#just figured it'd been long enough and I might as well get these last three up ASAP :)
azikarue · 10 months
Life in Color : Chapter 26 : Pirate
King, Queen | FFN Rating: K+ | FFN Link ❖ “It’s a shame you have a moral compass now; we could be making a killing off of these parts.”
King rolled his eyes at his sister’s rueful remark. He shot a look her way, but she wasn’t paying attention, too busy running her fingers along a tray of attack rings like they were precious jewels. King recognized them at once as her personal collection of favorites from their parts-hunting days, all carefully packed in a custom case. They were one of the last things they’d placed in the storage unit before closing it up. King hadn’t thought he’d see them again so soon.
Though, he hadn’t thought a company like BEGA would come along and lock away all beyblading parts and components behind a membership, either.
“Pack a box and come on,” he ordered, already feeling agitated from the cramped space and his own intentions hanging over his head.
Ever since their stint with Dr. K and their loss against the Bladebreakers, King and Queen had done their best to give up their old ways and battle fairly. King, especially, found himself exhausted by all the dishonesty and the tangled web of lies and half-truths they’d been fed to further Dr. K’s agenda.
In retrospect, he realized that he’d lost sight of the reason he began beyblading in the first place when he started focusing on the parts he had, instead of how far he could push himself in battle. He knew it came from the days when he and Queen used to gamble their own parts in an effort to build the beyblades of their dreams.
Back then, that was the only access they had to top of the line parts. By the time they could buy them on their own, they’d gotten too greedy and preferred to steal what they wanted. It took battling Tyson to make him realize that the parts weren’t what made them good – it was all the battles they fought as they built their collection and the opponents who forced them to level up.
With that realization, the whole BEGA takeover immediately rubbed him the wrong way.
They were putting too much weight on the pro title, handing kids membership cards and telling them that was all they needed when, in reality, it took years of hard work and discipline to reach the top. Refusing to sell parts to anyone without a BEGA ID made things even worse because it made buying parts feel like a luxury. Kids were waving their BEGA cards around and stripping entire shelves of blading gear because they could, but most of them hadn’t fully mastered their beginner blades yet.
Not only that, but it happened too fast. King had learned the hard way what happened when you blindly trusted a loser with an ego making big promises. The ‘moral compass’ Queen made fun of hated seeing a bunch of kids taken advantage of.
And if Tyson wasn’t backing BEGA…
Well, King didn’t consider it a good sign.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Queen sighed. She had a cardboard box in her arms and a bored expression on her face. King knew she thought he was blowing the BEGA thing out of proportion, but at least she agreed to help. Even if part of the reason she did was because she’d get a suped up blade out of the deal; her own case of parts was on top of the box she was carrying.
King sifted through a few more boxes until he was able to put one together that had a decent variety of parts. He closed it up, wincing at the grating sound of cardboard scraping, and hoisted it onto his shoulder. With a nod of his head, Queen followed him out of their storage unit. Her foot only tapped a little bit waiting for him to lock it up.
Back out on the streets, they turned in unison and headed towards the nearest subway station. When they’d gotten the storage unit, King purposefully chose one a handful of stops away from their apartment. He didn’t want it to be inconvenient, but it felt less tempting to pore through their stash of amassed parts if they weren’t right down the street. And, with the reputation they’d garnered for themselves, it was safer to keep most of their parts away from home.
Over the past year of walking the straight and narrow, they hadn’t made a single trip out to the unit, though they paid for it monthly. Instead, they honed their skills with the beyblades they had, replacing parts as needed with the handful they kept laying around.
Carrying the boxes through the city, now, felt illicit.
Queen didn’t seem bothered. When they took their seats on the train, she plucked a lethal-looking attack ring from her collection and twirled it around in her fingers.
“Stop frowning, King,” she said without taking her eyes off the attack ring. “We’re not doing anything illegal and BEGA isn’t combing the streets of Tokyo for unaccounted-for parts.”
King’s frown, ever-present these days, deepened as the doors hissed shut. “Technically, we’re in possession of stolen property,” he said, keeping his voice low even though the only other people in their car had headphones on. “In case you forgot how we have so many parts in the first place.”
Queen just laughed and said, “If you want to get technical about it, they’re winnings. We didn’t steal anything.”
“Tell that to all the kids who ever begged us to let them keep their beyblades,” he shot back, angry at her flippancy. To Queen this might be an amusing jaunt into their past habits, but King felt like they were taking steps backward on a slippery slope. “If all you’re looking to do is get your kicks on a power trip and make other bladers miserable again, then I can do this without you.”
Anger flashed in Queen’s eyes.
King balled his hands into fists on top of the box in his lap and leveled her with a fixed stare.
“I mean it,” he said. “If you want to face off against somebody, make it the cocky bladers who hold their precious BEGA memberships over other people’s heads. I don’t even care if you ask them to put their parts on the line once our stores run low. But these—,” he paused to rap on the top of the box and make sure he had Queen’s attention, “—are for anybody who needs parts but doesn’t have access to them.
“The sport of beyblading isn’t something some company can buy and sell as it pleases. If BEGA wants to limit parts sales to its members, I’ll sell them to everyone else myself at a fraction of the cost.”
Queen sat in stunned silence for a minute. “A fraction?” she asked and raised both of her eyebrows.
“We got them for free,” King reminded her with a halfhearted glare. If there weren’t going to be certain risks and costs involved, he wouldn’t charge at all.
His sister laughed and sat back in her seat.
“You had me at ‘put their parts on the line’,” she said, tossing the attack ring in the air and catching it in her fist. “There are plenty of gullible losers out there buying parts because they have a magic card that lets them. I’d love to take them down a peg.”
King sighed. At least she had spirit. Maybe her own moral compass would come with time. In the meanwhile, there were just as many struggling beybladers out there as there were gullible losers, and he would do whatever he could to get them the parts that they needed.
