#of course this happens when I’m not home
reidmotif · 1 day
Check Your Window (He's At Your Window)
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Summary: Reader discovers her window faces into the apartment of her very attractive building neighbor, Spencer. She's willing to do anything for his attention. He's willing to reward her for her efforts.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: voyeurism, lingerie, masturbation, slight dubcon (but for like 5 seconds i swear), nipple play, penetrative sex, apartment break-in.
Word Count: 3.9 k
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It’s natural to believe you’re safe in your place of residency. You’re given locks, blinds, a security gate- all measures designed to invoke a false illusion of privacy. Of course, there are defects that no one can plan for that have the ability to shatter this illusion. 
Mine happened to be a badly placed window. 
Finding this apartment felt akin to love at first sight. It sounds dramatic, but I’m serious. Do you know how horrific real estate is these days? But when my eyes came upon piano oak flooring, the soft light of the day streaming onto a marble island, and of course, an in-home washer/dryer system, I was sold. 
Due to my inherent awkwardness around meeting strangers,  and lack of overt charm, I’d never been one to initiate introductions with my neighbors. I moved in quietly, packing up my life into neat little boxes and dispersing them throughout the emptiness of my new space. It was only then, when I realized a strangely placed window that seemed to fall exactly where I’d wanted my bed to be. 
And while examining my outlandish situation, I saw him. 
I didn’t want to assume he’d been watching me. I wasn’t paranoid like that. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to give off the aura of, for lack of better words, a creep,  so the quick aversion of my eyes from his gaze felt instinctual. Curiosity won over me a millisecond later, though, and against my better judgment, I quietly peered into the window again, wondering if the man in the glass had slipped away, or had looked away from where our eyes met last. 
What I hadn’t anticipated, however, was to be met with the unflinching stare of his eyes, far from concerned with how he came off, holding his gaze with an almost disconcerting and defiant presence. 
He gave me a subtle nod, before walking away, disappearing from view. I was left feeling.. unsettled. But also strangely thrilled. There was a certain peculiarity in knowing you were susceptible to an audience at any given moment. I vaguely recalled social facilitation as a possible explanation as to why the concept roused me the way it did, but whatever it was, I didn’t feel compelled to attach curtains or any kind of barrier to avoid the phenomenon. 
While my thoughts occasionally drifted to the man, I didn’t actually know anything about him. He lived in the building beside mine, so we didn’t even share so much as a landlord. I truly never expected to gain any insight on him besides the location of his domicile in relation to mine, and the thought didn’t bother me by any means.  I was completely fine with letting our connection stay as severed as it was. 
Fate, on the other hand, had other ideas. 
I found myself a few weeks later, struggling with an overstuffed grocery bag in front of my building, and in a terrible game of mismanaged weight and the flimsiness of grocery-store plastic, my bag gave way, scattering the contents of it across the ground. Further misfortune plagued me, as the bag in question had been holding a good pound of lemons, that rolled quite far from where I’d been standing. I immediately dropped to the ground, trying to gather up the ones by my feet in my arms, and noticed a presence nearby doing the same and bringing the runaway citrus to me. I was thankful, and was ready to express my gratitude to the helpful samaritan, until I saw a flash of recognition collectively pass over our faces as we made eye contact. 
Him. The man in the window. 
“You dropped these.” He says, his voice a little quieter than I’d expected from him, and I nod. 
“Yeah, no. It’s these bags. Not really equipped to hold a pound of lemons.” I say, trying to gather the rest to my chest, our eyes still trained on the other. 
“Can I ask why a pound of lemons?” He asks, a sort of playful lilt in his voice. 
“Lemonade.” I say, almost immediately. 
There’s a bit of confusion that flashes over his face. “Are you making a joke?” He replies, furrowing his brows a bit. 
I realize that my response might’ve come off as too deadpan, and I shake my head to correct his misconception. “Oh, no. I’m serious.” I say, offering a grin.  “I love lemonade. There’s a work party I’m attending, and I offered to make some for the office. Hence, the lemons.” I continued, gesturing at the aforementioned fruit, and feeling myself ramble slightly, but it didn’t seem to offend the recipient. 
“That.. is a surprisingly normal response, given the situation.” The man says, nodding. “I love lemonade too.” He adds. 
There’s a bit of silence as we both picked up lemons together, the man more focused than I on the task. I took the oppurtuinity within the lull of our conversation to truly examine the man, finally no longer separated by a pane of glass, and my observations all seemed to point towards one glaringly obvious conclusion. 
The man in the window was hot.
He appeared older than me, yet his age did nothing to diminish the beauty of his features. His doe-like eyes seemed to shine with the same curiosity that I felt towards him. His hair was a bit longer than I’d expect from a man his age, but it suited him. The smooth slope of his nose had a certain charm to it, and his cheekbones were impossibly sharp. I wanted to run my thumb over the bone, and kiss him senseless until we could barely remember our own names. 
“I’m (Y/N). You’re free to come over.” I say, a little more rushed than I’d wanted to. “For the lemonade, of course.” I add, trying to not drop the ball when it came to inviting this gorgeous man over to my apartment. 
“Spencer.” He replies, offering his name to me. “I'll keep it in mind.” He says, smoothly. He flashes me a kind smile as he places the last of the lemons into my other bags or directly into my hands. 
I’d hoped “I’ll keep it in mind” meant “within the next few days or so” but waiting seemed futile after a certain amount of time had passed. He never came, and I even stopped seeing him as often through the window in passing. In hindsight, it was rather naive to genuinely expect a near-stranger to come to my apartment, on account of an invitation that could have been interpreted as a thinly-veiled proposition.
It felt a bit dull, his lack of interest. I’d had a taste of his attention, and for some reason, I was hooked. It was irrational, and illogical, but I couldn’t help the desire I felt simply at the thought of this man. And in a mixture of perversion, desperation and pure brainlessness, I tried to use the one thing that had rarely failed me in the past. Sex. 
I reasoned by telling myself it wasn’t like it was guaranteed he’d see me. 
And it wasn’t as if I was standing directly by the window, exposing myself for his pleasure, and his pleasure only. So hey, if he saw my figure adorned in lacy lingerie in passing, and felt compelled to act on that in any way he chose, well. No harm, no foul, right? 
So that’s exactly what I did. To my benefit, it was one of the hottest summers D.C had ever had, so the lack of clothing worked in my favor.  I’d always felt quite confident in my own skin, so lounging around in bras, panties, barely-there cover-ups around my apartment didn’t strike me as the oddest thing to do.  I felt comfortable, and in turn, possibly seducing the man in the window. Win-win. 
And “win” I did, in some way at least, because I noticed the arrival of lingerie correlated in a sudden uptick in the times I’d see Spencer taking a longer-than-normal glimpse into my apartment. It was fucking exhilirating, to have his regard in this strange, taboo way. I’d find myself imagining him, surrounded by a sea of sheets and pillows slowly stroking his cock to the images of my scantily-clad body. I had no real way of verifying if this was the actual case, but the fantasy was enough to bring heat to my cheeks and an ache in my panties. 
It started to drive me a little crazy, however, when after a week of this,  literally no tangible reward came from the fruits of my labor. While I’d enjoyed his eyes on my form, that seemed to be all he was capable of. He seemed completely at ease with just watching (to my utter dismay) and it seemed the action I wanted him to take was sorely out of reach. 
Reflecting on his shy, soft demeanor from the one time we’d spoken, I concluded that he might not be as forward as I am. It made sense; he never seemed to have visitors in his apartment and, seeming to be in his 40s without a stable partner, he probably wasn't accustomed to a woman's attention in this way. He didn’t exactly exude “womanizer” anyway from what I knew about him, and I began to connect his lack of initiative to these points.
 It didn't deter me from continuing my attempts though. At best, I was at least providing a lonely middle-aged man some sorely needed imagery in the meantime. I’d always been a giver, anyhow. 
It’s reasonable to assume there’d be some payoff down the road, right? 
Wrong. I continued to wear increasingly revealing lingerie, going as far as just walking around naked once in a while. Nothing. I was a fucking saint at this point for continuing this for him.
It didn’t help that my mind insisted on taunting me with what I couldn’t have, as a moment of spare time in my day would constantly be preoccupied with thoughts of him in my bed, pinning my hands down and kissing up and down my neck. I’d imagine him pounding into me, or bouncing up and down on his cock, bringing us both to the throes of pleasure. I couldn’t halt the depravity of my thoughts, no matter how hard I tried.
What I also couldn’t stop, was the slow descent of my fingers into my panties one night, finding a delectable mess within them, signifying my deep arousal associated with the man. It’d been a long few weeks,  the smell of summer and heat encasing my apartment, and a profound craving I couldn’t resist. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I began rubbing the small nub, alternating between up and down motions, and then a slow, circular rub. Little moans poured out my lips, before I quickly shed my panties entirely, watching a string of arousal stuck to them, kicking them haphazardly to the side, wanting more access to my clit. 
My eyes naturally closed as I found myself lazing towards the precipice of release. Soft sighs and moans filled my apartment as I let my fingers rub a bit more desperately. I could see flashes of him again behind my eyes, his hand on me, instead of my own,  mirroring the actions I was performing. A gasp of his name came tumbling out of me as the image became clearer and clear, my eyes opening almost frantically as I felt myself closer and closer. 
That’s when I got the strangest sensation, and felt a pair of eyes on me. I jolted my head to the left, and saw Spencer, who was clearly watching at this point. His gaze was entirely trained on me, and similar to the first time he saw me, our eye contact didn’t deter him from his observation. 
I refused to let it either, and kept my gaze trained on him. I was entirely exposed. I wouldn’t have been able to stop my actions if I’d had a gun to my head. It just felt too fucking good. A moment more of eye contact from him, and I felt the familiar clench and release from my body, waves of pleasure wracking my body. I let out another moan, but not once did my eyes leave his, as my back arched against my sheets, a silent plea on my part being conveyed.  
Come here. What could you possibly be waiting for? 
I watched him disappear from the window as I finished, both literally and figuratively, and panted, wondering if finally, finally, my prayers and fervent supplications would be answered. 
After about 30 minutes, my anticipation was replaced with severe disappointment when I realized even after then, he wasn’t coming. I could no longer see him in the window, and at this point it seemed a little silly and pathetic to continue expecting him to come. 
Maybe he was just entirely sexually inadept. That could be a possibility, right? How much more explicit could I get than this? I’d masturbated in front of him! Albeit, through a window, but masturbation regardless! Was this seriously all he was willing to do? 
I roll my eyes at the thought. I came to accept that maybe, truly, there was nothing I could do to get this man to fuck me the way I deserved. Fine.
As I closed my eyes to get some necessary rest after my endeavors, I made up my mind that I’d buy curtains tomorrow. Fuck Spencer Reid, and his absolute inability to take any action in his goddamn life. Fuck this apartment. Fuck everything. 
Was I dramatic? Yes. Was I still right? Also yes. 
Despite the sour mood I’d taken to bed with me that evening, my dreams were anything but. The idea of Spencer Reid holding me down, whispering sweet and dirty nothings alike were all still incredibly tantalizing to my subconscious. I could hear his voice in my ear, soft pink lips brushing against the shell of my ear, a deep pressure imprinted onto my body, keeping me in my bed. 
“Wake up, sweetheart.” He murmured, beckoning me out of the peaceful cocoon of sleep. 
I felt a few more wet and warm kisses trailing up and down my neck, the sweetest sensation of pleasure being granted to me with every touch he gave. 
“Need you to wake up, pretty girl.” He mumbles. “You really are so pretty up close.” His voice is slightly patronizing, and it does nothing to help the excitation that was steadily growing inside of me. 
Suddenly, I became incredibly aware that the stimuli I was receiving didn’t appear to be a byproduct of my psyche, but rather- he was here? My eyes opened slowly to realize I wasn’t at all mistaken, the soft brush of his brown hair against my neck slightly tickling me as I came to. 
“Atta girl.” He mumbles, his lips still mapping out every inch of my skin. Out of pure instinct, a slightly alarmed moan came from me, still unsure if I was dreaming or not. Surely I had to be dreaming. I had to be, because how the fuck did Spencer Reid get into my apartment? Into my bed? 
“You want this, yeah?” He murmurs, taking a second to gaze down at me. I realized he’d been on top of me this whole time, and the pressure I’d felt in my dream was his skin on mine, trapping me in between his strong chest and the soft sheets adorning my mattress. “I know you do. Saw your little show and everything.” He breathes out, desperately, almost. 
I know I should’ve thought about it. Perhaps I should’ve pondered on the idea of letting a man who’d just broken into my apartment full access to my body as he pleased, but there was no time. He was here, and how could I have ever said no to that? 
There’s an equally as desperate and breathy, “yes” that escapes my lips, and before I can finish saying the word, he dives down, meeting my lips with his, absolutely devouring me with no hesitation whatsoever.  If I'd thought his previous ministrations were delightful, this was absolutely heavenly. 
I moan softly into his mouth, wanting to tangle my hands in his hair, or latch them onto his shoulders and sink my nails deep into the skin that resided there- anything to show even a semblance of control in this situation, but it seemed Spencer had already thought of that, pinning my hands against the mattress so tightly, I couldn’t have moved if I’d exerted every last bit of strength into it. 
“God, the first time- first time I saw you.” He mumbles in between kisses. “With those lemons. I knew they’d fall. Saw you through the window across the street and practically ran. Wanted to meet you so badly.” 
A small whimper escapes me, and I can’t help but get wetter at the thought. I knew he’d been watching me through the window, but the idea that I captured his attention, outside of my apartment, in the most mundane of situations only served to heighten the arousal I felt, my thighs rubbing together for any kind of relief. 
He notices the movement and grins, planting one last kiss on my lips before slipping down. His hands cup the backs of my knees, forcing me to spread my previously shut legs. 
“You had the prettiest voice.” He breathes out, examining my glistening heat. “Fuck. Couldn’t stop thinking about how you’d sound, screaming my name.” He leans forward, planting a chaste kiss on my clit that caused an incredibly breathtaking jolt through my body. 
“Spencer-” I moan, my head rolling back as I felt it, my back arching slightly. 
“Yeah, just like that.” He mumbles, clearly pleased. “Good girl.” 
His hands traveled upward from where he’d been situated between my legs and squeezed my breast blindly. It didn’t feel like it was for my pleasure, but rather that he was desperate to touch anywhere he possibly could. Anyone else, and I might’ve been annoyed with the incessant touching, but with him? 
 It was so fucking hot. 
“That goddamned lingerie.” He mumbles. “The things I wanted to do to you. Did you know that?” 
I looked at him through hooded lids, unsure what he meant, and he took my diversion of attention to quickly tweak one of my nipples, eliciting another surprised moan from my mouth. 
“I’m so much stronger than this, usually.” His large hands continue to squeeze and grope at my breasts. “But you.” He whispers, a hint of a growl making its way into his tone. “Had to push the limits. Practically begging me to come here and take you.” 
I let out a gasp as I felt his hands trail down my stomach, the cool touch of his fingertips causing the muscles to tense up there. 
“I’m gonna do it.” He whispers, his face only illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the open window, but I could still see the dangerous glint in his eye, thrilling me even further. “Fuck you exactly how you want it.” 
Before I’m able to react to the sentiment, he’s grabbing onto my hips and turning me over, a yelp drawn out from me. 
“Hands and knees.” He says, in an authoritative tone that doesn’t leave any room for any disagreement. I comply quickly, much to his elation. 
“You’re so good for me, yeah? Gonna ruin you. Just how you want.” 
There’s a hint in condescension in his tone, like he’s making fun of me for wanting to be fucked this badly, but I can barely pay any mind about it, especially when I feel his cock slotting itself betweet my folds, separated only by his boxers, a shaky moan coming from Spencer. 
