#not cause i think i'll be banned just out of the fact that while i am more confident in my appearance im still very insecure
inky-goddess · 3 months
fuck it. transition timeline face reveal.
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Transmasc Nonbinary transition timeline. not on hrt yet. I finally feel confident enough in my appearance to make a face reveal and transition timeline so i decided to make them the same post.
First picture of me is from I think 2015 or 2016, second picture was taken today.
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ameraincandy · 6 months
💗 𝒱𝟣𝓇𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝒻𝓇𝒾♡𝓃𝒹❣ ! 💗
Synopsis: What is it like for your favorite characters to have a streamer girlfriend? /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
Characters: Modern C.E.O. Yae miko & Rival streamer Scaramouche.
!tw!: NSFW under the cut, mentions of established relationships, special toys, and head. (Ifykyk) mostly wholesome though.
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Occasionally, Miko didn't have a problem with you being a streamer. In fact, she's the one that suggested it since she knew your potential of being one, some may call it her scouting skills for talent. So with the use of her..."persuasion" , you finally caved in to her with a shaky sigh as you've begun to use one of the many expensive streaming equipment she bought for you. Thanks to miko, you weren't a deadbeat freeloader of a girlfriend to her anymore with the amount of superchats you were receiving! Aside from the fact that most donations came from her though...
NSFW under this!
You let out a quiet whimper as you felt your legs shift uncomfortably against the vibrator that miko had slipped inside you. Per request to a loyal viewer of yours, one of tonight's streams was a gaming stream to a famous horror indie game of their choosing! Despite not favoring horror, you did your best to navigate the game's mechanics... although you missed out on the fact that your girlfriend had that mischievous look in her eyes as soon as you got that donation, tricking you somehow into that punishment of hers...
”T-thank you for the s-super..ah-superchat! Darklord69, yeah! I'll beat this level in no time-ee..time...“
Your voice crooked as you squeezed your legs shut to stop the miniscule of vibrations, praying to god that it won't be obvious to the camera or else you'll be banned for life!
Miko, on the other hand seemed to be enjoying herself as she sat across from behind the monitor, testing the waters by lightly pressing each setting on the remote controlled vibrator....ignoring the way you would shoot panicked glances at her direction, begging...begging for her to stop! Yet to your dismay, Miko would only press a finger to her lips; signaling for you to stay quiet.
”Nnmmp...” But luckily for you, none of your viewers seem to be none the wiser when you took a quick look at the stream's chat box, they probably thought you were just really scared of the game you were playing, not the other absurd fact that you were about to squirt all over the computer screen.
“Fuu-FUCK!~“ you jumped out of your seat with a loud cuss falling head first under your desk after a jump scare was shown, then chat was flooded with several “R.I.P.“'s, “LMAO“'s and ”IS SHE OKAY??"'s messages.
The stream soon ended abruptly after that fiasco. While your girlfriend approached your fucked-dumb state with a grin.
“Enjoyed yourself little one?~ You sure did put on quite a show...“
Miko teased as she knelt down to quiet your pants with a feverish kiss that caused you to let out a guttural moan, her free hand pulled the vibrator outside as white liquid oozes out of your legs..♡
Before you were a well-known streamer, you were a surprise occurrence in Scaramouche's streams at random given times, riling up his viewers as you were known as that mysterious girlfriend of his, adding more to their curiosity by not showing your face and entice them with only the lower half of yourself.
Off-screen however, you would jokingly tease Scaramouche with remarks such as; “The viewer count seems to rise whenever I appear on screen you know?“ chuckling as you show him the cockiest smirk known to man, enabling Scaramouche to give you a sarcastic laugh.
“You brat, who do you think you're talking to huh?“
When he said those words to you, your brain (and cunt) automatically knew that you were in deep shit from the way his fingertips found it's place under your chin, all to just sink his nails in the flesh juust a bit...tilting your head upwards to reveal a condescending smirk.
“Why don't you try being a streamer hm?“
Yet, to Scaramouche's disappointment, your debut as a streamer fared far better than he expected; not soon after your viewer count was rising in numbers, not to mention that bastardly amount of simps that contributed to your boyfriend's dismay. As if karma was going to bite him in the ass, some of your viewers raided his streams chat box with links to your stream instead. Since then, there has been a running joke that you two are each other's mortal enemies.
Don't get him wrong however, despite the petty rivalry you two show on streams together... Scaramouche doesn't hate that you're a streamer. Your boyfriend just dislikes those types of scummy eyes watching his girlfriend's content with obvious unhinged thirst. So he found a way to fix that.
NSFW under this!
Scaramouche didn't know what kind of sick fuck he was with the way he was reeling in the sight of you completely wasted after he spent hours throatfucking you, brashly wiping away the tears that swelled in your eyes from after you attempted to push his shaft down inhumanely deeper than it already was. You can tell that he was about to cum for the 5th time that night with his thrusts getting sloppier and his pace having seemed to vanish.
“H-hah! I've always known you were a whore... honestly I- oooh god..!” Scaramouche gritted his teeth after you unexpectedly flattened your tongue on the tip of his cock, deliciously drenching it in your saliva just as he likes it~
The back of your throat slaps against his cock that elicited a groan to vibrate around him that added a lot more to his pleasure; just before he could spill his seed, he clumsily slipped out in time and forced your mouth open with his fingers, letting out a breathless laugh as Scaramouche coats your pretty face in his cum.
“Ffuuuck...that was amazing haahh..“ Scaramouche lovingly cupped your cheek as he places the stray hair behind your head while catching his breath, he could feel his dick growing hard again by just admiring his bratty girlfriend all over his control, picking you up in his arms to rapidly throw you on the mattress all the while scattering kisses between your thighs as a rushed apology from how much he was going to ruin you tonight. Although what Scaramouche wanted to confess was actually a protest to you continuing streaming...why need hundreds of eyes adoring you when he has been doing so all this time and better? (Not-so-Regretfully) It has been muffled from the amount of orgasms you two had that night, it was probably for the best anyways.
Since you didn't even notice that blinking red light on your monitor the entire time.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
imagine you're just a funny lil imp who does your devilish deeds in a pretty small sphere, just making humans stumble and getting them to drop their coffee or something. it's all you can bring yourself to do, and it's not like you're a renowned imp (or want to become one, either).
since you're not particularly strong, you try to avoid ever getting in contact with any of the high level demons or so, they seem too scary and dangerous after all. except once you happen to meet gemi[ni], thinking them to be a normal demon considering how down to earth they are, you become little pals of sorts, telling them all about the human world and the silly pranks you do. well, once you find out their true identity, you just feel so embarrassed for treating them so casually, you just can't bring yourself to ever see them again, at least for the next one thousand years or so at that.
how would gemi[ni] react?
Shit- How could you make such a careless mistake?
Your friendship began due to a single, faithful accident. One event that could've easily been avoided - had it not been for a mischievous little imp who had yet to get their daily fix of humanly woes.
For a while, you had taken up shop in a shopping center somewhere out in a decently sized city. A wide, open space with plenty of stores and alleys for you to reck havoc in. On that day, your shop of choice happened to be a little comic store huttled in the corner of the mall. You had been the cause of multiple people quitting and the ban of general displays after you knocked them over one to many times, but today you had your eyes on the customers - one in particular to be more precise.
"What do you mean you don't have it?'
You snitch from behind the cash register as the patron in question slams their fist on the table. The cashier flinches in response as they lean in, teeth bared in a snarl.