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xiaq · 1 year
AO3 Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Pt. 3 I combined the prompts: Outsider POV, Steve Harrington is an Idiot (affectionate), Everyone is Queer Because I Said So, and @c0olness's hyper-specific Wayne's Boyfriend Owns a Gay Bar in Indianapolis and Introduces Steve to a Drag Queen. :)
Angel Reyes has loved Wayne Munson about as long as he’s loved himself. The timing is not coincidental.
Which is why he’s willing to wait for him, even when Angel’s patience is worn thin like the shirt he stole from Wayne three years ago and wears like a prayer to bed.
Some nights, when Wayne calls at the end of his shift and Angel is wiping down his own bar at closing, he’s tempted to say: we might not have much time left—shouldn’t we spend what we do have together?
But he doesn’t.
Because he already knows the answer.
Because the same reason he fell in love with Wayne is the reason Wayne won’t move to Indy. The man is loyal to a fault and when he gives himself to people he gives all of himself and there’s no force in the world that would convince Wayne to leave Hawkins if he thought Eddie still needed him there. Because Wayne loves Angel. But Wayne loved Eddie first. And Angel can hardly begrudge him of that.
So he repeats a well-worn mantra, only slightly comforting: not today, but someday. And he hangs up the phone and he checks the calendar and he looks forward to the time he is allowed. If there’s one thing he learned over the years, it’s that he can’t get greedy when he already has a good thing.
Wayne is worth the quiet agony of patience.
So when he’s locking up for the night and the phone rings, he expects the conversation to take a familiar path. 
“Evening, handsome,” he says, canting his hip against the counter. “You tell him yet?”
It’s been his standard greeting for close to a year. Why the man won’t just tell his gay nephew that he is, conveniently, also gay, is beyond Angel. But then, listening has always been Wayne’s strong suit. Talking, not so much.
“Well,” Wayne says. And that’s new.
“I did, actually. After I walked in on him and Steve kissin’ last night—“
“Finally!” Angel crows. The saga of Eddie and Steve and their will-they-won’t-they relationship had quickly surpassed even his favorite telenovela’s dramatic storylines. The pretty jock with hidden depths and the nerdy metalhead falling in love? Hospital vigils? Protracted pining while sharing a bed? Impeccable. 
“They’re together now,” Wayne finishes.
“Darling,” Angel says, not for the first time, “I’d like to remind you that you are not paying per word for this call.”
Wayne huffs at him, also not for the first time.
“Steve didn’t know liking both boys and girls meant he was bisexual. He thought there was some sort of…threshold he needed to pass to be queer enough to date a man. I suppose Robin set him straight––or, not so straight as the case may be––” he chuckles a little at his own joke, “And he came over to declare his love as soon as his shift ended.”
Angel takes a moment to digest that. “...Maybe they use Eddie as the sperm donor if they want kids,”  he suggests.
“Ease up, it’s not like they teach this shit in school. Bet I’d been a lot more confused too if I had the luxury of liking both.”
“Alright, I won’t pick on your future son-in-law, promise.”
“ Speaking of school,” Wayne says, sidestepping his implication. “Eddie got his diploma in the mail yesterday.”
“You going to do something to celebrate?”
“Actually, we thought we’d take a trip to Indy this weekend.”
Angel twists the phone’s cord around his finger. “…you’re supposed to come next weekend.”
“So you’d have to see me two weeks in a row, if you can bear it.”
“A trial, to be sure. When you say…” he pauses, trying to figure out how to clarify without breaking his own heart. “When you come this weekend. Would you want us—would you want me. To meet them?”
He closes his eyes and bangs a fist against his forehead because that is not the safe way to ask that question. 
“It'd be pretty weird if they didn’t meet the person hosting them.”
“Oh, I see. You’re just using me for my five star accommodations,” he says, because he’s apparently determined to dig his own grave.
“No. Wayne says, “those are nice. But mostly I just want to introduce them to my boyfriend.”
“And saying shit like that makes me think you’re trying to compete with Steve in the stupid Olympics.”
Angel makes an outraged noise but Wayne talks over him which is unique enough an occurrence that Angel lets him get away with it.
“See,” Wayne says. “The boys have decided they don’t want to stay in Hawkins long-term. They figure they’ll stay another year. Save some money. Make sure the kids are settled. And then Eddie’s set on New York or California and I think Steve’s just set on Eddie, wherever he is. I thought we could at least make a case for Indy, though. ‘Cause if Eddie isn’t staying in Hawkins, I’ve got no reason to.”
“Ah,” Angel says again. “And you don’t have any interest in New York or California?”
“I sure don’t,” Wayne says levelly.
“Well,” he clears his throat. “I’ll mop the floors and clean the windows. Give them the best showing I can. Should we plan to take them to one of the…heavier… music venues? I can probably have Frank cover for me, I’d just need to ask him now.”
“Nah. I figure I’ll help you out Saturday night and let them explore on their own. Eddie’s already making a list of options. But Friday is drag night at your place, right?”
“It is.”
“We should start them with that, I think.”
Angel grins. “Their debut in queer society shall be heralded by Dolly Parton and glitter.”
Angel is familiar enough with Wayne’s thoughtful noises to know that he’s smiling.
“Enough about my boys,” Wayne says. “Tell me about your day.”
Angel does.
When Angel hangs up ten minutes later, for once, he’s grinning. He thinks, as usual, not today but someday. Only ‘someday’ suddenly feels tangible in a way it never has before.
Eddie Munson is exactly what Angel expected him to be when he comes tumbling out the driver’s side door of the van parked half on Angel’s driveway and half on his lawn. Angel has been hearing about him through the rosy lens of Wayne’s affection for close to five years and as a result, Angel loves him immediately upon first sight. 
