#me rocking back and forth also while making this. autism to autism communication.
arundolyn · 2 years
I humbly request that you add Bridget to the Autistic Girl Autumn roster
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see i said i would do this on like friday but its just a little tiny loop its fine welcome to autistic girl autumn bridget 💙
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Autistic LU chain headcannons!
Including some gender and sexuality bc for me those are very tied to my autism. Most of this is rooted in their personalities, but some of this just appeared in my mind and didn't go away XD. Infodump incoming!!! :D
Time uses they/them pronouns bc they literally have no idea what gender is
Has a lot of verbal shutdown episodes. They're able to communicate with sign language most of the time
Almost completely nonverbal as a child (Mask era)
When they do speak it's very monotone
More shutdowns than meltdowns
Time does really prolonged eye contact (to the point of awkward for allistics) bc it's all or nothing for them
Favorite stims: humming, playing ocarina, tapping their chest/collarbone
Lots of verbal stims, so nonverbal episodes and shutdowns can be hard to recover from since they can't do their favorite stims
If given the opportunity, they will only drink milk. No other sustenance.
Must be reminded to eat, can't interpret their bodies' internal cues very well
Very confrontational - will absolutely throw hands at ableists
So incredibly loyal. Once they think you're family, they will never, ever, ever let you go or let anything happen to you
Special interests: cows, masks (as a child, not as prominent anymore), and Time has memorized every single "dad joke" they've ever heard and LOVE telling jokes to break tension or cheer the others up
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Highest masking because of his time as a soldier
Hard for allistics to identify as autistic bc he's so good at masking
He has a lot of anxiety surrounding unmasking and showing his autistic traits, so he simply does not
That obviously doesn't work, so during the war he was constantly stressed and had meltdowns or shutdowns very frequently
Zelda and Impa tried to help, but there was so much going on that they couldn't do much
Mask and Wind helped a LOT during the war. Warriors wanted to make sure they were taken care of and could show their autistic traits, so he became a lot more comfortable with his own and created a more accepting environment
SO good at people reading, because he just memorized everything and watched everyone's every move
That gets quite overwhelming and causes shutdowns a lot
Doesn't have verbal shutdown episodes super often, but when he did in the war Proxi would copy his voice and speak for him. He's able to communicate with sign
Scarf is comfort item
The most ritualistic of the whole chain. Wars has very specific routines for most things that he does, and breaking routine is the biggest reason he has meltdowns
His meltdowns are very internalized, and he just likes to be left alone
He is now very confrontational about ableism
Also very very very loyal
He also has a lot of black and white thinking, and a strong sense of justice
Favorite stims: swaying while standing, shifting weight from foot to foot, spinning
When he's really happy he'll bring his arms up and like shake them back and forth in front of himself? Like his hands are flapping/shaking back and forth, but in fists, and his elbows are bent to his hands are almost in front of his face (I can see it in my mind but I'm having trouble explaining it)
Special interests: battle strategizing (could tell you very specific facts about any battle from any point in time that he's studied), loves to sew
Asexual, aromantic, sex-neutral
He has never once sat still in his entire life
Has never finished anything in a timely manner, ever
Always asks a lot of clarification questions, and he gets confused when allistic people get offended by his questions
Also has ADHD
Little to no voice volume control
That becomes an issue with the Links that are more sound sensitive, so it's something they're all trying to work on finding a compromise for
Favorite stims: rocking, chewing
He has a chewy stim toy that he wears around his neck. Grandma made it for him so he would stop putting things in his mouth
Loves the sensory aspects of being underwater
Always walking on his toes. As a child he was always toe walking, but his Grandma didn't know to correct that, so now Wind physically can't stand flat footed for long periods of time
He has a lot of trouble with routine. The autistic part of him wants the routine, but the ADHD wants spontaneity and usually wins
Has a lot of trouble keeping his things tidy and with personal hygiene (Wars helps with hygiene bc he is excellent at it due to his routines)
He doesn't really have shutdowns, just meltdowns
They involve a lot of loud screaming and self-injurious behavior
Biggest sensory issues: FOOD (bc he wasn't introduced to a lot of different foods and textures on Outset Island), under-stimulation
Special interests: sailing, pirates, also characters from a storybook his Grandma used to read to him and Ayrll every single night (at Wind's insistence)
Most likely to infodump
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
No gender. What's gender. Genderfluid, changes pronouns based on mood, and usually sticks with one set for long periods of time
Lost the ability to mask when they lost their memories
So they're the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
Most people in their world don't care, but they have experienced some ableism since they can't mask
Entirely nonverbal. They use the sheikah slate as an AAC device
Cloak is comfort item
Favorite stims: hand flapping and bouncing on their toes
They walk almost exclusively on their toes and always have the dinosaur hands
Even mix of meltdowns and shutdowns
SO so so bad at understanding body language, sarcasm, etc.
They have a lot of trouble existing in a group. Like they'll wander off or do something dangerous and then not really understand why what they did was wrong (BUT they still love the chain of course)
Biggest sensory issues: crowds, lots of voices talking at once
LOVE deep pressure
Special interest: cooking, horses, cataloguing plants in the sheikah slate
Pre-calamity one of their special interests was sheikah tech, so they secretly LOVED going around with Flora researching sheikah tech
Asexual, panromantic, sex-repulsed
(Despite these being my autistic wild headcannons, I use almost none of these in Authenticity lol. Wild's autistic traits in that fic are primarily based on my own)
Gender?? Who's she?? Genderfluid, similar to Wild, but pronouns change more frequently
Not very good at accommodating themself
They often push themself WAY past their limits and then have long burnout periods
But they've gotta save the world, so it's fine, right? (Answer is no. It is very bad)
Must be reminded to sleep, and they have a lot of issues with sleeping
They often come across as rude to allistics, but that is generally not their intention, they're just bad at (allistic) communication
When they intend to be rude you'll KNOW
They have a really hard time communicating feelings and emotions, which frustrates them a lot and is hard for people trying to help them
This is especially an issue for the chain bc most of the time none of them can "read between the lines" and figure out what Legend is trying to say
Has never once gotten rid of anything because what if they need it? And also it is a part of their stuff and it has it's very specific place, so if it was gone then that place would be empty and then what would they do??????
Everything has a Place and they HATE when people touch or move their stuff
Biggest sensory issues: clothing, textures
Pants are a battle. People have given up.
Pants make Legend's legs THROB and feel like thousands of tiny knives are stabbing their skin. So they simply do not wear pants
Favorite stims: twirling their rings and other jewelry, rubbing good textures, humming (Marin's song)
Harmful stims: hitting things or themself (usually hitting their thighs)
Special interests: magical items, jewelry (jewelry with magical properties are the COOLEST SHIT)
Pansexual, polyamorous
There is no gender here. Gender makes no sense. They/them
They also have ADHD
Love asking questions because they want to understand every single detail of all these new exciting eras
Absolutely can't tell what tone they speak in
Really bad at paying attention to their surroundings
Attention span is practically nonexistent
They often wander off without even meaning to and don't realize until they're completely lost
Sometimes need to be reminded to do self care tasks
Have frequent verbal shutdown episodes that last for a long time. They can communicate with sign, and they also sometimes stick close to Wild and use Wild's AAC slate function
Favorite stim: running their hands through their hair (their hair is almost always dirty bc of this), shaking/twisting their hands
Harmful stim: skin picking
The skin picking is an ISSUE because it sometimes causes blood, and the blood curse is a thing
Biggest sensory issues: crowds and voices and also bright lights
Tendency to freeze and shut down when overwhelmed (this was an issue a lot during their adventures, but not so much now that the chain has their back)
Special interests: biology/anatomy, and there's a series of books they once found in an abandoned town that they LOVE. Books are hard to come by in their era so those are their absolute most prized possession
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
Bi-gender, he/she
Comfort items: sailcloth, Loftwing plush toy from Zelda, Master Sword
He carries around the loftwing plush absolutely everywhere he goes. She has a special protected pocket in his bag for when it isn't safe to carry her in his hands. Her name is Brenda (because my favorite stuffed animal friend is named Brenda and I'm in charge XD)
Favorite stims: jumping/bouncing in place, flapping his arms like a loftwing, humming, moving his fingers in the motions of playing his harp
Harmful stims: pulling her hair, hitting his ears when overstimulated
Eye contact???? Absolutely not. She will look everywhere except the person speaking to her
His biggest sensory sensitivity is sound
There was never much going on in Skyloft (other than things he was used to) and it's pretty small, so he got VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface when he first started his adventure. Fi often had to guide her to a safe spot where he could get through a meltdown or shutdown
She still gets really easily overwhelmed and usually is nonverbal for the first bit of time after a portal shift while he adjusts to his surroundings
He's not great at communicating at all during his verbal shutdown episodes
When she gets overwhelmed she freezes and shuts down. He's more likely to have a meltdown once he's in a safe place
Since he gets overwhelmed so easily, Sky needs a LOT of sleep. More so than the other Links. Sky is banned from taking middle watch
She loves doing tasks that require intricate detail, like woodcarving and embroidery
Special interests: loftwings of course
As a child Sky related much more to her loftwing than he did any people, so his relationship with his loftwing is one of the most important things in her life
Bisexual, polyamorous
Got SO confused when people say he isn't supposed to have more than one partner
Like why??? He likes them both??? The more the merrier???? Makes no sense, does not comprehend
Very good at routines. He loves routines. They're so great
Also, similarly, patterns. Twilight can pick out patterns in anything
He gets really irritated when something breaks pattern or is slightly uneven
He loves being on a farm and doing morning routines of feeding the animals
He's always always always related more to animals than people
Animals make sense, people don't
He's still not very good at allistic "social standards," so he's among the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
But he doesn’t always know how to help. Wolfie is great for this
He has trouble with the sensory changes that come with shifting to/from his wolf form. Wolves and Hylians have very different sensory experiences, so adjusting between the two takes him a while. Once he's adjusted it's fine, it's just the adjusting itself that's hard
Has verbal shutdown episodes after meltdowns. They don't last super long, and he can usually talk again after a good night's sleep. He can communicate with sign during the episodes
Wolf pelt is comfort item
Favorite stims: touching good textures, rocking, humming
Harmful stims: biting his knuckles
Absolute favorite stim is rubbing his soft wolf pelt on his face, specifically over his mouth and on his upper lip
Special interests: goats, wolves. He knows every. Single. Fact.
