thanxx1117 · 2 months
When your best friend reblogs your bias 🥰
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no thoughts, only mullet yeosang
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thanxx1117 · 4 months
This is why we are best friends @n0v4t33z 🫣🤭
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I literally just woke up and this was the first thing I saw on Instagram? what is going on when I’m asleep?
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thanxx1117 · 6 months
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341 notes · View notes
thanxx1117 · 10 months
The Syndicate - Chapter 3: Soft Hearted Criminal
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader
Summary: Y/N is a Detective with a promising future in the police department until she's kidnapped by the infamous mafia boss Choi San and from him, she learns the dark secrets her superior has been hiding the whole time so she teams up with him in order to put a stop to it.
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Word Count: 6k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Language, Graphic Violence, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.), y/n gets roughed up by Wooyoung like twice , Slow Burn, Fluff sometimes, Work In Progress, Non-Idol AU, Mafia AU, Very suggestive at times, y/n cries alot, y/n having inner turmoil, Ateez being bad boys, Wooyoung and Yeosang are a little mean in this story tbh, mentions death and acts of violence
Author's Note 💌 : I was supposed to post this in the beginning of August but I ended up getting a little impatient so I'm posting it lol so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter despite how slow it is, I promise the really good chapters are coming soon! -N
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
The next day after mindlessly sitting there bored out of my mind I hear a light knock on the door only to see Seonghwa quietly opening the door. He gives me a small smile and mouths the words “Hey” Funnily enough I’m happy to see a criminal keep his word and not lie for once but it also doesn’t mean that I’m completely fond of the guy. Although I guess I can say so far from what he’s shown me I can mildly trust him enough to want to see him again just so I don’t get bored. “You kept your promise..” He presses his finger on his lips and says in a low voice “I told you I’d be back. I came here for a bit because I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I dryly laugh “Oh wow I- Yeah. I’m alright, a bit sore but I’m fine.” He looks at the ground for a few seconds then his gaze meets mine with a small friendly smile “So I brought you a book, I don’t know if you like to read or not but I thought maybe you’d want something to read while you’re here.” He reaches into his jacket and hands me a book, the title being “Dracula”. A smile grows onto my features admiring the cover of the book and back at Seonghwa “Thank you, I was being driven insane in here not having anything to do.” He lowers his voice “When you’re done just let me know and I can bring you another one.” He glances down at his phone looking at the time then he looks back at me slightly disappointed “I have to go now, I’m sorry it was too fast. Maybe next time I’ll be here a little while longer I don’t want San to-”  There's a sudden knock at the door in which Seonghwa and I look at each other in shock. “Detective-” San enters the room and looks at both of us then back at Seonghwa “Uh? Aren’t you supposed to be out?” Seonghwa hurriedly gets up “Oh yes, my apologies I was just here dropping a book off for the Detective. She seemed bored so I thought maybe she’d like something to read.” He hums and walks over towards Seonghwa gently patting his shoulder “Make sure not to forget about the other person I told you about.” San glances at Seonghwa with a knowing glance. What was that about? Then again I don’t expect them to tell me anything, I am the prisoner here anyway. Seonghwa gets up and nods “No worries I haven’t forgotten I’ll let you know what I find..” Seonghwa looks at me with a half smile and exits the room leaving San and I alone. 
“Good afternoon Detective, are you doing okay?” I shrug “I guess, I’m just sore. Jongho came by earlier this morning to give me some pain killers so I’m okay right now.” San fixes one of his rolled up sleeves. “That’s great to hear that you’re being taken care of.“ I stare at my lap not wanting to meet San’s eyes “It would be nicer if I could be let go.” San chuckles “Sorry Detective, but I can’t. Not until that issue with your superior is fixed” Of course he can’t, his revenge is his priority. “So you’re forcing me to stay just because you say so? What? Do you want me to get to know you or something too?” He shrugs “I don’t know about that, but if I'm being honest I think you know far more about me than I even know about myself.” I scoff ”That’s not true.” San lifts my chin up and looks me in the eye walking up dangerously close in front of me “You think I didn’t read all your reports and the file you have on me? You specifically stated my height and the previous homes that my family and I have lived in, including the ones before my dad became wealthy. Not many people know about my childhood home, the very detailed reports on the crime scenes I’ve been involved in just tells me that you dedicated most of your time investigating me.” Okay, I have a hard copy of his file on hand but I totally forgot I also have one in the database too just in case. Fuck, so that’s how he read it. I turn my face away and grumble ”I’m just doing my job, it’s not because you’re interesting or anything.” He chuckles “i see, well your obsession with me says otherwise.” I snap my head in his direction and raise my eyebrow “Excuse me? My only obsession is to put you in jail.” He smiles and leans in a few inches away from me “If you think you can do it, go for it. From where you’re sitting though I’d like to see you try.” I glare at him and swing my handcuffed fists at him, and without any struggle he catches my fists in mid air with his hand “If you want to hurt me you might want to be a little faster than that.” His gaze going from an amused one to a darker expression. Did I really forget who this man is? Choi San, the man wrecking havoc not only here in Ulwood but in my life as of now. The man who gets to choose what my fate is and here I am trying to hit him. So smart y/n.
I nervously swallow and lower my fists onto my lap “I-I’m sorry.” He lets out an exasperated sigh and runs his hand through his dark hair “How about we start over?” I awkwardly force a smile “Oh, uh okay.” What is wrong with me?! If I piss him off the only way I'm getting out of here is dead. “That doesn’t mean to be awkward, just be yourself.” How am I supposed to be myself when I’m literally in fear of whether or not he’s going to do something to me? Gosh, I’m going to have to just play along. I awkwardly lean back onto the headboard behind me “Fine. Why are you getting so comfortable?” San sits next to me and gives me a dimpled smile “Why not?” I nervously laugh “I mean I’m sorry but seeing you get so comfortable on my bed is just off putting.” I fidget with the chain on my handcuffs feeling the coolness of the metal between my fingers. San responds “You’re right, I guess it is kind of weird for a cop to see the criminal they’re after’s humanity.” The humanity in San? You’d think the man lost that long ago seeing his file. “Yeah, but I guess we can both learn from each other.” I force a smile and continue “So, um, What about your role model? Do you have one?” He glances at me amusingly “Wow detective these questions- Do you usually talk to people like this or?” Unable to cross my arms because of the handcuffs I roll my eyes “You literally kidnapped me, how am I supposed to talk to you like I'm not your whole ass prisoner?” San scoots closer towards me “I make you nervous don’t I?” There he goes again acting like that. “What? No, you just annoy me.” He looks deep into my eyes smirking, my ears and cheeks feeling very warm “ Hm, I don’t? Then why are your cheeks bright red?” He asks with a hint of playfulness in his voice. I thickly swallow and shake my head “No reason, it’s just really warm in here.” He chuckles “Oh, is it?”
 He reaches over and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear “You’re very pretty Detective.” His cat like eyes turn into crescents when he smiles causing my heart to begin to race “Thank you” I respond trying to pass off unaffected by his charm but utterly failing. He gently brushes his fingers against the bruise left on my cheek making me slightly pull away. He gives me a slightly sad expression and sighs “I wish things would have turned out different and I didn’t have to resort to this type of thing.” Nervously I reach over to gently set my hand on his forearm, as annoying as he is now's my chance. “You know you can stop this right? Just let me go and I will see everything you need to be taken care of will happen, I’ll make sure to have the charges against you dropped.” He looks down at my hand holding his arm then looks back at me “No, I just wish it wasn’t you who has to go through this but unfortunately your partner wasn’t enough to bring Lee's attention or it would have been him who would have been taken.” I blink slightly taken aback and he continues “So, I’m sorry Detective. I just have to do this for my father because as an answer to your question from earlier, my father is my role model.. I know he probably wouldn’t have agreed with how I’m handling it but to me it’s what makes sense considering that bastard’s lack of loyalty towards my father. ” He’s crazy, but unfortunately I understand where he’s coming from. “I get it, but don’t you think he’ll be humiliated even more if he gets arrested? I’d like to add that in prison he’ll be a constant target because he’s a former cop.” San smiles “I’ll think about it” He’s lying, he’s just trying to change the subject. 
