#kon kent fanfiction
Phantom: *Kicks down the doors of the Titans Tower*
Titans core four: *Getting ready to fight"
Phantom: Which one of you is Superboy?
Kon: Me obviously *gesturing to the large S on his chest*
Phantom: Cool. What custody days do you want?
Kon: You're going to have to explain
Phantom: *partially unravels the bundle of blankets to reveal a baby with kryptonian blue eyes*
Phantom: Congrats! You're a dad!
Kon: Oh god the card I got in the mail wasn't a prank
Phantom: Nope. Help me name him.
Tim: I have so many questions
Phantom: I have so few answers
Cassie: Thats not comforting
Phantom: I woke up in a mad scientists laboratory 200 years in the future to find out i have a clone baby with someone I've never heard of and everyone I knew and love is likely dead.
Phantom: If anyone needs comforting here its me
Nightwing: *the only adult in this situation* Okay, how about we talk about this. I'm sure the Justice League will be happy to help you and your baby
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too-much-tma-stuff · 21 days
I Want Better For You (part 3.5)
part 1 | Masterpost | Part 3
Tim sat on the edge of his bed in Titan’s Tower, his mind going like a hamster on a wheel, a mile a minute and getting nowhere. In his hands he held the note left for him by Red Hood! It was a serious security breach that he had gotten in here at all. Obviously Tim knew he was smart, he had been Robin before Tim after all, you couldn’t do that job without being smart as hell and strong as heck. But he had upgraded the security himself when he joined the team, no one should have been able to get into the tower, let alone into his room to leave the note.
At least it wasn’t a bad note? In fact it was… nice, it was a kind offer. They had to know that if he did this he would spy, he wouldn’t even be able to help it because he’d always had a detective's mind, yet still they offered. 
Of course there was always a possibility that it was a trap of some type but Tim really didn’t think it was. Jason had proved he could get into the Tower, if he wanted Tim dead or kidnapped he could have just done it.
He should talk to his team about this, he should talk to Bruce about this, but for the moment he just held the note. Robin had always been his hero, sure it was Dick he’d first recognized because of the Flying Grayson connection, but Jason had been His Robin. Tim had idolized Jason, and been completely devastated when he died. Ya he had become Robin to help Bruce, but it was to memorialize Jason as well.
He knew that Jason wasn’t the same as he’d been before his death, but… while he was dead Tim had gotten used to thinking of him like a brother. A part of him desperately wanted to take this note at face value, to forget all about the violence, and the crimes, and just take the olive branch and bond with his childhood hero. But he was going to be smart about this.
He was going to go, of course he was, but he needed to put safety measures in place and some sort of plan. Though he probably still wasn’t going to tell B about it, he was overprotective and would grill Tim for any bit of information he managed to gleen, and if he wanted any real info he would have to do a long con. Best he could do right now would be to have Superboy listen in, set up a code word, and have Impulse ready for an extraction if needed then… well he’d tell Batman when he needed to.
It took about a week to talk Superboy into letting him go but it wasn’t exactly hard to set up as minimal of plans as he had, including wearing a hidden wire to record whatever happened. As long as it worked, Tim had heard tech had a habit of messing up around Hyena if he didn’t want them working. 
He didn’t bother thinking of an excuse, he didn’t think he needed one. Wanting to get to know them would be enough, especially if he was going to rely on them for anything in the future. 
So, feeling tense and keeping to the shadows he entered Crime Alley on a slow night with his friends behind him, figuratively speaking. He moved a bit deeper in, grappling up to the roof of a building, feeling a little lost and listless. He did know vaguely where to find these two, but Crime Alley wasn’t a small place, and now that he was in their territory he didn’t know where to go, it’s not like they knew where Hood and Hyena lived, or their base of operations. 
It seemed like he didn’t need to though, because while he was standing on the roof thinking he saw someone coming, leaping from one building to the other with reckless abandon. They weren’t even using a grapple as they free ran and made jumps Tim was pretty sure should have been impossible. Tim knew who it was before they were close enough to see detail because Hood still used a grapple, the only one who acted like that was Hyena.
Sure enough Hood’s lover skidded to a halt across the roof in front of Tim, grinning to the point he could see it a little past the muzzle he wore. He didn’t have any weapons out, not that that meant anything, half the time Hyena forgot to use the clawed brass knuckles he carried and fought with bare hands. Tim was tense, ready to fight or flee but Hyena was not, he seemed relaxed and didn’t approach, keeping his hands visible. 
“Hey there little birdy, what can I do for ya?” Hyena asked, he didn’t have a Gotham accent but it was a little hard to tell where exactly it was from.
“I got Red Hood’s note. I just wanted to talk, introduce myself properly and meet you before I decide to take you up on any of the offers.” Tim said honestly.
“Of course!” Hyena agreed, pulling his phone out of a hidden pocket on the inside of his cropped jacket. “I’ll text Hood, ask him to pick up some food for us and we can have a little rooftop picnic and chat for a bit. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good,” Tim said, not sure why he was surprised by the offer.
“Any requests? The lifestyle sure builds up an appetite huh? And I certainly hope you’re still growing,” Hyena teased, cackling at Tim’s expression of indignation. Hyena wasn’t that much taller than him!
“Coffee,” He requested, finally relaxing a little.
“Hmm,” Hyena sounded judgmental as he tapped at his phone. “Fine, it’s your bone density that’s at stake not mine.” He pressed send, waited a moment and his phone dinged with a reply. “Great, he’ll be on his way soon, with picking up food he’ll probably be about a half hour,” Hyena said, pocketing his phone again and flopping down, as if the rooftop was a soft bed. “I know it’s probably Hood you really came to see but is there anything I can tell you in the meantime? Let’s stick to small talk though huh? I know how you bats and birds are, but I also know you’re wearing a wire, and I’m not interested in spilling my guts.” 
“Alright, ya that’s fair. Hood mentioned in the note that you know a lot about astronomy?” Tim mentioned, finally sitting down with his legs crossed as well.
“Oh ya, I was totally obsessed with it for most of my life, I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid and learned everything I could about space and engineering,” Hyena confirmed casually.
“This is a long way from being an astronaut,” Tim pointed out.
“Ya, well, things don’t always go the way you plan you know? Sometimes you get kidnapped by mad scientists and experimented on to the point you go a little around the bend,” Hyena snickered. Tim wasn’t sure if he was being serious, or self referential, or not.
“Riiight, well, what are your favourite space facts then?” Tim asked, just to pass the time really. Hyena brightened immediately and was happy to start sharing a bunch of random facts. 
It ended up in a back and forth of fun facts, aerospace vs chemistry and both of them could go shot for shot when it came to engineering. Tim realized, a bit belatedly, that Hyena is way smarter than Tim had given him credit for. That was disconcerting but… if they ended up getting alone Tim thought he could have a lot of fun tinkering with him.
