#modern sirius black
dearharriet · 3 months
Congrats on 150!! For your celebration I was thinking Bad idea right? Is soooooo Sirius black.
you are sooo right, my love, that’s exactly who i had in mind haha. thank u sm for the request! (wc: 765) (cw: pg-13 smut)
There’s nothing hotter than a secret meetup, which makes your circumstances all the more unfortunate. It’s hard to hear anything above the thumping bass of the club, but the crackling phone line meets your ear like a challenge. Sirius is on the other end, working like a dog to persuade you to meet him, and you can’t hold out much longer.
“Darling,” he begs, tugging at your heart with his old nickname. “I miss you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have dumped me, then.”
He sucks a breath in like you’ve actually wounded him. Feeling the conversation run long, you glance around the corner to make sure your friends are still where you left them, dancing obliviously.
“I know it, love. Only a raging idiot would let you go. I’m a jealous prick, and I don’t deserve you.”
He’s really groveling, you think, lips curling into a smirk. You could probably say anything now and he’d agree with you.
“For once, I think you’re right. You don’t deserve me. If anything, I should go home with one of the guys here,” you breathe, your voice pitching down. “Let him have his way with me, and then send you a scanty photo to cry about.”
Sirius’ breath catches. “You’d have every right.”
The pit in your stomach grows, and you know some stranger would never satiate it. Sirius is wrapped around your finger, and you’re so tempted to take him up on his offer.
“But,” continues Sirius when you leave the line dead, “you know they’d never make you feel the way I can.”
That’s the final straw.
“Send me your address,” you murmur hurriedly, already assembling a plan to escape your friends. Sirius halts it in its tracks.
“Stay there, I’ll come get you,” he says instead, his voice husky and dark. I’m so in for it, you think.
Twenty minutes later, Sirius finds you loitering a block away from the club, mace in hand. He leans across the center console to open his passenger door, and you poke your head in.
“Hey,” you breathe.
Sirius jerks his head up as a means of greeting.
“Get in.”
You do as he says, sliding into the familiar seat beside him. It’s been months since you’ve seen him, but he looks exactly the same; still the hottest man you’ve ever met.
Sirius is watching you, too, taking in your skimpy top and short skirt with hungry eyes. If you had any doubts about the chemistry still standing between you two, they’re immediately banished.
“C’mere,” Sirius grunts, patting his lap. You can’t get there fast enough.
He feels so good under you, familiar and warm. His hands don’t hesitate the way that strangers’ do, they just grip the meat of your thighs with abandon. Similarly, you don’t hesitate to plant your mouth on his, weaving into the song and dance you two have performed a thousand times.
“I meant what I said, doll,” Sirius groans as you pull back to attend to his spotless throat. “I really have missed you.”
“You have me on your lap, Sirius, you don’t have to convince me anymore.”
He chuckles at that, grabbing meanly at your ass.
“You always were too sharp for me.”
Pulling away from his bobbing throat, you scoot yourself closer to his pelvis, finding him hot and ready beneath you. You don’t feel sharp. If anything, you’re more convinced you’re not thinking at all.
“You’re so pretty,” he murmurs, and that’s exactly what you don’t want to hear. Lust is fine, but everything else has to stay off the table.
“Sirius.” You suck harshly at a spot under his jaw and he hums, in pleasure and in question. “Shut up,” you say, and then cover his mouth with yours again, tugging at his silky hair. He smiles into your mouth and you lick behind those wicked teeth, knowing them as well as your own.
“Take your pants off,” you suddenly demand, and Sirius looks at you like you’re crazy. “What?”
“We’re not having car sex on a well-lit street, babe.”
You frown. “It sure seems like we are.”
Sirius laughs, a touch hysterical. “Uh-uh. No way.” His hands come up to untangle yours from his hair. “My place or yours?”
With a huff, you pull yourself off of him, dizzy and warm with desire. Without a word, you buckle yourself in, silently relenting to his terms. As he sets a big hand on your flushed thigh, you glance over at him, and you know you’ve made a terrible mistake. Still, you’re not about to turn back now.
“Your place,” you say, “baby.”
thank u for reading! <3
join the celebration!
