#ofc they dont argue anymore later
🐇 for kkyri!!! or like explain how each feels their emotions yk
also 🌼🌜 <333 :3 also for kkyri lov u nisiiii
🐇 who is the most emotional?
I would say Sayuri is the most outwardly emotional, as she can't really shut up if there is something that is bothering her or so. Even when she denies what she is feeling it's written on her face most of the time. But Kakashi is over all the more emotional person. He is just a lot more nuanced and calm about it.
🌼 what do they like best about each other?
I think Kakashi likes that Sayuri takes no shit from people, him included, and that she has a view of him that's more humane and not like,uh, too perfect if that makes sense.
Sayuri started liking Kakashi against her will, so she likes him all the reasons why he's a great person. He's kind, he's become a good teacher, a good person to talk to, someone that even after their time apart trusts her and someone she can trust in. Plus he can hold her arguments.
🌛 describe their dynamic in up to five words.
They argue all the time.
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sukunasweetheart · 7 months
👀👉🏾👈🏾 Sukuna x Reader ex's to lovers?
wowowow i cant believe im doing like another celebrity au again but here goes nothing ahaha...
i love this trope, i ended up writing a WHOLE, lengthy ass, detailed plotline on it i hope u dont mind <3 (A WHOLE WHOPPING 6K WORDS YALL)
prepare for hella angst, OOC sukuna, insecure fem!reader, ghosting, messy break up, conflicting and complicated feelings + sexual tension and then intense smut @ the end (make up sex)
imagine sukuna being like, an amateur model-turned-actor, with you being his highschool sweetheart, who was there to support him since day one
a very happy, fulfilling relationship for the most part-- until he starts gaining huge amounts of popularity.
youve always known that he was meant and born to reach sky-high levels of success, and you were certain he was going to make it one day
but things get rockier by the second, and insecurity is such an ugly, ugly thing
seeing him model with other beautiful celebrities, acting in roles where he had a love interest to kiss and fondle, reading those gossip scandal articles involving him and another party every few months or so-
it all got too much for you.
all you needed was some reassurance... but young and vivacious sukuna, drunk on this fame and attention, failed to recognise that and left you feeling neglected.
not on purpose tho, he's never engaged in infidelity, he's never gazed upon someone else with lust or love on his mind - he was using everyone around him as a stepping stone towards his own career
sukuna's known you since forever, and he was confident that you knew his affection for you was unwavering... so he failed to understand where you were coming from whenever you brought these things up
arguments after arguments after arguments
the worst part of it was that he wanted to keep his relationship with you a secret. saying something about how having a significant other would slow his progress in his career down... the decision was urged on by the entertainment company that he was in a contract with
it hurt so damn much when he was being interviewed on tv about his romantic life, only for him to tell the world he was single.
it leads to more arguing.
of course, as a rising celebrity, he was quite awfully busy with many business trips and attending a lot of parties and galas
another terrible fight occurred right before he had to leave for a flight overseas but by then, youd pretty much already decided that you were going to leave him
you basically ghosted him, packing all your belongings overnight, blocking his number and all his social media accounts, making sure even all yours and his mutual friends didn't know of your whereabouts. you're going to start fresh. and give him no closure.
it was petty revenge, and maybe immature of you, but you were just as young as he was, and you wanted him to hurt as badly as you were hurting back then.
sukuna's still overseas, having just come back from another fancy gathering and is fresh out of the shower, in his hotel room... he decides he's gonna try and give you a call, but ofc you don't pick up
he sighs and convinces himself that he'll sort things out with you later when he gets back, not knowing that there won't be a 'later'.
meanwhile you're dragging a suitcase out of the apartment, taking a taxi somewhere else far away, crying as you pass by giant billboards that have pictures of sukuna plastered all over
he feels like such a faraway person now. no longer someone who you used to cuddle closely in bed, or hold hands with. you're not even sure of who you are without him anymore.
you could imagine his reaction when he came home, only to find your entire existence missing. seriously, it was like you were never there. you left nothing of yours behind, and the place was cleaned spick and span, not a hair of yours to be found.
when was the last time sukuna felt so panicked?? this dull ache in his chest, as he spams you calls and texts that never reach you
he contacts mutual friends in rotation but everyone is absolutely clueless... he considers filing a missing persons case but then a trusted friend of yours tells him to not look for you... and that you wanted them to relay a message to him, just a simple goodbye.
what the fuck are you talking about?
oh, here comes a severe headache.
his mind is whirring with overlapping memories, thoughts, regrets, thinking about any clues that might give away where you couldve gone, but theres simply nothing
the shock moves into sorrow, then denial, and then it turns to anger. does he mean nothing to you? so much so that youd abandon him without saying a word?
its like he was going through the five stages of grief, but for someone who he knew was still alive..
eventually, he finds a rebound out of spite. if youve left him, then it's means he's free and single, right? he gets himself piss-drunk, and beds another, only to wake up feeling absolutely disgusted. it feels like... it feels like he's cheated on you. even though you're already gone. he's just a mess of conflicting emotions, and it lasts for so long.
the reason why he doesnt hire someone or use some other underhanded method to actually look for you is because of a weird mixture of both his pride and feelings of insecurity, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you do deserve someone better, someone who understands you more... (and he's also fearful that someone like you, might've already found love somewhere else, and he's definitely not confident that he'll be able to act maturely if he sees its true)
eventually, acceptance does come... but does it really?
i like to think he went through many failed relationships, his partners always leaving him upon witnessing him getting intoxicated and calling for none other than your name in his state. someone who no one around him knows anymore.
years pass, and time really does allow you to forget. for both you and sukuna alike. in your mid thirties, both of you are single at this time.
you've been busy with your new job at some company (dont ask me, i was too lazy to decide what kind, so u guys can make this one up bye), and he made sure to keep himself busy as well. no time for fleeting romance.
of course, until fate does that weird thing where it pushes people together again... a new project lands in your lap, where it involves some kind of collaboration with THE celebrity, ryomen sukuna. of fucking course.
you really did desperately try to get it off and pass this off to some other colleague but they insisted your involvement was necessary. what are you supposed to do? you almost decide to quit... but this job means a lot to you... you can't just throw everything away because of an ex... right?
and, oh my god, when the first meeting does happen, involving the celebrity himself, you and a couple other coworkers to discuss the project, sukuna sees you and his brain short circuits for a moment.
he starts doubting his own vision, and then he reminisces, in the middle of whatever the fuck everyone else was talking about during the meeting.
"... Mr. Ryomen?" one of the other participants ask.
he clears his throat, regains his composure and regathers his focus. he's an actor for god's sake. and he starts speaking, with thoughts of you in the back of his mind. about how much youve changed, but also remained exactly the same...
during introductions, you shake his hand and act professionally. his eye twitches. will you continue to pretend not to know him even afterwards? should he talk to you separately after this? no... doing that would mean he's the desperate one...
when you saw sukuna hesitating, part of you felt relieved. so you're not the only one getting freaked out. you don't expect him to acknowledge you anymore, though.
after the meeting, he walks out feeling confident that he's going to ignore you back, if this was the kind of game you're going to play with him. you mean nothing to him, just as he means nothing to you.
but he remembers the shock that went down his spine at the feeling of the warmth in your hand. he watches you take an elevator by yourself, and tries to make a split second decision on whether he wants to let you go, or if he wants to chase you down.
he probably shouldn't bother.
but he impulsively speed walks down towards you, anyway.
youre startled when the elevator doors are blocked from closing just at the last second, with someone's arm coming through between. your heart skips a beat seeing that it's none other than sukuna.
what is this sensation? this mix of fear and... excitement. you should be unperturbed. you're over him. he's someone from the past. you're buzzing with these feelings, but there also comes a creeping resentment that finds its way to you again, as you try to remember why you left him in the first place.
he unclicks whatever level you were heading to, and clicks on the highest level instead. he's gonna take you to the rooftop of the building, where he can confront you peacefully.
"Mr. Ryomen? Is there something wrong?" you ask him. still feigning ignorance. like salt to a wound. you know its another petty move from your part, but you can't help yourself.
"Don't call me that. You know damn well why I'm here," Sukuna drawls, sounding more sad than angry. they've really become strangers.
you grow silent, being hit with a pang of guilt. deep down, you knew you shouldve handled it more maturely than that. he deserved closure, and you needed it too. but isn't it too late for all that now?
the conversation flows tense, but unravels slowly. there's still a lot of questions being withheld though. he wants to ask you how youve been. were you able to sleep peacefully after you left him? why did you have to leave in the worst way possible?
a familiar headache creeps up.
simultaneously, the anger finds its way in his heart all over again. he knows he didn't do much good towards the end of their relationship either but ghosting him was plain disrespectful and childish.
you surprise him when you give a sudden heartfelt apology.
you tell him that you know apologising now after all these years is frankly almost meaningless but still, he didnt deserve to be left behind in that kind of way. you admit that you should've communicated with him properly that you were breaking up with him.
he's left kinda speechless, bc he was so ready to be all snarky to you after everything.. he's still mad, but he can't really say shit anymore without sounding like too much of an asshole.
truth be told, if you did stay around to tell him that you were breaking up with him beforehand, he probably wouldn't have let you go... where would you guys be now, if you never separated?
"i've always wanted to apologise. it's been weighing on me ever since i left."
...and yet, you didn't ever think to call or text him even once afterwards? he never changed his number in hopes for that, and he hates himself for it.
"i understand that you hate me now, but let's try to get through the collaboration without trouble. and then we can part ways again."
that one pierces his heart, like a bullet. you haven't said anything technically wrong. he should hate you. or at least, he should feel indifferent by now. and yet... the way that you automatically assume so irks him badly.
"do you really believe that i hate you? aren't you the one that hates me?"
it's a stupid fucking question. what the fuck is he even saying? he wants to kick the elevator door.
"...i left because i thought you hated me, that you didn't need me anymore. and i tried to convince myself that i hated you too. but that couldn't be further from the truth. even now, i don't ha-"
before you can say any more, the elevator doors open, and a small group of employees are standing outside them, looking curiously in at you and sukuna. then, they realise who he is. they come flocking in, asking for autographs and pictures.
you quietly slip out of the crowd, and after giving one quick glance at sukuna, who visibly wants to pursue you again, you walk away to avoid gathering attention on yourself. wait-! dammit- he thinks.
he can't chase after you. he can't call out for you to stop. he can't push all of these people away. if he did, it will cause rumours and unfavourable articles to fly out. let's try to get through the collaboration without trouble. his own fame becomes another obstacle between you and him.
back then, you were his whole world, yet somewhere along the path, he started to fail in making you feel like it.
he watches you take the fire exit towards the emergency stairs, while he's surrounded by overbearing fans who beg for his attention. you're going to have to walk down in your heels, all because of him. as he catches the final glimpse of you, as he's reluctantly dealing with his fans, he begins to understand, a little bit. he didn't want to understand why you decided to leave him. but he does now. a little.
a couple of stairwells down, you eventually pause for a moment and sit down on the last step to take a breather. you wipe your sweaty palms against your skirt. the familiar tug at your heart, in which your insecurities come flowing back to you, seeing him surrounded. you need to build higher, stronger walls around you from now.
when sukuna is done on his end, and sends them off down the elevator, he goes off to check down the stairs you went, but you've already booked it. slipped right through his fingers. you were about to say something important. with unresolved feelings, sukuna also takes the stairs down, with a heavy heart. each step down brings him another old, nostalgic memory of you to him.
from then on, the more he interacts with you during work-related matters, the more apparent it becomes that he still harbors feelings for you. he tries to ignore it, push it back down, but it only returns twice as overwhelming.
your voice. the way you smile. the scent of your perfume. exactly the same as back then. yet, he also observes the changes that have occurred in you; how you act, speak and the kinds of words you use, as well as seeing you in such a professional setting rather than personal - everything is coming together to allure him more, and he's in a state where he's unable to resist this attraction, but also unable to act on it, because he's not sure how you'd react to it.
he knows it's not just him getting drunk on nostalgia.
the next time he catches you alone, he makes sure to tell you that he doesn't hate you like you believe he does. you'd never admit it, but that gave you butterflies in your stomach.
in fact, everything sukuna does, even just locking eyes with you for a few seconds, is enough to make your heart rate increase, intensifying when he looks at you almost like... almost like he wants you. you must be imagining things.
he finds himself doing uncharacteristic deeds, like sending coffee for all the staff members. his manager passes them out to everybody, including you. he doesn't know if you still like your coffee the same way as he remembers, but he makes sure that yours is a little different, a little more specific than everyone else's, in hopes that you'll notice these small gestures of his.
over the course of the project, he inches closer to you, ever so slowly. but you don't seem to budge. even worse, you seem to be avoiding him as much as you possibly can. you avert your gaze from his. stagger away when he gets close.
he brings it up on one occasion, when he's able to approach you at the back of the building, where there's no one around, and no watchful eyes of a nosy audience. it's definitely frustrating and unpleasant- when he wants to speak with you, he has to keep distance in case another scandal rises. he doesn't want to drag you into the spotlight, without knowing if you're okay with it first.
sukuna only really talks to you when there's nobody around. maybe he's being considerate of you, but it gives you the impression that he doesn't want to be seen hanging around with you. it makes you remember things you don't want to. it makes you remember that being with him now requires a courage that you're not sure that you have. at the very least, you know you definitely didn't have it back then.
you keep conversations short with him, and try to leave. but he keeps at it persistently. what is he trying to do? is he toying with you?
"you're acting like you want us to get back together. don't do things that'll make me misunderstand," you tell him. you were trying to provoke him. expecting him to deny it harshly and back away, because you knew he was prideful- he'd never be caught being hung up over an ex.
"...and? what if i told you that i do want that? would you stop avoiding me then?" he takes one step forward, and you take one back, proving his point.
why is he pushing aside his ego for you? where did all his arrogance go off to? this isn't how the sukuna in his twenties would've responded. his answer makes you waver, and you don't appreciate that. you try not to show it.
"no. i'd only begin to avoid you even more. so don't start."
"i'm not," you deny, but your voice betrays you. he clings onto that.
"why? ...afraid that you'd cave in to me?"
like the way he's already pretty much caved in for you?
"you don't sound very convincing."
"...would you want someone who'd choose their career over you?"
that stops him in his tracks. he has nothing to say to that. because he did make that mistake. where he prioritised his job over your feelings.
"i don't hate or blame you for that anymore, sukuna. but you have to understand... i don't want to go through that pain ever again. i don't want to hold you back. we both deserve more compatible partners."
your own words sting yourself, and you try to go again right after saying that, because it's getting too much for you. his hand flies out to grab yours out of instinct, to stop you from leaving. leaving him again.
it's really not like him to be the clingy ex, pathetically begging to be taken back, but he's willing to throw such pride away if it means you'll be appeased. if you'll let him back into your life again.
"don't say that. you never held me back-- you were my home and my everything, and i was the one that started to take you for granted," he says gently, his low voice laced with sorrow, so uncharacteristically. you've only ever heard this kind of tone from him once before, and it was when his grandfather, who was like a parent to him, had passed away. his thumb brushes over your hand.
"give me another chance. this time i'll let the whole world know about us. about how much you mean to me."
he gets in close ever so slowly, and you let him, for only a moment, before gently pushing him away, with a hand on his chest.
sukuna hitches in a breath, heart sinking to his stomach. he wants to embrace you so, so, so bad. he needs your warmth. always has been. always will. but he sees that you're unrelenting, which breaks him.
