#kind of just showing up to be evil and get his ass kicked right now so its not like this is doing anything for his character you know
Head hurts too much to make this post as in depth as I should/want to but I have to say with Peacemaker's amazons attack appearance its like, been like this since the Gunn show finished but it is pretty interesting to me that he was saying basically the exact same kind of dialouge he would've said in the 80s but now whenever hes all "I kill people for peace!" the reaction is "Man this guys a idiot!" instead of "Man this guys crazy!". Like interesting how even when his characterization remains the same peoples perception of him is still entirely different now. Im not saying its "better" or "worse" I know I have a habit of trying to say things like that are "better" or "worse" I am just pointing it out.
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mackjlee9 · 11 months
kay i'll take advantage of the hyperfixation bc i'm hyperfixated too 😋 this one is quite angsty? Depends on how you wanna do the end bc i'll leave it up to you
u see how in re6 chris asks leon if he will protect ada despite all the damage she did and he says yeah he is? What if instead of chris asking is leon's long term boyfriend since raccoon city?
like reader kinda knows he's still not over ada bc let's say reader went with him to rescue ashley in re4 and well, ada was there and shit.
so with that reader this time KNOWS leon is till not over ada no matter how much time has passed and he feels kinda betrayed bc they had a full ass relationship since raccoon city and it's been YEARS.
ending up to you ofc depending on how interested u are on writing this lmao. bye byee 💖
Ehe- I tried lol
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Maybe spoilers if you haven't played/watched re6?
Resident Evil 6
(M/n) almost couldn't believe how awful this vacation was turning out to be.
From shooting the president to chasing after Ada herself, Helena could look at him with an apologetic look in her hazel eyes. (M/n) hasn't explicitly told her that he and Leon were dating, just said they were together on a vacation to relax and unwind a bit from their job on the D.S.O, but the situation had become worse than they initially thought.
And now Ada was involved? Well, when wasn't she honestly, that woman seemed to have some sort of GPS on Leon because she always showed up wherever he was, it was rather odd, still, he didn't question it, coincidences were pretty common in this kind of job.
Just look at it this way, they met with Sherry a while ago and now Chris was here too.
The three of them chased after Ada, Leon in front, and (M/n) right behind him, while Helena did her best to keep up behind them, but she was injured and she was struggling to keep up the pace. (M/n) stopped and made sure she was okay, before realizing how far Leon had run already.
"(M/n), go! I'll... I'll be fine, you go after her," she said gently pushing him away, and (M/n) hesitated for a moment, but Helena's reassuring smile helped him make up his mind.
He continued running after Leon, hearing two more foreign voices echo in the building, his eyes observing how Ada was cornered by two BSAA agents and as one of them pulled the trigger, Leon hit the gun away, immediately getting involved in a fight with the man. (M/n) arrived just in time to catch a stumbling Chris and prevent him from falling when Leon kicked his stomach hard enough to make him lose his balance.
Chris groaned from the pain, even when he was kicked over his bulletproof vest, Leon has always been known for having strong legs after all.
"Here," (M/n) mumbled while standing up and helping Chris get up from the ground, hearing him grunt a small 'thank you', all the while still being pointed by Leon with his pistol, "Leon-"
"Shut up," was all the blond said, making him swallow and nod, standing back whilst Chris and Leon started arguing. About Ada, and why she needed to die. (M/n) saw Leon clench his jaw, tightening his hold on the grip of his pistol, his cold blue eyes staring into Chris', "She's a key witness, we need her."
"A witness? She's the one that did all of this!" Chris replied, angry at what Ada had done, and probably at Leon for stopping him earlier.
"No, it wasn't her, it was Simmons, the National Security Advisor," (M/n) looked at them, hearing Helena's stumbling behind them and he helped her stand up. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the outcome of this discussion would be, but something told him he wasn't gonna like it.
"I lost all of my men because of that woman!" Chris yelled as he approached Leon, who kept a firm stance, not even blinking at his outburst.
"And I lost over seventy thousand people, including the president, because of Simmons!" He replied back with the same tone, followed by a deafening silence, the light of a chopper landing on them through the window.
Chris sighed and looked down, shaking his head before staring back at Leon, "She works for Neo-Umbrella, you know what that means?"
(M/n) watched as Leon sighed, "I do."
Glancing back and forth between the two of them, (M/n) took a deep breath, and took a step forward, slightly covering Chris with his body, he doesn't know what made him do it, maintaining eye contact with Leon's blue eyes, that remained cold and serious.
"After all she did to you, to me, to us... You're still gonna protect her, Leon?" The few seconds of silence that followed made his ears ring, the fact that he had to think about it let him know his answer.
Leon's stare hardened, seemingly unfazed by (M/n)'s words, not caring about the pain in his voice.
"I am."
(M/n) released a dry chuckle, turning around and walking away, "I was scared you were gonna say that," he mumbled as he left, finding another way to go downstairs. While he waited for them, he saw a flash of white, soon followed by Ada's body gracefully flying with her grappling hook.
They made eye contact for an instant before she ran away again, like she always did, never deviating from her mission.
He unzipped his pouch, his fingers wrapping around the velvet box, gripping it tightly as tears began gathering in his eyes. (M/n) had planned this vacation perfectly, wanting to make it special and memorable, after all, he and Leon had been in a relationship for 15 years... Or so he thought, because it seemed like he was the naive one who thought that way, when Leon was clearly smitten to Ada, after everything that happened... Everything he had done to make Leon happy...
(M/n) sighed and rubbed his temple before lowering his hand to grab his pistol, but before he could, he hit one of the pouches around his hips, his world freezing and breaking down piece by piece when he realized what he had kept safe there during this whole ordeal.
All of it had been wasted, maybe... Someone else would appreciate all his efforts?
But who? He has never loved anyone other than Leon, and it's not like he could simply move on to someone else, that wouldn't be fair to the other person.
(M/n) observed the black box in his hand, hearing the footsteps of Leon and Helena approaching his position, and he had to dry away the tears that had managed to run down his face, turning toward them with a hint of a smile, putting the box back and closing the zipper again.
"We have to keep going, let's go," he will figure out what to do when all of this is over, but right now, they had a job to do.
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raineandsky · 16 days
hi! could you write a piece about villains resolve to hate hero slowly growing into concern when he notices that hero is always showing up to their fights with injuries he didn’t cause? begrudgingly, tries-to-convince himself-and-act-like-he-doesn’t-care protective villain, and usually golden boy hero turned messy crier
thank you for the request! hope you enjoy :D
tw: implied abuse
The villain manages to bowl the hero over, and the hero winces a little more than is normal for a little toss like that.
The villain waits while the hero scrambles to correct himself. It takes too long. His hands are shaking as he grapples with the ground. Then the villain sees it; the shadow a touch too dark on the do-gooder’s wrist.
It’s not the first time he’s seen it, either. The villain doesn’t go for the wrists. Nor the neck, or the ribs, but he’s still caught glimpses of them, littering the hero’s body like little mockeries that someone can do it better than him.
“Who is it?” the villain asks sharply. The question seems to catch the hero off guard—his head snaps up from where he’s still on the ground. Why hasn’t he gotten up yet?
“Who’s who?”
“The other villain.” The villain takes a step forward. “Who’s beating you up in my stead?”
He made no reference, but the hero pulls his sleeves further down his wrists all the same. “There isn’t anyone else.”
“Don’t mess with me, [Hero]. Tell me who it is.”
“There’s no—” The hero’s voice catches. The villain knows what that means. Please, god, don’t cry. “It’s not a villain.”
“What?” comes out before the villain can stop it. “You mean there’s some goody two-shoes doing my job for me?”
The hero nods once—short, sharp—and with a sob, crumbles into a flood of tears.
The villain watches distantly as the hero wipes at his face in vain. This isn’t right. No, it’s the agency and the villains. Good versus evil. Wrong and wronger. This isn’t supposed to happen. Who the hell is acting like this and putting themself on the hero pedestal? Even the villain’s goddamn better than that.
He takes a cautious step forward again. The hero’s still trying desperately to stem the flow of tears to no avail, his hands pawing uselessly at his eyes. The villain bends down towards him and opens his mouth before realising he doesn’t know what to say.
What would come out? I can help you. He sure as hell can’t. Or won’t. He’s a villain, the hero’s… well, a hero. He doesn’t help heroes. Then maybe who is it? But the villain doesn’t give a damn about that.
The slow churning in his stomach is selfish, right? Someone’s swooped in and done his job for him. He could be out of business if the heroes just turn on each other like this. But the hero grabs onto him when he makes the mistake of getting too close, burying his face into his shoulder with a grief-stricken sob, and that pit in the villain’s stomach yawns wider. 
“Okay…” the villain says softly, because that’s really all they can think to say that’s not too revealing. “You can stop now.”
The hero’s hands are balled in his shirt. That’s going to goddamn crease, he can see it already. It can’t find it in himself to move the hero away, though, so he wraps his arms around the other to distract himself from the future of ironing he’s facing. That’s why. No other reason.
“I–I’m sorry.” Ugh, the hero sounds snotty. “I didn’t… I wasn’t meant to be…”
“Yeah, I could’ve kicked your ass by now.” The villain shifts to run a hand through the hero’s hair. He barely even realises he’s doing it. “I don’t kick crying people’s asses though. I appreciate it’s not exactly a fair fight when you can’t see.”
The hero snorts a laugh that’s immediately punctuated by another heave of tears. “That’s very kind.”
