#mr chow hall
twixnmix · 1 year
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Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jerry Hall, Tina Chow, Benjamin Liu and Michael Chow at Mr Chow in New York City on May 20, 1983.
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mercurygray · 4 months
Trying NOT to be obvious and ask for something with Diana (beloved) again, so how about a new girl - Freda, with "Cloying sweetness on the back of your tongue" from the Sensory Prompts, please?
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And she thought she was supposed to be the welcome wagon.
"Miss Fred, Miss Fred!" Two small boys came running up to meet her jeep, waiting at a respectful and safe distance until she'd turned the engine off and gotten her box out of the back. She was on the lunch run today, and the turkey and cheese sandwiches weren't going to keep if she left them out in the sun too long.
"Well, hey there, Adam. George. What's doing?"
"Have you got any extra doughnuts today, Miss Fred?"
Fred shrugged theatrically, setting the heavy box-tray down at her feet. "'Fraid I don't, fellas. But I do have these cookies - er, biscuits - the mess hall just finished making. I was bringing them for Ken and the crew but I might have a couple extra. How do you feel about chocolate chips?"
You could have knocked the boys over with a feather. "Chocolate CHIPS?? You make biscuits with chips in 'em, Miss Fred?"
"How do you get the chips to taste like chocolate? I think my mum needs that."
Fred cycled through a a moment of brief confusion until she realized the mistake. Chips…crisps…fries…oh.
"What, you fellas ain't ever had chocolate chips before?" Ken asked, coming out from underneath the engine with a grin on his face. "You're missing out. Are those all for me, Miss Fred?"
Freda passed over the container to Ken, who made a big show of opening it and investigating what was inside while the two boys looked on, still absolutely sold on the idea of cookies that somehow managed to have fried potato inside.
"Maybe if you're real nice to Mr Lemmons he'll share," Fred suggested, holding in a smile.
"Naw, I don't think so," Ken said, hamming along for the sake of the joke. "I think me and Wink and the boys are gonna eat 'em all ourselves."
"Yep," Wink said, nodding very seriously. "Takes a lot of cookies to keep one of these things flying, you know."
Ken made a noise and suddenly drew his hand out of the box like he'd been burned. "Oh, darn. Would you look at that. This one's broken. Definitely can't eat that now, Wink, it's spoiled."
Up went the waiting hands, the two boys practically bouncing in place. "We want it! We want it!"
"Are you sure?" Lemmons looked the both of them over with a skeptical look. "Eating broken cookies can be dangerous."
"We love danger!" George said, loud enough for the both of them.
"Well, all right," Ken said, like he thought he might regret this, carefully picking up the broken cookie like he was handling broken glass and gently depositing it into Adam's outstretched hands. "Looks like this one's broke, too, George. 'Fraid you're gonna need to take both."
Both boys bit down hard, chewing carefully to investigate. Adam frowned. "Why, this is just bits of chocolate."
"Well, that's what Miss Fred said, isn't it?" Lemmons replied, clearly enjoying himself. "Chocolate chips?"
"Ohhhhhh." The light finally went on, and the boys giggled, still eating their cookies with glee.
"Chalk one up for American English," Fred said, watching the two boys run off through the tall grass.
"I don't care what anyone says, those are still fries where I'm from," Wink declared, pulling another half a cookie out of the box in Lemmons' hands and chowing down. "Thanks for the grub, Fred!"
"You're really good with 'em," Fred said to Lemmons, sitting down on the tarmac in the shade of the wing and watching as the rest of the crew ambled over for the sandwiches and apples, pulling handkerchiefs out of pockets to wipe off oily hands. "The kids, I mean. Some guys wouldn't take the time." How many 19 year olds would stop and play with their kid brother of ten?
"Helps, you know? Keeping it all in perspective. And I figure, if you make 'em listen here, if you really need to keep 'em out of trouble they'll listen later, too. Might even learn something." Lemmons nodded, mostly to himself. Ken Lemmons, you're a wise man and a scholar. "You eaten yet?"
She smiled and shook her head, taking the cookie he offered and biting down slowly, the chocolate cloying and sweet on the back of her tongue, still just the tiniest bit warm and gooey. Shortage of sweet things in this world at the moment. I'm glad human kindness isn't one.
Freda is one of my many OCs - if you liked her here, you can read more about her at her tag on my blog! More of my writing, and more OCs, are found at the mercurygraypresents tag.
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𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂
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♡ pairing: jungkook x reader (soulmates) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: drama, fluff, a touch of crack ♡ au: high school ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.3k ♡ track: Just One Day ~ BTS: “Just one day, if I can hold your hands. Just one day, if I can be with you. Just one day, if only we can be together…”
♡ summary: Jungkook has literally been counting down the days until he could meet his soulmate, but when the day comes he only has 24 hours to find you.
♡ an: @thebadassmotherofmyshotas, this one's for you bae. thank you for putting up with my constant nagging to read my shit lmao 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Today was the day. Today was the day. Today, the magic tattooed timer on Jungkook's wrist would show that he had 24 hours remaining to find his soulmate. Today he would finally meet them.
"Jungkook-ah!" His mother called from down the hall. "It's time to leave for school!"
"Coming, eomma!" The teenager responded. He swung his backpack onto his shoulders and fussed with his hair for one more minute in the mirror, then rushed out of his room. "I'll be home late tonight," he told his mother, "today's the day!"
Mrs. Jeon smiled, knowing just how excited her son was to meet his soulmate. She recalled the same excitement back when she was a teenager and it came time to find her own soulmate. "Keep me updated on where you're at throughout the day," his mother said, "and make sure one of your friends is with you."
"Yoongi-hyung offered to drive me around today." Jungkook grabbed an apple and then hurried towards the front door. Slipping on his shoes, he waved goodbye. "I'll let you know when I find them!"
Jungkook's plan for the day was to spend a few hours at school—the timer would hit 24 hours during lunch—and if he didn't feel that pull that told him you were somewhere in the building, then he'd text Yoongi to meet him in the parking lot. The elder was the only graduated one in their friend group who was okay with Jungkook skipping school for this, and was subsequently the only one who offered to help.
The day seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly. Jungkook kept catching himself glaring at the clock on the wall, then down at the timer on his wrist. Every second was slower than the last. He was so caught up in trying to will time to move faster that he almost missed when the teacher excused them for lunch.
It was almost time.
He met Jimin and Taehyung at their usual spot, and let the two soulmates shove food into him, preparing him for the search that was about to go down. The two of them were lucky, having met each other when they first started school together a few years ago, and becoming inseparable since.
"We'll gather up your homework for you," Taehyung told him as Jungkook chowed down on a spoonful of rice.
"Don't worry about school, okay Kookie?" Jimin added, handing him a water bottle. "You just work on finding them."
"And driving Yoongi-hyung crazy," Tae threw in, getting a smile out of the youngest. There was a small vibration on Jungkook's wrist, and he looked down.
Jungkook quickly looked up, and started looking around. There was something inside him, like a small, thin string, pulling him in a specific direction. "I have to go!"
"Good luck bunny!"
Jungkook raced off, barely remembering to grab his backpack (only because it had his phone in it and he promised his mother he'd keep her updated). He ran a basic lap around the school, just checking to see if they were already there. It would save him time searching if they already were.
The invisible string inside him kept pulling him away from the school building. His soulmate wasn't a student at his school, so Jungkook sent the s.o.s. text to Yoongi and shot towards the parking lot. He got a response almost instantly:
already here, on the bike
Jungkook decided to leave out that detail when he texted his mother, along with the fact that he was leaving school in the middle of the day. His eomma didn't like when he rode on the back of Yoongi's motorcycle. It made sense why he brought it instead of his car though: it would be easier to weave around in traffic and make quick turns.
"Hi hyung!" Jungkook greeted, nearly barrelling into Yoongi as he leaned against the vehicle. His arms wrapped around the elder in a tight hug. "Thank you so much for doing this!"
"Yeah, yeah, get off me kid," Yoongi grumbled, even though he did briefly return the hug. "Do you know where we're going?" he asked as he passed Jungkook a second helmet.
"Umm..." Jungkook looked out, away from the school, and gestured broadly. "That way?"
"Specific." Yoongi climbed onto the bike, Jungkook following suit, and the elder started it up. The bike roared to life, and Yoongi looked over his shoulder before donning his own helmet. "Just point in the direction you want me to go in, okay?" Jungkook nodded. Yoongi slipped the helmet onto his head, and the two took off.
Jungkook tried his best to guide Yoongi, but he barely understood where he was being pulled. It took a few hours, but they had driven around nearly every part of the city, and still Jungkook felt no closer to his soulmate. Eventually, Yoongi pulled over and parked outside a convenience store. "Dinner. Come on."
Though he was grateful that Yoongi was paying for food (that he dearly needed) he was getting discouraged. Time was ticking, and they hadn't gotten any closer. The whole city had a vague not here feeling, but he wasn't sure if Yoongi would be willing to venture outside it. He glanced down at the timer on his wrist again.
His mother had given him a curfew; Jungkook needed to be home no later than midnight, regardless of soulmate status. That only gave him another four hours tonight.
Dinner was a quiet affair; Yoongi wasn't usually one for talking, and Jungkook wasn't feeling very chatty himself. It was in the middle of a bite of ramyeon that he felt a stronger pull, one that was clear.
"Hyung! I know where we need to go!"
Yoongi groaned. "Can't I finish my food first?"
"Okay, okay, let's go." The two left the store and quickly jumped back on the bike, Jungkook directing Yoongi where to go. After a few minutes and several turns here and there, and Yoongi pulled up in front of an arcade. "They're in here? You're sure?"
"I'm sure, hyung," Jungkook said. He'd never been more sure of something in his life. "I'll be right back." He jogged up to the doors and entered, instantly surrounded by neon lights and video game sounds. This was the kind of place he and Jimin and Taehyung would spend their time at after a well-taken exam.
A group of laughter caught his attention, and he looked over. A group of people had surrounded a dancing game, and two girls were currently going at it in a tense, yet amicable, competition. He wandered over to join the onlookers. The string had pulled him in this direction but wasn't sure who in this group was his soulmate.
One of the girls was doing considerably well, and Jungkook couldn't hold back a comment. "Damn, you're good."
The girl whipped around to look at him, game forgotten. Jungkook felt frozen in place and felt another vibration on his wrist. "What did you just say?" A smile pulled at her lips, and she had a hopeful gleam in her eye. Jungkook didn't answer immediately, instead glancing down at his wrist. The timer had stopped counting down.
"Y/N!!" The other girl whined, trying to shake her friend's shoulder to gain her attention, but it was firmly locked on Jungkook. He looked back at you.
"Um, I said 'damn, you're good'?" Your smile grew wide, but Jungkook couldn't understand why. "Why do you ask?"
You held up your wrist in response. There, in the same magic ink he had on his wrist, were the words he had said scrawled across yours. It only took him a moment to make the connection. Jungkook's lips turned up (in what Tae would call his bunny smile). "It's you."
"It's me," you said, giggling just a bit.
"Oh my god," your friend interjected again, "is this your soulmate??" You both nodded, not looking away from each other.
"I'm Y/N."
"Jungkook. I have to get home soon, but can I have your number?" He eagerly held his phone out for you to take, excited that his efforts from the day hadn't gone to waste.
"Do you wanna meet here tomorrow for a dance competition?" you asked him, a gleam of mischief in your eyes. It was Jungkook's turn to laugh.
"Oh, you're on."
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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random-writer-4884 · 2 years
A Green Turtleneck (Loki X Reader)
A Green Turtleneck
Loki X Reader
Description: Loki found himself alone on a floor of Avengers Tower with nothing. You came in to help him figure out earth technology and ensure he got what he needed. Neither of you expected to fall in love, especially when Loki is hit with the death of his mother.
Warnings: Death, Viking burial, imprisionment.
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When Loki was told he was being sent to earth, he wasn’t particularly thrilled. He was even less thrilled when he found out that he was going to be staying at the Avengers Tower, under the watchful eye of the Avengers. When he arrived he was walked into an elevator that took him to his own floor. He stepped onto the carpet, and waited for the Asguardian guards to release his cuffs. 
They finally stepped forward and released his wrists, which he rubbed to help release the stiffness. The guards walked back into the elevator and he watched as they closed the door. Loki popped his wrist as he looked around him. 
He was at the edge of what would be a common room. There was a kitchen in one corner, a nice dining table in another, and the other half of the room was a lounge. A large flatscreen TV was sitting on the wall, facing it was a big chocolate brown couch and two matching chocolate brown reclining chairs, with a coffee table.
Once he finally took a step he was greeted with a loud male voice “Good evening, Mr. Laufeyson. My name is J.A.R.V.I.S. I am an Artificial Intelligence created by Mr. Stark. I would like to give you a simple tour of your floor. Since you will be living on this floor alone, you will not have anyone else to guide you through.” 
Loki looked up towards the ceiling, before rolling his eyes “Fantastic” he muttered sarcastically “Please lead the way.”
He walked through the conjoining hallways learning the layout from the AI as he went, his bedroom and bathroom were across the hall to one another. He had a gym, and a library further down. 
Once he was completed with his walk-thru tour of the level, he walked to the bathroom. For the first time in a few weeks, he saw his own reflection in something other than glass. 
His hair was greasy and stringy, and his eyes had dark circles. For the first time he saw the collar around his neck. It was small, but enchanted with asgardian magic. He looked scrawny and weak, and couldn’t help but think about how sad he looked. 
Finally he stopped looking at himself in the mirror and walked down to the kitchen. He opened the fridge to find it empty, then the cabinets to find the same. He sighed “J.A.R.V.I.S. There isn’t any food here. Do they plan to starve me?”
The AI replied quickly “There is no such intent. Mr. Stark was unsure of what you would have wanted to have food wise and so he left it for you to decide. I recommend ordering take out for tonight, and ordering your groceries to be delivered tomorrow.”
He sighed “Alright then, how do I order this Take out?” So for the next hour he was introduced to the use of a tablet. When he finally selected a chinese restaurant, he spent about 15 minutes asking questions about what the selections were. Finally he selected an order of Chow Mein, Fried Rice, Sweet and Sour Chicken, and some Spring Rolls. 
While he waited for his Chinese food to arrive, he began navigating grocery shopping. When he was finally finished with his online grocery shopping he sat on the couch and fidgeted with the TV until the elevator bell rang.
Startled, he stood up quickly, facing the door. When it opened he saw you standing there with a take-out bag. “Hello Mr. Laufeyson, my name is Y/N. I’m an assistant to the avengers here at the tower and I’ll be here to help you as well. I’m glad J.A.R.V.I.S. was able to help you order your dinner. I would have been here sooner to help but I got drug into doing some paperwork.”  
The two of you awkwardly stood there facing one another. “May I come in?” 
He blinked as he realized that you hadn’t left the elevator. “Oh, yes, of course. Please come in.” You walked in slowly, heels softly pattering against the short carpet. Once you reached the dining table, you set down the bag. Pulling out the take-out boxes. Once they were all sitting on the table, alongside a pair of chopsticks and a package of plastic silverware, you walked towards the door. 
“Please let J.A.R.V.I.S. know if you need anything from me. I’ll be happy to help.” You said as you stepped into the elevator. It dinged as the door closed and he couldn’t see your face anymore. 
As he sat down and ate his food, he thought about you. This strange woman who had to have heard about the death and distraction he caused, and yet you were still polite. You didn’t invade his space like the guards in Asguard did. You didn’t yell and you weren’t aggressive like the Avengers were to him. 
The next day he found himself having to call you for assistance. While J.A.R.V.I.S. tried to explain how the shower worked, he was unable to understand. So he called on you.
You spent around twenty minutes explaining how the shower works, and once you finished with that you brought him up some shampoo and conditioner for him to use until his groceries arrived later in the day. 
You left for a short while to get him a change of clothing. You would have to take him to a store to actually get him some proper clothing. A forest green turtle neck, black jeans and a black belt. You returned and sat on his couch, working on paperwork for Tony while you waited. 
After about 20 minutes the bathroom door opened and Loki walked out, wrapped in a towel. You stood up as he walked to you. “I was, unsure if you were still here. Were you able to find a change of clothing? I wasn’t aware as to how dirty my clothing from asgard was until now.”
You smiled slightly as you picked up the clothing and handed it to him. “These might not fit but they are clean and the belt should keep the pants up if they’re too big. When i can get permission I’ll take you out to get clothing, but it’ll take some time.” 
Loki looked at you curiously “Please wait a moment for me to get changed, I have a question for you.” You nodded, agreeing to stay and he quickly turned on his heels walking back to the bathroom. 
He returned a couple of minutes later, the top fitting a little bit loosely and the pants only being supported by the belt keeping them there. His hair was braided back, although it was without a ponytail to hold it in place. 
Slowly, he walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Why are you so kind to me?”  His green eyes had a puzzled look to them. 
You just smiled “Everyone deserves some kindness. Besides, you don’t seem like the cruel monster i was told about. You’ve been polite and havn’t done anything threatening.” 
Loki looked like he was about to say something but you spoke first, looking down at your watch. “Oh no! I’m going to be late for Tony’s meeting. I’m sorry to run so quickly but Tony needs his papers!” 
You grabbed your laptop and ran to the elevator “Let J. know if you need me! I’ll be back when you’re grocries come in later today!” The door opened and you pressed the button. Loki watched you open your laptop as the door closed, frantically pressing buttons. 
Over the next few weeks you would come over at least once a day, often teaching Loki something new about earth culture. You brought him some cookbooks for him to experiment cooking with. Quite frequently he would ask you to stay for dinner, or to at least return to have some of the food he cooked. After about a week of this you suggested he invite his brother or some of the Avengers to dinner. 
Loki was certainly hesitant about the idea, especially since he hadn’t seen any of them since the day of the invasion. But after a lot of convincing from you he invited them for dinner. Clint and Natasha refused, which wasn’t surprising. Steve and Bruce declined (far more politely). Thor had gone off world the morning loki agreed to inviting them for dinner so he wouldn’t be attending. This left you asking Tony.
“Tony, please. Just one night, one dinner! I’ll be right there, and besides he can’t use magic!” You pleaded with the billionaire.
Tony just scoffed “He tried to mind control me. Oh! And he pushed me out of a window! What makes you think he isn’t gonna try to kill me?” he scoweled at you as he edited blueprints.
“Well,” You started “So far, he has been nothing but respectful with me. He’s invited me to dinner every single night for over a week with food he’s made and he’s never poisioned me. Besides, he needs some contact with the outside world! If I can get both of you through one dinner, without Loki causing any incidents, then i can see about taking him to get some actual clothing! Nothing here fits and i can never seem to order the right size!” 
Tony laughed “HA! Okay okay! I’ll do it. If you manage to get Fury to let you take him out of the tower I’ll give you five thousand dollars!” That was a win!
You raced back to tell Loki that Thor was off world, but Tony agreed to come to dinner. He looked surprisingly happy and asked you to come with him to the kitchen. On the counter he had everything ready to make a hearty stew. Beef, carrots, onions, potatoes, greenbeans, and bell pepper. All ready to go into the crock pot you had ordered for him. 
He was grinning when he asked you “Do you think this stew would be alright? Also do you think i could get a tablecloth for the table?”
His smile was infectious “Of course! And I’m sure the stew will be delicious!”  You left and returned quickly with a tablecloth, before running off to take care of more paperwork for Tony. 
You and Tony both arrived at Loki’s floor at six o’clock. The elevator opening to reveil a wonderfully smelling stew. The table had been set up, and Loki was had just finished setting down the three bowls of stew.  
“Oh! You’re here!” Loki said, wiping his hands on a towel “Please come in! I made some stew! Its not particularly fancy, but it should be good! Please! Sit!” You walked in first, Tony trailing behind you a little suspicious.
But when you sat down across from Loki and started eating, he followed suit. You praised the food heavily, and much to your and Loki’s surprise Tony did too!
Most of the meal was awkward but you managed to keep up some conversation. You asked Loki to tell some tales from when he was in Asgard. Most of what he told involved his mother, the stories she would read him, and the magic he learned from her. 
After a while of Loki’s talks about Asguard, Tony began talking about his mother. Apparently having a loving mother was something they had in common. The two talked and talked until Tony got a call from Pepper demanding him to come and fill out some Stark Industry paperwork. 
When Stark ran off to deal with Pepper, you began helping Loki clean up the table and the kitchen.  “I think Tony is starting to warm up to you.” You said to him, watching as he put the left over Stew into a pyrex.  
He smiled “His mother sounds like she was a wonderful person. Perhaps I could arrange for him to meet mine.”
After a few more weeks, you managed to convince Fury to let Loki leave the tower, with the condition that you were with him at all times. You were thrilled as you ran to his floor to tell him the news. He light up like a small child on christmas and swooped you  in a hug. 
He set you down and appologized “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that.” You laughed a little, looking at him shying away like a small child.
“Its perfectly alright Loki! It was a hug, not a backstab.” You smiled and he gave a soft chuckle. 
The next day the two of you went out shopping, mainly for clothing. You two spent the day walking through stores and getting clothing that properly fit him. You were nearly done with all of your shopping when an Asgardian guard walked up to you both.
He handed Loki a scroll that he took cautiously. He removed the ribbon surrounding it and it opened. As he read, his hands begun to shake. He looked up at you, trying to blink back tears.
“Frigga, Mother. She’s dead.”
You got permission from Fury that evening to take him to Asguard, and so the next morning the two of you were taken through the bifrost. You and Loki were escorted to his chambers, where he pulled his royal outfit from the closet. 
Of course you wouldn’t admit that seeing him in the outfit he wore to attack New York was intimidating. But it was obvious in his eyes that he wouldn’t do anything even remotely out of line. 
The two of you were taken to her burrial at sea. You and Loki stood next to Thor and Jane Foster. Thor held a surprisingly strong face, watching as his mother’s body was sent out to sea. You looked over at Loki when his hand grasped yours. When the arrow was shot and the boat began to burn, Loki closed his eyes and dipped his head taking a deep breath before looking up and watching it burn. 
Loki, Thor, and Odin stayed there the longest. You and Loki ended up leaving before his brother and father. The two of you returned to Loki’s room, and he sat down on the bed. He sat there for a moment before his composure fell and tears began to pour from his eyes. Quickly he pulled his knees to his chest and covered his eyes with his hands. 
His shoulders shook, and tears slipped down his hands. His breathing was fast and unsteady before he screamed. The noise was pained, what you would imagine coming from someone experiencing physical torture. You could feel a slight pulse go through the air, and it was obvious that it was the tiniest bit of magic seeping through the collar that contained his power. But nothing became of it, merely emotions too strong to control with a mesely collar. 
You carefully walked up to him, sat down next to him, and wrapped your arms around him, just letting him cry. After a moment or two he turned into you, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. The two of you sat like that for a while, Loki crying into your shoulder. 
Once his tears began to subside, he pulled away. He wiped his face and his eyes, which were both quite red. 
“I appologize Y/N, I did not intend to burden you with my emotions.” His eyes looked away from you and down to his own hands. 
Carefully you took them in your own “Loki, don’t appologize for your emotions. Its healthy to express them, to let them out so they don’t hurt you.” 
He closed his eyes as he spoke “The last thing I ever told her was that she wasn’t my mother, as she hadn’t bore me. She was my mother. And now shes gone thinking I hated her.” His breath began to speed up again, and tears pricked at his eyes.
“Oh, Loki. She was your mother. She knew that deep down you truely love her. I’m willing to believe that she knew you were angry, and that you only said that out of anger.” You said softly, putting a hand to his face and wiping the tears away that fell softly. 
