#omg i had this ask in my inbox for so long & i had probably
lunaetis · 2 years
@avaere​​​ asked :
" can i kiss you again ?" steps came to a halt in the frozen path, tartaglia awaiting eula's response.
words tasted foreign to the harbinger, romance and affection not having been present in his life. sure enough, he had dreamed of princesses and knights when he was younger, a mere child, but reality and the responsibility of a grown individual wavered so far from much ideas. there was no room for princesses, nor happily ever afters, in a world which was slowly dying. he was no knight, he was a harbinger, ready at the hand of the tsaritsa, no questions asked. whatever she deemed necessary, tartaglia would be within seconds.
it had always been his beloved country and his beloved leader, and while such loyalty remained strong, ajax now found himself in a position he had never quite imagined himself. the man, not the harbinger, found himself face to face with someone who challenged his loyalty, just a little bit. how was this going to play out?
    " i have to return to snezhnaya for a while."
    loyalty. it was a term he had never quite questioned, for there had never been a reason to. the tsaritas' vision was his vision, her dreams were his. he dreamed of a world where she laid her hands around the world, bringing proper clarity to those who had come to stray. so how come he felt his heart sink at the idea of parting with eula, even for just a little while? was it a rebellion of his heart? one where it had begun opposing his mind? and if it was, why was he allow himself to be sucked into it?
    "having a kiss from my resting on my lips would make the journey ten times more enjoyable," and certainly twenty times more lonesome, as there'd be parts of the harbinger's waking heart that would be singing its aching lullabies to the snowy mountains of dragonspine. "i'll even ..."
    hands shifted up to his jacket, the red ornament on his right falling into his grasp. tug by tug, he began taking it off, placing it in an outstretched hand; " ... give you this as a promise that i will be back, if you'd have it? it'd be a honor for me to see this on a knight of mondstadt." a humored smirk came to.
    ( hadn't he read something similar in a fairy tale? )
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「エウルア」─  the words that cut through the coldness of dragonspine came as a surprise, even to the both of them after what happened prior. the LINE had been crossed, an act that tipped the scale of their relationship to the point of no return, yet, for the knight captain herself, she could say for certain that she held absolutely no regret to what went on between them. the softness of his lips against her own was burned into memory. DUAL-COLORED hues landed upon the other as the winter breeze traveled between them.
                it wasn’t a request that would be uttered lightly, and even eula knew there must be a reason for it to be posed in that instance. body turned to face him, gaze taking in the sight of the man who had occupied her mind far deeper than she realized. just when and how his presence became so significant to her, she didn’t know. and perhaps, even the HARBINGER knew what was going through in her mind, and the reason came in tow.
                “ i have to return to snezhnaya for a while. ”
                the sentence caused her heart to tighten. it was like a REMINDER of their different worlds. his loyalty was with the tsaritsa. that was the purposes of fatui harbingers. to carry the will of their ARCHON while her own devotion lies with ordo favonius. the KNIGHT could more or less speculate the need for his return. the news were far and wide, after all, of the death of a harbinger, la signora. all the harbingers would be summoned back for the funeral of their colleague. and, maybe, the counter plan would be in motion, as well.
                a step forward was taken, and her hand extended to accept the OFFERED ORNAMENT that had adorn his very person all this time. gloved digits caressed over the item itself, and her mind couldn’t help remembering a fairy tale she had heard a long long time ago, back when she was much younger. how the knight who was sent to fight evil would leave something of his person to the princess he had sworn fealty to, as a vow and a promise for his return. she was no princess, and he was no knight. yet ...
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                without a word, she reached up to take the ornament adorning her hair. untying the bow-like accessory from the headband she was wearing, the LAWRENCE HAIR quietly took his sturdy hand, and placed it carefully within his palm. guiding his fingers to curl around it, she gave his hand a quiet squeeze. the usually CONFIDENT aristocrat seemed to have lost her words at that very moment. the thought of not finding him upon entering the mountain of dragonspine left a HOLE in her heart. this place ... it wouldn’t be the same without his presence.
                as with her place is here, with mondstadt, his place was with his queen, in the LAND faraway from here.
                it didn’t matter, however.
                “ a good luck charm. ” she said finally, delicate digits squeezing his that held her hairpiece once more. the way her eyes gazed up at him, the way their gazes would lock to one another, it was clear of the longing and agony that were to come with their separation. it was the first time she had ever felt such a way. saying goodbye to people were always difficult, but him ?
                dear archons above, she felt like her HEART would be torn from her chest.
                with an item of the other in each their grasp, eula reached out her hand to cup his cheek, thumb caressing so tenderly over his skin as though she was memorizing him by touch. they didn’t know how long until they would see each other again, and that UNCERTAINTY was what made it all the more torturing. a soft, quiet exhale was released before the distance between them was gone. long lashes draped over dual-colored hues, and a kiss was what sealed their parting. the tenderness of his lips, the way their bodies pressed so close to one another, only the freezing wind and frozen scenery became their WITNESSES.
                of the forbidden words unsaid, of the feeling that kept locked inside of their hearts, of promises and vows.
                a promise to return.
                a promise to wait.
                a kiss to last them until they return to each other’s arms once more.
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                “ captain eula ! ”
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                the CALLING caused the person in question to turn around, gaze that had been fixated upon the summit of dragonspine in the distance was then torn away towards the owner of the voice. THE LAWRENCE HEIR pulled her claymore out from the ground, fully spinning herself around as a unique red ornament reflected itself upon the sunlight. the item seemed both fitting and out of place all at the same time, with its crimson color contrasting her overall color scheme and outfit. the ornament rested over her left chest, right above the beating organ within where the chain connected to the nape of her neck. no one had ever known where she had gotten it, some could have sworn they had seen it somewhere before, but none dared to question it.
                it had been a while since she stepped foot upon DRAGONSPINE. the absence of someone had turned that place much colder than she had remembered. the knight captain spared one last glance towards the snowy mountain peak, recalling the words exchanged after their lips parted from one another, breathing merged to one.
                “ have a safe trip, dear harbinger. ”
                she was no princess, but if anyone would be her knight, then, maybe, the man who had braved through the ABYSS itself would be fitting to be called hers. a knight from the abyss with the warrior princess cursed by her own name. a smile appeared on her lips at the thought, before she finally turned her back to the mountain and walked over to her team.
                for now, just like the item they had gifted each other. he had her heart within his grasp, and she had his within hers.
                as they awaited the time their HEARTS would return to their bodies once more.
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wonderlandwalker · 5 months
Remember | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: The capitol has taken you from him, but he won't let them keep you. You can find pt. 2 here!
Content Warnings/Tags: Violence, bullet wounds, major character injury, blood, needles, angst, fluff, no use of y/n
Word Count: 4.0k
Requested by Anon: omg I love your writing and I have an unhealthy addiction to reading angst so could you please write something about the reader being with peeta and Johanna when they where taken by the capital and her being with finnick and recovering while she’s in district 13? 🫶🫶
A/N: The way I smiled when I saw this request I swear. This one has been in the works for a little while and I thought it fit perfectly. It is angst you ask for and it is angst you shall get. I'm considering writing a part two but I'm not sure how to yet. My bad habit of not proofreading happened again and with this one especially it was way too long so if I made any major errors pls do let me know.
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The Capitol.
You are currently in the Capitol.
At least that’s where you think you are. You remember being in the arena, you remember running towards the general direction you last saw Finnick, remembering the marks you had gone by in case you had to take a different route. You remember seeing Finnick's face through the plantation, you’d be able to recall those features anywhere. You remember something hitting you from behind and falling to the ground, too caught up in catching up with him to check your surroundings. You remember crying out in pain, hoping he’d hear you. But the next thing you remember is the vision of him slowly going out of focus and losing consciousness not long after. 
At least that's what you think happened.
At least you can still remember, that’s worth something right? You remember your past, and you remember the reaping that led to the arena. The flood of relief that went over you as you finally found your way back to him. You don’t know what happened to Finnick, he was there too after all, but you had needed to split up early. Maybe he had been caught off guard too. Maybe he escaped. Maybe they never even found him. Maybe with him being the idiot he could be, he was probably already on his way here, looking for you. Just like you would have done for him, and he would have called you an idiot then too.
You would get out of here one way or another, that much you knew, but you needed to remember more, you needed to remember the last look on his face, you hadn't had much time to take it in, but you remembered the furrow of his eyebrows, the same expression he always had when he was trying to concentrate, you needed to remember that.
You knew that once you did get out of here, Finnick would be furious, telling you that you had been reckless, that you shouldn't have let your guard down, shortly after telling you how worried he had been. And it would feel like coming home.
Your mind becomes hazier, and it is harder to remember. You feel your head throbbing, and you move your hand towards it until you feel it can move no further. You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the bright light that covers the room. You can't see much, can't move your head much.
You remember the rendezvous point you had talked about. You remember the quick “don't get yourself in trouble” and the kiss he gave you right before you parted ways.