No it’s not! the villain wants to screech, but that’s not true, is it? It is kind. It's battle etiquette, if the villain’s going to twist it in his favour.
He’s not going to though. He knows he won’t. So he props his chin up on top of the hero’s head, prepared to wait this thing out, and simply asks “who did this to you?”
The hero goes back to the agency after that fight, exhausted, stressed, nervous. Another failed capture, another round of punishment for his incompetence.
He gets back to the superhero’s office to report and finds that he’s not there.
And if the villain has any say in it, he never will be again.
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pastelwitchling · 5 months
The new pic Tyler posted with the glasses and Dylan is just 🥵🥵 I feel like if Michael got home and saw Alex lounging with their dog wearing those glasses he would not be able to control himself… 👀
              It had been a long day, but Michael was vibrating. Alex, the damn tease, had facetimed him during work. Alex had been on an “insistent vacation,” according to Eduardo Ramos, and he was either very frustrated or very bored or very horny all on his own, or very pissed at being forced to rest and was feeling all kinds of vindictive.
              Whatever the reason, Michael should’ve known something was wrong the second he saw Alex facetiming him instead of calling. He thought only of checking on his baby, making sure his complexion had brightened after some well-deserved sleep. He’d expected rosy cheeks. And he sure got them.
              Just not the ones on Alex’s face.
              “You bastard,” he breathed, dropping whatever the hell he’d been using to trace constellations in his bunker. Alex, who had stood his phone up on their nightstand, had merely moaned Michael’s name, his face in Michael’s pillow, his ass sticking up as he took himself in hand.
              “Michael . . . I want your cock . . .”
              “I’m coming,” he’d stumbled to his ladder, unable to look away from the show on his phone.
              “Don’t,” Alex warned breathlessly, and for a second as he turned to face the phone, Michael saw the mischief in his smirk. “If you come home now, you’re not touching me.”
              Michael had grit his teeth, the bulge fighting its way out of his jeans nearly painful now. “You evil bitch.”
              Alex chuckled in that deep, gravelly voice that sent shivers down Michael’s spine and had him ready to come before he’d even touched himself. Given that he was struggling with the weight between his legs, that was not what he needed right now.
              “You wanted me to rest – ah,” Alex cut off on a moan as he tugged particularly hard on his length, his eyes fluttering. “So I’m resting.”
              “Alex –”
              He stretched for the phone, giving Michael a clear view of his naked, damp chest, his hardened nipples, his fist gripping the base of his cock, and before Michael could make a single plea, the screen went dark.
              So here Michael was, all but busting their front door down and kicking off his shoes. “Alex?” he all but stumbled into the house, his attempt at work since Alex’s phone call pathetic as all he could think about was Alex’s sweaty body in their bed. As he was now. Except, tragically, he was fully clothed, lying on his side, and calmly reading a book.
              Without even looking up, Alex airily said, “Oh hi, honey, how was work?”
              Michael tossed his hat across the room, undoing his jacket next as he growled, “Take your clothes off.”
              Alex hummed. “Nah, I don’t really feel like it tonight.”
              “I get it, okay?” he huffed as he tossed his jacket roughly aside, his flannel already halfway unbuttoned. “You’re annoyed, but you know you needed sleep and I’m not going to be sorry for forcing you to get it.” He pulled the whole thing up and over his head, tossing it aside as well. Alex didn’t bother hiding his interest, biting his lower lip.
              “I’m not annoyed,” he said, laying back on the pillows – the pillows his flushed face had just been pressed against – casually spreading his legs, one hand still holding his book as he continued reading. “In fact”—his lips curled into a pleased smile –“I feel very satisfied. So much so that I might not even want sex for another few . . . days? Weeks? Oh, who knows.”
              Michael wasn’t having it. He pushed his pants and underwear down, stepped out of them, and climbed onto the bed. He landed between Alex’s open legs, his palms on either side of Alex’s head as he hovered over him. With one hand, he grabbed Alex’s face and tilted his head up. Alex bit his lower lip as his smile widened.
              “Like hell, Manes. Take your clothes off, or I’ll will rip them off you myself.”
              “Never not tempting,” Alex said easily, “but no.”
              Michael growled his frustration, letting go of Alex’s face only to press their foreheads roughly together, hard enough to bruise. “Damn it, Alex. You need sleep, I just wanted you to get some sleep.”
              He couldn’t keep the desperation from his voice. He couldn’t be sorry that Alex was finally resting after everything he’d been through.
              Alex hummed, running a hand from Michael’s chin down to his hairy chest, his stomach, down down down –
              Michael gasped, instinctively thrusting up, trying to get his already hard cock closer to Alex’s fingers.
              “Well,” Alex sighed, “I guess I can’t be mad at you for that.”
              Michael rocked his hips forward again, Alex’s legs spreading wider underneath him, making his mouth water.
              “Alex,” he whined.
              “Oh well,” Alex finally said, arching up so that his body brushed Michael’s, and despite what he’d said, Michael could feel how eager he was too, could hear the hitch in his breath, could see the lust in his eyes. “Guess for now, I can always just keep facetiming you during work to keep things interesting.”
              “Screw you,” Michael said, swallowing Alex’s laughter with his mouth. And despite what Michael had said, the second Alex started tugging at the hem of his own shirt, he happily helped him tear it off.
I deviated a little. Happy malex Monday ❤️
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butterflydm · 9 months
wot rewatch 1x7: the dark along the ways
spoilers for s1 of WoT and through Knife of Dreams in the books; minor spoilers for one of the s2 character blurbs
Aaaaah, my angel Tigraine is here to kick ass and have a baby. This cold open floored when when I first saw it and it still floors me. It's amazing. I'm looking forward to more Maiden action in s2 so much. Not just the fighting here, but the emotion -- how frustrated she is that they won't just let her have her baby in peace, how she finally has a moment to herself and then this new potential threat shows up and we hang in that moment. Fantastic episode opener and it really makes me excited about what we might get in s2 for the cold opens.
So... given that she left Andor to chase a prophecy to save the world and has found herself on Dragonmount about to give birth... Tigraine could probably guess who her kid was going to be at this point, I feel like? She was very well educated, first in Andor and then in the White Tower, so I'm sure she would have known the Prophecies (maybe she even figured out when she learned that the female warrior society of the Aiel was called the Maidens of the Spear?)
The Emond's Field people want to get Mat but Moiraine must refuse because he's literally in recasting limbo right now. I love how Rand just instantly lost all trust in Moiraine the second she refuses to open the Waygate. She won him to her side by helping Mat, then immediately lost him once she stopped. Rand (and Nynaeve) are so protective & defensive over Mat in this episode and I really love it.
Of course, Rand is now probably also about, like 75% sure that he's actually the Dragon and so there's no need to worry about Mat anyway. But Moiraine is absolutely not sure who the Dragon is and it very well could be Mat (imo if she wasn't worried that Mat was a potential channeler, it would be pointless to send the Red Ajah after him).
Rand's little despairing looks back at the closed Waygate and his instant defense of Mat against anyone who says a word against him (even Egwene): catnip to a newly-minted Cauthor shipper.
Yeah, Mat is 100% Moiraine's least favorite child -- she 'knows' what choice he would make, she says (the wrong one). So, there are actually two different ways that the show could go with Mat -- Moiraine could be either right or wrong that Mat would make the wrong/evil choice and it depends on how they've decided to handle the Seanchan. Because if they follow the same storyline that the books did, Mat does essentially choose to embrace evil along that path (even if Jordan never admits it) when he decides that he's okay being married to an unremorseful and unwilling-to-change slaver. If Tuon stays the same way that she is in the books, then Moiraine was right about Mat. If Mat and Tuon's storyline gets changed/updated to be less... awful, then Moiraine will have been wrong about Mat.
Lan tries to tease Nynaeve to cheer her up but fails, so he tries to reassure her instead, telling her that Mat is safer where they left him. It's a sweet little moment.
Both Egwene and Rand are more open in this moment than they were in episode 2 and are able to share a snuggle as they sleep (but Egwene also checks in with Rand first this time and waits for him to essentially nonverbally give her a 'yes' before snuggling in). Rand is also a lot less raw about the breakup and they're hovering in a weird 'maybe we're not broken up after all' space.
People's worst fears clawing at them is a lot more informative kind of existential terror than just gore-whispers.
Honestly, given how on-edge everyone is put by the Black Wind, it would more surprising if it didn't lead to tensions and arguments. That was a rough experience for them all.
Lots of Lan backstory in this episode! His title, people from his past, etc.
Poor Moiraine looks so exhausted. Pretty much now until the end of the season. This is also when Moiraine has the message sent to the Red Ajah about Mat, which Lan is not around to hear, I note.
Perrin engages in some Fainspotting!
Oh, I notice that when Min serves drinks to the ta'veren, she keeps her eyes down. To avoid seeing all the viewings maybe? And I'm pleased to say that show!Min remains likable on rewatch, despite my bad experience with book!Min in my reread! She actually is a world-weary and well-traveled woman who has been through Too Much and is Tired instead of feeling like a tweenager cosplaying as one. And Moiraine literally has to blackmail her into sharing her viewings about the EF5.
And reading the new s2 summary about Min also tells us why Moiraine threatening her with exposure is enough to make her crack -- she was forced to be a carnival act! Yikes, Min's aunts!
Also that does look like the same baby from Rand's vision in the next episode, at least to me, so I think that's what she was seeing.
