#kpop mage au
kpopnstarwars · 2 months
Warriors: Choi San x Reader
A/N: ohh boyyy after the kpop fanfic drought im back and it's with warriors au choi san
Summary: San and Reader are mages, which means they are made to serve. They are lowborn, destined to obey humans - the nobles and the highborn - with their every breaths. What if they don't want that?
tw: 18+, smut (p in v, fingering, cockwarming sort of), swearing, violence, death, blood, minimally gory at one point, war, child soldiers (14 yo), society is a shit place to be if you're a mage, tons of worldbuilding, assassins, freaking bath sex, hint at sa at one point from some dude we hate, san is kind of a brat tamer, seonghwa cameo but sad, idk if you can tell but i suck at summaries, mention of a harem, mention of slavery
wc: 4.8k
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As a child, you watched from afar, waiting for things you could not grasp.
They told you that you were made to serve. They recounted age-old tales, about gods that crafted humans in their divine hands, moulding the mages afterwards to be commanded by their beloved creations. They filled your mind with legends of faithful individuals of your kind who proved their worth with obedience until you wished to be like your forebears.
Back when you were but an infant, you believed it. You knew the two powers that were bestowed upon you by the gods, varying in every mage, were gifts made solely to assist the highborns. In your naivety, you thought the rosy flame cupped in your small, childish palms would be used to warm the nobles in the icy winter, and that you would fulfil your purpose through that, through being of use to them. They had no shame as they informed you you were just a tool forged for following their orders, and you were convinced it was all true - until you met San.
Although you were the one with the ability to summon an inferno, he was always the one with a burning fire in his eyes. Like all mages, he’d been taken from his parents the moment he didn’t need his mother’s milk - he was given as a peace offering from the Hwangso warlord for his control of water: helpful for the upkeep of the crops.
This occurred in the small period of time in which Hwangso, the neighbouring province, was attempting to forge alliances with your province, Neugdae. Soon after, your warlord breached their territory, claiming it as his - you often wondered if the news filtering back from the front lines of a new settlement captured ever affected San.
You met him when he was an eight year old filled with bottled fury too old for his years, and you were a quiet, invisible seven year old. At those tender ages, neither of you had developed your second ability yet, nor had you gotten a taste of the power at your fingertips, but San still held his head high; you remember marvelling at the way he’d make a point of meeting every single noble’s gaze and holding it. He was just a scrawny, sun browned kid back then - nothing like the elegant lethality of the man that he is now.
Every day until you turned fourteen, you toiled beside him. The work was cruel, your supervisors crueller; the sun would beat down on your back as you laboured in the fields, side by side with San as barely a quarter of the way across the settlement, the nobles sheltered beneath their silky parasols, boasting their pale, porcelain skin. Back then, San never spoke of the injustice of it all out loud, but something about the look in his eyes when he saw them swanning past stirred something inside you. He made you realise that you were not the soulless, mindless puppet that you’d been told you were, but a person.
It wasn’t simply the rage inside him that drew you to him, though. It was the way he remained sweet, kind, despite it all, making sure to send licks of cool mist down your neck when your supervisors weren’t looking, nicking extra crumbs of food for you and remaining beside you, a beacon of light that anchored you to sanity even in the dark.
Even when, you at fourteen, him fifteen, were sent out into battle.
There were always skirmishes between neighbouring warlords: a constant push and pull for more land, more resources, more power. They would attack on a whim - mages were expendable, nothing more than canon fodder; behind each squadron was a noble who would hang back behind the lines, commanding, unbothered by the bloodshed because it was the blood of mere tools.
By then, both you and San had developed your second abilities. San’s was the ability to manipulate shadows, turning them into almost solid shapes that could physically hinder attacks by forming daggers or clutching hands, or could temporarily block the world out in a shroud of rolling black fog. Yours was the art of shapeshifting; you let the outline of your body flicker between forms, changing into powerful, deadly creatures whose substance was inhabited by the soul of a wavering teenager.
You’d known that you’d be forced to fight since you were young, but you never could have imagined the brutality of war.
It was there, in the midst of the battlefield, that any lingering innocence was burned from your soul. You learned that San’s water did not just bring life, but could also fill up someone’s lungs until they drowned upon dry ground, that your fire was not just a source of warmth or light, but could also combust a man’s heart within his chest, that the animals you were teaching yourself to shapeshift into could maul and break bones.
Many nights, you would fall asleep, curled against San, your face buried in his side with his arm wrapped around you, the taste of blood still in your mouth from where you’d torn your enemies’ throat out with the vicious canines of a tiger or the needle sharp fangs of a lynx. You would leave the front lines soaked with crimson, the essence of other people in your hair, smeared on your face, caked and drying under your nails.
It terrified you, how easily you could slice their flesh open with your claws. Armour was not wasted on mages, only generals, so just like you, all they wore were roughly woven tunics tied at the waist and trousers - you met no resistance when you killed your own kind, silent apologies on your lips.
Within the squadrons were also humans that had fallen from grace - criminals who still felt entitled enough by their birthright to think they could have a fourteen year old mage’s body; San protected you until you could protect yourself. In the first few weeks, when the punches he threw were too weak to deter them, he would let them beat him, giving you time to escape before returning to you, limping, lip split and nose bloody but the fire in his eyes never faltering.
On those nights, tears of frustration would leak from the corners of your eyes as you cleaned him up. He could so easily stop them if he used his abilities, but by then doing that without being instructed to do so by a highborn would lead to a flogging or a beating - fairytales no longer worked on you at that age, so your commanders and generals utilised fear mongering instead. You remember the hate and helplessness burning inside you when you looked at them: if all the mages rebelled at once, the nobles would have no chance, but everyone was too scared. Using your abilities on humans only led to execution.
You remember Seonghwa: he was a mage a few years older who cared for you and San as if you were his blood. He got too strong - you can’t recall his second ability but his first meant he could push a man over the brink of insanity, until he frothed at the mouth and his brain boiled within his skull. When you first witnessed the depth of his power, you were originally struck by the pain in Seonghwa’s eyes, and then by the fear in your commander’s.
The next day, Seonghwa was gone.
Often, you wonder if he fought back, or if he just let them kill him.
After, you made San promise that he wouldn’t show them if his powers developed further. He made you promise the same, and when you fought beside him, he was a constant reminder to reign yourself in, to survive. You were more careful with your powers from then on.
Some nights, though, when the frost ridden night air cut right through the ragged material of your blanket, you huddled next to San and lit a small fire in your hands. He’d tell you to stop, and you’d point out that he was shivering; he’d reply that he’d rather that than get you caught, and you would ignore him, not missing the way he tucked himself closer to the flame.
You didn’t tell him, but sometimes you would shift into a small animal, like a raccoon, and steal food for him in the dead of night. You didn’t answer when he asked you where you got it from, just shrugging and thrusting the rolls of bread and strips of dried meat into his hands, telling him he should eat.
When you were sixteen, San discovered he could animate his shadows. He could mould them like clay in his hands, breathing purpose into them - they would disintegrate within about a week or so, their outlines fading until they dissolved into nothing. San shaped a little dragon for you, the length of your forearm and the width of one of your thumbs; he came to you with it cupped in his hands, awe limning his face as the two of you watched it wriggle through the air between you and coil itself around your wrist.
You have many memories of those times, but one remains crystal clear, even to this day. A year onwards from San’s dragon, you found yourself hemmed in by enemy forces, your body tired from the fight - victory was so close for your side, and because of it, the Hwangso fought even harder, like cornered animals. If you broke through them, you would have been able to easily end their commander, but they had you, six to one. Hands closed around your throat, choking, and as the consciousness bled from you, you heard San’s cry, smelt the fear in the air as he tore through them to get to you: that in itself would have been insignificant - you had saved each other countless times through the years - but he had disobeyed a direct command.
He’d been told to kill the commander. He’d had a clear shot, and even still, he’d ignored orders, choosing to save you instead.
Both of you were beaten for it, and even as you heard the sound of San’s ribs cracking, he held your eyes, silently telling you that he’d do it over and over again, if only to keep you with him.
You think that was the moment when the two of you truly got a taste for rebellion. It was the point in the long, winding thread of your life that made you realise that whatever they told you, you would disregard it if it were for San. Their words no longer had as much power over you, because you knew your bond with him was infinitely stronger than any fear they attempted to instil within you.
Soon after that incident, your commander retired, and he was replaced by a man who was more of a fool than him. You began to lose land to Hwangso’s troops, far enough that the settlement where you grew up in was ravaged, razed to the ground. Your commander informed you that you’d evacuate the highborns, leaving the child mages and the servants behind because they would only slow you down - that was the moment you decided to stop listening to him.
The last mage rebellion had been decades ago - they were not ready. It was pathetic how easy it was to overthrow them; together with the rest of the troops and the mages from the settlement, you rebuilt the town and fortified it. San treated his soldiers with respect, with loyalty, and they loved him for it, for the way he would march into battle with them instead of cowering at the rear, for the way he could often be seen in the newly restored fields, watering the crops, for the way he recognised them for who they were.
To this day, you’re in awe of it. Never in your whole life have you come close to anything but fear for a leader, and yet you see it clear in their eyes that they love San, and that he loves them. He is everything that the highborns fear - a powerful, confident mage, wreathed in righteous shadows, fiercely intelligent, a master of strategy.
One of his first moves was to ally himself with the Hwangso warlord, the very man who had given him as a gift to your province. Deep in the highborn’s eyes was the presumption that he could break San and make him yield, followed a month later by pure terror when you held a knife to his neck, hissing to never speak of San like that again. The two of you brought his head in a sack to Hwangso and claimed your rule over the province.
That didn’t mean it was easy, though. There were the nights when San would tremble in your arms, baring his fears to you, his doubts - that it was getting too much too fast: that maybe he really was just made to follow orders. You scoffed at that - you’d seen him grow up, watched his shoulders broaden and his figure fill out with muscle, you’d seen the fire in his eyes blazing with passion; you knew he’d always be more than enough.
You’re not sure when the love blossomed between the two of you. Maybe it was always there, first shown as fierce protectiveness, later as searing kisses where no one could see, of fingers laced with yours in the dark of night. He married you shortly after he began to be recognised as an actual warlord, not a rogue mage; it was a quiet ceremony, but the celebrations of your people were far from that - rumours of the Neugdae province’s mage warlord and his wife rippled like wildfire through the regions, stirring fear and hope alike.
Some wonder why San does not take more wives - he has control over the Baem province as well Neugdae and Hwangso now, and any warlord with that much power would take on a harem without blinking. Not San, though - he’s different from them, he is a mage, a lowborn, his bronzed skin a sign to them of his childhood in the fields, and they find he is an enigma, as is his mystery shrouded right hand man.
But not to you - you understand him as if you share a soul.
On the surface, you are his only wife, aloof and coldly beautiful. In the shadows, you are his sword, his hand. There are myths of you, of the fire wielding ghost that robes itself in a black cowl and changes its skin into a man’s worst nightmare; stories of how you will twist your victim’s thoughts around until he finds the tip of a blade poking out of his chest, speared right through his back. It’s how you prefer to operate - they fear the unknown, and you are the unknown.
The fabric of the bag held in your fingers is soaked with blood. Within it is the head of the Yong province’s advisor. He was an awful man who deserved what you gave him - in a locked room at the back of his house, you found several young mages, half starved and chained by wrist and ankle to each other and a hook set in the wall. Bile bites at the back of your throat at the thought: you’re lucky you never experienced the uglier side of mage slavery.
Night is falling, the sun casting long shadows down the road. You always find the darkness comforting - it feels as if San is near. Today he is; you raise your fist and knock thrice on the solid wood of the gates, lifting your hand in recognition of the guards who peek over the turrets.
Slowly, they ease open the doors, and you stride into the courtyard, your boots clicking against the roughly hewn pavings. A squadron of your soldiers are sparring, but they halt their training when you enter, snapping to attention as you stop at the centre of the space, the dying rays of the sun streaming down the steps towards you, the air still as you wait.
He appears, his gilded silhouette glorious at the top of the stairs. His shadow guards spill down the steps towards you as he descends; their bodies contort and bend, the swirling mass of them parting around you, liquid night, jaws snapping, circling you until you’re surrounded.
A smirk pulls at your lips, and you throw the bag at his feet. You do not bow low, simply dipping your chin as he extracts the head from the sack, inspecting it and nodding before returning it to its roughly woven grave and handing it to one of his shadows to take away. Meeting your eyes, his own filled with amusement, the hint of a smile flashes over his face.
‘Welcome home, my love.’
San’s words are soft, voice quiet enough for only you to hear. You suppress the urge to pull down your mask and kiss him, instead letting your fingers brush against his as you walk with him up the steps and into the hanok; his shadows close the door behind you and the moment they do, he hooks an arm around your waist and hugs you tight, his embrace warm and sweet as always.
You laugh. ‘I was only gone four days, Sannie.’
‘Four days too long for me to be separated from my wife,’ he replies, pushing your cowl back so he can kiss your forehead.
Gripping his shoulders, you tug him down so you can peck his lips before sending him out to the courtyard again - you’re the last person expected through the gates tonight, so he should go out and dismiss the mages training in the courtyard so they can go home to their families and lock up. A happy sigh leaves you as you toe off your shoes, walking through your home and stripping off your bloody clothes before submerging yourself in the pool sunken in the floor. San has already filled it with fresh water, and it takes you mere seconds to heat it up with your fire.
Leaning with your head against the wooden ledge of the pool, you let your muscles loosen, half closing your eyes. The silence doesn’t last long, though - there’s a soft, steady noise coming from the screen behind you, almost like… breathing.
‘Show yourself,’ you command into the still air.
A man steps into view - a human, eyes crazed, knife clutched in his fingers. You realise he does not know who you really are; he just assumes you are the mage warlord San’s wife, delicate and helpless, and you let that role engulf you, backing away to the other edge of the pool with your eyes wide, luring him closer.
‘Your man took everything from me,’ he spits, blade pointed at you as he stalks forward. ‘He took my power, my wealth, my squadron of soldiers. And now I will take his wife.’
Surging out of the pool, you dodge the swipe he aims at you, sending fire surging down the knife’s handle so he drops it with a cry and twisting his arm behind his back in the most painful way possible, wrenching him down to his knees with his face an inch above the water.
‘How did you get in?’ You ask coolly.
‘I’ll never tell y - ’
You send tongues of flame licking down his ribs. ‘Answer the question or suffer.’
The door eases open, revealing San. His eyes land on you, water dripping down your body as you pin the man to the floor, then the distorted reflection from the blade of the knife that’s fallen into the pool, and something dangerous flashes inside his gaze. You let him grab your attacker by the front of his shirt, lifting him off his feet as he brings him face to face with him; you see San’s jaw clench, his hands balling into fists.
‘How fucking dare you try to come anywhere near my wife,’ he growls, shadows coalescing behind him.
You can tell he’s about to say something else, but he stops as the man, trembling and fruitlessly clawing at San’s fingers, wets himself. Your husband’s lip curls in disgust, and he drops him at your feet, pressing him down onto his knees and yanking his head up so he is forced to look up at you. Bending down, you breathe in the sheer fear permeating the air, a soft smile on your face.
‘Now, answer the question.’
‘You’re not his wife,’ he whispers, pale.
‘Oh, but I am,’ you sneer. ‘But that’s not the only role I occupy.’
Slowly, his face drains of colour, horror rippling across it as it slowly dawns on him. He recoils in San’s grasp, scrabbling at the floor in a sorry attempt to put distance between you; he has finally realised who you are and he acts like fucking coward, his mouth gaping wide in a silent plea. Unhurried, you fish the knife out from the pool, twirling it around your thumb before gliding it gently over the skin of his throat.
‘I’m getting impatient.’
‘I - I - the guards, they were distracted upon your arrival, I snuck in at the southern perimeter, please don’t - ’
His words dissolve into a weak gurgle when you slice open his throat. Blood gushes from the seams of the wound, dribbling from his lips, and you step back as he tips forward, landing with a wet thump face first on the wooden floor. Glancing up at San, you sigh before getting back in the pool. One of his shadows carries the body away and your husband tugs his clothes off and slides into the water beside you, pulling you into his chest.
‘He did not hurt you, I presume?’
You snort. ‘He tried.’
San’s fingers run thoughtfully up and down your arm. ‘I’ll talk to the guards. I probably shouldn’t have put Jisung on dusk duty while he was recovering from that fever.’
You nod but don’t answer, instead pressing a kiss to his collarbone. He hums, tipping his head back to give you more access as you mouth at his skin, letting your palms wander over his shapely chest, grip his broad shoulders, skim his waist; you trace the many scars all over his body, and he allows you to, his strong hands gripping your hips when you settle in his lap.
He curses low at the feel of your teeth sinking into the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, his hips jerking upwards, and you both groan at the sensation of the underside of his cock grazing your clit. Smirking, you let your tongue lave over the spot where you bit, pressing a kiss to his jaw and pulling back as his hands tighten their grip on your ass.
‘Missed you too, Sannie. Good to know how much you missed me.’
‘So fucking bratty,’ he hisses.
A thrill shoots through you as he stands, the water sluicing in rivulets down the planes of his chest, lifting you and laying you on the edge of the pool, pinning your knees to the wood and spreading you open. The crude way he looks at you is all consuming, his eyes surveying you from where he stands with the water to his mid thigh, watching as you pussy clenches at the sight of him towering over you.
San remains there, just looking at you, and you curve your spine, almost whining in attempt to make him touch you without you asking for it. His lips quirk to the side as you squirm, trying to inch your hips down so you can grind against him, but his fingers tighten on you, refusing you.
‘What is it you require of me, love?’
Finding your attempts unsuccessful, you huff, glaring at him. He loves to do this, make you articulate exactly what you want from him - he likes the flush that heats your cheeks, your body still shy even after all your years with him, he likes the breathy noises you make when he forces you to tell him just what you desire when all you can think of is his dick, he likes it when you can’t  help but beg him.
‘Y - your fingers,’ you mumble. ‘And your cock.’
‘Say that louder for me, sweetheart, I didn’t catch the last bit.’
‘Your fingers and your fucking cock,’ you snap - a sorry endeavour at trying to hide how much you love when he inflicts this upon you.
San raises an eyebrow, not moving to touch you. Waiting.
‘Please,’ you add.
He smiles. ‘There we go. Wasn’t so hard, was it?’
Your mouth opens to retort, but he slips his fingers inside you, and your back bows, a soft moan leaving your lips as he sweeps his thumb over your clit, his other hand palming your breasts, his tongue dragging over your skin. Burying your hands in his hair, you tug, making him groan low and deep as you pull him closer.
Delectably, his fingers curl, and you ache for him. San has ruined you for anyone else, he is branded onto your soul and also your body, fading marks from your last time together still slightly visible on your throat - a necklace of love bites, laying claim to you. He catches your chin as he brings you closer to the edge, tasting your moans on his tongue, grinding his palm against your clit.
You keen, coming hard around him, chest heaving, and he smirks, holding your waist as shudders wrack your legs from the aftershocks. The fire in his eyes burns ever brighter, so hot you feel your stomach go molten - your hands tighten on his shoulders, nails raking over his back, your tongue unable to form anything other than his name.
‘You’re always so willing to behave once your pussy’s full, hm?’
