#ok so i go down to this river a lot and we have two groups of ducks that we see regularly
synonymroll648 · 10 months
pls dont mske me copy paste an emoji im on my computer and eepy
i hope you're not as eepy anymore <3
It’s a new page in his notes app. Untitled, it reads, ‘Refresh me on your PDA boundaries, please?’ with the cursor blinking on a new line for Keefe to respond in.
At first, he just snorts at how formal it sounds compared to how most people would put it. But when the implication that oh hey, Fitz wants to kiss him in public hits him, it’s suddenly not as funny anymore. 
His ears burn like a paper caught aflame, and that fire quickly spreads across Keefe’s cheeks. 
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 thoughts ! 】
i said i'd share my thoughts, so here they are so far >:DD
part: one, two, three, four / ??
[ warning: spoilers for book 6 up until 6-16 under the cut !! ]
[ about : overblot lore drop ]
it took yuu long enough to actually TELL CROWLEY that grim was eating those rocks :')))) makes 110% sense that grim would lash out if he's been ingesting 5-overblot's-worth of purified blot
but also, i...can't believe it took twst this long to actually explain what was going on when we were fighting the overblots jsfksdfk like this whole time i've been assuming that people just. get knocked out or tired, but what they explained made so much more sense.
crowley has said that overblotting is rare. but then how come at nrc ?? there's been 5 consecutive overblots in less than a school year ?? (the twst timeline so far is from sept till around feb, bc book 5 was set during a "spring festival" iirc) the reason they don't know enough about overblots is bc they don't have enough subjects who have overblotted to research, so... i do wonder if there's something else at play here, maybe something has changed in NRC since yuu came ?
[ about : ortho lowkey scares me ]
ortho honey....wdym do we need bring back the target alive.....ofc we need grim alive sobs (the juxtaposition between his youthful n polite way of talking + the way he literally knows everything bc his brain is the internet kinda scares me a lot.)
[ about : vil's apology ]
i made a separate post to talk about this bc i started writing n it really got too long, so yes. but also. vil whipping out 50k madol like it's nothing. his acting career has really done him well.
and kalim donating it to ramshackle, my beloved. he's so nice. even while he's saying "it was sO RUN DOWN !!" as kalim was listing out the bad stuff abt ramshackle, i wonder how yuu was able to LIVE in this dump for 6 months.
[ about : ROBOTS ???? ]
HELLO ?? INTRUDERS ????? ROBOTS ?? WHAT ????? they're ignihyde blue....also the boat ? logo ? on their arms ??? what the heck does that mean ??? ok wait i can vaguely read out letters on their arm,,,styx ?? like the river styx in the greek underworld ? having a headache, are we gonna see the underworld somehow in this book ? wait, if the facility or whatever is called styx, are these robots the "charons" ? they're carrying oar-like staffs + they're trying to capture targets D and E and bring them in,,,,kinda like how charon brought souls in a boat to cross the styx river in myth. (also i was right, leona called them ferrymen >:DD)
(n they have grim. interesting that they'd ignore yuu tho, considering it was them who is the string that connects all the overblots.)
(also don't you just hate it when you win the battle, but then in canon the chars actually lost the battle. so you're just sitting there like -_-)
[ about: ob gang's capture ]
it was. very in character how each of them got captured.
vil and jamil were protecting other people (aka the freshmen, and in jamil's case, kalim) vil is really big on his responsibilities, so even though he authorized the use of magic, he still told the freshmen to stand back bc he knew they were unskilled in combat magic n that they'd get hurt bc they don't know hot to properly defend. meanwhile, jamil was probably covering any of kalim's blindspots + making sure he doesn't get hurt while looking for places where he could attack.
riddle went out with a bang, they hit him with a paralyzing beam, and he still had enough magic power to set everything on fire before they could hit him again. he also authorized everyone to fight, bc he probably believed that a group effort could take them down. as always, his sheer firepower is very impressive, the amount of magic he has and his attacking prowess is...wow.
leona....protected ruggie from harm first, saving him from glass and telling him to back off. and then he immediately scanned them to identify who they are. and of course, leona of all people, would know who they are. i think people forget, but a large reason why leona's so smart and why he skips class is bc he quite literally learned all that material when he was younger. the fact that he was the only one to recognize anti-magic plates meaning that resistance was futile and the logo from his time at the palace. (and that moment between ruggie and leona,,,,leona knows that he can trust ruggie w/ the wellbeing of savanaclaw until he returns T^T)
meanwhile azul was with idia, even though he didn't know what was happening, he got extra info from idia n ortho,,, the way azul was about to fight and idia went don't bother (bc he actually likes azul as a friend bro), and ortho went "the chances of you sustaining an injury drops by 87% if you don't struggle ^^" also. idia being concerned ? kind of ? by the ferrymen's forcefulness while coming in and taking the students is nice to see (and i KNEW it. i bet that idia's parents, or the shroud family in general, runs this Styx facility)
and they took crowley ?? crowley seems to know exactly what's going on, so i wonder why they didn't coordinate their...pick up with him beforehand (they legit destroyed so much public property + trespassed for no reason)
[ about : the plane ride ]
it's scary how they're all in a cramped dark space flying to who knows where. like how inhumane ?? they're about to take these people to do research w/ them, but clearly they don't care that they're humans, and they treat them more like convenient test subjects that have converged coincidentally in one school.
RIDDLE SLEEPING ON LEONA'S LAP IS SO FUNNY SJFDKSJFKS I CANTTTTT the way his leg was probably cramping,,,,three hours w/o moving and someone sleeping on you, he has so much patience onggg
[ about : styx ]
so...styx is an organization that does research on blot. it makes perfect sense why crowley would know they'd come knocking, since they have had 5 overblots that one school year. and the shroud family are "the watchman of the isle of woe". leona explains that they take overblotted mages there. what i don't understand is why countries can't interfere with them ?? or is it that they won't interfere with their research bc...styx' research benefits them too perhaps...?
from what leona said, they handled extreme overblot cases that regular magic marshals couldn't handle aka ones that can't un-blot anymore, so why are they coming after the ob gang ? not only were some of their overblots months ago, they've also all safely un-blotted, and transitioned back to normal life... ig my question is why them, and why now.
(it's a cool detail that the ob gang actually got help after their overblots. like it wasn't like everyone just picked up where they left off, vil mentioned medical mages and proper counseling, and that means that they were able to talk to someone about the things that troubled them.)
[ about : idia's family ]
not only do they run the jupiter conglomerate, aka the google of twisted wonderland, they might also run styx ? idia did ask the charon dudes if his mom and dad were away, ig this is what the shroud family ACTUALLY does behind the scenes of their big tech and energy business.
it also explains why idia deleted all those prospective work emails in the end of book 5,,,,bc he just knows that he won't be able to work or pursue any of his other dreams. his fate has been sealed since day 1 bc he was born a shroud, so he's probably going to end up having to take over Styx and its research in the future.
(and azul. being as on-brand as ever and saying he should've made idia in debt to him....sir, his family legit just kidnapped you, chill)
[ about : iDIA SHROUD ?? ]
HELLO. IDIA SHROUD ACTING DIRECTOR OF STYX ???? that means that his parents DO own styx, and that they're letting him run it for now while they're doing other things.... also i really hope that the ob gang don't get hurt hhhh
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aaaannd i'm stopping here bc it's late, i did not realize that so much time had passed...i'm tempted to keep playing but i must sleep. n e ways yea this was just me rambling about what was happening as it happened, so i hope you...enjoyed ?? (if you did read this far)
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outofangband · 6 months
“Beleriand is wide and houseless for exiles...”
Morwen, The House of Bëor and the Trauma of Dagor Bragollach
updated post with more meta on the House of Bëor in general and links to other relevant posts.
Actually has been updated to read like a real post and not just rambling!
Related post on Morwen and Rían and the survival of traditions
My general tag for Bëorian cultural trauma is houseless for exiles  where I have a lot more rambling like this
So Morwen is obviously one of my very favorite characters in Tolkien’s world, in general  and she is in my opinion one of the most interesting figures in The Children of Húrin, though as she is separated from Túrin for so long there are long periods of her life we have only summaries on. I find these fascinating to speculate on and read/write about
I wrote this post while very tired so I hope this makes sense and is ok, I’ve definitely seen more eloquent meta on the subject, I just wanted to throw out some thoughts and I wanted to write more about the trauma her people went through during Dagor Bragollach
I want to make two posts on this, this one which is an introduction and some general thoughts then a second one that will go into more specific headcanons about how the trauma of the Bragollach manifests for Morwen.
The Battle of the Sudden Flame and the aftermath is such an important part of Morwen’s life that likely plays a significant part in shaping her character though it happens before the events of the book and is mentioned only briefly, much information needing to be found through inference and connecting details
The House of Bëor lived in Ladros in Eastern Dorthonion where Aegnor and Angrod, sons of Finarfin, lived and lead a defense of the Watchful Peace, maintaining a friendship with their Edain allies. Ladros was a cool land of pine forests and steep, craggily slopes that lay South of the great green fields of Ard-Galen and then of Angband and the regions of Morgoth.
On a cold winter night in the year 455 of the First Age, rivers of flames, many choked in poisonous fumes, were sent down from the Thangorodrim. These utterly devastated Ard-Galen turning it from the fertile, green lands to a desert made uninhabitable by the lingering clouds of toxic air. Next came a legion of balrogs with Glaurung leading them and a massive army of orcs that quickly invaded Dorthonion, killing countless elves and humans including Aegnor and Angrod, taking a large number captive and occupying and/or displacing the rest of the Bëorians. Barahir, the father of Beren led a group of outlaws including the fathers of Morwen and Rían. Their group was killed in a massacre by the lake Tarn Aeulin several years later after
(It’s likely Morwen knew nothing of this until she came to Doriath, if even then)
During the chaos of the invasion of Ladros, Emeldir, the mother of Beren fought to protect the children of the Bëorians, many if not most of whom had been orphaned. She managed to lead a group of refugees Southwest to Brethil where the Halidan took them in. Later, though there is not much said in the text about this, a small group of the surviving Bëorians would come to Dor-Lómin in Hithlum where the Hadorians lived. (Note: I have two posts speculating on their route, here and here)
Morwen was elven or twelve when Dagor Bragollach broke out, depending on when in the year her birthday is*. She was likely orphaned during the invasion though we know only that she was separated from her father who was later killed. She was among the Bëorian refugees who would come to Hithlum though her age at the time is unknown. There is so much that is unknown about her life before the events of the Narn.
I also spoke about this on a few different posts, but I’ve oft wondered if Morwen’s time in Brethil as a child was not a good one. Our glimpse into how some of the Haladin treat those who are mentally ill, neurodivergent or traumatized in The Wanderings of Húrin is a very bleak one and although this is certainly not representative of all the people of Brethil, this combined with parts of Morwen’s conversation with Húrin prior to the Nírnaeth leads me to believe she does not look at her time there with good feelings
Both the text of the Narn and Morwen herself describe her as an exile; one who has not only been forced to leave their home but who is forbidden from returning.
The word diaspora obviously comes to mind as well.
There is a bitter shame that bubbles beneath her cloak of pride, an unearned shame but one that has left its mark on her nonetheless (another thing I've mde way too many posts on tbh; her grief and pride are completley inextricable from each other, almost every line in the Narn mentioning her pride or her more severe qualities comes with the addendum that as much as it is directed at others, it is also directed at herself; "for Morwen was as stern with others as with herself", "she did not seek to comfort him any more than herself, etc")
That Morwen is a refugee in Dor-lómin is an important aspect of her character as is her likely trauma from Dagor Bragollach, how flames and armies drove her and her people from their home, killed so many of them, destroying their families and way of life.
It’s not difficult to speculate on the extent of violence that she witnessed and the horrific trauma she was barely old enough to understand. Eleven or twelve is such an age, just starting to understand your own identity and place in your family and community and culture and then to have that so brutally torn apart…
(I personally headcanon that she was injured in the Bragollach and had burn scars but that’s a different post)
I think her pride is very much tied to the fact that she is one of the only remaining members of the House of Bëor, a people who Morwen herself considers all but gone as she says to her husband in the first chapter.
I’m thinking about how this impacts her choice to remain in Dor-lómin after Nirnaeth, thinking that perhaps this time nothing short of another fiery inferno will drive her from her home. How she will not flee again (even as Rían, another of the few survivors, runs again and runs until she cannot get up).
And what’s on her mind when she speaks with Húrin before he leaves for Nirnaeth, how she believes her House to be fallen and fears Húrin’s following suit. The destruction of Hithlum would mean another home taken from her.
I’m also wondering about her significantly less optimistic view of the elves. While Húrin is heartened by the knowledge that the lords of the Noldor have known Valinor and the Valar themselves, Morwen thinks quietly of the exile of the Noldor from Valinor. Which also makes her being labeled elffriend (derogatory) and accused of power akin to theirs
“Húrin Thalion, this I judge truer to say: that you look high, but I fear to fall low.”
That Morwen lives in her own home under occupation for so long adds yet another painful irony to that quote.
“Beleriand is wide and houseless for exiles” is also just one of my very favorite spoken lines by Morwen. I just always feel so strongly that Morwen is not just talking about her hypothetical future there but also her here and now. Even in the safety of her own home and room (I always pictured that conversation as in their bedroom?) she is acutely aware that she will never return to where she grew up, that the place of her and her people in the world has been irrevocably changed. She is contemplating this ordeal being repeated and likely becoming more convinced that it will be. The sheer exhaustion alone of having to reckon with that…
I don’t think the parallels between Morwen and Túrin with regard to fleeing and being hunted or trapped and the ways these and the fear of them shape their lives are discussed enough
A lot of Túrin’s story is about exile. He is forced to flee his home and spends most of the story away from it, deprived of news of his loved ones and people for years at a time. When he does return it is temporary and he finds it unrecognizable.