You remember the layers of plants and trees you moved through, seeing some of them cut down, letting you know someone else had been there
But you know there is more, more that you missed. The stomped-out ashes that you ran past, you know you should have paid closer attention. But you can’t remember
You need to remember what happened. How you got here. Who got you here. If you really are in the capitol. But your mind doesn't want to cooperate anymore. The room is getting darker and darker, even though the lamp above your head is still dutifully buzzing
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You wake up, you still remember where you are, or at least where you think you are. You still remember yesterday, was it yesterday? Why couldn't they just hang a clock in here? 
You look up, and you see a device set up, not too far from where you're lying down. You try to get a better look but the light above your head is too blinding to see anything else in the room. You don’t fully understand it until a man walks into the room with a video camera in his hand and an expression on his face that seems just a tad too happy. 
The camera starts blinking a red light, signalling you that it has started recording. The man has a sort of laser that he presses into your lower stomach, it doesn't breach your skin but it hurts like it does. It takes all your energy not to show him the satisfaction of it.
“Come on now darling, work with me a little.” He says after a while, changing the setting on the laser. The last bit of your energy is gone, and you can't keep the screaming from escaping any longer. It echoes off the white walls around you and when you hear yourself, you barely even recognize it. He seems satisfied with the result and finally puts the laser down. You look down but don't see any burn marks or indication of what has just happened.
He comes closer and you can see he is holding a sort of crowbar, but you're not sure why. You remember how you always left one outside your window in the districts, in case the wind had shut it and you needed to sneak back in. You remember Finnick finding out, giving you a serious, disappointed look, but not telling you to stop.
Before you can think of anything else, the bar hits you with full force, right above the spot he was previously focused on. You didn't expect it, and it knocks the little breath you had left out of your lungs. He hits again, not in the same spot, but close, he is very clearly aiming for your ribs. The switching between high-tech and old-school weapons has you puzzled, but you can't deny the result either of them has.
After a while, he stops, and with the added difficulty and pain that now comes with breathing, you are more than certain he just bruised a few of your ribs.
He walks back, taking the camera in his hands. He aims it at your face and you close your eyes to try and collect yourself as much as your current state allows. Your hair is a tangled mess and you are rather certain there is blood smushed over your face from the cuts you got in the arena. 
“Smile for the camera sweetheart.” He asks, even though it sounds more like an order than a request. You open your eyes to look at him. He is so close, and you want to drive your thumbs so far into his eye sockets you can feel the front lobe of his brain, if he even has one. But you can't do anything, no matter how much you want to fight, you are powerless here. You close your eyes again, trying to block everything out and remember.
You remember District Four, the way the light summer breeze would always carry the smell of the beach to your house, no matter how hard you had it, it always livened you up. You remember the first time Finnick tried to teach you how to surf, being so gentle with you no matter how many times you fell off it, always there to catch you again. You remember your last birthday, well, the day after, but you couldn't even complain about that. He had picked you up from your place and brought you to one of the lakes with him. He told you the story of one of his birthdays when he was younger, along with all the embarrassing details, but of course, it only endeared him further to you. You told him about the presents you got and all the people who came to wish you a happy birthday. You told him everything you could remember. You remember last seeing his face, maybe it was the last time you will have ever seen it. No. No, you remember it, but you’ll see it again, you have to.
“I’ll make sure your loverboy gets to see this, wherever he is, wouldn't want him to miss out on the fun.” 
Finn. Finnick. You remember Finnick. You remember when you returned from your first games. The black eye and broken arm you came home with. You remember how he lost it when they didn't immediately treat you for it. He would now either throw a fit over it for everyone to see or be so stoic in his thoughts even Johanna would get a little concerned.
You see the man standing up, walking to the table, and picking up something new. A syringe, it's a syringe. He walks over and pushes it into your upper arm, and before you know it, your vision turns black again.
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You remember waking up to gunshots, and you panic. But after a few seconds, you figure out they’re not near you. There is, however, someone in the room with you, it's the same man again. He looks a little panicked, but you can’t figure out why just yet. The gunshots are becoming louder, and closer, and he seems more startled now. His arms drop to his sides from what he was doing and his eyes widen. Screams are echoing and you can hear footsteps.
You remember that pattern of paddling feet, and you recognize the second pair of steps too, but you can't remember much else.
The man gets closer to you, placing his hand over your mouth, pulling out a gun with his free hand and telling you to stay quiet. You never understood why people say that, it means he has something to lose, and you want to scream out, but your voice doesn't remember how to.
It's even closer now, right outside the door, and you can hear talking. You remember his voice. How he always asked you so sweetly how your day had been, the way he whispered sweet nothings in your ear as you fell asleep. 
You hear the door jiggle, and it makes you want to scream out for him, but your sore throat won't let you. For a moment you think that is it, you had your chance, and you let it go by. He’ll move along the hallway to the other doors and leave you here. But then you hear another gunshot, and they must have shot the lock, because right after you hear someone running into the door with an echoing thump as it breaks open. 
The man next to you had his gun pointed at the door, and he changes it to point at you instead. 
You were right, by the gods you had never been so thankful to have been right. Finnick walks in, and you can see the colour drain from his face as he does so. 
The man standing next to you is starting to get nervous, you can see the sweat starting to drip down his face. He must realize he has been matched, because there are more people by Finnicks side. But the man still has his gun pointed at you, and this isn't over just yet.
You can't keep your eyes open anymore, and when you close them, you remember. You remember your first kiss with Finnick, how nervous he had been at the time. He had been shaking a little and told you he was embarrassed by how much you got to him, but it only endeared him further to you.  He yells at the man to let go of the gun, he sounds nervous again.
But he doesn't let go, he decides to shoot. 
You hear the bullet leaving the gun, and for a single moment, you think it's over. The last thing you’ll ever see is Finnick, but he’s not himself. He’s upset, and even though you know he’s not upset with you, it still tugs at you. Except when you feel the bullet piercing through your skin, that's exactly what you realise. You can still feel it. He didn't shoot you right in the heart, he didn't shoot towards your head, he shot you in the abdomen. You’re not sure why, not sure why he didn't kill you, but you will never know, because not even a second passes as you hear a second gunshot, and he falls to the floor.
You can't seem to remember how to open your eyes, but you can hear Finnick rushing over and right as he reaches you, you fall. You fall into his arms and the memory of it gives you hope. Something comes in contact with your stomach, and the agony of it makes you want to scream out. You can feel him lifting you, and the shift of your body makes the bullet move, making you want to scream again. And if you remembered how to, you would have.
You know he’s talking to someone, but it sounds more like buzzing to you. You can only make out certain parts of the conversation, something about needing to leave, something about infections, and something about an aircraft. 
You can hear him talking again, and this time it’s directed at you. There’s a strain in his voice, and it sounds like he’s crying. It makes you want to comfort him, but you don’t remember how to.
“Please darling, just open your eyes."
But you’re afraid, youre afraid that if you open them, everything will turn out to be nothing but a dream, and he won’t be here anymore. But even if this is a dream, you need to see him. Even if it will turn into a haunted memory, you need to see his eyes looking back at you. It takes you some effort, but you open your eyes, looking at him. You can see tears flooding his face, you can see his lips moving, silent pleas coming from them for you to stay awake. He’s telling you how good of a job you’re doing, he's telling you to hold on. He promises that he won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again and that he won’t let go of you anymore.
You remember how he cried when you were reaped for the 75th games, and how you had told him everything would be okay, how you had comforted him, but you don't have the energy to comfort him this time. You remember hearing his sobbing, his shaking voice when you close your eyes again, not being able to keep them open any longer, even if you wanted to.
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You wake up again, and for a moment you think it had indeed all been a dream, that you were right back where you had started, But then you remember the bullet in your stomach. You look down and see a bandage over it, even though it’s already soaked in blood. They must have taken it out. 
You try and concentrate, and you can hear Finnick talking to someone. “Just tell me, I know it’s bad but I need to know.” “Finnick, it won’t make a difference.” The person he’s talking to sounds desperate, and you remember how stubborn he could be when it came to you. 
But you don’t remember more, because your head starts to feel light again and you give in to the feeling.
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When you wake up again, you manage to open your eyes, and you can see someone sitting in a chair next to the bed you're in. He’s slumped over, his face half pressed into the mattress and half into your stomach, both of his hands are holding onto one of yours. It hurts a little, but you don't mind, because it reminds you, even when you look away, that he is still there. You remember the way he always softly snores, and the way he wiggles his nose when your hair falls over it.
You think you're connected to a monitor, because something is beeping in the same rhythm you can feel your heart beating, and it gives you a headache. So you close your eyes again, and once again, you give in to the feeling of sleep that looms over you.
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Since you had been brought to District 13, he has barely left your side. He keeps putting cold washcloths on your forehead to try and break your fever. It won't help, and he knows it, but no one has the heart to stop him. 
You haven't shown a single sign of life since they had found you. It was unsettling, the silence that filled the room, none of your usual laughter and banter there to replace it. 
It’s only when Finnick's head shoots up that the others notice it as well. The steady beeping that has been imposing the silence in this room for weeks picking up its pace. The beating continues to go faster and faster, your body shaking up from the bed in almost the same rhythm. But right before anyone can do anything about it, it stops. It all seems to stop, you stop moving, and the monitor stops beating.
