#now my parents telling me i dont do enough around the house (they are correct)
arcaneyouth · 11 months
i think i have managed to trick everyone, including myself, into thinking im functional. because i can keep my art schedule really well. but everything else? a fucking disaster. but i sure can make a comic so im normal actually
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naraven · 2 years
In Sickness and Health
The correct thing to do when you're sick is to write a sick fic with the worst ever. that wont stop me from simping over the best actor in genshin, so please enjoy this al-haitham fic i wrote while coughing up my entire left lung!
cw / sickness, i dont know what else to put let me know if i should add something
You barely hear the knocking on the door before you hear a key click it open and close, hearing the lock click back. You hear footsteps echo heavier and heavier as it approaches your door, eventually stopping and creaking open to your bedroom.
You already know who it is, there’s only three other people who know where you keep your spare key hidden and it’s your parents and your closest hoe friend, Al-Haitham. You hesitantly open your eyes, nose still stuffy and throat still sore. Your fever prevents you from sitting up, so the best you could do was tilt your neck towards the Scribe who broke into your house. 
You blink at him as he narrows his eyes, looking almost annoyed. At this point, you're not even sure what you did. It’s not like you could do anything to piss him off, you were sick in bed for the past two days.
“Are you okay?”
Hmm, or maybe he’s not annoyed. His voice is quiet, as if to prevent you from hearing his voice. You could barely hear him. You sniffle and sit up slowly, watching him take a seat at your desk. 
“What, miss me? I caught a cold but I don’t know who I got it from.”
“You weren’t at Puspa Cafe the past couple days, I got bored at lunch. I never thought eating alone would be so lonely.”
You yawn, head pounding. Oh yeah, you kind of forgot you ditched him. But it’s not like you could tell him about how you got sick. Your mother brought you some medicine, which has only been mildly helping. Your fever had gone down significantly yet your body temperature was still higher than normal. You switched out your blankets with thinner ones because you were sweating so much. 
“Honestly, I thought you had forgotten about eating lunch so I checked the library to see if you were still working. You were nowhere to be seen.”
You yawn again, pushing aside your blanket, “Well, did you not think to come to my house afterwards? Why wait another day? Besides, my parents were nice enough to bring me food the past few days."
He takes out… a drink? He hands it to you and you realize it’s your coffee order from Puspa. You retract your hand from the cup before taking it, the unexpected warmth of the coffee caught you off guard.
You take a sip, sighing after you taste the bitter drink. Yeah it’s kinda weird how he took this out from behind him but you weren’t going to question it. 
“How are you feeling now?” Al-Haitham watches as you take bigger and bigger sips. You set the coffee down on your desk. 
“Still pretty bad, I just hope I don’t miss too many classes. I’m lucky I got sick near the end of the week.” “You are very lucky. Do you need anything else? Something else other than coffee to drink?”
You think for a second. Maybe some soup would be nice? If you were going to trouble anyone you would rather it be Al-Haitham than your mother. 
“Something warm to eat? As long as it’s soft I should be able to swallow it down. Mom brought me lunch but an early dinner wouldn't hurt." Al-Haitham nods. He gets up to leave, standing up, but suddenly stops and turns to face you. You stare back confused. Al-Haitham blinks and looks down between you. You do the same and realize you grabbed the back of his robe-coat.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to.” You pull away immediately, glad that your fever would cover up any other reason for your face to blush, “I don’t know why I did that, sorry again.” Al-Haitham, unknown to you, smirks at your action. You turn around and huff.
“Ugh, you smug asshole, I know what you're thinking! Shut up, go buy some soup or something.” 
Al-Haitham could get used to sick, feverish you. You yawn again, still embarrassed by the humiliating display of clinginess you didn’t know you had in you. 
“Well, since it’s clear you want me here, I’ll stay a little bit longer. Wouldn’t want you to get so lonely without me here, right? Besides, even you said the food could wait."
“Ugh, you!” 
You hit Al-Haitham square in the chest trying to aim for his shoulder. Contact with his pectoral makes you hold your hand, why are his boobs so tough?? “Feeble Scholar” your ass, you're pretty sure he could take down a couple hilichurl camps on his own. Honestly, you're surprised he was even stopped by you grabbing his half coat. 
“Maybe we can finish our discussion before you got sick. Where were we?” He sits back down, moving his chair closer to your bed. 
“I can't quite remember. I'm not talking to you more while I'm sick, I'd rather ask you about your weird way of dressing." You sniff, laying back down, "Why on earth are you wearing those gloves? Also do you wear a coat or a robe or what? I've always wanted to ask you."
Before Al-Haitham could reply, you cough and continue, "Also for an Akademiyan Scribe why do you carry a sword everywhere? Are you always in so much trouble that you're at risk of being attacked?"
Your rant continues, “Also I hate your gloves. I need to talk about this again. Why are two and a half of both hands covered? Just wear fully covered or fingerless gloves. And your coat. Or robe. Why is it always never on? Wear it. Or don’t. It’s not like it ever gets that cold right now.”
You stop to stare at Al-Haitham. Maybe the fever is making you delirious, but right now you had questions that need answers. 
“Ok, maybe you do need more rest. Close your eyes, maybe if you stay awake enough you can hear my response to such… interesting questions.”
“No! I have to hear why, rest can wait.” “Really? Then maybe I’ll use my sword to knock you out and force you to sleep.”
“You can’t be serious.”
He pulls it out and you relent, laying back and stare at him in defiance.
“Ok fine sorry, I’ll rest. Archons, can you please put the sword away?”
It blinks and reappears on his back. You pull up your blankets, getting comfortable in your sheets.
“I wear half written gloves so I don’t smudge ink and get it on my hands. I tend to write quicker than most people, meaning ink smudges more when I write. My other two fingers are open because…”
His annoying, smug, vexing, ugly… exacerbating voice did a quick job of making you sleepy quickly. Al-Haitham watches as you fall deeper into sleep, chest rising with each slow breath in and out. He pulls the covers over a bit more to cover your body a bit more warmly. 
Hopefully the sickness doesn’t last too long. He would never outright admit it, but the past two lunches alone in Puspa Cafe have been lonely. Even lonelier than when he would be at home with Kaveh out doing whatever he does. He takes the empty cup of coffee off your desk and throws it away outside your house.
He watches the sun set slowly on the horizon. He was sure you would wake up soon to find a cooling plate of pita pockets. They didn’t look amazing, but a quick second of reheating would make it enough to eat for dinner. 
Al-Haitham returned home, Kaveh on the couch finishing the rest of the wine in a bottle. He seemed busy with… something. He wasn’t sure, but he announced his “I’m home” before Kaveh quickly turned his head to see him there. 
“Oh, you’re home. What time is it?” Kaveh squints at the clock, seeing it just hit 7 o’clock, “Also, wasn’t today your only free day of the week? Where were you this entire time?”
“Grabbing some coffee and talking to friends. Why, were you lonely without me?”
“Of course not. Like anyone would miss you.”
Al-Haitham turns his head and smirks, knowing that someone did indeed miss him.
Somewhere, you sneeze yourself awake and smell the scent of warm meat and flour.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
THEY GOT THE SHIRTS! I repeat, they got the shirts!! They made us call them on zoom first thing in the morning and when they answered, my mom was holding up the shirts and my dad was just staring at the camera. And my brother who was wearing it went ‘TWINSIES!’ Before anyone could even get a word out. Our mom said there’s no way she’s wearing it because what will the neighbors think, the reply ‘that you care about Brian’ is not the correct answer if anybody wondered. They then again said they will not wear them, to which he immediately went ‘oh so what your saying is that you don’t love me?’ Our dad threatened to disown him to which my brother went ‘I’m 36!’ And my mom lifted the shirt up and went ‘exactly.’ Our mom thinks he needs more therapy to which he said ‘i have (his therapists name)!!’ And my dad immediately went ‘maybe the poor guy is not qualified enough for you.’ Also while trying to convince them to wear the shirts he accidentally revealed that he ripped his stitches cause of the show and they immediately got angry at both of us and threatened to give our numbers out to the sales people that call them and when I asked what did i do, my dad went ‘guilty by association!!!’ All three then continued to argue about random shit until my brother suddenly went ‘i think we all lost focus of what this meeting was about and that is *at this point my dad yelled at him ‘dont you dare point to that damn shirt’ and my brother in the same second pointed to his shirt* BRIAN’ Also a little bts to understand just how over him my dad is cause of the shirt: my brother has 4 friends that our parents basically “adopted” bc either their families aren’t around or they suck. And one day as a joke he said i was his favorite (it was after my brother got a tattoo of a pickle wearing a shirt that says ‘i <3 (his name)) so ever since then their (him + his friends who got matching tattoos) contact names in his phone are ‘not (my name) #1-5’ and then whenever one of them pisses him off he just changes their ranking (so if my brother is #2 -he’s never made it that far up btw- and annoys him he changes it to #5 and the #5 becomes #2) and then he sends them a screenshot in their groupchat. They all care more about that ranking than anything else. So while we were talking on zoom, my brother out of nowhere goes ‘dad why did you text m- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO OH COME ON THATS NOT FAIR I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!!’ and then shows me the text and it’s a screenshot of his contacts where he changed his name from ‘not (my name) #5’ to his actual name. And all of his friends immediately replied ‘holy shit dude, what did you do? That’s a first’ And as a little sister, i am finding so much joy in this, it has been the most fun I’ve had in months. So that’s what you’ve missed on the episode of My Brother is an Idiot. I do feel like I should say that our parents are actually really amazing and very fun (there’s a reason why all our friends hang out at their house even when we aren’t there) but also I’m sure you all can tell by now that my brother is a special kind of dumbass and they are both over it.
OH MY GOD DEAR SWEET ANON. I am about to start work for today and thank goodness I don't wear mascara because the tears streaming down my cheeks. (Please universe - deliver unto me a client like Brother Anon)
Your parents sound awesome and like they have a great sense of humor. I'm sure they are worried about your brother because of his surgery and not being able to be there with him. The QAF business is just what they can focus on. Also he's a bit unhinged by non-fandom standards. By fandom and tumblr standards, he's just fine. But wow, taking him out of the ranking entirely? Low blow, dad, low blow.
Speaking of the fandom - we are very eager to hear what your brother thinks about Carnivale and the false accusation and "there's nothing noble about being poor."
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cutecherrygirl · 9 months
Rage -Pt.2
Check out pt.1
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Go to part 1 for more info about what's happening<3
"I ran out of mercy for you a century ago," Hyunjin said loudly. He finally let go of your chin. "What do you remember about today?" Asked you.
You spoke tiredly, like a child reciting a hated lesson. "Today was the Founder's Day celebration." You looked at Hyunjin wrapping your fingers around his. That was all you could remember, but it wasn't enough. Irritated, you tried to remember something else.
"Someone was in the restaurant... Chaeryeong." You happily offered him that name. "She was going to read my diary in front of everyone, and that was bad, because..." You messed with the memory and lost it. "I don't remember why. But we outsmarted her." You smiled warmly at him conspiratorially.
"Oh, 'we' did it, didn't we?"
"Yes. You got it out of her. You did it for me." The fingers of your free hand slipped under his jacket, searching for the hardness of the square bound book. "Because you love me," you said finding it and lightly scratching it. "You really love me, don't you?"
A faint sound was heard from the middle of the clearing. You turned to see that Seungmin had turned his face away from you.
"Y/N. What happened next?" Hyunjin's voice called you back.
"Then? Then Aunt Jihyo started arguing with me." You thought deeply about it for a moment and finally shrugged. "Oh...nothing. I got angry. She's not my mother. She can't tell me what to do."
Hyunjin's voice was cold. " I think that won't be a problem anymore. What happened after that"
You sighed heavily. "Then I went and got Chan's car. Chan." You said the name thinking, flicking your tongue over your fangs. In your mind's eye you saw a handsome face, black hair, strong shoulders. "Chan."
"And where did you go with Chan's car?"
"To Wickery bridge", Seungmin said turning back towards you. His eyes were inconsolable.
"No, to your house", You corrected him irritated. "To wait for....hmm.I forgot. Anyways, I waited there. And then....the storm started. Wind, rainz all that. I didn't like it. I got into the car. But something was following me."
"Somone followed you", Says Seungmin while watching Hyunjin.
"Some thing ", You insisted. You had enough of his interruptions. "Lets get away from here, just us", you said to Hyunjin, kneeing down so your face was closer to his.
"In a moment", he said. " What thing followed you?"
You leaned back angry. " I dont know what thing! It was like something I never saw before. Not like you and Seungmin. It was...." The images ripped through your mind. A mist that flowed along the ground. Screaming wind. Some form, white, huge, looked as if it was itself made of mist. He was catching up with you like a cloud driven by the wind.
"Maybe it was just part of the storm" you said. "But I thought it wanted to hurt me. I got away though." Fidgeting with the zipper of Hyunjin's leather jacket you sneakily giggled and looked up at him through your lashes.
For the first time, Hyunjin's face showed an emotion. His lips lift up forming a smile. "You git away."
"Yes. I remember what....somone....told me about running water. Evil things cannot cross it. So I drove to the river Drowning, to the bridge. And then...." You hesitated frowing, trying to find some solid memory. Water. You remember water. And someone screaming. But nothing else, " and then I crossed it", you figured out, excitedly. "Im sure I did, because im here now. And that's it. Can we go now?"
Hyunjin didn't answer.
"The car is still in the river", says Seungmin. Him and Hyunjin looked at each other like two parents discussing over head of their child that doesn't understand, and their hostility was forgotten for a moment. You felt a burst of resentment. You opened your mouth, but Seungmin continued. "Yeji, Lia and I found it. I swam under water and came to her, but by then...."
By then what? You frowned.
Hyunjin's lips squirmed ironically. "And you gave up on her? You, out of all people, should've assumed what could happen. Or that thought was so repulsive that you couldn't even observe it? Would you rather that's she's really dead?"
"She didn't had pulse, she didn't breath!" Seungmin yelled. "And she never had enough blood to change!" His eyes hardened. " At least not from me."
You opened your mouth again, but Hyunjin placed two fingers on them to shush up. He said deceptively: "Thats the problem now - or you are forced to see this? You told me to check her: check for yourself. She's in shock, irrational. Oh, yes, even Im admitting to it." He stopped and smiled brightly before he continued. "Thats not just a normal confusion after transformation. She will need blood, human blood, or her body won't have the power to finish the transformation. Sje will die."
What do you mean irrational? You tought angry. "I am fine", you saud through Hyunjin's fingers. "Im tired, thats all. I was going to bed before I heard you guys fighting and I cane to help. And then you didn't even let me kill him", You finished bitterly.
"Yes, why didn't you?" Says Seungmin. He watched Hyunjin motionless so he could look through him. Any sign of cooperation from his side disappeared. "That would ne the easiest."
Hyunjin shot him a look, suddenly furious; his hostile mood rising to confront Seungmin. He was breathing fast and shallow. "Maybe I dont like getting things the easy way", he hissed. Then he looked like he got his self control back. His lips curled mockingly: "Lets say like this, dear brother: if anyone will had the honour to kill you, that will be me. No one else. I'm planning to take care of that job personally. And I assure you, thats something im really good at."
"You proved it", Seungmin saud quietly, like his every word made him nauseous.
"But this one", Hyunjin said turning to you with shiny look in his eyes, "Didn't kill her. Why would I? I could've turn her whenever I wanted to."
"Maybe because she just got engaged with somone else."
Hyunjin lifted your hand, still wrapped around his. The ring was shining on third finger, decorated with big blue stone. You frowned at it, not understanding how you didn't saw it before. Then you shrugged your shoulders and leaned on Hyunjin.
"So", says Hyunjin while looking at you," that doesn't seem like a problem, right? I think she would be happier if she forgets about you." He lifted his gaze towards Seungmin witn awkward laugh. "But we will find out as soon as she gets to her sense. After that, maybe we could ask her who is she going to Choose. You agree?"
Seungmin shook his head. "How can you even offer that? After everything that happened...." His voice trailed off.
"With Ryujin? I can say it if you cant. Ryujin choose stupidly and payed for her choice. Y/N is different; she knows what she wants. But, it doesn't matter if you agree or not", he added, respecting Seungmin's new protests. "The fact is that now she is weak and needs blood. I will make sure she gets it, and then I will find out who did this to her. You can come but dont need to. Its up to you."
He straightened up and pulled you towards him. "Lets go."
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buffalowingsfortwo · 2 years
8/6/22 12:26 am
ash to faith
theres no way to be calm about this. ive had too much caffeine tonight, and i saw your letter probably 4 hours ago. the only way to describe what im going through with this is to compare the situation to a new friendship or a middle school crush where person A texts, person B responds days later, and person A thinks "oh, i'll wait [x amount of time] to text back so they know im just as distanced from this as they are." humiliating as it is, its my brand at this point, and i have to show strength through consistency. so im sorry. but im back.
i get what you mean when you bring up the idea of "what do/don't you know" and i struggle with it every time i write. i do like the idea of speedrunning the past year or whatever and just hoping some of it sticks. i dont know. i just like to talk about myself, probably.
relationships at a weird point, but its probably fine. ill be honest, they do hear about you a lot, so i feel like i should be bringing them up to you. im not sure if youve seen them recently, but if you havent, they look the same in every way but they grew their hair about as long as mine used to be, and they have facial hair. we look different and we are different. i have an overwhelming addiction to buying them things and making them wear my clothes. our families havent met yet, but everyones pushing for it which i hate, so much more than i can explain in words. their family is really cool though. they have a mean sister that literally hates me, but another sister and 2 parents that love me. i have a really good relationship with their mom which feels better than i could even explain. i joke around with their dad, their nice sister gives me hugs and tells me shes always happy to see me. jaxx loves my siblings in return, and theyre polite with my parents.
my family is pretty much the same as it used to be, but also not really at all. i cant remember if you were here for this or not, but shawn moved to pismo beach with our cousin tanner and his family. shelby graduated from ucla with a degree in environmental science. charlies living with us right now, and we spend most of our free time together. my mom and i are friendlier than ever, but we do annoy each other a lot. we dont yell like we used to, though. pauls paul, not much to say there. toby and emily have grown so much, and we do fight a bit, but i love them more than anything and i really am proud of who theyre becoming. michael has caused more drama than i could ever explain in one letter. hes a really long story. id love to tell it someday. anyways.
ive told shelby, shawn, and charlie, about our current standing. i think its okay to be honest at this point and admit that its hard to stop myself from talking about it. before this, they knew we fell apart, and they knew that we both sucked (which i think is a point of agreement but do correct me if im wrong), and they knew that i was over it. but obviously i never was. as far as my parents know, there is no story. we just stopped going by each others houses. i just stopped including you in plans, and i just stopped celebrating your birthday, and i just grew up. or something like that. im glad they never asked. even at our worst, i wouldve defended us to them. some lines i wont ever cross.
i wonder all the time what your family thinks of me. if they thought that i was evil, if they thought that i was sweet, if they missed me, if they were glad i was gone, if they never noticed at all. but maybe its better if i dont know. the scariest thing about us coming back together is the idea that ill (hopefully) have to talk to your mom again someday and acknowledge that i was gone. i think of when i came to you with flowers and cupcakes one day and she thanked me for always being there. i dont know that i can buy her, or you, enough flowers to make up for it. but i do plan to try. if i need to, ill plant a full garden for you so the supply never runs short.
"make me up, make me up, youre the reason im alive. this is how you remember me now, and just out the door is killing me." - schoolboy by grouplove
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bethchapelsbonnet · 3 years
I Dont remember if it Was on you're Ways to Tell ILY Prompt list but might I suggest a "I Choose you" Hournite One shot?
I didn't see you interact with the original submission I answered, so I included it here
I Choose You
All of the fuss that Beth went through to try to compile each and every piece of evidence that someone may need in order to get Rick the heck out of that place was simply... Well - it was actually exhausting, but she never realized until she was at the end of her days.
The database was always excellent and as the official Dr. Mid-Nite, she had access to even more information.
Not what she truly needed - to be able to actually speak to Rick. To assess how he was doing. To at least hold his hand, which.. she was conflicted about that one in particular. She didn't understand why that idea kept coming to her when she and Rick never actually really touched each other that way.
Casually - pats on the back or holding each other back in a fight, but nothing so intimate as hand holding. Maybe it was her renewed self confidence. She had chosen herself. And now, she was choosing Rick. 
They didn't allow any of them to see him. He was currently being held at a juvenile center, assigned a caseworker and a child advocate attorney, with an ongoing investigation about his uncle and his home life. But, Beth found out the names of everyone involved in his case and she was sending them documents, school reports, and everything that she could scrape up to prove that Rick was in a dangerous household and had been abused and mistreated. 
It was her hope that they would all see it was self defense and go easy on him. Courtney and Pat had tried to explain to her that Eclipso was controlling him. It wasn't self defense. It was just a terrible mind game.
Not too long ago, they were pressing her to accept murdering a bad guy… but suddenly, when it's THIS bad guy… who didn't even DIE, they were willing to accept Rick turning himself in and being put away? "It's what Rick wanted, to be held accountable.."
"He didn't DO it! It was Eclipso!" Beth had snapped at Courtney. Courtney's eyes went wide and she got quiet. Of course she knew that and she didn't deserve Beth being rude with her, either, but Beth was too frustrated to tell herself that at the moment and Rick wasn't around…
She called him anyway, as she stormed out. 
"Rick!" She took a deep breath, "You don't deserve to be held responsible for something that you didn't do wrong!" She noticed Courtney in the corner of her eye and whispered, "There's nothing you need to be held accountable for and I'm working on helping you get out. Just… I hope you aren't too hard on yourself." She hung up and looked at Courtney.
"I watched him run around, hallucinating, breaking down as he was attacked by something that we couldn't see… it was like with Yolanda, only someone did get hurt. I didn't want to have to see that again and it wasn't easy to let Rick confess, but what else could we do? What would you have done differently?"
Beth wanted to say that she wouldn't have let him out of her sight, that she would have talked to him until he was back down to Earth..  but as a firm believer in herself, some part of her knew that Courtney didn't have that type of power. Beth was the one who could stop Rick in his tracks and make him think for a moment. 
"What about when you see a dead 10 year old girl? Would you have been able to use your head in that moment and stop him from reacting?"
Beth sniffled and wiped her face, "If I was here, I know that I could have fixed this. I know that I could have talked him down. He listens to me. It's different with us. And with Eclipso… it's personal now."