"no, stop... i'm sorry, i can't."
you're still scared. you keep thinking about how lonely you felt when you were with him, at least right before the break up. seeing him laughing through the tv screen. alone in the living room. and all the arguments.
your hand slips out of his, and he lets you go. he feels empty when you walk away. hollow. the similar feeling he felt when you first left him, but less anguish and more despair. when he gets home, he tries to drink those feelings away. something he rarely does. old regrets and heartaches return, and he drinks until he passes out.
while he drinks, you weep. crying into your pillow, wondering if you're doing the right thing. wondering if this is how it's supposed to be. terrified of being with him again, but also terrified of losing him, like a hypocrite.
from then on, sukuna keeps a respectful distance from you... no longer trying to make approaches in secret, no longer pursuing you every chance he gets. but he still sends out coffee. even provides snacks to the crew. little do they know, they're the kinds of snacks that he knows you loved. hopefully, you still do. he'll keep his distance because it's what you want, but he wishes to keep doing these little things for you. subtly.
and you notice it, too. you have vivid memories of telling him about your favourites and preferences back then, and you recognise what he's trying to do. you drink the coffee. and you always grab a handful of the snacks. you do appreciate it. it makes you happy that he remembers. on a few occasions, you turn to look at him, only to witness him looking away at the last second.
it's not too long before the project is successfully finalised, and all their efforts have been rewarded. a celebration is due, and your boss throws a party at a fancy hotel for everyone to enjoy themselves at. sukuna had stopped going to so many gatherings and parties quite a while ago, but he attends knowing that you'll be there as well. he'll see you for the final time before he'll lose any excuses to be around you ever again. it'll be the final night.
you exchange a few words with him at the venue, but the two of you leave each other to mingle with other groups reluctantly, to avoid suspicion. both of you are quite tense all throughout the night, sipping on some wine to ease it, but it still doesn't relax the tension you feel, no matter how far away sukuna stands from you.
a few hours in, and you decide to excuse yourself early to head up into your designated hotel room. your boss covered the expenses for a night, and it would've been a waste to decline it, so you decided to stay. sukuna isn't around anywhere at the venue anymore, so you assume he's already left. you thought about saying farewell, but it didn't seem appropriate after you flat out rejected him. you still have doubts about the decision. because you miss him. but what's done is done, and you can't take back what you've already said.
however, getting to the hotel elevator, you notice he's standing there, with miraculous timing. you awkwardly "hey" him, and he says it back, hands in his pockets.
the two of you step inside when it arrives, and the thick tension remains.
"i'm surprised. i thought you'd be staying around longer for the party," you tell him.
he can't tell you that he found it unbearable, to see you hanging around other people, but being unable to get closer to you himself.
"i just got a bit tired," he lies. "did you have a lot to drink?"
"not at all. i had a few glasses, but i'm still sober."
"same here."
as the lift gets closer to your level, you get antsy, thinking about what to say before you leave, but your thoughts get interrupted when he asks you something abruptly.
"...can i walk you to your room? for the last time."
you swallow thickly on nothing, and feel how your chest aches at the words. last time.
"alright. sure," you say.
he wasn't expecting you to say yes, but he's glad you're letting him stay beside you a little longer. you're staring at the elevator doors, but he's looking at your face from the side. if only the lift would malfunction and stop, right here.
but it doesn't, and soon, he's really walking beside you as you get to your hotel room door, in silence. you unlock it using your key, and then that's it.
"thanks for walking me here," you say rather sheepishly. the thought of him wanting to spend even a few more seconds with you... your hold on the door knob is tight as you stand, face turned around to look at him. it's taking everything in you to stand your ground. last minute guilt and regrets are bombarding your thoughts, and...
"i'll say this now because i probably won't get another chance again," sukuna starts, looking directly into your eyes. his eyes are mellow, and he looks wistful.
"i'm sorry. i realised i never apologised, even though that's the first thing you did for me," he starts. he knows there's a mountain of reasons he is apologising for, but he decides he'll keep this short for your sake.
".. i can't lie to you and say that i wish for your happiness with someone else. 'm not that nice." you know it the best. and you understand, because you don't think you'd be able to withstand seeing him happy with someone else, either.
"find your happiness elsewhere, thanks," he grunts humorously. for god's sake. he's never been good at things like this. being heartfelt. at least it made you chuckle a bit. his expression of indignation melts away into a melancholic one again.
"i still love you." (always have, always will.)
you fight back sudden tears, and your throat begins to ache. sukuna unclenches his fist, and tries to relax himself more.
"and...i'll miss you," he breathes the phrase out. says it so quietly, like it hurts for him to say. (i don't want to let you go.)
something snaps within you and everything starts to scream at you to take everything back, and stop him from going away. don't go- don't go- don't go-
he notices your wet eyes, and he has to fight back against the urge to reach out and wipe it away. to rescind his farewell, and pull you into his arms again - forcefully, if he has to. he needs to leave, before he loses control.
you're panicking, and your vision is swimming, and you don't think you'll ever be happy again if you let him go like this-- you're gonna be heartbroken in the worst way imaginable. you want him back, and you know you're being unreasonable after turning him down like that, but you don't care anymore. you want to go against your fears. you want to try being with him again.
before you can stop yourself, your hand catches onto the hem of sukuna's sleeve, seconds before he takes another step away from you.
his eyes widen, and he looks at your grip on his sleeve, like he's checking to see if it's real, and he's not making this shit up in his mind. his heart beats impossibly fast. his hopes skyrocket. the world decided to have mercy on him.
"...you're being unfair, grabbing onto me like this. after i went through hell just now, trying to say goodbye." he's being awfully patient right now.
you don't respond, only silently weeping.
he waits to see if you'll let go, whether this was just an act out of a temporary fickle in your heart, but your grip remains tight, and you're now just looking up at him with tears rolling down, eyes glossy and desperate, pulling at his heart strings. you only let go when he comes back to you, not hesitant to brush his thumbs across your face now, wiping the wetness away.
"what do you want me to do? tell me, and i'll do it. leave? stay?" sukuna coos at you, like he's always done before, waiting patiently until you've calmed down enough to respond properly.
"i shouldn't... i shouldn't let you in. not after how much i'd pushed you away," you whisper. today was supposed to mark the end of it all.
he doesn't even give a fuck about that anymore. what matters is now.
"...but do you want to let me in?"
"...yes," you hic.
he takes a couple of steps forward, making you step back with him, his hand on your waist to make sure you don't trip on the way. he goes past the doorway and into your hotel room slowly. one- two- three- steps. he closes the door behind him quietly.
"and..? what next?" he asks in a low voice, standing close to you, one hand still remaining on your waist, and the other on your upperarm.
"i... i don't know. i just need you," you mumble, looking up at him, eyes red from crying and half-closed. your hands inch up along his back, grabbing handfuls of his suit jacket. sukuna hitches in a breath and something dark flashes across his eyes. they reflect his desire, his almost carnal desperation for you-
"forgive me. i don't think i can hold myself back, anymore."
he captures your lips in his, and groans shamelessly into you. you grip onto him tighter, heart beating so rambunctiously that you fear he can hear it too. it feels too good. the moment he reached you, it felt like the final piece of a puzzle clicking in to complete a full picture.
you part your mouth, and he wastes no time in slipping his tongue inside, kissing you in the way he knows you love, in the way it makes your lips tingle, and, oh god, even after all these years, he still knows how to get you going like no other.
sukuna tastes the traces of wine on your tongue, and even better, he tastes you, the one he'd been missing and craving all this time, the warmth of your skin and touch, your scent, just everything about you, you, you.
he backs you towards the bed, without breaking this breathless, hungry kiss, where he softly lays you down, with him being above you, chest to chest, arms supporting his weight. he momentarily pulls away from you simply just to breathe, and the two of you gaze at each other for a hot second, full of love and lust, breaths overlapping one another. he attempts to ask you "do you still wanna continue?" just in case, but before he gets to say a word, you grab him by his tie and pull his lips to yours again, beginning to loosen it and take it off.
he understands that you want it, now. you successfully manage to untie it, somehow, with just willpower alone, and you start aiming for his buttons next, undoing them one by one. your actions send sparks down to all of his limbs, and he feels so fulfilled by your desire of him, being as intense as how he obsesses over you.
soon after you're done with it, he takes them off and chucks his own clothes away, rendering him half-naked. your hole clenches around nothing at the sight once he pulls away again, his firm muscles and the same old tattoos that you vividly remembered the patterns of. you greedily run your palms across his pecs, eyes turning to hearts. he smirks at you.
it's his turn now, and he doesn't hesitate to start undressing you as well. sukuna gets dizzy at the thought of being able to feast his eyes on your body. he dives in to keep kissing you, and then begins to unbutton you with such speed, it almost startles you.
it's off. your breasts are out in the open now, and sukuna has his fill with massaging them with his large hand, having missed them so much. his palm feels so hot, and your nipples pebble up at his touch, making you gasp into his mouth.
his kiss moves over to the side of your face, it glides down your neck, shoulders, and eventually reaches the swell of your chest. your fingers brush through the pink of his hair as he does so, and you purse your lips together, basking in the feeling of his warm kisses littering your skin. he leaves you hickeys-- the same shape and size and same locations as he used to even during your days in highschool, and you chuckle to yourself at the thought.
it's not long before he's loosening your skirt and slipping your undergarments down, getting rid of your slick-stained panties, much to his satisfaction. sukuna rubs a thumb over your aroused clit, and you whimper, having missed the touch of a man- his touch specifically.
"fuck... you're so wet.... all for me?" he asks, proceeding to slip two fingers into your weeping hole. you arch your back at the feeling, how his thick digits scissor inside of you and press up against a particularly lovely spot. he watches your every response as he does so, watching how you moan because of his touch, and how you're grabbing at his wrist because it's getting too intense. his cock prods uncomfortably against his pants. you're producing so much slick, and his fingers are getting absolutely drenched.
when he takes them out, you whine a little in disappointment.
"i know, i know. i'll give you something better," he whispers, kissing your cheek.
he unbuckles himself, and lowers his boxers to reveal his aching dick, tip wet with precum, veins bulging out the sides. looks the same as you remember. he pumps it a couple of times with his hand that's still covered with your slick, and he twitches. this isn't a dream, is it?
"oh god, please, i need it-" you plead, your hole feeling eager and empty.
"it's all yours," he mumbles. your begging makes him lightheaded as he lines himself up at your weeping cunt.
"i'm all yours."
when he sinks in deep to the hilt, you cry out at the fullness, as his tip pushes the spot inside you that had been feeling so lonely for years. your hands finds themselves against his back, feeling for his tight muscles.
"shit- 'm gonna lose my mind," sukuna groans as he gives a few shallow thrusts into you, cock so hard and throbbing wildly as your plush walls clamp on him and coats him with your arousal. he grabs one of your hands from his back and interlocks his fingers with yours against the mattress, before leaning down to bring his lips against the side of your neck.
"oh, thank god... thank god, you changed your mind. i love you. i would've been so fucking miserable without you, doll. for the rest of my life," he croons, breath fanning so close to your ear. you shudder at the tone of his voice, tearing up again, mixed with pleasure and relief, and you grab his hand tighter.
you turn your head a little more to the side, making it easier for sukuna to bite and suck on the sensitive skin of your neck, as his thrusts increase in speed, nudging your g-spot with every movement.
soon enough, he's bringing his attention back to your tongue, which he caresses with his own, nibbling on your lower lip, maintaining this same perfect pace in his thrusts that brings you closer to your orgasm.
"sukuna- i'm- i'm gonna-" you say breathlessly.
but he merely kisses you again, swallowing up any words you could say or moans you could let out, not minding the gasps and whimpers that you make.
sweat beads on his perfect body, and he makes out with you through your high, groaning back when he feels your walls flutter around him. he's close. even once you've finished cumming, he begins to pound into you quicker, wanting to get to his own orgasm. you claw at his back, crying out in pleasure, as sukuna's tongue lathers your jawline.
he wants to breed you so fucking bad. but no, that'll have to wait. he can't do something to jeopardize your trust in him. he'd rather die than endure another second of being distanced from you again.
right before he's pushed off the edge, sukuna pulls out and desperately jerks himself off above your stomach, panting as his cock throbs in his hand with every spurt that coats you, feeling so hot against your tummy.
you feel a twinge of disappointment, because you also wanted to feel that in your womb...
his dick twitches weakly after being spent, and he breathes heavily, liking the sight of you being covered in his seed for another time. (and many more from now.)
" 'kuna... it's a safe day for me today," you suggest to him without thinking. "i want it inside me..."
the phrase is enough to get heat pooling in his abdomen, and he feels himself get hard all over again.
"you sure, doll? if it's what you want, i'll..." he begins to say, almost flustered by your suggestion. you know you shouldn't say this next line, but it's so easy to get carried away with this man... get caught up in the heat of the moment.
"i want your babies so bad."
you've hit his switch. sukuna growls and puts you into a mating press instantaneously, making you squeak.
