#like i swear to god. get your heads out of the sand and start dreaming bigger than the hellhole you think we're stuck with
ansburg · 1 year
people be like "damn it's fucked up that milk and eggs are 700% of normal price. anyway prepare to vote for biden"
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2cool4ghoul · 23 days
I can dream, can't I?
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Part 2 <3
AO3 link <3
This is my first time uploading anything like this, this dried up old cowboy got me feeling some kind of way! felt like joining the club! I was hoping for this to be multiple parts (featuring pre war Cooper and the ghoul) if anyone is interested in that, let me know!!!!!
word count: 4,349
Summary: You've spent the last few years after escaping your vault roaming the wastelands, doing whatever it is that you need to do to get by. Before the bombs dropped you were a model/singer, which is were you met western movie star Cooper Howard! You two spent the last few months before the bombs dropped falling in love but the bombs put a pin in that. But one day amongst the endless days spent walking, you come across a crazily familiar cowboy....
warnings: 18+, fingering, oral (fem receiving), swearing, minimal violence, if you want a part 2 there will be p in v, restraints, not yet edited.
Whilst the sun proved itself unbearable on most days, today had been particularly blistering. 
Traveling through the wasteland alone, on little to no water, with zero companionship had started to take its toll on you and you were sure you were becoming delirious. Your canteen had ran dry a couple miles back, the nearest town was unimaginably far, and you could’ve sworn you’d already passed that mound of dried yellowing grass. 
Refusing to admit you were lost, you dug your feet into the sand, one step at a time, panting and wiping the sweat from your brow. It was times like this that made you wish you’d never left your Pip-boy behind in the vault when you made your dramatic exit. What once served as a constant reminder of the vaults would’ve now been your best chance at survival. 
You shudder whenever memories of your vault come to mind. The experiments and test you had endured had left enough scars on your body to make you forget what your skin looked like before everything. 
Before the bombs had dropped you had been plastered on every other billboard, advertising whatever suspicious product had been shoved in your hands that day. You’d once had dreams of becoming a singer, but that had been stripped away from you in the midst of a messy divorce with none other than the head of RobCo himself. He’d sought to ruin what was left of your dreams in anyway that he could, even if that meant freezing you for god knows how many years and letting men play their cruel games with you in the name of science. These memories were often punctuated with plans of revenge and carefully thought out methods of torture that would yield the most excruciating pain. There was lots of time to think and to plan when wandering the wasteland, so you knew you’d be ready when the time came.
A sadistic grin was wiped from your lips when a distant scream snapped you from your planning. You paused for a moment, frowning whilst trying to figure out from what direction the commotion was coming from. Gunshots were fired, igniting excitement in your belly at the thought of a possible fight, something to break the monotony of walking all day and night long. Once you’d figured out the location of whatever was going on, you paced in its direction, a large dune of sand providing you with a height advantage. The grunts and growls of a creature grew louder, frantic shouts of panic coming from a women. 
You could immediately identify the creature by its ungodly noises, however when the scene came into view, you were still impressed with yourself for being correct. A deathclaw had chosen two wanderers as its victims. One appeared to be a vaultie, still in her nearly pristine blue and yellow suit, making you scoff a little. The other, a ghoul dressed in a cowboy get up, his hat having been knocked to the side as he tried his very best to fight of the beast which was barely flinching at the bullets being torn into its skin. The Vaultie had been holding up a tranquilliser gun, which was doing little to deter the deathclaw from sizing up its next meal, managing to swipe her back into the sand with a thud. It then set its eyes on the ghoul, slowly stalking up to them as they hastily reloaded their gun. 
After a few moments of deciding on the next course of action, whether to let the laws of nature take their course or to intervene, you decided on intervening. No matter how hard you’d try to forget it, you too had once been a vaultie trying to survive and would’ve begged on your knees for help. Or maybe you had just become soft. Swiftly, you pulled your shotgun from over your shoulder, lifting it and shutting one eye to aim correctly. You squeezed and pulled the trigger, right as it jumped to pounce on the ghoul. Your first bullet lodged itself into the side of the creatures face, and you shot another bullet right between the eyes, leaving it slumped on the floor beside the ghoul, who was now laying on his back, catching his breathe. It took a moment for the two strangers to locate who had saved them as you stood atop the dune, shotgun still in hand, blinking at them with an unreadable expression. Despite saving their lives, you didn’t trust that they wouldn’t turn on you, so you kept your gun in hand, breathing steadily.
“Thank you, stranger! I surely thought that was the end!” The Vaultie beamed up at you, wide eyes showing their relief, the grin plastered across her face, showing too much innocence. 
“My pleasure, sugar!” You called back down, your southern accent thicker than it used to be, surprising you even when you spoke. “You two best keep your wits about ya, not everyone out here is as willin’ to lend a helpin’ hand to those in need.” 
“We will certainly keep that in mind!” She glanced over at you and then over to the ghoul who was staring at you with wide eyes, his hat in hand, frozen in place. 
“Well,” You began making your way down the dune, walking carefully with the gun still in hand due to the Ghoul’s out of sorts reaction to your help, “You wouldn’t happen t’have any water you could share, in exchange fo’ saving your lives?” You tilted your head, diverting your attention to the Vaultie, flashing her one of your signature starlet grins, fluttering your lashes. 
“Of course!” She swung her back pack off her shoulder, also choosing to ignore the staring from the silent Ghoul, “I’m not too confident about how clean it is, but it is sure to quench your thirst!” She scrambled for her canteen before passing it in your hands eagerly. 
“Thank you, sweet girl.” You tipped your head to her before sipping, coolly, trying not to show how desperately you needed this. Whilst taking your last sip, your eyes got caught in the stare of the Ghoul, feeling him looking you up and down, examining your body and the tattered dress and cowboy boots, taking in every bit of you, eyes still as wide. “What’s tha matter with him?” You pressed as you passed the canteen back, “Looks like he’s seen a ghost.” Teasing, the Vaultie mirrored your confused expression.
“I think I have.” His voice was deep, the southern drawl faintly recognisable. He had finally gotten up to his feet, still standing a safe distance away from you. You took this as an opportunity to stare him down now. His face was marred and textured, his prominent bone structure told you before the effects of radiation took their toll, that he’d been rather handsome. Underneath the many layers of his clothes, a fade blue collar peeked out. You stood in silence, the pressure of his thick glare finally becoming all to much, your hand ghosting over your holster.
“Didn’t your mama teach you it was rude t’stare, old man?” Your tone was now threatening, “are we gonna have a problem?” Licking your lips, you readied yourself, the tension rising as you took a step closer. 
“Now, is that anyway to speak to your sherif?” He lowered his voice, so only you could hear him, also taking a step closer, the gap between you so small you could feel his breath fanning over your face. He stood much taller than you, intimidating in his stance, you had to tip your head back and look at him through your eyelashes, furrowing your brows.
“Cooper?...” You stuttered through your own confusion, your head leaning to the side slightly. At this close proximity you were able to properly look into his unchanged eyes. The glowing whiskey colour, twinkling in the hot sun. Immediately recognisable. “Oh, now you’ve got to be fucking kiddin’ me?” You laughed a sinister laugh, as a smug smirk played out over his lips. 
Catching him by surprise, you shoved him by both shoulders, sending him stumbling and falling back to the ground. You were quick to straddle his waist, pulling a knife from its holster attached to your thigh. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!” You threatened, he grabbed your wrists in protest, “You fucking knew, you told me I was crazy and you fucking knew all along!” 200 years of grief and longing and anger faltered at your lips, unable to form a full sentence as you both struggled on the floor. The Vaultie had chosen not to intervene, a couple ill attempts at deescalating the situation fell upon death ears. 
“Goddammit, darlin!” Cooper managed to hold both your wrist in one hand, pinning them behind your back. He flipped to two of you over, so he was firmly on top of you, the knife dropping from your hand as you fought back tears. You wriggled in his grip, eyes glassy, refusing to meet his own eyes. “You died, you had some awful crash, I went to your funeral.” He hissed at you, “What’re you doin’ here?” You stopped moving, stopping wriggling, the penny finally dropping. You sighed relaxing your body. He took note of this, his body falling next to you tired. You didn’t want to answer his question, sitting upright, deciding to leave the situation. 
“Not to intrude, but can someone tell me whats going on?” His companion waved awkwardly, finally taking a step closer to the two of you. You weren’t one to jump to conclusions but you looked back at Cooper and then at the girl, a sly chuckle leaving your lips.
“God, coop, you really are a dog, aren’t ya?” Raising an eyebrow at him, you shook your head, pushing yourself of the ground. “Well, you’ve certainly found yourself shacked up with a real man, miss…?” You spoke sarcastically, picking your knife from the floor, setting back into its sheath, gesturing for her name.
“Oh, my names Lucy-“ She put out her hand to shake yours before she was interrupted.
“Maclean.” It was spoken through gritted teeth, Cooper standing up, staring you down as you kissed your teeth.
“As in Henry Maclean?”
“Yeah, he’s my dad, I apologise in advance for what he did to you.” Lucy’s voice trailed off and she looked down, scuffing her feet. 
“We’re looking for him, haven’t seen him have ya?” Cooper was now standing by your side.
“No can’t say I have, I best be off,” His pointed glare looked at you unsure, untrusting of your decision to leave, “now you two have fun!” Turning you back to the both of them, you started walking in the opposite direction, ignoring any further protests, your name being called after you.
There was a slight scratch felt on your back, just below your shoulder. Stopping in your tracks, you reach round to pull out a small syringe. A scoff leaving your lips, the world around you deteriorating around you and melting into darkness. Your knees weakened and you fell directly to the ground, everything turning black just before your head made contact with the sand beneath you.
When you awoke, the room was dark and open, the warm glow of a fire illuminating one corner, casting a flickering orange shadow on the wall. Your head was throbbing, your body aching, you went to lift your arms to rub your eyes. However, you quickly came to realise you had been tied around the waist with rope, arms restrained behind your back, slumped in a chair which was close to falling apart. You writhed against your restraints, huffing before looking up and realising you were not alone in the room. 
Cooper was sat opposite the fire, the brim of his hat covering his eyes. “Sleeping’ beauty finally woken up?” You didn’t respond, simply staring him down looking at him past furrowed brows. “didn’t want to tranq ya, sweetheart, but you’re not gettin’ away that easy.” He smirked, leaving his position opposite the fire, slowly wandering over to you, the clatter of his spurs echoing in the empty room. “We got some catching up to do, do we not?” He now stood in front of you, the velvety drawl of his voice sounding better than you remember.
“M’not giving in that easy, Coop.” A smirk fluttered over you lips, blinking up at him through your lashes, sitting back in the chair to pretend at being comfortable.
“No? Of course you wouldn’t,” chuckling, he placed a gloved hand on your chin, forcing you to stare him in the eyes, “you wouldn’t be the lady I remembered so fondly if you did.” There was a chair that he dragged from out of you view, placing it in front of you, sitting down with his legs spread opposite you. “Now, you gonna tell me how you’re still here, lookin’ exactly how I left you, or am I gonna have to do this the hard way?” He spoke quietly, his elbows resting on his knees, leaning in closer to you. 
“I’m not telling you shit.” Your chest rose and deflated with every heavy breath you took, his gaze becoming almost as unbearable as the sun earlier that day. He tutted, leaning back, your eyes taking any chance they could to steal a glance between his thighs. He was pretending not to notice but you knew he did. This was the beginning of a sick game. One you definitely wanted to play. 
Licking his lips, he looked you up and down, tied up in your chair, squeezing your thighs together. For a moment there was silence, just the crackling of the fire. “What am I gonna do with you?” He muttered to himself as you sat firm in your silence 
“I can’t help you, Cooper, I don’t have the information you need.” You spoke matter of fact, and it was partly true. You knew nothing of Macleans whereabouts, you didn’t even know he was still kicking about.
“And what do you know about what information I need, huh?” He pondered, pulling a canteen of water from his coat pocket, your body stiffening at the sight of it. He raised it to his lips, slowly, eyes never leaving yours, even as drops littered down his chin, rolling down his neck. God, you could’ve jumped out of your chair and licked up those drops, drinking the water straight from his mouth. Your jaw fell slightly slack at the sight of it, the thoughts of sucking it up making your hips grind slightly in his direction, begging for any friction. This of course did not go unnoticed, for a sadistic chuckle left his chest, deep and inviting. “My oh my, you always were like a bitch in heat,” his tongue ran across his teeth, “you thirsty, lil’lady?” He gestured the canteen your way, “All you gotta do is ask for it.” 
You maintained your burning eye contact, pressing your lips together and nodding. “Gotta use your words,” getting up from his chair, he stalked his way over to you, making you crane your head up, basically panting for him, “go on, girl, ask for it.” He was enjoying this way too much.
“Give me some water.” You almost growled, the canteen so close to your lips, immediately pulled away.
“You need me to teach you some manners, girlie?” He was frowning, standing slightly behind you, just in view, “ask nicely.” 
“Can I have some water?” You were restless and if you squeezed your legs shut anymore your legs would be trembling, throbbing with your underwear damp with arousal. A light slap was planted against your cheek, not enough to hurt, but enough to send a shiver down your spine. “I’m not begging for it, Cooper.” Your tone was firm, but not firm enough to be truthful.
“Is that so?” His hand had moved down to your neck, grabbing firmly and tilting your head back so you could see him standing behind you, canteen in one hand. “Then you’re not gettin’ any.”
He kept a hold of you, like a wild animal, whilst he took another gulp of water, droplets dripping from his mouth pattering on your forehead and cheeks. Your mouth fell open, in the hopes of catching some, but you failed, only earning a throaty laugh from Cooper. “Christ, women, Look at you!” You’re cheeks flushed red with shame, humiliated with the mess you were. “You know what you gotta say-“
“Please Cooper Howard, I am begging you, Please!” You whined, close to tears as he raised where his eyebrows had been, watching you finally give in, pleased with himself. “Please.” You repeated breathing heavily. Your mouth dry, tongue running over your lips.
“Open wide, angel.” He mumbled, grip on your neck loosening ever so slightly. He tipped the contents into your mouth, water had never tasted so good, you let out relieved moans as you were replenished, not caring for the water that was spilling down your chest, falling between your breasts.
Whilst you took a moment to release a sigh of relief, the hand around your neck began traveling down, causing the tension to immediately rise back up. “That wa’nt so hard was it?” The depth of his voice and his accent leaving you quivering. His hand found its way to your breast, cupping and squeezing it, your back arching to his touch. He had been the last man to touch you like this, all those 200 years ago, and you’d dreamt of it ever since. You had never imagined you’d be lucky enough to experience it again. Yet, just as quick as his touch was on you, it left. You furrowed you brows, turning to try and meet his gaze with a pout, yet he was walking back out in front of you. Your bottom lip was tugged between your teeth as he had a sly grin on his lips. If your lips weren’t saying it, your big eyes were pleading with him to give you something else. Painfully slowly, he dropped to his knees in front of you, and your body involuntarily scooted to the edge of the seat, embarrassed by your own eagerness.
Despite him still being the man you’d once known somewhere in there, he’d been changed undoubtedly by his years of wandering. You shouldn’t be attracted to him anymore in the way you were. It was shameful of you to be this eager and will for him. Begging for any slight touch. Begging for a ghoul to give you something for your aching cunt to squeeze around.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and spread those legs of yours, show me what I been dreamin’ ‘bout?” Dripping with lust, he ordered whilst pushing your dress up around your waist. Doing as you were told, you opening your legs, being slightly shy. “No use being shy now, girl, open ‘em wide for this o’cowboy.” His annoyance only spurred you on, spreading them as wide as you could in the chair. “Goddamn,” He hissed, running his bare finger tips over your clothed arousal, the material slick and wet, “Your pretty lil’ pussy, practically dripping for me,” he groaned while pulling the fabric to one side, eyes taking in the sight of you panting, mouth wide, spreading your legs like a good girl, “all over a drop o’water?” He had a smirk on his new wet lips, that you just wanted to slap off. You thought for a moment of clenching your thighs around his head and neck and choking him out, yet you figured he’d enjoy that too much for it to be a form of punishment. 
When his mouth kissed against your inner thighs, you whispered a gasp, thighs finally trembling giving in to showing him how desperate you were for him. He was being cruel, teasing you and testing your limits. He refused to give into what you wanted without hearing you beg for it once more, taking immense pleasure in seeing you quivering and leaning into his slightest touch. His lips ghosted over where you needed him most, your eyes growing glassy, your stomach burning with desire, body aching from the tension you so needed releasing.
“Oh god, Cooper please, I need you so much, I’m achin’, it hurts, I need you.” Your words came out quickly, breathlessly, surprising the two of you, wiggling against the restraints, wishing to just grab his head and shove it into your grinding heat. He glanced up at you for moment, “please, I cant take this anymore.” You shook your head. “I’ll tell you anythin’ you want, please, just… just give me something.” A blanketed layer of sweat had ran over your body, glistening in the dimming glow of the unattended fire.
“You gon’ be a good girl f’me?” He looked at you sternly, his breath fanning over where you needed him most.
“I’ll be so damn good, I promise, I’ll do anything you want me to.” Swallowing down whatever was left of your pride, you scooted even closer to him and he hummed closing his eyes for a moment.
“I could listen to you beggin’ f’me all day.” He finally gave in.
His tongue lapped against you, a moan finally escaping you, He’d taken your thighs and rested them over his shoulders, full delving into you. His tongue dipped into you and you mewled. You so desperately wanted to touch him, pull him closer. The tension boiling within you was dangerously close to spilling over, embarrassingly fast. “God,” his voice vibrated against you, “You taste even sweeter than I remember, my sweet sweet girl.” He was in complete bliss, giving into a self indulgent spree of groans, sucking you in trying to taste as much as possible. Your thighs knock off his hat, yet neither go you seem to notice. He sucked at your clit, finding the sweet spot that he always knew so well, causing you to writhe and curse his name.
“Oh, Cooper, I’m gonna… oh please!” His hands dug into your thighs, leaving red marks that would definitely leave a bruise in their wake. He maintained his actions, until one hand reach round, finger tip tapping your clit whilst his tongue dug into you, readying himself to taste you as you came undone. 
“You gon’ cum for me, darlin?” He cooed.
This was enough to set you over the edge, “Oh my god, fuck!” You rocked forward, like a women possessed, as you clenched and squeezed shaking and shivering for him. Gulping for air, you were seeing stars, “There you go, attagirl.” He groaned, working you through you orgasm as the tension in your body released, your limbs relaxing. You were whimpering, expecting to feel his presence leaving you. However he remained, the pace of his fingers on your clit was fastening. Your back straightened, wishing you could relish in the release for longer before he started again. “I need a moment.” You panted and he looked up at you, pulling his face away, the sheen of his orgasm on his lips.
“No can do, sweetheart,” shaking his head, knelt in front of you, “I’m not finished with you yet.” Your eyes widened, gulping for air, mouth dry again. 
The finger was gone from your clit, pushing its way inside you as you threw your head back welcoming its entrance. “Besides, looks like youre takin’ it just fine to me.” His cocky voice was barely audible over the moans as he rutted his finger into you. He forced another digit in, slowly testing you with the feeling of pulling them all the way out and then all the way in again, knuckle deep in your cunt. You ground your hips against his fingers, eyes rolling back into your head, “God, look at you, fucking yourself on my fingers, you needy lil girl.” He tutted at you, dumbfounded by your willingness.
He curved his fingers, grazing against the spot which made you arch your back, “right there, sweetheart?” There was a gentleness in his voice, looking up at you as you clenched all your muscles against the rope, tied way to well for you to break free.
“Mmhmm, right there, cowboy.” You forced your words out, struggling to cope with the pleasure rushing through your body. Eyes squeezed shut, clenching around his fingers, fighting another orgasm with all your might, trying not to give in so easily this time. “I want you so bad.” You groaned and he went slightly rigid.
“Lets not move too fast now.” His jaw clenching, his own restrained demeanour threatening to break and snap. His quickened his pace with his fingers, trying to distract himself from the aching bulge of his own. “Don’t hold out on me, princess, I can feel how close you are, the way you squeezing round these fingers, come for me one more time.” He growled it, thrusting his hips into nothing, watching the way you were unraveling and moaning his name. He hadn’t expected you to be so eager, the rough exterior very different to the man you’d fallen in love with. 
The ever-growing tension was released once more, heart pounding in your chest, eyes rolling back until they’re were squeezed shut, cursing profanities and taking the lords name in vain, letting out unholy noises, rope beginning to rub the skin writhing beneath it raw. “Oh Cooper Howard, don’t stop.” You continued rolling against him, the use of his full name setting his heart alight. The waves of pleasure didn’t seem to stop, his fingers riding out the high for you, body shaking with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body was truly truly spent. You had nothing left to give except for a lazy half lidded gaze at coop who was still kneeling opposite you, proud of himself that after all this time he was still able to leave you a dripping mess, trembling for him, moaning his name. Silence filled the room, your body slumped in the chair, staring down at him. You forced a lazy smile.
“What do ya wanna know?"
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Yan! Team Black request:
What if Luce survived storms end and trader found him washed up on the shore? She nurses him back to health and takes him back to Dragonstone. I can see team black becoming absolutely obsessed with reader for bringing their baby boy back to them
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Yandere team black x reader. (Mostly platonic but there are sighs of it not being that way.)
Notes: I changed it up from the reader being a trader.
This might be bad but I honestly had a hard time continuing this. But I hope I did a decent job <3
Taglist: @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @second-try-stevie @prettyinblack231
Warnings: Yandere tendency, a bit of targaryen costumes…If you know what I mean, manipulation, obsession, over a just a dream to be in. poor editing.
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It all started when you went to fishing in the early morning at the lake just a few minutes from your house. To your surprise when you got there you saw a body laying in the water and on the shore. You realized it was a young boy who clearly needed some aid.
His lower body was in the lake water and his face cover in sand. You cursed yourself as you dragged the boy out of the water and across the ground over to dry land. “Boy!” You gently slapped his face to see if he would awaken, he was alive and breathing but it was weak. You noticed there was blood and a cut on his head so you tore your skirt and wrapped it around his head.
“If you die on me I swear to the gods.” You muttered and took off the cloak and extra clothing he didn’t need. But his pants and shirt where still on, you didn’t want the extra weight on him or it keeping him cold. You went over to your travel bag and pulled out your blanket and set it on him and started to collect fire wood to start a fire to keep you both warm.
After you saw no more wounds on the boy you left him on the ground and went back to do what you came for- To fish. But of course you weren’t going to leave the boy but you needed the free food. So when the sun passed mid sky you took your leave. Even though he was a young boy and small, he was heavy to get onto your house. 
You had a small house out of town and in the woods which you liked because no one was there. Your kingdom was peaceful for the most part and you knew how to take care of yourself. When you got home you placed him on your bed and let him get rest but you eagerly awaited for him to wake.
“Give me a fucking minute-” you screamed as you ducked down as a shoe was thrown at you. “Tell me where I am.” The boy you saved awake after a week and he was out of control. “You could have just asked that but no you’re acting like a savage. Your in Nearva, and I saved your life so stop throwing my shit.” You glanced at him as he stops but still kept his guard up.
“Nearva? I’ve never heard of that, where is it in the seven kingdoms?” And it clicked to you where we was from. He was from Westeros, all across the world where you only heard stories about. “You’re from westeros?” You asked as you slowly stood up not to frighten him. “Yes. My name is prince, lucaerys velaryon.”
“Son of a bitch.”
You explained to him that he was all the way across the world from his home and that you weren’t a threat. He noticed your kindness to a stranger you’ve never met and nursed him back to health. He was great full for your kind heart and soon realized that once day he will repay you for what you did for him. He’ll keep you safe when the time comes…
The time you and Luke spent was pleasant to say the least. He was also sweet and kind. He’s help you in anyway he could when he was still resting and when he got better he helped you around the house and with more. You taught him how to fish, sow, cook but he ended up burning it, but at the end of the day it was nice to have company. You thought of him as a friend.
