#like one of the things I love most about Viktor is that I feel so much sympathy for the circumstances he's in that are out of his control
Come on, you know you want to, give us the character bingo for Viktor.
don't mind if i doooo
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#ask me#okay there's a lot going on here but first things first#viktor has transcended the favorite character tier where I want to protect him or whatever#like yeah he did that shit! I support him but I also don't! the more trouble he gets himself into the happier I'll be!#do you feel me#like one of the things I love most about Viktor is that I feel so much sympathy for the circumstances he's in that are out of his control#but he has so much agency in his own story that everything he's gained and accomplished are because he makes choices#and GETS HIMSELF places#and now the same thing is happening with his BAD choices and I find that just as delightful if not moreso#he is the agent of his own salvation and his own destruction and I will be in the front row seat with popcorn for both or either#so writing him is mostly me studying him under the microscope poking him until he does something untoward it's very fun#I only hesitantly say that Viktor is like me but the Balkan ties and the grumpy-but-kind and obsessive personality#and the strong opinions about a chosen STEM field#are inescapable okay#mommy issues is not circled because I have mommy issues but bc I have convinced myself that Viktor WILL have them#if Nikola Tesla is anything to go by#the jayce-mel-viktor trifecta is ruled by mommy issues and i will stand by that claim#also viktor is more interesting with no therapy - with as little therapy as possible would be my preference#WITH THE EXCEPTION of the lonely genius shit that Singed planted in his head#that is absolutely the lie that Viktor believes that he MUST discard in order to progress as a character and I am excited for it#I genuinely think that Viktor will be happier and more eccentric as [REDACTED] but it won't last#he will hit a VERY LITERAL -if thy right hand offend thee cut it off- situation and then he'll have peace but he won't call it happiness#I can't say that I'd hate anyone who hurt him because that is half of why I'm excited for s2#but I will probably lose it at any scene where he loses to [REDACTED] for rivalry reasons#I genuinely do want to see Mel completely own his ass as [REDACTED] though like can you imagine the banter#and both of them secretly having fun with it
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lordofdestructionm · 6 months
Wick Sable
The odd duck in the guilded cage
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Despite this being a feral Mordecai and Viktor account I do occasionally like to dig into the others.
Wick is a character Lackadaisy fans love but don't talk about very much. He just the rich friendly geologist with a love of illicit beverages and a crush on Mitzi. Indeed he is all those things. But I want to dig a little into what may be hidden depth (geography joke haha)
Professional dissatisfaction
When we first meet Wick he is behind his desk looking very tired and beaten down. Forcing himself to keep working late into the night with excessive coffee. Attending to a large pile of paper work for tomorrow.
His expression shifts slightly when he sees the Lackadaisy pins fall out of the envelope and realises the letter is an invitation to him (and his fellow aristocrats) to the speakeasy.
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This hatred of paper work and the administrative side of his business is a recurring issue for Wick. Making the reason for his reliance on the capable and attentive Lacy very obvious. Exhaustian and too much alchohol are no doubt partly to blame, but it seems to be something that puts him in a very depressed state of mind.
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But when actually on the job, overseeing the hands on work of blasting a new quarry, his mood is much more positive. Indeed he has a very real and sincere love for geology and the nitty gritty work of his business. When he first went to the Lackadaisy he was spellbound by the lime caverns themselves as much by Mitzi's charm.
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Its his special interest and he will go on long unprompted monologues on the topic if given the chance. Meaning it is specifically the being trapped in his office dealing with the red tape that makes him so unhappy not the industry itself.
Its almost sad that he is the one in charge of the company rather than in a role that puts him closer to the action which seems to bring him real joy. Like someone who loves cooking being in charge of a restuarant or someone that loves drawing running an animation studio.
They love the product/industry but that doesn't mean they enjoy their specific place in it.
Unimpressed Peers
Despite Wicks enthusiasm it proves not be infectious with his fellow elite, who complain about being dragged out of town to watch something, that while very important to Wick, they clearly could not care less about (even not that quietly mocking him and his love for rocks and construction)
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When the evening doesn't go to plan due to the uninvited pig farmers Wick has an interesting exchange with Edmund Church, seemingly the most prominent of the St Louis upper crust in the group. Warning him about getting any more involved with an unsavoury crowd, especially Mitzi, outside of simply enjoying the occasional drink.
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Wick doesn't take kindly to the snarky criticism and borderline threat to his reputation and responds with a much more direct statement on his peers sour nature
Tracy has mentioned that Church has a role yet to play in the story and it seems safe to assume from this it may well involve Wick in a less than friendly way if he continues to associate with his "lessers" as Church and the others see things.
Despite needing to remain on civil terms to keep them invested in his business, Wick clearly has little love for them, a feeling that is mutual as they have little respect for him and see him as an oddball, only tolerating him because his talent in his field can help make them a tidy profit.
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But while he doesn't appreciate Church's sniping Wick IS concerned about his reputation, but not entirely for his own sake or that of his elitist associates, but for the many people who rely on him for employment, who could be hurt by extension of he gets pulled too deep into the less than repectable world of bootlegging
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Romantic life
Outside of the crush he has had on Mitzi since first meeting her at the Speakeasy, we have very little information about Wicks love life before this. Being a handsome and wealthy gentleman from a good family, you would think he would he fighting women off with a stick, maybe even be a bit of a playboy.
Instead you get the impression Wick is pretty far away from being a ladies man. Mentioning to Mitzi that he doesn't even really know how to talk to women unless its about rocks, bugs or limestone.
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He is clearly attracted to her and is tempted by her to risk his reputation and by extension his business to get closer to her, but so far his fear of the very real consequences are deterring him from taking that gamble.
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Though there is that personal aspect to it, it seems that in a more abstract sense Mitzi's appeal to Wick is not just in her beauty and seductive personality, but in the excitement and thrill of her Speakeasy and bootlegging operations.
In that sense Mitzi represents that touch of danger and excitement that during prohibition many otherwise law abiding citizens enjoyed indulging in illegal drinking establishments. Being* just* naughty enough to give them a fun thrill while being detached from the more brutal blood soaked aspects.
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Wick is a good natured person (the worst thing he has done is shoot a duck in his youth which he was forced to do) living a very "respectable" life, but that makes the superficial glamour of the world of underground drinking establishments and secret booze stashes even more appealing. Thats why despite his concerns and responsibilities he keeps going back ,not just to Mitzi, but to the Lackadaisy specifically. It has pretty geography, a pretty owner, and an open door to a more exciting avenue of life
Its for that same reason he doesn't seem to be overly uncomfortable with lovable bi disaster Zib flirting with him at the bar. He may have no intention of reciprocating, but it couldn't be a more different experience to the world he is used to
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Even if he doesn't yet want to take the full plunge it all excites him enough to keep him circling the edges.
Because despite having so much going for him there are things about his life that not only bore him but make him unhappy. Whether its piles of paperwork, dealing with much stuffier "conventional" fellow aristocrats and not wanting to be like them, or just a general lack of true passion in his life, he is clearly a man looking for something more satisfying
Whether or not he remains a "tourist" or decides to take that gamble, throw his reservations to the wind, and take a more active role in the gang, is yet to be seen...
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Assuming Rocky doesn't set fire to him first of course XD
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writerblue275 · 7 months
Ranking Heartsteel members from least to most dom. (With some explanation) 😏
Inspiration: It just popped in my head and wouldn’t leave so here we are......blame Ezreal.
Genre: Ranking
Gender: I’ll do my best to be gender neutral. I am AFAB, so please understand that’s where my perspective comes from, especially from an anatomical standpoint. That being said, I’ll try to keep language as GN as possible.
TW: NSFW as FUCK. Mentions quite a few kinks: Dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, BDSM, etc...you have been warned.
Now that we have the logistics out of the way, are we all ready then? Lovely! Let's begin...😈
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Important context: There’s an assumption here that everything is consensual. I’d never write anything about non consensual acts. Consent and communication are always CRITICAL. Also, this headcanon primarily applies to an established romantic relationship between member and reader, but I do think there are some things that could carry over into a FWB arrangement or something so have fun imagining that.
- Ezreal
Do you know what’s hilarious? I actually have differing headcanons for Heartsteel Ezreal and like base-skin Piltover Ezreal. (I know Riot said it’s all the same universe and everything is canon, but are you really going to put Heartsteel Ezreal next to base-skin Ez, Debonair Ez, or Ace of Spades Ez and tell me they have the completely same vibes? To use my favorite GIF of Viktor from Arcane:)
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But back to the reason we’re here. Let’s bffr, we all know this is the right spot for Heartsteel Ezreal.
He exudes such sub energy lmao. Like that’s baby boy right there. (He LOVES when you call him that BTW.)
You are absolutely going to be the one in control in your intimate relationship and that also includes aftercare. You will be taking care of him.
This chaotic man is a certified B R A T. The BRATTIEST of brats. And you just know it’s all on purpose to get a reaction out of you. 😂
Not shy at all about letting you know he’s needy. I’m not sure Ezreal (in any fucking universe lmao) has a subtle bone in his body. He definitely isn’t afraid to get a little whiny/clingy/handsy (but not like inappropriately so if you’re in public) in order to get his message across.
Likes to try and take the lead when you let him, but eventually he gets tired and you have to take back over.
Could he escape when you tie his wrists to the headboard? Absolutely, but why would he do that when he absolutely loves it? Also loves when you blindfold him. Oh, and he has the BIGGEST praise kink (receiving). Like be sure to tell him how good he’s being for you.
Wants you to use toys on HIM. Be creative and tease the hell out of him. It’s what he gets for being a brat.
He’s absolutely walked into rehearsal covered in love bites before, much to Alune’s dismay, so now you have to be a little more discreet about where you mark him. But believe me, he definitely wants you to.
- Aphelios
I was having such a difficult time figuring out how to classify Aphelios. Like I truly couldn’t figure out if he’d be dom or sub. Then it hit me….
He’s BOTH. The man is a fucking SWITCH. (HELL YEAH FOR SWITCHES.) Still a little unsure if he leans more dom or sub, but my gut is saying a bit more sub, so that’s what we’re going with.
There are days when he gets home and he needs to get his frustration/stress out. Those are the days he’s more dominant. Then there are other days where Phel is just damn tired and needs to be taken care of by his favorite person (you). Those are definitely the days he’s more submissive.
On those days, please pamper this man. He works so hard…
Even if traditional dirty "talk" can't be a part of your relationship, Phel’s a very creative man, as you know, and he will let you know how he feels, whether you're with him or not.
The absolute MASTER of sexting. Like you’ve been in meetings and your phone buzzes, and it’s just your lovely boyfriend texting you the most incredibly filthy stuff. You even had a coworker once ask if you were alright, you were so flushed. But my friend, TEASE HIM BACK. One afternoon Yone had to whack him on the back after he took a sip of water, looked down at his messages from you, and started coughing.
I’ve discussed previously (HERE) that I don’t think he’s had a ton of relationships before you, so I think the broadening of horizons in your physical relationship will take time. Butttttttt…..
This man is a very fast learner. (I’ve said it before and I will say it again: The quiet ones are always the most perceptive.) He knows exactly where and how to touch you in order to hear you gasp and moan. (Your body is an instrument, and as we all know, Phel is GREAT at playing instruments.) As he learns more about you and your body, he is willing to try new things with you. He trusts you deeply.
Whether or not he’s on top, Aphelios likes positions that allow him to see your face, and more importantly to him, allow you to see his face. Because he can’t verbally tell you how incredible you are and how much he loves you in the moment, it’s really important to him for you to be able to get that message somehow, and his face is very expressive. (Especially his eyes.)
Doesn’t matter if you’re leading aftercare or he is, it’s one of his favorite parts. The intimacy between the two of you while in this “vulnerable” state, taking such gentle care of each other, makes him melt. (Despite all the sass and the smolder in photos, he’s become a bit of a romantic.)
(A/N: Ok Yone and K’Sante I could also see being flipped here. I feel like they’re similar in “level” of dom, if that makes sense.)
- Yone
So Yone is definitely where we cross over into members who are for sure more dominant. Like he’d let you lead if you asked, but he’d absolutely be in control most of the time.
Similar to Aphelios, he knows EXACTLY how to read your body. (Those quiet men and their awareness!!!!) An extremely fast learner when it comes to what flusters you, gets you in the mood, and your favorite things he does.
Do not be afraid to be vocal with him. He loves hearing your noises when he does something very right. And he loves hearing you talk (especially when you say his name). He’ll always verbally confirm with you that you’re still enjoying yourself. And don’t worry about being too loud. He’ll soundproof the bedroom if necessary (he knows where to get extra soundproofing foam since he redid his whole studio).
“That’s it, my love…say my name again for me…let me hear you…” (🫠 <- Oh look it’s me!)
I ranked him the most romantic member for a fucking REASON (though I still think him and Sett are basically neck and neck). I think what really takes Yone up in the romance arena are his pet names for you (HERE).
There’s no one better to create mood music. And you know he puts in EFFORT. Along with mood music, I can absolutely see him giving you roses and slow dancing around your apartment to just set the VIBES. (Fucking immaculate vibes right there.)
While I can’t see Yone having too many “wild” kinks or fantasies, one that I absolutely can see him enjoying is shibari. Of course he’s very gentle and makes sure you’re not too uncomfortable (this sweet sweet man).
As I said earlier, he definitely likes to hear you, so dirty talking (both giving and receiving, but especially receiving) is for sure a big kink of his. And you love when he murmurs/whispers the sweetest yet dirtiest things into your ear.
Primarily prefers positions where he can see your face, but I also think surprisingly he’d like to hit it from behind. Especially when shibari is involved.
Very very sweet with aftercare. He thoroughly checks you over, making sure you’re feeling alright, and wipes you down before whisking you away to a bath. That’s when cuddly Yone comes out and he’s not leaving your side for the rest of the evening.
- K’Sante
K’Sante? He knows how to treat a partner RIGHT. He’s setting the mood throughout the entire fucking DAY. But you know what makes it even better? It doesn’t even have to be a special occasion. It could be a random Thursday and he’s still going all out.
I suppose that makes him the king of foreplay since he knows how to play the long game. This man is a PATIENT dom. What a fucking tease omg. (Those are his biggest kinks btw. Foreplay and teasing (both giving)).
Buys you a full outfit he knows (not thinks, KNOWS) will look incredible on you. Includes lingerie if that’s something you like. Of course he’s right. It really did look great on you and you got so many compliments that you couldn’t help but feel amazing and sexy. He also takes care of any small things you usually do so you can focus on yourself.
Sending you texts that gradually get flirtier and spicier throughout the day. Might even leave you a voice message or voice mail (with a text warning first to use your headphones because he’s smart like that).
All of this makes it so you’re ready to pounce on K'Sante the second he gets home. You’re ready to climb this giant man like a fucking tree.
That’s EXACTLY what he was trying to do. He can’t help but chuckle as he carries you to the kitchen instead of the bedroom, ignoring your complaints. He just smirks widely down at you once he sets you on the counter and softly but confidently, brooking no argument, says, “Not on an empty stomach, baby. You and I both know that’s unwise.” (He’s absolutely right.)
But worry not. The fun starts after you finish the delicious dinner he made. He’ll put you right back on the counter and enjoy his “dessert” first. 😉
Eventually though, even the master of the long game finally loses his patience (he played himself just a little bit). I think because of that, he’d be just a bit rough with you (though of course nothing that you dislike). You’re up against the wall/door of the bedroom as soon as you enter. When K'Sante doesn’t play the long game, I definitely think he’s much gentler and more romantic with you. Even without the long game he’s still definitely a fan of foreplay like oral or toys. He’s making sure you’re prepared for him.
Loves positions where he can show off his strength. He works hard for it, and what better way to reap the benefits than to use it to make you feel good? Loves anything that involves carrying you around.
I can totally see K’Sante being great at aftercare. He’d heat up some leftover food for you and get you a Gatorade (hydration!!!) after helping you clean up. And I fully believe cuddling him is one of the best things ever.
- Sett
Settrigh (that’s right, FULL NAME TO START) is not only dominant as fuck, but he’s one of the most ROMANTIC doms of the group and you will not convince me otherwise.
Outside of the bedroom? You have Sett wrapped around your little finger. This man worships the ground you walk on. (Lucky!!)
But intimacies? That’s his domain. He’s here to give you what you and your body NEED. You just have to give him the keys and let him drive. (“Let him cook” as the kids today say [lmao I swear I’m not even that old]).
When he’s with you, his goal isn’t even to find his own pleasure. Remember when I said acts of service (giving) is one of his love languages? 😉 (Same headcanon linked in Phel's.)
His goal? To make sure you feel loved/give you as much pleasure as you want. THAT’S how he finds his pleasure, knowing you’re feeling out-of-this-world because of what HE’S doing.
