#like you're telling me this ran for like 5 years before becoming a movie
softwaluigi · 1 year
just finished repo the genetic opera. I feel lied to
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Thank you for requesting! 🖤
Based on the song Wasn’t Me By Shaggy.
Warnings: Angst. Cheater!Joe X Reader. Explicit language. Mention of Sex & Alcohol. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this up on my lunch break earlier lol
Word count: 1,161
You left the house fuming and in tears. You couldn't believe what you had just walked into. Your Fiance Joe was throwing a party when you were away which he didn't tell you about. You walked into your house filled with people you don’t know, after being out of town for work. You thought it would be a cute idea to surprise Joe but you came home to a crazy house party and seeing something you didn't think you would of ever seen. "Hello?" Your best friend Liz answers the phone groggily. "Hey Liz, I'm sorry if I woke you up but could I crash at your place tonight?" You sniffle. "Y/N? Are you crying? What's going on?" You hear her wake up more. "I just needed to leave, I couldn't look at him." Is all that comes out trying to hold in a sob. "Yeah, yeah...come over but please drive safe. You shouldn't be crying and driving." She says. Of course your best friend would know when you're calling her from your car. "I'll be there in 5." You say before hanging up. 
You make it safely to Liz's house and as you pull into her driveway she opens the front door in her pajamas. You felt like shit for waking her up at 12AM but you just didn't know where to go. "I'm really sorry for coming here like this." You sniffle as Liz hugs you and lets you in. " You don't have to apologize, but what happened?" She asks as you follow her to the kitchen. "I came home early from my work trip. Instead of leaving tomorrow morning, I left tonight so surprise Joe and he had some fucking party going on." You say taking a breath before continuing. "I couldn't find Joe, I asked everyone around the house and they hadn't seen him either. So I went upstairs to our room and heard this noise coming from the bathroom. So I open the door and there he was with the fucking neighbor… fucking on the bathroom sink" You say getting livid all over again and Liz gasps. 
"Wait...the one that you told me about that was always a little too nice with Joe?" Liz asks and you nod. "Oh Y/N...I'm so sorry." Liz says hugging you again which made you cry again. "5 years Liz...we were supposed to get married in a few months." You sniffle. "He's gonna pay, you're going to have the last laugh in the end. I promise you that." Liz says rubbing your back. "I should of listened to my dad about dating a fucking NFL player." You mutter as she goes over to make some tea for you. "Man, I thought he'd be different...guess when you get that type of fame and money you get cut by that shitty cookie cutter. becoming the stereotype" Liz shakes her head as she turns on the stove and puts the kettle on it. "I already bought my dress, that was specially made." You sigh rubbing your face. "Girl, all you gotta do is sell that shit online and tell the story behind it. There's a facebook page of women in your situation and they sell like hot cakes. People love drama and supporting heartbroken women." She says making you chuckle. 
"Did he see you though?" Liz asks. "Yeah after quite sometime. Once he noticed me, I threw my ring in his face and ran downstairs leaving in my car before he could get dressed and even process me there." You scoff. "I'm just saying, when I see him...I might hurt him. Just letting you know." Liz says making you laugh. "I turned my location off, he shouldn't be showing up here." You shake your head. You and Liz enjoy your cup of tea and she tries her best to take your mind off things. Talking about movies, concerts and whatever else but you could feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. "Okay, Y/N...either turn the phone off or I'm calling him and cussing him out myself." Liz says and you sigh. " I'll give you a minute. I gotta go pee anyways. "Liz says living you in her kitchen. 
You unlock your phone and see, a sea of missed texts and calls from Joe. You open the messages up and read the messages. 
J🧡-Please answer the phone Y/N. I'm so sorry, that wasn't me
J🧡-Just let me talk for a few minutes
J🧡-Please pick up
J🧡- That wasn't me, just let me explain.
J🧡- Why did you turn off your location? Are you somewhere safe?? At least tell me that
J🧡-Please come back home, I'll leave if you need space
You scoff at the dozens and dozens of messages like those and decide to call him. You take a deep breath and made the call. Almost immediately he answers. "Hello!? Y/N, Jesus are you okay?" Joe frantically asks. "How could I be okay, I just walked into my Fiance fucking our neighbor." You scoff. “I’m so sorry baby, that wasn’t me. I never meant for that to happen.” Joe says sounding broken himself but it really didn’t do anything for you. “You keep saying it wasn’t me, do you have some type of clone I didn’t know about? What excuse is that?!” You roll your eyes. “I was out of character, I had way too much to drink and I wasn’t thinking right- Joe, you are not blaming this on alcohol. I’ve gone out with my friends multiple times getting shit faced and I never even looked at another guy while I was with you!” You snap back.
“Just tell me what I need to do to regain your trust again, you can’t just throw 5 years away of us away. We can go to therapy,Move houses, whatever you want.” Joe practically begs over the phone. “Joe, the only person who threw this all away was you. Don’t worry about the house, I’ll be getting my stuff out this week. I’m Liz can help with finding me a place in such short notice.” You tell him holding back tears.
“Don’t do this Y/N, please.” Joe says his voice breaking at the end. “I’ll be over to get my stuff while you’re at practice, I’ll leave the keys in the garage and whatever else you’ve given me in the house.” You sniffle before you hang up knowing he was going to put up a fight and you just didn’t want to hear it right now.
“Are you okay?” Liz asks peeking into the kitchen where you were crying. “Nope but I can’t allow him to disrespect me like this and take him back.” You shake your head. “I’m proud of you, and of course I’ll help you find a place. I’m only the best realtor in Cincinnati.” She jokes making you smile. Here’s to starting all over again.
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myriadof-fandoms · 1 year
harringrove week - day 5 - one look at you and i can't disguise
prompt: outsider pov
"wait, talk me through it again?" chrissy is really trying to keep up but occasionally her best friend has a habit of talking in riddles.
billy sighs, lighting another cigarette but holding it away from her so the smoke doesn't hit her, "harrington's making fun of me."
"right, because-"
"because he smiles at me!" billy is only mumbling now, looking away from her.
they're parked on a dirt road with a view of one of the countless fields surrounding hawkins. it's become a habit of sorts, when basketball and cheer practice end at the same time they say they have to study for their spanish class together. instead of doing any such thing they drive past the town sign, park somewhere quiet to sit on the hood of billy's car and talk.
"billy, i promise i'm trying to understand but how does that mean he's making fun of you?"
he huffs and repeats himself, "because he fucking hates me. i beat him up, i was generally not the nicest person around him and then he ignored me for a year. now everytime i have to drive max to that stupid video store he smiles at me like- like that's normal."
"it kinda is what people in service jobs have to do?" chrissy throws in while picking at her nail beds.
"chris, i've seen him with other customers though. the other week max dragged me there to get breakfast club again and tina and her new boyfriend were at the counter when we came in. harrington did not smile once."
"so do you watch him the entire time you're there?"
the thing is that billy's told her he likes boys. only once and very quietly and with bated breath like he expected the worst from her. she just hugged him instead.
"of course not."
chrissy wonders if he knows that he's blushing.
their friendship had developed over shared classes and projects and her being around the basketball team due to jason. though what really made her and billy talk was jason himself - specifically his inability to leave her alone when she told him to. billy only had to witness her having to tell jason no more than once before he even considered listening to her one time before he stepped between them.
billy stuck around her whenever they were in the vicinity of jason and so they talked. a shitty home life, albeit differently so, brought them closer and billy's trust sealed it all.
that was the last time jason ever tried to convince her to do anything and when she ended their relationship, with billy only some feet away, he went away without much arguing. how he called her a bitch and only left because he was scared of billy not because he respected chrissy herself still tastes bitter in her mouth but having gained a best friend out of the whole mess makes that easier to bear.
and though he never said it explicitly again, he's mentioned a few guys from california. he trusts her enough to do that.
and he mentions steve harrington. in fact billy talks about almost nothing but steve harrington without ever realising that himself.
"i ran into harrington."
"harrington wore different jeans to work."
"steve helped me find a movie."
"max says the rumours aren't true. harrington and wheeler are not back together.
and as of recently "harrington hates me because he smiles at me."
"king steve has a new haircut."
"maybe steve wants to be friends? maybe he's ready to move on from what happened," chrissy says hesitantly though she can guess how billy's reaction will look. not once has any hint to steve wanting to be nice actually helped.
so just like chrissy knows that it's not his sister max who likes watching breakfast club, she has come to realise that max's not the one who wants to go to family video at least twice a week. chrissy doesn't quite know how to get billy out of his denial though.
"yeah, right." he scoffs at her and smokes the last of his cigarette before flicking it on the gravel.
it's always the same, sheer and immediate denial of the chance that steve might like billy. if chrissy has to hear another story that involves steve staring at billy with "weird bambi eyes" while he's trying to act nonchalant she might simply have to tell billy that he's being idiotic though. she's reaching her limit.
for the time being she lets billy believe what he wants since her curfew is coming around quicker than she wants.
billy seems to notice their time running thin just like she did, "c'mon, we should head back."
while they drive the rest of the way billy teaches her one spanish curse word as usual, a little loophole that makes their afternoons less of a lie.
billy helps her off the hood and then turns on her favourite tape of his in the car. they both sing along with stevie nicks until they enter hawkins again.
the familiar anxiety starts to grow in her stomach when he parks in front of her house. so as usual she stalls at least for another moment.
"oh, i picked up your weed from eddie." chrissy leans down and picks through her backpack for the small bag she collected for billy during break.
when she hands it over billy is grinning at her and chrissy knows what to expect.
"you know if you just ask munson out on a date you don't have to to pick up my drugs as an excuse to see him anymore, right?"
now it's chrissy's turn to blush while she gets out of the passenger seat. billy's cackling lightly behind her, sounding way too self-satisfied and so before she closes the door chrissy leans back inside to look at him.
"maybe if you get your head out of your ass and ask out steve i'll ask out eddie."
billy's flushed, shocked face makes her giggle all the way to the door.
perhaps they're both useless when it comes to boys but at least they're hopeless together.
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Today is the day Andy Barber kills me
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18+just incase warnings for The Purge mention of violence and killing knives gun serial killers death Andy being mean anger arguing fear from The Purge comments and replies welcome no reposting or publishing
I should have never gone out with him. I even if I broke up with him now it wouldn't matter somehow I know it someone would still come out after me.
"Honey?" I jumped as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry you ready to go?"
"Yea," I swallowed hard.
"It'll be ok, just like last year. It's safe."
The DA's office has a bunker used for the purge. Large enough for the lawyers and families. Andy lied and said we got married in Mexico. Three weeks after we first started casually seeing eachother the founding father party was elected and 4 months later we were exclusive then 6 months later the purge was put in to law but 5 weeks before that Andy took me on vacation to a Mexico resort. I dont know why but he.. not not until the Purge. Everyone expected years for it to be actually put in effect. 3 weeks later the first one started. I had no idea the time frame it sounds insane because it is
I remember we were watching a movie I was laying sort of in his lap but on his side and there was breaking news that cut through.
My hand flew up to my mouth and I gasped.
Andy was silent and he couldn't move because of me.
"He stroaked my hair
"Andy I, I dont know what to do.I can't I am I supposed to get a gun. Don't worry baby, he kissed my hair. The DA office has a plan for us, families.
"Andy we're not.-"
"I told them we were his hand ran up and down my arm to sooth me. That's what the vacation in Mexico was for I said we got married there and weren't telling anyone. Only the mayor knows he was the only one who needed to know. I said we wanted it to be a surprise and have a party and ceremony that we can plan on our terms out way get custom rings and that you were being very picky wanting perfection" he kissed my shoulder, "DA gets his own special room." He wrapped his arms around me. "We'll be safe. You'll be safe."
"Andy why didn't you tell me? You should've told me." I didnt know if I was happy or mad or relieved or ... or I don't know what.
"I didnt think this would happen so quick it was a just in case. When the mayor told me it was just for families and I said my wife will be relieved. I didnt have time to tell you."
"You knew before hand and didn't tell me?"
I was shaking.
"Because I knew that this would happen. I didn't want it on your mind but-"
"Andy you didnt have to have all this on your mind all by yourself. You dudnt have to do that. Promise me you you won't do that ever again."
"I Promise."
This year our relationship was mine and then it recently had become bit more . Well, more than a bit rocky. And I don't know why but it is. And I saw Andy was hiding knives and guns."
" I'll maybe I'll stay here. Maybe it'll be-."
He looked me square in the eyes. Holding my shoulders.
"Baby well be in a steel reinforced room that once I press a specific code on the inside it can't be opened from the outside. Okay."
"Okay." And then I looked down. Now I know for sure- Today's the day that Andy kills me.
"Come on. We'll pick up some food and well be safe you'll see."
"Order whatever you want Baby ok."
I get some fried chicken a a meatball hero for Andy and I to share and a peice of cake. He insisted on paying because that was the deal we came to. If one of us insisted on taking the other out for a celebration than that one pays. Otherwise it dutch unless its an anniversary.
I knew he'd be angry about the price but I just didn't care.
And now we're locked away, in my steel cage. One last meal I guess .
"Ok what now?"
"You acting like... this... you're crying and-what this isn't enough for you."
"I'm sorry. I'm I'll stop. I'm grateful from everything you've done for me. I truly am Andrew I hope you know thst."
"So why have you been so god damn distant?"
"Me you're the one who starts yelling half the time. You come home late and upset and I know-"
"You know," he chuckled "You know what you don't fucking now anything."
"I'm sorry I'm sorry um so sorry please Andy just. You don't have to do this."
"I don't hu. Because I think I do."
"No please."
"For the love of fucking God."
"No we are in here for 10 hours so, so yea were fucking doing this. What the hell have you been so upset-"
"Can I just finish my dinner first. Please." I sniffle.
"Fine fine fucking eat away"
"You should eat too" I say
He just scoffs at me
"I'm sorry Andy. But please just rethink this. I'll leave when it's over you do-"
"Stop telling me what to do."
I broke down crying hyperventilating
"I'm sorry I'm..... so... s...... sorry....eeee please Andy I swear. I will leave you'll never see me-"
"STOP" His eyes are closed tight.
"again please Andy I know I know it's but I know you you'll regret it you please-"
"I just don't want to die please don't kill me." I look up at Andy and his mouth is open and
His eyes are starting to become teary eyed. I guess he didn't think I'd know that he'd be able to...
"If you have to just please make it quick i dont want to be stabbed or shot multiple times please you owe me that much after everything we've been I know I won’t last until morning and
"What" a broken voice somes through. He bends down to me.
He reached out with his hand to touch my face and I tried to pull back. I did as far as I could. But the wall was behind me.
"Baby I would never, never hurt you. I'd never " his eyes were roaming around my face.
"Andy the knifes and gun I saw them all. I know its just us don't"
He wrapped his arms around me. Tight.
"They were for protection just in case. God forbid something went wrong. I'd never I know The case has been hard and I know I've been snappy and rude and I'm blaming you but I-I' never."
"Andy, you said we were safe in here."
"We are. But I wanted safe guards. You really thought I'd kill you?" He looked so hurt and I think betrayed.
"Andy we've been fighting everyday. Outside of that we barely talk. It feels like it's just yelling. We don't even sleep in the same bed anymore." I looked at the floor continuing, "I've been waiting for you to break up with me and then I realized the purge was comming."
"Oh sweetheart no I-"
He wrapped his arms around me.
"The case im working on. The women this man hurt all Young pretty brunettrs looked so similar to you. They could've been you. I just- the day I saw those phones I bought whisky and scotch and sat in the driveway and drank and cried. I because it so easily have been you."
"I remember that night you I thought you cheated on me you smelt like a whore house all sweat and alcohol. Why$d you stop sleeping with me.
"The first night I had a terrible nightmare. Just that it was you. That i walked into thr crime scene and it was you on the floor. The same thing the next day. "
"So that's why you were lying to me? Andy you promised not to keep-"
"It wasn't a secret. We decided that I should try and-"
"We? Andy you never talked to me."
"No this therapist I've been seeing."
"As a patient. " he sat down across from me. That I needed to separate my personal life from the case and my fears. I knew you are safe but they were so terrifying. And I wasn't sleeping and I'd snap at you... well you know. I was Half of me was terrified I'd get attached and end upnwith a broken heart again because we were yelling and if not that what if we have the wrong man what if you'd be next I'd never forgive myself. But the other half of me know we have the right man. He even confessed showed us where more bodies are burried."
"Oh God Andy" I only knew now that the public didnt know half of the story probably because of purge news.
"But even though he was in custody and you were safe from him And I was afraid I'd push you away with just my nightmares. Every night. I'm taking pills just to sleep im just. I also don't want you to see me like that like this. I ways carry a gun now and knives and
"Andy." I threw my arms around him.
I had no idea he was this scared about this his case. He usually talks about his cases and I figured it was a hard one but nothing like this.
"Andy look at me you. You are an amazing man
I am so sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you just cheating on me."
"No I'd never cheat I just couldn't handle the pressure of the case and I wanted to protect you from it but I guess I made things worse."
He looked so guilty.
"No Andy you made nothing worse.
I'm the one who just assume you hated me that is one me. I could've talked to you-asked."
"Baby you're sitting here crying because you were sure I was going to kill you. "
What was I to say to that? it was true. I was so sure of it.
"Yea but you fixed it. You finally opened up."
"After you cried."
"So I'm pmsing"
"No you're not you have bhtat 2 weeks ago."
"See you're not ignoring me."
"I was wondering why you were getting one of every favorite thing like convict on death row."
"Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll be killed in the purge orand then yiu and I take another long vacation hm? Or if not now then when the case is over. Or better yet you let your co-counsel set in because Andy this case is making you I dont know its not good for you. He confessed he showed everything theres no need for you to continue this as the lead prosecution I do not care what the mayor says so just how up on the last day you know the news will just be on the purge for the next month basically."
Andy was sniffling and moved besided me.
"Yea I think you're right."
"I'm sorry did I just hear Andrew barber say I was right- Have I died and gone to heaven."
"Well baby I guess I have to stop practicing my opening and closing speeches on you." He reaches for a peice of my cake.
"Oh no way that is happening I love learning tips and tricks to get people to do say and think whatever I want."
The rest of the time in the bunker we cuddle and watched TV I fell asleep in Andy's arms and I woke up on them too. I have never been so happy the purge was around.