“Incoming,” Hood broke into their conversation, warning them before he landed on the roof so he wouldn’t startle them. “Hey there Timmy,” He said as he walked over to crouch next to Danny, handing him a few bags of batburger and a tray of drinks before taking off his helmet. He was wearing a domino underneath it but it wasn’t like Tim didn’t already know his identity. “Got your coffee, I bet if you took off that domino your eye bags would be nearly as dark as the mask. Never enough time to sleep between school, social life, and nightlife.” Jason said, taking the tray of drinks back from Hyena, who promptly started digging through the bag with his now free hands, and handed the coffee cup to Tim.
“If you drop out of school to play hero I will personally kick your ass,” Jason said pointing at Tim warningly. 
“Uhhh,” Tim sounded, shifting a little awkwardly because he couldn’t deny he had already thought about dropping out. He looked down and took a sip of the coffee, which wasn’t great, but hey. “Why do you care?”
“Neither Hyena or I got to finish school because we died before graduation,” Hood said simply, which was a punch in the gut, and new information about Hyena. “I want better for you.” 
Tim didn’t know how to respond to that.
Hyena finished rummaging through the bag with a little yip of delight and started distributing the food, handing Hood a bag and taking a box of chicken wings, a burger, and some fries for himself before handing off the rest to Tim. “Looks like Hood didn’t know what you wanted and bought half the store, whatever you don’t eat I’ll finish,” Hyena joked as Tim took the bag. “Shit I forgot my sauces,” Hyena grumbled, staring at his nuggets with a little pinch between his brows. 
“What sauce are you looking for?” Tim asked, looking through the bag.
“Sweet and sour,” Hyena said brightly and Tim found the sauce and tossed it to Hyena, who hummed happily and took off his mask to eat. He was completely barefaced now and Tim couldn’t help but stare a little just because of how casual he was being about this. “What?” Hyena asked, catching Tim staring. 
“Hey I know he’s cute but he’s taken,” Hood joked, slinging an arm around Hyena’s shoulders who cackled and leaned back against Jason.
“No!” Tim said, cursing his fair skin for showing his blush, not because Hood was right of course, he was just embarrassed! “I mean, that’s not what I was thinking, I’m just surprised you took off your mask,” He told Hyena.
“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before I’m sure. I’m sure you and the bats have already figured out my ‘civilian identity’ or whatever. It’s not like I have anything to protect really, I only have the mask and the outfit because I like the aesthetic.” Hyena said, gesturing down at himself. 
“Fair enough I guess…” Tim said before looking back at Hood. “How did you get into Titan’s Tower?”
“Trade secrets Timmy, I’d rather talk about you. How’s school? You got a girlfriend or boyfriend?” Jason asked with a shit eating grin as Tim sputtered indignantly and then took a big bite of his burger to avoid having to answer such an invasive question! Especially with Superboy definitely listening in.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 3 months
"I am sorry. I'll try to do better."
“Start stopping calling me clone,” the boy said. "It's annoying."
“I will,” he promised. “But if we ever have another disagreement, don't fly away without telling me where you're going. “
“Don't be an idiot, and maybe I'll tell you where I'm going.”
“Hell yeah,” Jason laughed, and the other boy was smiling too.
“I see you've made some friends,” Clark tried to say.
“Did you think I couldn't do it?”
“No, um…”
“Well, not only have I made friends, but I have a bat of my own now. Fuck off.”
"Jason..." Bruce looked towards his son, knowing full well where Kon's new vocabulary came from. Jason just shrugged, not looking the least bit sorry. Clark instead said to Kon, "Ah, I'm glad you and Jason get along so well..."
“Jason? I was talking about Tim.”
“Um…me,” the other boy said, raising his hand shyly. “My name is Timothy…Tim Drake.”
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cynthia-a · 3 months
I cant get the idea of tim and kon flirting mid battle out of my head.
Can you just imagine:
The battle is raging on, everything is pure chaos as the yj team battles to win.
And through all this chaos tim and kon end up next to one another, panting heavily, covered in all kinds of grime.
And kon turns to tim, his beautiful and realiable robin, with a cheeky grin “shall we wonder boy?” And lends his hand out to tim like a gentleman.
Tim looks up at kon, his wonderful sweet kon, accepts his hand and goes “we shall clone boy” with an equally mischievous grin.
Kon grabs him by the hand and they take off to a part of the battle where the others need help.
Anyway they mean the world to me and if anyone can make fanart of this i would be so so happy.
(Maybe a fic too but i may get around to writing that fic actually- if my writers block decides to go away)
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puddingcatbeans · 6 months
timkon; tim never takes naps, so something must be wrong.
Tim bobs up to wakefulness reluctantly. Someone's hand is in his hair. It's nice, though—no pain, no promise of violence. A soothing touch. A familiar one.
"Heya, Rob. Taking a nap?"
With great effort, Tim squints his eyes open. A blurry blob of black, red, and blue. Something round. Shades? Something shiny. Spikes? Knives? Who cares. He closes his eyes again.
"You okay? Did you pass out again?"
"Nnnn." Tim swats at the fingers trying to turn his face. "No. Head hurts."
The hand drift back to his hair, petting slightly. "Cassie, can you come here? Tell me if he's burning up."
Cool fingers touch his forehead. Tim scrunches up his face, trying to duck away. "Oh, yeah. He's got a tiny fever. I'm going to go grab some meds."
A soft whoosh. The hand in his hair pulls away for a moment. Tim whines, reaching out blindly. He hits fabric. Latches on.
"Shh, shh, it's okay."
Tim peeks open an eye again. It causes a sharp stab of pain to shoot through his head. "Kon," he says.
"Yeah, buddy. You pulled another all-nighter, didn't you? Do we need to hold another intervention about self-care?"
"Kon," Tim complains. Then he loses track of everything again, head screaming and body feeling way too heavy. He hates being sick.
"Okay, let's get you to bed," says Kon, voice soft. He picks Tim up without dislodging the death grip Tim has on his shirt. His TTK continues brushing through Tim's hair as they move away from the lounge area up to their quarters.
Seemingly between one heartbeat and the next, Tim is nestled in his bed. The lights are off and the room is quiet. The door slides open and Cassie slips in.
"Here." She drops onto the bed and helps Tim sit up. "Come on. Just swallow this and then you can go back to sleep, okay?"
Tim swallows the pill and the water obediently. His eyes are barely open. When the water is gone, Cassie leans over and smacks a loud kiss on his forehead. Before she leaves, she turns back to call, "Get better soon, okay, co-leader?"
He lies back down, whimpering only slightly when he accidentally falls a little too hard onto the pillow. "Urghhh."
"Need to throw up?"
"No..." Tim lifts his arms to cover his head. "I'm fine," he says, muffled. "You don't have to babysit me."
Kon hums. The bed dips again. The comforter lifts, and then Kon is pressing up against Tim's side. Immediately, without question, Tim curls into him. An ingrained habit, a natural instinct.
"You know, I think you're right. It is the perfect time for a nap."