The EF5 all confronting Moiraine. I do wonder if it was the whispers of the Ways that made her decide to open up to them about how the non-Dragons will die when the Dragon faces the Dark One. And though the group does fracture into an argument after this discussion, they do present a united front against Moiraine here.
This argument also does a good job in laying down Egwene's philosophy and her reasons for wanting to do this. And we get another passionate defense of Mat from Rand.
It's fascinating how quickly Nynaeve jumps the conclusion that Rand and Perrin are 'fighting over' Egwene (something that both Rand and Egwene find initially baffling). I wonder how long Nynaeve has been expecting this to come up as an issue between them, that she goes there so quickly. Back in ep1, she sends Perrin away from Egwene's celebration to spend time with his wife and then in this episode, she notices Perrin noticing Egwene and Rand snuggling together. She is on "Perrin->Egwene HIGH ALERT" at all times and it's just kinda fascinating. If she'd just let them argue, I sincerely doubt that Perrin would ever have let anything slip.
Perrin's staring at Rand's mouth while saying "only woman I ever loved was my wife" moment. With a single shot, Perrin comes across as infinitely less heterosexual than his book counterpart.
We get some more good Lan content in his scenes with Moiraine and then Nynaeve. It's nice to get to see a piece of Lan's culture and for him to share it with Nynaeve. All the scenes that he has with both of them in this episode are really good. Lan comparing his devotion to Moiraine to Nynaeve's protectiveness over the Two Rivers' kids; I like it.
And this scene with Egwene and Rand is his last stab at denial. He wants to pretend that he can still be Egwene's husband/Warder. But if he doesn't give up on his denial, he might be condemning Egwene, Perrin, & Nynaeve to a painful death. What Egwene says here (that she will stand by Rand if he's the Dragon) is also related to why he goes off on his own and pretends to be dead imo -- he knows his friends wouldn't abandon him and so he has to abandon them for their safety.
And we reach the point where everything is at a crisis point and Rand can't keep denying every strange thing that's been building up since the night the Trollocs attacked.
This scene with Rand and Min is very good. Again, show!Min is doing a lot better than book!Min. Also, Min, I'm holding you to that "three beautiful women" viewing.
Aah, the kindness of how the show did Rand's birth really gets to me. The story is so much... colder in the books. That show!Tigraine gets to have a last moment of connection before she dies, and gets some assurance that her kid will be taken care of. It was an incredibly compassionate change to make.
lol, the poor awkwardness of the three Emond's Fielders (before they realize that Rand has disappeared with Moiraine).
Moiraine's thoughts, probably: "shit, it's one of the boys. Well... at least it's not Mat".
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necros-writing-stuff · 10 months
Doggy Darius adopted and ending up with a smug, prideful, lapdog-dog person. A little Corgi, Cavalier Spaniel, or Pomeranian. Their fur is always cut and brushed to perfection, and they prance about like they’re the hottest dog around, absolutely basking in their human's attention and being spoiled.
Teases Darius, always flicking up their tail, daring them to ruin their tight tiny holes in front of their human, but always sticking close by said human so later on he wouldn't try to pounce on them. Occasionally, he steals little treats from him. The bones are too big, and Darius might actually hurt Lapdog if they took them. Bites and claws little holes in his clothes, also might fuck another person in front of Darius just to screw with him.
One day Darius manges to catch Lapdog off guard and finally relives all that pent-up irritation and sexual frustration by fucking them into the ground, ignoring their yelps and the lack of lube. He uses every position he can think of and every sexual act mercilessly ramming into any hole he can force to fit him. Forces him to take his knot, knotfucking them and cumming them every time, bloating them with cum.
Leaves them ruined, stained, and fucked silly. Darius thinks that'll be the end of it. He’s finally taught that vain pup his place until just a couple of days later, lapdog comes bounding up to him and presents themselves to him, begging to be fucked senseless again. Agrees on the condition Lapdog submit as his mate.
Yeeting the part where they fuck someone in front of him because Darius would not let that happen on any occasion. He'd rip the damn other person apart.
Everything else, though? Hell yeah.
I'm establishing here that when both Dare and reader are dog people they get adopted by a kind older lady named Sophia. She got you as a companion, Dare because some hooligans tried breaking into her home and she wanted some extra protection.
She insists on the two of you getting along, getting matching collars and making you pose for photos together. You use the photos as an excuse to nuzzle up to Darius and test his patience in plain sight.
Sophia, good egg she is, sees only the best, most caring side of you. Darius seethes every time he watches you get her food, popping your ass out and lifting your tail to give him a teasing view as you put the plate down on the table for her. He holds in a growl when you look over your shoulder, batting your eyelashes at him. Wants to curse when you ask him if he's okay with an evil smile on your face.
No, he's not fucking okay. You've got him hard as a rock by basically doing nothing and now Sophia wants to jam a thermometer in his mouth because his face is red.
And then there's all of the theft. His favourite treats when Sophia isn't looking, his favourite shirt that he wanted to wear that day. Entitled fucking brat.
"Oh let them be," Sophia chides when he complains. "You make them feel safe, the way your clothes smell must comfort them. The break-in has left them a little shaken up, you know?"
Yeah fuckin right. That's not why you do it. The shirt is too big, especially the neckline. It means you flash poor Dare every time you pick something up in front of him, the dog man drinking up your bare chest every time despite his knowing not to.
He might be able to put up with it, but every time Sophia brings up the break in you're chewing the wrist cuffs and the collar as if to pretend that you're really that torn up about it.
He has enough of it all eventually. Sophia is at a doctors appointment for her arthritis. It's just the two of you. It's the perfect time to show you that you're no better than him, that you can't get away with acting all superior.
It's your bed he pins you to. Your room he violates you in. Your sanctuary, where you feel safest. He isn't meant to be in there, but you're allowed in his room all you fucking want. Pathetic double standards.
He hikes up his chewed up shirt, exposing your bare core as you kick, punch and snap your jaws at him.
"You stupid brute," you growl, "you aren't good enough to take me!"
You aren't good enough to stop him. Which one of you worked for years in a combat role? Oh thats right, Dare worked. You sat on your ass looking pretty.
"Shut the fuck up, mutt." He presses your face into your pillow, muffling your continued venomous barks. You don't like being called a mutt. Had thrown a shoe at him for it once.
He's hopes you bleed when he takes you. Hopes you wince every time you sit next to Sophia to eat or watch those game shows with her. Hope you learn to keep your mouth shut and your thieving little hands to yourself.
It's frantic and desperate, rough and feral how he takes you. He can scent your tears in the air, he can scent a little bit of blood mixed in. You grasp at the sheets, clawing at them as you try to get away but he doesn't let you do it. He puts his whole weight on top of you, satisfied when you gasp for breath. Darius let's up every once in a while to ensure he doesn't smother you.
When he's done you're a complete mess. His shirt is all creased and damp with yours and his sweat. Hopefully now the scent will disgust you and you'll give it back. He can fix the stupid holes, or just keep it as a trophy of sorts.
The way his seed drips out of you almost makes him want more. Almost. But it won't be long till Sophia gets back, so he just gives you one last smack on your backside before he slinks away for a quick shower and change of clothes.
Dinner is quiet that night. You don't tease, just make conversation with Sophia about her appointment. Tell her you watched a cooking show while she was away, that it was a re-run you'd already seen together. You aren't wearing his shirt. You wince when you adjust your seating positions. It brings a smile to his face, it really does.
He gets three more days like that. Three more days of peace and damn quiet until Sophia heads out for the afternoon to meet the old man she's seeing. Dare doesn't like him - didn't like the last one, either - but Sophia likes him well enough.
His favourite treats in hand, he lounges on the couch and puts on some re-run of A Touch of Frost. His limbs have a good ache from his work-out. He can smell food being done. You're a damn good cook, he'll give you that.
Just as he's about to pop another treat in his mouth, a hand shoots out from behind him and snags it from his grip. He growls as he looks back, peace and tranquility ruined. Its you, of course. And look at that, you're in his fucking shirt again.
You lean against the back of the couch, looking him in the eye as you eat his treat. Your tail strokes up his neck. There's a hint of amusement in your eyes at how angry he is.
"Dinners gonna be another hour. I'm making your favourite, those nice tender steaks with peppercorn sauce."
He knocks your tail away, eager to go back to his show and not let you ruin his damn mood. It returns, and he can smell the arousal emanating from you when he takes a deep breath in.
Your hand strokes down his chest as you lean in to whisper in his ear.
"I want a proper thank you before it's done."
It goes lower, Dare's breath stutters. Your teeth nip at his ear. He swallows hard, body feeling electrified.
"You should use your tongue on me this time. Call it an appetiser."
How would you taste? He forgot to test that last time. Its hard to admit to himself that he'd love to know.
Lower still, till you're cupping his cock through his pants. His hips jump, eyes closing. He has to grit his teeth to keep any semblance of composure.
"... you gonna be my bitch, then?"
You scoff at his phrasing, he can bet you're rolling your eyes.
"Do you have to be so crass like that? Mate, Darius. Mate is the word."
"Oh well, sorry, your Majesty. Didn't realise I was in the Palace with the royal fucking hounds, did I?"
You go to pull your hand away, but he catches it before you can.
There's a pause. "Do a good enough job making me finish and I'll think about it."
That's good enough for him. He's up out of his seat, following after you as you sway your hips and head for a bedroom - his or yours he doesn't know.