Even his memories of home, of any home he makes, are clouded.
But his home is not Morwen’s, at least not in the same way. What he loses in Dor-lómin, Morwen has lost more than a decade before the events of the Narn.
Morwen escapes Glaurung twice and ends up in Brethil both times afterwards. Like not to put too fine a point on it but she has always been running and trying to escape the horrors of the past and also she lives in fear, a very real fear, of being forced out, forced to run, or else trapped and imprisoned. When she fears Thingol means to keep her in Doriath against her will, she tells him this fear is part of what made her delay going and I don’t think she is exaggerating in the slightest.
I am just never not obsessed with the themes of diaspora, exile, and persecution in The Children of Húrin.
Anyways I hope this is coherent and all. Hopefully I’ll say something more meaningful on this later. I love Morwen very much.
*as the year of her birth is from The Shaping of Middle Earth it is not considered strictly canon however it does match up with other timelines and events.
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delicatebluebirdruins · 11 months
Not A Hero and End of Zoe cutscene talk
theres not a lot but they have some points (and I probably missed some for Not A Hero... I feel like I did)
Not A Hero
1. Lucas: "Is it ready? Can we begin? "I can't help it, man. We've got work to do."
Veronica: "Chris, did we lose him?" Chris: "No, no. Ethan Winters has been secured. He's alive and well, considering." Veronica: "And Lucas Baker? Right now, he's our only link to The Connections." Chris: "He's next on my list.“
we don't learn who Lucas is talking to but we do know its not the connections. Lucas is a double agent selling data to have another group about Evie (and from one of the files we learn why. he thinks the connections won't use Evie properly)
two options: normal feedback from the guys in helicopter when they were flying away and Veronicas comment about how Lucas is their only link lends to that.
but also CONSIDERING WHAT? have you seen RE1 hd Chris alternative outfit looking like the most douchy thing known to man? you know don't judge a book by its cover. But all jokes aside he says this with assurance as if he knows Ethan. And they knew he was going to be there that's what it sounds like to me anyway
2. "dialogue: experiments with an e-type variant": aka these fuckers: fumers and mama molded (later on "I have no idea. its something new. Proceed with extreme caution... white variant is extremely resilient")
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3. the son of a bitch has been sending status reports on Evie to the connections: self explanatory this is confirmation of their previous thoughts (briefing document you find in Chris's inventory at the start) and there is a moment of Chris expressing his distaste of working with Blue Umbrella.
4. "if you're gonna kill me just kill me for the love of god shut the fuck up"... no analysis just big ass mood really
5. "Umbrella and Redfield have been taken care of. dealing with them cost me some time cost them a lot more. But I can still get that data to you but we're quits after that" I am going to say this was towards the connections and not the other party but i don't know for sure
6. Lucas "a lot of people out there want to know about out little Evie. a lot of people" Chris: "Your friends, the connections know about this they don't strike me as the forgiving type"
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Who are the other people? what was Lucas's plan after he completely betrayed the Connections (... why did Lucas betray the connections? we can infer the why as again he thought they won't use her properly) and of course the criminal organisation won't be forgiving at outright betrayal (or even perceived betrayal for that matter) makes you wonder why explicity Ethan and Mia were moved to where they are in Village (and if they have been moved before)
7. Veronica: "Chris, the data transfer's almost complete!“ Chris: "How do I stop it?" Veronica: "You need a way to shut down the server. There may be some transformer relays you can—“ Chris shoots "OK… that worked. Gonna be some pissed computer techs up here, but—“ Chris: "Cry me a river. What's the sitrep?" Veronica: "The facility is clear. Even the newer breeds have been neutralized." Chris: "Then I'm outta here.“ Veronica: "Perimeter wall is up and operational.“ Chris: "Good. "Think we did any good here?“ Veronica: "Not for them, unfortunately, but the mold is contained. Hopefully, they're Evie's last victims.“ Chris: "Hopefully.“ Veronica: "Chris, there's a call for you. You need to take it back at the camp.“ Chris: "Alright. I'm on my way."
no thoughts about the first part of the bolded text other than it makes me sad. Chris has been in this so long and its just you know tiring for him
now the call back at camp. I am willing to bet that's its Ethan asking him to search for Zoe. And again I ask how can a random normal civilian get a direct line to anyone in this situation let alone Chris Redfield?
End of Zoe
Joe: "What the hell are you boys up to?“ Soldier: "That's her alright. Zoe Baker. She's still breathing. Call in to HQ."
I wonder who wants status reports? also did they get a chance (I hope the prisoner Joe takes took the chance whilst he was out got the call out)
...Soldier: "Listen to me. We're here to help.“ Joe: "No, I don't believe you, boy. Tell me—what kind of help comes in a helicopter gunship.“ Soldier: "You don't know what you're talking' about. You don't get it!“ Joe: "With all these monsters running' around here. Tell me—where'd they come from?“ Soldier: "It's not what you think. You don't understand!“ Joe: "Oh, I don't understand? "You see that girl back there? Look! That there my brother's little girl. My niece. You understand? And around here, family is a righteous cause! And you ain't gonna kill my family! Now see, that ain't something' I can abide.“
Joe was in the military in the Marines specifically but from his questioning he knows about outbreak military suppression groups maybe even aided in one such incident (and after getting discharged went to live in a shack in the swamp close enough to his family but far enough to not know a thing that's happening)
Soldier: "For fuck's sake. She's infected—she's dying—and we're both gonna fuckin' die if we don't get the fuck outta here right now!" Joe: "She ain't dead yet, boy! So I figure you better do something about it. Before I feed you to your little friends outside." Soldier: "OK, OK! "There's a cure.“ Joe: "You're lying to me." Soldier: "I'm not lying... I'm not lying. We were on our way to get her treatment, and you fucked that up when you jumped us! They're probably still waiting for us right now!“ Joe: "Where?"
Joe: "Soldier boy said the meds were at some kind of base... "Now where in all hell did this wall come from…?"
how did Joe miss the wall being constructed? other than him not being close and doesn't go in that direction when he goes hunting?
Joe: "Jack? What the fuck—" Joe: "Goddammit, Jack! Don't you remember your own brother? Don't do it! Don't you touch her! Jack! Let me the fuck outta here! I'm your family! How the fuck could you do this to me? Get me the fuck outta here, Jack!"... Joe: "Goddammit. Aw hell, Jacky-boy... What's happened to you?"
startling realisation and trying to reason with Jack but it won't work (again I think Joe drowned the screen goes black and he gets up at the Baker estate)
"attacked by unknown bioweapon"
Jack gets around quite a bit (considering he can teleport- it would be cool if what he was actually doing was disolving into the ground and reforming wherever he needs to go but alas the garage opening scene exists)
"You're just a rabid dog now. And I'm gonna put you outta your misery."
I had a thought so we see don't see Jack crystalise (I say calcify is better description) after the chainsaw fight but we do see him do so in the boathouse and his legs turn as well in this last boss so his upper half turned into the monster in the boathouse (kinda like fear street and the kids trying to blow up the killers and watching them reform though in this case its both reform and deform)
Joe Baker: "This is a farewell from the family, brother!... Zoe...!"
its just a badass line what can I say?
Chris: "Weapons down. Weapons down! It's alright. You must be Zoe Baker." Joe: "Who the hell's asking?" Chris: "Chris Redfield. We've been looking all over for you. We're here to help."
there is element of Chris helping look for Zoe being that she can be helped. that she wasn't a lost cause. But it seems like there was a lot of effort going into her search all for one person (also I wonder if their search is what woke Jack up or was Jack searching the entire time)
Zoe: "I was trapped with those monsters for 3 years—all of them trying to kill me... I can't believe it's finally over.“ Joe: "Ya gotta know, deep down somewhere, they were still your family and they loved you. Especially your daddy... even in his final days.“ Chris: "We found her. She's a tough kid. Yeah, of course. Hang on."
"Someone wants to speak to you."
Ethan: "Zoe? Zoe, are you there?“ Zoe: "It's you! I don't believe it. You actually made it." Ethan: "We both did."
Zoe: "You didn't forget about me."
Ethan: "I told you I'd send help. And I always keep my promises."
Zoe: "Thank you, Ethan."
I wonder if whilst Zoe was being checked up they were explaining what happened to Joe and and Joe came to this rightful conclusion (Jack wanted to bring his baby home)
Chris updating Ethan on finding her over and handing the phone over. (I would love to know what the conversation was like on Ethans end and before Chris came into the tent)
Ethan has to have some kind of authority for some reason to be able to say this with confidence. And you know getting Chris to personally update him AND hand the phone over (again normal civilians can't do this?)
I love this bit what can I say
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amemoryofwot · 2 months
Ok final TSR wrap up and thoughts moving into S3 below
Whatta book damn. RJ is genuinely funny to me and there’s a lot of like, physical and situational comedy that I hope carries through to S3 (Nynaeve throwing the collar at Moghedien, Elayne and her 2x4, nobody knowing what the hell anyone is ever doing). He’s also so good at just like, desperate crushing character moments, like the AoL Aiel, Aram taking the sword, the final Battle of Two Rivers.
Even more so than Rand this is really Perrin’s book. He has the most complete storyline, which is great for S3 but a challenge moving forward as he is literally not in TFoH, and doesn’t do much until Dumai’s Wells. He also fights a lot of Trollocs, like a lot. Every second chapter someone is fighting Trollocs. For timing purposes the show could easily cut it down to Perrin’s failed ambush, and the final battle. That would still get him to the Tuatha’an and the Whitecloaks while cutting out two or three skirmishes. Whether CGI or practical i’m sure the Trollocs would be expensive and they already got dragged for 1x08’s PS2 Trollocs, so i’d personally rather have them less but better quality. I could see him and Faile having a whirlwind “omg what did we just do” kind of wedding in face of all the Trollocs and not expecting to live, but I can also see that being pushed. I think this will be the bulk of the S3 time.
Rand’s storyline could really be two eps, there’s actually not a lot there once we get rid of the Stone (for now). One for Cold Rocks Hold leading to Rhuidean, and then one for the journey to Alcair Dal. Of course he’s gonna have more to do like argue with Moiraine about prophecy, and hopefully everyone will get some bonding time in Falme, but he’s mostly travelling which the show doesnt really focus on with their wild back and forth, and he also gets attacked by a lot of Trollocs. Lan also has nothing to do this book so sword and toxic masculinity lessons being pushed to S3 will smooth that out at least.
Egwene kind of has nothing to do this book so S3 will surely be her Dreaming, although I wonder in what capacity. Verin, Siuan, or the Wise Ones or even Aviendha could really be intro points. I also don’t believe she would pass by the Dominion Band two or three times without realizing what it is, so her intro Dreaming sequence is largely filler except for meeting Amys. Nynaeve has a line about Egwene waking up screaming from nightmares so i think she of all people would recognize it. She also has a few moments with Moiraine so Moiraine’s story will probably be focused on Egwene and Rand versus her own S2 storyline.
Much of Tanchico is through Elayne’s perspective, which pulls her into our main group. Nynaeve takes a slight backseat in PoV to balance it out. There will be a lot going on between Thom, Min, Liandrin, Moggy, and possibly Mat, (Egeanin?) but I think it will also be the smoothest to adapt as everybody has something to do already, instead of having to make stuff up to keep them moving together.
The leftover bit is the coup. Min not being there to rescue Siuan doesnt really matter except that someone will have to take her spot, as i dont think Siuan can do it herself. Gawyn seems a good choice to set up his inner conflict/indecision. The Blues could also just sweep them out on their way to Salidar. Siuan does spend a LONG time looking for Salidar, and as much as i love a good depression roadtrip this would cut time AND spare us Gareth if they could just go right there. Especially if LoC plotlines are coming in S4 we dont have time to wander the countryside and burn down a barn.
Anyways my inexperienced opinion is its actually not that much to get through, if you imagine one intro episode, 2 for each Two Rivers, the Waste, and Tanchico storylines, and maybe even one Andor/Tower focused. Two Rivers will wrap up in ep 7, and the rest in ep 8. I’m imagining the coup and Couladin will be the big season cliffhangers.
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cherrybombfangirl · 7 months
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What's In Idaho?
@ginevrastilinski !!! here's your girl Darcy getting retraumatized and me projecting a lot of my religious trauma onto her, as promised <3 also this was 6,000 words actually, the religious trauma was stronger than I thought, oh well 😅
Content Warnings: heavily implied/referenced child abuse (physical, mental, and religious), lots of evangelical/fundamentalist cult shit, death and murder, descriptions of blood, lots of very strong swearing, Darcy's religious trauma, Darcy's shitty foster care experience and even shittier foster 'parents', brief mention of sex, gun violence
fair warning, I barely edited this, and there's a lot of places where I just plucked down brackets of [such and such happens here], and I might fill them in much much later.
After escaping the Roman demigod camp on the Argo 2, the others realize that they need to get a certain artifact that will help them in Europe that I will decide the details on later. Unfortunately, Darcy knows exactly where it is, and they have to go dig it up in a small town in Idaho where her worst foster home was.
Darcy closed her eyes and pinched her nose.
