#mention: sirus black
s0ny2k8 · 5 months
ngl idk what’s the beef with jkr bc i haven’t ever looked into it
but i hate her anyways bc she killed off sirius
(someone pls tell me what she did)
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Hiya Mae!! How are you?? It’s been a little bit but I was hoping I could request a poly!marauders fic (+plus Lily if you’re comfortable with doing that if not it’s fine). This week is the 6th anniversary of my brothers passing and this year is a bit harder as I’m turning 18. Having such a milestone coming up and him not being here is sorta making me sick. I was wondering if maybe you could base the fic off of that? Or something to do with grief and them helping reader out. I’ve found great comfort in the abundance of love you portray with their relationship and I could do with a lil of it.
If not it’s totally fine don’t feel obligated. Hope you have a good week!!
Hi sweetheart, sorry I couldn't get this to you during the week you requested it. I was also dealing with a bit of grief at the time and it felt too raw to try for a while. I hope you're doing well and that you really enjoy being 18, even if those feelings are complicated by your loss <33
cw: mentions of death, grief
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 622 words
The sky is turning from deep blue to black outside when Sirus notices you’ve slipped into a melancholy. 
The only hint of it is in your tone. You’ve been quipping about the film you’re all watching like you always do, bouncing off his and James’ comments and Remus’ amused grunts, but there’s a falsity to the cheer in your voice. This is something you and James have in common; when Sirius or Remus are upset it permeates the area around them like a thick fog, but the two of you have a way of keeping it contained within yourselves, putting on counterfeit smiles. Sirius often wonders if it doesn’t hurt you more. 
He leans away from where he’s been resting his head on Remus’ pectoral, snaking an arm around your shoulders. 
“Penny for your thoughts, pretty girl?” he asks quietly. 
You shrug. Swallow. “Just thinking about them,” you murmur in reply. 
Sirius suspects this isn’t the full story, but he, too, knows the necessity of papering over certain pains. He doesn’t pry. 
Before the war—before Regulus—Sirius used to think that grief was the pain that came from the love you had for the lost person being ripped away from you. But even months after his brother’s death, all the love is still there. It’s amplified, if anything, every ounce of it demanding attention now that he can no longer take it for granted even a little bit. 
What went was the ritual of it all. The peculiar brand of happiness he’d felt around Reg, never easy but still there, buried beneath layers of troubled history and shared broodiness. The inside jokes they’d barely realized they had, things no one who wasn’t raised in their house would see the humor in. The surety that if they fought, they’d get a chance to make up. Sirius will never have those things with his brother again. In memories, maybe, but now they’ll always be tinged with the love so big it hurts. 
He wishes desperately he could keep you from hurting like that. 
He shuffles closer, awkwardly wrapping his other arm around you until he’s nearly covering your body with his. It’s like he thinks he can shield you, like he can protect you from grief after he’d failed to protect you from loss. 
“I’m sorry,” Sirius says. 
You shake your head, turning so it’s jammed in the juncture of his neck and shoulder. Your face feels hot. “I don’t know what to do,” you choke out. 
Sirius squeezes you tighter. He gets it, but he doesn’t. He knows how it feels to grieve, but not how to grieve your person in your way. It’s an ache he can only approximate. 
“Sweetheart.” James’ voice sounds pained, and he gets up from Remus’ other side, rounding the couch to climb onto the armrest beside you. He rubs your back with one hand, the other coming to rest on Sirius shoulder, a comfort in case he needs it. “I don’t think there’s anything you can do, my love.” 
Sirius feels a hot tear slip down his neck into his shirt, and James winces as your shoulders hitch under his touch. Remus makes a soft pitying sound. 
“You’re alright.” He latches onto the last unclaimed part of you, rough hand soothing up your calf. “You’re okay.” 
“Sorry,” you manage, and Sirius squishes you punishingly in his arms, pressing a staunch kiss to the side of your head. 
“Don’t be silly,” he tells you. James makes a half-choked sound of agreement. “No sorries, okay?” 
You nod, the bump of your nose moving against Sirius’ neck. He gives you another kiss to show his approval. 
“You’re alright, darling,” Remus says again. “Take all the time you need. We’ve got you.” 
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
Could you write something where the Weasleys are heading to spend Christmas at the order after Mr Weasleys attack (so could be a bit angsty to start), and on their arrival they find Y/N there with Sirus, her Dad and her Uncle Moony, telling her and the trio how they set up the old order back in the day and reader talks about setting up a new one, but the twins (Fred is her bf) didn't know who her family was as she kept it secret, all these years, even more so as Lupin teaches them all Defence Against The Dark Arts. Maybe a bit of akwardness at first when she explains why she couldn't tell them (rumours going around the magic world etc), but cute fluff after when they continue discussing the order, open presents etc. I need cute fluff 🥰
❄️Yuletide Celebration❄️
Fancy Meeting You Here
I goofed and posted this early.🤦‍♀️My only other option was to delete it. So, here it is. Merry Really, Early Christmas! 🎁
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Fred Weasley x Fem!reader
"It seems there was some rather unusual kind of poison in that snake’s fangs that keep wounds open," Arthur had explained. "They’re sure they’ll find an antidote. Though, they say they’ve had much worse cases than mine, and in the meantime, I just have to keep taking a Blood-Replenishing Potion every hour."
It was touch and go for a while, but you'd never know it talking to the Weasley patriarch. Despite excruciating pain and losing half his body weight in blood every day, Arthur had remained in high spirits throughout the whole ordeal.
Fred wished he could say the same for himself. Oh sure, he played it off well enough, making jokes and being silly, but truthfully, it had scared him. The knowledge that his dad could've died had shaken him to his very core, and he had no idea how to handle that.
He was certain things would've been better if his girlfriend was by his side. But, sadly, her parents had insisted she come home for the holidays, leaving him to muddle through on his own.
"Y/N!" Fred ran toward, picking her up in his arms and twirling her around. "I can't believe you're here!" He exclaimed before a confused look settled on his face. "Wait... why are you here?"
His girlfriend gave him a sheepish grin. "There's something I need to tell you."
Fred sat back, stunned. "Sirius is your dad?"
"Sirius Black?" George echoed.
"Yes, Sirius Black is my father." Y/N confirmed.
"But, how?" Fred blistered.
"Well, you see, when a man and a woman - " George began.
"Shut up, George," Fred cut his eyes over at his twin. "I know how," he looked back at Y/N. "But, you know... how?"
Y/N had to stifle a grin. "It's a long story, but suffice it to say, my mum isn't in the picture. My Uncle Mooney took care of me while dad was in Azkaban."
"Wow... " George marveled.
"Why did you tell me?" Fred asked.
"I had to keep it secret. Dad's on the run. Death Eaters are everywhere, and we're starting the Order back up."
"The order?" Her boyfriend looked excited at the prospect. "The Order of the Phoenix?"
"Yep," she confirmed. "With Death Eaters crawling out of the woodwork again, not to mention the possibility that Voldy could come back if he hasn't already, they thought it be a good idea to revive it. And Grimmauld Place will be the headquarters this time around."
"Wicked," Fred replied. "So, my girlfriend is in league with infamous Order of the Phoenix."
Y/N laughed. "I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that. But, yeah, kinda."
"Well," George clapped his hands on his lap and stood. "That's all I need to know right now to know this is going to be an awesome Christmas." He looked at Y/N. "Just a suggestion. You might wanna wait until Harry gets here to get into the fine details. That way, you don't have to tell it twice."
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, good idea."
George grinned. "Well, I'm gonna go find something to eat and let you two catch up."
Once George was gone, Y/N scooted closer to Fred. "I'm glad we get to spend Christmas together after all."
"Me too," he smiled. "It's been a rough couple of weeks."
"I'm really glad to see you're dad's doing better. I was really worried about him."
"So, was I," Fred admitted, his cheeks growing hot. "I - I really missed you being there with me."
Y/N smiled, pretending she didn't notice the lovely blush rise up across his cheeks and pulled him closer. "Well, I'm here with you now."
"I'm glad," Fred gave a small grin and looked down, trying to hide the stubborn crimson that'd taken up residence on his face.
"But, you know," Y/N continued. "You're failing in your duties as a good boyfriend."
"What?" Fred looked up, eyes wide.
"You've been here for a whole half hour, and you haven't kissed me once."
"Oh dear, you're right," he sat up straight, and his usual, confident cockiness came roaring back. "I must do something about that immediately."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman
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Regulus Black Teaser
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Year one 1972-1973 11-12
“Stop staring regulus is very unbecoming! Filthy half-bloods” Regulus’ mother spoke with venom. The young first-year couldn’t help himself. the girl clutching onto her brother's arm was beautiful to him. baby cheeks flushed rose with nerves a light dusting of dents and scratches decorated her face very similar to her brother's own. He knew of the Lupins from Sirius over the summer. The older black had given his brother a full rundown of his friends. There was James Potter who couldn’t wait to be on the quidditch team, Peter Pettigrew wanted to be just like Sirius and James, and finally Remus Lupin a very intelligent boy with a love for chocolate. Sirus had mentioned that a younger lupin would also be joining Regulus’ year. But he failed to mention just how pretty she would be. Regulus quickly obeyed his mother feeling the burn of her angry stare towards him. “don’t even think about talking to her regulus black I will not have our blood tainted by their traitor.” She growled.
