yunho’s forwarded message. You weren’t given much information about what you were getting yourself into, but you trusted Yunho. And you showed that by voluntarily meeting a random guy in the park as the sun was slowly setting for the day. The signs weren't too good so far, but you kept an optimistic mindset.
And with you wearing a dress and a thin jacket on top, you start to realize what a mistake you’ve made with your choice of clothing. 
The parking lot comes into sight and your heart starts beating faster. It’s always scary meeting someone new for the first time, so of course you were a bit nervous. 
As you walk into the parking lot, your eyes start searching for anyone who looks like they are going on a date. A few cars are parked here and there, but no man in sight. Well, that’s before you take a few more steps and see a tall guy next to his black car, back turned to you as he looks at the landscape in front of him. 
His hands calmly resting in the pockets of his slack pants, and his black hair looking messy.
Messy hair you’ve seen before. The tall figure. Broad shoulders. The black car. 
You stop and look at him, and he turns around with an innocent smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?” The confusion is evident in your voice.
Yunho’s face lights up even more as he makes his way towards you with his hand reaching out.
“You must be Y/n! Hi, I’m Yunho, nice to meet you.” He waits for you to shake his hand but you just look at it before glaring up and into his eyes again. His eyes travel down to your dress, and he instantly knows he has to focus on what he is doing.
He’s taking you out and that’s it. But gosh, he didn’t expect you to look like that in your little black dress that he had never seen before.
“What are you doing?” You try again, hoping he’ll answer why he’s here and why he was acting like this. Where was your date? Was he your date?
His reached-out hand slowly falls to his side as his smile turns a little awkward and a nervous laugh escapes his lips. “Oh, Yunho has told me so much about you, so I thought I’d like to meet you myself and see what a date with you would be like.” He tried clarifying as you realized what was happening. You were actually going on a date with your Yunho. Your best friend. The realization made the smile on your lips freeze, but you couldn’t help but think how unusual he was acting. He was all dressed up, acting like you’ve never met before, and behaved like the two of you hadn’t just hung out yesterday.
Silence filled the air between you as you tried to figure out what was happening. Yunho then left a quick, slightly annoyed sigh before finding his phone in his pocket. “Sorry, I have to make a short phone call.. Excuse me for a moment.”
His back turned to you as he took a few steps away, while he looked down on his phone. Your eyes squint as you watch him bring his phone to his ear. A short moment later, your phone starts buzzing in your hands and Yunho’s name appears on the screen. A giggle leaves your mouth before you accept the call and bring it to your ear.
“Hello?” You answered, looking at Yunho’s back turned towards you a few meters away.
“Hey.. Are you on the date yet?” His voice through the phone was back to normal, and another short laugh escaped through your lips.
“Yes, I just got here.” 
“Alright.. Just wanted to let you know that he’s a little nervous, so be kind to him.” His voice was stern like he was actually talking about one of his friends and not himself. 
“What a loser.” You smirked as you observed his reaction a few meters away, not being able to hold back your normal behavior. 
“Hey! I’ve known this guy for years, I know he’s up for a good time, so be positive on this date. Alright?” His voice lowered so you could only hear him through the phone. This whole situation seems unreal to you, having your best friend take you out on a date, but you are up to trying something new. And this way, you could see how Yunho normally behaved on first dates, which was something you’ve wondered about before. 
“I’ll try my best.” You smile.
“Good.. Let me know how it went later, and if he’s being a creep, let me know and I’ll come kick his ass. Good luck.” He hung up the phone and made his way back to you with an apologetic face like he didn’t just speak to you on the phone. “I’m so sorry, I promise, no more phone calls for tonight.” He smiled innocently and opened the door to the passenger seat. “So? You’re up for a date?” 
“A reservation for two, Jeong Yunho.” Yunho smiles at the man behind the small desk at the restaurant. The dimmed light and the waiters dressed in tuxedos all summed up the atmosphere of the restaurant. This was not something you’ve ever done with Yunho, despite sharing countless dinners with him over the many years. A short moment after the waiter confirms the reservation, you feel Yunho’s hand guiding you after the waiter by the small of your back, leading you to your table. 
“I feel.. Underdressed." You nudge Yunho when the waiter leaves and you walk to your side of the table. You may be wearing a dress, but it wasn’t the fanciest one you owned, and now you regret not wearing it. Before you can grab your chair, Yunho is quick to pull it out for you and send you a smile. You try to hide your smile as you sit down and he pushes the chair forwards. 
“You look perfect.” He whispers in your ear before going to his side of the table, sending you a wink when you meet his eyes. His words and his behavior all confused you, because you weren’t used to seeing this side of him. He was always respectful, but never like this towards you. And one thing was for sure; he was not making it easy for you. 
You’ve only been on the date for 30 minutes, but whenever your hands would touch or he would say something with pure softness in his voice, you would feel your heart melt a little. But this was all just a date to see how the two of you usually behave on dates, it’s not like it means anything… right?
You keep glancing at him over your menu, hard to keep your eyes off the handsome man in front of you. His hair is perfectly ruffled, a black button-down with the sleeves nicely rolled up and his pretty hands holding the menu in front of him. Never had you imagined eating dinner with him like this would do something to you, but the flying little animals in your stomach were telling you differently.  
You both ordered different food along with something to drink, and the waiter left you both staring at each other, after pouring both of your drinks. 
“Thank you for coming on this date with me.” Yunho smiles from across the table. 
“I’m happy to be here,” You smile back. “I'm happy Yunho encouraged you to ask me out.” You grab your glass and take a sip while trying to hide the smirk creeping up on your lips. 
“I just had a good feeling about you, Yunho has told me a lot about you.” He’s back to wearing the typical smirk you know. If it wasn’t your best friend sitting in front of you, this date would be looking a lot different. But the way your breathing becomes shaky and your eyes wander to long fingers around his glass, you can’t help but romanticize this whole situation. 
“So do you usually go on a lot of dates, Yunho?” You ask, playing with the whole idea of the two of you just meeting for the first time.
“I go out once in a while.. But I’ve never really gotten on a second date with the same person,” He shrugs, taking a sip of his drink. “Whenever a date goes bad, I usually blame my best friend, she’s the one who sets me up.” 
You want to roll your eyes at him, but keep it to yourself. Instead, you crack a genuine smile at his comment.
“Oh, so you have a girl best friend?” You tease.
“I do. We’ve been friends ever since I can remember,” He informs you like you’re not the person he’s talking about. “I think the two of you would get along pretty well.” He says in a quiet tone, a smile still on his lips. His eyes travel to your lips that carry a small drop of your drink, and he has to fight everything in himself not to lean over and touch your lips. 
A first date wouldn’t do that, he thinks. Don’t touch her.
You sense his focus on your lips and you’re quick to lick your lips, removing the drop. 
The way he’s looking at you makes you want to thank the restaurant for having dimmed light because you know you’re blushing like crazy and you’re absolutely hating it. This shouldn’t feel so exciting and new, and somehow you can’t help but wonder if this feels normal to him or if he’s just putting on an act for you. 
And you honestly don’t know if you want to know the answer. 
“And what about you?” He raises a brow. “Do you usually go on dates?” 
You skim away, thinking of a good answer to match his energy. His relaxed figure makes you slightly intimidated, especially with the way his arms are resting on the table, and him eying you up and down. The sexual tension is definitely there, and it’s a tension you haven’t felt before. It makes you wonder if it has been there before, or if it’s the setting that makes you want to explore what it is. You shrug, leaning forward as well. 
“I don’t mind a date here and there,” you respond. “If it was up to me, though, I would be going out a little more. But my best friend who sets me up on the dates, he’s uhm.. He’s a little protective of me.” The smirk is back on your lips and he holds back his smile by pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Something that makes his jaw clench and another flutter runs through your stomach.
“Is that so?” He asks teasingly. “You have a protective guy best friend?” 
“I do.. Does that make you concerned?” You tilt your head to the side and Yunho responds by squinting his eyes. Two could play this game, and with the way he was looking at you, you didn’t want the game to stop anytime soon. 
“My immediate thought is no.. But I guess it depends on whether or not you think I should be concerned?” He teases back. He’s good. 
“I think you should ask him then.” You smirk.
A smile also reaches Yunho’s lips as he leans back in his chair. “Alright.. Guess I’ll have a little chitchat with him later.” 
After almost two hours of you and Yunho eating dinner, laughing, and sending smirks in each other's direction, you walk out of the restaurant after Yunho paid, and onto the street. It is fully dark outside, and the thin jacket you are wearing is not helping much. 
But that’s when you feel something heavier on your shoulders and look to see Yunho place his blazer on you. His tall figure behind you makes your breathing stop for a second, and you almost stop him and tell him you’re fine, but he’s quick to interrupt you.
“Wanna get some dessert? I know a good place.” His eyes sparkle, even when the sun is gone. You’re close enough to smell his cologne, and it’s safe to say that you’re getting more and more mentally weak for him. 
You clear your throat. “Uh-yeah.” You shake your head to get out of the trance Yunho has put you in, but is instantly back when his hand guides you from the small of your back. His touch burns through every layer of fabric and touches your skin. He has touched you many times and placed a hand on your back or your shoulder, but never did you feel a spark like this. 
Yunho knew a good spot further down the street that sold ice cream cones, so you both got your favorite flavors (he paid, once again) and you were now sitting on the swings in the park nearby. A comfortable silence fills the space between you as you both enjoy your dessert, swinging back and forth on each swing. 
“So..” Yunho starts halfway through his ice cream while you’re not even at the cone yet. Your eyes go to him as he shifts his attention back and forth between you and his dessert. “How do you think the date is going?” His big eyes lock with yours, and he looks slightly nervous. 
“Depends on who’s asking,” You lick your ice cream while a wrinkle forms between Yunho’s brows. “It is my date, Yunho, who’s asking, or is it Yunho, my best friend, who’s asking?” You explain and he looks away for a moment to think, before looking back at you. 
“Your date, Yunho, is asking.” He answers.
“Then I think it’s going very well.” You smile, meaning every word. 
Going on a date with him was not on this year's bingo card, but you didn’t mind tonight. If anything, you were actually enjoying seeing this side of Yunho. 
“And what if your best friend asked?” One of his brows shot up curiously and you shake your head.
“Then I’d tell him to wait until I get home. I won’t expose myself in the middle of a date, that’s embarrassing.” 
A laugh comes from Yunho and you smile at the sound. Another heat sneaks up in your cheeks, hearing him enjoy himself in this setting, and you look away. If he knew what he was doing to you, you weren’t sure you would be able to ever look him in the eyes again. 
Yunho finishes his ice cream long before you and just looks at your side profile as you make your way through the dessert. A prominent smile keeps decorating his lips.
You continue finishing your chocolate ice cream, in your own world for a moment, until you hear footsteps approaching you. You look over to see Yunho make his way towards you, feeling your mouth dry out from the way he looks in the dimmed light. The moon and the few streetlights are the only things lighting up the park, and the shadows on his face create a stunning view. 
You freeze when he takes your hand and pulls you up from the swing, looking down at you with heavy eyes. He’s so close you can practically feel his body heat. A smile spreads on his lips when he looks down at your lips. His fingers rest under your chin, and suddenly you’re feeling his thumb trace over your bottom lip. Your breath hitches at his sudden act, but when he removes his hand to show you chocolate ice cream on the tip of his finger, a giggle leaves his mouth. 
“You’re messy.” He looks at his finger before looking into your eyes. And your mouth completely dries when he licks the ice cream off his thumb while keeping eye contact with you. 
Everything inside you is going crazy, leaving you speechless. Such a simple little thing usually doesn’t affect you, but Yunho licking ice cream from your lips, off his finger while maintaining eye contact is making the butterflies practically fly out of your stomach and into your entire body. 
“Let’s get you cleaned a little, come on.” He takes your hand in his and he could practically take you anywhere he wanted. Your brain was not functioning at the moment, only focusing on what just happened, and how it feels with his hand holding onto yours. A small convenience store comes into sight, and Yunho pulls you with him and over to a small table by the window, where a couple is sitting, eating ramen. He grabs a napkin and turns around to look down at you and starts wiping your lips with the napkin. 
You swallow nervously as his eyes are focused on your lips, and when he finishes removing some ice cream from the corner of your mouth, looking satisfied, your gaze automatically drops to your feet. 
Yunho notices the way you avoid looking into his eyes, and a smirk creeps up on his lips. He doesn’t say anything, not wanting to make you nervous, but he loves seeing you like this. Loves seeing you react to him this way.
The couple at the table next to you finishes their ramen and walks out of the convenience store just as rain starts to pour outside. A sudden downpour catches the city off guard, sending people running with their hoods up. 
“Guess we can stay here for a few minutes until the rain stops. What do you think?” Yunho asks, looking back at you after looking through the big window display. 
"Sure." Is all you say before you turn around and begin scanning the shelves at the store. You try to avoid meeting Yunho's gaze as you make yourself look occupied, but you sense him trailing behind you, keeping you within his line of sight. Meanwhile, the young cashier at the desk is engrossed in a show on their phone, oblivious to the two of you taking refuge from the rain.
You walk down one of the isles and stop when you see a specific kind of chips you used to love. You remember them from a few years ago but haven’t been able to find them in stores ever since. 
“You like those?” You hear from behind you and look to see Yunho standing close to you, eying the chips you were just reminiscing about. 
“Uhm, yeah.. I thought they stopped producing them.” You say. 
You don’t get to react before Yunho grabs the bag of chips and goes to the desk to pay. You’re left in the aisle, looking at him paying for the snacks you didn’t think you needed, and he returns with a smile on his face. 
About 15 minutes pass, and you and Yunho are sitting at the table in front of the window, eating chips and waiting for the rain to stop. You push the chips, lying on the table, towards Yunho and he takes one and brings it to his mouth. 
“I don’t think the rain is going to stop.” You say as you see the piles of water get bigger and bigger by the minute. Yunho stands up from his chair, glancing outside to spot something before looking back at you.
“My car is close to the restaurant.. If we don’t wanna get too drenched, we have to run. You’re up for that?” With a daring smile, he asks if you want to run in the pouring rain. Suddenly, something changes within you and you feel an unexpected surge of excitement. You eagerly nod in agreement and he takes your hand, leading you out of the store. You both take a moment to mentally prepare yourselves under the shelter before setting off to run as fast as you can.
“Are you ready?” He asks with a smile, somehow finding this whole situation funny. 
“Ready.” You answer, and Yunho counts down from three before you both sprint towards Yunho’s car. As you run with Yunho, the water splashes up on your bare legs and he still holds on tightly to your hand. You find yourself laughing and getting drenched in the rain. Running with squinted eyes and without a care feels liberating. If you were on a date with someone you didn't know, you would have been concerned about how you presented yourself, how you spoke, and how you looked. But with Yunho, you feel comfortable being completely drenched.
You spot Yunho's car and sprint past the restaurant where you had dinner earlier. Yunho unlocks the car and giggles when he sees you. He rushes to the passenger side and opens the door for you. After you jump in, he closes your door and runs to the driver's side.
He joins you in the car, and you can't help but laugh when you see him. He's completely soaked, with wet hair stuck to his forehead and his button-up shirt clinging to him. Laughter fills the car as you make eye contact. Suddenly, you remember that you're wearing his jacket and start to feel guilty.
"Oh, your jacket--" you begin, but he interrupts you by reaching into the back seat and pulling out a black hoodie. He hands it to you, still panting from running, but you shake your head. "Wear the hoodie yourself. You're more soaked than I am."
"Come on, you'll get sick if you don't warm up. I'm fine." he insists, and you eventually accept the hoodie. You take off your drenched jacket and he throws it in the back seat. Your skin is glistening from the rain, and you start to feel cold. Yunho notices and steals a quick glance at your wet neck area. He realizes that you're not wearing a bra under your dress and takes a sharp inhale. Clearing his throat, he watches as you pull his hoodie over your head.
Stay focused, Yunho, he thinks. 
Immediately, Yunho’s scent wraps around you like a warm hug, and since you were just wearing a little black dress, and Yunho’s clothes are obviously oversized, the hoodie covers most of your thighs as well. 
“Let’s get you home and in some dry clothes.” Yunho says, kindly reminding himself to let the date end (for now), so he starts the car, turns up the heat, and heads towards your homes.
The drive was calm, both of you just listening to the rain pouring and clicking on the windows. You couldn’t help but think about how fun today was, and how thankful you were that Yunho ended up being your date. Whether or not he did it to prove a point, you enjoyed yourself and almost didn’t want the night to end. 
Yunho drove past his own house and parked in front of yours. “Is this your house?” He asks while looking past you and at the house with an impressed expression. 
“It is, good guess finding the exact address.” You joke, and he’s quiet for a moment.
“I’m psychic, I forgot to mention.” His smile makes you melt for the hundredth time tonight, and you prepare yourself to exit the car when you remember something.
 “Oh, your hoodie.” You say, about to take it off, but he grabs your wrist, stopping you.
“Keep it for now. I have a feeling I’ll see you again.” He sends a wink in your direction.  
“Oh, cool.. Well, thank you for tonight, I had a pretty good time.”
“Me too.. But I should head home, it’s getting late and the drive is pretty long.” 
You have to fight not to laugh at him, so you just nod and unbuckle your seatbelt. 
“Of course. I’ll see you soon?” You ask, hoping you’ll see him soon soon. He immediately understands what you mean and he nods.
“You will.” 
You send him one last smile and pull the hood from the hoodie over your head before heading out of the car. You don’t get as drenched as earlier, because you’re quickly able to lock yourself in and close the front door behind you. 
A curiousness hits you, and you immediately look out of the window. Keeping an eye on Yunho in the car, you can’t help but laugh when he backs from your house over to his, turns off the car, and runs to his own house. When he locks himself in and disappears out of sight, you remove yourself from the window. 
Your head is spinning from the night, how much fun you had, and how much you enjoyed being on a date with Yunho. An actual date. And even though you can’t help but think he did this for fun and to prove how good he is at dating, you almost wish this wasn’t the case. Because he was so much better at going on dates than you thought.
A knock is heard on your door, and you’re positive you know who’s waiting on the other side. You run to open the door and see Yunho, no longer in his button-up and slacks, but in a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, still with hair damp from the rain.
“There you are! I was waiting for you to come home, I was worried I sent you on a date with a psycho.” He walks past you and into the house. You close the door with a consistent smile as you watch him get himself comfortable on the couch in your living room. 
“You were keeping an eye on me?” You lift an eyebrow as you sit down beside him.
“Needed to make sure he was a gentleman, you know? So what do you think? How was he?” He looks at you with the subtle smirk he had been carrying the entire night like he knew he was a good date. He could be humbled a little. 
“I mean.. he was a little..” You search for the right word. “Weird.”
He completely loses the confidence shining through him, and a deep wrinkle forms between his brows. 
“I don’t know, I think he thinks a little highly of himself. You know, he’s not all that.”
Of course, you’re teasing him, but also not entirely wanting to admit how good of a date he actually was. Yunho had always been a confident guy, because he knew he was good-looking, well-mannered, funny, and had been one of God’s favorites when it came to size. So a little teasing wouldn’t hurt anybody.
Yunho looks at you a bit confused. “I don’t-”
You interrupt him. “He also didn’t let me pay for my part of the dinner. It just came off as-”
“Well, maybe he just wanted to make sure you were having a good time without-” Yunho interrupts you as well, clearly having his pride hurt, but stops talking when he meets your eyes and sees the teasing look on your face. “Nevermind..”
You crack a smile and tilt your head. “You can tell him that I had a great time,” You’re downplaying like this wasn't the best date of your life, “I’m really curious about who he is.” 
When you meet his eyes, there’s a certain flash of something you can’t describe. But he’s quick to go back to the behavior you usually know, making you wonder what that look meant. 
“I will.. But unfortunately, he’s not gonna be in town for a while, you see, because he needs to go home and back to school which happens to be in.. Venezuela. Sooo.. Sorry.” He shrugs and leans forward, resting an elbow on his thigh to hold his head.
“Oh well, he wasn’t that amazing either.” You shrug as well, looking away from him, pretending not to care.
A scoff leaves Yunho’s mouth. “You’re acting like you don’t care, but I know you’re gonna dream about him tonight,” He teases with a confident smile and your jaw drops when you look at him. He’s too much. “He’s probably gonna be in your little late-night fantasies-” 
“Shut up!” You push him on the shoulder teasingly. 
You hate how he knows that, that is true. He’s most definitely gonna be in your fantasies tonight.
He tries to grab your hand but fails. Instead, he goes to poke you in the side. “Am I not telling the truth?” He laughs.
“No!” Yes.
You try pushing him away, but he’s way too strong, and the two of you end up trying to grab each other's hands, getting control of the other. It ends up with a little fight on the couch, and you find yourself lying further down on the couch while Yunho hovers above you. You can’t help but laugh at the situation because you know you’ve lost. And that is being confirmed when Yunho’s had too much and pins both of your wrists above your head with one of his hands, while his other hand is placed on your waist. 
The feeling of him pinning you down like this, hovering over you, is gonna play in your mind the entire night. 
This is not good, you think.
Both of your breaths are heavy after the small fight you just had, and when meeting each other’s eyes in this position, it’s like something changes for a moment. His eyes go dark when looking down at you and his hand holding yours. The same goes for you because your heart starts to beat faster, and you can’t help but get excited by this situation and the feeling of his touch. You can’t see your hands, but you know how his hands look, and you know yours look good being pinned down by him.
The silence goes on for a few more seconds, before you come to your senses and clear your throat. “I’m gonna get something to drink, want some?”
It’s like he realizes the position as well, and loosens the grip on your wrists. “Yes please,” He lets go of you and stands up. Either it's the fact that you just had a small fight, or it was the way Yunho looked at you, but you feel incredibly hot and lift the hoodie over your head and throw it on the couch when standing up. You make your way to the kitchen when you hear him follow behind you. “I’ve been eating these awful chips tonight that dry out my entire mouth-”
“Hey!” You turn around to see him back in his teasing element with a smile on his face. 
