emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Call me by your name [Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Reader]
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Pairing: FredWeasley x Malfoy!Reader
Timeline: OOTP, reader and twins are in their 7th year.
Summary: Malfoy!Reader had been successfully hiding her secret relationship with Fred Weasley for years. What happens when Fred no longer wants to hide? Cue angsty breakup and makeup fic!
Warnings: Mentions of deatheaters, Umbitch, negative commentary of status and wealth. House divide, negative talk of Slytherins. Abusive parents. Sorry Narcissa, I actually like you. Mentions of arranged marriages, swearing, public declarations of love. DA and inquisitorial squad mentions.
Word count: 3.4k
This came from a wonderful request from my dear @kellyxo1, as always thank you so much for your wonderful request, hope this is okay!🖤
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The air in the stuffy old Manor House was unbearably cold and stale, much like the family that resided there. The home of the Malfoy family, much like their surname, was figure of stature and tradition, a paragon of social status that oozed wealth and importance on account of their pure-blood status. Each member of the family had been selected by the sorting hat upon their arrival at Hogwarts to enter into the house of Slytherin, a fact the family was most proud of, another ode to their pure-blood roots and continued beliefs. Every malfoy had followed in the footsteps of the previous generation, marrying into other pure-blood families as to keep the bloodline strong, fraternising with equally powerful families that held the same beliefs, each out to gain and maintain status in the wizarding community.
"He's younger than me!" You shriek, you left arms lifting into the air as you look upon the stiff and unemotional faces of your parents who stand by the edge of your bed, delivering the news.
"Blaise is a fine boy and he shall make a fine husband," your father says, as if he truly believed the words that he was speaking. "He's from a long line of Slytherin's, a good student and a promising young wizard."
"He's a complete twat," you argued, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, completely exasperated by the conversation you were forced to endure with your parents.
"It's only two years difference," your mother says, trying to remain at least diplomatic as your father gave you a thunderous look for your selection of language.
"He's a friend of Draco's! It's archaic and barbaric." You added, trying to express your disgust at the very thought but it was immediately apparent that your parents did not share in your distaste, nor understand it.
"Young lady!" Your father hissed in displeasure, the veins on his head looking fit to burst.
"I just don't understand why I have to marry someone with status," you say, in a calm and somewhat emotionless voice, realising that your emotive reaction was doing no favours here. "I don't understand why I have to be married at all, much less to somewhat that wasn't my choice."
"We want the best for you," your mother adds, her hands clasped in front of her as her gaze flicks between you and your father. It's a blatant lie, a way of manipulating you into following their path but it wouldn't work, not this time.
"Then let me make my own choices," you retort, not meeting their eyes.
"So you can run back to that blood traitor?" Your father all but screams, his temper exploding as he throws his cane, narrowly missing the house elf that was tending to the paintings in the hallway just outside of your door. He storms off in a flurry of black robes, almost growling under his breath as you hear his heavy footsteps marching angrily away.
The mention of Fred makes your stomach roil dangerously, filling you with hatred for your family, for the life you'd been born into. You don’t know how they came to know about your situation, but you detested their use of it against you. The anger dissipates slightly as you watch your mother perch on the side of your bed, hands still folded in her lap as she looks at you with a conflicted expression.
"We just want what's best," your mother repeats but you interject, frustrated by her attempt to keep pushing the matter you were so obviously not open to discussing.
"You had your chance! You chose to marry for money and status," you replied, a harsh tone to your voice that you'd seldom used at your mother.
"I didn't have a choice!" She says, her voice coming out like a hiss as her resolve drops so that you finally see her fraying nerves.
You pause, taking a moment to really see your mother as a young woman that was in your position so many years ago.
"If it's so bad why would you want that for your own daughter?" You ask, trying to appeal to her though your emotional delivery, trying to reach out for that young woman who must have felt exactly how you did right now.
She refuses to meet your eyes, nor answers your question. You realise very quickly that you're getting nowhere and never would. All emotions exit you as you look upon your mother feeling no love or affection, nor receiving any in return.
As you looked upon the vision of your mother and thought of your fathers reaction, you felt an empty void of emotion where love should be. The chasm of happy memories was empty, at least when it came to your family.
Right then you thought of Molly and Arthur, of the whole family and the strong, foundational outpouring of love in which the family was built around. Two people that loved one another deeply, building a life and a family, creating a warm and loving home for their children to thrive in.
They'd be celebrating Christmas right now, with gorgeous homemade food and handmade presents, surrounded by love and laughter and maybe the occasional cross word.
Poor in wealth but rich with love; and you would always chose that over this.
"I refuse to marry Blaise Zabini or any other pure blood suitor you deem acceptable," you say matter of factly, your voice completely void of emotion as you made your point clear. "I'll make my own choices in life. You may not have been strong enough to resist the pressure but I am, I refuse to be forced into a loveless marriage and live out a miserable existence like you."
"You're no daughter of ours," your mother sneers. "No. I'm not."
Later that night, you lay in your dark and dreary bedroom, looking around at the bare, lifeless walls that held no sentiment nor icon of your personality, your life. You thought of Fred and George's bedroom and how cluttered it must be, with all their quidditch memorabilia and Weasley products lying around. They'd have bedspreads that had been knitted for them, fresh sheets that smelt like their home and little trinkets around the room that had been collected throughout their lives. You had none of that, even down to the colourless and scentless sheets on your bed. You thought of Fred often, the boy you loved more than anything in the world. The boy that had seen past your surname and your Slytherin placement and still loved you regardless. He hadn't been prejudiced or hateful, nor had he used you to gain status in the Wizarding community. He simply loved you because he loved you.
Memories flashed behind your eyes of happier times, your relationship strengthening over the years until you were completely infatuated with each other, planning your futures in hushed whispers and promising secrets. You could be yourself around Fred, completely unashamed of the things you'd believed for so long to be personal failures and character faults.
You'd been together since your fifth year, unable to deny the attraction any longer. You'd started sneaking around, stolen kisses in the secret passageways, sneaking out after hours, notes slipped into pockets, fingers grazing as you walked past eachother pretending the other didn't exist. You secretly cheered for each and every hit he'd administer on the quidditch pitch, every dive and skilful deflection of the bludger. Though you couldn't cheer or support him outright, you always kept a little something on you in Gryffindor red that you both knew meant that you were there for him.
After a while, you told your small group of friends and Fred told his, including his siblings. There were tensions at first, of course there was, but after seeing how good for each other you were, of how happy you were together, the grievances quickly quietened.
His friends became yours too, a real and honest group of friends that too could rely on, share with and care for in return.
You didn't have to hide anymore, at least not with them. But Slytherins much like their name were mostly all vicious snakes, with sharp tongues and deceitful tendencies. You couldn't let them know, couldn't allow them to spoil the singular good thing you had in your life and so for the most part, your relationship remained hidden to the wider school.
It was exciting at first, rebelling against the restrictive and domineering upbringing you were forced into. You weren't like your parents or Draco, or any members of your family really. You were certainly no deatheater and didn't hold the same disgusting values that they did. Blood trainers, mud bloods, muggleborns or muggles, everyone should have the right to be treated the same, to live their life without fear or prejudice.
Fred knew, he knew you weren't one of them, that you were better, different than your name but also that you couldn't step out of line for fear of the repercussions you'd face. Or at least, you thought he understood.
Your seventh year at Hogwarts, your last. The last hurdle to get through before you could truly be your own person and break away from the chains of being a Malfoy. You had a plan, carefully and slowly formulated for years for the eventual day you'd be your own person and free to make your own choices, leaving your family behind. Your world would gain colour and warmth instead of the cold and monochrome world you felt you loved in. Only, it wouldn't happen now, at least not as you always planned it.
Things had been going so well, you were on track to ace your NEWTS, your relationship with Fred was almost blissful and with everything happening behind the scenes, it kept your parents busy and mostly out of your way. But then it all started to crack when Fred became Fred up of sneaking around, becoming paranoid and suspicious of your true intentions. You'd tried your hardest to squash these intrusive thoughts, to calm his nerves and to show him just exactly how much you wanted him but for so many reasons you couldn't be open about it. He'd face repercussions too, not just you. But he didn't see it that way, said he didn't care, that he just wanted to be able to be in love without having to hide it.
The last nail in the proverbial coffin came when Umbridge turned up and tried imposing her disgusting views upon the students, altering the curriculum and moving in favour of the deatheaters under the guise of ministry control. You'd joined Dumbledore's Army without a scone thought, knowing it was the right thing to do. The only Slytherin who was invited to join, their trust in you appreciated. But then Umbridge had formed the inquisitorial squad and you'd never felt a more painful divide in your life. Your younger brother had proudly joined, sadistically enjoying the power he was bestowed with. The danger of being discovered , found to be a traitor and the consequences of that were almost enough to make you quit the DA, but you persevered with increasingly fraying nerves.
You were stressed, tormented by the divide in your life and the conflicting expectations of you with no outlet to express your frustrations.
So you did what you had to do and fought harder to keep your relationship a secret, to keep the one good thing in your life away from the dementor-like happiness stealing of your family. The Christmas holidays were coming up and your anxiety was peaking at having to spend an extended amount of time away from your boyfriend and friends and have to go back to that dreary manor with your even drearier family. Fred could tell that something was up with you, that you were unhappy, tense and quiet but he never stopped to read between the lines, to see the big picture. Instead, his insecurities began to plague him again until one day you both snapped.
"I just don't understand why we still have to hide!" He says with a frustrated growl, pinching the area between the bridge of his nose and his eyebrows.
"Because I can't be without you!" You say back, voice raising to a dangerous level as you become irritated at having the same conversation over and over again. "If my family find out that's it, they'll force me to stop dating you, lock me away. I'll never be able to leave then."
"So what, I'm just a part of your plan? A stepping stone for you to break away and then as soon as you're free you can throw me away? Thanks for that mate, sorry to using you and all," he mocks, only furthering your anger that you're painfully trying to repress.
"Using you? You think that's what this is? You think you're just a pawn for me, even after two years of loving you?"
"You tell me," he says, eyes dark.
"Unbelievable," you say under your breath, closing your eyes as you take a seat on one of the wooden crates down in the passageway between the staircases and Honeydukes, your regular spot.
"Or are you embarrassed by me, is that it? The poor, scruffy Weasley boy that fell for the rich, beautiful Malfoy. The prophet would have a field day, wonder if they'll make us into a film," he rants, a vicious side appearing in his tone. "The deatheater and the peasant."
"How dare you!" You say, standing up in a fit of rage, squaring up to him like you'd never done before; the insult he'd so readily dished out feeling like a blast to the heart. "I'm no more a death eater than you are you prick! You think I'm embarrassed of you? I think you're ashamed of me, ashamed that you fell for the bad seed, the villain. I think you can't stand that I'm a Malfoy and you know it. My surname bothers you much more than your's bothers me."
"Yeah maybe it does."
Silence. His words are met with sheer silence, except for the pounding of your breaking heart. I'm your worst nightmares you'd never expected those words to fall from his lips, for him to admit the thing you'd been fearing the most since your crush of him started to bloom. You were tainted goods, a person that tried her hardest to be good that would always be haunted and spoiled by her name.
"No, no sweetheart I didn't mean, I don't think that," he began backtracking, realising that he'd gone way too far this time. "It makes me crazy that I can't shout from the bloody roof that you're mine no matter how much I want to. I don't care that you're a... Malfoy," he says, reaching out for you to hold you close, knowing that he was hanging by a thread here.
You're quiet for a moment as you take in his words, unsure of how to proceed.
"Maybe you're right, about it all," you paused. "But if you wanted me to believe all that, you should have said my surname with less disgust."
You turned around walked away, ignoring his calls, barely holding yourself together until you made it back to your dormitory and finally allowing yourself to sob. You should have known you could never be happy, it was ridiculous to think that anyone could ever get past the fact that you were born to be bad.
The week that followed before the holiday was sheer torture. You gathered sympathetic looks front your friends, or rather Fred's friends but were unable to get any actual comfort as you couldn't fraternise with the social enemy.
Fred however, hadn't spared you a single glance since that evening in the tunnel, the fight that had ended your relationship, or so it seemed. He went back to pretending you didn't exist, believing your harsh words all to easily. He'd said things on his side too but you thought, stupidly, that you'd be able to explain that you were simply retaliating. Apparently he wouldn't give you a chance to explain.
"Maybe you're right, about it all."
Those words haunted you, cut you deeper than any splinching ever could. If only you'd pushed down your anger, never said those words, he'd still be yours. But now he wasn't.
Christmas break was miserable, even more so than usual as you sat alone in your bedroom, physically and mentally distanced from any sense of company.
You though of Fred often, wondering what he was up to, wondering if he was happy. You hoped his dad was okay after hearing through the grapevine about his attack. You hoped that even if it was just a little, that he was missing you.
When you got back to school, you were just as miserable and separated from your peers as you were at home. The friendship group you'd built up of good people still have you distanced smiles and sympathetic glances but you felt the distance more than ever. It lasted for a few days before you'd had enough, completely depleted and in need of something good back, you needed Fred. You tried to think of ways to get him alone, to explain but you couldn't think of anything. You sat in the Great Hall, completely separated from your Gryffindor friends and sat between two of the most bearable Slytherins you could find, trying to ignore the boasting and mockery your brother was bestowing a little further up the table.
It makes me crazy that I can't shout from the bloody roof that you're mine no matter how much I want to.
You looked around you, considering your options. It wasn't a rooftop per se, but it would do.
You climbed up on the table, unfazed by the cries of outrage of the people around you as you ascended, trying to be mindful of the plates and glasses on the table. Draco shouts at you to get down, what are you doing, but much like always, you ignore him. The commotion began pulling people's attention towards you but you knew you had to make it quick because the faculty and teachers were starting to notice.
"I have something to say," you said, projecting your voice until you were certain you’d be heard across the hall. “I’ve been hiding something, for so long, something that never should have been hidden in the first place. I was scared and stupid. I’m a Malfoy, a Slytherin… but I’m completely and hopelessly in love with a Gryffindor.” You look up to where Fred is watching you with wide eyes, the first hint of a smirk tugging at his lips. Your eyes quickly flick over to George who is beaming at you, enjoying the demented display you were putting on, encouraging you to continue before you lost your nerve.
“Fred Weasley I’ve loved you since that bloody third year Quidditch match when George hit that bludger at Snape and you winked at me for laughing. You told me that we didn’t have to hide, that you’d shout from the rooftops, well this is the best I could do considering.”
Fred makes his way to you quickly, sensing that the teachers were on their way to inevitably punish you.
“You’re bloody insane woman,” he says with a laugh, unfazed by the entire hall watching you as he holds out his hand for you to come down. You smile at him, so happy to see him smile at you again, to hear his voice.
“Y/n Malfoy! Get down, get down! Detention!”
Instead of helping you down, Fred suddenly seizes your hand and uses you to pull himself up until he was also stood on top of the Slytherin table, cackling at the groans of the other slytherins around you.
“Mr Weasley, detention!”
“More time to spend with you,” he shrugs, smiling as he bends down to kiss you wildly in the middle of the hall as cheers erupt around you, making you both laugh into the kiss.
“It really doesn’t bother you that I’m a Malfoy?” You ask, suddenly bothered by what he’d said before as you pull away slightly. His hand holds your cheek as he smirks, shrugging his shoulders.
“Not gonna be a Malfoy for much longer, I plan on making you a Weasley as soon as possible.”
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pizzapottah · 4 months
young love
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summary: the youngest malfoy meets the famous harry potter, not knowing that he'll be a big, big part of her life one day.
pairing: harry j. potter x malfoy!reader (no use of y/n)
word count: 4.2k
warnings: some depiction of health problems, mention of premature birth, mention of being underweight, overbearing parents (?) let me know if i missed anything!
author's note: hii! this is the first ever fanfic i post on this site, so, please be kind. english is not my first language (tell me if i missed any mistakes!) so constructive criticism is accepted and greatly appreciated! i thought of this as the first part of a series that i have in mind, so, enjoy <3
ps: yes, i changed draco's birthday for the plot. no regrets.
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when you met harry potter for the first time, it obviously was on platform 9¾.
you had always been quite a weak child. born on the 1st of august 1980 after a gruesome labor and almost a month before the due date, always the smallest amongst your friends and family, often used to miss occasions and such because of your poor health. constantly coddled by your parents - more likely, your mother - who for your whole childhood dreaded the day they would have had to send you to hogwarts. 
when the day came, they both had already made peace with it. as a witch and as a malfoy, you had to go to hogwarts - or else, what might other people think? said lucius, when narcissa tried convincing him of hiring a tutor at the manor to teach at home for at least the first years. 
against all the odds, you were happy about going to hogwarts. it would have meant not having the prying gazes of your parents on you all the time, being free from all the house-elves constantly watching to ensure you didn’t faint or hurt yourself while trying to do things other children did without a struggle - and, last but not least, hopefully not being a victim of your brothers protectiveness anymore. 
draco malfoy - your older brother, born not even a year before you on the 5th of september - was a precocious child, but not the kind you were. while you were born early and always ended up being the last, he seemed to be ages ahead of you and all of his peers. he had a malice that you hadn’t quite matured yet - obviously inherited by your dear father - and was able to have a pretty mean way with words. sometimes, you feared that one day, all the sly remarks and insults that he reserved for the people that he despised would be directed to you. more often than not, he was straight up cruel rather than mean. 
but still, he was your brother, and you loved him. hogwarts probably would become the place where he could finally forget about his poor, sick sister that always slowed him down. 
so, when not even ten minutes after your parents left your kitten disappeared, you wanted to bury yourself from embarrassment. nibbles had never been the easiest cat, hating the carrier almost as much as she hated everyone but you, and it was certainly not the first time she managed to escape her cage. 
you wanted to sit down and cry. you hadn't even arrived at hogwarts yet and everything was already going downhill. you were running up and down the platform, searching for your cat, probably looking crazy while you screamed her name. draco was surely already on the train, and you didn’t want to bother him as he was probably with all his friends. 
as you ran, you slammed against a boy whom you didn’t even see - he just came out from nowhere, you swore, but still… 
‘i am so, so sorry…’ the boy was on the ground, just like you, but had a slower reaction and you managed to get up first. seeing a pair of glasses - now broken glasses - on the floor, you immediately gave them back to him, babbling a string of apologies while helping him to get back up. you kept a hold on his hand while rambling, ‘i am really sorry for your glasses, i didn’t mean to break them, i shouldn’t have been running around-’ the screech of the hogwarts express made you yelp, making you enter an even worse panic - where the hell are you, nibbles? - “i am so sorry, but have you seen my cat? her name is nibbles, she’s about this big, with grey and white fur - she’s a birman, her snout is all brown - she probably hisses at anyone who tries to approach - please, please, tell me that you’ve seen her!’
the boy was all skin and bones, wearing clothes that were clearly too big for him, with untamed locks of black hair on his head - he probably hadn’t brushed them since forever - and two big green eyes that just stared back at you. he looked at you speechless, like he never fell on the ground in his whole life and he was happy that you knocked him out. you still held his hand, waiting for an answer. ‘...so?’
‘excuse me, dear,’ a kind voice echoed. ‘is this the cat you’re searching for?’
removing your attention from the boy, you looked at the woman who spoke - a red-haired, chubby and oh-so-kindly looking woman - who was pointing to a red-haired man. he held nibbles at arm’s length, with his face covered in scratches, while behind him three boys that were clearly their sons were laughing, holding back their tears when the birman tried to scratch him again and then hissed. 
‘nibbles!’ you screeched, immediately running up to the man to grab your cat, apologizing profusely, not even knowing what to say. ‘i am so, so, so sor-’
the woman and her husband waved you off with a gentle smile. ‘don’t worry, dear, you better go now, or you won’t find a place to sit! first year, am i right? still not enough friends to keep a cabin occupied.’ 
you just nodded, thanking them again, and ran to the hogwarts express. thankfully, all your belongings had already been placed there by the house-elves that accompanied you and your family to the platform, and you could count on daphne and theodore to save you a seat. when you finally managed to sit down, you were out of breath and probably your hair looked like a mess, but at least nibbles didn’t become a stray. when they looked at you, your friends bursted out laughing, only stopping when nibbles launched at theo and tried to bite off his nose. 
the rest of the day was pretty normal - well, as normal as the first day at a school like hoghwarts can be - but when you met that skinny boy - the one with green eyes and too-big clothes - you didn’t realize that you missed a big (vital, almost) detail about him. 
the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. 
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harry potter was sure he was dreaming. 
while he watched you run away with your cat in your arms to get on the train, his mouth fell open. he was certain he had never seen a girl as pretty as you, and he was also sure that yours was probably the first sincere apology he had ever heard since… well, since he could remember. it had nothing to do with dudley’s mockery sorrys, and it surely wasn’t a forced apology like the ones he had heard when he was at school. she was really sorry. probably he should’ve been mad that you broke his glasses, but at least, he had proof that you actually existed and he wasn't hallucinating. 
‘are you alright, dear? i know that all of this probably looks unbelievable for you.’ mrs weasley placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at him with a kind of worry that he imagined only a mother could show. 
harry looked at his hand - the one you held. ‘i think it’s the first time in my whole life that a girl has held my hand and has talked to me willingly.’ near them, the twins and ron bursted out laughing again.
and that same evening, when the sorting of the houses begins and harry sees you go up to the seat when another malfoy is called and ron is sprouting poison in his ear about your family and your whole lineage, he silently hopes that you get put in gryffindor - where he’s just been sorted. 
obviously, as destiny has its strange ways, it doesn’t happen. and after a minute or two of uncertainty, the talking hat places you where draco has just been sorted to. and between the claps and the cheering of the students, you go and sit next to your brother - on the slytherin table.
