#oh boy I need to stop saying things about this movie and just move on lmao
onceuponapuffin · 1 day
Fanatic Intervention Part 16!!!
My friends! I have heard your cries! You are worried about Muriel and yearn to know what has become of them! Rest assured, they are in this installment.
Let's do this.
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After a moment of commiserative silence, Sardis gets up to go to the bar for another round of drinks. He says sometimes magic just isn’t as good as a properly mixed drink, and leaves. You’ve barely had a sip of your fishbowl.
Jesus is a 13 year-old boy who is white and rich and lives in Los Angeles with his rich parents. The world is doomed.
Your brain is still simmering in the sauce of despair when Anathema suddenly leans in close, pushing glasses to the side as she does. She gets as close to the middle of the table as she can, and you look her up and down because you’re pretty sure the table is sticky (and you’re too scared of the answer to wonder why).
“Okay, listen,” she says urgently, “I need to tell you before Sardis gets back. I got a call from Newt. Muriel’s missing.”
Whatever you were expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. You feel like you’ve suddenly been dropped into ice water. Muriel’s….missing.
“Missing how exactly?” asks Crowley.
“Like missing missing,” Anathema says. How is it that something so vague can clarify her meaning so well? “They went to see a movie, and Muriel just disappeared. He hasn’t been able to find them anywhere.” You don’t have the words to speak yet, but the expression you turn towards Anathema seems to be enough for her. “Listen,” she says to you, “They had every reason to think that it would be okay. The Metatron was after us, remember? He wants us.” You turn your eyes back to the table, wishing that Anathema hadn’t moved your drink away. You could really use something to hold on to right now.
“Right,” Aziraphale begins in a take-charge kind of way, “Tell him that there’s a summoning circle on the floor in my bookshop--”
“-- He tried that already. He says he just got voicemail, and...uh...dial-up.” You’re not looking but you can feel Anathema’s expression without seeing it. Who in the universe still uses dial-up??
“Oh,” Aziraphale sounds deflated.
“Maybe they just popped out to the shop?” Crowley suggests. The question sounds ridiculous and even sarcastic, but what he means is maybe they’re okay and not actually in any trouble at all, and maybe they’ll come back safe and sound and everyone will have a good laugh about it later.
“I mean, it’s possible,” Anathema answers, apparently also understanding what Crowley meant, “But honestly, I don’t think it’s likely.”
“Well regardless,” says Aziraphale, “I highly doubt the Metatron would do anything to harm Muriel. Heaven doesn’t work that way, least of all him.”
“No,” agrees Crowley, “They usually outsource that sort of thing to Hell. Might be able to twist an arm and find out if they...ah...mmm…know anything.” You haven’t looked up yet, but you’re pretty sure Crowley noticed that you haven’t said anything halfway through that suggestion.
Muriel is missing. Your friend. Your wholesome, lovely friend, who came to earth dressed like a lighthouse and who you persuaded to adopt argyle. Your friend who spun around to music with you even though they don’t dance. Your friend who watched the first time you had to calm yourself down from a panic attack and gave you a button to help you with the next one. It’s still in your pocket, you remember. You pull it out and stare at it in your palm. A good large-but-not-too-large plain green button. A good thing to fiddle with whenever you’re anxious. Suddenly you feel tears around your eyes, and maybe it’s the alcohol, but you can’t exactly fight them back. The most you can do is keep yourself from sobbing with worry. Everyone else is still discussing what to do.
“Listen,” Anathema is saying, “I know it’s hard, but we can’t stop saving the world to go back and look for them. The Metatron could be using Muriel as bait for all we know, and we’d be playing right into his hands.”
“Well surely we can’t just leave poor Muriel either,” Aziraphale replies.
“No,” Anathema responds, “I suggested he call Adam. If anyone can help him, Adam can.”
“Do you think” You finally say, “that Muriel knows? That they know we’re coming to find them?”
“I don’t know,” Anathema sighs, “I like to think that they know us well enough to have hope. Wherever they are.”
“Perhaps we could send them a message,” Aziraphale suggests.
“Mmnn,” Crowley seems to agree, “We need to make sure it’s something the Metatron wouldn’t pick up on. Like a secret code or something.”
The three of them start to discuss what kind of message or code you could all send Muriel. Meanwhile, the only thing you find yourself able to do is fidget with the button. The debate has gotten the other three nowhere when a lightbulb goes off. The button.
In dramatic fashion that only Crowley could match, you slam the button on the table. Everyone stops their discussion to watch as you grab the miracle enabler out of your pocket and tear off the number 2 with your teeth. As you spit it to the side, you watch and notice that it stays gone. The miracle went through. Anathema blinks.
“Okay,” she starts, “First of all, I get that you’re upset and that’s perfectly reasonable. But this stuff is important so next time can we please forgo the dramatics and discuss with the group first?”
“Sorry,” You say, even though you’re not.
“What message did you send them?” Crowley asks. In response, you hold up the button.
“You see this? Muriel gave this to me before we left. To help me with my panic attacks. As...as comfort.”
“Okay...” Crowley says. You see Anathema and Aziraphale exchange a look.
“So I sent them an exact copy,” You finish.
“That’s rather clever,” Aziraphale sounds impressed.
“Yeah, not bad.” Anathema agrees. “But next time please tell us first.” You nod in agreement and take a sip of your drink just as Sardis returns with more for everyone else.
Hang tight Muriel, you think to yourself, or Muriel if they can somehow hear you, We’ll find you. We won’t leave you on your own.
Muriel scrivened away at their desk. It was hard to come back to scrivening after having such a lovely time on Earth, but they had been told it was an emergency and that they would be able to come back later once everything had been sorted out. Muriel hadn’t realized that what they’d meant was paperwork. They looked around their office and sighed. Every square foot of it was covered with teetering towers of file folders, leaving no way to see anything else. Not that there was anything else to see ever, it was Heaven after all. They had so much to catch up on.
“How are you doing in here, Muriel?” came a voice from among the towers of folders. Muriel jumped in surprise.
“Oh! Ah, I’m doing alright Metatron,” they answered, “It’s a lot to get through, but I’m starting to make some headway I think!”
“That’s excellent!” The Metatron replied. He wound his way through the stacks until he could see Muriel’s face. He smiled kindly. “I really am so grateful that you were able to return and lend us your help. As you can see, things have gotten a little out of hand in your absence.”
“Yes,” Muriel said, “Of course, Metatron! I didn’t realize that I was leaving everyone with so much. Please pass along my apologies to them.” The Metatron nodded with a thoughtful hum.
“It is the nature of our work, Muriel,” he said, “That we do now know or understand our own importance or place in the workings of things while we are doing them. It is not for us to know, after all! But when someone strays from their role, when they leave for a time and their absence is felt, then we often find out just how vital we are. Not one of us is a ‘nobody,’ we are all incredibly important in the workings of God.”
Muriel nodded. “Yes, Metatron, of course!”
“Ah Muriel,” Metatron said fondly, “You are a most diligent and dedicated soul. Be well assured that the Almighty knows just how grateful we are for you and your continued contributions.”
“Oh! The Almighty?! Really?? Wow! Thank you Metatron!” Muriel sat in awe. They had always thought that they were nobody really. But this whole time they had been so important that even God knew! Muriel looked around at the endless towers of files with new inspiration and purpose. If God knew that they were valuable, then they must do their very best to live up to it! “Don’t worry, Metatron, I’ll get all this sorted out!”
“I have utmost faith in your abilities, my dear,” Metatron began, “And yet I do sense a small seed of doubt. Is it perhaps something I can help you with?”
Muriel nearly jumped again. Could he read minds? How had he known?
“It’s nothing really,” Muriel said sheepishly, “It’s only...I wish I could have said goodbye. Newt must have been so worried for me to just leave so suddenly. My friends might all be very worried about me.”
“Well why would they be worried?” The Metatron asked jovially, “You’ve come back home! You’re much safer and happier in Heaven than you could be anywhere on Earth.” He looked at Muriel’s unconvinced expression, and relented to a thoughtful smile. “Although I suppose we could send them a message for you. Let them know that you are perfectly alright, and have returned at our request to save us from all of this,” he waved his hands to gesture at the mountains of paperwork. Muriel brightened.
“Oh that would be wonderful! Very kind of you, really Metatron. Thank you ever so much.”
“My pleasure, my dear Muriel,” Metatron cooed, “I shall be back to check on you later, shall I?”
With that, he left and closed the door.
“Ah! Metatron!” Saraquel called to him, speeding over, “Your Grace,” she nodded her head in deference, “Is there anything you would like for the Scriveners to...well...scriven? All of our paperwork has been redirected elsewhere and now I have scores of angels with nothing to do.”
“There is always something to do, Saraquel,” the Metatron smiled kindly, “I have the utmost faith in your abilities to lead. As always.” And he left.
Back inside the office, Muriel was beginning to feel much less...enthused. Now that Metatron was gone, the fatigue of tedious work was returning. There was just so much to do. And to think they had left all the other scriveners with all of this. They felt terrible for that. This was…horrible. This was...just so overwhelming. Muriel took a selfish moment to drop their head into their arms. This felt endless. For a short time, Muriel focused on breathing, before a small clatter made them look up. There was a green button on their desk. Carefully, Muriel poked at it. It was definitely a material object. How strange! They picked it up and examined it for a moment before recognition hit them. Oh! They knew what this was! They had given a button just like this to their new friend! The one that God had sent to help save the world with Aziraphale and Mr. Crowley! A smile of relief spread across Muriel’s face, and despite themselves they hugged the button close like it was the most precious thing in all of Heaven. Thank God. The Metatron had sent them a message, and now they knew everything was alright. For a minute there, Muriel had been worried that he wouldn’t.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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naughtyjjk · 7 months
jjk men when they're turned on in public
characters: gojo, geto, nanami, toji | fem reader warnings: smut, dry humping, teasing, dirty talk, blowjob they just can't help themselves sometimes... and it doesn't matter that they're in public
GOJO... the first sign is that he gets really clingy. it happens slowly throughout the day until he’s basically leaning onto you and whining nonstop about how much he wants you, how badly he needs it. if you try to ignore him, he moves to stand close to you and starts humping you over his clothes, doing anything to relieve himself­ even a little bit. “come on, baby,” he practically begs. “let me fuck you… i’m so hard for you already. you know i can make you feel good.” and of course you know; he’s good at sex, just like he’s good at everything else. still, you try to tell him not here, not in public, but he’s relentless and it’s so tempting. he kisses your neck, licks your ear, fondles your chest, and—eventually, you can't help but give in. it’s so fucking hard to resist when you can feel his cock twitching in his pants, rubbing against you. the two of you find a nearby hotel and he doesn’t waste any time in taking off your clothes and pinning you down on the bed. “mm, finally… i've wanted this all day…”
GETO… it’s obvious when he’s turned on because he starts touching you everywhere, hands roaming all over your body and getting more daring as time passes. he hugs you from behind. he "accidently" brushes against your breasts. he grabs your ass as he walks next to you. whenever this happens, you want to tell him to stop, but his touches are always so warm, and they feel so good. he knows every one of your most sensitive spots and he’s not afraid to put this knowledge to use. secretly, you love when he gets all touchy, like he can’t get enough of your body. eventually, when he can’t take it anymore, he leads the two of you into an empty alleyway and makes you bend over, pulling his pants down and thrusting his cock into you. one hand cups your breasts, pinching the nipple, and the other hand covers your mouth. “shh,” he says when your moaning becomes too loud. “i know, baby. it feels good, but you have to be quiet, otherwise people will hear. or do you want everyone to know how well you take my cock?”