“What?” He asks.
“You said you liked them!” You fight back, entering the kitchen completely, him following you behind quietly. 
“Nooo, that was the other Yunho. He was just being polite to his date and didn’t want to make her feel bad for having poor taste in snacks. I’m your best friend, on the other hand, and it’s my job to be honest with you.” He leans up against the doorframe, crossing his arms and you have to focus on not looking at him. 
You find some glasses from the cabinet and shake your head. “So the other Yunho is a liar then?”
“There’s a difference between lying and holding back the truth.” His argument is weak, so you shake your head as you pour some water into the glass.
“Well, I think I liked the other Yunho better then. He was a gentleman, this one,” You point to him, sending him a glaring elevator look, “Is an ass.” You hand him his glass and pour up something for yourself. 
His hand goes to his heart like it just shattered from your words. “An ass!? Come on, you can’t choose a favorite Yunho. You’re gonna make me feel jealous of myself.” He laughs and you can’t help but roll your eyes, not even trying to hide it. 
You take a sip of your water, and you quickly feel his gaze lingering on you. Specifically your body in the dress, now that the hoodie wasn't hiding it. You catch his eyes traveling down to your bare legs and up once again. 
“You’ve been staring a lot at my dress tonight.” You say looking away, distracting yourself by cleaning up your glass. 
“I could say the same about you staring at my hands,” His words make you shoot your eyes in his direction, slightly panicked that he knew. The smirk grows on his lips, while you freeze, not knowing what to say. “What, you thought I didn’t notice?” He says as he slowly starts to walk closer, placing his glass on top of the counter while keeping his eyes on you.
Your body thoughtlessly takes a few steps back, until your lower back is pressed against the counter on the kitchen island. He’s walking slowly, but somehow he's in front of you within no time, caging you between the island and his towering body. His hands are placed on each side of you on the counter, time seems to have stopped, and your breathing quickly fastens. 
“So.. Is there a reason for the staring?” He stares down at you and you can’t help but look away from his piercing eyes. Your breathing has already stopped and you’re sure you barely can’t get any words out. “Look at me,” His deep voice commands and without a doubt in your mind, you immediately listen and look into his eyes. A small scoff leaves him like he knows you’re under his spell, and he tilts his head slightly to the side. “Hmm?” 
Your mouth goes dry, searching for the right words to say. “I could ask you the same.” Is all you manage to say.
“And my answer would be yes.” He’s quick to say like he has nothing to hide. His confidence shines through, and it makes your heart beat even faster. 
You’re quiet for a moment as you take in what he just said. “And what is the reason?” You ask, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice. You’ve never seen this side of Yunho before (only when he’s been flirting with girls at parties) and you honestly don’t know how to act back. You know exactly where your mind goes when thinking of his hands, deep voice, and dominating manner, but you can’t admit that to him. 
His eyes linger on your lips for a moment and then back to your eyes. “I can’t tell you.” 
Never has the tension been like this between the two of you, and it’s like you both know what the other is thinking, but neither of you is doing anything about it. 
“It’s not something best friends say.” His voice turns to a whisper and your breathing stops again. You can’t look him in the eyes, afraid to expose yourself so your eyes instantly shoot away.
It’s not something best friends say.
Your mind is going crazy, and all you wanna do is know what he’s thinking about. The game you’ve both decided to play, leaving nothing but subtle thoughts for the imagination, is killing you. But he just fully admitted that he’s been thinking the same thing as you because you would never directly admit to him how he’s been running through your mind tonight. But he has, in ways you won’t even be able to put into words. 
“What are you thinking about?” He’s still keeping his eyes on you and you somehow find the courage to look back into his eyes. 
“It’s.. It’s not something best friends say.” Is all you say and you see a change in the way he looks at you. Everything burns inside Yunho, and he wants so badly to do what he’s been thinking about for hours and hours, but he’s not sure you’re ready. Your friendship would change in an instant, and he wants you to be sure.
He opens his mouth, getting ready to ask, “Can I ki-”
“Yes.” You interrupt him before you grab him by the collar and smash your lips against his in a heated kiss. Everything comes crumbling down, like you both had been waiting for this to happen, in a messy, eager kiss. His hands find their way around your waist to pull you closer, not leaving his lips from yours. The counter from the kitchen island is pressing against your back as he towers over you, devouring your lips. He picks you up effortlessly and places you on the counter, and you instantly wrap your legs around his waist to pull him closer. A muffled moan escapes his lips against yours, as he feels you against his hardening cock. He pulls back for a second to get a look at you, his eyes traveling down your body. 
“Holy fuck.. You look so fucking beautiful.” He breathed, looking into your doe eyes. The spark in them is enough for him to miss his lips on yours, so you’re back in a messy kiss in a split second. “I’ve been wanting to tear this dress off you all night.” He mumbles against your lips, slowly making his way down your jaw and onto your neck. 
“You should’ve just done that.” You run your fingers through his hair as you lean your head back, giving him more space to run his lips over your neck. One of his hands runs in your hair, grabbing the back, holding you in place before feeling his breath on your ear.
“Careful,” His deep voice is next to your ear, and you can practically hear him smirking. “Don’t get cocky with me now.” 
Just when he’s about to kiss you again, he pulls back and looks deeply into your eyes. You realize the look in his eyes has changed a bit, as he tries to read your face.
“What?” You ask confused. Is he regretting this? Is this a bad idea? Does he not want to do this?
His breathing is ragged, but he holds eye contact for a few more seconds before speaking. 
“If it gets too much.. If you want me to stop, please let me know, okay? Because I don’t think I can hold back from you once you let me do this.” His touch on you is now softer than before.
You can’t help but crack a smile at the way he asks permission for this to happen, but there’s not a single part of you that doubts this. You want this. You want him.
And the thing is, he wants you too, if not more. Everything inside Yunho is exploding, and he can’t even believe he isn’t kissing you right now. If it stood to him, you were both naked at this point, but he wants you to be sure about this. He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable or about to regret this, because you mean more to him than anyone has ever done. 
Your hands grab his head as you pull him into a softer kiss. A promising kiss. A kiss that tells him that you’re sure about this. His hands grab the counter, fighting himself not to go too crazy. 
“I want you, Yunho.” You look deeply into his eyes. “I trust you.” The words change something in Yunho’s eyes, and he takes a quick deep breath before crashing his lips onto yours again.  
His hands quickly find your body, traveling around your waist and up and down your thighs, getting used to the touch of you under his control. Your fingers run through his hair, but you instantly grab a hold of his locks when you feel his fingers press against your clothed pussy. The touch of his fingers alone is enough to make you moan, and he’s taking his time running the tip of three fingers up and down your core, sending shock waves through your body.
“You’re dripping wet.. Is this what you thought about when looking at my hands all night?” He asks. You can’t even get out any words, so you just nod eagerly. Another scoff leaves Yunho’s mouth and suddenly the feeling of his touch disappears. “Lay down.” 
You’re listening to his commands like a dog to their owner, and your back leans down on the cold counter. You feel his hands run from your thighs to your hips where he’s grabbing your panties to pull them down. Air hits your core, and suddenly you hear a deep chuckle coming from Yunho. 
“Of course..” He says to himself. 
"What?" You ask nervously.
“Of course, you have such a pretty pussy. You really don’t have any flaws, do you?”
He pushes your legs apart before digging in, tugging you forward a bit so he has easier access. You look down at him to see his tongue immediately find its way through your slit. All nervousness leaves your body as he starts tasting you. He lets out a satisfied groan when he starts sucking your clit, and he looks absolutely amazing from your point of view, in his relaxed clothes and slightly messy hair. 
 “And you taste fucking amazing,” His words are muffled, almost not daring to remove his mouth as he leaves his tongue everywhere on your pussy, wanting to taste as much of you as possible. He’s eating you out like it is his last meal on earth, and a moan escapes your mouth. 
The straps from your dress hang loosely off your shoulders, exposing just the right amount of your breast, to leave little to no imagination. Yunho is quick to run one of his hands up your stomach to pull the dress down and grab one of your tits. You close your eyes, only to widen them quickly when you feel him insert one of his long fingers inside you. He smirks a little as he looks up at you, seeing how you react to his touches. 
“This fucking dress.. and you don’t even wear a bra under it,” He’s squeezing your tit, slightly pinching your nipple. “You’re so fucking hot.”
You start to feel incredibly sensitive and start closing your legs, but Yunho is quick to let go of your breast and push your legs apart, before devouring your pussy again, while his long finger works in and out of you. 
“Oh, we’re just getting started, sweetheart,” he says, loving the sounds coming from you as you try to keep yourself from screaming in pleasure. “Ready for another one?” He adds another finger to your hole and a gasp escapes through your lips. His long fingers work their way with your pussy and when his lips wrap around your clit, you feel a spark running through your entire body. 
His lips remove themself from your cunt and he pulls you up, still with his fingers deep inside you, and he smashes his lips hard against yours, so you’re able to taste yourself on his lips and tongue. 
“Please, Yunho..” you barely got the words out, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to keep you up. 
“Tell me what you want,” he grumbles next to your ear as he continues to work his fingers in and out of you, making sure to have his knuckles pressed hard against your heat every time his fingers go in. 
“I want.. I want you to fuck me.” 
A smirk appears on his lips, finally hearing the words he’d been dreaming of for longer than he imagined. But he wasn’t ready. You weren’t ready.
“You’re so cute. But you’re not ready to take me yet, sweetheart.” 
You slightly pull back to look into his eyes, but when you see the look in his eyes and feel the pressure from another finger being added to your hole, you know that he wasn’t playing around. He has a massive cock, and you are going to be filled. He was preparing you. His free hand pushes your legs further apart and presses your abdomen down on the counter to keep you from moving too much. Your eyes roll back as you use your hands to keep you from lying down, steadying you. 
“Oh my God..” your words are mumbles at this point, and with the speed of his three fingers going in and out, you know you aren’t going to last much longer. “Yunho, I’m going to come.”
As if something switches inside of him, he quickly bends down and starts to eat you out while his fingers work inside you. The feeling of being filled by his long, thin fingers and his tongue sucking on your nub was a feeling you never felt before, and it didn’t take you long to start feeling your orgasm spread through your entire body. Your legs start to shake and you feel yourself crumble under his touch, eyes rolling back and feeling sensitive to every touch he leaves on you.
“So fucking delicious,” The noise of him slurping your juices filled the entire kitchen, “All sensitive and shaky already,” He stood up and pulled you closer to him, pushing some hair behind your ear in a caring manner. “And you don’t even know whats yet to come.. How adorable.” 
Your breathing is fast, not ever experiencing this kind of orgasm. Not even the expensive vibrators you’ve gathered over the years could do it like Yunho. And you wanted more of him.
His fingers left your hole and you looked at them to see them shining and soaked in your juices. He slowly raised his fingers to your mouth, and you sucked them clean. You felt messy, dirty, and sweaty, all thanks to your best friend who just gave you the best orgasm of your life. 
“Such a good little slut,” his eyes locked on your mouth as his fingers smeared across your lips, “My little slut.” His hand grabs the back of your head and presses your lips against his in a sloppy kiss. Another groan leaves his mouth and he slowly moves his lips down your jaw and onto your neck. 
His words send an intense rush through your body, and you never expected to be so turned on by being called a slut. But Yunho knows what he’s doing, he knows you well and you’re probably easy to read because you’re responding to his words by moaning when you feel him kiss your most sensitive spot on your neck. 
Your eyes caught the growing bulge in his gray sweatpants, looking more massive than anything you’ve ever seen. The urge to see it, feel it, taste it is everything on your mind, so you reach out your hand to touch it on top of his sweatpants. A deep groan is heard from the back of his throat as he continues to kiss your neck. 
“You feel that?” He asks, slowly wrapping his fingers around your throat. He looks down at you as you nod, still stroking the outside of his bulge. “You feel what you do to me?” His deep voice whispers in your ear. You wish you could give him the same amount of pleasure he just gave you. He’s standing between your legs, but you wish you could press your thighs together to cause any kind of friction between your legs, even after an intense orgasm. 
Just hearing him talk like this and seeing how big he is, even under his sweatpants, sends sparks through your entire body.
“Let me take care of you too.” You’re practically begging to touch him, feel him. Never have you been so eager to move quicker, but Yunho has you under a spell, and he knows it because a satisfied smile spreads across his lips before he presses his lips on yours. This time was much softer than the other times, starting as a slow kiss and slowly deepening. The hand from your neck moves to your cheeks to deepen it even more, and the warm feeling inside you grows even bigger. 
“Not here, sweetheart.. My first time fucking you won’t be in a kitchen.” His words were so vulgar, but his eyes were full of care and trust. And you don’t trust anyone as much as you trust Yunho, so you nod and he wraps your legs around his waist as he kisses you again. 
Your arms wrap around his shoulders as you feel him remove you from the kitchen island and carry you to your bedroom, still with his lips pressed against yours. Having him basically living with you, seemed to show because he knew the way to the bedroom with his eyes closed and you wrapped around him. 
The soft touch of your madrass was under you as Yunho threw you on the bed and climbed on top of you, never separating your lips. 
“If I knew your lips were this addicting, I would’ve kissed you a long time ago,” he gives you a final deep kiss before standing up beside the bed. “And as much as I love this dress on you, I need you to take it off. Now.” 
You don’t waste a second getting out of the dress, and since you don’t wear a bra under the dress, and Yunho already took off your panties in the kitchen, you are already left naked. Yunho lifts his black t-shirt over his head, throws it on a chair, and is left in the gray sweatpants that still have a big bulge showing. His back muscles tenses as he moves, making him even hotter by the second. He turns around to see you sitting naked on the bed on your knees, hands placed nicely on your thighs, waiting for his instructions. 
A smile spreads on his lips as he runs his eyes over your body, walking closer to you. 
“Look at you.. Beautiful and waiting for me to tell you what to do. You like that?” His hand runs through your hair, sending shivers down your spine. “You like when I call you names? Like sweetheart? or slut?” 
You nod while looking up at him with doe eyes.
His hand grabbed your hair from the back and pulled it down, causing you to look up at him straight. “Use your words.” He demands, looking straight down at you.
“Yes, I love it.” Your answer and a satisfied smile spread on his lips. 
“That’s right, baby.” 
Baby. Once again, his words make you wetter at your heat, so you press your thighs together even more to cause any kind of friction. 
"Now..Before I fuck you,” he lets go of your hair and lightly cubs your cheek. “You’re gonna have to suck my cock. Is that okay, sweetheart?” his tall body towered over you sitting on the bed. His thumb caressed your cheek, letting you know that you’re safe with him and he’d never do anything you wouldn't want. 
You lean into his hand and place a kiss in his palm, before looking up at him to nod. 
“I’d like that.” 
He bends down to kiss you before giving you the next demand. He straightens and you look down to see his massive bulge in the sweatpants, practically fighting to be free. 
“You were so eager to touch it before, so do it.. now.” His voice is stern, and you didn’t hesitate to pull down the sweatpants and his boxers to see his cock spring free. 
His cock is the biggest you’ve ever seen, rock hard and flat against his stomach. Not only is it incredibly long, but also thick. The veins running up and down his shaft are pumping and the tip is glistening with pre-cum. His hand wrapped around it to give it a few strokes, and all you could think about was how that ever was going to fit inside you.
“You alright, sweetheart?” His words make you look into his eyes instead, and a smirk appears when he sees your reaction to his cock. “Don’t worry, we’ll make it fit. Do you trust me?” 
Instead of answering him, you slowly reach out to grab his girth in your hand, feeling how hard and warm he is under your touch. A small gasp escapes through his lips when you start pumping his cock slowly.
The way he’s looking down at you shows so much dominance and power, but he’s still running his hands through your hair and trying to show you as much care as possible, even when having these roles. Keeping that in mind, all of your small concerns go out the window, and you feel a new confidence take over your body, as you feel ecstatic over the idea of sucking his cock the way you have always wanted to.
“Spit.” He demands and it doesn’t take you long to spit on his cock and move your lips to the head, leaking pre-cum. Your hand is pumping his girth while you run your lips over the head of his cock, mixing spit with pre-cum. Given everything Yunho has been doing and saying to you so far, you’re convinced that he’s into the same shit as you, so you decide to go all out. You spit even more on the head of his cock, before trying to take him in your mouth. 
“Holy fuck,” his breathing changes and he makes a small noise from the back of his throat. 
You start to drool on his cock, trying to take as much of him in your mouth as possible. Your lips are stretched all the way, and you’re doubting that you’re able to take all of him, but you’re willing to try.
“Look up at me,” You look up at his command while bobbing your head, feeling pre-cum and spit fall on your chest. “You’re so fucking perfect, you know that?” 
His words make you want to do even better for him, so you try to take even more of his cock into your mouth. You almost make it to the beginning of his shaft, but feel a gagging sensation take over you, but you try to fight it. Tears form in your eyes as you try to breathe through your nose.
Yunho groans then, “Fuck, baby,” he sounds strained. “All these years I spent with you, I didn’t think you were such a cock slut.” 
You finally pull back from him to breathe, feeling spit and pre-come everywhere. In your mouth, on his cock, on your tits, on your hand. It’s messy. After catching your breath, you decide to continue sucking him, and you feel one of his hands rest lightly on the back of your head as he pushes his dick back into your mouth. 
Another groan leaves him as he starts pumping his cock in and out of your mouth. The noises coming from you slurping mix with his ragged breathing. You feel him wrap his hand around a few strands of your hair, helping you bop your head at a comfortable speed. A series of small groans leave him, and his breathing gets faster before he quickly takes a step back.
“Baby.. Hold up,” he pulls his cock out of your mouth and you notice how red the head of his cock is. It’s throbbing and basically begging to come. You wipe the sides of your mouth with the back of your hand to remove the mess you’ve made.
“Was it okay?” You ask, a little confused why he didn’t just come in your mouth. 
He is almost letting out a chuckle as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
“It was.. Out of this world” He caresses your cheek with his thumb and says; “I just want to be inside of you when I come.” He lifts you on your knees, so he can hold you closer. His lips crash against yours, letting him taste himself on his tongue, but he doesn’t mind it. Especially when it comes from your mouth. 
He pulls back and holds your waist with one hand, while he cups the other one right by your mouth.
“Spit.” He instructs again.
You do as he says, still tasting his pre-cum in your mouth when you spit in his hand. He smirks when his hand drops to your pussy and rubs your spit in between your folds. A gasp leaves your mouth at the feeling of his fingers running through your folds, and you quickly need him to give you another orgasm, asap. 
As if he knows exactly what you're thinking, he turns you around and pushes you down on the bed, so you land on your front. You’re surprised by his manhandling, but when you feel him bring your ass up in the air to smack it, you’re running with it. 
You’ve never had sex with someone where you didn’t have to tell them what to do or what you liked. But Yunho knew exactly how to please you. It was almost like he knew you better than you knew yourself. 
You feel him plant kisses, bites, hickeys, and smacks on your cheeks, leaving you with a stream of moans and gasps. 
“You’re mine from now on, you understand?” He smacks one of your cheeks and kisses it right after. “I’m going to leave marks on you, so if anyone ever tries something, they will see who you belong to. Got it?” 
The sound of him calling you his was something you only imagined would happen, and never did you think it would feel so good to hear. 
Yunho pulled you out of your thoughts and turned you around, facing up, before he crawled onto the bed and on top of you. You felt his dick press against your pussy as he steadied himself over you.
“I said; Got it?” He asked, and you nodded before quickly responding.
“Got it.” 
“Good girl.” He positioned himself better between your legs, and you could already feel the excitement of him inside of you. “If you want me to go slower or stop, let me know.” Yunho grips his cock in his hand, stroking it a few times before rubbing the tip between your folds. Your hands are on the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. The feeling of his huge cock pressed against your entrance is making you impatient, but when you feel him slowly enter your hole, you’re thankful that he’s taking it slow. 
You wrap your legs around his waist as you feel him stretch you out, and with the help of your spit and your wetness, he slides in a little easier. But you would lie if you said you’ve tried anyone bigger than Yunho. 
“Fuck, you’re tight” He grunts, slowly filling you up more and more. 
It doesn’t take you long to feel full of him. He groans whenever you clench around his cock, taking it as a sign for him to go slower. He’s already going pretty slow, but he would never pressure you. He knew he had a large cock, so it was important for him to make sure you felt good, first of all. 
He stops and you let out the breath of air you didn’t know you held in, feeling his length and trying to accommodate how thick he is.
“You’re taking me so well, baby, but you can take more.” He looks down at you and takes your hand in his, pinning them down next to your head. Yunho lowers down to plant a kiss on your forehead, and you close your eyes, ready for him to continue. 
“I need you to relax for me, baby.” He instructs and you do as he said. Even when you thought you couldn’t fit more of him, he filled you up even more. “That’s right.” His way of switching from calling you “slut” to calling you baby, making you feel cared about, almost loved, was everything you needed. Your hands clench in his, almost scared you will hurt him with the way your nails are digging into the back of his hand.
With a final push, you feel his hips against yours, and a gasp leaves your mouth. You can’t even imagine if he had tried entering you without warming you up with his fingers and getting you so wet first. Never have you been so full, your eyes rolling back at him hitting your spot without nearly doing anything, almost making you cry in pleasure.
“There,” He says, looking down at you. You let go of his hands and pull him down for another kiss. “You’re okay?” 
Instead of answering, you press your heels into his back to make him move and feel if he could enter you a bit more - He could. A smirk appears on his lips and he lets out a groan when you feel him clench around him.
“You’re ready to be fucked like the little slut you are?” You feel him slowly pull out, before pushing inside of you again, trying to make you get used to his size. You couldn’t believe he was fitting inside you. “Has anyone ever fucked you like you wanted? Or have you just been waiting for me?” He smirks as he looks down at you. He leans down, bringing his hands under you to hold you tight and whisper closer to your ear. “I bet you’ve been fantasizing about getting pinned down and fucked for years, haven’t you?”