"I preorder that figure the day it was announced- and you sold it to someone else?!"
You cover your hands over your mouth to prevent yourself from bursting out in laughter, despite the fact that no one could hear you. You thought nothing of this specific person at first. If you got to them, you got to them, but upon hearing them shouting in rage at the cashier you couldn't pass up the opportunity to suck up their misfortune. You weren't even sure what was going on for the most part other than something they wanted was out of stock. It would be such a shame if what they had got happened to get mixed up with another patron's items.
"I'm really sorry about this-" The cashier replies. "we can give you a discount for what you've picked out today."
The customer sighs. "Fine. You're a bunch of incompetent bastards, but I'll take what I can get."
While they pay, you reach into the bag on the counter, and swap its contents with the one to their left. Snickering to yourself, you slip out the front door onto the next location. Sometimes the idea of the reaction was better than seeing the real thing, and the you didn't know how long it would take so it was best not to waste your time when you could pull off more hits.
You don't even turn when your hear a shout. It wasn't like humans could see you, so you were the most unlikely suspect.
A rock hits the ground by your feet.
"I'm talking to you, shrimp."
Fearing the worse, you glance back; locking eyes with the ill-tempered customer. No further conformation needed, you book it; speeding off down the street before they take their first step. You dart into the nearest all, knocking into a few trash cans as you come to a halt. You peak around the corner. With the crowded streets and how fast you were going, they should be far behind and soon a thing of the-
"Nice try."
Spinning on your heels, the previously bumped into cans go flying to the ground as you jump ten feet in the air. The customer stands behind you, tapping their heel against the dirt as they check their nails.
"Took you long enough. I was starting to get bored." They grab you by your shirt collar. "Normally, I'd have squished a bug like you by now, but..."
You squirm under the sharpness of their finger as it drags across your face. It's been so long since you've met another demon that you had completely forgotten your own kinds' scent. You thought they were a little off, but never in a million years did you think they were like you. Given their stature, they had to have some power, but the weakness of their scent led you to believe they weren't that much higher on the class scale than you.
"...this isn't a normal situation." They flick you in the forehead before letting you go as they smirk. "Your little prank let to me getting what I really wanted and seeing the joy you got from it sparked some interest. My other half always tells me I need to interact more with this world, along with people in general- and I believe you'll be the perfect one to help by out."
You swallow your breath. "Do I have a choice?"
They laugh. "You're a class act already. "
And thus began your budding relationship. At first it was just retailing your greatest pranks over desserts, but soon they joined you on your ventures as well. Nothing too crazy, but the occasion push or shove. To make things far, they told you about the hobbies they fancied as well. From video games to comics, they had a vast knowledge on human media, but not so much their people. You would soon find out your new companion's name was Gemi. It rings some bells, but not loud enough for you to recall where you heard the name before.
As much fun as you were having, you started to notice something off from time to time. At random intervals, their brass, and bold persona would be switched for a more timid, antsy one. They also refused to take your hand, despite literally carrying you from danger in the space. Regardless of the personality, they began to grow more hostile to those around when you both took humanly forms. It was unlike anything you had seen with the demon before, but since they were still your loyal friend you had no complaints.
That was- until the day you found out their true face.
You were at a cafe they enjoyed, having just ordered your treats, when you come to find that yours came with a phone number on the bag. Finding it humorous/an opportunity for a new target, you show it off to Gemi with a laugh.
"Hey Jimmy, check it out. I think that cashier wrote his number on here. Funny, right?"
Instead of a finding it funny, Gemi goes quiet. They stay as such the whole time, taking occasional glances at the counter. As someone walks from the back, they excuse themselves while you finish your snack. With them still gone by the time you finished, you get up to look for them. Entering the unlocked bathroom, you find them standing in front of one of the mirrows - and a body in their arms.
"Are you sure about this, my lord?"
Instead of their reflection, the mirror shows a portal to a room with white walls. A shadowy figure stands patiently before them, arms outstretched despite their query. Gemi scowls as they shove the limp human in their arms.
"Yes, but if you really need the both of us to answer- Gemini is the one who suggested this." Their eyes soften as they continue. "I did not! All I said was maybe he needed to take a short- long-term vacation until we had more time to win them over. Ceres will be on our wings if she finds out about this."
"Be quiet- it's my turn today, so you can't speak unless I give you the say so."
The recollection their name comes crashing back to you. The twin Devils, Gemi and Gemini. Combined souls and a third of the fallen ruler of the underworld. Fear creeps up your chest as you realize you've been buddy buddy with one of the most powerful beings in your realm. What did they want with an imp like you? Did they truly value or friendship, or were they only looking to past the time until something better came along? Would they get rid of you after that like the mortal? Maybe you were the one they were win or- and they wanted you to be their pet. You didn't know what was going to be the outcome and you didn't want to find out.
Slipping away beneath the veil of the crowd, you avoided the pair from that day forth. They attempted to contact on the phone you stole a week back, but you chucked it in the streets at the first call. You saw them from time to time in the plaza, but fled before they could spot you. You heard people speaking of a stranger who would demand information on someone with your general appearance, who'd suddenly burst into tears along way through. There was a spot in your heart that missed them, but you valued your safety more.
After a month long hiatus, you were getting back into the groove of pulling your devious tricks. You moved across town to a much smaller, but decently populated area. While going after your next victim, tearing a hole in the plastic bag they caring, you feel the urge to follow them until they noticed. Your venture leads you to an empty street, and you only notice something is off whem the lights start to flicker. The human turns to you. You recognize him.
"I'm sorry.."
As he runs off, a large figure descends from its perch atop a light fixture. They're in their true form, standing over you at over three meters tall. They snatch your arm with the talons of their winged limb; their dozens of eyes full of rage - and grief.
"Where have you been." Gemi hisses. "We both you got hurt. We thought you were dead."
"Please don't kill me!"
Their grimace falls. "Hurt you? Why would we do that?"
"Because I ran. I know I shouldn't have, but I.. I don't want to be your servant!"
Gemi starts at you deadpanned. Their lips slowly curl into a shaky smile as they break out into a full belly laugh. They left you go as they wipe a tear from their eye; face shifting at their other half takes control. You feel the urge to run now that you're free, but something tells you, you shouldn't."
"Oh, Y/...I-.. We'd never see you as below us." Gemi takes the wheel once more. "We love you, you adorable fool. Give our.. condition, we don't agree on much, but we are certain that you are our destined partner. I do tend to have a temper... and steer away from romance so we had trouble pursuing you.
Gemi grabs you with their second pair of limbs, each face taking their turn to kiss your cheeks as they wrap their wings around your smaller frame.
"You are ours, and as ours- you are our equal. We hate to do this, but due to you running away we cannot let you out of our sight again. We promise your punishment will be most pleasurable, before we get started on the wedding plans the following eve."