There was no way.
There was no way that the object Piper was describing from her knife was the same little box.
Reluctantly, she spoke up. “Uh, Piper, It wouldn’t happen to be uh-” She held up her hands to approximate the small size. “-yeh big, blue, and with a magical enchantment etched on it in Greek… would it?”
“Uh, yeah,” Piper said, “That describes it exactly… actually. How did you-”
Darcy sighed, trying not to show too much discomfort. “I… know where it is.” She turned to Leo. “Do you have a detailed map of Idaho somewhere? We’re looking for a pinpoint on that map.”
“I’ll… find something,” Leo said, giving her a weird look similar to everyone else in the room. Percy looked the most suspicious and concerned out of all of them.
Leo came back one awkward minute later, and tapped on the screen in the main room, pulling up a map of the United States, and zooming in on Idaho. “Ok… where are we going?” He asked hesitantly.
Darcy zoomed in the map more, at the base of the Rocky Mountains where a small road, river, and forest met smack in the middle of the state. “Little Rock Falls. It’s about there, less than a thousand people in the population, last I checked. They had to combine the elementary, middle school, and high school into one school because there were so few students and teachers.”
She pointed a little farther north up the map. “You’ll have to park the ship farther away, the people are pretty… superstisious, and me and Percy can make it the rest of the way on foot anyways.” She pointed a little southwest of where the town was supposed to be. “Once we have it, we can lie low in the woods for the night, and you can pick us up about here in the morning.”
“Wait,” Percy said, “Why am I going with you?!”
“Are you sure you don’t want someone else, or you know, a whole group?”
“It’ll be faster with just two,” Darcy said, “Especially cuz we don’t want to be followed.”
“How do you know where it is?” Jason asked, a little scared of Darcy’s knowledge.
Darcy was silent for a second before she gave a short, “I buried it.”
“Do you… remember where it’s buried?” Annabeth asked.
“I remember pretty clearly.”
Before anyone could ask her anything else, she disappeared into one of the cabins where she’d dumped her duffel bag. She started checking that everything she would need was inside, including her essentials for surviving in the woods- flint and steel, a little pocket knife, two wool blankets, an extra jacket, a coil of rope, a flashlight, a book of old road maps of the US, a small compass, and her most recent addition- a camping shovel (it was pretty big, so she tied it to the outside of the bag). 
She also poked around Leo’s stuff, and thanked fuck that she found a pair of shears for cutting metal- definitely going to need that. She also made sure that she had five or six meat sandwiches on her, courtesy of the Argo’s well stocked kitchen.
Annabeth came in, arms folded (Darcy knew she should’ve closed the door). “What’s in Idaho?”
Darcy didn’t answer, trading her sneakers for the hiking boots she’d stowed in her bag, pulling on thick wool socks before she put on the boots. Even in the summer, it would get chilly in the mountains, especially at night.
With a huff, Darcy pulled on a bomber jacket over her thin gray jacket. “What?”
“What’s in Idaho? Why do you know exactly where the box is?”
Darcy zipped the duffel bag shut and threw it over her head so that the duffel rested against her back. “It’s no big deal, we’ll be in and out before they even see us.”
Annabeth studied Darcy’s face, and her expression softened. “Most of your foster homes were in Idaho, weren’t they?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Most of them were in Idaho, weren’t they?” Annabeth repeated, trying to gauge Darcy’s reaction.
Darcy huffed. “Why are you asking me all this?”
“Because I don’t know much about how you grew up, other than you were in foster care. That’s it. I don’t know anything beyond that.”
“Why would you want to know more?”
“It was just me and you looking for Percy a few weeks ago, Darcy. You never opened up during any of that time about your childhood. About Percy, yes, but not you.”
Darcy bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to react.
“You can’t shut everyone out, Darcy, I don’t know what shit you went through but you can’t bury it and stay closed off about it. It’s not healthy to supress everything.”
After a beat of silence, Annabeth continued, “Then just now, you reacted the way you did out there to Piper describing the box and showing us exactly where to go.”
“Are you accusing me of something?”
“No, I’m worried about you. I think that something happened to you in Idaho that you’re not sharing.”
“Not much to share, Idaho is a boring state. It’s the even more boring version of Utah. Only thing worth mentioning is that it’s the only state in the US that grows potatoes as a major part of its economy. That’s a boring ass fun fact.”
“I’m talking about you, not the state. What happened to you in Idaho?”
“Nothing I feel like sharing,” Darcy growled, leaving the cabin to go find Percy and make sure he had wool socks and a thick jacket for the journey ahead.
Birds twittered sweetly and insects buzzed, echoing through the woods. The leaves, sticks, and pine needles of the forest floor crunched under their feet. Darcy pulled out one of the old road maps and a small compass- checking that they were on course.
“Alright,” Percy said, stepping up next to her, “You have some explaining to do.”
Darcy sighed, adjusting her hold on the compass and map. “Not you too.”
“Why me?”
“There’s safety in numbers,” Darcy said with a shrug, not looking up from the map.
“Then why not take some of the others too?”
“Too many will draw attention and make us easier to track, and we don’t want that.”
Percy grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. “Why did you choose me to come with you? You hate me.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“We both know you’d sell me to the devil for a corn chip if you felt like it.”
 “That is also true. But you’re also the most qualified in this situation.”
Percy stared, open mouthed. He then gestured to the woods around them. “We’re in a landlocked state, I don’t know if you noticed. My powers will not be super helpful here. Powers wise, Jason would be more qualified here, cuz air. Or Hazel, because her turf is everywhere there’s solid ground.”
Darcy went back to the map and turned her back to him, staying silent.
“Why did you pick me for this little quest? Everyone including me knows that you think I’m stupid, plus we’ll just fight the whole time, which I don’t think is going to be very helpful. Why not someone smarter or that you get along with more, like Annabeth?”
Darcy still didn’t reply, she pretended to be busy with the map, even though it was a little too long to be checking a map.
She tapped her foot, hoping he’d just drop it.
“Why me?!”
She bit the inside of her cheek, mind screaming the answer, but refusing to speak.
“Why. Me?”
Darcy snapped the map shut and shouted, “Because I don’t want anyone else to know, ok?!”
Percy blinked, taking a step back. After a few minutes of thick silence, he said softly, “What do you mean?”
Darcy took a deep breath, trying to seem uncaring about it. “None of the others know about what my growing up was like. Annabeth knows that I was in foster care, but nothing beyond that. The only people who know much more than that are you and Mom,” she aggressively folded the map and shoved it in her duffel bag, “And I would prefer to keep it that way. That’s why I picked you and not anyone else. Now let’s go.”
She started down the slope towards the small cluster of buildings in the distance at the bottom of the mountains.
Darcy didn’t talk to him the rest of the way to Little Rock Falls.
Steeling her nerves for what was to come, she hoped she looked different enough to not be recognized.
There was one road in town, and a few houses scattered in the woods that surrounded it. At the end of the road, the school had gotten a little bigger than Darcy had last seen it, but not by much. There were some people walking up and down the only street, most going to the small grocery store or poor excuse for a drug store.
Darcy made her way to the road that would take them up to their destination, Percy trailing behind like a lost kitten. She grabbed his arm and pulled him next to her, “Act normal, you look suspicious.”
Percy was about to shoot back, but a deep voice interrupted them. “Excuse me.”
Darcy turned to find a police officer. The only difference since she’d last seen the cop being that he finally had more hair on his face. The fact that he was blonde didn’t help that his chin still looked bare from a distance.
“Can I help you?” Darcy asked with a fake smile on her face, kicking Percy’s shin behind her to shut him up.
“Several years ago we had a delinquent foster care runaway. She was about eleven or twelve and had dark red hair.” The cop lowered his sunglasses and examined her face. “She looked a lot like you actually, and would be about seventeen or eighteen by now.”
Keeping a straight face, Darcy shrugged. “What a coincidence. Good thing I was a good child that grew up with loving parents in a stable home.”
The officer chuckled, then said in a more serious tone, reaching behind his back for his handcuffs or gun. “I’m gonna have to take you in-”
Darcy grabbed the cop’s shoulder and drove her knee into his groin as hard as she could.
The cop wheezed, doubling over as Darcy grabbed Percy’s shoulder and pulled him behind her as she dashed behind the cover of a large building across the street. 
“Darcy-” Percy panted, but she shushed him, listening for the cop and anyone else.
She could hear the cop yelling for them to stop, and she and Percy plunged into the woods near the rugged dirt road that turned up towards the mountain.
Percy said, “Will you just explain-”
“Later,” Darcy hissed, “We’re running out of daylight. And we need to get in there and grab the box before they realize I’m here.”
“Before who realizes?” Percy asked as they walked along the dirt road, using the thick woods for cover.
Darcy fixed her eyes ahead, focusing on not twisting her ankle on a tree root as they quickly walked.
Percy grabbed her shoulder and stopped her. “Darcy. We’re going to one of your foster homes, aren’t we?”
“The one I was at the longest, yeah. I buried the box in the backyard. Can you stop interrupting? We don’t have time for you to be asking your questions.”
“I’m guessing this family is the ones we’re worried about finding out that we’re here.”
“I wouldn’t call it a family, but yeah, they can’t know we’re here. This will go a lot smoother if we get in and out without them knowing.”
Percy said softly, “Darcy…”
“You said this was the family you stayed with longest.”
“Yeah, why?”
“What happened to you here, Darcy?”
“If I get asked that one more time-“ she growled under her breath. Then she snapped, “I’m fine, ok?! Nothing happened here, I’m fine!”
Then she stormed off, up the road and getting closer to the mountains.
The road got narrower and narrower, and less and less traveled on. Darcy kept going, until they saw the first house in miles, nestled in the trees, surrounded by a chain link fence.
They circled around to the back of the house, where two dogs lay sleeping, chained up to the base of the house.
Darcy cursed under her breath.
“What?” Percy hissed.
“I should’ve known they got another dog. That’s going to be a problem.” She opened her duffel bag, and pulled out the bundle of sandwiches. “I hope this is enough for two dogs.” She pulled out the metal clippers, and handed the sandwiches to Percy. “Get ready to throw these at the dogs. Once you do we won’t have a lot of time.”
“You remember where you buried it?” Percy asked.
“It’s right next to that rock in this corner of the yard.” She took a deep breath. “Hopefully the dirt hasn’t frozen yet.”
She slithered forward across the grass on her stomach, pulling herself forward as quickly as she dared. Percy followed suit right behind her.
[ about six years before]
The old house creaked as it settled, just like it did every night around the time the other seven kids were fast asleep. The basement was crowded, each child having their own pallet. There was one dusty window at ground level, and the door was locked every night- to keep the devil out, as the parents told them.
Darcy was only eleven (or ten, no one was really sure due to the lack of birth certificate), but she knew they were full of bullshit, and refused to call them her parents. No matter how many times they punished her, or told her that God revealed to them that she was their spirit daughter as had been set apart in the premortal life- she wouldn’t call them parents. 
Just like most of the other homes she’d been in, she was an outsider, an alien to the family, and wouldn’t be staying long.
She had no family, abandoned at a hospital in one of the nearest cities a few hours away. Kicked from foster home to foster home since she was young. She’d learned very quickly to live off of a small duffel bag and not need anything she couldn’t fit in it.
She listened to the house above them, for the tell tale signs of the parents having the sex they’d had every night for the past few months. They said that God told them it was time for them to have another child, even though the basement could barely hold eight kids as it was. Most of the kids were girls, all of them close in age. 
There was a set of scriptures at the foot of each bed, and each of them was expected to read the scriptures before bed each night and first thing each morning- until they had the holy books memorized from cover to cover to Samuel and Diana’s satisfaction. If it wasn’t to satisfaction, you got punished any number of ways- no food or water for a random amount of time, sleeping outside with the dogs, or the worst one if Samuel was in a bad mood.
Darcy had gotten quite a few lashes and welts across her back and arms just in her first few weeks there for speaking up that this wasn’t fair or just whenever Samuel felt that ‘the devil possessing her needed to learn a lesson’. She learned pretty quickly to keep her thoughts to herself and her head down, no matter how unfair it got.
She’d managed to escape punishment for a while, until the day before when Samuel was inspecting how well she’d memorized the scriptures. He didn’t seem to care that she couldn’t tell what the squigles and blobs meant, or that she never could in the first place. He said she was just stupid, and must not care that her family was going to hell because of her because she didn’t care enough to memorize the holy scripture. Darcy protested, and got the worst punishment all up her arms and back.
She’d never gotten both at the same time before.
On top of that, Diana decided that the devil inside her must be winning power over her, and gave Darcy “a good smacking” to get the devil to leave her.
Darcy didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she was very sure that she wasn’t possessed by anything, and it wasn’t her fault the bible couldn’t be deciphered.
Her arms and back stung every time she moved them, but as Samuel and Diana’s actions got more intense upstairs, she knew this was the only chance she was going to get.
Darcy grabbed the small screwdriver out from under her bed, tucked between the thin mattress and the wood planks.
Moving as quickly as she dared, Darcy started unscrewing the screws in the small dusty window.
Darcy started clipping the wire of the fence, creating a hole for them to crawl through. The dogs started to stir and Darcy looked at Percy, ready to throw the sandwiches. She cut a few more links in the fence, and the new dog woke up and started growling, waking the other one as well.
“Throw them, now!” Darcy hissed.
Percy chucked the sandwiches over the fence, and they landed right in front of the dogs.