The two of you talked, letting him tell you his thoughts and feelings, memories and regrets. The two laid on the bed as you talked until eventually you both drifted to sleep. 
When you awoke you found yourself snuggled into Loki’s chest, both of your arms curled into your chest and both his arms wrapped around your waist keeping you close. His hair was whisped in every direction, and a few pieces gently swooped across his face. 
You had only been awake for a moment, still extremely groggy and not exactly realising the position you were in when he woke up. His green eyes looked into yours for a moment, half open, before widening as he realised how he was holding you. His face reddened as he pulled his arms away from you and sat up.
“Oh Y/N! I appologize! I do not know what happened!” He looked afraid and worried, you understood he worried that he’d loose what little privilege he had been granted. 
You sat up and placed your hand on his face “Hey, don’t appologize. It was really comfy.”  
He smiled softly “You are the kindest human I’ve ever met, I do not understand why you are this way with me. Especially after everything I have done to Midguard.” 
You looked in his eyes and they were the same gentle green you had come to know over his time in the Avengers Tower. “You don’t seem the same as what they showed on television. Also, your eyes were blue when the showed you on the TV. Why do they look so different?” 
“The septor. I used it to control the archerer. It spoke to me, it was driving me mad. I knew it held power over others, and that i could use it to control them. But its power poisioned my mind. I did not wish that much distruction. I merely wanted what I believed to be my birthright. With Thor at Odins right hand that would never come to be on Asguard, i assumed Midguard to be a fine alternative.” 
You looked at him confused “Why didn’t you tell Odin that the septor manipulated you?”
He let out a soft laugh “Odin never would have listened to me. He had the word of his beloved first born and will always listen to him before he considered a word his black sheep of a son would utter.” 
You smiled “I had a feeling that you were far better than anyone else said. Turns out i was right. You’re just, a little rough around the edges.” You said as you brushed his hair out of his face.
Loki gently grabbed your hand and looked in your eyes “You make me feel something i do not understand, but it truely feels lovely.” 
“If its love, then I feel it too.” You said softly, looking away from his eyes. He lifted a hand to turn your head towards him.
“May I?” He asked gently, his voice soft and not nearly as demanding as you would have expected from a prince.  You nodded, and he leaned in.
When youre lips touched he let go of your hand and brought his to your waist, pulling you closer. His lips were cool and gentle against yours, and when your lips separated he let out a gentle sigh. 
The two of you looked in each others eyes until Loki breathed out a soft “I love you.” 
You scooted closer to him and wrapped him in a hug “I love you too.”
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askaceattorney · 1 year
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Dear Pal,
I have been to a real jail with Mr. Edgeworth and helped investigate, so this should be a piece of cake.
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Both the rich businessman and the guards would be the most suspicious.
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The cooks can’t be suspicious, because they’re constantly being watched and have to make whole pots of food for all the inmates. Then, inmates take their tray of food and sit. The guards are very heavy with security on that to make sure no inmates are spitting in another inmate’s food. The fat inmate is likely lying about the reason he’s refusing to eat, being the food provided wouldn’t fill up anyone. That being said, he couldn’t have been the killer since he’d have to be at Chow Hall to have poisoned the food. This also puts the second inmate off the suspects list. Both likely made their own meal from the Commissary, being why the fat inmate is fat in the first place.
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That puts the guards and this businessman guy high on the suspects list, especially since Correctional Officers don’t get paid enough. Let me tell ya, those guys are so low on staff that it’s not even funny. They’re as bad off as me. Most of them try to get by from the other inmates by selling them drugs, contraband and the likes illegally when no one’s looking. More importantly, the Correctional Officers have the whole place down. They can literally place an inmate in the SHU for acting out or threatening another inmate without trouble, especially if it’s someone that threatens other inmates. If that happens, then the guards would be the ones to bring food to the inmate and that’s all it would take. All I would need is to connect this businessman to one of the guards and we’ve got our man.
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See, told ya it was a piece of cake.
- Dick Gumshoe
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femshep-fatships · 9 months
"Entry level position at Cerberus. Competitive Salary. Earn 500 lbs of on the blob Experience"
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[Miranda x OC] Contains: Feedersim. "Mrs Lawson...I think...I think you're trying to fatten me up." The raven haired intern said, trembling.
Miranda lay, butt naked, fuzzy pussy out, fat thighs ontop of each other, posed like one of Jack's French girls. A stack of burgers in front of her, wearing a big black lacy bra, without her suit to compress it down, her fat tummy was tumming fattily like a bag of shake mix pooling against her desk. Her fat butt so massive, her hip rose several inches higher than her shoulder just laying on her side.
Miranda looked genuinely stupefied.
"Y-you admit it!" Elise the intern gasped. The earth born indian lass stared mouth agape. "Th-this is sexual harassment Ms. Lawson! I'll have to take this up with H.R. department!"
Miranda frowned. The Hog Retention department?
"I...I'm sorry," Miranda began slowly throwing one plush thigh over the other to hide her fat pussy from view. Sensing there had been some confusion. "What position did you think you were applying for exactly?"
"I wanted to be your intern." Elise said "You're a great and powerful woman, you run a company that spans the galaxy, you're a role model to many. I just...I thought I could be your assistant. But all you've had me do is fetch you coffee and take lunch breaks! How many lunch breaks do you think I need?"
Miranda gave them a once over. Estimating her intern was about 118 pounds. She figured at least 5 to start, if she was gonna put any kind of meat on those bones. They'd work their way up to 7 or 8.
Miranda shifted her meaty legs, frowning. Not looking at her new assistant as she grunted and sat up. Her big butt making her desk creak dangerously.
"What do you think we do here?" Miranda asked finally.
"Um...tech.. stuff?" Elise said mousily.
Miranda rose, butt naked, not bothering to put anything on, she crooked a finger, gesturing Elise to follow her.
Miranda opened the door to her office and Elise took a spot peering just over her shoulder.
Miranda waddled her way down the empty hall past Elise's desk and a very battered desk chair that had seen way too many plump assistants in its time and was another 200 pound fatty away from being sent to the great office depot in the sky.
They reached the end of the hall, and stepped out onto the balcony where Miranda stood in all her nude chubby glory staring down at the Great post reaper War Cerberus machine.
Elise stood beside her boss.
"What do you see?" Miranda asked quietly. Trying to break this to her intern gently.
Elise squinted. Free soda and snack machines every 5 feet. Workers chowing down at their stations. Fat waddling asses, huge bellies busting out of skin tight suits.
Everywhere, big and small, Human, Asari, Quarian, Tourian...everyone was eating in varying stages of fatness.
Elise eyed up her boss, and her dimpled cellulite padded ass. Elise glanced back at Miranda's tattooed body guard. Sitting looking 8 months pregnant with a beer gut in her lap, sucking down an ice coffee.
She thought about the freezer stocked with ice cream bars, her favorite flavor. She thought about the questionnaire, full of things like "do you enjoy feeding people" and "do you enjoy being fed" and "what is your most irresistible snack?" And "do you experience any cravings during your time of the month, or when you drink."
Elise thought about how odd it had seemed at the time that none of the interview questions had anything to do with any actual skills, or office experience. She'd simply answered anything honestly and checked "yes" on whatever they asked.
She thought about how frequent it was to see fat people making out and feeding each other in the break room, and the fact no one seemed to be punished for slacking off or taking breaks.
"Oh my God. People just sit around finding new ways to get each other fatter here!"
Miranda put a firm hand on Elise's bony shoulder, and winced a bit, Elise REALLY needed to fatten up a bit.
"Listen. It will be the easiest, best paying internship you ever have. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to. But for what its worth, we have the best STD treatments available. We have a kitchen that can cook you anything you want round the clock. Aaaaand." Miranda held up a finger like she was trying to get a dog's attention. "Jack is psychotic. She gives crazy girl head." Jack looked up from the asari porno mag she was thumbing through. "Hey!" Elise and Miranda turned to the fuming biotic. Jack's face slipped into a cool swagger. "I also eat amazing ass, and you should see what I can do with five cupcakes and a strap."
"Let me take you to lunch. Get you a bite to eat. You can think it over." Miranda said kindly. "I can feed you, right there in the food court, in front of everyone." Elise swallowed hard, and somewhere beneath the red flags, and sirens and urge to get out: Elise had an image. An image of herself, bursting out of her clothes, an image of herself spreading across the office floor, too fat to lift her arms, too heavy to stand up, her head propped up on a pillow of gut and tits, as Miranda lovingly spoon fed her a hot fudge sunday. The intern clenched her thighs and Miranda could hear her grinding her teeth. She didn't moan, but her eyes went from fierce and defensive to confused and a little eager. "Are you...are you going to put clothes on?" Elise asked, biting her lip. Miranda gathered up her new feedee's hair, eying up the slender woman, memorizing her fit face, and the hint of bones. This would be the last time She'd ever get to see this woman this thin again. She had to remember it when Elise was completely destroyed, fattened up beyond return, too dumb to do anything but beg Miranda to feed her, too busy to think about anything but the next meal and sex. "No." Miranda said finally. Then reached up and put a hand on Elise's Cerberus suit zipper, and tugged. "You don't want to either, do you?" Elise whimpered, and buckled a little clenching her thighs together and squishing her data pad against her chest. "N-No Ma'am." Elise mumbled. "You're going to eat everything I tell you to at lunch. Get a real good idea of what I expect from my employees, aren't you?" "Yes Ma'am." "Look at me. Be honest. Honest with yourself. You want me to feed you don't you?" "Y-Yes Ma'am." Elise whined. "You're gonna get nice and fat for me today, then we're going to squeeze you back into your little skinny girl jumpsuit and watch you waddle around the office taking my calls and apointments with a big full belly, aren't you?" Elise crumbled to her knees, and without thinking began to kiss Miranda's belly. Muttering "Yes ma'am" over and over. Miranda wasn't even asking anymore questions. Elise was just begging her to feed her. Miranda always did extensive extra-net history searches on all her new hires for "security" reasons. Miranda knew what Elise was before she even set foot in here. Poor thing never stood a chance. Just another blob in the making. "Good Girl." Miranda whispered. Petting Elise's soft black hair. "Lets go fatten you up a bit."
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sophiamariabeckett · 2 years
can I just say the scene in s1 with izzie and cristina where izzie asks her to translate would def happen at aubrey hall hospital. colin comes with a chinese little girl who needs stitches and sees sophie walking through and asks her to translate but sophie goes "I grew up in mayfair the only chinese I know is the one from the mr. chow's menu, besides i'm korean" and walks away leaving colin feeling duuuuuumb
Wait, but Colin would totally do that 💀
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grimroninreviews · 2 years
tana talk 4 by benny the butcher review:
1. johnny p’s caddy w/ j cole (9/10)
2. back 2x w/ stove god cooks (10/10)
3. super plug (7/10)
4. weekends in the perry’s w/ boldy james (7/10)
5. 10 more commandments w/ diddy (7/10)
6. tyson vs ali w/ conway the machine (6/10)
7. uncle ben w/ 38 spesh (7/10)
8. thowy’s revenge (7/10)
9. billy joe (9/10)
10. guerrero w/ westside gunn (10/10)
11. bust a brick nick (7/10)
12. mr. chow hall (7/10)
ranking: B+ tier
a great mixtape from benny the butcher
if you like: cozz, boldy james, smoke dza, spillage village, westside gunn, conway the machine,
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theauthorlives · 5 months
Any holiday plans for the prisoners here in Happy Trails Yancy? :D
"Eh... This time of year ain't normally one I pay attention. It's, uh... Kinda touchy for me."
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Yancy looked uncomfortable as he tried to answer, but it was clear that he was making an effort to explain himself rather than simply dismissing it. A moment is taken as he tries to brace himself.
"See, it wasn't something my family could fully, uh, 'get into' 'cause they wasn't exactly the most well-off. And, well, let's just say I lost one meaning of Christmas way younger than other kids. So youse take a kid who lost the magic, forced into a family setting he didn't wanna be in where he was being shamed and... Yeah. My parents fucking hated me, even before I started lashing out, let's be honest."
There was a nervous chuckle as his hand rubbed the back of his neck a second time.
"Long story short, makes me not too keen to do a lot with the Gang. I'm lucky that the others don't care too much - some of 'em don't celebrate for religious reasons so it ain't like I'm a loner on that. Plus, I'm the only one who don't have no connections outside, so I'm broke as shit and can't buy anything in commissary." He paused with a shrug. "So to answer youse's question: I didn't have plans beyond sitting with some of the Gang while they did their things in the chow hall. Some of them also had a special extra visitation day last week, so everyone was in high spirits all week."
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"Me? Well... I'm just glad it's all over now. Good to spend time with the Gang when they's is celebrating important shit, but... I'm sorta sick of being reminded about things out there. It'll be good to have it where youse's only updates of the outside world is when Shithole Hank gets letters from Mrs Shithole."
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tomcotears · 7 months
March 14, 2023
No Name on the List (Short Story)
Tip, tap, tip, tap. My black leather chelsea boots (only $6.99 on sale at Target) walked alone with me. Squeak, screech, squeak, screech. A pack of blue tennis shoes flooded my ears as they stomped through the halls. The white-painted brick walls caved in narrower with every step, until I turned the corner to my 9:07am class: AP Lang. A whiff of buggy mud made my nostrils flare and scrunch. It almost smelled like third-grade when my twin would pass a ball of dirt to my hands, pretending we were baking brownies. Unexpectedly, the muddy ball sent a crushing pain crackling through my toes.
“Brett, what did I tell you about bringing your soccer ball to class?” Mrs. Radledger scolded with one skinny eyebrow raised, though I could see a smirk fighting its way past the wrinkles.
“Ope, sorry,” Brett muttered as he whipped past me.
The grassy scent followed me to my seat on the edge of the classroom. Disharmonious melodies of laughter and conversations crescendoed as a dozen blonde heads waltzed to their seats. I pulled out my notebook and began to scribble.
White teeth
Blue eyes
No more disguise
Cling. My pencil dropped and rolled to the beige chair behind me. I turned around to see pink glossy lips quickly forming and deforming with every word. God, Madisyn. Everyone knows she’s perfect. I rolled my eyes to myself. She’s the top performer of the swim team and an effortless beauty. Skin as clear as the water she races in, tanned by an artificial sun. Summer doesn’t last long in Wisconsin.
Madisyn’s shifty eyes suddenly looked to mine and then to the ground. She paused for a moment then bent over, and her spaghetti strands of hair spilled over her shoulder with thin pieces gluing to her gloss.
“Is this yours, Arianna?” Madisyn questioned in a silky timbre.
The sound of that name on her tongue made my stomach tilt. She held up the writing utensil between her crystal shellac fingertips. I nodded and snatched the pencil from her hand. I mumbled a “thanks” before twisting back around in my seat and hovering over my notebook. I didn’t think she knew my name. I kind of wish she didn’t now.
Orange skin
Pink lips
No name on the list
Crunch, crunch, crunch. I chowed on the sandwich I packed myself for lunch, not caring about making a mess. The silence tried to eat me whole and remind me I was alone. I cranked up the volume of “She” by Harry Styles in my Toyota Camry. I ate in my car every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, because my one friend Lexi and my twin Becca weren’t in my lunch period on A days. When the chorus hit, I had to belt it out.
My phone screen lit up, making my heart leap for a moment, but landed in a fat crash; it was a Pinterest recommendation.
“Oh my god, I must be famous,” I muttered to my raving audience of no one.
Tearing another bite of my sandwich, definitely with lettuce flakes wedged between my teeth, I pressed the notification anyways. It was an image of 20-year-old Harry Styles, smiling with his cute little dimples despite that tight black shirt gripping his toned, tattooed biceps for dear life. My heart swelled. My eyes fixated on his broad shoulders and trailed down to his wide torso. The longer I stared, the more the swelling squeezed my bones. I shifted my gaze to my lumpier chest, my thinner hips, my smaller body.
Most people at Mendota High School knew me for my diehard One Direction obsession. People here didn’t know I could squeal in excitement and smile so wide my face stretched until One Direction would drop a new song. They thought I was some crazy weirdo fangirl who dreamed of running off and marrying the entire band. If only they felt the hole in my chest. If only their limbs were long enough to reach in and tie me back together. I gulped down my room temperature apple juice, shuddering at the bittersweet taste.
She’s the first one that I see and I don’t know why
I don’t know who she is
My twin, Becca, and I walked into our next class together. I released a relieved sigh at the sounds of energetic vocals swinging high and low.
“Hey, Ari and Becca!” Lexi, my curly-haired friend, greeted us.
We plopped down on the lowest tier of the risers, the alto section, and grinned up at her. Choir was the one class where I didn’t feel like I was dissociating, floating off to another distant dimension. No burley Bretts shoved past me and left dirt on my toes, and no preppy Madisyns glared at me with their icy eyes. Here, I could finally land safely on planet earth. When Lexi and Becca started chatting about the latest episode of Looking for Alaska, a calming scent of lavender and lemon drifted past me and blanketed my senses. I followed the scent that accompanied a gravelly voice, short, caramel hair that twirled at the top, and a plum, button-up blouse. Their laughter sang in A major, harmonizing with the lanky soprano I recognized as Elinore. I straightened my posture and tucked my hair behind my ear.
Wren came to Mendota High this year, and I’ve been wanting to know more about them ever since. Them. I’ve never met a non-binary person before. I followed them on Instagram, which linked to their Tumblr that displayed “they/them” underneath their name. Everybody still seemed to refer to them as a “she” or a “he,” not me, though. Wren caught my gaze and I quickly snapped my head back to Lexi and Becca.
“I totally remember that part in the book, too; it was so weird,” I chimed in.
Lexi and Becca chuckled.
“Anyways, I’m still surprised Mrs. Nalinak gave me and Arianna that ‘Jar of Hearts’ solo as a duet when we didn’t even audition,” Becca responded. “Everyone wanted that solo.”
My thick eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah, we have to practice that today.”
I learned to live half alive
Now you want me one more time
I imagined singing confidently in front of the class; “so talented and expressive, everyone should watch how the twins perform so naturally,” Mrs. Nalinak would praise. In the corner of my eye, I’d be watching the tenor section, hoping Wren’s jaw dropped.
Becca released her hands from the wheel and shifted the gear to parking mode. If you get to your car past 3:20, it’ll take a half hour to get out of the lot. We weren’t moving now. I sighed and opened Instagram to mindlessly scroll. I saw a selfie of Wren, cool demeanor and intense stare through the screen, and on it I saw a colorful flag: yellow, white, purple, and black. I recognized it from their Tumblr as the non-binary flag. Becca glanced over and looked at my phone.
“I think Wren's really cool,” I said.
Becca smirked and slurped from her chai latte, saying, “You should talk to them.”
She snatched my phone, clicked on their profile, then the message button. I wanted to freak out.
I said, “What, why?”
Becca started typing away. “You think they're cute, don't you?”
“No, I just– I don't know, not like that.”
She raised an eyebrow and stopped typing. “So, you just want to be friends?”
That's a question I kept having to confront myself. Suddenly, I saw the twirl of Wren’s caramel hair appear above a jeep in the parking lot. For one second I believed I could muster the courage to speak to them and believed my lonely days would end with them. Then a tall body with a rosy dress appeared beside them, embracing them. Becca’s eyes bulged and she leaned over to get a closer look at Wren and the other choir kid, Elinore, clearly intertwining their fingers and gazing into each other’s eyes, and Becca glanced back at me like she had made an unforgivable mistake for encouraging me to talk to Wren. The jeep’s tinted windows blocked any more details.
A knot balled up in my stomach. I was right. It didn’t hurt seeing them together. It terrified me. I thought I finally knew what it was, what it had been all along. Picking up my chai latte and swallowing back a sob, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the overhead mirror and saw Wren’s eyes instead of mine.
I flung the door shut behind me and launched myself onto my bed. The tears I had been holding back the whole car ride came pouring down my blood-red cheeks. I choked on the uncomfortable taste of salt and spiced tea and caffeine. This couldn’t be happening, no. I’m a girl, I’m a girl, I’m a girl…You’re Arianna, you’re… The tangled mess in my stomach wouldn’t go away. I’m a girl, no… I’m… The poster of One Direction stared at me in disbelief, five men judging me and wondering what in the world this teenager was doing. Their stupid biceps and chiseled jawlines and ear-length, slicked hair and gorgeous, mischievous grins looked down on me.
I groaned, frustrated, and yanked a stack of papers from my backpack at the wall, but immediately regretted that when they went scattering across the carpet. I heaved out a sigh. I let myself droop to the floor like spilled syrup and flailed my arms to gather the papers. I stopped when I saw the lyrics I wrote during AP Lang. I picked up myself and the lyrics. The keyboard in the corner of my room waited for me to sit down. As I sat, I heard the rustle of papers, a sniffle when I wiped my tears, and then a hushing silence. A slow, gentle melody sloshed out of my mouth for the first verse.
White brick walls closing in
White nail polish spilling on the floor
Blue soccer posters hanging thin
Blue tennis shoes kicking the door
They’ll never be one of me
So I’ll never be one of them
My hands grazed over the piano keys, and I played what I felt. The two chords repeated and repeated in 3/4 time, sending me into a state of familiarity and acceptance of the bundle of emotions roaring through me.
Orange tables filled with friends
Orange jerseys lined up to defend
Pink tote bags tumble over
Pink lockers close with composure
They’ll never be one of me
So I’ll never be one of them
The ball in my stomach stretched out its limbs and painted my inner body with a beaming light. My eyebrows furrowed and my head nodded and swayed to the captivating rhythm, like twirlers hypnotizing me with their magical movements.
I’m all the colours of the rainbow
And you still manage to paint me gray
Through the hallways I bellow and roar
Please just call me “they”
Please just call me “they”
I laughed to myself because it all made sense. I’m non-binary. I’m non-binary, I’m non-binary, I’m non-binary. Nobody else could name me, not anymore. I felt that in my soul and I repeated the chorus.
White teeth
Blue eyes
No more disguise
Orange skin
Pink lips
No name on the list
I played the final note and let my fingers rest on the black and white keys, right next to my purple and yellow soul.
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tvrundownusa · 8 months
tvrundown USA 2023.10.22
Sunday, October 22nd:
(streaming twice weekly): Strong Girl Nam-soon (netflix)
(original made-for-TV movies, etc.): "Country Hearts" (UPtv, 2hrs), "Under the Christmas Sky" (HALL, 2hrs), "The Neighbors are Watching" (LIFE, 2hrs+), "aka MR. CHOW" (HBO|MAX, restaurateur documentary, ~90mins)
(earlier - hour 0): Heartland (UPtv, penultimate), The Circus (SHO), AFV: America's Funniest Videos (ABC, repeat), 60 Minutes (CBS, delayed start, 90mins)
(hour 1): Hotel Portofino (PBS), The Simpsons (FOX) / . / Krapopolis (FOX), The Chosen (theCW), Billions (SHO, penultimate), The Villains of Valley View (disney), 60 Minutes (CBS, contd), Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror (Travel, "UFOs", 2hrs)
(hour 2): World On Fire (PBS), Bob's Burgers (FOX) / . / Family Guy (FOX), Billy the Kid (MGM+), Fear the Walking Dead (AMC|AMC+, season 8B opener, ~70mins), Halloween Wars (FOOD), Yellowstone (CBS, part 2/2, season 1 finale), Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror (Travel, contd)
(hour 3): Annika (PBS), The Winter King (MGM+), Outrageous Pumpkins (FOOD, season 4 finale), Big Brother (CBS), The Great Halloween Fright Fight (ABC, special, week 1 of 2), Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror (Travel, "Ashmore Estates")
(hour 4 - latenight): Rick and Morty ([adultswim]), Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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highspeed-wobble · 11 months
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Manny’s is a genuine crossroad of walks of life and pleasure. Rich folk eat the same sandwich, potato pancake and blueberry pie that the streets and sanitation boys chow. It’s a social equalizer. We both chase it down with an ice cold green river. You stand up with your tray full and hating yourself some but you gaze at the Jagoffs in the room and realize you’re part of a tradition of this restaurant that’ll have a blue collar table of six next to city hall table of four. Deals are made and stomachs are stretched at this icon and we are so blessed to be a cog in this machine of beauty. Cheers Gumball ! ** Art by Mr Tony Fitzpatrick
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Chinese Speaker Declares Spirit of People Unbroken Despite Severe Battering,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 28, 1942. Page 10. ---- (By Staff Reporter) NAPANEE, Feb. 28 - 'Flesh and blood pitted against high explosives and resulting in death or disability of two million Chinese soldiers and ten million Chinese civilians,’ Frank B. Lee, Chinese student at Queen’s described his country’s five-year struggle with Japan. 