He thought of you as a sister…a older sister he never had.
Now you both stood on a ship you both worked the money to get, the only ship you knew of that could take you to your destination. It was only a one time trip and you only wanted to pay for him and let him go but he convinced you otherwise.
“I can’t go alone, y/n. What if my uncle sees me and I’ll die alone.”
Or when he would cry and hug you saying he couldn’t live knowing you were so far away. So you agreed to go with him, he promised he would take you back one day….but promises are easily broken.
When you arrive to dragonstone it was scary to say the least.
As soon as your ship got close to land you could see guards waiting for you to step off. The men that ran your ship told you that you both had to go alone and sent u off in the emergency boat.
“State your name.” A man in heavy armor asked as his sword was drown. “I come to escort he prince back home.” As soon a Luke took of his hood their eyes widened. Luke demand to be brought into the castle and that you would come unharmed.
Luke held you hand the entire time. He was nervous to see his family again but he also wanted it to be known that you were on his side.
Once you got into the main room your life was changed forever.
The family stood at a glowing war table and you could see the queen and her husband, and others. Once they noticed Luke rhaenrya almost fainted at the sight but ran to hug her child. She cried and felt him to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. 
He kissed his cheek and brought him back into a hug while Daemon came to say his hellos to the boy. You watched in joy as the family reunite and it made you glad you came.
Luke pulled away from them and glanced over to you and they followed. He told them that you saved him and brought him back, rhaenrya was still in tears when she walked over to you and pulled you into a embrace.
“Thank you for being my boy back.” She kisses your forehead and gave you a last final squeeze then stepped away. She reassured you that you’ll go back to your home land but not after that thank you. And they insisted on you staying and the way their eyes looked at you- You couldn’t say no.
Rhaenrya wondered how someone as fragile as you could have took care of her boy all alone and do all the things you did. Luke told her how you lived alone, hunter for yourself and did everything. She was amazing but she found herself thinking of how dangerous it was for you.
Daemon also wondered the same thing. You seem so…different. He’d watch you more and more and notice the cuts on you hands, the way you couldn’t stay still and had to be doing things. And you’re sweet attitude. How could you survive on your own? 
They see the way luke acts with you. Like you’re the sunshine in the room and follows you around. How could they take that away from him? And themselves because you’re the new light in their lives.
Everyone started to hang out with you and get closer. That’s when their obsession really start. They didn’t know why but they just felt like you belong with them and in their family.
“My dear, you’re going to stay with us.” Rhaenrya sat you down on your daily walks. She told you it’s because she grew fond of you and so did the rest. After what you did you couldn’t go back now.
“Don’t worry. We have decided to name you our daughter. Our own light sent from the gods.” 
You had to stay with one of them or have the guards follow you around all day. Eating meals, having a meeting with each of them through out the day.
Rhaenrya took the role as your mother seriously. She came to help you each morning on your hair. Protecting you like a spider to its young. She would stop at nothing to protect you. As time goes by she can’t even tell the difference of her not birthing you, she believes you are her daughter.
Daemon is a protective and proud dad. He’d watch over you like a hawk and be ready to kill anyone that comes near you that isn’t their family. He knows you miss your old life so he takes you out sometime as a bonding experience. Like you teaching him how to fish or even sword fighting but you can never had a real one.
Jace- Jace is obsessed with you, romantic or not. He thinks your the best woman to ever be brought into this world. He stares at any male who glanced at you, making you laugh or bring you flowers each morning. He comes on all the trips that you and daemon have. He’ll take you to meet his dragon. You’re his sister, and if you wanted…even lover. 
Luke- oh my dear Luke. Like I said he follows you around because he wants to keep you safe like you did to him. He’s always near you. From holding your hand to cling onto you in any way he can. He’s the most possessive out of them all. Anyone who interrupts his session he’ll give you sad eyes and manipulate you to sending them away. Even his mother. You also bake with him still and let the family join in to.
The baby’s love you. They don’t know what’s going on but they’re just happy to see you and be near you.
Rhaena treats you just like her sister- They both believe that your somehow their long lost triplet- So she loves to be around you. Matching dresses and her teaching you things. You two studying together. Her also having her arm around yours. Honey she’s chill but don’t temped her or she will do anything for you.
Baela is a hotheaded like her father, so she demanded for you to come visit her on driftmark after she met you once. She takes you on her dragon and loves how you cling onto her and rely on her. She will throw her hands at anyone who looks at you wrong.
They also aren’t above putting you in a situation of danger just for you to be saved by them if you don’t trust them. Maybe hire someone to “Kill you” and have daemon be waiting there to safe you. Rhaenrya taking you in her arms and cry, everyone but rhaenrya and daemon thinks it’s real. They set it up but for good reason. 
The family loves you deeply because just as the gods intended. Your theirs.
Your loving family- Your only family.
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roguelov · 10 months
Hey since we still sending these asks, might I chime in? A bit of fluff this time because I think it's my weakness lol
But imagine reader whose love language is giving gifts, giving Morpheus small stuff she find cute, like a cute set of stationary where he can draft dreams, or maybe a cute kitty plushie that looks like him, a quilt that has stars embriodered on that reminds her of his coat, etc
And she finds out one day he has built an entire gallery displaying these things and he goes to it when he's upset so he could admire them (except the quilt because you best believe he'll wear tf out of it even when it becomes threadbare)
Bonus spice: he wears the quilt as a robe and NOTHING underneath one time just to get reader's attention (maybe he pops in during a zoom meeting because reader has been working too much lately)
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My poor heart can’t take this just his whole collection of gifts you given. God and the image of him admiring them all with a sad look on his face when you’re away (busy at work/life in the waking) and he misses you dearly
But the kicker is that goddamn quilt god it’s such a lovely idea
You sat on your kitchen table with papers strewn about on this lovely sunny day. Your laptop propped perfectly in front of you, showing a group of shared screens. And currently you tried so desperately to keep your eyes opened, but dear god this meeting was draining you. Day after day of the same old thing while people droned on about policies and quotas.
You wanted to sleep, and most of all you missed Dream. You hadn’t seen him in over a week given this week’s busy work schedule and deadlines.
You sighed, and leaned on your hand. Just a few more hours, I can do this.
In front of the table, sand trickled out of nowhere. It started as a small spec turning into a curtain of rushing sand. Stepping out, Dream now stood in your kitchen.
Your eyes flickered up and widened.
Not at the surprise visit. No, Dream had a quilt you gifted him ages ago. And wearing only the quilt.
“Dream,” you gasped. Your eyes glanced down at your coworkers, none of them lucky could hear you since you turned off your mic. And no one noticed your odd new behavior. “I’m working you can’t just - just -“
“I’ve missed you,” he answered, strolling forward.
Your eyes raked over his body, catching glimpses of his bare chest. “Yes, well, I’ve missed you too.”
He placed his hands on the table, looming over you. “Come back to the Dreaming with me.”
“I can’t, I’m sorry,” you said and looked back down to your screen. “Just give me a few more hours, and I swear I’ll visit.”
“My dear,” he purred and leaned in closer. The quilt slipped off his shoulders revealing his bare chest. Luckily the laptop and table blocked your view below his waist. “Please, I’ve missed you.”
Oh no.
“Dream, just a few hours. I promise -“
His eyes flashed black. Quickly, the room was blanketed in darkness, expect for the glow of your laptop. A crack of thunder made you jump, followed quickly with a flash of lightning. In seconds, rain poured down. A pop echoed and your electricity shut off. Your laptop froze with the internet now disconnected.
“There,” Dream hummed, tilting his head. “Now, shall we go?”
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angelofthenight · 2 years
Cardigans in August Pt.5
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(Bruce Yamada x Reader x Vance Hopper)
Summary: During the summer after a fight, (Y/n) cheats on Bruce with Vance. When school starts again Vance thinks he finally has (Y/n) until she tries to win Bruce back.
Warnings: Angst, Love triangle, Swearing, (Y/n) isn’t a very good person, Fights
Word Count: 3.2k
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
“Chase two boys, lose the one”
“Slept next to him, but I dreamt of you all summer long”
“'Cause you weren't mine to lose”
You sat in your homeroom Monday morning twiddling with your fingers anxiously as you kept your eyes locked on the door. You watched as every person you weren’t waiting for walked in. You bit your lip ruefully as the bell rang and still no sign of Bruce, your now freshly ex-boyfriend. God, you hated the sound of that and how the sound of it filled you with such penitence.
Your homeroom teacher got up from her desk with her attendance clipboard to the front of the room. She began saying names aloud and receiving ‘here’s. You almost missed your name being called as your focus was so occupied on the door. The teacher went in alphabetical order with last names so Bruce was always called last. She finally reached the end of the list. “Sam Wagner is absent and Bruce Yamada switched homerooms.” She said to herself, crossing his name off the list.
Your shoulders physically sulked and your features drooped. You told yourself not to make assumptions over why Bruce switched homerooms but a sinking feeling in your stomach told you it was because of you. Later that day, sometime during the second passing period, you almost felt like you couldn’t breathe when you saw Bruce in the hallway. Your mind began racing with ideas of what to do or say.
You ran out of time as he was nearing you and just before he was about to pass you, you nervously smiled at him and gave him a little wave.
Bruce internally snarled at you, wondering how you had the audacity to smile at him after what you did. Unfortunately, as you were his greatest weakness, his kryptonite, he couldn't bring himself to give you a nasty response. He couldn't even feel hatred for more than a moment. And he hated that he couldn’t hate you. He hated that under all his pain and resentment, he still loved you and missed you.
Even when it took everything in him just to get up that morning after nights of cursing your name, he still secretly wished he never left that summer or wished that you would come back to him like nothing even happened. Because now he’d never know what you never said to him.
He stared at you. As much as he wanted to flip you off, there was a soft spot still lingering in his heart for you. And where giving you the bird may have been a tempting offer, he couldn't bring himself to snub the one he loved. So he just gave you a blank look as he passed you.
Therefore he resolved to pretending like you never existed, gaslighting himself into thinking he was fine. Although... if he said he felt no spite whatsoever, he would be lying. Of course he wanted to feel vindicated, to have you miss him terribly and beg him for things to return to normal. However, he knew this was a pipe dream, one that would never happen.
It was exactly as you feared, you had created an ultimatum with him, a complete betrayal. Bruce continuously gave you the same attitude for the rest of the week. It was even worse than you had feared. His love was slipping through your fingers like sand and you were helpless to grasp it. You were stricken with a case of only knowing what you had after it's gone. You began to panic, praying that you weren’t too late.
Vance entered the cafeteria looking like a man on a mission, his eyes scanning the crowded and loud room in search of you. After moving his head around to look everywhere he could from where he stood he finally caught sight of you at the outdoor lunch tables through the window. He desperately needed to talk to you so he sucked in a breath and began walking in pursuit of the door that led to outside. 
He was so focused on getting to you rather than watching where he was going that he rammed right into the person who walked across his path. Both Vance and the person groaned as they stumbled on their feet from the impact. Bruce rubbed his shoulder he was sure would be bruised by tomorrow before he looked over to see the blind culprit who crashed into him. 
Bruce and Vance made eye contact.
Both of their eyes shifted into glares as they both had an equally negative opinion of the other, despite how similar their pain from you was. Bruce was looking at the guy who stole his girlfriend from him all summer. Vance was looking at the guy who was the only thing keeping him and you apart.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve, Hopper.” Bruce said lowly as he narrowed his eyes at him, wondering how he had the audacity to bump into him after what he did. Vance sneered at the other boy, almost bitterly humored that Bruce spoke to him like that. “‘The nerve’? Who the fuck do you think you are?” Bruce’s eyes widened in an offended way, not believing he just said that. “Who do you think you are? Throwing yourself at a girl who was already taken?”
That struck a temperamental, emotional chord with Vance. “I did not throw myself at her!” He said louder than his previous volume, taking a step toward him. “I have a hard time believing that.” Bruce scoffed. “I should have known from the start. I should have known when you would stand just a little too close to her. I should have known when you would always wait at her classroom door to walk with her while I wasn’t around.” Bruce said all of this while slowly walking closer. 
In full honesty, he expected the unfaithful affair from Vance and not from you. You were the one in a relationship and Vance was just a juvenile delinquent. Maybe it was a mix from the heartache of missing you and the slight jealousy of Vance, but Bruce just wanted someone other than you to blame. And being face to face with your paramour, the jealousy shifted into anger directed towards him.
“So it’s not hard to believe that you pressured and manipulated her into-” Vance cut him off with a snappy tone. “I didn’t manipulate her to do shit, it was all her own free will.” His lips slightly upturned, sick pleasure running through his veins from getting to prove him wrong and that you liked him more than Bruce. “Does that bother you? That she was into it the entire time?”
Bruce clenched a fist as his side but then loosened it, he knew physically displaying his anger was exactly what Vance wanted. He wanted to see him crack, see him break, see Denver’s perfect golden boy crumble and crash and burn. He simply gripped his jaw and lifted his chin in a superior way. “No. I always knew you were jealous of me. Were you jealous of how happy we were together?” The whole weight of the situation became heavier on Bruce’s shoulders and his mind was hitting his own sensitive spots. “Is that why you took her from me?”
“Shut the fuck up!” Vance lashed out, causing more eyes to land on the pair in each others’ faces with steam practically coming out of their ears. “You weren’t qualified to be her boyfriend! You’re not even half the man I am. Plus you were both miserable anyway! I don’t get what she ever saw in you, I just really don’t get it. You’re stuck up and a prissy asshole. You fucking suck and (Y/n) knows you suck.” 
Bruce pointed an accusing finger at Vance, finally slowly losing his sense of self control after the verbalization of your name coming from his dirty mouth. “Don’t you dare act like you know more about her than me!”
“How do you know I don’t? You don’t know what she’s like when we’re alone! She talks to me like I’m her diary, she trusts me and loves me! And I bet all you did was bitch about her the whole summer!” Vance barked, not even realizing that in the middle of that quick tangent he let his self doubt about your feelings for him slip with the denial of its nonexistence. 
Bruce’s eyes widened, highly offended over what Vance accused him of. “I would never talk about her like that!” He practically screamed which was finally enough for a crowd to start forming around them as the two were too caught up in their heated argument to notice. “I’ve never said anything bad about her to anyone! Even after our breakup!”
Vance’s furious expression dropped from the statement, his eyes eyebrows vaguely raising in wonder and surprise. It didn’t really matter who did the breaking up with since either way a little miss (Y/n) was finally, after three and a half years, back on the market. “You’re broken up?” He asked softly, a small smile teasing the corner of his lips
It wasn’t what Vance said that finally pushed Bruce over the edge, it was how he said it. A tone of victory partnered with a voice of hope. Oh god how it basically spat in his face. He clenched his teeth. 
Bruce felt a loss of his senses and blacked out for a second, the only memory being a fuzz previous to regaining his awareness after Vance stumbled back a few feet while hovering a hand over his pinkening cheek. Bruce was huffing and puffing and rubbed his stinging knuckles as gasps and ‘ooooh's from the crowd were ending. 
He had punched Vance right across the face. 
Vance looked back up at Bruce like he was going to murder him right then and there. “Fuck him up, Bruce!” One of Bruce’s friends cheered from the sidelines as the audience grew in number from the sound of violence. Vance growled like a bulldog before attempting to pounce onto Bruce to rip him to shreds but a few people jumped in to restrain him as teachers rushed over, him still trying to reach for Bruce.
A repeated cheer of “fight!” filled the cafeteria before Bruce snapped, “You took everything from me!”, and tried to reach for Vance too with tight fists. The teachers reached it in time to rip the boys away from each other in opposite directions as they still yelled at each other and tried to break free from their binding restraints. 
Desperation clawed at your throat as you tried to plan out your apology to Bruce. During lunches you’d scribble down different apologies in your notebook, writing paragraphs about much you missed him and how stupid you were and how Vance meant nothing to you compared to him. You ripped every page out and crumbled into a ball for the garbage. You sulked against the tree as you realized you wouldn’t know where to apologize to him. He ignores you in the halls, you no longer had homeroom together, the baseball team probably hates you as much as him, and he would never let you in his house. You froze. You got an idea.
Next weekend was a baseball game and usually after the game they have a big party, it was typically always at Bruce’s house since his parents adored having guests for parties. What if you just… showed up to the party? It’d be hard to throw you out without making a scene so he would have to listen to you… right? No. He probably wouldn’t have you or want you. Hell, he’d probably tell you to go fuck youself!
But you couldn’t help but fantasize of more positive outcomes. Like maybe he’d kiss you right there on the porch in front of all his stupid friends. Your fantasies motivated you into the bathroom to practice what you’d say. Facing the mirror, you breathed in and breathed out.
“Bruce, I am so so sorry. Words cannot describe how guilty I am-” You stopped and sighed, rubbing your hand over your eyes. “Wow, trying to make him feel bad. Way to go, (Y/n).” You said with bitter sarcasm. You looked back up to try again. “If you take me back, I swear I’ll never do it again.” You groaned at your own ignorance. “What kind of an apology was that, you dipshit?” You said to your reflection as if it was another person.
You closed your eyes for another breath before opening them to restart. “I know I made a mistake, and I know I was being an idiot. But I don’t love him, I love you. I was just thinking with my-” You flinched at your terrible words and looked down to see yourself motioning to your southern hemisphere. You threw your hands back up to rub your temples with wide eyes. “God I sound like the bitchiest skeeze!” You groaned to yourself and your horrible attempt at trying to make it sound like you understood your mistake.
You gripped and stared down at the drain as you tried to hold in tears. You were never going to get Bruce back. You couldn’t even figure out a good way to apologize! You were suffering the consequences of your idiotic actions and you had no idea how to claw your way back to the land of the living. Why were you having such a hard time with putting your feelings into words? Was it because now you had to talk about the deeper parts of your emotions rather than an “I love you” being enough? You felt your throat grow harder to breathe in as you choked out a pitiful sob followed by your building tears finally overflowing from your eyes.
You pressed a hand to your mouth as you continued to cough out cries and hot tears. You were so caught up in your own little pity party that you almost didn’t hear one of the bathroom stalls flush and unlock.
When Donna originally heard you come in and start practicing some apology in the mirror then yell at yourself, she lifted her legs off the ground and intended to wait until you left. But once she heard a small sniffle escalate to sobbing, she didn’t have it in her to just sit there hiding and not do anything. So she gathered up all her courage and went to approach the upperclassmen.
You hiccuped when you saw her come out of one of the stalls and you quickly wiped your wet cheeks with your fingers. “Sorry, I didn’t think anyone was in here.” Donna shrugged as she walked over to the sinks. “It’s alright. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” She said with a humorous tone which succeeded in making you chuckle. “It’s not going anywhere anyway.”
Donna looked to your downcasted face to your open notebook. “Are you practicing an apology?” She asked softly as she washed her hands. You lazily closed your notebook with a nod. “Yeah, for my boyfriend. I- Well, apparently the whole school’s heard the rumor by now.” “Yeah, I wasn’t gonna say anything…” You both exchanged faint giggles.
She grabbed a few paper towels to wipe her hands as she walked to the sink right next to you. “What is it you’re struggling with?” Seeing her older brother go through so many girlfriends, she felt as if she’s seen a man’s sensitive side enough to get a feel for what they emotionally crave.
“I just…” You gripped onto your notebook that only had a few run down pages left then dropped it in the trash can beside your sink. “I’m having trouble trying to find the perfect way to apologize.” Your spirit physically sulked as you let your hands fall back to the sides of the sink.
“Well,” she intertwined her fingers as she explained with her experience, “you need to make it clear you take responsibility and acknowledge why it hurt him. Emphasize and empathize, you know?” She said with a nodding shrug.
“The thing is, he wants to hear specific things that I’m still clueless about.” You added. “Just speak from your heart.” Donna insisted. “But what if the words don't come out?” You began to bite your lip. “I have to do it at his party and I don't do well with crowds…”
“It's the thought that counts.” Donna smiled as she threw her paper towels away. “He’ll appreciate the effort no matter what you say. I'm sure of it. So even if he doesn’t take you back, at least you’ll leave off on good terms.”
Everything she was saying made you feel more comfortable and confident in yourself. You realized you needed to just say what feels right in that moment; trust what your instincts and heart tell you when you're under Bruce’s gaze.
The bell rang right after you joyfully thanked Donna for the advice. She wished you luck and you left the bathroom in a rush for your class, your mood seemingly much better.
Vance caught sight of you and raced through the hall to meet you halfway. He stopped once close enough to meeting in the middle, thinking you were going to as well. “Hey, (Y/n), I really need to talk to-” You walked right past him in a hurry. “Can’t talk right now, Vance, I got to get to class.”
You couldn’t afford any distractions as you focused on planning how you’d talk to Bruce. In fact, you were so focused that you didn’t even notice the sad and desperate expression on Vance’s face when he approached you. The love and longing mixing with frustration and pain in his blue eyes that watched you go.
Between munching on snacks and socializing, Bruce still felt an isolating hole in himself. He still didn’t feel like himself even as he tried to act like nothing was wrong with him at his party. God, would you linger like a ghost haunting over his back forever? He just wanted to feel like himself again. But it was impossible since he was without his other half. He hated that he felt incomplete without you, it was just pathetic.
“Oh my god, we totally demolished those Hornets!” Bruce’s friend exclaimed with a laugh, referring to the baseball game they won earlier that day. Bruce snickered along. “Yeah, but it was cool of them I guess to let their freshman players get more chances to play.” His friend gulped down his drink quickly before wiping his mouth. “But it cost them!”
Bruce just half-heartedly laughed along. Before his friend could add anything, the doorbell rang alerting everyone that another party guest had arrived. “I’ll get it!” Someone who was already near the door said above all the scattered chattering in the populated living room. Bruce watched around his friend as the person opened the door then nervously looked over their shoulder. “Uh… Bruce!” The person called out loudly enough that caught the attention of most people around, pausing their conversations.
Bruce raised a brow and gave his friend his drink to hold as he walked to the side to see who was at the door. And there you were, pale-faced and stiff as a board, standing in his front porch light.
He almost had to hold back a smirk. He knew you'd miss him once the thrill Vance gave you expired.
He knew you'd come back to him.
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Under the Waves
Pairing - Peter Parker x Mermaid Reader
Summary - You are a mermaid trying to fit into a normal life, bumping into Peter and having to go to a new school is tough but you make it through.
Warnings - none other than slight swearing
A/N - This was requested by @oyasumimosura hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think, Thank you for all your love and Support to my blog. I really appreciate all your interactions 🥰
Word count - 1K+
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Life is an open book, an particular fairy tale might become across as fake to most people. However, there is always truth behind them even, if it’s only a little bit of pixie dust over the Horizon. 
To show our true colours and have meaning in life is a living, walking dream. To some people, they don’t take any notice of these kind of adventures. And to others, they live by the fantasy of becoming more than what humans call Mermaids.
You being a normal, teenage girl living, enjoying life with friends. Even thou, there is school and hard work to be achieved at such a young age. You felt something missing, a connection that was beyond out of the human’s eyes reach to see.
Landing yourself on an island that your necklace with a blue, glowing crystal is sending you. Your confused as what you might come across, being you trust your necklace. It has some strange powers, being able to protect you from danger.
Walking across the sand you come to a jungle, down a little slide way to a cave. There you slide down, ending up to a pool of calm water. You had an urge to dip your whole body in, as you did moonlight rises over you.
you look up to the moon shining above your head, looking around to see bubbles starting to pop. You appear to turn into something much more, magical than magic.
“Oh my god, this is awesome but frightening,” you gasped, as everything around you is now silent. Your necklace now stops glowing, your now wondering how to go back out.
Since that day you are a mermaid but not your typical one. You touch water to become the beautiful creature, when dry you turn back human. No one knows except for you, you try to live a normal life working through school and friends.
