#keep sending in the asks it helps me alot more than you realize
httpdwaekki · 2 months
sleepy cramps | b.c.
summary: your cramps wake you up but channie is there to help.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: i tried to keep it gender neutral, however!! periods and cramps are mentions so read at your own risk.
a/n: omg ash knows how to post at a normal time when she's not sleep deprived *gasp* crazy right? you guys know the drill not proof read too many pet names blah blah. i have realized that i apparently need alot of comfort in my life because that is all i write LMAO. anyway! i hope you guys enjoy and as always, drink water, eat something, and take ur meds. <3
p.s. pls send me some requests i really wanna try and branch out but i have no ideas, okay love u bye. <3
my library
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
“baby?” you hear a familiar aussie voice call out. “i’m home!” you hear him take off his shoes and set his bag down. “baby?” he yells once more, keys jingling as he places them on a hook by the door.
you let out a grunt, hoping to signal to him where you were. you were currently bundled up half asleep in your shared bed, facing the door. you were exhausted from the day and your period, and barely keeping your eyes open. 
the hall light flicks on before a figure appears in the doorway. you lift up your head a bit, giving him a sleepy smile before settling back into your warm cocoon of soft blankets and plushies.
he smiles before making his way to the side of bed, squatting down to eye level with you. he lifts his hand, lightly stroking your cheek with his thumb. “hi pretty.” your cheeks warm.
“hi bub.” you mumble. “you sleepy bug?” he asks softly. you nod, a yawn escaping you as if emphasizing your drowsiness.
he smiles, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to your forehead. “alright bub, give me 10 minutes to get ready for bed then i’ll come lay down okay?” you nod once more, sleepy smile still present on your face.
he moves,  placing a kiss on your lips before standing to his full height. “i’ll be right back!” he yelled, running into your en-suite. you giggle before relaxing into your cocoon, sleep welcoming you quickly.
once chan finished in the bathroom, he came out to find you curled up, now facing his side of the bed, soft even breathes escaping you.
he coos before making his way to his side of the bed. he lifted the sheets, sliding under them before gently pulling you to him, body melting into his.
he wraps his arms around you, “good night my sleepy baby, i love you.” he whispers, placing a kiss on your temple, before relaxing, letting sleep take over.
this didn’t last long however, chan lightly awoke maybe an hour later, to you stirring in your sleep, light whimpers escaping you. after hearing the first whimpers leave your mouth, he was very alert. he quickly looks over your body trying to determine what’s bringing you distress.
he catches a glimpse of your face, which is contorted in discomfort. he places a hand on your cheek once more, trying to gently wake you. “baby wake up.” he whispers, lightly tapping and stroking your cheek.
after a few seconds you finally wake, only to let out a yelp in pain, curling into the body beside you. “hey hey, baby, what’s going on?” he said kissing your head, rubbing your back.
“period.” you managed to get out, trying to curl further into yourself. one arm wrapped around your lower abdomen, the other one clenched into a fist against your forehead.
you start holding your breath unconsciously, praying the pain will subside. chan notices and gently taking your fist in his.
“breathe baby, breathe,” he says calmly, opening your fist to slot your fingers through his. you let out a jagged breath leaning your forehead against your joined hands, “squeeze my hand if you need to jagi but, you gotta breathe baby.” his thumb stroking the back of your hand.
you take a deep breath, trying to focus on anything over than the stabbing pain in your abdomen. “doing so good bug, just breathe.”  his other hand coming up to smooth the crease between your eyebrows. 
your breathing evens out slightly as the pain lessen a bit. a moment of silence passes before you sit up, hands still entwined. chan follows you, rubbing small circles on your back. “did you take medicine earlier?” you nod your head. “right before you got home.”  he hummed, understanding.
 “i’ll be right back, okay?” he whispers, thumb rubbing the back of your hand. you nod slightly, focusing on your breathing. he leans over, placing a kiss to the side of your head before getting up and making his way into the bathroom.
you grab a pillow behind you hugging it as you wait for him to return. a few moments passed before he reemerges with your heating pad in hand. he rounds the bed, plugging in the pad before sitting next to you.
“i’m gonna move this quick, okay?” you nod, moving your arms. he grabs the pillow, placing the heating pad in it’s place. “thank you.” you mumble, leaning on him, placing your head on his shoulder. “you’re welcome bug.” he kisses the top of your head before placing his there.
you sit there for a moment before you feel the guilt slowly creep up, the lump forming in the back of your throat. you turn your head into his shoulder as tears start to stream down your face.
“hey, hey, do you want more medicine? what can i do?” he asks, placing a hand on your thigh, rubbing soothing circles. you shake your head, before moving to put your hand in your hands.
“i’m sorry channie,” you cried. “i know you’re probably exhausted, and shouldn’t have to deal with this.” you feel him move in front of you before placing his hands on your face, lifting it. “i am your boyfriend, it is my job to take care of you when you need me. and right now you’re in pain because of something you can’t control.” he pauses, looking into your eyes, gently wiping the tears running down your cheeks.
“i will always take care of you, doesn’t matter, time, place, if i’m tired or not, i will always help you. understand?” you nod, moving into his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, shoving your face into his neck.
he wraps his arms around your torso pulling you impossibly closer. “i love so much, jagiya. okay?” you nod your head quickly. “i love you too, more than you know.” you say into his neck, placing a kiss on his skin. 
you both stay like that for a moment before chan pulls away slightly. he wipes your tears once more before placing a kiss on your lips. “let’s get you to sleep, hm?” you agree, moving back into the mattress.
you watch him make his way to his side, getting comfortable under the duvet. once settled, he opens his arms for you to lay down. you giggle before quickly laying on him, making sure your heating pad was still in the correct position.
you place a kiss to his jaw before settling into his chest, duvet pulled to cover both of you. “thank you, i love you so much.” he places one last kiss to your head. “ you don’t have to thank me, i love you so much, good night my sleepy baby.” you smile, feeling at peace. “goodnight, channie.” you place a kiss over his heart before both of drift off once more.
do not repost
*feedback is always appreciated as are likes/reblogs!*
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itzjustmonikas · 1 year
Some short cute scenarios of the octavinelle trio relating to magicam! (Jade,Floyd, Azul x reader with no specified gender)
-Jade runs one of those foraging accounts you see on YouTube where he shows people different types of plants/fungus. He gets especially excited talking about his collection and how he tends to his plant babies. Most viewers first started watching him for his voice, hands, and appearance but stayed for the information. One day he asked you for some help with transporting a pot/harvesting a rare plant and got you on video. You didn't think much of it at first and just went on with your day, but when he uploaded the video his fans were all commenting, asking who you were because they liked your voice and found it rare to see someone other than Floyd in the videos. He responded in the next video by saying “That’s a secret~” and people start speculating and talking about who you might be. You end up making more appearances but your face is never shown as Jade wants to keep his beloved all to himself~ and well, he is amused at his fans reactions and want to keep them guessing ;)
-Floyd is canonly very caught up on the latest trends and fashion. He has a big wardrobe and buys alot of different clothing items and accessories. It definitely costs a lot of money so Azul suggested for him to be one of those influencers that post their fits in order to get brand deals to support that lifestyle. Floyd agreed and is actually interested in doing it consistently, he eventually gets pretty popular on magicam because of that and gets invited to a high end luxury brands fashion show. He initially didn't want to go but found out that you liked the brand so he took the offer and brought you with him. You guys got dressed in matching outfits and went to the show together and go viral for your matching outfits and how compatible you both look. Floyd especially for his eyes, tallness, and unique appearance but you also looked very gorgeous alongside him, had great chemistry. Brands end up sending Floyd loads of clothes for upcoming couple lines and you guys ended up with lots of pictures and some fond memories together~
-As you spend more time in NRC you and Azul have gotten closer, chatting often during passing period and collaborating on projects. He was initially cautious of you and did not think you would become such a special and important person to him. He loves your kind words and feels as if you really understand him, he is still scared and a bit hesitant on telling you about his past. Will you decide to turn away from him like the others or will you accept him for who he is? He hopes for the latter...regardless, he wanted to show his gratitude for you by taking you out on a date to watch that one movie you've been excited about recently. You guys plan it out and go to to the theaters together, snacking on popcorn while giggling together at the funny scenes. As you guys walk out, hand in hand, a few people see you guys and end up snapping a pic of you two together because you guys just look so good! None of you realized because you were both enjoying the moment and excited to talk about your thoughts on the ending. Once you guys got back to the dorms you were bombarded with messages from Cater talking about how you and Azul went viral online. You were shocked and went to notify Azul who also just heard the news, both of you ended up reading through the trending tags and comments. You both blushed at the compliments you guys got, such as:
"they look so compatible", "the way he looks at [insert pronouns]>>>", "I love their outfits", "omgg the chemistry between these two", etc
People were wondering if you guys were upcoming models or something and were comparing you guys to known couples from dramas/television. It was an unexpected event but brought you guys closer in the end~
I am a first time writer so please bear with me if I made any mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism and hope you guys enjoy!
Let me know if any of you guys want a part 2🫧
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noa-nightingale · 5 months
Hey Noa, before you answer this ask, if its much more safer for you to answer vaguely. Then it is your right and i wont feel any sadness towards it.
But i just want to say, you reblogging the post of a jewish person who is concerned about the antisemitism because of the way people talk about israel. And how because of it, theres alot of jewish people that got harrashment from this. Helps me alot on realizing how complicated truly is the israel and palestina war. I have been scrolling throught the person blog and other jewish blog to learn more from their perspective, and just wow. I learn alot thats all i can say. And yes, this is coming from the person who have been learning about antisemitism for probably a long time.
I just want to say you are the person that made me open my eyes on how antisemistic people can be because of this. So truly thank you. Because if not for you i would genuinely fall into doom scrolling and propaganda that has been out there.
You are the person that made me talk openly with my peers about how we need to becareful on how we talk about the genocide that is happening, and to keep being kind to muslim and jewish people that are affected from the harrashment and propaganda from this politics.
You are the person that made me realize when talking about politics to my friend that there is nuance to everything. You are the person that made me much more kind and keep myself level headed when talking about this situations.
Im not much an activist online, because of how easily misinformation can just be talked about here. But im always loud about it in real life, because of how open minded my friends are, its nice to open discussion about this in real life rather than talk about it on online and having to deal with stranger with black and white thinking.
So truly this really long ask, is just a thank you for opening my eyes. You are a kind and good person to have done this to me. And genuinely i am so happy to have more knowledge about this because of you.
So truly thank you.
Hey anon, it took my ages to reply to your message and for that I apologize. It meant a lot to me that you send this to me.
I am so so grateful that you took the time to learn more and I am really honored that I could help you with that. I am not an expert on anything, neither on antisemitism nor on Islamophobia or racism. But I want people to feel safe on my blog and I want them to know that they are welcome and loved.
So, truly, it is so good to hear that you found something on my blog that made you learn more and look into things more and talk to people about it.
Thank you for being here. I hope your 2024 will be wonderful. Your message genuinely is one of my favorite messages I got here.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Anon asks - There was another idea I had seen on @crossdressingdeath's tumblr where JC's reputation was ruined because of his behaviour and WWX's attempts to protect him from the consequences of his behaviour. The concept happens pre Qiongqi Path where JC attacks WWX to the point it injures and frightens him. A passerby sees WWX startled and asks him what's wrong but WWX dismisses it as nothing. Said bystander ends up thinking that JC had sexually assaulted him resulting in the cultivation world gossiping about JC being a rapist when really he isn't. Overall, the cultivation world gossips about the other shitty things JC had done and because he did alot of pretty bad things, he can't defend himself and resorts to victim blaming WWX. That however only has him dig a deeper hole for himself. WWX, on the other hand is left confused as to why everybody was pitying him all of a sudden when they used to hate and/or fear him. By the time the truth comes to light, the cultivation world thinks JC had deserved it anyway with it ending with JC hated just for him being himself and public opinion on WWX flipping. If you don't mind, can you make it light-hearted?
(Probably not as light-hearted as you would wish. It is a bit complicated. Be a little gentle because I wrote this twice and ended up fleshing it out much more. Is this a short prompt or a long one? who knows. writer is tired. she will sleep now.)
Everyone has personal boundaries, even people who are usually tactile and social. Boundaries exist even between family members who love and trust each other.
Wei Wuxian is a veteran fresh from war. He has survived bloody battlefields, spent days dealing with one hostile enemy after another. Even before that, he had spent his days constantly battling resentful ghosts and monsters in a place he can’t bear thinking of now. Before that, he had survived torture at the hands of the Wens. And before-
Better not to think about it.
So, when Jiang Cheng presses up against him threateningly, his face twisted and eyes furious, Wei Wuxian can’t help but flinch. He takes a step back and puts some distance between them quickly. Jiang Cheng has grown increasingly bitter and discontent in these past few months and Wei Wuxian is getting tired of dealing with it. He doesn’t want to be in such close proximity with a man seething with fury.
Unfortunately, that reaction proves to be a mistake because Jiang Cheng follows him, “What? Are you too big for us now? Turning away from me in disgust now that you’re a war hero and the best of us?” Jiang Cheng is so close, their noses almost touch and Wei Wuxian feels his hair stand on end in response.
“Jiang Cheng,” He says lowly, something unsettling stirring in his chest. He feels almost anxious. His heart is racing and the proximity makes him feel like he’s trapped, “Back away.”
“Back away?” Jiang Cheng snarls, “Who are you to command me, Wei Wuxian? Do you know what people are saying about YunmengJiang? Do you know who-”
“Back away,” Wei Wuxian says tightly, his skin crawling, “Now.” His hard-earned instincts are sounding alarms. He feels threatened and provoked. He feels the resentful energy in him respond to the danger.
“What are you going to do? Send a few ghosts at me?” He sneers, “Try it! We’ll see how brave you are under the wrath of my Zidian.”
No. Wei Wuxian isn’t going to just stand here and let Jiang Cheng pick up Yu-furen’s habits, He’s just about to react, to give Jiang Cheng the thrashing he clearly desires when he realizes they are outside. He glances beyond his Sect Leader’s shoulder and sees a small group of three clad in bright white looking at them with wide eyes.
He bites back his angry retort and masters himself. He’s not going to squabble with Jiang Cheng in front of Lan disciples. His relationship with Lan Zhan is strained as it is.
“We’re in public,” He says, hoping that concern for his Sect’s reputation would move Jiang Cheng if concern for Wei Wuxian doesn’t.
Jiang Cheng looks over his shoulder and sneers at the Lan disciples before rolling his head, “Lans, of course.” He snarls and pushes Wei Wuxian away roughly, “I’ll deal with you later.”
Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath and watches his brother leave.
The Lan disciples are still looking at him with heartwarming concern. He waves at them with a smile and watches as they start like little ducklings and bow to him before fleeing.
“We have to do something!” Lan Zhanxiao insists, “Did you see how he looked? Wei Wuxian was clearly trying to-”
“Shh! Keep your voice down!” Lan Lishan reprimands.
“Don’t say his name!” Lan Guan whispers urgently, looking around in a panic. There are already a few curious and interested eyes glancing in their direction. Wei Wuxian is a notorious name, after all. Even non-cultivators are interested in the man who had just a material impact on the war. It is hard to tell if they would’ve won without that powerful unorthodox cultivator on their side.
“We can’t just stand by and do nothing,” Lan Zhanxiao, always the righteous one, continues. He doesn’t care about the people around them, “If Wei Wuxian is hurt and we do nothing to prevent it, aren’t we culpable as well?”
“This is Wei Wuxian. Who would dare?” Lan Guan asks incredulously, “He is one of the most powerful cultivators in existence.”
“Is he?” Zhanxiao demands, “Doesn’t everyone know he’s very loyal to Jiang-zongzhu? Would he take a step against him? Even if it meant saving himself?”
“He should be building his own sect,” Lan Lishan says reluctantly, “He’s the Grandmaster of his cultivation form. It may be an unorthodox method, but it is still something new and entirely unique.” He would know. Lan Lishan is an avid student of history and cultivation theory. He knows that most cultivators with unique abilities tend to form their own sect to pass their teachings down.
He shudders at the prospect of cultivating resentful energy but Wei Wuxian has mentioned it is a technique people with absent or damaged Golden Cores can use.
The potential is almost limitless.
“See what I mean?” Lan Zhanxiao points out, “Hasn’t he been isolated from other cultivators because they fear his methods? If Jiang-zongzhu is really hurting him or…” He grimaces and lowers his voice, “That expression, Shan-ge, it reminds me of jiejie. What if Jiang-zongzhu is… doing something inappropriate?”
They all exchange alarmed glances, “You don’t think…?” Lan Guan breathes, horrified.
“He was scrambling to get away,” Lan Zhanxiao says, “And Jiang-zongzhu kept pressing-”
“We can’t talk about this here,” Lan Lishan says firmly, “Come, let’s leave.”
Unfortunately, they leave chaos behind.
Rumors are a powerful entity in the cultivation world. They are born in tea and wine houses, spread from one tradesman to another and spread to the far reaches of cultivation society in a matter of months.
The rumors about Jiang’ Wanyin’s treatment of a war hero are no exception to this rule. People gossip about it with their friends and neighbors, share the news with vendors while on errands, and the rumors continue to grow. With every retelling, the story changes, growing increasingly distorted and vile.
“The entire business is unpleasant,” A small clan cultivator says to one of his tradesman friends, “Jealousy really alters a man.” He speaks about old rumors then, speculations about Wei Wuxian’s parentage, Madam Yu’s wrath, and the Jiang heir’s relatively lackluster growth in comparison to his prodigious shixiong.
“Surely not,” Another cultivator scoffs, “Who would dare raise a hand against Wei Wuxian? Did he not decimate a large Wen battalion with just his flute and some music?”
“Merchants at Lotus Pier say Wei Wuxian always looks wan and tired these days. He has grown pale.” One woman whispers to her companion, “He spends more time in wine houses with ghost maidens than in the comfort of his rebuilt home.”
“It seems so improbable!” A young cultivator protests, “Why would Jiang-zongzhu provoke the sleeping dragon like this? Wei Wuxian is stable now but who knows when he will give into resentment?”
“Lan disciples saw it.”
And that’s the crux of the matter. If the rumor didn’t originate from Lan disciples, it might not have traveled so far. Lans are known for their honest and forthright nature, after all. What cause did they have to lie? And no Lan spoke carelessly, so their words must be the whole truth, without any exaggeration.
Because Lans are the source, everything they say is taken as fact. If one Lan disciple finds Jiang-zongzhu’s behavior horribly inappropriate then it must be. If another Lan is worried about Wei Wuxian’s safety, there must be a just cause.
The rumors spread and propagate, and soon almost the entirety of the cultivation world is aware of them.
Gossip is forbidden at Cloud Recesses. Disciples are usually discouraged from meddling in other sect business. Rumor-mongering is punished severely, with all parties involved facing the wrath of the disciple whip.
But Lans are raised to be righteous and compassionate. If someone is in trouble, a Lan must act. He must offer a helping hand and take the victim away from danger.
When the rumors reach Caiyi Town and land on the ear of one Lan Ruyao, he hesitates. He asks around, gets more information, and then rushes back to Cloud Recesses, intent on knowing it all.
Lan Ruyao seeks the three disciples that are the cause of it all and demands an explanation, his mind disturbed with worry. What he hears gives him no comfort for he cannot discard their concerns. The behavior they describe is alarming and their observations are precise, without any emotion clouding their judgment.
Lan Lishan narrates the incident in detail, describing every action with no embellishment or exaggeration. He speaks of Wei Wuxian’s retreat, of Jiang Wanyin’s insistence, the threat of whipping, and words spoken with cruelty and disrespect.
Lan Ruyao’s mind is disturbed as he retreats, absentmindedly assigning some lines to the junior disciples. They have erred by being so indiscreet but their cause is righteous. They don’t deserve severe punishment.
He meditates on the matter for an entire morning, trying to decide on a course of action.
You see, Lan Ruyao is Lan Wangji’s peer. He has known the Second Jade for many years, and while they are not close, they are of the same clan. The entire cultivation world may believe Lan Wangji hates Wei Wuxian, but Ruyao knows better. The Second Jade wouldn’t have been so insistent on bringing Wei Wuxian to Gusu if he didn’t care.
Lan Ruyao suspects both of them hold each other in some esteem. They have saved each other’s sides many times and seem to get along well when they’re not quarreling. He believes that they are friends.
It would be unwise to keep this from Lan Wangji.
Decision made, he quickly requests a private meeting with the Second Jade. The request is granted promptly and soon Lan Ruyao finds himself before his peer, readying himself for a difficult conversation.
The Second Jade listens to his piece without any interruption, his expression blank and beautiful as white jade. But his golden eyes are twin chips of flint, coldly furious.
Indeed, they are friends.
Lan Wangji summons the three junior disciples and questions them thoroughly. His demeanor becomes frostier as the interview progresses, his spiritual energy gaining a deadly edge when the juniors murmur of ‘inappropriate behavior.’
“You have my gratitude,” Lan Wangji says finally, bowing to him and nodding to the juniors, “Rest assured, I will address the matter directly.”
“Lan Zhan, wait!” Wei Wuxian protests as Lan Zhan drags him away by the elbow, his uncharacteristic behavior taking him by surprise, “Don’t take him so seriously, Lan Zhan! You know he’s a temperamental brat.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t say anything until they are a fair distance away from Jiang Cheng and the Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian tries to get an explanation for such unusual behavior but his companion is entirely silent, guiding him towards a crop of trees that offer some semblance of privacy.
“How long have you borne this?” Lan Zhan asks once they stop walking, his golden eyes bright and fierce, “How long have you endured without speaking a word to me or your friends?”