‘We in Canada should hang our head in shame at the thought of the copper and nickel and scrap iron with which we assisted Japan during the first years of that struggle,’ commented commented Rev. G. M. Chidley at the close of Lee’s address to the Rotarians and the Lions during held here Friday. Twenty local Chinese were guests of the Rotary for the dinner and program.
Mr. Lee, together with a fellow-Chinese student, Joseph Lei Chow, urgently appealed for unity and total effort on the part of the part of the democracies which, they believed, was the only means whereby Japanese and Nazi aims of world domination could be thwarted. 
Both speakers paid high tribute to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in whom they declared was symbolized the united China of today. 
“China has been battered during the past five years,” Mr. Chow admitted, “but she has never been beaten. The Chinese have emerged from every battle with renewed energy to follow their leader to victory. Chiang Kai-shek is China’s fortune to as great an extent as Churchill and Roosevelt are the embodiment of the hopes of the British Empire and the United States; like them, our leader is the symbol of unity and determination.”
Mr. Chow explained the present position of relative military weakness in China a the result of centuries of life wherein peace and contentment were of prime value. 
"To the Chinese of the past the five stable values of Confucius were the guiding factors of their existence. They found their contentment in practicing humanity, broad-mindedness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith. 
Japanese Aims “The Japanese aimed, however," he continued, “not only to enslave 450 million Chinese but to wipe out their civilization. But the attempt has been a failure, due to the spiritual mobilization of the Chinese." 
Emphasizing the enemy strategy of creating dissension among its opponents, the speaker appealed for continued close co-operation among the United Nations. 
“Let us not think only of ourselves,” he warned. “It seems to me it would be a suicide policy should we in North America withdraw all our troops from the war - theatres for the purpose of protecting our own shores. It is far better to win this war in the Far East than to win it in North America." 
Canadian-born speaker Lee dealt with the situation from a more materialistic point of view. 
“Japan has prepared for world domination since the country was first opened to western civilization in 1863," he stated. “China has prepared to defend herself only for the past five years and that preparation has been made even while she has actually been fighting. 
“China's present unity has come about only since she has realized that she can't depend for help on other countries," Mr. Lee concluded after describing the refusal of the League of Nations to take any steps to stop Japanese aggression in 1931.
League Did Nothing “The Chinese stated their case simply at Geneva," he said, “but there were certain statesmen who felt that should China become too strong, she might unite with Japan so the league would do nothing." 
'Remember Pearl Harbor," he said in closing, ”and let us realize too that China’s struggle is a struggle for democracy. Let us in the United Nations go into this war to the hilt and march to victory together.” 
The thanks of the meeting was expressed by the Lions vice-president Russell Hunter with additional short addresses given by Mayor D. R. Hall and by Rev. G. M. Chidley. 
W. A. Grange acted as chairman for the program section of the meeting. Several Napanee people were guests of the Rotary for the dinner and program.
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empressv · 2 years
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Cooking With Sasha
Modern Au
Reminder : Nsfw!, Smut!, Dom reader! , and Food play! Will be included in this imagine.
Once again the hallways were filled with a sweet smell that could only be coming from your classroom. As the Home ec teacher it was very common for you to grace the school with your delicious sweets. That is if Sasha didn’t get to it first. She taught literature but you were sure if there was an eating class she would definitely be teaching that instead. You lightly tapped your fingers on your desk while putting in grades on your computer. Today was like any other day except for the strange absence of one person. Though the knock on your door trampled on those thoughts as you sighed and yelled that it was open. But instead of the usual brunette you were greeted by another one. “Mmm it smells wonderful in here.” Hange the science teacher said as she bent down slightly to look in the oven. You were about to ask why she was here until a jar of what looked to be chocolate caught your eye. “Hange what is that in your hand?” You asked suspicion quite evident in your tone. Hange was known for making weird experiments and leaving them in your hands. And if it was anything like her previous creation that almost costed you your job then you wanted no part in it. “Relax it’s just some special chocolate that I made. Maybe you can put it on a cake and enjoy it with your lover.” She said with a sly smile. You just sighed and allowed her to set the chocolate down on your desk. “Fine I’ll keep it for now but I can’t guarantee you that I’ll ever use it.” “Ouch how cold. I’ve put my blood sweat and tears into this creation with only you in mind.” She said as she dramatically clutched her chest. You shook your head and put on your oven mitt to take the brownies out of the oven. “That makes me not wanna use it even more.” You said while setting the pan on the table and cutting the oven off. The brownies came out more perfect than you expected. It was so perfect that you started to wonder if you should be a baker instead. But you were soon broken out of your thoughts when Hange spoke again. “Oh yeah Erwin told me to bring you to his office. The chocolate was just a gift honestly. Though you should only eat it with a lover.” “Alright let’s not keep Mr. Smith waiting anymore. Oh wait!” You cut the brownies evenly and put them in a container with a label that said “For class B”. “Alright let’s go now.” You said as you walked out with Hange. What you failed to notice was Sasha around the corner waiting for both of you to leave the classroom so she could slip in. Once you both got to the other end of the hall she slipped into the classroom and didn’t hesitate to chow down on the brownies. “Y/n is really the best cook in the world.”
She said with a mouth full of brownies. It didn’t take long at all for all of the brownies that Y/n spent all afternoon on perfecting to be completely gone. Sasha was ignorant and continued to enjoy every last crumb of the brownies. That is until she noticed the label when she was putting the cover back on the container. “For class B.” She read aloud and her eyes widened. “No uhm I can make some more. I just need some uhhh” Sasha glanced around until her eyes landed on the jar of chocolate on Y/n’s desk. She didn’t hesitate to grab the jar and pour all of it into a bowl. “What am I supposed to do with this?” She questioned before having the idea to look up a recipe in one of your many recipe books. After finding a solution she put the chocolate in the microwave and started making the batter for the brownies. Her hands were very clumsy either due to her panicking or just a lack of experience. The classroom was quite the mess with most of the batter spilled on the floor. But once the chocolate was done she managed to pour it in and finish the batter that she had struggled to get done. She licked the spoon clean and hummed to herself in delight. A feeling of relief washed over her at how good it was. She thought she was clear until you suddenly called out to her. “Sasha what are you doing?” Your voice had never sounded so stern before. You sounded as if you were questioning one of the kids who were up to no good. “I-I well uhmm.” Sasha stuttered as she tried to hide the batter but you caught on quickly. You glanced at the once full container of brownies and sighed. You began to walk towards her. “Let me see. If you’re making some more I need to check if it has any eggshells in it.” Sasha shook her head and backed away. “N-no I’ll do it myself. I’m sorry that I ate it I’ll ask next time I promise.” She pleaded. “I’m not mad Sasha. But you should at least let me help you so the kids can have something edible to eat.” She pondered for a moment before looking back up at you to check your expression for any hint of anger. She felt relieved when she couldn’t find any and picked the bowl up to take it to you. But before she could reach you she slipped on some of the batter she had wasted earlier and landed on top of you.
You groaned in pain and sat up using your hand as support. When you looked down you had gotten some of the batter on your hand. You sighed and raised your hand up but before you could fully inspect it Sasha grabbed your wrist. “Hm what are you doing?” She didn’t answer with words but instead wrapped her lips around your fingers and began deep throating your fingers. You widened your eyes in surprise and watched her in astonishment. It was honestly hot as hell but you felt a pang of guilt from doing this in a workplace. You called out to her but she cut you off with a pop sound from when she pulled away. “Y/n why is it so hot? And why is this chocolate so good?” She panted and you finally got a good look at her. Her hair was stuck to her head from the sweat and it had come out of her usual ponytail. Showcasing her long brown locks that you had never noticed before. The chocolate had fallen on her cleavage that you would usually scold her for displaying. The sight was way to arousing overall. You gulped and reached your other chocolate covered hand up to her lips. She happily took it into her mouth and sucked all of the chocolate off. Her tongue gliding through your fingers hungrily trying to get every last drop off of your hand. While she focused on cleaning your hand you grabbed her breast with your other hand and leaned forward to lick the chocolate off. You skillfully unbuttoned her shirt with one hand and went lower and lower until you caught her nipple in your mouth. She moaned on your hand as you sucked and lightly bit down on it. You were so into it you didn’t even notice how abnormally turned on you were getting. Sasha grinded down on your thigh and you gripped her hip with your hand to help guide her. She took your hand out of her mouth and moaned a bit louder than before. You pulled away from her chest and she pulled you into a hungry kiss as she got off on your thigh. The taste of the chocolate was even stronger in the kiss which drove you even more mad. You switched your position and laid Sasha underneath you. She looked completely wrecked even though you had barely done anything other than foreplay. You started to undress her but she lightly placed her hands on your chest to stop you. “C-can you at least close the door?” Her face turned a light shade of red and she looked up at you with the cutest puppy dog eyes.
You nodded and quickly rushed to close the door and locked it as well. The janitor or Mr. Smith could still get in but you didn’t really care at the moment. You just hurriedly went back to the brown haired beauty you left laying on the floor and went back to work. You quickly took the remaining of her clothes off and admired her body for a few seconds before an idea popped into your head. You took some of the chocolate that had spilled out and strategically placed it in the most convenient places. Once you were satisfied you leaned down to lick at her collarbone where some of the chocolate had been placed and bit down a little harder than intended. “Ah!” Sasha moaned in pleasure and pain. You went down lower and focused on her already abused nipples once again. She moaned loudly due to sensitivity. And once you had your fill you trailed lower until you reached the spot she’d been aching at. But you steered your tongue and focused on her inner thighs first. “Ah! Y-Y/n please it’s s- so Ah! So hot down there!” She said the best she could as your teeth sunk into the plump flesh on her thighs. “Hmm you don’t sound like you want it that bad though.” You said teasingly as you raised her leg up to lick the underside of her thigh. “No I do want it! Please pl- Ah!” She interrupted herself with a moan as you sucked hickeys into her skin. “It doesn’t sound that tempting though.” You kept teasing but you really couldn’t hold on that much longer. Your resolve was breaking the closer and farther you got from her pussy. “Please just eat me out! I taste better than the chocolate.” She exclaimed and you couldn’t help but smirk. You gave in and began licking in the place she had wanted you to the most focusing on the area around her clit first. She moaned in relief when your tongue finally circled around her clit. Her moans only got louder and louder as your tongue traveled over all the places she had been needing it to. “Hah!” She placed her hands on your head as she felt you insert your fingers. You set a brutal pace from the start and didn’t bother with “taking it slow”. Your head was cloudy and your tongue was hungry for the woman below you at the moment. She pulled you up into a kiss as if to silence her moans that were only growing louder. But the kiss was broken along with Sasha chanting your name and the words I’m cumming over and over again. She wrapped her legs around you tightly and yelled out as her whole body convulsed and she squirted on your fingers. You pulled your fingers out and put your hand up to her mouth signaling her to suck on them. She obeyed and moaned at the taste of her on your fingers. “You do taste better than the chocolate.” You smiled and took your fingers out of her mouth. Still filled with lust and energy you were going to go at it again but your head was a bit clearer allowing you to think more rationally. Your eyes caught sight of the jar that should’ve been filled with chocolate and you immediately understood. You cursed Hange and your head and now knew what she meant when she kept saying to eat the chocolate with your lover. But you strangely didn’t regret what happened between you and Sasha. The only regretful thing was the mess that you would be responsible for cleaning up.
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The Seven Demon Lords’ Pet Human
So I’m quite fond of the idea that the lesser demons see MC as the brothers’ dumb pet human up until MC is revealed to be a five star badass who can control the brothers on a whim. But Himiko isn’t okay with being referred to as anyone’s “pet”, and after a very bad day, she’s going to let the brothers know that.
Genre: Half Crack Half Fluff
Warning: This story features my MC, who uses she/her pronouns, if that makes you uncomfortable no harm no foul, see you next time
“Just their pet human,”
“Aw, they let their cute widdle pet walk around all by herself~.”
“The brothers’ new pet looks so delicious…”
Himiko Nanami was not one for demeaning nicknames. She had told Luke over and over again that the reason people kept calling him a chihuahua was because he gave them a reaction, but she just couldn’t follow her own advice. A pet… the brothers’ pet… what complete and utter shit.
She had forged pacts with the seven lords of Hell. She had escaped death more times than she could count. On her first day at RAD, she had gouged out a demon’s eye with her headband for trying to eat her. She had walked Cerberus and survived. Himiko was no dainty little pet.
It was a tragedy that some of the demons that wandered the halls of RAD couldn’t see that. Not all the demons were irredeemable anti-human trash, some were quite sweet. But it only took one weird squishy grape to make Himiko refuse to eat the rest of the bowl. That’s how that saying goes, right?
It was supposed to be a good day, it was a Friday for Christ’s sake! But no, the world at large was conspiring to make Himiko’s forehead vein burst.
First period with Satan went normally for the most part, until the two paired up for an assignment and Himiko decided to give Satan a few pats on the head. A few snickers coming from a few rows behind her drew her attention, and right after Satan left to use the bathroom, that’s when she heard it. The first comment of the day.
“Aww, a pet petting her master, how sweet.”
When Satan returned, Himiko was holding a broken pencil.
To her credit, she didn’t dignify those idiots with a response, but their comment managed to burrow its way into her brain and settle there right when she snapped the pencil.
Second period shouldn’t have been so shitty, Himiko had friends in that class. Friends other than the brothers and the other exchange students, but no. Everything sucks in the Devildom.
Paimon had so sweetly offered to share some of his chips with her when he heard she had skipped breakfast. Himiko was in the middle of happily chowing down when some asshole decided to ruin the cute friendship moment.
“Geez Pai, I thought you’d be more responsible than that~.” A demoness a few rows ahead cooed. “Feeding other people’s pets without asking~.”
Paimon choked on the chip he was chewing on while Himiko gave the demoness a bone chilling glare.
“Sh-she’s not- I’m not-”
“How about you mind your own fucking business?”
The demoness only rolled her eyes and turned back to giggling with her friends. It was truly a shame that at least 60% of all the demon ladies in the school were incredibly mean and/or homicidal, a shame for Himiko because she’s a raging bisexual.
With her appetite lost, Himiko forfeited the rest of the chips to Paimon.
Lunch went by as normal as it could have gone. She sat with the brothers as usual and happily watched their antics. When she left the table to throw her trash away was when all hell broke loose.
All those damned whispers reached Himiko’s ears and if she had any less patience she would have pulled her hair out and screamed. When she got back to the table, she spent the rest of her lunch period in silence.
What’s worse was that her next class was with Solomon, and the only seat available was next to him. Great…
“Grouchy today, ms. Nanami?”
“Annoying today, mr. Wizard?”
Solomon let out a quiet and carefree laugh and rested his head on his hand. “Oh Himiko, you know I’m always up for being a little annoying.”
Himiko rolled her eyes and tried to pay attention to the teacher. “Whatever…”
Class went on, but Solomon didn’t let up on his quiet pestering.
“Himiiiiii, tell me what’s wrong, I won’t laugh.”
“Go to hell.”
“Poor choice of words, you’re there with me.”
“I hate you.”
“So mean, I’m just trying to help. Solomon the Wise is known for giving great advice!”
Himiko turned and looked at the immortal sorcerer next to her and saw his pitiful attempt at what looked like puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes again and turned back to her work.
“I thought you were known for ordering a baby to be sawed in half.”
“Hey!” Solomon huffed, crossing his arms. “The baby did not get sawed in half. The saner of the two women got to keep the baby, I was being smart.”
“Sure, sure.” Himiko couldn’t hold back a bit of a smile. To her own surprise, Himiko began to weigh the pros and cons of actually telling Solomon what was going on. Hm, on one hand, Solomon was the only other human that might possibly understand what Himiko was dealing with, on the other hand, Solomon was a known shifty bastard and could barely be counted as human at this point. In the end, human solidarity won out.
“Solomon,” Himiko began. “Have you ever gotten called a pet before? Like a demon’s pet..?”
Solomon thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Probably. I’ve been alive too long not to have been called every name under the sometimes lack of sun, but I’ve always been more widely known as someone who makes demons into his pets.”
“Mmm, sure.”
“But fret not Himiko, those closest to you know the truth. You’re no pet.”
Not exactly the heaps of comfort Himiko wanted, but at least Solomon answered truthfully and didn’t say anything that would get on her nerves-
“I don’t know why you’re so upset about that nickname though, you’d look amazing in a collar.”
For what happened to poor Solomon right after he said that, let’s just say a palm reader could read Himiko’s future off Solomon’s face.
In fourth period, Himiko had to hold herself back from bitchslapping someone else who decided it would be a good idea to test her. A quick word of advice to anyone in the Devildom who would like to survive an encounter with Himiko, never, ever, fuck with her headband.
“You fiendish demon!” Luke yapped, trying to help get Himiko’s headband back from the nasty awful no good demon who decided to pluck it off her head and hold it out of reach. “Give that back!”
“N’awwwwww, pet buddies!” The taller demon laughed and dangled the headband a little closer. “So cute! Someone get a picture for Devilgram-”
Luke slammed his foot directly into the demon’s kneecap. The demon practically shrieked and doubled over only to be met with Himiko’s knee in his gut. She daintily plucked the headband from his grasp and quickly pulled Luke out of the room.
“Are you okay?” The moment the two were far enough down the hall, Luke began to fuss over Himiko like a tiny nurse. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“No buddy, I’m fine.” Himiko held out her hand for a high five. “Up high,”
“Down low,”
“Too slow.”
“Hey!” Luke whined. “No faaaaaiiiiir!”
No one wants their human to be grumpy, especially not the brothers, so when Himiko spent the rest of the time until dinner holed up in her room, they were a tad concerned.
“My human’s all saaaaaaaaad,” Mammon rested his chin on the table and whined. The rest of the brothers sans Asmo were sitting at the table awaiting dinner. “Himiko said she didn’t wanna play the Game of Life, and it’s like, the one game she’s good at…”
“Yeah, she’s been pissy all day.” Belphie added before quietly yawning. “What’d you do, Mammon?”
“Me?!” Mammon sputtered, practically scrambling out of his seat and pointing an accusatory finger at his brothers. “I didn’t do shit! What about you idiots?!”
“Well, let’s look at what we know,” Satan said, waving off Mammon. “During first period we partnered up for a project, I left to use the restroom, then when I came back she looked upset. During lunch when she left, she came back and didn’t speak the rest of the lunch period. Any theories?”
Beel raised his hand, and Satan nodded to him. “Himiko has terrible separation anxiety now, she can’t go too long without us.”
Satan gave Beel a few nods, then turned to the others. “That’s one guess. Anyone else?”
Mammon raised his hand, and Satan promptly ignored him.
“Oi! Pay attention to me!” Mammon stuck his hand in the air and waved harder. “She’s angry because she’s failin’ a class! Every time we’re not distractin’ her, she remembers!”
“I would have heard if she was failing a class.” Lucifer finally piped up from the head of the table, his face was buried in RAD’s newspaper. “You on the other hand, Mammon, are failing three of your four classes this semester.”
Mammon slid back into his seat and scratched the back of his neck. “About thaaaaaat, I need money for uh… for new books n’ pencils n’ shit. That’s why I’m failin’, you’ll lend me money, won’t ya big bro?”
Lucifer didn’t get to respond as Asmo burst into the door of the dining room with a pot of pasta that was almost half his height. “DINNER IS SERVED~!”
As everyone settled in to eat, Himiko finally made her appearance and plopped herself down in her usual seat next to Mammon and helped herself to the pasta with rosé sauce.
“It’s good! It’s good right?” Asmo peppered the group with questions about the food and how good he did. Himiko had to admit, this was damn good pasta. Smooth, creamy, cheesy, all that was missing was garlic bread. In a matter of minutes Himiko had cleared her first bowl and was going in for seconds.
“So Himiko,” Satan said as Himiko continued to shovel pasta into her face at a pace that could rival Beel. “We’ve noticed you’ve been looking a little upset today, care to satiate our curiosity?”
Himiko paused mid bite, which wasn’t doing wonders for her appearance considering she had sauce on the tip of her nose. But still, how sweet of her boys to notice, it made her cold dead little heart swell with love.
“Oh you know, just idiots at school not worth my attention.”
“What have they been saying?” Asmo asked, his voice unusually stiff.
“They’ve been calling me you guys’ pet.” Himiko grumbled. “How ridiculous is that?”
The clattering of forks and the chewing of food halted as the boys went completely silent. Himiko shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she looked around. Had what those demons said been a greater insult to the boys than she-
“Pfff- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mammon erupted into laughter and the rest of the brothers followed suit.
“G-Geez,” Belphie snickered, feigning wiping a tear from his eye. “Humans are so sensitive.”
“Excuse me?!” Himiko gripped her fork so hard she was sure it would leave indents.
“I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, Himi,” Levi said between bouts of cackling. “But you are a teeny tiny little normie human surrounded by well… us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?! That I should just roll over and take it!?” Himiko immediately turned and pointed at Belphie. “Don’t you dare.”
Belphie’s mouth was open to make a comment about Himiko’s poor choice of words, but the pact activated and any words died in his throat. Belphie flipped her off and Himiko returned the gesture.
“Himiko,” Beel was sweet enough to not laugh at Himiko’s predicament. “It’s not that big of a deal. Besides, people love their pets.”
As sweet as Beel thought his words were being, Himiko really wanted to send him to bed without dinner.
“Yes, yes, Beel’s right.” Satan took a deep breath and collected himself after his laughing fit had finally ceased. “It’s nothing to worry about, Himiko. It shouldn’t be bothering you. Just don’t listen.”
Himiko somehow gripped her fork even tighter as she levelled her ice cold glare at Satan. “Thank you so much for demonsplaining how I should deal with and feel about the very human problem of people seeing me as some toy.”
The venom in her words seemed to snap the rest of the table out of their giggly stupor, and Mammon gave Himiko a few pats on the back.
“Ah don’t worry about it, Himiko. I’ll fight any bastard who says anythin’ like that.” Suddenly realizing he hadn’t been a tsundere for five whole minutes, Mammon went red and snatched his hand away. “Ya know, just because you’d probably use the pact and order me to anyway…”
“I’m not a dere~” Levi began to softly sing, Himiko perked up and grabbed Mammon’s cheek.
“A tsun-tsundere~”
“Not that song again!”
That should have been the end of that whole debacle. Himiko’s decent mood had been restored and all was well! The gang chatted amicably for the rest of dinner. Himiko made sure to heap loads of praise on Asmo for his amazing pasta. She felt a part of her die when she went in for fourths and the spoon scraped the bottom of the pot.