Tim wants to argue, but his head is fuzzy again. A gentle pressure pushes him more firmly into Kon's arms. He huffs out a breath, feeling Kon's warmth seep into his own skin. And then, like a wink, Tim's gone.
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random-sparks-98 · 5 months
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More art from the fic Waynes V. Queens V. Luthors: Holiday Edition by Sparky441 on Ao3
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Please just stay with me tonight (and please don't let tomorrow come)
and I will do the best I can, with the little that I know - series masterlist here
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pairing: tim drake x reader x conner kent
length: 1.2k
genre: fluff, comfort, light light angst
warnings: coming of age story babey. timmy and kon are trying so hard to grow up well. so is reader. they're falling in looove but they're all stupid
a/n: oh look another new verse cool cool cool
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It's summer in Metropolis; the sun is beginning to set, slowing down over the horizon to bathe the world in a pink, hazy glow. You, Kon, and Tim are slouched on the couch of your new apartment, boxes piled high around the three of you.
"You know…" you begin, sagging against Tim.
"We can always unpack tomorrow," Kon finishes for you. You hum in agreement and roll your head over Tim's shoulder to look up at him.
"Yea," he huffs tiredly, "yea, I'm good with that."
"We should go out," you say, sitting up and ignoring the grumbled complaints of Kon as you jostle him where he was settling in against your shoulder. "The fair is best this time of day. Come on, please?" Kon and Tim exchange a love-struck glance as you look up at them - a glance that maybe you would notice if you weren't so busy pouting at them. A glance maybe the two of them would be aware of if they weren't so busy each trying to hide the fact that they're so in love with you.
"Alright," Tim says, pulling himself off the couch. "I'll figure out which of these boxes we put our boards in…"
By the time the three of you were skateboarding down to the boardwalk, you were all trying desperately not to think of the mess you'd left while you tore through boxes trying to find what you needed, and you were giggling quietly to yourself at the whole ordeal.
"Stop laughing like that," Kon says, but his voice gives away his own laughter, "it's not funny, we're going to have to clean that up later."
"Yea, yea," you say, waving your hand dismissively. "Tomorrow, though. Tonight I get to just eat funnel cakes and drink slushies until I can't stand anymore and need you to carry me home." Tim snorts at your words.
"Oh, yea, that's romantic," he says sarcastically, but neither he nor Kon misses the blush that spreads across your cheeks at his words, although you do your best to hide it as you pull up to the fair on your boards.
"Hmm, nope, not quite. Try again - you never know, maybe the eighth time it'll work," you comment lazily, taking a bite out of your funnel cake as you watch Tim and Kon fail spectacularly at one of the fair games.
"You try it then," Kon quips back, trying to shove the ball at you. You dodge him, though, moving to hide behind Tim.
"Nuh uh… they're rigged, Kon. That's why neither of you can win." You laugh as Tim scoffs at your words, snatching the ball from Kon and aiming at the stack of pins. 
"We'll win," he says stubbornly. When the ball misses yet again, he turns to you, hands on his hips. "How many of those have you eaten?"
"Beautiful subject change, Timmy. This is my last one, I promise," you say, curling your hand around Tim's elbow so that you can drag him away from the game, Kon following behind. "Here, Kon, help me finish this. It's almost dark out and we need slushies." Kon grins at you and takes the rest of the funnel cake from your hand, letting you continue to pull the two of them through the fair.
"Cheer up, Tim," he says, mouth full. "You know this next part is the best."
"You were right, Kon… this is the best." Tim's words are quiet, his eyes trained on the horizon where the last light of the sun dips over the water, blanketing the three of you in darkness. You rub your hand on your jeans, the condensation from your slushie making your fingers cold. 
"Aw, you getting all sentimental on us?" Kon croons, slushie straw still in his mouth as Tim scoffs and jostles his shoulder, mumbling a shut up under his breath. You lean back on your hands, feet swinging over the edge of the pier as you listen to the other two.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" You ask softly. The other two look at you.
"We said we'd do this when we all finally moved in together. We sat right here on this pier when we agreed that the next time we all met up in Metropolis, it would be to build a home together. Of course this is right," Tim says pointedly. You huff, keeping your eyes focused on the rippling water underneath the three of you, watching the way the waves hit the wooden supports and dissolve back into the darkness.
"No, I mean… are we doing the right thing? Like, being here, I mean, and - and doing all of this together… how do we know we're growing up right?" The two of them are silent in response, Tim frowning, eyes forward, while Kon stares intently at you. "I feel like we're standing on our own feet for the first time," you continue, "and if we trip ourselves up - or, even worse, if we trip one another up… I just - I don't know if we're doing this all wrong."
"I don't know if there's a right way to grow up," is Kon's quiet response, his voice more serious than you're used to. "I know that's… not the response you want. I know you take a lot of pride in squaring your shoulders and planting your feet and knowing that you're doing the right thing and headed in the right direction - and that's something I love about you. You always know… you know who you are and what you're doing and where you're going. Honestly, I… I really envied you for a while because of that. But… I think this might just take some stumbling. That's why we're doing it together - if you fall, we'll catch you. If one of us falls, you'll catch us. We've got each other." Kon smiles after his speech and you think, for a brief moment, that the sun's come out again, reversed time just to shine on you one last time before you're all adults. But it's just Kon - Kon with his sunshine smile and unwavering faith. Kon, with his feet planted so firmly and his posture so steady - and you realize that you envy him for the very thing that he envies about you. Funny how that works.
"What if we do trip one another up?" Tim says, hands clenched in his lap. "What if you're right and when one of us stumbles, we just take the other two down with us?" You reach over at Tim's words - at the tense strain in his voice, and tangle your hand in his so that you can silently coax his fingers to relax.
"Maybe Kon's right…" you say softly. "I'm sure we will mess up. We'll make mistakes and we'll argue and then we'll make up again. None of this is going to be perfect - we're not perfect, despite our best efforts. Maybe it's time we learn to make some mistakes." You smile gently, squeezing Tim's hand in your own. Kon grins at your declaration and Tim sighs, tipping his head back to stare up at the sky, the stars beginning to shine ever so slightly through the haze of the city lights.
"Yea…" he says wistfully. "Maybe it is time for us to learn how to make some mistakes."
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funkylittlebidiot · 25 days
leap of faith
It's happened again - sleeping in the afternoon means i get creative in the evening. Here's a thing.
The Bats wouldn’t make it in time, Tim knew as he scrambled through the door leading onto the roof of Wayne Enterprises. He’d known it the second he’d hit the panic button right before his doors burst open, spilling tactical gear-clad goons into his office.
He’d also known instantly this wasn’t a situation worth the risk of playing Timothy Drake-Wayne, so he’d chucked the Manila folder he’d been holding out like a batarang.
It wasn’t particularly effective, but it was instinct, as much as ducking for cover behind his mahogany desk in the same move. Thank god Bruce had made it bullet resistant - there’s no feature more practical in a desk. Especially in Gotham.
