#live & scène
ficuscircus · 1 year
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HPI rewatch: 104, "Phyllobates terribilis"
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newmic · 1 year
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rad-batson · 1 year
The Batkids and The Arts (Feral Edition)
They’re all musical theatre nerds. Every single one of them. Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Cass, Jason, Steph, Tim, Duke, Damian. They go see Broadway shows together then don’t stop talking about it for like a week. It is the one bonding activity they will never pass up.
Jason and Steph once entered a ballroom dancing competition and won after some pompous rich kids insulted their moves during a gala. Since then, they’ve entered a competition every month or so just for fun. (And for the prize money :P)
Tim is an avid believer that Culinary Art is one of The Arts. (Can he cook? Absolutely not. It was Bernard that convinced him, but he stands by it.)
Duke talks through every single movie he watches. He always promises to be quiet at the beginning, but then he gets too excited and whispers commentary to the people around him. This habit has since bled into the entire family. They are no longer welcome at the local AMC.
Every single one of them is pretentious about something.
Dick is pretentious about any and all performance arts featured at the circus. Once, someone made a joke about going to “Clown School” and Dick screamed at them about how not even their pinky would have the privilege of being admitted into clown school.
Jason is pretentious about classic literature. They can no longer tell if his jokes and references to Shakespeare and Jane Austen are correct or if he’s just fucking with them.
Cass gets pretentious about martial arts being a performance art. She is also pretentious about ballet being a martial art. She could kill a man in fifth position without losing her balance, and that’s a fucking fact.
Stephanie is very good at acting pretentious about the arts. She absorbs everything she’s learned from the rest of the bat family’s interests then pretends to be pretentious about it to mock them while sneaking in just enough correct information so no one can call her out on it. (Her true interest is graphic design.)
Tim has no professional experience with photography, but he will be pretentious about it like he knows everything. (Bruce: Tim, why is there a filter on this evidence photo you took? Tim: I thought it looked nicer that way. Really makes the blood splatter pop.)
Duke isn’t exactly pretentious about writing, but he will lay down his life for the Oxford comma. (Bruce didn’t use it until Duke called the punctuation in his mission reports “insulting.” He now uses it.)
Damian is pretentious about studio art. If he ever hears his family or friends say, “I don’t get it,” at an art museum, he will make them look at it for five minutes as he explains in painstaking detail what’s so revolutionary about it.
The kids decided to take an improv class together once for their undercover work while Bruce and Alfred were out of town. It was so fun that they still play improv games when they’re bored.
Cass is secretly a metalhead.
Whenever one of the younger kids needs to write an English paper, they will just walk up to Jason, riddle off a dumb opinion about the book or poem they had to read, and record whatever Jason ends up lecturing them about. The most recent incident resulted in an award-winning paper about how the theory that William Shakespeare never wrote his own work is deeply rooted in classism.
Damian always has paint under his nails. It just never comes out.
Dick has personally taught everyone in the family how to do The Perfect Backflip. They all get a little ceremony once they’ve mastered it. There is cake.
Whenever Cass is standing around with nothing to do, she’ll practice her foot positions for ballet. The others always notice and follow her lead.
Jason: dramatically recites a poem in the living room Steph: starts beatboxing
Steph is always the first to find typos or continuity errors in a book, play, or movie. She doesn’t intend to; it’s just second nature to her. (She is now Duke’s official proofreader.)
Duke: So how’d you like the movie? Damian: I really loved the mise-en-scène, especially during the breakfast scene and that one shot near the end with the warehouse doors. Duke: *nods thoughtfully* Everyone Else Leaving the Theater: wtf is a meez on sen?
When Duke is finished writing something and wants to share it with his family, he’ll give it to Jason and Cass first.
Jason and Duke have frequent passionate arguments discussions about who is the best poet. Never bring up Dickinson, Poe, Shakespeare, Hughes, Plath, Wilde, Kipling, Sappho, or Angelou in their vicinity unless you want to start it up again.
Damian is surprisingly good at acting. Too good.
Dick knows your music taste before you do. He has a carefully curated playlist for every single family member, every possible combination of family members, and every possible mood at the ready.
They can and will correct anyone who mistakes Gothic architecture for Victorian or Gothic Revival and vice versa. (It’s really a Gotham thing.)
Tim: How dare you call The Grand Budapest Hotel the best prison break movie when it’s clearly The Shawshank Redemption! Jason: Well, as someone who’s BEEN TO PRISON, I think I should know! Dick: It’s clearly Chicken Run! You’re all just Chicken-ist. Duke: But what about Midnight Express?! That one’s so good! Steph: Has anyone mentioned Toy Story 3 yet? No? Damian, watching from the sidelines: I liked Escape from Alcatraz. Cass: Same.