The master at creating romantic ambience. An incredible homemade meal by candlelight, a rose petal trail/petals covering the bed, special surprises (toys, lingerie, candles, music), and many other things to help set the mood.
Sett is extremely tall and very strong (I mean duh, pit fighter) and he loves pulling you into his lap for a make out session.
Praise kink, both giving and receiving. Loves telling you how good you are for him, how incredible you feel. And when you breathlessly tell him he feels perfect and beg him not to stop? That’s the shit he LIVES FOR. Absolutely loves the sounds you make. To likely no one’s surprise, I do think he has at least a little bit of a breeding kink.
Because he is a romantic, he likes to see your face. Loves watching your expression as he brings you bliss over and over and over again. (“Eyes on me, kitten. That’s it…you follow my directions so well, love…”) Also loves oral (giving). It’s one of his absolute favorite things in this world. Please PLEASE sit on his face, he loves it.
A KING of aftercare. Like Sett spoils you absolutely rotten. You don’t even have to lift a finger as he gently wipes you down with a warm wash cloth, carries you to a bubble bath where he cuddles and cleans you himself, and grabs you all the water and snacks that you need as soon as you’re cozy in bed again. He sets the bar SKY HIGH.
- Kayn
If you don’t think Kayn is very much on the dominant side, I don’t know what to tell you because have you SEEN HIM? The confidence. The energy. His SMIRK. This man is in full control and he KNOWS IT.
Will let you be in control every now and then when you request, but he’s definitely the main one who is in charge. And honestly he’s so good at his job that you’re very happy with your arrangement.
Loves buying you lingerie (so he can rip it off you later). If you surprise him by waiting in bed wearing just lingerie that he bought you, Kayn will go FERAL.
HICKEYS. This man is shameless when it comes to marking you. And he loves feeling you mark him, but of course because of his profession, you’re a bit more limited on where you can mark him. He needs to be able to cover them.
He is kinky as hell. Hair pulling, BDSM, edging, toys, and more. Dirty talk KING. Like I don’t think he’d shut up. Murmurs the filthiest shit in your ear. With your consent he’d also take photos and videos, but of course they’re on a completely separate phone that only you two know about/have access to (he takes it with him when he travels).
He’s an ass man so any position he can see your ass, he loves. Big fan of oral (both giving and receiving but more so receiving). “You look so fucking pretty on your knees for me, Angel…”
Of course Kayn’s not a jackass. If you need to go slower or need more romance he’s happy to give you that. He can be surprisingly gentle and sweet.
And if you ever do need to use it, the SECOND you use your safe word, he stops, murmuring gentle and sincere apologies and affirmations as he takes you through your aftercare routine. He knows he can be rough, since you’ve told him he’s allowed to be, but the very last thing he wants to do is hurt you or go beyond your limits. You’re truly precious to him.
I think he is secretly phenomenal at aftercare. Like you might not think so from looking at him, but he really goes the full nine yards. Warm bath or shower with him, changing into comfy pjs (or not, he leaves it up to you), a massage if you’re sore anywhere, hand feeding you a snack and helping you hydrate, and some damn good cuddles and pillow talk.
Kayn is an excellent dom who cares about your satisfaction and well being in and out of the bedroom.
Thank you for reading! This was so fun to write. I'll be honest, I even managed to fluster myself! 😳😂 Maybe I’ll have to do like NSFW A-Z for each member. Here’s a small glimpse into my internal and external reactions as I was writing for each member!
Ezreal: *Smirking, giggling, kicking my feet* (He’s who inspired this entire post tbh.)
Aphelios: *Eyes widening in realization and blushing*
Yone: *Sighing and swooning*
K’Sante: *Biiiiiiiiiig smirk*
Sett: *Melts into a god damn puddle*
Kayn: *Screams into the void because HOLY SHIT??*
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yandere-romanticaa · 7 months
Here are some crumbs about yandere mortician! From now on, his name is Viktor. (I'll make a detailed post about him, his personality, looks later, I promise.)
Viktor can often be seen with headphones in his ears, his expression neutral and eyes glazed over with a sheen of nothingness. When he's spotted in public people want to give him the benefit of doubt and say he's just lost in his own world, consumed by the sound of music. Perhaps he's just so in tune with the lyrics, maybe they speak to him on a level which people often seek out when listening to music. His playlist is filled with all sorts of songs - be it long ballads, cheesy love songs, generic pop, heavy metal, screamo, classical music, frankly some songs you wouldn't even expect someone like him wouldn't even listen at all(a la WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion).
Even while working, Viktor likes to have something playing in the background. His co-workers often joke about his music taste but he just shrugs them off without saying anything. It's all just a rollercoaster, a complete mess but he likes it that way. It's fun to be on his toes.
Truthfully, Viktor never liked music. He never bothered paying attention to the lyrics nor the meaning or even the tune of the song.
He simply can't stand the silence.
Viktor is a walking contradiction - he dislikes most people and yet wishes to be a part of them. He wants to be someone. But he doesn't know how to do that. His way of coping became listening to music. He even learned to play some instruments growing up, thinking that maybe someone would take a liking to him.
Even so, no one bothered with him. He was still a nobody.
Some did admire him, from a safe distance at least. His aura was black as charcoal and posture stiff as a board. Even if one dared to look at him for too long it felt like Viktor would pluck their eyes out if he caught them looking.
Perhaps he would. He wasn't sure either.
The sounds had no meaning to him. It was all used to cover up the silence, pure white noise. Nothing more, nothing less.
All of that came to a screeching halt once he met you, his tiny piece of sunshine.
You'd go through his playlist, sometimes scoffing, sometimes liking the things you saw. His eccentric side never failed to amuse you. Amongst that jungle you'd ask him who his favorite artists were, if he had anyone specific he liked.
Viktor said the names of some random artists he thought you fancied yourself. He wanted you to like him.
His answer ultimately did not matter in the end as you would still recommend some of your own personal favorite songs to him. Viktor promised he'd give them a listen as soon as he could.
Later that evening, he was hard at work. As he was putting on his coat he turned towards his phone and reached towards it, slightly eager to see what you had in store for him. The song played quietly in the background as gently rain tapped against the window, giving the morgue a more tranquil feel than it ought to have. The person on his table tonight was an old man who presumably died of a heart attack earlier this morning.
Poor soul. That was all he could bother to say.
The evening went on as it usually did but Viktor could not stop thinking about you. His sweet little sunshine, he was so touched by the fact that you bothered to go so far for him. He could feel his heart racing as unfamiliar butterflies started to flutter in his chest.
Badum. Badum. Badum.
If he wasn't careful he would be the next one to die of a heart attack.
The music got a bit louder as it reached the chorus, its tune almost perfectly in sync with his heart. He hadn't even realized that he started to sway his hips gently. Left, right, left right.
It felt like the correct thing to do.
Viktor also picked up the sound of a male voice humming which was odd, considering the fact that the singer of the song was a woman. He nearly dropped his scalpel as he realized that the one who was humming was him, not someone else, him.
For the first time in his life, Viktor bothered to pay attention to the song. The singer detailed her undying feelings for her lover, promising herself to them and them only.
Viktor thought about you the entire time. He never fancied himself as a dancer but if he could, he would want nothing more than to dance with you.
Would you want to dance with him?
For the first time in his life, Viktor found joy in the music he listened to. And it was all thanks to his sunshine.
🔪 TAGS: @shamelessdarkprince
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sivyera · 2 years
Arcane characters as love stereotypes.
ft. vi, jinx, caitlyn, viktor, jayce, vander, silco, sevika, cassandra, ekko
WARNINGS: bad grammar, mentions of nsfw
A/N: I put different song to each character.
Jinx - teenage love
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She wants to be with you all the time. She is blindly in love. And she loves spending time with you. She likes to show you new weapons she made or what she draw. One day she asked you if she can draw you. Now the picture is over your bed.
She likes movie nights. She build pillow bunkers and she made popcorn. Which is little burnt. She often made little handmade gifts for you. Little surprises like picnic or favourite food/drinks. Being biggest cheerleader for each other.
You Stupid Bitch - girl in red
Sevika - rough love
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Overprotective. Hickeys all over you. Teasing each other. When she's at bar and she sees you she always give you a small smile or smirk. After that she pull you into her lap. Passionate and dominant kisses. Seldom happens that you two can lay in bed and cuddle all day.
But when that day comes, you both are happier than ever. Most of you cuddle sessions becomes make out sessions. She likes when you lay on her chest or when you lay your head on her lap, so she can watch your cute face. She thinks you're a cutie, even though she seems tough she have her soft side. But that side is just for you.
Silco - enemies to lovers
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God how much he hated you at the first time. You were a shimmer dealer which makes you very important. Silco though that he's gonna send Sevika to kill you but than he realized that would be wrong. He had two reasons why he didn't kill you. First - he don't know how to make that good shimmer as you ( Singed's shimmer was nothing compared to yours). Second he start catching feelings.
After a while he decided to get to know more about you. That was the best thing he did in his life. When you two started dating you become the most powerful couple in Zaun. No one dare to even look the same way as you. Because they know, Silco would kill them if they did.
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys
Vi - soulmates
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Protective as well. Know everything about each other. Workouts together. You two just meant to be. Hugs from behind while kissing your neck. Cuddles are very important in this relationship because Vi is touch starved. Having sex on public toilets.
She will tattoo your name on her arm. She will let you paint her nails. Also what she appreciates is that you care about her. You bandage her wounds, make her food, give her bed where she can sleep with you ofc, make her feel love. Her favourite part of the day is morning. She wakes up before you and just hold you close in her arms, kissing your face and admiring you.
All I Wanted - Paramore
Ekko - any universe love
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Helping each other with everything. He would never let anything happened to you in any way. Jealous af. He hates when he sees older mens/womans who is trying to flirt with you. And he always gonna remind them that you are taken. Lots of PDA.
Watching horror or action movies together. Cooking together. His favourite activity with you is dancing around the kitchen. He loves when you braid his hair. Race on hoverboards. It's always 50/50. Both of you are very fast so it's always exciting who will win.
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Caitlyn - best friend to lovers
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You and Cait were childhood friends. And Caitlyn always had a big fat crush on you. You were pure perfection in her eyes. But she was shy and nervous if you feel the same way. She was always scared if you're into womans. But her feelings were that strong that she couldn't hold them anymore.
When you two started dating she couldn't believe it. She knows how lucky she is to have you, so she want to make you feel special. She spoils you a lot. Solving problems together. Always have each others back. Shower together. Supporting each other all the time. Doing skin care routine together. You make her smile every.single.day.
girls - girl in red
Viktor - ancient love
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Taking care of him. Listening him mumbling about hextech. Help him with hextech. Even if you don't know much about it, your presence is enough for him. Common baths, which he loves the most. Rescue him that he is enough for you and that you don't want anyone else.
When you play with his hair he immediately relax. He believe you're a witch or something because you have magic touch. Bringing him lunch in his laboratory. Holding your hand 24/7. He loves when you kiss his forehead. He loves you so so much.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Jayce - rich love
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He makes you feel like a princess. Buys you everything that catches your eyes. Kissing your cheeks. Having sex at Grand Council Chamber (i'm sorry i forgot how they call it). He loves laying on your chest and he doesn't care if you have small or big tits. For him they're perfect. You are perfect for him.
Cinderella and prince Charming couple. Trying cook together. Give him massages to relax after tough day. Helping him with hextech as well. Reading him your favourite books.
Electric Love - BØRNS
Cassandra Kiramman - secret love
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She knows that she is a married woman but she can't help herself. You are perfect and she wants to remind that to you every single day. When she's in public and she can't speak to you she inconspicuously give you little note. - I love you Y/N ♡ - Meet me at the toilets in 10♡ - You look beautiful today ♡ These kind of notes.
She always make sure that she have some time for you. She never cuddle in her time so when you come with that idea of cuddling she was little nervous. But when you snuggled into her neck and start giving her soft kisses on her neck. She melt under you. She is a dominant woman so she is a big spoon. But when she's angry on someone, kiss her forehead and play with her hair. It always calm her down.
Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
Vander - old love
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He writes you love letters. And he brings you flowers everyday. Helping him cleaning at bar and take care of his kids. He likes reading you books while he's playing with your hair. Loves to hold you on his chest. Dancing on old songs together with Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor. Cooking together.
He will protect you no matter what. Teaching you how to protect yourself if you don't know how. Kissing you forehead, hand and head. Bone breaking hugs. Lots of jokes and warm smiles. You are his trophy so he shows you off a lot. Silco is jealous that Vander have such a beautiful woman as you.
Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
I hope you like it guys! ♡
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thatdeadaquarius · 5 months
Harry Potter/Genshin Impact Crossover Fun🎉
for @kiraisastay my beta reader for the big fat Eldritch AU awhile back! :)
“…a genshin/Harry Potter crossover where reader (still fem) comes from genshin (so she has a vision) and tries to fit in at Hogwarts (would love for it to be set around the Goblet Of Fire so the hp characters in that age start maturing and actually understand what happens around them and aren't little kids , plus, y'know, YULE BALL), would also like for the reader to have a more stoic/emotionless personality with tragic past (so like having scars y'knowww) cuz it makes character building a lot more juicy ahah, but you can write it however you want tho!! (this can be funnier to write if you're feeling a lot creative)”
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UGH sorry i took forever! im rlly bad at estimating time...
I hope this is a fun read at least, and thanks for much for taking on that eldritch monster fic awhile back lol
Orbit: Long Headcanon/fic-thing (~2k words) - Harry Potter x Genshin Impact Crossover (4th Year)
Sun: Feminine Reader (she/her), Slytherin Reader, Reader is 15-16 year old.
Stars: Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, Viktor Krum, mentions of others.
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Reader has rough past, & Trigger Warnings: vague mentions of scars, Reader has bad relationship with parents.
You’re so fucking happy your Cryo Vision came with you.
You knew you were in a different country, one you definitely had never been to before, but you couldn’t figure out for the life of you where it was at first
Your first guess was Fontaine, but the robes and strange overuse of catalyst weapons (actually, only catalyst weapons??) began to convince you otherwise real quick,
Fontaine was just the closest country you could compare it to
yeah so obviously by the time u realized you shouldn't be waving a sword around, it was too late lmao, u scared the shit out of the potions shopkeeper and had to make a hasty exit
bc for some reason any other weapon than a catalyst is shamed here?? which makes no sense to you, as it seems like their “magic” here could just as easily be channeled into different weapons/items??
u guess not having monsters to randomly fight everytime u just wanna take a walk outside makes for a pretty peaceful world, and specifically this country ”England” or the “United Kingdom”
u had taken a week or so to re-orient yourself to this new world, how only a certain society knew about their magic, how there were no gods here, at least not any u could easily interact with, and that most people your age would be in school still???
while u could choose to pursue higher education or specialize in Sumeru’s Akademiya, basic schooling was still provided in every country in Teyvat up until about 15 years old
but at this point u were willing to do what it took to blend into this world, and u didnt want anyone to be asking how old u were/why u werent in school when you wandered around, so u went to Hogwarts
It also proved to be a good way to acquaint urself with the world/its magic and give u a place to better excuse any social or magical mistakes
But needless to say, u struggled, u had to constantly find some workaround for “magic” from the wands/catalysts in classes
and luckily they took u being a transfer student pretty smoothly, as u were just in time for the “Triwizard Tournament” to be announced and other schools were coming to participate, u easily got accepted in
and the only one who batted an eye at it was the weird old Headmaster, who u already suspected knew more abt u than he was letting on (Dumbledore seemed to have eyes everywhere the more u learned, which made u more suspicious of him too)
you'd been sorted into Slytherin, along with the Russian magical students, (Durmstrang?)
of which you had absolutely no frame of reference for how bad that was, other than being accused of literally being from the Abyss 💀
while the rest of the student body treated u with the basic contempt u learned all Slytherins just seemed to kind of get all the time, ur own house was a little more confusing when it came to you
some were curious abt all the scars, the strange glowing snowflake gem that u concealed on ur hip, what ur country was like and what the magic school over there was like (thank fuck for ur poker face and insane lying skills that made it believable)
(there was absolutely a rumor abt u pulling a sword on Filch at some point, u neither denied nor supported it)
the other half of the slytherins were all uptight about u possibly being a “Muggleborn” and sneered at u every chance they got (some weird blond kid a year or 2 below you??)
or they outright ignored u
tbh u didn't really get much genuine favor between Slytherins just being Slytherins and ur own reputation/cold disposition until Professor Snape saw how good u were at potions a month into this insanity
(it was just basic alchemy? nearly everyone, especially Vision-users, knew how to do it back home? why was it so special here?? u had this kind of question a lot in this world over most things, like the “muggles dont know abt magic” thing, it seem like more trouble than its worth.)