“All my life,” He rolls his eyes, “You know Jiang Cheng has a temper and says careless things, Lan Zhan. Don’t worry, I know how to handle him.”
“All your life?” Somehow, Lan Zhan seems stricken, “Wei Ying!”
“Aiya, Lan Zhan,” Honestly, he is moved by Lan Zhan’s concern for him. They have spent so many years just quarreling and being distrustful towards each other. The concern is a pleasant distraction from the wretched state of their relationship, “Don’t worry about it. I can deal with everything Jiang Cheng throws at me.”
“How can you be so callous about your own well-being?” Lan Zhan asks, his tone betraying his dismay, “Do you not care-” He visibly bites back those angry words and calms himself, his voice taking on a gentler note, “Did you think I would not help? That your friends wouldn’t offer you shelter or protection?”
Really, this is a bit of an overreaction, isn’t it?
“Do I really have any friends left, Lan Zhan?” He asks casually but the reaction he receives is anything but casual. Lan Zhan’s eyes widen as though he has been struck, “Aiya, please don’t look like that,” Wei Wuxian feels a stir of panic because Lan Zhan looks almost hurt, “I’m just being a brat.”
“Have a care,” Lan Zhan says, “Your dismissal of this matter doesn’t put me at ease.”
“Lan Zhan,” He sighs, “I’m used to it. You saw how we were at Cloud Recesses. Did I look unusually troubled then?”
“You’ve become… accustomed to it?” Lan Zhan asks, once again looking uncharacteristically stricken. Wei Wuxian feels a stir of concern in his stomach and reaches out, placing a hand on the Second Jade’s arm, “You’re accustomed to it.”
Not knowing what to do in response to such open emotion from Lan Zhan, he looks for something to distract him. Immediately, his mind remembers an old promise, “Let’s focus on something more pleasant. It’s about time you saw Lotus Pier in its full glory, Lan Zhan! I want to show you all of my favorite places, including all of the trees I climbed!”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan’s voice is low and pained.
Wei Wuxian’s smile softens as he tugs on the Second Jade’s arm, “Don’t think of unpleasant things, Lan Zhan. It’s a beautiful day and we haven’t seen each other in months! Let’s be happy, alright?”
Wei Wuxian feels a jolt of surprise as Lan Zhan raises a hand and covers his fingers, squeezing gently. The touch is warm and reassuring, and it sets Wei his heart racing.
Lan Zhan studies him for a long moment before dipping his head elegantly, his grip on Wei Wuxian’s fingers still firm and steady, “If Wei Ying wishes it,” He promises, “I will make it so.”
It all comes to a head at the Discussion Conference. Wei Wuxian is accustomed to being the center of attention these days but the quality of that attention is different now. Instead of wary glances, he sees eyes filled with sympathy and tentative smiles of welcome.
Wei Wuxian being Wei Wuxian, ignores the nagging suspicion that lingers at the back of his mind and smiles brightly back at them.
That seems to make things worse because the looks of sympathy seem to somehow intensify. He even sees a few women blink their limpid eyes and turn away, as though disguising tears. Somewhat alarmed, he glances at Jiang Cheng and winces.
His martial brother is bristling with anger. There’s a thundercloud-like expression on his face as he meets every eye in the room with a clear challenge.
If glances towards him are filled with sympathy, those towards Jiang Cheng are filled with contempt and disapproval. Between that and Lan Zhan’s protective hovering, Wei Wuxian is at the end of his patience.
He needs answers and he needs them now before the situation can escalate somehow.
Baffled by the situation, Wei Wuxian looks around and finds the most reliable source of gossip he can find. “What is going on?” He demands as soon as he is at Nie Huiasang’s side, “Why are people glaring at Jiang Cheng like he’s a fierce corpse?”
Nie Huaisang waves his fan, his expression a strange mix of amusement and grim satisfaction. For one, his old friend doesn’t hide behind his usual prevarications. He glances around the room and seems to catch someone’s eye. Wei Wuxian follows that gaze only to blink as Lan Zhan walks sedately towards them, expression stern and disapproving, “Do you know what’s going on, Lan Zhan?”
The Second Jade remains silent, his eyes fixed on Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian sighs in frustration and glares at Nie Huaisang, “Nie-xiong, what?”
His curt tone is enough to snape Nie Huaisang out of his musings. The man smiles wryly behind his fan, “Ah, Wei-xiong,” He waves his free hand, “There has been some speculation about your relationship with-”
“Why don’t you speak up?” A loud voice asks and Wei Wuxian turns around, “Why don’t you defend Wei Wuxian, Jiang-zongzhu? You’re going to let people slander your loyal Head Disciple so boldly?”
It’s Wang Jin, the Sect Leader of Runan Wang Clan. The man’s face is twisted in rage and disgust as he stares at Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian frowns, ready to step forward and stand by Jiang Cheng in such a hostile environment.
Lan Zhan’s hand on his arm stops him.
He looks at the Second Jade questioningly but the man just shakes his head, “Wait.”
“Why should he defend him?” An annoying Jin pipes up, his voice sharp and mocking, “We know what Wei Wuxian is! He may pretend to be loyal on the surface, but he is nothing but a faithless dog-”
“Jin Zixun!” Nie Mingjue snaps, “I will not have you insult one of our men in my presence! He fought and bled on our side.”
Nie Mingjue’s words silence him and Jin Guangyao speaks up soothingly as Wei Wuxian frowns, studying the scene with keen eyes, “Let us all calm down. I’m sure Wang-zongzhu means well.” He smiles placidly, “There have been rumors, just a bit of gossip about Wei-gongzi speaking ill of Jiang-zongzhu.” Wei Wuxian tilts his head to the side, mind whirling.
He refuses to be angry. There’s something about this situation that has his instincts rattled. He needs to focus.
“The Hanguang-jin himself said they were lies. Wei Wuxian has never spoken ill of Jiang Wanyin!” Well, that’s not entirely true. He is certain he has called Jiang Cheng a temperamental brat in Lan Zhan’s presence more than once. “Jiang-zongzhu should know better than to-”
“Why does Jiang-zongzhu need to do anything for that man?” Jin Zixun demands and Wei Wuxian feels a stir of amusement. All of this drama on his account? He’s honored.
“What kind of Sect Leader is he?” Wang-zongzhu asks, fuming, “If he doesn’t even defend his own Head Disciple? Has he not brought glory to YungmengJiang? Doesn’t the Sect owe him a debt of gratitude?” Wei Wuxian winces and Jiang Cheng’s expression turns stony, “If you want to talk of rumors, why not discuss the other rumors?” Wang-zongzhu turns to Jiang Cheng with a scowl, “Is he not your brother in all but blood? Didn’t the former Jiang-zongzhu raise Wei Wuxian as his nephew? Is this how YunmengJiang treats its brightest disciple? How will you face Jiang Fengmian, Jiang-zongzhu?”
Wei Wuxian bites back a groan as Jiang Cheng’s expression darkens with fury. This is the absolute worst thing to say to his martial brother.
“Why is he so concerned about this?” Wei Wuxian asks, almost to himself.
Nie Huiasang leans in and whispers in his ear, “His sisters were… assaulted by the Wens.”
Wei Wuxian feels a shudder crawl down his spine and shakes his head. Those disgusting wretches deserved the death he inflicted on them.
He still doesn’t understand what this has to do with him.
He glances at Lan Zhan, he is looking at the scene with his usual frosty expression, giving nothing away. He looks ahead to see Jiang Cheng ready to erupt and frowns. “Lan Zhan, I need to… help, somehow.”
“Wei Ying needs to do nothing.”
He’s about to protest when Jiang Cheng finally snaps, “Glory to YunmengJiang? He has brought nothing but devastation to it!” Wei Wuxian flinches and Lan Zhan steps forward and to the side, pointedly placing himself between the two Jiang Sect cultivators, “YunmengJiang has always been glorious. My ancestors bled and fought for it! We earned our glory through centuries of cultivation and diligence! I owe him a debt? Wei Wuxian owes me the lives of my parents! He provoked the Wens to save Lan Wangji’s life and I lost my family because of it!”
“Jiang-zongzhu, perhaps-”
“Shut up!” Jiang Cheng interrupted Jin Guangyao, “How I treat my Head Disciple is none of your business.”
“It is very much our business if you’re abusing him,” Nie Mingjue says and it silences everyone.
Wei Wuxian is… dumbfounded. He feels like he’s just a mass of confusion at this point because nothing about this situation makes sense. “Abuse?” He whispers harshly to Nie Huaisang, grabbing his arm to drag him away to a quieter corner, “Nie Huaisang, what is going on? Jiang Cheng doesn’t abuse me!”
“Does he not?” It is Lan Zhan who speaks, his expression solemn, “Truly, Wei Ying? Does he not abuse you?”
“Of course, not-”
“So he didn’t threaten you with Zidian?” Nie Huaisang asks, “Or try to physically intimidate you while you were clearly trying to step away?”
Wei Wuxian frowns, “Well yes, but that is just him being angry! He does that all the time.”
“That is no comfort to us.” Lan Zhan says stiffly.
“Didn’t he push you away several times? We have accounts from people who saw you fall to the ground.” Nie Huaisang’s expression is unusually stern, “Didn’t he seek to isolate you from everyone? Didn’t he keep telling you Wangji-xiong hated you?”
“Wangji-xiong gave every impression of hating me.” Wei Wuxian firmly denies, “Let us not attribute that particular error to someone else.”
“Indeed,” Lan Zhan nods graciously, as expected. He wouldn’t be Lan Zhan if he didn’t accept his own mistakes without hesitation.
“Wei-xiong,” Nie Huaisang tucks his fan away and he sees Lan Zhan focus on that, his eyes suddenly sharp, “He has been saying the same thing since you were at Cloud Recesses. He has always dragged you away from Lan Wangji. You saved Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan’s lives. Why is he so intent on our Second Jade, hmm?”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head, “You’re making this unnecessarily complicated.” He says, “On the surface, all of these actions appear wrong but the intent behind them isn’t cruel.”
“Your love for him blinds you.” Wei Wuxian narrows his eyes sharply at his old friend, “If er-ge treated Wangji-xiong like that, you’d be furious. Just the threat of da-ge whipping would have you reaching for your flute.”
“Did you think we wouldn’t feel the same way?”
Wei Wuxian studies him and Lan Zhan, realizing they are utterly serious. Concerned and a bit baffled, he looks at Jiang Cheng over his shoulder, only to find him nose to nose with Wang-zongzhu. “Heavens,” He breathes and steps forward, determined to intervene.
“You think what?” Jiang Cheng’s voice is full of disgust, “You… you think I have… that I’m some disgusting cutsleeve?!”
Wait, what?
“How dare you?! I would never touch a man!”
“Is that what he’s focusing on?” Nie Huaisang asks incredulously.
For once, Wei Wuxian has nothing to say.
It takes a few weeks for fresh rumors to make their rounds. People now know that Jiang Wanyin hasn’t behaved inappropriately with his martial brother, but that doesn’t make much difference.
The cultivation world, in general, still believes that Jiang Cheng’s behavior is abhorrent. Wei Wuxian is tempted to point out the hypocrisy of their words but knows it is futile. Once the masses make up their minds about something, few can persuade them to think otherwise. Jiang Cheng’s reputation has been tainted forever and there’s little they can do about it.
Unfortunately, this issue has also cemented the break between Wei Wuxian and his Sect Leader. There’s nothing that can repair the relationship now. He feels a pang of loss but he had already resigned himself to that when he had given away his Golden Core.
Fortunately, it seems he has some options available.
“Come to Gusu with me,” Lan Zhan says, his tone softer, his voice imploring, “Please.” This time, Wei Wuxian can’t mistake his intent. Lan Zhan’s reaction to the entire mess made one thing very clear to him.
Lan Wangji cares about him.
Isn’t that something? Never in his life did Wei Wuxian think he would be in such a position. He had always assumed Jiang Cheng would be by his side and Lan Wangji would stand against him. But everything is different now.
Wei Wuxian thinks of his childhood home, thinks of a life that has been irrevocably changed, and sinks in those memories for a brief moment. Despite what everyone thinks, there have been some good times. He doesn’t regret the course his life took when he was welcomed to the Lotus Pier by Jiang Fengmian.
He lingers, briefly, on regret,
Then, he shrugs it off and looks into the golden eyes of his future with a grin, “I’ll come to Gusu with you, Lan Zhan.”
And that’s that.
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Fallen angel.
Simeon x Fem!Reader
Smut... very smut... VERY. SMUT!
As always warnings below the cut.
Warnings/contents - Sexting, more sex, riding the angel, clothing modifications, fitting a headcanon I have about that outfit of his. blowjobs, mutual masturbations. all that good stuff.
If there was a way to describe getting an earful from three demons. You would find a word for it. Mammon grilled you feigning hurt the whole time about being ignored for three days. Lucifer only noted that your absence was noticed, and warned you about the risks of your relationship with the angel could have repercussions for him. Ones you were already told by Simeon that he had chosen his path.
Asmodeus however, when he was certain to snag you away from everyone he did. He shut and locked everyone out of his room under the guise of needing help with lotion again.
However you were sat down on his bed with a very eager lust demon wanting to know details.
"So! Tell me! How did he like that outfit? I mean you smell of him all over you." Asmodeus leans in taking your hands noticing the nail polish on your hands chipping. He sets about getting things so you can do nails together.
"He loved it. I almost couldn't walk after that day." You feel a little embarrassed talking about it, a gentle laugh from Asmodeus.
"If he loved it that much you can keep the apron." Asmodeus sits with you taking off the polish and focuses on the small talk. Each of the brothers had different places where they helped with things. Asmodeus was perfect for matters of the heart. He picks up on your eyes downcast.
"Did something happen while you were with him?" You are unsure if he was the right one to talk to about a falling angel. But Asmodeus was once an angel too.
The demon goes through his polish colors for a specific color in celestial blue. One he knows is the said angels favorite color and applies it.
"His wings.. are darkening." Asmodeus pauses the brush almost frowning. Then smiles.
"I see the process has begun already then. And you are feeling guilty?" You nod to his question almost retracting your hand but it is held firm to prevent messing up the polish.
"Don't be. If there is something I know of Simeon, it is he is always certain of what he does without a second thought to it. One of the things I admired of him is how passionate he is towards anything. You are a testament to that now." He lifts his head to meet your eyes.
"He loves you so much and it shows. The only way he will regret his choice now is if you reject him. He needs you more than ever while he is falling." Asmodeus cups your face and presses his forehead to yours in a gentle affectionate nuzzle to your face. If you hadn't fell for Simeon, Asmodeus would have been a second choice, he understands things concerning the heart better than most others.
"Does it hurt?" You ask and Asmodeus raises an eye then gets the question.
"It does, at first for the transition. It's why staying with him is important to reassure him he isn't making a mistake. But after he will feel free to do what he wants as he desires. I mean look at how free the rest of us are. He is falling for love, remind him how much you love him." Asmodeus higs you tight then presents his hands to you.
"Now, take care of my hands too? Make sure to use the rose oil and i am thinking of purple with a gradient pink to my nails think you can manage that?" You nod at his demands. Least you can do to repay his rare kind words.
When you leave Asmodeus' room you feel a little better about your mood. You return to your room and plop face first onto your bed. You put your hands to your face at remembering all the sordid deeds you did with Simeon, you notice how he seems to enjoy being in the shower. You're not too surprised with that as water with you two is intimate when he first really confessed his feelings.
You take up your DDD and look at it, seeing a message from Simeon.
"Good afternoon, I was thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about everything we did." You smile and reply to him.
"Aww, I was just thinking about you too. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Asmodeus wanted to talk and did nails. I can't stop thinking about you either." You send him a snap of the color. He sends a sticker with how much he loves the color.
"It suits you! Asmodeus did a nice job! When do you think we can spend time together again?" Simeon asks, you can almost see the pout he usually has, but you didn't have to wait to see it, he sends a shot of his expression.
"You could always come over to me you know." You point this out.
"That would mean Luke is left alone with Solomon." You laugh to yourself, you hug your device to you.
"I know, I know. One of these nights you have to come to my room though. I already miss you." You send him your own pout, and you feel devious with another thought. You get up and go lock your room to prevent anyone from randomly walking in.
You take another picture, one showing off the hickies he left on your neck. You had them hidden from Lucifer and Mammon
Asmodeus teased you when he spotted them.
"I miss you too. I want you in my arms again." The sticker sent was a sad demon. You attach the photo of yourself, blushing as you write out your next message to your angel.
"I mean, you could... come over." When you send the message, Simeon's eyes widen to you so bold. But he returns the tease with his own.
Simeon lays flat on his back, a teasing picture of his abdomen with a hand smoothing down his front. He almost feels embarrassed for such a picture. He sends it to you along with a picture of his face, eyes lowered to appear sultry.
You almost jump from both images. It taking alot longer him to take pictures let alone send them without sending to the wrong person.
The message that pops up afterwards, makes you want to go back to his room instead.
"My lamb, you are teasing me.. I could come over there... but what would the others do, you are not exactly quiet in bed." You begin tugging off the top and bra you had on. It took some angling to do this, but you managed to get a teasing shot of your arm across your chest mirroring his sultry look with your own. Fingers splayed enough that a nipple could be seen.
Simeon outwardly groans at the sight of you and not able to touch and kiss the skin exposed to him. The following image sent after has him teetering on whether he should give into his desires more.
You had shed your pants and had a hand thumbing the edge of your underwear to start tugging them down, lifted enough that he could almost see the start of your folds.
"You sure you don't want to come over.. I have to do this all alone.. without you." Simeon bites his lip as his forming erection strains in his pants. An idea gets him, and he is swift with removing his pants. The top of his outfit was one piece. He leans back against his headboard and pulls the bottom part covering his cock against his flesh the tented outline of him seen through the black. He gets this image taken before he sets about what he was about to do.
Carefully with a set of scissors, he cuts a slit along where his cock is. He sighs in relief when he tugs himself free. He notices he is already leaking precum and how much he wants you to be there to suck on him with this new secret of his.
Your message pops up and Simeon regards it with a kiss to his DDD.
"Let's have a little fun together since you can't make it over. Or I will tease you enough that you will come home with me tomorrow."
Your eyes go wide when Simeon sends you the first unaltered shot. You even lick your lips, realizing how much the black compliments his dark skin, and how pulled taut it is against him you almost underestimate just how he fits inside you with ease. But that is due to all the teasing he does. The second image makes your mouth water at the sight of his leaking dick.
"My lamb... I am already like this.. it's unfair of you to tease me so much when I can't touch you." You ache for your angel, and you show off how much. You arrange yourself to be more comfortable, kicking off your underwear and splay yourself open for Simeon. Your fingers keeping your folds apart exposing from clit to hole. You bite your lip, you want him now, underneath you even.
You take care of yourself, thinking of how Simeon has touched you, how much you miss the feel of his fingers and mouth on you. How he fits so well inside that you don't want him to pull away. The message you attach to the images. Almost strong enough to get the angel to crack and race over.
"My angel... you are making it hard to think or keep my hands from myself... I want you... here."
The images enough to send Simeon to stroke himself, pumping full from base to tip, squeezing, imagining it your warmth surrounding him. Streams of precum make his hand glide easier. He tugs the collar of his top to his mouth to muffle his moans.
The next image you send him of your fingers deep, has him fumbling his DDD for getting a shot of his slicked cock brimming almost with cum, you can make out the beads of white with clear.
A picture after shows his hand covered in cum, you keep your hand busy in the manner you enjoyed when Simeon touches you. Till you arch and feel shudders through your body.
"My lamb... would it be too late to come over? I need to feel you.. please." You smile to yourself as you think of having Simeon in your bed.
"Of course.. I can't wait for you. Please wear that current top of yours. I like it and I want to have some fun with you in it." You agree to him coming over. And set about getting ready for your lover.
Simeon cleans himself off to the best of his ability, still aching to be within you. He makes an excuse after Luke has gone to bed, Solomon knows what is up. He shoos him off assuring Luke will be fine.
When Simeon arrives at the House of Lamentations; Asmodeus let's him in and guides him up without getting caught or talked his ear off by any of the brothers. You had finished with a bath and wrapped in a towel giving a startled yelp at the sound of the door being knocked on.
You quickly open it ready to tell Mammon to knock it off, he had been by your room ten times for odd conversations. Instead of Mammon you see your angel.
"Simeon!" You practically jump into his arms and he guides you back into the room closing the door with his foot and reaching a hand behind to lock it. You dangle in his hold, letting him hold you up to kiss him repeatedly. You intake the gentle scent he has, noting a vanilla smell to him almost, probably from the baking he does.
The kisses you share with the angel are needy. You tilt your head back as Simeon tilts down to seal the kiss better. You can feel him press against your thigh. You shift to grind your hips against his earning a heated sigh. Simeon walks you both to your bed and lays you on your back. You feel his hands make work of your towel pulling it off. He had to feel your skin under his palms.
You smooth your hands down his front as he crawls over you. You slip a hand beneath the hem of his pants, encountering his cock through the fabric of his top. You feel for the slit that was made earlier when he sent you that sinful picture. You find it and tug it up to guide his erection through it. You begin to pump him feeling him throb in your hand. You are eager as much as he is, you glance up to his face, and see his eyes closed as you play with just the tip, thumb rubbing around the slit.
Simeon is lost in this pleasure and gently bucks his hips to your hand as you stroke him. His hands move to his pants and begins to shove them down. A quick kick of them off the bed and you see first hand the hole, just how hard he is, and you smear precum across the tip much like how you saw his cock all covered in it earlier.
“Lay down, Simeon. I’ll take care of you tonight.” You purr audibly to him, he agrees and you help him lie down on his back. You didn’t want to waste a whole lot more time since your home in Devildom happens to be full of curious demons.