(Y/N) jade lupin followed her brother onto the train after a long farewell from her father. She wished her mother was there also, but the growing fear of the dark lord and his followers made it impossible for her to be safe on the platform. “what if I don’t make friends Remus?” she stuttered watching her brother take their cases and place them in the sturdy storage above their heads. “you’re worrying too much (Y/N). even if you don’t make friends for a bit, you have me. My friends know about me, so they’ll also be willing to help you.” She nodded her head slightly before a blur of silver caught her gaze. An open bar of muggle chocolate. “calm down and eat some.”  
Remus was a pale-faced pre-teen also covered in scars. His hair was light brown hair that, was already starting to go grey from his ‘illness’. Stress can do a lot to a witch or wizard. (Y/N) knew it was only a matter of time the silver jumped to her hair. “finally got away!” the siblings quickly locked eyes on the boy barging into the carriage like a herd of wildebeest. Sirius black. (y/N) could never deny Sirius was handsome. Dark luscious curls that just touched his shoulders with matching dark eyes filled with mischief. Next to tumble in was James potter. He was very similar to Sirius, James was a tall, thin boy with hazel eyes and untidy black hair that stuck up at the back. The final boy to enter the compartment was Peter Pettigrew. He was the largest of the group and the shortest with mousy brown hair and silver eyes. “well, well well this must be the little lupin we’ve heard so much about!” James seemed extremely ecstatic to meet (Y/N) shaking her hand hard. “it’s nice to meet you all.” she stuttered smiling brightly at their welcoming personalities. This was going to be a very interesting year indeed.
The great hall was everything Remus had described. The ceiling was filled with beautiful night sky stars twinkling down like it was real. Floating candles scattered around flickering brightly. The whole room was filled with students all watching the first years as they entered. “now when I call your name,” Professor McGonagall began, “I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you shall be sorted into your houses.” (Y/N) could instantly tell the professor cared for her students her stern expression fought with her floaty voice of passion and upper-class education. “regulus black.” (Y/N) watched as a boy walked towards the stool almost nervous. Instantly she could tell he was a pureblood. The young boy stood as straight as a pencil nothing seemed imperfect. His curly hair was styled with no frizz or kinks, his face clean of freckles dirt or imperfections of any kind. The only thing she could see of any difference to purebloods was his eyes. They swirled with every natural colour possible. But something so bright and vibrant was clouded with a layer of grey mist an emotionless gaze. The boy sat gracefully on the stool as the sorting hat was placed on top of his head. “Slytherin!” the hat barely brushed his hard curls before screeching the ‘dark house’. (Y/N) watched as he walked towards the emerald, green table still no emotions. “(Y/N) Lupin!”
Regulus watched the girl from the train. He didn’t blink, he didn’t move. He finally got a better look at the tiny girl from the station. And he was captivated. He had never seen a child so small and dainty. She still had an amount of baby fat on her cheeks like an innocent chipmunk. Her hair was tied in a braid low to the neck with light wisps of baby hair framing her face. But her eyes were the best part of Regulus. In contrast to his murky eyes, hers with bright and full of wonder, like a kaleidoscope. “now here's a challenge!” the hat murmured cackling as the girl bit her pink lips. “so many traits for such a small child. The intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the bravery of a Gryffindor, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff…but the ambition that radiates from you girl. Better be Slytherin!”
The portion of the table Regulus sat on snickered and laughed as the small girl walked towards the table. She sat down slowly away from everyone out of fear. He couldn’t blame her. “look at the little duckling. She couldn’t hurt a fly.” Bellatrix snickered towards Lucius and Narcissa. “she's gonna be eaten alive. Filthy half-blood.” Regulus knew his first year was going to be very strange.
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unexpected - s.b.
pairings; sirius black x fem!reader
warnings; cheating, smut (oral - both receiving, vaginal sex)
summary; sirius would never expect that his girlfriend would cheat on him, let alone him having sex with the girlfriend of a man his girl cheated with.
a/n; i got inspired by all your perfects by coho
never in his life would sirius black expect to see an attractive woman to be shouting insults in the direction of the apartment he shared with his girlfriend.
he recognized the woman to be his neighbour, who lived with her boyfriend next to them. still, sirius didn't know why was she standing in front of his flat, yelling the nastiest words he ever heard.
"uh, hi, i'm sorry," he began awkwardly. "are you sure you're in the right place?"
"yeah," you nodded, youre face red from the anger. "my boyfriend's in there."
sirius frowned confusedly. "he's inside the apartment?"
"inside your fucking girlfriend."
it was safe to say that sirius was startled when he heard a loud moan from the inside.
you laughed humouresly. "i have no idea how he managed to make her scream like that," you said. "he sucks in bed."
there was another moan. sirius felt like he will soon break the nearest object. he looked at you to see your reaction. he could find none, your face was blank as you said,
"how do you feel about a revenge sex, sirius?"
and that's how you ended up with sirius's cock deep in your mouth. his hips moving in restless pace. you weren't used to have something this big in your mouth before as your ex's dick was well. . . whatever
sirius hit the back of your throat repeatedly, making you gag around him. you could tell he was close by the way he was moaning and cursing under his breath and how he was gripping your hair so tightly.
suddenly, he pulled out of your mouth. sirius didn't want to cum yet.
"sit on the table," he comanded and you did as you were told.
one detail i forgot to mention was that you two could be found in the kitchen, you now on the kitchen table.
sirius got down on his knees in front of you and pulled down your skirt and panties as those were the only pieces of clothing you were still wearing. however, now, you were completely naked.
he didn't wait a second until his mouth was on your cunt, his tongue swirling around your clit. you grabbed the back of his head and pushed him closer to you until it wasn't possible as your head hit the table, your back arching from the pleasure.
moments later, sirius's finger was teasing your entrance and your walls already squeezed around nothing.
seeing how desperate you were for him, sirius slipped his finger inside you, making you moan loudly.
it was only two minutes or so and you were already louder than the bitch your ex was now fucking.
it was only two minutes or so and you already thought, god, this man knows what clitoris is.
you propped on your elbows because you wanted to watch sirius as he did magic between your legs. he looked up at you and smiled as his tongue and finger were doing wonders to your pussy.
he pulled his mouth away from you and added a second finger inside of you.
"i want to eat you out until my jaw goes numb," he said. his words made you shiver and wimper.
"i need you," you cried out and sirus smirked.
"you have me."
"i need you to fuck me. please, sirius," you begged. "i need your cock."
"you had my cock just few minutes ago," he commented. "that desperate you are, huh?"
you nodded, not even embarrassed. a slap was delivered to your cunt, making you yelp. "yes!"
he hummed. "it shows that you weren't properly fucked before. however, i want to make you cum with my mouth and fingers firstly."
and then, he found the spot. something your ex found only few times in your relationship.
"aw," he cooed. "there it is."
he knew you were sbout to fall apart on his tongue by the way your walls pulsed around his fingers and how your legs shook around his head.
he hit the spot inside you few more times before you literally started screaming in pleasure. you knew by now that the cheaters in the apartment next to you could hear you, but you didnt care. you wanted to show them both what they were missing.
"fuck," you cried out, playing with your nipples. "i'm gonna cum! fuck, fuck fuck!"
it took only few more thrusts and lick on your clit before you saw white and your body shook.
nobody ever made you cum like that before snd by the smirk on sirius face, you could tell he was very proud of himself right now.
you didn't know how sirius managed to put condom on without you noticing but when you calmed down from your orgasm, he was already sliding his cock in your entrance and your cunt positively welcomed him in.
you both sighed in pleasure before sirius slid his whole dick inside, slid out and then thrusted fastly back in.
"oh, god!" he groaned at the feeling of your warm walls around him. he picked up your hips as your pussy throbbed at the new angle, causing moans spill past both of you two's lips. "if i knew you would feel like this, i'd fuck you months ago."
sirius picked up his pace, thrusting impossibly fast into you. you lost it when you felt his fingers on your clit, whimpering and crying. nasty words leaving your lips. you were so fucked that you couldn't even think of a normal sentence, only being able to pay attention how good was sirius fucking you.
he then leaned forward and captured your nipple into his mouth, biting it. you whined both in pain and pleasure. although, sirius could tell you liked it because your walls squeezed around him.
he chuckled darkly. "slut."
you liked that one too.
after sirius cleaned you up, you two were lying on the sofa, bodies glued together by a little cover of sweat.
"y/n?" sirius whispered.
"yes, sirius?" you sound almost asleep.
"do you think the two of us could go someday for a dinner, maybe?"
you opened your eyes. "as a date?"
he shrugged. "if you want it to be, then yes."
you smiled at him. "i would love that."
your nice moment was ruined by a knock on the door and a voice of your ex.
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goblinpuppy35 · 3 months
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Out of Place Together
University Remus x Male Reader
Part 1 - (Next Chapter)
Summary: An academia-core themed story about the Marauders during their final year of university in the Muggle world. Soon after meeting each other  Remus begins to fall for one of Sirius' friends Y/N another shy student.