There are several art pieces in the manor that have been positioned directly over top of bullet holes and other suspicious damages.
Damian and Duke made an animated short film once for the Gotham Film Festival. Dick and Cass were their models for the concept art. Tim did historical research. Jason helped Duke edit the storyboard, and Steph was the continuity supervisor. It was about a British super spy working for MI6 that saved the world in the late 70’s. It was titled Agent A.
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jrnldbrd · 14 years
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Une VICE party s’est déroulée au lieu unique (LU) de Nantes vendredi 21 mai 2010. Cet évènement était notamment l’occasion d’assister à une compétition de catch de dessinateurs à moustaches (CAM).
Le catch de dessinateurs à moustaches, ce sont des joutes de dessins, mélangées à de la lucha libre et à de la musique endiablée (cette fois c’était DJ Carrément aux platines). Quant aux dessins, ils ne sont pas fait pas des bleus, puisque ce sont de vrais dessinateurs talentueux qui s’affrontent (professeurs aux Beaux Arts, dessinateurs de BD tels Olivier TEXIER, Quentin Faucompré, Tom de Pékin, etc.), visages masqués, empruntant des pseudonymes comme John Super Wayne, Foutre d’Argent, Révérend 666, Louis Vengeur, Monsieur Moulebite, El Pepito, j’en passe et des meilleurs… On a même vu LUZ de Charlie Hebdo monter sur scène !
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photographies, le bon goût était au rendez-vous, et les catcheurs-dessinateurs ont su mettre de l’ambiance et électrifier le public (même ceux qui n’étaient pas au courant de la soirée et qui étaient juste venus boire un coup au bar…).
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Nantes, France, mai 2010
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juniepops · 2 years
I was meant to be a scene kid I think. It’s a tragedy that I didn’t know I was a girl when I was the age most ppl go thru that phase
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kibbits · 2 years
Theatre AU I'm tentatively calling Break A Leg!
In light of the recent info on how they used to be a theatre bot, this is a "what if the switch to daycare workers REALLY didn't work out" AU
So the boys' theatre was a popular attraction for both kids and adults. But eventually, the novelty of acting animatronics wore off and their shows got less popular, so management decided to take back the theater and make it into the glamrocks' new stage.
The plan was to repurpose the boys as daycare bots, but management didn't even have them reprogrammed before chucking them in the daycare, so of COURSE it was a disaster! Both boys had never interacted with humans directly, and their only point of reference was to treat this as yet another role, they don't know how to be their own people (yet) (Moon: So I'm the Naptime Attendant??.... And I always play a villain. So evil naptime attendant. Got it! >: ) ) Thinking of Moon ending up being too in character and rough and breaking someone's leg (hence the title djdj)
So the boys got shut down and put into storage (and mayhaps forgotten) for a while
Until an unwitting and expendable intern named y/n is hired to clean out/take inventory of the storage in parts and services, finds them, and accidently reactivates them.
Specifically, Moon.
They manage to survive the encounter by being an experienced dnd/LARP nerd (jdhsdj), because they use that to rule-lawyer and improv the scene to their advantage, and survive intact!
And management is like "Oh shit, we can make money out of this!!" And so the intern is tasked with rehabilitating them both to be safe enough around humans, and especially more kid friendly, and if they succeed, the boys will take over comedybot's theatre and do kids' shows, with them as their handler. Y/N only has until the end of their internship to accomplish this though, with a job and the boys' lives on the line!
So that's the mise en scène cjdnd
(yay 3am sketches)
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Their main problem right now is they don't know how to interact with humans! They were always on stage, or rehearsing (alone together) in their 'lodge', so they're in character 100% of the time
For Sun, that means projecting his voice and over-acting every single movement and emotion so it can be read from afar... Which is not ideal when it's just you two and he's within arm's reach. The only quiet persona he knows are the less confident, nervous support roles
As for Moon, well, he only knows how to terrify. And it doesn't help that management gave them STAFF bots as co-stars and props, and encouraged their destruction for the thrill and realism of a scene. He does still have the whole hook and cable system! But he wasn't security: he used it to rig the lights, speakers, moving props, etc on the grid above the stage. And for special effects like flying et on stage, of course!
Their costume change was part of the act --Every one of their costume has a reversible outer layer, so when they switch out, the pants change colors (you don't want them to take them off on stage..) And they spin their faceplate as it transforms while they take off their jacket/cloak/whatever, turns it over, and put it back on in one transformation
They would also sing duets by stepping in and out of a spotlight and mostly just transforming their faceplate, usually taking advantage of the clothes' inner lining to display one side/color or another
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Now, though, they haven't been maintained in years, and so their colors are faded since they're meant to be retouched for every role, their pupils are missing, their favorite jacket is missing, and the gears in their faceplate that spun so smoothly is gunked up with debris, grinding clunkily
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taekooktimeline · 4 months
January 29, 2024 (released)-
Tae’s hairstylist, Mujin, is interviewed for Harper’s Bazaar Korea. He talks with the magazine about Tae’s beautiful blue hair, noting the process to achieve this ethereal look. He mentions the story and concept of the pictorial were planned in advance, with the male, coming of age, romantic drama “Call Me By Your Name” (CMBYN) being an inspiration.