He starts giving you chest compressions, and someone rushes into the room holding a small bottle, they fill a syringe with the clear liquid and inject it into your arm. Within a few seconds, your heart starts beating again. But it’s only after a minute of the monitor showing him a steady heartrate that he stops his actions.
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It’s dark in the room when Finnick wakes up, and if it wasn't for the soft light and the beeping of the monitor, he would've thought he was dreaming, but it seems the reality won’t let him escape. He struggles not to fall back asleep, and every few minutes he does, but every time he wakes up startled again, scared that you’ll be gone if he doesn't open his eyes every once in a while. It was easy to see the toll it had taken on him. His posture was slouched, his face less well-groomed than usual. But no one could blame him, because they could see the way he looked at you, as if you were the sun and your dimmed light turned his world dark. 
He knows the chance you can hear him is small, but he feels the urge to talk to you nonetheless. 
“I don't think I can hold this in any longer. I remember some studies that have shown people in comas do hear what's going on around them, but maybe it’s for the best that you don’t, because you would never say yes.”
He continues but he feels his voice choke up, and he runs a hand through your hair to calm himself down, his other hand still holding onto yours.
“We talked about it once, I still remember every single word you said. You came at me with all your logical reasons for why it would be a bad idea. But what you never understood is that when it comes to you, I'm not able to think rationally, because my love for you will overpower anything else.” He chuckles softly as he recalls the memory he’s about to tell you next.
“I remember when I opened up to you for the first time. I had always held things to myself, but you were so calm as I talked to you. I thought for sure I had screwed it up somehow then. Everyone always tells me now how happy you make me, and they're right. Ever since you came into my life there has not been a single moment when the thought of you did not bring me joy, even when we fought my memories of you could still somehow bring a smile to my face. 
I remember when they showed me the video, they hadn't wanted me to see it, but you know how stubborn I can be when it comes to you. I saw you, I saw the way in which they were hurting you. And I started yelling, ironically enough in that moment, you were the only one that could have calmed me down. I remember yelling at them, fighting with them not to wait any longer, that they couldn't let you wait any longer, they had to have me sedating until they came to a conclusion."
He reaches into the pocket of his trousers, taking a small ring. It was his mother's ring, he had found it a while back and had carried it with him ever since. He had thought of moments to give it to you, but every time there was one, every time he was about to ask you, something had happened, something had interrupted him. But there was no one interrupting him this time. “I have thought about asking you this every time I see you, and I can't hold it in any longer. So when you wake up, not if you wake up, because I know you will. I know you will wake up because you have to. So when you wake up, will you marry me.” A little part of him had thought you'd wake up, that you’d answer him. Even if you said no, it would still be better than what's happening right now, because he didn't care if you'd say no, if you’d say you weren't ready, because nothing could be worse than the silence that followed him. And so he slid the ring onto your finger delicately, as if you were to disappear if he wasn't careful. He put the ring on your hand because he knew that even if it wasn't today, and it wasn't tomorrow, someday you would marry him, and he wouldn't let you slip away.
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At first, he thought he was imagining it, sleep deprivation and desperation playing a trick on his mind. But then he saw it again, in the beams of morning light he could see your hand moving, as if it was trying to grasp onto something, trying to pull you back into this world. It woke him up in an instant. But it was all followed so fast, the way your eyes slowly opened, squinting at the light. Before you had even awoken for a second, he moved from where he had been right beside you in order to hug you. And he was about to get lost in the thought of your moving lips, tears falling down his eyes, about to get lost in a kiss full of built-up pain and desperation when he noticed, something was wrong. Your eyebrows were knitted together and the corners of your mouth turned down just a little. He looked at your expression, your body language, something was wrong. You looked vulnerable, you looked like you wanted to protect yourself from someone.
It was only when he looked into your eyes that he truly understood something was very wrong.
Your eyes looked as if you were in pain, but it wasn't a look of any physical pain, it looked as if something was endangering you, but he couldn't understand what it was. He slowly moved so as not to startle you and asked you “Darling, what’s wrong” And at first you didn’t respond, but when he kept looking at you, expecting him to answer you, you started to speak. “Am I supposed to remember you?” 
He immediately flinched back at the statement, his shoulder sunk and his eyes dimmed. Someone told him it wasn't uncommon for brain injuries to cause short-term memory loss after a coma.
So slowly, and surely, he made it work. But it was crumbling him down every time you didn't remember the unconscious acts of affection, so foreign to you now. A quick touch on your arm as he walked towards you made you flinch slightly as if his hand had been on fire. The subtle smiles he gave you when entering a room were now met with you looking down. The way that even though you were physically here, you really weren't. 
He promised himself, he vowed to himself that he would make you remember. That no matter how long it took, he would wait for you. He would wait for you to remember, make you remember. Because he had very quickly learned that he couldn’t live without you anymore.
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Part 2: Trying to Forget
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archie-sunshine · 4 months
Hey! Love ur stuff man! Whats ur thoughts on optiratch? :0
OMG HI HELLO!!! I love your art ack-
Anyways!! I personally don't have a TON of thoughts on optiratch??? I haven't watched a ton of tf media where both Optimus and Ratchet interact and have big chemistry, so i should probably(definitely) get on that.
As much as I hate to admit it i DO enjoy their vibes in tfp though. I think it's gay as hell to call someone 'old friend' and I see the longing in ratchet's gay little eyes when he looks at that man.
OH! AND!!! During the shadowplay arc in MTMTE?? with young ratchet and orion pax? I REALLY liked their chemistry there as well. I definitely am a MTMTE forward blog so this might just be me being annoying, but I definitely hc mtmte/idw ratty as getting around a lot. I think he and oppy definitely had their time together, very puppy love energy despite ratchet being an incredible surgeon and orion being a supercop.
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TYSM FOR ASKING!!! I love your art so much so it was a crazy fuckin whiplash moment to catch you in my inbox haha! don't be a stranger! :D
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please can I request soft/ fluff HCs with Peter quill? it’s sinful how little fics there are of him, so had to ask you :) 💕 preferably female but GN is fine too
hii! omg yess that’s so true, there is literally no fics of him! I have searched for so long to find some quill fics but often come up empty, so if anyone has recs, please please send them my way (I need them and him) ive never wrote for quill so hope these are accurate. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
headcanons/ imagines
peter quill x f reader
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warnings || none
a/n || I may have done this first, sorry to all the others in my inbox, this was something fun to do and hopefully it might kick me into writing again
masterlist + rules
- it’s a given, but you guys talk about music ALL the time, it’s definitely a very important part of your relationship. maybe you share new songs with him from different decades, but you definitely prefer his music and he loves that you love his music
- he has an abundance of funky, fun and cool graphic tees, he loves to share them with you and probably prefers them on you
- he definitely fell first
- he loves to make you laugh, constantly cracking jokes. doesn’t even need to try and you’d just be laughing or smiling at him. his favourite laughs of yours are when you snort or cackle at his unintentional jokes
- it makes him feel special that you pay attention to the little things he says and when you react earnestly to them
- even though he LOVES the other guardians, he definitely prefers one on one time with you and loves to have you all to himself. he also loves your attention, and he definitely craves time with you
- he has major abandonment issues, so he doesn’t like you leaving his side. you’d be like his lucky rock, or a special penny that he always needs near. you are incredibly special to quill and he is often terrified that he’ll lose you too
- he craves validation, especially from you
- he is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. he’s definitely learnt tonnes from rocket over the years
- if he ever has to do a mission separately from you (would take a lot of persuasion and reassurance first) but he always brings back some special for you, something tailored and important to you, something that holds significance
- he’s incredibly sentimental, again not always showing it. he feels safe with the other guardians, but even more so with you. he doesn’t often like talking about his mother (he finds it too difficult) it took a lot of time, but he eventually shared that part of his life with you, and he was glad he did because your reaction was exactly what he needed
- an amazing hugger, he’s super comforting and safe. he has a very homely vibe and instantly makes you feel at ease
- you two have a very fun and easygoing relationship, it’s light and airy, but serious and passionate when it needs to be. a very sincere and genuine dynamic
- he taught you how to speak groot, he’s a great teacher but it took some getting used to
- he likes when you sit on his lap when he steers the ship, even though it’s not technically safe, he loves having you near when he is in the captain's seat (or just on his lap in the seat in general)
- but if need be, your seat is behind him, so it’s not too far away
- he loves teaching you things, he wanted to be the one to teach you about the ship and its buttons and controls
- I had this idea: that you take him to earth (he might not be too fond of the idea at first) but you surprise him with concert tickets so you both could see a band he loves. he’d never stop talking about it, and he’d keep the ticket stubs pinned up so he could look at them all the time
- he would do ANYTHING for you, he goes love blind (may have gotten himself hurt a couple of times to protect you)
- you both invented a special code/ encryption so you can talk to each other over comms. if he is on the other side of the ship (maybe tinkering) he’ll send you a secret message to let you know he’s thinking of you
- you guys don’t really argue (that’s not a bad thing either) if you have a disagreement it’s usually very light, and unserious, he’d probably accidentally make you laugh during it and then everything goes back to normal
- but if you ever do get into an argument, he can be quite stubborn
- he is a man-child (but the best kind!!) he can be immature and cocky but he’s always lighthearted. he’s just a fun-loving goof
- he loves when you call him starlord (but you don’t say it too often, so it doesn’t lose its meaning)
- you helped him process his grief, especially after yondu. once he felt comfortable talking about him again, he’d tell you all of these stories about him growing up
- he no longer drinks to forget, he now prefers a social drink after a mission with the crew instead. he doesn’t feel the need to drink himself silly now that he has you
- the guardians think you’re a great addition to the team and love that you make quill so happy
- you and peter share stories of earth with the others, sometimes you’d bend the truth and say wacky absurd things to joke around with them, but that being said it often flies over their heads, especially drax and mantis
- you two are definitely best friends as well as a couple, the perfect balance of friendship and romance, which is what makes the connection so special
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
Omg the kissing the prettiest person in the room one was so good!!!! I was squealing the entire time
No pressure at all, but i sure hope you plan on continuing with the other characters! You write them all so good, I'd love to see what you'd come up with!