You move down to press your mouth to his tip in a swift kiss, then take it into your mouth. You give him quick sucks, hearing his soft moans under his breath. Simeon feels like he is on fire, a pleasant fire. He watches you please him, you feel him twitch in your mouth from his enjoying your tongue sweeping along just below the slit of his tip.
When you had enough you give his cock one more kiss and sit upright. Simeon begins to raise up to have you lie under him, but you shove him back down gently, a shy smile on your face. The falling angel looks up at you as you move to straddle his waist.
“I did say I’d take care of you, my angel.” Simeon raises a hand to his face and looks away shy.
“Of course. Please... I need you.” You hear the plea in his voice, and move to grind your hips again with his. Simeon feels a hand guide his cock along your folds, and there you roll your hips down avoiding him pushing inside you, listening to a frustrated sigh. You push yourself in a way that he glides through your folds. He gets the idea and moves with you, Simeon looks up at you as you rest your hands on the flat of his abdomen. 
“A little more like this..” You ask him to be patient with what you are doing. You needed to feel him like this, even as you feel him almost pushed inside. You raise your hips and move back. Biting your bottom lip you push down this time onto his cock, you both sigh together in unison you at the feel of him hot and thick inside, while he feels slick and pleasant tightness around him. 
Simeon rests his hands on your waist as you begin the slow movements of rolling yourself down to his hips. You are met with him pushing up against you meeting your movements with his own. Your hands grip the black top he has, you remember you are having sex through that slit he made. The thoughts encourage you to get wilder with Simeon. You raise higher and push down, your angel meets your pace going as fast as you let him and hard as you are shoving down. 
Your nails dig into his abdomen you feel the muscle beneath your hands as you meet thrust for thrust. Simeon feels you tighten on him from time to time as you get closer to your orgasm. Simeon’s hands grip your waist tighter, helping you grind when he wants you to, and thrusts up when he needs to feel you slide along him.
“My lamb... I’m getting closer.. do you want me inside still?” His words echo in your mind, the haze there, but you felt something in you that wants him to keep filling you. Like you’d be incomplete without him. You push down harder onto him.
“Please inside..” You blush saying it, and Simeon raises a hand to your face to get you to look at him. He takes up one of your hands and laces your fingers together. 
“Okay, makes me happy you want that possibility.” Your soul ached with how sweet he is while in the middle of you on top of him. Simeon grips your hand tighter in his, and now your own movements are jerky, you bite back a loud cry, not wanting to scream or moan too loudly to draw the attention of the demons in the house. 
Simeon moves his hands to guide you down on him, moving as hard and keeping you close. He felt hotter, almost painful but pleasurable at the same time. One hard thrust inside and you still as you clamp down around him, Simeon thrusts through your orgasm till he has his. 
Your face burns a bit more after he cums, you see his face lit with absolute pleasure. He looks at you with such a gentle look to his eyes that you feel even more guilty for his falling. You don’t let it show in your face, instead you lay on top of him, still letting him stay within you. You feel like when you two first were intimate together. How gentle and sweet he was, still is. You feel a hand rub circles on the small of your back.
Something about having sex with him this round felt just so much more intimate. Like being so sure of your next step.
“Simeon...” You feel a kiss to the top of your head, and he shifts to lay you next to him, pulling from you. Staying awake to listen to you.
“Yes? My sweet lamb?” Simeon rubs his face to your head nuzzling his cheek against your hair.
“I love you.” You feel his smile against the crown of your head and a kiss with it. 
“I love you too.” You trace lazy patterns on his chest tugging and snapping the fabric of his top.
“It is possible to have a child right? Are you afraid of a possible nephilim?” You feel hands cup under your face to get you to look to his face. Locking your eyes with deep blue ones. You smooth your hands on his chest taking in the black of the fabric and the brown of his skin.
“I don’t have fears. It’s possible, and I hope we’re fortunate with one... or maybe a few.” You shrink down at the idea of many. 
“There is no turning back you know. You can still. ah! Ow!” Simeon pinches your face again for mentioning his falling. Making good on his promise to pinch again if you bring it up in a negative way.
“I don’t plan to turn back.” He confirms his stance, and you nod after hearing that hiss in his voice warning. You shrink down closer to him, only for Simeon to cup under your face to get you to look at him.
“You must make it up to me now. I did say not to bring that up. So... we need a punishment in place.” A teasing lilt in his voice, you keep your eyes on his playful blue eyes.
“Punishment? What sort of punishment!?” You feign hurt, and he laughs that sweet light hearted laugh.
“How about this. For every time you think and bring it up. You have to spend an entire lifetime with me. That means from here out. Anytime I catch that sad face, you apologizing for my choice, or feeling guilty over it. You will add onto how many lifetimes you spend with me. Sound fair? I can even get Diavolo or Lucifer to make it official.” He sounds so cheerful saying it, and you can’t help but smile as he tugs you closer to feel you against himself. You help him tug and pull his top off, wanting to feel skinship with him.
“I thought punishments are suppose to be something I won’t enjoy.” You remind him of what a punishment is, and he taps a finger to your lips.
“You’re right. Okay, a punishment. You have to suffer a bowl of Solomon’s cooking.” You blanch at that, shrinking down and pulling the blanket over your head. Simeon chases after you pulling it over his head and slipping down to wrap his arms around you.
“A spoonful. No? Then does a lifetime sound better?” You nod and raise your head to meet him in a nuzzle on your face, pressing cheek to cheek doing this for both sides. 
You feel him move closer and wrap his arms around you, tugging your head up so you rest it on his arm underneath you. You trace fingers over his face, touching his eyelids, his nose, tugging his bottom lip which earns his fang playfully nipping your fingers.
Simeon hides everything he feels behind a smile. The burning he feels in his back, how he seems to feel like everything is on fire in his being. Yet he is there, shoving his feelings aside, letting the fall run its course. 
He didn’t show his wings this round, you would see them turning black like Lucifer’s only with green tips at the ends. Another reason he wanted to be in your arms, was so he didn’t feel alone while it runs its course.
You smooth your hands along his back and rub gently, Simeon lets you touch, finding your hands soothing to the fire he feels. Yet at the same time he feels good, blissful in his sensations. 
“Are you in pain?” You ask, and he presses his forehead to yours again.
“Keep touching me please... your hands feel so nice. My head... rub my head?” You nod, your fingers going through his hair and massages his head. Simeon presses closer to you, and you feel him push you more onto your back. He presses kiss after kiss on your chest and on your neck. Under your palms you can feel the heat of a fever through him, you bring him up to kiss his face, showering him in love and affection.
Simeon soaks every bit up, taking your hand to kiss the palm as it passes his cheek. You don’t object to feeling him want to take you again, allowing him to press in, the lovemaking alot more tender, alot more sweeter than you two have done.  
You hear soft murmurs of adoration under his breath, how he says soft worships into your skin. The talk of a potential child already with you. Kisses over your heart as he hears it race from his thrusts. You scratch down his back when you both peak together. He has a needy look in his eyes, like he wants more, needs more of you. You allow him as much as he needs of you.
Simeon wears you out first, snickering at when you are cuddled up in his arms, and he nuzzles his face into your chest. Pressing an ear to listen to your heart beating as it calms down.
He joins you soon after, tugging you into his arms and protectively holding you so close to himself, that all you feel is a safe warmth through you.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
KISMETS (Part 3)
Harry Styles x Preggs Fem!Reader.
Frenmies to lovers to parents, Dadthon!!H
Oral Smut, dirty talk and teasing.
Angst! Angst and fluff!! N' tooth rotting fluff.
Dadrry, bestie!h, boyfriend!h
Author's Note: The concept's kinda weird but if you've watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Phoebe Buffay carrying child for someone. You've got it my pal!
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The morning light cocoons them with softness and they don't care if they're sitting in a pool of blood.
"I love you too, so much." She hiccups pacifying down not wanting to never be to able say them again as Harry runs a hand at her back, limbs still tangled with eachother, whispering sweet things to her while Miss. Dori pulled her placenta out, "Y/N?" He panics when she dulls in his arms head lulling at his shoulder and heartbeat slowing down to feeble line. Gently pulling his face out from the cave of her neck he pats her cheek worriedly, again, at her unconscious state, her head dangling back over his wrist, "Y/N!?" His heart squeezing tight miserably into his ribcages when she doesn't respond to his calls.
Harry and Y/N are back being to besties and enjoying being pregnant together.
Warning: Mentions of blood, pregnancy trauma and natural childbirth hurdles.
Eyes gives it all. Even the hidden treasures get's looted from the mere mistake of someone's gaze just like right now when he's pretending to be confused as ever, "what? Called her myself . . ." He frowns and she sniffs frozen in her position feeling exposed from the vulnerability of being naked infront of him; tries to cover herself criss-crossing her arms over her chest.
"Why'd you d'that?" She hiccups wiping her blushed nose and his pupils bursts wide into realization. Immediately, cradles her face tenderly stroking the apple of her cheeks shaking his head vigorously, "Oh -— no. no. no baby told her to come over to take her leftover stuff if not I better give it to charity."
"O . . okay." She sucks in a breather. Without a word he removes hers arms away in a gesture that you never need to hide from me. Kisses her shoulder blade stroking her wrists and her pulse in circles.
"Don't cry, lil penguin. Why're ye' cryin'?" He asks in his most gentle voice feathering her cheek with the back of his hand, "'m . . . 'm scared." She tries to recoup her cries holding her breath causing her cheeks to puff like a fish.
"Let's get you cleaned warm and nice. Then we'll talk yeah lovie?" He slides her elbows behind his neck holding her strongly to walk them to his bedroom. Gives her a bath full of vanilla bubbles, essential oils, scrubbed her back and would trail kisses up her belly from under water making her giggle and weave her fingers into his own wet curls.
Him loving all three of them's the most adorable thing.
Got her ready for mid-nap with his sweater and boxers putting fur pads atop her ears, aloe fused socks on her feet and turning the heat a bit to sleepy temperature. Tucks a quilt under their chins and snuggles her closer to himself letting herself calm to his heartbeats before she speaks her heart out to him, "wanna talk? What you're scared of babe tell me all of it. Knows that I'll handle." He slips further into bed bringing her thigh around his torso and her head atop his buff chest.
She exhales loudly trying to subside the emotional feeling of crying along with each word that comes out of her mouth. Her bad habbit of grounding everything to the pit of her stomach until it blasts into a massive destruction always gets her into worst scenarios.
"'M worried about alot of things –- actually." She peeks up at him and he's already looking down at her genuinely with relaxed self to let her know that nothing has changes and he's still her bestfriend who'd wait for her till she manages to speak, "about what?" He encourages her petting down her hair.
"Everything like 'like future . . 'n — me being a good mum after all of that 'm uni too. . . the semester would start right after the month of my delivery." She furls her toes to keep her anxiety at bay level cocooning her womb cause she feels the safest with the assurement of her babies being with her, "about my career and what about me dreams? What if I'll never get to chase 'em?" He listens to her diligently boring his gaze to the way her lips mold with each word. Sighs gently rubbing her arms up and down salutating his palm around the side of her neck to tip her face towards him. His lips lingers at her temple murmuring against it, "Together we're gonna do this."
"You're gonna be the kindest and bestest mommy ever Y/N. I belive in ye' and about your dreams. I'll take care that nothing comes in the way to stop ya . . You'll attend UNI same as before 'cause 'm takin' a break to be with our babies till your done with your degree." He declares to her seriously and honestly running his hand all over her spine to assure her in every way possible, locking his ankles with her under the sheets.
"'M a big boy now! A daddy to two babies don't underestimate me miss gremlin!" He grins impishly smushing his cheeks into her side wide spreading his palm atop her tummy warmly with bare fingers, "'kay gotcha!" She giggles cuddling into him with droopy eyes inhaling the same scent she's lathered in from the sweet spot of his neck.
She wakes up in the evening satisfied and happy with the nap marks, sweaty baby hairs, a bit of drool at the corner of her mouth and Harry already awake but still spooning her. He's her pregnancy pillow.
Covers her mouth with his pinky and ring finger when she yawns cutely stretching beneath him slowly blinking. Proper stops with his intense loving gaze still on her and blushes hard when he pecks her dry lips after sleep. Her chest heaves with his kisses and snogs trailing down between the valley of her breasts making her card her fingers through his chocolate curls. Whimpers ever hoarsely raising her hips in air for some friction and to levitate the throb in between her legs asking for him to release the ache away.
He takes the hint scooching closer to her side nudging her knees wide stroking the flesh of her thighs with tickling pinches. She whines fisting sheets with yearning arch of her back, "insatiable lil thing aren't ya?" He gives a toothy grin wetting his lips making her pause in her heave of getting his fingers instead flickering her vision over his candy plush lips.
"Kiss me?" She whispers and how couldn't he when she's looking this soft, warm and full of blush from the nap. He was litreally nutters for not ever pondering over the thought how alluring and attractiveness her satiny features hold, "'course darlin'." He tips her chin towards himself letting her sweet cushiony lips fuse against his's into an ardent kiss shooting her libidos 100 times higher than before making her moan pathetically into his mouth.
Her forearms winding around his shoulders instinctively and exhales through her nose not pulling away from the kiss and squeaks lowly when he bites her lower lip pulling away, "'ve got asthma y'mad mad woman." He gapes down at her dramatically fiddling with the bow of her panties. They skim down to her mound feeling the slickness that has spread all around and the rough trim of hair, "and I've got an extravagant sex drive!" It whisks into a breathy gasp of dense air when he slid his digits in between her slick folds flickering her swollen clitoris and repeating till she's panting for more.
"Sad innit? 'S me fault. I should be the one to help my girl out." He mutters trailing sweet kisses down her swollen belly to her pelvis snapping the elastic with his teeth causing her to jolt under his firm hold. She's too floaty else the statement of him claiming her would have swiped her away into a paradise of never ending imaginations.
"Mhmp. What did ya had fo' lunch lovie'?" He licks her juices off from the inside of her thighs sending intense quivers to her core. His palms smoothes under her thighs to hike them up and over his shoulders nipping at her skin when all she did was responded with a gasp, "d- dunno forgot . ." He perks his brows to his forehead commenting playfully while dipping down to tickle her with his curls.
"Pregnancy made ye' loose your braincells, moppet?" She raises her hand to smack him at head instead tugs his hair when for finally he flattens his tongue thickly against her wet cunt to give a good mind boggling lick sucking her clitoris in the way, "asshole. . ." She moans squirming like leaf under him but he quites her by taking her sensitive nub between his teeth to give a little graze and pull. It makes her pussy lips flutter and her hole leak with so much wetness it sticks to Harry's chin.
"H – ha . . rry. Harry." She tries to grind her hips against his mouth but he tuts brushing his pads around her dripping hole to tease her, "yes baby?" Groans of annoyance fills the room and she shoves her face into the pillow bitting down the snarky insults thrown at the curly head.
"Not gonna give ye' me fingers till you ask fo' it." He smooches wet filthy kisses letting her stickiness coat his lips stirring a ball of fire in her pit, "shut up." She whines nudging him with her knee telling him to do something to relax her.
"Make me." He smirks tilting his head to suck her petal fold creating dirty seductive noises on purpose. She huffs taking the matters into her hands pulling him up towards her by a hard grip onto his hair, "ouch ouch!!" He quips shutting his eyes tight.
"Harry Styles you make me cum or I'm never letting you fuck me ever." She glares him and he gives out a defeated sigh naughtiness still lurking in his moss of irises, "bossy – kay! Sorry! Was kiddin' babe. 'M all here to please ye'." She nods her head curtly shoving him back down and he giggles at her when in an instant from an angry lil penguin she melted into a mush of gooe when Harry thrusted two fingers at once inside her curving them once they were buried snug deep.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." She gasps moving her hips along him that he stayed in his place eating her out while his fingers pushed in and out of her tight pussy with squelching noises, "fuckin' tight urghh." He grits rubbing her clit into harsh circles with his other hand, mouth on her cunt and fingers fucking her continuously.
"Want more?" He asks and she bobs her head not even processing what he said almost loosing the idea of her presence feeling too much ecastasy and over the clouds, "here take as much as ye' want baby." He slips another third finger admiring the way her pussy stretches swallowing his fingers, "'m gonna lick your little wet cunt off then clean it with me filthy tongue to make a mess of ye' all over again filling you full with me cock. Sounds good baby?" He knows she's the shy lil bean and his sweet enthusiastic words of vulgarism heats her up enough.
"Gonna come. Harry --" She tips her head down and back in air eyes rolling into her sockets. Harry rubs her outer thighs soothing her thrashing body, "shhh baby relax. You can cum on me fingers." She obliges him softening in his arms and her pussy makes soppy noises gushing with each wave of pleasure throbbing around his digits while he works her out to make her feel as giddy as he could, "That's it baby girl. That's it cum fo' me again?" He prods at the sponge of bump inside her seething through her twitching walls making it impossible for him to pull out and tent his cock against the bed leaving a spot of how turned on he's at the moment.
But, his first-most priority is her. It always was her maybe more than Chessie
"Happy my lil lioness?" He comes back on top of her arms digged on either side of her temple and she tries to squint from one eye pulling him to herself planting a rewarding kiss at his cheek, "how 'bout a pizza from Tommy's place?" He lays ontop of her (like half ontop of her and half on his side; just to share her warmth).
"Can I have an extra topping of olives, pretttyy pleaseee?" She makes a weird funny face to convince him, "but you're allergic to 'em." He frowns sitting up thumb hovering over the contacts popping on the screen. He has everything memorized she's allergic to; it's not much peanuts, olives and clay dough ( she claims that she ate it once when she was possibly 5 and it swelled her flesh up ) not that she's gonna nip at it now but Harry couldn't trust her cravings at all.
"But 'm craving them sooo baddd." She clutches the hem of his tattered shirt pouting but he retorts with the shake of his head intervining their fingers together to kiss her knuckles, "Nope moppet. We don't need another hospital visit at fou' in the morning like last time, do we?" She remembers it. A very angry Chessie at his doorsteps while he helped her walk inside this home post hospital visit.
"I hate this." She huffs folding her arms against her chest, "I know. How about we delay getting y'sick once babies are out?"
"You kidding?" Her mouth slacks turning into a widespread grin at last, "absolutely not. Pizza without olives yeah?" He smacks a kiss against her open mouth loudly before his phones rings at the pizza place.
Harry's the busy bee. From grocery shopping to making the list of all the organic food he needs to line up his pantry with, he took everything's responsibility on himself. Cause mama has a huge duty for wrapping two babies in her womb safe and heated. Even when she tries to bend down to put a plate in dishwasher he skates near her supporting her back and scolding her, "all you've t'do is eat and nap. Dunno fucks count 'cause we fuck alot — chill sweet baby. 'switch onto telly 'm bringing banana milk and cookies." She pouts because she doesn't want to be a burden on him. She wants to suspect any tiredness from his features — the way he's been on his trippy toes for her from eight and half months but how much she tries she couldn't instead he looks way more giggly and joyful than before with never ending dad jokes and teasing bum pats.
They indeed fuck alot. Harry loves that she's always sleepy and clingy — he thinks he's truly, deeply and madly in love with his lil penguin but they're in the middle of train's track whose destination is atlast confession of love but he wants to wait. He can't wait though. He's always been impatient and light from stomach can't sleep at night without sharing a word of his swimming thought with anyone. He shared it with Nialler, it was at three in the morning after Y/N sucked his cock dry with so much admiration for his prick he was bout to cry and blurt out but he didn't. Cuddled with her and oreo practically on his face then ringed his lad startling him up, "why did ya wake me up fo' something we all already know Harold? Do I've to teach ya lessons cause now that would be a shame to your kiddos." He grunted dropping the call leaving Harry baffled and alone to his thoughts again.
"Sweet angel . . " He cooes jarring the door to his room with his foot. She has moved in to his house, from guest room to his room and his heart. Told him she didn't like sleeping alone and gets the most amazing slumber squished up against his chest in his arms. He was ardent that she completes him. He's right. She does. Always had but this time it's till they're getting old and wrinkly.
Lilac walls glow from the telly's illumination and the flicker of light from their open wardrobe. His ears perks at a repulsive groan and his brows dips to tune into the situation, "what are ye' doin', pet?" He asks confused at the sight of Y/N in a funny position with a razor in her hand standing in the middle of their wardrobe trying to duck and see through her huge bump.
"'M tryin' to shave me legs — seems impossible though." She throws her head back to convey her annoyance and Harry chuckles placing the banana milk and the plate of dark chocolate cookies atop the drawer island taking her wrist which's holding onto the razor, "you don't 'ave to it's just a maternity shoot –- no biggie, moppet." She huffs. Their faces at level and intimately close to have a good stare in eachother's eyes.
"No biggie!? it's the first time I'll get to have someone take me pictures, all, personally fo' me." Her smile pouty as she tries not to break her disgruntled facade down.
"How 'bout the times, I was a victim of ye'r endless pictures taking sessions?" He squints down at her. Hands out of instinct fumbling by her sides to feel her warmth on his skin, "you were sooo shittt at that job."
"Kay, kay then, lemme just –- hand this razor, I'll shave ye'r legs pretty girl." Happily she shoves it in his grip while he knees down hiking her leg ontop of his knee. His pink tongue popping out in concentration. She trusts him in this because last time he was the one to shave herdown there. Taking a sip of her banana milk she taps the straw against his lips speaking, "a bestie in need is a bestie indeed." With his eyes on her ankle and his pretty hands which could make her come infinite times right now working so diligently, He gives her a high five taking a sip himself.