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celabi · 1 year
The daily conundrum of trying to decide if sex with scummy Scara would be hot or if like bro would nearly bite my nipple or clit off because he tried to give it a light little nip but got to over-eager and just bit way too hard- Him being a raging virgin doesn't fucking help either cause it's like he has no clue what he's doing--
Like bruh I do not think I'd be able to trust him topping in any capacity- Bro would probably be the guy who slips it into the wrong hole halfway through and then just doesn't even notice- If not that, idiot would find a way to break his own dick somehow- Bro probably doesn't even know what lube is (that or he knows and was like "pffft that won't be needed") so his dumbass probably ends up tearing the skin on his dick or worse ends up giving his darling a tear internally-
I don't even think he can be trusted with like masturbating in front of his darling- ESPECIALLY IF THERE'S TOYS INVOLVED- Like tell me this isn't the guy that darling has to call an ambulance for because his dumbass heard them ask him to use a dildo in front of them (without full instruction on how because they just assumed he knew and he didn't say otherwise because he was like "Oh yeah nah I got this") and he managed to get it stuck up there- Like he can't be trusted to do anything sexual on his own accord I fucking swear-
Oh and God forbid darling try to do anything involving BDSM- He'd mess that up even if he was subbing- Unless his darling knows what they're doing well enough to clue in on where to cut things off for him they're probably going to end up with his yes man ass passing out cause they choked him out too hard and he didn't bother to tap out when he should've- That or he ends up being very uncomfortably tied up because he got asked if the rope was too tight and the fucking nobhead, trying to impress his darling on how kinky he is, looked them dead in the eye and was like "Not tight enough"- Dumbass ended up with some real nasty rope burn and a lecture from his darling about how important it is not to go over his limits with this stuff-
AND THAT'S JUST FOR LIGHTER KINKS, GOD FORBID HIS DARLING GETS HIM INTO ANYTHING HEAVIER- Like fuck imagine knife-play/blood-play with his probably anaemic as shit ass???? He'd be a nightmare waiting to happen since he listened to the safe word talk and then decided "I won't be needing that"- Like you educate him thoroughly on his SSC's and he was like "I won't need taht I'll be fine" no the fucking nobhead was in fact NOT fine, he's just so SO stupid
Like he's such a fucking idiot with sex in my head I swear to god, I don't think he can be trusted with anything related to it- Honestly should be banned from sex lmfao- He's an absolute dumbass (affectionate)- He has to stay on them V-plates for a little while longer fr fr though-
OMGMSNSJS NO BECAUSE THIS IS SO TRUE 🤞 he’s so clueless and has no idea what to do, relying only on the porno’s he’s watched but even then, he can’t seem to do what he’s learned (idk he looks like a stuck porn kinda guy so it’s not really working)
Probably tried to finger your clit cause he was that inexperienced 😭
Anyways, after the first couple times with him, he slowly gets the hang of it and just fucks you properly. Ehhhh he’s just sitting there and doing what you say like a good boy 🤭
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arkiwii · 3 months
i am here to cause violence and get you discourse'd. so questions 9, 10, and 13 for the violence ask game, let's start strong lol
Yippee, violence!!!
9. Worst part of canon
whatever the fuck Heart of Surging Flame was. I think I've never cringed so hard at an event. if I keep pretending that it doesn't exist, it will stop existing.
10. Worst part of fanon
reddit users
listen I don't know how to describe this. extremely horny people who will waifufy any female character and reduce her not even to a trait, but to just a walking pair of boobs. I don't mind people having waifus or doing self shipping, don't get me wrong! but I'm talking like. I've seriously seen comics or art of characters like Saria or Kal'tsit going full on tsundere waifu mode "i-it's not that I love you, b-baka dokutah..!!" like how can you fail a character at this point. thank god these people are absent from Tumblr but open Reddit for a bit and count to ten while scrolling, chances are you will end up on some mommy posting or horny art in the spawn of these ten seconds. AND I'm not even gonna talk about characters who are canonically minors because holy fuck
it's not something I consider really bad, like I can easily ignore it, but it emplifies the fact that Arknights is a gacha and really brings shame to me as a fan because I can't talk about how I like a gacha game without being mistaken with these people
13. Worst blorbification
imma ban this question i still dont understand it /j
ok with some comments and seeing other people reply to it I got to understand kinda what it means? so I'll say mmm Exusiai, perhaps. I'm not placed to be Exusiai's Strongest Warrior because honestly, I was in the same bag as the blorboficators until last week. but huge shout-out to @/annierosaart for making me realize how incredibly fucked up Exusiai is. the fanon (and me included for a huge part) shows Exusiai as quite a happy lived go lucky girl who thinks about party and apple pies. which is also pretty much what I understood of her character too when I followed the events she's in and looked at her files! so I can't blame them. but by the Law when you start reading between the lines and put more thoughts into it, her character is extremely sad. for exemple the fact that Everyone in Laterano seems to straight up hate her, that her school celebrated it when she was gone, that rumors about her are so wide spraid that even Archetto is scared of her?? what the fuck girl. to be considered a danger by LATERANO is an achievement that deserves duscussion and a therapist
and also the implication that if Mostima refuses to tell her about Andoian is not only because she's not allowed to, but also because Exusiai would be ready to go hunt this man to hell. and one extremely angry and full of revenge red haired girl is enough, let's not add another one
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wren-writes-things · 3 months
Okay information on the Calamity Trio in my Amphibia TOH AU, because I felt like info dumping and because I've been thinking about the Owl House a lot lately. (Though I will probably post a more polished version of this once I complete some art pages for the AU, and some details may change in between that)
Anne (Luz Equivalent)
She first came to the Boiling Isles with Sasha (trying to find Marcy), only to be separated due to a combination of weird magical forest shenanigans and the start of a conflict brewing between them.
Lived in a forest near the Plantars' home for about a week until Sprig found her.
While she does encounter glyphs very early on she takes a long time to learn them (only actively practicing when it becomes very clear that the Plantars are in trouble).
Before she learns to use glyphs though she instead relies mostly on team work with Sprig and the later on the other witches that she has managed to connect with.
Enters Hexside as a single track student (hasn't fully settled on which track she would go in though). Though she mostly joined because of Sprig.
Sasha (Amity Equivalent)
Following her separation from Anne, she made her way to a Bonesborough.
Immediately she encountered the same issues that Luz of being in a hostile world except without the protection of a powerful witch. Additionally she found herself in conflict with the Emperor's coven. This lead to a strong distrust towards most witches. (Added with the fact that she just isn't a very trusting person overall
An early protection measure that she took was stealing a low power concealment stone to disguise herself as a witch.
Eventually through a series of complicated events ended up in partnership with Head Witch Grime and enrolls in Hexside as a bard track student. She has fairly consistently maintained the role of Top Student since then
Was given a Heron palisman by Grime to assist in falsifying her ability to use magic.
First reunites with Anne at Hexside, with a scheme that leads to Anne being banned from the school. This is later followed by a more tense reunion during the Covention mostly due to Grime and Sprig's involvement.
Marcy (Hunter Equivalent)
Arrived in the Boiling Isles before Anne and Sasha did (though not by much) and through a series of unknown events was found by the Emperor's Coven.
Despite very clearly maintaining her nerdy personality and fascination at pretty much every aspect of the Boiling Isles, her memories of the human realm appear to be completely gone. (The cause of this is complicated because I didn't want to fully go into the Grimwalker route, because... well you may not know this but I like Marcy and I'm not doing that.)
"Artificer Rogue" similar to canon Marcy, and has become incredibly involved with developing and improving on magically infused technology, various gadgets, and potions.
She rarely leaves the castle both due to the requirements of her position and general loyalty to Andrias. If traveling she generally goes with Lady Olivia which brings her to some important events (likely how she reunites with Anne).
Has access to her uncharged phone along with a bag containing some of her belongings.