‘No, I,’ you start, but cry out when he pinches your clit in warning, the muscles of your thighs jumping as it lances through you, white hot. ‘Y - yes, yes, I am, please - ’
In one fluid movement, San buries himself inside you, sheathing himself until his hips kiss yours. Catching you wrists in his hand, he pins them above your head, and your back arches as he pulls out, agonisingly slowly, every ridge and vein of his cock dragging on your walls before slamming back in, tearing a cry of his name from your chest. Tugging your legs up from where they were wrapped around his waist, he hooks your knees over his shoulders - the new angle makes you sob, writhing beneath him as his cock head drives into perfection, drives you to euphoria.
Sometimes, San makes love to you, but not tonight: tonight he fucks into you mercilessly, traces of possessiveness lacing his actions as he litters your skin with bites, his hands leaving exquisite bruises on your hips. Pleasure tears through you like an arrow through your heart, white hot and maddening, ravenous.
‘You fit around my cock so well,’ he pants. ‘Like you were made for me, sweetheart.’
Something snaps inside you at his words, and as if he senses it, San presses his thumb down hard on your clit, speeding up his thrusts until the air is punched from your lungs. Stars flash before your eyes, and your mouth falls open, toes curling as you come on his cock, your cunt convulsing around him, thighs twitching; he doesn’t stop, just continues ploughing into you, and you tremble, tears slipping down your cheeks at the relentless pound of his hips into yours.
With a gasp, he pulls out and comes over your stomach, his wide shoulders rising and falling with heaving breaths, and you groan as he eases you back into the warm water, a hand cupping the back of your neck as he tucks your head under his chin, sliding his softening cock into you again. Wrapping your arms around him, you press a kiss to his jaw and rest your hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your palm.
‘How do you feel, my love?’
You nuzzle your face into his shoulder. ‘Good. Really fucking good.’
He laughs, and you bask in the sound of his happiness and the comfort of his warm skin against yours. San’s hands run up and down your spine, soothing, and you smile sleepily; you are home, reunited with your other half, the missing part of your soul.
With San, you are complete.
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kpop-stories-21 · 5 months
New Year's Spell | Part 1
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Group: TXT
Pairing: Soobin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Rating: 18-21+
Genres, Trope & AUs: Non-Idol AU, College AU, Fantasy AU, Romance, Humor, Slight Angst, Fake Dating, Acquaintances to Lovers, College of Magic
Content & Trigger Warnings: Elven Mage Professor!Reader, Elemental Fighter Assistant!Soobin, magic, development of feelings, magic, injuries, blood
Summary: A glib statement spoken without thought comes around to bite you in the ass, leaving you partner-less with the New Year's Gala fast approaching. In the midst of your panic, help arrives in a form you were not expecting: your tall and wildly attractive teaching assistant.
General tags: @kpop---scenarios @skittlez-area512 @mybiasisexo @biaswreckingfics @stardragongalaxy @anyamaris @liliesofdreamsskz @pyeonghongrie-main @naturalogre @bxffietheblxxdy TXT tags: @spicyseonghwas @you-make-skz-stay
If you want to be added to my taglist, click here
Network pings: @cultofdionysusnet | @kdiarynet | @sandsofire
MDNI banner, divider, and support banner courtesy of @cafekitsune
A/N: this is part one of my entry in @cultofdionysusnet 's Secret Santa Fic Exchange and was written for @strawberryya . Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Nea! I really hope you like this fic, I did my best to incorporate as many of the things you liked as fit my vision. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Main Masterlist | Part 2
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Stepping into your office in the Aurora College of Greater Magicks, an annoyed sigh left your lips as you found one of your colleagues waiting for you. You recognized him as a professor of Practical Magick and the man who'd been hitting on you for the last month or more.
“Good morning Richard.” You said, voice frostily civil.
Richard beamed like you’d just made his day. “Good morning Y/N. I trust you’ve thought over my proposal from Friday?”
You gulped. Shit, I forgot about that. Panicked, you rushed out a response before your brain could fully think it through.
“I have, and I must respectfully decline as I am now in a relationship.”
Richard scoffed. “You really expect me to believe you got a boyfriend within the last three days?”
You smirked patronisingly. “I don’t expect you to believe anything. I am simply telling you what happened. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a class to get to.”
Grabbing your wand and your bag of materials, you brushed past Richard and headed to the duelling room you taught in. You were unsurprised to see your teaching assistant already there, and greeted him with a warm smile.
Soobin was a tall Elemental in his early twenties, with devastating good looks that had all the ladies swooning over him. Despite this, as far as you knew he’d remained single ever since taking the position as your assistant two-and-a-half years ago. You often wondered why, but didn’t feel like you knew him well enough to ask such a personal question.
Thought after thought popped into your head and you paused in the midst of setting up for the day’s lesson, pondering and weighing the risks of each. The lack of movement caught Soobin’s attention, and he loped towards you with curiosity in his rainbow eyes. His hair and robes were blue, signifying that water was his strongest element connection for today.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” He asked softly, making sure the few early students couldn’t overhear what was said.
You hesitated briefly, wondering if you could confide in him and tell him what was on your mind. Ultimately you decided it would be best to wait until classes were over so the conversation could take place in the privacy of your office.
“I’m okay for now. Can I talk to you after the last class?”
Soobin nodded. “Sure thing.”
Relieved, you set the problem aside in your mind and focused on the day’s classes. Battle magick required one’s full attention if it was to be of any help, so you couldn’t afford to let anything distract you, no matter how important it might seem.
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Once the last student had left the classroom for the day, you gathered your supplies and turned to look around for Soobin. You found him leaning against the back wall, watching you expectantly. Walking over to join him, you took a deep breath and began to speak.
You explained the situation with Richard, how he was constantly trying to hook up with you despite your repeated rejections; and how on Friday he asked to be your date for the College’s New Year’s Gala. “I asked to have the weekend to think about it, but when I found him in my office this morning I panicked. I told him I’d gotten a boyfriend over the weekend and therefore couldn’t accept his offer.”
“So now you need to actually find a boyfriend in order to avoid angering him?”
You nodded miserably. “Yet again I’ve gone and stuck my foot in my mouth.”
“Perhaps not.” Soobin murmured, thoughtful. “Maybe I could help you out.”
You looked up in surprise, not having expected such a response from him. “Really? How so?”
He grinned crookedly. “I could pretend to be your boyfriend.”
It wasn’t the worst idea, but still you hesitated a little. You didn’t know if the school had a policy against professors and assistants dating even though most assistants, Soobin included, were students who had already graduated. You supposed it would be okay, and you really didn’t have any other options. If anything you could ask a fellow professor before leaving or when you arrived the next day.
“Well, I suppose that’d be alright.” You finally responded, examining his face for any signs of regret or something that might suggest he was merely joking. Yet all you could see was complete and total sincerity, which settled several of the butterflies flitting about your stomach. “If you’re sure about it.”
“I’m very sure.” He declared.
You smiled softly. “All right then, let’s do it.”
You couldn’t wait to see Richard’s face.
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The next couple of weeks flew by, Christmas coming and going with the usual fanfare. Soobin made himself quite known as your boyfriend, and the two of you soon became the talk of the College. You often thought back with a grin to the look on Richard’s face when Soobin walked you into your office and gave you a deep kiss, then winked at the astonished man and walked out. The two of you had quite a few laughs over the encounter after classes that day.
But then, two-and-a-half weeks before the New Year’s Gala, everything began to change. Soobin was everything you could’ve wanted in a partner, and one day you found yourself tumbling down the slippery slope of actually falling for the tall man. You were conflicted about whether you should tell him or not, afraid of getting your heart broken if it turned out that Soobin didn’t return your feelings. So you kept quiet, thinking you could at least wait until after the Gala to have the dreaded conversation. However, Fate seemed to have other ideas.
With just over a week left until the Gala, no one was expecting the interruption that came one bright and sunny morning during your second class.
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You were in the midst of demonstrating a particularly complex manoeuvre when the wall behind you suddenly exploded inwards, sending you flying through the air to collide violently with the back wall of the room. You hit the floor in a daze, teetering on the brink of passing out as debris crumbled down on top of you.
But then you remembered your students, and the realisation was like having cold water poured over your head. Crawling forward, you blinked rapidly to try and clear your blurred vision while running your hands across the floor in an attempt to locate your wand. After getting several glass shards buried in your palms for your troubles, you finally felt your fingers brush over the large amethyst crystal embedded in the handle of your wand. Gripping it tightly, you uttered a short spell and felt all the debris fly off of you.
Lurching to your feet, you went around repeating the same spell until the debris had been moved and all your students found. Only one other person was missing, and you felt a chill rake down your spine when you realised who it was: Soobin. With a franticness that was bordering on hysteria, you pushed your magick to its very limits, moving chunks of debris no matter how large or small. You felt blood begin to drip from your nose, the first sign of the toll the overexertion was taking on your body. With the last drop of magick in your body, you finally uncovered a limp body covered in bloodstained black and blue robes.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away as you crumpled to the rubble-laden ground, heart frozen in your chest as you feared the worst. “S-Soobin?” You murmured, voice hoarse and scratchy from the thick coat of dust in your lungs. There was no response, only the faint sounds of your students rushing forward as an ebony curtain swathed your vision in endless darkness and you surrendered to the silent embrace of unconsciousness.
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rmbz101 · 1 year
Hidden Magic
This is my first Boy’s Planet fic. (To my followers from other fandoms Boy’s Planet is a kpop survival show that’s currently airing)
I would post it on ao3 but there are a bunch of parts that are mostly just summary.
It’s a Seok Matthew centric au. Featuring pre-relationship matthaobin (Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, and Zhang Hao) and magic.
This is an advance warning that it’s very long (10 pages in google docs), but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Hanbin and Hao are princes of neighboring kingdoms. Both have strong magical abilities and are lauded as the best of their generation.
Hao is the most controlled fire mage in centuries. Fire is the element known for being easy to make but hard to control. Plenty of people can make huge fireballs, but they’re hard to direct, hard to prevent from burning down everything around them. So sure Hao can create infernos in seconds, but what’s more impressive is that he can keep them hovering safely around him waiting to be directed. And what really got people’s attention was when they discovered he can create tiny detailed scenes with little twists of his flames.
Hanbin is the most powerful water mage in centuries. Water is the element known for being easy to manipulate but hard to make powerful. Reforming water is no big deal, but most have to have that water already there and so are severely limited by location. So Hanbin's ability to reroute a river wasn’t taken too seriously, but the time when he created a rain cloud in the entrance hall was, and even more so the time when he almost flooded a foreign prince's castle.
Their two kingdoms have been at peace for centuries, but despite that, Hao and Hanbin have met face to face very few times. They write letters to each other, but both spend much of their time in lessons learning how to lead their kingdoms.
The last time they saw each other they were 14 and now, four years later, they’re adults and finally of age to attend the best magic academy in the nations.
Hao is sent with 7 attendants none of whom are old enough to actually attend classes. Thus they are given apprenticeships in the town around the school’s castle and they return to the castle in the evening once classes have finished.
Hanbin is sent with only one “attendant” who is just barely old enough to be enrolled. He’s been Hanbin’s manservant for years and everyone in their castle knows full well that Matthew is more of a best friend than a servant.
Matthew is a weird case, he clearly has magic and can do all of the basic non element specific magical exercises but can’t do any of the basic exercises for determining an element, let alone the ones for controlling them.
Hao gets along with Hanbin even better in person than over letters and quickly clicks with Matthew as well. The three are soon known throughout the school as a trio and it’s rare to see one without the others when they’re not in class.
A few months in and Hanbin and Hao are excelling exactly as expected. Matthew is doing amazingly at all the theory and non-elemental work he’s given, he seems to understand magic in a way no one’s seen before, but he still has yet to actually use an element. Since they don’t know what element he is, he takes classes from all four tracks. His teachers love him but are very worried about why he seems unable to progress.
One of the few classes the three boys all have together is Wild Magic, a class designed to teach them how to connect with and eventually use the magic found around them rather than their own.
See, most mages instinctively use their own magic to force the elements to do what they want. Good mages, like Hanbin and Hao, can make their magic connect with that of their element and guide the element so it does what they want. Great mages can simply reach out and control the element’s magic itself without needing to use their own. This is why Hanbin and Hao still have to take the class.
One day this class is taking a field trip to the nearby woods. They are supposed to spend the day surrounded by the elements and attempting to reach out and get a feel for what their elements’ magic feels like.
Hanbin and Hao have no problem doing this and so basically just get a free day to hang out in the woods. They get permission from the teachers to wander so long as they don’t go too far, and to take Matthew as long as he promises to keep his magic extended outwards the whole time. Afterall Matthew doesn’t exactly have a specific element to be focusing on connecting to. They’re told to be back by four or the teachers will assume something’s wrong and track them down.
The three have a great day, they climb trees, go swimming in a pond, have a picnic, and decorate each other with flowers.
It’s as they’re heading back to the group that things go wrong. Hao and Hanbin are princes and so while there are many things they know, which berries are safe to eat is not one of them. All the berries they’ve ever been around were the ones served with meals, so neither of them thinks twice about picking and eating some of the berries they pass.
Matthew is a little ways behind them. He felt guilty about having so much fun while his classmates were all working especially since he feels like he’s behind. So he decided to spend the walk back with his magic extended out as far as he can send it. (Which is pretty far since he’s spent years only able to work on things like distance and control of his own magic.)
When he catches up to them he’s too late to stop them from eating the berries that he knows full well are poisonous.
He reaches them as they collapse.
He quickly sends out a panicked burst of magic in the direction of their teachers, hoping that for once it’ll do something that’ll get their attention. He tries to get them to drink some water and then sits by their side holding their hands and desperately hoping that they’ll be okay.
Lee Seokhoon is surprised to feel something he’s never felt before, a foreign magic reaching out and tugging on him (partially on his magic but also partially on something deeper, something more core to his very self) pulling him in a direction with a clear feeling of panic. He doesn’t know why this fills him with such a sense of urgency, why he doesn’t even question the feeling before taking off in a sprint towards the source of that magic, using his own control of the air to push him faster.
He arrives to see Matthew tightly holding the hands of the two prodigies who are unconscious beside him with his eyes squeezed shut. His face is screwed up in worry and there are tears leaking out from under his eyelids. The three are surrounded by a faint glow. When Matthew opens his eyes Seokhoon notices just how pale he is.
As Seokhoon lifts the two with some air Matthew explains what happened while not letting go of the other boys’ hands. Seokhoon decides it would be cruel to separate Matthew from the other two. So he lifts all four of them up on a platform of air and flies them back to the school, dropping a note to the other teacher as they fly over.
When they reach the medical room Matthew is even paler than before and seems to be swaying back and forth.
The lead doctor looks the two boys over before doing a double take. She turns to Matthew and Seokhoon and confirms what type of berry they’d eaten. With the confirmation her forehead wrinkles, but she makes a paste and gets the two boys to swallow it.
She turns back to them and tells them that the type of berry they ate should have put the two on the edge of death by this point. That she should have had to rush if she wanted even the slightest chance to save them. But instead they had both seemed like they had only just eaten them, barely having any effects.
Just as she finishes speaking Matthew’s vision starts to go blurry, the room starts spinning and the ringing, that he’d been assuming was from his panic, suddenly spikes. He feels himself list to the side and then nothing.
Hao is the first to wake up. He blinks his eyes open confused as to why he’s so cold. He startles as he hears Ricky (the most senior of his attendants) loudly exclaim. Within seconds the doctor is fussing over him checking his vitals, asking him how he feels, and telling him not to leave his bed.
When she’s finished Hao looks over at Ricky and asks what happened. Ricky explains that Hanbin and he had eaten poisonous berries and had been unconscious for the past six hours. Hao looks where Ricky gestures and sees Hanbin laying in the next bed over.
As if all he needed was Hao’s eyes, Hanbin stirs and the cycle of getting fussed over repeats.
Once the doctor’s finished, Ricky explains everything again to Hanbin. When he seems to be finished speaking Hanbin nods before suddenly gasping and asking where Matthew is.
Hao quickly realizes how strange it is that Ricky is there for him but Matthew isn’t there for Hanbin.
Ricky seems nervous in the face of both of their rising panic.He tells them that Matthew had been with them when they passed out and had been brought back with them but had passed out from unknown causes.
The two are even more frantic and ask where he is. Ricky tells them that he was put in the quarantine room until the lead doctor can figure out what happened.
Even as he says that, the door opens and Matthew is brought in and put on a bed near the other wall.
Hanbin calls the doctor over and asks what’s wrong with Matthew. The doctor explains that for some reason Matthew seems to be suffering from magic exhaustion despite there having been no signs of him suddenly gaining an outlet for his magic in the spot Mr. Lee had found them.
Magic exhaustion is a nasty thing that most mages only experience when they’re very young and still learning their limits. It only takes one experience of being unable to get out of bed for a week, unable to control their element, for most to not push their magic too hard.
The doctor asks if he’d managed to control an element earlier that day. Hanbin and Hao confirm that he hadn’t and the doctor admits that she’s not entirely sure how Matthew had exhausted his magic then.
The two are asked to remain in the medical room for observation overnight and then they can go to classes the next day. Ricky offers to step in as Hanbin’s attendant while Matthew can’t, but Hanbin refuses. He’s only ever had one manservant and doesn’t want someone else filling Matthew’s spot.
Matthew sleeps for two days straight. Hanbin and Hao are far more distracted in their classes than anyone is used to. Neither sleeps very well and both have trouble eating. The only ones who can make either feel even a little bit better are the other.
But on the third day, while the two are at lunch, Matthew wakes up.
The two are immediately called for since Matthew is panicking at not being able to see if they’re okay. They rush to his side and, at the sight of them not only awake but flushed from running, Matthew calms.
When it’s explained what happened Matthew seems just as confused as the rest of them about where his magic had gone.
Lee Seokhoon soon joins them and asks Matthew if he saw what caused the strong magic that’d pulled him towards them. Matthew says he doesn’t know. Mr. Lee asks him to just recount everything that had happened in case there was something he just didn’t recognise.
Matthew recounts how he’d been walking behind the other two stretching his magic out when he’d seen them stop, pick some berries, and eat them. He’d sped up a bit to catch up when he’d realized what type of berries they were and started running. He’d reached them as they fell. He’d sent out a pulse of magic towards the teachers hoping to have some effect that would get their attention.
He interrupts his story to note that while he’d sent out a decent amount it was nowhere near enough to have exhausted him.
He continues explaining that he knew he couldn’t carry both of the boys so he had tried to mitigate the poison's effects with some water and then waited for help to arrive.
The doctor says that he had probably sent out more magic than expected in his panic.
Matthew retorts that he could still feel his magic swirling around with his panic as he tried to take care of the other boys.
The doctor says that it’s the only thing that makes sense since he hadn’t done any magic after that point.
Mr. Lee doesn’t say anything but a theory is brewing in his mind. There are simply too many unexplainable things about this situation and he needs to do some research.
Hanbin and Hao spend much of the rest of the week in the medical room by Matthew’s side. They bring him his homework and the notes that they (and many other students who all like Matthew) had taken for him. Hanbin also spends the week as a bit of a mess suddenly learning all the things he was used to relying on Matthew for.
When Matthew finally rejoins his classes he’s mobbed by his classmates who all want to tell him how much they missed him and how glad they are that he’s back. He appreciates it, but it’s also kind of a lot and he appreciates Hanbin and Hao who pull him off to a secluded corner of the castle for lunch and dinner.