Then again, he’d be difficult not to love. Eddie is a bright, frenetic, presence, all hair and chains and affected airs, who shares Wayne's smile, though he dispenses smiles much more freely than his uncle. He is unashamedly himself as he shakes Angel’s hand, tells his uncle he approves, and then asks for a tour of the house.
Steve Harrington is somehow simultaneously exactly and nothing like Angel expected.
Exactly, because he looks the part: a cropped Hawkins Varsity Basketball sweatshirt, tiny athletic shorts, and the well-built frame of someone who regularly works out. His hair is verging on ridiculous. His face is…well-suited to the body, he’ll say.
But the kid also has a hyper-awareness to him, a quick-eyed, assessing, vigilant posture, that Angel has only ever seen in war vets twice the kid’s age. He puts his back to a room’s farthest corner. He keeps doorways in sight. And he constantly, constantly, orbits Eddie like the world's most unsubtle protective detail. 
There are also the scars. Terrible, still-healing, scars. On one exposed thigh, the side of his neck, and his right forearm. On the slice of skin between his waistband and the frayed cut-off hem of his sweater. He wears them unapologetically, with the composure of someone who is neither proud nor embarrassed by them.  
Angel suspects, only a few minutes into their first meeting, that Eddie may have similar scars beneath his torn jeans and bleach-speckled band shirt. One of his arms has some sort of medical sleeve on it—the pale fabric covered in black bleed-fuzzy Sharpie drawings of bats. Angel considers the mangled half-moon-shaped lines decorating Steve’s thigh. Unless earthquakes have suddenly developed teeth, Wayne has clearly been editing his stories. 
But despite their significant aesthetic differences, the two boys are well-suited, if painfully young and unpracticed in the art of subtlety. They touch each other constantly; unthinkingly. Hands. Hips. Shoulders. Elbows. And the way they look at each other—well. They’ll need to work on that if they don’t want to accumulate more scars. Granted, they hardly have to hide their relationship in the sanctuary of his home, but he gets the feeling they don’t know how to be any other way with each other. 
It’s both sweet and more than a little heartbreaking.
“So,” he says, “ I need to get back to the bar before the opening act at 8. It’s drag night.”
“Robin is going to be furious she didn’t come,” Steve says.
“We’ll bring her next time,” Eddie says. 
They go.
Angel’s bar is called Innuendo. 
He can’t take credit for the name, but he can take credit for the atmosphere. It’d been a dark, sticky, hole-in-the-wall when he started working there at 21. When he’d bought it from the former owner a decade later, he’d cleaned it up, regulated the jukebox hours, and started live music, drag, and deejay nights. A few years after that, in 1984, when the mayor issued a proclamation declaring the new city policy to no longer discriminate against queers, he’d taken the boards down from all the windows. 
It’s still dark in the back where the stage and dance floor are tucked away, but the front windows with a clear view of the street are big and unashamed. He keeps the windows clean.
There’s a copy of the proclamation framed above them, along with pictures of Angel and noteworthy patrons of the establishment over the years: Wakefield Poole; Tom Higgins; Bayard Rustin; Freddie Mercury, and Jim Hutton. 
A lot has changed in the last two decades that he’s worked there, but some things, like the old oak-wood bar where all the pictures were taken, stay the same.
He brings Wayne and the boys in through the back to scattered shouts of hello from regulars. He and Wayne slide behind the bar to start helping Frank, and the boys sit on stools with wide eyes.
It’s nice, to see the place from their perspective. The magic of it is never lost on him, but sometimes he does forget exactly how magic it is: a bar that looks like most other bars but where men look and touch and kiss without concern, where there’s art and magazines and conversations that wouldn’t be permitted by common society a scant few feet outside the door.
After fifteen minutes, they get brave enough to explore—admiring the posters on the opposite wall: Bijou and Boys in the Sand; Passing Strangers, Forbidden Letters, and A Night at the Adonis.
They play a round of darts near the front windows, the boards covered in shitty black-and-white copies of Anita Bryant’s face.
They sit at a table near the stage when the show starts. They pull their chairs together. They hold hands on the tabletop. They laugh and shout and sing along and kiss when invited.
After, when they’re back at the bar, flushed with alcohol and the subtle worldview shift that Angel remembers well from his first visit to a gay bar, a few of the queens come over to introduce themselves. Leslie, currently in her Cher era, steps up to the bar, accepts her drink from Wayne with a wink, and gives Steve a clear once-over.
“Aren't you out a little late for a school night, baby?" she says in her customary baritone.
“Uh, no ma’am. I graduated last year. Sorry. Sir?”
"Sugar, do I look like a ‘sir’ to you?"
“Take it easy on him, Les,” Angel calls. “He’s new.”
“No kidding.” She purses her lips at him. “Ma’am is fine unless you meet me on the street. But here I’d prefer ‘honey. Or ‘darling.”
Steve swallows. “I promised I’d reserve pet names for my boyfriend. So. I’ll stick with Ma’am.”
“Well aren’t you a charmer. And where is this boyfriend?”
“Hi,” Eddie says.
She gives him an equally critical once-over.
“Do you know what that color bandana means in that pocket?”
Eddie glances down at his back left pocket; at the black bandana hanging against his thigh.
“Ah...that I’m into S&M but that I like to be the  submission one? Like the one getting tied up?”
“You what?” Steve says.
Angel notices that Wayne has made a hasty exit to the bathroom, which is probably for the best.
“Oh my sweet summer child,” Leslie says, “it means the opposite on that side, so maybe switch pockets.” She considers Steve’s pink face. “And also maybe talk to your boyfriend. The whole point of flagging is to find someone to meet your needs and you've got a pretty one right here who seems like he’s awfully willing.”