U both got along in the same way a cold-demeanor father bonds with his carbon copy cold-demeanor daughter lol
in which he invited u for tea sometimes out of polite extra teaching for “ur future plans of being a potion master, like myself”
which okay?? u were better than most ur age at potions bc of alchemy (which u learned is taught at higher levels of potion mastery) and its not like you've figured out how to get back to ur world anytime soon
so u just roll with that being ur “future career” for now, it makes the old emo professor happy so u figure why not
And its the first scrap of favor you’ve found here so it works
Tho u did complain at Snape for picking on Gryffindors, saying “ur rlly not helping that Slytherin reputation for tall dark and evil here”
He proceeded to make u clean and reorganize his potion stores for that lol
(Tho he did start to lighten up the more u picked on him abt it, the poor kid with huge round glasses followed you with his huge green eyes for weeks, he seems to be the only one who's really realized ur the one convincing Snape to mellow out)
U begin researching information (thanks to Snape) in the forbidden part of the library abt different worlds/time travel, anything thatd put u close to possibly getting back home
Or, to be honest, a portal would be better, bc youd like to come back here sometimes,
Its not like u have family back home (not any who you'd want to visit), mostly just a few good friends who'd be worried abt u (Childe misses his sparring partner for sure)
Which then leads u to noticing that boy with the black hair and big round glasses (was it smth like,,, harold sculptor? Atp that seems like a feasible name to you bc in this world parents rlly were cruel abt naming their kid “feathery” or smth wild)
Harold and two others, one with fluffy long hair, and the other a redhead,
Were attempting to “spy” on u from behind bookshelves or at tables seated near the forbidden section
U saw them learn the times u came there and how they made sure to match them (tho it seems the redhead got bored easily and begged to eat instead)
You'd actually managed to make friends with some Durmstrang friends in the meantime too
And by that u mean Viktor Krum mostly
Ppl were constantly obsessed with him and he'd managed to escape up the astronomy tower to get some peace and quiet,
Only to run into u reading away, and he'd heard abt ur reputation, and wanted to befriend u
U two got along rlly well, lots of peaceful silences, and chill convos, esp since u guys had some stuff in common
Mostly how ur both foreign to Hogwarts/this country and adjusting still
Anyway that is to say, Viktor teased u abt the ducklings following u around everywhere thinking they were sneaky
And this was a routine u got used to, until it was time for the tournament
You hadnt bothered to put ur name in, u didnt feel like risking ur life for no reason afterall
So needless to say u were pissed when rumors went around abt u putting Harol- Harry's name in the goblet
(u finally learned his name, apparently he's famous for not dying? As a baby?? A powerful tyrant evil wizard wanted to kill him as a baby??? Just,, why)
Not only that but then he was obligated to be in the tournament???
U knew there was smth insane abt this school, bringing back this crazy tournament in the first place, somehow getting Harry's name in the goblet,
but u didn't think they were batshit crazy.
(Dumbledore is not helping his case in your eyes, esp as u suspect he’s got Snape involved in his BS too somehow…)
So needless to say you were going to fix this mess since these seasoned “wizard adults” weren't 😒
You snuck into the Great Hall using a high level alchemy invisibility amulet, and used ur Cryo vision to extinguish the Goblet of Fire 💀
It reset the game, and luckily they were able to resubmit the champions to the Triwizard Tournament and hide away the Goblet before it got tampered with again
Lol u got Harry out of it, and it wasnt until later in the library that u get cornered by the Gryffindor fourth year himself
He admits to seeing u under his invisibilty cloak that night and thanks you for getting him out of that hell, poor kid looks so grateful 😭
But regardless of that, he insists u tell him abt the ice spell u used, how u used it wandless, with no incantation, etc.
You just gave him a small smile (his big green eyes look even more shocked behind the glasses, what, was that old professor right? do u rlly not smile that much?) and tell him he owes u one
He agrees and u go on ur way to the forbidden section
(U dont explain the ice, afterall, who would believe him? You werent even that much older, and only “master wizards” could do what u did)
After that, Harry starts to follow u around a lot more,
much to the annoyance of his redhead friend (Rodrick? Rocky? smth with a R-) and the absolute admiration of the younger girl with big hair
the champions start the first trial, and u help Viktor out with a plan to defeat the dragon and get the egg in one piece (u had lots of experience with monsters after all, and Viktor and Snape, who couldn't keep his big nose out of your business, were simultaneously disturbed and yet not surprised by this information)
it works flawlessly, and that's when you notice the new DA teacher acting suspicious
as the champions gear up for the 2nd trial, u help Viktor try to figure out the egg’s secrets,
Both Harry and Hermione have taken to interrupting ur library research time (u finally learned her name, but not the redhead, he seemed a bit rude tbh so u don't care to know)
after brainstorming (well more like talking at the brick wall that was Snape) with the old potions professor over tea gossip time again, u finally figure out how to get the egg open without screaming, and tell Viktor
Who thanks u by taking u to the Yule Ball, but u only manage the first dance before u get absorbed in the food and the cool decor, and u also convince him to gossip with u in the corner too
(u do appreciate having a reason to dress up at least, as you attempt to imitate the Tsaritsa herself with this dress)
U notice further on into the night that Hermione ran out looking upset, and ur “girl’s girl” instinct kicks in, (regardless of ur neutrality for her, u lie to urself) and follow her outside to comfort her
u talk, and tho ur cold demanour did intimidate her a little, after she realized u were genuinely trying to help her, she took u up on the offer, and asked if u two could be friends since she’s “surrounded by stupid Gryffindor boys all the time”
u agreed amused, and convinced her to join Viktor and u in ur gossip session, which Harry (after humiliating himself on the dance floor), joined in later as well
(You may or may not have iced the floor secretly under the redhead’s and the equally annoying prissy Slytherin blonde’s feet, sending them sprawling on top of each other, so neither would come bother u four)
Over the next week you hear from Hermione’s researching/studying sessions with you that Ron did apologize to her, of which u advised her to get revenge on him anyway lmao
Harry at one point came groaning and complaining to you abt Cedric bothering him abt the egg problem, and u went ahead and gave it to him
Finally the next task was here, something abt rescuing smth underwater that mattered to each of the champions
u were immediately on ur guard when Dumbledore called u and 3 other seemingly random ppl to ur office (but u began to connect the dots after realizing one of them was the little sister of the Fontai- French Champion)
only to deflect the spell that would've knocked u out, and instead pretend to be knocked out
u obv kept ur Vision on u at all times, as always, and realized what was happening as the teachers levitated u all out to the lake
Snape snapped about being the one in charge of you, (and lowkey told u he knew u were awake, did he sound a little,, proud?? no, not Snape surely of all ppl)
Viktor did end up fishing you out, which he said u “looked like a very unhappy drenched old tom cat” while swimming to shore, (u awkwardly pat him on the back for thinking ur the best part of Hogwarts, and then smacked him for getting u kidnapped to go into a freezing lake)
and u also ended up helping Viktor rescue the other girl left behind, and froze some of the mermaids’ tails in the water for their trouble
Fleur was so grateful that she came to hunt you (and Viktor too at the time) for helping her and her sister that she came to thank u two again while at the library
which then led to her sometimes hanging around ur table at the library (everyone avoids it like the plague initially bc of you, but now youve got a gaggle of wizards rotating out all the time, like the younger years Harry/Hermione/Ron, Viktor, and now Fleur)
by the time the third trial rolls around, youve taken to bullying the prissy blonde brat a year below you to keep him from not only bothering Harry and Hermione, but also ur own peace and quiet
The other Slytherins are beginning to warm up to you, or at least not actively ignore you, since you’ve been hanging around Viktor Krum, along with gaining favor from Snape more obviously (he’d plopped a singular towel in ur lap after getting out of the lake, and u might as well have “Snape’s Favorite” written across ur forehead for all that means)
(also some of them may or may not find u roasting the annoying blonde bully kid amusing too)
it isn't until u see the creepy retired Aura (or whatever they call their knights) DA professor milling about the castle more, nearer the Gryffindor tower, that you begin to warn Harry to spread the word among his little lion club to not travel alone, esp in the evenings
(u don't like how his weird rolling blue eye looks thru you, it reminds u of Dumbledore)
by the time the third trial is finally announced, you have ur sights set on that weird old man, and end up following him to his classroom at one point,
in which he cracks open a rattling trunk, tosses some food in, and seems to have definitely stolen what you assume to be the Triwizard trophy
he casts a spell on it, and you put on that same invisibiltiy amulet from alchemy to better follow him, and watch him sneak into Dumbledore’s office to return the trophy
(You break the “portkey” spell you find on it)
(you also leave a note behind on the headmaster’s desk to look into a trunk in the new DA professor’s classroom storage, and to be more careful hiring the next one.)
Harry somehow gets sucked into the maze you find out, and you end up sneaking in to save him, using your sword and Cryo Vision to battle him out
(finally, Archons, you didnt realize how much you'd miss fighting monsters)
Aurors descend upon Hogwarts, only just after the trial ends, and Viktor wins (you trained him too well for him to not, and may or may not have viciously sparred with him a little too much for him to not be a little afraid of the consequences of losing after you helped him so much lol)
Just as Harry is taken in by Dumbledore for questioning of how he got trapped in the maze, he runs back to nearly squeeze the life out of you in a hug, he tells you thanks for helping him again (and forced u to promise to teach him sword fighting or “ice magic”)
Then, surprisingly, the entirety of Durmstrang (and some Slytherins??) haul you up into the air with Viktor to celebrate his victory
(You can see Snape snickering at ur misery in the air)
Viktor and Fleur stay penpals, and the “golden trio” (more like “gryffindor triplets”) sticks around your library table
and you think you could start to get used to this, and Harry, Hermione, and Snape had gotten you a Yule/winter gift
(what’s Christmas. and why is everyone obsessed with decorating trees??)
…that is until Hermione looks over your shoulder one day at your usual reading table, and points to a book you’ve chosen for research,
saying “if you need to make a portal somewhere, that’s the book you should be looking in.”
i hope you liked it!! and that it wasn't too much of a clusterfuck/chaos that was barely readable 😅
again, thanks for being patient with me, and here's finally ur payment for dealing with my ass lmao
Happy late new year!!
Safe Travels Kirarisastay,
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A while ago, I commissioned the wonderful and talented @nae812 to draw a scene from my YOI novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat. The scene is part of the Tanabata* chapter, set during the summer of mutual pining, and I'm very proud to share the absolutely gorgeous result with you:
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Posted with permission from the artist because commission conditions and stuff. Do not repost.
They fell silent, watching the stars. But Yuuri’s heart refused to be still.
“O-hoshi-sama,” Viktor murmured, gazing at the sky. “I get it now. How can you look at the universe spinning in the sky and simply call them hoshi?”
Yuuri smiled. “Yeah. The stars are that majestic.”
“I like it. This is the most beautiful night of my life so far, Yuuri. Not even the White Nights can compare to this.”
The warm, reverent nuance in his voice made Yuuri tremble. This night, this place—it created a closeness he had never felt before with Viktor. As if a bridge had emerged from the sea of stars between them.
“Um, Viktor. There’s something you should know.”
“There’s an even larger Tanabata festival held in Fukuoka.” The words welled out of Yuuri, encouraged by the darkness engulfing them and because they were not facing each other. “It’s because they have a huge Tanabata shrine there. I… I didn’t suggest it because you wanted to see the fireworks, but we wouldn’t have been able to stay that late because we’d need to catch the last train back. And I didn’t want to take the van because I wasn’t sure if I’d want to drink and I also don’t like to drive at night.” And because it would have been a date then. “My apologies.”
“No, Yuuri,” Viktor said softly. “I’m glad we stayed here. Fukuoka is likely overcrowded tonight and I don’t want to do that to Makkachin. Besides, here we have a better view of the stars because of less—how did you call it?”
“Light pollution.”
“Right.” Viktor’s voice was warm in the night as if he was smiling. “Thanks for introducing me to this festival, Yuuri.”
Yuuri thought back to the wish he had written on the red tanzaku. I wish that I’ll figure out my feelings for Viktor. I wish it to be love.
“I’m glad we came here, too.”
A reddish shine illuminated the lookout, followed by a cracking noise that ruptured the silence. “The fireworks have started!” Yuuri said. “Let’s watch!”
They hurried to a spot where the trees parted. Orange sparks rose into the sky and blossomed into colourful stars, illuminating rooftops and the people cramming on the beach and along the bridges, glittering on the bay. A sudden giddiness rose in Yuuri.
“When I was younger, I often imagined what it would be like to celebrate Tanabata with you,” he said. Each year, he had written a wish for it and hung it on a tree. “I didn’t ask you because I didn’t know how to do it without things taking a weird turn.”
“Really?” Viktor’s voice was hushed with an undercurrent of excitement.
Yuuri nodded. “The last weeks were very nice. I would have hated to ruin that.”
A hand touched Yuuri’s shoulder, stirring a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. “I enjoy our time together very much, too.”
“Yeah,” Yuuri said. His heart fluttered.  
They fell silent, watching the colourful sparks blossoming above the town, mirrored on the silent river. The hand remained on his shoulder and Yuuri found he liked it being there.
“Will you tell me what you wished for?”
“No, Viktor.”
“I’ll tell you what I wished for in return.”
“It won’t come true when you say it aloud.”
“But if a wish isn’t voiced no one will know and they won’t do anything about it.”
“The gods will.”
If I were already sure of my feelings, this would have been the perfect date, Yuuri mused.
“Will you tell me your wish when it comes true?”
You will know when it comes true, Yuuri thought, struggling to tame the tempest of emotions raging within his heart. “Yes,” he said, leaning his head against Viktor’s shoulder. “I will.”
-- Chapter 17: So close and yet a universe apart
*On Tanabata or the Star Festival:
According to a legend, Princess Orihime fell in love with a cow herd named Hikoboshi, and their love was so great that both neglected their duties whereopun Orihime's father, the Emperor, banished the pair to the heavens with the Milky Way separating them. Orihime became the star Vega and Hikoboshi became the star Altair. Only once a year, in the seventh night of the seventh month, they can meet--but only if the skies are clear.
Tanabata (七夕) is celebrated in July, but in some regions, it's celebrated in August (depending on whether the Gregorian calendar or the lunar calendar is used). The stars Vega and Altair are visible in Japan from July to September. There's a couple of customs surrounding the festival, one of them is to write your wishes on paper strips and hang them on a bamboo tree. These trees are set afloat or burnt during the night. Tanabata is a very popular festival in Japan and often referred to as the most romantic night of the year. However, since in most regions, the rainy season lasts until August, the chances for clear skies are 30% on average and thus people pray for good weather several days in advance.
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
Hello! May I request More exam x gender neutral reader? Who's his roommate and usually helps him if he's wounded when he comes home? The j you for your time!
A/n: ahh this was quite fun to write! Mordecai is my second favorite character in Lackadaisy, so writing this wasn't much of a struggle heh. though I must warn you all, I wrote this based on his personality in the comics, since they're much much fleshed out there than in the pilot (though that's not really any problem, it's a pilot after all. it had to sell the main story first then character lore, which they did drop hints of here and there in it!!) anyway- hope you all enjoy this!
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Mordecai Heller x gn! reader
title: It's a date.
warning: mentions of blood and a small hint to a huge fight- jealous Mordecai lol, and obviously heavy spoilers for the comic
It was not unusual to be alone here, in this small tidied-up house that steeps closer to the forest than the city.
Though sure, one could say that all the fun in having a roommate is having the house not be so quiet, you’d argue that noisy roommates were always seen as a complaint at the end of the day, no matter how fun it was at first. Or at least, that’s the excuse you give your friends and co-workers when asked about your peculiar roommate, Mordecai Heller.
Not much of a talker, and certainly not much of a loud noise-loving type of guy, Mordecai can either be seen as an annoying bossy roommate, who has an obsession for cleanliness and tidiness alike, or a weirdo who barely ever is in the house and comes back home with a bloody axe yet a sharp and clean suit. For anyone else, this, and many other things, would be the warning sign, the flags that’d beg them to leave.
However, if asked you on what living with Mordecai is like, you’d merely shrug and summarize it on a much more positive note than others would, and add that sure, following those set of rules and chores he has for the house, with his idea of perfectionism in everything can be quite an annoyance at times, the worst nights aren’t that, the worst ones are the times when he does come home soaked in blood, body cut and stabbed at and his stubborn behavior toward it all when confronted about them.
The thought which, brings you back to reality, as you finally remember what your main goal here is in the first place.
“And for what is the purpose of your gawking?”
The stern, cold, and proper voice of your patient at the moment makes your brows furrow, as you click your tongue and grab the cloth, washing the small, yet sharp gash off his back, thankfully not deep enough to cause any infection of sorts, yet seeing the deep pure red of the blood shine through his normal dull-colored body made you hiss, unable to not feel horrible when seeing him like this. Especially when his favorite white cloth in the kitchen had to be used for this and most likely disposed of after, and his face looked frustrated with the turn of events. That critical face of his made you even more irritated than before.