The two are both more affectionate with him than normal. When he questions them about it they explain that they’d been really scared those two days he wouldn’t wake up. Hanbin goes even further. He’d realized over that week that while Matthew had sat by his sickbed many times over the years, He’d never actually seen Matthew sick. He couldn’t remember a time when Matthew hadn’t been right by his side.
Besides the newfound closeness, things go back to normal pretty soon. At least until their next wild magic lesson that is.
At the beginning of class Mr. Lee sets the students to trying to form the connection they’d found on their trip with smaller sources. Once established they were supposed to try to use their magic to guide the element’s magic in a push and pull.
While they were working on that he pulled Matthew aside and told him that he had some things for him to try. This wasn’t uncommon for Matthew, plenty of teachers gave him separate practical assignments to try to get him to find his element. What he was being asked to do was new though.
Mr. Lee wanted him to extend his magic and then just explain what he felt. He was a little confused as he didn’t see how it would help, since he had never been able to feel anything elemental no matter how hard he tried.
When he said that, Mr. Lee’s eyebrows raised. “Are you saying that you can feel something non-elemental?”
Matthew was even more confused, “Well yeah, I can feel pretty much everything non-elemental? But no matter how hard I search I can’t feel any of the elements. I thought you’d been told I couldn’t use an element yet?”
Mr. Lee was gaping at him “When you say you can feel pretty much everything what do you mean?”
“Like, I can feel the magic in the grass, and the trees, and the animals, and in you, and in my classmates—at least until it merges with their element—and when I have my magic out it’s like there’s a map of where everything is.”
“Matthew, why didn’t you ever tell anyone that you could feel all of that?”
“Well can’t everyone? Isn’t that why kids are supposed to practice extending and retracting their magic? So that they look past all that and find their element?”
Mr. Lee just sits there looking at him stunned for a second, before gently replying “No, most kids can’t feel anything when they extend their magic. Most just notice the real world effects of them pulsing their magic. This course is usually most people’s first time feeling anything with their magic. Part of the reason your princes are so special is that they learned how to feel their element early.”
“But then why can I feel so much?”
“I don’t know for sure, but I think you may not be an elemental mage, you might be some entirely different type of mage.”
“I’ve never heard of a non-elemental mage before though?”
“There are stories of people cropping up every few decades who’s powers don’t quite line up with the typical elements. I’ve never heard of one who couldn’t control any of the elements at all, but it’s not too hard to believe. With that being said though, I think we’d probably better bring this to the headmaster and the medical team after class.”
Matthew wanders back over to Hanbin and Hao in a daze, brushing off their concern and resting his head on Hanbin’s shoulder.
Hanbin and Hao share a concerned glance but since he doesn’t look distressed they silently agree to wait till later to bring it up.
After class Mr. Lee takes Matthew to the medical room where the headmaster is waiting with the lead doctor. They move into the doctor’s office so they can sit down while Mr. Lee explains to the headmaster what had happened on the trip and then about their conversation in class.
The headmaster leans back in her chair and rests her head on her hand “The stories about mages who’s magic was abnormal is certainly true. I went to school with one myself. But there are several unusual things here.
“First of all, the fact that your magic doesn’t sound like it has any overlap with the elements. My classmate was classified as a metal mage. She could control metals in the ground like an earth mage, but she could still control them even after they’d been forged with fire. What established that she wasn’t just a special earth mage was that she couldn’t control the non-metallic parts of the earth. But she could still control some of the earth.
“The second strange thing is that from your confusion about sensing it seems that you’ve always had the ability to use your magic to connect
“Which leads to the third thing: you can seemingly feel other people’s magic and control it similarly to how we control the elements.”
At Matthew’s confused look she explained, “There was nothing there that could’ve pulled Mr. Lee’s magic like he describes. Nothing, that is, except you. Mages can only feel that which we’re able to connect with. You being able to feel other people’s magic suggests you can connect with it. I believe that you sent your magic out with the intention of getting a teacher to come help and so your magic connected with Mr. Lee’s and convinced it to push him towards you with all the same urgency you were feeling. Having never used your magic to connect before you probably used too much, causing the magical exhaustion you suffered.”
The room was quiet for a minute after she finished before both Matthew and Mr. Lee started to speak. Mr. Lee gestured for Matthew to go first.
“I wasn’t out of magic!” Matthew exclaims, “When I was waiting for help I could feel my magic reaching out. I could still feel Hanbin and Hao’s magic flickering as they fought the poison. I wouldn’t have been able to reach out like that if I’d used up my magic.”
Mr. Lee cut in before the headmaster could respond, “I’m also not entirely sure that Matthew’s powers are as simple as being magic itself. For one thing, if it was then he should still be able to feel the element’s magic. And when he pulled at me, it didn’t feel like he was just pulling at my magic. Sure that was a part of it, but there was some deeper part of me also being pulled.”
The doctor spoke for the first time, “If we’re considering all the oddities of the situation then we should also consider the state that Prince Zhang and Prince Sung were in when they arrived. They really should have been much worse off than they were.”
Mr. Lee spoke up again thoughtfully, “When I first arrived on the scene I could’ve sworn I saw the boys glowing. I’d passed it off as a trick of the light, but I wonder if it had something to do with their state.”
As they’d talked the headmaster’s eyes had narrowed. “Matthew, you said you could feel the Princes’ magic fluctuating while they were poisoned, right?”
At his nod she continued, “And yet there was no fire or water reacting to it. No internal signs that they’d been using their elements to fight the poison.”
She had directed the second statement to the doctor and at her nod picked back up, “So perhaps Matthew wasn’t actually feeling their magic but something else. Something that maybe he then used the rest of his magic to control, preventing the poison from spreading and draining him. Something unconnected to any of fire, earth, air, or water. Something that, if Mr. Lee is to be believed, is connected to both someone’s magic and to themself.”
She paused for a moment, a funny expression covering her face, before proposing, “Could Matthew be a…life mage?”
They sat in silence as the idea sank in. The adults were trying to comprehend what exactly that would mean. Matthew was fighting with just how right that felt.
Surely that couldn’t be right? He was just the kid who couldn’t properly do magic, not some powerful mage with a rare ability. And yet there was some part of him deep down that screamed out that this was exactly who he was.
The headmaster suddenly stood up and walked across the office to one of the potted flowers on the window sill. After asking the doctor if she could use it for an experiment, she brought it over to the desk. She asked Matthew if he could feel it with his magic. When Matthew said he could, she asked him to do what they’d been working on in the Wild Magic class, reach out and try to connect with it.
Matthew had seen most of his classmates struggle with this—he wasn’t counting Hanbin or Hao since they were prodigies and he obviously wasn’t one of those—so he was surprised when it was as simple as brushing up against what he could feel a little more intentionally than normal.
The flower suddenly perked up and, when he sent a little more magic towards it, it grew taller, sprouted several more leaves, and bloomed more than it had been before.
Matthew pulled his magic back and looked up at the others. They were looking at the flower in shock. It seemed to confirm their suspicions.
What Matthew didn’t know was that it was incredibly rare for someone to have such good control over their magic the first time they used it, let alone the first time they used it by connecting. And what the teachers didn’t realize was that, while this was the first time Matthew had—intentionally—used his magic and gotten a result, it wasn’t his first time using his magic. He’d spent years honing his reach and control while trying to find his element.
The headmaster told him to go rejoin his friends as it was dinner time. She told him to keep attending the classes he was enrolled in and that she’d get him a new schedule better tailored to his skills by the end of the week. She also promised that by the next day his teachers would all know what was happening so they could adjust his classes in the meantime.
When Matthew arrived at dinner Hanbin and Hao’s concern from earlier had escalated into full fledged fear. They peppered him with questions about why he’d missed afternoon classes and where Mr. Lee had taken him.
He promised that he’d explain when they were in private and not in the middle of the entire student body.
They reluctantly agreed and sped through eating the rest of their food.
The three went back to Hanbin’s room, where Matthew explained what had happened both in and after class.
The two were understandably shocked, but then a grin suddenly broke across Hanbin’s face.
Hanbin launched himself at Matthew, “You’re saying that you’ve found your magic!”
It had been Hanbin who’d always comforted Matthew about his inability to control an element. Hanbin who’d wiped his tears when he’d been bullied. Hanbin who promised to always be his friend no matter whether his magic never worked right.
It was Hanbin who was the first one to realize just how big of a deal this was for Matthew. And so it was into Hanbin’s shoulder that Matthew finally let himself cry.
He cried for all the years of heartbreak that could’ve been avoided. For the relief at not being broken. For the fear that they’d turn around and say that they’d been wrong and he really didn’t have proper magic.
When the tears started Hao quickly moved to rub his back and whisper how proud of Matthew he was. Matthew soon fell asleep, tired out from the crying and all the shock of the day.
Hanbin and Hao picked him up and carried him to his room, which was attached to Hanbin’s. As he slept they made a promise that they’d support him through his journey to learn his new power.
— — — — — — —
This is where I’ll leave this for now, but I may come back and add more to this at some point.
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ichorai · 2 years
kpop masterlist.
welcome to my kpop masterlist ! thank you for stopping by to read my works <3 i am no longer writing for kpop.
about. main masterlist. ficrecs at @ichorkurt.
♚ ; reader’s favorite ♛ ; personal favorite
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ೃ⁀➷ kim hongjoong.
duck curtains fluff + angst + f2l ; roommates au + 2.8k ↳ the shower wasn't really the best place to hold conversations, but the both of you did it anyways.
florentis urban fantasy + fluff ; roommates au + powers au ; 0.7k ↳ you find yourself getting a little too immersed in your book.
ೃ⁀➷ park seonghwa.
candlelit angst + fluff + slice of life ; roommates au ; 1.3k ↳ with the silenced lights came the flickering of your relationship with your roommate.
frozen hearts, flaming arrows fantasy + drama ; powers au ; 7.3k ↳ two enemy clans. one icer healer, one flamer soldier, one brewing war. love was never meant to be a part of this. but then again, when is love ever supposed to be a part of anything?
the painter’s ghost fantasy ; ghost au ; 0.8k ↳ an exploring ghost comes across a painter just outside the forest.
ೃ⁀➷ jung yunho.
the golden daggers action + angst ; royalty au ; 1.7k ↳ your kingdom is destroyed, and you come across a soldier from the enemy realm in the forest.
♛ goldstorm and bug boy! action + comedy + angst + fluff ; superhero au + marvel au + spiderman au ; ongoing series ; 12.2k ↳ a collection of timestamps in the lives of spiderman and goldstorm.
green sofa fluff + f2l ; hogwarts au ; 1k ↳ your time in hogwarts is almost over and you're wondering what life with yunho will be like afterwards.
whittled by stars fantasy + angst ; reincarnation au + soulmates au ; 1.2k ↳ you watched him die yesterday. what was he doing following you now?
ೃ⁀➷ kang yeosang.
to poison a vampire fantasy + angst + fluff ; vampire au + elf au + established relationship au ; 2.4k ↳ the vampire comes to the elf he’s in love with for help.
ೃ⁀➷ choi san.
ghostly moon, soulless sun angst ; ghost au ; 1k ↳ the moon is but a ghost in comparison to the sun.
mint and minecraft angst + fluff ; soulmates au + neighbors au ; 3.6k ↳ your soulmate moves in with the neighbor you have a crush on.
purpling trapeze angst + fluff ; circus au + trapeze artist au ; 2.5k ↳ you were a flurry of purple in the air, and that just so happened to be san's favorite color.
ೃ⁀➷ song mingi.
boxed in angst + pining ; boxer au + doctor au ; 0.7k ↳ where mingi grows increasingly concerned for your health.
copped out angst + fluff ; superhero au + exes au + cop au ; 2.7k  ↳ injured with nowhere else to go, mingi finds himself at his ex's doorstep.
ೃ⁀➷ jung wooyoung.
cellmates fantasy + action + angst + slowburn ; medieval au + magic au ; series ; 26.8k ↳ stuck in jail after stealing a necklace off the princess, what happens when your new cellmate with an impossible escape plan comes along?
the lovers and the lost fantasy + fluff + angst + slowburn + lovers to strangers ; disney gone wrong au + waitress au + musician au ; 14.4k ↳ just because you had your happy ending, doesn’t mean everybody else did. that was made abundantly clear when a mysterious woman walked into your and wooyoung’s restaurant.
supervillains and unicorn bags fantasy + comedy + action ; villain au + scientist au ; 1.8k ↳ concocting superhuman serums late at night was your job. dealing with an obnoxiously sparkly villain, however, was most definitely not.
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ೃ⁀➷ kim namjoon.
the magic of trust fantasy + fluff ; mage au ; 0.9k ↳ in which namjoon fixes you.
ೃ⁀➷ kim seokjin.
sin to win fantasy + action ; angel au + demon au + boxer au ; 1.4k ↳ an angel and a demon are forced to put aside their differences to help out the same human.
ೃ⁀➷ min yoongi.
illusionism action + drama ; vigilante au + villain au ; 1.9k  ↳ yoongi hasn't seen you in months. not since he forced you to flee from the city to keep you safe. when you come back with a thirst for his most dangerous secret, yoongi can't help but surrender to your illusions.
mr. sad piano man fluff ; victorian au ; 1.4k ↳ yoongi tries to teach you how to play piano because he loves you.
ೃ⁀➷ kim taehyung.
ballroom of ghosts action ; royalty au + enemies au ; 0.8k ↳ the crown jewel belonged to your kingdom, but taehyung seemed to think otherwise.
bloody blue angst ; royalty au + artist au + muse au ; 1k ↳ in which you can’t stay still for taehyung’s painting and you’re afraid you’ve been dancing for far too long.
galvano  marvel au + superhero au + winter soldier au + 40s au + assassin au + alien au ; scifi + action + romance + angst + fluff + slowburn + drama + hurt comfort ; 115.4k ↳ a series that follows the hero galvano through the events of the mcu!
♛ of mages and swords fantasy + action + slowburn + angst ; royalty au + excalibur au ; 40.0k ↳ taehyung grew up in a brothel with not a single coin to his name. and so, it was safe to say that it shocked just about everyone when he pulled the infamous sword out of the stone, announcing his title as the ‘true born king’ to the whole nation. taehyung’s world was flipped upside down when he was thrown into a grand shitstorm of power-thirsty uncles, cave-dwelling rebels, and a mage that, despite all the odds, he managed to fall in love with.
ೃ⁀➷ jeon jungkook.
bambi eyes fluff ; hogwarts au ; 0.9k ↳ he was supposed to be taking pictures, and you were supposed to be practicing. apparently neither of you could get your jobs done right.
pearls and pastries angst + fluff + pining + action ; pirate au + baker au + medieval au ; 3.6k ↳ a crew of pirates have been pilfering your village for several weeks now and one particularly keen buccaneer has stopped by your bakery practically every visit; whether it be for the delectable pastries or for the sweet baker he’s taken an interest to, jungkook couldn’t say. but there’s a catch - the baker doesn’t know that he’s a pirate.
♚ rivers over stones angst + fluff + slowburn + enemies to lovers ; godparents au + baker au + cameraman au ; 37.6k ↳ you hated jungkook the minute you laid eyes on him. the only reason why he was still in your life was because you both shared a goddaughter, hana. but everything changed unexpectedly when the two of you become her caretakers and you’re forced to live under the same roof. suddenly, you find yourself hating him just a bit less. or more, but who’s keeping track?
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ೃ⁀➷ lee jeno.
color me true angst + fantasy + fluff ; movie director au + fictional character au ; 10.4k ↳ a young director falls in love with a fictional movie character.
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red velvet.
ೃ⁀➷ kim yeri.
♛ the devil’s queen fantasy + fluff + angst + ; royalty au + devil au + magic au + forbidden love au ; 4.2k ↳ the queen of the forest seeks out the devil’s help after accidentally turning her husband to stone.
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nepeta-lactone · 1 year
Hello father :]]] I hope ur doing well btw and also could you introduce your homestruck ocs? 👀
kailee hello !!! im doin pretty good actually thanq :D
also hEHHAHDOCHEJ im. about to go on a massive ramble thanq for enabling me
SO for context me n my partner n our bestie made a silly homestuck au w our characters bcs all 3 of us began getting into homestuck
i'll introduce my beta kids for now since my silly ocs are still sorta being developed, and i dont wanna make this too long but heres the gist
putting this under a read-more cuz itll get real long:
dallas - hes the bard of life. as w bards theyve got unpredictable personalities but w him hes a bit down n depressed and kinda chill (him ghosting his opposite aspect) vut then sometimes he gets a littl off the rails and he gets all hyper and eccentric and sometimes really off-putting (his aspect overtaking him)
he loves gardening and art and baking. he grows his own food, hes into kpop and likes to sing along to the songs sometimes
koma - koma is a mage of light, so they can absorb a lot of info and facts easily. they like writing and they can also crochet stuff like beanies and sweaters, most of their wardrobe is pretty much self-made at this point
they used to be pretty close w dallas but personal issues sort of got in the way, so theyve kind of distanced themself from him. they get overwhelmed easily, and they dont like too much attention
hal - hes a knight of doom. hal doesnt always talk much and prefers to keep to himself, but hes a great listener and always offers support. unfortunately hes got this mentality where he thinks he doesnt deserve it, and puts others needs before his own
other than that, hal mostly spends his time listening to classical music, sometimes he goes to play the piano. he likes tea, and hed sometimes offer to make tea for the others. hes a lot more mature than the others
eveline - shes another doom player, a maid of doom specifically. shes pretty pessimistic, and tends to see things in a rather negative light. but sometimes she can be rather spunky, she doesnt let anyone dictate what she can or cant do, she decides that for herself.
she likes playing with fire (literally and figuratively), and shes very athletic. she also likes brightly colored items and sour foods. oftentimes she would wear a lot of more masc looking outfits so shed look tough
she and hal talk more together than she does w others since theyre both doom players
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wtfnari · 2 years
HAHAHAHHAAHAHAH imagine being their non showbiz s/o and ure on stantwt so you act as if ure their s/o and u get bashed a lot of it bc ppl think ure delusional STODPC I LOVE THIS IDEA idol teyvat papansin nasan n Kau charaught
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
A Flame in The Dark - Masterlist
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San's life has been pretty suffocating. His childhood friend disappeared and his parents had forced him into a magic academy against his will. Although he's made new friends, the walls of the academy tend to feel like a prison to him.
With how he's already constantly sneaking out at night to get out of the academy, he thinks he's found a way to not feel so trapped. But San's habit of sneaking out just makes his life a whole lot more difficult...
Main masterlist
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Genre: Angst. It's pure angst | Non-Idol AU | Mage!San AU | Demi-demon!Reader
Warnings: Violence | Fighting | Gore | Eventual major character death | Blood | Use of dark magic
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
[1:43]{💙} (Yeosang x Wooyoung) 
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yoon-yoongi · 5 years
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Au🔥 fire magician v meets 💡electricity mage Jungkook and decides that there’s more than just a spark that connects them
In other words, v meets ethereal mage Jungkook and decides “I will make him mine”
“ a beauty like you can’t hide in the shimmering lights of the darkness”
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acutest-angle · 6 years
The Fluidity of Magic
Felix goes into the woods one night to preform a spell that should lead him to a helpful witch who will grant his wish of being a useful member of the team. Key word being "should". It's not all a loss though, because the person that he does meet is helpful, nice, and honestly really cute.