TW: Minor mention of drug use
It's a cold clear night in February, the ink blue sky contrasts against the bright half moon illuminating the grey clouds moving along in the night. This was the view that Y/N observed as he leaned out of the bathroom window of the third story house he was in. Throbbing base music could be heard from the ground floor below which filled Y/N with dread. He had woefully dragged himself to this party despite knowing he wasn't going to have a good time, from fear his friends would stop inviting him to gatherings if he declined again. Y/N felt utterly out of place at parties and preferred the peaceful atmosphere of one on one conversations. While Y/N was debating how long he could stay in the bathroom before others began to notice, he heard a loud familiar voice from downstairs.
The flamboyant presents of his dear friend Sirius entering the party brought Y/N comfort as he made his way down the stairs. As soon as they both made eye contact Sirius knew his friend was not enjoying himself. "You look like your having a terrible time" Sirius smirked as he reached Y/N half way up the stairs. "What could possible given that away" Y/N replied sarcastically fidgeting with the paper cup full of water he had in his hand. Sirius laughed heartily and brushed his fingers through his thick black hair "come on, we're getting out of here!" before Y/N could protest Sirius had grabbed his wrist and began pulling him towards the front door. "Sirius! The fuck man your leaving. You literally just got here!" cried out a annoyed voice from the living room as they passed by. "Well you know what they say" Sirius chimed back "The best people always leave the party first because they have somewhere better to be" and with that both men stumbled out of the door and down the street.
Y/N had first met Sirius when they had originally been on the same course together. During first year Sirius had bounced around several courses before finally settling on Psychology, which Y/N had in fact suggested. Despite no longer being on the same course the two maintained a close friendship and Sirius was always coming to Y/N with student drama or stories of his nights out as they had a smoke behind the library. Y/N appreciated his friendship with Sirius because even though he was a beaming socialite he never forced Y/N to be the same and liked Y/N for the quiet person he was. Both men's boots echoed down the stone street as they approached the city centre. 
"Honestly I'm surprised you made it over an hour at that party in the first place" laughed Sirus as he linked his arm through Y/N's. "You and me both." mumbled Y/N "Where are we going anyway?". Swiftly Sirius turned the corner and they began to make there way towards a pub with big wooden doors and warm light glowing from the frosted windows. "My housemates are hanging out here tonight, figured you'd like a more chill scene. You've met them before right?". Inside the pub was warm and full of small groups of friends huddle around tables chatting and drinking, it was much easier to hear others and the lack of horrible house music made Y/N feel more at ease. They made their way to a corner booth were a couple was cosily chatting. Y/N had met Sirius housemate James and his girlfriend Lily several times and found them both great company. He found James' sheer confidence in admitting he only took philosophy because it was the same course Lily was taking both ridiculous and charming. Everyone was amazed he had not been kicked off the course yet considering he spent all his time playing rugby or hanging out in pubs with them, nevertheless every time an essay was due as if by magic, which James always said with a wink, he was able to produce a passing grade. 
The four of them spent an enjoyable hour catching up before Sirius' other housemate made an abrupt appearance. Y/N didn't know Peter as well as the others, to be honest he was a little put off by the short blonde. Peter was taking economics as far as Y/N could remember or possibly media studies, it was impossible to get a straight answer from him. Sirius and James insist that back in school Peter was your typical nerdy wimp but after they all came to university he started hanging out with the 'wrong crowd' as they put it. He spent most of his nights out and slept throughout the day as well as taking a far amount of drugs which Y/N assumed was the case now as Peter suddenly appeared 'back from the bathroom' with wide eyes and during the next hour of conversation he was sniffing and rubbing his nose repeatedly. Sirus and James said they did there best to keep an eye on him but Y/N could see the mild concern behind there eyes. Regardless the evening carried on joyously, time slipping by like silk. Before too long Y/N found himself swaying down the empty road with the group towards the boys shared house, Sirius insisted that he crashed on their sofa tonight instead of walking all the way across town to his own place. 
The house was filled with giggling and shushing as the all clumsy made their way through the door. James and Lily quickly took themselves off to bed and Y/N made his way to the dark living room as Sirus fumbled around trying to find some blankets. Flopping on the sofa Y/N was met with a significantly more rigid and hard impact then he was expecting. The sofa was littered with books which he rather unceremoniously pushed off into the floor, "Oh yeah sorry about that, those are all Remus' " Sirius called out from the hallway. "Oh yeah .. your other other housemate" Y/N sighed as he began to curl up like a cat on the now book free sofa. He had actually never met Sirius' other other housemate, just heard his name in passing, but in his current state this thought didn't weigh his mind long. Gliding in with several blankets hanging off his shoulders like a cape Sirius then billowed them up into the air before letting them settle over Y/N's body, "You sleep well buddy" Sirius began to walk out of the room and then Y/N's arms shot out of the pile of blankets to hold his hand tightly "Thank you for taking me out tonight, I really appreciated it" Y/N said softly as he was falling asleep. Sirius smiled over his friend and gently squeezed his hand "Anytime Y/N. Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning".
As the sun rose the next day Y/N woke up with a shiver. Classic student house without heating. Feeling around in the floor and he found his socks and fleece which he promptly put back on before snuggling deep into the pile of blankets wrapped around him. They had forgotten to close the curtains the night before resulting in the room now flooding with light. It was unlikely for Y/N to be able to fall asleep again so he started to look around the now fully visible room. The typical staples of a student accommodation lay before him; a mismatch collection of film and band posters pinned to the wall, window seals with several half full bottles of varying spirits and what Y/N assumed to be James's and Lily's bikes prompt up behind the other sofa. Looking at the floor Y/N was taken back by the volume of books piled everywhere, considerably more then he had noticed the night before. Leaning down he was able to read a number of titles he himself had read; The Illiad, Dante's Inferno, Othello, Wuthering Heights. Whoever these belong to has excellent taste thought Y/N.
 His investigation was cut short as he heard the sound of foot steps and clanging from the kitchen. Assuming either James or Sirus was up and about Y/N stretched, rising from the sofa and carefully making his way to the door without knocking over the miniature city skyline of books around him. Entering the kitchen Y/N was taken aback by a tall figure he did not recognise. The tall man was arched over the gas stove heating up the kettle, he wore a large oversized knitted jumper and bagging pajamas bottoms with knitted socks tucked into them. He had messy brown hair which dropped over his forehead and a mustache which he was pulling one corner of as he adjusted the temperature of the stove. Y/N gazed at him silently for a moment before forcing out an awkward "hello". The tall man turned his head around, a confused expressions left his face quickly as he gave a polite smile. Y/N could not help but drink in his deep blue eyes, 'fuck' he thought to himself 'this guy is incredibly handsome'. 'Hi' said the incredibly handsome man 'Your Sirius' friend right' he asked as he returned his attention back to the kettle. 'Umm yeah, I'm Y/N. I just crashed on the sofa last night after we went out' Y/N gingerly wondered to the shelf and pick up a mug with the intention to fill it with water. "Sirius should have said something, I would have moved all my books out of the way".  Upon saying this Y/N then becomes aware the towering man had a paperback also tucked into his pajama pocket, "All of those are yours?". "Hmm yeah well it's an occupational hazard which comes with being a English literature student" he said turning around slightly grinning. His smile felt completely sincere and kind and Y/N couldn't help but weakly smile back. "Impressive, I've read a good number of the ones I was able to see" Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter, oddly feeling both nervous and at ease in his strangers presents. "Well it's nice to finally meet someone with good taste" he said playfully looking down at Y/N. Their eyes stayed locked for a few seconds before a loud yarn could be heard coming through the kitchen doorway. A tired and dishevelled Sirius waddled in stretching and cracking his back as he did "Good morning, good morning. you sleep well Y/N?". "Hi pads" the other guy said briefly as he returned his attention to the now whistling kettle. Y/N placed his mug on the counter as Sirus came in to give him a big sleepy hug "Are you still going to keep your promise and taken me into town before you help me with studying?". "Only if you promise to read the whole chapter of cognitive behaviour for your class tomorrow!" Y/N chuckled as he ruffled his friends long hair. "Fine!" cries Sirius after a long groan "Come on let's get going then". "I need a cup of tea first but after that sure", Y/N folded his arms and laughed softly as he watched his dear friend lean into the fridge and start chugging some apple juice from the carton. "Well I'll see you guys later" called out a voice from the hall, turning around Y/N just caught a glimpse of the tall stranger disappearing into the hallway. "See you later Remus" Sirius called out in-between gulps of juice. Y/N's eyes then became aware of the rising steam which when looking down he saw was coming from the cup he has placed on the counter. Now full of hot water ready for him to place his tea bag in, he looked back up at the empty hallway. "So. That's Remus".
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Hi Robin! Can I ask/get some headcanons with James, Sirius and Remus (separate)? How would he react if his darling wears his sweater?
Hi! Thank you for the request :)
Warnings: Yandere themes, a brief mention of scars during Remus' section.
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James Potter:
Dear god would he act so smug when he finds you wearing his sweater.
James owns quite a few sweaters, but he's not all that neat. He always has at least one of his sweaters lying around. On his bed, on the floor, tucked unfolded into his dresser, and he won't really keep track of them until he needs one.
Because of this, it's very easy to just pick one of them up and he won't notice for a while.
Up until he sees you wearing one of them, and he goes, "Is that mine???"
Very confused for a second and wondering when you could've taken it (and considering how often he actually looks at his clothes before throwing them on, could have been weeks.)