A few other notes
The equivalent to Witches Before Wizards is an episode in which Anne is tricked into going on a quest to save Marcy and Sasha. And not going to lie a tiny, probably concerning part of me really wants to draw that ending.
Magically infused technology is significantly better developed though still quite rare in this setting. (Reasoning actually had nothing to do with Marcy but was great for establishing her role).
The equivalent to Understanding Willow/Hollow Mind is probably going to involve traveling into Marcy's mind, though I'm still settling on how that will play out
Anyway, this was a really random collection of details. I'll probably update more later, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈
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Batman x Teen!Son!Reader
Requested: Yes
Note: I decided to go with just the two of them doing 'normal' family stuff (Let's be honest tho anyone related or is a part of his family doesn't have normal lol) This turned into more of the whole family than just Batman but I hope you like it anon.
"Hey Bruce do you have the list?" you asked him as you pushed the cart. Today was Alfred's day off and as a result, someone had to go shopping with him since the others would've caused chaos Bruce entrusted you to help him out. "Yep," he responded, pulling his cap more down.
As much as you enjoyed non-vigilante tasks you hated the fact that you had to hide your faces just so that paparazzi wouldn't charge at you in any public spaces or the fact even though you were a teen people felt the right to try and harass you even more than they did with your older siblings.
“Great, what do we have first on the list?” Once he told you the list the both of you continued shopping for stuff, and while everything was going smoothly something just had to ruin it.
“Oh my god is that who I think it is?” A civilian said pointing with her daughter at the both of you, this caused you to freeze up for a second before continuing what you were doing. Bruce noticed this but didn’t comment anything since he didn’t want to bring any more attention to the both of you. Before the lady could try to walk up to the both of you Bruce quickly moved you both in another direction resulting in her losing you both.
Once you finished both the shopping and putting the groceries in the car you sat in the shotgun, just as you were about to put some music on your headphones he stopped you. "How about you play some of those songs you like on here?" He asked. "Um, sure. Do you have anything in mind?" "Not at all, just whatever you want" he replied. You hummed in response and started playing I'll never smile again, this seemed to be of his liking because he nodded in approval and continued driving.
"Hey, Bruce?" "Yeah?" "Can we go to batburger?" "Sure, make sure to call the others and see what they want and let Alfred know as well". You grinned at this and texted the group chat.
[This Chaotic Family]
Me: Hey what do you guys want? Me and B-man are at BatBurger
Get me the Cheesy Bat Combo with a coke! :D :Blue-Bird
In that case, I'll just get my regular :Bucket Head
1 Sweet tea and a Bat Pounder thanks (N/n)! :Computer Legend
I don't mind whatever you get for me will do just fine Master (Y/N)
:Alfred The Wise
Whatever is good as long as it's vegan. :Lil Robin
A coffee and Big bat with fries :Wanna-be Detective
Me: Tim unless you've forgotten you've been banned from coffee for this week...
Fine no coffee just get me a sprite then :Wanna-be Detective
Me: Got it
Dr. Pepper and Bat Burger plz :Cass
Get me a Bat-LT with curly fries :D Oh and Duke wants the same!
:Purple Lady
As you both finished ordering and dropping off the food you both got ready to go on patrol together, as you put on your mask you turned to Bruce who finished putting on his cowl. He nodded towards the Bat-mobile and you entered the passenger seat.
You jumped from building to building using your grappling hook to get to the farther ones, Bruce was nearby but was doing his own patrol just like you. You finally landed next to him and waited for Oracle or someone to let one of you know of anything going down. While you'd normally get a bunch of people and places you needed to help it seemed tonight was less busy, and that was true for most of the patrol before you heard Batman himself talking to someone. You turned to him, leaned on the wall, and waited. After a little while, he responded. "On my way. Let's go"
"You needed me, Gordon?" Batman asked. Gordon hadn't seen you yet and you wanted to see just how long it'd take. "Ah yes, thank you, Batman. We have a case that neither my detectives nor me myself can solve." He showed him a file that read as classified. "Arnold Wesker? what does he want?" You asked from behind. "AH! Oh, it's you, hey kid" Gordon responded. "And yeah it's him, says he wanted to speak to Batman himself, no idea why but he won't tell us". You sighed at this, as nice of a guy as he was his puppet was extremely annoying to deal with, even if they've been separated again they somehow always manage to get back together.
While Batman was talking with Wesker you waited outside of the room and started tossing a coin left to right, the loud clinking noise caught some of the guards' attention. At first, they didn't say anything but after a while, one of them asked to try it and you tossed them it. Most of the guards failed but it seemed to brighten up their day slightly getting to try something new out. When the Bat himself returned he saw one of the guards attempt to pass the coin to the other side and fail miserably. When the guard noticed they slowly went to pick it up and apologized quietly.
Once that whole ordeal was done and the patrol was over you both got back to the manor and started getting ready for movie night. A common tradition in the manor and a welcomed one after Alfred suggested it as a way for all of you to spend quality time.
"So what are we watching?" Damian asked as he petted Alfred, the cat. "I don't know isn't it Dicks turn to pick?" You responded, sitting next to Cass and passing her the popcorn, to which she smiled in gratitude. "Today, my children we are watching Master Chief!" Dick answered in a mock British accent. "Dude your accent sucks!" Jason laughed. Laughter and giggles filled the room with even Bruce himself laughing a bit at the accent.
After a few episodes all of them were fast asleep, some on top of the others and others laying on their back, you laying your head on Bruce's shoulder. Alfred walked into the sight and smiled. He saw all of you as one of his own and seeing all of you relaxed and getting some rest brought him some joy. He covered each of you in blankets and took a picture of you all together.
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
You know what, I'll admit a thing about being anti-tulpa. While yes, I do stand by the claims of cultural appropriation and colonialism and that people much more formally educated on the topic can put out there - and that yes, as a Buddhist, it is so infuriatingly clownish to correlate "western Tulpamancy" with Buddhism as they are almost opposites in sheer principle.
But ya know, the gaslighting of 'all the anti-tulpas don't actually care about it being cultural appropriation and just HATE endos' whenever someone - like me - speaks up about it actually gets to me as a part enough so that the system TYPICALLY bans me from arguing or talking about people on it
And ya know what? I'm gonna declaw it cause I just realized the only reason it gets to me is cause there is a grain of truth in it and to be fair, I haven't been 100% honest and direct with my feelings on the topic in the guise of being 'formal' about it. Yes I do care and think Tibetian Buddhists and Buddhism should be protected and what not, and yes this and that - none of that is facetious or a lie
But the truth is, it's not what I'm actually mad about. Its not the real reason this pisses me off, but you know what? The REAL reason is not irrelevant.
I'm just tired as fuck of white people taking all sorts of Asian culture and fetishizing it and turning it into some kind of joke then running around acting like its okay in the slightest or calling it "cultural exchange" when REALLY its just "hey look at this mystical Asian culture and how we can have our fun with it!!!!".
I'm TIRED of white people looking at eastern cultures and AAPI saying the way they interact with it is disgusting, uncomfortable, and kinda gross and them going "um ACTUALLY"
I'm TIRED of people entirely ignoring the constant and regular racism, disregard, prejudice, hate and fetishism of Asians and Asian culture in America SPECIFICALLY in regards to Asian Americans and think its their place to talk over them
I'm TIRED of Asian and Eastern cultures being treated like a joke and a "not REALLY POC" or like we aren't marginalized or structurally taken advantage of or have a history of white people fucking us over historically enough for 'not racist people' white to feel uncomfortable debating what is and isn't harmful to us. And the best thing is? 95% of them don't know the first LICK of the fucking atrocities done to our cultures.