@patzammit @nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
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That's the question of what is behind the Parthenon which is one of his ruling houses and it was his and he did rule from there for a short time and it is Zeus we're talking about and Hera ruled from there too but hers was across from his and it was moved and it was moved down the hill by you people you humans. And he was a kind and just ruler and it didn't last long before you ran in there to glad that yours and we had to evacuate before you got there but we did build it there on purpose and for you to do that and you guys ruled from there for many years and then you answered your woman and it is a sign that shows that and it has been forever ingrained in their memories house she was kicked down the hill and there's even a song and a few other things in America about it Jack and Jill. And he is actually taking a back from it ways and they're equal but in different ways and you're being mean and sometimes he has moments but really he does think that way a little. There are a few other things there is a giant mounted Hill underneath that underneath it is a huge dome very huge in diameter and it goes down about 5 to 10 miles it is hand cut stone and it's piled and it's not monolithic but it is above something directly above it just as our son says my brothers make a computer is directly below Epcot center and that's how they did it because they were ruling here after he was and I'm his father and his mother is here too and we are God and Goddess of Greece
One of our names is Athena and her husband is listed and they know what it is and they're not letting it out because of the man woman fight that's my wife's name
Kiju where a zapping people back then and many of these statues are actually people and you can tell because of what the material looks like if broken it's porous and it looks very odd and it's not shaped right and then some of it has bone in it and they scanned a lot of these and found some of them are people and we have Kaiju, and it is of Our own and you have seen it in movies and it's not his kraken although it's origins are near here Greece and he did it to honor us. It's very near here as a matter of fact it's in the Mediterranean that's where origins are and it's not where they were formed it's where the first parent is from and that is our monster it is a sea monster and you have seen it and yes it's name is well it's a leviathan and a big monster it looks like Raiju no. It does look like the monster and creature that Hera runs in the movie Aquaman and it is near there the lost city of Atlantis is near Athens and people call it that I mean it's buried by lava but really there's a cavern and it's below the volcano and she is in there and he's like jolene's name Belmonte and that's very close to what her name is and that is our empress and it is the monster who is controlled by Athena most often but they have mutated into her any times because of their job
God of Greece
And me yes I have there at the above and my name is Athena
Olympus we're very proud of our son and what he's done and we are proud of this place you did make a humongous mess he says that is for a very very good purpose and the mess is ours and on purpose and the history is deep and Rich and everywhere people are saying it these people are very huge and has said a lot and put a lot in writing a lot of it is why we're wrong and it's all over the world and they don't want to continue living with us at all and they say what they're doing is very huge and they feel they deserve it in some ways that don't want to die and that's reality and they're horrified by many of the statues that turn out to be humans assuming beans and horses and more it died when they were hit even real centaurs and people couldn't believe it they thought it was humans attached to them and they're not they're mutants and they can become fully human and they're strong as people they're very strong and there are some around
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technowoah · 3 years
if you're taking asks for the prompts, can you do 11 and 17 from the angst list with george but have a fluffy ending? she/her pronouns pls
I Can Make It Right
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Thanks for the request babe! The way it came out was gender neutral i dont think I user she/her, but it still works trust me!
George x reader imagine (established)
11) "It's not important apparently"
17) "You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off"
⚠︎ angst with happy ending, unresolved issue but they're gonna fix it dont worry 😌, angry George, swearing
*** = flashback
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You had stood infront of your bathroom mirror finishing up your makeup for the night. Your hair was already done and you had a nice outfit on, not to fancy and not too comfortable. While listening to a playlist George had made for you, you had put down the brushes you were using. It didnt really matter if you cleaned up your makeup that was littered all over the sink right now, but right now you were feeling good.
Today was your and George's 3rd year anniversary and you couldn't be happier about it. Today you two were going to dinner and doing something else which was supposed to be a surprise for you. It was a night on the town.
George and you met 4 years ago actually. You two started out as acquaintances, the slowly grew into friends and then one day he asked you to join him to dinner. At first you were oblivious to his actions, thinking he was just being a good friend, but turns out the more dates you two went on the more you caught on. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend 3 years ago today.
His friends keep on pressuring George to propose already, they think it's been long enough. The only thing close to marriage is a promise ring. He put the ring on your finger as a promise that one day he would marry you, everytime you doubt that he will propose you turn your attention to the cute ring on your finger.
You had turned off the bedroom lights and sat on your bed finally relaxing after struggling to find a decent enough outfit for tonight. George said that he was going to pick you up around 6:00 and now it is 5:47 so you had some time to spare.
You had found yourself scrolling through tiktok because you had nothing else better to do at this moment. It was a guilty pleasure of yours even though you and george both joked around about hating tiktok.
Time began to tick away so you had checked the clock on your phone which said 5:57 pm. You had grabbed shoes that you set up against your bed, slipped them on and grabbed all of your belongings for the night. You stationed yourself in the living room waiting till George came to the door.
Nervousness always came up before a date, it was the anticipation actually. You were excited and nervous about the date as you always were, but today for you was special. It was three years worth of beautiful love. You remembered the time he first said I love you too, it was just like it was yesterday.
"Hey y/n." George looked towards you. You both were sitting on a plaid, plush blanket with a brown woven basket ontop in between you two. It was just like the movies and that why you cringed because of how cheesy it was when George led you to it.
It was sweet, it was extremely sweet and you loved these dates that George always brung you too. You always felt special when you are sitting next to him.
You responded to George. "Yeah Gogy?" You laughed at the use of his nickname.
"Im trying to be serious right now and you call me Gogy." George smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do-"
"No I love you. I mean. I'm in love with you." George reached to rest his hand ontop of yours and repeated himself. "I'm in live with you y/n."
You wasted no time answering. "Im in love with you too."
George didnt show up yet, but there was no sweat. He was only 3 minutes late, maybe he ran into traffick. Your stomach was rumbling, but you didnt want to eat yet since you two we're planning to go to dinner. Patience is key, and it wasnt like he wasn't late before.
You started to get worried, it's been 10 minutes and still no sign of your boyfriend. You had gotton up several times to check outside of your door only to be met with no one. Your mind was jumping to conclusions about if he forgot your anniversary, but you shut those thoughts out for the time being.
Okay this is getting out of hand. You brung out our phone and began to text George, you couldn't believe that you had waited this long before texting the man.
Where are you? Ive been waiting for 29 minutes?!
[Sent: 6:20pm]
George what are you doing?
[Sent: 6:20pm]
You awaited his text message with your phone faced up on the coffee table infront of you. You didn't want to believe that George woukd forget, or overslept, but that was becoming truth the more minutes passed by with no call or text.
Calling him was useless, because he didn't answer. He didn't hang up on you he just wasn't picking up the phone, like he turned it off. You started to get worried if something happened to him, if he was in a situation where he couldn't call or text you. You wondered if he was safe at home and not out in the middle of the street.
In a flash all your worries subsided when your phone lit up with a notification.
ThisIsNotGeorgeNotFound is live:
Im Playing golf with my friends
That son of a bitch. Pissed off was an understatement, you were fuming. How could he end up streaming at home when you had constantly reminded him about this day, he knew damn well about this day too. How could he?
You ended up grabbing a jacket and your purse and ended up driving to George's place. It seemed like he was mocking you in a way, he knew you had notifications on for Twitch. You loved to support him and his career, but this was making a fool out of yourself.
Your hand tightly gripped the steering wheel as you tried not to run every red light you cane across. You finally came across George's home, you found a place to park and quickly got out of your car and sped walked your way to George's residence. Finally making up to George's door you knocked harshly on the door probably making more noise than what you intended too. You continuously banged on his door until you got fed up.
Remembering that George had given you a key to his house you dig through your purse to get your set of keys out anr unlock his door. You stomped inside his house and closed the door behind you.
"GEORGE! GEORGE!" You yelled through the house. You were being reckless and annoying, but you didnt care at this point you were fuming and needed to tell George how you feel.
You had made your way to George's recording room where he was talking to his friends on discord. George looked towards you in shock clearly not hearing the sounds you were making throughout his house.
"Y/N?!" George yelled and muted his microphone.
"What the hell are you doing?" You exclaimed back.
"Im streaming thats what Im doing!" George sassed back at you, not paying attention to his screen and the chat.
"Dont get smart with me. End the stream."
"What?! No!"
"You heard me, we need to talk." You crossed your arms across your chest. Your heart was beating too fast for your liking and you tried to calm yourself down, but George's comments were getting to you.
George was about to unmute himself and get back to the game. "No we dont-"
"GEORGE END THE FUCKING STREAM! This is embarrassing! Talk to me cause you have some explaining to do." You snapped at him.
A silence tell upon you two and he glared at you before turning to his stream and closing it out.
"Okay guys! Go watch the other boys streams I need to go now! Bye!" George quickly ended and turned off everything.
He turned around to you still sitting in his chair. "What? What do you want?"
"Do you know what today is?" You asked.
"April 30th." George answered bluntly.
"Thats all you have to say?" You asked in shock. "It's our anniversary dickhead!"
"I fucking know that." George said.
"You do? So why did you start streaming and we had dinner plans?!"
"I told you we were streaming! You weren't listening to me!" George stood up from his chair when he said that.
"When the fuck did you tell me this?!"
"A couple days ago! You didn't listen!"
"But you knew that was our anniversary! And we made dinnerr plans-"
George yelled over you. "A month ago! We made those plans a month ago so excuse me for forgetting!"
"So all these other years you remembered our anniversary and went out of your fucking way to cancel other plans around that date, but today you didnt because why?!" Tears were threatening to fall down you cheeks, but you wouldnt let him see you like that.
"Because I planned this already with the boys! And AGAIN you werent listening to me when I said that-"
"There were several other times that you could've told me too! But you didn't!" You sniffed trying to keep the frustrated tears inside.
"I already planned this and I cant go back on my promise-"
"But you can with me?!" You yelled and George stopped talking. He's just studying your face at this point and you hated this silence.
"Its not important apparently." You said while walking out of the recording room.
"You're being a bitch." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?! That is so disrespectful!" You spun around yelled at him.
"You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off." George said in a annoying tone.
"Yeah you should feel like shit! I feel like shit too so-!" You threw your hands up in exasperation and stormed out the room. You had made it to the door before George called out to you again.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please!"
"No! Just..." You paused before opening the door and ushering your way out. "Call me when you get your shit together.
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You were currently curled up on your couch eating leftovers that you had in the refrigerator. That had satisfied your hunger for the night because the dinner was canceled that night. Your anger and sadness had subsided and you were only left with an unusual feeling in your heart. Your relationship felt incomplete, this fight felt incomplete. You didnt break up with him, but you were waiting for closure.
The TV was the only light in the room. It illuminated what it wanted to, you didnt care if it was too dark. Usually you would be cuddled up with George at this ungoldy hour, but you weren't and that made you tear up.
Your sadness was still there, your anger towards George turned into pity. You were sad about the actions he took, but somewhere in your heart you could forgive him. You could forgive and move on if he would come to you.
Speaking of, you had a knock on your door. You didn't have the strength to get up, but you did. Shuffling your way to the door you sluggishly opened it to find George standing there with his hands in his hoodie. The person you wanted to see, but at the same time you wanted to slam that door in his face.
"Hey." George spoke and you gave him a small smile, nothing more.
You turned around to find your seat back on the couch where you were comfortable, but also giving him a silent invitation to come inside. You had sat down on the couch not paying attention to George, but you knew he closed the door, took off his shoes by yours, and put his keys on the table by the door like he always did. It was like a routine to him.
George ended up awkwardly standing beside the couch as you ignored him.
"You know, if you didnt open the door I would've used my keys like you did." George tried to spark up a conversation, but you only hummed in response. You were scared that if you spoke, you would cry.
George ended up making his way to the couch sitting beside you and pulling you into his embrace. Your head was on his chest and you began to sob. You missed this it's only been a few hours, but you had felt that in those few hours you had lost everything. You continued to sob into his hoodie as he rubbed your back and shushed you, whispering sweet nothings into the air only for you to hear.
"Im here, and Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry that I did this to you and I only hope that you can forgive me." George said, his voice cracking a little when he said that. You kept crying.
That's what you wanted to hear all along, that's what you needed. You could forgive him in due time, you always will because you love him, you will always love him. You both can always make it right.
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (3)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, angst(?), Draco being a meanie :(
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: not my best lmao kinda gets cheesy. anyways, Y/M/N = your mother’s name and Y/B/N = your brother’s name
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(gif cred)
“Do I really have to get one?” Draco whined in the middle of the phone store, getting his very first cellular device.
“Yeah, man. It's 2008 and you still write letters. Plus, your bird took a shit on my car,” Blaine said matter-of-factly. He found it funny that Draco still used an owl post for communication; the only other person Blaine knew that still uses an owl is his 97 year old grandmother. And even she has a landline in her house. “It's just easier and quicker to use. Why wait a whole day for a letter when you can just text me and I’ll respond in two seconds?”
“I’ve never even used a wall phone, how do you expect me to use a bloody cell-phone, Blaine?” Draco was fidgeting in his seat as he waited for the store employee to finish, what was it called, a credit score? Muggles sure are weird.
She came back shortly with a small, black box that had a weird word on it. What the bloody hell is an iPhone? She explained how it turned on, all the applications it carried, and details about billing and more. Draco was still confused about the whole thing but Blaine said that he would help him understand it better.
“Well look at you, Dray. A modern wizard in America,” Blaine jokes. Draco played with the new device, working out all the kinks of it. He sent his very first text message to Blaine at that moment. Took him precisely 5 minutes to type out a very bland, simple ‘Hello. -Draco L. Malfoy’
It made Blaine laugh so hard that he held his stomach. “My god, we’re gonna have to work on your texting skills, man. First things first, you don't have to sign your name at the end of a text. I know it's you.” Blaine explained to Draco all the fundamentals of texting as they walked through the halls of Santa Marie.
Throughout the day, Draco shared his new number with his department. The more he shared his number, the faster he became at typing.
At the end of his shift, he went to a nearby restaurant where he usually picked up dinner —not one to know his way around the kitchen — and headed home.
It's been a good week for him; his mother had sent him a letter everyday, he finished setting up the guest room for Theo and Blaise, he has this new phone, and best of all, Y/N had not crossed his mind once.
Now he still hasn't accepted what she does in her free time, but also he realized that she’s not exactly harming him nor did she know what he was. He's usually busy with all the work he does, anyway. It was quite a sudden change of heart. But mostly, it was his mother that was able to talk to him and change his views.
My dearest son, had it been during the time before the war, I would have agreed with you. But you have to understand that things are different now. You're different now. Now I am not forcing you, but maybe you should just talk with her just once. If not, just ignore her. After all, she only lives next door.
When he read the letter, he could practically hear all of his friends telling him ‘She's right, you know.’ And deep down, he knew it too. So he went with her advice: ignore Y/N.
You’ve had a terrible week; your assistant manager forgot to count the inventory which meant she also forgot to make an order for inventory. A group of teens stole a bunch of little vials of oils you had put on display. And to top it all off, a man stood in front of your shop with signs that had biblical verses written on them, blocking the entrance way and essentially driving away any potential customers. You called security but they never came.
You were used to this happening, it's happened all your life. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I'm not harming anyone, so why does this happen to me? Next week, your mother was flying in from Maine to look around the house to make sure nothing would ‘freak Stephanie out.’ 
Driving back home, you were just waiting to mix some bath salts in your tub, play music, and relax for the next couple of days. By sheer coincidence, as you pulled in you noticed your neighbor that you now knew as Draco pull into his driveway.
This week can't exactly get worse you thought as your legs carried you to his front door. With gentle knocks on the door, you waited patiently. Being rejected once more didn't bother you, but you at least wanted to hear him speak to you and try your chance to become better acquainted.
Draco opened his door, his tie was undone and he looked confusingly at you. “Can I help you?”
Panic overcame your senses and without thinking, you blurted out, “Do you hate me?” You noticed his shocked face as it was probably not something he expected to hear.
“Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about?” he asked in his entrancing British accent. It was too late to take it back, so you just kept going with it. “I’m sorry, but you moved in here four months ago and you seem to have made friends with everyone around here but for some reason, you won’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Did I offend you or something?” You sounded exhausted and sad. Not only at the week you just had, but how Draco wasn’t being so neighborly with you as he was with everyone else on the street. It bothered you so much to no end. And the most frustrating thing was that you didn’t understand why.
“Uh, I apologize that we haven’t been on speaking terms but I don’t think I have to talk to you now, do I?” Draco scoffed. Why is he being such a jerk? “I’m not saying that you have to talk to me, but it’d be nice if you could at least wave or something. But instead, you look at me funny and ignore me. It’s kinda rude.” 
“Merlin, you muggles are so temperamental.” Draco said under his breath. The word sounded funny to you.
“Muggles? Did you just call me a muggle?” The look on Draco’s face didn’t go unnoticed. He stared at you for a few moments, not saying anything. What does that mean? “Is that what you call Americans in the UK? Doesn’t really sound nice.”
Draco started laughing mockingly at you, his grip on his door tightening and knuckles turning white, “Look, I don’t understand what it is exactly you want from me but I will say this; the fact that you are so offended that I won’t acknowledge you is honestly quite fucking childish and if you couldn’t get the hint then I’ll say it plainly for you now. I don’t. Wish. To. Be. Friends. With. You. Got it?” and with that, he slammed the door in your face.
Groaning out, you yelled at him through his door, “Fuck you then! I don’t wanna be friends with some rude prick!” You ran to your door and slammed it pretty hard. The sudden noise frightened your cat and made her run from her tower into your room. What the fuck is his deal? 
You walked to your room, pissed off and tired. Looking up, you saw Draco in his room. You stared each other down before you walked up to your window to close your blinds, flipping him off before it fully closed. Afterwards, you took a regular shower and went to bed. Anger built up inside you, and for probably the first time, you hated another human being. And you had to live next to him for god knows how long.
“I mean, did you really have to say that to her?” Ian and Ashley had just listened to Draco explain what had happened the night before. Ian just sat in the chair eating his lunch as Ashley responded to him. “I know things might be different in England, but you should’ve given her a chance. She could be nice. I have a couple No-Maj friends on my block.”
“I’m on Ash with this. Is it really all because she’s Wiccan? Be honest, Dray,” Ian chipped in. At that point, Draco didn’t really know what to say. He thought he could look past it, but he couldn’t. “Maybe, yeah. I come from two families that had very strict traditions and views of muggles. I thought I dropped those views but seeing first hand what they do and-”
“And it makes you feel like a freak? Because you’re a real wizard that can do magic and they sit in some weirdly drawn circle and ‘do’ magic?” Ashley finished Draco’s sentence, making quotation marks with her hands. “I get it, I really do. I was offended too when I had to read about No-Maj’s doing this during school. And then to see movies where witches are viewed as ugly, green-skinned hags with warts on her face and wear rags for clothes. Kinda brings you down as a kid. But I got over it. You should, too.” Ashley held Draco’s hand for a bit before she grabbed her coffee mug and left for her appointments.