But after confirming it is in fact his, James will have this smug smirk plastered over his face in an instant.
James is more the type to loudly brag about his obsession in whatever way he can. If he can find a way to shove it in everybody's faces that you like him back, he'll take it.
After all, James can be pretty possessive. Forcing everybody else to acknowledge that you're his not only makes them all back-off but also traps you with him in a way.
You can't leave him if everyone else is too afraid to take you in, right?
But anyway, the fact that you're very obviously wearing one of his sweaters makes James so happy.
It gives him another thing to say "That's right! They're my partner, not yours!"
This boy will be shoving his sweaters at you from here on out. He almost refuses to let you wear anything else.
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Sirius Black:
Sirius is also one who is very smug upon seeing you in any article of his clothing.
Unlike James or Remus, Sirius doesn't own too many sweaters. His family prefers him to look a certain way so that he can represent his family well, so many of his clothes are formal and expensive.
The clothes he bought on his own are usually considered pretty rugged and bad-boyish just so he could spite his family.
Despite that, I could see Sirius owning a few particular sweaters.
One is in the colors of Gryffindor (another thing he purchased to spite his parents), a couple simple plain colored ones, and a couple that goes under his protective gear during his Quidditch games.
The first and last ones are the ones he'd be the most pleased to see you wearing.
The first one because you're wearing his house colors, which is even better if you're in a different house. The second one because it has his name and Quidditch number on it.
Out of the three, Sirius has the worst possessive streak. James is a very close second, but Sirius isn't afraid to bully, jinx, and even physically harm others to sink in the message that you're his and no one else's.
You wearing one of his sweaters, a few of which actually state his name, not only further convinces Sirus that you're his, but convinces everyone else of that too.
It's more ammo for Sirius to use against others as to why they need to stay away from you.
It's a deadly confirmation for Sirius, one that would be much better for you if avoided.
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Remus Lupin:
Like James, it's always easy to steal one of Remus' sweaters without him noticing for a few days. Unlike James, it's not because he's messy.
Quite the opposite, actually. Remus is very organized, he just has a lot of sweaters. He loves them because they're warm, comfy, and they cover up many of the scars/wounds he gets from turning during the full moon.
So when he first sees you wearing one of his many sweaters, it takes him by surprise at first.
Unlike his friends, Remus isn't as outwardly smug about you wearing something of his.
James and Sirius have always been the ones to show off their love for you, the ones who shove it in everybody's faces.
Remus prefers to fade into the background and let his friends hog all the attention.
A downside of this is that some people either don't think that you and he are together because they might not see the signs, or they think that they can openly flirt with you because they think Remus doesn't have the guts to say anything about it.
He almost always does, especially if you look to be uncomfortable with the interaction.
But Remus is happy with this compromise. You get a comfy sweater and look cute while also subtly showing off that you're his.
Extra: Poly Marauders
The way that these three would be throwing their sweaters at you after they see you in one of theirs is off the charts.
While they're not as jealous of each other as they would be of anyone else, the jealousy is still there. It's just not threatening to jinx each other beyond repair type jealousy.
Moreso it becomes a competition for them to see which one of their sweaters you wear the most. (Funny thing is Remus actually keeps tally just to piss James and Sirius off with how often he's convinced you to wear his.)
They would offer to let you keep the sweaters you borrow, but they fear that it would lose the impact of others seeing that you're theirs.
Don't worry though, darling, they all have plenty of sweaters to spare.
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unadulterated-syd · 1 year
sirus black x reader
this is my first sirius fic pls be kind !
leave advice if you'd like :)
warnings -> underaged drinking mentioned, doesnt happen within fic, unedited.
synopsis -> sirius shows you his collection of odd sentimental items :)
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the dimly lit common room felt more peaceful tonight than most other nights, most of the other gryffindors were already delicately tucked in for the night.
typically the marauders, mainly james and sirius, wouldve kept the whole house up. however, tomorrow called for james— early quidditch practice, whilst sirius found himself boredly keeping you company.
he would let out an exaggerated sigh every couple of minutes, trying to get your attention, which had failed till just about now.
"sirius, youre driving me bloody insane. what do you want?"
your eyes barely left the fire to glare at him, only to see him stand up and wander off. though odd, sirius was always odd. therefore you did not bother to call after him, nor even look fully his way.
your eyes returned to the fire, until the cushion beside you weighed down once more. finally your head turned his way.
"darling, look through these with me will you?"
his petnames had always pissed you off when you were younger, you'd always had a large crush on him. that was until the two of you had drunkenly shared an evening together, and things changed.
youd never officially started dating, you were both too frightened to truly commit to anything.
you sighed, finally shuffling to sit facing him on the couch. in his lap rested a box of random junk, some records, some photos, even an old beer bottle.
"whats all this, pads?" you hummed delicately sliding your fingers over the rim of the box.
"you'll see."
he dug his hand into the box pulling out the old beer bottle, dawning a look of faux wonder as his eyes met yours.
"you remember this ol' thing?"
your eyes traced the bottle, shrugging, "sirius thats an old beer bottle, you expect me to remember all the beer we've drunk?"
"well tred carefully, love, you surely dont remember the first time we drank, together?"
"the.. uhm.. you kept that?" you raised your hand, taking the bottle from his hand and scanning it.
"duh, youre holding it." he had already moved on by now, "or the first queen album i convinced reg to listen to."
youd remembered that, hed been so excited to share the group with regulus, even though regulus hadnt expressed much excitement.
he went on with the items, swiftly describing every item as he did. the cutest of all was the idea that he held onto things from all his friends.
a guitar pic from marlene, something mary had 'thrifted him'— even though he had no recollection of what that meant— photos of them all.
he wasn't necessarily sentimental, however he felt it was rude to throw away things that could mean something to someone else.
he'd never ever thought the bottle you'd both shared was important, but a fraction of him believed you would have kept it had you had any less to drink.
you listened through it all, though your eyes stayed loosily trained on the bottle, you'd thought he'd forgotten. however, he was rather quick to catch on.
"d'you think i forgot?"
"honestly, yes."
he gave you a smile, his brow raising dramatically, "you take me as a fool then?"
"a fool? i dont think i said all that."
"oh you've totally ruined me, a fool!" he faked yet another pout, throwing himself back on the common room couch.
you groaned at him, quickly jumping to your own defense, "listen, im not calling you a fool, i just—"
"i know what you meant, dear." his look went back to you once again, not bothering to sit up. "only a dimwitted fool would've forgotten. im just the fool who was too scared to make it more."
"you the fool!" you laughed, it only caused a wince as he misinterpreted your demenor, "we're both the fools, sirius. we've been out here passed bed and not one of us has even begun to entertain the idea of being together."
"perhaps were both fools." he gave you a michevious grin, "fools in love."
"dont even try, black, that was awful."
"dreadful even?"
"definetly dreadful."
he grinned, leaning closer to you, as if to plead for a midnight kiss. but in turn, you stood up grinning at him, "goodnight, love, i'll see you in the morning."
"y/n!", he whined at you, but you simply continued. midnight talks turned out to be rather nice, especially when they washed away the fear you'd once had.
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harry potter tags -> @goodoldfashionedluvergirl
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sirius tags -> none
leave an ask to be added to any tags.
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requested by @goodoldfashionedluvergirl
tysm for the req eva !! hope you enjoy <3
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artemisia-black · 18 days
I really loved the last chapter. I find it interesting how you mentioned that Orion only steps in when things are bad, but he knows exactly what Sirius is doing because he is spying on him. Could you talk about this? thanks
Thank you so much for reading and sending an ask.
Ooh ok so this is actually a really key point of Orion's characterisation.
I developed Orion as a character from several key things:
How Sirius describes BCS's parenting in Padfoot returns, which when framed by what we later find out about Sirus's family, reads like projection (albeit accurate projection):
“Nasty little shock for old Barty, I’d imagine. Should have spent a bit more time at home with his family, shouldn’t he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while ... gotten to know his own son.”
2. Sirius never once tells Harry he loves him, but he shows it through his actions.
3. Sirius gives us this piece of information about Orion: "My father put every security measure known to Wizard-kind on it when he lived here."
From these points, I wanted to create a character in Orion who is deeply conflicted. He embodies the strict, duty-bound nature of the Black family while also carrying a hidden depth of care for his children that he struggles to express.
He protects his house as a way of protecting his family, but is emotionally detached from them. And while Sirius is not emotionally detached, I wonder if his occasional gruffness was him mirroring Orion.
Additionally, Orion spies on Aeliana out of concern for Sirius. He is worried about who she is, given her ancient name and the fact that she attends Beauxbatons. It has been hard to gather meaningful intelligence on her, and he doesn't want her to be in love with someone else. This surveillance is a protective measure to ensure that Sirius is not being deceived or hurt. Orion’s actions reflect his deep, albeit unspoken and slightly fucked up, love and concern for his son.
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kit-williams · 5 months
The Space Marines and their Darlings (so far)
I have to thank @ghouljams in the way they do sorta OC pov's and have to 100% give them credit for how I've been able to write the Yandere Space Marines without making full blown OC's like I really want to.