Article snippet:
🗣️: In this <Bazaar> pictorial, V's unique transformation of blue hair drew attention. Why did you choose this color?
Mujin: After checking the overall story, design, and concept of the pictorial planned by 'Bazaar' in advance, the mise-en-scène of “Call Me by Your Name.”
Mujin also references the LGBTQ+ movie “Blue is the Warmest Color,” a female coming of age movie similar to CMBYN, and we can discern this because he says “warmest” then ‘blue color’ is placed in quotations, indicating he’s citing material that inspired their pictorial. His exact words are, “The warmest ‘blue color’ with a European sensibility rather than a specially decorated feel.” A Google search of “warmest blue color” will showcase the movie, and protagonist Emma’s blue hair color.
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Another translation -
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Tae’s stunning “Blue Dragon” look for this editorial -
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Full interview - https://x.com/naver_taehyung/status/1751980774876958877?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Of course, this isn’t the first time Tae has mentioned his fondness for the movie CMBYN. On May 31, 2019, on the heels of pride month, he uploaded to the BTS Twitter page a snippet of him playing the movie’s OST on the piano.
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On June 9, 2019, he recommended the movie to Hobi during a live.
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2019/625212551783907328
On June 9, 2020 (during pride month), Tae read Elio’s father’s impactful speech on a live:
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Recap -
And as an aside, I always found it interesting and noteworthy that the very next day, after reading Elio’s father’s monologue about living life on your terms and no one else’s, Tae responded to a fan on Weverse by saying, “I want to be happy too🥺”
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2020/625387582497439745/june-10-2020-in-a-suspicious-chain-of-events
And on September 4, 2023, an article was posted on Weverse. Within the contents of the article, “Rainy Days”, a song from Tae’s solo debut album “Layover”, is noted to have followed the “tomato girl summer” trend, which was inspired by movies such as “Call Me By Your Name.”
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2023/727548456756035584
And for visual references, these are the movie posters for “Call Me By Your Name” -
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and “Blue is the Warmest Color” -
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(CT Una for filling me in on the “blue is the warmest color” reference due to me currently being more inactive on social media)
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faiseuse-d-histoires · 2 months
why are so shitty with pen, she is the only plus size woman in this show!!! LIKE SIMONE IS THE ONLY WOC, its disgusting
Being plus size shouldn't prevent her from being criticized for her bad actions. She wrote and wrote about people, criticizes them, but cries scandal when one tells her it's not ok.
If i am criticizing her, it's not because of her weight. No one should be. It's because what she did was shitty, and how she treats others is wrong.
In the books, the articles are a report of things that are happening. They do not ruin lives, and book Penelope criticizes herself as much as she does the others. But it's more about the clothes they wear, the musical performances... trivial things. They are here to describe what is happening. She does not call out the queen as show Penelope does. In the show, they are simply ruinous and meant to influence, to insult people for entertainment. Like when she called Kate a beast.
I like book Penelope. Book Penelope is sweet, proud of her work, caring and can be witty. I hated how the show handled the scène when Colin says he won't marry Penelope. In the book, his brothers are the one pushing him behind closed doors, and she overhears, then is discovered. Here, she has quite the gracious moment when she ridicules these words, and is supported by Anthony. And the show... well, handled it as if Colin was broadcasting Penelope's indesirability in public space, and here we should say, poor poor Penelope? Poor writing mostly, to try to make people empathize with her.
Show Penelope, the more the seasons go, is rash, hypocritical, lacks questioning over her actions, complains about not getting attention, put the blame on others and use what she knows for her own interest. She doesn't want Colin to marry Marina? She makes it impossible by ruining the girl completely to the eyes of everyone. She throws Eloise under the bus in order not to get suspected.
And this, I find it disgusting. Personally, I can't root for her. But it's my own opinion, I do not ask you to have the same.
Also, what's that thing about Simone??
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fatehbaz · 10 months
[A]bout two third of the Swiss population visited the “Village noir” in Geneva. How is it possible that [...] the exhibition of 200 African people that two million people visited has fallen into oblivion? [...] Today, Geneva is considered one of the capitals of [so-called] [”]human rights[”]. Back in 1896, during the Swiss Second National Exhibition, it hosted a human zoo. There are very few visible references to it, except for one street called after its corresponding “white” exhibition, the “Village Suisse”. However, several researchers’ archival work helped unearth the history of the first Swiss “Village noir”. Inhabited by more than 200 individuals from Senegal, the village was situated a few streets from the city’s central square, the Plaine de Plainpalais. For six months, paying visitors observed these “actors” living their lives. Their religious ceremonies were advertised as public events. Tourists could take pictures with the African troupe and walk around their dwellings. [...]