Peter Parker, an awkward, cute, clumsy boy who is making his way through life just like you with a secret.
On the busy streets of Queens he bumps into making you drop your books.
“I’m so sorry, let me help you,” Peter rushed to pick up your belongings. Quickly standing to see your mesmerising face.
“It’s honestly, fine. At lest it wasn’t water,” you joked sarcastically, “um, thanks,…”
“Peter, Peter Parker,” Peter smiles, handing back your books.
“Thanks, Peter. I’m Y/N,” You smile back at his adorable thin lips.
“I gotta go, I don’t want to be late for class um, bye Peter,” you chuckle nervously, waving.
“Bye, Y/N,” Peter waved back, walking in a total different direction.
Everyone whispering in between the hallways as they walk, Peter walks up to his friends Ned and Mj.
“Hey, guys. What is everyone talking about?” Peter questioned as he put his books into his locker.
“Haven’t you heard?” Ned shocked, “There is a new girl, just started,”
“What really? Wow,” Peter gulps, wondering at who this new girl is.
“Yh, heard that she pretty cool and collected,” Mj nods, “it would be nice if she joined,”
Ned and Peter looked at this each other, “wait, wait,” they turn around to her.
“Your telling me, miss anti-social actually,” Peter starts, “Wants to get to know someone,” Ned finishes astonished.
“No that’s totally not what I said,” Mj shakes her head, sometimes really need another girl to make it equal with these bone brain guys.
There is always Betty but she mostly with other people after Liz left.
“Put brain cells in your head before you come to school,” Mj bluntly mumbled, walking to class.
Peter and Ned shrugs, walking to class with her.
Peter sits down in physics, loving this lesson because he’s always into science. Hence why he goes to Mid-town high school, he got brains and skills to show off.
Just as he thought it couldn’t get any better he sees a pretty girl, not just a girl. You, he recognises from earlier. Peter starts to overthink getting lost in his mind that he didn’t even see you sit down next to him.
“Hey,” You smile, tapping on his shoulder, you tilt your head to the side.
Peter turns his head, “Oh, hey,” smiling, “so your the new girl? I bumped into you,”
“Yh, it’s a pretty cool school,” you laugh, melody to Peter’s hyper sensed ears. “Do not stress, your too adorable. Anyway wanna be friends Pretty boy,” you smile, feeling confident infront of him.
You made Peter flustered, pretty oblivious at your actions. Just trying to be friendly to the cute boy, who you won’t admit liking.
“Yes,” Peter smiled back as the class starts.
The class boring to others as usual but Peter found it interesting, he made his web fluid in this class along side chemistry. 
At the end of the class, you and Peter get paired up for the Home work. Your excited just as Peter to spend even more time together, even though only knowing each other just a few hours.
After some other classes, it’s finally lunch. Walking up to the cafe, you wasn’t really sure where to sit but Peter waved at you to come closer.
“Hi,” you sit down smiling, “it’s nice to meet you, I’m guessing your Peters friends. I’m Y/N,”
“Hey, this is Ned and Mj,” Peter speaks, getting cut off.
“Oh hey,” Ned smiles, bumping Mj’s arms to get her to look up.
“Hi, sorry I was staring into my soul.” Mj looks blankly at you.
“That’s ok, I guess you like the black Dalion like the murder?” You chuckle, Peter takes a bite of his sandwich.
“Yh, uh how do you know?” Mj looking at you intrigued, Ned shrugging at Peter.
“I can tell by your face, it’s not hard to know,” you laugh, “You like observing people, I’m the same,”
Turning back to Peter, you eat your food. Mj just nodding, kinda smiling at how she likes you.
You and Peter start chatting along with Mj and Ned. You become really good friends over the past few weeks at school.
“Oh, hey,” Peter looks up from his locker door, he getting his books into his bag.
“What are you doing tonight?” You nervously, question fiddling with your jumper.
“I am,” Peter thinks, closing the lock door with him looking into your eyes. He has lost all his words, seeing your beauty makes his mind go blank.
“Hello, Peter. Are you there?” You wave your hand in front of his face, giving a really confused look at why he all of sudden started to day dream.
“Oh, yes, um.” Peter looks around, tiptoeing up and down on his feet. He holding his bag with one hand tightly, over his shoulder.
“What are you doing tonight? I asked,” You say, licking your lips.
“Yh, Im studying. Do you want to join?” Peter blushes, smiling at you.
“Yh, I’m down for that, I need to study physics,” You see Mj and Ned walk up, “I’ll catch you later, I’m going to go to class.”
You wave, Peter nods saying, “Bye,” as you rush down the hall still nervous to talk to people.
Peter closes his locked, putting his head against it closing his eyes. Frustrated at his feelings for you are all over the place, it’s a huge mess.
“Hey, what stick went up your ass,” Mj tight smiles at Peter, dripping with sarcasm, “But honestly, what’s wrong?”
“You haven’t been yourself lately, Man. We just want check up on you before class,” Ned explained tapping on his should.
Peter turns around, seeing Ned and Mj.
“I’m good guys, nothing to worry about. I’m gonna go to Spanish?” Peter walks backwards pointing his thumb behind him, doing an awkward run to the door.
“But, we don’t have Spanish on Tue…” Ned sighs, “And he is gone,”
“No, shit. I don’t see him anywhere,” Mj turning around to look all directions, “We should head to class,” she walks, Ned following her.
Peter rushes out of class to go home, all he thinking about is you. Studying with you, maybe even more..
You and Peter only been friends for around 6 months but it feels longer than that.
He might even ask you to come for a movie night sometime, that would be cool.
“Oh Honey, Peter,” May heard his bedroom close, deciding to ask when he comes out.
Peter changes into some joggers and a hoodie, “what do you want for dinner,” May asked, curiously.
“Uh, I don’t know and um you know my friend, Y/N right?” Peter told May,
“Oh, yes that sweet girl, who you think is cute,” She smiles, going into the kitchen.
“Well, she is coming over,” Peter goes into the kitchen, smiling.
“That’s lovely dear, would she like to stay for dinner?” May starts to take out pots and pans.
“I would of thought, so?” Peter rushes to the door as he heard a knock.
“Hi, would you want to stop for dinner?” Peter grinned, as you walk inside.
“Hi sure,” You greet May then go to his room placing your bag down, Peter’s room has a bunk bed with a single at the top and a double underneath.
Peter and you settle down in his room, having lots of notes spread out to study.
“I really suck at physics,” you pout as Peter explained it again, “I still don’t get it,” You laugh.
“You will,” Peter reassured you, taking your hand rubbing it. You feel sparks fly up your arm, you smile at the contact.
There is a cup of water right near you, you being oblivious of your secret right now because all your attention is on Peter. 
Peter leans over to grab it but shortly spills it on you, you gasp, panicking having no where to run because the bathroom is outside.
You really want to get up but there wouldn’t be any point, it could be worse. May could see what you really are. It’s Peter, how bad can it be?
“Oh my god, Peter,” You gasp again, flapping your arms out mouth wide open.
“I’m so sorry, Are you ok?” Peter asks, “Your ok, love. It’s only a bit of water.” He reassures you softly stroking your head, giving you sympathy eyes. 
“It’s not that,” You gulp, dreading thoughts as you transform into a floppy mermaid. Your eyes widen, as Peter try’s to take it all in.
Peter runs to the door to lock it, he breathing heavy with you freaking out a bit.
“What?” Peter flaps his arms, “How is this even possible?” His eyes widen as he whispers to you.
“Are you even real?” He waves his arms out to you, he sits next to you try to calm down.
“Peter, it’s ok. Try to breath sweetheart,” You shift your tail, taking his hand and stroking his strands just as he did you.
Peter looks up into your gorgeous eyes, his breathing going back to calm in and out breaths. He thinks about his secret, how you must feel the same way. Having no one know is really hard!
Peter closes his eyes as he leans into your chest with only a shell bra on. He wraps his strong, tone arms around your waist because you give him so much comfort and Warmth.
Your shocked at how he only freaked out a little bit, didn’t even run out of the door. Peter instead came closer to you, better yet cuddling into you.
“Are you ok? Now Petey,” You whisper, gently stroking his forehead.
“Mm,” he nods, “Are you?”
“Yes,” You kiss his forehead, feeling blessed.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me and you can do that again,” Peter smiles, looking up with a dazed face.
You now transformed back to human because your dry, no water on you.
“Peter Parker your something different,” you laugh stating, kissing his forehead again. He smiles at your loving gesture.
“Maybe because I am,” He whispers, teasing you right into your ear. Knowing full well he is definitely a different breed, now because of that radioactive spider.
“Show me,” You tease back, Curious at what Peter could be hiding.
“Do you really want to know,” Peter smirks, teasing back again.
“Oh, my Peter! I’m a fucking mermaid, what could you possibly be that is worse?” You hushed him, shaking your head laughing.
“But honestly, please show me,” You say bringing him back down with you. Looking him into his eyes, seeing his warm, brown eyes melt into yours was a blessing.
You take your chances and kiss him right on the lips as he kind of lays on top of you. Peter is taken back by the kiss but quickly deepens it, pulling you up to sit with him.
You pull apart breathless, blinking still gazed at your actions towards one another.
“I, I like you, Y/N and, and if you don’t like me that’s fine..” Peter rambled on, only you cutting him off again with a another kiss to shut him up.
“Pete, please stop stressing, you too blessed! And I do like you back, otherwise I wouldn’t of kissed you first sweetheart,” You breathed out, having your arms around his neck.
Peter’s arms slip around your waist, through this intense moment you both break a smile. Softening up the moment, You kiss passionately as both of your hands are all over the other.
Only stopping your make out session with
“Dinner, Peter and Y/N,” May half shouts since thin walls and all.
You look up blushing, Peter pulling you up kissing your cheek.
“Do You want to be my girlfriend?” Peter sweetly, asked biting his lip.
“Yes, boyfriend,” You kisses his cheek as you walk out the door to dinner.
“Ok, girlfriend,” Peter whispers more to himself, following you.
Peter’s secret long forgotten through out the chaos but not for long. Not that Peter didn’t want to tell you, especially since he was the reason you revealed yours.
Peter loves you just the way you are, Mermaid or not! He will be Supporting and protecting you every step of the way.
Bonus scene… You finding out Peter’s Secret after dinner.
Being 9pm and you had to be back by 10:30 at the latest, you had about an hour to spend more with Peter.
You still haven’t forgot about earlier, before dinner when Peter said something about his own secret.
You rush into his room to hide under his covers, giggling as you feel his arms tickling you.
“Stop,” you laugh, turning, “I can’t take it.”
Peter stops, to climb in with you until..
“Wait, Pete,” You say, standing up taking his hand looking directly at him in his eyes. 
“Yes, Darling,” You blush at the pet name, Peter taking your hand into his, “what is it?”
“Um, what is your secret?” You smile, curious.
“My secret,” Peter scratched the back of neck, looking the other way.
You must admit it is embarrassing showing someone something to someone, even if they are close.
“Hey, it’s ok. You don’t even have to show or tell me. I’m not going to pressure you, just because my secret accidentally came out, ok?” You Comfort him, rubbing his hands.
“No, no it’s ok. I want you to know Darling, it’s not just because I know your secret but it is only fair! I want you to know because it is apart of me like yours,” Peter smiles, hugging you.
You smile feeling his body heat engulf you, brining butterflies up to your tummy. If feels like your flying into the sky, it is such a truly amazing feeling to feel inside you.
“Ok, I’m ready. Just try not to freak out,” Peter nervously, gives you a grin.
You nod understanding he has compassion and confidence in himself, which is good!
“I’m spider-man,” Peter whispers, breathing out slowly as you hear.
“Oh ok,” your eyes widen, “That is great,” you smile, proud of him.
“I can do many cool tricks too, I’ll show you,” He sticks to the ceiling, crawling along it.
“Woah, that is Fabulous,” You giggle, “That isn’t all, sweet pea,” Peter winks at you.
“I can shoot webs from this web fluid that I made in class, these web shooters I have on my wrist projects it,” Peter shows you the movement as a web sticks to the wall.
“Um,” Peter thinking, “Oh also I have this cool sixth sense, it’s called spidery sense I can sense danger, emotions that are high,” Peter explains trying to be clear.
“So a Peter tingle?” You laugh, Peter groans.
“What?” You ask curiously, petting his head.
“Nothing, just that my aunt May calls it that too!” Peter chuckles, “I sometime love it but then don’t,”
“Oh, your aunt knows?”
“Yh, um Ned knows too! He’s a guy in the chair, which is cool. Mj knows because things lead to one another and she kinda figured it out,” Peter awkwardly, smiled at that memory. 
“Makes sense, you guys are really close friends.” You smile back.
“I have my senses hyped up, for example my hearing. I can hear further away, my smell stronger. You get the thing of it,”
“Well, thank you for telling me,” You smile pulling him for another hug.
“Your welcome, I guess our secrets both came out together.” Peter chuckles, “Yes,” you say.
You can tell him more about yourself being a mermaid with your power and special necklace next time.
Instead of telling, you decide to leave that for another adventurous day. Adoring each other as You and Peter cuddle a whole lot more into each other’s embrace.
Everything comes out from the under the waves eventually, from Secrets to feelings to even more secrets!!! 
Peter ends up swinging you home like a good boyfriend because it’s far too late for you to walk. 
Tucked under your bed, Peter doing the same as he gets home. You both think of the other as you drift off to sleep, peacefully.
Until it’s dreading another day of school, when you wake up!
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eyndr-stories · 11 months
Across The World C5 - The Fourth Place
The gods of this world are ancient, most of them forgotten, or nearly so. Nomen has been taught not to make deals with any old gods, should they be unlucky enough to come across one. However, when their little brother Maribus stumbles into mortal peril, they find they have no real choice but to accept the trials of one such god in order to save him.
This is an original story written by yours truly! I started writing this back at the very start of 2021 when I had a particularly wild and extremely vivid dream. This story is heavily based on said dream! This dream is also why I strongly distrust bunny mascots / anthro rabbits lmao but anyhoo, I think i've improved as a writer since this so the quality may or may not be quite on par with my other stories. I also had some help from my cool aunt Kerry with editing this, so if there's anything amiss here we can totally blame her lmao
That all being said, I do still like this story, and I hope you will too!! Enjoy <3
Things To Know:
major character death (its okay though, they live lol)
blood and violence
happy ending
protag (Noman) is nonbinary and referred to with they / them pronouns
first person POV
8 chapters in total, about 13,000 words in total. So roughly 1600 words a chapter. Lil bite sized chappys!
No swear words used, somehow
(lmk if i should add anything, i can't think of anything else)
Ao3 link here
Chapter 1 here
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
C5 - The Fourth Place
     We stood on a beach made of red sand. A long bridge in front of us extended into the dark purple ocean and connected the beach to an island. By now, the sun had nearly set and vibrant dark red streaks bled across a lavender sky. From this distance I could just make out the silhouette of a small town resting on that island. A long sturdy bridge spanned the distance between the mainland and the island.
     Amicus pulled at my poncho and pointed at the island. “I’m willing to bet the door is in that town somewhere.”
     We started walking across the bridge. Other people were heading towards the town as well, walking with us along the bridge. When we all arrived at the entrance, we could see there was a commotion of some sort.
     “Our god sways the fate of us all. They’ve told me so directly!” a broad and sturdy woman claimed. She stood tall before the nervous crowd. “We needn't worry about the rising waters of the ocean. Our god will sever our tie to the mainland and save us. Our town will not perish this night.”
     The people around us began murmuring. A few seemed calmed by the woman’s words, but others looked more skeptical as their eyes glanced toward the endless purple water.
     “I’ve been leader here for twenty years and I would not mislead you. Our god is wise and powerful, we can trust them. Everyone will be safe in town!” the woman shouted.
     The crowd dispersed and we followed the group into their town.
     Amicus whispered, “Do you believe her?”
     “In my experience, gods prefer we fix our own problems. My mother told me a story once about a god who got so fed up with their following never doing even the smallest of things for themselves that they ate the entire town."
     "Huh. I'm so hungry I might just eat a town myself," Amicus mumbled.
     I was getting hungry myself. I debated whether it'd be worth it to try our luck in another marketplace as we walked.
     We looked around at stone buildings framed with beach-wood. Lovely red-orange glass outfitted most of the windows. Balconies and rooftops were filled with people chatting and laughing as a warm breeze rippled through. I noticed the people on the lower level with us were not laughing, but discussing with worry about the rising water level. The consensus was to trust their leader, who had never steered them wrong before, but lower voices whispered they might take action themselves to be safe. No one said what that action was though.
     Amicus and I turned down another fruitless street.
     "What if the door isn't here?" Amicus looked worried.
     I put a hand on his shoulder, but just as I was about to say something, the ground swayed. No, not the ground, it was the entire island that moved.
     Amicus stood closer to me. “What was that??”
     "I'm not sure, but I think the faster we find the door, the better I'd feel," I said as I noticed the fear on the faces around us. Even the people on the balconies had stopped chatting for a moment. "Common, the door has to be around here somewhere."
     We continued searching as night settled around us. The air turned cold, but it was nothing like back home. I threw my poncho over Amicus when I saw him shiver and he gratefully wrapped it closer. The ground began swaying more frequently, and I began feeling a little motion sick. This was not good. Whatever had been worrying everyone seemed to be arriving faster than expected.
     Amicus gently grabbed my arm, bringing us to a stop. “Nomen… I’ve been meaning to say something.”
     Amicus seemed pretty serious, so I gave him my full attention. “What is it, Amicus?”
     “I… I wanted to apologize. I really regret not braving the maze with the warrior to come meet you by the doorway so that I could help you through, after that hermit crab shattered your fire starter. If I could do it over again, I’d do things differently. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry,” Amicus told me.
     “It’s alright.” I put a reassuring hand on my friend’s shoulder. “I found my way through okay, no need to worry. I really do understand, that warrior was really scary.”
     “And I made you face her alone!” Amicus said.
     “It’s okay, I forgive you. Honestly,” I assured.
     Amicus relaxed. They nodded.
     We picked up the pace as we kept an eye out for the door. I was so focused I didn't notice my boots were wet until I was dragging them through the water. I looked down and realized the buildings were beginning to groan as the ground shifted even harder. Water rushed higher around our feet. I was pretty sure that woman’s god wasn’t saving the town tonight.
     The chatter around us quickly became hysteria. I pulled Amicus out of the way as a crowd of people rushed by in a panic.
     Amicus's voiced sounded so small when he asked, “We’re too late, aren’t we?”
     I couldn't reassure him.
     Amicus threw his arms around me and buried his face against me. “I’m sorry we couldn't save Maribus.”
     “It sounds to me like you’re giving up. Not cool.” I sounded way more calm than I felt. “I've still got one piece left after this one. That means we can still come back and find the door. The town will go back to how it was when we first came through the door and we'll get another chance to figure it out.”
     “But… what if I don't come back with the town? I'm not from here, and I don't have a fire starter of my own.”
     I honestly didn't know. I didn't let my terror show on my face. Instead, I forced a smile. "There's no reason to assume you wouldn't come right back with everything else. But… just in case, I'm going to try to bring you with me. Like when we go through the doors." There was a roar, and then a rush of water as the stone walls cracked. I could see a wave taller than the town itself rising and ready to crush the entire island.
     I grabbed Amicus in a tight hug and whispered. “Don’t let go no matter what, okay?”
     "I won't if you won't." Amicus hugged me back just as tightly.
     I squeezed my eyes shut. Just before the wave finally hit, a horrible thought occurred to me. It seemed I’d have to face the rabbit after all.
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heliads · 2 years
hi! idk if you still do newsies requests, and if not thats ok, but if so do you think you could write one with a fem reader with either jack, race, or davey as the love interest? im a sucker for the stories where the boy accidentally says something that could be perceived as hurtful and the reader takes out of context and the love interest has to make it up to her and comfort her. if you decide to do this i’ll give you the freedom to go wherever you want to with this and i get it if you don’t want to :)
no pls i always do newsies reqs. anything for my boys.
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Thinking about this moment, you realize that this might be the happiest you’ve ever been in your life. It’s hard to appreciate life while you’re still living it, like rose-tinted glasses only exist when you’ve started missing what you should have loved while you were going through it, but right now, you’re beating the odds. This is good, and you still have it to treasure in the palm of your hand.
Still, even the knowledge that what you have is good still stings, in a way. You’re catching at the golden grains of sand even as they fall down the hourglass. You can stretch these blessed few hours out for as long as you can, but eventually, they’ll end. Some part of you wants to play God until the end of time, to reach out and tie everything down, but everyone leaves eventually.
As of right now, though, this doesn’t include the boy next to you. Jack Kelly is special, the kind of boy who only appears once in a person’s life, blooming as bright as a forest fire before he disappears without a trace. Right now, he’s yours for the taking, but he could be gone as soon as tomorrow.
The two of you are curled into a fire escape landing really only meant for one person, a hazy tangle of stretched limbs and worn clothes. Tomorrow, your legs will cramp up from the knot they’re in, but you can pretend you don’t notice it now. You and Jack have been watching the sun cross the horizon, reveling in the glory of not having to work at the moment.
You cast a quick glance his way, letting your gaze rove over his messy head of dark curls. They pour like water over his eyes, shading out his normally bright stare. It must be the artist in him, but you swear that he always seems hyper aware of just about everything, like he could find you in a crowd of millions or spot the one person who needs him the most. At the moment, it’s you, but again, your best strokes of luck could change in a moment.
Truth be told, you’re afraid for when this will end. Jack has been your closest friend for a long time now, although you developed feelings for him a while back. He’ll never feel the same way, obviously, because one cost of knowing all of Jack’s secrets backwards and forwards is that you’ve had plenty of time to hear about all the times he couldn’t care less about the various girls who make Manhattan their home. Jack could have a supermodel asking for a date, and he wouldn’t give her a second of his attention if he didn’t feel like it.
That should mean that days like this, when you’re able to share his afternoons, should mean more than usual, but even being the brightest star in his line of sight still isn’t enough for you. You don’t just want his attention as a friend, you want his love. You want your fingers curled around his heart, you want to know that he is yours, now and forever.
The only problem is that Jack refuses to let himself be tied down. He’s restless, constantly searching for a way to get out, out of the streets, sometimes even out of the city. You’re certainly grateful that he’s here, but you’ve heard the way he talks about Santa Fe like it’s the greatest dream to ever bless his head. Someday, even you won’t be enough to stop him from going, and you’ll have to live with that absence for the rest of your days.
For this afternoon, for this month, for even this year, though, he is here with you, and that means everything. For a few blessed moments, you can convince yourself that this is going to last forever, and that’s enough for you.
Jack looks at you now, the corners of his lips tugging up in something like self-consciousness. He’s usually confident, the boy who could be yours, always walking around the other newsies like he’s never doubted himself for a second. You’ve been able to learn the difference over the course of the past couple months. Witnessing the moment his facade breaks down is stunning, and the first time you saw it you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
By now, you’ve learned that the difference in him is normal, that he likes to pretend he’s something more just to make sure none of the other boys have to worry about themselves half as much as he does. You’re not sure why Jack thinks it’s okay to let down his guard around you, only that you’re glad to see it, and not just because it gives you a false hope that he could feel the same way about you as you do about him.
Jack rubs the back of his head, further mussing up his hair. “What?”
You repeat the question right back at him. “What?”
Jack makes a face. “You were looking at me. Do I have something on my face?”
The way he says it, so full of fear that you’d think he was worried about a deadly serpent instead of a smudge of dirt, makes you laugh. “No, you’re fine. Besides, you’ve literally never worried about that before.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Well, excuse me for wanting to look my best. Some of us have standards.”
You arch a brow. “Does that mean I don’t?”
Jack gestures at the haphazard mess of limbs, the aftereffects of both of you trying to cram yourselves into this narrow fire escape. “It’s incredibly improper for you to be up here with a boy, you know. Who knows what could happen?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “I live in a house with thirty other boys. Also, we’ve been cloudwatching. The only thing that’s happened is that you’ve come close to falling asleep four times now.”