“You know, I don’t know you on a personal level despite how much I know about you on file but what I do know is right now your hand is being forced. I know you don’t want to do any of this.” Maybe playing good cop as much as I can will help. He looks at the ground almost like he’s lost in thought “Yeah, something like that but not quite.” I lean in a little closer in hopes he hears me a little better “So tell me, is the Choi San you show the world the same one at home with his family, or is he different?” He glances up at me meeting my eyes “Actually, he’s different. I’ll go as far to admit that I have several versions of myself. How the world around me sees me, how my family and those closest to me see me, and lastly how I truly am.” I’m not surprised but that’s honestly sad. He probably had big shoes to fill when he took over for his father. “I see, so who is the true Choi San then? Is he kind?” Let’s see if I can get him to open up a little more. He nods “He is actually. I’m just normal, I’m nothing special. I only took over because I had to, Wooyoung suggested it would be good for my character since he thought I was too nice sometimes. Unfortunately after I took over I was not only under my family’s pressure but also under our allies’ pressure to continue to be just as equally harsh if not more than my father. I knew from the moment I took over that handling things peacefully was no longer an option out fear that my lack of experience would make them think they could just walk all over me.” I can tell he’s holding back, he doesn’t want to just say it. I can see why it would be hard for him to admit. “So what you’re saying is that the reason your crimes are so violent and harsh is because you’re under inmense pressure by the people who surround you to be more like your father, not because you want to right?” Gosh, I just feel so bad for him. That must be a heavy burden to carry all by himself. “Yes, kind of.” I press my lips into a smile “Well, just know you can always talk to me as long as I’m here. I’ll listen to you, I know it seems ironic with me being a cop and all but I guess since I’m here it doesn’t really count since I can’t really do anything..” He reaches over and removes my handcuffs “You’re right, you’re just a normal girl behind that detective facade you put up.” I get up and stretch my arms and legs “And you’re a regular guy hiding behind the mask of an evil mafia kingpin” He smirks “You’re very poetic Detective.” 
He reaches over for my hand and pulls me to sit down again only he doesn’t let go of my hand and just holds it “You know, I don’t think I was supposed to you all of that.” I shake my head “Don’t worry, I’m not going to use anything against you if that’s what you’re thinking.” He lets go of my hand and slightly narrows his eyes “Okay, so how do you do it?” I furrow my brows “Uh, what do you mean? Do what?” Is he catching on? Oh gosh “You know, get people to feel so comfortable around you. Is that a cop technique or something?” It's not what I thought he was going to ask but what a relief. “Honestly I just treat people like humans, that’s it there's really no trick there.” From the corner of my eyes I notice him intently watching me and as much as I don't want to admit this, looking at his general direction is making me really shy, I feel like I shouldn't be looking at him "You are very sweet considering the type of situation you're in." I dryly laugh "You know being mean won't do me any favors and the last thing I want is for me to have to deal with Wooyoung or worse, a pissed off San. So I'd rather not." He chuckles, why is he looking at me like that? He's supposed to be my enemy why is it making me feel this way. “ Didn't you just now try to beat me with your fists and you say I'm the scary one?" I roll my eyes playfully while gently patting his shoulder "Yeah, well I'm not the criminal here sir." He blinks " What? So am I really that scary?” I nod letting out a nervous laugh “Yeah, most of my colleagues would always tell me how they’d be terrified if they ever had to face you.” San’s tongue touches the inside of his cheek looking a bit satisfied “Ah, so does that include you?” I press my lips into a straight line and I shrug “As long as you’re not pissed.” He gives me a dimpled smile and reaches over to pat my head “You don’t need to worry about that then, I really like talking to you so I doubt you’ll ever piss me off enough for me to react like that.” So as long as I’m good or Captain Lee doesn’t fuck everything up then I should be good. Stay on his good side. He lays down patting next to him “Lay with me” I thickly swallow “Um, may I ask why?” He pulls my hand enough to lay me down next to him “No reason, I’ve just heard people have really nice conversations like this.” He glances at me from the corner of his eye “I promise nothing will happen, I won’t touch you if that’s what you’re wondering. I just want to be San for a bit and have a conversation with someone.” I nod “Okay, fair enough” I lay back and turn to him only to realize he was already looking at me a little different than when we first met. Almost like his gaze soften up. I’m hoping being nice to him keeps me in good graces with him so that I can eventually leave this place.
So I think it’s been a month or so since at this point I’ve lost my sense of time. San, Jongho, and Seonghwa are mostly the people I talk to, especially San. He comes in at least a few times everyday to talk and hang out. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that some dark twisted part of me actually thinks he’s kind of cute or at least his more human side of him. Everyone else still kind of scares me especially Wooyoung so I barely say anything to the rest of them and usually staying silent when they enter the room. I'd also be lying if I didn't admit San and I started flirting a little? Okay, more like banter but it leads to the same thing, feelings. Although I'm still not sure if he actually means it or if he's just messing with me to get me to open up. Knowing him, I won't be surprised if he pulls a fast one on me because of his reputation and is just messing with me because he thinks it's a joke.
I sit in bed and I look at the empty dark gray wall grumbling under my breath “I have no idea what’s happening, I just want to leave. It’s been like a month and I already feel like I'm losing it being stuck in here.” I hug myself and bury my face in my knees and I silently begin to tear up from the overwhelming feeling of being homesick. I hate Captain Lee for being so selfish, I’m the one having to go through so much from almost getting my chest caved in to being threatened while he’s back at the station thinking that he’s lucky not having to be in my position and having the whole police force protect him. I really hope he makes the right decision or I won't forgive him for it.
About an hour goes by of me on and off crying ends up with me laying down silently staring at the door until I hear the door unlock. I expected someone else other than San but to my pleasant surprise it was him. Right as he comes in I notice how eerily silent he was, did something happen? HE 's acting quite different than normal. He sets down the food and sits next to me “Hey, I talked to Lee on the phone earlier but I have bad news.” He uncuffs me and holds both my hands giving me an expression with sadness in his eyes, seeing his face like that made my stomach drop. This is not going to be good. He lets out a long sigh and says “He isn’t going to expose himself and he’d rather have you turn up dead than renounce.” I feel nauseous.
I fucking knew it. I ball up my fists and instantaneously my eyes well up with tears making my vision blurry. I get up beginning to pace back and forth, my body feeling like I needed to walk out the anxiousness and anger “That fucking bastard… Now I have to die all because he wants to keep his dirty work under wraps.” I slam my fists onto the surprisingly hard wall completely ignoring the wave of pain going through my hands and wrists. “He fucking promised to get me out of here!!” I turn my back to the wall and slowly fall to the floor crying my eyes out. San walks over to me and sits on the floor next to me and holds my hand gently stroking my shoulder "Look, you’re not going to die." He pauses for a bit almost like he was gathering his thoughts a little. "We’ll make him think you are but you’ll be okay I promise.” I look at San with my eyes still glistening from my tears “What caused you to change your mind about me dying?” He shrugs then lifts up my hand up to his lips and gently kisses my hand. “ Well I was never intending to kill you. I was thinking and I came to the conclusion that yes, I could have easily killed you but those eyes of yours-" He pauses again almost like he was psyching himself up to finish the sentence he started "Those eyes, they made me so weak that evreytime you look at me it makes me really nervous. Almost like if I couldn’t see them anymore I wouldn’t forgive myself." He reaches over and gently squeezes my thigh "Besides, every time I’d come over and hang out with you I'd leave feeling so happy. So happy, that for those few hours I'm with you everything seems perfect.”
My heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, I swear it isn’t, I need to get ahold of myself. I look over at his perfectly chiseled face and I notice something I never really did before and it was that gaze that gave away exactly how he felt, the way his gaze lovingly connected to mine without hesitation made my heart race like I ran a marathon. I wrap any arms around San’s waist while I rest my head on his chest “Thank you for not killing me, I promise to help avenge your father’s death and I'll also make sure to give you back what belongs to you. I owe you.” He looks down at me, pushes a few strands of hair behind my ear and gently strokes my cheek “No, you don’t owe me anything. The last thing I want is for you to think you do. I just don't want you to get hurt because of me.” I shake my head and I grab San’s hand “Look, I was wrong about you. I admit in the beginning I hated you, then after you told me what happened with your dad I sympathized with you but now that it’s been like a month since I’ve been here and that I've gotten to know you a lot more, I admire you. Even if I’m still scared of the type of job you have I've realized we’re not that different, we both have dangerous jobs and for the both of us we both lost someone due to tragedy. You, your dad and me, my grandfather.” I gently stroke San’s hand with my thumb.
“I know that deep down you’re not evil, you’re just working with what life has given you and I won’t judge you for it. I just want to let you know that I'll be here to help, I won’t just stand here and let Captain Lee get away with everything he’s done and not be punished for his actions. Nothing is going to happen to me, if anything now you’ll have knowledge on the police and their tactics and I know for a fact you won’t turn that down.” I give San a small smile then he looks at me and gently rubs his thumb on my cheek “Hm, you’re right I can’t turn that down. I also have something I want to ask you that I hope you don’t turn down either.” Is he going to let me leave? Maybe he feels bad now? “Yes, of course what is it?” San looks deeply into my eyes for a few seconds without saying anything, and slowly he gently tilts my head to look up at him. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Hey, what? Woah. I mean I like him. But should I do it? Will being with him help me or will it seal my fate? Does that mean I can come and go as I please? Maybe that'll help me be trusted a lot more. It's the only chance I've got now. I nod and gently kiss his hand while I hold his hand onto my face “I would love to.” He slowly leans in to kiss me then he pulls back and gently caresses my bottom lip with his thumb “People like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you, someone so caring and understanding. So I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have someone like you.” It actually happened. Me, a former detective is now dating the Boss of the mob group I used to investigate. What a weird turn of events. I can't be too vulnerable though, despite how I'm feeling at the moment I have to remember all his crimes and that with one false move I could end up with the same fate as them, another name added to the list of corpses Choi San has accumulated on his file. So as twisted as this is it may work in my favor so I can escape.
I lovingly stare into his beautiful dark eyes “I honestly never thought we’d end up together either, but here you are confessing to me. It seems so surreal.” For a few minutes we sit there in silence in each other's arms until San’s radio goes off with Yeosang saying “San, Ito’s replacement is here he wants to talk.” He slightly rolls his eyes in frustration and presses the button on his radio and says “I’ll be there in a bit.” He gets up and then helps me up and sits me down on the bed then he says “I have to go, but I trust you okay? No more handcuffs.” He kisses my forehead and walks over to the door closing the door behind him. Once he's gone I look at my hands and smile “I’m free.” The next step is to make Steven Lee regret he ever threw me under the bus like that, my mother and all my loved ones will suffer over the loss of Detective Y/N but it won't be in vain. I’d rather have everyone I love think I’m dead than for them to know and live with the guilt of knowing that I no longer serve The System. Jongho, Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and San were right. Criminals do have their own reasons as to why they do the things they do. Sadly the easiest and most satisfying way to solve problems is not always the correct way.
“Hey, angel eyes get dressed you’re going to be properly introduced to everyone, the thing is though they don’t know we’re together yet. We have to wait a little longer for that. I just don’t want them to think anything that’s not true.” He walks up to me and hands me a shopping bag full of clothes. “Don’t worry, I understand. You don’t want them to assume we fucked and that’s why I was left alive.” I get up and I walk towards the bathroom, slightly flustered he pushes his glasses up with his middle finger “Uh yeah, that and I kind of never told them that I wasn't ever planning on killing you mostly because I knew there was going to be issues and no one would want to cooperate properly.” I shrug and open the door to the bathroom “Kinda fucked up but, fair enough.” I wonder how much he keeps from them, how much of a front he puts up around them. It's kind of sad now that I think about it. The poor man can never fully be himself and only carefully curated versions of him to help fit a narrative of his choice.
A few minutes later I step out of the bathroom in an all black ensemble some black jeans, a nice plain black top, a leather jacket, and my black high heeled pumps. “You know I look a little dead with these eye bags under my eyes” San walks up to me pulls me close and gently kisses my forehead “You look beautiful to me, angel eyes." He pushes a few strands of hair behind my ear and continues "Besides meeting the guys we’re also going to go over how we’re going to fake your death.” I fix San’s collar holding back a huge smile. “Alright, sounds like a plan.”
San and I walk down the hallway in to a huge conference room except it was more chaotic, maps, notes, and a bunch of other papers sprawled out across the big table. There were also pictures of dozens of people presumably enemies and other rival mafia members. While I look at the pictures a few in particular catch my eye. That’s me, that’s me leaving the station with Chris a week before I was abducted. They followed me everywhere and I had no idea. How did I not notice? Whoever took those pictures was so close, kind of creepy.
I notice all seven of the members in San’s inner circle were here. I’d be lying if I say I'm not scared, because any screw up and I could seriously end up dead in a trash bin. They're all very intimidating just like San himself. San clears his throat “So, i’m sure you guys know the Detective and I've brought her here today because from now on she’s going to be working for me.” Wooyoung and Yeosang give San a surprised face mixed with disappointment. Wooyoung shifts his gaze towards me and glares at me coldly “Why? We literally kidnapped her a month ago. I don’t even think we should even be trusting a cop especially after what happened.” San raises his hand to quiet down Wooyoung and says “You’re right, but Seonghwa, Jongho, Hongjoong and myself have talked to her and she’s reliable. Not to mention she now has a personal vendetta against Lee, so she’s definitely on our side now.” Mingi then says “Okay, what can she do? How does she serve us any purpose besides a pretty face? I know she’s a cop and all but if I'm being honest cops haven’t been very impressive these days and neither was she when we kidnapped her.” Before San could talk I say “Well, besides a pretty face I was trained in both long and short range shooting, and I have a few access codes and I know my way around the police databases. Oh, and about you being able to abduct me In my defense my little detective brain short circuited.” San looks over at Mingi who looked slightly annoyed at the sarcasm tinged answer “There you go questions answered, anyone else?” Everyone stays silent then San smiles “Alright good, so please treat her well she’s one of us now."
Wooyoung whispers something into Yeosang's ear while San continues "Okay, now we’re going to be discussing how we’re going to fake the Detective’s death.” Hongjoong says “You’re really going the extra mile with that aren’t you? Can she just pass off as a missing person?” San shakes his head “No, because if she does that the police will still consider her alive thus bringing a lot more attention to her trying to find her and since she works for us now we can’t have that. We need to get a little more creative.” After a few hours of careful and meticulous planning a way to fake my death we come up with a solution but it wasn’t one I was too comfortable with and it was taking someone that closely resembles me, burn them until they’re unrecognizable, remove any identifying features, switch my dental records with the deceased and plant my police badge on the body. Being on the dark side of justice is not easy, but I owe San for letting me live and I need to teach Captain Lee a lesson for betraying his oath to protect and serve his department. Not to mention he let one of his own to "die" in order to save himself the embarrassment of having to resign as a traitor. Most call it revenge but I call it making it even.