Too bad nothing ever goes smoothly in the Devildom.
Since it was Asmo’s night to cook, it was Himiko’s night to do dishes, so she got up and began to clear the table. As she began to collect the unused knives, Lucifer, not looking up from his newspaper, handed Himiko his plate.
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
Himiko stopped dead in her tracks and her grip on the plate tightened. “Repeat that, Lucifer?”
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
A tiny smirk spread across Lucifer’s face, which only served to make Himiko’s blood boil. If he thought he could make a joke about that while she was still mad he had another thing coming.
As quick as a flash, she had whipped the plate straight at the ground, shattering it into dozens of tiny pieces, before Lucifer even had a chance to say anything, Himiko was standing in front of him with a frigid glare on her face.
“Lucifer, put your hand flat on the table and spread your fingers. Keep quiet.”
With no choice but to obey, Lucifer slapped his hand down on the dining table, though, the glare he was giving her wasn’t any less murderous. Not caring, Himiko’s gaze remained cold and calculating, she turned to the other brothers, who were rooted in place from sheer shock. “Stay.”
“I’d just like to get something out there to you seven,” Himiko said calmly, holding one of the knives in her right hand and waving it around like it was the most casual thing in the universe. “I, am no one’s pet,”
Himiko turned and slammed the knife right between Lucifer’s middle and index fingers, imbedding it deep in the table.
“Arm candy,”
The second knife was slammed right in between Lucifer’s middle and pointer finger.
“Or accessory.”
The final knife went between his index and pinkie finger. Himiko’s next words were slow and deliberate as she stared the strongest of the brothers directly in the eyes.
“I am your friend, and equal, I won’t accept being anything less, whether it’s a joke, or not. You agreed to those terms the day we made our pact, didn’t we Lucifer? Have you changed your mind?”
It was so quiet you could hear Henry 2.0 swimming around in Levi’s room upstairs. No one dared to breathe as the seconds ticked past.
Finally, Lucifer responded, his voice tinged with exasperation. “No Himiko, I haven’t.”
“Good,” A small triumphant smile appeared on Himiko’s face as she removed the knives from the table and finished up cleaning the table. “That goes for the rest of you boys too, got it?”
As Himiko walked into the kitchen to do everyone’s dishes, they quietly reminded themselves exactly who they were dealing with. Himiko Nanami was no dainty little human, no no no, she was the one master to rule them all, and by god was she going to make sure no one ever forgot.
AAAAAAAA THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!!! I really need to write more stuff with Himiko! Inspiration struck at like… 10 this morning and I just ran with it.
Now on one hand, I can see that people might think that Himiko overreacted to Lucifer’s little joke a tad. Buuuuuuuuuuut she’s gotta shut down that shit early, right? She doesn’t want “pet” to be the next “chihuahua”.
Lucifer’s probably trying to stick his nose back in his newspaper as he wonders whether he’s incredibly enraged or unbelievably turned on.
Hope you all enjoyed! Now back to the regularly scheduled shitposting.
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seacottons · 4 years
Silent Song of the Sea
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Yeosang’s lured and drowned many humans in the sea with his captivating voice. Fortunately, Wooyoung was deaf.
pairings: yeosang x wooyoung, san x reader
wc: 24k+
genre: siren!au, medieval times, royalty!au
warnings: supernatural beings, disabilities, language, blood, angst, gore, fluff, graphic violence, minor character death, domestic abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, implications of suicide, emotional trauma, mental health issues, unprotected sex, crazy reader(?), shiny yeosang
there was a problem with the html, so i had to reupload this. : (
You were twelve years of age when news broke out in your town of a boy who washed up on shore, along with a broken and tattered rescue boat. Chowing down on your breakfast in the dining hall amongst the other orphans, you overheard a few of the workers speaking about the young boy who spent days in the hospital, the town wondering where he came from. It was later that afternoon, when you were huddled with the rest of the other children in the yard that the director bought the young boy to introduce him to everyone. You struggled to peek from the taller children to catch a glimpse of the male, but you were shoved back slightly, the boys in front of you sneering, “Watch it, pipsqueak.”
Wooyoung was twelve years of age when he witnessed a young, tiny, frail child squabbling with a pair of boys. Gasps broke out within the group of children as a fist flew, followed by the crying of one of the young children. Wooyoung’s curious eyes never left your form as you were forcibly dragged inside by your ear, your fist smeared with the boy’s blood. You appeared to be shouting and stomping your feet in retaliation as you were dragged into the housing facility.
It was later that week when you were walking down the hall back to the children’s living space, when you noticed a group of four children surrounding the new kid, who huddled against the wall, beads of tears pooling in his eyes. “Why don’t you talk!” the tallest of the bunch growls in frustration, “You’re no fun at all!”
“Maybe he’s just stupid?” another girl quips, flicking her forefinger against Wooyoung’s forehead, sending the four into a pit of laughter and teasing. A wet squelch broke the train of laughter, and Wooyoung’s jaw dropped at the sight of the opened closet, brooms scattered onto the tiled floor, and you thrusting the wet, dripping mop into one of the children’s faces. Chaos ensued; a squeal of protest from one of the girls, loud footsteps, and bickering filled your ears. “(Y/n)! What do you think you’re doing!?” a worker tugged the mop out of your grasp, tugging you up with an arm securely fastened onto your tummy. You twisted in her hold, palms jutting out against her jaw in protest as you struggled to escape her grip.
“They were bullying Wooyoung!” you cried, and the four kids could only cower and deny your claims, their eyes flashing with fear, “Yes, you were! He’s crying! You said he was stupid!”
The worker stilled, and her eyes narrowed at the four children. A sigh escaped her as she settled you down, a stern expression painting her features, “For once, I think I’ll let you go. As for you four, to the director’s office. Now.” 
You laughed smugly at the sight of the four trudging begrudgingly behind the woman, and you gasped in realization when you remembered the young boy. When your head snapped in his direction, he flinched, eyes wary and hands hurriedly reaching up to wipe his tears away. 
“Y’know, you should really learn how to fight back,” you started, “They deserve a broken tooth or two.” He stared back at you, eyes flickering nervously as he fidgeted in place. You frowned, trying again, “Are you scared of them?  I mean, Minjae is ugly— I would be scared of him too.” The boy’s gaze  mirrored that of the gaping fish that stared at you from their tank in the director’s office. 
You quirked a brow, arms crossing in front of your chest, “Okay. You don’t have to fight. I’ll fight for you. Just say my name, and I’ll be there. I’m (y/n).” Wooyoung’s hesitant hands reached up point two fingers at you, and he shook his head while cupping his hands around the shells of his ears. Suddenly, you understood, face leaning uncomfortably close to his as your jaw dropped, “You can’t hear me!?” You understood when his hands made a motion, your brows raising up in curiosity, “Oh, you use sign language? I don’t really know that. I can draw for you, though. Come on, I’ll show you!”
You were permitted to walk around town for a few hours every day before dinner, and the first place you wanted to visit was the library, much to Wooyoung’s confusion, “My friend, San, owns this library! I mean- his mom, but I’m pretty sure they have a sign language book here we can borrow! San taught me how to write and read, y’know. Maybe we can find a book on how to find your memories too! Oh- wait.. I forgot, sorry. You can’t hear me,” You attempted to use hand signals to display your words, but Wooyoung only chuckled at your failed attempt. You swiftly pulled out your tattered sketchbook, and after a few messy, stick figure drawings, he nodded in acknowledgment. You were met with the sight of San helping his mother place a few books in the high shelves of the library, you bellowed out his name loudly, startling both him and his mother. The woman only giggled underneath her breath whilst her son was quick to shush you with a stern glare, “(Y/n)! You’re in a library!” His gaze suddenly drifted the boy behind you, who wore a similar outfit to your own, freezing immediately and grumbling lowly, “Why are you with one of the orphan boys? I thought you said they’re all gross?” His mother scolded him quietly for the choice of his words, and sent her a pout in return, “Stop embarrassing me in front of my friend!”
You quickly explained to both of them Wooyoung’s lack of memories and situation, and and how you insisted on learning sign language to communicate with him, not noticing San’s eyes narrowing in on the nervous lavender haired boy. San’s mother nodded, smiling and reaching over to ruffle your hair. You caught a glimpse of purple and blue marks underneath the sleeve of her shirt as she told you to wait while she searched for the books you needed. A faint speck of purple was also seen on San’s tummy as he reached up to gently push a book back in place.
“We’re not partners in crime anymore if you’re going to replace me,” San grumbled, fingers idly tracing the spines of the books to his right. “He’s not replacing you, dummy,” you cried defensively, tugging Wooyoung by the wrist and startling him, “He’s going to join us. We can even let him in on our secret.”
San’s eyes rounded comically, before they narrowed, finger jutting out in accusation, “You wouldn’t. We agreed it’ll just be us two taking over the world.” “But he probably wants to go on adventures too,” you offered, “Please? We’ll be like the three muskrats!”
“I’m not letting anyone join our pirate club, no,” he crossed his arms, voice firm and head tilting to the side in protest, “And it’s musketeers, not muskrats, you bum.”
San’s mother returned with a stack of books for you, explaining everything you needed to know. She tugged on your cheek, laughing brightly at the sound of your protest as you shyly swatted it away, “It’s very mature and thoughtful of you for doing this, (y/n). You can come here every day to practice with San. He’ll make time to learn with you.”
“Learn? I never agreed to have extra lessons!” It was later that week that the town of Aurora held a coming-of-age ceremony for the young prince on a Friday night. He was a few years older than you, and you’ve caught glimpses of him every so often when you hung out with San in town. 
Wooyoung, San, and you dressed appropriately, with your town’s traditional garbs. Mrs. Choi, bless her soul, took the three of you shopping beforehand, explaining how today was a very important day for the town and the royal family. San appeared miffed at his slicked back hair, and Wooyoung appeared to enjoy to the texture of the garments as his hands wouldn’t stop rubbing the silky, colorful material, fingers tracing the numerous embroidered floral patterns on the cuffs of his sleeves.
Mrs. Choi left the three of you to walk about, only if you promised you wouldn’t get into trouble. With a bag of silver coins, you three tromped between the crowds, visiting different booths to ogle at the treats displayed. The town was illuminated with an array of colorful lights hung from building to building. Signs and images of the young prince were displayed on every wall, pole, and building. As you munched on your roasted corn, guards of the royal family barked at the crowd to make space for the carriages and other matching guards to pass through. San tugged your sleeve and pointed to the golden palanquin held by four, large guards, the maroon velvet curtains tied to the corners, exposing the young boy sitting peacefully inside. He smiled at the crowd, turning left and right to wave as the guards marched in between the two parallel lines of people.
Whilst San was attempting to remember the hand signs to explain to Wooyoung was happening, you squinted, standing up on your tip-toes to have a better look at the prince. You clambered up on a wooden box, smiling in satisfaction at the better view, before peeking down at the two boys, “Why is the prince wearing such an ugly coat? It looks weird.”
“Watch your mouth, kid.” “That coat is the skin of a siren. It is a symbol of honor and bravery, brat.”
San paled at the harsh words, glancing nervously at the glares of the nearby townspeople, before swatting at your calf with a harsh whisper, “Moron, you can’t say things like that about the royals in public! That coat is tradition for the royal family!” Rolling your eyes at his exasperated tone, you offered a hand to Wooyoung, motioning him to stand with you to get a better view of the all the action. San attempted to follow suit, huffing in anger when he found no space for him to stand. Reaching for the pole beside him, he swiftly shimmied himself up, silently thanking the swordsmanship classes he was forced to partake in.
The prince’s eyes examined almost every face in the crowd. He met yours, and despite hating his attire, you couldn’t help but blush at the piercing gaze. You could’ve sworn his eyes widened at the boy beside you, but you didn’t have time to ponder as Wooyoung signed for you that he was hungry. You paused, eyes squinting in thought, before recognition flashed in your mind.
You nodded, pointing to his belly, to which he nodded in agreement. You dragged a reluctant San and a happy Wooyoung through the crowd, unaware of a pair of eyes lingering on your three forms.
Two months later, San began finally warming up to Wooyoung, much to your pleasure. To finally welcome the newest addition to your ‘Pirate Adventure Club’, he presented three twine bracelets, all with one cowrie shell intertwined in the middle,”Pirates give these to their friends, so they’ll never be apart no matter what.” “I don’t remember that in the pirate guidebook,” you mumbled, blinking at the boy.
“I made it up,” he grumbled bashfully, helping Wooyoung tie the twine on his wrist, “Don’t tell Wooyoung I said that, or else he won’t think I’m cool anymore.”
At fifteen years of age, both San and yourself became proficient at sign language, so much so that sometimes you would often find yourself teasing him with foul signs rather than doing so verbally. He would shove you away, red ears and furrowed brows as Wooyoung laughed beside him, “Stop polluting Wooyoung’s head with that nonsense!”
The three of you became infamous in town. The Troublesome Trio.
When San first informed you about the given title, you cackled, asking who in their right mind came up with that ridiculous name. He shrugged as the three of you walked within the town’s square, Wooyoung quietly observing the pigeons huddled near the center fountain, “You're the one who always picks fights, and Wooyoung and I have to always save your ass, so maybe that’s why.”
San insisted on paying a visit to one of the small antique shops in town, promising to find rare trinkets owned by pirates that washed up on Aurora’s shores. The town was still bustling even in the evening, young kids chasing each other around the neighborhood alleys, vendors charming passersby with their pristinely washed produce, mountains of different colored spices, dry fruits and nuts. Other merchants were determined to attract arrays of customers by displaying the colorful, locally caught fish, eel, and crustaceans on beds of ice. Cats sat idle in every corner, their big eyes fixated on the fresh fish.
 Dry herbs hung from many of the tea shops, and vibrant fabrics blew gently with the soft breeze from the textile shops. A young man carried around baskets of fresh bottled milk, whilst another prepared slabs of butter and goat cheese for the market-goers, charming the people past with his smiles and beautiful notes, the seagulls crying overhead joining in the melody.
“Hey, guys. Look! Isn’t that Pipsqueak and Stupid?”
You furrowed your brows, lips pursing in an attempt to bottle your anger. You knew that obnoxious voice anywhere, and it was a surprise that a boy with a disgusting attitude like him found a home with a willing family. You hoped it was the last you would see him three years ago, but there he was, sitting on a barrel, legs spread and a cocky smirk on his face as he pointed to you, along with two others you recognized from the orphanage. You can tell from the way San’s shoulders stiffened that he intact did hear, eyes still glued ahead of him as he led the way to the merchant’s shop. “Hey! Is your boyfriend still too stupid to attend school?” Sometimes, you were grateful that Wooyoung was deaf, because you knew words like that would crush him. Despite lacking the sense of hearing, he picked up on skills much faster than San and yourself combined. San’s mother helped you learn math, and you quickly learned to hate it. Wooyoung, however excelled at such a pace that it left even San’s mother surprised. San also taught him techniques he learned during his swordsmanship classes, and now, not only were the two taller than you, but broader as well.
“I’m talking to you! Don’t ignore me!” A rock pelted against Wooyoung’s neck, startling him. San’s jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock. Your eyes burned with disbelief at the sight of the smirking boy, who proudly adjusted his school uniform’s tie, silently bragging about how privileged he became after being adopted by one of the wealthier families in town.
Your hands grasped one of the thin wooden sticks of the fruit stalls beside you, the owner barking at you in protest, stuck behind the stand dealing with a few confused customers. San’s hands flew to grasp your elbow, a concerned Wooyoung gazing at you from behind him in confusion, “(Y/n)! Don't! He’s not worth it!” he insisted.
“Let me,” you spat, tugging your arm away and stomping towards the taller male, “I’ll stake him like the squealing pig he is.”
The three boys hunched over in laughter at your empty threat, nudging each other and surrounding you threateningly. Minjae threw his backpack to the side, hands reaching up to crack his knuckles, “I don’t hit kids, but since all you are is an angry demon no one wants, I don’t think anyone will mind me giving you a bruise or two. Maybe I should knock Stupid’s head too. He’ll probably start hearing afterwards, yeah?”
San protested, yelling out your name and sprinting to defend you, but before he was halfway across the cobblestone path, you threw the wooden stake aside, relying on your hands to pulverize the taller male in front of you. He tugged at your hair as you tackled him down, hands tugging at his tie, and aiming a punch at his nose, the sound of gravel crunching beneath your wrestling forms. The two of you rolled repeatedly on the cobblestones, feet kicking and fists flying, “You piece of shit, how dare you say those things about Wooyoung! I’ll rip out your tongue and feed it to the seagulls!”
Vendors and customers paused to watch the squabble, kids pointing and ushering their parents to see the commotion. You shoved Minjae onto one of the glass doors of a shop, the raised threshold clipping his ankle, leading to fall backwards into the glass. He growled, head snapping up to meet the eyes of his two friends, “Stop staring and help me out, cowards!”
Their faces grew pale at the sight behind the cracked glass doors, and after sharing a look, they nodded and hastily retreated. A look of disbelief washed over Minjae’s face, and your snicker only boiled his anger even further. With a growl, he tackled you down harshly onto the floor, your eyes widening at the sudden lunge. You didn’t even care at the taste of blood on your busted lip as you struck him in between the legs, eyes furious as you shoved him off, hands reaching up to wipe at your mouth,“Can’t handle a pipsqueak by yoursel—”
“What’s going on here?” Your eyes flickered to well polished shoes behind Minjae’s figure, traveling up to meet the eyes of the prince, crown shining in display, golden coat and pristine white leather sparkling underneath the golden hours of the evening. His face grew even more handsome since the last you’ve seen him, jaw becoming sharper, and eyes more mature. Behind him stood a taller male, hair as striking and vibrant as the crushed geranium flowers Mrs. Choi uses as rouge, “The Commander won’t be happy to hear about this, will he, Minjae?”
Minjae’s eyes widened in recognition, scrambling up to grab at his fallen backpack, his form tripping as he scurried off in fear. You stared at the gloved hand offered to you, and you gladly accepted it, the older male pulling you up onto your feet, “Ah, aren’t you that trio..”
His eyes trailed from your small stature to San and Wooyoung, his brown eyes lingering on the latter a bit longer. You dusted your attire, snorting at the sight of your panic stricken friends, “Yep. Just getting rid of rats on your streets, Hongjoong,” while not personally knowing the member of the royal family, you found comfort in the fact he wasn’t that much older than you and your friends. Surely, he’s just like other kids beneath the silk, leather, golden garments and dazzling jewelry.
The red-haired bodyguard, who didn’t seem that much older than you and your friends, glowered with piercing eyes at your smaller frame, disbelief clouding his eyes at the insolent behavior. 
San slapped his forehead, exasperation lacing his voice as he shouted in your ear, “He’s royalty! You can’t just call Prince Hongjoong by his name, (y/n)-”
Hongjoong lifted a palm, shaking his head, a gentle smile gracing his features, “That is quite alright. I don’t mind. Mingi here calls me Hongjoong, as well. It makes me feel.. ah, young, perhaps? Right, Mingi?” he swiveled his head slightly to eye the stoic guard.
“You’re not even that old, though,” you began, earning you a glare from both San and the prince’s bodyguard at your informal tone. Wooyoung awkwardly held onto your fallen hat, eyes trained on the prince’s mouth in order to attempt to read his lips.
“Ah, yes. You are correct,” Hongjoong simpered, white hair delicately styled and falling into his eyes as he spoke, “but when you have princely duties, it makes you forget that you are still so young.”
There was a hint of sorrow in his voice that you detected, one so subtle and faint like the salty smell of the ocean encasing your town. The smile he wore didn’t exactly reach his eyes, his lips stretching too wide for it to be out of genuine content. Your bloody lips parted, eyes wide as you spoke, softly this time, “You’re still a kid before you’re a prince. You should live a little and have fun every once in a while.”
He offered you a white handkerchief at the glimpse of blood dribbling down your chin, chuckling at the sight of your stunned and flushed expression at the sweet gesture, “You have a point, but maybe I will attempt something other than fighting.. rats in the street.”
His smile sent your face and neck flushing in embarrassment, and you were quick to wave him goodbye as he was pulled away by a few of his guards. Watching the carriage disappear, you failed to notice San glowering at you beside you as you ogled at the disappearing horses, “(Y/n), you can’t just keep picking fights like that. Must you always seek trouble?”
“He asked for it.”
‘(Y/n) is a bad influence. Don’t get any ideas, please,’ He signed to an amused looking Wooyoung.
‘Don’t worry, I won’t.
Your brows furrowed, watching the two exchange words silently, your arms crossing in annoyance.
— At seventeen, the three of you came to conclusion just how cruel and dangerous the beings that lurked in the sea were. San had a rough night with his father again, and with his mother’s insistence, he joined you both to the beach to clear his mind of the suffocating negativity that filled his household. 
A large, canvas umbrella shielded the three of you from the blazing sun. Even from here, the sound of the town’s clock tower chiming, signaling noon, can be heard. San’s head rested on your lap, his straw hat covering his face as he dozed off to your fingers gently running through his dark locks. He was exhausted after hours of swimming and playing volleyball with other kids your age. Sand coated the skin between his toes and a small baby seagull occasionally circled around his legs, curiously eyeing the bag of chips you were sharing with Wooyoung.  
The other male sat to your right, attempting to sketch the shore and moss covered rocks that broke the waves’ paths. He absentmindedly sipped on a bottle of juice, brows furrowed in determined concentration, his back littered with specks of sand from being buried up to his neck by San.
Peering up from his half completed sketch, his eyes were drawn onto the tiny boats and hardy people paddle boarding yards away from shore, despite the occasional gusts of wind. The waves crashed loudly into the clusters of rocks, foam spraying high in the air with every roar of water. The blue waters of the ocean were so clear that often times children would run around chasing the languid fish that found themselves swimming past their feet near the shore. Pebbles and other tiny marine life can be spotted on the sandy bed, the webs of sunlight dancing on the surface. 
A sudden flash of a purple fin stopped him in his tracks, his eyes squinting to make out the form. Another turquoise tail fin breeched the surface, but just as quickly dove back into the water. The two paddle boarders paused, glancing curiously at the two heads that rose from the water. 
Wooyoung watched in confusion as the men dropped their paddles, jaws slackening and frames growing stiff, as if in a deep trance. It happened too fast for his mind to register clearly, but one second the men are standing on their boards, and the next they’re both diving in hastily. His eyes rounded, fingers losing their grip on his bottle, the pomegranate juice spilling onto his sketch, startling you. Before you asked, your head snapped to the direction of his gaze, but you wish you hadn’t.
“Is that a siren?” you heard out in the distance.
A blonde haired creature’s mouth suddenly clamped down onto the screaming man’s neck, angular teeth piercing the skin and severing veins and muscle as he threw his head back roughly, red flesh intact in his mouth. Red liquid glugs from the victim’s lips and the severed carotid, pumping red into the ocean. 
The screams were so shrill you swore they could curdle blood.
Claws pierce the man’s eye-sockets rupturing the globes with a sickening pop, the left eye dangling only by the stubborn, red optical nerve, leaving behind a bloody and empty pit. The siren’s unforgiving lashes met the victim’s face, sharp and jagged nails tearing the man’s visage and shredding his jaw.
Moments later, the creature dives into the water, turquoise tail flashing just before its disappearance. The corpse is suddenly tugged down with such intensity that the red seawater swashes roughly with a loud plop, sea foam being the only indication of movement. Feet away, his friend is met with the same fate. 