Jack frowns. “That’s so wrong. Maybe two times at most. I am very invested in these clouds.”
You chuckle. “Of course, I should have known.”
Jack’s eyes flash to you again, lingering on the tilt of your chin as you laugh. You wonder if he’s mapping you out in his head, tracing where he’d draw the shadows on your face. Regardless, it takes him quite a long time to manage to drag his eyes away once more.
“Listen, Y/N, I was thinking–”
Whatever Jack was thinking, he’s cut off by the sound of someone shouting his name from inside the Lodging House. He makes a face, and you swear you can watch his usual confident exterior wrap back around him like a shell, protecting him from having to take a single thing seriously again. Jack tries to ignore the summons in the hopes that the caller will go away, but when his name is yelled again, he groans and starts to stand up.
“One of the boys probably twisted an ankle again, I bet. Either that or Race dropped his box of cigars between the wall and his bed and thinks someone stole it. I’ll be back soon.”
You nod, and watch as Jack grabs his cap from where it’s long since fallen from his head. He disappears back inside, then pops back out again just as quickly, looking oddly panicked.
“You’ll wait for me, right? I swear, I’ll wrap this up as soon as I can, but I really need to talk to you. You’re going to be here when I come back?”
You give him your best attempt at a reassuring grin. “This is the only place in the entire Lodging House where I can actually be alone for once. Trust me, I’ll be right here.”
Jack grins, clearly relieved. “Ok, great.”
He heads back inside, and you’re left wondering what Jack could possibly have to say that would be so important he’d have to check and make sure you’d still be here. Usually, he seems to take your presence for granted, but not today. Interesting.
You’re a little too curious for your own good, so after a couple of minutes pass and Jack isn’t back yet, you decide to creep inside the Lodging House and see if you can find out what was so important that he’d have to dash away for a while in the midst of his seemingly crucial conversation.
You climb back through the window, and after padding down the hallway for a few meters, hear the sound of voices coming from a nearby room. You know that eavesdropping is rude, but you hear your name tossed back and forth between the few assembled newsies, and you know you have to listen.
Albert is talking to Jack, you think, with maybe Jojo and Race there too. “Hey, we’se not saying anything. We just want to know what’s going on.”
Jack sounds frustrated. “Nothing, alright? Nothing’s going on. We’se just talking.”
Jojo interrupts. “Oh, ‘cause that’s totally true. You’ve been out there with her for hours. That’s not nothing.”
You have a feeling they’re talking about you, the afternoon spent out on the fire escape. Some part of you wants to know Jack’s take on the matter, so you lean closer. He doesn’t disappoint, either, and speaks up soon enough.
“Like I said, it’s nothing. Y/N’s just a friend, if that. Stop trying to look into things if there’s nothing there.”
You feel your stomach drop as he says it. Thankfully, Race seems to want clarification, which saves you from the trouble of having to burst in there yourself.
“What do you mean, ‘if that?’ Why would you guys be anything other than friends? Unless, uh–”
Jack cuts him off hurriedly. “Nothing like that, Racer. Get your head out of the gutter, kid. All I mean is that, well, it’s like we talked about the other day, right? Sometimes people have different expectations for what they mean to somebody, and sometimes they’re wrong. It’s like that.”
All of a sudden, you think you’ve heard enough. Not only does Jack know how you feel, he doesn’t feel remotely the same way. You feel sick to your stomach. How could you have thought that he’d even want to love you, he scarcely even thinks of you as a friend? 
You slip back down the hall, but this time, you don’t return to the fire escape. Let Jack head back there, feeling all victorious for tricking you yet again. You hope he happens upon that empty space of iron railings, you hope the pleasure gushes from him and leaves him feeling half as useless as you do. You don’t want to see him anymore, and you certainly don’t want any more of his conversation. Jack can keep his secrets, and you’ll keep the last of your pride. He can’t have any more of it.
In the end, you don’t know how Jack reacts. You do your best to avoid him, which is fairly easy with the number of newsies crammed into the Lodging House growing by the day. You can eat your meals at different times, sell your papes in different places with different partners, and stop seeking him out as you once did. All the while, you nurse your broken heart like a shattered bone, and no matter how few times you see Jack’s face, the hurt of it all still threatens to kill.
It won’t last forever, but you still weave this protective shroud of solitude about your shoulders, pretending it brings you warmth so you can at least feel something other than devastating chill. You can’t believe Jack would say such a thing, which makes it all the worse. It seems as if both of you have been recently disappointed by the other. 
Despite this, Jack takes it upon himself to track you down after a week and a half of your supposed exile. You thought you were doing a good job of losing him, and then you round a street corner only to see him bearing down on you. You try to double back and lose him, but it’s too late by now. He’s seen you. 
Jack jogs up to you, slinging an arm around your shoulders partially as a friendly gesture and also to make sure that you can’t run anymore. “There you are, Y/N. It’s funny, I almost thought you were avoiding me.”
He casts you a sharp look as he says this, daring you to confirm his suspicions. You just shrug. 
“It’s a big city, Jack. It’s not impossible to go a day or two without seeing you.”
A furrow deepens in Jack’s brow. “See, that’s what I thought at first, but it’s been a week. Big city or no, I would have run into you at some point before today.”
When you refuse to elaborate further, he sighs. “Look, I just want to know what’s wrong. When I came back to that fire escape and found you missing, I assumed the worst. Can you at least tell me what’s going on?”
You waver, but cave under the force of Jack’s beseeching stare. You’ve never been able to hide anything from your friend, apparently not even your feelings for him. 
“I was going to wait on the fire escape, but I went inside briefly. I came in just in time to hear you talking about how I didn’t mean as much to you as some of the boys thought.”
A dawning look of horror is growing on Jack’s face. Rather than bear witness to it any longer, you shake loose his arm and take a few quick steps away. 
Jack shakes his head hurriedly. “That’s not what it was like at all, I swear. I would never say something like that.”
You fold your arms across your chest, doubtful. “Then what was it like?”
Jack rakes a hand through his hair. “The boys were confronting me about you again. They have all these crazy ideas about how I feel about you, and I didn’t want them spreading rumors that weren’t true, so I tried to shut them down. Looks like I was a little more overbearing than I needed, huh?”
Jack tries for a weak laugh, but you don’t join in. Instead, you’re just disappointed. Sure, at least you know that Jack doesn’t hate you, but you’re just back to square one of him not loving you. 
“Why did the boys want to confront you about me? Has this happened before?”
Jack looks oddly nervous. “What? Oh, uh, no. Never. Why do you ask?”
This makes you more curious. “You said they were confronting you again. Like they’d talked to you about me before. Why?”
Now it’s Jack’s turn to quail beneath your inquisitive gaze, and like you, he’s unable to withhold the details. 
“They think I like you,” he mutters under his breath, “they have for a while. Not sure why, of course, but—”
A slow smile is growing on your face. “And do you? Like me, that is.”
Jack looks away frantically, but no rescue is in sight. At last, he sighs, and nods slowly. “Yeah, I do. And you’d better not say a word to the other boys, because they’ll never let it go.”
You laugh. “Why would I say a thing to the other boys? Unless we wanted to, of course.”
Jack squints at you. “Wait, ‘we?’ Does that mean that you like me too?”
“Of course I do,” you say, “Have for a while, actually. That’s why I thought you were having that conversation in the first place, because you had to convince the boys that even if I was crushing on you, you didn’t feel the same.”
Jack stares at you for a moment, as if processing the whole conversation. All of a sudden, his face splits with a breathtaking grin. “Shoot, you like me. We should have talked about this earlier.”
You arch a brow. “Why, what would you have done differently?”
Jack looks oddly proud of himself, and seconds later, you figure out why. “This.”
When he kisses you, it feels perfect. Not too rushed or too slow, just the perfect conclusion, the one the two of you have been rushing towards perhaps since the moment you met. It is you and Jack until forever, and you couldn’t ask for anything else. 
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Chaotic as The Sea (3/?)
Pairing: Jack Sparrow x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3k Warning: swearing, violence Part Summary: The Black Pearl arrives in Bimini and as any adventure with Jack Sparrow, there’s chaos
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Two days later... 
We arrive at Bimini as the sun begins to set. Y/N and Barbosa argue that we should wait until sunrise to explore the island. I argue that we can't waste another minute without trying to rescue Elizabeth. Jack, to my surprise, agrees that we shouldn't wait. Though, I think his reasoning is because he wants to see the fountain. 
Barbosa, Jack, Gibbs, Ragetti, Pintel, Y/N, and I all hop off the boat to explore the island. Gibbs, Will, and Pintel all carry long torches for us as the only sources of light. 
"Okay, so I know the general direction, but unless you feel like risking the chance of getting lost, which I don't, I suggest we use the compass," Y/N announces. 
"I thought you were certain of the fountain's location," Barbosa remarks a tad agitated. 
"Every tree and speck of white sand look exactly the same. Next trip, I'll drop your ass in a jungle in the middle of the night and tell you to find your way out!" She snaps. 
"Okay, well then let's use the compass." Ragetti takes the compass of Jack's belt and hands it to Y/N. 
The device begins to spin in her hand and Ragetti peeks over her shoulder. Jack quietly moves to stand beside her, wishing to catch a glimpse of himself. 
Abruptly, Y/N shuts the compass and frantically tries to get rid of it. "Oh uh, no it's okay, Jack can take it." She tosses it to him. 
"Me?" He looks at her wide-eyed and panicky. "No, give it to Will! He wants to find the bloody place." He tosses it to me. 
"What's wrong with you two?" Barbosa yells in frustration. 
"The compass doesn't work for them," I state. 
"Seriously!" Y/N huffs. 
"What the hell are you talking about?" Barbosa questions. 
"When Jack holds it the arrow points to Y/N," I explain pointing between them. 
"Who told you that!" Jack questions. 
Then, Jack and Y/N both glare at Gibbs. "Gibbs!" They bark in unison. 
The older man holds up his hands in surrender. 
"Well, why can't Y/N do it?" Pintel questions timidly, circling his hands together. 
"Why can't Will just bloody do it and we can move on!" The woman challenges. 
Jack nods. "I'm with her on this one." 
I sigh. "When Y/N holds it, it points toward whatever she wants so bad in New France." 
"But isn't New France North of here?" Ragetti questions. 
"Yes!" The rest of us answer in unison. 
His face scrunches together in confusion. "But uh-" 
Y/N elbows Ragetti in the ribs. "Shut it!" She's quick to change the subject. "Let's go! Will! I'll lead the way, you just act as a checker." 
30 minutes later... 
As the seven of us continue to march through the thick jungle, Jack appears beside me. "After we're finished in New France. I say you and I pay a visit to Tortuga for old time's sake." 
I laugh. "Ha! Wish to relive our break-up?" 
"Think of it as a celebration of our reunion," he tries to sugarcoat it. 
I roll my eyes, laughing as I move ahead to join Will up front. "In your dreams!" 
I pick up my pace to catch up with Pintel. "I know something you don't know!" 
"What?" He eagerly asks. 
"When Y/N was holding the compass, the arrow was pointing toward her," I whisper. 
His face scrunches together. "Y/N desires herself?" 
"No!" I huff. "Jack was standing next to her!" 
He gasps, putting it all together. "So you mean-" 
He grins. "That's kinda sweet actually." 
"Now be careful!" I announce to the men, watching my step as we get closer to the mountainside. "The natives made pit traps and other boobytraps-" 
Before I can finish my warning. Jack screams from the back of the group. When I whip my head around, Jack is nowhere to be seen. "For idiots like Jack," I sigh. 
"Does anyone see him?" Will questions, moving his torch around. 
"It's kind of dark!" Gibbs remarks. 
"Thank Jack and Will for that! They refused to wait until morning," I grumble, marching back to where I last saw Jack.  
"Jack!" We all call in a scatter as we search. 
"Captain!" Gibbs shouts. 
We all watch our steps, checking the heavily covered jungle floor and sky for any sign of him. He could be hanging from a tree in a net or in a hole somewhere. If it's deep enough and well covered, it'll be hard to hear him.
"This is ridiculous!" Gibbs huffs. 
"I say we leave him and tell the crew some natives got him," Barbosa suggests.  
"I have an idea," I announce as one pops into my head. "Give me the compass," I ask Will, holding out my head. 
"But how will that help?" He questions with a raised brow. 
I hold the compass in my palm and lift the lid. I watch as the arrow spins. Soon, each of the men are gathered around me in a circle, eager to catch a glimpse. Then, the arrow stops, pointing Southeast. The men break apart, allowing me to follow it. 
"Watch your step," I advise. 
I keep a close eye on the arrow, making sure it doesn't change direction. I'm about to take another step when Will suddenly grabs my arm. I glance ahead and realize there's a massive pit in front of me. Its edges were covered in leaves and brush. 
"Oh, thanks," I exhale deeply. 
"Captain! You down there?" Gibbs shouts down below, holding a torch above the massive pit. 
I kneel down beside the pit and await an answer. 
There's a faint, "Am I dead?" 
I giggle and shout back. "No, you're not dead you idiot!" 
"Pintel! Ragetti! Go fetch a rope from the ship!" Barbosa commands, sending the two off. 
I laugh, relieved that Jack is okay. Based on the distant swooshing sound, the pit is filled with water thankfully, not spikes. This could've been a recovery mission. I sit back on my knees and glance up to find the remaining three men staring at me with knowing grins. 
"What!" I sass, crossing my arms over my chest. 
"Nothing," they all say, breaking apart to roam in different directions. 
I roll my eyes, such nosy people, pirates. 
The men work together, yanking Jack up from the bottom of the pit. I remained to kneel beside the edge, holding up a torch so we can see Jack when he pops up. 
"Ho!" Barbosa calls out as they tug the robe. "Ho!" 
Soon, Jack appears from within the darkness and I grip his belt, guiding him to safety. The men release the rope and relax, releasing panting breaths. 
"You okay? Captain!" Gibbs questions. 
"Yeah," Jack flips onto his back, catching his breath, "yeah, I should be fine. How did you-" His eyes flicker about until his eyes land on the compass on the ground beside me. 
"Ah, now that's interesting." A cheeky smirk begins to form on his face as he lifts his gaze to meet mine. 
I shove him in the shoulder, frustrated. "I told you to watch where you were going!" He has no idea how worried I was. 
"I was a tad distracted by you, Love," he chuckles. 
My eyes fall shut as I release a sigh of relief. Thank God, he's okay. 
Jack places his hand on my thigh, capturing me by surprise. His dark eyes meet might and I place my hand over his. He flips his over and they interlock in my lap. His eyes soften at the sight. 
Suddenly, there's a series of yells from across the jungle. Each of us tosses our heads to the side and sees small glimmers of light in the distance. Jack flies up beside me from his laid position. 
"Are they with us?" He questions. 
There's the ring of a gunshot and the bullet hits the tree right by Barbosa's head. 
"Don't think so!" Will declares, his voice shaky. 
"Who are they?" I shout. 
"Wait! They're Black Beard's men! I remember one of them. He's the one who took Elizabeth!" Will determines. 
“How did they find the fountain?” Barbosa yells. 
“He knew you’d come and find me!” I comprehend and look over at Jack. “He’s been following us here!” 
Pintel and Ragetti immediately make a run for it. 
“I’m with them, time to go!” Will decides and starts to run back to the ship. 
Jack takes my hand and instantly brings me to my feet. We begin to run too, hand in hand. 
“Cowards!” Barbosa shouts and stands his ground. He whips out his gun and begins to shoot at the mob. “Come and get it you slimy gits! Ha!” He laughs. 
Running utterly blind in the dark jungle, there’s hardly any light other than that that can make it through the tree tops from the moon. We make it through the jungle and see the beach a few yards ahead. Will and the two morons make a bee-line for the ship, when they’re suddenly stopped by a cluster of Blackbeard’s men running from down the beach. Jack pulls me into his side and draws his sword.
 Suddenly, I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and I’m yanked away from Jack. He immediately whips around and his eyes grow wide. My back slams into someone’s chest and I struggle to free myself. More of Blackbeard’s men appear from within the jungle and begin to fight Jack. Two men begin to drag me off and I fling around, trying to break free. 
"Jack!" I scream. “Let me go you bastards!” 
Jack searches for me and when he finally spots me, he screams. "No!" He looks at me pleading and full of guilt. 
As more of Blackbeard’s men appear, we both quickly realize there’s nothing either of us can do. These morons are taking me to their ship, more than likely to see their captain and to be held prisoner. This is yet another reunion I did not request. 
After sailing out to the Queen Anne's Revenge a couple hundred yards from the island, the nasty men take me aboard and immediately drag me off to the captain’s quarters. They swing open the double doors below top deck and we enter a familiar red velvet decorated office. 
A tall man stands behind the desk with his back to us. "And who do we have here?" A familiar voice purrs. When he spins around, his grin falls to confusion. "Y/N?" 
"I told you! Idiots!" I huff and yank my arms free from his buffoons."Hi, Eddie," I offer a fake smile.
"Eddie?" The pair beside me repeat in unison. 
The captain pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "How many times must I tell you?" 
"You could hand me the Templar Treasure yourself, I won't call you Blackbeard. It's stupid," I laugh, approaching him. 
"Leave us," he commands his minions. Once we’re allow, he moves to stand the other side of his desk. He props himself against it with a grin. "So, you and Jack are back together again..." 
"No way in hell," I snicker, taking a look about his office. He’s changed it in the last five years. "He promised me he knew where the Templar Treasure was, I'm simply completing my half of the deal." 
"Which is?" He inquires. 
I stop my admiring of his decor to meet his gaze. "Showing him to the fountain." 
"You would honestly betray me like that?" He acts offended my placing his hand against his chest. 
"If it guaranteed me the Holy Grail? Yes,” I stand firm. 
"Your loyalties still lie with that treasure? You truly are a pirate at heart,” he smirks. He rises from his position on the desk to pour us chalices of wine. As he approaches me, his eyes travel up and down my entirety. "Dare I say, you look amazing." 
I accept the wine, but roll my eyes at his compliment. "Oh save it.” 
He pouts dramatically. "What happened to the spirited eighteen-year-old I first met?” He reaches up and tucks strands of my hair behind my ear. “You're bitter now." 
I lift my arm and knock his hand away from me. "It's called maturing." 
"Have you matured enough to conclude that I'm the better man than Jack?" He smirks, stepping closer to me. 
I move away from him and toward the book case against the far wall behind his desk. "I think I prefer neither of you,” I answer over my shoulder. 
"One point, if I recall correctly, there was a point where you couldn't choose between us." He narrows his eyes, taking a sip of his wine as he creeps closer to me again. "Do you remember those few months in Bermuda?" 
I shift of my heels, allowing my eyes to fall to the Persian rug beneath them. "It was always going to be him, Eddie..." 
Abruptly, he rushes toward me and pins me against the bookcase. My wine falls out of my hand and stains the rug. "I could've had you if I wanted!" He growls. 
I look him dead in the eyes with a clenched jaw. "You dare threaten me!” 
He laughs mockingly. "What? Going to curse me?" 
I grin. "That used to terrify you if I recall correctly." 
"You're all bark and no bite. I happen to know for a fact, you don't practice dark magic!" He challenges. 
"Just because I don't practice it, doesn't mean I don't know how to use it.”  
There’s a commotion outside and soon the double doors swing open to reveal Jack marching in, gun drawn. While Eddie is distracted I pick up a vase off one of the shelves near me and I knock him over the head with it. The vase shatters into a hundred pieces over his head and the man falls to the ground with a thud at my feet. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I meet Jack’s gaze. His eyes flicker away from the man knocked out on the floor and up to me. 
"I hate that I'm relieved to see you," I pant. 
He runs over to me and takes my hand. "Consequence of loving me." He guides me over to one of the windows and swings it open. “Can you jump?” 
I look at him as though he as three heads. “Can you jump? What kind of dumb question is that?” I mock. Then, I ask him a similar dumb question. “I don’t know Jack, can you swim?” I roll my eyes and climb up onto the windowpane and jump out. 
“Jesus, Mary, and the bloody camel sorry for asking!” I hear him grumble under his breath as climbs out the window and jumps in after me. 
We’re not sure how we’ll get Elizabeth back, but we will. Though, I suspect that he was never after the fountain. No, what he truly wanted was Y/N and the fountain was just a cover-up. I brought her right to him. For now, we just need to create some distance between us so we can form a plan. 
Y/N climbs the ladder above me and Gibbs helps her on board. She offers him a thank you and brushes herself down. The crew is well into their tasks, getting us far from this island as soon as possible. 
“Glad to see you’re safe, Miss,” Gibbs greets. 
“Did everyone make it back okay?” She questions as I climb aboard. 
“Yes, even I,” Barbosa announces with a proud grin. “Not with the help of you lot,” he adds. 
“Don’t exactly have a death wish,” she giggles. 
“There’s a change of clothes for you in the Captain’s office,” Gibbs informs her. 
She offers him thanks and begins toward my quarters. Barbosa and Gibbs break apart to return to their positions. 
“You! Hold it!” I call out. 
The two men glance in my direction, wondering who I’m speaking to. They follow my gaze to Y/N. 
She whips her head around, her gorgeous, long, wavy, Y/H/C flowing in the breeze. She crosses her arms over chest. “Excuse me?” She scoffs with a grin forming on her lips. 
I narrow my gaze at her. “I have one question.” 
Barbosa and Gibbs watch the interaction, their heads tilting back and forth between us with each exchange. The crew too watches as they attempt to multitask with their duties. Her eyes remain on the deck panels and anywhere else but me. 
“Did you know the compass would lead you to me?” I ask. 
There’s a pause and I can tell she’s reluctant to answer despite the amused expression she wears. Then, her eyes rise to meet mine with a sigh. “Yes... maybe...” 
I smirk, approaching her slowly. “Oh see now that’s interesting, don’t you think?” 
“What? Just going to gloat about the ship now?” She rolls her eyes, directing her focus in the distance away from me. 
I bring my hands up to her cup her face and make her meet my gaze. To my surprise and pleasure, she doesn’t move from her spot or shove me away. Instead, brings her fingers to hook through the loops of belt. 
“You stay with me from now on. No more hiding out.” I smirk. “That’s an order,” I tease quietly between us. 
“Whatever you say...” Her eyes fall to my lips and then flicker back to my eyes. She grins. “Captain.” 
One my hands slips behind her head to her neck and I bring my lips to meet hers in a needy kiss. Her arms fling over my shoulders, deepening the kiss. 
“Now they’re going to be insufferable!” I hear Barbosa grumble to Gibbs as he stomps off. 
Five years of searching for her, waiting for, wondering if I’ll ever see her again. What happened between us all those years ago is one of my greatest regrets if not the biggest. Our relationship has never been easy, in fact it’s exceedingly complicated and one giant headache. We haven’t stopped arguing since the moment we met and rarely agree on anything. Yet, we love as we do argue with each other, passionately and with everything we have. Now that I have Y/N back and I know she loves me in return, I’m never letting her go. God help me if I let Blackbeard anywhere near her. 
Tags: @subwonwooagenda @starfire56 @doveygirlkay-blog @dansyberry @dansyberry @meany-marcelini @naturallyathief @oliviamae4193 @xxshoutxx @house-chase465636 @the-clint-barton @lxr1582 @m00ny-stars @lonliest-love @meandmymessyminds @jick-n0nas @biracy @kriimu10 @soxpoprocks @peachyplxm @captainluciabianchin @cannibalistic-cicada @a-e-i-owe-you @velvetsnaiil @mindifislytherin666 @bunkyung @livinglifewithoutbeingseen @ghosts-face @mx-pibbles @bigplaidwinnerparty @greentea121598 @that-eco-bitch
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noctumbra · 3 years
Yay! ^^
Last night I thought about stepdad bucky who is the epitome of a good man. Kind, polite, honest etc. He'd never cheat on his wife!