"kiss the prettiest person in the room" with the younger brothers
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includes: satan, asmo, beel, belphie x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: 1.2k | rated t | m.list | pt 1 | pt 3
a/n: at long last it's here! thankyou for all of the support on the first part, and i hope this holds up to it's legacy lol. my inbox is open to chat, request, and leave feedback, so come say hi!!
please reblog :3
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diavolo is holding another sleepover, and you’re all crammed into one of his living rooms, sitting in a rough circle, with some on the couches, some in chairs, and some on the floor
you’re on one of the smaller couches, sharing it with solomon and when the sorcerer gets this glint in his eyes you know he had something up his sleeve
“let’s play truth or dare,” he suggests, and though you suspect the game will devolve into chaos, many of the brothers are quickly on board
the game goes a few rounds before solomon calls on you. “mc, truth or dare?”
you balk; the dare will no doubt be something intense and possibly humiliating, but choosing truth would probably be much worse. “dare,” you say, as confidently as you can
solomon grins wickedly. “kiss the prettiest person in this room.”
you gape at him even as various protests are raised around the room.
“no, mc does it or gets punished for chickening out,” solomon insists, and you recall the punishment, which is to buy a dinner next time you’re all out, something your poor wallet really can’t handle.
“i’ll do it,” you say, and a hush falls over the room as they all wait for you to pick.
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satan raises an eyebrow in surprise when he sees you accept the dare. he was sure you’d chicken out, so to see you challenge solomon so boldly, well, it’s interesting.
around him, everyone stiffens, wondering who you’ll pick. satan won’t lie- he’s no different. will you choose him?
it’s unlikely, but not impossible. no, it’s almost certain you’ll pick either asmo, mammon, or lucifer. although, he wouldn’t be surprised by simeon either. he watches you look around the room, mentally gauging all of the candidates, and though his insides burn when your gaze lingers on lucifer, he forces himself to behave.
when your eyes stop on him he suppresses a jolt, oddly feeling like cornered prey. as he’d thought, unlikely but not impossible. you make your way over to him, holding out your hand.
“can i kiss you?”
satan takes it, and you pull him up. his hands find your waist, and he steadies himself, ignoring the heat trailing down his neck where he’s surely blushing. “of course.”
you waste no time, leaning in and giving him a perfectly nice kiss, somehow managing to sate his appetite and leave him wanting much, much more at the same time. you pull away first, and satan doesn’t chase you, but he does hold your gaze for a moment too long, making it clear that this isn’t over. instead of backing down, you give him a little wink, returning to your seat without so much as a backward glance. he can’t wait for the game to be over so he can get you alone.
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asmo taps his chin, lips curving upward. “you’re going to kiss me, right mc?” he asks coyly. “i mean, of course i’m the only choice.”
“you think you’re the prettiest in my eyes?” you question, and asmo holds his ground, laughing easily even as everything inside of him begs you not to contradict him.
“well, of course,” he trills. “we are talking about me here~”
“i suppose you’re right,” you say, beckoning him over. the gall you have, to make him come to you, but asmo supposes he doesn't really mind. it is you, after all. he waits in front of you, glad he’d applied scented chapstick only a few moments ago.
you gently take his wrist, pulling him down to your level. “of course you’re the prettiest,” you whisper, only to him, breath fanning over the shell of his ear. “you are my asmodeus, after all.”
he needs to hide the boneless relief the words give him, so he moves your chin from his ear to his face, watching how your lashes flutter. you kiss him, and asmo can’t remember the last time he’d had such a kiss, so pure and chaste and utterly perfect.
someone calls for the two of your to break it up after a moment, and you pull back, leaving him stunned. “was that good enough for you?” you take your turn to be coy, as if you can’t see the effect you have on him.
“i suppose,” asmo says after a moment. “but it can’t hurt to reinforce is just to make sure.”
you laugh, pushing him away softly, but before the sting of rejection can hit him, you smile, promising, “later.”
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beel is only half-paying attention to the game, but when he hears the word ‘kiss’ he pauses, looking over at you. you don’t shy away from solomon in the slightest, accepting his dare sweetly, and beel can’t resist a smile. that’s just like you, after all.
beel doesn’t really have any expectations. he knows he’s good-looking, knows that some people at rad have liked him, but he’s never been called pretty. this dare isn’t meant for him, which is fine.
but you seem to disagree, locking eyes with him and sending him a silent question. beel tilts his head. you can’t seriously be considering him, now can you?
confused, he ducks his head yes, and you grin, jumping up. he watches you approach, skin buzzing. he still can’t beelive it. why, out of everyone, did you pick him?
“hey,” you say, a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. “you sure you’re okay with this? i won’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
it hits him completely then- you want to kiss him! as in, your lips touching his.
“i’m good,” beel says, mouth sticky, and he desperately thinks of the last thing he ate, glad it was one of barbatos’ desserts, and not like hellfire newt soup or something you weren’t a fan of.
“okay,” you lean down over him, “here i go, then.”
he instinctively grabs onto you, holding onto your shoulders. your mouth is warm on his, and when you pull back, beel knows he’s probably bright red. the game moves on after a few minutes of ribbing and teasing, but beel can hardly focus, getting lost in the memory of your skin under his palms, the softness of your lips.
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belphie narrows his eyes as he takes in solomon’s dare. just what is this sorcerer playing at? you accept, as he suspected you would, and your eyes flit around the room, studying everyone for a brief moment.
“belphie,” you say, but it’s almost an order, as belphie instinctively moves towards you, sliding across the floor until he’s at your feet, looking up into your eyes. you place a hand under his chin, gently forcing his head even further up, and he moves under your fingers easily, letting you arrange him as you wish.
vicious satisfaction runs through him when he thinks of what his brothers must be feeling, especially lucifer. and diavolo doubtlessly was jealous too. heh, as he should be.
you kiss him without preamble, leaning down, and belphie relishes in the moment, short as it is. his arms go up to you, holding you closer to him, and you don’t seem to mind. it’s only when the cries of outage from the peanut gallery reach their fervor pitch does he pull back, bracing a hand against the floor to keep himself steady. you look as affected as he feels, eyes wide and bright, but your hand is steady where it still holds his chin.
“thank you,” you say, releasing him, and belphie feels oddly like a servant at his master’s feet, used on a whim. but if that’s where you want him, then that’s where he’ll happily be, as long as it means he can be close to you.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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iheartmalewives · 11 days
Since you're online again i was hoping you cpuld mayhaps open your requests again? :3 and if so could you perchance write an idia aquarium date?
Aquatic Sceneries are Enjoyed Best With the Right Company ☆
HI OMG 😭 THANK GOD IM BACK AFTER A WHOLE ASS YEAR OF DISAPPEARANCE. Ive been so caught up with everything that I totally forgot about tumblr 😓😓 Im back now and will be taking requests! I have deleted the old requests as they probably dont want to read it anymore hshsjd ;; so if you have any new requests, tell me in my inbox ^^
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An aquatic date with a special someone was one of your dream dates. You loved seeing marine life and the habitat they live in through a glass, but seeing it with someone you love was definitely an added point.
And of course, you had to drag Idia Shroud on a aquarium date. You two have been dating for a while but you've only ever had your date nights indoors. Initially, you didn't mind it. You always wanted Idia to feel comfortable no matter what. But this time, you just couldn't resist going on this trip with him!
It took you 5 whole days to persuade him, 5 whole days of begging on your knees and giving him all kinds of limited edition items just to convince him. Thankfully, he eventually agreed.
In the serene Aquatic area, with only a few people around, the two of you stood, captivated by the sight of fish gracefully swimming. "I can't stand these things..." he mumbled, lightly tapping on the glass, causing the fish to scatter in fear. And in that moment, a look of horror washed over his face as he turned to you exclaiming, "Even the fish are scared of me!"
"No they're not. They're like that! See—" As you tapped on your side of the window, contrary to his experience, the fish didn't scatter at all. Instead, they became drawn to your finger, as if it were fresh bait, swimming closer with curiosity and interest. "Nevermind."
"S-See? They hate me." He pointed at the fishes accusingly.
"No, they dont." You provided reassurance by linking your arm with his before leading him to another area. The two of you continued to explore, marveling at the diverse species you encountered along the way. With each new sight, Idia's curiosity and interest grew stronger.