The tails breached the surface near a sailboat, the people in it suddenly halting their movements while listening to the sirens’ voices. Wooyoung didn’t need to hear the screams of the people swimming nearby. The wave of fear washing over everyone present at the beach was enough indication.
He gaped in horror, his eyes watching as the beach goers pulled frightened children out of the water, others frantically grabbing their belongings and rushing in hoards for safety, clouds of sand left in their wake. Sandpipers and seagulls flew amongst the crazed crowd, disturbed at the sudden chaos around them. 
San suddenly jerked awake at the sound of a loud siren ringing from one of the pop shacks at the beach. He sat up in surprise, hat falling into his lap, and hand clutching his chest in surprise.
“What happened!?”
That night, the King sent guards around town to announce the banishment of swimming and other ocean sports, threatening anyone who broke the law to be executed by enforced drowning. A team was sent to the beach to pick up the torn flesh and limbs of the victims that washed up on shore. It was a horrid sight, the stench of death prominent and wafting through even the smallest crevice of the town. 
The three of you paid a visit to the vigil honoring the five people killed that day, the images of the brutal deaths haunting both Wooyoung and yourself in your sleep. The two of you joined each other on the lower bunk, arms coiled around each other for a source of comfort no one else could provide you with. The once vibrant atmosphere of the bustling town was replaced with an eerily quiet one- one that was stained with an ugly shade of fear and melancholy. — You were eighteen years of age when were moved out from the orphanage to a facility that housed other orphans, agreeing to partake in labor to help provide for both yourself and the establishment. Wooyoung soon joined you, and as much as you wanted for him to be with a family of his own, you were still happy he stuck around with you. He felt like family. 
The two of you landed jobs aiding fishermen catch and deliver the locally caught fish to merchants and markets. You rolled the sleeves of poofy tunic up, fastened the tied cloth around your waist and winced at the sudden gust of wind that blew your wide-brimmed hat off your head in an instant. 
It was a typical day on the fishing trawler. You were miles away from the coast, Wooyoung and yourself aiding the fishermen haul fish into different compartments, picking out the other creatures that were caught along with the school of fish. A storm battered the ship, but not enough for the helmsman to steer the ship back to port, despite the crew’s growing concern. 
Wooyoung grasped your elbow as you slipped onto the deck, waves crashing against the sides of the vessel. You thanked him with a nod of acknowledgment, hand shakily grasping the railing, brown boots sliding with every sway of the boat. He pointed to the hatch, hoping you’ll understand his implications without the use of hand signs. He was clearly fed up with the lack of concern from the fishermen, urging you with his eyes to crawl inside for safety. 
You opened your mouth to word out a reply, when a sudden jerk to the left caused you both to lose your grip. Wooyoung’s hands stabilized himself against the deck, his face scrunched in pain at the impact of his fall, watching in horror as the vessel tilted dangerously, a wave impelling the sides and sweeping you away with it. His hand flew to grasp your foot, only managing to graze the bottom of your boot in the process.
He was quick on his feet to inform the closest person about you falling overboard. His hands desperately clutched the orange lifebuoy, throwing it to where he spotted your head bobbing within the harsh waves. 
You met his gaze, hands reaching to grab the ring, when you felt a clawed hand grasp your ankle. In the time it took you to knit your brows in confusion at the sensation, you suddenly gasped in realization, earning you only a few more milliseconds of air before you were swiftly plunged down into the raging ocean. You were welcomed with the deafening roar of your heartbeat in your ears and the burning sensation in your sinuses. Beams of sunlight occasionally shined within the raging waters before they disappeared behind the dark plumes of clouds.
You hadn’t properly prepared to take a deep breath, your mouth parting open in shock at the sight of a beautiful, black haired man. Your stunned eyes were suddenly drawn to his puckering gills and outstretched smile, showcasing rows of sharp, pointed teeth. The purple fins on his neck and forearms shimmered with every flap and movement. 
He appeared to laugh as he teasingly swam around your frame, circling and eyeing you like prey. The delighted smile on his visage stretched wide, resembling the evil creatures drawn in the folklore books you read as a child. His iridescent, violet tail and fins tickled the skin of your neck, and your lungs began burning with the lack of oxygen, the subtle sounds of waves crashing joining in with the loud drumming of your pulse.
“My, my,” he chuckled, dark hues locked on your panic stricken face, “I didn’t even have to sing to get you to come to me, little human.”
The two of you were suspended in a neutral state of buoyancy, clouds of marine life occasionally passing by. Your blood ran so cold that it felt more like being electrocuted than anything else. You had to get yourself out immediately, before the lack of oxygen kills you or before the siren rips you apart like ribbons.
One second he was eyeing you curiously, and the next you struggled to escape his hold, teeth snapping and threatening to bite your neck open, your frames swaying with the waves’ thrusts, even from below the surface. Your mind had no time to keep up with your body’s involuntary actions, your fingers digging harshly into the gaps of his gills and clawing desperately in an attempt to escape. 
Your movements weren’t as clean and swift as they would’ve been on land, but your frenzied mind paid no thought. He winced at the onslaught of scratches, pulling away to clutch at his neck in pain, giving you the briefest amount of time to swim up, your arms securely wrapping around the ring and shouting up with a desperate cry. Waves rocked your frame, the water sloshing harshly around you, and hope slowly trickled in as you felt the line tug upwards to safety.
 As soon as your legs surfaced the water, the same hand breached past the waves, long nails digging into the skin of your calf, before getting caught in the buckles of your brown boot, slipping it off with ease as the siren fell back into the water. Beady eyes glowered at you as you were hoisted up the ship.
Arms were wrapped around your frame as soon as you landed in a wet, bloody heap on deck, Wooyoung’s concerned face invading your vision. His eyes flew from your leg to your bleeding, bitten hand, and finally your face. From the raindrops pattering his skin you couldn’t tell if he was crying or not. He held you so tightly against his frame, fingers coiling into your wet locks, his chest heaving heavily in panic. Your widened eyes could only stare straight ahead, arms weakly tangling around his form.
Four years later and you were left with lumpy, jagged scars on your left leg and hand. There was no action taken against the fishermen that you worked for, though. You didn’t have the money or means to do anything, so Wooyoung and you decided it was best to change the tasks you were meant to complete. Delivering fish from the ports to the markets instead of helping the fishermen at sea was a much better and safer option.
The two of you fell into the same boring routine. You heard mockeries under people’s breaths regarding the two of you- how nobody wanted to adopt you due to your troublesome behavior, and Wooyoung due to the fact that he was deaf. You wanted to beat the nonsense out of the people who spoke ill of you, but you knew in doing so it would prove their point. Over the years, you have calmed down, though. Only slightly.
Grumbling to yourself, you trudged up the narrow cobblestone path, Wooyoung by your side. The two of you carried nets of freshly caught fish, ready to be displayed at the fish market. The streets were mostly empty, the orange rays of the sun filtering out the darkness as it ever so slowly broke past the horizon, golden beams shining onto the numerous white and seaglass-blue buildings. You passed the formal gardens, your eyes glued to the plumes of vibrant colors showcased behind the copper gates, wondering what it would feel like to have a picnic with your friends there. San will love it, his love for flowers inherited from his mother.
‘I’m going to smell like fish all day,’ You signed to Wooyoung, your posture and facial expression giving away your feelings even beforehand.  
His biceps flexed as he adjusted the bags in his grip, unable to reply back as his hands were full. His sleeveless shirt displayed his toned, tanned arms, leather pants fitting quite nicely on his form. You knew he was teasing you as he took larger and quicker strides, leaving you behind. You waddled your way after him, your protests quite literally falling on deaf ears. 
You traded the fish for a sachet of silver coins, making sure to count the amount before your departure from the seafood market. On your way back to the docks, you stopped to grab a loaf of freshly baked bread and tea, offering the taller male walking with you. Elderly women can be spotted hunching down to tend to their rice fields, wide brimmed hats shielding them from the rising sun.
 Children began walking down the streets, dressed in the typical blue and white school uniform. You occasionally wished that Wooyoung and yourself grew up with those privileges- only worrying about upcoming tests and what meal you’ll devour after coming back from school. Despite the tiring labor, Wooyoung and yourself at least had each other’s company to enjoy, and you were grateful to have him by your side every second.
Overall, the waters were quite safe since that incident that occurred five years ago. The fishermen treated you both very well, always slapping at Wooyoung’s broadened shoulders and biceps playfully. They often teased you about being in a relationship, but quickly learned the sibling dynamic between the two of you. Wooyoung’s nose always scrunched in distaste at the memory.  
It was noon and the two of you finally finished your daily fish delivery trips. You decided to pay San a visit at his family’s library, his nose immediately scrunching up while he greeted you at the front desk. 
‘Would it kill you two to go shower before you visit?‘ he signed in annoyance, fingers then clamping around his mouth and nose.
You attempted to hug him, and he hastily backed away in his seat, a book smacking you in the arm in retaliation, a strangled sound emitting from the back of his throat, “Stop, (y/n)!” 
“But I missed you, Sannie,” you frowned, pulling Wooyoung forward by the elbow, ‘Wooyoung wants a hug too.’
‘You won’t die if I don’t hug you,’ San shook his head, propping the frames on his nose a bit higher, giving you two a pointed look.
‘Yes we will,’ Wooyoung protested, a pout finding itself onto his features, earning him a glare from San as you cackled,’Are you ready for the competition later?’
‘More than ever. Too bad the brat can’t attend,’ Wooyoung snorted at the response, hastily covering his mouth as you gave him a swift, sharp look. It was no surprise that Wooyoung used his hard earned silver coins to enlist in San’s swordsmanship school, much to the other’s delight. Tonight was the end of the season’s competition, but to your dismay, you had errands to complete before the prince’s coronation tomorrow.
San was peeved at the idea of you not attending, but Wooyoung clearly saw the irritation being directed at the fact that you couldn’t attend because of the prince and not due to the errands you were forced to complete. He rolled his eyes whilst gazing at your mouths moving rapidly in a display of ongoing bickering. The two of you were so oblivious to each other, Wooyoung found it gross. Endearing, but gross.
Later that night, Wooyoung returned home to the housing facility, his nose scrunching up in delight as he proudly displayed his second place trophy in the air. Throwing your arms around his neck and shaking his frame excitedly, you laughed as he stumbled back from the sudden attack. 
‘I’m so, so proud of you!’
A smile found itself resting on his features as he tugged you close to return the gesture. 
He was beyond grateful to have someone that felt like family.
Wooyoung rubbed the small amount of rose water in his hands and brushed his fingers through your hair, giving it a gentle tussle. He adjusted the clips holding your hair in place, before eyeing your reflection in the mirror, throwing a thumbs up and proceeding to pinch your cheeks. Swatting his hands away in protest, you turned to examine yourself at a different angle,’Do you think purple suits me?’
‘Of course. Every color suits you.’
‘But do you think I look good in purple? Should I wear the blue one instead?’
‘I’m pretty sure San will love it. Two of his favorite-’
You furiously signed that you did not even bring San’s name into the conversation, and Wooyoung snickered at your flustered reaction. You hated how well he read you- how easily he read every feeling you attempted to bury and conceal. 
And you hated the fact that you had no confidence to confess your feelings in the first place.
The night of Prince Hongjoong’s coronation was much like the night of his coming-of-age celebration, only now Wooyoung and you were older— and being older meant partying harder.
Wooyoung watched you stumble into a pole, snickering and tugging you towards himself to stabilize your tipsy form. San shook his head as he walked back towards you with three sticks of fried pastry, his lips parting to scold you, “You're lightweight! You shouldn’t have drank so much, (y/n).”
Wooyoung has spent a good amount of time with the both of you, and after years of friendship, he often picked up on reading your lips as you two argued. He rubbed your shoulders in silent understanding, knowing fully well you downed that liquor in hopes of gaining confidence to actually look San in the eye and not have to deal with flushed ears and bickering to conceal your feelings. San in traditional garments was your utter weakness.
It had the opposite effect, really. You complained about his voice being too loud, and how the lights were too bright around you— how the smells of the street food were too strong. Wooyoung offered you a bottle of water, forcing you to down it all in one go in order to clear your mind a bit. He gave San a knowing smile as he watched from the sidelines, adam’s apple bobbing nervously at the sight of streaks of water cascading down from the corners of your lips and onto your neck, your clavicles glistening underneath all of the oil lamps illuminating the streets. Once catching the lavender haired male’s smirking gaze, the other silently scrunched his face in embarrassment, swiftly turning away to eye the closest confectionery shop.
Underneath the star-filled sky, the townspeople chatted amongst each other, many of them drunk and attempting to form dance circles in the town square. Many musicians filled the streets, the sweet and joyous melodies dancing in between every corner and alley of Aurora. A few women danced with delicate and sensual sways of their hips to the beats of darbuka drums and oud notes, hungry eyes watching their every move. The scent of tobacco and alcohol filled the air. An hour later, you felt better, mind clearing slightly. 
The smell of fresh pastries and milk custards wafted through the air, as you shared a large piece of cinnamon cake between the other two boys. Wooyoung stood up, informing you that he needed to buy water and possibly use the restroom. 
It was only when you were left alone with San, you suddenly felt like a small and helpless bug without Wooyoung’s presence and emotional support. You can face San on normal days, but when he’s dressed like this, hair slicked back, and the back of his ears and wrists shining with sandalwood oil-based perfume, your confidence crumbled into a mere speck of dust.
“You look pretty,” he started, voice quiet as his kohl lined eyes fixate on the cake between the two of you, “Purple suits you, you know?”
You scrambled to find a coherent reply, mind too frazzled at the sudden bold comment from the man across from you,. You needed to be casual, natural- needed to say something that won’t scare him off, or make you sound too desperate.
“You look hot when you spar.”
His eyes widened in surprise at your confession, jaw dropping in disbelief, cinnamon frosting and cake crumbs coating his cupid’s bow, and you suddenly wished you drank more of that nasty rum earlier.
Half an hour passed as the two of you awkwardly exchanged hints and implications of your feelings, when suddenly your brows furrowed, your frame rising up from your seat at the wooden table, “Okay, now I know for a fact that he’s lost. It’s been too long-”
“But he knows his way through town, (y/n). Besides, this is his favorite bakery— no way he’ll get lost,” San reassured, finger flicking the strand of hair that fell into his gaze. 
“I don’t know,” you sighed, hand running through your hair as you took a few steps away from the table, calling out back to him, “You stay here in case he comes back. I’ll go look for him, okay?”
After a nod of approval, you sauntered off among the sea of crowds searching for a mop of purple hair. You grew tired after half an hour of searching, even returning back to San in hopes that Wooyoung found his way back. When he saw dread fill your eyes at absence of the male, he stood up, cupping your your panic stricken face and telling you to calm down.
“You check the south, and I’ll check north, got it? We’ll meet at the same spot after half an hour,” he squeezed your shoulder and offered a small smile, “He’ll be okay. He’s Warrior Wooyoung after all. I trained him well.”
Fifteen minutes ticked by and you attempted to push down the heavy and negative thoughts invading your mind. This was not like back in the orphanage. Wooyoung was not the little, scared, helpless little boy. He was strong, brave, and—
You walked straight into a firm chest, hands reaching up to stabilize you as you stumbled back on your feet, head snapping up to apologize, “Ah, Pipsqueak. You’ve grown quite nicely since the last time I’ve seen you.”
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice, you hand immediately reaching up to swat at his arms, only for him to pull back defensively. Oh, how you hated the sight of his face and the sound of his voice. The gods must have loved Wooyoung for not granting him the sense of hearing, because you knew Minjae’s voice was disgusting enough to make anyone’s ear’s bleed. 
“Whoa- whoa! So hot-headed, still?” He laughed, eyes tracing every curve of your frame as he took a few steps back,”I see you’ve only psychically changed. But here,” he tapped his temple, broad shoulders on full display as he crossed arms,”You're still the same kid who was all bark and no bite.”
“I punched you, and you cried like a baby in front of the entire orphanage,” you stated matter-of-factly. 
The amusement in his eyes drifted away like the clouds blanketing the bright, full moon. You hated to admit it, but now that he was much, much taller than you, broader than you, and clearly stronger than you, it made you just a tiny bit anxious. You had no doubt that he’ll be able to manhandle you with just one hand, easily taking you down. A sneer met his features, “Ah, the day your idiot of a boyfriend was introduced to us, right? I heard you were also locked in the director’s closet as punishment.”
“Say that again, I dare you,” you spat back, mirroring his own sneer. He shrugged his shoulders, leaning back slightly against the wall beside him, as a snort of amusement escapes his  throat, “Why? Don’t like when I talk about him? Can’t believe Stupid grew up to beat me in second place,” he paused, as if contemplating his next words carefully, “It’ll be the last time, though. I can guarantee you that, love.”
Silence struck between the two of you.
You stared at his cocky smirk, his last words reverberating in your mind. His smile only broadened at the sight of horror and realization washing over your features. Suddenly, he found himself jerked down by the collar of his traditional garb, your hands itching to clobber that smile off his chiseled visage, “What did you do to him! Where is he!?”
He laughed at your attempt to intimidate him, gently prying your fists off of him as he patted the crown of your head in mock affection, “Don’t know. Maybe he’s partying, maybe he’s with San, or maybe..” he straightened his back, lips pursing whilst tapping his temple in thought, “..he’s being eaten alive by the sirens. Your guess, Sweetheart.”
You didn’t even realize you were already tripping on your feet to reach the docks in the southern part of town, Minjae’s amused laughter ringing behind you, your heart hammering in your chest as adrenaline surged through your veins. You pushed past drunkards, guards, adults, and hell- even children without a second glance or care in the world. There was no time to find San, the tears in your eyes flying into the air like tiny pearls as you flung yourself corner after corner between the blue and white buildings in a rush to reach the shore.
You will never forgive yourself if you didn’t find him alive. — Wooyoung was angered at his predicament. He should have known it was a trap, but he had a big heart, deciding to push his suspicions away when a lady asked him for help regarding her puppy at the beach. Well, at least that’s what he assumed when she pulled out a picture of a dog, pointing in the general direction of the harbor.
As soon as his suspicions surfaced, it was too late. She turned around so quickly, he had no time to react when she swung her heavy, straw bag onto his head, stumbling back and shielding his face. He was then ambushed by a group of men, who then proceeded to not only tie his wrists and ankles together, but also shove him in one of the smaller docked boats, working quickly to untie the thick ropes attaching it to the dock, allowing it to drift off yards away into the dark sea. 
Even during his delirious state, he didn’t fail to recognize one face in particular- the same face who glowered at him while he received the second place trophy yesterday night. Even with third place, Minjae still wasn’t satisfied, not when the kid he loved to pick on beat him at his own game, with much less training and practice. His ego was as easy to bruise as a banana.
With no paddle or oar, Wooyoung’s attempts to return back to shore with his bound hands were fruitless. As the boat drifted off even further, he flung his hands to grasp the edge of the jagged rocks, finger scraping against the barnacles and limpets that cracked underneath his steady grip. The blankets of green algae coating the rock causes his fingers to slip and slide, sharp points of the rocks and tiny mussels no help in aiding him whatsoever.
Panic and dread settled in his system, much to his displeasure. San taught him that a clear mind will do wonders when one in is in trouble, however looking at his situation now, it’s almost inevitable what will happen to him. He can barely make out the dock now, the glow of the town still visible from where he grasped onto the rocks for dear life, feet still bound in the boat. It was dark outside, people were busy with the coronation, and he couldn’t hear anything or anyone. 
The waves were strong and yet gentle at this distance, the boat rocking noisily against the large stones. The moon’s reflection in the water rippled, and a mop of blonde hair surfaced, startling Wooyoung suddenly. The being’s lips moved slowly, as if he were chanting calmly, eyes holding a mischievous fire within them. The man’s skin had an iridescent glow to it underneath the moonlight, specks of turquoise lining the sides of his neck and cheekbones. 
“Which human is stupid enough to take a swim at night during a full moon, hm?”
Pectoral fins on his neck flapped gently in the water, gill cavities visible from where Wooyoung stood. The being’s hair was reminiscent of the golden threads of the royal family garbs, and Wooyoung could only gape in sheer shock at the creature’s beauty. When he made no move to submerge himself in the water, the creature circled around the boat, brows furrowing in confusion. His lips moved rapidly now, shaping words Wooyoung had a difficult time deciphering, especially with such dim lighting.
From this distance, Wooyoung made out a large turquoise tail, which glimmered within the moonlight right below the surface of the water, and only then did he realize that the creature was the same one in the books he’s read about in San’s library as a child. However, this time, you weren’t there to fight the imaginary creatures on his behalf, and he was alone, stuck at sea along with said creature.The drawings did little to no justice in capturing the painful beauty of the beasts, though.
The siren’s lips parted, teeth so sharp like the daggers he trained with, anger now evident in his eyes as he swam much too close to Wooyoung’s comfort. “Why are you not abandoning your boat to come to me, you filthy human?” the creature sneered, jagged claws scraping at the edge of Wooyoung’s boat. 
Golden eyes widened as Wooyoung swatted the creature’s hands away in retaliation. The siren reeled back in surprise, shock enveloping his features as the human glowered down at him. Bounded hands or not, Wooyoung will not go down without a fight. If you were here, you would be proud, he thinks.
When the creature attempts to grasp the edge of the boat once more, tilting it down to capsize it, Wooyoung’s hands reach out to scrape long stripes onto the being’s arms, his scaly, slippery flesh cool to the touch. He made no attempt to smirk cockily at the shocked creature as it pulled back with a hiss. It still had the upper hand in this situation. Warily, the golden haired being swayed gently along with the waves, his eyes searching for an answer in the boy’s face. Turning hastily to eye the structure of the rock, Wooyoung contemplated trying to climb onto the high surface for safety despite his restraints. Maybe the morning sailors and fishermen will find him in the early hours of the morning.
“Ah, you’re quite boring,” he drawled in disgust, “I like them when they scream and cry.”
This is definitely a crazy one. Maybe Seonghwa will enjoy tearing him open instead.
Wooyoung startled at the noise that invaded his mind, frantically looking around for the source, only for his eyes to lock onto the back of the being’s head. Did he just hear? That was a voice, right? 
‘Are you talking about me?’
The creature was now far enough for the reflection of the moon to ripple between the two. 
‘Hey! Was that you speaking? How can I hear you?’
Wooyoung was certainly not expecting shock to wash over the being’s features, his lips parting in a silent gasp as he turned his head to gaze back at him over his scaly shoulder, golden orbs widening. Just who was this human?
‘How are you communicating with me telepathically? This is not possible,’ the creature made no move to swim closer, uncertainty in its eyes,’What kind of human are you, boy?’
Wooyoung didn’t know how to respond, the confusion in his eyes mirroring the creature’s,’I don’t know,’ his hands gripped the boulders roughly as a harsh wave rocked the boat. With desperate eyes, he pleaded to the creature,’Please help me reach back to shore.’
Wooyoung didn’t need to hear to know how amused the creature was at his words. Throwing his head back with laughter, golden strands glimmering with every movement,’A siren? Helping a human?’ he swam slowly to the purple haired male, golden orbs narrowing into a threatening glare as he spat his next words harshly,’I don’t help your kind. I find it much more amusing to rip you measly humans open by your throats, watching your life flash before your eyes as you choke on your blood, before you sink to the pits of the ocean where your pathetic wastes of bodies are gnawed on by sea creatures. You should’ve listened to the warnings in your bedtime stori-’
The motion of the siren’s head snapping to the side bought Wooyoung’s attention up to that direction, eyes squinting to make out a figure struggling to make it past the onset of waves in a small coracle. Relief washed over him, his eyes widened in recognition, unable to wave his bound hands in fear of losing his grip of the rocks. 