Ian sat quietly, watching as Draco was sinking in everything he was advised. “Look man, it’s not really my business to be telling you what you should or shouldn’t like, and who you should or shouldn’t like. And you know what, you’re not exactly in the wrong to get mad about what happened. After all, she just kinda picked a fight with you out of nowhere.” Draco had a face that looked as if he was saying ‘Right? I’m not crazy here’
“But,” of course there’s a ‘but’, “from what I hear around the street, Y/N’s really nice. Super weird for sure, but an overall nice person. I think you should think about it.” Ian nodded at Draco before joining Ashley out of the breakroom. Draco sat there, thinking about what his friends said and also thought back to his mother’s letters. I’m such a child. And I’m the one that called her childish. If he was honest, you were but it didn’t make him better.
He knew what he was going to do after work. It pained him to have to apologize to someone. Apologizing wasn’t something he was exactly used to doing. He’s only done it once to Harry and his friends nearly three years after the Battle. He didn’t even really know what to say to you. But he’ll figure it out. Right?
You stood shocked at your doorstep, hands holding onto the sweater as you looked before you. “Mom, you’re here early.”
“I had been given an extra week off of work so I thought I’d just come and see my oldest baby before your brother and Stephanie comes. Also gives me a head start to plan our dinner and get this house situated,” your mother walked past you with her two large luggage cases and dropped them on your living room floor. She looked around the house and eyed all the decorations and pictures on the walls.
To her, everything was nearly normal. You had family pictures posted and some pictures of you and your friends from college. In the living room, you had a tapestry hung up behind your couch that used to belong to your grandmother. “Y/N please, will you take down that blanket? Why don’t you put up a picture of some flowers, or maybe something abstract?”
“Because I don’t want a picture of flowers and that’s not a blanket. It was Grandma’s. I want it hung up there. Ma, you gotta understand that it’s my house now.” Your arms were crossed due to the cold. You had the day off and tried to spend it well as you did your cleansing spell in the morning, but it seems that it wasn’t very effective seeing as your mother came in and immediately started nitpicking everything.
“It was cute in your room when you were a kid. But you’re 26 now. How would your boyfriend feel if he walked in here and thought ‘oh, didn’t know I was dating a 16 year old.’” Her constant criticism was nearly pushing you to the edge. “Ma, I don’t really want to argue with you tonight so I’m just going to bed-” a doorbell rang throughout the house and you were thanking whoever was listening for giving you a reason to walk away from your mother. 
As soon as you opened the door, you were met with another face that you weren’t exactly excited to see. “Can I help you?” you repeated Draco’s words from last night back at him in a spiteful tone.
Through gritted teeth, he looked at you and said, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for being an arse yesterday. I hope we can look past it and become well-acquainted neighbors.”
“Huh, you’re sorry? You don’t really sound it.”
“I know, I’m not really used to doing this,” Draco quipped. “But nonetheless, I would still like to apologize.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’m sorry too.” You were about to close the door until your mother came up and pushed the door completely open, “Honey, who’s at the door- oh! Hello, I’m Y/M/N. And you are?” She looked at Draco with the nicest smile that you had ever seen on her.
“Hello, My name’s Draco. Nice to meet you,” he awkwardly shook your mother’s hand. He didn’t smile, but he also didn’t have the usual scowl on his face when he would look at you. Guess he does have manners. “Y/N, is this a friend of yours?” your mother insinuated with a less than discreet wink. Without missing a beat, you replied, “No. Ma, this is my new neighbor. I just met him. But it’s late, so nice meeting you Draco. See you around.” And you closed the door.
“That was rude, Y/N. You should have invited him in. He’s very cute,” your mother grabbed her bags and headed into the guest room. From a distance, you could hear your mother speak to herself, saying ‘At least this room looks normal’. “It’s kinda late. Besides, we have all the time in the world to talk.” 
You walked to your small closet and grabbed the special bath salts for stress relief and walked to your bathroom. Starting to strip, your mother barged in. “Ma! Privacy, please!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I gave birth to you. Anyways, how long has it been since he moved in? Do you think he knows about your witchy stuff?” She asked as she stood by the door, checking her reflection as you continued to undress for your bath. “I don’t really hold a sign around my neck that says I’m a Wiccan, Mother,” you said with closed eyes. Your mother said, “I hope not. Night, baby,” and closed the door.
This is going to be a long three weeks.
The morning came and you woke up before your alarm and did your daily routine. The only difference was that your mother was going through your pantry looking for ingredients to make breakfast. “Morning, honey. Do you want some pancakes? I’ll make your favorites! It’s still blueberry, right?”
“No, that was Y/B/N. Mine are chocolate chip and peanut butter.” You said flatly as you grabbed your watering can. “Oh that’s right. But I already bought the blueberries.”
“That’s fine, they still taste good.” Your mother was satisfied with your response and started right away. You walked out to your front yard and watered your plants along the fence. The betony plants were beautiful, its sight was calming your nerves as you poured water over them. The sound of a door closing caused you to look up, watching Draco as he was standing in his yard with what seemed like a cigarette attached to his lips before he took it out and placed it onto an ashtray that was on his porch.
He walked over to the fence that separated your yards. The smell of the cigarette was in the air and it reminded you of your late father. “I meant it last night,” he mentioned his apology. You didn’t really know what to say so you just nodded and went back to watering your plants.
“But if I recall, you did start that fight,” he chuckled. You glared up at him for a few seconds before returning to your task. “Alright, I guess I’m sorry too.” Draco scoffed and just whispered ‘Whatever’ and walked away. “Wait,” you called for him before he walked back into his house and luckily, he stopped. “I’m sorry,” you said with sincerity. “Can we just start over?”
He stared at you, visibly contemplating your question then finally said, “Sure.” He walked into his house and you stood shocked in your yard. Your mother walked out and announced to you, “Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come on, I think your plants are watered enough.” With the snap of your screen door, you were released from your daze and walked inside. Maybe this week is turning around after all.
Draco sat in his room, not exactly sure what exactly happened. Was he really going to try and become friends with a muggle? He could imagine the look on his fathers face. Just because he had lost in the Battle, didn’t mean that he magically accepted muggles and muggle-borns. Narcissa didn’t like them much either but she also didn’t hate them as Lucius did.
This would shock not only his parents, but also his friends, Blaise and Theo. Merlin, the person that would probably have a field day about this would be Hermione Granger. He sat there, imagining Granger either laughing at him or cursing him after all the bullying he put her through. All those years of calling her a mudblood and he becomes friends with a muggle. A No-Maj. A Wiccan No-Maj. But then he thought about what Ian said at work. Y/N is really nice. Weird, but nice. And when he agreed to having a fresh start with you, he figured that it would give you a chance to prove him wrong about what you were like.
Or she could be exactly what I always thought muggles to be. Foolish.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っtaglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters
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wolfpawn · 2 years
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
27. favourite national celebrity?
For the not from the US ask set :)
Our international reputation for our polite and welcoming nature.
The fact people will save for 5+ years to make Ireland their "must-see before they die" place and they're not disappointed.
Our achievements internationally and globally far outweigh what you'd expect for an island of a paltry 6 million people. The land of Saints and Scholars. The fact our literary fame is acknowledged, even if the British try to claim our greatest as theirs every so often.
Our history. The fact that in all our history, we have such beautiful sites, older than the pyramids and Stonehenge and somehow, even greater feats of engineering and astrological charting (Newgrange, etc). We have a history of fighting for freedom and fairness, not classism.
Our language is one of the oldest known languages and even with every attempt to stomp it out through punishment and colonialism, it remains.
Cronyism in politics. "Jobs for the lads" the fact who you knows often matters more than what. That irks me greatly. It's not fair and a free Ireland was supposed to be fair. The idea you vote for a politician because your parents voted for their parents, etc. They are our wealthy class. They decide not to enforce rent caps while over 25% of them are investment property landlords in one party alone.
How expensive my country is. People love coming to Ireland but we financially rape them when they get here. It's cheaper to get 2 weeks in Spain, food, flights and hotel than it is to go to Ireland for a week and just pay for accommodation. Not including food and transport when you get here. That leads to situations where the average Irish person is struggling to find a home to live in.
Begrudgery. In Ireland, you're allowed to get a certain level of fame or achievement and that's good, that's celebrated, but once you get over that, you're disliked. If you become something like a school teacher, excellent, you are a credit to your family. If you become a lecturer in a university...you're overachieving, how dare you. You star in a few tv shows and movies, lovely. You get nominated for an Oscar, sure, you think you're better than others.
Favourite Celebrity.
I don't have one. I have a few.
Katie Taylor - While Clarissa Shields attempts to pretend she brought women's boxing to the Olympics, ask anyone in the sport that's not American, Katie brought it there. Even her greatest rivals will acknowledge that. She is also why women did not have to wear skirts while boxing, she demanded shorts or take it and shove it. The IOC wanted her and knew she held the sway so they bowed to this demand. She is humble, noncontroversial and kind to everyone she meets. I used to see her as an amateur jogging (I lived close to her) and she'd salute you as she ran.
The Gleeson Family.
Everyone knows Domhnall Gleeson by now. He was in Black Mirror, Harry Potter and of course, Star Wars. He is the brother of another actor, Brian Gleeson (Jimmy McCavern of the Billy Boys in Season 5 of Peaky Blinders and Hughie Power in Love/Hate) and the son of one of Ireland's best actors, Brendan Gleeson (Harry Potter, Braveheart, The Guard, Gangs of New York). If you have ever heard any of these men in an interview, you would know why I adore them. They are internationally famous and entirely normal. The way Domhnall accepts his dad's award for The Sufferagettes tells you how down-to-earth they are. You cannot help but love them.
There are more, but I won't go on too much.
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SH - Sherlock & Mycroft Friendship/Brotherly Bonding - Prompt: Holmes brothers as kids, Myc being a good brother, playing the deduction game. - Words: 1,715
That being said, I guess I should add a Trigger Warning for bullying.
I do hope you enjoy the story! Let us know!
"You simply are not trying hard enough, Sherlock! It's quite obvious!" Mycroft yelled. The Holmes brothers were standing in the living room in 221B. Mycroft had decided to pay his brother an in-person visit rather than just turning on the security camera he'd installed. Sherlock had decided to ask Mycroft to play the deduction game with him over a cup of tea. Sherlock was rarely so cordial with Mycroft thus Mycroft was, not that he'd admit it, concerned that something was wrong. He realized he'd miscalculated greatly (again, he'd never admit that) when, only an hour later, a shouting match had ensued.
"Really? Obvious? You're bloody insane, Mycroft! That solution is simply not possible!" Sherlock yelled, dressing gown swishing dramatically as he waved about.
"Look at the facts little brother. We've eliminated the rest. And what do we say about what remains?" Mycroft attempted to bring his voice back down to it's normal, placating, patronizing tones.
"Must be the truth," Sherlock replied, hanging his head low as he finally came to rest on the couch. Mycroft briefly, and rather guiltily, pictured Sherlock as a whipped puppy tucking its tail between its legs. He hadn't intended to hurt his brother so, but the damage was done.
'Nothing worse than past fights,' Mycroft thought. 'He'll recover in a few hours.' He decided not to reconcile at the moment as that could quite easily be taken as caring. 'Sherlock knows I care about him, I just don't want to appear too soft,' Mycroft justified mentally.
"Very good, Sherlock," He said aloud. "I understand you couldn't see it my way today. Perhaps one day you'll be able to think clearly about things." Mycroft turned to walk away. "Perhaps once your brain recovers from your last overdose. Maybe then it will return to acceptable functionality."
'Why did I tack that last jab on?' Mycroft wondered. 'Perhaps I really am becoming too calloused.' He shrugged off the thoughts for the moment as he got in his usual black limousine for the ride home.
Back in 221B, Sherlock sat crying on the sofa for some time. Soft whimpers of "Myc" fell from his lips occasionally. Eventually, he fell asleep, although not a restful one.
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"William! Come outside! It's a perfect day to explore!" Sherlock's mind palace had conjured up the memory he was trying so hard to forget. He saw everything so clearly though. Mycroft, still as proper as ever, yet this Mycroft was more free, more innocent. About 14 years old and just under 5' 7", Mycroft had already adopted most of the personality that would stick with him for the rest of his life. Sherlock was seeing his memory as though it was a movie he could walk through. He didn't see it from his 7 year old point of view. Rather, he watched on the sidelines. He looked around and found himself in the backyard of their childhood home. Mycroft was examining a particularly bright patch of flowers by the corner of the house. Some of them had been crushed, others torn up.
'The old tabby cat,' Sherlock remembered fondly. 'Mrs. O'Malley did always let that cat wander too much.'
"I'm coming, Mycie!" Sherlock heard behind him. Turning about he saw himself, right at 4' tall, running out of the house to join his brother.
"Tell me, William," Mycroft said. "How do you think these flowers were destroyed?"
"The old tabby cat, Mycie! That's easy! Find me something harder!" His 7 year old self exclaimed. Mycroft smiled approvingly and patted little Sherlock's shoulder.
'I can't seem to recall why he ever stopped calling me William,' Sherlock thought. Shaking his head in his dream, he chuckled silently. He knew he would remember, but his mind was attempting to fool him.
"Timothy Lexington," Mycroft called out, tossing a frisbee to young Sherlock. He caught it absently, brows drawn together in thought.
"Blond and blue, 19, 5' 9", science class, held back a year," Sherlock replied, throwing the disk back with a smug grin.
'The original deduction game!' Sherlock thought with an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. Sitting on the grass, he settled in to watch.
Mycroft had gotten into the habit of having Sherlock deduce his classmates to the nth degree.
"Why was he held back?" Mycroft quizzed, returning the frisbee.
"Cheating," Sherlock replied, about to throw it back. "Wait," he paused. "Cheating and skipping class." With every throw, Mycroft would ask a question or name a person, and with every catch, Sherlock would answer.
"Samantha Hanshaw."
"Red and green, 17, 5' 5", fairly intelligent. Moved ahead 2 levels over the summer." Mycroft was just about to catch the returning disc when Sherlock added, "And she has a crush on you. She likes your intellect." Mycroft completely froze. The frisbee hit him squarely on the forehead, snapping him out of his trance. "Mycroft! Are you ok?" Sherlock yelled, all deductions forgotten.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Mycroft assured him. "Let's go up front." The two Holmes children ran around to the front yard and Sherlock hurried to catch up. As he was about the round the corner, he noticed a group of boys, about his younger self's age, bicycling down the road.
'Oh,' Sherlock remembered. 'This was it.'
"William! Want to come and play with us?" One boy yelled, coming to a stop in front of the house.
"Can I, Myc? Please?" The younger Holmes asked. Sherlock could see the love and care in Mycroft's eyes. But also the sadness.
"They're no good for you, Will," He whispered, kneeling down to his brother's level. The younger's face dropped, tears welling up in his eyes. Mycroft hesitated briefly, hoping with all his heart he was making the right decision and that his initial readings of those boys were false, and added, "But if you want so badly, I suppose an hour or so wouldn't hurt." Sherlock lit up and hugged his brother around the neck.
"Thanks, Mycie! I'll be good! I'll be back in 1 hour!" Sherlock then ran across their large front yard to the road to meet up with the other boys. Mycroft began to walk into the house when he heard yelling.
"Where's your bodyguard now, William? Think you can just use your brain to get out of this, William?" Mycroft's heart sank. Those scumbags were holding Sherlock down on the pavement, kicking him. "Freak! Weirdo!"
"Leave him alone!" Mycroft bellowed. Sherlock had been struggling, trying to get away from them, but there had simply been too many. The bullies quickly scattered, grabbing their bikes and running off. Mycroft pulled Sherlock onto the grass immediately.
"I'm sorry," Sherlock whimpered.
"No, no, William. You don't have to be-"
"Don't call me that!" He yelled. "Never again! If I'm to be a freak, I'll be named as such. Never call me by that name again. Call me Sherlock from now on." Sherlock's face had turned adamant, a preview of his future personality.
"Please?" Sherlock begged, face softening once again. Mycroft silently nodded and pulled Sherlock in for a hug.
"Come on inside. Let's get you washed up and have some cake together, hm? Sounds good, Sherlock?" Mycroft asked, the name feeling strange on his tongue. He certainly did not think the name sounded freakish, nor was his brother a freak, but he would, at least for now, make his brother happy.
"Yes, please."
"And Sherlock?" Mycroft continued, pausing his steps. "I'll always love you and I'll always take care of you. I will never hurt you. Never forget that."
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Sherlock woke up with a start, gasping and still sobbing a little. His face was sticky with half-dry tears.
"I will never hurt you." Those words echoed in Sherlock's mind. It seemed that these days all Mycroft had done was hurt Sherlock.
'Not that it was really his fault,' Sherlock thought. 'I'm really the cause of it all. Maybe if I could find a triple homicide I could finally make him proud.' Sherlock shook his head. He'd already solved those types of cases. He really didn't know what to do to make his brother happy. Turning over on the sofa, he looked to the abandoned mugs on the coffee table. No doubt, the contents were far past cold so Sherlock got up and took them to the sink. Hearing the door lock click, he readied himself for an intruder since no one else he knew should be coming in at this time of day.
"Sherlock?" He heard a voice call out.
'Mycroft?' Sherlock wondered. 'Why is he here?' Slowly, Sherlock walked out of the kitchen.
"What do you want?" He spat, unintentionally angry.
"I wanted to apologise. I'm sorry," Mycroft said, absolute sincerity showing on his face. Sherlock was surprised beyond words. Mycroft quickly took in his brother's appearance and realized he was responsible for it. Mycroft sighed lightly before continuing, "Lately all we've done is fight. That's not right for brothers. Even arch-nemesis brothers," He said with a smirk. Even Sherlock chuckled at that. Turning serious once again, Mycroft continued, "Please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I-" He paused for a moment, deciding he may not have another chance like this for a while. "I'll always love you, little brother, and I'll always take care of you. I will never intentionally hurt you. Never forget that. I may be harsh sometimes and say things I don't mean when I'm especially frustrated but I'll try to say 'I'm sorry' a bit more."
"I love you too, Mycie," Sherlock replied, hugging his brother tightly. Mycroft smiled fondly at the man who, at the moment, was burying his face in Mycroft's suit jacket. Mycroft hugged Sherlock back.
"I'll always care, William," His brother's name finally felt right again after all these years. "You're never a disadvantage."
"Neither are you, Myc," Sherlock replied with a smile. "But you know you're not allowed to call me that around anyone else. Not even Mummy and Daddy." Mycroft nodded. "Good. Now why don't we stop this emotional madness and finish what we started," Sherlock commanded. To the average person, it would seem Sherlock had gone back to normal. But Mycroft saw the glint in his eyes. "Chocolate cake with whipped icing?" Sherlock offered.
"Of course," Mycroft smiled, taking the plate and sitting again in the living room. "Cluedo?"