After the meeting, San goes over to his office to get things in order for the plan leaving me to hang out with Seonghwa at the lounge downstairs. “So, you’re staying here?” Seonghwa asks while he takes a sip of some tea that he prepared. I shrug and cross my arms in front of my chest “Yeah San kind of changed his mind after he told me that Captain Lee was going to refuse to come clean. I felt so hurt that I basically told him that Captain Lee and the department were dead to me.” He slowly stirs his tea then he says “Wow so you’re willing to drop your department just like that? Just so you know you won’t ever have to worry about us betraying you, we’re like a family here. Although it’s still a bit off putting having you not be in total isolation and not being in handcuffs.” I rest my head on the lounge's couch arm rest while drawing shapes on it out of habit " Well yeah, I kind of have to at this point. My decision tells you a lot about me. I drop traitors like that with no remorse.”
Seonghwa and I chuckle until I hear footsteps and notice a tall dark haired male extend his hand in my direction “Hello Detective y/ln, sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Yunho by the way, we didn’t meet properly prior to the meeting earlier but it’s very nice meeting you.” I shake his hand examining the very tall man before me from the meeting earlier but it’s very nice meeting you.” I shake his hand examining the very tall man before me. He definitely didn’t look like the type of person to be involved in things like this so to say that I’m shocked is an understatement. “Thank you, It’s very nice meeting you too.” He pulls up a chair and sits in front us then says “Detective, did you know that you’re all over the news? They still think Lee is trying to find you, I’m sure they haven’t told the press the whole story yet.” Feeling my hands get cold I tuck my hands under my thighs “Yeah, I don't think they ever will but just wait until they find “my dead body” I’m sure Captain Lee is going to make up some stupid excuse as to why I ended up dead” Seonghwa furrows his eyebrows “So are you going to go completely incognito and leave your past life behind?”
I let out a long sigh and look at the fake Monet painting behind Seonghwa, and with an expressionless face I respond “Yeah, I have to. I’d rather have my family think I died not being a horrible person than know I gave in to the temptation of taking matters into my own hands. without the assistance of the law.” Yunho looks at me with a saddened and serious expression clouding over his features “You’re a former cop we all understand, I’m sure your family never expected this from you. Sometimes to protect what we love the most we have to hide the truth.” I lower my gaze and i nod “Yeah, which is also why I think it’s best you guys call me just y/n since I'm no longer a detective.” They both nod then sipping on his tea carefully Seonghwa says “If that makes you comfortable then go ahead. Don’t worry.” He reaches over to me with his free hand and pats my head continuing his thought "It's also really nice just having you with us." Yunho gives me a warm smile and adds onto Seonghwa's sentiment "Thank you for choosing not to go against us, we really do need your kind of help especially with San's goal of getting rid of Lee. It'll be a nightmare that'll soon end." I press my lips into a small smile "Any person who's got the same enemy in common as I is considered an ally in my book despite the initial differences." Seonghwa nods "I'm glad to know we can count on you, despite how some people might feel about it." Is he referring about the rest of the guys? More specifically Wooyoung? "It's fine, I understand where that fear of them trusting a cop comes from. I'll do my best to show them they can trust me." I'll probably look like a fool trying though, they seem like a very tough crowd to please.
Seonghwa, and Yunho decide to take me downstairs to the basement where Hongjoong was, the same place I was taken to talk to Captain Lee. As expected, as soon as he sees Yunho, Seonghwa and I he groans “What are you guys doing here?” Both Yunho and Seonghwa look at each other then Seonghwa replies with “We figured we’d bring Y/N to come help you with the police databases, Me and Yunho were talking to Y/N how it’s nice to have someone so versatile with us.” Hongjoong stares at me for a few seconds then says “Okay fine, but she can’t touch a computer yet until she proves herself.” I smile and raise my right hand and say “I will after my funeral ceremony I promise.” His eyebrow slightly raises and he says “Don’t promise anything, actions speak louder than words.” Seonghwa gently squeezes Hongjoong’s shoulder and says in a low voice “Come on, San doesn’t just trust anyone remember that.” Hongjoong rolls his eyes and groans “Right.” Seonghwa looks over at me and says in a very stern tone “Please, don’t betray our trust.” He then gives me a half hearted smile and leaves with Yunho leaving me with this grouchy computer genius.
Hongjoong pulls a chair over next to him and pats it “Sit, I need you to guide me with some passcodes, just use my laptop at least there I can keep track of everything you do.” He pulls his laptop out of his backpack and passes me a laptop heavily covered in stickers. A small smile grows onto my features “You like Spongebob too huh?” Concentrated into his work and not removing his focused gaze from the screen he says “Huh? Yeah why?" I shrug opening the laptop “Just asking, I like that show too.” Too weary to continue the conversation he says “Cool.” I slightly roll my eyes. Okay Rude. I begin to work on accessing all the police databases and private records. A few minutes later I successfully finish and I tap Hongjoong’s shoulder “I’m done.” He looks at the screen then at me and clicks his tongue “Oh, wow. Thank you Detective.” I smile “No problem, and just call me y/n. I’m technically not a detective anymore.” He smiles and nods “Okay, I’ll keep that noted, do you mind if I see this?” I nod and he takes the laptop from in front of me. For several minutes I see him reading and looking very concentrated reading whatever he searched up. I suddenly hear the door opening and when I look up I realize It’s Mingi and Wooyoung, neither looked too pleased to see me.
I sigh knowing there was a slight tension not just with Wooyoung and Mingi. I tried to not think about that feeling of self awareness that I was in a building full of people who can just as easily take my life just as easily as they spared it. Don’t get me wrong I like San, but no doubt he still scares me when I remember all the crimes he’s committed. The detective in me doesn’t seem to want to die. “We got the girl Hongjoong, is San done?” My stomach drops as soon as I heard Wooyoung say it in such a nonchalant way. I sit there still unable to process the fact that this will be the first crime I’ll be committing not directly but It doesn’t feel right especially knowing an innocent woman has to suffer, but despite that my I still feel very strongly at getting Captain Lee back, not just that but this is the life I willingly accepted when I accepted to be San’s girlfriend and vowed to get back at that old coward even if it's only temporary.
Still preoccupied, Hongjoong shakes his head and says “No, still up there but I’ll tell him when he’s done. You go ahead and handle that woman, keep her quiet.” Wooyoung and Mingi leave their backpacks on the floor then both walk back upstairs while they talk amongst eachother. I really don’t want to know what’s going to happen to that girl before they probably kill her. No doubt she’ll be receiving the same treatment from Wooyoung as I did when I first got here. It luckily ended early but I don't think I would have survived if I had the full experience. Hongjoong nudges my arm and I’m immediately brought back to reality. I turn to him completely playing off that I wasn’t just sitting there in shock “Hey, these files of all the police reports that Lee did back when he started out are behind an access code do you know it? I sit there for a minute trying to remember it then quickly type the access code in the little white box. Once access was granted Hongjoong takes his laptop back and looks like he’s reading through some stuff. The rest of the time I was there I was sorting out all the files we seized from the server with Hongjoong while my brain in the background kept replaying Wooyoung's "little mistake" as he likes to call it. Seeing Wooyoung so nonchalant about this whole situation knowing he's going to kill that poor girl just unsettles me. Reliving every. Single. Blow. Over. And. Over.
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thanxx1117 · 11 months
The Syndicate
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader, Bangchan X Female Reader
Summary: Y/N is a Detective with a promising future in the police department until she's kidnapped by the infamous mafia boss Choi San and from him, she learns the dark secrets her superior has been hiding the whole time so she teams up with him in order to put a stop to it.
