#my day
skwpr · 9 months
Incredibly Healthy Habits For Students
The most commonplace advice on good habits for students. This crucial component of a healthy relationship is not to be overlooked.
1. Don’t over-stuff your backpack.
Unless a professor tells the class to bring a textbook – keep that thing at home/in your dorm. Also, try not to carry too much with you anyway. At most I have a spiral or two, my computer. It’s not only unnecessary, but it’s heavy. It wears you down over time just adding stress and annoyance that you don’t need.
2. Work out every week.
Finding time to run a mile or two, play some basketball, or lift weights is important. It was a huge stress reliever for me and it also made me happier.
3. Stop Putting Things Off.
You know you should be finishing homework instead of going out every night. The crazy thing is, we ALL KNOW what we should be doing. But a lot of us still don’t get anything done. I’m in awe of the number of times I have put off studying or reading. However, every time I come to the simple conclusion that getting it done in the beginning is waaaaaay easier than trying to finish the task later.
4. Socialize.
Involvement in college is a spectrum. One extreme includes hobbits who stay in their dorm or apartment all day and the other includes social butterflies who are out on the town every night having fun with friends. Your goal is to find a happy medium. You don’t want to be closed off but you also want to interact with people every once in a while.
For me, this was the hardest part. I do not like to make acquaintances, but for myself I decided that it would be useful. I stepped out of my comfort zone.
5. Eat Healthier.
This is the most predictable advice I can give you. What you put in your body matters.
6. Drink more water.
Drinking water is one of the most essential healthy habits for students.
7. Know When To Say NO.
If you get your work done first, you will have time to have fun without any grief or regrets.
The most important relationship you make in your life is with yourself. It’s genuinely all a mind game. You have to learn to trust yourself by putting yourself first so that you can enjoy what life has to offer you. Having fun with this grey cloud of regret and worry about work you haven’t finished is just not fun at all. So have fun and be yourself but learn when to say NO. You’ll be forever grateful you did in the long run.
8. Give Yourself Grace.
One of the biggest downfalls for me was stressing out. Stressing over school work, time management, boys, networking, and the list goes on. It’s important to shut all the negative voices out.
There’s only one you so treat yourself with respect. If there are things you need to fix, make a plan and make it happen. If that fails, adjust the plan. No one is perfect and I wish we would collectively tell ourselves it’s going to be ok. Because it will be!
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absolutebl · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers & Cohabitation BLs
I got this request over on MDL and I though I’d just repost the list here, since if I was asked there I might be asked here. There are plenty more in each category I just haven’t rated them as high. Gotta limit the spreadsheet of doom somehow. 
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Enemies to lovers (as a main trope) that I've rated 8/10 or higher:
Semantic Error
We Best Love (1 & 2)
Bad Buddy
Not Me
HIStory 3: Trapped
Candy Color Paradox
My Sweet Dear
My Day
Kiss Me Again - PeteKao Cut
Why R U?
Star in My Mind
The Eclipse
What Zabb Man!
Big Dragon
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Cohabitation (as a main trope) that I've rated 8/10 or higher:
To My Star
Be Loved In House: I Do
He's Coming to Me
Lovely Writer
Choco Milk Shake
Oh! Boarding House
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Like In The Movies
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
Theory of Love
Still 2gether
Cutie Pie
His the movie
Ingredients the series
Manner of Death
Ghost Host Ghost House
Coincidentally the same amount in each. Huh. 
Includes only BLs that completed runs before 2023. 
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rinadragomir · 2 years
No but that's literally my thoughts after watching Netflix persuasion
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webslingerofthegalaxy · 8 months
I need everyone to shut up and watch this adorable cuteness.
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adam-trademark · 21 days
21 years old.
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Thank you so very much to everyone who likes all of my posts here on Tumblr! You are all the best and I appreciate each and every one of you!
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 6 months
You know, I think I had a lot of Sandman shirts back in the day..
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And that's just the Sandman related shirts I found in that mouse home..um...I mean storage bin. Boy, did I have a ton** of t-shirts!
**Okay, not technically a ton, but more than I was I could carry upstairs in go. Or two goes. Or three...
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creatingnikki · 4 months
days that taste like adulting success.
today I pet two cats at dinner. at dinner that I had with a friend who used to be a lover. today I got irritated at multiple people I love. I went to the beach alone and the sun set was gorgeous, the weather was extremely windy, and the moon was out shinning beautifully like always. today I let myself eat and drink junk without talking about the medication I am on or what I was recently diagnosed with. I walked around a lot and got chores done. today I had hard conversations and didn't given into my intrusive thoughts or the snake in my head. I listened to sad Hindi music and let that make me feel understood. today I did everything I had to and wanted to, today I dealt with things without hating my life or feeling doomed or letting myself get too dramatic or distressed. today was a day well lived. today I was more present for myself. today I was more patient with myself. today I am proud of myself.
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toshi-forgetten · 4 days
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"Where is he..."
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skwpr · 10 months
Five Quick Tips For Better Notes
Preview the reading. Spend 1-2 minutes and skim through the material. Look at headings to see what the major concepts will be. Use these to help check your understanding by turning the heading into a question.
Jot down facts that are new to you. (terms, dates, names, etc.). By making a short note of these you are actually building yourself a custom study tool to work on memorization for the exam. If you don’t make note of them, how will you ever know what you need to memorize?
Look for cues in the text. Words like “3 steps to…”, bold words, or italicized words can indicate important information.