Second most likely to infodump
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Too much gender to pick just one. They/them
Comfort item: a little wooden action figure toy thing their grandpa made for them. Four's had it their whole life and never ever goes anywhere without it. It's usually in a special pocket on the inside of their tunic
Most black and white thinker of the group
Four can't grasp or comprehend any nuance or sarcasm or anything in the abstract
They ask SO MANY questions, bc that is their way of understanding the world
They don't really understand most of Time's dad jokes, but they like it when the others laugh
Must be reminded to eat and drink water
Does not like touching other people or being touched by other people
Has more meltdowns than shutdowns
Their little body can't contain all the big feelings and the feelings have to come out somehow
Like Legend they also have a lot of trouble communicating feelings and needs
Biggest sensory issue: sensory symmetry. Everything must be even!!! Also big feelings ^
Favorite stims: they really like the smell of metal, bouncing on toes, spinning, love stim toys
Four never really stops stimming, but they've learned to do it discreetly (bc masking)
They love tinkering, and they love stim toys, so they've made themself a LOT of stim toys. They also love making stim toys for the rest of the chain. (They made a perfectly silent and very discreet one for Wars bc he has the most trouble unmasking)
Harmful stims: head banging
Special interest: tools. Four wants collect every tool in existence, and wants to know exactly what it does. Especially blacksmithing tools, bc Four also really likes blacksmithing
Demisexual, biromantic
Disclaimer: every autistic person has a different way of experiencing the world. I am only one person, so my experience is largely limited to myself. I tried to have links be very diverse in their experiences :)
Feel free to add some of your own autistic or otherwise neurodivergent headcannons!!!!!
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majwrites · 2 years
Lemon x autistic!Reader headcanons
Some headcanons for Lemon dating an autistic person
Notes: based on how I experience my own autism
Warnings: mention of bullying
Lemon can sense it when you get overwhelmed. He knows what it's like to be confronted with a situation and not being able to filter the input sometimes, so if he notices that something is off he'll leave the situation with you
You'll do the same thing for him. Lemon doesn't get overwhelmed as easily, due to his job, but if he gets uncomfortable you'll lead him away from the situation
He will learn about your interests, so he can understand all the references you make. You learn about his interests too and you love having conversations about each other's favourite topics for hours.
Lemon knows how to communicate with you even at times when you're unable to talk and he would never make you feel weird for not being able to do things
Both of you are familiar with each other's routines and if you need to be reminded to do something, Lemon will leave a post it note for you
You carry an extra sheet of Thomas stickers around in your pocket where you keep your own comfort item or stim toy in case Lemon loses his own
He makes sure to always have some of your comfort food at his place in case you need to stay over
If people look at you weirdly in public and it makes you uncomfortable, he won't hesitate to call them out for their behaviour (only if you're comfortable with it, otherwise he'll comfort you and then you go on with your day)
When you're not able to meet for a few days, he'll talk to Tangerine about how much you mean to him
You're very protective of Lemon and would never let anyone say bad things about him
You were a bit nervous about meeting Tangerine, because meeting new people can be intimidating
There was no need to worry though, Tangerine would never treat you weirdly or make fun of your autism (and Lemon prepared both of you beforehand so the meeting wouldn't get awkward)
If someone dares to make fun of you and Lemon while Tangerine is also there, that person should run because Tangerine will make their life hell afterwards
You and Lemon enjoy sitting on the floor together while you both do your own thing like reading or crafting something
It's safe to stim when Lemon is around. You can flap your hands, rock back and forth and repeat all the noises you need to repeat. Lemon just lets you do your thing (and he actually thinks it's quite cute)
Your chat conversation is an ongoing chain of "this reminded me of you" with photos of the things you saw that reminded you of the other
Dating Lemon is very relaxing and there won't be any big drama
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
i really love how you write the (mostly implied) autistic characters (idia + levi) IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY like heres a line i loved from your newest fic: "He takes the opportunity to talk about something else, and while rocking back and forth happily, he delves into telling you about something he’s currently fixated on"
THE FUCKUNG STIMING!!!!!!! me personally i love to rock back and fourth as a stim ITS MY FAVOTOTREEE alot of obm/twst writers kinda forget (or ignore) that levi/idia are autistic
such as idia using a speech tablet, not being able to make eye contact, stuttering, not being able to communicate well (you already knew that or whatevs) and levi being hyper fixated on that book (can't remember) and having mc as a comfort person and rui-chan (forgot) as a comfort character
sorry if this was alot i just was so happy seeing how awesome ur autism rep in your fics!!! i would love to see you maybe try seeing malleus and rook as autistic too as they are also heavily implied to be autistic/not-allistic
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, you're welcome and aalso thank you!!
It certainly brings me a lot of joy to write Levi + Idia as autistic, but I'm glad I'm not the only one enjoying it hehe. It makes me really happy that it makes you happy 🥰💖 I've def written some hints at Malleus being autistic too, but I'm ofc gonna add more >:) I've honestly not thought of Rook as being autistic, but now that you mention it that boy is not allistic! Thank u for this ask, it was very fun and heartwarming to read!
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aikalie · 2 years
What my autism means to me
To me, my autism has affected almost every aspect of my life without me realizing it. I've always been a really social person, but it's always been easier to be social online. I've been praised many times for how easy it is to make friends, except it rarely feels like people genuinely want to be around me. When I was younger, I saw interacting with people as a form of "practice" to learn how to interact better. At some point in each friendship, if they go on long enough, someone will misunderstand something I say. I'll say something matter-of-factly and they'll get unreasonably upset without me knowing why. Trying to resolve these issues usually just makes it worse. Without me realizing, the very literal things I was saying were being interpreted as having some kind of hidden meaning that was seen as highly offensive. Realizing I'm autistic, at the very least, gives me an understanding of why this is happening and gives me a chance a fixing the problem instead of just being abandoned without knowing what I even did.
Knowing I'm autistic has also let me learn how to communicate. I'm able to tell people "I mean this literally but" or work out ways of communicating with people who don't get it. There's still hiccups sometimes where people want to believe I'm some demon but I do my best. My girlfriend is also autistic and our communication, while not always perfect, is something special. We're able to communicate our needs clearly and explain if something upset us or if we dont understand something. Communication is always a work in progress, but knowing I'm autistic was like a huge arrow in the right direction to learning.
Social etiquette is another beast entirely. Following specific rules for specific places made little sense to us. If you're in a fancy place why should you wear clothes that are restrictive and only act in certain ways? Why should I do this or that when I just wanna act like myself? Acting how we want has made us come off as carefree or childish to a lot of people, or cool to others; Meanwhile I simply just don't understand the social rules well enough to follow them or care. It's inappropriate to bring a plushie into the office and cuddle it while working? Why though, like serious answer. They're something I love, and I'm here all day and they help me get my work done better, why should I not have one aside from social etiquette.
Stimming is another thing I've had a lot of internalized shame about. There were a lot of things I do that I didn't quite realize were stimming, like playing with my hair or cracking my knuckles. But something like rocking back and forth when im happy or sad has always been see as a negative autistic trope, so I forcibly stopped myself from doing that and felt a lot of shame. I've felt way more comfortable with myself since I let myself enjoy these things. Holding some kind of toy or a plushie to stim with helps me keep focused. Knowing I'm autistic has helped a lot in letting myself stim more for positive effects and not guilt myself about it.
I've always had a weird relationship with food. The types of foods we like depends on who's fronting in the system, but oftentimes we prefer foods without too many conflicting flavors. After learning about autism, we realized texture plays a massive factor in our diet. One food we all universally hate is mashed potatoes, we cant even eat french fries if they're too soft. People always gave us shit about this like "who doesn't like potatoes what even are you". I cant stand their texture, it repulses me. A bunch of other foods are like this too. We always were believed to be a picky eater, but most of the pickiness comes from texture issues. We also tend to have foods that we can eat 3 times a day for weeks on end, nothing but that food. Even people we were close to kind of thought this was weird but just went along with it. One day we just stop eating that food suddenly. Everything made a lot more sense when we realized it was the autism, and we're able to not hate ourselves for being so picky now.
