#not sure how my brain arrives at this concept
ovytia-art · 8 months
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Gore unicorn Danny :3
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merakiui · 5 months
PLEASE. please. if you would be so kind to give us some more stalker ex scara... the first time I saw it it just changed my brain chemistry, and I desperately need more </3
>:D thinking a lot about stalker ex Scara, but you get really drunk and he's the only one left to look after you......
(cw: yandere, nsfw, non-con, alcohol/intoxication, toxic ex scara, modern college au, connected to the previous stalker ex scara concept)
Just,,, the fact that he's been so good and sweet ever since he casually slid himself into your friend group and you're not sure if you can trust him, yet here you are being completely, utterly, stupidly vulnerable in front of your very unstable ex. orz
Kuni's not one for parties; in fact, he'd much rather spend his precious time doing quiet, comfortable things with you (cuddling is so much healthier than drinking, after all! <3). Unfortunately, you allow your foolish friends to talk you into attending these brain-rotting parties so you can get drunk off your ass, and he can't let you attend them by yourself because there are too many risks. If you got too comfortable with Venti or Kazuha or even Tighnari while drunk, Kuni would never forgive you. >:( he's worked too hard cultivating this friendly image for himself, and he isn't going to let you or anyone else ruin it.
But right now everyone else is too inebriated to do much of anything, and he hasn't touched the drinks ever since he arrived, instead choosing to anchor himself to some forgotten corner of the room. He sulks and broods in silence, a scowl plastered to his face. He's just barely tolerating it for your sake. It's because he loves you that he's doing any of this. Soon you won't even need any of these troublesome friends. Soon you'll just have him, and he's all you really need. It was like that when you were growing up, after all. Even though, as painful as it is, you don't seem so codependent, so swept up in romance... You're so independent now, no longer the shy, fearful thing from the final few months of your relationship with him. He'd be impressed if he wasn't trying so hard to isolate you from each of your friends. It's a challenge when he's trying to tiptoe around Heizou's sharp, witty perception or Venti's proclivity for knowing everything about everyone despite no one knowing much about him.
But he endures. He's gone years without you; this is nothing.
If you were smarter, you'd know not to trust a word he says. That kind, soft smile he's perfected for this act is not to be believed, especially not when he's using it to assure your friends that he'll bring you home safe and sound. Heizou has his doubts because it's late and you can hardly walk a straight line, but he's tipsy just like the others and it's hard to deliberate like this. Besides, when has Kuni ever let the group down? :)
He takes you back to his dorm instead because Albedo's not home and he has the entire room to himself. While you meander clumsily over to his bed, kicking your shoes off and shucking your jacket in the process, he watches. You have no idea how much he depends on you, how much he admires you, so much so that it surpasses love and lust entirely. Without you, he's nothing. Or that's what he thinks because for the majority of his life he's felt empty and sub-human and so alone. But now you're here, and you can fill those empty spaces in his heart and give him a reason to keep living.
You don't seem particularly fazed when the bed dips under his weight. Rather, you blink sleepily up at him when he leans over you, gingerly reaching to help you out of your sweater. You're too drunk to protest or struggle, and you feel so dizzy every time you open your eyes. It's difficult to remain fully conscious when sleep is tugging at your body, pulling you under. You don't even realize he's fit his mouth on yours until his tongue is pushing past your lips. You manage to place your hands against his chest, intending to push him away, but you're so exhausted and tired. They fall to your sides, useless.
Kuni sits up and smiles at you. He says something about you being dumb and cute... or something about how your friends are fools. You don't really catch all of his obsessive murmurings when your attention is waning. Clothes are torn off; he kisses you a lot. You're not sure if you're reciprocating, but it certainly sounds that way when you're whining beneath him, arching against sodden sheets, your breaths coming in pants and huffs each time he ruts into you.
He doesn't have to worry about anything. Right now, it's just you and him in a corner of the world, locked away from everyone who might try to take you away from him. It's not like you'll remember much come morning. You don't need to anyway. It's better if you're lost and bewildered. That way he'll be able to craft a story to suit his fancy. You'll believe it. You'll have no choice, and Kuni knows how to tell very believable tales.
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7s3ven · 3 months
ALL I WANTED WAS YOU. luke (pjo)
( master list ) - soulmate au
IN WHICH… Two opposites fall in love and where one sees an anchor, the other sees jail bars. And eventually, the pair must ask themselves, is this really worth destroying ourselves over?
“All I wanted was you.”
Warnings : Implied sex, spoilers, angst, a bit of gore
A/N : this fic is my Roman Empire
Ever since Luke had discovered the concept of soulmates, he had hated it. Why not let people decide who they wanted to love? Most people didn’t follow the laws of fated partners anymore, but those who did always ended up hurt.
Luke still had yet to meet his. He often stared into the mirror, his gaze trailing over his soulmate mark below his ear that looked more like a tattoo in his opinion. He was never interested in it before, even going as far as to try and harshly scrub it off. But ever since he arrived at Camp Half-Blood, he had been staring at it nonstop.
It stung and burned sometimes, probably a good sign to most but a bad one to Luke. It meant that your soulmate was close.
Stumbling into them was inevitable but Luke did all he could to avoid them, whoever they were. And then finally, the day Luke dreaded arrived. It was a new Aphrodite girl who shared Luke’s tattoo. His heart sank as soon as he spotted it adorning her neck.
Was it the commitment that scared him? Probably. Luke had never witnessed a healthy relationship, something that was impossible when you were a demigod surrounded by unfaithful deities.
And yet, Luke continued to hide from both her and from the soulmate connection. The more he ducked under heavy vegetation for cover, the more he noticed about her. How she loved to dive into the lake to collect perfect pearls. And how she always wore the same necklace her younger sibling had given to her the day of her arrival.
Luke found himself admiring her and while his brain tried to say no, his heart gravitated towards her. In a short span of time, Y/N had successfully captured him within her charming spell. It’s not like she was trying to anyway.
Weeks later, Luke finally had the courage to approach her. He started off with small talk and if Y/N felt the same stinging sensation in her mark as Luke, she didn’t comment on it. It felt like months until they finally acknowledged they were soulmates and while Y/N was overjoyed, Luke had to take a step back.
He resorted to standing in front of the lake, skipping smooth stones along the surface of the water.
“Luke?” A voice called out. He didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. He could instantly tell when his heart skipped a beat.
“Y/N. Hey.” He quietly greeted her, skipping another pebble into the water.
“Are you okay?” She questioned, stepping closer to Luke who wanted nothing more than to be away from her. She was a sweet girl but Luke felt suffocated in her affectionate presence.
“I’m okay.” He skilfully lied through his teeth, causing Y/N to smile.
“I was just making sure. You were in a rush to get away from sword training, which is usually your favourite.”
Luke could smell her soft floral perfume now. It engulfed him, making it hard to breathe. Or was it his imagination? Nevertheless, Y/N noticed his furrowed brows.
“Are you sure everything’s alright, Luke?” She gently questioned, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his torso. Luke went stiff for a second before he forced himself to relax. Y/N’s perfectly manicured nails dipped under his shirt and trailed across his back. It should have felt calming but instead it felt like sharp claws dragging across his skin, slitting his flesh open and letting blood ooze out.
Luke didn’t know he was holding his breath until Y/N pulled away. If she acknowledged his strange behaviour, she still said nothing. That was what she always did. No matter how Luke acted, she remained silent, not wanting to ruin the fragile relationship they had. If it was even considered that.
It was clear in that moment that Luke struggled with abandonment while Y/N suffered from getting attached too easily. Luke swallowed his protest as Y/N drew out the already long hug, not wanting to upset her.
When Y/N finally pulled away, Luke held her hands in his. They were soft with lotion and yet Luke could feel rust beginning to set into the cold handcuffs that bound him to her.
“People say I feel like sandpaper.” Y/N uttered as Luke enjoyed the feeling of her warm hands against his, even if it was for a minute before his dread kicked in as it always did. “So I make my hands gentle with lotion.”
Luke silently nodded before he let go of Y/N’s fingers.
“I’ll see you at dinner.” He put on a fake smile just for her and Y/N slipped away, giggling under her breath. It gave Luke a moment to catch his breath. And then the thoughts came. The dark, impulsive ideas that swirled around in his mind until he could only focus on them.
She’ll be happy if I leave.
She’ll find someone else.
She won’t agree to come with me… will she?
Even if Y/N was willing to follow him into hell, Luke wouldn’t let her. He didn’t want her to throw away her life as well simply to please him.
Luke had always been told he had to learn not to run away so he stayed put, knowing it would only increase the risk of Y/N becoming more attached to him. Thus making his acts of betrayal harder to swallow.
Evening came and the sun dipped below the bright green hills. Luke arrived late to dinner, already finding a plate of steaming food sitting next to Chris. There was the small outline of a heart next to his food and Luke already knew what that meant. Y/N had taken the liberty of her time to care for a boy who couldn’t care for her back.
Nevertheless, Luke sat next to his friend and ate in silence. Occasionally, his gaze would flicker to Y/N, who was already staring at him like a hawk.
Luke should have blushed. Anyone else would have if a gorgeous girl was looking at them like that. But he saw another thing behind those loving eyes, something monstrous and obsessive. Something no other camper noticed except for him.
Y/N’s pretty tinted lips curved into a happy smile and while outsiders to their complicated relationship saw a joyful girl, Luke saw the one person keeping him chained to camp. He would have left Annabeth without hesitation if he had to but something about Y/N kept him grounded and held him back.
It would only be a few more days until Luke’s master plan created chaos between the gods and their children, giving Luke the perfect opportunity to slip away. At least, it should have been the perfect chance if it weren’t for Y/N. No matter what Luke did, his mind couldn’t fathom the thought of leaving her behind.
He suspected it was the soulmate connect.
Luke had barely finished his dinner before he suddenly stood up and walked over to Y/N, who was chatting with her siblings. He tapped her shoulder, immediately gaining her full attention. She stared up at him with doe eyes and slightly pouted lips, causing Luke’s heart to jolt.
“Follow me.” Luke quietly uttered, not wanting to freak Y/N out with the infamous words we need to talk.
Y/N trailed after him like a lost puppy as he led her to his empty cabin. He shut the door behind him, locking it for good measures. He wanted to give Y/N something warm to remember him by instead of only recalling his cold and distant nature.
So he kissed her. And she, to nobody’s surprise, swiftly kissed back. Y/N took careful steps towards Luke’s bed, her lips still locked with his. The back of her legs hit his mattress and she fell onto it, bouncing slightly as the springs loudly squeaked.
“Are you sure?” She murmured. She wasn’t stupid. Y/N could see Luke adjusting his pants and unzipping them when he thought she wasn’t looking. Luke nodded his bed as he cupped her face in his large hands, trying to memorise her beautiful features before he left.
Luke pressed his lips to Y/N’s once more. Unlike her usually warm body, her lips were cold and unwelcoming like the jail bars that enclosed Luke. But he pushed on, relentless as he tried to chase every teenage thing he had missed in one night.
His first kiss.
His first time.
His first love whom he was starting to grow feelings for, and that scared him.
Every sound and whisper Y/N made drove Luke mad. This time, as her hands touched his back, he could feel her nails dig into his skin, scratching neat lines down.
Y/N fell asleep before him. The other kids had yet to return from dinner, as there was a campfire happening now, so Luke quickly washed himself off in the shower reserved for camp counsellors. He dampened a cloth, running it over Y/N’s body as she peacefully tossed and turned, mistaking a pillow for Luke and snuggling into it.
Luke watched with a sort of fondness before he snapped himself back to reality. He grabbed a glass of water that he had already prepared and, with a quick gesture, dropped a few sleeping pills into the cooled liquid.
He sat Y/N up and carefully tipped the cup against her mouth, watching as she swallowed every last drop while she was still unconscious. Her body drooped in his arms, the pills taking effect immediately.
Luke held her for a few seconds, enjoying the peaceful silence that now fell upon the cabin.
“Sorry, Y/N.” He muttered as he brought her back to the Aphrodite cabin and tucked her into bed, hoping she would still be asleep by the time he left.
As Luke predicted, the camp fell into chaos. The cabins took sides as Annabeth, Percy, and Grover had yet to return. It was like a battlefield, every person for themselves. Luke watched the discord unfold, knowing he was at the sole heart of it.
Y/N was still asleep by the time Percy arrived back at camp, which concerned most of her siblings. She had been moved to the infirmary and the Apollo kids brushed her case off as a small overdose that she’d recover from eventually.
“You knew Clarisse didn't steal the bolt… You did.” Percy’s eyes widened. This was the moment Luke had been working towards. For Percy to finally realize who as a friend and who was an enemy. His reaction to all this would determine what Percy was to Luke. “You worked with Ares to plant it on me so when the shoes you gave me pulled me down into Tartarus, the bolt would be delivered right to Kronos.
“I didn’t think you’d give ‘em to Grover to wear.” Luke sighed, “I am your friend. Percy, none of this was meant to betray you. The Gods are my enemies.”
“You…” Percy couldn’t choke out another word as he stumbled back, unable to belief his first friend at camp had been the mastermind behind all this.
“I’m here to recruit.” Luke grinned in a way that unsettled Percy.
“I don't wanna fight.” Luke muttered, “This is what I wanted to show you. This... is our way out. Way out of what? Camp. And their control.” Behind Luke, a portal appeared. “Backbiter can open secret doors. We can stay on the run as long as it takes.”
“Stop saying we.” Percy snapped. He wanted no part in Luke’s little game with Kronos.
“It's the word Zeus fears the most. The gods want us to fight for them, worship them, fear them. And they couldn't care less what we want. They're bad parents, Percy. And they've gotten away with it for far too long.”
Luke had a point there but Percy still wildly shook his head. “No. This isn't you. This is Kronos. He got to you.”
“No, he opened my eyes to the truth. A golden age. That's what they called it when he ruled. We're gonna help Kronos bring the Golden Age back. Stealing the bolt and the helm was easy. For what comes next... we're gonna need all the help we can get.”
Their swords clashed against one another, sparks flying everywhere.
Percy panted as he spoke, “Our parents aren't perfect, but they're trying their best. I met your dad. But he...“
At the mentioning of Hermes, there was a new type of anger flashing in Luke’s eyes. He grunted as he swung his weapon at Percy. “You did get better.” He heaved.
The portal thrummed again, reminding Luke that he didn’t have much time left. “Last chance.” He warned Percy.
The blond boy didn’t respond. He blocked one of Luke’s blows, accidentally cutting the brunette’s cheek. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Percy was quick to apologise as if it were a simple sparring session.
Luke was ready to swing back at Percy harder until he heard the sound of twigs snapping. Annabeth revealed herself as she took off her invisible cap.
“Annabeth?” Luke whispered, furrowing his eyebrows. The anger in his gaze was suddenly replaced with remorse and sadness.
Annabeth hesitatingly lifted up her dagger. “I heard everything.”
Luke was about to step into the portal before he heard the sound of Y/N’s voice in the distance. In a desperate, and probably stupid, attempt at making the most of his few moments left, Luke opened another portal and jumped into it.
He immediately crashed into Y/N who held him up by his shoulders.
“Is it true?” She wailed.
Luke could only stare at the ground as his soulmate mark burnt with such intensity that it made him want to shout. “I’m sorry.” Was all he could muster up. Y/N’s emotional sobs racked her body until she let out a small gasp and wiped away her tears.
“I’ll come with you.” She uttered, “You don’t have to be alone. We can leave now!” Y/N grasped Luke’s wrist, tugging him forward. He remained still and unmoving.
“I can’t let you do that for me.” He said. “I won’t let you leave everything you’ve ever known behind for me.”
“But…” Y/N’s bottom lip trembled, “I want to… you have no idea what I would do for you.” Y/N almost pleaded, wanting to prove her complete devotion to Luke.
“I know. You would have walked to the ends of the earth. You would have walked off a cliff. You would have jumped into a pool of fire all for me.”
The tears running down Y/N’s cheeks made Luke feel pity for her. His sympathy towards her soon rotted into apathy as he spoke again. “That’s the problem. You’re willing to loose yourself to find me when I didn’t even know how to find myself. Let alone find another.”
Y/N quietly sniffed.
“The issue isn’t that I don’t know how much you love me… it’s that you love me too much.” Luke told Y/N the words he hadn’t been brave enough to say before.
But Y/N was not willing to back down. “Maybe if you knew how to love me, I wouldn’t have to make up for it with an abundance of myself.” She snapped.
“Maybe you‘re right.” Luke mumbled, unable to look her in the eyes as his ego deflated and he felt weak, like he was a new camper all over again. “Maybe I don’t know how to let you love me and maybe you love me too much and I love you too less.”
Luke slowly stepped away from Y/N. She reached out for him, hoping to grasp him before he slipped away. And she ran after him until he disappeared, his once calming presence slipping away and becoming one with the air.
Y/N kneeled to the ground as she cried. Her heart practically shattered in her chest, feeling like a million needles stabbing into her skin. Her tears felt like poison, stinging the flushed apples of her cheeks until her skin ran raw.
The rejection of a soulmate always hurt the most, both physically and mentally. As Luke said, the people who followed the rules of soulmates always ended up wounded.
Y/N walked away with a newfound awareness about her identity. That her hugs were more suffocating than comforting and no matter how pretty they are, her hands will always resemble cruel talons when grabbing things. Her ‘I love you’s are always said with her finger on the trigger of a gun and her careful kisses leave sore bruises instead of delicate lipstick stains.
Luke emerged from the portal, away from camp and his friends and family, with a newfound sense. His desire for intimacy is more like a repulsion and with every new door he opens, his hands will always tremble on the handle. No matter how pretty the walls are inside, he would always find himself standing next to the fire exit, ready to flee the first chance he gets.
To love a ghost without pouring some of your own essence into their empty and weary bones is an impossible request.
Y/N eventually came to the upsetting conclusion that she should have stayed away from Luke while Luke wished he had found more reasons to stay.