The two dogs happily started to devour the sandwiches while Darcy and Percy crawled through the hole.
Darcy shoved her duffel bag in Percy’s hands, and started to untie the shovel, which was small enough to cart up here, but big enough for the job.
She went over to the corner of the yard where a large rock sat, and started digging. Just a few minutes in, someone inside the house shouted, “What’s going on out there? You kids aren’t supposed to be out!” It was a man’s voice, booming and harsh, with a hint of ‘God-given’ righteousness to it.
Darcy cursed under her breath and threw the shovel into Percy’s hands. “Keep digging, whatever happens don’t stop until you have it, I can handle this.”
The voice shouted again, “Diana, did you feed those dogs? You know they ain’t supposed to be fed yet! … Well I can hear them eating something!”
While Percy kept digging, Darcy crept over to the corner of the house where the shed was. She checked over her shoulder, noting that the dogs were about halfway through the sandwiches.
A large, rough hand grabbed Darcy’s hair and pulled her back.
Darcy yelled, trying to rip free.
The strong hand threw her to the ground, knocking the wind out of her as she smacked her skull on the hard dirt. Head spinning, she scrambled backwards and tried to get to her feet.
[flashback continuing from the first one I have yet to write]
“Darcy, has your heart become so laden with guilt and sorrow you came crawling back here to repent?”
Darcy had backed up into the fence and used it to pull herself up, the wires digging into her fingers, biting with cold. Her heart hammered in her chest as blood rushed to her ears, Darcy tried her hardest to only react with a cold glare. “Nope. And I don’t need to. Just here for one little thing and then you’ll never see me again.”
“You tore this family apart Darcy. We might not make it to the Celestial Kingdom as a family because of you. Don’t you want an eternal family?”
“Not if it’s yours,” Darcy snapped. He stepped closer to her, hands on his belt buckle. He was wearing a rusty brown jacket over a white button up shirt, the shirt was off white and hadn’t been clean in a long time.
Darcy backed away as he stepped closer. He’d grown out his beard, and it was much longer than the last time she saw him. His brown hair was also long, almost past his chin, and was in desperate need of a wash.
“Darcy, you are a daughter of God-”
“Correction, I’m a daughter of a god, one of many, and your god is kind of pathetic.”
“Pathetic? Darcy, is that how we talk about our father in heaven?”
“I could take him in a fight, easy.”
“God is all powerful, he can’t be defeated, we know this from the holy scrip-”
“Considering I fought an actual god of the Greek pantheon- oh, yeah they’re very much real, and kind of douchebags- and a greek titan, which is just a much older and more powerful version of a god-” The dogs only had a quarter of the sandwiches left and Percy had dug so deep he must be close to the box. “Considering I fought both of those and won, I think your God would be pretty easy to beat. At least for me.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Darcy. You know one of the commandments is to honor thy father and thy mother.”
“You’re the farthest fucking thing from my father.”
“You may not have been born to us, but it was in Heavenly Father’s plan that you are part of our family. Your biological family on earth sure didn’t want you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Darcy said, “I found my family after I left, and they didn’t want to leave me. Unlike you, they actually love me.”
“We do love you Darcy, which is why sometimes you need correction.”
“My real family doesn’t think I need correction,” Darcy said, folding her arms, “You’re a sick fucking bastard that only sees children as punching bags. Fuck you, and fuck your fucking family.”
Samuel’s eyes darkened. “The language you are using isn’t righteous or clean, Darcy. They must be the words of Satan.”
Darcy backed away, only for her back to meet the other corner of the yard where shovels, rakes, and other yard tools had been leaned against the fence in a pile. She squared her feet and balled her hands into fists, blood roaring in her head and ears. “Stay the hell away from me.”
“Darcy, you need to be taught a lesson, and a righteous parent, I must obey God’s will and teach it to you.” Samuel’s hands were undoing his belt buckle.
Darcy swallowed, as her brain and body disconnected, and it felt like she was trying to move through neck deep mud.
Samuel pulled the belt through the loops of his pants, and Darcy felt like ten years old again, as everything slowed down and sped up at the same time. Her head started to spin as she tried to get her body to fight back, do something.
“Hands on the fence, Darcy.”
Darcy didn’t move, breath frozen in her throat.
There was a loud snap, making her flinch involuntarily. “Now, Darcy!”
Samuel was starting to get impatient, raising the thing over his head.
But before the belt could come down on her and inflict red hot pain, the sharp edge of a shovel made contact with Samuel’s temple, and he fell to the ground, blood pouring out of his head. He groaned, curling up and moaning in pain. So he probably wasn’t dead, at least not yet.
Darcy collapsed against the fence, leaning against it hard as the rusty old shovel slipped from her hands to the ground. She was breathing heavily as the world spun around her and her whole body started to tremble.
“I got it! Are you ok?” Percy said, rushing over as he brushed dirt off the small blue box. It was about the size of his fist, and the bright blue of the box had faded.
Darcy was pretty sure this was the second time in her life that her brother was very visibly concerned about her, actually scared for her. “He wasn’t about to-”
“Not right now, please,” Darcy said, grabbing the duffel bag and shovel from him.
A new voice shouted from in the house, this one female, also rough with a ‘God-given’ righteousness to it. “Sam! SAM! What’s going on out there?”
The dogs finished with the sandwiches, Moses laying down to sleep while the new, young dog started barking ferociously, tugging on his chain so hard it might rip the chain out from where it was securely attached to the stone foundation of the house.
“Samuel!” Cried the woman’s voice, now outside with them as Samuel groaned and writhed on the ground.
A woman wearing a pioneer style dress with blonde hair took in the scene before her. After a few seconds of looking at Darcy, her eyes narrowed. “You.”
She charged forward. “You sinful, disobiedent, possessed child of Satan! You tear our family apart by leaving, and now you’ve come back to kill your own father!”
Darcy growled. “He’s not my fucking father.”
“And am I not your mother?”
“My mom’s in New York, and she’s the nicest, sweetest, most badass lady to grace this planet. She doesn’t think I’m a problem that needs to be fixed. She would also beat the shit out of you if she knew about what you did.”
“Your biological family didn’t want you, you’re lucky God chose us to be your family and we took you in,” Diana said, looking disappointed.
Darcy took a step towards Diana, fear replaced by pure rage. “You were wrong about me. You’re not my fucking family. My biological family did want me. I found them, and they love me so much more than you ever could. And I couldn’t read your fucking bible because I’m dyslexic, not a sinner you bitch.”
Diana gasped at the language, but before she could launch into a lecture, Darcy kept going. “I wasn’t something that needed to be fixed. I wasn’t possessed by Satan or any demon, I have ADHD and was being followed by monsters that I didn’t choose. I met gods, yes gods plural, and none of them were like the god you think is real. I even fought one, and also a titan god. My real family wanted to keep me, but had to give me up to keep me safe. I can be happy by being a decent person, not following your bullshit commandments. You never loved me or cared for me.” 
She was close enough to touch Diana now. “And I don’t need you.”
Diana was so shocked she couldn’t even speak. She watched wordlessly as Darcy grabbed Percy’s shoulder and they turned to leave.
Diana’s hand wrapped in Darcy’s hair, yanking her back and throwing her to the ground.
“Darcy Mary Larsen in God’s name-”
“THAT’S NOT MY FUCKING NAME!” Darcy screamed, hands finding a rock the size of her fist. She rolled over and tackled Diana to the ground.
“MY NAME IS DARCY ASTREA JACKSON YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Darcy screamed so loud her throat burned, and with each word she bashed Diana’s head in with the rock, until her skull was sunken in and she stared up at Darcy with dead eyes.
Darcy sat back, rock slipping from her hand as she panted and her bloodstream still roared with adrenaline. She almost collapsed to the ground, but Percy’s leg was there, and she leaned against it for a minute.
Samuel started to groan on the ground, and Darcy struggled to her feet, body trembling. “We need to go.”
Percy swallowed, looking at the two horrible people on the ground, and just nodded, handing her the duffel bag again.
They rushed over to the fence, and behind her, she could hear Samuel starting to get up, cursing Darcy and calling her a murderer and a sinner, and saying he was going to teach her a lesson for this disobedience. Meanwhile, the new dog barked violently, trashing against its chain.
As Percy was crawling through the hole in the fence, the hair on the back of Darcy’s neck stood up. She whipped around, and saw that Samuel had gathered enough strength to crawl to the shed and was pulling down his shotgun.
[flashback here that mirrors this scene]
“PERCY RUN!” Darcy screamed, throwing the duffel bag over the fence and climbing over it, letting the barbed wire at the top leave rips in her shirt and jeans as she scrambled over.
She landed on the other side, threw the duffel bag over her shoulder, and yanked Percy to his feet. They made it to the trees when she looked over her shoulder and saw Samuel taking aim with his gun.
“GET DOWN!” She screamed, yanking Percy down with her to the forest floor.
An ear splitting gunshot rang out, the crack echoing through the woods.
Samuel was yelling, cursing and screaming threats. Darcy scrambled to her feet, yanking Percy with her, and they plunged into the woods. She was dragging Percy behind her as her feet pounded the forest floor. He could barely keep up with her, stumbling over tree roots and rocks.
But Darcy didn’t dare slow down (let alone stop), and she wasn’t about to leave Percy behind with those monsters.
[shorter flashback that again mirrors this scene]
She lost track of how long they’d been running, but some time later, the sun was starting to set, and she figured that they were far enough away now. They tramped over a few creeks to make sure their scent would be lost, and found an area that was secluded enough, but near the area where they’d told Leo to fly the Argo to come pick them up in the morning.
Darcy set to work on a campfire, and directed Percy to gather some firewood- no green stuff and to get sticks ranging from twigs to small logs. According to her, he did ‘a good enough job’.
When he gathered enough, she had already lit some small twigs and leaves. She then used the firewood to build a small campfire.
They covered the ground in pine needles, leaves, and twigs with the wool blankets on top to keep the ground from sucking the heat out of them, and sat down in front of the fire.
They dried their feet, socks, and boots in front of the fire. The entire time, Darcy stared into the fire, trying not to think about the last time she was in these woods. Percy was also silent for once, and she appreciated him for that.
She looked up at the clear sky of stars, a strange feeling hitting her as this sky looked almost the same as the last time she’d seen it. She was able to find all the constellations she knew very quickly.
Percy said quietly, “Can I ask something? You don’t have to answer.”
“Sure,” Darcy said, going back to watching flames dance across the logs.
“How long were you with them?”
“It’s all pretty blurry, but about a year I think,” Darcy said, pulling the extra jacket tighter around her, “The other houses I never stayed more than a couple months. Monsters either showed up- but I thought they were just really fucked up dogs or terrible adults- or my anger issues got me kicked out.”
“How much does Mom know?”
“Just that I was in the system and got kicked from house to house, and that all the homes were pretty much in Idaho. She doesn’t know more than that,” She shrugged, “She might suspect more though.”
Percy nodded, staring into the fire as well. “That piece of shit… Sam?”
“He reminded me of Gabe a little too much, though this guy was much more religious. Gabe wouldn’t set foot in a church unless there was beer and a poker table.”
“The shitty guy Mom was married to at one point, right?”
Percy let out a dry snort. “Be glad you never had the displeasure of meeting him.”
“Didn’t need to, I had a Samuel. Sounds like he and Gabe would’ve gotten along pretty well.”
“Well, Samuel wouldn’t appreciate the gambling and drinking I don’t think, but they certainly would’ve agreed on beating up kids.”
Percy nodded back in the direction they ran from. “So Mom doesn’t know about any of that?”
“Hell no, and she’s not going to,” Darcy grabbed a stick and poked at the fire, pushing the coals closer together, “She’s got enough to worry about, with you and me being demigods and you disappearing and shit.”
It was silent again for a minute. “What happened to Gabe anyway, you never told me.” Darcy said.
Percy smirked and said casually, “Mom turned him to stone with Medusa’s head.”
“What?” Darcy said, almost laughing, “Mom did that?!”
Percy nodded.
“How did she get ahold of Medusa’s head?”
“Oh I cut off Medusa’s head for a quest, mailed it to Olympus, and then Dad had me bring it home in a box.”
“Damn, really!?”
“True story, though I think bashing the skull in with a rock is just as effective.” He added, “How are things back home? You never did give me a proper update.”
“Well, I moved into the apartment with Mom, and so did Paul,” Darcy said.
Percy said, “I swear if you stole my room-”
“Ew, no, your room is a biohazard!” Darcy said, “Mom and Paul made some renovations to the apartment, they took out the washer and dryer and my room is the old washroom. They figured washing clothes downstairs or at the laundromat across the street will be fine. It’s small, and I don’t have a proper door yet, but I’d take it over your cesspool of a room.”
“My room is not a cesspool.”
“Your socks have their own ecosystem and you can see the smell!” Darcy said, smacking his shoulder.
“Can to!”
Percy gave up, giving his usual drama queen pout.
Darcy grinned, and her smile fell as memories from these mountains crept into her thoughts. “Last time I was here it took me hours to manage a fire,” She said quietly, almost to herself, “I still couldn’t sleep because the ground was so cold, and I couldn’t figure out a bigger fire.”
“At least you’re not alone this time,” Percy said, scooting a little closer until their shoulders were touching, “Even if it is with an annoying idiot.”
Darcy shrugged. “Well, you did have my back in there so… I think that makes up for you being an annoying crackhead.” Her eyes started to droop, and she allowed her head to rest on his shoulder.