“Oh, thank the heavens you’re—”
Knowing fully well he couldn’t hear you, you couldn’t help but shout in relief at the mere sight of his intact body. It was only when you noticed the head of blonde hair in the water that the oar nearly slipped out of your hands. In a desperate attempt to further the distance between Wooyoung and that damned siren, you were quick to whip your shoes in its direction, aiming for the creature’s head. 
“Get away from him!”
Wooyoung’s eyes widened at your actions, shaking his head frantically to get your attention,’Stop, you idiot!’ His face said it all, but you were too engrossed in yelling profanities at the creature, whose eyes flickered from the floating shoes and back to your heated face. When the siren’s lips curled back, sharp teeth glimmering in the moonlight to make his way to end your life, Wooyoung rushed to stop him, knowing fully well what will conclude if he didn’t,‘Stop! No! Don’t hurt, (y/n)! Please.’
‘One strange human after another. Give me one reason I shouldn’t snap this human roach’s neck this instant,’ the creature hissed underneath his breath, molten gold orbs furiously trained on your approaching figure. Wooyoung’s eyes frantically flickered back and forth from your outraged form and back to the crouching siren, whose face sunk in the water until he was eye level with the surface,’Well?’
‘(Y/n).. (y/n) is my lover?,’ Wooyoung threw in a white lie, wincing at the irrational thoughts he shared with the creature. Whether or not the creature knew he was lying, he hoped that was enough to deter him, even slightly. Golden eyes peered at him in faint curiosity, a scoff escaping the creature’s lips in bubbles, before he dipped himself fully underneath the water’s surface, swimming his way in your direction, ignoring the frantic thoughts of the purple haired male drilling in his mind.
You glared down at the creature underneath the water, whose amused eyes studied your seething form. You aimed the oar, plunging it down with a loud plop of the water. A laugh rang out behind you, and you found yourself suddenly tilting face first into the water. Your frantic swimming came to a halt when the creature circled around you beneath the surface, long turquoise tail curling around your frame in amusement. Beams of moonlight illuminated his iridescent face, which was mere inches away from your own, his lips stretching wide to reveal two rows of sharp, jagged teeth, golden strands dancing and framing his face beautifully. 
You refused to allow this fish to scare you– not like last time. It was that sudden impulse that prompted you to angrily tug at the fins on his neck, before you gripped his long, wavy locks back, fingers roughly digging into the gaps of his gills. 
If you had air, you would’ve laughed at the stupefied expression on his face, but before you made another move, his tail smacked you upside the head, taking you by surprise. He wriggled away from your grasp, swimming away and allowing the darkness of the ocean to engulf his figure. 
Breaking the surface of the ocean, you spotted a panic stricken Wooyoung, whose shoulders sagged in relief at the sight of your smiling face. You ignored the glare he sent you as you swam a few feet to retrieve the floating oar, before making your way over to his boat, struggling to climb in. You clung onto his dry form, hands cupping his face to examine it and his neck, looking for any sign of harm.
He struggled to sign words with his bound hands, his chin jutting in the general direction of the shore, silently asking you to start paddling. Golden hair and eyes broke the surface of the water yards behind the boat, watching you struggle to keep the boat steady and straight. ‘Visit me again, Human. You’ve intrigued me.’ Wooyoung’s head snapped back at the sound, but all he could make out was a ripple of the water. You found yourself hunched down, a jagged stone in hand as you attempted to slice through the hemp twine encasing Wooyoung’s limbs. The two of you walked to the nearby promenade, the low lighting of the lampposts around you not aiding your sight in the slightest. With the adrenaline now fading away, the reality of what just occurred finally began to sink in your frazzled mind. Your hands trembled as you sliced through, tears dropping in pearls onto the pavement. You were so, so close to losing the only person you called family. Was this the feeling of what having a family meant? The impending doom one feels when their loved one is in danger? You hated it. You loved Wooyoung, but you hated this foreign feeling. It was ugly and it tore you down from the inside out, disrupting your breathing pattern and train of thought. Off to the side, the gentle waters rocked the small dinghies and larger day boats nestled on the side of the promenade. The moon’s reflection was stunning against the calmer waters of this side of town. “Where have you been!?” San’s frantic cry snapped your attention from cutting the bonds around Wooyoung’s arms, and up to the confused, ebony haired male who hunched forward, clutching the wall to steady his breathing,”I checked the entire south shore! Minjae said Wooyoung-” “You best believe I’ll have him expelled from your school after the stunt he pulled,” you growled, finally tugging the last of the thick twine from the purple haired boy’s limbs, your hands still trembling with anger, before you hurled the stone against one of the smaller boats, the water rippling as it dropped down, “I’ll— I’ll kill him. I swear I’ll snap his neck in half- as soon as I get my hands on him I-.. I will squeeze his throat until he’s as blue as the ocean..” Wooyoung’s hands fisted around your lithe fingers, his arms pulling you into his chest tightly as you desperately gripped the back of his shirt, too afraid to let him go. San’s expression fell at the sight, his hands reaching to rub the both of your backs. ‘Are you okay?’ San pulled the other into a hug, hand cradling the other’s head tenderly. Wooyoung pulled away to nod, a silent storm forming in his brown hues, which you two failed to see past the anger and relief that washed upon reuniting with your friend. Later on, San happily visited you to inform you of Minjae’s expulsion from the swordsmanship program, the school stripping away all of the past medals he obtained. He was happy to have him gone and have you not behind bars for attempted murder. He refused to let you know where Minjae lives. — Peeling his eyes open, Wooyoung found himself submerged within the dark depths of the ocean. No marine life swam by, and strong beams of sunlight danced beneath the surface of the water. He kicked his legs and arms in an attempt to swim up to the surface. Strangely enough, he hadn’t felt the need for air. A few seconds before he breached the surface, a kind face hovered above the water, the person’s visage distorted with the moving water. A hand plunged down the water hastily, the pads of two fingers grazing his forehead ever so gently, before he found himself being dragged down to the ocean’s dark trenches by a strong force, his arm instinctively flinging up to try and reach the outstretched hand. He felt a scream slip past his lips as a clawed hand pierced through the flesh of his neck, dragging upwards towards his chin, the blood beginning to waft into the water around him. The manic laughter emitted from the creature practically curdled his blood, and his vision was suddenly overtaken by a set of teeth so sharp they resembled daggers. The creature’s jaws snapped so tightly around the junction of his nec— Wooyoung’s frame shot up suddenly. His chest heaved with rapid, heavy breaths, heart practically convulsing in his ribcage. Swallowing thickly, his wide, paranoid eyes scanned his environment, shoulders relaxing subtly as he took in the sight of the messy living space he shared with you. Beams of sunlight flickered through the curtains, birds chirping happily in the early hours of the morning. He heard your faint breathing from the bottom bunk, and he fluttered his eyes shut in relief. Throwing himself back, he gazed up at the chipped, stained ceiling, face and arms glistening with a sheen of sweat. The constant nightmares still will not hinder his decision to meet with the siren. He wanted answers. He needed answers. A month passed since the incident and Prince Hongjoong’s coronation, and you grew increasingly worried about Wooyoung. He appeared to be in his own world when hauling the nets of fish every morning, his eyes trained onto the ocean the entire time. The cries of seagulls could be heard as they dipped and soared overhead near the docked fishing trawlers. Your brows knitted in confusion as his gaze never left the vast expanse of the gentle waters, despite the most clouding the air. Just what was he searching for? You’ll study him a bit more before confronting him- that sounded like a good enough course of action Wooyoung also spent a ridiculous amount of time in the town’s library while he wasn’t training with San. While he loved reading with you and San when he was younger ( San and you took turns wither narrating or animatedly sign the words for him for a better experience in storytelling), he never really went out of his way to read on his own accord. He had shook his head when you asked if anything was bothering him. Even San couldn’t get him to reveal the cause of his sudden curiosity of the mythical sea creatures. You decided not to pry too much, instead focusing on completing more tasks to get an extra heap of silver coins before San’s birthday, silently promising yourself to buy him that golden cutlass sword he set his eyes on months ago. When Wooyoung wasn’t in either the library, or training, he sauntered off without informing anyone. You were worried at the sudden change of behavior, but after speaking with San, you came to realization that Wooyoung was an adult now, and he didn’t need supervision or protection like he once did as a child. You still couldn’t shake that gnawing feeling out of the pit of your stomach. ‘Is everything okay with you?’ you asked one day, book in your lap forgotten as you stared at him from your seat on the lower bunk bed. The smell of salt and sea lingered in your small space from the opened window in the back. He lifted his umber hues for the briefest second to watch you repeat the gestures before nodding with a half-hearted smile, turning back to his book on the small table in the corner of your one-room living quarters. Miffed at his lack of honesty, you crawled out of the space, book tossed aside as you roughly dragged the chair back to plop across from him, eyes searching his face for answers,’Where have you been going off to?’ Quirking a brow at your pushy and intrusive choice of words, he held himself back from rolling his eyes,’It’s nothing important. Don’t worry about it.’ He returned his gaze back to the book, lavender locks falling into his eyes. You swiftly snatched the book away from him, eyes scanning the page quickly before he practically jumps onto you, face contorted into disbelief and anger, his expression clearly asking you if you had lost your mind,’Why are you suddenly so interested in sirens? Why do you disappear for hours on end almost every single day?’ ‘I told you it’s nothing important. Go to sleep,’ anger was clearly evident on his features and his demeanor. He plopped down back into his seat, book concealing half of his face as his eyes flickered to you in frustration. ‘You’re trying to find that siren, aren’t you?’ He stilled, mind reeling at the accusation, before he snapped the heavy book shut with a loud slam, ignoring your existence completely as he made his way over to the ladder to reach his top bunk. You grabbed him by the back of the shirt, turning him around to point a finger in his face, relying on him to read your lips, the anger in your system seemingly unbearable, “Am I right!?” ‘Stop treating me like I’m your son. Goodnight, (y/n).’ He left no room for arguments, eyes void of any warmth at your nosy questions. You watched him crawl into his covers, his back facing you. Scoffing to yourself, you reached down to snuff the oil lamps, the sudden darkness of the room concealing the hurt expression that painted your features. Wooyoung didn’t bother exchanging words with you the next day during your fish deliveries. You glowered at his retreating figure as he just waved a goodbye. You thought it was best to ignore the brat, and instead focus on the errands left on your plate. The tasks you completed were mostly deliveries of goods, and cleaning the docks and beaches of the litter and waste the townspeople left behind. You grimaced as you picked up what appeared to be the remnants of a torn loincloth and a shattered bottle of rum, throwing it in the plastic bag you carried in your gloved hands. Turning swiftly back to the pile you created up the slope of the rocky area of the beach, a flash of purple froze you in your tracks. You blinked, but nothing was there. Furrowing your brows, you decided to investigate, just to make sure the sun hadn’t baked your brain and burned your eyes. Placing the parchment bag down to steady it against a sturdy rock, you padded your way towards the sea cave that the villagers always warned kids not to venture off into. The water reached your ankles as you hesitantly stepped into the quiet cave, beams of sunlight guiding you through the tunnel of rocks. You grimaced at the feeling of algae and barnacle on the wall, feet stepping cautiously onto the wet boulders. You turned a corner, eyes immediately catching sight of the opening on the top of the cave, which filtered strong beams of rays into the shallow, turquoise and blue waters of the cave. Not quite paying close attention to your footing, your ankle caught onto a chunk of seaweed, toes stubbing against a jagged stone. You yelped loudly, your voice echoing in the cave as you crashed into the waist deep water. Before the thought of getting up even crossed your mind, your eyes widened at the sight of the familiar siren, who bristled in front of you, the long, protruding rays on his frame flaring out in anger, claws and jagged teeth ready to rip you apart if it wasn’t the blur of purple that hovered above you with arms spread out in defense. A whistling hiss emitted from the creature as he peered at you from over Wooyoung’s shoulders, face contorted into a glare, “Wooyoung!? You—...” the pain from your fall was now buried underneath the rising anger that bubbled from within you. Pointing an accusing finger at the creature, you glared back, “You! I knew it! You seduced him! You’re trying to kill him, aren’t you?!” “How disgusting that you think I’ll reduce myself to seduce a human being of all things. I would much rather kiss a squid. I want nothing to do with you filthy pests.” You smacked Wooyoung’s calf in confusion, angrily signing at the sight of his embarrassed expression,’What are you doing here with a siren!?’ ‘Why were you following me?’ ‘I wasn’t! I was running an errand when I saw you come here! He seduced you. He sang for you, and you-‘ your hands just could not keep up with your racing thoughts. You opted to spit out your words, mostly for the siren to hear,“I’ll slice him like a trout and sell his flesh in the market- now move, Wooyoung,” you proceeded to step around the taller male, your bare hands clawing at the air as he tugged you back by the waist, the siren staring at you with a dull expression. “Crazy human,” he simpered at the sight of your frustration, “Your boyfriend can’t even hear me sing.” You kicked at the water at the smug expression of the siren, Wooyoung’s jaw dropping in disbelief, @He’s not my boyfriend, you putrid fish! If I find out you’ve hurt him in any way-” With a wave of his tail, you found yourself drenched from the head down. — Crossing your arms in anger, you leaned against the mossy wall of the cave, glaring holes into the siren’s head, as Wooyoung finished explaining everything, demeanor nervous and all as you rung your shirt for the third time to rid your attire of the seawater. Seagulls cawed around the roof of the cave, and small creatures climbed in between the cracks and crevices of the rocks surrounding you. Yeosang was leaning forward, arms crossed against a rock, chin tucked up onto his arms as his tail swished languidly in the water behind him. “Is it true that Wooyoung can speak to you telepathically?” you peered over the boy’s shoulder, quirking a brow at the bored siren, who was busy toying with a cluster of barnacle. He nodded, rolling his eyes as you asked for an explanation as to why that was possible. “Don’t know. Your lovely human friend here has been reading about it all month, and I can’t come up with anything rational either,” he threw himself back, eyes squinting as beams of sunlight flashed onto his face, “He’s been meeting me here to ask questions and learn about our kind. Curious little guy, but naive. It’s great that the runt has you following after him like a little sandpiper, or else I probably would have killed him that night.” He burst into a fit of mock laughter at your panicked expression, leaning back against a rock and crossing his arms over his chest, green, transparent gills dripping with seawater, “Kidding. I’ve never met a deaf human and a ..” he eyed you up and down, tongue gliding against his sharp teeth as he thought of a way to describe you, “Earth roach.” Wooyoung shot you a look as you attempted to grab a seashell to thwart it at the siren, “Why should we even trust you? You’ve killed too many humans. One of you attacked me too!” “You don’t have to trust me,” his tail fins swayed gently in the water as he threw a smirk your way,”Ah, so you’re that human that managed to escape from Seonghwa years ago? You left some ugly damage to his gills that day, y’know. Couldn’t sing for a week. He’ll be happy to know I found you.” “It’s against the law to interact with sirens anyway. I don’t want to see that bastard.” “Well, I guess I should call the King on you two for breaking the law? Or better yet, maybe I’ll tear you apart to see how you look from the inside. Red is my favorite color for a reason.” You rolled your eyes, tugging at Wooyoung’s elbow to get his attention. You urged him to go home with you and leave the siren be, but he wouldn’t budge, sitting down onto one of the dry rocks, hands grabbing at the forgotten book. You argued back and forth, exchanging glares of protest as he told you he’ll be fine. “He is a siren,” you cried, hands grasping his shoulders, face leaning in, “He will kill you!” ‘He would have killed me weeks ago, if he really wanted to,’ he defended, mirroring your own fierce glare. Twenty minutes ticked by, and you eventually gave up attempting to persuade him. Wooyoung was as stubborn as a rock. You decided it was best to just trust him, even if you did think he was insane for interacting with a siren like it was a friend. Like it was human. Like it had compassion and empathy. It was nothing but a blood-thirsty killer. His explanation just had no merit to it whatsoever. A month passed and Wooyoung wasn’t killed, so you assumed all was well. The last thing you expected was to see Wooyoung walk back into your complex, one late night, with disheveled hair and purple marking on his neck. The straw broom in your hands fell onto the floor with a loud clang, as you attempted to near him in suspicion. His hands hastily shot up to conceal the love-bites with the collar of his blouse, but your hands were quick to push them away. You glared into his eyes disapprovingly as his face flushed in embarrassment, “Please tell me it wasn’t him.” Anger suddenly washed his features as he read your lips. He pried your arms off, angrily shoving past you to reach the closet for a change of clothes. You rushed to stand in front him, arms crossed and features cold,’You can’t expect me to be okay with this. He’s a siren. You can’t love a siren. Don’t go see him again, please. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.’ ‘I’m not a baby. I can take care of myself,’ his gaze was cold. ‘I didn’t say you were, but I’m scared. What if he hurts you?’ ‘It’s because I’m deaf, isn’t it? You think the world is out to get me, and I’m not capable of handling anything by myself?’ You vehemently disagreed with his thoughts, but he left no more room for argument as he slammed the door to the bathroom shut, rattling the figurines on top of the wooden dresser you shared. The sound of the shower head was audible through the door as you furiously swept the remaining dust bunnies. This went on for about two more months The past two months have also been increasingly difficult for San and his mother at home. Your other friend grew somewhat distant and cold when you came to visit him at home. You didn’t need any explanation about his behavior. Mrs. Choi’s attempts at concealing the blooming blue and purple marks proved fruitless as she reached up to dust bookshelves, her shirt giving way to showcase the marks marring her skin. Her eyes seemed to always shine with a thin layer of tears, and her smile was forced half of the time.
San was aggressive whilst practicing and honing his swordsmanship skills, muscles burning in protest as he slashed at slabs of wood repeatedly, his cheeks rosy underneath the evening sun. Not even your arms tugging him away from the practice field sufficed in calming his raging nerves down, shouting at you to leave if you didn’t want to watch. There was a need to continuously grow stronger- you clearly saw it past his anger and frustration. He wanted, needed, to feel as if he had power over something. With a heavy heart, you nodded in acceptance, sitting off to the side to watch him burn himself out physically. He also partook in extra duels, so many that a limit had to be placed on how much he could take part in. During times like these, you realized being raised as an orphan was nothing compared to living with an abusive father. You only wished to stop feeling so helpless, wishing you could help carry the pain and exhaustion weighing San’s shoulders down.
One day, while the three of you sat together in a nearby cafe, he picked at his baked tart, eyes then darting from you quietly sipping your tea to Wooyoung who stuffed his mouth with a freshly baked croissant. The purple haired male wore a scarf around his neck, the sight of it only angering you slightly. San’s lips parted in hesitation, words dying in his throat as you glanced up at him curiously,”You okay?”
Wooyoung peered over at the ebony haired male, cheeks round with warm pastry and jam, his eyes blinking in confusion,‘Sorry, did you want a piece of my croissant?’
San snorted at the guilt ridden expression on the lavender haired male’s visage, an amused smile raking his features as he shook his head,’No. That’s fine,’ his hands hovered above his drink, lips pressed into a thin line, before he continued,’I realized I never thanked you two.’
‘Thanked us for what?’ 
‘I didn’t grow up having anyone to look up to. I only grew up knowing what I don’t want to be like. None of the children at school understood me, either. They often mocked my mother and I when they visited the library, sometimes smudging ink on their hands to resemble the bruises on her arms. They were evil, and for the longest time, I thought the entire world was as cold as they were. You two changed my entire perceptive of people, though. So, thank you. It’s years too late, but-,’ San’s bashful expression suddenly fell at the sight of the two pairs of glassy eyes,”Ah! What? Don’t even think about crying!”
Weeks later, and San had returned to somewhat of a healthier, emotional state of mind, spending most of his time either at the library with his mother, or training and dueling. Late nights walking on the beach also aided his frazzled nerves.
Wooyoung spent most of him time with Yeosang at the cave, and San had questioned you regarding his behavior one day when he paid you a visit, hands heavy with the dinner he helped his mother prepare. You gaped at him, chopsticks in mid-air as you gave him an incredulous look, “What? No, I didn’t reject him- I don’t even like him like that— oh heavens this is Wooyoung we’re talking about, San. He’s like a brother to me. You know that. He’s just..” What sounded reasonable enough for Wooyoung to spend more time away from the only people he considered family? What were you going to say? Picking up on San’s lingering suspicion, you placed your utensil down, sighing and ringing your fingers together as you gazed at him in contemplation, “I..” the words you wanted stuck in your throat. Swallowing thickly, you suddenly found interest in the noodles and fish on your plate, “You know I have feelings for you, and only you. No one will ever change that, San.”
You were aware of how heated his face had become at the confession, brown hues lifting to study your features warily, “Do you really mean that? Am I good enough for you?”
You push past the need to shoot him an incredulous look, instead opting to reach over to clasp his hands in your own, fingers coiling with his,”Of course, I mean it. You’ll always own my heart. It’s always been that way.”
“But I need you to tell me that I’m good enough for you,” he pushed his plate away, appetite gone as he stared stoically at you, his voice so small it sounded like a whisper,“Do you think I’m capable of protecting you? Or.. or even loving you? Am I?”
“You are. You’re more than enough for me,” you stood up to hug his head against your chest, his eyes locked on yours, stunned and almost teary-eyed, “You’ll always be enough.”
One moment you were busy eating dinner, and the next the two of you found yourselves entangled in each other’s embrace, exchanging feverish kisses and desperate, long-awaited touches that once only existed existed in your dreams, too insecure to turn them into reality. You kissed every mark and scar left from the hands of his father, murmuring gentle praises against his marred skin, his muscles rippling underneath your touch. His lips wouldn’t leave your form, biting and sucking at every expanse of flesh he could reach as he rocked into you, hands gripping your hips and waist almost possessively. 
He fell against your bare form in a heap, your conjoined bodies sticky and glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. His face was buried into the crook of your neck as he suckled onto a patch of your bruised skin, hot breath fanning against your already heated flesh as he whispered sweet, muffled promises against the shell of your ear. You felt his release slowly dribble from where your bodies met, your frame squirming at the sensation as you unwrapped your legs from around his waist, spreading them apart to allow him room to settle against your panting figure.
“I can’t believe you actually thought I was into Wooyoung,” you groaned in embarrassment as he littered your chest with tiny love marks, teeth scraping against your skin in the most pleasurable way. He chuckled against your supple flesh, and it’s then you realized you haven’t seen a smile reach his eyes quite like this in all the years you’ve known him.
The next morning, he expected to find a flustered Wooyoung at the sight of San sleeping in his home, but his sheets were still pristine and untouched, just as they were the night before. He questioned you about Wooyoung while you two shared a light breakfast together, beams of sunlight doing wonders to his chiseled visage and bed hair.
“Okay, I guess I’ve been keeping this away from you for too long, and Wooyoung didn’t want me mentioning it—” An inferno set ablaze in San’s eyes, and you internally scolded yourself for the lack of appropriate words. You hastily whispered before he had the opportunity to open his mouth, “He made friends with a siren, and-”
“With a siren!?” His spoon clattered in the bowl of porridge, splashing the table and the mug of tea. Your eyes widened and you slapped a finger to your lips, telling him to lower his voice, “What do you mean be quiet!? He’s with a siren, and you’re okay with that!?”