I can feel his hands leaving my hips and the slight lean away as he quickly shucks off the fabric, and within the next second, he’s pushing into me, providing me with a stretch and fulfillment that was so much better than I could’ve ever imagined. It doesn’t take him long to set a fast pace, the sound of our skin slapping and the smell of sex permeating the room. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He moans out, and I let out similar noises in tandem. 
I can barely find it in me to stay coherent. I want to scream how good he feels, how big his cock feels in me, how close I was- but instead the only thing I could manage was the borderline scream of his name and loud sobs of pleasure, fully at the mercy of the man behind me. I can feel the way I clamp down on him, absolutely imploring him for as much as he could give me. 
“Gonna come for me, yeah?” He says, feeling the clench of my walls on his cock.  “Come on, pretty girl. Give me what I want.” He murmurs lowly, leaning down closer to my ear. His hand shoots out a moment later, beginning to rub my clit, similar to how I had been doing a few hours earlier as he watched me, and the memory and sensation of it is enough to hurl me off the edge, my walls tightening around his cock as waves of pleasure wracked through my body.
It seemed that was enough for him as well. I felt his hips still, and a sudden warmth at my deepest point. He let out a groan of relief as he thrusted once, twice more, and then pulled out, his cum slipping down my thighs as he plopped down next to me. I’d already collapsed the second he pulled out, panting as I came down from the orgasm. 
“You good?” He mumbles, wearily, and I can feel him moving aside my hair to kiss at my shoulder. 
“Mhm.” I murmur back, a small sigh of relief escaping me. There’s a beat of silence, before he breaks it.
“Tomorrow.” He murmurs. “Wanna go out with me?” 
I raise an eyebrow, turning at him with a playful expression- as playful as I could get in this state anyway. “Where to?” 
“Target.” He mumbles, still stroking my back lazily, his eyes shining with something less intense than lust now, but still enough to turn my stomach over with butterflies.
“Target?” I say, squinting my eyes. “Why Target?” 
“We’re buying you some curtains.” He says, a small grin appearing on his face. “And maybe a stronger lock.” 
I giggle at that, rolling my eyes a bit.  “But then you don’t get to see me anymore. I kind of liked what we had going on.” 
“I did too.” He whispers, his tone slightly vulnerable now. “But I like this a lot more.” 
A small smile plasters itself to my face as I nod.
 “Me too.” I whisper back, biting my lip. 
A mutual understanding passed through the both of us as we smiled at each other in the dark, and for a split second, I imagined myself possibly loving this more someday. 
All in good time. Right now, I was going to sleep, protected by his soft, strong arms. That was enough for now. We’d finally gotten what we wanted. 
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woah!! trying to finally get back into writing semi regularly i see. i hope this was enjoyable. this is one of those pieces i'm kind of unsure about, so please, please interact if you liked it! likes, comments, reblogs, anything! or let me know if you didn't! i live for feedback of any kind. thank you for reading anyhow, i am very grateful for it <3
also lol if it wasn’t obvious i listened to “she” for fic inspo lol. linked below
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b2cute · 1 day
nerd!matt x popular!gf
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warnings: slight smut, cussing
a/n: first time doing head cannoned let’s gooo! lmk if u guys want any more and reminder that requests are open!
• you guys for sure met each other in the school library. you were looking at books for an upcoming project and matt sat alone, during lunch
• you thought he was cute, instantly recognizing him from your class, and asked him for help to which his cheeks grew red, but agreed anyway
•the more you went over to matt’s house, the closer you guys got, eventually meeting his brothers and going on dates
•one time matt forgot his wallet when out at dairy queen and insisted on making up for it by kissing you until you forgave him, you were never upset and loved treating him, but his kisses were so innocent and sweet, so you acted upset
• matt loves teaching you new concepts in any subject, especially all curled up by your side. he loves when your sitting on the beanbag in his bedroom and he’s curled up on your side, glasses slightly tilted down, and a textbook in his hand
•matt’s favorite treat is seeing you do good on a test, it reminds him of how capable you are and feels as if he too got an A
•when around your friends, matt gets nervous that everyone will laugh at him, the way he dresses, and how he stutters, but you always reassure him with a quick “don’t worry, baby, anything happens i’m here to stop it okay?” your reassurance calms him down as his hand creeps up to yours, instantly interlocking them
•matt was completely wrong, your friends absolutely loving him. the guys teaching him how to properly take shots, and even showing how to smoke without coughing, all of them clicking even though they had nothing in common
•the girls loved the shyness and softer side of matt, the way he follows you around, and gets too nervous to make convo with another girl, afraid of upsetting you which you don’t mind. they enjoy having sleepovers with you and seeing the way your smile glows and your screen lights up with matt’s phone across the screen
•you got along with nick and chris as well, both of them teaching you how to tell them apart, and going out with you and matt occasionally. chris loved that you played video games, running the craziest match of whatever game is trending. nick enjoyed sharing a similar music taste, going to concerts together and sleeping over together, matt of course getting upset that your not with him
•begs for a release after studying all day. you guys managed to throw the books aside and have some fun. matt sits on the edge of your desk chair, you on your knees sucking and jerking his cock. “p-please y/n i’ve been good”
•gets shy when wanting to learn how to eat you out did the first time. he doesn’t know how to ask you without making it weird, so he asks as a math equation with the answer being, y= u4dinner.
•matt loves when you sit on his face, especially after seeing you at school, dressed in a revealing top and shorts. his eyes never left your body, leaving his hard in the school bathroom to jerk off to your memory. he will hook his arms around your thighs and sucks on your clot like a starved man. “just like that m-matt, so good to me mmghf”
•matt secretly loves when you let him take control. he craves your begs to cum and having you underneath him. matt’s favorite thing is the sight of your tits bouncing up and down when he’s fucking so hard into you, his glasses on the bridge of his nose and his button up halfway down.
•study session at the library when chris and nick are home quickly escalate when you steal matt’s glasses, but weirdly, it turns him on. you notice a change in his conversation and take him to the back where so one can see you guys, and ride him. “gotta stay quiet matt, c-can’t let anyone hear. you whisper but the only thing coming from matt was a string of groans
•when you’re on top of matt, he sits against the wooden headboard, holding your waist. his eyes turn to the side when he gets close, making your hands grip his chin so you can look at him “eyes on me matt, wanna see those pretty eyes when you cum”
•when a late night study sesh finally ends, matt is left exhausted, so you agree to let him sleep the night. what you didn’t expect is to wake up to his moans and cries to what looked like a wet dream. you laughed to yourself and snuck a hand underneath the waistband of his boxers, slowly pumping up and down matt’s length. his moans became louder and cries became whinier before releasing all over your sheets and hand.
•moments later matt wakes up to see your hand still covered in his release, lying on his bare chest and your leg lazily over his. your boobs were pushed together and your ass was practically out in your shorts, only making him hard again.
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@mqttittude @luverboychris @knowingnothingnoel @whicked-hazlatwhore @mattsdinosweater @n00dl3zzz @sophssturn @sstvrnioo @sturnioloenthusiast @lolasturniolo @mattsleftnipple03 @gracealwaysdisgrace @guccifrog @hearts4chriss @sttzee @stunza @fawned01 @sillysillygyal @skyslondon @stu2719962 @domaniquessidehoe @junnniiieee07
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Killing Wanda
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Summary: You, Nat and Yelena are successful assassins, damn good at your jobs but there was one woman you couldn’t stay away from, and when you get a job that tells you to kill her, well you needed to be around Wanda all the time now, and she wasn’t getting away from you, no one would get on your way to have her
Words: a lot, like over 3,000 I think
Warnings: Minors DNI 18+ suggestive themes, swearing and adult themes
A/n: God I’m on fire with releasing fics, hopefully my writing drought is over now and I’ll be writing more now
Also this is long so I’m hoping there’s no mistakes but if there is I’m sorry
The door was open when Wanda came downstairs and she started to panic, she closed the door she was sure of it, what could have happened?
A noise from the kitchen broke Wanda out of her thoughts and she stepped quietly towards the kitchen where the noise was, finally seeing someone digging through the kitchen drawers “you really should learn to organise your utensils you know, it’s a mess in here, if you brought a woman home and she looked in here I don’t think she’d want to do the tongue tango with you would she? A disordered drawer isn’t impressive to people Wanda”
You had yet to turn around and face Wanda, content to keep sorting out the scrambled mess “Y/n why are you in my house?” Wanda whispered and you finally turned around smiling at the scared woman “oh my darling you look tired, have you been sleeping well?”
Wanda didn’t answer instead just moving around the table to sit down still holding your gaze “I’ll ask again, why are you in my house?”
You bit your lip holding in a laugh “oooooh we’re feeling grumpy tonight aren’t we? Maybe you need to relax, I can call Yelena to make us Mac n cheese and I’ll send Natasha to get some wine-
Wanda slammed her fist down on the table cutting you off “don’t fucking play with me Y/n, tell me why you’re here!”
While you were slightly caught off guard you pulled yourself together and reached for a dagger on your person and pointed it at Wanda giving her a warning “I wasn’t finished talking, you’re a grown woman and therefore should know better, it is very rude to do that detka” Wanda’s bravado flew out the window when you rounded the table and held your hand around her throat
“I am here because I was asked to be here, someone paid me a lot of money to kill you slowly and painfully, whoever you pissed off really wants you to suffer and I mean really suffer, the list of things they want me to do is endless”
You eased off the tension on her neck and lent forward kissing her cheek “I like your face, such a shame I have to cut it up, they want picture proof of your death”
Wanda was wavering she was scared, she knew what you did and she knew you did it damn well and left no trace “okay Y/n let’s just calm down, please tell me who put the hit out on me”
Your lips stayed close to her and moved towards her neck kissing her there smiling at the shaky breath she released “I can’t disclose client information Wanda, but it’s someone you know, and from how they speak, someone who’s seen your body in a way that I can only dream of and trust me I do dream of it”
You pushed Wanda gently into the counter leaning into her “how do you dream of me?”
“Oh? I dream of you in the filthiest and most depraved ways, none that I’m willing to discuss here of course but just know that I everytime I kill someone and their blood spills onto me I imagine it’s yours”
“That…that doesn’t sound very sexy”
You smirked letting your hand rest on her hip and the other next to her head “it is when I’m imagining I’m buried deep inside of you cutting up your pretty body-
“Y/n! Have you done yet? We are needed back” Yelena casually walked into the house disturbing your clearly romantic moment with Wanda “I’m in the middle of something Yel”
The blonde scoffed looking at Wanda “yes I can see, she looks terrified, or aroused maybe both”
You glanced down at Wanda “aroused, I can feel how wet she is- Wanda quickly pushed you away at that and you laughed “aw princess are you embarrassed? Its okay I’m glad my intimidation tactics get you this aroused”
Just then Natasha entered angry as ever “Davayte zhe teper'!” She didn’t care what was happening just that you three needed to leave before people started to turn up for them
“Yeah yeah whatever Nat we’re coming” you kissed Wanda on the nose leaving her speechless and still “lovely time we’ve had here princess but I’m needed elsewhere, enjoy your dinner and I’ll see you soon”
The trio left without another word and Wanda sank to the floor controlling her breathing “why is she obsessed with me”
“Why are you obsessed with Wanda?” Yelena poked at you while in the car “she’s hot” you said but the blonde just laughed “I’ve seen you with women you find “hot” and it wasn’t that with Wanda, I think you really like her and want to make babies”
You scrunched up your nose and slapped Yel on the arm “we’re two women idiot, and no matter how hard I’d try I don’t think I could get Wanda pregnant, but god I’d give it a damn good go”
You looked out of the car window admiring the views that Nat drove past, actually you didn’t recognise where you were, weren’t you going back to the house?
“Natty I don’t know if you hit your head back there but I don’t recognise where we are”
The redhead shrugged in the front seat “you need to lie low for a while, you’ve been too careless”
You scoffed “don’t be so fucking ridiculous Natalia I’m good at my job and I’ve never let any personal feelings affect it” you defended
Nat slammed on the breaks sending you near enough through the seat and beyond “fucking hell Nat are you on your period or something?”
“You know we don’t get our periods der'mo” Yelena piped up but you both ignored her “last week you spent 4 hours watching Wanda, you watched her eat dinner, watched her drink wine and then even watched her sleep with a man”
You rolled your eyes at that “yeah all of 4 minutes of that man basically humping poor Wanda and her faking an orgasm”
Yelena was intrigued “wait, how do you know she faked an orgasm?”
You patted poor young innocent Yelena on the back “oh my sweet little Yelena, it was in the way she only shuddered slightly when the man whispered he’s close and then immediately said she came afterwords, he left soon after then she picked out her favourite red vibrator placed it against her sweet-
“Stop! I’ve had enough Y/n let’s just go home and sleep okay, I’m sorry I was so angry but it’s been a rough day”
You kissed Nat on the cheek “it’s okay detka you’re our favourite little black widow, very spicy and dangerous”
Nat sighed and gave a small smile “okay let’s not get all mushy, just stay away from Wanda okay?”
You shrugged “well someone still gave a hit out on her, so I’ll have to see her sooner or later again”
You said you’d stay away from Wanda for a little bit but you couldn’t help it, you found yourself back at Wanda’s house waiting for her in her bedroom, an open window offered you a perfect entry to the room
Wanda jumped back when she entered her bedroom obviously not expecting you “Y/n what the fuck?!”
You smiled wide “hi Wanda, I’m sorry I couldn’t stay away, I still technically need to kill you you know”
Her face fell and she started to step back but you stopped her holding her wrist and pulling her close “don’t worry Wanda I don’t want to kill you yet, I want to enjoy you”
Wanda let herself be pulled into a hug, you wrapped both arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder “you’re so tense my love, did that man not make you cum again?”
Wanda pulled her head back looking at you “what do you mean?”
“I had to make sure you were being safe and when I saw that man humping you like a dog in heat it was heartbreaking, you deserve so much better”
Wanda pushed you away sitting on her bed with her head in her hands “I cannot believe you’ve been watching me have sex, that’s so fucking weird”
You shook your head sitting next to the redhead “no honey it’s not, I needed to watch you to make sure you were okay and as I said that man didn’t look after you, he didn’t treat you well enough, didn’t do any foreplay, didn’t even kiss you, how ridiculous!”
Wanda stood up from the bed and started pacing around the room “what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you obsessed me why do you watch me? And don’t say it’s because someone wants me dead, if you actually did your job I’d be dead already!”
Your eyes darkened, no one’s ever questioned your job before “I am successful in my work Wanda, I have never ever messed up a job and don’t you ever assume otherwise, I will kill you one day Wanda and when I do it’ll be so quick you won’t even realise until you’re stood in front god himself”
Wanda had backed up against the wall with you following her every step, you ended up pressed chest to chest with Wanda and loved every minute of it “well this is a nice position isn’t it?” You smiled, your demeanour changed from angry to soft way too quick for Wanda’s liking, but she was still slightly nervous
“Okay Y/n I’m sorry just, I’m just stressed that’s all”
“Stressed? Why is my pretty girl stressed?” You ran your fingers across her face and on her stress lines “don’t give yourself winkles my love, why are you stressed?”
Wanda sighed heavily giving in and just decided to tell you “the man-the one you’ve watched in my house, like a weirdo, he keeps texting me and stalking me at work, I didn’t call him back after the last time he came over and I think he’s mad about it”
You nodded along listening loosely while studying her face, she was gorgeous
“I see, he’s a bitch then, doesn’t deserve you, don’t worry Wanda I’ll deal with him” you pushed yourself away from Wanda who instantly missed your comfort surprisingly
“Wait where are you going?” She tried following you across the room to the door but you stopped her “I’ll be back later I promise”
“Are you going to hurt him?” She asked and you just smiled “I’ll be back pretty girl”
You left without another word and Wanda was sure she wouldn’t be hearing from Vision again.