"And ask before you take my shit."
Well he can't win every battle all at once.
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ridreamir · 20 days
May I request a TASM!Peter Parker x Reader fic,??
Feel free to do anything,,, if you're familiar with the Prowler,,, could the reader be a Prowler or smthng,? It's fine if not, I enjoy your work :D
Warnings: I put swearwords :( Oh and slang. Not 100% accurate to the movies mind you...
ORANGE COUNTY, NY. The last train stop before entering the New York metropolitan area. Geographically? Not far. Enough to be an inconveniencing commute, but quieter, greener. It's that time of the year, when light showers waft in from the warming ocean, the sky patchy and swirling with paint strokes that occasionally break, revealing clear blue skies. Airplanes disappear into those huge blooms of white and storming grey, airliners headed out and disappearing over the Atlantic.
Orange County, NY, was the northernmost entrance into The Big Apple. And for a broke nobody like you? It's not like it's hard to catch a train, after all. In fact, when the tracks pass right through your backyard, it couldn't be easier. This place used to be a factory warehouse, after all.
They're nothing like you see in the movies, though. No huge glass industrial windows and concrete floors. This was, in all actuality, a glorified steel tent in a vaguely rectangular boxy shape. The ceiling leaked onto the gravel floors, and the entire place reeked of mildew, not to mention the draft. Oh, the draft.
But it did its job, and it housed your stuff. As in your hammock, and your backpack, and your sleeping bag... Now that you've thought about it, being low maintenance has its perks.
And stashed in the one good corner of the building was a plastic tote bin. Good for keeping any extras, the kind that'd suck to lose, but wouldn't be impossible to live without. Water-damaged comics, some bottled water, a can of cold, soggy barbecue beans... The backups. The comics really didn't do you any justice. Nor did the papers. No, when entering the Villain's evil lair, usually it looked like you'd imagine in the picture shows. The gorgeous open spaces, the rows of gadgets and gizmos that would cost a fortune! A fortune! To create, let alone maintain. But here you were. Not a villain draped in black. Well, no, your suit had black on it, but that was to keep a low profile. And because who wants to wear neon yellow on a stealth mission? Oh, also, not rich, and did you mention the not-a-villain part? Yeah, no, not necessarily the big scourge of NY. As in vigilante. Nameless. On the prowl, or something like that. You do chump work for free hot dogs and kisses from grannies, or whatever. Or at least you did, before that hot-shot fucker hero of the city SPIDER-MAN swooped in just as you were about to intercept a purse thief and roundhouse kicked you in the stomach! Yeah! Not good for PR! Suddenly all eyes were on fucking you!
The goal was to pop in and pop out, make some cash by emptying some loser petty criminal's pockets, who was maybe probably also strapped for cash but hey, they asked for it! The goal was NOT to end up plastered all over the city in your torn and run-down trench coat 'n ski mask throwing hands with FUCKING SPIDER-MAN.
It might not have been the most morally upstanding business, but when you're sneaking into the back of run-down pizza joints just to take a pat-down bath in decently warm-ish water that came out of fifty-year-old lead pipes, you take what you can get!
And that Spider, Man, fucking SPIDER-MAN, who's oh so loved by the people is a fucking sham! A fraud! How do you know? Because he started out just like you! He wasn't a good guy, not some hero, he was just some guy in a suit who did what he could. The people just looooved that, they ate it right up! But heaven forbid he share the streets with anyone, nooooo, not looking out for the little guys, are we Mr. Big-Shot?!
Thank god you've got a local white boy brainiac to buy you hotdogs and hide you in his apartment for five minutes because by god the cops have been on your ASS.
SO YEAH. Yeah. No apologies from Spider-SHAM. No apologies from them wanted criminal ads either. And definitely no apologies from that fucking comic they wrote where you get your ass beat when you clearly got a good couple fucking punches in! And really, really thank Pete that middle-class Mr. I'm going to NYU after my gap year building geeky science contraptions saw you looking sad, pathetic, and starving in that alleyway you dipped into after getting violently assaulted by ASS-MAN and chased by police dogs. It really sparked an unlikely friendship. Mr. Straight-laced-n-narrow 'n you. And the hotdogs? The 'I've got some spare change, wanna go get a glizzy" hotdogs? They were the best thing that SPIDER-MAN has ever done. Well, indirectly. He's still an ASS. Oh, and Peter? He's a peach. Always fussing over you, letting you talk your shit, definitely normal about your hatred for SPIDER-MAN. Pretty much everyone in all the five boroughs would never let you off the hook for saying some of the shit you say about him! Naw, you've got a compadre in Peter. He pats you on the back and says "Yeah, how awful that guy is- yeeeahh." and hands you some chips along with your hotdog to make it all better.
You almost feel bad for mooching off the guy, but no, he insists. Dunno what you did to deserve such an angel, but SPIDER-MAN, if you're out there, you better telepathically receive this FUCK-YOU.
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I don’t know if my ask for this got eaten, but I’m somewhat paranoid now, and I had some new thoughts, so-
I feel like 1-A is just … awkward. With Himiko. Like, Dabi had amnesia and he’s Shouto’s brother. A few of them might pint out how Dabi didn’t really seem on board with “threatening children, what the actual fuck!?”. Katsuki, whatever else is going on with her, might grudgingly reveal how furious Dabi was to see her chained up, and seemed to be doing his best to keep her out of the line of fire. He turned himself in partially because he recognized his baby brother, this is almost some kind of action-hero movie bullshit. Like, none of them immediately forgive Dabi for helping Kidnap Katsuki, but they are a bit more willing to suspend their immediate want to punt his fried ass into the sun.
with Himiko, though … she’s a kid, yes, but she’s THEIR AGE, and none of THEM ran off to join a group of villains, plus they know far less about her. Like, the moment Shoto knows about Dabi, he’s going to go rant about it to his friends. He probably tells them a lot, so the Dabi is Toya situation is more or less fairly transparent the whole time. But Himiko is sick, hurt, and in the middle of an entirely separate legal mess. Enji and the teachers probably try to keep most of that on down low out of respect for her privacy, so the class has no idea what Himiko is going through, or what she’s like. Yes, Dabi is clearly fond of her, but as a few of them might point out, he has amnesia, do they really trust his judgement right now?
Like, again, Shoto likes to overshare, and Himiko eventually goes to stay with the Todoroki’s, so as Shoto starts warming up to her, he talks about her to the class. Reactions are … mixed. Some of them are a little creeped out, or are still wary, so take everything Shoto says with a grain of salt. A few might even assume she’s just playing him for sympathy, or trying to win trust so she can feed information back to the league. Others are concerned, because some of what Shoto tells them sounds like several different kinds of red-flag. Shinsou in particular probably has a few “oh, I’m seeing myself in this picture” moments when Shoto says something particularly concerning.
Anyway, I imagine the class is pretty divided, overall. Maybe a few of them have gone to visit, and even talked to her, and that just divides the class further. At least until Himiko’s parents show up, and go on TV to talk about their horrible demon daughter, and how awful she is, and how “it totally isn’t our fault she attacked people! It’s not like we kicked her out, she ran away!” and how “we tried so hard to make her ‘normal’, we have no idea what went wrong!” and “she doesn’t NEED to have blood, she’s just a deviant, Quirks that affect your diet aren’t real!”, and rather abruptly, there are at least 20ish-something teens ready to throw down if Himiko needs them too.
Rip to the asks!
But also yeah everyone’s kinda. Spooked. Like there is some logic of ‘villains can be decent people who are put in a fucked situation and not just evil assholes’ but they recently just got some high-key trauma so they’re hesitant.
Ironically? I think it’d actually be /Katsuki/ who is on the vote for letting Dabi and Himiko slide.
Like it’s. Half of it being because she was the one who was actually there and saw how everything was. Of the main members of the LoV, the only person who was any kind of chill with her being tied up and all was Shigaraki who was more of a ‘what do you mean this is a totally normal thing to do?’ vibes the rest of them were a little uncomfy but when AfO gives and order.... You know what Katsuki isn’t afraid to say the guy is fucking threatening he can go toe-to-toe with All Might that’s a hell of a feat she understands most people being too afraid to go against the fucker.
But swinging around. The other reason Katsuki is in favor of giving them a chance is because she gets it. Like the whole reason she was kidnapped was /recruitment/. They thought she’d make a great villain. And so did a lot of the media that covered the incident. And she’s started to think that they have a point because look at all the shit she did before UA. All the stuff she did to Izuku before UA. As much as she tries and tries to do good, she fucked up and was convinced to hurt others for what she was told to be a good cause. So looking at people who are in possibly worse situations, who want to save themselves in some way or change the world for the better and are convinced that villainy is the way to do that.... she can’t hate them. Ofc she’s still going to do her best to do good and shut that shit down and save people, but there’s few people she’s going to entirely write off.