Rick heard about an "adorable but incredibly annoying" girl who spoonfed a lot of information to his case worker and his advocate. They didn't have to describe her. He did initially automatically think Courtney, since that was who saw him last on the outside and that's who annoyed him more than any girl he knew…
But when they spoke about legal documents, school incidents and cases and studies of similar cases..  He knew that they meant Beth. A lot of her findings needed to be double checked by the proper authorities and his advocate would need to speak with a judge, but it was looking like Rick may be entitled to psychological treatment from years of abuse that resulted in him finally lashing back.
He wanted to argue with that, but in a way.. that felt like some type of hope and he couldn't say there wasn't truth in it. Whatever Beth had done, he finally felt some peace of mind, since coming here…
The court order to grant him a placement took shorter than he thought, even though it still felt super long. The Chapels weren't foster parents, but thanks to some… creative documentation on Beth's part, they were able to be listed as family friends to whom custody could be signed over.
He would be trying for emancipation, but in the meantime, he had a place to sleep and eat and stuff… and Beth was there.
"How did you manage to pull this off?" Rick wondered, more confused than grateful, but she didn't take it to heart. She smiled and tapped her goggles. "Of course…" he stared at his bags on the floor. "Did you get the full story?"
"I got Courtney and Pat's side of it. You don't have to tell me, but in your own time, if you want to, you can." She handed him some mail, "I filled out your paperwork and sent it in. You've gotten at least one response."
"My paperwork?"
She winced, "I totally trespassed into your car and home, scanning everything and looking for something to help me. I traced punched in walls, I took an inventory of the alcohol in there, you name it. I also found the forms that you had for college and financial aid. I took them with me, but also wondered what they were doing there. So I checked on cell phone records and saw that Miss Woods-" she rolled her eyes when she said her name. (She wasn't fond of how cruelly that woman had treated Rick, and she didn't mind saying so), "Had been there. I figured she was the one who gave those to you, went to pay her a visit and questioned her until she told me about what happened earlier. She had seen your uncle and he was belligerent and drinking. I told her that I would speak to your advocate in order to see if that was usable information. It was. She made for a very dependable character reference."
Rick looked stunned. He didn't know what to say, but eventually landed on, "Why am I at your house and not at Pat's? I don't even know your parents and they probably aren't pleased about what happened." 
"Well, I believe that I've managed to do quite the PR campaign for you when I was making my rounds to see if anybody had recollection of witnessing your uncle be unkind to you. A lot of people have been quiet about things that they should have spoken up about… myself included.." she lowered her head, "I noticed bruises on you sometimes at lunch when we weren't friends and I guessed that they weren't from some school fight, otherwise, the school would know." She looked up at him and her eyes were brimming with tears, "All of us made choices to mind our business and just leave you to fend for yourself. Everybody's been feeling pretty guilty that it came to… that.."
She cleared her throat, "There's enough going on at Courtney's house, and Yolanda's isn't an option. I couldn't let you wind up at the group home. Artemis is there. The last time you two saw each other, you almost killed one another. I thought my home was the best choice. It's safe, there's just me here. My parents believed me when I vouched for you, so they would be acting like wardens or anything, and I just… I feel better knowing that if something happens, I'll be there."
He sat down on the guest bed and twiddled his thumbs, "That's just it. If something happens, I… I no longer have the hourglass. I won't be able to protect you fully."
"I can protect myself," she said, sitting next to him. "Just wait until you hear my Eclipso story."
"Your what?"
"He attacked me the same time that he attacked you…" Rick looked terrified as he checked her over for damages. "It's a long story, but I'm fine. It went very differently for me than it did for you." She looked sad for a moment. I think he must've known."
He was confused. Beth looked him in the eyes through her goggles, "That we protect each other. That you fight for me and I fight for you. I felt so victorious when I was able to take my goggles back from me and solidify my place on the team… the. I found out he had gotten to my Rick…" 
His heart jumped in his chest and he stared at her. He reached for her goggles but she shook her head and he withdrew his hands. "It wasn't anything to do with you."
"No, but had I been there…"
"Then you could have gotten hurt or had to see me become the very kind of monster that I hate!" 
She furrowed her eyebrows and she grabbed his hand, harder than she meant to, but that demanded his attention and he stared at her face, "If I had been there, you would've had the extra strength you needed to see through him. I wouldn't have let you fight. Please believe me when I say that I'm sure I could have talked some sense into you. I could have saved you from thinking that you're a monster. Because you aren't a monster, Rick. You're a kid who was in a situation that most of us can't fathom, and when you needed me, I wasn't there." He started crying and shook his head. "I'll understand if you want to stay with Mr. Dugan instead…"
"No. No.."He had told Grundy that day that he just needed someone to care about him, to be kind to him, and he could be alright. Rick was so caught up in the stress of his uncle, he hadn't thought about how he did have someone like that. He had his friends, the Dugans, and he had Beth. She had done all of this, because she felt like she'd failed him. Like she was supposed to protect him. She wasn't obligated to do that, but the fact that she wanted to, that she tried to. 
Hell, she was even correct about being able to talk him down. He didn't know if she could have that night, but as much as she meant to him… he couldn't rule out that what if. He collected her hand to his heart and said extremely softly, "I choose you." 
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ajbwasntwriting · 3 years
Daughter!Reader X Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 7. Home Sweet Home
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The quest for relevant gifs continue as we begin this chapter with a cheeky little flashback. Hope you all had a happy end of 2020 and may all your 2021 goals come to fruition.
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
The school bell rang. All the kids packed up their things and got into a line to walk out the school to their parents. You were told to always take the back of the line, that way when all the other kids walked out the door to meet their parents, you could break off and run down to the teacher’s cafeteria. You’d stand outside the door and fifteen minutes later your father would arrive, usually with another two teachers in tow. Everyday you’d see him round the corner then drop your bag and sprint your little legs down to him. He’d pick you up in his arms and place a big kiss on your cheek.
“How was your day princess? Did you give Janet a hard time?” he’d ask, to which you’d always shake your head no. He’d smile at you before placing you back on the ground, then you’d run back to your bag and your father would bring you back to his classroom where he taught other kids. He’d correct work for a bit while you did your homework, usually at a desk far too big for you but it was still easier then the kitchen table.
After you had finished your homework your father would let you pull out pencils and paper and draw until either he had finished his corrections or it was time to go. It was 1985 and you were strapped into the backseat of your father’s car with ‘Out Of Touch’ on the radio. You were six years old and living the high life in the back of your daddy’s car on the way to your suburban house where your mom was cooking pasta for dinner after a long-shift at 7/11.
You woke up when the light hit your eyes, stirring you from the peaceful childhood dream of speeding down the country rode while The Bangles sang out. You were lying on a hard bed in what looked like a med-bay made out of an office. Realisationed hit you like a truck that this was the Sanctuary and you shot up, immediately regretting it when everything started to hurt.
“Woah Woah, easy.” A man chided as he jumped to your side, grabbing you by the shoulders to stop you from getting out of the bed. You yelled at him to get off you as you swung at him, sending him backwards. In a moment another two were on you, a man and a woman.
“Tie her before she pulls out her IV!” the woman yelled. The first man stood up and began strapping you in using broad leather straps while the other two put their weight on you.
You struggled as best you could, still exhausted and something heavy on your leg. “Let. me. Out!” you yelled as you pushed against the bonds.
“Get Daryl” one of the women commanded, the second man running out. “Try not to pull that IV out. We can’t patch you up if you do.” she commented, walking around to tend to the man you punched. At this angle you could see the four barred tattoos on her neck. You recognised her, but it seemed she didn’t recognise you. Or at least wasn’t saying anything.
“What are you gonna do to me?” you asked, trying to hide your fear. The man glared at you from where he sat on another hospital bed, his eye turning bruised.
“Nothing.” The woman commented. “Bosses orders” the man scoffed at that, earning a slap to his chest by the woman.
“What? You actually think Daryl is the boss. Negan had him putting dead ones on the fence! He should still be doing that!” the woman punched him in the chest
“Knock it off,” she chided “Unless you wanna get punished”
“He doesn’t do that shit” the man grumbled.
“Do you wanna be the reason he starts doing it?” You couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe it was your nerves at the situation but their banter was completely unexpected. She turned around and looked at your tied down giggling figure. “What’s so funny!?”
“You sound like his mom” you turned your head to look at them as you spoke, a smile on your face.
“She bitches like the old hag too” the man chirped, earning a more playful slap from the woman. This was good, the tension was being lifted if only slightly.
“Sorry for punching you. New surroundings, ya know.” you piped up, hoping to take advantage of the tension drop.
“Yea well, you're not getting out of those belts” the man retorted, nodding towards the binds
“That’s fair” you sigh. Looks like you’ll need a new plan. Maybe some info, but you’d have to give a little to get a little “So are you gonna kill me? Like your friends tried to”
“What you mean?” The man asked
“Couple of people broke into my safe house, said they were saviours and they were gonna kill me to save their friends.” you stared at the ceiling, trying to feign complete helplessness. “Are you with them?”
“No, but-” the woman shushed him again, but that did nothing to deter the man. “We used to be, then a war happened and our boss got locked up and they put an outsider in to look over us”
‘Locked up?’ you thought ‘so he’s not dead.’ you bit your tongue to contain your happiness. “I can’t say I’m sorry” you said after a beat, “So...I’m gonna live?” you looked at them with intentionally wide eyes. The woman looked pissed, but she nodded. You breathed a sigh of relief and closed your eyes. A beat or two later the man returned with Daryl and a grey-hair woman in tow.
“Get those off her!” Daryl ordered.
“It’s okay” you interjected. “I punched your friend there. Kinda earned this”
“Nah” the first man perked up “If I had been jumped then woke up in a strange place I’d have acted out too,” he moved over and started opening the belts, Daryl working on the others. You slowly pulled yourself up, Daryl jumping to your side to help you into a sitting position.
“You alright?” Daryl asked. You looked over now realising your palms were bandaged and your leg was in a splint. You reached up to your aching head and felt a bandage with your fingers.
“I’ve been better” you spoke low, still in a great deal of pain.
“What happened?” the grey haired woman asked. You spun a story of a bunch of people claiming to be saviours who entered your apartment with the plan of ambushing and killing Daryl, how you burned down the apartment and jumped out the window for your escape. The grey haired woman listened to you with growing worry on her face. “Did you kill them all?” she pushed
“I don’t know.” you admitted
“What do you mean you dont know!” she snapped
“Carol-” Daryl started
“No, if there’s people out there claiming to be saviours and hurting people then we’re gonna look bad in front of the other settlements.” Carol snapped back.
“She’s right,” the messenger added. “We’ll have to do something.”
“These were our brothers” the punched man spoke out “We can’t just kill them.”
“They didn’t give us a choice” Daryl snapped. “Y/N barely got out alive and she’s been living out there for months. What if they get someone who can’t hold their own!” he went to storm out but you reached out of the bed and grabbed his arm, yelling out in pain at the strain.
“Don’t” you warned, after Daryl and the woman helped you back into the bed. “If they’re still there then they’re barricaded and have significant advantage.”
“Well what do you purpose we do?” Carol asked. Your breath was getting heavy.
“Anybody got a map of DC? And maybe a pencil”
The original messenger boy got you a map and a pen. You marked out where your apartment had been, as well as some buildings that had fallen apart with age. “They said they were watching me, which means they could be in any of these” you marked around the stable buildings that could make for a hide, which was surprisingly few. “This is my hideout in city centre” you said marking the building
“You never mentioned another safe house.” Daryl spoke up, you smirked
“A girl needs her secrets.” you handed the pen to Daryl “What route did you take to my place?” he lined in his route.
“What if they’re farther?” Carol asked.
“They’re not.” you spoke firmly “They were watching me for long enough they knew when Daryl wouldn’t be around which means they made their place comfortable, and I bet a couple of them got injured in the fire, meaning they’re gonna have to lay low and patch themselves up,” You explained. Your body finally gave way and you fell back on the pillows. The woman jumped to your help, telling the others to go. She made you comfortable in the bed, you drifting off to sleep again not long after.
“How’d you know they’re there?” she asked later that evening when you were awake, eating some acorn mush, “How are you sure?”
You could sense she was worried. “I was in the military before all this” you answered. “Our job was to sneak into enemy territory to help our fellow soldiers or civilians. We used to make maps like that, using where our friends got attacked as a central point to where the enemy could be hiding” she nodded as you explained, though still visibly nervous. “They’ll be fine” you tried to reassure her. “If they’re not nearby, they’ll have to get through hordes of walkers before they’ll be somewhere safe. You’re friends will get them”
She seemed to be reassured, If only a little. “You know I’m meant to be looking after you,” she breathed out, a tear sneaking over her cheek. She wiped it away before it could fall. “I’m Laura, by the way”
“I’m Y/N”
The following morning they all returned, with the exception of Daryl. “You were right” Laura informed you. The ‘saviours’ were held up barely a block away and now they were dead.
“Where’s Daryl?” You asked when Carol visited you.
“He took off for Alexandria” Carol replied. “I’m in charge now.”
“Oh” you spoke, clearly disappointed. Carol ordered Laura to leave, putting you on high alert. She pulled up a chair and looked you in the eyes with a dead stare.
“What is your relationship with Daryl?” she asked bluntly. You cocked an eyebrow at her.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate so I can give you an answer you’d be happy with, Carol.” you replied helpless from the bed. She knew you couldn’t run, yet she was putting on this show of bravado? She seemed to accept your request though.
“Up until three days ago we didn’t know Daryl had a secret lady hiding in the city. We want to make sure Daryl isn’t keeping secrets that can hurt us.” she spoke a little more relaxed now, but still direct. She reminded you of your mother in a way, whenever she noticed a cookie was missing, or later in life, her vodka had been replaced with water.
“So Rick, Carl, or Tara hadn’t mentioned me either?” those names spurred on some recognition. “Guess not” you sighed, thinking on how to break to this woman you had tried to kill two of her friends. You came to the conclusion that you shouldn’t. “I traded with Carl and Rick for some medical supplies. Few months later Tara, Rick, and Daryl stumbled into my area needing help so I did. Daryl’s been trading with me since.”
“What kind of trade?” she pushed.
“Food,” you answered. “He’s been feeding me, in return I’ve been getting him stuff. Blankets, bandages, jeans, kid’s shit like bottles, and toys-”
“And raincoats with little butterflies on it?” Carol interrupted you. You nodded and whispered a ‘yeah’ under your breath. “I have a niece called Judith. She’s trying to name all the butterflies.” she spoke lovingly of the child and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of a small girl pointing at water-proof butterflies giving them cute names. She probably gave them different names every time she listed them.
The smile faded as you remembered the world isn’t that simple anymore. “So what now?” you asked.
“You’ll stay here” Carol ordered. “You’ll do your part, whatever way you can.”
You nodded in agreement “I know this might be a big ask considering we just met but,” you began, taking a big breath to try and stave off the tiredness, “Could I help here? In the hospital. I was a combat medic before this so it’s probably the best way I can help.”
And it could be a great way to weed out who knows who you are and threaten them into keeping their mouth shut, or even shutting it for them.
Your request was granted, under the watchful eye of Laura, and so began your new life at The Sanctuary.
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@bodeckersbitch​ @lauren-novak​
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eivorsjawline · 3 years
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The Last Day
tw: mention of bloodshed, mental health struggles and alcohol.
*Not the last chapter dont worry, next will be last.
Chapter 9:
Eivor’s POV
I tend to reminisce on the past, my parents, Sigurd, the clan and the times when my family was whole. With the cold whip of the wind and the iridescent reflections in the sky, Norway will forever be my home. Even distant England holds a place within my heart as well as the family I built there. The answer to my hunger lies within myself and whether or not to go back to what I know or stay by the woman beside me. A choice between my honor and the person who I’ve grown to love the most. Though time keeps changing constantly, the recent past loops repeatedly in my head. These days I find myself staring at the walls, the ceiling and the emptiness around me. The dark realization that I have no purpose here, or do I? Life was peaceful but I missed the blade of my ax, I missed the bloodshed. I spent my whole life achieving greatness in what I knew, It was what I was bred for. There was an unspoken oath I took the day I was removed from my mother's womb.
A feeling of guilt always succeeded me, every passing day. What exactly I left behind and what the consequences would be. I have to remind myself that I would have died if It wasn’t for Y/n saving me. I understand now that the technologies that I have here were needed for my survival. Just herbs, alcohol and bandages wouldn’t have been enough to stop the life-threatening wounds I had. I was beaten, bruised and cut so badly I was nearly in a comatose state of mind. Even now, I still get flashbacks to that day and the fight. As a drengr, I’ve grown more and more cold to the idea of war and violence but there will always be something about that specific day. I can't seem to shake the feeling that it hasn’t ended and only more is to come.
Whilst I’ve been adjusting to modern life, I’ve turned to the bottle more times than I should. There have been days where I’ve fallen asleep on the couch, no recollection of even trying to get up yet I always wake up in bed with a blanket over my body. I can’t bear the thought of Y/n supporting me so I found honest work as a carpenter. With a few tweaks, I adjusted fine along with the help of co-workers and friends I made along the way. I feel I’ve become a shell of a being, the impact of everyday life burdens me. It’s not fun anymore, it's real and every day. The walk back home was loud and the people I found strange weren’t so odd anymore. I knew the truth within me, that I had become one of them too. I was almost always alone with my thoughts now that Y/n had started work again. Her hours tended to be late and tedious. She was the only thing keeping my sanity, everyday I drew a breath was for her. With the looks we shared, I wondered if she knew my real thoughts. My melancholic sulking was interrupted when a woman bumped shoulders with me and stopped me in my tracks. When I turned I recognized a familiar face waiting for me.
Reader’s POV
I was shocked when I came home, to say the least. The air was quiet, telling of the predicament I had placed myself in. I never thought I’d see Eivor and Valka sitting down together in my house. The silence was so loud, I couldn’t place my finger on exactly what but there was a feeling within me that knew why she was here. At first glance, she seemed unrecognizable but with a closer look, I recognized her right away. She looked almost the same with a more present-day twist to fit in. Faint freckles danced on her warm skin along with the intensity of her usual solemn expression. Her hair was pulled back and her eyebrows were as thick and beautiful as I remembered. She wore a light tan dress, she would never stray too far from her traditional taste. Valka wouldn’t have come this far for anything, a gut-wrenching feeling consumed me. I placed my belongings on a table near me and the three of us gathered around one another, the silence eating me alive.
“I want to make this as straightforward and honest as possible. We needed you then like we need Eivor now. Without you, Eivor would indefinitely no longer be with us. Ever since Eivor’s absence, the Danes and Saxons have grown only more divided.”
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Eivor had a worrisome look on her face, one that I had never seen before. Her eyes roamed around the room as If looking for some sort of distraction, maybe even a way out. I kept her sheltered here all this time and even though I’ve enjoyed every moment I still carry around a lot of guilt with me. The fact that I removed her from all that she knew tore me apart from the inside every day no matter how necessary. Perhaps, Eivor was meant to die there that day and her people’s fate was meant to be sealed. The realization that I could be in the process of ultimately changing the past suddenly struck me. Valka had more to say, a proposal I presumed to be made.
“If my visions are correct, Eivor is the key. My most recent discovery is that time changes throughout different realities and dimensions. It has been only a short amount of time for the both of you but It’s been years for us. Time passes slowly when maneuvering into the future but faster into the past.”
Everyone I met from the clan, I caused Eivor to completely leave them in the dark for years. I didn’t want to admit it but I knew exactly what Valka was getting at. These were Eivor’s last days with me if not the last day. As much as it pains me, she belongs in the past and I belong here. I screwed with time too much already, there are now two people out of place in the world. It’s almost as if Valka is an extraterrestrial being with the powers she holds and her ability to jump in between dimensions as if it were nothing. She had a natural aura about her almost like she could fit in anywhere she went and no one would have any suspicions. I've walked by Eivor’s side this entire time and I can't say the same for her. The road has been difficult and long, I can only imagine the toll it’s taking on her health.
The meeting with Valka was brief until she pulled only Eivor aside to talk to. I figured it wasn’t my business anyway since I was only one part of the story. As nosey as I was, I still tried to hold my breath to listen to their conversation but only whispers and mumbles could be heard. From the side of my peripheral vision, I saw Eivor and she looked stressed beyond all means. She was safe here and content whether she was happy or not and now she has one of the greatest burdens on her shoulders to deal with. A lump formed in my throat, I worried if there was still love between us at least on her end but it could just be my insecurities eating at me. For all, I know this is Eivor’s chance to be done with me and only I to be forgotten. Oh, but I could never forget her or the moments we share. Valka’s footsteps could be heard coming towards me as she came to say her farewells. When I stood up from my seat to make formal eye contact with her, I noticed her posture was straight and confident. I decided to keep my distance because I knew that I grew some sort of attachment to Valka as well. Not much could be said on my end, the decision is up to Eivor only.
Valka left and with her absence, the room grew eerily quiet. I couldn’t face Eivor, just seeing her face made me upset and wrapped in a whelm of emotions. Whenever the world became too much I always escaped outside. Like a coward, I ran towards the sliding door near the back of my apartment trying to hide my oncoming tears that were building up. The rays of the sun hit my skin and the sunset shone down on my face leaving a warm feeling on my cheeks. Tears started to roll down my face and I wiped it off with my shirt sleeve leaving a mess of a damp spot on the fabric. I felt selfish for crying, selfish because I never wanted someone all to myself so badly before. Being alone with my thoughts just caused me to feel them even more intensely, I allowed myself to be consumed by them. Suddenly, I heard what I knew was Eivor’s footsteps shuffling towards me. Quickly, I dried my tears and composed myself within a short time before Eivor stood close behind me.
“You don't have to hide it, I already can tell.”
I've had this moment a thousand times, the one where I try to look like I haven’t just bawled my eyes out. It never fails to completely embarrass me every time. When I turned around I noticed the sun beamed on her skin perfectly and every feature on her face could be seen clearly. She had her hair down, a relaxed look presuming she just got home not too long ago. Her eyebrows were pursed together as if she was studying me and trying to figure out what was on my mind. Eivor was like my guardian angel, always following me through my misfortunes and being my number one support. Truth be told, even if she went I was scared for her and if she could make it through this one. Her wounds were completely healed at this point, but I knew the damage it leaves on the mind is forever permanent.
She pulled me closer to her and wiped the wet spot on my cheek with her thumb. In her eyes, I could tell she was worried whether she admitted it or not. At the moment I catch her off guard her true feelings always show on her face and as soon as her eyes met mine she switched them off. I wanted to be honest with her and tell her my true feelings, how I felt about this situationship we involved ourselves in. My feelings had grown so strong since I met her and I realized I never once told her those three words. The more I tried to force words out of my mouth the more I felt the urge to cry again. Sure enough, tears started to fall down my eyes and my body kept telling me to let go of everything. Eivor brought me tightly into her chest and wrapped her arms around me, reluctant to release me. I heard her say something, mumbling under her breath. When I asked for reassurance as to what she said, she didn't hesitate or move.