You decided to bring Yelena on your little trip, she was like a puppy, she needed to be taken out to kill at least 3 times a day or she’d starting biting the furniture and peeing on the carpet
“Are you sure this is okay? We’re assassins for hire not free killers”
“Not free killers? Didn’t you attack a guy because he tried touching that Kate girl?”
Yelena stopped in her tracks and widened her eyes “how do you know about that?!”
“You got drunk and told Nat and I when we were playing uno”
She rolled her eyes “anyway that was because she didn’t deserve to be treated like that”
“And that’s why I’m doing this for Wanda, she deserves better and that’s me clearly so by killing this guy I’m one step closer to that”
“Aren’t you meant to kill her?” You finally found the house you were looking for and saw the man with yet another woman he was sure to disappoint “I am but that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun, plus there’s no time limit on the request so I can take my time”
You and Yelena stood outside the front door deciding on how to approach the situation “so, sneak in or knock the door down and start shooting?”
You only responded with pulling your gun out and shooting the lock and kicking the door open
“Daddy’s home!” You stormed through the house and held the surprised man at gunpoint
Yelena walked through the door following you “just full on craziness then, okay”
“What the hell are you doing in my house?! Who are you??!” The moustached man was scared and you could tell, he was trying to act tough though in front of his lady friend, it’s okay though she isn’t the one you were here for
“White widow can you take this lovely lady out of here and make sure she gets home safely Spasibo”
Yelena nodded and offered the lady her hand which she took “we are quite sorry about the intrusion, I hope you forgive us”
The lady nodded taking Yelena’s hand “okay” you were glad she wasn’t in the mood for an argument, you didn’t want to kill two people “thank you Miss”
When the two women left you looked back at Vision “so why do you think I’m here?” You asked casually while still pointing the gun at him
“How the hell should I know?? Who are you?!” He was stressed and it nearly made you laugh “you’ve tried sleeping with Wanda maximoff twice, and both times you’ve never made her cum, you don’t deserve her”
The man was perplexed, how the hell did you know what he did with Wanda “how do you know I’ve slept with Wanda, did she tell you? And why do you care??”
You stepped close enough to him to press the gun against his chest “Wanda belongs to me, and watching you try and pathetically fail to fuck her was horrendous, and then for her to tell me you’ve been stalking her, what a pathetic excuse of a man you are”
He tried moving away but your gun pressed harder into his chest “you’re crazy, I’m pretty sure Wanda doesn’t belong to you”
You smiled “she does, she doesn’t know it yet but she definitely belongs to me, and you being a prick is slowing that process down so I do apologise but I have to kill you”
His face went white, all bravado flown out of the window and it made you giddy, you loved when they got like this, all scared, some wet themselves too but you hated that, totally killed the mood when that happened
“You can’t kill me! The police will find you” he was scrambling
“Well it’s been 10 years and I’ve yet to be caught yet so I don’t believe they’ll catch me for this”
“Okay but the gun will make a loud sound and the neighbours will get suspicious!”
“I’ve got a silencer dipshit, as I said I’ve done it for 10 years, I’m no amateur”
You pulled the trigger refusing to let him continue, the bullet went straight through his heart killing him instantly, you didn’t waste time standing around admiring your work instead calling a clean up crew
“Bucky, follow my location and clean up quickly and quietly” you hung up and left the house heading back to Wanda like you promised, she was going to be so happy you were sure of it.
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chrollohearttags · 9 hours
personal trainer!zoro headcanons
black fem!reader (plus sized), reader is a bodybuilder/weightlifter, humor, banter, reader is self conscious (not for those reasons but you’ll see!), fluff, best friends to lovers, sfw + nsfw under the cut, public sex (they use gym showers + equipment), riding, backshots, full nelson, praise kink, calls reader baby, good girl and princess, heavy squirting, throatfucking, other things
I am like highly obsessed with gym rat!zoro and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head so enjoy!
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :── ・ 。゚☆: *.
personal trainer!zoro has been obsessed with you since the day you guys met. He’s watched you since your weightlifting days in high school and has been infatuated for years.
personal trainer!zoro has always had a love for working out and the gym..a second home of sorts and the only place he feels he truly thrives. It was no question to anyone what he’d end up doing with his life once he got older. Thus became a personal trainer after going to school.
personal trainer!zoro, who helps his clients with workout plans and meals, all to become their best selves and reach their goals..is notorious for his intense regimens. Many would call him a ‘beast among men’. Even so, they’d get the results they desired.
personal trainer!zoro was the first person to encourage you to pursue weightlifting on the competition level and trained you throughout your journey.
personal trainer!zoro was also the first person to welcome you back to the scene after an injury put you on hiatus..he was however concerned once your session ended that day and personal trainer!zoro saw a side of you that he never had before…
“hey, what happened out there? You froze up a little bit at the end. I told you, hesitating when lifting can seriously hurt you. Gotta be more careful next time, okay?” “I know, I’m sorry..it’s just that I don’t really feel like I belong here anymore.”
personal trainer!zoro sat and listened as you explained away your fear and anxiety of returning to the weightlifting scene. Afraid that you wouldn’t be as good as you once were. Naturally, all he did was laugh!
“Well yeah, of course you’re not going to be the same. That’s how injuries work. It doesn’t mean you give up on something you love because it gets a lil’ tough..that’s a bullshit excuse if I’ve heard one.” “Damn, not even gonna try to spare my feelings a little bit, huh?” “And why would I do a thing like that? You’re my girl, I’d never let you stay in a place like that.”
personal trainer!zoro instantly flustered at the thought of calling you ‘his girl’ and noticed you did the same..however, that awkward tension soon turned into something more when the two of you packed up for the day and headed to the showers.
personal trainer!zoro couldn’t help but to notice your curvaceous figure whilst he prepared to go over to the men’s side..not to mention, the way you kept staring at him when he took his shirt off!
“What’s up with you? You keep being all weird and shit. Are you sure you want to do this?” “Yes! I’m fine..”
personal trainer!zoro knew he could be blunt but this wasn’t like you! Acting all nervous around him like you guys hadn’t seen each other at every point in your life..high and low, best and worst and certainly like this. He just didn’t understand the issue.
personal trainer!zoro wasn’t prepared when you began to confess that you were nervous around him because it’s been ages since you last saw one another and he looked so much better than you expected..from his muscular build to his tan and even the couple tattoos he’d acquired. You were bigger than most women that came through here and yet, he looked like he could toss you over his shoulder with no problem!
“Oh..so that’s it? I see..somebody’s got a crush, how cute..” “..you’re such a jackass, you know that? I just said you looked good! That’s all..” sending the both of you into laughter.
personal trainer!zoro still wasn’t going to let you off that easy..inching closer and bridging the space between your bodies.
“Well you know I could say the same for you..I see you’ve been working out more than your arms..” referring to the round and plumpness of your thick ass. “And of course, that face is still just as pretty.”
personal trainer!zoro was never one for beating around the bush and he could sense there was something more than friendly banter between you guys. Truthfully, he needed you..needed to let you know that his feelings were more than that of a friendship. Which he did so by caressing your body and eventually shoving his tongue into your mouth!
“I never knew you felt that way about me..” “..maybe you should try paying more attention..”
personal trainer!zoro wastes no time in sloppily kissing you as you guys peel each other’s clothes off before making it to the showers.
personal trainer!zoro is taken aback when you sink to your knees underneath the flowing waters and begin to tease his cock..running your tongue around the tip, suckling slowly before eventually devouring the entire thing. Which had him clawing the walls and screaming out as his shaft made home in your throat.
“Fuck..I missed you.” “Yeah, baby? Show me how much with that pretty mouth..”
personal trainer!zoro has to stop himself from orgasming too quick and all but shove you away because it’s obvious weightlifting isn’t your only skill!
personal trainer!zoro can’t help but be infatuated by the jiggle of your ass as you pull him along underneath the warm waters..that he just can’t resist the urge to make you grip the wall and bend over so he can pound you from behind. Feeding you deep strokes and backshots. “Right there, Zo! Fuck yes..don’t stop, please..” “..Don’t worry, not until I stretch this little pussy out..you’re not going anywhere.”
personal trainer!zoro fucks you almost animalistic. Never once breaking eye contact with you, grunting in your ear and pounding you with all he had..even if his knees buckled from the insane grip of your cunt. Especially when he forces you to squirt all over him; splattering him with your juices.
“That’s my good girl..let that shit out. I can tell you haven’t had a good nut in a while. You needed this, didn’t you, baby?” “Yes, baby. You’re fucking me so good..”
personal trainer!zoro circled back to your earlier comment about how muscular he had gotten and wanted to put it to the test! “Here, grab my neck, sweetheart. I got you.” Instructing as proceeded to fuck you in a full nelson. Picking you up and slamming you down on his cock until he felt himself getting close.
personal trainer!zoro painted your face with ropes of his warm cum, right there in that gym shower..not concerned with anyone or anything else.
“Kiss me..you look so pretty like this.” Cupping your cheek before shoving his tongue in your mouth. “Welcome back, princess. Same time tomorrow, alright? And you better be ready to go harder.”
personal trainer!zoro was feeling more motivated than ever in his work, now that he had his favorite person and client back.
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estellan0vella · 14 hours
Cheater, Cheater ❀ includes: Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji, Yuta, Megumi, Yuji & Toge (REQUESTED)
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The air is thick with an unspoken tension as you step into the apartment you share with Satoru. You’re barely inside when you hear his voice, tinged with an emotion you’ve never heard from him before—vulnerability.
"Where were you?" he asks, his tone deceptively casual. His eyes, usually so full of life and mischief, now bore into you with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat.
You hesitate, searching for the right words, but they don’t come. Instead, an awkward silence stretches between you, growing heavier with each passing second.
"I asked you a question," he repeats, more insistent this time. There’s an edge to his voice that sends a shiver down your spine.
"Out," you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "Just out."
Satoru's eyes narrow, and you know he doesn’t believe you. He steps closer, his presence almost overwhelming. "With who?"
You feel the walls closing in around you, the weight of your guilt pressing down. "A friend," you lie, but the words taste bitter on your tongue.
"Which friend?" he presses, and you can see the hurt in his eyes now, a crack in the confident facade he always wears.
"Nanami," you admit, your voice trembling. "I was with Nanami."
There’s a moment of stunned silence, and then Satoru lets out a bitter laugh. "Nanami. Of course. I should’ve known."
He turns away from you, running a hand through his hair, his fingers trembling. You can see the pain etched into his features, the betrayal cutting deep.
"I trusted you," he says softly, almost to himself. "I trusted him."
You take a step forward, wanting to reach out, to explain, but he flinches away from your touch. "Don’t," he snaps, his voice breaking. "Don’t touch me."
"I’m sorry," you whisper, tears streaming down your face. "I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just...did."
Satoru shakes his head, a hollow laugh escaping his lips. "That's not good enough," he says. "You don’t just ‘accidentally’ betray someone you love."
The silence that follows is suffocating. You can see the war raging within him, the desire to forgive you battling against the overwhelming sense of betrayal.
"I need you to leave," he says finally, his voice void of emotion. "I can’t...I can’t look at you right now."
Your heart shatters at his words, but you know you deserve this. You gather your things, the weight of your actions hanging heavy over you. As you reach the door, you turn back one last time, hoping to see some sign of the man you love.
But all you see is a broken Satoru, staring out the window, lost in his pain. And you know, deep down, that things will never be the same again.
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You’re sitting in your living room, the air heavy with tension. Nanami had left for work earlier today, and you didn’t expect him back until later this evening. Gojo, however, is here, lounging casually on the couch, his ever-present smirk playing on his lips.
You’ve known for a while that what you’re doing is wrong, the guilt gnawing at you each time you’re in his presence, but there’s something about Gojo that makes you forget your reservations, your commitments.
The sound of the front door creaking open sends a jolt through your body. You scramble to disentangle yourself from Gojo, but it’s too late. Nanami stands at the entrance, his usually composed demeanor shattered. His eyes, those calm, steady eyes that have always been your rock, are wide with disbelief and hurt.
“Kento…” you start, but your voice trails off. What can you possibly say to make this right?
Nanami’s gaze shifts from you to Gojo, who remains infuriatingly nonchalant. “I came home early,” he says, his voice strained, a brittle edge to it that you’ve never heard before. “I thought I’d surprise you.”
Silence hangs in the air, thick and oppressive. You can’t bring yourself to look at him, the shame too overwhelming. Gojo finally stands, his expression softening just slightly as he regards Nanami.
“Kento, man, this isn’t what it looks like,” Gojo says, but even he doesn’t seem convinced by his own words.
“Isn’t it?” Nanami’s voice cracks, and you flinch. “Because it looks like I’ve been a fool.”
He takes a step forward, and you can see the tremor in his hands, the raw emotion he’s struggling to contain. “I trusted you,” he whispers, his voice breaking. “I loved you.”
Tears blur your vision, and you reach out, desperate to touch him, to bridge the chasm that’s opened between you. “Kento, I’m so sorry. Please, let me explain.”
But he steps back, shaking his head. “There’s nothing to explain,” he says, the finality in his tone like a dagger to your heart. “I see everything I need to.”
Gojo clears his throat, looking uncharacteristically serious. “Nanami, maybe we should all just sit down and—”
“No,” Nanami interrupts, his voice steely. “There’s nothing left to say.” He turns his back on you, the finality of his movement like a closing door.
You want to call out to him, to beg for another chance, but the words die in your throat. You watch him leave, the door clicking shut behind him, and the reality of what you’ve lost crashes down on you.
Gojo places a hand on your shoulder, but his touch feels cold and distant. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, but it’s a hollow comfort.
The weight of your actions settles heavily on your chest. You’ve broken something precious, something you may never be able to mend. And as the tears finally fall, you realize that the hardest part is knowing that you’ve shattered the heart of the one person who loved you unconditionally
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The grand halls of the palace echo with the sound of your hurried footsteps. You feel a mix of guilt and excitement thrumming through your veins as you make your way to the secluded garden where you and the servant, Haruto, have been meeting in secret for months. The afternoon sun filters through the lush trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Haruto is already there, his eyes lighting up when he sees you.
For a moment, the world feels perfect. He pulls you into his arms, and you feel the familiar comfort of his embrace. But the moment is shattered when a powerful voice, filled with rage and betrayal, rings out through the garden.
"Sneaking around behind my back, are you?" Sukuna's voice is like a death knell, freezing you in place.
You turn to see him standing at the edge of the clearing, his crimson eyes blazing with fury. The air around him crackles with a dark, ominous energy that makes your heart pound in your chest. Haruto steps protectively in front of you, but you know it’s futile. Nothing can protect you from Sukuna's wrath.
"Haruto, run!" you plead, but Sukuna's laughter cuts through the air, cold and merciless.
"Run? There's nowhere he can go that I can't reach."
In an instant, Sukuna is upon Haruto. The servant tries to fight back, but it's hopeless. With a swift, brutal motion, Sukuna plunges his hand into Haruto's chest. You scream as blood splatters, staining the grass red. Haruto's lifeless body crumples to the ground, and you fall to your knees beside him, tears streaming down your face.
Sukuna grabs you by the arm and yanks you to your feet. His grip is painfully tight, his face inches from yours, twisted with a mix of anger and something that looks disturbingly like satisfaction.
"You thought you could betray me and get away with it?" His voice is a deadly whisper. "You're mine, and I don't share."