"no takebacks," he mutters dangerously, beginning the second round.
the night is long, but heavenly, as soon after he dumps everything he has into your womb, then proceeds to eat you out, making you cry for the third time before sunrise.
when you're awake, it's already heading past midday, and you're relieved to see that yesterday's happenings were not a dream, seeing as the large man is sleeping with an iron hold around your body, as if subconsciously afraid you'd leave him before he woke up again.
he awakens from his slumber to your light, feathery touches on his face, which puts him in a good mood from the moment he opens an eye. it was the scenario he's always dreamed of. waking up next to you, smiling.
there's much to talk about. about what's to come next, future plans, worries, and things they need to do to make amends for all the lost years between each other. but you decide to take things slow.
back to bullet points again bc im lazy to write it properly now
you spend the weekend w him at the hotel and stuff, just playing eating and sleeping, catching up yk
he tells you on his own accord that he wants to let everyone know that he's with you now, but he's worried that it'll bring backlash to you but you tell him you're going to be brave and take it, bc you WANT everyone to know
anyway prepare for turbulence
but everything'll be alright bc hes with you
im thinking about how mopey he'll be when you have to separate from him bc you each have your own homes rn, hes always asking you to come over or if he can come over to your place
and he'll be begging you to move in soon, like old times (he lives in a rich man house now tho)
and also thinking about how its a fresh start, but they also go through old memories and now reminiscing isnt painful anymore bc yall are back together
sukuna also says he's stopped doing romance genres in acting bc he had felt annoyed acting in lovey dovey scenes when his own love life used to be in shambles all the time
and bc hes at a point in his career where he has more choice in choosing between scripts that are offered to him, he's going to continue to decline the ones that have love interests, it doesnt affect him that much anyway
he's just being more considerate of your feelings now... and you promised him that you'll never just disappear like that again when you're upset haha...
sometimes when you still have a few disagreements with him, he keeps subtly checking up on you (hes traumatised, leave him be)
lots of facetiming when he has to go overseas for filming purposes <3
okay, thats all, bye <3
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jungwnies · 11 months
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syn ' a-z alphabet (safe for work) yang jungwon pairing ' bf!jungwon x gn!reader
requested ! i am soooo sorry this took so long... i lowkey forgot about it until i came back on a few days ago
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a ⋆ affection - how affectionate are they?
he's literally a cat
he's so affectionate with you
always cuddling
always playing with your hand or your fingers
literally attached to the hip
b ⋆ bonding - how often do they bond with you?
all the time
hes a big bonder duh
whenever he isn't at schedules
he spends all of his time with you
c ⋆ communication - do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
yes ofc
but he's leader
so he only gets to give you a lot of his time while he's at the hotel
he texts you through out the day but he can't hold a conversation until the day is over :c
d ⋆ dates - how often do they set up a date for you two?
all the time
but they will be the most cute dates
arcades, carnivals, festivals, amusement parks
little walks around the river and very pretty scenery ofc
e ⋆ essential - what is the thing that is important to them?
the usual
the relationships he has with people
and lastly, the members
f ⋆ friends - how did the friendship start?
in school
you guys were definitely forced to work together on a project
and from there you guys became friends
g ⋆ gross - what is the thing he hates in your relationship?
omg he hates liars so much
h ⋆ hugs - do they like hugs? how do they feel?
ofc he likes hugs
he loves them so much
they're always so loving and comforting
his embrace is like home
i ⋆ i love you- how fast do they say i love you?
he doesn't say it first that's for sure
he says it when you say it
because he doesn't want to mess anything up
he's scared to lose you or scare you away with the love bomb
j ⋆ jealousy - how jealous do they get?
not very jealous
but he definitely gives whoever is checking you out a dirty look
k ⋆ kiss - how good are they at kissing?
he's a good kisser
not the bomb.com
but his kisses are sweet :C
l ⋆ love - how do they show their love to you?
giving you his time
when he puts anything down just to pay attention to you
that is how he shows you he loves you
he just loves spending time with you ugh
m ⋆ mad - how often do you argue?
not often
but sometimes
but they are never bad arguments
n ⋆ naughty - how do they deal with you annoying them?
he annoys you back
doesn't get mad though LOL
o ⋆ open - how often do they open up to you?
all the time
you are his backbone
his support
his everything
he always opens up to you
p ⋆ pet names - how are they with pet names?
babe, baby, jagi
just the simple ones
nothing too crazy
q ⋆ quiet - silent treatment?
he gets pouty
but never silent
r ⋆ ramble - how often do they talk about you to others?
all the time
he boasts about you like it's his job
forget being an idol
talking about you is his new career
s ⋆ soft - how soft are they to you?
literally the softest with you
so sweet
always cuddling with you
bro is literally a cat???
t ⋆ think - what reminds them of you?
everytime he sees a cute animal
he thinks of you
he will see a bunny and be like
"it's almost as cute as MY y/n"
always says "my" before your name
cus you are his
u ⋆ unhappy - what makes them break if you break up with them?
just the fact he can't hold you anymore
the way his bed feels so empty without you besides him
makes him
dont even
both sides of your pillow
v ⋆ vacation - how are they with long distance relationships?
he's so bad at this
nothing that can break a relationship
but he just can't handle it
as well as some people can
w ⋆ wholesome - the sweetest thing they ever did to you?
obviously when he surprised you by coming home early
x ⋆ extra headcanon
expanding on him coming home early
you were really sad because he was on tour
for literally so long
and he told you he wouldn't be back for another 3 weeks
because there are new added dates
but little did you know the later dates weren't for another 2 months
so when he came in and surprised you
you wanted to cry
tears of joy obviously
y ⋆ young and beautiful - (how long does it last?)
a very long time
but i don't know if it will last forever
i feel like he would be the type to be in a super long relationship
and you guys just
fall out of love.
i should write a story about that
z ⋆ zzz - how do they sleep with you?
he always has an arm around you
keeps you close because
he never knows
when he will have to leave again
so he keeps you super close
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2022 © jungwnies | tumblr
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cashmere-caveman · 2 months
read a post about there being next to no record abt the historic edward little again (we dont even know what he looked like!!!) and now im thinking a lot about how he died in uniform again.
hes far from the only character to die in uniform (the marines die in uniform! franklin dies in uniform!) and he isn't even the only lieutenant to do so (gore, under his slops, was in uniform; fairholme, too presumably; irving famously wore his coat that hickey steals later; george wore something that used to be his uniform when he got eaten but imo atp he did not wear it as A Uniform anymore that were just the clothes that he had on if that makes sense) but at the end, he is the only one where i still felt that it was an active choice to wear it.
almost everyone else sheds their layers along the way or turns into something else, but ned starts in uniform and he stays in uniform and that's it.
fitzjames famously sheds his vanity and dies in his shirtsleeves, without any of the pomp and pizzazz of his uniform.
jopson, another character who is to me really connected with a certain mindset of holding up appearances, dies in his shirtsleeves, believing himself abandoned by the very person that was his reason to even wear a uniform at all.
goodsir as a doctor/assistant surgeon doesn't really have a uniform in quite the same sense as many others but when he dresses himself before his suicide it is not as an affirmation of his role, or at least not a positive one. he has sworn to do no harm, but he was forced to do it anyway and now he will add a final evil to his toll of sins in the hopes to balance the scales at least somewhat and for that to work, he must wear his outfit as always. he ends up with all pretenses stripped bare anyway.
tozer, a man so proud of his uniform in the beginning, again, dies in his shirtsleeves, no rank left, betrayed by someone who had convinced him to give up everything and yet! reduced to nothing but an ordinary man, he tries again where before he had given up. he cooperates, he coordinates, he even calls crozier captain again, he tries very hard to do the right thing in what looks like a no win scenario from the get go!! and he fails, of course, but he tried.
almost everyone else also ends up either dressed down (bridgens, armitage, dundy, des voeux etc) or somehow transformed (blanky, to some extend silna with her patched and bloody furs) or in hickeys case, both (iconic underwear & greatcoat combo). little never changes. he sometimes has a little scarf, theres the bandage for his headwound for a bit, he sometimes wears the full parade uniform with epaulettes and sometimes just the regular one, there are at least two different uniform hats and ofc you can tell that he loses weight by the way his shape chages under all that wool but he is always. in. uniform.
and maybe this is just my mind making up dots to connect but i think he might even be the last character that crozier ever gives an order to in his official function as a captain (in the tuunbaq seduction/boss fight scene he has been stripped of his rank, at least according to e.c.).
before his final scene, all we get is little arguing over the orders they are given, and how to interpret them. and he is still wearing his uniform!!! wait hold on im not gonna check but maybe he might only wear a jumper in the tent where dundy lauches his soft mutiny actually, so maybe this whole post is crumbling like a domino line but!!! ignoring this. moving on. (even if it is a jumper i remember him wearing sth dark blue aka Uniform Colour so im claiming it doesnt even matter bc spiritually that hypothetical jumper still is a uniform. im not going to let anything like "accuracy" and "real details" fuck up my post smh 🙄. im joking. however! Moving On as i said) (edit: i rewatched the scene and it IS his uniform actually, just v rumpled. going insane btw)
he doesnt even dress up for carnivale! the only other characters that are not in costume are jopson and crozier and they were literally too busy keeping crozier from dying to even begin thinking about joining the communal arts and crafts session! little is atp the acting no2 of the expedition so u might say he was busy but fitzjames has the overall command and still finds time to have a little gender moment in private and the imperialism-approved version of it for the Big Crowd!! (u could ofc argue that fitzy Always has time for a gender moment and who would i be to argue but my point is: i have no doubt that man was fucking busy preparing carnivale & beginning to prepare the walkout and there still was time to Express Some Character!! so how come ned didn't do anything?)
the one other scene we get where we can catch a small glimpse of characters out of their element before it all unravels (pre tuunbaq attack on the camp) is the scene at night when morfin gets shot. it shows lots of characters in various states of undress (silna big blanket burrito i love you) that allows us to see them differently, like their costumes at carnivale did, but in an entirely opposite direction. while carnivale was about putting on masks, this scene is about taking them off. and it drives me insane because i know that little must be there. he is somewhere in the crowd when morfin gets shot but so far i havent been able to make him out and i need to know what he is wearing so bad. it is actually for science (my own curiosity) ! i really need to know. and i cant help but feel that maybe it is intentional that he is just ~somewhere~ instead of In Front of the Fucking Camera because, well. that would be just ned little, wouldnt it? and we dont even know who that is.
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thefuckwrongwithyou · 18 days
Yandere Wednesday x fem reader x Yandere enid Sinclair. Angst, fluff at the end.
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(Some sensitive things will be said so if u your sensitive and u can' handle it please read something else. Thanks.)
As you're sitting on your bed in the dorm scrolling through your phone. You happen to share with your two lovely girlfriends. Wednesday and Enid, all of a sudden the door was open and slammed shut. Wednesday and Enid are arguing right now so u decided to stay out of it.
Until thing got way too heated i mean yes they were fighting before they came in but they were arguing about something else... "WHAT THE FUCK DO U MEAN I CAN'T TALK TO AJAX??!?." Enid shouted at wednesday; "because I said so enid." Wednesday replied in her monotone voice. "JUST BECAUSE HE'S MY EX WEDNESDAY!?." Soon snapped wednesday. "SO I CAN'T TALK TO TYLER?!?." She yelled at Enid. "THATS DIFFERENT BECAUSE TYLER IS A FUCKING MONSTER WEDNESDAY!!!!".
You decided to intervene, putting a hand on enids shoulder; "Baby, please stop-." you got pushed from enid landing on the floor. "Shut the fuck up! u annoying bitch!!." Quickly getting up looking at wednesday for comfort. "Yeah, u should stay out of this cara mia". Wednesday said to at you. "Please stop fightin-" cut off with a slap on the face by Wednesday. "God cant u shut the fuck up!! You are so fucking annoying Jesus!!.
Wednesday said. "Oh, look she fucking crying pathetic whore!!" Enid said walking gripping your jaw. A sob escaped your throat causing Enid to loosen her grip removing your face from her hand and running out the door. Seeking comfort in Yoko's dorm. The two people you trusted who knew about your past of abuse from your father. Now they did it....
4 hours later...
Realizing what they had done after they cooled off. "Oh god.. wens im sorry" said enid. "Me too," Wednesday said planting a kiss on enids forehead. "I feel terrible for telling those things to y/n," Enid said Both of them agreed to fix things. Then enid got a message from yoko.
Chat: yoko🤞🏻❤
Yoko: what the fuck did u guys do to y/n?!?
Enid: is she in your dorm?
Yoko: not anymore she was here an hour ago idk where she went after that.
Enid: did she say anything?
Yoko: no she just came in crying until she stopped and she left.
Yoko: and she has a hand mark on her face and her jaw is a bit bruised...
Enid: oh okay, thanks.
After you left yoko's dorm u were in the forest cooling off u could still feel Enid's grip and Wednesday slap. Then u made your way back to the dorm; you don't want people in your life that hurt's u, and you plan to switch dorms tomorrow you're gonna ask principal Weems and break up with them.
"OMG?! Baby, where were u??". Enid said softly smiling. "Yes, where were u?". Wednesday said in her monotone voice. "Why should u care?". In a cold voice raising your brows. While walking to your bed to collect your phone texting yoko.
Chat: yoko😫😘
Y/n: can i stay with you for the night?
Yoko: ofc baby :)
Y/n okay thanks, i'll go take a bath and i'll come :)
yoko: okay np.
the two girls paused for a couple second "we owe u an apology." Wednesday said. "Were sorry we didnt mean it". enid said voice cracking like shes about to cry. "Cara mia, were sorry we both got angry and took it out on u". Said wednesday. "I'm done". You said not a single emotion lingering in your voice. "what do u mean...d-done?". Wednesday said her voice shaking a bit while Enid had tears streaming down her face.
"I'm done, i dont want people in my life calling me names nor slapping me or trying to choke me. When they know of my past." You said continuing. "were over i dont wanna see u both in my sight. And i don't want u in my life anymore". U said starting to feel anger. "but were sorry..." Enid said crying while wednesday is trying not to break down. "You'll still see, us we share a dorm, Amore Mio. (my love).
"I'll be switching dorms, i'll talk to principle weems. for now i'll be staying at yoko's." You stated, entering the bathroom. After u finished and got into your pj in the bathroom; you grabbed your phone and texted Yoko. And left. Wednesday and Enid crying.
Time skip
its been two months since u last talked u got your dorm by u were by yourself i was pretty big. You used to receive presents from enid and wednesday but you'd send them back. Until they stopped they looked happy by themselves without u. You were fine with that but u missed them. You always felt like someone was watching u. But everytime u looked around u didnt see anybody. You were going to the principal Weem's office she wanted to talk to u. "Principal weems?". You stated. "Yes y/n please have a seat". She said smiling. "So do u need some miss?". U said smiling." No. y/n thanks, but i have some news". Weems stated; "okay?". You said hesitant.
"We have some students coming in the school, so i'm going to need u to move back into your old dorm." Weem's said. "WHAT?!". You exclaimed. "Their coming tomorrow so please pack your things". You didn't see thing slipping out the door running back to wednesday and Enid's dorm. Hopping on wednesday desk signalling "y/ns coming back". "What?!" She said surprised "what's wrong wens?" Enid said coming off her bed, walking to wednesday. "Y/ns coming back". "Really?!?!" Enid said happily.
Soon u were back in your old dorm and agreed by two faces. "Hi," they both said "hi". You said back. They missed your voice. Going back to your old bed plopping down, you missed it, because it was bigger than wednesday and Enid's bed it could fit three people on it and the bed would still have space. You could feel their eyes on u. As u got up and started taking out your stuff. "Do u need help?" Enid asked smiling. "Sure". After u finished; u went to take a bath and brush your teeth, it was a Friday night so u could sleep in.
You woke up in the middle of the night. You were a vampire so you'd always sleep on your back to feel like theres weight on you, and u could feel breathing down on both sides of you neck. only to see wednesday is on the left side of the bed and Enid on the right, both of them cuddled up to u with wednesday arm on your chest cupping one of your right breast while enids arm is on your waist with their legs tangled with yours.
As u tried to move a bit they only tightened their grip and snuggled more into u. You moved again this time hard. You woke both of them up. they said in sync, "stop moving love." As they started to bite and suck at your neck. "Please dont leave us again". Enid said while biting your neck. "Yes, cara mia were sorry". Wens while sucking your neck. "We missed u please forgive us". Enid said softly. "U promise u won't hurt me again?". "We promise," they both said. "We both will spend the rest of our lives making up for it". Wednesday said bring u into a kiss along with Enid.
And u were back to together u missed them alot.
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sapphire-weapon · 4 months
Yayyyy jshsjs ok so i was thinking that sooner or later their "arrangement" will not be enough for them anymore (it already isnt) but ofc they refuse to acknowledge it so they start arguing more and one night maybe they fight abt sth stupid (veryyy stupid its almost mundane but it implies a lot of issues they dont address) and Ashley is super stubborn and fiesty. Leon tries to be patient at first but it gets old very quickly and he just becomes disinterested and lets her act out bc he's exhausted and doesnt wanna deal w this shit. This makes Ashley leave and Leon doesnt stop her even tho he really wants to but he's Leon lol but then Ashley comes back still being annoying and starts yelling again and Leon just watches but then he's like stfu (same vibes as 'you talk too much') and he kisses her and subdues her very quickly and he's all dominant and imposing but like in a subtle, soft dom way but still makes Ashley melt after some light resistance bc deep down this is what she wanted all along. During sex Leon calls the shots and puts Ashley in her place when she wants control. They call each other annoying and stuff like that, shut each other up with thrusts and keep bickering. She presses his buttons to trigger that dominant side of him, its a turn on for her seeing him exasperated bc of her bc she's so desperate for more from him, ANYTHING, she doesnt know what that is (coughMARRIAGEBABIESAHOUSEINTHESUBURBS) but maybe if she provokes him enough and he cracks she will find out. But nothing happens. Just another night of mindblowing sex, the best they've ever had, but when it's all said and done, it's still not enough. So they argue again.