Not only with food, but our senses play into things a lot more than we realized. We're not as averse to fabrics as much as others may be but we still keep to comfortable clothes and materials. We really like blankets and plushies, they're really soft and make us comfy. When it comes to sounds, something like a crying baby or sirens are miserable. We were told we were being immature when we were younger for covering our ears from bad noises, we didn't understand why noone else did. I realize now that because I'm autistic, those bad noises actually cause my physical agony, like my body is screaming out, while for neurotypical people those bad noises are merely uncomfortable. We prefer small, dim spaces with lots of soft objects over anything else. We often have trouble processing speech, so it can take a few tries to recognize what someone said. This makes listening to music hard as after a dozen listens we still probably won't understand what the lyrics in a song are. We tried noise canceling headphones before, and cutting out the bulk of sound really helped our mood. Sensory input can become incredibly overwhelming without realizing it.
Stuff like pattern recognition with autism? We're not amazing at patterns persay, but sometimes we're great at figuring things out in our own ways. Routines never made sense to us, but with the magic of autistic literal thinking, we thought routines were like "you only follow a planner of what to do every hour". In actuality its more like, you prefer doing certain things in certain ways or orders. We shower every morning, we dont feel properly awake if we don't. After a shower we need to put lotion on our whole body or we feel wrong. We put silverware away specifically spoons, then forks, then knives just because that feels like the way they should be ordered, even though it really shouldn't matter. A weirder one we didnt understand why others didn't care but our blanket needs to be on the right way, with seams downwards and the tag by our feet, anything else feels wrong.
Realizing we had autism made us feel less like we were quirky little weirdos and let us learn to be happy with the way we are. It's impossible to explain every example of autism in our life, but since learning we had it we've been constantly realizing why we are certain ways and make sense of ourselves in a positive way for once.
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roseacademia15 · 1 year
hina pov
I don't really remember when I first got my Quirk. It's strange, but my earliest memories involve seeing shoulder creatures. People called them monsters, but they were not monsters. They were my friends. They would always be there with me, keeping me company and making me feel less alone.At 5 years old, a doctor told me that I have autism. It was a confusing time for me and my family, and it took a while for us to come to terms with it. But I learned that I have high-functioning autism and can live by myself, even though I don't always like being alone. One morning, as I was lying in bed, I saw my friends floating towards me. They brought me my meds and water, and I knew that I could always count on them. After taking my meds and drinking water, I did my morning routine and went back to my bedroom. I started to stim by walking back and forth while listening to TikTok with my favorite headphones on. It was a comforting routine that helped me start my day on the right foot.
As I grew older, my Quirk continued to evolve. I discovered that I could communicate with my shoulder creatures and even control them to a certain extent. It was a strange feeling, but it also made me feel special. I knew that I had something that no one else had, and it gave me a sense of confidence.Now, as an adult, I still have my shoulder creatures by my side. They continue to be my friends and my support system, and I know that I can always count on them. I may not remember when I first got my Quirk, but I know that it has been a part of me for as long as I can remember.After 15 minutes, I heard my phone go off. It was an app reminding me to eat, so I went to the kitchen. The kitchen is one of my favourite places in my home - I love how I have everything I need within arm's reach. I live in a small pool house that my dad built for me, in the style of a charming cottage. The cottage's design and layout are perfect for me - it's cozy and comfortable, exactly what I need to feel relaxed and calm.I made myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast and ate while stimming by rocking back and forth. In the background, I had my favourite playlist playing - a mix of kpop and indie music that always puts me in a good mood. 
I enjoyed my breakfast, feeling the crunch of the cereal in my mouth and the cool milk sliding down my throat. After breakfast, I did my dishes and skipped back to my bedroom, feeling energized and ready to start my day.I went to my closet to change out of my pajamas and into my outfit for the day. I spent a few minutes admiring my clothes - my style is a mix of kawaii, kpop, and lolita with a touch of cottagecore. I picked out a cute outfit that made me feel confident and happy, and spent some time doing my hair and makeup to complete the look. Finally, I was ready to embrace the day ahead of me, feeling content and excited for what was to come. 
Today was a beautiful day, the sun shining through my window and casting a warm glow on my bedroom floor. I decided that I would like to wear my blue skirt and my floral top with a salmon red sweater, a combination that I had never tried before. I quickly brushed my long, blonde hair and tied it back with a white bow, feeling excited about the day ahead.
As I put on my favorite boots, I remembered that I had not checked my planner book yet. I retrieved it from the desk and started to plan my day, trying to make it as productive and rewarding as possible. I jotted down a few tasks, including grocery shopping, working out, and finishing an assignment for my online class.As I was about to start my day, I decided to check my email for any updates from my college of choice. Unfortunately, there was nothing there, which made me feel a bit anxious. Even though my dad was the dean of the college and had assured me that I didn't need to worry, I still couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. 
I really wanted to go to college with my high school friends and the waiting was starting to get to me.To distract myself, I started coloring in my favorite coloring book. It was a great way to relax and clear my head while still feeling productive. I filled in the pages with vibrant colors, trying out new combinations and techniques. As I colored, I thought about all the exciting opportunities that college would bring, and how much I was looking forward to being there with my friends. Hopefully, I would hear back from the college soon and my worries would be put to rest.
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spiralgayvatar · 2 years
Okay just realized auctober is a thing so imma catch up real quick here we goooooo
1. Stims
Mostly I do things like Rock or move my hands a lot or spin stuff like that. Also my stuffed animals have good texture so I rub them a lot. Also rub my hands a lot to be honest.
2. InfoDumping
I tend to tell people random facts unprompted but also if you even mention The Magnus Archives then you are getting a lengthy conversation. Same for Welcome To Nightvale probably.
3. Collections
I have many many stuffed animals and a lot of books.
4. Animal friends
I don’t really have any but I love my sister’s cats. I love cats in general. And rats. And birds.
5. Music
I don’t really care for music all that much i’m more of a podcast person. But I do like musicals so I tend to listen mostly to musical songs like Heathers. Oh and Noah Finnce has really good music I like. Also Set It Off is an awesome band.
6. Stim Toys
STIM TOYS! Okay i am actually very picky with the things I stim with. I’ve had fidget cubes, tangles, pop its, etc. but mostly I just use my putty or rub my stuffed animals. I did just buy a chewy necklace though so i’m very excited for it to come in.
7. Hyperfocus
It’s been a while but yeah hyperfocus very much. I actually spent all of yesterday hyperfocusing on Magnus Archives (Special Interest my love).
8. Diverse
Not really sure what to put here i mean i’m not all that diverse besides the adhd and autism and lesbianism and nonbinaryness. I should really make more diverse friends.
9. Comfort Food
OKAY OKAY OKAY. So my two mega comfort foods are Mcchicken from Mcdonalds and Cheesy Rice From El Toro. I love them both so so so much.
10. Self Care
Self Care for me is mostly just going to a quiet space, putting on my headphones, listening to podcast, and rocking back and forth for a bit. Or making powerpoints about the things I love most.
11. Neurodivergent Community
I actually just joined a discord server for autistic people so I’m excited to be more involved in the community. The Neurodivergent community on tumblr also is pretty nice.
12. Sensory Euphoria
Touching my stuffed animals gives me such euphoria they feel so nice!!!!! I love them so much.
13. Alternative Communication
I don’t actually use any Alternative Communication though I wonder if I would like it.
And last but not least for noww
14. Verbal stims
I tend to sing a lot as a way to stim which I just now realized counts as a stim haha. Also recently my brain has been having me repeat “Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute London.” To myself so that’s fun
So yeah see ya’ll later!
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strangenscary · 2 years
Obey Me! Leviathan with autistic traits
(Adding to my headcannon that Levi would have autism if he was human)
follow my new blog @deathisawitch
TSL is obviously his special interest, this doesnt need explaining
Favorite stim is the feeling of being rocked softly by waves while floating in the water
Replicates this by gently rocking himself back and forth
His Absolutely Not texture is velvet. He hates the way it feels against his skin and scales. Makes him feel prickly. Does not like and will hiss and shrink away if he touches it
While alone in his room he will go non verbal sometimes
If hes comfortable enough with MC and theyve shown to be trustworthy, he may slip and do it around them
He'll still comunicate, he just doesnt want to talk out loud
Satan learned sign language once specifically to communicate with him
Levi cried when Satan showed him and taught him
Levi picks at his scales and tail when the skin sheds. It hurts a little but the stinging helps him focus
Will also bite it off with his teeth
Hes overwhelmed by physical affection from other people. Please dont touch him unless you have to or he asks/offers
He sleeps in a tub because the high walls help block out stimulation from the electronics buzzing in his room
Since i also headcannon him as being cold blooded, his room is usually kept a little chilly as the sleepiness helps keep him from being overstimulated
(It also reminds him of the water of course)
Some general stims i headcannon for him:
Makes a clicking noise with his tongue, usually in different tones
Gently traces the skin on his arms or his neck
Cracks his knuckles
Pets his own hair, likes the feeling of it on his skin
He also makes this snorting sound when annoyed, it comes from his throat tho not his nose
Rubs his tail over his legs, or the carpet, or a blanket. Whatever soft thing is on or by his lap
(Will rub his tail on MC's lap if the two are close enough)
And he will prick his own tongue with his fangs, lightly
Please add on if you have your own headcannons for him 💙
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How to Write an Autistic Character
So, you’re a neurotypical, otherwise allistic, or possibly neurodivergent person wanting to write an autistic character, but you’re not sure as to how you want them written?
Well, my fellow writers, you are in luck! In this post, I will explain how to write an autistic character while steering clear of any harmful stereotypes that are seen in neurodivergent characters in most types of mainstream media.
Now before I dive in, my biggest thing is to talk to other autistics! Like I will say in this post and many more in the future, autism isn't a "one size fits all" neurotype!