PJO TAG LIST (FULL) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @justanotherkpopstanlol @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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peekawoocc · 2 months
CW - 18+, smut, really long fanfiction. Lots of words, went too big brain mode on this.
P.s. I noted the sections where smut was in case you just wanted the juicy parts (relatable). Also, I tried to stay with plot similar to the show, so spoiler warnings if you haven't started Wano yet. I literally just started it.
This was really fun to write and definitely was a full day hobby project because I have no self control or concept of taking breaks 🙃
Pretenses - You're a straw hat, and while you're not as strong as the monster trio, you can definitely hold your own and then some if nessacary.
Cockblocked in Wano
You had just arrived in Wano with Nami and the others. Finally, ready to be reunited with everyone, and secretly excited to see Law again.
After running into Luffy, you all made your way into the old ruins to gather an update from Kinemon. After being caught up, Kinemon began giving instruction to everyone about their role. You were the last to receive your instructions.
You were excited to find out what you could contribute to help everyone. Instead, you felt as if your eyes were going to pop out from how wide they became, in complete shock. T-there's no way, you told yourself.
Everyone continued on with doing as Kinemon said so he could provide the proper outfits for each role. You didn't even seem to notice your clothes become a blue floral kimono and your hair now in a bun being held by a beautiful hair pin. You were kind of dissapointed you didn't have a more important task, but the shock was still there. As you came back to reality, it seemed like everyone was already trying to head outside, until you spoke up.
"Wait, why don't I have my own role?"
"My apologies, y/n, I did not have another role in mind. I felt it was best to put you with someone to provide assistance in gathering the nessacary troops," Kinemon answered.
Law came back into the ruins to fetch you, making everything set in completely. I have to be with Law for a whole 2 weeks and pretend to be his wife!?! Noticing the blush spread across your face as you were drowning in your own thoughts, Law caught your focus with a sigh.
"If you don't want to, that's fine, I'm sure you'd rather be partnered with one of your own crewmates," he said, sounding a bit annoyed at the inconvenience.
"N-no, it's fine. Plus, I know you won't bring me more trouble than I bargained for. You think things through so I know I can rely on you if anything happens,". You wanted to say more, but seeing Laws lips turn into a slight smirk you thought it better to just stop talking. It was true though. As much as you appreciated the spontaneous nature of your captain and fellow crewmates, you felt most confident when you had more details and facts to rely on. Knowing your enemy and even your environment can help end a fight more quickly and more efficiently. Or maybe, just maybe, you had anxiety. Which is also perfectly understandable.
"Then shall we be off...y/n?" Law said after finally coming up with a fake name for you.
"Definitely!" You said with appreciation for his thoughtfulness. You had a feeling he was always going to be a few steps ahead of you, as per usual. You both followed the others outside.
And then everything went to hell in a hand basket.
You all started to notice something flying, fast. The huge mass had a very commanding presence.
Yep, that's Kaido.
*time skip to after Luffy and Law dissappear after Kaido*
You had no idea where your partner in crime was, nor your captain. You knew Luffy could hold his own, it was Law you weren't sure about. Rather than go hunting for them, you all decided to go into your roles. Not really sure where to go, you decided to follow Sanji, knowing he wouldn't find you to be a burden. It wasn't that you couldn't hold your own, you were actually quite powerful. However, your task was simply to assist with passing out flyers to future fellow fighters, so you followed the cook in putting up a soba stall.
"I'm so glad I get to spend some alone time with you, y/n~," Sanji said with hearts for eyes.
"Yeah, I guess it's more efficient than trying to hunt down Law right now," you said, not being able to hide the dissapointment in your voice. Sanji noticed the worry on your face, even if he was a little jealous of your attention being focused on another man, he was still your friend and wanted to be there for you.
"You sure you're ok with this?" He asked, trying to help shoulder your troubles.
"Yeah, I just hope he's ok. Not that he's not powerful. Anyway, let's get to work!" You said, deciding to distract yourself with the task at hand.
*time skip to Law showing up*
It had become dark now, and you sat down next to the stall as Sanji began cleaning up from the hard day of cooking he just had. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head towards over your shoulder and looked up.
"So there's my partner, was wondering where you went," he said with a smirk, but you could see the exhaustion in his eyes.
"That should be my line!" You giggle as relief washes over your face.
"No time to chat, we've gotta go. Sanji, they're looking for you," Law suddenly became extremely serious.
"Who is?" Sanji asked.
"Kaidos men, we'll walk and talk," Law answered.
As you all moved together, you ran into Usopp and Franky. Law filled them in on the details and became interrupted as you saw a building get thrown into the air.
*time skip to when they get to Ebisu town, where Zoro supposedly was*
As you all sat together in the tiny home, you had a huge grin on your face. Who would've thought that the man next to you, who was so intelligent and strict, was also a huge nerd? You began to giggle thinking back to how excited Law was about Sanji's germa raid suit. Thinking about how Law was completely nerding out like a fan boy with a deadpan expression on his face started to make you giggle more. Law noticed how you began to hold your stomach from how hard you were laughing, and he began to raise an eyebrow at you.
"Whats got you giggling so much, sister?" Franky asked, matching Law's confusion.
"I was just thinking about how Law knew so much about the Sora Comics," you began giggling hysterically again, Franky and Usopp joining in your amusement.
Law instantly became flustered.
"I know, I know. It's just really cute when you nerd out like that. Plus, it's good to know I wasn't the only one who hated germa in the comics,".
Law started malfunctioning when you called his nerdiness "cute". With his whole face red he got up and stormed out of the house, making the excuse of needing fresh air. You gave him 3 minutes before you decided to follow his lead.
*sexy build up*
He was sitting, legs crossed, upon a freshly dusted off mat on the ground. You walked up behind him and placed your hand on his shoulder as you sat down beside him. With his eyes closed and brows furrowed, it looked like there was still a blush across his cheeks but you couldn't tell with it being so dark out.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, but you really were cute. I'm also glad to know we share a similar interest," you said cheerfully, trying to bring the mood back up. Cute. There it was again. He looked like he wanted to say something, then began stammering until he just gave up and sighed. Finally opening his eyes, he just stared straight ahead as if he was trying to puzzle his thoughts together.
"It makes me happy to get the opportunity to know more about you. Really makes the mysterious, cunning Surgeon of Death even more attractive than you already were," you brought a hand to your mouth, shocking both you and Law at the realization of what you had just said. Then his face began to soften as he turned his gaze to you. He ended up letting out a small chuckle at seeing you sitting there as if still frozen with shock. The sound of the low chuckle broke you out of your trance and you began to relax, thankful that he didn't look at you with disgust after finding out your true thoughts of him.
"Attractive, huh?" He said in a knowing tone, a smirk on his face as you started tripping over your words.
"Wait, huh?"
"You're pretty attractive as well," he looked away for a moment before looking back at you.
"I thought so when we first met, but didn't think much of it. After getting to know you in Dressrosa, the feeling grew. What about you?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, it's the same with me. At first I thought you seemed kinda scary back in Sabaody,".
Locking eyes with you now, it seemed like he was asking for permission for something. Noticing the puzzling expression he had, you felt the need to reassure him with a smile. However, you still felt the need to properly explain yourself.
"I-i mean, I don't find you scary anymore. Actually, thinking back, I think it was more of a feeling of intimidation. I wasn't that strong back then either, so the thought of ever having to hold my own against you was a bit anxiety inducing-,".
Before you could keep rambling, he cut you off with a soft kiss. It wasn't that long, but it felt like time had stopped and nothing in the world mattered but him. Your mind completely blank, you felt the tension in your shoulders release and the dull ache of pain that came with it. It seems you had been on edge the whole time, which looking back isn't all that surprising considering the bottled up feelings you had for him. No one knew, because you were too scared to tell anyone. Especially since you weren't sure in the beginning, but now, you're more sure of this than anything else.
As he pulled away, seemingly reluctantly, he locked eyes with you again and happily matched your smile with his own signature smirk but there was something new that you'd never seen before. There was a light in his eyes. You only saw them light up with anger in the heat of battle. This was the first time you felt that you were witnessing Law looking truly happy. Any of the questions bubbling up in your head about What are we? or Am I going to be a Heart Pirate now? were suddenly pushed aside with the new details you were taking note of while looking at his handsome face.
"That was amazing," you said dreamily, you wanted to slap yourself out of embarrassment with how hypnotized you knew you had looked.
"We should do it again sometime," he said with a flirty tone.
You instantly pressed your Thighs together. They weren't that open, but the sexiness of his voice was doing things to you below the waist. Suddenly, you were feeling a bit brave.
*sexy time ensues*
"How about...now?" You asked shyly, expecting him to refuse. He looked at you for a moment as you watched as his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed, hard. He leaned back into you, just barely away from your lips, awaiting for your physical invitation. As you leaned in closer, the kiss had started again. It started slow and became more needy and feverish. He licked your top lip, asking to deepen the kiss, and you allowed it. You then wrapped your arms around his shoulders, lifting yourself up to sit in his lap. You pressed your chest against his, causing him to lean back on one of his arms, which made his hat fall off as he tilted his head back. He broke the kiss, both of you panting for air as you looked into eachothers eyes. His expression hungry and predatory now. You started trailing your eyes down his face to his neck and they stayed there as you subconsciously bit your bottom lip. You decided to stop wasting time looking and decided to give in to your desire as your lips met the side of his neck. Kissing his neck until you found a comfortable spot to sit for a moment as you lightly sucked and bit the spot. You weren't there for more than a few moments, thinking it wouldn't be a good idea to mark him no matter how badly you wanted to. He sucked in his breath, head falling back more as you went a little lower to his collarbone. You kissed and sucked at the defined bone structure until you heard a hushed groan.
"There, you can leave a mark there,".
It was as if he had known what you were wanting to do to him. You hovered for a moment, admiring the rise and fall of his chest in the moonlight. As much as you'd like to see more of his exposed skin, you'd have to settle for the portion of his chest that was seeable thanks to his sluttily open kimono. Law let out a frustrated groan as he became impatient, having no idea that you were actually admiring him, he grabbed a handful of your ass with his free hand. You pushed him back onto the mat, forcing him to lay down. You looked down at him, which allowed him to drink up the view of you on top of him, outlined in light blue moonlight. He sucked in his breathe as you dove your head back towards his neck, going back to his collarbone to finish what you started. You kissed, sucked, and then sank your teeth into him. You deeply sucked on the small bite mark, making it viewable even in the darkness of the night. You went back to being face to face with him, wanting another makeout session. Just when you were only seconds away from having your lips on his, you hear a voice from inside the house.
*PAUSE THE SEXY MUSIC! We got cockblocked guys 😔*
"Uh, where's Sangoro?" Usopps voice said.
"Didn't he say something about spying on girls in the bath house?" Franky continued.
You hadn't thought about it until now, but you realize you don't remember him being in the house with you all before you and Law started sharing this moment.
After realizing your lack of acknowledgement of your missing crewmate, you sat up and face palmed yourself.
"Damn straw hats, I swear," Law said annoyed. It was clear he was sexually frustrated about being cockblocked due to Sanji's pervertedness.
"Sorry," you offered a dissapointed smile to Law, begging for forgiveness. How could you overlook a missing crewmate?
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," he said reassuringly, "I didn't notice he was gone either. Not that I'm mad he's gone. I didn't like the idea of you being all alone with that pervert," he sat up and crossed his arms. With furrowed brows he released another frustrated sigh and grabbed his hat.
"Hang on just a moment. Wait right here for me please," you say, clearly scheming something. Before Law can protest, you stand up above him and walk towards the frantic house. Law watched as you walked towards the house, then down at himself. His once hard erection beginning to lose blood flow due to his annoyance for Sanji. I am so going to go after you first if we become enemies, Sanji, he thinks to himself. He sits still and waits, just like you told him, and starts listening to your crews conversation from in the house.
"Franosuke, Usohachi, why don't you guys go look for Sangoro at the bathhouse nearby, while Law and I stay here in case he comes back?" you asked with a confident smile, knowing they're going to think that's a good idea on your part. Until Usopp opens his mouth.
"Wait, why do you and Law get to relax here? What if that t rex guy shows back up? That's not fair! You just want to be alone with him!" Usopp was unfortunately right on the money, but you were prepared for this due to his squeamish nature.
"Mr.Yasuie? Are the bathhouses in this country seperated or mixed?" You ask, already sure you know the answer.
"Some are seperate, but most are mixed. The closest one here is mixed. I wouldn't recommend you go though, y/n, ma'am. Most of the women around here don't have as many curves as you do, wouldn't want those men getting their hands on a pretty thing like you," he said smiling all the while.
You smiled triumphantly, but this battle wasn't over yet.
"Why can't Law go, you can protect yourself!" Usopp once again protests.
"Because, it's a bathhouse. Law has his jolly Roger tattooed all over himself. Even if this is Wano, they know what pirates are. And Laws jolly Roger looks nothing like Kaido's. That'd bring unnecessary attention to all of us," you argue back, you start to think up another excuse until you see Usopps face become skeptical, the debating lawyer look now faded from his face and voice. Bingo! We have a winner.
"Oh, ok. That actually makes sense since we're trying to lay low," Usopp says as Franky nods in agreement.
"You sure it's ok for us to split up again?" Franky asks, still needing a little push to be convinced.
"Yeah, you guys are strong enough to hold your own if the enemy shows up. Even moreso if you can find Sanjiii-I mean, Sangoro. In the case you do get captured, it wouldn't be good if they caught all 5 of us at once," you say, hoping you just put the final nail in the coffin.
And with that, they started to head off.
"Ok, we're going, but call me on the snail if anything happens or if Sangoro comes back,"
"I will,"
"Oh, one more thing," Usopp leans in to whisper to you, "Don't let nerd alert make you fall for him. He's been eyeing you up ever since we left that dinosaur in the dust. If he tries anything funny, use this,".
Usopp hands you 2 little red seeds.
"What's this?"
"They're puff puff plants. They release a red mist and if it touches your face it feels like it's burning your face off-"
"Nope" you say as you shove them back into his hand.
"But what if he tries something? What if he hurts you?"
"Usohachi, as much as I appreciate you looking out for me, we both know I can hold my own. Plus, I trust him," you say reassuringly.
"You trust him? Well I guess I can hang that 'don't fall for him' mess up. It's too late, you've already been infected," he shrugged.
"Alright, when he gives your heart over to the navy to become a warlord again, I don't wanna hear it," he said crossing his arms.
"Hey, he needs this alliance just as much as we do. And don't worry, if he does give my heart to the navy, I won't complain. Won't have anyone to blame but myself, so I won't cry to you about it,"
"YEAH, BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DEAD!" Usopp yelled as he and Franky exited the house. You made sure to flip him off before turning to Franky.
"Good luck Franosuke! Come back safe!" You waved as they went off into the night.
"Well miss y/n, I'll be retiring for the night. I'm sorry I can't offer you any nice places to sleep or any blankets, I only have one and I'm skin and bones!" Yasuie laughed.
"That's ok, we'll come back inside and sleep on the floor if you don't mind,"
"Not at all, goodnight!" He said as he walked to his room and closed the door behind him.
*sexy part resumes*
You jogged back to where Law was waiting patiently, feeling horrible for how long it took to convince Usopp to leave.
As you walked up to him, he looked peaceful. With his arms under his head, back to the large mat on the ground, eyes looking at the stars. You got closer and noticed that his hat was off again as you laid down next to him. You looked up at the night sky with him for a moment until you decided to speak.
"Sorry about taking so long. I didn't expect to play lawyer with Usopp,"
"It's ok, and I get why he's worried. I'm not a very open personality like most people,"
"That's another quality I like about you, just makes me want to know more,"
"I will say though, I didn't get why he thinks I'd betray you,"
"Me either, after all you told Luffy you wouldn't. Not that I wasn't skeptical at first, but I've learned that you're always honest,"
He glanced over at you gazing at the sky. He didn't expect to be this comfortable around you. This feels almost foreign to him. There was only one other person he remembered being alone with like this and that was a long time ago and in a different sense. He snapped out of his memories as he sees you suddenly shiver.
"It is a little chilly," you say as you look back at him. Before you can take your eyes off of him, he's getting up and above you. Pinning you as he puts his hands on the ground. He looks into your eyes seeing a reflection of both himself and the starry sky.
"Figured I could be a gentleman and warm you up," he says.
Damn. There it is again. That sultry voice.
You begin to brace yourself off the ground and up into him, but he swoops down to kiss you before the thought becomes an action. It feels like a do over from earlier. Kiss starting slow and then burning into something more again. However, you don't plan to hesitate this time. It was even later into the night, around 2 a.m. now. Everyone in the village would definitely be asleep. He starts trailing down from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck. You suppose that now it was his turn to leave a mark, and he wastes no time doing so. As he makes work of your neck, making it sting so sweetly, one of his hands trails down to the bottom opening of your kimono, sliding his hand up the side of your thigh. He moves to another part of your neck to make yet another mark and moves his hand up to your hip, unintentionally loosening the bow of your kimono and giving him more of your skin to feel. He stops for a moment, hovering over you, he removes his hand from your hip. You whine in frustration at the loss of contact. He let's out a low chuckle as he moves to look down at you.
"How far do you want to take this, y/n?" He asks looking down at you carefully to read your expressions. You shot him a lustful and longing look and before he could start to say "Use your words,", you bucked your hips up in the air to meet his. You let out a quiet moan, never breaking eye contact as you felt his need to be inside you. That made something in him snap into his own desire. The once careful and cautious look of furrowed brows and frowning, now a dangerous smirk with half lidded glazed over eyes. He kept eye contact with you as he lowered his bottom half onto you, grinding against where you needed him most. As he began biting his lip, he slipped one hand under one of your knees to spread your legs out for him, trying to get as much friction as possible. You put a hand over your mouth, not trying to wake up any neighbors with your feverish cries. He stops for a moment, somehow regaining his senses enough to look around and really make sure no one was out and about. Once he makes sure the coast is clear, he takes an extra precaution.