Far from being a Swiss peculiarity, human zoos were spread around the West. Human exhibitions were a form of entertainment [...] [popularized] in the early 19th century in Great Britain. [...] [O]ne of the most famous shows was Sara Baartman, the “Hottenton Venus”. [...] [S]he was brought to Europe from South Africa to participate in an exhibition. Such “freak shows” spread around Europe and North America [...]. [I]n the late 19th century [...] shows became part of national and colonial exhibitions. The first ethnic exhibition of Nubians occurred in 1877 in Paris [...]. For the ticket-buying public, the experience was comparable to a visit to a regular zoo; it was about observing “exotic animals”. 
As it often happens with animals, organisers re-created the subjects’ “natural habitat” [...]. The setting was constructed to perform authenticity. On the one hand, the civilisational discourse justifying colonial expansion and domination exaggerated the living representation and exhibition of the “savage” in need of enlightenment. On the other hand, the alleged brutality of the “native” was displayed through the mise-en-scène of their “primitive life”. These exhibitions did not present savagery; they invented a specific kind, which prepared the ground and fuelled further expansions and the ruling of “barbarian” and “uncivilised” societies. [...] All activities were meant to nourish Westerners’ enthusiasm for the exotic [...].
The turn of the century was among the highest points of scientific racism. 
This was when the pseudo-scientific attempts to create a superior race thrived within Western anthropology and biology academic departments. For eugenicists, human zoos provided ‘samples’ for racist theories. During the Geneva National Exposition of 1896, Emile Yung gave a conference where he presented 15 people from the “Village noir”. He compared their skin colour and skull size to those of a Genevan. This process aimed to demonstrate how the size of the skull affected the level of civilisation and mental capacities. These ideas were spread among schoolteachers and helped crystallise and expand racist stereotypes. [...] Visitors were presented with an invented representation of Africa [...].
Moreover, as Patricia Purtschert of the University of Bern suggests, evolutionism and racist human-development theories at the core of the exhibitions had clear educational goals. 
Thus, scientific racism developed within academia went hand in hand with popular racism: human zoos were places where these two faces of the same coin met. [...] 
Indeed, Swiss scientists were active in shaping colonial mentalities. [...] Unlike other countries, Switzerland did not stop its human exhibitions during the interwar period. Until the 1960s, the national circus Knie presented the “Völkerschauen”. It included the display of [”]Eskimos[”], Catholic Indians, “mysterious Egyptians” or people with albinism. [...]
All text above by: Letizia Gaja Pinoja. “Dehumanisation, animalisation: Inside the terrible world of Swiss human zoos.” The Conversation. 23 June 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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mothmothm0th · 26 days
if a moth offers you tea, don't
cw: mild squick, allusion to cannibalism Oh, dreary dearie. Did mother not tell you? Were you not taught? Ah, but who minds. Certainly not me. Come on in. I shall prepare a pot for you.
Tea? You enjoy tea, yes? Oh, no dear. I did not ask whether you do or not. Ah, this tongue of yours is quite tricky. Nevertheless, I shall open you up. Like a jar of honey. Yes, a little twist and… Hm? Oh, no no. I have no honey. Why would I? I've not been on good terms with bees since Melliphila IV. Such a busy… bee, that one was. Queens, you understand. Ah, but please sit down, please sit down. Ah, but may I ask for your name?
Whatfor is that look? Taught never to…? How peculiar! I've never heard of such skibidi. And this you believe, with heart? Peculiar, peculiar. Yet you've no cause for alarm. For every being a name, every name a being, heh heh. Such was I taught and I have the best teachers. The best. So no need to worry. No need at all.
Ah, but what is that whistle? Tee, you say? What is… Well I certainly have never heard of a shirt which whistles! Hm? Oh, you mean tea! Strange language, strange indeed. Yes, of course. I shall place the kettle on the stove and we shall have ourselves some delicious tee in no time at all. Ah, the sweet taste of wool and pomegranate dye… Hm? Oh, of course I'm simply joking. Of course. Let me fetch the pot.
Daniel be damned! Here is a pot of fresh, hot water. Why, the kettle must have developed a soul and learned to treat its mistress properly! How else could it have placed itself upon the stove and… Memory loss? Me? Dear, I do not suffer from such a thing. I would remember if I did, and I do not.
