#like standing up front at an alter wearing one of the church’s white dresses
uglygirlstatus · 1 year
wait are you greek? :O
understandable assumption from my earlier tags but I am not haha. I am vaguely Russian and was brought to Russian Orthodox Church as a kid (internalized none of it as I do not speak the language well and didn’t know what anyone was saying. I do not know why my mom bothered to bring us). But by the time I was like 10 we had mostly given up and were just attending annual late night Easter service at a Greek Church on the invitation of our family friends because at least then we got to go to their house afterwards and eat cold cuts at 3am. And that is what I am still doing every year to this day
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hournites · 2 years
I Can Hear the Bells
Hournite FLUFF!
I wrote this August 14th 2021 so it's not even a spoiler :)
The panic hits like a hard wave in the ocean. Beth has never been a great swimmer. Nebraska wasn’t the state a girl like her would get the chance, her parents weren’t ever the type to sit by the pool during preschool lessons either. It was fine. She survived this long. 
You’re not drowning, she scolds herself, using her best Artemis voice. And this wave isn't of water. You’re nervous. Kinda freaking out. That’s all. Pull yourself together, Chapel!
And she’s not a young girl anymore, she’s a grown woman standing in a satin robe and slippers staring at the vacuum-sealed bag before her. 
The curtain rails screech open and her white bridal consultant flashes her perfect white teeth at her. “Are we ready?” 
Beth steps to the side and makes a small noise of agreement as the dress comes out of the bag and is up on the hanger. Her breath is caught up in her throat as she comes face to face with the dress she had picked out with her friends months ago. The laced-up back is like a corset, the glitter and sparkle as it flows down to the floor. The tears spring to her eyes and she blinks fast. 
The bridal consultant checks the designer on the tag and hums. The approval is evident as she opens up the back and urges Beth to step a foot into the dress. “Is this your first alteration appointment?” 
“No. It was too long, I’m 5’1.” Beth stares at her reflection in the mirror. It was the right size when she first picked it out. A miracle, according to her mom. Apparently, they kept sizes 0-3 on the floor of these boutiques and left the rest of the women feeling bad for being a size 8 or plus and having to order the correct size via the catalogue. Disgusting. Beth was nervous enough trying to choose the right dress, she wasn’t sure what she’d have felt to find out they didn’t even have the right one for her to fit into. Anyway, it sits perfectly at the bust and the waist now, and both Courtney and Yolanda tear up when she first steps out in it despite the mountain of fabric the poor lady has to carry that trails behind her. 
“No heels?” 
“I was going to wear heels anyway, my fiance is, um, really tall. For me, at least.”
Beth isn’t sure why she’s blushing. Maybe because she looks stunning and she’s actually getting married. It’s no longer almost a year away, this is happening.
She steps out of the robe and turns around. The panic trickles out of her body altogether. Outside in the chic waiting room, her mom gasps and Courtney claps her hands to conceal her delighted squeal. 
“It fits!”
“It fits!” Beth exclaims back. “It’s perfect, right?” She walks up to the stand in front of the three lighted mirrors and looks behind her back as the dress swishes, inspecting the beadwork.
“Absolutely,” Jennie chimes in.
“Your phone has been buzzing like crazy,” Yolanda says. She flashes her phone screen at her. A line of texts by Mr. Emoji-Rings-and-Hearts covers her lock screen of Hootie. “He wants to see but we keep telling him he’s gotta wait.” 
Beth laughs. “Let me talk to him.” 
Yolanda hands over the phone after swearing she won’t FaceTime him. “He’s gotta wait, Beth! It’s bad luck!” 
“I know,” she promises with an amused eye roll. “I’m just going to call him so he can calm down.” 
She puts the phone to her ear, already grinning. “Honey. Stop pestering Yolanda. You know she won’t budge.” 
“So, you’re telling me I gotta angle Court?“
Beth yanks the phone from her ear. The blood drains from her face, staring down at her contact to double-check she hasn’t lost her mind. 
“...Yeah? Beth...you okay?” 
The tidal wave hits again as she searches through her friends and mother’s confused faces for confirmation. “I’m marrying Rick?” 
Beth wants a church wedding. Wooden pews, a dramatic aisle, creaking noises when guests stand for her entrance at the double-breasted doors. Her dad holding her arm to keep her steady down the walk to her love. She knows it’s ironic. She can’t deny the idea was inspired by her name. It felt right when she pictured it during spare daydreaming moments in elementary school, or saw clips of Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta on her Youtube recommended, or flipped through glossy magazine spreads for bridal shops during collage projects in middle school art class with Cameron Mahkent. 
The whole wedding core fascination is more for aesthetics than anything else because she’s always admired fashion. She’s never bothered to think about who would be standing at the end of the sanctuary. In fact, she hasn’t even really cared. Unlike the other girls in her class, she’s never exactly clamoured for a boyfriend. 
So yeah, it was a bit weird to wake up from the dream where she was marrying Rick.
Beth wiped the drool from her face and dragged herself out of bed, fighting down the embarrassing flush only her plush animals would see. 
It was just a dream. Dreams are weird, Beth rationalized as she brushed her teeth. 
Dreams are weird and can’t make up faces without something grounded from reality to work with. 
So, if she was going to have a hot fiance, it had to be someone she already knew. 
And Rick dropped her home super late last night after the JSA mission, so she face-planted into bed. Her brain was probably so exhausted it didn’t want to flip through her facial recognition catalogue and settled on Rick to be her stand-in Dream Groom. Basic psychology. Weirdness solved. 
Besides, Rick was the hottest person she knew.
Beth spat out her toothpaste and washed her face, wiping the embarrassment clean, satisfied with her logic.  
Breakfast was cereal and toast because she ran out of pancake mix. And it only took four spoonfuls of Special K with blueberries for it to dawn on her. She squeaked, almost choking, and slapped her hands over her mouth as milk dribbled down her chin. It almost came up her nose.
"Beth?" Her dad folded his morning newspaper and frowns at her.
Mom sputtered out a startled chuckle, an eyebrow raised. "Are you alright, dear?"
She thinks Rick is hot. 
She thinks Rick is hot?!
Bridget and James turned to look at each other. They laughed.
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soft-for-them · 3 years
husband has a real ring to it ♡ sam wilson x male reader
anon: hey so like, being sam wilson's husband (or new husband) at your wedding??? (sorry it’s a bit short...)
i haven’t specified if the male reader is cis or trans but there is a bit in here where the reader compares themself to steve, whether you see this as the reader being trans or cis is up to you.
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the gif has no significance it’s just a good gif... also there is a HUGE lack of sam content out there. people get you shit together and write about my fave man. not proof read.
It is an odd time.
The country you now stand in is completely foreign to you. Nat can speak the language; you think it might me some form of Russian. If you could guess you think you might be in the Ukraine or a country that was once a part of Soviet Union.
None of the on the run Avengers will tell you exactly where you are for you safety but you don’t care.
All you care about right now is the blazer you just tried on is too wide at the shoulders.
Even Steve says the shoulders of the jet black jacket are too wide even for him and that saying something coming from a man who was artificially made to be the spitting image of masculinity and heroism.
Sometimes you do get jealous of the super soldier and how he came to be.
Once a skinny and short kid now the second most handsome man you’ve ever seen, sometimes you think ‘if only i was as strong as Steve and not a useless civilian’.
Thought if anyone hears your negative thoughts in this small, cramped room off the side of a small abandoned church you would be done for. 
Natasha, Wanda, Steve and Sam have always loved you and they don’t tolerate your pessimism at all. None of them will take your self-loathing especially on this very day.
But that’s the thing, you’re not self-loathing today. You push away any non-happy thoughts and put on a genuine smile.
It may not be official in the eyes of the law for your other half is a wanted war criminal but your getting married to your long time boyfriend Sam Wilson today and nothing will stop you from doing so. You have both promised that he will properly marry you but for now you have agreed to exchanging rings.
‘Where did you find this place?’ you ask Nat as she takes you too big blazer from you.
The place is completely and utterly abandoned in the middle of nowhere. Plants have caved in apart of the roof but the stained glass still absorbs and reflects light making the rotten pews look like the seats of a king.
‘I knew you might not want to get married in a church but this is the safest place I could find, that with the fact this is no longer a place of worship.’ She walks over to you and tucks a handkerchief into your white dress shirt pocket.
Regardless of if your religious or not you know this place is a perfectly acceptable place to trade rings with the man you love.
Nat looks you over and smiles, her arms wrapping themselves around you in a rare hug.
‘You look very handsome (y/n).’ she mutters.
‘Even with my beard?’ you half joke, referring to the scraggly hair growing back on your chin from shaving it off the week before for a disguise.
‘You have a better beard that Sam and Cap put together.’ Her tone is joyous but utterly serious which makes you smile grow even bigger.
You do not feel any negativity, all you feel is utter euphoria in your wedding attire.
‘You ready to go’ she whispers like a happy mother about to marry off her only son.
All you do is nod as you let her lead you out to the alter where you both wait for Sam and Cap to arrive.
Wanda sits in a front pew; she very obviously misses Vision and if it was up to you he would be here to celebrate for you had befriended the synthetic man before the ‘civil war’ happened.
But alas none of you can risk you all being found out on your unofficial wedding day.
For a moment you all wait in silence looking up the stain glass of some kind of saint.
This isn’t the place you want to get married in but you can see it’s charm even if it’s been abandoned, ransacked and left to rot.
You can imagine Steve giving Sam a prep talk, for he had given you one about an hour before.
When Steve had talked to you he seemed like a overjoyed father, even with the tears in his eyes, you’re still thankful the super soldier talked to you.
Your waiting is cut short as the side door that you and Nat had came through opens to show both Steve and Sam.
Steve walks out first, holding the door open for Sam then Sam walks out, his eyes automatically on you.
‘Ow, I though Steve was going to walk you down the aisle.’ Wanda quips to Sam despite her brooding feelings.
A short conversation goes on between Sam and Steve (probably another pep talk) but all you can focus on is Sam looking at you as he talks to Steve.
Steve pats Sam on the shoulder, which turns into a hug, then he lets him go.
 Sam wears a suit very similar to yours; a simple black suit that could be found quickly and very easily without being detected by Tony or an of the American government.
The woman in the small mum and pop shop where very kind to you both despite their being a language barrier, they had helped you get the suits for a good price.
Much like you also Sam wears no blazer jacket, with you don’t mind considering you can see every muscle through the hand made white shirt.
‘Where’s your blazer?’ you ask.
He walks right out to you and holds your hands. His hands are cold but you assume it’s from standing around in a derelict church for a while.
‘It was too small in the shoulders.’ He smiles, the gap in teeth showing.
‘Ah, that could have been my blazer Sam.’ You laugh grabbing the attention of the others. You all laugh at the mishap of the mixed up blazer but that doesn’t really matter.
Wanda stands up and passes both of you the rings; one single silver band with your name carved on the inside for you and a much fancier looking ring for Sam. Despite Sam’s ring looking more expensive it’s actually very cheap.
He had quickly bought it when you were all hiding out in China, Sam had quickly realised that he had a ring for you but he didn’t have one for himself. He’s had your pure silver ring for years now waiting for the right moment to give it to you.
 ‘How do we actually do this?’ you whisper whilst the other sit down on the pews.
‘I don’t really know, maybe when just exchange the rings and say something.’
‘Like vows? Do we kiss?’ the questioning isn’t really that serious for the two of you are smiling like idiots.
‘Well all I can say is that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you-’ Sam begins saying as he slips the silver ring on your finger, ’-I love you my husband.”’
’Wow… husband has a real ring to it.’ You beam as look down at Sam’s hands, you fingers nimbly placing his ring on, ‘-Does this now mean I get to kiss the bride?’
Your joke not only makes yourself laugh but you can hear the laughter of the other in the background.
‘Gladly.’ Is all Sam say before holding your face and kissing you.
honestly i don’t think this is the best thing ever but i’m posting it.
i’ve been writing a lot of ftm trans reader requests today so i kind of automatically wrote the reader as trans at first. i’ve changed it so the reader can be cis or trans but i just putting that out there just in case i’ve forgotten to change something. (sorry)
also i know that many people have different types of weddings and cultures so i’ve tried to make it as ambiguous as i can, that why it’s not a technically legal wedding.
anyway, sam is the best and i would love to write more fics for him!
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 years
6. with dani and jamie would be so cute 🥺 like a lil vermont winter fic
for you, anon! I altered the wording ever so slightly, but the concept is identical. I hope you enjoy :)
you can also read on AO3
Their flat is located a few streets off from the center of town, close enough to walk but far enough to provide a sense of distance from the bustle of the main drag. Tonight, they set out just after sundown to ensure good seats to what Dani has affectionately dubbed, “the greatest holiday spectacular to ever grace the streets of Bennington,” and what Jamie has deemed, “an entirely American embarrassment.”
It’s their third winter in Vermont, and this year, The Leafling has generously sponsored half of Bennington High School’s Marching Seahorses’ winter uniforms in exchange for a full page ad in their concert programmes for a year and a sign carried at the front of the annual holiday parade. Or, rather, the kids had come to the shop with instruments, a flyer, and an unrehearsed elevator pitch, and Dani had been utterly charmed.
“It’s good to see them so passionate about something,” Dani had said.
Jamie had hummed and had continued tending to her sprouts.
“It would be good publicity,” Dani’d argued.
“Most expensive advertisement of my life.”
“Come on, they’re cute.”
“‘Cute’ doesn’t keep the lights on, Poppins.”
Unfortunately for Jamie, Dani has an irritating way of getting what she wants. And that’s how their small business ended up shelling out an ungodly amount of cash for an extracurricular named after the least fearsome sea creature Jamie can think of.
They don’t even have legs for Christsake.
But, the sheer delight on Dani’s face upon Jamie’s concession softened her heart. In any case, Dani made certain to thank her thoroughly and, ah, enthusiastically, that evening.
Jamie begins to regret her decision, now, as she’s dragged from her cozy flat into the absolutely frigid night air. She’s bundled in her warmest coat, a toque tucked over her ears to stave off the cold, but she swears she’s still going to catch frostbite.
Dani, meanwhile, wears a fleece-lined denim jacket over top one of her many cable-knit jumpers and insists she’s overheating. She carries a blanket under her arm, the other linked with Jamie’s, as she all but skips down the street.
“The English couldn’t handle a Midwestern winter. This is nothing,” she had said.
She’s always loved Christmastime, Jamie has come to learn. Dani has regaled her with seemingly endless stories about stringing popcorn and cranberry garlands, baking biscuits with Judy O’Mara, and breaking the occasional ornament decorating the tree. She’d felt awful about that last one, terrified to tell Mrs. O’Mara. She went on to explain in touching detail how Mrs. O’Mara had taken her hand and reminded her that it was just a bauble.
It made Jamie wonder how often Dani got into trouble for accidents in her home. A question for a later date.
As they near Main Street, the sound of jovial chatter and the unmistakable carolers grows louder. The shops they pass have festive window displays, elves in stockings of red and green reading storybooks or sledding down white fabric hills. Dani blows right past, determined to reach her carefully preselected place on the sidewalk. In what Jamie is convinced must be sub-zero temperatures, she can’t imagine the winter festival will be a popular destination.
She soon finds she is mistaken, however, when they round the corner and encounter a throng of people. The road has been blocked off at either end, and families drift in and out of the shops. Some skate on the temporary ice rink set up to the side. The lights lining the trees reflect prettily off the storefronts, the branches arching up and over the street. It would be like something out of a fairytale had the weather not been turning Jamie’s hands to icicles.
Dani is very proudly pointing to a square on the sidewalk out in front of the coffeehouse, and before Jamie is entirely sure what’s happened, she’s sitting on their too-small tartan picnic blanket over pavement that is far too cold on her arse. Dani is warm at her side, and they’re pressed close, using the size of their blanket as an excuse to disregard social acceptability.
“How long until this thing starts?”
Dani checks her wristwatch. “Thirty minutes, I think?”
“Fuckin’ freezing.”
The apparent mother of three standing nearby shoots them a glare.
“Jamie…” Dani gives an apologetic look, but the woman is already herding her children off in the direction of an arts and crafts booth.
“You know, if we were home, I’d wager we’d find a proper way to warm up.” She gets a sharp elbow to the ribs for that one and lets out a muffled oomph, though she wryly notes the new flush to Dani’s cheeks.
“Hot chocolate? I’ll go find us hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure there was a table supporting the junior high theatre department.”
“S’long as you’re not making it.” But Dani is already halfway down the block.
Then, Jamie is alone, freezing her arse off while waiting to see a mediocre high school marching band play in ungodly weather to make her partner happy. It’s the kind of domesticity she could never quite envision for herself. She’s come to find she’s, somewhat begrudgingly, fond of it.  
Bells jingle, the sound echoing off of low brick buildings. Red ribbon bows hang from lamp posts and doorknobs and rubbish bins, with tails that swing in the breeze. The air is crisp; it blows down from the mountains and feels like a fresh start.
Dani returns with two styrofoam cups, passing one off to Jamie, and sits with her knees to her chest.
Jamie eyes the pale brown liquid skeptically before taking a cautious sip.
“Dani,” she says, “why have you handed me cocoa-flavoured water?”
Dani grins sheepishly. “The kids may have made it.”
“I should applaud you, really. You’ve managed to find the one demographic worse at brewing than you.”
Jamie receives another jab to the side, nearly sending her drink sloshing onto her lap.
“Hey, now, keep that up, and we’ll end the night in the emergency ward.”
“Oh, please, you’ve got enough layers on to stop a bullet.”
“You laugh now, but just wait ‘till we’ve been sitting here for hours.”
“Shh,” Dani interrupts, “it’s starting!”
A dozen or so children in leotards and tight buns dance down the street, followed by a horse-drawn vehicle painted cherry red, in which a larger man dressed as Saint Nicholas stands, waving at the assembled crowds.
Dani’s excited grip on Jamie’s bicep silences any snide remarks she might have made about the quality of performance. Dani’s eyes shine with glee, and it’s so lovely, the few silver strands of her hair capturing the twinkling holiday lights, that the words die in Jamie’s throat. She allows herself to fall into the spirit of the thing, content to sit beside Dani in the corner of life they’ve carved out for themselves. Even if that means listening to a rather shoddy trombone rendition of “Jingle Bells.”
Sure enough, though, heading off the band, a handful of students bear a banner proclaiming the high school’s name and the season’s sponsors. There, listed below the bakery, is The Leafling. Jamie feels a flash of pride. Somehow, seeing their little shop represented for the town to see feels real, grounding, in a way she can’t explain. They’ve found a place, a rhythm, to settle. They’ve left their mark on this town tradition and become a part of something. It feels like home.