A blue filter surrounded the 2 of you. He wanted to make sure that if someone were to walk upon you 2, that it wouldn't cause another interruption. He couldn't handle stopping now.
"Law, what're you-aaa," you cut yourself off with a moan as Law brought 2 fingers to your entrance and his thumb to your sensitive bud. And he gave a devilish smirk as he realized just how wet you were for him. All for him.
"I wanted to make sure there were no more interruptions like the perverted cook situation," he whispered into your ear as he slowly inserted his fingers into you. Once he was in he began curling his fingers to hit your sweet spot as he rubbed small circles into your clit. You involuntarily bucked your hips to met his rhythm as he started working on you. He contemplates biting and sucking on your ear, but your moans made it evident you needed help with muffling them out, so he kisses you. And he kisses you more desperately then before. He has quite a way of surprising you. It's almost as if he's been planning this moment for a while, taking mental notes on what to do if the moment ever came. He was thoughtful and strategic like that, which made him even hotter.
As he removes his lips from yours, he takes his fingers away at the same time. Denying you the pleasure of having one sensation without the other at the moment. Then he finally opens his kimono, making quick work of stripping his undergarments. You decide to follow his lead, opening the front of the light blue clothing. Before you can remove your panties, he's already doing it. He takes a moment to appreciate the feast in front of him, feeding his eyes at your bare flesh, noticing every freckle, scar, birthmark, all of it. He loves all of you even more than he already did. It felt like the final puzzle piece falling into place. And it was everything he wanted and more still. You were just as transfixed as he was. Studying every single detail of his tattoos as you could. How godly he looked, bare and bathed in moonlight.
"Hey, don't tell me I've bewitched you or sometheing" Law said jokingly, but there was enough worry in his voice to tell you you've been spaced out for a little too long.
"Hmm...what...uh yeah, I-I mean no...sorry," you were tripping and fumbling over your words, trying desperately to form coherent words and sentences.
He looked at you with a smile that was a mixture of the pride in the fact that he had made you a mumbling mess and of how much he adored how cute you were.
"Yes? Able to speak now?"
You nodded, a little embarrassed for feeling so dumbfounded under this extraordinarily intelligent man.
"What is it, y/n?"
"I need you,".
He let out another low chuckle and pressed his chest against yours. He then had his lips next to your ear as he dangerously spoke.
"Tell me how badly you need me, y/n," he said has he lined himself up with your entrance. You practically feel that he was smirking without even looking at him.
"F-fuck, I need you in every conceivable way possible," you whimpered, hoping desperately that he had heard you quiet plea. And oh, he definitely did.
He slowly sheathed himself within you, taking the opportunity to hear every lewd noise you let out as you felt him become one with you. His pace started slow, controlled, but it seemed as time went by he felt more and more the need to lose himself within you. All the bottled up feelings that had been bubbling up between you was being taken out on your body with every rhythmic thrust, becoming quicker and more aggressive by the second. He made sure to keep rubbing circles into your clit, wanting to make sure you enjoyed every second of this. That was the only consistent controlled place of motion he kept on you as he gave in to the rolling of his hips and need to make you his. The louder you got, the more it sounded like praise to his ears. Paying attention to both of your needs as he listened to every beautiful sound you made under him. Once you started to sound a bit too loud, he crashed his lips to yours. He knew that if someone were to show up that he wouldn't have the energy to stop anymore. The coil in your stomach was tightening, you were almost there. You were about to speak up about it, but Laws mouth was still on yours. So, you let your body tell him instead. Walls tightening around him as he gasps, thrusting through every wave of your high until he reaches his own. He looks at you, a bewildering questioning look on his face, sweaty and flush.
"Cum in me," you say, and he does so.
Once he finally catches his breath, he slowly pulls out of you and plops down beside you on his side. He lifts his head to look at the mess he made of your lower half and it's quite a sight. Almost enough to make him want a second round, but quickly dismisses the thought when he looks back at your face. Your eyes are closed, lips slightly parted as you're still trying to get your breathing under control.
"Sorry for dirtying your kimono," he giggles proudly, pressing a kiss to your temple. He's never been more sure of anything in his life as much as he is about you right now.
"If you really feel guilty about it, buy me a new one," you smile at him, eyes dreamily again.
"I don't feel guilty in the slightest about any of this," he smirks.
You giggle as you turn towards him and kiss him, your body shudders, breaking the kiss.
"Whats wrong, is it difficult to move?" He becomes worried so quickly you'd think his personality switched.
"U-Uh, no. Just...um...we should definitely look for a way to clean me up. Kind pouring out like a faucet down there," you say shyly.
He follows your gaze as you open your legs, revealing quite the mess. If the kimono wasn't dirty a moment ago, it definitely was now.
Luckily he had another kimono packed in his bag, he used shambles to get you both inside, switching your bodies with the 2 seeds Usopp had left on the table even after you refused to take them.
He cleaned you both up with a small water bottle of clean water that he had kept secret and a rag from his bag and gave you his second kimono. Of course, it had his jolly Roger on it, and you knew Usopp was going to give you hell when they got back.
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onyourhyuck · 11 months
Dog Sitting Gone Wrong. | Z.CL
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— Prologue: “You hired a babysitter for your dog?” + “Daughter actually, she’s my daughter.”
— Summary: You were hired by a rich man to babysit his daughter, when you arrive you realise his daughter is a dog and you’re now dog sitting while he is out running errands.
— Genre: SMUT. Kind of Crack and Fluffy too. There is literally no Chenle smut on this platform this is a crime. Daegal is mentioned here hehe. Y/n has a slight fear of dogs. Chenle’s literally the best single dog dad ever. Things get very spicy in the kitchen… Kitchen sex, praising and use of the term ‘Pretty Slut’ in the fic.
— Notes: I love this concept I feel so proud coming up with it.
When you heard you’re hired by a rich anonymous man to babysit his kid you didn’t mean you were going to baby sit a freaking white dog that’s now sitting on the floor looking at you like you’re some burglar ready to be gnawed.
The rich man himself didn’t specify but you’re pretty sure he wrote to you a message that contains ‘daughter’ and not a ‘dog’ in the text so now you’re confused if this is the right man. You’re doubting your eyes right now too.
Who in the world hire a babysitter to look after their dog? It’s like he’s purposely trolling you but when Chenle saw your daze expression mixing in like a cocktail at a party event he realised your expression was actually true and you seem confused.
You look at the handsome man with white-ish platinum hair and beautiful pale skin matching the colour of his hair. It makes him look like a real size fairy. Your eyes spoke a lot more than your brain could ever comprehend right now because zero words can describe what you want to say.
“Where is your daughter?” You ask deadpanning at the man.
Chenle looks back at you as if it wasn’t freaking obvious it’s not like Daegal is hard to miss is she? He points his gaze down at the fluff ball in front of your figure and your eyes meet with the dog again. She really didn’t seem to like you, in fact every time you look at her Daegal seems to be sinking her teeth or at least imagining she is sinking her teeth into you.
He points out bluntly now. “Right there, that’s her.”
You want to laugh. Actually you’re not sure if you should laugh or if you should cry. You forgot to mention, you’re freaking terrified of dogs. You’ve always been terrified of dogs and heck you’re now forced to look after one? You’re not sure if the money is worth it anymore but then you remember how much he’s willing to pay you and you stand your ground; maybe the money is so worth it.
Your gaze turns back to Chenle away from his dog now. “You hired a babysitter for your dog?” You said with a confused trial you’re trying so hard not to offend this man, you are in his freaking mansion after-all. However you like to admit his house is pretty damn fancy and modern. Everything looks designed based on his own taste.
If only you were this rich that you can afford a babysitter for your own pet. Heck. He’s paying a lot of money to dog-sit this animal and you’re terrified by the idea of it.
Chenle seems to quip in to interrupt and cut you off when you called his daughter a dog. Of course he knows Daegal is a dog but she’s much more than that to him and he didn’t really like the tone you used either when saying how he hired a babysitter.
“Daughter actually, she’s my daughter.” Chenle points out to you with a little glare and you found yourself nervously sweating.
He seems pretty darn serious and protective of this small harmless dog right? Surely she is harmless. Well you hope she is because if she comes any closer to you and bites you, you might actually cry.
“Right… and I’m Shakira.” You say under your breath now sarcastically although you made sure that Chenle couldn’t hear you at all.
You turn to Daegal and then to Chenle again as you speak with a little sigh. You have no choice but to accept this situation. The money is big, you should survive a few hours and just dip to get the money after.
“So how long will you be out doing your errands?” You now ask him as you change the topic conversation around.
You need to know how long you’re going to be stuck with this dangerous beast in the house.
Chenle spoke back casually leaving you off guard. “I’ll be back at 9.50pm.” You stare at the man with widen eyes. What? That late!?
You’re left wondering what on earth does this man have to do that he’s gone for full thirteen freaking hours leaving you alone with his dog that he claims to be his daughter. Was this man even worth it? Can you stand being in this house before your own panic attack comes and says hello to you and murders you? It’s either going to be your own anxiety killing you or this bloody dog in front of you growling at each step you make with your feet.
You let out a little nervous laugh. “Haha… no problem. Yep. I can handle it.”
But the money? It’s a literal jackpot. You need it.
Chenle gives you a smile when you said you can handle it as you try to hide your doubts away from this man, all because he’s freaking loaded. Oh the things you do for money is insane. Chenle grabs his coat from the cloak hanger and puts it on. He then turns to you once more and gives you long list of instructions to do.
It seems like he put up a whole list that you can do for Daegal if anything comes up.
Which makes you nervous, why does he need a long ass list? You hate to admit but this dog lives better than you.
“Okay so Daegal likes cold waters, do not use the hot water. You need to groom her with delicate oils and brush, remember this. You can’t give her too many treats or else she might get fat I don’t want her to be too big.”
You stare into the open space as he said many more things that you will need to do for this dog and it’s almost like she’s human to him. It makes you wonder how can this dog be so pampered and loved while you have to work a 9 to 5 shift babysitting and now you’re stuck with a dog that by the way you have a rational fear of dogs; no matter the size or the breed. You’re just scared of them from very bad experiences when your childhood was going on.
You heard Chenle’s voice break off as he calls you out into reality. “Y/n you with me? Did you get everything I said to you?” He now asked you and your eyes move to watch him again and you clear your voice.
“Uh yeah, i got everything don’t worry.” You now said and nod giving him a little approval expression because you just gotta fake it till you make it right now. There’s no way you’ll remember everything he just listed on.
“Okay good, I’ll see you later. Just give me a call if you need to know anything.”
The door opens and you watch the man leave which then leaves you finally alone with the enemy in the house. You slowly turn around and see little Daegal looking quite intimidating for your own good and safety. She was on her feet stomping and growling at you now a lot more and she’s threatening to jump and attack you, god knows why and god knows why you’re trembling against a small dog like her.
You feel your voice tremble and your eyes are stuck onto the white fluffy dog as she’s watching you with every corner of your movements. She saw that you’re trying to walk around her and just make a run for it and you let out soft stutters.
“G-good doggy yeah… goooooodddd doggy…” You say with a little bit of a scared tone as you then run around the corner and make a run for it now out of the corridors at the front entrance. It was like a reception area almost.
This must be the most embarrassing thing ever. You’ve never struggled to babysit before anyone. Literally all kids love you. Animals love you. So why was Daegal chasing you and barking at you across the house that you’re running away from her? She’s literally out to get you for some weird reason.
Maybe Daegal doesn’t like you specifically? Chenle never really mentioned Daegal to ever be an aggressive dog but she really don’t like you.
You stand on the couch now with a pillow protectively like a shield when Daegal caught up in the fancy large open side living room. This modern house has at least four floors you believe, it’s freaking huge and it has a basement and attic too. It’s insane how big this house was. You’re kinda thankful because you can’t believe what would happen if there was barely any space and you’re stuck in such a small house with Daegal — might be your last time alive. But this wasn’t the case. This house is pretty huge and you have enough space to run away if Daegal ever comes at you.
Daegal takes a step forward and you push the pillow in her face. “Ah! Stay back! I swear, I have a pillow I’m not afraid to use it!” You’re just threatening a dog now and you feel stupid and kind of ridiculous. This wasn’t part of your cv job application. You didn’t put ‘I love dogs’ on there because you’re terrified of them!
The next thing you know it Daegal bite the pillow and you had to retreat back like a soldier running away from the other team during a war. You jumped off the couch and went towards the kitchen now. You find dog treats in the separate container and you desperately take a few out and when you hear Daegal running around the house looking to get you.
You found her standing in front of the kitchen marble flooring and she saw the treats in your hands which made her now seem a little more distracted and calmer.
You feel relieved because you gave her at least five pieces. Somehow you have a feeling Chenle mentioned not to overfeed Daegal…? Right? Your brain was fumbled you don’t remember, you weren’t actually listening either but it doesn’t matter anymore because Daegal wasn’t chasing you around like a freaking hound ready to kill you anymore which was great on your side.
You rub the back of your neck as you sigh in relief. “Phew close one.”
Maybe you can survive a little in this house before you can find another thing ready to sabotage you and murder you.
You decided to take a few hours of just keeping away from Daegal and giving her space while you’ll be on your phone scrolling to keep yourself busy. As the hour passed another hour went by. Now you’re stuck in the space spot on the couch for four hours. The four hours turns into five hours and you feel boredom overtake your body and your legs.
You never felt so bored before on a job.
In fact you shouldn’t be on your phone like this when you are babysitting but in fact you have no idea how to deal and take care of a dog — specifically you don’t want to approach the dog at all considering your phobia of them.
But then something smashed and fell into pieces in the background from the living room and you’re left there panicking. You quickly stand up and put your phone away on the couch. Your legs rush towards the kitchen to see Daegal chewing on a bunch of tissue paper rolls now shredding them to shrewd bits and all the saliva catching on the white paper.
You feel your face fell into a dark hole resembling a black hole from space sucking everything in. You can’t help but feel like this was your fault for not paying attention to Daegal in the first place right now.
You kneel down slowly with a spatula and poke Daegal away from the toilet rolls. She barks at the spatula and backs away when you managed to successfully wipe her away from the paper.
“Ugh… Daegal your dad is gonna murder me if he knows what you’ve done right now.” You said a little bit squeamish to see the saliva on the paper. You’re going to have to start cleaning this up.
You pick up the pieces of shredded paper and start to clean the floor by wiping it away and putting the rest into the trash bin however you then witness pieces of glass, a vase more in specific, to be broken on the kitchen floor and pieces of roses laying on the floor with a pool of water flossing the kitchen.
Your mouth never fell so fast and your jaw never dislocated so fast at the sight of the mess Daegal made.
The voice comes out as scared as a doe can be when a predator was in sight. You’re no longer scared, you’re frightened by the sight of the mess. The vase looks like an antique. God it probably costs more than your fortune and house you’re renting! Daegal really was out here trying to sabotage you or something.
Never mind if Chenle was going to murder you over toilet rolls being bitten and eaten by his daughter, well he certainly is going to kill you now over this expensive vase!
“Your dad is definitely going to murder me now when he finds out about this.”
You bite your bottom lip as you start to pick up the flowers and then putting them on the counter as you pick up the vase pieces. You suck in your breath. This is going to be terrible terrible news for Chenle. God you can’t even imagine what he’s going to say. You should say goodbye to your bank account because you’re going to be in DEBT now.
And what more? Your life fortune? Wasted. Your university loan? Oh god you can say goodbye to that too.
‘Maybe I can glue this together? He won’t know right…’ You sigh trying to fix this mess up but you know Chenle isn’t stupid.
Daegal barks when she saw your sad depressing expression because you’re literally pulling at your hair over a broken vase now and well, it looks like you’re seeing your end coming. You’re saying goodbye to everything too.
Heck you’re even planning your funeral it looks like it in your head because this vase is going to cost a lot. You bet everything in this house costs so much that even the toilet paper is probably made up of silk, god knows what.
Your eyes stare back at Daegal who’s stepping on your feet trying to get your attention. “What is it? Do you have something to say huh? Look what you did!” You said lifting one singular piece of the vase to Daegal as you start to scold her for ruining something this precious.
Daegal barks back and you scowl as you found the dog to be backchatting at you. “Because of you your dad is going to give me first class ticket to heaven. Or worse maybe hell.” You announce with a dramatic sigh and put the vase back down on the kitchen counter.
She barks again and you retort your eyes at the dog who seems to be wanting to show you something. You follow now Daegal as she was pawing at a certain cabinet and you raise your eyebrow wondering what on earth was this dog trying to show you?
You open the cabinet to fiend your curiosity and when you do you see an exact replica of the vase in the cabinet. Your eyes widen staring at Daegal.
‘Was Daegal… perhaps trying to show me this replica?’ You can’t help but think this was not a coincidence.
You stand up and grab the vase filling it up with water and then putting the flowers inside. The vase was placed back into the original spot again and you hate to admit it but it looks the exact same. It looks like the incident never ever happened.
So maybe you won’t be dying today.
The broken pieces of the previous vase would be thrown in the plastic bag and hidden in the cabinet you reckon no one’s going to look for it there. You look at Daegal who looks pretty satisfied that you replaced the vase.
Technically it was Daegal’s fault it broke but maybe it’s even more of your fault for not keeping an eye on her.
You sigh giving a small pat on Daegal’s head. “You know missy, you’re not so bad after all.” You tell her and Daegal gives a little wag on the tail.
You might be able to tolerate Daegal. Your fear around her has lessened. But that doesn’t really mean your fear of dogs is gone. Maybe Daegal is slightly more tolerable to deal with. Less intimidating now than earlier when she chased you around like you’re some intruder.
As the time went on you decide to give Daegal a little shower like Chenle told you to give her. You made the bath run a little and Daegal would be pampered with all sorts of water and such. You even gave her little bubbles which Daegal was playing with.