[they are picked up the next morning by the Argo, and continue making their way to Europe. A few weeks later while on their quest, Sally Iris messages them to ask why cops showed up to their house and the suspected murderer of two people looks like her and has the same face, hair, and first name as Darcy. Darcy is like “it’s fine, they deserved it.” Sally pieces together that they were one of Darcy’s foster families, and wants Darcy to open up about what happened exactly (absolutely not going to turn her over to the cops). Darcy’s like, “It’s fine, Percy was with me.” and their Paul turns to Percy like, “You let your sister murder two mortals?!” Percy shrugs and accidentlly lets it slip what Sam was about to do. Darcy smacks Percy’s shoulder and is like “Dude! You said you wouldn’t say what happened!”. Sally is livid and wants to know the nearest entrance to the underworld so she can beat the shit out of those two horrible people.]
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world-of-jademountain · 5 months
Artemis Jellyfish Fisher
Artemis ran through the halls with a group of  four students.She had been called in from the talons of wisdom to help with the situation in the academy.She was currently evacuating a group of students who were in the library when a shelf was knocked over by a troublemaking dragonet.She looked back to the students who were huddled together comforting the youngest of them who was tearing up.
“It’ll be ok! The overseer has asked me to help look out for students and I won’t fail her!”  Artemis reassured them trying to remain calm and confident.
“But Miss Artemis they're in dragon form and we’re not in dragon form!” one of the students replied whimpering then whispered something to the youngest student.A loud crash came from behind as a light fell down right where they were standing earlier starting to spark and set the floor ablaze.Artemis gasped as her instincts set in and she knew she had to get these kids out now
“There’s an exit up ahead, run to it and get into your dragon form!” she yelled breaking into a sprint and forcing open the door making sure the students were out first then she closed the door and sighed.She lightly pulled off her bag of life placing it in her satchel.she changed into her dragon form ,a sky blue,lilac and pastel pink seawing rainwing hybrid called Jellyfish.By the time her wings had flared out the students had also transformed.The younger student turned into a brown and emerald leafwing,the student who spoke to her a grey-blue and purple seawing and the other more quiet student a blue and white icewing silkwing hybrid.
“We need to fly just over that peak there then you should all be safe” Jellyfish commanded leaping into the skies.Her wings caught the gusts as she passed over the fields and woods and peaks gliding happily as she knew she was safe now.She flew down to a small valley waiting for the students to land behind her
“We’re safe now,unless they followed us” she sighed looking back to the group who were starting to relax.It was calm here a small river flowed next to them and the trees rustled in the wind.But the bush near them started rustling louder,louder,louder and then a rabbit ran out.Jellyfish sighed in relief then something ran out of the bush on her other side.it was two of the trouble-makers Ocea and Oxyn 
“Stop, don't take another step towards the dragonets!” she exclaimed  and they suddenly stopped immediately following her orders That’s odd 
“You three go get further away to safety” she commanded and the students flew off immediately.That’s weird everything is doing what I say. Am I maybe…an animus?! But surely not I’ve tested myself many times but then maybe I did it wrong and this time I really meant it she gasped it had been her childhood dream form when she read the stories of the icewing gifts and the great seawing animus fathom,dreaming of what she would do if she only had the power but now she had to test it again.She picked up a small pebble “Fly into the river” she whispered as the stone shook out her talons and into the river I’m an animus! I could easily just enchant them to leave us alone but that’d be wrong I shouldn’t enchant other dragons. I should try to convince them instead.I’ll enchant something to bring all the trouble makers here so I can explain why they should stop. She picked up another pebble
“Bring all the troublemakers to me” she enchanted it and it flew off.
“Are you an animus?!” Oxyn asked in shock “Please don't hurt us!” 
“I wont do anything to you, I just want to explain why you should stop.” she explained calmly.A third dragonet appeared from the bushes as the pebble flew back into her talons.
“Now you three have been causing a lot of problems in our school setting fires,causing cave-ins,scaring both our students and staff and causing a bookshelf in the library to fall over nearly crushing three students.This is causing distress in our academy which is meant to be a peaceful school where students from all tribes can learn to be friends and co-exist with scavengers as well.Our school has helped bring peace to the continents but you are disrespecting and ruining this harmony” Jellyfish expressed.The three troublemakers looked to each other 
“Why should we care?!We can do what we want, you're not our queen!” Huricus exclaimed stomping their foot
“She’s an animus!She might enchant us if we don't comply!” Oxyn interjected nudging her
“I think we should stop a school like that sounds really nice actually,” Ocea replied.
Jellyfish smiled at them “Thanks for cooperating though I wouldn’t do anything to you if you said no.If you’d like I could ask the overseer if you could attend.” she assured them.
“Thanks miss! We won’t do it again,” they all said simultaneously and flew off.
Now what was left to do was to bring the students back to the academy.She considered enchanting something to help her find them but she knew the way they flew.It would be fine.She eventually spotted them on a peak and landed by them.
“We’re safe now.I talked to them and they agreed to stop though they might have only agreed because they were scared.” she explained 
“Why would they be scared?” The leafwing student asked curiously now having calmed down
“Well I might have figured out I’m an animus..but no one else knows for now,” she replied
“An animus! That’s great! You could help repair the damage and make sure nothing like that ever happens again.” The seawing student exclaimed
“Repairing the school would be a good idea but you shouldn’t push yourself too far miss,” the icewing hybrid muttered quietly.Jellyfish thought then nodded
“Yep I’ll do that.Don’t worry I’ll be careful.” She smiled at the three students “Let’s fly!”
Once she had returned to the school with the students she pushed her talons against the school wall “Enchant Jade mountain academy to repair from any damage caused by the dragonets Huricus,Ocea and Oxyn.” she said.The school began to repair itself caved in areas unblocking and fires putting themself out.Then she turned around pulling on her bag of life and running off to tell others what she’d discovered.
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skuffypaw · 7 months
What is the premise behind Mumblepaw's 2nd Chance?
HI thank you for asking
ok very basic runover
mumblepaw is our protag (shocking). ex-loner joined caveclan. he befriends leopardpaw because theyre both punching bags for the other apprentices (most notably condorpaw)
in an accident mumblepaw injures leopardpaw and condorpaw convinces him to leave him at ruinsclan’s border to stage an ambush so it wouldn’t be their fault. leopardpaw disappears for a few days. this event rlly distances mumblepaw from the others more
leopardpaw comes back. he has kin in ruinsclan that were also their doctors so win!! this is when leopardpaw and mumblepaw get rlly close
one night they sneak out to hve fun and mess around but mumblepaw slips and falls into the river and drowns. the last thing he remembers before dying is leopardpaw trying to save him
boom wakes up in heaven. spirit cats tell him “ok we fucked up” cuz his death was like a butterfly effect and literally caused the destruction of the clans in the future so they send him back with a neat little prophecy and gnarly white markings
mumblepaw gets back to caveclan fucked up and everyone’s asking him questions but he only asks wheres leopardpaw. nobody knows, he’s disappeared. so after looking for him mumblepaw assumes hes dead
after a couple of months of grief mumblepaw becomes mumblethroat. since he’s spent a lot of time in the healer’s bay he’s close w the doctors driptail and wolfpaw. mumblethroat decides to tell them ab the prophecy which they decide to tell the leader and deputy (yawningstar and sheephowl) so they can decide what to do moving forwards
they find out thru isleclan that a strange cat attacked their patrols near the upwalker’s den (a town) and that they are observed to have a strange dislike for clan cats. it almost seemed like fear. this part of the story is where bogslip and kestrelfeather (the other apprentices that were friends with condorheart) become important as they get closer with mumble
anywho they go to a barn to disguise their scent (turns out bogslip’s dad who left the clans now lives there and might be dating driptail) and with the help of condorheart’s dad blackpuddle they get an account from a kittypet named ruby (condorheart’s brother)
ruby tells them that kittypets and rogues alike have began to fear ‘the havoc’, a cat that brings chaos everywhere they go and have the strange ability to start fires. fire is part of the propjecy so mumble is like ‘oh shit thats the giy i need to kill’
after some discussion mumblethroat splits the group up to do some digging to see if they can find this guy. he comes across a soot black cat with a mask and a cape. they’re weird but doesn’t bother mumblethroat. everyone comes back empty handed.
mumblethroat is disappointed by their investigation being a failure and sneaks out to the upwalker’s den on his own to try and find more clues only to come across the masked cat again. they strike up a conversation and mumblethroat promises to see them again
so now mumble is juggling seeing a loner and investigating a propjecy. he eventually calls the loner mask because they say they don’t have a name. to not blow his cover of being a clan cat incase loners were hostile to them. he lets mask call him pumpkin. sometimes during their meetings mask has fresh wounds or smells strange. mask also is friends with a fox who ‘helps them out.’
one night mask warns him that a strange group of cats is watching him and he must be careful. mumblethroat starts to get nervous because his clan cat identity might’ve been uncovered. but the next day he gets abducted!!!
the group he was captured by call themselves the order of the moon (i dont actually have a name fir them yet) lead by two cats, wax and wane. wax is the brute paired with oleander (a dog and its handler basically) whilst wane is the brain. he tells mumble that he too has a connection with the stars and knows about the prophecy, and that he’ll be the one to take down the havoc and tootm will rule over the upwalker’s den. wane wont let a clan cat get in the way. when mumble asks how they found him turns out condorheart sold him out lol. but before wax could kill mumblethroat mask comes in and kicks ass. the order flees but not before it is revealed that mask is the havoc.
mumble feels betrayed; his closest friend is the one he has to kill. the havoc checks mumble for his wounds but driptail and wolfcall find him. the havoc becomes very defensive and learns that mumblethroat is a clan cat. they have a fight and the havoc kills driptail and vows to destory the clans.
mumblethroat prepares the clans to fight against the havoc. it must be easy i mean they’re one cat, right? wrong. the havoc (w the help of condorheart and his fox friend) sets the fucking forest on fire. so the clans focus on evacuating everyone to isleclan (isleclan is… on an isle) whilst mumblethroat had a showdown w the havoc and condorheart… except condorheart is a pussy and flees.
mumble v the havoc!! the havoc loses and mumblethroat kills them. he peels off their mask only to find wowza its leopardpaw!!!
the end. no home!! no chance to reconcile w ur long lost friend!!!
obvs the story is a huge wip and is very messy so we’ll wait and see how i’ll chang eit
there’s also leopardpaw’s side of the story. he’s kind of like the ice king. but im too lazy to type all of that out
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navree · 1 year
I’m almost afraid to ask: what is the Sara Snow debate? Do I need to brace myself for another Jonsa vs Jonerys type showdown 😱
SPOILERS INCOMING for anyone who wants to kept in the dark and experience the story naturally:
So, as we know, Jace starts off the Dance by going to Winterfell, where he meets with Cregan Stark and asks him to pledge his sword to Rhaenyra. According to one of the chroniclers who makes up the narrative of the Dance that we get in Fire&Blood, while there Jace meets Sara Snow, Cregan's bastard sister, and immediately falls passionately in love with her, and the two end up sleeping together, which pisses Cregan off until Sara reveals that she and Jace were really in love and had gotten married in accordance with the old gods in front of a weirwood tree, and then promptly got down in the Winterfell godswood.
All well and good, except for one minor catch: we don't know if Sara Snow ever actually existed. The only person who writes about her is Mushroom, a court fool who is seen as notoriously unreliable, and often embellished or just flat out made stuff up, and any of the more salacious rumors about the Dance was likely shit he wrote down for the fun of it. In particular, the Archmaester Gyldayn, who's "writing" Fire&Blood (given that it's an in-universe history book), seems very dismissive of the fact that Sara Snow ever existed, or that Jace would ever break his vows to Baela for her (though he does concede that if Sara did exist Jace likely could have had sex with her, but not married her), but he also doesn't help himself from sounding biased due to describing her as a "half-wild, unwashed Northern bastard" of "uncertain virtue", which, like, dude OK then.
So the big debate is a) does Sara Snow exist (and as such will she be in the show) and b) is Jace going to fall in love with her? There is one side who says no, that Sara was an invention of Mushroom's and that Jace would never do Baela like that, and another side who says that Sara could exist and Jace could well have fallen for her. For reasons that absolutely baffle me, the side that absolutely hates Sara and any thought of her existing, let alone having an affair with Jace and being the other woman to Baela's betrayed spouse, tend to be Jonerys shippers, while the side that's really into Sara and her potential relationship/love story with Jace are Jonsa shippers, and I'm very confused because, like, again, it's the prototype for Jonerys, it's hitting the same notes just at a different octave, and I don't understand why the roles aren't reversed here.
I think they might go with Sara, just for a few more female roles, and whether or not they go with the Mushroom account or switch things up is debatable (they've eschewed a lot of Mushroom stuff, but not all Mushroom stuff), but I think it would make Jace a bit more interesting, because right now the younger generation for the Blacks is the most boring, cardboard cutout group of people in this show, name me one personality trait either Baela or Rhaena have, or anything about Luke that we didn't learn in episode 10 when they remembered that they needed people to feel literally anything for him before he died.
(Personally I'm just over here casually curious and praying furiously that the Helaena/Aemond people stay calm when Alys Rivers shows up, power to all ships and y'all do y'all but I'm here to watch Aemond ride-or-die in love with his hot witch wife and I would like for there to be no insane rivalries or people getting weird or referring to women as "unwashed" for no reason other than you don't like that they might get in the way of a ship)
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a-shared-experience · 5 months
Tumblr media
“ I tried to end my life on fentanyl last night after I had sex with a man who just did his thing and left. I might be pregnant. I died in Afghanistan as a soldier in the war and was reincarnated in this body as a Pisces , starseed, psychic. You have a warrior spirit and she has a fairy spirit” she says to my coworker and I in quick rambles.