NANAMI… he’s usually a private person and keeps these things in the bedroom, but when he does get all hot and bothered in public, it’s because of you. while the two of you spend a day out together, you keep teasing him and pushing his limits simply because you love watching him try to hold himself back—it’s fucking hot. so you dress in revealing clothing, you hint at the dirty things you want to do with him. he maintains a pretty good poker face most of the time, but you can tell that he’s not immune to your seductive tactics by the way he looks at you, gaze darkening with desire over time. it’s not long before he gives in. when the two of you move to sit down, he pulls you onto his lap and grinds against your ass, letting you feel how hard he’s become. he whispers in your ear, “you’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you? it’s like you’re just asking to be punished…” and you know that he’s going to get his revenge by the time you get home.
TOJI… oh boy, he’s completely shameless. he won’t be subtle about it at all, and he wants you to know exactly how horny he is. it doesn’t matter where you are—in line to get food, at the movie theatre, walking around. he won’t hesitate to take your hand and guide it down his body to feel his hard dick over his pants, smirking at you. he makes a point to moan and whisper dirty fantasies to you any chance he gets, watching you get more and more riled up. his goal is to make you turned on too, so aroused that you forget where you are and make the first move. at a restaurant, you’re supposed to be sharing a nice meal together, but you somehow find yourself crawling under the table and unzipping his pants, pulling out his cock to suck him off. you can hear him talking to the waitress as if nothing’s wrong, far too composed. but when he finally stutters, breath hitching and holding back a moan, satisfaction settles in you. he pushes you away before it gets too dangerous and you return to your seat. he tells you, “as much as i would love to spill into your mouth, i want to come inside you today. how about you meet me in the bathroom?” he doesn’t wait for you to answer, getting up and heading toward the back of the restaurant. you follow him, of course. in the end, he returns the favour and fucks you hard in one of the stalls.
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littledemondani · 10 months
Eddie the munch munson who also loves boobs. His obsession is to the point where it doesn’t even have to be sexual. Watching a movie? Boob in mouth. Trying to fall asleep? Boob in mouth. Especially when the reader is on the period??? He just wants to make his bae feel better. Boob in mouth. The thought of sleepy needy eddie licking them so slow and gentle as his eyes flutter shut… I’m melting 🫠
oh my god 😩 dani.exe has crashed
warnings: 18+ only, smut, fem!reader, needy!eddie, nipple sucking, no use of y/n
a/n: this went entirely different than what i had originally planned lmao
you noticed something was off with eddie when he came home from working all day at the mechanic shop. he was clingier and way more affectionate than he usually is. not that you minded, you knew he only ever got this way when things became too much for him.
which seemed to be happening a lot more lately.
he was stressed. impossibly so. with your recent move into a new apartment, eddie figured staying late at the shop to work on a few extra cars would secure him enough money to make sure you both didn’t struggle. even though you reassured him he didn’t have to. though it was in one ear and out the other entirely.
you both lay in bed, your back on the mattress, eddie’s head resting on your chest. some sitcom was playing on your small tv, but the words were fading as you started to get sleepier.
eddie’s eyes were glued, though, his mind in overdrive as he thinks about all the extra shit he has to do for the next day. he’s fidgeting, fingers closing tightly around the light fabric of your spaghetti strap in an effort to ground himself.
you feel him and you just know.
he needs you.
“baby,” you whisper gently, brushing your fingers through his hair. “it’s okay. i’m here.”
he turns to look at you, his dark brown eyes holding every ounce of emotion he is feeling in them. it makes your heart ache.
“can i?” he asks, tracing his fingertips along the outline of your breast.
you nod, tucking his hair behind his ear. “of course.”
in a swift motion, he pulls the top of your tank down to expose your breast, and wastes no time in taking your nipple into his eager mouth.
he suckles with urgency, and the pleasure shoots straight down to your cunt, but you push those thoughts aside. this isn’t about you right now.
eddie cups your other breast in his hand, fingers toying with the nipple. his tongue swirls around the other bud, making figure 8 motions before wrapping his lips around it once more.
you praise him, tell him how much of a good boy he is, how much you love him, how great he’s making you feel, how he can take whatever he wants from you. his cock throbs against his boxers, and leaks a small bead of slick onto the strained fabric. he bucks forward involuntarily, seeking friction of any kind to help ease the ache.
he sucks generously on your nipple, pulling the bud nice and taught. he lightly grazes his teeth against you, feeling you squirm and push your chest up into him.
the stress begins to leave his tired muscles, first in his back, up to his chest, out through his fingertips. his body grows heavier against you, not entirely limp, but it lets you know he’s calming down.
his suckles become softer, gentler, until he stops entirely. he presses kisses along the swell of your breast, up your chest, to your collarbone, then to the crook of your neck.
“thank you,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, wrapping his arm over your abdomen.
“i love you,” you say, kissing his cheek.
“i love you,” he replies, slowly trailing his hand down to your cunt. “more than you can ever possibly know.”
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entitled-fangirl · 5 months
Sweet little nothings.
Felix Catton x reader
Summary: Felix does sweet things absentmindedly for the reader, making her fall more and more in love with him.
Words: 679
Warning: Talk of someone saying something rude, suggestive comment
Author's note: This is an ask based off of this wonderful post!
Masterlist <3
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“Did you eat today, angel?”
It was a genuine question, one that Felix asked often. His beautiful girl looked up from her book, a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Oh, uh… I…. I don’t think so.”
He leaned back in his chair, a small smile on his face. She was too precious. Too sweet. She couldn’t even remember to eat she was so invested in the day’s activities. 
He stood, grabbing her wrist gently to pull her up next to him. He then pulled her against him, kissing her gently on the nose, his voice a low whisper. “D’wanna eat here or out?”
She looked up at him, meeting his pretty brown eyes with her own. “…out? I… I need out of the house… if that’s alright?”
He grinned, “That’s more than alright, angel. Go get your coat.”
She didn’t hesitate to do so. She pulled the jacket around her, fumbling with the zipper hurriedly.
He walked to her calmly, placing his hands over hers. “I got it.” He then easily zips her coat for her. His arms wrap around her neck, fixing the hood. “There, angel. You ready?”
The two sat in the restaurant, quietly enjoying their meals. 
“So… he said what to you?”
She shrugged. “It was stupid. I don’t think about it often.”
His eyebrows pull together as he sets his fork down, “Well, does it bother you?”
She sighs, twirling her own fork in her hand, “It did at the time. Now? I don’t know, Lex. It’s fine.”
It was his turn to sigh as his hand moved up to cradle her cheek gently. “It’s not fine if it bothers you, angel. He shouldn’t have said that.” 
She stares at the nearly empty plate in front of them, a distant look in her eyes. 
His thumb moves up her cheek, lightly brushing a crumb from her face. “I mean it. Say the word, and I’ll make sure he apologizes. Truly.”
She lets out a soft laugh, “It was almost a year ago, Lex. He probably doesn’t remember.”
“Oh, he will when I remind him.” He lifts his fork, stabbing the last piece of their shared steak. He holds it out in front of her face. “C’mon. You need the protein.”
She leans forward slightly, her lips wrapping around the fork, taking the piece graciously. 
He smiles, “Let’s say we pay the bill then head back to Saltburn. I have a little surprise for you, angel.”
She was thrown off, but agreed nonetheless. 
The servants opened the front doors to the mansion, letting the couple walk in. She happily let him pull her to one of the many living areas, this one in particular being his favorite one. 
He pulls her in front of his body to give her the first view before his arms move over her shoulders, pushing the doors open. 
A huge bouquet of flowers sat on the coffee table near the couch. Her favorite snack sat on a tray next to it. She was speechless. “You… you did this? For… me?”
He wore the happiest grin. “Indeed, I did. Well, Duncan helped, of course. Now, go on, angel.”
She walked further into the room before she stopped again. Her favorite movie sat on the TV, waiting to be watched. She spun around to look at him. “Lex, this is incredible! But… why?”
He shrugged moving to pull her into his arms again. “Don’t need a reason. Just wanted to. Besides, I know you’ve been wanting me to watch this movie, and what better way to do so?”
She hugged him tightly before whispering in his ear, “If you keep this up, I don’t think we’ll be watching much of the next movie.”
He grinned, pulling her to the couch to begin their movie night together. 
Duncan came in once to check on the couple. 
The girl lay against the boy, her head resting on his chest as she slumbered. The boy, however, continued to watch the movie reverently, his fingers moving in her hair as if a natural instinct.
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krashoutluv · 4 months
Arkham Knight Relationship HCS !! <3
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( light nsfw, mostly SFW tho!! )
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literally my wife ( i made this pic idc abt creds i just wanna talk abt it)
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SFW !! <3
dying on this hill when i say basically any red hood would be soo yummy with a civilian or just someone who is extremely balanced.
im a red hood needs more fucking normalcy in his life TRUTHER.
relationship starts off slow, romantic and platonic, you need to be patient with him long enough for him to get over his mental dilemmas to feel ANY-TYPE of way towards you.
more then like 6 months lets be real yall
his way of bonding is quality time. ill die on this hill, especially at the start of the relationship. Nothing huge maybe just spending a couple extra minutes around you before leaving.
next is probably gift giving, esp with early relations, probably just gonna order you food or put fifty bucks on your countertop. you dont even notice until you realize you find a fifty around the last place he was standing. expect deliveries from R.H whenever he feels bad for something.
doesn't like being around for too long, feels like he's messing up something. ruining your day by keeping you up late (he was there for fifteen minutes), ruining your mood, (there was an awkward silence for like 30 seconds.)
not a overly conscious thought process though, he feels physically he isn’t supposed to be there. for whatever subconscious thing he picked up on, a awkward silence, or hes been there 15 minutes too long or something
well sometimes he'll mentally beat himself up.
he spirals a lot, needs someone to pull him out of that.
i think when he needs to be grounded, its not just comfort its making him feel alive in the present moment. he's never gonna truly forget about his traumas but maybe for just an hour or two; running around an arcade, walking around the city. just making him feel normal, yeah you BAGGED his ass quick.
he needs someone patient, really patient, someone whos very attentive and empathetic. (but not a complete push- over def needs someone to set him in line still)
i think if you move to quickly, he'll get super snappy and ghosting you,, ong put ur hands on him too early and he's left hooking you.
yeah you're waking up and the first thing your hearing is "Its been 12 years..."
second thing you hear is "you've been in a coma for.. 12 years."
third thing you're hearing is, " we think a bus hit you...”
obviously not touchy, even when he is settling down. hes just not sure how to .. or where to .. or why he wants too.
please his mental gymnastics get so crazy, just sit down with him and put on some silly ass movie so he stops
when he’s settled he cant pry himself off you though.
a lot of his expressions can definitely be told by his body language, naturally hes tense but theres certain habits he has when he's maybe thinking too much, or fustrated/irritated.
but he does all of the same for you, comfort, love, as much as he can he tries
Very attentive, has a mental list of 'shit you do when somethings wrong' or 'shit you like.'
doesn't consciously make any of these mental list, he just knows.