You hate to admit but she’s a pretty cute dog. You never really see a dog chasing bubbles before up close anyways.
After the shower you dried her off into a towel and saw that her fluffy white curls were drying quickly and giving her this mane sort of thing. You can’t help but laugh and you look around the giant bathroom. It had everything looking so expensive even the bathtub was looking so expensive and antique-like. You feel like anything you touch will cost you a fortune if you break it.
Your eyes look for bottles of oils that Chenle mentioned and the hairbrush to groom them hairs that are looking a little messy. You bring Daegal on top of the bathroom counter now and you look at her brushing her ears with her paws.
“You know they say pets look like their owners, I can kinda see what they mean by that now that I’m looking at you.”
Your voice sounds like it’s teasing Daegal as you’re now rubbing the oils around her hair and you hear the dog give a little bark wagging the tail. It’s like she’s telling you to stop teasing her and what not but you can’t help it. She does really carry Chenle’s personality with her sometimes, or maybe his entire presence sometimes.
You tilt your head grabbing the hairbrush and starts to slowly brush the dog hairs. You don’t mind to pamper Daegal anymore. You really don’t mind her. At first you were scared and it was clear Daegal didn’t quite like you.
But she seems to be pretty used to you now being in the house so you suppose it went both ways; neither of you liked one another and now you’re pretty settled.
The time goes by soon enough and you see the time was reaching nearly the 9pm mark and you’re certain you and Daegal were done with the shower. You put Daegal back down and let her run around. Meanwhile you would clean out the bathroom and then leave closing the lights.
All you have to do is now wait and what not so you can get paid and then leave. But you won’t lie you feel almost empty now that you’re reaching the end of your job shift. You’re not sure why?
You lay down on the couch and you see Daegal jumping in cuddling right next to your stomach as she seems to take a good spot close to you to fall asleep. You feel yourself falling into dreamland yourself too. Your eyelids feel heavy and you let them close to the darkness. The dreamland was calling you and you accept the sleepiness you’re feeling and so on. Your body goes down into light slumbers and with Daegal fast asleep next to you.
The time you two slept together in this position you were left feeling the most safe. You don’t usually feel this safe and you take a while to fall asleep but all it took you was to cuddle with Daegal to make you feel so sleepy that you forgot you were even falling asleep in the first place.
By the time it goes by now Chenle came home and he wonders why the house was so suspiciously quiet?
The man takes off the shoes and his jacket back to the cloak hanger and he looks around not even seeing a sign of his dog who usually comes towards the door or waits at the door for him to arrive home. When he came forward searching now in panic all of that vanished and dissolves like raindrops falling into a large pool of submerged water the minute his eyes found you and Daegal curled up sleeping together. He stops in front of the couch and lets out a surprise sigh.
He really thought something bad happened but this was surprisingly quite wholesome? Daegal never really sleeps with anyone else but Chenle. She isn’t quite fond of other people.
But she seems pretty fond of you.
Chenle moves his hand to shake your shoulders a little and your lips fell apart letting out a tiny little sigh from the groggy tiredness and your eyes open seeing Chenle’s handsome face in front of you. You slowly get up and you see Daegal is still fast asleep.
Your soft sigh as you woke up made Chenle admire you and actually he found you pretty cute when you’re asleep. “Oh… when did you get back?” You now ask a little question as you slowly begin to stand up as you leave Daegal resting on the couch.
“A few minuets ago.” Chenle explains back in reply. He follows you to the kitchen so you guys can speak a little more clearly. He finds the house to be clean and nothing to be wrong.
It looks like you handled babysitting his daughter well.
Chenle trails looking at the vase, he smiles at the flowers. “Ah good they’re blooming.” He said a little proud that the petals are blooming and you clear your voice looking away from the vase.
“Sooo, did I do a good job babysitting?” You now said wanting some validation, you know it doesn’t hurt to know if you did well or not.
Chenle looks up amused when you’re not clearly seeking some praise and he watches your eyes linger on him with little red cheeks as you feel the eye contact make you start to look flustered a little. Chenle really has a strong gaze that puts this invisible grip around your neck. Although you like it you do, it’s something no one else has over you and only Chenle. Yet you only met him today and spoke to him few times you feel some unbelievably high tension between the both of you.
He takes a step closer and you feel Chenle’s arms putting on the sides of the counter that you’re leaning against now. Chenle’s face moves a little closer to your face to speak.
“You want some praise, is that it?” Chenle now asked you and you give a little nod as your eyes couldn’t be anymore obvious you’re literally eyeing this man’s lips like they’re the only thing you want to look at. “Yeah… doesn’t hurt to hear it…” You tell him softly and he smirks leaning closer.
“Good job, Y/n.” Chenle said reconnecting lips against yours now as he kissed you a little more powerfully than he at first imagine he would. Never in your mind have you thought you’d be making out with a rich man you babysat his daughter for him. You feel a violent connection in your stomach explode like fireworks.
You loved to though. The praise he gave you when he said good job. You kiss him back now even more with your hands connecting to his face as your body was lifted on the kitchen countertop. Chenle ran his hands up against your thighs.
You feel his tongue work his way with your tongue letting them dance as if they were fire and ice. You feel your mouths move on the side some more and you tilt your head even more, Chenle’s fingers pinch at your thighs through your jeans and he rubs and squeezed then too liking how they were feeling so soft and squishy.
You let out a little groan when Chenle connects your lips into another hungry kiss when he pulled away only momentarily to keep you gasping and wanting him even more. He really knows how to play you like a fiddle. You’re growing weak and weaker the more he kisses you. You’re growing addicted.
Your breathes were panting and your voices were singing practically from how good the kiss feels and feeds on your urges to do even more. Chenle’s hands didn’t take a minute to slide his hands at your back undoing the strap between your bras as he kissed you even more.
The shirt and the bra fell off and Chenle enjoys how your breasts were already a little tight on the top. He kissed them down gently and then he saw your arms on the side take off his shirt pulling it off his body. Chenle lets you strip him clean and you connect your mouths again.
It’s like kissing wasn’t enough but you guys keep on kissing and kissing. He’s addicted to you and you’re addicted to him. That was exactly what it was.
But even if you’re addicted and you’re close enough, but you can’t get anymore closer because you’re literally pinned against each other as Chenle ran his tongue across your neck and down to your breasts licking and teasing them with his teeth, you’re practically begging to be under his skin, because you wanna be so close you’re literally as one thing. Chenle feels the eagerness inside him grow even more.
“Oh good gracious… god…”
You let out as your head leans back when Chenle cups his hands over your wet cunt as the cold countertop made the sensation even more intense and difficult to handle.
Chenle slips himself inside taking the chances now or never. He never once thought he would be fucking someone in his own kitchen, as well as that someone being the babysitter he hired. But oh well? Chenle can’t say it’s a bad thing because you made him growing hard and hard behind measures so now he’s going to relive this experience with you.
And you’re enjoying yourself he can tell when you let out a soft smile when he kissed your neck, he heard a little giggle it looks like you’re ticklish on that side and he found that quite cute of you.
“You ticklish over there?” He says softly as he brushed his lips on the same spot that made you laugh quietly.
“Yeah…” Your voice says in response was you let out a soft groan when Chenle was at the same time slowly sinking into your pussy putting in his length in the hole as you’re feeling everything become tighter and squeezing out while at the same time he’s stretching you clean.
Chenle gives him a little smirk kissing the same ticklish spot on your neck. “You know you’re pretty cute.” He tells you as he rubs your back with his hands. One hand stays on your back while the other rests on top of your thigh, you feel him keeping his hands there and you blush when he compliments you like this.
He thinks you’re cute? You feel flattered and shy.
Chenle kissed down your lips again and he loves that he made you glow red on your face, he enjoys your reactions. His pelvis slowly moves and you groan in the kiss. He can see your vibrations from your voice creek in and he swallows them all as he keeps on kissing you while he’s now starting to slowly thrust inside you.
Your lips quiver when Chenle pulls away from the kiss and you finally groan at the motions as Chenle’s focusing on thrusting in and out of you as he keeps you in place on the countertop in the kitchen. Your bodies were pushing up on one another and you feel so delicate while floating with the pleasure.
It feels like nothing you’ve quite experienced before.
But you like it a lot and you don’t want it to end. Chenle’s thrusts makes you feel like you’re floating in the sky and around without any worry in your head.
You’re enjoying this a lot more than you anticipated and it turns you on so much as Chenle’s eyes never leave your face. He seems to enjoy the eye contact and you’re staring at him resembling like a deer on the road with headlights.
He enjoys the little trembling pupils he sees in front of him and he kissed you sweetly as he runs your hair back from your face, the thrusts only pick up the pace but his kisses were so slow placed.
Chenle wants to take a picture of your flushed face everytime he thrusts inside you so deep he sees that your own mind was breaking apart because of him. Chenle will take a forever photogenic memory of this and he will always look back on it because you’re the most beautiful person he laid eyes upon this close while he’s taking you in his own kitchen.
The situation itself at hand was exciting him because he’s not usually the person to sleep with someone he met on first day. But he has a feeling you’re different. He whispers down admiring you even closer. He kissed your ticklish spot again and you flinch with groans flowing past your teeth. “You’re so pretty, pretty slut, you know that Y/n?”
You stutter out breathless. “P-pretty? Really… oh god…” you cave in when Chenle leans even deeper inside you as he tugs on your inner thighs squeezing them with his free one hand on top of your thigh.
“Mhmm… so pretty. No wonder Daegal likes you.” He whispers as he kissed your lips once again and Chenle feels himself getting closer and closer to an exit. You found yourself jerking forward against his thrusts now as your orgasm was at the door and Chenle was pumping you with full of himself inside your beautiful walls that take his shape.
You raise your eyes to the ceiling above at the bright shining lights blinding you now and you lift your arms putting one at Chenle’s shoulder as he’s cramping your bodies together.
Your highs were chased at the end together, he feels you release right after he did and your ears pick up on his low voice growing out.
Chenle takes a moment to take a look at your face again and he gives you a little smirk when he saw your eyes already looking at him, like you’re admiring how beautiful he looks too.
“I already transferred the money to your bank.” He said back and he rubs your cheek with his inner thumb.
“I’ll keep paying you the same amount if you become my permanent dog sitter. What do you say y/n?”
You never expected this job to go this way. But you found yourself agreeing to the deal, and somehow you just know this Dog Sitting Gone Wrong.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu. Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out!! <3
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Imagine Ji teaching kitten how to make a proper nest
this has been sitting in my ask box for a while.... and i'm glad i held onto it because..... me??? writing for a pair that isn't chris x his girl???? unheard of. but not impossible.
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Pairing: Werewolf!Minho x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series, but you probably don’t really need to read any other instalments to understand/enjoy this one). | Word Count: ~2k | Themes & Warnings: Supernatural/Fantasy AU · Smut · Fluff · Established Relationship · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but reader is presumed to be on birth control] · breeding kink · creampie
minors do not interact.
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For someone with a condition like his, Minho was a very logical man. Sure, he had his moments of randomness and silliness, but in the grand scheme of things, your boyfriend was level headed, rational, and he’d hardly ever let his wolf instincts interfere with his human thoughts.
Which was why you hadn’t expected something as seemingly innocuous as a pile of clothes on his bed to get him like this.
Not like you were going to complain, though. Not when the feel of his thickness filling you up time and time again was this good. Not when the way he had you on your knees, bent over like a dog, deliciously ramming into you, was this addictive.
“Minho…” You weren’t really sure what you were going to tell him, you just whined when you started to feel his lips on your shoulder, when he started to kiss and nibble your skin.
“Hm?” His deep strokes had you seeing stars, and the feel of him hitting the most sensitive areas within your walls was steadily fogging up your brain.
You swallowed, blindly reaching for one of the cushions that surrounded you, holding it tightly to somehow keep yourself grounded to reality. “Love–Love you”.
“Love you, too… Missed you, kitten. So much”, his pace increased, his panting grew a bit louder next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine, feeding that pool of arousal in your belly that was just ready to spill over at any moment now.
You’d missed him, too, of course. Every week, you looked forward to the weekend simply because you’ll be able to see him. You were tired of the distance, but you supposed it was something you’d had to bear for a while.
“Need to–Shit, fuck…” Minho nuzzled your shoulder, reattaching his lips to the skin there, grunting when you started to push back harder to match his thrusts, making him move faster in response.
Before Minho came back from work, when Jisung had come to Minho’s flat to hang out and kill time after you arrived today, you didn’t exactly expect the afternoon to take the turn it did.
‘Wait, so you’re not making a nest to fuck in? Not even during his rut?!’ Jisung looked genuinely shocked, and you had simply shrugged in response because ‘Was I supposed to? I don’t even know how’.
Admittedly, you did know about nests, but only as a concept. Throughout your friendship, Jisung had made sure to give you every single detail when it came to omega reproduction–because why would you keep anything private when you could word vomit at any given time, about any given topic, right?–and just omega behaviours in general.
Making a nest was, essentially, creating a safe, soft, warm space for yourself. Although it could be done just to be comfortable while trying to wind down, it was most commonly done with reproduction in mind, meaning, to be shared between wolves. So, upon finding out you’d never done one yourself, Jisung decided to take matters into his own hands.
‘See, you’ve got to pick up items that make you feel safe. Soft items, preferably. Most commonly you’d use blankets, throws, cushions, but you could also add plushies, clothes… If you’ve got a partner, it’s usually preferable to use items that smell like them. And it’s always a nice touch to add items that smell like you, so your partner can also feel comforted by your nest’, Jisung encouraged you to try it, right then and there.
He suggested doing it on Minho’s bed, since that was his sleeping space, and a place you both spent a lot of time together in. Minho’s sleeping clothes, his fluffy blankets, the throw and cushions from the sofa out in the living room, the bathrobe you’d used not too long ago, the pyjamas you kept in his closet, the pillows that were already on his bed… Jisung and you put these items together, creating this fluffy mess on his bed that certainly looked like a nest.
‘See? So you can do one of two things… If you’re doing it on your own, you can cover yourself as much as you can, essentially making yourself a warm little cocoon… But if you’re gonna share it, then you just lay in the middle. I, uh… I know I’m incredibly biassed, but I think this is probably one of the most romantic places to have sex in’, he said it with a completely straight face, so you really believed him.
Jisung did comment on how Minho could potentially react to a nest, considering it was something he hadn’t experienced in a romantic setting. ‘You know I build nests often when I’m anxious, so he sometimes joins me to help me calm down, but it’s all platonic… A nest built by you… I’m curious as to how it’d make him feel. If it makes him feel anything at all’.
That piqued your interest.
Exploring Minho’s animal instincts was always something you enjoyed doing. It made you curious, mostly because he hardly had any, and the ones he did have he couldn’t even understand very well.
As if on cue, the obnoxious beeps of the front door resonated in the flat. You heard it even in the bedroom, where you had been standing next to your nest with Jisung, just giggling and joking about it.
After Minho went into the flat, and the customary Tired Groan left his mouth, you heard his languid steps as he made his way to the bedroom. “Who gave you two stray cats permission to come into my home?”
His perfectly crafted tone of annoyance held no real meaning to it. You knew it, he knew it, and even Jisung knew it. So you just smiled and answered. “With yours, dummy. You wouldn’t have given us the code otherwise”.
As soon as he was at the door, his poised scowl turned into a look of surprise when his eyebrows rose high on his forehead. His eyes jumped from the nest on the bed, to you, to Jisung, and back to the nest. “Are you feeling well, Jisung?”
Of course. Based on Jisung’s earlier explanation, it made sense that your boyfriend had reached the conclusion that this was Jisung’s nest. That he was probably anxious and built it because of it.
“Yeap. I’m doing great. I was just showing our dear kitten how to build herself a nest”, Jisung usually gave the impression to people that he was dumb and silly. But in reality, he was very smart. And at that moment, in just a few seconds, he was able to choose the most suitable words to get his point across.
This wasn’t his nest.
It was yours.
Built by you with your own two hands.
“Huh…” Minho stared at the bed, and you could’ve sworn the bit of skin you could see under the collar of his shirt was slowly growing redder the longer he stood there.
You cleared your throat to get his attention, and you smiled brightly at him when his head snapped back in your direction. “No kiss?”
Minho blinked a bit, but then he was scoffing. He made his way towards you so he could cup your cheeks and pull you in for a kiss. You hadn’t seen him in a whole week, and that was way too long, in your humble opinion, so that kiss was more than necessary.
The dramatic sigh next to you made you break the kiss, and you turned to see a pouty Jisung staring at you two.
“No kiss for me?”
Of course. This was Jisung’s thing. He took any opportunity he could to beg for kisses.
Your boyfriend simply sighed, just as dramatically as Jisung had, and he quickly moved to stand in front of Jisung. Cradling the back of his head, Minho pulled Jisung to him, planting his lips on one of Jisung’s round cheeks to press a loud, moist kiss on his skin.
“Ew, why is it wet! Stop!”
They jostled for a bit, all while Minho chuckled, until he finally pulled away from Jisung and ruffled his hair. “Didn’t you want a kiss? There’s your fucking kiss”.
“A peck was enough, jeez”, Jisung wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, fake gagging.
The three of you broke into laughs and giggles for a bit, bantering back and forth on the ‘essential omega needs’ Jisung had, until Minho excused himself to go take a shower, leaving you and Jisung back on your own in his room.
“Alright, listen to me, dear kitten”, Jisung held you by the shoulders, trying to get your undivided attention. “Get as scantily clothed as possible, or, even better, get naked, lay in the centre of that nest, and wait for your boyfriend to come out of the shower. You can thank me in the morning”.
“Do you really think something like this would do anything to Minho? You know how he is, he doesn’t have these alpha urges”.
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see”, Jisung cradled your face in his hands, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead before he wished you good night. 
He knocked on the bathroom door on his way out, wishing Minho good night as well, then he was gone.