His hard gaze was trained on you, and an involuntary shiver ran down your spine. You parted your lips to explain, when suddenly, he pushed back his seat, chair scraping the floor as he made his way over to Wooyoung’s closet, throwing on the leather baldric he found and sheathing Wooyoung’s sword, before tugging his boots only to spare you a brief glance. You trailed after San, hands tugging desperately at his arms, but he refused to turn around and listen, “Listen, I’ve tried telling him, but he wouldn’t have it! Trust me, this is going to do more harm than good- He can hear the siren! They communicate telepathically and- and.. there’s no explanation to it but please- I’ve tried persuading him, but he’s too stubborn for his own good.”
“You..,” San paused in his tracks, turning around to give you a hard stare, eyes clouded with conflict. His lips parted, before they pressed into a thin line, shoulders tense with anger, “If you think I’m going to sit back and hope one of my best friends won’t die in the hands of a monster, then you must’ve lost your mind.”
The words stung, but you knew that was his irrational side taking over. A part of you knew you couldn’t blame him for rash behavior he’s grown from being around someone as horrid as his father, “You’re going to show me where he is, before I take this to the King and have that beast slaughtered.”
You were in for a lot of shit, and you didn’t know who to be afraid of most. San, for keeping this information away from him? Wooyoung, who made you promise you wouldn’t speak of this? Yeosang, who wasn’t that quite fond of you? Or King Hongjoong, who followed in the footsteps of his father, abiding by all the laws the older has set for the people.
When San stumbled into the cave, gently prying you off, his eyes burning with rage as he searched for a familiar head of purple, “Wooyoung!”
Flashes of confusion, betrayal, and anger sparked within Wooyoung’s eyes as he noticed the two of you, his eyes sending you a silent question as you noticed the glimmer of Yeosang’s tail underneath the dark waters.
‘You have gone crazy, haven’t you?’
Wooyoung chose to ignore him, pushing past his shoulder with the books he borrowed from the library tucked underneath his arm. If he recognized the baldric fastened on San’s torso, he made no implication of it. A furious hand clamped onto his shoulder, swiveling him back to face the the seething swordsman. San threateningly leaned into Wooyoung’s face, eyes raging with an inferno of anger and hostility. The purple haired male hesitantly bought a hand up to tug at the collar of his tunic, but San’s eyes already took note of the purple marks on the column of the boy’s flesh, “Are you fucking kidding me? You didn’t tell me he was intimate with it too!?”
“San,” you called out in annoyance, “Stop. He’s safe, you see? I told you Yeosang means no ha—”
A sudden flash of silver made you reel back in shock, your eyes widening at the sight of San brandishing his sharpened sword, the tip barely grazing the siren’s nose as the two froze to stare each other down. Wooyoung dropped the book he carried in surprise arms flying out to tug San’s weapon back, his own orbs furiously staring his friend down.
“Yeosang, leave!” You shouted amongst the commotion of your two friends, stepping around them to lightly push at Yeosang’s shoulders deeper into the water, “You’ll get killed! Leave!”
“Don’t underestimate me, little human. You’re going to regret the day you were born.”
Your eyes widened at the sight of his parted lips, swiftly rushing back to the other two, but you couldn’t call San in time to warn him, “Cover your-”
The sword clattered against the small boulders beneath San’s feet, eyes unfocused as the melodic sound of the siren’s call echoed within the walls of the cave, filling his ears. Wooyoung stared at his best friend’s face in shock, eyes flickering down to the sword, before he gazed at Yeosang in realization. He hesitantly watched San turn around in Yeosang’s direction, before he quickly wrapped a hand around the ebony haired male’s waist, tugging him back harshly,’Yeosang! Stop! I won’t let you kill him!’
Yeosang paid no mind to his friend’s protests, amused eyes flickering from both San and yourself, who struggled on maintaining your ears clamped with your hands. He raised his voice, lips quirking as your hands fell limp against your sides, eyes locked on the vast space in front of you. His hands itched at the thought of ripping the two of you apart from the inside out.
‘Yeosang! Stop!’
Yeosang’s voice was clearer than bells, and so devastatingly, hauntingly beautiful in your ears, and you wanted nothing more than to listen to it for years to come. Wooyoung’s panic stricken eyes flew over to your form as you trudged through the waist deep water, eyes unfocused and lips parted. He struggled to maintain a firm grip on San’s figure, who continuously clawed at the arms securing him in place.
Throwing San back against the mossy wall of the cave, Wooyoung madly dashed to tackle Yeosang down into the water, immediately ceasing his singing. The siren hissed in retaliation, nails dragging down the flesh of the hands clamped onto his mouth. He furiously swung his tail against Wooyoung’s ankles, pulling him down into the water. Snapping out of your trance, you were quick on your feet to help San up, hastily gripping the heavy sword away from his grasp. When he demanded you to hand it to him, Wooyoung shoved the both of you in the direction of cave’s entrance, furiously signing to leave immediately.
‘I’ll be fine! Just leave!’
A clawed hand reached out to slash at San, and out of instinct, you shoved yourself in between him and the siren, claws latching onto your ankle. Your immediate response was to pull away, flesh tearing underneath the sharp nails, a hiss leaving your lips as the salt in the ocean doing nothing to ease the pain of your opened wounds.
Wooyoung wrestled the siren down, hands clamped around his mouth, while he shot you two a look over his shoulder, eyes wild and void of any patience. San scoffed, hand wrapping around your waist to hoist you up on your good leg, eyes narrowed furiously,”You should have never stopped me from killing it–” “Shut up, San. If you had listened to me, we wouldn’t have been in—”
You emitted a groan of pain as your wounded leg brushed against the protruding edge of a rocky sides of the cave, hissing underneath your breath as you gripped San’s forearm to ease your mind off the burning sensation. Finally stumbling down onto the pebbled floor of the shore, you paused as San pulled away from you, “You go get help, and I’ll go back and-”
“You are not going back there! He will kill you, San. Get that through your thick head.”
“He nearly killed you, (y/n)! We left Wooyoung with that monster!”
“He’ll be okay, I promise. Wooyoung will be fine,” you groaned at the sight of red running down your ankle and soaking the sand underneath your foot,”Please, just fucking listen to me for once!” He stilled at your raised voice, and your eyes widened suddenly at the change of his demeanor. You quickly grasped his elbows, attempting to look him in the eye, “Oh, San- no. No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for yelling- I forgot-”
“We should get your leg checked out,” he quipped firmly, avoiding your gaze as he proceeded to push you in the general direction of town, his shoulders and jaw tense with unresolved tension and anger.
— It was midnight, and Wooyoung still hadn’t returned home. Your one room living space felt too vacant without him sleeping on the top bunk bed you shared. Your ankle throbbed beneath the thick bandages, the smell of herbal ointment prominent even underneath the heavy layers of cloth.
You tossed and turned in your sheets for what felt like hours. The exhaustion and worry that clouded your mind prevented you from falling asleep. You quickly sat up, reached to light your oil lamp, before making your way out of your home to wander restlessly in the desolate streets, hoping to find the purple haired male.
You paused once you stepped around the corner of San’s neighborhood. Broken and discarded glass decorated the floor near his feet where he sat against the entryway of his home. The door hung by its hinges, splintered and shattered in some areas. You nearly dropped your lamp as you rushed towards the disheveled male, whose half-buttoned up, bloodied shirt, revealed glimpses of jagged scars left from his duels. Your eyes studied his visage, brows knitting in concern at the familiar, ghostly frown. His eyes spared you the briefest of looks before he dropped his gaze down to his bloody hands. Dried tear streaks and specks of red decorated his ghostly visage. The faint barking of a dog was heard streets away.
“It’s not mine. None of it is mine,” he mumbled, noticing your stunned gaze at the sight of red.
“They fought again?” you asked, already knowing the answer. He nodded silently, arms limp at his sides, “.. and she ran away again?” Another nod, and suddenly he found himself engulfed in your hold, tears streaming down his face as he held you close, face buried against the crown of your head. His resolve shatter quicker than any glass.
“I- .. I was angry, (y/n). I fought with him,” His voice was small and wavering, jumbled thoughts spilling rapidly from his lips,”the medics took him. He called me a bloodthirsty killer– but I’m..was it was defense? That’s not considered killing, right?” His breathing quickened, chest heaving as he struggled to steady his air flow, voice rising an octave as panic laced his tone,” “I’m not a killer, am I (y/n)? I am nothing like him,” his fingers tugged at his untamed hair in frustration, pupils quivering rapidly as he attempted to calm his racing and frantic heart, “I will never be anything like him. I need you to tell me that. Tell me I’m nothing like him!”
You pulled him inside and onto the couch, stepping over the fallen furniture, splintered wood, broken flower vases, and torn, embroidered, floral tapestries that littered the floor. Your eyes caught sight of a fallen, bloodied sword you recognized from San’s practices. Cold dinner filled plates lay broken near the flipped table. You held onto your broken friend throughout the night, consoling him repeatedly and wiping away his tears. You pressed numerous kisses onto his face, your hand running through his locks as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, years of agony apparent in his loud, torturous cries muffled against your skin. The sounds made your skin crawl in the most unpleasant way. You paused only when you noted the change in pattern of his breathing, indicating his deep slumber. Your eyes glanced at the full moon out the window, only praying that both Wooyoung and Mrs. Choi were alright.
Wooyoung was curled onto one of the higher rocks of the cave, fast asleep. He refused to return back home, not yet ready or willing to face his friends. Droplets of seawater pelting his face startled him awake, and he sat up in confusion at the sudden sensation. This definitely do not look like the ceiling of his home. His eyes snap down to search for Yeosang, the memories from hours ago vividly etching themselves back into his mind.
His eyes locked on someone else’s- a woman’s- and his eyes could only stare back in shock at the sight of San’s mother of all people in the cave, struggling to pry a raging Yeosang off of her.
‘Yeosang! Stop! Don’t kill her! I know her-’
‘You say that about every rat of a human, don't you?’
Only when Yeosang turned to snap the intruder’s neck in half, he paused at the gleam of her necklace. His gills contracted as he gazed at the intricately carved pendant resting on the older woman’s clavicles, “Where did you get that, filthy human?” he hissed, fins and rays flaring out ferociously, his long and sharp teeth snapping at the rage in his tone,”That necklace is for my people. My clan.”
“A friend gave it to me,” the lady explained, hand protectively clutching the pendant and out of Yeosang’s sight. He glowered menacingly at her, eyes still holding numerous silent questions. His eyes glanced down at her blue and purple marred neck and décolletage, “You.. you resemble him so much. My friend. This used to be our hang out spot years ago. His name was Yeohan. Did you know him?”
Yeosang jerked back suddenly, and from Wooyoung’s spot and the darkness engulfing the cave, he could hardly make out the movements of their lips. He scrambled to climb down the rocks, making his way over, legs frantically splashing in the water.
‘Yeosang? What’s wrong?’
“How do you know my father!? He died-”
“Twenty years ago,” Mrs. Choi finished for him, his eyes growing wide with shock at the woman’s affirmation,”The king killed him for the coming-of-age ritual. He wears his coat to this day. The moment I saw you, I knew you had to have been his offspring. The resemblance is uncanny.”
“You think I don’t know the evil things you’ve done to my people?” The siren spat, “I don’t need you telling me what crimes your kind has committed-”
“I will get it back for you. His coat. I’ll return it to you here by dawn.” Silence enveloped the two as the sea creature stared with a gaping mouth at the human.
His eyes narrowed in suspicion, “What purpose would that serve you? Certainly, not out of kindness?”
She only offered him a sad smile. — You adjusted your trousers one last time, before leaning down to brush the hair out of San’s face. He stirred awake from your touch, eyes tired and puffy, “Is it morning?”
You glanced at the dark window, shrugging slightly before turning back to him, “Sort of. I need to deliver the fish to the merchants. I think.. I think you should stay here until I’m back. We can go check on your mom together? Do you want the keys to my place? Go rest there while I’m away.”
He nodded with a soft sigh, hand cupping the one you placed onto his palm,”I’ll stay here to clean up. Don’t take too long, please.”
“I won’t. Just please rest for me, okay? Maybe Wooyoung will come back to visit you here.”
You pressed a firm kiss against his lips, one he gladly reciprocated even in his sleepy state, “Love you.”
You were the first to discover Mrs. Choi’s body. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could have prepared you for the sight of a corpse, limp and pale and stuck between a cluster of jagged rocks underneath a cliff. The net of fish you hauled onto your back dropped with a loud thud onto the deck of the docked fishing ship, the sailors and other fisherman yelling at you in shock. It was only when you pointed out the body swaying against the rocks with every wave that they abandoned their work to call a nearby officer. 
Dread, heavy and ugly, filled you to the core, the sound of your heartbeat in your ears drowning out the shouting in the background. Panic worked its way out of every pore on your body, your eyes locked on the floating, dark haired woman,  olive green dress swaying gently in the calm waters of the early morning.
It couldn’t be her.
She wasn’t the only woman in town with such a dress. A glimmer of hope twinkled somewhere inside of you.
Not her. Anyone but her. Upon closer inspection as the officers hauled up the body, you nearly collapsed on sight. A shudder claimed your body in realization, your blood running cold at the sight of her frozen, gaping, her lips a dark hue of blue, forehead marred and slightly dented from where she most likely impacted the rocks. You could only stare silently as the medics hauled the body up on a stretcher, placing it in the back of a large wagon, the sound of hooves hitting the rocky pavement indicating its departure.
Just how on earth are you planning on letting San know?
Hours later, after arguing continuously with the medics, protesting how you needed to see the body, they ultimately refused, even calling out to guards to lock you out of the medical wing of the building. The town of Aurora was coiled in chaos at the announcement of the corpse found near the docks. The councilmen furiously argued amongst each other as the crowd grew bigger in the town’s square, right beneath the large clock tower. Curious people joined along in confusion at the sudden, early commotion, some propping their windows open to tend to their clothe lines and watch with bewildered eyes.
You stood amongst the crowd, fists clenching repeatedly whilst maintaining your flaring emotions. You pondered whether or not you should stick around or go and inform San, when one of the royal family’s servants ordered the towns councilmen to the town hall for an immediate meeting with the current and former king. You turned to race towards the aforementioned building, only for a hand to grip you in place. Turning, your heart leaped in your throat at the solemn looking San. He made no move forward, and all you could do was silently gape, unsure of how you were going to break the news to him, “Couldn’t sleep. I know. The neighbors told me when I went back to check the library,” he calmly explained over the hordes of bodies shoving and pushing past the two of you. Amongst the rush of civilians, you embraced him with trembling arms, your brows knitting in anger as you buried your face into his brown tunic.
You grasped his hand in hopes of comforting him while the two of you waited amongst the crowd in the town hall for the appearance of the King and his father. He held you close, chin resting against the crown of your head. You can tell he was in shock, his grief yet to be surfaced as he held you silently. His eyes were heavy with years of turmoil and anguish, all underneath the hands of one, grimy man. Knowing him, deep down, he most likely will never find it in him to forgive himself for not chasing after his broken mother last night. It will haunt him for years to come.
King Hongjoong appeared, seated in the middle of the large bench, his father to his right. Other noblemen also sat beside the two rulers. A medical examiner spoke rapidly in hushed whispers to the white haired male, whilst pointing to several parchments of paper. The King’s brows knitted the more the examiner spoke, and he nodded solemnly, a hand reaching up to dismiss the two medical staff. A gloved hand pinched the bridge of his nose, his charcoal hues flickering to the side to glance at his father, whose stoic expression did not twitch in the slightest at the barren news. 
The Commander of the Royal Guards barked at the restless crowd of people gathered into the large room to have respect for the King, and the silence that followed suit was deafening. King Hongjoong cleared his throat, his hair pristine as usual, although there seemed to be a weight of burden and stress taking a toll on his young features. His eyes were lifeless and dark, a stark contrast to when he was much younger. 
“It’s come to our attention that the body of Mrs. Choi has been found near the harbor. Upon investigation, medical examiners have concluded that cause of death was suicide,” Hongjoong spoke clearly, voice booming in the walls of the building.
You felt San’s grip on your hand tighten, his brows furrowed as he attempted to contain his composure. You saw guilt flash within his orbs, so raw and visible it made you look away, at anything besides his face. It didn’t sound right hearing the words come out from the king’s lips. You knew Mrs. Choi as well as you knew San. There’s no way she would have willingly dove to her death. “Isn’t Mr. Choi also in the hospital for multiple stab wounds?” A voice piped from the crowd. Hongjoong frowned at the sudden interruption, his hands reaching up to adjust his cloak, when another voice spoke up.
“Where is their son? I heard from neighbors that he was the one who stabbed his father,” a middle aged man mused loudly to the crowd.
“Is that why Mrs. Choi killed herself?” a lady joined in now,”Or was her son behind her fall too?”
“What if a siren killed her?”
“Nonsense, we haven’t seen one in the past four years.”
“Then who do you think has been cutting all of our fishing nets and destroying our sails?,” a familiar voice rang out through the hall. The tall male stepped closer to the Commander, before turning to the crowd, and you watched with horror in your eyes at the next few words to slip out of the Minjae’s mouth, “I’ve been telling my dad about the purple-haired boy who’s been meeting with sirens in the cave east of town. I saw the siren with my own eyes. I told you Wooyoung was up to no good. He’s probably selling all of our people’s information to those beasts.”
Hongjoong’s lips parted to speak, anger clearly painting his features, before his father stood up suddenly, gaze hard and unwavering at the Commander. It was then you noticed the lack of cloak on his frame,”Interacting with those beasts is a criminal offense punishable by death. Find me that boy. I want him publicly executed in the town’s square. As for the librarian’s son, find him as well. Lock him in the chambers until I decide what to do with him.”
Hongjoong gaped to the side at his father in disbelief, brows knitting in confusion, his kohl rimmed eyes wide. Mingi, who stood behind the white haired King glanced at the male, shoulders tense at growing chaos infiltrating the room, “Let me make the decisions, Father. I am King, after all.”
San reached down to grip onto your hand, and when his hand curled into nothing but air, his eyes snapped down to find your figure gone. 
“You old bastard!” A sickening crunch, a wave of gasps of disbelief, and your shouting sent the townspeople into a mad frenzy.
Wooyoung watched the small fish swim by his feet, nibbling at his toes. He smiled tenderly, feet swishing and kicking at the animals playfully. Off to the side, Yeosang held onto his father’s cloak, so tightly and desperately as if it would disappear,’I told you that lady was nice.’
Yeosang reached up to rub at his wet eyes furiously, golden orbs flickering up to meet the umber colored ones of the male,’I take back my criticism. Maybe there are still some good humans out there. Repeat my words in front of Seonghwa, and I will personally claw out your eyeballs.’
‘If you do, how will I get to see your beautiful face?’ Wooyoung simpered, cheeks flushing slightly at the other’s thoughts. He nodded shyly, fingers reaching to grasp the siren’s hand, thumb caressing the iridescent skin,’Just like how there are sirens with good hearts as well,’ the intimate moment was soon interrupted by a frantic sound of splashing, and Yeosang’s face fell immediately upon the sight of a panic stricken San. Immediately reading the emotions haunting San’s features, Wooyoung stood up, face contorting in confusion as San scrambled to explain the gravity of the situation they were in, both verbally to Yeosang and with hand signs for Wooyoung.
‘They’re going to execute (y/n). Death by drowning.’
Wooyoung swore his heart skipped a beat or two, his eyes wide and hands limp by his sides. Yeosang quietly watched from behind him.
‘(Y/n) attacked the King’s father. They’re planning on executing you too for meeting with Yeosang. And they think I was the one who killed my mother, and they’re hunting for me, too.’
Wooyoung reeled back, the bombardment of shocking news too much for him to handle all at once, but San continued, occasionally fumbling with his hands from the sheer amount of stress surging through his system,’Wooyoung, we need to leave. Now. I’m going to bail (y/n) out, and you’ll wait for us at the west part of town. There’s a boat there. We have no time to waste,” he hastily reached forward to pull his friend up, tugging him forcibly over clusters of ocean rocks.
“In exchange, will you promise me to protect my son?”
It took Yeosang a minute or two to process the woman’s words, before he finally nodded in response, a frown settling on his features, “Only if you keep your end of the promise.” “No. You will join him on the boat and escape. Death by enforced drowning you said?”
You glared icily through the dark bars separating your form from the snow haired king. He ushered the guard to give the two of you privacy, and a minute of footsteps later, and the two of you were left alone in the dark chambers of the royal palace, mossy wall cold against your battered back, “What do you want?” you spat rudely, the taste of iron prominent against your busted lips, your bloodied teeth bared as you glowered at him, “If you’re here to give me shut about how I shouldn’t have attacked your swine of a—”
“They’re preparing the ship as we speak,” he cut you off, a hint of amusement dancing in his orbs joined by the flickering fire of the wall mounted sconce illuminating his features. He casted your cuffed hands a glance, before gazing at your bleeding ankle, “So, I came as fast as I could. The guards have already left to hunt down your two friends.”
Dread bled into your form, and your blood ran cold at the sudden gravity of his words. You were going to die. God, you were going to die before properly apologizing to Wooyoung, before holding San one last time, before- “I have a few words to share with you- I’m afraid I won’t be able to tell you this soon, so,” you watched him remove the golden coat around his frame, rolling it tightly before placing it down into the cell, “Incase either one of us doesn’t make it.. you know what this is, right?”
“A siren’s coat? Of course, I do. What’s your point?”
A twinge of a smile graced his features at your sharp tone, before his face fell into a solemn expression,”It’s tradition that an heir becomes of age when he or she slays a siren and wears it’s coat as a sign of dignity, bravery, and honor. It’s been the case for many generations before me. My father earned his when he was twenty-three. My mother came from another royal family from Port Hala. They do not hold similar traditions as us, and instead do not meddle or interfere with sirens. When it came for me to sail alone and kill one, at a much younger age than my father was, my mother insisted that our family breaks the tradition. My father, as you can guess, disagreed and left no room for her arguments. She threatened to take me and make a run for it if they forced me into it, and later that night, they found her body not too far from shore. My father informed the public that it was the sirens’ doing, but no one was permitted to see her body. Not even me.”
His eyes drifted to the patch of green on the wall behind you, shaking his head and continuing with a lowered voice, “So, I sailed to uninhabited islands, knowing that there were gentle sirens there, and not like the ones that lurked here amongst humans. I met one, a very young one. He was very adventurous and snuck from his kind to chase his pet octopus and.. he was harmless, unable to hear, thus never really learning how to sing any of the sirens’ songs. He was a very naive, little one. I persuaded him to come on land with me because we were friends, and I ran off with his coat, thinking it would be the last I’ll see him. I never had the courage or heart to kill him, and I never thought he’d wash up into our town, either.”
Whatever air you had left was knocked out straight from your lungs. You knew where this was going. You held his gaze with your widened orbs, bloodied jaw slack from shock.
“I intended to kill him that night he was found, but after the doctors discovered his head injury and lack of memories, other than his name among other things, I chose to spare his life. I was afraid my father and the rest of the town will find out. I was and always will be a coward, even as King of Aurora,” he mused, hands reaching up to adjust his white blouse, “I will be on board the boat taking you to your execution. My bodyguard, Mingi, will join us, along with my father’s right hand man, who was behind Mrs. Choi’s death. She was found stealing my father’s coat, but she managed to slip away before the guards had a chance to retrieve it. My father sent him to do whatever means necessary to punish her for her actions.
