#love each other
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Why are the boys fighting 😭😭
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sotwk · 3 months
A person can be told "I love you" literally every single day of their life, and still live their whole life feeling wretchedly unloved.
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esimfiction · 7 months
I wish they meet each other without cringe hate or betrayal or any this sorts. Pls feast my eyes
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cosmicstxrs · 6 months
Some people just make it all better. They simply exist nonchalantly but for you, it's like the glittering stars and vibrant rainbows in the sky!
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miyavlasiyoruz · 7 months
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kilonovaaaa · 4 months
Serious talk:
When people say adults shouldn't be friends with kids, it bugs me. True honest adults care for their internet children and want to take care of them. No matter how old you are, there is this horrible taboo that if you're an adult you shouldn't be friend minors. Those adults should be willing to explain to minors what to do for safety. Some people genuinely care about their adopted fandom kids and want to relate to them- to help them- to share their experiences with their mistakes so that they can be protected against the evils of others.
I want children to be wary. I want their self esteem to soar and I want them to feel comfortable and happy with who they are. They deserve no less. They are our future and the only hope that things will change for the better.
Especially for those children who's real parents are abusive. They often times have no one else. So if you see a child struggling, help them if you can. Even if it's distracting them with happy thoughts and special interests and hyperfixations.
They need good adults around to help them more than ever. I know that there are some horrific adults out there, but please don't think of all adult child relationships as abusive. I would take bullets for my Once-ler kids. End of story. Many bullets. The children of this fandom are my lifeline.
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zelphafrost · 7 months
If you have a mental illness and/or are neurodivergent and you want people to be understanding and compassionate about your struggles, extending that same courtesy to others is a good place to start.
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belladonna-mae · 9 months
please remember that being kind doesn’t cost you a thing.
yet just a simple hello or smile can make someones day.
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sasukeless · 1 year
I agreed with that post you made about Sakura not caring If she knew the truth about the massacre but what do you think of her offering to go with Sasuke in part 1
i mean she didnt offer that because she believed what sasuke was doing was right or because she supported his revenge lol. her whole confession is her not wanting sasuke to leave her she offers that when she realizes nothing shes saying is making sasuke stop so she doesnt stop to think how selfish it would be for her to just leave her family just to go after her crush, but again shes not doing it out of support or anything like that. and sasuke himself knows this which is why he leaves her and why he doesn’t believe a word of what she says when she shows up at the bridge and claims shes on his side
the thing is also at the bridge naruto himself says “i know the truth about itachi” and sakura is right there, she hears this but she never ever ask and ppl say this is kishimoto fault because how he wrote her but like Yeah thats the point? he wrote her like that all the time. its okay if u dont like that writing for her, it is annoying lmao but saying it makes no sense its dumb because kishimoto has always kept her as a background character for her own team and refused to make her relationship w sasuke anything more deep than just her crushing on a guy that doesnt like her back and that shes unable to understand or view sasuke as a person outside of her romantic feelings
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Warning! A terf blog has made a new account, block, don't interact! Hate has no room is this community❤ Remember that you are loved, and take care of each other out there. Here are some cool trans F1 blogs you should support
And remember that these sort of peaceful protests are being shut down, so let's speak up! FIA bans drivers from making ‘political statements’ without permission Love you, R
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crazy ramblings and spoilers under here
listen to me. i’ve been thinking (the rot) take dr ahems death and make it a million times more tragic for kyborg
the horror of death. you have seen it before, but this time, maybe this time, you can stop it. one of your closests friend has literally sucked the life out of another man to try to save him, and it doesn’t even close his wound. there is nothing anyone can do to save him. you’re clumsily trying to press on the wound to stop the bleeding, getting blood underneath fingernails your as you think of your mother. how you’ll have to watch him bleed out into the ground in front of you. how you’ll have to watch the life leave someone’s eyes again, and just like before there is nothing you can do to save him. the blood he shares with your enemy is soaking your hands. you struggle to forgive him. you do so anyway.
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I see
Reflected in
The mirror of
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zomaeliet · 7 months
To the women out partying tonight in loud ass clubs, I'm in my bed with my dog and reading a book I'm really enjoying - we are not the same.
But we are both valid and free.
To the women who wear hijabs and show very little skin, and to the women who love mini skirts and crop tops, I love you both and all the ladies in between
To the women born with the wrong bodies and to the women who were, I support you and I love you both.