Steve pulls the bandana out of Eddie’s pocket and, using his teeth, tidily rips it into two. He tucks one half in Eddie’s right back pocket. He tucks the other in his left. He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow like he's expecting Eddie to argue. Eddie does not argue. Eddie doesn't do much of anything except stare at him with wide, hungry eyes.
“Well,” Leslie says, sounding pleased, “My work here is done. Honestly, kids these days.”
She gives Steve a little pat on the shoulder as she pushes back into the crowd. “I’d dance while you have the chance, boys. Life is short and sometimes so is love. Capitalize on that shit!”
“Do you want to dance?” Steve asks.
Eddie is still watching Leslie with a bemused smile. “I don’t know how to dance to this music.”
“Well I won’t know how to dance to yours tomorrow, but I’m planning to let you show me.”
“Fair enough, King Steve." Eddie affects a curtsy, offering Steve his hand. “I suppose I can allow you to take me for a turn about the dance floor, good sir.”
Steve bows low over Eddie’s hand, pressing his lips to his knuckles, looking up at him with a grin. “An honor,” he says solemnly, and then drags Eddie, laughing, into the throng of moving bodies.
The next morning, Angel wakes up early for no reason he can determine. He’s not good at sitting idle, and he doesn’t want his fidgeting to wake Wayne, so he elects to take his book to the garden. Only, as he slips into the hall, careful with the door behind him, he can hear the quiet, indistinct lull of voices in the kitchen.
Angel moves down the hall on sock feet, avoiding the creaky bit of flooring where the original foundation meets the master addition he added four years back. 
The boys have opened the double doors to the patio and Steve is leaning against the jam on one side, coffee cup in hand, looking out at the garden. He’s shirtless, wearing only the shorts from the day before. Warm, tree-diluted, sunrise rays cast him in sepia, making the scars that traverse his flank to his thigh look less gruesome and more artistic. Poetic. He knows more than one photographer who would kill for a shot like this. Something about the coexistence of beauty and pain. Something about a commentary on perceptions of strength; the allure of imperfection resulting from battles survived.
Eddie joins Steve, sliding under his open arm like a habit, dragging a hand down Steve’s side to cup the puckered line of recently-stitched skin at Steve’s hip. 
Eddie is also shirtless—wearing jeans and a riot of bed head that Steve presses his face into, murmuring something low and clearly funny by the stifled laughter it produces. 
Angel wasn't wrong with his initial assumption: Eddie’s back is littered with shallow scars as well, but he also has a fair amount of tattoos, which makes the other marks less incongruous. There’s something about Steve’s otherwise flawless skin and sculpted muscles that make his injuries feel more visceral.
Or, at least, that’s what he thinks until Steve suddenly looks behind him, like he has a preternatural awareness that he’s being watched.
“Oh,” he says, “Good morning.”
Both boys turn to face him. 
And Angel realizes that Steve’s injuries pale in comparison to Eddie’s.
Because Eddie’s chest and belly is a brutal mess of scar tissue.
It looks like something tried to gut him.
It looks like whatever it was probably succeeded.
He knows he’s staring but he can’t seem to stop himself until Steve slides a proprietary hand over the worst of it, spread fingers against what has to still be an agony of healing skin.
He meets Angel's eyes and all but dares him to say anything.
“I think,” Angel says, turning abruptly to enter the kitchen, “the occasion calls for french toast. Thoughts?”
“The occasion?” Eddie asks.
His hand covers Steve’s and presses, not a dismissal but an invitation to linger. 
“Your diploma,” Angel says, “Steve’s first time making a fool of himself in front of a drag queen. Whatever excuse is sufficient for the making of said french toast.”
“See, we’re sort of trying out this new thing lately,” Eddie murmurs, looking at Steve, “where we don’t need excuses for things that make us happy.”
“No guilt in our pleasures,” Steve agrees, voice soft, expression reverent. He tucks an errant curl behind Eddie’s ear.
Angel resists the urge to sigh at them. Instead, he toasts them with a carton of eggs. “French toast for the pleasure of french toast, then. You two go sit on the bench in the garden. The sun should be hitting it right about now and that is surely a pleasurable experience. I’ll let you know when breakfast is ready.”
Steve meets his eyes again, this time less challenging, more thankful. 
His hand slides from Eddie’s belly to the small of his back, pushing him out onto the patio.
“That sounds nice,” he says.
And they go.
When Wayne shuffles out to join Angel at the stove ten minutes later, the bread is sizzling in the skillet. 
They take their time washing the egg bowl and whisk in the sink, elbow to elbow, two men sharing space for a one-man job.
They lean into each other, considering Eddie and Steve, similarly leaned into each other, on the bench under the oak tree outside.
“You think I should talk to them?” Wayne murmurs. “About the way they look at each other. And touch each other. And how they need to cut that shit out if they’re in public?”
“Probably,” Angel sighs. “But not today.”
“No,” Wayne agrees after a moment of silence. He presses a kiss to Angel’s temple. “Not today.”
Pt. 4 (Will's POV)
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
That what if when ms. moon already has a family but has to leave because of him is so HEARTBREAKING. Imagine moving on from a tramatic situation, meeting the love of your life, having a wonderful kid for all that to just get squashed in a instant. That literally had me about to tear up but imagine her kid was a bit older lets say like 10 (i know the math doesnt add up well with the timeline but its a what if)and then she just has to leave, that alone would greatly negatively impact the kid, just leaving a lasting mark. Maybe the kid would remember gojo’s face and resent him for the rest of their life.
The husband thing is equally as sad because I imagine ms.moon as shes about to leave crying and whispering how much she loves him and that shes so sorry. (Bonus heartbreak points they all breakdown as shes about to leave and she cant even hug or kiss them goodbye because shes being watched). After this incident ms.moon’s pervious family completes spiral down the drain and moon’s mental state goes down the drain with it
In conclusion amazing story but that shit was sad as fuck but I still eat it up with silverware and all
(merging multiple SEM asks cuz i feel so guilty for clogging up ppls dashes lmao)
ughhhh anytime kids are involved it just gets way more depressing, right? It think age 8-10 is like the worst time for this to this to happen because the kid can understand little, but not enough to get the whole picture.