Now, what shall we have? Earl Grey? Pomegranate wool? I have a small sample of saffron linen if you'd like. Yes, wool and linen. Such distinguished tastes, are they not? Polyester simply cannot compete, heh heh. No? You would prefer the Earl Grey? Wondrous! Expensive, that was. Dried and ground up prime minister is simply not easy to source. Of course, the Victorians had the bright idea to go for the really aged stuff. Tasty, yes. Cursed, very much so. Perhaps best we leave the poor kings alone.
Lost your appetite? Oh, my. But one simply must! Tis bad manners to deny a host's request. Furthermore, I urge you to consider that I am simply a little guy. Look at my antennae! They're little guy antennae. You would not deny a little guy, would you? Furthermore, it is my birthday! I am a little birthday moth! Please don't do this to me. I... I simply wish to be a good host. N-no, the clothes are there for... for... A-and the dust merely adds atmosphere!
H-how would you know it's the kitchen sink were it not filled with dirty dishes? Mi-*mise-en-scène*! It's mise-en-scène! Please don't go. I'm so lonely... No one ever visits. I don't even have a doll to keep me company. I don't deserve this big hat if I cannot even host a guest... But you humans are so... particular.
Ah, but there is a solution! If you were not human, if you were not a guest, we would not be in this mess! Oh, moth, you're a genius. If I must live up to this hat of mine, then what better means of doing this but by crafting my own doll! Yes, yes. Yes! That would work. I'm a rizzler!
And hey, we have raw material, right here. Oh, don't you worry. The doors are locked. Nowhere to go. Did you know that moth dust contains a powerful paralytic component? To protect ourselves against predators, y'see. I'm covered in the stuff!
Now, breathe in deep. We'll be oomfies before you know it. Night night!
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recapqsmp · 9 months
Mercredi 27/09 - Au dodo
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Tubbo a appris à Fit la hiérarchie des travailleurs de la fédération, ainsi qu'ils suspectent BadBoy d'en avoir kidnappé un.
Les joueurs ayant entendu le tonnerre frapper, Fit est allé vérifier la chambre de Pomme pour vérifier si un message s'y trouvait. Il a remarqué du béton noir dans sa chambre secrète et a prévenu les autres qu'une structure devait se trouver quelque part. Aypierre et les autres ont trouvé son message dans le château de Baghera, disant "Je veux les protéger, vous me manquez :( <3". Aypierre l'a traduit en anglais pour ceux qui souhaiteraient enquêter dessus.
Fit veut faire un très long sommeil pour se souvenir de la personne qui l'a embauché. Il a montré à Philza sa chambre cachée en lui disant que si dans une semaine il ne donne pas de nouvelle, il doit vérifier ici en premier pour être sûr qu'il ne lui ai rien arrivé. Fit a ensuite coupé tous les sons (excepté celui de l'eau) pour avoir un silence total pendant son sommeil, s'est allongé, et a commencé à se souvenir du moment où il a reçu le ticket de train pour Quesadilla Island. Il a eu une vision de son employeur, un visage blanc étant sur 2B2T, cherchant et trouvant Fit à l'aide d'un cheat.
Baghera s'est connecté, et a trouvé le message de Pomme. Elle lui a laissé une potion donnant énormément de bonus, et un message disant de rester en sécurité avec Dapper. Elle a ensuite réfléchie à une manière de libérer Ron de sa prison tout en le protégeant de la fédération. Elle pense proposer à Bad de relâcher Ron à la condition que la fédération leur donne un accès pour vérifier qu'il aille bien à n'importe quel moment, mais elle sait que c'est probablement impossible d'assurer sa sécurité de cette manière. Elle souhaite surtout que BadBoy avoue aux autres ce qu'il a fait, mais Bad est assez mauvais en défense.
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Forever est allé ensuite la rejoindre à son château après avoir découvert qu'elle était en possession de son pistolet et qu'elle l'ai rendu hors live. Il a tenu à rappeler (hors rp) qu'il n'était pas du tout en colère contre elle ou Bad, et que cela à crée des scènes drôle et des chansons.
Silly Cucurucho a rendu visite à Jaiden pour son anniversaire ! Il lui a donné rendez-vous à des coordonnées spécifique en lui disant de venir seule. Là bas, elle a découvert un manoir rempli de ballons et de cadeaux. Silly Cucurucho l'attendait à l'étage et lui a souhaité un joyeux anniversaire. Ils ont discuté ensemble, et Jaiden lui a proposé de venir chez elle pour lui montrer son champ de maïs pour faire du popcorn qu'elle a ajouté proche de son jardin de thé. Elle en a profité pour lui demander si sa relation avec le Cucurucho plus sérieux se passait bien, il a répondu qu'il faisait avec. Elle lui a aussi demandé si les oeufs étaient en sécurité, mais il ne sait pas ce qui leur est arrivé.