"didnt they say they liked this?" He pauses "shit ill just leave it at their window."
so he's like canonically smart as shit.
you have too much work from your boss or professor? hand it over its done in less then two hours.
literally buys you groceries and pays your bills (fucking lover boy.)
arkham knight finally figuring out how to ask for a hug (hes been dead silent for 5 minutes) (link) <— insta reel
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NSFW !! <3
AGAIN, not in a "my soft squishe potato always been scared of sex" way but in a ‘oh my god hes so unsocialized’ way.
yall ever see a big ass dog just..standing.. literally him (hes dissociating)
genuinely dont believe that when he was arkham/training to be, he was sexually or romantically involved with anyone. the last thing that was on his mind was actually pursuing a sexual or romantic relationship.
along with his trauma, he just wasn’t comfortable with any of that.
ghosted so many people..
couldn’t flirt for more then five minutes, just stopped feeling it or got uncomfortable .
not that he’s horribly awkward, but he’s noticeably a bit more quiet for first times.
ofc this man has watched porn n’ shit but hes smart enough to know thats not what its really like.
he’ll still figure it, what makes you tic, what you love, what makes you most comfortable.
kinda shitty at dirty talk, just makes him buffer.
he gets better at it tho, too damn good
gets so snarky and confident about it too uuhgrr
late relationships hes smirking and chatting your ears off cause you know hes gettin you turnt.
he has a love-hate relationship with his scars. 95% they remind him of his past, but 5% hes alright with them because they’ve shown what hes been through.
deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, he knows hes fine as fuck. TRUST YALL.
again, super observant and attentive. really pays attention to what you enjoy.
I genuinely don’t believe hes into super hardcore/painful kinks or anything.
Sex for him is definitely a way of showing his trust and intimacy with someone!! Let him show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you feel good! Do the same to him !!
mmm tell him how good hes doing and hes a absolute mess!!
praise him! PRAISE HIM *im yelling from the hospital bed im strapped down on*
wouldn’t let you ride for awhile, but once he’s comfortable with it ,, he’s actually obsessed.
cant see him bottoming , just wouldn’t be comfortable with it
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my brain is getting messy so im stopping here! feedback and comments would be cool if you wanna drop some!
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remcycl333 · 6 months
my sp story <3
hi besties! if you've been following my blog for a while you know that i've been single for a while, partly because i like to be independent and single, and partly because i just didn't like anyone. obviously i could just manifest a guy out of thin air, but when im not confronted face to face with a crush then i just don't care about being in a relationship so i never manifested someone out of thin air lol
but then a couple of weeks ago i was at the movies with my friends, and there were couples cuddling around us and i was like "aw :( kinda wish i had a bf now." and what do we do when we feel any type of desire? we immediately fulfill ourselves, no matter how "small" the desire is! so that's what i did. i imagined for like two seconds that i was cuddling with a boy at the theaters, and then i got distracted by the movie and forgot all about it
then like 15 minutes later, a guy that i'd had a crush on four years ago randomly slid into my dms. i never pursued him four years ago bc my bff at the time had dibs on him, but we're not friends anym and haven't been for years so it was my time to shine!!!
anyway, we talk for like a week. i know this guy is funny and shit bc of when we hung out irl, but like all he's sending me are unfunny memes that don't really warrant a response. so it was kinda tough
and this is the part where you guys are going to yell at me!!! i was like oh i should use my manifestation skills and make sure this goes smoothly....but then i was like nah im just gonna go with the flow 😭😭😭 and i know you guys are like REM!!!! u manifest EVERYTHING u can't just turn it off!!!! anyway.....long story short a week into us talking this mf randomly blocks me!!!!
so im instantly like 🙄🙄 damn fine i'll manifest him back bc im stubborn and do not like being told no in my reality
so how did i do it? how did i manifest him back?
if you guys have followed me for a while, you know that i manifested an sp a couple years ago by simply affirming "i love [his name] so much" any time i'd think of him and this would conjure the feeling of the wish fulfilled. (NOT mindless affirming. i'd say it maybe two or three times to catch the feeling and then move on)
ANYWAY so that's what i did! and let me tell you....i was not "perfect" by any means 😭 in fact this manifestation really kinda opened my eyes on how EASY manifestation truly is. like i already knew how easy it was, but damn!
if you know that your desire is promised and that it is coming because you gave it to yourself in imagination (even ONCE) ... there is NOTHING that will stop it. i was gonna make a separate post on this and i tried but i just couldn't articulate it correctly so im going to try again:
it took 12 days to manifest him to unblock me and message me. im sure it would've taken a shorter amount of time if i was more disciplined with myself but it's kinda crazy bc of how UNdisciplined i was 😭 tbh i was just kinda like...unsure if i even wanted to manifest him at all bc thats how much i value my alone time and my independence lol
anyway, i always get asks from people who are stressed and anxious bc they think that in order to manifest your desire, you can never enter the state of lack ever again and that dwelling in negative thoughts will "ruin" your manifestations. but i am here to tell you IT DOES NOT MATTER!!! you do not need to be "perfect"!!!! as long as you are staying faithful to the idea that you have your desire in the 4d, it'll manifest in the 3d.
another thing i see so many people confused and stressed about is whether or not they're naturally thinking from the state. for instance, every time you think of your sp, you think from the end of being in a relationship with them, before you think of the fact that you're not together yet. and let me tell you....while this CAN happen, it's not always gonna happen and it's not necessary. let me tell you, the DAY before my sp reached out, and even the day that he did....i would catch myself thinking about how we weren't together! but the gag is....YOUR THOUGHTS DON'T MANIFEST!!!! yes, they indicate what state you're in, but the actual thoughts themselves don't mean shit!!! they don't manifest. they just don't!
so i'd shift back to the state of being my sp's girlfriend when i'd have these thoughts, but i was fully aware we were not together in my 3d and i never naturally thought of us as being together before i saw any evidence of it in my 3d. all i had was the knowing that my inner man was with my sp, and that since i'd decided i had it in imagination, it would push out into my 3d. because that's how the law works!!! and honestly, that's all you really need. you just need to know that since you gave yourself your desire in your imagination ONE TIME, it WILL manifest. and if you have a true understanding of how the law works and you've read source, you will have no trouble knowing that it will come.
you also do NOT need to be in the state of the wish fulfilled 24/7!!! at all!!!! i cannot stress this enough. and tbh i used to feel the same. i felt like i had to be aware of having my desire in imagination 24/7 or else it wouldn't come. i thought i couldn't perceive the lack or opposite in my 3d or else it wouldn't manifest (see this post about dismissing the 3d btw if u need help with that). but the gods honest truth is that all you need to do is DECIDE you have your desire in imagination & not take no for an answer & KNOW that your desire is GOING TO REFLECT IN YOUR 3D NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
and that's not to say that you wont still get anxious and have intrusive thoughts and be like "oh god what if it never manifests." like... im human and i had those human moments. but i just reminded myself that i know the law and ive proven it to myself many times and i know that it had to manifest.
anyway. back to my sp story!
so for these 12 days that im blocked (lmfao) all i did was affirm "i love [his name] so much" whenever i thought of him until i caught the feeling of the wish fulfilled. that's it. and i knew for a fact that he was mine in the 4d and therefore we'd be together in the 3d bc that's the law!
anyway on friday (5 days ago) at 8pm? im scrolling thru the ulta app and then im like "oh i havent fulfilled myself today i dont think" so i fulfilled myself for like 2 seconds and then get distracted by some product and then two minutes later i get a notif that this guy followed me and then dmed me 😭
it's funny cuz my irls don't know about the law of assumption so i sent them a screenshot and i was like "look who came crawling back" and they were like BOOOOO!!! and i was like no guys!!!!! i created the blocking and i created this like i promise we can trust him 😭😭 hahahaha
anyway. let me tell you. if you are manifesting an sp, DO NOT DO THAT SHIT IN STEPS!!!!! i mean, if you really want to, i can't stop you, but i really don't recommend it.
with my old sp (the one from two years ago) i'd always manifest contact and then get it, and then he'd ghost me and and id have to manifest contact again and it'd be a never ending cycle!!! bc i was just focusing on contact, not on how i felt or how he felt about me.
the reason i loveeee to affirm "i love my sp so much" INSTEAD OF "HE loves ME so much" is because it helps me catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled so much more. not only that, but because remember, THERE IS NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF!!!! changing the way i see my sp and the way i feel about him is all i need to do. im not trying to change him and make him love me lol. this is about me and my inner reality, not him! he'll reflect whatever i am in the 4d
another reason i love affirming this is because TO ME, this is what implies we are already together. whenever im in a relationship, i always find myself laying around all giddy thinking about how obsessed with my bf i am and how i love him so much. so i emulate that when im manifesting an sp.
and it's PERFECT because by jumping straight to the end where we're already together, i don't have to focus on all the things that lead to us being in a relationship. i don't have to manifest him following me, or texting me, or asking me on a date. these things all just happen naturally bc im living in the end.
NOT TO MENTION, it naturally turns your sp into your perfect partner? like remember when i said when we were talking before he blocked me he was kinda dry and he'd just send memes that i didn't find funny? THIS DUDE DID A COMPLETE 180!!!
he's sooo funny, he is the OPPOSITE of dry, he is everything???? and im obsessed.
anyway he unblocked me and dmed me, and then asked for my number and we had such funny and cute convos and then boom 4 days later he asks me on a date and i say no (😭😭😭😭 i was busy) but i agreed to go on a date the next day and the way this boy showed pure unencumbered excitement 🥺 im obsessed
anyway im sorry this is so long? i really just wanted to share how all i did was apply what i've been preaching about on this blog for years and it worked out flawlessly! hopefully this gives you guys some good tips and maybe motivation? <3
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gojoidyll · 12 days
You've been dating Sakura Haruka for awhile now. For a few months, in fact.
And not once has he tried to kiss you. This sends you into a panic, of course. Anyone else who was dating always said that the first few kisses in a relationship were always "magical" in a sense. Electrifying even.
Yet Sakura made no move to kiss you even in the first week of you both dating each other.
Is it my breath? Nope.
My looks? Then he wouldn't be dating me, right?
Do I scowl at him unconsciously? Impossible.
Many questions would run through your head, and you found that you bite your nails anytime the insecurities about your looks comes up.
Maybe he just doesn't want to kiss me...
It got to the point that you just had to ask him why he wouldn't kiss you.
He was over at your place. His thumb clicking the buttons on the remote as he looked for a movie to watch with you. You felt bad to bombard him with your insecurities on movie night of all nights, but you just couldn't help it anymore.
You needed to know why he wouldn't kiss you.
"H- hey, Haruka?"
You tugged at his sleeve. Your legs were pulled up as you sat cross-legged beside him, completely facing him.
When he looked over at you, you could faintly see a small blush forming across his cheeks, he didn't think you would be so close!
"Can I.. ask you something?"
He frowned, "what?"
He always made you so nervous. You couldn't stop the way your hands felt sweaty or how your words would fumble and tumble out of your mouth.
You were mumbling. Barely audible for him, so you raised your voice a bit just to get the question out in the open. So shutting your eyes, you dared to ask what's been weighing on your mind.
"Why won't you kiss me? Is it... is it my looks or something?"
Not being able to bare the heavy quietness in the air, you peeked your eyes open to look at him. And oh dear, the way that you through this boy for a loop.
His mouth was opening and closing like a fish. His cheeks and ears were a bright red, and you could feel how hot his face burned, "you- i- there's nothing wring with your looks! I just never kissed anyone, ok?!"
Defensive too.
If there was one thing you know about your boyfriend, it was that he liked to fight. Even with you (but with affection, he doesn't mean to actually hurt you, of course <3).
And you laughed causing his face to burn even brighter.
"Stop laughing! So what?! Who cares if I hadn't kissed anybody yet! In fact, I really want to kiss you, but I don't want you to feel like it's the worst kiss you ever-"
You shut him up right then and there. Your lips mashing against his as you threw your arms around his neck. You couldn't stop the smile from etching across your lips as you kissed him.
"Silly Haruka, I never kissed anyone either, and I'll always treasure you as being my first kiss," you managed to say against his lips. Your breath intermingling with his own as he didn't know where to put his hands except on the couch below him.
He grumbled, "just kiss me again."