1.) The first thing I want to say to y’all is that we’re not all young cishet white boys. Some autistic people are non-binary, some are black, some are women, some are older than 25, some are gay, and let's be honest--it's okay! You're valid!
While, yes, quite a handful of autistic folks are boys, it's important to note that you shouldn't make all of your autistic characters young, white, cishet boys, since older folks, trans folks, non-binary folks, and women who are autistic and of a different racial/ethnic background need representation in media, too.
Another thing to note when writing autistic characters is that not all autistic LGBTQ+ folks are on the asexual spectrum. I've met a few autistic people online who are asexual or otherwise aspec, and they are some of the most amazing people I've met. However, as I've said before, not all LGBTQ+ autistic people are aspec. Some are lesbians, some are bisexual, and some can be pan, too!
2.) The next thing I want to say is that autism isn't a "one size fits all" neurotype. What traits can be displayed in one autistic person aren't always necessarily as prominent in another autistic person. One autistic person can be extremely extroverted whereas another can be introverted or non-speaking (they can still communicate with other people using AAC or sign language!) One autistic person can be hypersensitive to loud sounds whereas another autistic person can have a hard time hearing things (auditory processing disorder). I am actually the latter of both of these statements (I'm introverted as hell and I'm bad with putting my thoughts into words most of the time and I need to have closed captions on when I'm watching TV unless it's something that I've watched a million times). But as I've stated before, autism isn't a "one size fits all" neurotype, meaning that no two autistic people are the same.
3.) The third thing that I want y'all to note is that we stim. A lot. More-so than the neurotypical/allistic population, even though everybody stims in some way, shape, or form. Stimming can be used as a way for us to express our emotions or needs, whether we're happy, trying to evade sensory overload episodes (sometimes it's unavoidable and I understand that, I went through those too), or whether we're in a meltdown and need to go someplace where there's less sensory input. Some of the most common stims are hand-flapping, rocking back and forth, and vocalizing random sounds we make! There are other types of stims, too, such as smelling things (olfactory), looking at things that mesmerize us (visual), and listening to the same song on repeat sometimes (auditory). And even feeling things that are soft can count as stims, too!
4.) When it comes to emotions or humor, we are not like Rain Man or Sheldon Cooper. This is one harmful stereotype that you need to avoid like the plague when writing an autistic character. We promise you that we are not emotionless, nor do we lack a sense of humor.
However, autistic people do tend to struggle with reading social cues and pick up one's emotions based on looks (I had a lot of trouble doing this as a child, and trust me, I still have trouble with this), and the former part of the statement may end up causing autistic people to either be left out of the conversation altogether or interrupt said conversation. But unlike what most mainstream media with an autistic character says, we actually do experience the same range of emotions that a neurotypical and/or allistic person would, and we do have a sense of humor.
5.) And the last thing I want to mention is that autistic people have intense fixations on certain subjects, otherwise known as hyperfixations and/or special interests.
What is your autistic character's special interest/hyperfixation? Do they do research on their special interest/hyperfixation? Do they do artwork based on their special interest/hyperfixation?
An example of special interests I'd like to give is actually one of my own. I'm very much a metalhead/alt kid of sorts, and my favorite band tends to be Linkin Park. If I'm asked about Linkin Park, I will be more than likely to give an infodump on the band's history, given that I'm not overstimulated or burnt out from the day's activities. This also includes the history of people within the band, like Chester or Mike (since those are the two members that I know most about).
More will come in part two! Stay tuned!
SOTD: "Therefore I Am" -- Billie Eilish
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Nagito x Autistic!reader HCS
request; Oh okay, awesome!! I just wanted to make sure before I requested anything :) If you don't mind, could I request headcanons for Nagito with an autistic s/o who is really helped by him? Like they're really comforted by him and helped by what he does for them, even though he doesn't think he's helpful at all? 
warnings; autistic!reader(not rlly a warning), gn!reader, unedited, sensory overload, harmful stimming, kinda kinda long? I got a bit carried away.. But oh well! 
note; I’m still kinda anxious that I could’ve offended autistic people somehow with these hcs, so if I did something wrong, please don’t be afraid to let me know! I tried doing a bunch of research as to understand it and write better, and so I hope that these hcs were somewhat accurate! I’m honestly kinda mad at myself for not knowing more about autism, so i’m really glad you requested this and pushed me to be more aware >:D tysm for requesting and, ily <3<3<3(oh and sorry for the long wait D:) 
- mod chia 
◊ Frankly, Nagito understands your autism. He, himself has some problems with understanding social cues and honestly, just talking to someone without accidentally offending them is tough for him. He is very unaware of how the things he does and says could potentially offend or disrupt others.
◊ So he can relate to you on a level.
◊ If you ever started to stim—but in a unhealthy way, like punching yourself, banging your head, just ways that can potentially harm you—, he’d take your hands and let you fidget with them instead. He knows stimming is something that you do to cope, and that’s okay, but he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself by doing so. 
◊ So he encourages punching and banging his head instead- Which, of course you say no to! Instead you settle for squeezing his hand and swinging it whenever you felt anxious. He won’t say anything about it but, he actually really enjoys it when he feels you playing with his hand. It makes him feel more secure. To him it meant that, if you were touching him, you were protected and still alive- that sounds bad. Basically, he enjoys the reassurance that you aren’t leaving him or getting hurt from his luck. 
◊ Eventually you became more reliant on Nagito, needing him to be there with you whenever you felt uncomfortable or when you needed to listen to his voice rather than what sounded like thousands of other unfamiliar voices around you. And that isn’t a big worry for you because he is always by your side. He doesn’t like leaving you either, because you seemed to be the only one who truly understood him. 
◊ Every time the Monokuma body discovery announcement came on, you got triggered, not only did it mean another person died, but it was also obnoxiously loud and bringing your stress levels through the roof. It seemed so loud that it started to echo inside your head, Monokuma’s shrill voice rining through your ears. When Nagito saw you cover your ears(or any other signs of sensory overload), he immediately springs into action and goes to you, doing his best to calm you down.
◊ If you need to be in a tight space to feel safe in, he will find you a place and let you stay in there. If you just needed him, he’ll always be there for you. If you needed music or a relaxing video to watch, he somehow already has it due to his luck. 
◊ Instead of you rocking yourself back and forth, he would offer to rock you himself in his arms, unless you didn’t want to; then that’s alright too! He just wanted you to be comfortable.
◊ If you were feeling disturbed by nearby loud noises, he’ll find the perfect place for the both of you to relax in silence together, or by yourself if that’s what you needed. He knows all the best places to escape because of his shared hate with you of loud places. It makes him incredibly happy to have someone to share these places with. Though he’s in such a beautiful place, he can’t seem to enjoy it completely due to the void in his heart; loneliness. He’s really really glad he is able to share what seemed like a beautiful secret with someone as hopeful as you. 
◊ He’s careful to not say anything too self-deprecating when you want to be alone, because he knows you aren’t isolating yourself from him because you didn’t like him, you were isolating yourself because you needed to, to help yourself. So he definitely avoids saying stuff like, “I see, so you’re leaving because I’m trash, huh?”, he doesn’t want to make you feel guilty for something you can’t control. Instead, he kisses your forehead gingerly and leaves you be.
◊ He believes his actions in helping you isn’t as helpful as you think. He thinks that he’s just being overbearing or selfish when he does things like this, though when he sees you looking less stressed after his actions, it makes him happy. So maybe it was worth it. 
◊ He’d insist the things he did weren’t helpful, and that he couldn’t see how he helped you at all but when you tell him how much he has helped you cope, and go into every detail, he feels his heart go doki doki(lmfao).
◊ He’s overjoyed to know that the things he did helped you, it assures him that the things he does, doesn’t annoy you. 
◊ I headcanon that when you first met, Nagito never realized you had autism, and so he had went on one of his usual hope rants, unknowingly stressing you out with the overflowing amount of dialogue spilling out from Nagito’s lips. When he finally snaps out of it and sees you stimming harmfully and covering your ears, it’s like something was activated in him? He immediately realizes what was happening and he does his best to try and calm you down, apologizing quietly as to not disturb you more. 
◊ Somehow, he already knows all the things that help you destress. Whether it’s repeating a phrase over and over, just talking in general, counting, reading a book, he’ll help you in whatever way. Although his voice had stressed you out earlier, it actually soothes you now. His voice is surprisingly comforting when spoken with softly. 
◊ Once you had calmed down from it, he started apologizing frantically, his voice still at a soft tone. You thought it was adorable and very thoughtful of him to speak at such a small tone for you, heart fluttering as he continued speaking. 
◊ Despite wanting to talk more about hope, he promises not to ever again in front of you- But! You stop him. You explain to him that it’s not that you don’t want to hear it, it’s that the way he explained it was too much for you. 
◊ So he tries to slow down his hope rants and dial it down to a good 3(the og being 10-). He’s extremely happy to hear that you actually want to continue hearing about hope, despite breaking down from it earlier. He thinks it’s very hopeful of you.
◊ When you avoid eye contact while listening to his hope rants, he confronts you about it bluntly and suddenly. I don’t think he knows much about autism, only hearing about it and reading a few articles about it, but never meeting someone autistic in real life. So you’d have to explain a lot of it to him, including the lack of eye contact during conversation. Once you explain everything to him, he understands waaaay better and you start to notice positive changes to his behaviour around you.