So you did just as he told you.
You figured that putting one of Minho’s t-shirts on and nothing else would do the trick, and it certainly did, if the look Minho gave you once he was out of the shower was anything to go by.
Minho really wasn’t that in touch with his animal needs, not unless he was close to his rut or maybe during a full moon night, but it seemed like the sight of you, dressed in nothing but his clothes and laying on your comfy little nest did things to him.
Before you knew it you were fully naked, with his head between your legs and his fingers in your cunt, giving you a mind-numbing orgasm only to flip you on your stomach and push his cock within your walls almost immediately after.
That was how you ended up here, relishing his sounds of pleasure in your ear, and the feel of him fucking you open. He was mumbling, things you couldn’t quite make out, not when his fingers found their way between your legs to rub tight circles on your clit.
“C’mon, baby…” Minho groaned, snapping his hips harder. “Give it to me, kitten, love… Want to–Fuck…”
“You–you want what, baby?” You kept meeting his thrusts, spurring him on. You were certainly almost over the edge, but you needed just a bit more… A bit more of him. “Want to stuff me full? Want that, too. Want your–your pups, baby…”
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, shit, I’ll give them to you, kitten. All of them… Make sure I, fuck, I pump you full–”
Those were the last coherent words your boyfriend told you before you felt his warmth fill you up, before his name left your mouth in a breathless moan as your own orgasm raked through your body. He kept fucking your through it all, until you whined in oversensitivity.
When Minho peeled himself away from your back, your body slumped, and the sudden lack of his warmth almost gave you whiplash.
In an instant, his hands were on your buttocks, spreading you open just as his cum started to trickle out of your centre, and when you turned your head a little you almost giggled at the sight of him.
His chest was flushed, his cheeks as well, and he was staring at your core so intently it was almost like you could see and feel the phantom of his tail wagging in excitement. 
Before you could comment on it, he was leaning down and pressing a lingering kiss on one of your buttcheeks. “Stay right here, kitten”.
Minho left the comfort of your nest and made his way out of his room. He wasn’t gone for long, only a minute or two before he was back with a soaked washcloth to clean you up.
When he was done, he left the soiled fabric on his bedside table and dropped on his back next to you, staring at the ceiling. You just looked at him, resisting the urge to bring your fingers to his face so you could trace his features. Resisting only because he seemed to be deep in thought and you didn’t want to disturb him.
Eventually, he turned to his side, propping his head on his hand and looking at you. “That was…certainly something”.
You chuckled. “It was”.
“Kitten…” Minho scooted closer to you, draping an arm over your waist. “Do I…have a breeding kink?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. Loudly. “Oh, babe. Don’t all alphas do?”
“But I didn’t, though!” Minho was pouting and everything, which only prolonged your chuckles. “Not when I’m not, you know, going through my rut. But seeing you here, like this… Shit. It’s essentially just a pile of clothes and blankets and cushions, but I think it’s altering my brain chemistry for real”.
“Mmm…” You pushed on his chest a bit so he could be on his back again and you could lay on top of him. Minho wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close as you pressed a kiss on his lips. “It’s okay, baby. I can always build more nests so you can enjoy coming inside me. I enjoy it”.
“Eager, are we? What am I gonna do with you, kitten?” Minho chuckled, pressing quick pecks on your lips, waking the butterflies in your stomach, as if they hadn’t been wreaking havoc inside you a handful of minutes ago.
“Hopefully fuck me again, if I can have a say in what you decide to do”.
You clearly didn’t need to say anything else, just like he didn’t. The mischievous smile on his lips told you all you needed to know. 
It was definitely going to be a fun night. All thanks to that pile of miscellaneous pieces of fabric.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
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bongo-clash · 2 years
Peacock Au Part 3
(Part One & Two here!!!)
Continuation of the Eldritch Danny DPxDC fic!!!! This is Kind Of the final chapter but Bones has also been making my brain go So Wild with other ideas so!!! Big chance they'll be more parts at some point (probably after Ectober week if I do!!)
Either Way Here It Is
(Fic under cut!!) (+ Part 4 Here)
Constantine makes the executive decision not to explain anything to Batman until the other League members are gathered in the watchtower meeting room. Maybe not his best choice, evidenced for the most part by the seething glare the vigilante is shooting him from his place at the head of the table, but still, John really doesn’t want to have to talk about this any more than he has to. It’s already going to be a pain in his side as is. 
It doesn’t take long for the rest to appear through the zeta tubes. Superman and Wonder Woman predictably arriving first of the lot, followed by Zatanna, the Flash, and then Green Lantern. Once they’re all settled and he figures this is all the people that’ll be showing up today, he deigns to begin speaking. He might’ve appreciated a bit of a higher attendance rate, but he’ll take it. 
“Alright, you lot,” He starts, just as the Green Lantern opens his mouth, likely to ask what this whole meeting is for. “I believe we’ve got a little bit of a situation on our hands.”
“Situation how, Constantine.” Batman asks, eyes narrowed behind the cowl, the furthest thing from a question. 
Constantine sighs deeply, fingers fidgeting in his coat pocket for a cigarette even if he knows he can’t smoke in the watchtower (maybe he could just hold one…). In lieu of looking the man in the face, however, he addresses everyone else in the room. “Well, see, the Bat here had a Pit forming in his territory, and he decided it’d be a bloody brilliant idea to call me for help instead of literally anyone else. The good news is the Pit’s gone. The bad news is I’m pretty sure the thing that got rid of it is worse.”
A few of them make faces, since if Constantine’s involved then this is definitely a magic problem, and none of them are fans of magic problems- Superman looks like he’s trying not to twitch. “Can you describe it?” 
“Not properly, no. Big, bright, bit of a space theme going on? Had these horrible things on them, kept changing between eyes and mouths and hands- used those to reach out and get rid of the Lazarus Pit, ‘far as I could see. They knew I was doing it for the Big Bat even though I never said a word about it, and from what I understand, they wanted a favour for sorting it out. I don’t know what they want it for.”
Batman’s face is unreadable, but there’s a scrutiny there that permeates the air around him. “So you discovered the existence of a powerful, unknown entity, and not only did you deign to summon it into our world, but you then proceeded to make a deal with it as well, completely unaware of the potential consequences.”
“In my defence,” Constantine retorts. “This is entirely your fault for getting me involved. I’ve no clue why you thought coming to me was a solid plan in the first place.”
There’s a storm brewing beneath that bat mask, but Wonder Woman intercepts before it can descend into a full-blown argument. “Now is no time to be assigning blame, we need a plan. Do you know of any way we can attain more information on this being, Constantine?”
“Not the foggiest,” He replies simply. “The only thing the book said was that it could help with the Pits. When I asked the damn thing what it was, it just gave me a riddle and, quite frankly, I wasn’t going to push it. So unless Zatanna has anything, I’ve got nothing.”
The whole table turns to look at Zatanna. She has a contemplative look on her face, pausing for the moment presumably to run through the information in her head. “Well, there’s a lot of entities around whose existences centre on keeping the balance between realms or concepts, but this is the first I’ve heard about anything like this. The closest thing I could think of is maybe Pariah Dark, since he’s known to have a connection to the Lazarus Pits, but he’s been out of commission for centuries now, and he’s never been depicted at all the way you described…”
“…And I know for a fact that his summoning ritual requires a blood sacrifice, and this thing didn’t want blood.” Constantine finishes. 
Zatanna makes a sour face, seeming to understand his implications, and the remaining non-magic members of the JL look appropriately disturbed. He thinks the worst thing about it for them is probably that there’s no real way to plan this out. They’ve got no power list, no strengths, no weaknesses, they don’t even really know what the entity is beyond its relation to the Lazarus Pits and even that’s an area of questionability, because the Pits are damn confusing on their own. If this thing shows up on them now, they’re screwed.
And just as the thought crosses his mind, there’s a tangible shift in the watchtower atmosphere, like the air’s thinning and closing in on itself at the same time. He looks at Zatanna with matching confusion, praying to gods he’s never met and that don’t like him that he hasn’t just managed to jinx himself in the worst way possible. 
“Do you feel that?” He says, and it doesn’t look like it’s only the other magic user in the room that does, because a fair few of the remaining League are pulling expressions Constantine really doesn’t like. Please, please say he hasn’t jinxed himself. 
There’s a sound like whale song and whistling as something comes up through the floor, and there’s not enough languages on Earth or beyond to encapsulate how many swears John wants to say right now. 
But it’s not the entity. 
Or at least, it doesn’t look like the entity, even if it certainly feels like it. It kind of looks like a teenager, of all the awful things. They have flare-white hair, bright, sheepish green eyes, and they’re wearing what Constantine thinks is a hazmat suit but doesn’t know enough about hazardous material protection to say for certain. No alarms going off, no doors opening or shutting, no signals at all; just a weird breeze, and the few seconds of warning that gives before the being appeared. That’s worrying. The way the League doesn’t even say anything is more so. 
“Hi,” They start, after what feels like an eternity of silence, and oh boy, they really do sound about twelve. Constantine doesn’t know how to deal with children, let alone ones that can just phase into the most secure superhero base in Earth’s orbit. This is awful. “Okay, so, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot yesterday, so I just wanted to, y’know, rectify my first impression? Uh, sorry if I came across sort of… weird.”
Everyone looks at the glowing kid. Everyone looks at each other. No one knows what to say. Flash decides to be the one to break the silence with a cough. “That’s great, kid! Uh… who are you, though?”
“Oh!” They startle. “Right. Me and Constantine met yesterday- I think I kind of scared him? It was by accident, though, I promise! I’d just had a long day, y’know? I didn’t know I was gonna get summoned and I wasn’t thinking so everything just kind of happened.”
No way. 
No. No way in Hell.
“You are not that thing I summoned yesterday.” 
And he knows, he knows entities like that tend to have forms more palatable for mortal eyes, but after seeing that yesterday, his brain just cannot for the life of it connect it to this. This child floating mid-air in a base he shouldn’t be able to access, with big huge earnest eyes and a painfully youthful face. One that seems to have reached a realisation. 
“Ah,” He says, smile just a little bit wry. “Fair enough, I did look kinda different then. Just- here, this should look a little more familiar?”
It’s not a full shift. He doesn’t contort into the same mind-searing thing that Constantine had had to bear yesterday- but his eyes scatter into neon spots across his face, nose and mouth left intact, the neck of his jumpsuit folds into the creases of an open eye, and those peacock-membrane-whatevers fall into fruition on his back, drifting like a cape or like spines. And just to top it all off, there’s a dinky little crown floating above his head, decorated with icicles and whispers of mist. 
It’s not a full shift, but Constantine’s never going to forget those damn cosmic peacock feathers. No mistaking it: that’s the entity. Forget yesterday, this is the worst day of his life. 
“What the Hell is happening right now.” Green Lantern flatlines, face dulled into non-understanding. Constantine thinks he feels the same way but worse. 
He takes a deep, cleansing breath, and tries not to scream. “You’re the one who sorted the Pit problem out?”
“Uh, yep, that’s me.”
“Okay, great! Fantastic. Can you tell me what the Hell that whole deal was?”
What’s left of the maybe teenager’s face drops somewhat, and a gloved hand reaches up to rub at the back of what’s left of his neck. “Ha, right, yeah sorry.” He mumbles, and Constantine kind of feels bad, but he’s also still kind of suffering from the adrenaline high of meeting the guy yesterday, so he guesses they’re even now. 
“So, I mean, I don’t usually look like that? It is my true form or whatever, but I’m not really… I don’t hang about in it too often. Gives people the heebie jeebies, y’know? I don’t want to scare people out of nowhere, especially not for a first meeting! But I was about to go to sleep last night when you summoned me, and I wanted to shift my form a little just to be more formal about the whole thing, but I guess I let the whole thing go by accident, and I didn’t realise at all until I got home. And if I was in that form by accident- I usually go with ghostspeak during summonings ‘cause it’s easier in that way and there’s usually translation sigils embedded in the circle- but if I was in that form by accident, then I was probably using a different dialect to the one I thought I was, so if I sounded kind of off, then that’s why. Again, really sorry about that. This was totally not how I wanted my first impression with the Justice League to go. You’re all really cool, y’know? I wanted to get off on the right foot and not the ‘let’s fight each other’ foot.”
Constantine blinks, opens his mouth, closes his mouth, and then blinks again. He’s sure there’s a reasonable response to this that can be expressed in a sentence somewhere, but right now he’s too enamoured with how utterly absurd this is. He genuinely, honestly does not know what’s worse: that this kid can turn into that, or that he can turn into that and it’s so natural he doesn’t even notice. 
Still, as consistent as the sun sets, Batman’s the first one to break the stupor, interjecting with narrowed eyes. “How do we know you’re not a threat to us? We don’t even know who you are.”
“Uh,” The kid splutters. “I didn’t introduce myself. My name’s Danny.”
“Danny.” Batman replies flatly. 
“It’s a nice name!” Danny, apparently, defends, looking about as stupefied as someone can without eyes on their face. The dinky little crown drifts after him when he moves his head. “And, um, I don’t know how to prove I’m not a threat? I mean, I closed up that Lazarus Pit for you, if that counts as being helpful in a non-threatening way?”
If anything, Constantine would think that makes someone more threatening. “You said you wanted a favour for it, that you were going to ‘find your recompense’.”
“No I didn’t?” Danny says incredulously, before he pauses and his lips part in an O. “Right, translation error, duh. I uh, didn’t actually say that, that’s just how the sigils took it I think. You don’t owe me anything. It might be nice to get some help if I’m ever in a bind or something, but we didn’t make a deal or a pact or anything, you just asked for help, so I helped. 
His brain completely shuts down, blue-screen style. This isn’t how this type of thing goes. There’s no way this is that easy. “You seriously don’t want anything.” 
“I mean, an autograph might be nice. My friend thinks you and batman are cool.”
“You don’t think the rest of us are cool?” Flash complains, because that’s exactly what he’s supposed to be getting out of this conversation and not how utterly insane it is. 
Danny, the kid that’s going to be giving him nightmares and is already giving him migraines, has the audacity to look embarrassed. “I think you’re cool; obviously you’re all cool, you’re the Justice League! My friend’s just into the edgier members, I guess? She’s goth.”
“Oh? So who’s your favourite?” Why is no one acknowledging that the incomprehensible cosmic horror just called him edgy. Why are they just moving past this. 
“…Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. I really like space.”
Yeah, no shit, he’s made of it. 
Constantine genuinely wants to pass out. He wants Batman to get him over the head with a batarang; he wants Superman to tap him on the forehead and give him a concussion, just- anything not to be here right now. This might not even be the weirdest thing that’s happened to him, but he’s hating every minute of it. This kid’s talking and existing like it’s nothing but even as the conversation begins to border on casual the atmosphere is still thick, nearly physical with the chill and the chiming of bells and the way something shifts every time those peacock feathers waver behind him. 
Right now, John really, truly does not care if this entity’s playing some kind of twisted long con to trick them into sacrificing their souls or something equally as horrifying. He just wants to go home and forget anything ever happened. “So, you’re not a malicious entity.” Constantine states finally, putting an end to any further back-and-forth that he’d managed to tune out. 
“I promise you I’m not.” Danny replies seriously, even as his features shift back to something more human-looking that only seems like it’s trying and failing to hide something bigger underneath it now. 
Constantine puts his hands in his pockets, and turns straight to the door. “Brilliant news. I’m leaving now. I hope we never have to see each other again.” The League and that kid can do whatever they want, but Constantine swears on everything he holds sacred that he’s not touching any of it with a ten-foot pole. He never wants to have to deal with anything like this again, and he is never agreeing to do Batman another favour. 
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graceofagodswrath · 7 months
Ok ok ok your "Humans of Transformers franchise are space orcs" rant is out of this world.
I detest with passion when humans are reduced to pets and plot devices when instead the story could be about two alien species finding one another equally amazing/terrifying for their own respective reasons.
Here is my question: do humans and Cybertronians see how eerily similar they are? They have love of music, familial relationships, similar urban infrastructure, societal structure, financial systems, competitive entertainment, organized societies and war, colonialism, recreational intercourse, marriage...
Not to mention, why was it never addressed how similar both species look: bipedal, waists, noses, cheekbones, 5 fingers, chins, facial expressions and sense of aesthetics and beauty? Sure, humans have hair but in rather strategic places.
Veins and wires, blood and energon, metal and flesh, nanobytes and blood cells, Sparks and brain impulses, sexual organs...
Imagine Autobots arrive on Earth for the first time expecting some primitive cave-dwellers, only to encounter a less advanced mini-version of Cybertronian cities (New York, Singapore, London, Rome, Tokyo, Rio, Dubai...) and societies running on scientific, artistic and philosophical development which has no right existing on the ruthless, all-organic planet such as Earth is. Societes run by creatures who 4.000.000 (the duration of their war) years ago were hanging from the trees btw.
Autobots would be terrified.
Lemme make sure this response saves this time, cause it took me a minute to answer cause my first deleted and I had so much written I got unbelievably angry and refused to even look at the tumblr app.
But here we are.
So, this is EXACTLY what I have been thinking about for who k owe how long. It’s also the intro to this wack as fuck universe idea I’ve had in my head a while, and have kinda hinted at in my other works, but I’ve never gone into detail about.
And I still won’t.
Anyways, yes. It’s crazy that we backlit humans so much when any other sentient species is about. Transformers, TMNT, etc (I’m on a one track mind, feel free to jot down any other fandoms I can’t think of). The main theme of these stories? HUMANS SUCK. And that is severely unfair. People want to cry about how much our generation doesn’t give a shit anymore. Have you SEEN the media we feed kids???
That’s why I live Humans are Space Orcs so much. It really puts into perspective how unique and batshit our species is.
So, onto the Transformers vs humans concepts. The ONLY reason (forgoing technoism and general hate towards organics) cybertronians don’t see humanity as an imminent threat, or one in general, is because of size. WE BE SMALL AF. Can’t blame them, I get it. We do the same. Insects? Fuck them mfs.