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Word Count: 16k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Language, Graphic Violence, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.), Slow Burn, Fluff sometimes, Work In Progress, Non-Idol AU, Mafia AU, Very suggestive at times, y/n cries alot, y/n having inner turmoil, Ateez being bad boys, I'll update tags as the story progresses
Author's Note: Hi guys! This is the very first story that I grew courage to post on here, so please be kind! I would also like to just kind of let you know that this is a work in progress so updates may not be as quick and they will be pretty slow as I am quite busy with work although I'm quite a bit ahead in the story writing wise so in the mean time I have enough chapters to be able to post. I really hope you guys enjoy the story! 💜
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After being called into a crime scene, I finally arrive to my destination and notice a couple of bystanders and a few journalists outside the hotel, I show my police shield to the officer guarding the crime scene and I head inside. I look around and notice the beautiful crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the beautiful marble floor of the lobby. I’m assuming it’s another one of Aurora Syndicate’s rival gang member’s death. I head over to the presidential suite of the hotel and there he was, a man who was around his 50’s bludgeoned to death, judging by his clothes he had a lot of money too. While my mind was focused on the crime scene I feel a hand on my shoulder interrupt my thoughts then I turn and realize it’s my partner Detective Christopher Bang “ Hey, I genuinely thought you weren’t going to come since it’s past the time you get off” He gives me a smug smirk judging from the tone of his voice. I shrug keeping my eyes focused on the victim’s position.
“Well, duty calls. Besides it has to do with AS so you know I’m up for this. So, whose this guy? He looks like he’s loaded" Chris takes out his notepad and hands it to me for me to read “Well, the guy’s name is Shiro Ito judging from his bank cards and identification used to get this room. He was allegedly involved in laundering money for The Aurora Syndicate, my guess he might have been stealing or giving out information which is why they probably killed him.” I slowly nod then I hand Chris his notepad back “Makes sense why they would have killed him, were his records clean?” He nods “Yep, clean as a whistle. The receptionist downstairs told me he was the owner of a few clothing stores which makes sense and is probably how he was able to launder money for so long without being questioned.” I get a little closer to the body and I look at the impact wounds. The wounds looked very deep, something very personal was the reason this man was killed. The suspect is definitely not a female, judging by the severity of the wounds it was definitely a male. I shift my gaze over to the man’s hands whom was holding on to something tightly.
With my gloved hands I pry open the victim’s right hand to reveal a cuff link with a beautiful iridescent stone. My face instantly lights up and I put it in an evidence bag. “Chris, this was not a woman who killed him. Look, a cufflink with an Aurora Borealis stone and it doesn't belong to Mr. Ito, he took it off of the attacker while he was trying to fight him off. If we find who this cufflink belongs to we've got our guy.” Chris’ eyebrows slightly raise while crossing his arms in front of him “Narrowing it down won’t be too hard, I’m positive it’s someone in the AS’ inner circle hence the name of the stone.” I turn and hand it over to a crime scene technician “Put this in evidence please this one is very important.” the technician nods and marks the evidence, I look back over to my partner who was engrossed looking at his notebook and I let out a small yawn “I’m heading home now, I’m exhausted. You mind finishing up here? I'm also almost finished with the police report from the last case so I'll turn it in first thing tomorrow cool?” He nods while he puts away his notepad in his back pocket and looks to me with a small smile “Yeah for sure, see you tomorrow.” I wave goodbye and I head back to my car and drive home for the night.
While I driving home I begin to think about that cuff link. Whose is it? And why was Mr. Ito killed? Hopefully we’re able to get the suspect’s print off of the cuff link but I highly doubt that since it’s probably covered in Mr. Ito’s prints.
When I arrive at my apartment complex, the lights to the parking lot are busted so it was kind of dark but not enough to where I couldn’t make things out. While I carefully get out of my car and I start to walk to my apartment. While I look through my purse to find my house keys I hear the cocking of a gun behind me “Take one more step In that direction and I will kill you.” I jump up and I turn around dropping my purse on the ground. I focus on both figures both dressed in black one was average height with jet black hair framing his face, and a tall one with blonde-brown hair. I raise my hands slightly to show I have nothing in my hand then the tall one removes my gun from my holster. The guy with the black hair grumbles “Mingi hurry up, I have a feeling someone saw us.” The dark haired male grabs me and points a gun to my lower back while his hand covers my mouth and nose with a cloth “If you scream things will get much worse from here, you wanted to be the hero so now’s your chance to take the fall.” Mingi the tall one, walks up to me and injects something into my neck, zip ties my hands and slings me over his shoulders like a rag doll. I have to fight to stay awake. I have to at least see the vehicle. I force my eyes open trying to stay awake whilst trying to free myself from Mingi's strong grip but my eyelids become unbearably heavy and I fall unconscious before I’m able to see the vehicle.
A few hours later, I wake up in a lowly lit room and quickly realize I'm tied up to a chair. Slightly groggy, I look around and see no one was in here. This empty room, is practically a near empty room with a crudely made empty bookcase behind me which looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years along with a mix of bunch of random debris on the ground and dried blood. I sigh then I yell out “Hello?! Let me out of here please!?” After yelling for what seemed like a little while I hear footsteps fast approaching, and soon the door clicks open. It was the dark haired guy who abducted me again. “So you finally woke up, it took you long enough.” He stands in front of me and stares me down all while I look up at him trying to show him I wasn’t scared of him which was an obvious lie considering how I was manhandled earlier so easily. “Why am I here? Who are you?” Completely ignoring my question he reaches over and squeezes my cheeks really hard to the point where I jerk my head back in pain unable to escape his grip “You know, I hate cops. I hate how they try to dig up your business.” I glare at him “Well, maybe you shouldn’t be getting rich off of illegal businesses and death. ” He lets out a mocking laugh and lets go of my cheeks slightly throwing my head back with force that was pretty aggressive “Wow, Detective you’re funny. You know not everyone grew up with the same stupid sense of right and wrong as you right? We do what we can to survive.” I shake my head “No, you and your stupid mafia sheep are just a bunch of idiots who will eventually fall victim to natural selection.” He grabs a fistful of my hair “Oh, we’ll see about that.” He leans in close to my face “I need the rest of the names of the cops who are working on the Ito case, you pigs have something that belongs to San.”
Oh god, is he talking about Choi San? So it was his cufflink, I should have known. I shake my head “No, I won’t tell you anything...” He mutters under his breath “You little- I seriously don’t have patience for you...” he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and punches me in the jaw. A sharp pain shoots through my jaw and the taste of blood fills my mouth, for a few seconds I look at him slightly dazed while I mumble “I’m not telling you.” He shakes me violently pulling me from the rope I'm tied to “Talk! I need those names now!” he pushes me back and I fall on my back and on my arms letting out a pained cry “No! I’m not going to tell you anything!” The male walks over to me and kicks me several times in the stomach causing me to let out pained screams and cough up blood. Slowly I start feeling like I was losing my consciousness again but before it happens he grabs me by the rope I was tied up with again and pulls the chair back up “Hey, are you passing out? Come on, tell me names and It’ll all stop. I promise.” He spits out mockingly. I shake my head while I look at the floor trying to dissociate myself from the situation I’m in. Blood profusely drips from my mouth onto my white collared shirt soaking through the shirt and feeling the dull drops of blood fall onto the fabric. One, two, three..