Certain fish were particularly drawn to his hair, which seemed to radiate various shades of blue, illuminating the room with vibrant hues. "Look, we can eat that." You playfully said, pointing at a humongous fish that swam around slowly.
"Ew. No." He frowned. "I hate seafood with like a BURNING passion."
"Is that a pun?"
"Maybe." He grinned, showing off those razor-sharp teeth that you always thought was endearing, even if it scared a few people alway. "But NGL, I could definitely catch these things."
"In what? A game?" You asked sarcastically, watching the tips of his hair turn a shade of pink. "Duh. Those types of games are easy win. GG fishies." He said, glancing at the tank next to you, the smirk on his face causing you to laugh softly.
"Right. Let's enjoy this rather than thinking about killing the fishes. Oh— What about a pic?"
"I don't do pictures!" He squeaked, his eyes widening in slight horror.
"Come on, Ids. Pleaaase?"
"I already came here. Isn't that enough? This is not a normal habitat for me."
You grinned and took out your phone, taking a selfie, with Idia trying his best not to shy away; his hair was slowly turning pink.
But then again, this whole date was a dream come true for you and he couldn't care less about getting embarrassed as long as he makes you happy. (and get you to buy more figurines for him even though he can afford it all)
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a/n: hoping this is enough for a come back 😭 again, open for requests
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obae-me · 1 month
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
Ok so here are my thoughts about the other stuff that happened yesterday because there’s 60 asks in my inbox and it feels a little mean to not acknowledge them. But because there’s 60 and it would take me 3 months to answer, I’m just going to give you my thoughts after you gave me yours instead of answering each ask separately.
As usual - don’t click ‘keep reading’ if you don’t want PR and relationship talk. These are my personal takes, I’m not saying they’re correct.
GT and DT
What happened yesterday was probably the most blatant PR they could have went for and it was so obvious and over the top that instead of making me go “aww” it made me go “when is the new project?”
There is a lot of power in subtlety. It feels real, soft, loveable. That’s what real couples do. They don’t have the need to promote their relationship to gain something out of it. But starting with DT name dropping GT during interviews, then the day of BAFTAs starting with paid for articles about the wife of the host, about things that happened many years ago, just to have an excuse to write about her, and then screaming omg cameras let’s kiss right in front of them - it’s insincere. It’s a show. Things like that happen for a reason. It’s the most basic PR move.
My guesses are;
> GT wants to come back to acting or basically have some sort of project so DT used the moment to bring attention to her. Helped her start off again. Remember also The Way was released today, just one day after BAFTAs.
> Or perhaps it was basically DT thinking you know what, I want to share this special day with the wife and the husband - so he had the articles written about GT and did the kiss, and then did the sketch and met with MS in the audience - he knew articles will be written about this too.
It will be verified soon enough - if GT announces anything that will be the reason for all the promo lately. If not - my guess is the other reason.
It’s quite clever really because DT gave her general visibility and then he made a whole show with Michael in a room with some of the best directors, producers, actors, castings… Look at us and how fantastic we are together! (Give DT and MS jobs together! 😂)
Well, also, he didn’t need to choose a plus one between GT and MS, clever bastard 😂 He had both with him on such an important night for him.
We all joke about what happened yesterday and how inseparable MS and DT are but this really was DT ensuring the spotlight is on his wife and his husband that night and they’re a significant part of his night. They’re both really important to him in whatever way you choose to believe. This is the two people he wanted to share the night with.
Media knows. Have you noticed there were a few close ups of Michael and nobody else? Not even GT, and definitely not AL.
AL and MS
Uh oh are we ready for this conversation.
I watched the Red Carpet. I think there are two problems - MS has checked out a long time ago, and AL has no idea what to do with herself but she wants *fame* and to meet celebrities.
I saw MS on a red carpet with someone he actually adores. It was a striking difference. That was DT. That was MS who showed off his partner, laughed, chatted, giggled, made him feel at ease, made sure the attention was on the slightly overwhelmed and excited DT, steered him a little. His arm around him was strong. He was there for him completely.
There’s none of that with AL.
I think what makes the awkwardness even worse is that she wants to be a supermodel but she’s actually too self conscious for cameras. She doesn’t know how to pose, she’s stiff, she doesn’t know if to open her mouth or not - she doesn’t have the confidence to just smile and be herself because what she worries the most about is the final product. So every time it comes out like there’s nothing between the ears. Like a puppet.
There’s actually quite a simple comparison - DT and GT on the same day. As far as I’m aware GT finds red carpets stressful and usually avoids them - but what did DT do? He kept on talking and making her laugh so she’d relax and so they got a few good shots. But that’s people who clearly share sympathy and respect for each other.
Now the elephant in the room - AL not being in the sketch.
I’m waiting for some beautiful excuse so I won’t be surprised we will get it but my guesses are;
> The simplest one - BAFTAs said VIP only. GT probably only got the line because she’s the host’s wife and so AL had no chance just being a partner of MS.
> Cheekier one - It was David’s night and like I said before, he wanted his people in it. AL isn’t one of them. He knows she’s not really MS’s either. We know GT/AL wife thing is bullshit.
> Honestly, maybe even Michael said he doesn’t want her. This is the man who’s been showing left and right he is not happy so…
> Well, anyway, let’s say this - I think if they wanted her to be in it, she would had been in it.
I will admit - damn that was cold and I’m not surprised she’s slightly lashing out today.
But you know what, I’m happy. I’m happy that David has a video with Michael to celebrate his BAFTAs. That he didn’t need to “give in” at any point. This was his night, he slayed it, he has fantastic memories for the rest of his life.
And the reviews have been fantastic so I see a return for him in the future.
And freaking hell I hope there are tv shows and movies being written for MS/DT as we speak.
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I made a similar ask a while ago but i don't know if tumblr ate it or some other predicament (if you just didn't want to answer it that's fine too)
Do you think Michael had a childhood? And if he did, how do you think it was?
Omg I'm so sorry 😭 I was going to say I think Tumblr ate it, but I just looked back in my inbox and found it.
Probably what happened was this was sent during a bit of a semi-hiatus of mine. I got into a bit of a mental health funk and lost interest in Michael, so I probably just wasn't feeling it then forgot to circle back to this when I actually got back into the headspace to do so.
Anyway... enough explanations and into the actual question.
I'm tempted to say no, that he didn't have a childhood. This is based on some of my theories/headcanons regarding him and Barbatos (I still need to get around to writing that post @_@), and iirc Barbatos canonically never had a childhood.
However... that's boring. So, I'm going to go into some kid!Michael headcanons!
I imagine Michael's childhood having been relatively quiet and uneventful. The realms had only just been created, after all- there weren't very many beings around to cause problems, and things were only just starting to go into motion. Things started to get rowdy in his teen years, as the Devildom and Celestial Realm began to clash and he found himself leading legions of angels onto the battlefield, but his earliest years were quite unremarkable.
Michael was the first and only angel, for a while. But it didn't take long for him to get his first brother: Lucifer. The two essentially grew up together- Michael was a little older, but they experienced their childhood together.
Though it was just him and Lucifer for a while, Michael couldn't stop thinking about his siblings soon to be. Michael can see time, and got little glimpses of the future of his family. He'd offhandedly tell Lucifer the vague little tidbits that he somehow seemed to just know, excitedly rambling about their siblings-to-be.
"The next one's name is going to be... Simon? Or was it Simeon? Anyway. He's going to be even-tempered with the kindest smile, and he's going to love flowers!"
And Lucifer wouldn't quite believe him- only Father could know such things. But he'd chuckle a little and say, "Alright, Michael."
When the angels were just a small few, Michael would get lonely often. He tended to cling to Lucifer as his best friend, his first playmate. Whenever he got bored, he'd go talk Lucifer's ears off about something or other. It... was a little much for Lucifer at times. Eventually, Lucifer suggested Michael start writing down his thoughts instead of constantly subjecting him to them. As such, Michael got his diary, and has been religiously filling it out ever since. Nowadays, having that place to empty his thoughts makes him miss Lucifer a little less, and a little more.