To the girls who are not yet women and to women who are well into your golden years, you're beautiful and I love you both
To the women who are asexual/aromantic and to the women who dreamt of getting married one day since they were little, I love you both.
To the women who stifle their laughter and to the women who's laughter shakes the room with each snort, I adore you and I love to make you laugh
To the women who have big boobs and to the women who are flat chested, I love you both, absolutely exquisite.
To the women who are pale as can be and to the women with the darkest and richest color of skin, I hope you both find your perfect foundation match - you're beautiful.
To the women who wear full faces of makeup and to the women who never wear any at all, you look amazing today
To the women who shave/wax/pluck every hair away that they can and to the women who don't and don't want to, fuck yeah
To the women with cellulite thighs and to the women as thin as a bobby pin, you both are gorgeous
To the women who are queer and to the women who are straight, I hope you find your soul mates.
To the women who love themselves, and to the women who aren't there yet - I support you and I'm so proud.
To every woman in between, to every girl that there is, to every kick ass, loving, beautiful, and amazing people out there in the world, I'm so thankful for you.
I love you all.
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it-svduh · 1 month
If Miss Sharma and Lord Bridgeton don’t hurry up and suck faces I’ll actually tweak😐😵‍💫. How many fucking teaser scenes have we had so far😰?? I’m losing my mind…
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nuestrodestinocomun · 6 months
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El Caos del Universo
El tren acelera, alcanzando la máxima velocidad justo al llegar al túnel que atraviesa la montaña. Dejas atrás el valle, todo lo que hasta ahora te era conocido. Con la fuerza de una enorme centrifugadora que atrae el tiempo hacia su centro, te impulsas hacia delante, te evades de ti mismo, hacia la siguiente parada.
“El mundo es una acumulación caótica del desorden de cada uno de sus habitantes”, solías decir.
Los pasajeros del vagón van concentrados en los fragmentos de vida que durante el trayecto deciden compartir. Instantes que cada uno elige cómo emplear. Unos se decantan por leer, o por mirar simplemente a través de la ventana. Los hay que deciden perturbar al resto de pasajeros que permanecen tranquilos y en silencio, mediante el sonido de sus teléfonos móviles. Otros intentan entablar una conversación con la persona contigua que les ha tocado en suerte.
Los viajes tienen un componente nostálgico que reside en la estática de la tristeza que nos acompaña durante el trayecto. Una sensación que se acrecienta en aquellos desplazamientos que no son estrictamente por placer, los que te hacen partir de un punto del que no deseabas separarte jamás.
Contemplas los paisajes que pasan por delante de la ventana e imaginas a qué dedicarán sus vidas esas personas que pareces distinguir en la distancia. ¿Llevarán una vida parecida a la tuya?, ¿se preocuparán por las mismas cosas?, o ¿quizá no exista realmente gente que viva en esos sitios?. Concluyes finalmente, que da igual a qué dediquen sus vidas, todos pierden el tiempo, no saben que realmente lo que se les escapa es la propia vida, por no disfrutarla, por no disfrutarse.
Todos tenemos ansias por cambiar nuestro presente, pero siempre conseguimos encontrar alguna excusa que nos haga demorar el cambio que permanentemente estamos madurando en nuestra mente y que la mayoría de las veces consideramos revolucionario y rompedor, hasta que un día decidimos revelárselo a un amigo o un familiar, y por la expresión de su cara comprendemos que efectivamente no era el plan del siglo, que ya otros antes habían pensado lo mismo y habían fracasado justo en el punto en el que tú lo estabas haciendo.
Piensas que el libro que tienes en tus manos lanza frases crípticas y enigmáticas sobre tu futuro, según se adapten a tus expectativas. Encontraré pareja, tendré dinero y salud, los vecinos dejarán de hacer ruido por las noches, seré feliz. Cualquier mantra literario es bienvenido siempre que encaje en nuestros planes.
Estos pensamientos permanecen en el aire justo el tiempo en el que el tren llega a la próxima parada. Al bajarte en el anden sientes cómo las huellas de trenes pasados y presentes se entremezclan, cómo las vidas de extraños, que van y vienen, se cruzan de forma aleatoria, de forma azarosa. La magia de la vida, el caos del universo.
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