Of course, that’s when a bullet pierced through the wood anyway and almost knicked his shoulder. It only took a moment to take in the projectile, a bullet shaped like an arrowhead the size of a thumb, lodged into the wood with the tip coated in a green crystalline sheen.
It’s only then that Tim had begun to panic.
There were many reasons why criminals might attack Timothy Drake-Wayne - money, leverage, petty grudge, a slip in his identity or a social faux-pass were all possibilities that easily swam to his mind. There wasn’t a single reason he could think of that they would attack Timothy Drake-Wayne with kryptonite.
And Tim was an inventive guy, if he did say so himself.
Breathing going slightly funny, but forcing that to the side, he took stock of his options. The bats wouldn’t make it in time, he didn’t have his own suit and weapons, and there was no way in hell he was going to call to Kon for help. Not with kryptonite in play.
If he could he’d text Kon he was craving Belgian chocolate so he’d get as far away from WE as possible.
Anyway, think.
Tim waited for the first goon to round the desk and point his gun at his head, and purposefully fumbled a bit as he grabbed the gun and twisted in a move he’d mastered at twelve years old. He might not be able to afford playing civilian, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity of being underestimated.
They took it as a lucky shot - a rich boy taking a defense class is only common sense in a city like Gotham - but it still left one out of six attackers on the floor with a dislocated shoulder. The gun he’d twisted out of his arm was used to knock aside another, before breaking the nose of the assailant.
There were still four guns on him - five if the guy got over his broken nose - and the space was too cramped a battle ground. Tim was used to fighting the open space of city streets, or the occasional indoors he’d been able to case beforehand, swooping in with full control of the situation. Situations where he’d had his suit.
His dark slacks and white button down wouldn’t hold back as much as an open-palmed slap, and with his missing spleen he was too high-maintenance to be a kidnappee.
He had to get out of the office.
Tim jumped over his desk, clearly surprising his assailants as he used the same move to kick out with his feet. They dodged, but their movement had cleared out a path to the roof access stairs hidden behind a set of doors resembling a build-in closet.
It was a useful feature - both for the CEO with the private helipad on the roof and the vigilante needing to sneak out of the office during city emergencies.
Tim ran up the stairs now, grateful they hadn’t managed to get a hit in yet, but hyper-aware he wasn’t actually running towards something, and burst out into the April chill. The helipad was empty because he hadn’t thought to schedule an emergency evacuation today, but the feel of cold air against his skin was soothing. It made him feel more like Robin - Red Robin, whatever - standing high on a roof, in control of his surroundings once more.
They would have to follow him up. They would need to come through the door one by one. And Tim still had the gun.
Of course he couldn’t actually use it. He didn’t know how lethal the unfamiliar weapon would be.
Besides, the thought of shooting rounds of kryptonite made him ill.
The door bust open, followed by two guns with men attached stepping out onto the concrete. They moved quickly, swarming out like a trained SWAT team, which made his stomach flutter nervously. He’d only seen the six, five now were left.
But he didn’t know how high up they went. How many had been needed to get the six of them up to the top floor of Wayne Enterprises in the first place? How many more were downstairs?
Tim fought the urge to take his eyes off the men in front of him to sweep the surrounding roofs for snipers.
The previous comfort had left him, feeling exposed with his back turned to the skyline, his button-down catching the wind like a white flag.
“You’re trapped,” one of the men called, voice amplified to be heard over the roar of the wind. “Surrender and we’ll take you quietly.”
Tim frowned.
“What do you want?” He yelled back, playing along as his thoughts ran ahead, calculating his options. “Money?”
“Leverage.” The second guy on the left called out. “You’ll be fine as long as you play along.”
“What do I have to do?” His heart was racing in his chest, fearing the answer but also determined it wouldn’t be a problem. If they ask him for Superboy it’s an easy response.
“Just get back down, open your computer, and set up a -“
Tim already wasn’t listening anymore, ears rushing with relief as he threw down the gun and started running.
It was a stupid coincidence - the kryptonite just an extra precaution or a new trend on the streets of Gotham or whatever. They didn’t want Conner. Which meant there probably wasn’t a sophisticated contingency set up for if he were to show up - no hidden snipers in the surrounding buildings (at least none expecting Superboy), no Cadmus technology, nothing.
Still, he made sure to wait until he’d dropped at least 30 stories to finally yell out a slightly strangled - Superboy!
The following few seconds, as he continued to fall, his heart sinking into his stomach, he was forced to question the decision of leaping before making sure Kon was actually paying attention.
Then, only fifteen stories below that, he collided with a familiar body, strong arms wrapping around him as his momentum careened to a halt. Tim clung on instinctively, air leaving his lungs with a sigh as his arms came up around Kon’s neck in a tight hug, the tiptoes of his leather shoes awkwardly fitting their usual holds on Kon’s feet. This sure was easier in his Robin suit, but that thought quickly left his head as he was surrounded by the warmth of Conner. His thin white shirt had been terrible at keeping out the chill of the drop, the wind tugging at it incessantly, but against Conner it allowed him to actually feel the arms wrapped around his back, the hands pressed against his side like pools of heat.
Tim smiled into the crook of Kon’s neck, before forcing his brain to focus back on the situation as he could feel Superboy tense with anger, shifting to fly back up to take in the scene. He pressed a quick kiss into the soft skin under his jaw, hoping to soothe.
“Do not engage,” he spoke into Kon’s ear, though he knew he’d be able to hear perfectly even if Tim couldn’t catch his own voice over the sound of the wind. “They have kryptonite weapons.”
Kon tightened his grip and shifted like he wanted to take his chances, but Tim tugged at his hair until he looked down and Tim was finally able to meet his eyes.
The sight was heaven-send, but the slow curls of panic were still swirling in his gut, telling him to get those eyes as far away as possible.
“Let’s go home. Please.”
Kon swallowed but nodded, tightening his grip before they were swept away by the wind.
As soon as they came to a halt and Tim couldn’t see the city gray of Gotham anymore, his heart finally un-clenched. He went boneless as their feet touched the ground, and Kon’s grip on him softened into a proper hug.
“Thank god you’re okay.” Tim breathed into Kon’s hair, causing Kon to pull back and meet his eyes with a furious gaze.
“Me?” He ground out, hands tightening on Tim’s hips. “I’m not the one pushed off the top of a building!”
“I’m fine! I wasn’t even pushed - I jumped!”
“You- jumped.” He looked like he was short-circuiting, which might have been funny if Tim hadn’t cared that he was clearly upset. “Tim!”
“Why would you do that?!”
“Because I needed to call for help but I wasn’t going to do that anywhere near where they could get a good shot at you!”
“So you jumped?! From a skyscraper!”
“No, I jumped into your arms!”
“What if I hadn’t heard you!”
“Then I would have been upset.”
“You would have -“
Tim kissed him before he could short-circuit some more, which luckily did help him reboot and focus on what’s important - wrapping his arms around Tim’s hips again and pulling him closer, pressing their chests together as Tim moaned against Kon’s mouth.