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talkbycolor · 6 months
me and my husband
A/N; wholesome old fashioned marriage in 1950, ITS 5AM I DIDNT SEELP ALL NITH
Pairing; "Mychael" x AFAB!Reader
CW; fluff / this is a what if MC stayed willingly on the forest, forgetting about the cat, his job and everything / reader is called wife and wears dresses but that doesnt mean its a woman (to my transmasc fellas (probably only me)) / this made me feel like inside a disney old movie / mawar, sansuyu and primrose are kinda like their babies / cute implied sex
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The morning was as beautiful and warm as your heart, the sun's rays came through the windows while you combed your hair in front of the mirror, you could hear the morning song of the birds echoing from outside, the aroma of the forest was fresh, like a delicious mint tea in the morning, ready to brighten your day.
"Honey, Mychael, are you awake?" You asked as you looked at the green-tinted body next to you, the non-human boy only letting out a few muffled sounds, trying to sweep the dream away from himself.
"Good morning, firefly" Mychael said in a lazy tone, he opened two of his four eyes before leaning down to kiss your lips, morning breath was not a problem when it came to showing how much he loved you.
"I'm going to make breakfast, can you feed the girls?" Even though it was a question you were already standing up to put on a coat and head to the kitchen.
Mychael imitated you by standing up and putting on a coat, it would soon be winter and the weather was already starting to change, but that was okay! It meant you could be the little spoon when giving yourself nightly cuddles with your husband.
Ah, husband, that word sounded so nice.
Not long ago you told Mychael about what marriage was and the emotional meaning it carried, how that made you "officially" a family, so to speak.
Your wedding was in the garden, Marmar, Sunny and Rosie were present of course, Mychael walked you back to the city to get a beautiful white suit and veil, you looked so beautiful that day, Mychael made sure to repeat it every second and make you feel like the most esteemed jewel in the world.
You could still remember how your mother told you things about maturity, how sweet life would be once you found your loved one and shared a life together until death do you part.
Mychael was that, your loved one, a boy with a heart of gold who only loved you.
And to his three girls, of course, Mawar, Sansuyu and Primrose, since that day, every moment has felt so fresh and pure, like tasting paradise, swimming in clouds, sobbing stars.
And Michael? Oh, it was so adorable to see how he did anything for your comfort, you were his beloved pearl, his old-fashioned lover who loved naps by the fireplace and telling stories about his life.
If chickens could talk, they would say that you look at Mychael with radiant love in your eyes and he does the same.
While you were washing the vegetables for breakfast you heard Mychael entering back into the cabin after feeding the chickens and checking the crops. He approached humming a song, the same one he played for you for the first time on his kalimba, his hands wandering. over his hips and moved playfully from side to side, inviting you to dance with him.
"Come on sweetie, don't you want to dance with your husband for a moment?" He whispered in your ear, his hands took yours to force you to stop working and turn to look at him.
Yes, he didn't look human but that doesn't mean he wasn't attractive.
Your hand went up to caress the strange mushroom-patterned horn on his head, causing your husband to purr, it was so cute to see him so comfortable next to you, with you, with the life they had.
You left your job behind, his old home, but you wouldn't change anything you have now, a quiet and domestic life was all you needed.
Both bodies moved through the kitchen, spinning to the rhythm of Mychael's humming, the home was so cozy that the cold seemed nonexistent.
Despite still being a little numb from just waking up, you interrupted his humming to sing, it's not like you had the best voice and it was actually kind of embarrassing, but when you're in love, who doesn't do the cheesiest things? You laughed a little at how happy it made you to dance alongside your husband.
"Hey, hey, hey, lover… you don't have to be a star, hey, hey, hey, lover… I love you just the way you are" Your cheeks burned with grief but that didn't stop you from smiling, Mychael leaned in to gather his forehead with yours as he enjoyed the moment with you.
Being with you made him the happiest man in the world.
"My wife is so sweet, you make me so happy, firefly" he whispered as one pair of eyes watched you, the other pair was closed as he savored the dance with you, he pulled your hips to cling to his body even more. "My beautiful wife, my beloved is so alluring, so charming, so wonderful, stunning, breathtaking" Receiving compliments from your man was always so pleasant, if you could purr like him you surely would.
"You look so alluring wearing that flowery apron" He commented with a mischievous smile, Mychael was a bit cocky by nature and loved to tease you.
He knew you liked that.
You both cooed at each other for a long time until your stomach growled, demanding food, you couldn't ignore the routine anymore so you both got to work on breakfast.
It was such a complete love, such a full life, such a happy heart.
After having breakfast you made sure to take good care of Marmar, Sunny and Rosie, that the field was in perfect condition, and clean the cabin. Mychael had gone out to bring a few things that were missing from the home, such as more firewood, meat for dinner and some pipes to install the drainage system in the bathroom, it was almost ready.
Not every day was the same, sometimes they had time to spare and they would settle down together in front of the fireplace, go for a walk through the most relaxing areas of the forest, or cuddle the chickens.
"Honey, wifey" Your husband's voice rang, he was knitting new wool sweaters since it would soon be winter. You walked over to your husband to snuggle up next to him, the atmosphere making your eyes feel heavy.
"Tired, firefly?" Mychael asked, just watching you pout and bat your eyelashes was enough to have the green-skinned boy carrying you bridal style to the bedroom, it always worked so you didn't help but let out a malicious giggle.
Things in bed were also fun, you were both passionate and loved each other intensely.
"I love you so much, Mychael, I want you to lull me, drown me, crush me…" You asked him in a whisper despite being the only ones in the cabin, the warm atmosphere of the home protected them, You were in the dark, the sounds of the forest setting their act of love. "My husband is so good, he knows how to make me feel so good, so desired" You confessed to him with a blush on your cheeks, saying what you felt so openly (maybe even a little bold) was still something that made you nervous.
"Thank you for coming into my life, dear" The seriousness with which he said those words carried so much feeling, he gave you a sad smile, you knew that Mychael was alone before he met you… very, very alone. "You always fill my heart with so much joy, knowing that you are mine... I feel so loved and… I want to make you feel loved, I am completely devoted to you, firefly, your wishes are my commands"
You were both sighing under the sheets, exhausted by their recent act, bodies so close together that they seemed to melt into each other as they enjoyed the other's heat.
"I love you"
"I love you"
You both laughed, sharing a loving kiss before falling asleep.
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My Home Is You Part 1/3
A/N: I am so obsessed with this movie, I've seen it twice. Enjoy. Leave a comment, like, or reblog if you've enjoyed it. Thank you to @kingliam2019 for requesting.
Fandom: The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
Pairing: Gus March-Phillips x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ for language, Nazi's, canon typical violence, possible spoilers for the movie, and mentions of sexual assault.
Part 2 Part 3
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“What’s that?” Freddy points to the lump behind Gus’s coat. 
“Nothing,” Gus shrugs, “shall we.” 
“We shall not,” Freddy shouts exasperated, “it’s moving! Unless you became the hunchback of Notre Dame in the ten minutes I left you, you got something hidden behind your back!” 
“He’s got a point, boss,” Hazy shrugs. 
Gus sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I think the jig is up,” he pushes the coat up and out you pop from behind his side, disappearing behind him with a shriek. 
“Where the hell did you find a woman?!” Freddy looks around, then goes silent putting two and two together, “Oh, I see.” 
“She’s coming with us,” Gus reaches behind him and you grasp his hand, trembling hard at being surrounded by so many men. His touch is warm, and you take a moment to breathe before stepping out from behind him at your full height. 
“Hello,” you whisper, giving an awkward wave. 
Gus lets go of your hand and claps making you jump and his face quickly turns apologetic, “Fuck, sorry about that, love. These are the boys,” he points to each man giving you a quick rundown on his merry band of miscreants. He turns to you with a proud smile, “I never did catch your name.” 
“Let me get this straight,” Freddy puts his hands on his hips, sticking out one finger towards Gus, “you find a random woman hidden in a Nazi garrison, fight your way out with her, and decide to bring her with us, without asking her name first?” 
“Probably did it a bit backward,” Gus rubs the back of his head with a chuckle, “but I’m making up for it now.” 
You clear your throat and they all turn towards you as you say your name, a small smile spreading across your face when they repeat it to you. “Welcome to the team,” Anders bows before putting his bow over his shoulder, “shall we get back to the boat, we got somewhere we need to be.” 
“After you,” Gus says, frowning when he realizes Anders is already halfway back to the boat. “That’s the spirit Lassen, lead the way!” Gus slings an arm around your shoulder and helps you walk, it’s slow and painful; your foot aches with every step but you keep it to yourself. These men have already done enough liberating you and agreeing to take you with them. The last thing they need is for you to be injured. But nothing gets past Gus. 
He doesn’t ask, just leans down and swings you up into his arms. You gasp, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck. “Wh-what are you doing?” you whisper. 
“You’re limping,” he whispers back, almost like two children sharing a secret, he grins. “I’m not about to let you hurt yourself worse before I can take a look at your injuries.” 
“I’m fine,” you bite your lip looking away, “you’ve done enough already.” 
Gus stops, the others moving around him to toss the rope down the cliff side, “Darling, I know you’ve just spent gods knows how long with the worst creatures imaginable but not all of us are monsters.” 
“I didn’t say you were,” you turn back to him, and catch your breath when you notice how close he is. “I don’t think you’re a monster at all,” you whisper, swallowing hard, “I just don’t want to cause you any more trouble.” 
“Do you know what I thought when I saw you tucked behind that wall crying and holding your ears?” You shake your head, and he grins, “She looks like just my kind of trouble.” 
The first smile in months spreads like wildfire across your face and you nod. “Ready?” Apple interrupts, “We managed a pulley to get her down.” 
Gus nods, lifting you into the makeshift pulley and working with Apple to lower you down. When you reach the ground Lassen lifts you into his arms while Gus and Apple come down and re-wrap the rope around their arms. 
When finished, Gus reaches his arms out for you and Anders smiles, tugging you closer. “I think I’ll hold on to her for a while. Give you a break,” he looks down giving you a conspiratorial wink. 
“Give me back my damsel,” Gus holds out his arms wider, “I’m not going to ask again.” 
“Who are you calling a damsel?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest, and Lassen lets out a joyful cheer. 
“You tell him, honey,” he turns walking with you back towards the dinghy. His glee makes a ghost of a laugh appear in your throat before you toss your head back in delight. 
Apple pats Gus on the back as he climbs into the boat and you look back to see Gus smiling, a full-blown smile just for you and you rest your head on your arm and look back at him. “It’s good to see you laugh,” he mouths, and your cheeks ache from smiling as he sits down and begins to row. 
“Row row, row your boat,” Lassen mumbles under his breath, the lull of the waves and the feeling of safety making your eyes droop. “Oh, the little lamb is tired, no?” he whispers in your ear, “You rest, no one will harm you ever again.” 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you repeat your fathers words aloud. 
“Little lamb, with the way Gus is looking at me right now. You don’t have to worry about anyone hurting you for the rest of your life.” He rubs a hand over your arm and chuckles, mumbling, “if looks could kill.” 
“He won’t always be there,” your words are drowsy as you burrow deep into his arms, letting out a yawn. 
“Ah, little lamb, I highly doubt that,” Lassen chuckles softly, before you feel yourself being lifted into anothers arms. The scent of smoke, cologne, and leather lull you into a deeper sense of calm and you snuggle into his arms. Gus looks down, brushing a knuckle over your cheek and committing your face to memory as you fall asleep, breathing softly. “Take a picture,” Lassen teases, “it will last longer.” 
“Her cell was next to mine,” Apple interrupts, “she was always so nice to me. Tried to patch me up the best she could through the bars. I tried to return the favor, everytime they brought her….fuck I can still hear the screaming.” The men are silent, the waves crashing against the dinghy as they get closer and closer to the boat. 