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underoosweb · 3 years
5 More Minutes Ch.1
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No warnings: Bold italics are thoughts/ Italics are dreams
8.5k words
Serenity laughed, watching her cousin deny she was drunk and now she is currently dancing, singing Lick it in front of her whole family. She looked around watching everyone laugh, it was their uncle’s birthday, everyone had been drinking.
“Come on Tia! Sing it!” Her cousin yelled into the microphone
“MY NECK MY BACK LICK MY!” Everyone's attention turned to their aunt, she turned bright red, covering her face from embarrassment, their uncle staring at his wife laughing. 
“Come on Tia! Sing it to him!” her cousin yelled, everyone stared as their aunt recovered from embarrassment, facing her husband and wiggling her finger for him to come over and everyone laughed. Everyone filmed the whole interaction and then she changed the song.
“THIS SONG GOES OUT TO MY TIO!” the familiar melody filled Serenity’s ears.
“ONE TIME FOR THE BIRTHDAY BITCH, TWO TIMES..” Everyone laughed again, her uncle shook his head and laughed. Her cousin sang her heart out
“And she said she wasn’t drunk.” Serenity turned to her other cousin
“Well 5 jello shots and 5 tequila shots will do that.” she laughed and her cousin nodded
“How many have you had?”
Serenity looked at her cup 
“Your sister gave me a cup of vodka and fruit punch about an hour ago and I’m only about a quarter in, pretty sure she’s going to be yelling at me for not drinking it faster.”
“Probably. Is it not good?”
“It’s alright, just don’t want to wake up hungover.”
“True.” Serenity took another sip of her drink, she watched as all her family members laughed, drank, and told stories about their younger days. She and only 2 of her cousins were around the same age and everyone else was either older or younger than them. She mostly grew up on her own, played on her own, she didn’t become close to her cousins till she turned 21. The sun continued to roll down and she was only halfway done with her drink
“Do you want another one?” 
“I still have half.”
“Damn, so slow. Drink up, girl.” Her cousin laughed, teasing her, Serenity smiled small
“I’m not much of a drinker…” she muttered to herself after her cousin turned her attention to someone else. She sighed and continued her conversation with her younger cousin. It was late and they still hadn’t cut the cake. Serenity looked around 
“I’m going to the restroom.” Her cousin nodded, she walked through the house and into the restroom, staring into the mirror, fixing her makeup, and walking into her cousin’s room. She grabbed her bag and walked back into the backyard just in time for them to sing happy birthday to her uncle
“I’m gonna leave after this.” She whispered to her cousin
“Yeah, I have an early day tomorrow.”
“Alright.” She hugged everyone and bid them goodbye. Blasting her music in the 20-minute car ride home, she sang her lungs out. Completely exhausted, putting on a marvel movie for background noise, her eyes fluttering shut and falling into a deep slumber. 
“Sometimes I think you like getting hit.” Bucky smiled at his friend helping him off the ground
“I had it covered.”
“You got your orders?”
“ The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.”
“I should get going.”
“Come on, it’s my last night here. We gotta celebrate.”
Steve was having a long day, he wanted nothing more than just going home, but Bucky decided to drag him to the Stark Expo.
“There are 3 and half-million women here.”
“Yeah, I’d settle for one.” Bucky smiled
“Well, it’s a good thing I took care of that for you.” He nodded towards the girls standing in front of the statue
“Hey Bucky!” the brunette waved, Steve looked at Bucky slightly annoyed for not giving him a fair warning
“What’d you tell her about me?’ He ran his fingers through his hair
“All the good stuff.” Bucky smiled
Steve quietly walked behind the group, eating his popcorn. He looked around
“It’s starting!” Bucky’s brunette friend said in excitement, dragging Bucky to the front of the crowd while Steve followed behind. Applause rang through the expo
“Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Howard Stark.”
Steve offered popcorn to the blonde girl he was supposed to be on the date with, she stared at him and scoffed, turning her attention forward. Serenity furrowed her brows, why was everything so loud?
“Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you in just a short few years Your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all?”
Gasps could be heard throughout the crowd, Serenity covered her ears, it’s too loud.
“With Stark reversion technology you'll be able to do just that” Everyone stared in awe when the car started to lift off the ground, then came a loud bang. Serenity jumped awake, still drowsy, looking around, this wasn’t her living room. Lifting herself slightly off the ground, a car with no wheels sat in front of her.
“Well, I did say a few years.” Everyone in the crowd laughed and applauded
“What the fu…” She whispered to herself, one of the showgirls who was standing on the side of the stage stared at her, she felt someone’s eyes on her, she turned to meet crystal clear blue eyes
“Where? Who? What the fuck is happening?” The girl’s eyes flickered back to Howard, he met her eyes and he moved his head to see Serenity in the shortest short’s and an off-the-shoulder top. Her eyes widened in shock,
“No fucking way,”
“Who are you?” Howard asked, the showgirl ran up to her and stood her up, she looked around the crowd
“What in the world are you wearing? You’re showing too much.” Serenity narrowed her eyes
“I’m showing too much?”
“I’m wearing a stage outfit.” Serenity continued to scan the crowd when she heard a familiar melody play over the speakers
“That’s… that’s not possible.”
“You need to follow me.” Serenity turned and grabbed onto the showgirl's wrist.
“Let me go.”
“I can’t”
“I said, let.me.go.now!” she twisted the girl’s wrist, she screamed in pain
“Security!” She turned her head towards Howard
“No!” She ran towards the front of the stage, looking around for an opening to run. She met another pair of crystal blue eyes. Steve looked at the girl, she looked terrified and confused, she was staring at Bucky, another girl?
“Someone, you know?”
Bucky shook his head “No.”
“Bucky?” She said with a shaky breath, then her eyes met Steve’s
“Steve?” Bucky turned to Steve
“Someone, you know?”
Serenity turned back around, Stark was standing there a device in his hand. She checked her back pockets. Her phone.
“Shit.” Serenity took a step towards Stark, he held the phone back
“Give it back.” out of the corner of her eyes she noticed men in black making their way towards her.
Everyone stared at the stage confused
“What in the world is she wearing?”
“She’s dressed like a floozy.”  She turned back
“I think she heard.”
“Out of all the things I have to do, it's to run and I hate running.” Serenity jumped off the stage, trying to catch herself, she tripped over her feet
“Damn it,” She stood in front of Bucky and froze, wow the movies didn’t do him justice, then her eyes flickered to Steve, she smiled and winked at him. She watched as his face turned red.
“HEY, SOLDIER! GRAB HER!” That was her cue to go. She did hate running and with Stark’s security and maybe even Bucky running after her, she could care less. Her legs burned, ached, her chest heaving. It wasn’t going to be hard to spot her, a girl with her legs out, shoulders out. She looked back, sighing in relief and she hid in an alley. She had no idea how she managed to outrun them but she did. She checked her pockets in a panic.
“Money… money...Ah! Yes!” Poking her head out of the alley, scanning her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, taking one step before someone covered her mouth and pulled her back into the alley, her scream muffled, eyes widened in panic.
“Be quiet!” The voice... Her brows furrowed, she slowly calmed herself. His hand slowly fell from her mouth and she jumped from him, ready to hit him.
“Woah there, doll,”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Doll?”
“I’m not your doll.” Bucky chuckled
“Well, we can change that.” Serenity scoffed
“Well, aren’t you confident? What do you want?”
“I’m just wondering why Stark is so interested in you and where you came from since you weren’t there when the car lifted and then all of a sudden you appeared.”
“Maybe I’m a magician.” Bucky laughed
“I doubt Stark would be this interested in a magician.” Serenity lifted a brow and shrugged
“Maybe I’m that good.” Her eyes flickered behind him, checking to see if anyone else came with him.
“I’m by myself.”
“How? I thought I outran you.”
“You did. I was walking back to my apartment and saw you.” She bit her lip out of frustration
Well better him than Steve She thought to herself
“Also how did you know my name and Steve’s?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
Bucky cocked his head “Really now?”
“Yup.”  Bucky took a step closer towards her, she took a step back
“Because I could have sworn..” She felt her back hit the wall, his hands on either side of her head.
“I heard you say my name and his, and trust me doll I would remember a dame like you.”
“You mean to tell me you remember every girl you’ve ever met?”
“I doubt that,” Bucky smiled, her breath hitched
“Well, look at that... I believe you're blushing, doll.” Crossing her arms
“I am not, now move.” Shoving him aside, Bucky caught her wrist
“Where are you planning on going?”
“That is none of your business.” 
“Alright, I should just take you to Stark.”  Her head snapped towards him, she could feel his breath on her lips, he was closer than she thought
“You would turn me in, sergeant?” Bucky noticed her eyes scan his body up and down as she said those words, she smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat.
“Now look who's blushing.” Bucky felt a chill run down his spine as she whispered in his ear
“How about this, tell me your name and I might not give you up to Stark.”
“What a true gentleman.”  Bucky chuckled
“It’s Serenity.”
“Serenity?” she nodded
“Nice to meet you, I would introduce myself but it seems you already know who I am.”
“Can you let go now?” Her eyes motioned to her wrist, Bucky dropped his hand and cleared his throat, taking off his uniform jacket and handing it to her. She eyed it.
“There are men who-” Bucky stopped as she took the jacket from his hands
“Right, well thanks, but don’t you need this?” She asked, placing her arms through the sleeves.
“I leave tomorrow, I can get it from you then.”
“Who says I’m going to be around tomorrow?” Bucky rose an eyebrow
“Planning on skipping town, doll?”
“Again none of your business but even if I was, how exactly would I be seeing you tomorrow?”
“Because you are coming back to my place.”
“Excuse me?”
“You are coming back with me.”
“No, I’m not. Do you know what year this is?”
“It’s 1943.”
“Exactly, women, especially unmarried women normally don’t go to houses of men they just met without them getting outcast from society.”
Wait. Why was she worried about this? No one here knows her, nor does she exist in this universe. How does she get back? How did she even get here?
“Trust me, it’ll be fine.”
She did need a place to stay.
“I’ll just say you’re one of Rebecca’s friends.”
“Come on now, it’s getting late. I don’t live too far.” Bucky motioned for her to follow him. 
“Where’s your friend?”
“You know his name is Steve.”
“I was talking about your brunette friend from the expo.”
“God damn it.” Bucky groaned in frustration
“I knew I was forgetting something, Connie is going to kill me.”
“You could go back, you know.”
“It’s too late now, I’ll give her a call when we get back.”
“Someone is going to get an earful.”
“Ah, get chewed out?”
“You have no idea.” Bucky sighed
“I mean I would hate for my date to go off chasing some other girl, then start to flirt with, ''said girl and then invite her over to my house.” Serenity gasped sarcastically
“How dare he.” Bucky laughed
“Very funny.” Serenity shrugged
“Come on now, it won’t be so bad.” Bucky sighed again 
“Don’t jinx me now, doll.”
“And you are still calling me, doll? I’m pretty sure Connie is not going to be happy hearing you call another girl that, Sergeant.” Bucky chuckled and shook his head, quirking his brow, raising his hand towards a set of stairs.
“Truly a gentleman.” She started climbing the stairs, Bucky telling her to keep going.
“Stop.” Serenity stopped dead in her tracks 
“We’re here.”
“I’m so glad, I’m wearing sneakers,” she murmured to herself
“You climb these every day? No wonder you’re fit.”
“Doll,” Bucky smirked leaning against the wall
“Do you have the hots for me?” Serenity’s eyes widened and blushed
“I-I” Bucky laughed
“You are adorable when you get flustered.” 
“Adorable?” She pouted as Bucky unlocked his apartment door. 
“Ladies first.” Serenity walked into the apartment expecting to be bombarded by Rebecca but no one came.
“Where’s Rebecca?”
“Boarding school.”
“Boarding school?”
“No back story?”
“Alrighty then.” Bucky walked past her into the bedroom, she heard him rummaging through his drawers. Serenity looked around, the whole apartment was completely clean, it was simple, open, the living room only had a golden brown love-seat, television, and a little side table. She walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. He had nothing, hearing a cough she jumped.
“Here you go,” Bucky handed her a pair of his Pajamas
“Can I use your shower? Or is that empty too?”
“Yes, you can. Let me show you how to work it and no it’s not empty.”
“Alright, here you go. Let me bring you a towel.”
“Here you go,” Serenity took the towel from his hands
“Thank you,” She smiled, Bucky continued to stand in the doorway
“Umm, Sergeant?”
“Bucky, you can leave now.”
“Right, right. Sorry.”
“Go call Connie.” Serenity smiled as Bucky’s eyes widened in panic. He ran towards the front of the apartment, Serenity rolled her eyes and closed the door, stripping off her clothes, she stepped into the shower. The hot water ran over her tense muscles.
“I hope this is all a dream.” She sighed and just let the water run. 
Bucky winced when Connie sighed. It wasn’t as if they were together, they had gone out on their first date that night sort of a little fling before he got shipped off. Bucky heard the water from the shower turn off.
“I am sorry Connie, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You better, good night Bucky.”
“Good night.” Bucky turned once he heard the door open. Serenity walked out in his clothes, now Bucky had seen countless women walk out in his clothes before but none of them looked like her, she looked breathtaking, her hair had curled from being wet, big doe eyes staring back at him. She smiled and Bucky swore he lost his breath.
“You alright?” Bucky wasn’t paying attention 
“Bucky!?” Bucky shook his head and came out of his trance.
“Yeah, sorry what?”
“You alright? Connie didn’t chew you out too bad now, did she?” Bucky sighed, shaking his head he played with his fingers
“Ooo, that bad?”
“Well, how would you feel?”
“Honestly there would be no second date, but considering that you are probably one of the more good-looking men out there for her there will be a second even if it means waiting till you get back from war.”
“Come on now doll, no second date?”
“Not if you forgot about me.” Serenity smiled again
“Do you have a comb or an extra one? Also a toothbrush?”
“I do.”
“Huh, a lot of girls sleepover?” Bucky ignored her question and handed her the brushes.
“Your hair?”
“What about it?”
“Is it naturally curly?”
“Yeah, I straightened it. I don’t really like curls, it's too hard to manage.”
“You look pretty.” Serenity froze
“I know.” Bucky smiled
“Do you have any extra pillows and blankets for me?”
“You can have the bed.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you sleep on the floor or sofa?” She laughed
“Right.” Bucky leads her to the bedroom
“Please never say that again.”
“That bad, huh?” Serenity chuckled
“I would rather be called a doll than ma’am.”
“I thought you weren’t my doll.”
“I’m not, just saying I prefer it over ma’am.”
“Alright then, doll.” Serenity rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile.
“It’s getting late, soldier, don’t you have an early day tomorrow?” Bucky’s face fell slightly, his lips fell into a tight line
“Yeah, we should go to sleep. Good night.” Bucky took a pillow and blanket from the edge of the bed, walking out of the room
“Good-” Stopping mid-sentence as Bucky closed the door behind him.
“Night... Okay then.” Climbing into the bed, her eyes fluttering
“Maybe when I wake up, I’ll be back home and this was all one big dream.” Sighing, she welcomed the darkness. Bucky on the other hand could not welcome darkness. He tossed and turned on the little love-seat. It wasn’t the best place to sleep, he couldn’t get the fact that he was being shipped off tomorrow. He didn’t want to go to war, hell he didn’t even volunteer but they still drafted him. He was scared. Scared of coming back and not being himself, a completely different person, or worse not coming back at all. Bucky sighed, staring at the ceiling. He checked his watch at 12:45 and he had to be up in a few hours and head out. Bucky sat up, turned on the TV, and tried to see if it would help him sleep, he desperately didn’t want the sun to rise. 
She knew how this was going to end, staring at the date November 15th, 1945. Looking around the train, she knew. She could have stopped this, why didn’t she tell them? In the back of her mind, she knew his fate was set. She ran back towards the middle of the train, why was she even here? How did she manage to escape, she knew he would come for her, even if she didn’t belong in this universe, his fate would still be the same. Him falling off this train. Him being toured. Brainwashed. She couldn’t let that happen to him. She could hear her heartbeat pounding in her eardrums, she felt it in the back of her head. She heard the explosion. NO! She ran faster. No, please! She felt the tears sting her eyes. She saw him fly out of the cart. NO! Please! Grab Him! Help him! Don’t let him fall! She grabbed the sidebar…...and reached out for him. Please. She felt the tears run down her cheeks. He was speaking, yelling at her. She ignored him and continued reaching, please just grab onto her. She felt his fingers brush against hers, then she saw the bar start to break. GRAB HER! She felt someone grab her waist. She screamed as the bar completely broke. She felt her body move forward, then they pulled. She screamed his name, kicked and punched at nothing. 
Serenity jolted awake, screaming Bucky’s name. She had tears running down her cheeks.
Bucky jolted awake when he heard a scream come from the bedroom.
“Shit!” Bucky scrambled, running to the bedroom, quickly opening the door he saw Serenity sitting there, tears stained her cheeks. Bucky rushed to her side, hands cupping her face as he sat on the bed.
“What happened? Are you alright?” Serenity blinked slowly
“What?” She replied slowly
“Where?” It took her a while to take in her surroundings and recognize Bucky. Fuck.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m alright.” She placed her hands onto his, giving him a reassuring smile.
“You sure? You screamed my name.”
“Yeah, I just had a bad dream is all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” Bucked nodded and whipped her tears away. She sniffled
“What time is it?” Serenity looked around for a clock
“Ah,” Bucky looked to his right
“4:50” Serenity sighed and nodded
“We should get back to sleep.”
“I’ll just stay up. I have to be up in 30 minutes anyway.”
“Where do I go after you leave?”
“What do you mean?”
“After you leave, I can’t stay here.”
“Yeah, you can.”
“The apartment is getting paid for and since I won’t be here, you can stay.”
“I don’t think your landlord would be too happy.”
“She wouldn’t mind.”
“Don’t tell me…, you worked your charm on her.” Bucked smiled
“She has tried to take me out……, I’m sure her husband wouldn't mind.” Serenity laughed
“Very.” She didn’t even notice his hands still placed on her cheeks, dropping her head slightly, his fingers ending up in her curls. She froze and pulled away from him. Bucky bit his lip, dropping his hands onto his lap.
“I should get back to the couch.” Bucky felt something tugging on his shirt, her fingers grabbed the end of his shirt. She didn’t want him to leave, she was scared of what was going to happen, scared of why she was still there.
“Stay. Please? We can have one normal conversation before you ship off.” Bucky nodded, sitting back on the bed.
“Since I don’t know much about you, besides your name and that Stark wants you, want to tell me about yourself.”