She breaks a cookie forwarding it to Harry and he looks up — so being all dramatic she acts shy and blushy turning her gaze away in a swift, "what baby?" He laughs putting her other foot on his knee his grip tight around her ankle.
"Don't stare at me calves like that you creep." He wipes away the crumbs from his lips giggling and making her giggle, "I've literally shaved your cooch days before." She jabs her big-toe against his nipple getting a high pitched squeak from a grown ass man in return.
"I hate you!" She says through the spurt of chuckles and his response in return turned both of them silent, "I know ye' love me." Their cheeks blazed. Eyes twinkling. Hearts doing lil dance dance but nobody from them tries to break the comforting silence knowing they'd word vomit the instant they'd.
They say "I love you." And "love you." in their normal routines without making it a mess of shyness. But the butterflies at that specific moment when the epiphany dawns on the pair that they really are in love with eachother makes their tummies float in void with butterflies.
"All done!" He announces enthusiastically kissing her knee like she's a princess in distress and the words burns at the plush of her lips, "love you."
"You too, lil penguin." He smiles boyishly.
"Oh fuck, I forgot we're gonna have shoot in our pyjamas." She yells in a low hum and he rolls his eyes slapping her ass, "rotten you're."
A maternity shoot in their back garden along oreo never seemed this fun when they were gushing about it days prior. Nialler gifted them cute baby pink coloured matching pyjamas with yellow peaches pattern, mommy and daddy embroidered on them. They even matched some fluffy kitten hats too!! A pair of yellow and pink with kitten ears with goggly eyes, big cheshire that of Oreo.
Their close friend Onna was all up for the shoot and nothing's more adorable than Harry's soft hands around Y/N's belly in a protective way, while they sat on the fluffy growing grass and cotton flowers. Her back resting against his taught chest, his legs wrapped on either side of her and oreo almost stretching atop her bump quenching loud belly ache laughs from them.
"Two pictures 'n 'm already tiredd, pff." She gasps shuffling a little to activate her sore bum and Harry pecks her shoulder cutely, "some more 'cause you'll grump later." Onna captures each every second of their tooth rotting interaction.
"Oi. I'll not!!" To avoid a banter Harry taps her chin pointing towards the camera speaking, "last one doll, one to show that we really are pregnant." Onna's laughing at their techniques. Shaking her head with each shot of overloaded sweetness she traps in her camera.
"I. Am. Indeed. Pregnant. Pet." She looks down with wide eyes rubbing her prodding tummy in circles, the top button litreally about to pop and Harry's face adorns with a naughty grin showing his bunny teeth, "Me too!!" He squeals rubbing his moth covered belly the same way she's doing and it sent both girls into fits of laughters.
"Sillllyyyyy." She sing-songs throwing an arm around the nape of his neck to bring him closer and smooch a loving kiss to his cheek, "you're gonna be the best dad." She whispers eyes closing into the diameter of his scent and he rests his lips against her forehead. Onna having a smile of adoration for her friends while she did her job, laying down to capture this one beautifully.
"Yeah?" His voice just audible to them. "Uhmm." She nods fiddling with the collar of his pyjamas and their bubbles pops when oreo tugs at Y/N's top revealing her graceful babies bump.
"You batty creature!!" She tries to grab oreo to smoosh her in her arms but oreo gallops miles away before it could happen.
The whole last night Y/N couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning with whines of complaints to a snoring Harry on her side. When Harry woke up she was already staring him like an owl scaring the poor thing, cause it wasn't a loving one. It was a proper creeping stare with baggy eyes and pouty lips, "can we have 'em out already?" She snuggles into his throat and he massages her head.
"In a week." He grogs out stroking his cheek against her's, "Have ya taken out all the required papers?" He asks her and she nods with a yawn. Today's the enrollment day for Y/N's next semester -- Harry will go to her UNI to talk to the administration instead of her.
"I'll be back in no time, till then try havin' a good rest, want some donughts from that one shop near ye'r UNI?" He thumbs at her baby locks. She shakes her head murmuring into his flimsy sweat shirt, "not feeling like it." Dunno what happened. She was alright after for finally her sickness went away but today she feels like shit because of her Braxton hicks climbing to painful peak.
Kissing her head last time he untangles himself to get ready and she watches him buttoning up his cuffs with his curl dangling over his eyes, he's looking handsome and a bit too out of her league with the crisp white shirt and chequered trousers.
He squats down pecking her lips. Her nostrils filling with cinnamon ocean-y smell soothing the tick of her nerves. Her body reacting to even the air pricking at her skin, "don't miss me too much, lil penguin." He gives her an eskimo kiss knowing she's feeling down and tired today the way she has her face squished into pillow and isn't trying even to cup his cheeks like she does everytime he leaves for something.
He puts her phone on the nightstand tugging her under the sheets, switching off the lamp and slowly exists the room not to disturb her. She doesn't know when he leaves but the pin-drop silence tells it all and she's half conscious half awake with fluttering eyelids.
She turns on her back with a groan to get rid of the dull ache in her pelvis and outer thighs — but then she feels something . . . . something wet between down there and it makes her snap open her eyes blinking blankly at the ceiling. Tries not to think of bad scenarios but it's otherwise.
"Holy cow of jesus." She fists the pillow under her sitting up with much difficulty and to her worst horrors the sheets are sploched badly. She stands up with her spine almost bending in two — staying calm and positive even when a heavy gush of water trickles down her legs soaking the rug. It has nothing attractive in it as they show in movies but rather feels like a dam leaking and a litreal adult peeing in their gowns.
She snatches the phone from nightstand putting a firm arm beneath her belly walking out of room, her maternity floral white gown clinging to her skin. A tinge of shock weaved through her bones but that didn't made her loose her balance. She wants to throw the phone against the wall when the line always beeps busy, "already missin — " his honey of voice bringing tears in her eyes.
"Get your ass back home!! Right fuckin' now!" She yells into speaker trudging forward with carefull steps. He pushes onto breaks hard, panicking into his seat, "What happened!?" He's quick in turning gears speeding back home. Her lips wobbles blue from pain and the unbearable throb between her thighs. Words struck in her throat as she tries to speak gripping the globe of stair railing leaning against it when a hard contraction striked against her spine.
"'M going into labour — " Harry's heart falls into his arse. His vision blurring from the intensity of the moment and he's thanking Gods for being five minute drive away from home. How many times they prepared for this time it all went in vain and now Harry's beating himself for leaving her side at all, "'m comin' home, it's okay baby, it's okay breath." His lips stammers from an invisible fear and fingers twitches around the wheel.
Wanted to shout at him "breath, my ass." Instead She gasps loudly in fright when she feels her cervix dilating to the maximum point and it did the last fireworks for her tears, "no, no, noo!!"
"'M giving birth!!" She shouts kissing her teeth together to keep the pain at the bay hooking a thumb into her panties, scrunching her dress up to press them under her armpits and squatting down with the heels of her palms pressed with so much strength over the last stair case, "what? oh my — 'm calling our midwife." She can feel a head trying to force it's way out from her vagina and it rakes out a sob from her chest.
"Please be gentle with mommy, 'm coming." Harry says and it comes out as a weak whisper while he drives sitting on the edge of the seat and Y/N's ears are ringing with white noise to even pay attention to what he's saying. Her gown drenching with sweat and she screamed at the top of her lungs pushing with her all might scaring a sleepy oreo in her bassinet, "Shit." He mutters tugging his curls back immediately calling their midwife. He wishes his babies could atleast wait for him to be there with their momma.
"Miss. Dori !! Y/N has gone into labour, 'm out, dunno —---" There's loud urgent shuffling on her side that of picking stuff and closing metal boxes as she assures Harry with firmness, "I'll be there in just 10 minutes, till then reach there as quick as possible. She needs you Mr. Styles." It collects sweat at the dip of his spine sky rocketing his anxiety. His breath elevating at the sight of his society's gate and if it was possible he'd have flown to her.
Parking hastily on the side of road and leaving his car's door open — dishelved he steps outside almost falling square on his face while the old couple that use to sit at their porch in mornings watch him with concern, "Is everythin' alright son?"
They ask and Harry nods yelling to them, "Y/N is in labour!!" His face blowing out of any color when his ears fills with painful screams of his lil penguin and his fingers jumbles with keys unlocking the door.
It's surreal. The realization not completely setting in that all of this's happening right at this moment, that he's going to be a daddy in some hours, Y/N hunched over the bottom stair squatting down with thighs wide apart and her gown soaked against her back. His breath knocks out of his lungs and eyes bursts into shock when he sees his baby's head pushing it's way out in between her legs.
"I can see it's head! I can see it's head oh m'godness." He announces rushing towards her and Miss. Dori guides him, "Harry help her pull it out, cup the baby's head and if it's shoulders are grab-able, have it out." He places the phone atop the stair sitting down beside Y/N kissing the side of her head quickly wiping her tears away.
"Hi baby, it'll be alright, 'm here now let's pull our bubba out mighty quick." He presses his chest to floor to look down there and if Y/N would have been in her good state of mind she'd have butt him in not to. His brows kinks tightly together as he tries to concentrate and not to pass out from the sight of blood and his blood covered infant half hanging in it's mother's v.
Gently he wraps his shivering palm around it's head and shoulder moreso figuring out if it could itself comes out, "push a bit more, moppet." She shakes her head furiously crying and trying with all her will, "It's hurts!!" He wishes the process wasn't that painful.
"I know, I know baby —- oh okay okay! We got him." He cackles through his worry taking him all out and in his arms having a good grip around it's tiny waist fearing it would slip. Y/N takes a huge sigh of relief muscles loosening and shoulders slumping. She could hear him sniffing close to her with little noises despite of how much she wants to hug him, she still has another one to bring out in the world.
"It's Elios." He grins with ablazed glossy eyes stroking his tweeny baby hair back. Though his excitement shatters into pieces as he cries to Miss. Dori, "He's not breathin, n'--not breathin' what do I do??" He has switched into his fight and flight mode. Fat tears spilling down his cheeks. Y/N wants to have him in her arms and make sure her baby's healthy but a hard contraction makes her bones jello with her another baby trying to pop out.
"Calm down Mr. Styles, Is his cord wrapped 'round his neck?" When Harry couldn't mutter a single word just shaking his head ear to ear staring down his little one with fear and sadness, Y/N screams for him, "No!!"
"It's nothin', clean his nose, it's probably some clotting blocking his breathing passage." Harry acts on her instruction without wasting a time and the threshold's walls bounced with prattle of his low coarse cries, "Oh my god!!" Harry gasps holding his baby boy closer to his chest not giving two fucks if his shirt and skin stains with thick blood.
In the meantime Miss. Dori and her assistant nurse tramps through their door. Cutting the cord Nurse takes Elios from Harry's arms and takes him for a cleanup as Harry leads her to their nursery. When he comes back Miss. Dori has their other bubba already out and it's worth watching him flying into clouds of paradise, full of glee, happiness, so much happiness has never experienced before.
"Hi. Victoria." He keeps his voice soft if she's a chinese porcelain doll and would break in his arms. He loves his son to core but the way his heart just swirled with fondness and love for his daughter the second she was layed into his embrace was something else. He's tender with her and from just gazing her it spurt out a sob from the deepest of his tummy, "she was so stubborn to come out rather than his brother." Miss. Dori tells him and his head perks up with proud adoration. Handing her to nurse he turns his gaze back to his exhausted lil penguin leaning against the wall now. And scoots closer to his bestfriend, the love of his life and the mother of his babies.
Hugging her warmly and affectionately, winding his arm around the nape of her neck to smoosh her into his chest while she cries against his throat. Being tender and the softest yet sweetest he could be with her, pressing his lips against her ear to whisper words that made her cry even more loudly into his bicep, "I love you, I love you more than anythin' in the world, 'm s' soo proud of ye' baby, me soulmate and the love of me life. I promise to love you forever and infinity." The world blurs around them and their heartbeats latches to sync in with eachother. The morning light cocoons them with softness and they don't care if they're sitting in a pool of blood, mess of the beautiful birth of their gorgeous twins.
"I love you too, so much." She hiccups pacifying down not wanting to never be able say them again as Harry runs a hand at her back, limbs still tangled with eachother, whispering sweet things to her while Miss. Dori pulled her placenta out, "Y/N?" He panics when she dulls in his arms head lulling at his shoulder and heartbeat slowing down to feeble a line. Gently pulling his face out from the cave of her neck he pats her cheek worriedly, again, at her unconscious state, her head dangling back over his wrist, "Y/N!?" His heart squeezing tight miserably into his ribcages when she doesn't respond to his calls.
"'M listenin', pet." She whispers smiling weakly and Harry's lungs nourishes with air, "Scared me baby love." He hugs her again with a wobbling pout and this time she tries to console him.
"Y'okay baby? Should we go to hospital? It's better if —--"
"'M okay!!" She simpers kissing the dip of his collarbone. Carefully he smoothes an arm down her back and knees picking her up bridal style to take her to their bathroom for a hot nice bath full of essential oils. He caress her face, trailing his knuckles down her cheeks, gazing her fondly while sitting down on the floor beside her with his one hand inside the warm water to lull around her calves.
"I love you, you've given me such beautiful babies. 'Ave ye seen Tori ? She's a proper you, that lil bunny mouth of yours, aish." He giggles and she squeezes his fingers in a silent gesture to tell him how happy she's. Drying her clean with a towel and moisturizing her body, making her wear her comfortable gown.
When he tucks her under sheets she babbles with droopy eyelids and tired body, "can I see my babies?" He smauches a kiss against her forehead, "After a teeny rest, yeah angel?" But, she was already out like a bulb making him chuckle softly.
Miss. Dori left the kind nurse behind with them till Y/N wakes up and with her help Harry lays down the twins on either side of their mommy. Deeply pondering how lucky he's to have his family completed and healthy, tucked into their mother's armpits.
He giggles and holds his breath in awe when Elio wriggles in his blanket, scootes his bum closer when Y/N yawns and stretches, "how ye' feelin'?" He brushes her loose tresses back and she nods attempting to sit up.
"Good." Thanking him when he gets comfy amount of pillows behind her, "wanna hold them?" He asks as she ducks down to kiss both of their soft skins.
"'M arms are still shakin' . ." She chuckles, "no biggie, I'll help ya out, a bestie in need is a bestie indeed." She giggles loudly startling Tori and Harry hushes her comically scooching behind her embracing her in a heated wrap from behind chin resting over her shoulder, "shh, gotta be quite with this one — such a light sleeper bub."
"This's Victoria Anne Styles and Elios Vincent Styles." He supports her one forearm with his's under: giving Elio to her and having Tori in his other, "are you presenting them to me as some kind of award for my bravery, pet?" She nudges him playfully and he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
"Such nice awards, innit?" He gives her an eskimo kiss and she puckers her lips asking for a loving smooch of his candy lips, "absolutely."
They took their first nap together with Harry and Y/N on either side of bed with their babies in the middle of their warmth just like a nest of sparrows, safe, comfy and utterly snuggly with the couple protecting their dainty creatures of soft flesh from the storms of outside.
"C'mere baby . . " Harry usheres Oreo with the snap of his thumb as she tries to canoodle into the soles of his feet tickling him and she obliges his tone, "Good girl . ." His own voice tired petting her crown when she turns into a lil ball of fur beside Tori who's sleeping at her daddy's side, being ever hesitant and carefull with them making Harry smile at her thinking of giving her treats in dinner.
He almost slips from under the sheets when a shriek of cry jolts him awake and it's Tori crying loudly thrashing under the blanket while her brother kept on sleeping stretched over his mommy's chest, head tucked under her chin.
Ah! Here comes the real deal. Daddy Harry's about to face real challenges 'cause we all know he once promised that he's a big boy now, innit?
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kaaytea · 3 years
hi :’’) i love ur blog so much!!!! can i request some random fluffy headcanons/lil scenarios of what a relationship with haruichi, ryou, and miyuki would be like? maybe childhood friend for miyuki only? ;v; i just feel like hes the type to go after his childhood friend lol
Falling for a childhood friend
⤷Includes: Ryousuke, Haruichi, Miyuki
Warnings: brief mentions of death, lil bit angsty
A/n: Hello lovely! It makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying the blog 🤧 I've already done dating hcs for both Ryou and Haruichi so I decided to include them in the falling for childhood friend req, I hope you don't mind! Also I don't know what happened with Miyooks, I threw in his mom as a small detail but then it turned slightly angsty
Please, Ryou has been introducing you as his s/o since he was 8 years old
You lived across the street from the Kominatos and being the same age as Ryou your parents set up play dates frequently when you were younger
Initially Ryou would tease you alot by tugging on your hair and occasionally shoving you
But when other kids on the street started to bully you and push you around like he did, Ryou defended you with his life
Only he was allowed to bully you 😤
One day he just casually asked you out while lying on the grass in his backyard
You were kids so you didn't fully understand relationships
You liked Ryou, he protected you and was kind so that was enough reasoning for you to accept
You were "dating" the last few years of elementary school
When you started junior high you were a bit confused on if your relationship was actually serious because it began from an innocent question on Ryousuke's part
Was he actually seriously considering you his s/o? Or was this just a silly thing the two of you had kept going for too long?
When you asked him this he looked at you like you'd grown two heads
"I asked you out didn't I?"
"Yes but we were barely 8 at the time. You couldn't have actually been serious."
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't serious. My feelings for you haven't changed, if anything I'm probably more in love with you now then I was then."
To prove his point he kissed you on the lips for the first time
(and then he made fun of how flustered you looked)
When Ryou told you he was going to Seidou you were heart broken. You were already confirmed to attend a local highschool meaning he'd be in a completely different city from you for the next three years
The last thing Ryousuke wanted was to break up with you. You were probably the only person he had met that he considered as important as his family, it'd be even more painful for the both of you if he broke off your relationship before leaving
You eventually settled on calling each other every night to talk and then Video chat every other Saturday
Ryousuke would sneak off during dinner to avoid his teammates eavesdropping on your conversations
He ended up missing you alot more than he thought he would so he looks forward to your nightly calls all day
He's extremely happy whenever you take the train to Tokyo to watch one of his games
After the game he always meets up with you and sneaks away from the team so you could watch the next game together
He also looks for a secluded area to just hug you for 5 minutes straight because wOW did he miss being able to hold you!
Haruichi was so close with Ryou when they were younger and spent most of his free time following him around so the two of you most likely met at school
Haruichi wasn't the best at putting himself out there to make friends in elementary school. He was a bit too timid to approach anyone so he usually kept to himself or sat with his teacher when the class was given free time
Until one day you just sat down next to him and started talking
He was too shy to tell you to go away and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like having a friend to be with, so he let you pull him over to a different table to draw together
By the end of that day the two of you were inseparable
Haruichi was honestly sO excited to have a friend that wasn't one of Ryou's! Sweet boy went home and told his mom all about you
Fast forward to junior high and you're still best friends
It's actually during junior high that the two of you somehow get even closer as Ryou left to attend Seidou leaving Haruichi alone back home in Kanagawa
The two of you spent almost every free moment you had together and Haruichi started to find a different sort of comfort around you
He doesn't even know what triggered it, he just suddenly realized how cute you looked and ever since then his chest would get all tight and he'd have the constant feeling of butterflies in his stomach when around you
Ironically everyone thought the two of you were already a couple, including his parents who once asked how his date with you was to which he had to stutter out an explanation with a bright red face
In your finale year of junior high, Haruichi decided he had to confess at some point. The uncertainty of where he'd be going for highschool was hanging over him like a nasty rain cloud, and with how he was leaning more and more towards running off to Tokyo each day, he knew he couldn't just leave without telling you how he felt
So one day while the two of you were studying in his room he just couldn't hold it in anymore and told you everything
You immediately told him that you were harboring the same feelings he was and encouraged him to go peruse baseball at Seidou
It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders when you said that. He pulled you into a tight hug and hid his face in you shoulder as he muttered out thank yous
The day Haruichi left for Seidou you could tell he was torn between being disappointed about leaving you and being excited to open a new door of possibilities at the prestigious school
You sent him off with a kiss on the cheek promising to come visit sometime
What Haruichi didn't know is that your "visit" would be happening way sooner than he thought
A few months prior you had sent an application to Seidou and remarkably you were accepted!
Haruichi was significantly gloomy on the first day of classes. For the first time in over 10 years you wouldn't be sitting in the desk in front of his. He didn't think he'd feel so lonely this quickly, but here he was staring out the window desperately wishing you were here to ramble on about a videogame or what your mom had packed in your bento
The look on his face was priceless when you walked into his classroom and pulled a chair up to his desk like you'd usually do
"W-what are you doing here?!"
"I go to school here silly! Anyways, I started a show last night that we HAVE to watch together!"
Unsurprisingly the two of you were still attached at the hip while at Seidou
Although, Ryou seemed to find great pleasure in teasing the both of you now that you were in his proximity. He always took the time to send you knowing smiles or bops on the head when he passed the both of you in the halls
You lived relatively close to Miyuki but knew him more so due to the fact that your father worked at his dad's steel mill
When Miyuki's mom was still around she was always offering to watch you while you parents worked, so the two of you were kind of forced to become friends from your constant presence at his house
Those early days of friendship were spent in the kitchen with Miyuki gushing about baseball, pointing out cool plays and explaining the game to you while his mother cooked you both lunch
He'd also drag you and his mother to a park near by so the two of you could play catch together
(his mom would often have to remind him that sometimes you didn't want to play catch and to let you decide what the two of you should do)
When his mom died you slowly saw the effect it had on him
Miyuki lost the cheerful innocence he carried when he'd explain baseball games in his homes small kitchen. He became a little more closed off; a little less bright
There were days you would stop by to check in on him only to find Kazuya curled up on his bed clutching a scarf his mother had made him to his chest
He didn't cry, not once. Instead your friend became an empty vessel, a shell of what he formally was
Slowly his old cheery attitude would shine occasionally when making jokes or teasing you, a small crack in the calculative demeanor he kept up
Those small appearances of light-hearted behavior were your only reassurance he was still the same little boy you initially knew
Since his mothers death you took it upon yourself to be that little spark of light that seemed to have dimmed inside him
You pulled him to the park to play catch, encouraged him to continue being a catcher, you even helped manage your schools team so you could keep him company
You also became accustomed to carrying band-aids with you. Miyuki was a small kid for his age and had a habit of pissing off his upperclassmen which never ended well
When it came time to choose highschools Miyuki made it clear that you didn't have to follow him to Seidou to keep him company
He was going for baseball, making friends wasn't his top priority anyways
In the end you still went to Seidou with him (which secretly he was very grateful for, he felt better knowing you'd be there for him and vice versa)
I feel like Miyuki would unknowingly have had a crush on you for years but never realized it. He just played it off as you being his childhood friend
you knew him better than he knew himself so of course he'd feel this comforting love towards you!