The kid knows that their mom is leaving, but they aren't seeing the wavering tears in Ms.moon's eyes, the shaky hands, as you hug them for the last time. All that they can see is the fancy new car your new lover sits in. The grand ring that sits on your finger. Yeah, your kid will hate gojo for ripping apart your family.
But they'll hate you more, considering you're running off with a man who has more money than their father.
I think the only upside is that gojo might not bat an eye if you send money back to your family, keeping them comfortable. With enough pleading, he might pull a few string to get your kid into a good school. With your indirect help, your kid will have the best education and prosperity. Them resenting you is a pretty small price to pay, right?
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in the fic, the case took about three weeks, so it took three weeks for gojo to just snap.
He would definetly try to toy with ms.moon for as long as he can. Despite claiming that he forgave ms.moon, he does carry a tiny bit of resentment. It's kind of a punishment, in that sense.
And honestly the moment he figures out you who are, I doubt you'd have a chance to run anymore. The reason why Ms.moon was able to 'get away' the first time was because gojo was still a teenager, hier of the gojo conglomerate, but still not powerful yet. Now, he has tons of resources available for him. You're not getting away lmao, I think that's why he's so much at ease this time around.
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I never really considered the family's response. their reactions is something I'm not really interested in exploring. i don't think they got any characterization other than 'housewife mom' and 'dad who works'. I don't really think ms.moon would even mention gojo's torment to them. It'd be embarrassing, knowing that some kid the same age as you is just lording over your life, right? I did mention that Gojo confronts your family in EKM, but I don't like that addition now, so I'm retconning it. I feel like they'd find out just like everyone else did: From the media. Everyone in your little town knew who the Gojo was, but the fact that their kid is getting married to one of them has so be surprising.
But then again, not something im interested in exploring
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If Gojo had managed to find Ms. Moon before, things would certainly have been much different. The gojo now has 'cooled down' and is far less volatile. If they had met again, if they were in their early twenties....things would not be much different from his high school counterpart.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
by the moon | jeon wonwoo
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➝ werewolf!Wonwoo x mage!Reader (ft. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jihoon, Minghao, Chan)
➝ fantasy!au but i kinda just make my own universe // angst // fluff // hurt comfort // a little action? // suggestive at the end
➝ word count: 18k~ (loool)
➝warning: the magic concept isn't mine but I alternate it to my universe so lets not start pointing fingers about whats right and whats not, mentions of blood and kidnapping, this is the first time i write a fantasy au slash some action so im sorry if this aint it 🥴, i have no beta so sorry in advance for typos and so on ;-; implied sexual activities (no smut), suggestive scenes in the end, that's about it?
➝A/N: happy birthday, my muse, the love of my life, and everything in between 🤍 I started writing this not long after FTS teasers came out and and never expected this to go past 10k sjdhfbhsdbf honestly i thought it'd be like 6k at most. anyway! i hope you'll enjoy it despite the length and my nonexistent experience in writing fantasy, let alone action💀 don't hesitate to tell me your thought🤍
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Wonwoo can’t figure you out.
It’s been a few months since he’s joined the pack, quite late for a werewolf his age, but he was an omega for good reasons and he wouldn’t even be here if he didn’t owe Seungcheol, his alpha now, his life.
The process was quite bizarre, as Wonwoo never intended to join any pack to begin with–has never considered to be a part of one since he’s learned the concept of it. He didn’t even know it was possible for a werewolf to join a pack this late (he’s 26, for God’s sake), but it was one fateful evening where he almost got killed by a ghoul that Seungcheol came to his rescue.
What was even a ghoul doing out in a town?
But, then again, it was stupid of him to go out during dusk in a town he doesn’t know well enough.
Seungcheol himself almost lost his life too, and Wonwoo still remembered thinking why on earth would this man throw himself for some omega in danger that he saw by chance. But it was the way his whole pack suddenly came through and pried the ghoul off their alpha’s body that Wonwoo ever witnessed a pack move as one. And when he saw Seungcheol staggering forward, it was reflex that fueled him to catch him even though he’s a good two meters away.
And then he found out that these creatures have been lurking in this particular town when dusk comes around. Seungcheol’s pack was patrolling–had been for the past few weeks–because they kept on detecting something crossing the borders and because…who else would patrol if not them? Those humans know nothing of them and the danger that looms above their heads.
Next thing he knew, he’s visiting Seungcheol everyday because he felt like he owed the older man at least that much. Wonwoo might be indifferent and ignorant towards a lot of things, but he knows how to be grateful and he was waiting for the older guy to get back to his health before offering his gratitude and saying his goodbye.
At least that was the plan, until Seungcheol talked to him thoroughly and said there’s always an open spot for Wonwoo in his pack. Wonwoo isn’t sure what made Seungcheol say that, nor what really compelled him to say yes–but he did.
And now he’s here, three months later, trying his best to hold back hisses as you tend to his wound.
“It’s getting very concerning.” You frown, and Wonwoo wonders if you’re too close or if it’s just the wolf in him being too aware of his surroundings. He can feel your soft breath against the back of his neck, and he winces a little at the warmth against the wound and your proximity.
He’s never liked getting into fights with spirits; the aftermath is always nasty because they’re not exactly physical unless they take another being’s form–which means the werewolf's ability to heal faster doesn’t exactly work when it comes to their attacks.
“The attacks this month alone are already more than the last three months combined.”
Seungcheol passes by and pats your head before plopping down next to you on the sofa.
“I know. But that’s why we need to patrol more, Moon.”