Back then, Lucifer was the one on the straight and narrow. Michael was all over the place. He was the one who'd sneak down to the human world, to see rumored wonders like "stars" and "sunsets". He'd put off his duties like a little kid who didn't want to do their homework, refuse to sleep alone and regularly crawl into Lucifer's bed when Father stopped cuddling him to sleep. He took a lot longer to "grow up". Sometimes, he's convinced he still hasn't. Even if he's too ashamed to ever admit it.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Theres a lot of cuss words in this one so be warned lol
Bro i just had this-- insane fucking idea when i saw your "flowery words" post and i just-- omg I just had to shareee
So reader right? Very blunt, straight to the point sentences that dont dance around the bushes for 6 hours trying to tell you "oh no your house is on fire" or something, yeah? Well-- what if it turns the OPPOSITE when they start to SWEAR--
Because like-- i know myself. Me and like, so many people i know speak like that (blunt and straight to the point) but like-- when i get even MILDLY inconvenienced, i will start swearing like i have a masters degree in cursing out you and your entire flippity flappity bloodline
So id imagine the contrast to be like--
Reader, chill: aether, we're supposed to be going that way, this is literally the wrong direction
(Yes this is the "i came out here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn" post)
I can just imagjne the sHEER WHIPLASH-- like, this dude has been speaking in the "divine tongue" or whatever and then suddenly theyre immediately reverted to their "lowly mortal jargon" or something-- AHAHA
Or like-- if it just turns into a reeeeeally long string of curse words, everyone would probably be so scandalized or something lolllll
Anyway, with our sponsor's message out of the way,
Bless you for this 🙏 my pets are fed, my crops are watered, my skin is clear
✨️This is gorgeous, just a gorgeous idea ✨️
I LIVE for Teyvat being scandalized maidens from the Victorian era, gOD BLESS ITD BE WONDERFUL
Like our modern music?? Absolutely would give heart attacks, not even the most stoic of them would escape the blush
Esp with cussing pretty please i wish i could see the looks on their faces, they'd also probably blush at how creative it can get lmao
(daresay, maybe even impressed?)
oh the whiplash, its be so funny, every time. No one can keep up with you, you've got Teyvat linguists stumbling, the older beings cant understand you sometimes, the newer ones only understand you SOME of the time, and apparently most often? Only when you're cursing??
(I think various characters would find an ancient deity only deigning to speak their lang. when they gotta cuss smth out the funniest shit ever, like Venti, Itto, Cyno?, Diona, Hu Tao, Kaeya, maybe Kazuha, Lisa, Nahida probably would get a giggle, Rosaria, Heizou, Childe, Tighnari might like, be trying desperately to hold back a laugh but it's not working, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xingqiu, Yae Miko would def commission a light novel for this, and Yelan - im so sorry i listed who exactly, this is so long ill stop, i just thought someone would like to see it 😭😭)
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massivedrickhead · 4 months
OMG HI HAPPY 2024!! missed your one shots
Anyway, how about prompt #14? Don’t have anything in mind but I know you’re gonna crush it, u always do🫶
Sorry this took so long for me to get to!
I've moved away from the bechloe & Sarah au, and I'll likely be sticking with just doing separate prompts at least until my inbox is cleared, as I can't think of a way to make these ones fit that au.
We're back with a little sprinkling of angst now, so I hope you like it!
14. “I don’t want you to be alone right now.”
Prompt taken from here.
Read on AO3
Chloe’s voice was unexpected, and it caused Beca to snap out of her spiralling thoughts and face the doorway.
“Hey,” Beca said. Her voice was rough and tired, and she cleared her throat before she spoke again. “You didn’t have to come.”
Chloe shook her head as she took a seat in the chair at Beca’s bedside. “I’m still your emergency contact, of course I did. You shouldn’t be by yourself right now.”
Beca could see the concern in her ex-girlfriend’s eyes. Could see the tears that were shimmering in them, along with the barely contained panic. 
Chloe needed to be there as much as Beca needed her there. 
“Thank you,” Beca said. There was much more she wanted to say - much more she needed to say - but she didn’t have the energy to try and summon the words. The room was quiet, save for the repetitive beeps of Beca’s heart monitor, and all she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep. 
“They said you collapsed?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah,” Beca said. “Right in the middle of the office, so that’s fun for me.”
“No one came to the hospital with you?”
Beca scoffed. “It’s crunch time, I’m surprised they stopped for long enough to call an ambulance.”
They were silent for a little while before Chloe spoke up again. “Beca, are… are you sick again?”
Beca swiped her tongue across her chapped lips and cleared her throat again. “Yeah.”
“That’s why you ended things,” Chloe said, finally getting the answer to the question that had been plaguing her for months. She felt her throat get tight but she told herself she wouldn’t cry. 
“It was so hard for you last time,” Beca said. “Taking care of me took so much out of you and I didn’t want to have to put you through it again. It’s… worse this time. The prognosis is worse and the treatment is going to be more intense. I couldn’t ask you to stick around and take care of me again.”
Chloe let out a shaky breath and furiously blinked away tears. “That should have been my decision to make,” she said. 
“And I didn’t want you to have to make it,” Beca said. “I’m trying to protect you.”
“You can’t protect me from this,” Chloe said. “It’s too late, I’m already in love with you.”
“No,” Chloe said, “whatever you’re going to say, save it. I’m… God, Beca, I’m so mad at you. I’ve been confused and heartbroken for months, trying to figure out what I did wrong, and you’ve… You’ve been sick and alone.”
“It’s too much to ask you to take this on again,” Beca said, her head starting to hurt. “I can manage on my own, and you can have a full life.”
“I don’t want a life without you in it.”
“Well you’re shit out of luck then,” Beca snapped. “Because whether we’re together or not, mine is probably going to be a hell of a lot shorter than yours. You’re going to have to get used to me not being in your life eventually.”
It hit Chloe right in the chest, and she squeezed her eyes shut in a failed attempt to keep her tears at bay. 
“I’m sorry,” Beca said, the anger gone from her voice now. “I’m sorry, I’m just… I’m tired. I’m tired and I don’t know what to do.”
Chloe quickly wiped her eyes and took hold of Beca’s hand. “I’m sorry too,” she said. “Please don’t push me away, Beca. I know it’s going to be hard, but I want to be with you, for however much time we have left. Whether it’s ten months or ten years, I want to spend them with you.”
“I’m too tired to keep fighting you on this,” Beca said. “I don’t have it in me.”
“Then don’t fight me,” Chloe said. “Beca, if you think I’m capable of walking away from you right now then you don’t know me at all. I told you all those years ago that I am in this with you, and I’m telling you the same thing now.”
“Okay,” Beca said after a long pause. She sounded tired, but also relieved. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Chloe said. “So much.”
“I’m so tired. It’s… it’s been really hard,” Beca said. Tears slipped out of her eyes and down her cheeks. 
“I know,” Chloe said. She moved closer to the bed so she could brush the hair from Beca’s face. “I wish you’d called me, I wish I’d known about this sooner, but I’m here now. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
They sat in silence for a little while longer while they waited for Beca’s doctor. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, and when she did Chloe finally let out the tears she’d been holding in. 
Taking care of Beca the last time she’d been sick had been hard for both of them, and she couldn’t imagine how much harder it was about to get. But she meant what she said, and she wouldn’t be going anywhere. She would be by Beca’s side no matter what. 
It was early evening when Beca’s doctor finally came by to see them. She’d been dozing on and off for the best part of an hour and was starting to feel restless. 
“Okay Beca,” he said, reading her chart when he entered the room. “We’ve got your results back and you’re good to go.” He looked up and spotted Chloe. “Oh, hello Chloe. I didn’t expect to see you.” He looked back at Beca. “You finally told her then?”
“Yeah,” Beca said, glancing at Chloe who squeezed her hand in response. 
“Good, because this whole trying to do everything on your own and running yourself ragged isn’t going to work anymore,” he said. “You need to rest, eat well, drink water, and come to all of your appointments.”
“She will,” Chloe said. “Is that why she collapsed?”
“In a nutshell, yes,” he said. “Dehydration, low blood sugar, etc. You can’t keep going the way you’ve been going. Looking after yourself is your full-time job now, do you hear?”
“Sure,” Beca said, knowing it wasn’t really as simple as that. “I hear you. So I can go home?”
“You can go home,” he said. He looked at Chloe. “Rest, food, water, appointments.”
“Understood,” Chloe said. “I’ll keep on top of it.”
“This is why I didn’t tell you,” Beca muttered as a nurse began removing her IV. “I feel like I’m getting told off by a teacher.”
“I mean technically you are,” Chloe said with a small smirk. “I am a teacher, I’m just not yours.”
Her legs were still shaky as she got off the bed, and she took hold of Chloe’s arm when she offered it. 
“Thanks,” she said.
“Let’s get you home. What do you want for dinner?”
“I’m not really hung-”
“Did you listen to any of what the doctor just said?”
“Sorry,” Beca said with a sigh. “I feel kinda nauseous still.”
It was Chloe’s turn to sigh now, though it wasn’t out of frustration. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know you aren’t trying to be difficult. How about that chicken noodle soup I used to make?”
“Yeah,” Beca said. “That sounds good. Thank you.”
They made their way back to Chloe’s car, and she cranked up the heat as soon as she turned on the engine, hoping to stop Beca from shivering.
“Where do you want to go, your place or mine?” Chloe asked.
Beca thought about her untidy apartment, the one she’d moved into after she ended things with Chloe. It was cold, in a fairly bad neighbourhood, and was only partially furnished.
She thought back to the home she’d once shared with Chloe and her heart ached for it. 
Beca opened her mouth to answer but closed it again.
She knew what she wanted. She knew where she wanted to go, and who she wanted to be with, but she stopped herself. She didn’t even know what they were yet. They loved each other, sure, but was that enough to repair the damage she’d done? Chloe said she’d look after her, but that wasn’t the same thing as being in a relationship again.
“You don’t have to do this,” Beca said, feeling like a broken record but also feeling like she couldn’t not say it. 
“Beca,” Chloe said with a sigh. “I thought we’d moved past this.”