The dark haired man walks over to the corner of the room and grabs a crop whip and hits me so hard I could hear the whip crack. I let out a cry of pain and suddenly a thin, tall, dark haired man dressed all in black wearing a leather jacket comes in and grabs his shoulder “I think she’s had enough. You can stop hitting her now Wooyoung, she’s not going to talk.” Right after he comes in another man enters the room, he wore a wine colored dress shirt and some fitted dress pants with his dark hair slicked back and black rimmed glasses. It’s Choi San, the current leader of Aurora Syndicate. He looks exactly the way people described him to be. Handsome, cat like eyes with a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds, and a very intimidating prescence. Wooyoung, slighty nervous knowing he messed up looks over at both guys and says “Seonghwa, San, I tried being nice but she was being so rude I didn’t have a choice.” San looks over at Wooyoung quite irritated and says “Can’t you ever follow orders? We need her alive. I never asked you to do this.” Wooyoung raises both of his hands and nods “Alright, alright fine. I’m sorry. I just thought that because you usually-” San turns to Seonghwa and cuts him off “ Seonghwa, please take her to the infirmary and ask Jongho to clean up Wooyoung’s stupid mess” San then makes his way over to me and kneels down, looks at me for a few seconds and lifts my chin up with his finger to meet his gaze all while wiping the blood off my chin with his thumb “I’ll talk to you later Detective, we have some things I wan to discuss.” he gets up and wipes the blood he wiped off of my chin onto Wooyoung's shirt. Slightly annoyed by this action, Wooyoung scrunches up his face in distaste and follows behind him leaving me alone with Seonghwa.
The man quietly walks over to me and uncuffs me from the chair. “That’s a lot of blood, I hope Wooyoung didn’t do too much damage.” His soft voice had some calming effect to where I was slowly coming back from my dissociation and felt a bit more grounded. He kneels next to me and for a few seconds he lets me recollect myself “Let’s go to the infirmary, hopefully you can get rest there.” Slowly tears well up in my eyes making my vision blurry. He lets out a soft sigh and gently pats my back “It’s okay, don’t cry. I can’t guarantee that nothing will happen to you but I suggest you just listen and answer the questions you’re asked.” I shake my head “No, I’d rather die than throw my whole squad under the bus.” He fixes my disheveled hair and says ��I know, but trust me the faster you fess up the faster you’ll be able to leave. Just think about it, please.” He slowly helps me up and picks me bridal style in his arms.
While we head over towards the infirmary I break the silence by saying “Why are you being so nice?” For a few seconds he stays quiet until he finally responds “Well, I believe in treating people with kindness despite whether or not I dislike something about them. For instance, I don’t like the feds but that won’t stop me from being a decent human being.” I look up at him in sheer confusion “But you’re a literal criminal. You steal and kill people for a living.” A small smile appears on his face and he says “Criminal or not i’m still human. Remember, we all have reasons as to why we do things even if sometimes those things aren’t good.” He’s right, even the people on the other side of justice have their reasons for being criminals. Not everyone decides to do it because they want to be evil, most of the time it’s the lack of money, or a cry for help. Everyone is different.
When we finally enter the infirmary it smelled exactly like a hospital, intoxicatingly sterile. Jongho was at his desk on the computer but as soon as he sees me in Seonghwa’s arms he quickly gets up and walks over to us. Seonghwa gently sets me down on the examining table. Jongho looks at me for a brief second in horror then looks over at Seonghwa “What the hell happened? Why does she look like this?” Seonghwa looks at Jongho and says “It was Wooyoung, San got pretty upset about it too.” Jongho looks over at me and glances at the police badge around my neck making a very uncomfortable face and huffs under his breath “That bastard..” He uncomfortably smiles “ Seonghwa, I’ll take it from here thank you.” He nods and walks out the door closing the door behind him. Leaving Jongho and I alone.
Jongho puts on some latex gloves and he grabs his stethoscope from a drawer near his desk. He gently places the chest piece on my chest and does a whole routine check up listening to my breathing and what not, shortly after he finishes he puts his stethoscope around his neck and clears his throat “I listened to your organs and everything sounds fine, no broken ribs which is good. I see that your arms are quite red, so you might get bruises but no broken bones which is good news too. I also see that you coughed up blood but you’ll be okay you’ll just be sore for a couple of days the internal bleeding will heal on its own as it's not severe. I'm going to give you some pain killers, they’ll help for a couple of hours.”
After taking the medicine he proceeds to clean my busted lip “Thank you, but I have a question.” His eyebrows slightly raise “Oh, sure what is it?” I give him a pleading look and I say “Why am I here?” his face grows a little serious and he goes back to cleaning my wound “Oh, well you’re here because San Is looking for a family Heirloom he lost... That heirloom is so important to him because it was a gift from his father and to get it back he decided he was going to hold you for ransom until the police hands it over.” I sit there trying to process everything for a few moments then I respond “Isn’t that a little overboard for a cufflink?” Jongho shrugs “It is, but knowing how San is since he really treasures everything his father gave him. I’m sure he really doesn’t want to replace it and it’s understandable.”
San’s father, Junseo “The Phantom” Choi. He was killed in a shootout last winter at a restaurant he frequented. I look down at my police badge then I look over at Jongho “San could have just asked me to give it to him. It's really that simple.” Jongho shakes his head “I wish it was that easy but it’s complicated, let’s just say that your Captain and San’s family aren’t on great terms so in a way this is payback .This is as much as I can tell you because to begin with I wasn’t even supposed to tell you any of this so please just act like it’s the first time you’ve heard about it when San questions you.” I nod “Of course no worries. By the way thank you for not trying to kill me.” Jongho’s small smile comes back and he says “Of course, none of this is your fault to begin with.” Suddenly a guy with light grey hair that almost looks white comes in and says “Hey, I’m taking her from you San wants to talk to her. Is she clear for interrogation?” I give Jongho a worried look and he gives me a small reassuring smile, helps me get off the examining table and walks me over to the guy at the doorway “Yes Hongjoong, she's clear.”
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Tag list: @cromerteez @thanxx1117
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thanxx1117 · 1 year
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12K notes · View notes
thanxx1117 · 1 year
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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thanxx1117 · 1 year
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476 notes · View notes
thanxx1117 · 1 year
Is xiaojun for fucking real … the face the nose the eyebrows the. stupid insane eyelashes. Hes physically incapable of not serving
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thanxx1117 · 1 year
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Y E O S A N G halazia (2022)
4K notes · View notes
thanxx1117 · 2 years
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139K notes · View notes
thanxx1117 · 2 years
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YEOSANG | ‘The Real’ @ The Fellowship: Beginning of the End (Seoul)
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thanxx1117 · 2 years
4 and 18 with any member of skz, u can pick
No one has asked for a request for my bias yet so I'm gonna be a little selfish and write about him if that's okay 😊
You surprise Changbin while he is on tour.
18+ only. Minors do not interact.
Content warning: Unprotected sex. some manhandling, masterbation, use of the nickname princess.
Changbin was tired but not sleepy tired physically exhausted. He was glad that he would have the next day to sleep in and do whatever he wanted because they had earned it.
He opened the door to his hotel room and came face to face with you. He closed the door quickly behind him taking in the sight before him. You were standing there wearing nothing but a pair of lacy panties that he had bought you before going on tour. He was expecting picture of you in them not the real thing.
"Hi." you said shyly. You had felt so confident about your decision when you got their manager to let you into his hotel room but now you weren't feeling all that confident.
Changbin looked so good. Black sweats tight around his thighs. Tour shirt tight around his biceps. And god the way his eyes were already darkening just by looking at you. He dropped his bag and started walking towards you.
"Nuh uh." you smirked holding up a finger causing him to stop and look at you confused. "Sit" you said pointing to a chair you had put at the end of the bed.
He slowly walked past you eyes never leaving yours until he sat down. You walked up behind the chair putting your hands on his shoulders massaging them a little before making your way around to the front of the chair straddling him.