I'm TIRED of being the side tangent and the Gotcha point - I'm TIRED of people looking at ONE person on ONE reddit who had ONE opinion and saying they define the ENTIRE POPULACE cause of course.
I'm TIRED of people assuming everyone is Chinese and that everyone who is Chinese supports the CCP
I'm TIRED of people assuming we weren't fucked over by the CCP
I'm TIRED of people not understanding the nuance that while all Asians and cultures in Asia are different that it doesn't mean disrespect to one part doesn't in turn affect others - ESPECIALLY in America and ESPECIALLY from white people.
I'm TIRED of the 'you aren't X enough to have a say on this'.
I'm TIRED of deep personal things rooted in deep history being made into a fun game and community for white people.
I'm TIRED of white people interacting with our cultures and I VERY much understand why my family and my ancestors all fucking wanted nothing to do with White Westerners cause yall (generalizing this to be 'westerners who are a piece of shit, you know who you are') are fucking ridiculous assholes of clowns
I'm TIRED of it and the fucking audacity yall fucking have.
I'll admit it.
Tibetian Buddhism and Tibetian Buddhist culture is not what I'm actually mostly mad about. I'm NOT actually mostly mad about how a thing I value and treasure is turned into a fucking joke that is the opposite of its original meaning while being toted around as a "cool and quirky esoteric fact about the history of this subculture predominantly run by white people and started by a white person"
You are all right on that.
I'm actually just upset on the quiet and inherent SEVERE sinophobic macro and microaggressions that inherently plague the discussion with every pro-"tulpa-term" I've talked to save for like, literally ONE who is ACTUALLY raised understanding more about Buddhism and has my respect.
I'm just tired of me and my culture and my related cultures being turned into a fucking ornament for white people.
That's it. Getting that off my chest.
Call that a conflict of interest or call that valid, I don't care.
White people can reblog, but be a fucking clown piece of shit and I'm fucking blocking you.
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 40
It doesn't feel like 5 minutes ago that I started this drama. It's so very bingeable.
It's been a real journey. None of this has been what I expected beyond the very basic concept of 'it's a drama about esports'. There have been so many wonderful surprises. There are characters that I hated that I now love, characters that I loved that I now love even more, and more ships than I ever expected to ship.
While I'm at it I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has popped up in the replies to my posts or in my asks to either answer my questions or just yell about their favourite characters. I can tell this drama (and the novel and donghua) are so well loved and liveblogging this has really felt like a community experience. Thank you for not laughing at all the stuff I got wrong and for not making fun of me for shipping everyone. It's really been so wonderful and I almost don't want to press play on the final episode because I don't want it to be over.
But I need to see what happens so let's go!
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Ah, okay. I misunderstood what happened at the end of the last episode. I thought they'd lost the game but no they could still win they just didn't have enough points to win the championship.
Is there going to be some loophole like the whole 'oh the ref's watch broke so actually you won'
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HAHA! I fucking knew it! They got an extra two points for beating a league record. Because apparently that is a rule that has never been mentioned until now.
Eh, whatever. There was a nice moment with the fans before the found out they'd won
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Ye Xiu finally gets the hug that he's needed since episode 1
Good lord how is there 30 minutes left? What's going to happen now that they've won?
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God I hope Sun Xiang punches him
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Except of course he won't because he's all grown up now. Also, typically it's the coaches/managers that get fired when a team does badly. I hope he gets booted
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Love Shaotian dragging Wenzhou to his feet so he can cheer
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Remember when their entire fanbase was just this guy. I'm definitely not crying at all
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Look at that little half smile. He's grown so much considering they only lost on a technicality. I do think he's at least a little bit happy for Ye Xiu as the better player (for now)
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GDI I can't believe I'm crying over Sun Xiang AGAIN
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LOL remember when I thought he was going to be the antagonist of the drama when I watched the first episode. How wrong I was
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Haha yes let's have a little joke about the time when I nearly banned you for life in the middle of an important game and caused your team to lose as a result
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I have in no way been thinking about writing some King's Avatar fic with one based on the fact that Ye Xiu passes out after one drink
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HAHA! Mo Fan pretended to pass out too so he doesn't have to talk to anyone. He is such a mood
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Oh shit! I did not see that coming!
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Oh no he looks so sad to see his former team like this, and it's understandable. He built that team from the ground up and put so much time and work into making them the legends they were
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Yes, good. Baozi is cuddling one of his boyfriends as he should
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Ah, yay, I'd forgotten about the team graphic. Time to add one more person right before the end
And finished! That was wonderful! Definitely in my top 5 dramas that I've watched this year. Might even be the number one, actually. I definitely should have watched that years ago when people first told me to give it a try. But, you know, I firmly believe you find things when you were meant to find them. Now was good.
I'll be starting a new drama tomorrow. If you were just here for my King's Avatar posts it's been lovely to have you. If you're sticking around for other liveblogs I'll see you tomorrow for more yelling :D
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bluberimufim · 9 months
IT'S TIME!!! IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR THE RANT ABOUT 19TH-CENTURY PORTUGUESE URBANISM!!!! (@kingkendrick7 mentioned they were interested a While ago and who am I to withhold information about my Interests)
I'll be focusing exclusively on the city of Porto in northern Portugal because it's what I studied in my Anthropology class. And also: disclaimer! I'm translating all the names of the things from Portuguese so if it sounds weird, yeah, that's why.
The Industrial Revolution in Portugal created a very weird relationship between work and personal life due to the way the cities were planned. Basically, the people who worked the factories, and even the owners, lived extremely close to their place of work - and I mean they were pretty much neighbours. The factories were also built in the city centre itself. This is much more similar to the work-life relationship of rural areas than any model existing in normal cities.
There was, at this time, a strange impasse when it came to building housing. Porto specifically is known for having extremely thin and deep plots of land in the oldest parts of the city - I'm talking 5 by 100m (approx. 16 by 328ft). No house is gonna be that deep, so there's always about 80 to 70m of backyard.
Workers were paid extremely low wages. Like, so low they couldn't afford housing anywhere. So the factory owners would ✨selflessly✨ give up their backyards and build housing for their workers.
Can we just take a moment to think about how absurd this is? Like. Imagine taking pity on your employees for being poor. My brother in Christ, WHO DO YOU THINK IS MAKING THEM POOR?
Anyway, this new type of housing is called an Island. Its name comes from the fact that it's an "island" of low-income housing in a semi-rich neighbourhood.
Basically, an Island is a long exterior corridor with tiny houses on one or two sides and communal bathrooms at the end. Here's a picture:
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The way this worked is that the owners of the big, street-front house would open a passage on the ground floor that could be fully closed wuth a gate. This kept the Islands invisible and, thus, out of the city hall's jurisdiction, since they can only legislate on what is visible from street level.
Here's an irl picture of an Island today:
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Btw they tried solving this problem bt building houses from scratch but they realuzed that workers' wages were so low that just adding plumbing would make a house unaffordable. Yeah...
Porto currently stands as the European city with the most recent outbreak of the Bubonic Plague, in 1899. This is because Islands had such poor hygenic conditions that it re-kindled the Black Plague epidemic. Just so you can kinda picture what level of "horrible" this whole thing is.