 Mordecai was not the type of guy who’d come home like this, not one to open the door to the house and drop dead on the floor from exhaustion. Something has happened, something is wrong and he won’t tell you a word about it. Typical; but also infuriating this time.
 If this was a usual day, you’d see him not answering your questions or telling you about some worrisome parts of his job the norm. After all, the relationship between you two, no matter how much it had grown over the years, has still strictly started as professional.
It was a deal struck between you two, the landlord of the house was always quite suspicious of the man, and wouldn’t give him the place unless he found a suitable roommate, Mordecai tried to suggest his friend Viktor, which the landlord immediately denied, becoming a bit too afraid at the power the two duos could have over him if maddened enough. Mordecai spoke to Atlas about it and Atlas spoke to Mitzi. And she, always the fan of teasing Heller, has suggested you help. Newcomer to St. Louis, a pianist, and in need of a good home after your last one was littered with the loudest neighbors you’ve ever met. Mordecai was displeased with the idea at first, but given how the house was a perfect fit for the job he had, he had no choice but to accept.  
Rules were set, boundaries were given. The relationship has always had a professional and begrudging beginning, since you for one didn’t want to be roommate with him either, being baffled by the idea of living with the guy who could stand in front of a mass of corpses yet care for his lost cufflinks more. Yet, you didn’t have the heart to say no to Mitzi at the time, since she was the one who found you doing a gig in an old dirty nightclub and was generous enough to give you a job here. Your reason makes you feel bitter now, given how easily you left when everything started to crumble.
 “I’m not gawking.” You grumbled. “ I’m just shocked. That’s all.” You spoke, as you pointed to the torn to bits coat dripping with what smelled like gasoline. “where were you?! was it some psycho circus?” you scoffed. “ I’ve never seen you this messy since-“
He flinched in his seat, and you weren’t sure if it was because you were putting too much pressure or the amount of embarrassment he felt from that day.“Don’t, bring that up.”
“And it wasn’t a circus, mind you.” he surprisingly answered, most likely to run away from the latter subject. “My partners decided to make a simple task into an outnumbered fight. It was impossible to not get injured.”
“Partners?” you wanted to ask more, given how this is probably the only time he’ll share the details of his job in Marigold. “you mean those two cats that drove you here last night?”
He nods as he lifts his arm, letting you pass the roll of bandage through the front and behind his shoulders. You hum, shocked by this new information, given that, “You know, they visited me at my job today.”
To that sentence, Mordecai seemed to have startled. Turning around you and looking at you with widened eyes. “Seriously?” his brows shift in concern. “You’re certain it was them?”
“I mean, they did approach me.” you shrugged and added,” suddenly started flirting with me too. It was weird, but kinda cute.” They were pleasant to speak to, in their own way. There was this sort of charm they had, a strange trance that made you easily speak to them, though being cautious enough to not spill anything about Mordecai’s life while doing so.
Mordecai’s brows even furrowed more, yet he turned back around to let you finish the task at hand. Moving on to the next scar as he spoke. “That explains their behavior tonight. ow-” He then hissed a bit in pain, and you mumbled out a sorry. “I didn’t expect them to ask what your ‘type’ exactly is. “He grumbled. “It has distracted me much throughout the fight.” He seemed quite annoyed by it all, his expression being just like the times when he sees a vermin trying to crawl through your windows. “And why on earth would they flirt with you?” he grimaced, and his nose scrunched. “Why would they find the need for such an act?!” this, was the Mordecai you knew. It was the same Mordecai that Viktor and you have grown so accustomed to. The cat who likes order and is strict about attire and presentation, since he believes it’s a mirror to one’s personality, the guy who has debates about different books you’ve both read, a man known for his lack of understanding of social situations, something that he always goes to you for help about it, or just to rant about the ‘absurd’ situation he was put in. this was your roommate, and perhaps that’s why you haven’t left him. Even after Atlas’ death.
“Maybe because I’m gorgeous,” you joked. “Have you ever thought of that as a reason?”  
He went quiet in response, and you gave a fake gasp of distraught.
“Mordecai Heller, do you think I’m ugly?”
As the roll of bandages was now cut, he turned around to you as you sat down on the bench near him. “No,” he replied, yet there was a conflicted frown on his face. “ I have no thoughts on your appearance. I don’t care much for it….though…I…” he seemed to be in thought, as if he didn’t know his own feelings or opinions on the subject either. “…I don’t like this.”
“You don’t like…what exactly?”
He shifted at that, his gaze still deep in frustrated thought as he sighed and looked up at you with stern eyes. “Why so many questions?” he tries to stir the conversation away. “I don’t see why you’d be so interested in them.”
“Well, you might not, but as someone who‘ll go on a date with Mr.Savoy soon—“
You held back your snort as you leaned into the chair, looking back at him with a teasing smile. “Well, to be fair it’s on trial for now.” You shrugged. “But he seemed quite the charmer, pretty handsome too so— why not?”
Mordecai became silent, and you wondered what you’d done wrong to not have him ramble on about why a date with him is preposterous instead. Living with Mordecai for so long has made you learn how he truly feels by just his posture or movements. And of now, with the still, almost like a statue form and furrowed brows, with his green eyes staring intensely at you, you knew something was up. Something did happen, a situation that is much more likely involved with the Savoy siblings.
After an uncomfortable few minutes of silence, he finally speaks. “Well, I wish you luck on the date.” He clears his throat.” But….” He looks away, but from his voice and years of experience, you knew he was concerned, and his eyes though gazing away from yours are full of subtle worry. “I advise you to not associate with them for long.”
You take a breath, shifting in your seat a bit and straightening your posture, looking at him questioningly. “And I shouldn’t because?...”
“They’re dangerous.” Says the guy who has the same job as them. Your eyes squinted a bit as judgment and he rolled his. “I mean personality-wise.” He continued. “And in any case, you’re not much of a good fit with Nico….” His arms crossed and he muttered. “You’re certainly better than that.”
The words make you smile a bit, some tensity of the situation now slipping away. “Alright then, I’ll decline him…If…”
He gave you an annoyed frown, eyes showing a complete grimace over letting you add a deal with this. He sighed. “Yes, yes I’ll do your dishes for a week-“
“No. that’s not my deal.” You cut him off, and he looked at you with shock.
“Then what do you want?”
“A date.” You answered. “With you.”
Silence seemed to be your answer. He looked baffled, yet a bit endeared, his form jolted a bit when he caught you staring and awaiting his answer. He looked flustered and hesitant as he spoke once more. “I don’t see why you’d want that.” He nearly mumbled.” Dates— are for people who’d like to see each other every day, but due to some circumstances cant— so they pick up a time to do so.” He clasped his hands together. “You and I, however, are roommates.” He tilts his head a bit forward. “Though I must admit I do enjoy your company, I already see it every day, so then— what would be the goal of this date?” he gives you a confused look. “It would be pointless and an annoyance given how two should be in a crowded, extremely social place for dates.”
You nod a bit, and start sitting a bit more comfortably in your chair and start to debate. “Well then, I’d have to disagree.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
“Well, to start off,” you looked at him with a small smirk. “Dates— are not just for people who can’t see each other every day. If that is the case then why do married people still go on dates in this day and age? Dates can also be seen as a change of atmosphere— and though I enjoy your company as well.” You nod your head. “ I’m a bit tired of this routine I’ve trapped myself in, day in and day out I just work and come back home— surely you’re tired of your work as well- given your state at the moment.”
He huffs and tilts his glasses back. “I suppose I am.”
You gave a grin. “And third of all—“you lean back on your hand. “There’s no need for it to be someplace crowded— you just think it must be social because you’ve only seen it in such places. We can go somewhere quiet, so how about a library?”
He pauses for a moment before answering. “Library sounds nice.”
“So it’s a date?”
He hums for a moment. “It’s a date…if…”
You scoffed. “Well played. What’s the catch?”
Mordecai gives you a small smile. He gives a glance at the bandages on his back. “It’s settled if I can acquire your assistance with wounds next time as well.”
“Fine then. That is if you do get injured. Tonight was a rare one.”
For a moment in his thoughts, Mordecai considered if he should get injured up a bit more again. “It’s a date then.” He concludes.
“It’s a date.”
A/n: BTW the 'that' day line is basically a hint to the canon day in the comics where Mordecai gets drunk for the first time and just acts straight out of character and starts praising Viktor a lot and talking about him happily to others mdfenkgt
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 1 year
Arcane Characters with an S/O that Loves Headpats/their Hair Being Played With <3
Characters included: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Viktor, Jayce, Silco, Vander, Mel, Sevika, Ambessa and Finn
A/N: Readers gender isn’t mentioned and can be whatever you would like. Their hair length isn’t mentioned either, and can also be whatever. This totally isn’t self-indulgent at all- Proofread by Nobody, and the tense changes a bunch but whatever. Also this isn't very long, I wanted to write this but had like no motivation.
Warnings: None! Just pure fluff and head pats :)
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When you told Jinx that you like head pats, she literally jumped at the chance to give you them
Jinx utilises her long nails and scratches your head with them
If she happens to just be walking by, she’ll pat or tap your head as she walks past
When cuddling, it’s nothing out of the ordinary for Jinx to kiss your head either
Jinx won't hesitate to bite your hair, and/or chew on it (it feels nice in her mouth)
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Vi chuckled when you told her that you liked head pats
Since Vi has strong hands and arms, she can’t help it if she gets a little too rough when petting your head.
Vi tends to pat your head with quite a bit of force
She also enjoys ruffling your hair and making it all messy, no matter how long you spent on it
She likes scratching your head, even if she doesn’t have long nails
If stressed, Vi may occasionally gently pull on your hair
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Caitlyn was a tad flustered at the thought of patting your head, but she’d do anything to make you happy
She’s very gentle when petting you and runs her fingers down the back of your head
If she’s stressed, she may fidget with your hair by curling it around one of her fingers
You’re no stranger to receiving soft kisses on the back of your head when Caitlyn’s playing with your hair either
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Ekko was excited when you told him that you liked head pats, and had a goofy smile on his face for a little
Ekko knows that he has quite big hands, and isn’t afraid to use them when ruffling your hair
Like Vi, Ekko is strong, and may get a little too rough when patting your head if he’s zoned out
Ekko also isn’t embarrassed to tease you about liking head pats
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Viktor is a bit flustered after you told him you liked head pats, but as a scientist he isn’t opposed to trying new ways of affection with you
Just like everything, Viktor likes to take his time finding things out when trying something new, so at first his pats are soft and curious
Once he realises how you enjoy getting pet, then he will use that technique as much as possible
Eventually, Viktor warms up to the idea of planting soft kisses in your hair, but only occasionally, since he doesn’t want to spoil you too much
If he’s playing with your hair while he’s working, he may sometimes tap his fingers on your head in thought
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Jayce is completely fine with the idea of giving you head pats.
He loves it when you sit on his lap while he works, since then he has time to give you head pats.
Because of his big hands, it seems that his pats may be quite aggressive, but you would be mistaken
Jayce is gentle and soft when he pats your head
He may occasionally ruffle your hair (gently, as he doesn’t want to mess it up)
If he’s working, he would fidget with your hair
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When you told Silco you like head pats, he scoffed and begrudgingly gave you them
In actual fact, Silco loves giving you head pats and does so whenever he can (which is most of the time)
He usually does long, slow caress like pats down the back of your head, which trail onto your neck.
He finds that the feeling of your hair on his palm and fingers is incredibly relaxing, and pats you when he’s stressed
He’d never say anything like that to your face though
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Vander – as always – is completely open to the idea of giving you head pats, and immediately asked if you wanted any
Like Jayce, Vander may seem like his pats would be quite rough, but in actual fact, he’s incredibly soft and gentle with you
He would sometimes run his hand down your back as well as caressing your head
If you're feeling tired or sore, Vander would gladly massage your scalp during head pats
If you’re just joking around or having a laugh, Vander would ruffle your hair for fun
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Mel is kind of surprised when you tell her that you like head pats, but is in no way opposed to the idea
When she actually started patting your head regularly, the feeling of your hair under her hand became a feeling she missed quite often
When Mel pats your head, she trails her fingers through your hair, and takes the time to carefully remove any knots that may be there
If your hair was intricately styled, Mel would take the time to make sure that she doesn’t mess it up by doing slow and gentle pats
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Sevika isn’t completely opposed to the idea of giving you head pats but whatever makes you happy?
She mainly just scoffs out of sarcasm and exasperation when you ask for head pats, but complies
She purposefully pats your head very rough and aggressive, no matter if it's styled or not
Sevika scruffs up your hair a lot, and uses her whole hand when she does it, making it all knotted
Sevika would also bonk you on the head for no reason
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Ambessa gave you a small smile and quiet chuckle when you told her you like head pats
She mainly just messes up your hair, then fixes it over and over again
Ambessa also curls your hair around her fingers, which are quite big mind you-
She loves it when she makes your hair all fluffy and scruffy as well
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Finn was shocked when you told him that you liked head pats, but immediately hid it and smirked
The pats that Finn does shouldn’t even be called pats, it more like he’s letting out his anger on your hair
He scruffs up your hair on purpose, and clenches it in his fist
Finn also tugs and pulls on your hair just for fun (and a little to annoy you)
He also may randomly just bonk your head with his hand or fist
tsym for reading this, it means so much to me!!! Also I'm open for requests for lists like these if you'd like to! (or a oneshot but I'm a bit too busy irl for those rn so you might have to wait a bit, sorry).
-galaxy <3
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞'𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: luther, klaus, and number five
↳ warnings: canon type threats from five
↳ notes: written so both ftm, mtf, or gn folks can read it. basically was just be being really self indulgent. enjoy
↳ song: dancin - krono remix—aaron smith
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• We all saw how he reacted to Viktor’s coming out in season three. The human equivalent of ‘he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.’
• This time, he’s got a bit more experience understanding these things than the first time around. Might still ask Viktor a few things if he’s too embarrassed to question you directly, to which he is reminded that Viktor doesn’t speak for every trans person
• He eventually just ends up asking you what he wanted to know with a considerably more nervous tone
• Coming out party when?? Convinced that this guy just wants to have a party before the world ends at this point. Won’t have one if you’re not comfortable with it just like his brother, but he’d be so pumped if you did
• You’d think that walking around hand in hand with a big guy like Luther would stop people from yelling stuff at you, but you’d be surprised. In any case, he always makes sure to defend your honor, even if you don’t need it. He’s chivalrous like that
• Luther would be able to relate with any body dysmorphia you have on some sort of level—and in turn knows ways to combat it. It wasn’t easy to nearly die and wake up to the upper body of a monkey, so he had to adapt somehow, both mentally and physically
• Oh, he’s so happy that you feel comfortable around him
• Klaus has always experimented with his gender and sexuality, never sweating the small stuff, so finding someone that he can share his experiences with on more than just a friendly level really excites him
• No matter what time period the two of you end up in, Klaus is always supportive of you, even if it gets him in some hot water with the locals and their opinions (i.e, your time spent in the sixties.)
• Probably steals your hormone boosters if you ever run out of them. Or buys them off a dealer or two. You don’t take drugs for so long without knowing a few people
• Please let him do your hair. Whether you’re looking to lengthen it or shorten it, or even just dye the thing, Klaus will clamor at the opportunity to play hairdresser. Only if you promise to do his own in return, of course
• “Fabulous! You look amazing!” He croons one day, pretending to swoon at the sight of you. Or maybe it was authentic. You could never tell with him. Either way it made you fight the urge to crack a smile
• “Klaus you literally just brushed my hair.” You snort
• “My point still stands. Fabulous I say!”
• In a similar note to that, Klaus would let you rummage through his closet for any sort of spare clothes or fashion inspiration if you run out of outfits/ideas for how to dress. He’s got a wide array of strange garments anyways; from multicolored skirts and dresses, to suits with sequins and eye catching patterns
• Be warned. He will want to matching couples outfits. And they will be atrocious
• On any of your bad days, Klaus makes sure to remind you of how brilliant you are. Most times he just describes you how he sees you through his eyes in an attempt to cheer you up, but sometimes he’ll simply slot himself next to you and hold you until you’re ready to talk about it
• For someone that’s infamous for not being able to stand silence, Klaus sure knows how to utilize it
• Contrary to popular belief, Five does actually give two shits about you—and then some. You are his partner after all (How you managed that no one’s quite sure. The running theory between Diego and Allison is that he’s holding you hostage or blackmailing you somehow)
• His love for you means that he’s more than willing to try and understand your point of view on both the world and yourself. When he’s not trying to stop the apocalypse from ending the world and everyone in it, of course
• Often times brings Delores into the serious conversations you’ll have, claiming that out of the two of them she’s better at understanding these things
• Would burn down a building for you, and probably has already, so when you get misgendered or scrutinized Five won’t hesitate to threaten the person bothering you
• “Unless you have an aversion to keeping both of your eyes in their sockets, I suggest you back away from them.” He had hissed at a passerby on the street one day, clenching his fist with a deadly smile. And while he might not look threatening enough with his smaller frame in school boy shorts, the look in Five’s eyes had the other person scrambling away without a retort
• “Thanks.” You chuckle breathily at him after, shaking your head. “You don’t always have to do that, you know. Scare those guys off.”