“ I certainly don’t want you to kill yourself. Do you feel like that today?”
“ I feel really unstable. My husband was a sniper, he died. I meet Satan in the river valley and he asks me to banish people”
“ do you think medical help would be appropriate? We could arrange for that to keep you safe darling”
“ no”
“ ok can we maybe make a wellness plan to get through today”
She tells us she will visit an encampment and stay with her friend for the day, she needs sleep.
I counter with resources for crystal meth anonymous - a support group for people struggling with methamphetamine addiction, the methadone walk in clinic , smart recovery and access 24/7 for emergency mental health support.
We sit with her for awhile after being approached by security at the establishment I popped into to use the washroom.
Two women are working at a fast food chain and I approach them with an endearing look.
“ hi, would it be possible to get a small cup so we can do a pregnancy test with a client”
“ of course “
She rambles about multiple sexual partners and it’s evident that she’s engaging in sex work but perhaps not totally cognitively aware.
Her schizophrenia is untreated but we reach a positive outcome and she thanks us and begins telling security that she loves outreach workers and feels so much better. We feel confident that she is not currently suicidal but perhaps frustrated with a system which cannot properly support/ manage psychosis.
It was a heavy conversation that was difficult at times to stomach. When we get in the elevator to leave we both sigh . 1 floor down the doors open and a young indigenous man steps in and locks eyes with me.
“ I’m a bank manager at rbc I died. I’m dead right now. 4 people let me die. I work at the bank. “
“ everything is ok. My name is Brett and we are outreach workers. We are in the elevator right now.”
“ we are in space I am dead.”
He looks at me with suspicion and quickly presses a button to get off.
“ Jesus Christ. I did not expect schizophrenia times two. I think being in the elevator with someone in psychosis just hits different ”. I say.
We exit and start walking towards the train but a young white man stops us and asks if we have any foil.
“ no sorry,we are overdose response we just have medical supplies love, do you know where to get harm reduction?”
I notice his hand as I’m speaking and offer wound care.
“ I’m a zombie. I’m not really sure why my hand keeps getting bigger and the skin is coming off. I’m probably a zombie. Do you guys have magic and maybe it will all go away.”
“ babe I think you have an infection and need to see a doctor right away. See how there’s a lot of redness around your wrists going up your arm. That’s not good news. “
He starts rambling nonsense and it’s evident he’s in a full psychosis .
The infection looks like flesh eating disease and the thumb is bigger than my hand it seems. I’ve not seen anything like that. Most of the skin is either freshly pink or necrotic black.
Security guards come and I flash my badge hoping they’ll just go away.
“ are you guys outreach workers? Everything ok here”
I can see the man become incredibly fearful and paranoid so we give security thumbs up and kind of brush them off and simultaneously try to persuade and distract the man.
They walk off and he looks down at his own backpack and seems terrified.
“ they’ve planted something in there . You’ve got to get out of here”
“ everything’s ok, that’s your backpack and all the stuff we just gave you for your wound is in there with the snacks remember”
“ get out of here “ he says in distress and then kicks his backpack across the parking lot before running off.
Three for three.
“ what the hell just happened” my coworker asks.
I don’t answer. It’s rhetorical.
We find 8 more kids in crisis in the pedway. One says a cop kicked his face in and he’s covered in blood. I know him as Gemini , he’s schizophrenic too.
Two more teenagers approach us and they are filthy. They’ve likely been wearing the same clothes for a month.
“ do you have chocolate”
Yes - we offer
“ I don’t like that kind”
We offer a different a snack and they say they don’t like that either.
“ do you have any gummies” the girl asks
We do actually, we pass them to her
She looks at the candy and says ew
Do you have socks?
Yes, I pass her a pair of white and she asks for black, I give her black and she doesn’t want those either. They aren’t mentally there with us at all. It’s incredibly frustrating and we leave without giving them anything.
“ get me the fuck out of here” I say.
At the next station I run into a guy I helped get iv antibiotics when someone tried to inject him with meth and missed a vein. He’s had to wear a compression glove for three months since. His friend is injecting p2p meth and is so sketchy it’s uncomfortable. He twitches and flails and cannot form full sentences. “ eat some food bro and drink some water ok. You gotta sleep”
He can’t even reply. He opens a side door at the station and reveals 17 more teenagers sitting on the steps with little crumpled foil and some with no shoes, lice in their hair and dirty bandages. We are trying to serve them all with hygiene, clothing and narcan and food. There isn’t enough in our backpacks to go around. We tell them another team will be around and leave to clear the station. We have only personal supplies for overdose response and medical emergencies but nothing to hand out. We find two more people in complete psychosis and it doesn’t feel safe to hang around so we leave. The vibe is off today.
On the platform I find an elderly man who’s dope sick and can barely speak and try to help him navigate finding carry offs or safe supply alternatives to fend off the sickness. I give a young couple syringes, vials of narcan and medical gloves and apologize that we’re out of kits. It’s the best I can do.
The peace officers stop to say hi and ask how our day is going. “ not great man, I think there’s a bad batch of drugs going around. “
“ you could say that again” he replies in disbelief. It’s always crazy out here, but not quite this intense.
At another station we find a puddle of blood and when we turn the corner there’s a gang beef and we leave immediately.
Later in the day we find a more relaxed environment but … not a significant change. Everyone is in crisis. My client tells me he relapsed today after 7 weeks of sobriety and I insist he takes narcan. I find the soldier who fought in irac with the physical disability and severe addiction to opioids. I can tell he’s in pain and we share stories about New Brunswick and gagetown. He hasn’t eaten in a few days so I hook him up with extra food. “ god bless you angel” he says.
Another regular opens up about how her brother died on fent and how she wished we had of been there to save him. “ you girls save a lot of people, I wish my brother had you girls” she’s trying not to cry while she lights the foil. All her teeth are rotten and she’s frail.
Another tells me she was raped in her tent and asks for support for shelter- they are all full. My heart breaks for her. We talk for a long time and I try and convince her to sleep for a bit and stop picking at her skin. We do an assessment on her xylazine wounds which have finally managed to close up. It’s progress.
She has no shoes and I promise her I’ll get her a size 11 sneaker and give her some fresh socks and wipes in the meantime and educate on trench foot. She was diagnosed diabetic and cannot handle a bacterial infection like that.
She’s exhausted and dysregulated so it’s hard to communicate but I just hold space for her pain.
The number of people we’ve connected with today is unusually high and we witness several schizophrenic people in distress be arrested which is disheartening because they need medical care. They don’t understand what is happening.
I myself have to mentally check out after awhile.
A group of teens hot box the elevator with crack and fent and after they get off a mother and her young son attempt to get in. I let her know what’s happened in there and offer face masks for them. There isn’t much I can do.
Today was like the fucking Wild West and it felt overwhelming to try and serve people while constantly looking over our shoulder. The weather is only going to get worse. Everyone’s tents are destroyed. The shelters are full. We don’t even have food to hand out tomorrow , I’m worried.
There’s so many more people taking refuge in the trains now that the river valley encampment has been dismantled - these were people probably better served in their isolation , they are mentally very unstable and the exposure of public is taking its toll.
We can’t arrest our way out of this because mental illness isn’t a crime , at best it’s a handful of fines and misdemeanours but none of that helps at all.
Everything is getting much worse and everyone has an opinion about it but we are in it. Every day we are in it.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
and it is time we wrok and now
tommy f need it the ferrari but hell the fightand we need to
and we annonce things now
-and they are in at all ship sites yes. tons of them and in nova scotia heard the story said ok we have the info. needed it. and then this are a few like it and found them and out. and look and are macs tons need that intel now
-we fight now ok. there re a few more tings my husband is in danger and too much needs a break rest and some freedom from your ex president nut and ohters likehim. he is crazy mean andangeorus and does it for real and you dnt do the work here dont know. and we do an d work hard ae angry abou tit. so an so we do wha t we like now. have to. tons die down there and the morlock are upset say it too hard nee to see why use it and all of it and we do too now they open up shotl
-ten holes no are hundreds. but onl about ten large ones and mostly deserts. and loaded wiht macs. bunkers and more. now we see him he said you say it but about you. and they do. works. now they see it clearly. smart kid. oh baby. and he said oh he is a baby lol. and they work now think on it now.
-in the east the psuedo empire lost india and pakistan. fully are out. nd lost southern europe fully. all of it. and the eu is at 40% by nmber and 30% by opeeration and it is weakening now. and the surrounding areas are being taken over. and we adjust do it a lot good ok im fine. some bugs here nd ok. are on it. lost it
-here they lose more and we stated hey have sa bunch. and they lose oregon it is ten percent shortly out tonight and washington the same. teh south in the usa is at ten percent and twnty percent operational dropped a lot and out tonight we feel. mexico is at 40% and abut 10% will be out shortly and morlock revved up. the west falls but retains 30% and 10% and they send tons in now. hgue lots and willoverhwhealm them the flow in. and call more tons more. and ye it is awful for them both . and the midwest is at 30% and 10% and yes and it is the cone and the rivers and two city areas. mstly ewere at large cities as cover really threats. lsot it and are hit a lot threaten a lot. upper midwest the same thirty adn twnety and fall. but slower one more night out. and them in. the northeast about 40% and 30% and we move more in and to do the job. and they work together but k needed it and tons in..and he said wha and ok moved in groups. an ok call thlem and now and on this area and ok we move in and key psotion adn Nuada Arrianna will discuss and i send in anning i think we need the guy stoo. and we agree. it is huge. and what to use tons of it. great work. the east is hard reallly northeast and souteast eastern seaboard is 10% AND 5% now they fall tonight and morlock move in and jasn starts again. nee it now he ripens. is bad here tons say it too.
a lot of movies start now. several are really killer. tons say it. star wars soon in northern europe n the tundra there. and Thor Freya thank us and we thank them no we do an d thier area strts it means they start it and true had the idea up there. an good. and it works. and the two go there shortly try. ships engines started alredy. an in icl\eland greenland an d one in the atlantic and this time this roun we think the last. an mve shortly. true too. controls are for the next level down. an true. they do it shortly. and they say it we owork now and do.
along iwth thsoe two movies we have avngers and starts soon in prague seeking another castle that may be below or nearby in pieces. true and t assemble and mvoe to the usa for entertainment mb and are tehre now and the music ok a cllue. neeed this ok black widow too yes good. and jmes bond there. too prague yes spy wholoved me and moonraker starts too in france and htey need the two. think they have embeds no need it. pssibply hid embeds on ghwb shp or arnies and true too did that a lot
few more. john remillard wil die a lot now. he is in will smith and he is a cloneno is melado yes and corines race they seek him out and to kill. tons of them are at trumps found the money. see he i in the way and tons help no they want it and need it. are at it with them now hard. seek them all the time. follow and are in the movies and fight them. flow in and out fast. tons of times. and hit. garth too does. and more andmore now. nd more tons t him for his treatery and saying things like did it on purpose and activated it on purpose and such. and no he is just stupid and so is tommy f. macs lost it and were ging to blame the computer and it is the computer. now tehy are wanted men here for it
we publish
Olympus good renditin yes works and works great
Thor Freya she narrated all of it yes
0 notes
crabbunch · 8 months
secret life thoughts (long post underneath cut)
-there's a cherry forest !!!
-impulse? can we find pearl for the soup group?
-ok gem and the two scotts is very funny as well.
-love gem just. repeatedly fulfilling the challenge. just to make sure she's got it.
-maaaan the cherry biome is just so pretty though. man.
-"lets hold hands as we jump"- joel as he lets jimmy jump without him. incredible
-joel's name is not smallishbeans last time i checked. scar. you are ove-complicating this
-oh well he's cringefailed it up beyond belief !!
-wait i wish they had just let him fail.... why are people nice i want them to fight to death for my entertainment.
-d. desert duo
-scab??? scab???
-why are you trying to tell bad jokes to mumbo, chronic giggler. dont tell bad jokes to your friends. they'll be funny anyways
-intrigued by whatever bigb is doing. gaslight i guess.
-no wait actually what is bigb doing. my guy
-of course etho would be the one not to laugh at the jokes
-i was going to watch etho because he finally uploaded but actually i have to go find out what this guys secret was
-i understand nothing
-ok so is he. just like that?? just doing that?? i mean i. you know what. if i dont see about ten million billion people waxing poetic about the allure of a hole im going to blow this whole website up. this is the funniest thing ive ever seen and i want to write about bigb being. the absence of things now.
-"joel you already own my heart" awwwwwwwww
-the way he just lingers around bdubs
-cletho? cletho? cletho? cletho?
-the way he just. never mentions the merch. keep on doing what you do king <3
-the editing. when he's promoting the merch.
-he's dying so much faster than anyone else lmao
-heavy rock timelapse music as he struggles to place a fence
-oh he's going to be the first to red again isnt he. my guy.
-just resolving not to sleep for etho... boat bois crumbs 🥰🥰🥰
-impulse my man carrying the good word of the cherry wood to everyone. thank you good sir
-a lot of murderous music going on. and some very interesting pronunciations of fish. joe hills has had a profound influence on them
-unequal exchange <3 its ok he'll just owe her
-"it's ok it day one alliance!!! those statistically have no meaning!!!" wow that says a lot about traffic cleo. heuh.