“Well,” Freddy clears his throat, “she’s safe now.” They reach the boat, helping Gus aboard and watching as he disappears below deck with you. 
“Heaven help the man who tries to take her away from him,” Hayes clears his throat, and the rest climb aboard and continue on toward Fernando Po. 
Below deck, Gus tucks you into his bunk and watches the rise and fall of your chest before he moves towards the end of the bed, and lifts the blanket to remove your shoe. He curses when he sees the bruising around your ankle. He removes the other shoe and has to control his breathing when he sees the same markings; shackles. 
“Never again,” he whispers, grabbing bandages and ointments and applying them to your ankles. The bottom of your foot is no better, and he grabs the tweezers removing several shards of glass and bandaging your feet. “No wonder you were limping,” he talks to himself. He takes the next twenty minutes checking over the parts of your body he can see, treating every little cut and bruise. When he’s finished he walks over to a basin of water and washes his hands before pouring a glass of scotch and sitting down at the map. 
He loses track of the time, his head snapping up from the table when the screaming starts. He pushes the chair out, climbing over the table to grab your thrashing body. He repeats your name over and over again till your eyes pop open, gasping you reach towards him throwing your arms around his neck and letting out a sob. “I thought it was a dream,” you sob brokenly into his skin, almost crawling into his lap, “I dreamed I was back there,” you take a deep breath, “that they were…” 
“No,” he shakes his head, pulling back to put both hands on your face, his thumbs brushing the tears from your eyes. “You’re safe,” he repeats once, then twice, “do you hear me?” 
“I’m safe,” you repeat back, the tears silently streaming down your face. From the stairs, the men stare at the scene before them. “Uh oh,” Freddy shakes his head, and the others turn to him with various questions. “Look at them,” he points back to you and Gus, “he looks at her like he just realized what love was.” 
“I didn’t know you were a romantic, Freddy,” Apple claps him on the shoulder with a laugh. “I’m not,” he shrugs, “but I’m also not blind. That right there,” he points a finger, “that’s love if I ever saw it. You just wait, I bet you ten pounds she goes home with him at the end of this mission.” 
“I’ll take that bet,” Hayes tosses over his shoulder. 
Apple raises a brow, “you don’t think they’ll end up getting hitched once we’re home.” 
“That wasn’t the bet,” Hayes grins, “he bet that she’ll go home with him at the end of the mission. I think we’ll either be dead or in jail so she probably won’t be going home with him.” 
“Never bet against yourself, Hazy,” Freddy shakes his head, “have I taught you nothing.” 
“It’s your deal,” Henry reminds him before shrugging past to go back to the deck, “let’s go, give them some privacy.” 
Their steps recede and Gus rubs the last of your tears away, “do you want something to eat?” 
“Yes,” you nod, moving from his lap and tugging the blanket around your shoulders. When you step down, you quickly look at the bandages around your feet and ankle before meeting his eyes, “thank you,” you whisper, “for everything.” 
“You don’t have to thank me,” he puts the kettle on, “any decent human being would do the same.” You sit down at the table seeing the maps and confidential files spread across the surface. Gus grabs the papers and puts them into a pile before putting down a cup of steaming tea before you. 
“I have a few questions,” you wrap your hands around the cup, absorbing some of the warmth. 
He takes a sip, blowing the top with a grin, “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” 
“What were you doing in the Garrison?” 
“Rescuing Appleyard,” he takes another sip, “we needed him.” 
“For what?” 
Gus puts down his cup, crossing his arms over his chest and your heart beats a little louder at how strained the fabric is over his bulging biceps. You quickly take a sip of your tea, burning your tongue when you meet his eyes, seeing amusement sparkle. “Enjoying the show?” you cough, the tea spilling down the front of your dress. “Shit,” he shouts, grabbing a towel and pulling out the chair beside you to sit down. You grab it and soak up the liquid from your dress, the top sinking lower with each tug. 
When you’re finished you glance up to see his eyes on your chest before he quickly averts his eyes and clears his throat. “Enjoying the show?” you smile softly when he coughs and lets out a strained laugh. 
“Very much,” he turns his head and your mouth goes dry. Neither says anything for a moment before he goes back to the pile and tugs out the map. You take another sip of tea to prevent being parched when he spreads it over the table. “We’re on a secret mission for the English government.” “Come again?” you clear your throat, sitting up straighter. 
He grins, “We are on an unsanctioned, unofficial mission to destroy a ship and two tug boats holding enough supplies to supply the German U-boats for six months. We destroy those ships and we regain control of the Atlantic.” 
“And how do you plan to do that?” 
“Explosives,” he pushes a tin of biscuits towards you, “tons of explosives. What do you think?” 
You sit there for a moment, processing everything he’s said before reaching into the tin and pulling out a ginger snap. You dip it into your cup before taking a bite with a grin, “where can I sign up?” 
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Your poly!marauders writings are giving me life rn!!
Could I please request the boys comforting anxious reader who has a tummy ache from being so overwhelmed and stressed? (Not projecting rn at all 🙃)
If you aren’t feeling, it absolutely no worries! I will still ready everything you write about the marauders 🩷
Thanks for requesting honey!
cw: mentions of anxiety, nausea
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 706 words
You hunch in on yourself, trying to ignore the persistent and growing pain in your abdomen as you type determinedly on your laptop. You’ve been to the bathroom half a dozen times in the past hour, hoping you might be sick or something that would relieve the discomfort, but it seems to want to stick around and torment you. A soft whimper escapes you as the muscles in your stomach spasm abruptly, and you press the back of your hand to your mouth to smother the sound. 
“Sweetheart,” James protests, sounding as pained as you are, “are you sure you didn’t eat something bad?”
You don’t cease in your typing, worried that if you stop you’ll have trouble willing yourself to start again. “I don’t think so,” you manage, grating your teeth against the pain. “Nothing was expired, I checked.” That had been one of your first courses of action when the aches started; digging containers out of the trash to check sell-by dates, but everything you’d eaten that day seemed fine. 
Sirius closes his own laptop to study you. “You’re not supposed to be starting your period, are you?” 
“Not for another week, and I never have cramps this early.” 
“Is it just in your stomach?” Remus asks. “You don’t feel sick at all?”
You let your eyes flit away from the laptop screen, taking a hasty inventory of yourself. “A little nauseous, and I feel kind of sweaty, but that’s it.” You return to your work. “It’s fine, it’ll pass.” 
Remus seems unconvinced, pressing a cool hand to your forehead. “You are a bit warm,” he murmurs, his eyebrows scrunching together worriedly. “Where is the pain coming from, exacty?”
“I dunno.” You’re almost done, just a few sentences to go, and then you can finally— "Hey,” you protest, looking up at Remus, who’s shut your laptop. “I was working on that.” 
“Dove, this could be serious,” he says. “Pay attention. Where in your stomach does it hurt?”
“I…” you try to concentrate, your mind still running over the next few phrases you’d needed to type. “In the middle, I guess.” 
Remus looks relieved, the gravity in his expression softening back to regular concern. “Alright, that’s good. But you feel like you could be sick?”
You nod, moving your laptop to the side and drawing your legs into your chest. “I haven’t been able to, though.” 
James makes an awfully tender pitying sound, and something in Sirius’ gaze changes, his head tilting as he considers you. “Do you think you might just be stressed?” 
You blink at him, your face scrunching in confusion before clarity washes over you. “Oh,” you say, feeling silly. All three boys relax slightly, relieved to have an identified culprit. “I hadn’t even considered that. Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you guys over nothing.” 
“S’not nothing,” James says softly. “Your body’s telling you you need a break, sweetheart.” 
You glance to your laptop, doubtful of whether you can oblige it, but Sirius catches the look. He tuts at you, taking your laptop out of reach and putting it beside his own. “You’ve done enough work for today,” he agrees with James. “Give that big brain of yours a rest, yeah?”
You sigh, but there’s no use fighting them. It’s three against one, and anyway, a relaxing afternoon doesn’t sound like the least pleasant thing in the world. Recognizing your acquiescence, your boyfriends go to work. James sets about finding a movie to watch, Sirius declares he’s getting snacks, and Remus moves to make more room for you on the couch. 
“Lay down, dove,” he says, waiting until you do to kneel beside you, pressing gently into your abdomen with deft fingers. 
“Oh, you’re so lucky.” James looks at the two of you longingly. “He did that for me when my leg was cramping last week, it was the best.” 
Remus smiles a little at the praise, and sure enough, some of the tension in your stomach starts to ease under his ministrations. The sound that escapes you is half sigh and half moan, and you turn to putty beneath his hands. 
“Merlin,” Sirius teases, coming to sit at your feet with a tin of biscuits. “Feeling better already, are we?”
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lovingseventeen · 8 months
svt being green flags early into dating
a/n: dating boys who aren’t seventeen? i don’t recommend KIDDING but it’s tough out here. ngl i wrote this in one dash bc i’ve had it with boys
- picture these hcs as the talking stage/unofficial dating era but you guys are interested in each other
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❥ saw a quote recently that described a man as “alpha male energy without being an incel” and i think this pertains to cheol too
❥ never let’s you pay, picks you up in his car for your dates so you don’t have to commute anywhere and to ensure you get home safe
❥ teases you but never crosses a boundary
❥ makes clever jokes but they’re never the kind of “dark humor” that’s just disguised as something problematic
❥ he’s a prince, a walking green flag even
❥ hence the princess treatment that you tend to get
❥ always offers his hand to you when you walk on anything that could be precarious
❥ he’s a little silly but he’s very aware of when is a good time
❥ knows exactly how to cheer you up depending on the situation
❥ maybe you get funny voice jun or an attentive jun gently holding your hand and asking what he could do to help
❥ consistent energy towards you
❥ you see him bounding towards your date meeting spot with the biggest grin on his face - the same genuine grin as the one on your first date
❥ the best listener and he’s good at following up with you so you know he cares
❥“oh yeah how did your test go? the one you kept staying up for”
❥“did you end up talking to your boss about your hours?”
❥“did you end up getting the tickets for the concert you wanted?”
❥ his schedule may be busy but he does try to make time for you and he communicates when he can’t
❥“i’m a little tight this week but i moved some things around so i’m free saturday night, do you want to get dinner?”
❥“our day off is coming up, are you also free that day? i was thinking spending a day at home together?”
❥ he’s a little extra sappy when he can’t free up time
❥“we’re doing our dome shows this week, i’m so sorry i can’t see you, darling”
❥ also has very good, enthusiastic, energy towards you
❥ loves to text you consistently without being overbearing either
❥ good mornings and good nights are precious to him
❥ tells you unsolicited updates about his day and hopes you’ll do the same
❥ i stubbed my toe - remember to be careful sometimes!
❥ what can i say- he never lets you do anything in the sense that he doesn’t ever want you to feel the need to lift a finger around him
❥ your steak? do you want him to cut it for you?
❥ you need to build your new bookshelf? no you don’t, he’ll do it
❥ so casually a gentleman
❥ tends to guide you by the small of your back when you walk together (he’s also always walking on the side closest to the road)
❥ it’s kind of a nice little reminder he’s there
❥ he always brings an extra something in case you need it on your dates
❥ if it’s chilly outside and you’re talking a stroll around the park, he’ll an extra pair of gloves for you or an extra scarf
❥ or if you’re doing an active date, like trying volleyball maybe, he’ll bring an extra pair of kneepads for you
❥ maybe he’s not the best with words but he’ll always send you little recommendations
❥ whether it’s a movie, a song, or a video, it’s his way of telling you “this reminded me of you”
❥ even in most casual instances, he’s thinking about you
❥ always takes care of planning dates
❥ while of course he wouldn’t stop you from planning a date, he also really enjoys thinking of where to go and what to do so he can just show you a good time :)
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 11
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang
Part 1
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Billy slammed his bedroom door after yet another fight with his dad. His father wasn't keen on his son skipping school and being a victim of a brutal attack wasn't a good enough excuse. He pulled out his phone dialing Stu's number. It rang and it rang which was unusual. No one answered. 'Maybe he wasn't home?' Billy wondered quickly realizing Stu had no place to go. He dialed again hearing the mind numbing ring. Finally Stu picked up.