Ashley leaves. Leon lets her. Obviously that's not what they want but they can't have more. The end.
Sorry this was too long but I'm very invested and ofc I had to make it a bit angsty considering the direction the story is taking. I hope it doesn't suck too much, I'm not good at storytelling but I really want to see this lol. I love your story. It's so real. K bye ily 💘
OH i didn't realize that you wanted this to take place in the universe of my fic.
bro i should just keep working on this chapter, then, because they argue a bit in this chapter.
here's a preview 4 u. remember: first draft, not finished, subject to change, needs editing, etc etc.:
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and here's a preview of some of the smut
all same disclaimers apply. i haven't really looked at this at all since i initially wrote it.
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I really hope the show focused more on learning lessons from every episode rather than just focusing on the action and subplots that in the end, won't mean anything
Even though both marinette and adrien do a lot and i mean a LOT of dumb shit throughout the show i found myself excusing them cause they're still teens (ofc i dont excuse how the writers wrote marinette as being a creepy stalker and trying to play it off as a "joke").
Wouldn't it have been much better if the two main leads learned from their mistakes after each episode ends?
Adrien has been constantly neglected by his abusive father, so watching him lash out emotionally or not knowing how to handle the situation properly, i can see it being a little excused imo cause he barely got any attention or affection. The only one who was there for him is now gone and he's mostly stuck alone with his thoughts. He only sees his friends everyday he goes to school and thats pretty much it (unless gabe lets him out every once in a while).
The show would've been much better if Marinette had been the one to emotionally support him, show him whats right and wrong instead of having her constantly lash out at him for every tiny mistake.
The two could've talked about their problems and slowly built their relationship from there, it would've been a much better show tbh if it took that direction. I know Adrien gets a lot of hate for the things he does but i cant really blame him for it, he doesnt have anyone to guide him, his father is barely there for him and he doesnt open up to natalie at all, the writers could've used his love and admiration for ladybug as a way for him to open up to her and tell her whats going on with him.
Maybe she can even help him learn his powers better, when to use it and whats the important time for it to be used. I know all the fights they went through are different but at least he would know how to restrain his powers instead of sometimes using it without thinking and just bolting in straight towards the villain.
It truly makes me sad, the show had many directions to take but it chose to be generic and bland and most of all what turns me off from watching the other seasons is its predictability. we know that no matter what the two go through, in the end they'll get together and thats it.
I hope the movie is somehow different since thats all i can look for now, i really want the two main heroes to interact more with each other instead of fighting villains and arguing every two seconds; i watched the first ep of s5 out of curiosity and im glad that ladybug didnt really get upset at him, idk how their relationship has been in s5 since i really hold no interest in it anymore.
It's a wasted opportunity sadly, i might have to look for fanfics cause those are the only ones that make me feel connected to them both.
What are your thoughts however? (And if you have any fanfic recommendations then pls throw em my way. I rly dont know what to start with)
I don’t think the whole “learn a lesson in every episode” idea is a bad one, but the way it’s handled here doesn’t work because the lessons never mean anything. The characters never grow as people, so the lessons feel superfluous as a result.
Like you said, these episodes could have been used to better build up the bond between Marinette and Adrien, and in my opinion, it would have made that scene from “Multiplication” feel more meaningful, because that way, it would make sense that Adrien would thank Marinette for everything she’s done for him.
As for the movie, it’s entirely possible that the show could pull a Ninjago and take influence from what their movie did in the later seasons, or expand upon certain ideas brought up.
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taegularities · 2 years
My lovely rid, i came across this movie again on tiktok and an idea popped into my head. I dont know if you are taking requests, but if you do need some ideas, are open for smth rn or would like to write a HEAVY angsty fic of jk one day, listen tu me. The name of the Movie is “Delibal“ Deli in turkish means: stoopid, weird, crazy and bal means honey. Delibal is abt two college students. The boy is pretty much deli. hes crazy, hes wild, a bit stoopid with a very big heart, he is very good looking, has tattoos, a man bun, likes boxing and is a drummer who has a beautiful voice. One day in a cafe, he sees this beautiful girl and for him its love at first sight. He doesnt have the guts to ask her out at first tho. when driving home with the bus from college one day, the girl sits onto the empty space besides him and he cant believe his eyes that she not only goes to his college but sits right beside him. he says smth like: do you believe in destiny ? and she doesnt get it bc she isnt really paying attention to him. She exists before he could properly talk to her and the next day in the library he asks the lady if she knows the girl. the woman is stunned and says that over 20.000 students go there and asks him how she is supposed to know her. As determined as he is, he says then we have to go thru 20.000 students etc. later on they get to know each other, he is very straight forward bc he cant keep it inside of him anymore and she is a bit shy and not so talkative bc hes such an extrovert. they fall in love and he asks her to marry him in such a beautiful way and she ofc says yes but her parents arent too pleased with that bc shes still young and in college. They nevertheless agree in the end and they both marry each other and the wedding is held between their closest family and friends and everything is just beautiful, he sings a song which he had written for her etc. They both then go and he jumps into a lake bc of how happy he is. they get home and into the sheets and are as happy as ever. After some time tho, smth seems to break. they argue more and more and she tells him that he is hurting her ( mentally ). he ( what we get to see later in the movie ) suffers from depression and cant get his thoughts together but never showed her this side of him but ofc it came back and made him act up. he was so angry at himself for hurting her and “destroying“ their relationship and began to drink again, get into fights etc. long story short, he somehow went away snd bc if that she couldnt meet him for a few days. she later on finds a tape and is confused. while watching she sees that its s tap of him. he tells her that he loves her so much and that hes so sorry that he couldnt keep his promise. he tells her that the stars will watch over her and that he loves her like nothing else. she watches this tape in her dark living room alone and cries SO much. She tells her family and they tell her that he might‘ve killed himself and she gets angry at them ( is basically in denial ) and sometimes gets flashbacks of them together when she for example enters their bedroom etc ( all while the police is looking for him ). It later on shows scenes of him standing at a cliff with his cigarette and he fell into the water ( committed suicide ). police pulls him out of the water and she sees him actually dead and looses it. So Idk why but this boy seems like so much of a jk to me. Hes a drummer, can sing, has such a big heart, looks good, tatts, man bun, likes wearing boots and just has a really cool style overall. Why im writing you this rn is bc i love your writing. you have not only such god vocabulary but when i read your stories, it rather seems like i am watching a movie if that makes sense. So if you need any ideas or would like to write a really HEAVY angsty fic abt jk, think abt using this storyline and adding your own scenes and ideas to it 🌸 it would be so good i cant even explain. Imma give you two links for you to understand the movie more. 1. is a trailer with english subtitles and the 2. is the scene in which she watches his tape.
its me again ! i said smth wrong. hes not depressive. hes bipolar.
- 🧚🏻
heeey, so before i get to the ask, i wanna request that u put sensitive topics in a tw at the top of an ask, bcos the mention of su*icide hit me like a truck 💀 
ahhh, this storyline actually reminds me of a bollywood movie for some reason! it’s called ‘aashiqui 2′ and deals with fame, love, depression and suicide. tho i’m not really a fan of love stories ending in suicide or death (i didn’t really enjoy aashiqui 2 bcos of its ending 💀), delibal must be good, if u liked it !! i also can totally see how u thought of jk here :’)
i’m not taking requests, and after the atrw chaos, i actually swore to myself to never write a fic based on or inspired by a movie/show again :’) but i might watch the movie once i’m in the right mindset, so thank u for the rec !! and it’s also so sweet of u to think of me here... thank u for enjoying my writing enough to reckon i could do the movie justice 🥺 
i’ll answer ur ask with the links separately so anyone who’s interested sees it, too !!
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
In Loving Memory (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request: @missroro the reader is steve twin and she married to bucky after the blip, she had enough of the 'new captain america' thing shes really mad, so when walker and his friend start talking about joining forces she snap like she pull out a gun and pointing right at them, also sam ofc dont forget about sam. Sam trying to stop her while bucky "nah let her do her fun"
Words: 2021
Warning: !!TFATWS SPOILER!! without context - violence
A/N: wrote this today, it basically follows the events of ep3 of fatws but without context. I have a couple of exams this week so I won't be able to post until next saturday. Until then, enjoy
"You shouldn’t have gave him the shield"
Sam frowned, turning back to look at Bucky.
"I didn’t gave him the shield" He defended himself, making a point.
"Well, Steve definitely didn’t" Y/N ironically answered back.
He gave her a pointed stare. They had had this conversation countless times and Y/N never missed a chance to remind him of what she thought was a huge mistake.
"You are the reason this is happening, Sam. You chose to take on my brother’s legacy and threw it out the window"
The man didn’t reply and pursed his lips. He knew she didn’t mean any of her harsh words, she was angry and still mourning. If taking it out on him could make her feel better, he would let her.
"Y/N, stop" Bucky took a step toward his wife, clasping her hand in his metal one. He had hoped the physical contact would be enough to calm her down.
"He abandoned me, Sam" She continued, her voice filled with emotions. "He was gone and all I had left was memories. I chose this life for him, I fought with him, I believed in everything he represented. I looked up to him, to Captain America. And today, even those memories are gone, taken by the same government you and I were up against, mocked by clowns pretending to be heroes, all because you gave up"
The Falcon closed his eyes and dropped his head. She couldn’t see his point of view, or share his opinions when her judgment was clouded by so much pain. He wished she could understand the dilemma, the duality that represented the shield for him.
"Y/N, please, that’s enough" Bucky whispered next to her ear.
She turned her head toward him and as usual, his heart broke when he saw the torment in her eyes. She didn’t need to speak, she was an open book to him. They both had lost so much and yet were all each other had left. They were collateral damage, their own team against a world that wasn’t theirs anymore. She silently nodded, assuring him she was fine. Sam watched Bucky kissing her forehead and he furrowed his brow. He would never admit it but he was glad they had each other, because no one could carry that much pain alone without crumbling apart.
Before any of them could add anything, soldiers in blue and red erupted in the room, bursting through the door of the apartment where they were hiding in Latvia. Bucky instinctively grabbed Y/N and forced her body to move behind his. The two man stood in front of them, tall and proud, a smug smile on their lips.
"Alright, that’s it, your time is up" The man calling himself Captain America announced, the shield in one hand, the other pointing at the three avengers. "Tell me where Zemo is"
"We know you’re hiding him" His sidekick added.
"I’m ordering you to turn him over"
Sam eyed them up and down.
"Let’s be clear, the only thing you’re running here is your mouth" The Falcon firmly replied, crossing his arms.
"I gave you a chance to work with us" He mentioned.
" ‘For us’ is the correct way to put it, tough guy. And we said no." Y/N reminded him, her face showing how much she was annoyed.
"You’re obviously in over your head so I suggest you turn back and go" Sam argued.
"You really want this conversation to go there ?" The hero threatened.
Bucky straightened up when he felt Y/N tensing. He knew she was already on the verge of snapping. One wrong word from the man she hated and this could go down to hell.
"Should I put down the shield ?" He continued to challenge Sam. "Make it fair?"
The woman groaned and when John Walker dropped his weapon, without a second thought, she grabbed the nearest knife and threw it right at his face. The man had barely enough time to move back and his eyes rose in surprise when the blade stuck itself into the wall with force.
"Sorry, it slipped" She ironically explained, shrugging.
"You don’t want to play this game with me" He tried to intimidate her, tilting his head to the side.
She smiled, pleased he was giving her the opportunity to smack his face. Bucky clenched his fists when he saw her walking in front of Walker. Without tearing her eyes away from his, she seized her knife and pulled it out of the wall with a sharp movement.
"I think someone should teach you a lesson, Walker" She told him in a low tone.
"Are you offering ?" He challenged her.
"Don’t tempt me"
"You’re lucky you’re his sister" He grinned. "But don’t push it. This Captain America is not as lenient as the previous was"
Bucky swore under his breath. It was too late now. And just as Sam looked at him with concern, Y/N threw her fist in a curved punch at the soldier. He used his forearm to counter the blow, but she was faster and had far more experience. Using the momentum, her foot rose up and kicked him in the face. The man was thrown back, shaking his head in confusion.
"We should do something" Sam advised the former assassin.
"No. Let her have her fun" He crossed his arms, harboring a small smirk.
The soldier tried to hit her back, but even when he took the shield she blocked his attack. His sidekick soon joined the fight and distracted her for a second, just enough time for Walker to punch her. Immediately, she felt the taste of blood in her mouth, but no pain. She was passed that, far too pissed to feel anything.
Another blow on her chest send her to the ground and Hoskins hold her down while his friend was about to hit her with her brother’s shield. He raised it in the air, with every intention of beating her, but a strong metal hand stopped him in his movement. A very infuriated Bucky stood before him, his blue eyes darkening with anger. He firmly took the weapon, knocked Hoskins out with it and threw it across the room.
"If you wanted to make it fair, you shouldn’t have chosen to hit my wife" His tone was terrifying.
Walker didn’t seem as confident anymore. Bucky looked imposing, brute force ready to strike. His metal arm clenched in a fist and, without warning, it collided with the soldier’s jaw, sending him a few feet away. He strode to the man on the ground and grabbed him by the collar of his uniform
"This is all easy for you, isn’t it ?" Walker spoke with venom, staring at Bucky. "All that serum running through your veins"
With a swift movement, Y/N took the shield and launched it with power right on the soldier’s chest. The blow was so violent his body crashed into a door before landing on the floor. She was furious by his statement and he could see it with every step she made toward him. She grabbed the gun attached to her thigh and pointed it at his face.
"Lesson number one: learn when to shut up. Especially when you don't know what you're talking about" She was fuming but had not intention on killing the man, despite the sheer desire to do so.
She didn’t realize Sam was next to her until she saw his hand lowering her gun.
"This isn’t what Steve would want." He calmly expressed. "Remember, there’s always another way"
Her lips quivered and she closed her eyes, remembering how many times her brother had told her that. She let him take the weapon and looked up at him. The conviction and kindness in his stare were enough. He didn’t have to say anything. Every words she needed to hear, he spoke them in silence.
She turned back to Bucky and he cupped her face, inspecting the bruise on her skin. He seemed ready to go back and beat the man down. Y/N softly smiled and clasped her hands around his wrists. He stroke her cheek and pulled her toward him before carefully kissing her lips.
"Good ?" He asked in a soft voice he only used with her.
It was something between them, a single word they spoke every time they fought. Wherever they were, whomever they were up against, if one of them asked, the other had to answer. It was their intimate way to always know they were alright.
Later that day, Sam and Bucky had decided to go talk to the leader of the Flag Smasher, Karli Morgenthau, while Y/N had been charged to follow Walker and Hoskins. As soon as she had seen they were going after the young super soldier, she had warned her friends about the danger. She knew enough about the new Captain to guess he had no intention on arresting Karli. He wanted to make justice himself. She pitied his sidekick. He seemed like a decent man with good ideas struggling to find virtue on the wrong side of the battle. He was Walker’s collateral damage.