He wanted to walk Kon back, push him against a wall before dragging him into his bedroom to thank him properly for being his knight in leather jacket - which is when he realized they were no where near his apartment OR the tower.
They were on a forest-lined stretch of road, a familiar iron gate to Tim’s back.
He pulled back, accusatory, mentally rearranging his gratitude into punishment instead, as he glared at Kon. “I told you to take me home!”
“I did!” Kon sounded way too smug, clearly pleased Tim was suffering in his own right. “They were almost at the tower when I got there. Cass told me to get you home or else - and I’m more scared of her then I am of you.”
“If I get murdered by the Spawn you’re going to feel so guilty.” Tim murmured, crossing his arms against the hollow feeling of dread in his stomach as he stared up at the manor. Cass was there. Bruce was alive.
He could deal for half an hour.
That would have to be enough.
Kon’s arm fell like a comforting weight around his waist as he came to stand beside him, squeezing softly. “I’m just a shout away.”
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I love how one line tore this fandom apart from it's handsewn stitches that were covering piles of patches of this old holed fabric and just made a gigantic fucking tear right in the middle of it
"Honey I'm home"
Yeah, I'm freaking out, it's very cute, I love it, but lmfao
No I am too tired to process emotion so I am not physically freaking out but it's still dope as shit
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batfam-fanfics · 2 months
Not in Kansas Anymore by quibblereditorial
1 Chapter - 6039 words
Soulmate AU: On your seventeenth birthday, you switch places with your soulmate.
And Kon really didn't expect to wake up in the most dangerous city in America, but. Well. Maybe he'll see Red Robin while he's here?
Kon tugged Tim's hand closer to Tim, so Tim took a step forward. "Don't you think it would be unfair?" He ran a hand through his hair. "I mean... I'm a vigilante, Kon. I break the law on a daily basis. I can't be honest with anyone. Not my friends, not Batman, not the other Robins, not you..."
Tim didn't notice that he'd filed Kon in a different category. Kon noticed. He didn't say anything. "I don't know if I can even be honest with myself." He bit his lip, a nervous habit, and looked down at the floor.
"Wouldn't it be cruel for the universe to give me a soulmate? For someone to have to deal with my problems on top of their own? To deal with my secrets on top of their own? For them to have to live with all the things I can't tell them? For them to, inevitably, live without me? Wouldn't that be unfair?" 
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npcemi · 1 year
Here's that little quick piece I promised in my last post. Here is the chronological start of my planned multiverse. Though it all really started when My KP fic and how a part of that started event in cigarettes and valentine's.(my life is strange and Dr who crossover) now it's all got away from me and I digress. big thanks to the danny phantom and DC fandoms for giving me a great anchor point. Anyway like I said when I get out of the hospital I'll work on getting everything else updated. Here's the fic:
The long road of how starting a fight with superman over clone parenting eventually lead to Danny Phantom become God:
Danielle “Dani with an I” Phantom, the clone of Amity Park’s local ghost vigilante Danny Phantom, decided to start a clone support group. Dani had experienced firsthand the struggles and challenges that came with being a clone, and she wanted to create a safe space where clones from various backgrounds could come together and share their experiences.
Word spread quickly, and soon, they gathered at one of Danny’s safe houses he loaned to Danielle. She also had help so each member only had to go to a specific room at a nearby community center. Her father’s ghost abilities and Mama Sam’s Magic would take care of the rest to turn the doors into temporary portals that would bring each member to the safe house. Among the members who arrived were Linda Danvers, a clone of Supergirl, Conner Kent, a clone of Superman, and Jarro, a Starro clone.
Danielle welcomed everyone with a warm smile. "Thank you all for being here today. I created this little group so we can share our stories, support each other and just be there for each other. Being a clone can be difficult. I know that as well as anyone. Let's start by introducing ourselves, I'll go first.”
“I’m Danielle Phantom but you can call me Dani, that’s Dani with an I, and I am a clone of Danny Phantom. I was created because some fruit loop wanted Danny as a son and when he couldn’t get that he made me and then tried to get me to kill my original and his parents. Obviously that didn’t work out and now Danny and I are on really good terms!”
Jarro floated gently in the air before psychically speaking "I'm Jarro, a clone of Starro. Being a clone means constantly battling stereotypes and misconceptions. People assume I'm evil because of my origin, but I strive to prove them wrong every day."
Linda Danvers raised her hand and spoke next. "I'm Linda, a clone of Supergirl. Being her clone makes me feel as if I’m constantly living in the shadow of my original. People expect me to live up to her legacy, but I'm still figuring out who I am as an individual." Linda received many nods as they could truly empathize with her on living in the shadow of their original.
Linda Danvers took a deep breath, her eyes softened to reflect her vulnerability. "Being a clone of Supergirl has been a constant struggle for me,"
She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "The truth is…I'm still trying to figure out who I am. I have my own dreams, desires, and flaws. It's hard to escape the comparisons and the feeling that I'm somehow a mere shadow of my original"
Linda glanced around the room, meeting the compassionate gazes of her fellow clones. "I often find myself wondering if I'm destined to live in her shadow forever. But being here with all of you, hearing your stories and struggles, gives me hope."
She continued, "I don't want to be defined solely by being a clone. I want to be Linda Danvers.."
Conner Kent could definitely understand how Linda felt. Conner’s stomach turned as Linda’s words hammered in the truth of his own relationship with the man of steel.
Danielle reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Linda's shoulder. "Linda, you're not alone. It can be a lot to remind ourselves and the world that our worth isn't determined by the circumstances of our creation. But that’s why we’re here, so we can support each other.”
“Thanks,” Linda smiled at Danielle’s reassurances.
Conner took a deep breath, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and anger. "I... I'm Conner Kent, a clone of Superman," he began, his gaze fixed on the ground. "But my relationship with Superman has been anything but what I expected. Instead of acceptance and guidance, I've faced rejection."
He looked up, meeting the eyes of his fellow clones. "Superman has never treated me as an equal. He sees me as a flawed imitation, a violation against his bodily autonomy. He constantly compares me to himself, highlighting how I will never be him. I’m not him, I’m me. My own person. I just wish he could understand that, it’s not like I asked to be created.” Conner’s voice rose with rage until he slumped back down, his voice damping in his own personal defeat.
A surge of anger coursed through the room. Danielle Phantom's expression hardened. "No one deserves to be treated that way," she said firmly.
"Conner, you are more than just a replica. You have your own strengths, your own worth. You don't need Superman's validation to prove that."
Linda Danvers spoke up "Conner, your value isn't determined by Superman's actions or opinions. Honestly it sounds like he is being a dick about the whole thing,"
Jarro joined in. "No one has the right to treat you as less than who you are. Conner, you should be treated with respect and dignity as any person would expect"
Conner’s eyes glistened with gratitude. "Thank you all. Your words and support mean more to me than you can imagine," he said, Danielle looked at Conner, "if you want me to do something about it, I can try to talk to my dad," she offered.