Serenity thought for a moment, it was 1943 right now her grandparents in middle school/ high school. Her aunts, uncles, parents wouldn’t be born for the next 20 years and her 33 years after that. How is she to explain she hasn’t even been born yet. 
Well he doesn’t have to know all the details
“What exactly do you want to know?”
“About you, your family.”
“I’m the youngest out of 3, I have an older brother and sister. My sister is married, I have 3 nephews. My brother is well... He’s just there. I have way too many aunts, uncles, and cousins and I prefer to be alone most of the time. You?”
“Lost both of my parents, I’m the eldest of 4, grew up as kind of an army brat. Met Steve and have been helping him out since we were about 6 years old.”
“Helping him out?”
“Steve tends to get in a lot of fights,” Serenity scoffed
“Yeah, we know.”
“Hmm?” Bucky eyed her
“So, I’m kind of a bodyguard, don’t get me wrong he can hold up on his own but still you would think he would ease up on getting beat.”
“I don’t think that will ever happen.” Serenity smiled and Bucky nodded, letting out a chuckle
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” Bucky glanced at the clock
“I should get ready.”
“Okay.” She said softly, Bucky stood, walking back into the living room, grabbing his uniform he headed to the bathroom. Serenity heard the water turn on, reaching over to the other side of the bed. She grabbed onto the pajama bottoms and put them back on. She hated sleeping with pants on. Turning on the side table lamp, she looked around the room. Simple again, a nightstand, closet, and bed. The apartment didn’t feel like a home, there were a few photos surprisingly but it was just of Bucky and Steve. Serenity smiled, Steve was small. Serenity looked up when she heard heavy footsteps echo down the hall and into the room. She wasn’t one for military men, she had been warned about military men multiple times by her friends, but her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat and her breath hitched. Bucky smirked at her, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You alright there, doll?” Shit. His accent came out.
“Y-yeah.” Bucky’s eyes flicked down to the photo in her hands
“How long ago was this?” She asked handing him the photo
“Years ago, it was on Steve’s birthday. His mom had baked him a cake and I decided it would be funny to shove his face in the cake and his mom took this photo, his face was completely covered and it was nice to see them laugh.” Bucky chuckled at the memory, Serenity smiled. Bucky looked up at her, smiling as he handed her back the photo. She placed it back on the nightstand next to the clock. 
“Your jacket?”
“It’s in the living room.” Serenity nodded
“I’m going to use the restroom and be right out.” Bucky nodded, she walked past him and into the restroom. She stared at herself in the mirror, brushing her teeth. Eyes red from crying, bags appearing under them, hair all over the place. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair, flinching every time they got stuck. 
“Shit, I don’t have any clothes.”  Opening the door
“Hey, Bucky?”
“I just realized I don’t have any clothes..”
“I have some. Hang on.”
“Alright, are they over-sized?”
“I have no idea.” He said handing her the clothes. Her lips fell in a tight line. 
“What size?”
“Depends on the shirt, medium or large.” Serenity nodded looking at the tags, large she let out a little sigh. Closing the door behind her, taking off Bucky’s pajamas, and placing his white button-up, it fit. Her main worry was the pants, it wasn’t like she could wear the shirt as a dress it came down to the top of her thighs. Bucky was lean but she had hips and thighs, his pajama pants fit her snug, she put her legs into the khaki-colored pants. The pants hugged her hips and thighs, luckily it wasn’t suffocating, her shoes were not going to match but something is something. Slipping into a pair of clean socks and her sneakers, she grabbed her hair, ran water through it, brushed lightly, and hopped for the best. Walking out, she saw Bucky leaning against the arm of the love-seat, jacket now on his body. Bucky looked up from his watch, scanned her, and went back to his watch. Serenity saw him shake his head slightly and his head shot up.
“You might get whiplash if you keep snapping your head like that, sergeant.”
Bucky couldn’t speak, he hadn’t seen many women in trousers, they prefer to dress feminine. She left him speechless, his shirt slightly fitting her loose, his trousers hugged her curves perfectly, her thighs and hips on display. Jesus.
“Are you ready to go, sergeant?” She waved a hand in front of his face. Bucky blinked
“What? Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.” Bucky handed her a coat, she wrapped herself. He extended her arm towards her, she hooked her arm through his and smiled.
“Wouldn’t you be?”
“I’m always nervous.”
Bucky and Serenity walked through the Brooklyn streets, they weren’t as busy as she thought they were going to be. New York was known for being the city that never sleeps, even early in the morning, but with a war going on it makes sense that the streets wouldn’t be busy this early. Serenity couldn’t help but take in her surroundings, her eyes constantly darting back and forth, looking back, looking down at her shoes. She knew Stark was still looking for her and if she ran into Steve, she knew he would take her in, and at this part of the story or movie she should say, he meets Peggy. She was shocked that Steve didn’t run after her as Bucky did, but he did have a lot of health issues and to him enlisting was probably more important to him than anything. He would have already met the doctor and he would have recruited him for the experimentation. Bucky could tell what was going through her mind as he scanned her face. 
“Don’t worry, doll.” She looked up at him
“No one’s gonna take you to Stark.” 
I’m hoping to be gone by then.
She nodded. He gave her a reassuring smile. She knew someone would find her, she stands out, a woman in men’s clothing, shoes from a whole different era, taller than the average woman, tattoos behind her ears, tattoos on her arms, side luckily those were all covered. Serenity looked ahead to see a line of soldiers waiting to pile into the transport vehicles. Everyone dressed in different uniforms. A man ran towards the two.
“Sergeant Barnes.”
“This way.” Serenity dropped her arm
“See you soon,” She smiled
“See you soon, doll.” She placed a kiss on his cheek
“For good luck?”
“Yes.” Bucky walked with the man and waved. Serenity stood there watching as mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives cried as their loved ones went off to war, she knew their fears. The sun rose high by the time all the soldiers drove off, Bucky’s truck was the last to go. She smiled and waved, Bucky watched her from the rear-view mirror, he dropped his head and smiled. Serenity turned on her heel and walked with the other family members, then she stood still.
Shit. How do I get back? 
She was too into her head earlier to pay attention to the route, groaning in frustration, it’s not like she could ask someone, she didn’t know the address.
“Fuck.” She looked around, everything looked the same to her. The city was beginning to wake up, people opening up their stores, walking up and down the streets. She felt someone bump into her.
“Move out of the way if you’re just going to stand there.”
“Oh, fuc-” She stopped herself, moving against the wall. She stared at all the people coming in and out of apartments, kids running to catch their buses, everyone walked fast. She could hear people chatting, laughing, yelling, horns honking. She rolled her eyes, covering her ears. She hates loud noises, how everyone was so lively early in the morning? She had to get back to Bucky’s or off the street before she got caught. Lifting herself off the wall, she walked back towards where they came.
Did we make a right or left? It doesn’t help that she can’t tell her left from her right.
“Fuck.me.” Then she heard him
“Hey! Wait! Stop the car!” Serenity was getting ready to run
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” Peggy’s accent entered her ears, she slowly looked back towards her. Steve stood to her side and Peggy had her gun pulled out. She scoffed
“Really? A gun? Do I look like a threat to you?”
“You’re the girl Stark wants.” Serenity turned to face Steve
“I’m flattered that you remember me.”
“It’s hard to forget someone who caused a scene.”
“Ouch,” Serenity pouted, crossing her hand over her heart.
“Well, I am known for the dramatics.” She rolled her eyes
“Where’d you get the clothes?”
“None of your business.”
“Did you steal them?”
“No.” Serenity glared, Peggy walked towards her
“Hands.” Serenity held out her hands and Peggy cuffed her
“Handcuffs?” She rose a brow and smirked
“It’s been a while.”
“You’ve been arrested before?” Steve asked and she laughed
“No.” Peggy stared at her in shock, Steve on the other hand didn’t understand. Ah, the innocence. Peggy hoped in the car first, then Serenity and then Steve. Serenity just kept her eyes forward, she leaned over and whispered into Steve’s ear.
“Sorry for interrupting you guys,”
“You and her over here, it’s obvious you like her.”
“No, I don’t”
“Yeah, okay.” Serenity rolled her eyes
“Come back to me when you are ready to admit your feelings.” She knew the exact moment Steve would come to her. She sat back into the seat and closed her eyes.
“We’re here.” I felt someone shake me awake, rubbing my eyes, I noticed I was resting my head on Steve’s shoulder
“Sorry,” I said sitting up
“It’s alright.” I could feel Peggy’s eyes drilling a hole on the back of my head, she reached out and grabbed my arm, tugging. I scooted over
“Alright, alright. I’m coming.” Stepping out of the car, an Antique store. Steve followed behind me.
“What are we doing here?” he asked
“Follow me,” Peggy said, still hanging onto my arm
“I’m not going to run, you know. I’ve done enough running for the year already.” Peggy looked at me, eyeing me, then she dropped my arm.
“For the year?” I heard Steve ask
“Yes, the year. I hate running and I would very much like to avoid it every chance I get. Not only that she has the keys to the cuffs and I highly doubt someone will help me get out of them unless I run into a mobster. Ooo What a fun story that would be.”
I walked in behind Peggy when she opened the door, the bell jingled. Steve and I both looked around the store. It was dim with furniture everywhere, nothing looked antique. An older-looking lady walked towards the group.
“Wonderful weather this morning isn't it?” She asked
“Yes, but I always carry an umbrella,” Peggy said, while I murmured The same thing under my breath. No one seems to notice, the old lady slightly nodded and headed over towards her desk, reaching under it. I heard a faint buzz echo and Peggy led us through the curtain to a cluttered bookshelf. 
“The fact that people believe this is a real bookshelf blows my mind.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked
“Whoever the artist is, is doing a great job though.” The bookshelf opened hidden doors. Steve looked around in awe. I on the other hand was trying not to have a panic attack, one thing people always told her never to trust military men, and here I was about to be surrounded by them. Peggy grabbed onto your arm again.
“Is she allowed here?”
“Stark wants her.” 
“Yes, ma’am.”  Peggy led them through the cold, dull hallway and then the doors opened, we walked through the doors. Peggy leads us into the hidden lab to Dr. Erskine and his team in a big circular room filled with machinery and a pod in the middle. Peggy still hung onto my arm as we walked down the stairs. 
“Good morning.”  Dr. Erskine says to the group
He shakes Steve’s hand and somebody takes a photograph.
“Please, not now.” The doctor waves him off
The photographer walks away, Steve looks at the pod
“Are you ready?” Steve nods.
“Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat.” The doctor turned his attention back to us
“And may I ask who you might be?”
“They said Howard was looking for her?”
“I’m looking for who?” I looked over as Stark Howard, scanned my face, and his eyes widened, he rushed towards me, tripping over his own feet. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“You found her?”
“Rogers did.” Howard looked over at Steve.
“You know this is a weird way of asking me out on a date. I mean you even had them handcuff me. Usually I don’t let dates handcuff me until at least the 3rd date.” I extended my wrist towards him. Howard blushed slightly, he was a playboy. I didn’t think my comment would cause him to blush.
“I thought you would be used to hearing these kinds of things Mr.Stark, I guess your reputation is wrong. Can you uncuff me now?” I looked over at Peggy
“I’m not going to run and it’s not like I can cause any damage with a room full of military personnel.” Peggy just stared
“You can uncuff her.” She reached for the key and unlocked the cuffs. I automatically rubbed my wrists and looked over at Howard
“Why exactly do you want me?”
“Who are you?”
“You already asked me that.”
“And you never answered.”
“I don’t see the need to.” Howard grabbed my wrist, taking me to a corner of the room.
“Where are you from?”
“Like my family or me?”
“Where did you come from?”
“Umm... California.”
“No, one second there was no one behind my invention, then a crash and suddenly you appeared behind it and this,” Stark pulled out your phone and it lit up. 
Huh, it’s not dead, that’s a shocker
“What is this?”
“It’s mine and you need to give it back.” I reached for the phone, Howard pulled back.
“Didn’t anybody ever teach you that stealing is bad? My mom would have dragged me back by the ear, made me apologize, and probably would’ve…” I trailed off and shook my head
“Anyway, give it back. Please,” 
“Tell me,”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I did, besides you have more important matters to attend to Mr.Stark.”
“Tell me first and then I’ll get back to it,” I sighed
“I’ll tell you three things. One, my name. Serenity. Two, my birth year. 1996 and three,” I grabbed my phone out of Stark’s hand
“It’s a phone.” He stood there confused
“Stark!��� He looked over at one of the scientists who motioned for him to head over
“We’ll continue this later,” I rolled my eyes and walked back over towards Steve.
“Comfortable?” The Dr. asked Steve
“It’s a little big. Can you save me any of that schnapps?”
“Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time. Mr. Stark, how are your levels?”
“Levels at 100%.”
“We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Agent Carter? Don’t you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?”
“Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry.”
“You as well, Miss?”
“Oh, my name is Serenity, Doctor.”
“Serenity, please.” The doctor motioned to the booth, I nodded and turned to walk to the booth
“Serenity?” I turned back, looking at Steve
“It’s a pretty name.” I smiled
“Thanks, good luck.”
“Thank you.”
“Good.” The doctor says once more. He takes a microphone and taps it.
“Do you hear me? Is this on?”  He asks the small group gathered to watch Steve being prepared to become a super-soldier.
“Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro-injections into the subjects’ major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.”
“That wasn’t so bad.” Everyone heard Steve over the microphone after he took a shot.
“That was penicillin. Serum infusion beginning in five, four, three, two, one.” The serum is injected into Steve
“Now, Mr. Stark.”
Stark lowers a leaver, the pod moves upright, and encloses Steve inside. The doctor knocks on the capsule that they’ve locked Steven in for the procedure to change him.
“Steven, can you hear me?”
“It’s probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?”
“We will proceed.” The doctor says to Stark
“That’s ten percent. Twenty percent. Thirty. That’s 40 %.”
“Vital signs are normal.” 
“That’s 50 %. Sixty. Seventy.” Stark states, I covered my ears as Steve’s screams echoed through the lab.
“Steven!” The doctor yelled
“Shut it down,” Peggy said
“Steven!” The doctor yells as he knocks on the pod.
“Shut it down!” Peggy yells worried
“He’s fine,” I said, everyone, turned back and looked at me
“Trust me.”
“Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!” The doctor yells and everyone turns their attention back to Steve
“No! Don’t! I can do this!” Steve yells 
“If something happens to him,” Peggy turned back and looked at me.
“He’s fine, trust me I know he is.”
“Eighty. Ninety. That’s 100 %.” Everything overloads until the reactor closes itself down.
“Mr. Stark?” Stark opens the pod. Everyone could see smoke coming out of the pod and then Steve appeared, sweaty, a foot taller, about 100 pounds heavier of pure muscle and chest heaving. Everyone was excited, Peggy looked at me again and I shrugged.
“Steven. Steven.” The doctor says concerned 
As he stumbles out of the pod supported by Stark and the doctor “I did it.” Steve managed to wheeze out.
“Yeah, yeah. I think we did it.” The doctor said, patting Steve’s chest
“We did it.” Stark said in disbelief. Everyone except me and another man stood in the observation booth. I looked over at him, I knew I couldn’t change anything, if I did who knows what it would do to the timeline. I smiled
“You don’t want to head down with everyone?”
“Later.” I nodded and walked past him
“Death,” I whispered under my breath. I could feel his gaze burning a hole into the back of my head
“How do you feel?” Peggy asked
“Taller.” I held back a laugh as Peggy lightly touched his chest, she was completely flustered. I walked up next to her
“You look taller.”
“Look? He grew a whole foot and gained 100 pounds or more of muscle, but I mean if no one will say it, I will. You look amazing. Total beefcake.” I said lifting my hand up and down. Peggy glared slightly at me, I leaned over and whispered
“Jealousy isn’t pretty.”
“How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator?”  I overheard someone ask
“I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous. Congratulations, Doctor.”
“Thank you, sir.”
I felt someone grab onto my arm. Stark. My eyes widened when Kruger pulled out his lighter.
Then he detonates the bomb in the observation room, everyone ducked, glass scatters over everyone, women screaming and he uses the confusion to steal the last vial of the serum. The doctor is the first to stand.
“Stop him!” The doctor yells and Kruger shoots him twice, he runs up the stairs and shoots an officer, and flees with Peggy chasing after him. Steve kneels beside Erskine who points at Steve’s chest and dies. I pushed Stark away from me and ran up to Steve,
“Go.” He turned and looked at me 
“GO!” He nodded, running after Peggy and Kruger. I looked down at the doctor, tears welled in my eyes, I felt someone place their hands onto my arms, Stark stared at me, and the doctor who was lying on the floor in disbelief.
“How did you know?” He whispered
“What you said earlier… it’s true?” I hesitantly nodded my head, he let out a slight chuckle of disbelief.
“You knew this would happen, why didn’t you-”
“This isn’t the time nor the place.” I glared at him.
“We can talk about this later.” I stood from my spot, turning to face Stark.
“Where do you want me?”
“Follow me.”  I sighed, following behind Stark.
“You know, I’m not going to run away. You can stop looking back. I’ll hold your hand if you want or put a leash on me if you’re that worried.”  I could hear him smirking
“A leash?” He turned, eyebrow raised and of course a smirk on his face, I rolled my eyes
“Don’t be a pervert.” He laughed and faked a gasp
“You’re the one being the pervert, I wasn’t thinking about anything sexual.”
“Yeah, right.” I scoffed, he extended his hand
“I sadly do not have a leash on me, so your hand will have to do.” I stared at his hand, he lifted it slightly as if saying grab onto it
“Fine.” I grabbed his hand and he smiled. 
“Where exactly are we going?”
“That my dear,” He turned and smiled
“Is a secret.” 
“We’re going to the SSR compound?” His head turned fast
“Any faster and you could get whiplash.”
“I’m pretty sure you, Peggy, and the colonel are going to interrogate me unless you want to keep this a secret, plus Steve should be in there right now getting his blood drawn.” Stark didn’t respond, he opened the doors, the nurse was pulling the needle out of Steve’s arm. 12 test tubes with Steve’s blood were picked up by the nurse, Steve folded his uniform sleeve down. His blue eyes scanned me up and down, his eyes flickered to Stark and froze on our clasped hands. I quickly pulled my hand away from him, Stark rose a brow but looked straight at Steve.
“Think you got enough?”
“Any hope of reproducing a program is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine, it could take years.” Peggy stated
“He deserved more than this.”
“If it could only work once, he’d be proud it was you.” 
Stark looked out and down the meds window
“Stay here.” He told me, I rolled my eyes
“Yes, sir.”
“You and Stark?” Steve asked 
“God, no. He just wanted to make sure I didn’t run away again. I offered my hand or a leash but since neither of us have a leash. Hand, it was.” I said, lifting my hand and wiggling my fingers. I could see Steve’s face turn red and Peggy raised her brow and smirked slightly. 