She wondered what Steve would think of all that if he could see them fighting both super soldiers and Captain America. He never cared for the star and stripes, never used his shield to harm. His heart was with the people he defended. Even when it had been against Tony, he pursued what he believed was best. Was that what Walker was trying to do ? She couldn’t know. But she was sure of one thing, the man had nothing in common with Steve. Pride, ego and selfishness were never traits anyone would have used to describe her brother. She couldn’t bear for him to be replaced, especially to a man that didn’t share his morals or any of his opinions. The shield he was carrying wasn’t just a weapon, it was her brother’s symbol of hope, a symbol he had fought so hard to forge. The man made the uniform, not the other way around. That’s what Walker didn’t get. Up until that point, people had not been following Captain America, they had been following Steve Rogers.
Standing in that public square, she didn’t realize she was crying until she felt Bucky entwined his fingers with hers. She couldn’t avert her eyes from the horrific scenery. Powerlessly, she watched a man she didn’t know being executed. His opponent was merciless, striking with determination and rage, using the only piece of memory she had left of her brother to bring terror and death. Frozen on the spot in the middle of the crowd, she could see the fear in all those strangers eyes and it felt like grief coming in waves, a shard in her guts that would never leave. It felt like this particular moment was choking the breath out of her body, short circuiting her mind. What was whole once completely shattered and she couldn’t find the strength to be angry anymore. All her brother had built had fallen apart in the split of a second and all the world had left was a bloodied image of his symbol of hope. A symbol that was no more.
“Sam...” She called him, almost like a scared child.
“I know...”
Both men looked worried. Y/N felt Bucky’s hand trembling and she squeezed him harder. She could easily guess how he felt. Steve had saved both of them, he had gave them a purpose, had allowed the former assassin to be more than the weapon Hydra had made of him. Pieces by pieces, he had brought their family back together. And as they both stood there, witnessing the horrifying end of his legacy, Bucky realized everything his bestfriend had fought for was turning into dust.
"I’m sorry" Y/N whispered to Sam. "But there’s no other way now"
Her husband dropped his head, trying to regain a sense of control over his emotions. Wordlessly agreeing with her, he turned to their friend.
“He has to be stopped”
Tags: @taina-eny
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
C!schlatt- executed
I got lots of DMs asking for more angst so here
* You and schlatt get into an argument about him being president and executing tubbo ect, in a drunken rage he stabs you.
*Woah this is the longest thing I've ever written.
It all started when Fundy tipped you off about schlatts plans of executing tubbo for helping Wilbur and Tommy out,which you knew about ofc. You treated tubbo like one of your own and even sometimes helped him sneak out the Whitehouse without schlatt knowing; but killing tubbo over that broke you. You had to say something to hopefully put a stop to your husband's madness and his drinking. God did you hate how much he drunk, it drove you nuts.
You- he's just a boy. (Get the reference...)
Schlatt- I. Don't.give a fuck. He's. Traitor
You- do you blame him schlatt? Him and Tommy are close brothers even he probably felt terrible about what happend you know when you-
Schlatt- oh well should of thought I'd that before helping that that CHILD. HE'S MY RIGHT HAND MAN HE HAD ALL THE POWER AMD NOW and now he's going to pay the price and it's an expensive price to pay.
You walked over to the window and stood looking out into manburg. Just thinking about how you can save the poor boys life. How  could warn him without schlatt finding out? you came to nothing. You and schlatt were married you were first lady, wherever you went he went. You were in a deep thought about tubbo and what his death would mean to the server when quackity quietly Knocked on the dark oak door.
Quackity- uh boss I hate to interrupt but you have a meeting in 20 minutes down at the twitch prime church.
Schlatt sighed. Stood up off his chair and walked over to you, but not before grabbing the bottle. Schlatt got super close to your face, so close you could see the little wrinkles that had developed around his eyes and forehead since becoming president, your nose scrunched under the smell of alcohol from his breath or from his clothes you honestly couldn't tell anymore.
Schlatt- we will no longer speak on the matter. I AM THE PRESIDENT FOR MANBURG WHAT I SAY GOES.
He slaunted away from you pushing past quackity. Quackity gave you a sad smile as you both knew how mean schlatt could get when he drank, and recently he had been drinking alot. Quackity turned towards the open door to make sure schlatt was outta ear distance.
Quackity- go.
You- huh?
Quackity- I told Phill that you would be seeing him thecno Wilbur and Tubbo in the bunker. Go warn them.
You- i- hhhh thank you quackity I love you so much man.
Quackity- I know I know. Hurry because it looks like we are going to be in for along night if schlatt messes up this meeting
You- he's so drunk he can't even walk straight of course he's going to ok I'll run along I'll take the horse to speed things up.
Quackity quickly shut the door before running to where schlatt would be waiting downstairs for the meeting while you grabbed your axe and saddle. You made your way out the escape hatch in your office and found your horse (name your horse here pls comment the names I wanna see what y'all name your animals)
Horse- neyyyy
You- heyyyy boy shhh it's just me ok ok steady ok I'm getting on 3...2...1... And uppp fewww ok not so bad is it (horse name) ok off to warn Tubbo.
Your horse stamped it's hooves and took off for the bunker. You had ridden this path hundreds of time so it was easy for you and the horse to get to, quackity said he already told Phill about your arrival do he should be waiting for you to turn up. You were right because Wilbur was waiting outside for you to arrive. His usual green jacket and black Beanie on his head.
Wilbur- hey y/n in here look you can rest (horse name) in here Niki built it.
You- Niki joined? Awesome o haven't seen her in so long, well since she messed up the soup and schlatt fired her
Wilbur- how is he by the way y/n? Come inside and we can talk about him later or should I say rant
You- true true.
You walked through the entrance carefully, you had fallen down the rails the first few times Wilbur took you here. Over his presidential campaign you and wilbur had actually been pretty close and luckily kept in contact even though schlatt won. SBI was a group you practically grew up with just not enough for Phill to adopt you, but you don't blame him, you wouldn't fit the dynamic plus your parents didn't really like the idea but they never really liked anything you did.
Phill- oh hey y/n were all down here what do you want to talk about quackity said it was urgent so I called a meeting.
You got to the bottom of the steps to find everyone waiting on the floor for you to arrive. By everyone I mean: Phill, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, thecno. You waved at Niki who had changed her hair colour since you saw her last she waved back with a huge smile on her face but a hint of sadness in your eyes. You had changed so much, you just look exhausted which was not wrong.
You- oh um yes hi everyone, sorry to be so blunt but uhhh there is no better way to say this. Tubbo is in grave danger. Schlatt is planning to...
Your hands started to shake vigorously, you felt dizzy, you wanted to throw up. Almost as if your body is warning you about doing this right now it's screaming at you to not betray your husband of four years like this but you have to.
Tommy- planning what y/n spit it out?
Niki- hey, y/n it's ok shhh Tommy what schlatt planning in doing to Tubbo?
You- he's PLANNING TO EXECUTE you tubbo. He knows, I don't know why or how but he knows about all of this and your his right hand man he's going to kill you tubbo, hang you for tertiary. I'm so sorry I-
Tommy- Tubbo? No? You can't die not now
Thecno- all our plans. Just gone.
Phill- he can't hang tubbo he's just a boy.
At this point you were sobbing now. Full on ugly crying. Your heart physically hurt from all the angst and the possibility of Tubbo dying. Your knees gave out on the floor as you wept for the young boy and he was still alive. The others argued in the back as to what to do. Tommy grabbed Tubbo and hugged him, Wilbur was crying over the threat of danger even thecno was a little on edge.
You- I'm sorry. But I must go I can't I can't stay im sorry.
Phill- it's ok. Thank you for warning us sport.
With that you climbed the stairs thinking about nothing honestly. You were numb. Your husband was going to murder someone you looked as your brother for years what did this mean for you? You were also helping them did he know about that? How did he know about tubbo's tretariy? You got on the back of your horse and rode back to manburg.
Climbing up the shoot to your office was miserable. You felt miserable, confused and alone. You had no idea how long you were sat in your chair looking at the chipped desk until the door was slammed open hitting the wall with a lud bang. You didn't need to look up to know it was your husband. Even before marriage he always slammed doors open like they were nothing.
Schlatt- what's got you all down in the dumps? HM sweetheart?
You- you know what and don't call me that.
You crossed your arms still refusing to make eye contact with the ram hybrid. This really pissed him off. He however pissed you off more by calling you sweetheart which to some would seem sweet but you knew schlatt better. This time was dripping in sarcasm because he was mind fucked drunk by now not caring about anyone or anything. Schlatt waddled up to your desk and stood right on front of you, still not looking up at him you pulled out some paperwork and started to mindlessly sign it.
Schlatt- me YOUR PRESIDENT just signed a huge deal with badboyhalo.what is wrong with you recently huh? Cats got your tounge ok what about pig hybrid got your tounge? Or angel of death got  your tounge or exhild child got your tounge?
You froze. He did know.
Schlatt- AHH struck a nerve, don't stop signing MY papers dear you are my wife after all.
You- no. Fuck you schlatt you can't hang the poor boy he's so young and innocent what was he supposed to do? You know I have to sign paperwork before you do anything and I won't sign off on it.
You threw your pen at schlatt in a rage. You didn't see if it hit him to enraged to care, papers were ripped, you there everything off your desk onto the floor. Schlatt just stood there blank expression not saying anything to you.
You- fuck you schlatt you don't control me.
You picked up the photo of you and schlatt on your wedding day. You ponderd on it for a second before stomping up to schlatt and shoving the picture on his face.
You- look at it. LOOK AT US LOOK HOW HAPPY I WAS NOW LOOK AT ME? DO I LOOK HAPPY TO YOU? OR DO I LOOK EXHAUSTED? STRESSED? because I am all of them things being married to you schlatt you are a terrible president and you have no power you're a pussy and won't face your problems like a real man.
Schlatt picked up the bottle of vodka and downed the whole lot you just stood there absolutely raging over this man's attitude and willingness to just disregard everyone in his life.
With every word schlatt got closer and closer to you. Terrified of schlatt, becoming increasingly more angry to the point his horns have grown pitch black out of pure hatred. You moved back as far as you could against the glass in your office. Schlatt pressing you up against it with his body but this time shoving a finger in your face and still yelling about how incompetent you are as a wife and as a person.
Suddenly you felt a stabbing pain just above your heart. You look down to see a black colour sword through your chest and red blood gushing out onto your clothes and floor ( ok the sword is still in so in irl not a lot of blood would actually escape unless the object was removed top tip but for theatrics blood eveywhere) you weakly reach up to grasp the blood covers wrist of schlatt to pull the sword out but to no avail as you suddenly feel super dizzy and everything goes black.
Quackity- she's.... She's.....y/n's dead
Quackity heard you and schlatt yelling in his office when silence happend. He knew this was a bad sign and anxiously walked to schlatts office with shaky hand. He got close enough to hear a loud thud and XP drop on the ground. He ran back to his office to think when schlatt walked by ( in this his office is made.of glass) staring at his hands, suit all covered in blood. His heart dropped and ran back to the office to collect your stuff, running on adrenaline he ran all the way the he bunker to tell the others. No time for him to cry yet he was still in shock over what just happened.
Niki- no no no no pls say your lying pleas no no not y/n
Niki dropped to her knees sobbing and rocking backwads and forwards much like you did less than three hours ago when you came to warn the crew. You were her friend and was the only person who helped her when she was working for schlatt at the white house.
Wilbur- no no why how? Pls no?
Wilbur and you were probably the closest, he found you in the forest over 12 years ago chasing after foxes and collecting berries Wilbur always wanted a younger sibling as this point Phill only had thecno and Wilbur.
Phill- oh no poor y/n.
Tommy- what the fuck how?
Phill when he first saw you recognised you emidiatly looking much like your father. However he knew the man and knew what he was like so he had no problems when you visited them for tea many nights a week. He did think about adopting you right after Tommy arrived as you looked after him so well. Crafting him many clothes and many pumpkin pies. So so so many he always asked Phil if he had the recipe as he knew you couldn't make them as frequently as you used to.
Everyone was going to miss you greatly they just didn't expect to see you at the festival but now as ghosty/n. All your tries and efforts were in vain. Manburg still got blown up. But you did make good friends with Ghostbur. Glatt knew off you but was too embarrassed to see you.
Ugh ok this took me over two hours to write non stop. I just got this idea and ran with it omg I got so carried away. As of now probably my fav story.
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stargazing-enby · 4 years
I had a dream that harry and draco were both aurors and they were married to ginny and astoria and then got sent to a mission and they had to do a steak out????? But ofc there was tension so they were like uuuuhhhhh we should bring our wives bc uuuuhhh we cant be away from them too long ya know and they all spend a month or two in a house and shit and ginny and astoria fall in love and bc theyre badass ladies they are upfront about it and then harry and draco are like.... Guess we should a dress
our thing too huh?? And then albus and scorpious have 2 moms and 2 dads (ginny and astoria were both pregnant btw, dont know if i already said that) and it was weirdly amazing and i didnt know who else to tell so yea
Anon, your mind. First of all, thanks so much for sharing your dream with me because it's honestly amazing. Second of all, I was re-reading your asks the other day wondering if I should try to write this, and soon after that I took the (ill-advised) decision to take a nap and started dreaming about your prompt. Now I feel like I share a special, oneiric connection with you! Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)
Thanks @april-thelightfury115 for betaing!
Drarry | 2.3k | Teen and Up | Falling in Love, Break Up, Getting Together, Kid Fic, Pregnancy | Read on AO3
At first, Ginny had been mad. Offended, even, that her husband had thought it a great idea to make her share a house with Astoria Malfoy for Merlin knew how long while he and Draco ran off to chase some suspect.
“The only thing that woman and I have in common is that we're pregnant,” Ginny had argued, “and that we're both married to bloody idiots!” 
Three weeks into the stakeout, however, Ginny had to admit she’d been wrong. Although wrong wasn't perhaps the most accurate of word choices, since she and Astoria were, like she’d suspected, completely different kinds of people. Where Ginny was passionate and intense, Astoria was quiet, an aura of serenity always surrounding her. Where Ginny bickered and joked and threw jibes around with her husband whenever she had the chance, Astoria was all subtle touches; a small caress to Draco's shoulder before they left home in the morning, a careful take care whispered in his ear. 
Where Ginny was fire, Astoria was water: cleansing and soothing and calm. 
But she had been utterly, dangerously wrong in that she couldn’t help but find Astoria Malfoy intoxicating. 
“Darling.” Astoria had recently taken to calling her that when they were on their own, in a tone that Ginny could not bring herself to believe to be purely neutral. “Are you sure you're not tired? I sincerely doubt they'll arrive before dawn this morning—we don't have to stay awake if you don't want to.”
“No, no—” Ginny couldn’t help but shiver as the small realisation washed over her for seemingly the hundredth time that night: the realisation that Harry, as much as she adored him, could not have had any less to do with her wanting to stay awake. “I don't want to give up the chance to beat you one more time.” 
Astoria smiled at her, cheeky.
“Very well,” she said, and, after a moment, moved one of her knights on the board. She didn't take her eyes off Ginny as the Knight destroyed one of Ginny's pawns; her eyes sparkled with naughty mirth, and Ginny's breath caught. 