◊ Honestly, you being autistic kind of works out perfectly for him because of how blunt and honest he can be at times. His bluntness helps you out, finding it easier to communicate with Nagito then others because he doesn’t use any confusing social cues, he just tells you what he needs to say rather than hinting at it. He’s glad that his blunt behaviour that others seem to hate, helps you understand him better. 
◊ You both have strange humours that no one really understands, so when Nagito tells you a joke that you don’t understand and vice-versa, neither of you laugh but you still appreciate the effort.
◊ It’s kinda like, “That made sense, and it was a good joke, but it wasn’t funny.” and you’re both alright with that.
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arsonistblue · 3 years
Hi!! I am writing a spy novel featuring an autistic character, and while I have been doing research on autism and the do’s and dont’s, is there anything you would suggest/mention?
I am allistic, and my character—Person A—is an adult Black woman in her twenties. She stims a lot, has turn-offs (like touching gross fabric or eating weird textures), is good at social cues, but isn’t very good at recognizing her own emotions. Is this a good/accurate autistic person? What should I remember while writing her character?
I also want to include another character—Person B—who is a very close friend of A. Person B is highly empathetic (although not as much as you’ve described in posts about your hyperempathy) and helps Person A recognize and handle her emotions. Would this be acceptable? I don’t want to push the idea that autistic people need assistance to recognize their own emotions.
hi!!! thanks so much for sending this! i’m glad you’re being so respectful and good about doing research. but just a reminder, whatever you do, ask autistic people like you have been doing, don’t go to sites like autism speaks. 
i should preface this by saying that i’m only in high school, and i am white, so it won’t be exact.
that sounds pretty accurate, yeah! i stim a lot (for me it’s pretty subtle, fidgeting too, though i flap my hands or rock back and forth sometimes), and that is in part because of my adhd. and the texture thing is super important!!! while it doesn’t happen to every autistic person, it’s pretty common, and it can be very random things (one of mine is elbow pasta. not pasta in general, i love pasta, but i hate elbow pasta specifically. i cannot stand it.) such as velvet or tin foil or wet grass. and vice versa, there are also textures we might love (especially plush or soft things)! 
and social cues can be a difficult one. i myself am pretty good with social cues, but some other autistic people aren’t. everyone is different; and it’s important to remember that autism is a spectrum, but not from “less autistic” to “more autistic.” it’s more like a soup. you can have more or less of different “ingredients” like social cue understanding, stimming, hyperfocusing, verbal communication, etc! 
the emotion thing is also a great question! like with other parts of autism, emotions (both how intensely you feel them and whether it’s easy to recognize them) are different for everyone. 
as someone who is hyperempathetic because of my autism, i think it’s a great system of support! (and for some extra tips for character B, maybe have them occasionally get overloaded with emotion, and try to assign tells to their own emotions!) 
this is especially a great system if, as you said, characters A and B are close friends. there’s nothing wrong with leaning on friends and getting support! just make sure that all of your characters (based on personalities and potential trust issues, ofc) all rely on friends, so it’s not just the autistic character who has support. but yeah, that sounds awesome! 
also, whatever you do, steer clear of the sheldon cooper archetype, or the robotic, factual personalities we see all too often in autistic characters. we’re people! there’s nothing wrong with having your autistic character be intelligent; in fact, that’s a good thing! but don’t make them the super smart, math whiz, all-knowing nerd type, yk? again there’s nothing wrong with being autistic and a nerd, but don’t do the stereotype. 
that said, some of us do enjoy very “left-brained” things. but in general, don’t make us sheldon coopers. 
sorry this answer was so long! any other autistic people please feel free to chime in in the notes/reblogs!! and feel free to send any other questions you might have.
(also, spy novel with autistic main female character of color???? amazing, 10/10 would read)
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whistlesanbells · 4 years
Community Headcanons
Just a random list of headcanons I have, organized by character (feat. A lot of Britta x Annie)
I saw someone mention that Jeff might have an ED, and given what we see with his relationship with food, and how he is willing to go as far as to hurt himself to be the best at something (in this case be the best looking) it makes a lot of sense.
A lot of people headcanon Jeff as bi but honestly I just take him as cishet. He has many many issues but I don’t think sexuality is one of them, because half his personality is his attraction to every woman that breathes lmao
Exudes top energy but really the minute someone else tops him, he gets insecure for a bit but ends up really liking it.
Raging bisexual. I feel like she’s known for a long time, but never told the group because it would just be another thing for them to poke fun of about her.
In the same vein, I believe Britta’s parents were very homophobic, and that’s why she cut ties. I think she came out to them at a younger age and it was messy. It would make sense that she would refuse to tell the group why she didn’t get along with her parents: because she wasn’t ready to come out to the group yet. Instead it gets framed as her just rebelling for no reason.
We hear almost nothing about Britta’s past, except for a few offhand comments about a dinosaur-related trauma. Britta is incredibly quick to deny talking about her past, which led me to believe that she has some kind of trauma. Personally, I believe she was r*ped in her childhood, which would explain her extra effort to comfort troy when he lied about it. It would also explain why she is so fervently for women’s rights, especially when it has to do with bodily autonomy.
Dyslexic!Britta makes so much sense to me, because her parents were likely unsupportive, so she didn’t get much help or accommodations in school at a young age. This probably led to her habit of going out of her way to do poorly in a class so it looks like she’s just not trying, so she doesn’t have to face the reality that she never developed good study habits and she would have a lot of trouble in school even if she tried. Even though she doesn’t do well in school, she’s really smart, she’s just not great at articulating her points :))
She was a tomboy in elementary school before it was considered socially acceptable, and she was bullied ruthlessly for it. In her true, “stick it to the man” fashion, she never grew out of it.
Britta is terrified of Annie finding out that she won’t do well in school even if she DOES try, because she’s afraid Annie will lose respect for her.
Annie was the only one in the group she came out to, because she trusted her to keep a secret and not to judge. Annie asks her a LOT of questions, but Britta puts up with it.
Acts like a top, is really a bottom.
She has a crush on Annie from 21st century romanticism on, but never expresses it because she doesn’t want to make Annie uncomfortable.
Gay lmao
I definitely feel like he had a crush on abed around end of season 3/ beginning of season 4, but it was unreciprocated.
Troy has an inherent sensitivity that makes him the heart of the show, but it took a while for him to feel comfortable with that. I feel like he had a lot of parental pressure to be perfectly straight and masculine, since he was raised under a strict religion.
Troy never wanted to be an athlete. I believe he wasn’t allowed to explore his interests because he demonstrated talent for sports at a young age, and that’s what he was pressured to do for the rest of his life.
Troy doesn’t always understand how Abed functions, but he is always accepting, supportive and understanding. Instead of trying to understand how his brain works, he memorized the patterns of what bothers him and what doesn’t, and uses that to help his friend in the best way he can. It’s super sweet :))
Aro/ace Abed rights!! I haven’t seen this one as much, but I really like it. I genuinely don’t think abed has much interest in relationships, which has absolutely nothing to do with being neurodivergent. I think he feels pressure from the group to date, because that’s what they think is “normal.”
I LOVE Annie and Abed’s friendship but I definitely don’t ship them. Sure, they kissed once, but she was attracted to Han Solo, not abed. Annie was attracted to dean when he was actually like Jeff too, but she DEFINITELY wasn’t attracted to dean lmao. Instead, I think they’re both really close because they’re both neurodivergent, and Annie understands him more than anyone else in the group, albeit not entirely. They also have a special handshake you can see at the end of season one :)
This isn’t a headcanon but it’s *technically* never stated in the show but Abed definitely has autism. l DO headcanon that Annie has his safe foods written down in a list because she’s the only one who knows how to cook in the apartment, and she knows it’s important to him.
Abed has all of his friends’ likes and dislikes memorized and written down, as well as their birthdays, as a result of psychoanalyzing them. He gives the best birthday gifts and never forgets.
Definitely was the ACB (creds to film theory on that one)
I don’t have a lot of theories for Shirley, because we see a lot of her personal story in canon. However, I do believe that she wasn’t always such a devout Christian. I think she was raised with Christian ideals, but it wasn’t central to her personality until Andre cheated on her. After she went though a dark period of (likely) alcoholism, I like to think that’s when she turned to Christianity, and it gave her hope. She loves it so much because it genuinely did save her from a bad time in her life.
I think she is a big part of the reason why Troy, Abed, Britta, and Annie are afraid to come out to the group. They assume she would never see them in the same light, when truth be told, she would love them all the same. I think she would be uncomfortable at first, but either she would come to the realization or britta would convince her that it is inherently Christian to love everyone, no matter what. Her motherly instincts take precedence over her Christian ideals.
Shirley views Annie as the daughter she never had, but is very careful not to tell her for fear of hurting her feelings. She very much enjoys helping her navigate college and seeing her mature. She also loves all their girl talk since this is the aspect of parenting that she doesn’t get with three boys. In the same vein, she loved teaching Britta how to have friends who are girls, and she likes to think she played a part in raising her.
I don’t like pierce enough to psychoanalyze him lmao
Annie (saddle up, this is gonna be long)
Lesbiannie, obviously. Annie’s romantic tendancies SCREAM compulsive heterosexuality. Annie’s relationships with men are always schoolgirl crushes, and she even admits to abed that she never really liked Jeff, she just liked the idea that he was available and willing to love her. It also makes sense that she can’t stand the idea of not being perfect in every way, including heterosexual (because she confirms that her parents are bigoted and that’s likely what she was taught). I think she would have a lot of internalized homophobia, and she would be very insecure about her sexuality, seeing how she acted during the STD fair.