“Y-Yes.” You manage to say as his speed quickens, and you feel him more and more - even though you didn’t think that was possible. “I’ve been waiting.. for you.”
“You feel so fucking perfect around my cock, don’t you think?” His pace is getting faster and faster, and you can barely get any words out at this point. “You were made for me.”
“Don’t stop, Yunho, please!” You beg, biting down on his shoulder. You feel his breath on your neck, his arms holding you tighter as he continues to fuck you.
“Never,” You hear his smile, and he grabs your waist to turn you both around. Suddenly riding him, sitting on top of his cock makes you feel him deeper than before, and a muffled scream leaves your mouth. The feelings send a shockwave through your body, and you feel yourself fall forward on top of him. He takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around you, locking your arms behind your back as he holds you tight against him. 
He can not get deeper in your pussy, so he takes the opportunity to ram his cock deep inside you. He lifts his hips as he’s slamming his cock into your cunt at a fast speed, and the sounds of skin slapping against each other fill the entire house. 
Quickly you feel another orgasm approach, never experiencing an orgasm without having to stimulate your clit. But Yunho is so deep inside of you and rails you so quickly, that it isn’t necessary, “Yunho, please!” 
“Your moans are so beautiful, let everyone hear how good I fuck you,” His one hand holds both of yours behind your back, as he uses the other to hold your head close to his ear. “You’re only gonna take my cock from now on, understand?” His grab on you tightens as he fucks you faster. “I’m gonna fill you up with my cum.” 
“Come inside me, please!” You cry out, barely even being able to speak as your mind whitens. He buries his face in your neck while ramming his cock into you at a fast pace. He hits the right spot every time, making your moans consistent. His hard grasp on you somehow makes you feel like you can let go of everything and make him do whatever he wants with you. So when you feel your orgasm approach, you don’t do anything to hold it back. Yunho feels you clench around his dick as you climax, sending him over the edge as well. 
His deep groans hum in your ear as you feel him empty his balls inside you. “Fuck, baby..” 
You feel his warm load spill into you while he holds you tight on top of him, making you take all of it. You feel your heart pumping in your entire body, ragged breaths coming from you as you relax on top of him, and his tight, domestic hold on you becomes a soft and affectionate hug. 
Yunho still being inside you, you seem to find it relaxing laying on top of him in his arms. And if Yunho could, he would stop time and lay here with you for just a little more. As your eyes are closed, you feel him run his fingers through your hair and down your back. One thing you didn’t expect when going on a date today, was ending up having your best friend fuck your brains out till you forgot how to speak. But this somehow felt so right. 
“Are you alright?” His soft voice asks, still with a few gasps left in his voice.
“Uh-huh.” You slightly nod as you open your eyes to see a blur, barely able to use any words. 
“We need to get you cleaned up..” Yunho gently pulls out of you and you collapse on the bed next to him. The last thing you wanted was to stand up and clean yourself, so you just shook your head and closed your eyes again. 
“Soon.. I’m so tired though..” You excuse, still in a haze from the orgasm. You feel Yunho’s hand run through your hair, and the way he’s slowly massaging your scalp, makes your eyes feel even heavier.
“Wait here then.” You hear him say and soon the bed feels empty without him. A few moments later, you hear him enter back in the bedroom and a wet cloth runs over your skin. You’re slowly waking up to feel his hands softly on you, and you look down at him, and your heart flutters at your best friend sitting on the bed next to you. He’s so focused on cleaning you, removing all the dried spit and cum from your chest, stomach and thighs. 
His touch is soft, especially when he slightly parts your legs to clean the most sensitive area, and when he accidentally graces your most sensitive spot, a small moan escapes through your lips. You still feel an incredible sensation around your lower region, so when he quickly looks up at your face to see you’re okay, he tries his best to hide his smile, feeling proud he left you a moaning mess a few minutes ago.
“Sorry..” He whispers as he continues to clean up, making sure to be extra careful. 
The wet cloth is doing its job, and you’re free from any fluid on your body. Your eyes are closed again and you suddenly feel the bed getting heavier next to you. You feel the duvet cover you and an arm wrap around your body to pull you into Yunho’s chest. Your back is flat against his front, and with the warmth of his body, you’ve never felt more safe. 
Slowly drifting off to sleep, you manage to hear a few words before you’re completely out.
“Goodnight, my love.” 
The light shines bright in the bedroom, making it hard to see anything when you open your eyes. Everything is a blur, but when you reach out your arm to feel nothing but an empty bed, you’re quickly rubbing your eyes to see clearly. 
There’s a bend in the pillow where Yunho slept, but no Yunho in sight. You pull up the duvet to cover your naked body when you sit up to get a better view of the bedroom. There’s no sound of anyone in your house, and the feeling of slight panic rumbles your stomach.
Did he leave? Did he regret what happened between you and wouldn’t want to see you again?
Just as thoughts start to flood your mind, the bedroom door opens and Yunho enters, tip-toeing into the room, just wearing his gray sweatpants. When he sees you sitting up, panic immediately shows on his face. “Oh shit, sorry, did I wake you?” 
“No no, I was just confused about where you went.” You shake your head, suddenly relaxed to see him this morning.
A smile spreads on his lips and he makes his way to you on the bed. “I’m right here, baby.” He crawls on top and hovers over you before leaning down to kiss your lips. It’s a reassuring kiss that tells you he wouldn’t ever just leave like that. He pulls back after a moment and looks down at you with a soft smile on his face. "Good morning." 
"Good morning." You smile back, not at all used to waking up like this, but you’re not at all mad about it. “So.. Do you usually stay the night after a first date?” You shyly ask while he looks down at you.
“Usually not.” He shrugs with a smirk. “What about you? Do you usually have your first date sleeping over?” 
“Usually not.”
He nods slowly "Interesting.." He bites his lip to hide his smile, but the smile slowly falls off his face and gets replaced by a wrinkle between his brows. He gets quiet, and you wonder what suddenly went through his mind. “I need to tell you something..” 
Your heart suddenly starts pounding, concerned about what he’s going to say. Yunho takes a deep breath, still holding himself up by his arms on each side of your head.
“Look, yesterday was something new for both of us, and we both know how when you’re.. having sex, you feel a lot of emotions, and sometimes blurt out something without actually meaning what you’re saying..” The nervousness is evident in his voice. “I just need you to know that.. the things I said yesterday.. I meant it.” 
You’re completely quiet, just now trying to figure out exactly what he’s talking about.
“I meant when I said I want you to.. be mine. And when I said you're beautiful. And, yeah, I don’t know, I’m just not sure I can go back to being best friends with you, because what we did yesterday.. best friends don’t do that.” The look in his eyes is hard to describe, but there’s a hint of hope. Hope that you perhaps feel the same as him. “I guess I’m trying to say; how about we continue what we started?” 
Voice lowering down to a whisper, he stares down at you with such an expression you want to wrap your arms around him and hug him. The dominating guy he was last night is completely switched to the most precious and small man.
You can’t help but let out a giggle, finding this entire situation cute. “I’d love that.” 
The wrinkle between his brows immediately disappears and he releases a breath he didn’t know he held. 
“Yeah?” He asks with a huge smile on his face.
“Yeah.” You nod.
Fireworks are exploding in both of you as he leans down and kisses you with such intensity, he wants to fill out all the space that separates you from him. He wants you as close as possible, and he’s sure he’s never going to get tired of hearing you giggle.
Moving his lips against yours, you never imagined how right this would feel. He pulls away, but only to lay down next to you and pull you towards him. Placing your head on his chest, he wraps both of his arms around you to hold you close. The feeling of safety and warmth is burning from every cell of you, and you never want to feel this with anyone else but Yunho.
Yunho kisses the top of your head occasionally as you both lay there, just enjoying the silence and each other’s company. But you can’t help but say what's on your mind.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have to start getting ready.” You say, and he immediately tightens his grab around you.
“Five more minutes, then I’ll let you go.” He mumbles against your head.
Sigh.. “But I have to shower.”
He’s quiet for a short moment before looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. “Shower?” He asks like he has something on his mind. You nod and he looks away shyly before getting the courage to say what he’s thinking. “I mean.. Since we’ve decided to upgrade our friendship to dating, I guess it wouldn’t be weird to.. you know.. shower together?”
Butterflies take over your entire body, and you try your best to hide your smile. Yunho and you don’t have anything to hide from each other anymore, so a shower would be innocent compared to what you two did last night. You look up to meet his eyes, slightly shrugging. “I guess you’re right.”
Just when you thought his smile couldn’t get bigger, his eyes wrinkled from the smile and he gets all energetic like a puppy you just offered to take on a walk.
“You wanna take a shower with me?” He asks, making sure.
“Sure.” You downplay how badly you actually want to do this. You want to do everything with Yunho, because the two of you just opened so many doors of possibilities, and you can’t wait to share every moment with him.
A giggle leaves his mouth and he kisses you passionately. “I’ll go get it ready for us.” The smile does not leave Yunho’s mouth as he pulls his t-shirt over his head, and he finds your robe in your dresser. He’s running around the room, getting stuff ready to bring to the bathroom, smiling and giggling nonstop.
“What?” You can’t help but ask.
His eyes dart to you before he runs over to kiss you one last time before heading to the bathroom to prepare the shower for the two of you.
“I'm just so happy”
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rosedom · 1 month
thoughts on. cat (or just feline in general)boy reader purring while eating out a guy of ur choosing (most likely aether 🔥) and readers tongue/lips vibrate so perfectly against his gspot/clit that he ends up cumming almost immediately after..... save me prettyboys save me
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gggghhh yeah ,, yeah ᓚᘏᗢ
feline reader with big ol' twitchy ears, so sensitive to the touch. you've definitely fallen asleep with your pretty boy scritching you behind them, but that's for another time. and, god, your tail—it's super soft, and wholly in your control. you'd be able to control it at will, make it wrap around your boy's waist to keep him still, slither up his leg all snake-like to keep him open.
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speaking of open . . . pretty boy aether all spread out for you, thighs split wide open for your head to bump up between 'em. the way your ears would inadvertently brush the sensitive inner skin, so few of the fine blond hairs that sprawl across his outer thighs left to tickle you in turn. it's nothing but smooth, smooth skin, marred by a scar or two that nicked far too close for comfort, and the freckles that cover his whole body.
and his giggles ,, pretty boy ae giggles ,, mmmmmmgmhh. aether reaching down, just like he does at night, in the morning, (at any time he can get his hands on you, really,) hands cupping your ears. you sigh at the touch 'cos it's just so soft, so soothing, the calluses on his fingers leaving nothing but a soothing texture to rub across the fur-lined pinna.
"your hands are nice," you murmur, head lolling back into his gentle ministrations. "sooooo nice."
he grins down at you, golden eyes wide in some intoxicating mix of love and arousal. it does something tender to your already soft heart, the way his glistening cunt is so close, close enough to smell—heady, intoxicating—, yet you're here between his legs as he pets you, his giggles filling the air. who said sex had to be all that serious?
but once you get into a lull—a quiet one, where all you hear is your heartbeat loud in your own ears, the scritching sound filling 'em like thick cotton—, you find yourself gravitating towards where he's wet, where the heat of his arousal is most ardent. his lil' cock is chubbed up, red like berries and just as tasty.
(he'll chastise you for comparing his taste to berries, later, after he's cum and once you're curled around him afterwards.)
"o—ooooh," he gasps, turned into a sweet melodic moan. it's pulled out of him the same way his giggles were—easy, gentle, and so, so satisfying. the way his joy slips from his lips is ravishing. for all the feline you are, he's a whole minx, just by existing in your loving arms. "tha's good . . ."
you'd reply if your mouth weren't full. licking, lapping—he tastes divine, the rough bumps of your tongue dragging against his leaking hole in a way that makes aether's back arch so prettily. his navel is thrusted upwards, the muscles of his abdomen taught before they fall back down, limp and helpless to the sensations ravishing his body.
"l-like that, please," he whines. he's whining, and you're supposed to be the animal between the two of you (how ironic).
you can feel a purr begin to rumble in your chest, this small, barely noticeable thing. really, you're so used to purring around him—how couldn't you, content as you are with him?—that you don't notice it at first. but then aether's moans hitch, mewls beginning to spill past his lips in greater frequency and louder, too, as his hands twitch and tighten in your hair instead. your ears flick, back and forth, in that space between his thumb and pointer, but he's heedless of it; he's focused entirely on the way your purrs are vibrating directly against his oh-so sensitive cock.
for a moment, you wonder why he's so desperate; after all, you've not so much as changed your rhythm. your tongue laps evenly at him: once at his hole, twice at his cock, that perfectly-rough texture stimulating around his thick cockhead . . .
. . . until you realize that your tongue is vibrating with the steady rise of your purrs. it's reverberating in your chest, spilling out of your mouth, too, your lips vibrating as they surround his cunt in the wet heat of your mouth. the sensations of everything—of your soft ears, your soft hair between his fingers, of your tail wrapping itself around his ankle, of your goddamned textured tongue—send aether hurtling over that edge. it's sudden, the way it happens.
even as he's loose-limbed on the bed, his orgasm causes his body to seize up and relax in turn, muscles rippling with the onslaught of an overwhelming stimulation coursing through him, all before he melts back a final time, hands slackening where they were held fast to your fur.
and then afterwards, when you've wiped your chin and mouth clean of his slick and got him bundled back up in your arms, tail loosely wrapped around his middle and a thick blanket pulled up around the both of you, his giggles would start back up as you purr, happy as if it were you who had the mind-melting orgasm.
mm ,, just aftercare with your pretty boy ae, his hands back to smoothing down your ears as you cuddle, purrs still quietly rumbling. feline reader truly has my heart<33
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imagine u pavlov'd aether to now associate purring with getting off ;; unintentionally getting ae turned on, all hot n' bothered just 'cos ur here purring, all content wrapped up with him. the sacrifices of winning, i suppose.
12 MAY 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
444 notes · View notes
ch6sos · 30 days
more nanami headcanons (but as your bf !!!)
a/n: hey everyone! thank you for all the support on my last headcanon post. i never really expected it to go far, but somehow it did. it was my first time ever posting a "fic" you know? i was cringing the entire time but it was worth it, for you guys :) since it did well, here is some more!
i used third person by the way so you're referred to as his partner. tried to make this as gender neutral as possible cuz i love you guys
cw: slight suggestiveness (ooooh... but it's not extreme you sillies)
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Extreme gentleman. He respects their wishes all the time. If they want space, he will give it to them. He will give them whatever they ask for.
Pays on the first date. He forbids their significant other from doing anything. He will pay because he wants to. He truly wants to, not because he feels obligated to.
Would be kind of shy about doing anything at first, especially Teen!Nanami. Even after a long period of dating, he would always ask before showing affection because he does not know if they feel comfortable or okay with it.
"May I please hold your hand? Are you okay with that?
"...We've been dating for a month."
"I know, but, I must ask, you know? In case it makes you uncomfortable.”
When he (as well as they) grow comfortable, the affection begins to become more "intense." Not intense, but he does it more frequently. He holds their hand more, gives more kisses, more hugs...
He would give the best hugs. He is a cuddle machine. He appears to hate them, but does he truly? Exactly. No, he does not. He loves them so much. He wishes he could give up his job to spend the entire day cuddling with his partner.
"Stay close to me, please."
"I don't plan on moving."
"Good. I wish life were like this every day." He hums, squeezing them gently.
Kisses with him are never short; even if he is late. He never leaves his significant other hanging. He craves and desires to kiss them. He enjoys giving his partner a passionate kiss, drawing them near to his chest, and placing his hand behind their head, leaving a memory of the kiss that is warm, tender, and unforgettable.
Genuinely feels like he could share his emotions with his significant other. Yeah, he is still serious, because it's who he is. He was raised in a family surrounded by serious people. Though, throughout the relationship, he learns how to express his emotions better. He feels like he genuinely could reveal all the emotions he has stored in him already around his significant other. If he's feeling upset, he would genuinely express that to them. If something ticked him off, he would sit down and talk to his partner about it.
Despite all of that, he still is more of a listener than a rambler. He prefers putting others first before him, and that also goes for who gets to talk. He enjoys looking at their partner with a loving gaze, as they talk nonsense. Whether it is about the new show they picked up, their day, or the latest gossip, he loves listening.
He would write love letters. I do not care if you find that corny. He is corny. He will write love letters. Nanami is romantic. I don't care what anyone says he is a romance god who does not get to show it off as much. He loves writing lengthy letters, showing the love he has for his partner. Describes their personality and how much he cherishes them, how much he thinks they're beautiful, and how he thinks that they are the stars in the night sky that stand out.
Playing with his partner's hair is (one of) his favorite ways to show affection. If they have long hair, he loves to try styling it and ruffling it. If they have type 4 coily hair, he starts learning how to take care of it so he can try protective hairstyles on them.
Another thing is lazy Sundays. He loves Sundays. Even though he has to go to stupid work the next day. The sensation of them being in his arms when he wakes up, his arms encircling their bodies firmly, the sheets covering them. He enjoys gently leaning in to kiss their shoulders, the top of their head, and the back of their neck. When they began to stir, he pulled them closer— not wanting to get out of bed. All he wants is to spend Sunday morning in bed with his lovely partner.
Gets flushed at compliments, but it is not as obvious. When their significant other says he is handsome, he smiles softly and thanks them, but on the inside, he is freaking out.
Cooks breakfast in bed for them. Always. He loves getting up just to make his significant other the tastiest breakfast ever; it is his specialty. He prepares a warm beverage and some fruit-flavored crepes topped with Nutella and whipped cream.
Before meeting them, Nanami was kind of an insomniac. He would not sleep; hence why he has dark circles. But after meeting them, he started sleeping more. Despite everything, he continues to get up before his partner to prepare breakfast for them.
Not only that but when he was stressed, he would drink his sorrows away rather than confide in someone. Since the fan book claims that he enjoys drinking, I think that, unfortunately, one of his coping mechanisms is doing exactly that. However, since meeting them, he has kept everything under control. He learned to express himself more freely and genuinely strives to avoid suppressing his emotions.
Bro is a simp. His mouth drops when he sees his partner dressed. His jaw falls to the floor. He is stuttering a bit too. I know he is supposed to be calm and collected but he would NOT be calm and collected around his significant other, people. He would go feral and be a simp for them.
He says I love you first. It was quite unexpected and seemed to come out of nowhere. He just blurted it out without waiting for the perfect moment or anything else. It was probably a simple morning, cuddling with him on the bed as usual, looking at each other fondly, and he said, "You know how much I adore you, right?"
When he realizes what he is saying, his eyes widen slightly, but then crinkle up when they tell him they love him as well.
He will do whatever his partner says. They could be 5'2 or around his height; he is a certified simp who immediately attends to their partner's needs.
Even if that includes forcibly doing silly TikTok trends. He pretends to hate it but he doesn't. He is a munch or whatever Ice Spice said.
He enjoys nuzzling his partner. Guys, I do not care. This man is a bundle of love wrapped up in a stoic-looking man. He enjoys sneaking up behind them, entrapping them in his arms, and nuzzling their neck and the top of their head. Wherever he wants, whenever he wants. And he utters sweet nothings. And leaves tiny, delicate kisses. He also wraps his arms around their waist.
He sometimes becomes overwhelmed, so he requires his own space. However, he does not simply distance himself from his partner. He properly expresses that sometimes he needs his own space. He still adores them but also needs some space. He does not want to cause conflict or misunderstanding because he is not that type of person.
Will be there for them when they are sick, even if they believe they look disgusting. He does not care; he believes they are the most beautiful sight he has ever seen in his entire life (which was cut short) (sorry, I am still coping). He will be there to care for them whether they are throwing up, crying, or whatever.
He cooks for them, he gives them medicine, he cuddles them even though he knows he may get sick...
And he does. Every single time. And he acts like a baby too.
Adorable tall, strong man Nanami acts like a baby when he's sick. He needs to be looked after completely. He starts off coughing (like a grandfather or a father). So his cough is obnoxious and loud, and he frowns. He then looks up at his partner, his expression reminiscent of a puppy who has been denied treats. It is an adorable sight. It's a turnaround from his usual chill demeanor. He then spends the entire day in bed, despite his attempts to do his routine tasks like cleaning and cooking for them, which they forbid. And he pouts about it like a big baby.
"Please let me take care of you. You took care of me, so now it's my turn."
"No, you're sick, Kento."
"That doesn't matter." He frowns.
“You always take care of me anyway.”
“But it is my honor to take care of you, my love.”
and then they end up having seven mental breakdowns
If they bring home a stray one day, he is reluctant on taking it but you know damn well he'd be like one of those dads that is hesitant about taking it at first but then ends up cuddling it the next day and then begging for them to not take it to the shelter.
Genuine sweetheart. Holds the door for their significant other, makes arrangements for them when they can not find the time, prepares meals for them, and if they come from a different culture, he starts to learn about it, particularly if they are involved in it.
...This guy is in no way aggressive. I have seen people mischaracterize him as a dominant "daddy" or whatever because he is serious, and Mappa blessed us with the hair-pulling scene. That scene was primarily caused by rage at Haruta's thoughtless harm to those around him and the fact that the man was going against two young girls. He would never act in such a way toward their partner, particularly when they were in bed. He is more of a gentle lover and is afraid of going too far.
Needs are needs, so if they ask, he will comply with some hesitation. He never seemed to get into it, so he tells them that.
That does not mean he is not into some stuff. Bro be praising. He praises hella and talks them through it.
"My love, doing so well for me."
"So beautiful, so gorgeous, all sprawled out for me like this."
“You’re mine. Until the end of time, angel.”
“God. My love, my everything. You drive me wild, you know that?”
“Eyes on me, sweetheart. Want to see how breathtaking you are from here.” All in his deep, ragged and needy voice.
that made me cringe
help I'm crying at the cringe so sorry
His favorite dates with them involve going to a restaurant. Nanami knows some hidden gems, so he enjoys taking them to restaurants where they can eat delicious food. Being a food enthusiast, it goes without saying that he is aware of the good and bad places to go. Because of Nanami's exquisite taste, they have never had to worry about their food.