Wonwoo tunes out the conversation, already knowing the content of it before it even finishes. The humans in this area are lucky Seungcheol’s–his also, Wonwoo guesses–pack is here to protect the territory. As much as it concerns them, the weirdness that has been happening the last few months are just urban legends or stories getting out of hand.
Why would they believe a hellhound made its way to the town, almost killing an innocent civilian being at the wrong place at the wrong time if not for Jeonghan pouncing on top of it with Minghao following close behind?
As far as they–and the victim himself–know, there was a stray dog who attacked him in the middle of the night but thankfully you were there to help him and your brothers had fended the dog off before anything could happen.
That was your work.
Wonwoo’s pretty sure the victim wasn’t that out of it when it happened; he’s definitely sober enough to register the huge monster was anything but a stray dog. But you had done your magic, summoned magic circles and used your runes, making the guy unconscious and a little disoriented when he woke up again.
Wonwoo still remembers the kind smile you offered the victim when you relayed the fabricated story of a stray dog pouncing on him and how he went unconscious for quite a bit after that. The guy didn’t question anything, whether he accepted your words because of your magic or because of the gentle glint adorning your eyes, Wonwoo would never know.
Just like how he never knows how to perceive you.
There’s something about you that pulls him in for reasons that he can’t comprehend. But he never does anything about it, doesn’t see why he should, too.
You’re a part of the pack, that much he knows. Everyone calls you Moon, and Wonwoo never finds out your actual name and now, months later, it feels a little too late to ask anyone of it or how your nickname comes to be.
Not that he’s had any business calling you so far.
At first glance, he thought you were but a mage that was a part of the pack. But he just needed a few more seconds to figure out you do have wolf blood within you even though it’s very faint; untrained wolves wouldn’t know if they don’t try to see it.
He has never seen you transform though, and while he’s seen quite a few magic users himself, he has never seen one with wolf blood. One has wolf blood for a reason: to be wolves. Not… something else. Like a mage.
Your magic mainly uses runes, and he’d see you practice from time to time even though he never lingers long enough to be bothersome. Just a glance here and there whenever he passes by.
Jisoo, Jeonghan’s mate, would sometimes join you even though she’s just there to accompany you or help you gather whatever you need for practice because Jisoo is very much human (he also doesn’t know how she ended up as Jeonghan’s mate but he’s not really curious), and she’s your only female companion within the pack.
The wolf blood within you is so–so faint that if it’s not because he already knew you are a wolf by blood, he wouldn’t suspect you’re one even a bit. Sometimes he finds himself wondering if you never transform because you can’t, but he stops the thought from going too far because it’s none of his business.
“It’s okay to come closer, you know.” Your voice is soft and your eyes are focused on the ruby stones in front of you. If not for the fact that the house is empty except for you both and Minghao sleeping upstairs, Wonwoo wouldn’t know you’re even speaking to him. “I know we don’t talk a lot, but we’re in the same pack so we should at least get along, right?”
Wonwoo doesn’t say anything, not that you expect him to, but you can hear his steps getting closer and he stands right beside you in front of your working table.
He’s a good one meter away from you, his eyes busy scanning everything that lays on top of it because it’s actually the first time he’s been this close. He doesn’t want to cross a line and he’s not that curious (nor is he nosy), so he has never tried to see even if you’re not home. There’s just something personal about this place and Wonwoo feels like he’s intruding.
“You can ask.” Your voice is so steady, so sure that Wonwoo’s wandering gaze means curiosity instead of ignorance. But Wonwoo takes the bait. He is kind of curious, has always been when it comes to runes and magic.
“Why ruby?” Wonwoo picks up the red stone, his fingers easily enclosing the cut oval before he asks. “Do you only use stones for your runes?”
He can hear the soft amusement in your grin, though unsure why you find his question amusing. It doesn’t feel like you’re mocking him though. Far from it, in fact–you’re excited that you get the chance to talk someone’s ears off about something you love most and it’s clear that Wonwoo’s asking because he’s curious, interested, and genuinely wants to know.
After that, he spends his time next to you in your practice room every time he’s able to; not enough to be called often, but definitely enough for you to register the pattern of his heartbeat everytime he makes his way there.
He doesn’t really talk, but Wonwoo can’t deny the warmth spreading through his chest everytime you light up when a particular rune shines brighter than the other, or when your practice goes better than expected.
He wonders if it’s possible for someone’s eyes to glow brighter than the moon like yours do. Is that way they call you Moon?
Wonwoo jumps when the jade runes on the table burst the exact second something crosses the border you’ve set up on the corner of the room. There’s a grin on your face and your eyes are twinkling in excitement.
They’re probably warmer than the sun, too.
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Jisoo is taking you out on a date, telling you there’s a cafe she’s been wanting to try but Jeonghan doesn’t like sweets nor coffee.
“So I’m the second choice.” You mock offense, nudging her off you as she clings to your arm like a koala.
She gasps dramatically, a pout on her face as she denies the accusation. “I haven’t had you all for myself these days and I’m thinking about how I miss spending time with you, but this is what I got?”
You laugh at her antics. For all its worth, you’re glad you have Jisoo as your close (and only female) friend; she’s the sunshine your little pack needs, and while everyone was skeptical of Jeonghan’s choice in a mate at first, you know they’d all die for her if it comes to it now.
Of course no one hopes they’d encounter any situation that would call for that.
“So.” Jisoo sits down with her arms crossed, looking at you expectantly.
“So?” You quirk an eyebrow, confused as to what she’s possibly talking about.
“You and Wonwoo, huh?”
You blink once. And then twice.
But Jisoo doesn’t say anything else, simply stares at you with a demanding posture. Between her tendency to be a little bizarre and to be vocal about everything that passes her mind no matter how questionable they are, you’ve always known she’ll lose her mind one of these days. But you never thought it'd happen this early.