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the second time you met harry potter - and the time you actually consider as the first time meeting him, despite him always arguing that in fact, it was not  - it was already january and five months had passed since your first encounter. you stood by the window of the library, watching your friends play in the snow, without you. 
when you and draco came back home for christmas, you first caught a cold, followed almost immediately by a high fever. the mediwizard said it probably was because of the weather, and your weak build just reacted badly to it. he recommended you to not get too exposed to the cold for the foreseeable future, and to always stay covered up. it was clear that your parents had taken that seriously.
so, now, no matter how much you beg professor snape, he won’t let you go out. your parents have been strict about this matter, miss malfoy, he said. and i can’t let an all-O student get sick, now, can i? who will answer my questions in class?
hermione granger, you had wanted to say, but didn’t. snape’s distaste for her, or any other gryffindor for that matter, was clear and plain. you were sick of always being kept behind a glass like some fragile object - people get sick, so what? during your time at hogwarts, your health got better. for the first time ever in your life, you felt like you were really healthy, as you finally gained some pounds and were no longer underweight. also, your skin took on a lively color, leaving behind your usually pale and sick incarnate. you were starting to suspect that malfoy manor was the problem. maybe it was cursed. 
though, draco never had any health problem. he could go out and play - but instead, as any other saturday, he probably was in his room, sleeping, or in the slytherin common room, talking with his friends about all the presents their parents got him for christmas.
and as you were commiserating yourself by the window, you didn’t notice a certain green-eyed boy looking at you. 
harry thought that he was wasting a saturday by spending it at the library, trying to understand snape’s assignments, but that was until he saw you. when he first noticed, he tried to not give it much thought. he just hoped that your brother wasn’t there with you. 
but as time went on, draco was nowhere to be seen. and you just stood there, propped up by the window, looking like the saddest person he’d ever seen. harry was conflicted - he knew you weren’t like your brother, or even like most of the slytherins. you always helped neville during potions, trying to alleviate snape’s hate against him, even when the professor said to him to stop slowing you down. you often offered to hermione to confront your assignments before turning them in, creating a strange friendship based on the purpose of getting the highest score possible together. you never took part in your brother’s bullying, and hermione described you as the sweetest person she ever met. ‘she always wants to apologize,’ she said once. ‘for her brother and his friends, i mean, but i don’t let her. it’s not her fault that her brother is such an imbecile.’ 
‘oh, yes,’ replied ron, skeptical. ‘kindness, a typical malfoy trait, am i right? hermione, she’s brainwashing you.’
they argued back and forth, until harry intervened. ‘i met her, once,’ he mumbled. ‘she’s nice.’
‘oh, you mean when she knocked you out on platform 9¾?’ snorted the weasley. ‘don’t be so stupid, harry, she was just searching for her ugly cat. she probably didn’t even care that you fell. besides, the scratches it gave to my dad’s face tormented him for days. he said that some of them even left a scar.’
harry frowned. ‘she apologized a hundred times - and you were laughing while her cat scratched your dad’s face!’
‘yeah, because i didn’t know it was malfoy’s cat and it would have left scars!’
‘right now, you’re being just like malfoy,’ seethed hermione, getting up from her seat. ‘judgy and full of prejudice. did you know what she said about you, and your family? she said that your parents were really nice to her and that she hopes to meet them again to thank them properly. she says that the twins’ pranks are hilarious, and that she wants to be prefect like percy one day. and she proposed to me many times to let you study with us, so that your grades could get better with our help. and do you know why i said no, ron?’ she glared at him, making him shiver. ‘because i knew you hated her, even if she never did anything to you.’ after that, she took her leave, leaving behind a red-faced ron and a really embarassed harry. 
remembering the conversations they had, harry looked at you, and thought that in the small time he had known her, hermione was almost always right - even if sometimes he didn’t want to admit it. and gathering all the courage that he had, he got up from his seat and approached you. 
‘hi,’ he said. you turned around to look at him, and gave him a smile. ‘oh, harry,’ you said. in the last few months, he visibly gained a few pounds too - that was a nice thing, you thought, because you knew from hermione that his aunt and uncle barely fed him, and you remembered how skinny he was at the platform. it seemed like hogwarts was treating the both of you well. ‘hi.’ you darted your eyes from him to the table where he was sitting, seeing the homework sprawled out on the surface. ‘were you doing snape’s assignments?’
harry scratched his neck nervously. ‘well, yes, but it’s not like i was really succeeding.’ 
you laughed lightly - a sound that made his cheeks red. ‘yeah, snape’s homework is not made for actually succeeding, really. you just have to pass.’
harry looked out of the window, frowning at the sight of your friends playing in the snow. ‘why don’t you go with them? it’s surely more fun than staying here alone. i’m here because i have to, i mean, but hermione told me you and her finished the assignment yesterday.’
you grimaced. ‘i was sick during the holidays, thus my parents don’t want me going out, now, and they even told snape, who makes sure that i actually stay in the castle. so, i’m stuck here. i like the library, so it doesn’t really matter.’ it actually does matter, you wanted to say, but you were sure that harry couldn’t care less about your problems. instead, he made a face. ‘what? can he actually do that?’ he wouldn't know, he doesn’t have parents that care about him - in the rare times where he fell ill, the dursleys barely even gave him any medicine, and always sent him to school, despite the weather.
‘well, i mean, yeah. he’s friends with my dad, and i know he can be really pressuring sometimes.’ you tried to smile at him. ‘do you need help with potions? i’m kinda sick of watching my friends having fun and doing nothing.’
harry didn’t want to bother you - or worse, give another reason to draco to make fun of him. ‘don’t worry, i’ll mana-’ seeing your pout made him stop and relent. after a brief pause, he said: ‘of course you can help me, if you want,’
that was how it started. in the weekends - mostly it was on saturdays - when the library was empty, you would help him with his homework (mainly potions, and you were quite proud of the fact that harry started to get higher scores, even if snape continuously suggested that he was cheating on his tests) and he would keep your mind off of your friends. you didn’t want to hold them back from having fun, so it was okay. 
until one day, harry came to the library late. it was already february, and probably the snow would have melted soon. it wasn’t really snowing anymore, and all the students spent their free time out in the gardens, trying to enjoy the last bits of winter. he was out of breath and had the biggest smile on his face. he said your name, ‘do you wanna go and build a snowman?’
you smiled sadly at him. ‘harry, you know i can’t. but if you want to, you can go. i won’t be mad at you for going without me.’
he shook his head vehemently. ‘no, no,’ he said. ‘i asked, do you wanna go and build a snowman?’
‘well, i mean, i would like to, but-’
‘no “buts”,’ he interrupted you, ‘go and change - wear your coat, put on a hat and other things like that to stay warm. today professor mcgonagall is keeping an eye on the students, so, we just have to bypass snape. let’s see each other in 30 on the second-floor girls’ bathroom.’
you raised an eyebrow at him. ‘why would you want to see me in a girls’ bathroom?’
he blushed. ‘do you trust me, or not?’
so you went and changed into something warmer, putting your ear warmer, a scarf and a pair of gloves in your bag. as you exited the girls’ dormitory and entered the slytherin's common room, you found yourself in front of professor snape, who eyed you suspiciously. 
‘miss malfoy,’ he said. ‘great afternoon, is it? i’ve seen all your friends out in the snow.’
‘oh, yes, professor,’ you squeaked. ‘i’m just going to the library, though. wouldn't want to catch a cold and make my parents worry about my health.’ 
he raised an eyebrow, not really convinced, but let you go easily. ‘don’t forget that professor mcgonagall also knows that you can’t go out in the garden, miss malfoy,’ he said at last. 
you barely even heard him, sprinting to the second floor and making sure you weren’t being followed, immediately entering the bathroom. thankfully, moaning myrtle was nowhere to be seen, but you found harry already there, with a bag of his own and looking pretty nervous. ‘you promise not to tell anyone about this?’
‘now, harry, why would i?’
he opened his bag and took out what was inside. your mouth fell open. ‘is that-?’
‘an invisibility cloak? yes, it is.’
you only ever saw one once, in your grandfathers house, behind a glass in one of his cabinets. he never let you or draco touch it, insisting that it was a "collection object" and it wasn’t made for "children who want to play". you knew they were very expensive and rare, and seeing that harry’s one looked really beautiful, you asked yourself where the hell he got it from. 
‘you ready to finally get a bit cold, malfoy?’
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professor mcgonagall was watching the students by the window, enjoying some tea and reading a book, when severus snape slammed the door of her office open, stomping inside. ‘minerva,’ he greeted, all but happy. ‘can you tell me how miss malfoy managed to sneak under our noses and get outside?’
unbothered, she looked out of the window and saw that yes, actually, you were out in the snow, covered well, making a snowman with hermione granger, harry potter, daphne greengrass and theodore nott. ‘i don’t see the problem, severus. she’s enjoying herself and is happy with her friends. it’s the first time i see her smile this wide.’
snape raised an eyebrow. ‘yes, and i suppose, it’s also the first time you see her in the snow. out. in the gardens. where her parents specifically asked to not let her go.’
then minerva suddenly remembered - merlin, she can’t go out in the cold. the five-page letter your parents sent dumbledore where they said that their daughter couldn’t be allowed out there for ‘poor health reasons’ immediately came to her mind, and she paled. 
she got up, leaving her book and tea behind, sprinting down the stairs to get to the gardens, snape close behind her. ‘miss malfoy!’ she yelled once she got there, without even having her coat on. ‘miss malfoy, come here at once!’
she saw your friends pale, and your face fall. the snowman, by then, was almost completed. the professor felt guilty instantly. how many years has it been, since i’ve seen gryffindors and slytherins get along? 
you got up from the snow and sniffled, sad. ‘thanks, guys,’ you said. ‘that was really fun.’ 
with your head low, you went to your teachers, preparing yourself for the scolding you were surely about to get. at least, they waited until you were inside the castle to start. ‘i never thought you capable of this, miss malfoy,’ started snape. ‘putting yourself in danger, going against your parents’ wishes and the mediwizard precautions - do you want to get sick? don’t you think that if you can’t go out, it’s just for your own good-’
‘now, now, severus,’ a voice interrupted. dumbledore, who was going down the stairs and heard the commotion, looked kindly at you. ‘she just wanted to have some fun. it’s been two months from her illness, am i right? she’s taking her medicines and taking care of herself. don’t get mad at her if she wants to play with her friends; she’s a child, and that’s what children do!’
he approached him and looked at you, smiling widely. ‘why don’t you go back to your friends, miss malfoy? i’m sure they’ll be delighted to hear that from now on, you won’t need to sneak in the garden anymore to play with them - you have my permission to go out during free time.’
your eyes sparkled. ‘really, professor?’ he chuckled. ‘really, missy.’
‘albus-’ professor mcgonagall tried to intercede, ‘her parents, they are gonna be furious if they find out about this-’
‘well, they don’t have to know, now, do they?’ he sent a look at snape. ‘and even if they find out, don’t worry, i’ll take full responsibility.’ 
professor snape huffed indignantly, turning in his heel and stomping away. 'unbelievable,’ he grumbled. dumbledore looked at you expectantly. ‘now, what are you waiting for, child? you can go. that beautiful snowman needs to be finished, and it looks clear to me that your friends won't complete it without you.’
you stood up straighter. ‘i, i, thank you, professor!’ you stammered, then ran away, going back to your friends, who were all discussing with each other, asking if they should go and try to help you out or just let it be. when they saw you, they all cheered loudly, asking immediately how it went and how many points the teachers took from slytherin.
‘albus,’ murmured minerva, watching you from the window. ‘don’t you think that it’s a reckless decision? you know that severus is going to tell the malfoys. and, poor her, she’s a weak child, do you remember how lucius malfoy described her illness in that letter?’
dumbledore hummed, deep in thought. ‘that child is in perfect health, minerva.’
she raised an eyebrow. ‘are you suggesting that the malfoys are lying? and for what? to ruin their daughter’s first year? you know how much the malfoys care about their children - they’d never do that to her.’
he shook his head. ‘no, i think the malfoys worry is legitimate. they don’t understand the cause of the problem, though, i fear.’ he looked at the snowman, almost completed, and then at you, who was searching for rocks to make him buttons. ‘children are fragile creatures. you never know how what you say, or what you do, will affect them. i am afraid that the malfoys have always been too overprotective of her, not wanting her to get hurt or sick - but sometimes, the more you fear and try to avoid a thing, the more it happens. children need to play with their friends - need friends -, need to play in the sun, and even fall and get hurt, once in a while. that’s what makes children children, am i right? she’s getting more healthy day by day, and i don’t think i’ve ever seen her smile like that - though i know i’m not around that much, i’m sure you can agree with me. we both know that growing in malfoy manor certainly won’t make anyone a happier child than they already are. draco surely loves that ambient - somewhere where everyone is at his beck and call, where he is revered by the servants and can feel all the wealth of his family - but what happens when one does not see all that, but just sees a too-big gloomy house?’
he quietly chuckled, looking at you and harry. ‘and - would you look at that, minerva! look at harry’s smile.’
she looked and immediately melted, knowing the look on the boys face - the flushed cheeks, the wide pupils, the biggest smile she’d ever seen (that’s not true, she remembered, that's the same smile james potter had when he looked at lily evans) while he talked to you. ‘yes, albus,’ she mumbled, deep in thought. ‘merlin. harry really is the copy of his father, isn’t he?’
dumbledore laughed. ‘ah, first love,’ he said, amused. ‘i just know he’ll remember her for his whole life, even if she ends up not liking him.’
‘a potter and a malfoy,’ mumbled mcgonagall. ‘never thought i’d ever see it in my life. is there anything more surprising than young love?’
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the divider is from @saradika-graphics! <3
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chloe-skywalker · 5 months
Detention - Draco Malfoy
Draco x sister fem!reader
Warnings: Mention of Umbridge torture
Word count: 746
Summary: Umbridge doing the torture scar’s to Y/n Malfoy, and Draco’s pissed and tells their parnets.
Authors Note: Part 2? Where their parents got Draco’s owl and come to Hogwarts concerned and pissed? (& they find out why she got detention in the first place)
Harry Potter Masterlist
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“Where have you been?” Draco asked as Y/n finally came and sat at the Slytherin in the great hall.
“Umbridge gave me detention for the entire month.” Y/n scoffed annoyed at the way things had become. School was where she felt she could relax some, since Malfoy Manner wasn’t a place of relaxation. But with all the changes school was feeling a lot like home.
“Why?” Draco furrowed his brow concerned and concerned and confused for his sister.
“She said it was because I kept my desk’s to disoganized.” Y/n shrugged not to sure why she got detention in the first place.
“Thats bull.” Draco scowled, his sister was always so clean and kept. Draco didn’t believe it for a second. Besides why would someone get detention for that?
“I agree.” Y/n nodded.
“At least its just a month.” He concluded hoping to ease her nerves that Draco was sure she was feeling. Knowing their parents were to hear of this and not be thrilled.
“Yeah.” Y/n sighed, hoping that the letter going home about this detention would get lost.
It wasn’t home she should of been worrying about as she soon learned. Once she started her series of detentions Y/n Malfoy found out who the true monster in Hogwarts was.
Detention was terribly stressful and anxiety ridden. On top of that she had gotten a letter from home that wasn’t the nicest ither. But from the words written it didn’t sound like they were told ‘why’ she was having detentions, and y/n felt like if they knew ‘why’ then they wouldn’t be nearly as mad.
But Y/n was to afraid to write back. What if it made things worse, what if Umbridge intercepted her letter?! No way, she couldn’t risk it and make her punishments worse.
But it was becoming increasingly hard to hide her hand from her brother. Their twin bond didn’t help and she could tell Draco knew something was up. Y/n was worried if she told him that he might view her as weak.
All that came crashing down around her one day in the library. Draco came storming in and headed straight towards her and sat down. Determined to get answers.
“What's wrong Draco?” Y/n asked once he sat down having watched his dramatic entrance, and noticing her antsy behavior.
“Why’s your hand wrapped?” He asked. It had been bothering him for awhile, he was already concerned about his twin 24/7. But seeing her hurt was ripping him apart on the inside.
“I got hurt.” Y/n cast her gaze downward, nervously picking at a loose thread on her skirt.
“How? Let me see.” Draco jumps immediately into protective mode, very concerned.
Y/n tried to stop him but he had already reached foreward and grabbed abhold of her hand. Pulling off the bandage wrap and exposing the carvings into her hand that would definitely scar.
“What’s this?” Draco questioned with wide eye’s looking between Y/n and her torn up hand. Seeing horrible, nasty, un-true words carved into her hand made Draco want to cry. And with looking into his sisters eye’s seeing all the emotions and tears in them broke his heart. “Y/n, where’d you get this? Who did this to you?”
Y/n knew there was no point in trying to lie to him now that he’s seen the evidence. “Umbridge, and at detention. It’s her version of it.”
“This is unethical and torture.” He growled in anger that someone dared to harm his sister.
“Trust me, I know.” Y/n pulled her hand back and wrapped it back up again, so it wouldn’t get infected but also so no one would see.
“How many times?” Draco asked even though he knows he doesn’t want to hear it’s been more than once, he knows it’s been more than 1 time.
“4. So far. But I still have the rest of the month.” She told him shakily, nervous about having to go through more of this torture.
“I’ll tell father and mother about this. She’s not going to touch you again.” Draco states pulling her into him to comfort her, noting her shakiness, which he’s very sure was going to lead to a panic attack.
That night after dinner Draco wrote a letter explaining the situation to their parents on paper, and sent it around midnight to assure no one would notice anywhere in the castle.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
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requested by anonymous
You and Harry stood close together, watched from all corners of the room as you awkwardly danced at the Yule Ball. Harry being one of the contestants of the Triwizard Tournament (which was an inaccurate title give there were four this year, maybe if you considered it the three schools instead it made sense. But nothing was really making sense at this point), made you and him the center of attention. Although it wasn’t helping that your brother, Draco, was staring daggers at Harry. And then you saw him march over. “Oh, dear. Please don’t encourage him.” You whispered to Harry.
“Potter!” Draco shouted, making you hot in the face out of embarrassment more than anger. “How dare you take my sibling to this ridiculous outing just to get back at me! You are disgraceful and my father will be hearing about this,” Draco turned to you, “and as for you, fraternizing with such scum. Mother would be heartbroken.” He said through gratef teeth.
“That’s enough, Draco.” Harry stood in between you, grabbing your hand and staring him down. “Say what you will, but y/n and I came here together because we wanted to, not for any vendettas you may have made up in your small little mind.” Draco’s face turned a bright shade of red and scrunched up in an ugly fashion. “Now, if you’ll leave us to enjoy the rest of our evening, that would be preferable.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @the-did-i-ask // @azazel-nyx // @randomfandomimagine // @scarthefangirl // @locke-writes // @sweetjedi // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @you-bloody-shank // @elenavampire21 // @pheonixfire777 //
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fa-headhoncho · 2 months
Old Men
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(Eventual) George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: Aftermentioned gits put their plan into motion.
Word Count: 2453
Reader: Female
Warnings: Admitting your wrongs :(
Author’s Note: Inconsistently back as ever :)
Series Masterlist
The group lets out a booming roar as Cedric drops his name into the goblet. You half-heartedly join in, clapping along with his friends while the blue fire eats his name. The sound of singeing seals Cedric’s fate; if his name is popped out tomorrow night, he was in the game. 
The Tournament was filled with hard tasks, doubling the intensity most likely since the volunteers were at legal age. Times were pretty messed up right now and you wouldn’t put it past whoever was behind this to make the students work for the reward. The uncertainty is what would kill you… and possibly Cedric. 
Alfred already has the blonde in a chokehold when you turn back to them. You watch as the rest give him pats on the back or words of positivity, the worry slowly dissipating when you see the smile on his face. He lets out a laugh before pushing his friend off of him and lurching off him and onto you. 
You barely have time to hug back as he starts to squeeze you, letting out another laugh. 
“Oi, Cedi, I don’t think they’ll let you participate if you’re in Azkaban for suffocating me to death,” You joke but he only tightens his hold. The pressure and his excitement rubbing off of you makes you giggle. 
He pulls back slightly and stares at you for a moment then he places a wet, sloppy kiss on your forehead and disappears back into his crowd of friends. A large blush appears on your face from his affectionate action. It wasn’t like you weren’t touchy with your friends, far from it, but the new crowd of students intimidated you. You could feel the eyes burning into your skin and you just wanted to combust. 
A tuff of red hair comes into view and you reach out for safety. Ron’s head turns as he feels a gentle touch on his elbow, his confusion dissipating when he sees you falling into step with him and Harry. 
“Oh, hi (Y/N).” He greets you with a small smile which you half return, “Pretty wild that Cedric put his name in the cup, huh?” 
You nod absent-mindedly, looking around the students standing about the room to see if you spotted the two nimrods you were searching for. “Have you seen the twins?” 
He shakes his head and you turn to Harry who does the same. You let out a sigh, dropping your hand from your hold on him and looking down at your shoes. You wanted to find the twin before they finished their potion, hoping to help them out instead of having them kill themselves prior to them even putting their name into the Goblet. There was an apology in order from you once you realized how your words had a double meaning to them. You weren’t trying to undermine them, you were just scared to lose them. 
Harry seemed to notice your face fall and the gears turning in your head, “Why are you looking for them? Is everything okay?” 
You bite your lip, debating telling the two what happened. “I kind of… yelled at them this morning for wanting to put their name in.” You shyly admit making Ron let out a light laugh. Your eyes immediately snap to him and send him a scowl. He doesn’t seem to get the hint until Harry knocks his shoulder with his. 