It will go Brother x Darling maybe I'll turn this into a masterlist once I'm done
Dark Angels Azazel x Mortal/Pet This one will probably change as Azazel and his Darling were before I embraced the OC pov idea/got the ball rolling
Emperor's Children Palion Hiss x Muse
Iron Warriors Harram the Wallbreaker x Orichalcum or Ori for short
White Scars TBD
Space Wolves Captain Arkyn x Elskling (darling in norwegian) The pack won't be mentioned here as Arkyn and them were before the OC darlings pov sort of thing but just there are 4 females, 2 males, and 1 gender neutral (referred in the story as they/them) darlings
Imperial Fists TBD
Night Lords Ghosk Sevyrarek x Rabbit
Blood Angels Sirus Amah x Moonlight
Iron Hands Vauth x Byte
World Eaters Zul x Spaseniye (Salvation in Russian) or Brass Lady
Ultramarines Tulio x Psychi/Psychoula (greek for Soul and the diminutive version of soul) When you realize you never gave the darling a nickname
Death Guard Solos Phorgur the Reaper x Lovie
Thousand Sons TBA
Black Legion TBA
Word Bearers Jihias Kinreaver x Lamb
Salamanders TBD There will be two
Raven Guard Sor Delyn, Kazi Delax, & Moremo Klaek x Dove
Alpha Legion TBA
Black Templars Brother Roland x Bäckerin
Carcaradons Tyberos the Red Wake x Ophelia
Dishonorable mention Mechanicus 91-Yrac x H3X (whom he calls sweetspark)
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ilovefandoms102 · 2 years
We were Written in the Stars-Part 4*
Pairing: Sirius Black x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Detention, Teasing, and Quidditch…
Note: Hope you guys enjoy🥰
Warnings🛑: mentions of injury, acts of violence, mentions of abuse, smut(dom/sub aspects, oral(f), orgasm denial)
Part 3
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“You’ve caused quite the ruckus Miss Potter.” Professor McGonagall sighed.
I was sat in her office, annoyed more than anything. I was going to raise hell if nothing was done with what Mulciber did to Lily. Slytherins always got away with anything because of their rich families, it bothered me deeply that the school did nothing about the cruel things they did.
“Professor, Mulciber was choking Lily! I saw his wand out, you have to believe me!” I insisted, grasping the arms of the chair.
“I want to Miss Potter, but there were no other witnesses to the account.” she said, a disappointed look on her face.
“What do you mean? James and Sirius were there!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, but none of them saw Mr. Mulciber’s wand out.” she said coolly.
“I wouldn’t just attack someone out of nowhere Professor!” I shouted, running my hand through my hair.
“You know there has to be punishment Miss Potter. I know these Slytherin boys are well…not the best behaved, but you all need to learn to just look the other way.” she said calmly, leaning forward slightly.
“Whatever, I know what I saw…I’d do it again to protect my friends.” I grumbled, sitting back in the chair.
“A week of detention, and 50 points from Gryffindor. That’s the best I can do considering the circumstances.” she stated firmly, folding her hands on her desk.
“Fine, goodbye Professor.” I said coldly, picking my bag up and storming out of her office.
I slammed the door shut, turning to go to my next class. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking, fooling with some books in my bag. I hit something hard, bouncing off and tumbled towards the ground. Arms caught me before I could hit the ground.
“Guess now you can say I quite literally knocked you off your feet love.” Sirius chuckled, keeping his arms around me once I righted myself.
“Always full of yourself Pads,” I mumbled, pushing my hair back from my face.
“How was the meeting? Did McGony go easy on you?” he asked, pulling me closer to him.
“I have detention for a week, and I lost us house points.” I sighed, resting my hands on his chest.
“That’s not too bad, at least it will be with McGonagall.” he offered, his hands squeezing my waist lightly.
“She said she didn’t want to punish me, so I think she knows what they are.” I whispered as other students walked past us.
“I’m not surprised, it’s not like it’s a secret. They’re proud to be in the Sacred 28, my parents thought I’d be the same way.” he murmured, looking down at our feet.
“Siri,” I mumbled, moving my hands around his middle to hug him to me.
“My lovely mother used to hex me when I said anything cross about how what was happening is wrong.” he said quietly, not meeting my eyes when he looked back up.
“That’s all over now sweetheart, you have a place with Jamie and I. You never have to go back to them again.” I assured him, leaning to kiss his jaw.
“You and James are the best thing that’s come into my life….I’d still be there if I hadn’t met you all.” he whispered again, his face going into my shoulder.
“I’ll always be here for you, until the very end. You know you can always talk to me about anything.” I whispered back, kissing his cheek.
“I know, thank you love.” he said softly, tenderly kissing my forehead.
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Sirius and I got to DATDA early, Slughorn had let my class out early and it just happened that Sirus was out of his charms class at the same time. The rest of the Marauder’s piled in along with Lily walking beside James. A solemn look adorned Lily’s features, my assumption being that James had told her about my visit with McGonagall.
“I can’t believe McGonagall gave you detention, that’s bloody ridiculous.” James huffed, plopping down at his desk across from Sirius and I.
“Since neither of you saw Mulciber pull out his wand, it makes it look like I just attacked them for no reason. Which she knows I wouldn’t, so I guess that was the lightest load she could give me.” I reiterated, leaning my chin on my hand.
“I wish I would have been paying more attention.” Sirius murmured, looking at me with sad eyes.
“No one saw them come in but me, and you all were preoccupied trying to help Lils.” I said, patting his thigh.
James had turned back to the front of the class, Sirius had tensed up since I hadn’t moved my hand from its placement.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish sweetheart.” Sirius growled while I trailed my fingers lightly on his thigh, going a tad higher than where I was before.
“I’m not starting anything love.” I said innocently, my hand dipping to the inside of his thigh.
He grabbed my hand quickly, giving me a stern look.
“Jags,” he growled, holding my hand in a death grip.
I giggled, leaning back in my seat when the Professor walked in.
“Don’t be such a sour puss Siri.” I grinned, giving him a quick kiss.
“Tease,” he mumbled, adjusting himself as class began.
I was feeling playful, seeing Sirius worked up over me had me feeling things I’d never felt. I loved that I could rile him up so easily. I waited until the Professor turned around before moving my hand directly on Sirius’s very hard manhood, his eyes went wide. I kept my eyes forward as I began to lightly palm him through his pants, trying my hardest not to look at him. I saw him out of the corner of my eye lean towards me.
“You’re so in trouble later.” he whispered, a smile lighting on my face.
“What?” I asked, faking a confused look.
He threw my hand off of him, wiggling around in his seat. He gave me a very angry look when I chuckled softly, clearly not amused with my antics. We were dismissed a few minutes later, Sirius practically dragging me out of the classroom. He pulled me into an empty closet, slamming the door closed. He removed his robe, loosening his tie a little, stalking up towards me until I was backed all the way in the corner.
“You think it’s funny to tease me in class darling?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
“I wasn’t doing anything sweetheart.” I said, pouting my lips at him.
His hand went to my jaw, pressing his thumb on my lip that was jutting out. He pulled on it, watching it bounce back. My breath caught in my throat, becoming aware of how close we were. My chest hit his as I inhaled, our faces so close together I could feel his breath on my lips. He pressed his thumb in my mouth, hitting my tongue.
“Suck,” he said firmly.
I wrapped my lips around the digit, sucking softly. His mouth fell open watching me, his eyes clouding over with lust. I bit the pad of his thumb, flicking my tongue over it after. Sirius pulled his thumb out, trailing it down my chin, stopping just where my cleavage started. His finger lingered, looking up into my eyes. I nodded to him, telling him it was ok to touch me there. It warmed my heart that he asked me.
“You’re very naughty baby,” he whispered, his grey eyes darkening.
I hummed, leaning my head back against the wall.
“What are you going to do about it?” I challenged, arching my brow.
He leaned to touch my lips with his, not fully kissing me. I leaned the rest of the way in, but he backed away. I gave him a confused look, earning a smile. He trailed his hand further, the button of my top coming undone. One after the other came undone until he was at the bottom. I was glad I chose my white lace bra today, I thanked my earlier self. He leaned towards my ear, trailing soft kisses down to the tops of my breasts. He sucked on the skin there, leaving his mark behind. I gasped, threading my fingers through his hair.
“Sirius,” I moaned, pulling his head closer to me.
His hands resting on my stomached trailed down, going to the top of my skirt. He looked at me again, I nodded. My eyes were wild with want for this boy in front of me. He dipped his hand in, trailing over my underwear. I took in a sharp breath when he pulled my underwear to the side and laid his hand over where I was soaking for him. He hummed in my ear, his fingers prodding at the wetness between my legs. His palm rubbed against my clit, pleasure shooting all over my body.
“All this for me darling?” he asked, nipping at my earlobe.
“Yes Sirius, please.” I whined, pushing my hips forward.
He hummed lightly, continuing to rub me.
“That’s just too bad then isn’t it?” he said, fully withdrawing from me.
“No, Sirius!” I cried, gripping his wrist.
“Not so fun to be teased is it?” he questioned, smirking at me.
“You’re so mean,” I grumbled, throwing his arm away from me.
“You taste good baby,” he winked while licking his fingers clean, smiling at me.
“Fuck off,” I growled.
I buttoned my shirt back, pouting the whole time while Sirius laughed at me. He tried to kiss me, but I shoved him away. I left the closet, pacing down to McGonagall’s office. Sirius caught up to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders.