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whoblewboobear · 9 months
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1.) Glee- Ryan Murphy is my enemy and glee is unhinged but it is hands down my FAVORITE show of all time. I started watching it when I was in 8th grade and the chokehold it has on me to this day is unreal. Season one was lighting in a bottle and to follow it up with an even better season after that? Lea Michelle is also my enemy BUT s1 Rachel berry is so fucking funny. Glee is the reason I joined chorus in high school- like the impact glee has on me? Incredible. Just 10/10. I could say more but we will be here all fucking day. And ofc Santana is my favorite character and I hope Naya is resting easy right now 💖
2.) Sucession- This show ate my ass for weeks and the brain rot after I finished it is still going strong. I avoided this show for a minute bc hearing about it through osmosis was enough and the fans put me off. I started about a month or two after the finale dropped. Like fuck rich people and fuck most of these characters but goddamn do I love it. I blew through this show so quick bc the acting??? The dialogue! THE EVERYTHING 🥵👏 you just know that if there’s a party or a dinner or some kind of rich people bullshit event that it will be the most compelling shit you’ve ever seen. Boar on the Floor was so sadistic and evil and FASCINATING. Like- I wanna open these people up and examine them. I was a Kendall girlie during my watch and a Shiv girlie post-show. I will say if you wanna enjoy this show just avoid.. most men’s opinions on it. I’ve heard the most shit takes on this show it’s ridiculous. It definitely lives up to the hype.
3.) Lovesick- Guys 🥺 if you’re gonna watch anything from this list watch this. I watched it when I was on a huge Netflix deep cut kick and WOW. Very lighthearted and funny romcom about a dude that finds out he has chlamydia and goes down the list of his old partners to tell them they need to get checked. All of these characters are so lovely and you just wanna root for them. It only loses points because it’s unfinished. I would’ve loved to see where things go for Dylan and Evie 🤧
4.) The Haunting of Bly Manor- INCREDIBLE. Mike Flannigan puts his whole pussy into into everything he makes. The write is incredible, the mystery is so well thought out. Every loose end is tied up just enough to let the viewer still have room to speculate. Definitely not scary in the way that Hill House is but everything else makes up for that. The cast??? I fucking love Rahul Kohli and I’ve loved that man since iZombie. Victoria Pedretti is the love of my life and the way she plays Dani? The range she has to go from Nell in Hill House to Dani is so sick. I just adore her. And of course T’Nia Miller as Hannah? She’s the clear standout. I need to see her in everything I’m BEGGING. The Hannah episode is truly the best episode of the entire season. This is a tragedy through and through and your heart will break for every single one of these characters. Just a gorgeous piece of television 💖
5.) Euphoria (Season One + Specials)- Again, Sam Levinson is my enemy but goddamn is season one SO GOOD. The aesthetics, the acting, the characters, the cinematography!? When Sam has a passion project and a story in mind he can truly make magic. Also putting Zendaya on your vision board and then actually landing her to be in it is so dope. The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed aka S1Ep7 is my favorite episode by FAR. So real, so funny, so compelling. Everyone showed up to set that week to make MAGIC. I don’t make a ton of fanart but euphoria had my ass so hooked that all I wanted to do was draw Rue and I sure as hell did. I was looping All for us for MONTHS. It’s still the #1 song on my Spotify TO THIS DAY. The special episodes during Covid were also so well done. Season 2 is dog shit so it isn’t included in this but rip to Angus Cloud because he was so special and the clear highlight of season 2 as Fez. (I could watch him beat up Nate Jacobs all day 🥳)
A huge honorable mention for the shows A Young Doctor’s Notebook, Chewing Gum, & The Bear (s1) because holy shit 💖. The first 2 are both absurd comedies from my Netflix deep cut era.
AYDNC stars Daniel Radcliffe as this doctor that gets addicted to morphine in the backwoods of 20th century Russia. It’s a dark comedy and a wild ride. I only watched it once and I have no idea if it’s still on Netflix or not but if you have nothing to watch and you want something that’s pretty out there or you’re a fan of Daniel’s comedic acting you’re in for a TREAT.
Chewing Gum stars Michaela Coel as Tracey. So 👏 Fucking 👏 Funny. The writing is incredible and I can’t speak highly enough about the way Michaela drops you into the world for a wild ride. Tracey’s pretty much in the end of that awkward transition period between your teens and adulthood. Just a really hilarious coming of age story that DEFINITELY would’ve benefited from a true final season. If you like Michaela Coel you will like this. She also has a show called I May Destroy You and I can’t wait to sit down and watch it. I’ve heard all good things 💖
The Bear is way newer and s2 didn’t drop that long ago so I won’t go too in-depth about it like everything else but INCREDIBLE SHOW. If you like food and sad white men and just- EVERYTHING about Ayo Edebiri then you’ll love this. Season 2 isn’t my favorite but Season One?? This show makes me miss living in a city. I just 💖💖 I can’t recommend it enough. Jeremy Allen White’s arms are reason alone to watch. I’d let that man [redacted] my [redacted] for hours like he makes me UNWELL he’s so gorgeous.
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gilbirda · 2 years
This idea has been plaguing my brain for days now and I had to put it somewhere, so here:
Basically Jason was in his apartment watching some silly shows with his girlfriend laying on his side, his evening was doing pretty great for once, that is untill Oracle called saying they needed help, before Jason could decline she said unknown portals showed up in Gotham and one of them opened right in Crime Alley(or the Narrows, both work) and the Bat asked for him to investigate that portal while the rest of the batfam would deal with the other portals, a.k.a Jason had little choice but to go there and see what the fuck was going on in his territory.
So after angrily putting on the helmet and telling Jazz he would be back in a few minutes he got on his motorcycle and whent off to where the portal was, but once he got to the location Oracle provided there was no portal in sight, only a lot of dirt, a really big crater and- is that a person on a floating board!?
Aparentlly there was a random person standing on a floating board and chilling in the middle of a big crater, at this point he's not even surprised anymore. As he approaches the crater he starts seeing more details on the person, they had a green teal shirt with black shoulder pads and white gloves, they also had ginger hair tied in a how ponytail that was eerily similar to his girlfriend's, but it could just be a coincidence.
But as he got closer and the dust started to settle down he could not help the confused-almost-shout that came out of his mouth, and the only question in his mind is what the hell is Jazz doing here???
As it turns out, that was not Jazz, or at least not his Jazz, because aparentlly she was from a alternative universe and ended up in this universe by accident while she was chasing a powerful ghost with dimensional travel powers, in all honesty Jason is already done with this bullshit.
"Is there any other alternative version of my girlfriend I should know abaut?" Jason asked in a very exasperated voice
"Well, I did see a Jazz that had 2 swords and a blue blue hair streak before you showed up" the other Jazz sheepishly replied.
Jason buried his head on his hands.
He just wanted to spend some time with his girlfriend.
(Basically the idea is that Jason ends up meeting Krosan's version of Jazz and is very tired of dealing with multiversonal bullshit and I think him meeting that version of Dan would be kinda funny tbh, and also a little reference for Mortified!Jazz. Idk what this is but i needed to let it out)
We've seen a Spiderverse-like AU for Danny, why not for Jazz?? We have halfa!Jazz, Mortified!Jazz (aka warrior princess), Hunter!Jazz (Krossan's design is amazing and the thing with Dan is so cute) and my (is not really mine? I just ran with the idea in my fics) Liminal!Jazz.
I know you meant only Hunter!Jazz and Dan in their universe, but now the Spiderverse-like concept in in my brain now.
MAYBE ALSO @impyssadobsessions's Evil Queen Jazz????
Also, so many girlfriends... Would they like Jason?
Hunter!Jazz I would think likes him, but in a older brother kind of way (also in Krossan's art she looks young soooo). He is kinda like her Dan but post-redemption, so she is very interested in getting into his head and learn how he did it.
Mortified!Jazz is also young but would have a crush on him, specially when she finds out he can kick ass and drinks respect women juice. And with how he takes care of his girlfriend? Honestly if she weren't so busy with, you know, saving the world and helping her brother become King, she'd want something like that for herself.
Halfa!Jazz is more of a trickster and had a chance to be the younger sibling, from what I could gather the consensus is in the Phandom. Assuming she's close in age to Jason here, she wouldn't mind sharing with that world's Jazz. "He has two hands, other-me!" Also she would want to fix the Lazarus Pits thing ASAP.
Evil!Jazz is into him immediately. His sense of justice and how he is willing to do anything to save people are things she finds attractive. Also it helps that he is cute 😌💖
Anyone that wants to add to this PLEASE do so. This is such a concept!!!!! I will be rotating this in my head for days.
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magnumdays · 8 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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mdhwrites · 9 months
I Wish I'd Found the Randy Cunningham Ninth Grade Ninja Fandom
I LOVED that show when it was first coming out. I thought it was just a ton of fun and that characters like Viceroy and Mcfist were genuinely amazing takes on their archtypes. Admittedly, Randy and Howard are entirely classic to me since I grew up with stuff like Danny Phantom and Kim Possible but...
None of you probably know what I'm talking about.
Okay, so a bit over a decade ago now, Disney had a show called Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja. The premise was actually kind of Sailor Moon S1 in with half of its villain group. The Ninja exists to oppose the Sorcerer, trapped below the town. The Sorcerer feeds on misery and can corrupt people who are vulnerable through items and the like that they hold dear, turning them into monsters who are usually beat either by destroying the object or convincing the person to give up their grievance.
The other half of the main villains (it had a lot of side villains too of course) were the duo of McFist and Viceroy. They employed a lot of robots, mutants, etc. because, well, McFist was so rich as to practicallly own the town and be beloved by all (Think Lex Luthor but bad at hiding it and really shouty) and Viceroy was literally his on staff MAD SCIENTIST! He even graduated second in his year from a mad science university. Or first. Can't remember despite it being a plot point for an episode when a skeleton that the science teacher is... Married to I think? Comes back to life and tries to finish his graduation project that would have made him Valedictorian: A Doomsday Device. After all, if you blow the world, you are indeed the greatest evil scientist apparently.