Her stare turns into something else, almost like something clicks in her head and her mouth drops slightly before she shakes her head without words. It always annoys you when people do this (granted, you don’t know a lot of people), blatantly acting like they know something that you don’t and proceed to not tell you anything.
“What.” You finally relent; cheeks puffed out of annoyance.
“Nothing.” She shrugs, sipping her orange juice.
At your whine, she laughs and leans forward on the table, elbows propped and her chin on her palms, her knowing eyes glinting with amusement like a kid given a new toy to play with.
“Just that you both have spent a lot of time together these days.”
Huh, is that what she’s referring to?
Jisoo rolls her eyes, and you pout at the way she’s shaking her head like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you don’t.
You look at her, unimpressed, and your friend cracks into a laugh before she reaches out to squeeze your cheeks.
“There’s nothing going on between us.” You finally relent and address it head on, Jisoo would never back down either way and you’d rather talk about it than risk a headache.
And it’s not like you’re hiding or even lying about it, there really is nothing between the two of you. Yes, he’s easy on the eyes and you may or may not be a little attracted to him, but that doesn’t mean there’s something going on between you two.
It’s just been some time since you meet someone new and the way you’d tense when he comes a little closer, or the way your heart would embarrassingly skip a beat when he steps into your practice room is nothing but a fleeting interest.
It’ll go away after a bit.
A wolf like Wonwoo wouldn’t want someone like you, anyway.
“We just talk about magic,” you offer the truth. It’s not like you and Wonwoo ever talk about anything else but your magic or the whereabouts of the pack and their patrolling schedules. None of you try to cross the line, never asking anything personal about each other even though it’s true that Wonwoo has spent more time by your side now compared to the other members of the pack. “He’s just interested in it, Soo, and I’m happy to talk about my runes.”
“He’s interested in your magic,” Jisoo insists, a teasing grin on her face.
You shake your head, and thankfully Jisoo drops the topic, not wanting to annoy you when you clearly don’t want to talk about it. She talks instead about the concerning number of attacks these days, how Jeonghan has been more antsy everytime she tells him she’s going out because he’s worried something would happen to her.
“What do you reckon is happening?”
Her tone is light, but you don’t need to be a genius to be able to detect the fear in her eyes.
The girl is fidgeting a little, and it’s at times like this that you feel like you have to be the older sister for Jisoo even though you’re younger than her. You’ve always admired her for going against everything and leaving her family behind to be with Jeonghan.
You’ve never really been a fan of romance, but you know it takes everything to be able to decide something as big as that. It’s not easy to be aware of the danger lurking in the dark, even more so when she’s just… human.
And you’ve offered to erase her memories if she chooses to leave your world and go back to her normal one, so she can live in ignorant bliss. But when she firmly rejects and says that she wants to be with Jeonghan and the pack, everyone swears they’d protect her with all their lives.
Yet, for her parents, Jisoo is nothing but a disgrace for choosing a man over her own blood.
It hurts you to know someone as sweet as Kim Jisoo is labeled a disgrace, but you also know her family has never really been a family to her–they do nothing but compare her to her older siblings who, according to human standards, are the perfect children.
And as much as it pains her to be constantly compared to the achievements of her siblings, Jisoo loves her family with all her heart. That’s just the kind of person she is. Which is why you know it took her an infinite amount of courage to tell them she’s never coming back, not offering them any explanations except that she’s going to move far away with Jeonghan who they simply know to be her human boyfriend.
Jeonghan marked her as his mate that night; a promise to take care of her for the rest of his life.
At least her siblings know deep down why she chooses to leave, and they would still update her from time to time to let her know they still want her in their lives.
“Don’t worry,” you try to sound as calm as possible, reaching for her hand as your finger grazes the bracelet on her wrist. It’s your gift for her, a protective talisman with your runes carved on the beads and magic flowing through it. The magic is connected to the rune in your necklace, and you’ll be notified once the bracelet detects danger upon Jisoo.
When the pack found out about this, they demanded to get one also and you ended up designing it for everyone; if any of you is in danger, everyone will know where to find the other. You’ve threatened them all to never take it off because you’ve even accustomed the talisman to their preferred form of jewelry.
Which reminds you, you should probably make one for Wonwoo too.
“We’ll protect you.” You grasp her hand firmly, trying to ease her worry.
She nods, and if the fear in her eyes isn’t enough, the way her heartbeat picks up tells you just how afraid Jisoo actually is.
You can’t blame her. How can you when you’re worried? The protective charms you’ve set on the town’s borders have been triggering the alarm nonstop every few days, detecting something that doesn't belong crossing to town. It has never been this distressing–has never detected so many hostile energies this often, too.
It used to be pretty peaceful even though your pack is always alert and ready–maybe only two or three creatures detected crossing the border in a month, and, most of the time, they aren’t hostile; just some faeries lost in the forest, or some nature spirits roaming the territory. The few common creatures that have to be fended off are usually wraiths, poltergeists, or maybe even other werewolves looking for troubles. (What are they thinking about, crossing another pack’s territory?)
Anyhow, since a few months ago, just two weeks before your pack’s encounter with Wonwoo, there have been more hostile creatures crossing the border, which is why you have been mostly anxious than you are alert. You know something strong crossed the border near then, but there was no attack whatsoever and the trace was so faint that you’re not able to track whatever crossed the border.
Whatever that thing is, it’s powerful. Powerful enough that you can’t detect its whereabouts despite its supposedly enormous power. Something that you probably haven’t faced yet–that you might not be strong enough to face yet.
You have a suspicion that it was the cause of all those attacks. But it doesn’t make sense, what could be strong enough to command those creatures and arrange their attacks? For what reason, too?
Nevertheless, you turn to Jisoo with what you hope to be a comforting smile and a squeeze of her hand.
“I promise Soo, we’ll protect you no matter what. And you know how to activate some of the rune stones that I’ve made for you, right? We’ve been practicing and you’re good. You’ll be fine.”