Baghera s'est demandé qui avait pris la photo de la gare dans sa chambre. Elle y est donc retourné et en regardant vers son lit, elle a remarqué un coffre caché. Dedans, plusieurs journaux de son enfance : un décrivant un plan de distraction, le deuxième expliquant que ça a échoué (avec un code dedans), et enfin un dernier parlant du bureau 09. Il y avait aussi un bout d'image concernant des coordonnées d'un laboratoire. Baghera s'est donc rendu dans les bureaux de la fédération, et a trouvé un téléporteur dans le bureau 09. En fouillant les stockages, elle a pu récupérer un rapport d'investigation sur le crash (disant que les 5 français sont sortis en vie, mais que l'équipage est mort, ce qui a l'air d'aller à la fédération), ainsi qu'une suite de messages chiffrés parlant d'un changement de mot de passe suite à la découverte de Baghera de son ancienne chambre et une image contenant le nouveau mot de passe.
Baghera a déchiffré toutes ces informations, et a trouvé des coordonnées relativement éloignées. Elle a été interrompue par BadBoy et les deux ont discuté de Ron. Ils se sont rendu au camping qu'elle avait fait pour Cucurucho pour éviter d'être écouté par d'éventuelles personnes invisible. Elle lui a tiré les vers du nez sur ce qu'il a fait, et Bad a eu l'idée de faire croire aux autres que la fédération a menti sur le rapport que Tubbo a trouvé. Baghera a suggéré qu'ils pourraient au contraire demander à Ron d'écrire ses peurs sur la fédération, et de distribuer ça discrètement à une personne de confiance (peut-être Philza). Ils veulent bouger Ron de place, au cas où quelqu'un fouille sa base et le trouve par hasard. Forever a souhaité voir Bad en secret, Baghera les a donc suivi avec une potion d'invisiblité. Néanmoins, Forever a fermé l'accès juste avant qu'elle ne puisse rentrer dans son bureau et a donc eu du mal a suivre la conversation.
Baghera est ensuite partie aux coordonnées en bateau, ce qui devrait bien prendre une petite semaine. :)
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geniousbh · 2 months
Sobre a live da Sofia, não foi bem um exposed no sentido de sabe, foi um negócio que ela fez no tiktok pra falar da vida pessoal que eles tinha enquanto casal, acredito que sem o consentimento da outra parte. Mas esse é o único detalhe que tenho pois peguei essa informação em lugares obscuros e não tenho tiktok apenas gosto de Gossip Gossip.
E falam também que ela faz uma mise-en-scène pra ganhar mídia com o fato dela ser ex de uma pessoa que ganhou destaque, usando camisas parecidas, dando a entender coisas etc etc... Mas isso é o que o povo diz e o povo diz muita coisa
A minha opinião pessoal que 0 pessoas pediram : o que eu acho ? Eu acho que, realmente, ela força um pouco pra ser esse "personagem" mas eu não julgo. Pq ela precisa comer, pagar luz, água né então ela precisa de mídia e se o atual companheiro dela não se incomoda publicamente pelo menos então tá tudo certo 😎👍 (mas a queria realmente forçava um pouco, era um pouco vergonha alheia mas deu uma diminuída, não sei se eu interpreto assim pq eu não curto muito quando pessoas, sejam relacionamentos amorosos ou não, que nem tem mais nada haver, ficam ainda dando a entender e meio tipo sabe)
Xoxo Gossip girl kkkkkkkkkk
anonis eu concordo com o que você disse aqui, tirando a parte do forçar porque eu realmente não vejo diferença na personalidade dela dos videos mais antigos pra agora (eu sigo ela no tiktok e gosto de muitos lookinhos e dicas que ela dá apesar de não termos o mesmo estilo), mas é... as fotos combinando, roupas parecidas... forçadinho, mas qual é a sub celeb que não faz isso hoje em dia? e não tá ferindo ngm - eu acho. não gosto de me envolver falando de namoradas, exes, rolos - aprendi isso com o mundo kpopense - mas, adoro dizer que a sofi e o enzo são meus pais divorciados (meio que virou bordão), mas não é como se eu os visse juntos de novo de verdade. então é basicamente isso! obrigada por nos elucidar, bebêzinha! 💕🌻🎋
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jrnldbrd · 14 years
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Une VICE party s’est déroulée au lieu unique (LU) de Nantes vendredi 21 mai 2010. Cet évènement était notamment l’occasion d’assister à une compétition de catch de dessinateurs à moustaches (CAM).