I would love to think Annie also had her first ever real, I like this person for themselves and not just because they’re attainable crush on Britta. She always looked up to her because she was so cool and far less uptight than she was, but as they grew closer, she saw her in a different light. I ship them hardcore lmao.
Annie has ADHD!! I could talk for hours about this, mostly because I have very similar struggles to Annie’s canon character arc (minus the drugs lmao) and it’s mostly due to my adhd. Long story short, she was likely raised undiagnosed until she discovered it herself, which led to trying adderall and overdoing it because she was unsupervised. She was likely very insecure about her ADHD, which led her to overcompensating academically. Because she masked so much in academic settings, it’s likely she didn’t have much of a social life because that’s where her symptoms presented themselves more.
In addition being friends with abed has made her far more comfortable unmasking. If you watch her in studies in modern movement you can see her stimming (flapping her hands, rocking back and forth and swinging her arms) way more than usual. She normally fidgets by fiddling with her fingers by her waist and pulling her elbows tight to her sides in a position suspiciously similar to raptor arms. Not only is this a common and discreet way to fidget, it is easily passed off as good posture. This makes sense, as it is Annie’s trademark resting position.
Annie reads YA books and a LOT of fanfiction for fun. The group expects her to be more well versed in classic literature, but the girl just loves her some vampires. It’s where she learned a LOT of her....dnd tricks ;).
Top energy that Jeff never let her use DEFINITELY comes out with Britta.
She helps Britta study and teaches her all the study habits she had to learn, and Britta’s grades improve a little bit!!
Switched to pantsuits because of britta, I like to think she had some influence on that.
Lost interest in Jeff after Basic Sandwich
Knew that Abed was the ACB the whole time, she definitely had it figured out in that binder lmao
Anyways enjoy, just figured I’d write this down somewhere haha
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mewtonian-physics · 3 years
30 days of autism acceptance except i haven't been doing it so you get 15 all at once
April 1st: Introduce yourself. Talk about who you are as a person. Your age, hobbies, special interests, family, etc. Anything you feel comfortable sharing.
I'm Penny, I'm 19, I love cats and writing and music and my brain skips from fixation to fixation like a rock on the surface of a pond. BUT special interests are law and Sherlock Holmes. I have a lot of siblings that I picked out myself and one sibling that I didn't but we don't talk about him. When I die I'm going to become a ghost and go around the world playing everyone's pianos
April 2nd: Post your redinstead photos today. Alternatively, you could talk about what autistic pride/autism acceptance month means to you.
I don't post photos but I think that autistic pride is great. Like yeah, I have problems with my autism sometimes, but also it literally shapes my personality so... That's Me. And I'm going to be proud of that not self-hating about it thank you
April 3rd: How do you feel about dating/romantic relationships? Have you dated in the past/are you currently in a relationship/do you eventually want one? Do you feel that your experience of autism/stereotypes around autism and relationships impacts this?
I would like to have a girlfriend someday... I don't really care about the stereotypes, I don't pay attention to them.
April 4th: Are there any topics regarding autism that you feel don’t get discussed enough?
did you mean: autism in general
April 5th: What was school like for you, or what is it currently like for you if you are still in school? Elementary, high school, post-secondary?
I'm one of those kings who got homeschooled because my parents knew everyone would torment me in public school. But I did go to a co-op for a while and that was pretty cool mostly. I met my best friend there who is ALSO an autistic icon. Now I am in college and it sure is an experience but it's not a bad one.
April 6th: Are you able to drive? If so, was it difficult to learn? What was difficult about it? If not, do you use any alternatives?
I am not but I plan to try and learn soon.
April 7th: How are you with sarcasm and/or metaphors/figures of speech? Do you interpret things very literally?
Sarcasm my beloved! I use it so much. Metaphors too, but a lot of the time they make no sense to anyone except me. And yet somehow I still take things literally a majority of the time... Sarcasm for me, not for thee.
April 8th: Talk about friendship. How important are friends to you? Do you find it hard to make and maintain friendships? Are your friends generally supportive? Is there anything about having friends that confuses you?
I love having friends. Genuinely makes me insane when my friends are loving and supportive of me. Unfortunately I have no idea when someone counts as a friend so I just sort of fake it until I make it and then have difficulty maintaining it because I don't know the proper amount of communication or other such things that I should engage in. Which kinda sucks. My autistic friends are great though because we can have conversations consisting entirely of sending fanart of a single character back and forth for an hour. Allistics wish they were us.
April 9th: How has the pandemic impacted you? Has it changed routines? Do you like or dislike masks? What do you wish allistics and neurotypicals knew/understood about how the pandemic is impacting autistic people?
Well, in terms of autism, the pandemic has been... interesting. My hand sanitizer usage has of course increased drastically. I like masks because I don't like being perceived. I love to be unknown. I wish people knew they're annoying the hell out of me with their scaremongering, inability to use logic, and anti-vax sentiments. Not This Shit Again.
April 10th: How important is representation to you? Is the representation that is out there generally good or bad? What is your favorite piece of representation? What you like to see more of in autism representation? What would you like to see less of?
I loooooove representation. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot of canon autistic representation and when there is I find it usually sucks, but I take my icons. Sherlock Holmes is autistic and you can never tell me otherwise. Data from Star Trek may be an android but he's still autistic as fuck. I want more positive representation and less 'the poor autistic person trapped inside their own body' bullshit.
April 11th: What are your thoughts/feelings about masking (a term for when autistic people hide their autistic traits)? Do you mask?
I hate that anyone has to, but yes, I do mask a lot because otherwise I get treated like shit. I don't hate allistic people, I just think they could at least try to act a little autistic sometimes...
April 12th: Is there anything you find hard to do because of being autistic? Is there anything that you find easy?
I LOGIC EVERYTHING. Plus I'm very good at making connections other people tend to miss. On the other hand, sensory overload leaves me in hell on a worryingly regular basis. Plus, well, y'know. Socializing.
April 13th: How much preparation and planning do you need before doing new things, or even for familiar things? Do you need to be totally prepared ahead of time or are you more comfortable with being spontaneous/just going for it? Does it vary for you depending on the thing or the day?
PREPARE ME FOR NEW THINGS OR ELSE. If it's familiar I can be more spontaneous about it but I hate having new things sprung on me. My parents always used to try and get me to do things without telling me what and it was really upsetting. Glad they cut that shit out.
April 14th: What do you like about being autistic?
I like that it makes me very cool and funny and smart. I like being able to logic things other people can't. I like how I view the world. I like a lot of things.
April 15th: Do you work? If so, what is that like for you? Are you open about being autistic at work? Alternatively, how open are you about being autistic? Do you tell a lot of people? Or just a select few? How do people normally react when you tell them? If you don’t tell people, then why?
I'm just trying to deal with college right now. I'm usually pretty open about being autistic because that way I can spot the ableists right away. I refuse to hide who I am because of some assholes who don't know how to deal with anyone who isn't like them. Most people ask a lot of questions, but it's largely fine.
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cromchychipdip · 4 years
Heya! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to write an autistic character? I'm thinking of making an autistic character and I'm not quite sure how to portray them and I don't want to accidentally be offensive?
You’ve come to the right person!
1. Stimming:
A big part of writing a character on the spectrum is accurately displaying them stimming! Stimming can be defined by an action that lets a person get out sensory energy that is difficult, stressful, or impossible to stop immediately. It can also help them focus. People stim for a lot of different reasons, like when they’re anxious, trying to focus on something, happy, and more! There are some stims that are sort of overused in media like rocking back and forth and humming or hand-flapping, but you can still write them in because they’re realistic stims! Some more stims that you can write are:
Leg bouncing
Mouth popping
Repeating words or phrases to themselves (think: Paul from TGWDLM saying “okay” over and over)
Something I do is take both of my hands and bring them to my face, then sort of shake them. Idk how to explain it, it’s weird
Biting their lips
Tapping their fingers or toes
Picking at their arms/legs
Gently squeezing their arms
2. Language Patterns:
A lot of people on the spectrum struggle with social awareness (myself included). This can include not understanding sarcasm, taking a while to understand jokes, saying some things aloud that sound better in their head, talking when they probably shouldn’t talk, and/or not talking when they should probably talk. Something that you should really avoid when writing dialogue for this character is them saying offensive things out of nowhere, then blaming their autism for it, or the other characters overlooking it because they have autism. Another thing related to this is if/when they go nonverbal, which can happen when someone is really overwhelmed or if they’re used to not talking very much. Some people on the spectrum are already nonverbal, and they communicate in other ways than verbal communication. Another thing that’s sort of connected to this is expressing emotion through words and facial expressions. Some people are really animated, and other people are more monotone. A lot of people, myself included, struggle with showing certain emotions.
3. Special Interests:
Special interests are interests or hobbies that someone on the spectrum really really likes and is very important to them. A lot of the time, autistic characters are written to have a special interest in technology or science. Some of my special interests throughout the years have been Warrior Cats, Avalon: Web of Magic, sharks, chemistry, rocks and minerals, emo music, math, Queen, Sailor Moon, Heathers: The Musical, and StarKid. These are also called hyperfixations. Another thing related to this subject is infodumping, which is when someone has the opportunity to share about their special interest and they share everything, or close to everything, they know and love about it. Infodumping takes a while and it’s very passionate, but if you shut someone down while they do it, then the person will feel like their special interest isn’t important and not share about it with you again. Their self-esteem will also take a hit because their special interests are so important to them. If you want to write a special interest for a character, make it really important to them, but don’t make it all that they talk about. Maybe put some infodumping in there, don’t make it all of their dialogue.