And then there is his stepdaughter... She's looking at him, checking him out constantly, flirting.
He tries to ignore her subtle advances but she's making it "hard" for him...
I'd like to get your thoughts on the moment he breaks, gives in 😉
hmmmm the moment he gives in?
warnings: daddy kink, beach sex, smut
i would like to imagine that it happened on a beautiful summer day. his wife is talking with other women at the bar, but bucky is away from them. he likes some silence, some solitude, to listen to the peaceful sound of waves hitting the shore and distant car noises.
you're next to him, cuddling to his side. your head resting against his muscled arm, your body heat is grounding him. it's good; being away from the crowd of the beach at eight pm and almost being hidden away from humanity in this small peaceful bubble.
bucky sighs. he doesn't realize you fell asleep, and he only notices when you nuzzle against his neck, whimpering and wiggling. he frowns at first, thinks you might be having a nightmare and maybe he should wake you up, but you aren't having a nightmare.
it's the almost-too-loud moan you let out that makes him realize that you're actually having a sex dream. bucky stiffens immediately. he's been trying to resist you for a while now, and he doesn't want to give up now.
although, your hot body writhing against him almost makes him change his mind. he subtly clears his throat and makes a move to pull himself back. you don't let go, though, you refuse it fiercely by holding onto him tighter, even swinging a leg over his thick thighs. bucky gasps. his boner is on the verge of showing, he's half-hard, and the proximity of your body so close to his boner isn't helping him at all. he tries to pull back one more time, but you whine.
"no," you say, "no, daddy, don't leave me hanging, please." bucky thinks he's dreaming, too, that he heard wrong, but then you open your eyes and look at him intensely.
"please," you breathe. the lust on your face can be seen so clearly, bucky feels like he just got kicked in the chest. "please. i— i've been wanting you, my body needs you— i need you, daddy, please."
"it's wrong," bucky's saying, shaking his head at the same time. "it's wrong, isn't it?"
you shake your head. "doesn't feel like that. it feels right." you pull back a little so that you can climb on his lap. "please. just— at least just kiss me? once?" bucky bites back a whine. you beg so prettily, sit on his lap like you belong there, he cannot—
swearing and throwing the caution to the wind, bucky wraps his arms around you and pulls you in for a hot kiss.
the moan and whimper both of you let out echo on the beach, but neither of you care: you are way too lost in each other's kiss.
your lips colliding over and over again, hands trailing everywhere on your body, nails scratching the exposed skin, it feels so natural for bucky to flip you over on your back and settle between your legs.
his halfway there boner is now fully hard, tenting his beach shorts, he groans when you lift your hips to grind against it.
"please," you've been whispering. "daddy, please, please, gimme it!" bucky groans once again and he drops his body weight onto yours, caging you between his hard body and the sand.
it also feels natural for bucky to pull himself out of his shorts and pull your bikini bottom aside, to slide into your scorching pussy.
"god, princess," bucky buries a groan into your neck, his free hand is pulling you bikini top's strings off and his fingers are quick to find your nipple. you whimper. wrapping your legs around his waist, you moan and beg for him to move.
bucky is nothing if he doesn't give you what you need.
his hips start moving. his cock touching every single sweet spot in you, stroking your walls and pulling delicious sounds out of you while his fingers are playing with your nipple and his lips are joining them when they aren't busy silencing you.
"feel so damn good," bucky snarls into your ear. "had to fuck your mother so hard because you wore that tiny little clothing you call a fucking— ah— dress—" cutting himself off with another snarl, he closes his lips around your nipple: sucking and biting down on the soft flesh. you groan, nails digging into the bulging muscles on his back.
"had to jerk off like a fucking teenager because you've been walking around in those booty short shorts, swaying this—" he slaps your ass cheek and makes you gasp, "in front of me." his fingers finding your clit, he starts rubbing it with quick motions of his thumb. "you were asking for it, honey princess," he murmurs. "and i've been trying to be patient and kind, but you were asking for it."
you hiccup. "d-daddy, oh, fuck!" throwing your head back, you expose your throat to him. bucky's lips finding the soft flesh right under your ear, he sucks and bites on it lightly. your legs tremble around his waist.
"yeah, baby," bucky breathes. his hips are snapping faster, cock hitting to that spot of yours harder and you know both of you are so close to coming, it is a bit sad that you cannot last longer.
"'m— daddy,' m close—" bucky hums.
"i know honey," he says. thumb assaulting your clit harder, hips never stop moving, he groans. "'m right there, princess. come."
you moan his name. "come, baby girl, c'mon. i'm right behind ya, c'mon." his breathing changes, starts coming out as puffs and his thumb flicks your clit one last time.
he closes his other hand onto your mouth, stopping you to scream in pleasure. your eyes roll back, legs twitch and pussy squeezes his cock so much, bucky feels his own eyes are rolling back and his balls emptying the come into your inviting wetness.
gasping for air, bucky rolls next to you. soft breeze of the waves help you cool down. you sigh and shuffle closer to him on the sand.
"can't believe we did that," bucky whispers as he pulls you in. you grin.
"well, you better because we are doing this again." bucky chuckles at your words, it sounds a bit teasing and a little dark.
"there are shit ton of things i wanna do to you, princess. i ain't stoppin' now," he says and makes you shudder. "better clean up now, though." you hum your approval.
"wanna swim with me?" you ask and bucky nods. doing a quick work of your bikini top and strings, bucky sweeps you up in his arms only to dump you into the now cold water.
your screams are filled with joy unlike the ones that got surpassed a minute ago by your daddy. bucky doesn't mind, though. he will have plenty of time to pull different sounds, screams, from you. he's counting on those.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 3 years
Water (Ethan x MC)
Warning: NSFW, 18+
A/N: I finally finished the Miami shower sex fic. It’s roughly ~5K words of nonsense, 60% is filth, and the urge to re-write it is strong, but here it is.
Being in Miami with Naomi unnerves Ethan in ways he can’t articulate. They aren’t in the confines of the hospital, bound by the strict boss and subordinate boundaries he’s attempted to set for them. And while they’re in the city for a medical conference, he can’t help but feel like he’s just Ethan and she’s just Naomi.
Her presence is overwhelming and intoxicating. From the way she took charge and ordered them drinks on the plane, to the way her luggage spills over their shared hotel suite despite being checked in for less than 3 hours, to the way it feels effortless just walking along the beach with her, Ethan can’t escape her and the role she’s slipped into feels too familiar and comfortable, which actually gives off the opposite effect. It terrifies him.
“We’re in Miami, for goodness’s sake, our hotel is literally on the water, and we are going to the beach,” is what Naomi told him after she slipped out of her plane clothes and put on something more appropriate for the warm Miami weather. She didn’t give him any time to object–and boy did he want to–before catching his wrist and dragging him out of their hotel room.
And that’s how he ended up taking a walk on the beach, the hot sand sticking to his toes, Naomi by his side. For reasons he’s not ready to face, he can’t say no to her and it’s infuriating. But on the flip side, the way her cheeks turn up and eyes sparkle at the enjoyment of the little things like this make his insides twist, and he’s a prisoner to her happiness.
“Come on, we’re hundreds of miles away from the hospital, the beautiful sun is beaming down on us, and there’s nothing but warm sand and ocean breeze around us. You have to admit that this is nice,” Naomi urges, poking Ethan in between the ribs.
They came to Miami on a mission, and that was to get help for Naveen and also fulfill his duties to the hospital. Frolicking on the beach was nowhere on the agenda.
“We’re here for work. And besides, I could be spending this time catching up on sleep or enjoying our air conditioned suite. That’s my definition of nice.”
“I swear, you probably came out of the womb a grumpy old man,” Naomi teases. “At least try to unwind.”
“The fact that you managed to drag me out here is testimony enough, don’t you think?”
“Nope,” Naomi says, leaving no room for debate. This is one of those times where Ethan isn’t all that enamored by her stubbornness.She sits down in the sand, throwing down her sandals. She extends a hand, and after a few seconds Ethan sighs and begrudgingly accepts it, allowing her to pull him down as well.
“Now close your eyes,” Naomi orders, watching Ethan closely to see if he listens. Once he realizes that she isn’t going to stop glaring at him, he closes them. “Thank you.”
“I’m only doing this so you’ll eventually leave me alone.”
“Always the fuddy duddy. Can you sit in complete and utter silence for 10 seconds? Please?”
Something about the way she says that word only adds to the list of things she does that make him uneasy. Only because he hates the way he responds to her plea, something stirring in the pit of his stomach.
It’s hard for him to handle the stillness of the moment. He’s gotten too used to always moving, always having something to do, but he sucks it up and tries.
“When was the last time you took a vacation?” Naomi asks.
“Is it bad to say I don’t know?”
“Yes. I’d kill to have your vacation days.”
“Well what about you?”
“I went to Aspen with my family for Christmas last year,” Naomi replies. “We used to go on at least one vacation a year when I was a kid. I don’t know how much of that I’ll be doing with my residency, but it’s nice to get away, even if it’s for a few days, you know?”
“I do. I think it’s been a solid three years since I had a real vacation. I went to Italy.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Of course.” Ethan feels her thumb trace a circle on the inside of his palm, and that’s when he notices that they never stopped holding hands when she pulled him down, and his pulse skitters. Part of him believes Naomi doesn’t notice she’s doing it, so he stays silent.
“Do you speak Italian?”
“I’m fluent in all of the Romance languages,” Ethan admits.
Naomi scoffs and playfully nudges him with her shoulder. “No one likes a show-off, polyglot.”
“What about you?”
“I speak very minimal French. My grandma taught me some basics when I was a kid and spent my summers with her, and I tried to fine tune my skills in high school, but I’m not fluent.”
This is the first time he’s heard her talk about her family, even a little bit, and he clings to the information as if it’s precious.
This time when the conversation tapers, Ethan actually doesn’t mind the silence, and he revels in the presence of the pretty intern beside him, her hand still warm in his.
“I should’ve booked you a spa treatment,” is how Naomi eventually breaks the silence. Ethan’s eyes snap up and he stares at her. “What?”
“I don’t think I’m a spa treatment kind of guy.”
“The sauna could be nice. Or a mud bath.”
“You’re such a comedian, Rookie.”
“I’m serious!” Naomi leans forward and presses her thumb between his eyebrows, gently massaging the crease. “I think a day at the spa would be good for you. Relatively speaking, you’re too young to be getting wrinkles.”
“What does that mean, relatively speaking?”
“You’re young in comparison to the average life span, but compared to me you’re…”
Ethan raises an eyebrow in challenge. “Are you trying to call me old?”
“It’s fine,” Naomi assures him. “Lucky for you, I like older guys.”
As soon as the words leave her mouth, Naomi realizes her grave mistake. She’s said too much, revealed her slip, and the double meaning of the sentence hangs in the air between them. Ethan’s eyes widen. His eyes fall on their still interlocked fingers before flitting back to her face, and that’s when Naomi notices that they’ve been holding hands. This entire time.
Ethan leans forward, until their faces are mere centimeters apart. Feeling bold, he takes one of her loose ringlets, curling it around his finger.
“Ethan, I–”
He stands so abruptly, Naomi almost falls over but she catches herself with her hands.
Ethan clears his throat, trying to center himself. What the hell was he thinking, nearly kissing his intern? How did he get so caught up that he almost crossed that line?”
Naomi stands up, wiping off the back of her shorts. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, Dr. Valentine.”
The name change feels like a physical strike. He hasn’t called her by her formal title the entire time they’ve been out here, but now she’s back to Dr. Valentine?
“Are you sure because I could’ve sworn that you were about to–”
“You know what? I think I’ve had enough of this beach excursion for the day, and I’m going to rest before we have to go to the party later on?”
A party? Where the fuck did that come from? “Ethan, slow down. A party? What party are you talking about?”
“Every year there’s a party hosted in conjunction with the party. It’s a black tie event, so please dress accordingly. See you later.”
His long legs carry him away before she can even reply, and he’s trudging back to the hotel, leaving Naomi more confused than she was ten minutes ago.
They were sharing a moment and Ethan was going to kiss her…right? This isn’t some fever dream, she didn’t just make that up, it is a fact. And just as fast as they were connecting, he put up a wall and shut her out.
She sits down again, ruminating over the situation and trying to wrap her head around it all.
After a while, annoyance forms in the pit of her stomach. Ethan doesn’t get to just play with her like a ping pong. And if she misread the situation, he should be big enough to tell her that to her face, not run off. And the more she thinks about it, the more she stews, and the annoyance turns into anger simmering under her skin. She stands, brimming with righteous indignation. He doesn’t get to walk away from her, and she’s going to tell him as such.
The trek back to the hotel only makes her angrier, because she only has time and opportunity to think, especially with the long elevator ride up to their suite. Once she makes it to the room and the door shuts behind her, she hears some shuffling around coming from the en-suite as well as running water.
“Ethan, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you need to explain whatever that was on the beach,” Naomi starts. She doesn’t get an immediate response from him. “The walls aren’t that freaking thick, I know you can hear me.” She inches closer to the door and notices that it’s been left slightly ajar. “And you left the door open, genius. Now I really know you can hear me.”
Maybe the walls really are that thick because she thinks she hears him talking, but it’s muffled. She almost lets it go until she hears a gruff, “Naomi!” come from the other side of the door.
So he can hear her. Good! Because she has a lot to say. She doesn’t give it a second thought, she charges towards the bathroom and forcefully pushes open the door.
What on earth was she thinking, barging into the bathroom like a bat out of hell?
The correct answer to that is she wasn’t thinking, fueled only by her need to argue with the infuriating man who left her on the beach like an idiot.
And now she’s standing in front of him and he’s stark naked.
The professional clothes and the white coat he wears at the hospital do an amazing job of keeping him contained, but here in this bathroom, Naomi realizes for the first time just how massive this man is. Tall isn’t enough of a description. His wide shoulders lead down to powerful arms, all corded muscle and tension. His chest, those defined pecs and a six-pack. Of course he’d be built like this underneath those clothes. Like a Greek fucking god. Of course.
That still isn’t what steals her breath straight from her body. It’s his hand, strong and powerful, wrapped around the base of his cock.
She should really say something. Apologize profusely. Beg to keep her spot in the competition, beg to keep her job at Edenbrook period. But she can’t. Any form of coherent or rational thought has been banished from her brain, and this soaking wet image of her boss is the only thing running through her mind.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey masturbates.
And if he’s still thinking about the moment they shared less than an hour ago, coupled with the fact that she heard him call out her name, it’s safe to assume that Dr. Ethan Ramsey masturbates to thoughts of her.
The realization makes her flame, and Naomi swears her body temperature has spiked to near feverish. And the fact that Ethan isn’t doing anything to right the situation—putting his hands in a more appropriate place, saying something, yelling at her to leave—only makes things more insane. He keeps his eyes fixed on her, his gaze so intense, she swears he can see her brain.
The angel on Naomi’s shoulder is screaming at her to stop gawking at him like some fish out of water, but she can’t. Now that she’s seen him, really seen him, she doesn’t know how she’ll ever go back to him being anything other than this, six feet, five inches, 200 pounds of pure unadultered sex.
The urge to touch him is so strong, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to do anything else until her hands are on him.
Swallowing whatever nerves are trying to creep up, Naomi takes a tentative step forward, and reaches for the glass door. The glass pane slides away so slowly, she almost wonders if it’s her subconscious giving her enough time to bolt before she makes even more of an ass of herself, but she ignores whatever annoying voice in her head is telling her to go.
“I’m not an idiot, Ethan. I’m not naive, and I’m not blind.” Naomi takes another step forward, the steam of the shower and a light spray of warm water hitting her face. Gingerly, her hand finds purchase on his chest, and they settle on his left pec.
His heart is beating so wildly, Naomi actually gasps at the erratic thumping beneath her fingertips. “Naomi–”
“I was so confused earlier,” Naomi confesses. “I thought you and I had been vibing these past few weeks, I thought you and I actually had something. And then we had our near first kiss earlier, but you pushed me away and ran off faster than a lightning strike, and I was hurt, and convinced that I completely misread the situation. So imagine my surprise when I walk in on this. You are horribly affected by me.”
“Naomi.” The way he says her name is so much rougher than it was previously, and it sends a shiver down her spine. Yup. So affected.
“It’s okay though, you don’t even have to say anything,” she continues. Taking Ethan’s free hand, she places it on her own chest so Ethan can feel her own erratic heartbeat. “Because trust me, I feel the exact same way.”
He doesn’t say anything else, opting to pull her in by the front of her t-shirt instead, what very little restraint he had over himself gone in this instant. The full blast of water comes as a shock, but Naomi can’t even react to it before Ethan slants his mouth over hers, pulling her into a bruising kiss.
The first thing she notices is just how rough his stubble is as it scrapes her mouth. The second thing is she probably would have fallen over due to how forcefully he pulled her into the shower, and she’s thankful his grip on her is as tight as it is.
Fireworks. A million fireworks going off at the same time. That’s what kissing Ethan feels like.
He sets the pace, but she kisses him back with just as much fervor. He kisses her like they have all the time in the world and none at all, passionate and intense, like he wants to devour her.
Her lungs protest against this endeavor, practically begging her to inhale something other than Ethan. But she doesn’t want to stop kissing him, even if it’s just for a second.
Thankfully Ethan makes the first move to separate them, breaking the kiss. His tongue licks along her neck and her head falls back in pleasure. So caught up in their kiss, it’s easy for Naomi to forget that she’s fully clothed, Ethan tugging at the fabric of her shirt quickly reminding her.
The water has the clothes clinging to her like a second skin, and Naomi giggles at the frustrated huffs Ethan lets out in his quest to undress her. The giggle turns into a full on squeal as she hears the telltale sound of a rip as her t-shirt ends up on the shower floor, followed by her shorts, and Naomi has to kick off her sandals to assist.
Once her clothes are in a sopping wet heap on the floor, Ethan regains control of the situation. Naomi’s back is pressed against the cold marble wall and Ethan’s mouth is on hers again, bruising and hard. It’s almost like he wants to punish her through his kisses.
“I have tried my absolute hardest to keep you at arms length,” is the first full sentence he’s said since Naomi entered the bathroom. “I compartmentalize my feelings for you, I am constantly reminding myself of our power dynamic. And you just keep inching your way closer at every single turn despite my best efforts.”
Naomi hums in reply. “Maybe you shouldn’t have been trying to keep me away in the first place.”
He’s kept her away because he knew. Ethan knew Naomi would find a way to get under his skin, leaving him to feel open and raw like he just got scrubbed with sandpaper. Having her like this is a fantasy come true, and he knows without a shadow of a doubt that once this line is crossed, he’ll never want to go back. He can be a selfish bastard sometimes.
“If we do this then–”
“I’m a big girl, Ethan,” Naomi assures him. One of her hands reaches in the tiny space between them, and she grips his erection. Ethan shudders and leans forward, crowding her space even more as she strokes him at a leisurely pace. “And we can talk about all of the messy stuff later, but right now, talking is the last thing on my mind.”
“Alright, Rookie. Enough talking.”
Her underwear is off before another word can be uttered.
Naomi isn’t sure what she was expecting, but he slides two fingers inside of her before she can think, and the sharp intrusion leaves her gasping. Ethan doesn’t treat her with kid gloves, the quite opposite actually. Whatever sound she’s going to make, he quickly swallows with a kiss.
Naomi is expressive. It’s one of the first things Ethan noticed about her. She’s going to be seen and heard at all times, and that extends to the bedroom. And since he has effectively cut her off with a kiss, Naomi sinks her nails into him, one set on his shoulder, the others raking through his hair, urging him to continue his ministrations. Good.
He breaks the kiss, leaving a trail of tiny kisses and bites along her jaw, neck, and collarbone, paying special attention to her nipples, lavishing them with his tongue. He drops to his knees in front of her, urging her to lean backwards against the wall behind them and Naomi does so without an ounce of hesitation.
The one hand not currently playing her like a fiddle runs along the smooth expanse of her curves, tracing every dimple and mark he can find. He does this until his eyes fall on the tiny tattoo marking her skin, resting on her hip. “I never took you as a tattoo kind of girl.”
“I have a few secrets left to tell, Ramsey.”
“Why on your hip?”
“My parents would’ve killed me if I got it somewhere visible,” Naomi explains breathlessly as Ethan continues to stroke her, slowly coaxing her towards an orgasm.
Ethan places a kiss on her left hip, right below the tattoo as if it’s to be revered before sucking a mark on it. Something to remember him by.
“Eyes on me,” Ethan commands her. It’s a tough task because the steam and the water have made it difficult to see and she would enjoy nothing more than to close her eyes and fully revel in what he’s doing to her, but they manage to lock eyes. “Good girl.”
The first swipe of his tongue against her makes her legs buckle, but thankfully Ethan keeps her upright.
His fingers curl inside of her, and Naomi swears her vision goes blurry for a second, but not once do her eyes waver from his. Ocean blue irises hold her gaze, and she feels like they’re burning her from the inside out. Everything is hot, too hot, but at the same time she feels like she might go insane without it.
The strokes are slow and languid. In, out, curl, twist, keeping pace with the way his tongue laves against her clit. Soon her breathless whimpers become more ragged, more labored and she grabs a handful of Ethan’s hair, tugging it so hard, she’d worry about actually pulling it out if she cared about anything other than finding the edge of the cliff he’s so close to pushing her off. Ethan can tell she’s close. The incessant tugging at his scalp, the increasingly louder moans, and the way her hand slaps against the wet tile.
She knows it’s coming, but her orgasm takes her by surprise, pleasure seizing her at the base of her spine. Her legs tense up and her entire body falls forward, taking Ethan with her. He cushions her fall, and they both land with a hard thud.
Naomi giggles again. And soon that giggle becomes a full on laugh, so uncontrollable that Ethan wonders if she’s snapped.
“I’m sorry. I’ve just never…fallen over during sex before,” saying that out loud makes her laugh again.
“And is this a good thing?”
Naomi leans forward and kisses Ethan, smiling through it. “We’ll you’re the first guy to ever make my legs give out in the middle of an orgasm so…yes. I’d say it’s a very good thing.”
Well that is a healthy ego boost, Ethan thinks to himself. “Good to know.”
When blood circulation has returned to her legs, Naomi stands up, pulling Ethan along with her. She deposits him on the spacious bench built in along the back wall of the shower and he falls onto the seat with a hard thud.
He watches through hooded lids as Naomi straddles him, undulating against him in a way that makes him want to take control and bury himself to the hilt inside her.
“Question for you, Ethan Ramsey,” Naomi starts.
“Answer for you, Naomi Valentine.”
“When I walked in here, were you thinking about me? Was I the subject in your dirty little fantasy?”
“Always,” Ethan is shocked by how breathless the answer comes out, but at this point, pride and ego aren’t needed. Not when they’re like this. “Since day one, I have been consumed with nothing but thoughts of you.”
“Mhmm, what was I doing in this particular fantasy?” Naomi asks. She takes him into her hands, and at a tortuous pace, rubs the swollen tip of his erection against her clit, drawing out a moan from the older man.
His memory fails him. Nothing he conjures up in his head will ever be comparable to the sight of a naked Naomi in his lap. She’s so beautiful, water droplets clinging to her skin, lips kiss swollen, loose strands of hair clinging to the sides of her face, her round cheeks flushed.
He doesn’t remember what the fantasy entailed, he just knew this woman’s presence was so overwhelming, if he didn’t expel some of the tension, he wouldn’t survive going to a black tie event with her.
“I don’t know. I don’t care,” Ethan says honestly. “The real you is so much better.”
“I think I like that answer.”
Ethan lifts her by the hips and in one smooth thrust, he’s fully sheathed inside of her. He notices that way Naomi’s eyes are fixed on where they’re joined, glazed over by pleasure and he’s never seen something so erotic.