“I love you.”
Eivor’s POV
The burden that's been placed upon my shoulders is a heavy one but I’m willing to face it. If I die going back I know that I’ll go in peace and with honor. Though it may have taken some time, I feel that Y/n understands that as well. Not to the degree that a drengr would but to the best of her abilities. She tried her best for me and I devote myself to trying my best for her. I was unsure of a lot of things in my life, but I knew no matter where this life led me that I wanted her there by my side. The sunlight was dying but the night was still young. Knowing it would be our last night here, we decided to savor it together. We did what we do best by getting wine drunk and cranked the volume on the speakers up so loud without a care of who was trying to sleep. The frown that was on her face earlier turned into smiles and laughs as she watched me attempt to dance. I always felt like I could have fun with her and be myself, not so serious all the time. She was a lightweight compared to me, already stumbling a little. Seeing her let loose was cute and showed me a side of her I haven’t seen before. I leaned in closer to her, truth be told she was looking extra sweet tonight. Her beauty was effortless and she didn’t even have to try to turn me on.
“Let me see you dance, I love to see you dance… Take you down another level and get you dancing with the devil.”
I placed my hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I did my best to lead her and sway with the music and It seems I was doing a good job once her cheerful eyes turned into a sultry spark. I pushed my torso closer to her, leaving that space between us no longer. A thousand intrusive thoughts crossed my mind, the most alluring one being that I could die right here and be happy. It’s the feeling moments before making love that is my favorite. My hands started to trace the outline of her body and my mind started to piece together what she looked like underneath the fabric from fond remembrance. Everything that brought me to her was worth it along with every obstacle in between. She leaned in to whisper in my ear and her voice had a noticeable nervous tremble.
“Take me with you…”
Reader’s POV
I said goodbye to everything I knew for the last time, this time the choice is mine willingly. Just a few months ago I would have never thought I’d be here and on my way to the place where it all happened. Where I met the love of my life and my impending future, the events that were to take place. The temperatures dropped so low at night, the bite of the cold felt bitter on my skin. Foolish me, I never take a cover-up anywhere I go. Luckily Eivor was close by and wrapped her jacket around me due to me being visibly upset by the weather. The cold never bothered her, I could feel the heat radiating from under her body when she hovered her arms over my shoulders to place her jacket. The stones were so close yet we hadn’t dared move within their reach. If I was to be honest with myself, I was nervous to go back. Perhaps, they would be upset with me for leaving so suddenly and taking Eivor along with me. It felt like just yesterday I was in England waiting for Eivor’s return by the ship dock.
Something within me felt like I was making the right decision and that this is the fate that was meant for me all along. Regardless of how twisted and strange it may be, I was ready. The entire time being here, Eivor constantly griped and moaned about how she missed home. For once, she was quiet. I always loved how expressive she tended to be with her face, studying everything like a hawk. She needn’t say much, I could tell what she was thinking about. Anxiety, sadness, and excitement all meshed together forming an array of emotions.
Eivor was a step ahead of me, venturing into the stone's embrace as I followed just behind her. Time seemed to pass more slowly, if not coming to a complete end. Throughout this whole experience, I realized that time wasn’t real. The people, the cultures and the history of the past all lived harmoniously with the present. It didn’t feel like I was traveling through time itself but rather visiting a different distant place on the same Earth. Families, lovers and enemies just the same as what we have today. Eivor’s hand met mine and there we held them together. The outline of the scars on the skin of her forehand and all that she endured in her life, a beautifully written story on her body could be felt. Eivor whispered something in her mother's tongue, something I couldn’t understand.
We both kneeled with our backs towards a tall large stone, huddled together with a cold and eerie feeling in the air. Eivor wrapped her arms around mine and we let whatever happened to be just that. I felt safe no matter where this life took me, I knew Eivor would be near. I was ready to live the remainder of my life with her in the past. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I thought of what our life was going to be like together and what our future held. Daydreams and fantasies that I wonder if she too thought of. Passing through a time portal was invisible, you could never really tell if you traveled or not. Something between reality and falsity merged, undetected by the universe itself. I closed my eyes and laid my head to rest in the crook of Eivors shoulder, letting my mind go blank.
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what have I created?
idk if yall like this, but they just exist not i guess :/
ok the the first one is Royalty AU
first things first, when I say Royalty AU, I don't mean the classic shit we've all become accustomed to. Im talking about the good old Chinese royalty! And I want to emphasize that these guys will/should be dressed in century appropriate attire. As someone thats read a handful of 'marinette, princess of china' fics from the ML Fandom, I've noticed a common trend. Marinette wouldn't be in the culturally appropriate clothes, always ballgowns. Not that there's something wrong with it, its just most of if not all these fic are set in China, so I'd expect Chinese royalty to dress as THERE dress code calls for. And since this AU takes place far in the past like, it won't make sense for any of the characters to be in royal clothing that wasn't from there region. I'm not trying to white knight/gatekeeping. Im Guyanese not Chinese. But since JTTW and Monkie Kid take place in China, it's only right. In my opinion that it. You don't have to outright agree with me.
With out of the way, it's time for that good old AU crack
- Wukong is the king of the Flower Fruit kingdom(or a different one if you'd like, again I'm only familiar with what western culture has taught me, but I'll try my hardest) 
- he’s single but rumor has it he used to/still is dating the Vigilante/thief The Six Eared Macaque
- *chants ShadowPeach violently* 
- no one know whether it true or not
- On of his wanders around the kingdom he finds an abandoned baby in a basket. 
- and no shit sherlock it's fucking baby Xiaotian 
- I think we all know where this is going because i'm a simp for Monkey Dad & Monkie Son shenanigans
- Xiaotian becomes prince
Shit, ill be referring to Xiaotian as Mk from now on, I mentioned this before in a fic I wrote for lmk that Mk's a nickname for Xiaotian for some reason- wait i don't have to explain my self to you people!
- Sun loves his son
- MK is treated differently by staff and others because he's not blood related to the king
- no one mistreats MK per say, because there King loved his adopted son, but words are said behind his back
- Sometimes MK hears what’s said, and he feels as if he won't live up to his dad’s legacy.
- He meets Mei during a festival
- Mei is from a noble family, that wouldn't mind if they got a connection into the royal family.
- but it becomes hella clear to Mei’s family very fast that the two are just friends, and will always will be. but hey there daughter is bffs with the prince so that's a plus.       
- the Demon Bull Family is rules a kingdom as well, I dont/am not creative enough to think of a name I leave that to you.
- It's a common misconception that DBK is a tyrant, when he’s not. 
- most of the time...
- they have been at war with the Monkey King for some time now and settled for a peace agreement.
- that agreement being there sons to marry
- oooo original i know
- MK and Red Son are roughly the same age, Mk being 20 and RS 22
- RS is revolted/disgusted at the idea of being wed to the Monkey Kings child, even more so when he realizes MK is adopted,
- but, that all changes the second he meets MK while he meets him by accident when he gets kinda lost in the palace when he and his parents go to discuss the arrangements.
- the second he looks at MK, he's instantly in love. MK less so, he's nervous and honestly kinda bummed he's not marrying someone he loves but it's for the good of his ppl, and he'll do anything for them.
- RS isn't even aware that MK is Suns adopted son until MK walks him back to the meeting room.
"Oh There you are MK! I was about to have a servant go fetch you!" Sun Wukong says, gesturing for his boy to come sit with him.
"S-sorry for keeping you waiting I got caught up in my lessons with Mr. Tang" MK responds, sitting next to his father. Red Son looked gobsmacked. The beautiful young man he had bumped into, was the prince of this land? Damn, life truly blessed him. Or cursed him depending on how you looked at it.
- the two are left alone in a separate room for a while.
- And MK straight up tells RS why he's agreeing to this union.
"Look Red Son. I've dreamed about meeting my one true love for a while. And I would give almost anything for that dram to be real. But I wouldn't ever dare give up my people, for as there price they mean more to me. I'm doing this for them, no other reason" MK says, his back straight and hands folded neatly in his lap. The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, but that was drowned out by loyalty and determination. It just made Red Son fall for him even harder. Clearing his throat Red spoke.
"I understand, for im doing this for the betterment of my people to. But I propose a wager"
"A wager?"
"Yes, if i can make you fall in love with me by years end, before our marriage, we can live together like in the fairy tales from far away. But if I fail, in a years time afterwards you will be permitted to find your own path in life" Red Son stated. MK took a moment to process what was happening.
"So, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you, before our marriage we can live happily ever after?" Red Son nodded in response, letting the younger continue.
"And if I shouldn't fall for you, in a years time after our union, im free to leave?" Red Son nodded once more.
"So, what do you say?"
In the end, your free to choose their fate, should Red Son win the hart of Mk? Will he fail? Or will he let him go, and let him travel the country, after all Mk's a free spirit and keeping him trapped in a big house is like keeping a cannery trapped in a cage only for its song, only for it to dul. Or will the unthinkable happen and will both boys find their freedom? together or appart? I don't know, because that's all up to you 😉
personally, I’m partial to where MK and Red Son both find freedom together. Like they straight up run away together to somewhere far away and just live out there lives together. 
this could also be genderbent thing as well. MK or Red as their respective counterparts. Again it doesn't have to be, but it’s whatever bro. im just spitting out the idea. 
Also, there is a main side plot that they fight the WBS throughout the year as well, along with other shenanigans you wanna throw in.
The second is a My Hero Academia/BNH/MHA AU
truth be told i'm not a big fan of MHA i think it to over hyped(this is also coming from the same person that’s a Fairy Tail fan lol), and the fandom i don't even know how to describe that mess, but I will admit not the whole of its toxic since every fandom has some toxic members, some even more so. 
I just sometimes find myself enjoying MHA AUs like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Danny Phantom, Evil!Deuk AU and several others. 
to make it clear I don't see this AU taking place the same time as the main plot of the actual Anime/Manga. This could be either like 6-10 years before or after the plot idk bro. But i’ll do this after the main story plot of MHA, so keep that in mind ya? another thing, the gang is still in China, the top hero school in the world just so happens to be in Japan, and it’s only ever mentioned by Sun wukong and other pro heros. So MK never attended AU. in short it’s only ever mention/ reference.  
- Mk was considered Quirkless as a kid. 
- he was just a late blumer, i swear  
- Mai’s Quirk is called Dragon. 
- it pretty much works the same way as it does in the show(duh)
- Tang’s got a knowledge Quirk, 
- my man can retain information and he’s basically an archive of information drawback being his personality lol 
- Piggsy is a Animal that gained a Quirk
- in cannon to my current knowledge, there are two other characters that can confirm animals can become sentient. the characters being Fumikage Tokoyami, & Nezu the principal at the school UA.  
- Sandy is just Conner Kent, aka he like superman but can't fly, or shoot lasers from his eyes. And blue.  
I have two scenarios for Macaque and Wukong  
*- The first one is that, Sun Wukong & Macaque are brothers. twins to be exact. 
- they where legit people, but have mutation quirks that made them too like monkeys. 
- the added powers were just a boues. 
- Sun and Mac are close growing up, like there brothers but also best friends.
- the draw back to there quirks could honestly be whatever you want bro idk, same with the others tbh. Personally I like to think Sun just has lack of motivation, and Macaque needs to draw on other people's energy.
- Sun is a hero, Monkey KIng and Mac is a villain Six Eared.
- Sun was always treated has the golden child in the family, Mac always resented that, but there shitty up bring didn’t stop the two from being good brothers to one another.
- soon tho the resentment became hatred when Sun was able to attend UA in Japan, while Mac didn't.
- Mac be angy 
- so he became a villain, and joined the Chinese branch of the LOV(league of villains)
- Sun doesn't know this till he finds out during the all out war during the main story. and by that time he’s a full on hero with is own agency(The Flower Fruit agency)    
- when the hero's ultimately win and Mac is arrested 
- This ultimately hurts Sun a lot, his brother was in jail now, arrested for his involvement and wrong doings, he knew nothing about this! this brother, his blood. A bad guy? why? he hadn't seen his brother since he left for UA, he hadn’t seen him when he came home, and started his agency. 
- this just puts Sun into a funk so he’s not as active as he used to be, and he starts thinking he might need a successor 
*- The second one is that they were two separate people that had similar quirks and both attended UA but Sun ended up in the hero corse. so 1A.
- Both Macaque and Sun have similar quirks, Sun’s is obviously more light based while Macaque’s is more shadow based(this applies to the first one as well)    
- Macaque was placed in class 1B, U.A.’s High's Heroics Department, I believe, you can correct me. 
- In cannon Class 1A and 1B both went to the training camp. I can see the teachers pinning Sun and Macaque against each other to hone their skills. 
- And because of that they become great friends    
- In fact when they graduate they both co-found there hero agency together in China and are a duo.
- But due to Monkey King’s popularity and Six Eared's association with shadows(people sometimes saying he has more of a villains quirk than a heros) the public see’s Macaque as Sun’s sidekick when thats far from the truth. 
- now it’s up to you whether you think that Wukong and Macaque would be in a relationship together, but knowing how cooked we all are, ShadowPeach is a thing here more than likely. 
- If you do or don’t support/ like the ShadowPeach aspect, the two would be living together regardless since its more cost efficient. 
- They my be heroes but living costs are expensive!   
- I would imagine there would have been a huge fight/argument between the two in privet of course, at there home.(or in there shared office if you want the extra angst of the other people they work with hearing them fight)   
- If the two are dating, then this would either lead to an out right breakup, or Macaque just up and leaving with Wukong thinking he’ll come back once he’s cooled off. But after a week, with no sign of his partner, or him answering texts or calls, not even coming into work. Wukong gets worried that something might have happened to him. so there wouldn't be a confirmation if they were still a thing or not. 
- But Wukong remains hopeful, despite the nagging at the back of his head, and gut telling him to go find Macaque, or atleast make a public statement, or even just tell another pro hero about it.   
- on the not so shippy side, Macaque and Wukong still have there argument, and much like the ShadowPeach esc side, Macaque up and leaves, and isn't seen for weeks. the only difference here is that when Wukong comes home one night to there flat, most if not all of Macaques stuff is gone. 
- where as if this was the ShadowPeach side, Macaque leaves all of his possession in the flat he and wukong share. for the simple reason being, he still loves him and wants to go back, but Macaque being Macaque can’t bring himself to do it, especially after seeing just how hurt Wukong looked when he yelled at him just before he left.  
- in other words, ANGST DIALED UP TO A 10 BABY  
- in either case, its a news report that confirms Wukong's suspicions that he desperately didn’t want to believe, and that is Macaque turning into a villain.
- much like if the two were brothers, Wukong just can’t take it and is no longer as active as he once was, and is thinking about, either A) Retirement  B) Saying, “Fuck Society, Be Gay Do Crime” and join Macaque as a villain himself, or C) find a successor, and a way to bring Macaque back to there side, but most importantly, back to him.    
- also extra points if you're after people's hearts and want to make them suffer;  - If there dating, Wukong curle’s up in the bed he and Macaque shared, holding/wearing something of great value to Macaque and just crying himself to sleep, where as Macaque is getting wasted on alcohol, as he stumbles out of the bar he’s in, he either see’s something that reminds him of Wukong or while he’s trying to put his wallet back into his pocket, a photo of them on their first date fall’s out. and Macaque just cries in a nearby alley way. And it’s there where he gets indoctrinated into the League.
       - If there just friends, macaque heads to the nearest forest and just levels it, where as Wukong just gets engrossed into his work, trying not to think about it. you could add you own spin on this, again i'm just spitballing.             
- NOW BACK TO MK! :D     
- Obviously MK is a huge Monkey King fan     
- at Twenty MK has come to terms he's quirkless (HE’S NOT)
-for ANGST reasons MKs fokes kicked him out at this realization at 13.
- he works at Piggsy's Noodle shop, and has been since he was 14.
- don't need a quirk to drive or cook!
- the boy lives a content life with his new family, till DBK happens :D
- DBK runs a Mafia(in conjunction with TLOV) and has been in jail for like 5 years thanks to Monkey King, PIF and RS brake him out one night when MK's out making a late night delivery since Piggsy had the bright idea to go 24/7 service!
- one thing leads to another and Mk somehow manifest what looks like the Monkey King's staff, but its not, it’s MKs powers, it just so happens to be the same power the Monkey King has. And it practically goes down the same way in the pilot. 
- but unlike the pilot Mk and Mei go straight to the FF Agency, after making a panicked call to Pigsy and Tang.
- one way or another Mk are lead into Wukongs office. Mei being forced to stay in the lobby.
- they have there convo, butterfly monkey squishing included.
- "And so, I want you do be my success-" BOOM 💥
- from there they rush downstairs and see that the lobby has been infiltrated by the DB fam, and you know fight.
- once the DB family seems like there down, PIF wisks them away. Much to Monkey King’s displeasure.
From there stuff kind plays out like cannon, the calabash ep is just a conjoint quirk the Demon bros have. As for EP9, ill have to script that one out myself lol. I'll get onto it as soon as my will to commit stabs me in the face. Till then have a dancing Kermit the frog.
Now if you'll excuse me, am about to Kermit a felony :D
(For legal reasons thats a joke)
Psst @writingamongther0ses its done
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ivyuns · 4 years
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hwang hyunjin
genre: angst | bit of fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns, blood, death, pregnancy + not proof read oops lol
A/N: lol hyunjin kinda psycho in this
this was drowning in my drafts since may omg
mafia!hyunjin x fembarista!reader
y/f/n = ur fiance’s name
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you owned your own cafe in downtown seoul. your customers and employees were always great people and bought positivity around you. it was currently a busy day and everyone was in and out of the main entrance. the employees were trying their best to stay calm and keep a positivity mindset. you however, were distracted by the co-owner, hwang hyunjin.
hyunjin always seemed like that flirty but a suspicious type. everyone told you to stay away from him since you were little but how could you when you two were inseparable. it all started in kindergarten.
you were running around the classroom til your teacher yelled out “stop” and everyone looked at her. you saw a little boy. next to the teacher, waiting to be introduced. “hello kids, we have a new student! please introduce youself.” the teacher says.
“hi im sam hwang from korea. please take care of me” he says softly and hides. the teacher tells him theres nothing to be scared of and let him wonder around the classroom. you went up to him and introduced yourself. “hi sam! my name is y/n kwon. i’m also from korea!”. hyunjins head went up and eyes went big. “y-you’re from korea?!” he stuttered since he was lowkey excited that someone in his class was korean, just like him. you smiled and nodded your head. you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the playground to continue recess.
2 years later in summer, your best friend came over with his parents to tell these news. hyunjin came in your room with a sad smile as you were playing with your stuffed animals. you looked up and smiled at him, “hi hyunjin!” you said cheerfully, obviously in a better mood than him. “y/n, i need to tell you something” he said sadly. he went to go sit across of you and picked up some of the toys around your room.
“i’m moving back to korea.” you stopped your actions after hearing what he said. “moving? why?” you looked up at him. “m-my parents said it’s best for us to go back to korea because we only came here for my dad’s work, but he ended up leaving the job and now we’re going to go back” hyunjin looks up to see tears falling out of your eyes. he went to your side and hugged you, telling you that you’ll be spending quality time before he leaves.
after moving back to korea after years hyunjin left you, you opened your own cafe. as your shop was almost completed for the grand opening, hyunjin happened to pass by your shop. he looked through the window and saw a girl that looked so familiar to him.
knocking on the window to get your attention, you go the the door to unlock it and stick your head out of the window. “hyunjin?!” he looks at you with his eyes big. “y/n? what are you doing here?” hyunjin asks. “i recently moved here and now im starting a business” hyunjin nods his head.
“are you looking for any employees?” nodding your head. “yeah but i guess around this area, nobody wants to work at a cafe” you joked. “maybe i can help? i-i mean if you want to” hyunjin laughs. nodding your head, you lead him inside the cafe. hyunjin looks at your artwork and the nicely decorated shop, amazed.
handing a paper that has all the requirements and terms in order to start working here. after hyunjin was done signing it, you looked at the paper and gave him a thumbs up. “looks good! ill give you a call whenever we start” hyunjin nods his head and waves a goodbye to you.as hyunjin exits, he now knows where his target is.
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2 hours earlier:
“hwang” chan calls out.
hyunjin looks up from his phone and sees chan carrying files. “remember that girl youd always talk about? kwon y/n? your childhood best friend back in america?” he nods. “apparently her dad is in a gang too and stole our money for whatever reason. so now your mission is to find her, bring her here, and kill her”
hyunjin gulps.‘why? did you do something wrong? what do you have to deal with this? does she know about this?’ all of hyunjins thoughts were about you. “ill do it”he knows he cant do it. but he has to or else he’ll be kicked out of stray kids. after moving back to korea and his parents suddenly passing, he was lonely. until stray kids saved him from being in the dark and invited him to their family. he gladly accepted.
hyunjin goes to his room and does research about you. he finds your instagram and sees that youre opening a cafe around the little area of downtown seoul which was a few hours away from his place. after enough of his little research, he grabs his jacket and heads out to find you.
present time:
the first week of the grand opening was a hassle. the cafe was always packed and made the employees feel stressed. as the cafe was almost settled, you told the workers to take a break as you and hyunjin will do everything else.
finishing an iced americano, you could see from the corner of your eyes and sees hyunjins strange actions. ignoring it, you gave the drink to the correct customer and continued making drinks.
closing time finally happened and everyone left out a huge sigh. having a group meeting, you gave everyone their weekly paycheck. “thank you everyone for working hard. i will see you tomorrow morning!” you waved goodbye and smiled. as soon as you saw almost everyone leave, you turned around and started cleaning.
hyunjin goes next to you and helps you clean the counters and machines. “jin, you know you can leave you know?” you told him as hyunjin lets out a chuckle. “nah its alright. plus as the second ceo, i shall help you” hyunjin winks. stopping your actions, you playfully smack hyunjin across his chest. “hey hey, im just joking. but still, after we finish cleaning, ill take you home” “but you said you have an exam tomorrow? shouldnt you be going home and start studying?” you asked. hyunjin nods his head, defeated. “alright you got me. i promise ill take you home another time” nodding your head, he goes and gets his belongings and leaves.
quickly cleaning the shop, you turn off all the lights and lock all of the doors. turning around to see the whole cafe in one point of view, a smile grew on your face. plugging your earphones in to walk home with your music blasting and texting your family group chat.
y/n: on my way home. the cafe was a success this week :)
mum <3: cheers to a successful opening
dad: come home safely, my son in law is waiting for you
smiling from the excitement, you started walking down the street to get to your house. as you entered this street, it was dark with the moonlight shining. feeling someone following you, you turned around and saw nobody. pulling up hyunjins contact on your phone just in case something happened, you continued walking in a fast pace, turning the volume down.
feeling the same aura from before, you quickly pressed the call button but you heard the familiar ringtone.