4. Meltdowns:
People on the autism spectrum get overstimulated easily. When they get overstimulated and they don’t calm down in time, they can have a meltdown. Meltdowns can’t really be helped, and they’re very emotional for some people. Some people shut down and dissociate really hard, like they’re running on low battery mode. Others are more frantic and they resort to more harmful stims, like hitting themselves. The type of meltdowns I have mostly revolve around getting really emotional and trying to block out anything that could cause me to freak out more. Something that you absolutely do not want to do is have another character touch them when they’re having a meltdown. Don’t touch people whenever they’re having a meltdown. It makes everything worse for everyone involved.
5. Sexuality:
A lot of people think that people on the spectrum inherently don’t want to have sex or be in a relationship. That isn’t true! There are a lot of people on the spectrum who are also aspec and/or arospec, but not every person is. If you’re going to write this character to also be somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum, don’t make them ace/aro/aroace just because they have autism. Concerning the other possible sexualities/romantic attractions: write them with the same respect you would as a character who isn’t on the autism spectrum.
I hope that this helped! This took a while to write lol. I encourage you to research more about this topic and not take all of my word as gospel. I’m only one person, and my experience as someone on the spectrum can be totally different from someone else on the spectrum. If you have any more questions, please let me know! Good luck! :D
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marinsawakening · 4 years
Look Out for Your Own
Fandom: No. 6
Wordcount: 2470
Summary: Inukashi is autistic and starts to suspect Shion is as well, and starts helping him out in a mentor-like fashion.
Notes: Written for Autism Acceptance Month.
“What’s autism?”
Inukashi turned to look at Shion, incredulous. “What, they didn’t teach you that in your fancy classrooms?”
“Apparently not,” he replied. He’d stopped washing Fluffball, one of the few dogs who actually liked baths, and she looked at him with pleading eyes. Shion didn’t seem to notice, too busy looking at em with that stupid head-cock he did when he was curious.
“Huh.” Eir fingers drummed on eir legs, a smirk playing on eir lips. “Guess sometimes even us slum rats know more than No. 6’s precious genius children.”
“I suspect you guys probably know a lot more than we do,” Shion said dryly. “No. 6 controls the information we citizens receive with an iron fist; the more ignorant we are, the easier we are to control.”
Inukashi nodded. “Knowledge is power, and all that.” If there was anything ey understood, it was that. “Maybe I shouldn’t explain it to you after all.”
“What?” He sounded so shocked at that, as if he hadn’t set himself up for it, but damnit, Shion’s puppy eyes were at least as effective as Fluffball’s. Inukashi clacked eir tongue.
“Fine, whatever. Autism is a thing that makes your brain work differently from other people, and it makes it more difficult for you to communicate with others, among other things.” Ey shrugged. “Basically, I have trouble reading people’s body language, or understanding what they mean. Dogs are way easier to read.”
“So it’s a mental disorder?”
“Yup,” ey said, popping the ‘p’.
Now Fluffball was full-on nudging Shion, but he somehow still managed to remain oblivious, hands clapped together and rocking slightly back and forth. “That explains why I didn’t learn about it, then; No. 6 wants us to believe all disorders and disabilities have been erased from the city, although that would obviously be completely impossible, but regardless, they avoid talking about them whenever possible. I imagine those with a history or neurology specialization might’ve learned about it, although I have no doubt the information would be extremely biased -”
“Aaand I don’t care,” Inukashi cut him off. “Get on with the washing, nerd. Fluffball is about to start crying.”
Shion startled, immediately returning to rubbing soap, to a happy tail wag of Fluffball. “Fluffy I’m so sorry! I tend to get caught up in these things...”
He sure did. If it was about biology, Shion could ramble on for hours uninterrupted, a glint in his eyes and swinging on his toes, like -
Oh. Kinda like ey did, back when ey were younger and less aware of the fact that such blatant displays of emotions could get you scammed or, if you were particularly unlucky, killed.
Something to keep an eye on. Knowledge was power, after all.
The next time Shion brought it up was on cleaning day. Once a month, Inukashi did a deep clean of the main hall and the more expensive hotel rooms; of course, it wasn’t that people here cared much about cleanliness, but ey liked to make sure none of eir guests left with more infections than they came with, at least. And so, deep cleaning.
Inukashi had offered Shion a job helping em, because honestly, ey could use the help. The dogs were enthusiastic, but there was only so much they could do without opposable thumbs.
They were scrubbing the stairs when Shion asked: “Does the smell of cleaning supplies bother you?”
Inukashi blinked. “What’s it to you?”
Shion looked up at em, and oh no, those eyes were sparkling, he was about to go on a tangent. “I’ve been reading up on autism since you last mentioned it, and it’s quite fascinating, really! Most of the literature I’ve been able to find pertains to the more technical side of the disorder, talking about how exactly it affects the brain, but I’ve been able to get a hold of some personal accounts as well, and one of them mentioned having trouble with the smell of cleaning supplies. And I mean, I get that, I already have a lot of trouble with that and I’m not even autistic, so I was wondering what that was like for you.”
Good god, that boy really was a nerd, huh.
Well, regardless. This was a good opportunity to snoop.
Inukashi dropped eir rag back into the water. “I don’t have much of an issue with it, though honestly, that might just be because the soap here sucks balls.” After a short pause, ey offered. “But I do have a lot of issues with sounds. Everything here’s so goddamn loud all the time, it kills me.”
Shion’s leg began to bounce as he seemed to forget all about the cleaning he was supposed to do, and his fingers drummed against his leg. Hadn’t they done that last time, as well? “I suppose it’s really busy here, yeah, though honestly I like it better than the weird quiet in No. 6. And yeah, the soap here sucks. It doesn’t have much smell here, which is nice, because in No. 6...” he shuddered. “Well, sanitation used to be part of my job, and the smell got so strong that I needed to run outside more than once a day, just to escape from it. West Block’s much easier to deal with. Sure, it objectively smells worse, but it’s also less...” he paused. “Sharp? Less sharp is the only way I can describe it. It hurts less.”
Shion, the genius who said “I’m not autistic” and “the smell of bleach hurts so much I need to physically run away from it” in the same sentence. What an idiot.
“Well, if you have trouble with it again, try to focus on other sensations. Like, focus on how your shirt feels against your body. Or get a bunch of dogs to distract you and attack people who are making you feel bad. That works too.”
Wait. Why had ey said that? Shion hadn’t even asked for advice, and ey’d just given it to him, free of charge. What the hell.
Shion snorted. “I’ll try and see if I can train Nezumi’s rats to attack people, thanks.”
And before ey could stop emself, ey imagined one of the Cleaners getting taken out by a small rat, and ey laughed.
Shion was autistic. Like, really obviously autistic. Inukashi had no idea how the kid hadn’t picked up on it himself.
There were a thousand little clues strewn across him, from his drumming fingers and bouncing legs to the way he infodumped about anything at the slightest provocation, his savant-like intelligence and his simultaneous obliviousness to people, his staunch idealism and his gullible nature. Shion was autistic from top to toe and it didn’t even take a month of observation to figure it out.
Worse, though, was that Inukashi couldn’t seem to help emself from mentoring him.
Ey shared some of eir more subtle stims with him in the hopes that he would stop being such an open book (he didn’t, obviously, he was a hopeless case), ey tried to teach him some of eir cheats for interacting with people (Shion was very surprised to learn that ey never looked anyone in the eye, instead staring at their nose, but it turned out that he didn’t have much issue with that, so that was a bust), ey even tried to explain a bit more about autism of eir own volition (Shion hang to eir every word and then applied absolutely none of the information to himself). Ey didn’t know why ey bothered. There was just something about that kid that made em want to protect him.
Not that ey’d ever admit it, not even - alright, yeah, ey’d admit it under pain of death, but ey’d do just about anything under pain of death. Either way, ey finally felt like ey understood how Shion had managed to get under noted asshole Nezumi’s skin. Shion was just like that.
The turning point came on a sunny afternoon. It wasn’t anything special, they hadn’t even planned to meet; they’d simply run into each other at the market, and decided to walk home with each other.
Something was up with Shion.
He was shaking out his hands at his side and hadn’t stopped even after Inukashi had pointed it out (it attracted attention, and attention was never a good thing). His eyes flitted side to side, like a hunted rabbit, and if Inukashi didn’t know better, ey’d think he was being followed by someone. However, there was no reason for anyone to want revenge on Shion, so it must be something else. If there was no actual danger, why did he look so scared?
“Hey Shion, what’s wrong?”
Shion barely looked down, and when he opened his mouth, only a vague grunting nose came out. He tried again. “...Much...not,” was all he could say, and he clawed at his face, seemingly frustrated about something.
Oh. He was having a meltdown.
A few whistles and Inukashi’s dogs were on the move, carving out a path among the people to get em and Shion out of the crowd as fast as possible. Shion didn’t even seem to notice that something was off, but followed em, probably too dazed to do anything else. Within minutes, they were far away from the market, between abandoned houses where fewer people lived. It was quieter here, a little darker, a little cooler, and it was where Inukashi went whenever ey couldn’t keep it together anymore. Hopefully it’d help Shion too.