As I previously stated, he prefers traditional nicknames such as sweetheart, my love, darling, angel, and beloved. I do not see him calling his significant other "baby," "baby girl," or whatever; I believe he finds it cringe-worthy. This is self-indulgent oops.
Sings softly to them while they are sleeping. He sings a song while they are sleeping because he is too ashamed of his singing. His vocals are not bad; he is just shy. (Little did he know, they had several recordings of him singing in secret...)
He will sacrifice his blanket in bed just to wrap it around his partner if they're cold. Bro would give them 90004868787893 pillows, and 8 blankets if they said they were cold.
He exaggerates things. And when I say he exaggerates, I mean he goes to great lengths to win his partner over. If they enter a new niche, he buys *everything*. On date nights, he gives them large bouquets if they like that, and he treats them as if they were royalty.
"You didn't need to get me this entire figure collection from *series*... I feel so bad."
"Well, do not worry, I enjoy buying these things for you. I see how happy you are, and it immediately warms my heart.”
Arguments with him are not bad. He truly never gets upset to the point of yelling because that is not who he is—he is not a guy who yells and he does not want to cause trauma to people in general. Again, though, he seems composed, and it might be frightening. But he then does something right away that causes his partner to instantly give in. Bro could just breathe and they're like "OKAY" and yeah. I understand. I would fold so hard bro.
His love languages include quality time and acts of service. He loves spending every single second with his partner and is immediately angry at the world when he has to work overtime and can not have more time with them. He enjoys taking them on dates or simply staying at home on lazy days. He loves spending time with them. Furthermore, he expresses his love by doing things for his partner, such as assisting them with their work (if he could), giving them massages when they are stressed, cooking for them all the time, washing their dishes even when they beg him not to, eating the olives off of their plate if there are any... He is the king of acts of service.
He is not good at taking pictures. His large thumb keeps covering the lens, so they have to force him to take the pictures repeatedly. Despite this, he never becomes irritated because he gets butterflies just watching his partner pose in their gorgeous clothes.
Speaking of photos, he already had an Instagram account beforehand. (As much as he hates to admit it, Gojo is sometimes the one who takes the aesthetic photos on his page.) He was not active, but he has a few posts on it, but as soon as they got a partner, oh lord Jesus. Bro will post on his Instagram story every single second.
Even though this happens, he prefers to make his relationship private. Private but known, you know? He wants the world to know that he is lucky enough to date them, but still not reveal information or talk about his relationship to anyone. So he would take those private but not secret type relationship photos.
Captions are always complimenting them and are extremely poetic. He's just that guy.
"saw a breathtaking sight. the beach is also there."
“every aspect of you captivates me, body and soul.”
"we are all floating around with the stars and the universe, and it somehow led me to you."
cringes again
Off-topic but not, Nanami would NEVER, and I mean... NEVER, go for his student if he was a professor, even if their relationship is legal. I can't stand it when people do that. He understands that there's a power dynamic behind it and it's low-key creepy how much people enjoy it.
Along with stepcest. Why do so many of you like stepcest? Nanami is not touching any of his family members. I'm scared to say this and this is probably hella controversial for this app but he's not touching anyone even if they're not technically related.
Age gap too. He would not date someone extremely younger than him. He is not going to be 40 and dating a 19-year-old. I just can't see it.
Other than that, he does not have any preferences when it comes to appearance. He has turn-offs, but not in terms of appearance. He could care less about what someone looks like.
In terms of personality, he dislikes negative people. He despises that. He would feel guilty if he became involved with someone unconcerned about the world. He also dislikes immaturity and pettiness.
He prefers people who bring positivity into his life, you know? Someone much more outgoing than he is, but still a mature person with whom he could relate. The more extroverted they are the more they bring out of him. As long as they're not so overwhelming to him.
Even so, he simply enjoys people for their kindness and consideration. How willing they are, how passionate and motivated they are. He simply wants someone who is driven by their goals.
Texts them dad memes he found on Facebook.
“Look at it, it’s funny.”
“You laughed at least a little bit right?
“Okay. I apologize :(“
When he met their family, he appeared calm and collected, but he was nervous. He was fidgety on the way to their house, something he had only ever done in high school. He experiences anxiety about whether he would be accepted by them or whether he would be good enough.
“Wow, I have never seen you this fidgety before.”
"I apologize. It’s just… What your family might think worries me. I am not sure if I will meet their expectations. I simply want to let them know how much I genuinely adore you for who you are and how much I want to be yours forever."
And they are like ??? because this man is perfect? He is the dream man anyone could ever ask for.
Do not take this man mini golfing bro he sucks ass… I know you guys think just because he is partly white he will immediately be good at golf but no. He sucks ass.
He would be protective, but not excessively so. He is devoted to his partner and will intervene quickly if someone upsets them, intimidating them with his composed demeanor.
"I advise you to distance yourself from them before I regretfully have to take action, okay? We wouldn’t want that, right?” Dumbledore says, calmly. While puffing out his chest. And mewing. And mogging. Whatever that means.
Okay fine, he will watch Jersey Shore, The Real Housewives, Love & Hip-Hop, etc with them. Pretends to hate it but he is invested.
Imagine just going to the bedroom and just seeing him in his reading glasses, sitting up against the headboard, immersed in the book in front of him. The only thing he has on is a simple white tee that does justice to his figure and pajama pants.
Yup feral.
Tries to get into the things their partner likes just so he can understand when they yap about certain things. He just wants them to talk about everything to him. He finds it adorable.
Allows their partner to give him a skincare treatment. He then begins to do it himself. Well, he would only use one product—a cleanser. That being said, he started using toner, serum, and other skincare products. And, yes, he allows them to put ridiculously cute facemasks on his face. And the cute little star pimple patches.
Do not take that man ice skating or rollerblading either. He would be so hesitant on going because he sucks at it. He just goes because his significant other told him to. He fell immediately.
“This sucks.”
“Stop sulking and hold my hand.”
“...You don’t even need to ask.” He says, all giddy.
Please show him the love and care he deserves.
When he works out he will flex on them on purpose. He thinks it is all funny to be all yummy. It is NOT funny.
Yup, he does push-ups while they’re underneath, each time he goes down he gives them a peck.
Yeah so imagine that with him in his compression shirt and shorts…
I could read your mind, people. You are not slick.
This man will not let his significant other have insecurities. He is the type to leave notes all over the bathroom, and every mirror, with encouraging words. Praising their looks and more. Plus he shows in…other ways (wink) how much he appreciates how beautiful he thinks they are.
If they are unhappy, he will truly be devastated. He is miserable when he sees them upset, so he does everything in his power to cheer them up. Whether that’s cooking something for them, taking care of them, trying to make them laugh, getting them something from the store, or sitting down and talking to them about their problems, he needs to make them feel happy.
When he drives, he would not put his hand on his partner’s thigh. He would much rather grab their hand, and put it on his lap, as he listens to them hum along to the radio. He purposely moves the mirror slightly toward them, just so he can see how pretty they are through the mirror. He also looks at them with a slight smile at every stop-light, occasionally leaving small pecks on their face.
Does not mind if they steal his clothes. Go on then silly. He could care less. He thinks it’s cute as hell.
Would teach them how to do things. For example, he will teach them to play an instrument if they do not already, especially if he knows how. He looks like a lovesick fool as he watches them replicate what he did. Unable to resist the urge, he kisses them without reason.
“What was that for?”
"I could not hold back. You are very tempting."
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yes. You are everything I think about and want."
Butterflies all around people.
His only red flag is that sometimes he may prioritize work over his relationship. He unfortunately gets into the stress of work and begins to grind more at work. Call him out and he gets back into his senses.
Buys more storage space for his Samsung S24 Ultra to retrieve more pictures of them. His camera roll is nearly full. Just because of his significant other, his camera roll increased from roughly 150 images to over 13,000 images.
When he comes home from work, he immediately collapses on the couch or their shared bed, on top of them. He then looks like a sleepy puppy.
“Someone’s tired.”
“I hate overtime.”
“I know you do. I cooked something for you.”
“I could have just cooked for the both of us…”
“But I knew you’d come all tired from work. So no.”
“That doesn't matter, you know? I love taking care of you. Just to see that pretty smile on your face.” He pouts, once again.
He ends up making it up to them. You can interpret that however you want.
As soon as this man sees them in formal attire (or in general) it is OVER. His jaw is on the bottom of the earth, his eyes are slightly widened, a blush on his face.
“I have no words. God, I don't know how someone could get even more impossibly perfect, yet here you are, darling. No matter how many times I see you, you still manage to take my breath away.”
yup heart attack
Prepare for so many compliments daily. He talks like a true romance book. None of that Colleen Hoover stuff.
Talks about his partner like a true gentleman. He's not like those types of guys who just talk about their significant other as if they're his property. No. He talks about them as if they are an art piece.
Overall, he just loves his partner so, so much. He expresses it in a variety of ways, from taking care of them—to telling them every single second of the day. In his own words,
"Your presence in my life is like a breath of fresh air, keeping my heart full and content. I love you more than anyone could ever fathom, and I promise you, you have my heart for eternity."
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changisworld · 3 months
“Just don’t tell her”
Stepdad!Binnie x reader
Word count:6,809
Summary: You don’t get along with your mom since her & your fathers divorce since she cheated on him but luckily you got an easy escape when college rolled around. It’s now summer break & you head home, mostly to gather a few more of your things but also to use the pool in your childhood home’s backyard but you got more than you bargained for when you seen your moms new, younger boyfriend.
MDNI, 18+ only, smut warnings below the cut.
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here
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SMUT WARNINGS; Age gap (27 & 20), infidelity, bulge kink, size kink, manhandling, slightly public groping, praise, oral (69),ball sucking, nipple play, spit, cumming on ass, marking, fingering, sweet binnie, soft sex tbh, multiple orgasms,binnie is TTTHIIICCKKK, fluffy/ cliffhanger ending??
You drop the suitcase in front of your childhood home's front door & sigh as you stretch, feeling 30lbs lighter since you're no longer lugging around half your wardrobe. You grumble randomly to yourself as you dig through your handbag & get your key out of the zip up pocket & unlocking the door. You swing the heavy door open & you're immediately welcomed by the same smell you've always remembered. You push your suitcase into the main hallway & you dump it on the floor before shutting the door, letting out a sigh of relief. You step over it as you kick off your shoes as you scurry to the kitchen almost instantly to get a drink, feeling as dry as sand from the heat & the absolute workout you just did.
You gulp down a glass of water & you hiccup as you finish it. You take a look around the kitchen, looking at the slight differences since last time you were here. You admire the room as you slowly walk around it, looking at some new pictures that you noticed your mom has put up. You touch the frames as you walk pas them, most of them being photos of you but one catches your eye.. A guy.. with his arm around your mom?? Your eyebrows frown as you take it off the wall, getting a better look at it. "Mom? Where the hell are you?" You shout across the house, waving the photo frame in your hand. You hear the patio doors open behind you & you flip around, already word vomiting. "Are you serious? who the fu" You cut yourself off as you see that the person who has just opened the glass door isn't your mom, but instead, the guy in the picture.
"Ah, your mom is at some sort of meeting right now, she won't be back till later, guessing you're her daughter?" The guy says, seeming un-phased, resting his muscular arm on the doorframe in just his swimming trunks, having a slight smell of sunscreen on his body which you can't help but admire a bit. "Eh yeah? not to be rude or anything but who the hell are you n why are you on the walls n at my pool?" you ask, eyes moving back to the picture as you hold it out for him to see, eyebrows raised. "Ooooh, I'm Changbin, your moms new boyfriend, nice to mee'cha" he gives you a cute smile which would make you melt if he hadn't just said the words he said. You stumble over yourself for a few seconds, trying to understand what he just said to you. 'Him? Your moms boyfriend? How the hell did she manage that? How old is this guy?' are all things that almost slip from your lips. "Boyfriend? How old even are you? You look my age?" You question him, all the sass in your voice now gone, confusion being all that's now left. He laughs at the look on your face as he walks over to you & gently takes the photoframe out of your hands before walking to where you took it off the wall & placing it back in its original place. "That's a compliment i won't forget seeing since you're.. what, twenty or something? I'm twenty seven. The age gap is a bit crazy since your mom is fifty one soon but we just clicked. You home for summer vacation or something? She didn't mention you were coming home." He asks, still having a warm smile on his face. You just stare at him for a moment, not even knowing if you should bother asking him anymore questions. “y-yeah.. I’m here for two weeks, I’ll just eh, leave you to whatever it was you were doing n take my stuff upstairs.” you state, your tone of voice for some reason not sounding convincing despite it being the truth. Changbin let’s out a small scoff before walking past you into the main entrance. “Don’t be stupid, two weeks of stuff is heavy, i’ll take it for you.” He shouts from the other room. You follow him out, beginning to protest, insisting you can do it yourself but he has already picked up the suitcase you could barley drag into the house with one arm before carrying it up the stairs. He turns around & urges his head up the stairs, hinting for you to come with him. You just smile & follow him, giving a small sigh as you do so. He keeps walking, suitcase in hand & you swear you see him looking at the collar of your shirt.. looking at your tits..? you brush the thought away, thinking you were being stupid but you definitely keep it in mind.
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You open your bedroom door to save Changbin the harmless struggle of doing it himself & he thanks you before wasting no time & walking into your room as if it’s his own. “Cute room, like it.” He states as he puts your suitcase down & looks around. You give him a slight smile before looking around the room yourself, partly because you’ve not been there in a long while but also partly because the man in front of you is still only wearing swimming trunks & you don’t wanna be admiring someone you shouldn’t.. or should you..? “Thanks, mom wouldn’t let me redecorate it since i was leaving a few months later but it’s not too bad, thank you for helping me with my suitcase, i woulda been still on the third step trying to get it here.” you try to joke, deciding to be a bit more friendly to the hot guy who just helped you. “Sorry if this is rude to ask but do you like.. even know how much of a bitch my mom is..? She’s no doubt just putting a mask on for you, between me n you, go through her phone n check she’s not cheating on you too.” you tell him, not keeping eye contact & picking up random things on your shelves & drawers to try feel less tension in the room. The man behind you giggles & you can’t help but turn around, shocked by his reaction. ‘he’s definitely gonna snitch’ pops into your head instantly as you just stare at him, still holding the mini fake cactus plant in your hand. "She was surprisingly open about what she did to your dad but thanks for telling me anyways. Why snitch so openly? You don't get along with her or something?" He questions, voice raising at the end. "She always said you both get along quite well." You scoff at this. "Clearly not open about everything then. We don't get along whatsoever. Only even came back here since it's hot n we have a pool here." He hums in response, both of you sitting in a kinda uncomfortable silence. You let out another sigh before turning away from him, breaking the eye contact you were both holding. Changbin takes a breath in "Speaking of pools i'ma go back outside, i'm stinking your room out with sunscreen. You can come by n sit with me if you feel like it! Nice shorts by the way, You suit denim." He flashes you another smile before leaving your bedroom, closing the door behind you. You take in the compliment before walking to where you can see your reflection & looking at the shorts, blushing a tiny bit at the compliment.
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You unpack your suitcase & make yourself feel as at home as you can despite the circumstances. You update your friend, Karina that you made it back home somehow in one piece & you obviously can't help but tell her about the hottest man you've ever seen now living with your mom.
K: Are you serious?? OMG u needa get with him y/n! opportunites
You: Don't be stupid rina, he's like 28?? he's my moms bf lol
K:So? u can just get away with it hehe, fuck him n then come back to college, just keep it secret! he complimented ur shorts, he wanttssss uuuuu
You: OKAY ur maybe right, lets just see hehehe
K:If u dont do it u will regret it, the cow cheated on ur dad anyway, perfect revenge
You chuckle before turning your phone off but don't have much time to think or do anything before you hear your moms car pulling into the driveway. You let out a displeased grunt as you hear the front door open.
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You end up eating dinner with your mom & Changbin & nothing eventful ends up happening surprisingly. Your mom makes a few backhanded comments but you bite your tongue for the sake of Changbin, you would just feel embarrassed letting him watch you both argue especially since this is your first time meeting him. Changbin takes the dishes back to the kitchen & you help him since your mom decided that a few phone calls was worth it more than the five minutes it would have taken her.
"Thanking for helping y/n, so respectful for your age." He says as you are drying the dishes as he washes them, turning his head towards you for a split second to smile again. "You have a permanent smile on your face, I'm convinced. Is she always like this with you?" "pretty much, I understand her work is important though so It's understandable. I get a bit lonely during the day since I can work from home but It'll pass hopefully. Got you to keep me company now though for a little while, hmm?" He says, letting out a small sigh, voice raising a bit at the end, trying to hide his disappointment but also joking with you at the same time despite you both wanting it to be not much of a joke secretly. "Yeah I'll keep ya company, my mom just doesn't respect others time. Don't know how you deal with it." You reply as you finish drying the dishes & placing them in the cupboards. You both just chuckle as he dries his hands. "Well I'ma go n watch a movie, you should get dressed for bed It's late n you're still wearing denim y/nnie." He scoots past you & as he does he puts his hands on your waist & you can't help but tense up a bit. You nod & you smile at each other as he leaves. You take in a deep breath as soon as you are alone, trying not to let your skeleton jump out of your skin.
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You get back to your bedroom & start instantly digging through your drawers trying to find something to wear, trying to convince yourself that you're wanting to wear the shortest sleep shorts you can possibly find simply because of the heat & not because of the man downstairs. You end up wearing some grey flowy shorts & a matching grey vest top. You take a picture & send it to Karina before spam texting her.
You:N THEN SAID IM RESPECTFUL N EVERYTHING i swear is it bad to be in love with my moms bf? girl u need to see him hes so toned n big istg
You:he watching film probs with my mom but ima go n sit with him heheh ill update later
You decide to put your phone on charge & leave it there as you take one last look in the mirror before opening your door & basically throwing yourself down the stairs before you can talk yourself out of it.
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You walk into the livingroom & see your mom & her boyfriend sitting together watching a random thing they found on netflix, his arm that you so desperately wanna be thrown around by, wrapped around your moms shoulder, stroking her hair, both under a blanket. You internally vomit before hopping onto the couch on the other side of Changbin, not saying anything. Your mom readjusts the blanket so you can also get under & you begin watching along with them.
Thirty minutes or so into the movie your mom has already fallen asleep & it's just you & changbin watching. You decide to be bold & lean sideways, your head now resting against his shoulder. Your heart is beating out of your chest & you swallow, too loud for your liking. "You shy hm? what of? Sit up for a second." He whispers to you & your cheeks instantly go red as you listen to him without saying another word. You tense up as he moves his arm & wraps it around the bottom of your waist & slightly pulling you towards him, initiating for you to put your head back where it was, which you do. You both sit in a silence, not so comfortable though since you don't think you've ever actually been this nervous before yet the person next to you seems to be completely un-phased.
You both stay like this for the rest of the movie, not really saying anything other than random small jokes & comments about what you're both watching, during this time you end up cuddling into him more subconsciously & your fingers end up lightly scratching over his abs on top of his shirt, trying to play it off while still trying to feel them at the same time.
The movie finishes & your mom wakes up & drags herself to bed, not even realising the position you & her boyfriend were in as you spring up uncomfortably as she flinches awake & ends up leaving the wine glasses & bottle the two of them were drinking from on the floor. Changbin takes her to their shared bedroom as you grumble about the crumbs on the couch & the smell of the wine as you take them to the kitchen as you take a few swigs out of the practically empty wine bottle, finishing it off before putting it on the counter. As you do this, you hear footsteps come into the room, beginning to recognise the sound of it. You turn around & unsurprisingly but happy at who it is in front of you, changbin is in front of you, curly hair on show & now in a loose white tank top & some baggy black shorts & you need to make a genuine effort to not drool all over yourself. "Look at us, matchy matchy." you tease as you touch his strap of his top, you both let out a small chuckle. "Yup, got the inspo from you, think you wore it better than me though. You cold, hmm? Shoulda took the blanket with you." He teases back, making you look down & you see that your nipples are poking through your shirt, extremely noticeable. Your cheeks go cherry coloured as you look back at him. "Why you staring hm? Mom wouldn't be happy." He scoffs, hand reaching out to play with the ends of your hair, twirling it in his fingers, the silence a lot more comfortable than earlier despite the contact being a lot more intimate. "Hey! Don't blame me, who wouldn't look hmm? so p- don't act as if you didn't do it on purpose." he says, voice low & deep. "what were you gonna sayyy? What if I wanted you to see? Never said this before but your arms are so big, holy shit." you smirk as you prodd at his left arm, softly grabbing & touching at it which gives him goosebumps. "Was just g'na call em perky is all. Imagine your mom heard you talking to her boyfriend like this." You roll your eyes, trying to not to show the affect he has on your words. "Imagine my mom hearing you talking to her daughter like this.. Afraid you chosen the wrong one hmm? Incase you somehow haven't caught on, I personally, would do anything to make her miserable." You have no idea where the confidence has came from but you don't second guess what you're saying. Your fingers leave his arm as you let your fingers trail up past his jaw & up to his hair, playing with it, at the same time Changbin pulls you in closer by the waist, sharing breath. "Never knew I could only make one choice.. Could correct myself one day but what would you offer me, y/n?" he says to you, a different look in his eyes than what was there earlier in the day. "Would need to just find out now, wouldn't you?" You snap back, leaning in just enough to wiggle your nose against his, not breaking eye contact. As you do this you hear footsteps upstairs & the bathroom door opening & closing which makes you both semi permanently snap out of it. He sighs before looking at the direction of the door then turning back to you, hands not moving. "We can finish this conversation later mkay? Wanna gimme a teaser though before I need to go?" he whispers to you & before you can stop yourself, you lean in & kiss him. It only lasts a few seconds but you know you can both feel some sort of weird connection between you both & you can't help but think & admire how soft his lips are, like mini cushions against your own. You both break away at the same time & he playfully ruffles your hair, messing it up before stepping away from you. "Goodnight, y/n." He says nonchalantly despite his cheeks & ears blushing like crazy before leaving the room, leaving you standing there, taking in what just hapened.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You wake up the next day practically jumping out of bed, not being tired at all despite ringing Karina non stop until she woke up just so you could see her reaction to what you had just done. You look out your window & almost begin screaming at the fact your moms at work, her car not being in the driveway. 'literally feel like a fourteen year old girl what the hell am i doing' you can't help but think to yourself as you brush your teeth. You open the window & stick your hand out & test the temperature. You put on a pink bikini & put some sunscreen on before getting a drink & making your way out to the pool. You lay down & put some headphones on before shutting your eyes to soak in the sun.