Make note of questions you have about concepts. Just make a note, flag it as a question, and keep moving. This keeps you from getting stuck on one thing for too long, but you also won’t forget it was fuzzy. You’ll be able to come back later and decide if it does make sense after reviewing more of the resource or if you need to dig back into the area.
Build your notes in question/answer form. Use the objectives and/or headings to give you some starting questions and work to answer them in your own words. These also convert really well on quizlet.com for easy review.
Try It Yourself: 30-Minute Challenge
Grab your textbook, notebook, and a pen.
Do a quick 2-minute preview to get an idea of what is covered in the upcoming chapter.
Using the other tips above, take notes on the chapter.
Review your notes. Are they short? Will they help you to study for the exam a couple of weeks down the road?
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letteredlettered · 2 years
Today I had such a bad day at work that I texted my washing machine. Our apartment building moved to this pay-by-app situation; it texts you to let you know the laundry is done. So, today when I got a text that my laundry was done, I texted back, and told my washing machine that I knew it was an automated message, but that this was the best news I’d heard all day.
My washing machine texted back and said, “Actually, there are humans here. So if you ever have a problem with this service, let us know.”
And, though there are apparently humans that run the washing machine app, I didn’t want to leave my washing machine out, so I texted back, “lol thanks! I love both humans and machines!”
And then my washing machine texted me that they were doing a little dance.
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wereoz · 20 days
reading the tsn script
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sp00ky-p00ky · 7 months
I'm off work because fuck that! Never work on your birthday if you have the choice... Life pro tip 😊
I'm drinking a birthday smoothie from Smoothie King, and reading my book. After that I'm gonna go to Crumbl Cookies and get my free birthday cookie (Pumpkin Chocolate Chip 🍪) and later this evening, my family and I are going to an Italian restaurant I picked out so I can eat Fettuccine Alfredo and Cannoli ��
I hope you all enjoy My Birthday 😆🥰 and have a great day because that's what I want and you have to give it to me bc it's MY DAY 😁
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thingsthatsleep · 8 months
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cosmowes · 2 months
got home late today cuz i was taking a thrift trip - just about to settle into studying, lol. so obviously so far i have 0:00 done, but i'm hoping to get in a good hour or so before it's time to unwind. watching some videos for biology since we have a quiz tomorrow, and my math test was today (with a total 8 hours of studying, i'm manifesting an A)
finished the book (play) i was reading, which was pretty good. hoping to start on either dracula or three sisters soon!
grateful for: got a new figurine! it was a little 5 dollar kirby box and i had to get him. so cute. fits with my tokidokis perfectly.
mood: sleepy
sotd: breadcrumb trail, slint
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img from pin - search study header
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myagami-2417 · 2 months
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Hola, ha pasado un tiempo...
Cómo ya es costumbre, no sé por dónde empezar, así que escribiré lo primero que se me venga a la mente.
Han sucedido tantas cosas que es muy difícil mantener un seguimiento o cronología de ellas.
Perdimos a la persona con la que jurábamos pasaríamos el resto de nuestras vidas porqué sentíamos que era la indicada; pesé a qué claramente nuestra intuición nos gritaba lo contrario. ¿Por qué no le hicimos caso? ¿fue por el orgullo de no querer estar equivocados o el cansancio de sentirnos solos y con la necesidad de tener pareja la que no empujo a hacerlo?...
O... ¿Simplemente fue una decisión que tomamos sin pensar y qué esperamos tenga alguna justificación después de tantas emociones y tiempo desperdiciado en ello?
Puede que me encuentre mejor que antes, ya no lloro cada vez que voy a algún lugar y recuerdo nuestros momentos juntos, o disfrutando de la comida y qué me parezca tan deliciosa como para desear que pudieras probarla, o estar sentada enfrente de un gran paisaje con nostalgia por anhelar que estuvieras junto a mi contemplando lo.
Ahora, además de la nostalgia, me dejan una sonrisa todos los momentos que han pasado, ya sean buenos o malos. Estoy consciente de que debo de perdonarte para poder olvidar y dejarte ir, pero todavía me tomará algo de tiempo. Pesé a ello, empatizo contigo, y sé que los demonios que llevas dentro han causado en parte esto, así como también el hecho de que no te enseñaron a amar ni tampoco te nacía amarme como yo quería o lo hacía contigo, y está bien, eres así, y yo acepto la persona que eres, pero parecía ser que tu no aceptabas a la persona que yo era.
Sin percatarme, cambié mi forma de ser y renuncié temporalmente a mis metas y sueños por amarte tan intensamente para que nunca te preocuparás o hicieras el cuestionamiento de si yo te amaba. Pero es cansado dar todo de ti y qué no te den por lo menos un mínimo de gesto de agradecimiento correspondiendo mi amor por ti.
Teníamos un gran amor y no supimos que hacer con él, así que lo destruimos, y pese a ello, aun así, te llevas una parte de mi contigo.
Sigue adelante, y perdóname, por no haber podido entender a tu alma tan compleja, en verdad quería ayudarte, pero eso no dependía de mí, y al final terminó con ambos con el corazón roto.
Estoy segura de qué te irá bien a donde vayas, aún confío en esa versión trabajadora que me mostraste.
Suerte, y buen viaje.
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jack-spilledink · 2 days
When waiters or waitresses refer to me as “baby,” “sweetheart,” “dear,” “love,” or “darling” … I just melt.
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