“sleep tight princess”
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you wake up feeling sore and lost of warmth. opening your eyes, youre in a room thats filled with drywalls and a hwang hyunjin to your left, sitting on a chair. “h-hyunjin?” you called out his name. he looks up from your phone after reading every conversation you had that was about him. “the princess has finally awoken from her slumber” hyunjin smirks.
hyunjin gets off of the chair and goes by your side, lifting your chin up. trying to protest only to be stopped as you felt your limbs tied up. “now now princess, no need to get feisty” hyunjin laughs. “what the fuck do you want hyunjin” “hmm? you really dont know?” shaking your head, hyunjin gets up and walks around the room.
“so, youre saying you dont know what your dad has been doing? the fact that he stole money from me just to help you other with the small disgusting shop of yours?” it hurt. both you and hyunjin. hyunjin wanted to give his mission up and hug you, wipe your tears away and apologize. you were more than hurt. more like angry. hyunjin knew you wanted a cafe when you grew up and he supported you more than anything.
“the fuck are you talking about? youre assuming that my dad stole money from you? from what information is getting in that head of yours?” you shouted out. hyunjin grabs his gun and clicks it. you hear the click and your attention is immediately on hyunjin. “h-hyunjin whatever youre wanting to do, put the gun down first” hyunjin closes his eyes as he feels fresh tears escaping and shakes his head.
“hwang hyunjin! do you not know what youre about to do? tell me what you want from us. we’ll give you your money back- anything just dont pull it-” you stopped talking as soon as you see him point the gun at you. “please hyunjin dont. im pregnant-”
he pulled the trigger.
everyone in the house heard the gun go off and goes to the basement. stopping as they heard hyunjins sobs, they see him on his knees, holding your bloody body and cries into your hair.
chan goes to hyunjin and pats him on the back. “you finally did it hwang”
as hyunjin takes his seat during your funeral, he sees your family and y/f/n go up the stage. after each family member said what they had to say about you and your death, as well as your unborn baby, everybody was now crying their eyes out. “my sunshine. thank you for everyone you love feel happy and we are deeply happy that you were able to start your own business. with the past events, i shouldve came by and picked you up from work before i lost both you and our child. without your presence, nothing will bring a smile onto my face. i love you so much kwon y/n, and i hope you fly high with our baby girl”
lowering your casket down, everyone leaned on each other, crying after they realized the kwon y/n has suddenly passed for an unknown reason at a young age. hyunjin just leaned on a pole and cried. looking up in the sky, he see something that had a little smile form on his face.
‘you’ll be next, hwang’
hyunjin gets into reality and turns around to see who whispered to him. seeing nobody, hyunjins future is now crumbling.
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END <3
tf is the end 🥴
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brelione · 4 years
Dating Rafe Cameron
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Mentions of drugs and sex.Also I know Rafe kind of sucks but my imaginary version of Rafe sucks significantly less than actual Rafe so dont fight me :)
This boy is so in love with you.He didn't really love anyone else,all the love he did have was just for you.
You were able to calm him down when he got really angry
He loved to hug you from behind and nuzzle his nose into your hair
Anything you wanted he got you
He bought you a lot of expensive things
Nice shirts,new bathing suits,new bras,soft sweaters
You loved to take his hoodies because of how gigantic they were on you
He purposefully bought more hoodies even though it was always hot out because he knew that you loved them
He loved to visit you at work
He was attention deprived for 19 years so he became obsessed with hugs,kisses,hickeys,cuddles and literally any attention from you
He felt really comfortable around you
Comfortable enough to complain to you about his father and feeling unloved and Sarah getting all the attention
You telling him you loved him every morning,after every hug and kiss and before you went to bed at night
He enjoyed brushing your hair for you
He gets really excited for your birthday because he gets to buy you gifts and you can't refuse them cause its your birthday
He stopped using coke because you refused to be around him when he was high
Him finding out that your uncle had used coke and got into a lethal car accident and now the thought of it make you sick
He no longer stirs up trouble with the pogues because it makes you upset
He calls you his Queen and occasionally the Love of His Life
“Rafe take out the trash!” “I'm talking to The Love My Life!I can't!” “Rafe,baby,go take out the trash.” “Okay.”
He’s the biggest simp
He knows how you like your sandwiches and brings them to your house randomly
Someone called you a whore
He beat the guy so hard that his knuckles were bruised
You like when he goes grocery shopping with you because it makes you feel safe
Forehead kisses,nose kisses,little neck kisses when you're making coffee
Your parents regularly leave for weeks at a time
He comes over to your house when they're gone
You guys don't screw around often when he’s over,you just enjoy eachothers company and do chores
Literally though.You two will listen to instrumental music as you do the dishes,vacuum the living room carpet and dust off shelves
When you’re done cleaning you’ll build a fort,order a pizza and watch whatever is popular on Netflix
Sarah and Wheezie loving you
Rafe getting jealous because his sisters literally try to steal you from him
Ward and Rose noticing the obvious difference in everything Rafe does
The biggest giveaway was Rafe being awake before noon,making himself toast and looking out the window
He tries to eat breakfast everyday because if he doesn't you always pout and talk about the importance of breakfast
“Rafe...what are you looking at?” “That’s a sandpiper! (Y/N) loves those!”He exclaimed before taking a photo of the bird on his phone
“Who the hell is (Y/N)?”
You being terrified to meet Ward and Rose
The two of them like you a lot
Rafe buying you a limited edition hardcover signed copy of your favorite book
You literally crying when he gives it to you
“Oh god-you're crying.This is good crying,right?”
Going on beach dates and seeing  the pogues
Rafe doesn't even notice them,he’s too busy looking for seashells for you to add to your collection
He keeps a picture of you on his nightstand
You guys dont have sex often but when you do its actually quite gentle and full of soft kisses
He leaves small hickeys along your collar bones,neck and jawline
Him taking care of you when you get sick
For some reason you get sick a lot and he’s convinced its because you go swimming late at night when the water gets cold
“Baby,you need to stop swimming at night.” “But it's fun!” “Baby,it's making you sick.My pool is heated,you can swim in there whenever you want.” “But I like swimming in the ocean!”
He carries you in his arms like youre a child
He loves being the little spoon so he can rest his head in the crook of your neck and feel your fingers running through his hair
You being really adventurous and making him anxious
Like when you climb trees and hang from the branches
 “Baby,can you please get back on the ground?”
Rafe introducing you to Topper and Kelce
Once Rafe gets off of coke Topper and Kelce follow in his tracks
Him introducing you to Topper and Kelce
“This is my Queen.” “Your Queen?” “Correct.”
Drinking wine together as you watch short horror films
Him being embarrassed when you and Sarah have a passionate conversation about the extinction of different river dolphins
“We don't even live in the amazon!” “Rafe!” “You're so inconsiderate!There are dolphins dying right now!” “Imagine if a dolphin said not to care about you cause you don't live within their line of vision!” “You can't judge a whole species you've never even met a river dolphin!” “Neither have you!” “Rafe Jacob Malcolm Cameron!” “I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'll help you rescue the dolphins.”
Rafe was never in a serious relationship until yours
This boy has a bit of separation anxiety
He’ll call you 20 minutes after you leave his house to tell you he misses you
You facetime him at night after watching a slasher film because even just having him on the phone makes you feel safer
“We should get married.” “Baby...I love you so much,I really do but its four in the morning and i'm trying to pee and im tired.” “Okay.I love you...i'll talk to you later.” “I love you too.” 
After you take a crap ton of his hoodies (Which actually makes him feel appreciated and validated believe it or not) he decides he wants to steal something of yours
That ends up being one of your pillows because it smells just like your shampoo
He sleeps with that pillow and everytime you come over you’ll spray some perfume on it so it still smells like you
When you sleepover you two have to sleep in the living room because with Ward’s logic if you're in a living room you can't get pregnant
He wakes you up with kisses and makes you coffee
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: BNHA Boys x Aizawa’s Daughter! Reader
Anonymous: Hello, Can I request headcanon for Todoroki, Bakugou and Midoriya who is dating Aizawa's daughter? She is in class 1-A but has a Quirk different from his
Hello anon! Im super sorry but I only did Shoto and Bakugo because of how long I made them- I hope you dont mind!
*Important Note: kinda backstory-ish so the HC’s make sense-basically y/n is adopted by Aisawa from a young age and she ironically has a quirk that intensifies other quirks
Alrightie thats all I wanted to add- hope you enjoy!
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Aizawa totally saw that you two liked each other- you were his daughter, like of course he sees this!
Whenever Shouto would talk to you, your face would become a soft shade of pink and your nervousness would come out- you’d stumble over words, bite your lip, brush your hair behind you ears- the works
Shouto as well- it wasn’t as obvious, but he definitely acted different towards you
One time when Shoto was having a difficult time learning how to get out of zip ties (a strange little side lesson by Midnight- she wanted to show the class how to get out of a kidnapping situation in which Kaminari kept yelling out “this is sooooo kinky!” 
Jirou of course slapped him, which made Aizawa stifle a laugh)
Since you had always been around heroes most of your life, you were taught well in combat and self defense skills
Aizawa watched interested as you helped Todoroki, his face becoming tinted in red and his tone softer
After you had left to do your own assignment, Aizawa had caught Shoto just staring down at his hands in amazement as if he couldn’t believe what just happened
That’s when Aizawa knew you two liked each other
He really was okay with it though-most others would have thought the hero would be over the top protective, but with Shoto-he was a good kid, kinda quiet, had a darker past than most his age but-Aizawa knew Todoroki would never intentionally hurt you.
It took a few long,grueling months for Shoto to finally ask you out, and when he did, Aizawa could only feel relieved-because Jesus Christ he’d been just waiting for you two to just start dating already!
The only thing he was worried about was-well- Shoto’s father
He knew of Endeavor, never personally, just because of the fact that Aizawa never cared for the hero
He saw him as arrogant, rude, and blinded by his own personal agenda- he also knew of Shoto’s distatse for his father, which he knew had to be for a good reason
Shoto and Aisawa had both warned you of his father, with Shoto revealing his dark childhood to you and Aizawa warning you to not cross Endeavor’s path because of his entitled nature
You and Todoroki had no intention of telling his father of your relationship, until the day when you had mistakenly visited Todoroki’s house when his father was home
Was EXTREMELY awkward
Endeavor was not kind to you- in fact he was cold and unforgiving in what he said around you
Endeavor really was flabbergasted- how could his son be wasting his time over some girl? He was also disappointed in his choice- Endeavor found your quirk to be mediocre, since he had noticed you at the Sport’s Festival. He noted that your quirk was essentially only useful to others, nothing flashy about it at all- what a waste
Why couldn't Shoto find someone with more power to add to his family’s already strong gene pool?.
 Yes, he knew you were Aizawa’s daughter- but not even of blood- and even if you were, he wouldnt accept you two going out together
He also went on to say that Shoto should be focusing on his training, not on some little crush
 basically stated you weren't good enough for his family or son
Shoto quickly left with you, trying to reassure as much as possible that what his old man said was not true, and that he loved you no matter what
Did you kinda cry? Yes. And did Todoroki and Aizawa wanna kick Endeavor’s ass? Also a yes
You and Todoroki continued to go out with Aizawa backing you two up, even if Shoto got into a few arguments over you with his father
One day Aizawa was supervising a team building exercise, where it was pairs of two against two. You and Shoto were on one side, while Bakugo and Deku were on the other.
Endeavor had chosen to come to UA  that day to see how his son was improving, looking down at disdain that he was still courting you
Aizawa was not particularly happy having to deal with Endeavor- he knew he was judging your every move, every punch you landed, every mistake you made
You were very good at hand to hand combat though, even without a flashy quirk- as Bakugo and Shoto were sparring, you were taking Izuku head on, making him sweat a little, even with his own quirk against yours.
Endeavor still gave you the biggest dirty look ever
Aiszawa about to throw hands ngl
Then something happened- Izuku was able to finally land a hit on you, using his quirk to launch you back a few feet. You tumbled into the dirt, Todoroki running to see if you were okay.
“What is he doing?!” Endeavor grunted out in frustration, “Why is he-”
You strangely put out your hand, and Todoroki touched it. Endeavor was furious, seeing this as some form of weakness-
Todoroki then turned around, his quirk improving ten fold. Endeavor had never seen anything like it- Shoto had made an ice blast, larger than anyone he had ever seen- even from the Sports Festival.
It was-well- it was even better than his own quirk
 Aizawa looked at Endeavor’s clearly shocked face with a smug expression.
Hell yeah this scum bag now knows his daughter is freaking awesome
But then Endeavor’s mind started to race- clearly your quirk had some merit. If you and Shoto could produce a child with that much power on its own, hell, his family line would forever be the #1 hero!
He grinned at the thought, turning to Aizawa, a little too cheerful
“That’s your daughter, uh-” he searched for your name, “y/n, correct-”
“Dont even start,” Aisawa cut him off, making Endeavor pissed as he walked down to the training grounds quietly to go check up on you.
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Bakugo at first was very intimidated by you and was kind of an ass towards you
He knew you had a really useful quirk and was kinda scared of that
He also was so terrfied because he was starting to get the first symptoms of a crush and was too stupid to even admit to it
Classic “I like you so Im going to be mean to you” situation
Wouldn constantly say you only got into UA because of your Dad’s reputation as a Pro Hero/ Teacher
Aizawa would hear about this and would be so mortified- he was worried this would happen when going to UA, and he was extremely angry at Bakugou
But he felt that if he intervened, it would make the situation worse and confirm the rude things Bakugo was saying
You also reassured him that you were okay (even though the rude comments hurt you slightly) but you’d get over it
It just made you upset that Bakugo didnt even want to know you- you thought he was kinda cute even though he could be rude
I fully believe Aizawa (in times of crisis) would consult Midnight and Present Mic for parental advice because its gotta be tough raising a child on your own
Midnight offered to put you and Bakugo together on the next training exercise, so Bakugo would be forced to talk to you and realize you weren't so bad
AIsawa thought about it long and hard and finally agreed- he was scared Bakugo would go and be a jerk to you, but he knew you were capable of dealing with his antics
When Midnight read off the pairings that day, you were both mortified- you because you would have to be stuck with the hot head that hated your guts, while Katsuki was freaking out inside
He was going to act like an idiot around you- what the hell was Midnight thinking?!
Once you two got in the mock city set up for the training exercise, you couldn't even say a word to each other
‘All Bakugo grunted out was, “Just stay out of my way.” and trudged off
“You idiot!” you called out, “we have to work together or we fail-”
Just then, the exercise started and a giant training robot was coming after you- Bakugo feebly tried to blast it, but his flames were too short to even reach the monster
‘Let me help!” you called out, reaching for his hands- you quirk only worked if you could touch the person.
He shrugged off your advances- Jesus Christ if you saw he was getting flustered-
“Hell no!” he yelled out in panic, “Im not letting a little prick like you-”
You grabbed his face between your hands, letting your Quirk transfer to him and making his cheeks bright red
You had never even seen Bakugo so speechless- he looked like a deer in headlights
“Use your quirk!” you yelled out, hiding behind him- you didnt know how powerful his quirk would become, but with experience, you knew it was about to become intense
He shook his head, trying to clear himself of the feeling of your skin on his- it was intoxicating, even though it was only for a few seconds- and why was your presence so irritatingly calming and distracting at the same damn time?! 
His heart was beating so fast, feeling your frame hiding behind him
He smirked, feeling you quirk course through is veins, and raised his arm to shoot a blast of fire at the machine
Instantly, a gigantic explosion of flames leaped out of his hands, shocking him
He instantly grounded his feet, trying to keep up with the power coming out of his hands
The blast went farther than anything he had ever produced (even his signature AP shot), licking up the side of the machine and burning it to a crisp
He looked at his hands and back at you, his heart thumping as you grabbed his shoulders in happiness and wrapping him into an impulsive hug
“We did it Bakugou!” you yelled out cheerfully
He just couldn't stop staring- why did you look so goddamn pretty?
“....Thanks...I guess your quirk is good enough for UA....”  he mumbled out, looking away from you as he said it
You stared at him in shock- did he just- compliment you?
You two instantly won the training exercise, and after that, Bakugo neve bothered you- in fact he kinda just ignored you, like you didnt even exist
He just still couldnt get over the fact that you had touched him, and how he felt when you touched you, seeing those pretty eyes of yours stare into his-
One day Kirihsima caught Bakugo staring at you as you sparred with Izuku, obvious fury in his eyes
“You okay man?” he asked, sitting next to Bakugo
All he did was grunt as the obvious blush grew 
Kirishima would not STOP bothering him to ask you out after that- it was so annoying to him
“Can you shut up? I dont like her?” slowly turned into “Okay you ass I get it I need to ask her out!”
You were always the last to leave class, since you always talk to your dad before you go off to lunch
And Bakugo took note of this
You had thought that the hallway was completely empty, only to see Bakugo resting against  a locker, his arms folded and his head slumped down
“Hey Bakugo!” you greeted kindly, a little nervous- you really didnt know where you two stood as far as relationships go- were you enemies, rivals, acquittances, friends? 
With Bakugo, who the hell knew.
 “Mr. Aisawa is in classroom if you needed help with something, sorry I took so long-”
“I actually-” he gulped slightly, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “I wanted to talk to you.”
Your heart started to pick up in speed- what was this all about?
“Uh, sure, what is it?” you asked politely, walking closer to him. You grabbed onto your backpack strap, gripping hard- you felt like you could float away at any moment, your nerves making your body go haywire.
“I know Ive been an ass,” he started, “and I havent talked to you much, but would you- maybe-uh...uhm..shit!” he cursed as he fumbled on his words, his cheeks a cherry red
You giggled, your face now too hitting up- was this really happening? Was he really going to ask you out?
‘Are you trying to ask me-” you started, but Bakugo instantly cut you off
“Shut up baka I was going to say it!”
“Say what, exactly?” Right at perfect time, Aizawa walked by, standing in front of your two blushing faces, asking in a colder tone than usual.
Bakugo instantly cursed everything in existence- why the hell did his teacher, your dad, show up right now?!
You two both stared at him, not knowing what to do- 
Aizawa was practically staring daggers into Bakugo- fear riddled in Aizawa’s stomach. Bakugo, the most arrogant boy in his class, liked you? He say you as his sweet, innocent little girl- would this hot head destroy that image of you? And a boy who was so cruel to you- you looked ready to even say yes to him after everything he called you!
He had vaguely remembered having a conversation like this with Midnight, in which she tried to explain that most boys who had crushes would react to them with anger in which to cover up their true feelings
To be honest, Aizawa thought it was a boat full of crap until now- now he realized this was why Bakugo had terrorized you so much- but he couldn't get over the fact of how rude he was to you so many weeks back
“Bakugo, I suggest you go to lunch before I send you to the principal’s office for using language like that on school grounds- especially towards my daughter,” he stated cruelly, his eyes cold and menacing. 
Bakugo stared at him, debating whether to yell something back at him- but thinking better of it, he merely just sulked, it taking everything in him to keep his mouth shut.
“Come, y/n, I’ll pick you up something up to eat from the teacher’s lounge,” Aisawa commanded softly to you, just wanting you to stay away from Bakugo for as long as possible.
As you were walking behind Aisawa, you caught a look of Bakugo sulking, looking absolutely defeated
Your heart broke for your crush, and right as your eyes met, you turned around, walking backwards slightly to mouth him a quick ‘Yes” and a smile, watching as a small grin form on Bakugo’s red cheeks
Yeah, your dad did not agree about it at first, but after he realized Bakugo loved you as much as he did and was ready to protect you with his whole life, Aisawa’s walls did melt - slightly
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atlafan · 4 years
Hii ok u dont have to write this if it doesnt inspire u but I’ve been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix & I’ve been waiting impatiently for the 3rd season cuz it’s just so good lol but i was wondering if u could write something about rich real estate agent H? Maybe helping the MC buy her first home and they hit it off? Ur the only 1 who writes these diverse Harry’s & I can’t stop thinking about real estate H showing her expensive houses & like doing NaughtyStuff with her in an empty 1 lol xx HC
a/n: this has been in my inbox for a while and I’ve been wanting to get to it, so here it is! there is smut, but it’s more tame than you requested. Hope you still like it! 
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You weren’t sure how you were able to do it, but you finally had enough money for a down payment on a home. You scrimped and saved for years as best you could, you paid off the majority of your student loans, you built up your credit, and now you felt ready for this very adult step. 
Your parents weren’t sure why you weren’t content with just renting. “What if you meet someone?” They’d ask you. “Then they could just move in with me, or we’d find another place. It’s an investment!” You’d reply. They had this vision in their head that you’re supposed to buy a home with a partner. It was the twenty-first century, you didn’t need anyone to help you...or so you thought. 
The pre-approval process at the bank was lengthy, but thorough. They’d need to see your W2′s from two years prior, they needed to know how long you’ve been at your current job, and basically just how much money you had altogether. The mortgage specialist at the bank was very kind. 
“So, you’re doing this all on your own?” 
“I am.” You smile.
“Have you got real estate agent yet?”
“No.” You shrug. “You don’t really need when you’re the one buying do you? I can just call whoever’s showing the house and work with them.”
“Maybe in small towns, but in larger areas like this you’ll want a realtor, trust me. It doesn’t cost you anything either way. They can top shop, help you negotiate, all those kinds of things.”
“They also like to show you houses out of your price range.” You scoff. 
“Not the honest ones. I get it, at the end of the day, they’re out there to make a quick buck, and the more the house is, the larger the cut they get. But I know a guy, he actually helped my son buy his first home. He was absolutely wonderful, and he’s a shark.” She goes through the many business cards on her desk. “Ah! Here it is, Harry Styles, he works for Greenfield Real Estate.” 
You take the card from her and scan it over.
“Don’t they sell, like, really nice homes? They work with people looking for mansions.” 
“Just give him a call, and tell him I sent you. You won’t regret it, trust me. Your pre-approval is only good for ninety days, so you’ll want to contact him soon.” 
Your head was swimming, but you knew she had a point. Half the houses you favorited on realtor.com or zillow were sold already. It was a seller’s market for sure. Maybe you would need someone to help you negotiate...but did it have to be a man? Couldn’t you find a female realtor? You spent years becoming the strong, independent woman you came to be, and now it felt like you’d be surrendering to some stereotype. 