“Yea, I would be mad too if I were as close as you were with them.” The black-haired boy consoles, “Who would want to put their life at risk for a silly title and some galleons?” 
Sometimes you wonder how someone could be so rude to that boy. You didn’t interact with Harry a lot but when you did it was always pleasant. 
You open your mouth to respond but it dies in your throat when the room fills with cheers and hooting. All eyes turn toward the door as the twins bounce through causing an uproar. People clap as they hold up the long glass vials, showing off their finished product. 
Their cockiness makes every bit of guilt and remorse you feel fly out the window. Sure, it was kind of impressive that the two could whip up such a complicated potion within less than 24 hours but still. They were prancing around like it wasn’t going to be the thing that killed them. 
Maybe you were being a bit extreme. But, still, it was a stupid idea. They had an age restriction for a reason. 
After a brief conversation with Hermione who pointed out that the age line would just knock them out (something your brain failed to point out before your emotions took over), they make a show of linking arms like a couple at a wedding and down the liquid. 
Your breath hitches when they drop from the bench and leap over the age line, the room going silent in anticipation. When nothing happens, the crowd resumes praising the two. You can’t help yourself from smiling, a weird sense of pride replacing the worry since they outwitted Dumbledore himself.  
The boys dance around the circle, yes-ing and throwing thumbs up to everyone. They then both raise an arm and drop their papers into the Goblet. The same bolt of panic that surged through you when Cedric put his name in shoots through your spine again. You didn’t have any time to dwell on the feeling before their whole plan turns sour. 
Blue flames twist out of the goblet, swirling in the air before shooting out and blasting the red-haired nitwits. The blow sends them flying back, students circle them once they land. You’re too far away to see what they’re doing, too busy processing what just happened before chants fill the air. 
“Oh Merlin,” You finally snap out of it, rushing around the circle and rushing towards them. You wiggle through the crowd, pushing people out of the way and halting when you come to the front. The twins were rolling around on the floor, greybeards and all, wrestling each other. 
You let out an indigent sound, angry at the two for getting themselves into this situation in the first place but also at everyone who is just sitting back and watching. 
Rushing forward, you try to pull the two old men apart. You tug at whoever was on top’s robes and a hand flies back to hit you. You gasp at them, grabbing the hood and using all your strength to at least give them a hint. The twin on top rolls off beside the other and they both look up at you. 
You stare down at them, they both have long grey hair and matching fluffy beards. There was a small skip of a beat in your heart as you looked at what the two would look like when they were old. Hopefully, this won’t be the only time you would see the two like this. 
Shaking your head to knock the paranoid thoughts out, you focus back on the situation at hand. “Are you two stupid? Even Hermione told you that it wouldn’t have worked.” They just share a pained glance with one another. You snap your fingers, grabbing their attention again but all you get is their puppy dog eyes. “Why don’t you two listen to me ever?” 
They send you a sheepish smile, barely visible under their large beards. You let out a dramatic groan, “Get up, nimrods.” You signal them with one hand and turn around, not bothering to see if they are following. The sea of students part for you, the scowl on your face enough to strike fear into them to clear a path without question. 
None of you say anything until the three of you were out in the corridor, the only words being spoken along the way were Ron wishing the twins good luck. Once the doors shut, the two start bickering once again. 
You’re tempted to stomp your foot like a child, but you are too busy focusing your energy into not tripping up the staircase. People stare as you march through the corridors, some Beauxbatons students whispering in French as you pass. 
The twins bump into you when you stop abruptly. Both of them are about to mouth off something yet decided against it when you raise a finger. “Could you two stop for one second?” One of them, Fred presumably, opens his mouth to spit something back but George stops him with a light smack to his chest. You give him a grateful smile before digging into your robes for something. 
Two potions daggle in front of the two boys making the older, well usually older, one roll his eyes. “You really made a bloody antidote. Do you have zero faith in us?” He scoffs but takes the potion and storms off. 
You call after him, giving up when he turns a corner and disappears. As much as you like Fred and appreciate the friendship he forced upon you, he was quite difficult to make amends with when a problem arises. A frustrated huff escapes your mouth and your shoulders slump. Would he have rather gone to the hospital wing and get in trouble?  
Deciding it was better to talk to him when he cools off, you turn back around to face the remaining twin, “I’m sorry, Georgie.” A guilty smile crosses your lips, “You have to be a wiz at charms and potions to pull the pranks. I didn’t mean to insult your guys’ intelligence, just your decision making skills.” He rolls his eyes, “I mean, I just don’t understand why you two would just jump on the opportunity to basically kill yourself for money.” 
“Well, we’d rather die than not get the money.” 
“George— “ 
A small smirk appears on his face when your voice raises a few octaves, anything to release some of the tension built up between the three of you. “Love, I’m kidding.” He runs a soothing hand over your scalp, running it down your arm and ending its journey when his hand slips into yours. You lean into his touch easily, glad they’re not the wrinkled ones from moments before. “You really don’t get it, do you?” 
His tilted head makes you frown, you truly had no idea why the two were so adamant about joining this tournament. The risk outweighed the reward by miles. You felt guilty about calling them stupid, not about being protective of them. You just shake your head in return and let him guide you to a nearby bench. 
The red head opens his mouth then closes it, not knowing how to express his feelings without you taking it the wrong way. “Fred was right when he said we don’t have money like you do-- not that he said it in the nicest way,” He quickly adds when he sees your head tilt down in shame, “Nor do we have the same notoriety that comes with your last name. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just--” He trails off and looks past you, trying to reorganize his thoughts. 
“I don’t know my privilege sometimes.” You finish for him, and he nods to confirm. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t realize that.” The connections make sense, the glances shared between them when you went to the shop together, the nervous expression on George’s face every time you exchanged gifts during holidays, the staying at home during Hogsmeade weekends with “doing homework” excuses. 
“We needed the money to open the joke shop and the allure it would get being owned by a Triwizard Champion, not because we wanted it for anything else.” He explains fully, glad to the realization on your face. 
“What about the money from your bets at the cup?” 
“Bagman said we needed a lesson about underage gambling.” 
“That no good--” 
George lets out a chuckle at how easily you switch moods. “Love, it’s fine.” He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him when he goes to run his other hand over your head again. The clarification of you worrying about him -them- waters his insides as his crush on you blossoms even more, “We’ll figure something out, Fred and I already have some plans.” 
You huff and lean into him, “I am truly sorry, George. I really didn’t mean to insult you guys. I worry about Cedric but if something happened to you.” You look down at your intertwined hands, enjoying the moment before your eyes widen, “--Or Fred!” You quickly add, realizing what you said. If he heard your slip, he didn’t mention it. But, if you took a daring glance, you would see his bright red face. “Is there anything I can help with? As an apology?” 
He fiddles with a loose string on the sleeve of your robe, debating between his options. “Do my potions essay?” That earns him a slap on the wrist making him giggle and squeeze you closer to him. 
“I’ll be your first employee.” You offer, running through different ideas through your head. “I bet I can stock shelves faster than you.” A proud claim yet there is a mischievous glint in your eyes as you look up at him. 
His mind goes blank at the thought of you suggesting a future event with him after graduation even if it was to make up for some silly understanding. Add that to the way you’re looking up at him, he couldn’t tell someone his name if they asked. He’s glad Fred stormed off because if his brother saw him this way, he could never live it down. 
You call out to him, pulling him back into reality. 
He feels his cheeks start to heat up, so he just pushes your head back into his shoulder, “We’ll see if you’ll have time once you’re traveling the world saving creatures.” You easily tuck into his side and fall into step with him as he starts moving the two of you down the corridor. 
You falter a little at the mention of your dream career, the possibility of it slowly dwindling as time goes on. “I’ll always have time for my favorite Weasley.” The response comes so immediate, like it’s something you’ve said to him a thousand times. It’s like you don’t know what you do to him when you say those words— well, you couldn’t have since he’s never told you. 
“I mean Ginny, of course. Not you.” 
One last blow to regain the normalcy between you too. George recovers rather quickly this time, pinching your sides to make you as frazzled as he was. You let out a squeal, surprised by the action and push your face into him more. 
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leviathanspain · 2 years
Hi! can i request a bill weasley x malfoy!reader where he and the reader are married and the reader gets taken by their family and locked in the dungeons with luna and ollivander and then the reunion when they finally get back to shell cottage
the fire is a love affair
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bill weasley x malfoy!reader
synopsis: your family couldn’t pass up the chance to torture their traitorous daughter
your parents, more specifically your father, had been thrilled to see you trapped in their dungeon, under your former home. voldemort had asked about you, asked about your marriage and gave some snarky well wishes that were purely sarcastic, making the rest of the death eaters laugh. your mother and father laughed, although they were incredibly embarrassed that their only daughter had run off with a weasley. you were a catastrophic disappointment, a disgust that left you penniless and practically disowned. your own brother had refused to talk to you.
you shivered slightly in the corner. luna was embracing you, silent as she did, you closed your eyes and tried to imagine being back with your husband. bill was probably worried sick. you were supposed to be at work, and you had never returned home. promising him a nice roast for another pay raise at his job, you had never gotten home that day to make it.
luna had stood up and left your side, and you had barely noticed the new additions to your imprisonment. only when you noticed the familiar red shock of hair, did you finally snap back to reality.
“ron?” you stood up, and watched as your brother-in-law turned around, a beaming smile with a shred of hope made you practically leap into his arms.
“oh my god, y/n.” ron spoke your name in relief as he hugged you. he set you down and you smiled, “how’s bill?“ ron looked at you with a grim expression, his eyes flickering emotions. you merely nodded and inhaled to keep yourself calm. bill wasn’t good, not at all.
you turned to see harry and you embraced him as well, “i would ask how you’ve been since i last saw you, but i doubt this is a good time.” you tried to make light of the situation and harry nodded, “no yeah, same goes for you.” he chuckled slightly.
the plan of your escape was a whirlwind. you knew all the ways to get out of the dungeon, but considering your parents already knew that, they had prevented all the ways you would know.
dobby had popped into the dungeon, took your hand and lunas without another word, and whirled you away.
you stared at the familiar cottage, your home, and beamed. you turned down to look at dobby and you hugged him, “you were always my favorite mistress.” dobby told you and you smiled, “it’s y/n, you free elf.” he whirled away without another word minus a smile and you turned to luna, grabbing her hand and tugging her to your home.
you opened the front door and peered at your home. everything was the same, as you had left it. monday’s cup of coffee was still on the coffee table in your living room. your breakfast plate was in the sink waiting to be washed, your jacket on your couch was waiting to be worn.
“bill?” you called out, letting go of lunas hand as you began to look around the cottage rooms. you heard some shuffling and suddenly, your favorite weasley came stumbling out from your bedroom, hugging you without even looking at you. you gasped from the slight impact as he hugged you. you were crying, you hadn’t even realized it until you tasted your salty tears but this, bill was hugging you. down in the dungeon, you weren’t sure if you’d ever experience this again. bill was the love of your life, and you had doubted you’d ever see him again.
bill looked at you, grabbing your face and planting kisses all over you, soot and all.
luna cleared her throat and you chuckled, turning to her, “darling, this is luna lovegood. luna, this is my husband, bill.” bill offered a smile and wave to luna and she smiled to herself, “i can see why you married him.” she mumbled and you turned to bill who was blushing. you held his waist, and kissed him, “i missed you so much, weasley.” you mumbled into his mouth. bill smirked, “right back at you, weasley.”
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writingshae · 2 months
it's nice to have a friend (pt. 1)
Malfoy!reader x Neville Longbottom
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Summary: The greenhouses have always been a sanctuary, a good way to hideaway from your housemates and your brothers' awful friends. Once there, you find and befriend Neville, who shares your interest in magical plants and their properties. Your friendship grows over time, but how long can you keep the secret of your lineage from him?
words: 733
warnings: bullying, mentions of emotional abuse
notes: This occurs in the golden trio's sixth year. You are Draco's younger sister, in your fifth year.
Lost my gloves, you give me one "Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun
— You huffed as you stomped out of the Slytherin common room. Six years of being at Hogwarts and having the Malfoy name didn't give you any benefit. If anything, it became difficult to make friends outside of your own house. In spite of your family's distaste for Muggleborns, you had very different opinions. Not that you would mention it out loud. The few times you had at home, Lucius had subjected you to a summer shadowing Aunt Bellatrix after her escape from Azkaban. Seeing what your aunt was capable was enough to silence you into submission, at least it did while you were at home.
Unfortunately for you, there were few in your house who shared your thoughts. If they did, they kept as quiet as you had in fear of being ostracized from their housemates as you had. It seemed that you had no one on her side. Draco seemed to be even more occupied as of late, so he couldn't protect you from his friends' jaunts and jeers.
You wandered through the castle, feet having memorized the familiar path from the dungeons to the greenhouses. You never had to worry about anyone following you out to the greenhouses willingly. Most preferred Potions or Defense of the Dark Arts. But plants were a friend. They didn't take sides, nor did they taunt you. Maybe you could harvest some dittany to take to Madam Pomfrey. There seemed to be more and more people landing into the Hospital Wing as of late, and you knew that they could use all the help that they could get.
As you walked in, you stopped dead in your tracks. No one was usually around here except for Madam Pomfrey. However, instead of the stout older woman, you found a boy. He was a Gryffindor, that much could be deduced. He had a red and yellow tie sitting on top of the standard issue white button down, but his robes were laying over one of the gardening benches and his sleeves were folded up. His brown hair looked as though he had attempted to train the hair to sweep off to one side, but that the humidity in the greenhouse left a few tufts slightly askew. He was tall. There was something familiar about him, but you couldn't place it.
You weren't one to stay clued in to the goings on of the school outside of what gossip you could gain from eavesdropping. No one took too much notice of you anymore. After third year, you kept to yourself, not participating in a lot of the school's spirit events. You had begged your mother for a transfer to Beauxbaton's for a new start; however, there was no changing her mind. Your parents felt that it was necessary to be in a place where Draco could keep his eye on you. That was laughable. He was the type to get in trouble due to his mouth more than you had been. There was an awkward silence as the two of you looked at each other, trying to figure out what to say next. Your eyes went to his hands and you couldn't help but smile slightly. "Let me guess... chomping cabbages?" you mentioned, taking a brave step forward. The brunette looked confused for a split question until he looked down at his own hands. He let out a weak laugh as he rubbed his hands together to shake off some of the stray cabbage leaf shreds. "Yea... I was trying to help get them harvested for Professor Sprout's next class. I have yet to get one without getting bitten."
As he spoke, you strode up to stand across from him at the potting table. "I find that dragon hide gloves are best in this situation. Specifically Hebridean Black. I've always had some luck sneaking up on them from behind and compressing on the sides of their 'mouth' before setting them in the vase. It's some sort of pressure point that ironically relaxes them. It seems like it's counter intuitive since you'd think that clamping it from the top and bottom would insure that the mouth would remain closed. But the tops are overly sensitive and set them off. I'd help you out but I left my gloves back in my trunk," you said, immediately pressing your lips together as you awaited his retort. He probably didn't want her help, but you couldn't help yourself. Not only were you passionate about the subject, but you also hadn't spoken to any of the other students outside of the occasional partner assignment in classes.
What you didn't notice was the way that the apples of his cheeks turned to a dusty pink. You were too busy avoiding eye contact and looking at anything other than his face. You were about to turn and leave when the boy finally spoke up.
"I'm Neville. Neville Longbottom," he stammered out. He had never seen someone more nervous than he was and that was saying something. Everyone had always regarded him as the least courageous Gryffindor in spite of all he did with the Order of the Phoenix and at the Ministry of Magic. No, he was just one of Harry Potter's friends.
He noticed the way you looked up slowly, not quite able to read the look in your eyes. You blinked, knowing the last name. It was one of the surnames that Aunt Bellatrix mentioned in their trainings. You knew full well of what your aunt did to this boy's family. Would he flee if he knew your full name? It was safer to stick to first names. Or even a nickname. You had stayed under the radar since your sorting that you doubted he would know your last name from memory.
"You can call me Em. No need for such formalities," you finally replied, extending your hand out. It wasn’t far from the truth. Your initials were EM and only your brother called you by that nickname. You wondered how long he was going to leave you with your hand out when you realized that he was taking off his gloves to shakes yours. "Is it okay if I hang out here? I promise that I won't get in the way of your harvesting. I just like to hide out in the greenhouses every now and again."
Neville couldn't help but beam at you. Where had this girl been the entire time that he had been at Hogwarts? He spent a fair bit of time in the greenhouses but had never encountered you in his six years. Then again, he wasn't the most social of people. Shaking his head, he motioned to the stool beside him. "No... I mean, yea you can stay. It's nice to have a friend," he replied, feeling good about your presence .
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 2 years
Beyond Rumours
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Chapter Three
Summary: Y/n is a Malfoy. A Pureblood. A pretentious, blood-status-loving Slytherin. At least, those are the rumours, but since when has Remus Lupin ever really cared about rumours?
Warnings: none im pretty sure :)
Word Count: 1K
A/N: Here’s part 3! I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist<3
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Saturday, 3rd of September 1977
"Well, I think this is a job well done, lads," James said proudly.
As I looked at all of the flamingos in the Great Hall, I had to agree. There were exactly sixty-nine (Sirius's idea) flamingos in the Hall, and they were looking at everything curiously. It was nice to be back at Hogwarts and back at our pranks - I'd really missed this over the summer.
"We should probably get out of here," Peter squeaked, looking around nervously.
"Great idea, Wormtail," Sirius said, before turning around and bolting.
James, Peter and I followed after him down the hallways of the castle, and quickly heard the sounds of the castle caretaker, Argus Filch, chasing after us.
"Scatter, boys!" James yelled, before taking a right.
Sirius followed after him, while Peter and I turned left. Eventually Peter and I split up, but I could still hear Filch chasing after me. Why me? I had the longest legs out of all my friends - surely I should be the one to outrun Filch! How fast was he, anyway? Surely he was too old to be able to keep up with me, but no, that was the sound of Filch's shoes hitting the cobble floors as he pursued me. If only I'd agreed to go on early morning runs with James - maybe I could outrun him then.
I quickly turned into the library, hoping to lose him in the shelves. Luckily Madam Pince wasn't out the front, so she didn't see me sprint in. I could hear her voice in my head, screeching, 'no running!'
I ran through the library and down a few aisles, turning my head to look for Filch, when I bumped into someone. The collision caused them to drop their books, and I recognised the person as Y/n Malfoy. She opened her mouth to speak, and I heard Filch enter the library.
"Oh, I-"
I shushed her anxiously, pressing a finger to my lips and then using my other hand to cover her mouth. Her eyes went wide in shock, and Filch ran down the aisle next to us, cursing under his breath. After a few seconds he turned back and exited the library, leaving me to let out a relieved breath, and I removed my hand from Y/n's mouth with a sheepish smile.
"Sorry," I said apologetically.
I expected her to be angry at me, or maybe even call me a 'filthy half-breed' (something her brother had called me on more than one occasion), but instead she smiled nervously.
"It's okay," Y/n said, her voice sounding oddly high-pitched. She cleared her throat, and her voice returned to normal. "I mean, it's okay."
I knelt down and picked her books up for her, and glanced at the cover of one of them. It was a potions book, the same one I had, and I remembered seeing her in my Potions class.
"I saw you in my Potions class yesterday," I recalled. "Aren't you a sixth-year?"
"I - uh... yeah, but I've always been pretty good at potions, and I did perfectly on both my theoretical and practical O.W.L.s, so Professor McGonagall had me do a test over the summer to see whether I could move up and I passed those and so now I'm doing seventh-year Potions... I'm kind of rambling, sorry," she said quickly and all in one breath.
"No, no, it's okay," I assured her. "Do you have any seventh-year friends?"
"Uh, no, not really," she said. "I mean, I sat with Lily Evans last lesson, but I wouldn't call us friends because we've never really spoken before that, but she's super nice and... and now I'm rambling again, I'm sorry-"
"It's fine, don't apologise," I said.
She smiled at me meekly, and we fell into silence. I generally didn't like speaking to people I didn't know, but for some reason, I wanted to keep the conversation going, or at least start a new one. She peered up at me and brushed her (h/c) hair out of her face, and it suddenly hit me how pretty she was. I'd never really noticed before. I opened my mouth to say something, maybe to invite her to sit with me and my friends if she wanted, when Sirius came bounding down the aisle.
"Moony, I just escaped from...oh." Sirius noticed Y/n, and he seemed to straighten his spine and look down his nose at her as his cheerful demeanour disappeared. "Malfoy," he greeted.
"Black," Y/n said quietly, her smile disappearing. "I, um, I'd best be going now. See you."
I watched as Y/n walked through the shelves and left the library, and Sirius looked at me inquisitively.
"Why were you talking to her?" Sirius questioned.
"I bumped into her. Literally," I replied.
A memory came back to me, of another time when I'd bumped into her. I'd been in third year, and I was running from some teacher, when I'd bumped into her and caused all of her books to fall to the floor. I helped her pick them up, and she'd looked at me in almost the exact same way she'd looked at me today – eyes slightly wide, and scanning my face like she was trying to memorise it.
"Doesn't mean you have to talk to her," Sirius countered. "She's a Malfoy, mate. You know what her brother was like. What her entire family is like."
"Not all purebloods are obsessed with blood status," I chided, giving him a pointed look.
Sirius rolled his eyes at me and shook his head.
"Fine, you got me," Sirius relented. "But I still think you should be careful around her."
I didn't want to fight, so I replied with a simple, "sure." Sirius and I headed back to the common room where we met up with James and Peter. Both had escaped getting detention, so we all congratulated each other on another great prank. Then James and Sirius began to talk about Quidditch, and Peter and I played a round of Wizarding Chess. I hadn't beat Peter at chess in four years, but I was determined to try.