You don't even know how long you've been sitting there when you hear the chair next to you being pulled out over the noise of your music. You take off your sunglasses & turn your head & to no surprise Changbin is lying on the chair next to you, resting his head on his arms as he stretches himself out. "You not meant to be working or something?" You question him while shutting your eyes again. "Swear I told you I worked from home? I have an hour break so why not sit in the sun. Could you do me a favour n but sunscreen on my back for me, pretty pleaase." He asks you as he reaches & takes your wrist, pulling it playfully as he already rolls himself over. You don't say anything but sigh as you sit up & get off the chair you're sitting on & grab the sunscreen from the space between you both & straddle the back part of his thighs as you squirt some directly onto his back, making him hiss & yell playfully.
You begin to massage it into his back, not missing the chance to look at the insane amount of muscles there. You finish rubbing it in but don't stop your motions, now practically massaging him since you have the chance to do so. You do this for a few minutes, Changbin letting out small sighs as you do so. You karate chop his back a few times which makes him yelp playfully. "Cmon, since I did it for you you can return the favour." Changbin sighs & mumbles to himself as you plop yourself back down on where you were sitting earlier, moving your hair out of the way to give him access. He follows quick behind & positions himself so your back is facing his chest as his legs wrap around the sides of you.
He decides to spare you the mini torture you put him through & puts the sunscreen on his hands & rubbing it slightly to warm it up before massaging it into your back. You soak in the sun on your face at the same time as you soak in his touch, knowing which one you like more & it stays like this for a few minutes, Changbin quietly singing a random song behind you which makes you 'shush' him which makes him tut. You feel him going over your bikini strap that's tied behind your back multiple times before he opens his mouth. "Your strap is in my way & it's annoying me, can IIIII untie it?" He questions, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. "If you want to get in my pants just say so, jeez. Fine." You grumble as he tuts & rolls his eyes but enthusiastically pulls on the bottom parts of the bow tying it together, letting it come undone. You hold onto your tits so the fabric so you're still covered. He keeps massaging you for a few minutes longer than needed before lying backwards, taking your original place. "Hey! You took my place, move!" you yell, hitting his leg lightly. "No! I'm comfy here now, just lay here because I'm not movin." he snaps back. You grumble & whinge as you throw yourself backwards, still holding your bikini to your chest, just to annoy him.
You forgot you even had your headphones on your head until he decides to nab them off your head. You protest instantly & sit up to steal them back but in the process, accidentally let go of the bikini shirt & you instantly grab it back to your chest but it goes noticed by you both. "n you said I wanted to get into your pants yet you're the one doing shit like this, hmm?" he teases before chucking your headphones to the side as he pulls you back to him, back against chest. "Why are your cheeks the same colour as your lack of top? Don't be so shy!" he says as he pinches your cheeks playfully which makes you want to explode deep down. "Pinks my favourite colour, yours?" he asks another question, trying to soothe you a bit if you are feeling embarrassed as his fingers now trail over your collarbones. "Don't have one, I like blue n pink though, green too." You respond, hands grazing over his, pretty much just hoping no wind quite literally blows your top away.
You both end up talking about everything & anything, ranging from college, work, childhood pets & least favourite foods. During this time you're pretty much holding his hands as you have almost accidentally guided his hands so his fingers are now on top of your boobs, over the fabric as he lightly fondles them. "Your hands are so cold despite it being so hot, whys that." you ask, trying to wrap your own around his hands as you speak. "Hands get a bit cold when I'm nervous, no idea why. Always been like that." he murmurs back, only half listening. You think for a moment before lightly pulling his hands so now they are touching your tits, completely skin to skin. You get goosebumps not just from the coldness of his hands touching your nipples but also from nerves. Changbins breath hitches in his throat but tries to play it off by gently massaging them. "You're so bold for someone who's doing this with someone who could basically be your stepdad." "Ew, don't say it like that, creeps me out. You're closer to my age than my moms by a landslide." You both let out a chuckle as you get more comfortable laying against his broad chest as he fondles your nipples & lightly squeezes your boobs, making you need to hold back light moans. He pinches your nipples which makes you gasp & you subconsciously twitch, before sitting up. "Don't do that unless you plan on finishing the job! You don't know what that does to a girl, jeez! I'm going inside before i burn through the sunblock. You can take my empty cup inside since you're such a gem." you loosely tie your top back together as you stretch your arms out, slightly pushing your ass out just as a tease. "Yah! Who do you think you are? I do know what happens, just wanted.. to experiment okay?! & who said i wasn't coming." He obviously still picks up your empty cup before toddling behind you as your hips sway as you walk inside, his hands wrapping themselves around them.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You have no idea how it happened but you both end up in your bedroom, your back against your mattress as you're both making out. Your hands are ruffled in his curly hair as his thigh is in between your two legs, which you obviously can't help but grind against but the friction isn't completely all there due to the bikini bottoms. Changbin realises this from your small huffy groans & his fingers trail down to them, playing with the hem. "Can I?" he whispers to you after breaking the kiss, noses basically touching. You nod & he does just that. You chase ever so slightly after his lips again & you poke your tongue over his lips which he gladly accepts. As you are both swapping a bit of spit, his fingers resume what they were doing & he traces over your folds which makes you shudder. "You sure you wanna do this? It's a bit crazy, don't feel pressured." he assures you as he looks into your eyes, full of lust. "I do want it, pinky swear. My mom deserves it, just don't tell her." you reply, fingers still playing with his poodle hair as your other hand rests over his bulge, trying to show your sincerity, which works. He gives you his cute little smirk. He kisses the tip of your nose before he flips you both over, you now straddling him. He discards the rest of your top as he takes your nipple into his mouth as you stretch downwards so you can push his swimming trunks down just enough to free his cock. You can't see it due to his lips suctioned around your tit restricting you but it only takes a few seconds before he effortlessly manoeuvres you so your cunt is hovering above his face.
You let out a small squeal as he pulls your hips down, making you sit on his face. He wastes absolutely no time as his tongue begins to lick every crevice from top to bottom, using his teeth just the right amount. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his hands begin grabbing at your ass, kneading it in his hands which you know will bruise you slightly later on. You can't help but grind against his tongue as he is suckling on your small button & you throw yourself forward so you are now face to face with his cock & you gasp, not just from what the man below you is giving you but because this man is thick. You now see why your mom is obsessed with this man. You take a hold of his cock & your fingers barely even connect around the base as you let a glob of spit hit directly on the tip which makes his hips jolt. Your eyes scrunch over as his tongue slithers its way inside you, making your legs tremble on each side of his head. You jerk him off as you are moaning above him, thrusting your hips back & forth, your juices coating his face along with his own spit as you use your own spit as lube.
You finally build up enough courage to begin kitten licking the tip & then after watching him try chase your tongue, you put the tip in your mouth. You slowly open your mouth up as you take more of his cock in our mouth, surprised it even fit at all. You use the tongue to the best of your ability, drool now getting caught in hi pubes. You feel his tongue leave your hole but you don't have a millisecond to complain before two fingers take its place. You can't stop letting out whines at the pleasure as your shaky hand comes & fingers graze over his balls. He lets out a louder whine than what you've heard from him make this whole time. At the same time, your orgasm begins approaching so you struggle but manage to pop yourself off his cock. "g--gna cum, d-don't stop" you whine & he lets out a deep growl noise as he keeps feasting & drinking away at you as if he was never gonna taste anything ever again. Your fingers don't stop playing with his balls as your orgasm washes over you, your legs shaking as your arms give out, flopping down as much as you possibly can while Changbins big arms are keeping you up by your ass cheeks as he keeps your pussy grounded.
He breaks his lips away from your cunt & as you are getting your breath back & takes this time to now massage your ass, giving it some relief after the bear grip he has had on it for so long. You come back down to earth & remember he hasn't cum just like what he let you do.. & you don't like this. "yyou're so big for no r-reason, I swear." you say to him as you pick up his cock again, jerking it slowly, admiring how shiny it is because of your spit & precum alone. "too big for you? You can take it bunny, just suckle on my balls if your throat is sore, mkay y/nnie?" You instantly blush at the small nickname & you would be stupid to turn down the offer. "who woulda ever thought you are into that." you comment & he shakes his legs as he starts whining, putting his hand into your hair to As he grazes his fingers on the inside of your thighs & playing with your flaps lightly, taking into account about overstimulation while helping keep you grounded, you take his balls into your mouth. you suck lightly as your fingers also play with them, making sure to coat it in spit as your tongue swirls over them.
He instantly lets our a hiss as he sucks his breath in through his teeth, trying as hard as he can to not squirm around too much. You allow spit to drip down from past your lips as you slobber all over them, still slowly jerking him in your other hand, his higher pitched noises making you turned on even more than you already are, leaking even more juices onto his fingers. You switch over onto the other side before suckling on the rest of his balls & you're honestly surprised the neighbours haven't already came knocking telling you to both shut up by how loud he's being, making your stomach do flips as his fingers stay wrapped in his fingers.
All of a sudden you are pulled off of his balls completely, lips disconnecting with a 'pop' noise as the suction breaks. You are tossed onto your back & you spread your legs instantly, almost vibrating with excitement. You look into his eyes as his own are glued onto your cunt, shining with your juices as he pumps his cock slowly, completely covered in your spit, heavy breathing & his face red, still got your juices on it. He slots it on your pussy & thrusts upwards slightly, making you twitch & bite back a small moan as it catches on your puffy clit. "Stop playing, put it in, dyin' for it, pretty please." you whine out, voice more blown out than you wanted it to be. Changbin smirks as he lines himself up to your hole. "You sure you wanna do it bunny? It'll be a big stretch, we can stop now & pretend it never happened if you're having second thoughts." he replies, the hand not touching his third leg caressing your thigh, giving you a small smile. "Does it look like I'm sure? Please, just wanna fe-" you're cut off as he begins to push himself inside slowly as you suck in a deep breath, feeling as if you're being quite literally ripped open but in the most delicious way possible. He finally buries himself to the hilt & lets out a groan, throwing his head back. You can't help but clench multiple times & he takes this time to lean forward & nuzzle his face in your neck, licking & nibbling at it, not moving in order to let you adjust.
You tilt your head so you can kiss the side of his head as your fingers scratch lightly on his arms, leaving marks that none of you could care less about at this moment. "'m ready, please move, please." you whimper out, face flushed red. He hums before doing an experimental thrust, knocking the air out of both of you. He stands upright before holding onto your thighs & putting your legs on his shoulders before slowly picking up the pace.
You let out a moan that bounces off the walls & they don't stop coming. 'shit' 'binnie' 'fuck' 'so good' & 'uhs' splutter out of both of your mouths every three seconds. "s-so tight, can lit-literally see it" He whines out as he takes your hand & guides it to your lower belly & your eyes widen as you feel his cock poking through your lower stomach. You both look down at the sight in front of you & you wrap your hand around his as it's holding it down against your belly. "so good for me, aren'cha, taking it s-so well, creaming my cock hunny." he groans to you, making eye contact with one another. "so-so deep, so f-f-full." you basically scream back, your eyes watering from the pleasure, hair sticking to the sides of your face.
Your legs begin to shake & he pulls out & you begin to protest but as your tongue moves to begin yelling at him, he tosses you over so you're on your stomach before pulling on your hips so your face down & ass is up. He holds onto your hips as he sinks himself back into your creaming hole & continues his pace, making your mind numb. "Need you to hold out to cum, mkay? can c-cum together." you can't help but blush at what he's saying to you as he is holding you in place, fondling your ass with one hand as the other is on your hips, eyes glued to his cock sinking into you. He hits a way deeper spot in this position & you shriek before jolting yourself forward but it's short lived before he has pulled you back by the hips, leaving bruises by how much he is gripping onto you. "Don't run, you can take it, so good for me, hmm?so wet for me," He questions as he leans forward so his chest is resting on your back, his hips not slowing. "g-gna cum Changbin, so d-deep, f-f-fuck." your voice grainy as Changbin moves your hair from the side of your neck to begin kissing it again, squelching & smacking noises filling out the room & no doubt the rest of the house too. "Cum baby, so beautiful, aren'cha." he groans back to you quietly, voice shaky & hair stuck to his forehead.
It bubbles up so quickly you don't even have time to tell him before you're spasming underneath him, legs giving out & arousal squirting out of you & clenching so hard he pulls himself out to finish himself off. You're still riding out the rest of your orgasm & he pumps himself in his hand at a good pace & a few seconds later, his own release spurts out & resting onto the skin of your ass & lower back. You can hear his orgasm before you can feel it landing on you, his groans making you clench almost as much as you just were.
You both catch your breath for a few seconds before he leans over you again & pushes your head lightly so you're facing him, cheek smushed against the duvet. He gives you a peck on your lips & then nose & smiles at you, taking deep, quick breaths , you doing the same. "So pretty, even with your cherry cheeks, gimme a minute to clean you up." He whispers to you before standing up & grabbing a random item of clothing off your floor before walking to the bathroom & wetting it with warm water before returning & cleaning it off of you.
He helps you rest your head on the pillows as he brings you a bottle of water before coming to lie next to you, letting you rest your head on his chest. "S-swear you had work to do? It's been more than one hour, dummy." he chuckles as he plays with a strand of your hair. "Was more worth it though, wouldn't you say?" you hum in response. He readjusts himself & as he does this, he gasps a little bit. "Y/n i've eh, left a hickey on accident." You look at him for a second to see if he is joking but when it's clear he's not, you sigh before pulling him back onto you. "Nothing concealer can't fix. Might just let my mom see just to subtly hint." He tsks to you & rolls his eyes playfully. "That's a conversation for a way later date. On a negative though, I do actually need to go back to work n your mom is actually home soon so I'ma leave you here hunny mkay? I'll come n see you later, pretty pretty." He gives you one more kiss before you move so he can get up & he takes your swimwear out of the room with him, both of you still naked.
"We are gonna talk more about this later alright? There's no way we can go back to normal after this!" you shout as he is walking down the corridor & he shouts back: "Obviously not only friends!I now know I did choose the wrong one so we can fix it eventually!" You can't help but let a smile spread on your face slightly. You let your body calm down for a moment & then grab a towel & your phone before heading towards the shower, the spot between your legs raw & achey. Just before you get into the shower you obviously need to pull your phone out & text your friend what the hell just happened.
You: Can't promise I won't be sucking it up & driving all the way to & from college every single day from now on.
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
method acting ☆ cl16
genre: series - humor, strangers to friends/roommates
word count: 4.6k
*can you guess what film it's based off of? where the title originates from?
ch. one ch. two ch. three ch. four ch. five ch. six
Chapter 2
Life, as you fear, is falling apart as you're confronted with a serious case of writer's block that puts your career on the line. As a solution, you're roommate helps you plan a solo trip to the Amalfi Coast for a much needed break but it doesn't take long for you to meet a certain Monegasque who lays passed out on the beach.
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“You got lost, didn’t you?” 
Sticking your tongue out at Charles, you take a seat next to his broad figure as you start applying coconut sunscreen. “Would it kill you to not gloat?” You narrow your unusually soft eyes like weapons. 
He playfully shudders. “Ooooh. My blood ran cold.”
Throwing the bottle over at his lap, he chuckles before lathering his tan body with the white goo. You try to not make it obvious, the way you steal glances at him. Everything makes sense all of a sudden; his odd obsession with anything that could cover his handsome features, the mysterious Ferrari, how he could go from making you laugh to keeping his mouth shut and looking down whenever anyone was around. 
He had kept this from you for a reason, that much is clear, but you would still give him a chance to open up. Sliding on a pair of sunglasses, you twist your body to sit cross cross. You fold your hands over your lap. “Truth or dare?”
The brunette tilts his head with hesitance. “Y-you don’t want to take a dip?” 
“Let’s lay out for a bit.” You poke him with your toe. “C’mon. Play with me.”
He sighs, pushing his hat downwards. “Dare.”
“Hmm…I dare you to…read me your last text message.”
“Easy.” Pulling out his phone, he scrolls for a bit before showing it to you. 
You’re walking the opposite way. I said near the fruit stand. 
Burning up, you push it down. “I don’t count.”
“You never specified.”
He wasn’t going to play easy and part of you respected that. Clicking your tongue, you extend your shiny legs. He gulps. Truth or dare? “Dare.” 
“Call the last person you spoke to.”
Growing nauseous at his request, you shake your head. “I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?”
You stutter. “M-my boss called to check up on me. Wanted to make sure I was a-actually on my deathbed and not just faking it, I can’t do that.” The Monegasque squinted his eyes teasingly before leaning back against the gray rocks.
“Fine. You get a pass.” You let out a breath of relief. “But I get one of those as well.”
You felt as if you were making a deal with the devil with the way he was watching you, waiting for an answer. He might use it against your benefit, but you had no choice. “Deal.”
“Good.” Flickering his green eyes towards the crystal blue tides, he chews on the inside of his cheek. “It's your turn.”
Be smart, don’t blow it. Deep down, you wanted to ask about the simpler things. Your favorite color? What was your childhood like? Was it better than mine? But that couldn’t matter more than what information you actually needed. “Truth or dare?”
You groan. How were you supposed to get all the juicy details out of him if he kept playing it safe? Nonchalantly, he waits. “I dare you to stop picking dares.” His face pales. You feel bad for putting him in that position, but he quickly snaps out of it.
“Truth or dare?”
Swallowing a thick layer or saliva, you purse your lips. “Truth.” 
“Why did you lie to your boss?”
You gape at his question as you think of a way to avoid it. All he knows is that you have a month off and chose Italy as your destination thanks to your amazing friends. He didn’t know anything about the sleepless nights of zero ideas that had you on the brink of being fired, the reason you needed this article to work. Not only would it set your career, but it would also give you the respect you so desperately looked for in everyone who looked down on you.
“She would never let me come to Italy if I told her I need a break from all the pressure, y’know?”
Waves crash noisily as he frowns. “Mhm.”
“My turn. What’s your occupation?”
“I already told you,” he laughs, brown curls flowing against the summer breeze. “I work with cars.” A gist of hope zaps your heart as you wait for the rest. “I’m a mechanic.”
He wasn’t going to tell you - he didn’t trust you. Melancholy register across your face as you rise up carefully. “I’m in the mood to swim now.”
Life for the Scuderia Ferrari driver moves at a  fast pace, always on the go and traveling all around the world. At just 26 years old, the Monegasque has collected 5 wins and an impressive number of podiums, all while maintaining the longest Scuderia contract in history. 
But do we really know Charles Leclerc in his everyday life? A man without any responsibilities? 
Fortunately for us, I was able to sit down and speak to Il Predestinato as he he walks us through his routine for when he’s not on track-
“What are you working on? Seeing you be so quiet is bone-chilling.”
Poking your tongue out like a slithering snake, you feverishly slam your computer shut as you flip him off. “Catching up with friends. What can I say? The people love me.” The 26 year old rolls his eyes before picking up on his scribbles. Tippy toeing closer to him, you try to inspect the messy writing. “What is that?”
“Fuck, you scared me, you little gnome.” Hiding his small journal, you immediately push out your bottom lip.
“Show me! Show me! Show me!”
Clumsily, he opens it. “Grocery list.” But it's more than that. His letter isn’t easy to read, but it'll get you there. Diary entries. Blinking up at your roommate, you wiggle your brows. What’s it say? “Nothing important.” You don’t press him on it, but that doesn’t stop the curiosity from stirring inside of you. He stiffens. “Let’s go before they close.”
Pebbles crunch underneath your ballet flats as you sing softly. He smiles, content with the serene atmosphere. What song is that? Your jaw drops, stopping dead in your tracks. It takes him a while to realize you're not skipping next to him anymore. “Tell me you’re joking…”
“I’m joking.”
“Charles!” you wail as you fling your arms. “Beyond the Sea? Bobby Darin?” His face doesn’t change as he bats his eyes blankly. You gasp. “We’ll meet, I know we’ll meet beyond the shore. We’ll kiss just as before-.” 
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”
Playfully, you shiver, clutching your heart. “It isn’t good to be uncultured, Charlie.” The way you spit out his new nickname has him grasping how much he loves it - so long it's coming from you. Pulling out your phone from your back pocket, you wave your finger like some principal. “I’ll play it for you.”
The Monegasque shakes his head. “No, just sing it to me like you were.”
You sincerely don’t have a single clue where all this unknown courage comes from, but you oblige. All the way to the local farmers market, he’s grinning ear to ear. From your voice sounding angelic, to it cracking as you would try to intimidate Darin, he feels fortunate to see this side of you. 
Entering the sliding doors, you grab a basket as you drag him, shoes squeaking from the sudden pull. “We’re not here for snacks, we’re here for food. Y’know - vegetables, rice, chicken-”
“I need something sweet!” you complain as your doe eyes glimmer at the sight of the Italian desserts. “If I don’t get it in my system I will die. Do you want me to die?” 
“At this moment, it doesn’t sound half bad.” You gawk at his dark humor. Taking the tiny basket from you, he makes his way to the produce section. “Grab whatever you need. I’ll be right back.”
Once his back faces you, you feel your phone vibrating. “Amelia!” Your cheery friend waves excitedly. Where have you been? I haven’t heard from you for days! Wincing, you place your phone on top of a box of cookies. “I’ve been gone for five days, please relax. Plus, I’m fine. Enjoying my time off.”