“I hurt you,” Beca said. “I know that. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be mad, or that you’ve got no choice but to stick around, just because I’m sick.”
“Do you want me to be here?”
“Yes,” Beca said, “but-”
“Do you want to get back together?”
“More than anything.”
“Then why are we still talking about this?” Chloe asked, feeling exasperated but also slightly panicked. She just got Beca back in her life, and she was terrified about what would happen if she couldn’t talk her back from the ledge.
“Because I don’t deserve it,” Beca said. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness or kindness. I don’t deserve you.”
“So I get punished because you feel guilty? I have to be without the woman I love because you think you don’t deserve me? Yes, Beca, you hurt me and I was mad, but not mad enough that I wouldn’t want to be with you. You’re acting like I’m some kind of saint. Like I’m doing all of this out of the goodness of my heart, but it isn’t that at all.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m in love with you, and I want to be with the person I love,” Chloe said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I want to take care of you and help you get better because I want to be with you. I’m not doing this out of guilt or a sense of obligation. I don’t know how many more times you need me to say that I’m here because I want to be here.”
“Maybe just one more time?” Beca asked, causing a smile to finally break across Chloe’s face.
“I love you,” Chloe said, cupping Beca’s face in her hand. “We’ve already wasted too much time being apart. I don’t want to waste anymore.”
Beca swallowed and closed her eyes, her forehead coming to rest against Chloe’s.
“I love you too,” she said. “And I’m sorry. For everything.”
“I know,” Chloe said, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead. “I’ll ask again, where do you want to go?”
“Can… Can I come home?”
Chloe’s smile grew. “I would really, really like that.”
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maochira · 1 year
(omg u can ignore this if u want i just wanted to interact with another fellow Dad! Ego enthusiast)
Just thinking about Dad! Ego and how he distances himself away from his child constantly due to Blue Lock and is always ignoring them and then the child has enough. Once Dad Ego has time to start spending time with his child again, they start purposefully being aloof and ignoring him to give him a taste of his own medicine and maybe even considering someone else as their father figure (Noel Noa… 👀). A whole punch to the stomach—
Like imagine how confused and hurt he’d be like ‘why is my child avoiding me?’
I actually got a super similar request like this last week!! Just haven't gotten around to writing it,, so before I let this one get drowned in my inbox, I'm doing it immediately after seeing the notification LMAO (also to the other anon who requested something similar, I'll write that later or tomorrow <3)
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist - regular masterlist
Tags: gn!Ego's child!reader, reader is a teenager, for logic purposes Ego is a bit older and I guess Noa as well?, a bit (a lot) of angst you guys know what I like to write
-during the entirety of the first until the third selection, up until the beginning of the Neo Egoist League, Ego was busy all the time. He never took any time off to spend with you and would send you away if you asked to talk to him
-that led to him neglecting you and not being there for you when you needed him. He also stopped telling you he was proud of your achievements and in general, he just became very emotionally absent towards you
-Ego was so focused on Blue Lock, he didn't notice how much damage that did to you
-when the Neo Egoist League started, Ego finally less work to do because the other coaches would be the ones occupied with the players instead. Sure, Ego still had work to do. But it became significantly less than before
-and out of nowhere, he tried being the nice and caring father he was prior to Blue Lock again. But you were scared of him switching back to only focusing on Blue Lock again, so out of self-protection to not get hurt like that another time, you were cold and absent towards your father
-it confused Ego, and he really tried putting more effort into you. But you were too emotionally absent towards him to give him another chance
-to improve your own soccer skills, you often joined Bastard München's training, and that's how you got somewhat close to Noa
-occasionally you were alone with Noa, and that's when he would ask you questions about your father. It doesn't take long until you open up about the way you've been neglected by Ego for the past months
-Noa doesn't really know what to think about that, but he has some sort of parental instinct that wants to be there for you
-Noa becomes a father figure to you. He's careful to not act like an actual father, but he does treat you more gently than he treats the Bastard München team
-after a few weeks, Ego sits down with you to properly talk about what's been going on. He intended it to be a calm conversation to fix things, but it escalated into a huge argument
-you and Ego have never had an argument as big as this before. But all the bottled-up frustration and pain inside of you is just too much to keep in now
-it's something you definitely regret at some point later, but you yell at Ego about how Noa is a much better father than he's been in the past month. And sure, in some way that's true, but Noa never intended to take a proper father-role for you
-hearing that is like a punch to the gut to Ego. He yells back at you, but not for long. After that he actually can't handle looking at you anymore, so he sends you to your room
-Ego thinks more about the way the last months had been. And he realizes you're right. And he also realizes the part about Noa is probably right as well. He hates himself for failing as a father like this, but he has no idea how to fix this
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
What now? What’s next?
Hi Besties!
I can’t believe it BUT Beskar Doll has now officially come to a close and with it comes the end of my first two fan fictions.
I started writing Beskar Doll on March 16. I’d never written a word of fan fiction before that and had only recently started reading it (thank you to Stitches by @djarinsbeskar for making me love the genre so much I had to write it!) I started making it for myself and talking to my friend about it. The file is still just called Mando because I didn’t have a name and never intended for anyone but me to read it. But after a few chapters and plenty of encouragement from my dear friend @mysticnightmarewrites, I decided to post it on AO3 because why not? A few people might like it.
So began sharing Din and Doll’s story, which grew into sharing Joel and Doc’s story in Lavender and publishing more than 520k words of fan fiction (not counting drabbles on here) since then. (For those playing along at home, that’s more than 3,795 words per day on average - oy!) It also led to starting this Tumblr and I have so loved getting to know the community that exists in the fan fic world on this chaotic little corner of the internet.
Of course, this is not the end of my fan fiction life (though it does feel like an end to an era.) I started sharing Yearling, another TLOU story, a few weeks back and have plans for other fics going forward.
Here’s what I’m planning for the next few months, both fan fic wise and beyond:
- Continue Yearling, updating 2-3 times a week
- Write all the asks that are sitting in my inbox because OMG y’all are lovely and patient and I want to give you just all the content
- Finish watching Narcos and plan a Javi P fic (I have something in mind here that I think will both work and give me the brain rot 🤞🤞🤞)
- Finish my rewrite of book one of my book series, potentially start the query process
- Go on vacation, start teaching in the evenings and potentially host a foreign exchange student (these things may impact posting schedules, I’ll do my best to make sure you know what’s up!)
- Launch second long form fic (likely the Javi P fic) updating twice a week
- Continue Yearling, updating twice a week
- Kinktober prep? Do y’all think I should do kinktober? I write smut but like… plot with porn sprinkled in, not sure if kinktober is the place for my content? Send help??
- Query Ace
- Continue two fics (Yearling and other)
- Kinktober? Maybe???
- Query Ace
- Football games (my husband was born and raised in a college town with a major team - literally lived a mile from the stadium his whole life. He went to school there and now works there. His birthday is in October so that is when we end up at games. It will probably interfere with writing time on more than one occasion!)
- NaNo in the form of an AU Joel fic! I have a few ideas here so stays tuned
- Continuing Yearling and other fic, updating at least once a week for both (hopefully twice but NaNoing on a third fic may change that.)
- Query Ace/explore self publishing
This is what’s to come from me in the near future! Thank you so much for being here and being interested in what I have to share. It means so much ❤️
Love you all!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
I'm the recent barb has a lizard/snail tail anon 🐌 idk if anyone's using that emoji or if I'm going to be leaving a lot of anons in your inbox to warrant having one.
I wanted to thank you for the info! That RAD magazine was a good read and reminded me that I really love Satan's tail too. I appreciate the detail of him wrapping it around his leg, and knowing it would probably hurt to sit on accidentally it makes sense to have it wrapped that way. He's sweet and probably doesn't want to hurt anyone unintentionally. Intentionally, maybe, but not accidentally or when he's in his book reading trances, having it out and causing damage to him or others.
I also love the tail glove for Barbatos! What an idea! I want this to be canon. I also like the idea of him using the tail to assist in cooking as like, an extra little pincer/tong thing. I can imagine him at the sink meticulously washing his hands and his tail tips (hygiene!) and drying them off with a towel before getting to work.
Thinking about him using his tail to roll out dough if the surface of the tail is fairly hard. He wouldn't even need to use his hands, he's whisking cream while his tail is rolling out the dough and cutting out the shapes.
This of course falls apart if we consider that if the wetness described is the kind that seeps out quickly, it'd be hard to keep that dry. And I still think that if his tail hits the slick floors in the castle that it might be some kind of slipping hazard. Here's hoping his tail is more useful to him than hindering.
Oh no worries about the frequency with which you visit my ask box, you can still have an emoji. I have two emojis on the list that were only ever used once and several that I haven't heard from in ages. So I don't mind at all, there are plenty of emojis available! I will add yours to the list!
I really love Satan's tail. When I first started playing the game, I didn't even realize he had a tail for the longest time. Because I was always looking at the sprites from the waist up when they're on the screen and I hadn't looked at the full body version of it, so I never even saw his tail. Until one day I was thinking about who had wings and who had tails and I realized I didn't know which Satan had. Then I looked it up and I was like what!? That thing looks intense! There have been discussions here on the blog about what it's made out of. Since the other brothers tend to have tails that fit with their animals - like Levi's is a snake and Belphie's is a cow. So what is Satan's? It doesn't look like a standard unicorn tail?