-the shadowrot is real
-promotion of merch is an acceptable bribe <3
-just. steal moss off of the rock thing. yes good idea
-ideal roomate dynamic is throwing fish down through the hole that your roomate made as thanks??? this is so ethubs meat shower
-"dont talk about my shield hole like that"
-"we could be called the axis :D" "well maybe you shouldnt"
-the way. bdubs just knows that they're referring to etho. hello i know this has been clipped but its so bizarre to see lol
-AND pearl cleo secret alliance?? with dogs? man cleo's dynamics with everyone this season. they're all just so good
-heart foundation. ok. on love island.
-cherry blossoms!!!! wahoo best wood!!!
-bdubs acting all offended about killing a horse for leather vs his season 8 horse murder stats
-every season they get a little bit better at not immediately killing all the wildlife
-every season they also get a little big better at gay marriage. this time they've even got yuri!
-lizzie: "lets take this baby down the river.. and find some sugarcane!" cleo in the distance: "hey, i've got sugarcane!"
-jimmy comes running. from nothing. average jimmy behavior
-lesbian marridge AND lesbian divorce. fantastic
overall thoughts: i think that the povs im going to keep watching in the future barring Interesting Events will be etho (i am legally obligated) cleo (daily dose of sarcasm) bigb (hole guy) and joel (his bloodthirsty swag has charmed me once again)
i think that the mechanic is interesting but also if they do a lore thing with it i WILL start killing. sorry.
i like the groups that've been established so far but i sort of think that they're a little sparcer than usual??? gem and her two scotts is a VERY fun dynamic but unfortunately i hate the way all of them edit their videos :pensive: i love the mounders and their stupid houses from what ive seen of them from other people's videos and cletho???? cletho???!?!?!? love island is also very good.
anyways. very fun. much fun. im making an effort to tag spoilers this time if you want to filter this stuff its sl spoilers 👍
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bike42 · 9 months
Sunday September 17, 2023
After another comfortable night in our little Inverness cottage, we packed up, converted our roller bags to their backpack configuration, and strapped our day packs on the front. Jeff rolled our smaller bag along with him. Weather-dot-com said it was is the thirties, so we set our with gloves and hats and our Gore-Tex jackets! We walked the 1.2 miles up to the Kingsmill Hotel, the site where we were to meet our Backroads group at 10am.
We arrived first, and it was fun to meet the first two couples that arrived - all from Wisconsin! They are veterans of many Backroads trips - this is our first experience with the company. Then a couple from Chicago arrived, then a newlywed couple (married Thursday in Inverness) arrived, then a mother/daughter/friend of mom … then two more couples that we’ve not yet interacted with much. Then we met our guides, Jenn and Keith, and our support person, Jules. More on all that later!
They piled all of our luggage into a large van, and we climbed into the three vans for a 90 minute drive to Torridon on the west coast of Scotland. The first 30 minutes of the drive I saw sights from yesterday, then we were climbing into the hills. We went past many lakes (lochs) and small villages. The terrain switched back and forth from forested areas to Heather-covered hills. After about an hour, we entered a National park area and a small one lane road with occasional turn outs for oncoming traffic. A slow way to travel - patience required. There were parking lots at trailheads full of cars and lots of RVs from all over Europe.
Eventually we got to the tiny town of Torridon where they’d arranged to have Liz from the Wee Whistle Stop Cafe shut down her cafe for the day and prepared lunch for us! It was a fantastic array of smoked salmon, salads and homemade bread. She’s also going to make our lunches the next two days - lucky us!
Keith gave a talk on how things will work overall and how we can us the Backroads app to be more self sufficient! He also was clear that their job is to make magic happen for us … and that we shouldn’t stew about something all week then hit them on the survey at the end of the trip! Jenn talked about safety, and our route for today’s hike.
Back in the vans for about a 10 minute drive to Loch Damh to start the hike - 4 miles along Loch Damh, the River Bagly, and along Loch Torridon until we get to our hotel. Not sure how they get the other vans back to the hotel, but I guess that’s how Jules works his magic!
It had rained a bit on the drive over, but the rain held off for the two hours that we hiked. It stayed cool, and I hiked with two layers and my rain jacket and was surprised I didn’t overheat! We walked through mud, puddles and rocks initially, but that last three miles was on nice wide trail - easy to walk and talk at the same time!
We enjoyed the hike, and what fun to arrive at the hotel and find Jules had coolers of drinks and snacks set out for us. I had a canned Gin and Tonic and some snacks; Jeff had a beer that was not the best, he said. Then we checked into The Torridon - a former hunting lodge turned luxury hotel. It’s quaint and rustic in the common rooms on the ground floor (with a whisky room and a library), but our suite is luxurious! Comfortable chairs overlooking the cow and the loch, a fantastic modern bathroom and massive comfortable bed. Two nights here - lucky us!
We showered and relaxed, then headed down to meet the group for a glass of wine in the library, along with another ice breaker. We headed to a group dinner after that, four amazing courses that were artistic in presentation. The wait staff gave us great detail on each portion, and between the six at our table we were somewhat successful at discerning what we were eating. Perfect portion sizes too!
After dinner, most of us retreated to the bar for some whisky. I sampled a more smoky variety this time - ok, but think I’ll stick to straight single malt going forward!
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steamishot · 9 months
3 year anniversary 😵‍💫
i had totally forgotten until today, but it had just passed my 3 year anniversary of living in NYC on 9/11. that's crazy. this is now 3/4 of the time i spent in college lol. i guess i'm a junior now.
we (mostly i) drove to boston last thursday. it was about a 5.5-6 hour drive due to the traffic. my laptop was on in the backseat with the mouse jiggler on. matt had just got off 9 days of working straight and was ded. the first night, we had AYCE shabu which was recommended by matt's coworker. it was just OK and our stomachs didn't feel too well the day after. we checked into the hyatt in cambridge (thanks chase points again), and was very close to MIT. there was a sign welcoming MIT parents because it was the back to school era. the hotel was situated across from the charles river, and we got to creepily watch smart looking people run along this river from our room. we opted to park our car 0.8 miles away in a different lot to save money ($40 vs $95 for two nights).
on friday, we met my reddit friend K in her condo in cambridge. i remember her to be meek and softspoken when she was in NYC for a short period, but she was quite the opposite in cambridge. now i understood it as her being overwhelmed in nyc because of all the stimulation, which caused her to shut down a little. anyway, her voice was a little louder than i remember haha, and her presence was a bit intense that i became quite shy. i got to meet her two cats and her bf M, who ended up hanging out with us for the majority of the time.
because K and M are both very intellectual (hello cambridge), matt really enjoyed conversing with them. M kind of embodies an altruistic jewish man with SF tech culture. M has an open library project, is anti-consumerist, and often wears a purple shirt with his name and QR code to his website. he keeps a public spreadsheet of his goals since 2015 and told us he's done 80K pushups. we walked around cambridge, went to an ice cream shop, linen shop, and a tea shop. then we chilled a bit at her condo where he made us some tea. got yummy udon at the nearby lesley university, and then went to a brewery afterwards. it was a long hangout, lol!
right after this hangout, i felt really self-conscious. i was the least accomplished one and honestly felt like the dumbest one in the group. they're (more so her) quick on their feet, decisive/opinionated, and can churn out thoughtful intelligent responses in seconds. her condo had a tiny TV, but many books and board games. she texted me after the hangout saying it was so nice meeting us and she appreciates me for going to visit her. i was dealing with my own feelings of unworthiness, and feeling like i don't quite fit in. i also usually don't see the intellectual side of matt often because he's totally drained from work and doesn't want to do more thinking outside of work. he had more of the spotlight because they were interested in his career. i felt like i didn't have much to share.
i felt self-conscious for a whole day afterwards, and felt weird responding to her texts, even though we chat so often (over text, reddit, and IG). i kinda wondered if we would even be friends organically if we didn't already have such deep chats via the internet. i finally got over that mental hump of not being worthy enough, and began chatting with her like normal again. instead of feeling unworthy, i tried to shift my perspective to feel lucky and inspired to have such intelligent company who i can learn things from.
matt and i also got to stay in the machimoodus getaway cabin in connecticut for the first time for two nights. i'm keeping a google sheet of the number of countries and states i've been to. so far, it's 18 countries and 18 US states. i didn't count the ones that were just layovers/pass throughs. we got into a frustrating argument in the car ride there, which i understand is all based on emotions. he's pretty much ded after the longer work week + one whole day of socializing with new people, which made him highly anxious and easily stressed because he had not had any alone/quiet time for a while. so, he gets highly anxious when i'm driving (stop!, slow down!) and i in turn get upset and react negatively to his anxiety because it triggers my anxiety. i get super annoyed at back-seat driving, especially when i'm the better (and more conscious) driver between the two of us.
i know that this was something that was discussed in my therapy session, where i don't have to fix his anxieties, and at the very least, don't need to take it personally. it's a work in progress for the both of us.
the getaway: it's the most secluded glamping site that we've been to. it's semi-luxurious, and not nearly as luxurious as autocamp. autocamp provides very nice dinnerware, a hairdryer, a TV, fast internet, etc. both autocamp and undercanvas had a community area where you can purchase food/drinks and hangout. getaway was much more isolated, and their store is self-service. no hairdryer and the dinnerware is a little cheap. the cabin is actually very tiny and thoughtfully designed (to stow away luggages and shoes). i really enjoyed the giant glass window and the windows throughout the cabin to feel at one with nature. since we had a 4 night package and also wanted to go glamping during the fall foliage season, we booked another two nights in october. K&M may join us (but not sure, as M does not like to spend money).
CT: so beautiful and lush, went to the nearby cat cafe where we were the only asians and they displayed an "antiracism" sign on the door (which i'm guessing that means that racism is prevalent in that area), checked out boho farms and got a pumpkin spice candle, went to the local grocery market twice, and did a short hike at machimoodus state park.
work: my new boss (director) officially announced my promotion yesterday in an email and included what duties will be shifted to my previous manager and my colleague. it's definitely weird to give my old manager work to do? so i'm trying to do as much as i can. there's a lot on my plate right now as i'm taking over compliance management and resolving previous payroll issues, all while still doing majority of the work for the VCP and housestaff populations. i do feel happier though, like that i'm actually looking forward to doing this type of work. it's very introverted and a bit more challenging so i'm excited to give a good impression in my first few months.
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sandbees · 3 years
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A few about the Great Seven interacting with Twisted Wonderland characters VIA Yuu. 👀 I only have one word summary; Chaos.
Who would meet the Great Seven first? Obviously the first years (along with Ortho and Grim). They’re Yuu’s best friends after all.
Actually, it was Friday, the last day of the week. And coincidentally, that night would be a special night at the House of Mouse. Ariel and her sisters would be performing that night.
Mickey told Yuu that that they could invite anyone to watch the performance. So Yuu went to get special permission to take their friends along with them.
After kidnapping Ortho After Yuu gathers everyone, they explain that they’re going out to see a special performance at their workplace.
Keep in mind that no one knows exactly what Yuu’s new job was except Grim and Crowley. So naturally everyone was in on it and curious. (Only Grim knows about Yuu meeting the Great Seven though)
Ace: So where do you work at?
Yuu: I work at a club.
Epel: ...As in a strip club or a book club?
Yuu: Wtf Epel? It’s like a club but no alcohol. It’s technically a restaurant but they have live shows and put on a lot of performances so-
Deuce: Oh! That’s cool, we get to see it together!
Yuu: Actually I’m not going to be with you guys. I’m on duty that day so I’ll be waiting tables. But I’ll join during break.
Ace: Really? Bummer.
Ortho: Aw, I wanted to hang out with you too! But it will be fun nonetheless. :D
Yuu tells them to wait downstairs as they go upstairs to get everything ready.
They are low-key nervous, because the House of Mouse isn’t...exactly normal by Twisted Wonderland standards.
Meanwhile, Grim was telling the first years about Yuu’s experiences there.
Grim: You know, the House of Mouse is really popular, I’ve heard about a lot of customers Yuu has met.
Deuce: This job must have been hard...I’m glad Yuu got it though!
Grim: Yeah, they pay them 5,000 madol! Isn’t that great?!
Sebek: 5,000 madol?! That’s a lot more than being a waiter.
Ace: In a week? I mean having a salary of 5,000 is pretty impressive.
Grim: Hehe, it’s actually 5,000 a day.
First Years: WHAT?!
Jack: To be able to pay that much...the owner must be wealthy.
Epel: Yuu lucked out!
When Yuu comes down, the first years are asking a billion questions.
How did you find a job with such a high pay??? Is the work good?? Is your boss nice to you?? Explain everything-
Yuu assured them that their job is just waiting a bunch of tables, and that they’re payed well because the place is very popular.
Anyways, Yuu tells them that they’re going now and leads them upstairs.
“Shouldn’t we be going to the hall of mirrors-?” “It won’t work.”
The group kind of loses their mind as Yuu casually pushes Ace into their mirror, Grim follows behind.
“Come on, or do I have to push you through the mirror like I did with Ace?”
Safe to say is that they go through the mirror and are greeted with a very lavish dressing room.
“Wait woah this isn’t Mickey’s dressing room.”
Yuu finds a note and read it out loud. Apparently Mickey moved the mirror to a new room so they could have privacy. Anything in the room is for their use.
“I’m going to cry. He’s so nICE I DON’T DESERVE THIS-“
Yuu is pretty happy with this arrangement, actually. They also begin to explain the club’s shtick to their friends.