Your friend snickers. “I still need updates to make sure you aren’t dead in a ditch.” Making an exaggerated face, you nod and the blonde giggles. “Don’t make me fly out there. Unlike you, I will demand a year off if needed.” 
“Oh, I believe you,” you murmur, hand reaching for a box of Baci Pergunia. “How are you guys surviving without your third wheel?”
“Stop it, you,” she hisses. “Instead, why don’t you fill me in - any cute tourists?” You freeze midair, already angling your body to grab bonelle jellys. 
“I’m not too focused on any of that..” 
“Of course not because you’re too busy daydreaming about Grayson,” she teases. “Honey! She’s missing him, I told you!” Bullshit, Roman yells back from the kitchen.
“Will you two stop it?” you grit. 
“Yes, darling,” Roman talks gingerly. “Will you please stop planning a wedding?” Your jaw drops while your friend nervously giggles. He’s joking. 
“Enough about me, what are you two doing? What’s on the menu?” 
The brunette’s eyes crinkle, showing off his blurry screen. “Sicilian meatball soup.” 
“Lucky!” you groan. “You’re messed up for cooking your grandma’s recipe while I’m not there.” He shrugs. 
“We miss you so we both decided to make an Italian dish.” She emphasizes her words as he smiles bitterly. “It’s like you’re here with us.”
“She cried for an hour or so. It was the only way I could calm her down.” Amelia bites the air at her boyfriend. He leaps back, returning to stirring the sauce. “I cook because I love you, stop that.”
You throw your head back with laughter. “Again, not dead, but I’m touched.” Hearing a bag crinkle, you look down the aisle and spot Charles making his way over. “Gotta go! Call you as soon as I can!”
“Wow, you’ve managed to grab all the snacks in the entire store,” Charles teases as he points to your stack. “Got you chips, too.”
“You’re not helping,” you grunt as you take it from him. He hands you your own basket for your treats. Cramming them all in, he examines you before clearing his throat awkwardly.
“So, Grayson’s the boyfriend?” 
“Ha! I wish. He’s my boss’ son. Way out of my league.”
His jaw clenches. “Don’t think like that. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” Then, he walks away, leaving you to follow after him like a lost puppy. You’re wary around him after that encounter, so you make sure to stand a few steps behind, waiting for him to finish paying. “What are you doing?”
“Che cosa?”
Sauntering over, he reaches down to take your things. Your breath gets caught in your throat from the sudden proximity. “I got it.” 
Bewildered, you start retreating all the sweets. “You don’t need to do that, you’re already paying for the other things. This one’s on me.” He scrunches his nose.
“That’s endearing, but I can’t. I’m on a diet.”
“Why?” You’re genuinely confused, and can’t tell whether he’s joking or not. “You look perfectly fine to me.”
He smirks. “Really?”
“I m-mean I think so,” you stammer. “But how would I know, I’ve never been on a diet.” Charles' watercolor eyes trickle all the way down before dancing back up. Butterflies flutter inside of you. 
“You don’t need it, trust me.” A pause. “I’ll pay for your things, it’s really no problem. Though I do ask you not to blame me when your teeth rot.” 
“Jerk!” you quip when he walks away, laughing loudly. You smile at the sound.
“You need to stop gobbling up all that crap, if not you’re not going to eat any of what I’m cooking,” his voice warns you. Setting the bag of gummies down, you kick your bare feet against the cabinets. 
Has it been an hour? Two? You can’t remember but it sure did smell good. He had asked you to just sit still and fix up a playlist while he prepared dinner, so there really wasn’t much to do. Are you almost done? Focused on cutting up a piece of onion, he shakes his head. A minute passes by before asking again. Not done, wait. 
As soon as your stomach grumbles, he wiggles his eyebrows teasingly. You chuck a carrot at him as he cackles. “Ta-da!” Inspecting the nicely done dish, you throw a thumbs up. Grabbing a spoon, you’re about to dive in before he slides the plate away. Your lips form a thin line. “Take your time. Really enjoy it - it’s flavor, it’s scent-”
“Jesus, fine. Give it before I bite your cheek off,” you growl. Glaring at him, you dip your utensil in slowly. He applauds before pulling out his phone and pressing record. “Is that really necessary?”
“You might not realize it, but this is a monumental moment.” Bowing his head, he urges you to try it. You shrug once, wrapping your lips around the spoon and let's just say - you’ve always had a killer poker face.
“Delicious, chef!” 
“Putain oui!” He puts his phone away. “What did you like about it? The pepper helped, didn't it?”
You grimace. “I want my two hours back.” His smile dies down. Seriously? Yanking the spoon from your grip, he tries the colorful soup and winces at the saltiness. 
“I followed step by step, why does this shit keep happening?” 
The Monegaque truly does seem bummed out as his shoulders sag, glasses sliding down his pointy nose. Scooting closer, you pat his shoulder awkwardly. “You need some serious help.” He shoots a deadpan look as you giggle. “I’m kidding! It’s not that bad.” Jumping off the counter, you tug the nearest apron. “Let me try.”
It takes another two hours, but you figure it out eventually. Standing tall, you place your hands behind your back. The Monegasque eyes the food. “Now, I want you to take your time. Really enjoy it, it’s flavor-”
“Stop it,” he grumbles before diving in. His eyes open wide as you wiggle against your heels excitedly. “You can’t be real.”
“Is it good?”
He nods enthusiastically, brown hair jumping up and down. “H-how did you…” Polishing your nails, you fake a bored expression. By praying. It’s looks as if he’s deeply considering your advice for a second but when you howl out, he flushes. 
“Don’t be so gullible, Charlie. Roman’s grandma taught me. I spent Christmas with him and Amelia.”
His face softens up. “What about your parents?” 
“We’re not close like that.” You confess so unbothered that it has him fluttering his eyes for a while. “Don’t feel bad - I do just fine. They call me on my birthday.” Metal clinks against the porcelain plate as he huffs, firm chest rising up before deflating.
“That’s the fucking standard.” You raise a brow. Why are you upset with me? “I’m not. It’s just that it’s not fair that they treat you like garbage just because you didn’t fulfill their wish. Or that you let others trample over you like a piece of shit.” You flinch. “Y-you know what I mean…”
“Sure,” you whisper, forcing a smile. “Enjoy the food, Charles.”
He feels guilty for making you feel bad, but he wasn’t lying. It bugged the crap out of him that you floated through life thinking everything was okay. He’s never met Amelia or Roman, but he felt a strong gratitude towards the couple for treating you with genuine care. But you had filled him in on the rest; they way others would look down on you - all while you wore a miserable smile. I’m used to it by now. Doesn’t even bother me. 
Charles was always in the limelight - always probably will be - but he also knows he signed up for it. He knew fake smiles like the back of his hand. Whether it was a pretty girl trying to get money out of him or sponsors trying to get close to him just for fame. If it weren’t for his friends back home, he definitely would have lost faith in humanity. 
And then there was you. Someone so kind, who puts others' needs before yourself. You didn’t have to check up on him that day at the beach, you didn’t have to help him or give him shelter but you did. He thought you would be some crazy fan but when you blinked up at him like a curious expression, he could tell you didn’t know who he was. 
The Monegasque felt relieved that you treated him without any special treatment, that you saw him for who he really was, not just some F1 driver. He owes it to you to make things right and apologize.
He finds you eating a pint of gelato as you stare blankly at the eggshell wall. “Did you save me some?” You jump at the sound of his deep voice. Halfway done, you respond red-faced. You can have the rest. Leaning against the table, he shakes his head. “Let’s just share.”
You’re sure you can hear Amelia and Roman bickering from how quiet it is, but don’t dare to utter a single word. It’s bad enough that he knows that his words got to you, how can you look him in the eye? 
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Peeking over at the brunette, you admire his side profile before humming. He continues. “But at the same time I don’t regret it.”
You laugh dryly. “Wow, this is some apology.”
Clearing his throat, he cages your body against the wooden furniture. “I’m serious - I don’t.” Avoiding eye contact, you stare at the sides of your bare thighs where his large hands lay. Suddenly the room feels suffocating. “You do need to stop letting others decide what to think about yourself. You need to stop pleasing everyone around you. Your parents, Eleanor, shit, even me.”
The green eyed boy begins to get blurry as your eyes foolishly well up. “I don’t do th-”
“Yes, yes you do, do that.” His accent comes out stronger than intended. You let out a shaky breath, then beam up at him. Okay, I’ll stop. He grinds his teeth together. “No. Don’t agree just because I’m telling you - do it for yourself because you want to.”
“I want to,” you whisper meekly. 
His heart breaks at the sight of you answering untruthfully but does say anything else. Instead, he hauls you off the table, planting you onto your feet. “Grab a sweater and meet me by the door in five minutes.”
He’s for sure going to murder you, Amelia was right after all. Shit, you mutter underneath your breath as he pulls onto the hills. The view was great - for sure a nice way to go if that’s the last thing you’ll ever see. 
Following him out, you pinch down on your denim shorts. Was it too late to run away? He left the key in the engine, maybe you could leave him stranded? 
“I’m not going to kill you, you can relax.”
Blood rushes to the tip of your ears. “What are we doing here at…” You check your phone. “Two in the morning?”
You quirk your head curiously. “I’m sorry, say that one more time.”
He extends his arms out, enjoying the cool breeze. “Just do it. No one’s going to hear you.”
“That sounds like something a killer would say. Can I get a ten minute head start?”
He rolls his green eyes. “Trust me, it helps a lot. My trainer has me do it all the time.” You raise your brows. “I- uh- box during my free time. My boxing trainer has me do it when I’m too stressed.”
Ignoring his slip up, you shake your head. “I can’t scream, that’s weird.” His pink lips turn downwards. “You’re going to judge me!”
“I won’t!” Covering his ears, he signals at you. “Not a thing.”
You bite down on your sweater before shaking your buzzing hands. Once and he’ll drop it. Ahh, you let out weakly before smiling brightly. “You’re right. That was great!” Turning on your heels, you begin to skip away before he tugs on your sweater, flinging you back. 
“Not even the crickets heard you. Try again.”
“I did do it, you just didn’t like it.” 
“I’m not letting you leave until you do it the right way.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he peacefully shuts his eyes, enjoying nature's lullaby. He seems to let his guard down because before he knows it, he hears the Ferrari engine loud and clear. “Don’t you dare leave,” he warns as he runs up to his car. 
“Get home safe, Charlie!” you squeal as you step on the gas. Chasing after you, he ends up standing in front of the car as you shriek. As quickly as you can, you step off the break but the tip still manages to hit the Monegasque. You scream at the brutal sight. 
Scurrying out of the car, you drop down next to him as you flip him onto his back. His pretty eyes remain closed as he lays still. Wake up Charles, I’m too young to go to jail! Do you know how hard it is to prove your innocence when you’re a foreigner? You delicately tap his cheek but his head only rolls back. You yell out in panic as you let go of his heavy body. 
“Oh God, oh God, holy shit, holy fuck,” you whimper as you pace back into the red car. Squeezing your eyes tightly, you place your hands over the steering wheel as you think about what just happened. Amelia was going to kill you. Eleanor would personally write a whole article about you. 
“You were seriously going to leave me for dead?” a voice interrupts your thoughts as you scream. You face Charles and he yells back at the sudden ring. 
“What the shi- You’re alive!” Jumping over the console, you hug him, barely giving him room to breathe. Groaning in pain, he pushes you back. You hop off as you grab his left hand and raise up four fingers. “How many am I holding up?”
“Fingers? I have ten.”
Your heartbeat travels to your throat as you squirm. “I broke him.” Images of you behind bars enter your mind as you plead Charles to drop the charges. Amelia and Roman would travel to visit you in jail but only to demand their money back. You’d be in complete debt for the rest of your life and oh God what if the Italinas had a thing for the electric chair-
“I’m teasing,” he laughs as he rubs his head. “It hurts like a motherfucker, though, but hey, at least you let it all out.” Wacking his arm, you glare sternly.
“You did that on purpose?”
Grunting, he inches away. “I did not, are you crazy? But it helped you! How do you feel?”
You narrow your fiery eyes. “Angry…mad.” That's the same thing, he points out as you scowl. Nevermind. “I feel good.”
All smug, he leans against the passenger's seat. “I told you it would help.”
“Huh,” you let out in astonishment. 
It started out with a simple argument - pesto or tomato sauce. You were leaning more towards the green paste but he held onto his end stubbornly. Honeymoon phase is over? Spinning to face a little boy with whipped cream all over his cheeks, he quirks his head. My dad always likes to say - happy wife, happy life. Walking away, you’re both left with your mouths hung open as you put the ingredients down. 
“Did we just get scolded by a some little fucker?” 
Gasping at his words, you smack the side of his head. He yelps. “No Charles, he basically called us old! We’re ancient!”
“Nonsense. He’s just being dumb.”
Glaring, you put your hands on your hips as you pace the aisle. “What if he’s right? What if we are on the verge of death?” He laughs. All because he thought we were married? Closing in to his tall figure, you pinch your face up. “A married couple spend their life together - growing old. He called us old!” You walk fast down the supermarket as you run wild hands through your hectic hair.
Hurrying after you, he pants. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to find him.” He comes to a sudden stop. And do what exactly? Tossing your head back, you groan in frustration. “I don’t know! Whoop him or something like that.”
The Monegasque lets out a snicker. Your face twists up. “Let’s just calm down.” I am calm, you grunt. He clicks his tongue. 
“We need to do something,” you declare. He sighs. Forgetting all about your errands, you drag him out of the store. Bright eyes flicker across the busy streets as you huff. Then you spot it. “We’re going.”
The brunette squints his eyes as he reads the small print. Amalfi Club. Theme: Halloween costumes. He scoffs. “But it isn’t even October.”
But your mind is set. “It’s perfect.” Bumping against his shoulder, you beam. “Looks like we can turn back time after all.”
Ballerina for me, you cheer. And Stormtrooper for you? You narrow your eyes in confusion. “I’m sorry, how do you even know Star Wars exists? Aren’t you French?”
“Monegasque,” he corrects you before frowning. “Stars Wars is a global success. Being from Monaco doesn’t mean we don’t know anything, thank you very much.” 
You shrug. “Be a tiny bit more grateful that I found our costumes on such short notice.” Yeah, yeah, he yawns. “I’m so excited!” you squeal as you finish tying your pink ribbon. You would for sure have a terrible headache by the end of the day. “Won’t you sweat with a helmet all night?”
“I think I’ll be able to handle it.”
It’s so crowded - packed - that your roommate has to practically shove you in as you yelp, arm swatting your tutu down. A cheap looking Tinkerbell gives you the death glare when you step on her foot. I can’t fucking breath! The Stroomtopper mask tilts as he brings his gloved hands to your shoulder. Do you want to leave?
“No!” A beat. “Let me just go get us a drink.”
Zipping past him, you can hear him calling after you but you choose to ignore since you knew he would drag you back to the shared Airbnb. Just water, you chime in as the bartender nods, eyeing your perky tits. Frowning, you pout somberly. “Ignore him,” a deep voice rips you away from your thoughts as you face them. 
Is everyone just okay with melting their face off? The towering man wears a red jumpsuit with the infamous Dali mask. “I like your costume. I binge watched all of Casa De Papel in a singular night.” Your cheeks flush when you realize you’re rambling. He chuckles richly.
“Thought I’d look cool.
There’s an award silence as you wait. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you scrunch your nose in disgust. “You must be sweaty beneath all that,” you ponder, fingers signals to the white mask. He sighs, wide shoulders rolling back. I’m thinking I might faint. A bright giggle slips past your lips and he grins from underneath, even if can’t see. “You remind me of my friend. He would rather die than take his helmet off. He’s a Strormtrooper,” you add. 
Large hands come up as he pushes the hoodie off, messy brown locks coming into view. Stubborn, aren’t we? You nod, thanking the man who comes back with your glass of water. “I should go find him…”
A heavy pant flows from the mysterious man. You’re leaving? He coughs to cover up his neediness. His accent makes your cheek burn up. “I sort of left him,” you respond sheepishly. He chuckles, finally taking his mask off, beads of thin sweat painingting his large nose. You breath hitches, waves of recognition hitting you all at once.
“Valid.” He extends his tan hand towards you. “I’m Carlos, by the way.”
taglist: @blueflorals @starmanv @coolio2195 @lovrsm
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joonipertree · 9 months
Tags: Fluff, crack, absolutely stupid. Enjoy.
a blank stare.
"michael manjiro." you said and promptly burst out laughing, leaning against your boyfriend who simply turned back to Draken and continued talking, face on his palm and body not budging at your weight.
toman chose not to mention your maniacal snorts and the uncharacteristic way their leader didn't pay attention to his partner.  The one person he looked at every time he talked to them, the person he would give his food to, the person that he has any inclination in taking care of. 
If there was a fight going on, they weren't getting involved. If a breakup was to happen, they would need a way to steer a sunken ship that would have their captain dangling from the side. Mikey and you fought but it was never public, nor did it last more than it takes you time to bat your eyes and cling to him. 
"Can I please for the love of god ask what's so funny? Mikey looks two seconds away from murdering kenny." Emma was the only one who had the guts to ask.
You got off mikey's back and stared at his side profile that was indeed glaring daggers at the vice captain. ooooh, you didn't realise there was trouble in paradise.
"Oh my god, Kenchin did something? In this economy? To you? How exciting."
"I didn't do anything, he's not mad….he's just taking his frustrations out on me because he's fucking soft for you.”
“You sound whipped, bro.” You said with a snort. “Couldn’t be me.”
A hand comes to squish your cheeks together. Your boyfriend finally looks you dead in the eyes, expression blank but edges soft. Your pout was even more puckered up and you made kissy sounds to ask for love.
The boy didn't budge.
How fucking dare he.
"What's my name?" Mikey was not going to let this go.
"It is not."
"That's what Mikey is short for." 
"what the fuck is this conversation?" emma murmured.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you call me anything but that white boy trash name." 
Your lips quirked up, "Michael Manjiro." and you were back to giggling uncontrollably.
Toman had never seen Mikey give you a stare that unamused, you were his baby so of course he could never feel anything but complete and utter adoration for you.
 He was still adoring, considering his rough calloused hands cradled your face but the vein popping out did not hide his irritation. 
“I said your birth name, I have done nothing wrong.”
“You barely call me Manjiro, it’s always when you’re serious. You are most definitely not serious right now.”
“Michael Manjiro is a meticulously crafted name that was forged from what’s yours to sound like the name of the dude from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. How is that not serious?”
“It has been three days, please for the love of god, call me anything else.” The gang never thought they’d hear their leader sound that desperate.
 They’ve seen him cling to you and literally stop a fight just so he could go and hang out with you. They have seen many sides of Michael since you two started dating. But they have never heard their commander beg. They didn’t even realise he was capable of that and that you held all the power in Tokyo simply for being you. 
The fear they had for you had grown, wondering if this was a torture device that  could be used against them when an enemy attacks. Were you the enemy? Were you the devil toying with a poor man’s heart? Should they be worshiping you now??
“Mmmm, okay bro.”
And with that, they saw the fall of the most feared gang leader in Tokyo. The Invincible Mikey had been left for dead. 
You squish his face.
"my lil baby, why you so angy huh? is it cuz I called you a thing that lives in the sewers?" 
mikey felt his body melt at the pet name, leaning against your palms and deciding to ignore the second statement.
something caught his eye though.
both his hands cupped your face and you shut your eyes to enjoy how big and warm they were. he was always engulfing in his love, never scared to radiate his feelings onto you. 
mikey told you once that he had a chance to live a new life and he wanted to feel unapologetically. you loved that his feelings for you were felt with no hesitation. 
"is this some weird mating ritual?" hanma asked with his usual disgusted tone.
your hands squished your boyfriend's cheek harder in defiance. 
mikey swiped his thumb under your eyes, the pressure soothing your tight skin and making your cheeks relax completely.
"when was the last time you slept, love?" 
oh fuck.
"last night." You said in a meek voice.
mikey hummed and his thumb caressed the apple of your cheeks gently and you hoped if you stayed still long enough that he'd forget about you.
"how long?"
ofc he'd never forget u. fuck him and his undying love for you.
"the appropriate amount of time." 
he said your full name with a warning tone and your bottom lip wobbled because my god, mikey using anyone's proper name? unheard of.
"there you are, I was looking for you." a voice chimed in just as you were praying to the eldritch gods. chifuyu had earned himself the title of best friend right then and there. a blessing from the universe, your saviour. 
"what volume are you on now? are you done with the manga?
you hoped michael killed him.
your boyfriend stared at you, daring you to answer the question. you could just lie but in any case, you had been found out. mikey knew how you functioned. if a manga was good enough, you would sacrifice sleep and all worldly possessions to finish it.
"I did finish it." you mumbled, begging fuyu to read the room.
"in three days? god, it took me a week. so tell me---" 
mikey threw a shoe at chifuyu, it landed square in the face. 
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wildemaven · 28 days
first anniversary | dieter x poppy
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A Sweet Creature
Ava Greene sits down with actor and friend, Dieter Bravo. Hollywood’s new leading man gets candid about life in front of and behind the camera. He talks about his latest movie, his commitment to his sobriety and his newest role— husband?!
Ava Greene: You're approaching three years sober now, how are you feeling?
Dieter Bravo: Probably the best I’ve felt in a long time. Sobriety is a day to day progression that I take very seriously, and I try to not lose sight of that even when I’m having bad days. Though, I’m grateful bad days have been few and far between at this point in my sobriety. I can attribute that to the support system I have built for myself through friends, family, my sponsor that I still work with and most importantly my wife who keeps me grounded daily. They all continue to keep me in check and remind me how awesome my life is, especially right now. Staying clean is a full time commitment, and it’s really a beautiful thing.
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AG: You followed in your famous parents footsteps by going into acting and your career and struggles with sobriety have been well documented but your parents have rarely commented publicly, are they supportive of your work and your journey?