The show was pretty classic in how it was structured and played thing and when I say classic, I mean it. It had a moral of the episode format, usually taught through ancient ninja rhyme through the book that gave Randy, the main character, his powers: The Ninjanomicon which is a great name. It would also be what helped grant him various ninja tools to beat bad guys, though his main weapon was the ever changing length scarf he had and a sick ass sword.
The show also had a good sense of humor about what it was though. Like the first episode's lesson from the book is that the greatest weapon is within the suit. When Randy gets his ass kicked, he believes it must be trying to tell him to believe in himself, draw in deep and OPE NOPE! It means there's a sword in the suit! Time to get to slicing and dicing!
The downfall of the show for me was the same thing that makes me actually surprised it didn't stick around longer than it did (besides Disney being honestly pretty stingy with seasons for the past decade for its shows): It being formulaic. Eventually, I did get tired of seeing Randy making similar mistakes or do things that felt like he should have outgrown. Sure, his best friend Howard rarely if ever changed and that could pull him down but it still eventually stopped feeling right. The episode that snapped it for me was when Julian (I can't believe I remember his name), the wanna be magician of the school went full supervillain and got real magical powers. It was a neat turn... Predicated on Howard and Randy being complete assholes to someone they'd at least once or twice called friend.
And that is what the real shame of the show for me was. There was a lot you could actually read into and say about the eb and flow of relationships and sometimes even the show had great fun with it. One episode in particular that I loved was when Howard accidentally gets the ninja powers and people like how he showboats while doing it so Randy questions being the ninja. The two guys are cut from the same cloth, best friends for a reason, but the show REALLY highlighted that eventually, a conflict between Howard and Randy was going to come to the head. Why?
Well... Because Randy is just a dumb teenager who wants to be popular. Howard is an asshole. It's not even the first episode that highlights it but every time it gets highlighted, it's a BIG problem for Randy. In this one, Howard is so cruel to a robot, takes his time to mock it so thoroughly that eventually the robot gets corrupted by the sorcerer and all its weaknesses are now strengths and it's damn near unstoppable. I forget how Randy beats it (besides just being better with the powers) but it always stuck out to me as a reminder that Randy WAS a hero, despite his flaws, and that the ninja before him had made the right call choosing him (not sure if we ever got an answer as to WHY Randy got it, though that was by no means necessary.)
It's just the sort of show that I had enjoyed enough that I wish I'd had more people to share in it while I was enjoying it. I could admittedly try going back now and seeing how it is but well... It's a decade old and had protags all about trying to be cool. Danny Phantom used regular, classic tropes for this while Randy actually tried to embrace the fact that stuff like influencers were starting to exist and become more popular so you can probably imagine its sense of humor by that. I wouldn't call it bad but the last time I tried rewatching the first episode, I remember not finding it nearly as charming as I had the first time, let alone as charming as my brain thought it was.
But on that note, I will say possibly one of the least controversial thing I ever have, just to let fellow fans squeal with me: Holy shit was Randy and Baton girl my absolute OTP of the show and I still get all sorts of happy anytime I'm reminded of the two.
And if you're going "Wait, was she a background charact-" NOPE! THEY LITERALLY CALLED HER BATON GIRL! If she ever got an actual name, I don't know it! And god are elements like that why I've never forgotten that show, for good and for ill. Edit: She was named Theresa in S2. Thank you to the commenter who reminded me!
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ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
Titanium Ninja actually kind of fucks, though
So I rewatched the last episode of season 3. A pretty mid season, right? Well that final episode fucks in all the ways that made my brain vibrate as a 12 year old. So let’s fucking go I need everyone to appreciate this episode.
First up, ninjas trapped in space. Alright. There’s already no solution to this that isn’t bullshit, so just make it cool. Well, I like that they had to use their abilities and knowledge to make the ship instead of tornado of creation-ing it. Really shows how much they’re capable of when they work together!
“How we holding up?” “Bubblegum and a wish!” As they fucking send it. What a legendary line. It burned itself into my brain for years to come and is a part of my standard lexicon.
“Hasn’t Ninjago suffered enough already?” She asks, on season 3 out of what is now 17.
Overlord’s face is kinda silly but the mech honestly kinda slaps.
“My heart has reached critical mass, it appears my unlimited energy is in fact limited!” “Critical mass? You mean it’s gonna blow up?” “Don’t worry about me!” AHJGHSJKG See kids, this is what we call foreshadowing.
Okay but seriously, now that they’re in the atmosphere, they use their elemental powers to shield themselves as they come in from from orbit like goddamn meteors. Is it bullshit? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely the fuck not.
Skales saying they can’t help the people of Ninjago then doing it anyway? Love him for that. Because he presumably sees the ninjas and is like “ugh these fuckers again. Well if they did it once-”
The city recognizing the ninja as they plummet towards the earth as multicolored meteors? There had better be folk songs about this. I’m surprised there isn’t a church. Saviors from the stars here to kill Satan.
Man, people still getting a haircut as the Overlord attacks. Frickin iconic. No wonder people handled season 9 so well.
Pixal on her lil bike.
Also the ninja being caught by their vehicles. Does it make sense? Not really. But the animation for it is cool so once again, I am fully on board.
“A few parachutes would have been nice!” “Friends and family make a good substitute!” Fuck, I love Kai so much.
City fortress. Cloaked in blacks and reds in a dusky sky. What a sick image.
The fact that they were prepared to throw hands with the Overlord even before Borg came to them with a solution. These lil heroes I love them so much.
Lloyd biking through a hole in a window while Cole just WHAM. I love them both so much.
“Go back, and our probability of making it to the temple exponentially diminishes!” “This isn’t about numbers, Zane! It’s about family!” AAAGH the fact that that line came from Kai! Also, foreshadowing!
Cole whooping even as he’s running from certain doom, what an icon.
Lol the ancient seal of the temple being helped by a convenient barrier.
“Let me get this straight, you want us to get close to a guy with armor that, with one touch, will make us toast, and you want us to give him a pill?” “Precisely!” Oh Borg, never change. Unironically my favorite side character, I love this genius idiot so much. He’s just like “well if anyone can do it, it’s you lunatics” and it still feels like pot calling kettle black.
Zane offering his armor to Pixal!!! I love him! Even though he’s so big on probability, he’s so willing to give up his own safety for others!
“I shall see you again.” AAGH
Magic armor toysets!!
The ninja ninja-ing over rooftops will never not make my brain whir.
Okay the golden spiderweb thing goes kinda hard as a villain aesthetic, though. Great way to make the normally heroic golden colors look all evil!
That shot of the ninja, these tiny lil dudes, against this giant evil robot kicks so much ass though.
“Then attack the people.” Holy SHIT Pythor! What a dick move! And the fact that its his former second-in-command that comes to offer the people refuge is so good!
“That was ALL YOU’VE GOT!?” It sure was, but these ninjas are the masters of asspulls so watch yourself.
Okay now we’re getting to the scene. The scene. One of the best scenes in the show, and I am prepared to die on this hill. Actually, I’m prepared to kill on this hill. Because this scene is just fantastic, and has stuck with me vividly for years, even after I fell off the show back around season seven. If you had come up to 16-year-old Raven and told her to quote this scene, she probably could have done so.
“Support me friends, for one last time.” Never does Zane ever think of this as anything less than a group effort. Even here, he’s asking for their support! And they do what little they can!
Then this GOAT just fuckin grabs the armor and demands “Let! My! Friends! Go!” His voice cracking, as the music swells! The way he’s writhing makes him look like he’s in genuine agony but pushing through it anyway!
“Go where, doomed ninja?”
Then they show his fucking heartbeat! It’s robotic, but also very much so a human pulse! Because Zane is as alive as anyone! Then his faceplate falls off!
And you can see the Overlord’s expression change here as he starts running calculations, getting worried!
“The golden weapons are too powerful for you to behold! Your survival chance is ZERO!” “This isn’t about numbers. It’s about family!” What can I even say about this exchange? First of all, the Overlord is appealing to Zane’s survival, rather than his chance of SUCCESS. In all likelihood, he KNOWS that Zane is a threat right now, because that robot is channeling the power of his own armor. But Zane is not swayed by his own chance of survival.
Killing the moment a bit, looks like Zane is programmed in some wacky ass C++. Wonder if Dr. Julien could help me with my Arduino homework. Never was good with stepper motors. Anyway back to drama.
Then the ninja desperately wondering why Zane isn’t letting go, but Wu realizes. “He’s protecting us!”
“I! Am! A Nindroid! And Ninja! Never quit! Go ninja, Go!” There’s so much here. It’s like when he found his true potential on an infinitely larger scale. The Overlord will not hurt his friends, because he knows who he is: A nindroid that never quits, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Also, “Go ninja, go!” Amazing how the addition of one extra “go” completely changes the mood. It sounds desperate, like he’s telling himself to go, to take the plunge, to give everything up, and he DOES that.
Then he just. Fuckin. Goes. What I imagine is happening here is that he is directly powering himself with the golden armor, channeling the Overlord’s golden power THROUGH his heart to boost his own elemental power. Completely frying himself in the process, but able to literally produce the power to kill Satan. 
“No Zane! No!” It being Jay, the one often considered the meek one, to be the first to run after Zane. As Wu has to force them all away, because he can’t lose all his ninja.