• “Yeah, well, Lila would kill me if I didn’t. You’re one of the only people she actually likes.” Five rolls his eyes, doing a poor job at concealing the red tips of his ears. But you got the message
• “Sure thing Fivey.” You knocked his shoulder against your own, and held your hands up with a laugh when he sent a scathing glare your way
• He’s not the best at saying that he loves you, and that means everything about you, but he sure does try in his own little fucked up way
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
viktor with a gf who’s usually positive and cheery but is going through a bad time in a lot of ways so she’s trying to hide it but not doing good at that either~ sorry ik it’s a lot
Our Love Will Be Passed On
Viktor x Fem!Reader
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Something was going on and he wasn't sure what. Viktor always hated not having an answer to different questions and problems. His whole life and job revolved around finding solutions and he was usually very good at that. Science, engineering and theory came naturally to Viktor. But you... you weren't any of those things.
Quite the opposite actually. You were unpredictable, soft, warm, kind and so happy all the time. So what happened? What changed? He wracked his head with these questions for days, his mind constantly replaying your tired eyes, slouched posture and sorrowful demeanor.
He hated nagging you or overwhelming you. He knew that you hated worrying others, always so dead set on carrying your burdens alone. It's funny, for all the lectures you've given him about leaning on others and letting others help him, you were truly terrible at taking your own advice.
He wanted to let you come to him, at least he hoped you would. Viktor didn't like to pry into other people's business, but... you weren't other people. You were his, his girlfriend, his best friend, his sweetheart. You were his darling girl, and you were sad, maybe even depressed. No matter how much he wanted to trust you and give you time to confide in him, he wasn't sure he could endure seeing that crestfallen look on your face once more.
So, after finishing his work early for the day, Viktor put on his coat and headed towards your apartment. He made sure to pick up a lovely bouquet with your favorite flowers and your usual order from your favorite takeout place. Before he knew it, he was at your front door. Balancing the food and bouquet with one hand, while also trying to hold onto his cane, Viktor barely managed to ring your doorbell with his elbow, cursing when he almost slipped on the icy pavement.
After almost half a minute, the door slowly opened and Viktor was greeted by the sight of your teary, flushed face. Your usually sparkling eyes now only had a gloss of sadness over them, cheeks splotched red and lips trembling. He knew you must have seen him through the peephole because you'd never let anyone else ever see you like this.
In fact, he was surprised you even let him see you like this, you were always so stubborn and headstrong, not to mention a professional when it came to putting on a fake smile. So he cannot imagine just how awful you must feel to let him in like this. Nonetheless, he is grateful. Janna knows how many times you stood by his side, reassuring and comforting him, you were always a kind and joyful presence, lifting him up when he was so sure he had hit rock bottom.
His thoughts are interrupted when he hears you let out a sob before you tackle him into a hug, tears immediately rolling down your cheeks. He tries to hold you and get you inside, closing your front door with his good leg and depositing the flowers and food onto shelf next to you. Viktor immediately puts his arms around you, shushing you gently, one hand cradling your head protectively while the other rubs your back.
''Oh, miláček. Why didn't you come to me sooner, hm? It hurts to see you so sad and in pain.'' He asks gently, looking down at your teary face. Even as you sob and sniffle, your eyes red with snot and tears running down your face, you're the most beautiful thing in the whole world to him. He presses a gentle kiss against your forehead as you gather your bearings, trying to control your breathing.
''I-I just... I didn't want to bother you. I thought that I could get through this on my own.'' You admit shyly, embarrassed at being seen by your boyfriend while in this state. You never planned on letting him see you like this, surely he'd think you were pathetic and needy. At least that's what your mind told you. Often times, you forgot just how loving and kind your dear Viktor was and he was to prove that once more, telling you; ''Oh my love, you know you could never bother me. I want to be there for you, when you're happy or sad, it doesn't matter to me. I want to hear you laugh and I want to hold you as you cry. Please, no more hiding your feelings and hurt. Let me take care of you, yes?'' Viktor asks with a soft smile on his handsome face.
You can't do anything but nod slowly, your face pressed up against his chest. You cringed at the realization that you were dirtying up his coat with your snot and tears but he didn't seem to care. Viktor held you in his embrace for a while longer before slightly pulling away to look at you. ''Now, how about we get cozy and have a movie night together? I got you your favorite and you can pick out whatever you wish, how does that sound?'' He asks, his thumb caressing your cheek and wiping away the remaining tears.
A slight smile appears on your face at his words. ''Can we watch something animated?'' You ask shyly at which Viktor grins in agreement, happy to see the old you coming back. ''Of course, my love. Pick out what you want us to watch and I'll heat up our food, okay?'' You nod, picking up the flowers he brought you, planning to put them in a vase.
Before you leave, you give Viktor a soft kiss. ''Thank you, for everything.'' You whisper as the two of you pull apart, holding the bouquet carefully against your chest so that you don't crush the flowers. Viktor lifts up one of your hands to his lips, kissing it gently. ''Anything for you, darling. I'll always be here, for better or for worse.''
''I love you, Viktor,''
''And I love you, more than anything.''
a/n: woah this came as a good small break from writing smut all the time lol. thank you for this request anon, i'm sorry that it took some time but i hope that it was worth it and that you're doing okay. feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to <3
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mastermindmiko · 9 months
Blue Butterflies (Part two)
Pairing: Harry Potter + fem!reader
Word count: 6863
Warnings: kissing, slight angst? let me know if you find anything that I didn't
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Harry was sitting in the highest box along with the Weasleys. The match hadn’t begun yet, but everyone was waiting on the edge of their seats. Unlike most of the stadium, Harry was leaning on the edge of the railing resting his head on his hand. 
He was sure that Y/N was going to be mad at him because he left without saying goodbye, but it wasn’t his fault that the Weasleys nearly kidnapped him. Mr. Weasley looked at Harry and asked, “Potter! You’re at the Quidditch world cup, cheer up!” 
“Don’t be hard on him, dad. He’s just missing his imaginary girlfriend.” Fred teased, and he placed a faux sympathetic hand on Harry’s shoulder. Harry swatted Fred’s hand away, and George and Ron laughed. Harry’s face heated, and Hermione, “I believe that she’s real, Harry.” 
“This is not some controversial thing, she is real, but she’s not technically my girlfriend. She’s only a friend.” Harry explained, and Ron had to hold in a laugh, but it came out as a snicker. Harry’s head snapped to Ron, and Ron stilled. Ron said, quickly, “No, I definitely believe you.” 
Before Harry had a chance to reply at his unconvincing words, the match had started. The bulgarian mascots, the veelas were flying all around the stadium, showing off their beauty, capturing both the eyes of men and women. Ron was so entranced that he almost jumped off the railing, and he would have, if Hermione hadn’t grabbed him down. 
Harry, much like Mr. Weasley, wasn't captured by their beauty, though Harry had to admit that they were very beautiful. Mr. Weasley kept an eye out after Ron almost jumped off, looking at all the kids with a close eye. He noticed Harry’s bored expression and clasped a hand on his shoulder, “You’re just like me, ey? 
Once again, before Harry could question, the Bulgarian mascots had left, and were immediately replaced by leprechauns.Harry made a note to ask Mr Weasley about what he meant after the match. Fred and George cheered for their team, and the atmosphere that had been created by the veelas was changed into a more joyful and boisterous one.  
Soon enough, the match had begun, and Harry was so taken by the excitement in the space, that momentarily he had forgotten about his sad feelings. He cheered when Viktor Krum had caught the snitch, but he was sad to find out that even with the extra one hundred and fifty points, the Irish still had one. 
The twins couldn’t stop celebrating all the way back to the tent, and Harry enjoyed their songs, but what he enjoyed the most was how angered Ron looked. He snickered at his friend's expression and watched as Ron declared his love for Viktor Krum. 
Soon enough shouts were heard and Mr. Weasley entered the room, panicked. “That must be the Irish!” exclaimed George, still waltzing around the room with his twin. Mr. Weasley placed a firm hand on Fred’s shoulder to get them to stop, “It’s not the Irish, we have to go.” 
“Now that we’re all settled in and sorted, I’d like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-” Dumbledore’s speech gets interrupted by Filch running inside and then whispering something in his ear. 
The students wait around anxiously and Harry can already see Fred and George making bets on what the announcement will be. Filch runs back to the gate, and Dumbledore continues, “So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the triwizard tournament!” 
Chatter erupts in the hall, and Fred hands George two sickles. George has a smirk on his face. “Now for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests, for each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone, and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted.” 
The chatter stops at Dumbledore’s eery words, and a frown settles on Harry’s face. “But more of that later, now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons academy of magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime!” 
The doors to the Great Hall open, revealing a large group of ladies all wearing blue uniforms. Harry thought about how Y/N would love that. They walked with their hands behind their backs and leaned in on each side to show off for the boys. 
They started running to the front of the hall, and Ron’s mouth was agape. Then blue butterflies erupted from around the girls, and all Harry could think about was how perfect Beauxbatons seemed for Y/N. When they were done, the headmistress walked behind them, and seamus said, “Blimey, that’s one big woman!” 
A girl tumbled behind the girls, and as soon as the ladies bowed. The hall erupted in cheers and wolf whistles, Ron and Harry cheering loudly like all of the boys. Hermione and Ginny opposite them only clapped their hands politely. The ladies went to sit on the Ravenclaw table. 
“And now, please welcome our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkroff!” Dumbledore bellowed, and everyone’s heads snapped to the door to see the other school’s entrance. 
While turning to look at the entrance of the Great Hall, he saw a familiar face sitting at the Ravenclaw table, standing up to be able to see the Durmstrang boys more clearly. Harry’s eyes widened as he noticed Y/N in the blue Beauxbatons uniform. His thoughts were interrupted by Ron saying in awe, “Blimey, it’s him, Viktor Krum!” 
Harry looked to where Ron was looking and noticed that it was in fact Viktor Krum, standing next to the headmaster, Igor Karkroff. The two headmasters embraced and Igor placed a soft kiss on madame maxime’s hand. Harry slapped Ron’s shoulder and he pointed to where Y/N’s sitting, “Look, Look! That’s Y/N!” 
“Right!” Ron scoffed, as he looked at the Beauxbatons’ girl sitting next to a Ravenclaw boy who was clearly flirting with her. Three blue butterflies flew around her as several boys looked at her in awe. “It is her!” 
Ron rolled his eyes, and Hermione and Ginny looked at Y/N. Harry noticed and said, “Hermione, tell Ron that you believe me!” Hermione bit her lip then looked back at Y/N, “Even that does seem a bit far fetched Harry.” 
“What’s all the racket about?” Fred asked, and George beside him. Ron pointed to where the Ravenclaw was and said, “Harry expects us to believe that that veela over there is Y/N!” 
Fred and George looked to where Ron was pointing and they started snickering. Ginny couldn’t help but join in on the laughter. Harry’s face turned red and he shouted, “That is her!” 
“Wasn’t she a muggle, Harry?” Hermione asked, trying not to join in on the infectious laughter. Harry looked at her and replied, “I thought she was, but apparently not.” 
The whole table started laughing as Ron told Seamus and Dean about Harry’s claim. Fred then told George through laughter, “How about you give me a hundred galleons if that’s actually Y/N?” 
“You really want to lose a hundred galleons, Fred?” George countered back, and soon enough Harry had had enough of the teasing and he started to leave the Great Hall. 
At the Ravenclaw table, Y/N was laughing along with her friends, grateful that madame Maxime allowed the ones with the highest grades in each year to join in watching the triwizard tournament. She was about to continue chatting when she saw a familiar mop of hair. 
“Hey, Terry. Could you tell me who’s that?” she asked, and Terry looked at where she was pointing, and he replied to her with an awestruck smile, “That’s Harry Potter!” 
She gives him a quick smile as thanks. She walks towards Harry and starts to call out his name. She was beyond excited, if this really was her Harry then she’d be on the moon for the rest of the year. It would truly be brilliant if the guy she liked was also a wizard. 
Back at the Gryffindor table, “You all should be ashamed of yourselves, he’s your friend, you shouldn’t tease him like that!” Hermione scolded as Ginny started poking her shoulder with a surprised look on her face. “What?!” Hermione shouted, and Ginny pointed to where Y/N was standing, talking to Harry. 
Ron, Dean, Seamus, Fred and George all looked to where Ginny was pointing and they all gave each other a quick look before they ran towards Harry. They all stood behind the boy and they watched Harry and Y/N hug. She opened her eyes to see five boys looking at her excitedly and so she moved back from Harry’s embrace, shy. 
Harry looks behind him, and gets startled by the boys behind him. She gives them all a wave with a small “Hi.” They all wave back like idiots, and Harry folds his arms. He turns back to look at Y/N, and he asks, “You never told me you were a witch!” 
“You never told me you were a wizard!” She counters back, and her excitement leads her butterflies to flutter around them. One of them stands on Ron’s nose while the other two stand each on one of Dean’s shoulders. “This is so exciting!” She exclaims and brings Harry to another hug. 
Seamus clears his throat, and she looks at the group of boys still looking at her. She moves away from Harry and faces the boys. She notices Ron’s red hair and says, “You must be Ron, Harry’s told me about you!” 
Ron flushes under her attention, and he mumbles, “Uh huh.” Fred pushes Ron to the side and asks with a cheeky smile, “Well then, darling, you must know who we are.” He points to himself and George. 
“Oh! You’re Ron’s brothers, George and Fred.” She says, excited that she remembers all of Harry’s friends. “That’s right, gorgeous.” George replies, and Y/N is unphased by the pet name, having received many of them over the years, yet she’s never heard one from Harry. She doesn’t let that thought bother her as she turns to the other two boys and notices that one of them is very good looking, he doesn’t make butterflies erupt in her stomach, but still she blushes, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember Harry telling me who you two are.” 
Seamus and Dean stare at her without a thought in her head, and Harry taps her shoulder. She looks at him and he says, “It’s the veela-ness.” 
She notices and says, “Oh, I’m sorry you can blame my grandmother for that!” She chuckles as she tries to suppress the veela powers, leaving only one butterfly, still on Dean’s shoulder. “I’m Seamus Finnigan.” seamus holds his hand out for her to shake and she does so. 
“I’m Dean.” Dean says, shyly, and Y/N couldn’t help but blush at how cute he is. Harry notices their weird interaction and he frowns. Y/N notices the butterfly on Dean’s shoulder and she walks closer to him, effectively cutting off his breath. She takes the butterfly and it flies above her again. “Sorry about that.” 
“It’s nothing!” Dean nearly shouts, and seamus snickers behind him. “If you guys don’t mind, I want to do some catching up with Harry.” Y/N says, as she grabs Harry’s hand and leads him out of the Great Hall. 
The boys watch as they exit the Great Hall and as soon as they’re out of the hall, Fred turns to George and says, “Pay up, git!” George looks at Fred, appalled, “I never agreed.” 
“You never disagreed either, now give me my money!” Fred says, and George points to behind Fred and says, “Oh, what’s that?” Fred and all the boys turn to look where George was pointing, giving George just enough time to run away towards the Gryffindor table. 
Outside the Great Hall, “So your dad was a student at Beauxbatons?” Harry asked, after Y/N shared more about her life. She hummed in agreement at his words, and she pulled him into a hug again. “I’m sorry, I’m just so happy, you’re a wizard!” 
“No, don’t be sorry.” Harry said while pulling her closer to the point where he lifts her toes from the ground for a bit. He’s about to let go of her when she wraps her arms around him tighter, “Can we just stay like this for a bit?” 
Harry doesn’t answer, but he pulls her back into an embrace. Once she’s had enough, she pulls back and looks at him. A frown settles on her face, and Harry gets confused. She takes a bit of his hair between her fingers and she asks, “Harry?” 
He hums in acknowledgement, looking into her eyes. She looks back at him for a second with a sweet smile, and his heart races. That’s new, he thinks. She pulls that strand of his hair that she was holding, and shouts, “What have you done to your hair?” 
He moves away from her and rubs his head in pain. He grimaces and looks at her angry expression. “What do you mean?” She walks closer to him and holds his cheek, making his face effectively turn red. “Harry, you know that I mean this in the kindest way possible, but your hair looks disgusting.” 
“What’s wrong with it?” He asks, confused but not focused with her hand holding his face. She pats his cheek sympathetically and says, “The question you should be asking is what is right with it?” 