Not a moment too soon. Shion started clawing at his face with a ferver ey’d never seen before, and Inukashi quickly threw eir mantle over his head to prevent him from hurting himself. “Sit,” ey ordered. “Put your head between your knees.” Simple words, swift orders to provide structure. Things that had always helped em, although eir dogs didn’t talk; they just did. But dog hair was different from human skin, and Inukashi had never liked to be touched by humans when ey were like this, so ey didn’t touch Shion, and hoped he would just follow verbal orders.
He did, dropping against a wall and pressing his head between his knees, fisting Inukashi’s mantle so tight his knuckles paled, holding onto it like it was his only lifeline. He didn’t scream. That was kind of odd; Inukashi screamed a lot when ey were like this. Just a difference between them, ey supposed.
They sat there for a while, Shion rocking in a frantic, but eerily quiet manner, and Inukashi leaning to the wall next to him, keeping an eye out for any assholes who might take advantage of Shion’s weakened state.
Ey didn’t know how long it took Shion to calm down, but he did, eventually, sliding off eir mantle.
“...You,” he started, then shook his head, biting his hand in frustration.
“If you can’t talk, don’t,” Inukashi said. “And don’t hurt yourself. Bite on your sleeve if you need to.”
Shion switched to his sleeve, biting on it hard, and after a few seconds, nodded.
“I’m taking you home for now, we can talk about this tomorrow. Take a nap or something.”
Shion nodded again, too tired to protest.
It took them longer than it should to get to Nezumi and Shion’s little shelter, Shion sometimes stopping in the middle of the path just to stare in the distance. But, finally, they did make it, and thankfully, Nezumi was still home.
“What -” he started, but Inukashi pushed past him.
“Lie on the damn bed, idiot, and go take a nap,” ey ordered Shion, and he did so without questioning, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?” Nezumi asked, arms crossed.
“Your boyfriend had a meltdown,” Inukashi said shortly. “If you dare bully him about it I’ll sic my dogs on you, got that?”
“Dully noted,” Nezumi said dryly, still leaning against the wall as if he couldn’t care less about anything in the world, but his eyes betrayed him as they flickered over to Shion.
“You can make him something warm when he wakes up,” Inukashi answered his unasked question. “And keep a notebook nearby. He seemed to have trouble talking.”
“Whatever,” he replied, making a truly pathetic effort to disguise his worry. “Get out of my house, dog.”
“With pleasure, asshole.”
Shion would be fine. Nezumi was an absolute softy when it came to that boy, and by now, Inukashi could hardly even blame him without being a big fat hypocrite.
“So,” Shion started. It had been three days since his meltdown, and Inukashi had decided to let him come to em instead of badgering him emself. It had taken longer than expected for him to confront em. But now, here he was, looking like himself again. “I have a feeling I might be autistic.”
Inukashi looked at him, and promptly burst out into laughter.
“It’s not funny!” Shion protested. “I’m not joking!”
“It’s not -” Inukashi gasped. “Obviously you’re not joking. It’s just that it was blatantly obvious, and it’s hilarious it took you this long to figure it out.”
Shion blinked. “It was obvious?”
“Oh yeah, believe me, you might as well have ‘autism’ written across your forehead. And even that would’ve probably been more subtle.”
Shion squinted. “If you knew, why didn’t you tell me?”
Inukashi shrugged. “Didn’t feel like it. I’m kind of an asshole, remember?”
Shion looked at em for a solid ten seconds, before a grin slowly spread across his face.
“You know,” he said nonchalantly, “I just realized you’ve been helping me quite a bit. Giving me tips, helping me deal with that meltdown, stuff like that.”
“I have not!” Inukashi protested, but Shion ignored em.
“So what I think,” Shion continued, “is that you didn’t know how to tell me, so you just let me figure it out myself. While also helping me in the meantime.”
“You’re reading into things that aren’t there,” Inukashi muttered, tapping eir feet rapidly. Shion laughed.
“Sure,” he giggled. “You’re a heartless information broker who cares only for emself, got it.”
“And don’t you forget it,” ey confirmed. Then paused for a second. “Also, the gal who sells meat, the one with the red hair, knows sign language. Just in case that’s something you’d wanna know.”
Shion nodded. “Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that I have trouble communicating verbally at times.”
“Absolutely not,” Inukashi confirmed. “It’s just something I thought was interesting.”
“Well, thank you anyway,” Shion said, smile softened from a smirk to something friendlier, something you rarely saw here in the West Block.
That boy would be the death of em, one day. Still, it was kind of nice to have another autistic here.
Maybe Shion was onto something with that whole ‘helping people’ thing.
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auti-things · 4 years
Hi, sorry if I’m interrupting your holidays. What would be your top tips for someone (still in high school) who has recently found out they’re autistic? How does stimming work? If I’ve repressed stimming how do I relearn it? And coping with meltdowns/shutdowns. What’s the difference? What happens if I have one at school? I’m kind of scared because of how autism is portrayed in the media and I don’t know where to start.
It's great that you're reaching out! I understand your concern, especially given how it's portrayed in the media. Where I had to come to was: I am still the exact same person I was before I found out I was autistic. My diagnosis does not change who I am, it just helps me understand why I'm having difficulties in some aspects of my life and it provides some tools that will help me function better in those areas.
Learning about autism takes some time. Because every autistic individual is different, it can be hard to make perfectly accurate blanket statements. What I struggle with, you may excel at. And vice versa. But reading blogs by actually autistic people does help a lot. And reading testimonies by people who were diagnosed later in life and how they relearned their suppressed stims and how they deal with meltdowns and shutdowns is also helpful. However, while it's not always inaccurate, it's not usually a good idea to read stuff written by non-autistic (allistic) people. They don't usually fully understand why autistic people behave the way they do.
As far as relearning stimming. I would suggest to start researching what stimming actually is. Stimming is short for self stimulating behaviors. Everybody stims. But for some people (to name a few: autistic and adhd people and people with anxiety disorders) it serves a different purpose. I personally believe anything can be a stim. If it involves one of your senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing, proprioception, and vestibular) and it feels good and you do it repetitively, then it's a stim. I'll share some of the common stims for each sense:
Visual: staring at pretty lights, staring at spinning things, repetitive blinking, shaking/wiggling something (often fingers) in front of the eyes, watching things upside down, or anything that involves vision/looking at something.
Auditory: listening to something repetitively, making vocal sounds, tapping your ears, snapping your fingers, or anything that involves listening to something.
Tactile/touch: rubbing certain materials/textures, rubbing the skin with hands or other objects/materials, finger-tapping surfaces/objects, finger wiggling, touching warm or cold things, or anything that engages the sense of touch.
Taste/gustation: eating certain foods repetitively, chewing on things, biting things, licking things, or anything that involves the mouth/taste.
Smell: smelling certain scents repetitively (can be objects, people, perfumes, soaps, or any number of things), or anything that involves smells.
Vocal/verbal: (while not exactly a sense, it's hard to categorize these in a different way) repeating words/phrases (either for the sound/feeling of repeating it or as a method of communication) this is called echolalia and it has 2 forms(immediate and delayed), singing, humming, or anything that involves the vocal chords.
Proprioception: pressure/weight on the body, pacing, jumping, popping joints, running, tiptoeing, standing on one leg, hand flapping, leg shaking/bouncing, or anything that activates the sense of proprioception.
Vestibular sense: swinging, rocking, spinning, jumping, shaking your head back and forth, rolling, lying with your head hanging off the bed/couch/whatever, or anything that involves your vestibular sense.
This is just a very basic idea of some common stims for each sense. To relearn stimming, you just have to try things out. It may feel awkward at first, but letting yourself stim is beneficial. If you can, try getting some stim/fidget toys you think look interesting, and some chewelry to try chewing on. Try jumping around and flapping your hands and wiggling your fingers and rocking back and forth. Just try it all and see what feels nice. If it feels nice, keep doing it. However, do your best to avoid stims that could hurt you or others around you.
Coping with meltdowns and shutdowns and what's the difference. I'm honestly not good at explaining this, but a meltdown is more of an outward reaction why a shutdown is more of an inward reaction. They're both responses to external stimuli, but in a meltdown those reactions are expressed outwardly, while in a shutdown those reactions are internalized. As far as how they look different... a meltdown seems more "explosive" while a shutdown seems more... calm, i guess? Sorry. I'm not great at explanations.
Meltdowns are different for everyone, but often the person is doing things like shouting, pacing, hitting themselves, running away, and/or crying. Shutdowns are also different for everyone, but often the person lies down, stops responding, goes limp, can't speak, and/or gets really sleepy. Again, these look different for everyone. And the factors that lead into a meltdown or shutdown look different for everyone.
What happens if you have a meltdown or shutdown largely depends on the people around you and how much information they have about how to help you in those moments. If you have previously communicated with someone saying things like "when I have a meltdown it looks like this... and you can help me by doing this..." then that person will be more able to help you. But disclosing that information is up to you.
Since it can be hard/impossible to communicate once a meltdown or shutdown has begun, another option is to carry around cards that say "i'm having a meltdown. Here's what I need/how to help me" or the same for a shutdown. That way if you have a meltdown or shutdown around people who don't already know how to help you, you can hand them the card with the information.
I understand it's a scary diagnosis to be given. The media portrayal of autism is often inaccurate and incites fear and stigma around autistic people. But a diagnosis is a tool you can choose to use in order to help yourself feel better/function better. Keep reaching out and asking your questions. Keep reading abour the terms and what they mean. Keep reading about different people's experiences. And ask your questions to lots of different people so you can get their experiences too. The autism community is a great community to be a part of. Best of luck!
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