He drags you back to the palace, his grip unyielding. You barely have time to register the shocked faces of the other servants and guards as you pass by. Your mind is reeling from what just happened, the reality of Haruto's death, and the terror of what Sukuna will do next.
He throws you into his chambers and slams the door shut. The sound reverberates through the room, final and absolute. You scramble to your feet, backing away from him as he approaches. His eyes are still burning with anger, but there is a cold, calculated edge to them now.
"You will stay here," he says, his voice a low growl. "You will not leave these chambers until the day you die. I will make sure of that."
The weight of his words sinks in, and you feel a crushing despair. The room seems to close in around you, a gilded cage where you will live out the rest of your days under his watchful eye. The man you once loved is now your captor, and there is no escape.
Sukuna steps closer, his hand gripping your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. "Remember this, my little dove. You are mine. And I do not tolerate betrayal."
As he releases you, you collapse onto the floor, sobbing. The reality of your situation is a heavy, suffocating cloak that you can’t escape from. You hear the door lock behind him as he leaves, the final sound of your freedom being stripped away.
You are alone in the silence, haunted by the memory of Haruto’s lifeless eyes and the cold, unyielding reality of your new prison.
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You’re sitting in the dimly lit room, the air heavy with the scent of incense, your fingers tangled with Shiu’s. His eyes meet yours, and there's a mix of guilt and desire there. Your heart races, a conflicted beat that thrums louder as the minutes tick by. The forbidden nature of this encounter only adds fuel to the fire between you two, an intoxicating mix of danger and passion.
Suddenly, the door slams open with a force that shakes the walls. Your head snaps up, your heart freezing as you see Toji standing in the doorway. His eyes, usually so cold and calculating, blaze with a fury that makes your blood run cold. For a moment, the room is silent, the weight of his rage suffocating.
“Toji…” you begin, but your voice falters under his intense gaze.
“Save it,” he snarls, his voice a low, dangerous growl that sends a shiver down your spine. He strides forward, each step deliberate, his presence overpowering. Shiu stands, trying to shield you with his body, but Toji’s hand shoots out, gripping Shiu by the collar and lifting him off the ground with terrifying ease.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve,” Toji hisses, his face inches from Shiu’s. Shiu struggles, but Toji’s grip is unyielding, his strength undeniable. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? That you could touch what’s mine and get away with it?”
“Toji, stop!” you cry, rushing to intervene. You grab his arm, trying to pull him back, but he’s like an immovable mountain. His eyes flicker to you, and the betrayal in them cuts deeper than any blade. “It’s not what you think—”
“Not what I think?” he laughs, a bitter, humourless sound. “I think I just walked in on my girlfriend fucking my handler. How am I wrong?”
“Toji, please, just let him go. This is between you and me,” you plead, desperation creeping into your voice. "I'm sorry okay?"
For a moment, something like hurt flashes across Toji’s face, but it’s quickly replaced by cold, hard fury. He releases Shiu, who falls to the floor, gasping for breath. Toji turns his full attention to you, his eyes boring into yours.
“You think a fucking apology will fix this?” he asks, his voice low and deadly. “You think anything will make this right?”
You open your mouth to respond, but the words die in your throat. The intensity of his anger, the depth of his hurt, it’s all too much. He steps closer, towering over you, his presence dominating.
“You were mine,” he growls, his voice trembling with barely restrained rage. “I trusted you, and you threw it away for… this?”
His words cut deep, the reality of your actions crashing down on you. You reach out, trying to touch him, to make him understand, but he recoils as if your touch burns him.
“I… I made a mistake,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “I still love you, Toji.”
For a moment, something shifts in his eyes, a flicker of the love you once shared. But then it’s gone, replaced by a cold, hard resolve. He steps back, his expression closing off.
“You made your choice,” he says, his voice like ice. “Now you have to live with it.”
With that, he turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, the weight of your actions crashing down around you. The door slams shut behind him, and the silence that follows is deafening. You sink to the floor, tears streaming down your face, the enormity of what you’ve lost hitting you like a tidal wave.
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You hear the door click open and the familiar sound of Yuta's footsteps entering the room. Your heart sinks, a wave of guilt crashing over you. Toge is beside you, his eyes widening with shock as he quickly pulls away. You scramble to sit up, panic flooding your senses.
Yuta stands in the doorway, his face a mask of confusion and hurt. "What's going on?" he asks, his voice trembling. His eyes flicker between you and Toge, piecing together the betrayal.
"Yuta, I…" you start, but your voice falters. You see the pain in his eyes, the betrayal cutting deep. You never wanted it to come to this, never wanted to hurt him.
Toge shifts uncomfortably, unable to speak but his expression filled with regret. Yuta takes a step back, his hand gripping the doorframe as if to steady himself. "Why?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. "How could you do this?"
You swallow hard, the words sticking in your throat. "Yuta, I love you, but…"
"But what?" he interrupts, desperation creeping into his tone. "But what?"
"But I love Toge too," you confess, the truth spilling out. "With Toge, I don't have to compete with Rika."
Yuta's face contorts with pain, his eyes searching yours for any sign of deception. "Rika? This is about Rika?"
You nod, tears welling up in your eyes. "She's always there, Yuta. She's always with us. I feel like I'm constantly living in her shadow, like I'll never be enough for you because of her."
Yuta's shoulders slump, the weight of your words crashing down on him. "Rika is my past," he says softly, "but you're my present. I chose you, [Y/N]. I love you."
"I know," you whisper, your voice breaking. "But it doesn't feel like enough. With Toge, I feel free. I don't have to compete with a memory."
Toge looks away, guilt etched across his face. Yuta takes a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and understanding. "I never wanted you to feel like you had to compete," he says, his voice strained. "I never wanted you to feel like you weren't enough."
You reach out to him, your hand trembling. "I'm sorry, Yuta. I never wanted to hurt you."
He looks at your hand, then back at you, pain and sadness warring in his eyes. "I need some time," he says finally, stepping back. "I need to figure out how to process this."
You nod, tears streaming down your face. "Take all the time you need," you whisper.
Yuta turns and walks out the door, leaving you and Toge alone in the heavy silence. The weight of your choices settles around you, the future uncertain and fraught with the consequences of your actions.
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The room feels thick with an uncomfortable silence. You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, heart pounding in your chest. Megumi is standing in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. You don’t know how long he’s been there, but it’s long enough to have seen everything.
Yuji is next to you, his expression a mirror of your own guilt. The air between the three of you is heavy, suffocating. Megumi’s face is a mixture of hurt and anger, the betrayal cutting deep into his usually composed demeanor.
“Megumi,” you start, your voice trembling, “I can explain…”
“Explain what?” His voice is cold, sharper than you’ve ever heard it. “Explain how you could do this to me? With him?”
Yuji tries to interject, but Megumi silences him with a glare that could freeze fire. You’ve never seen him like this, and it makes the knot in your stomach tighten painfully.
“It wasn’t planned,” you say, the words feeling hollow even to your own ears. “It just… happened.”
Megumi laughs, but there’s no humor in it. “Things like this don’t just happen,” he says. “You made a choice.”
You look down, unable to meet his eyes. You can feel the tears burning at the corners of your eyes, but you blink them back, knowing they won’t make anything better.
Yuji steps forward, his hand reaching out as if to comfort you, but Megumi’s gaze stops him in his tracks. “Don’t,” Megumi snaps. “Just… don’t.”
There’s a long pause, the silence filled with the sound of your own ragged breathing. You want to say something, anything, to make this right, but you know there’s nothing that can.
“I trusted you,” Megumi says quietly, his voice filled with a sadness that cuts deeper than any anger. “I loved you.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, the words tasting bitter on your tongue. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
Megumi shakes his head, a look of profound disappointment on his face. “Sorry doesn’t fix this. Sorry doesn’t undo what you’ve done.”
He turns to leave, and you feel a desperate urge to stop him, to make him understand that it was a mistake, that you didn’t want to hurt him. But the look in his eyes tells you that it’s too late for that.
As he walks out the door, the weight of your actions crashes down on you, leaving you feeling hollow and broken. You look at Yuji, but his presence only serves as a reminder of your betrayal. The room, once filled with warmth and laughter, now feels cold and empty, echoing with the sound of Megumi’s departure and the shattered remains of what you once had.
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The air is charged with a mix of excitement and guilt as you lean in, your lips brushing against Megumi's. The kiss is gentle at first, a tender exchange that quickly deepens with pent-up passion. Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as you lose yourself in the moment.
Just as you're about to pull away, the door swings open with a loud crash. You both jump apart, your heart racing in your chest. Yuji stands in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and betrayal. The sight of him sends a chill down your spine, and you can see the pain etched across his features.
"Yuji..." you begin, but your voice trails off as you struggle to find the right words. The room feels unbearably silent, the weight of your actions hanging heavy in the air.
"What's going on here?" Yuji's voice is barely above a whisper, yet it cuts through you like a knife. His eyes dart between you and Megumi, searching for an explanation that won't come.
Megumi steps forward, his usual calm demeanor replaced by a rare look of vulnerability. "Yuji, we didn't mean for you to find out like this."
Yuji's expression hardens, a mix of hurt and anger flashing in his eyes. "So it's true, then? Todo wasn't lying? You two have been sneaking around behind my back?"
You nod, unable to meet his gaze. "We never wanted to hurt you, Yuji. It just... happened."
"It just happened?" Yuji echoes, his voice rising with each word. "Do you have any idea how that sounds? You were supposed to be my partner. I trusted you both."
The gravity of the situation settles in, and the guilt you've been suppressing comes crashing down. "I'm sorry, Yuji. We didn't want to deceive you. We just didn't know how to tell you."
Yuji takes a step back, running a hand through his hair. "How long has this been going on?"
"About a month," Megumi admits, his voice barely audible. "We never wanted it to come to this. We were planning on telling you, but we didn't know how."
The betrayal in Yuji's eyes is almost too much to bear. "I thought we were a team. I thought we meant something to each other."
"We do, Yuji," you say, desperation creeping into your voice. "We still care about you. This doesn't change that."
"Doesn't change that?" Yuji's laughter is hollow and bitter. "It changes everything. How am I supposed to trust either of you after this?"
Megumi reaches out, but Yuji steps back, avoiding his touch. "Yuji, please. We can work through this."
"Work through this?" Yuji's eyes blaze with anger. "You don't just work through something like this. You shattered my trust. How am I supposed to believe anything you say now?"
The silence that follows is suffocating. You can see the conflict in Yuji's eyes, the struggle between his feelings for you and the pain of your betrayal. Finally, he takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I need some time," he says quietly. "I can't deal with this right now."
Before either of you can respond, Yuji turns and walks out of the apartment, the door closing behind him with a finality that sends a shiver down your spine as you lean into Megumi's embrace.
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gojonanami · 5 hours
Not to be THAT guy.... But...
Imagine an AU where the reader is Satorus wife and they stay home during the whole fight w sukuna, and the stuff with recent manga leaks happens blah blah blah
And Yuta (who is obv in gojo's body) returns home to to break the news, and it's a whole bit of like-
"baby! You're finally home-" but you can tell by some looks in his eyes, by the way he stands, by something just OFF-
"...you're not my husband."
"...I'm sorry."
Anyways that was just my thought I wanted to share with you 🥱
oh my god that would be such a nightmare.
satoru didn’t tell you about Sukuna because he didn’t want you to worry. so when he comes home a few days later, you just expect your husband to be battle weary and safe.
“hi love, are you finally home?” and you’re stepping forward, and you stare, his eyes meeting yours — and you know, “you’re not satoru,” the six eyes may have not known — but you do — the way he carries himself, the way he looks at you, the way he even breathes—
“I’m sorry,” the man says, because it may be his face and body, but that’s not him, “it’s Yuta,”
and you can’t move, rooted to the spot in horror, unable to put the pieces together, and even as he explains, you can watch his lips move but every word is nearly gibberish with your head dunked underwater — you can death, Kenjaku, and copy — and that’s all you need.
“and you’re trapped, in his body—“ he nods, “and you can’t—“ and he shakes his head.
“I have no words that will make this okay, but I did ask his permission before I did—“
“I know you did, Yuta,” and you’re shaking your head, a bitter chuckle on your lips, “Satoru’s gone and all I can think about is how to help you,” you look at your husband’s face — and god, you never realized how much body language can change a person’s appearance — he wasn’t Satoru. He was a stranger, “because that’s what he would have wanted.”
yuta swallows thickly, “I have access to his memories from this technique,” he bite his lip, a sigh lodged in his throat, “and his last was of you.”
and you smile at your husband’s face, “of course it was.”
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noturlondonboy · 1 day
Wanda: *opens the door late at night after hearing a knock* Kate? What are you doing here?
Kate: heyyyyy uh- can I stay the night?
Wanda: of course, always. Did something happen with Yelena?
Kate: *grumbles and flops down on the couch* yeah you could say that
Wanda: do you wanna talk about it?
Kate: *sighs* promise you won’t make fun of me?
Natasha, from the top of the stairs: As you sisters in law you know we can’t do that
Kate: ok fair enough.
Kate: so you know how I told you guys I used to write fanfiction a lot? Specifically like… *winces* Avengers fanfic?
Wanda: *suspiciously* yeah?
Kate: well I sorta started writing again recently cuz I was bored
Natasha: I’m intrigued
Kate: …and Yelena found it
Wanda: don’t tell me you were writing fanfiction about your wife
Kate: *buries her head in her hands and groans* I wrote fucking fanfiction about my own fucking wife
Natasha: yikes, Katie, that’s rough
Wanda: how’d she take it?
Kate: that’s the thing, I don’t even know! I bolted as soon as I saw her reading it!
Natasha, immediately dialing Yelena’s number: okay well now we have to find out
Kate: Nat please no she’ll know I’m here what if she wants to kill me
Yelena: *picks up* Tasha, is my wife at your house?
Natasha: you’re quick- yeah she is
Yelena: great, please tell her to get her ass back home
Wanda: yikes, that doesn’t sound good
Kate: yeah no shit
Natasha: *laughs nervously* will she be in one piece when I see her next?
Yelena: I think she should be more worried about me breaking our bed than breaking her. But I’m always open to that too if she wants.
Natasha and Wanda: *both turn to Kate with raised eyebrows*
Kate, with her face in her hands: Don’t even look at me. I’m so fucked.
Yelena, laughing: yes you are detka
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 days
Celebrity Crush
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: You have what some might consider to be an odd celebrity crush. Until you meet him in real life, that is. | 1.1k+ words of fluff!
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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As you twirl your straw in your drink, you tune out the conversation of your friends. The message to get ready had come last minute, with only a few minutes to prepare for an outing before your best friend arrived to pick you up. You had been watching a true-crime documentary when the message came through, and rather than listen to your friends discuss their weekend plans, you think about the case in the show. Or, more specifically, one of the officers who worked the case.
“Hello,” one of your friends calls.
She draws the word out and waves a hand in front of your face, which you bat away when your attention returns to the restaurant and the people around you.
“Sorry,” you apologize. “What are we talking about?”
“Celebrity crushes!” she cheers. “Mine is Tom Cruise.”
“Gross! He’s old enough to be your dad,” another girl comments.
“And he can pay for everything like my dad, too.”
“Can we move on?” someone interrupts. “Who’s yours?”
“Mine?” you clarify, pointing at yourself. “Oh, uh, you probably haven’t heard of him.”
“C’mon, spill!” they encourage.
You shake your head, and the friend closest to you repeats, “Who’s your celebrity crush?”
“Tim Bradford,” you answer softly.
“He’s a cop, and he’s been in some documentaries. Like the ones with Corey Harris and Aaron Thorsen. Plus, a new one with doppelgangers,” you explain.
“So, he’s a cop, not a celebrity,” your best friend argues.