“You really think it’s that bad?” Harry asks, and she bites her lip, and his gaze shoots down to her lips. She doesn’t take notice and says, “Well, it’s bad, but it’s not awful because it’s you.” 
He blushes and smiles at her. They get interrupted by Viktor Krum walking outside the great hall, and he spots Y/N. He puts one hand around her waist and says in a thick Bulgarian accent, “Madame Maxime wants to see you inside.” 
Y/N’s face forms an ‘O’, and she gives Harry a kiss on the cheek. She wonders if he knows that he’s the only one that she kisses on their cheek, and says, “See you later, Harry.” He nods while looking at Krum with an angry expression. Krum gives him a nod and then leads them back to the Great Hall. Harry stares at Krum’s hand around Y/N’s waist and he walks inside the Great Hall to sit back on the Gryffindor table. 
He sits back next to Ron and he mumbles, “I hate Viktor Krum.” Ron gasps from beside him with a spoonful of food in his mouth. Harry notices that the feast has begun and he starts to fill his plate with food. “You take that back!” Ron gasps. 
“No.” Harry says, shortly. Halfway through dinner, a boy from Beauxbatons comes near Harry and asks, “Are you Y/N’s friend?” Harry nods and the boy says, “I’m Elliot Dupont, Y/N told me that you wanted me to cut your hair.” 
He looks at the Ravenclaw table to find Y/N missing, and he scans all the tables to find her sitting next to Viktor Krum on the Slytherin table. He nearly seethes when he finds that on her other side Draco Malfoy is talking her ear off. She makes eye contact with him and she notices Elliot. She gives him a big thumbs up with excitement. 
Harry turned to Elliot and said, “Yeah.” Elliot surveys Harry’s hair with disgust and grabs his arm. “Let’s go!” Harry didn’t have time to protest as he was pulled out of the Great Hall into the boy’s bathroom. Elliot conjured up a chair and a pair of scissors. He opened and closed the scissors and looked at Harry with an evil grin, “Let’s start.” 
“He’s such a git.” Harry mumbles, frustrated. “Why is he acting like this?” He groans and puts his head in his hands. Y/N shuffles closer to him and says, “Maybe, he’s just feeling overshadowed.” 
They’re sitting together in the courtyard after Ron had another fight with Harry, also after Professor Moody had turned Draco Malfoy into a ferret. They’re in a far off corner where no one can see them, and where Harry can’t see the ‘Potter Stinks’ Badges. 
“I think you should try to forget about Ron for a bit and focus on something other than him…” She trails off, trying to plant an idea in his head. She sticks to his side and plays with his, now trimmed, hair. “Are you thinking about who you’re going to ask?” 
“Ask who to what?” Harry asks, confused. He’s looking at the ground, and Y/N grabs his face to make him look at her. “There’s a ball coming up, and you have to have a date.” 
“I’m not going to some ball.” Harry said, and Y/N rolled her eyes, “It’s mandatory for the champions to go, Harry.” He groans, even more frustrated. She hums telling him to tell her who he’s thinking of taking. “Maybe Cho, she seems nice.” 
“I heard she fancies Cedric.” Y/N said, ignoring the pang of jealousy she felt in her chest. Harry rolls his eyes, remembering Hermione and Ginny’s reactions to Cedric back at the Quidditch World Cup, and says, “Everyone fancies him.” 
“I don’t.” Y/N says firmly and so she continues, “Anyone else you want to ask?” Harry shakes his head, and he sighs, “I’ll think about it when we get told about it.” 
“You know, I coloured my dress crimson red.” Y/N said, still not giving up. Harry’s face brightened and he said, “Oh! That’s my favourite colour-” as if she didn’t already know that, “How do you know about the ball anyway?”
“We were told before we came here, so we can get our dresses from home.” Y/N explained, the Durmstrang boys also found out, considering that Viktor Krum had already asked her, she declined, but he’s been trying to get her to agree. Truthfully, the only person she wanted to go with was Harry, and if not Harry then maybe Dean. 
“I don’t have a date, you know.” Y/N says still playing with his hair, once he had looked away. Harry looked at Y/N sympathetically and patted her shoulder while saying, “Don’t worry Y/N, you’re going to find one.” 
She rolled her eyes at what he was implying and she grabbed her bag. She slung it around her shoulders, “You’re really thick, you know that.” she huffed and walked away towards the castle. She found some of her friends from Beauxbatons and she stayed with them. Harry was left confused in the end of the courtyard. 
"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Fleur asked, asking Y/n what’s wrong. She pointed towards Harry and replied, “cet idiot là-bas ne comprend pas que je veux qu'il me demande d'aller au bal” 
The group looked at Harry at the mention of him not understanding that she wanted him to take her to the ball, and Harry stood still under the glares of several, older Beauxbatons students. He looked around him to see if they were looking at anyone else, but he was the only one there. He gave them an awkward smile then promptly ran away. 
Soon enough, the Yule Ball was announced to the population of Hogwarts. Y/N got asked to the ball more times than she could count, and because of that she had decided to use all her energy to suppress her veela powers considering that almost all the boys who asked her didn’t even know her name. 
Suppressing her powers was very draining, but not more draining than waiting for Harry to ask her. She turned down Viktor Krum two more times before he decided to ask Harry’s friend, Hermione. The Yule Ball was in two days, and Harry didn’t ask her. 
During breakfast, Y/N decided to ask Harry to be her date, why should she wait around for him to ask her. According to her knowledge Harry didn’t ask anyone which means that he has no date. “Harry, considering that you have no date, I was wondering if-” 
“But Harry does have a date.” Ron interrupted with food in his mouth, and Y/N breath got caught in her throat. Harry was eating, only listening to the conversation. “Oh, that’s great! Who is it?” 
“Parvati Patil.” Harry said, and he looked at Y/N to ask, “So, who are you going with?” She rolled her eyes and huffed, she couldn’t have made it anymore obvious. For the second time, she grabbed her bag and left the Great Hall. 
She was walking in the corridor, heading back to the carriage. The Yule Ball is in two days, of course everyone has a date, she might as well go home for Christmas rather than spend it alone here. Tears involuntarily began to fill her eyes, and she wiped them away with her hands. She wasn’t going to cry because of some boy who didn’t want her. 
“Y/N!” seamus called out her name, and she turned to look at him, praying that her eyes don’t look red. Seamus pushed Dean towards her and she could hear Dean whisper, “She’s not going to say yes.” 
“Hi Dean.” She said with a smile. He’s very shy with a blush on his face, he clears his throat and looks her in the eye as he asks, “Would you um would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?”
“Yeah.” She replied with a wide smile, she rushed to give him a hug and she said, “Thank you so much for asking me, Dean!” He’s positively flushed when she releases him from the hug. He gives her a crooked smile, and he says, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30?” 
“Sure, I’ll be waiting outside the carriage.” She confirms, and she gives him a kiss on the cheek before leaving, “See you then!” She turns around and nearly skips back to the carriage. She couldn’t deny the disappointment that she felt that she wasn't going with Harry, but she was excited to go with Dean. It felt weird kissing someone on the cheek that wasn’t Harry, but she ignored that feeling. 
Harry was waiting outside with Parvati Patil and they were just about to make their grand entrance. Harry was waiting to see if he could find Y/N, considering the fact that he was about to puke from nervousness and she was the only one who could calm him down. Hermione’s talking with Viktor Krum so he wouldn’t want to disturb her, and Ron’s on edge because Hermione’s talking with Krum. 
Professor McGonogall walks up to him and says, “Are you ready, Potter?” His eyes widen and he looks at his watch, 8:05, the ball was supposed to start 5 minutes ago. “Professor, can’t we just give it a few more minutes?” 
“I’m sorry Potter, but we can’t hold off everything for some reason, only you know.” Professor McGonogall shook her head, and headed inside to tell Dumbledore to start to announce the champions. He headed inside with Parvati holding his arm. 
They walked inside behind all the other champions, on his right he saw Ron with Padma. Parvati waved to her sister, and beside Ron, he could see Seamus, beside Seamus there was Dean, and who was Dean’s date? Y/N. He looked away quickly and focused on walking towards the centre of the hall. 
The music started and Harry started to fumble with dancing, he clearly had no practice. It was painful to watch, and right beside him, all of the other champions were dancing gracefully and elegantly. Luckily for Harry, no one really focused on him and they all focused on Fleur who was looking even more beautiful tonight than usual. 
Once the torturous dance ended, Harry went out looking for Ron who was sulking on one of the tables. He sank into the chair beside him, and Padma asked, “Aren’t we going to dance?” Parvati nodded along to her sister’s question looking at Harry hopefully. 
“Not in the mood.” Ron said, and both the twins sat next to their dates, doing nothing. Ron watched angrily as Hermione danced with Viktor Krum. He whispered, heatedly to Harry, “I hate Viktor Krum.” 
“Welcome to the team.” Harry offered back to him, and he watched as Dean twirled Y/N around, watching her bright smile. Of course, she wouldn’t want to go out with him. He sighed and sank deeper in his chair. He watched her the entire night, it was involuntary really. All he wanted was to forget that she didn’t want to come to the ball with him, but all his eyes wanted was to look at how beautiful she looked in that crimson red dress. 
Parvati stood up to dance with some boy from Durmstrang while Padma stayed beside Ron, the entire night. Right when the night was near ending, Ron had a spat with Hermione. Y/N got alerted by the sight of her new friends shouting and so she heads towards them. 
“What happened?” She asked, looking at how Hermione was running out of the ball. Ron said, grumpily, “She was with the enemy!” 
“The enemy, you mean Viktor Krum? Well, I’m from Beauxbatons, why wouldn’t I be considered the enemy.” Y/N asked with her hands on her hips, Ron fumbled and pouted, then he sank inside the chair more. 
“Hmm?” Y/N turned to Harry and he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in surrender. Harry noticed that on the other side of the hall, Dean was looking around. “Aren’t you too busy with your date to care about what’s going on here?” Harry seethed. 
“I always have time for my friends, Harry, and you know that.” Y/N answered, firmly. Harry stood up to be face-to-face with Y/N, and he spat, “Not since you found that new boyfriend of yours. You haven’t talked to me in two days!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry that I haven’t been in the mood to talk to you, Harry.” Y/N hissed back at him, and he grinded his teeth against each other, “Why not?” 
“I didn’t enjoy the thought of spending time with someone who didn’t want to go to the ball with me.” She explained, then she headed towards the entrance of the Great Hall to find Hermione, leaving Harry standing very confused. Dean came up from behind her and tapped her shoulder, “I’m going to go hang out with Seamus for a bit.” 
She nodded her head, and said, “I was actually thinking of going to bed, but I had a great time Dean, really.” He smiled, and pressed a kiss on her hand that left her blushing at the gesture. He went back to the centre of the crowd to find seamus. 
She went outside and looked around for Hermione to find her crying on the stairs. She climbed the few flights till she was beside her, and she sat down. “They’re the biggest idiots in the world.” Y/N told her, and Hermione couldn’t help but chuckle as she wiped away her tears. 
“I just think that Ron’s jealous of Viktor more than anything else, really.” Y/N said, sympathetically. She had picked up on her crush very early on. Hermione rubbed her hands over face, and said, “Don’t give me hope, he’s hopeless.” 
“Harry, on the other hand, really does like you.” Hermione said, and Y/N shook her head, she took off her heels, the same way Hermione did. “That’s not possible.” 
Y/N folded her knees near to her chest, careful that her underwear does show. She folded her arms on her knees then rested her head on her forearms. She sighed, and Hermione mirrored her actions, exactly. Hermione expressed, “They spoiled the night.” 
Y/N hummed in agreement, and she said, “I think I’ll go back home tomorrow.” The only reason why she wanted to stay after in the beginning of the year was because she’d thought that Harry would be her boyfriend after the ball, and they would spend the break going on dates. That didn’t seem to be happening. 
“No, come on! You can’t let him ruin your holidays.” Hermione said, and Y/N just shook her head. She pressed her face tightly against her palms as she said, “I’ve liked him for nearly two years now, and it’s not like I’ve been subtle! He doesn’t like me, that’s the only explanation.” 
Hermione said nothing as Y/N picked up her heels and stood up. She brushed the dirt off the back of her dress, and decided not to wear her heels, she’d wash her stockings when she got back home. 
She wasn’t even sure if her parents would be thrilled if she came home. She had told them that she wasn’t coming back after Christmas, so they might have organised a trip somewhere. She knows that they’ve been wanting to take a trip for a while. 
She sighed and she was nearing the carriage when her name got called out. She was far enough that she didn’t recognise the voice, so she turned and saw Harry. She turned back around and started walking at a faster pace. She could hear his footsteps picking up too. 
She reached the dim carriage, alerting her that there were no students inside. It’s miserable how everyone was having a good time, and she’s the only one who will spend the night in the carriage all alone. She placed one foot on the first stair of the carriage when Harry grabbed her wrist. 
She looked back at him and shoved her hand out of his grasp again. She started to climb up again, when Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. She squirmed and slapped his arm, “Put me down, I don’t want to see you.” 
“I won’t until you listen to me.” Harry said, and he didn’t at all seem bothered by the fact that she was hitting him. She noticed that he didn’t seem to be getting tired at all from carrying her, and her frustration grew. “Put me down, you git!” 
“I did want to go to the ball with you.” Harry squeaked out, and she stopped moving. He slowly set her down, and he kept an eye out for any sudden movements she might do. She didn’t do or say anything for a moment, and Harry saw it as a chance to talk to her. 
In a flash, she hurried up the stairs and reached the door. Her hand was nearly on the handle when Harry stood in between her and the door. She huffed out angrily, and grinded her teeth against each other. “I’m a seeker, you can’t outrun me.” 
She looked away and she started to descend the stairs again. He grabbed her wrist again, and that was the final straw. “Just leave me alone! I don’t want to talk to you or see you.” She shouted, and he was left unfazed. She shoved him, and he said, “Just listen.” 
“No, I won’t. I don’t owe you anything.” She seethed, and stepped away from his grasp. She stepped off the stairs and sat on a bench on the side of the carriage. She thought that if she stayed long enough, he’d get bored eventually then leave her alone. 
She sat down, and he followed her. Just as he was about to sit, she lifted her legs up, so she took up the entire bench. She avoided his gaze even though she could feel him looking at her attentively. She started to play with her hair out of boredom, and looked at the lake. 
“Why did you want to go to the ball with me?” Harry asks, and she scoffs, he truly is oblivious isn’t he? He doesn’t even know about her feelings, and he didn’t want to go to the ball with her, so why should she confess her feelings. She sighs, “You’re my friend.” 
“You’re friends with so many people, why me?” He pressed and she tucked the strand of hair that she was playing with behind her ear. She started to shiver from the cold weather, and she said, “I enjoy spending time with you.” 
He hums, unsatisfied, she can tell because she knows him like the back of her hand, but he doesn’t ask anymore questions. Snow began to fall, and she started to absolutely freeze. She got up and made her way towards the stairs again. “You should get back, you’re the champion and all.” 
“Are we…fine?” Harry asks, and she lets another sigh escape her. She nods her head with a smile, even though she knows that she’ll never be fine until she moves on. He beams, and turns around to head back to the ball. She couldn’t help the way her eyes watered. 
She climbed up the stairs for the final time that night and she didn’t bother changing her clothes as she reached her bed. She fell on her bed, and stayed there. She started sobbing, knowing that it was alright since no one was there anyway, that made it all more miserable. 
It was the middle of the night when she heard knocking on her window. She took out her wand, and held it tightly. She was just about to go to sleep, so she stood in her pyjamas. She heard the knocking once more, and she made her way to the window cautiously. 
She had the window open so she didn’t understand why the intruder would knock in the first place. She quickly pushed the curtain aside, and pointed her wand at whoever was there. Harry gasped as he saw the wand pointed towards his nose, and she lowered her wand with a sigh of relief. 
“You scared me to death.” She said with a stern look, as Harry entered her room. He closed the window behind him, and then the curtain. He looked at her with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and he pulled her in for a hug. Harry said, “You wouldn’t be scared if I was able to use the front door.” 
She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, and she sighed. Ever since Cedric Diggory died in the triwizard tournament, and Harry said that Voldemort had returned, her parents forbid her from seeing him. They thought he was a lunatic and a bad influence. 
They still didn’t allow Harry to see her even after the ministry had published Voldemort’s return. They thought Harry was dangerous. He had been sneaking into her room for a while now. This was the first time she’d seen him after the summer. He had just arrived from Hogwarts. 
They sat on her bed, and she said, “I’m glad you’re back.” He nodded his head, and looked to the floor. The room wasn’t lit considering that she was just going to bed, so she opened her small bedside lamp. It lit the room in an orange way, but it was then that she noticed Harry’s tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. 