His hands automatically found your waist as you pulled him into a heated kiss. You missed his kisses. The way that they always took your breath away and made you feel so alive. You moved down to start kissing and biting his neck as you rolled your hips to grind on him and his hands traveled all over your body. Your thighs, your hips, your breasts.
You could keep doing this until you climaxed but you had something else you wanted to do so you climbed off of him and stood between his legs.
"Im going to go lay down on the bed and I want you to sit here and watch as i show you what I've been doing when I miss you." You said looking down at him.
"I don't know if I can do that." He said palming at his erection over his sweats while his other hand went to your hip. "But I will definitely try."
You crawled onto the bed making sure to give him a good view of your lace clad ass before leaning up against the pillows at the headboard to you could watch him also.
You spread your legs wide and his eyes followed as your hand made its way down your body. You trailed your hand down between your bare breast and across your stomach before ending at your covered core. You started to rub at your clit over the top of your panties causing Changbin to groan and your back to arch at the sound he made.
"Take them off." he almost growled.
"No." you replied smirking at him speeding up your rubbing.
"Now" the way he sounded made you realize that you were never in control of this situation. Your thumbs hooked into the waistband before pulling them down and off your body. "Keep going princess."
You moaned at the nickname and continued to touch yourself. You ran your middle finger down to your entrance and pushed it in throwing your head back. You could hear his heavy breathing coming from the end of the bed eyes trained on the hand between your legs.
You looked up to realize he had rid himself of his sweats and underwear and was sitting there bare lazily stroking himself. The sight alone pushed you to finish and you moaned out his name. You rubbed slowly at your clit as you made your way down from your high. You sat up and started to put on your panties.
"What do you think you're doing?" He said grabbing your wrist that was reaching for the panties that were sitting on the bed. You looked up at him and he pointed to the rather big problem he was still dealing with. "You caused it. You fix it."
You stood up and made your way over to him straddling him once more taking ahold of his cock stroking it to get him to finish but he pulls your hand away. He wraps one arm around your waist lifting you up taking himself in the other hand and sits you down onto him. You let out and loud moan as he growls.
"Now ride it until I tell you to stop." he said placing his hands behind his head to show you he won't be helping you any time soon. You start to ride him at a slow pace causing him to moan every once in awhile.
You can feel yourself getting closer to finishing when Changbin decides to grab your waist using his strength to fuck you on his dick himself. You had never cummed so hard and he was not slowing down. What he did do though was stand up causing you to fall onto your back on the bed.
You tried to tell him to slow down but the second you opened your mouth to speak he inserted his fingers to quiet you. The overstimulation was hitting you hard and the abuse he was doing to that special place inside you had you tearing up quickly.
"god Y/N" he said removing the fingers from your mouth and attaching them to your clit rubbing in circles as he fucked you into the bed. "I love when you cry for me."
He could feel how close you were by the clinching you were doing around his cock. He picked up his pace until you moaned a moan that could technically be characterized as a scream and he pulled out picking up his pace on your clit until you squirted everywhere.
When you came down from your amazing orgasm you sat up pushing him back down onto the chair. You dropped to your knees in front of him not waisting any time before taking him into your mouth and deep throating him.
You bobbed your head at a quick pace until he tried to pull you off but you held his arms down on the arms of the chairs as you went down as far as you could and swallowed around him. The tightness of your throat had him cumming down it in no time you swallowing every last bit before pulling off showing him you had swallowed.
"I missed you so much." He smiled bringing his hand up to the side of your neck so he could rub his thumb along your cheek as you smiled up at him.
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thanxx1117 · 2 years
4, 18 and 20 with lee know
Hello 😋 hope you like it.
As always its not proof read so grammar may be incorrect in some spots. There might be some spelling errors and what not.
Content Warning: Use of pet names. Slight Sir kink because....me. Rough Lee Know. Mild choking I guess. unprotected sex
"Don't give me that look." Lee Know says as you're kneeled in from of him on the floor. You know this is technically all your fault. You made a joke about his manhood in front of his friends and now he is proving to you just how wrong you were.
"I was just kidding baby. I promise." you say pleading with him to not to do this with his friends just in the other room. He just scoffs and unzips his jeans pulling his cock out in front of your face before tapping it on your tongue as a sign for you to do something with it.
You wrap your hand around it feeling the weight of it in your palm. You can't help but lean forward and give a kitten lick to the tip. Lee Know groans impatiently and tightens a hand in your hair in a way to tell you to get on with it.
You proceed to lick a stripe from the base along his vein all the way to the tip before taking him into your mouth. Lee know is completely silent and you don't like that so you brace yourself with your hands on his ass and you swallow him as far as you possibly can causing his grip to become painful.
"Fuck" he groans as he slowly thrust in and out of your throat as you gag around him. "If you want to be a bad girl I'll treat you like one." and he pushes your head down until your nose is pressing into his pelvis and just keeps you there for what feels like forever before he starts up a punishing pace of fucking your throat.
The noises he is making cause you to moan around him from how much you love them. The vibrations from your moan have Lee Know yanking your head off of his cock. As he catches his breath you catch yours.
He reaches down with a hand around your throat and pulls you up to your feet. He looks at the tears running down your face from the lack of breathing you were doing and smirks.
"god" he says wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I Love when you cry for me." then his hand around your neck is pulling you into a deep kiss that you can feel through your entire body. You only disconnect for long enough to rid you of the clothes you had on. His hands find placement on your hips as he walks backwards towards the couch pulling you on top of him.
"So here is what's going to happen love." he says holding your chin so you can't look away. "You're going to ride me since you want to tell all my friends I don't know how to use it I won't."
You nod eagerly as you bring your hand down to his rock hard cock and bring it to your entrance. You sink down onto it rather slowly until he's fully inside you and resting right over the sensitive spot inside you. You start to roll your hips when he stop you.
"ah ah ah. Not so fast baby. I wasn't done telling you the rules." one of his hands comes up to push your hair behind your ear before cupping your jaw as he rubs a thumb across your cheek. "If you aren't as loud as I want you to be..." he trails off working his hand into the hair on the back of your head. "then I won't let you cum." he smirks pulling your head near to him. "Understand?"
You nod but you know he won't accept that as an answer with his hand still holding you still.
"Use your words love."
"Yes Sir." you reply and he smiles and motions for you to start moving. You roll your hips once and he rubs against the sensitive nerves inside of you causing a tiny moan to come out. You really don't want the guys in the other room to hear you but you have a feeling that Lee Know wants the exact opposite.
"Baby you feel so good wrapped around my cock like that." his words cause you to squeeze around him. "Oh you like that huh?" he questions. "You like when I tell you how good you're doing?"
"Yes. yes I love it." you say moving your hips faster. He brings one hand down to thumb at your clit causing one of your hands to shoot up to your mouth to hold in a moan.
"If you keep doing that you won't get to cum." he pulls your hand down from your mouth and holds it behind your back. "I want loud. I want ever single person in this house to hear how well you're fucking yourself on me." and with that he thrusts up into you super hard over and over again earning very loud moans to come out of your mouth.
"Please..." You try to talk but every word is erased by a moan. "Close..." you try again and he gives you an evil smirk.
"You're close huh? Then I suggest you be real loud when you cum all over my cock for me huh?" he flips you so you're laying on the couch and he is between your legs as he picks up his pace and rubs at your clit funding you into the couch.
"Cum for me." he says and on command you do. You feel all of the tension in your lower stomach release as you scream out for him. At this point you're not thinking about the fact that there are other people in the house. Lee Know looks at you amazed because he has never heard you be that loud before.
"Too much." you say as you come down from your high.