Alternatively: I wrote a stray kids magic au and here you all go.
Archive Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13725714
It was a dark and stormy night and Felix was standing alone in the middle of a small clearing in the middle of the woods. Lightning flashed brightly over his head as thunder crashed loudly around him. Every time that lightning streaked across the sky, Felix was reminded of how dumb it was that he was standing alone in the wood during a torrential downpour. Nevertheless, his hands steadily formed the complex series of shapes in front of him as he automatically murmured the matching incantation. Tonight was the only night that this incantation could be done for the next who knows how long, so the inclement weather wasn’t going to stop him, especially not when he had something this important to do.
As he neared the end of the long spell, light started to flicker from his fingertips and, as soon as his fingers still, the entire world around him seemed to vibrate. In front of him, a trail of blue wisps illuminated a path that led deeper into the forest, obscured by the rain and the trees.
A grin broke across Felix’s face as he stood staring at the path. Finally, he was able to cast something without it going horribly wrong. Momentarily forgetting about the storm raging overhead and the fact that he was soaked down to the bone, Felix bolted after the wisps knowing that the incantation has a limited timeframe and afraid of what would happen if he were to become lost in the woods without the wisps as a guide.
As he ran through the woods, the trees blurred around him. All he saw were the wisps gently glowing ahead of him, oblivious to the rain beating down on them. His legs pumped quickly under him, feet kicking up mud behind him. The tunnel vision helped him focus on his goal and his goal alone as he sprinted after the wisps.
The legend said that at the end of the path of wisps stood a witch’s hut. A witch that Felix knew would grant any wish that he asked of them, and boy did he have a wish.
In the sprawling city not far from the woods,  ragtag group of stray mages worked in secret, determined to bring magic back to the grey world that they lived in, and Felix was a part of this rebellion. In order for them succeed in bringing back the magic, they had to be powerful enough to get past the court wizards of the ruling king, the only people permitted the use and study of magic and the most powerful wizards in the city. Once past the court wizards, they had to be able to take down the king and his court. All of this required a great deal of talent and skill, something that Felix lacked. Sure, he had studying his naturalist magic for years in secret before joining the rebellion, but that doesn’t mean he was any good before.
The rebellion had been practicing and honing their magic skills for several months. All of the other members of the group had advanced and excelled in their months of practice, but Felix had plateaued almost immediately. The rest of the group were constantly telling him that he wasn’t holding them back and that he was an asset to the team, but he knew the truth. He knew that he was hindering their progress. Felix also knew that the only way for them to accomplish their goal would be either for him to leave, which they would never let him do, or he had to progress somehow.
When he wasn’t practicing with the rest of the group, when he should have been sleeping or eating, he’d lock himself in the group’s makeshift library and do research. Chan had expressed his concern about this a couple of times, but had Felix always brushed off his concern as wanting to know more about the court wizards. While Chan never seemed to fully believe his feeble lies, he never pressed further.
That’s what led him here, to the middle of the woods during what was probably the worst storm they had had all year running after a glowing blue trail to a fabled witch. The only problem was that, according to all of his research, the wisps were only visible on nights of a blue moon where venus was doing something and mars was also doing something. Felix wasn’t entirely sure on the details, knowing little to nothing about astrology, but when he’d asked Woojin, who miraculously didn’t ask him why he wanted to know, he was told that this was the night that whatever was happening with the stars and the planets would take place for a while.
Felix’s breath was ragged in his throat as he pursued the glowing trail, but soon he felt lost. Not that he had ever felt not lost in the first place, but he now felt very lost. Slowing down to a walk, Felix looked around and realized that the wisp trail had ended and the only thing around him were trees, darkness, and rain.
“Fuck,” he mumbled as the rain beat down on him. “Fuck!” he shouted, collapsing to his knees on the muddy forest floor. He screamed in frustration, pulling at his hair.
“A simple incantation,” he choked out to nobody but himself, self-loathing and frustration swirling together and sending him into a deep pit of misery. “A simple incantation and I somehow managed to fuck it up.”
A small, tittering laugh cut through the sound of the rain and Felix’s angry self hatred. Slowly looking up, he saw a small, dancing light in front of him. The light danced closer to him until he could finally see past the gleam and the rain. A pleased looking pixie stood giggling before him on the ground. Felix stared in disbelief at the pixie in front of him before groaning loudly.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Felix repeated, hitting himself in the head with each word. “Of course there are pixies in the woods where a fucking witch lives.” He sat, watching the pixie dance and jeer at him as the rain continued to pound onto his already soaked clothes. A crushing mixture of sadness and exhaustion overtook his body as he watched the pixie mock him.
Finally coming to terms with the fact that he was thoroughly lost and had no hope of getting out of these woods tonight, Felix dragged himself to the base of a large tree that offered little shelter from the seemingly endless downpour and leaned close into the trunk, shivering. His eyes grew heavy as he stared at the overly excited pixie dance in the otherwise entirely black forest.
When he came to the next morning, the rain had stopped and the sun had barely risen above the horizon. The pixie lounged on a protruding root not far from him, watching curiously as Felix slowly awoke. Shivering, Felix looked down at his entirely soaked and mud covered clothes that clung comfortably tightly to his body. The pixie tittered happily in front of him earning a glare from Felix.
“You think that this is funny do you?” Felix asked testily, standing up and speaking a quick spell to clean and dry his cold, wet clothes. Finally warmer and more comfortable, he looked around at where he was. From what he could see, which wasn’t much but trees in every direction, it was just the middle of the woods. Groaning, he looked back to the lounging pixie who was still watching him.
“I don’t suppose that you know where we are, little pixie,” he asked, watching as the pixie just giggled back at Felix before tilting his head back mischievously and covering his mouth with a hand. Sighing, he dropped onto a large rock across from the pixie and leaned forward, pressing his elbows into his knees.
“So I guess that we’re here until either you leave me for dead or you help me out of here,” he stated, staring down at the pixie. The pixie shrugged and leaned back onto his hands.
The sun was high in the sky as Felix and the pixie continued to stare each other down. Well, Felix was staring the pixie down while the pixie was picking at his nailing looking bored. Admittedly, Felix was also pretty bored and hungry, but he wasn’t going to let this pixie think that it had won.
A rustling sound came from somewhere nearby, drawing both Felix and the pixie’s attention. The pixie hopped up, giggling excited and dancing around in a happy circle.
“Uh…?” Felix asked, staring in confusion at the dancing pixie. “Who’s there, little pixie? Is it one of your pixie friends come to lead me more astray? Because I’m already lost, so there’s not much more you can do.”
“I may be short,” a voice said from behind a tree, “but I am, most assuredly, not a pixie.” A boy stepped into Felix’s line of sight, causing the pixie to practically fly into the treetops, giggling in excitement. Felix scrambled to his feet and held out his hands in front of him.
“Who are you?” he asked, carefully positioning his hands into the first arrangements of a protection spell. The boy standing in front of him had dark hair and sharp features. He wore only a hoodie and jeans, his bare feet somehow not entirely coated in mud from the forest floor. If Felix hadn’t been paying attention, he would have said that he looked normal, very attractive and kind of weird for being barefoot in the woods, but normal. However, Felix was paying attention, at least in that moment, and he saw the ethereal glow that radiated from his body and sensed the pulsing magic that he gave off in waves. It was both unsettling and alluring to Felix as the boy stood before him, scrutinizing him.
“A mage?” the boy said curiously, cocking his head to the side. “There haven’t been many of you that have come here in quite some time. I’m Changbin, keeper of the pixies, but these fuckers don’t really listen to me.” He sent a glare up the tree to where the pixie still tittered in excitement, dancing from branch to branch.
“Keeper of the pixies?” Felix asked incredulously, hands falling loosely to his sides. For some reason, Changbin not only didn’t threaten him, but his presence put Felix at ease. “Seriously?”
“Look, mage,” Changbin said scowling, “I didn’t pick the title, but I do know the way out of the woods. You should be nicer to me if you ever want to get out of here.” The pixie finally came doon from the tree and landed on Changbin’s shoulder, lounging comfortably on it. Changbin glared at the pixie before he reached up and gently flicked him, causing him to lose his balance before angrily chirping at Changbin as he came back to rest on his shoulder.
“Minho here,” Changbin said, gesturing vaguely to the sulky pixie, “didn’t mean any harm. He just heard your incantation and, well, you know how pixies are.” Changbin shrugged, disturbing the pixie yet again. Felix stared at Changbin and Minho in disbelief.
Minho suddenly smiled mischievously and tittered something into Changbin’s ear. Changbin’s face flushed red and he smacked at his shoulder, only succeeding in slapping his shoulder as Minho flew back up into the trees, giggling and dancing again.
“What was that?” Felix asked in confusion, only to have his mind reroute a second later as he realized that Changbin had just talked to the pixie. “Wait, can you understand what they’re saying?”
“Of course I can,” Changbin said dismissively, ignoring the first question and glaring up into the tree at Minho. With a sigh, he directed his attention back to Felix. “Now, what is a mage doing here in my pixie infested woods?”
“I was looking for a witch who I heard lives in these woods,” Felix said slowly, watching Changbin closely. He knew that pixies liked to cause chaos, but he didn’t know how much a pixie keeper like to cause chaos. No matter how much Changbin’s presence put him at ease, he didn’t want to end up in a witch’s stew any time soon.
“The witch that can grant wishes and you can find by following the wisps,” Felix added when Changbin only stared at him in confusion. At that, Changbin burst out laughing, startling Minho out of the tree and back onto his shoulder. Minho crossed his arms and glared at Felix.
“That witch is a myth,” Changbin said, still laughing. “The pixies made her up to draw mages, like you, out into the woods. Used to be that they would lure them away from the path and eat them but now they just like the mess with the occasional, wayward mage that comes through. Though, like I said, there aren’t many that come through anymore.”
“Wait what about the incantation? And the wisps?” Felix asked in confusion. “I definitely did some sort of incantation.” Last night may be a bit of a blur, but he knows that he did follow some sort of wisp trail.
“Oh yeah,” Changbin said, waving his hand around dismissively. “That is a kind of beacon spell that the pixies use to find the unlucky mages that happen to stumbled into here. The wisps are a trick that the pixies like to play until the poor soul realized that they are complete and utterly lost.”  Felix stared wide-eyed at Changbin, slowly processing what he had just been told.
“No,” Felix said, slowly shaking his head. “No, she can’t be fake.” Felix’s eyes welled with tears as he collapsed onto his knees. Shaking his head mutely, he pressed his palms into his eyes. Sharing a shocked look with Minho, Changbin quickly dropped down in front of Felix.
“Hey,” Changbin said hesitantly, reaching a hand out slowly to touch Felix’s shoulder. “God, please don’t cry. Pixies can smell strong emotions, and I really don’t need any other pixies showing up.” Felix’s shoulders shook as he continued to cry into his hands in front of Changbin. Changbin looked to Minho for help, but Minho only continued to watch Felix curiously.
“Why did you need the wish granting witch so badly anyway?” Changbin asked, attempting a different approach. Felix only shook his head again, a sob racking his body.
“I just want to stop being such a useless lump,” he choked out, pressing his hands harder into his eyes. “My friends all say that I’m not useless, but I know I am.” Changbin’s hand stilled where it had been rubbing Felix’s shoulder. Changbin looked in distress at Minho who just shrugged and flitted away, leaving Changbin to curse silently after the pixie.
“For what it’s worth, the pixies usually don’t find the weaker mages appealing,” Changbin said trying to be comforting, as he went back to rubbing Felix’s shoulder. A startled laugh fell out of Felix’s lips as he looked up at Changbin, his eyes red and his face blotchy. Felix scrubbed his hands over his face before sitting back onto the still damp ground.
“I’m sorry,” Felix mumbled, rubbing his face again and then staring down at the ground. “I’m sorry. I just haven’t had much sleep. I’ve kind of been out here chasing pixies all night like some sort of idiot.” Changbin watched Felix silently, not knowing what to say. They sat in silence for several minutes, Changbin watching Felix warily, not knowing how to comfort the distressed mage, and Felix playing with the dead leaves on the ground. Finally, Changbin spoke up.
“You said that you have friends right? Won’t they be worried about since you’ve been gone all night?” He asked cautiously, not sure how bringing up Felix’s friends would make him feel. Felix nodded running his hands through his hair.
“Yeah they’re probably worried, but it’s better for everybody that I’m not there,” Felix said dejectedly. “I was just holding them back.” He sighed and fell backward onto his back, narrowly missing smashing his head into a protruding tree root. The leaves over his head shook in the wind, rustling and, even though Felix knew it was irrational, he felt like they were whispering jeers at him.
“Can you really be holding them back if they care about you and you care about them?” Changbin asked, shifting so he was sitting next to Felix’s elbow.
“Yes, I can because they have goals and I can’t help them achieve those goals, all I can do is become a massive target and maybe grow a fern.” Felix covered his face with his hands again, stray tears slipping from the corners of his eyes. “But they would never let me leave. They’re all emotionally invested, stubborn assholes.” They fell back into silence for a while, Changbin sitting at Felix’s elbow and Felix laying on the ground attempting to stop the flow of tears.
“I may not be a wish granting witch or a powerful mage,” Changbin started, finally breaking the silence, “but I know a thing or two about magic and the pixies also know a fuck ton about magic. We could help you practice if you want.” Felix stilled entirely before slowly moving his hands from his face to look at Changbin in confusion. Changbin looked at him openly and sincerely.
“You don’t even know me,” Felix said in confusion. “Why would you help a lost stranger that just wandered into your forest looking to have a selfish wish granted?” his voice shifted from confusion to misery by the end of his sentence and he covered his face back up. Changbin gently grabbed Felix’s wrists and removed his hands from his eyes before standing up and dragging a reluctant, but not resistant, Felix along.
“I would help you because your intentions aren’t selfish and I can’t remember the last time that a mage as cute as you came stumbling through my woods,” Changbin said, grinning as he dropped Felix’s hands. Felix flushed and stared at him without replying to which Changbin only shrugged took a step back.
“Show me what you can do,” Changbin directed, waving vaguely at Felix’s hands. With a sigh, Felix raised his hands and performed a simple naturalist summoning spell, causing a small patch of pink flower to appear on the ground between them. Changbin nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, studying Felix closely. Felix bit his lip self consciously, wanted more than anything else to cast a shroud and hide from Changbin’s criticizing glare.
“Show me something more sophisticated,” Changbin instructed. “You did that cute one really well, but I want to see one that you have trouble with so that I can actually help you.” Minho had come back with another pixie and they were perched quietly on a low branch just above Changbin’s head, silently scrutinizing Felix’s casting. Great, an audience always made Felix more self conscious which only served to cause him to mess up more often.
Shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath, Felix positioned his hands in front of him to perform a more advanced naturalist spell that would summon a fairy ring which would act as a one way door into the fae realm. He mumbled the incantation, moving his hands carefully along with the words. By the end of the casting, all that had appeared from his labors were a few withered mushrooms vaguely in the shape of an oval. A dejected sigh slipped past his lips as he let his hands drop to his sides. In front of him, Changbin was grinning at him, and the two pixies were tittering quietly to each other.
“Why are you grinning like that?” Felix demanded, shrinking into himself in discomfort.
“Because you are a very talented mage,” Changbin stated matter-of-factly. “Minho and Seungmin agree.” He gestured up to the two pixies.
“If I’m so talented why am I not improving anymore and why can’t I cast this dumb spell?” Felix shouted, bringing his hands up to rip at his hair. “It’s so frustrating! Everybody else is progressing so much and learning so many useful spells and I’m stuck here summoning patches of daisies! I’m not an asset in training much less in an actual fight!”
“Are you finished?” Changbin asked when Felix stopped shouting. Felix nodded miserably, looking back at Changbin. “The problem is that you care way too much about what your doing. You need to relax. You’re a mage, magic is innate a part of who you are. The way that you are approaching the spell is like some sort of meticulous recipe, which, as cheesy as it sounds, is throwing off your chi. Just calm down and stop thinking about it, you obviously know the movements, just do them,” Changbin finished, nodding for Felix to do it again. Felix blinked at him in confusion for a moment.
In an instant, Changbin was just behind Felix’s shoulder pressing a steady hand between his shoulder blades. Felix jumped in surprise, turning to look at him with wide-eyes.
“Just because I’m not a mage doesn’t mean I’m not magical,” Changbin laughed, his laugh sounding vaguely like the giggle of a pixie. “I have to be able to keep up with the these damn pixies somehow. Now, cast.” Felix nodded and turned back around. Taking a deep breath, he positioned his hands in front of him.
“Focus on my hand,” Changbin instructed, his hand still steadily on Felix’s back. Felix nodded and forced his mind to focus on the warmth radiating from Changbin’s hand between his shoulder blades. His hands moved automatically and he recited the incantation quietly. Before he knew it, the spell was completed and he felt Changbin squeeze his shoulder.
Opening his eyes, Felix looked to Changbin first before daring to look at the finished product. A wide grin was spread across Changbin’s face and he nodded toward where Felix had been casting. Felix turned and looked. A perfect ring of mushroom was on the ground not far from where they were standing, the air just above the ring sparkling slightly.
“Oh my god,” Felix whispered, staring at the fairy wing. “I did it.”  Changbin wrapped an arm around Felix’s shoulders and pulled him into a tight side hug.
“I told you that you are a talented mage,” Changbin said gently. “You’re just too worried about the little details. Magic has a natural flow and it can’t be forced.” Changbin released him then and stepped toward the fairy circle. Carefully picking one of the mushrooms out of the ground and throwing it a distance away, the shimmer vanished.
“However, fae are dangerous and I do not recommend playing in the fae world for any amount of time,” Changbin said seriously, turning back to face Felix, who was still staring in awe at the fairy ring that he had created.
“Thank you,” Felix whispered sincerely, staring up at Changbin.
“Any time, mage,” Changbin said, smiling brightly at Felix. He stepped forward and grasped Felix’s hand in his own. “Now come on, let’s get you out of here and back to your friends.” Felix stared down at their connected hands as he was led through the woods by Changbin, excitedly chirping pixies following not far behind.
They arrived to the edge of the woods far sooner than Felix would have liked. Changbin released his hand, leaving only a cold, empty feeling in its place.
“This is as far as I can take you,” Changbin said, standing at the very edge of the woods. “Come back and visit, mage. Maybe next time I can learn your name.” Changbin ruffled Felix’s hair before he turned and walked back into the dense woods. Felix stood and watched him disappear into the trees.
“It’s Felix,” he said softly to the dense woods in front of him before turning to leave.
When Felix got back to the safehouse, he was immediately ambushed by a worried and sleep deprived looking Chan and Jisung. Jisung pulled him into a tight hug and held onto him like if he let go, Felix might disappear again. After what felt like an eternity, Jisung finally released him and looked at him with red-rimmed eyes before stepping back for Chan to come over and pull Felix into a quick, bone-crushing hug before holding him out at arms length.
“Where have you been?” Chan demanded, eyes scanning over him. “You just left last night and we were all worried sick. Jisung’s locator spell just came up blank and-” his words died in his throat as he just pulled Felix into another hug.
“We were so scared,” Jisung said quietly from behind Chan. Felix looked down guiltily when Chan released him again, shuffling his feet and clasping and unclasping his hands in front of him.
“Woojin and Jeongin went out to look for you,” Chan said before nodding back to Jisung who scurried off, presumably to call them back.