So, perhaps she cheers a bit louder when the musicians pass them. This earns her an amused smile from Dani, at which she rolls her eyes.
It’s a relatively short parade. There are only so many volunteer organizations, churches, and youth groups in the town, after all. Jamie’s legs are stiff when she finally stands and offers a hand to help Dani up. Her arms are wrapped around herself.
“No,” Dani says, “Come on, we should look at booths before we head home. Support the other local businesses.”
They wander the various tables, some offering wares, some business cards, some consultations, dipping in and out of shops until a sniffling noise catches Jamie’s attention. Dani not-so-subtly swipes at her nose.
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just-- fine.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow, trying to catch Dani’s eye, but she seems determined to look everywhere except Jamie. “You want my jacket?”
“I told you I’m not cold.”
“Right, ‘course not. Just positively shivering from excitement, then, are you?”
“No need to be brave on my account, Poppins, I won’t tell the world your secret.”
“And what secret is that?” Dani’s hands are tucked into her sides.
“That Dani Clayton, certified Midwesterner, can’t hash a brisk Vermont evening.” Her voice drops to a whisper, “Isn’t even snowing.”
“Hey,” Dani protests.
“Just take my jacket.”
“I’m fine.”
“Poppins.” Her tone is playful, a warning disguised as a tease.
Dani’s sighs. “Fine.”
“Ah, that’s a girl.” Jamie shrugs out of her top layer, draping it delicately over Dani’s shoulders. “Come on, then, can’t have you turning to ice on my watch.”
“You said something earlier about the proper way to warm up at home…”
“Was talking ‘bout a good cuppa,” Jamie smirks, “Why? D’you think of something else?”
Dani grumbles. “Tease.”
“Mhm,” Jamie murmurs, pressing her cold nose to Dani’s neck the instant they were out of sight, causing a squeal. “You like it.”
“Shut up.”
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daisydaisybilly · 4 years
1912 | part 1
Title: one for my love Summary: Dean and Y/N have known each other since childhood. They've always known they would marry one day but knowing something and doing something are two different thing entirely.   Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 5.4k Warnings: swearing, fluff,  arrange marriage, slow burn and not much else. A/N: been working on this for far to long but finally have the first part ready! Read through everything but might of missed a mistake or ten. Also not the most accurate, but try my best.    
  series masterlist |  MAIN MASTERLIST | REQUEST OPEN  
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The wedding dress your mother picked out was white silk with even whiter lace on  the skirt, lace also covered the train. It was strange to see yourself wearing a dress like this. The collar went to just below your collar bone, letting a sliver chain with a single pear highlight your neck.  Your hair was tied half up in a lose bun with the rest of your hair in curls falling down your back.  The veil felt soft against your exposed arms and neck.
You turned when you hear someone walk through the door, your mother came in holding a bouquet of wild roses. "your fiancée chose them himself" she handed the roses to you. In the back of your mind the meaning of them came up. Pleasure and pain.  You doubt Dean Winchester knew flowers had meaning but if he did then it was a strange message. What would be pain and what would be pleasure?
In the hand that held the bouquet you saw how your engagement rings shone in the sun light a rose quartz and dimand, pouring in from the window above. "One for my love and one for my friendship" his words were still echoing in your mind, false words only to make it seem like there was love.   
"Is it time?" You looked to your mother, gripping the flowers tighter.  There was no looking back after today, you would be Y/N Winchester. The marriage had been fixed since you were children. He was the heir to his family and you were the only living heir to your own family, it made sense for two powerful families to join.
"Yes dear, let me look at you" she knew you were less than happy about the match but couldn't fix it. She looked you up and down, fixing the odd thing here or there.  "I wish your father was here".
"I do too" you played with a flower, keeping your eyes fixed on it. With your father being dead it meant you had to ask someone else to walk you down the aisle, in the end your mother asked your fiancée's brother, Sam. You had once been close to both the Winchesters during your childhood but they were both sent away to boarding school in England, amazingly they both had kept  there original accents.
You looked back at your refection and took a deep breath, you could do this, you could do it for your father and your mother. Someone knocked on the door, you nodded for your mother to answer it. Still staring at yourself you could hear  your mother talking with Sam on the other side.
Your mother stepped aside letting him into the room, he was wearing a black suit with a wild rose in his lapel. "Thanks Mrs Y/L/N" he nodded with a smile to your mother.  He then look at you and smiled a little more. "I see you got the flowers Dean picked out".
You smiled back, looking to the roses again. "They're lovely".
"shall we go ahead?" he held out his arm with the same smile. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach, fearing if you spoke you'd throw up, you just nodded. You hooped your arm around his.
The carriage was outside waiting, everyone else was waiting at the chapel. You could feel your strength wavering the closer you got. Sam sensed it too and squeezed your hand giving you a reassuring smile.  You closed your eyes and took one more deep breath before moving on.
Sam helped you into the carriage and then took a seat opposite you. The carriage was small enough that his knees were nearly touching yours or maybe he was just tall. "Are you ready to move into Winchester house?" he spoke suddenly making you turn from the window, where people were stood watching you past, to face him.
You chuckled, "I haven't thought about it" You blinked, all your brain power  had  been spend on worrying about the actual wedding you had given no thought to what would came after it. "But I guess".
"you'll love the library, I remember how much you like reading from when we were younger" Sam said still smiling.
"I'm surprised you remember, we were so young when you and Dean went away" you smiled and shook your head. "It seems like such a long time ago. I remember your father coming over for dinner once a week until-" you stopped before you upset Sam or yourself.
"Until he died" he finished looking sadly down.
"I didn't mean to upset you" you said a little louder than needed but you wanted to make sure he knew.
"I know, Y/N. I'm glad someone has memories of my father, Dean and I hardly do. Like you said we were young when we went away" he sounded resentful.  You couldn't help but feel pity for him and Dean, their mother died shortly after Sam was born and their father had little to do with them after. You knew you shouldn't know half the thing you did know but one benefit of being a women was that men  generally forgot you were there half the time and said whatever they wanted.  
The conversation was cut off when the carriage came to a stop. You moved the curtain to see you were at the chapel. You took a moment to fix a few things. You caught another glimpse at the two rings, after today another would be added. Sam was the first to get out, holding out his hand for you.
"Thank you" you whispered looking from him to the people inside, from where you were standing you could only see he back of people's heads and the figures of a few people standing at the front. You breathed through your nose and signaled to Sam that you were ready.
The wind blew your veil from your face, the  breeze made goosebumps pop up down your arms. Your mother and the bridesmaids that were all from the town got out of carriage behind you. Your mother spotted you and came running over. She didn't say anything as she fixed your veil and some hair that had fallen across your face. Everyone took their places around you before you walked in.
Your mother went to sit up front, while you waited with Sam. You heart was racing, from where you were standing now you could see Dean waiting. He was in a similar suit to Sam with the same flower.  Even though they were brothers, they were so different. In your mind Sam was more beautiful with his soft features and slightly longer hair than most men had. But Dean was different, he was handsome, not that his features  were hard but they were sharper and more defined, his hair was short and brushed down.
He was looking to the side, taking to one of his groomsmen. You had met him briefly at one of the engagement parties. His name was Castiel but he was known my Cas to everyone.    
The piano  music started when your mother took her place. With Sam still at your side you walked on, everyone had turned to watch you. Neither of the side had much family so it was rather a small wedding. Dean was watching you too, his mouth was slightly parted and you could see he was holding his breath.
Once you reached the alter, Sam took his spot behind Cas.  Dean held his hand out for you, you were taken back by how cold it was, you whole body felt warmer. You held a breath and looked up at him through your veil.  His green eyes were shining bright, the color from the stain glass window above everyone.
He cleared his throat and smiled. Yet another thing that was different from his brother, Dean was rare to show his truth smile.  You both looked to the victor to begin.
"we are assembled here in the presence of God for the purpose of joining in marriage Y/N  Y/L/N and Dean Winchester. Since we have received no lawful objections to their proposed union, let us reverently call to mind the institution, purpose, and obligations of the marriage state."
You both kept your eyes on each other as the victor spoke.
"Dean , do you solemnly declare that you take Y/N as your wife, and do you promise that you will, with the gracious help of God, love, honor, and care for her, live with her in the holy bonds of marriage according to God's ordinance, and never forsake her, so long as you both shall live?"
"I do" his voice was husky, you noticed that his eyes fluttered when he spoke.
"  Y/N, do you solemnly declare that you take Dean as your husband, and do you promise that you will, with the gracious help of God, love, honor, and obey him in all things lawful, live with him in the holy bonds of marriage according to God's ordinance, and never forsake him so long as you both shall live?"
"I do" your voice felt small but it echoed off the walls and surrounded you.
Dean held on to your left hand and slipped on a sliver ring with a ruby . Rubies meant passion. Didn't they? The site alone made you caught your breath, it was so beautiful.
" According to the laws of the state and the ordinances of the church of Christ, I now pronounce you, Y/N and Dean, husband and wife, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. What therefore God has joined together let not anyone put asunder. You may now kiss the bride"
His hands went to lift you veil that hung between you both. As he did his knuckles brushed against your cheeks and his fingers lightly touched your hair, His eyes slowly fluttered down to your lips, your did the same.
Within seconds he was kissing you, you shut your eyes in shock, gripping him with one hand but just as soon as he started he pulled away, before you could discover what kissing him made you feel.    
He held your hand as you both made your way out of the chapel.  The plan now was to go back to your family house for dinner and a small party, spend the night and then in the morning head off to your honeymoon.  You and Dean would be spending the weekend by the sea.
"How you holding up" his green eyes were even greener when in the sun.
"I feel like I can't breathe" You smiled weakly, holding your hand over your stomach. You felt like your corset was tighter all of a sudden. You started to walk back to the carriage but stopped when Dean walked  the opposite way. "Aren't you riding with me?"
"I'm driving us back" he  stepped forward and gripped your hand,  pulling you after him, everyone who left the chapel was watching the pair of you. Not  wanting to trip over your dress you picked up the front.  
"Driving?"  you ask in confusion, looking back again. Everyone must of known because  they were smile and getting in their own transport or starting to walk back to the house.  
"thought it would be fun" he stopped you in front of a black car, with an open top. He opened the passage side and helped you get in. you unpinned the veil from you head and sat in across your lap.  
"Promise not the crash"  you looked up at him as he circled the car to get in the other side. He gave you a short chuckle.
"Promise, Darin'" he winked, you heart made a sudden jump.
You cleared your throat, trying to get comfortable. Thankful the weather and clear, not to warm or cold it was prefect.  The whole day so far seemed perfect, maybe too prefect. You watch him as he started the car. You tried to think of something to say, after all you were married now and would need to find things to discuss.  
"So, do you enjoy driving?" you realized after you spoke what a dumb question it was. You tried not to see his reaction.
"I do, I also like cars in general" his eyes were on the road but the corner of his mouth rose. "this one here is my favorite"  he patted the dashboard with an even bigger smile. "She was my dad's".      
"She? I didn't know cars had genders" you couldn't help but laugh a little.
"It's just something us car lovers do" he laughed shortly too.
your nerves were slowly dying down now, the conversation wasn't deep but it was a start, at least you knew one new thing about him now.
The sky was beginning to turn orange with the setting sun.  The wedding dinner had been pleased enough but your nerves didn’t stay down for long. As soon as you walked in the  house everything came running back.
After the dinner was finished, your mother pulled you into a corner and bombarded you with questions and answering most of them herself.  You looked at her struggling to understand most of what was coming out of her mouth.
"mother!" you raised your voice so she would pay attention. "Everything is going to be fine. You need  to breathe".
She breathed deeply, she held one side of your face, "I can't get over how grown up you are". You gave her a half smile. "have you packed everything you need?"
"yes, someone came over this morning to take them over the house, and my travel bag is upstairs" You nodded. You looked around the before saying, "we could delay the honeymoon if you want me to stay a few more days".
"no, don't be silly. You go and enjoy your honeymoon." she patted your back, pushing you to go back to the main room where everyone was wanting.
Over in another corner Dean and Sam were talking together. "Can't believe you're married", Sam playful hit his brother on the shoulder.   They both look over to where you were stood with some guest.
Dean took a swig of his drink, he keep his eyes on you after Sam had turned away.  You were looking away from them but were smiling. He barely knew you, when he thought about you all he remembered was girl who he would chase with Sam close behind.
"Neither can I, Sammy" he shook his head. He was still looking at you when you left the group you were standing with, as you moved away you caught his eyes, your E/C eyes widen and chest went tight. You had been married hours and you couldn't even met his eyes without freezing up.    
You gave him a half smile before carrying on walking through the room, half of your mind was still on Dean and the few occasions you had had chance to talk today. Not paying attention you ran into someone. They reach out and held you, so you wouldn't go falling to the floor.
"You alright?" he laughed nervously, looking you and seeing it was Cas. You smiled easily  back.
"yes. My mind was somewhere else" you laugh shaking your head.  "long day you know"   .
"I can only imagine", you didn't know Cas well but you felt relaxed when you were around him. "You look beautiful".
Looking yourself over, you exhaled. "Thank you, I don’t think I've been this nervous in my whole life".
"well if it helps you can't tell".    
You laughed dryly, going stiff when a hand wrapped your lower arm. "I hope Cas, here isn't bothering you" he laughed. You tried to equal out your breathing, it took longer than you thought it should.
When you looked over your shoulder you saw Dean smiling carefree in Cas' direction.  "he just saved me from landing on the floor" you grinned to Cas, who smiled back. Dean was so close you could feel his body heat on your own skin, lightly on your shoulder you could feel his steady breath.    
Dean let out an chuckle, so gently it took you by surprise, you blinked up at him unsure of what you'd find. He was smiling too, a real smile. "you always did have trouble staying on your feet". His touch on your arm seemed softer. "remember that time down at the lake, you were walking across those stones and fell right in the lake".
You laughed too, that was one of the last days you spent with his family before they were sent away. The slight of you falling in the ankle deep water, nearly gave your mother a heart attack.   "I was showing off".   You shake your head, some more of the doubt that had clouded your mind cleared. This was a side that maybe the marriage would be good, you had something to bond on.  
He shook his head, still laughing. "I used to tell the boys at school about all the things we would get up too".
You hit him playfully on the arm without thinking, "You make it sound bad", you said blushing. Cas was sipping his drink, watching you both. Dean laughed again at your reaction. You didn't say it but you felt happy he told people about you as a child, that he carried memories with him through the years.
Over the next hour you stayed with Dean and Cas and traded childhood stories and school stories. You learnt from Cas that Dean had a talent for getting in trouble with every teacher, even the local shop owners were weary of him. Your laughed more than anyone else.
You hadn't noticed the time until someone started to make an announcement. You turned to look at the front of the room where Sam was stood on top of a chair making him look even taller than normal. Once he had everyone's attention he cleared his throat. "Sadly everyone it's time to say goodnight", a mummer of aww spread through the room.  "Of course you'll be invited to the next party when we welcome Y/N home. I hope you all can wait".
Dean lent closer to you so he could whisper in your ear. "I should warn you, he always makes a speech at every party", his voice was playful. He raised his glass in the air and smiled to his brother. You guess you missed something nice because the whole room was smiling and nodding in agreement. Then you though about what Dean had said, just how many parties did they have?
You and Dean stood by the doors and saw everyone off, it was a faceless blur of kisses on the cheek and people wishing you luck. The pair of you, kept the same pleasant smiles the whole time. Once everyone but family had left you breathed a sigh of relief. One more part of the day was over. The longest day of your life.
After a few duty free moments, your mother was once again by your side with your maid, Alice hidden in the shadows. When you turned you found you side where Dean was stood minutes ago was now empty. Faintly you could hear chatting from the sitting room. Your mother didn't need to speak, you knew what was next.
You picked up the front of your dress, while your mother held the train to stop you from tripping up the stairs. The only sound was of three pairs of footsteps and the distant chatter from Dean and Sam in the sitting room.
Once you entered your room you took everything in, fresh flowers, the same as the  bouquet and the ones the men wore on their jackets. The fire was burning too, your skin felt hot already it felt even hotter the more you walked in. After a few more words of comfort from your mother she left you with Alice.
"I don’t know where to start" you laughed, looking down at yourself with all the lace and silk hugging against your body. As you moved you hands the three rings shined back. You didn’t want to think about the cost, one ruby, one diamond and rose quartz . You knew the Winchesters were rich but just how rich?
Ruby for passion
Diamonds for purity
Rose quartz for unconditional love
Alice walked across the room to your dresser, from the second draw she took out a another outfit made of lace. Lace and silk were the only thing you seemed to wear today. You reached out your hand and felt the night grown. It was soft, by just holding it thought  you could tell how thin it would be once it was on.
You let it run through your fingers, you watched it fall like water. "I'll start on the back now" Alice said. You nodded, watching yourself in the mirror as she started on the buttons. You threw the night grown on to the near by bed and worked on letting your hair down.
Soft Y/H/C hair brushed your cheeks and neck as it fell from the bun that had held it all day.  You placed the pins on the fireplace, once it was all down you ran your hands through the strands to get rid of any knots. When the dress fell to the floor you step out of it.
You shivered when you were left in nothing but an corset over a short grown, even with the heat radiating in the room you felt cold. Alice started to untie the ribbons that held the corset together. When Alice was finished you finally breathed again. As Alice helped with the grown, when she lifted over your head, you covered your bare chest with your arms, thankful you had close fitting draws on to hide your bottom.
With a little help from Alice, you finished getting dressed, she handed you your dressing grown from the back of the door. You happily took the extra layer to cover exposed skin.  Staring in the mirror you tried to do something with your hair but left it natural in the end.
The sound of the door opening behind you, made both you and Alice turn to look. Light from the hallway casted a shadow on the floor, you looked from the shadow to the figure standing there waiting for permission the came in.      
You were about to dismiss Alice when she passed Dean carrying your used clothes. Your mouth was still half open trying to find the words. After too long your smiled and nodded at Dean. One hand played with the rings on the other as you turned from his view. You were having a silent fight with yourself about how stupid you were being, how you couldn't find a thing to say.      
"Everything good?" Dean asked from behind you, you didn’t have to look at him to see the concern  his face. Panic started to fizz away, what would happen next? Would he make the first move? What would it even feel like? In the middle of your panic Dean had walked over to where you were standing.
The room felt hotter, your could felt his body heat on your own skin. You physical jumped when he touched your shoulder with his hand. You were still unsure how to feel and reacted under his touch , under his glaze. Unsure about him.
You bit the inside of your cheeks, looking at his hand still on your shoulder from the corner of your eye. "Long day" you tried to laugh lightly but it sounded empty and as unsure as you felt.  He squeezed your shoulder before letting go.