However, after perusing on the Greenfield website, you see a picture of Harry. You bite your bottom lip, swallow some pride, and dial his number. 
“Greenfield Real Estate, this is Harry.” You weren’t expecting the British accent, or the deep voice and drawl that came with it. “Hello?”
“Um, hi! Yeah, Doris at Hills Bank gave me your card...I’m a first time home buyer.” You want to smack yourself for how stupid you sound. 
“Oh, I love Doris! I’ve worked with her a bunch. I actually helped her son buy his first home last year.”
“That’s what she told me.” 
“Right, so, picking a realtor is sort of like dating, you wanna make sure you pick the right one. Why don’t we meet up for coffee somewhere locally so we can get to know each other a bit.” 
Pushy, he was already wanting to meet you. Probably to have you sign your life away to be his client. 
“Sure, we could do that.”
“Are you local? There’s a place on Bleaker Street that has great coffee.” 
“Is it Monte Alto?”
“Yeah! That’s the one. When are you free?”
“I could meet you Friday during lunch my break.”
“Sounds great, I’m assuming noon?”
“By the way, you didn’t tell me your name.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll see you Friday at noon at Monte Alto.” 
You take a huge breath after you hang up. 
Friday rolled around, and you weren’t able to step out of the office until nearly 11:50. It would take a little more than ten minutes to get there, and you hated being late. You were happy you had at least looked up what Harry looked like so you’d be able to spot him once you were there. 
Once you’re there, you see a man sitting on one of the cushioned chairs, looking out the window. It had to be him. 
He looks over at you and smiles. He stands up to shake your hand.
“Yes, hi, sorry I’m late, I’ve had meeting after meeting this morning. Fridays aren’t usually this busy.”
“No worries at all. Tell me, what’s your order?” 
“Oh, I can get it myself. I’m gonna grab a bagel too.”
“Good idea, I’ll do the same. Now, what’ll you have?” 
“Really...I can-”
“I know you can, but I invited you here, it would be rude to have you pay. Do this with all my perspective clients.” 
“Well, don’t I feel special.” You say sarcastically. He chuckles softly as you both get in line. 
You both order your drinks and food, and wait awkwardly for your names to be called, then you sit back down. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re more than welcome. So, tell me, what’s your dream home?”
“Oh god, um, nice big kitchen, I love to cook when I actually have time. A room for entertaining. I’m usually the one to host friends. Two stories, a garage, three bedrooms would be ideal, but I’ll settle for two-”
“No settling.” He smirks. “Go on.” 
“Um...well, so, three bedrooms, ideally I’d like a master with an en suite, but who doesn’t?” You watch as he makes notes on a little pad of paper. “I’d like a yard, but it doesn’t need to be huge. Bonus points if there’s a deck or patio, maybe even a pool, but I can live without those things.”
“And you’re buying this just for yourself, correct? No husbands or boyfriends I need to know about?” 
“You know, I could have a girlfriend.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry you’re right, um-”
“Relax, I’m teasing.” You chuckle. “But to answer your question, I am doing this alone. I feel like I’m ready for a house, so I want one.” 
“Thought I put my foot in my mouth for a second there. I need to learn to just say partner.” He picks up his drink to take a sip, and that’s when you notice he has perfectly manicured nails. Interesting. “So it seems like you know how to be realistic about what you want, and you also have a dream list. What about projects, do they scare you?”
“I’m good with painting or even having to put new flooring in, but I’d like to stay away from any major reno.” 
“Gotcha.” He makes another note. “And what price range are we working with here?” 
“Let me just make a note on my phone, I’d rather not say out loud in case someone tries to rob me.” 
He smiles and nods. He squints at your screen and makes a note. 
“Great, good for you. What do you do for work?” 
“I’m a physician, I work at a doctor’s office not too far from here. I’ve been there for two years, and I love what I do.”
“That’s great. So, Doris talked with you about balancing a mortgage and paying down your student loans?”
“They’re mostly paid for, actually. I got a lot of scholarships for my undergrad, and during med school I was awarded a pretty decent grant.” 
“Perfect.” He scribbles some more notes and then puts his pad and pen down. “What do you want to know about me?” 
“How long have you been a realtor for?” 
“Six years, been with Greenfield since I started.”
“What made you get into it?”
“Love seeing people happy.” 
“What about when someone buys below the asking price?”
“Doesn’t happen with me, not when I’m selling anyways. However, when I’m helping someone buy a home, well, let’s just say I’m pretty good at negotiating.” He smirks. “You’d be in good hands with me, but if you wanna shop around some more I’ll understand.” 
“Do you work with first time buyers a lot?”
“Sometimes, it depends. I know a lot of them like to work with me. They’re usually young, I’m young. Makes for a more relatable experience.”
“Okay.” You look outside and think for a moment. “I think I’d like to work with you.”
He smiles big at you.
“Are there any homes you’ve had in mind that you’d like to start looking at? I can definitely see what open houses are out there too. People tend to make offers fast, but don’t let that scare you. The home has to feel right, if you want it, I’ll make sure you get it.” 
“There were a few I’ve seen on realtor...” You take your phone out to show him. “I’d like to not have a super long commute either if I can help it.” 
“Are you looking to grow into this home or is it more of a starter space for you?” You give him a funny look. “I just mean, like, would you be open to a condo or something like that.”
“Only if it was detached and didn’t have a high HOA.” 
He nods and looks at some of the other homes you had favorited.
“So what I’m gonna do is go back to my office and run a few searched. Then I’ll text you a link to the home I find, and you can tell me which ones you like. Don’t be afraid to tell me you hate them either. Then if there’s a couple you wanna see, we’ll set up a time that works for you, and then I’ll contact the other realtor, sound good?”
“Sounds great.” 
You shake hands again before leaving. As you make your way back to the office, you feel relieved. You had someone you could ask questions to, and someone basically on your side. Harry was nice, a salesman at heart, but nice.
Saturday morning you get a text from Harry.
Harry Styles - Hi Y/N, it was great meeting you yesterday. Here are some places I think you might like. Let me know what you think! 
You liked how formal he was. You tap the link he sent you. The first couple were duds, but there were a few on here that actually peaked your interest. 
You - Could we three of the home? The bottom three on the list. 
Harry Styles - Sure! When would work for you? 
You - I don’t work on Mondays, so that would be easiest. Timing doesn’t matter. 
Harry Styles - I’ll contact the realtors and see what we can put together. 
You - Thanks so much!
You felt really excited. You wondered if maybe you should invite your parents to come look at the houses with you, but maybe you would save that for a second look through once you actually find something. A house can look much different in pictures than it does in person. 
Monday morning, around 9:30, you meet Harry at the first location. His car was parked in the driveway. He gets out when he sees you pull in. He had two coffees in hand. 
“Morning.” He says to you. “Got you a coffee, I remembered your order.” 
“Oh! Um, thanks.” You take it from him. 
“I’ve already gone in and unlocked the doors and turned the lights on. The other realtor isn’t here, which is perfectly fine. Take your time, feel free to walk around outside before heading in too.” 
You smile and nod. The front was beautifully landscaped, and there was a gate leading to the backyard. He follows you out that way. You listen as he explains when the home was built and why the people were selling it. There a nice deck that had been recently put on, no pool though, but there was room for one. You go up the stairs of the deck and go in through the sliding glass door. 
“Kitchen was recently renovated within the last five years. All appliances come with the place.” 
“It’s beautiful.” You run your fingers over the nice granite counter tops. 
As you scope out the rest of the house, you’re not as impressed as you were with it when you first walked in. The bedrooms were small, and barely had any storage. The basement wasn’t in the best condition either. 
“Definitely a no, but a good first experience nonetheless.” 
Harry looks down at his watch as he nods. 
“Wanna follow me to the next place then?”
Same thing happened at house number two and three. You just weren’t wowed. You sigh heavily as you lean against your car. 
“Don’t get discouraged, Y/N. It’s better to know what you don’t like. We can keep looking. When I go into the office tomorrow I can run another search. Maybe we can look at some condos.” 
“That might be good. Maybe somewhere with people my age? It would be cool to be in a little community.”
“Thanks...I hope I haven’t been a pain with the things I don’t like.”
“Not at all. This is a really big purchase, you should get what you want.” 
It took three more weeks of meeting up with Harry on various days to find a place you liked. On a Saturday evening, he brought you over to a condo that was detached, had a garage, a community gym and pool. It had three bedrooms, and two and a half baths. One being an en suite for the master bedroom.The kitchen was gorgeous and flowed into a dining/living area. You were thrilled. 
“Harry...” You look at him. “It’s perfect.” 
“Really, you like it?”
“I love it!” You squeal and hug him without thinking. “Sorry.” You blush.
“It’s fine, it’s exciting.” 
“I’d like to put an offer in. The price is rate and the HOA is reasonable. It’s not too far from work. I’d be able to entertain, the backyard is fenced in. There was even security at the gate! This is my home, I can feel it.” 
“Fantastic. The paperwork can take some time. Would you wanna fill everything out over dinner?” 
“Plus, it gives you a chance to see what places nearby are like. We passed some nice restaurants on the way here.” 
You follow him to a nice pizza place a couple of miles away. He bring a large packet of paper and a couple of pens in with him.
“On the way here I called the other realtor to let him know an offer was coming their way.”
You both get seated and are given some water. He takes the papers out and explains what you would need to sign, and what your offer would mean. Harry said you could definitely low ball the sellers, so you asked for about $15K less than the asking price. 
“They probably won’t accept, but most people don’t on the first offer. This just gives us a good starting point.”
“And you think the six grand in closing costs is good?”
“Yeah, totally reasonable. That’ll be about half of it. Sometimes, you can get more money off after the home inspection. Once a price is settled, you’ll want to schedule that right away. I have some names of some great home inspectors.”
“Would you be there for that?”
“I would. I’m there for all of it. The other realtor will be there too.” 
“Okay good. I’d feel better with you there.” 
As you begin to sign the documents, a waiter comes over. 
“Good evening folks, can I start you off with anything to drink?”
“I’d love a glass of rose please.” You say. 
“Just a Corona for me, thanks.” 
The waiter nods and leaves you be. 
“Did you want to just split a pizza?” Harry asks looking down at the menu. 
“Sure, what do you like? I usually just get green peppers and mushrooms.”
“Works for me. Would you mind this cauliflower crust?”
“Not at all! I prefer that, actually.” 
‘Perfect.” He smiles. 
When the waiter comes back, Harry orders your pizza. He watches as you finish up all the paperwork. He checks over everything to make sure you signed everything. 
“I’ll get this all scanned and sent over tomorrow.”
“Do you ever take a day off?”
“Yes and no. The realtor world is funny. Sometimes I’m in the office all day and then I wont hear from a client until 8PM. I’m not helping someone buy, I’m helping someone sell. I’m always busy.”
“Sorry to take up your Saturday night...”
“No, don’t be. I’d just be home working.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his beer. “It’s your Saturday night I’m more worried about.” 
“Oh please.” You laugh. “My friends know I’ve been busy with this, they understand. Besides when I showed them who you were...” You stop yourself from finishing the sentence. 
“No, please, go on.” He smirks.
“They just, they saw your picture on the Greenfield website, that’s all.” You blush. 
The waiter comes over with the pizza, and thankfully it breaks a bit of the tension. You each take a slice and dig in. 
“This is delicious.” You say. 
“Yeah, never been here before, I’ll definitely have to come back.” He takes another sip of his beer. “Once that condo is yours, I fully expect an invite to your house warming, by the way. I like to know my clients are good to go.”
“I definitely won’t be a stranger.” 
When you and Harry are done, he walks you out to your car. He gives you a small hug goodbye as well. You felt like you just had a date, but there was no way you did. 
After going back and forth twice, your offer was accepted. You set up a home inspection with one of the names Harry had given you. He meets you at the house when it’s time, and you’re able to meet the other realtor. A woman, who was a little too delighted to see Harry. You felt jealous when they hugged. However, he stayed close to you and took notes while the inspector was talking. 
You made sure to ask a lot of questions. There were no major things that alarmed you. All of the information was just a lot to take in, and you were feeling slightly overwhelmed. You should have brought your parents, or another friend. Was Harry a friend at this point? As the inspector was putting together a full report for you, and getting your email, the other realtor was talking to Harry.
“So, I thought you were only in the selling game right now.” She smirks at him.
“Once in a while I take on a buyer.” He shrugs. “It’s good commission.”
“Yeah, thanks, can’t wait to split it with you.” She rolls her eyes. “But I do love when our paths cross.”
“Mhm.” He looks over at you and then back to the realtor. “The previous owners took great care of this place.”
“Yeah, they did. The only reason they moved is because they’re daughter had a baby and they wanted to be closer to her.”
“Ah, classic.”
“Are you doing anything later?”
“Um…well…Y/N is probably going to have questions and stuff, so I’ll probably be busy with her for a bit.”
“Okay, but, like, tonight, are you free? We could grab a drink.”
“Harry?” You say, walking over to them. “Everything’s all set. He said I should have the radon and water tests by next week.”
“Perfect. You’ll be able to make a final decision and add anything to an addendum then.”
“It was nice to meet you.” You shake the woman’s hand.
“Same to you. Look forward to hearing from you soon.”
“Y/N, I took a lot of notes, is there anything you want to go over?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“See ya Margaret, we’ll be in touch.” He shakes her hand and leaves her standing there, shocked.
Harry walks with you outside, and you agree on a bar to meet up at. You both grab drinks and Harry goes over his notes with you. He gives you the name of a good plumber since you mentioned you’d want to update a few fixtures.
“What about a painter? Know of anyone that can help with that?”
“You don’t need to waste your money on a professional. Painting’s not that hard.” He chuckles.
“Well, I am not very skilled when it comes to that kind of stuff. Plus, I won’t really have the time to do it myself, and I’d wanna get it done before I move.”
“You could get all done in a couple of weekends no problem, you just need some friends that know how to paint.” He puts a toothpick in his mouth and fiddles with it. “I know how to paint.”
“You do?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “Sometimes sellers need to fix up their houses quickly. I’ve come to the rescue on more than one occasion.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“I don’t make any money if I don’t. No one wants to be an ugly house.” He takes a sip of his drink. “I guess what I’m saying is, I could help you paint. You’re about to have a mortgage payment on your hands.”
“Pending the inspection report.” You smirk.
“Right.” He smiles.
“Did you offer up the same service for Doris’ son?”
“No.” He says smugly. “He already knew how to paint.”
“That other woman before, what was her name? Margaret?”
“Yeah, what about her?”
“I heard her ask you out…”
“She didn’t, she wasn’t…uh…” He scratches the back of his neck. “Sometimes we go for drinks if we end of working on the same house. Nothing more than that really.”
“So, you’re not, like, seeing her.”
“God, no. That would be a major conflict of interest.”
“Do you always go out for drinks with your clients?”
“Sometimes…I know some people have clients over to their home to do paperwork, but I didn’t think you’d feel super comfortable coming over to some guy’s house you barely know.”
“How considerate of you.” You giggle.
“Did it bother you that she asked me out tonight?”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“What? No, why, uh, why would it have bothered me?”
“Because…if someone had done the same to you in front of me I would have been bothered, but to be fair, I’m a pretty jealous guy.” He finishes his drink and orders another one.
“How many times does this happen?”
“You hitting on your clients.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” He fake gasps. “And no, I don’t usually do this. I’m a little embarrassed, actually. Not very professional of me to have a crush on your client.” Your eyes widen and your jaw drops slightly. “Sorry, I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.”
“No! I…I’m just a little surprised that you’re into me, is all.”
“Why? You’ve got a great career, you’re super independent, and you’re really funny.”
“How do you not already have a girlfriend?”
“I’m really busy, like, all the time. I’m able to take vacations here and there, but you see how much I work. Any time I date it doesn’t last because people don’t understand the job. You’re a doctor, you get it. You must be busy going to classes trying to stay up to date on everything.”
“I am, I’m definitely busy a lot…but I make time for friends.”
“So do I. My friends don’t get offended if I have to cancel or reschedule, or they at least don’t take it personally.”
“I get what you’re saying…dating is hard when you have a demanding job.”
“So…are you going to ask me out?”
“Can’t, not until this is all done at least. Conflict of interest.”
“But when I do, are you saying you’ll say yes?”
“I guess we’ll find out when you ask, won’t we?”
Harry helped you go over the inspection report once you got it. You asked for some money towards getting the furnace serviced, and the previous owners thought it was a reasonable request. You were able to close a couple of weeks later. Typically the realtor comes to the bank with the buyer on the big day.
“Harry!” Doris squeals as she hugs him. “Great to see you.”
“Same to you.”
“Love when we get to see each other like this.”
“Same here, how’s your son?”
“Oh, he’s great. Y/N, have a seat. We have lots of things to sign.”
You sign what you need to. Doris gives you a gift bag with some wine glasses. Harry hands over a bottle of champagne to you as well. It was very exciting. You were officially a home owner.
“Thank you so much.” You shake Doris’ hand before leaving the bank.
Harry grabs your wrist once you’re both outside.
“Thanks, I literally couldn’t have done it without you.” You give him a quick hug. “My parents are gonna meet me there soon so they can check it out. I think they wanna take me out to eat to celebrate.”
“That’s great.” He clears his throat. “What, uh, what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Continuing to pack.” You laugh. “But, um, I could make myself available in the evening.” You smile.
“I’m having a little pool party tomorrow. Bunch of my friends are coming over, I’d love to have you over too, if you felt comfortable.”
“That sounds amazing! Can I bring anything?”
“Just your beautiful self.”
Your parents were very impressed with your new purchase. You did well. Saturday morning you continued your packing adventure, trying to make sure you properly labeled your boxes. You needed to make sure none of your medical journals got lost.
Even though Harry had offered over and over to teach you how to paint, your parents offered to pay for a painting crew for you, just to make things go faster. Once that was done you’d be able to move. You search your dresser for a suitable bathing suit. You weren’t sure how much skin to actually show.
“Ah ha!” You find your green, strapless one-piece that had a cute cut out in the upper part of the stomach. You’re also able to find a cute cover up dress to throw on over it.
In the latter part of the afternoon, you drive over to Harry’s. You were impressed by the neighborhood he was able to live in. All of the houses were huge. When you pull up to his house you wonder what he needed such a big house for. Maybe he entertained a lot too, just like you did.
You – just pulled up!
Harry Styles - come right around back!
You walk around to where you can hear music playing and people laughing. There were plenty of people already in Harry’s large in-ground pool.
“Y/N!” Harry waves over to you.
Damn, he has a lot of tattoos. You think to yourself.
“Hi, Harry!”
He comes over to you and kisses you on the cheek without really thinking.
“Glad you could make it. Make yourself comfortable. Plenty of food, plenty of pool.” He chuckles.
Harry’s friends were really nice and welcoming, you didn’t feel too out of place. His eyes couldn’t help but scan over your body the second you took your coverup off. Turns out Harry was a master on the grill. He made sure to pay attention to while still being a good host to his friends. It was a fun party. As the night dwindled you wanted to make some sort of move.
“You know, I’ve seen your entire backyard, but I’ve yet to be given a your of your home.”
“You’d like that?”
“It’s only fair, you’ve seen mine.” You wink at him.
He leads you inside.
“Well, you’ve seen the kitchen, obviously.”
He takes you through the first floor and then leads you upstairs. He explains that he has all the extra rooms so his family has their own space for when they come to visit.
“And this is my room, but you don’t have to-“
“No, let’s see it.” You smile.
He smiles back and opens the door. Your jaw drops when you see how much space there is. There were two closets, both filled with nice clothes.
“Come check out the bathroom. I had some work done to it last year.”
“Why do you have a double vanity?”
“For guests.” He blushes. “My last girlfriend actually, she liked having her own sink. Apparently I have too many products and they can get in the way.” He clears his throat. “Anyways, I had everything redone last year. I know a great bathroom guy if you ever wanna update anything.”
“You have a guy for everything.” You giggle. “And you do have a lot of products, two sinks makes sense.” You walk out and back into the bedroom. “So…”
“What date number would you consider this to be?”
“Legally, the first…not legally…” He grins. “Think I’ve lost track.” He steps closer to you. “My friends liked you.”
“I liked them.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “And I like you.”
“I like you too.” His hands move to your hips. “And I really like this bathing suit. Haven’t been able to take my eyes off you all day.”
You both smile and continue to make eye contact. Harry looks down at your lips and leans in. He presses his lips to yours, and you find yourself grasping at him to pull him closer. You couldn’t remember the last time you were intimate with someone, but it had definitely been too long. You were ravenous. You open your mouth him and he groans into you. You both shuffle back to the bed and fall on top of it.
“If this feels too fast, just let me know.” He breathes as you move to straddle him.
“Harry, I want you.” You cup his cheek and he moves to kiss your palm. “But, if it feels too fast for you, we can cool it.”  
“I want you too, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel pressured or anything.”
“I don’t, but thank you.”
You lean down to kiss him again. His hands move to the back of your bathing suit.
“Gotta get this off you.” He grunts.
You get off him to stand up.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“Seems to be our little theme.” He smirks.
Harry stands up and takes his trunks off. Your eyes grow wide when you look down at his hard cock. He steps towards you and helps you out of your swim suit.
“I have a fun idea.” He says as he kisses down your neck. “We’ve been in the sun all day, let’s go hop in the shower.”
You smile at him and nod. He leads you into the bathroom and gets the water in the shower going. He yanks you inside and gets you under the warm water. He backs you up to the wall and press you against it. His hands roam your body as his lips find yours again.
“I’ve thought about this so many times.” He says.
“You have?”
“Mhm, there were so many times in the houses I showed you that I just wanted to take you right then and there.”
He nips at your jaw as his hands knead your breasts. You wrap your arms back around his neck. You feel his hard cock press against your hip and it makes you whimper. One of his hands slides down your stomach. He looks at you to make sure it’s alright and you nod yes.
Your head rolls back against the tile as his fingers slips between your legs. His thumb works your clit while he works two of his fingers inside you.
“Oh my god.” You gasp and grind your hips toward his hand. You reach for his length and start to pump him.
You both were panting. You have to let go of him to clutch onto his shoulders as you release around his fingers.
“Please.” You moan. “Fuck me. I have an IUD.”
Harry kisses you and hooks one of his arms under one of your legs so he can push in at a better angle. You bite down on his bottom lip, causing him to groan loudly.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He says into your ear as he thrusts in and out of you.
“You feel so good, Harry, fuck.”