A moment later, a wave of guilt drowned the butterflies in her stomach, and Ginny looked down at the chess board and told herself that she was in love with her husband. Utterly, helplessly in love. 
Except you aren't, a little voice said. You love him. You love him more than anything. You’ve loved him since forever; you'll love him for forever, because he'll always be the person who gave you your son. But you are not in love with him anymore. You haven't been for a while now. 
She raised her head. 
“You're not thinking about the game.” 
It wasn't a question. 
Astoria knew. She wasn't stupid. She knew she wasn't meant to be calling Ginny darling, knew of the emotions—deep, fierce, raging—that ran under Ginny's skin whenever they shared a smile, a look; whenever one's fingertips found the other's knuckles and their knees brushed and bumped almost on their own accord in the middle of their nightly conversations. 
“I'm not,” Ginny said. “I'm thinking about us.” 
Astoria let out a breath, shoulders sagging. She looked down, but Ginny waited, gaze steady, for Astoria to look back up at her. 
“It's late,” Astoria said after a moment. 
“I think I'm falling in love with you.”
Astoria closed her eyes, a slow frown twisting her sharp features. 
“I know.” It was barely a murmur. 
“I know you know,” Ginny said, a challenge. 
Astoria met her gaze, then, and Ginny's resolve wavered when she realised just how terrified Astoria was.
“Hey,” Ginny murmured, standing up. Astoria, lips trembling, buckled over to make room for her in the settee. “Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry—” 
“It's not your fault.” Even though her head was turned away from Ginny, Astoria leaned into her touch. “None of this is your fault. Draco is—” Her voice broke, and Ginny held her hand with both of hers, aching, yearning to hold Astoria in her arms and take the pain away. But she couldn't. “Draco is a wonderful man. He's attentive, and loving, and he's funny, and…”
A tear fell into Astoria's shirt over her tummy. 
“And he's my best friend. But he and I are not in love. We never have been.”
That caught Ginny off-guard. 
Astoria laughed, a broken, pathetic sound. 
“Never. Our parents planned our union soon after I left Hogwarts. I was horrified at first, but after getting to know him, there was a time when I really thought I would fall in love with him in time. That he'd fall in love with me. And we did end up loving each other, mind you: he will always be my closest friend. It's just not…”
“Yeah,” Ginny said softly. “I understand.”
Astoria turned to look at her, then. Seeing her teared up made something inside Ginny snap, and she reached out, held Astoria's cheeks in her hands, thumbing at her messy tears. 
“Harry and I were in love for a long time, but… I think he knows just as well as I do that the love we feel now is purely platonic.” She smiled—chuckled. “In fact, a small part of me suspects whatever he feels for Draco right now is more intense than what he ever felt for me.” 
That tore a laugh out of Astoria. 
“I would not be surprised if that was the case. Those two…” She shook her head. “They're incorrigible.”
Ginny groaned in agreement. A moment later, though, her smile faded away and she was left with Astoria's face cradled in her hands. Their legs pressed together, their eyes searching the other's face. Scared, but hopeful. 
Sliding her hands down Astoria's neck and shoulders, and then squeezing her arms, Ginny let out a slow, deep breath. 
“I think we need to have a conversation with our husbands.”
“You… What?” 
To Harry's credit, he looked more baffled than anything else. 
“We're in love,” Astoria repeated, voice steady, but gaze pleading with Draco to understand. 
“I… Okay. Okay. Give me one second.” Harry turned around and sat down on the nearest chair. 
Draco remained still. As far as Ginny was aware, he’d barely even blinked since they'd started explaining the situation to them.
“Are you going to say anything?” Harry asked after a moment, turning to Draco. When Draco shook his head, gaze still fixed in some distant point in space, Harry stood again, leaning his weight against the table. “Okay, so first of all, this is all extremely awkward.” 
“We were aware of that much, thank you,” Astoria said. 
“I mean, both of you are pregnant. With our babies.” He gestured between him and Draco. “Not to mention that we're married, although that's slightly less permanent…” 
Draco huffed, and the three of them turned to him. When he didn't say anything, Harry continued. 
“But I guess it… makes sense? I mean—you two are sort of like… the perfect opposites, you know. I always knew you would get on well. I didn't suspect you'd get on this well, but, hey—” 
“Have you—” Draco's head seemed to be stuck mid-shake, eyes scrunched closed. “Have you done anything? With one another?” 
“No, darling.” The word sounded different, Ginny thought, when Astoria used it for Draco. “We were waiting to tell you.” 
He nodded, but didn't say anything else. When Astoria approached him, Ginny took a step back to give them some space and leaned into the table with Harry. 
“I love you,” she told him. 
“And I you,” Harry said, eyes low. Gulping, he took Ginny's hand in his. “But… I mean, I think both of us had noticed that something was… that something wasn't…” 
“I know.” She squeezed his hand. “I know.” 
He looked up at her, and Merlin, he looked so, so vulnerable in that moment that Ginny wished more than ever that she could love him the way he deserved to be loved. But that simply wasn’t for her to do.
“I still would like for us to raise our son together,” he murmured. 
“We will. Harry, I don't care what happens from now on. You're still my best friend, and you're still the father of my kid. Nothing is going to change that. Okay?” 
Harry nodded, and, biting his lip, turned his gaze to Draco and Astoria. After a moment, Ginny did too. 
Draco was crying. 
“Come on, let's give them some space,” she said, pushing herself off the table. Harry followed her out of the room. 
No reply came. Harry looked at him, but Draco's gaze was fixed somewhere outside the car window. 
They'd spent countless hours inside that car, in that very watch post. Hours chatting, and bickering, and taking turns to sleep while the other watched the house for any signs of activity. 
It had never been awkward before now. 
“Look, we need to talk,” Harry said. Draco huffed, unamused. “We need to talk because we both know our wives are not the only ones who’d noticed something wasn’t right before yesterday’s conversation. They were just the only ones brave enough to be upfront about it.” 
In the moment it took Draco to turn around, Harry thought of Draco's head on his shoulder; of the way it had felt when Draco had fallen asleep there, of the way he'd been so careful not to let it fall so Draco wouldn't wake up. He thought of the way their arms brushed whenever they walked, wands in hand, toward a dangerous location. Thought of the very reason they'd been so adamant that their wives should come with them on this mission: a truth they'd refused to confront, and that had gone and slapped them in the face anyway. 
“Do you understand how terrifying this is for me?” Draco finally said, body turned to Harry, but gaze fixed on his knees. “To know that my life as I know it, as I always expected it to be, is over? Do you think”—he looked up at Harry, and Merlin, he looked so scared Harry had to hold back from reaching out to him—“that I haven't noticed that I'm in love with Harry Potter, and not with the woman I'm about to have a baby with?” 
Harry held his breath. Searched in Malfoy's eyes, desperately, for any hint that he was about to take back his words. Then, almost out of breath:
“I'm in love with you too.”
Draco let out a desperate laugh. 
“I know that, you bloody idiot,” he choked out. “Fuck, I know.”
Harry bit his lip. Reached out, rested a hand over Draco's trembling, fisted own. 
For a few moments, neither spoke. 
“I'm sorry,” Harry murmured eventually. “I'm sorry things can't be different.” 
Draco started playing with Harry's fingers, and Harry closed his eyes—marvelled in how warm Draco's hands felt. How careful they were even as he fidgeted. 
“I'm glad they told us,” Draco said. “I want Astoria to be happy, and I know she'd never be completely happy with me.” A sigh. “I wouldn't, either. Not with her. I just… I need some time to come to terms with it.” 
Harry's fingers turned and turned between Draco's nervous own. 
“That's okay. I don't mind waiting for you.”
Their eyes met. 
“Okay,” Draco said. 
Harry squeezed his hand. Smiled. 
The whoosh of the hearth letting someone through was quickly followed by two high-pitched squeals. By two very excited cries of, “Daddy!” 
Harry smiled to himself when he heard Draco's laughter coming from the living room as he—presumably—was tackled to the floor by Albus and Scorpius. 
“Boooys,” Harry called after a moment. “Come grab some cookies from the kitchen!” 
A few seconds later, the two five-year-old tornadoes were rushing toward the tray, barely sparing Harry a glance. Harry shook his head, grinning. 
“Where's my hug?” 
“Daddy!” Albus, face already full of crumbs, ran toward Harry's arms. “Your cookies are the best!” 
“Mmh!” Scorpius agreed. 
“I'm glad you like them.” Harry ruffled Al's hair. “Do save some for later, though!” 
Draco walked in, grabbed a cookie. “How are your mums?” he asked while he gave Harry a sonorous kiss on the cheek, the crumbs on Draco’s mouth scratching against his stubble. 
Harry was about to complain when Albus stretched his arms out, asking to be picked up. 
“They have a date today,” he—quite loudly—whispered in Harry's ear. 
“Do they, now!” 
“A date in a restawant with candles and a lot of different forks,” Albus explained. “And—and they were wearing really pretty dresses!” 
“Really? What colour?” Draco asked, picking Scorpius up too. 
“Mum's was red,” Scorpius said. “And mummy's was, uh, it was really pretty, and—” 
“And sparkly!” Albus squealed. “Black and sparkly!” 
“Wow! I don’t think Draco and I own anything so pretty!” Harry turned to Draco. “What do you think?” 
“Hmmm…” Draco dragged the sound out, sharing a mischievous look with Scorpius. “I’m not sure… I think we might have some sparkly garments hidden in the back of our wardrobe, but I’m sure Al and Scorp won’t be interested in—”
“We want to see!” Scorpius screamed, wiggling in his father’s arms. 
“We want to see, we want to see!” Albus chanted.
Harry and Draco shared a smile. 
“Very well, then,” Draco said solemnly, setting Scorpius down. “Let’s see which of you can find the prettiest clothes in our bedroom for us to wear today.” 
The kids darted upstairs, and, before following them, Harry took Draco’s hand in his and kissed his husband’s cheek in return.
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grxceblqckthxrn · 4 years
hi @chocolatecarstairs came up with these post-CHOG questions and i really want to answer them because im sad that im finished reading it :((
what was your favorite part, 1 or 2?
Honestly I loved both parts, but I’d say I loved part two just a little bit more for the time that James wasn’t under the curse anymore and LOVED Cordelia
which scene in the book was your favorite?
EVERY scene that had Matthew and James being wholesome parabatai in it!!! my favourite chapter in this book was Blue Ruin, the one after Grace takes the bracelet back from James  (aside from the whispering room ofc).
what scene (or scenes) made you cry the most?
ok ngl i didnt spend much of this book crying, but the only scene that actually made me tear up was when james was dying and matthew could feel it and jesse (WHO I FUCKING LOVED MORE THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD) gave him his last breath :(((((
what scenes were unsatisfactory?
there were not enough Christopher scenes (but to be fair, even if the entire book was just Christopher it still wouldnt be enough for me)
but fr, i cant think of any off the top of my head but i’ll edit this if i do later
what made you laugh the most?
matthew!! james!! thomas!! christopher!! also some of the things Jesse said
what bored you?
this wasn’t boring, but the whole charles/alastair plot line didn’t have me very invested. I did love the alastair/ cordelia scenes tho, so it was just charles that was the problem
also no offense to james bc he was my first actual fictional crush after reading TMH/NBS but like whenever he talked about being in grace i would literally zone out lol the bracelet curse makes him so boring but whenever he isnt in the curse/ is with someone who is NOT grace i just!! love him!!
what disappointed you?
cassie honestly had me kinda shipping matthew/cordelia for a solid FIVE SECONDS there when he stepped in to dance with her after james left her standing there, but that was one of the only scenes that made me feel like they had natural chemistry (along with the scene where he drops her off at her house). I felt like the during the rest of their interactions in the book, cordelia was kind of uncomfortable, which made me really sad because even tho she has every right to feel that way, i felt bad for matthew. I kind of want him to fall for someone else completely and for it to be reciprocated. also, i just really want for matthew and cordelia to become good friends because i feel like they could have such great natural chemistry if matthew didnt love her.
what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
see above.
what things did you predict that came true?
what are some things that were really unexpected?
ok there’s quite a few things here so bear w me babes:
- James genuinely loving cordelia from the start. I wasn’t expecting him to naturally feel nothing for grace at all, so i was expecting a slow burn jordelia, but finding out that he actually loves her makes me so happy but the end where cordelia thinks he was just pretending breaks my heart :(((
-matthew liking cordelia lol definitely was not expecting another parabatai love triangle but i hope it doesnt last. i do think it adds to the plot and i love it, it just hurts to see matthew so emo :(((
-I was expecting to like cordelia as a character, but i ended up LOVING her so fucking much???? she’s so three dimensional to me, and it’s interesting to see how her personality adapts around different characters as people adapt around different social circles irl
-liking jesse as much as i did
-ok so james’ entire character was a surprise to me. it’s so fascinating to see how the bracelet actually affected his personality.If you recall him in The Midnight Heir from TBC. he’s like an entirely different person. i still loved him in TMH but i went into CHOG thinking that if he was gonna be like that the entire time i’d probably get over him really quickly. i was pleasantly surprised by how much i ended up loving him even more tho
-i didn’t expect oliver hayward to die and im going to stay emo about it
- Christopher is so much more clear headed than he was made out to be prior?? like there were so many scenes where he was fully there and when he defended anna to alastair i just kfdsnfkld i love him
are there characters that you didn’t like before that you like now?
yikes umm... Alastair, maybe? he’s somewhat okay to me now, I dont dislike him as much as I used to. ooh and Hypatia Vex. the only scene i remember liking her in QOAAD was when she helped out kit, ty and dru (me, going a whole TSC post without somehow mentioning kit? not possible)
are there characters that you liked before that you don’t like now?
I started CHOG ready to give Grace the benefit of the doubt, and I was surprised by how timid and shy she seemed at the start, but it was interesting to see how it was all an act and how she doesn’t have an actual personality yet. one could argue that she actually does love james, but i doubt it at this point. i dont hate her yet, even tho she IS fucking up james’ life, but she’s on thin fucking ice.
who was your favorite new character?
does new character mean completely new or just never been in a novella new? because for the first, it would be Cordelia (i LOVE her sm!!) and other wise it would be james, matthew and co. also!!! jesse!!
what places in the book would you like to visit?
that hell dimension sounds pretty lit ngl
did you like the ending?
ok so. we KNOW that jordelia is gonna be endgame. cassandra clare always takes the hardest path to get there, but when has she not delivered? it’s just a matter of waiting. so, yes, i did like the ending in sense of the plot because it was a great twist, but i also feel really bad for all of them even tho ik they’re eventually gonna be together :(((
what did you think of the epilogue?
i wasnt surprised, since we alr know that Tatiana is shady asf, but i just really wanna know how she partnered up with a GREATER demon like lol wtf. again, im really happy in terms of plot with this
what are your thoughts on the engagement?
i feel so. fucking bad. for cordelia. and james too, even tho he’s under the bracelet’s curse so he doesnt even KNOW he’s being manipulated. but i love how even through the curse, james still loves cordelia in his own way.
what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
matthew getting therapy periodt
umm honestly i just want more “merry thieves” content like i just love. all of them.
what do you wish had been resolved that wasn’t?
i really want matthew to tell james or cordelia what happened because i just need him to be loved and supported lol i want to give him a hug. 
what is your favorite pairing as of now?
jordelia!!! and lucie and jesse are kind cute rn, and i like them if theyre gonna be pining after eachother but i feel like if they actually get together i wont like the relationship as much.
which characters would you like to see more of in the next book?