She starts to move, slowly at first because she’s still way too sensitive from her last orgasm to do anything else. But the slow pace she sets does nothing to ease her, it only makes things worse. Every slow glide, every brush of his pelvis against her is magnified tenfold, and the heat she felt earlier has turned into a bull blown inferno, consuming every inch of her. But now, the only way out is through, and she’s trapped in a delicious purgatory until the next wave hits. It only intensifies when Ethan’s mouth closes around one of her nipples, sucking fiercely. “Oh, fuck.”
He releases the bud with a soft ‘pop’, pulling a soft groan from her lips. Her head falls back, but Ethan catches a fistful of her hair and drags her back, forcing her to make eye contact. “Eyes on me, Rookie. I want to see your face.”
The tiny pinpricks of pain at her scalp give way to pleasure as his grip on her tightens. “Harder.”
Ethan smirks and wordlessly obeys the order, pulling Naomi’s hair even harder as she moans. Huh. He’s going to tuck this information away for a later date and time.
The hand not holding her hair goes back to her hip and he squeezes tightly before guiding her up and down. And that’s when the pressure starts building again, up, and up, and up, until the only sounds that can be heard are the obscene slaps of their wet skin and her broken whimpers. His hand leaves her hip, not having to move far before his thumb is on her clit, working it in soft circles.
Naomi comes so hard, her teeth chatter and she’s almost afraid of cracking them. Unable to keep up the eye contact, she leans forward, resting her forehead against his. He gives her a second to catch her breath before he rocks into her, trying to chase his own release.
“Naomi, I…fucking I’m going to–”
She nods, understanding exactly what he’s trying to say. She bites down on his earlobe, tugging. “Inside me.” Then she kisses the patch of skin right below his ear and grinds against him once more. “Or on the tattoo.”
Holy fuck. That alone sets him off like a bottle rocket. He bites down on her shoulder hard enough to break skin.
His heart beats so wildly, he doesn’t know if it will ever return to its normal resting state. With his arms wrapped around her like this, he wonders if this is their new normal. How that he’s been with her like this, how on earth will she go back to being his subordinate. Everything about her feels like euphoria, her taste, her touch, her scent is embedded in him, so deep in his skin, she might as well be woven into his DNA. But the thing about it is, he’s not sure he wants it to.
On top of being a selfish bastard at times, he is wildly possessive.
It takes a long time for them to separate , neither one of them wanting to move or disrupt the peaceful little bubble they’ve created within the confines of this shower.
Eventually Ethan pulls Naomi off of him, but his grip on her remains steady. He stands as well and reaches behind him, grabbing the bottle of shower gel he has on the shelf. It isn’t until the clean scent of citrus and sea salt hits her nose does Naomi realize he’s using his shower gel. A chill sweeps through her. Sure they just had sex–great sex even–but sharing this man’s shower gel is a subtle intimacy that she wasn’t prepared for, and her chest goes tight.
“I smell like you,” Naomi murmurs sleepily.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Of course not, you always smell good. I do draw the line at sharing shampoo. Whatever shit you use might destroy my hair.”
Ethan snorts. “I saw the amount of hair goop you stuffed into your suitcase. Trust me, I won’t get in the way of that routine.”
Once they’re both sufficiently lathered, they duck under the water to rinse off, and they finally step out of the shower. The entire room is full of steam, and Naomi almost feels bad that they wasted so much hot water. God, her skin is going to be so dry if she doesn’t moisturize soon.
Ethan wraps her in a large white terry cloth bathrobe before wrapping a towel around his waist.
“I’m still mad that you didn’t give me any sort of notice about this party,” Naomi huffs. Ethan rolls his eyes and takes a step forward, his hand wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer until her back is firmly against his chest.
“It’s in a few hours, how much more notice do you need?”
“What if I didn’t pack an appropriate dress?” Naomi implores hypothetically. “Or shoes?”
He shrugs. “I have a credit card, and this hotel has a boutique.”
“Well lucky for you, and your wallet, I packed a few dresses,” Naomi says. Her mother taught her to be prepared for any situation, including the spur of the moment black tie event. “I’ll pull together something decent.”
“You’re beautiful, you always look more than decent.”
“Compliments will get you everywhere with me, Ramsey.”
Using the palm of her hand, Naomi wipes some of the steam off of the mirror in front of them and takes a good look in the mirror. She looks thoroughly debauched. It’s going to take a miracle to pull herself together with just a few hours’ notice.
She also notices the dark mark blooming on her right shoulder, outlined by teeth marks. Ethan’s bite is only going to get darker and more prominent as time ticks on.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to cover up this mark you gave me though.”
Ethan slides the robe off of her shoulder to examine the bite mark. He runs his thumb along it soothingly before planting a kiss on the spot. “I have a solution.”
“Oh yeah? What?”
Instead of replying immediately, Ethan bends down slightly and scoops up Naomi, bridal style. “How about I give you a matching one on the left shoulder?”
Tags: @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @choicesaddict5 @professorkingslay @maurine07 @aka-calliope @bluebellot @whimsicallywayward15 @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @jamespotterthefirst @fanmantrashcan @whatchique @ao719 @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @the-pale-goddess @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramseyx @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @cecilecontrera @thatysn @bellcat2010 @blainehellyes @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey @uneravine @choicest @schnitzelbutterfingers
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Ma Petite Chérie: Babymoon (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Read more from this little universe, Ma Petite Chérie, in my masterlist!
Summary: Harry and Y/N go on their babymoon.
Warnings: pregnancy, smut, fluff
Word Count: 6.4k
Author’s Note: Hello! I wrote this in order to cross off a few requests. I promised Harry and Y/N would have a baby of their own, plus I get asks all of the time to write pregnancy sex - specifically awkward, giggly pregnancy sex. I also got one about Harry getting a love boner, so here is my attempt at shoving all of that down your throat at once. Try not to choke :-)  I also just reallllllly love Harry, Y/N, and Tallulah, so I wanted to give them some more love. Also made this one pornstache!Harry, so, there’s that. And one last thing...I know the verb tense is way off in this but I could not be arsed to edit it so plz don’t drag me. I hope everyone enjoys! Take care and TPWK.
“Oh my god,” Y/N huffed as she collapsed on the plush sofa in the living room of the cottage.
“It feels so fucking good out here by the water.”
“Breeze is nice, innit?” Harry replied as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets to check out how well the place he’d rented for the week was stocked.
“Beats going t’ France at the end of June. Think I’m kinda gettin’ tired of Paris t’ be honest.”
“That is quite possibly the snobbiest thing I’ve ever heard you say, Mr. Styles,” she said with a laugh as she began to flip through the tourist brochures that were left on the coffee table.
Not that they’d be partaking in any of it, no. Their plan was to hole up in the quaint, Scottish cottage that sat right on the coast of the North Sea for the whole week, not even planning on changing out of their pajamas.
It was their babymoon after all - a time of peace and tranquility before the arrival of their first child together.
Harry hummed and he made his way from the kitchen to where Y/N was seated on the couch. He stood behind her, knees knocking against the back of the sofa as he crouched down and wrapped his arms around her very large, very swollen belly.
“If I recall correctly, Mrs. Styles, I sat my injured arse in a stiff train seat to Edinburgh for five hours because someone was too scared to fly even though they were cleared to do so by three separate doctors.”
“’M not Mrs. Styles for another year and a half,” Y/N muttered under her breath, albeit not trying to keep Harry from hearing it in the slightest.
Harry snickered into her neck, then playfully nipped her earlobe with his teeth as he whispered.
“Not my fault yeh got knocked up and we had t’ push the wedding.”
“It is very much your fault, Harry,” Y/N swatted at his face, fingers first brushing his jawline that was covered in a rough stubble and then just barely tracing the full-blown mustache that sat like a caterpillar above his bright pink top lip.
Harry smirked down at her, nostrils flaring wide and lips disappearing inside of his mouth.
“How’s your rib?” Y/N asked suddenly.
“Good. Why?” Harry’s brows quickly furrowed together in confusion as to why she was asking about his injury.
“Might have to ride that later if you’ve got the lungs for it,” she tapped her index and middle fingers along her philtrum, right where Harry’s mustache sat on his own face.
Her blunt lewdness had Harry’s cock immediately growing stiff in his pants. It had been a while. His injury coupled with her being in the last trimester of her pregnancy had left them both feeling unsatisfied for the past several weeks. Maybe this babymoon would prove to be relaxing not only because Harry and Y/N get to spend a week without a rambunctious almost six-year-old screaming at all hours of the day, but for other reasons too.
“Think I’d actually drop dead from happiness if yeh sat on m’ face right now, lovie. But, before yeh get too comfortable with that idea, we need t’ head into town. Kitchen’s only got the necessities, and I doubt yeh want t’ eat homemade bread for a week.”
“I’m sure you’d love to eat homemade bread for a week,” Y/N jested, poking fun at Harry’s latest obsession with the carb-filled food.
“Remind me again why I put up with you?” Harry toyed as he extended his arms out towards Y/N to use as leverage to help her hoist herself up from the couch.
When she regains her balance, she lifts herself up just slightly to press a quick kiss to Harry’s lips that he happily accepts. Y/N hums and jokingly checks the imaginary watch that sits on her wrist.
“How much time do you have? That list is pretty long.”
The trip to one of the only supermarkets in the small part of Edinburgh that they were staying in had proved to be rather tiring, because Harry opted to use store-bought pasta instead of making his own - something he never does. Maybe it was his healing rib causing him to be short-winded, but he simply could not bring himself to hand-make the pasta they chose to have for dinner that night. He bitched about it all night, about how it wasn’t as chewy as it should be and how it would have tasted much better if he would have just made it himself, but it still didn’t deter him from helping himself to a second serving.
He claimed it was because while he did use pre-cooked pasta, he didn’t use sauce from a jar and made his own from fresh tomatoes and that was the appeal. Y/N just thinks Harry likes to complain and listen to himself talk.
After dinner, just as the sun was setting and Harry and Y/N were waiting for their pasta to digest before they dove into the box of fresh pastries from a bakery they found along the way, they decided to take a walk around the property. The renovated, stone cottage that was overgrown with vines and leaves sat along a short cliffside that overlooked the North Sea. It was a short walk down the cliff that brought them to the beach, where mist from the ocean whisped around their legs and ankles like a thin veil of smoke. While it was the middle of summer, Scotland’s persistent rain showers and their proximity to the water never made it too hot to bear.
“Lulah would love it out here. We’ll have to bring her when the baby’s older.”
“She realIy would,” Harry agreed as he wrapped his sweater further around his chest.
“Know yeh didn’t give birth t’ her, but I swear you two are just alike sometimes. Absolutely hates bein’ hot and gettin’ sweaty just like you.”
Y/N smiled softly and knowingly at Harry before reaching into the pocket of the patchwork sweater of Harry’s that she’d stolen for their stroll on the beach for her phone.
“I’m gonna call her.”
She picked up on the third ring, Y/N’s phone screen then illuminated with a live image of a gap-toothed Tallulah. Well, it’s Mitch’s phone, but she’d been waiting for this promised FaceTime call all day so of course she’s quick to answer.
Both Y/N’s and Harry’s heart swelled in their chest when they heard Tallulah speak. It had been several months since she’d decided to start referring to Y/N as her mother, but neither of them had grown used to it just yet. Y/N felt a sense of achievement in “earning” the title of being Tallulah’s mum after all of the years she’d spent with her, and Harry felt a sense of resolution. His family was a real family now, and not just a patchwork of awkward relationships and trust issues. Y/N was Tallulah’s mum and she was now seven months pregnant with their own child and they’d be married by the end of next year. He was actually there to see his child grow this time, they weren’t a secret kept from him out of spite. He’d be there for all of it, even the gross and bloody and goopy bits. And he’d never felt more complete.
“Hi, baby,” Y/N beamed from ear to ear.
“What are you doing?”
“We’re walking on the beach,” Y/N answered.
“Want to see it?”
The five-year-old (five and three-quarters if you asked Tallulah herself) nodded quickly, and Y/N then flipped the camera around to show her the view of the water. Y/N pointed out their cottage from where they stood in the sand, turning the camera to Harry briefly as he held up a peace sign so Tallulah could see that her dad was also on the beach with her. She told her all about the train ride there and how Harry almost slipped and broke his face when was carrying his and Y/N’s luggage into the cottage.
Harry listened to his two little loves talk back and forth with the biggest smile on his face as he absent-mindedly scoured the beach for rocks he could skip along the water. He noticed whenever Tallulah said something that Y/N thought was funny, she had to cup her bump with her hand and forearm to keep it from shaking her entire body. She told him she hated laughing now, because it made her look like Santa Claus, but Harry thought she couldn’t look more beautiful.
“That’s so pretty! Can we all go when the baby is here?” Tallulah asked, puckering into a pout as she begged.
“I think that’s a great idea, Lulah. We were just talking about that, weren’t we, Harry?”
Harry perked up from where he had been washing a sandy shell off in the ocean and suddenly appeared in view of the camera and took the phone from Y/N. 
“Hmm?” he asked as he studied Tallulah’s appearance.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Mitch to watch his baby girl while he went away for a week with his other baby girl, it was that him and Sarah voluntarily asked to babysit Tallulah and that’s what made him so apprehensive to accept their offer. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about a sleepover at Uncle Mitch and Aunt Sarah’s every now and then, but to want to watch his daughter for an entire week certainly was. Harry felt like Mitch was plotting against him and that he’d come back to Tallulah with bright blue hair and bangs or she’d be sporting the world’s worst potty mouth when she came home, but so far that didn’t seem to be the case. 
She was wearing Harry’s “Dream Boat” shirt that she’d claimed as her own a few years back when Y/N had taught her to wear her father’s clothes when she missed him because the smell would remind her of him (he had to steal it back and sleep in it a few times every now and then to keep his scent on it), and her long, brown hair was damp and neatly braided into two plaits and hanging off her shoulders. That had to have been Sarah’s doing, because Harry knew Mitch could barely put his own hair into a ponytail without creating several lumps and redoing it eighteen times before it looked presentable - meaning he certainly wouldn’t have been able to make a five-year-old sit still long enough to braid her hair perfectly. 
She looked fine, though. Happy, healthy, certainly didn’t have blue hair or bangs and hadn’t said a single naughty thing since she’d been on the phone with Y/N.
“Lulah wants us to come back here after the baby’s born and take her with us,” Y/N beamed.
“I think we can work that out. Sounds quite lovely, actually,” Harry concurred.
“Yeh bein’ good for Mitch and Sarah?”
“Mhmm,” Tallulah nodded.
“We had pizza for dinner.”
“That sounds yummy,” Harry enthused, trying to let his daughter know he had his full attention.
“It was bery good,” she sighed.
There was a long pause before Tallulah blurted out suddenly in the most serious tone, “When are you gonna shave the rest of your mustache? Mitchy was making fun of you today.”
Harry was caught between a gasp and a laugh, which resulted in him choking on his own spit. Y/N turned on her heels in the sand to look at him with wide eyes. 
“You okay?” Y/N mouthed quietly to Harry, completely oblivious to everything that had happened in the last thirty seconds.
Harry nodded, wiping the involuntary tears from his eyes as he coughed himself back to life and regained his composure.
“What exactly did Uncle Mitch say about my mustache?” he prodded.
Tallulah shrugged, subconsciously wiggling her loose bottom tooth with her tongue.
“Don’t ‘member. Just that you look weird with it.”
“Well that’s not a very nice thing t’ say, is it?”
“Mummy said you look weird, too,” Tallulah spouted without hesitation.
Her comment left Y/N’s mouth agape, covering her smile with her palm as Harry’s raised eyebrows feigned offense in her direction.
“She did?” Harry asked sarcastically, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Yeah,” Tallulah sighed as if it was exhausting having to tell your own father that his facial hair looks off-putting.
“I think you should shave it, too. It’s scratchy when you kiss me goodnight.”
All Harry could offer in return was stunned laughter while Y/N hid her face in Harry’s peck. Her bump pressed lightly into his and even though he was pretending to be mad at her, he wouldn’t dare think about pushing her off of him - not while she was this warm and cozy against his chest. 
“Well, if mummy really hates it I suppose I’ll get rid of it. But,” Harry pauses and pulls Y/N out from where she had burrowed her face into his sweater.
“I think I might know a trick that’ll convince her t’ let me keep i-”
“Enough!” Y/N exclaimed, clamping both of her hands around Harry’s mouth.
Harry chuckled against her palm and poked his tongue through his lips to lick her fingers, which sent her hands flying back down to her leggings so she could wipe them dry.
“I swear to god, Harry. You’re five years old,” she joked with a disgusted expression on her face, to which Tallulah had something to say to that. 
“No, I’m five years old!”
The two adults laughed in unison.
“Alright, Lulah. We’re gonna go inside now. ‘S gettin’ kinda cold out,” Harry said.
“We’ll call you tomorrow before bed. Alright, lovebug?” Y/N added.
“Okay,” Tallulah huffed.
“We love you, Lulah,” Harry spoke softly into the microphone.
“Love you, too...Daddy wait!”
“What is it?” he asked.
“Give the baby kisses for me. And no bikes!”
Harry wanted to laugh, but he also wanted to cry, so he settled on a closed-mouthed smile that was enough to convince Tallulah that he was unbothered by what she said.
“Kisses for the baby and no bikes. Got it,” he nodded.
“Okay, I’m gonna go eat some sweets with Sarah!” the child yelled, suddenly energetic like she had temporarily forgotten that her and Sarah had baked cookies twenty minutes before Y/N called.
“Alright, but it’s almost bed time so not too m-!” was all Harry could answer to before his daughter ended the call and presumably raced to where ever Sarah was in their house. 
“‘S like she doesn’t even miss us,” Harry mumbled as he placed Y/N’s phone in his back pocket and began walking back up to the cottage with his arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulder. 
Y/N hummed, basking in the warmth that radiated from Harry’s chest as he held her.
“They’re just buttering her up. She’ll be crying to leave by the time we get back.”
“Just don’t really know why they were so keen on keepin’ her t’ be honest.”
Harry positioned himself one step behind her as they walked up the stone steps together, keeping one hand on the small of her back. Y/N peered over her shoulder at him, her tight lips curling up into a smirk as if to say she knew something he didn’t.
“What?” Harry asked.
Y/N shrugged, “Promised I wouldn’t tell.”
Harry clearly didn’t like that answer, because he moved his hand that was supporting her waist and quickly pinched her bum.
“Tell me,” he demanded, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pursed together in what could be considered a childish pout that mimicked Tallulah’s.
Y/N sucked her lips into her mouth, contemplating whether or not she should spill the beans on the news Sarah had shared with her a few weeks prior.
“They’re gonna start trying for a baby soon,” she whispered as if were a long-kept secret told in a room full of nosey people despite the two of them being alone on the otherwise desolate beach.
Harry’s ears perked up, a wide smile adorning his face from ear to ear.
“No fucking way,” he mumbled, and suddenly all of Mitch’s incessant hammering of baby questions he’d sent Harry’s way in the past few months suddenly making a lot of sense.
Harry thought he was trying to be a good friend and stay engaged in Y/N’s pregnancy, but now he understands the real reason behind his behavior.
Y/N nodded deviously as they make their way into the living room of the cottage.
“They’ve been asking everyone they know with kids to let them come over just to see if they can handle it. I mean, if you ask me, I think they’ll do great. Nothing wrong with trying it before buying it, I guess,” she said with a shrug.
“God, he’s gonna be such a good dad,” Harry was practically beaming for his closest friend.
“I know,” Y/N agreed, walking over to Harry to hold both sides of his head in her hands as if he was a disobedient puppy being disciplined.
Her bump prevented her from getting too close to Harry’s chest, the roundest part of her belly nudging Harry’s tummy.
“They’re both very excited. Which is why, when he finally decides to tell you, you have to act surprised. Act like he told you you just won the lottery or something. Alright?”
Harry sarcastically changed his facial expression to mock bewilderment. His eyebrows rose well off into his forehead and his jaw nearly dropped to the floor as he gasped.
“How’s that? Think he’ll buy it?”
Y/N jokingly jabbed him in the shoulder.
“Smartass. I’m going to take a shower. I’m sticky and I smell like the ocean.”
“Guess I gotta keep workin’ on it, then.”
When he’s done cleaning up what was left of their dinner, he heads to the master bedroom with the intention of washing up in the shower after Y/N. He’s messing around with the A/C unit on the window to make sure it’s not set to a temperature that will smother them in their sleep and unpacking their luggage into the wooden dresser, where an antique turntable rests.
Stacked long the side of the record player, there was a handful of old vinyl, most of which Harry either recognized or new very well. He was actually shocked to find a Shuggie Otis album in the collection, to which he quickly slipped the record out of the worn sleeve and set the needle to the edge and waited for the soft sound to fill the room while he worked. 
“That thing works?” Y/N’s voice broke up the old 70s tune as she exited the bathroom with her hair tied up with one of Harry’s scrunchies that she stole out of his toiletry bag, wrapped in only a towel that barely fit around her form.
“I know,” Harry agreed, “Needs a new needle but other than that ‘s in pretty good shape.”
“Leave it to you to find a rental with 70s records in the bedroom,” there was a lighthearted tone in her voice as Y/N poked fun at him.
She padded over to her luggage in the corner of the room for a change of clothes, only to realize Harry had unpacked it all for them. As she’s rummaging through the drawers trying to figure out where Harry had put what, she lets her towel drop to the floor freely.
Harry doesn’t know how must time has passed, but he knows he’s staring. He’s staring at the water droplets that drip from the stray hairs on the nape of her neck and run down her bare back. He’s staring at the swell of her stomach where their baby lies, at the faded, almost-shiny stretch marks on the sides and the newer, darker ones on the underside that had only recently broken through. He’s staring at the bracelet on her wrist, the one that’s braided pink and blue with three beads on it - one ‘H’, one ‘T’ and one heart. Tallulah made it for her at school one day and told her the heart was for the baby and also because she loved her. It was hanging on by its last few threads, threatening to snap as each day passed, but she refused to take it off.
All he does know is that he loves her so much that he thinks none of this is real and that he’ll wake up one day and be in his early twenties again with no direction in life and the insidious feeling that he’ll die alone without ever finding his “person.” It’s when Y/N called out to him and snapped him out of his thoughts that he’s realized his underwear are suddenly feeling incredibly tight.
“Har,” Y/N beckoned him away from whatever had been occupying his brain.
He resituated himself on the bed and crossed his legs in an attempt to hide himself from her.
“I said the hot water in there’s kinda shit, so you’ll probably want to wait a little bit before you get in.”
“‘S alright,” Harry dismisses, “Come ‘ere.”
He draws her towards him with an outstretched hand, navigating her around the bedpost and over to the side where he had been sitting. With the gentlest of touches, he runs his fingers over her bare legs. The coolness of his rings don’t make well with her skin that was still extremely warm from her shower, causing hundreds of tiny goosebumps to erupt around her thighs. Harry raises her shirt, one of his that she stole when her own clothes became too uncomfortable, but even now she’s nearly stretching this one to its limit, and rests it on top of her bump.
She doesn’t question him, doesn’t chastise him. She lets him love on her, lets him press kisses to her skin just above her belly button (making sure to give an extra one from Tallulah per her request) and rest his cheek against her stomach while his other hand feels around on the other side in hopes to feel the baby move or kick or do something to let him know that they’re there. Lucky for Harry, baby knows when their dad is around and is quick to make themselves known, so he takes a second to savor these last few moment he’ll have with his newest bub before they’re earth-side in a little less than two months.
Y/N lets him be because she knows how important this is to Harry. She knows that he never got these moments with Tallulah and that it’s one of the things that plagued him during those nights where he feels lonely despite her being asleep right next to him. He never got to feel her kick in her mum’s tummy and he didn’t get to see her grow from the size of a pea to the size of a melon before she was welcomed by her parents and the rest of her family that had been waiting anxiously for her arrival. 
No, Tallulah was dropped on his doorstep like a wet kitten in the middle of the night. Shivering and crying and just needing someone to hold her and tell her that it was going to be alright because her mother had decided she’d be better off elsewhere. Of course, she was too small to remember, but Harry could never forget it.