But have you seen a botfly or tick burrow into your skin? The infection that comes form that? Have you seen ants jump a small animal as a colony and absolutely shred it? Or a spider only biting you, and the horror the venom causes (recluses and huntsman’s specifically). We have a good fucking reason for disliking these mfs.
But transformers? These are organic experiences. Worst they go through are rust infections, spark death, the works. They are not at risk the same way we are. That is why they view organics as small and inconsequential. They have no idea how hard we fight to simply stay alive.
And now the similarities. It’s understandable that they wouldn’t immediately recognize the physical, cultural, and psychological similarities between our species. Transformers are an incredibly diverse race, like any other. But specifically in physical form. Your average cybertronian holds a similar appearance to your average human. We tend to have the same features, just with different names. Eyes, noses, faceplates, ears, two arms, two legs. Sure that’s average for them too. But they are unique because of the fact that they have two forms. Vehicle mode. Their mode decides what they’re second mode looks like, which can create extreme diversity is appearance. Small, large, many limbed or not.
So the immediate similarities probably wouldn’t jump out to them in an odd way. There’s also the idea that because they’re so spread out in the universe, they’ve seen other organic races that are also similar. Pairs of every body part could be the common denominator among species.
That goes culturally too. War, love, music, government, politics, it’s all a natural form of sentient evolution. Another common denominator. It’s how it’s done that makes it unique. And the similarities between human and cybertronian culture is uncomfortably familiar.
I think that’s why cybertronians are seen being closest with humans rather than other species in the shows and comics (obviously because the audience is human and they need relation to characters but shhhh forget that for a sec). This is where the theories start.
Let’s say cybertronians begin to recognize the weird similarities between our species. The really, really weird stuff. The itty bitty details. Like:
- how we also mainstream kissing on the lips as the top tier romantic gesture.
- use verbal tone and cues for our language.
- have intensely complicated interpersonal relationships in the exact same manner.
- suffer from extreme mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD (I totally headcannon that forms of adhd, autism, and ocd exist in cybertronian society, have y’all not seen my boy rodimus prime??)
- will also destroy each other in the name of our gods, until we have a common enemy.
That’s just the basics I could come up with. The only time I actually saw a moment where a transformer genuinely take a moment to realize that humans can be a threat, was in transformers prime. Episode 6 of beast wars (I think, correct me if wrong), where Miko beats the ever loving fuck out of an insecticon (I think) and upon Megatron hearing this, just goes blank Kubrick stare for a hot second. Man had an ugly realization that did not fit in with anything he had experienced his whole life.
AND THEY NEVER FUCKING ADDRESSED IT EVER AGAIN. Sick of this shit. Could’ve had the most badass character development, where the humans actually proved useful and did something (it would have fit Milo’s character so perfectly too) and scared the utter shit out of the transformers. BUT NO. They continue to be annoying as fuck.
One thing I loved about TF Prime was that it canonically turned Unicron into Earth. And humans came from the earth. Which relates humans beings and cybertronians so hard. Cousins Fr. We are the cybertronian equivalent of organics, and transformers the inorganic equivalent of humans. The individuality, the chaos, the culture, it clicks. There is so much material to really go into it.
But they never do. Don’t get me wrong, I love Transformers lord and just discovering more without humans being involved. We’re just annoying af at this point. But there is so much u tapped potential in transformers actually taking the chance to LEARN about us. But we’re just friends (pets) to these mfs.
That’s why I love TF Earthspark so far. Transformers ingrained into human culture because they’re not from Cybertron, and cybertronians having to adapt to human culture because they have no where else to go. Granted, it’s a kids show. There’s only so much they can do. But I’m excited for where it’ll lead. It really shows how much of threat and ally humans are, and how we are just as diverse as cybertronians.
I need to write another fic about cybertronians meeting humans their size from our world tho. Need to continue my old piece. Would give me so much life. Y’all help motivate me, college draining my ass.
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milk-ducts · 6 months
[Brief] Thoughts on Film Theory's Analysis
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I was gonna post this on my priv twt.. but moots convinced me to post it here so here we are.. beware of spoilers, gore, bla bla bla ..
FIRST OFF I'm gonna start by saying, I AM ESL. I may or may not have misinterpreted some of his words, but this is mainly how I thought of his analysis. This is not meant to be ill-guided or rude ! so sorry if it comes off as this way. I will be very repetitive.
Another thing, most if not all of the information matpat gave out i alr discussed with a few mutuals on discord about a few months back so this is not new territory to me 😭😭 I thought most folks would already knew the concept of how the brain deteriorates overtime But honestly, that indisposition shouldn’t even apply to omni man??? matpat tried to compare an immortal Viltrumite's psychology to that of an aging human's, which can be misguided.
Let's start by how he compares Nolan's brain to the average aging human's brain so the audience could understand his psyche more and how empathy declines overtime. First and foremost, Nolan is not a human, second; Nolan wasn't raised with empathy or around an empathetic environment - it was an alien concept to his race. Something frowned upon. He was raised from birth to conquer and destroy without remorse. His brain never developed those neural pathways for empathy in the first place. It's not that they deteriorated over time, they were never even formed.
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By the time he came to Earth, all this familial stuff was new to him. Sure, he knew he was gonna outlive them, but He didn't think he'd get attached. HE didn't process that he'd grieve over them when the time came.
Interacting with humanity for the first time ignited unfamiliar emotions in Nolan that he didn’t know how to process.
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His time living amongst humans caused conflicting feelings he’d never experienced in his centuries of systematic slaughter. Loving Debbie and Mark went against everything he was taught, but he couldn't help it. For once, the lives he was manipulating to further Viltrum’s goals meant something to him. He developed a [what he presumed, NOT what he felt about them in reality, his love for them is far more profound than he assumed it to be which we later on see in the last ep of s1 and the second season] petty facsimile of love for his ersatz family.
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So no, his capacity for empathy didn't decline with age as MatPat claims. His empathy was stunted from the start. An underdeveloped skill, not a deteriorated one. We had characters like Debbie to help him understand those notions, help him grow it. With Mark in the mix? it only amplified that development.
Viltrumites are societally and culturally predisposed to violence and domination. Nolan was never accustomed to forming emotional connections or grieving loss. Those were entirely new experiences for him after arriving on Earth. He was not jaded. he was grown into jamais vu in viltrum.
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This is why the whole conflict in s1 happened, he was treading between double lives he wasn't sure of. He was conflicted because his past values were refuting with his new experiences. He found love on Earth, he found himself unable to accept how he'd lose Debbie. Of How jaded Mark might become. Everything he said to Mark till that point was his own self-projections, his own fears, doubts.
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While the video did provide some interesting facts about neuroscience and aging, the application of those facts to Nolan's character was inaccurate. IT is educational for those who don't know, but it isn't recent news that the brain begins to deteriorate overtime so this video wasn't that informative which kinda disappointed me. Their analysis lacked alot of information about the Viltrumite race and Nolan's character. Comparing him to humans with normal life experiences just doesn't work. His immortal nature combined with a lack of empathy from birth created a psychology unlike anything seen on Earth.
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SORRY FOR RANTING ALOT AND OR IF IT SEEMS LIKE I'M GIVING MATPAT SHIT ... i really liked their analysis on immortal so i'll give them that. Immortal, unlike Nolan, was born human. He has lived among humanity for over 3000 years, inhabiting different identities of public and devoted historians. Because of this, his psyche developed quite differently. Immortal knows how to form connections, experience loss, and adapt to social changes. His perpetual existence didn't harden his heart like Viltrum's brutal culture did to Nolan. Instead, Immortal's immortality allowed his empathy and compassion to blossom.
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Humans are social creatures. Our brains have evolved to seek out interpersonal relationships, crave affection, and find meaning in community. For an immortal like Immortal, social interaction is vital to staving off boredom, depression and detachment from humanity.
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By inhabiting mortal lives, he stays tethered to the human experience. He continues learning, growing, and developing empathy.
This is why he's devastated when the guardians die.
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This is also why he goes fucking mental and tries to kill Omni-man.
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If Immortal had lived in isolation all this time, unable to connect with people, his psyche would likely resemble Nolan's more closely. Without social interaction, Immortal's brain would atrophy in ways that preclude complex emotions and moral reasoning. His sense of purpose would fade, achievements would lose meaning, and life itself might feel pointless. By engaging with humanity, Immortal gives his endless existence purpose and direction. He finds value in each temporary life, so loss still impacts him deeply. Socializing keeps his emotions and cognition flexible, which prevents the apathy and hardness of heart seen in Nolan. Nolan never had these opportunities in his early years, this is why it's more difficult for him to stray away from his indoctrination. It's that he's unused to it, underdeveloped.
60 years to Nolan would've been a year and a half, so what's 20 measly years on Earth for him? Yes, he found profound connections in that little speck of time, but Immortal's emotional capacity is far more extensive.
In summary, Comparing Nolan to a human, whether mortal or immortal, is kinda inaccurate. His Viltrumite psyche rules out him from possessing JADED human qualities. You could say he's desensitized to violence sure, but no.. unfortunately.. he does not have [boomer] brain. He has [indoctrinated alien-fascist brain]
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Leave your own thoughts down below or through reblogs, I'm really interested on what others may think of this! (URGHHHNN... my hcs r slipping away from my fingers cuz now people r gonna accept what matpat says as truth.. someone gun me down from the hills..)
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vaspider · 6 months
What got you to "discover" judaism is for you ? What memory do you hold of the first jewish holiday you celebrate as a child of Abraham ?
Im not sure if that is how I should say it, but happy Chanukah :)
I remember the first time that someone explained the concept of tikkun olam to me, and the idea that the Moshiach won't come to save us but will arrive once we have prepared the world and made paradise ourselves. It was like my brain... rang like a bell. I don't know how else to explain it -- it's like suddenly every problem I had with my Evangelical upbringing and how Evangelicals handle responsibility and forgiveness and all of it just... worked, suddenly. And the more I've studied since then, the more in love I have fallen with being Jewish, with our people, with our sense of humor, our perseverance. It was like coming home.
And it helped very much that Owl, who used to be on here but left several years ago, was coming home to Judaism at the same time, so he was rediscovering a love for Judaism while I was falling in love with it.
The first holiday I celebrated after my beit din was Shabbat. I was called up to the bimah, given my Hebrew name, and got to hold a 400-year-old Torah which was smuggled out of what is now the Czech Republic during the run-up to the Shoah. The community it came from was completely obliterated in the Shoah.
That Torah is in such fragile shape that when I was adopted, it was never read. It was only used for conversions and for the confirmation class every year, and carried around the sanctuary on holidays in a procession called hakafot, or circuits. Since then, they've placed it in a specialized conservation case in the memorial alcove because it's too fragile to even be carried.
I was asked later if it was heavy, and I said, "not at all, and immeasurably."
Chag Sameach. :)
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meatballsu · 8 months
I have rewatched TADC many times recently and I come up with many interesting theories about Ragatha (My favorite) and I think it is great to share them here.
Theory: Ragtha is kinda on Caine’s side, or at least she is the person who always “giving”.
This isn’t intend to propose that Caine and Ragatha are “bad” or something. I’m not sure if anyone is watching the GenV series (Spoilers alert!)
and I think Ragatha is sorta a role like Kate that supports the Caine.
One thing is that when Caine is stopped by Pomni questioning about how do they leave, Ragatha immediately takes the question with a little stuttering opening, like she helps Caine when the AI is malfunctioned.
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Another thing is she apologized to Pomni when glitching, says Pomni had a bad day, it looks like Ragatha took the responsibility that she should take care of the newbies.
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I also noticed a very interesting detail about Ragatha's motion design. I collected all the clips of she approaching while people remaining steady. You know it usually means this person is a sacrificer in relationships.
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Even when she is not in a good mood about Pomni's “abandon” . Ragatha still approaches and stands by her side.
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This gives me the feeling that Caine may have demanded or asked her for help to care the new "sucker".
Additionally, the Kaufmo part also striked me a little. (It may turns out to be simply the pilot needs and my overthinking. But consider I have to wait for months to expect a new episode so why not brain storm.)
So Ragatha is the person who promts to check Kaufmo:
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Ragatha: Oh, wait, we should go check on Kaufmo. And I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni.
While Kinger refuses the idea and says:
I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit.
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After they went to the carpet, Ragatha mentioned that:
Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen.
When she saw the abstracted Kaufmo and she stuttered that the creature might be the “terrible thing” refered to what she said before.
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At this time I think we can assume that:
Ragatha knows the pursuing exits could drive people to the breaking point.
Ragatha knows people who breaks will happen terrible things.
Ragatha knows by Kinger (who is unresponisive but still noticed somthing wrong) that Kaufmo is unstable recently.
Ragatha knows what “abstract” is, and someone( people who came earlier than her or Caine) kept warnig/brainwashing her that “ Don’t overthink about exist or terrible thing gonna happen”.
Why Ragatha wants to take Pomni to go check on Kaufmo even she knows he is in a unstable situation?
I think it can be explained that:
She wants to form a stonger colleague relationship with Pomni by taking her to meet the used-to-be-frindely Kaufmo (who liked to tell jokes). or—
She wants to warn Pomni by letting her see “the terrible thing” to stop her from thinking about exit.
By going through all this points, I feel that Ragatha is the most positive on the concept about “No exist”. It looks like she tries hard to prove that there is no way out.
This point is also supported by Caine. And Ragatha hints in a non-obvious way through the pilot that Caine treats them with good intention:
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The official site introduces the series with:
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So nevertheless, I think Ragatha is still a trapped victim, and the pilot seems to show that she grows a bit Stockholm syndrome and stands by Caine’s side to defend her sanity. That's why she is described as the sweetest optimist.
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I find Jax's different attitude is intersting when Ragatha and Kinger mentioned their daily routine:
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Jax didn't comment on Ragatha explaining their useless sleep routine.
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thedarkone121 · 3 months
Dracula: Storm the Castle (Concept Poster)
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Wilhelmina Murray, a schoolteacher who goes by Mina to her friends, hasn't heard from her fiancé Jonathan Harker since he left on a work trip to Romania a few months ago. With no word and the months passing by, Mina has grown worried.
But then, a letter from Jonathan arrives. He explains that he is doing well and that he would like for Mina to come to Romania as a chance to scout the area out for their honeymoon. While suspicious of the contents, Mina now has proof that her soon-to-be husband is alive, and she knows his location. With her bags packed and a tearful farewell to her friends, Mina heads to Transylvania, Romania.
However, it does not take long for Mina to realize that something is amiss. How the townspeople react to the castle whenever she brings it up, the fact she is even having trouble to find a ride to the castle, not to mention the strange Ladies of the Castle who welcome her in... With no Jonathan in sight.
But Mina did not come all this way for nothing. No matter what horrors await her, Mina will find Jonathan and they will get married. They both waited long enough.
End of Summary
Hello fellow people of the Dracula fandom! I'm sure you all saw my draft ideas on how I would try to adapt Dracula floating around the tags. Being introduced to the pairing of Jonathan and Mina has done something to my brain and I felt compelled to get my ideas out there.
I would like to make this into an animated show since I am a storyboard artist but, in the meantime, I wouldn't mind posting all my concept art for my idea. Stay tuned cause I'm planning on doing concept designs for Mina and Jonathan, maybe the Vampire Sisters as well.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
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Your Love, Like Birth and Death
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cw. jjk faerie au, banshee!reader (she/her pronouns, afab), seelie prince!gojou, mutual pining but gojou's love is heavier, descriptions of blood and injuries
pairing. gojou x reader
notes. i should be working on the unseelie lord toji fic but this concept is still wracking my brain so y'all are getting this right now instead. lovesick faerie prince gojou for you, you and you! (also, spot the furuba and mirai nikki references lol.)
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This Court is dyed in the colors of Life, you note this particular morning.
Of course, this is something you’ve noted every morning since you’d been brought to this palace nearly a month ago. Yet you aren’t tired of noting it.
The Court you have found yourself in is beautiful. From the ledge you lean against, it almost feels like you can see everything in Faerie.
You see the royal gardens, a mass of long grasses and moss dotted by colorful wild blooms. Overgrown and yet each flower seems right where it is supposed to be.
Beyond the walls of the castle, you see stretches and stretches of blue spruces and just beyond that a lake that almost seems purple. If this were a palace in Unseelie territory, you might have thought a kelpie lived in it.
Across the courtyard, souls living and deceased move as if in a dance. The living with their duties for the day, unaware of their ghoulish companions drifting about. Some have the ever permanent dribble of poisoned wines falling from their lips, others' have blood seeping into their clothes from their torsos and others are missing limbs although they find no difficult in moving.
The sight of death faeries is one that gruesome. A mixture of life and death, the path you folk walk on until you return to nothing.
Neat yet unkempt, wild yet tame, expected yet unexpected ー that is the beauty of Faerie you’ve grown accustomed to in the centuries since your creation.
A beauty you rarely have the opportunity to appreciate when you often find yourself in the realm of humans, heralding death.
You wonder how much time has passed there since you’ve come to the Court of Reckoning. All while the skies have lost the traces of violet, peach and marigold that painted the dawn skies and have begun settling into a lovely shade of pastel blue. 
“I see I’ve finally found you,” when you look over your shoulder, it’s one of the prince’s advisors that greets you. The one with the long raven-black hair and brown eyes that remind you of humus-rich soil. You see the makings of a black tail with a tuft of fur peeking from his cloak and believe him to be some sort of phouka. “I almost thought for a moment our honored guest had disappeared,” his voice is light and airy, but he seems relieved to an extent. “I’m glad my concerns were proven untrue. Satoru would be quite unmanageable if that were the case.”
You shake your head, smiling politely, “I enjoy watching dawn turn into morning.” You look at the large bouquet in the phouka’s hands ー an assortment of lavender roses, baby’s breath and ferns.