Then. The music change. The MUSIC CHANGE. This song. Let me tell you something. I just recently got back into Ninjago. And I was getting caught up on what I missed. Well, I was listening to a music compilation, and suddenly, this song started playing. I Ratatouilled so hard, y’all. I had a flashback to Zane having flashbacks, because this music is absolutely stunning.
His heartbeat plays over the music. The sounds of the fight fade away. As he recounts his time with his brothers. His time meeting his father again, even if it was for only a few short months.
“There’s something special about you Zane.” Cut to Pixal. Then cut to him smiling.
“I know who I am!”
“You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” That’s it. That is the microcosm of Zane’s character. He protects people. He protects his family. And Zane can die happily if it means he has fulfilled that directive.
As he flatlines. Holy hell. I cannot stress enough the impact this had on me as a child.
One final (for now) NOOOOO from the Overlord, then it’s all quiet. The tower light goes out. The manhole freezes over. The robots break. It’s eerily soft compared to what was just happening. Like a single, soft exhale of breath.
Kai looks at a damaged “New Ninjago City” sign. This is symbolism.
And Cole finds a piece of Zane’s body! Is this the only surviving piece? It must be, and that’s devastating! Granted, a kids show probably can’t show what is essentially a corpse, but they don’t even have anything to bury!
Him comforting Nya as she starts to sob. Jay just looking away softly. And Borg. “I used to think technology would be the answer to all of our problems.”
Then it cuts to the memorial.
“Then I saw technology invent new problems. Devastating problems. And then, a Nindroid named Zane saved us all. He was the perfect balance between us and technology.” And nothing encapsulates that better than the heartbeat from a few seconds ago. The heartbeat of a human contained in a machine.
“Technology can improve our lives, but so can people.” The fact that they don’t fully demonize technology, which would be hypocritical seeing as Zane is technology. Instead, it’s all about balance!
“Our city will find its way again, but this time, with Zane as our compass.” Couple things here. First off. That this takes place in a park rather than an urban sprawl. Second, that the photo of Zane is of his season 1 outfit is nice! And that they’re going to look to Zane as an example of what technology should be.
And Zane gets a statue! I love this a lot. I love that it shows up in later seasons. Later on, Zane says he doesn’t need a statue. But it’s not even just about Zane, it’s for the people to remember Zane and his sacrifice by. To remember the mistakes that he fixed so that they don’t repeat them. The Titanium Ninja, a strong metal to act as a foundation for their future. It’s not complex symbolism, but it’s still extremely effective! No wonder I lost my mind at age 12.
Then his falcon sits on his shoulder, with the leitmotif playing! Agh! Just stab me in the heart already, show!
“So, what happens after this?” “I don’t know.” “And I don’t care. Today’s about Zane.” I have a lot of thoughts about this. First up, Jay completely not acknowledging the love triangle right now. He doesn’t care about that, because today IS about Zane. It’s so humanizing. And next up, we know what happens after this. In their grief, the ninja fracture. It’s tragic, but they’re all so devastated by their grief that they don’t know how to carry on together. This is a recurring thing in the show. When Nya becomes the sea, the team splits up. When Lloyd thought his friends died in Sons of Garmadon, he nearly gave up everything. For better or worse, these ninja need each other, they are a very tight-knit family. I wonder if the new series can touch on how they deal with being separated from each other on longer terms. Either way, this family loves each other so much, and I love that,
Kai being the one to give a eulogy. Literally I could type out that entire speech and point to line after line just being like Look! Look at this line! It’s amazingly eloquent, especially coming from Kai. Out of all the ninja, he’s always been the most family-oriented. He’s powered by brotherhood, and Zane continues to power him. We see this in season 4, when he visits Zane’s statue, that he still thinks about Zane every single day, still looking to him for guidance. He has so much love and respect for his family, but also can’t cope with yet another loss in his life.
Wu blinking rapidly as he ducks his head!! Dude is holding back tears big time.
.Dareth sobbing! He loves those funky ninjas too!
“Ninja never quit, and ninja will never be forgotten! Wherever you are Zane, you’ll always be one of us.” As it STARTS TO SNOW! AGH! This is so good!
All of Zane’s flashbacks before it’s revealed that he lived on in the Digiverse! At least before Ronin stole him, lol. Well either way, Pixal moving from grief to hope as she realizes he’s alive! Holy shit! I’d like to draw attention to her speech from crystallized. “Long ago, in a different battle, you gave up half your power source to save my life. Ever since that moment, I felt things I’ve never felt before. I felt love. For you.” Pairing these two moments together just... It hits so hard.
Then the fucking MUSIC. The FUCKING MUSIC! It is triumphant and glorious and a CELEBRATION.
“Are we compatible now?” Holy hell, what an ending.
No wonder this did irreparable damage to my brain chemistry. No wonder I was never normal again. This absolutely DESTROYED me as a kid, and I think it still holds up as one of the most emotionally impactful series of scenes in the show. The beginning is really awesome, the fights are fun, the characterization is stellar, and the death scene is damn near flawless. Is the episode nonsensical and a bit meandering at times? Well, yes, it is. The entire season is all over the place. But this episode still works SO well. I’d say it’s probably top five, easy.
It was something I never considered possible, as a kid. This is coming off season 2, which was pretty Lloyd-centric. I never thought we’d get such an amazing tribute to my, at the time, favorite character. I never thought he’d get such a moment in the spotlight to be as amazing as he was. Granted, he’s since had PLENTY of deaths to call his own, but this one remains the most impactful to me. This was the first death to REALLY be a death and to REALLY hit home. The only deaths that I’d say even come close are Nya’s death in Skybound (since she didn’t really die in Seabound) and Morro’s death for how brutal it is. Nya becoming the sea was also really good, though, with a beautiful funeral. But this one just...
The Titanium Ninja was a revolution for me as a kid. I had adored this show since the pilot. I had kept up religiously since the pilot. But this was the moment that the show went to a whole different level. And honestly, I think it holds up. Ninjago has a list of issues a mile long. But I just want to celebrate for a moment this episode, and everything it does so, so well.
Anyway, that’s my rant about an episode that I really love. I may do this again with episodes like Son of Lily. Because I love this stupid little show so much, guys. I grew up with it, and its always been a big part of my life. Episode 7, Tick Tock, was like, the biggest plot twist of the universe to me as a kid. It was what made Zane my favorite character, and got me so invested in him in the first place. To see Ninjago use that to make a genuinely fantastic character arc, then to use that as the foundation for the fourth season, was absolutely brilliant, and my life is genuinely better for having gotten to enjoy such a show as a kid and now as an adult. This show isn’t some life-changing revolution, but it makes me so happy, and I hope this rant helps illuminate a little bit of why.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hi! I really love the way you write Scrap Baby and Circus Baby, it's really accurate and REALLY in character, something a lot of other writers lack. You're really good. Would you mind giving us some Baby headcanons? Not an x reader, just a look inside her mind and stuff. I'd like to see your take on how Elizabeth effects her.
~𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 General Headcanons~
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YES LOVELY!!! I love this so much I did it before my other requests MWAHAHAHAAAAA!
𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂
~Circus Baby IS NOT Elizabeth Afton- yes, the animatronic is possessed by her, but it seems that even Baby isn't aware of who Elizabeth really was. Elizabeth only gave the animatronic consciousness, and awareness of the world around her, meaning that Baby does not think or act like her. She thinks for herself and is independent. Her actions are her actions, not Elizabeth's.
~"A little girl, standing by herself...."
~"I still hear her sometimes...."
~Poor thing feels bad for Elizabeth.
~"....There was screaming for a moment...But only for a moment. Then other children rushed in again, but they couldn't hear her over the sounds of their own excitement."
~"Why did that happen...?"
~Multiple times it shows that she doesn't really even know who Elizabeth is.
~Not only that, but she specifically says,
"I don't recognize you...."
to Michael. If Elizabeth were in control, she'd know it's her brother.
~Now Scrappy on the other hand (Scrappy is my nickname for Scrap Baby 💜) is aware of Elizabeth, and Elizabeth even shines through the character a few times.
~"I will make you proud, Daddy!"
(If you sexualize that line I'm kicking your ass, darling)
~Baby does not have the mind of a child...She learns. She is not a little girl, despite Elizabeth giving her consciousness.
~"Ballora never learns...but I do."
~"There's something very important that I've learned how to do over time. Do you know what that is? How...to pretend."
~Baby is much smarter than people give her credit for...
~Baby really doesn't want to hurt anybody- She does want to make children happy! But, despite her sweet nature, she is NOT a little cinnamon roll with innocent intensions. She obviously will do ANYTHING to get out of that Pizzeria. When she wants something, she will do anything to get it- including gaining one's trust, just to practically betray them in the end. Baby is aware of her intensions throughout the entire Sister Location game.
~"I kidnapped you....."
~She thinks she's in the right. She'd guilt trip Michael for not letting her and her friends use his skin. Baby thinks that's the right thing to do! Why wouldn't he help? How cruel. He's wrong, not her. She deserves freedom....He's had his freedom long enough. He won't die. He's fine. She deserves this. She needs this.
~Baby is also very bossy...To the point where the other Funtimes literally kicked her out of Ennard.
~She clearly enjoyed her time on stage, as well, proving that she really is a sweetheart, obviously programmed to be like that despite her behavior in Sister Location, and she clearly enjoyed telling Michael about when she was performing.
~"I was covered in glitter...I smelled like birthday cake!"