“Don’t be so sad love, I promise to make it up to you.” he chuckled, kissing my cheek.
“I’m mad at you,” I muttered, shoving his chest lightly.
“Now you know why I said not to tease me, did we learn our lesson Jagsy?” he asked, squeezing me tighter to him as we walked.
“Fuck you Padfoot.” I growled, Sirius threw his head back and laughed.
I couldn’t help but smile, I loved the sound of his laughter. We stopped outside McGonagall’s office, I turned to Sirius with a sad smile. He grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me hard. My hands went to his waist, fisting at his shirt.
His tongue poked my bottom lip, asking for entry. I touched his tongue with mine, beginning a dance. He pulled away not long after we were both starting to lose too much oxygen, resting his forehead on mine.
“I’ll see you soon love…I’ll be right here waiting for you.” he said breathlessly.
“You don’t need to do that Siri, I can walk back by myself.” I mumbled, bumping my nose with his.
“I know, I just want to.” he smiled, giving me another quick kiss.
“Well, thank you, I’ll miss you.” I whispered.
“My heart already longs for your return.” he said dramatically, fully beaming at me when I giggled.
“You’re insane.” I laughed, pulling away from him.
“Only for you dear,” he smiled, hugging me tight before I started towards Mcgonagall’s office.
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Detention went by surprisingly fast. I spent a little time on my homework then helped Mcgonagall organize some of her papers. I cleaned off her wood work as well, even taking the time to rearrange her books in alphabetical order.
“Well, I think we’re done for today Miss Potter. I’ll see you again tomorrow.” she said, laying her glasses on her desk.
“Yes Professor, goodnight.” I said softly, gathering my things then heading out.
Just as he had promised, Sirius was waiting for me. I was beaming, my cheeks hurting from how hard I was smiling. I ran into his arms, he picked me up and spun us around. Sirius kissed my nose before setting me down. I hooked my arm with his as we walked back to the common room, telling him of my very adventitious time with McGonagall. The rest of our group greeted us when we entered the common room.
“I see you’ve turned our Jagsy to the dark side Sirius. How was your first detention?” Remus smirked.
“Boring, but I did actually finish some of my homework.” I pointed out, plopping down on the couch.
“I’m sorry you got detention for me.” Lily muttered, looking down at her feet.
“Hey, don’t talk like that. I’d do it again in a heart beat Lils. They had no right to do what they did, any of us would have done the same. Don’t blame yourself for my actions ok?” I said, taking her hands in mine.  
“She’s right darling, if any of us were where Jags was sitting that day you bet we would have acted on the same instinct.” James said, rubbing her arm gently.
“We are a rambunctious group, we protect our friends no matter the cost.” Sirius smirked, folding his hand on my knee.
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The week was over finally, our first Quidditch game today, not surprisingly our first game was against Slytherin. James was over hyped as he always was our first game, and he even let Lily wear one of his jerseys.
I was surprised at this because he treats his uniforms like gold, my mother usually having to sneak to wash them. Everyone was wearing their game day gear, a lot of first years asking for James’ autograph. I groaned internally at what a shot this would be for his ego.
My mood soured a little when some girls in our year had wished Sirius good luck with me right beside of him. He still hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet, but given the events of yesterday I’d say we’re pretty much going steady.
“Good luck today Sirius,” Marlene said, running her hand across his shoulders as she walked by.
I glared holes at her back, my lips forming an angry frown.
“Good luck today Sirius” I mocked, putting my chin on my hand.
“You know you’re the only luck I need today sweetheart.” he hummed, kissing the side of my head.
I leaned closer to his ear, gently biting on the lobe.
“You’re only saying that because you think you’ll get something from me tonight love.” I whispered, grinning when his cheeks flushed a bit.
“Care to put your money where your mouth is Potter?” he asked, arching his brow.
“In these circumstances, it would only be for you Pads.” I smirked, his dark grey eyes held a mischievous look as they always did.
“If I get us at least 50 points, you have to do something for me.” he said, staring at my lips before flicking them back up to my eyes.
“And if you don’t?” I asked, tracing his fingers with mine.
“I’ll let you decide on that one.” he said, biting his lip.
“Can you two stop eye fucking each other for two seconds and focus! We have a game to win!” James shouted, his eyebrows shooting up towards his forehead.
“Well let’s head down there then.” I said, gripping Sirius’s hand.
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James and I had just finished going over the game plan with our team members, warning our new members how Slytherin likes to play dirty. No doubt more than one of us would get hurt today…I couldn’t remember a game against Slytherin where I had walked away unscathed. I stretched my arms, since I was a chaser I had to make sure my throwing arm was nice and loose.
James did a hand shake with me before we went out to the pitch, something we did every game we have played since we started Quidditch. We were stood at the front since we were the captains, Sirius in line behind me. I looked back at him, and to no surprise he was already waiting to meet my eyes.
“I think I might want you to score those points Pads,” I whispered, his eyes widening.
“Naughty,” he growled.
“Then again, if you don’t….I think what I have planned will be much, much more fun.” I said, winking at him.
“Do I at least get a good luck kiss darling?” he asked, smirking as I chuckled.
I leaned back to kiss his lips quickly, my brother scolding us immediately. We were called out, meeting in the middle circle where the referee stood. All of us rode out on our brooms, circling all over the pitch. The cheers from the crowd always gave me the extra boost of motivation to play harder.
James and I smiled at each other as people started to chant our names. Not to toot my own horn, but James and I were very good at Quidditch. We had been labeled as the best seeker and best chaser the Hogwarts had ever seen.
I went in to game mode, all my focus drawn to the case containing our balls. As soon as the quaffle was launched in the air, I dove for it. I snatched it immediately, knocking away the opposing teams chaser. I had an open spot, throwing the quaffle straight into the hoop. I high fived Sirius as I passed him, the quaffle being in Slytherin’s hand now.
Slytherin liked to play dirty, doing everything and anything possible to hurt the other players. We were up 60 to 30, only having Sirus, James, our Keeper, and I left in the game. Our other team members were being whisked to the hospital. Sirius and I were toe to toe with our bet, him having scored the last 30 while I scored the first 30. At this point, I didn’t care if he won or not. I just wanted to beat Slytherin, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know what Sirius might have in store for me.
A bludger came whirring past me, merely missing my arm as I caught the quaffle. Sirius stayed close as we tossed it back and forth to confuse the other chasers. I willed my broom to move faster, far enough away I could throw the quaffle, and twist my broom to hit the quaffle in the hoop. Another 10 points for Gryffindor.
My high didn’t last long however…
I was zooming towards our keeper, Sirius on my tail. I caught out of the corner of my eye a Slytherin member hitting the bludger…the ball going straight into our keeper. He fell to the ground with a loud thud, Sirius and I exchanging worried glances. I was cursing my brother for not catching the stupid snitch yet. Sirius nodded to me as I caught the quaffle, I raised my brows to ask for assurance and he nodded again.
I took off with Sirius staying in the keepers position, soaring past the Slytherins that tried to knock me off my broom. Just as I threw the ball in the hoop, a body slammed into mine. It jarred me for a second, having to right myself on my broom. I looked back at Sirius for a second before I felt someone’s foot meet my back, and I tumbled to the ground.
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I woke to the sound of yelling, lots of it.
I opened my eyes, seeing that I was still on the Quidditch pitch. A very scratched and bloody James and Sirius were hovering over me. The ref and Slytherin team captain standing a bit away. I tried to move, but my bones screamed at me. There was definitely something broken.
“Sirius,” I whispered, his curly head whipped around in response.
“Oh Merlin’s beard, how are you feeling? What hurts? Can you move?” he asked, his eyes frantic with concern.
“Calm down Pads, to be honest everything hurts right now. Nothing that I can’t handle though, I’m a Potter after all.” I smirked, or tried to.
“That you are sweetheart, we’ll get you there as soon as James stops arguing with the ref.” he mumbled, bringing my hand up to kiss the back of it.
“Arguing?” I asked.
“What they did was very illegal, but no matter, James still caught the snitch right after you fell. I’m not sure what he’s trying to accomplish right now.” Sirius shrugged.
“You know how heated he get’s about the rules, this game is his life. It would be in our best interests to keep our distance even though my whole body hurts.” I said, groaning a little when I tried to sit up.
“Baby stay still, you’re going to injure yourself more.” he said, his eyebrows furrowing.
“I want a kiss,” I pouted.
“You won baby, you can have whatever you want.” he beamed, leaning down to grant my request.
“Firstly, I’d like for you to get my idiotic brother and get me to the damn hospital.” I said, finally being able to sit up with Sirius’s help.
“As you wish,” he mumbled, kissing my cheek.
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It was worse than what I had thought it was going to be…..
My tibia was snapped in half in my right leg, my left ankle was dislocated. My wrist was broken, and I had fractured a rib. I was confined to the hospital for three days, Madam Pomfrey told me with that many broken bones a simple mending spell wouldn’t allow me to heal properly. My brother was pissed, and Sirius’s eyes shot so wide when they said I would be staying in here for a while  I thought they were going to pop out of the socket.
“Fuckin’ ridiculous…I know we still won, but I mean that was completely illegal they should be banned for the rest of the season.” James huffed, pacing around my bed.