“He’s been on TV! More than once,” you point out.
“Girl, you know I love you, but that’s more of a ‘hear me out’ than a celebrity crush.”
You shake your head and sit back in your seat. The sooner you get home to finish the documentary, the better.
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The next day, after you’ve finished the newest documentary and your crush on Tim Bradford has strengthened, you find yourself out shopping with your friends. Thankfully, they’ve moved on from the celebrity crush comment. While you’re in the third store of the day, you wait in the dressing rooms to rate your best friends’ choices while the other girls shop.
An employee approaches you with a nervous smile and asks if anyone else is in the fitting area.
“Yes, one of my friends is trying something on. Is everything okay?” you answer.
“Oh, of course. I don’t want to alarm you, but we’ve locked the doors because there are some suspicious characters in the area. The police are on the way, so everything will be under control soon.”
“Thanks for letting me know,” you say.
She sighs in relief that you were kind about the ordeal, then walks away to alert other customers. You look toward the large windows on the storefront but don’t see anything happening in the parking lot.
A few minutes later, after your friends have purchased their items and are waiting to leave, two police officers walk to the locked door and knock on it. The employee you spoke to earlier rushes to let them in and obeys when the male officer instructs her to lock the door again.
“Ladies, we’re with the LAPD,” the shorter man says. “Our colleagues are outside handling the situation as we speak. However, we need your help; if you’ve noticed anything out of the ordinary today, please meet me at the counter and we’ll fill out a report.”
The employees follow him to the counter, and you realize that he is in the documentaries you’ve been watching. As you turn to look outside again, you see the other officer.
“Are you Sergeant Tim Bradford?” you ask.
“Yes, ma’am,” he answers. “Can I help you with something?”
“Oh, no, I just watched the documentaries you were in and thought it was you. Your insight was informative; I liked listening to your side of the case.”
He smiles kindly and says, “I’m glad.”
You nod, then step back and look around the store. Unsure how much longer you’ll have to wait, you take a moment to look at the merchandise. You usually tag along on shopping trips but don’t buy anything. Your friends have different tastes than you, and an easier time buying things for themselves. One item catches your eye, and you run your finger over it. They have your preferred size, and you tap it a few times before you look away again.
Unknown to you, Tim watches you. He’s seen people come up to Aaron, Lucy, and even Nolan, and claim to have seen them on television. Those encounters usually end with someone asking for a picture, an autograph, and, once, to get their cousin released early. This is the first time he’s heard a genuine compliment, and he’s happy to have been the one you chose to give it to.
“Officer Bradford?” his partner calls. “A word?”
You smile at Tim when you look toward him, and with his eyes already on you, he notices immediately. He dips his chin as he walks past you, and you walk across the room to your friends.
“Wait, is that your celebrity crush?” your best friend whispers. “You didn’t say he was like… Abercrombie model hot!”
You shrug, and she turns to your other friends to talk about how attractive the officers are. Your gaze wanders back to the only thing in the store you’d ever consider buying, but you shake your head and look at Tim Bradford instead.
“The situation has been handled and the area is safe now. You’re free to go,” he announces. “Thank you for your help.”
Your friends rush out, eager to get to another store, but you walk toward the door at a normal pace. Tim and his partner are walking out too, and you hold the door for them.
“Go ahead,” Tim tells his partner. “Thanks,” he says to you.
He stops beside you, and you let the door close. After a glance over his shoulder, Tim passes you a bag.
“What is this?” you inquire.
“A thank you.”
“Being nice. Plus, you didn’t ogle me like your friends.”
You chuckle and smile as you argue, “You’ve got to be used to that.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
You peek in the bag and see the item you were looking at. “I can’t accept this.”
“The ladies inside told me I had to take something for keeping them safe.”
“And you got me something?” Tim smiles, and you shake your head. “Thank you.”
“If you’d really like to thank me or hear more about those cases you seem to like so much, maybe we could meet for dinner sometime.”
“I would love that.”
“Great. I have to go, but… give me a call.”
You watch him leave, then realize that he didn’t give you his number. As you walk away, you pull the receipt from the bag. But it isn’t a receipt. It’s a piece of paper with his name and number. Under that, he wrote, I never wanted to be a celebrity crush before today.
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hhughes · 1 day
♯ 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 ◞ 𝑸𝑯⁴³
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⤫ fem!norris!sister x quinn hughes
✰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⤫ in which Josh's little sister goes to the Hughes Lake house with him, where two years ago Quinn and her had a one night stand.
✰ 𝐜𝐰 ⤫ slight smut?🫣 allusions to sex, some touching...no actual sex
✰ 𝐚/𝐧 ⤫ this was a fun pairing I wanted to try, as always let me know what you think <3
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You sigh in relief when the car finally pulls into the driveway of the lakehouse. It wasn’t that long of a trip but it was extremely hot and you didn’t want to be stuffed in the car longer than you needed to. A small smile forms on your face as you set your eyes on the familiar house. You hadn’t been here the last two years but when Josh heard you didn’t have any plans this summer, he insisted you come along.
“I’m gonna unload our stuff, mind going inside and getting Quinn to come help me…” your brother says and you agree.
As soon as you walk into the house you’re met with various forms of greetings.
“Little Josh!” says Trevor
“The prodigal daughter returns,” from Jack
“Welcome home,” says Cole
“Look who it is, the little traitor herself,” Quinn says and that’s the only greeting you reply to.
“You’re still calling me that?”
“Are you still going to Ohio State?” he replies
“No actually, I just graduated, remember?” you ask knowing the answer. Quinn had sent you flowers as congratulations, so of course he remembers.
“That’s even worse, graduating from there. Actually I don’t know if I can allow you to stay here anymore,” he says and you hit him on the arm as he laughs. Quinn didn’t smile often, so each time he laughed at something you said or did, you got this proud little feeling in your gut. You earned that smile.
He pulls you into his chest, squeezing tight, and your eyes close as you inhale his familiar scent. Jack, Trevor and Cole all exchange awkward glances when a solid two minutes goes by and you guys are still hugging.
“Are we all getting hugs, or are those reserved for huggy bear only?” Trevor teases and you and Quinn break apart from your hug, his hands lingering on your waist as you move to pull the other guys into much shorter hugs.
“Where’s Luke?” you ask, noting his absence.
"We sent him, Dylan and Tyler to the store," Quinn says
"You trusted them to get everything you needed?" you ask amused
"It's better than sending those three," Quinn says referring to Jack, Trevor and Cole, who all look very offended and you laugh.
"Thanks for sending Quinn out to help me," Josh says dryly, walking in with 4 bags in his hands, and you wince.
"Sorry, I got distracted," you reply apologetically.
"You know where your room is, give me her bags and I'll take them to hers," Quinn says to Josh who hands him your bags.
You follow Quinn up the stairs, and linger awkwardly by the entrance of the room. Your gaze lands on the bed and instantly flashbacks appear of when you were last in this room.
"God, you feel so fucking good."
"Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you."
"Don't close your eyes. Look at me."
Your cheeks heat up and you swallow thickly before looking back at Quinn who just gives you a little smirk, knowing that you're also thinking about that night. The next morning you both agreed to forget it ever happened, but it was the best sex you've ever had and you'd be lying if you said you haven't thought about it constantly over the past 2 years.
"What?" You ask when you find him staring at you.
"I just didn't realise how much I missed you." he says
"I missed you too,"
"You wouldn't have had to miss me if you hadn't been avoiding me for two years," he says
"I haven't been avoiding you, I was just busy," you argue
"Either way, I'm glad you're here," he says and lays a kiss on your head before exiting the room.
You take a deep breath before laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. You had hoped that your crush on your brother's best friend would have faded at least a little by now, but it's still the same, if not worse.
A few days later you and the guys were out on the boat. Quinn was steering while the rest of the guys were wake surfing.
You could feel Quinn's eyes on you as you spoke to Tyler.
"I'm so glad you're here, I would've actually feared for my life if I was here alone with all these Michigan guys," you say and Tyler chuckles with a little wince.
"Yeah…I transferred to Michigan, remember?" he asks
"Oh my God…I totally forgot. Now I wish I had gone to Michigan instead,"you say bummed that everyone had gone there except you. Well and Jack, Trevor and Cole but it's not like you were trying to follow in their footsteps.
"I was so heartbroken that you graduated, I needed a change of scenery, you know?" Tyler says with a little grin and you shake your head. He was such a shameless flirt.
"I for one am glad you didn't go to Michigan," Tyler says
"Why's that?" you ask
"Cause red is definitely your colour," he says, dragging his gaze up and down your body that is clad in a red bikini.
"Tyler, you're up!" Quinn barks at him and walks over, handing you his hoodie.
"Thanks" you say, putting it on and he just nods.
That night you were laying in bed, unable to sleep, when the bedroom door opened.
"Quinn? What are you doing here?" you ask
"I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about…tell me you didn't sleep with him." Quinn says a little erratically and you stand up to make your way over to him, clad in only a T Shirt, his shirt, and panties.
"Sleep with who?" you ask confused
"Tyler" he grits out
"What? No, of course not," you say appalled that he would even think that, and he lets out a relieved sigh.
"Are you jealous?" you ask a little amused and Quinn glares at you.
"It's not funny," Quinn says and your eyes widen slightly.
"You are jealous. You have no reason to be jealous, Quinn. I'm not yours, and we're not together." you say and his jaw clenches.
He steps closer, lifting the hem of your shirt and putting one hand on your bare waist, pulling you closer to him. The other hand delves into your hair, tipping your head back as Quinn lowers his mouth to yours, lightly dragging his lips over yours in a whisper of a kiss before moving down laying open mouth kisses on your neck. You shudder when he sucks on a particular sensitive spot, knowing it will leave a mark.
"Quinn," you gasp
"No one else can make you feel like this and no one else touches you like I do. We may not be together but we both know you're mine." he says and moves the hand on your waist upwards to cup your breast, lightly running his thumb over your nipple, hardening it and you whimper.
"Please," you say and he smirks
"Please what?"
"Please touch me," you beg
"You have to say it first baby," he says and you whine knowing what he wants.
"I'm yours, all yours, only yours. Now please touch me," you say
Quinn takes off his clothes, leaving him in only his boxers before removing your shirt, picking you up and carrying you to the bed, gently laying you down.
"You have to be quiet, okay? As much as I'd love for Tyler to hear how good I make you feel, we don't want Josh to hear…right?" Quinn asks laying kisses from your breasts down to your stomach and you nod.
"Words baby," he says
"I'll be quiet," you say and he smiles
"Good girl," he says.
The next morning you leave Quinn in your bed, and make your way downstairs to the kitchen, where you find Jack, Luke and Trevor sitting at the counter, whispering quietly.
"Morning," you say
"Morning," Jack replies
"Sleep well?" Luke asks with a little smile.
"Yeah, I slept great,"
"I bet you did," Trevor says with a smirk but before you can ask Quinn enters the room.
"How did you sleep Quinn?" Trevor asks
"I slept great, better than I have in a while," he says looking at you.
Trevor, Jack and Luke all exchange amused looks. Maybe you weren't as quiet as you thought last night
Before you can interrogate them, Josh enters the room, grumbling a "good morning" and making his way to the coffee machine.
"What the fuck is that?" Josh yells, striding over to you and moving your hair to the side, bending your neck in an awkward position, inspecting the hickey on your neck.
"Ow! Josh!" you exclaim swatting his hands away,
"Which one of you fuckers did it? Trevor?" Josh asks threateningly and Trevor holds his hands up.
"It wasn't me I swear. I mean I wish it was, but it wasn't." he says and both Quinn and Josh glare at him.
"Tyler!" Josh yells, running up the stairs to Tyler's room, making the same assumption Quinn almost did yesterday,
"Are you guys gonna come clean or are you gonna let him kill Tyler?" Luke asks
"Nah, we'll wait a little." Quinn says and you smile, knowing it's Quinn's way of making Tyler pay for flirting with you yesterday.
"Wanna go get breakfast?" You ask Quinn, not wanting to be here when Josh eventually connects the dots.
"Absolutely," Quinn says, grabbing the keys.
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jay7543 · 1 day
Womp, womp! I'm back! (🥩anon) I didn't realize that you have respond to my suggest or request (wtv) until I realized that I accidentally anonymous myself ‼️
Anyway, I have been thinking about this for a while. Ghost with a male or ftm reader who has a body that is feminine than a female has(no offend to female)
Oh, btw, you up for Ghost x M!P★! Reader part two 😏(/hj). Anyway that's all! See ya <3
— 🥩 (can be ignored if wanted)
Ghost falls for a femboy
Thank you for your request, you’re giving me a lot of free rain so I appreciate it, and yeah I’ll for sure make a part 2 to that at some point, I’m happy you enjoyed it.
Anyone who sees this, feel free to make a request
Ps. I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve not had as much motivation recently, but I’m here and I have a few ideas!!!!
Ghost has been striking out a lot lately, ever since he got out of the 141 he’s been looking for someone to settle down with…and maybe fuck the brains out of, but he just can’t. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t really been in a relationship since he was a teen, or because he’s just so damn scary. He’s went up to so many girls and they always look terrified, it doesn’t help that he stumbles over his words or just stares at them. He just wants to love someone and empty his balls into them, is that too much to ask?
It was another night at the pub, just staring at girls, almost looking like a creep, he’s not but…he just looks like it. That’s when he spots you, sitting at the bar sipping on some bright red fruity drink. You were….perfect to say the least, small, petite, long hair, soft face, and an ass so big it’s barely covered by the skirt you have on, in fact your panties stick out the bottom, and is that….a bulge? No it can’t be. He finally decides to come up to you.
Ghost-“h-hey love, I couldn’t help but notice you sitting alone”
You look him up and down, taking note of his stature, muscular physique, and scary yet sexy mask. You smile softly
Reader-“hey, yeah, came here alone. It’s my first time in a bar for a while”
Ghost nods softly while thinking of what else to say
Ghost-“can I get you a drink?”
You nod and order a fruity drink
Ghost-“so, you ask you’re here alone. What’s a girl as pretty as you doing alone?”
He gains a bit of confidence in his speech after seeing how receptive you are. You chuckle
Reader-“well, hate to burst your bubble, I’m a guy”
Ghosts eyes widen as he’s at a loss for words, that was a bulge he saw, a plethora of confusion feelings in his mind, is he really into a guy? Does he really wanna fuck a guy!? He turns back to you
Ghost-“I-that’s fine, I’m ok with that”
You look at him surprised
Reader-“really? Most people aren’t”
Ghost-“well, I’m ok with it”
He gives you a smile before remembering he’s wearing a mask and feels stupid. You look back up at him and smirk
Reader-“well big guy, I think we can talk then”
You stand up off the stool you were sitting on, taking ghosts hand.
Ghost-“can I-can I take you home love?”
You chuckle and roll your eyes
Reader-“of course, what did you think was happening”
Ghost takes your hand nervously and helps you off the chair
Reader-“I won’t bite, not yet at least”
That draws out a nice laugh from ghost, who leads you too his car, he help you in his big jeep, because of course he has a jeep. Then he gets in the drivers side.
Reader-“so, what do you do for work?”
Ghost puts the car in drive and starts driving to his place.
Ghost-“well, I just got out of the military actually, retired”
You let a a chuckle and a nod
Reader-“really? Guess that explains the mask. You must be a big strong boy, with a big strong cock”
You lick your lips and reach into his lap, feeling his steadily growing bulge. He gains a bit of confidence
Ghost-“yeah well, I’m a bit out of practice, but I am pretty big”
You chuckle
You guys sit in silence for a few minutes, your hand on his throbbing hard bulge and him letting out soft grunts as he drives. Soon you arrive at his house, he gets out and goes to your door and picks you up, not wasting a second
Reader-“someone’s eager”
Ghost-“sorry it’s just…..it’s been a long time”
He carries you inside with you grinning ear to ear as you look up at him. He closes the door behind you two before laying you down on the couch
Ghost-“do-do you need anything or….”