She cupped his cheeks with her hand, and asked, “Harry, what happened?” She could see tears begin to collect in the corners of his eyes again, and he choked out, “Sirius is dead.” 
She pulled him into a hug, and then he started sobbing. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he continued to cry. He had his head resting on her shoulder, and every so often she would place a comforting kiss on his head. 
She knew all about Sirius Black, at first she thought he was a murderer, but back in their fourth year, she saw him talking to Harry in the fireplace, and he explained everything to her. He told her how he was the only family he has left, and the biggest connection to his parents. 
He told her that when his name got cleared, he’d go and live with him, and he’d invite her over because he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to spend the summer without her. He even told her how he had a small suitcase packed in his closet, ready for him to take when Sirius’s name got cleared. 
She couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling at the moment. She was sure that he wasn’t going to feel well for the rest of the summer. Harry cried for an hour, and then his tears began to escape silently. She lifted his head up from her shoulder and grabbed a box of tissues from her nightstand. She handed him a few and he wiped away his tears. 
“Sorry for ruining your night.” Harry said with a guilty look. “You didn’t ruin anything, I’m glad you’re back. I really missed you.” She reassured him, and he hugged her again in thanks. Harry expressed, “I thought you were going to be mad at me.” 
“Why?” She asked, confused. She can’t remember anything annoying or rude that he did. “You never replied to my last letter.” Her heart sank, she remembered now. He had told her that Cho had kissed him after one of their DA lessons last Christmas. She forced out a chuckle, “I must’ve forgotten.” 
“You’re still my favourite girl.” Harry teased, and she chuckled out, “I thought that was Hermione.” A blush coated Harry’s cheeks as he said, “You’re both my favourite girls just in different ways.” 
“Oh, so you like Hermione, now?” She asked, trying as much as possible to shield away any negative emotion that she might be feeling. He shook his head, and her eyes widened. He couldn’t possibly like her, could he? 
She blushed and she said, “What do you mean?” She had to hear him say it because she was terrified that she’d kiss him, and he wouldn’t kiss her back. He turned to face her completely, and he said, “I like you.” 
She blinked a couple of times before she jumped on Harry, pressing her lips to his. His back hit the mattress as he lifted his arms to her waist to kiss her back. She cupped his face, and kissed him until she felt him smile against her lips, effectively ruining it. 
She smiled, and giggled. She climbed off him, and blushed, “Sorry, it’s just that- I’ve wanted this since I was thirteen.” Harry’s smile widened and he replied, “You don’t have to be sorry, I’ve wanted this since you kissed me when we were eleven.” 
She was smiling like a maniac after his words, and involuntarily a group of blue butterflies swarmed around the room, and a bunch of them landed on Harry causing him to laugh. She suppressed her powers once more, and they all disappeared. A question popped into her head and she voiced, “Why did my powers never affect you?” 
He blushed and he explained, “I wondered the same when in the Quidditch world cup everyone was drooling at the Veelas, Ron was about to jump out of the top box while I was acting normally. I asked Mr. Weasley about it after the match and it turns out, I can’t be affected by Veela powers because I was already too in love with you.”
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syb-ill-ah · 3 months
Hey, a Viktor simp from Czechia here.
First of all, thank you to everyone who writes Viktor fanfics, I appreciate your humanitarian work.
More words of praise to EVERYONE who acknowledges Viktor's Czech accent and uses Czech words in their works. Love you! 💕 (I feel seen. 🥺🥺🥺)
To make your hard work easier, I've decided to create a brief "vocabulary" of words you might find useful:
- I've seen this used a lot: miláček. It's a softened term of endearment, meaning "my love(lie)". Czech is an inflectional language so if you would like to be extra, you can use it in the form "miláčku" which is a vocative form used to address someone. But it's not necessary.
- zlato/zlatíčko - zlato means gold, zlatíčko is a softened form and both are used in the same context as "dear" or "sweetheart"
- láska = love, vocative form is "lásko"
- mazel/mazlíček = there are two respective meanings. The first is "a pet", the second is "someone who likes to cuddle". (One of my favourite words btw.)
- drahá/drahý = dear or precious. BUT! Here it gets a bit confusing and inconvenient. You see, Czech is a gendered language (very shitty for non-binary people let me tell) which means drahá is used when referring to a female person, drahý referring to a male person. The natural form is "drahé" but... it's a controversy. (I'd personally use a different word.)
- milý/milá - used as dear or you can say má milá (girlfriend) or můj milý (boyfriend), same issue - milý is male, milá is female.
- nejmilovanější - a long word, yes, but a very simplified rule - the longer the word is, the more endearing it gets. :D This one means "dearest" but with extra steps. Plus it's gender neutral. :)
- nejdražší = the most precious
- štěňátko = a puppy
- koťátko = a kitten
- mé světlo = my light
- šroubeček = a very soft version of both "a screw" and "a bolt" and it's extremely cringe to say in Czech but it's so damn Viktor-coded :D (Vocative = šroubečku)
Since I've noticed some of y'all are also using the notion of Viktor sometimes swearing in Czech (which I support because I'm 100% sure he switches languages when he's worked up), here are some, sorted from the "okayish" to "the rudest shit you can get":
- proboha = my god
- hovadina/blbost = a stupid thing (to do, say)
- ježiš = jesus
- sakra = damn
- blbec = a stupid person, blbeček = a stupid person but you are nice about it
- ty vole = heavier damn
- kurva = the same as the Polish one :D, "Co to kurva je?" = What the fuck is this?
- zkurvený = fucking
- svině = swine
- sráč = fucker
- do prdele = fuck
- nasrat (na to) = fuck (it)
- jebat (na to) = fuck (it)
- mrdat (na to) = fuck (it)
- do piči! = FUCK (like a very mean fuck, you say this when you are like extra angy)
My DMs are open to anyone who needs some advice regarding this or anything Czech language related. I'm happy to help!
Keep writing, friends! 💕
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blissfulip · 3 months
On AO3
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Viktor x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, idiots in love (?) dubious science, mostly canon compliant, no use of y/n, chemist!reader, eventual smut, masturbation, angry sex, unprotected sex,
Cw: slight spice if you squint, mentions of blood
Words: 2.27k
[A/N: Sorry for taking a century to finish this, I was humbled byt the AO3 writer curse for like a month, thank you for reading! (also, let me know if you want to be tagged in future fic updates!)]
Tags: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao @queen-of-elves @thedustybunny @syren201 @thayfass
Chapter 9 (final): can't think of a title
It’s because everything has its own tailored little space, everything is where it’s supposed to be, and I can find every object with a swift look from anywhere within the small cubicle. But to the unknowing eye, the unfamiliar person, this is a faraway place where thoughts can’t sleep and where one needs to swim through a river of trinkets to get to a firm surface. Should I bother to completely clean up or not was a discussion from the past, Viktor will be at the threshold of my domain in less than an hour.
How calm the air was in comparison to the dark storm clouds in my brain. If I clean too much, would it make it seem like I care excessively? But what harm can it do If it does, if I open up to the vulnerable display of cherish and treasure? It shouldn’t do any harm; it won’t. Unless this date and everything before and beyond are nothing but a cruel joke, I have been unfair to him; he would be justified to do so, yet, no, that’s not the type of person Viktor is; vindictiveness is not a proclivity he possesses. Is it? How would I know, really?
Two knocks on the door startled you, sharp yet timid enough to turn your anxious anticipation into longing. Before opening the door, you looked around at the barely cleared-up space going from the door to the bed, to the table, and to the small kitchen, forming a desire path that allowed transit but left the rest of the space surrounded by piles of carefully placed (and clean) but visibly amassed books, clothes, lab equipment, and small knickknacks and ornaments. This should be good enough, you thought. 
It was fun to fantasize about the worst, most terrible outcome. You always thought it was better to not hold any expectations; that way, everything good that happened to you would always seem like a pleasant surprise, but Viktor’s slight grin and warm eyes made you feel silly for thinking he would stand you up. He held up the hand that was holding a shopping bag to show you he was prepared and excited to cook you a meal. 
“Hey” was the only thing you were able to muster, and you smiled widely as you stood to the side to let him in. He immediately went to the kitchen and started to put away the stuff in the bag inside your fridge.
“Are you looking forward to getting back to work?”
“I was enjoying the unprompted vacation, to be completely honest.” You said with a good-humored chuckle.
“I can’t say I loved getting thwacked in the face, but what followed was surely worth the bloody nose.” You smiled to yourself at the memory of the brassy taste in your tongue.
“How does it feel? Has any of the pain subsided?”
“Barely a faint ache now,” he said, turning and walking to join you sitting on the edge of the bed. “Mostly a happy memory.” 
“I suppose it’s good that you won’t need to cross paths with that cretin now that we’ll be confined to our own labs again.”
“I’m not anticipating the interrogation Jayce is going to put me through either,” he said, throwing his body onto the mattress with a loud sigh.
“You can always lie.” 
“I suppose so.” He said with a lazy laugh, “Hungry?”
You nodded and extended your hand to help him up. 
As you stepped into the kitchen, you decided to step to the side and let Viktor do most of the cooking. The enticing scent of spices immediately enveloped you, and you watched him, already in full culinary swing, wielding a knife with the finesse of a seasoned chef. 
"Do you intend to watch me do all the heavy lifting?” he exclaimed, flashing a mischievous grin.
“You’ve worked beside me for long enough to know that if I get involved, I’m going to want to do things my way.”
“I’m fine with that.”
“Are you really? Because I can point out at least three things you’ve done wrong so far.” You say gesturing with your head in the direction of the onions he was chopping (incorrectly, in your humble opinion). “Is the secret ingredient a dash of blood?”
“You say that like you mind the taste.” He teased, earning a playful eye roll from you in return.
As the sunlight shone through the kitchen window, casting a mosaic of patterns on the checkered floor, Viktor hopped between tasks on the limited counter space, going from roughly chopping up potatoes to mixing up a fragrant concoction to marinate the meat in. The rhythmic clinking of utensils and the occasional sizzle of ingredients meeting the hot pan creating a symphony of anticipation. You reveled in the skill and delicateness of his hands and the comforting cadence of his quiet hums. As the finishing touches were added to the pan, Viktor stepped back to take a final look before closing the oven door. 
“Thirty minutes should do it,” he said, walking over to sit at the small table.
“Whatever shall we do with so much time?” You said playfully.
“Eh, we could tidy up the room a bit.”
He was met with a grudge-bearing look. “I did; everything has a purpose, and it has been placed in its current place after careful consideration.” He looked around with an ironic guise and then picked up a small pile of puzzle pieces.
“Even this?”
“I’ll need them when I find the box with the rest of the puzzle.” You said confidently.
You found yourself on the defensive as he continued to pick up things and you offered feeble excuses for the chaos every time he looked back at you with a raised eyebrow. The room seemed to echo with your silent protest as Viktor's eyes lingered on a precariously stacked tower of books.
"And what about this?" He pointed accusingly. "Are you trying to build a skyscraper?"
“Your room would look the same if there was a human inhabiting it.”
“I…eh, have slept there every single day for nearly a month.”
“And that was thanks to my monumental mishandling, as you so graciously claimed after we almost blew up, so you’re very welcome.” You said, giving him a teasing grin. 
“And I stand by that, but I am very grateful for it now.”
The bickering came to a halt when Viktor’s hand reached for yours and pulled you close to him. A subtle curve on his lips betrayed a desire for something other than argument, and you wondered how he always managed to go from antagonistic to the object of your deepest desires with such ease. You, too, couldn't resist the magnetic pull of the charged atmosphere, feeling the currents shift from discord to an electric anticipation that hung between you like a delicate thread. 
“Can you just flirt with me like a normal person? I don’t know; tell me I’m pretty, perhaps.” You said, lightly holding his jaw with one hand.
“Where is the fun in stating the obvious?” He straightened up to give you a peck on the nose. “But if you must know, I believe in the subjective realm of aesthetics that the coalescence of your beautifully crafted features has an unparalleled allure.” He said in a theatrical voice.
“Yeah, nevermind” You broke down into a full-chested laugh that brought tears to your eyes. You both laughed for a long minute before your giggles subsided into a comfortable silence where you just looked at each other and Viktor gently caressed the skin of your waist.
“Pretty merely skims the surface; I trust you know that.”
“You could stand to mention it more,” you said, already halfway through the distance that separated you. Your lips met in a fervent, teasing kiss that spoke a language words could not, and the tension dissolved into a delicate tango of tongues and whispered promises, momentarily eclipsing the cluttered canvas of the room. 
You didn’t feel the rush or urgency that plagued your choices the last couple of times you had done this. It felt deliberate and unworried, and you noticed the real taste of his lips, not concealed by conflicting tastes and circumstances this time around.
Just as the moment reached its zenith, an insistent, faint beeping sound startled the both of you, and reality crashed back into focus as the timer on the oven pierced through the haze. Breaking away reluctantly, you shared a rueful laugh and exchanged a quick, lingering kiss before dashing towards the kitchen. Viktor followed close behind to help you set up and smiled at the playful pout on your lips. 
“Don’t be sad, zaychik ; it’s better this way.” He said, bringing the missing cutlery to the table and sitting opposite you. 
“What do you mean?” You said already stuffing your mouth with some chicken.
“I wouldn’t want to rush it; I fully intend to, eh, take my time with you next time.”
Under your initial disbelief, a thrilling warmth unfurled, coloring your cheeks with an exhilarating blush. And in that moment, as the echoes of his words lingered, you marveled at the boldness that had momentarily shattered the boundaries of polite conversation, leaving behind a residue of exhilaration and the promise of an uncharted, alluring territory. 
As you both sat across from each other at the table, the aroma of Viktor’s homemade meal wafted through the air, and the flickering of the last lights on the dusking sky cast a warm glow on the scene, creating a canvas for the intimate moment you were sharing. You caught a glimpse of an affectionate smile on Viktor's face, his eyes reflecting a quiet contentment that echoed your own. 
You had a lighthearted conversation throughout, talking about Jayce and Moira and your expectations for resuming your tasks at the labs, but as the remnants of the meal disappeared from the table, you exchanged teasing glances, the air heavy with a flirtatious tension that built with every shared laugh and lingering touch. 
“We should have made desert,” you said playfully. 
“If you taste as sweet as I remember, I’m sure I can make do with that.” Suddenly, the once cozy room became a haven of intimacy, beckoning you both as you walked the short steps needed to get to the bed.
However, as soon as you found yourself in Viktor’s arms, your noses touching each other in delicate butterfly kisses, the conversation mellowed into a gentle hum, and as your eyes met, a silent agreement passed between you. The fatigue of the day, coupled with the satisfying indulgence in the hearty meal Viktor had made, weighed down on both of you. The soft caress of his fingers along your spine slowly gave way to the soothing rhythm of shared breaths, and the initial spark of desire transformed into a tranquil embrace as you drifted into sleep in each other's arms, an unexpected twist sealing the night with sweet and tender serenity.
As the first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, you both stirred from the embrace of sleep, realizing that the night had woven its own kind of magic. The initial confusion melted into shared laughter as you exchanged sleepy glances when you rolled over from the position you had woken up in to face Viktor, discovering that the allure of rest had triumphed over whatever intentions you had when you got to bed. Despite everything, a warmth lingered in the air. 
“Is this what you meant when you said you wanted to ´take your time´?” you joked.
“Very funny.” 
“Well, getting you to sleep for a couple of hours is always a win in my books.” 
“That is quite an unfair assumption,” he said as he stretched. “Do you think one of your uniform shirts would fit me? I am dreading having to go all the way to my dorm to change.”
“Probably a little loose, and it’ll smell of my perfume.” 
“Neither sound like a problem.” He said, placing a small kiss on your forehead and walking over to the closet. He turned around briefly with a slightly disapproving look when he saw the piles of tangled clothes, but quickly found one of the shirts. You sat on the edge of the bed with both arms resting behind you as you observed him attentively. He propped his cane on the closet door for a short second to take off the gray t-shirt he had slept in, and he smiled at you when he noticed you staring. 
You hummed and shrugged casually. “Can I not appreciate the view?” 
“There’s nothing to look at.” He chuckled as he put both arms in the maroon sleeves. You frowned.
“There’s plenty to look at, and I frankly do not care if you disagree.” You said playfully as you walked over and started buttoning the shirt so he could hold onto his cane again. “In fact, I’m very much looking forward to seeing the rest of you after work.”
“Can we go to my dorm? I feel claustrophobic here.” He said with a teasing smirk, clearly cut to annoy you. 
The hasty donning of work attire and the quick fix of disheveled hair continued after a quick scoff on your part, punctuated by lingering glances and soft touches. As you stood together in the doorway, you made it a point to plant a kiss on the corner of Viktor’s mouth, leaving an intentionally placed imprint of cherry lipstick that you were sure Jayce would not fail to irritate him about. A small punishment for being incorrigible, or perhaps a clear claim to him for any curious eyes.