ANNA!!! i lovED reading about her she’s so badass
matthew!! jesse!! also i wanna see more of those bitchy girls lol just so we can see anna or cordelia tell them to stfu
what is one character whose death you would undo if you could?
ok i know that jesse is still very much a conscious character despite being dead but like,,, i want him to be the way he was before and also i want him to come back to life
and barbara!! she seemed so sweet 
which characters got bad/unsatisfactory endings?
ummm barbara? i cant really say much on this yet bc its still only the first book and when has the first book ever ended up with anyone being happy.
oh but also can we sign a petition to make cassie let matthew actually survive the series because my heart aches just at the THOUGHT of eventually having to read a scene where he dies
which characters got what they deserved?
literally. none of them yet. :(
who should have died but didn’t?
Tatiana lol also lowkey charles but i also feel pity him to an extent 
what plotline are you most excited to see in the next book?
okay the entire jesse plot has me hooked because i LOVE his character. also i love the bracelet plot but its making me MAD because i just want james to be happy but
what is one scene that you wish hadn’t happened, but you know was unavoidable?
THE ONE WHERE GRACE PUTS THE BRACELET BACK ON JAMES. i mean obv there was no way he was completely done with grace, but i literally got so sad at that part like why HIM of all people smfh let him be happy
which pairing do you like the least?
alastair x charles, grace x james, lucie x matthew bc neither of them actually like either imo lol
what are some theories you have for chain of iron?
- not necessarily for COI but i think matthew is gonna get exiled and turned into made into a mundane
- the bracelet will break (?)
- jesse will come back to life (like actual life) at the end of the book
-grace is gonna do something to help the main characters, making it hard for us to hate her.
what characters do you think should have gotten more plot time?
lol are yall gonna hate me if i say christopher again (also anna)
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ryncorrect · 4 years
university!au: day6 sungjin
i’ve abandoned this au for so long istg my life is a mess yall please forgive but anyway im back with my bullshit and ready to spread my cringe-worthy stuff to the world again
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name: park sungjin
major: practical music and arts
other activities: leader, guitarist, and vocalist of university band, president of music club, member of cooking club
park sungjin is the embodiment of leadership
i mean he’s the band leader, the club president, also the president of his class since year one, like he’s so trustworthy and responsible, literally nothing can go wrong under his sight
and even when things do go wrong (life is a bitch) he’ll still make sure everyone is fine and having the time of their lives pun intended
anyone who meets sungjin for the first time will probs say he has this tough man aura, cold,,, tsundere-ish idk
but as someone who have known each other for so long, you never understand when anyone says sungjin looks cold
you know damn well the moment sungjin opens his mouth he gonna throw dad jokes with his satoori dialect
dad jokes are fucking funny fight me
you once said sungjin should start his own comedy club
......he’s currently considering it
oh right he also talks about food all. the. time.
he joined cooking club for a reason okay
no, he can’t and doesn’t really cook he’s only there to taste food and people let him there because he’s nice and he knows how to appreciate the cooks
uh we love a man with manners
so, who is sungjin for you exactly?
he lives next door, one year older than you, was a leader even when you were little ayeee childhood friend cliche
can you imagine little sungjin leading his friends in game its so pure brb crying
you told him everything you couldn’t tell ur parents because they were busy, you asked for his advises, he made sure you were safe and happy
you still depend on him even after you two have grown up
you enrolled to the same university, took the same major with him, and even joined the clubs he’s a member of
this isn’t because you’re indecisive, it’s just that you spent so much of your childhood with sungjin that you two became similar to each other, up to your hobbies and interests and even palate lmao
that’s why he loves to eat with you because you two never argue about the menu
the only club you can’t join is the band, and that’s because jae rejected your application
reason: extremely close personal relationship with sungjin, therefore sungjin will take your side if we ever had an argument
you denied that; no, sungjin wont take anyone’s side based on feelings bc he’s a logical person and he always listens carefully to every side of the parties before he makes a decision..... but jae wont listen
"you only rejected me because im a better guitarist”
“lalalalala cant hear you over my authority as the important band member”
“fuck you”
“i don’t accept offers”
anywayssss you did fail to join the band, but you’re friends with them, theyre literally so used to your company that sometimes they forgot youre not actually in the band
you and the guys teamed up for sungjin’s surprise birthday party
the surprise failed because dowoon accidentally added sungjin to the group chat
sungjin being nice and playing along anyway because he didnt want to disappoint you
and then its sungjin’s turn to ask the guys for help for your birthday party
failed again because dowoon AGAIN accidentally invited you, in person, to your own birthday party
dowoon what the heck?????
yeah its all cute and sweet but thats all of your relationship with sungjin, you treat him like a dependable brother and he treats you like his own little sister
thats what you tell to your friends too when they ask if you two are dating
they’re glad thats the case
because they have a crush on sungjin LMAOOOOO PLOT TWIST
they’re hoping they can get to sungjin through you yanno like asking you to send him snacks and letters or to tell him they say hi
you dont mind i mean you know sungjin is one admirable person ofc everyone likes him
sungjin never rejects nor accepts it hes just like “yay snacks!”
“god damn it sungjin just date any of them im tired of being a matchmaker”
“then dont?? literally no one asked you to”
little did you know that sungjin had the same problem
some of his classmates are interested in you but whenever they come to him he just says, “dont ask me i dont know anything and if i do i wont tell you”
this one sandeul guy has started asking you out and stuff
“ehhh youre so nice i’ll think about it!!”
you, immediately texting sungjin: ur friend sandeul ask me out what should i do
sungjin: do you like him tho
you: not really idk him yet
sungjin: just tell him your mom said no
you: damn nice
but this guy is so persistent and you gotta admit hes kinda cute and after a few tries you finally said yes to him
so you two went together and it was pretty fun
sungjin isnt too happy when he hears about it from sandeul
he asked you, “why didnt you tell me first?”
“well i dont think its a big deal. it was just a date anyway”
but you always told him everything
sungjin never speaks about it again
you go on another date with sandeul the week after
you tell sungjin later and he doesnt ask how it went
hes just “oh”
idk he’s kinda distant now, he rarely talks nor replies to your texts
he doesn't visit music club nor cooking club either so you don't see him often
have i told you im uncreative and all my aus are lame???
you think its probably because hes focusing for the finals, but even after it’s over sungjin doesnt really hang out with you or the band anymore like he only comes for practices and leaves right after
weirdly no one says anything about sungjin’s absence
but you cant stay quiet any longer and decide to ask dowoon whats wrong with sungjin
you shouldve known dowoon cant help much
“honestly i dont know either, maybe you should ask wonpil he’s sungjin’s roommate”
“but what if wonpil told sungjin”
“told sungjin what?”
“that i asked about him”
“asked him what?”
you asked younghyun
younghyun doesnt help either
“i dont know, just ask him yourself. i thought you were the closest to him??” why you so salty man
okay fine lets ask jae
“i’ll tell you for fifty bucks”
“dude im broke”
“then deal with it yourself”
you had no choice but to ask wonpil
“he’s just tired”
you know wonpil lied but this little shit refuses to tell anything
“please dont force me to answer i will cry really loudly and it’ll be embarrassing for the both of us”
why do you befriend them in the first place smh
oh youre right about wonpil telling sungjin that youre worried, and he does tell him to talk to you if he got something in mind
sungjins hesitant but in the end he only says, “no... its just that i didnt realize until recently that my little sister has grown up a lot”
“dear god wtf you sound like her grandma”
skip the boring part so uh a few more days passed awkwardly between you two and after your failed attempt at asking around you decide to confront sungjin in person
youre in the band practice room, the others are present, sungjin’s about to leave early as usual, and you find yourself jumping up your seat, “whats your problem with me?”
you know sungjin hates confrontation but you cant stand it anymore. you tried giving him time but if theres anything you seem to be more of a stranger to him
“i dont know what i did wrong and i wont know if you dont tell me, so let me know. i’ll listen and i’ll apologize if its my fault, but dont give me silent treatment like this. its so unlikely of you"
you can see sungjin clences his jaw as he replies calmly, "people change"
"you don't change, youre being childish. if you're mad you should talk about it. if you don't want me here you should tell me to go. if you don't like ME dating your friend you should tell me not to!!!"
drama much ryn
"youre your own person and you make your own choice, its your life and i cant keep telling you what to do or what not," and the end part kinda slips, "i don't hate you dating my friend or anyone, okay? im just not used yet to be a second person for you and im afraid youll get hurt"
"youre never?? a second person sungjin where does this idea even come from youre the only one for me i dont want anyone else???"
and suddenly there's a train of awkward coughs and you come back to your senses and you realize you're being watched
jae pretends to make a phone call, "mom pick me up im scared"
lame jae lame
dowoon mumbles, "can we,,, make an exit first before you two declare your undying love bc its privacy yanno"
you feel the heat spreading across your face as you open your mouth the same time as sungjin, both want to deny dowoon, but younghyun beats yall to it, "yeah you two are in love with each other we been know"
you and sungjin stares at each other, confused, "we don't???"
"oh honey,,, my dear,,, ive read enough sappy shit in writing club to see where this is going"
the conversation was cut there and neither of you bring it up again,
because the idea of you loving sungjin or sungjin loving you is so weird that you refuse to think about it, and so is for sungjin
but ever since that, sungjin has drastically come back to normal its almost hilarious, he spends a lot of time hanging out in the music club, practicing with the band, visiting the cooking club, making a joke here and there
sungjin is himself again with you, a caring dependable brother whom you come to whenever you need to talk or just hang out with and he always makes sure he has time for you
you know hes always been like that but why does it feel different now??? the way he smiles or pulls your hand so youre walking on the inner side of the road,,, how he neatly places your spoon and chopsticks on a napkin when you two go out to eat together,,,, why
tender love baby chICKEN TENDER
mydayexol follow me
andddd so one day, someone asked you out. again.
wow ur so popular i cant Relate
you, texting sungjin: sandeuls friend jinyoung something invited me to a party next saturday should i come
sungjin, replying to you: hmm
you: ???
sungjin: i think its up to you
for some reason youre disappointed by his reply,,, but he’s right tho its your call if you wanna go then you go its not about what sungjin says
but suddenly you got another text: but if you ask for my opinion i would say don't go
you: actually i dont want to either lol so what should i say
sungjin: tell him you already have a date
you: nice
sungjin: with me
you: ayyeee
you: wait what
sungjin: i mean its just a suggestion
sungjin: which you can accept
sungin: or reject
for some reason you can imagine sungjin’s cheeky smile through his texts and it makes your inside tingles and you wanna giggle
so yea you thought it was a joke but he actually did take you out for a movie and dinner
it was really nice
so yanno the weird thing is that neither of you ask the other to be “official” but you just. are dating.
ur friends are mad like “bUT YOU SAID YOU TWO WERENT A THING”
“lol sry i changed my mind”
“fuck you”
“no thanks sungjin can do that... bUT DONT TELL SUNGJIN I SAID THAT hes gonna kill me”
“is he ur mom”
“basically yeah”
this sucks real bad but who cares
not me obviously
ill be back soon (or not) with dowoon’s one lets hope i can do better than this dnsjfsndfj lnjajnfdjs lmAO I LOVE YALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE
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icharchivist · 5 years
OOOOKAY so i have the chapter, read it and mY GOD they did it SO MUCH JUSTICE i’m still crying.
No picture under cut only thoughts & descriptions and such
-The cover already kills me bc it shows Hifumi mending Doppo’s clothes and i’m already crying
-Gentaro looks absolutly stunning during the phonecall but HEY WHAT’S NEW
-Come next nakey nakey Daisu as we love him and him begging for Gentaro to lean him money. Those are the previews i posed basically. So the 777 Boxer with $$$ on the ass, and i can’t get over Gentaro look at Dice when Dice starts to do his bullshit. I love the both of them so much
-We then have Doppo being exhausted but Hifumi dragging him in the city with him with his suit on. The amount of details there between Hifumi’s rose and the focus on Hifumi’s hand as he holds Doppo... there’s a lot of focus on hands in this chapter i’m coming back at that
-Then as per the drama track, Hifumi starts flirting with women and it brings them in trouble, they start to run away right afterward. Focus on Doppo holding Hifumi’s wrist as he drags him away
-We go back to Gentaro and Dice who have taken back Dice’s clothes. Dice looks cute af in those panels and Gentaro is stunning!! 
-They get noticed by the women as Doppo and Hifumi ran toward them. Like in the drama track, Gentaro escapes while Dice is asking him if they should run away. The way Gentaro is shown running is hilarious
-When they all stop running it seems Dice and Doppo are the most exhausted one. I love the detail that Gentaro is hiding in that scene, clearly making himself more small while the others just kinda stopped in the middle of the little street they ended up into
-Hifumi and Doppo starts arguing (and Doppo looks stunning in one of the panel wow) and Doppo ends up stripping Hifumi of his jacket. Leaving a really confused Gentaro and Dice specifically who has focus on how he’s completely lost. Doppo ends up spiraling down while Hifumi tries to cheer him up and both Dice and Gentaro starts to be done with their antics.
-Again as per the drama track, Gentaro demands at least an apologizes and Doppo immediatly puts his hand on Hifumi’s head to have him bow down and apologize. And that’s when the party starts.
-Hifumi notices Gentaro’s clothes and immediatly starts mocking it. and Gentaro... absolutly loses it. At first he seems frozen, but a few panels later, he snaps completely.
-I need to relisten to the track bc i didn’t picture it like that but: Gentaro grabs Hifumi by the collar once he starts yelling at him. his face is completely twisted with anger. Dice ends up putting himself between Hifumi and Gentaro to push Gentaro away from Hifumi, all while looking at Gentaro and asking what the hell is going on
-Gentaro meanwhile completely spirals down and is even more in panics, he covers his face with his hands while he starts to curl on himself (?? if i make sense?? he’s not standing straight anymore). We get a panel of Dice listening to Gentaro freak out and feeling more and more uneasy and concerned for Gentaro, which conclude with Dice putting his hand on Gentaro’s shoulder. Also my Japanese is bad and i’ll try to put it to work in a few but i’m almost certain that Dice has more lines than in the drama tracks??? there is definitly more dialogue going on there??? I recognize one kanji that would imply Dice is asking about Gentaro’s well being but i’ll check it out.
-Hifumi ofc adds a layer by being Himself but i do feel like he’s far less confident there? You see Dice in the panel and the way he spnaps at Hifumi is immediate.
-But again focus on Doppo’s hand when he puts Hifumi’s head down to apologize. 
-And another hand focus when Dice ends up, i think, grabbing Hifumi’s shoulder so he would turn to him. We get a panel of a beautiful feral Dice yelling again about how he’s not going to stand by while Gentaro gets insulted bc yeah “if i don’t stand up for my friend i ain’t even human” you remembr the drill.
-Except we then get a focus on Gentaro starring at Dice doing so, completely taken aback, saying Dice’s name and i’m the one going feral.
-Hifumi apologizes, Dice seems to calm down, Doppo starts to apologizes. Panel on Dice’s eye squinting in anger before grabbing Doppo by the tie and insult him. You know the drill.