You heard him walk over to the other side of the room, you heard the springs in the bed flatter as he sat down.  Confused  you looked towards him. He was wearing his own sleep wear and had just taken off a dressing grown that was lay on a near by chair.
He looked up at you and smiled, it was a kind smile. It had no hidden meaning, you felt calmer. You bit the inside of your cheek again as you walked over to the other side of the bed. Your hands fumbled as you took your own dressing grown off, putting it over the end of the bed frame. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him, looking at you in nothing but a night dress.
You sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to say something else. God knew you had no clue what to say next.  You could feel the bed under you move, the popping of the springs was deafening in the silent room with nothing but the fire cracking to accompany it.
"We have a long day tomorrow should get an early night" he patted the bed, you were still facing away from him. Your face broke out in confusion. Half of you was relieved that nothing was going to happen but the other half was hurt that nothing was going to happen. Was something wrong with you? Had you said something to put him off? Hadn't you said enough?
But you didn’t ask any of those questions. "you're right" you tried your best to smile, masking over anything else you might be feeling.  The only light in the room was the fire, it's light was already starting to dim and by morning it would be gone.
You swung your legs on to the bed and pushed the covers down with your legs. Once you were under and laid down you didn't look at him, all you could do was stare at the ceiling.
It was strange to be in your room but without your things. They were all packed up and had been taken to your new home, this would be the last night  here in this room for a while.
You didn't know how long you stared up at the ceiling before sleep over took you. You groaned as you opened your eyes and sat up in bed. You looked to your side, thinking Dean would still be there but all you found was an empty spot.    
You ran a hand through your hair, brushing out some knots that had formed during the night. You stood up from the bed and reached for your dressing grown. after ringing the bell to let the maids know you were ready for breakfast you stood up.
As you waited you walked over to the widow, from the window you had a perfect view of the front garden. Out on the drive you watch the house staff getting on with their duties.
You were torn away from the window when your door opened wide, in came Alice carrying a tray with tea and some breakfast. She smiled when she saw you, "morning", she was said sweetly placing the tray down on the bed.
"morning" you smiled and sat down on the bed, pulling the tray close, making your tea the way you like it then brought the  cup to your lips. You sighed looking around your room in the daylight. "do you know where Mr Winchester is?".
"I believe he has got out on a drive?" Alice said after thinking, she was getting everything ready for the day. She didn't see you bit your lip and look away. You picked at the food on your plate with no interest of eating it.  
Giving up on breakfast you went over to where your clothes for the day were laid out. The dress had a plain black skirt and a lace top with a high collar, around the collar was a black ribbon. "I've been wearing so much lace recently", you laughed.
Once you were fully dressed you walked down the stairs holding your current book, the whole house is busy maids were running past you. You guessed the clean up from the wedding was pretty big.
Your mother was in the sitting room, reading the morning newspaper. She turned in your direction when she heard you. "morning dear, did you sleep well?" she smiled putting her paper down.
You took the chair closest to the fire, "after yesterday, I could of slept stood up". You held the books against your chest and watched the fire. The flames danced and shifted. From where you sat you could smell the wood burning and feel the heat.   "Will you be okay here alone?".
She let out an short laugh, "of course dear". You kept your eyes on the fire, something about the way the flames moved was hypnotic. "would you like some tea?".
You pulled your eyes away from the fire and walked over to where the tea tray sat. "Do you want another cup?". She shakes her head, still reading the news. You hummed as you worked, adding lemon this time.
"Mrs Winchester" you didn't answer until your mother called your name.
Still holding your tea, you blinked towards one of the foot men who was waiting by the door, "Yes?". It was strange hearing that name being addressed to you, it had always been Miss Y/L/N and now you were someone completely  different.
"Mr Winchester wanted you to know that the car will be here in one hour". He waited for you to nod before leaving you alone with your mother again.
You breathed out, walking over to where your mother sat. "I don't think I'm ready" you whispered, staring down at the liquid in your cup.  All of a sudden the room felt too hot, the smell of woods was too strong and the sound was too loud.
You jumped when you felt your mother's hand touch yours. You took your eyes from your cup and over to her. "I know this is hard for you but things will get better", she squeezed your hand, all you could do was smile and hope it would be enough.
 the next hour passed by quickly, you just sat there with your mother and read. Now and then she would ask you questions about the book or you opinion on the news she was reading. You only noticed the time when Alice came in to tell you the car would be here soon.
You made your way to the front hall, you took this time to look around. Pictures of past family members lined the walls, years of history around you and you were now saying goodbye to it all.
Your mother came running out of a room holding a coat for you. You took it from her gladly. You slipped it on straight away. She pulled you in for one last hug, "I'm going to miss you so much". When she pulled away you saw her eyes glassed over with tears.
She still held on to you, "I promise to come and see you when we get back". She shook her head. You ache of missing her and your childhood home was seeping  through your veins. You sniffed back a sob. "I'm going to miss you and this place so much".
"my sweet girl, you'll have a family of your own soon, you won’t have time for me" she squeezed your arms as you tried to fight down the fear you felt when you thought about having children. You hadn't even been married a day, a family seemed years away. You hoped that you'd have time to grow closer with Dean before any of that came up.
You still couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you hadn't even slept with Dean yet and here your mother was talking about children. Could you even talk to her about it?
"all ready?" you and your mother move away from each other as Dean enters from the font door. You noticed how your mother smiled too wide, then glared at you hoping you had the same face but you were still trying to overcome the shock of what laid ahead.
Once he reached you, he nodded in your direction asking if you were okay. You breathlessly managed to smile and nodded back. "Is the car here?".  
Dean smiled, bending down to pick up the last remaining bags, "wait until you see her. A wedding gift off Sammy". He grinned wider than you thought he could. He held out his arm for you.
Reaching out you wrapped your arm around his. "Just how many cars do you have now?", you raised an eyebrow and laughed.  
"You'll have to wait and see" he grinned wider, holding on to you tighter. It had not even been a day but you picked up on how different he was around people and how he was with you.
You were lost in your mind as Dean and your mother spoke and said goodbye to each other.  Feeling his body so close to yours was new and a little welcoming, you couldn't say why but it was but the thought that you didn't really know him kept creeping up and destroying any peace you tried to settle on.    
But this was just the start, you had everyday now to find peace and maybe even understand who Dean really is.  
part 2 
please please let me know what you think! and let me know if you want to be on the tag list 
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megalony · 4 years
She’s a good girl- Part 2
This is my new murderer! Ben Hardy series I’m working on, thank you for the lovely feedback on the first part I hope you all enjoy this part (two posts in one day!).
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg​
Series taglist: @onceuponadetectivedemigod​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) is a good girl from a church-going family and her brother, Joe is trying to put Ben behind bars. But when (Y/n) starts to fall for the dangerous killer, things get complicated.
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"Why didn't you wear your dress? You always wear the blue one on Sundays." Linda's voice sent shivers running down (Y/n)'s spine and the papers in her hands started to become crinkled at the sides from how tightly her fingers were pressing into them and she was sure her fingerprints would soon become visible.
The comment made (Y/n)'s eyes dart down to look at her attire for today's sermon, wondering what was so wrong with what she was wearing. She had chosen a pair of dark navy blue leggings, a checkered blue and white shirt that tied into a bow at the bottom front and she had a black cardigan to go with it.
(Y/n) never really got to choose what she wore to church, even when her mother made it seem like a choice, it really wasn't. Linda advised (Y/n) what to wear, said a dress was appropriate and once she wore the blue one Linda just persuaded (Y/n) to call it her Sunday dress and for her to wear it every weekend without fail.
But (Y/n) didn't want to wear a dress that both made her seem innocent and sweet yet a young, timid little girl. She wanted to choose what she wanted to wear and she wanted to wear things that were nice and looked good. (Y/n) wanted to look like she was actually eighteen and not twelve or fourteen, she didn't want to be seen as a childish little girl who had to be protected.
Deep down, she knew the reason she had chosen to wear something different also had something to do with what happened last Sunday. When she met Ben. If by chance, he happened to walk past at the end of sermon today, (Y/n) wanted to be wearing something that made her feel more confident and look her age. She didn't want Ben to see her as a little girl, even if she shouldn't be thinking so much about how a murderer looked at her.
She had gone for a walk with him on Monday and then on Thursday he had taken her for a drive in his car. Each time, (Y/n) had to lie to her parents and say she was going out with a friend from college and both times she had been told off for going without asking first. But it just felt so good to get away from everything and not have to worry about what time she went home or who she was out with. She could be herself around someone she really shouldn't feel comfortable with.
"I thought I'd wear something different." (Y/n) smoothed down her top out of nervous habit. Whenever she wore something her mother or father didn't approve of, she ended up rethinking it and changing into something they liked. It was too late for that today.
"You should have gone with the dress, you should look respectable at church-"
"Mother please, there's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing." (Y/n) would have thought the dress was worse considering it showed her legs from the knee down whereas what she was wearing today only showed her arms.
(Y/n) reached for the last piece of paper discarded in the front row before she placed them down on the table at the alter. It was only a small list of hymns they had sung today and the topic of her father's speech. A small smile of relief flooded her face when her father came out of the vestry. He wasn't changed yet which meant they weren't leaving for a while, it gave (Y/n) time to get outside and watch with hopeful eyes for Ben passing by.
"I'm going to wait outside." (Y/n) spoke to her father rather than her mother, knowing he would be more understanding, even if he normally was just as strict as his wife.
Hooking her bag onto her shoulder, (Y/n) slowly walked down the aisle and out of the open wooden doors that were heavy and creaked and groaned when they were opened or closed.
The bright sunlight hit her eyes and make it momentarily hard to see but when a hand rested on her elbow she jumped. Her heart fluttered in her chest but soon started to calm down when she saw that it was only Joe. This had been the first time in two months that Joe was finally able to make it to a Sunday sermon and their mother had been mightily impressed and over the moon that he was here. Their whole family sitting in the front left row watching their father give one of the same old speeches that enamoured everyone but (Y/n) whose thoughts had been somewhere else entirely.
"Dad really knows how to calm the mind, huh?"
Joe stuffed his hands into his pockets and moved so they were standing to the left of the doors, out of the way up beside the old bricks of the church. Something about Sundays always made Joe calm, he loved sitting and listening to their father preach, it was like listening to whale music when trying to sleep. It calmed Joe down immensely and eased his mind, especially when he was working on a case.
"Is your mind usually erratic?" (Y/n) countered with a grin, leaning her shoulders back against the wall but her eyes couldn't help but scout around. She wanted to see Ben walking past or notice his car parked over the road, she wanted to see his cheeky grin or his lips wrapped around a cigarette. (Y/n) wanted to run her fingers through his hair or reach out for his hand, she wanted to lean her head on his shoulder as they walked down the street like she had been so desperate to do on Monday.
"It is when I've got a killer running laps round my mind. The bastard's beaten up one of his own men and put him in hospital and the guy won't testify. Won't say a bad word against him."
Joe tipped his head back against the bricks, stomping his foot to the ground in a way that reminded (Y/n) of an angrily child who didn't get what they wanted. Joe either didn't see the grimace on (Y/n)'s face or if he did, he put it down to talk of a murderer when in fact, it made her uncomfortable to even think about Ben as a killer.
She had been around him a few times now and every time he was as sweet as sugar with her. He smiled, he laughed and he tried to coax her to talk and was always a gentleman around her. He never made fun of her or was rude to her in any way, he didn't step over the line when he was out with her or push her too far or showed any bad side when he was in her presence. (Y/n) just couldn't see how Ben was the killer Joe made him out to be when he was so kind around her.
"How do you propose to catch this killer, then?" (Y/n) forced a smile as she looked over at Joe.
"I need the evidence, gotta wait for him to slip up and watch him until he gives me something useful."
As if by magic, something caught the corner of (Y/n)'s eye and when she glanced over, she could see the familiar frame walking slowly up the street with his eyes set on the church like it was a beacon to him. He had come to see her, there was no other reason for him to be up this way at this time unless he wanted to see (Y/n).
"Hopefully it won't take you too long." (Y/n) nodded at her brother, a nervous smile playing on her lips before she pushed herself off the bricks and walked over the short cut grass. She knew Joe would presume she was just going to sit on the wall and wait for their parents to be ready to go home, like always.
(Y/n) perched herself down on the wall beside the willow tree just like last week, except this time, there was no fear or surprise in her eyes as she watched Ben walking closer to her. There was a half-finished cigarette pressed between his lips and he had a plain white shirt on, black trousers and a black beanie which kind of conflicted the look but still looked socially acceptable.
Ben seemed to have noticed Joe straight away because he kept his head turned and didn't look over in Joe's direction once, he was drifting by like a whisper in the wind.
(Y/n) tried hard to stop herself from smiling too widely when Ben's eyes landed on her but he wasn't slowing down his pace. A surge of panic started to beat through her veins with her blood as she wondered if he was going to walk right past her. Maybe he didn't want anything to do with her anymore? What if he had seen Joe and thought (Y/n) was definitely spying on him for her brother? What if he was just teasing her all along and she had fallen for it hook, right and sinker?
Every question imaginable raced through her head but they were all diminished when Ben's hand reached out and took hers that was resting on her lap. He locked his fingers expertly with hers and carried on walking, gently tugging her with him until she hopped off the wall and started walking down the path with him. Ben kept a quick pace to ensure that Joe wouldn't see (Y/n) walking off with a stranger, to then realise who the stranger was.
"Hello." (Y/n) smiled up at Ben when they were round the side of the church and out of sight of everyone who would see and snitch back to her parents. Her head tilted up to look at Ben who smiled down at her around the cigarette.
"Hello." Ben's voice was almost enamouring and addictive and when (Y/n) noticed the way he was biting the end of the cigarette it sent sparks running through her stomach.
(Y/n) thought that when they were out the way of the church, Ben would have let go of her hand since he would have no need to make sure she hurried alongside him. But he kept her hand tightly against his own, rubbing circles on the side of her hand with his thumb like he was silently telling her something or trying to calm her down.
"What happened to the dress?"
Ben removed the cigarette from his lips, offering it to (Y/n) before stubbing it between his shoe when she kindly declined. When Ben noticed the way (Y/n) looked herself over without a smile, his head ticked to the side and he bit down on his lower lip. She was a puzzle to him that he wanted to work out and fit into place. He wanted to see the bigger picture with (Y/n) but he didn't know why. He had no idea why he talked to her last weekend when he first saw her.
Maybe it was because she seemed so shocked but not scared when she saw him and knew who he was. Maybe it was because there was an aura about her that was intoxicating to him, maybe talking to her stirred something inside Ben that he hadn't felt in a while. Whatever the reason, Ben couldn't seem to walk away from her and she didn't want him to either.
"I, um... I thought I'd wear something different."
"Suits you... although I'd like to think that you dressed up for me, and not for your prayers to the man upstairs." Ben spoke against the shell of (Y/n)'s ear causing her heart to jump up into her throat and constrict her breathing. Was it so clear that she wanted to look different when she was around him? That she wanted to look like more of a grown up and more like herself than the little shy doll her parents always tried to dress up. 
Ben's temple leaned against her own as they continued walking and for one split second, (Y/n) wondered if he was going to kiss her. He certainly looked like the thought had crossed his mind and that it was something he was debating, but then he seemed to think better of it and settled for a sharp but still gentle smile her way.
"Where are we going?" It took a lot for (Y/n) to keep her voice level as she realised didn't quite know if Ben had somewhere in mind or if they were just going on an aimless walk like they had done on Monday. Either was fine with her but she wanted to know if Ben had some sort of idea, he normally seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do.
"Would it be acceptable for me to steal you away from Sunday lunch for a bit? I'd like you to myself for a while."
It felt like rockets had been set off in (Y/n)'s chest when those words registered in her mind. There were hundreds of connotations and meanings behind what he just said but (Y/n) knew there was nothing creepy or dirty or weird behind them. Yet it still made her heart flip in her chest and when he pulled her closer into his side her legs almost gave way.
There was no way this man was the murderer Joe was after.
Last time they were out walking together, there had been a small membrane of space between them like a barrier neither of them were willing to cross in fear of what they would be faced with. But Ben had broken that barrier this time around because he was holding her hand and keeping (Y/n) tucked into his side like he was making sure he kept her safe.
Taking a daring risk, (Y/n) looked up at Ben before she leaned her head on his arm. She could feel his eyes on her as she did so but he didn't say anything about it, they just kept on walking.
(Y/n) didn't know how long they had been walking for, it felt like they had been drifting around for hours before she noticed Ben was slowing down until they were practically non-moving. When she leaned to see what had caught his eye, (Y/n) noticed that it was a building. It was a two-story building that was formed into an odd shape with extensions on the side, an unfinished building round the back and a car park at the side.
"Is that your gym?"
There were no cars in the car park and the doors looked like they were locked, (Y/n) figured it was either normally closed on Sundays or Ben didn't like it open when he wasn't there to run it. She knew he actually owned the club, he wasn't a manager or leasing the place.
"What's it like, running a business?" (Y/n) didn't know where the question came from but it surprised both of them. Her chin moved to press into Ben's arm so she could look up at him as they continued walking down the street. She knew it must be satisfying to actually own the business, he controlled what happened, who worked for him, anyone he didn't like he could fire. He had the responsibilities of making rotas for workers and giving wages and memberships and it was clear Ben exercised a lot in the gym and did boxing himself.
"It's good, I like being in control of everything, and being the boss means people work for you, they don't work against you or piss around and if they take things for granted, I can fire them. What about you, doll, do you have a job?"
When (Y/n) read Ben's file that Joe left lying around, it was very clear that he was a control freak. He hurt people who went against him, he had beaten up one of his own men by what Joe said today and his men were either so afraid of him or too loyal to speak out. That meant they must have some shred of respect for Ben. He seemed like the kind of man who would be aiming for the top job so he was on top of the pyramid. People being higher up than him wouldn't seem to sit very well with Ben, he had to have the control and be in charge, he needed to make the decisions.
"No, mother wanted me to finish school first. I did get a job in the corner shop for the summer but I didn't like it much... my dad likes me to help him out at church."
Linda thought it was more appropriate if (Y/n) finished school before getting a job and she wanted (Y/n) to have a proper job, one she could boast about to her friends like how Joe was a police officer or Cora now had an apprenticeship in the firm her boyfriend worked at. (Y/n) was expected to follow with a good job like that.
She worked at the corner shop for some money during the summer but it had been too boring for her to handle, seeing the same people everyday, not being able to talk to them for long. She wasn't even allowed to use the cash register she was mainly stocking shelves. It was okay for the summer but she really couldn't do that for the rest of her life.
"The church?"
"Oh, my father is the Reverend of the church."
"Ah, so that's why you reserve Sunday morning for the man upstairs." Ben smiled when he caught sight of the gold cross hanging around (Y/n)'s neck. It was slightly hidden behind her shirt but he remembered seeing it the first time he saw her. The cross hung proudly over the top of her blue dress.