As we played, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that the rumours about Y/n Malfoy might be untrue. That maybe... maybe she wasn't as bad as they portrayed her to be. I mean, the rumours said she was exactly like her brother; pretentious and rude, obsessed with blood-status and blood purity... but when I'd spoken to her, she'd been... nice, I supposed. Definitely nothing like her brother.
Maybe I was just overthinking things.
"Oi, Prongs," Sirius said quietly. "Lily alert."
James's head twisted so fast I was afraid he'd broken his neck, and I looked over to see Lily entering the common room with Marlene and Mary, all chattering away. When Lily saw me, she gave me a smile and a wave, and then smiled at the rest of my friends before heading up to the girls' dorms.
"Did she just smile at us?" Sirius exclaimed.
James just looked dumbstruck, and Peter looked confused. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. Lily had told me during our Prefect duties that she'd started to fancy James, but told me she'd turn me into a toad if I told him. It was kind of funny, actually.
So I stayed silent, and let James freak out over it a bit.
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taglist: @1989worshipper​ @divinekills​ @cloud-9ine​ @l0v3do11​​ @peachycupotea 
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
hii!! could i request a (older) percy weasley and malfoy! reader with a fake dating au where she works at the ministry and he brings her home one night as his girlfriend?? and fred(yes hes alive) and george ask them to kiss to "prove" theyre tgt and they do and they kinda just make out and everyones like oKAY SORRY FOR ASKING PLEASE STOP😭😳 and later they confess?? Thanks!!!
Just For One Night
Percy Weasley x Malfoy!Reader Words: 2.1k Summary: Percy has had enough of his brothers making fun of him for always talking about his colleague Y/N. Snapping one day, Percy tells them that she is in fact his girlfriend. The only problem? She does not know that, but his family wants to meet her. A/N: Sorry this took a while. I was on vacation and now I'm really sick, so this took me longer than planned. However, I had a lot of fun writing it. As always, I hop you'll like it.
Percy was fed up. Every day he had to listen to the same taunts from his brothers, especially Fred and George. Every day he resolved not to talk about you, because he knew he would only get more comments about seeing you as his girlfriend when you clearly were not. And yet you were his number one subject every day. It had started shortly after the Second Wizarding War. After the Ministry had been rebuilt under Kingsley Shakelbolt, Percy had returned to his old job. He had been hired as a personal assistant to the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department and a short time later you joined him as a second assistant. Your joint work was to manage the correspondence that came with arrests and convictions, to look after the diary and to pass on new tips and sightings to the appropriate people. And even though he didn't want to admit it, Percy had hated you. After all, you were the child of two Death Eaters and he couldn't imagine you were really interested in arresting those who had once stood next to your parents.
And so he told his family in a frustrated and contemptuous tone at the beginning. He thought you were obstructing investigations and deliberately passing on false leads. But after some time he had to admit that you turned out to be very nice, hardworking and obliging. You had expressed your opinion on your family more than clearly and he admired you for your courage to stay in the ministry despite your connotations. His family also noticed how Percy's opinion of you changed over time. Now it was no longer, "You don't believe what Y/N did again today", "There's something wrong with that Y/N." "One more day with that Y/N and I'll lose my mind!" Rather, he was now literally raving about you. "Y/N had one of the best ideas..." "She really is the most talented person." "Without Y/N, the whole department would be totally screwed." And with his change, started the teasing of his brothers. At first, he had simply ignored them. But lately they were hitting a nerve. He would love to ask you out on a date, but he didn't dare. He had never been very good with girls and women. His only relationship had been with Penelope Clearwater and that was several years ago.
"How was work Percy?", asked Molly as she placed the last bowl on the dining table and sat down next to her husband. Even though all her children had moved out by now, she insisted that they all got together at least once a week to eat, with the exception of Charlie who had gone back to Romania after the war. "Oh no Mum, I don't want to hear all evening about what Y/N has been up to," Fred groaned, throwing his head back. Percy scowled at his younger brother, straightened in his seat and looked at his mother. "Very good. We are making great progress in the department. Y/N and I will be assigned more tasks in the near future to relieve the others, but what exactly we will be doing is yet to be determined. Y/N has also..." "And here we are again...", now George groaned too, rolling his eyes. "You know Perce, you'd think she's your girlfriend, the way you don't talk about anything but her. But you probably only talk to her about her too and that puts her off," Fred teased. And that was exactly the moment. In that very second, a switch flipped in Percy's mind. He had had enough. "That could be because she's my girlfriend. And she is not 'put off' by it."
No sooner had the words left his mouth than he deeply regretted them. Molly and Ginny dropped their forks with startled faces. George and Ron choked on a piece of chicken at the same time and snorted. The rest of the table looked to Percy with shocked faces and their forks halfway to their mouths. "W-what?", coughed George when he finally caught his breath. "Your girlfriend? Since when is that?", Fred now asked sceptically too. "Well...so...you know..." How was he supposed to get out of this situation now. "Aha! Of course it was a lie!", laughed Fred and George at the same time. Percy knew he probably looked like a tomato with a sunburn, but he didn't care. "I wasn't lying." "Oh yeah? Then why don't you bring her over for dinner sometime? I'm sure Mom wouldn't mind." Before Percy could say anything back, his mother clapped her hands enthusiastically. "Oh a fantastic idea! You've been telling us about her for so long and you never said she was your girlfriend." Percy tried to extricate himself from his situation for a few more minutes, but finally had to admit defeat. He would have to persuade you somehow.
"Just so I understand, you want me to come with you to your parents' house tomorrow night because you told your family that I'm your girlfriend?" "Y-yes? Look, I know this all sounds...weird. But you don't know my brothers, they drive you crazy and it was the only way to shut them up." "And why me, exactly?" "Well, I may have mentioned you once or twice," Percy muttered, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Y/N please! You're my best colleague!" "I'm your ONLY colleague!", you laughed incredulously, turning your attention to the pile of papers in front of you. "So what? My point is the same. Please, just for one night. After that, I'll owe you one, I promise." Percy's voice had taken on a pleading tone by now that you had never heard from him before. Sighing, you lowered the file in your hand and turned to your red-haired colleague. "All right. One evening, no more."
At just before six the next evening, your flat doorbell rang. "Ready?", asked Percy as you pulled the door shut behind you. Nodding, you grabbed his arm which he held out to you and just a second later you were standing in front of a crooked and slanted house. You had never seen a house like this before. You yourself had grown up in a mansion and you were sure that your mother would have rather dropped dead than ever set foot in such an establishment. "Eh...well...this is where we live. Well, I don't and actually neither do my siblings anymore, really just Mum and Dad...well you know what I mean." Percy was talking so fast you were having trouble following him. You had never seen him so nervous before and you had to say you thought it was kind of cute. "It's...different. In a positive sense. It has charm," you smiled, quickly adding the last part, because Percy's expression gave you to understand that 'different' didn't necessarily seem to be the best description. But it was the truth. Your house had always seemed very cool and sterile to you and the house in front of you seemed to be the complete opposite. While your house had always seemed like a work headquarters to you, it was evident here that people lived here.
You followed Percy along the small path that led to the front door, but always stayed a good metre behind him. When he stopped in front of the door, you could see how red he was. "Are you okay?", you asked him worriedly. He nodded. "Listen Y/N... just so you're forewarned..." But whatever he was about to tell you was interrupted as the door was yanked open with a flourish. "There you are at last! We've been waiting for you. Come in, come in!" And before you even knew what was happening to you, you were being pulled through the door by one arm. Suddenly you realised what Percy probably wanted you to understand before. You knew that his family was big, but you had definitely not expected the number of people in this small house. In addition to the many redheads, there were at least five other people present. After an endless series of handshakes and names being thrown at you - admittedly, most of which you had already forgotten - you found yourself at the dining table. To your right sat Percy and to your left one of his older brothers, which one you couldn't remember for the life of you.
It was very awkward at first. While Percy's father, his younger brother Ron and his friend Harry Potter literally pierced you with their glances and you could feel their dislike, his twin brothers stared at you from the other side of the table, their eyes flickering between the two of you, never blinking once. But after about half an hour, a regular conversation developed and you could feel that his family was warming up too. Only the twins still stared unabated. "So Y/N how long are you and Percy together now?", asked one of them after the main course had finished.
"Oh...ehm...I think nearly...four months now?", you stuttered and looked at Percy for backup. The two of you had never really planned anything out, so you were not quite sure what he had told them. But to your relief he just smiled and nodded. "And how did you end up with our wonderful Percy?", asked the other twin, his eyes nearly slits as he looked at you. You stuttered and stumbled over your answer and tried to cover it up with a smile. But the look on the twins' faces told you that they didn't buy your story and you inwardly cursed Percy for having put you in this situation. The rest of the meal was similar. The twins took turns poking holes in you and your supposed boyfriend, and with each question you understood Percy a little better. When dessert was cleared, Percy represented a tomato.
"Well, I don't know what to make of the whole thing George!" "Yeah, me neither Fred. I just don't think they're together. We were probably right and Percy lied to us and probably paid them off or..." "I didn't!", Percy interrupted his brothers angrily, who giggled in response. "Then prove it!" "Yes kiss!" now Ginny joined in the conversation, at which she got a nasty look from Percy and Molly. "He doesn't dare..." "I knew it..." Before you knew what was happening, Percy placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you close to him to place his lips on yours. You could hear whispers and loud gasps around you and when Percy pulled away from you, all pairs of eyes were staring at you. "Well...well, then...", Percy cleared his throat, took you by the hand and pulled you out of the house behind him. At the door, he called out a quick goodbye to his parents before closing the door behind you both.
Neither of you said a word. Your head was buzzing while you were still trying to realise what had just happened. You were so preoccupied that you only noticed in passing how the world around you began to spin and you suddenly found yourself standing in front of your apartment block again. As if in a trance, you fished your key out of your pocket. "Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Not without your permission." You had almost forgotten that Percy was standing behind you. "Pardon me? What?" you asked, startled, and whirled around. "I shouldn't have kissed you. And I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." You smiled at Percy. "It's okay, I understand now what you meant when you said your brothers can drive you mad. And to be honest...I didn't mind the kiss. On the contrary." And without him knowing what was happening to him, you pulled Percy close to you.
From then on you started dating Percy. A few months later you decided to visit his brothers in their shop after work. "Y/N! Percy! To what do we owe the honour?", asked Fred when he saw you. "We thought we'd drop in", you smiled, looking at the products on the shelves. Percy had disappeared into another corner of the shop to look at something. When you turned around, you saw Fred eyeing you suspiciously. "You know Y/N, when you came to our house for dinner that night, I was sure Percy paid you to pretend you were his girlfriend. But I have to say, he's not being so stupid after all." You raised your eyebrows. "Thank you? I think. You know Fred, actually we have you and George to thank. We weren't actually together when I was with you. But thanks to you, we started dating after that night. So thank you," you smiled and left the dumbfounded looking Fred standing in the middle of the shop looking for Percy.
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Off Limits
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Request: Yes / No do you write for Goyle 🥺 nobody does so I'm desperate. I'd  like to read abt his first kiss with a female slytherin reader. Friends to lovers kinda. And how he can't believe she has feelings for him etc Anon
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Gregory Goyle x Fem!Malfoy!Reader 
Word count: 1472
Warnings: Nothing I think
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Gregory’s POV* 
Another year at Hogwarts and we were sitting around watching the first years get sorted. Malfoy seemed to be a little more interested then normal, but he wouldn’t tell us why. He was looked at the front, almost desperately? 
“Why are you interested in the sorting?” Crabbe asked with furrowed brows. 
“You’ll see, just shut up!” Malfoy snapped. The two of us looked at each other and shrugged. 
“Y/N Malfoy!” Professor McGonagall called and both our eyes widened. We saw a girl with black hair and a white streak walk up and take a seat on the stool. We looked at Malfoy and he just smirked. 
“My sister’s been off at boarding school in America for the last few years, but Mother finally convinced Father that she should come home for Hogwarts.” He said and the two of us were confused. 
“How did we not know you had a sister?” I asked. 
“I just told you she’s been on at boarding school!” He answered while rolling his eyes. We looked back at the front and McGonagall placed the sorting at on her head. 
“Slytherin!” It shouted after a few moments. Malfoy cheered along with us other Slytherins. She walked up to our table and Malfoy waved her over. She smiled brightly and hurried over to us. She hugged Malfoy tightly and sat next to him, across from me. 
“I’ve missed you Dray!” She said and he smiled at her. 
“I missed you too, Bun.” Malfoy said. She looked over at us and smiled. 
“Oh, this is Crabbe and Goyle.” Malfoy said, uninterested. She smiled brightly and my heart skipped a beat. She was incredibly attractive, but I shouldn’t be shocked… she’s a bloody Malfoy. 
“Do you always call them by last name?” She asked, slightly confused. Malfoy just shrugged, clearly not caring. 
“What’s your first names?” She asked and Malfoy rolled his eyes. 
“Vincent.” Crabbe answered and nudged me. I snapped out of my stunned state and gave her a smile. 
“Uh, Gregory.” I answered and she smiled brighter if you could believe it. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you both, I hope my brother isn’t always so rude.” She said and Malfoy rolled his eyes and gently shoved her. 
“I’m not rude.” He sneered and she giggled. 
“You’re only not rude to our family.” She said and he once again rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever…” He mumbled. She giggled again and it was like angels singing in my ears. She was perfect… 
Throughout the year Y/N had made and effort to be friends with Crabbe and me. She was so unlike her older brother, she was kind to pretty much everyone, she was always willing to help someone in need, and she was extremely beautiful. I was falling for her hard, but I knew there was no way I could get anywhere near her the way I wanted to. Malfoy would literally kill me. Crabbe knew about my crush on her and was telling me to just tell her. I told him he was mad if he thinks Malfoy would let his little sister date me out of all people. 
“Seriously mate, you think Malfoy would kill you?” He asked as we sat on the couch and I rolled my eyes. 
“Yes! You’ve seen how protective he is over her!” I said, annoyed that we were talking about this again. 
“Yeah, but he trusts us around her.” He said. 
“Because what are we going to do to her? He knows that he intimidates us.” I answered and Crabbe shrugged. 
“Well that should mean you’d be a great boyfriend to her.” He said. 
“Whatever, just stop talking about it!” I groaned. 
“Stop talking about what?” I froze at the sound of her voice and Crabbe smirked. 
“Goyle was just talking about how he needs help with the Astronomy assignment.” He said and she smiled. 
“I’d be more than happy to help you if you want.” She offered and I gave her a smile. 
“Uh, sure if you don’t mind.” I answered, scratching the back of my neck. 
“Perfect, would you like to meet me in the library in an hour? I have to meet up with Dray for a bit.” She asked and I nodded. 
“Um… Y-Yeah, sure.” I answered and she smiled. 
“Great! I’ll meet you in an hour!” She said and skipped off to find her brother. Crabbe smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. 
“You two will be alone! You guys are gonna have a little study date!” He said and I covered his mouth. 
“Shut it will you! The second Malfoy finds out we’ll be alone he’s going to jinx me into next century!” I hissed at him. He pushed me off him and just smiled. 
“Just tell her how you feel today! I’m sick of you drooling over her.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“I don’t drool over her…” I mumbled. 
An hour later I found myself walking to the library, something I almost never do. Y/N would drag me and Crabbe here sometimes when she wanted us to study. It was cute how much she cared about our education. She was crazy smart, just as smart as Granger. Which is why Dumbledore let her skip first year and take classes with us second years. I walked into the library and saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, surrounded by books. I sat next to her and she looked up with a smile. 
“Gregory! You made it!” She said and hugged me slightly. I blushed and nodded. 
“Uh, yeah, I wouldn’t miss getting your help.” I said and her eyes brightened. 
“Great, well let’s get to work!” She said and I pulled out my books. 
Y/N was great when it came to anything academics, but Astronomy was her favorite. She always got more enthusiastic when she talked about anything to do with space. Stars were her favorite to talk about, but really anything to do with the class she’d get excited about it. It was so cute watching the twinkle in her eyes get brighter, or her little rambling when she got lost in her thoughts. I could listen to her ramble about anything forever though. She was talking about some planets that we were going over in class and I rested my head on my hand, just staring at her. I wasn’t entirely paying attention, but she was so cute. 
“Gregory! Are you even listening?” She asked, waving her hand in front of my face. 
“Huh? Oh, sorry.” I blushed and she just smiled. 
“Maybe we should take a little break.” She said and closed the book she was looking at. 
“Oh, we don’t have to.” I said and she shook her head. 
“It’s fine, we’ve been going for an hour now.” She said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Really?” I asked and she giggled. 
“Yeah, how long have you been zoned out?” She asked and I blushed. 
“I don’t know…” I answered and she giggled again. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked and my blushed deepened, which she noticed. 
“Ooo you’re blushing! Now you have to tell me!” She said, gently poking me. 
“I-It’s nothing…” I stuttered. 
“Liar! Come on Gregory, you can tell me.” She said and I sighed. Maybe Crabbe is right… 
“Um… well…” I started and looked away from her. 
“I was thinking about you and how cute you are…” I whispered. When she didn’t say anything I looked up worried, but she was just smiling. 
“I think you’re pretty cute too.” She said with a light blush dusting her cheeks. 
“R-Really?” I asked with wide eyes and she giggled. She nodded and blushed slightly deeper. 
“I’ve been hoping you’d like me back…” She said quietly and my head was spinning. 
“I-I do.” I said, still stunned by the fact that she likes me. She bit her lip slightly and looked at mine. I gulped and took a deep breath. I leaned in and she followed my lead. Our lips met and it felt perfect! Her lips molded with mind and I pulled her in a little closer. When we pulled away she had a huge smile, that I’m sure mirrored mine. 
“Wow…” She whispered and I nodded silently agreeing with her. 
“Y/N, I really like you and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go on a date?” I asked and she smiled. 
“I’d love to! But first we should finish studying.” She said and I sighed. 
“Do we have to?” I asked and she giggled. 
“Yes we do, and maybe if you get the questions right I’ll reward you with a kiss for each right answer.” She said, which definitely peaked my interest. 
“I think that’s a good deal.” I said and she giggled again.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @impulse-anchor​ @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover​
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emf005 · 2 years
Picture Perfect Chapter 1
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been working on a few different fics and also finals are coming up, so that' kicking my butt! Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy this one, its a two-part series!
Warnings: Bullying, a bit of swearing, Draco being adorable. James being a ass hat. Mentions of death. Pretty much it I think. Let me know if I missed anything!
James Sirius Potter x Malfoy!reader
Summary: James Potter isn't one to be a bully, unless its to a certian Malfoy. But, what happens when his little sister starts dance classes and her teacher is the one and only Y/N Malfoy?
“Mommy! Come on!” A six year old Lily Luna Potter called, waiting for her mom, dad, and brothers at the doors of the dance studio. James ran up to his little sister and picked her up. “Jamie!” She giggled.
“What? Too old to be spun around? Is that what happens when you turn six?” he teased. She giggled.
“No.” James sat her down and looked up at the building, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“This it?” He asked Harry and Ginny. Albus came up and stood besides his brother, looking at the large dance studio. Lily had been begging to go to dance classes since she was three. Lily and Harry had assumed it was a phase and never acted on it. But every year since that's all Lily asked for her birthday. 
“Yep,” Harry said looking up at the studio. It was a magical incorporated studio, said one of his coworkers who had sent his daughter there. Apparently a lot of magical students went for the summer. But it also had muggle students attending, so both magical and muggle money was accepted. “Ready to see what its like inside?” Harry asked, leaning down to his daughter’s level. She nodded and ran to the door throwing it open and running inside. James and Albus on her heels. James had his muggle camera strapped over his body in case his sister did anything or wanted a picture of anything. 
He had taken an interest in muggle photos back in his first year of Hogwarts when he found some stuck underneath his mattress that were old and faded. And, ironically, it was of his name sake. James Sirius, Remus, and Lily. There were a few with Peter in them, but he just ignored the man who got his grandparents killed. 
It had obviously been his grandmother’s camera that had taken them, since she was the only muggle born, but ever since then he had begged his parents for a vintage camera. Albus had taken up poetry, strangely. And James used to tease him about it until he actually read it. Now, apparently, it was Lily’s turn to get an art to pursue. 
“Hello,” a woman smiled from behind the desk. “What can I help you with?”
“We would like to sign our daughter up for classes,” Ginny answered, pulling her daughter off the desk. The woman smiled and looked down at Lily.
“Of course. A whole year or half?”
“Whole until she’s eleven,” Harry answered. The woman nodded. 
“Very good.” She leaned down towards Lily. “Would you like to look around? I’m sure one of our teachers would be pleased to show you around.” LIly nodded. 
“Yes please!” 
“See you, Margret!” You called, sliding your dance back higher up your shoulder and making sure your shirt was covering your whole body. 
“See you, Y/N!” She called back and you walked out of the back room. You had just finished four hours of vigorous dance training. You didn;t mind though. You loved to dance. You were headed to the back which was the fastest way home without apperating, which you weren’t legally supposed to do yet. But what's the harm in getting ahead of the game?
“Y/N!” You turned to see Miss Rosen calling you to the front. You smiled and walked up to her, braiding your Y/H/C hair as you went. It had been up in a bun for hours, but you didn;t want it to get in the way. 
“Hi, Miss. Rosen! Whats up?”
“We have a new student and I would like you to show her around.” You smiled. New students were your facvorite, although you did like working with the older ones as well. 
“Of course!” ou stepped into the lobby to see a little red haired girl looking up at you with bright green eyes, freckles decorating her face. You smiled. “Hi,” you bent down to her level. “I’m-”
Oh no. 