Here's a quote by David Moreira da Silva about the Islands that I translated from French:
"Housing, essential organ of the city, offers us in Porto obe of the most miserable and tragic displays and one of the grave causes that greatly contribute to the huge mortality that is constant. We say, justly, that Porto as a city is the vastest cemetery in Europe."
(Parallel to this there was also the "Sleep Business", which consisted of renting places to sleep. The main two were sub-renting, in which you rented a place to sleep and paid by the hour, and the Rope, in which you rented a piece of rope to lean on while sleeping. Thought it might be interesting to add.)
I'm not mentioning as we go because it'd be exhausting, but backlash was VERY strong every step of the way. Doctors were warning against living conditions in the Islands and city hall was trying to pass laws banning these types of buildings by extending their jurisdiction deeper into the city's plots of land. But they were unsuccessful.
They tried to propose a rehabilitation of the Islands in the early 20th century but their inhabitants basically responded with "Please tear our houses down and make us new ones somewhere else. The Islands are unsalvageable".
The whole factory work-life thing ended with the fascist dictatorship, which reorganized the city centre, but there's still plenty of people living in Islands today.
To this day, the Islands stand as a warning of what rampant capitalism does to people when left unchecked. But that doesn't stop tone-deaf bourgeois pricks from romanticizing them.
This has been a rant. I hope you enjoyed it <3
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razzamult · 7 months
insert witty title
Being an ally is a interesting thing, growing up in a conservative family i've often wondered where my unconscious biases are, how do i spot them if i'm not conscious of them? How do I learn what I need to unlearn? For me, it's been a journey. I got into queer communities via furry twitch during the pandemic (and yes, i'll wear the Furry label). 2020 was one of the times ever. we all wanted some form of interaction with people even if it was just to know that other people still existed and we weren't living out some 'book of eli' lone survivor scenario. Being stuck at home, the obvious answer was the internet, but reading text posts on reddit & news articles doesn't have that same level of interaction....and then i found twitch. ooooh....i can pet the furry streamer....and chat with them.....and this is ticking boxes in very weird ways....learning what 'parasocial' means....it was a wild ride (and still is)! Part of this was joining discord communities and getting to know people a bit better, and as someone who had just come into those communities who didn't understand a lot of queer culture and history and just wanted people to hang out with while the world burned down outside my door....it was scary! was I going to say something wrong? do something wrong? offend someone? what if i get banned?
Obviously that didn't happen, and the communities i joined were actually great places, warm & welcoming, gave people room to explore & understand, we shared memories and created new ones together. But I wanted to do better than that, I wanted to understand better what terms like enby and ace meant, terms I hadn't heard growing up or in school, I'd seen the terms on the internet in the past, but never had cause to look into it myself at the time. Learning is a dangerous thing, you discover things that challenge you, asking you to question your beliefs and preconceptions, but I knew if i wanted to be a better ally I needed to learn some things, challenge myself to understand and embrace it (whatever the answer is). so i started buying books. It was extremely convenient that at the time there happened to be an lgbtqia+ bookshop next to the train station where i was working, picked up a few things, understood some terms better, got a better handle on some ideas, asked some discord friends to clarify some terms. Then i bought this:
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I'd seen people use the aroace tag on discord and twitch and wanted to learn more and I WAS NOT PREPARED TO READ A BOOK ABOUT ME. Ok, so i've been single my whole life, and never felt like dating, and don't want to have sex, and there was one point where i was wondering if I could RP with a fursona....but that whole concept just ended up feeling way too weird and never got onto the runway and basically exploded in the hanger... I wasn't ready to find out that I was part of the A in LGBTQIA+, I was supposed to be an ally not an allee?....is that even a word??....i decree this is a word. After the initial bout of confusion and wtf-ness, i've come to accept the label, it doesn't change who i am, but i does help myself & others to understand me better. I'm still pondering microlabels, leaning toward aegosexual (unless i find an even better match), but happy to live under the a-spec umbrella.
Learning is scary! you can find out that you were wrong for your whole life, that you're not in fact weird or broken in some way for not "getting" relationships like so many others, but that you are in fact perfectly fine. Finding out that i'm part of the queer community really highlights how i see other people's actions toward it....I get it now, maybe i don't get "all" of it still, but I do get a lot more of it. It's given me a lot to think about. So thank you furry twitch for giving me the space to learn about myself, and thank you Sarah & Kayla for the awesome book!
I'm an aroace ferret and that's ok! and yes, i do like garlic bread.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
youtube though it would be real funny to show me a love hotel that has a room modeled to look like the inside of a train car (the very same train you take to get there, in fact) and i think the algorithm is mocking me. god help emmet's s/o if he finds out about it, unless he just decides the real thing is a lot better lmao
Express Train
guess what you get anon!!!
cw: 18+ content, AFAB reader, mirror sex,
Minors DNI
“What is wrong with you, Emmet?" you groaned as he dragged you along. Work was supposed to be tiring, but it seemed something had got into his head during the day and drove him into a frenzy. His head turned to look at you with a cheeky smile and strange eyes. A finger came to his lips in a 'shushing' motion as he continued to lead you to a more unsavoury part of the city. People lingered around outside certain hotels, talking with another. Whispers about prices and how long were shared amongst the pairs. Emmet snickered at them as he brought you into a certain hotel.
Did he seriously want to have sex in a love hotel? You supposed the Subway Boss would do it just about anywhere, so why you were doubting his commitment to a place like this was beyond you. His pale eyes scanned a panel of rooms before he tapped a specific one. Motioning you along, you stood side by side in the elevator. The metal doors opened, and an arrow guided you to your room with a flashing number. Emmet entered the room, revealing the insides to you.
A train.
The room was modelled after a train.
“Seeing as Ingo banned us from fucking on the train, I looked into solutions,” he sat down on the bench, dropping his briefcase at his side, “Mmm no ambience or slight movements. Sad.” Your eyes gazed around the room. A giant mirror reflected you both, while signs imitating warnings and cautions were edited into perverse versions of themselves. You squeaked when the twin pulled you on to his lap to face the mirror. His head rested on your shoulder while his hands groped at your body. You stared at his actions, seeing how your face contorted when he pressed at a sensitive area.
His hand slipped into your shorts while his fingers rubbed through your panties and in between your folds. You watched as your face became flustered, and a slight groan left you. Lips pressed kisses at your neck before turning into light nips. A finger swirled around your clit while you felt yourself growing more and more aroused. Emmet was always straight to the point, whether it be in conversation, battle, or sex. Teeth dug harshly into your neck, causing you to squeak. He pulled his mouth away, leaving trails of saliva and irritated skin in its wake. You watched all this in the mirror.
His hand removes itself from your shorts as he brought the fingers into his mouth to lick off any residue. They are moved to rest behind your head as he leans into your ear. “Darling, would you suck me off?” he whispered, hot breath fanning against your ear. You slid off his lap on to the metallic floor below. His legs moved away from one another, knees beside either of your shoulders. You jumped when he placed his hat was placed on your head. “Keep my cap on your head, or I'll punish you,” he cooed. Your hands quickly undid his belt and button, revealing his white briefs below. The band was slid under his cock, revealing it to be half-hard. Your hand pumped it a few times while his hand increased pressure on his hat. As soon as you felt he was ready enough, you held it straight to run your tongue along the underside.