You chuckle
Reader-“no I don’t need anything, we can get right to it”
You strip your clothes off, which wasn’t really much to begin with but you take it off nonetheless. Your body is smooth and hairless, your frame slender and petite, and your cock small and cute. Ghost stares in awe
Ghost-“you-you’re beautiful”
His bulge fills his pants even more as he starts to strip as well. His chest toned and firm, his body fairly hairy, and his cock, long and thick, just how you like it. Weirdly he did keep his mask on though, whatever. You gesture him over
Reader-“well are you just gonna stand there?”
You chuckle and ghost rushes over, taking your and his cock into his hand and rubbing them together, pulling some soft feminine moans from you and some deep grunts from him
Ghost-“this-this is my first time with a guy….but this is bloody great”
He grunts and keeps rubbing his hard cock against yours, some pre cum leaking out already. Then you reach down and wrap your hand around his, both of you now stroking each other. You look into his eyes
Reader-“I’m glad you like it. I do to”
You smirk and move your other hand down and pop out the butt plug you had in just for an occasion like this, already pre lubed and ready.
Reader-“you can put it right in”
You smile and look at him. He lets out a soft gasp and pulls away before lining up his cock with your asshole, prodding the entrance and making his tip slick.
Ghost-“I-I’m putting it in”
He says as he slides his cock into you, spreading your hole open, feeling his cock move inch by inch into you. He feels your wet, warm insides cling to his shaft as he goes deeper before he starts to thrust, they’re inconsistent and clearly inexperienced but it still feels amazing for both of you, you letting our girly moans and him grunting and growling as his cock moves in and out.
Reader-“fuck you-you’re doing really good”
You stammer out through moans and your asshole clings to his cock. Your own cock bouncing back and forth as it leaks all over the both of you. He leans over you and whispers
Ghost-“this-this is so good, it feels amazing. I-fuck I think I love this”
He grunts and keeps thrusting, clearly getting close
Reader-“well big guy, you can have it whenever”
You smirk and moan as he hits your deepest part, causing cum to leak out of your cock as it bounces back and forth. He grips you hard and grunts
Ghost-“I’m cumming”
He squeezes your thighs to the point it hurts but you don’t even care because his hot, sticky cum filling your ass is the best feeling ever. He collapses on top of you
You chuckle
Reader-“good job, that was really good”
You say through pants while you catch your breath
Reader-“now, gonna get me some water or just gonna lay on top of me”
Ghost-“oh y-yeah”
He heat up and stammers off to get you a glass of water, you watch as his bare ass bounces with every step
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tipofthemountain · 2 days
i just wanted you
the original post!
tags: simon “ghost” riley x gn! reader, lots (and i mean lots) of angst, cursing, let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.27k
summary: It’s not always easy being with someone who never lets you in side their head.
a/n: this is the alternative ending to i just want you! i actually like this version better teehee. you don’t have to read the original! this can be read as a stand-alone! if you want however, you can read the original to spot the changes! happy reading!
It always seems to rain in movies when something sad happens. It applies to the situation at hand right now.
You and Simon had been together officially for a few months now. After months of ‘i just don’t think it’s time’ or ‘i’m not the relationship type’ Simon finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course it was rocky, a story with a sad beginning always ends with a sad ending. You thought it would all eventually work out though. Simon would open up to you about everything he’s been through. He would talk to you about something, anything you didn’t care. The only things you do know are the things his friends have only slightly hinted at.
So when Simon came home in a complete shut off mood (again) it set something off in you. You’ve had enough.
“I can’t do this.” You whisper just enough for him to hear. Simons head moves toward your direction. Your back is turned to him as you stand in the kitchen. He’s sitting with a cup of water in his hands at the dining table.
“What?” Simon asks. His eyes bore into the back of your head almost like he’s trying to telepathically get you to look at him.
With a single tear running down your face you rest one of your hands on your hip. You look up to the ceiling with a sigh escaping your lips.
“You… this… us. I can’t do the whole you shutting me out at every chance you get.” You finally turn to Simon looking into his light eyes.
He’s standing there looking down at you with an unreadable expression. He’s silent and doesn’t say anything for a minute and neither do you. You wait for what feels like hours for him to say something but he simply doesn’t. So you walk away into the living. A few more tears slip from your eyes but your face doesn’t change expression. You aren’t sad you’re more angry than anything.
Simon follows you but keeps his distance. You hear him let out a sigh before finally saying something.
“I can’t lose you.” He says but that only makes you chuckle.
“You can’t lose me? That’s all you have to say?” You turn towards him laughing except there is no joke.
“I’m sorry. This is who I am.” He says walking toward you but you put your hand out to stop him from getting close.
“It doesn’t have to be. You could just talk to me when you come over instead of just shutting me out.” You sigh rubbing your temple and taking a seat on your couch.
Simon takes a seat beside you but still at a distance. His hands clasp in his lap and you look at him through your peripherals.
“I don’t know how to talk about these things. I never learned how. It’s been the one thing I’ve struggled with my entire life.” Simon lets out. He’s twirling his fingers together awkwardly waiting for you to say something.
“I just want to know how your day is when you come over. I want to know your favorite color. I want to know how your friends are doing. I want to know you Simon.” You say looking back into his eyes. You can see his eyes are slightly more wet than usual.
“I-“ Simon begins to say but stops himself. This only makes you more angry. You stand up in front of him and throw your hands up in exhaustion.
“I’m ruining myself trying to be there for you. I’m standing right fucking here begging for you to just let me in to your life but you won’t let me!” Your voice becoming louder than you wanted it to. The anger finally bubbling to the surface. You’ve had enough.
“I don’t know what I’m doing! I’ve never felt this way before. Not with anyone ever. I’m scared you’ll leave just like everyone else!” Simon stands above you yelling back just not as loud as you. His thick accent shining through with every word he threw out.
“I’m don’t want to go anywhere! But you are making it so hard to want to stay! I don’t care about anything except for you. I just want you!” Your eyes begin to betray you. A waterfall of tears cascades down your face as Simon moves to hold you. You shove him away. He doesn’t make an effort to try again which only makes you disappointed for a reason you don’t understand.
You walk away from him with a scoff back to the kitchen. You stand at the sink that’s full of dirty dishes from the meal you shared earlier. You wipe the tears from your face as you hear Simon walk in behind you.
“Tell me what to do. Tell me how to make this better.” Simon says in a low hushed tone. You turn to face him with his unreadable expressions as always. A skill you know your never going to learn. His arms hang beside his torso so sadly it almost makes you want to apologize but you know better. You can’t keep living like this.
“There is no ‘making this better’ Simon. You did this… you’ve ruined what could have been.” You talk calmly compared to your earlier demeanor. It’s almost pathetic the way Simons standing. He’s defeated. He knows what he did and now he’s facing the consequences.
“Please.” He begs. He wonders over to you but you put a hand out to stop him. Your hand on his chest as he looks down at you. Your eyes are swelled with tears begging to fall but you hold your composure. You push him away again. You know you would never normally have to strength to do this. You know he’s walking himself backwards to give you the space you beg for.
“It’s over Simon. We’re over.” You walk away again to the front door of your house. You stand there as Simon meets you at the door. He gives you one last look as you watch him grab his coat and then the door handle. He stops and turns to you with that same unreadable expression.
“Im sorry. Im sorry I couldn’t be what you deserve. Im sorry I stayed silent instead of giving you answers to things you’ve wondered for nearly a year. I’m sorry you felt you had to stay. Im sorry for keeping you out. I’m sorry I couldn’t be better. I’m sorry I couldn’t be who you needed me to be.” Simon looks deeply into your eyes. His words catching young surprise but the damage has been done. Your heart is broken and no amount of apologies could fix that. You stay silent with teary eyes. Simons hand still in the door knob as he waits for you to say something.
There is no fixing the many months of silence and the future of this love is over. Maybe he could have opened up but that’s not who he is. Maybe he would have tried that to be better. It’s all you wanted him to do but you can’t always fix something that broken.
“I just wanted you.” You finally say. Simon takes the hint of your words realizing this really is the end. He twist the door knob and walks out your home. Out of your life. As soon as you hear the click of the door closing the silence takes over your now empty estate. This silence being sad. The only sound that can be heard is the heavy fall of the rain outside. The silence gets to you faster than you want it to. You collapse to floor with heavy tears cascading down your face and onto your floor.
There is no happy ending for this sad beginning.
final thoughts: this is like a few hundred words shorter but i genuinely love this version sooooo much better. i wrote the original from a situation i had been in personally except my version ended up more like this. obviously its not exactly how mine happened but it’s pretty accurate. finally getting rid of that person in your life that was just absolutely draining everything from you is so freeing. in the moment losing the person you thought was the love of your life is genuinely soul crushing, but time genuinely does heal you. You’ll come to find out that that person was absolutely the worst choice you could have made and the best choice was kicking them the fuck out of your life. I’m yapping over here but i genuinely hope you loved the story :’).
Love ya! Thanks for reading!
also as i’m rereading this to post it… it’s definitely giving off the 1 vibes.
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queercontrarian · 3 days
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Azris Week 2024: Contact
Azriel and Eris are not quite as overt in showing their affection as Azriel's family is. You might not even know it's there... unless you know where to look.
this summary is shit also let's all just pretend i posted this on the right day okay? thank you
“I’m getting old,” Cassian groans, letting his heavy body drop onto the bench with a crack that doesn’t bode well for the structure of the piece. After all, the birchin is almost as old as Cassian is now. 
“Must be the constant losing because I feel great,” Azriel lies through his teeth as he sits, much more careful than his brother to not damage the old furniture more. He does feel great; winning always feels good, especially when it’s their traditional snowball fight and even more so when it’s his fourth year in a row. Still, he too can feel the years bearing on his bones and joints, especially now that he doesn’t spend nearly as much time training his body as he used to when he was still Spymaster of the Night Court.
“The only reason you can keep up your winning streak is because you don’t have any children to run after,” Rhys complains, stretching his leg out in front of him to gently massage his knee. ”You have no idea what real tiredness is until you’ve chased a nearly eighteen year old across all seven Courts trying to keep him from causing the whole continent to blow up.”
Azriel snorts. “Actually, I do know a thing or two about how that feels.”
“Oh fuck you, I was never that bad,” Rhys replies, but it has no real bite. He leans back and closes his eyes. Azriel shrugs, which Rhys can’t see now but might just feel through some brotherly intuition or simply the fact that they’ve known each other for nearly their entire lives.
“And anyways, it can’t be that hard,” Azriel adds, “You love your children, that’s why you had them. That’s why you continue to have them.” He shoots a pointed look at Cassian. He and Nesta just welcomed another two children into their home: twins, no more than ten years old, both from the far islands which crown the north of Illyria. That makes for five kids that his friends have adopted so far. Luckily, the House of Wind has enough room for all the youths they invite to join their family, and Nyx and Jasmin both go nearly green with envy since Noura is the only cousin with siblings. That is, until Elain gives birth again, which won’t be for a couple months now.
“True that,” Cassian mumbles, eloquent as ever as he too leans back against the wall. “Why don’t you have children anyway?” 
Azriel just stares at him, trying to decipher what it is his brother is really asking. It's not exactly like having a child is something that could just happen to him and Eris like it did for Rhys and Feyre. He knows of course that Eris will be expected to produce an heir some day, but it’s been barely fifteen years since he became High Lord. They still have time, time to figure out how they will construct this future family of theirs, time to be a family of just two. Azriel isn’t ready to share his husband with another soul yet when he already shares him with an entire Court, but that feels like too earnest of a thing to say here and now. It’s not that he thinks his brothers wouldn’t understand, he just doesn’t want to bring it up yet.
“It’s not like we don’t try,” he says finally with a sideways grin on his face, waiting for Cassian to look at him again. “We try so hard, you know, every night, but it just doesn't seem to be happening for us.” Cassian cackles and then coughs as he breathes in the hot air of the birchin, enriched with a thousand healing herbs - at least that’s what it smells like. 
“I’m sure you do,” he rasps through coughing and Rhysand smirks too, though Azriel doesn’t know if it is at the joke he made or Cassian’s face, which has taken on the color of pickled beetroot. 
“You’d never know,” he says, and Azriel just gives a noncommittal hum.
“Right?” Cassian agrees, his voice still rough though he’s stopped coughing for now. “I mean, you’d never know if you just saw you guys.” 
Azriel frowns. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Just, you know. You don't really act like a couple. I mean, compare that to me and Nesta or Rhys and Feyre; they’re all over each other.” 
Azriel has half the mind to turn his back to them to show them the clear proof that Eris, too, is all over him more often than not, and likes to leave his mark, thank you very much, but that feels childish. The truth is they don’t act like the other couples in the Inner Circle. That doesn’t mean they love each other any less.
“What, just because we don’t fondle each other in the presence of others?” Azriel responds, unable to suppress the slight defensiveness, his inner walls shutting down almost automatically. He knows his brothers mean no harm, but it still feels like a challenge. Eris and him are just much more private people than his brothers and their partners.
“Yeah but there’s private and then there’s whatever you guys have,” Rhys voices his opinion from the bench across the room. Azriel barely has time to admonish him for reading his mind without asking - which is something he promised he wouldn’t do anymore when Azriel became Lord Consort of Autumn, but old habits seem to be hard to break - when Cassian adds, “It’s not like it’s bad or anything. It’s just different from what we’re used to.”
“I suppose,” Azriel says. He’s not trying to spend the limited time he and his brothers have nowadays bickering - even though they are of course dead wrong…
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
There is no way they will be able to talk to all these people tonight but Eris seems to be hellbent on trying, and if the High Lord is convinced of something it is harder to change his mind than to go along with it. Azriel has always been the type to choose the path of least resistance. Eris's hand is firm on his back as he leads him through the crowd of fae gathered in the throne room. He can feel Eris’s heartbeat, reverberating through their bond. It rarely feels stronger than when they are next to each other.
He’s been standing on the balcony for a while when Eris finally joins him. His wings are practically being baked in the hot sun of the Day Court but it’s still bearable. Better than being inside anyways.
“Taking a break, are we?” Eris says with a smile. Azriel just rolls his eyes.
“Didn’t really want to stick around to watch my family stick their tongues down their partners’ throats,” he grunts, and Eris laughs.
“The topics of conversations have changed quite drastically since this morning,” he admits, and that’s putting it lightly. The official visit that had been scheduled for diplomacy reasons has been derailed entirely. Now it seems more like they were only moments away from an orgy taking over the room.
“Just… stay with me for a little while,” Azriel asks, with more vulnerability in his voice than he would usually allow himself. It’s hot, he’s tired, he feels a little overwhelmed. He shifts slightly to his left so Eris can lean against the railing next to him. Their arms brush against each other and Eris reaches for his hand, locks their fingers together. 
They watch from the sidelines as the courtiers inside bicker and flirt and debate and disappear off into their own little corners away from prying eyes until Helion finally calls them to order (“So unlike him,” Azriel mutters and Eris grins). 
Minutes turn into an hour and the afternoon sun sinks further into a beautiful sunset. Finally Eris separates himself from the railing and makes a step back towards the hall. He turns to look at Azriel, their hands still joined between them.
“Ready to go back in there, Shadowsinger?” 
Azriel raises their hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Eris’s hand.