Boy is his world turned upside down when Kuramochi asks him how long the two of you have been dating
He'd never considered seeing you in a romantic light but now the thoughts of holding you to his chest or kissing your nose WONT. LEAVE.
He becomes very awkward and goes through a mini crisis everytime he sees you
This would go on for a few weeks but everything seemed to peak after the summer tournament
You'd just gotten back with the rest of the managers and immediately went off to find Miyuki
He was in the dinning hall already watching their game against Inashiro when you found him. It was pretty late so the hall was empty asides from the two of you
When you walked over to him he just silently pulled you down to sit on his lap, propping his chin on your shoulder so he could continue reviewing the game. In return you ran your fingers through his hair
Kazuya would never admit he was upset with how the game turned out, but you could tell he was torn up from the outcome
Everything about this moment seemed to make his feelings boil over. He moved his head from your shoulder and stared you down
"I'm in love with you"
"About time you admitted it, dumbass!"
He pinched your side in retaliation, laughing as you slapped his hand away
And then he kissed you ♥️
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Where’s my love?
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x OC(Joey)
warnings: angst, mentions of a dead body
summary:(as stated below in the request)
 Request: Ok sweet I have a plot for an oc X canon where my oc is paired with one of the peaky Blinders characters Arthur I guess. My oc is a maid so say they've been having an affair for quite some time and it gets angsty realizing he's married she decided to leave or fake her death since I picture angst😅. She's alot older now and realized she made a mistake and goes back to him. And they reunite after some time she realizes that she loves him.
A/n: I think I made Linda out to be bitchier than she is....yikes
Thank you so much for requesting @abitofloveaintweird​, so sorry that this kind of short.
As always, feedback is welcome, it really helps us writers. Thank you for reading ❤ 
"because you have a wife, Arthur" Joey hissed.
"right, and what's your bloody point?" Arthur held her shoulders. His hands felt warm on her bare shoulders. Her dress hung off of her shoulders untied.
"my point is, it's not right for me to sleep with a man who's married" she didn't look at him, she couldn't" and it's not right for you to sleep with another woman when you're married”
"and I'm not sure it's right for Linda to be married, yet here I fookin' am" Arthur snorted.
"you don't bloody get it" she rolled her eyes, standing up to fix her dress and get back to work. But she knew in her heart that she wouldn't be here the next morning.
Arthur didn’t pay any mind, assuming she’d be there the next day as usual. But he didn’t hear her slipping out that night. 
She’d known better than to just up and leave. So she made a short detour to the waters before she finally slipped away quietly.
When he awoke the next morning with Linda next to him, Arthur was already irritated and wanted nothing more than to hold his beloved Joey in his arms. But that would have to wait till Linda left.
5 years later and Arthur still thought of her. The feeling of her skin under the soft caress of his calloused fingers. The glimmer in her eyes when she looked at him.
Arthur Shelby remembered that wretched morning from 5 years ago like it was yesterday. He’d noticed something was wrong when it was Bertha who placed his breakfast before him and not Joey. 
But he hadn’t too much time to think over it since Tommy had called him for some business dealing and that's where Arthur had been the entire day. 
When he returned in the dead of night, it was strange that Joey wasn’t there to see him. She always was.
Her absence had started to become more apparent. He’d questioned Linda the following morning, but the self-absorbed woman didn't even know Joey by name.
When the coppers showed up at his door a week later, informing Arthur and Linda that their maid, whom Arthur had asked the cops of Birmingham to keep a lookout for since she’d gone missing, had been found; Arthur didn’t let himself feel joyous because the look on the copper's face was enough to tell him it wasn’t good.
Joey thought she’d figured it out in London. Working in a club that paid exceedingly well, she kept to herself.
Nobody really ever bothered her, except the occasional drunk men.
When she wasn’t at the club working, Joey would be home. She preferred the warmth and safety of the small house she could afford rather than the uncertainty that floated within the streets.
It’d be a lie had she said she didn't occasionally think of Arthur. If occasionally meant all the time.
She thought of him all day. Having worked as a maid prior to her job as a barmaid, she’d learned to skillfully multitask. 
She thought of Arthur as she served the drinks, she thought of him whilst wiping down tables and she thought of him when she was home. Everything reminded her of him.
Joey missed his loud laughter and his quips. She missed the feeling of his hands around her shoulders, the warmth of his body against hers. His fingers lingering on her palms.
She often wondered whether Arthur had been affected in the slightest by her alleged death. Had he wept for her? Did he mourn or did he carry on unaffected?
The one person she tried not to think about too much was Linda. Despite the years that passed, there was an ever sense of guilt that lingered in her heart.
 Joey didn’t regret Arthur, but that she fell for him and acted on her feelings when he was already married. Why couldn’t it have been before he married Linda?
Often, Joey laid awake imagining herself returning to small heath. To Arthur. She’d imagine Arthurs face, which she imagined was joyous. She pictured being close to him, holding him. she imagined Arthurs fingers soothing her dark brown hair back as the two of them swayed back and forth in his dim-lit room.
She missed him. The way he spoke to her, the smile she’d receive in return when she helped him with something, the laughter that was infectious and never failed to bring a smile to her lips. She missed the calming words he’d whisper to her in the early hours of the morning when Linda had left the house.
Arthur never stopped thinking of her. Linda wasn’t half the woman Joey was.
She wasn’t half as kind nor thoughtful, she didn’t care for anyone besides herself. 
Arthur and Linda knew the only thing holding their marriage together was the conversation they were avoiding. They knew that their marriage would be over the moment they spoke of it. But as long Linda stayed out Arthur’s way and Arthur out of Linda’s, neither were getting any closer to sorting out their marriage.
It became increasingly difficult to focus on anything for Arthur. Tommy and the rest of the Shelby’s noticed. 
The usually easy-to-read Arthur had now become someone they didn’t quite understand. 
But Aunt Pol and Tommy were the first to realize that the change in Arthurs behavior was connected to his maid’s death 5 years ago.
“I know your grieving, but you can’t fucking let it interfere with your handling the fucking business Arthur!" Tommy was an exceptional bookkeeper, he handled numbers well, his memory was exceptional, but even he lost count over the number of times he snapped at Arthur about the same thing in 5 years.
Arthurs temper got more out of hand each day, without Joey. And it started to affect the business, he'd punch without reason, shoot and blind anyone he wanted. He didn't think he had anything to lose.
Sometimes he tried to pretend Linda was Joey. Just to get through the night. He pretended it was Joey’s fingers laced within his. Her breath on his neck, and her head on his heart.
But even he never truly believed those pretenses.
It didn't take long for Linda to realize her husband had feelings for Joey. She wasn't sure if she was hurt or not. She only ever married Arthur for security. For the roof over her head, he had promised.
In January shortly after Tommy wed Grace, Arthur stumbled through the streets of small heath. It was in the early hours of the morning, a time when only the workers would wake.
He had one reason for being awake at that hour. That cold, misty, and foggy morning marked 5 years since Joey’s death. Since the last time, he saw her.
Arthur sat under the bridge, the one at the edge of small heath. The one where they found her clothes. Her belongings; shoes, purse, coat but not her body. They never did find her body. 
The police declared the water to be far too cold to send copper's searching for her body, at best they'd have to wait for her body to float to the surface. 5 years later, and it still never did.
And once again, they assumed it was the large overgrown weeds and shrubbery at the very bottom of the river, where her body had been entangled and stuck. Hence never resurfacing.
Arthur remembered screaming at the cops to find her body, but because Joey had no known family nobody ever insisted on her being found or the river being searched. And she remained at the bottom of the river.
 As far as anyone cared to know.
So he sat there, his feet hanging over the edge. His face red, as he sat on the banks of the river, the bridge overhead.
The river flowed making noises while crashing against the rocks, the birds chirping in a distance, and the rustling of a few leaves in a distance. He heard leaves breaking, as the wind grew stronger.
He didn’t realize how long he’d sat there staring at the water till he noticed his surroundings darkening. 
Rubbing his hand over his face with a sigh, Arthur got up with a grunt, stumbling for a second before walking back towards his now empty home.
Linda surely must have left by then, she’d told him she was leaving and would be gone by sundown.
Arthur didn’t have a reaction to Linda telling him she was leaving him. He didn’t care. He didn’t love her. She meant nothing to him.
By the time Arthur had reached his door, the sky had darkened completely. But time was of no essence to Arthur. Not when he didn't have anything else to lose.
But before Arthur could open his door and walk in, the leaves rustled a little behind him. He heard the swift movement of someone's feet on the ground behind him. 
So he did what he knew best.
He pulled out his gun and turned around, finger on the trigger, ready to shoot whoever was behind him.
But the gun clattered to the ground, the noise resonating in Arthurs's ears, like the sound of her voice greeting him.
“Why the fuck are you playing with my head? It’s already fucked up there” He sounded like a madman. He felt like one.
“What?” he expected her to chuckle, the way she did for five years, in his head. The way she taunted him as a figment of his imagination he couldn't get away from.
“I FOOKIN KNOW I DIDN’T BLOODY SAVE YOU” his face red, his eye streaming with tears. 
She’d only ever seen him this broken once. 
“Arthur I’m here” 
“No you're bloody not, you're in me head” he stumbled and sat down on the front stairs. His head hurting from how hard he was crying.
“No, No, Arthur,  Arthur I'm truly here” He felt her slide her hand around his shoulders.  
Her ocean-blue eyes searched his features. Not sure what she was looking for.
“What the fuck?” Arthur seemed to realize now. That Joey was there. Next to him. Not taunting him in his head from across the divide. She was in front of him. Holding him. She was alive.
“Where the fook have you been? You were fookin dead?”That's when it sunk in completely and Arthur realized that she'd faked her death "Why would you lie about being dead?!"
Arthur was angry. He was angry and heartbroken.
“Because I had to,” she said softly.
She managed to get him inside. She couldn’t help but feel curious as to why Linda wasn’t home. But she needed to focus on Arthur first.
“I left because I thought that I’d made a mistake. I thought getting away from here, I could have started a new life. One where I didn't wreck someone's marriage” She tried explaining, but now that she explained it to the man she’d run from, suddenly she didn't think her reasons made sense.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“because I knew you wouldn’t let me go”
“You didn’t wreck my marriage, you wrecked me” His hands were shaking now.
 The tears she’d tried to hold back were now flowing down her cheeks.
“Five years, Five fookin’ years I thought you was dead” his voice shaking, Arthur slowly looked up at her. She looked just as breathtaking as she did all those years ago.
There was the silence that lingered, eventually, Arthur stood up, his chair scraping the ground. Walking to Joey’s side of the table, he hugged her. He held her tight as though he were afraid that if he didn’t hold her tight enough, she’d turn out to be a figment of his imagination.
And Arthur knew he couldn’t ever take that. It ruined him the first time, losing her. And it would kill him if he ever lost her again.
So he held her, shaking.
"where's Li-"
"She left. Hopefully never coming back" Arthur didn't have a care in the world for anyone else at that point. The woman he truly loved was in his arms, he couldn't find it in himself to be outraged any further, afraid that he might lose her again.
 He had a hundred questions for, but they'd have to wait for later. He just wanted to remain in her arms, through the night. Holding her, running his hand through her hair, rubbing soothing circles on her palms, kissing her forehead, watching her fall asleep. It's all he wanted.
“I realized I made a stupid mistake Arthur. I'm sorry. I truly am” She mumbled against his chest.
“Why’d you come back?”
“For you”
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nerdflash · 3 years
Lights, Camera Action
A/N: Here’s the second part of the Lights, Camera, Action series. You can find Part One here
Synopsis: Tom Holland x Fem! Reader. You’ve started developing feelings for Tom on the set of his new film. On a day off, you receive a message, that makes you question if he is flirting with you.
Word Count: 1.6k
Mentions: Alcohol and alcohol use, lousy ex boyfriends, men being players and social media.
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PART TWO - Mixed Messages
You’re not sure what time it is when your room mate wakes you up leaving the apartment, but you mutter a curse word and reach for your phone to check the time. Even though it’s 10am you’re still feeling wiped out after getting home around 4am but you know you won’t be able to get back to sleep now you’ve looked at your phone. Vanessa has sent you a message, you click on it and smile.
“He asked me out on a third date! He asked ME!! Fancy going for a few drinks later and I can fill you in on all the details?” 
“Sure, I have an apartment viewing at 2pm but free after that. Let me know where, I don’t want to show up looking casual, if you’re in one of your dressing up moods! ;)” 
A few seconds later your phone pings with a reply.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?! Fine, let’s meet at The Varnish around 7pm. Dress code smart casual!” 
“See you later! I can’t wait to hear about your date! <3”
You roll on to your side and reach down to plug your phone charger in. Time for a social media binge before you get out of bed. You scroll through Facebook and reply to a couple of messages to friends back home. This would be the longest amount of time you’d spent away from home, but when you’d been offered the job to coordinate on a feature film, you couldn’t turn it down. You’d had to say goodbye to everyone you loved, knowing you wouldn’t be able to see them for around 8 months, but Vanessa had become a firm friend fast. She was also proving to be a great mentor and had helped you learn so much more.
You click on instagram and are scrolling through, when you see that Tom has uploaded a photo. He’s sat reading through a script and the caption reads “Can’t wait for you guys to see what I’m working on. I hope you like it.” 
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You smile as you scroll through the comments and see nothing but support and excitement for Tom from his fans. Quite a fair number declaring their love and apparent attraction to him. You lick your lips and decide to leave a comment. You’re fairly sure he gets that many notifications and comments, he probably won’t even notice it, right? Besides, he doesn’t even know you have instagram.
“They’re going to love it, because you’re much better than you give yourself credit for Mr Holland.” You hit send and decide to face the day, but first coffee. You switch on your Spotify playlist and head into the kitchen, thankful that you don’t have to make small talk with your horrible room mate and her horrible “boyfriend” Soon the kitchen smells of freshly brewed coffee and you’re feeling excited about a bit of a girls night tonight. Your phone pings with a notification.
You click on the screen and are taken to the Instagram app, you feel your palms break out in a sweat when you see that Tom has started following you. You click on the inbox and see a message from Tom. Letting out a little yelp of surprise, you throw your phone on the side as though it’s burnt you.
You pace back and forth for a moment before reaching for the phone and taking a deep breath. You open the message.
“You don’t have to call me Mr Holland on your day off! ;)” 
In spite of the nerves running through you, you can’t help but laugh.
“I don’t have to call you Mr Holland at all…” You hit send and bite your lower lip as you see that Tom is typing something back.
“True...But I kind of like it when you do… Anyway, I should let you get back to sleep right? :P”
Something warm travels deep within you and you realize that you have crossed a line now, where you no longer see Tom as a friend and a work colleague, but someone who you want to spend time with, someone you want to learn more about and give him reasons to smile and be happy. You want to reply with every cell of  your being, but you decide you’ll talk to Vanessa first. She’d noticed that you and Tom spent alot of time talking between takes weeks ago, when she’d asked you about it she’d known by the colour of your cheeks that you had developed a crush on Tom.
Whilst she technically shouldn’t encourage anything, in order to maintain a professional environment on set, she also said that the two of you looked good together and if anything was to happen, then there were some legalities with HR that would need to be sorted but it wasn’t against the law, you wouldn’t lose your job and that she would like ALL the details if anything happened.
You shoot her a quick text.
“Can we meet a bit earlier? Say around 4pm? I need some advice!”
“Of course, are you ok?”
You smile at her concern and reply
“I need to talk about Tom and get your thoughts on a message he sent me!”
“I’ll be there...I want to know everything!”
You smile over at Vanessa and pick up your glass.
“Cheers to you and your very successful second date. It sounds like he really likes you Vanessa.” The woman sat opposite you smiles and takes a sip of her drink, a shy smile on her face. Vanessa was so confident at work and amazing at her job, but for some reason, she’d seemed to have dated a lot of losers and in turn, it had made her not be as confident in herself. But she was beautiful, smart and successful, and honestly, this guy did seem really nice.
“You think so?” You nod your head and put your hand on her arm.
“Of course, I mean he kissed you and asked you on a third date, which involves cooking for you. Please. He’s smitten!” Vanessa smiles at you and clinks her glass against yours before taking a sip and sitting back in her seat.
“So...Tell me about this message from Tom.” You fill Vanessa in on a bit of the backstory about how he’d told you he doubted his talent and the name you use to tease him with. You show her his message and watch as she reads. 
“He is totally flirting with you!” Vanessa looks at you. “The way he says he kind of likes it when you call him Mr Holland!” She raises her eyebrows at you and wiggles them, causing you to laugh.
“But, what if he’s just a flirty person and it doesn’t mean anything?” You shrug your shoulder knowing this must be the only explanation because there’s no way Tom Holland could be flirting with you. Vanessa shakes her head and looks thoughtful.
“No, I don’t think so. Usually guys who are just flirty with everyone, tend to keep their comments private because they want to play multiple girls at once without them knowing about the others existence. You need to post a selfie or a hot pic of yourself and see if he comments.”
Your eyes widen at her suggestion. “A selfie? I don’t know. What if he doesn’t comment? I feel like it’s going to be worse if he doesn’t because then I’ll feel extra stupid for flirting with him.” Vanessa looks at you sternly.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You need to make sure he has no choice but to comment. Come on.” She stands up and grabs your hand and leads you over to a wall decorated with flowers, she orders another two drinks from a passing waiter and reaches into her bag. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, as she takes out some setting powder and starts wiping gently across your head and down your nose. 
“Getting you ready for a photo.” You sigh, unsure of what to say. She tells you to put some more lipstick on, so you oblige and shake out your loose curls. Vanessa adjusts them over one shoulder, and pulls one of the straps of your dress down.
“Again, what are you doing?” You reach for the strap but Vanessa swats your hand away.
“Leave it. Trust me, right now hold your drink in this hand, and look that way.” You sigh and roll your eyes.
“I feel ridiculous!” Vanessa laughs and snaps a photo.
“But you look amazing! Ok, stop frowning on this one. Smile….Y/N smile...No, you look like your cringing. Is it hard to smile because you’re British?” And you don’t know why, but this makes you genuinely laugh out loud. Vanessa walks over to you after a few moments, looking pleased.
“Here!” She passes you her phone and you look at the photo, feeling somewhat pleasantly surprised. Your smile is genuine and the way she’s framed the photo, makes it look as though your laughing at someone you’re looking at off camera. The fallen dress strap brings attention to your neck and clavicle, which kind of gives it a sexy vibe. 
“Ok I’m impressed. Send it to me?” Vanessa smiles and takes her phone back. You save the photo on your phone and bite your lip wondering if this is a good idea. Your friend shakes her head and looks you in the eye.
“Come on, post it. You look amazing!” In spite of your nerves you smile and decide to post the photo with the caption.
“Blowing off some steam after a long week at work! Photo credit to my girl @VCullenLA”
You look at your friend “Now what?” She smiles and leads you to the bar.
“More drinks!” And you think nothing more of the photo.
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jajanvm-imbi · 4 years
Headcanons of Krel living on earth because he’s my favorite and I love him and I haven’t seen anyone do this yet so I feel like I have to
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^^^^^because of this very moment I love the idea of Mary and Darci befriending Krel.
Since Aja,Vex and Eli went back to Akaridion-5, Mother was destroyed, and Claire was busy with Trollhunting stuff, earth gets pretty lonely. So Mary and Darci adopt him into their friend group. 
At first Krel was a little apprehensive to joining their friend group, but he quickly warmed up to it because, he, being Krel, loves the attention.
like I can totally see Mary and Darci taking Krel to like a mall or something and doing those like teen romcom movie shopping montages where he goes into a changing room and the girls judge the outfit until they find the perfect one.
I personally believe Krel would adopt a soft boy look, with like oversized button ups and t shirts tucked into jeans, but thats just me.
anyway, because he’s friends with Mary and Darci, Krel has a new found social popularity in Arcadia.
because of this, Krel would prolly get nominated for Spring Fling king and shit
I would say Krel wouldn’t really care about being nominated, but seeing how he cared so much about the science fair and the Battle of the Bands, he would definitely care
Steve is conflicted because he wants to be Spring Fling King, but he can’t mess with Krel like he did with Jim and Eli cause Krel is his girlfriend’s brother 
Krel notices this and takes advantage of it to mess with Steve and actually tries to win.
like Krel would just dominate the contests, and his theme presentation would be the flashiest and most appealing and people would just generally like him, and that would really worry Steve
like Krel, with four arms would be really good at the Touch-a-Truck-athon or whatever its called.