“What? Was the leash too much for you, Rogers?” Before he could respond, we heard the colonel’s voice echo through the compound.
“Great. Why don’t we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car? What have we got here?”
“Speaking modestly, I’m the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don’t know what’s inside this thing or how it works. We’re not even close to this technology.” Stark responded
“Then who is?” The senator asked
“HYDRA. I’m sure you’ve been reading our briefings.” Colonel responded, Peggy motioned for Steve to follow her 
“What about her?” Peggy bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head
“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.” We walked down the stairs into the main room, I saw Stark working on the submarine 
“I’m on a number of committees, Colonel.” Senator responded 
“HYDRA is the Nazi deep science division. It’s led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions.” Peggy chimed in
“HYDRA’s practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he’s invincible.”
“So what are you gonna do about it?” The senator asked the colonel
“Spoke to the president this morning. As of today the SSR is being re-tasked.” He responds
“Colonel?” Peggy asked
“We are taking the fight to HYDRA. Pack your bags Agent Carter. You too, Stark. You’re flying to London tonight.”
“Sir, if you’re going after Schmidt, I want in.” Steve chimed in. I continued to listen to the back and forth, I felt Stark’s eyes burning into the side of my face
“You’re an experiment. You’re going to Alamogordo.” I accidentally let out a laugh. Everyone looked over at me
“Who are you?” The colonel asked
“Oh, I’m with Stark.” I pointed at him
“The serum worked.”  Steve interrupted 
“I asked for an army and all I got was you. You are not enough.” The colonel stepped closer to Steve
“You’d be surprised.” I murmured under my breath 
“With all due respect to the Colonel, I think we may be missing the point. I’ve seen you in action, Steve. More importantly, the country’s seen it.” The senator said while looking at Steve, snapping his fingers toward his aide.
“Paper.” He said, I slowly made my way towards Stark
“Nazis in New York - mystery man saves child” I whispered
The aide shows them the newspaper and Peggy reads it out-loud
“The New York Examiner’ Vol. XCVII No. 33.634, Wednesday, June 23, 1943), headlines: "Nazis in New York - mystery man saves child"
Stark’s eyes widened
“The enlistment lines have been around the block since your picture hit the newsstands. You don’t take a soldier, a symbol like that, and hide him in a lab. Son, do you want to serve your country on the most important battlefield of the war?” The senator asks Steve
 “Sir, that’s all I want.”
“Then, congratulations. You just got promoted.” Steve shakes the senators hand 
“Too bad all he does is go around in a costume and fake being a hero.” I said to myself, Stark didn’t say anything
“You.” The colonel pointed at me
“I have a name, but yes?” The colonel ignored my comment
“You will be traveling around with Rogers.”
“Wait, Why?”
“If you can handle being Stark’s assistant, you can handle being Rogers.”
“Colonel, I actually need to” Stark was cut off
“She’s going.” 
“I guess.” I murmured and looked at Steve
“May I speak to my assistant before she leaves?”
“You got 5 minutes.” Stark nodded and dragged me off
“No need to pull, I’ll follow you.” Stark opened a door and pulled me inside, we were chest to chest
“Are you insane? Out of all the secure places in this compound, you choose a tiny ass closet.”
“It would be the only place that doesn’t have cameras and audio surveillance.”
“The bathrooms?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a genius?”
“Now isn’t the time, we only have 5 minutes.”
“Pretty sure it’s less now.”
“Where are you from?”
“How old are you?”
“Why would I be lying?”
“You look like you’re in high school.”
“Well thank you for the compliment, it’s not like you can look me up I don’t exist.”
“Question or statement.” Stark glared
“July 31st, 1996”
“Time travel exists in the future?”
“Well..not exactly.”
“What do you mean?”
“You kind of.. Don’t ex-” The door opened wide, my eyes met Steve’s
Great... Who knows what he’s thinking about me now.
Everyone was just standing there, staring at us. I slipped past Stark and walked towards the group.
“5 minutes are up.” The colonel cleared his throat
“Talk, huh?” Steve said his voice slightly filled with venom
“Seriously? It’s none of your business.”
“It is after I saw you wearing Bucky’s clothes.” I froze
“How do you know they’re his? There’s millions of men on this earth who might have the exact same clothing.” Steve reached to the back of Bucky’s shirt and pulled the tag.
“His initials are on the tag.” I grabbed the tag and tugged it forward there in black ink was J.B.B
“Fuck.” I cursed under my breath
“My mom used to write our initials on our clothes so we wouldn’t get any mixed up when he would spend the night.”
“It’s still none of your business.”
“Follow me.” I walked away from him and followed the senator’s aide
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neurodihuegent · 3 years
[Weird Sisters AU] "in tenebris magicae: a story's beginning"
Words: 2,495
Chapters: 1/17
Characters: Lena Sabrewing, Webby Vanderquack, May Duck, June Duck, Violet Sabrewing, Black Heron
Summary: Following the tragic loss of her mother, Lena finds herself returning to the Magical Realm to piece together the truth behind the fall of her mother. However, the deeper Lena digs, the worse things become.
(Text Under '
Do it for her.
Because she certainly didn't want to do it for herself: If it were up to her, she wouldn't even be here. But the stakes were high, and her next move relied on her being here.
If anything sucked the most, it was that she didn't have her own room anymore: Her roommate, a human named Violet Sabrewing, had woken her up at 5 A.M with the blaring sound of her alarm.
"I like to start early when I study throughout the day," she said.
Lena had managed to get some sleep after being rudely awakened, but not much: It was 7 A.M., and now she had to be awake.
Dragging her legs out of the bed, Lena sat up and stared out of the window for a good five seconds: Everything about this place felt like Earth, but it also didn't. The Sun still rised and shined the way it did on Earth. It was a bit comforting to Lena.
"Late start?" Lena took this as some kind of a joke, but considering what had happened merely two hours prior, she didn't find it any funny. She flashed a glare at Violet before trudging out of the room into the bathroom in the hallway.
Five months ago, Lena felt like she had everything, that the life she had on Earth made her not even want to come here and find out about her roots. Now, she had virtually nothing, and that predicament forced her to be here.
Lena's eyes became fixated on her feet as she neared the bathroom day, replaying the past five months of her life over and over again in her head. The day it happened, the feelings of panic and hopelessness that swallowed her body, how lifeless she looked. It was hard to forget, it was an image that would be burned into her brain for the rest of her life.
Caught up in her mind, Lena didn't notice that there was someone leaving the bathroom as she was walking to enter it. Her body collided with another girl's, sending them both to the ground.
"Hey, watch where you're-" The girl cut herself off once she got a better view of Lena on the ground, "Wait, you're one of the new girls right? Don't tell me you're that human."
Word seemed to spread fast around here.
"You're thinking of Violet," Lena half-smiled, extending a helping hand to the girl once she pulled herself off of the ground, "I'm Lena. Nice to-"
The girl swatted Lena's hand away, glaring at her as she found her composure and stood up on her own. "Either way, watch it." Before Lena could respond to that remark, May stormed off.
Rolling her eyes, Lena pushed the bathroom door open and began her morning routine for the day. Great, Lena thought to herself, I've been here for less than 5 minutes and I already have a target on my head.
Lena could feel the eyes burning the back of her head as she took her seat for her first class. From the looks of it, Violet didn't seem to mind to curious and judgmental stares, but Lena hated it. Part of Lena wanted to tell them to find something else to stare at, but another part of Lena just wanted to sit in silence to not make her already rough start, any rougher.
The teacher hadn't entered the class yet, but Lena was sure that they'd ask her and Violet to stand up and introduce themselves, so Lena spent the down time she had now mentally preparing for it. Lena wasn't really a nervous person, but these stares she was getting from classmates whose names she didn't know yet, were enough to melt her into a puddle of timdity.
"Hi, I'm Webby!" Lena hadn't even noticed that this girl had walked up to her, but the piercing shriek she let out was enough to make Lena jumped out of her skin. "Lena." Lena responded sheepishly, looking over Webby's shoulder to notice the girl from the bathroom was shooting daggers at either her, Webby, or the both of them.
They looked exactly alike, so Lena assumed they were sisters.
"You're from the Earth, right? Oh, I have so many questions! What is it like on Earth? What are the animals like? Ooh, what is the foo-"
"Webby, enough," The girl from the bathroom cut her off, and Lena was somewhat grateful for it even though she knew a condescending comment would be following this, "I doubt it's anything interesting compared to what we have here. You don't need to drown her with your questions."
"May, you're no fun." Webby pouted, crossing her arms. She turned back to Lena, saying "It was nice meeting you though!", before she scurried back to her seat next to May and... another girl that looked exactly like them. Triplets?
Her attention on them being triplets was shortened when she went back to thinking about how off putting this May girl had been acting towards her. It soured her mood a bit, thinking about how this girl, for whatever reason, had to make it known that she thought she was better than Lena.
"So you're the human." May seemed to turn her attention to Violet, who just silently nodded in response. Lena felt no connection to this Violet girl, not enough to just mindlessly defend her anyways, but she wasn't opposed to kicking May off of her high horse in defense of her.
"What brings you here?" The other sister, whose name Lena had yet to catch, asked seemingly with innocent intent, "Do you have any powers?"
"Um....no... at least not yet," Violet murmured, fiddling with her hair, "I was actually recruited through the school." Webby and this other sister gave Violet looks of approval, but Lena couldn't help but notice the scowl on May's face.
"Not yet? What do you mean not yet? Either you're born with it, or you're not." May snickered, gaining questioning looks from both of her sisters, not that she seemed to particularly care. Violet bowed her head in embarassment, and that's when Lena decided that she had finally had enough of this May girl's attitude.
"What's your issue? This pretentious little mean girl role you're trying to live up to right now, really isn't a good look, you know." Judging from May's reaction, Lena could tell that this girl never had anyone stand up to her before, and that was just pathetic.
"Well thank god I'm not trying to look good for the likes of you." May hissed, and before Lena could get another jab in, the entire classroom was silenced by the arrival of the teacher.
"Welcome to the first day of the new semester." The professor looked like a character straight out of the kinds of old movies Lena's mom used to watch, her hair having flipped ends, and her red dress resembling the style of a Go-Go dress. The professor's prothestic arm, which seemed to be made completely from metal, caught Lena's eye, but it wasn't something she paid too much attention to. Her eyes drifted over to the sister, the one that wasn't May and Webby, and noticed how her entire demeanor changed once this professor entered the room.
"It seems like we have two new students here, Violet Sabrewing, and Lena Duckwell. Nice to meet you two, I am Professor Heron." Lena could've sworn she saw a smirk when the professor had read her name, but she was too busy feeling shocked that she didn't make them stand up and introduce themselves.
Lena's mother always told her that if she were to come back here, if she were to start a new life here, she'd have to conceal her identity. "Duckwell" wasn't the most creative fake last name, but something told her she couldn't exactly waltz in here with the last name "DeSpell". She never knew why she needed to keep her identity a secret, but she wasn't exactly trying to figure out, either.
"Students, you know that I am expecting nothing but the best work from you this semester, especially knowing what's ahead. Now, open your books to page 14..."
Lena went to school on Earth, so she knew how dreadful and boring the school days could be, but this first day really drained her of any energy she had left. She had almost ran out of the classroom as soon as Professor Heron dismissed them, and she waited for nobody.
"Hey!" Lena felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around to reveal none other than the other sister whose name she hadn't caught yet.
"My name is June, nice to meet you!" She extended her hand for a handshake, and Lena took it. This June girl seemed much nicer compared to May.
"Nice to meet you," Now that she was here, maybe Lena could get some clarity of the things from class she was still confused about.
"What did the Professor mean when she said something important was ahead? Is it a test?"
"I guess you could say that," June explained, "But really, it's the total eclipse. You know what that is right?" Lena shot her a look that said 'I'm not dumb.' Was it that obvious that she hadn't been touching up on her magic?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just didn't know if it's ritual on Earth like it is here!"
"So what do you do for it?"
"On Earth, the Total Eclipse only happens every 100 years, but here, it actually happens every 10 years. During the Total Eclipse, all magical forms at their highest level of power. So, the ritual is kind of made to celebrate that, but also to show off that power. But it's not any time soon, actually it's exactly three months away."
Three months? There was no way Lena could master the power that she did, in three months. She didn't even know what she was fully capable of, because on Earth, both her and her mom stressed her living a normal "human" life, and not using any magic. And the rare times that she did use magic, ended up in haywire. Surely, three months was not enough time for Lena to perfect her craft.
"Hmm, sounds like fun...."
"I wouldn't know, this is the first time I've actually been old enough to attend and participate in one!" June flashed a bright, friendly smile, and in a way, it sort of put Lena at ease. After all, she was the first person here that Lena was able to maintain a normal conversation with.
"Oh, and sorry about my sister earlier, she can be a bit.... overbearing," June said, her cheery tone of voice shifting into a more serious one, "But if it makes you feel any better, I'd take it as a compliment. It means she sees you as a threat." Lena sent her a halfhearted smile in response.
"Oh, thank you. That's... great." The last thing Lena wanted, was some onesided rivalry with a girl she barely knew and barely cared to compete with, especially given said person had the advantage.
Lena and June had reached the end of the corridor, preparing to part ways with each other.
"Well, it was nice talking to you! I'll try to... talk my sister down from whatever pedal stool she's on right now, but I can't guarantee it'll work!"
"As long as you try."
Lena did like this June girl: She seemed to be the middle man of her sisters, the overly hyper Webby and the overly confident May, and Lena thought it was nice. She was definitely the kind of person Lena would be friends with back home, if Lena allowed herself to have friends back home.
But based on the 15 second interaction she had with Webby, she didn't have any negative feelings towards her either: She just had a lot of energy that Lena hadn't dealt with before, and Lena wasn't all to sure she was willing to deal with that energy level now.
Lena had finally made it to the door of her and Violet's dorm room, unlocking the door. Violet was nowhere in near sight, probably utilizing the last couple of hours the library was still open for.
"Well, at least I have some alone time, for now." Lena sighed, flopping onto her bed.
She allowed herself to get lost in her thoughts, reflecting both on the events of today and what happened five months ago. Maybe this total eclipse was exactly what would give her the answers she needed. But for five months, she began seeking answers, trying to piece together what happened and who could've possibly done it. It was caused by Magic, and to her recollection, besides a family residing in Finland, her and her mother were the only magical beings on Earth. But nothing was adding up, and it was starting to look like she would have to figure everything out with the help of someone else.
Lena remembered staying temporarily with the family in Finland after everything had happened: They were familiar with her mother, but knew next to nothing about her. But they offered her shelter, food, and some support whenever Lena wasn't pushing them away, and that felt good enough until it started to feel like time was closing in on her. Until what happened to her mom, would happen to her. So she, with the help of the family, devised a plan to return to the Magical realm during the beginning of the new school year, to get more practice with her magic, and to find the culprit. She didn't know what she was expecting, but she felt a weight of disappointment that she had been here for all of three days, and not even the slightest new discovery appeared.
Suddenly, she heard the door unlock, and knew that Violet was back from her study trip.
"Back so soon?"
"No, I'm actually going back. I just forgot a book."
Lena hummed in response, turning her attention to her phone. There wasn't anything eventful going on social media wise, but it was better than the awkward and forced conversations she and Violet had so far.
"Also... Thank you. For sticking up for me today."
"Don't mention it." Lena sent a grin in Violet's direction, waving goodbye as she left the room again to return to her studies. Maybe Violet was the kind of person she needed on this case: She had no magical powers, at least to both of their knowledge, but she did seem to know an awful lot about the magical realm, especially compared to Lena herself.
It had only been 3 days since she was here, but she was already feeling the weight of the stakes: Lena had to do to whatever it took to avenge her late mother, even if it meant facing the culprit head on.
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5 + 1; Bucky Barnes
(Five times Bucky Barnes almost kissed you, plus the one time that he did)
Bucky x reader, avengers x reader ,(platonic)
Warnings: a lil bit of swearing :)
Word count: 4.4 k (I'm sorry)
A/n: I LOVED WRITING THIS SO MUCH! I'm back at it again with my obsession with James Barnes, so here it is. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it! - Aphrodite :))
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(1) "C'mon James, you need to go to bed!" Bucky was sprawled out on the sofa in the Avengers common area, face pale and clammy. You had been with the avengers for a year, and Bucky was definitely the person you were closest with. You didn't know if you saw him as a brother, a best friend or even something more, but you both definitely felt connected.
"Y/n," he groaned, "I'm fine. I've survived Russian medical tests and torture, a little cold is something I can handle." He sniffed and wiped his nose on a tissue, putting it into his jumper pocket. He looked seriously in pain, his forehead sparked beads of sweat and his eyes looked tired, almost hollow.
"Firstly, it's not a cold, it's the flu." You stated, picking up a few stray tissues and throwing them into the bin a few meters away. "Secondly, if you don't go to bed now I will carry you, and God knows neither of us want that." You glared at him, expression stern with your hands on your hips.
"Good god, you're beginning to turn into Steve." He muttered, rising from the sofa. Heaving in pain, you put his arm over your shoulders and helped him to his room.
Once you got to Bucky's room, he sat on the edge of the bed. You stayed at the door, holding onto the door frame. "Right, change into your pyjamas and get comfy in bed. I'm going to the medical bay to get you some cold & flu meds, a thermometer and a glass of water. I'll be back in two secs."
Once you left, Bucky took off his jumper and sweats, to be left in a black tank top and his boxers. He flopped into bed, pulling the blanket up to his waist. You returned after a few minutes, not bothering to knock on the door. You spend more time in his room than yours, and you knew he didn't mind your presence.
Panting, you set down a small glass of water and a box of tablets, holding a small thermometer and cloth in the other hand. He looked up at you, puzzled at your breathlessness.
"Ran into Tony...on the way...had to run away...so he wouldn't ask me why...I had medicine and stuff." You took a few deep breaths and plopped onto the bed, sitting cross-legged facing Bucky. Taking the dry cloth, you gently patted at his forehead, mopping up a small bit of sweat. You continued to do this, moving a few stray pieces of hair from his face and tucking them behind his ear, until he looked a bit better. Although you were both silent, an awful lot of eye contact was held, and that was a conversation all in its self.
"Thank you, y/n." Bucky looked serious, as if there was something he really wanted to tell you. Laughing, you popped two cold & flu tablets out of a packet and placed them on the nightstand. "Jeez, don't get all soft on me now. You're not dying, Buck, I just want to make sure you're alright!" You grabbed the thermometer and held it up to his mouth. "This won't taste good, but once this is over I will definitely make you some soup. Open wide..."