Conner looked at Danielle, confusion in his eyes. "You can do something? Like what?" he asked,
Danielle smiled mischievously, knowing exactly what she meant but choosing her words carefully. "Let's just say my dad has his ways of dealing with situations," she replied,
Linda, sensing the unspoken desire, arched an eyebrow and leaned closer. "Danielle, what are you thinking?" she whispered.
Danielle chuckled softly before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let me talk to my dad, he might have a unique perspective on this situation."
Jarro floated closer, his curiosity piqued. "What are you saying…," he started, only to be interrupted by Danielle's raised hand “I have a feeling that my dad might be able to provide some guidance or at least offer a... different perspective."
“After all my dad, Danny Phantom has experience being the one cloned and he doesn’t like it when clones are treated badly, no not at all.” Dani shook her head silently laughing at what her father’s ‘talk’ with Superman would most likely entail.
As Danielle revealed her secret, a collective gasp filled the room, followed by a mix of surprise and awe on the faces of Linda, Conner, and Jarro. Linda was the first to find her voice. "Wait, you mean to say that Danny Phantom actually adopted you as his daughter?" Danielle nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Yes, he did. After finding out about me, he took me in and treated me as his own. Danny has been an amazing dad to me. He provides love, and support, just like any other parent.”
Conner's eyes widened with astonishment. "That's incredible."
Danielle's smile turned somewhat sheepish. "It honestly is incredible. Sometimes, though, he can be a little overprotective.”
Jarro floated closer, intrigued by this newfound information. "A protective father, huh? I guess I know how that feels. My adoptive father is like that as well."
Conner gave a soft smile. "Your bond with your dad is inspiring. It gives me hope that not all clones have to face rejection and mistreatment.” The “like me” at the end of Conner's sentence, went unspoken.
“Exactly, and I’m sure my dad can talk some sense into Superman.” Dani grinned.
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It was only supposed to be a simple mission. Red Robin and Nightwing were sent to investigate some magical ruins that might have a lead on one of thier shared cases. Kon had practically begged to come along since he and Tim hadn't seen eachother in a while. Nightwing didn't see a problem with it so off they went.
It was later that night when they were asleep in thier tents (Timm was forced to sleep via the power of kons puppy dog eyes) that something strange happened.
Phantom wobbled a bit in flight. He didn't know where or when he was. He had just escaped his parents after they saw Vlad transform and in a fit of rage, Vlad outed Danny too.
Vlad was killed pretty quickly. But Danny? They tried to "fix" Danny. It was only thanks to Jazz freeing him that he could bolt into the Ghost Zone and disappear. And bolt he did. He went so far so fast that he didn't even notice when he re-entered the living realms and just kept going.
Not wanting to make his situation worse, he decided to bed down for the night. His wounds weren't exactly healed but they were closed and that was what really mattered. He phased the blood out of his clothes as he silently approached a camp. Thier fire was out, properly drenched too. Danny had a thought to swipe some food but decided not to. Not out of morality, desperate times and all that, but because he physically couldn't muster up the energy to do anything more than curl up on the grass and pass out from exhaustion.
Needless to say when Tim wakes up the next morning and sees what appears to be a younger version of himself curled up outside he freaks out. He sneakily snags a sample and compared it to his own DNA and, suprise! Its a match. Aside from the obvious marks of cloning in his genetic structure and this odd unknown element sticking to it he was a perfect match for Tim Drake Wayne.
Nightwing woke up to find Tim standing over his unconscious mini and muttering about him being a dad. Dick was glad he packed that expensive coffee. They were all going to need it.
Kon was just excited to be an uncle.
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January Monthly Roundup
Three’s a Crowd (But I’m Here if You Are) by JUBE514 (Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake/Conner Kent) 20k, Identity Reveal, Fluff      Bernard pops the top off his water bottle, a roll of his wrist at the perfect angle and it comes right off, and pops the faucet in Tim’s very nice kitchen to cold. Tim presses a kiss to the back of Bernard’s neck before Tim moves to the fridge to get his own water.      Bernard used to not drink as much water, but Tim drinks enough water for three people a day so Bernard naturally has followed- and now Bernard has no acne so he’s sort of mad about it actually. “The main character has two hands.” Bernard chimes easy and teasing. “Polygamy is the awnser here babe.”      Tim peaks over the door of the fridge. “Oh? Is this you telling me something?” —      Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, and Kon-El have two hands each. They use them to hold onto each other.
My Evil Twin From Another Universe by FabulaRasa (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 22k An interdimensional anomaly strands another version of Hal in this universe, and two Hal Jordans in one universe is several Hal Jordans too many.
this week in heroblr by UnidentifiedFroggy (multi) 22k, WIP, Social Media, okay im sorry y'all did SUPERBOY just say he's a tumblrina??? #SUPERBOY AS IN KON EL AS IN SUPERMANS CLONE #DIED IN THE CRISIS SUPERBOY #holy shit #superblr #heroblr - a viewpoint into tumblr as it might exist within my own exceedingly self-indulgent form of the dc universe, told through epistolary fashion in batfamily social media fic tradition. features heroes getting cancelled, takes of middling veracity, plenty of queerness both on heroblr and in the hero community, my self-indulgent ships, and something vaguely resembling plot and lore told obliquely through tumblr drama and outsider pov interpretations of superheroes
The Big Boss by Crowlows19 (gen) 4k, POV Outsider The story of Bruce Wayne and his family as told by his insane Wayne Enterprises calendar and the poor assistant that had to manage it all.
Batman for Dummies by Havendance (gen) 38k, No Man’s Land, Helena Bertinelli-centric In the aftermath of the quake that shook Gotham, Helena Bertinelli takes on the mantle of the Bat. (It isn’t like Batman’s using it.) If she’d known the cowl came with a certain moralizing little bird following her around — well, she probably still would’ve done it, but it would’ve been nice to know in advance. (Or: Tim and Helena team up 2: electric boogaloo. Now with more bats!)
Older Sibling Duty by Icestorm238 (gen) 2k, Batfam Names are important. The Bats tend to bypass their real names, however, in favour of increasingly dumb nicknames. The older sibling trio of Dick, Jason, and Cass are the primary instigators of this. After all, it is their duty.
AITAH For Tricking My Brother Into Drugging My Other Brother? by TaxiCabToSlowtown (gen) 1k, Social Media, Am I the Asshole? Okay, look, I know how that sounds, but hear me out. My (M, 19, "Fred") little brother (17, I’ll call him “Percy”) has problems. These problems stem a lot from the fact that his parents abandoned him for long periods of time as a kid and he didn’t have a proper upbringing. I should mention that Percy’s parents then are not the same as our parent(s) now. We’re both adopted, and I’m messed up too, I’ll admit it. Our Father (45, I’ll call him “Arthur”) had sort of turned his house into a home for kids with really traumatic families.