So, it’s the least she can do. To let Harry love on her. Love on them.
Her eyes catch his once or twice and she can see the gears in his head turning. There’s something on his mind and he’s hesitant to tell her what it is. Y/N lifts his head by tilting his chin up, her index finger brushing over the healed scar on the underside of his jaw from a few months prior.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” she whispered.
Harry shakes his head, a grin on his lips.
“‘M just really, really happy right now. Happy tha’ I’m here w’ you.”
Y/N smiles back at him genuinely before pulling away from his grasp and gesturing to his lap.
“And I’m happy that I’m here with you. Seems like your little friend is really happy, too.”
A soft groan emits from Harry chest, having realized he’d uncrossed his legs at some point and his very prominent bulge had come into Y/N’s view.
“Sorry, lovie. Didn’t mean t’ make it like tha-”
“I’m just messing with you. You know,” she ponders, “I was half-way kidding when I asked about your lungs earlier. But... This will be the last time we’re kid-free for a while,” she taunted.
“Are yeh asking?” Harry jests and points his thumb towards the bathroom door, “‘Cos I was actually plannin’ on just having a wank in the shower.”
“Oh, okay,” Y/N shrugs and moves his hands off of her waist as she pretends to walk towards the living room.
Before she can take two steps, Harry’s standing up and pulling her back into him for a kiss. It’s full of heat and passion and almost knocks Y/N off of her feet. He cradles her head in his large hands and moves to whisper in her ear.
“Really gonna let me fuck yeh?”
A quiet chuckle escapes her lips, to which she replies, “What else did you think we were gonna do all week?”
He’s unable to bite back his own laugh, and it’s the sweetest sound to ever grace Y/N’s ears.
“Then get on the bed and take yeh clothes off.”
They work quickly, as they’ve conditioned themselves to do over the years of squeezing in any time they can together before they’re interrupted. Y/N lies back on her elbows as she waits for Harry to undo his pants and her breath catches in her throat when his boxers hit the floor. 
His cock is hard, not fully, but the sight of the first few beads of glistening precum causes a shiver to run down her spine. She’s blown him a handful of times since he’s been in recovery, but she’s been far too pregnant and he’s been far too injured lately to engage in any kind of actual fun. It’s safe to say that they’re both more than ready. 
Harry scratches at his scalp, unsure of how to word his questions as he looks her body up and down.
“How do you...erm...how do you wanna-?”
“My stomach, please,” Y/N says with a laugh.
She quickly reaches for one of the pillows behind her and gets on all fours, wedging the object underneath her bump to keep some of the weight off of her back. Slowly, she arches her spine down towards the mattress, and the glimpse Harry catches of her pussy through the light of the setting sun is enough to send another jolt straight to his cock.
Harry wastes no time joining her on the bed, caressing her hips and moving back to massage the plump skin of her ass. He leans down on top of her, flips her hair over to one side, and begins sucking on the sensitive skin between her neck and jaw.
“Gonna let me taste yeh first, right?” he mumbles into her skin.
Y/N hums in response, attempting to rock backwards in order to feel Harry’s cock rub against her backside. She hears Harry laugh, presumably because he’s caught on to her neediness, so it only pushes him further to be the tease he’s notorious for being.
He sponges wet kisses down her back, getting a rise out of every audible breath that leaves Y/N’s throat.
“Relax, baby,” Harry says when he feels her growing tenser as his kisses travel closer to where she needs him the most.
“Gonna get yeh there. Just gotta be patient.”
Harry presses one last kiss on the final notch of her spine before using one of his hands to spread her legs open just a little bit further. When he parts the globes of her ass, his mouth waters. Her pussy is shimmering with her arousal, perfect and on display just for him. 
He tests the waters by running the tip of his tongue from her clit up to her center and he hears a sigh of relief leave Y/N’s lungs at the contact. Next, he’s massaging her folds, exploring her and refamiliarizing himself with the way she tasted. Harry feels her relax into the mattress with each lap of his tongue against her, silently begging him for more. His tentativeness allows him to read her body language and he draws back momentarily to spread her lips apart with his middle and index finger.
The cool air against her core stuns Y/N, but is quickly drowned out with a moan when she feels Harry’s warm saliva drip from her ass down to her clit. His mouth is back on her before she can recover from the sensation, lapping her up and flicking at her clit with his tongue and driving her mad. He’s got his nose buried inside of her as he devours her in the way that he’s really been yearning to for months (he doesn’t count the late night or early morning quickies because he claims he never gets to spend as much time taking care of her as he really wants to). The scruff from his mustache is staunch against her soft folds, but Harry’s tongue is quick to soothe the burn and she loves it.
He smirks against her as she lets out a particularly loud moan when his facial hair brushes against her clit. What was that about shaving my mustache? he thinks to himself but does not dare say aloud.
When he senses that she needs even more, his fingers move from spreading her apart to pressing against her opening. Gathering her wetness on his digits, he slowly pumps them in and out of her. Y/N’s mewls and whimpers are like music to his ears and only spurs him on further. He ruts his hips against the comforter, anything to relieve the throbbing between his legs that is a result of how pliable she’s become for him. She’s soaking the rings on his fingers in the most picture-perfect way and Harry truly genuinely can’t get enough of it; and neither can she. Which is why he’s confused when one of her hands swings around her backside to stop Harry from working her open.
“Har-” she pants.
He withdrawals all contact immediately and peaks his head around to look at her face.
“Yeh good?” he asks as she’s stands up on her knees and turns around to face him.
“‘M great. Wanna be on top now,” she says, her lips plump and swollen from biting down on them so harshly that she nearly drew blood.
“You sure? Yeh don’t want me t’ finish yeh first?”
His eyes dart from her lust-blown eyes to her round belly.
“Mhm. Now lay your pretty ass down before I change my mind.”
She doesn’t have to tell him twice and he’s rolling over on his back, working his way to prop himself up against the headboard. His cock is red and leaking against his stomach, excruciatingly waiting to be buried inside of his girl. He wonders why she’s staring at him with an annoyed expression on her face, but then she speaks up.
“Do you see how pregnant I am? Gonna have to lay all the way down, shit head.”
He does as he’s told and he’s honestly scared that he’ll cum in five seconds if she doesn’t get on with it. 
“I swear to god, if you laugh at me,” she grunts as she straddles his waist, “I’ll cut it off.”
“‘M not gonna lau-”
It’s his turn to moan aloud when she grips onto his cock, running it across her folds to collect as much wetness as she can before she allows him to stretch her out. He’s focusing so much on not losing it right then and there that he doesn’t realize she’s stopped and is waiting for the go-ahead. Through his dark, thick lashes, he nods; as if she would have to ask.
Harry reaches for her hands as she lowers herself onto him, the two of them squeezing a bit too harshly when she reaches the last few inches. The burn consumes Y/N from the inside and out, but it’s never felt so right to either of them. 
She’s not moving just yet, but her cunt is pulsing around him and it feels almost as good as the real thing. They’re staring at each other, both with looks that relay more than words.
“Love you,” Harry’s face softens as he looks up at her.
“Love you, too,” Y/N smiles as she leans down as far as she can in search of a kiss.
He meets her in the middle and their lips find one another and mash together in harmony. The rocking of their hips reminds both of them what they’re actually doing, and causes both of them to gasp at the way Y/N pumped Harry half-way in and out of her. 
When she’s settled back down on the base of his cock, she begins slowly rutting herself back and forth. It takes her just a little bit longer than usual to work up a steady rhythm, but when she’s got it, boy does she got it and it feels so fucking good. The tip of Harry’s cock is pressing against the deepest parts of her and before she knows it, there’s a warm coil winding up in her tummy that bounds itself tighter and tighter inside of her.
She needs to go faster and she needs to go faster now, so she braces her hands on Harry’s chest as she continues to fuck herself on Harry’s cock. Harry lets out a sound that she can’t tell apart between a groan of pleasure and one of pain. His hands dart quickly from where they’d been gripping at her thighs to grip at her wrists.
“Can’t do tha’, lovie. Not the ribs.”
“Shit,” she laughs, subconsciously clenching down on his shaft in the process.
“‘S okay,” Harry reassures her as he repositions her hands on his shoulders so she can still have something to grab on to.
“Keep going.” 
Her bump is now cradled against Harry’s stomach and it allows her to find relief in the way that her clit is brushing against the trimmed nest of hair that lies around the base of his thick, throbbing cock. He’s twitching inside of her so much that she can feel it alongside her thrusts as they continue. They both won’t last much longer and they know it. 
“‘M getting close.”
“I know,” Harry pants beneath her.
She switches positions, now with her fingers digging so hard into the meat of Harry’s thighs that her knuckles are changing color. She’s able to lift her hips up and down a bit more from this angle, and it allows Harry’s cock to nudge against her sweet spot.
“Feels so good, H,” she whimpers so quietly that almost Harry couldn’t even hear it.
“‘S that it? Right there?” he mocks as he works at meeting her thrusts with his own.
The best he gets from Y/N is a nod as she focuses the best she can on getting herself there. She’s coating him with her juices with each pump and with one glance down at where they’re joined together nearly shoots Harry over the edge.
“Yeh gonna cum f’ me?” Harry asks as his thumb reaches under her to begin rubbing circles on her clit.
“Gonna give me a good one?”
His movements coupled with his words catalyze the tightness within her, threatening to snap at any moment. She’s definitely sweaty and tired of being on top, but she’s so close now that she wills away the pain in her lower back and thighs.
“Come on, bunny. Give it to me.”
He works with that he can and makes sure he’s slamming into her as deep as he can, speeding up the pace he’s making with her clit in the process. 
She cums with a strangled, “Fuck,” and a shrill cry of his name, and that’s all he needs to meet his end as well. The world is black and quiet for the two of them for just a brief moment, and then they’re both seeing all of the stars in the galaxy.
Her walls are coated with the warm ropes of his seed and spills out of her as she milks him, coaxing all she can out of both hers and Harry’s orgasms. Y/N can feel the last few twitches of Harry’s cock inside of her and her movements slow to a stop. 
His cum is splashed along her inner thighs and around Harry’s shaft, and they’re both struggling to catch their breath. Y/N feels sorry for him for a brief second when she sees him clutching onto the left side of his ribs, but then she remembers the situation that put him there in the first place and great incredible fuck she just gave him and so she decides not to dwell on it too much. 
Serves him right.
She collapses on the bed beside him, the two of them staring idly at the ceiling. It’s nearly dark now, the sun having set long ago and only their silhouettes are visible in the moonlight. Harry reaches over to pet her cheek and press a kiss into her hair as their breathing slowly but surely evens out and they come to.
They’re both too tired and fucked out to have a lucid conversation, so they’ll save that for tomorrow. No. Right now was for cuddles and falling asleep to the sounds of each other’s soft breaths and the peace of mind knowing that they can do this every single night for the rest of their lives if they wanted to because they’re getting married and they have a family together and they’re so in love with each other that nothing else matters.
When Y/N finally manages to muster up the energy to lift herself from the mattress and waddle to the bathroom, Harry breaks the silence.
“Hey,” his voice is calm and collected and there’s a smirk on his face.
“Hmm?” she answers as she cranes her neck and braces herself on the door frame of the master bathroom.
Her other hand is caressing her bump, a tick that she’d picked up over the months whenever she wasn’t doing anything important.
“Sit on m’ face in the morning?”
There’s that laugh again. The one that Harry loves and swears came straight from the angels above.
“With pleasure,” she winks as the door closes behind her.
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jaskierisbi · 3 years
lines and verses from every amazing devil song that hit
But our voices collide with each howl of the tide || Singing all hell and its fire waits for us
All that matters || Is that you’re here
Pruning Shears
My entire life it's running away too fast || Watching everyone I've ever loved walk past || Never really quite getting the knack of || Knowing no one will not || Ever come back for you
Shower Day
Would have stayed if you'd had asked || But instead you just walk past
You're the one who told me my hair looked better black || You're the one who told me to never look back || You're the one who asked me if I'm feeling ok || I said I'm fine || It's just a sitting down in the shower day
Leave the room but you get caught in the rain || Know you should love him but it's such a pain || Would have stayed if you'd had asked || But instead you just walk away
Elsa’s Song
I can hear the cannons calling || As though across a dream || And I can smell the smoke of hell || In every stitch and seam || And like flowers, the bodies tumble || Around this muddied lot || I cannot hear them scream || ‘Forget me not.’
Pray for me, I'll run until I begin to understand || What holy men really mean || When they speak of sin
God made all man in his image || Honey I'm I'm I'm no man || I'm what’s left when children go to war
Run from you, I'll run until I begin to understand || What holy men really mean when they speak of sand and sons and seams and symphonies and sweat and sex and sin
Why you cannot sleep for sighing || Why womanhood is more than crying || I'm stronger now than you have ever known
The cracks you made I fill with mortar || A broken pot can still hold water || Symphonies and sweat and sex mean nothing when you are obsessed || With sin and soil and strength and song and all the words that came out wrong and him
Little Miss Why So
Did you tell them about the time we met little miss || You'll love the way I tell it || And I'll yell it from the rooftops for you || He says
He says || You're going too fast || You'll burn up soon
I don't know how to reach you when you get like this || I've been waiting for you to come home || I don't know how to reach you when you get like this || I've been waiting for you to come home
Why won't you just tell them all to fuck off love and be mine
He says || Why so sad || I'm here and I'm alive || Stop making up death wishes and take my lifeline
Why won't you believe I love you if I'm not hurting you, he says || Can't you see that I'm enough for you but you don't want me to be || 'Cause that means you'll actually have to be content
Why so why so sad || Stop asking why I'm sad just know it's enough to know I'm sad
New York Torch Song
But your blood does not bleed red no more || It's whiter than the sun burns, bright with every hum || From within this gaping wound of ours || A new us has begun. A new us has begun. A new us has begun
Tear me up and burn me up and rip me up and leave your || Hand on the wall as you go
Are you god or devil, ghost dishevelled || Childhood friend or drunken revel
I cannot find the words to keep you || I cannot find the words to keep you
Two Minutes
It's like all the wallpaper inside my heart || Is slowly slowly peeling off || And I'm showing || All the stains and things || They wrote on the wall before
These hands are growing cold ||They're running out of things to hold || Give me two damn minutes and I'll be fine
If I'm good will you come back || If I'm good will you come back || If I'm good will you come back || To us
Not Yet/Love Run
Sing me awake with a song about pirates || And I will try to harmonise || And sip the sunlight from your eyes || Oh sing me awake || With all the things we’ll do today || But instead we’ll build a den || Out of pillows and get drunk again
If my old mum could see me now || Oh how she’d howl she’d howl
Love run, love run || For all the things you’ve done || Run for all the things that drum || Run for all those pages thumbed
Love run, love run || For all the things we wished we’d done || Run from all you know that’s coming || Run to show that love’s worth running to
All that matters || Is that you're here ||All that matters
- - - - - - - - - -
The Rockrose and the Thistle
n/a sorry y’all
The Horror and the Wild
You are that space that’s in between every page, every chord and every screen || You are the driftwood and the rift, you’re the words that I promise I don’t mean
We’re drunk but drinking (sunk but sinking) || They thought us blind (we were just blinking)
Remember me I ask, remember me I sing || Give me back my heart you wingless thing
Think of all the horrors that I || Promised you I’d bring || I promise you, they’ll sing of every || Time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child || Witness me, old man, I am the Wild
Wild Blue Yonder
So one last time, love, come and rip my clothes || Get a grip, we're grownups
Come and rip off my socks like you’re blasting the locks off of a bank vault. Halt! || This time we’re done for
Let’s hide under the covers || We don’t know what’s out there || Could be wolves || So hold me, lover, like you used to || So tight I’d bruise you || I’d bruise you, I’d bruise you too
Every stone you threw, I stood on to better see the view
Don't you ever wonder, what could have been? || All those wonders sit in wait for us, we tried
Every brick you hurled, I’ll use to build this world || This world, this world, this world
Welly Boots
And I love you, don’t you know || That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind
And when you scream that it’s not fair || It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast || Left you behind just standing there || Pretending not to see your ghost || If only you could hear my voice || But you are screaming far too loud to hear me swear || Just because I left doesn’t mean that I’m not still there
'Cause you were always strong || When you were young, you’d kick things just to see if they would fall || They said ‘That girl, she’s wrong’ || But I’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven't got a fucking clue
Farewell Wanderlust
He said ‘Hey darling hey, hey darling hey’ || I’m the hardest goodbye that you’ll ever have to say
I promise you I’ll be better || I promise you I’ll try || But like rubbing wine stains into rugs it’s my curse || To try and make it right, but by trying make it worse
I promise you I’m not broken || I promise you there’s more || More to come, more to reach for, more to hurl at the door
Goodbye to all my darkness, there’s nothing here but light || Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night || This here is not make up, it’s a porcelain tomb || And this here is not singing, I’m just screaming in tune
It’s what my heart just yearns to say || In ways that can’t be said || It’s what my rotting bones will sing || When the rest of me is dead || It’s what’s engraved upon my heart || In letters deeply worn || Today I somehow understand the reason I was born
She laughs as though she’s not heard the joke ten thousand times before || And he adores her, he watches her get dressed as though she’s hurtling through time
And she brushes her hand through his hair, he’s got so much fucking hair
And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay
"It’s not fair, it’s not fair how much I love you || It’s not fair, 'cause you make me laugh when I’m actually really fucking cross at you for something," || And he’ll say || "Oh how, oh how unreasonable || How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do || I spend my days so close to you 'cause if I’m standing here, maybe everyone will think I’m alright,"
'Cause darling I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades
And calm throughout his melodrama, she will turn and say || "Dear heart, it’s me, it's me || You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not || 'Cause it’s not like I’ve never heard you fart and snore || And for some godforsaken reason || I’m still here, love, like I’ve always been before,"
Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment || "Where have you been?" she’ll whisper || "I’ve waited oh so long for you to come" || And as the stars above them hum and hear them || He’ll turn to her and say, "That’s what she said"
That Unwanted Animal
You try so loud to love me || I cannot seem to hear || ‘Be good to me,’ I whisper || And you say ‘What?’ || And I say ‘Nothing dear’
I’m the paper cut that kills you || I’m the priest that you ignored || I’m the touch you crave, I’m the plans that you made, but fuck all your plans I’m bored
And you rip my ribcage open || And devour what’s truly yours
'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough || To God I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
And I chipped my teeth on every joke you cracked
You stole the best years of my life || I’ll give them back
'Cause I will wait and hope || Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep || But a place for crows to rest their feet || And I will wait and hope || And rest my head at night content || Knowing where my marbles went
She sang, ‘Do you think I’m sexy?’ and oh god I really did
Oh, if one more guy calls me darling then I || Swear to you and to god I will murder them all
All the bastards applaud when I show that I’m flawed || You’re not flawed darling, you’re just a little under-rehearsed
I’ve loved you, for a hundred years || Certainly fucking feels like it
The minute I met you, the colours of my life began to pour
And now, even though you’re mad and these memories won’t stay || That's okay || 'Cause then I get to meet you for the first time every single day
Battle Cries
Tell the truth to me, love, does my hair look as nice || As it did when you once tangled up in your eyes? || Look at me as you say this, don’t look at your phone
‘Cause these plates they smash like waves || And the wine stains hide the tears || But that breathing you hear, don't mistake it for sighs || Don’t you realise? They’re just battle cries, dear
And these lines aren’t wrinkles, dear heart || They’re just dollops of paint on a new work of art
And as I walk away, I know I’ve been through the wars || But that creaking you hear in my bones is not pain, it’s applause
This isn’t a break up, dear heart, it’s a season finale
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Superstitions and Curses
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Pairing: mummy!Bucky Barnes x archaeologist!Reader
Warnings: slight dubcon, obsessive and soft!dark!Bucky, mentions of torture and being buried alive.
Words: 2163.
Summary: It wasn't your first expedition, but pretty much the first time when you had helped to bring an ancient being back from the dead.
P.S. Huge thanks to dear @navegandoaciegas who helped me get inspired again <3
"Please, let me in."
You clenched the amulet in your hands, nervously staring at the door of a hotel room and hoping he wouldn't enter. Despite the fact that you were an archeologist, a woman who believed in nothing but science, you were ready to pray to all the gods if it would help to keep this creature away.
"I mean no harm to you." His husky, dangerously low voice made you lick your lips as you thought of all the things he whispered in your ear the other night. "Didn't you like the way I treat you, love?"
"It was a spell you put on me!" You furrowed your brows, making a step away from the door and bumping into a nightstand with a loud thud - the bottle of water in top of it fell down to the floor.
"A spell?" The man behind the door chuckled, and you could hear him breathing out loudly as he peered through the crack in the door, his hands pressed against the dark wood. "You know I haven't done anything of this kind. What you felt was the chemistry between us, don't deny it."
It was true. That night when all you wanted was to forget the events of the last couple of days, forget all about the whole reason why you came to this ancient country, you rushed to a bar to get drunk like a fish, hoping the next morning once you'd wake up, it would all be a bad dream and nothing more. That's where you met him, the man who you had seen laying in his grave just a couple of hours before. Of course, you didn't know it was him - he looked like any other man, enough flesh on his bones not to cause any suspicion.
Oh, but it was him. He had followed you in that bar, pretending to be a stranger eager to know you; fooling you, he soon slipped into your room where he made love to you, completely drunk and fallen under his charms. How stupid you were, trusting a complete stranger after what had happened that day.
It was several hours after when you woke up in the night, and the moonlight coming from the window lit the room a little: as you stared at the man sleeping soundly next to you, you saw the ancient symbols on his chest.
The next minute you were out of your room, hoping he wouldn't wake up in the next hour. It would give you enough time to reach the railway station.
Why was he following you? You could understand his reasons since you had pretty much broken his tomb and opened his grave, but why on Earth did he sleep with you? Why didn't he kill you? Was it some kind of a ritual? Despite the fact that you were specializing on local customs and traditions, you have never heard of anything of that kind.
"You can't get rid of me." He murmured behind the door, and you sensed something wicked, resentful in his voice.
"Why can't I? What do you want from me?" You asked on the verge of tears, your arms trembling - you very much doubted the amulet you were holding was of any use to you.
"Shhhh." He cooed softly, feeling you fear and somewhat content with it. "I promise I won't hurt you. Let me in, love. Let me in."
For a couple of seconds you froze, listening to the man breathing softly behind the door. Strangely, you could almost hear his heart beating in his chest as if he really were human, not a rotten corpse you saw in the coffin a couple of days ago. The night you spent together you felt like he was the most tender and affectionate man you had ever met. Why did he do it? What was his purpose? Why were you opening the door for him when he ordered you to do it with that hypnotic voice of his?
You realized he had entered your room once he touched your cheek with his hand, rough fingers brushing against your wet skin. Oh, apparently, you were crying.
"I know it is beyond your comprehension, but please trust me, My Immortal Beloved." He made a step forward as you shriveled and slinked back, staring at his perfectly blue eyes adorned with black kohl. "Do not be scared. Even though it seems horrifyingly wrong to you, things are exactly as they were meant to be."
Despite the fact you had a thousand questions inside your head, the words were stuck in your throat. You couldn't even scream, asking for help. Besides, it would be pretty worthless, wouldn't it? No one could protect you from someone who rose from the dead.
"You were meant to open my tomb and set me free. You were meant to resurrect my body and let my soul return to it."
When you reached the wall, your back pressed to it as if you wanted to slip through the stone, the man had inched closer to you and lowered his hand on your chest, the other one right in front of your face as he moved his hand, drawing a circle in the air with his palm. I see you. You are important to me, a sign of both trust and affection - you had seen it so many times on ancient drawings it was imprinted on your brain.