Bucky smiled, shaking his head. "I have arms, y/n, I can do this mys-" you shut him up by shoving the thermometer into his mouth, laughing when he almost choked on it. As he re-adjusted the thermometer, you placed a hand on his forehead. He relaxed under your touch, closing his eyes; he was definitely burning up, his forehead was far warmer than your hands.
You took the thermometer from his mouth and brought your hand back from his head. Bucky opened his eyes, and you gave him a sigh. "Yep, you've definitely got a fever. You need to rest, I'll come and check on you soon...maybe put on a movie? Anything to distract you, really. Okay?" Bucky nodded, sitting up a bit more. You leant in and gave him a hug, and placed a kiss on his cheek. You pulled away slightly, your foreheads inches away. You leaned into his touch, his hands holding your arms, but stood up when you realised what was happening.
"I...I'll see you soon, Buck." And with that, you were gone.
(2) The clock read 6:14. The smell of marinara sauce and french cheese wandered around the avengers tower, making you grow more and more hungry by the second.
One minute. One minute, and you'd be able to stuff your face with Wanda's signature pasta. One more minute and you'd be in pasta heaven. One more minute.
You began to grow impatient, the ticking of your clock driving you insane. You paced in your room, mouth watering at the thought of the delicious dinner waiting for you. 30 seconds.
Your stomach growled like a tiger hunting it's prey. You opened your door, an even stronger whiff of Wanda's creation hitting you like a sucker punch. You turned back around to look at the clock - 5 more seconds.
It's almost time.
4 more seconds.
You couldn't wait.
A month's worth of pleasure waiting for you on one plate.
Anticipation bubbled inside of you.
This is it.
The clock turned to 6:15, and you heard Wanada call from the floor below.
Racing out of your room, you ran at the speed of light. You knew what was waiting for you, and you weren't going to waste any time getting to it.
Jogging down the stairs, you saw everybody around the kitchen, talking and laughing; you got to the 5th step from the bottom before you ankle buckled underneath you. With a yelp, you twisted and fell, trying to grab the banister for support but failing. However, you didn't fall on the floor, but fell into a pair of arms. Looking up, you saw Bucky grinning.
"You're telling me you can kill 8 Hydra agents with one bullet while fighting off three more at the same time, but when it comes to stairs you forget how to walk?" Tilting your head back in laughter, Bucky tightened his grip, holding you bridal style. Almost falling out of his arms, you threw your hands behind his neck, causing you both to laugh even more. You heard Wanda and Nat laughing with you from the kitchen, but you were only focused on Bucky. After you stopped laughing, you smiled widely, looking back at him.
"The sad part is, you know exactly why I was running down the stairs." He smiled back, eyes glistening. "Mhm," he nodded, rolling his eyes, "you are so desperate to see me that you couldn't help but run!"
Giving him a fake slap on the arm, you chuckled.
"I know, I know. You really want the pasta, don't you?" Nodding, Bucky shook his head. You felt relaxed in his arms, comfortable and secure. He could've put you down a few minutes ago, but you didn't mind. You looked into his eyes and he did the same thing, breath hitching in your throat. Only just realising that your face was particularly close to Bucky's, you felt his gentle breath on your cheek. You closed your eyes as he leaned in closer to you, his hair tickling the side of your face.
"What's up with the lovebirds!?" Tony exclaimed (loudly), walking into the kitchen. Both you and Bucky bolted upright, and you fell out of his arms. Hitting the floor with a smack, you landed face-up.
"Son of a BITCH, that hurt!" You yelled, Bucky rushing to help you up. You all laughed, but something inside you felt disappointed, almost unfulfilled.
(3) after dinner that night, you avoided Bucky for roughly a week. You felt embarrassed, awkward, so you kept your distance. You went down to the training room one day and checked the chart: Wednesday - Sam and Bucky's turn to use the sparring mat. You didn't mind being in the same room, as he'd be focused on training, so you were just going to use one of the machines. When you walked in, you found Bucky on the treadmill - Sam wasn't there. Luckily, Bucky hadn't noticed you yet, so you turned around and slowly walk away. Before you were fully out of the door, you heard Bucky call your name.
"Y/n!" Sighing, you turned back around and gave Bucky a tight smile. "I thought today was your turn to train with Sam?" You asked, placing the water bottle and small towel that you were carrying on one of the benches and crossing your arms, becoming conscious that you were only wearing shorts and a sports bra; it was summer, after all.
He smiled and wiped his forehead with his own towel, stepping off the machine. "Yeah, Sam didn't feel so good and had to cancel. Thought I'd come here on my own, but you're here now, right? D'you want to spar?" Your mind raced, you knew there was no getting out of this one.
"Sure thing. I train with Nat anyway and I definitely need a break from her Russian spy tricks." He laughed as you both stepped onto the training mat. "Is now a bad time to remind you that I'm trained in Russian spy tricks?" You smiled, genuinely relaxed. "Maybe not."
Not a second had gone by and you had already started sparring. You kicked him on his side, he punched you in the throat, you pushed him onto the floor, he took you with him with a swift move of his leg. You both jumped up and started all over again, even more vigorous. You went to punch him on the side of his face, but he grabbed your wrist before it met his cheek. "Try again."
With your free arm, you elbowed him above the shoulder and punched him in the nose. In retaliation, you recieved a blow to the stomach, but you were quick to push him up against the wall and lock him there with your arm against his throat. You leaned in close and whispered in his ear.
"I've been wanting to kick your ass all week."
He quickly flipped you over, and you pressed your back against the wall. He pinned your arms up above your head with one hand and held your waist with the other. You tried to kick him away, but his legs were pressed flatly against yours. He leaned in even closer.
"Yeah? Hit me with your best shot."
His words were a mix between whisper and a grunt, which sent a shiver down your spine. However, you knew his weakness. You pressed your forehead against his, and his grip weakened slightly. Just before your lips were about to touch his, you raised your leg and hit him in the crotch with your knee. He stumbled backwards, giving you the perfect opportunity to strike him in the chest. He went toppling to the side, falling heavily onto the floor. Calmly, you walked over and looked down at him.
"Is that the best you can do?"
(4) summer came and went in a flash, and before you knew it, the trees had lost their leaves and everything was a warm shade of red and orange. It was a late autumn evening and you had been reading in bed. It was far to cold for pyjamas, so you wore joggers and one of Bucky's knitted jumpers that you had stolen a few months ago, it smelled exactly like him. Turning your bedside light off, you glanced at your clock, which read 10:53. Laying down, you soon fell into sleepy doze, the sound of rain patterning against your window aiding your sleep.
You must have been asleep for almost an hour before you were woken up. Light streamed into your room from the open door in front of you, and you saw the silhouette of somebody crouched down by the side of your bed.
"Hmm?" You sat up and rubbed your eyes, adjusting to the light. The person sat next to you on your bed and you immediately knew who it was.
He looked a bit guilty for waking you up, but his eyes looked sorrowful and ridden with regret.
"Nightmares again?" You tiredly asked, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder. He nodded, avoiding your gaze; his hair was pinned back into a bun, and his hands shook slightly. Usually, when Bucky had nightmares, he'd get into your bed and cuddle you, falling asleep with you by his side. However, you wanted to do something to distract him from his memories, and not just cuddle him. He stood up, about to walk to the other side of your bed before you stopped him. Rolling out from underneath the covers, you walked over to your record player and set up a vinyl. It was a record that Buck had gotten you for your birthday, 'The Best Of The 60s'. Quietly, Elvis began singing one of his ballads as you walked over to Bucky.
Placing your arms behind his neck, you gently swayed to the beat of the music. He cautiously wrapped his arms around your waist and bent down slightly, allowing you to rest your face in his neck. You couldn't be any closer; your torsos were pressed firmly against each other, arms tightly gripping to the other person. As you both rocked back forth, Bucky raised one of his arms up and placed a hand behind your head, holding you closer. You had never felt safer in your life, and you began to think about the man holding you.
When you first met, you could honestly say that you were scared of him. You weren't intimidated by him, but you were terrified that he would snap at you or hate you as soon as you met. You could've never guessed that you'd have the sort of connection that you do, but it worked out brilliantly. After growing more mature with each other, you found it easier to empathise with him. Everything that he had been through - torture, near death experiences, kidnapping, forced murder - you felt the same pain as he did.
Tightening your grip around him, you let out a few tears. You were comfortable crying around him, he never made you feel uncomfortable, yet you really didn't want to break down in this situation. But guess what? You broke down anyway.
The few drops on your cheeks became a river of tears as you thought more about Bucky. Your shoulders heaved, and Bucky noticed instantly. He knew why you were crying, he felt the same pain. He stroked your hair, warm fingertips against your scalp. He lifted your jumper up ,slightly, with his other hand and rubbed circles on the small of your back. Your skin tingled under his burning touch.
Bucky's eyes stung with tears; there was a lingering thought between you both that hung in the air, and he hated seeing you in pain. You pulled back from him, moving your arms to his shoulders. The music stopped a while ago, but you still moved to a shared rhythm. You looked down, but Bucky used his real hand to lift your chin up. His hand was large and warm, radiating heat. He cupped your cheek, and with his thumb, brushed away a few of our tears. You tilted your head into his hand, closing your eyes. In that moment, Bucky would've kissed you. He wanted to lean down and brush your lips with his, run a hand through your hair as he kissed you. Yet he saw the sleepiness in your face, and knew it wouldn't be right.
Putting both arms around your waist, he effortlessly lifted you up, and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He walked you back over to your bed and placed you underneath the soft covers, planting a kiss on your forehead. With a small smile and a 'goodnight', you were back on your own.
(5) three months later, it was almost Christmas, and the avengers had gone all out. The group always did something ridiculously extra over the holidays, and this year Tony had rented out an ice skating rink. It was only a few blocks away from the Avengers tower, so you all took one of Tony's limos down there. You wore a red turtleneck jumper, a plaid skirt and black tights, as the group arranged that the dress code was red. Bucky wore a dark red shirt + hoodie with jeans, and everybody else wore an odd combination of christmas jumpers, cardigans, tee shirts, and (in Steve's case) a red Hawaiian shirt.
In the limo was you, Bucky, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Bruce, Vision and Clint. Everybody was invited, but many had gone home to see their family for the holidays. You all made a pretty nice group, though.
The skating rink was huge, enough to fit hundreds of people. As you all sat outside of the rink putting on your ice skates, Tony asked a very important question.
"How many of you guys can actually skate?"
Out of all 10 of you, only three could say that you've skated before.
"I can." You stated, tying up your laces.
"Same here." Replied Wanda.
"Me too." Said Sam. Everyone looked at him, amused yet puzzled.
"What!? My mom made me go with her when I was a kid, alright?" Everyone laughed, and Sam looked slightly pissed.
Once you were ready, you carefully stood up and took Bucky's arm.
"D'you want to skate with me?" You asked, entering the rink. You flawlessly made your way around the edge, Bucky slipped quite a few times. "How did you get so good at this?" He questioned, clinging onto the barrier for dear life.
"I used to go all the time with my friends, there was a cute little skating rink next to our school." You span around on the ice, landing perfectly on your feet. Bucky tried to leave the wall but fell directly onto his bottom, making you laugh harder than you ever have.
The night went on peacefully as you skated with your friends. Nat and Wanda stayed together the entire time, hand in hand, and every time you looked over at Steve he was on the floor. You and Bucky spent your time skating around the rink together, talking about anything and everything, laughing whenever you saw Steve fall over. You all decided to leave at 9pm, and 9pm seemed to be coming closer by the second. You and Bucky were the last ones left on the rink, everybody else had gone to the limo. Steve sat on the bench outside of the barrier, putting his shoes back on.
"Should we wait for you guys?" He asked, putting his skates back on the shelf.
You glanced at Bucky who had just fallen over and giggled. "Nah, we'll get a taxi."
Steve left, and Bucky got back up. "Come over here." You beckoned him to the centre of the rink where you were stood. He laughed, shaking his head. "And sign my death certificate? No thank you."
"C'mon Buck, you haven't left the barrier all night!" You skated over to him and took his hand. "I'll help you?" He sight and gave you his other hand, and you both slowly skated over to the centre of the rink. "See how easy this is?" You asked as you let go of his hands and span around on the spot. Moments after you let go of his hands, he fell backwards. You didn't realise until too late, and fell over his leg, resulting in you on top of him. You couldn't of landed worse; your legs were straddling his hips, your chests pressed up against each other, your hands on the ice either side of Bucky's head.
Laughing nervously, you gave him an awkward smile and apologised. He sat up, you now sat, facing him, oh his lap. You both thought the exact same thing - now was the perfect time to kiss. Both of you slowly leaned in, and your lips barely brushed before the lights went out. You laughed hysterically, plunged into darkness.
"Shit," Bucky exclaimed, holding onto your hand, "how are we going to get out?"
(6) not a week had gone by before the new year came around, and Pepper had planned a new years eve party. Despite it only being the same eleven of you that spent Christmas together, Pepper told you all she wanted everybody to wear suits and party dresses, so you could have a fancy new years party. It was 8:25pm when you went to the common area. Everything was different; furniture had been moved, there was a soft orange glow from the ambience lights that lit up the room, and the large windows showed the rest of the city below ((the common area looks how it did in the party scene in age of ultron)). You were the last to arrive, and you heard music playing from the common area as you walked down the stairs.
Tony had hired chefs and bartenders, and set up a photo booth in the corner of the room. Fairy lights were strung around the large room, and you heard the sound of Steve, Bucky and Sam laughing together. You wore a floor length, red glittery dress that had a cut on the side, running from the floor to the side of your thigh. Your hair was curled and gently flowed down your shoulders, almost meeting the sweetheart neckline on your dress. Your outfit was complete with a pair of red heels, and you could admit that you looked stunning.
Once you got to the bottom of the stairs, you immediately walked over to Natasha and Wanda who were at the bar. Nat wore a knee length black bodycon dress with spaghetti straps and stilettos, whereas wanda wore a dark purple tiered dress with black wedges. As soon as they saw you, both of their jaws dropped. You blushed, your cheeks matching the red lipstick you wore. "I'm overdressed, aren't I?" You asked, feeling slightly self conscious.
"No way! You look amazing!" Wanda reassured, looking you up and down.
"Wanda's not the only one thinking it." Natasha said as she pointed a finger past your shoulder. You looked behind you and saw Sam, Steve and Bucky staring at you. Steve and Sam merely gaped at your appearance, whereas Bucky grinned at you. Turning back around, you laughed with Nat and Wanda and grabbed a bottle of water from the bartender. Once you got your drink, you walked over to Bucky who was now sat alone on one of the sofas.
"Good evening, James." You spoke in a fake posh accent which made both of you laugh, and you sat down next to him. He wore an all black suit, his hair styled nicely, falling past his jaw. You began talking, but the chit chat didn't last long before Tony arrived from the kitchen.
"Tables set guys, let's eat!"
You sat next to Natasha at the rectangular dinner table, Bucky sitting across from you. Everyone ate steak and salad, and you each went around the table saying what your new years resolution would be. When it got to your turn, you were stumped.
"I don't know...I can't really think of anything." You stated, taking a sip of your glass of white wine.
"Even though we've known you for a year and a half, there's still so much that you haven't told us about yourself." Clint opined. There was a mutual agreement between the rest of the group, but Bucky stayed silent.
"Maybe your new years resolution could be to learn a language?" Sam added, taking a bite of his dinner. Bucky snickered as you turned to face Sam.
"Non penso sia davvero necessario." (I don't think that's really necessary) Everybody looked taken aback at your bilingual secrecy, except Bucky. Instead, he just smiled at you.
After dinner, everybody went back to the common area and danced. After Tony and Steve got defensive about who could dance better, they decided to host a mini dance competition. Bucky looked around, but you were nowhere to be seen. Before anybody could notice he was leaving, he snuck out of the room and down the corridor. It took him a few minutes before he saw you out on the balcony, staring up into the night sky.
"What's up?" He asked as he stepped out into the cold breeze, placing an arm around your shoulder. You tilted your head to rest on his arm, and sighed, your breath forming a little cloud of steam. "I'm just thinking about that delicious chocolate ice cream." Bucky laughed, thinking back to the ice cream everybody had for dessert. "I don't blame you, it was very nice." He spoke, voice calm and sweet.
"Hmm" you sight contently. Bucky felt the goosebumps on your arms and pulled away.
"Here." He said, taking off his blazer and handing it to you.
"Thank you, Buck." You replied, wrapping it around your cold arms.
"Wait..." He paused, looking at your face. "Mhm, you've got a bit of chocolate ice cream in the corner of your mouth!" He laughed as you wiped around the side of you lip.
"Gone?" You asked, examining your clean finger. "Nope, try again." You breathed out, swatting at your mouth again, but your finger always came back clean. "Can you get it off for me?" You asked him, and he smirked.
"Sure thing, y/n."
He leaned in close to you and crashed his lips onto yours. His lips were dry and he kissed roughly, making your soft lips turn to jelly under his. Your hands found his neck, and his your waist as you ran a few fingers through his hair. He pulled you closer, deepening your kiss, as you sighed into his mouth. You weren't quick to pull away, making sure you savour the feeling of his lips against yours. You smiled at him as he looked at you, pure admiration in his eyes.
"You don't know how fucking long I've been waiting to do that."
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meirathinks · 3 years
congrats on 200 followers omg i can’t believe i’m talking to like a celebrity rn!! imagine being tumblr famous this blog better stay up when/if you ever become a famous published author so i can tweet about it for clout.
can i please get a matchup with a character from jjk🥺👉👈
i’m an aquarius and an ESFP.
i am loud and annoying, i’m the type of person who like actively participates in class not in like an intellectual i understand this kind of way more in like a ok i might as well say this right now if no one else will kind of way. i wear a lot of funky makeup think of a combination of maddy and jules from euphoria.
in the 8th grade someone told me that they just fake their confidence all the time and that it’s working out for them really well and i took that and ran with it. to the point where i don’t know if all my current confidence is real or not.
i am a pretentious piece of shit but like i know i’m a pretentious piece of shit. i’m like a lil movie nerd so i watch movies and i’m my mind i’m just thinking about how i could improve the movie. i’ll watch shit that’s won multiple oscars and think to myself “personally i think the editor did a bad job here that cut between shots happened to fast”
i also have never used a capital letter outside of school in many many years because i turned off auto capitalization in the 7th grade and i don’t care enough to change at this point.
my hobbies include painting, drawing, shit like that. my main medium is acrylic paint but i’m also a big fan of oil pastels.
this is probably not the personality description you envision being sent but i have no sense of self so this is what you get, feel free to take some creative liberties with the kid of person you think i am
once again congrats on 200 followers i’m v happy for you ☺️☺️☺️
DJSHHD HI!!! I'm missing you even if we saw each other like 5 days ago. Anyways I match you with panda!!!!