“So this is basically a club for entertainment with live shows and also cartoons on the screen. Oh, and sometimes a cat named Pete tries to sabotage the show so he can kick everyone out and make this his club.” “Isn’t that illegal-“ “Not if there’s no police.”
So anyways Yuu leads them outside and they run into Goofy.
Sebek: Is that-?
Yuu: Hi Goofy, I’m bringing my friends to a table for the show-
Goofy: Yuu! There you are! You’re needed at table 14.
Yuu: What? But my shift hasn’t started-
Goofy: Reservations from Hades himself.
Yuu: Oh shit, ok yeah I’ll be there as soon as possible-
Ortho: Hades? As in the God of the Underworld?
Yuu: Yes, I’ll explain later, more importantly let’s go find you a table.
Ace: I think not telling us you actually met one of the GREAT SEVEN!
Yuu: I did tell you; and you didn’t believe me.
Everyone is vibrating in nervousness and excitement. Especially Ortho. I mean, this is the GREAT SEVEN we’re talking about!
Yuu decides to introduce them to Hades. But surprise surprise, it’s all of the Great Seven!
Yuu’s first year friends are going to pass out from shock. Oof.
With some inquiry, Yuu explains to the Great Seven that the friends they brought were from Twisted Wonderland.
Let’s just say that the First Years got invited to sit at their table. (Sebek is quaking at the idea of sitting with the Witch of Thorns)
So while Yuu leaves to start work (not after taking all of their orders first, of course), the Great Seven begin asking the first years + Grim questions.
The first years are expectantly tense, but they loosen up.
Ursula and Jafar are a little disappointed that no one from their dorm is present, but they seem to easily forget that after Yuu tells them that they know people from their respective dorms anyways.
Yuu also gives them a little more information they found about their respective dorms, so that they don’t feel...left out? (Satisfied is a better word for it)
Ursula pets Grim and Jafar feeds him crackers. Grim does not complain, he’s fine. He becomes more compliant as his tuna arrives.
And some of the other’s thoughts? Well...
The Queen of Hearts almost blew up in anger at Ace and Deuce. They are idiots that do nOT KNOW THE PROPER WAY TO SPEAK TO THEIR SUPERIORS AND THEY HAVE BROKEN AT LEAST 359 RULES ALREADY-
But somehow, the Queen of Hearts warms up to the idiotic duo. She sees them as...annoying children she has to babysit but they’re also really adorable that she can’t stay mad at them forever. Plus, Deuce is trying and Ace has these wonderful card tricks that would make her Jester cry.
So at first, she does not approve, but as the night progresses she does. 8/10 would meet the ADeuce combo again.
Scar and Jack...hm. Well, I don’t think they’d get along of Scar’s sense of morality and justice of the past was brought up. However, the villains all agreed to not bring up their villainous past because they didn’t want to scare away Yuu/make them wary and distrustful of them. Same goes for the first years.
Anyways, Scar is impressed at how buff Jack is. He isn’t surprised though - he expected residents of his dorm to be powerful. Scar lays down some well deserved praise and Jack eats it up with a tail wag. Jack also talks about his dorm and what the dorm represents. Scar’s ego rises 100x and Scar becomes somewhat...egotistical. Well, maybe not like in a “I’m shoving my ego in your face” type of ego but in a “This pleases me and I will treat you kinder” ego.
Basically, Scar opens up a little more to Jack as the night progresses. Like a mentor/student bond.
The Evil Queen and Epel...well, the Evil Queen was quite picky with how Epel was acting. Yes, he had the proper posture but really, he was using the wrong forks to eat that particular kind of food. She expected better from someone who came from her dorm. So she ended up chastising him and scolding him for being “improper”. Like Vil.
She was shocked to say when Epel accidentally snapped back at her, before returning to his more “princely” persona. Ah, so the child had more than meets the eye. She tried a different approach, as in trying to ease Epel into talking to her. Certainly, Epel was much more headstrong and willful than that naive Snow White.
So, the Evil Queen and Epel have a rocky start, but by the end of the show.
Hades and Ortho...well, that’s a combo you never see everyday. But I think Hades would basically adopt Ortho. As in suddenly he gets father vibes from the kid. He’s also particularly interested in his own dorm, and asks Ortho about it. Ortho’s pretty chatty with Hades, and is happy to tell Hades about his dorm! He also asks a few questions himself; which Hades happily obliged to.
...and then it turns into Ortho talking about Idia and how wonderful he is. And Hades is like, “damn, this kid has a wonderful big brother. How come my younger siblings act like shit to me-“
So Hades silently swore to the River of Styx to keep this child safe, and Ortho had a fun time interacting with Hades!
Sebek and Maleficent...well, it could have been worse.
Poor Sebek was tense and tight lipped for most of the night. He really wanted to make a good impression on Malleus’ grandmother. (I don’t think Sebek has met Maleficent yet so-)
Maleficent was patient, however. She knew Fae kind were raised to think of Maleficent as a high authority figure that should be treated with upmost respect. Unlike the other kingdoms; the Valley of Thorns praised Maleficent like a goddess. She didn’t blame Sebek for acting like he was.
So she started with baby steps. Talking about how wonderful it was to meet her grandson’s bodyguard, how Malleus must have grown to be a strong magician, how she wished she had stayed to know more about her grandson.
Actually, the breaking point between the tense atmosphere between the two was Malleus. Sebek opens up a little more as he continues to talk to Maleficent.
At the end of the night, they’ve only talked about Malleus, but Maleficent was content with that. After all, keeping up with what her grandson was doing was more than enough.
By the end of the night, the First Years enjoyed the special performance and their time with the Great Seven. Things went well especially when Yuu came to join during their break.
So when it was time to go, everyone had happily said their goodbyes as they were ready to return.
“Oh, before I forget...Yuu, I have almost completed the portals for the others so do expect one of us to pop in soon.” “Oh, ok!” “...THEY MIGHT VISIT US?!”
Everyone is low key excited to meet again though.
So, the first years go through the mirror and stay at Ramshackle, chatting away at their time at the House of Mouse.
Yeah, this was a looonngg write, I’m actually going to do the rest of the TW cast in another post. I hope you enjoyed this one! :)
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luimagines · 3 years
It’s late. I should be asleep. *promptly types this in your inbox* For the Vai Clothes Anons, our dear beloved mod; Pinky and for every Twilight Simp out there. *blows kiss* Ignore all the copious self indulgence.
He hadn’t meant to. He really really really hadn’t meant to.
It all started with those awful wonderful vai clothes Wild had lent out. He hadn’t known you were changing behind that tree, he swears. All he knew was you were standing behind the tree, there was a brief rustle of fabric and a flash of skin before he whipped his head away from you so fast, his neck cracked.
“Wolfie? Are you ok?” He’d barely heard you ask, mind too occupied by the flash of soft skin he’d seen.
He shook his head and planted himself with his back to you to give you privacy. It was an accident, was all. No need to get worked up.
Later, Twilight would pin point that moment as the exact moment Hylia or Farore or some other deity had decided to take notice of his embarrassment and laugh.
The next time he saw more of you than you intended was when it was just you and him in wolf form. Monster guts had spilt all over your tunic and you plucked at it in disgust. Twilight had been too busy sniffing the air to really take any concern over it when he heard more fabric slid and a wet thump.
He turned his head on instinct and found you with both your over tunic and under tunic off and miles of soft, delicate skin on display for him. He could see the muscle move as you crouched over you bag and pulled out another set of tunics. You looked up and grinned at him.
Twilight felt faint as you approached him and ruffled the fur between his ears.
“Well done. You are such a good boy. Just let me put this on and we’ll go find the others. I bet you don’t want a super stinky friend travelling with you.” You said, a soft coo in your voice.
It took all the strength he had to turn away from the bare belly right in front of his nose and pretend to be interested in a tree as you put your tunics back on.
He had to take some very deep breaths and didn’t make eye contact with you that night when he was back on two legs.
The third time was his own fault admittedly. Twilight had gotten distracted with playing in the shallows of a slow river while taking a moment to himself. It was nice travelling in a group but he needed a minute or two to himself every so often as they all did.
“Having fun, lovely?” An amused voice called out and he nearly tripped over his own paws when he saw you with your boots off nearby.
Once recovered, he barked happily and splashed some more in the shallows. He was just a happy Wolfie right now. Nothing to see here, nope. (He knew none of the others in the know would ever let him live it but it was making you smile and that was enough.)
Just as he got deep enough to cover his legs without going swimming, he was suddenly splashed from an unexpected source.
Snapping his fangs in surprise, he turned to face whatever it was and was once again greeted with soft bare skin. Only this time the only thing he couldn’t see was the really important bits still covered by your underwear.
Oh sweet Farore, grant him strength. You were in your underwear.
You laughed, bright and loud, and he swore the sun grew brighter for it. But still that was a lot of skin.
You splashed him again and Twilight prayed he could focus on the emerging splash fight and less on the fact he could see exactly how much the sparring practice with the others was effecting you.
He barely spoke to you that night.
The last time was the final straw. You had gone missing for half an hour and while Time hadn’t been worried, merely giving his protégé a smug look, Twilight had shifted and gone looking for you.
Big mistake. Big big big mistake.
He found you.
You were fine. Perfectly fine!
You were also very very very naked.
Naked and wet.
Did he mention you were naked?
Of course most people are naked and wet when they bathe. That’s how it done.
But you were very very naked and that was a lot of bare skin and he’s never seen your hair flat like that and oh Hylia, kill him now, was that your-
“Wolfie!” You cried in glee.
Twilight startled so hard, he tripped on his paws and fell into the little pond with you. There was a moment of shock and water before strong arms wrapped themselves around him and helped him back on to the bank.
“Wolfie?! Are you okay, lovely? It’s okay. It’s okay.” Hands ran down his back as he hacked up the small amount of water he’d inhaled. He looked up and choked again. You were out of the water, on full display and looking very worried.
Twilight made the tactical decision there and then. He ran back to camp and refused to speak to anyone for the rest of the day.
You were ignoring him. He’d hadn’t notice for a few days, but the image of you bathing was just starting to fade and he felt like he could actually talk to you again without that being his first thought when he’d finally noticed you not making eye contact.
You avoided him for the whole day, ducking into other conversations and weaving though the group. You even risked egging an argument with Legend to avoid him and that’s when Twilight realised.
You knew.
“Can I talk to you?” It took Twilight all the courage he had (and some not so little encouragement from Wild, Time and Warriors of all people) and spoke to you that night.
You blinked up at him startled, your bright eyes shining from the lamplight. Eyes that adverted quickly.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Privately. Please.” He clenched his fists, opening and closing them nervously.
The movement caught your eye and you reluctantly got to your feet, trailing after him out of the inn they were stay at in the middle of nowhere and behind the building that backed into the forest. It was a full moon and clear so he could still see your face.
You both stood in silence before you opened your mouth. “Twi, wha-“
I am so sorry!!!” He burst out. He couldn’t take it any more. He hadn’t meant to and now you’d figured it out and thought he was a pervert! (A part of him wondered why it was the pervert thing the worried him more than the shadow magic discovery thing).
You jumped. “What?”
He buried his face in his hands. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to happen! I swear! I tried to look away and give you privacy each time!”
You frowned in confusion and you reached out to pull his hands away from his face. “What are you-“
“The fact I saw you naked! I saw you bathing and that time with the monsters and the vai clothes and when we had a splash fight and you were naked and I saw.” He let you pull his hands away only to run it through his hair and tug on it.
You froze. “Twilight. The only one who was there for all that was Wolfie. How’d you… Sweet Courage! You’re Wolfie?!??”
Twilight froze as well as you gaped at him. Ah. “You didn’t know?”
Twilight swallowed heavily. So you hadn’t avoided him cause you found out he was Wolfie. Not that that mattered any more cause you did now.
“I’m sorry.” He said weakly. You just stared at him. “I really am! It’s just you were alway so happy to see me and I like your smile and your really attractive and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that no matter how much I liked looking and, oh Farore that makes it sound worse and I just really like…” he started to ramble, the words just spilling all over the place as he foolishly confessed every though he’d had about you from your utterly adorable bed head to the way you smiled to your wonderful personality.
Eventually, you pressed a hand over his mouth. “So you’re Wolfie.”
He nodded. Goddesses he hoped you could still be friends. He’d had his heart broken once, twice would be fine. He’d be fine.
“You liked seeing me naked.”
Again he nodded. He slumped down. There was no way you’d want to stay friends with him now. Who’d want to be friends with a pervert anyway?
The hand moved from his mouth, trailing lightly across his lips, down his neck and rested on his collar. He looked up and saw determination written all over your face with a dark look in your eyes.
“Well then. I hope you don’t mind if the reverse happens at some point.” You plucked daringly at the collar. “After all, I want to see if my dreams were right about you.” It wasn’t darkness in your eyes, it was heat.
Heat Twilight felt fill his own expression as his confidence soared. His hands carefully rested on your waist and he felt the soft skin he’d been dying to sink his teeth into ever since that day with the vai clothes.
“Oh and Twi.”
He was a little focused on the fact you’d slipped his hands over his shoulders and were squeezing them.
Your expression softened although the heat stayed. “I like you too.”
He couldn’t help himself and pulled you flush against him, growling.
Your eyes blew wide with heat and surprise. You pressed firmly against him and started breathing heavily as you clutched his biceps and oh, this was going to be fun.
I have no words.
You've killed me.
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