What? Why was he doing it? Why it was you who set him free? You were just one of a whole team of archaeologists and wage earners. You did nothing special, nothing that differentiated you from others - you weren't the one who physically opened it nor did you read any ancient spells locals were so superstitious about. You were as much in shock as all others when the mummy had suddenly disappeared from the tomb.
At first, even though most of you were people of science, all of you thought of ancient curses and all those archaeologists who had supposedly died from it. Then, when you came to your senses, you thought of the thieves who might had taken the mummy. But then again, although it were the remains of someone very, very important, no treasures were buried with him - apparently, this person had done something terrible when he was alive, especially remembering the curses written on the walls. So why steal just the corpse, then? Without decent care, the bones would crack within minutes of carrying them. Why would thieves want the mummy?
"I want to come back home." You whispered, shivering and averting your eyes.
"I will bring you whenever you want once you swear loyalty to me, love."
You blinked as you stared at his tanned face, symbols painted with gold shining on his temples. It was getting more and more insane with every passing minute.
"Why would I swear loyalty to you?"
"Because I am your Sun, Moon and the Stars in between."
The silence felt heavy, suffocating as you kept looking at the man, not knowing what to say. He was right - you didn't understand a thing. You didn't even know who he was and why you swearing loyalty to him seemed so important so this stranger. The only thing you knew for sure was that he was dangerous, far more dangerous than any other human being - you felt it in your bones.
"Before I d-do that, may I know your name?" You wanted to add something like "Your Majesty", but you had no idea what kind of title the man once had - that is, if he had any at all.
He chuckled, "It would be hard for you to pronounce. But you can call me James, it is the closest you can get."
A part of you was offended - for heaven's sake, you were specializing on this exact area and surely knew how to pronounce ancient names - but the other part of you now wondered how come this being knew a real English name and could actually speak modern language. Surely, he was at least a thousand years old. How come?..
"Why were you buried so disrespectfully?" You started questioning him out loud, furrowing your brows. "This is not my first expedition, but I have never seen a tomb like yours before. No treasures, no name, nothing that could identify you at all."
"The Witch-king, that's how they called me." His handsome face darkened, and the man took a step away, turning his back to you. "The one who had surpassed his high priest and could read the Book of the Dead. Once my chancellors learnt about me practicing the magic of the ancient, they made my priests spread the word to my people, and I have been overthrown. They have tortured me, blinded me, cut off my limbs, and then sealed me away in the tomb when I was still alive. Because of their fear of me and my powers, they condemned me to the worst of fates, and broke the line of kings."
As he kept speaking, his dark long robe fell down to the floor, opening his half-naked tan body to you: you saw two deep scars on his shoulders that still looked raw, horrifying you - the man was telling you the truth. He had been dismembered.
"They have cursed me to stay neither truly dead nor alive till one day somebody would open my tomb and set me free. They have kept the location of my grave a secret, thinking no one would ever discover it in the sand, but they all were wrong. I will suffer no more in that place where not a single ray of light had shone over two thousands of years."
Your head was spinning from all this, and you quietly slid to the floor, your hands in your hair as you tugged on the roots in frustration and fear. For the love of God, was it all true? Did you help resurrect the ancient being that could use some scary black magic and probably kill lots of innocent people? Did he want to drag you along with him once you swear loyalty to him? If you didn't, would he actually murder you?
"But this is of no importance now." The man turned back to you and, suddenly seeing you on the floor, hurried to gently pick you up and place you on a spacious bed, watching you with worry. "I am sorry for I have frightened you, love. I swear this was not my intention."
You had troubles understanding what his intention was, but you kept silent, too scaried to say something to him. You had a dozen thoughts what a creature like him would want to do to people for all his suffering.
You should have left that damn tomb alone when your team found twice more death traps than in any other grave. You read the curses left on the walls, but they only fueled your interest. Of course, you had never been superstitious in your entire life, so you simply disregarded all the signs that now seemed so clear you were ready to slap yourself.
"Why am I important?" You asked in a shaky voice, your eyes trailing down his chest with ancient symbols tattooed on it. "Why spending a night with me? I am just a woman. I have opened the tomb, but I was one of many."
"No, you are special. You won't understand now, not yet, but think of it as your destiny. Your fate is bound to mine."
As he inched closer to you, you finally realized you were almost in bed with a half-naked handsome man resurrected from the dead. Immediately crawling back, your stared at him wide-eyed. No, no, no, whoever he was and whatever he thought your fate was, you didn't want him in your bed the second time! Well, almost. Maybe you wanted a little bit. Just a little.
"S-so, are you going to destroy the country and claim your kingdom again?"
Your words made him laugh as he bared his perfectly white teeth while touching the side of your face.
"Two thousand years were enough to change my priorities. Ruling the world of humans who know nothing of magic isn't interesting to me anymore."
"I see. That's a relief." You murmured, still very uncomfortable with him being so close to you. "Please, can I just leave? There are millions of women, I'm sure you'll find someone more attractive to be your... your concubine."
"Concubine? I did not have a concubine, and neither did my ancestors." The man tilted his head to the side, looking at you surprised as you were ready to bite yourself for your own stupidity: of course, the rulers of these lands only started having concubines in the fourth dynasty and onwards, James was definitely either from the first or second one. "I can't let you leave, love. You will have to come with me."
Part 2
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @iheartsebastianstan @ninefuckingoneone
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fuckingthefictional · 3 years
Red Stained Dress
Request: “I hope you’re having a wonderful day/evening/afternoon/night! May I request Reader being a cousin to the Shelby’s (mother’s side) and being very very like lady-like, clean, expensive clothes. And one of the boys gets blood on her dress? If that’s alright? Thanks in advance.”
A/N: I made this entirely too angsty for my own good, either way hope you enjoy!
Warning: Graphic descriptions of violence, swearing, blood.
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“Mummy what is falling in love like?”
“My darling, it is one of the best things in life. It is special and sacred. It makes life worth living, it makes the world that little bit brighter.”
“When will that happen to me?”
“Time will tell my sweet girl, but be patient- love is always lurking around corner, where you least expect it.”
Your mother was right. It did lurk around the corner and it caught your heart in its grasp and lead you to love. To your husband.
At the age of 20 you went from Y/N Strong to Y/N Massey. Wife of James Massey. You were happy, at peace.
But your mother had failed to explain the complexities of love. That it didn’t come easy. There was darkness and rockiness. And love didn’t always last.
For you it broke in front of you. When your husband was taken on the battlefield- somewhere in France.
And suddenly you were a widow, you were alone.
Your mother and husband had passed. The only person left was your father (if you could even call him that)- Charlie Strong.
On her deathbed your mother had begged you to go and make amends with him. Even going as far to write down his address on a piece of paper for you to keep.
But you hadn’t plucked the courage to do that yet. To you your father was just a man who ran from his wife and child at the first moment he could.
There was only one trait that you shared with that man. And that was your love of horses. You had always had a connection with animals. Horses and dogs in particular would just flock to you- who knew maybe it was in your blood.
“Ms Massey?” A quiet voice interrupted your heavy stream of thought, looking up you saw one of the many maids that worked at the house standing in the entry way to the library.
“Is everything alright Mary?” You asked.
“Ms Carleton has just arrived for you ma’am, she’s waiting for you by the car.”
You nodded, rising from your armchair and taking one last glance at his armchair before you left for the day.
May and yourself were going to a horse auction, you’d been looking forward to it for weeks.
You were both looking for some new horses to take on and train, as well as some new potential clients.
“Stop dallying Y/N!” Your friend’s familiar voice rang out, “The auction starts soon, we’ll miss out at this rate!”
You rolled your eyes towards May, silently dismissing her joking jabs at you.
“We won’t be late May,” You reprimanded, “stop fretting.”
“The clock says otherwise.”
“Ladies like us are never late,” You waves your hands to prove your point, “everyone else is simply early.”
May giggles in response, “if you say so Y/N/N.”
You swatted at your close friend jokingly, you were hoping for a successful, calm day- but trouble always did seem to follow you every place you went.
“Ladies and Gents we will start our bidding at 50 pounds.”
The horse auction was surprisingly crowded, it seemed that quite a few people had come to see what breeds could be found at the auction house that afternoon.
It was dwindling down to the last few stallions and the occasional mare. All in all you had been successful in purchasing two stallions and a mare of your own.
The last horse on auction in question was beautiful, it was a stallion- dark and shiny in colour, its legs were long but muscled. A perfect contender for you to train for the races.
You raised your hand in interest.
“50 pounds here,” the auctioneer spoke, looking around at everyone else, “Going once, twice-“
“150 pounds.”
Your head whipped round, looking for the man who was trying to outbid you.
“300” you spoke again.
“500” A murmur rippled through the crowd.
You weighed up your options, it was a lot of money for a single horse- you didn’t want to blow through every single penny you had to your name.
“Going once, going twice-“
“1500 pounds.” A new voice had cut out, there were shocked murmurs erupting throughout the stands of people.
The gavel banged on the table, signifying the final action of the day, as people began to disperse from the auction house- you could finally see the man that had snatched the last horse up.
You knew who it in an instant- it was Thomas Shelby. Your cousin Thomas.
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you began to make your way down the stairs with May. Silently you found yourself praying that he hadn’t taken any notice of your presence.
God didn’t listen of course.
You took a deep inhale, as you rushed down the stairs to try and escape.
Fuck, there was no chance of outrunning them.
You quickly murmered that you would catch up to your friend, before you slipped through the doors arena like stage.
The doors itself open and closed behind you, before it was repeated again.
Here goes nothing I suppose.
You breathed in a shuddering breath as you turned to face your estranged family members.
They were all there. Thomas, John, Arthur, as well as another two men that you didn’t recognise. Not to mention the man that you had long since called your father.
You put on a polite smile, which probably looked far too forced, “Good Afternoon Thomas.”
“What are you-“
“What are you doing ‘ere ‘ey?” Your father cut Tommy off, questioning your motives as his piercing eyes stared into your similar ones.
The action only caused a swell of anger to swirl in her belly.
“I assume the same reason that you are- business.” You spoke simply, biting down on your tongue to keep any more words at bay.
“And what ‘business’ do you have here Hmm?” Tommy’s gruff voice asked.
“Jesus I’m just here to purchase any horses that look good enough to ride professionally- what is your probl-“
“Mr Shelby.”
Everything that happened next, happened all too quickly. Because before you could even register what was happening there was a yell coming from one of your cousins.
“Get down!” John’s voice had cut of your own with a loud yell, as you were suddenly tackled to the floor.
A loud crack rippled through the air as the wooden banister above you splintered into two, a bullet lodging itself in the wall behind it.
You peeled up behind the curtain of hair that had fallen in front of your eyes, “What the fuck?” You screamed in fear, shock melting into every nerve and muscle in your body.
Another gunshot pierced out, as it shattered the large window close by into thousands of shards.
A part of you didn’t want to believe that this was happening- surely it was just a dream? A terrible, horrific nightmare?
Another crack of a bullet being launched sounded close to you, peeping up from behind your quivering hands you saw that it was Thomas who had fired it.
Thomas who had fired a fatal shot into another man’s head. Thomas who had caused the death of a man, who may have had a wife, or a child or a family.
But nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight that was to come next. The sight of your eldest cousin brutally throwing punch after punch after punch at another man’s face.
The sickening sounds of flesh hitting flesh and bones shifting and cracking under the weight of Arthur’s meaty fists continued to echo around the room.
The man’s face slowly becoming mangled into mush, the sand below him becoming stained with crimson blood - you knew you couldn’t take it for a moment longer.
Swallowing your fear, you jumped off of the ground, screaming desperately for Arthur to stop.
You tried to pull him off, only to be knocked backwards onto your back. You felt the air leave your body as you collided with the ground.
You shifted back onto your feet, ignoring the pain surging through your spine. Watching as your father, Tommy and another man ripped Arthur away from the scene.
Crawling over you to the motionless body, you lifted two fingers to his neck. Frantically searching for a pulse. After a few seconds you found one, “He’s still alive- but his pulse is weak, he needs-“
Once again you were cut off by your father, “John take Y/N to the car.”
“What? No!” You protested, “did you not hear me- that man is dying he needs a doctor now.”
Within seconds you felt your body lift off the ground and over someone’s shoulder.
“Stop! You can’t do this!” You were screaming desperately, you voice becoming hoarse “What is wrong with you?”
The feeling of tears running down your face, alerted you to just how upset you felt. You just watched your family kill- like they were predators.
A few short minutes later, you felt your feet finally hit the floor. Looking around you grasped onto the nearest solid object that you could find.
The car was cool to touch and it calmed your raging thoughts for a second before a swell of nausea hit. You wanted to be sick, to cleanse the memories of what you had just witnessed away.
“Y/N...” John’s voice held care, like he was tiptoeing around what had just happened, “About what you just saw.”
“You didn’t see anything.”
You’re head shot up angrily, Tommy stood in front of you, with the rest of the group of men behind him.
“Really because the blood on my fucking dress says otherwise,” you fined, lYou’re fucking insane- you just killed two men, two men who may have had families that will never see them again.” Tears welled up in your eyes, “You should feel ashamed.”
Tommy rolled his eyes, “If we didn’t kill them, they would have killed us.”
“We all have a part to play in this world Tommy- you don’t get to decide who lives, who dies and who tells the story. You’re just a selfish coward who shoots first and asks questions later.”
“Y/N you can’t say that- he’s your family.”
Your head whipped around, quick enough that you swore you could’ve gotten whiplash. It was your father who had spoken those words.
“You don’t get to say anything to me- you do not have that right anymore, you lost that a long time ago,” You jabbed a finger into his scrawny chest, “Family Hm? You lot stopped being my family years ago. None of you came to my wedding, none of your cared when my husband was killed, and you ‘dad’ disowned me before I could walk- so don’t you dare lecture me about family.”
“You’re still apart of this family Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes, “Well if that,” you pointed back over to the auction center, “is what being apart of this family is then I have no fucking interest in being apart of it.”
Family isn’t always to do with fucking blood- it is what you make it.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Where Were You
1) Dont You Say That....Not you
31) Your Alive
10) Where Were You When I Needed You
Ok so this was originally an ask but I goofed and just posted the prompts. So after saving them and trying to figure out what to write for the longest I have no idea who requested this because they were anonymous (so this is for you Anon if your out there)
Characters: you x Loki
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, Loki being a slight asshat, hurt reader
Summary: You were Lokis only good thing that had happened in his life but when the hunger to rule over the kingdom gets the best of him and he fails where does that lead you? Your one love gone to never come back.
Announcement: I have been on a much needed LOA and after coming back I have been elbows deep trying to catch up woth everything going on at work. Was the trip worth it? Yes and i had some much needed time off with the fam and the babe. Would i do it again? In a heart beat. Did I miss work? Gods no but I did miss my little tumblr family that i have. So after a good bit of relaxing and my toes in the sand i am back!
I also wanna give a shout out to @high-functioning-lokipath for reading over this MULTIPULE times while I was freaking out about what to do!
Loki Masterlist
"Loki!" You ran after him as he headed to the bit frost. "Please stop! You dont have to do this! You dont have to be someone that your not!"
"See that right there is the problem everyone seems to be having lately. Maybe this is who I am. Maybe this is who I want to be. After all Lady Y/n you are the one that has always told me that i could be anything I want to be. And I want to be king of Asguard." He said turning on you.
"Loki you are smarter than this! You are just upset about finding out who you truly are." You walked up to him and placed your hand on his cheek. You seen him almost give in before snapping back out of it.
"Ah yes, a frost giant? Someone who couldnt be loved by neither the family who abandoned me or the family that took me in." He spit the words at you.
"Loki, I love you. I have always loved you. You know that better than anyone." You grabbed at his emerald green cloak pulling at it causing him to turn around to face you with a cold look. You could tell that all emotion was gone at that point. You took a step away from him.
"You might love me but I have never truly loved you. You were mearly there to keep my bed warm at night" He said stepping closer to you. With the words came a cold creeping into your chest. Pain literally tore through your heart as they slowly sunk in.
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as you could causing his head to jerk to the side. "Dont you say that, Loki Odinson, dont you dare compair me to one of your whores."
"Get out of my way." He said grabbing you by the shoulders and shoving you to the side. You crumpled to the cold stone floor moving your hand to your stomach as you watched the man that you had loved your entire life walk out the front of the castle.
You wasnt really sure how long you sat there crying when you looked up you could see the sun barly peeking over the horizon and you stumbled to your feet and slowly made your way back to the room you and Loki had shared.
Pushing the door open you heard a sniffle and seen Thor sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. "Thor?" He jump up off the bed and ran to you pulling you into him.
"Lady Y/n! I didn't know what had happened to you. I thought.... I thought that he might have done something before....before." He pulled you away to look at your face.
"Before what Thor?" He turned away from you a tear trailing down his face. "Before what Thor?!" You yelled.
"He fell." Your heart sank, emptyness filled you with the darkest feeling you would have never thought possible. You stumbled to the nearest chair and collapsed into it barely feeling the warmth of the fire that was slowly dying out. "I looked for you after. I couldnt find you, I thought that maybe he had done something, but I knew that he would never do anything to hurt you."
"Thor, I have to tell you something that not even Loki knew." You stared directly into the flames watching as they slowly died as the sun rose higher in the sky. "I was waiting till this was all over but now I wont get a chance to tell him." You take a deep breath and look up at him. "I'm pregnant. I am going to have his baby and he isnt even here to do this with me." You placed your head in your hands and started to cry.
"We will figure this out Lady Y/N. We cannot let father know but we can tell mother and she will help us." Thor said pulling you up from the chair and rushing from the room.
Two years later
You sat with your daughter in the all mothers garden waiting for your husband to arrive.
"Astrid, please dont chase the cat." You called watching her almost grab its tail. The almost two year old stopped to look back at you and giggle before taking off again. She was so much like her father with her black hair and green eyes along with her always trying to cause trouble.
"Lady Y/N, your husband will be arriving soon. He asked that you meet him in the throne room, but let one of the maids take the princess back to your living quarters." One of the guards called walking into the garden.
"She is always there to greet him when he returns. What could possibly keep him from wanting her there?" You asked as your daughter ran up to you giggling.
"Dada." She cooed clinging to your leg.
"He has brought a prisoner and he doesnt think that she should be there. He hopes that you will understand, and that once everything is said and done he will be able to spend some much needed time with his family." Your heart sank at the words prisoner. Leading Astrid to one of the ladies in waiting and kissing her head you promised you would be back soon. As you walked down the halls you could swear that you heard your heart hammering. As you opened the door to the thron room your eyes locked with Thor.
"Darling! I am so glad you are home." You said throwing your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
"I see it didnt take you long to find another prince to bed, my pet." Your blood ran cold as ice when you heard the voice from behind you. As you turned you looked at none other than Loki. Tears sprang to your eyes as you looked at him. He looked weak, thinner than you remembered almost sickly.
"I thought you died." You placed a hand over your mouth in shock.
"Seeing what has become of my once true love I wish I would have." He said looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, hold your tongue." Frigga said from across the room.
"But arent you proud mother? With me out of the way all your dreams came true it looks like." He said smirking looking back at you and Thor. You had grabbed ahold of his arm for support.
"Loki th-" The door had burst open at that point as Astrid came running to you and Thor a maid chasing behind her.
"Dada! Dada!" She threw herself into Thors arms as he picked her up.
"Hello my little love." Thor said kissing her and tickling her with his beard causing her to giggle. Loki stood observing, watching everything take place. He wasnt blind to the black hair that she had or the mischievous gint in her eye that he also had.
"Wow, stricking resemblance brother. She looks just like you." He grined looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, shut up." Thor said handing your daughter to you. "Why dont you take Astrid back to our quarters and I shall be there in a moment." He said kissing the top of your head.
"How sweet brother, a girl who simply rolls from one bed to another, and now a built in family. The girl must be about two now? How absolutly interesting."
You sat Astrid down next to Thor and walked over to the man that use to mean everything to you and stood right in front of him. "You, Loki Odinson, do not need to look, breath, or assume anything. Not towards my daughter."
"Interesting use of words dear my-" he was cut off by a sharp slap across the face.
"Come darling. Lets get you in the bath." You said opening your arms, your daughter running into them.
After you have made sure all the dirt was washed from her and she was nesseled into your bed nice and warm you sat by the fire with tears streaming down your face when Thor finally entered the room looking exhausted.
"Let me help you take your armor off. There is a warm bath for you also. Make sure the dirt is all off before climbing into bed, those are clean sheets." You stood walking over to him and undoing the straps that held his chest plate on.
"What did I do to deserve this kindness from you?" He asked placing his finger under your chin making you look up at him.
"You took me in, loved me after your brother couldnt, you have helped me raise a child that is not your but you let her call you dad. Me and my child both think the world of you Thor and honestly I couldnt imagine it without you in my life." You placed a hand on his cheek and brought him down to kiss him.
He leaned his head agintst yours and sighed. "You must go talk to my brother. He is down in the cells."
"What if I dont want to? What if I want to keep this happy little bubble that we have created?" A tear rolled down your cheek.
"If not for you or me, go talk to him for her." He said motioning over to Astrid who was snorring lightly in the middle of the bed. "I will look over her. For tonight and for always, it doesnt matter what happens tonight I will always love both you and her. And I know you will love me to but not as much as you have loved my brother." You were both crying now, you had decided two years prior that you would give this man what was left of your heart because the love of your life was gone but now? Now you were torn between the safty of being with Thor and the uncertainty of if Loki could ever love you the way he had before.
You kissed Thor on the cheek again making him promise to take a bath before going to bed causing him to laugh. "Yes I promise. Now go before I decide to keep you here with me." He handed you your dark blue cloak and shoved you out of the room.
Silently you made your ways to the dungeons under the castle not being noticed by anyone at this time of night, you pulled the hood up as not to be spotted by any of the other prisoners.
"I was wondering if you was going to make an apperance Y/N." Loki said, he was facing away from you his hands placed behind his back. "You've made quite the impression on my brother. Such a good impression that you two are married. Tell me dear is he as good as I was?" He asked turning to finally face you. You stood there shocked.
"Loki," you looked up at him. "This is not the time nor place for talk like that. I came here to ask what happened to you? I thought you had died."
"So you crawl in bed with my brother?!" He yelled hitting the shield between you and him with his fist.
"So I married your brother to save not only me but our daughter!" His jaw dropped at the admission. "Oh dont act so suprised. I know you know that she is yours. For norms sake she has your hair."
"I never thought you would admit it."
"I cant hide it Loki. Your mother is the one that came up with the plan for me to marry Thor."
"I bet father loved the fact that you were pregnant before the wedding." He said rolling his eyes.
"Odin would have killed us if he knew the secret!" You yelled, fire in your eyes. "Its not like you were around to protect us, to keep us safe. Your daughter has magic and is part Jötunn." He froze staring at you wide eyed. "Where were you Loki! Where were you when I needed you? When we needed you?" You screamed at him tears running down your face.
Neither of you had noticed Thor or Frigga talking to the guard in the shadows, neither of you had realized that the shield keeping Loki in his cell had been dropped until Loki had actually reached for you yanking you to his body. You clung to him like if you let go he would disappear all over again. You buried your face in his neck, his hair tickling your face as you felt his pulse aginst your lips for the first time in a long time. His hand was at the base of your neck as his face was buried in your hair, you felt his tears land on your cheek. He pulled back from you, both hands now on the side of your face as he wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
"I promise on all nine realms y/n I will never leave you or my daughter again. I promise that i will never leave you alone, I will always be there as I should have been in the begining of it all. You should not have had to go through alone." He leaned forward kissing you. You melted into the kiss, it had been forever since you had felt so connected with anyone like this. His lips were cool aginst yours as you both moved in perfect sync batteling for dominace over the other finally you gave into him. You pulled away slightly out of breath.
"I wasn't alone, I knew that I had a peice of you with me and i knew I wasnt alone at all. I knew you would come back. You always come back." You smiled at him.
"For you my queen, always." He said pulling you into his arms again whispering words of love.
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