You looked up to see James Potter. The one person in the entire school who despised you. 
“James? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he spat. You sighed. Sadly, James Potter hated your guts, but you loved his. Everything about him. You couldn’t help it! But how could he ever love a Malfoy. Or even give you a chance. 
“Well, I dance here. And teach.” You glanced down to LIly and back at him and his parents. Harry and Ginny Potter. “I’m assuming this is your sister.”
“Y/N?” You looked over to see Albus walking in the door. You smiled and waved. Albus was a natural at potions, but not so much at transfigurations. You had been tutoring since his first year. He had slowly grown to like you, which you were grateful for. It also helped that he was friends with your half brother, Scorpius. 
"Hey, Albus!" You looked up at Harry and Ginny quickly tabdung and sticking out your hand. "Hello, sir, ma'am. I'm Y/N Malfoy. I mean, you probally already got that from your son's calling me by both," you laughed awkwardly. "Is it alright if I took your daughter round and showed her the studio? You can come as well if you'd like." You said polightly. You knew there was still tension between your families, still a lot of hate on the Malfoy name. You and scorpius had been trying to figure that out it, slowly, over the years. You were now in your fith year and Scorpius in his third. 
"Of course," they shook your hand and you could tell they were hesitant. Still, didn't blame them. "You two can go ahead on your own."
"Great! Wanna come back wit-"
"Can I come?" You looked up from Lily to see James standing there with his arms crossed. You noticed he had his camera across the side of his body, which wasn't unusual to see. "Can I go back with her to check it out. I want to make sure my sister has the best school she can," he narrowed his eyes at you, making you swallow. Why did he have to hate you? 
"Thats alright with me, just take off your shoes, the both of you." They nodded and took off their shoes, then the three of you headed back. You showed her the diffrent dance rooms introduced her to some teachers and some of your friends at the studio. 
"Hi! I'm Margret!" Your red haired friend introduced. She was one of the best in your studio. Also one of the kindest. If she was a which she would be a Hufflepuff you had decided long ago. "I see your going to be taught byY/N. She's one of the best in the studio. Don't worry, you'll see," she said excitedly to the little girl.  You rolled your eyes at your friend.
"Ok, yeah. Thanks for the encouragement, Margret." She bumped your shoulder and laughed before eyeing James. 
"Are you going to be joining too?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. Oh, did you mention she was a complete flirt? But, sadly, so was James. 
"No, but if you dance here I might just consider it," he winked, causing her to giggle and you and Lilly to gag. 
"Alright, Margret, she's already signed up, no need to flirt with her brother." She smiled sweetly at James. 
"Y/N/N, that wasn't the reason I was flirting," you nearly gaged again. 
"Disgusting. Alright. Theres one more studio I want you to see. It's the largest one in here," Lily grabbed your hand and you lead the two into the large. It was a studio as big as a stage with the wooden floors and folding mirrors that would some out or appear to be an audience. There was a balcony up top for parents and younger ones to whatch, which they always did often, pressing themselves up against the railing to watch the older girls dance. 
"Wow," she gasped when you lead her in. You flipped a switch and the mirrors folded to appear as if there were any audience and the lights hanged to resemble ones of a stage, even the heat was the same, she gasped again. You smiled at her reaction. It would never get old watching younger girls get excited over the first time they walked in. That's one of the reasons you had a camera in the corners. You would often go back and watch your first tape when you felt distraught. It reminded you why you got j to dancing in the first place. 
"I'm still not convinced. You haven't shown us if this studio teaches well enough for my sister to join," James scoffed. Lily's mouth fell open, halting at her. Brother and warning him to shut up and not ruin this for her. You just smiled. 
"Well, what would convince you?" You asked, no malece in your voice. I mean, you were talking to James Sirius Potter, could you even have malece in your voice?
He looked you up and downs nd smirked. 
"You dance." You raisrd your eyebrows.
"Pardon?" You squealed out.it was a known fact you didn't dance in front of audiences. Ever. Your father and half brother had tried to convince you, but you wouldn't budge. Your stage fright was to sever. And now you had your crush, yelling you to dance for him and his little sister to see if your good enough. Lily looked up at you with wide eyes. 
"Would you?" You swallowed and bit down on your lip. You sighed. 
"Fine. Fine. Here," you pulled your phone out of your back pocket, they were issued to all the girls for music and communication with muggle friends. Lily looked at the device curiously and James jus raised his eyebrows. 
"You have one of those?"
"How else am I supposed to have the music, record my various dances to study, and play the music out side of the studio and the ballroom in my home?"
"You have a ballroom in your house?" You shrugged. 
"Part time. Half the summer we live at Malfoy manor and the other half we stay at the cottage, which me and dad prefer but…"you shrugged as if saying it is what it is. You scanned your music until you reached the song you were looking for. "Could you hit play when I say so, please?" Lily nodded and grabbed the phone. You dropped you that and started to take off your shit. 
"What in the hell do you think your doing!" He yelled and covered your eyes. You crinkled your brow at him before it clicked. A coy grin spread on your face. 
"Something bothering you, Potter?" You teased and you slid off your pants as well, leaving you in your leotard and a pair of pink tights. His eyes were still covered and Lilly was stifling giggles. You tied a black ballet skirt around your waist and leaned on the bar. "For Merlin's sake, Potter! Do you really think I'd strip nude in front of you?" You laughed. He brought his hands away from his face and recomposed himself seeing as you were still covered,. It  matter how scandalous the outfit was. 
"N-no," he stuttered, still not looking. At you. He knew as soon as he did he would start to blush and he would not give you that satisfaction. You set yourself up and took a breath removing them from the world like you had to do in class. 
"Lily? Can you play it please?" Your voice came out shaky. The music began to play and you settled yourself before starting the routine you knew by heart. You had to make sure not to focus on the other two persons in the room. Yas soon as you took notice of them you knew your stage fright would over all of your senses and you would become a stuttering limp noodle incapable of doing anything. You were very careful with who you danced around. Your father watched you on a regular basis because 'he paid for lessons and for ficks sake he was goin to watch it'. You always laughed at him and then let him see. But your half brother and step mother never saw a lick of anything. Well, that's a lie, Scorpius' had walked in on you ounce, but you had caught him and broke your ankle. He had felt so terrible that he couldn't meet your eyes for weeks. 
You finished the dance with grace and let the last of the music settle in your bones before coming out of your finishing position and, shyly, face the two of them. You wrapped your hands around your body and ran back to your jeans and t-shirt. You quickly changed. 
"So, worthy of your sister?" James closed his mouth, still in shock something so beautiful could come out of a Malfoy. How a Malfoy could actually look beautiful. He snapped himself out of it quickly enough though and nodded. 
"I suppose it'll do. But if I hear one complaint I will march down here and demand a new teacher," he sneered. You smiled and slung your bag on your shoulder again, taking a drink of your water and ready to pass out. 
"Well, I'm glad you approve. How about you, Lily? Do you want to dance here?" She nodded vigorously and smiled. You couldn't help but reciprocate her smile. She was too cute.
You walked the two back out of the maze of studios and offices and back to the lobby where her parents were waiting. Ginny was looking at leotards and tights with a pained expression, like she didn't know what she was doing. 
"We're back!" You said. Lily ran from your grip and latched onto her mother's leg. 
"Is miss.Malfoy going to be my teacher? Please say yes! Please please pleeeeeease!" You chuckled and leaned against the doorway.
"I'm sure if you ask nicely," Ginny responded looking at her daughter lovingly and making you jealous. You had never had a loving mother look at you like that. You had a father who looked at you like that, but it was just different. 
"Miss. Malfoy, will you please teach me?" She begged. You smiled. 
"I think that can be arranged, Lily. And please, call me Y/N. I'm no one special enough to earn that much of a title," you laughed. She beamed and launched herself at you, hugging you tightly. You hugged her back and sent her to her mother and father again. Ginny walked over to you. 
"You wouldn't happen to know anything about… Apparel or anything would you?" You smiled at her. 
"I know a bit. What are you having trouble with? " Well, I'm not sure on what to buy or how much or hair or… any of it really," she shrugged guilty. "Quidditch I can do. Ballet?" She shook her head. You smiled. 
"You'll get the hang of it. You should have seen my dad when I started," you laughed. 
"Telling stories about me, sweet heart?" You looked up and saw you father step in. You ran over and hugged him. 
" No." You grinned cheekily. 
"Uhu." He poked your nose. “What did I tell you about lying when you can;t do it.” You laughed and pushed him out the door. 
“I’ll be out in a second. I just have somethings to finish.” He smiled and patted your head before walking out. “Sorry about that.” you walked back over to Ginny “As I was saying, you’ll get the hang of it eventually. But anything you need I’m here.” She smiled gratefully while Harry was eyeing you strangely. He had never seen Draco act like that. Not at school, not at work, not the few occasions he had seen him out of work. It was strange. 
“Harry!” Harry snapped out of his mind as Ginny yelled at him. “Stop staring at the poor girl! Unless you want to do this,” she offered and handed him a leotard. He backed up with his hands up. 
“No, definitely not.” You chuckled. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was staring at you,” you brushed him off quickly. 
“It's no problem, sir. I get the death glare from parents a lot. Any how, what days work best for you? I am here everyday.”
“Wednesdays?” Harry just shrugged. 
“Why did I even bring you?” She sighed. 
“It's no problem, just send an owl here or just come down personally whenever you figure out the best day or times. Like I said, I’m here everyday from opening till closing.”
“And sometimes longer,” Miss Rosen scoffed. You sent her a smile. 
“You’d miss me if I weren’t here so much.” She grumbled something and collected her papers, heading to the back. 
“Lock up when you're done. You still have your key?”
“Yup, have a good night, Miss Rosen!”
“Uhu,” she called over her shoulder. You walked to the desk and started collecting some papers to start a file for Lily and for the Potters to fill out. 
“Are we here after hours?” Ginny asked. You looked up at her. 
“Not really. I mean, technically, yes. But I’m here after hours so much that I have a key and often lock up.”
“They gave you a key?” James scoffed. You faltered for a moment before putting the smile back on your face.
“It beats having someone stay with me here till ten.” You handed Ginny a few papers. “If you could fill these out and just give them back whenever you decide on a day and time. Its just a few questions and health information. Also, her first day, if she would just come in leggings in a t-shirt or a tank top that would be lovely. We’ll get her measured for a leotard and tights then, we��ll also get her shoe sizes in order.” Ginny took the papers. 
“Thank you, Y/N. We’ll be back when we get these filled out.” You smiled and started to sort things in order on the desk which had turned into a complete mess. They started to file out. 
“Oh! Mrs.Potter!”
“Yes?” She turned back around and you bit your lip. 
“I know your family and my dad don’t exactly get along but… if you see my dad out there, could you tell him to just go along without me? It's a mess in here and it’ll bother me all night unless I clean it up.” She smiled. 
“Of course, dear.” She smiled and they disappeared. You let your smile drop slightly and you quickly cleaned up the desk before triple checking all the rooms to make sure they were clean enough for the night. 
The Potters stepped out of the dance studio to see Draco leaning against the building. He stood up when he heard the door, expecting his daughter, but only saw the Potter’s. He leaned back against the building. 
“Malfoy?” He looked at Ginny. He hadn't expected to be addressed. “Your daughter said to go on without her. She’d be a few minutes.” Draco just chuckled and continued to lean against the building. 
“Wasn’t expecting her to walk out with you. She’s always late. I swear she’s here more than her actual house. Thank you for the heads up, though.” Harry eyed Draco suspiciously. 
“Did you just thank us?”
“I did, Potter. I wouldn;t get used to it though,” James scoffed and Ginny shot him a scolding look. Draco eyed James and raised his eyebrows. “I suspect your James?”
“I suspect your Draco,” James drawled. Draco rolled his eyes. 
“Looks like he has just as good of comebacks as his father was,” Harry went to say something but Ginny squeezed his arm telling him to keep his mouth shut for the sake of not proving the man right. Draco nodded to Albus who waved awkwardly. “I’ll be going to see if my daughter needs any help inside. Thank you for telling me my daughter's message.” he turned and walked into the building. Ginny watched the door for a moment. 
“How did he end up with a daughter as nice as she was?” She mumbled. 
“He didn’t,” James muttered. They all started to walk away. 
“What do you mean?” Albus asked. “She and Scorpius are two fo the nicest people in both our years. Just because you don’t like who her father is doesn’t mean she’s rude.”
“And how do you know how nice she is?” James shot back. 
“She tutors me in transfigurations. She had some of the highest grades in your year, ya know.”
“She told you that?”
“No, professor Mcgonagall did when she suggested I ask her for help.” Albus shrugged.
You walked out to the front again with your arms full to see your dad leaning on the door. You frowned. 
“Why are you still here? I’m going to be here for a while.” He smiled. 
“Think I’d leave you to suffer this work all by yourself?” You smiled gratefully.
“Isn’t Astoria waiting at home?” You asked, putting some of the flies away. 
“She’s not the most important girl in my life,” he kissed your head and put a file on the top shelf. You smiled at hearing that. 
Astoria Greengrass. Your step-mother. You were happy she made your dad happy. You wouldn't have asked for anything better for him. But, she hated you. She preferred her own child and would make that perfectly clear when you were anywhere near her. 
Knowing that your father still cared about you made you smile and feel welcomed in your home. Well, the manor wasn't your home. You had never felt at home there. It was too large for you, though the ballroom was extraordinary. You preferred the smaller house, which was still particularly a large place. But it wasn’t as large as the mansion, it also never felt dreary like the mansion. Both you and your father preferred the “smaller” place, while Astoria preferred the mansion. Scorpius was indifferent to the whole ordeal. He could make himself comfortable on a bed of spikes, you often joked with him. Normally earning a dry sarcastic laugh from him. 
“How was class today?” Draco asked, breaking the comfortable silence as you handed him a few more files to put on the shelves that you couldn’t reach.
“It was good. I got my grand jete a bit higher today,” you said excitedly, though you knew this was all forgien to him. 
“That's great!” You smiled. 
“Still have no idea what I’m talking about do you?”
“Not a clue, but you seem excited about it.” You smiled wider. “That Potter kid wasn't giving you crap was he?”
“The other one.”
“No the other other one.”
“That's the one. Seems like a piece of work, that one.” You chuckled and blushed lightly. Yeah, a piece of work indeed.
“No, he’s just protective. Wants the best for his siblings and such,” you shrugged. Draco scoffed. “What?”
“I was a prick like that. That's not the only thing going through his mind.”
“Dad,” you warned. 
“What? I’m just saying. The other two seemed fine. He was an egotistical control freak who, let me guess, has a new girl on his arm every other week. Wait, and let me guess, it gets better, right? He also bullies the less fortunate.”
“You almost described what you were like as a kid.”
“That's because I know what they look like. And that kid was me, just different.” You rolled your eyes, your mind wandering back to the school year and the various jabs he made at you… the less fortunate…
It had been a few weeks since you had taken Lily on as a student. Since she was new to dance you had suggested twice a week and found that Lily was a very capable dancer. She caught on quickly and was very confident in her movements, though you could tell she got stressed when she wasn't able to get something right. 
“That was excellent, Lily!” You praised. She smiled brightly at your praise. How about we move to the large room if you’d like, maybe even get your mother and father to watch,” you suggested. Her face lit up. “I’ll go get them. If there's someone dancing just stand on the side like usual, alright?” She nodded and practically pranced off to the large room.
You smiled at her and quickly walked to the waiting area. Her lesson was nearly over and Harry and or Ginny were normally there already. Your smile dropped when you noticed James leaning on the wall looking down at his camera.
“Hey, Potter,” You smiled. He looked up and his gaze made your heart go mad. “Your parents here?”
“No. They sent me to pick up Lily. Is she done?”
“We were going to run her routine in the large studio. Would you like to watch? She’s very proud of it.” 
“Follow me.” you walked him back to a door. “Just go up these steps and you’ll be on the balcony. I’ll send her up to you when she’s finished.” You left him to go up the stairs and to the balcony. 
The large room was emptying out from the previous class when you entered. You had class right after you taught Lily so there was a few minutes break in between. 
“Ready?” She nodded and ran out to the middle of the room. “I’ll jump in if you get stuck, ok? Just keep going if you forget a step.” She nodded and set herself up. You pressed play on the music and her music started. You watched her from the sidelines, making mental notes on what to work on with her next lesson. You jumped in on the new part and helped her through it, which she seemed grateful for. 
The music ended and you smiled. 
“That was great, Lily! Keep practising and I’ll see you next week. Your brother is up on the balcony if you want to go meet him. You remember how to get up there?” She nodded. 
“Yep! Thank you, Y/N!” She hugged you and ran up to meet her brother as your friends started to walk in. You joined them in center to begin to stretch for class. 
James was waiting for Lily when she came running up the stairs. He put his camera away and picked her up. 
“That was beautiful! I got a few pictures of you doing it as well,” She smiled brightly. 
“Can we watch, Y/N dance?” She asked. “She has class right now and I wanna see what the older girls do.” James forced a smile, hating the idea of being in the same room as you longer than he had to, but agreed for his sister’s sake. He carried her to the edge as they watched you and a group of girls warm up. You were talking to Margaret as you stretched. You had taken your shirt off so you were in a backless red leotard; he was slightly surprised that the leotard wasn’t green.
“Hey isn’t that the girl you're teaching and her adorable brother?” You looked away from your curly hair friend to see James and Lily watching the class. You waved and Lily waved back as James just glared at you. You slowly brought your hand back down and turned back to Margaret. “What was that about?”
“He hates me,” you shrugged. 
“We go to the same school.” Her eyes widened. 
“Wait, that's the kid who bullies you?”
“I wouldn’t say bully.”
“I would. Want me to beat him up?” You laughed. 
“What? I will.” You rolled your eyes and slipped into your split. 
“No. I don’t want to lose his sister as a student. She is very talented, and a joy to teach.” Margaret frowned. 
“Well, whenever you want me to beat him up I’ll be all over it.” You laughed and your teacher began class. 
You notice James pull Lily out half way through, which you didn’t blame him for. Class was about three hours, and that wasn’t even the end of your day. Lily looked upset, but let him carry her out without a fuss. Margaret nudged you and nodded up towards the balcony.
“What?” You whispered, pirouetting a few times. 
“They left.”
“She’s probably exhausted. She danced for a vigorous hour with me.”
“Or maybe he likes you and couldn’t stop his heart from beating at the sight of you,” She hummed. You glared at her. 
She and Scropius were the only two who knew of your crush on James. And now you were regretting telling her. 
“Or maybe he couldn;t stand the sight of me anymore because he hates my guts.” You whispered back. She rolled her eyes. 
“Probably hard,” she muttered. You smacked her shoulder and stifled laughs. 
“Margaret!” She smiled at seeing you laugh. You had looked so off when you noticed them. Your stage fright getting the better of you. Now that they were gone you seemed more at ease. 
“Y/N!” You looked at the teacher. 
“Yes ma’am?”
“Class has ended.” You smiled. 
“Sorry ma’am. Would it be a problem if I stayed here for a bit longer?”
“By a bit longer do you mean ten tonight?” You chuckled. 
“Is that your hint that my day is over and to get out?” you asked with a grin. She rolled her eyes. 
“Well, my day is over. Good evening, Miss. Malfoy.”
“Good evening.” You went to the player and set up your music. You had some routines you wanted to run, as well as throw some tricks. 
James was tearing his already messy room apart, mumbling how he could not believe he lost something or other. 
“Jamie?” Lily asked coming in. “What’s wrong?”
“I think I left the cap to my camera at the studio,” He sighed and flopped down on the bed with a huff. 
“Y/N might not have left yet. She normally stays after closing.” James scoffed. 
“Like I want to be in there alone with her.”
“Wouldn;t surprise me,” Albus smirked from the doorway. 
“Go away, Albus.”
“You like her, admit it.”
“Why would I like a stuck up Malfoy?”
“Maybe because she isn’t stuck up?” Albus offered. “Come on, James. You know that better than anyone.” James scoffed and stood. 
“I need my lid, so I suppose it's worth a shot. Tell mum and Dad I’ll be back later.” He slung his camera over his body and grabbed his jacket heading out of the room, grumbling angrily.
He walked slowly down to his sister’s studio, semi praying that it was closed and he wouldn’t have to see you. He even stopped and took pictures of random things on his way. But, alas, it was not to be. 
When he got to the studio he pulled on the door which opened with ease. 
Maybe he wouldn’t see you?
He walked up to the balcony and immediately heard someone on the floor. Being the curious person he was he peaked over to see you in front of a mat, pressed up against the wall on your toes. You ran and flipped in the air, landing on your behind. He cringed, but you got out of it with another trick. Had you meant to do that?
“Are you going to just watch me all day or are you going to at least say something?” You called up to him, prepping for another trick. He scowled and leaned over the railing. You glanced at him, sending him a small smile before running again and doing a front aerial, landing it perfectly. Though, you went over everything you could've done better in your head. 
“I was just looking for my camera lid,” he grumbled down at you. 
“Is that why you were studying me do a suicide?” You asked. His eyes widened. 
“A wh-what?” You chuckled. 
“Don’t think I didn’t see you cringe. I have excellent eyesight. The trick when I-oof-” you pushed off the ground into a roundoff back handspring. You landed it and rolled your shoulders, turning to him. “Landed on my butt. Its called a suicide. And the trick afterwards is a valdez,” you informed him. He just glared at you. You nodded awkwardly. “Nice talk. Oh, and your camera lid is on the desk out front.”
“How’d you-”
“I make sure no one left anything around the studio. If they do I leave it on the deck. You just happened to label it. J.S.P. Kind of hard not to know who that is.”