I know my father better than anyone else. Without a doubt, I know he was behind her death. (Y/n), please, whatever you do, do not attempt to fight him. Go with the plan. Mingi and I already discussed everything, and he will help you out once you’re dropped from the ship. I don’t plan on allowing my father to return back to town,” his eyes grew dark, the shadows of stress aging his appearance. Your eyes widened at his implications, “And I might not make it out alive. If I don’t, Mingi will give you my coat when he rescues you. I need you to apologize on my behalf if I am unable to. Mingi is a great sailor. His father taught him, so he knows his way around a ship. I want you two to escape to Port Hala as soon as you find Wooyoung, is that understood? Take Choi San with you. Mingi will take you to Yunho and Jongho, two friends of ours who will help you. This town will have your heads if you step foot back here.”
The rush of information was too much for your tired brain to comprehend so quickly. You meekly nodded, cuffed hands reaching to clasp the bars tightly, your eyes never leaving the golden coat he donned on, “Yes, King Hongjoong.” “Hongjoong. Just Hongjoong.”
You struggled to maintain the heavy weight of the reinforced cuffs around your wrists, body staggering forward from a boot to your back, your frame crashing into the railing of the large ship. You hissed upon impact, the marks on your ankle bleeding against the bandages. You were roughly tugged by the hair, the bruised face of the former king coming into view as his second in command held you by your disheveled locks, “Helmsman! A bit further and then you can drop the anchor!” The old man boomed, gray tresses tied tightly into a high bun, his charcoal hues burning holes into your head. 
You snuck a glance at Mingi, whose eyes never left your form. His hands gripped the steering wheel harshly, knuckles bone-white. A subtle nod of his head washed a bit of relief over your trembling frame. Hongjoong watched from beside his father, as the man shoved your face into metal railing of the ship, sharp ends of the wood slicing your cheek. A familiar glimmer in the water captured your attention, and your eyes met a pair of golden ones deep under the calm waves of the ocean. Your eyes widened, a gasp threatening to leave your lips.
The ship finally came to a halt, and a pair of shiny, leather boots invaded your vision. You glowered at the king from your position on the deck, cheekbones bruised and lip split. You spat onto his shoes, blood splattering on his ironed, white trousers. Charcoal hues void of any empathy stared down at you, before the former king’s hand reached down to tug you up by the collar of your shirt, his crown sparkling under the bright sun. You shared a look with a tense Hongjoong who remained back, his hands clenching into fists, before you were bought back to reality as the older man slammed your back against the railing, pushing you up, your frame dangerously tilting over the edge, “After my kingdom has sacrificed so much for you stupid orphans, this is how you return the favor?” he growled, the strands of his beard tickling your forehead as he gripped your jaw with his other hand, “You will wish I had just shot you when the sirens rip you apart limb by limb. Your screams of agony will sound like a beautiful melody to my ears.”
Your eyes locked with golden ones, and you couldn’t help but reflect back on the time you confronted him in the cave.
“Why do I kill you treacherous humans?” he laughed at your question, your eyes narrowing as a result. He grasped the moving whelk on the rock, clawed fingers crushing it as his gaze never left your own, “Easy. Your King took my father away from me.”
The gruff man released his hands from your collar to swivel you around, but you hastily threw your arms out to reach his head, your vision unclear with unkempt and bloody strands of your hair. The link on your cuffs latched onto the back of his neck, and you tugged him towards you roughly, hoping gravity will be of assistance. Your frames tipped down and your lips quirked up without you realizing it. The last thing you saw before you plummeted down to the blue waters was Mingi’s and Hongjoong’s shocked faces, the latter’s frame already rushing forward to try and reach you with an extended hand. The three of you were definitely expecting this outcome You dove head first into the ocean, the elderly man beside you only feet away. Your attempts to swim up to the surface proved futile as the weights of the cuffs around your ankles and wrists succumbed to gravity. A purple tail smacked your side, and you came face to face with a familiar visage, the air escaping your lungs in bubbles. Rough claws tugged on the metal chains and cuffs, and after a few attempts, the metal snapped under the pressure. 
“Wrap your arms around my neck. Don’t try anything funny, or this time I will kill you,” the purple-tailed siren growled, turning his head to glance at the other siren who seemed to enjoy circling around the man who seemed to panic at the sight of the being across from him. Golden eyes studied the old man struggling to swim up to the surface.
You desperately gasped for air once breaching the surface of the water, arms loosely wrapped around the back of the other’s neck. He paid you no mind as he carefully watched his friend’s head surface, golden eyes trained on the white haired man yelling up at the others on board to save him. 
Hongjoong’s eyes were void of any empathy as he casually crossed his arms on the railing, leaning forward and blinking in response to his father’s shouts. He spared you a second to gaze at your form, relief melting his stoic features slightly. Beside him, the second in command made an attempt to shoot at the blonde siren silently staring at the former leader, the barrel of his pistol gleaming in the sunlight. 
“Drop it,” the deep voice of the red-head was heard from behind Hongjoong, his own pistol resting against the against the man’s temple. Hongjoong didn’t bat an eyelash as Mingi overpowered the other, threatening to shoot if he didn’t comply.
“Are you crazy!? The beast is going to kill him, and all you’re doing is watching!? You’re a sorry excuse of a king- you! You have never had the power to walk in your father’s foots-” his cries were muffled against the cold, metallic barrel of Mingi’s pistol pressing against the back of his throat.
Yeosang’s gaze met Hongjoong’s, who spared him a glance before returning back to the gasping man, his hands clawing at the ship’s hull with desperate shouts.
“Don’t you recognize me, you bastard?”
The elder’s head turned to peer at the creature with fear-filled eyes, his legs beginning to tire after the long waking minutes of staying afloat.
“A disgusting beast that preys on human flesh,” the other growled, hands stabilizing his form against the ship. His intricately embroidered vest sparkled despite it being wet, dark orbs burning holes into the siren.
Seonghwa’s brows knitted as an undecipherable look washed over Yeosang’s features, his jaw tight, gills rapidly contracting. There was a raging storm within those golden hues Seonghwa hasn’t seen in a very, very long time. Yeosang’s lips twitched convulsively, a crazed look suddenly taking over his visage.
 A humorless, sarcastic laugh escaped his throat, shoulders shaking and brows knitting in confusion as he swam closer to the trembling man, “Take a good look at me! Tell me who I am!” he barked, the rays and fins on his neck flaring in the most menacing of ways, bared teeth gleaming like the ocean’s pearls.
The white haired man drew a breath, his lips parting as he glanced once more at the trembling siren, charcoal hues flashing with recognition suddenly, “You.. you’re the son? You’re his son.”
“The one you tried to kill!,” a howl of laughter left Yeosang’s mouth, as his head dipped back to gaze at a stunned Hongjoong, “Fate is quite hilarious, do you agree? Huh?” Clawed hands struck the ship’s hull, chipping the wood and creating furrows on the surface as Yeosang inched closer, “I was forced to watch my father protect me from you, only for you to kill him in front of my eyes. How brave of you to go after a four year old siren. And now, look at you, you poor, pathetic bastard,” his clawed hand reached forward to grab a fistful of white hair, roughly tugging the man’s head back to meet the gaze of his son, “Not even your son is willing to save you.”
“Shoot him this instant, you bastard! What are you doing staring at me like that!?”
Hongjoong remained as still as a statue, cold gaze unwavering. You swore you saw the corner of his lips twitch. There was a silent acknowledgement of understanding as Yeosang locked gazes with Hongjoong one last time.
“He’ll rather watch as I skin you alive. You don’t deserve the mercy of being under my song’s spell, no..” he shot his arm out, smashing the man’s face against the side of the ship, agonized howls of laughter switching to manic shouting whilst repeating the action, “No, I want you to feel everything. You’re going to feel every inch of your skin being peeled away. A coat for a coat, yes?”
A blob  of saliva flew and splattered against Yeosang’s face, dripping down to the blue waters. 
You jolted as the siren you held onto suddenly gyrated in the other direction, ripping your gaze from the scene as sounds of flesh squelching and tendons tearing came from behind. 
Seonghwa decided it will be best not to stick around to see the outcome, knowing fully well what Yeosang is capable of. He readjusted you onto his back, before commanding you to take a deep breath. An involuntary shiver ran down your spine as the pained cries of the former king were washed out with the thumping of your heartbeat in your ears. 
You were then enveloped in the dark waters of the ocean, the siren rapidly swimming yards away, surfacing for the briefest of moments in order for you to breathe. You had no chance to even ask him where he was taking you, and your mind could only wonder what Hongjoong was feeling at the moment. You were beyond exhausted, both mentally and physically. Your squinted eyes caught glimpses of the clouds of marine life that you hastily rocketed past, arms subconsciously tightening around the dark haired siren.
When the siren breached the surface, you gasped for air, your arms tightly coiled around his neck, causing him to wince and attempt to shrug you off, “Here’s the runt, as promised,” he growled, arms swiftly prying you off and shoving you forward to two other pairs. You stumbled into a tiny dinghy boat, mind too stunned to return the hugs that you were immediately enveloped in. It was the moment when fingers swiped at your cheeks that you realized you were crying, sobs of relief wracking your frame as you wrapped your arms around the other two men, struggling to explain what happened.
Wooyoung’s eyebrows shot up as San pulled you in for a kiss, an incredulous look meeting his features. Seonghwa grimaced in the water, his head turning as he mumbled something about how disgusting humans were. San shared an apologetic look towards the flustered Wooyoung, whose eyes wouldn’t stop flickering between the two of you for an answer.
‘I’ll explain later, promise,’ the ebony haired male signed, before he was forced to meet your gaze.
“We have to go back. I need to see the King,” you stated after the three of you pulled apart. Wooyoung paused whilst speaking with Seonghwa telepathically, eyes flickering to an angered San who grabbed the pair of oars from your hands, “San!”
“Are you crazy!?” He breathed out, “We’re leaving! We want nothing to do with this town any longer, (y/n). Wooyoung and I already made amends with Yeosang. We’re only waiting for him before we escape. I’m not letting you go back there, not after all the trouble we went through to get you here in the first place.” “You don’t understand!” you tried, stammering on your words, unable to conjugate any proper sentence, “Hongjoong helped me! He knows about your mother’s death- her killer! He’s on board,” you tugged San’s shirt desperately, “Hongjoong knows about Wooyoung, too! Before he came to our town! He can explain everything, please. We need to get to him. There’s no one else on board besides them, San.”
Wooyoung’s brows shot up as Seonghwa explained every word that was exchanged, his hues trained on San’s stunned expression.
A sigh left the siren’s lips.
“Yeosang owes me a lot for putting up with this shit,” Seonghwa grumbled, arms already working to push the dinghy back to where he rescued you, your words ringing in his ears like an echo. How did Yeosang manage to find three crazy humans- and what sea god decided to curse Seonghwa with this fate.
Tattered, white and gold, embroidered fabric littered the water around the blonde siren, bloodied, clawed fingers tracing the bejeweled crown in his hands, a solemn expression on his features. A heavy weight seemed to dissipate off the siren’s shoulders as an amused chuckle racked his frame, remembering the horror stricken cries of his father’s murderer.
The sight of a tiny boat in the distance caught the siren’s attention, and his golden hues narrowed in suspicion at the sight. This was not part of their plan at all. As it neared, his eyes bore heavily into Wooyoung for an explanation, flickering to San and then onto you, before he glared at an unamused Seonghwa, most likely exchanging heated words through their minds. You called out to Hongjoong to send down a rope ladder, and the white haired male’s head peeked up hastily at the sound of your voice. If San wasn’t trembling in rage beside you, you would’ve laughed at the expression on the young king’s features.
“Yeosang, are you okay?”
“You better have a reasonable explanation for this,” Yeosang stated, turning his attention to Seonghwa, whose eyes never left the crown in his hands.
A part of you wasn’t surprised at the sight of a bound and cuffed man on the ship’s deck, a bored Mingi towering over him with his dagger unsheathed.
“I had a feeling you’ll return here,” Hongjoong nodded in acknowledgement in your direction, before facing San, his expression sincere as he explained the reasoning behind his mother’s death. Silent tears streamed down his cheeks, darkening the wood beneath his feet as his eyes zeroed in on the gagged soldier feet away.
 Wooyoung’s hand clasped San’s, his heart aching for his friend. Guilt licked the edges of consciousness, regretting not asking her to stay with him and Yeosang back in the cave. If only he had, she would have been alive. Even after explaining to San, the older denying that it was Wooyoung’s fault, he still couldn’t help but feel like her blood was on his hands.
“I give you full permission to do as you wish with him,” Hongjoong squeezed his shoulder, his hand placing a long dagger in San’s palms. Your widened eyes flickered between San and the King. Wooyoung tugged you back, hands gripping your own. His eyes carefully studied San’s frozen expression, fingers twitching against the weapon in his hands, “I’m willing to do it if you don’t want to, of course.”
Mrs. Choi’s killer only shook like a leaf in the wind underneath Mingi’s feet, wild eyes watching the exchange.
San was quick to shake his head, walking past a bleak looking Hongjoong. Steady strides later, and the ebony haired male crouched down eye level towards the trembling soldier, whose eyes glared ferociously at the blank faced Mingi, “You,” he took a deep breath in, tongue darting out to lick a stripe against his chapped lips, “I bet you enjoyed killing an innocent woman, didn’t you?” A flick of silver, and the man winced at the thin, bleeding scrape on his cheek,”Answer me!”
Another flick of the dagger, and the binds gagging the man ripped into two, beads of red escaping the slice on his trembling lips, “King Kim ordered me to! The woman stole his coat! I was only following orders!” 
Hongjoong laughed from feet away, his boots stomping against the deck as he made his way over to the three men, arms crossed over his white blouse, “Mingi, do you think this poor excuse of a soldier hit his head on his way here? Who is the King of Aurora.”
“You, King Hongjoong,” Mingi quipped, a smile threatening his stony expression.
“And who should the soldiers take orders from?”
“You, King Hongjoong. Only you.”
Hongjoong’s eyes dulled as he shoved the tip of his boot into the man’s gaping mouth, pressing down against the back of his throat with hard shoves,”How silly of me. He was only following orders, though. He’s right. One must always follows the orders of a King,” his lips quirked up as he lowered his head to chuckle at the gagging man, his smile borderline manic, “San, as King, I order you to kill him.”
The man’s muffled cries against Hongjoong’s boot had no affect on San, whose hands trembled the longer he stared at him. Hongjoong urged him to go on, kicking the man away with a swift attack to his jaw, his face scrunching up in disgust at the saliva glistening on the leather.
Rays of sunlight gleamed against the edge of the dagger as San raised it high above the fallen’s neck, his hand plunging down despite the man’s strangled cries of protest.
“You’re no better than me, you son of a whore. You take joy in hurting others, don’t you? Will you get off to the fact that you’ll kill me? Will your mommy be proud of you, then?”
The man trembled, his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head in shock as the dagger impaled into the wooden deck, splintering it upon impact. Moments of silence passed, the gentle breeze caressing San’s indifferent visage, dark hues hollow as he gazed down at the crying man. Hongjoong watched the retreating figure of San, before giving the sobbing man a glance over, “You’re pathetic. What did he ever see in you, anyway?” The soldier backed against the railing of the ship, profusely apologizing and bowing to Hongjoong. He turned on his heels, arm lazily coming up to wave back as he watched you console and cup San’s face in concern, “Let the sirens decide his fate.”
He ignored the agonized cries, the clanging of metal, and the loud splash seconds later, his smile gentle as he took your disheveled appearance in, “That was some stunt you pulled earlier. You saved me getting my hands dirty,” he chuckled at your expression, the scene reminiscent of the time he found the three of you in the street in the middle of shopping. 
Mingi could be heard in the background giving an approval to someone down below, and seconds later, gargled screams invaded the comfortable silence. You flashed him a small smile, fingers instinctively reaching up to give him a mock salute, “Still getting rid of rats for you, your majesty.”
An affectionate twinkle danced in his eyes as he shook his head in amusement, a hand reaching to ruffle your wet locks, “Always a loyal soldier to my kingdom, I see,” his charcoal hues flickered to Wooyoung, a sheepish expression taking over his visage, “Now I need your help getting my words through, if you don’t mind.”
You nodded, breathless as you quickly signed Hongjoong’s words to the lavender haired male, shock washing the latter’s features at the King’s words, “I hope you find it in yourself to one day forgive me, although I know I do not deserve as much for everything I have put you through,” his hands reached up to remove the coat he wore, before he presented it to the stunned male, “I believe this belongs to you, Wooyoung.”
Trembled hands slowly gripped the golden coat, his eyes peering over at San and yourself for approval. San nodded, brows knitted anxiously as he hesitantly nodded. Wooyoung tugged it on, glancing down to examine the shiny, golden material. Head snapping up, Wooyoung had only a millisecond to gauge your reaction, before the King’s hands forcefully shoved him over the railing of the tall ship, your gasp merging with San’s yelp of shock.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
Your hands clutched the railing, eyes searching the blue waters for any sign of your friend. Yeosang and Seonghwa peered at you from the other side in confusion when you propped a leg up onto the metal, preparing to dive in, when a laugh echoed in your ear, arms tugging you back, “Calm down! He’ll show up in three, two..”
Your squirming figure halted as you stared down in bewilderment at the purple haired male staring back at you from the gentle sways of the waves. Gold pectoral fins and rays shimmered on his neck, and he looked down to study the matching fins on his forearms, jolting in surprise at the lack of legs. His head snapped to his left, where two other sirens gaped, seeming paler than they were minutes ago.
Yeosang’s eyes snapped to you, his gaze already telling you he’s going to demand answers as soon as he’s in earshot. 
San stood to your side, his eyes not leaving Wooyoung’s frame as he experimentally swam towards Yeosang and Seonghwa, both of whom hesitantly reached out to graze their clawed hands onto his tail, most likely wondering if it was real, “That’s why he was able to hear them..” you whispered softly, hands reaching up to rub at your eyes, before you cried loudly, startling the man beside you as you climbed onto the railing, arms waving madly at the three sirens, “Tell him I said he’s the prettiest siren I’ve ever seen!”
San grumbled underneath his breath, arms wrapping protectively around your waist to prevent you from falling over, “Can you try and not give me another heart attack, you bum.”
You and San returned to the tiny dinghy, your hands immediately reaching forward to touch and examine Wooyoung’s form in awe while San frantically explained everything to the impatient Yeosang. Wooyoung shot you a bashful look as you traced the gold rays and fins on his neck, before you peered closely at his now sharpened canines and iridescent, tan skin. He playfully attempted to bite your finger as you prodded his lip upwards. 
‘You look like a diamond now.’ 
Someone cleared their throat, and the three of you turned to look up at a sheepish looking Hongjoong, who clutched the ship’s rope ladder, his frame facing you. Wooyoung’s head snapped up moments later.
“I know you said you already made plans to escape the town but.. I wouldn’t mind having the best swordsman of Aurora join me and Mingi on this ship,” Two pairs of brows raised in surprise at the suggestion, your eyes snapping to meet San’s instantly. The king turned to you, his half-unbuttoned, white blouse swaying with the gentle breeze, his eyes kind and warm.
“You’re not going back to Aurora?” you asked quietly, feeling San’s fingers coiling with your own.
“No,” he mused, chuckling at the sight of Mingi’s discarded tight, golden, guard coat onto the water below, “Mingi and I made a promise when we were younger, to one day escape and put our past lives behind. I have no future in Aurora, and certainly not you three after everything you’ve pulled. Even with my word, I can’t guarantee your safety from the noblemen in the town, so,” he shrugged nonchalantly, boot tapping the wooden deck, “I am in dire need of a swordsman and a..” he paused, studying you in silence, unable to conjure up a position.
“I’ll get rid of the rats on your ship, King Hongjoong,” you said suddenly, frame rushing forward to lean over the dinghy, face scrunched in all seriousness.
His hand shielded his face as soft chuckles wracked his frame, your shoulders slumping down while even San shot you a somewhat amused look, “Of course. You can be the designated rat killer. We also need to patch up that nasty cut on your ankle.” 
Yeosang grimaced at the words, eyes hesitantly casting you a glance from where he floated.
“Wooyoung will come with us too, right?” You turned to glance at your friend, who clearly understood what was going on with the shocked and anxious expression he wore. Yeosang’s golden eyes snapped to you in an instant, a bitter frown tugging his lips down, “Wooyoung is part of our family. We can’t just leave him behind, siren or not.”
“He belongs in the ocean. He’s a siren,” quipped Yeosang, eyes darkening,”His place is in the water.”
“He’s family,” you argued back, eyes narrowing at the teal-tailed siren,”Whatever you two had going on was nice and all- but he’s still part of our family. We’re not leaving him behind. Siren or not, he’s still Wooyoung.”
“Maybe you should let him decide that.”
“Two good friends of mine in Port Hala are expecting us soon, actually. We’ll just drop by months in advance– they won’t mind, I’m sure,” Hongjoong leaned back against the hemp ladder, head tilting back and allowing the sunshine to envelop his delicate features, lips gracefully parting as he took sight of the sirens,”I think we have room for three more, as well.”
San shared a look of bewilderment with you, before looking back at the white haired male, who straightened up to quirk a brow at you, “Siren got your tongue?” Wooyoung’s eyes met your own before he gazed at Yeosang with a tearful, apologetic gaze. 
Family cannot be replaced.
An airy gasp left your lips as his clawed hands reached to grasp the dinghy, before hauling himself into the boat with San’s help. You rushed to envelop him in a tight hug, face buried against the fins on his neck, San following suit moments later. Yeosang peered silently from the water, a hard look settling on his features, jaw tight and brows knitted.
His eyes flickered to San subconsciously.
“Yes,” he whispered, nodding with a wistful expression across his visage , “I’ll protect your son.”
The women’s sad eyes flickered to Wooyoung and then back to the siren, “Please, protect all three of them. I consider them my children as well.”
“I will. I promise.”
“I’m going wherever Wooyoung is going,” Yeosang quipped defensively, “Seonghwa is coming too.”
“What-” a startled cry left the other’s lips, his bewildered eyes boring holes into Yeosang’s head, “I never agreed to this ridiculous change of plans. A human cannot ever be trusted, Yeosang. You know better than that.”
Conflict flickered in the golden hues, gaze trained onto the black haired siren, until a voice from above caught his attention,” We’ll have rules against touching anyone’s coats if that helps. Anyone who touches or takes your coats will be thrown overboard with no questions asked. I can guarantee that,” Hongjoong simpered, nodding his head confidently. 
“Are you really leaving?” Seonghwa gritted to Yeosang, the latter nodding his head in affirmation, “You stubborn bastard.”
“You finally have the opportunity to travel to all seven seas, and you’re going to throw it away just like that?” Yeosang quirked a brow, a knowing smile suddenly finding itself on his features as Seonghwa gives him an unimpressed look, “Besides, he’s certainly earned my trust after everything that’s happened.”
“Don’t use that against me.”
“You’ve wanted to since you were young. Guess I’ll just go live your dream then,” he shrugged absentmindedly, turning to flash Wooyoung a smile, “I’ll send you a seashell as-”
“Shut up already,” Seonghwa ran a hand through his dark locks, suddenly snapping his attention to the other humans, “If I ever find you trying to steal my coat, I’ll slice you and use your flesh as fish bait.”
San paled at the threat, and Hongjoong barked out a laugh, “You heard him, crew. Now, I suggest you all to come on board before the noblemen send an armada after us for not returning back to town.”
He blinked at the gaping, fearful expressions.
“That’s an order!”
You startled at the sudden volume, hand scrambling up to salute, San peering over at you in utter confusion, not knowing whether he should bow or salute, awkwardly doing both simultaneously.
“Yes, King Hongjoong!”
A streak of gold whizzed over your head, and at the sound of a splash behind you, your head snapped in surprise at the crownless man, a smirk displayed on his sharp features, “That’s Captain Hongjoong to you.”
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