"Hello?" A woman spoke. "Uhm is Stu there?" The voice on the end belonged to his mother. A person Billy only met twice. "No, Stu went... Oh shit honey where did Stu go? What's his little girlfriend's name?" Billy listened closely trying to hear all of the conversation. He could barley make out a man's voice in the back which he assumed was Stu's father. "No not that one she died remember." Billy raised his eyebrows in surprise. Even he wasn't that insensitive and he murdered her. "Y/n, Stu is staying at Y/n's." Staying?
Billy laughed nervously. "No I don't think I heard you right ma'am. Did you say "staying?"" She rubbed her forehead wanting to hang up on the strange child. "Yes he moved out while we do renovations. Goodbye now." The line died leaving Billy to piece all this together. It was almost laughable. He managed to lose the only two people he cared about on this horrible planet and both of them were probably fucking without saying so much as one word to him. Billy grabbed his things deciding to pay you and Stu a visit.
The drive back to your place was nice. He had a plan and things always ran smoother with a plan. He parked a block down the street deciding to walk the rest of the way. Your bedroom light was on making it easy for people like Billy to see into your life. He was ready for the worst. Maybe he'd break in like a scorned lover and kill the both of you. It'd be poetic but it would easily trace back to him. With your fragile little heart it'd probably stop knowing you'd been caught.
He lifted the binoculars he brought up adjusting the lenses so he could see. You walked into the room wearing some nightgown that resembled something he's sure his grandmother wore. You were holding a bowl handing it to Stu who sat on the floor. Once you sat down you were completely out of view. Billy cursed under his breath as he thought up a new plan.
"You can't hog the m&ms asshole." You threw a blue one which he caught like a seal. Stu raised his eyebrows surprised he actually caught it. "I'm impressed." You clapped and he did a half bow sitting on the floor. "This is one of my favorite's." You said pointing towards the movie that just started. Stu rolled his eyes. "Everything is your favorite." He passed you the bowl of candy. "What is this again?" Stu asked only paying attention to long haired actor.
"Benny and Joon. I saw it when it came out with my ex." Stu was interested in that story but he let it go knowing how much you wanted to watch your movie. "Billy should grow his hair out like that." Stu said before he popped a handful of candy in his mouth showing you the mashed up contents. "Why are you so nasty?" He laughed looking back towards the TV. "No, long haired boys have too much power over me. He keeps playing though I'm going to buzz off what hair he does have."
You were oblivious to the man in your home and Billy was scared for you. No wonder you needed someone to protect you. The key was still in the same place it was Saturday after they left your house. He wished he could relive that day. Billy heard his name so he stopped moving trying to hear what Stu was saying. He thought you were furious at him but you talked about him like he was still your friend.
Stu laughed. "In that case I'll grow mine out." He was only half joking. "I think you could pull it off. Grow it too long though you run the risk of looking like Shaggy form Scooby Doo." You teased tossing a m&m up letting your friend catch it. "I'll keep it like it is then. I have thought about dyeing it though." You squinted picturing him with different colored hair. "What color?" Stu scratched his head in thought. "White or maybe frosted tips." You cringed at the thought of frosted tips. "Fuck I'll make sure never to play poker with you. Damn." He laughed at the obvious face you made.
Billy crept up the stairs just enough to be able to see in your room. "Oh shhh. I think blonde hair would look good on you but frosted tips is just too gay even for you." He gasped as he brought his hand up to his forehead like he was about to faint. "Yeah you're probably right." He dropped the act eating more candy. "Besides once we graduate we'll pack our shit and leave. You could dye your hair whatever color you want. What's your opinion on cottages?"
You sat on the bed with a big bowl of candy while Stu sat in the floor at the end of the bed. Billy was relieved and a little disappointed there was no sinful act happening. Where did this leave him though? Were you both just waiting for him to make a move? You didn't tell him how to fix things and that bothered the hell out of him.
"You're worried about frosted tips being gay but you want me to live in a cottage with you? I might as well wrestle naked with Billy outside just to show off to the neighbors." You pursed your lips. "Include baby oil and I'll be there." Stu laughed scrunching his face. "You are an absolute freak. Me too." You both laughed eventually focusing back on the movie.
It was nice to know Stu was still his usual self but it was odd seeing you adapt to who you were around. The baby oil comment which Billy did not want to unpack is something you'd never say to his face. You were carefree around Stu and it felt like for the first time since he met you he was seeing who you actually were.
"Someone's at the door." Stu said pausing the VCR. You groaned knowing Billy was showing back up to either kill you or try some stupid attempt of convincing you that you need him. "I'll get it. Stay up here I don't want a fight." Stu nodded laying back on your floor. You walked to the front door trying to prepare yourself for whatever was about to happen. "What do you want Billy?" Billy had a small window of time to back out.
"May I come in?" He asked and you knew he was about to put on an Oscar worthy performance. "You may." You said bemused as you moved out of the way letting him in. "Can you tell Stu to come down here I need to talk to him too." Your blood ran cold. Billy knew and you were both likely dead. "How'd you know?" The door locked in placed once you shut it. "I called his house and his mom picked up." You sighed nodding your head. "Hey Stu, can you come down here?" You called out worried for the both of you.
Stu was terrified. He felt like a child in trouble. The walk of shame down the steps was especially embarrassing seeing Billy at the end of them. "Hey Stu." He said sending the boy a small smile. Your new roommate shot you a look saying something along the lines of "what the fuck?" Billy knew he had to choose his words very carefully. "Um can you both just sit down for a second?" Oh yeah the cops were sure to find you and Stu tomorrow.
Both you and Stu sat on the couch looking at your friend stand in front of you. "I'll be the first to say I'm not good at this." He looked to the floor only looking up once Stu spoke. "No kidding." He joked but you looked at him with eyes that could only tell him to shut up. Billy chuckled before talking again. "I'm sorry." You analyzed those two words over and over in your head. They sounded genuine but they couldn't be coming from Billy, could they? "I am sorry for what I did to both of you. Stu I'm most ashamed about what I've done to you."
Billy was walking on eggshells here. His eyes darted over at you reading you expression. You weren't mad. Stu has suffered Billy's wrath way longer than you've known him. "I really do care about you, I'm just scared of what people think about me. I hate the way people stare at us when we're out in public it makes me want to peel my skin off. I shouldn't take that out on you or make you feel as awful as I do. So I really am sorry." Billy's words worked on Stu you saw it in real time. You still couldn't figure out what was genuine and what was bullshit.
"Y/n." It was a good start but how was he going to finish it? The moment he tried to put the blame on someone other than himself you swore you'd beat his ass. You and Stu would have a body to dispose of. "I was and still am a horrible person. I never once thought about how you felt or how what I did affected you because I never cared." It hurt but it was honest. The way kids stared and whispered about him today, he couldn't begin to imagine what you went through on a daily basis.
"I'm going to change." You laughed dryly turning your head away from him. Billy dropped to his knees in front of you holding your hands in his. You were losing. He knew what he was doing and it was working. "I'm going to get better because I can't imagine a world without you and Stu in it. I know you can make it on your own but I can't. I need you a million times more than you need me and I know that. Not just to cook or clean but I need you to squeeze my arm when you watch a scary movie. I need you to call me out on my shit when I'm obviously spinning a story my way."
"I need you Y/n." Stu looked at Billy never seeing him open up like this. "You don't even know me." You quipped trying to be the voice of reason. Billy's voice cracked as he spoke. "Then teach me. I'll take notes if you want me to. This whole thing was to start over. We could bump into each other somewhere and we will meet for the first time all over again. I just need you Y/n, whatever version you give me I'll be happy to have." You lost. "Will you two excuse me for a moment?" You politely stood up going up stairs to your bathroom. Shutting the door you then turned on the faucet to full blast. The sink was going and eventually so was the tub. "Is she running water?" Billy asked worried he had done something wrong. You screamed so loud Stu honest to God thought the neighbors would call the cops. "Is she okay?" Billy asked standing up to go check on you. Stu stuck his arm out stopping him. "She does this."
You calmly returned, both the boys worried you might pass out from the length of the screams. "What do you want?" You asked Billy as you leaned on the door frame. "What do you mean?" This time he just wanted your forgiveness. He wanted to try again. "I accepted your apology. What do you want from us? Do you want us to go upstairs so we can some a threesome or are you actually wanting to figure this out?" It was sarcastic but you saw the brief second of consideration pass your friends faces. "I want us to be friends again at least. Did you know some bitches sat at our water fountain today?" He looked at Stu starting a whole new conversation. "Are they blind we sit there everyday?"
You snapped grabbing their attention. "I'm not fucking around. If we do this we do it right. I'm not getting hurt again and if I do I'm cutting someone's balls off." Stu put his finger to the tip of his nose quickly. "Not it!" He shouted making Billy smack his arm. "Ow man I was joking." He wasn't joking. "Am I understood?" The boys looked at each other not sure if they should feel this way about you right now. "Understood." Billy said as Stu echoed him. "Great! Now who wants dinner?"
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Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
Part 12
A/N: I am absolutely in shock by how much love this series is getting. I just wanted to let everyone know that the taglist is now closed. Thank you all so much for being so kind and supportive. 💕
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
vees' collective dom but the one who just wants to live a peaceful life or something else that leads them to bonk (sometimes physically) vees off doing their villainous things. no, vox, you're NOT dealing with that deer tonight, we've agreed to watch a movie. no, val, you don't overwork your staff, it's fucking noisy. vel, don't you dare ever talk to other overlords like that again, it's risky
tbh, I had an image in my head about such reader complaining about vees' manipulations while some (another) punishment. like that vox could not use his hypnosis to make people buy his new product if he just made it actually useful, so why not he put that stupid head of his to better use on your chest and nothing more. vel should've thinked better on how love potion could be used, so overstimulation to show her it is. and val? wouldn't need that manipulative nice persona if he'd make actually good films and not some animalistic boring shit, so why he won't keep all of his hands to himself and try to be more romantic, sitting behind you, tied so well so he's only able to talk and he better do that
- 🦊
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Basically a reader almost (definitely) manipulating the Vees into being less evil. ALSO NOT PROOFREAD!!!
So i’ve had very similar thoughts to this for a while and i’m going to tell you exactly why this would work. Quick lore drop about me but I used to be such a lowkey shady businessman (not explaining anymore than this, i’m healed) and let me just say, people like them are actually very easy to manipulate.
AKA greedy, power hungry, egotistical maniacs. What they do is terrible, thats no denying that, but they think very highly of themselves and their skills. So ‘stop abusing your employees’ not from a moral standpoint, but from a competence standpoint. That sells.
Like the whole “vox could not use his hypnosis to make people buy his new product if he just made it actually useful” thing would absolutely work. It’s a hit against his ego and self competence, and because of the fragility in his facade, it would absolutely cause insecurity.
And reinforcing it with very rough, degrading, dumbifaction style sex would absolutely still have him thinking the next day. He’s sucking your tits or dick or something and you’re making comments like “Aw, look. A job you’re almost good at. Too bad that little head of yours can’t even think of anything useful to society.” Make him cry, you definitely can when it’s a knock at his intelligence and power.
“vel should've thinked better on how love potion could be used, so overstimulation to show her it is.” Oh boy, I know this would get to her. Velvette thinks she’s hot shit, no, she knows she is. So now you’re overstimulating her and making fun of her because really? You had to use, even better, actually put time in to create a whole ass love potion, because not enough people wanted to fuck you?