Welcome to the Family by ViiA01 (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 67k, WIP, Batfam Bruce’s children want to meet the man that their father deemed worthy of a smile. So they do, in the only way they know how. By breaking into people's houses and lurking in dark places. Bruce just wants his children to stop stalking Earth’s Green Lantern, if only because they're ruining his plans. And Hal? Well, Hal is convinced that Bruce has concocted a plot to get around his ‘no killing’ rule, by having his children stalk him until his heart gives out from the stress.
A Series of Unfortunately Timed Coming Out's by Queerbutstillhere (multi), 7k, Coming Out The batfamily had this gift.  This wonderful skill. They are such talented, brilliant, capable individuals. But they are absolutely horrendous at wisely timing coming out to their family members. These are their stories . Aka: "I love you all but could we stop coming out to each other during the middle of battles?"
Call to a Lonely Earth by Drag0nst0rm (gen), 7k, Angst, AU-17776 Fusion There are no children left in Gotham. Not until the multiverse spits one out right in front of Batman, at least.
buy the ticket, take the ride by Anonymous (gen), 13k, Vegas Tim had always figured that if he ever woke up in Vegas sans-memory, it would be when he was older than fourteen. But there were some things he couldn’t control, and apparently whatever had happened last night that he didn’t remember was one of them.
Keystone by Kalinjdra (gen), 26k, WIP, HPxDC Harry Potter double-checked his lists before sending off the letter to an unknown cousin. He hoped for maybe some money at least, he didn't expect to get a scary bodyguard brother instead. Jason Todd has never stopped searching for his real parents so when Tim offers solid information in exchange of taking care of some kid, he really doesn't have anything else to do but take it. No one really could have foretold what followed.
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ishomoogoo · 6 months
you know what i'd like to read rn?
a timkon fic (any rating really) where they wind up in the marvel universe and they just MENACE the avengers
you know what? bart can be there too (in whatever kind of way shipping wise), as a treat.
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sasheneskywalker · 7 months
batfamily fic recs where members of the batfamily deal with their experiences with sexual assault
The Silence Grows Louder (Ringing Out In My Head) by Kirazalea
I feel the pressure building until I can't breathe,
And it takes everything.
Till it all spills out,
Reckless but honest words leave out my mouth
Like kerosene on a flame of doubt,
I just couldn't make it right…
Duke notices something while on a mission, and that one observation turns into a confrontation with parts of Dick's past that he's kept hidden from his brothers for years.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Miriam Delgado/Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Catalina Flores/Dick Grayson, Daughter(s) of Acheron (DCU)/Tim Drake, Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas, Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Into The Light by LilliputianDuckling
When Dick finally learns what happened to Tim during the assassination tournament, it reopens an old wound. Trying to TALK about it opens a whole Pandora's box of old wounds.
To make matters worse, Ra's still wants a new heir from Dick's little brother.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Batfamily Members & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
You Brought the Flames and You Put Me Through Hell by Sohotthateveryonedied
They’re jokes. They’ve always been jokes. No one ever intends to be hurtful when they tease Dick, when they pat him on the shoulder and remark on his latest exploit, when they ogle him from behind. It’s a joke. No one actually means it.
Except for the ones who do.
M | Rape/Non-Con | Grayson/Koriand'r, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
I Don't Know How to Say No by Sohotthateveryonedied
“What the hell is your problem?” Dick demands, yanking his arm back. “I was working.”
“That’s what you call working? He had his hands all over you like a piece of meat. You should be thanking me.”
“That’s how an interrogation works, idiot. People give up information more freely when their inhibitions are lowered.”
“If that’s how you interrogate, then I’d hate to see your torture techniques.” Jason stalks off toward the car they arrived in, one of Bruce’s less conspicuous vehicles that they “borrowed” for the night. He opens the driver’s side door and slams it behind him. “Get in the fucking car.”
M | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Catalina Flores/Dick Grayson (mentioned)
When Will Enough Be Enough? by Sohotthateveryonedied
Dick Grayson, first and foremost is, and has always been, a performer. The first sunlight to touch his young cherubic face was a spotlight. His first love was the trapeze from which he swung. He was a star. He was perfect.
That was his birthright: talent, strength, beauty. Beauty. All throughout his formative years under the circus tent, it was always Dick’s cheeks that were pinched by fawning old ladies. He was the Flying Grayson whom everyone wanted to get their picture taken with.
Such a looker! The girls are going to be all over you one day, honey, just you wait. It was usually followed by a wink and a laugh, and Dick would laugh right along with them. The attention wasn’t any more of a hardship than the adoring crowds’ cheers were when the dazzling Dick Grayson landed a quadruple flip fifty feet above the ground. Everyone loved him, and he loved being loved.
(A character study about Dick Grayson's relationship with his sexuality, and how his perception of his worth becomes warped by the way others treat him.)
M | Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Catalina Flores/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Unsteady by withthekeyisking
Dick grew up watching Bruce take countless women to bed for the sake of the mission, and to get what he needed from different people. He watched, and he learned.
And maybe he doesn't feel the same things the people around him feel, maybe he doesn't really like sex, but it doesn't really matter. Because if sex makes people happy, then why does his opinion on everything matter? It's not their fault he's broken.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Various, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Hat Full of Glass by succeeding
Dick's injured one night on patrol, which is no big deal. Sure, his face is a little burnt, but it's not like anything serious happened-- so why is everyone acting like it has? Faced with a concussion and mandatory rest, he has a lot of time to think, and that's never good for someone in their line of business.
OR: An injury threatens to scar Dick's face, and it brings up a lot of things in him, things he hadn't realized were even there. The Batfamily acts and reacts.
T | Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Everyone
Honeypot by Ididloveyou_once
‘If you keep getting older who’s gonna take your place?’ Jason tilted his head to look at Bruce. ‘Did ya hear me, B? I asked who you’ll use as a honeypot when Dickhead’s old and blind.’
The milkshake cup crinkled under Dick’s fingers.
Or: Dick’s kept it together for years and it only takes a single comment for it all to come crashing down.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
here comes the rain again by pocketofsky
Dick doesn’t patrol when it rains. Not since Blüdhaven. And everyone knows that, but they don’t know why.
Or: Dick slowly but surely confronts his trauma. Now featuring: a train, pain, and a lot of rain.
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne
When it Rains by vellaphoria
After Cass and Tim return from Paris, something seems… wrong.
Dick tries to find out what it is.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake
Change by TheSilencer
"Are you telling me that being human trafficked felt the same as being a member of the Justice League?"
Dick jerked back. "Don't say it like that. That makes it sound way worse than it is."
Or a mission goes exactly as intended but has unintended consequences.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con | Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
something just broke by BeatriceEagle
With teams run by a small handful of big names, recruitment based almost entirely on who you know, and unchecked interteam dating, the superhero community is practically designed to encourage interpersonal abuse. When a former sidekick comes forward to say that she was abused by her mentor, the entire community has to reckon with the part they may have played—and with the abuses that may still be going unnoticed.
(A story of systems, told through chats, texts, and transcripts.)
M | Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Barbara Gordon & Dinah Lance, Koriand'r & Donna Troy
Petals for Armor by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
There’s a small half-moon of blood under the white of Tim’s nail where he bent it. He studies the red of it, feeling foggy and dreamlike. “Can I ask you a question?”
His brother’s eyes flick to him and away again, surprised and wary. “What?”
His nail doesn’t hurt much, just the dullest of aches when he presses down against it. “When you were homeless, you slept with people for money, didn’t you?”
Jason jerks like he’s been slapped. His knuckles are so pale where they grip the steering wheel they suddenly look more bone than flesh. “Did I -”
“Was it worth it?” Tim asks, drifting like a cloud over whatever furious reaction Jason was about to give him. “The money, I mean.”
His sternum slams into the seatbelt with bruising force. Unbraced for it, his head whips forward and back against his seat as they swerve off the road again and skid to a halt with a screech of rubber.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake & Jason Todd
fingerprints all over me (now my throat's choked up and I can't breathe) by lostandlonelybirds (RUNNFROMTHEAK)
“I don’t have my comm, Dick,” is whispered over bare skin as Jason leans in.
There’s a laugh, throaty and wet. No joke has been offered, but no joke is needed.
Two men walk into a bar. Neither walks out.
(Dick is the punchline.)
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Die a Hero, Become the Villain by arabmorgan
Jason had broken into Robin’s safe space and beaten him bloody mere months ago, and now the boy was tucked against his chest, trembling like a wet puppy.
It just wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair.
It would have been infinitely better for them both if that fateful day had remained Robin’s worst nightmare.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Jason Todd (implied)
Second Generation by lowflyingfruit
Nine months after the 'Blockbuster Incident', a call from Lockhaven Penitentiary regarding Catalina Flores brings all Dick Grayson's plans for his future in Bludhaven crashing down. Thrust suddenly into parenthood and hiding what happened to make him a parent in the first place, Dick must decide, adjust, and accept - and no matter what, the family has to pull together to help him.
Unfortunately, the Red Hood, a newcomer to the Gotham crime scene with a grudge, has his own ideas about Bat-family togetherness. Giving them time and space to work things out peacefully isn't one of them.
T | Rape/Non-Con | No Relationships
straight on 'til morning by merils
“All children, except one, grow up.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Kon hasn't been a kid in a long time - he's not stuck at sixteen anymore, and he hasn't been for years; he's twenty-three and living his best life. But the past has funny ways of coming back to haunt everyone when they least expect it, and there's no predicting the storm on the horizon for him.
It starts simply, as do most things. Jon turns sixteen.
Jon turns sixteen, and Kon suddenly realizes that if anyone were to treat him the way he was treated at sixteen, he'd tear the world apart.
The revelations, unfortunately, don't stop there.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Clark Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Krypto the Superdog, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark
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puddingcatbeans · 1 year
timkon; kon has a peculiar cuddling habit.
It takes Tim two months to notice. It's not his fault though—his team has always been very tactile, and they've made it their ongoing mission to cure Tim of his touch starvation. Kon is probably next on the list for touch-starved-ness, but he takes to cuddling like it's a challenge, and everyone knows how much Kon likes winning challenges.
So it's not unusual for Tim and Kon to be seen sitting practically on top of each other when they're hanging out at the Tower, at the farm, in Tim's apartment. Bart has started calling them "TimKon" for their buy-one-get-one package deal, and Cassie is still gloating about winning the betting pool for when they'd finally get together. Their lives are filled with violence and crises and teenage angst, they should get some points for choosing cuddling a coping mechanism instead of the myriad other methods their peers and mentors have chosen (cough Bruce and his adoption addiction cough).
And the thing is, Kon is very comfortable, okay? His very defined muscles make for a very nice pillow. And he gives the best hugs, probably only second to Dick's patented Big Bro Hugs™. So Tim maybe falls into a trance every time they fall into each other. It's not his fault.
But eventually, he starts to notice it.
It's subtle, really; innocent, as much as their relationship goes. Neither of them are super interested in sex. They've fooled around a few times before, because, well, teenage hormones. And it's nice, but they both agree that they much prefer falling asleep together more than sleeping together. So Tim knows it's not that. But once he starts noticing, he can't un-notice.
When they're sitting together on the couch, each doing their own thing: Kon catching up on the latest tv serial Gar's got him hooked on, one around slung around Tim's waist, and Tim tapping away at his tablet, most of his weight against his boyfriend. Said boyfriend's hand would slip under the hem of Tim's shirt, and then his thumb would absentmindedly be stroking back and forth along the skin just above Tim's hipbone.
When they're napping together after a long debriefing session, on their sides with Tim as the little spoon: Kon, plastered to Tim's back, would worm a hand under his sleep shirt and press his palm against the flat of Tim's belly. Not moving, not doing anything but holding him there.
When they're all piled up on the sofa for movie nights with the team, Tim sitting in the V of Kon's legs: Kon would hook his chin over Tim's shoulder, and his hand would dip under the collar of Tim's borrowed hoodie, and just stay there. His calloused fingers lingering on Tim's bare shoulder, thumb resting against Tim's collarbone.
Tim could chalk it up to just Kon seeking physical affection, or maybe this is just one of the quirks of being Kon's significant other. He doesn't mind, not really—how can he, when he feels so wanted? But he can't help but be curious.
They're in Kon's room, the soft murmur of the Kents downstairs and the early evening autumn breeze floating in through the open window. Kon has his back against the headboard, with Tim sitting in his lap. Tim is half-asleep, lulled by the rhythmic movement of Kon's hand on his back, under his shirt.
"Why do you do that?" Tim mumbles into Kon's shirt.
"Do what?"
Tim shrugs his shoulders—or tries to. He ends up just kind of wiggling in place. "That," he says. "Your hands. Whenever we cuddle, you always go under my clothes."
Kon stiffens, his hand freezing on Tim's shoulder blade. "Do you not like it? Sorry, I should've asked—"
"No, no." Tim shakes his head, shoving his forehead against Kon's neck. "It's, um. It's nice. I like it. I'm just wondering."
He feels more than hears Kon's sigh of relief. The hand at his back resumes its sweeping motions. Kon's chin lands on Tim's head, nuzzling a little. "It's not... There's no particular reason," Kon says. "You know how I run a little colder because I'm half-Kryptonian? Well, your natural body heat feels really good. Like, reassuring. I don't know. Lights up my dopamine centers or something?"
Tim pulls back. "Are you saying I'm your Tim-shaped hot water bottle?"
Kon blinks at him. Then a grin spreads across his face. "And you're just the perfect size, too!"
Huffing Tim pinches Kon. It probably doesn't even tickle, but Kon pretends to dodge, anyway. He's sweet like that. Tim leans forwards to bury his face into the crook of Kon's neck again. He tugs at Kon's shirt until he can worm his own arms under and slide his palms up Kon's skin.
Kon makes a soft sound. He curls around Tim, squeezing him gently. They stay like that, tangled together, breaths and heartbeats in sync, until Ma eventually calls them down for dinner.
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