“I’m sorry,” Felix whispered, still staring glumly at the ground. He hated making them worry about him. They had so much else on their plates, and all he ever seemed to do was add to that.
“You look exhausted,” Chan said sympathetically, leading Felix by the elbow to the ratty couch near the edgy of the large, open room and setting him down. Chan sat beside him and pulled Felix down so his was his head pillowed in his lap. “Where did you run off to, ‘lix?” Chan asked gently, concern creeping steadily into his voice as he softly petted Felix’s hair. Felix bit his lip and stared at the wall in front of him, relishing in Chan’s warm comfort. He considered either lying or not answering, but he knew that neither would end up working.
“I went to the woods just outside of the city to try to find a witch,” Felix said quietly. “I wanted to stop being such a useless member of the team so I went hoping that she could grant me a wish. Turns out she’s a myth made up by pixies to ensnare dumb mages.” Felix laughed bitterly. Feeling Chan tense, he continued before he could be interrupt him.
“A pixie named Minho led me deep into the woods until I got lost and then just sort of sat with me all night for some reason. This morning, the pixie keeper showed up and…” Felix trailed off, thinking about what exactly Changbin had done for him. He had listened to him have a mental breakdown and had sat and comforted him. He had helped Felix with his casting. He had made Felix feel safe even though he was lost in the middle of the woods that were filled with pixies and who knows what else. He had reminded Felix how much he was loved by his friends, even if he didn’t know that’s what he was doing. “He granted my wish,” Felix whispered, chewing on his lip again as he thought about Changbin.
“Felix…” Chan trailed off, seeming unsure what to say. He stayed quiet, watching Felix for a brief moment. “I’m glad that you came back to us,” he murmured, gently brushing Felix’s hair out of his eyes. Felix suddenly sat bolt upright, a wide grin on his lips.
“I have to show you something,” he said proudly, standing up and positioning himself in the proper posture to perform the spell.
“Right now?” Chan asked, surprised. “You look exhausted can’t it wait?”
“Absolutely not!” Felix exclaimed. Taking a deep breath, Felix preformed the spell, thinking back to how warm Changbin’s hand had been on his back and how nicely it felt in his own hand as he had been led out of the woods. Before he knew it, the spell was complete. When Felix opened his eyes, he saw a perfect ring of mushrooms before him, the air about it sparkling slightly.
“Oh my god,” Chan said, standing up and walking over to examine it. “You did it. You actually summoned a fairy ring. This is some complicated magic, and you did it.” A wide, proud smile burst out onto Chan’s face as he walked over and pulled Felix into another tight hug.
“I knew that you could do it,” he said, not releasing Felix. Felix smiled proudly and hugged Chan back.
“I’m glad I came home too,” Felix said into Chan’s shoulder, and for the first time ever, he believed himself.
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
I am multifandom so I write for Voltage Otome Games, Anime, Kpop, Final Fantasy literally there’s something for everyone here.
Keep reading for the masterlist!
BTS (Individual Imagines)-
Min Yoongi-
Know Your Place (NSFW)
Requested #3 (NSFW)
Requested #7 (Slight NSFW)
Requested #9 (Slight NSFW)
The Perfect Date (SFW)
Rough Day (Slight NSFW)
More Than What We Are (NSFW)
(Vampire!) My Little Human (NSFW)
Sleepover (Slight NSFW)
The Demon’s “Gift” (NSFW)
Rogue! Werewolf! (No Smut, but violence)
Yandere! Bloody Secrets ( NSFW with violence)
Vampire! Making A Mess (NSFW)
Blind Rage (Slight NSFW, No Smut)
Sweet Therapy (Slight NSFW, No Smut)
Humiliation Look Good On You (Slight NSFW, Implied Smut)
My Favorite Secretary (NSFW)
Park Jimin-
Play With Me (NSFW)
Jealousy (Slight- NSFW)
Jimin Fluff (SFW)
Treat You Right (SFW- Slightly suggestive)
Bad Kitty (NSFW)
My Girl The Badass (SFW W/ Slight Violence warning)
(Yandere!) Let Me Protect You (A Lot of Violence warning)
Online Session (NSFW)
Bully! I’m Your Devil (NSFW)
Fortune Teller! I Wanna Take Your Down My Path (NSFW)
Kim Taehyung-
Dominant Taehyung (SFW)
Shower Time (Slight NSFW)
Amor Fabula~ Sound Of Heart (SFW)
Fairy! Repair (Slight NSFW)
All Mine (NSFW)
Hate Is A Strong Word (SFW)
Friends...With Strings Attached
Kim Seokjin-
Insecure (SFW)
Innocent (NSFW)
Jung Hoseok-
My Favorite Girl (Slight NSFW)
I Only Take What’s Mine (Part 1) (Slightly Suggestive)
Amor Fabula~Follow Me (SFW)
Mage/ Warlock! It’s Very Cute (NSFW)
Jeon Jungkook-
Requested #1 (SFW)
Requested #8 (NSFW)
Requested (Bad Boy AU) (Slight NSFW)
Office Rivals (NSFW)
Time For Us (NSFW)
Man Child (SFW)
Shameless Tease (NSFW)
(Yandere!) Until I Can’t Anymore (Violence warning)
(Yandere!) Because It’s Fun (NSFW/Violence warning.)
Warm Welcome (NSFW)
Warm Welcome (Unstripped) (NSFW)
(Yandere!) Be My Muse (Part 1) (SFW))
(Yandere!) Be My Muse (Part 2) (NSFW)
(Yandere!) Be My Muse (Part 3) (NSFW)
School! Tsundere! My Words To You (SFW)
Yandere! You’re My Prey (NSFW)
Evil Wizard! Sinful Whore (NSFW)
Kim Namjoon-
Learning Whose Boss (Part 1) (NSFW)
Insecurity (Namjoon Version) (Partial NSFW)
Cute Little Brat (NSFW)
Songwriting (Part 1) (SFW)
Mixing Business With Pleasure (Part 1) (SFW)
(Yandere) Body Heat (Part 1) (Partial Violence)
(Yandere) Body Heat (Part 2) (Slight NSFW/ Partial Violence.)
Back Home (NSFW)
Oblivious (NSFW)
The Demon’s Reward (NSFW)
Vampire! A Little Game(Part 1) (SFW)
Vampire! A little Game(Part 2) (SFW)
Vampire! A Little Game(Part 3) (SFW)
Butler! Steamy Affairs (Partial NSFW)
Mixing Business With Pleasure (Part 2) (NSFW)
Ship Request 1 (SFW)
Ship Request 2 (SFW)
Ship Request 3 (SFW)
Ship Request 4 (SFW)
Episode 1
Episode 2
THE KING’S PET PRINCESS (BTS ROYAL AU ALL NSFW) (May or may not continue, don’t get your hopes up)
Part 2 (Namjoon)
Part 3 (Jungkook)
Part 4 (Hoseok)
Part 5 (Yoongi)
Billy Loomis/Stu Macher
27 (Part 1)
27 (Part 2)
27 (Part 3)
Our Favorite Girl
Cute Little Toy
Cute Little Toy (Part 2)
Jokes On You 
Jokes on You (Part 2)
Ignis Scientia-
(Yandere!) No One Can Keep Me Away (Part 1) (NSFW)
(Yandere!) No One Can Keep Me Away (Part 2) (NSFW)
 (Vampire!) Savory (SFW)
Birthday Surprise (Partial NSFW)
Yandere! Freedom ( Extreme Violence warning)
Little Black Dress (Partial NSFW)
A Welcome Home Gift (Partial NSFW)
Ardyn Izunia- 
Yandere! I’d Rather Die (Part 1) (SFW w/ warning)
A Soft Spot For You (Partial NSFW)
Yandere! I’d Rather Die (Part 2) (Violence warning)
Vampire King! Sadistic (Partially NSFW)
Noctis Lucis Caelum-
At Eachother’s Throats (NSFW)
The Dark Side Of Things (SFW)
Prince Of Jealousy  (Partial NSFW)
Dirty Laundry (SFW)
Anything For You (NSFW)
Arguments and Arrangements (NSFW)
The Dark Side of Things Part 2 (SFW)
Gladiolus Amicitia-
Cold Sheets (NSFW)
Incubus! Pretty Little Slave (Ft Ignis) (HELLA NSFW)
The Winter Months
Prompto Argentum-
Overdramatic (SFW)
Valentines Day Special 3 (Partial NSFW)
Under The Waterfalls (NSFW)
Sex For Breakfast (NSFW)
All Tied Up (NSFW)
Sebastian Michaelis 
A Harsh Lesson
Laito Sakamaki-
Left Alone
Have Fun With Me
Ayato Sakamaki-
Making It up
My Only Human
Bravery Is A Cute Look On You FEAT. KANATO AND LAITO (NSFW)
Kanato Sakamaki-
You For Dessert
I’m Sadistic For You
Yuma Mukami-
Scream For Me
Levi Ackerman-
Mine (Part 1) (SFW)
Mine (Part 2) (NSFW)
Mine (Part 3) (NSFW)
Daddy’s Little Girl (NSFW)
Criminal! I’m A Bad, Bad Man (Violence Warning.)
Yandere! Taken Care Of (NSFW VIOLENCE)
I Got A Dirty Mouth (Slight NSFW)
Phone Call (NSFW)
Smile For The Camera (NSFW)
Smile For The Camera (Part 2) (NSFW)
Episode 1- Deku
Episode 2- Bakugou
Keigo Takami-
Scratches and Bruises (NSFW)
Yandere! Corrupt Angel! The Same Side Of A Coin (Part 1) (NSFW)
Yandere! Corrupt Angel! The Same Side Of A Coin (Part 2) (NSFW)
Dabi- (ALL NSFW)
Nemesis Turned Yandere! Body Bag (Part 1)  
Nemesis Turned Yandere! Body Bag Feat.Keigo Takami(Part 2)
Nemesis Turned Yandere! Body Bag Feat. Keigo Takami (Part 3)
Affectionate! Lovestruck (NSFW)
Katsuki Bakugou- ALL SFW
Sparky Sparky Boom Boom
Cruel Prankster (Part 1)
Cruel Prankster (Part 2)
What Chu Talkin’ Bout Explody Boy?
Cruel Prankster (Part 3)
Say My Name
Valentines Day Special 1
White Day Special!
Pervy McPerveFace
Shoto Todoroki-(ALL SFW)
Cold Feet, Hot Head
Shut Me Up
Valentines Day Special 2
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)- (ALL SFW)
Freakout Factor
The Hero In Me (Part 1)
Kakashi Hatake-
Cheeky (NSFW)
Boredem Cure (NSFW)
Heat Season (NSFW)
A Different Kind Of Hate (NSFW)
Feisty (NSFW)
Eisuke Ichinomiya (Kissed By The Baddest Bidder)
Anger Looks So Good On You (NSFW)
Soryu Oh (Kissed By The Baddest Bidder)
Bully Me (Partial NSFW)
Bully Me (Part 2) (NSFW)
Yuma Akagi (Butler Until Midnight)-
Taking Proper Measures (NSFW)
The Teasing Game (BTS) 
Secret Desires (BTS)
Your Place (BTS) 
Sweet Punishment (BTS)
His Reaction To A Special Request (BTS)
Did You Just....(BTS)
Vampire! Hyung Line (BTS)
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holyfluffly · 2 years
Wizarding World of Kpop - Informative Guide
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This is an Informative Guide to my Wizarding World of Kpop Series.
(At this time it is still in my WIPs, but there are a number of one-shots/mini series that will be a part of this. Each of the Fics will be added under the cut as they gain titles and links as they are posted.)
This Guide has been inspired by this post: Classifications of Magic Users
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Witch (or Thaumaturge, if you prefer a gender neutral term) will be an umbrella term for all of my fics within this AU.
1) Magicians:
Magic of the spells. The most common. Magicians can only ever really master one spell type. They can do other spells, but are mediocre at them at best.
Household Magician
Fauna Magician
Flora Magician
Business Magician
Health Magician
Tech Magician
Metal Magician
2) Mages:
Magic of the elements. These witches can only ever master one type of magic. Be it fire magic, mental magic, cleaning magic, etc. like magicians they are also the most skilled at the magic they specialize in.
3) Alchemists/Witch Doctors:
Magic of objects. studious witches who specialize in potion making, magical item crafting, and charm making. They create magical artifacts that all kinds of witches can use…for a price. Any craft made by an alchemist, or potion brewed is guaranteed to work. They invented brooms, wands, charms, etc. Some prefer the term witch doctor.
Chrysopoeia - Alchemists who specialize in transmutation
Panacea - Those who diagnose and provide elixirs for common ailments.
Chiurgeon - Those who diagnose and provide elixirs and remedies for magical maladies.
Gnosis - Alchemists who seek to transcend by creating the philosopher’s stone.
4) Wizards:
Magic of space. Wizards deal with magic from other worlds, be it the realms of the gods, the faerie realm, or something else entirely. They draw their power from the secret places of the secret worlds and pluck power from between the stars. Their secrets are guarded zealously.
Subcategories are unknown as their secrets are heavily guarded.
5) Warlocks:
Magic of the dark. Warlocks know all the dark magics and are particularly gifted at curses, jinxes, hexes, and all manner of malevolent magic. Unsurprisingly they are often sought out for wars, as soldiers, or for revenge. Their dark magic is the best.
Voodoo Craft
Daemon Craft
Chathan seva
Black Shamanism
Black Mass
6) Sorcerers:
Magic of the mind. This rank is often looked to for guidance and wisdom. Sorcerers possess great psychic power. Often having multiple extrasensory abilities. The most powerful among them can know the future, hear thoughts, sense emotions, know the past and astral project. It is extremely difficult to surprise a sorcerer or keep the news from them.
7) Shamans/druids:
Magic of the people. One of the most respected and revered ranks of a witch. A shaman or druid is deeply connected to the magic of their culture and environment. Similar to sorcerers and wizards there is little these witches do not know about their people and the power that fuels them. It is whispered they can directly commune with the deities that watch over their people and that they can even make contact with the spirits of ancestors, former leaders, and the spirits of nature. They have particularly strong connections with local flora and fauna.
8) Soothsayers:
Magic of the voice. All soothsayers cast spells or work magic vocally. They are particularly feared since they are not bound to strict incantation rules. Some say that whatever a soothsayer says is bound to happen. Be it a prediction, a command or even an alteration in reality. Incidentally, no two soothsayers cast spells the same, one might rhyme, another sing, and a third uses another language. (Like backward speech for example ;).
Battle Bard
9) Sages:
Magic through science. Sages are perhaps the most crucial rank to witchcraft. Sages and scientists and inventors. Because of their genius, they are always advancing magic and creating new spells, formulas, potion ingredients, blueprints, etc. Without them, magic would stop progressing.
10) Shades:
Magic through Chaos. Shades have the ability to command dark magic energy itself. The very fabric of curses and hexes they weave and cut like The Grecian Fates. Dark magic bows to their whim.
11) Enchanters:
Magic through craft. Enchanters are considered to be the most versatile witches. They control pure magic energy. The very essence of witchcraft. They don’t adhere to any of the laws of magic because magic adheres to them. They make their own laws.
12) Necromancers:
Magic in Life. The rarest rank of all. Elusive and mysterious these witches have mastered the powers over life and death. Toying with the balance as they see fit. Strong potential for destruction or salvation. It is rumored they are immortal and that there is never more than 7 on earth at a time. Some say they’re gods, others claim they have been cursed by the gods.
Blood Magic - Can be done multiple times, the older the corpse the more blood it takes.
Ancestral Recall - Ancestral call line where the necromancer can call upon their dead forebears to aid them in reaching the soul in question. Not a full reanimation.
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UHere’s a Poll you can take to suggest Kpop Members for the Wizarding World AU.
Updated: 02/16/2022
Teasers and progress to be added here as they are added. 😊
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: Fantasy Smut
Word Count: (currently at 1.5k+)
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Content, please be advised.
Summary: Tucked away in a small corner alley is The Magic Shop. It’s a quaint store that you work at on the weekends. You’ve seen your fair share of ‘tourists’, the ones who come in just to oogle the products or joke about the potions just being for show. Most days you wish they would just buy that transformation potion and drink it, because then they’d know that this really wasn’t a joke shop. Sometimes you get the ‘aggressive tourists’, the ones that try to bait you into using magic, but you stick to the law: Witches and Wizards are free as long as Mortals don’t witness magic being performed. One weekend you notice a boy, well a man actually. His stark blond hair a harsh contrast to the darkened interior of the shop, easily recognizable as you see him come and go a few more times that same weekend, always eyeing the goods but never purchasing anything.
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Pairing: Boo Seungkwan x Reader x Yoon Jeonghan
Word Count: (currently in plotting stages)
Rating: unknown
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: Other Princesses have Fairy Godmothers. You, you have two Fairy Godfathers. They don’t exactly grant wishes in the usual way, but the Fae Queen Mab is on your side. What happens when you find out they aren’t Fae after all?
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ask-fairytail-bts · 7 years
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Character Profile: 1/7 
Jeon Jungkook, 20 yrs old, Fire/fire dragon slayer Mage, guild mark on left shoulder in red
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inuitakumi · 4 years
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ddawons-blog · 7 years
kpop rp!!??
henlo, my name is Desperate, and i would like to do some kpop rps!! if you’re interested, info below.
first off, these are the groups i’m looking for:
– monsta x – seventeen – mamamoo – block b – sf9(?) –*POSSIBLY* bts, however i’m picky
i am a multi-para, detailed writer, and i prefer no single paragraphs (unless the scene doesn’t call for more) and absolutely 0 one-liners. grammar and spelling is important but i won’t scream over a few mistakes!! i’m approachable i promise.
for the groups, here are the pairings (keep in mind we can do multi-chara rps, therefore multi couples, it all depends). characters w/ asterisks i play (if there are asterisks on both/all it means i have no preference, but if there are asterisks on both/all and one has two sets, it means i prefer them, but i WILL still play the other), pairings with multiple asterisks at the beginning i am thirsty for:
****–*jooheon*/changkyun ***–*hyungwon*/*wonho* (better at WH) ***–*wonho*/kihyun **–*hyungwon*/changkyun *–*jooheon*/minhyuk i am willing to try minhyuk/shownu or kihyun/shownu, however i don’t really play any of them so quality ≠ guaranteed.
SVT (get ready):
****–*seokmin*/*hoshi* ****–*jeonghan*/**seungcheol** ****–*vernon*/*seungkwan* ***–**wonwoo**/*mingyu* **–*minghao*/*mingyu* **–*minghao*/jun **–*jeonghan*/joshua *–**woozi**/*hoshi*
mamamoo (the basics):
****–*moonbyul*/solar ***–*wheein*/hwasa
block b:
****–*taeil*/pyo (i can possibly play him, just talk to me!) *–*kyung*/zico
for sf9 i still don’t really know who i like. together?? mostly. i have a slight idea but they may be inaccurate, and i feel like i’d be the best only at dawon, but i’m willing to try the following and if you bring me something to the table, i’ll listen!