She’d whine and tell you that’s not why, but come on. I mean, why be that hell bent on something so futile, we both know she’s not selfless enough to just give that away to virgin creeps all over pride. Oh Velvette, who’s came countless times and who’s pussy aches and has makeup running down her face, now has to her your call out on her confidence, and how it’s only boosted by her useless, forceful grab for others attention.
And Val, there’s so much ground to cover. “wouldn't need that manipulative nice persona if he'd make actually good films and not some animalistic boring shit.” Personal callout to his craft, which is clearly just as self indulgent as it is tiring. Your actors look so battered, Val. That’s not a good look, and isn’t that the point? Sex won’t sell if the people aren’t sexy, and that stars cracked lip is positively hideous.
There’s no intimacy, and you doubt someone as talentless as him can even achieve romance. So now he’s tied up on the bed, barely able to move as you sit across from him, not just bored, but reading a book or scrolling on your phone. He’s practically crying out cliche, used lines to romance you, and failing miserably when the whine creeps in.
So basically, the angle with Vox is his fragile power, Velvettes her unimpressive beauty, and Valentino is the implication of him not having a grasp on sex. Oh also fucking them to drill it in their head. Because what, people? Something that impacts the control over their work-life and sex-life will stick. Sex and power go hand and hand when the greedy are lustful.
Now are the results?
Well, Vox would make a show of making more useful products, and still use hypnosis, obviously he’s a shitbag, but there’d be a new level of self-hatred that comes with it, meaning it’d happen less.
Well, Velvettes is a little harder to just… take back as the product is already out there. However, the product promotion goes down ever so slightly because yes, money and power is great, but you’ve done something no one can do. Embarrassed our confident queen.
Valentino actually thinks before hitting an employee to hard, and actually lets actors have conversations because apparently people should have… chemistry? He doesn’t know, he just doesn’t want his porn to be boring or not sexy. His other issue (assault, i’m talking about assault) is not resolved he just leaves less marks.
You’ve successfully watered down a problem for a long-term (but not permanent) period of time. This could be even longer if also plant the idea of falling from power in their head.
Simply “What were you before an overlord? A sinner. What are your employees? Sinners. If you treat these employees to harshly, what will they do? Rebel. To successfully keep and manipulate your power you need your workers to feel more than obligation, but loyalty to you. Not your company or their job. You. Otherwise, keep in mind how other overlords have fallen.”
If you ever try this from a morality standpoint, it won’t work. The angle is power, people, because they will never stop being abusive for the right reasons. However, your domineering behavior in bed has earned you an amount of respect.
I fear I sounded evil in this um… never have this mindset for people who aren’t corrupt evil rapists. Also, I don’t think I talked about the smut aspect enough sorry, I just love character analysis. OH ALSO I haven’t been a sinister salesman since I was 16, everybody, calm down. Everyone has an angle though!
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saintmuses · 4 months
❝𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙙𝙚❞
Dark!Neil Lewis x Best Friend!Reader
Her baby daddy wasn’t around, helping her with her child, but Neil had been there since the beginning, and he was ready to step up to be more than her roommate and best friend.
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Warning(s): SMUT. Dub-con. Lactation kink (so sorry). Dark!Neil but also soft for Y/N. Neil was desperate in this. Y/N inhibited a bit of innocent behavior. Manipulation. P in V. Minors, dni! Note: I was inspired by his little interactions with baby Emerson in the movie. 
Word Count: 2.1k
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Neil was keeping an eye on Natalia who was sleeping in her playpen in the other room with a quirk of a smile as the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was playing on the screen in their living room.
He had been referring himself as her dad or she liked to say ‘da’, although never with Y/N around. He was not going to risk her wrath. Not until things started shifting then he would risk it.
It started when Y/N needed him to watch Natalia when she had a doctor’s appointment, and the baby became needy that they bonded over little things. Somehow it shifted from just being a friend slash uncle who would watch his best friend’s daughter to secretly viewing the baby as his daughter. 
Y/N came into the living room from the kitchen, wincing slightly as she rubbed her lower back. She was in her long gray t-shirt and boy shorts, revealing her legs.
“Hey…are you alright?” Neil asked, dropping the remote on the couch in order to get up and be at her side faster. He was worried about her as he voiced his concern.
“Yeah. I’m okay. My back is killing me.” She chuckled slightly, wincing again as the pain flitted across her expression.
“Maybe you should lay down.” He murmured softly, helping her move toward the couch. “Do you need anything?” he asked, trying to be as gentle with her as he could. When he saw her flinch in pain, he couldn’t help but feel protective. In his mind, she was his.
“If…if it’s not too much, would you massage my back?” She hesitated, asking him shyly.
His heart skipped a beat. “I…uh…I can do that, if that’s what you really want…” He paused for a second. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind it at all.”
She nodded. Then she crawled to the middle of the couch, and she felt him sitting behind her. As soon as he started pressing into her sore muscles, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.
“Is that… is that good?” He had no idea what he was doing, but he hoped that he was doing it well. He watched her closely as he massaged her, trying not to do anything that would hurt her.
He had a million thoughts running through his mind, telling him what to do next. Neil couldn’t help but feel a little possessive. She was allowing him to put his hands on her body, and it was making him feel a little… irrational. He started from the middle of her back where her spinal cord resided, moving his thumbs upward until he had reached towards the back of her shoulders, and eventually her neck before retreating and making his way around her shoulders.
He could hear her sighing as he rubbed her shoulders from behind. She then stiffened causing him to pause his ministrations, he had notice when she tilted her head forward, looking down in front of her. 
“I should wake Nat up,” she mumbled with a sense of timidity in her voice. Her body language was coiled as if she was ready to spring across the room.
Out of curiosity, he leaned forward over her shoulder just enough to see the collarbone and he peered down to see her breasts causing her gray t-shirt to become damp. He could hear her breathing hitched when the realization hit him and her for different reasons.
He stopped, noticing for the first time how low he’d been massaging her. His fingers had gone lower than what would’ve been appropriate...his gaze flitting down to her chest, where he saw the top straining against her curves, his breath catching in his throat. “Oh”, he mumbled, his finger brushing ever so slightly against one of her fabric covered breasts as he pulled his hands away.
He caught himself just in time, but the damage had already been done. “Whoops, sorry,” he said, his own voice was shaky. “I went too low,” he added, pointing out the obvious.
In reality, he knew exactly what he’d been doing. She did not need to know that.
“It’s okay. You didn’t do it on purpose,” she mumbled, turning around slightly to face him while attempting not to show too much. “And I trust you.” 
Neil stared at her unblinkingly, then he couldn’t help but laugh softly at her innocent comment, shaking his head slightly. “Are you sure I didn’t do it on purpose?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, his gaze fixed on her chest. He could feel his cock hardening in his track pants.
He saw the faintest blush sweep over her cheeks and knew he had her where he wanted her. “You trust me too much,” he said quietly, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. “And frankly you’re too pretty for me to do anything else but imagine all the ways that I’d love to have you all to myself.”
Her eyes widened cautiously while his eyes raked over her facial features hungrily. Before she could prevent him from accosting her in any form, it was too late.
His large hands ended being placed on both sides of the hem of her t-shirt, curling his fingers into the fabric around her waist before dragging his palms upwardly with a possessive intent until the fabric was lifted away from her chest that was keeping her breasts from his sight.
“Neil, no.” She protested, placing her hands onto his wrists to prevent him from continuing.
He looked at her while shushing her gently, “you don’t want to wake up Natalia, do you?” It was a rhetorical question since they both dreaded waking Natalia from her peaceful slumber and not return to it after nursing duty was over.
“Ne-“ she attempted to say his name, but he had already removed the fabric from her chest.
His eyes widened as his eyes landed on her bare breasts. They were large, full, and swollen, like they had been prepared for him all along. And the sight of the milk seeping from them was only adding to his desire for her.
His lips immediately shaped into a frown when she reached for her swollen breasts to cover them from his gaze with her hands.
It was wrong, yes, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to take her, to make her his in every way.
He had been wanting her even before she met a man who left her in his hands while being pregnant.
However, when her fingers accidentally squeezed one of her breasts, Neil watched in fascination as milk flowed over her fingers from her breast. 
“Let me have it,” he murmured to himself, grabbing her hand, and bringing it to his mouth. He started licking the milk from her fingers, not wanting to miss a chance.
She gasped when she felt her fingers enveloped by his mouth. “Neil.” She said his name breathlessly, almost as if she was scolding him.
He looked up at her, his eyes full of an animalistic need he couldn't explain. “Just… let me have it.” He was practically begging for it now. He wanted her.
“We can’t, Neil!” She hissed, and he could tell she was getting extremely flustered. “We’re best friends and best friends don’t do this to each other.”
“Then I don’t want us to be best friends anymore.” He said flatly after pulling her fingers away from his mouth.
She stared at him in surprise. “What?”
“You’re telling me that I can’t have you while we’re best friends?” He chuckled mirthlessly; his tone petulant as he continued. “My best friend who I’ve been there for years,” his lips curled in a demeaning manner, he was offended by her attitude. “I’ve also been there for Natalia long enough for her to see me as a da-“ he was interrupted by her.
“You are not her dad.” She snapped; her eyes were wide with incredulous.
“Oh, but I am.” He said darkly, his eyes turning frost despite his soft and goofy personality he’d inhibited for years. “Let’s face it, I’ve been more of a dad for Nat than that piece of shit who got you pregnant and ended the relationship after you told him. She even started calling me ‘da’ whenever she wanted to talk,” he said almost smugly, then his lips curled into a sneer. “If you do anything to prevent me from being with you and taking care of her….you’re only going to hurt her and yourself.” A soft coo from the other room could be heard, “she knows the truth and deep down so do you.” 
She stared at him with glassy eyes, he only returned his gaze with calm storm in his depths. He leaned forward, pushing her until her back is flushed against the couch, and he pressed his lips against hers softly before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“It’s just us, that’s the way it should be.”
His hands were on her breasts, massaging her firmly as the stream ran thicker. Little puddles were forming on the crevices, running down from his wrists to pool on her abdomen and seeping into the fabric of the couch. He will have to do some fabric cleaning; However, he didn’t care at the moment. He was entirely smug of the mess that he made out of her.
Neil kissed his way to one nipple then opened his mouth as he squeezed, spraying the liquid onto his tongue.
The sound he made in reaction was debauched. That was the only way he could describe it. A sound so wanton and thoroughly in pleasure. His eyes had closed and practically rolled back in his head. He was practically gorging himself on her as he pulled her breast deep into his mouth and sucked.
He could hear her breath becoming sporadic as he swallowed the liquid that was leaking from her breast.
He pulled back and turned towards the other breast, licking, and kissing the flesh before wrapping his lips around her nipple. His eye caught her watching just before his tongue made contact, however, and he paused at the look of petrification that had frozen on her face.
He reached for one of her hands that was lying beside her thigh and placed it on his cock.
"Do you feel how hard you make me?" he asked, moving her hand up and down his thick cock. His track pants was pushed down around his upper thighs, so there was nothing between her hand and his cock as she touched the bare skin. 
It was true; he was as hard as a rock. His chest expanded from sharp inhale as he pictured her cunt being stretched by the girth of his cock. "This protestation you have against us is pointless," he told her almost sternly, letting go while she continued to stroke him, and craned his neck backwards while biting down his bottom lip hard. 
He then tilted his head forward to look down at her as his tongue swiped over the spot where he released his lip from his teeth to soothe the pain. 