“Our prince is too busy to deliver these himself this morning,” Suguru explains once they’ve caught your eye. You make sure to not let your fingers brush against one another when you reach for the blooms carefully. “Love at first sight, purity and fascination it is supposed to symbolize,” the advisor recounts the meaning of each bloom dutifully. He’s exasperated, you can tell. “Do you like them?”
“Yes, they’re quite lovely,” you believe so truly. Everyday since your arrival to the palace, the prince has had bouquet after bouquet gifted to you. Even if he cannot deliver them himself. “As were the rest I’ve received.”
“I’ve never seen Satoru so smitten,” you avoid the phouka’s gaze. “You should have met him when we were younger. He was adamant that he’d never be besotted with anyone lest he become a fool.” There’s a light pause as Suguru recalls the evening Satoru brought you to this palace. You who are cloaked in death and all of her colors. “Look at him now. He’s certainly caused a stir in his insistence you’ll be his queen. He’s a charming fool, though, I am sure.”
You prefer to think of the prince as a ridiculous fool but you cannot deny that he is charming. Dangerously so. If you hadn’t known better, you would have thought him to be a gancanagh, a love-talker.
“Please marry me,” came the soft request as sky blue eyes stared into your very being. “And I’ll love you more faithfully than any man, fae or otherwise.”
You try not to remember the way your chest clenched in surprise. How you were so surprised it almost felt like your skin had warmed. It’s best not to focus on that memory at all.
It’s a ridiculous notion, a seelie prince in love with a banshee.
“The prince is simply confusing gratitude with love,” you return Suguru’s gaze with a polite smile. You hope he believes you. “He’ll realize that soon and I will leave this place.” You know that will bring palace staff a great sense of peace. If there is one thing you’ve learned in your long life as a banshee it is that even if the Folk spurn mortals and their blink-of-an-eye lifespans, there are many things faeries and humans have in common.
A fear of death is certainly one of them.
As such, to the vast majority of faeriekind, Death Folk like yourself are not looked upon favorably. Banshee and dullahans alike, you’re more like pests in their eyes. 
You banshee women who scream and keen if death is near. 
The dullahans who hear those screams and arrive when that final hour has approached.
Yes, you know how death fae are viewed. You’ve heard the whispers in the palace, how you are an omen of malevolence to come. That your kind are like roaches. Should one appear, others will soon follow suit.
This is why you’ve come to appreciate this private ledge on the castle walls that receives less foot traffic than the rest. You’d rather the staff of the palace have peace of mind in your absence while you live in the palace even if their prince insists you can venture the halls as much as you’d like.
Once the promised revel he hopes to throw in your honor comes to pass, you know the prince will lose his interest in you. Then you will leave and continue about your existence until you fade into nothing but a vague memory in his subconscious.
That's what you truly hope when you see the prince in question later on in the day for lunch in the garden.
How his eyes light up and he stands to his feet as Cypress, a lovely pixie tasked with being your attendant, announces your arrival. How he doesn't even wait for you to reach the table before he comes to meet you. You are unused to being treated like royalty and yet their prince insists that you are. "You won't believe how the old hags go on and on," he sighs, remnants of annoyance dancing in his tone but his voice is soft with you. Cypress takes the dismissal in stride. "I couldn't even come see you for breakfast. Did you like the flowers?"
He wraps your hands in his own large palms, seemingly unaffected by your corpse-cold skin, as he has done every time you've met since your arrival. "Yes, they were beautiful," your smile is small and doesn't quite reach your eyes. You hope this ridiculous yet charming fool realizes that loving one such as yourself is more trouble than good. That his love truly is just misplaced gratitude. "You really don't have to send me flowers every morning."
The prince disregards your words the way water rolls off the back of a duck, "next time I'll bring you the flowers myself." He guides you to the table filled to the brim with food you aren't accustomed to eating. "Will you tell me your favorites finally? I've been going out on a limb with my guesses."
"My tastes in flowers are unique, to say the least," maybe it's your nature, but your favorites tend to circle around the prevailing theme of your kind. Lavender to give the dead peace in passing on, calendula for blessing and love. Dandelions in the seed head stage were quite popular with ghost children, still finding them just as amusing as they did when they were alive. "The flowers you send me are more than enough." The prince pouts but he decides to let you skirt around his request once more. You bring focus back to the spread, "it looks like you've demanded everything in the kitchen."
There are strawberry-and-whipped cream filled pastries, cold cut platters and buttery biscuits to name a few things. The tip of the iceberg of everything on the table.
"I wanted to make sure our bases were covered," the prince grins, teeth as white as his hair. "I hope you like lavender chamomile, that's today's tea. I've never had it before." He drops cube after cube of sugar into his cup, drizzles the contents with honey before finally pouring in a splash of cream.
You take your tea plain and enjoy the gentle fragrance. Lavender buds are just barely visible below the tea's surface. You close your eyes as the flavor hits your tongue. It tastes as wonderful as it smells. "Yes, this is quite nice. I really like it."
"Should we have it for tomorrow as well?" He's too eager to curry your favor.
You open your eyes to dissuade him but your attention is instead drawn to a headless hob nearing your table. You've seen this hob before, skirting about the palace bitterly as he carries his head in his hands much like a dullahan. He's old, even by fae standards, with a long beard. There's no question as to how the man died, beheading. You hope it was quick.
His beady eyes glare at you with a quiet rage similar to how most fae spirits do. You wonder how long he has been like this, refusing to board the carriage of any dullahan that may come to collect him and bring him to the Otherworld.
You personally believe that faeries leave behind ghosts more than humans do.
It's why you've often seen ghosts from a distance at revels, dancing from dawn til dusk even if they will not be perceived by the living. Even if they can no longer don the fancy dresswear they were able to dress in.
Time and time again, they will do this. Staunchly refusing death even after they're already in its hold.
"Oh, is there a ghost with us?" The prince notes how your eyes dart between him and the space he perceives as empty. "What's it saying?"
"Tell this lout that I sooner hope his rule is contemptuous and brings the Court to ruin!" The hob's head seethes. "That his many days are fraught with danger! Gakuganji is my name and this is the curse I cast upon him!"
Folk can't lie, but you you prefer not to relay the bitter message. "He hopes your rule is one that is," you lick your lips and raise your cup to your lips. "Filled with exciting thrills," not an exact lie. Perhaps to this radical prince, those sorts of threats are exciting. "He says his name is Gakuganji."
"Exciting thrills, you say?" The prince barks in amusement, shoulders shaking with his laughter. "That doesn't sound like the traitorous scoundrel I know. You don't have to lie, he's probably cursing me and my bloodline for generations to come as we speak." The hob growls at the lackadaisical nonchalance of the elf. But it seems he has had his fill as he stomps off before he can hear more insult to his person.
"Gakuganji has lost his touch even in death," the prince's amused chuckles turn into light sighs "You wouldn't have liked him very much when he was alive," you're sure you can agree with that much of the prince's words. Gakuganji, as you now know him, has been one of the more unpleasant spirits in the palace. "He was very stuck in his ways. What's it like, seeing ghosts all the time?"
You can't quite remember what it was like when you were a newly-made banshee and everything was new. Nor can you remember the life you once led as a human. You simply remember your death was a terrible, terrible thing. "It's as normal to me as it's normal for you not to see them," you set your cup down. "If someone asked you what's it like to see the blue sky everyday, it would be a strange question, correct?"
The prince takes in your words thoughtfully, not slighted in the least. "I guess that's true," he nods to himself. "I just wondered if it was something that took some getting used to." The prince removes his darkened spectacles from the bridge of his nose. "I told you before I have pretty good eyes. I'm able to perceive a lot of things no one else can from mana to the shape of one's soul. But the spirits of the deceased are exceptions to my eyes, it seems."
"Your Highness," you begin.
"Satoru," the prince corrects you swiftly.
"Your Highness," you insist. This boundary you won't cross for yourself. "I'm not sure it's really wise for you to tell me about your eyes. I'm not a member of this family or your closest allies."
"But you will be," he tells you as if he's simply remarking on how pleasant the weather is. "I will become king of this Court and you'll be by my side as my queen." You're quite sure that if his mother, the High Queen, has anything to say about it, she'd sooner relinquish her throne to a random nixie than allow a banshee to wed her son. "I trust you as much as I trust Suguru or Nanami."
You wish he wouldn't.
A Seelie prince and his banshee queen? That sounds like the start to a ballad meant to insult him.
It's misplaced gratitude, not love. That's what this prince feels for you. You tell him as such once again as you have everyday since you were brought here. "You'll realize that soon, maybe even before the revel you plan for me," you whisper ー no, you pray. "There will be another you yearn for and you'll realize the difference."
The prince will fall deeply, truly, unapologetically in love with someone and he'll discover the truth.
Perhaps it will be a lake maiden of Spring whose dreadlocks drip with water droplets that fall onto dewy cinnamon-brown skin. Who sings of the beautiful red and pink of the roses and of love.
Or maybe it will be a selkie man who doesn't mind living far from the sea as he's brought a love as deep as the ocean along with him. Whose coat is donned in scars and scratches from battles past, a reflection of his form as a seal.
Or maybe he can grow enraptured with his phouka advisor whom he trusts more than anyone in this life.
Someone dyed in Life's colors.
Someone beautiful.
When that time comes, you'll be happy for him. Maybe then the ache that resonates through your heart and bones will end.
The prince isn't the only fool here, you admit reluctantly. You're just as much, if not more so. But this feeling will come to pass, "this is just gratitude. Fascination. Not love."
"You think I don't love you?" The prince asks quietly, resting his chin on his palm as he looks at you. He says he has good eyes, he wonder what you look like to him through them. You who once was dyed in Life's colors but have since become painted over by Death's brush.
Death folk with death folk.
Life folk with life folk.
"I know you don't," he can't. You can't allow either of yourselves to do so. "A banshee by your side as queen," you want it sound ridiculous to both of your ears. "It's absurd."
There are no rules that state your union is forbidden, this you know. But the laws of nature are simple. Life and Death co-exist separately, unable to exist without one another. But there has never been a tale where the two joined together as one.
Maybe you're just too scared to be the first.
"I want the woman that I love by my side as queen," the prince replies smoothly. "Your species is of little importance to me. All that matters is that my love is returned in full. Please, allow me to be yours," he reaches for your hand once more, stepping out of his chair in favor of sitting on bended knee. "More than anyone has or ever will, I love you. This is an unwavering truth."
The blood of the love-talker must run through his veins. Why else do you feel like this? Your desire for this prince will eat away at you until you become undone and return to nothing. "You're a prince. It's the duty of the royal family to provide heirs," even the smallest sprite knows this to be fact. "Are you asking me to stay with you and have them?"
"Please have my children," azure stares seriously into your pale eyes that were once [color] when you were human.
Your skin feels warm at his unabashed request.
Gojou Satoru has no shame, that you have become sure of in the near month of knowing one another.
He had no shame when he asked you to be his bride when you first met.
There was no shame to be found when he insisted that you stay in the palace as an honored guest he owes his life to.
Nor is there any shame to be found in him now when he cups your cheek in his furnace hot hands to guide your lips down to his, long white lashes fluttering shut.
I shouldn't, your mind screeches at you. I shouldn't allow us to get even one millimeter closer. Yet you make no move to do so as your lips are just barely touching whenー
"Your Highness, your mother is requesting you," Nanami's mild-mannered drawl saves you at the last minute.
You jerk back into your chair in relief, heart pounding. You aren't able to make eye contact with anyone, least of all the overworked horned elf-kobold hybrid brought to receive the Gojou heir.
The prince clicks his tongue in annoyance, glaring over his shoulder at the advisor, "she can't wait? We haven't even begun eating yet."
Nanami looks just as annoyed to be there, "the faster you heed her call, the quicker you can go back to fawning after the object of your desires." He tells his prince. "And the faster I can get back to resting."
The prince with snow-white hair clicks his tongue once more, but he doesn't argue against it. He turns to you regretfully, "I'll have to leave again. Perhaps we'll have more time together at dinner," you hope the wait for dinner is longer still. You know the prince hopes the time passes as quickly as he can blink.
Warm lips press against the back of your hand, lingering for five seconds longer than they should.
The bones of your hands ache.
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Title comes from a Nizar Qabbani poem: [Your love / Oh you with fathomless eyes / Is extreme /mystic / holy / Your love, like birth and death / is impossible to repeat]
My favorite bit in this is having the reader refused to call Gojou by name even in the narrative dialogue, in a futile attempt to keep distance between you both. I hope you guys found that riveting as well
Part 2? Should there be one? Perhaps there should be... y'all let me know
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number-onekidqueen · 3 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞
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Luke Castellan x Poseidon!fem!reader
hi i have no idea if you take requests but if you do could you write for Luke x daughter of poseidon? I’ve been thinking about someone who’s similar to Luke who’s felt neglected by their God parent and when their half brother Percy comes and gets claimed within a week, she’s angry and jealous bc hers took almost a year. An angel in disguise, evil lovers trope 🥹🎀🫶 just wanted to share this concept that’s been itching my brain
comfort fluff
warnings: crying, gods being bad parents, jealousy, insecurity
The new blond kid furrowed his brow again, and you groaned internally.
“So we’re supposed to love them but they don’t even come and see us?”
The arrival of another kid was always exciting. They’d stumble over the border, scared out of their mind, and once they calmed down, you’d get to hear their story. They all had such different ones and all the details and quirks in them fascinated you to no end.
The less fun part was answering all the questions they had, and trying to make camp seem fun and exciting, when they were usually so broken. It never seemed right to you to talk about rowing races, as if they were antidotes for leaving your old life behind.
Percy Jackson, however, was proving to be more curious and.... confident than new demigods were typically.
You exchanged a look with Luke at Percy's comment, wondering how to answer this curveball of a question. You noticed his jaw was clenched, and he seemed to be making no kind of attempt at responding.
“Well, uh, yeah, more or less.” You replied lamely.
“I don’t get it. If we’re their kids why don’t they come down and visit us? Get to know us?”
“My question exactly,” Luke murmured bitterly to you, but then he grinned, clapping Percy on the shoulder. 
“Eh, the gods they’re busy and all. But you don’t have to worry about them. Burn a bit of your food, pray sorta regularly and they’ll be happy. And just enjoy-"
“Who's my dad?”
Another difficult question.
"Sorry Percy, we don't know," you replied softly. "you'll know when you get claimed."
You explained the claiming process, and your unease grew as Percy frowned more and more as you continued. It was obvious he was against claiming.
"So let me get this straight," Percy paused, his expression one of utter distaste. "I've gotta do something cool - something amazing - in my first few days at camp to make my dad notice me?"
You winced. "Yeah, something like that."
"He doesn't just come down, and recognise me?" He asked in disbelief.
"The gods don't really... come down, Percy," Luke corrected, also wincing.
"So, what, they-"
"Don't stress too much about it, Percy. I'm sure your dad will claim you soon, and then we can all celebrate." You reassured with a grin.
If only that had been right.
And you had won! You whooped, joining the cacophony of victory that was the Hermes cabin, all gazing triumphantly at the flag Luke had captured and was brandishing with pride. 
When your eyes met Luke’s, your head spun. He had really done it! Your best friend, your amazing, brave best friend had won it again! He grinned at you, and your heart seemed to jump towards him erratically. Before you could think straight, you were running closer, and-
“Y/N! I think you have a brother?”
You noticed the atmosphere had changed drastically, and the campers had become hushed around you, whispering and pointing. And they were all… kneeling?
“Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon!”
At Chiron's call, you turned to where they faced and saw a dumbstruck Percy, thigh-high in water, squinting above him. 
At a massive, glowing green trident. 
Poseidon. He was your brother. 
After the initial tidal wave of shock, and even joy for Percy wore off, you were outraged. Percy had been at camp for what couldn’t have been two days. And he was already claimed? When it took you nearly a year of hoping and crying and praying to do so? 
What in the Gods did this mean? Were you not as special as Percy? Did your dad hate you? What in the- what- he- you- he-
You couldn’t think about it anymore, your thoughts incoherent and speeding through your mind. Your chest tightened, and you couldn't breathe, your lungs still and your eyes heavy with tears.
No, no, no, no. You wouldn’t ruin your brother’s claiming. 
Even though your father ruined everything-
You began stumbling back, walking between rows of kneeling campers, as quietly as you could. It still seemed thunderous to your ears. You could feel the stares, but you tried not to think about that either. Judgement was at the bottom of your stress agenda.
Once the forest obscured your form, you began sprinting, dodging trees and shrubbery as you made a rapid escape to your cabin. The anxious thoughts didn't stop, even as the world rushed past you.
Breathe in, breathe- my dad hates me- out.
Breathe- he loves my brother more- in.
bre- he'll never love me as much- out.
b- you weren’t good enough, and you never have been- r-e-a-t-h-e
Once inside, you collapsed against the cool door. Your breathing finally slowed, as your eyes travelled over the familiar blue scenery. Felt the slightly chipped paint beneath your fingerprints. Inhaled the salty, sandy smell. This was your home. You could safely cry in here, feel comfortable, do anything you wanted-
Until Percy came.
You wouldn’t even have five minutes in here before everyone came back, and swung the doors wide for Percy. And you would be forgotten, shoved into a lesser position to make room for your shiny, new brother.
Stop! It wasn't Percy's fault that Poseidon was a terrible father. Percy was innocent. He was just a little boy, wanting to be accepted. It wasn't fair to feel bitter towards Percy.
But you couldn't help it.
Either way, you wouldn't let the first sight to his new home be his crying, jealous sister. You didn't want him to feel guilty for belonging.
But where else could you go?
The beach?
No. The water was once a comfort, but it seemed a hellish sight in your mind now. You didn't want to go anywhere near anything that reminded you of Poseidon. Absolutely not.
The forest?...
That was perfect.
Steeling yourself for the outside world, you inhaled shakily before rushing out of the safety of your door. Thankfully, camp was still quiet, although you weren't going to wait around for it to become full and rowdy.