–*dawon*/zuho –*dawon*/youngbin –rowoon/youngbin? –rowoon/inseong?
for bts i am EXTREMELY PICKY and i wouldn’t recommend asking me abt them unless u have a good idea bc i have one going already! just warning you. i still have preferences tho,,
****–*hoseok*/taehyung **–*namjoon*/jin
alright, so hopefully you got through that! we can discuss limits, just know that i DO like roleplaying heavy topics (i will go low) but i will never force you into something you don’t want to do. i’m always a slut for angst, that’s all. i do mostly romance but i will do platonic! again, multi-chara rps will (mostly) always be a yes from me!
genres i do + ideas i like:
• fantasy • – character A os a mage, character B is a mythical (humanoid) creature, and they’ve been taught to fear each other. they’re trapped in a situation where trust is vital, thus having to make split second decisions to work together despite being scared. they’re lost somewhere, so they have to travel back and decide to stay together because it’s safer. chaos? ensues. – character A is a fairy (human-sizes, maybe a nymph, something with wings) and character B works in a black market of sorts where fairy (etc) wings are expensive and luxurious. B goes into the woods, hoping to find one using another tactic, and comes across a researcher who lives in the woods and studies the creatures (possibly character C?) and uses them to get close to character A. fairies are very trusting, so A is quick to trust B, and after getting closer B waits until A is sleeping and attempts to/succeeds in cutting off their precious wings (albeit with guilt). this can go maaany ways – etc etc
• gangs • – character A is the boss of a gang, character B is a student who’s bored with life and decides to end their life (this can be negotiated). B is walking home from class for the “last time” when they’re attacked. A comes out, asks why there are people on their turf, they run, and A pulls B into their life but not into their gang. keeps them safe. a lot can happen. – character A is from one gang. character B is from the rival. this has many possibilities. – character A is from a rival gang and is kidnapped by character B’s gang, however B is not very high up, so they simply have to look over A. bonds develop? many possibilities.
• angsty slice of life/city aus? content warning for these • – character A is a drug addict and was kicked from their shared apartment, character B is an almost homeless street musician. B, despite being jobless and close to sleeping on the streets, speaks positively with A, teaches them how to play guitar/bucket drums. that’s a skeleton, a lot can happen depending on limits! – character A is standing on the roof of a tall office building (they don’t work there), and character B goes up for a smoke/lunch/some kind of break, sees them, and either 1.) panics, yells, begs, 2.) is confused, wondering why a random person is at the top, likely leading to an awkward conversation, or 3.) is calm, collected, maybe even cold (my fave). either way B helps A down and carefully invites them home, and A is angsty af and they discuss life and A describes the lack of living in their life, etc. open ended
•other slice of life as long as there’s conflict•
still, feel free to bring me your own ideas, although i would prefer no SciFi! i love to see people discuss their ideas upon first conversation.
so please feel free to message me, and we can move to line, kakaotalk, or stay on tumblr (if you can’t do any, we can go on twitter as a last resort)! please consider i’m a thirsty rper
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myeonkais · 3 years
myeonkais 2020 fic wrap up & commentary
title: i get to love you (kaisoo) word count: 345 date posted: 01/13/2020 summary: Jongin smiles, wide and stupid and very much whipped for this man.
commentary: my first kaisoo day fic! grabe, nawala sa isip ko na 2020 ko isinulat ‘to lmao. sobrang tagal na pala??? anyway, this was one of my rare english drabbles na isinulat ko under 30 minutes. (writing in english isn’t really my ~thing—mas expressive akong magsulat pag taglish lmao kaya bihira ‘to). i’m really fond of writing kaisoo in domestic situations like this, dala na rin ng pangungulila kay kyungsoo (lol). actually, i’m not even sure if this was an au or a canon fic. gusto ko tuloy ng tinapay haha!
a line/part i loved: 
“You baked bread? Why?”
“Because I wanted to,” Kyungsoo replies with a smile. He passes a slice of bread back to Jongin before breaking a small piece of his own. “Be careful, it’s still a bit hot.” 
title: yours to keep (kaisoo) word count: 347 date posted: 01/25/2020 summary: Jongin considers the question, considers what it would mean to spend the rest of his life bound to this man before him.
commentary: aahh, this kaisoo x brooklyn 99 au!! I LOVE THIS VERSE SO MUCH!!! isa itong self-indulgent, shameless even, fic na isinulat ko after kong i-rewatch ang S05E04 (HallovVeen) episode ng b99. ang vivid ng fic na ‘to sa ‘kin. ksoo as amy, jongin as jake?? jusko #weakness!! may isa pa akong ficlet na set sa kaisoo b99 na ‘to...baka next year ko na lang i-post :-)
a line/part i loved:
It's not the most romantic of proposals. It's said over coffee at 4am in a deserted diner after a long night of undercover mission gone wrong. Kyungsoo's got a bloody nose and Jongin's missing the beloved badge on his jacket. There's no ring, no getting down on one knee.
Just Kyungsoo asking, casual and awkward, if he wants to get married.
title: sakanasabi (chanbaek) word count: 599 date posted: 01/28/2020 summary: Kung hindi lang siya d̶u̶w̶a̶g̶ lasing, inamin na niya ang katotohanang matagal na niyang kinikimkim.
commentary: sa totoo lang, natatawa ako kasi hindi ko maalala na isinulat ko ang fic na ‘to! as in ngayong habang gumagawa ako ng wrap up eme ko lang natuklasan ang existence nito! this is probably one of those fics na isinulat ko for a writing exercise...hay i really can’t remember. may potential ‘to na maging multi-chaptered fic kaso ilag ako sa pagsusulat ng medyo angsty ngayon (fragile ka sis???) a line/part i loved:
Fighting the urge to vomit, Chanyeol inhales deeply. Baekhyun’s pillow smells of him and his fruity shampoo. The familiar scent calms him down and Chanyeol hates himself for that too. He hates Baekhyun for making him feel this way and he hates himself for falling so hard for somebody he’ll never be able to confess his love for. Suddenly everything is too overwhelming for him that he spills the contents of his stomach all over Baekhyun’s bed.
title: four out of five (kaisoo) word count: 862 date posted: 02/07/2020 summary: Kasi hello, you think na ang David ni Michelangelo ang epitome ng perfect male body? Nuh-uh. Syempre, the Lord disagreed kasi he could do so much better kaya on January 14, 1994, the year of our Lord, pinanganak ang tumalo kay David.
Si Jongin Kim.
commentary: taena, this fic!!! shameless crack na naman ito thanks sa pag-“i really love D.O” ng jungen! hanggang ngayon natatawa pa rin ako sa fic na ‘to kasi ang kalat niya in a way? napaka-vivid nito for me, lalo na sa second part ng fic. himala ngang hindi umabot ‘to sa 10k lmao. tapos ‘yung hint ng top!ksoo sa dulo...hmmm parang interesting i-explore….
a line/part i loved:
"For this I want you to concentrate on the placement of the shadows and how the muscles bunch and flex differently in this position," Kyungsoo says, standing even closer now. He sweeps his hand in front of Jongin as he speaks, using technical, anatomical terms to describe Jongin's legs and thighs, his cock, thick and soft against his belly. "Take a good long look at these thighs, guys. You may never see a more perfect representation of the human body than this."
"Kyungsoo," Baekhyun, one of his older students, chides him. "Ang kalat kalat!"
title: missed connections (surene) word count: 309 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: Things change and little girls grow up.
commentary: probably quickest fic i’ve ever written this year. i remember writing this habang nakapila ako sa burger king para umorder, at natapos ko paglabas ko with my takeout. less than 10 minutes siguro? hindi ko rin alam kung ba’t ito ang isinulat ko—napakalayo kasi sa prompt na missed connections—pero i was craving for an unexpected angsty fic...at isang kasal na naman ang ginawa ko haha. surene will always have a special place in my shipper heart, bilang sila lang ang gusto kong kpop het ship lol (and i ship junmyeon and joohyun with other people, as in lol ba’t may pag-e-explain ka ghorl??). memorable sa ‘kin ‘to kasi ito ang isa sa fics na pinost ko sa aking public twitter at nabasa ng ibang tao na hindi aware sa aking stan twt persona lmao
a line/part i loved:
Joohyun's hand clamped down on his arm and shook slightly. "C'mon, this is what you've always been waiting for, right?" Junmyeon said.
She turned to him and smiled sadly. "I always thought it was going to be you."
Junmyeon looked away for a moment before looking at her again. "Yeah...well..."
"I knew it wasn't going to happen. Never had a vision of it but I hoped back then."
"You were only a girl then and—" Junmyeon touched her cheek. "I lost my chance."
title: stupid motherfucking shitposter (chanbaek) word count: 2116 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: Binibiro lang nina Jongdae si Baekhyun na siya ang unang sisikat sa barkada, a harmless joke na nagsimula pa noong freshman year.
But they didn't expect na magkakatotoo ito dahil sa isang viral Facebook post of this (shit)poster, Chanyeol Park.
commentary: ito ang second attempt ko sa tweet fic eme, and as expected, sobrang fail niya haha! special sa ‘kin ang fic na ‘to dahil ito ang first exo fic na isinulat ko. july 2019 pa nakatambak ang chapter 1 nito sa google docs ko (haha) at nagkalakas loob lang akong i-post dahil sa panghihinayang. ewan, i’m not a funny person talaga pero pag binabasa ko ‘tong fic na ‘to, parang naniniwala ako na kaya ko pala magpatawa somehow? also the background stories for chanbaek here...hahaha shet talaga gusto ko na ulit ‘to ituloy! sa 2021, promise!
a line/part i loved:
Nanginginig ang mga kamay ni Baekhyun while scrolling down the comments. Sumakit ang ulo niya sa ilang judgemental comments about this modus ("mag-ingat kayo kahit cute yan may tendency maging manyak!!"), halos maduwal sa "shet ang adorable ng meet cute niyo pakasal kayo pls!!!"
at tumaas ang dalawang kilay sa comments ng "fangirls" of this Chanyeol Park:
"DADDY!!! BAKET!!!!" with brokenhearted emojis
"sana all makasandal sa balikat ni Chanyeol AKO NA LANG ANAKAN MO CHANYEOL PLS" 
Then he saw the comments from people he knew personally. Mga bastos na mga ka-college at ex classmates na nagmention sa kanya:
Si @Baekhyun Byun ba 'to? OMG bat kayo magkasama, Yeol?
Yeol basta tandaan mo na kapag nakasandal sayo si Baekhyun parang nakasandal na rin sayo buong mundo ko.
title: everything under the stars (chanbaek) word count: 2866 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: chanbaek high school au wherein astronomy club pres si chanyeol at may crush sa kanya ang drama club president na si baekhyun.
since required na sumali sa two clubs ang club presidents, naisipan ni baek na mag-apply sa club ni yeol.
kaso ayaw tanggapin ni chanyeol ang application form.
commentary: aaaahhhh unang chanbaek high school au ko ito!!! at ang nag-iisang tweet fic na natapos ko!!! i super love this fic ;.; sobrang fluffy lang niya at tuwang-tuwa ako sa characterization ni baekhyun dito. ang nakakatawa pa, on the spot ang pagsusulat ko nito sa twitter, as in nagre-research ako about sa astronomy eme habang inu-update ko ang thread in real time! inabot ata ako ng six hours sa pagsusulat nito pero sobrang worth it. this never fails to warm my heart talaga. ang wholesome lang talaga ng high school love stories...minsan haha!
a line/part i loved:
The taller took a deep breath, eyes darting everywhere except Baekhyun. "I have insomnia. And counting stars help me sleep better at night."
Baekhyun was about to open his mouth, his cheeks flushed, as he stared up at Chanyeol.
That was intimate. Unexpected. What did he do to deserve such information? Baka naman nagbibiro lang si Chanyeol.
"Ah, so ‘di ka nagbibilang ng sheep?"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes, but his mouth twitched up in a smile. "Mas lalo akong di makakatulog sa kahahanap ng tupa niyan."
title: kiss it better (kaisoo) word count: 204 date posted: 03/21/2020 summary: "Well, well, looks like someone's cranky today."
"Shut up," Jongin mutters as he nudges him with his hip. Kyungsoo scoots over to make room for him and he settles in next to him. "Your little pet bit me."
commentary: ito ang pinakamaikling fic na isinulat ko this year, at ang unang fic na isinulat ko noong nagsisimula pa lang ang ECQ. taena, ang tagal tagal na pala?? anyway, another domestic fluff from kaisoo na naisip ko thanks to that ksoo & meokmul photo na nakita ko sa tl. wala lang. gusto ko lang magsulat ng kaisoo landian kasi nakakamiss huhuhu :(
a line/part i loved:
"Your little pet bit me."
"What other little pet do you have?" He grins and rests his head on Jongin's shoulder.
title: single bed (seho) word count: 1595 date posted: 03/23/2020 summary: 
“Beds are made for sleeping and sex only, you know."
Napalunok na lang si Junmyeon. Sehun and bed and sex all in one sentence was a bit too much for his overworked brain to handle. Again, that’s his hottest roommate casually talking about sex. His roommate na crush niya ever since lumipat siya sa condo na ‘to. Junmyeon shifted the Calculus lecture binder on his lap as subtly as he could.
commentary: not to be me pero isa ‘to sa favorite fics ko this year haha! this january lang ako nahilig sa pagbabasa ng seho fics at sa totoo lang, 500-word drabble lang dapat ito!! kaso biglang nag-ig live ang seho putek kaya naging triple ang word count. isa sa na-discover ko sa sarili ko because of this: i like reading/writing junmyeon pining over sehun?? ewan, iba ang pull sa ‘kin ng fics pag ganito ang setup nila haha. nag-enjoy akong isulat ‘to sa POV ni junmyeon, lalo na ‘yung internal struggle niya. isa sa dahilan kung bakit favorite ko ito ay ang back story ni kyungsoo bilang phone sex operator hahaha! bigla ko na lang naisip ‘yan habang nagta-type ako at tawang-tawa na naman ako sa sarili ko. i’m fucking hilarious sometimes lmao
a line/part i loved:
He couldn’t forget the first time he’d heard Kyungsoo in “action”. Isang gabi, nakasalubong niya si Kyungsoo na naglalalakad papunta sa kusina, suot nito ang mamahaling headset, dini-describe kung paano niya kakainin ang “delicious pussy” ng kliyente niya na nasa kabilang linya habang iniinit ang Chickenjoy takeout sa microwave. May bonus pang mga ungol na sobrang filthy, at mga yes baby masarap ba? Yes you like that? pang sinasabi ito, at nagawa pang ngitian si Junmyeon in between moans bago bumalik sa kwarto niya.
title: exercise in self-restraint (chanbaek) word count: 12,984 (part 1 of 5) date posted: 04/15/2020 summary: (sinta 'verse part 2)
Three months (92 days to be exact, and yes, Baekhyun's counting) na silang magjowa ni Chanyeol pero bakit gano'n, nasa "friends are like jowas you don't fuck" stage pa rin sila?
—or: tigang na ang Baekhyun Byun. as in.
commentary: TANGINA HANGGANG NGAYON TAWANG-TAWA PA RIN AKO SA SARILI KO NA GINAWA KO ANG FIC NA ‘TO...AT HINDI PA SIYA TAPOS!!! na-explain ko na ‘to sa notes sa ao3 pero grabe sa pagka-self indulgent talaga ng fic na ‘to. sobrang kalat??? i didn’t know i had it in me??? cheka!! pero seryoso, sobrang nag-enjoy ako sa pagsusulat nito (until now!!!) kasi challenge para sa ‘kin ang magsulat ng m/m explicit scenes. hindi ako nag-fade to black!!! hahaha but no seriously, napaka-importante ng sinta ‘verse sa buhay ko bilang exo fic writer at ayun nga, hindi ko sila mapakawalan kaya ikukulong ko sila sa isang makamundong part ng ‘verse na ‘to. naka-outline na sa ‘kin ang buong fic na ‘to, kailangan ko lang ng lakas ng loob para ituloy ang pagsusulat haha. sobrang kalat niya...at ako talaga si jongdae sa fic na ‘to lol. another thing: puro inside joke naming magkaka-barkada ang laman ng fic na ‘to kaya yari ako kung mabasa man nng isa sa kanila ‘to hahahaha
a line/part i loved:
“Bakit ba ito ang topic natin?" Umupo na si Baekhyun sa tabi ni Jongdae, tuluyan na niyang nakalimutan ang sakit ng legs niya sa sobrang panic at kahihiyan. "We're here to talk about the Bali trip, right? Wala sa agenda natin ang sex life ko so tumahimik ka dyan!" 
"Seryoso ba? Kahit chupa wala?" 
"Jongdae Kim oh my god iiwanan na kita talaga!" 
"Sorry na! This is a lot to take in pota ka!" Jongdae stared at him in disbelief, and shook his head. "As in no action at all? Imposibleng walang chupaa—" 
"Jongdae!" Puta, sana magkaroon ng butas sa sahig na kinauupuan ni Jongdae at lamunin na siya nito ASAP. Hindi na kinakaya ni Baekhyun ang interrogation na 'to. 
"Sorry na! Fine! Wala man lang… snorkelling na naganap sa loob ng three months?"
title: tulak ng bibig, kabig ng dibdib (chanbaek) word count: 995 date posted: 04/28/2020 summary: 
“Alam mo feeling ko may crush sa ‘yo si Chanyeol,” bulong sa kanya ni Junmyeon sabay siko sa tagiliran niya.
“Huh? Pinagsasabi mo dyan?” inis na sagot ni Baekhyun habang hinahalughog ang backpack niya.
“Ang manhid mo naman, Baek. Obvious kaya.”
Oops, teka lang. Freshman si Chanyeol. Graduating na si Baekhyun.
Hindi magwo-work ang kung anumang iniisip ni Junmyeon.
commentary: may thing talaga ako sa fics na mas matanda si baekhyun kesa kay chanyeol—as in taon ang gap nila ha, hindi kagaya sa tunay na buhay na ilang buwan lang. anyway, i really like the outcome of this fic. simpleng kilig, sakto lang ang narration, at tama lang ang length. i guess sinulat ko ‘to noong na-realize kong dapat i-apply ko na ang “write less” sa buhay ko? i tend to over narrate my stories sometimes kasi gusto kong ma-overcome ang weakness ko sa narration bilang writer. pero kaya ayun, sinasanay ko ang sarili ko na magsulat ng fics less than 1k words eme
a line/part i loved:
Yes, nagkakausap naman sila paminsan-minsan kapag nagkakasalubong sa campus, and yes, hindi na nagbu-blush si Chanyeol sa meetings na ‘to. He’s become more confident around Baekhyun, which made him a bit sad kasi nage-enjoy siya sa pink cheeks ni Chanyeol at pagkabulol nito sa conversations nila. Oo na, impressed na si Baekhyun sa talino at wisdom ng lalaki at—
Oops, teka lang. Uulitin lang niya, freshman si Chanyeol. Graduating na si Baekhyun.
Hindi magwo-work ang kung anumang iniisip ni Junmyeon.
title: fall on me (chanbaek) word count: 6123 date posted: 05/06/2020 summary: “Amin-amin din kasi. Malay mo may chance.” Binato pa siya ni Yixing ng basang tissue to justify his point.
“Baka nga may malaking chance,” gatong ng kupal na si Sehun Oh.