A soft whine left him as you moved to swirl around his cock head. You take more of his length into your mouth. His hand helps guide you as he groans from the contact. The brim of his hat hit his stomach as his cock hit the back of your throat. Your nose was tickled by the fluff of his pubes. Gazing up at him, you saw his grin pull back just enough on the side with reveal his canines. A pink dusted his cheeks while his fingers dug into the hat.
“You should see yourself in the mirror,” he cooed, “Such a pretty sight. My adorable lover between my legs, sucking my cock.” You begin to bob your head up and down while his length was covered in your spit. His eyes darted between you and the mirror, clearly in enjoyment of both views. You kept going until you felt his cock begin to throb. Emmet's soft groans turned into loud whines as brought a hand to play with his balls. Shoved down to the base of his dick, you felt him tense before cumming. His hand released you, and you pulled yourself from his cock. A string of saliva connecting you to it still, cum swallowed.
A giggle resounded from Emmet. “My darling… Please grab one of the handles and face the mirror again after… you feellike you can…” he panted, clearly a bit overwhelmed from his orgasm. His hat was still heavy on your head, but a bit tilted. Moving it around correctly, you watched as he got up. He walked into the proper part of the room and grabbed a few things, beeps ringing out. A water bottle was in his hand as he returned. It was quickly downed to the halfway point, before he offered it to you. You gladly took a drink from the bottle.
Feeling a bit better, you decide to do what he asked and grabbed the handle. It felt sturdy in your hand, fully able to support your weight. Emmet slithered in behind you and began to strip off your clothing, leaving you bare to watch yourself in the mirror. His hands glided down the sides of your body before groping at your thighs. Watching and feeling made the sensation so much more than it would normally be. Emmet laid kisses along your back. You felt yourself growing wetter from his actions while you gripped the handle tighter. Eventually, he pulled away.
His briefcase was taken from the floor and placed on the seat. The latches were popped open, and he dug through the bag until something was pulled out. A bright yellow battery vibrator was in his hand. He tested the controls, which made a buzzing noise emanate before he returned to you. You squeaked when his fingers ran through your folds a few times, pressing against your clit and swirling around your entrance. Once he seemed satisfied, the toy was pressed to your clit and flicked on to a low setting. Your knees buckled slightly from the pressure, but his hand grabbed your face and made you watch your expressions. The setting was turned up. Your face contorted while you bit your lip. A heat began to spread in your belly. The yellow toy shined so obviously between your legs that you flustered. Emmet's other hand pressed two fingers into your entrance. You moaned as the toy's intensity grew worse while he pressed it harder. His fingers scissored you open. You watched it all with an opened mouth.
You came suddenly and with a loud cry. Emmet peppered kisses on your back as he caught your body before you crashed to the ground. He pulled into his lap on the seating again. Your brain buzzed with pleasure so much that you barely caught the feeling of his hardened dick poking against you. The water bottle was brought to your lips as you downed it greedily. Some split from your lips and the cool water dripped onto your heated body. It was removed and placed on the floor while Emmet began to rut up against you, causing you to moan lightly.
It wasn't long before you both moved onto the main attraction, your legs were split apart to have you watch as his cock entered you. You whined as you watched your body stretch and swallow his length into you, the feeling mixed with being speared open. He bottomed out and you felt full. Emmet cooed at the sight. “Your body always takes me verrrry excitedly," he teased, “Does it crave my dick? Do you want it as much as I do? I knew you were just like me.” The Subway Boss began to thrust up into you, watching as his dick entered and left you over and over again. His words caused you to shudder in pleasure.
You did like it, like he did. All his weird kinky shit was just as fun for you as it was for him. Every little impromptu bondage session and semi public quickie that left you both satiated but wanting more. Even now, being fucked in a love hotel room modelled after a train, you found yourself loving every second. His dick stretched you perfectly, hitting a sensitive spot inside you with practised precision. Your back arched as you saw your eyes shoot wide and mouth lull open to moan. Emmet flicked a nipple while his other hand brought the vibrator back between your legs.
“Honey, look how you’re practically pulling me in!” he cooed, “Doing it on a train always makes you verrrrrry horny for me doesn’t it?” You began to bounce a little to help everything, just to get closer to cumming. He was not wrong. The train sex was always exciting. A thrill ever present that someone could walk in and catch you two in the act. You threw your head back to groan as he pounded up into you, hitting your cervix. Between his actions and the vibrator, you came hard, walls clenching around his cock.
He made it a few extra thrusts before spilling inside you, heat coating your walls. You both collapsed against the seating in panted breaths. The vibrator was pulled away from your clit as you shifted to nuzzle into Emmet's chest. He hugged you tightly, peppered a few kisses to your cheeks.
The two of you were dressed as you left the building inconspicuously. No one had any idea that Subway Boss Emmet and his partner had gone in for a wild time in the train themed room. His hand held yours as he guided you to a restaurant that apparently served the best pie he had ever eaten. You chuckled at him.
“Oh, I think it's a nice room. Would fail a safety check, though,” Emmet commented while you both waited for seating, “It's a nice substitute until Ingo lifts the ban. I miss the train noises.”
“Of course you do, Em,” you laughed.
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
kind of just a lurker in syscourse, one with a very strange, vaguely spiritual presentation of plurality. but I don't understand everyone's major beef with you. literally will see people like "I'll argue with anyone but Sophie she is the devil irl ( `□´)" while your responses are always well thought out and polite. @ sysmeds what are yall so afraid of?
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We don't typically use you& pronouns for ourselves, but I don't mind at all. 😊
I would think that referring to anti-endos as a hate group multiple times might have something to do with it...
If it weren't for the fact that I didn't start that until several months after the mass false reporting campaign that got my account temporarily banned. (Me changing tactics and labeling them a hategroup wasn't retaliation, but it sure made it easier.)
I think the issue is little more than being a vocal pro-endo who stands my ground.
I've always been involved in syscourse, I found sources that support my point of view, and I refuse to capitulate when anti-endos try to invalidate and dismiss them. That's all it really takes to garner their hatred.
And in truth, I'm not really interested in rehabilitating my image with them. People can think what they want about me, and passionate hatred of me can be more useful for helping to spread my message than pure apathy, so why waste time and energy trying to change their minds.
I'm not going to be the devil they think me to be.
But I'm also not going to go out of my way to convince them that I'm not the devil when that perception causes so many to check out my blog and actually listen to what I'm saying who otherwise might not have even heard of me.