"I need you to do that one more time so we can cum together okay baby? do you think you can do that?" you nod and he accepts that as your answer because he's too far gone. He throws his head back and put his hands on your hips as you feel your release building quickly from the angle he is fucking you in.
This release is different from the last. Your body tenses up before it starts to shake and Lee Know still inside you as he starts to rub vigorously at your clit.
"That's a good girl." he growls. "Just like that." and you can feel him spill into you. He collapses onto you and y'all stay like that for awhile before you hear a knock on the door.
"We get it man you know how to use it now can call hurry up so we can watch this movie." you hear your friend Han shout from the other side. "Or at least let me join." you can hear the joking hint to his voice so you just roll your eyes and shout a 'just a second' before pushing Lee Know off of you.
"Do you take it back?" he asks as you clean yourself up and get re-dressed. You walk to the bedroom door before turning around.
"Technically I did most of the work." you reply sticking out your tongue before walking out the door and as you close it behind you you hear Lee Knows last word before it closes.
"Just wait until we get home."
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thanxx1117 · 2 years
Request Updates
SO.... To everyone who requested smut I will start back up with them in the next week or so! A lot has happened since I opened requests and I don't want them to sound like excuses BUT I feel like y'all deserve to know why it is taking me so long.
After I opened the requests they went up on my hours at work which one one hand was great with all these concerts and comebacks but bad on the other hand because I was extremely exhausted.
Then I went on a little vacation which I did not have a computer with me. Then a few days after that I got news of a death in the family.
So safe to say my want to write when down quite a bit after all that but my hours have gone back down again so I will probably be writing about one a day here in the next week sometime.
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thanxx1117 · 2 years
If you catch me watching the fireworks tomorrow, please know we are celebrating Enhypen’s new album and not this shit hole country I live in.
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thanxx1117 · 2 years
4, 10 and 12 with hyunjae please 🥺 plot idkkkk maybe reader starting arguments on purpose and hyunjae snaps
I hope you like this! 🥰
Apologies for any misspelled words and incorrect grammar. 💋
You knew what you were getting into when agreeing to date Hyunjae. He came home late almost every night. Always tired after his long day of practice.
Most of the time when you would try and make a move after he got home he would turn you down saying he was too tired and when he didn't make an excuse and did agree you would be doing all the work. But not today.
You decided to start a fight. Why? Because angry Hyunjae is what you needed right now. You needed him to take control and for lack of a better term... Fuck you within an inch of your life. So here you are standing in front of the mirror taking yourself in.
HIS over sized t-shirt? Check
Hair up and out of the way? Check
No panties? Check
"Hey Y/N I'm home!" you hear him call from the living room and you put on your best fake angry face. You walk over to the door frame of your bedroom that faces the living room and lean on it.
Hyunjae is dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a black tee that hugs his body just the right way to have heat pooling at your center already. His hair is partially wet from the shower he probably took before heading home and you're about to abort mission and just ask him nicely when he yawns and that's your cue.
"Yup" you say walking past him into the kitchen not sparing him a look or the hug that he holds his arms out for.
"What's wrong Love?" he asks as he follows you into the kitchen. You decide to ignore him. What better way to get under his skin then to pretend he just isn't there. you try to walk past him when he grabs your wrist spinning you around. The look on his face can only be described as pure confusion.
"Nothing." you try to yank your arm away but his grip is too tight. "Now let go of me."
"Not until you tell me what's going on with you." his voice is so sweet. you almost hate to do this to him. Almost.
"You wanna know what's wrong?" the exasperation in your voice sounds so real you almost convince yourself that you're actually angry. "I'm so tired of being here doing everything for you and you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm cleaning the house. I'm making sure that everything is okay around here. And what are you doing?"
You give his a second to reply but all you get is the same confused look so you continue.
"You're out flirting with fans and having fun with the boys." he goes to speak but you cut him off with your closing statement hoping it works.
"And you can't even fuck me like you should."
"Watch your mouth." His eyes go dark. Tongue in cheek. Grip tightening. Your plan worked. He spins on his heels dragging you out of the kitchen behind him. You're about to say something when he sits down on the couch yanking you on top of him.
It's no time and he is crashing your lips into his with bruising force. One hand tangling in your hair while the other finds it's way between your legs. He pulls your hair to bring your face away from his and looks you straight in the eyes.
"No panties huh?" he says as he runs his thumb between your folds and smirks. "your awfully wet for someone who thinks I can't fuck them right."
"You still haven't proven you can." you show
He stands up with you in his arms. He turns around dropping you down onto the couch. His hands grab your knees opening them up. He kneels with one knee between your legs while his other foot stays placed on the floor beside the couch as he looms over you.
He hikes up your shirt above your breasts where he realizes you aren't wearing a bra either. He just scoffs and continues. He leans down connecting your lips. You're so wrapped up in the kiss that you don't realize that his hand is making its way up your thigh until he's running his middle finger over your entrance causing your hips to buck up.
" What are y-" he pulls away from the kiss and hushes you before pushing one finger into your entrance pushing it in and out with a fairly steady pace. A few minutes pass and pushing his ring finger in beside his middle. But instead of his previous in and out he pushes them as far as he can before making a come here motion rubbing right over your g-spot causing you to let out the loudest moan you've let out in awhile.
He gets the most evil smile on his face and picks up his pace. You can feel the build up in your lower stomach as you start to clutch around his fingers. His thumbs connects with your clit and your being thrown over the edge. Your back arches off the couch.
You start to come down but you noticed he's not stopping your starting to feel over stimulated when he swaps out the thumb on your clit for his tongue. The over stimulation is starting to be too much so you try to close your legs.
"open them back up." he demands after pulling his mouth away from you but still moving his fingers. You whine and shake your head no. "Don't make me repeat myself." He all but growls at you as one hand forces one of your knees into the couch.
You spread your legs and he dives back in with his tongue as he overstimulates you and you can feel another orgasm approaching. You close your eyes as it crashes over you stronger than the first. so distracted by it that you don't notice his free hand has freed himself from his jeans.
He removes his hand and mouth and you think that he's done punishing you but seconds later he's pushing his cock into you setting up a punishing pace right away.
"Hyunjae." you moan. He ignores. "Babe." you plead. He ignores. You try to push his hips away but he just pins them above your head with one hand. "Too much." the pleasure is mixed with the pain of overstimulation.
"You're the one who said I can't fuck you like I should. I'm just proving I can." He replies picking up the pace as tears start to come to your eyes. Part of you is ready to fess up that this was all a ruse but deep down you know that he knows.
Your pushed over the edge again and again he doesn't stop just leans over and envelops your mouth with his to muffle your wines and moans. Tears are freely falling down your cheeks when he pulls away. He looks down and take all of you in. Your bruised lips. Your swollen clit. Your tear stained cheeks with mascara running down them. he slows his thrusts
"Don't ever.." a deep thrust.
"Say I don't..." another deep thrust.
"know how to fuck you..." one more
"again" his hand grabs your throat with the perfect amount of pressure as he picks up his pace again. You nod not being able to talk from the amount of crying you're doing.
"I love when you cry for me." He leans in kissing you softer than you think he would and your cumming for a forth time and he's right behind you. The sexiest noise you've ever heard comes from low in his throat as his pace slows to help you both ride out your orgasms.
You lay there for awhile catching your breath before he silently gets up putting on going to the bathroom that's attached to the living room and returning with warm wet was cloths to clean you up with. You both stay silent until he's done and he looks up at you.
"So did you change your mind?" he says with the most mesmerizing smile ever.
"Shut up." You roll your eyes and try to stand up but your legs give out and you fall back onto the couch causing Hyunjae to laugh. You glare at him before you start to laugh too before cuddling up to him and drifting off to sleep.
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