He pulls out of you, turns you around, and presses back inside. His chest was flush with your back. You claw at the tile as he rocks in and out of you. One of his hands snakes around to rub your clit and the other works one of your breasts.
You feel a flood of things wash over you, but mostly it was another incredible orgasm. You could get used to this.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. Where do you want it?” He grunts.
“Inside me.”
“Jesus.” He groans and releases inside you. You moan out at the warm feeling.
“This is the softest robe in the world.”
“Glad you like it. You can wear it anytime.”
You both were cuddled up in his bed, munching on some fruit while watching TV.
“Do you have parties like this often?”
“Only when I’ve finally told a tougher home.”
“You were working with someone while working with me? How did you find the time?”
“Babe, I was working with like six other people.” He smirks.
“Doris was right, you are a shark.” You laugh.
“Gotta be able to afford this place, right?” He tucks some hair behind your ear. “You’ll stay tonight? I’m a cuddler.”
“Of course.” You giggle. “I’ll have to have you over for my next game night, you can meet all of my friends.”
“Like I said, I fully expect to be invited to your house warming.”
“That too.”
“But I’d be happy to meet your friends. Are they doctors too?”
“A couple of them are, yeah. We met in med school. Wouldn’t have made it through without them.”
You two stay up for hours, legs tangled in each other, telling each lots of things about one another. It was easy to talk to Harry, it had been since you met. He felt the same about you too. You both knew it wouldn’t be so easy to just get together. Harry’s schedule was unpredictable, and your days were long and tiring. But, neither of you really cared because you both felt like you found your person.
Harry loved game nights with your friends. He was a tad competitive, but it just made for more laughs. You both liked having your separate spaces, but you enjoyed when he could actually spend the night, or when you could spend the night at his place. Neither of you took it personally when the other was too busy or too tired either. Once you felt truly settled, you wrote Doris a thank you note for setting you up with the best realtor and the love of your life.
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Beside you
Request: Hello could I have an arranged marriage with Jungkook with a bit of angst but fluff at the end. Thank you xx
Summary: "You may kiss the bride" The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me." 
Genre: ANGST, light fluff, smut
TW: None
Word Count: 5,092
A/N: SO i know you specifically asked for fluff at the end but i dont think this is the end of this i might make a part 2 if part 1 gets enough traction any way. I hope you enjoy the few bits i did do from what you asked REQUESTS ARE OPEN 
edit: REWRITE UPLOADED 10/13/2021
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““You may kiss the bride” The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me.” Tears begin stinging my eyes, as we walk down the aisle as an officially married couple, hand and hand, much to Jungkook’s dismay. We rush through the double doors of the church and disappear in the car placed in the front if the building of worship.   
Once we got in the car Jungkook retracted his hand and the empty feeling takes over again. Jungkook doesn’t love me this is just a business inconvenience to him. IM just some stupid business deal, something for Jungkook to correct as he does with all his other projects, only difference is I’m not some company he can break apart and sell. I’m a person as much as he refuses to accept it. Since our fathers have agreed the only way Jungkook would be able to acquire and run my father’s company is if I become is wife as some type of fail-safe of preventing Jungkook from selling off the company and running away like he’s done so often after his business dealings. 
At the reception Jungkook disappeared as soon as we walked through the door. To the bar as expected of him to drink as I’m in need of liquid courage to make it through the rest of the night. Slowly I make my way around the room greeting Jungkook’s family, as he sits with the vixen of a bartender, a sensual smile plastered on his face with a rum and coke in his hand. “Y/N you have to tell me… are you and my Jungkookie going to give me grandchildren.” His mother asks smile on her face, excitement evident. I feel the words get caught in my throat, GRANDCHILDREN? WITH HOW HE TREATS ME…...? HELL, NO THAT MAN IS NOT TOUCHING ME. As if on cue my eyes shift to look for Jungkook at the bar but he and the bartender are no longer there. Of fucking course, he took HER somewhere to fuck at OUR wedding.  Almost immediately after your disappointment of a wedding, you’re shipped off on your honeymoon. You spend most days in Mykonos, alone Jungkook wanting to explore Greece with beautiful Greek women.  
The last night of your honeymoon Jungkook crashes in your shared room drunk off his ass, a loud laugh escaping his lips as he shushes the mirror next to the entrance. “Fuck be quiet Jungkook don’t wake up Y/N remember” He scolds himself. You can hear the childish groan that releases from his lip “No I wanna wake up Y/N.” Your eyebrows furrow, at his drunken figure. Did he not see you on the couch? “Jungkook?” you asked confused. His head whipping around quickly; a huge smile plastered on his face “Y/N!! I got you wine and a couple of more things” He exclaims staggering across the room “I-I shouldn’t be the only one having fun on our honeymoon right” taking a seat right next to you on the couch as he drops a brown bag in your lap. “O-oh um” “Please.... I wanna have fun with you, it’s so boring to keep talking to people I don’t understand and don’t understand me.” You sit there in shock just staring at his openly chatty self “Please take some shots get drunk with me you never let loose” He begs as he reaches in the bag on your lap pulling out some nips.  
After a while you and Jungkook find your drunken selves on the beach, Jungkook laughing as you struggle to walk with the sand beneath your feet. Music rang in the air from one of the clubs near your villa, “Dance with me Y/N” Jungkook exclaims as he grabs your hand pulling you into his frame. His hands finding their way to your waist, guiding them against his hips. A soft groan releases from his lips as your drunken form begins dancing to the music. Turning yourself around pressing your ass against his now hard member.  
Both of you completely oblivious to the sensual way your bodies move against each other. Jungkook's hands firmly placed on your waist, His head resting on your shoulder as your hand reaches behind you. You find your fingers interlocking with his hair. His right hand wrapping around your chin as he angles your head so you are facing him. “I’m having a lot of fun Y/N” lips centimeters apart, the scent of whiskey, and vodka radiating off of him. ‘Brown and clear...You’re gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow Kookie’, you thought. His eyes drift to your lips as he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip. Your lips part slightly, his bottom lip finding its way in between his teeth as he leans in.  
‘He’s drunk Y/N you can’t take advantage of that he would be ignoring you right now if he wasn’t,’ you tell yourself trying to find the strength to reject his advances despite everything inside of you screaming to let him kiss you. 
You pull away quickly “I-I should get to bed I'm really tired” you state shyly as you rush back toward your villa. Jungkook’s trailing behind you, Once you reach your villa he finally speaks “thank you” you turn to look at him confused “F-for what?” 
He smiles “Hanging out with me, I don’t know being my friend even though I don’t really deserve it” You look at him sadly “You’ve been going through a lot being forced to marry someone you don’t love or can't even stand” He furrows his brows as he shakes his head “I can stand you Y/N, What I can’t stand is the fact that my father cares so little about me that he basically sold me off to your family. You had nothing to do with that you were a pawn in this just as much as I was” You nod slightly “I want us to try to be friends again, Jungkook” He rubs the back of his head looking at the ground “We haven’t been friends this entire time” 
“No idiot I meant like when we were in high school, except for the revenge porn stuff” You state matter of factly. You can see the way Jungkook shifts on his feet, anxious at the memory. “Oh- yeah of course you were my best friend and I really hated losing you like that honestly I was going-” You smile at him softly “Well we should get to bed, you’re really drunk and the past is the past we should leave it there no point in bringing up old possibly painful memories for both of us” You turn yourself around and make your way over to the bedroom in your shared villa. Since, you both have gotten to Greece you have been the one to sleep in the grandiose bed. You can hear Jungkook tossing and turning on the couch, since for the first time in 2 weeks Hes actually sleeping in your shared villa. You make your way out of bed and approach him “You should take the bed Kookie, you'll be really uncomfortable if you don’t and being hungover in an uncomfortable place isn't fun.”  
“N-no” He slurs, “T-the bed I-is for you it’s the least I can do since I’ve been a dick” You shake your head rapidly, yes you were a little tipsy but Jungkook was FADED; You still can’t help the way your heart races at his politeness. “I’ve slept in it every day so far, I don’t mind the couch tonight” Jungkook crosses his arms and pouts “S-so you don’t want to sleep next to me” you stare at him confused “I-I haven’t the whole trip Kook-ah" “I know” the pout on his face staying there “I wanted you to though, I hated waking up in some random room or house with a woman whose name I can’t pronounce” He whispered “Why did you then?”  
He groans as he stands up, grabbing your hand in the process and dragging both of your figures to the room. Jungkook continued to mumble under his breath. You can only catch the last bit of what he’s saying “I want to sleep next to you” you are about to say something when he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in to the large bed. “I want to hold you” He drunkly confesses “We used to cuddle all the time before; now you don’t even look at me and I hate it.” Youre stuck in a trance as he rubs circles on your waist. “I miss you Y/N I was so happy when my –hiccup- dad told me I was marrying you.” “You treated me like trash the whole time” you mutter. “I didn’t want to fall in love with you again, you only get hurt when I do” he whispers. “Jungkoo-” Your statement is cut off by his light snores and shallow breaths; He’s sleeping.  
After your honeymoon you and Jungkook’s relationship has improved. He helped you move your things into the home his parents bought for us. Honestly none of us could even believe Jungkook actually came to the wedding let alone stayed in the house were supposed to share. 
 I’ve taken over the second bedroom to gain some solace from the hurricane that is his temper. There were days I would be greeted with Jungkook’s beautiful smile and the calmness would contain me. Others I’d walk out of my room and have a foreign object thrown in my direction. Jungkook and I would hang out on those days and talk until the sunset. Every morning I would have a cup of Jungkook’s favorite tea ready and set for him to begin his day properly.   
One morning I woke up extremely early, honestly at an ungodly hour. Tonight, was a particularly bad night, after our drunken adventure in Greece, Jungkook's drunken form rarely sought me out. Tonight, I figured would be no different. Until Jungkook came in the house and began taking his anger at our situation out on me. “YOU! YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME. YOURE THE REASON I CAN’T LIVE MY DAMN LIFE FUCK Y/N WHY CAN’T YOU MAKE THIS EASIER FOR ME AND DISAPPEAR” He shouted at you, deciding it was best to just ignore him and go to your bedroom. I can hear as he slams his bedroom door behind him.  
 After many attempts to fall asleep fail, I decide to go for a walk. As I run out the door, the world outside takes me over. I didn’t even realize how long it actually has been since I’ve left the house alone. The autumn wind rushing through the air as you make your way down the street. I find my mind drifting back to the days before your family informed you of the dowery. Jungkook hates you for being his wife but loves you for being his friend. I don’t understand anymore. My feet just move as I drift deeper into thought.  
The emotions I’ve been holding in begin to flow out as the tears burn my eyes. Finally feeling the pressure and change from this marriage. Losing track of time as I sit on a bench looking out to the Han River. The water is peaceful. The sounds of the city embrace me as I stare into the sunset. I don’t notice the hours pass until I begin to see traffic in the park pickup. I stand from my place on the bench and walk toward the bridge. Staring over the edge you contemplate jumping. Making everything easier on everyone. You feel utterly lost as the tears rush down your face. Shaking your head rapidly “no” you tell yourself as you make your way back, back to Jungkook, back to the life I no longer feel like leading.   
As the house came into view, and I saw 2 unfamiliar cars in the driveway. “Jungkook-ah I’m back is anyone he-” I shout as I walk into the house only to be cut off by the impact of Jungkook’s body colliding with mine. His breathing is heavy and a sigh of relief escapes him. His hands rushing to either side of my head as he looked me up and down. His chest heaving up and down rapidly. His eyes full of tears that were threatening fall. 
 “Fuck I thought something happened to you” he says examining my face. “Where were you? I woke up and tried to see if you wanted to go get breakfast and you weren’t answering the door, so I opened it and you weren’t there your bed is made where’d you sleep? I called your dad, man. I called MY dad” He doesn’t remember what he said to you last night. I smile at him apologetically as I notice the 2 men on the couch and I give them a polite bow. “I’m sorry Kook-ah I woke up really early and chose to go for a walk. I lost track of time and only made it home just now I’m okay; both of you did not need to take time out of your day to come here” you gesture toward your fathers. You can see Jungkook's father is completely stoic and uncaring, you avoid your fathers gaze as his figure trembled on the couch. 
“Y/N” Your father states just barely above a whisper as he looks you up and down “Dad I'm fine” You look at him, understanding his pointed worried gaze. “Y/N the last time you couldn’t sleep and went out for a walk I found you bleeding from your wrists in our neighbors pool” You can feel Jungkook's worried gaze on you. The awkwardness from the conversation growing around the room.  
“did that happen this time? and you have no right bringing that up it is a completely different situation” Your words do nothing to soothe him as you shove past Jungkook and lift your sleeves in his face “I’m fucking fine” You rush over to your front door slamming it open “Please excuse yourself, I'm tired and would like to go to bed after explaining to the husband YOU forced me to marry why I tried to kill myself, I apologize Mr. Jeon you did not have to take time out of your busy day to come here” Jungkook scoffs and mummers something under his breath. I walked the men out of the door, ignoring Jungkook’s hard stare at the back of my head as I said my goodbyes and apologized again.  
“Y/N” he whispered, you stood frozen in place at the front door. “What happened? Why’d your dad-” “It’s not particularly your business or your problem honestly Jungkook you’ve made it quite clear how you feel about me last night.” You cut him off curtly, finally making your way toward your bedroom “Y/N I was drunk last night I didn’t-” “WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS” I shout “Look Jungkook, with the exception of our ‘honeymoon’ you don’t even want me around you drunk. You can’t stand to look at me and the ring on my finger knowing you got sucked into something you never wanted to do” Jungkook stood in his spot, trembling, “Y-Y/N it’s not like that-” “I don’t care anymore, honestly” You state curtly.  
“I'm your friend Y/N, do you not understand how fucking worried I was when I realized you weren’t here and I had no clue where you would go” I scoff at his statement “Maybe if you actually put effort into this ‘friendship’ You would have known” A pout forms on his already saddened face. “You’re right I should be a better friend to you and I will be” He promises.  
Since that day, a few months back; Jungkook requests for me to let him know that I will be leaving so he does not start another panic; We’ve also dedicated Fridays as our friend date night, which usually just consists of us hanging out at our shared house watching movies and playing video games. As I exit the shower, Jungkook stops me as I walk toward my room “Hey, do you want to go out with me tonight?” Jungkook asks shyly. My heart sored at the question; I know he wasn’t asking in any romantic way. I just couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of leaving the house. I hadn't left much since moving in typically spending my days home or working, no time to really explore and go out “Yes! I mean yeah sure that sounds fun” I exclaim. After I have my hair out, in a wet curly look and throw on the most beautiful form fitting dress that I own and make my way to the door. Jungkook is standing there waiting on his phone. His eyes slowly scan up me and he swallows harshly as his eyes grow wide. “Uhm… Let’s…”  I smile at him and grab his hand and pull him out of the house interrupting him “Let’s go Jungkookie”   
The club was fun, Jungkook told me to have as much fun as I want since I rarely go out. Even so, I never leave the bar as Jungkook can obviously spot someone so he excuses himself from me exclaiming he will be back in like 10 minutes and runs off to the dance floor. Anxious about the crowd and my sudden loneliness; I pull myself into a dark corner at the end of the bar drunk patrons around me oblivious to presence. Feeling a hand on my ass and turn to see an unfamiliar handsome face. “Hey, um sorry to sound rude but can you like take your fucking hand off of me” I say shyly.  
The handsome man smiles and nods as he quickly pulls his hand off of my bottom “Sorry, I couldn’t get my footing with all the people I didn’t mean to…like touch you there I swear, I’m Mark” “Y/N” I say as I reach my hand out. He smiles and shakes my hand.” What are you drinking” He smiles “Malibu Pineapple” I reply politely. Mark orders me another and soon I’m feeling tipsy. His kind flirty personality only making you even more flustered, He smiles and places his hand on the small of your back as you talk. You check your phone only to see Jungkook has been gone for the better part of an hour; Mark’s deep voice pulling me out of my trance “SO… I hate to be THAT guy but are you here alone?” My eyes drift from my phone, my bottom lip pulled between my teeth. “Oh I-” 
Before I can respond I feel a hand snake around my waist and the melodic voice I’ve come to secretly love comes from behind me “No she’s here with me…… her husband” Jealousy laced in his voice as he pulls me closer to him. “And were supposed to be having a good time together…without you”   
“Sorry man, I didn’t know she was married. You know…since she was standing here by herself for a while, and it looked like she didn’t seem to mind spending time with me” Mark smirks sarcastically. The anger is growing more and more evident on Jungkook’s face. “Excuse me?!?” Mark shifts and smiles to me ignoring Jungkook’s ever growing angry form. “You trying to go somewhere less crowded you look really uncomfortable with how many people are here” “Oh I don’t know” I state shyly, stepping back a little. “What Y/N I'm just trying to be nice ill bring you home. I just don’t trust this guy you know? Who leaves their wife alone in a bar like this for over an hour?” It's obvious that was the last straw as Jungkook pulls me behind him as he punches Mark in the face. Mark returns the blow, Jungkook's large form stumbling back at the power the other man had. “You want to keep talking shit asshole” Jungkook's loud voice rings out as he charges Mark again. I stood frozen in place from Jungkook's forceful grab. The bar hitting my back.  Soon security was separating the brawl and me and Jungkook were in the car on our way back to the house.   
In the passenger seat I take in the details of Jungkook’s now bruised face. I shift my eyes back to the windshield, a pout evident on my face “Why was he with you, Y/N?” Jungkook questions the tone in his voice is obviously a sad and jealous one. “He just came up to and we started talking he bought me a couple drinks that’s all Kookie, I promise.” I whine. It’s happened on occasion after Jungkook swore to make up for not being a good friend to you; you guys would flirt and be all over each other, yet neither would make a real move. “Would you have gone home with him? Would you have let him fuck you?” He asks scared of the answer. “WHAT? NO! Jungkook-ah I swear nothing like that would have happened. I mean Mark was really attractive and I’m sure he would have shown me a great time but I just wasn’t interested in him, kookie” That answer seems to have settled him for now. The drive now growing silent. “Y-y/n?” Jungkook slurs “Yeah” “You ever thought about it?” “What?” I ask confused. “Sex, with me” He asks shyly. “Um Jungkook? How drunk are you did you-” “No that doesn’t count I mean recently?” He stammers out.  
“Honestly?” He nods rapidly “Yes I need you to tell me the truth because I'm gonna kiss you and I'm not trying to get slapped” He confesses. My eyes widen at his drunk confession “Oh I wouldn’t slap you if you kissed me” He smiles slightly “really? Would you stop me if I touched you like I want Baby?” lust filling his tone as his hand placed itself inside your thigh slowly rubbing up toward my core. A small whimper is released from my lips. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth. “You want me to stop y/n?” He asks cockily. I shake my head rapidly. “You want my fingers inside you don’t you baby?” I nod rapidly. 
 “Don’t worry baby girl I’ll do that for you.” he says as he pulls into the driveway. He runs to the passenger door and opens it for me as I get out and wrap my arms around him. “Oh yeah Kookie? Are you gonna make me cum for you?” I smirk the drunk naughty thoughts take over. Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist and for the first time tonight I smell the alcohol coming off Jungkook. He’s as drunk as I am or even more so, he presses his chest against my back and I feel a hard shaft against my ass. He peppers kisses up the side of my neck until his lips reach my ears “mmm Baby girl, I wanna eat your pussy so bad” He smacks my ass harshly as he lifts me and carries me into the home.   
I wake up in Jungkook’s bed the next morning, events from last night come rolling in. We had sex, 4 times, I notice the coldness on the side of the bed from me. I make my way out of Jungkook’s room and dash toward the kitchen. Jungkook is sitting at the table on the phone back to the entrance. “I don’t know Jimin we fucked like 4 times Jimin but that’s all she helped me cum and I helped her that’s all it was” “No I don’t have feelings for her, we used each other Jimin, it wasn’t like that this guy was talking to her at the club and she told me she wasn’t going to go home with him but let’s be honest if I wasn’t there, she would have gone with him and I can’t have some slut for a wife” 
 “No man I just helped her cum so she doesn’t start going out for some rando guy to get her off she doesn’t really expect anything from it. She just wanted to cum that’s how good little whores do it and from last night I know she’s one of the best sluts I’ve ever met so easy to get her to do anything for me cause she’s a sub” “Look I got to go Jimin before she gets up, I got to get he out of my bed before she thinks I want her there all the time…. dude of course I’m gonna fuck her again it’s one of the best pussies I’ve ever had……your stupid dude bye”   
I rush to my room and lock the door. His words stab at my heart. Just some easy slut? That’s what he thought you were, because you let your guard down and gave yourself to the first person you’ve ever had sex with. Tears stream down my face as I hyperventilate a knock at my bedroom pulls me out of a trance. “Y/n-ie?” another knock “you, okay?” I shout from behind the door. 
 “Yeah…I’m fine” I hear slight shuffling “Did you want to go to breakfast maybe we can take a walk to Han River you said you like going there right?” His nervousness is evident through the door. “Um…Honestly Jungkook, I’m not feeling too good I’m like really hungover and I’d like to take a shower” to wash your scent and touch off of me. “Oh…. well can I join you then?” I shake my head no, god please no. “Y/N-ie? Babe?” my heart shatters at his words “Um I’m sorry Kookie but I really don’t feel like it” “Oh okay, um when you’re done can you come hang out and watch a that Invisible Man movie you wanted to see” “Um sure I’ll see you in a bit bye Jungkook” Jungkook’s face twists in to a pout behind the door.  
After your shower you leave the room and walk down the hall “Jungkook?” before I pass his bedroom, I peak my head in and see Jungkook laying on his bed completely naked, eyes closed tight, stroking himself, moaning out your name. The sight is addicting I feel my own excitement building up at the sight of him. I try to back out of the room and accidentally slam into Jungkook’s bedroom door. His eyes shoot open and his hand leaves his member. “Y/N! I…UM…I WAS JUST….” I smile and walk toward him. “We’re you thinking about me Jungkook” I teased. He bites his lip “Were you thinking about last night or the fact that you missed fucking me hard into the shower” He sighs and nods “both” he mutters. His words from earlier out of my mind as I place my lips against his and let him take me for the 5th time in 24 hours.   
The way he pounds into me, his hair stuck to his forehead. “Fuck baby girl you take it so good, look at your pretty pussy taking this cock the way you should…. hmmm that’s my pussy baby girl” I moan in response “yes kookie-ah only yours” My climax builds fast as Jungkook’s thrusts get sloppy. “Yeah, oh baby girl I’m gonna cum so deep in your pussy” He exclaims as he captures his lips into mine. “All mine baby girl” he thrusts once more and I feel a warmth inside me as he kisses my neck.   