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saintchaser · 1 year
modern sirius black would love childish gambino, lana del rey and marina, just so you know
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Modern!! Sirius Black HCs
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(Ben barnes is so AH)
He is a die hard nirvana fan
We already knew this but he definitly drives a motorcycle
He has a tattoo for each of the marauders
Has more then one for Remus tho
Hes a starbucks girly and he only drinks cold coffee
I think he would have the biggest ring collection and he would wear like three rings on each finger
He cuffs his jeans
He plays guitar at first he did it just so he could piss of his family
Then he loved it so did remus
Love Love Loves eyeliner he would get the sparkly kind too
Knows about zodiac signs and swears he doesnt belive in them but he does
Paints his nails gold
He would have an instagram highlight for all of his friends
He is a spam poster
Male manipulator music is almost all he listens to
Makes the marauders watch mean girls and other musicals
I feel like he is ass at math (i might just be projecting)
Him and Marlene definitly watch the great british bake off together
Speaking of he loves cooking competion shows
Thought he could cook like a proffesional cause of it set a pot of water on fire
He gave James a stick an poke of a paw print
He doesn't know how to braid but Lily braids his hair and he lives for it
Volunteers at animal shelters then goes to his animugus form to hang out with the dogs and to confuse all the people there
He's a converse kinda person he has a pair in every color
For Marlenes birthday he gave her purple converse
Quotes so so many 80s movies
But he specifacly quotes the breakfast club alot
He doesnt listen to taylor swift THAT much but he still made taylor friendship braclets and gave them to his friends
He needs thearpy but he would never do it unless Remus told him to
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certifiedl0serloll · 10 months
modern sirius black tried running on a treadmill facing the other way and fell causing a concussion
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rosiexjo · 3 months
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It’s in his eyes
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lectric0onme · 2 months
Remus and Sirius being stopped by those tiktokers doing the "sorry, are you two a couple?" trend.
if they're strangers they immediately start flirting with eachother.
if they're best friends they just panick and stutter. While walking away sirius mouths not yet and winks at the camera.
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popcornhee · 6 months
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Lil collaboration with @industrations raaaah!! Definitely check theirs out aswell if u havent already!
Moons first Christmas market ♡
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siriuslygay1981 · 3 months
Sirius-This is my best friend
Regulus-Oh haha you should hide him from me if u don't want me to flirt with him
Sirius -He's older than you?
Regulus-He don't gotta know that
Sirius-He's literally right here listening
*James making heart eyes at reg*
Regulus- We don't gotta tell anyone bbg
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thatboisus · 4 months
tumblr writers make shakespeare quake in his grave
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pinkkkanne · 9 days
thinking about You Signed Up for This (by solmussa on ao3) and how it’s my current fav characterization of everybody!
anyways here’s some ig posts from everybody based around that fic
ik everybody doesn’t have socials in the fic so this is inaccurate but shhhh
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flowersforfrancis · 7 months
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modern Remus
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stop flirting with the nurse, it’s embarrassing.
it’s hard to act cool if james’ beautiful, hot nurse can hear his heart rate.
tags: james potter x gn!reader,, modern au,, hospitals,, nurse!reader,, remus pov,, melodramatic sirius and peter,, fluffy,, crack(?),, short around 1.3k wc,, no mentions of y/n
a/n: contrary to the title, there are no flirting just james being awkward lol,, i have no idea about the process of how vital checking goes sorry,, finding photos for this probably took longer than writing the fic itself rip.
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it is to be noted that remus, resignedly, accepted it was only a matter of time before james got hospitalized for his recklessness.
now, with sirius and peter on either side of him, they wait for james to gain consciousness from his surgical procedure. it was a minor one, hardly one that needed 24/7 surveillance that sirius begged him to be a part of nor is the blubbering phone call from peter about james dying. the doctors even said he could be discharged the same day, if he woke up within the hour or so.
but remus is nothing but a people-pleaser. so, he stayed to watch over james as sirius requested and comforted peter that their loud, obnoxious (/fond) friend will wake up soon.
the room ridiculously quiet, a word rarely used as an adjective if they were involved, but it was. the only sound in the room, is the constant slow stream of the heart monitor and james’ soft breathing. remus can attribute this peace that the unnecessarily frantic and ballistic duo has now gone to sleep on the hospital’s stiff couch.
your head poked in first through the curtain before offering the gentlest smile and a silent request for you to come closer. you had been nothing but kind and attentive, to the point you were somewhat spoiling his overdramatic friends and their bemoaning about death and pain.
acknowledging their concerns with facts, reassurances, and empathic smiles. though he couldn’t miss the twitch of your lips as you try and stop, what remus imagines is a bellowing laughter at their dramatic reactions over james’ “demise.” not that remus blames you if you did let out a little laugh, it was getting theatric for a simple, small, and successful surgery. but he understands that professionalism comes first, such reactions might not be appropriate.