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i think beastars would've worked way better if the desire to eat the meat of herbivores by hunting them down and killing them wasn't inherent to all carnivores and wasn't this like... weird uncontrollable urge. as a story that muses on what would happen if an animal society with parallels to ours existed, its an interesting concept but it falls apart -really- fast when people attempt to compare it to the racial dynamics of our reality (the author heavily advises against this, but I think it's a significant issue if people continue to think of it this way regardless of her intent). and it also falls apart when considering something like harm reduction and rehabilitation. with the latter point i would chalk that up to an issue of execution and lack of understanding on the author's part
god this post is so much longer than I thought it'd be uhhh
carnivores viewing herbivores as a potential food source is something that's considered inherent to being a carnivore. Not the craving for meat or adequate sustenance, but viewing another sentient living being as food which i think is a significant difference. It's treated as a matter of fact within the text and isn't disputed in any real way. In fact, a lot of the really ... "questionable" (understatement) societal dynamics are presented as like. just being the way things are with characters accepting it without any real heavy objection to it in some instances (there is a specific story in beast complex I'm thinking about right now). Haven't even touched upon the gender bioessentialism but maybe I'll get to that in another post
There's a strange sort of Both Ways dynamic between carnivores and herbivores where herbivores have the significant disadvantage in physical strength but outnumber carnivores by a large margin. Herbivores are also significantly more represented in some career prospects while carnivores have to follow social rules to be as non-threatening as possible. (As a note female carnivores are presented as straight up not being as dangerous or aggressive as the male ones. and while there are ones that predated on herbivores they're portrayed as mentally unwell or manipulative, or in some cases their predation has a twinge of sexuality to it... male carnivores generally are portrayed with a bout maliciousness in their predator instincts until they receive treatment and "go back to normal")
Let me summarize what I think wouldve been far more interesting to consider: how punitive justice doesn't work to prevent crime and doesn't stop people from repeating crimes, how people who lack resources are driven to desperation and how that can enable them to commit violent acts, how oppression isn't born out of fear of the oppressed group but rather a means of seeking domination over the oppressed group.
I really hesitate to put carnivores in the role of an oppressed group and with what i can gather from beastars I'm starting to think that was avoided on purpose, but I'd have to reread it in order to give a better analysis
I think it'd be interesting overall if the issue was that carnivores aren't getting enough sustenance and in turn are quite malnourished. Maybe they didn't eat meat of herbivores but instead the meat of non-sentient fish, but that was viewed as a slippery slope that leads to eating herbivores. Stuff like synthetic meat or anything resembling meat (and like the manga, stuff like bugs not counting) was banned. So even though fish meat would be a worthwhile option to consider, it is still illegal due to moral views despite the illegality causing far more damage to society as a whole. This could Still be like, not ideal in a story sense I feel like but as beastars exist right now it's much more concerning
I've read the entire manga and yes I know fish meat was considered a solution at the end but the whole thing was so fuckin flimsy that it felt like a bandaid solution to the problems that were portrayed in the beginning
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plaindangan · 1 year
Miu! The always forgotten best girl! How about making a machine that lets you know how much pervy a person is in %… and exposing the fact you’re the biggest perv in school! Except you’re not.
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
"Not a bad idea!! Those other sluts think they're so sneaky and clever by hiding their dirty sides! I'm gonna show everyone just how much hypocritical they really are!!!" she declared and spent the next few nights building her latest contraption. When she finished it, she proudly began showing it off in Hope's Peak.
"Gyahaha! Witness whores and horndogs!! To the one and only Lewd Rate-inator! Just one click with this baby and it'll instantly analyze just how much of a freak you guys are!! Now, whose up fi-!!" Unfortunately, when Miu tried to walk closer to her peers, she had tripped over her feet a bit. Thus, resulting in a situation where she frantically began trying to catch her new invention. And while she succeeded...
"PERVCENTAGE...68%!" It also rated her first, causing snickers to come from out in the crowd and Miu blushing in full embarrassment.
"H-h-heeeeey!! What gives!? Not even a 69%!?" Turning to the crowd she, pointed the rater and locked on target to the likes of Kirumi. "Alright, let's see how you like being laughed at now!!"
Kirumi sighed and tried to gesture for Miu to put that rater down. She can see nothing good coming from this. "Miu, this is completely immature. There are other ways to spend you ti-" "PERVCENTAGE....71%!!"
"..." Almost instantly did Kirumi's face go from annoyed to full on cold rage as she glared at Miu. When this is over, perhaps another 'punishment' under Kirumi's ass would do her some good. But Miu was too preoccupied at the moment for another thing...
"What the actual Hell!? That's bullshit, how did you out lewd me!? This can't be right." Looking about the crowd she suddenly spotted Chihiro. "R-right! No one way a shrimp like you could-!" "PERVCENTAGE...84%!!" Quickly going red in the face, overwhelmed by the newfound public pressure, Chihiro ran off (with those like Mondo or Taka soon after to comfort the poor guy).
"Fuckin' how!? This can't be a constant thing!!" In utter frustration, Miu turned her rater at the remaining students, pressing the trigger again and again in hopes of finding someone there that she beat out in terms of perversions...buuuut!~
Angie! 96%! ("Nyahahaha!~ Quite the accurate thing!~")
Byakuya Togami! 88% ("You'll be hearing from my lawyers...")
Chisa Yukizome! 90% ("...Detention...detention for a full month!")
Hiroko Hagakure! 94% ("...Hm? I'm heading to a PTA meeting, but cool I guess..."")
Yasuke Matsuda! 69%! ("There is no neurologist in the world that can help that shitty mind of yours.")
Kyoko Kirigiri: 92% ("...Once this is over, I'll be doing a thorough search of your lab to confiscate everything that allowed this machine to be built)
Maki Harukawa! 78% ("...You're going to die.") Sakura Oogami! 95% ("...")
Mikan Tsumiki!.....Er....ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERR-!!!!
With good grip and a strong toss into the wall, Sakura had utterly destroyed the machine, much to everyone's relief and Miu's initial complaints. But she immediately shut her trap after she began to, finally, notice the entire student body glaring at her. Looking down at the lewd inventor, Sakura gave a stern look...which in her case is equivalent of seeing Death for anyone else. "You'll comply with what happens next, correct?"
Whimpering, all the inventor could do was nod submissively. From there, an entire raid of Miu's lab occurred. Blueprints and prototypes related to her pervy rate were ultimately destroyed and Miu herself received quite the scolding and ban from her workshop for her stunt...
Well, that and some 'extra punishment' from the few who wanted Miu to really see why they were pervier than her. Especially the likes of a certain artist or nurse...but that's something for another time!~
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skadren · 2 years
So you're really going with the "I'm a fandom blog so rampant bigotry on tumblr isn't my problem" excuse? Would it kill you to just go over to r4cs0's blog, confirm there is bigotry being posted and submit one report to tumblr? Like I said, I understand you obviously don't care about his homophobia and other right-wing nonsense. But would [insert your favorite FF7 character here] stand by and do nothing if they found out some baby boomer was shooting wolves from a helicopter? Think about it.
ok i was gonna block you anon but assuming on the off-chance this is actually a good faith attempt at a crusade to get this dude banned from tumblr let's use this as... a learning opportunity. yeah
you didn't ask me to submit a report; you sent me a very accusatory and leading message asking for my uninformed opinion on a "controversy" about a person i've never heard of before in my life while on anon so i had no way of verifying your intentions or credibility. i didn't even know you meant some random dude on tumblr until you said so here
assuming what a person does or doesn't care about isn't going to make them charitable to your cause. if you looked two seconds at my blog before slamming into my ask box you'd know very well what my stance on "right-wing nonsense" is. i'm not sure what to make of your implication that animal rights are inherently more important than human rights so i'll just... leave that here
i hate to break it to you but getting someone kicked off tumblr does not, in fact, stop them from hypothetically shooting wolves from a helicopter in real life. that typically takes law enforcement and more evidence than "look this up i swear it's real"
yes, what other fully grown adults choose to post on tumblr or any other online space is not my responsibility. it isn't yours either. if you see someone say something that makes you uncomfortable, block them and report it and move on. i get that it's scary and angering and you want to be able to exert some sort of control over the situation, but you'll have a much healthier relationship with the internet if you accept there are some things you can't change
my own learning opportunity is that i should have just blocked you on the first ask instead of responding lmao
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