"My father does the sermon's every Sunday, I help out with events like fairs and get things ready for christenings and such. We go to church in the evening on Christmas too. I take it you're not religious?"
"No, too many inconsistencies for me to believe but I've got no problem with anyone else's beliefs. Besides, if God is real I think I'd be in real shit by now, too many sins to count." Ben watched (Y/n) bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing as she knew he was probably right, God would have something to say about the way Ben was conducting his life. "Doll, since your faith clearly allows you to walk around with a murderer, do you think you could swing something else by the man upstairs?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think you'd like to come and work for me?"
Ben's words took (Y/n) by surprise, so much so that she stopped walking and turned so she was properly facing him. He was offering her a job, not a boring job stacking shelves but something interesting, something where she would be in a gym and a boxing club with a mix of criminals like Ben and normal avid gym-goers who knew nothing about the man who owned the place.
Joe did seem to think something else was going on at the club, maybe a job there wouldn't be such a good idea. But then again, (Y/n) was going around with Ben who she knew was a murderer and he didn't seem to have any bad intentions towards her. He was offering her a job and he owned the club so he wouldn't give her a horrid job or something she would be uncomfortable with. But he felt he had to make sure she would feel okay working for him when they both knew he wasn't a saint.
"What would I do?"
"Anything you like. You could be on front at reception, letting people in and out, you could work backstage with me sorting out wages and the files, you could check the equipment and order the stock if you like. Whatever you want to do is fine by me."
Ben was offering (Y/n) something she had been so desperate for, but he had no reason to. He wasn't obliged to give her a job or feel sorry for her or try and gain something out of her. Yet here he was, saying he would give her a job doing whatever she wanted in his own establishment without wanting something from her in return, he had nothing to gain from this.
"Why would you do that for me?"
(Y/n) felt like she couldn't breathe for what seemed like the hundredth time since she started this walk with Ben when he circled his arms around her waist and dragged her closer until her chest hit his. He tipped his head back like he was really thinking about his answer before he leaned down until his face was level with his own. Something about the way that he seemed to stoop down so they were level made (Y/n) smile, it was like he was giving her some sense of power when she was around him instead of hogging it all for himself.
"You want a job, I can give you one and it benefits me to have your lovely face wandering round my club. I'd get to see a lot more of you."
"You want to see more of me?" (Y/n) breathed heavily through the words that came out very quiet. She couldn't believe someone like Ben would be interested in someone like her, it felt too unrealistic, too different like he was stringing her along, but he wasn't. He was genuine and it stunned her to know he wanted to be around her.
"I know you know what I do and it isn't good. That brother of yours also thinks he can put me away, but you've overlooked that so far to be around me. I'd like to think that you'll say yes if I ask you to hang around me a lot more and be my girl.”
(Y/n) couldn't find any words to respond, all she could do was smile and breathe like she was about to faint.
Ben wanted to go out with her, he wanted to give her a job to make her happy and so he could see her a lot more without having to go for walks and stay out of sight of Joe or her family. Ben actually wanted to be with her after not knowing her for very long at all. He seemed as enticed with her as she was with him.
"I'll take that smile as a yes, shall I?"
The moment (Y/n) nodded, Ben grinned wickedly like the cat that got the cream before he leaned forward until his lips were pressed to hers. Ben knew from the way he'd kissed her neck on their first meeting that she'd never been kissed before so he hoped she didn't mind him stealing her first kiss like this. His hands dug into the flesh around her hips as he felt her hands moving to his neck like she didn't know what to do with her hands but she knew she had to do something.
His lips felt so warm and smooth against her own, (Y/n) could feel each ridge and crease in his lips and likewise, Ben could feel the bumps of skin where (Y/n) had bitten down too hard on her lower lip and pulled a layer of skin off.
A shiver ran down (Y/n)'s spine and her hands pressed firmer against Ben's neck when lips parted and his tongue darted out over her lower lip. But he didn't dart his tongue into her mouth to battle against her own, he bit down on her lower lip instead and slowly pulled back, pulling her lip before eventually letting go.
How could being with Ben be so wrong, when it felt so right?
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nerdypanda3126 · 4 years
She wants to get married
It's the wedding day!
Inspired by Marry Me by Thomas Rhett
Read on Ao3
Adrien tugs at the sleeves of his suit jacket, examining himself in the full length mirror that was provided in the room. Marinette has good taste. That’s nothing new, though. But out of all the suits he’s had to wear over the years, this one is definitely his favorite: gray slim fit jacket and pants with a white button-down and pink tie, a floral pocket square barely peeking out of the breast pocket. Marinette had altered the suit for him herself, and of course it fits perfectly. He runs his fingers through his hair for the thousandth time that day.
In just a few rooms over, Marinette is getting ready, too. Sabine and Alya are probably helping her step into her custom dress now, tying her in or doing the buttons up the back. Adrien hasn’t seen the dress yet. He had caught a glimpse of it on the dress form while she was still working on it, though. He had managed to see a corset top and pink flowers tucked into layers of white tulle before he was shooed away because it ‘wasn’t finished’.
She’s been planning her wedding for forever, it seems. She had all the details worked out before he could blink. He had wanted to help, so had Alya, but Marinette was Marinette about it. She took it all on herself.
Now the day is here. She has everything planned out so perfectly. He just needs to hold it together for her.
He wipes his sweaty palms on his suit pants. It’s easier said than done.
Nino comes up behind him and slaps him on the shoulder, offering him a silver flask. Adrien doesn’t drink. Never felt a need to. But today he just needs something to calm him down. He takes a swig, and forces the whiskey down, even though the burn at the back of his throat is begging him to cough it out. He grimaces as he hands the flask back to Nino, flicking his eyes around the room. All the men in the wedding party had just sort of gathered here after they changed. A flock of gray suits. Not much else to do now but wait.
Luka seems nervous, too, off to the side of the room, his foot jiggling to some frantic inner rhythm. He’s loosened his pink tie and stripped off his jacket, and Adrien can see the damp patches under his arms. The waiting must be killing him. Just like it’s killing Adrien. Nino offers Luka the flask, too, but he shakes his head before he collects his jacket off the back of the couch and retreats to the back room where they had all changed. Adrien wishes he knew how to meditate. It would certainly come in handy now.
But the alcohol is starting to hit his empty stomach, smoothing out the rough edges of his vision, calming his nervous fidgeting. He can do this. It’s for her.
He thinks back to the first time he knew, without a doubt, that it was her. They had gotten caught in a sudden rain shower. Sheets of rain pelting them out of nowhere. He had ushered her over to the nearest awning, using his overshirt to shield her as much as he could. They had both been laughing, shaking the water out of their hair. She had looked up at him. That’s all. It had hit him like a clap of thunder. He was in love with Marinette. And he had been, all along.
“Alright, everybody, it’s show time!” Tom bounces into the room, startling Adrien out of his memory. His heart starts to thump in his ears. It’s time. Luka slinks out of the back room, his calm restored, and slings his jacket around his shoulders easily. Their eyes meet across the room and Luka nods to Adrien as he fixes his tie. It’s a small reassurance.
They promenade into the church in time to the music, and Adrien takes his place next to Nino. His breath is coming out in ragged shakes, and his fingertips feel numb. So much for the alcohol calming him down. Did it just evaporate? Across from him, Luka closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth, before he stands up straight, clasping his hands in front of him. The picture of patient expectation. Adrien tries to take a leaf out of his book, but right at that moment, the congregation stands and the doors open again.
All his thoughts go out the window when Tom walks in with her on his arm.
She has her hair down, a crown braided through the top, and flowers tucked into the braid. Baby’s breath: eternal love. No veil. She had been decidedly against the veil.
She seems to float down the aisle, buoyed by the layers of tulle in her dress, nodding and smiling to those on the ends that she recognizes. Then she lifts her eyes to the front.
It throws Adrien back to their day together, laughing in the rain, when she had lifted her eyes to him and taken his breath away. He had wanted to kiss her, right then and there. But as he had leaned forward, a flash of red had passed through his mind. It had made him hesitate. He was in love with Marinette. But Ladybug was his soulmate, his other half. He had to wait for her, no matter what. If he kissed Marinette, there would be no going back. Their friendship could be ruined over this. He had panicked. He had pulled back. The moment had passed.
A week or two later, Marinette had started dating Luka.
And it’s Luka that she’s lifting her eyes to now. Luka, who’s beaming back at her.
She kisses her dad on his cheek when they get to the front, and Tom goes to his seat, wiping the tears from his eyes. Adrien feels his own tears fall and he brushes them off his cheeks quickly. He wishes he could tell Tom that he’s not the only one giving her away.
Marinette’s eyes flit to Adrien briefly before she hands her bouquet off to Alya, stepping up to take her place next to Luka.
She had everything planned out so perfectly. He just has to hold it together for her.
He looks away to hide the tears he can’t stop now. It’s easier said than done.
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Hi again people who follow me!
I’m bored and I’ve decided to make fun facts about our DID system and the four known alters!
So before I start- Lilith has a bit of a show today, but the body was too tired for her to start anything. Like I feel asleep as soon as I got to class. The reason I know this is because of my outfit and she decided to put on lip gloss (which I never wear personally). She’s not conscious currently, none of the other three are, and I’ll get to that later!
Oh! And just so you know, this is Lennox.
Let’s start with Levin!
Levin is the alter that co-cons often or will switch with me
He knows a lot about our system, but is very secretive about it so~
He is the only male alter in the system that I know of
He also goes by Levi and Lev
He likes more soft songs and songs with a good message
His favorite color is forest green
He’s the only alter that Lilith does not take her anger out on
He’s an introvert with really bad social anxiety
He hates sexual songs (so of course being me, I put two of the worst sexual songs I know in his playlist, he doesn’t know)
He has insomnia and ptsd
He’s extremely competitive when it comes to card games
He likes educating people on animals and wants to do gigs, like birthday parties and events, to teach people about reptiles and birds specifically
His favorite subject is English
He is white with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He’s thin, well more twig like, but whatever. He’s around 5’8 (two inches taller than the body)
His clothes style is baggy shirts with either baggy sweatpants or leggings. He wear plain colors, like pale blues, grays, and black. He, surprisingly, likes boots, even heeled boots
His favorite anime is... probably Durarara x2 any season
He has no sexual desires, but romantic likes girls
He’s 18
He’s very comfortable singing, he loves it. That a major way he expresses himself
His favorite song is... I think LA Devotee by P!ATD (idk why but that what he likes)
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^^ What he likes to wear ^^
Next on our list is
The demon queen herself, LILITH
She is named after Adam’s first wife, the demon queen, Lilith (yes she liked to go church, but we stopped going)
She is a bisexual
She’s ageless (she has no age, or if she does she hasn’t told anyone)
She’s an absolute bitch and she knows it.
She has violent mood swings and anger issues (respectfully so)
She is also an introvert, but not because of anxiety, no it’s because she wants to strangle every single person that looks at her weird
She hates Little with the burning passion
She gets repressed the most because no one wants to be expelled from school
She likes cooking
She hates cleaning because of her ocd
She wants to pursue a culinary job
Her favorite subject is science
She rarely fronts and when she does it’s quick or someone is co-con with her (ex. What happened with aleia-clownery)
Lennox(me) has to clean up her messes as always.
Her favorite anime is... The Promised Neverland (she likes Ray a lot)
She likes aggressive songs, or songs that swear a lot
Lilith has wavy black hair with blue highlights. Her eyes are a brownish red color. She’s short, like 5’2, and likes to wear heels because of it. She’s black as well
Her favorite color is dark royal blue
Her style of clothes is black shirts with skulls on them and tight, but comfortable, pants. She also likes a certain denim dress I have
She likes drawing and doodling ways to kill people and I have to say she’s pretty good
Her favorite song is Sarcasm by Get Scared (very fitting for her)
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^^ What she wishes she can wear ^^
Next is Little!
She likes to bake
She enjoys going to restaurants, specifically Asian style ones
She’s loves animals and wants to work with them so bad.
She’s an extrovert with ADHD
Little is Hispanic and on the chunky side. She has a caramel skin tone. She can understand it way better than me (Lennox) and she wants to learn Japanese and French (I’m interested in Japanese so we’re probably going to learn it)
Her favorite subject was College Writing Prep and before that was Language Arts, but the writing part of it. She really likes writing
Her favorite color is... honestly black. She likes that it matches with everything and likes the science of black too
Her favorite anime is Ouran High School Host Club (I hate it with the burning passion) her second choice is Black Butler (any season) which we allow her to watch
She likes baking and cooking, tho she prefers baking, she likes the way it calms her, I guess
Her favorite song is Voices in My Head (she listens to a lot of nightcore so I don’t the artist)
I’m not saying much else about her (I don’t want creeps harassing her)
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^^ What she prefers to wear ^^
Last, and certainly least, Lennox (aka me!)-
My favorite anime is Kakegurui or... BNA... or BNHA... or Hitorjime My Hero (My Very Own Hero)... or maybe Given? Idk I like a lot of anime...
The first anime I’ve ever watched was Wolf’s Rain. I was seven I think, but it was on YouTube so I didn’t get to watch the whole thing. I recently found it, but I’m afraid to watch it lmao
I like the colors teal and turquoise, as well as blood red and jet black
I like anything P!ATD, Halsey, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boys, Set It Off, Alec Benjamin, OneRepublic, and Nico Collins and AJR(granted so does everyone else but 🤷)
My favorite songs are Control by Halsey and Lonely Dance by Set It Off and Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time by P!ATD and River by Ed Sheeran and Eminem and Not Afraid by Eminem and I’m Ready by AJR and Karma by AJR... I can go on for hours, but I’mma stop here
I’m Non-binary and the only gender nonconforming alter. I’m also pansexual
I hate being touched, I hate talking to people that act ignorant, and I hate this body I’m in
I look like the body so no description for you 😝
I have anxiety and depression. Everything else I’ve been diagnosed with can really be related to DID
I’m a neutral party in everything, so when I say I don’t know, I don’t care, whatever, or not my business, I’m literally saying I have no standing or opinion in this
I like cooking, baking, organizing (not cleaning), writing, reading, doodling, and doing self introduced projects for fun
I like plaid clothing, hoodies, and pride shirts. I like sweatpants and sneakers. I also like things on my neck... it keeps me ground I guess
(Oh my god I’m writing this with Ella, right? I told her to stop clawing at the furniture, right? All of a sudden her focus is on the ground and I wiggles my toes, testing if she was looking at my feet, and I started moving them around. I told her, ‘stop looking at my feet.’ This cat, this puta, liked me in the eyes before looking back down and got in position to lunge at my feet. My heart stopped and I pulled my feet onto the couch. And she was going to do it because the moment I moved my feet, she jumped from the top of the couch she’s on... she scares me sometimes 😣)
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^^ What I would wear if Lev was a little shit and let me wear pride stuff and jewelry ^^
Onto how our system works!
Levin and I co-con often. If I’m not in control, then he is
On instances where I get angry, Lilith takes control
Little co-cons with me more than everyone else because she enjoys annoying me
Lilith and Little are both so stubborn and hardheaded, it’s unbelievable. On the other hand, Levs and I are open minded and calm. So we often clash on what we should do as a collective
Lilith is a Christian, Levi and I are atheists, and Little is a Seventh Day Adventist (the religion I grew up with). However Lev and I hold more say, so we don’t go to church
I guess you could say there’s a hierarchy in the system. I have the most important say, then Lev, then Little, and lastly Lilith
Levin and I enjoy co-conning with each other only, anyone else gives us headaches
Everyone loves Nico Collins, Alec Benjamin, Set It Off, and AJR the most
Everyone’s favorite albums are Death of a Bachelor (p!atd), Cinematics (set it off), and American Beauty/American Psycho (fall out boys)
Everyone loves sushi and sushi rolls (California and Philadelphia rolls are the best)
We all really want to try takoyaki and pork Katsudon. When we do try them, I’ll probably make a post about it
We all love Ella and we all want to start a rehabilitation center of all animals and a pet cafe
We love reptiles, like all reptiles, venomous snakes included
I think there are more alters that just aren’t as prominent as the other three, Levin would know but he doesn’t like to discuss our system often
We really want to buy these specific no pierce cuff earrings
Edit: this total slipped my mind- when I’m on my red week (you know what I’m talking about) the others let me deal with it on my own, especially Little and Lev (Lev hates that week and recedes completely)
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That’s all I’m willing to share about us (or that I remember)
My part was short because you guys talk to me all the time
Lennox... with a sprinkle of Levin
I’m tagging some people because why not-
@one-pissed-off-child @liveto-100 @madame-ree @martinidrinkingmartin @anon-nom-nom95 @queenzie-xo @scalybunnypapi69 @gogetyoselfsomesoup (still bitter) @cristinaweeb @aleiakit @aleia-clownery (I’m still so sorry about what happened) @studiesboie @bloomyboithatemoji @pumpkineiji @penelopebakugouburrito1
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dinosaurs-last-day · 4 years
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“No way Sparkles. I won’t wear that.” Catra shoved away the beautiful wedding dress that Glimmer held out. 
“But Catra, this is your big day! You should do something special! Plus, I know Adora would love to see you in a dress.” Glimmer shoved it back to Catra, who sighed and went into the changing room to put it on. 
Catra came back out wearing a floor length wedding dress, simple yet elegant. It had lacey sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Her arms were crossed, clearly annoyed.
“I feel like I can’t move. Look, I love Adora, and I’m super glad that we’re getting married. But I wouldn’t be caught dead in this. I’m changing.” She stalked back into the changing room and came out, handing the dress to Glimmer as she headed to the suit section.
The day of the wedding came and Adora was getting ready. Mermista was doing her hair and makeup, and Frosta was bossing the guests around, making sure they all got to their seats. 
Finally, it was time for the ceremony. Bow stood by Adora, waiting to walk her down the aisle. Adora could see her soon to be wife standing at the front of the church. Catra was wearing the most stunning suit Adora had ever seen. It was white, with red details. White wasn’t a color Catra liked to wear, but Adora loved it on her in that moment. 
Catra turned and smiled one of her rare smiles that were saved only for Adora. Adora couldn’t help but giggle as she walked down the aisle. Finally, Adora joined her cat girlfriend, soon to be wife, at the alter. 
“Hey Adora,” Catra said, just like she used to. 
“Hey Catra,” Adora said back, mimicking Catra’s manner. Catra smiled. 
“You look like a princess. Which I guess, makes sense.” Catra stammered, trying to find the words to best express her thoughts. 
Adora took Catra’s hands, the two of them ignoring King Micah, who was performing the ceremony. 
“You look perfect, even better than you did at Princess Prom, and you looked amazing back then.” 