It’s not like the thought never crossed his mind. Sa apat na taon nilang magkasama sa apartment na ‘to, ilang beses na ring naging marupok si Chanyeol sa idea na aaminin siya kay Baekhyun. Pero worth it nga ba aminin ito? O dapat makuntento na lang siya sa kung anong meron sila?
commentary: my first baekhyun day fic! a college au na set in uplb na naman haha (kailan ba ako mauumay??). this was an easy story to write; natapos ko ata 'to in one sitting? tsaka gusto ko ito kasi first time kong magsulat ng fic in chanyeol's pov. medyo challenging for me na hanapin ang "boses" ni chanyeol pero napagtagumpayan ko naman. napaka-vivid din sa 'kin ng fic na 'to, especially the confession part. ALL THE FLUFF TALAGA MGA MHIE PARA LABANAN ANG INIS SA GOBYERNO HAHAHA
a line/part i loved:
“Wait lang, there’s something on your face.”
Chanyeol instinctively reached for his cheek, akmang pupunasan ang naiwang wasabi or teriyaki sauce or whatever. “Huh? Saan?”
The next thing Chanyeol knew, Baekhyun fisted his hand on his shirt and tugged him down for a kiss. It was firm and waaay too fast, just a smack of lips, and then he patted Chanyeol’s chest before stepping back a little.
His mind went blank.
“Uh...it was me,” Baekhyun mumbled shyly, loud enough para marinig ni Chanyeol
.Chanyeol blinked a few times, trying to process what the just happened. “W-what?”
title: di na babalik (chanbaek) word count: 3355 (incomplete) date posted: 06/01/2020 summary: Ten years ago tinawanan lang ni Chanyeol ang kantiyaw sa kanya ni Sehun noon: wag jowain ang ka-barkada kasi pag nagbreak, awkward na umattend sa reunions. Ngayong nasa 10th year high school reunion na sila, 'di na makatawa si Chanyeol. Salamat talaga sa isang tanong ng ex niyang si Baekhyun Byun.
commentary: ito 'yung tweet fic na bunga ng aking sunday morning writing exercises last april. medyo hango sa tunay na buhay (haha lagi naman) at angsty siguro 'to? this is one of the rare fics na walang outline and such. as in on the spot ako nagsusulat pagkagising ko ng sunday ng umaga. binasa ko ito ulit ngayon-ngayon lang at...aray, medyo masakit nga. i really want to continue this 'verse kahit medyo masakit siya.
a line/part i loved:
Baekhyun has this fond smile on his lips, and Chanyeol wonders kung anong version ng nangyari ang binibisita nito ngayon sa utak niya. A happy memory, he supposes. Bihira niyang makita ang ngiting 'yon kay Baekhyun.
title: smile for the camera (chanbaek) word count: 670 date posted: 06/11/2020 summary: Chanyeol knew the famous idol Baekhyun Byun had been picturing something more glamorous than this. If he did, then they hired the wrong photographer for the job.
commentary: another on the spot twitter drabble! kasalanan 'to ng yours mv at tirtir photoshoot ni baek haha! meet cute emeru. tuwang-tuwa rin ako rito dahil ang bilis ko siyang naisulat-less than an hour ata?  
a line/part i loved:
Gustong ipakita ni Chanyeol Park ang ibang side ni Baekhyun Byun sa mundo. He wanted to show the real man behind the mysterious image: the man who loves to stay at home and play online games during his time off, who loves children and advocates for their education, who was still a normal person behind the bright lights and sold out dome concerts.
title: wala nang hihilingin (chanbaek) word count: 6122 (sinta 'verse fic) date posted: 06/14/2020 summary: It’s been nine months since Chanyeol told him na may plano na siyang magpropose soon. Nine months since tinapangan ni Baekhyun ang sarili at sumagot siyang leaning towards yes siya if ever totohanin nga ni Chanyeol ‘yon. Nine months na siyang naghihintay pero wala pa ring proposal. Ni anino ng singsing wala siyang nakita.
commentary: my first 614 day fic! aahh i'm so in love with this fic :( aside from wedding vows, i like writing wedding proposals talaga. iba nga lang sa fic na 'to dahil napaka-chaotic ng proposal! this fic started with an image, actually. 'yung part na kumakanta si baek ng halo ni tita beyonce! sinusulat ko pa lang 'yung sinta, paano na lang ako kung wala ka? nasa isip ko na 'yon. at hindi niya ako nilubayan hanggang hindi ko nagagawa ang fic na 'to. nadagdagan pa ang inspiration ko after rewatching The Office! that jim & pam moment talaga...sobrang TV history huhuh. anyway!!! outlining this fic was really fun kasi aliw na aliw akong pahirapan si baek dito lmao. sobrang special talaga sa 'kin ng sinta 'verse at ang dami ko pang pwedeng ikuwento tungkol sa unibersong ito. next year, meron pang kasunod. promise 'yan haha!
a line/part i loved:
honestly, i really love the proposal part kasi na-achieve ko ang chaos na gusto ko haha! pero kung very specific part, ito:
“So...nasan na ba ako? Ayun.” Huminga muna siya nang malalim bago nagpatuloy. “You’re my best friend in the whole wide world and I could never be with anyone else. I’ve known this since we were 19. I wanted to be the one to ask you but--“
“Mahal kita,” bulalas ni Baekhyun. He couldn’t help it. Aatakihin na siya sa puso. He could feel it. “Fuck, baby I’m sorry!” pahabol niya. “Sorry go na tatahimik na a--”
“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol interrupted, strained, with a pointed glance at the box. Agad na tinikom ni Baekhyun ang bibig, but god, ang puso niya bibigay na anytime.
“Ang point ko lang, I mean it when I say could never be with anyone else, Baek. ikaw lang ang tanging nakikita kong kasama ko sa dulo.”
When their eyes met, Chanyeol’s were soft. Trusting. Full of love. Chanyeol’s eyes were shining, full of unshed tears, at sure si Baekhyun na parehas na silang walang makita dahil sa mga luhang ‘to.
title: atin ang gabi (chanbaek) word count: 18.442 date posted: 08/09/2020; entry for #NaritoKami2020 Fic Fest summary: Before Sunrise AU - dala ng lungkot, alak, at pagka-bigo sa pag-ibig, humingi ng isang pabor si baekhyun sa lalaking hiniraman niya ng powerbank sa 7-11.ang pabor? samahan at makipagkuwentuhan sa kanya buong magdamag. loko-loko lang ang papatol sa ganyang pabor.sakto, loko-loko't kalahati si chanyeol park.
commentary: where do i even begin?? sa totoo lang ang dami kong gustong sabihin sa fic na 'to kulang pa 'tong commentary na 'to hahaha. i might even write a whole blogpost about this..but who knows?
ito ang pinakapaborito kong fic this year. as in. the moment i saw this prompt, ang sabi ko sa sarili ko, "mare dapat makuha mo 'yan OR ELSE!!!" i have a ~thing for film AUs, kaya nang makita kong may nagsumbit nito-NA RICHARD LINKLATER FILM PA OMG-hindi na tumigil ang utak ko sa pag-iisip. i love everything about this fic so much. mula sa back stories ng chanbaek, hanggang sa batuhan nila ng linya... i'd like to think i did a great job in writing this. sinigurado kong maganda at natural lang ang dialogues nila rito dahil isa 'yon sa essence ng Before Trilogy, eh. gusto ko rin sanang gawing buong araw silang magkasama kaso i thought mas may emotional impact kung bitin ang oras nila.
may ilang parts pa akong dinelete rito kasi feeling ko ang haba na niya. (don't worry i'll share it soon!) kahit light angst lang 'to, may certain weight kang mararamdaman after reading it? ewan, ganyan ang pakiramdam ko pag binabasa ko 'to. tsaka grabe pinag-isipan kong mabuti kung may smut ba 'to o kahit kiss lang. i almost added a kiss here kaso upon re-reading the fic...it kinda didn't feel right? i thought them sharing a kiss would shatter the illusion, na baka hindi na sila maka-move on sa isa't isa at hindi na nila ma-achieve ang dapat nilang i-achieve. ako lang siguro 'to hahaha pero one thing's for sure: THIS IS A HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! sila hanggang dulo haha! i just wish more people could read this fic huhu.
a line/part i loved:
Chanyeol paused for a long moment bago nagpatuloy. “Sobrang nakakatawa ng pagiging idealistic ko noong teenager ako. Feeling ko kasalanan ‘to ng media na kino-consume natin, eh. Books, movies, songs would always make love out to be this all consuming, burning, passionate thing. Sige, that person makes you feel like you’re on fire all the time, that he or she consumes you, but at the end of the day...are you even friends? Let’s be real here, pag tapos na sa honeymoon stage, pag naupos na ‘yung apoy ng pag-ibig sa simula ng relasyon, ano na? You gotta like the person you end up with in the end. Love won’t save everything.”
title: ‘pag nandiyan (kaisoo) word count: 15,962 date posted: 08/19/2020; entry for Tahanadhana Ficfest 2020 summary:  four times na may nagtanong sa cafe owner na si junmyeon kung ano ba talagang relationship status ng mga barista niyang sina jongin at kyungsoo, plus that one time na napuno na si junmyeon sa landian/katangahan ng dalawa.
commentary: magkasabay kong isinulat ang atin ang gabi at 'pag nandiyan kaya lurks na lurks ako kung alin ba dapat ang uunahin. 15k worth of pure fluff, landian, at katangahan isumbong niyo nga 'yan sa HR!!! not gonna lie, sobrang nag-enjoy ako sa pagbuo ng kaisoo barista 'verse na 'to. may naka-outline na ngang side story ang chanbaek dito eh...hahaha! si sehun ang favorite character ko sa fic na 'to kasi siya talaga ang representation ng frustration ng readers haha! gigil na gigil si kuya eh, ang cute!
'yun lang, a part of me wished na mas inayos ko ang execution ng ilang scenes sa fic na 'to? lalo na sa parts nina junmyeon at joohyun. i would rewrite it if i could. overall, this is a cute, fluffy fic written in a slightly weird 4+1 fic haha!
a line/part i loved:
"Birthday ni Chanyeol today," paliwanag niya kahit hindi naman hinihingi ni Jongin. "Ayoko namang sungitan 'yung tao on his special day. I'm not that mean."
Jongin remained quiet beside him, so he added, "Besides, I don't date people younger than me. Chanyeol just turned...20 today, ano. Ekis tayo dyan."
From the corner of his eye, he saw Jongin's mouth twitched to a smile. "So may chance," sabi nito, halos pabulong.
"Huh?" He glanced at Jongin sidelong, eye catching on the strong lines of his neck, the prominent bulge of his Adam's apple. The streets weren't that well-lit, and frankly, his eyesight was pretty shitty, but for some reason, kitang-kita niya ngayon si Jongin. "Anong sabi mo?" Jongin then returned his gaze.
"Sabi ko, may chance," he said, clearer this time. With intent. Ayan na naman siya.
title: laging naroon ka (sechen) word count:  2664 date posted: 09/22/2020 summary: sa kalagitnaan ng kasal ng mga kabarkada niya, biglang nagkrisis si jongdae dahil parehas silang umattend ng kanyang what could have been na si sehun.
commentary: sa totoo lang, wala sa plano ko na magsulat ng isang sechen fic. i've only read a handful of sechen fics (mostly in english pa) at nag-aalangan talaga ako magsulat ng fic for a rarepair. kaso my jaya discography binge happened; ilang beses kong pinaulit-ulit ang laging naroon ka at ang daming nagpapakasal sa social media bago ko isulat 'to kaya rito ko na nilabas ang mga damdamin ko haha! i really like how this turned out. maikli lang pero hnngghh gusto ko pa ng isang sechen fic tuloy! masaya rin ako na may naka-appreciate ng munting fic na 'to. i'm planning to write another jaya-inspired fic soon so...hehe kita-kits na lang ;)
a line/part i loved: 
He was a complete fool to think the hurt he'd felt years ago made him immune to this handsome man with a nice smile and soulful eyes. Wala pa ring pinagbago. Nandoon pa rin ang kabog sa dibdib, ang kilig—nakakainis! Sehun only got more gorgeous as he aged. His sense of style was still impeccable. Bagay sa kanya ang mas mahabang buhok at tumambok pa ang mga pisngi nito. Pigil na pigil si Jongdae na magnakaw ng kurot.
title: para sa ‘yo (ang mga salita) (chanbaek) word count:  26,144 date posted: 12/09/2020 summary: ito na ata ang pinakamalaking dagok sa writing career ng best-selling at award-winning crime fiction writer na si Baekhyun Byun. mayroon lamang siyang pitong buwan para tapusin ang huling nobela ng kanyang series. bawal na extension, nasagad na niya ang pasensya ng kanyang publishers. tapos bat' gano'n, bakit napakalandi ng bago niyang editor na si Chanyeol Park?!
commentary: my biggest and most personal (lol) fic yet. 35k ang target word count ko for this one kaso i had to delete a huge chunk last september kasi...nag-iba ang takbo ng utak ko. bigla na lang akong naumay magsulat ng romance at fluff? tsaka wala pa akong nababasang writer-editor au fic na nakaka-relate ako kaya isinulat ko na. sa totoo lang, ginawa kong therapy ang fic na 'to habang tinatapos ko ang isang manuscript ko (na surprise!!! hindi ko pa rin tapos until now!!!). it's weird for me na magsulat ng isang bagay na hindi umiikot sa romance, pero later on, na-enjoy ko rin. okay din pala magsulat ng character-centric fics na side lang ang romance.
also, in a very me fashion, nag-insert na naman ako ng kuwento sa loob ng isang kuwento. mini-quarantine project ko ang kuwento nina eli at calix! an outline exists--at surprise, hindi connected sa mga kasong nabanggit sa fic haha! crime/thriller pa rin ang totoong kuwento pero malayo sa book titles commentary: na nabanggit sa fic. in short, umandar na naman ang pagka-plotter ko sa fic na 'to. outline kung outline, plano kung plano. ang difference lang from my previous BY Paraluman Fest entry, hindi ko na isinulat ang buong fic sa notebook bago i-type. katamad kasi hahaha.share ko lang din, i wasn't expecting na may magbabasa at makaka-appreciate ng fic na 'to. ang seryoso kasi niya for my taste. hindi rin nakakakilig or whatsoever. sobrang layo sa previous BYFP entry ko na puro landian lang ang ganap. kaya sobrang tuwa ko sa mga nag-iwan ng comments sa ao3, nag-qrt ng BY tweet, at sa lahat ng nagtweet na nagustuhan nila ang kwentong ito. grabe, iyak ako nang iyak. lalo na do'n sa mga nagcomment na nakaka-relate sila sa struggles ni baekhyun as a writer. feeling ko hindi ako nag-iisa! so maraming maraming salamat sa nagbasa ng fic na 'to! grabe dami ko pang ebas for this fic pero sa isang blogpost ko na lang siguro ilalagay. hay, ang puso ko talaga para rito <3
a line/part i loved: sa totoo lang, madami! 'yung buong kaganapan sa MIBF ang pinaka kasi an author's dream come true 'yon cheka hahaha! pero kung lines.... ito talaga:
“Sila lang ang minahal ko nang ganito. Mahal na mahal ko sila.”
“Alam ko, Baekhyun.”
“Natatakot ako…” Baekhyun hated the way his voice cracked. “Natatakot ako na baka...baka hindi na ako magmahal nang ganito ulit. Na baka...naiibigay ko na kina Eli at Calix ang lahat ng pagmamahal na kaya kong ibigay. Takot ako na...shit, Chanyeol.” Napaupo siya sa sofa at doon niya nakita ang concerned na tingin sa kanya ng editor. “What if pangit na lahat ng mga isulat ko after nito? What if makapagsulat nga ako ng bago pero sina Eli at Calix pa rin ang hahanap-hanapin ko? Ng ibang tao? What if...hanggang dito na lang ang pangarap ko? Ito lang naman ang ginusto ko sa buhay, eh. Ang magsulat at mabasa ng tao ang mga salita ko. Ito siguro ang problema pag nakuha mo nang maaga ang pinapangarap mo. Pag madaling nakuha, madali ring mawawala.” Tuluyan nang bumuhos ang luha ni Baekhyun. “Ayoko pa magmove on sa kanila, Chanyeol. Hindi ko kaya.”
title: #QuarantineTimez with Nini’s Home (kaisoo) word count:  12,770 date posted: 04/27/2020 summary: Sa kalagitnaan ng Enhanced Community Quarantine, hindi inaasahan ni Kyungsoo na magkakaroon siya ng "quarantine crush" sa isang viral Youtuber na kailanman ay hindi nagpakita ng mukha.
commentary:  ito ang tanging non-fic fest entry fic ko na himalang maraming nagbasa. hanggang ngayon shookt pa rin ako na umabot sa 700+ hits ito sa ao3 haha kklk?? anyway, skl ang inspo ng fic na 'to. gaya ni ksoo sa fic, noong start ng quarantine ko lang nadiscover ang Nino's Home Youtube channel. at gaya rin niya, na-weirduhan ako sa antics ni Nino...at sige na nga, aliw na aliw ako sa subtitles niyang nangungupal lmao. ewan ko na, nagulat na lang ako sa sarili ko na may outline na ako for a kaisoo fic?? it took me two days of outlining and actual writing bago ko natapos 'to. at tawang-tawa ako kasi sobrang crack fic dapat nito! the nininail was a last addition kasi may nag-RT sa TL ko ng video compilation ni jongin talking about his cute nail..eh ang cute nga kaya dinagdag ko na. wala akong intensyon na gawing cliffhanger ang ending...it just sort of happened? feeling ko nga standalone fic 'to kaso habang binabasa ko siya, nabitin na rin ako lmao. hanggang not!fic na lang ang kinaya ko for the continuation kasi dami ko nang sinusulat ngayon lol. but with or without the not!fic, okay siyang kwento for me. nakakatawa, nakakilig hay :)
a line/part i loved:
gustung-gusto ko 'yung IG dm convo nina baek at ksoo rito kasi totoo nga naman, COVID-19 CAN'T STOP THE HAROT!!! also 'yung nagreply si Nini kay pengwing sa Youtube comments!!! ang kilig ko po!!!
Nasanay na si Kyungsoo na makaramdam ng kaunting lungkot after ng conference calls nila. As much as he loved having his alone time, nakaka-miss din pala ang makasalamuha ng ibang tao. Sa short supermarket trips at lobby guards na nga lang siya nakakaranas ng actual human interaction this quarantine period. He didn’t realize how much he used to count on minor interactions, like ‘yung pangungulit sa kanya ni Jongdae sa cubicle niya araw-araw, or ‘yung quick lunch meetings niya with Baekhyun kapag napapadpad ng Makati ang best friend. Kahit nga face to face meetings with their boss na usually kinakatakutan niya, hinahanap-hanap na niya ngayon.
# of fics written: 21 # of fandoms: 2 (exo & red velvet) published word count: 133,095
favorite fic: atin ang gabi (chanbaek) longest fic: para sa ‘yo (ang mga salita) (chanbaek) shortest fic: kiss it better (kaisoo) most kudos: #QuaratineTimez with Nini’s Home (kaisoo)
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
A Flame In The Dark - 4
Pairing: (F)Reader x San
Word count: 4.2k
Genre: Angst | Mage!San | Demi-demon!Reader 
Summary: San's life has been pretty suffocating. His childhood friend disappeared and his parents had forced him into a magic academy against his will. Although he's made new friends, the walls of the academy tend to feel like a prison to him.
With how he's already constantly sneaking out at night to get out of the academy, he thinks he's found a way to not feel so trapped. But San's habit of sneaking out just makes his life a whole lot more difficult...