“well, everything seems fine here. your friend should be waking up anytime soon, if he does, don’t hesitate to ring us over so we can have him checked and he can be discharged. but before i leave the room, do you want me to do anything for you, any questions or concerns?” you say, voice gentle and firm
“no, we’re good, thank you.”
you nodded and gave a pretty smile, “okay then.”
you adjusted the curtain to close it fully, giving a stirring james and the sleeping visitors some privacy.
it wasn’t long before james woke up, groaning and stretching as if he had just been napping. albeit, a little delirious still, from the anesthesia no doubt.
he had opened his eyes now, unnaturally drooping and hazed, remus reached over and thwacked sirius and peter on their heads, “james’ awake.” he hums, giving nothing but an innocent looking smile as they glare for their rude awakening.
any sort of complaints from the smack quickly died out when they saw james, crowding over him and hugging him as if he’s been gone for 3 years and not 3 hours.
peter grabs james’ hands and recounts his experience of how he heard the news (from a text). at the same time with sirius exclaiming,
“oh, i’m so relieved you’re alright!” sirius cries, cradling james’ head to his chest, nuzzling through the knotted mass of curls to which remus only rolls his eyes at the theatrics of it all.
leaving remus no choice but to call you back into their section and have him checked for the last time.
“i’m fine,” james rasps, giving a sleepy smile and sluggishly patting both of the melodramatic thespians as comfort.
he looked fine, his hair no doubt knotted, his lips cracked dry but still rosy-cheeked.
when you arrived, sirius and peter have behaved themselves to sit down on the chair beside james’ bed. you slid the curtains fully, letting the light into their area. the fluorescent lights behind your head creating a soft halo as you kindly smile at james.
he looked to be stuck in a dazed trance. eyes still drooping but wider than when he first woke up, mouth slightly open, and body seemed to be frozen in place.
at first, remus thought of this due to the lingering effects of anesthetics but heard james’ heart rate steadily increase in speed.
the beeping machine seemingly louder now than before.
“hello, james. how are you feeling?” you hum, walking to go near him to do your routine check up.
the beeping seem to have picked up in speed as you neared his bed.
remus looked to the others to see if they noticed. the three of them, doing their best to cover their mouths to muffle their laughter.
“..’m fine..” james mumbled, starry-eyed gaze stuck to your face as you check his file and vitals.
“no pain? or headaches? any discomfort?” you ask, jotting down notes.
“jus’ perfect. ” he said, sounding a bit breathless.
the beeping was just going incrementally faster, the nearer you go to him.
you look at the monitor, face looking confused and worried all the same. “is it okay if i touch you? i’m just going to check on something really quick.”
the beeping stops for 2 whole seconds before continuing its raging beats. by now the three boys are having a field day, face red from the silent laughter and disbelief.
his heart literally skipped a beat, what even is this guy really? remus amusedly thinks to himself.
james couldn’t seem to say anything but give a measly nod. you grab your stethoscope, and listened to his raging heartbeat to see if anything was wrong. but james’ heart rate just seemed to have gained more momentum as you gently place your hand on his shoulder.
you move away, and slowly the heart rate slowed down, but still fast enough that you looked at him in slight concern.
“your heart rates a bit fast,” you noted, looking straight at him.
james’, oh sweet james, cheeks bloomed a glowing red and bashfully looked down.
you wrapped the stethoscope around your neck again and gave him a sweet, reassuring smile, “but other than that, everything looks to be in order. i’ll bring over the papers you have to sign and then you guys are free to go.”
when you finally walked away, james heart rate seemed to slow down to the normal speed once more. lolling his head to the side, as he groans in utter embarrassment and self-loathing.
“what is wrong with me?” he groans, cheeks still aflame.
sirius smirks, “your usual weakness to utter babes, that’s what.”
“your heart was going so fast i thought it was going to pop.” peter gushed laughing.
james playing with his starchy blanket, muttering lowly, “you think the pretty nurse heard that?”
the boys snorts out a laugh,
“i think the whole bloody hospital heard it mate,” remus cackled.
you came into view again, attending to another patient checking their vitals. offering the same kind of glowwy smile you gave them not a minute ago.
and because james just loves torturing himself, his gaze lands on you again. the same dazed look, body frozen but his eyes actively following your every move. the boys heard his heart rate—the beeping sounds picking up again.
this time sirius couldn’t stop his bark of laughter, causing you to look over them, curious.
your gaze connecting with james for a solid second.
they heard the monitor give another long pause before resuming its fast beeps. remus shook his head laughing, telling you not to worry.
you give remus a small nod, before looking over at his flustered friend, giving james a smaller, but somehow the sweetest smile you showed all day and abashedly looking away.
and james looking undeniably enamoured by your brief exchange. letting his tongue wet his dry lips as a giddy, rather boyish smile erupts from his face.
hopefully, this doesn’t give james more reason to be reckless and get himself admitted to the hospital more often. but if he does, at least it’ll be a funny story.