-Panel focusing on Gentaro’s hand on Dice’s shoulder before revealing the panel of Gentaro stopping Dice with the hand touch. Dice looks at him and i’m fucking crying, before letting go of Doppo. 
-Again, as drama track, Doppo keeps apologizing but Dice adds a layer by insulting him. Doppo’s face when the insults start to sink in is absolutly heartbreaking and he starts to tremble. Focus on his hand trembling again (there’s a weird focus on hand this chapter)
-Hifumi ends up slamming his hand agains the wall in order to put up his arm in front of Doppo in a protective maner, mic out. And that’s where he gets furious, absolutly furious and snaps at Dice.
-We’re graced of a panel of Doppo and Hifumi’s flashbacks of them living together, basically their daily lives. This is what Hifumi is thinking about when he comes defending Doppo and yelling at Dice for making him feel bad.
-Dice immediatly starts to smile in this feral way of him to get out of his mic to attack, then it’s like the drama track everyone turns in for the battle
-During their rap, Hifumi puts his hand on Doppo’s shoulde and once Doppo starts his solo he taps on Doppo’s shoulder as to encourage him
-As they are attacked, Gentaro puts his hand on Dice’s shoulder - unless he still hadn’t removed it from earlier on. (EDIT: i just reread it, no, Gentaro had let go of Dice in between those two so that’s a second time he puts his hand on his shoulder end me)
-Dice and Gentaro fall back after the last attack before attacking together, both of them smiling, Dice in this huge feral way of his (i dont know how to describe it you know or you don’t) and Gentaro in his more concealed way.
-During their rap, there is a focus on Dice grabbing Gentaro’s shoulder, and on Gentaro’s eye as he reacts to it. Gentaro lose his smile a minute and looks... god i couldn’t explain it, pained? We still see Dice’s hand on his shoulder in the shot on his face. As they further the attack we see that Dice had kept his hand on Gentaro’s shoulder the whole attack, even when they wwere starting to get some wave backlash and i’m fucking crying my dude :v:
-Hifumi and doppo collapses and Hifumi is furious, trying to attack again, but it’s when the girls find them again and Hifumi immediatly loses his sense and both band starts to run away in opposite direction
-Somewhat it ends with Dice and Hifumi smiling at each other while Gentaro and Doppo are looking at their respective saviors.
-We pick back up Dice and Gentaro once they ran away. Dice complains about being exhausted and hungry, and we get graced with oNE OF THE SOFTEST SMILES FROM GENTARO as he’s looking at Dice before inviting him to dinner.
-Dice’s pouty face is adorable but not as much as his happy face when he realizes Gentaro isn’t lying and my dudes i’m full on crying by how beautiful and soft and at peace Gentaro looks in the next panel as he’s smiling because of Dice, in the one where he’s supposed to say that it is to thank Dice for earlier. He looks so sereine especially after the earliest bit of the chapter i’m crying
-Back to Hifumi and Doppo who are exhausted as well. Doppo looks SO SOFT when he apologizes to Hifumi for being trouble earlier, but it shows on his face that it is more a thank you and that he’s grateful to have Hifumi and i’m crying again.
-Hifumi’s face is adorable and then it focus on him patting Doppo’s back  before having the brightest smile to tell Doppo to not apologize you know? And oh my god this is one of the most beautful panel of Hifumi i’m crying
-The chapter ends on Jakurai looking by the balcony of his hotelroom. There is definitly added dialogues there that i can’t tell, Jakurai is there, hair in the wind, and he looks down.
-The next few panels are Ramuda standing on top of a roof, licking a lollipop and looking at the sky. I’m wondering if it means that Ramuda is just underneath Jakurai’s shoulder??? all i can say is that Ramuda is singing Drops at the same time.
Now i wonder what next chapter will be since normally in the CDs we jump into the battle... if i’m right there might be a focus on Jakurai and Ramuda in the next chapter
I love this chapter so much thank u manga;,,,
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My Spongebob Squarepants Experience!
I saw spongebob 8/11/18 with the OBC except Christina Sajous as Sandy and Catherine Ricofort was Karen . (This has been sitting in my drafts I totally forgot to publish it oops) I sat in the fifth row of the first mezzanine. These are just some things that happened on stage that I liked :)
🍍This was probably the best turn off your cellphone notice (besides once on this island ofc)
🍍On the middle of the stage there is a mini construction of their houses they lift it up and the screen behind them is transformed into a pineapple
🍍They flip the model over revealing ethan who is sleeping he is shaken awake by his alarm
🍍 Gary is on a skateboard bless
🍍He brushes Gary’s eyeball and not is teeth
🍍Spongebob actually named all the things that rhyme with rock for Patrick and one of them was “pop and lock” —- Hello strobes
🍍 When they introduce sandy a projection of a squirrel with a cowboy hat appears
🍍After sandy sings her part in bikini bottom day they hear their first tremor
Spongebob says he likes the tremor lol
🍍Plankton is sitting in a chum bucket lol.
🍍Wesley has a tiny plankton puppet in his hand and in his other hand he has a telescope that puppet plankton is looking through.
🍍Karen puts a magnifying glass over plankton
🍍Patrick and sandy actually come into the mezz during the dialogue in this song
🍍Spongebob actually puts his hand on the grill when he’s talking to squidward and squidward is like YOUR HAND and spongebob is like oh! And he takes his spatula and flips his head
🍍ALEX GIBSON WAS PERCH (I love Alex Gibson sm, because the TGC and he was literally the SWEETEST at the spongebob/ comet stage door)
🍍 Sandy has a whiteboard and a stick as she explains what’s gonna happen
🍍Ethan slater did a crazy split during the end of No Control
🍍During BFF spongebob actually pulls out a piece of cheese from behind Patrick’s couch.
🍍they have a LoT of fun with that sofa lol.
🍍 The words bff come on stage
🍍It takes Karen a while to give Plankton a beat he actually likes and when she does , When the Going gets Tough happens.
🍍 Karen bets plankton that he can’t rap lol
🍍Wesley killed it I love him wow
🍍 I was sooo surprised by the speed rap GUNS AND SHIPS WHAT??
🍍Wesley actually puts a lil plankton on his foot after his giant dance
🍍I LoVE subtle shots at the government
🍍 Tentacle Spectacle the Musical lol I love squidward
🍍when mr krabs calls spongebob a simple sponge he keeps whisper/echos sponge as he slowly sinks off stage
🍍 There are glow in the dark sponges around spongbob as he sings not a simple sponge
🍍when mr krabs comes back and says just a simple sponge the sponges leave the stage. They all come back when he starts singing again at the climax
🍍Perch tells everyone that the apocalypse is today and they all freak out but then he says he misread it and the day to tomorrow
🍍Mrs. Puff plans to drink herself into oblivion with kelp juice before the apocalypse and then she says Carpe Diem and her barista yells ‘who are you calling a carp”
🍍old man Jenkins is kinda horrible lol. He just wants someone to blame and they decide to blame sandy
🍍Pearl comes on stage with two dresses and Krabs takes them from her and hands them to spongebob who puts one around his neck so it looks like he’s wearing it he’s so cute
🍍I wanna know how krabs costume works bc he’s picking stuff up so those claws no way he could
🍍 Jai’Len what the fuck yes I need a recording with her the fuck
🍍when pearl says he has dollars in his eyes he puts the money bags in front of his face
🍍she pulls these things out of her pockets and when she cries she puts them to her face and tears squeeze out
🍍Spongebob comforts Pearl as she’s crying
🍍”oh karen as I look into your screen I can feel the very earth quake”
🍍the bolder that first falls is actually a rubber ball and it comes down this contraption stage right
🍍When Spongebob goes to get Patrick he finds him on the sofa with his navel scratcher
🍍””Life smells weird””
🍍sandy runs across stage trying to get away from the angry mob who’s looking for her with pitchforks
🍍 There is a sign that says “LAND MAMELS GO HOME” and it’s spray painted and sandy gets rlly discouraged Sandy :(
🍍 Sandy has got some sick pink nunchaku
🍍She packs up her stuff and Patbob Spongerick convinces her not to go and Hero is my Middle Name happens
🍍The whiteboard is back and so is the stick and planning YES SANDY
🍍 Squidward loves his mama and he says “I’m a pretty squid mama”
🍍Karen and Plankton share a moment over spongebob while he is frozen and Karen’s screen has a fire on it (whenever Karen and plankton are on stage everything freezes as they scheme)
🍍The Sardines (?) come up to Patrick and sing their bopping song
🍍They actually bake Patrick a cake
🍍They have church fans with Patrick’s face on it
🍍They give Patrick a robe and a crown
🍍The next boulders fall from the contraption stage right but this time there are a lOT of tiny bolders
🍍hello patchy
🍍security comes and forces Patchy and the other pirates off stage again lol
🍍Spongbob said he had a nightmare that he and Patrick weren’t friends anymore AHHH I WAS SO SAD BC HE WAS LIKE NOOOOOOOOO and they had the voice that says “1 hour later” and the lights would blink out and it eventually gets to fifteen years later and he has a white beard lol.
🍍let’s just clap for the conductor bc she literally hands and takes a ton of props from the actors
🍍The government is getting worse and the mayor says “you’re either with me or against me”
🍍Armageddon rich Lol
🍍They’ve got a cool box that glows when it opens with Sandy’s invention in it
🍍they should just give plankton and Karen another song
🍍the electric skates are on skateboards and skates
🍍idek if it was supposed to happen but one of them (green Hair dude) fell off his board when he was doing a cool stunt thing 😬
🍍Squidward has tissue in his ears while they’re singing
🍍red head dude just shouts “rOCk and rOlL”
🍍these bitches give poor squidward the most ridicilous list and they told him if he got it all he would be able to open for them THEY DONT EVEN HOLD UP THEIR END OF THE DEAL UGHH
🍍Chop to the top was lit. Also Ethan is like a rubber band he just twists and sings upside down and stretches
🍍Patrick gets a thrown and these sardines are worshipping
🍍IiiIiiIieeeieiii GUESS I MISS YOUuuUuUu
🍍”Sheldon sounds so small. Maybe you could call me something else like...... big guy?” “big guy??” “YES BIG GUY SAY IT AGAIN” “big guy” “ahh” “BIG GUY” *strange sexual noise, jumps into planktons arms, they make out and hearts appear in the background*
🍍shook is the wrong word to describe how I felt when Gavin lee started rap dancing with four legs WTF. I wish they performed something else at the tony awards but WOWOW HES SO GOOD
🍍Perch Shows the rubble that is bikini bottom on the news
🍍the mayor makes me want to poke my eyes out
🍍Another bolder falls, Larry goes crazy and old man Jenkins gets flattened
🍍As they narrate spongbob and sandy climbing the mounts they use cabbage patch kinda lol
🍍Patrick comes in on the ceiling, flying bc of Sandy’s jet pack
🍍I love spongbob and Patrick I need a best friend like that “WE ARE BACK AND THIS IS THE BACK DANCE”
🍍the volcano is made of ladders
🍍so many turns and twists ETHAN SINGS UPSIDEDOWN
🍍it’s complete chaos when they all get back down from the mountain
🍍the mayor and the press (perch) hate each other and perch is tied up and ballgagged Lol
🍍they’re all holding hands waiting for the end and then bubbles fall bc sandy is a success bby squirrel
🍍plankton reveals that this was an evil schemes
🍍plankton and krabs are arguing and their curses are blocked out by dolphin squeals
🍍Spongebob gets his uke from the conductor and he screams are you ready to rock and he does an air split thing and starts playing bikini bottom day sps track l
🍍Audience is sprayed with confetti and other fun stuff and then they throw out beach balls and sing the theme song. It’s such a fun show I wish a lot more people would give it a show. If I’m being honest I enjoyed it much more than I enjoyed Hamilton when I saw it in chi.
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sparklingchim · 2 years
Lmao under my post i read a comment which said that they dont say they dont believe me but it sounds straight out of a fiction……. pls when i tell you that this is very much true 😪 but dont forget we were in 4 grade and like 10 ? but even then this whole thing was so confusing for me bc this all actually happened on a class trip we did for 5 days to the countryside…. i remember it like it happened yesterday its actually one of my key memories. But i have another story for you which you wont believe as well. From 5th to 7th class i had this huge crush on this guy in my class and for all this time i didnt know if he liked me back or not but we got along pretty well. In 7th grade we played tag youre it like normal kids would do and his best friend looked at me like 😏 and said: are you together or what ? and i was so embarrassed and was like “no why would be ?“looking like a whole tomato. Anyways, a few days later we are all outside bc it was break time and then he ( my crush ) all of a sudden comes where most of my class was playing and chilling at and he goes: idk who spread this rumor but i am not in love with ( my name ). Everyone looked at me and i was so embarrassed and heartbroken and when he went away they cane at me and asked me if i liked him and i obviously had to play it cool and was like: no ? wtf ? and THEN A FEW WEEKS LATER while me and my best friend were talking abt who fits whom the most in our class , my crush‘s best friend ( the one who asked me if we where together bc we were playing tag youre it ) came and wanted to know what we were talking abt. My best friend somehow told him and then he looked at me and was like: and who fits with ( the name of my crush ) and my best friend said my name AND GUESS WHAT ?! he ran upstairs to my crush and told him abt it and when the break was over we had to go back to class, so im going up the stairs and the best friend of my crush comes at me and asks me if i want to be together with my crush. WHEN I TELL YOU MY HEART STOPPED WORKING ?! and i was like no ? bc i thought they were playing with me and all of a sudden i felt like i dont like him anymore ? does that make sense ? and then he was like: hes to shy to ask you, be together with him and i said no i wont. ( By the way my crush was hiding behind the toilet door and thought i didnt see that mf there ). They tried to persuade me for over a week until i said yes bc i felt so pressured. We were together for like one day but i never even talked to him in that day bc i was so embarrassed and obviously didnt like him ? I broke up with him the next day and he didnt accept it and tried to persuade me to stay with him and i was like no, i wont. In all honesty, after i got to know that he liked me back, my whole crush of two years went away in that moment and in that moment i knew i didnt really like him but rather the idea of HIM liking ME, isnt that crazy ? Anyways, so we went back to class after i broke up with him and he sat right in from of me and then we had to write a little test and he looks back at me AND HE LITERALLY CRIED and whispered “please“ and i ignored him bc he got on my nerves smh like why are you crying rn ? and then I obviously got an A in that test ( a bad bitch gotta do what a bad bitch gotta do ) and he got an F. He messaged me for over A WEEK after that trying to get me back and after one week i lost my patience and told him that its enough and you know what ? that mf all of a sudden went from ,, pls come back to me“ to ,, you played with me didnt you ? you never even loved me !“ and i was like 😧 what did he sayyyyyy ?! so we started arguing and i told him that he and his friend pressured me for over a week to be with him so i said yes but us breaking up is the best for us bc i dont like you smh, like we are KIDS. When i tell you that he asked me: can we still stay like really good friends ? and i was like ofc we can why not ? after that he never spoke to me again even when we were in the same class and started bullying 5 graders. That boys ego was broken so hard it scares me till today.
noo i totally understand what u mean!! once my crush asked me out in 10th grade and i was just like 🏃‍♀️ need to go bye 👋
but it's so crazy how that boy acted in 7TH GRADE like ??? if he already acted like that while being so young i don't wanna know how he's like as a grown-up 🥴🚩🚩
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