“Doesn’t look like anything is being done fairly here lately,” Sirius mumbled, his thumb brushing the back of my hand.
“Guys it’s ok, I’ll be good as new in a couple days and-” I said.
“That’s not the point! You’re lucky you didn’t break your neck!” James shouted, running his hands through his hair.
“Jamie, come here.” I said softly, patting the other side of my bed. He sighed, flopping down beside me.
“I don’t like seeing you hurt.” he mumbled, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. They disappeared as quick as they came.
“I know, and I don’t like it either. But you know what this game entails, it’s not the first time either of us has had something broken.” I said, giving him a small smile.
“Yeah you’re right.” he sighed.
“I’m always right.” I chuckled, groaning after from my rib.
“I’ll make sure to get your work for you, I’m going to find Lily. She’s been worried sick about you. I’ll be back later Jagsy.” James said, kissing my head before leaving.
“You’re awful quite.” I said to Sirius.
“You gave me a right proper scare love, I couldn’t get you to wake up…” he whispered, staring at our entwined hands.
“I don’t even remember falling, the last thing I can think of is when I turned to find you.” I said, taking my hand out of his to tilt his chin up. His grey eyes met mine, sadness looming in his irises.
“For a moment, I thought you were gone. I-…Fuck.” he whimpered, letting go of my hands to rub his face.
“Pads…” I whispered, reaching out to him.
“I don’t want to ever feel like that again. I don’t think you understand how much you mean to me Jagsy.” he said, holding my hand to his cheek.
I pulled his face closer to mine, giving him a sweet kiss on his lips. He rested his forehead on mine, his eyes still closed. I kissed his nose, his cheek, and his lips again. I giggled when he nuzzled my nose, pulling back slightly.
“I want you to be mine.” he said softly.
“It’s about time you said something Pads.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
“Well, let’s make it official. Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, smirking.
“I would love to be your girlfriend Siri. Do I get an extension for my winning prize since I’m hurt?” I asked, pouting my bottom lip. He kissed it, smiling at me.
“I suppose, I’ll be looking forward to it.” he said huskily, winking.
“You should go to bed, you look like you’re about to keel over.” I said, brushing my hands through his curls.
“I don’t want to leave you baby.” he whispered, frowning deeply.
“I’ll be fine, you can come see me tomorrow sweetheart.” I said softly.
“Ok, have sweet dreams love.” he said, kissing me one more time before standing up.
“They’ll be dreams of you.” I said sweetly, winking at him.
He grinned, leaving the hospital. He looked back one more time as he got to the exit, blowing me a kiss. I caught it and held it to my heart, giggling softly to myself.
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padfootastic · 1 year
oh my god may your anon(s) never stop giving us this goodness.
voldy - i wanna kill the potters (expecting a cheer cause he thinks they share his one brain cell)
death eaters: which tbh 99% consist of people who used to be with sirius at summer tea parties- and have seen first hand what kind of magic he can do and seen at Hogwarts just how much of potters sirius has devoted himself too. uhh Mr voldy don't take this the wrong way, you scare us sure but he scares us more. like have you seen how blacks are?
and how sirius black is ?
and you want us to target potters.
we may wear your mark or whatever but sirius will freaking dangle us and play with us like marionettes
I'm pretty sure 90% the reason no one from dark side told anyone that sirius is innocent cause they would definitely know. mr look at me I'm immortal could never shut up about that. was cause in canon they knew as soon sirius is out he would kill them for targetting potters and succeeding. wasn't that the reason peter was like mhhmm no imma be rat as well?
like also imagine if regulus , narcissa and slightly sane bella were there and canon was just a handbook of rules meant to be looked - hey sirius we're getting bored of this evil overlord manogamic thinking he's the greatest. also uhh, he decided to go after potters.
sirus, with eyes twitching- potters you say? suddenly i have 38494849 basilik fangs and a few teen age diaries and necklaces to rip apart.
like it's tbh frustrating at times with how jkr indicated at power and then cowardly backed away from it (it's like she hated her own characters or something). like sirius black free of shakles of canon should be easily able to kill voldy and and meet harry for midnight ride at the motorbike.
he has everything.
resources. motivation. information. skill. and the determination to see it through.
ahahaha don’t worry, our anon has endless creativity (in fact, it’s me who can’t keep up w them bc i just have. so many asks in my inbox rn 💀) and i’m literally just waiting for them to drop the fic.
also just. i’ve mentioned this before but i’m so sure that in an AU, it’s voldy’s ignorance of exactly how deadly the black family (esp sirius) is so that leads to him being outed as a non pureblood bc u just. don’t do that ykno?
voldy: so the potters—
sirius, immediately getting a twitch in his eye and bloodlust in the back of his throat: something’s wrong.
and that’s really just that.
(also god yes don’t even get me started on the sheer number of plot points and tools jkr introduced only to fully forget about or ignore it later. sirius is literally one of THE most powerful characters we were given and he’s just. so fucking defanged. i think pigwidgeon was utilised better than s was)
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emmalovesfitzloved · 6 months
Since you are from the UK, did you ever visit some of the places mentioned in the series ?
Hey doll @imabitchforjemcarstairs ! Okay let me start with this lovely Q ;)
I absolutely am blessed enough to live and travel through Shadowhunter featured ends!
I'll admit when I was a law student i frequented them more but now that i work i am so exhausted if given the choise a choose HOME lol (+cost of living right now in London is up by 30% so it's disincentivizing to move around London too much).
My law firm is at Bank (financial+legal district of London) so I go there routinely throughout the week which is awesome! Although when I go there i'm mainly thinking about work and the fires we're putting out than musing about our Beloveds sadly!
Blackfriar Bridge I don't go through normally. Mainly bc it is SO COLD while walking through it during this time of year! So if i travel through the river, it's normally via the embankment bridge on the tube lol
My little hobbit flat is in Holburn which was featured once or twice as a mention during Clockwork Prince so HOW FUN huh!
Hatchett's: I don't reallyyyy go there to get my books lol. Don't get me wrong, I always pop in when I'm in Piccadilly and just admire the lovely staircase and pretend i'm Tess waiting for Will (lol) but tbh it's a bit too cooperate now. It got bought out by the same group that owns Waterstones, Barnes and noble and Blackwell's. So i only really go when there is an exclusive or signed edition. I mainly stick to second hand (even second hand books need some TLC!) and indie book stores! Buy books from booksellers not billionaries!
Borough Market: A bit out of my way cuz it's near the Strand, but i go on occasion. Bit overly priced for what it's worth.
Hyde Park: I don't go there as often as I should ngl. It's lovely. And so many lovely ducks (yes I said that to TRIGGER Will muahahah)
Cecil Court: I visit maybe every couple months! This is a place i specifically go to thanks to TID!)
Holloway (now known as Islington/Angel): I have a friend who lives here! NGL Holloway Road now is a bit shady at night haha. So i only frequent it during the day. When I visit Islington I often think of Sirus Black/Marauders stuff though (cuz I am a wolfstar fan too ;) cuz his house is there.
Saint Paul's: I visit this not too regularly but I do love going there. I am Roman Catholic so I go to Mass at Sant Patrick's in Soho Square, but I should attend mass there sometime to get that TSC vibe!
Am I missing any other places? These are the first that come to mind! LMK in the comments or reposts or Q if u want more specific ones and I can give u the irl modern-take to TID/TSC one 🤭 I have been living in London now since 2016 so i am familiar (most likely?)
I leave you with this morning's vista from one of my bedroom windows! You can our usual London weather featured as well as see the Strand, st. Paul's, some cooperate buildings with helicopters on there andddd some chimneys and dreadful looking scaffolding.
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doux-ange · 1 year
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regulus black x natalie sallow (oc), (brief) remus lupin x ruby gaudart, remus lupin x sirus black, james potter x lily evans (mTBA)
summary: Regulus Black was always a mystery to Natalie, one she never wanted to uncover. Regulus, on the other hand, can't seem to leave her alone.
genre: fluff, angst, romance, slowburn
warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of cheating, drug abuse, daddy issues, mommy issues, everybody has issues, lots of angst 'cause literally all of them die in canon, kind of canon deviation idk, probably more but i'll add as i go on
note: the remus x ruby thing doesn't last, wolfstar is endgame until y'know. i wanted it to be x reader at first but i loveeee making edits of the characters and ppl don't like reader face-claims so
masterlist ; info ; playlist - nat & reg ; fic playlist ; character list (ocs)
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prologue (coming soon)
chapter 1: (coming soon)
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theperfectstormrp · 4 years
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“It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.”
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Remus Lupin
Age: Nineteen
Affiliation: Order Member
Blood Status: Halfblood
Career: Unemployed
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RUMOR HAS IT… This quiet soul is hiding a huge secret. Could even say the secret is as big as the moon. Remus has always been one of the more reserved members of the marauders, but he never is too shy to tell his friends when they are doing something stupid. Definitely the only one with any real brains within the group of boys, this little moon child is sure to keep his distance from people and keep his secret close to his heart. Can he really trust that his secret will never see the light? 