Azriel never thought listening to two brothers argue could be calming, but with Sasha and Bas bickering on the couch opposite him he feels like he could fall asleep at any moment. Then again maybe it’s not the heated discussion about grain import but the friendly fire that the Lady Vanserra had lit in the family’s private drawing room, the dog snoring at his feet, the sound of the wind outside the stained glass windows. Maybe it’s Eris’s hand, curled at the back of his neck, playing absentmindedly with his hair.
Azriel sighs and leans in closer, Eris’s low chuckle a familiar and comforting melody in his ear.
People have slowly been filing out of the great ballroom for the past two hours. Personally, Azriel is elated. He does not mind balls, in fact there are two very good arguments why he should enjoy them a lot more than he does - those arguments being that usually, he gets to see his half of the family, and he gets to see Eris even more dressed up than he is on the day to day. Still, he likely won’t ever get used to being the host, and he is very glad that at least for now it is over. There is only one more breakfast to get through tomorrow before the last of their guests leave and he will only have to share his husband with one Court instead of all seven of them. 
“There you are.” Speak of the devil. “Ready for this to end?” Eris’s smile is slightly lopsided, and the way he holds his shoulders betrays his exhaustion, but he looks happy and it instantly lifts Azriel’s mood as well. When he turns to fully face his husband he can’t help but reach out to smooth down the spangles on his coat, which still looks practically impeccable. He knows it would bother Eris though, if he noticed it. 
The male places his hand over Azriel’s own and pulls him closer by his arm until they are standing only a few inches apart. 
“Dance with me,” Eris says, the look in his eyes so earnest that it feels impossible to deny him anything.
“Here?” Azriel asks weakly, his resolve already crumbling before he can even try to say no.
“Yes. Here, now.” 
There’s barely anyone in the hall now anyway, and even if there were a thousand guests still around them it wouldn’t matter; all Azriel can see is Eris.
Azriel feels like they've been sitting here for hours, listening to Helion drone on and on about regulations in the creation of new subsections of the principal disciplines of magic. Eris at least manages to pretend to show interest, but Azriel is pretty sure that it's very evident on his face that he wants nothing more than to take another break from this meeting, or better yet, leave it be for today and return back to their room. 
He is distracted again when Eris moves his hand to rest between them on the narrow wooden armrest of his throne. He watches, mesmerized by the way his husband's many rings glint in the sunlight as he begins tapping his fingers against the armrest.
Tap tap tap. A signal?
Azriel glances up at Eris, who is still following the debate that has now started between Helion and Kallias, but his expression is a bit too fixed to be natural.
Tap tap, Eris's pointer finger sounds softly against the wood. Slowly, Azriel places his own hand next to Eris's, eyes tracking every movement his husband makes, watching as his mate extends his pinky finger until it rests against Azriel's own scarred hands. Slowly, so slowly, their fingers entwine, Eris’s rings scraping against his skin. When Azriel looks up, Eris is still staring straight ahead, a slight smile on his lips.
The House of Wind is as crowded as ever on Starfall, but Azriel can barely hear his family cheering for the spirits as they travel across the sky, nor can he hear the music or the noise of the party. He’s too wrapped up in his mate, standing as close to him as he possibly can to take in his warmth, his scent, his quiet words even as the world around them seems to get only louder.
Under the light of a thousand stars, of spirits and candles and magic sparks Azriel leans in closer to wrap his arms around his mate just as Eris turns to kiss him.
Eris doesn’t say a word when Azriel slumps onto the couch next to him. He only moves his leg a little so he can fit comfortably, shifting his book from one hand to the other. Azriel sighs, his head rolling back as his muscles slowly relax from the long day. Eris’s thigh is leaned against his, with no pressure but a warm, comforting presence that makes him melt deeper into the couch. 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The trip from Night to Autumn is an arduous one, even more taxing in the winter months when it's cold and wet and generally unpleasant to be flying in the Solar Courts. He wants nothing more now than to simply curl up here with Eris, not talking, not moving, just listening to the rain patter outside their window, the fire crackling and the sound of Eris’s breathing. He sighs, his shoulders slowly relaxing as he lets the day pass by again in memory, from the early morning snowball fight to Solstice dinner, which had dragged on forever. He loves and misses his family, even more so now that they live so far apart, but his longing for Eris, for home, always wins out. 
Azriel stretches his tired body out across the whole sofa with a sigh, feet hanging off one end as he reaches for one of the pillows to rest his head in Eris’s lap. Eris helps him maneuver his wings into a more comfortable position and Azriel can hardly hide his groan of relief when all the weight is finally taken off of his back and he can feel fully at ease. Eris’s fingers get tangled in his hair as he starts to gently massage the back of his neck and his head with one hand and Azriel can feel his mate’s pulse against his ear, on his lips, across the bond, like the steady beat of his own heart.
“How was your trip?” Eris asks finally, though he still doesn’t look up from his book. 
I’m getting old, Azriel thinks, I missed you. They are so wrong about us.
“I love you.”
Eris smiles.
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The Second Bridgerton And I: Part 4
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Summary: Y/n Clearwater becomes named the “Sparkling Diamond” by Queen Charlotte herself, but she doesn’t know what to do with all this attention. Of course she has her family, but sometimes that doesn’t seem enough. But what happens when she encounters a specific Bridgerton, which changes the course of her season.
Author’s Note: I am sorry for not updating sooner. When I posted chapter 3 I already had half of this chapter written, but I stated working recently and I have been reading the Bridgerton prequels (which are amazing by the way I highly recommend), so I have been a little busy. I am here now and I already have most of the next chapter written, so there should be another update really shortly. This story is also going to be a lot longer than I originally thought wave I planned to do about one chapter per episode and that plan is out the window. Especially since am adding scenes that are not from the show.
Author’s Note: This chapter includes scenes from season 3 episode 3 of Bridgerton. Down below is the link to the part 3. I hope you enjoy! Y/nn= reader’s nick name.
My family and I entered Lord Tremble’s house and it was quite different from other social events. This event was nothing like a ball and was more like an event to socialize and mingle with one another. I would definitely be glued to my families side tonight because I knew many people would approach me. Last ball I was able to completely occupy myself with Maxwell, but here it won’t be the case.
I wonder if Benedict and his family were here yet. He did say he was coming and all week I have been looking forward to spending more time with him.
My siblings and I were rather hungry and we made our way to the food table. As I picked my desired foods I couldn’t help but notice the deer heads that were hanging from the wall.
“Is it just me or are those deer heads watching us?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Adeline said, “but it sure seems like it. They are creepy. Let us hurry so we can leave them.”
Adeline and I hurried with our food selection and forced our brothers to do the same. The four of us then made our way across the room. It has been a while since the four of us passed the time with another and it brought back memories from our childhood.
“What are you thinking about Carina?”
Noah asked.
“Nothing.” I said. “I just missed this. The four of us all together.”
Alex put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Well we are not going anywhere little sister. Even when you want nothing to do with us we will still be here annoying you. And you will still be here annoying us when we want nothing to do with you.”
He said that in the most brotherly way possible and it warmed my heart. Adeline and Noah both gave smiles filled with the same message and meaning as Alex.
“So.” Adeline started, “How are things with you and Lord Tewkesberry? I’m assuming things are going well.”
“And here is where we take our leave.”
Alex said.
“Why?” I asked.
“We do not need to hear the two of you discussing men. We hear enough of that at home.” Noah said. “We will be over there in the corner in case you need us.”
Adeline and I both nodded in understanding and the both of them walked away.
“So. Lord Tewkesberry. How are things?” Adeline asked.
“Things are going well between us. The way things are going I am expecting him to ask to court me soon.”
“That is good.”
“How are things going with you and Lord Harvey?”
“Very well! I think he might propose before the end of the season!”
Lord Harvey asked Adeline to court her the day after the ball last week. They have been courting ever since and Adeline seemed content.
“Are you happy Adeline?”
“I am.” She said with a smile.
I smiled in return. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Speak of the devil.
“Miss Clearwater. Miss Clearwater.” Lord Harvey said.
Adeline and I slightly curtsied while he bowed in return.
“Can I steal you for a moment?” He said towards Adeline.
“Of course!” She said excitedly. “Are you going to be okay all by yourself?” She asked me.
I wanted to say no. I did not want suitors to approach me and I would feel uncomfortable being all alone. I have also been on edge all day, and being left alone can possibly trigger me, but I did not want to hold Adeline back with Lord Harvey.
“Do not worry about me. You go on ahead.”
Adeline nodded and she placed her hand into Lord Harvey’s and they went to have more privacy. I found myself quite parched and decided to find a lemonade table.
The lemonade table was in a separate room tucked in the corner. It was the perfect place to hide away. I took a sip of the pale yellow liquid and it was refreshing.
“Miss Clearwater.”
I turned around and was startled when I saw three men standing in front of me. When did they get here?
“We’re sorry for frightening you Miss Clearwater. We simply wanted to talk with you.” Said Lord Clayton I believe.
“That is alright. I thought I was alone.”
I said.
“Well now that we have your attention, we are quite curious about you.” The second man said.
“Curious about what exactly?”
“About you.” The third man said. “What are your hobbies? What makes you tick?”
“Are you a morning person or night person? What makes you you?” The second man asked.
Lord Clayton started asking me a series of more questions, but I could not hear him. His words were blurred as if we were underwater. The questions from the three of them were all too much at once. I felt the oxygen slowly leave my lungs and I could not breathe. Tears started to fill my eyes. I had to get out of here.
I walked past the three men and tried to find a quiet private place to breathe. Several suitors tried to stop me, but I kept on walking. I even bumped into one of them, but I did not pay them any mind. I just needed to get out of here. I walked down the hall and opened the nearest door. It was empty, so I quickly shut the door and slid down to the floor. My tears continued to flow as I tried to control my breathing. This was not the first time I have had a panic attack, but it was the first time in a while. The solution for me to become well again is for me to be secluded until I felt like I was better.
After a while my breath evened and I could finally see clearly. I took a moment to look around the room.
To my right was a marble fireplace with the fire running and a portrait of Lord Tremble, I’m assuming, above. Towards the center of the room was a sofa and two chairs across which a coffee table in between. Behind the lounge area, facing me, were windows that were ceiling high. It had a windowsill to gaze at the view. The room was cozy.
I wiped my tears from my face when I was pushed forward by a force. I turned around and noticed someone opened the door.
“I’m sorry I hit you! I did not realize you were on the floor.”
It was a man’s voice, but it did not belong to my father or brothers. The door opened fully and Benedict stepped into the room
I entered a room, with Eloise and Colin, and I saw Ms. Stowell and her mama noticing my presence.
Great! Just the two people I needed to see.
I turned to Eloise.
“If anyone asks for me, I am not here.”
I did not wait for her response and escaped. I wonder if Y/n is here, because she did say that she will be here. I started reading the book she recommended me and it was very interesting. Maybe we can talk about it. I definitely had some thoughts to share.
I walked into three entirely different rooms with no sight of Y/n. Maybe she has not arrived or I missed her. I noticed the table with alcohol and decided that that was the way to go for tonight. If anything was going to save me from the relentless mamas it would be this, but not too much that my mind will be too affected to function.
I took a sip of the amber liquid and it burned as it went down my throat. However it kept me in check and awakened my senses.
Suddenly someone bumped into me and I looked to see that it was Y/n. But something was wrong and she did not look well. I placed my cup on the table and went after her. She was walking fast past people, so it was difficult to keep up, and she made a left. I heard a door slam coming from an empty hallway. She was in one of these rooms.
I opened the first two doors and was left with empty rooms. I approached the third door and I heard sniffle coming from the other side.
She was crying and my heart clenched at the sound. Y/n deserved nothing, but good things. I could not bear to hear her cry and I knew I would not like seeing her cry if I was in the room with her.
I waited until her crying to die down before I opened the door, however I did not realize she was sitting on the ground and I accidentally hit her.
“I’m sorry I hit you! I did not realize you were on the floor.” I said.
Y/n looked at me from the ground and her cheeks were stained with dry tears. I quickly crouched down to meet her on the floor and pulled out a handkerchief from my coat pocket.
“Here.” I said softly.
Cautiously I dabbed under her cheeks and around her eyes. I caressed the side of her face with handkerchief and started into her eyes. They were the most mesmerizing e/c eyes I have ever seen, and I somehow saw my future when I looked into them. It was crazy to think of such things, but when her irises met my own I felt a sense of warmth and home.
I snapped out of my daze and handed her the handkerchief. She blew her nose and we fell into a comfortable silence.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” I asked.
Y/n said nothing, but she stood up and walked over to sit on the windowsill. Her gaze upon the view below. I slowly raised to stand up and followed her to where she sat.
“The windowsill has always been a source of comfort for me. Whenever I am having a hard time, here I can find peace.” She said.
I nodded in response, but she did not look up at me,so I do not think she noticed.
“I had a panic attack. It has been a while since I had one that I forgot how exhausting it can be. The questions Lord Clayton ,and a few others, were bombarding me with and the immense pressure was all too much at once. I had to get away.”
“Do you feel better now?” I asked.
“I do not know.”
“What immense pressure do you struggle with Y/n?”
“Pressure from being the diamond. My family. Society. Especially society.”
“Why mainly society?”
Y/n stayed silent and I thought she would remain that way. Then she looked at me for the first time, during this conversation, and I saw frustration in her eyes.
“People in society want everyone to remain in a neat little tiny box. To fit in. But would if I do not want to remain in the neat little tiny box. Would if I want to explore outside the box. See what more life has to offer. Would if I want to break free from the restraints that society has put on me because I am a woman.” She said
I did not know what to say after that statement. As a man I knew that we were “more free” compared to women. Especially involving marriage. We had the choice to be unwed, while unmarried women are considered spinsters. I guess I never really thought of ideals of this nature because I am a man and those rules do not apply to me. I could never know what a woman goes through, but I wanted to understand for Y/n.
Y/n stood from the windowsill, walked towards the fireplace and continued.
“I cannot do that though, because as soon as I step out of that box everyone will cast me aside. They expect more from me because I am the diamond. I have to be perfect. I have to be the perfect mold of society. And it kills me every time I play the game. There are so many rules! You can dance with who you like, but it is rude to deny a dance if you have not already reserved one with another man. You cannot ask to court a man because you must wait for them to do so. You cannot dance with one partner too many times. If you are caught in a scandal the whole ton judges you.And so much more. When does it end Benedict? When?”
Y/n’s voice cracked at the end and I noticed she began to cry. I quickly rushed over to her from where I sat. I stood in front of her and she looked up at me. Her eyes glistening with tears. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on top of hers. I slowly began to caress her back. It was only thing I thought to do without making her more upset.
“I know I cannot make things better, I said, “but I will do everything in my power to make you happy. As your friend.”
I pulled away from Benedict and thanked him. He nodded, but I can still see concern in his eyes. I freed my self from his embrace and cleared my throat.
“We should both leave this room before someone notices that both of us are gone and catches us here. I would not want anyone to get the wrong idea.” I said.
“That works with me.”
I noticed I was still holding his handkerchief and motioned for him to take it back.
“Keep it. It is yours.” Benedict said.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
I looked down at the white handkerchief and noticed that Benedict’s initials were beautifully sewn into it with blue stitching.
“Thank you.” I said.
I looked up at Benedict and we both shared a mutual understanding. We will discuss this later. I folded his handkerchief and stuffed it into the top of my dress. I then made my way to the door, twisted the door knob and left the room.
I began to search for my family. This incident happened because I strayed from my family in the first place. I hope I look presentable because I did not want my family asking questions about what happened. Not when feelings from the situation was still fresh. I did not even ask Benedict if I looked decent. I regret not asking.
I entered the room with the deer heads and I saw my brothers in the corner. As I approached them they must have noticed my affected mood and appearance because they looked at me with concerned expressions.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Noah asked.