Finally, they heard King Micah ask them to repeat the vows, and they did, not breaking eye contact for a moment. They exchanged rings, beautiful golden bands picked out by Scorpia, and finally heard the words they had been waiting to hear all day.
“You make kiss,” King Micah said, and the two wasted no time. Catra grabbed Adora and dipped her down, just like she had at Princess Prom. Only time, she followed her new wife down, kissing her, while the crowd cheered on. Catra pulled the two of them up and they walked down the aisle together, hand in hand. Netossa and Spinnerella cheered especially loud as they passed, the older couple had been a big help in planning the wedding. 
That day, Catra smiled more than anyone had ever seen her smile. Anyone, that is, except for Adora. 
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smokeysister · 5 years
The Stepford Game (Part 2)
(This story features elements of brainwashing, mind control, physical transformation, stepfordization, and reality warping)
Carrie still couldn’t believe what was happening. It all felt like her wildest dream had been brought to life. She had bought some old board game, one about 50s housewives trying to make their way to a barbecue, but once she and her friends started playing it.... Well, it seemed as though the game was magic. Or cursed, as her best friend Vivian called it. Whenever a card in the board game was drawn and read out loud, it affected reality. First, Carrie’s short, unpainted nails were made cherry red and given a perfect manicure. Then Vivian’s jet black hair was swept up into a beautiful red ponytail, tied up with a cute little bow. The last change so far, as far as anyone was aware, was Mariah’s basketball jersey and shorts being stripped off and replaced by a gorgeous satin green evening dress, along with an elegant shawl. Mariah wasn’t too happy about it, but Carrie found herself staring at the ensemble with a mixture of jealousy and, well… A fair bit of lust!
She had always sort of enjoyed the 1950s housewife aesthetic, deep down. She didn’t much talk about it, since it was odd to most folks, but Carrie often had dreams of being a doting housewife, living in a suburban paradise and caring for her dream husband. And seeing her friend lose her sporty clothing and be forced to wear such a pretty vintage outfit… Well, that stirred something in Carrie’s loins. Meanwhile, Linh, the fourth girl in the group, was still looking exactly the same as she did that morning. But as the only girl who landed on one of the Stepford Game’s “reality spaces”, her own history, the very fabric of reality, had been altered, and nobody could remember the way things used to be. As soon as she read the card out loud, Linh’s workaholic, cold hearted mother was transformed into the perfect sitcom housewife, straight from the 1950s. Linh, who originally longed for her mother’s affection, had now grown up being doted on by a regular June Cleaver! And she wanted to be a housewife now, just like her mother. But now it was time for Carrie’s second turn, and she held the dice with bated breath. What kind of space would she land on? Would she get a pretty 1950s style dress, like the one that Mariah was huffing about in? Or would her drab blonde pixie cut be transformed, like Vivian’s hair had been? Would she get a reality card, like Linh? Or would she land on the third type of space, the mysterious “chore space”? She took a deep breath, rolled the dice, and moved her game piece along the board as everyone watched in anticipation. “Chore space,” Carrie said slowly. She glanced around the circle, and met the eyes of each of her friends. Mariah looked worried, Vivian looked curious, and Linh, well… Linh looked like she was having the time of her life. Linh hummed happily as she handed the top card from the chore pile to Carrie, who then read it out loud for all to hear. “Scrub-A-Dub-Dub. Your husband is on his way home, and you forgot to wash the dishes! No time now to run the dishwasher, you’ll have to scrub them all by hand! Better hurry!” When Carrie looked up, she blanched. Just a second ago, she had been sitting on the floor of Linh’s bedroom. But after reading the card, she was standing in what seemed to be a classic 1950s style kitchen, but one of the walls was missing. Where the wall should be, there was instead a wall-to-wall window. On the other side was Linh, Vivian, and Mariah, still in the bedroom, and watching her with wide eyes. Before anyone could say something, there was a loud buzzing noise, and the clock on the wall started ticking down. Below the clock was a sink filled with dirty dishes. They must have been stacked up three feet! And on Carrie’s hands were a pair of thick, pink rubber gloves. Without thinking, Carrie dashed over to the sink and turned the hot water on. She began scrubbing dish after dish with soapy water, silently praying that she would finish them before her time ran out. She hadn’t checked the rules to see how the chore challenges worked, but she remembered seeing something about a “punishment” if someone failed. Dish after dish, Carrie scrubbed off all the dirt and grime, then set them on the other side of the counter to dry. She could feel herself start to sweat, and her forehead went clammy. She didn’t even have time to check the clock, but she could hear the girls on the other side of the window cheering her on. Or, rather, she could hear Linh cheer her on while Mariah and Vivian watched in fearful silence. Eventually, Carrie heard Vivian whisper “come on, hurry up!”, and her nerves started to fray even more. And that’s when Carrie slipped up. She grabbed another plate, the very last one in fact, and started to scrub it, but once it was clean, it slipped right out of Carrie’s hands and fell onto the floor, where it shattered into a million pieces. Carrie stared in horror at the shards that littered the floor, and then the buzzer went off, and the door to the kitchen opened. “Honey, I’m home!” It was Kent! Her boyfriend? But what was he doing here? How was he a part of the game? Magic. Of course. It was a magic game, and she was in a fake little kitchen set, so naturally there would be a fake husband too. And he just so happened to look and sound like her boyfriend who she was on the rocks with, albeit wearing a suit and tie, with a briefcase in hand. “What’s this, then?” Kent asked, looking at the broken dish, and then giving Carrie a stern look. “Carol, what did you do?” “I-I’m sorry?” She stammered. Carrie glanced at the window, where all three of her friends, even Linh, were looking worried. “I lost, didn’t I?” “You made a mess!” Kent exclaimed, exasperated. He stuck his hands on his hips for a moment as he thought about what to do, and then he grabbed Carrie by the wrist. He sat down in one of the kitchen chairs and bent Carrie over his lap. No matter how much she struggled, his grip was just too tight, but not painfully so. But then he brought his open hand down on her bottom, and Carrie gasped as a loud “smack” rang out. “Oh, hell no,” Mariah said. “Carrie? Carrie are you okay?” Vivian asked. “Oh, he’s spanking her! That’s what daddy does whenever mom breaks a dish!” Linh said with a giggle. Carrie, however, stayed perfectly silent as Kent’s double spanked her again. And again. And again. It went on for what felt like an eternity, but Carrie didn’t resist after that first whack on the ass. Each slap that he brought down on her bottom made Carrie heat up just a touch more than the last, and she was already blushing as red as a beet. She had never fantasized about being spanked before, but right then and there, Carrie realized just how wonderful each additional stroke felt. Down in her pants, she felt herself growing slick, and it took all of her willpower not to moan with pleasure. But eventually her punishment came to an end, and when Carrie opened her eyes, she found herself sitting on a sore bottom, back in Linh’s bedroom, with all eyes on her. If it was possible to blush any brighter, she would. Meanwhile, Carrie’s red game piece moved back two spaces, without being touched by anyone, just the game’s magic. “Carrie… Are you alright?” Vivian asked, grabbing Carrie’s hand to show her concern for her best friend. “Y-yeah, I-I’m fine,” Carrie said, still coming down from the high of being brought so close to, well… To reaching the top of that hill. “Let’s just keep going, okay? Linh?” “Oh right, it’s my turn now!” Linh said. She rolled the dice, and moved her tiny purple housewife forward another three spaces, landing on the same wardrobe piece that Vivian’s black piece was resting on. A wardrobe space, which led her to draw a wardrobe card. “Sunday Best. It’s a Sunday, and you know what that means! Time to head on over to morning mass, and be sure to dress nicely when you go.” Just like every other time someone drew a wardrobe card, the tiny speaker in the center of the game board played a happy little jingle. And this time, just like when Mariah’s clothing was altered, Linh’s outfit vanished before their very eyes. For a brief moment, the 19 year old Asian girl was left nude, totally exposed for all her friends to see, before a new outfit began to appear on her body. First, a set of vintage undergarments appeared to cover her shame. A bullet bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings. Then, a white blouse with a peter pan collar covered her upper half, while a deep purple skirt wrapped around her bottom, with its hemline reaching her calves. Finally, a matching purple sweater went on over the blouse, and a cross necklace formed around Linh’s neck. “Ahh, this is just the sort of thing that I’d love to wear to mass!” Linh squealed happily, marveling at her new outfit. “I didn’t know you were religious,” Vivian noted. “Well, I’m not, really,” Linh admitted sheepishly, tugging at her skirt. “But it’s still a really nice outfit! It’s sort of like what my mother wears when she goes to church. I wouldn’t mind going more, honestly.” “It really suits you, Linh,” Carrie gushed. Like with Mariah, Carrie felt a rush of both jealousy and lust at the sight of Linh wearing the sort of outfit you’d see a 50s housewife wearing. She looked so demure, so pure, so innocent… And the arousal from her earlier punishment certainly wasn’t going away now! “Thanks, Carrie!” Linh said, giving her friend a quick hug. “So I ended up in some frou frou ball gown and she’s looking like a church girl. Great. Really fun game, Carrie,” Mariah huffed, crossing her arms and pouting. Unfortunately, her outfit negated any impact her grumpiness may have had, and Mariah ended up just looking a little silly and adorable. “Hey, she didn’t know any of this would happen!” Vivian spoke up, rather angrily, in Carrie’s defense. “And need I remind you that she was just spanked in front of all of us! If anyone has a right to be embarrassed right now, it’s Carrie. It’s an old dress, you can deal.” Mariah fell silent and looked down at her lap, sufficiently shamed. Vivian grabbed the dice from Linh and rolled for her turn, pushing through the awkwardness and keeping the game going. She just wanted to get it over with, and hopefully avoid any more unfortunate scenes that night. She moved her piece along the board, and wound up on another chore space. Everyone but Linh exchanged awkward, worried glances, as Vivian accepted the chore card from Linh. “Laundry Day. Your spouse needs a clean set of clothes, so don’t delay! Take good care of the laundry, and try not to end up with pink socks!” When Vivian looked up from the card, she found herself in a similar predicament as the one that faced Carrie earlier. The three walled, almost 1950s sitcom looking house set was the same, as was the giant window for her friends to watch her through. But rather than being in a kitchen, Vivian was trapped in a small laundry room. There was no ticking clock, but she was faced with a mountain’s worth of dirty laundry. Vintage frocks, stockings and undergarments, blouses… All things that one would expect a 50s housewife to wear. But mixed in among them, Vivian discovered as she sorted out the whites, were articles that likely belonged to other members of the supposed “family” she was doing this laundry for. Fitted suits, pencil skirts, ties of varying colors and styles, things that most likely belonged to her own false spouse, like how Carrie had a false version of Kent. The fact that she was currently single didn’t seem to matter to the game. And on top of that, there was also an assortment of small dresses, bobby socks, and cloth diapers. So she was doing laundry for a baby, too. Luckily, Vivian didn’t have to work with a time limit, and she had more than enough experience in washing her own clothes. She figured that the game cared more about her skill and knowledge in how to properly sort and wash the clothes than her speed at a simpler task, like Carrie got. In fact, time didn’t seem to make much sense at all during her little challenge. The instant that she put a load in the wash, it was all ready to move over to the dryer, without even a minute’s wait. She was grateful for that, at least. Otherwise, with the amount of laundry she was tasked with handling, it would take half a day to do it all, if not longer. But once she finished with the last of the drying, Vivian found that she wasn’t back in Linh’s bedroom, not yet. She looked at the window, to the others watching her, and hoped that they might have an answer. “You’ve got to fold them, silly!” Linh explained, rolling her eyes. “Right. Makes sense,” Vivian muttered to herself as she turned back around and started work on getting everything folded and divided up by who the clothes belonged to. As the time went on, she began to realize that the monotony of the chore wasn’t boring her. If anything, it was actually rather relaxing, just devoting herself to one simple task. And the smell of the clean clothes was rather enjoyable. She had never really noticed that before, but it was. There wasn’t anything about the task for her to complain about, and Vivian smiled to herself as she got into the rhythm of folding the various dresses and skirts and diapers, and setting them off to the side so that she could start on the next article. She had gotten off easy on the chores, she figured, but that wasn’t a bad thing at all. Once she set the last toddler’s dress aside, as neatly folded as everything else, Vivian heard a little ding, like the sound of a tiny bell being rung. When she looked around, she found herself, finally, back in Linh’s bedroom, with the other girls watching her. Carrie seemed relieved that Vivian had avoided being punished like she was, while Mariah breathed a sigh of relief and started looking for the dice. Linh, however, was busy fawning over Vivian’s appearance. “Gosh, those earrings are so cute, Viv!” Linh gushed, touching Vivian’s ear delicately. Vivian reached up and felt her earlobe, and understood what her reward for winning the challenge had been. Her gauges were gone, and the large hole they created was fully healed up. In their places were a pair of large pearl earrings, as smooth and cool as she always imagined pearls must feel. “Oh,” Vivian said, not sure what else to even say about the change. She should have been mad, just as upset as Mariah was about the changes, if not more. She had paid a lot of money for her various piercings, and to have two of them replaced ought to feel like a violation. But instead, she didn’t mind it at all. In fact, she felt almost happy about it. Thinking on it, the gauges were something she’d probably grow to regret someday, while a nice, classy pair of pearl earrings was something she couldn’t go wrong with. Even if they did clash with the rest of her appearance. But there wasn’t any time to think about that, since Mariah was already taking her turn. “Two spaces,” Mariah noted. She moved her game piece along the board, and breathed a sigh of relief when she landed on a reality space. “Reality space! Okay, you demon game, what fact about my life are you going to predict?” “Biblical Name. Your name is Mary. It’s the only name you’ve got, so don’t wear it out!” Mary stared at the card after reading it, confused. The other three looked at her as she slowly set the card down. “But my name isn’t Mary,” she claimed, getting defensive. “My name is Mary! Er, wait, what? My name is Mary. Mary. My name is Mary!” “Yeah, we know what your name is, Mary,” Linh said. “No! This isn’t right. I know that my name was something else, but whenever I try to think of it, my brain just says… Mary.” Mary started to get even more worried. The harder she thought about it, the more her original name seemed to elude her. She tried to spell it out inside of her head. It started with an M, and then an A, followed by an R… And then a Y. M-A-R-Y. “I-I think that these cards don’t tell us facts about reality,” Mary realized, finally. “I think that they change reality, just like those other cards change our appearance!” “But my card didn’t change reality,” Linh told her, growing somewhat annoyed by her friend’s little scene. “My mom is a housewife and I want to be one too. That’s how it’s always been, Mary. And I don’t remember you ever having another name!” “Neither do I,” Carrie agreed, and Vivian nodded her head. “You’re Mary. What other name would you have?” “I think you both might be right,” Vivian said. “I think that Mary knows she had a different name once, but we can only think of her as Mary. So whatever her name used to be doesn’t really matter, since it’s gone entirely now.” “But… But that’s my name!” Mary exclaimed. Even so, her outrage was subsiding. She just didn’t have it in her to keep arguing when even she couldn’t recall what her old name was anymore. The only name she could think of as her’s was Mary, and there was nothing she could do about it, and so she sank to her knees and folded her hands in her lap as she sniffled her tears away. Linh patted her on the shoulder sympathetically, but even Mary knew that she must have sounded ridiculous. The game was really starting to get to her. “Just take your turn, Carrie,” Mary told her, pushing the dice in the blonde’s direction. Carrie nodded and shook the dice in her hands, filled with a mixture of excitement and fear as she rolled them. She couldn’t wait to see what came next, even if it was a bit intimidating. “Wow, Carrie! Two chore spaces in a row!” Linh noted once she saw where Carrie’s game piece landed. Carrie drew the chore card and read it with bated breath. Would she fail this challenge, like she did the last one? Would she… Would she be spanked again? In front of her friends, as they watched a man bend her over his knee and treat her like a misbehaving child? What was this game doing to her, making her all hot and bothered at the thought of something so shameful? Or had she always wanted that sort of thing, but just hadn’t realized it? “Changing Time. Your baby needs a changing, and any mother worth her salt knows how to change a diaper! Can you do it in time?” Carrie shut her eyes as the world around her shifted. She could feel the air change, and her nose picked up the scent of... baby powder? When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a nursery, standing by a crib. Another smell cut through the first one, this one much more foul. Carrie wrinkled her nose in disgust, and then she heard a loud, piercing cry coming from the crib. She didn’t even waste time looking at her friends through the window in the wall. She had a challenge to win! Thankfully, Carrie had experience with babysitting from back in high school. Changing a diaper and calming an infant down was no issue at all for her, and she didn’t even need to pay attention to the clock on the wall as it ticked downwards. Her time wasn’t even halfway up when she finished, and a happy little chime played. And just like that, Carrie was already back in Linh’s room. But to her brief confusion, everyone was staring at her, just like when she had been spanked. Mary was, as usual, somewhat horrified and disgusted. Vivian was shocked. Linh, of course, was excited as she could possibly be. Then, Carrie realized that there was a weight in her arms. Something heavy, warm, soft, and… squirming? She looked down at what she was holding, and her own eyes went wide with shock.