Krel would prolly let Steve win anyway because watching Steve squirm and freak out over prolly losing the crown and not being able to do anything about it cause he's Aja's brother is much better than any highschool dance crown
also the school 100% asks Krel to DJ future dances and events to save money, and Krel absolutely loves it
He would also definitely do the school play. Seeing how much he enjoyed being in Toby and Eli's short film, and again, he loves the attention, he would totally be down 
Also it would just be another chance to mess with Steve to be the lead. 
Because of this, Ms. Janeth would do another Shakespearean play, but do one of those modern renditions. Like it's the same play just in a modern setting, to take advantage of Krel's Akaridion form like they did with Jim's armor. 
If not in the play he would do stage crew/tech.
Like he would create elaborate settings for them using A5 tech and Ms. Janeth would adore it 
moving on, because home life is pretty lonely with just the Lucy and Ricky for company, Krel loves to host his friends for parties and sleepovers and whatever
and since Krel lives in the coolest house on the block, they love coming over
He hosts girl’s night every other week with Mary, Darci, and Clarie (becauuse she deserves a fucking break) 
since we’ve all agreed that Krel is 100% a gaylien, I love the idea that he casually comes out during a girls night
like Mary would be like “So Krel, are there any girls you like?” and Krel’s just like, “*snort* Girls? Who ever said I like girls?” and the others are like “….....?“ and Krel just rolls his eyes and says "I like boys, ladies” and they’re like “ooooohhhh, okay. Cool.”
So now they spend girls night talking about boys. Claire and Darci about their mans and Mary and Krel about cute boys.
One day the girls give Krel a little rainbow pin and Krel’s just like “what’s this?” And the girls tell him that it’s an earth symbol for the gays and he’s like “theres a symbol for that here? I didnt think it was that big of a deal. On A5 it’s pretty normal” and the girls explain why theres a symbol and he’s like “oh shoot wow, thanks" and he put it on his backpack.
He’s pretty confused the first time someone is homophobic towards him cause like that kind if behavior doesnt happen on A5 and hes just like, “why does this bother you? I hardly know you” and just brushes it off. Its doesnt really bother him, mainly cause he doesnt know the earth insults towards gay people so he doesn’t even realize, but if the girls (or Toby, or even Steve, too) catch anyone being homophobic towards their friend they will attack that asshole on sight. Especially Mary and Steve
Random person on the street: Ha, *slur*
Krel: Marry its fine, it’s not that big of a dealoHSEKLOSANDGAYLENMARYGETOFFOFHIM
Claire and Darci: *trying to hold Mary back* maRY NO
Toby: *now chasing after Steve to stop him* stEVE NO
Mary would 100% find out who the rando is and destroy their life on social media. Like she would leak their job, phone number, email, school/college (if applicable) to her thousands of followers and absolutely ruin them with no remorse. And honestly, good for her
Also whilst on the subject, Krel can not drive or cook for 2 reasons: 1. Hes gay and 2. He’s a prince so he’s never had to do either before
Like he can obviously do math but that’s it.
Proof? That one scene in Wizards when Douxie had him drive the airship. You know the one.
Coach Lawrence refuses to get in a car with him at Drivers Ed after the 3rd day Krel shows up.
Krel gets addicted to sugary coffee shop-esc drinks thanks to Darci. Not coffee cause we saw in 3Below Part 1 that he doesnt like coffee, but refreshers, coolattas, frappuccinos etc…? Definitely.
As for warm drinks, he’s more of a tea person.
Moving on
He face calls Aja everyday because he really misses her
He tells her all about school and his friends and whatever and Aja tells him about the changes she’s making to the A5 government
Thanks to the wormhole they visit each other often. Sometimes Steve tags along cause he misses his ninja kicking space queen angel girlfriend. (And Eli, but that's also for another post)
They take turns housing Luug.
Krel genuinely loves it on earth, but he hates the primitive technology so he begs Aja to send him supplies and materials for his projects. 
He would 10000% apply to HexTech for an after school job. Seeing his reaction to HT in Wizards and the fact that “Akaridion tech and magic are so compatible”, he would be the perfect addition to the HT staff. 
The Wizards wouldn’t be sure at first but after he shows them A5 tech and Douxie’s email of recommendation about the time loop thing they made together, the wizards are like “oh yeah we definitely keeping this kid. This is going to be so much fun.”
Their inventions become more and more extravagant because Krel can and he's just extra and the wizards love it.
He would definitely find a way to use magic using A5 tech. But he would have to study magic in order to figure out how, so the wizards help him learn all about magic. And since he's learned everything there is to learn about science and technology and whatever, he's super excited to learn about something completely different and interesting. The wizards are happy to teach him. He would be the first Akaridion to learn and use magic
Like he would make his own staff with his serrator and everything. He's like "earn a staff? Nah fuck that going to make my own"
Speaking of which he really likes human swear words. But he doesnt know when it is and isn't inappropriate to say these swear words so he's gotten in trouble a few times for swearing at the wrong time
For example:
Ms. Janeth: excuse me Mr. Tarron?
Krel: what the fuck do you want?
Everyone in the room: krEL NO
Anyway, back to Krel at HT, thanks to Toby, he would definitely have a bowl of candy in his little lab. More like multiple jars of different candy just scattered around the room. Small candy like fun sized chocolate and skittles and jelly beans and whatever
And a mini fridge, of course.
Steve, Toby and Arrrgh come over to the lab alot to mess around.
Toby has a lot of sci-fi requests for Krel to make
Toby: do you think you can make a shrink ray? Laser blasters? Invisible ray? My own hoverboard? My own serrator *gASP* WITH A WARHAMMER SETTING???? WITH SPACE ARMOR TO MATCH???!!!???!
Krel: Toby you already have a warhammer and armor why do you need more?
Toby: I dont have a space warhammer and armor Krel!!!!!!
Going back to school life, I feel like Krel would take an interest in Spanish class. I mean, his human form is latino and in Trollhunters (I'm pretty sure the lightning in a bottle episode) he said "Si" in response to a question someone asked him, so I feel like he would like to learn another human language. 
I also feel like he would just like to learn about Latin American culture in general since Mother gave him that form. He'd like to get in touch with his human self. 
Claire (when she isnt busy Trollhunting with Jim and the gang) is happy help him learn about Latin American culture and help him with his Spanish. 
Krel, being a fast learner, becomes fluent quickly with a perfect accent. 
Señor Uhl, who already liked the Tarrons to begin with, would really appreciate this. 
Claire's dad would also appreciate this.
Since he has such a fascination with human music, Krel would especially love Latin American music. Specifically reggaeton, since its kind of like techno music in a way and he already likes techno music.
And naturally, he learns to dance. All the styles of latin american dances. And he becomes quite the favorite on the dance floor.
He and Claire become great dance partners cause they both have the natural Latino rhythm and because Jim respects and trusts his girlfriend he doesnt mind them dancing together at parties and stuff
Although, Jim does ask for dance help at some point cause it looks like fun and he wants to dance with his beautiful talented incredible amazing gf and Krel is happy to teach him and anyone else who wants dance help. 
GUITAR LESSONS with Douxie cause in 3Below Krel said he really wanted to learn how to play guitar, steals Shannon’s guitar from the bonfire and is seen multiple times strumming it throughout the series. So of course this is included.
Toby introduces Krel to YouTube and Krel instantly makes his own channel.
of course his channel is called DJ Kleb and he posts his tracks and remixes. and maybe even some vlogs
its a little slow at first, only Arcadia Oaks students are subscribed to it but Mary blows it up by posting one of Krel’s tracks on her own social media and now he has thousands of subscribers
he also gained other forms of social media like Instagram and Tiktok, platforms to post his music
At this point every girl in school wants to be friends with Krel but not in the toxic GBF (gay best friend) way, girls just genuinely think he's 10x more interesting than every other boy in Arcadia Oaks
I think that's it for now sorry this is really long I just really love Krel and I had so many ideas. Feel free to add on!!
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yerimichi10 · 3 years
A LeviHan short fic
NOTE: Hanji was perceived as she/her in this fic. Also this my first fic hihee.
this fic was inspired by this:https://twitter.com/kyuujuuhachi/status/1342171651287339008?s=21
chirping of the birds
smell of black tea
arms tightly embracing her figure
Hanji was awaken by those things. As she opened her eyes she was met by a set of steel blue orbs.
“Good morning shitty glasses,” he said as he played with her brown locks. Hanji didn’t responded. Instead, she bury herself in his neck feeling the warmth that he has.
It was so warm.
“You are being clingy, four-eyes,” the man beside her remarked before chuckling. His chuckle made her heart beat faster. Hanji swore that she could listen to his chuckle forever as it was a beautiful melody to her ears.
“I just want to feel your warmth....I want you to be near me.,” Hanji finally said as she nuzzle against his neck. She loved his scent, his lavender scent. If she could smell something forever that would be his scent.
“I am right here with you.,” He assured her, still playing with her brown locks. “I am always watching over you. You know that, right?,” he added which made Hanji hummed in agreement.
He then made her to look at him. Hanji instantly got lost in his blue orbs upon meeting it.
“Go back to sleep,” he said. “I don’t wanna,” Hanji responded which made him grunt.
“Sleep, it is still early,” he argued which made Hanji actually smile. “You are too concern to me,” Hanji remarked. He smirked.
“Okay fine I’ll sleep,” Hanji said giving in to her man’s request. “But, promise me you’ll not leave me. ‘kay?”, Hanji added for her assurance.
“Sleep,” he said while giving her a faint smile.
Hanji knew something isn’t right from the moment she woke up but she decided not to dwell in it. A few moments later, she fell asleep again.
Hanji woke up only to be greeted by a cold space beside her. There were no sunshines, no birds happily chirping around, even the smell of black teas is absent, and most especially there were no strong arms tightly hugging her slim figure.
She scanned her surroundings to check if she was just dreaming or not. When the harsh reality slapped her hard, she chuckled bitterly at her own foolishness.
“How idiot you are, Hanji Zoë?....you can’t even distinguish the difference between a dream and reality....How foolish are you to believe that your dream is the reality,” she criticized herself while wiping the tear that escaped from her working eye.
This is her reality, their reality.
“I brought everyone here.... I killed countless comrades to be here... I will take that burden”, Hanji said with finality in her voice.
They were ambushed by the rumbling and no one saw this coming. No one ever thought that someone will do a sacrifice that early. But here they are, one needs to do a sacrifice so that the majority will be saved.
For Hanji, it is a simple price to pay for their safety. She is more than willing to trade her life for the alliance’s survival.
“Armin Arlert, I’m promoting you as the fifteenth commander of the Survey Corps.....I’ll leave everyone to you..... So that’s it, bye for now. I’ll see you later,” Hanji said before walking away from the group.
Jean tried to stop her as well as Connie and Armin but to no avail she didn’t listened to them. Hanji already made up her mind.
As Hanji made her way to the horde of Colossals, she stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw Him, her comrade for almost a decade, her companion through thick and thin, her “other-half”.
“Hey... Four-eyes.”
He was about to continue speaking when Hanji cut him off.
“You understand right? My time has come.... I want to look cool as I possibly right now... So just let me go, will you?,” Hanji said as she tried to fight back her tears and maintain her composure.
He knew Hanji already made up her mind. He also knew that he couldn’t do anything about it. But he is as persistent and hard-headed as Hanji, he, also made up his mind.
“I understand....But I want YOU to live... They will be needing your more than an injured and incapable man,” He said without looking in her eyes.
Hanji couldn’t believe what she just heard. What is Levi trying to imply? Is he going to sacrifice himself?
No, it must be her.
“L-le....,” Hanji was cut off . “You know that it is MY time right? So please, just let ME go.,” hesaid with full authority even though he is just a trusted subordinate of Hanji.
“But what about the beast?,” Hanji asked in the hope of convincing him to change his mind. But clearly, He wasn’t backing down in his decision. He was sure that this will be a choice with no regrets.
“I know you’ll do it for me. Erwin will understand that.,” he said in a soft tone. Hanji couldn’t move a single muscle, she even can’t find her voice to stop him.
No, he can’t leave
Please, don’t leave us, don’t leave me.
Those are the things that she wanted to tell him but he never gave her a chance to speak.
“Dedicate your heart,” he said as he placed his left hand on her chest. Hanji found herself trying to fight back her tears from escaping her eyes.
“I’ll look for you in our next life, Hanji my shitty four-eyes,” He muttered to himself before turning his back for her and advancing to the horde of millions of titans before them. Unfortunately, Hanji wasn’t able to hear his last words.
Hanji stood at her place, unable to speak nor to move a muscle. Hanji stood there and watched him in horror as he glides in the air and kill as many titans as he can.
The next thing she knew that she was in the plane surrounded by the mourning alliance. How did she got there? she doesn’t know. The only thing that was in her mind at that moment was him, who sacrificed himself for their sake, whose lifeless body will get trampled down by the Colossals, whose lifeless body will be nowhere to be found after the war.
“See you later, Levi.....Please keep on watching over us.”
Hanji snapped out of her trance when she heard her telephone rang.
“Hello? This is Hanji Zoë speaking, how can I help you?”, Hanji entertained the caller.
“Hi, Professor Zoë! I called to inform you that the meeting in Stohess was cancelled due to incliment weather.,” the young man from the other line informed her.
“Noted, Commander.,” Hanji replied.
“Jean. Call me Jean, How many times do I have to tell you?”, Jean replied. Hanji chuckled upon hearing Jean’s voice. It is obvious that he doesn’t want to be called “commander” by her.
“We are talking about work, right?” Hanji retorted which made the young man on the other line chuckled this time. “So how are you?,” he asked. Hanji smiled at the thought that someone was actually concerned about her well-being.
“I’m fine, Jean. I got alot of works to do so I don’t have the time to dwell in sadness,” Hanji replied. Jean knew that even if she said she’s fine, she’s not. Shortly after their exchange of updates to each other’s life they bid farewell to each other.
“Send my regards to the other 104th and especially to Commander-in-chief Arlert,” she said before hunging up the call.
Over the past years, she buried herself with tons of work, she busied herself in helping to modernized Paradis. But, does she really do this to help Paradis or it was an attempt to forget everything especially the pain that she is feeling. Whatever the answer to that question is yet to be known.
Hanji decided to pasttime by cleaning and arranging her stuff. In the whilst of fixing her cabinet a certain metal box caught her attention..
She knew who owns that box. It is just a simple box that they retrieved from his belongings in Kiyomi’s boat. It is one of his last. And it came in to her possession for years now yet she cannot bring herself to open it.
Why is it important to him?
Why did he always hold onto this box?
What is inside of this thing?
She absent-mindedly opened the box. She was expecting to be seeing a some piece of jewelry or even maybe a cravat. But, she was wrong, she saw pieces of paper inside the box.
Those were letters addressed to her. Gathering up her courage she decided to open the first letter
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Hanji smiled as she finished the first letter. It was very heartwarming. She folded back the paper and the proceeded in reading the second one.
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The second letter was short yet it somewhat gave Hanji a peace of mind that he was doing fine in that one month.
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The third letter was the most heartbreaking for her. She had a hard time in stopping her tears from escaping. It was written hours before that fateful tragedy so it feels like a goodbye letter and his last will.
Hanji knew that she will lost her sanity anytime soon so she decided to hide those letters again but something caught her attention.
“You,” Hanji muttered the word written on upper right corner of the last piece of paper. Hanji decided to recheck every paper and there she found the letter “I” and the word “loved”.
When Hanji realized the meaning of it, tears escaped from her eye.
All this time Levi was trying to tell it to her. All this time, that was the thing that he wanted to say but couldn’t.
“Why? Why you?”
Sadness filled her heart and all the emotions suppressed all this time were coming back to her. She was crying like there was no tomorrow. She was screaming, throwing all her stuff around. She was in deep regret
“You said you wanted me to live!??,” Hanji screamed yet no one answered her. “But how could I live without you!? How!? Tell me!! Answer me!!,” Hanji screamed in frustration.
After a few moments she calmed down but her tears won’t stop anytime soon.
“ I also loved you,” Hanji muttered the phrase that she also wanted to tell.
But it was too late. The fate was cruel to them. He is not with her anymore to hear her say those words. He is already dead.
Levi Ackerman was already gone.
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tearsincerulean · 4 years
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It Was Always You
Summary: Y/n met the Winchester brothers a little over a year ago and has been riding with them since. But when complicated feelings arise, what will happen during their time together?
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Series Warnings: slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, blood, violence, torture, fighting, individual kinks. Specific warnings before each chapter.
Chapter Warnings: slow burn, fluff, smutty smut smut, fingering, public fingering, dirty talk, playfulness, drinking, dirty dancing, and a bit of a daddy kink.
Word Count: 3,764
Chapter 3:
It was a crisp autumn evening and as the three of you walked, the leaves crunched beneath your feet. You guys decided to walk the short distance to the bar, it was only about a block or two away from your motel, you all were planning on drinking a little too much tonight. You were still lost in your thoughts. Thinking about what both Sam and Dean said and how they reacted when they saw your outfit. As you ponder it, you remember how Dean had that flash of anger cross his face while Sam was staring at you and complimenting you. Maybe he was jealous? But as soon as you turned your attention to him, his mood shifted and that little moan he finally let out in front of you after eyeing you in your outfit, fuck. It was so sexy. God, you would do anything to hear him moan like that all night long. 
You and Dean have always had a weird relationship, sometimes sending flirty signals but sometimes it felt like he saw you as nothing more than a little sister. Recently though, you’ve been noticing things more and more, like the way he will wet his lips and then bite them ever so subtly every so often when your around, or how his eyes have been lingering on you alot longer than usual. This sudden change in his behavior has you thinking about the past as well, to see if maybe these cues and tells have been here all along you just didn’t notice them because in your mind, he would never see you that way. Then you start to remember little things. Like how when you would wear your favorite sleeping outfit around the motel room, boy shorts and an oversized t-shirt (usually one you managed to steal from either Sam or Dean), Dean's eyes would linger on your ass and your exposed legs but would snap away the second you caught him. Or how when you would wear your fed outfit he would glance down at your chest a little too often, again looking away and acting as if nothing happened if you managed to catch him. You thought it was either because he disapproved of what you were wearing, or because he was a guy and they can’t help themselves when it comes to things like that.
All that time you have had a crush on him, the thought never crossed your mind that he could feel the same. Now you feel somewhat stupid for not noticing these things sooner, but a bit more confident in your plan to try and get some attention or even a reaction from him tonight, you have no idea how but you’ll make it up as you go. Who knows what he will do, but either way you’ll have your answer. 
You are almost to the bar and you are a few feet ahead of Sam and Dean. You hear Dean smirk off to Sam, “So, you actually gonna get lucky tonight Sammy? Or are you gonna tap out early like usual and go read like the nerd you are?” You stifle a giggle when you hear Sam land a punch against Dean’s arm. “Very funny Dean. How about you man up and finally make a move on…” Now it was Dean’s turn to punch Sam. You were already at the bar door when Sam made that comment so he probably thought you were far enough away that you couldn’t hear them, so you pretended you didn’t hear anything...even though your stomach was now alive with a million butterflies fluttering about, and turned to the boys to say, “Well, we made it! Who’s ready to party?!” Both brothers flashed you a smile and you all made your way inside. 
The music was loud and the bar was decently packed. You walked up to the counter and the boys went to find a table. You ordered two beers and a bottle of whiskey for the boys while ordering yourself a bottle of Malibu rum. You found out early on that shots was the way to get you drunk because A) you hated the taste of beer and B) even if you didn’t you can’t drink enough of them fast enough to actually get drunk. The bartender hands you everything along with three shot glasses and you make your way back to the boys who chose a table situated right in between the pool tables and the dance floor. You set everything down and the brothers both look up at you with dorky smiles. “You really meant it when you said you were ready to party huh?” Sam said, while smirking and raising an eyebrow at you. “Really princess, Malibu?” Dean chimes in. You fight back the butterflies and heat rising to your cheeks at the new nickname and smack his arm “Shut it Winchester, I happen to love coconut and I want to get drunk this is the quickest and easiest way!”
“Easy princess I was joking, and FYI I happen to love the taste of coconut…” Dean says while smirking and eyeing you up and down. This time though, you don’t look away, instead you decide it’s your turn to lick your lips and eye him up and down. Damn does he look good tonight. He's wearing a pair of jeans that are worn in perfectly and a tight black shirt under your favorite red flannel of his, which is now rolled up to his elbows and hugging his biceps just right. Just his forearms are enough to get you hot and bothered, their so thick and his veins are popping just right, and then his biceps….fuck, they look like they can just bust right through the flannel with enough force. Then you look up to admire his face for a split second. His stubble is the perfect length, his eyes look like shiny emeralds under the neon lights, and his lips look more kissable that ever. You realize that he noticed you checking him out and a small smirk forms on your lips, Sam completely oblivious to the exchange happening. Instead, he’s opening the whiskey and your rum and pouring the first of many rounds of shots. 
“Well, here’s to the brothers who save the world and who saved my life.” You toast but before you all down your shots Dean adds, “and to the girl who saved ours.” Sam smiles then downs his shot. You and Dean both take yours without breaking eye contact with each other. You set the glass back down on the table and break the gaze. The familiar coconut taste and slight burn run through your body and you giggle “Another!” Sam shakes his head and begins pouring another round. You smile back and clap your hands excitedly causing Dean to let out a full on laugh. That sound made you want to faint, it was beautiful and music to your ears, and boy did he look adorable too. “Oh god, what did we get ourselves into Sammy?” Dean asks, still chuckling. “A fun night Winchester, just you wait…” you responded poking him in the chest, a cheeky smile playing on your face. 