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A BRISK SPRING EVENING: born to hope and lyall lupin on march 10th, 1960, remus john lupin was a happy and problem-less child; he hardly cried, never posed his parents any problems and often slept soundly. the family were happy. the lupin household peaceful. for the first four years. barely four years old, remus lupin slept peacefully in his bed, as he often did. the breakage of a window, their childs’ pained cries. the lupins’ awoke, and lyall ran to check on their son. that night, werewolf fenrir greyback broke into the lupin home and attacked their boy, inflicting him with the lycanthropy that he himself had. the werewolf curse. a payback against lyall , for labeling greyback a monster, worthy of only death. now his son was the very monster lyall so hated. a perfect revenge. the family visited healer upon healer, desperate for a cure, for their son back to normal. but coming up empty at every turn.
THE NEXT FULL MOON: still merely a child, four years of age, abandoned alone in the cellar, chained to the wall. confused and afraid. bad emotions for a werewolf to feel before a shift. you see, the wolf harnesses whatever emotions it’s host is feeling, and acts in accordance. negative emotions equate to a bad shift, leaving child remus lupin screaming in agony as bones break and rejoin and the wolf takes over. his parents away from the scene, hope lupin crying, her heartbreak over her broken son evident, wanting nothing more than to help him, but being unable. when he came to in the morning, remus sported fresh scars, cuts and bruises that he knew, even then, would never fade. a constant reminder. his parents had explained it all, the night of the attack, but the boy now understood the severity of his situation. he’d have no friends, no relationships. they were too much of a risk. he wouldn’t go outside of his home to play with the other children, he’d stay inside, read his books and have his schooling from home.
HOGWARTS: remus had thought that he’d have to pass on his hogwarts invitation, posing far too much of a threat to the other poor witches and wizards in attendance and far too afraid to ever hurt anyone. but headmaster dumbledore had reassured him and his parents that precautions were already in place. select teachers were aware of his condition and on the full moon he would be taken to a shack just outside of the hogwarts grounds, with special precautions in place to prevent trespassers an enclosed area with no way out, perfect for keeping the wolf in and away from everyone. his parents had allowed it, after some convincing of his dad on his mothers’ part, and the september following his eleventh birthday saw remus heading off to his first year at hogwarts. sitting in a far off compartment, book in hand and eyes glued to the pages, alone until he was not. accompanied by another boy, shy seeming, but friendly. peter pettigrew. both remus and his new found friend were sorted into gryffindor house, where they caught the attention of two seemingly loud and rambunctious first years. remus easily befriended them, and two quickly became four. remus told his three friends that his mum was deathly ill, explaining his monthly disappearances as visits to his home to see her. but by his second year at hogwarts, they had figured out the truth. afraid and panicked, remus was assured by all three boys that it wouldn’t affect their friendship. he feels indebted to them for not abandoning him, his fear of being abandoned less of one now that he still had them. FIFTH YEAR, james potter, sirius black and peter pettigrew dragged him into the forest, proudly showing off their new animal forms. disbelief struck. they had illegally become animagi in order to help him through his monthly ordeals. james, a stag. sirius, a black dog, and peter a rat. the four quickly adapted their new nicknames, labeling themselves the marauders, and the full moon became less of a chore and more something to look forward to. the pain still unbearable, but easier to deal with thanks to his friends’ company.
THE PRANK: the morning after the full moon was always one filled with pain and remus would often find himself overwhelmed with a wave of exhaustion and aches in his bones. but this time there had been something else, a thought stuck at the forefront of his mind: did i hurt someone ? it felt different, for the first time since he’d began being accompanied by the marauders, he was worried that something had gone wrong. it was a gut feeling, one he couldn’t shake. it had been professor dumbeldore that had informed him of what had happened: severus snape had happened upon the shrieking shack, witnessing the end of remus’ shift into the wolf. his heart dropped into his stomach, but before he could assume the worst, he was assured that snape was fine, sworn to secrecy and wouldn’t be telling anybody, and that he had been saved from any attack by james. though it was the news that followed that shocked him most. that it had been sirius, one of his best friends, that had taken it upon himself to tell snape how he could get into the shack. he felt utterly betrayed. he had never wanted his friends to know the truth about him, he’d tried desperately to keep that part of himself hidden. the part he so despised. yet they had found out, and he had been relieved; relieved to not have to lie to them, to not have to hide anymore. he had been foolish to trust that they would keep it hidden, that they truly thought nothing of it. and yet he had been made to be seen as a monster, like he already feared it was. one of the people he was closest to had treated him like a means for a petty revenge scheme, used him like a wand, all to get to snape for whatever reason. it hurt to think about. he was unconditionally loyal to his friends, grateful to them for not abandoning him and not treating him like the monster he believed himself to be. remus lupin has always had an immense respect towards his friends, even putting up with their incessant bullying when he didn’t agree with it, for them. perhaps that had been a mistake. he finds himself wondering now if they ever truly felt the same for him as he does for them. he’s unsure of what to do now, feeling the heavy tension between the group and knowing he’s part of the reason behind it. but betrayal is a hard thing to forgive and forget.
THE ATTACKER: the ministry fallen, voldemort in control. it’s the worst thing imaginable for anybody with a heart, and given the already terrible attitude against werewolves like himself, remus was terrified. the only werewolves truly safe were the ones on voldemorts’ side; he’d kill any others, his blood purist, racist ideals extending to half-breeds. the only one truly safe, that remus could recall, was one fenrir greyback. the very monster that had turned him into one to, for his petty revenge. there is nobody in the world that remus holds hatred for as much as greyback, tied alongside he who must not be named himself. remus had been an innocent boy when the curse had been inflicted upon him. he had done nothing wrong and wasn’t deserving of such a horrible life-altering change. he had despised his dad for the first few years, blaming lyall for his attack. if he hadn’t lashed out against werewolves fenrir greyback would have felt no need to infect his son, and yet he had. FEAR wasn’t an emotion he felt often in relation to another person, but if there were one person remus was truly afraid of, it would be greyback. and with him in line with the dark lord, who had just taken down the ministry, trouble was most definitely heading his way.
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JAMES POTTER, SIRIUS BLACK, PETER PETTIGREW – His three best friends, his most trusted advisors, there’s nothing that Remus wouldn’t do for his friends. However, their dynamic has been especially estranged since the ‘incident’ at the Whomping Willow. Sirius could have made him a killer in his heated need for getting one-up on Severus, he can’t help but think in the back of his mind that none of the boys respect him as much as he does them.
FENRIR GREYBACK – The man who made him the monster that he is, there’s a loathing for Fenrir that’s unparalleled, the strongest emotion he’s ever felt. If he’d come face to face with the man on the battlefield there’s no telling just how far Remus would go.
SEVERUS SNAPE – There’s no way that Severus could have known it was him in the werewolf body and yet there’s a voice in the back of his mind telling him otherwise. If the man does know his secret he’s yet to spill it but paranoia keeps him on his toes, waiting for something that he hopes never comes.
Remus Lupin is currently a TAKEN character with a FC of Tom Holland. FC SUGGESTIONS: daniel sharman, tom holland, chance perdomo.
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fandomlygay-prompts · 5 years
“ Draco I-“
“ I saved every letter you wrote me.” The blonde looked at his husband with a mixture of hurt and anger clear on his face.” From the moment I saw you I knew you were mine, you said you were mine.” His voice trembled
“ I’m sorry.” Was all Harry managed to say.
“ Do you know what Blaise said, when I told him what you’d done? He said ‘You’ve married an Igerus, he’s flown to close to the sun’” Draco schooled his facial expression as he stared at Harry coldly.
Harry took a cautious step towards Draco, apologizes ready at the tip of his tongue” Don’t.” Draco’s cold voice froze Harry to his spot.” Take another step in my direction, I can’t be trusted around you. Don’t, think you can talk your way into my arms.”
Harry stood stiffly watching the blondes every move as he opened up a box and started floating letters around him.” I’m burning the letters you wrote me.” He said quietly as one by one they caught fire.” You can stand over there if you want. I don’t know who you are, I have so much to learn. I’m rereading your letters and watching them burn”
Draco’s tears freely fell by now as he kept a blank face watching years of letters and memories go up in flames.” You published the letters she wrote to you. You told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed in clearing your name you have ruined our lives.”
“ Draco everyone looks up to me I’m s-“
“ Merlin forbid someone whisper ‘ he’s part of some scheme’ your enemies whisper so you have to scream. I know about whispers,” he looked at him “ I see how you look at Zabini..” he said brokenly.
“ Dray I-“
“ Don’t!” He glared “ I’m not naive, I have seen people around you. Don’t think I don’t see how they fall for your charms. All of your charms” he grits his teeth
Draco slowly composes himself as he straightens himself up” I’m erasing my self from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Draco reacted when you broke his heart. You’ve thrown it all away stand back watch it burn.”
“ Draco..” Harry said softly putting a hand on his shoulder.
Draco smacked it off as soon as it made contact with him” And when the time comes, explain to the boys, the pain and embarrassment, you put their father through. When will you learn, that they are your legacy, we are you’re legacy. If you thought you were mine? Don’t.”
“ Draco, love, please don’t do this..”
“ I’m taking the kids as we are gonna stay with Sirius and Remus for a while. Goodbye Potter” he said picking up his suitcase and heading for the door.
“ Draco wai-“
“ Maybe you shouldn’t of fucked Weaslette, then maybe just maybe you wouldn’t be in this bloody mess.” Draco walked out slamming the door behind him.
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