Warnings: Use of dark magic | Gore | Violence | Major character death | San gets much hurt | Reader also gets hurt | Everyone gets hurt okay | This is also the final part of FITD whoo
Main masterlist || Previous || FITD Masterlist
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“Wake up, San.” San’s eyes slowly opened, being faced with both Seonghwa and Mina looking at him in concern. The feeling of grass poking at his back slowly brought San back to the field as he sat up, looking around in slight confusion. 
He was slightly disoriented. “What happened?” he questioned. 
“You passed out,” Mina said softly. “Are you okay?” San looked around the field, his eyes stopping at the large patch of burnt grass in the middle of the field. Seonghwa followed his gaze,
“You did that, San,” he claimed. San whipped his head to the older mage with wide eyes. 
“I did?” 
Mina nodded. “You kinda exploded. I don’t know how else to describe it,” her hand raised to point to the hole in San’s shirt that was exposing his stomach. “But you were letting out this huge heat wave. I’m pretty sure the elders probably felt it, too.” Mina was right. Elder Jinx came running into the field with Elder Saron, both of them with confusion as well as concern painted on their faces. 
“What was that?” Elder Saron questioned. 
“We were helping San train and he pretty much burst into flames.” Seonghwa honestly couldn't really explain what had happened. It happened too quickly for any of the other mages to understand what was happening. Mina’s light creatures had pushed San to the ground and held him down, but San broke free by literally brusting into flames. Both Mina and Seonghwa were staring in shock as San was completely engulfed in flames, heat waving off of him and starting to push both of them back from the heat. 
“The heatwave was so strong, it stopped my magic,” Mina added. San looked at the two with the same confusion that the elders felt. 
“How did I do that?” he muttered out as he looked down at his hands. His skin was perfectly fine; unscathed. But the last time he tried to do something like that, his hand tore open and he had to visit Momo. 
“You managed to disable Mina’s magic with a heatwave?” Elder Jinx questioned, causing him to look up at her. “If you can learn to control it, it could help us greatly.” San let it sink in. If he did master it, he could use it against your den. He just needed to know how he did it. San raised his hands out in front of himself and stared at them, wondering whether or not he could replicate the power.
“Go rest, San,” Elder Jinx advised gently. “You aren’t used to using so much magic.” San obliged without much hesitation, stumbling his way towards the academy. He was surprised at how exhausted he felt. San’s body felt heavy as though he would collapse at any moment. It took him a lot just to get back to his room, and the moment he did, he passed out on his bed.
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“San!” Wooyoung’s voice echoed throughout the destroyed building. San looked around frantically, trying to find his friend. The academy was caught ablaze, the second floor slowly starting to collapse into the first. None of the telepathic mages had seen you coming, and when they did, it was already too late to evacuate anyone. San had woken up to the smell of smoke only to realise that he had somehow slept through the building catching on fire and losing sight of his friends in the process.
San stumbled through the debris, desperately trying to find Wooyoung as his voice kept crying out for him. He was lucky his skin would only burn at higher temperatures. “Wooyoung?!” San called out just as a wooden frame came collapsing right in front of him. “Yeosang?!” The smoke was making it difficult for San to make anything out, but he could see a body crawling among the blaze. So, he ran through the flames and towards the body. 
“San!” Jaebeom’s eyes widened with relief when he saw the fire mage. “I can’t use my powers at all,” he grumbled, “I tried putting out the flames to try and find a way out, but the heat is too much for my magic.” San looked around the remains of Jaebeom’s study before turning back to the mentor. 
“Follow me, hyung. I think I can try and find a way out.” He held onto Jaebeom’s wrist and started to pull him through the fire as fast as he could. San needed to be quick. Jaebeom was an ice mage. High temperatures would weaken his body as well as deem his magic completely unusable. There was no way San could smash through the wall without hurting Jaebeom and the safest option was to run through the entire building until they found an opening. 
That was what they did. Twisting and turning throughout the academy only to be further trapped in when a huge portion of the second floor collapsed around them.
“San, wait,” Jaebeom coughed as he covered his mouth with the collar of his sweater. “Just break through the wall,” he suggested, cocking his head in the direction where the flames still weren’t as big. 
“Hyung, you’ll get hurt.” San’s eyes widened. 
“As long as we can get out of this place, it’s fine.” He shook his head. San hesitated for a moment, looking around to try and spot any other safer exits before deciding there was no other way out. An idea popped in his mind. He looked around at the blaze that surrounded them and realised that he was being constantly filled with energy from his element.
“I’ll blast through the wall myself, wait until I’m out.” Jaebeom nodded and San let go of his wrist. He crouched down, letting his body take in the heat energy around him to create a protective bubble. San knew if he just threw his body against the wall without anything protecting him, it would more than most likely knock him out. He charged towards the wall, feeling the shock the bubble was absorbing as it crashed through and left a hole big enough for Jaebeom. 
He landed on the ground, the bubble disappearing right as his feet hit the ground and he turned around to see Jaebeom running out. San looked around and he felt his heart drop. The sound of yelling as both sides of mages were fighting for their lives. He turned around to see Jaebeom running up to him, only then noticing just how pale the mentor looked from running through fire to get out. 
“You’re out!” Yeosang’s voice tapped into San’s mind. “Wooyoung and I are safe, the elders teleported whoever they could to a safe location.” 
“Who’s with you?” He questioned just as a dark mage threw a large piece of burning debris towards him. With a grunt, he jumped to the side and pushed Jaebeom to the ground. 
“Everyone but the mentors, Mina noona and Seonghwa hyung.” He paused. “Roll to the left with Jaebeom,” Yeosang ordered. San didn’t question it and immediately pulled Jaebeom to the left, watching as roots spiked up from the ground where they were before. 
“Holy shit. Hyung, are you okay?” San asked Jaebeom who nodded slowly. 
“I can’t do much, my ice is just going to melt quickly.” He scrambled from the ground and pulled San behind a large boulder. They had to assume it was brought by the dark mages because there was definitely not a boulder in their garden before. “San, if the dark mages are here, it means the darkin is here. You need to take her out. I’m going to try and-” Jaebeom was cut off when San was hit with a ray of dark energy, his body slamming through the walls of the academy and into the burning building.  
His body bounced off of the ground a couple of times before it slid, bumping into the wall. He let out a heavy groan, shaking his head slightly to align his blurred vision. San froze when he saw a dark figure approaching him, wings folding behind them as they walked through the fire. Fuck, it was you. San barely had any time to react when you levitated him with your magic and slammed him against the wall, the heat of the metal frames starting to seep into his skin. It was getting too hot for him and you knew that as you pushed him further into the frames. 
The feeling of the sharp edges of the metal starting to cut into his skin just added to the pain. San grit his teeth as he tried to move his hand. He let out a painful howl when he realised that trying to move would only push himself further back. 
“I’ve got you this time, mage,” you chuckled darkly as you watched the way blood started to run down his arms. Your gaze sharpened when you heard something to your left, turning to see a large icicle flying towards you. You let out a huff when you’re forced to let go of San to dodge it, seeing as the ice mage made his way towards you. San fell to the ground, wincing and groaning as the feeling of his fresh cuts. He looked up to see Jaebeom standing among the blaze, breathing heavily with eyes that kept fading in and out of blue. 
“Hyung! Get out!” San cried, panic starting to fill him when your attention turned to Jaebeom instead. Jaebeom ignored his cries and glared at you. From the way his aura was weakening by the second, you knew whatever magic he used on you would only be for a fleeting moment, and the thought of him trying amused you. The heat was taking its toll on Jaebeom, water dripping from his fingers and evaporating the moment they hit the ground. The cruel part of your heart was hoping you could drag this out for as long as you could. You had San wrapped around your finger without him knowing it, and you knew you could win this if you played your cards right.
“I’m open!” Jaebeom yelled as he raised his arms out to the sides. “Wanna have some fun, demon?!” he prodded, watching the way your red eye glowed in delight. 
“Is it smart to provoke a demon?” You licked your lips as your wings spread out behind you. You could feel your skin starting to change, the darkness flowing through your veins as you turned into your darkin form. For a moment, you could see Jaebeom’s expression falter. His eyes flicked to San’s for a split second and it was enough for him to understand what Jaebeom was doing. 
He used his magic to direct the flames towards you. Of course, you saw it coming and teleported behind San. You picked him up by his hair and placed your claw above his throat. “I’m not dumb, mage,” you hissed at Jaebeom, your claw pressing against his skin. San wracked his brain to find ways he could get out of this. Any sudden or obvious movement would have your claw stabbing into his skin. 
“You are a bit, though,” Jaebeom chuckled just as you felt a pair of hands wrap around your head from behind. Your entire body tensed up but it was too late for you to react. 
“Sleep,” the voice echoed in your mind and immediately pulled San out of your grasp. You crumbled to your knees, your brain trying to fight the sleep spell that was placed on your mind. You looked up, forcing your eyes open to see the three of them taking cautious steps back. Sleep spell counter—sleep spell counter, how do you fight it? You thought to yourself as your brain kept going through all of the spells you know until you found the right one. 
The three light mages watched in disbelief as you raised your hand to your head and sent a ray of dark magic into yourself, guarding your mind from any other mind tricks. Jackson held onto Jaebeom’s arm.
“We need to go. If you spend any more time here, you might die,” he warned as he tugged on Jaebeom’s arm, pleading for him to leave. 
“You guys won’t be able to fight her on your own.” he shook his head stubbornly. 
“Jinyoung is coming. It’ll be safer. You just need to get to a safe area to let your magic regenerate,” Jackson snapped. San turned between the two, watching them argue and watching as you were slowly getting back onto your feet. Wait, why wasn’t he doing anything? The world slowed around him as he thought about it. Why wasn’t he reacting? Jaebeom and Jackson continued to argue, the older mage too stubborn to leave his friend behind. The telepathic mage was doing what he could to convince the older to leave.  
“Both of you leave. I can handle her,” San spoke up as he lifted his arm, using the healing spell he learnt to heal his cuts. 
“Go!” he shoved them towards the exit and manipulated the fire into a wall to stop them from coming towards him. San turned back around just in time to see you getting back onto your feet and charging towards him. He moved swiftly, dodging your attacks only to be hit from the opposite side with dark magic. You had somehow gotten faster—if it were even possible—and it was taking all San had to keep up with you. 
His eyes were desperately searching for an opportunity as you clawed at him and threw him around with your magic. San’s mind was racing to predict your movements, but without Yeosang’s help, he wasn’t fast enough. It was playing greatly to your advantage when you slammed your palm onto his chest and slammed him into the ground. 
“Fuck,” he groaned out. His entire body was aching from having been tossed around by you earlier. San was glad that he was surrounded by fire; his own element. It was constantly refueling his stamina and when you punched the ground beside his head, your fist got caught in the smoldered wood. It gave San the opportunity he needed and he immediately engulfed your body in flames. You were demon spawn—of course the fire wouldn’t hurt you, but it was enough to disorient you.
It also gave him openings to actually hurt you with force, sending bursts of energy your way to disorient you further. One particular burst threw you back enough that San charged towards you, his hand wrapping around your forearm in an attempt to blast it off. It honestly did very little, but it did burn off a layer of your skin. You grunted before simply punching upwards to send San flying across the building. 
How could you have forgotten that San could fly?
That was your downfall. 
San came flying back down and slammed into you with his body, forcing you onto the ground and dragging you until he tossed you against the wall. San could win. He knew he could. He just needed to land one hit. One hit on your chest to break into your heart. San swooped down, rolling you over to blast your shoulder, once again deeming your arm useless. You cried out, reaching up with your left hand to grab onto his shoulder, digging your claws into his skin to try and get him off of you. The opportunity was golden. San hovered his hand over your chest and that’s when he saw it. 
Everything around him froze. He stared at the chain that sat around your neck, comparing it to his own. It was the same ring. He looked between your face and the ring, his mind starting to fight with his heart. “(Y/n)?” San muttered out in disbelief. You froze at the mention of your name. This is it. You thought. You looked him in the eyes and the recognition was all he needed. “Y-You knew?” he questioned. “This whole time, you knew?” San sat back in disbelief, anger starting to bubble in the pit of his stomach. 
“The entire time we’ve been fighting, you knew?” he questioned back more harshly. You raised your left hand to claw him, but he blasted your bicep without hesitation. Fuck. You missed the chance. Fuck, you fucked up really bad. You started to panic, your mind trying to think your way out of this situation. “I spent so long wondering where you were!” San yelled. You looked around, watching as the flames started growing bigger around you before turning back to San. His eyes were glowing orange, and they only seemed to get brighter the angrier he got. 
“S-San,” you started but he cut you off by punching into your shoulder. You winced when he did and he simply glared at you. The magic he was letting out was stopping you from using any teleportation spells and you could only watch in fear as he got stronger.
“You left me. All those years ago. You left me. No message.” Tears started to stream out of his eyes, catching fire like they were gasoline and dripping onto your body. You were shocked when they started to burn your skin. “No warning—nothing. You just disappeared.” San lowered his head, his tears falling freely onto you. Your body squirmed in agony as you felt it melt into your skin. This was it. There was no way out. 
You have lost. 
You watched as San raised his fist, flames igniting all over his body and engulfing him. “I tried so hard to look for you. I waited for you,” he muttered out softly. “You left me.” 
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“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” San’s excitedly skipped towards you. You looked up and smiled when you saw him. “I got you something!” he grinned toothily. Your face contorted in disgust for a moment. 
“It’s not another bug, is it? Last time you said you got me something, you put a grasshopper in my hand.” You pouted. 
“It’s not, I promise!” he shook his head vigorously before extending his hands out to reveal a small box. You looked at the box curiously, watching as he opened it to reveal two rings. “I convinced my mama to let me get these. They’re matching rings,” he explained as he sat on the swing beside you. “This way, we’ll always be together!” San pulled one of the rings out and handed it to you. You took the ring from him and put it onto your finger. It was obviously too big from the way it hung off of your finger but you liked it. 
“Does this mean we’re connected?” you questioned, looking into his sparkling brown eyes. 
“Of course,” he nodded. “I’ll always be with you, (Y/n). If we get separated, I’ll always be in your heart.” 
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“San?” Jackson called out. The building had long burnt out, black smoke heavily wafting off of what remained of the building and clouding the sky. The dark mages retreated while both you and San were nowhere to be seen. 
“San?!” Jaebeom entered the building carefully, looking around to make sure nothing was falling or crumbling as they searched for the fire mage. Jinyoung was laying on the ground outside, his wounds too great for him to try and help search for his mentee. Tzuyu joined the group in looking for him, following close to Jackson just in case anything happened. Seonghwa was resting with Mina, both suffering from wounds that prevented them from searching for San.
In the distance, Jihyo caught sight of a lonely silhouette kneeling on the ground. “San? Is that you?” she called out as she slowly stepped closer. When his figure became clearer, she broke into a sprint. “I found him!” Jihyo announced loudly enough for the other mentors to hear her. “San? Are you okay?” She crouched beside him, her eyes widening when she saw the state he was in. 
His shirt was burnt, hanging off of his left shoulder by a thread, a portion of his chest and stomach completely exposed. His hair was dishevelled and his whole right arm was completely burnt; flesh red and raw. San didn’t respond when Jihyo came. Her hands were hovering over his body, trying to find a place to hold him without hurting him.
“Is he okay?” Jaebeom asked as he approached them. Jihyo gave him an unsure look and he immediately crouched in front of him. “San? Hey,” he waved his hand in front of San’s face. Jaebeom took note of the way San’s eyes faintly glowed orange. 
“Hyung, I think you’re sitting on someone,” Jackson pointed out. Jaebeom looked down and immediately moved off when he saw what looked like burnt remains. His gaze moved to San’s burnt arm and he realised what had most likely happened. 
“Are you okay?” Jackson questioned as he gently placed his hand on San’s shoulder. His eyes flicked up to his mentors before looking around. He had never felt so disoriented before. San looked down at the hard shell of your body, the whole fight coming back to him slowly. After he had blasted your chest, your entire body hardened into a black shell. Instead of moving off, San sat there and cried. 
San cried until the fire had died down, and when he couldn’t cry anymore, he just sat there. Every feeling in his body was numb. He couldn’t even feel hi wounds anymore. The mentors moving around him was a blur as they got him to his feet and helped him out of the building. Jackson rested him against a tree and let Momo do what she could. 
“You guys really need to learn these spells,” she grumbled out. “It’s not fair that I have to heal almost everyone.” She turned to the others who shrugged. 
“He hasn’t moved since we brought him out,” Jihyo muttered out softly. San was staring straight ahead, seemingly unaware of what was happening around him. Never in his life had he thought that when he found you again, he’d have to kill you. 
He stayed silent even when the elders reappeared. Wooyoung and Yeosang immediately ran up to him, their footsteps slowing when they saw how blank he looked. “San?” Yeosang crouched down beside him, but San remained unresponsive. 
“Is he okay?” Wooyoung questioned, worry lacing his voice. Yeosang was careful when he placed his hands on either side of San’s head, tapping into his mind to look through his memories. He knew that San would’ve fought back if he wanted to, but something about the way he simply sat there made them both understand that something must’ve happened. 
“O-Oh,” Yeosang muttered out softly. “San, I’m so sorry.” He said solemnly. Yeosang saw everything; the fires, you, and just how much emotion San felt. Whatever San was feeling was so overwhelming that even Yeosang couldn’t stop himself from feeling his heart ache. 
“What happened?” Wooyoung nudged Yeosang’s arm and he turned to the voodoo mage, hesitating for a moment before sending the images to his mind. He sat back on his arms, the weight of San’s emotions settling in his own mind. “Holy shit,” he muttered out, turning to San who was staring at them blankly. 
His bottom lip quivered—trembling ever so slightly, “I had no choice.” The words left his mouth so softly, his two friends almost missed it. “I would’ve put the entire academy in more danger if I didn’t. She was getting too strong.” 
“You did the right thing, San.” The three turned to San’s right to see Seonghwa looking at them with half-lidded eyes. “I’m sorry it had to be her,” he rasped out. 
“It’s okay, hyung. You didn’t know.” San’s head leaned back against the tree. “None of us knew.” Yeosang and Wooyoung sat back, watching the way San seemed to keep coming in and out of reality. Seonghwa nodded in understanding before turning away from him. Yeosang decided against tapping into his friend’s mind again, simply letting him grieve on his own. 
San closed his eyes, letting his mind replay the last thing you had said to him. 
“I didn’t know who you were until my mother told me. If I knew it was you, I wouldn’t have fought you as hard as I did,” you quickly rambled out as he held his hand out in the air. “But, I would still do anything to become queen.” Your eye quickly changed into a bright glowing red as you wiggled your wing out from under you in an attempt to pull San off of you. San had already seen it coming. His hand clenched into a fist and slammed down onto your chest, a loud cry following as he centered his magic in his hand.
His anger overcame the pain, his mind building a wall around his heart. There was nothing that could stop him anymore and you knew you had lost. You missed all the chances, all the openings—you were too reckless. Your body slowly hardened and San could feel his skin burning and tearing, but he was too overwhelmed to even feel the pain. He could feel nothing. 
Never in his entire life had he thought that when he found you, he would have to turn you away. San imagined that when you both reunited you would relish the feeling of finding each other—bask in the presence of each other and finally catch up. But it seemed the universe had other plans for him. Instead, you were ripped out of San’s life by his own hands. 
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