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ihopeinevergetsoberr · 2 months
the counterpart
chapter 6 — done it warning, done it now
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art cr: @zaunitearchives our most faithful viktor lover <3 (can you guess which one of the inspo pics belongs to me?because i wasn’t joking when i said i might start using my pictures for these silly frames — I‘M DEDICATED to this fic okay)
word count: 2,2k
VERY nsfw, horny idiots in love, dialogue dialogue dialogue, explicit language, public masturbation, vehicle sex if you will. some porn to prepare you for the chaos i may or may not cause in the next chap 🫣
part 7
“Do you ever feel like a pawn?” 
He turns around and his weary head tips deeper into what little comfort an old bus seat could provide, honeyed eyes a confused reproach pointed at your sheepish smile — had you dawdling over the halo of sun rays slipping prettily into the dark scatter of his hair, turning chestnut into rich, warm bourbon. 
“Since when are you interested in philosophy?”
It makes you stumble over an innocent chuckle; fingers grow flush and hot against his, threatening to slide out of the warm press of hands — to satiate the sudden whim of cradling his face and dipping your thumbs gently into the sharp lines of defined cheekbones. 
“Answer the question, Viktor.” 
Oh the forwardness. Always gives him the urge to comply no matter how ridiculous the request is — be it a hypothetical silly ‘what if’ or an actual firm demand. 
“I don’t project on inanimate objects, milackú,” he maneuvered smoothly out of your prudent trip, placing a cheeky kiss on the curious arc of your mouth. “But, in order not to digress — yes, I suppose I do. Quite occasionally. In your arms.” 
“Smooth. Bravo, Viktor — that was so sweet I might have to see a dentist now.”
“Don’t forget to send me the bill.” 
You gawked at the tooth gap in his proud grin with a hopeless sigh, leaning closer to tuck your face into the crevice of his slender neck. Couldn’t care less about the other passengers — nor did they care about you, to be frank: your seats were hidden in the back corner securely enough. Lips pressed to the fresh love bruise, so poorly covered with a mess of his unbuttoned collar — a not so humble possessive remnant of the morning tryst in his room. You craved a change of scenery: ravishing only one bed quickly becomes boring and unfair to its just as much ravished owner. 
“No, but seriously,” you kept prying, words a muffled mumble against the slim of his skin — had you smiling when you caught the subtle scent of soap on the barely exposed collarbone, and his hand found tender leverage in your hair as thoughts drifted to the delicious things he did to you in that bathroom this very morning. Even longed to hold him there for a little longer — if not for the damn bus, that was now rapidly moving towards your opportunity to flaunt. Or to become a pitiful disgrace. Unfortunately, so far you were only leaning towards the latter. 
It was Viktor’s idea. To play a local tournament — a somewhat silly for a person of his rating gathering, that he had no valid reason to attend. And yet he was so insistent on taking you there, held your hand so securely tight as you tried to fruitlessly convince him of your incompetence. Well, not incompetence, per se — you were simply a tad bit rusty, with a long forgotten dream of ever turning your passion into something professional. Endured a lengthy back and forth filled with his soft persistence and your capricious reluctance (which was secretly just a failed attempt to cover your incitement). 
Because you loved the competition. Used to live off the thrill of having people at the edges of their seats, consumed their defeated groans alongside each captured piece, and forcibly swallowed the spiteful comments spinning at the tip of your tongue during each bitter post-defeat handshake. Adored the elegant gall-spitting on the checkered board, and loved hearing people whisper malicious things whenever you entered the room. 
What happened to that version of you? Was it still there — a sharp tiny warrior, or ‘that pretentious little cunt’ — a title you wore proudly after a certain querulous opponent had revealed it to you generously all these years ago?
Well, certainly. Angry girls grow up shaped into furious women, but your fierceness was now imposed on men, poetry and lechery. Anything but tournaments. 
And — while chess still owned your heart — you had to bow your head to the countless obstacles of life, aiming for stability; fed the vigorous child inside you countless books and analyzed hundreds of games, hoping that, eventually, that stupid yearning will be sated. 
But now you had him — your bright opponent, rated strong intermediate and highly respected in narrow circles. A player of great potential — he was everything you could’ve been by now, a living proof of one’s passion and major coexisting peacefully. Your personal Czech serpent, the gentlest hangman of your fortitude — eager to get you rated, to make you see your skills through his meticulous eyes.
So here you were. Entwined with him in the contentious privacy of this backseat, harried with occasional chokeholds of your nervousness. Viktor was waiting for your point, all flushed ears and uneven breath. 
“What I mean is,” you sighed again, tongue dancing skittishly over the front row of teeth, “don’t you ever feel so small and utterly unimportant? Like everyone else is so much more valuable?” 
“But pawns are very important,” he protested, coaxing you to quit hiding from his acute eyes, “I delivered checkmates with pawns countless times before. And so did you.“
You couldn’t argue with that logic. Just sank deeper into his arms and watched the light run through his dilated pupils — the slipping boredom of the city both of you were getting out of today. 
“Yes, but would you rather lose a pawn or… say, a rook? Or a knight? Or quite literally any other thing?” reluctant to bend to his attempts at soothing your restless mind, you refused to retreat and sweetly troubled him further. His smirk curled atop yours in a curt little touch — but one can’t kiss away a worry that excessive. Even as determined as he was to try. 
“Depends on the circumstances. Surely, choosing to lose a powerful piece over a less significant one sounds unreasonable when you put it that way — but we both know it doesn’t exactly work like that.” 
His sigh — or was it the rough scorch of the sun? — was making you melt; took care of your misery like the acidic little thing it is. Big palm stirred over the hem of a cotton dress, tracing it with a tremble, then slipping cautiously underneath — to curl around your thigh and pin it to the seat like a gentle shackle. You could still make out the grip through the sheer restraint of fabric; had your legs clenching together to trap it viciously into a crate of skin and soft little hairs: they stood on their ends oh so treacherously, each shiver palpable under the calluses of Viktor’s fingers. 
“Moje laska.” There it is again. Turning you into a dumb pile of freshly discovered weaknesses — he could burn you to ashes that very moment and you’d gladly let him get away with it, as long as that hand stayed so close to home, damp from your sweat and whatever beads of slick seeping through the soaked ruin of your underwear. If only he could reach down and throw а quivering thigh over one scrawny shoulder, tongue a trail chasing the wet deliciousness of your lust after him — just how he likes it: sweet, slow and salacious. The holy trinity of your fervent undoings.
“You’ll make them all feel like pawns,” you felt him sting the shell of your ear in a tortuous whisper, his caress tenderly cruel against what little composure left between tense legs, “I can promise you that much.” 
“We have a tournament to play, and that’s what you’re thinking about right now?” you tried to snatch the power out of his hands, but tripped over his long middle finger — so viciously close to the swollen folds. He could’ve grasped the shape of them through the obstacle of fabric if only you approved of the mischief. 
“We have a tournament to play, and you’re wasting our precious time on baseless self-consciousness. I am merely providing a pleasant distraction,” he explained, then resigned to offer you a moment of hesitation. “Unless the setting is too public for you, of course. I don’t mind proceeding in private, with less prying eyes nailed to your potential, eh… agony.” 
“My, you’re shameless.” 
“You’re one to talk. So? May I?”
Gaze quickly flipped through the row of potential witnesses, failing to notice a single giving a fuck one. Viktor waited for your permission with patiently bated breath, watching your throat move when you gulped, slightly strangled. 
Lips protruded into a line — a show-off of a smirk at the eroded crumbles of your sanity. Because, indeed — your writhing was needy to its very core, legs tumbled in to coax your salvation out of him. Impatient, fitful, stubborn — your demand was impeccable in its tacit delivery, emphasized the urgency when a single fingertip brushed the entrance soft and languid, then found the wet, laced at the edges barrier. White and see-through, with a silly bow sitting prettily right on top — he watched you put them on fresh out of shower, all damp-skinned and weak-kneed, the swift slide of light fabric over the divine thick of your thighs. It’s a shame he couldn't see the mess he’d made out of them. 
A well-rehearsed route: a casual slide inside the delicate garment, a timid swipe over each plush fold. Immutable, but you liked it — begged for more into his rouge under the white shirt shoulder. It matched you so effortlessly. Though his attire was sticky only from sweat. 
Torturous. Purely, perfectly, obscenely tortuous — that’s how his finger felt, hot and slick, in a precious little roll against the swell of your clit, and you found hold of his lean thigh, nails a sharp anchor in the gentle flesh of it — squeezing hard enough to cut through his pants. And his little chuckles —  these warm brisk spurts of muffled laughter. They had your free from gnawing at him hand pressing tight against your mouth, pushing the debauched whine back into your throat until it was practically strangling you, swallowing hard to keep everyone present unaware of the stage of bliss you were going through in that damned seat. As tempted as you were to scream at the top of your burning lungs — it was best for your audience to remain unconcerned. 
Don’t get caught, don’t attract attention, don’t fuck it up — but god was it difficult when you needed so much more than just these restrained, demure cirles against your aching clit. Glassy-eyed and so tense, you silently pleaded him to keep going — a second away from rolling into his lap to fall strung up on his just as much aching cock and have him thrust your heart out in that very grimmy seat. And he would do it, always so happy to please — no doubt muttering swears towards the oblivious handful of other passengers, mourning the urge to tend to as you deserve it — full-course and thorough. 
He probably won’t fuck you in public ever again. Not where he couldn’t pay you every last neck kiss and every last lewd little word, at the very least. 
But for now he tormented you meticulously towards the sweet climax — clockwise, calculated, gentle. With an occasional flick of darkened eyes over each potential witness: to make sure he’s the only one to savor your collapse, the ever thoughtful protector of your pleasure. And there he was in your ear again — with a filthy helping of pleasantries spoken softly to ensure you get what you want. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Voice satin, motions timidly flawless. He had a bit of a hard time pronouncing it, choked on a humm so utterly awe-struck. “Oh, the things I’d do to you if only we were alone. The things I’m tempted to do to you — to hell with privacy. Being quiet doesn’t suit you, milovaná.” 
And you finally spilled. Heavy head dropped back in what could’ve been a loud lustful moan — mouth formed an eager O under the slam of your sweaty palm. Buckled knees and tiny convulsions — you came not nearly hard enough in comparison to what he usually puts you through, yet it still lanced through you and turned limbs numb, clit was sore from the remnants of your dissolving arousal, throbbing under the generous stroke of his fingertips. 
A slow orgasm — both in delivery and departure, a taunting treat that left you delightfully dizzy. You captured the warm sight of him through the fluttering cover of lashes, myriad white dots biting roughly at your vision, rubbing rudely into a sunny line that melted the ends of his wild hair into a lighter shade. His hand slid away, tremulous. Left a glossy trace all the way up to your shaking knee. Thin wrist caught a little cramp. 
“Breathe.” A sultry reminder upon the slope of your shoulder as his lips found some skin in a brief kiss. Cheeky. Self-pleased. Had you nearly sobbing in fresh desperation when he wiped two glistening fingers to a fetched out handkerchief ostentatiously. Absorbed every drop of you and tucked it back into his breast pocket — to wear you there lewdly next to his heart. 
You’ll need a few cigarettes back-to-back to recover from this.  
The bus needed fifteen more minutes to spit you out gently into the hostile arms of the competition.
tags: @thehistoriangirl @zaunitearchives @blissfulip @queen-of-elves @vyshnevska
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jweekgoji · 1 year
yandere five with a reader who's just as smart as him, but is still really sweet. however, she won't take any of his shit and gets past all of his shenanigans, escaping every he drags her back.
Yandere!Five x Reader
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warnings: yandere behaviour, dark themes (obviously), yandere Five, kidnapping, mentions of breaking bones.
a/n: I'm sorry if that's not...what you expected? i dunno why I'm saying this, it's just every time I'm doing requests I have a feeling I didn't do it perfectly? and you probably expected more-
For a man like Number Five, having a potential competitor around is kinda a great danger. For him? Haha! Definitely not, more for you. You see, since childhood, Five has been a pretty...competitive guy. He's faster, smarter, stronger than the ones he grew up with at the Academy when he was much younger.
In fact, meeting the same person who can make Five sweat so well would be very interesting to him. If Five were younger, his reaction would be simple. He wants to be the best, as well as get his dose of praise from Reginald, will simply start spending a day to get ahead of you. He'll work out, he'll solve more math equations, he'll read every book in the house day and night, he'll do anything to say, in the end, “I'll always be better.”
Five, who survived several apocalypses, life in the Commission and other things, will be a little...calmer. Yes, he has a younger body, which means he must have strength. But. Five was tired mentally and physically. His body may allow him to do a few runs around the academy if he really wants to, but the other question is, will he compete with you? No.
I understand that you are probably a little disappointed with this answer, yes? Sorry, but Five is not 13 years old! There may be a part of him that wants to get some praise from Reggie, but for the most part, he just doesn't care. He is an old man. He's 58 years old guys, all he wants to do is drink coffee and read some newspaper while enjoying a legal retirement. Your games do not impress him, play such games with Diego or Ben from Sparrow, and please do not bother him.
And so, we approach the other side, by some miracle Five liked you so much that he now loves you, congratulations! I think some of your sarcasm plus sweet and intelligent behaviour will annoy him a little, but for the most part it will amuse him. You, compared to him, are so inexperienced and cute, you are probably trying to copy him, right? He will rather laugh at your behavior.
But if you really are really incredibly smart, then congratulations, you can even shut him up for a while. Remember how Viktor reminded him of the events of season 2?
You stand next to Five, silently looking at him, then at his older doppelgänger lying on the cold metal surface of the table. A moment, and you noticeably shift your gaze first to the younger, then to the old man, and so on several times. This obviously does not go unnoticed by Five and he, already on the verge of breakdown, turns to you.
„What?” he practically grinds his teeth, trying to keep from sounding rougher.
“Nothing,” you shrug, chuckling softly. “It’s just that if he is you, and you are the creator of the Commission, then it’s a little funny.”
He raises one eyebrow at your words and, moving away from his counterpart, now seems a little interested in your point of view.
“What the hell is funny about that? Can you try to explain yourself, missy?”
“You complained that the suitcases are not bulletproof, but it turns out that this is like your mistake?” you are still smiling. “It's not that I blame you...”
For a moment there is only awkward silence between the two of you. You look at him, he looks at you, only making this conversation more awkward now. He seemed to think about your words and the realization really hit him hard, and his face turns red, more likely from anger, and possibly embarrassment.
“You brat really think it's a good idea to say it right now-”
I think if you have yandere Number Five behind you, who, if you remember, is one of the most dangerous people in the world, then you must be pretty damn smart. You must be much smarter than him, considering the fact that you are a simple person with no abilities. It will be incredibly difficult for you to avoid problems if he wants to have you with him 24/7, since he can literally appear at any moment and move you anywhere and you won’t even have time to blink.
Dealing with a person with teleportation is a 50/50 situation where you may or may not get lucky. Your reaction should be quick and immediate, being able to analyze your situation in a stressful situation, because then the right to make a mistake is a luxury that you cannot afford.
Right now, one of your many attempts to escape from Five, and you can tell exactly how he is not happy about this fact. How many times have you already done this? Five times? Ten? Twenty?! He is tired of constantly pulling you away from leaving the house, you damn annoying him at such moments, and after each such attempt, he often has to change the doors and locks on the windows, because you, by some fucking miracle, manage to break them.
“Can you stop this for one freaking day?” he hisses angrily, wrapping one arm around your neck, pressing you closer to him.
His other hand is on top of your mouth, thereby shutting you up. Just from looking at Five's face, you can see how tired he is. Sweat runs down his forehead and his chest rises up and down incredibly fast.
There is a slight smile on your face and for a moment you froze, looking up at him.
“Oh, I'm really sorry for all the trouble I'm causing you,” you say in your real, sad voice. “And sorry about that too.”
Without giving your kidnapper time to react, you strike him hard in the side with your elbow, causing him to groan in pain and let go of you for a moment. Enough for you to be able to escape from it.
If you are smart and have abilities that can help you, then it will be a little easier for you. Because you can at least protect yourself a little if something happens. But in the end, Five is an experienced killer who has a lot of experience and a mountain of corpses behind his back, so at some point the cat and mouse games will end and you can hardly escape your fate.
“You really made me all so worked up over this little games of yous ,” he admits, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “But in the end, you can’t run away from fate, right, angel?”
“My dear, it's only a matter of time before I can get away from you again,” you chirp happily, your wrists a little sore from how tight the ropes are pressing against your skin, but your whole appearance doesn't show it.
“Then I need to try to take this opportunity away from you forever,” his hand rests on your knee, squeezing lightly. Your breath is held for a moment and you look down, your heart beats stronger in your chest and it seemed that it was about to jump out.
He won't dare to break your legs, will he?
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