You and the boys took four more shots after that and then they decided to drink their beers before they got too warm. You were okay with taking a break because after the fourth shot you were feeling buzzed, six in now and you are already getting drunk. You didn’t mind though. You planned on taking a lot more, but wanted to pace yourself that way you could still somewhat execute the plan you formulated back at the motel. It was already working too, Dean was getting a bit flirtier with you, and you with him. Sam and Dean were talking about who knows what, you tuned out of the conversation a while ago, and you scanned the room, your eyes landing on the dance floor which had quite a few people on it already. You were in a small college town, so most of the girls and guys on the floor were that age, your age, you sometimes have to remind yourself, because only a year and a half ago you were in college but then your life was turned upside down thanks to a pack of werewolves and you’ve been hunting with the boys since. 
You are ripped from your thoughts as a new song booms over the speakers, just then you get the idea to find a way to dirty dance with Dean, you know... some bumping, some grinding, working your curves. The outfit you're wearing and the liquor in your system gives you confidence. You bounce up and down excitedly in your seat, you turn towards Dean and put your hands on his thigh. He takes a sharp breath and looks over at you, his and Sam’s conversation immediately over because his attention is fully on you now. You muster up the biggest puppy dog eyes and the sweetest, shyest smile causing your dimple to come into full view. “Deeeaaannn… will you pleeeaaassse come dance with me?” You catch Sam smirk and shake his head out of the corner of your eye, probably egging Dean on, because if you read the comment outside the bar earlier right, Sam doesn’t think Dean has the balls to make a move on someone, and you’re really hoping that someone is you.  
“Sweetheart, I… I don’t really… I’m not really good at dancing.” He stammers out.
“Please D, you won’t have to do much, trust me.” you say sticking your lower lip out and giving him your signature pouty face while moving one of your hands to rest on his bicep and keeping the other on his thigh. 
He looks down at both of your hands, then back up into your pleading eyes. “You’re lucky you're cute when you pout princess.” he says with a small smile. Now you’re smiling like an idiot because not only did you get him to agree but he also used your new favorite nickname and called you cute in the process. You took one more shot of rum, because you knew you would need the liquid courage, and then you stand and practically drag Dean to the dance floor. Sam just laughs and heads to the bar to get another beer. Right when you make it to the dance floor a new song begins and a wicked smile hits your lips, it is your favorite song at the moment, and when the boys are gone you dance to it all the time. It’s the perfect song to not only swing your hips to, but the beat also gives you an excuse to bump and grind up against Dean. You lead him towards the middle of the dance floor so that you are in between all the other people who seem to have the same idea because in no time every girl on the floor is with a guy and putting on her best moves. You take a deep breath, time to put the plan into full motion. 
You take Dean’s hands in your own and guide them to your hips watching as he swallows hard and his eyes seem to fill with what you can only describe as lust. You turn in his arms so that your ass is now facing his front and you start swaying your hips to the beat, his hands guiding your movements. You take a step back and brush your ass up against his front where you can feel his growing erection straining against his jeans then continue to sway your hips so that you are now brushing up against his cock. He leans in closer and slides his hands from your hips down your thighs then back up, some of his fingers now brushing the bare skin between your skirt and your cropped sweater. Your confidence is growing steadily as you sway your hips and bend over a bit more so that your ass is now grinding against his cock with each motion. Dean leans his head down and moans deep and course into your ear his breath fanning over the shoulder your sweater left exposed, sending a chill down your body and heat coursing between your legs. You’re sure your panties will be ruined by the end of the night, maybe even the end of this dance. Dean’s nose brushes up your neck and then your ear, “I know what you’re doing princess, and it’s working” he says, his voice low and gravely. 
You turn to face him now, your confidence at an all time high, and wrap your arms around his neck while you continue to sway your hips back and forth. “Hmmmmm” you hum, “I’m not doing anything” you say innocently. Dean uses his hands on your hips to jerk you up against him. He grips your hips tighter, hands fully on the bare skin between your skirt and sweater now, still guiding the sway of your hips making your front now grind up against his cock. He leans back down, his lips brushing against your ear, “I didn’t go with Sammy to get food sweetheart, I heard you in the shower. Heard you touching yourself, heard those pretty little moans leave those innocent lips, and I heard you all but scream my name when you came.” You choke in a breath as heat rushes to your face. “I.. I… um….” 
Dean’s hands suddenly slide down and grope your ass and he lets out the sexiest moan you have ever heard. “Shhh. Don’t worry sweetheart. I’ve wanted you from the moment Sam and I met you, but I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same. Then after the vamp hunt and what happened on the way back to the motel, I decided to stay and try to talk to you after your shower. Then I heard you, and fuck y/n, it took everything I had not to walk into that bathroom and make all your dirty fantasies come true right then and there. So I waited, and then as if my cock wasn’t hard enough, you came out in nothing but a towel and started teasing me in front of Sam, thinking I wouldn’t notice, but then I thought, maybe you wanted me to notice. Then this outfit…” He leans in even closer, and deeply moans while raking his hands up and down your body then returning them back to your ass. “I wanted to bend you over right then and there when I saw it. Your ass looks so fucking good and it hugs your hips just right. Your bra is just barely showing but showing enough for me to imagine what the whole outfit underneath could look like. You look so cute and innocent but also so fucking sexy princess.” You clench your legs together because your pussy was now throbbing. “I saw how confident it made you, and decided to let you take the lead tonight and see if you would finally tell me how bad you want me.” he finishes saying while nibbling on your ear. Thank god he’s holding you up by your hips because your legs are turning to jelly at his words and the gruffness of his voice. A new song starts to play, but it’s still one that you and everyone around you can grind to. 
“Fuuuccckkk Dean.” you moan as he turns you around so that your ass is now grinding against his cock again, a bit faster due to the new song’s beat. He leans back down but this time he begins kissing and nibbling your exposed shoulder and up your neck. “Tell me babygirl, tell me how bad you want me, that I’ve all you been thinking about. Tell me that is the reason you dressed up the way you did and why you dragged me out to this dance floor. Tell me how many times you’ve imagined grinding up against my cock while my hands roam your body.” he growls in your ear. You’re panting now and your panties are soaked through. Dean’s hands are now exploring your body as promised and you let your head fall back against his shoulder as you continue to grind against him. “Ohh Dean,” you moan,  “I want you, I’ve wanted you for so long. This…” you gesture to your outfit, “and everything underneath it, it’s all for you. I wanted to see if you felt the same way so I figured I would try to get your attention…” you gasp as his hand suddenly snakes under your skirt moving your panties to the side to feel just how wet you are for him. 
“Oh, you got it baby, and fuuuccckkk…” he moans sliding one and then two fingers into your dripping pussy. Your eyes quickly scan the dancefloor to see if anyone is looking but everyone is too wrapped up in their own dirty world. Dean slowly pumps his fingers in and out, curling just right to hit your g-spot, all the while his other hand is still guiding your hips to move so it looks like you guys are still somewhat dancing. The buildup from the night's events is causing you to reach your orgasm a lot quicker that usual until, “Oh god. Daddy.. Don’t stop… please....” you choke out not meaning to let the daddy card slip just yet, but your high is taking over and you couldn’t help it, it just felt so right. All you can think of right now is letting the coil in your stomach snap while trying your damnedest to keep quiet, thanking the heavens the music is so loud right now. He turns you around so that you’re facing him again, somehow managing to keep his fingers in you while doing so and begins to pump faster, his fingers hitting your g-spot every stroke and his palm rubbing your clit with each thrust in. Your legs start to shake and you lean in close to Dean, your forehead resting on his shoulder. “Fuck. Daddy.. I’m… I….” He leans in low, biting your ear then growling low, “Yeah princess, cum all over daddy’s fingers. I wanna taste how sweet your pussy is.” 
And with that you let go, Dean covering your moans by pressing his lips to yours in a crushing kiss. And it was euphoric. He tasted like mint and whiskey and his tongue was dancing around yours as your body shook while he milked out your orgasm. As you were coming down from your high your body went limp and if it weren’t for Dean’s hands holding you in place, one by your hip and the other by your pussy, you would’ve probably turned into a puddle on the floor. You broke the kiss, your lungs screaming for air, and Dean placed his forehead against yours. He gently removed his fingers and resituated your underwear and skirt before pulling his fingers up to his mouth and licking them clean of your glistening juices. “Mhmhm princess, you taste better than I imagined, and boy are you good enough to eat.” he said, licking his lips and letting a wicked grin settle on his face. 
The song faded out and since your legs still felt like jelly, Dean helped you off of the dance floor and back to your table where Sam was now sitting with a pretty, young blonde named Jenna...Jenny....something like that, you were too sex drunk and drunk drunk to remember. Dean sat down and helped you settle in next to him. He slung an arm over your shoulder and pulled you in close, Sam smirked, “It’s about damn time you two.” You and Dean looked at each other and giggled, you lined up the shot glasses and poured another round, “to a night off the Winchester way, getting drunk and getting lucky!” the boys busted up laughing and soon you joined in. You guys took the round of shots, and then another. The boys finally caught up to the level of drunk you were at. Somehow all four of you made it to the dance floor and were having a blast, you grinding on Dean and the blonde on Sam while you all tried to drunkenly sing along to every song that came on. 
You didn’t even notice that it was nearing ‪2 a.m.‬ until the bartender yelled out last call. With that, Sam decided he was going to head back with the cute blonde, “don’t wait up guys, but for the love of everything holy, don’t do anything in my bed!” he drunkenly yelled across the bar as he was leaving. “No promises Sammy, technically it’s my bed too!” you yelled back, earning a chuckle from Dean. You turned to him and the look that crossed his face could’ve made you weak in the knees. “Well princess, looks like we have the room to ourselves, and I never got my desert after we ate…” You blushed “Well Winchester, you did say I was good enough to eat.” you quipped back.
Dean growled and then without warning he bent down, threw you over his shoulder, and walked out of the bar back into the crisp autumn air. You started giggling which earned you a swat on the ass, you couldn’t help but moan from the shock wave it sent through you. “Babygirl, if you keep making those noises we won’t make it back to the motel.” Dean said, playfully biting your thigh and then slapping your ass once more for good measure, before setting you down. “Keep it in your pants until we are behind closed doors D, we already did it in public once tonight, we don’t need to push our luck.” you say while stumbling beside him. “Fine, but we’re never gonna make it there with how slow your walking, climb on.” Dean bends down so you can climb on his back, you wrap your legs around him and nustle your face into his neck. His musk making your panties wetter and wetter. “I knew you wanted me to ride you tonight, but this isn’t what I expected.” Dean laughed as he started off for the hotel. “You know, that smart mouth is gonna get you in some trouble... besides I want you to do more than ride me sweetheart. But, you have to wait. Closed doors and all. Your words, not mine.” A breathy moan was all you could muster in response as you imagined all the things Dean was going to do to you and you to him once you made it back to the room. 
To be continued...
Part 1 (Top)
Part 2 (Bottom)
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violetnotez · 4 years
How about Tamaki Amajiki with a shy, introvert, nerdy S/O who's studying to become a entomologist (someone who studies butterflies and moths?)
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Tamaki x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2300+
⤷ Warnings: mild cursing
⤷ Synopsis: Tamaki is more than happy spend the day with his s/o at butterfly conservatory, since butterflies and moths are their passion. It’s just such a strange world to him, and he’s pretty nervous about it-especially when the bugs seem to take a liking to his hair
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event!
Bingo Slot: Hair Playing
This is my first one shot with little Amajiki, so sorry if it’s not very good! I lowkey wrote all this at 1 in the morning, so I honestly have no idea what sleep deprived me came up with 😂💀
Also I’m in mobile and at work so I can’t add a “Read More” 😭 I’ll try to get to it when I’m at home!
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You gasped, your eyes blown out of sockets as you looked around at the garden. The smile you were sporting in your cheeks was uncontainable-there we’re just so many butterflies.
They fluttered to and fro like little fairies, each one having a different wing design and a different color. They were so beautiful, so delicate, their wings creating a symphony of small sounds as they fluttered on to the available flowers and trees.
You mind instantly began to pinpoint the different species, the little bodies so used to humans that they were zooming across your own as if you were apart of the forest yourself.
There was a monarch, a painted lady, red admiral, orange sulphur-
“Do-do you like it?”
Tamaki was watching you nervously, his voice nervous as his eyes trained on your shocked face.
He knew how much you loved butterflies and moths, something he had learned about you very early on in your relationship. You had a special bond with the creatures, always researching and learning about new species each day.
After he had learned about this conservatory after you had talked about wanting to go, he knew instantly he had to buy tickets for you to go. He had made a surprise until now, your complete silence making him nervous.
Maybe you didn’t want to go here? Maybe he heard you wrong?
“Oh Tama, it’s-it’s amazing,” you breathed out, your smile evident in your voice, “its perfect,”
You grabbed his hand tenderly, your digits softly gracing the pads of his flesh. Tamaki gulped, a blush evident in his face-he still wasn’t used to this whole relationship, it was honestly scary to him, but-it felt nice. He loved having your skin against his, almost a reminder that none of this was a dream and in fact real.
Now that he could breathe a sigh of relief, he let himself melt into your touch, a nervous smile gracing his lips.
He had to admit it, this place was really breathtaking. The trees were incredibly tall, almost as tall as a whole house, the canopies dropping down as if protecting the butterflies from the outside world. The flowers decorating the floor were bright and colorful like confetti, matching the multiple colors of the butterflies. The damp dirt was sweet, making the whole conservatory smell like the earth after a rainstorm. Everything about this place felt pure and peaceful, making Tamaki feel more at ease.
You squeezed your nervous boyfriend’s hand, turning to look at his adorably shy expression.
“Cmon Tama,” you cooed sweetly, “lets go explore-“
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Now you were sitting on the floor with Amajiki, both your legs crossed casually. You had your phone out, giggling softly as you took pictures of the shy boy.
“Geez Tamaki, I didn’t know you were such a butterfly whisperer,” you giggled, taking another round of pictures of him.
He arms were stretched out along his body, a squirming expression on his face as he tried not to move. Amajiki had to have at least 10 butterflies on each of his arm, not including the ones fluttering on his chest and head, the butterflies somehow all crowding on to him.
“I-I didn’t know-either,” he stuttered out.
He looked so sweet like this, trying hard not to disturb the little creatures on his body.
You smiled again at the boy, settling into the floor as you peered into his indigo blue eyes.
“Do you know what it means when a butterfly lands on you?” You asked quietly, a small smile on your lips.
“No-I dont,” Tamaki stared at you, his eyes wide. “What does it mean?”
You leaned in to him, looking at each butterfly with warmth and affection.
“Well honestly, there’s a lot of interpretations-some say it means transformation and growth, a sign you're discovering your inner wisdom. In dreams, it can mean you're on the right track about a decision, or just good luck.”
You smiled, giving him an embarrassed look.
“Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear me ramble-“
“It’s okay, you can talk about them,”” he interjected, taking care to not move his jaw too much in order to not scare the butterflies. “I think its-it’s....sweet, that you know so much,”
Tamaki was blushing, his cheeks tinged with red. He would be completely embarrased to admit it out loud but-he absolutely loved to hear you talk. You were usually shy and kept to yourself, but when ever you got passionate about something and just rambled, it was-well-nice. He could almost get a glimpse into your mind, seeing how the ideas just flowed through you and created such interesting thoughts. It was intoxicating to Tamaki, and he could never get enough of it.
“Do-do you know what this one is?” he asked timidly, his eyes trained on a beautiful red butterfly with an inky black trim.
“Oh, that one?” you cooed, leaning in slightly towards the little bug. “Thats a red admiral- red butterflies usually symbolize intense love and passion, so sometimes its associated with lovers,”
“Do-do you like those ones? The red?” he asked. His arms were beginning to feel tired frm keeping the butterflies up comfortably, but the ticklish feeling of their beatiing wings took some of the sting off his aching limbs.
You shrugged your shoulders, a carefree smile on your lips.
“I think they’re beautiful,” you said, “but they have alot of bad associated with them. Like some myths from Scotland say a red butterfly is a witch in disguise. Or from Korea, they say that if you touch a red butterfly and then touch your eye, you’ll evetnually go blind.”
Tamaki gulped, his inky blue eyes wide.
“Well thats a little-intense,” he stammered.
You giggled at his obivous shock, your nose scrunched so so adorably Tamaki felt his heart squeeze.
“Yeah just a litle,” you smiled softly.
Your hand reached out, Tamaki watching your every move as you delictely picked up an orange butterfly, its design swirling with black an white.
“This one- is one of my favorites,” you mused, your eyes drinking in lovingly the little orange creature.
Tamaki sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“It-its beautiful,”
You simply nodded, a sweet smile on your face as you watched the butterfly flutter on your pointer.
“This is a monarch-I pretty sure you’ve seen it before,”
Tamaki hummed in agreement-come to think of it, he had learned about his butterfly. He had only vaguely seen it in grade school, maybe in one of the science books he had read in class, but he had never seen it up close.
It was so beautiful, the orange so vibrant yet gentle, the black design looing almost handpainted-perfectly and imperfectly created by Nature’s own hands.
“I think these are absolutely beautiful, but what I really like is the folklore behind them.”
“In Mexico, many pople believe that the monarch migration are actually souls from the Land of the Dead that visit each year during the Fall season. They decorate their altars, and even sometimes dress up as them to help the souls come back to earth and visit their loved ones.”
You gazes at the little creature, your eyes full of admiration aad affection.
“It just-sounds so sweet ya know? That all these people wait for these little guys, and feel so mucch hope and love for them, because they’re a promise that their love never truly dies,”
Tamakki smiled timiidly at the little monarch-how could he tell you that thats exactly how he felt aout you?
You were his little monarch- he had waiting for someone like you to come into his life, to be a promise that everything was going to be okay. That any insecurity or problem he felt he had with himself wasnt so bad as he thought it was- to give him hope that in the future things would turn out okay. He was terrfied some days that your love was all just a fantasy, that maybe, for some reason, you didnt truly love him like he did and you were just dating him out of pity. It was hard for him to get out of those very low stupors, when he felt like he had no worth, but rememebring your smile and your voice and they way you said “I love you” to him made him realize it was all in his head- that your love for each other was real. You were his promose that love was true and never just went away.
You looked up at Tamaki, your soft smile turning into a surpressed chuckle. Somehow when you had been talking about the monarchs, even more butterflies had landed on Tamaki, making hard to even see the color of his shirt now.
“Tama, do you need some help?” you giggled, looking att he doting man with wide innocent eyes.
Tamaki blinked a few times, waking himself up frm his daze-did that many butterflies land on him?
The ache on his arms seemed to get even worse, making his muscles quiver from the effort.
He gulped, a shy grin on his face.
“Y-yes, thatd be nice,” he said, loving how sweet your giggles sounded.
You began to gently help Tamaki say goodbye to his new found friends, tapping gently on his arm to send vibrations that would make the butterflies stutter away. Some were a little more determined, making you have to take it off his shirt by placing it on your finger and gently blowing on it to make it fly off.
All your gentle prodding was making Tamaki blush intensely- he honestly loved your touches, but he was always too nervous to say so.
He simply sat there, relishing the feeling of your skin against his clothing as the dull ache in his arms began to wash away.
Afer a few minutes of prodding, you finally gave a sigh.
“Alright, I think thats the most of them-just now for your hair…”
There were a few butterflies perched in his inky locks, making their colorful wings stand out even more in the almost black landscape of his tresses.
You reached out, your hands beginning to rack against his hair, lifting the strands gently in order to get the butterflies to melt away from his body.
Poor Tamaki’s face began to heat up intensely- this was something he absolutely adored. Whenever you burshed, combed, or even just touched his hair, he instantly felt at ease. His whole body felt warmed up with a bubbly sensation, and butterflies filled his stomach (no pun intended).
He sighed in content, his long black lashes fluttering downward- he could honestly sleep right here, with you touching his hair so soothingly as the butterflies beat their gentle wings in the background.
You definitely noticed that little sigh, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
“You like it when I touch your hair Tama?” you asked sweetly, your heart swelling when you see Tamaki’s cheeks look so warm.
God-why was your boyfriend so adorably cute?
I-uh-uh yes I do,” he stuttered out,clearly sheepish, “could-could you keep touching me-like that?”
You grinned softly, your hands wracking into his hair even more,
God, you could scream with joy right now. Your boyfriend rarey asked for touches, unless he was extremely tired or distraught- it took alot for him to admit he wanted any type of touches, and in public too. He must feel so calm in this moment, and you couldnt be more happy for him. Your heart swelled,a strange sensation of wanting to just kiss him taking over your body.
“Sure thing,” you whispered, your digits caressing his locks. You two sat in complete and comfortable silence, Tamaki focusing on your every touch while you simply relished playing through his har, twisting and brushing the inky black locks.
Amaki felt so at peace it was almost nervewracking-all of this felt like a dream, and he was scared that if he opened his eyes, he would wake up to nothignness. You wouldnt be there, the butterflies would disapperear, and his whole world would no longer be decorated in colors but in meek grays. You were his eveything to him, and he couldnt let you go.
Tamaki gulped, his brows knitted downi n conflict.
“Y/n I-is this a dream?”
You gave a short giggle, finding the comment quite adorable.
“No, sweetie, it isnt-why do you ask?”
“Because-this feels-it feels to good to be real.”
You faltered slightly from touching his hair, your fingers stopping in their tracks.
Too good to be real?
“Tama, I-” you tried to ask gently, but Amajiki beat you to your words. His eyes fluttered open, his hand reaching for your wrist and bringing it downwards, holding it close to his chest.
Y/n, youre-youre my marposa,” he stated, his voice almost forceful, as if he was trying to convince you of his words. “Youre my promise of love. Please-I know it doesnt make much sense but-but you mean everything to me, and I, terrified that of this is-”
Tamaki words were muffled against your lips, your flesh pressed up gently against his own. He tensed up slightly, his body full of shock until he finally succumbed to it, his cheeks on fire as he melted into you.