Taking off at a jog, you made your way into the forest surrounding camp, in the opposite direction than the one campers would make coming back. Sure, monsters could attack you, but at this point you were certain you were angry enough to wield your dagger with lethal accuracy.
Come get me, bitch, and you'll find out just how I feel, you thought to yourself.
You moved through the forest until the dappled light on your tanned skin, became dimmer, almost dark. It was then you stopped, hunched over, breathing deeply, stepped backward to slump against a firm pine tree.
You let yourself cry, as loudly as you needed. The ocean never hushed her screams, and now that you were alone, neither would you. It was cathartic in a way, screaming as loud as you could, sobbing as hard as you needed, draining your body of all its sadness, jealousy, insecurity.
No one would ever hear you. It would be a secret between you and this little green glade.
And then you could return to camp, fake all the smiles you needed. You would be happy for Percy. You would be grateful to your father for allowing you to have a brother. You would be faithful and in admiration of the Gods.
You felt sick at those thoughts, a pit growing in your stomach at having to betray yourself for others.
Why did it have to be this way? Why?
The pit in your stomach only grew as you heard fast-paced approaching footsteps. Your sobs immediately halted, and you stilled against the tree, wiping your tears and drawing your dagger.
It was Luke.
You exhaled shakily, debating whether to respond. But it was Luke, and surely he would understand.
His approaching footsteps resumed, and you caught a glimpse of his face, splashed with relief. Immediately, he sat beside you, and wrapped a tentative arm around your shoulders.
It was so comforting, and you began to cry once more, this time into his shoulder. His fingers tangled in your hair, and they were so soothing, your cries became even deeper and cracked.
You couldn't remember the last time you had been held and comforted.
"What's wrong?" he muttered softly.
"My-my dad," you replied croakily.
"Oh," you knew he understood, because he tugged you closer and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You shuddered at the contact, flustered despite your current emotions.
"Your dad is an idiot for making you feel like this."
"You-you can't say that," you said nervously, shifting in his arms as you glanced around, anticipating a megatsunami or hailstorm.
"I don't care, y/n, let me drown the next time I swim. You need to hear it. You're one of the best campers there is, and all you do is love him, and he treats you like this! He's an idiot!" He said earnestly, laughing a little.
"I just can't believe he'd claim him so soon," you whispered, and the tears began again, "I just-- it's like slapping it in my face that he loves him more. That Percy did enough for him and I didn't."
"No, don't you dare think like that." He tilted your chin up with his fingers. His eyes were strong, angry. But his fingers were gentle, and they caressed your jawline with care. "You've done more than enough for him. You've done more than enough for anyone, don't ever make yourself feel like this."
"No. No. Never." And he drew you back into a tight embrace as the last of your tears flowed.
You stayed like that for what could've been minutes or decades, the both of you breathing in sync, against the rough bark of the tree and warm heat of your camp tees. You began to grow sleepy, your eyes drifting closed, and that's when Luke shifted.
"Hey," he murmured, his arms still wrapped around you as he pulled the both of you to your feet, "let's get you home."
Off you walked into the dusky evening, your words and secrets left embedded in the canopy and grass of that glade and deep in your hearts.
For while you now knew there were two children of Poseidon, and you were most certainly the second choice - you knew you were the favourite to Luke.
And maybe that was what mattered.
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doromoni · 10 months
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer! reader
Max Verstappen x photographer! reader
Part 3.
fanfic + smau fic
y/n faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warning: angst , mild swearing , implications of cheating(?)
!song credits belong to Julia Micheals alone
<previous next>
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
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You were never the patient kind , I could tell. You also didn’t like sharing — to this day I still grimace to the memory of your shouts that time I wore your hoodie when it rained out; I didn’t understand your anger … you hated that hoodie. You said that it was yours , you didn’t want it , but it was still yours. I was in shock, yet you could never do wrong in my eyes , always perfect and always kind.
There were times when your words were ugly and crass — more often than I would like to admit. I could understand french , did you know? I heard you mutter “la pute” under your breath when I didn’t want to go out partying 3 nights in row. I was hurt , did you notice? Did you look back? I didn’t see , the tears were blocking my vision.
Your friends pitied me when you took off with another girl from the party you invited me too— petit and brunette, you did have a type. I should be humiliated, I should’ve cried, but all I felt was the cold that numbness provided.
I guess, I should thank you, because if you haven’t left me, your friends wouldn’t have helped. Oh, did you know? your friends and I got along great; I knew that we were going to be the bestest of friends the moment they said “ I’m sorry about Charles. My name is Daniel , that’s Lando and this is Max, we were about to leave and get some ice cream , wanna join?” His lie was obvious, but I didn’t point it out — I only smiled and said “Sure , but only if it’s the cheap kind” because another expensive object forced into my hands is the last thing I needed.
We then found ourselves in the parking lot of McDonald’s — dressed in couture priced at hundreds and thousands of dollars on top of an Aston Martin, eating soupy ice cream from half empty McFlurry cups and munching on mostly soggy fries. We were laughing about nothing and everything. I was having the time of my life . I felt the cold wind of Monaco’s evening breeze in my hair as mindless chatter filled the air. It felt nice.
I did not think of you. You never once came to mind. That was the first time where I didn’t fucking care. I felt … free.
I sensed someone nudge my side, It was Max . “You grew quite, are you alright?” He asked , his eyes filled with concern ; I never knew that eyes could be that blue. I smiled and gave him a nod, and to my surprise a fry was suddenly pushed into my mouth. The only thought in my mind then was how salty the fries were and how beautiful the smile that adorned the face of the dutch racer was.
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navi.exe this is goodbye.
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maxverstappen1 1h
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viewed by y/n_stills. , charles_leclerc , carlossainz55 , and 1,506,189 others
story replies :
y/n_stills. EMILIAN! how mean >:((
charles_leclerc Mate, is that y/n?
charles_leclerc She’s with you? She said she was busy.
y/n_stills. 30m
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viewed by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 307, 251 others
story replies :
maxverstappen1 : im sorry~ liebling, please let me hug you :((
y/n_stills. No
charles_leclerc Y/N?!
charles_leclerc You said you were busy, what the fuck is this then?
charles_leclerc please answer your phone, pick up my calls.
charles_leclerc i swear y/n… pick up the phone.
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liked by user1 , user2 , navi.exe, and 68,081 others
F1wags Max and Y/N spotted at singer-songwriter y/f/n’s concert!!
A fan had seen both max and y/n arriving together in Max’s Aston Martin at the concert hall earlier this evening, It was reported that the two were hand in hand as they were escorted towards backstage and stopping to sign autographs for fans who recognized them.
During the Formula 1 summer break, these two were mostly silent until the most recent post of Y/N that features a mystery man - whom she called “my hero” to which Max left a 💙 in the comments. Could the unnamed guy be Max? Is Y/N finally an official wag?
Even before Max, fans have speculated something going on between Y/N and Charles — more than a employer:employee relationship. Yet nothing was confirmed or made official by the Ferrari driver.
Nevertheless, Y/N has been a staple at the paddock and is loved by both fans, drivers, and motorhomes alike.
Admin: We love Y/N so much it hurts >:((
tagged : maxverstappen1 and y/n_stills.
user1 WHAT?? Max and Y/N? I didn’t see that coming… yet they surprisingly suit each other ngl
user2 Ikr they oddly complement each other and the height difference?? they got me so softtt.
user1 grumpy x sunshine on track ~ they’re so cute!
user3 lmao off track these two are just crack x crack @user1
user1 facts, imagine them together with Lando and Daniel … complete and utter chaos.
user4 Charles and Y/N weren’t dating? Bruh fumbled and lost a 10. Should’ve bagged her when you had the chance.
user1 much like his team , his strategy failed.
user4 @user1 Lmao , and Red bull is here to overtake 🤭
user5 everything is clicking omg. It makes sense! Y/N is close to Max’s sisters and surprisingly Jos!
user6 dude imagine being bffs with your boyfriend’s dad. I swear everyone just loves y/n and if you don’t. That’s a you problem.
user7 oof big L for Charles 😭 , yo girl went to the enemy .
user8 well its a fact that villains love harder, I support you y/n! get the most payed athlete on the grid .Girl get the bag!
user9 tbh I never was a supporter of the Y/N and Charles ship… It felt one sided?
user10 @user9 I thought I was the only one! It felt like Y/N was always pushed to the side or smth.
user8 they’re both glowing in their recent posts~ must be nice to have someone. ha ha ha im not lonely at all.
landonorris they didn’t invite me, again.
user1 lando what are you doing on a wag page??
user2 what do you mean again… so this ain’t new huh. Interesting
user3 so it’s basically true, They are together! confirmed. I wont take no for an answer
📍 AO Arena , Manchester
The light had again started to dim, only a single spotlight shone — illuminating my most dearest friend. A familiar arm snaked around my waist, pulling me back into their warmth . Sighing with content as I melted into his embrace
“How are you feeling , liebling?” Max whispered in my ear, drawing mindless circles around my waist . I couldn’t answer, as I was too overwhelmed with peace and comfort. I could only fall deeper in his embrace and letting my head lean on his shoulder. Feeling the soothing beating of his heart as my back pressed into him.
“alright everyone, I want to sing one last song. This one is not written by me, but my dearest and longest friend, y/n! She’s actually in the audience today. This song is dedicated to the person who she opened her heart to after going through every hardship she faced, and I was made aware that the certain person is here with her tonight. This song … It’s too beautiful not to share with the world. Y/N im sorry for putting you on the spot , I know how this song means so much to you. You deserve all the happiness and love in this world. You finally found it.”
Hearing what what y/f/n had said , my pulse grew quicker and my throat grew dry, yet I didn’t pull away from Max’s embrace. I wasn’t sure if I wanted for him to hear what I in wrote that song. That song held the contents of my heart, holding nothing back; baring my soul in each word. I laid all my cards for him to see.
“The summer before you
I thought love was Shakespearean
More or less a painful experience
Only ever real if you're delirious
The summer before you
I let it take up very little oxygen
Nowhere I'd rest my head, more like an ottoman
Never had someone like you to treat me like Solomon
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
The summer before you
You can't spell "drama" with consonants
And I admit, I usually was the cause of it
Now here we are, you got me changing all of it
Slow me down, I want you too
It's different when it comes to you
Hey, yeah
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Yeah, little did I know
You would be the one that would save me
Learn how to change me
Little did I know
Oh-ooh, just look at you, can you blame me?
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
The summer before you
I thought love was Shakespearean
More or less a painful experience
Only ever real if you're delirious
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Yeah, little did I know
You would be the one that would save me
Learn how to change me
Little did I know
Oh-ooh, just look at you, can you blame me?
Oh-oh-oh, little (yeah) did I know (did I know)
Oh-oh-oh (oh), little did I know (did I know)
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know that it could feel like this (yeah)
Oh-oh-oh, little, every time I got you on my lips (hey)
The summer before you”
Shouts and claps filled the stadium, but it grew deaf in our ears as we stood frozen in time- the beating of our hearts beating louder than ever. Then suddenly, I was again staring at the bluest of eyes that reflected every emotion and this time they were filled with unshed tears. My hand shook as I slowly lifted my palm to his cheeks.
“Do you mean it?” His voice soft , filled with yearning and hope . Slowly leaning his forehead against mine.
“Every last word” I whispered.
Then his lips finally met mine. We didn’t have to say it, we both knew that we were each other’s.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, justy/f/n , landonorris , and 805,415 others
y/n_stills. Little did I know , it was you before I ever decided. Little did I know it could feel like this.
Thank you for waiting for me , my love💙
tagged @maxverstappen1
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Liked by y/n_stills. , redbullracing, danielricciardo, and 2,628,917 others
maxverstappen1 I would’ve waited for eternity if you needed me to, my Liebling 💙
tagged @y/n_stills
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“CHARLES! Are you alright?!”
“Mom, what have I done… I lost her. I lost y/n”
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Do you have any Ida Brady headcanons for pre-integrated AU? 👀
Oooh yes I do, thanks for asking!
It has occurred to me how we’ve met her when she’s legit at her lowest and coldest. So while she might be impressive AF right now, she’s not exactly the warm hearted sister Johnny could tell you of, the insane dark-horse risk taker Egan will bet on any day, the tireless and compassionate advocate of her girls, or the incredibly conflicted woman Rosie Rosenthal has the audacity to make laugh before Victory rolls round.
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Ok, full disclosure, there’s plenty about this AU I’ve not even bothered figuring out as it would drive me mad and stifle the creativity, so plenty of the aspects and rules of integration, etc, have been left nebulous even in my own brain.
The short of this concept, however, is that the Bloody 100th became the first (and likely only? maybe another by the end of the war) bomber group to intergrate. It added to their reputation as a crazy and undisciplined force, an experiment of sorts. Full of mad hatters and women who deserved to get shot out of the sky for attempting to engage in something as masculine aerial combat -it made the men both defensive of their group’s capabilities and that of their female fellows. Sink or swim together, and by god, they flew instead.
This also meant Ida Brady became the highest ranking woman of her sex in the air force at the time, although she was predictably never given close to a full squadron as was her “due” as a Lt. Colonel.
It was a bit of a surprise then when she pushed for full integration of the group, that she should not be over women only, and not all women should answer strictly to her. This was adopted by the time of Harding’s command and the girls’ broader deployment.
Old habits die hard however, and “Ida’s Banshees” were still toasted at the Silver Wings club, although technically many fellas were counted amongst them by then.
How’d she get into aviation? well my dears -it starts with a stock market crash
The Brady family did alright for much of the 1930’s, jobs in rural New York were hard to come by yet the soil was good for food and the community close, the desperate poverty of the big cities wasn’t as starkly obvious or quick to ruin out there. But just because the country takes a turn up doesn’t always mean a single family will, too. There’s always unforeseen twists and turns.
Her two brothers could add to the family with what work they could get, or apprentice as Johnny did. But Ida? Those should have been her courting years, according to mama. Mrs. Brady was a good woman, a product of her times and upbringing and an immigrant child herself. It wasn’t cruel to the Irish, it was custom, to send a child away to better serve their futures.
And so 1937 found Ida seated on a train headed down to an Aunt’s house in Miami, Florida, to help with Uncle’s Travel Agency and earn a wage and hopefully meet some young fellas
There may have been young fellas in Miami but Ida didn’t have an eye for them, she wanted money and security and and to be back with her tight knit family in New York.
Uncle’s little venture was a sprawling enterprise growing free and wild since the mid 20’s in Florida’s sticky air. Sure it was a travel agency but it also coordinated areal mail runs that also accommodated a growing number of passengers, and on the side was Uncle’s true passion: the aviation school of Embry and Riddle.
Named after himself (Riddle) and his business partner Embry, her uncle had been battling the government’s pesky fingers in his training programs since the 20’s and by the late 30’s —when Ida arrived— he had reopened three different times.
Such tenacity and unreserved frustration shown by someone she so admired in regards to authoritarian overreach cemented in Ida’s mind a very clear impression that the persecution she later faced was not due fully to her sex. Instead she chose to consider it persecution of the old American trait of not giving a damn about the pesky ball and chain of higher power. Yes she appreciated her rules in the army, but in civilian enterprises? She has definite opinions about leaving well enough alone
Becoming a pilot for Ida was something that happened out of necessity and opportunity than an immediate passion. If anything it terrified her a bit, but then again, so had canoeing down the rapids in Maine with Johnny. And Ida never backed down from what scared her, only what she felt was wrong. And as far as she could see, God hadn’t said nothin’ against either man or woman flying around. So, having decided to become a pilot and help her uncle in his dreams, she became an excellent one
By 1940 Uncle Riddle had yoked with the U.S. Army Air Corps Training Program, his private school had produced 250 students and certified them as pilots the previous year and he was much in demand.
Ida Brady had been one of his chief instructors and wasn’t that a trip?
When war broke out she was recruited by and immediately joined the WASPS, training women students to transport bombers this time.
You think being a dmv test trainer is scary? Try strapping wings to those kids. It’s hell to be excellent at a thing and sit on your hands while someone nearly kills you both with their inexperience. Yet that was her day job for almost a year, and she had a temperament oddly suited to it, calm, decently patient and lethally critical when needed, she was respected and her students became not only respected but fully equipped to keep themselves and their cargo safe by the end.
When the Air Force pitched its experimental Integrated Squadron, Ida already knew the majority of the girls joining would prove to have been her students.
I am not sure she jumped at a combat position immediately, between her traditional upbringing, crucial training role and suspicion of the army screwing over the whole endeavor, I think she would be wary.
There’s speculations about who talked her into it, some say her brother had reported the dreadful discipline and treatment of the 100th’s nearly disbanded female force to her, and driven by stubborn pride in her protégés, Ida Brady had shown up and demanded they at least be nixed with dignity.
Instead she found herself training both men and women to stay the fuck in the air…the whole point of their particular branch
They didn’t get nixed. And Ida was suddenly a squadron commander without an actual squadron
By England I imagine she is still fighting for inclusions in the crews, there’s lots of finicky dealings regarding who gets sent up. She is technically Cleven and Egan’s superior but even she has the sense to know that blending in is her best bet, so she does her utmost and is respected accordingly. An odd third wheel that somehow adds a subtle but significant amount of gravitas and dignity to the whole gang, a rules and regulations gal but on because her own conduct is examined under a microscope by those higher ups who’d like the can they whole production
Under Harding’s command, as the crews become scarce, there is no discrimination left.
Those Who Can, fly.
Ida Brady goes out each time, if her girls are out so is she, even if the integration she fought for is entirely complete.
When she’s downed two days after the disastrous Munster mission that claimed her brother and Egan, it’s just in time, she’s needed on the ground by her girls who’d been lost earlier
Going ahead and tagging in case anyone is interested in this wack list of headcanons ha
MOTA taglist, I only have one so ignore if this is not the universe you signed up for:
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