JDJDJ im jk
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥!💌
Suguru Geto!
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In all honesty, I wish I'd met you before. It sounds stupid but you can't tell me I'm wrong. I'm just saying that a lot of things don't last forever— even if you want them to.
We're similar in a lot of ways, our egos are about the same. I guess that's why we get along so well!
Anyways— I was just writing to see how you're doing. Maybe we can catch up some time?
I guess I really like talking to you.
You know when you're so enveloped in a conversation that it feels like everything is fading to black? But it's not like you can fully notice it because all of your attention is on the other person. You are the void that surrounds me, dark and infinite. It's comforting; I like hearing your voice.
I don't know, it feels like I never knew love until now.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
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That's the question of what is behind the Parthenon which is one of his ruling houses and it was his and he did rule from there for a short time and it is Zeus we're talking about and Hera ruled from there too but hers was across from his and it was moved and it was moved down the hill by you people you humans. And he was a kind and just ruler and it didn't last long before you ran in there to glad that yours and we had to evacuate before you got there but we did build it there on purpose and for you to do that and you guys ruled from there for many years and then you answered your woman and it is a sign that shows that and it has been forever ingrained in their memories house she was kicked down the hill and there's even a song and a few other things in America about it Jack and Jill. And he is actually taking a back from it ways and they're equal but in different ways and you're being mean and sometimes he has moments but really he does think that way a little. There are a few other things there is a giant mounted Hill underneath that underneath it is a huge dome very huge in diameter and it goes down about 5 to 10 miles it is hand cut stone and it's piled and it's not monolithic but it is above something directly above it just as our son says my brothers make a computer is directly below Epcot center and that's how they did it because they were ruling here after he was and I'm his father and his mother is here too and we are God and Goddess of Greece
One of our names is Athena and her husband is listed and they know what it is and they're not letting it out because of the man woman fight that's my wife's name
Kiju where a zapping people back then and many of these statues are actually people and you can tell because of what the material looks like if broken it's porous and it looks very odd and it's not shaped right and then some of it has bone in it and they scanned a lot of these and found some of them are people and we have Kaiju, and it is of Our own and you have seen it in movies and it's not his kraken although it's origins are near here Greece and he did it to honor us. It's very near here as a matter of fact it's in the Mediterranean that's where origins are and it's not where they were formed it's where the first parent is from and that is our monster it is a sea monster and you have seen it and yes it's name is well it's a leviathan and a big monster it looks like Raiju no. It does look like the monster and creature that Hera runs in the movie Aquaman and it is near there the lost city of Atlantis is near Athens and people call it that I mean it's buried by lava but really there's a cavern and it's below the volcano and she is in there and he's like jolene's name Belmonte and that's very close to what her name is and that is our empress and it is the monster who is controlled by Athena most often but they have mutated into her any times because of their job
God of Greece
And me yes I have there at the above and my name is Athena
Olympus we're very proud of our son and what he's done and we are proud of this place you did make a humongous mess he says that is for a very very good purpose and the mess is ours and on purpose and the history is deep and Rich and everywhere people are saying it these people are very huge and has said a lot and put a lot in writing a lot of it is why we're wrong and it's all over the world and they don't want to continue living with us at all and they say what they're doing is very huge and they feel they deserve it in some ways that don't want to die and that's reality and they're horrified by many of the statues that turn out to be humans assuming beans and horses and more it died when they were hit even real centaurs and people couldn't believe it they thought it was humans attached to them and they're not they're mutants and they can become fully human and they're strong as people they're very strong and there are some around
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@lcst-at-5ea said,
Could I have a matchup please? I'm kinda short, I have dark eyes and short, straight black hair in a pixie cut. I'm a pretty chill ambivert, and I like art! I like to think that I'm funny, haha, but I'm also a massive procrastinator. I don't really have a type, other than dumbasses. I love them. I LOVE cuddles!! I'm obsessed with pirates, and I like acting and mythology, and drawing. I'm a Taurus, a Ravenclaw, and I'm an INFP, I think. Also, I'm a minor!
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✧ Thank you for requesting a matchup, love. Stay safe and positive! 💞
✧ WARNING: there will be spoilers about Tenma’s backstory in ‘How You Two First Met’ part. Read at your own risk.
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Your first encounter with each other was in your elementary school. You weren’t close with each other though. In fact, he didn’t even know you existed back then. You, on the other hand, knew the name Tenma Sumeragi. I mean, who wouldn’t? Even from such a young age, it was possible to see his face on TV. His acting abilities were far from normal for a boy in his age. From his gestures to his facial expressions to his voice, everything was as good as it could be. So, needless to say you were not surprised when you heard that he got a major role for his class’s play for the the school festival. Something you were very excited for. Not only you were going to be free from some of the classes, you’d also get to see a play. Basically two birds with one stone. Even from such a young age, you were interested in the art of acting. So it really wasn’t that surprising when your friends found themselves getting dragged to somewhere near the stage the school put out. You really wished your class would do a play too but sadly, that wasn’t the case. After a while, the play started and you found yourself getting sucked into the story. That was until a boy with orange hair got to the stage. Tenma Sumeragi, to be more exact. You’ve seen the movies he was in before so you excitedly waited for him to say his line, just like everybody else did. To your surprise though, he was standing still, his purple eyes full of fear and panic. The red curtains closed on the other children who were on stage, indicating that the play was not to continue. A disappointed sigh escaped from your lips as everyone around you started to murmur about the poor boys accident. If you haven’t clearly seen the look in Tenma’s eyes, you would be probably whining just like everyone else. You really didn’t want to leave the school without checking up on the boy so you ran towards one of the cotton candy stands, leaving your friends behind and confused, and purchased two fluffy, sweet confections. With both of your hands full, you tried to make your way towards the backstage. It was now nearly empty, with a few students still talking with each other and some teachers. Your eyes immediately locked on the boy who was sitting on a box, head hung low. His orange hair covered his face but there wasn’t any people who could have that bright hair color. Putting on a smile, you ran towards the boy and sat down on the floor, giving him a little hello. The boy looked at you without saying anything and looked back down, clearly ignoring you. Getting up, only to sat down next to Tenma, you offered one of the cotton candies to him. His eyes shot back at you, surprised to receive something from a total stranger to him. Regardless, after hesitating for a second, he took the spun sugar confection from you, mumbling a thank you. You two ate the cotton candies in complete silence before you grabbed his hand and dragged him outside. On the way, he was shouting at you out of surprise, asking you what you were doing but you didn’t pay any mind to him. That day was spent going from one activity to another with each other. After that day, even if he wouldn’t admit it, he was stuck to you like a glue at school. He would occasionally come and visit your classroom on the breaks and you two would spend the entire break together or sometimes, you were the one who visited his classroom. With the blink of an eye, you two were very close friends, best friends even. Yeah, after graduating from elementary, you went to different middle and high schools but Tenma, despite his hectic schedule would always make time for you. You knew about the stage fear he developed, so in your second year of high school, when he told you he was going to try and get over his phobia, you were delighted and gave him your %100 support. Needless to say, you were given a ticket from the first row to Water Me!, his first stage play since elementary.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Did you say you love dumbasses? Here, you can have him. Jokes aside, since you didn’t include that much of your personality, I’m going to base this part on your MBTI. I hope you don’t mind. Tenma is what you would call a 'tsundere.' He is a confident, arrogant boy who is not afraid to tell other people what he thinks but despite that cocky and self-centered attitude of his, he often feels pressured by the success of his parents and fears of disappointing them. Most INFP’s don’t just want to find a partner– they want to connect. So when Tenma tells you about his worries, which is harder for him than usual people, it’s your duty to make him feel safe and welcomed. Make him feel like he can tell you everything. Since he generally has trouble connecting with other people, he appreciates it and it means so much for him more than you can guess. INFP’s respect their partner’s independence, which is very important because Tenma is definitely not your usual high school boy. He’s always auditioning for a movie or a series, maybe even a commercial. On top of that, he has both school work and theater. Needless to say, he is a very busy person. Sometimes, this can lead you two not seeing each other for weeks, only some texts here and there. The reunion is always something you can look forward though. Don’t worry about being a procrastinator because Tenma will constantly remind you do to the things you have to do. Maybe he’ll even put a prize at the end, something like “If you manage to finish your assignments until Friday, I might take my precious time to come and visit you.” Listen, I know Tenma’s generally easily flustered but if he is able to say "You want attention that bad? Then practice a kiss scene with me." without any problems then he can easily say the former. No I don’t take criticism.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Public and Tenma don’t exactly go well together since his face is basically everywhere so your dates are usually indoor ones. From watching each of your favorite childhood movies to making plans for the future, although the later is usually only when he’s particularly feeling soft. Movie nights are a classic for at-home dates, but one way to give it a particularly fun and connective spin is to pick out movies that mean something to each of you. For example, you take turns watching each person's favorite movie from when they were ages 5, 10, and currently. It's a great way to learn more about each other and can spark some interesting conversation and rediscovered memories to share. Planning for the future gives you something to look forward to, makes you feel more in control, and can make you feel closer as a couple because you're spending time thinking about a shared future together. You can also make other kinds of plans. For example, what if you spent an evening thinking through what you want to be doing one year from now, five years from now, and 10 years from now? You can write down what you come up with so you can reflect on it later. You love cuddling?? Ask this boy for some! He will try to be smug about it but deep down, he just wants to feel you close too! His arms would wrap around your shoulders, his chest pressed firmly against the muscles of your back. Slowly he would rub his hands up and down your arms, warming your skin, yet leaving more goosebumps than there had been previously. He wouldn’t always insist on conversation, it‘s enough for him usually to just have you in his arms. Both of your breathing would start to grow steady with sleep. Before you knew it, both of you were in the dreamland in each other’s arms.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Tenma’s birthday is on June 21th which makes him a Gemini. This pairing of consecutive signs frequently works out because the two share similarities by season, while still bringing different elements to the table. Taurus and Gemini are spring signs, and when they combine forces, we can discover a lot about how the world works and why life blooms on this planet to begin with. Both of you are content with time spent away and time spent together. Try using this cycle to your advantage. Know when to nurture each other and when to give each other space. By putting your best effort into this, you can strengthen your relationship ties. Taurus should not give up or get annoyed with Gemini for having too much flexibility in their mind. Taurus needs to be patient when possible and comfortable being more decisive. Neither of you can manipulate the other. Work to compromise and balance out your strengths. In a healthy Taurus-Gemini relationship, this combination will be a major team. They both have strong mental focus and, together, they can accomplish whatever they want. Bring about world peace? Sure! Bring about the world's end? Sure! They have the skills to link up and become truly united without feeling as though they are losing themselves.
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paintmearainbow · 4 years
What Is Love ?
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Love means different things to different people. Some people say love is making your partner happy and seeing them happy makes you happy . But love, is actually a figment of our imaginations. In a way, love is selfish and makes us lose our independence. You make the other person happy to keep yourself happy, and you become dependent and vulnerable. It's a somewhat like a shared dream. And until one person decides to wakeup, and that dream, albeit fun while it lasted, becomes a living nightmare
For Harry and y/n; sneaking out of premiers and award shows,buying tacos and eating them at 3 AM was love. For them, love was dancing in the kitchen to Elvis and baking with each other. Love was watching horror movies in makeshift tents, snacking on caramel popcorns and cans of soda; all while making fun of Harry's "those dumb bitches" in the movie. Love was falling asleep in each others arms and reading each other books. It was dressing up as Disney characters and acting out scenes from their favourite animations. It was etheral, perfect. Almost too perfect too be true
People always said "Love will fizzle out. One of you will get bored." Harry and y/n didn't listen. They burned so fast, so bright and didn't realise that their spark too, like all blazed and sparks from lighted matches, had extinguished. One second it was burning so brightly, and the next, it was gone
"When was the last time you spoke to him ?" asked y/n's sister.
" A week ago" a distraught y/n replied. "He barely has time to even talk to me on the phone, let alone show me the sights and explore the places with him via facetime"
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to close her eyes and all the memories flashed through her eyes, like a movie roll, playing over and over agai
"Y/N !" exclaimed Harry, the golden flecks in his eyes dancing with joy. Oh how she longed to see him, feel him and be with him in real life , rather than on a screen. Yet she was eternally grateful for Harry for never making her feel left out from the tour experience, he always made sure to show her around, even if it was only on a screen, while giving tour guide commentary in a horribly fake American accent.
"You're in for a treat ! We're going to see the Louvre today. Come on an enjoy the sited with Harry's Tour Experiences"
Y/n couldn't stop laughing.
Being an art fanatic, she giving Harry detailed descriptions of the art, while all he did was turn it inti a joke. His put on accent stood out when he kept saying " Oh shucks ! Here's another painting of a few women and men fighting and eating." He termed an entire style of art; renaissance art as "men and women barely dressed fighting and eating". He made a few sly comments on how y/n would look lovely in that dress. It was so wonderful and each of these virtual trips was marked with his signature end. Going to a park, and eating the same food.
His laughter was contagious and y/n loved it. She wondered how she got so lucky, so blessed to have hazza in her life.
She never thought that this love, would eventually fizzle.
end of flashback
Now she was lucky if he spoke to her for 5 minutes. Even those 5 minutes were filled with her talking and him showing least interest in what she had to say. She doubted whether he even listened.
Today, however was a low blow. It was y/n' bday. had it been any other year. Harry would've made this day perfect. They had been together since they were 18. The first year, he bought her 18 gifts on her birthday. The subsequent year, he got her 19 and so on. He would make her breakfast in bed and wake her up with showers of kisses and a "Good Morning, Happy Birthday Darling."
Today however, at 7 PM , she was yet to have him acknowledge that it was her birthday. She was yet to have any sign of news from him at all. She illusioned herself, thinking that maybe he had interviews to attend.
Her sister, however, tired with y/n's moping, said" You're coming over with your friends to Club 22 this night or else I wont speak to you. I don't want you to spend your birthday moping around"
With great difficulty, y/n was persuaded by her friends to go clubbing. The loud music, the drinks and the dim lights were never y/n's scene. Yet, for the sake of her friends, she fixed up a smile on her face and tried to enjoy, trying her best to forget than Harry's call still hadn't come.
It was 10 PM and the party was in full swing. y/n's friends were drunk, so drunk. Everyone around her was laughing, drinking and joking. Meanwhile, a new disturbing thought had settled in y/n's head. What if he got into and accident ? What if he's really sick ? She was ridden with anxiety and couldn't get Harry off her mind, until that one fateful message from Nezza, her best friend, Harry's PA, through whom they had met, sent her that message. When y/n's phone lit up and she scarmbled to see the text, hoping it was Harry, she did not know it would change her life permanently.
The text was simple. "I'm so so sorry honey; you deserve to know" It was attached with a single file of pictures.
She subconciously knew what had happened. She had seen all the signs, yet chose to ignore them, not wanting to get up from her dream. The reduced duration of phone calls ultimately leading up to a call a month, the regular excuses, coming home late, half hearted kisses, they all added up. For a split second, y/n wanted to think that it was something else; maybe harry was too drunk or had passed out in a bar.
The message to forever to download. It was so slow and painfully excruciating. It was like the calm before the storm. The slow before the fast. The light drizzle before the thunderstorm. When the picture finally loaded; her heart shattered ever so fast. The pain she felt was numbing, yet somewhere in her mind, she was gald that Harry was safe.
There was Harry, his arm around the small waist of the redhead, his fingers entwined in hers. The same fingers which ran through y/n's hair multiple times, were now woven in another's hand. She thought her heart couldnt break more.
Fate was not kind to y/n.
She swiped to see the next picture, and she wasn't sure how, or whether it was even possible, but her heart further broke. Harry was kissing her in the booth, their booth, in Alessandro's the place he had her first date with y/n.
Fate had evil plans for y/n.
Tears streaming down her face, the makeup for the night ruined, y/n looked around for her sister and friends but they were nowhere to be seen. The only thing glowing right now was her glitzy dress, the one she had been forced into. Unable to take it anymore, she ordered an uber and left.
Fate wasn't kind to y/n at all
The minute she left the club, she was blinded with lights, the flashes from the camera, and the shouts from the reporters
" How do you feel about Harry cheating on you on tour ?"
"Did you expect this ? How do you react to Harry kissing a supermodel, younger than you!"
Y/n wanted to scream, but keeping her emotions in she pushed through the sea of people, got into her uber, gave her address and broke down.
She cried and cried. The uber driver tried to ask her what was wrong but she couldn't stop crying. she wanted the pain to go away. she wanted to cry. But most of all, she wanted Harry to tell her that it wasn't true and hold her in his arms and tell her it's alright.
But it wasn't. it wasn't alright. Far from it.
The next morning after an extremly broken sleep, y/n awoke. All the event's from last night wre remembered and her eyes started to water again. She switched on her phone to see the hashtag #y/ndeservesbetter and #harryandy/nareover trending. She also so 100 missed calls, voicemails and texts from Harry but chose to ignore them.
Y/n was raised to be strong. She spent most of childhood see her mom struggle to make meets end. She had seen the worst. She was strong. She went over to the mirror and saw her reflection and realised that she looked a mess. She took 3 deep breaths, washed her face, and masked her emotions, just as she did way back in high school, before she met Harry, before he changed her.
She went down and suddenly the apartment door opened. There stood the man who she loved, the man who had broken her heart, the one who still held her heart, no matter how broken it was.
He pleaded with her to forgive him. He begged, cried, said it was a one time mistake, and he regretted it, that he loved her; but y/n turned a deaf ear to his pleas. Their love had fizzled out, and she was blinded by affection not to realise it earlier. And as the saying goes " Once a cheater, always a cheater." Y/n wasn't taking any more risks. She put on a strong facade, made up her mind and left, leaving a crying Harry on the porch.
She wasn't over him, far from it. She was so broken, yet showed no signs. She had calm expresssion, yet her thoughts were chaotic. But she knew what was best and she knew this was the right thing to do. She had to take the lessons from this experience and move on, just like her mother had taught her. Dreams end, no matter how amazing it is, no matter how much you want to hold on and live it, and this, her perfect dream, had also come to an end.
So, what is love ?
A dream ? A nightmare ? Soemthing too good to be true?
Maybe all it is, is an illusion. A fairytale. Or maybe it is the truth, because truth teaches us lessons and so does love. i guess it's one of those things which just has no answers.
author's note
AND THATS A WRAP. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING. it's something which definitely shouldnt be forgive . this the first ever imagine I've posted on my new tumblr. Please send feedback. Hope you enjoyed it. Reblog. What are your thoughts? i would love to hear them. Send requests for more imagines.
i should be studying but eh.
keep dreaming
(here's a random B99 gif for no reason)
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