You stood backwards against the mat and did four back handsprings, grimacing when you came up from the last one. You really needed a rest day. But a rest day would mean not coming into the studio. And you weren’t going to stay home with Astoria. 
Walking back to the other end of the mat nearly every bone in your body cracked or creaked in some way, making james cringe. You smiled up at him. 
“Not a fan of cracking bone?” You chuckled. 
“There was just so much. Is that normal?” You smiled to yourself. 
“Yeah. For me at least. I’m not naturally flexible so I crack a lot and I have to stretch every day in order not to get back to point A.” You stood against the wall and ran into your Front Handspring, immediately going into your back handspring. 
“Will Lily be able to,” he waved his hand at you. “Do this?” You chuckled and sat down on the mat, needing to stretch for a moment. 
“She’s very flexible. Her split is already down and her straddle is close. I could work with her during her lessons with acrobats. It's best to get them started young when they're growing. It gets harder when you're a teenager. So, if she works hard, yes. She could do this.” It was quiet for a few minutes as you stretched. “Your sister is very talented like her brother’s. You should be proud.” You smiled at him, standing and doing a backbend, sitting in it for a moment before coming back up, groaning as you did.
“I am. She works very hard at it.”
“Well, like you saw today, she’s moving quickly. By the time we go back to Hogwarts she should be ready to join a group class.”
“Is that good?” You smiled. 
“Yes. Group classes are fun and though they don;t cover as much as a private lesson does they’re just as challenging.”
“Really?” You chuckled at his confusion. This family knew nothing about ballet or dance at all. 
“Yeah I should know. I take at least four a week.”
“Four a week, really?”
“Yep. I teach on all of those days, plus one where I don’t have a lesson. And I have two days off. But, I’m still here working on technique.” You shrugged. 
“So you practically live here,” he joked. 
“Yeah. This is more of a home than Malfoy Manor ever has been.”
“Why, don’t love your parents?” he scoffed. 
“My dad I adore. We’re surprisingly close. Me and uh, Astoria, have a… forced relationship.” He raised his eyebrows in shock at you using her first name. 
“Must be honest, from the stories I've heard about the Malfoys, I wouldn't expect him to be a good parent,” James scoffed. You smiled sadly.
“Yeah, a lot of people wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t ask for a different one, as cheesy as that sounds.” You backed up against the wall and sprang off into a roundoff back tuck landing on your head. “Ah!” You sat up and rubbed your neck and head. That was going to be sore tomorrow. “Dammit!” You swore, smacking the mat. You stood up and walked back over to the end of the mat, getting ready to do it again. 
“Are you alright?” You glanced at James, yoru vision swimming for a moment before focusing on him. You blinked a few times to clear the spots from vision. 
“Yeah. Not the first time I’ve landed on my face,” you chuckled. You felt a tear slip down your face and wiped it away quickly. 
“You're crying.”
“Thank you captain obvious,” you joked, laughing. “It just hurts a bit,” you snifled and willed the rest of the tears away, rubbing your face and neck. It was definitely going to bruise. “Yet again, not the first time. Gotta fall a couple times before you stick the landing." You got ready on the wall to push off again, but your vision fell to the side and you knew you weren't going to be able to tumble any more. 
Dad’s gonna be pissed that he has to fix my head again.
You quickly rolled up the mats and looked at James who was studying. You smiled. 
“Did you eat yet? I’m positively starved and I know a good pizza joint down the road.”
“Why would I want to join you?” he sneered.
Moment of being civil over. 
You shrugged.                              
“Just thought I’d offer. My treat if you decide to join.” You looked around the room making sure everything was in place and clean. 
You nodded and left the room, shutting off the lights. You checked the other rooms and grabbed your bag, changing into jeans and a black crop top with your jean jacket. You walked out and grabbed your key from your bag. You saw James bouncing awkwardly on his feet. You smiled at him.
“Change your mind?”
“You did say you were paying,” he defended. “And I am not one to pass up free food.” You laughed and double checked everything. You grabbed your notebooks from the counter and shoved them in your bag.
“Well, let's go then. The pizza place is about a block away.”
“Don’t you need to get home?” He asked.
“Worried about me, Potter?” You asked teasingly as you locked up the studio. He scoffed. 
“Just asking.”
“My dad’s used to me coming home late. Though he might have to fix my head tonight,” you laughed and touched your forehead.
“It hurts?” You shrugged. 
“I mean, I did land on it with full force. I didn’t jump high enough or use nearly as much power,” you chastised yourself. “It was doomed from the beginning.” 
“Yet you're walking straight?”
“You were walking straight after you took that bludger to the head last year,” you chuckled. He rolled his eyes.
“That's because you Slytherin’s play dirty.” You laughed. 
“I can’t control the bludgers! I’m not even a beater!” You defended yourself. 
You opened the door to the pizza place and a fresh whiff of oregano cheese and dough filled your senses. You sighed. 
“Donte!” You yelled. A teenager walked from the back with crossed arms. 
“Y/N! What do you think I am? Your personal pizza maker?” You laughed and batted your eyes at your muggle friend. 
“Your usual?” You nodded. 
“Yeah, but my friend here has never been.” Donte looked at James.
“Well, take a look at the menu. I’ll tell Dominique to start making your order.”
“It's appreciated!”
“Uhu,” he called back, already headed to the back. 
“Come here often, then?” James asked. You smiled. 
“Is it that obvious?” You walked with him to the counter where they had a menu above the counter for ordering. 
“What's good here?”
“What isn’t,” you laughed. “What kind of food do you like? They have pizza fries, garlic knots, pizza, pizza bread. Everything, realy.”
“What is it you get?”
“Garlic knots and a half of a calzone normally. I think that's what they’re cooking up back there. To be honest though I never know. They surprise me some days.”
“Who knew a Malfoy would be friends with muggles,” he sounded surprised. You hummed, holding back a snarky response. 
“Did you decide? I’m Sure the little dancer over here wasn’t much help.” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. 
“She really wasn’t. What do you suggest?”
“Well, if you like pizzas we sell smalls that are about six pieces. Great for taking home. Our garlic knots are pretty well known, but she’s already getting those, so I assume you’d just share with her.”
“Why would you assume that?” You asked, offended.
“Aren;t you two, ya know, a couple?” You laughed and so did James. The only difference was you cheeks flushed, wishing you were. 
“No,” You answered. “He hates my guts. I just happen to teach his sister. And then he came back to the studio because he forgot something.” Dante’s confused look dropped into one of murder. 
“Oh. So you're the one who’s picking on her,” he crossed his arms. 
“Want me to beat him up?”
“How are you and Margaret not an item yet? She offered the same thing, and no. Just-Just order him the same as me but with pizza fries.” you huffed and turned to a both near the corner. James followed you, glancing over his shoulder at Donte who was still glaring at the two of you. 
“What was that about?” He scowled at you. You kept your eyes on Donte’s back, ignoring James. 
“I’d be careful when he brings the food over. He’s not opposed to spitting in people’s food,” you warned before fiddling with your napkin and waited for your food. You weren’t joking. You were starving. You hadn’t had time for an actual breakfast or to pack a lunch that day. You only had an apple before you left the house and a granola bar for lunch and you couldn’t wait to get some actual food in your body.
“So are you ever going to answer me?” James asked after a moment. You looked up. 
“About your… friend?... Threatening to beat me up. Like he could touch me.” You laughed. 
“Donte is the most bad ass kid in this town. I bet he could beat you in a fight.”
“That was cold, Malfoy. Saying a muggle could beat me up.” 
“Oh? Would you cast a few spells on him so you’d get the upper hand?”
“Possibly.” You rolled your eyes.
“Because that sounds fair.”
“Since when do Slytherins care about being fair?” You mouth parted, but you had no words. Yet again, civil and then your back to reality. You slumped in your seat. Donte came over and glared at James as he gave you your food. “Thanks, Donny. I haven’t eaten all day,” you sighed, smelling the spices and ingredients better now that they were even closer to your nose. 
Your friend pointed to you threateningly. 
“You better start eating.” You laughed. 
“I missed my alarm!” You laughed. 
“And you had to get to the studio before your first lesson because?”
“Because I needed out of the house.”
“Mansion,” he coughed. You threw a fry at him. 
“Get back to work, Ankenson!” You laughed at him. 
“Of course, Miss. Malfoy,” he sarcastically bowed and left to continue working. You rolled your eyes and pulled apart one of your garlic knots. James watched the scene before grabbing a fry and eating it. 
“What?” You asked when you caught him studying you. He shook his head. 
“Does he know about the wizarding world?” 
“Yeah. I honestly should've obliviated him but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He found out my first year after I got home from school." You frowned and shoved the bread in your mouth remembering your first year. All the kids up to no good wanted to make nice and be your friend. Thinking you were the stereotypical Malfoy. You had no friends that year and got picked on by James like there was no tomorrow. 
“Ya know, you still never answered my question. Why did he want to beat me up?” You shoved a garlic knot in your mouth. 
“Becuas woo wick end e,” you mumbled. 
“Come again.”
“He found out I was getting.. Uh… picked on.. I guess,” you shook your head and shoved another piece of the knot in your mouth. 
“You can handle yourself though.” You looked away. 
“Yeah. He’s just over protective.” 
And for a good reason. You liked to think yourself strong, but you knew you weren’t. You could hold it together in the moment, but would completely collapse when you were alone. That's actually how you two met. 
You had gotten into another fight with Astoria when you were eight and had been packed and leaving the mansion. Scorpius was crying in the parlor because you were leaving and your father was still at work, so there was no one to talk the situation down. 
You had made it to the back of the pizza shop before completely collapsing and succumbing to sobs when a nine year old in jeans and t-shirt was walking by and saw you crying. He had taken you home after calming you down. He may have been a punk, but he was still kind. He had taken you back home and father was beyond furious at both you and Astoria. Mostly Astoria, though. You had just scared the crap out of him because he actually thought you would have gone through with it, and losing his kid was his worst fear. You and Donte had been friends ever since. 
The two of you finished in near silence. The only time one of you spoke was to see if the other could have fries or a Garlic knot. You had ended up paying, like you said you would. 
“I’ll pay you back in wizard money,” James said, his hands in his pockets as you two stepped out. 
“Nonsense! I told you I would pay. Besides, I'm pretty sure he gave me a discount.”
“How do you even have muggle money?”
“I work at the studio, so I get paid in both since I teach magical and non-magical kids.” You explained, hopping onto the curb and balancing like you always did. 
“Huh, weird. You’d think you didn;t even need to get paid.” You looked at him. 
“WHats that supposed to mean?”
“Well your family’s rich.”
“So is yours,” you countered. 
“Well, we don’t act like it,” he snapped back. 
“Oh? So just because I don���t dress down all the time and we throw a few parties with stuffy know it all pure blooded Slytherins that makes us act like it?”
“Yeah, actually. It does!”
“Fascinating, Potter. Your way of thinking is quite dizzying. A poor, simple minded Slytherin like myself is having a hard time keeping up. Should I bow down to the Gryffindor prince now?”
“Like you don't expect everyone to do the same,” He scoffed. 
“I don’t! You do understand that I hate the way people view me, right? I hate that my last name and all the little things that come with it! Having people look at me like I’m some monster! That I’m supposed to act like Slytherin’s princess!”
“Well aren’t you? You're from a family full of murders and monsters. Doesn't that automatically make you one to? A monster? A murderer?” You froze at the word murderer. Tears welled in your eyes and you turned away from the boy.
“Before you go around picking on people, James,” your voice cracked as you tried to keep your emotions in check, but obviously failing. “Try and get to know them first, they might just surprise you.” You bolted down the sidewalk and did not stop until you got home. Or, rather, to the manor. 
Tears were running down your face at this point and you were sobbing, the words murderer and monster ringing in your head. You slammed the door shut and pressed your body up against it, putting your hand over your mouth to quiet the sobs. But your father had heard you arrive and stepped out of the parlor, expecting a happy daughter who had just got back from dancing. This was not what he got. 
His smile fell when he saw you and quickly ushered you into the parlor where he had come from. You completely broke down and he just held you, worried about what happened. He rubbed your back until your sobs had quieted. He then sat you down on the couch. 
“What happened? What's wrong?” You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “Hey, sweet heart, what happened?” You sniffled and wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Dad, am-am I a monster? Because-because of mom?” he stared at you for a moment and shook his head. 
“Of course not, that wasn’t your fault. There were multiple compil-”
“But it was because of me,” you said sadly. “Because she had me. I killed mom,” you couldn’t look at him. James was right. Wherever your last name was, death happened. You had caused it last time. It was your fault that your mother died. Your real mother. 
“Look at me, Y/N,” he pulled your face up to meet his. “You did not kill your mother. Whatever put this thought in your head, get it out right now. Do you understand me?” You nodded and sniffled. “Where did this come from?” 
“It's-its just a thought, I've been entertaining for a while,” you mumbled. It wasn;t a complete lie.
“Possibly, but who brought this up?”
“He didn’t mean to, I don’t think.”
“Who?” He knew it couldn't have been Donte. He’d met him a few times and, though he was a rebel and got into fights every other day, he seemed to take care of his daughter and he was grateful for that.
“James,” you mumbled. He almost didn’t catch it, but he wanted to be sure before he went around throwing accusations. 
“Could you say that one more time?”
“J-James. But please don’t do anything!I don't want there to be more problems!”
“More?” He raised an eyebrow and you flinched back. 
Your father may or may not have known that you had been getting picked on at school. You didn’t want him to do anything rash, like you knew he was going to do now. 
“I-I mean any. Because there would have to be problems to begin with for there to be more. But-but there aren’t any problems. Ever. Nope. None.” you faked a yawn and looked up at the mantel’s clock. “Would you look at the time? I’m beat! I-I’ll see you tomorrow, Dad. And please don't say anything. To any one. Ever.” You rushed out of the room, hoping he wouldn’t say anything. 
But as Draco watched you scurry out of the room, he knew he had to. He didn't even know you were getting picked on. And by a Potter! How many times had a Potter made you cry and he was unaware there was even a problem? No way was this going to slide by him. Not happening. 
“Potter!” Draco called and jogged over to Harry who turned and looked at him suspiciously. 
“Yes, Malfoy? Can I help you with something?” Draco hesitated. 
“Can I talk to you in private?” Harry gave him a look but complied. They walked into an empty office. 
“What do you want?”
“I want to talk about your son and my daughter.” Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 
“I don’t understand.”
“Your son said a few… choice words that made my daughter upset the other night and apparently it has been going on for a while.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure exactly, but she came home in tears last night asking if she were a monster because of a…” He cleared his throat. “An accident that happened when she was born.” Harry understood immediately. He had known about Draco’s first marriage and how that ended. “I then asked why she was thinking this and she asked me not to say anything, but I care for her… a lot.” Harry nodded. 
“I’ll talk to James. I’m sorry she had to go through that. You as well.” Draco nodded and cleared his throat again. 
“Yes, um, thank you.” Draco walked past Harry and out of the conference room. Harry thought about how the tables had turned. But it still wasn’t right. No matter what happened in their childhood. 
“James! Can I talk to you for a second?” Harry called to his son who was playing with Lily in the yard as if nothing had happened yesterday. He had spent the night convincing himself that she had deserved it. That Malfoys and Slytherin’s like that didn’t have emotions. It cleared his conscience and took away his guilt.
“Yeah, dad!” He dropped Lily and ran into the house. Harry took him to the empty dining room, not wanting to rope Ginny into this. “Whats up.”
“Did you say anything that might’ve upset Y/N Malfoy yesterday?” James’ mouth dropped. 
“The snitch!”
“So you did?”
“She deserved it,” he grumbled. “I can’t believe she snitched to her father,” he scoffed. 
“She didn’t.” James looked up, confused. “Apparently she came home in tears the other night because of whatever you told her. What did you say exactly.”
“Uh-” James rubbed the back of his head. “Just that all Slytherin’s like her never had good intentions and uh- that her family was full of murderous monsters?” Harry stared at his son. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. 
“James, do you know about her at home life?”
“She lives in a grand old manor with a huge ballroom, and her parents.”
“Parent. Astoria isn’t Y/N’s real mother.”
“Ok? That sucks but-”
“Her mother died from complications of childbirth.” Harry clarified. James stopped. He hadn’t known you had an actual mother. Albus walked in and read the uncomfortable air. 
“What did I just walk in on?”
“Just talking about the way James treats a few of his classmates.”
“You told him you bully Y/N? Thank Merlin!” Harry’s eyebrows shot up and he glanced at his son who was glaring at his other son. “Oh. That wasn’t the conversation, was it? I’m just going to leave now.” He ran out of the room before James could grab him. Harry crossed his arms. 
“So you're also a bully?”
“She’s a bi-jerk. Thinks she’s better than the rest of us.” Lily came prancing in the room with Ginny, who was holding a bag. 
“Hi, Harry. Hi James.” She kissed the two on the cheeks and Lily jumped on the counter. 
“Daddy! You should come next time! Y/N taught me a new turn and asked if I had an interest in par-su-ing acrobatics!”
“Pursuing,"he corrected her with a smile "I thought you didn't have a lesson today sweetie.”
“I had to run to a few places and Lily didn't want to go. We stopped at the studio to pick up a few things and Y/N asked if she would rather take an extra lesson. So while I ran boring errands, she got a free dance lesson.”
Harry eyed James. 
“Jerk? Really? She sounds horrid. Have you even ever had a conversation with her?” James grumbled a no. Ginny looked between the two. 
“What happened?”
“James made her cry the other day.” Ginny raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms at her son. 
“Did he now?” Lily frowned at her brother. 
“Thats rude. Especially since she took you to a pizza place yesterday.”
“How’d you know about that.” Lily handed him his camera lid. 
“You forgot this again. She also told me to ask you to forgive her for whatever she said wrong. She seemed upset today,” Lily frowned.
“See! She’s using my family against me. Manipulative! She told her dad in, obviously fake, tears and told him to complain to you about a miniscule fight!”
“A minuscule fight where you called her entire family murderous monsters. And she told Draco not to say anything.”
“You called the Malfoys murderous monsters?” Ginny asked, looking at her son, half proud half disappointed.
“I-I didn’t think she’d cry about it! She never does!” Albus walked in, deciding it was a good time to stop eavesdropping. 
“Actually she does. Every time. Same spot by the lake. She’s fine until she’s alone. Scorpius and I saw her sobbing one day.” James’ mouth went dry. He had made you sob everytime he picked on you? How did you still have tears? “What did she even do to you?" Albus asked, actually curious. He remembered James complaining about you since the first summer after Hogwarts, though he had never given a reason why. 
Ginny and Harry gave him a disappointed look. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” James yelled in defense. 
“And that makes it better?” Ginny asked, disappointed in her son. 
“No,” he mumbled. “I’ll apologize.”
“You better bet your-”
“Ginny.” Ginny took a breath.
“Yes you will. Tomorrow. Go to bed.” James rolled his eyes and walked up to his room without complaint. 
James woke up late that day, dreading his task. Not only did he have to apologize to a Malfoy, but he had the strange feeling of guilt. Were you as terrible as he thought? He had only talked to you once before he found out you were a Malfoy. On the train. He had been utterly lost and you had wandered into his compartment asking if he wanted to share your bag of sweets, which was quite large. It was literally a duffle bag filled to the brim with all sorts of candies. 
“Mind if I join you?” An eleven year old you asked. He looked up from his wand to see you standing awkwardly at the door. Butterflies beat in his stomach. 
“Uh-yeah, sure!” he smiled. You smiled and slid into his compartment. You settled in front of him and sat the bag on your lap. You looked out the doors and back at him, motioning for him to come towards you. He leaned forward in his seat. And you smirked, making him nervous.
“Wanna see my stash?” He eyed you suspiciously. Before he could say no, you opened your bag to reveal it filled top to bottom and everywhere in between with chocolate. His mouth dropped open at the sight of it all. There was so much. 
“Wow. Where did you get all this?” You laughed and dug in it, pulling out a chocolate frog. 
“I have my ways. Want some?” 
“Can I?”
“Wouldn’t have offered if you couldn’t!” You slid the bag from your shoulder and sat it on the floor in between you so you could both eat it at your pleasure. You two talked the entire train ride. The butterflies in both of your stomachs were going insane. 
You were careful not to reveal your last name to him. Maybe if he got to know you first he wouldn’t hate you, like you assumed most people would when they heard your last name. But then you heard him say his last name.
“By the way, I’m James Potter,” he smiled. Your heart sank. The stories of your family history goes back centuries of Potters and Malfoys hating each other. Your father and his. Lucius and James. It went back even further than that. You smiled through the panic. 
“Y/N. So you like quidditch?” You had quickly changed the subject, not wanting him to ask more. Luckily, he didn;t seem to notice and he adored quidditch, just like you. But then it all just went wrong at the sorting Ceremony. 
He stared at his ceiling for a minute. Those same damn feelings rising in his chest when he thought about you. Not about how you were a stuck up Malfoy, but how you were an eleven year old girl on the Hogwarts express asking to share some candy with him and talk about his family and anything quidditch. 
“I’m just a jerk,” he mumbled to himself.”
“A big dumb jerk, yes,” Albus said from the doorway. He sat up and stared daggers at his brother. 
“What did I say about coming into my room?”
“And what did I say about you liking her?” He sneered at his younger brother.
“I don’t like her.”
“Lies.” Albus walked into his room. “You better get down to the studio soon. They close in about three hours. And don’t screw up. Just because her dad was a jerk to ours doesn;t mean she’s rude.”