“Oh my gosh, Carrie! Did the game give you a baby?” Linh asked. She practically flew over to Carrie and started fawning over the infant that Carrie had been saddled with. Carrie’s initial surprise faded fast. The more attention that she paid the baby, the more she seemed to know about it. She was a girl, eight months old, her name was Alice, and her father was Carrie’s boyfriend, Kent. She knew that just a second ago, she was a childless young woman. She had always practiced safe sex! But she also knew, without a doubt in her mind, that this precious little girl was her’s. This must be what Mary felt like, with the game changing her name. She knew, logically, that the game had changed a facet of her life, but that didn’t change that this was her life now. And so she hugged Alice close to her chest and sighed happily as the baby cooed at her “aunty Linh”. “This is the game, isn’t it?” Mary asked, her worries bubbling up again. “This game keeps screwing with our fucking lives, and we can’t do anything to stop it while we keep fucking playing it!” “Mary, stop that!” Carrie hushed her. “No cursing around the baby. Linh, why don’t you take your turn, okay?” “Look, I’m sorry, okay? But we can’t just keep ignoring this,” Mary insisted. “This game is messing with our heads, with our bodies, and now with our lives too! We need to quit while we’re ahead, before it, I dunno, makes Linh pregnant!” “Oh, Mary! That would be so amazing!” Linh gushed, her head filling up with thoughts about the prospect. “Okay, bad example, but still!” Mary moaned. She pointed a finger at Vivian as she continued. “What if the game removed Vivian’s intelligence or something? O-Or made me LIKE this?!” “Do you really think the game could completely change someone like that, Mary?” Linh asked, incredulous. The idea that someone could have their own thoughts and desires warped by the game was ludicrous to her. “Anyways, you can quit if you want, but I’m having a lot of fun!” “So am I, actually,” Carrie agreed as she stuck a pacifier into her new baby’s mouth. “I haven’t had this much fun in years.” “I’m staying in if Carrie is,” Vivian said. She didn’t admit that a part of her wanted to see just how deep all of this could go, and what else could change. Would she be the next one to end up in vintage clothing? Or would it be Carrie? Could someone else end up becoming a mother, seemingly out of nowhere? A small, determined part of Vivian desperately wanted to experience whatever the game had to offer. “...Fine,” Mary said, after a lengthy pause. “But if anything happens to me, it’s on you guys. Take your turn, Linh.” “Okie dokie!” Linh said with a giggle as she rolled the dice, eager to see what would happen to her next. “Two, three, four… Oh, yay! Reality space!” The young asian woman excitedly reached for an appropriate card and cleared her throat before reading it aloud to the group. She couldn’t wait to see what would happen, or rather, to find out if the game could really change something about her life like it did to Mary and Carrie. “Getting Your MRS Degree. You tried to give it the old college try, but college was just too smart for you! It’s okay, though. An aspiring housewife doesn’t need a degree to clog up her brain.” Linh nodded her head. That made sense to her. After all, she had dropped out of college after just one semester, once it became apparent that she was far too dumb to make it in academia. “Wait, but… But aren’t we all on break from school?” Mary asked, looking around the circle for confirmation. Carrie and Vivian nodded their heads. That was true, obviously. “Well yeah, you guys are,” Linh said. “But I dropped out during our first year, remember? I’ve been helping my mother around the house ever since, at least until a boy sweeps me off my feet and makes me his housewife!” “But Linh, what if that’s just the game messing with your life? Like how it changed my name, or made Carrie a mom!” Linh shrugged her shoulders. “Does it matter? I don’t really care about school anyways. I just want to be a housewife!” “I guess…” Mary said, admitting defeat. Did it really matter if it matched Linh’s own desires? Odds are she’d drop out eventually anyways, regardless of if the game had made it happen early or not. “See, Mary? This game isn’t making any of us grumpy except for you,” Linh told her, gently touching Mary’s shoulder. “If you try to enjoy it, like we are, you might have some fun!” Mary didn’t say anything in response. She just kept on sulking, trying to convince herself that Linh was wrong. It was a hard argument to win, though, so she kept quiet and waited for Vivian to roll the dice and let whatever change that’d come happen. Wasn’t like she could stop it, even if she tried. Could she? “I got a five,” Vivian mumbled, before picking up her little black housewife shaped game piece. She dragged it along the board over five spaces, moving right on past Linh’s piece, and ending up on the next reality space. Her heart rate picked up as she realized what that meant for her. Up till now, she had gotten by with minimal changes from the game. Just her hair and earrings had been changed, while Mary, Carrie, and Linh had all experienced massive shifts in either their wardrobe, their life, or both. But now her life was going to change, possibly forever, all due to the whim of a card in some old, possibly cursed, board game. It was terrifying, but also exciting. Why was she excited by the prospect of the game radically altering her very life? All she could do was draw the reality card and see what awaited her. “Clean As A Whistle. You’re not sure what these “body mod” things are, but you’ve certainly never had one! No siree, your body is a temple, and no tattoo needle or piercing gun has marred your beautiful skin.” Vivian looked down at her arm as the lights dimmed, and while her stomach turned, she could see the tattoos fade away, until there was just unblemished, ivory skin. She raised a hand to her face and felt around as her piercings seemed to sink into her skin, and then vanish entirely. Even her new pearl earrings vanished by the time that the lights came back on! And when the room went back to normal, Vivian found that she couldn’t remember ever sitting down to get a tattoo or piercing. She didn’t have the faintest clue as to what that experience felt like. She shuddered at the thought. It must be so painful, all just to have some ugly image ruin her skin! Thank goodness she had never gotten any kind of body modification before. “So… Let me guess. Vivian used to be covered in tattoos or something?” Mary said, looking Vivian up and down. Vivian nearly gagged at the very idea! “Vivian with tattoos? I can’t even picture what that’d look like,” Carrie admitted. The thought of her friend getting a tattoo was frankly absurd. Vivian always hated tattoos! She wouldn’t even sit down to get her ears pierced, no matter how much you paid her. “Viv with tattoos? Oh wow, that’d be a sight!” Linh laughed. “Can we just move on, please?” Vivian asked. “I don’t really like all this theorizing. We all know how I feel about the subject.” Still, Vivian felt that Mary must have had a point. Considering how the cards worked, she must have had some sort of body modification done to herself in the past, even if the idea disgusted her now. Did the game really change something so drastic about her, even down to her feelings on something like that? She couldn’t stop wondering...
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stachestachestache · 5 years
600 Celebration: At Last
Summary: Bucky’s wedding day/night.
Somehow 600 of you decided my weirdness is fun to follow so I’m writing a series with six installments to commemorate this milestone, cuz why not? Thank you for following and being part of this community with me. I really do enjoy being on here and being insane with each and every one of you. This is the last installment of the series -- the grand finale! It’s been a joy!
Word Count: 1452
Warnings: Uhhh 18+
A/N: Really trying out some writing and stuff. Feedback is always appreciated.
600 Celebration Masterlist
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It was a long time coming, really.
Bucky knew from the moment he laid eyes on you, he would do everything in his power for an opportunity to spend the rest of his days with you. History be damned. Some deep, undiscovered part of Bucky knew he deserved happiness... but it would be a while before his conscious self realized he was worthy. It was a source of much disagreement between the two of you, especially as your relationship progressed.
Bucky often buoyed back and forth between working to be the best of himself for you and believing that even his best would never be enough.
No matter how many “I love you”s are seared into his skin, in whispers, in kisses, in nose bumps, the words never seem to sink in. Until now.
Standing at the end of the church alter, Bucky feels like he’s having an out-of-body experience. How did he get here? Literally, how did he get here? Did he drive? Did Steve drive? Did Sam drive? WHO DROVE?
But of course, it’s the larger question that plagues his body, forcing tremors and nervous sweats, soaking through his tailored suit. How did he get so lucky? Will any of this last?
Bucky’s long hair had been carefully slicked back, bowtie perfectly proportioned. His suit was cut in all the right places, accentuating the ridges of his toned body. Everything and everyone was in place. All that was left was the processional.
As the blare of the organ started up, Bucky froze for a moment in pure panic. Did you know what you were signing up for? Were you going to regret this??
Those questions swirled like a tornado in his mind until the image of you, in a dress that looked as white as snow, began to approach him down the church aisle. Who could think to argue against such beauty? 
Bucky is so stunned by your image that he forgets how to breath. It takes a nudge from Steve and a murmur of “unlock your knees, otherwise you’ll pass out punk,” for air to whoosh back into Bucky’s lungs.
He feels tears prick at the corner of his eyes. This was going to be forever. 
You had been the one to propose because you knew Bucky never would. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you -- quite the opposite. It was that he never could shake the feeling that he was a burden in your life, that his darkness would eventually destroy your light. You knew that wasn’t true.
It was simple and sweet, much like your relationship. Bucky came home to find Chubs, your cat, sprawled across the couch, in a bowtie with something shiny attached to it. 
“Hey buddy, what’ve you got there?”
Chubs stared back at him uninterested. When Bucky leaned in to investigate, he realized the shiny object was a wedding band, with his initials engraved on the inside. Bucky was immediately hit with a sense of elation.
“Where’s your mom?” Bucky asked the feline, as if she could respond.
You of course, were hiding underneath the couch the entire time. Bucky knew from the moment he stepped into the room but decided not to say anything. When he felt hands on his ankles, he didn’t jump like you had hoped.
You pulled out so just your head peeked out from underneath. Wearing a cheshire cat grin, you simply said, “Marry me?”
You don’t know how but Bucky managed to squeeze himself under the couch with you, but safe, under the weight of your living room furniture, he planted kisses across your face between “yes”’s.
The ceremony was just a formality; Bucky knew his love for you could never be represented in some flimsy government document or in tax breaks.
The former winter soldier surprised himself by enjoying the wedding. If it had been his way, you both would have eloped, or maybe had a very small ceremony at your house, followed by dinner with your nearest and dearest. But you had a big family and you were your parents’ only daughter; a wedding was non-negotiable.
But the moment Bucky had been waiting for came sooner than expected. The goodbyes went quick as relatives and friends had the good sense to let the newly married couple bask in the wonder of marriage for their first night together.
Steve gave Bucky one last brotherly pat on the back before shooing the newlyweds off to their hotel room.
“I’ve got this covered, Buck. Go be with your wife.”
The anticipation was killing Bucky. In the car ride from the church to the reception, you had teased him with a taste of what was to come by hiking up your dress to show off the white garter you had bought specially for that night.
The rest of the evening was a sly game of cat and mouse. You were a master at riling up James Buchanan Barnes. You knew just where to touch and tease and just when to walk away. Bucky was salivating at the end of the night, itching to rip that pretty dress off of you. There came a point where he legitimately wondered how offended your family would be if he fucked you in front of them...
He tried not to show his desperation but you could read him like an open book. After years together, there was no hesitation in intimacy and yet the night felt different anyway. Like a new chapter was beginning, although neither of you felt the day-to-day would change all that much.
It started with a moment of silence, just drinking each other in once the doors were closed and locked. Gleeful chuckles were followed by hurried kisses and disrobing. First a tie, then a coat, then a pair of heels until Bucky was in his sleek black boxer-briefs (that he knew you loved on him) and you in a white, body-hugging teddy with garters. 
Bucky was sure he had never seen anything more amazing as he watched you crawl onto the bed, gazing at him over your shoulder before turning around to lay back, propping yourself up on your elbows.
Bucky scrambled to follow, covering your body with his as his mouth descended on yours. It was heated and heavy, the ramp up to something long awaited. Your tongues met and danced and sparred for dominance, hands gripped in hair, pulling and tugging. 
Bucky began trailing kisses down your neck, running his hands up and down your sides before sliding down to come face to face with your core. He looks up at your with a shit-eating grin before delicately reaching up to snap a garter against your leg.
He decides he likes the gasp of surprise that leaves you mouth and immediately plunges several fingers into your already dripping pussy to draw another one out of you. As his fingers move within you, he surveys the lacy material of your teddy, using his free hand to tweak your nipples over the cloth.
You’re lost in a haze of ecstasy that only Bucky knows how to draw from you, being so attuned to your body. The first waves of pleasure wash over you like low-tide against a sandy beach -- subtle, the pretext for a larger storm to come.
“You ready for more, doll?”
Bucky is so enamored by the lingerie and in such a rush to feel you around him that he simply pushes the cloth aside to make room for his cock, but not before pulling his fingers up for you to lick them clean. When he goes in for a kiss, the flavor of you lingers on your lips and he laps up the last traces as if he were a man stranded in a desert who found the last remnants of an oasis.
“You taste so amazing...”
His first stroke into you is a delicious stretch. It always feel like newly discovered territory. Once Bucky is completely seated inside of you, he lifts himself off the bed to see where your bodies are connected.
“Look at my baby, taking me so well. We fit perfectly.”
You moan together when Bucky finally starts moving... “Can’t wait to fill ya with my seed; watch my doll grow with my baby...”
His words light a new fire in you, makes you realize you want something you never expected to want.
From there, it’s all in building momentum, reaching peaks together that you’ve reached before, but will continue to climb together. When Bucky rolls off of you, he turns onto his side, just to take in the sigh of you once more -- hair askew from sex and body glowing with a sheen of sweat. You are his. 
His wife.
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timelock97 · 5 years
Love Without A Name
Chapter Six: Wedding Jitters & the Perfect First Kiss
Word Count: 3082
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Warnings: Anxiety (not really), FLUFF
A/N: I used a church setting, I have never been to another wedding besides catholic weddings so I skipped the more religious parts just to let you know in advance!!
My mouth opens and closes, but no sound escapes. My hands are shaking, so much so that the paper starts to crinkle. My eyes rescan the paper, rereading the signature again, and again. No wonder the writing looked familiar. A shaky breath falls past my lips, "You have to be shitting me-"
"(Y/N)?" Lucas calls, quickly grabbing my shoulder noticing the panicked look on my face. "Hey," he coos, turning me toward him completely. "What's wrong-"
"Who came to convince you to be here today?" I rush, holding the letter up.
His eyebrows pull together, a hint of humor lacing his voice. "You're soon-to-be husband-"
"No, Lucas, his name. Is he, was he-" my tongue is tied at his damn name, there shouldn't be anyway-
"He looked like that kid you had a crush on a few years ago, the one who played Spider-Man, like the MCU one, but there is no way that he is- (Y/N)?"
"Why would he - there is no way, this is a joke." I whimper, beginning to pace. "Celine," I call and look at her, lifting the letter. "Please tell me this is a joke," I beg, turning toward her in with wide eyes, suddenly very aware of everyone's eyes on me, air too thick to breathe.
"Take a seat, (Y/N), Joyce can you grab a water?" Mae states, gently tugging me into a seat as Celine moves to sit beside me.
"It's not a joke," Celine whispers, taking my hand in hers. "I was as surprised as you are. I knocked on the door and when it opened I was greeted by Harrison, which freaked me out a bit. He asked what I was doing there and I told him I was delivering a package to my best friend's soon-to-be husband. Tom told Harrison to let me in and he jogged up to me to take the gift, which he loved by the way-"
"But that doesn't make any sense!" I whisper, my hands going to cradle my head, but Mae stops me by grabbing my arm and handing me a water bottle. "He could have anyone he wanted. Why-"
The door hitting the wall causes everyone to jump, Hazel rushing into the room with a tall, blond man following in tow. "Please tell me you didn't open the letter yet?" Hazel meets my gaze, and sighs, "Yeah, you opened it." She lets out a small sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, "I'm sorry, but anyone who isn't family needs to head to their seats, yeah?"
Celine grabs my hand, "Everything will be okay."
I nod as she grabs Mae and Joyce, who hug me before walking to the door and leaving me with my family and two counselors. "Hazel I-"
"No, its okay, we had a feeling this would happen." She lets out a short laugh, the man beside her chuckling with her. "We thought it would be romantic for you two not to speak to each other until the day of-"
"Well, technically we did wait." I mutter, letter still in hand.
"How did he sign it?" Hazel whispers, reaching for the card. Her eyes skim the words, letting out a mixture of a groan and a laugh, "Todd, I swear to God-"
The blond leans in behind her, smirking while he laughs over her shoulder. "The idiot signed his full name." He shakes his head before pinching his nose. "I want to say that I cannot believe it, but it's Tom, and he has done nothing but tell me he wanted to send you something so you knew it was him." His eyes scan to me before his face breaks into a small smile. "I'm Todd, by the way."
"It's nice to put a face to a name," I laugh lightly, nodding at him.
Hazel places her hand up, bumping Todd in the chest. "So you remember what we said, like ten minutes ago before all this happened?"
Todd nods, "I'll meet you 'round the corner."
"Mrs. (Y/L/N), Lucas, Mark, I am going to borrow (Y/N) for a few minutes. I advise you find your seats as well. Mr. (Y/L/N), feel free to hang out here and then after we can get on with the ceremony."
Lucas squeezes my shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of my head. "See you soon, baby sis."
"Love you, pipsqueak." Mark hums, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek, my mother following in suit before she, Lucas, and Mark leave the room.
Hazel motions for me to stand, her hand catching mine as she tugs me to the door and out of the room. "Hazel, what exactly are we doing?"
"Well, you mentioned you wanted to do this during an appointment, so Todd and I decided to plan it, but now I think that it'll be needed since you know who he is." Hazel smiles as she leads me to a corner and from where a chair is pressed against the wall, not too far from the edge. She motions for me to sit, standing slightly to my left so that she can not only see me, but whoever is beyond the corner. "You'll want your hand to hang down." She gives me one last smile before turning down the way we came and walking away. "No peaking around the corner. I'll leave you two be."
"I'll want to- Ope, there is a hand, hi?"
A soft laugh comes from around the corner, their hand giving mine a firm squeeze. "So Hazel didn't explain exactly what we were doing?"
I smile softly and squeeze his hand gently, "No, well, yes. I mean, I asked if we could do this 'cause its romantic ya know?" I ramble, suddenly nervous about the man sitting on the other side of the wall. The feeling of his thumb brushing against the back of my palm causes a blush to appear on my cheeks. "Um, did- did you like the socks?"
His laugh echoes down the hallway. "I love them," I feel him shift, suddenly his foot coming into view to show off the bright red, Spider-Man socks. "much better than wearing plain old black ones." As he moves his leg back, I feel his hand untangle from mine, but only for a second when he begins to play with the ring on my hand. "What about you, aren't getting cold feet on me, are you?" The teasing in his voice is evident, but I am unable to speak, nervously bringing my other hand to my mouth to nibble on the manicured nail. "Darling?"
"It's- it's not cold feet, but, um, I was a bit surprised is all. I mean," I wave my hand in front of my face, trying to find the right words.
"Are you disappointed?"
"No, no, no, I'm not!" I re-grabbed his hand, or at least tried to. Tom lets out a loud laugh, re-lacing our fingers together. "I just. This might sound kinda awful-"
"You're a fan," he chuckles.
"I mean, yes? Yes, it's just, isn't it weird? Cause I feel like it is because like I follow you on social media, I've seen the interviews, I've watched the lip-sync battle more times than I can count-"
His boisterous laugh breaks my rambling. "Love, I already knew."
I shake my head, "And that doesn't bother you?"
"Love, why would it bother me?" I feel Tom tug my hand upward until I feel him press a soft kiss to the back of my hand. "It would never bother me; I love you for you, including all the fangirl parts." He lets out a small chuckle, breath fanning over my knuckles. "As long as you aren't sharing any personal info to random people on the internet-"
"I wouldn't do that," I sass as my heart flutters in my chest, gently I tug his hand so that I can hold it in my lap. "I just don't want you to think badly of me." I lift his hand and kiss his knuckles. "And Tom," he hums gently for me to continue, "I love you too."
"You don't know how amazing it is to finally hear that, love."
"Believe me, I do." I whisper, squeezing his hand again.
"Tom?" I hear Todd's voice come from around the corner, "We have to get you into the hall."
"Okay, one second, Todd." Tom pulls my hand back to his side of the wall, "Are you feeling any better, darling?"
"I am, thanks to you. I'll see you in there; I'll be the one in white." I giggle, squeezing his hand one more time.
"And I'll be the one wearing bright, red Spider-Man socks." He laughs, bringing my hand to his lips again, scattering kisses against the back of it for a few moments until he lets go completely. "I love you, (Y/N)."