He gets up and runs to the bathroom. A loud ping comes through on the phone
   Areum<3: When are you going to divorce that ugly ass wife? Baby I got to spend time with you at the club but fucking in a bathroom then getting kicked out for a fight especially over her is crazy.  
My breath hitches and swells up in my throat as I read the message. He had sex with someone last night right before he had sex with me, he took my mouth last night. Disgust fills me up as I run to my bedroom. Opening the closet, I begin throwing my things in the luggage bag. “Baby did you want- what are you doing?!” Jungkook stopped at my door, a confused look on his face. 
 “I’m leaving Jungkook” I state as tears stream down my face. Panic rises on Jungkook’s face “why? You don’t want to be here anymore? Did I do something? I can fix it I swear but you can’t go…you can’t just go when we….” “Areum misses you and you should focus on one girl Jungkook-ah” I cut him off and realization dawns on his face as he runs to his room to grab his phone.
 The second the phone is in his hand he rushes out of his room and sees your retreating figure making your way to the door “Y/N-AH! DON’T GO PLEASE” You freeze the sound of his voice cracking “Areum is just some girl she’s not anyone don’t just assume because some girl texted me, she misses me that I’m going to run to her” “You were with her last night….you Fucked her last night not even an hour before you fucked me, my mouth” 
Jungkook shakes his head “No it’s not like that I swear like you said I fucked her, Baby girl I can’t fuck you. I make love to you please I’m begging you don’t go okay I know we haven’t been the best but I can fix this don’t do this not when I know I love you please” I shake my head and make my way to the door as Jungkook’s sobs grow. “Stop please” he reaches for the door and slams it shut. “You can’t just leave, not after what we just did, not when I love you, please” I smile at him lightly and press my lips against his.
 I feel his hands snake around my waist as he kisses me hard. I lose myself in his lips soon I reach for my luggage bag and rush out the door and into my car. Jungkook is banging on my passenger side window trying to open the door tears streaming down his face “please, stop, stop the car, get out please stay with me, BABY PLEASE” he shouts as I reverse and drive off the last sight, I have is Jungkook chasing my car with tears streaming down his face   
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
The beast in the garden
Includes: Aone Takanobu
Genre: Nobility!Au, angst, smut
Warning: Nsfw
Note: Okay so I’ve had this idea for a while now and I just couldnt find what I wanted to do with it but now it’s hear so please enjoy 😔
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“Oh nobu!” the young miss whimpers at the force of the man pushing into her wet sex. Panting and whimpering at every movement. The pleasure sinking into her and she grips onto his shoulders. Y/N had never anticipated such a scenario before she met the “beast”.
Once there was a young miss inside an isolated mansion in the woods owned by her her parents, the lord and lady of the land. She was a beautiful girl with a cold gaze but such a warm heart. Y/N was given almost everything she could ask for! Shoes, books, beautiful jewelry and wonderful entertainment...all that could be hers but the one thing she had craved for the most was so out of her grasps. Freedom.
She was given everything except the freedom do go outside. She was secluded and kept like a beautiful porcelain doll, too pretty to even play with. The lonesome lady wasnt even allowed to walk their entire garden because the north part of their garden had a “beast” as the servants would tell her. Fearing the beast she stayed with her gaurdians at all times and barely left the mansion at all.
“What flowers are these?” Y/N asks her tutor showing the beautiful image of flowers in her book. “Chrysanthemums, my young miss” he replied sparing her a glance and going back to look at the book he was reading himself. “They mean devoted love and loyalty it says” Y/N’s voice so sweet and filled with admiration of the flora. “I hope one day someone will give me these flowers instead of roses...”
“Beautiful, arent they? You have them in your garden as I remember”
The male informs, flipping another page in his book
“Huh...maybe I should go pick some later tonight” was all she had said before she stood up and excused herself from their reading session.
That late afternoon the young miss asks her gaurdian to bring her to the garden to pick chrysanthemums only to be told that they only grew at the north of their grounds. The home of the beast she remembered coming to the conclusion that it would be best not to try and go at all. The whole afternoon it bothered her to no end.
Learning more and more about the flower and finding how it could be made into tea and how sweet it would taste. The chrysanthemums deeply explained what type of love she wanted. The young miss had countless suitors but all of them brought her the same red stainedroses over and over again until the roses didnt feel so red anymore.
She wanted those flowers no matter what but the servants themselves were too scared to get some and not being one to force others she decided she must take matters into her own hands.
As the moon came into view that night she had retired early to her bed chambers and told the servants to not let anyone in no matter what for she was not feeling well. Waiting for the moon to reach it’s peak the young miss had already climbed out of her window and tip toed her way to the border to the garden up north.
At the highest peak she hurridly went in looking for the beautiful flowers only to realize that this garden was the most beautiful one of all. It felt as if the fae themselves lived here. The moonlight fully illuminating the garden before her. Well kept grass and full bloomed flowers sparkling by the reflection of the light on the dew drops.
Before her eyes was the most beautiful garden and the most dangerous one as well thinking to herself. With every step she took however she did not realize how late it had been. Forgetting her reason for going all together and walked around the garden as well. There was no sign of the beast at all...not until she felt movement from the otherside of the rose bush. Quickly backing away...”Oh lord I forgot the chrysanthemum!” The young woman exclaimed hurridly looking for them and as she was about to pick some that she found there was suddenly a feeling of a presence behind her.
Fearing her safety she ran back as fast as she could and even forgeting the cloth she wore around her shoulders. Running fast and not even sparing a glance behind her. Almost sobbing and fully terrified she couldn’t even climb up to her window again.
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Bubump bubump bubump she heard her heart beat almost out her chest. Foot steps along the grass.
Was this her demise?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why was she always so weak that she could not even fend for herself?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why did she have to spend her life locked up in such a dull household?!
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why could she never stand up for herself?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why did she have to experience death without experiencing what it meant to be alive?
The foot steps have stopped in front of her. Feeling the heavy beathing and warmth of the huff from the monster. This was it...looking up she was greeted by a tall man with albino like features being graced upon the cold light of the moon. Somehow it had taken her breath away but then again it would be her last breath.
He didnt say anything though he just presented her something. Her shawl. “T-tha..nk yo..uu? B-...Beas...t, sir” stuttering and shaking of fright while grabbing her shawl back. “Young miss-“ “I-I...I...Ughhh...I apologize! I didnt mean to steal from your garden, sir! I just wanted to get some chrysanthemum! I swear I wasnt going to destroy anything!” Y/N interrupted trying to save her skin not knowing the intention of the man.
“Beast? Takanobu Aone. Im not a beast, young miss” deep and warm was all there was to say about his voice. Hearing his voice felt like the feeling you get when one drinks warm tea in a fairly cold morning. Comforting and soothing. His features were strangely soft for a monster. His eyes seem to be squinted but his eyes were plastered with concern and confusion.
“I- but the servants said there was a beast at the northern grounds!” Her soft voice no longer trembling at the sight of him. Shrugging the man had gestured for her to wait as he emerged back into the garden. Confused the young miss was troubled about everything that she had just discovered.
There was no beast all along. The house was meant to keep her in and not keep the beast out.
The albino like man stepped into view once more however he did not returned empty handed. He returned with a small bouqet of familiar light coloured flora. Chrysanthemums.
“Th-thank you! I-I...I really...ehhh...ummm... appreciate them” a warm feeling arose to her chest when she got the small gift. Aone nodded and started walking back to his home. “Umm...Sir Aone- Let’s meet again! B-back at the...the...y-...your...your garden when the moon is at it’s highest peak again!” Y/N nervously suggested to him and all he did was walk back to pat her head as a confirmation before jogging back.
There wasnt a beast.
Soon enough the young miss would barely wake up by 8 am, her usual waking hours, and it had troubled her gaurdians asking her questions like why was she up so late or why she had trouble waking up but before they could interrogate her even further she would only excuse herself.
Night by night Y/N went back to meet the mysterious nobu figuring him out little by little like she was building a puzzle with a thousand pieces.
He was quiet but his small actions made up for it. Things like talking all night and conversing about ridiculous ideas were always one sided however staring into the nigth sky with her head on his lap or making small flower arrangements for the young miss...those were when he was the most charming in her eyes.
Eventually the two had become great friends and both felt a strong connection to one another more than anything. Aone Takanobu was a beautiful being. His gaze was cold but it also had tears glossing over them whenever he looked at her. His touch maybe rough and yet it would soft enough having her hand in his.
He didnt pay any attention to her status or the amount of wealth she possessed because for him at the end of the day he only saw her for who she was.
Likewise she had already built the puzzle of who nobu was and it turns out it was just as wonderful. Growing to like each other much more spending more time in the gardens just to escape a little while-
“YOUNG MISS! Get away from that monster!” Her tutor’s voice exclaims when he saw the lovely child snuggling up next to aone by the bushes. “You! You are to not lay a finger on her anymore! She is too fragile and too weak! Have you no mercy! What are you even doing tainting her with your disgusting commoner-“
“Quiet. You dont have any right to insult her” nobu growled looking at man with a calm expression on his face. “She is neither fragile nor weak” he stands up and takes your hand to help you up. “N-nobu I-“ with that he just shakes his shakes his head slowly side to side and leaves the young woman with her tutor.
That night the young lady was scolded and ultimately gaurded with a handmaiden to watch over her and having her window locked.
He did not expect her to be there that night and he was correct. That night and the night after that and the following nights that would follow but all he could do was wait by chrysanthemums until she would eventually show up.
Many sunsets have passed and the incident was forgotten as everything had come back to normal. That night however the beast could no longer be patient and wait for the young miss to come back so he took measures into his own hands.
“When will I see you again...nobu...” Y/N talked to the withered flowers in the vase shet set by her desk. For all the time she spent indoors again she could never forget his face or his warming presence whenever she snuggled up to his chest. Suddenly russtling from the tree by her window had interrupted her thoughs.
If she hadnt felt his presence in that moment she was sure she would have been screaming at the top of her lungs but Y/N already knew who was trying to get into her room just from hearing the sound of the movement. Opening her window and there he was. Tall, albino features, covered in leaves and holding a small collection of different coloured chrysanthemums.
“You know chrysanthemums actually mean loyalty and devoted love” the no longer lonesome lady giggled picking up some of the leaves by his clothes.
“I like you, nobu and I know it’s crazy because we only met a month ago and I dont know what to do or what to say but Im sure that I like you”
Waiting for a reply. Silence and anticipations.
Tension and a full display of worriedness crossed over her face. Only for all of that worry to disappear the moment their lips connected. It was a kiss filled with nothing but love and longing for each other.
Taking a break and having their foreheads leaning towards each other. The beast of a man took her in his arms and carried her off the ground. Staring into one another’s eyes. Speaking a million words in silence. Those “I love you”s that only eyes could say and those “I want you”s that can only be tasted within their liplocking. Slowly their want and passion had slowly translated into the way their skin had dragged against each other.
Sitting the tall man down on her bed as she carefully and ever so teasingly stripped her night gown down revealing her beautiful body. Her body covered in imperfections had made her the most perfect human being in his eyes. He couldnt keep his hands to himself as he stood up and touched her sides while kissing her forehead.
That mere moment of innocence was soon erased by a passionate kiss and as the moon had tried to reach its highest peak the two lovers only evolved into more skinship.
Kissing and nimbling on the soft skin of her neck while gently massaging circles into her inner thigh. With her underneath him he could only imagine what he could do. Her pretty tears reminding him of the dew drops at the garden and her small noises resembling those of the night’s music.
His wet and hot tongue had travelled to her untouched pot of dripping honey. Licking in one agonizingly long stripe upwards. “Agh...gods” she huffed trying not to lose herself completely to the pleasure. Once he had started licking her entrance the only sound she could have ever made was whimpers that she so badly tried to cover. With her legs trembling and her eyes half open she had felt him stopping to grab a bottle of oil by her mirrored desk. While the liquid had poured of to his hands he started to pump his incredibly large member. Soon lining his member to her entrance.
“N-nob...uu...it m...aghhh...might not...FIT!” Y/N gripped on his shoulder once he had entered. Carefully he tried to soothen her so she wouldnt be so nervous. “Mhhm” kissing her forehead and allowing her to adjust his large size.
At once the young miss gave the beast her signal he thrusted into her creating a certain rythm so that both of them could slowly ease into it. That was soon thrown out the window once they both paced faster makiing the sweet girl cry out in pleasure.
Wet kisses and hair sticking to the forehead. The sound of skin slapping against each other through the night and small whimpers of “N-no...bu...” had only prolonged
“Oh nobu!” the young miss whimpers at the force of the man pushing into her wet sex. Panting and whimpering at every movement. The pleasure sinking into her and she grips onto his shoulders. With every time his member had hit that sweet soongy spot inside of her it had built her up so much that once the wave of pleasure had washed over both of them at the same time they had both decided to lay in bed for a while.
The albino like beast stared into her eyes noticing that small request of freedom. “You know chrysanthemums actually mean loyalty and devoted love” He remembered your words and at once stood up. He took the chrysanthemums from the ground and swore to her “I will love you devotedly and loyaly”
“Then follow me wherever I may go”
That night as eventful as it was for the two...had only left the household in panic.
Once the sun has risen and the servant that had to wake up their miss up entered the room only to see the room completely tidy as if no one had used the night before. There was no young miss and there was no beast. Only an empty bed with a bouqet of chrysanthemums.
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Taglist: @janellion @my-mass-hysteria @anianimol
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Soarin’ (m)
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pairing: jaemin x reader
au: disneyland worker!jaemin and reader
genre: fluff, smut
word count: 6.4k
warnings: smut, swearing, mentions of drugs (you’ll see), descriptions of sick? slight tainting of childhood (not enough to scar), controversial opinions (but not literally), unfunny humour
specific smut warnings (in case you dont want spoilers): fingering, blowjob, unprotected sex (but assume character is on the pill), semi-public sex?
summary: You have worked at Disneyland since the first year of uni, which has all but destroyed your ideals of magic. But when a new boy becomes the Mickey to your Minnie, you can’t help but find yourself intrigued by the bright-eyed newbie. Maybe Disneyland is magic, afterall. (this sucks im so sorry)
very, very heavily inspired by this thread on reddit. also, i hope you enjoy! any feedback will be much appreciated (this is my first fic as im sure youll be able to tell)
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Ah, Disneyland, ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’. If you’re a child, that is. Not only can you meet your favorite characters who are probably doing lines in the back between rounds, but you have the honour of being able to watch them dangle helplessly from a wire during the firework display and narrowly avoid death. It’s no wonder you’ve been working there since your first year of uni.
‘Johnny told me there’s a new Mickey coming today.’ Eva, Princess Tiana and, quite frankly, the only decent princess in the whole park, says. She’s currently struggling to pull the long, white gloves over her own blue plastic pair of gloves she puts on for ‘safety reasons’ - her words, not yours. Though, it’s not like you can blame her when the outfits only get washed...well, never.
The two of you are currently the only two in the spacious dressing room which is permanently accompanied by the stench of sweat clinging to the walls, especially since it’s summer.
‘Oh, really?’ You ask from in front of her on the worn wooden bench, pulling your clunky yellow shoes on that dwarf your feet in their enormous size. It took you months to be able to walk in them without constantly tripping. Thankfully, it seems they at least got a wash after being puked on a few days ago.
She nods, moving towards the vanity and smoothing down a stray hair. ‘I know, it didn't take them long. Poor Jeremy, though.’
You hum in agreement. Jeremy ran into some trouble whilst covering a shift for the Donald Duck regular, resulting in a few broken ribs, a black eye and a dislocated shoulder. Or so the NDA requires you to say, anyway. Needless to say he quit on the spot.
‘____?’ You turn and see Johnny, your manager, making his way over to you with a cute guy in tow. ‘This is Jaemin. Jaemin, this is ____. He’s the new weekend Mickey regular. I need you to show him around Toontown discreetly,’ He gives you a pointed look to remind you that your characters aren’t supposed to talk. ‘And then you can camp out in Mickey’s House until the attractions close.’
You smile at Jaemin and he smiles back sheepishly as Johnny walks away without another word. Jaemin has arguably the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen, accompanied by the prettiest lips and the prettiest - is that too many ‘pretty’s? -  twinkling eyes and you can wholeheartedly say you have no problem showing him around ‘discreetly’.
‘Hi, Jaemin.’ You say, suddenly aware of your current state of half-dress with your suit still unzipped and bunched around your waist. You catch him glancing at your exposed top-half and quickly zip up the back before clearing your throat and gesturing towards the locker opposite yours. ‘Mickey’s suit is usually kept in there.’
‘Uh, thanks.’ He turns quickly before looking back at you, clearly not wanting to ask you to leave but not wanting to change in front of you.
‘Meet you outside?’ You take the hint and stand up, grabbing Minnie’s head and placing it over your own.
He nods gratefully and you leave.
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‘You’ll have to get used to that, you know.’ You say quietly as he joins you. For a late Saturday afternoon in the summer, the park isn’t as busy as usual; only the occasional family loiters in Toontown, though in the distance you can see the beginnings of a crowd forming in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle in preparation for the fireworks as the sun begins to set.
‘Used to what?’
‘To seeing other cast members undressed and to them seeing you undressed.’ You say simply, waving to a child with a short brown bob and bucket hat that’s walking towards you as you head slowly from the staff area towards Goofy’s Playhouse. The child stops and asks both of you for your autographs, something that every Disney cast member has to perfect before they get to wear their suit.
‘Right,’ He mutters when she leaves. ‘What happened to the guy before me?’
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, momentarily forgetting you can’t see his face. ‘What’ve you heard?’
‘Nothing, why?’
You sigh. ‘He was jumped by some asshole teenagers. You don’t need to worry, though,’ You add quickly at his sharp intake of breath. ‘You aren’t dressed as Donald Duck so you should be fine.’ You joke.
He laughs slightly at that. ‘Who thought dressing up as a kids’ character could be so dangerous?’
‘Oh, you have no idea.’ You laugh, a little too loudly, drawing more attention to yourself than usual but automatically correct your pitch to match Minnie Mouse’s. You wave at the kids that turn to look at you and they hurry over, asking to take pictures. After they run back to their parents, you turn to Jaemin and ask, ‘So, why did you apply for the job?’
‘Wow, it’s like a second interview.’ You shake your head, mumbling a quick apology. ‘I’ve never actually been to Disneyland before, and you know,’ He gestures his hand aimlessly. ‘This is supposed to be The Most Magical Place on Earth’ - he quotes - ‘so, I guess I wanted to experience the magic firsthand.’
‘That’s Magic Kingdom.’ You correct automatically.
‘That’s Magic Kingdom’s motto. Ours is ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’.’
‘Huh. I guess there is a difference, then.’
‘Of course there’s a difference. Magic Kingdom isn’t nearly as good as Disneyland.’ You say simply.
Jaemin snorts. ‘I’m sorry I offended you.’
‘Anyway,’ You say, ‘If you’re looking for a magical experience, you’re coming at it from the wrong angle.’
‘Exactly how bad is it to work here?’ He questions, though you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone.
‘The best I can give you is unforgettable.’ You would explain to him the number of times you’ve caught both members of the public and workers having sex in various places including on various rides, and how Haunted Mansion is notorious for having people leave their loved one’s ashes in it despite the fact they just get vaccumed up, but it’s only his first day and you don’t want to scare him off.
‘Gotcha.’ He merely says and you continue on to show him the Chip ‘n’ Dale Treehouse, your favorite place in Toontown. At night, the treehouse is lit in such a way as to make it whimsical, the ragged branches no longer menacing as they are during the daytime. You can’t complain at the fact that it’s quiet due to the fact that most people overlook it, either, instead mistaking it as decoration and not an actual attraction that you can go in.
This makes it the perfect place to hide out in the nighttime, when people are busy with the most popular attractions and has made it sort of an escape to you. Well, that and it’s given you a bad back.
You pause in front of Mickey’s House. ‘This is your crib,’ you joke. ‘Are you ready for your first official shift?’ You say, feigning drama in your tone.
‘Oh, gee, Minnie, I sure am!’ He replies in Mickey’s tone, emulating it perfectly and making both of you crack up.
‘I have to warn you, though, expect your arm to go dead within the first few minutes from all the waving.’
‘Noted. This job isn’t going to give me carpal tunnel syndrome, is it?’ He asks, only half serious.
‘No, but it may make you hate kids.’
He chokes, but before he can say anything in reply, a small boy who looks about four illustrates your point by pulling down his denim shorts and taking a dump right on the tarmac next to the hideous grey mouse-shaped letterbox.
You can read Jaemin’s horror in his speechlessness as you merely sigh and pull out your radio to call in, ‘We have a code Pooh outside Mickey’s House, over.’
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As you walk in your front door to your shared apartment with your roommate, Ailee, you catch her and her boyfriend, Sam, making out on the couch in the living room. You two met in the first week of uni when you both ended up at some frat party that you hated and hit it off.
‘Ew, gross, guys. You have a bedroom, you know.’ You say, throwing your bag on the coffee table and slumping down on the couch next to them, sinking into the plush white cushions.
Ailee merely throws her head back and laughs before saying, ‘Tell me all about it.’
You frown. ‘About what?’
She tuts at you impatiently. ‘Work, duh. Everyday you come home it’s been a bad day,’ She plays with a few strands of your hair comfortingly. ‘So, tell me about it.’
You scrunch your nose up. ‘Nothing out of the ordinary happened.’ You say simply, looking at your nails.
Sam laughs. ‘Even I know you look at your nails when you’re lying, ____.’
Your mouth falls open in shock, offended. ‘I do not.’ You insist and scowl internally.
‘You do,’ Ailee agrees. ‘But it’s okay, that doesn’t matter right now. What’s the juicy story for today?’
You roll your eyes. ‘I’m glad my misery is so entertaining. The only thing that’s different is that there’s a new weekend Mickey regular.’
Ailee and Sam share a pointed look. ‘And?’ She asks, drawing out the syllable.
‘And he’s cute. I guess.’ You add as an afterthought.
Ailee snorts. ‘You guess?’
You groan. ‘Okay, he’s cute, period.’ You concede.
‘So, ask him out.’
‘Can’t. It’s against the rules.’ You mumble.
She gives you an exasperated look. ‘____, sweetie, you’re the most lax person with a job still in the whole park. What’s one date to you that nobody knows about?’
You bite your lip. She does have a point. You think about how cute Jaemin was when he was nervous to greet the kids at the House and hide your grin.
‘She’d have to actually see him again, though, right?’ Sam interjects, interrupting your daydream.