Le catch de dessinateurs à moustaches, ce sont des joutes de dessins, mélangées à de la lucha libre et à de la musique endiablée (cette fois c’était DJ Carrément aux platines). Quant aux dessins, ils ne sont pas fait pas des bleus, puisque ce sont de vrais dessinateurs talentueux qui s’affrontent (professeurs aux Beaux Arts, dessinateurs de BD tels Olivier TEXIER, Quentin Faucompré, Tom de Pékin, etc.), visages masqués, empruntant des pseudonymes comme John Super Wayne, Foutre d’Argent, Révérend 666, Louis Vengeur, Monsieur Moulebite, El Pepito, j’en passe et des meilleurs… On a même vu LUZ de Charlie Hebdo monter sur scène !
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photographies, le bon goût était au rendez-vous, et les catcheurs-dessinateurs ont su mettre de l’ambiance et électrifier le public (même ceux qui n’étaient pas au courant de la soirée et qui étaient juste venus boire un coup au bar…).
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Nantes, France, mai 2010
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esmerald-stuff · 3 months
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bonjour bonjour ♡ je poste ce petit message pour quelque chose que je ne fais que trop rarement, la publicité d'un pré-lien sur live by the sun, mais extrêmement attendue par la superbe @manderleystuff et moi-même. ♡
tw : prostitution, abandon forcé d'un enfant, famille dysfonctionnelle. (pl sombre, complexe mais beaucoup d'amour à la clef)
en quelques mots ;;
à mon plus beau marasme.
(f) dahlia - ce rouge sur mon corps
belle, belle, comme l'éternelle tristesse au regard de braise, l'envoutante fleur noire, dahlia (prénom au choix) attire les plus fous des marins. ils s'échouent près d'elle autant que sa vie à elle est un échec. le sang bafoué qui coule dans ses veines, dont seuls les abîmes se souviennent. les années défilent et se moquent, cruelles, de son imperfection désillusion. silhouette chancelante teinte la mélancolie, résilience faites de toutes les épreuves traversées. l'existence sous les coups de lucifer, bercée près des ombres et loin de la lumière. dahlia danseuse funeste, remonte sur la scène encore et encore pour jouer de ce tragique ballet. dix-huit années qui claquent, et un petit être vient déjà au monde. un bébé, saul, son premier garçon, mais elle manque de tout, dahlia. alors, lui aussi, manquera de tout. le corps beauté qu'elle échange contre les billets, juste assez pour se payer un loyer, se nourrir et nourrir son bébé. elle n'avait rien, dahlia, alors les années défilent et elle continue, la seule chose qu'elle sait faire, au fond. gamin grandit et encaisse difficilement, les passages de ces hommes aux regards lubriques. puis en vient un autre, un homme amour, un différent, relation de quelques temps, elle est la maitresse. et alors elle tombe enceinte, une seconde fois. petite poupée, cette fois, petite princesse, elsie. elle ne grandira pas dans ce foyer crasse, sous le joug des hommes de passage. bébé lui est arraché des bras à peine née, le père l'emmènera loin de dahlia, l'élèvera avec sa femme, bébé volé....
( son enfance et son passé sont libres d'interprétation, quant à son état d'esprit aujourd'hui et son futur, il en est de même ♡)
pour en savoir plus c'est par ici !
et pour toutes questions, nous sommes là aussi ♡ merci merci merci d'avoir pris le temps de le lire. ♡
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corinneecrivaine · 6 months
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Hello la famille Willow,
J’ai voulu analyser en profondeur le personnage de Kit.
Elle a vécu dans l’insouciance, ignorant tout du monde extérieur, dans un univers de privilèges mais aussi de fausses vérités et de tromperies.
C’est un personnage submergé par une souffrance intérieure dans la seule façon de l’exprimer et la colère. Tous ceux qu’elle aime la blessent et lui mentent. A commencer par son père dont son départ lui laissera une cicatrice de l’âme et des questions sans réponses.
Sa mère : la 1re à lui mentir déjà sur son passé. Kit ignore qu’elle était du côté de Bavmorda à vouloir tuer Elora avant de tomber amoureuse de Madmartigan et de combattre à ses côtés. Elle la force à un mariage et une vie qu’elle rejette tout en sachant qu’Elora vit dans le palais cachée. Je pense que pour Kit c’est le pire des mensonges qu’elle a eu dans sa vie.