God, I would never get tired hearing him say my name. "I love you too, Tom." I whisper, bringing my hand back into my own lap.
I sit in silence for a few minutes until Hazel makes her way down the hallway. "C'mon (Y/N), it's almost time."
I smile at her as she holds her hand out. I stand slowly and follow her down the hallway, a smile spread across my face softly, holding my hands together ever so gently.
Once back in the room Hazel makes a few quick instructions while I run to the restroom. Then it is time to walk down the aisle. "Alright, (Y/N), everything is in place and Tom is ready at the altar. You ready?" Hazel smiles, handing me my bouquet.
"I am." I smile.
She nods, looking at my dad, "You got her?"
"I do indeed; we will see you out there." He smiles, taking my arm in his. Hazel smiles before she leaves, heels clicking down the hallway. "Are you really ready to do this, (Y/N)?"
"Daddy, this is what I want."
"I know," he sighs as we walk down the hallway to the main doors, "it's just hard seeing my little girl get married to a total stranger, I just want you to be happy."
"I will be." I whisper, pressing a quick kiss against his cheek, making sure not to leave any sort of lipstick stain. Standing outside the door, I can hear the large amount of chatter coming from inside, my hand tightening on his gently. "Daddy?"
"Yes, pumpkin?"
"Don't let me fall."
"I won't," he whispers, the sound of Turning Page by Sleep at Last beginning to play in the church. The doors open with a loud creak, even over the music, and I watch as everyone stands to look at me. My eyes fall further down the aisle, connecting with the groom. Tom's dressed in a black suit and a black bow tie. His hair is slicked back but a few curls still fall into his face gently. His eyes are misty and red rimmed but he is smiling down the aisle at me before bringing a hand to his face to bite at the knuckle, causing his smile to grow. A few feet from the alter, Tom walks down the flight of stairs to meet us.
"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The Father Richard asks.
"Her mother and I," my dad states, giving me a small smile before placing my hand into Tom's who smiles brightly.
"You look beautiful, my love." Tom whispers to me, my father smiling beside me. He continues to hold my hand until we are standing before the priest, squeezing it gently as the priest motions for everyone to sit, and the music quiets.
"The bride and groom have prepared their vows to each other; (Y/N), you may start whenever you are ready."
My hands shake as I turn toward Celine, who frantically pats at her seat, giving me a look of panic. She gives me a small look that screams 'one sec' before ducking behind the pew. Tom chuckles in front of me before I hear someone clearing their throat beside me.
"Here you go, pipsqueak. Ya know if you would have just given it to someone with pockets-"
"And if I had done that then it wouldn't have been as interesting." I whisper back, it echoing around the room causing everyone to giggle. I unfold the sheet of paper, flowers doodled all around the edges from when I had lost my train of thought three weeks ago, not that they hadn't been running through my mind long before that. "Tom, I promise to be there for you whenever you need it, whether it be in the middle of the night when you can't sleep, middle of the day because stress is eating you away, or across the world. I promise that I will not be perfect; I will most likely forget things and ask you multiple times on whether or not we are doing something.  I promise I will always ask whether you want a specific kind of condiment on your sandwich, one you probably don't like simply because it is in the fridge, and wonder why it is still in there even if neither of us will ever eat it," this gets him to laugh, even the audience giggles along with us. "I will promise to remember you are not perfect either, and are human. And furthermore, I promise to love you, and find something every day that I love about you as long as we both live and even after." I lower the mic, smiling at him gently as he takes the mic from my hand.
"I can hold that, love." He whispers as I hand him my small speech. He reaches inside his opposite jacket pocket and produces a napkin. He raises the mic to his lips, a small smile on his face. "I will be completely honest; I forgot to write this until the plane ride here, so it's not as witty." The crowd giggles as I shake my head at him, smiling. He wets his lips before speaking, "(Y/N), I promise that this life with me won't be easy, but I hope it will be worth it. I promise to be there for you, even if I am across the world. I promise, I won't get everything right, but I sure will try. I promise to try and not spoil movies for you. I promise to cheer you on for the good things in life, be your shoulder to cry on through the bad, and reassuring smile and a hand to hold when things aren't going how you wished they would. And I promise you, that I will love you, unconditionally, and," he smiles at me gently, squeezing my hand. "I promise to find something every day new to love about you, till the end of our days." Tom smiles at me, before reaching a hand out to brush his thumb against my cheek where a tear had slipped free. "I hope that's a happy tear, my love."
"Very happy," I whisper as he hands the priest the mic back and tucking the speech back into his pocket.
"Now it is time for the exchanging of rings." Tom turns his head and Harrison hands him a ring while I turn and get the ring from Mae.
"Now repeat the words, with theses rings, I thee wed."
"With this ring," Tom takes my left hand in his, smiling at the engagement ring on my hand before placing a similar band in front of it, "I thee wed."
I take his left hand in mine, "with this ring, I thee wed."
"By the power invested by me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Tom smiles brightly at me bringing my hand to his lips. "I would like to introduce to everyone in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holland!"
A loud cheer erupts as Tom leans toward me, his lips hovering over my ear. "I think I would rather our first kiss be a little more private."
"I couldn't agree more." I giggle, seeing the smile erupting on his face fully before he dips down and throws me over his shoulder, the audience laughing as he jogs down the aisle, only pausing to allow the photographer to take a couple snapshots before running out of the hall. Once outside, he sets me onto the floor to take my hand and the two of us are out the front doors. Tom tugs me along until we are out in the garden beside the church, panting and giggling by a small fountain. "Not how I imagined my wedding day, but I don't think I would have it any other way."
Tom stands slowly, his face a little flushed from running before smiling at me brightly. "Couldn't agree more," he chuckles, putting his hand out for me. I place my hand in his, letting out a small squeal as he tugs me into his chest. "God, you're so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"
My forehead falls to his chest while I giggle, "You're being a sap-"
"Well this sap is infatuated with you." He states, resting a hand to my cheek to lift my face back up to his. "Would it be okay to kiss you now, Mrs. Holland?"
"I don't know if I will ever get used to being called that," I giggle, leaning my forehead against his, "but yes. You may." Tom gently tilts my face to the side before pressing his lips ever so gently against mine. Our lips molding together like they have always meant to do so, like this really is meant to be. His lips are slightly chapped, but are soft all the same, smiling into the kiss as my hands move to cup his face, holding him in place. My lungs burn, and eventually we both pull away panting softly.
He nuzzles his nose to mine, causing a giggle to erupt from my throat. "Kiss long awaited-"
"I think everything about meeting you was pretty long awaited."
"Worth it?" His brown eyes sparkled as he spoke.
"Every second." I whispered back, my lips pressing against his again before someone behind us cleared their throat.
We turned to see Cathy at the entrance, camera in hand, "Hey, sorry to interrupt this perfect moment but I wanted to get some of the individual photos done before heading to the venue to finish with the family. You two ready?"
I nod, tugging Tom behind me, "We're ready." Ready to greet my new family for the first time. Ready to meet all the people that are important in his life. Ready to finally be able to start my life with the love of my life.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! You guys are amazing!
@revenantwriting | @bellagrayson-wayne | @jackiehollanderr | @snowxbarryxendgame | @let-me-luve-you | @mybitchborky | @linnyalou | @fanficscuziranout​ | @literallytrashhhhhh | @akweenbitch | @marveltomjunkie | @infinitycaprogers
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hellimagines · 5 years
18 Months (Epilogue Headcanons) — Michael Langdon
Here is the official final part of 18 Months. It’s been a journey.
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After Michael proposes to you, the two of you sneak off to the oh-to familiar bed down the hall
Gallant sleeps on the couch with earplugs, blasting music he hasn’t gotten to listen to in almost two years, and catching up on all the things he ‘missed’
(Its all fake celebrity news and fashion trends at this point, the universe trying to fill in the blanks Michael left behind)
The wedding is planned for Halloween of next year- all three of you need time to get accustomed to life once again (and you discreetly wanna be able to invite some of the homies from Murder House, but to do so, you’ve gotta convince everyone to make amends)
Gallant takes over the salon in full, putting his name on the front of the building with encouragement from you
You’re the one to keep him sober and on track, wanting to prove Evie wrong in the after life
Michael rebuilds The Cooperative, but it’s different this time, because he knows better than to destroy the world
The Cooperative is now a sort of... hit-man agency for assholes in power (🙄🙄). Michael and you use The Cooperative to weed out everyone that could potentially cause the apocalypse, now that you know exactly what will happen if it does happen. You’re basically Angels of Merch but low key and won’t admit it (Gallant stays out of that bullshit)
You, Michael, and Gallant get into so many fucking fights about where you’ll live (but everyone agrees no on Hawthorne). You wanna live in Murder House so you can rekindle everyone and it’s a total aesthetic. Gallant wants to live in his Nana’s mansion because ‘it’s fucking huge Y/N!!! You’re being d u m b, pack your bags and let’s go’. Michael wants Mead’s small house but he also wants Robichaux’s bc it’s in New Orleans and means a lot to him (sentimental fuck).
You guys rock paper scissor for it (“Don’t use your guys’ magic or I’ll fucking cry”)
You choose rock, Gallant chooses scissors, and Michael chooses paper
It’s hell for the whole day
Until finally you manage to sit everyone down over dinner and explain to them why you think Murder House is the best option (“Y/N it’s called murder house you’re fucking trippin”)
Despite all the comments, side eyes, huffs, scoffs, and groans... you win. You all decide to finally leave The Ritz and move into Murder House- But the boys still keep the deeds to their respective homes, and you Robichaux.
Moving into MH is... a hassle to say the least. The second Michael steps foot through the door, Tate is there (Gallant fucking screams “WHY DOES HE HAVE MY FACE”)
Tate and Michael get in a yelling match that you’re trying to referee, until finally, you just kinda... scream. It scares Michael so bad bc he thinks you’re hurt, and he body checks Tate out of the way (Tate doesn’t think you’re half bad)
Things are tense and awkward the first few days (Gallant nearly refuses to pee bc “y/n they’re gonna watch” and you refuse to shower bc “Michael they’re gonna watch” and Michael has a headache)
But within a month, things are alright. You’ve befriended Rose and Tate right off the bat (respectively told Constance to “get fucked”) and caught Nora up to speed on today’s events. Everyone is #shook she likes you
Gallant hates Chad, never says why, but just know that he does. He prefers Violet and Vivian, and the occasional Ben (“I’m a slut for Harmon’s I guess” “guess I’m a slut for Langdons then. What’s Michael a slut for?” “You, red eyeshadow, and wearing his fuCKING SHOES IN THE HOUSE”)
Michael doesn’t let you get a job even tho you tried to physically fight him over it once. Instead, you become his partner with The Cooperative shenanigans and organize most of the hits
Everybody thinks you’re in a poly relationship with Gallant and Michael (none of you correct them except Michael sometimes bc he’s confused about what that is)
By the time October rolls around, you’re shaking 24/7 (“I didn’t think I was actually gonna get married” “you said yes did you mean no” “nO! I love you and I wanna get married I just...” “I’ll be right here, don’t worry” “I’d sure fucking hope so”)
Your wedding dress is red (Constance screams) with black rose decals (pretty similar to The Outpost dress, but not quite)
Michael’s suit is red, too, with a black tie (“you wear black suits everyday, switch it up for her” “what do you know Gallant” “fashion that’s what you fucking punk”)
Gallant wears white with a red tie (Constance screams)
Gallant is the best man, obviously, and Madelyn is the maid of honor (she survived the apocalypse... Hannah is nowhere to be seen)
Jeff and Mutt beg on their knees to stand at the alter, so Michael lets them. You let Tate, Rose, and Ben stand on at the alter (read: forced)
The wedding is held at Gallant’s mansion, because it’s the biggest house to your guys’ name with the largest backyard
You and Michael had grown a name-to-fame in the year leading up to the wedding
The place is packed and there’s celebrities (Gallant knows half of them, and you wanna faint bc “oh my god is that Harry styles?????? Michael is that Harry styles?????” “U gonna leave me for him?” “I fucking might” “then no, it’s not”)
The wedding goes smooth as fuck (shockingly). The Satanic Church members are in attendance (with an oath not to call Michael Satan and keep that shit under wraps), certain Murder House tenants (“I don’t wanna carpool”), and of course, Gallant’s celebrity bitches
Gallant does yours AND Michael’s hair, and it’s truly spectacular
You and Michael make your own vows, and don’t have a priest (confuses ppl but they don’t care bc the food is g r e a t and the aesthetic is perfect for pictures)
Gallant cries his eyes out. Madelyn looks proud as fuck. Jeff and Mutt look smug (especially Jeff. If he talks to anyone that night it’s “I’m the reason they’re married. Don’t forget that”)
Even though you’re now legally (Y/N) Langdon, and no longer have Foxx anywhere near your name, Michael still calls you that on the daily
You get a tattoo of a fox on your shoulder for his birthday, with ‘don’t tell me what to do’ scrawled on the bottom
Gallant goes with you to get it down, and he and Tate are the only ones who know about it, because nobody else in the house can keep a secret AND Tate helped draw the fox (it’s a typical red fox, but on a red and black backdrop that kinda looks like a moon [“Jesus get a new color scheme y/n” “suck my ass Tate you look like that bitch from blues clues”] but the fox has one (e/c) eye and one blue, and tiny horns poking out of his head)
For Michael’s birthday, you go to Ms. Mead’s home so you can be alone
Michael is sat patiently on the bed, tapping his bare thigh while watching you strip down
“I have a present”
“You are my present some c’m here”
“No, look”
You turn around slowly, exposing your shoulder. It’s in the spot Michael always rests his head when he holds onto your hips
Michael is off the bed in a second, rushing over to you. He traces the design carefully, like he’s afraid it’ll smudge even tho it’s weeks old (grumpasaurus-Rex sometimes during those weeks when you wouldn’t take your shirt off)
Michael is speechless, and you can feel your blush running from your cheeks to your neck
“It’s fucking beautiful”
“You think so?”
Michael doesn’t respond. He just kisses the tattoo before grabbing onto you and tossing you to the bed
And that, is the end of Langfox’s journey (with Gallant ofc). I tried to tie up as many things as possible, but my askbox is always open for questions, concerns, thoughts, or just love💕🖤❤️ Also, this was written on my phone, so I’m sorry if it looks weird.
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androgynousblackbox · 6 years
Okay, I just thought of this so have it. Venom learns what marriage is and after a while he understands that was one of the things Eddie missed the most after breaking up with Anne; the idea that he was finally going to tied the knot and be a zappy happy husband, see Anne on the white dress, use the black suit, the cake, just... he was so into the whole fantasy, he was so ready, so willing to try. He was always a loser, always kinda out of place, struggling to feel comfortable with others and don’t even understanding why. Yeah, people respected his work but that was it. Nobody to share a beer with, nobody that made him feel like he belonged. But a wedding? That was so normal. That was the type of things many people dream about getting. One of the things that signal you are a respectable, functional adult human being that is part of society. Not to mention the promise of never being alone again sounded so nice too. Of course he was in love, and that was a big part of it, but it was also just... the idea. And that was now gone forever. He doesn’t even have the comfort of saying that it was a mistake, because know it wasn’t. Anne had every right to do what she did and he is glad she found someone so much better in every sense. Dan is a good guy. They deserve to be happy. It just suck so bad to know that if Anne put on the white dress, is not going to be with him. Venom feels the sadness that sometimes hits for no reason at all. They could be watching a comedy, see a couple on the background and suddenly Eddie wants to change channel, insisting it just got boring and ignoring any attempt of Venom for questioning. So he explores inside his mind the next time to find the exact image that evoques and see it so clear: the ring, the wedding, the cake. The longing that never got satisfied. He doesn’t understand why that is important, only that it is for Eddie and that is more than enough for him. So he goes through the city on search of bad people and someone is robbing a jewelry! Perfect! Eddie mistake his enthusiasm for the joy of eating and when a little tentacle takes the chance to grab a ring from the goodies the thiefs, now beheaded, was trying to take away, none is the wiser. He puts it on Eddie’s pocket when they are back home and keeps hiding it on little places so he never find it. Until there is a alarm for a bomb on the mall and that just happen to be the same place where there is a bakery dedicated to big ocassions, such as wedding. How lucky! Unfortunely the cake he wanted to get after getting ride of the bomb was too big without Eddie noticing that was on his back, so for the first time ever Venom has to lie that is just a craving, just like many other things. Eddie has given up on trying to understand the exact biology of the symbiote, and Venom knows this, so it doesn’t question further. Once on the apartment, though, Eddie is tired and doesn’t want anything else than sleep, but for some reason he can’t move his feet to the bed. Tentacles move the cake they brought to the table and another one is looking above the counter for something Eddie cannot see because another one is covering his eyes. “Wait a moment” say Venom and then a quietly “shit”, before he can feel the momentum when they ran out of the window and he can’t do anything about it, except watch the street below them as they land and start jumping high on the street. “WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT IS HAPPENING” “Sorry, Eddie, I forgot the other part! The other important one!” “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT” They land on a church, opening the door that is closed, just enough to break in without destroying it all. Eddie is just confused, but still too sleepy to realize what it’s happening to the rest of his body as he is walking down the aisle. Black tentacles deposit the cake in front of the alter and is... kinda beautiful to admire the way the moon shines through the cristal windows until his eyes are covered again. “The fuck are you doing” sighs Eddie, so tired, almost not caring about the answer because he wants to sleep, damn it. “Just a wait a moment! This takes effort!” “What thing...” Then he is allowed to see again and Venom is on his knees in front of him. Well, something black that could be read as a knee, probably, was on the floor, as the head of the alien bobbed above a tentacle holding a ring. “Did you steal that?” It’s the only worry on Eddie’s mind at seeing that. It looks nice. It looks expensive. And he knows for a fact they don’t have money for that. “Look down, dummy” reprimends Venom, irritated but still far from angry. Eddie does and he thinks he has a suit at first... It looks like one, even the flower on his chest pocket looks legit. He would have bought it he was already having a very weird dream if not because the flower and the sleeves had tentacles moving around it and, in his current reality, that was a sign he was well awake still. “What...” “It’s a wedding!” announce Venom and his voice is so cheery that it throws Eddie through a loop for a second. “I can’t wear dress as Anne, but I can put you on the suit and everything else! Then you don’t have to be a fucking sad loser anymore!”  Eddie stares at him and he is... smiling? It’s difficult to tell when Venom already has such long mouth, but he thinks he is. It feels like he does inside too. “Oh, buddy...” Eddie sighs, rubbing his face. “Man, I am sorry that shit got to you too. But you don’t really have to do any of this. Those feelings are going to go away eventually on their own. I think. God. I hope so.” “But I want to!” insisted Venom and now he sounds a little angry. “I saw all those so called cheesy movies and announcements. This is what your especies do to promise to be together forever, isn’t? I am just trying to honor that tradition and you are telling me off?” “Hey, I didn’t asked for any of this” Eddie sighs again and looks again at that ring. “Do you even know what you are doing?” “No, but I know you wanted to so I am doing it! What is wrong with that? Fine! I will search a dress too if you need it so much!” “Who said...” Eddie knows they are not going to go anywhere like that so he get on his knees too, leveling with the white eyes. “Look, I am sure that this is all probably a nice gesture and all but...” He stays there without really knowing what to say. I mean, steal a ring was bad, but it’s like they killed a kid or anything like that. Steal a cake was nothing too. What was wrong with any of it, really, besides obviously having no legal repercutions and being merely a gesture to do? “We... don’t need that. I am not going anywhere and I don’t see you eager to jump to the next head either, so we are here now and that is enough.” “Promise?” asked Venom and it sounds almost like a challenge, a sign of defiance to make him mark his own words. “Yeah” said Eddie and then had Venom shove the ring on his hand, that he himself raised. “Then you are fucking wearing that” insisted Venom, making him stand up and walk in front of the cake. “And you are having that cake because this is a HAPPY weeding and, even if there is no guests, everyone will know Eddie Brock is a normal married man! Just like you wanted!” “Oh my god” Eddie cannot stop the laughter and even if Venom is confused at that, he at least gets happy that Eddie is happy. Eddie hasn’t been happy in a long time. “Okay, sure, whatever. Not like I have a hoard of girls that are going to be dissapointed now.” “I didn’t understand that, but I heard a positive response! So it’s done! EAT THE CAKE!” Eddie takes the cake and put it on his lap to start eating on the front row of seats. He knows it’s dumb and silly and doesn’t really mean anything, and this is light years of what he imagined his wedding was going to be like, but as they eat he can’t stop watching the shine on his finger, the way the black matter keep touching it as it was something precious for Venom too now. And on the back of his mind, Venom is satisfied because he can feel they are at peace on that empty church, for the first time.