“Can…can I stay with you two for the rest of the night?”
“Of course.” Alex said.
They did not say anything, but I can tell by the looks on their faces that they would want to talk later on like Benedict.
The balloon was quite disappointing. For the past week, all throughout the ton, people have been talking about the giant ballon. That it was grand and majestic and could transport several people to other areas.
The balloon part was beautiful. I can tell that a lot of detail and time went into the design. The basket part on the other hand , was small and strong looking, but not grand and majestic. It could fit about two people if you want enough space to maneuver around and three people tops if you are content with little wiggle room. I would definitely not ride the balloon if I was in need to travel a long distance. I assumed it would be bigger.
“Come one! Come all! Watch man attempt to take flight! Soaring to nights never before seen!”
A man with a megaphone was shouting
these words as my family and I entered the area. I was wearing a light blue day dress with a pink sheer scarf wrapped around my shoulders. Blue was uncommon in my everyday wardrobe, so I was excited to wear such a dress. The fabric was light and breathable, which was perfect for the hot weather.
“Let us all address the queen.” My mama said.
I linked my arm with Alex and we carried on to Queen Charlotte.
“I thought the balloon would be bigger. At least able to fit more than three people.” I said.
“People always tend to use hyperboles with such things like the balloon.” Alex said.
“What kind of sweets do you think they would have?”
I motioned to the pink tent with a pink sign that said “Ms. Plaskitt’s Sweet Treats”.
“You always have room for sweets Carina.”
“There is always room for sweets Felis.”
“Hoping for macarons?”
“Of course!”
We both laughed in unison. Our walk came to a halt when we became within talking distance of the queen. She looked beautiful with her turquoise colored dress and her unique wig. Her wig was extremely unbalanced, but that didn’t seem to deteriorate her poise and elegance. Queen charlotte is always so calm and collected and manages to always keep people on their toes. I wonder if I can become a lady like her one day in the future.
I approached the queen with my sister and mama. My brothers and father close behind. I curtsied with as much grace as I had.
“Flawless my dear. As I expected.” Queen Charlotte said. “Have you been enjoying your season so far.”
“I have your grace.”
“Any updates on Lord Tewksbury?”
Queen Charlotte was asking if Lord Tewkesberry courted or not. My family and his family were the only few people who know about the news and I intend to keep it that way.
“No. I am afraid not.” I said.
“Pity. Hopefully he courts you soon. I do not want my efforts to be in vain.”
“What do you mean your efforts being in vain?”
“I was the one who insisted to your parents for you to pursue Mr. Tewkesberry.”
This was the first time I was hearing this news and it made me feel unsettled. I thought I had made a bond with Maxwell and it was I who decided that he was a man I would like to persue, but all this time that was not true. It made me feel like my parents did not trust me with making my own choices.
“I hope your generous efforts result with a beautiful match.” I said.
“As do I. Now enjoy the day my diamond. I do not want to hold you forever.”
I gave the queen a grateful smile and curtsied before leaving. I noticed my mama looking at me with a defeated look. Hoping I would look at her, so I can speak with her, but I was not in the mood at the moment. This shall be a talk for later.
I went on a search for Pen or Benedict. I knew both of them were on their way if they were not already here. Whichever one I see first shall keep me company. As I was walking, I came across the sweets tent again. Maybe they have lemon cakes or possibly macarons I thought.
I entered the tent and notice Pen with Colin. I was surprised to see them with one another after everything that has happened, but they are friends after all. Pen was the one to notice me first when she turned from Colin.
“Y/nn! How lovely it is to see you. Care to join me?”
She did not give me a time to respond and grabbed my arm to follow her.
“My goodness. Eager are we?” I said.
Penelope realized that she was pulling my arm and set me free.
“I’m so sorry Y/nn.” Penelope said, “I’m in an excited state. I am trying to locate Lord Debling.”
Penelope and Lord Debling hit it off the other night at Lord Tremble’s gathering. I was happy for Pen. I knew she was wrong with her headspace on marriage and I was glad I was able to prove her wrong.
“Let us find him then.” I said with a smile. Penelope smiled back and we began our search for Lord Debling. We made a roundabout around the balloon when I noticed Lord Debling conversing with Eloise and Cressida Cowper.
“Pen he is over there past the hill, but are you sure you wish to talk to him considering who he is with at the moment.”
“I cannot let people stop me from doing what I would like to do. If that is how people lived nothing would get done.”
Penelope began to walk towards Lord Debling and I admired her determination, because if I were in her shoes, I would be walking the opposite way. I quickly caught up with Penelope and we continued our way. When we were three yards away from them Penelope hesitated.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Maybe you were right. This is a mistake. We should head somewhere else.”
“No Pen! Let us—“
“Ah Miss Featherington. Miss Clearwater.”
We both turned to see the owner of the voice to be Lord Debling. Penelope seems stuck not knowing what to do, so I nudged her along to continue walking. As we walked towards them I noticed Eloise and Cressida looking not pleased with us joining them. There is free rein around the park, so both of them have to deal with it I thought.
“My Lord. We do not wish to intrude.” Penelope said.
“Nonsense.” Lord Debling said, “I am about to embark on another trip with no one, but my crew. Surely you two will not deny me the company while I have the pleasure of it.
“Of course not.” I said.
The conversation became extremely uninteresting. I believe Cressida mentioned the bird the great auk,but I cannot say for certain. I tuned out most of the conversation. The wind was blowing more strongly than before and it felt nice against the humid air. I was mentally counting how much money I have to purchase sweet treats when I heard Penelope say,
“I must prefer the natural world to the..unatural one. There is nothing I love more than…grass.”
I mentally face palmed at the mention of grass. This conversation was not going great for Pen. I was about to intervene and help, but Lord Debling stated.
“What about grass do you so love Miss Featherington.”
“Uh…how it is so…green.”
“It is quite green.”
Cressida was trying to hide her laughter while Eloise seemed sorry for Penelope. I could not tell how Lord Debling was feeling, but he did not seem to find Penelope’s comment about grass odd. Maybe it is due to him being odd himself, but I would never say this out loud.
As the conversation progressed the wind grew stronger and it caused my scarf to blow throughout the wind. I chased after it, but the wind blew it even further. I ran after it, but the basket of the balloon was coming towards me. I could either run towards the basket to retrieve my scarf or run the other way empty handed. The latter was more safe, but that was my favorite scarf . Who knows what can happen to it.
I heard Penelope shouting my name, but I ignored them. My mission was to retrieve my scarf.
From the other side of the ballon I heard men trying to pull the balloon the other way. Hopefully this can give me the leverage I need to reach my scarf. The ballon moved from the bottom of the steps up to the middle of the wooden platform and it gave me enough room to run as fast as I could to my scarf.
My hand wrapped around the silk fabric and as I stood I noticed the basket of the balloon coming straight towards me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
That is all I could think about as the balloon came closer. I heard Penelope shouting for me to move, as I shuffled backwards. I tripped over my feet and fell on the ground. I closed my eyes in fear as I waited for the balloon to hit me.
Suddenly I felt someone from behind wrap their arm around my waist to shield me from the upcoming balloon.
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royalsunshinehotel · 3 days
Hi baby girl (gender neutral term I call everyone) PLEASE , WHEN YOU WROTE THAT FIC WITH HIM AS A FATHER FIGURE TO SHERU I JUST 😭 I could just imagine Kid using his big hands to oil up Sheru's tiny head after showering the little man. Kid being a quiet guy, his little boy on the other hand is the biggest talker, always talking and Kid is more than happy to listen. If anything happens to this boy.......... MORE SHERU AND KID CONTENT PLEASEEE
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Silly (Kid x Mom!Reader + Sheru)
Tiny. Everything about Sheru was tiny, and it was easy to tell that it fascinated him. 10 small toes, 10 tiny fingers, tiny ears, tiny eyes, lots of hair on his head. It was hard to believe that, on your weekly trip to town for supplies, you left your boys together! You trusted Kid with your son! Who was tiny! 
Looking at the boy in the tub, it was easy to see that Sheru belonged to you. The boy took all of your best features and made them small. He’d grow up to be stunning, like you, and it would be an honor to watch. Kid wouldn’t have predicted a ready-made pal when he got involved with you, and yet, here he was, and his pal was tiny. 
Taken from his thoughts by a small hand on his own, he focuses again on what his little boy is saying. 
“Ah! And then there was a panther!” And Sheru breaks into giggles as if what he said made any sense to someone over the age of three. 
“A panther?” Asks, Kid, smiling, pulling Sheru from the lukewarm water and setting him on the reed mat, towling him dry. 
“And! And! It’s Australia!!” He exclaims as Kid blinks. Of course, Australia!
Kid bundles Sheru up in the light cotton towel, and puts him under his arm, little boy squirming and giggling the whole way. 
“What do you want to do when Ama gets home?” 
“Eat!” Kid grins again. The little boy had been under the weather, and your mix of coconut milk and rice had done wonders, he wouldn’t stop! 
“But first, I sleep.” Sheru announced, shaking his head, and handing Kid the towel. He pulls on his little shorts, which were once again, tiny. Sheru wiggles for the sake of moving and starts to walk away, feet smacking on the floor of your cottage, before Kid calls him back.  
“Ah, wait.” Kid scolds gently and Sheru groans dramatically. Kid dips his hand into a jar. Kid sits on his knees, rubbing his hands together, warming the oil on his palms.  
There would have been a time he wouldn’t have wanted to touch anyone as soft as Sheru with his mangled palms, but he doesn’t mind anymore. Sheru told him ‘you grabbed the sun!’ and he simply agreed. 
“Sheru!” calls Kid, and the little boy comes marching back over, pushing his little head into Kid’s hands, with a large sigh, “You’re silly.” 
“What’s silly, Apa?” Asks Sheru, as Kid works the oil through his hair. His little dark eyes meet Kid’s and Kid hears himself laugh. It doesn’t feel real that he’s here, that you trusted him with your son. 
“You are!” 
“I’m silly!” 
Kid easily picks up Sheru, and blows a raspberry on his tummy, the little boy screams with laughter, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. 
“Silly! Silly! I’m silly!” He squirms in Kid’s arms, and Kid’s face almost hurts from smiling. The muscles hadn’t been used in a while, but here with you and Sheru, that feeling wouldn’t last long.
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cassandracain52 · 1 day
Damian Wayne has a metal spine
Ok so I’ve talked about Damian having his spine replaced three times on this page and every time I’ve gotten a surplus of people confused about when/how that happened
so in the interest of saving time, I’m going to give a brief synopsis of the entire event. (All comic panels are from comic issues Batman and Robin (2009) TBD 1 Part 2 - Batman and Robin (2009) TBD 2 Part 2) Funnily enough this happens in the same time period that Tim lost his spleen aka When Bruce Is Lost In Time
(!Warning! There will be talk of the G*nt M*rr*s*n Talia character assassination as this happens during that run)
Alright so the whole thing first starts when Damian is shot repeatedly in the back by a villain named “Flamingo” and loses the feeling in his lower body
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Because Damian is paralyzed, Dick and Alfred take him back to his mother to be treated
There is where we see Talia arranging for Damian to have his entire spine replaced by a synthetic one
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The surgery works but Damian still can’t walk for a few weeks
Oh and I can’t forget to mention that before Alfred and Damian leave, Talia has this lovely conversation-
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Here she very clearly vocalizes that since Bruce is dead, Damian has no reason to stay in Gotham and that she wants him to come back home.
Damian refuses to be a weapon used against the Bats and Talia -very suspiciously might I add- just lets him leave
We later find out the reason she didn’t put up much fight to keep Damian in her care was actually because his new spine was laced with tiny machines that allowed for someone to merge with his nervous system and control his actions
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of course we find this out when Damian appears to randomly attempt to murder Dick for no apparent reason
Talia then gives control over Damian to Slade -freakin’- Wilson. Arguably the worst possible person to give this control to right below Ra’s Al Ghul himself
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Slade to absolutely no one’s surprise, appears to have agreed to this strictly so he can try to kill Dick. Dick ends up figuring out that it’s Slade (after the man makes Damian yell “SlaDe” in a truly brilliant reveal) and thinks of a way to free Damian
Unfortunately his solution is to shock the crap out of Damian’s nervous system because -and I quote- “Your heart can take it, but his?”
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He proceeds to more or less give this poor kid electro shock therapy and zap Slade into releasing his hold on Damian. (No hate to Dick it was a time sensitive situation but yikes Damian can’t catch a break)
It works and the connection between Damian and Slade is severed. (Yay??? I guess??)
Batman and Robin then return to the cave where Damian promptly declares he needs to see his Mother right now and Dick agrees but comes with him
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Dick quickly finds the machine that they had been using to control Damian and promptly smashes it to pieces. (As he should)
Damian however goes straight to Talia to talk about her -ya know- putting a bunch of robots in his back
the conversation goes as well as you’d expect it to and Talia then reveals that “Oh btw, I’m growing another Damian cause you’re flawed”
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She also offers Damian one last chance to reconsider and come back to the League.
Because he’s not completely crazy Damian of course refuses which prompts Talia to do this-
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Just straight up disowns Damian right there.
This then starts everything to do with Heretic and all that and Damian’s eventual death (G*nt M*rrs*s*n you are truly my biggest opp)
But that’s not important here, what’s important is that while it can no longer be used to control him, Damian still has the metal spine!
Hope this cleared things up for anyone who was confused/didn’t know about it!🖤
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dearreader · 3 days
the main thing that annoys me about the paternity testing is that taylor said these two men hurt her in such similar was that it drove her to a manic episode. like every song on the album can be about either joe alwyn or matty healy if you look at it in different lighting.
we hear most of the album as about matty because that was the most recent break up before the album dropped. but if it wasn’t him and taylor hadn’t dated him post joever we would all be sitting here saying it’s all about joe. because all the things that happened with how their relationship started also happened with joe. she was in a long term relationship that made taylor feel like she was dying (high infidelity/getaway car/guilty as sin?) and she met a person who made her feel alive again so she made a plan to run away and be with them. (fresh out the slammer/getaway car/mastermind/high infidelity/ivy- look the list goes on, but you get the point)
and taylor’s even been saying this in surprise songs.
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in lisbon she sang a mash up of songs about looking back and longing followed by fots and high infidelity. these mash ups can be seen as her looking and and longing for them and asking questions but also knowing that the relationship started just like it ended.
it started with her saying she did her time, she paid her price in being in a long term relationship that was killing her and was now running headfirst into a man who sold her on love by saying “[she’s] the girl of his american dreams”. with the american dream being a pull yourselves up by your boot straps and have a wife and kids waiting at home. but as almost everyone knows, the american dream is fundamentally flawed for a number of reasons. bit the biggest and overall reasoning behind it being flawed is that ITS ALL A LIE. it may have been possible or attainable at one point in time, but currently the american dream is long since dead. fuck taylor even said it in this quote when describing fortnight, which opens the album FOR A REASON.
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which means that all the songs are a coin, you can flip it and decide which muse it was inspired by (except for maybe like… 3 total songs). WHICH IS WHY ITS FUCKING POINTLESS TO PATERNITY TEST THE SONGS! we can literally any song is about one of them if we argue it. but that’s not the point of the album. the point is “these men all hurt me in the past with our relationship and i’m going to grieve/deal with that here”. so of course no song is cut clear about one guy, because it’s not about him. it’s about WHAT EMOTIONS/FEELINGS HE CAUSED IN TAYLOR and the response to that.
i’m probably going to be annoyed by this later because i forgot a detail or something. but literally we all need to stop finding clues or focusing on who it’s about. because if i wants to i could literally debate myself on why each song is about which muse and still wouldn’t be able to decide conclusively.
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