‘Sam, don’t be such a Debby downer.’ Ailee whines.
Whilst it’s true that cast members in a couple usually split up, you doubt they would make Jaemin do his second shift on his own. Resolving to pluck up the courage to ask him out, you go to bed that night apprehensive about the following day.
Apparently God is punishing you for some unknown reason, because you don’t see Jaemin at all that day, or the week after. In fact, you don’t even catch a glimpse of him or the big round ears that are telling of Mickey’s character.
Eve informs you that Johnny teamed him up with Goofy for ‘variety’, meanwhile you’re being sent over to Soarin’ in Grizzly Peak, the most boring area in the whole park due to its unpopularity. You can’t help but worry slightly about Jaemin, though, thinking of the previous time you saw Daniel, Goofy’s actor, when he pulled a flask from seemingly nowhere inside his costume and took a long, deep drink before heading back out, slightly stumbling.
Before you step out, Bella, the girl who plays Cinderella (no, the irony is not lost on you), stops you and says, ‘Oh, ____, I heard the new Mickey Mouse arrived yesterday. Fingers crossed you don’t scare him into quitting, too.’ Ever since you auditioned for the part of Cinderella and lost it to her, Bella has taken to rubbing your inferiority in your face every chance she gets.
You roll your eyes and Eve says back, ‘Oh, fuck off, Bella,’ She turns to you. ‘She’s just jealous ‘cause she thinks he’s cute and he hasn’t even acknowledged her yet.’
You snort as Bella narrows her eyes and stomps away as best she can in her flimsy costume heels.
‘He was asking after you when he came in earlier, you know.’ Eve says.
‘Jaemin was?’
She hums before saying, ‘He looked so disappointed to be paired up with Goofy.’
You feel the blood rushing to your face as you smile. ‘Really?’
Eve looks at you knowingly. ‘Yep, said he wanted to thank you for being so understanding yesterday since no one wants to babysit the newbee.’
‘I’d happily babysit the newbee anytime if they looked like that.’ You say and Eve laughs.
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Whilst you’re at the most boring attraction in the park, the day is still no less than eventful. You encounter a child stuck in a tree trying to skip the line for Anna and Elsa’s Royal Welcome on your way to the bathroom due to the nearest one being blocked off. After you manage to actually use the bathroom, you’re surprised to see Elsa herself there, half-dressed at the sink and you can’t help but wonder if that’s the reason the line is so long. To top it all off, one of the only times you manage to fill the ride at Soarin’, you notice a couple getting on while holding a backpack that’s moving and alert the ride operators. When they finally report back to you that there was a six-month-old baby in there, they have to convince you not to ring child protective services.
After you slam your locker closed in the deserted dressing room, you sink down on the rigid bench, putting your head in your hands and massaging your growing headache.
‘____,’ A voice starts and you jump, looking up to see Johnny standing above you, clipboard in hand. He barely gives you a second glance when he startles you, instead pretending not to notice and continuing, ‘I need you next Friday for a grad night.’
You groan. Grad nights are the worst events Disneyland continuously puts on, in the past coming second only to Nights of Joy, the annual Christian festival, before it was cancelled for good. Even the managers rejoiced in the abolition of Nights of Joy. ‘Can’t you find someone else to be Minnie? Everyone knows how bad grad nights are.’
Johnny sighs. ‘Fine, then. I’ll put you on watching the cameras for Star Tours with Jaemin.’
You ignore the way you want to immediately jump on the chance for some one-on-one time with Jaemin and raise an eyebrow. ‘Aren’t you not supposed to do that? You know, because he’s new and I’m not trained in…’ You trail off at the glare he’s giving you and purse your lips, nodding your head in acceptance.
‘Great, thanks.’ He says sarcastically and walks out.
At least the next time you return to Hell on Earth it won’t be in a Minnie costume.
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You feel strange as you unlock and push open the door to the CCTV monitor room. If you had to put money on it, you would say it’s because this isn’t your job and you technically shouldn’t be here, but you’re not much of a gambler.
The heavy metal door gives way, opening to a small room with roughly fifty monitors, each displaying the Star Tours ride, the attraction itself as a whole and the surrounding area. You note the odd statue opposite the entrance that you don’t remember the name of - the satellites surrounding a distinct shape that is rocket-like. You shake your head internally at the sight. Why are the only pretty decorations reserved for Fantasyland?
You also note the dim red lighting and frown in confusion as your eyes land on Jaemin, sitting in an office chair in front of the wall of screens, wearing the same uniform consisting of a pale blue shirt and black trousers as you, except wearing it a hundred times better.
He turns upon your entrance, smiling as he takes in your attire. ‘I thought I’d set the mood with some lighting.’ He grins cheekily.
‘Oh?’ You say, stepping into the room, locking the door behind you. ‘What mood is that exactly?’
His smile grows wider as he says, ‘Adventure. We’re in for a night, so I hear.’
You groan, ‘You’ll wish you never agreed to doing this.’ You make your way to the chair next to his, sitting down on the flat cushion and leaning back.
‘How bad can it really be? These are literally a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who aren’t of legal drinking age yet and they’re supervised.’
You shook your head in mock sympathy. ‘Sweet, sweet, naive boy,’ You say. ‘Now you’ve jinxed it.’ You eye his coffee cup and wrinkle your nose in distaste at the black liquid. It looks like you’re staring into the pits of Hell. ‘What is that atrocity?’
He follows your gaze and laughs. ‘It’s coffee. Wanna try some?’ He maintains eye contact as he takes a sip and then offers it to you.
‘God, no. I have self-respect.’
He places it back down next to an intimidating set of controls, a hint of amusement in his eyes. ‘Also, I wanted to say thank you for the other week. For showing me around and stuff.’ He looks down shyly.
‘Oh, it’s, um, no problem. How have you been coping?’ You ask slightly awkwardly, not knowing what to do at his sudden personality flip-flop.
‘It’s a lot harder than I imagined it to be, honestly. I thought the worst that could happen would be screaming children and impatient parents.’ He admits.
You nod. ‘I thought the same when I first started last year. Little did I know the Karens were the least of my problems.’
He laughs breathily. ‘Tell me about it. I don’t know how you’ve managed to last so long.’
You shrug, embarrassed. ‘I just like making the kids’ day I guess.’
He coos and you push him lightly, smiling. ‘Why don’t we play a game?’ He asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You narrow your own eyes. ‘What kind of game?’
‘Hmm,’ He pretends to think, tapping his chin. ‘How about twenty-one questions?’
‘Okay,’ You say slowly. ‘What are our rules going to be?’
He smirks. ‘You only get one get-out-of-jail card. And if you use it, you have to do what the other person says.’
You sigh. ‘Fine. Then, follow-up questions to your answers don’t count.’
‘Deal. I’ll go first,’ At your mildly worried look, he says, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you. What are you studying in uni?’
‘Business and management.’ You say instantly, and he looks intrigued. ‘It was either that or English lit, and my parents weren’t too keen on me studying that.’
He frowns. ‘Why not?’
You avoid eye contact as you answer. ‘They’re both doctors,’ You clear your throat. ‘Are you in uni?’ You love your parents with all your heart but sometimes you wish they would just be happy with you being happy.
He takes the hint and moves on. ‘Yeah, I’m actually doing photography.’ He says, scratching the back of his neck.
Your head perks up. ‘Really? That’s so cool. My roommate is studying photography, too. Is that what you want to do after you graduate?’
His face relaxes. ‘I’m not really sure, to be honest. I just know it’s something I’m passionate about, you know?’ At your nod of encouragement, he continues, ‘There’s just something so amazing about capturing a moment forever in a way that really brings out its true beauty.’
You give him a small smile. ‘That sounds really special.’
He shrugs, though you can tell he appreciates it. ‘Anyway, it’s your turn to answer. Do you have a boyfriend?’
If you were drinking something, you’re sure you would have choked. ‘I-no?’
He looks slightly put out. ‘Is it complicated?’
You shake your head, maybe a little too hard. ‘No, sorry, you just caught me off guard. No, I don’t have a boyfriend.’ He looks instantly brighter. ‘Why, are you asking me out?’ You tease.
He blushes. ‘I mean, uh, I, um-’
‘Oh my God,’ You laugh, though you feel disappointed. ‘It’s okay, I was only joking. Ouch.’ You’re almost glad you didn’t get a chance to ask him out and make things awkward between the two of you. Maybe not seeing him for two weeks was a sign from the universe not to fuck up.
‘I didn’t mean it like that, oh God, I’m sorry.’ He groans and buries his face in his hands.
You tap him playfully on the shoulder. ‘It’s fine,’ You can’t help but feel hurt. Why did he ask you if he doesn’t care whether you have one or not? Maybe you’re just reading too much into it. ‘My turn, anyway. What’s traumatized you the most since working here?’
‘Learning that when cast members say ‘have a Disney day’ they really mean ‘fuck you’.’
You throw your head back and laugh. ‘That’s my favorite. Although as far as things go, that’s pretty vanilla.’
‘Maybe I’m a vanilla guy.’ He teases, and you can’t help but let your mind wander to an image of him hovering over you, reaching up to intertwine your hands together as he moans sweetly in your ear and you feel your face heat up.
‘So you’re admitting you’re boring.’ You joke halfheartedly, almost off-beat.
He places his hand over his heart in mock hurt. ‘That was uncalled for. Alright then, little miss kinky, where’s the most daring place you’ve had sex?’
Your eyes widen comically. ‘I-’ You glance at the monitors and see two figures in the back row of the mostly deserted ride, one hunched over with their head in the lap of what you make out to be a guy judging by the other figure’s movements. ‘Oh my God, no!’ You cry and fumble for the microphone.
‘What? What is it?’ Jaemin asks, his eyes searching. You can tell the moment he sees what you’re seeing, because he instantly cracks up laughing.
‘It’s not funny,’ You whine, pressing the red button on the microphone and saying as firmly as you can as monotonous as you can, ‘This is a family-friendly ride. Please refrain from scarring’ - you hiss and the figure has the decency to bolt upright and you see that they’re a girl - ‘the camera operators and fellow riders. Thank you.’ The others on the ride look around in confusion, and you can see the girl turn to say something to the boy. Judging by the way she gestures, it’s safe to assume it’s something biting.
‘I thought you said this happens all the time.’ Jaemin says once he’s calmed down enough to make the words out.
‘It does,’ You keep your eye on the couple, the guy wearing a smug grin as he zips up his trousers and the girl looking meek and embarrassed. Good. Public indecency is no joke. ‘But that doesn’t make it any less gross. This is a kids’ park for goodness sake.’
‘But there aren’t any kids around.’
You give him an exasperated look. ‘Well, I would never be okay with doing it on a ride in public.’
He licks his lips and you follow the movement only slightly too closely. ‘So when I asked where the most risky place you’ve had sex is…’ He trails off, smirking.
‘You can cross a literal children’s park from the list of possibilities, and proudly so.’ You say stubbornly. ‘Please don’t tell me you have.’ You rush to say upon seeing his face.
‘I haven’t.’ He says slowly, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in his chair, spreading his legs. You wish they didn’t look so inviting. You wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn’t.
‘But?’ You probe.
‘But nothing,’ He says simply. ‘So, are you gonna answer my question or are you gonna forfeit?’
You scowl at him. ‘What do you want if I do?’ You can feel your pulse racing in both excitement and fear but you keep your face blank.
His eyes shine as he leans forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs. ‘I don’t know yet.’
You swallow at his suggestive tone. ‘Fine, I’ll tell you,’ You concede, and he seems to not know whether to be pleased or disappointed. ‘My ex was a bit of an exhibitionist. He, um, you know, touched me when we went to see a movie.’
Jaemin raises an eyebrow, but you miss the glint in his gaze. ‘I thought you weren’t down for doing it in kids’ places.’
‘We were watching Paranormal Activity.’ You say flatly.
‘And it’s rated eighteen plus!’ You defend.
‘Is that the furthest you’ve gone in public? No compromising positions? No p in the-’
You cut him off hurriedly before he can go any further. ‘I’ve just never done it anywhere risky,’ You sigh dramatically. ‘I think I’m vanilla, too.’
He laughs loudly. ‘You don’t have to say it like it’s a bad thing. Anyway, I never said I was vanilla.’
You frown. ‘Earlier, you did.’
‘Did I? Maybe I was just saying it to tease you.’ He smiles a wide, boyish smile, completely contradicting what he’s implying with his words.
‘Oh?’ You say breathlessly. ‘Well, okay then.’
‘Don’t believe me?’
‘I-what? I never said-’
‘Would you rather I show you?’ He offers and your breath hitches as you meet his intense eyes. The warm brown seems darker and he glances at your chest as you breathe deeply. You can’t believe he said that. In the short time you’ve known him, you’re taken aback at how quickly he can switch between shyness and confidence.
When you merely stare back at him, not knowing what to say, he stands up and closes the short distance between the two of you so that his knee grazes your own as he stands above you. ‘____,’ He says, a slight rasp in his voice. ‘I need you to say it if you want this.’
You swallow and whisper, ‘Yes.’
He cups your face with his hand, his thumb softly stroking your cheek as he brings his lips down upon yours. You lift your own hand to hold his wrist which is currently beside your face and use the other one to grip onto the arm of the chair to ground yourself in the moment.
You let loose a small whimper as he glides his tongue across your bottom lip, and you part your lips to allow it in. He grips you tighter before he pulls away from your mouth to trail wet kisses across your jaw. ‘Guess you ended up tasting my coffee, anyway, hm?’ He whispers lowly into your ear before pecking it and you shudder, with both pleasure and laughter.
‘I guess so.’ You look into his eyes and see the pure hunger that makes you squeeze your thighs together.
Jaemin notices and pulls you up gently, pushing your hips into the desk with the monitors above it. Taking the hint, you spread your legs to give him room to stand between them, and he praises a quick, ‘Atta girl’, before leaning back down to reconnect your lips. You now take note of the slight hint of coffee on his tongue this time but you don’t care as you impatiently and desperately kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. His hand ghosts up your thigh, making you shiver in his arms. He slowly moves to unbutton your bottoms, giving you time to stop him.
In response, however, you whine at what feels like his teasing and unbutton and unzip them yourself, causing him to chuckle as he pulls away. ‘Are you impatient, baby?’ You swoon internally at the pet name and nod, biting your lip.
‘Please,’ You manage. ‘Want you to touch me.’
He moans and slides his fingers into your underwear, not wanting to tease you over them after you asked so nicely. He grins as his fingers slide in your arousal and says, ‘You’re so wet already. Do you want me to make you come all over my fingers?’
‘Fuck, yes.’ You breathe.
His eyes drink in your rapidly rising chest and the utter desire written all over your face as he gently slides a finger inside you. ‘So tight and wet. How are you gonna take my cock if you’re this tight, hm?’ You whine and he eases a second finger in and starts thrusting at a pace that makes you arch your back. 
Your hand flies to his bicep, feeling the way it flexes under your fingertips as he scissors his fingers inside of you. His thumb finds your clit and rubs hard circles into it, the pressure being just enough to make your toes curl. You lean into him and rest your head on his shoulder, pressing a swift kiss to the juncture between it and his neck. You marvel at the way goosebumps rise upon your touch and the way your breaths feel huffing against his rapidly heating skin. You can smell the faint scent of earthiness and wood from his cologne, which you take a deep breath of and breathe in his aroma as your hand winds itself in his hair and tugs when a particular deep surge of his fingers hits a spot that makes your brain go fuzzy.
‘Jaemin.’ You moan and he all but growls.    
‘That’s it, baby, say my name. Are you close? Wanna see your face when I make you cum.’ His words weigh down your lower stomach like a ton of bricks, furthering you along in your chase to find your release. He nudges your clit deliciously, teasing you by rubbing around it every now and then, pulling you away only to bring you back with ten times the sensitivity and it’s enough to push you closer to the edge faster than when you touch yourself.
You feel the coil in your stomach tightening as you nod to answer his question and unbutton your top enough to fit your hand into your bra, your fingers finding your nipple and rolling it between them. You lift your face from his shoulder and stare into the seemingly pitless black of his eyes as they’re stuck to your face and the changes in your expression as he brings you to the edge. ‘Yes, don’t stop, please.’ You manage. His features are hard to make out in the dim lighting, but you notice the way his eyes zero in on your hand stuffed into your bra and it’s when he picks up the pace, fucking his fingers into you harder that you finally let go. Your eyes roll back and your grip on his arm tightens as you moan his name like a mantra.
He takes his fingers out after riding you through your high and makes eye contact as he sucks his fingers clean. ‘Mm, sweet.’ He teases.
You hide behind your hands in embarrassment and he laughs as he pries them away from your face. ‘You gonna let me bend you over this desk, now?’ He grins.
You nod meekly, your legs trembling as you stand up to your full height. Jaemin unbuttons your blouse as you return the gesture on him, pushing his shirt open to run your fingers down the ridges in his stomach. You teasingly flick your thumbs over his nipples and he gasps, to which you smirk and repeat the motion, causing him to moan and you bite your lip at the sound. ‘Sensitive, are you?’
He slaps your ass playfully in response, pulling your trousers and underwear down in one go. You reach behind you and unclip your bra as you step out of the pool of clothing at your feet, pulling it down your arms slowly. He opens his mouth to make a remark, but decides against it as your breasts come into view. He sucks in a breath and reaches up, tugging your left nipple that’s standing to attention. ‘You’re perfect.’ He says, taking in your figure.
You smile, hearing the sincerity in his voice. ‘I want to see you, too.’ You pout, pulling on his belt loops so that he’s even closer and then reaching down to undo them.
He helps you by unbuckling his belt and letting his trousers drop to the floor. You reach into his underwear and run your fingers down his length before wrapping your hand around it and moving it up and down. He throws his head back and you kiss down his neck, tasting the bittersweet salt of his sweat and the natural flavour of his skin. You pull him out of his underwear and begin to pick up the pace but all too soon he puts his hand over yours, halting you.
‘I want to come inside you.’ He phrases it like a question and you nod, turning around and bending over the desk. His hands smooth over the flesh of your ass as he says, ‘You look so good like this.’ Jaemin runs his length between your lips to lube himself and then situates himself so that he’s pressing against your entrance. ‘Ready?’
‘Yes. Please, Jaemin.’ You push your hips back so he gets the hint.
‘That never gets old,’ He pushes himself in steadily and you gasp at the stretch and how satisfying it feels. ‘Been wanting to hear you moan my name since the first day.’
You moan as he thrusts into you, hard and fast. His pace is almost bruising, the way he grips your hips assures you that you’ll feel a smattering of fingertip-shaped soreness tomorrow when you run your fingers over the area. ‘Me too.’ You say in between breaths. He reaches up to roll your bud between his fingers and you whine; your hand travels between your legs to rub your clit. It jumps a little from sensitivity but you keep at it until you just feel pure, white-hot pleasure.
‘Fuck!’ He shouts as you clench around him once he hits a spot that has you grasping his wrist. ‘You feel so fucking good,’ He praises, kissing up your back until he’s whispering in your ear, ‘So. Fucking. Good.’ In between thrusts. You shudder and turn your head, capturing his lips in yours. The kiss is messy but neither of you can bring yourselves to care, too lost in the feeling and taste of each other to pay it any mind. The sound of your hips connecting fills the small room, echoing as it bounces off the walls until your head is filled with his moans and his skin on yours and just Jaemin, Jaemin, Jaemin.
You feel yourself hovering over the edge almost embarrassingly quick and you cry out, ‘I’m so close.’
‘Yeah? Gonna come all over my cock like a good girl?’ He says huskily and you bite your lip and nod. You never would’ve guessed the timid boy you met on the first day who looked so innocent as the new guy had such a dirty mouth. It makes you shiver all over, loving the way his words caress your skin and make your nipples stand to an impossible hardness.
‘Yeah. Wanna be good for you.’
He groans. ‘You are, baby, you’re so good for me.’ At his words, you feel yourself come undone and your legs shake from the effort of holding you up. Jaemin whines as you clench around him sporadically, your breaths coming out in ragged puffs. You swear the sound pushes you harder for longer, wanting to do everything you can to hear him make such a pretty noise again.
‘Wait,’ You say, and he stops immediately. ‘I’m too sensitive. I can’t-’ Your voice cracks.
‘Can’t what, ____? Do you want me to stop?’ You can hear the genuine concern laced in his words.
‘No, well, yes,’ You huff and turn around, letting him slide out of you and you internally cringe at the feeling of him brushing against your sensitive walls. ‘Come here.’ You reach for his hands and pull him back over to you, closing the distance he put between you after you turned around. He looks confused as you smile lazily and kiss him sloppily, your hand moving between his legs to grab him at the base and squeezing him.
He moans and breaks off the kiss. ‘____, if you want to stop-’ You shush him as you drop to your knees and his eyes light up as you lean in to kiss the tip of him lovingly.
You trail your tongue from base to tip and take him in your mouth, suckling the head.
He curses. ‘Please don’t tease, I’m so close already.’
You relent, opening your mouth as wide as you can and sinking down to fit as much of him as you can. What doesn’t fit, you stroke with your hand. You can just about fit your hand around his girth and you can taste yourself on him, something you never thought you’d like but in that moment nothing could be hotter. He fists his hands in your hair, tugging slightly to make you look up at him. When you do, you moan around him at the sight - teeth tugging on his lower lip as he lets out moans here and there when you pay extra attention to the tip and his head thrown back, baring the honey-colored skin of his neck to your hungry eyes. He finally looks down at you and you’re close enough to hear his breath hitch as he watches you take him in and out of your mouth in a trance. You twist and tug him in a way that has his thigh twitching next to your head and so you place your hands on them and take him into your throat.
It’s when you simultaneously fondle his balls that he lets out a quiet ‘fuck’, followed by an ‘I’m coming’ and thrusts shallowly, causing tears to spring in your eyes. He releases into your mouth and you swallow it down and clean him off, earning that whimper that makes your clit throb.
Jaemin pulls you to your feet and into a kiss that you both commit to; one that’s passionate and slow as you calm both of your racing hearts and come down from the high of intimacy. You know he can taste himself on you, but he doesn’t hesitate to give his all. When he breaks away, he leans his forehead against yours, leaving wet kisses all over your face and you giggle. He runs his hands up your arms and says, ‘So, can I take you on a date now?’
You look into his eyes and nod, feeling suddenly shy at his vulnerable stare. ‘Yeah, I’d like that.’
‘So,’ He says casually, pulling you in closer by wrapping his arms around your shoulders. ‘Is this officially the weirdest place you’ve had sex?’
You gasp and slap his chest lightly but he just cackles in return, pulling you back into him.
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