“Yeah, thanks for the second lecture. Now get out of my room.” Albus held up his hands and walked out leaving James to get ready. He threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, still half asleep and the other half of his thoughts were on you. “Merlin, I’m a mess,” he muttered as he slid his camera over his shoulder and headed downstairs. Harry was sitting at the dining room table with Ginny. “Morning.” He grumbled out and went into the kitchen to grab a drink before heading out. 
“It's afternoon!” Harry called into him. 
“So I see!” He chugged a water and looked towards the cupboard that had the chocolate stash. Without a second though he grabbed a small fabric drawstring bag from the shelf and filled it with chocolate. “I’m going down to apologize,” he muttered. Harry nodded in approval and James left the house, quickly making his way down the sidewalk and to the dance studio before closing hours.
He stepped into the building and walked past a bunch of girls who he knew were staring at him. He walked to the front desk and smiled at the woman working. 
“Hello, can I help you?”
“Yes, I’m looking for Y/N Malfoy. I have some business I would like to discuss with her.”
“She is currently teaching the new ones, but you can wait up in the balcony for her. I’ll send someone back to tell her you want to speak to her before she goes back to work on her other dances. She didn't look well today, probably landed on her head again and didn’t get it checked out,” she sighed. James swallowed. Had he made you so upset yesterday that you hadn’t gotten your dad to look at your head?
Why did he care this much? Maybe it was because since he found out that you had cried about it, he realized you weren't heartless like he had tried to convince himself. That you were actually kind and that he had wasted five years picking on you instead of talking to you. 
He sighed and walked up the stairs to the nearly empty sitting section. He went to his spot by the railing and looked over. You were helping itty bitty ones, looked around three and four. You cheered for them, teased them, and held them. He noticed how gentle you were with them. He frowned deeper. 
Merlin, I’m an ignorant jerk. 
You were helping Abby with her plie when Margaret walked in. You looked up at her and waved with a smile, but she didn't have the same expression on her face.
“What's wrong? Why are you still here?”
“I was heading out when Miss. Rosier stopped me. Apparently someone,” she glanced up in the balcony, “is here to see you." You followed her gaze to James. “Claims to have some business.” Your entire body tensed. Your heartbeat picked up and you looked down. “I can stay. This is the last class today so it would just be us thr-”
“It's fine, Maggy. Go home. Your mum must be ready to kill you for not being there already. She has four little ones to juggle,” you chuckled and went back to helping the little girl. 
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll be fine. Thank you, though.” Your friend eyed James before nodding and leaving. You swallowed. You weren’t emotionally prepared for this. 
Class finished up too quickly and the girls left the studio to go home and to their families. You stayed in the large studio and James stayed where he was up top. 
“Might as well come down here, Potter. No matter how much you think I’m not going to cast a curse on you.” James walked down and into the studio, you noticed he had his shoes in his hands and was grateful for that. It was one of your biggest pet peeves. “What was your business with me?” You asked, turning around to meet his gaze. 
“I wanted to say I was sorry. For what I said the other day.” You shook your head. 
“I know my father went to yours. You probably think me a snitch along with a murderous monster.” He swallowed at your words. He hadn’t exactly meant what he said.  
“I don’t think you any of that.”
“Then why did you say it?” He stayed silent. He couldn’t answer that question. You sighed and sat on the floor. 
“I’m also sorry for the way I’ve been treating you since first year. Since I found you were a Malfoy and all.” You smiled sadly. 
“Yeah, well, there was a reason I didn’t tell you my first name on the train. Especially after you told me your last name.” He sat down in front of you. 
“I-I shouldn’t have judged you based off of your last name. I know better. I knew better.”
“It's fine, really.”
“But it's really not.” He sighed. “I mean, my brother is friends with your brother and I don’t go picking on him. It's not fair and I really am sorry. I’m not just saying that. And I also didn’t know about your… your mom,” you swallowed. 
“It was a long time ago.”
“But you blame yourself and I didn’t help. You're not a murderer, and neither is your entire family. I really am sorry about that. And for the loss of her.” You looked him in his eyes and only saw sincerity. You smiled. 
“Thank you, James. It actually means a lot to me.” He smiled and handed you the bag of chocolate he had brought. “Whats this?”
“This is my stash. Wanna see?” He whispered. You smiled and he opened it up to reveal chocolate. You laughed and smiled brightly. Sadness was still laced throughout it, but it was happier. 
“You remembered our first meeting?”
“Considering I thought you were going to ask me to do drugs with you, yes.” Your eyes widened. 
“That is not what you thought! Did I really look like a drug dealer?” He smirked. 
“No. I just figured that's what the bag was about when you said it the way you did.” You laughed and looked at the bag. 
“Can I?”
“I brought it for you, a peace offering. Maybe to try and start again?” You smiled and took out two chocolate frogs, handing him one. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Want to share my chocolate?” He smiled and took the frog from you. 
“I’d love to.”
“Don’t you dare eat on this floor though!” He laughed and put the frog in his pocket. 
“I wouldn't dream of it.”
“No, he’s just protective. Wants the best for his siblings and such,” you shrugged. Draco scoffed. “What?”
“I was a prick like that. That's not the only thing going through his mind.”
“Dad,” you warned. 
“What? I’m just saying. The other two seemed fine. He was an egotistical control freak who, let me guess, has a new girl on his arm every other week. Wait, and let me guess, it gets better, right? He also bullies the less fortunate.”
“You almost described what you were like as a kid.”
“That's because I know what they look like. And that kid was me, just different.” You rolled your eyes, your mind wandering back to the school year and the various jabs he made at you… the less fortunate…
It had been a few weeks since you had taken Lily on as a student. Since she was new to dance you had suggested twice a week and found that Lily was a very capable dancer. She caught on quickly and was very confident in her movements, though you could tell she got stressed when she wasn't able to get something right. 
“That was excellent, Lily!” You praised. She smiled brightly at your praise. How about we move to the large room if you’d like, maybe even get your mother and father to watch,” you suggested. Her face lit up. “I’ll go get them. If there's someone dancing just stand on the side like usual, alright?” She nodded and practically pranced off to the large room.
You smiled at her and quickly walked to the waiting area. Her lesson was nearly over and Harry and or Ginny were normally there already. Your smile dropped when you noticed James leaning on the wall looking down at his camera.
“Hey, Potter,” You smiled. He looked up and his gaze made your heart go mad. “Your parents here?”
“No. They sent me to pick up Lily. Is she done?”
“We were going to run her routine in the large studio. Would you like to watch? She’s very proud of it.” 
“Follow me.” you walked him back to a door. “Just go up these steps and you’ll be on the balcony. I’ll send her up to you when she’s finished.” You left him to go up the stairs and to the balcony. 
The large room was emptying out from the previous class when you entered. You had class right after you taught Lily so there was a few minutes break in between. 
“Ready?” She nodded and ran out to the middle of the room. “I’ll jump in if you get stuck, ok? Just keep going if you forget a step.” She nodded and set herself up. You pressed play on the music and her music started. You watched her from the sidelines, making mental notes on what to work on with her next lesson. You jumped in on the new part and helped her through it, which she seemed grateful for. 
The music ended and you smiled. 
“That was great, Lily! Keep practising and I’ll see you next week. Your brother is up on the balcony if you want to go meet him. You remember how to get up there?” She nodded. 
“Yep! Thank you, Y/N!” She hugged you and ran up to meet her brother as your friends started to walk in. You joined them in center to begin to stretch for class. 
James was waiting for Lily when she came running up the stairs. He put his camera away and picked her up. 
“That was beautiful! I got a few pictures of you doing it as well,” She smiled brightly. 
“Can we watch, Y/N dance?” She asked. “She has class right now and I wanna see what the older girls do.” James forced a smile, hating the idea of being in the same room as you longer than he had to, but agreed for his sister’s sake. He carried her to the edge as they watched you and a group of girls warm up. You were talking to Margaret as you stretched. You had taken your shirt off so you were in a backless red leotard; he was slightly surprised that the leotard wasn’t green.
“Hey isn’t that the girl you're teaching and her adorable brother?” You looked away from your curly hair friend to see James and Lily watching the class. You waved and Lily waved back as James just glared at you. You slowly brought your hand back down and turned back to Margaret. “What was that about?”
“He hates me,” you shrugged. 
“We go to the same school.” Her eyes widened. 
“Wait, that's the kid who bullies you?”
“I wouldn’t say bully.”
“I would. Want me to beat him up?” You laughed. 
“What? I will.” You rolled your eyes and slipped into your split. 
“No. I don’t want to lose his sister as a student. She is very talented, and a joy to teach.” Margaret frowned. 
“Well, whenever you want me to beat him up I’ll be all over it.” You laughed and your teacher began class. 
You notice James pull Lily out half way through, which you didn’t blame him for. Class was about three hours, and that wasn’t even the end of your day. Lily looked upset, but let him carry her out without a fuss. Margaret nudged you and nodded up towards the balcony.
“What?” You whispered, pirouetting a few times. 
“They left.”
“She’s probably exhausted. She danced for a vigorous hour with me.”
“Or maybe he likes you and couldn’t stop his heart from beating at the sight of you,” She hummed. You glared at her. 
She and Scropius were the only two who knew of your crush on James. And now you were regretting telling her. 
“Or maybe he couldn;t stand the sight of me anymore because he hates my guts.” You whispered back. She rolled her eyes. 
“Probably hard,” she muttered. You smacked her shoulder and stifled laughs. 
“Margaret!” She smiled at seeing you laugh. You had looked so off when you noticed them. Your stage fright getting the better of you. Now that they were gone you seemed more at ease. 
“Y/N!” You looked at the teacher. 
“Yes ma’am?”
“Class has ended.” You smiled. 
“Sorry ma’am. Would it be a problem if I stayed here for a bit longer?”
“By a bit longer do you mean ten tonight?” You chuckled. 
“Is that your hint that my day is over and to get out?” you asked with a grin. She rolled her eyes. 
“Well, my day is over. Good evening, Miss. Malfoy.”
“Good evening.” You went to the player and set up your music. You had some routines you wanted to run, as well as throw some tricks. 
James was tearing his already messy room apart, mumbling how he could not believe he lost something or other. 
“Jamie?” Lily asked coming in. “What’s wrong?”
“I think I left the cap to my camera at the studio,” He sighed and flopped down on the bed with a huff. 
“Y/N might not have left yet. She normally stays after closing.” James scoffed. 
“Like I want to be in there alone with her.”
“Wouldn;t surprise me,” Albus smirked from the doorway. 
“Go away, Albus.”
“You like her, admit it.”
“Why would I like a stuck up Malfoy?”
“Maybe because she isn’t stuck up?” Albus offered. “Come on, James. You know that better than anyone.” James scoffed and stood. 
“I need my lid, so I suppose it's worth a shot. Tell mum and Dad I’ll be back later.” He slung his camera over his body and grabbed his jacket heading out of the room, grumbling angrily.
He walked slowly down to his sister’s studio, semi praying that it was closed and he wouldn’t have to see you. He even stopped and took pictures of random things on his way. But, alas, it was not to be. 
When he got to the studio he pulled on the door which opened with ease. 
Maybe he wouldn’t see you?
He walked up to the balcony and immediately heard someone on the floor. Being the curious person he was he peaked over to see you in front of a mat, pressed up against the wall on your toes. You ran and flipped in the air, landing on your behind. He cringed, but you got out of it with another trick. Had you meant to do that?
“Are you going to just watch me all day or are you going to at least say something?” You called up to him, prepping for another trick. He scowled and leaned over the railing. You glanced at him, sending him a small smile before running again and doing a front aerial, landing it perfectly. Though, you went over everything you could've done better in your head. 
“I was just looking for my camera lid,” he grumbled down at you. 
“Is that why you were studying me do a suicide?” You asked. His eyes widened. 
“A wh-what?” You chuckled. 
“Don’t think I didn’t see you cringe. I have excellent eyesight. The trick when I-oof-” you pushed off the ground into a roundoff back handspring. You landed it and rolled your shoulders, turning to him. “Landed on my butt. Its called a suicide. And the trick afterwards is a valdez,” you informed him. He just glared at you. You nodded awkwardly. “Nice talk. Oh, and your camera lid is on the desk out front.”
“How’d you-”
“I make sure no one left anything around the studio. If they do I leave it on the deck. You just happened to label it. J.S.P. Kind of hard not to know who that is.”
You stood backwards against the mat and did four back handsprings, grimacing when you came up from the last one. You really needed a rest day. But a rest day would mean not coming into the studio. And you weren’t going to stay home with Astoria. 
Walking back to the other end of the mat nearly every bone in your body cracked or creaked in some way, making james cringe. You smiled up at him. 
“Not a fan of cracking bone?” You chuckled. 
“There was just so much. Is that normal?” You smiled to yourself. 
“Yeah. For me at least. I’m not naturally flexible so I crack a lot and I have to stretch every day in order not to get back to point A.” You stood against the wall and ran into your Front Handspring, immediately going into your back handspring. 
“Will Lily be able to,” he waved his hand at you. “Do this?” You chuckled and sat down on the mat, needing to stretch for a moment. 
“She’s very flexible. Her split is already down and her straddle is close. I could work with her during her lessons with acrobats. It's best to get them started young when they're growing. It gets harder when you're a teenager. So, if she works hard, yes. She could do this.” It was quiet for a few minutes as you stretched. “Your sister is very talented like her brother’s. You should be proud.” You smiled at him, standing and doing a backbend, sitting in it for a moment before coming back up, groaning as you did.
“I am. She works very hard at it.”
“Well, like you saw today, she’s moving quickly. By the time we go back to Hogwarts she should be ready to join a group class.”
“Is that good?” You smiled. 
“Yes. Group classes are fun and though they don;t cover as much as a private lesson does they’re just as challenging.”
“Really?” You chuckled at his confusion. This family knew nothing about ballet or dance at all. 
“Yeah I should know. I take at least four a week.”
“Four a week, really?”
“Yep. I teach on all of those days, plus one where I don’t have a lesson. And I have two days off. But, I’m still here working on technique.” You shrugged. 
“So you practically live here,” he joked. 
“Yeah. This is more of a home than Malfoy Manor ever has been.”
“Why, don’t love your parents?” he scoffed. 
“My dad I adore. We’re surprisingly close. Me and uh, Astoria, have a… forced relationship.” He raised his eyebrows in shock at you using her first name. 
“Must be honest, from the stories I've heard about the Malfoys, I wouldn't expect him to be a good parent,” James scoffed. You smiled sadly.
“Yeah, a lot of people wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t ask for a different one, as cheesy as that sounds.” You backed up against the wall and sprang off into a roundoff back tuck landing on your head. “Ah!” You sat up and rubbed your neck and head. That was going to be sore tomorrow. “Dammit!” You swore, smacking the mat. You stood up and walked back over to the end of the mat, getting ready to do it again. 
“Are you alright?” You glanced at James, yoru vision swimming for a moment before focusing on him. You blinked a few times to clear the spots from vision. 
“Yeah. Not the first time I’ve landed on my face,” you chuckled. You felt a tear slip down your face and wiped it away quickly. 
“You're crying.”
“Thank you captain obvious,” you joked, laughing. “It just hurts a bit,” you snifled and willed the rest of the tears away, rubbing your face and neck. It was definitely going to bruise. “Yet again, not the first time. Gotta fall a couple times before you stick the landing." You got ready on the wall to push off again, but your vision fell to the side and you knew you weren't going to be able to tumble any more. 
Dad’s gonna be pissed that he has to fix my head again.
You quickly rolled up the mats and looked at James who was studying. You smiled. 
“Did you eat yet? I’m positively starved and I know a good pizza joint down the road.”
“Why would I want to join you?” he sneered.
Moment of being civil over. 
You shrugged.                              
“Just thought I’d offer. My treat if you decide to join.” You looked around the room making sure everything was in place and clean. 
You nodded and left the room, shutting off the lights. You checked the other rooms and grabbed your bag, changing into jeans and a black crop top with your jean jacket. You walked out and grabbed your key from your bag. You saw James bouncing awkwardly on his feet. You smiled at him.
“Change your mind?”
“You did say you were paying,” he defended. “And I am not one to pass up free food.” You laughed and double checked everything. You grabbed your notebooks from the counter and shoved them in your bag.
“Well, let's go then. The pizza place is about a block away.”
“Don’t you need to get home?” He asked.
“Worried about me, Potter?” You asked teasingly as you locked up the studio. He scoffed. 
“Just asking.”
“My dad’s used to me coming home late. Though he might have to fix my head tonight,” you laughed and touched your forehead.
“It hurts?” You shrugged. 
“I mean, I did land on it with full force. I didn’t jump high enough or use nearly as much power,” you chastised yourself. “It was doomed from the beginning.” 
“Yet you're walking straight?”
“You were walking straight after you took that bludger to the head last year,” you chuckled. He rolled his eyes.
“That's because you Slytherin’s play dirty.” You laughed. 
“I can’t control the bludgers! I’m not even a beater!” You defended yourself. 
You opened the door to the pizza place and a fresh whiff of oregano cheese and dough filled your senses. You sighed. 
“Donte!” You yelled. A teenager walked from the back with crossed arms. 
“Y/N! What do you think I am? Your personal pizza maker?” You laughed and batted your eyes at your muggle friend. 
“Your usual?” You nodded. 
“Yeah, but my friend here has never been.” Donte looked at James.
“Well, take a look at the menu. I’ll tell Dominique to start making your order.”
“It's appreciated!”
“Uhu,” he called back, already headed to the back. 
“Come here often, then?” James asked. You smiled. 
“Is it that obvious?” You walked with him to the counter where they had a menu above the counter for ordering. 
“What's good here?”
“What isn’t,” you laughed. “What kind of food do you like? They have pizza fries, garlic knots, pizza, pizza bread. Everything, realy.”
“What is it you get?”
“Garlic knots and a half of a calzone normally. I think that's what they’re cooking up back there. To be honest though I never know. They surprise me some days.”
“Who knew a Malfoy would be friends with muggles,” he sounded surprised. You hummed, holding back a snarky response. 
“Did you decide? I’m Sure the little dancer over here wasn’t much help.” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. 
“She really wasn’t. What do you suggest?”
“Well, if you like pizzas we sell smalls that are about six pieces. Great for taking home. Our garlic knots are pretty well known, but she’s already getting those, so I assume you’d just share with her.”
“Why would you assume that?” You asked, offended.
“Aren;t you two, ya know, a couple?” You laughed and so did James. The only difference was you cheeks flushed, wishing you were. 
“No,” You answered. “He hates my guts. I just happen to teach his sister. And then he came back to the studio because he forgot something.” Dante’s confused look dropped into one of murder. 
“Oh. So you're the one who’s picking on her,” he crossed his arms. 
“Want me to beat him up?”
“How are you and Margaret not an item yet? She offered the same thing, and no. Just-Just order him the same as me but with pizza fries.” you huffed and turned to a both near the corner. James followed you, glancing over his shoulder at Donte who was still glaring at the two of you. 
“What was that about?” He scowled at you. You kept your eyes on Donte’s back, ignoring James. 
“I’d be careful when he brings the food over. He’s not opposed to spitting in people’s food,” you warned before fiddling with your napkin and waited for your food. You weren’t joking. You were starving. You hadn’t had time for an actual breakfast or to pack a lunch that day. You only had an apple before you left the house and a granola bar for lunch and you couldn’t wait to get some actual food in your body.
“So are you ever going to answer me?” James asked after a moment. You looked up. 
“About your… friend?... Threatening to beat me up. Like he could touch me.” You laughed. 
“Donte is the most bad ass kid in this town. I bet he could beat you in a fight.”
“That was cold, Malfoy. Saying a muggle could beat me up.” 
“Oh? Would you cast a few spells on him so you’d get the upper hand?”
“Possibly.” You rolled your eyes.
“Because that sounds fair.”
“Since when do Slytherins care about being fair?” You mouth parted, but you had no words. Yet again, civil and then your back to reality. You slumped in your seat. Donte came over and glared at James as he gave you your food. “Thanks, Donny. I haven’t eaten all day,” you sighed, smelling the spices and ingredients better now that they were even closer to your nose. 
Your friend pointed to you threateningly. 
“You better start eating.” You laughed. 
“I missed my alarm!” You laughed. 
“And you had to get to the studio before your first lesson because?”
“Because I needed out of the house.”
“Mansion,” he coughed. You threw a fry at him. 
“Get back to work, Ankenson!” You laughed at him. 
“Of course, Miss. Malfoy,” he sarcastically bowed and left to continue working. You rolled your eyes and pulled apart one of your garlic knots. James watched the scene before grabbing a fry and eating it. 
“What?” You asked when you caught him studying you. He shook his head. 
“Does he know about the wizarding world?” 
“Yeah. I honestly should've obliviated him but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He found out my first year after I got home from school." You frowned and shoved the bread in your mouth remembering your first year. All the kids up to no good wanted to make nice and be your friend. Thinking you were the stereotypical Malfoy. You had no friends that year and got picked on by James like there was no tomorrow. 
“Ya know, you still never answered my question. Why did he want to beat me up?” You shoved a garlic knot in your mouth. 
“Becuas woo wick end e,” you mumbled. 
“Come again.”
“He found out I was getting.. Uh… picked on.. I guess,” you shook your head and shoved another piece of the knot in your mouth. 
“You can handle yourself though.” You looked away. 
“Yeah. He’s just over protective.” 
And for a good reason. You liked to think yourself strong, but you knew you weren’t. You could hold it together in the moment, but would completely collapse when you were alone. That's actually how you two met. 
You had gotten into another fight with Astoria when you were eight and had been packed and leaving the mansion. Scorpius was crying in the parlor because you were leaving and your father was still at work, so there was no one to talk the situation down. 