You pulled away from the stuttering boy, a blissful smile on your lips.
“-fake?” you finished his sentence, “Did that feel fake to you Tamaki?”
The boy didnt know what to do-his whole body felt like it was on overdrive, his skin feeling tingly and warm and shivers crawling deliciously down his back.
Only you could make his nervousness feel exhelirating, and he drank up every minute of being so intimate with you.
N-no,” he stammered, his eyes watching as you smiled at him, your head cocked towards your shoulder.
“You have nothing to worry about-Ill always be right here with you,” you tenderly grabbed for the boy’s hand, your fingers dancing lazily against his digits.
“Youre my promise too”
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gerbithats · 4 years
A long sims 4 rant
Starting this I can already predict it’s gonna be a big one so if you stick with me, thank you and I’ll try and add pictures to make things feel easier 😆
I was thinking about it and I mean really thinking about these community surveys we’ve been getting and how they speak volumes on the way the game is handled but also also how we position ourselves as a community. I noticed alot more game changers are starting to get pretty vocal about their thoughts since the first community survey came out and that’s refreshing to say the least, but it shows a pattern that we all present: give us what is missing no matter how. We want beaches. We want cars. We want more stairs. We want bunkbeds. Etc.
So these things are probably somehow rushed into production to please the community and then, when we finally get it, it’s like we finally realize that what this game truly lacks is gameplay and not more items.
I invite you to come and think about the packs and the stuff we got throughout these 6 years with me.
🏢 Chapter 1: The apartment issue 
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Yes we got apartment buildings with city living, but sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it’s a game feature because it’s L I T E R A L L Y related to living in a city, so it’s not a real feature. We have no possible way to play with apartments and condos outside of san myshuno because for the first time ever we can’t build or own apartments. This was such a missed opportunity of giving us new lot treatments like condos and even rentable properties. I mean, just think about how those 2 features could allow so much new gameplay and stories with it (I can literally imagine being a landlord, having to go fix renters stuff in my their places and doing social events as condo meetings).
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The neighbors in that type of lot could also help solve somehow what so many people mention as “boring lot gameplay”. Let’s be real. hardly something ever happens with so little npcs and only the walk by sims (You have to literally run after them to make things happen sometimes and it shouldn’t be like that). But if sims were to live in the same condo or building as yours, sharing common living spaces that’s a whole other thing. Which brings me to the fact that even in the city, where apartments exist, there’s no common area other than the halls. Imagine if we could build laundries, rooftops, basements, patios with pools and all that sort of stuff.
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That sort of detaling and really getting deep into the pack’s features is even show in elevators: we can’t use them ourselves (for building) and they’re not even animated, your sim is just teleported (even the modded ones have animations and that’s just awkward).
🌊 Chapter 2: Swimming in shallow waters
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“We want a beach”, we said. So they gave us a beach, and a beach only. I’ve never seen so many people call a pack “shallow” as I’ve seen it happen to Island Living and tbh I do agree with them ‘cause... there’s really not much to do in this pack. For the first time ever swimming was restricted to this pack which is already a big let down by itself, but then features like deep diving were added for no reason and of course, as a rabbit whole, not actually contributing with much to do. So how could it be better?
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My answer is pretty obvious: resorts. It is a livable world, but that don’t mean your sims can’t take a vacation from work and just stay there if that’s the gameplay you want to go with and resorts match perfectly with that, not to mention it would have great integration with packs like spa day. It also means a new lot type and lot system, that wouldn’t be much new if the city living building condos and sublocating them as I mentioned would’ve already been implemented, but now with the feature of renting it yourself too. Resorts could also have their own event schedules, integrated with the seasons calendar: cava parties every wednesday, yoga lessons on thursdays, etc. And the best thing would be: if you own one, you can make your own events and traditions. imagine just how fun that would be. A feature like this would also mean it’s already done for other packs coming later on, maybe a colder destination where you can ski and build iglus or even another cultural based pack like jungle adventure.
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Other obvious resolution would be better mermaids. Make it harder to become one, being only able to get the kelp from a mermaid themselves. Make it less anticlimactic, having an animation of them turning before they just walk in water with a tail all of the sudden, maybe just some scales in their legs. Give them more unique features and powers like vampires and spellcasters have, such as easily persuading people (sort of like the mind control feature aliens have) and maybe even a secret lot, like a grotto where all the mermaids are. Give them curses with the points system to go with it, some mermaids are actually sirens amirite
🥶 Chapter 3: Seasons change, gameplay stays the same
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Activities truly based on the season that are specific to that moment create urgency and different moments. Something I can think of is integrating a pack we already have: spooky stuff. It does feel lackluster ‘cause it’s missing opportunities, but imagine going trick or treating but actually going, loading different houses and gathering it while a meter like the active jobs one guided you. Forming groups with friends to do it or maybe for tpeing trees and bushes if you’re on the rebel teen side and destroying their porch jack’o lanterns. It could even be randomly generated, like the game would send you to 3 different houses to do it (that would bring lots of replayability value ‘cause you could end up in houses with neighbors that love you and will give you candy no problem, but maybe also neighbors with family feuds that won’t answer their door or make it harder for you to accomplish the event objectives), maybe one of those could even be a abandoned one that’s haunted or something like that.
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The implementing of a better wants and fears system is very essential for this pack. Yes your sims get overheated and a popup message tells you they need some water or lighter clothes, but it’d be so good if they’d actually want to go to the beach, swim in the ocean, take a vacation from work and go to a resort. Heatwaves that would make your sim act weird, not strangerville level of weird, but maybe not obeying your commands.
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Blizzards so strong that work and school would get canceled and you actually don’t have the option to leave your home lot anymore until it passes would not only add a different element to the gameplay, but also add value to the weather controler machine.
🥺 Final chapter: The general “more stuff to do” and “more things happening” factor
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The game offers all these beautiful secret worlds and yet when you finally get to them there’s not much to do other than searching for rocks and frogs and doing some fishing. I miss going to a community lot hidden somewhere and finding an eremite, goddamn bigfoot, some crazy npc or even just an actual community lot with something to do and people doing stuff in it. Unique community lots would also be a way to make towns more lively and captivating like they did so well with realm of magic and the casters alley section of the world. Maybe forgotten hollow has this abandoned haunted house where people claim they’ve seen the grim reaper walking around. Maybe sixam has a alien station where they clone human sims. Maybe sulani has this beautiful sunken ship beach where a club of people that dress up as pirated meet. Maybe Del Sol Valley has a movie theater where you can watch premieres. Maybe Oasis Springs mine hides actual gold that you can collect and get rich outta nowhere. That kind of stuff.
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I can’t stress this enough, but NPCs are so important to shake things up. It was so good to have a pack like realm of magic where the we would have to go to the three sages in order to progress. Having unique sims like this or npcs that change the way your story is going like burglars, firefighters, cops, social bunny, bonehilda and even a fortune teller is so important to keep things impredictable and interesting.
Age groups really need more specific restricted gameplay for better feel of progression. Many people say sims 4 is a young adult simulator and well... there’s not much to show that differs from that. Toddlers are as interesting as hamsters, locked in an object waiting for you to feed, clean and give them attention. Teens really should feel more like a transiction period, and the wants and fears system would really help out with that. I miss being able to participate in more elements that would mark a sims life even if they’re cheesy as heck, like having a prom, graduating, having a midlife crises.
In conclusion
First of all: if you got to this point thank you and I’d really wanna know what you think about all of this.
Some people may find even ridiculous for someone to go about a rant this big on a game and to that I have to say I agree lol I can’t help it tho, honestly, the sims has always been the game I’m most passionate about and it helped me express myself and my creativity so much since I was a kid. I really do care about this game and this franchise.
The point I want to make with this is: perhaps we shouldn’t ask for more and more different stuff, but actually put some effort into showing things we already like in the game and how they can be improved to make it more interesting. At the end of the day I still want spiral staircases, ladders, paintable ceiling, werewolves and all that but does it really matter if they get added to the game following the same patterns as the things pointed in here? Also we really are getting to a point where only a few things are missing as far as cas/build/buy go and I believe it’s time for us, as a community, to give gameplay as much importance as all these things we wanted so bad that got implemented. I probaby forgot to say something here and I didn’t even mention the infamous hamster pack, but anyway, I hope the point got across.
I try really hard to believe that the gurus are here for us and that most of all we, as a community, have a very strong voice, all we need to do is make it clearer and stronger about the things we really wish for this game.
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Donnie realtionship headcannons
I like bayverse donatello, there i said it. Why don't people like them? Idk Anyway guys send asks
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•A fucking nerd/geek/dork rolled into one and wrapped up in pretty comic strip paper.
•Donnie wants someone to Freak out with and he never thought he'd see you fit into it.
•He loves sharing interest and talking with someone easily. Most of the time it's strained conversation outside his family members unless he's spitting facts.
•Can't talk to vern at all, he tried but vern is too akward so it never worked out.
•He gets into fights with Casey too much about stupid shit.
•but then you stroll into his life!
• You looked intimidating but as soon as you opened your mouth it was nonstop nerd.
•you guys had an instant connection and everybody sees why.
•back too now and here he is, happy and not single.
•Donatello watched alot of those highschool movies, how the smart one was bullied or nobody could stand them.
•He grew up thinking if anybody got a girlfriend it'd be all his brothers except him so he needs alot of reassurance.
•Donatello hates the word stupid, nobodies stupid. Not you, not his brothers, his dad or anybody. Things can be stupid but people can't, not even animals
• "Stop calling your dog stupid Karen, at least it has manners."
•getting off topic
•Donatello loves you, adores you! It's hard to keep up with him.
•People say he's a gift giver but honestly i see him being an actions kinda guy.
•He doesn't have time to do special things with you and tries to plan ahead when he does, but when you and him are together y'all are both comfortable.
•you both know what the other needs and wants.
•sees You need extra light, here let him turn on the lamp.
•you see he's rubbing his face and temples, here let's get Donnie medicine.
•You both just... work 🤷‍♀️
•Another headcannon is that he makes a bunch of cute tech stuff for you
•He probably helps you fix things but i feel like he wouldn't have time to do those small things unless it's like your birthday or something.
•If you want something cute to just have, he'll do it. You want something you can use everyday? Perfect. Just don't expect him to make it his top top priority.
•No offense
•Donnie is bad at touching, cause he forgets people want it. He's too busy telling you about your eyes to realize you wanna hug.
•You... you can sit on his lap in his game chair...
•Just expect more than just sitting to happen.
•He can't help it, you feel nice. If you let him, he will.
•unlike Raphael, he will not share his drink. That's gross.
•Don't be mistaken! He'll shove his tounge down your throat, he just doesn't like sharing his drink.
•If you don't like coffee (like me) Don will be like personally offended for a second and then he's understanding.
•Overall he is really hapoy your here with him. Don knows he can't give you the world but he'll give you his heart.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Since we all are gonna have angry dark Harry in the movie "don't worry darlin." I'm gonna write opposite to it.
Pairing: Reader x Harry.
Song Suggestion: SHE by Harry Styles.
Warning: Heavily smut. Pegging. Use of dirty talking.
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In their room with red lights, comfy made bed and a box full of toys to pleasure Harry there were moans, whimpers and filthy explicit cries of pleasure.
Even though nobody have touched eachother yet. It's just whole alot of 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈.
In her maroon sexy lingerie with a thong showing her beautiful pussy and garter she was straddling his taught sweaty chest. Her arousal soaking from the flimsy fabric of her thong smudging in between his pecs making her ride easy and when she bucked her hips with a certain wave of pleasure her core rubbed against his scruffy chin and all he want to have is a taste, taste of her sweet little cunt but he let his hands remain on his head because he knows well that she's in control at the time and she would leave him with weeping dick and blue balls without any mercy.
She dragged her other hand behind in between his legs. He's thick and palpalating with desire in his thighs, bucking his hips with a whimper when she collected his pre-come and smacked his outer thigh with a stinging pain that was like an unbearable pleasure to Harry. 𝑵𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏 ����𝒊𝒏𝒌.
"Who told you to move, pretty boy, hmm?" She whispers lowering down to meet his eye level cradling his jaw smearing his own cum over his bottom lip and kissin it from there, "Sorry." Harry moaned out in a weep in her mouth and she hummed eroticaly teasing her tongue against his's.
He's a dominant one. Y/n shudders under his touch on his bed but he's the vulnerable one too, who likes to get choked, teased to tears, to have someone's authority over him under red and most pleasurably getting fucked by her in the ass.
"Mhm. Prettiest. S'mine." She gave a kitten lick to his perked nipples caressing another one in between her fingers, rubbing his bulky taught chest up and down. He loves it.
He's a cheeky bastard who loves attention, solely on him at some night, he wants to get pampered here and there even though he's the one always taking care of his moppet, always making sure if she's getting filled with his cum where ever she wants it.
He clenches his fingers from avoiding to grab her hair and fuck her pressed into mattress but he's a good boy for her.
"So, good for me. Look at you makin' a mess in between your thighs haven't even touched you." She pecks his ferns hovering over his heated aching cock and the head of his cock hit her moist lips when she just gave a tiny stroke to his slit, "do it again and m'cumming right over your face without any of your help." She warned him knowing impatience wouldn't lead him anywhere but he mewled rocking his head over the pillow.
"Please. Petal, d'somethin' want you to touch me so bad..." His voice rough from just moaning and you squeeze his thighs kissing the softest flesh of his insides, "patience baby." He nods obeyingly gulping and staring the red lights above.
His pink lips parting and eyes slip shutting when for the first time through the whole teasing you wrapped your palm around his rock hard cock, thumb pressing into his slit and you pumped him caringly up and down, down and up another hand fondling with his heavy balls.
He squirmed fisting the sheets as you opened your mouth wide spit drooling from your lazy tongue down to the crown of his swollen cock and it sent him into a frenzy, just fucking the air.
She gave a gentle pressure to it's base taking him in her wet mouth happily. Her cheeks warm and snug around his cock, she stayed like this for seconds swirling her tongue around his head as if he's her favourite lollipop then bobbing her mouth with no rush. Taking him slow, deep and filthyly nice.
"Fuck." He mutters raising a little to look at her but again fell into sheets with an obscene sight of his girl sucking him off like a dirty enchantress.
Her own nipples erect against her tight bra and when her eyes fell over his recked frame of figure writhing just because of her it washed a bucket of pleasure down her pooling her thong with more arousal damping them more than they already are.
She takes him out with a pop noise. Pumping him whole the way down she commanded him with a light voice, "on your stomach." Harry had to join her words and he was quickly turning onto sheets hissing loudly smashing his face into pillow when his warm cock met with the cold sheets.
"Ass in air." Her dainty hand came from far spanking his arse hard and he jerked forward murmuring incoherently, his beautiful tanned back flawlessly bending as he tucked his knees under him raising his arse high that's it could be in her reach.
"Gonna stretch you, make you wet. Okay love?" She asked him stroking his asscheeks and all that came from his mouth was, "please yes. Anything." She was intrigued fingers making their way from his slit towards his puckered pink hole as she opens his cheeks for that she could admire him properly.
His rim clenching onto nothing as she traced her thumb over it nudging it a bit that made him shake his ass pleading for more only getting another hard spank to his calve instead, "such a shame. a pretty boy like you could forget how to behave." She cinches his fingers through his luscious damp curls snapping his head in her direction.
"Suck." She tapped his lower lip and with a hooded gaze he took her two fingers inside his mouth suckling on it hungrily over his tongue teeth grazing as she pulled them outside pushing them in her own tiny mouth, "hmm. love your mouth." She moans around her own fingers swirling her tongue around as if it's his cock.
Harry gazes up at her admiringly and drunkenly with love. Only shutting his eyes when she touched his rim with her cold moisty fingers spreading it till his spine.
His dick oozing with pre-come dirtying the sheets under him. With both hands groping his asscheeks to spread him wide she licked around his hole nipping his soft flesh at sides and he grinded muffling into pillow, "yeah c'mon baby eat my ass." She nuzzled her nose up and down gliding her other hand down to soothe her palm over his balls.
Shoving the tip of her tongue into his hole but it squeezed her out from his tightness with an agonising moan.
"S'okay. Shh. M'here." She smoothes the back of her thighs caringly to calm him down squirting a good amount of lube onto her fingers and over his hole. Her top most priority's not to hurt him. She would never forget herself if she did so.
"Spread wider for me, puppy." Her voice affectionate now breaking the act she was in and she had to pat his bum to bring him out of his haze.
She moaned and he moaned when she carefully pushed her finger inside him thumb stroking the excessive skin, "good?" She asked him cheek dropping against his ass and he groaned out shuddering clenching awfully tight around her fingers as she admired him nothing else.
"Fuckin' good, keep movin'." She nodded standing back on her knees staring at the way her fingers appears and disappears into him lewdly, with her rough pushes her thighs slapped against his's and her eyes rolled back along with her head.
Harry took his aching cock in his grasp pumping it with lazy strokes feeling the coolness of his rings, whimpering when the mushy pads of her fingers sponged against his prostate sending pure shiver to his spine until his cock making it throb and Harry drooled over his pillow from stimulation.
The sight was too pleasuring not to moan, "hmm gonna pull out." She placed her palm over his lower spine applying a warm pressure and he carelessly nodded.
When she pulled out he was all stretched and pink, rim glistening with her saliva, sensitively he clenched and unclenched making you shove her hand into her thong.
"Harry..." She moaned out like a kitten when she found herself dripping from the beautiful sight of him spent out infront of her, smudging her juices on her pussy lips collecting them over her fingers she bought it towards his hole some of it dropping to his asscheek as she spread it all over his rim again pushing your fingers inside and he grinded his hips back eagerly.
With few prods to his prostate a good job of her tongue, him jerking his cock hastily and her massaging his balls he cummed hard ribbons and ribbons of his thick cum on sheets and she helped him through his high.
Giving him love in between of your filthiness.
He inhales through his parted lips sprawled onto his tummy and she scooted up where he has his face snuggled, "can you come for second time, lover boy. For me?" She just wanted to pleasure him to the extent where he sees stars and she knows he can take it.
"Please yes." He breathily smiled and she pecked his lips going back, "now lay on your back. gonna make you feel sooo good." He sighed loudly gazing her while she rubbed her pussy against his knee.
She had to startle yourself from your own pleasure as he was staring at her in awe. Harry chuckled now he's a bit out of his haze of getting a climax.
She glared him taking the pink dildo from the box taking it in your mouth to wet it, pushing it in and out like she would do to his cock.
With trembling fingers she snapped her thong down tracing the head of silicon dildo to the trim patch of her hair. Teasing and swirling her clit with it wetting it with her arousal by stroking it in between her pussy lips.
Harry breathed raggingly. Curses slipping out of his lips and he interwined your guys fingers atop his knee cap when you lost your balance as you pushed the dildo inside her crying out abusively.
Dirty. Filthy. Obscene moist noises of your wet pussy lips swallowing the dildo inside you made Harry pump his half hard cock again.
Taking a long breath. She pulled it out throwing her head back and Harry's eyes widened in the realization what's about to happen next.
"Fuck me. Fuck me, please." She shushed him laying atop his chest kissing him lovingly, "Don't worry darlin', m'not that of a seductress that would suck your blood just by teasing you."
"Legs." She ordered him circling the head of dildo around his rim smudging her own arousal around him torturesly, taking more lube and giving him another order. "Up."
He looked down coiling his forearms under his bended thighs raising it close to his chest as she peered up at him while pushing the dildo slowly inside him, "oh—" he whimpered as she snuggled it deep inside him kissing his thigh as she did so.
"Hmm. Taking me so well. Being such a good boy. Fuck yourself darlin'." She told him words he usually does to her fucking him with the pink dildo and he rocked his hips to your movements.
"Ah. Fuck my ass." He gritted as she drilled it inside him in and out. in and out. in and out. Humping her pussy against the mattress and when it hit his prostrate it sent him rolling into pure ecastasy continuously fucking himself.
She smirked completely taking the dildo out and he practically lurched for it to be back in his ass, to feel it stretching deliciously and burn his walls with pleasure.
"Tell me Harry? Who could fuck you." You spit on the dildo brushing your fingers delicately from his slit to his asshole, "you only you. The only woman who could fuck me in ass." A boost of confidence rushing inside her at the fact that he trusts her for being vulnerable and so open.
You pushed the dildo back roughly and it's more pleasurable than ever Harry moving his hips speedily making it slip out from him as per how loose he has got.
"Baby.." He cries grabbing her hair when she took him to the back of her throat bobbing her head vigorously and drilling inside him furiously.
He grinded and rocked his hips. Making her gag and when she did it was so milky and thick around his cock building that gasping breath taking pleasure in his spine.
He pinched his nipples groaning loudly. Moaning her name and she went down so deep her nose nuzzling into trim hair of his pelvis.
"Fuck baby. m'so fuckin' close..." He shouted gritting his teeth and your strokes inside him went lazy knowing how to bring him to edge passionately.
With the spongy walls of her throat milking and nursing him. The domed head of dildo massaging his prostate he came with long spurts of his cum, some it tricking down her cheek, this time so hard his death grip from his thighs went limp and he feel onto bed. Curls everywhere breath heavy and he kept cumming so she had to pull him out and his all cum spilled on her full tits.
"Tate's good? Hm. taste yourself baby boy'." She commented curling by his side kissing him fervently shoving her tongue inside his mouth and he could taste himself.
He slings her leg on his hip grabbing her jaw, "love ye' fucks me so well." His hands gliding down from her cum covered torso inside her panties and with her moans red splashed brighter.
"Don't worry darlin'. gonna treat y'how you deserves to be...."
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