DB: For me, I don’t need them to make a show of it by commenting or sharing their thoughts publicly to know they support me. There was a point in time where they did all they could do for me, but ultimately it had to be my choice to make the decision to get clean. Thankfully, we’ve been rebuilding our relationship over the last few years. And being in the public eye for most of our lives, the last thing we want is for outsiders thinking they have a say in our lives. In short, yes I have very supportive parents in all aspects of my life and I’m so happy for that.
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AG: This is your second project since rehab, are you viewing this as a comeback or a fresh start?
DB: Comeback? I didn’t know I left… Kidding! Sure, some might say it’s a comeback. A fresh start. Whatever analogy best fits the narrative is fine by me— and I don’t mean that negatively in any sense. I mean, you’ve known me long enough to know I just try not to focus on any of that stuff, messes with my fucking brain waves. I just see it as me doing what I love with a new perspective and a different approach to choosing what projects I’m going to give my time to than I have in the past.
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AG: What can you tell us about this project and the character you're playing?
DB: I had the best f*ckin’ time while shooting this film— sorry, but the emphasis was needed. I was really drawn to the vibrancy that this script evoked, even with the serious nature of the storyline and characters. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about for weeks afterwards. I’d sit with my wife at breakfast and we’d discuss the script and my character for what felt like hours. I knew after I heard her feedback that I needed to be apart of this film— she might have said I’d be stupid to say no to it, in her own loving way.
The film is really about the process of rediscovering yourself. Navigating the challenges that come along with being at your lowest point and leaning on the ones who have been there for you. It’s about finding love in its purest form when you never thought you were deserving of it.
I found bits of myself in this character as we were filming, it was very much a cathartic experience for me. I guess you could say it was art imitating life in a weird way.
AG: There's already been some buzz about this year's award season, do you think this is finally your year?
DB: Ooooh! Is it too presumptuous for me to say yes?! I’ve started dusting the spot where I plan for it to go. I sound like some sort of pompous idiot! Now no one is going to go see it!*
I take it back!
In all seriousness, ‘cause I’m sure Poppy and my agent will be rolling their eyes when they read this. If all I get is a couple nominations, that alone feels like winning. A shiny statue would be nice though— just saying.
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AG: You've talked often about your love of art and you recently purchased a gallery. Are you planning to publicly pursue other creative endeavors?
DB: I won’t be joining American Idol anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Oh, you weren’t referring to my ability to hold a note during our many karaoke nights— noted!
How did you put it? Other creative endeavors? I’ve got a few art pieces in the works right now that I’m itching to dive back into when I get home. I’ve got a major gallery in LA lined up later in the year for an artist spotlight exhibit, they’ll be housing some of my work through the next year. Shoutout to my wife for getting that all lined up while I was away shooting this film.
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AG: What's next for Dieter Bravo? Any other projects lined up you can tell us about?
DB: I’m looking forward to some downtime I have coming up. Poppy has the summer off, so we’ll get to finally live that newlywed life. Settle into the role of doting husband while she does her thing at the gallery.
AG: Off the record, if you got married and didn't tell anyone I will kick yours and Poppy’s ass!
DB: We’re celebrating our one year this month actually. We eloped quietly last year right after we got engaged— wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while. Which reminds me, you and Bryony should hop on a call with Poppy after this. Seeing as I let the cat out of the bag and this is our announcement— surprise!
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Huge shoutout out to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for allowing me to borrow her Ava from Conversations with a Movie Star for this. Ava was so gracious and even wrote the questions herself. I’m so grateful for Lellen and all her support and advice she had given me throughout the writing process of Sweet Creature!
Sweet Creature Celebration
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zoeykallus · 3 months
TBB x Gender-neutral Reader (Extended) HCs – Lost Something? Part 2/3/4/5
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Warnings: Partly Slightly Suggestive/Mostly Fluff/Tiny Bit Angsty
This is the continuation of this request:
Reader stole the batcher's weapon. Let's see how they get it back.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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Echo runs through the Marauders like a startled chicken, followed by the confused looks of his team. "Has anyone seen my blaster?" Hunter, who is putting on his gloves, looks over at him. "You lost your blaster?" Echo sighs annoyed and says, "No I haven't" Wrecker says with a raised eyebrow, "But you can't find it" "Yeah" Tech shrugs his shoulders without looking up from his holopad and says, "Sounds to me like you lost it" Echo waves it off in annoyance and insists, "No I haven't. I never lose parts of my equipment" It annoys him that he doesn't know where his blaster is, he was sure he'd left it with the rest of his gear when he went to bed that night and he says so. Crosshair leans out of his bunk, rolling a toothpick from one corner of his mouth to the other before saying. "You didn't go to bed alone last night I take it"
Echo's ears turn red. He pauses briefly in his movement, then turns to the Sniper. "What makes you think that?" Crosshair smirks, takes the toothpick out of his mouth and says, "You were alone on the Marauder for most of the night, I assume you took advantage of that fact." Wrecker asked excitedly, "Ooooh, Echo has a lover? Instead of answering, Echo rushes out of the room, locks himself in the cockpit and immediately starts a holo-call. His heart is pounding in his throat as your face appears on the holo, not just because he's upset and excited, the sight of you alone is enough to raise his pulse. "Took you long enough," you say with a cheeky smile. "You've got my blaster" It's not a question, it's a statement. Inwardly, he's annoyed that Crosshair thought of it before him. You lift the blaster into the holo for him to see. Echo lets out a deep sigh, relieved, a little annoyed. "I need it back," he says sternly.
You smile unperturbed and say, "I thought so. Then come and get it" "But-" You hang up before he can finish the sentence. A little stunned, Echo stares at the spot where the holo with your face used to be. When Echo comes out of the cockpit, he literally stomps through the main room towards the ramp. Hunter asks him cautiously, "Where are you going?" "Spanking someone's ass," Echo growls. "Kinky." Echo's eyes spark as he snaps, "Shut Up, Crosshair" The Sniper leans back in his bunk, unimpressed, chuckling softly.
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You've been out all day, had some things to do. Echo didn't try to call again. But as you land your shuttle at the usual landing spot and open your ramp, you hear his footsteps on the ramp and in the ship before you even leave the cockpit.
He stops in the doorway to the cockpit, his gaze so serious and stony that at first you can't help but gulp. After a few seconds, you find your voice again. "Have you been waiting on the landing pad all day?" "Yes" The answer is very curt, a little abrupt. He stretches out his remaining hand, challenging you with a steely gaze. You feel yourself shrinking under his gaze as you pull out the blaster and place it in his hand. Echo holsters the weapon directly, still staring at you. "I should spank your behind" You say cheekily, "Okay. Do you want me to take my clothes off first?" Echo raises a brow in confusion, but he doesn't stop you from unbuttoning your flight suit. "Somehow I imagined it would be different," he says, a little beside himself. "Disappointed? Should I stop?" Echo licks his lips and shakes his head.
"Uh, no it's okay, we'll see where this takes us" You laugh softly, kiss his heated cheek and say, "Well, I was hoping to my bunk"
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It's a beautiful evening. The weather is warm, but not too hot. The dinner was delicious, and the atmosphere great. A perfect moment to pass the time with Wrecker. The nice thing about Wrecker is that he's up for any kind of nonsense and is anything but a party pooper. You've been fooling around for a while now. You've managed to take his blaster out of its holster and to get it back, Wrecker has been chasing you around the massive dining table on one of the terraces on Pabuu for a few minutes now. The others have long since left the scene, some laughing or grinning, others (Crosshair) rolling their eyes. You giggle happily and change direction every time he tries to trick you. A little out of breath, you tell him, "I won't make it that easy for you!" Wrecker lets out a cheerful laugh that almost sounds like thunder. "I'll get you one way or another, just wait and see" As he changes direction again, you do the same, squealing happily.
"We'll see about that," you answer cheekily. You have to hand it to Wrecker, as impatient as he sometimes is, when it comes to fun and games, he usually has the patience of an angel. You've been running around for so long, your lungs are starting to burn, your faces are flushed with exertion, but you both grin happily when your eyes meet. But then something happens that you don't expect. With a cheerful exclamation, Wrecker grabs the massive table and throws it behind him, removing the barrier between the two of you. He suddenly stands very close to you and grins down at you. You look up at him, still holding his blaster. "Told you I'd get you," he says, amused. "What the hell.... what happened to my table?" You both look to the side, startled, to where an exasperated Phee crosses her slender arms in front of her chest. "Uh," Wrecker begins, "We were just fooling around a bit."
Phee rolls her eyes and asks, "And you had to destroy my table to do that? Who's going to replace it for me?" A sigh is heard from the other direction, followed shortly by Hunter's unmistakable voice. "Wrecker. Care to explain that to me?" The giant shrugs his shoulders and says with a sweeping gesture, "We were fooling around and then things went off the rails" "So nothing new," Hunter sighs, "Do me a favor and go fool around somewhere you can't destroy anything" You look at Wrecker and ask, "Beach?" Wrecker grins broadly at you. "Beach!" he confirms, nodding and running after you. Phee and Hunter look after you both. The squad leader sighs again, whereupon Phee says amusedly, "Those two will be your downfall one day" Hunter laughs softly, "I know"
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Tech is obsessively rummaging through his things in his bunk. "That's not possible..." Crosshair has been watching his brother in silence for a while now, but finally asks, "Did you lose something?" Tech grinds his teeth before answering, "My blasters are gone" Crosshair frowns. "Both of them?" "Both of them," Tech confirms, vigorously adjusting his goggles. "You're a slob, I wouldn't find anything in this mess either," the Sniper grumbles dryly. Tech takes a deep breath, straightens up and looks at his brother seriously. "I'm not a slob," he replies critically "Yes you are, you're a total slob, you hardly ever put anything away. Your bunk looks like a garbage dump" Tech touches his forehead as if he has a headache, then raises his finger in the air and says, "I don't need order to find my way around. I don't have to obsessively tidy everything like you do, no matter how messy my stuff and my bunk are, I always know exactly where my stuff is" Crosshair smirks and teases, "Then you certainly know where your blasters are"
Tech's ears turn red, he turns away and rummages around in his bunk for a while, sighing again and again in frustration. "Didn't you have a visitor yesterday?" Crosshair asks meaningfully. Tech turns back to him. "Yes, I did have a visitor. And?" Crosshair shrugs his shoulders suggestively. "If the blasters are suddenly gone, maybe someone took them." Tech frowns. "No, that can't be. They wouldn't do that. Why would they do that?" Crosshair shrugs again, leans back in his bunk and says, "How should I know? It's not my love interest." With a bright red head, Tech leaves the Marauder to make his way to you.
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You are looking out of your window when you see him walking across the courtyard. He seems to be deep in thought and keeps shaking his head. You smile, apparently he has noticed that his blasters are missing. Shortly afterwards, you hear your doorbell ring. Tech keeps his finger on the bell for longer than necessary, a very energetic ring. You press the door opener without using the intercom. When he arrives at your apartment, he has already raised his finger. "How many times do I have to tell you not to just press the door opener? You have to make sure who's at the door, it's dangerous!" You say calmly, "I saw you at the window. But it's sweet that you're worried about me" Tech sighs softly, straightens his shoulders and straightens up a little. "I'd like my blasters back" "That's what I thought. But I want something in return" Tech frowns and asks, "So you stole my blasters to extort something from me?"
Now you frown, "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds so crude and unromantic" His eyebrows move upwards in surprise. He asks confused, "Stealing my blasters was a romantic gesture?" You laugh softly and say as warmth rises in your cheeks, "I was going to ask for some of those sweet kisses you gave me yesterday in exchange" The corners of Tech's mouth twitch, his ears turn red, and he nervously shuffles his foot on the floor. "I only gave you one kiss yesterday. That was our first kiss," he corrects. When he thinks about it, his pulse starts to race again, his heart beats wildly and his body is suddenly filled with this incredible lightness again. "That's right. But now I want more," you say, biting your lower lip. Tech, steps closer and says, "A kiss for every blaster?" "Two per blaster," you say hastily, your ears already glowing hot and your puls racing through you. Tech smirks. "Okay, I think we can do that"
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"No" "But-" "No," the Sniper repeats seriously, "This is not a weapon for beginners. You'll learn with the training rifle first and when I think you're ready, I might let you shoot with the Firepuncher" You sigh and roll your eyes. He has just turned his back to you and is putting the training gun away, but still he says, "Stop rolling your eyes. You're learning from me because I'm the professional, so trust my judgment too" "You're stupid," you say, pouting. Crosshair chuckles softly, turns to you and asks, "Then why do you keep coming here to train with me?" You point at his gun and say, "Because I want to shoot that thing someday" His eyebrows move upwards, and he asks, "So you only come here for the Firepuncher?" You shrug your shoulders and say cheekily, "Mostly" "You're a bad liar," Crosshair says, amused. You laugh and ask, "Why? What do you think I came here for?" Crosshair spreads his arms and strikes a pose. "To use my brother's words - isn't it obvious?..."
"You think I'm here for you?" you ask with a grin, "Well, maybe a little, but I think the Firepuncher is hotter" Crosshair laughs and continues packing. "Can't say I blame you" You watch him pack up the gear, then you hear his brother call out to him from the shuttle. "Excuse me a moment," Crosshair says, and disappears up the ramp inside. Your eyes fall on the case with the Firepuncher. You can't help yourself, you can't resist. You open the case, grab the gun and close the case again. You know he'll be angry, but the temptation is just too powerful.
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When Crosshair comes out again and sees that you've already left, he sighs softly. He likes your visits, likes talking to you. Whenever you part ways, he feels a certain longing to have you with him for longer. He comforts himself with the thought that you will come back, if only because of the Firpuncher. He smiles and reaches for his weapon case, but his smile freezes. The case is clearly too light. He hastily puts the case back down and opens it. Empty. "You lousy little..." With a growl, the Sniper sets off. He already suspects where you might be.
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The rifle is heavier than you expected, just aiming it properly is a challenge. "Maybe I should lie down," you mutter quietly to yourself. "And pull your pants down while you're at it, so I can spank your ass!" Crosshair's smoky voice startles you so much that you hastily turn around with an already embarrassingly high-pitched yelp and drop the gun on the grass. You stumble backwards as he comes towards you and almost fall, but the Sniper grabs the collar of your jacket just in time to hold you steady. "Not only are you stealing my gun, now you're dropping it!" "Not on purpose!" you say hurriedly and adjust your jacket as he lets go of you with a snort. His serious eyes bore into yours, and you don't even dare to blink for a long moment. Cautiously, you ask him, "How upset are you?" Crosshair crosses his arms in front of his chest and sighs heavily. "Very, to say the least." You smile wryly and say, "But you stopped me from falling down, so you don't hate me too much" He rolls his eyes, unknots his arms and picks up the Firepuncher from the grass. "Lie down," he grumbles. "What?" you ask, perplexed.
Impatiently, he snaps his fingers repeatedly and grumbles, "Do you want to learn something or not?" You hastily lie down on your stomach in the grass, Crosshair lies down next to you, presses the rifle into your hands and shows you how to use it properly. "How did you actually find me?" you want to know. Crosshair snorts softly and says almost gently, "This is where we practiced for the first time." "You remember that?" He rolls his eyes and says, "I never forget anything" You take a few practice shots and it goes well. Satisfied, you turn your head in his direction and smile. His expression doesn't say much, but he says, "Not bad for an amateur" As you look at him a little longer, studying the lines on his face, unable to help but admire his face, Crosshair suddenly snaps, "Stop staring at me like a love-struck dove, look at your target" As you hurriedly look forward again, your ears getting hot, a smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. He likes you too, very much so, but he won't tell you anytime soon.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
196 notes · View notes
missdaytonawrites · 10 months
liar • a. anderson
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summary - manny and abby find you alone one night and take you back to the stadium, abby does everything in her power to swallow her feelings about you. even if it means pushing boundaries and lying. (enemies 2 lovers w/ abby's mean ass.)
WC - 4k
cw/tw - 18+ MDNI, post!outbreak abby, mean!abby, afab!reader, talk of guns and infected, seriously abby's unreasonably bitchy, talk of alcohol, abby cannot tell the truth to save her life, dom/sub dynamics, hurt/comfort kinda??? fingering (r! receiving) getting caught (if u squint girl, not really) apologetic!abby. slightly, every-so-barely, for a literal split-second... sub!abs, (mainly sub!r tho..) spitting, tribbing ooooh, abby smokes cigarettes, so does r! apparently, little bit of fluff, i kinda hate the ending?? maybe a pt. II to this will happen idk don't ask lol.
A/N - ..heeey people... here it is!!! i recently (like two days ago recently) gained a pretty serious injury on my pinky toe and i've been literally bed-ridden so i had no choice but to get this out. i love this song, i've heard this song live, this song is so request-this-is-based-on coded so!!!! (*edit* nonnie if u see this i hope u love it mwah) i kid you not i started writing this on the two-hour drive home from the paramore concert and i've just now finished it. i'm super personally proud of this and i will say -- YOU 100% HAVE GOT TO, LISTEN TO THE SONG WHEN YOU READ. with most of my other fics, it's really optional but for this?/!:?):!; put headphones in, turn this song on loop, AND THEN READ!!! it will completely enhance the fic. thanks 4 readin as always, love you crazy bitches.
"love is not an easy thing to admit, but i'm not ashamed of it."
this was fucking gross, the dirt was cold and wet. bordering on mud status and now seeping into the cloth of your shorts & t-shirt as you lay into the earth. you were tired and just needed some rest before you continued on. the old abandoned house you had been using as shelter became over-ran with some infected while you were out one day. so it was back to the forest floor for now.
gross, cold, and wet. the way she had found you, curled up and fast asleep on the ground, she almost wished that she felt bad. she didn’t though, instead for a split second she forgot manny had been following behind her as she took the barrel of her gun to press into the side of your face. she pressed in a little harder and you shot awake at the feeling of something touching your teeth through your cheek. your eyes fly open and they’re met with two shadowy figures above you.
one is a lot larger than the other, the one who had been poking you with the gun crouched down to get a better look at you. through her inspection, manny could be heard behind her muttering something about “we can’t just leave her here, abs.” abby didn’t really care for what he was saying, instead she was silently cursing herself for the emotion that began to crowd her train of thought. abby had toughened herself up enough so these sorts of things wouldn’t happen. she, or the rest of the WLF couldn't afford any emotional attachments. abby didn't need to be going out and developing crushes on sleeping beauties in the woods. yet here she was…
maybe that's why she grew to detest you so severely. treating you so harshly so her mask didn't slip, it was the only way for her. especially the night they found you. she couldn’t even begin to fathom how badly she wanted to just grab you up, take you back to clean you off and keep you safe with the rest of them. instead, she shook you (and manny’s new found excitement, like they found a stray puppy) off, pulling her gun away from your face and stepping about eight feet far from you to speak with manny.
it was back and forth the entire time, manny weighing in all the pros while abby lays out all the cons. true childish banter begins to ensue and abby begrudgingly agrees to bring you back with manny, claiming he’ll “deal with any consequences.” they walk back over to where you lay, awake and pissed. you had just started to fall asleep for fucks sake, “look, you’re coming with us. don't argue and just be grateful that it's we who ran across your ass and not some raider." abby sighs then pinches the bridge of her nose, you would like to argue but the darker haired one looks rather excited for you to be coming, so you bite your tongue for now.
it had been six months since that night… six months of falling in love with your new life at the stadium, six months of manny becoming the closest friend you’ve ever known, six months of training.. six months of a total cold shoulder from abby. you didn't even know if you could call it that, lord knows she never spared her snarky comments towards you at dinner or when the two of you got paired together on runs. always saying something about how you never do anything right, then carrying on while she tells you all the reasons they should've just left you there in the forest to rot.
you take on each day with your head high, trying not to let abby bother you. even if you couldnt seem to crack her fucking issue with you, reminding yourself that everyone else enjoys you and is glad you joined them. especially manny, he was a great pal, always sitting with you at dinner and reading with you. one night he had pulled you out of your book and talked you into having a drink with him, so you did. the two of you passed the bottle back and forth all night, intoxicating yourself enough to blab about abby.
“i just don’t fuckin’ get it, i guess.” taking another swig, you chuckle and hand manny the bottle back. “maybe i just see myself differently than she does.” he looks like he’s thinking and before he can say anything you start again, “does she talk about me? i mean, have i done anything to her that i’m just oblivious to?” manny doesn't say anything, just throws back whatever is left in the whiskey bottle and looks at you sympathetically.
“she doesn't really talk to anyone about things like that, maybe you did.. nobody will ever know.” you sigh and cross your legs. you and manny enjoy the silence for awhile before there’s some shuffling to the side of you two and then just like magic, there’s abby. rearing her mean little head like she heard you twos conversation. much to your chagrin, she did and as she takes her seat next to manny she whacks his shoulder and grumbles something along the lines of “couldn't save any for me..?”
abby's presence captures all of manny's attention while she talks him into going to grab another bottle, you sit uncomfortably and slightly tipsy as she finally convinces him. he gives you a little salute before heading off, leaving you and abby alone. you feel the liquor drop like an anchor in your stomach and your eyelids become heavy, you suddenly aren't sure how much longer you wanna stay.. where did she come from? if she was listening, why? you could have sworn manny said everyone else was out for the night..?
you’re so deep in thought that you don't notice abby has moved closer to you, and has been slowly muttering in your ear this whole time. it isn’t until she is literally snapping her fingers in front of your face, that you pull yourself out of your trance. when you turn to look her in the eyes, you notice just how close she had gotten. taking a sharp breath she starts again, even slower this time, like you wouldn't understand if she were to say it any faster. “i don’t see you differently, i see you for what the fuck you are… n’ i can’t say i’m the biggest fan”
you swallow and feel as if you’ve shrunk beneath her very gaze, “keep my fucking name out of your mouth, got it?” subconsciously scooting away from her, you nod quickly and avert your gaze. she snaps again, and your eyes shoot back to hers. “say it. tell me that you got it through your goddamn head,” and she moves closer. “now!” you squeak out a shaky “got it!” before standing and making your exit. on your leave, you can hear abby laugh at the situation from down the hall.
she has never taken something that far before? you can’t even recall a time she’s been that close to you before. guilt starts to float around you like a cloud above your head. you cannot believe you let her bother you so much that you left without saying a “good night.” or “thank you!” to manny.
flopping face-down on your cot, you conjure an idea; you rummage through all of your belongings to find some pen and paper. you write manny an explanatory note and let him know a little about what happened.
finishing up your letter, you can faintly hear him and abby laughing from your room.