"I’ve always wanted you," he murmured, leaning down towards her breasts and he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, swallowing the gush of milk that spurt on his tongue. "And you can’t stop me from having you…" he said softly, his tone was edged with darkness as if he was daring her to go against the idea of them.
He paused, waiting for more disagreements from her, then he sighed in relief when there was none. She would’ve hated the consequences of her actions if she had continued to protest against him.
He immediately dropped to his knees on the couch between her legs, his heart racing as he looked at her fabric covered cunt. He reached down, curling his fingers into the boy-shorts and pushed it aside to reveal her sopping cunt to his hungry gaze. This could be his greatest achievement yet; he could make her his in more ways than he knew was possible. 
He knew that Y/N wouldn’t dare to make noises that would wake the child, not after hours of attempting to put her to sleep.
He crawled on top of her, starting to suckle on her breast like a desperate thirsty man who had been wanting the nectar of the gods from the rare oasis in desert.
He then pushed himself into her tight cunt, grunting slightly when the thick head of his cock finally breeched her little hole. “Oh, fuck.” He whined against her breast, a deep pitch escaping his throat as her walls pulsated around his cock as he was flushed against her deeply as he could go.
Neil was in heaven, tasting the milk against his tongue and her tight cunt wrapped around his cock. He grasped her back firmly, making sure she couldn't get away from him. It didn't matter that they were only friends, it didn't matter that they weren't supposed to be doing anything like this. He wanted her to feel the way he felt, desperately clinging to her and her body.
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artist-issues · 1 year
I’m going to say it.
I don’t think How to Train Your Dragon 3 was good.
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Not when you compare it to literally either of the other movies. Certainly not as a conclusion.
I mean, the first movie was about a boy who manages to understand a hostile dragon species and bring peace to two warring factions, which is a parallel for his relationship with his father. The second film was about how sometimes, peace has to be fought for, and Hiccup’s whole identity was in contrast with that—because while his mother ran from conflict and his father leapt at it too eagerly, he had always been the one to stop the fighting. Then he has to learn that the things we love are worth protecting. 
And after he learns that humans and dragons can learn to understand each other and coexist—after he learns that it isn’t enough to run and hide or fight out of fear, but instead you must protect the things you care about—
After those two natural, powerful progressions are clearly worked for in the first two movies—
How to Train Your Dragon 3 comes along and says “‘No actually, sometimes all it takes is one madman whom you defeated with no loss of life to convince you that the things you care about should just crawl into a very pretty hiding hole, because you don’t feel like spending the rest of your life fighting for them.”
And I can say more. Below the break. 
Because I’ve waited a long time to talk about this. Everybody around me was saying that the third HTTYD movie was sooo good, how could I not love it, what was my problem, they’re crying in the theater seats around me, they’re all moved, but nobody can tell me why. What makes HTTYD3 so good, STORY WISE? What makes the fact that Toothless, who is established as “Hiccup’s Other Half” and his character’s support, leaving, a good conclusion?
And it’s not just that my feelings were hurt at the idea of this iconic duo being split up in the finale. 
It just doesn’t make any sense. Because the main thing that the whole series was built around was the adversity Hiccup and Toothless were always going to come up against, because they shouldn’t be friends. The whole first movie is like “dragons and Vikings hate and kill each other, there’s no way to get over this fear, nobody can be around Night Furies without dying,” and Hiccup and Toothless literally fly in the face of that. Then the whole second movie is “dragons either have to be left completely alone to themselves and their ways in the wild apart from man, or they have to be brutally enslaved as war machines under man’s boot” and then Hiccup and Toothless fly in the face of that. They stick together as their own, unique partnership, and it changes the world in HTTYD and in HTTYD2.
And then in the third movie, boom, Toothless suddenly doesn’t belong with Hiccup anymore? Suddenly it’s essential that he live completely separate, alone with “his own kind?” Suddenly it’s too hard and too dangerous to protect this dragon-Viking way of life that the whole first and second movie worked for?
I mean. They even abandon Berk. They fought so hard for Berk throughout three television series and two excellent movies. 
And I get it. The idea is that, they left Berk because Berk is a people, so no matter where they go Berk is still alive, just like no matter where Toothless goes, his friendship with Hiccup is “still alive.” And that’s a fine theme, I guess, except it totally makes the first two movies seem worthless. It makes Hiccup’s mom seem right for abandoning her family and giving up on the idea that humans and dragons could ever live peacefully. According to HTTYD3, Hiccup and Toothless never should have interacted again after he cut Toothless free of the net. Because Toothless should’ve just…gone on to live with his own kind.
Oh except he couldn’t, because Hiccup knocked his tail fin off and Toothless needed Hiccup. Just like Hiccup was weird and innovative in a time of traditional brutish Vikings, and he, in his own way needed Toothless. So they couldn’t live among their own kind without one another. 
And I see that HTTYD3 is trying to say “‘yes, they needed each other, but now they’ve grown up and the only thing left to learn is how to let go and move on.” But you know what, if you were going to tell me that, you shouldn’t have made the driving motivation for these characters to leave one another: “too many bad guys keep inevitably attacking us.”
You also shouldn’t have made the secondary driving motivation: “Toothless likes a pretty girl dragon and he can’t be with her and be with Hiccup because she’s Too Wild.™” Because guess what? The other thing that all of the previous canon content set up was that Hiccup can basically tame and befriend any wild dragon.
There are very few dragons, even in the TV show, that he cannot make friends with and live side-by-side with, and the ones that existed were basically just big, angry killing machines who presented themselves as way more threatening in mannerisms than the Light Fury does in the third movie. The Red Death eats other dragons; the Light Fury warns other dragons of traps. The Skrill tries to lightning-fry every human around it; the Light Fury only ever plasma blasts at humans that surprise her while she’s actively snooping around their camp.
I am willing to buy a story where a dragon needs to be free of his human master if he wants to have a future with his own kind, but you can’t do that if the dragon in the story is Toothless and the master in the story is Hiccup. Because those characters’ relationship was established as the future of their kind. Viking’s way forward was dragons—dragons’ way forward was Vikings. 
And that brings up another bone of contention with me—the first reason for the finale split-up—what made Grimmel so terrifying that it convinced Hiccup to uproot his whole tribe from their ancestral home and eventually give up on fighting for his dragon/Viking way of life, and Toothless himself? Was it that Grimmel was a better strategist than Hiccup? Because Grimmel lost and died, so there’s no reason for that to remain the reason. Was it because Viggo had a whole army of people that were slapped together to hastily represent “the rest of the world” and a bunch of dragons—again, DRAGONS, Hiccup’s specialty—to attack them with? Because again, all of them lost. And Berk sacrificed nothing in the process, unless you count, like…stress.
And DON’T give me any crap about the epilogue. Don’t tell me “‘Oh, OP, you totally ignored the part at the end where Toothless and Hiccup’s new families visit each other, they’re not gone forever, they’re just Friends From Afar, living at peace, protecting the peace by staying apart.”
That is 1) a terrible cowardly step back from any emotional impact that the big goodbye and sense of sacrifice that living apart from each other should have given the audience, and 2) still doesn’t negate the fact that Hiccup and Toothless WERE fighting for their way of life, which was living together, since movie 1, and the fact is whether they visit each other or not they still don’t get to have that anymore. For no good reason. I could say more. I could talk about how silly I think a lot of the Light Fury plot is, how poorly set-up the Hidden World was as a conclusion piece, blah blah blah. But instead, I’ll just leave this quote from the end of How to Train Your Dragon 2, and you tell me how the logical conclusion to this quote was “let’s abandon our home and stuff our dragons in a hiding-hole because the enemies and armies that have never once actually defeated us are just too much hassle to keep fighting with.”
“This is Berk. A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice, but it's home. It's our home. Those who attacked us, are relentless, and crazy. But those who stopped them, oh, even more so! We may be small in numbers, but we stand for something bigger than anything the world can pin against us. We are the voice of peace, and bit by bit, we will change this world. You see, we have something they don't. Oh, sure, they have armies, and they have armadas. But we... we have... OUR DRAGONS!"
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jxckchxmpi0n · 9 months
Ethan Landry as spiderman headcannon
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I'm thinking about Ethan as Spiderman ♡
The idea of Ethan as Spiderman makes me giggle.
did not proof read. |m.list
I start college in 4 weeks but more into my dorm in 2 😵‍💫🤮
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Ethan would keep it a secret for as long as he could but one night, he forgot you were coming over, so he was messing around in his suit when you walked in, and he almost shot you with his web.
You yelled at him like a mother, and anytime you would make some smart comment about being a hero, he would hit you with the "Okay, MOOMM"
There would be some nights where if he got hurt pretty badly, he would go to your bedroom window. you would already have the first aid kit on your bed and the window unlocked, waiting for him.
After you found out about his spider side you begged him to take you swinging around the city, but he would say no for weeks until he realized you won't stop asking.
"I'm telling you this now, don't open your mouth unless you want to eat bugs for dinner."
"Yeah, yeah I'll survive bug boy."
When he started to get noticed by the public and people made merch he would 100% buy it and make you and him match when it was movie night
If it was a slow night in crime he would go to your place with wildflowers and tell you his favorite crimes he's stopped
When you guys' hangout he gets bored sometimes so he would start throwing your things and shoot them and web them to your ceiling and see how long it would take you to notice
His favorite thing is when you're across the room and he wants attention from you he would shoot his web across the room around your waist and pull you towards him.
Some nights when you clean his cuts when it's really bad you don't warn him you are cleaning it, so he yelps and slaps your hand away. "OW! that hurt what the hell y/n!"
"Oh, shush bug boy you are fine."
Some days you wanted him to set aside the spider-man persona and be Ethan for one night. Halfway through, it ends up in him running into an ally and swinging through the buildings while you watched.
He would walk around your room... like walk around! Walls and ceiling just walk around like it's normal.
If you were busy doing homework at your desk and he was on your bed, he would crawl on your ceiling and hang over you, wondering when you'd be done. "Are you don't yet?!"
You look up and see his face a few inches away. "No, I'm not, I'm sorry, but I need this to be done tonight, or I won't get it done at all!"
He leaves web messages around town for you.
He let's you play with his web shooters
He left a suit at your house and came over one day to you, trying it on. "Baby- what- what are you doing"
You freeze. "WHAA NOTHING"
He laughs and holds your face "God you're so adorable!" He then kisses your face everywhere.
Sometimes, he lets you be the man woman in the chair.
Making spiderman themed bracelets. He never takes it off!
He would 100% start teaching you fighting moves just because crime has gotten worse
He makes you carry pepper spray which back fired-
He thought it would be funny to scare you one day but you had the pepper spray and you sprayed him
You couldn't help but feel terrible at first but once he healed he just acted like a baby.
"I though I'd never see again!"
When he's swinging around town and he see that you see him he waves aggressively.
Even though he's a spider when he sees one he still freaks out.
"Y/N THERES A SPIDER ON YOUR WALL!!!! ITS BIG A GROSS!!!!" He stood on you bed scared.
"Now what did we say? No talking about yourself like that!" He threw a pillow at you while you laughed.
When he catches another criminal he ends up break dancing in his suit.
There is no doubt in the world that this boy would go shopping but mid spree his spider tingles when off and he came home without the food.
He makes uses his webs in school. You don't like when he does but sometimes he does it for you. "Ughh there's only one muffin left" you were close to the end of the line.
He looks around and stretched his arm out activating the webs. He grabbed the muffin and before you can fully blink he put it in your hand. "Love you"
Talks way too much when fighting
Dances in the middle of fighting
Gaslights the criminal
"Oh no not knives please it's my worst fear" he falls covering his face.
"Yeah that's right punk-" he shot his webs ans then just used the robber as shooting practice.
100% makes "pew pew pew" noises when he shoots his webs
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