Jade : Est la seule personne pour Kit chez qui elle trouve du réconfort, du soutien. Elle est en quelque sorte sa boussole morale. Elle n’est heureuse que lorsqu’elle passe tous ces moments à s’entraîner aux combats loin de ses obligations royales. Mais Jade la blesse à plusieurs reprises et de façons intentionnelles. La 1re fois c’est au village des Nelwyns lorsque tout le monde s’intéressent à Elora, Jade lui dit « Qu’est ce qui ne va pas quelque chose te dérange ? » avec un petit sourire moqueur. Kit se sent abandonnée au moment où Jade décide de suivre Willow et les autres à la recherche d’Elora. D’où sa décision de partir seule chercher son frère. Il y a aussi ce 1er mensonge de Jade, c’est lorsqu’elle lui dit « Je suis un Sujet de la reine. Elle m’a demandé de suivre Willow. » Sauf que Sorsha ne lui a jamais demandé ceci. Elle lui a demandé de veiller sur Kit. L’action qui la blesse le plus c’est lorsque Kit apprend que tous ses entraînements avec Jade n’étaient que mensonges en la laissant gagner à chaque combat. Arrivée chez les Bone Reavers, lorsque les deux amies découvrent les véritables origines familiales de Jade, Kit à ce moment précis pense qu’elle va la perdre. Je pense que même sans les prunes de vérité, elle lui aurait avoué ses sentiments. C’est aussi lors du discours de Scorpia que Kit apprend la vérité sur Tir Asleen et leurs actions envers les Bone Reavers. La scène où elle s’excuse auprès de Jade est tout un symbole car même si ce geste est fait dans le but de s’excuser d’avoir blessé Jade, c’est en fait, à travers Kit, toute la royauté de Tir Asleen qui s’excuse de ces années de mensonges et de tromperies.
Malgré que Kit soit un personnage impulsif, qui parle et agit sans réfléchir et sans tenir compte des conséquences de ses actes. Par exemple à The Immemorial City dos à dos avec Elora face à Dark Airk, alors qu’Elora essaie d’arranger la situation, elle rétorque « Et si nous refusons. » Elora l’arrête d’un simple regard.
Elle fini toujours par s’excuser, envers Graydon, envers Jade même envers Elora d’une façon détournée. Elle est prête à s’allier avec Elora et laisser de côté ses différends pour sauver son frère.
C’est un personnage loyal envers ceux qu’elle aime et incompris du fait de ses comportements qui pourtant pour elle semblent justes. C’est un personnage qui étouffe, emprisonné dans une vie qu’elle refuse. Lorsque son frère est kidnappé c’est l’occasion toute rêvée pour elle de partir à l’aventure. Je pense qu’elle aurait voulu partir seule avec Jade. Je me demande si Kit ne serait pas HPE sans filtres, laissant ses émotions prendre le dessus. En tout cas, sa colère n’est jamais tournée vers Jade.
I rewatched the series to analyze Kit's character in depth.
She lived a carefree life, unaware of the outside world, in a world of privilege but also of false truths and deception.
She's a character overwhelmed by inner suffering, and the only way to express it is through anger. Everyone she loves hurts her and lies to her. Starting with her father, whose departure leaves her soul scarred and with unanswered questions.
Her mother: the first to lie to her about her past. Kit doesn't know that she was on Bavmorda's side in wanting to kill Elora before falling in love with Madmartigan and fighting by his side. She forces her into a marriage and a life she rejects, knowing that Elora lives in the palace in hiding. I think for Kit it's the worst lie she's ever had in her life.
Jade: Is the only person for Kit in whom she finds comfort and support. She's her moral compass. She's only happy when she's away from her royal duties, training for battle. But Jade hurts her repeatedly and intentionally. The 1st time is in the Nelwyns village, when everyone is interested in Elora, and Jade says to her « You okay ? You just look a bit deranged » Kit feels abandoned when Jade decides to follow Willow and the others in their search for Elora. Hence her decision to set off alone in search of her brother. There's also Jade's 1st lie, when she tells her "I'm a subject of the Queen. She asked me to follow Willow." Except that Sorsha never asked her to do this. She asked her to look after Kit. The action that hurts her the most is when Kit learns that all her training with Jade was a lie, letting her win every fight. When they arrive at the Bone Reavers and discover Jade's true family origins, Kit thinks she's going to lose her. I think that even without the truth plums, she would have confessed her feelings to her. It's also during Scorpia's speech that Kit learns the truth about Tir Asleen and their actions towards the Bone Reavers. The scene in which she apologizes to Jade is quite symbolic, for although this gesture is made in order to apologize for having hurt Jade, it is in fact, through Kit, the entire royalty of Tir Asleen that is apologizing for years of lies and deceit.
Although Kit is an impulsive character, who speaks and acts without thinking or considering the consequences of her actions. For example, in The Immemorial City back to back with Elora against Dark Airk, as Elora tries to work things out, she retorts "And if we don't want to." Elora stops her with a look.
She always ends up apologizing, to Graydon, to Jade, even to Elora in a roundabout way. She's ready to ally herself with Elora and put aside her differences to save her brother. She is a character who is loyal to those she loves and misunderstood for her actions, which to her seem right. She's a suffocating character, imprisoned in a life she refuses to accept. When her brother is kidnapped, it's the perfect opportunity for her to set off on an adventure. I think she would have liked to go alone with Jade. I wonder if Kit wouldn't be HEP without filters, letting her emotions take over. In any case, her anger is never directed at Jade.
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