And then someone (I think it was an anon) said that they thought of it as being bone.
And I was like OH YEAH I love that lol! I think a unicorn horn is also supposed to be bone, so you could even say that his tail is more like a prehensile unicorn horn than a unicorn tail that's just hair. But I like the bone interpretation either way!
And it makes sense that it'd be dangerous because it looks really hard and sharp. I never really thought about why he keeps it wrapped around his leg, but it makes sense that he'd do that just to prevent it from hurting people accidentally. But oh man, can you imagine being on the end of that thing if you were in a legit fight with him and he was trying to hurt you? Well, not you, but like an enemy of some kind. Other demons perhaps? Man, I think it'd be lethal.
OMG I loooove the image of Barbatos washing his tail tips and using the tail to roll out dough. I think he'd use the tail to make himself more efficient because that just feels like a very Barbatos thing to do. I'm not sure how wet they mean it to be, but it doesn't look wet in any of the art. So I kinda think it's probably not quite wet enough to be seeping out anywhere? But really there's no official statement about this as far as I know, so I kinda think it's whatever you like lol!
I also think he's probably used to holding it up so it doesn't hit the floor. I don't know if it's actually long enough to hit the floor, now that I'm thinking about it. I think it depends on the art... which does not depict its length consistently.
So possibly it's not quite long enough to drag along the floor? But if it is, he always seems to have it held up, so I suspect he just does that most of the time?
Maybe he only lets it rest when he's alone, you know? Like when he's finally relaxing... I'm just imagining him in a bathtub with a bunch of bubbles and his tail just hanging out over the edge all limp lol.
Anyway, I too hope that it's more helpful than hindering!
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 months
Happy birthday, lovely! I hope you're happy and healthy! So sorry I didn't see your post earlier, I've been having a very hectic year with studying, working and just generalized stuff! BUT BUT I couldn't send you a inbox!
So like a said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you are one of the sweetest mutuals ever! And to celebrate that a gotta ask
What is your latest read?
And I want to know your all time favorite Jason fics, please with links and all!
OMG PLS DONT APOLOGISE I KNOW HOW HECTIC LIFE CAN GET!! i hope you are taking good care of yourself, resting and relax outside of studies and work!!! remember that none of it matters if you aren't feeling good <33
um truth be told my love i have been in SUCH a slump lately,,,, its been tough out here.
i only read like 3 books very recently (last month or so)
I did read All The Little Raindrops by Mia Sheridan my QUEEN. its like a mystery thriller with a side of romance!!! Sheridan's books are ALWAYS a hit (she's very popular for her booktok famous Archer's Voice? And Travis !!) I've read like. most of her books at this point. I have never devoted myself to an author so much. She got me into the whole thriller genre and I LOVE her. so much. ITS SO GOOD AAAA. its not for the faint of heart and on more than once i find myself with the need to throw up with how HORRIFYING and messed up some of this stuff is (most of her thriller books are not for the faint of heart. lots of horrific stuff that is all too real and it makes it 10x more disturbing). Anyway i loved it i think i gave it a 4/5 stars it was so so good
2. i ALSO started Ana Huang's If Love series. I literally never shut up about Ana Huang like. EVER and i had been wanting to read this for a while and IM SO GLAD I GOT IT STARTED !!! Its a LOT less popular than hr Twisted and Kings of Sin series; she wrote it well before she got popular/published but its so good. its def not Twisted/Kings of Sin series but it makes it sooo clear how much she's grown in her writing, character development and general story telling!!! I read the first 2 books and UGHGUGHUFGHUFGHG yeah. new comfort series fr fr fr fr.
I also got digging through Lynn Painter's works (Love Wager, Mr Wrong Number, Better Than The Movies, etc) 10/10 her rom coms are sacred to me. this was a while ago though like. months ago lmao but i think abt her books always!!!
OH OH OMG I READ BIRTHDAY GIRL BY PENELOPE DOUGLAS !!!! SOME TIME AGO!!! yeah it changed my brain chemistry. i dont remember if i told you or not. but it changed my life. i think about it always.
edit: omg shut up i forgot i read some banger books months ago that i did not mention. i ate up Liz Tomforde's sports romance series (Windy City series) it was SO FREAKING GOOD. she had hockey romance, she had basketball romance she had BASEBALL ROMANCE. 10/10 amazing vibes
I ate through the latest of Lauren Asher's (Love Redesigned) IT WAS ALSO HELLA GOOD!! Ana Huang's King of Greed was also a vibe. not my fav but it was good. I ALSO delved into hockey romance SOOO DEEP. Fav series is probably Becka Mack's Playing For Keeps. It's the silliest stupidest fluffy no plot head empty series ever. the first book is 90% porn. its just for the giggles. the second is a bit better but the third is def the best in terms of actual plot & character development for example but the vibes are astronomical and i live for them
i ALSO started reading Sarah Adam's small town romance series (very very good). All fluffy fall vibes. CHLOE GONG HAD COME OUT WITH A NEW BOOK IN THE SUMMER AND I GOT TO IT AROUND THE NEW YEAR AND IT WAS SOOO GOOOD. Immortal Longings mm......she destroyed me once again.
OKAY ALL TIME FAV JASON FICS ok i dont have links (is lazy to go find links) but i will tell you two blogs im like religiously stalking:
@in-som-niyah has AMAZING THOUGHTS on Jason 10/10 i love getting all my jason content from her GOD BLESS THE HARDWORKING PEOPLE OF TUMBLR DOT COM
@fcthots also has some kick ass Jason stuff....like....from smutty to fluffy and domestic its....yeah. oooghgubjgubgn yeah yeah.
anyway i've probably forgotten to mention a bunch of books but thats all i can remember that was actually good. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN READING !!!
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kaiserkisser · 5 months
mutuals appreciation post <333
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hello, everyone. this is my end of year mutuals appreciation post to thank each and every one of you here, who has put up with me enough to be friends with me. I simply can't put it into words how much I love yall and how much im grateful to all of you for being here, but I'll still try. I wish all of you a very very happy new year ❤
@delusina kaz, thank you. thank u sm for everything. you were my first mutual and i love you sm for that. almost all the friends i have right now, they're thanks to you. i still remember sending you cat pics every week in the beginning (im sorry i forgot to continue that 😭) and you and vi are the reason ✿❀ anon exists <3 ilysmm <333
@floraldresvi VIVI. ILYSM. ik ive already sent you a new year ask but still i can never express my appreciation for you enough <3 thank you sm vi for literally always being there for me, and i hope i can return the favor whenever you need :) i lovelovelove seeing you in my notifs :)) also baivi rules <333
@chosokisser mai my bbg my love /p again, ive already mesaaged you, but still, im so glad i have you in my life. if you need absolutely anything, if you just wanna talk to smn, or anything, ill always be here. in fact, we can even commit arson together if you want :DD and remember that me and choso adore you to heaven and back <333
@haithamvoid again, thank you sm for being friends with me. <33 im literally so glad for the day i opened tumblr to find mai forcing us to socialize XD we seem to have a bunch of shared interests and i remember the times we sent each other a bunch of kaiser (and gojo??) pics ehehe (also if you play genshin then on which server-)
@damyoujackson uhm thank u sm for being my irl bestie. I mean it. honestly i dont think ive actually had a friend i clicked with as much as i did with you in a long time. ik its probably not easy putting up with someone weird like me so erm tysm.. in all seriousness im really glad we're friends <33 ( we do NOT talk abt this in school OKAY.) (<- me being awkward)
@noomon you are an absolutely amazing, warm and pleasant person to be around! (And i love your aesthetic too omg) anyways you're very caring and nice and i always perk up whenever i see you in my notifs or inbox <33
@mikacynth mikaaa its been agesss i hope you're doing alright and uni is treating you well </3 again, one of my first mutuals that i interacted with bc you were a 'mutual in law' of mine hehe :) you're also an awesome and fun person to be around, so remember that me and kaeya love u <333
@yinyinggie yingg! You're such a big blog, so thank you sm for interacting with me! you're totally wonderful, and im so glad i got to participate in the ebg hosted by you hehe that was SO much fun <333(and it hurt my heart too but nvm-) anyways ilysmm <33
@alexisomnias aaah alexisss we dont interact much these days but still, i love you so so much, you are someone i always love seeing on my dash or in my notifs <3 and i adore alekav too its so cutee <333
@kitorin omg yes soutaa you're another person who shows up on my dash often and i love that you do <3 i hope you dont mind all the times ive tagged you in smth ahshshdhb i also always smile whenever i see u in my notifs so thank u smm for being moots with me <33
also to @ilyuu @m1shapanda @supernova25 @chooodles @camvrin @meidnightrain we havent interacted much this year, but ive loved seeing you guys often on my dash so i hope we interact more this next year <333 please dont mind me tagging you dhshsh
Happy New Year to all of you!!!! I hope you all have all the joys of the world and that all your wishes get fulfilled, because you guys totally deserve it 💕
I found a little something too here that i wanted to share with all of you since i thought you guys might like it <333
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