You had made it to the back of the pizza shop before completely collapsing and succumbing to sobs when a nine year old in jeans and t-shirt was walking by and saw you crying. He had taken you home after calming you down. He may have been a punk, but he was still kind. He had taken you back home and father was beyond furious at both you and Astoria. Mostly Astoria, though. You had just scared the crap out of him because he actually thought you would have gone through with it, and losing his kid was his worst fear. You and Donte had been friends ever since. 
The two of you finished in near silence. The only time one of you spoke was to see if the other could have fries or a Garlic knot. You had ended up paying, like you said you would. 
“I’ll pay you back in wizard money,” James said, his hands in his pockets as you two stepped out. 
“Nonsense! I told you I would pay. Besides, I'm pretty sure he gave me a discount.”
“How do you even have muggle money?”
“I work at the studio, so I get paid in both since I teach magical and non-magical kids.” You explained, hopping onto the curb and balancing like you always did. 
“Huh, weird. You’d think you didn;t even need to get paid.” You looked at him. 
“WHats that supposed to mean?”
“Well your family’s rich.”
“So is yours,” you countered. 
“Well, we don’t act like it,” he snapped back. 
“Oh? So just because I don’t dress down all the time and we throw a few parties with stuffy know it all pure blooded Slytherins that makes us act like it?”
“Yeah, actually. It does!”
“Fascinating, Potter. Your way of thinking is quite dizzying. A poor, simple minded Slytherin like myself is having a hard time keeping up. Should I bow down to the Gryffindor prince now?”
“Like you don't expect everyone to do the same,” He scoffed. 
“I don’t! You do understand that I hate the way people view me, right? I hate that my last name and all the little things that come with it! Having people look at me like I’m some monster! That I’m supposed to act like Slytherin’s princess!”
“Well aren’t you? You're from a family full of murders and monsters. Doesn't that automatically make you one to? A monster? A murderer?” You froze at the word murderer. Tears welled in your eyes and you turned away from the boy.
“Before you go around picking on people, James,” your voice cracked as you tried to keep your emotions in check, but obviously failing. “Try and get to know them first, they might just surprise you.” You bolted down the sidewalk and did not stop until you got home. Or, rather, to the manor. 
Tears were running down your face at this point and you were sobbing, the words murderer and monster ringing in your head. You slammed the door shut and pressed your body up against it, putting your hand over your mouth to quiet the sobs. But your father had heard you arrive and stepped out of the parlor, expecting a happy daughter who had just got back from dancing. This was not what he got. 
His smile fell when he saw you and quickly ushered you into the parlor where he had come from. You completely broke down and he just held you, worried about what happened. He rubbed your back until your sobs had quieted. He then sat you down on the couch. 
“What happened? What's wrong?” You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “Hey, sweet heart, what happened?” You sniffled and wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Dad, am-am I a monster? Because-because of mom?” he stared at you for a moment and shook his head. 
“Of course not, that wasn’t your fault. There were multiple compil-”
“But it was because of me,” you said sadly. “Because she had me. I killed mom,” you couldn’t look at him. James was right. Wherever your last name was, death happened. You had caused it last time. It was your fault that your mother died. Your real mother. 
“Look at me, Y/N,” he pulled your face up to meet his. “You did not kill your mother. Whatever put this thought in your head, get it out right now. Do you understand me?” You nodded and sniffled. “Where did this come from?” 
“It's-its just a thought, I've been entertaining for a while,” you mumbled. It wasn;t a complete lie.
“Possibly, but who brought this up?”
“He didn’t mean to, I don’t think.”
“Who?” He knew it couldn't have been Donte. He’d met him a few times and, though he was a rebel and got into fights every other day, he seemed to take care of his daughter and he was grateful for that.
“James,” you mumbled. He almost didn’t catch it, but he wanted to be sure before he went around throwing accusations. 
“Could you say that one more time?”
“J-James. But please don’t do anything!I don't want there to be more problems!”
“More?” He raised an eyebrow and you flinched back. 
Your father may or may not have known that you had been getting picked on at school. You didn’t want him to do anything rash, like you knew he was going to do now. 
“I-I mean any. Because there would have to be problems to begin with for there to be more. But-but there aren’t any problems. Ever. Nope. None.” you faked a yawn and looked up at the mantel’s clock. “Would you look at the time? I’m beat! I-I’ll see you tomorrow, Dad. And please don't say anything. To any one. Ever.” You rushed out of the room, hoping he wouldn’t say anything. 
But as Draco watched you scurry out of the room, he knew he had to. He didn't even know you were getting picked on. And by a Potter! How many times had a Potter made you cry and he was unaware there was even a problem? No way was this going to slide by him. Not happening. 
“Potter!” Draco called and jogged over to Harry who turned and looked at him suspiciously. 
“Yes, Malfoy? Can I help you with something?” Draco hesitated. 
“Can I talk to you in private?” Harry gave him a look but complied. They walked into an empty office. 
“What do you want?”
“I want to talk about your son and my daughter.” Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 
“I don’t understand.”
“Your son said a few… choice words that made my daughter upset the other night and apparently it has been going on for a while.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure exactly, but she came home in tears last night asking if she were a monster because of a…” He cleared his throat. “An accident that happened when she was born.” Harry understood immediately. He had known about Draco’s first marriage and how that ended. “I then asked why she was thinking this and she asked me not to say anything, but I care for her… a lot.” Harry nodded. 
“I’ll talk to James. I’m sorry she had to go through that. You as well.” Draco nodded and cleared his throat again. 
“Yes, um, thank you.” Draco walked past Harry and out of the conference room. Harry thought about how the tables had turned. But it still wasn’t right. No matter what happened in their childhood. 
“James! Can I talk to you for a second?” Harry called to his son who was playing with Lily in the yard as if nothing had happened yesterday. He had spent the night convincing himself that she had deserved it. That Malfoys and Slytherin’s like that didn’t have emotions. It cleared his conscience and took away his guilt.
“Yeah, dad!” He dropped Lily and ran into the house. Harry took him to the empty dining room, not wanting to rope Ginny into this. “Whats up.”
“Did you say anything that might’ve upset Y/N Malfoy yesterday?” James’ mouth dropped. 
“The snitch!”
“So you did?”
“She deserved it,” he grumbled. “I can’t believe she snitched to her father,” he scoffed. 
“She didn’t.” James looked up, confused. “Apparently she came home in tears the other night because of whatever you told her. What did you say exactly.”
“Uh-” James rubbed the back of his head. “Just that all Slytherin’s like her never had good intentions and uh- that her family was full of murderous monsters?” Harry stared at his son. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. 
“James, do you know about her at home life?”
“She lives in a grand old manor with a huge ballroom, and her parents.”
“Parent. Astoria isn’t Y/N’s real mother.”
“Ok? That sucks but-”
“Her mother died from complications of childbirth.” Harry clarified. James stopped. He hadn’t known you had an actual mother. Albus walked in and read the uncomfortable air. 
“What did I just walk in on?”
“Just talking about the way James treats a few of his classmates.”
“You told him you bully Y/N? Thank Merlin!” Harry’s eyebrows shot up and he glanced at his son who was glaring at his other son. “Oh. That wasn’t the conversation, was it? I’m just going to leave now.” He ran out of the room before James could grab him. Harry crossed his arms. 
“So you're also a bully?”
“She’s a bi-jerk. Thinks she’s better than the rest of us.” Lily came prancing in the room with Ginny, who was holding a bag. 
“Hi, Harry. Hi James.” She kissed the two on the cheeks and Lily jumped on the counter. 
“Daddy! You should come next time! Y/N taught me a new turn and asked if I had an interest in par-su-ing acrobatics!”
“Pursuing,"he corrected her with a smile "I thought you didn't have a lesson today sweetie.”
“I had to run to a few places and Lily didn't want to go. We stopped at the studio to pick up a few things and Y/N asked if she would rather take an extra lesson. So while I ran boring errands, she got a free dance lesson.”
Harry eyed James. 
“Jerk? Really? She sounds horrid. Have you even ever had a conversation with her?” James grumbled a no. Ginny looked between the two. 
“What happened?”
“James made her cry the other day.” Ginny raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms at her son. 
“Did he now?” Lily frowned at her brother. 
“Thats rude. Especially since she took you to a pizza place yesterday.”
“How’d you know about that.” Lily handed him his camera lid. 
“You forgot this again. She also told me to ask you to forgive her for whatever she said wrong. She seemed upset today,” Lily frowned.
“See! She’s using my family against me. Manipulative! She told her dad in, obviously fake, tears and told him to complain to you about a miniscule fight!”
“A minuscule fight where you called her entire family murderous monsters. And she told Draco not to say anything.”
“You called the Malfoys murderous monsters?” Ginny asked, looking at her son, half proud half disappointed.
“I-I didn’t think she’d cry about it! She never does!” Albus walked in, deciding it was a good time to stop eavesdropping. 
“Actually she does. Every time. Same spot by the lake. She’s fine until she’s alone. Scorpius and I saw her sobbing one day.” James’ mouth went dry. He had made you sob everytime he picked on you? How did you still have tears? “What did she even do to you?" Albus asked, actually curious. He remembered James complaining about you since the first summer after Hogwarts, though he had never given a reason why. 
Ginny and Harry gave him a disappointed look. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” James yelled in defense. 
“And that makes it better?” Ginny asked, disappointed in her son. 
“No,” he mumbled. “I’ll apologize.”
“You better bet your-”
“Ginny.” Ginny took a breath.
“Yes you will. Tomorrow. Go to bed.” James rolled his eyes and walked up to his room without complaint. 
James woke up late that day, dreading his task. Not only did he have to apologize to a Malfoy, but he had the strange feeling of guilt. Were you as terrible as he thought? He had only talked to you once before he found out you were a Malfoy. On the train. He had been utterly lost and you had wandered into his compartment asking if he wanted to share your bag of sweets, which was quite large. It was literally a duffle bag filled to the brim with all sorts of candies. 
“Mind if I join you?” An eleven year old you asked. He looked up from his wand to see you standing awkwardly at the door. Butterflies beat in his stomach. 
“Uh-yeah, sure!” he smiled. You smiled and slid into his compartment. You settled in front of him and sat the bag on your lap. You looked out the doors and back at him, motioning for him to come towards you. He leaned forward in his seat. And you smirked, making him nervous.
“Wanna see my stash?” He eyed you suspiciously. Before he could say no, you opened your bag to reveal it filled top to bottom and everywhere in between with chocolate. His mouth dropped open at the sight of it all. There was so much. 
“Wow. Where did you get all this?” You laughed and dug in it, pulling out a chocolate frog. 
“I have my ways. Want some?” 
“Can I?”
“Wouldn’t have offered if you couldn’t!” You slid the bag from your shoulder and sat it on the floor in between you so you could both eat it at your pleasure. You two talked the entire train ride. The butterflies in both of your stomachs were going insane. 
You were careful not to reveal your last name to him. Maybe if he got to know you first he wouldn’t hate you, like you assumed most people would when they heard your last name. But then you heard him say his last name.
“By the way, I’m James Potter,” he smiled. Your heart sank. The stories of your family history goes back centuries of Potters and Malfoys hating each other. Your father and his. Lucius and James. It went back even further than that. You smiled through the panic. 
“Y/N. So you like quidditch?” You had quickly changed the subject, not wanting him to ask more. Luckily, he didn;t seem to notice and he adored quidditch, just like you. But then it all just went wrong at the sorting Ceremony. 
He stared at his ceiling for a minute. Those same damn feelings rising in his chest when he thought about you. Not about how you were a stuck up Malfoy, but how you were an eleven year old girl on the Hogwarts express asking to share some candy with him and talk about his family and anything quidditch. 
“I’m just a jerk,” he mumbled to himself.”
“A big dumb jerk, yes,” Albus said from the doorway. He sat up and stared daggers at his brother. 
“What did I say about coming into my room?”
“And what did I say about you liking her?” He sneered at his younger brother.
“I don’t like her.”
“Lies.” Albus walked into his room. “You better get down to the studio soon. They close in about three hours. And don’t screw up. Just because her dad was a jerk to ours doesn;t mean she’s rude.”
“Yeah, thanks for the second lecture. Now get out of my room.” Albus held up his hands and walked out leaving James to get ready. He threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, still half asleep and the other half of his thoughts were on you. “Merlin, I’m a mess,” he muttered as he slid his camera over his shoulder and headed downstairs. Harry was sitting at the dining room table with Ginny. “Morning.” He grumbled out and went into the kitchen to grab a drink before heading out. 
“It's afternoon!” Harry called into him. 
“So I see!” He chugged a water and looked towards the cupboard that had the chocolate stash. Without a second though he grabbed a small fabric drawstring bag from the shelf and filled it with chocolate. “I’m going down to apologize,” he muttered. Harry nodded in approval and James left the house, quickly making his way down the sidewalk and to the dance studio before closing hours.
He stepped into the building and walked past a bunch of girls who he knew were staring at him. He walked to the front desk and smiled at the woman working. 
“Hello, can I help you?”
“Yes, I’m looking for Y/N Malfoy. I have some business I would like to discuss with her.”
“She is currently teaching the new ones, but you can wait up in the balcony for her. I’ll send someone back to tell her you want to speak to her before she goes back to work on her other dances. She didn't look well today, probably landed on her head again and didn’t get it checked out,” she sighed. James swallowed. Had he made you so upset yesterday that you hadn’t gotten your dad to look at your head?
Why did he care this much? Maybe it was because since he found out that you had cried about it, he realized you weren't heartless like he had tried to convince himself. That you were actually kind and that he had wasted five years picking on you instead of talking to you. 
He sighed and walked up the stairs to the nearly empty sitting section. He went to his spot by the railing and looked over. You were helping itty bitty ones, looked around three and four. You cheered for them, teased them, and held them. He noticed how gentle you were with them. He frowned deeper. 
Merlin, I’m an ignorant jerk. 
You were helping Abby with her plie when Margaret walked in. You looked up at her and waved with a smile, but she didn't have the same expression on her face.
“What's wrong? Why are you still here?”
“I was heading out when Miss. Rosier stopped me. Apparently someone,” she glanced up in the balcony, “is here to see you." You followed her gaze to James. “Claims to have some business.” Your entire body tensed. Your heartbeat picked up and you looked down. “I can stay. This is the last class today so it would just be us thr-”
“It's fine, Maggy. Go home. Your mum must be ready to kill you for not being there already. She has four little ones to juggle,” you chuckled and went back to helping the little girl. 
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll be fine. Thank you, though.” Your friend eyed James before nodding and leaving. You swallowed. You weren’t emotionally prepared for this. 
Class finished up too quickly and the girls left the studio to go home and to their families. You stayed in the large studio and James stayed where he was up top. 
“Might as well come down here, Potter. No matter how much you think I’m not going to cast a curse on you.” James walked down and into the studio, you noticed he had his shoes in his hands and was grateful for that. It was one of your biggest pet peeves. “What was your business with me?” You asked, turning around to meet his gaze. 
“I wanted to say I was sorry. For what I said the other day.” You shook your head. 
“I know my father went to yours. You probably think me a snitch along with a murderous monster.” He swallowed at your words. He hadn’t exactly meant what he said.  
“I don’t think you any of that.”
“Then why did you say it?” He stayed silent. He couldn’t answer that question. You sighed and sat on the floor. 
“I’m also sorry for the way I’ve been treating you since first year. Since I found you were a Malfoy and all.” You smiled sadly. 
“Yeah, well, there was a reason I didn’t tell you my first name on the train. Especially after you told me your last name.” He sat down in front of you. 
“I-I shouldn’t have judged you based off of your last name. I know better. I knew better.”
“It's fine, really.”
“But it's really not.” He sighed. “I mean, my brother is friends with your brother and I don’t go picking on him. It's not fair and I really am sorry. I’m not just saying that. And I also didn’t know about your… your mom,” you swallowed. 
“It was a long time ago.”
“But you blame yourself and I didn’t help. You're not a murderer, and neither is your entire family. I really am sorry about that. And for the loss of her.” You looked him in his eyes and only saw sincerity. You smiled. 
“Thank you, James. It actually means a lot to me.” He smiled and handed you the bag of chocolate he had brought. “Whats this?”
“This is my stash. Wanna see?” He whispered. You smiled and he opened it up to reveal chocolate. You laughed and smiled brightly. Sadness was still laced throughout it, but it was happier. 
“You remembered our first meeting?”
“Considering I thought you were going to ask me to do drugs with you, yes.” Your eyes widened. 
“That is not what you thought! Did I really look like a drug dealer?” He smirked. 
“No. I just figured that's what the bag was about when you said it the way you did.” You laughed and looked at the bag. 
“Can I?”
“I brought it for you, a peace offering. Maybe to try and start again?” You smiled and took out two chocolate frogs, handing him one. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Want to share my chocolate?” He smiled and took the frog from you. 
“I’d love to.”
“Don’t you dare eat on this floor though!” He laughed and put the frog in his pocket. 
“I wouldn't dream of it.”
Let me know what you guy thinkin the comments I hope you liked it and stay tuned for chapter 2 next week!
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kostantina · 2 years
Getting into a relationship was not something Tom had in mind when he made plans for the future, but that changed when he met you, a member of the Malfoy family with an innocence uncommon among witches, making him very enamoured with you without you having to make far too much effort for him to like you, unlike others. He was very much aware that it was not love that he felt for you, contrary to what you were wishing for. Still, he could pretend that it was and begin being in a romantic relationship with you if it guaranteed that he would be able to have you all to himself and be the first ever man to touch you in ways you hadn't experienced. Now, he found himself at your opulent manor for the Christmas celebration to which he had been begrudgingly invited and saw this as the ideal time to finally attain what he had craved for so long, and that was you. So, while your elder brother was only in another room entertaining the guests and unknowingly unlocking the gate for him to ravage you like a wolf to a sheep, he brazenly made the best of your obvious fondness for him to have a special kind of fun with you in your bedroom. If Abraxas learned about it, it would assuredly make for a comical scene—for Tom, at least.
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pizzapottah · 3 months
pizzapottah's masterlist
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harry potter saga:
harry j. potter ↓
young love (malfoy!reader) — the youngest malfoy meets the famous harry potter, not knowing that he'll be a big, big part of her life one day.
george weasley ↓
summer vacation — you and george go on vacation together- chaos ensues.
james f. potter ↓
runaway (slytherin!reader) — you and james grew up together, being best friends since childhood, but after you get sorted into slytherin in your first year at hogwarts, it was only a matter of time until it all crumbled down.
➞ homecoming (coming soon!)— it's been three years. can james make up for the lost time?
star wars saga:
luke skywalker ↓
baby blues (coming soon!) — when you tried to kill luke skywalker, you never imagined that in the future he would become what you called home.
paul atreides ↓
moon child (coming soon!) — the bene gesserit's ways are hard to learn, even harder to understand, and neither you nor paul are fond of them.
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I’m so tempted to do a slow burn folklore love triangle inspired fic were malfoy!reader is a year older than Draco and her first year she doesn’t really have any friends but then she kinda of because she makes frienemies with the twins then she starts having feeling for George in her 3/4 year but realizes they’re better as just friends so they stay as best friends, then in her fifth year when GoF is happening she becomes friends with Harry cuz she’s the only one who truly bealives him so they go from sworn enemies to frenemies to never not bickering+a lot of tension😏😏 and they’re both like catching feelings but then reader gets with Cedric and Harry is all grumpy and annoyed but then the Yule ball comes around and reader looks so pretty and is a bit older and taller than Harry and he feels so flustered and intimidated and a little sad that he doesn’t have yn and because he definitely doesn’t know how to handle his emotions or cope in a healthy way their relationship goes back to frenemies BUTTTT in the second task he sees her in the bottom of the lake and has an internal fight on who to save but then Cedric saves reader and then Harry is all worried and Draco is all angry at Cedric because as far as he is concerned it’s his fault she was down there and then CEDRIC DOESNT DIE but him and reader do break up, then in readers 6th year her and Harry start becoming close again but now that things have become so much more tense because of the return of Voldemort Harry and her have to keel their relationship super secret and pining and shit and AAGGGHHH first they’re just friends but things start happening they start ykkkk like tlrealising theynlike each other and to all the adults it looks like compete deja vu because Harry looks exactly like James and reader is a malfoy but has her moms side genes and looks like the black so it looks like jegulus all over again and there is so much angst and then things seem amazing but then start going downhill and Harry and reader start fighting because she has a death eater family and then everything finally explodes after Sirius is ALMOST killed by readers aunt also happens to look like reader and they’re forced to pick sides and reader can’t leave her little brother so she breaks up with Harry and leaves to malfoy manor where Voldemort and all the death eaters are currently stayin, although she doesn’t last long there because she keeps talking to the order and the twins secretly and they caught her and Bella kind of tortures her like she did Hermione and writes with her knife traitor in her arm and she just keeps getting tortured in her own how’s by voldys orders for being a traitor until finally she is able to escape and aparate at the burrow shei is seriously hurt and passes out immediately, Harry feels super guilty and in the aftermath of this whole thing she goes and stays with wolf star mostly with Sirius but Remus happens to sometimes crash there, and she is so damas because her own family hates her and tortured her and because she feels like guilty about leaving Draco behind and also because she’s not with Harry anymore and then her seventh year start and she has never been sadder. So at the start of the year she was practically alone like 1000% of the time and then her and Harry are so angst specially during the slug parties and the she sees how Harry starts falling for Ginny so it’s the most painful thing in the world for her and then the war and then and then and then I want it to end happy but it’s definitely going to be long
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ii-larb-you · 1 year
Does anyone have any draco malfoy x older sister reader fic recs :/ maybe she’s in a different house and it’s kinda like a Sirius and Regulus situation?? Please comment some if you do!! 😚💖
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l0velysmut · 1 month
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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