“ah, abs.. you’ll have to get over yourself and tell her eventually.” he sighs and you can hear abby hiss at the thought. “nah man, i’ve already-” and then you remember how shes made you feel before, you decide you’re done eavesdropping and suddenly decide to no longer give manny the piece of paper you had been writing him. crumpling the note, you throw it at the wall and lay down to read.
an entire two weeks pass, you can confidently say you’ve not once thought about abby. her lack of kindness fails to phase you as the days pass. you’ve stopped eating with the group, opting for meals in your room instead. you’ve only really talked with manny only enough to ensure you and abby aren't partnered up for anything. it was smooth sailing for another two weeks, a whole fucking month passes and you cannot believe she’s really left you alone. you honestly didn't think she was capable, but alas, she hadn't even barely looked your way. you can’t help but let your mind race before you sleep about why? was she respecting your request? had manny scolded her? you remembered what manny had told you and settled with the fact that you’d never know.
one night, as you make your bed and pack your bag for the week, there's a quick rasp of knuckles on your door. “heeeeey! i know you’re in here, let me in.” manny, and he sounded drunk. unlocking the door and rolling your eyes, he stumbles in and flops down on your freshly made cot. “we have got to taaaalk..” he hiccups and rolls over to face you, “i need to know, please-” burping and then bursting out in laughter he rubs his eyes and sits up. “what reeealllyy happened that ni-ght.” you didn't think you could roll your eyes back any further than they did at that very moment, practically dismissing him you say: “i don't know what you’re talking about, what night?” burping, he looks at you like you’ve lost it, “c’mon, don't do that. i just want to know if she's telling me the truth…”
in that moment, your head whips around and you’re sure your eyes bugged out of your head. “the truth? what did she say happened?” manny matches the shocked expression on your face for a split second and then erupts in laughter, you worry for what he’s about to say. “look, don’t let this- this, don't tell her i said this.” swallowing and moving closer to him, you sit on the cot with manny while he tells you this extravagant story all about what “happened” that night.
apparently, that night, you told abby to her face that you thought she had a problem with you. apparently, on that same night you also caught an attitude with abby and got in her face. apparently, you stormed off in a drunken rage after allegedly jumping all over her case.
furious, you were so fucking mad. there were simply no words in the goddamned english dictionary to fathom how angry you were with her. she lied! right through her teeth! to manny of all people! about you! there was no holding back anymore, returning to the moment, you spare no gory details as you tell manny what really happened. to say the least? he wasnt very happy, you told him you were scared of her and didnt say anything sooner because you swore to “keep her fucking name out of your mouth.”
the conversation sobered manny up enough for him to apologize on abby's behalf and then exit rather quickly, leaving you to go to bed. you just can’t justify falling asleep, though. not until you make a plan, to your knowledge abby has no reason to be treating you the way she is; the only thing to do now is talk to her. you can be civil, at this point you just need to know why. so in a futile attempt to sleep, you rehearse with yourself what you’re going to say to abby tomorrow.
you wake up to bright sun, bam, right there in your eyes. you practically hiss and you turn away from your window, regaining your vision when your senses are flooded with an overwhelming scent of pine… you thought you were having a stroke, so you sit up and take in your surroundings. upon further inspection, and the realization that you’re definitely not having a stroke, you look around your space and low and behold..
there’s abby. hair falling loosely about her shoulders, still in her pajamas, sitting there just as annoying as the sun. you see her and glare, the tone of your morning immediately shifts and you turn away from her the same way you did with the morning light. grumbling something at her about how she needs to leave and how you two would do this later. you thought your point had been made until she grabs your arm and stops you from laying back down.
“look, i seriously can’t do this anymore.” she pulls you hard enough that you’re sitting up again. “i feel so fucking guilty, i don’t think i could even put it into words.” you almost laugh in her face, actually. “can’t do what anymore, abby? walk around and spew nothing but hate for me?” you realize how close she is and you reach out to shove her. putting some distance between the two of you, she opens her mouth to speak again but you interrupt her. “is it the whole lying to manny thing that made the guilt finally kick in, anderson?”
she returns to her spot in the chair on the far side of your room and sits, she chews her cheek while you rub your eyes. “don’t got anything to say now, huh?” she looks at you like she wants you to finish.. so you do. “i told you to go away, abby. we could’ve handled this later.” she stands up and walks over, sitting and occupying the empty space on your mattress next to you.
“i can’t keep living like this. fuck, fuck!” she shouts and stands, wiping her hands on her forehead. “i don’t know how to do this, and you aren't making it any easier.” you are genuinely astonished, in utter disbelief that she’s the angry one and that you’re gonna have to spell this out for her. “how about sorry? maybe go tell manny yourself that you are a fucking liar?!”
in that very moment, smoke might as well of blown out of her ears like a damn cartoon, “yeah. a liar.” she huffs and sits again. “lied to manny, lied about wanting you to keep my name out of your mouth.. lied about hating you.”
your jaw dropped, mouth literally hanging open as she continues, “i don’t know why, there’s no excuse. i am so fucking sorry.” she moves closer to you and puts her hand on your arm, gentler this time. “i haven’t said this to anyone in years, but i think i love you.” gazing down to her hand on you, then back up to her eyes you swallow the lump sitting in your throat. you don’t know what to say.
“abby, i,” you sigh and chew your lip, “i wish i knew what to say, this is all-” and then her hand moves up, silencing you when her thumb swipes over the expanse of your lips and then rests at the corner of your mouth. she leans into you and offers you two more words, “don’t talk..” then closes the gap between you two.
your lips are like heaven, everything she could have ever wanted. every night when she would fall asleep dreaming of them, this is it and more. she feels like she is fucking floating. she doesn't know what to do with her hands; they tangle in your hair, slide and touch your arms and then come up to cup your cheeks while she pushes into you impossibly further.
she breaks the kiss every now and then to mutter an “i’m sorry.. m’so so sorry, baby.” pulling away completely to admire you. she’s panting so heavily as she goes to pull your tank top up and off, immediately ducking down to take a nipple into her mouth. the cool air of your room hits you, head rolling back and around when you peer down at her, she locks eyes with you. pulling off you with a pop, she comes back up to kiss you again. except this time, its not a makeout, just short desperate pecks all over your face while she hurries to get your shorts off of you.
you help her out and shimmy out of them, completely bare, you fall back on your elbows and spread your legs for her. she lets out a low whistle and shakes her head, chuckling as she whispers, “goddamn foolish to deny myself of this..” bringing her middle and ring finger to rub circles around you.
she moves them down and pushes the two into you, twisting and curling them against your walls. you gasp and drop your head again, hands balling up into fists. abby notices your open mouth and kisses you again, pushing her tounge into your mouth and really fucking kisses you. her free hand rolls your nipple and then wraps in your hair, exposing your neck for her to suck and bite. “pussy’s so good..” whispering against your neck, fingers still fucking you while crude sounds bounce and echo off your walls.
she pulls her fingers out and hovers them over your clit. she looks down at your dripping center, wets her lips, and then looks back at you. “may i?” she asks and brings her fingers to her mouth to taste. her eyes knock to the back of her head and she brings her fingers down to rub you some more, “god, please let me, baby”
while you barely manage to moan out a response abby has already wondrously found her way down to your core, latching herself to your clit. she groans into you while your hips instinctively buck into her mouth. as if the sensation of her devouring you wasn't enough, her fingers plunge into you. writhing beneath her, your hands find a home in abby’s hair; and if her head weren’t literally between your legs, you would have stopped to comment on how soft her blonde locks are.
abby continues to fuck you with her fingers when all of the sudden, her mouth is pulling off of your pussy and delving into your lips yet again. the contact has you whimpering and an unfamiliar heat sizzles in your lower belly. you pull away from the kiss in attempts to speak, but to no avail as she simply just follows you back and keeps kissing you. “don’t run from it, baby.. don’t run from me.” she pulls away from your face and drives her fingers into you, fast and mean and determined.
your breathing quickens and you’re suddenly so much more aware of the way she's leaning over you, the darkness in her eyes, the way she’s heaving as she watches your body react to her touch. you’re close, so, so indescribably close to the edge; just about to explode beneath her when.. knock knock knock!
“abs?! you guys in there?” manny, banging on your door to innocently check the status of you two’s “making up.” abby’s eyes flicker down to yours and her free hand flys to her own lips, pressing a single finger to them, hushing you. “i got this, stay quiet.” she whispers and gives you a peck then clears her throat. “yeah man! we’re all good, just talkin’!” she shouts at him, never once slowing her pace while your orgasm just bubbles within you.
manny laughs, “cool, cool. just wanted to make sure you aren't like.. murdering her or anything.” abby laughs this time, murdering something else for sure, and lets him know you two will be out soon enough. you hear his footsteps trail off, and without a second to think, abby’s kissing you again. you whine against her lips and she coos, practically begging you to cum on her fingers.
“let go, give it to me baby, please.” your legs spasm and she chuckles, bringing her thumb to your clit as you gush onto her fingers. hips circling and following the movements of her thumb while you ride it out, abby watches in amazement. she removes her fingers from you as you come down, and makes quick work of her own bottoms. discarding them on the floor, she grabs one of your legs for leverage and swings one of her own over your torso. positioning her pussy right over your own, she trails a line of kisses down your calf and to your knee. resting her forehead against your leg and huffing when she finally grinds down into you.
your mouth falls agape, and you reach to touch her; any of her. her arms, her hips, her chest. gasping while she bites the meaty part of your calf, you buck into her and she throws her head back at the increased friction.
“such a good girl, y’know that..? so fucking good..” her hips rut back and forth and sweat drips from her forehead and runs down your leg. looking down at where the two of you connect, abby spits on to the both of you and fucks you harder. she’s the one to whine this time, so fucking pent up from living with you for fucking months and not already doing this. guilt starts to grow heavy in her stomach again and she whimpers then kisses your ankle, folding your leg to rest against her shoulder. she looks down at you and cups you face, clit still rubbing against you. “m’sorry.. fuck.” she grips your face harder and her pace quickens, incoherently mumbling out apologies and you feel your second orgasm start to swirl.
you shush at her and move your own hips quicker to keep up, “no, no abby, please..” she throws her head back again and her hands move to grope at your tits, you look up at her with forgiving eyes. nodding, as if to telepathically tell her that it's okay. that you want this and that you forgive her, she nods back and groans as loud as you’ve ever heard. you lightly tap her bicep and bring her back to the moment. whimpering, “gonna cum again, abs, please..”
she breathes and nods her head again, “m’almost there baby, almost..” sniffling, she really pushes down into you and her hips falter just slightly. “want you to cum with me, ‘kay?” she keeps fucking herself against you and you tremble, trying to move with her but you’re too lost in pleasure.
she winces and bucks her hips criminally fast; ushering you, and herself, to finally let go. she pants and sweats above you, her own orgasm crashing into her while you cling to her for dear life. pathetically writhing into her as you begin to unravel yourself. melting back into the bed sheets as she rides the both of you through your highs. her hips begin to slow and she’s kissing up and down your leg again. nudging her nose against your thigh, with a finalizing and triumphant breath.
you slowly creep back into reality and feel abby's weight shift off and away from you, just barely noticing her shimmy her shorts back up. she wobbles out of the room and returns with a damp towel, wiping the two of you down. she lets you lay and rest while she digs in her shorts pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, she takes one out and lights it, and then crawls into bed with you.
she tucks you under her arm and wraps your blanket around you both, taking a long drag from her smoke and flicking the ash somewhere to her side. exhaling and turning the cigarette towards you, she slides the filter between your lips and lets you get a good pull.
it stays this way for a while, quiet and still. wrapped up in eachother, you two finish the smoke together and she puts it out right on your concrete floor. she pulls you in even closer and kisses your head. you sigh and close your eyes, saying it back for the first time, “i love you too, abby.”
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jeeeeez, editing this was sooo headache-flavored. anyway! happy reading! wish me a decent recovery, and also?? lmk if you guys want a more in-depth story behind my fucked-up toe or pictures for that matter lol!!!
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Can you make a HC about what they do when Luffy is King of Pirates, the One Piece is found, Mystery of "D" resolved and so on? I mean if they stay Pirates, settle down, marry or do another profession. 👀 When there 35 plus or older. Please with Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid 😍
Ooooh how fun! I did a bunch of chars including the ones you wanted : D
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Sanji Sanji finds the all blue and makes his own floating restaurant. Luffy always comes to visit and always eats him out of house and home. Sanji has long hair he keeps in a ponytail, and he has a beard he keeps in a braid, just like his old man [Zeff <3] Sanji is tough love with teaching his chefs but they all love and respect him. He’s married to his work and also every pretty person who steps foot in his restaurant. He calls it ‘The All Blue’ and he charges people with alot of money but helps out those in need. Thanks to Luffy being not just the pirate king but also a yonko his place is considered untouchable by the marines and thus everyone can come and eat here fearlessly with no worries. 
Zoro He’s the greatest swordsman in the world. He never leaves Luffy’s side, always sailing the high seas with his captain. When he does eventually settle down he gets married, and everyone is invited, even Sanji. He runs his own dojo now in Kuina’s memory, he teaches kids how to fight. He doesn’t turn away people who are female-bodied/identify as girls because he knows how strong they can be and would never play the sexist card. Everyone who trains with him are equal and valid. He would teach his own children how to fight too. He’s a firm but fair teacher. He still has that short mossy hair of his, maybe he’s got some ink now.
Nami Fame, wealth, power! Some say that’s just for the Pirate king, but Nami would disagree, Nami has everything she’s ever wanted. She sends back loads of money to her home island which have repaired all the damage that the Arlong Pirates ever did. They become a thriving community. She even makes sure there is a lovely orphanage, in memory of Bellmere with orange trees all around where young women can grow and learn skills and become strong and anything they want to be. Nami gets her short hair back.
Robin and Franky Together, but not married. Neither wants to get a piece of government-approved paperwork to say they are married. Robin can piece together all the mysteries of the world, the void century is her’s and she passed on everything she can to her students. She makes sure the next generation of the world will remember everything that happened both good and bad and as long as there are people alive who know what happened, who have seen the devil and god history can avoid repeating itself. Robin has her bangs back, and wears her long, long hair in a braid. 
Franky becomes a teacher himself! He passes on the amazing shipwright skills he learned from Tom to anyone who wants to come and learn from him. Both are a blessing to the generations after. Maybe Franky has toned down his look a little and he’s more like he was in pre-skip? 
Brook Still a hecken popular musician who is going around touring, loved by many, and as long as his music keeps touching people's hearts and he always has fans, he won’t ever truly be alone. He obviously reunites with Laboon too!
Jinbei Retired, living his best life back at Fishman Island, and has a spouse now. He keeps an eye on Fishman island though there is nothing but peace. After all the island and his people are protected by the pirate king himself.
Usopp Usopp goes off and becomes a pirate captain himself! But it doesn’t last very long, it’s just not the same so he retires and goes into writing books. He writes stories of all his fantastic adventures and inspires the hearts and minds of many young people who all want to be pirates. He also takes up art as a more serious profession. He writes and does his own artwork. Usopp’s Fables. Maybe he goes back to his village, him being a famous writer brings good things for the sleepy village.
Chopper Goes back to DRUM and helps the people, bringing back doctors to the island. DRUM once again becomes well known for how amazing its doctors are. He’s a good teacher for those wanting to be in the medical field.
Luffy THE PIRATE KING HIMSELF? Every night is still a party, he only settles down when the last of his crew wants to seek their own fortunes. He visits them all. Spending his time traveling between them and going on adventures. He never truly settles down. Just married to his love of life. 
Law Still a pirate, still with his crew because they are and always will be his family. He did everything he set out to do, take people down, and get revenge, he didn’t ever see his life past Dressrosa to start with so everything is a bonus. The only difference is now the heart pirates have less of a reputation for their captain being scary and cruel but the best place to take anyone with a rare illness. He specializes in learning about them and healing them. Totally rocking more tattoos everywhere and a ponytail maybe. Or an undercut…
Kid IGNORING CANON Him and his crew are still an issue for the world government, even in their 30s, 40s, hell even when they're 70 they are wild and causing chaos all across the world. Kid loses his violent streak and is just out here with his boys having the time of his life. Maybe he has a partner or two, he and Killer going polyam at last.
Marco Marco even at like 80 still looks younger, still a doctor on Sphinx but this time he’s not so honour bound to the memory of Whtiebeard and Ace. He sometimes leaves the island to go on adventures. He visits his partners, finally allowing himself to date again. He becomes a vet as well as a doctor, helping out people on islands he visits while seeing his partners. He’s enjoying his retirement, he has so many people in his life again that it heals his heart. Still, he aches for everything he’s lost, he always will but now he’s not shackled by it.
Sabo Thanks to his efforts and the RA the world is a more equal place, he makes sure of it. Aside from all of that. Maybe Sabo has a partner, maybe he’s allowed himself to have a few kids that he raises to be good and just and to never see the world as black and white but all the greys that the world is built up of. Making sure the next generation has a strong sense of their own justice. Sabo also wrote a huge book documenting Luffy’s travels after listening to his brother tell the stories over and over. The book becomes the legend of the Pirate King. The story inspires another era of pirates.
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dyadicjustice · 9 months
can u do like a hazelxreader best friends to lovers
like they’ve both been secretly in love with each other and pining for years but were too scared to say anything (and maybe smut if u write that but if not that’s totally good)
ooooh let me see what magic i can work, bestie. aged up the characters to be in college, so rockbridge falls high is now rockbridge university. unfortunately no smut this time because i am awful at it 😅 but i hope you enjoy this little blurb instead
ao3 link for if u prefer to read there :)
At 11:30, Professor G's class let out without anyone having learned anything actually in the syllabus. But for you, there wasn’t much room in your mind for history lessons anyway. You were too distracted by Hazel sitting next to you, scrolling on Twitter and excitedly showing you every adorable cat meme she came across. 
You’d known each other since the 3rd grade, and it was safe to say that some things never change— especially not your love for one another as best friends. At least until the end of Senior Year, when you’d started to realize that change was inevitable, and you’d fallen hard for her.
You’d been overcompensating these past couple months. You’d purposely try to fly under the radar, so she wouldn’t notice you pining or the countless lingering looks and lip biting. Desperation was heavy in your bones, settled deep in your core. So when you finally return to your shared dorm, she asks, “Seriously y/n, it seems like you’re not even here most days. What’s going on?”  
You know you can’t lie to her. You can’t lie to those dazzling grey eyes, so warm and sweet and sincere. So you sigh and admit, “Are you ready to receive some potentially devastating information that could change the state of our friendship forever?”
She blinks and lets out a quiet chuckle, “Uh, no promises, weirdo. What’s up?” 
“Hazel, I’m being serious. It’s like... important,” you whine.
She hikes an eyebrow at your nervous demeanor, taking a beat to take in your features. She’s suddenly fully aware you’re uncomfortable when you start to wring your hands a bit. To calm your fidgeting, she slips her hands in between them and intertwines your fingers. You feel her sweet gesture start to soothe you, like when puppies snuggle up to you to help you stop crying.
She whispers, “What’s wrong, bean?”
Your eyes start to water at the nickname. “You have to promise you won’t get upset”, you choke out.
She wraps her arms around your neck in a comforting embrace, and whispers in your ear, “I promise. You can tell me, only if you’re comfortable and ready.” And her considerate nature makes you want to cave and sob right then and there.
“I love you, Hazel. But, I also… I just… I’m in love with you.” You can’t even meet her eyes out of pure embarrassment. You feel her fingers snake beneath your chin, and she gently tugs until you’re looking into her eyes. She stares into yours, into your soul, really. She whispers, “y/f/n, I’ve been dreaming of hearing you say that for years.” You both giggle. You joke, “That’s such a fucking relief because I would’ve shat myself if you rejected me.” 
“I could never reject you, bean! Thank you for being brave enough to tell me.” You can hear the smile in her voice. “But I am curious, when did you realize you felt that way?”
You sigh, “Honestly? I knew I was sure when we went to Senior Prom together, so 6 months maybe? But I also would say, I’d felt something since we were like 10. I just hadn’t realized how deep my love was back then.”
Hazel murmurs, “You made Prom Night so magical. You looked lovely. Not to mention, you just had this magnetism to you that had everybody staring. I was fighting the urge to kiss you the entire evening. It was hardest during the slow dance.”
You admit that you had felt similarly, explaining, “It was hardest for me to resist when you had that little bit of whipped cream stuck on your lip when we went to Denny’s after. I wiped it away with a napkin, but I wish I’d just gone for it.” 
You stare up at her lovingly as a subtle silence emerges between you, your eyes scanning her features before dropping to her lips. Without saying a word, you crash your lips together. Hers taste like… well, like nothing and like everything at the same time. Just chapstick and love. 
And it’s not your first time kissing a girl by any means, But you can already tell it’s your favorite after only ten seconds. 
Hazel pulls away, breathless, “So just to be clear, what does this make you and me?” She smirks.
You hold her cheek with one hand and hook the other around the back of her neck, scratching the back of her head. Her jaw goes slack and her eyes flutter. You reply, “Horny, Hazel. It makes us really fucking horny.”
She smirks, “Maybe we should… do something about that. Your place or mine?” She dopily wiggles her eyebrows. It’s made even more ridiculous by the fact that your beds are just feet away from each other.
You shoot back, giggling, “Yours. I don’t wanna fuck up my sheets right now.”
She scoops you up bridal style and sets you down on her bed. Those months of pre-season training for rugby had made her insanely strong despite her short and lean figure.
She kisses your forehead and replies, “Whatever you wish, Your Majesty.”
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