~She seems absolutely oblivious to the fact she's being evil.
~Baby is bossy, self-entitled, manipulative, and incredibly ambitious.
~But, Baby is also very sweet at the same time...One could call her two-faced.
~Depending on how much she likes somebody, she could either be genuinely kind, or she could be secretly plotting how to use you to get advantage.
~Scrappy has all of this, but she doesn't try to hide her intensions behind a mask of kindness. She's accepted her role. She knows what she was made for.
~"give us your skin, michael"
~jk she didn't say that
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~Love, PinkBoots
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wyyrmwood · 3 months
Settle down for a green text formatted tale my friends, I have a taste of a new classic fantasy book I think you all may enjoy. Its a little long, so I added a show more break for convenience.
I present to you the plot of The Troll's Grindstone. Cannot recommend it enough and there's so much good shit I left out for the sake of not just rewriting the entire book. Its got everything, cool horses, a Kronk parallel character down to the evil right hand status and everything, your dads weird friend that you have beef with, some hot lake monster girls that totally won't eat you ahahahahah come closer baby, elves getting their pompous asses WHOOPED, ghosts, and a main character who is just a guy. No inherent powers, just a decent swordsman who really really didn't want to be here but literally can't leave (because he got teleported to the elf realm)
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>You are an evil wizard night elf who wants more power
>tired of smelly light elves crashing your sick parties
>corrput a light elf prince who was well known for greed, arrogance, and kind of just being an all around d-bag
>"hey kid want some magic get in my van"
>commence world domination to get rid of the stinky day fairing elves
>cash in on the troll alliance aw yeah
>going better than expected, elf prince is such a little asshole that he fully doesn't care he's leading his race to extinction, just keeps betraying entire cities for you
>feeling pretty good, but poison him with fantasy heroin that only you can get for him anyway for good measure
>"yeah yeah ill give you coke or whatever just keep betraying your people and leading my little crusades"
>he does
>world domination complete, pretty easy just massacred some magic pussies and desecrated some sacred locations so I own the magic there and also kind of dunked on the sacred sites and magics ancient far more powerful race of magic elves too because I hate them and the light elves worship them as almost gods.
>kill elf princes little prince brother too for shits and giggles, takes his sword and uses it to curse all other swords in the realm to decay and never sharpen
>back to the stone age with you, fucking nerds
>"ok freaky little guy go away"
>kick out elf prince because ew light elf, he crawls back to his father and is banished for betraying his people, facing punishment for his crimes etc. etc. etc
>like 100 years pass life is ez elf prince is probably dead from super heroin withdrawal by now so no worries about him coming back
>he assasinated* you (you're an evil wizard, you just turn into a giant bear for a while) and also he's back
> yeah he's actually back, he looks great and also is mad asf saying he will kill you
>also hangs out with his dads useless wizard and some coked out old homeless guy
>kind of weird but you basically made this guy and know he's a bit of a coward so its no problem to just manipulate him again, bros probably also absolutely FEINDING for more heroin because fantasy heroin withdraws last forever and also kill you so there's that
>oh yeah and everyone hates his guts for destroying their civilization and holy sites
>haha loser
>prince begins on a quest to undo your destruction of the magical sacred sites and also kick dark elf ass just because
>he's kind of actually doing it
>"ok what the fuck guy if I give you heroin will you stop look here's some heroin"
>its not working he doesn't want the heroin
>proceeds to kick your ass all over the map and purify sacred sites and everyone starts loving him again
>aw hell
>keep trying to manipulate mansplain malewife him but it isn't working like it used to and also he's not dying from the death heroin but you KNOW he loved drugs so whats up with that
>also his pet wizard is kind of getting good from all this ancient site purification
>wizard kicks your ass and destroys your cool monsters
>finally get his ass and sell him as a thrall after kicking his ass for once
>"see u later smelly"
>says I'm a cunt, correct but ow
>"remember ur dead brothers wife that you are kind of into but respectfully just friends ? i have her captured and shes also a thrall now haha look"
>oh he actually got really mad about that, probably shouldn't have said anything
>guy I'm selling him to is really not into having an extremely agressive servant who would absolutely kill him so I cut his knee, bye bye leg
>holy fuck this owner guy is throwing a bitch fit about now having a lame thrall fine ill buy him back and just have him work in the mines to desecrate another sacred site
>pain in my ass but he's balls deep in a mountain that used to be a giant now mining out its heart
>what's that
>HE BLEW UP* (catastrophically flooded and collapsed) THE MOUNTAIN WITH HIS BITCH WIZARD AND OLD HOMLESS MAN?
>awwwwww hell
>find his ass outside the mountain with dying coked out old homeless man and wizard again, this is so embarrassing
>????? Wait What why is everyone laughing and not shivering their timbers
>the guy you've been fighting is just some guy that looked like the prince a bit who the actual prince abducted from his human realm and forced into pretending to be him
>you, a powerful wizard and nigh immortal elf, lost your entire kingdom, power, status, and prestige to Mr. Normal Human Man who didn't even want to kick your ass to begin with and got roped into all this magic shit because he went poking around the wrong barrow over in Human Land
>he kills you
Thank you all this has been the plot of The Trolls Grindstone.
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rescuesonic3 · 1 year
The Sonic Movie fanbase is DISGUSTING!
The Sonic movie fanbase is disgusting.
A few years ago, an amazing movie called Sonic The Hedgehog came out. It was BEAUTIFUL. A heartwarming story about a young blue hedgehog who found a home and a family on a new planet.   Unsurprisingly, people loved it. And people loved Sonic. Many of them said they'd guard the little guy with their lives.   But then the second movie came out.  The entire second movie was basically a giant snuff film. There wasn't a single scene in the entire movie where Sonic wasn't being beaten senseless or suffering somehow else. Knuckles, who dished out most of it, didn't get any sort of punishment for all the needless harm he brought. 99.9% of the humor in the movie was just Sonic being beaten for cheap slapstick.  Surely, the same people who said they'd defend Sonic with their lives would be outraged by this, right?  They f*cking loved it.  In fact, they swapped over and started loving Knuckles instead, even cheering as Sonic was mauled and maimed for no reason. They even had the audacity to call Knuckles CUTE of all things. Yes, they called a bloodthirsty caveman foaming at the mouth "CUTE."  Why did the second movie do this to Sonic? Why didn't Knuckles get the punishment he deserved? Well, perhaps that's because the movie's chief writer, Pat Casey, flat-out hates Sonic. He even posted a tweet reading "[Sonic] gets his ass kicked in every movie, it's tradition" on his Twitter. Surely this should have outraged all the so-called "Sonic fans" who claim to like Sonic, right? Nope! Instead, they CHEERED at Pat's tweet, EXCITED to see Sonic suffer at Shadow's evil, bloody hands. I know you might say “Well, he was just joking!” Well, can you prove that? I didn’t think so. If he were joking, don’t you think he’d give some kind of signal that he was? Welcome-to-green-hills is especially guilty of all of this, but so are 99.9% of the entire Sonic Movie fanbase.  I'm growing tired of hearing Sonic Movie fans talk about how much they "love Sonic" yet they advocate for his suffering and want to hug the bloodthirsty monsters like Knuckles who maul and mutilate him. Lots of people argue that he saved Sonic’s life and therefore made up for his wrongdoings. But for f*ck’s sake, the only reason he saved Sonic’s life was because HE saved HIS! So that doesn’t really even the playing field! Not to mention, even if your argument WAS true, that’s hardly an apology given he nearly killed Sonic 3 times throughout the film. And now, you’re going to defend Knuckles by claiming he was misled by Eggman and that his parents (who, in addition to ORPHANING SONIC, were warlords and killers who undoubtedly had innocent blood on their hands for the record) are dead. What the Hell does that prove? If I were tricked into committing a crime, would the police just left me off and forgive me since I didn’t know any better? Of course they wouldn’t. Knuckles being misled doesn’t justify ANYTHING that he did. If you REALLY liked Sonic, you'd advocate for Knuckles to have received the beating he rightfully deserved, and you'd be outraged at the idea of someone who hates Sonic as much as Pat Casey does writing any of the films. But no.   Quit hiding behind the facade. If you hate Sonic, just admit to it. Pretending to love or care for a character you don't give two craps about isn't productive in the slightest. If you hate him, you hate him.  But if you really DO love him like you say you do, why don't you try SHOWING it for once? I do realize that movie protagonists have to suffer a bit in order to overcome their struggle. But don’t you think there’s a pretty big difference between a protagonist’s struggle and reducing the character to a punching bag? You’ll still argue that all the suffering he went through was just “the hero overcoming his struggle” but what the Hell did Sonic “overcome?” NOTHING, that’s what! He lost every single fight in the movie except the Super Sonic scene, and none of the people who wronged him except Eggman got the punishment they deserved for it.  If the movie would have been better, Sonic would have won the temple fight (so Knuckles would have gotten what he deserved) and all the humor in the movie wouldn’t revolve around pounding Sonic for cheap laughs. How hard could that have been to do?  I know that you, the “Sonic fan” reading this, are probably furious at this post. You probably can’t stand seeing this. You’re gonna comment some threat that isn’t even related to my argument, aren’t you? Well, let me give you this: if you don’t have an actual argument to combat mine, that literally means I’m right and that you can’t change it!  If you hate Sonic, that’s just fine. You can have an opinion. But pretending to love him WHILE hating him is where you’re going wrong.  
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