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liv45no · 17 days
Sirius: you know how growing up we all had that voice inside our head that told us we’re not good enough?
Sirius: well mine was outside my head bringing me to the train station.
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dogstarmoonheart · 1 year
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in honor of my deers birthday (see what I did there?)
here’s a few silly conversations between james and some of the marauders :)
pt.1?????? (If ye like it, that is)
kisses sweethearts
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luizd3ad · 1 month
Game Time | Poly!Bartylus x GN!Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Barty Crouch Jr x GN Reader x Regulus Black
WC: 700
CW: swearing, mentions of Bartys dad 🤢, modern AU, mistreatment of Sims, anxiety
Author's Note: Honestly I just got this idea bc my sims hyper fixation is coming back. The little bit of French that’s in here I got from google please tell me if it’s wrong.
Summary: Regulus comes home to you and Barty playing the sims.
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Someone tell me to stop making theses for ever fic please. I won't listen but someone should still tel me.
Regulus had spent the day with Sirius, just catching up. 
They've been finding it harder to do so since leaving Hogwarts so they try to make it a priority to see each other as often as possible. 
He did enjoy spending time with his brother but right now all he wanted to do was go home to his partners. 
You and Barty were like a breath of fresh air to him after his social battery was drained. Just being in the presence of both of you was enough to make him feel better. 
Regulus finally crossed the threshold to his shared flat. He took his shoes and jacket off at the entrance and put them in their designated places.
But then he noticed the flat was quiet which was rare considering Barty lived there.
“Mon amours? I’m home?”
Regulus called out looking around the flat curiously. 
No one was in the living room. He didn't hear anyone in the kitchen. 
He started walking down the hall that held their shared bedroom and the guest room/ office when he heard them.
“Angel, I love you but you're wrong!”
“Watch it Crouch! Or you'll end up in the basement next..”
Regulus was only slightly taken back when he heard his partner say that to their boyfriend. 
Honestly it wouldn't be the first time he heard them say something like that.
Barty then gasped and started shirking something about ‘Never feeling so betrayed’ which was something Barty would say often. 
Regulus took a deep breath mentally preparing himself and then opened the door to the office, he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the sight in front of him.
There they were, the loves of his life hunched over the computer playing the muggle game that Remus had shown them.
‘The Sims’ he thinks it was called, but he couldn't quite remember. 
“Barty.. Did you take the ladder out of the pool again?”
Barty then gasped as if the thought was inconceivable. 
“What would make you think such a thing, angel?”
“I mean other than the fact that you've done it before? The sim’s name is Bartemius Crouch and he looks exactly like your father.”
Barty then giggles looking proud of himself. 
“Leave him there he deserves it.”
Barty says with a wide smile.
Regulus chuckles a little louder this time and shakes his head finally catching the attention of his partners.
You and Barty both turn your heads to look at Regulus. 
You send him a big smile and say.
“Hi my love, how's Sirius?”
“Sirius is fine. Now what are you two doing?”
Regulus say still standing in the doorway of the room.
“I'm trying to show our darling boyfriend that there's more to The Sims than killing the people that you wish you could kill in real life.”
“And I'm trying to show our angel that killing people in the game is the most fun you can have.”
“Wait, so you make the characters people you actually know?”
You and Barty look at each other and then look at Regulus with raised eyebrows.
Barty says looking at Regulus like it should be common sense.
“Wait so you have a character of me?”
“Of course we do.”
You say then turning back to the computer clicking on the mouse a few times and then waving Regulus over to show him a big house with sims of the three of you.
“Is this supposed to be our house?”
“Yes. Unfortunately we’re not all technically dating on here, since that's not an option.”
You explain while Barty crosses his arms while pouting and saying.
“Which is stupid.” 
Regulus just smiles at Barty and kisses his head. 
“It’s okay ​mon beau because we’re dating in real life.”
Regulus says while running his hand through his boyfriend's hair.
You and Barty spent the rest of the night showing Regulus your favorite parts of the game. 
Regulus found himself having a good time whether it was just because he got to spend time with the two of you or because he actually found the game entertaining he didn't know nor did he care.
He was just content and happy to be there.
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popcornhee · 9 months
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