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hershelsstyles · 6 years
You are the love of my life Pt.2
You are getting married, but not to Harry...
Part 1
wordcount: 2,178
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Standing there in front of you is Mitch. Mitchel Rowland, a friend you made through Harry. You invited him and his girlfriend, Sarah, as you had gotten to know them really well during Harry's first solo tour, as they were both apart of the band. "Mitch?" you asked confused. You go in for a hug, as it had been a while since you last saw him. 
“Wow, you look amazing” he says looking at you up and down.
"Thanks, Mitch. Why are you here? The ceremony is starting soon, you better get back to your seat," you say. 
"Y/N he is here" Mitch didn't need to name him, you knew who he was talking about. 
"What? Why? He wasn't invited?" you question him. "I know, I told him he shouldn't be here, but he just showed up out of the blue. I told him to go home." Mitch says with a smidge of annoyance in his voice.
The door behind you opens, and the same cologne you smelt before instantly fills your nose. You knew it isn't the dress fitter as you look at Mitch's face, his expression is a mix of confusion and anger. You then turn around to see him standing there. He is wearing a black suit, dressed for the wedding. But he wasn't a guest.
His eyes lock on you, he gazes over your entire body, his eyes soften and his mouth gapes slightly. "You-you look beautiful" he stuttered out walking closer to you. 
Mitch just looks at the two of you "I'm gonna go back to my seat" he says walking out the door. "Mitch? Can you tell Grace I might be a while" he just nods, then shuts the door behind him.
"Harry, what are you doing here? Michale won't be happy if he sees you" you look into his eyes, they are so familiar. More memories come flooding back of all the goodness you shared with him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were getting married?" he says quietly, his voice is shaky, he isn't angry, just hurt.
"I don't know, Harry!" you raise your voice, he flinches at your change in tone.
"We haven’t spoken in years, and the album, god, I didn't know what to say?" you sighed.
"You could have called," he says slowly, looking up at you. "You could have called too!" you yell. 
"I know, but, I don't know! I thought you would come back, like all the other times. But you never did, you moved on, found someone else, and now your getting married" he says throwing his hands up gesturing to your dress and everything around you. "I was stupid, I was so caught up in everything, I didn't realise that I wasn't enough for you. I've been beating myself up every day for never doing anything" he says looking to the ground, the light caught on his glassy eyes, when he blinked a tear came out.
"I didn't want to ruin your happiness, Mitch told me you were happy with Michael" he wipes the tear away.
"I am happy with Michale," you say sternly. It felt weird to say, especially to Harry.
"I know! That's why I could never do this! You are finally happy after so long.” he exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. “I saw the invitation on Mitch's fridge, and I had to get away. While I was gone, all I did was think about you. I knew this would be my last chance" he pauses.
"Y/N when you left me, I so was caught up in the fame and the money, everything was crazy. And you were always there through everything. When you were gone I realised I had nothing without you. You were my happiness, you complete me" Your expression is blank. You didn’t know how to feel. Tears started welling up in your eyes, you tried to blink them back, but that only made them spill out.
"And I've tried, Y/N trust me I've tried to move on, but I can't, your it for me. I love you. I never stopped, and whether you marry Michale today, I will still love you, for the rest of my life" There were tears running down both of your faces. "Don't cry" he says "Your gonna mess up your pretty face" he said wiping a tear away on your cheek. You push his hand off you and step back.
"You can't just come to me and say all of this! And on my wedding day? Of all the days, you chose today? Harry, you have always had bad timing, but this, this is just the worst.” You're angry but relieved at the same time. If he wasn't here right now, you would be standing at the alter about to commit to something you weren't 100% sure about.
“You always ruin everything good for me! God, when Michael asked me to be his girlfriend, your album came out the same fucking day!" you're still yelling, even though you relived you still needed to vent your feelings.
"Everything I do, it's like your ghost is there haunting me"
"We were so good Y/N, we were so in love" Harry pleads, taking your hands into his. His hands were warm, how they always were. Your hands fit perfectly in his.
"It was good, I loved you" you emphasized the loved, and pull away from his grip. "Harry your too late, I love Michale, and he makes me happy" you say, mostly to convince yourself.
"I've changed, losing you made me reali-" 
"You should go," you say interrupting him. You couldn’t let him stop your wedding. 
"Y/N please," he says with so much emotion in his voice, while wiping the tears from his eyes. You sit back down and start trying to fix to fix the mess you had made of your makeup. You get lost in thought as you dab at you undereye. Harry then sets a box down on the vanity in front of you. "What is this?" you ask him.
He opens it, and inside is a ring. The most beautiful ring you had ever seen. Three sparkling diamonds, with two rubies on each side. It was the exact ring you wanted. You remember back to the drunk conversation you had so many years ago when you told him about your dream ring. "I got it the month before you broke up with me. I was going to propose to you Y/N" You look up at him.
"Harry," you say slowly. "It's beautiful, perfect even, how, how did you remember?" you say quickly while picking up the box to get a closer look.
"I always remember" he says. 
"Why didn't you tell me?!" You ask him angrily. "If you loved me so much you were going to propose, why didn't you fucking tell me?"
"I was stupid Y/N, you broke my heart, and I didn't think you would want me back." The sadness in his eyes made you feel so much guilt. You try not let it get to you.
"But I kept it, I looked at it every night, contemplating whether I should have picked up the phone, and told you." You find yourself wishing he called. 
Instead of telling him how you feel, you shut the box and place it in his hands. "I have to go, Harry, everyone is waiting" 
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm sorry I let you down" You close his hands around the box, and pull him in for a hug. The hug lasted for a long time. You could feel him crying as he buries his head into your hair, inhaling your scent for what would be the last time. The hug was a goodbye, and you both knew that. 
"Good luck" he says, pulling away. You wished the hug could last forever. "I hope he can make you happy" he says putting the box back into the pocket of his tailored black suit. 
"Goodbye Harry," you say leaving out the door. You didn’t know what to feel. Everything Harry said was everything you wanted to hear but at the wrong time. 
You meet up with Grace, and she gives you a look. "I'm fine, let's do this," you say, trying to convince your self that this is the right decision. The music starts playing and you walk down the aisle, all your friends and family rise and look at you in awe. You're clutching your bouquet so tight, your hands are white. This was it, too late to turn back now.
When Michale turns around to look at you, he wipes a tear from his eye. He looks so handsome. As you grab his hand joining him facing the priest, he whispers to you "You look amazing" while he squeezes your a hand.
"So do you" you say smiling. As the priest goes on, the feeling of uncertainty rises in your chest. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Michale whispers in your ear. You look at him with confusion on your face. What does he mean? Of course, you want to do this, don't you? "You have to do what makes you happy" he continues, "I just want you to be happy" Did he see Harry? Did Harry talk to him? Your head is now spinning, why did this have to happen today, of all days, on your wedding day. You look at Michael, then look to the door you entered through. Were you really about to do this?
Tears are streaming down your face, you look at Michael and kiss him on the cheek, and whisper in his ear "I am so sorry.” Picking up your skirt you run back down the aisle. Guests are giving you horrified looks as gasps and chatter fill the church. Michale's mother suddenly stands up, then your own mother and they just watch you run. No one stops you though. Everything is a blur, you see Mitch in the crowd of people, he sitting down, and he gives you a weak smile.
When you get out of the church into the parking lot, holding up as much of your expensive white dress as you can, you look for the black range rover you knew he would be in. You spot it and surely make your way over, it starts moving, he’s leaving. He obviously hasn't seen you. As he turns out of the parking lot, and onto the street, you kick off your shoes and start running. 
"Harry! Stop!" you yell after the car. You then stop in the middle of the street as its no use. Just as you stop so does the car. He gets out, his face is red from crying. He runs to you, and you run to him. As you meet you jump into to him, wrapping your legs around his waist, just like you would do in the airport when he got back from a tour.
His lips immediately crash into yours. You kiss him like your life depended on it. It felt so good, it had been so many years since your lips were on his. "I fucking hate you" you say to him breathlessly between kisses. He is holding on to you so tight like he would never let you go.
"I fucking love you" he says laughing. You continue kissing, without a care in the world. Even though you just abandoned your own wedding, you didn't care because kissing Harry at this moment felt so right.
"I promise I will be everything you want, I love you Y/N" he carries you to the passenger seat of his car, and you get in stuffing you dress so it doesn't get caught in the door. He gets in and drives. He stops at a nearby park. You look at him "What about the wedding?" he asks you. 
"I don't know," you say sighing. "I just knew if I said ‘I do’, I would regret it" you say turning to him, taking his hands into yours.
"You will always be a part of my life, I will always love you and I can't just pretend I don't. I was doing that for so long, and you made me realise I can't ignore my feelings. I can’t just push them to the side and think they will go away.” He looks into your eyes, and he has the biggest smile on his face, it’s contagious. You smile back at him.
“A little part of me was always wishing it was you and not him, and when he turned around at the altar, I wanted it to be you. I don't care about what our future holds, all I know is right now, I want to be with you.” You squeeze his hands so tight.
"I promise to love you and make you happy.” he pulls you in for a hug, followed by a long passionate kiss.
“You are the love of my life" he says when he pulls away.
You knew you had done the right thing.
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jpat82 · 6 years
Wedding Duck
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Tom lay peacefully, his eyes closed, stretched out on the bed in wonderful slumber. Very slowly, carefully, and tediously webbed feet edged closer above the covers just to the right of the man. Tom's even breathing, causing a loose feather to take flight. Little blacks eyes kept the man in view as the molting animal inched closer, slowly extending his neck. Tom shifted slightly and the duck paused, not a muscle moved. He rolled a bit, his face closer then before, Wade slowly opened his beak, widening as he took a tiny little step closer to his face. He waddled a bit closer, and then.... SNAP.
Tom's eyes snapped open at the moment Wade's beak closed on his nose, waking him instantly. Tom reeled back in the bed, the avian invader releasing his hold, Tom's body off kilter fell from the side of the bed, feathers sprang up from the floor. A pile placed loving by the assulter of his nose. The man stood suddenly, his eyes trained on the duck, narrowing at the animal. With a quick quack, the bird took action jumping from the mattress as the human sprang over the bed.
"Wade!" Tom yelled, chasing the duck out of the bedroom.
Wade's feet made a slapping sound across the wood floor as his body wiggled back of forth as he waddled as fast as his little legs would take him. He ran straight into the kitchen, ducking between your legs, making a ruckus as Tom came in moments later. You turned gently from the stove, careful not to step on your mostly feathered friend.
"You, you little featherless mongrel." Tom stated, his eyes trained at the quacking animal under you. You looked down at Wade, whose head was turned up at you quacking up a storm. Slowly your eyes drifted up to your fiancé, his nose a bright shade of crimson.
"Thomas." You sighed, setting the plate of waffles on the counter, before scooping the animal up.
"Darling, your bird rudely woke me up." He stated, still glaring at the duck who was now cuddling into your chest.
"I can see that sweet heart but it is time to get up, we have stuff to do today." You reminded him, grabbing the big tin from the cupboard, instantly exciting the feathered animal in your arms. His body wiggled, neck stretched upward, beak open.
"Yes, I know, I guess breakfast and then to the church." He smiled, sending your heart into a flutter.
"Today is the day, only 26 more days till Halloween." You grinned over to him, Tom rolled his eyes, and shook his head.
"And today?" He asked as you set the tin and duck down to the floor.
"And today, sir." You started, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. "I make you the luckiest man alive."
"Yes, you do."
Hours later, you stood before a full length mirror, staring at yourself. Your best friend growing up to the right and one of Tom's sisters stood to left. They were dressed in deep teal bridesmaids dresses, one strap over the shoulder, the other bare. Your dress, a stark white in comparison, lace accents and the perfect trim. You couldn't believe your eyes as you stared at yourself, hair partially up, expertly curled, make up on point. And a duck rushing between your heeled feet.
Wade would rush out from under your dress, wings stretched out behind him, mouth wide open. He would stop a foot from you, and then turn, and rush back disappearing under the fabric, he would race around your leg and come out just to do it again. You giggled as you filmed him, dying to show your very soon to be husband.
"Alright Wade." You said, setting the phone down on the table next to you, grabbing the animal, lifting him from the ground, his feet still moving. "Why don't you go see daddy."
You set him next to the open door way and gave him a soft shove, his body waddling as he went his way down the hall. Wade fallowed the hall, listening for Tom, he turned into another open doorway. Looking around the room filled with men in black and white with accents of dark teal and a burnt vibrant orange.
Tom fixed his tie for what had have been the millionth time, his looked at the reflection in the mirror as he saw Wade come in. The duck was wearing a black suit jacket, with the accents on the pocket just like he had. A small black tie hung from the ducks neck, perfectly centered and clipped to the front of his jacket.
"There you are. Was wondering when Mom would send you to spy on me." Tom smirked, turning to face the animal, he walked over and scooped him up in his arms.
    Two feathers fell from the mostly feather duck, softly landing to the floor under him. The  bird looked around the room, head pivoting as he watched everyone finish readying themselves. Tom pulled a tin from his pocket giving the duck a small bug before setting him back down on the floor.
     Tom went to go check on some last minute things and the duck wandered his way around the room before Holland snagged him. Holland rushed him out of the room, taking him somewhere else in the building. He set the duck down on the floor and knelt down before him.
    "Alright mate, we've gone over this." Holland said, pulling your wedding ring out of his pocket. "No pillow riding your back, your going to carry it like a big guy."
    The duck cocked his head, staring at the shiny that Holland had produced from his pocket. The duck finally looked up at him, making a chirping noise.
   "Just like we practice, yeah?" He asked, giving the duck a nod as he extended his hand towards the duck, ring in hand. Wade gently took the ring from his finger tips, raising his head up higher.
     Holland could hear the music start up and ushered the duck into place, the ceremony was starting to begin.
    You waited down the hall as the grooms man, best man and Tom walked down the isle, your heart fluttering, still wrapping around the fact that today you were getting married. Getting married in the church you wanted, around the people you cared about, the way you wanted it. You were so glad you 'accidentally' gave your sister the wrong date to your wedding. 
     Tom stood at the alter his own heart racing, watching as Wade took a step out from behind the door. A few cooes were heard as he slowly waddled down the path, feathers trailing in his wake. You and Tom had perfectly planned the wedding so that he would be in a full molt, so you could have feathers instead of flowers. Tom smiled to himself, watching as the duck walked toward him a glint of silver in his beak.
    A glint of silver? That's when Tom realized the duck was carrying the ring in his mouth. He sent a silent prayer that the duck didn't do something foolish, like swallow the ring instead.  Just he neared Tom, the bird caught sight of Tom's Mom in the seating area and diverted,  sprinting toward her.
     "Wade." He heard Holland exclaim quietly. "I swear you never graduated kindergarten."
     Silently the younger Tom walked from his spot, gently walking to the overly excited bird. He scooped him up and walked back to his place, holding the animal to his chest. The bridesmaids started to file in, the flowers in their hands bright oranges, deep teals.
    The music began to change and everyone turned in their seats, both doors opened all the way and you took your first step out. Your eyes were on Tom as you walked steadily towards him, his eyes damping at the sight of you. You couldn't repress the smile on your face as you neared him, the looked of warmth and love coming from him.
     At that moment the bird struggled against his captor, squawking up a storm. You nodded toward the younger man as you stepped up to Tom. Holland set the duck down, who made a beeline for you, only to see him dart under the skirt of your dress. You bit your bottom lip as he came rushing back out and turned to dart back in. The minister looked up at you and Tom, slightly amused by the situation, a small sound of laughter from the room was heard.
     "Go a head and continue, he'll be at this for a while." You told him, looking over at Tom.
    The minister read you your vows, and then had you recite them back. He asked Tom for the ring to place on your finger. He looked over his shoulder at Holland who pointed to the duck that was still playing under your dress. Tom dropped to one knee in front of you, lifting your dress a bit.
     "Wade." He called softly only to be replied back with a hiss. "I just need the ring."
    You heard another hiss come from under your dress, you thought about how awkward this must of look. There all of your wedding party stood, absolutely stunning, Tom kneeling directly in front of you, dress raised and talking under it. You giggled to yourself as he reached under, hearing another hiss.
    "Ow! Dammit Wade." He stated softly, dropping your skirt and standing back up, ring between his red fingers. He slipped it on your finger. "Your duck bit me."
    "Our duck, you marry me, you marry the duck." You smirked back to him, placing his wedding band on his finger.
   "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The minister exclaimed, Tom took a step into you, pulling you close, his lips just about to touch yours. That's when Wade darted out from beneath you and nipped Tom on the ankle, glaring up at him.
    He bent down lifting the duck up, before snaking his arm around your back. He pulled you into him, his lips finding yours, Wade cradled between you, watching as people cheered around you both.
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