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Wonwoo’s munching on his cereal in the dining room when you sit down next to him. He quirks an eyebrow, asking you a silent question because you never really approach him unless you’re together in your practice room, in which you’d often ask him to get this and that as you focus on your runes.
“Do you want a ring, bracelet, or a necklace?” you blurt out without context. “Or earrings, I guess.”
His questioning gaze burns the side of your face, and you hope he’s too sleepy to realize your heartbeat runs a little faster at that. It is only 8 on a Saturday anyway.
“For what?”
You point the moon pendant on your necklace. “A protective talisman to alert us if any of the pack is in danger. Everyone has one, I’ve just realized I haven’t made yours.”
Wonwoo has been wondering if he’s just making things up when he notices the same pattern on everyone’s jewelry, so to know that it’s you who designed them for protection… Wonwoo can’t say he’s surprised. Something within him melts at your question, whilst everyone’s been accepting and no one seems to be skeptical of his presence in the pack, he truthfully still feels like he’s an outsider at times.
It’s the product of his own wall though, he admits. Wonwoo’s used to being alone, to be independent and to care for himself. He’s not selfish, but he never really goes out of his way to help people in need unless they ask for his help–so to be in a pack that apparently goes as far as protecting an entire territory because they feel responsible for the ignorant… it’s not an easy environment to adapt to.
So far, Wonwoo really only does it out of respect for Seungcheol and the rest of his pack. He never really feels like he has to help. He’s just doing his duty as a pack member. And while it does make him feel a certain type of things to know he’s helping people who are helpless and know no better, it’s not… out of the goodness of his heart.
Which brings him here, a weird tug in his heartstring at your question which basically embeds his place in the pack. He… really is Seungcheol’s beta, huh? He’s surprised to recognize the realization isn’t unpleasant. It’s quite the contrary, if he’s honest, like a warm blanket enveloping his chest even though he still tends to be alone most of the time.
Little steps. He’s only been there for three or so months anyway.
“Something that won’t get in the way.” He nods to himself and continues eating. When you simply stare at him without saying anything, he continues. “I don’t mind an earring or a ring.”
“Your ear is pierced?”
You look at him weirdly.
“Getting pierced wouldn’t take long.” Your eyes wandered to his ear, the tip of his hair grazing it and you have to hold yourself back from reaching out and combing your fingers through his hair. “Do you have magic to do it for me?”
“My magic is rune magic,” you deadpan. “Do you want me to pierce your ear with the edge of my stone?”
The sound of his chuckle travels through your ears, and for a second, you wonder if you’ve heard his husky laugh like this. You don’t think you have, because if you do, you’re sure you wouldn’t stare at him as if gauging that you hear right.
“But I can probably do it.” You clear your throat before he notices you staring, averting your eyes elsewhere. “I did Minghao’s too. Just don’t complain if it hurts.”
“Did he complain?”
You glare at him, and Wonwoo hides his smile by taking another spoonful of the cereal.
“Any stones you prefer?” You ask again for some reason, even though you could’ve cared less when Jihoon whined he wanted a ruby instead of an emerald. You force yourself to believe that you just don’t want to make him something you’re not sure he’d like, but you know–you know you just want to be here longer and listen to him talk more.
Wonwoo hums, thinking to himself. You let him be, content with being able to look at him without having to be conscious of it. His eyes find yours then, and you hold his gaze because you can’t look away. You see a glint of gold glow through his eyes for a second, and you cough before you avert your gaze elsewhere before he realizes your ears are getting red out of embarrassment.
You can still feel his eyes on the side of your face for what feels like hours until he eventually says again.
Your eyes find his again, unsure why the sound of his answer makes your face feels warm.
“I think they’re pretty.”
There’s no way he doesn’t catch the jump in your heartbeat. At least you get a glimpse of his grin before he looks the other way, his amusement isn’t lost on you.
Jeon fucking Wonwoo.
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“An incubus?” Jeonghan’s voice rings through the silent room, the chills throughout his body obviously not due to the air conditioner in the room. Wonwoo sees you flinch a little, and then notices Minghao’s thumb softly caressing the skin near your knee. “Why would an incubus be in this town?”
Jisoo has to grip his hand to remind him to calm down, and if it’s not the warmth of her palm against his, you’re sure it’s the fear painting her eyes that makes Jeonghan exhale a deep breath and sit back down next to her.
“We saw a hellhound last month, Han,” Seungcheol reminds him grimly. “Not even in the forest, it’s literally on the main road. Pouncing on a human.”
You stare at the television, tuning out the rest of the pack’s conversation because you know they’re all antsy and it’ll be seconds away from another debate. Five young female adults have been reported missing since two weeks ago, one of them was found today–barely even sane.
“It’s the convenient store two blocks away from the public library.” Someone enters the living room with a resigned tone, making everyone turn to him at once. He’s still in his uniform, and you can feel how agitated he is from the way his shoulders tensed and the irregular pattern of his heartbeat. “That’s always the last place these girls were seen.”
“Do you have more details you can share with us?” Seungcheol asks, worried.
Chan sighs and closes his eyes in contempt. He feels utterly useless as a police officer; he knows everyone in the station believes this is a kidnapping episode, which is partly true, but they wouldn’t know what they’re going up against, that they can’t go against whatever’s kidnapping these girls either.
Since the beginning, he’s had a hunch that this must be another supernatural case and he’d have to yet again depend on the pack for this. He doesn’t want to be unsure, so he’s been keeping it to himself, but after the victim turned up and started spewing things that the other officers deem to be insane, Chan knows this can’t be normal.
“Where did you find the girl?” you ask him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
Chan is fairly new to the supernatural scene, and you know he’s being careful because he doesn’t yet understand the clear rule of this thing even though he’s already working with you for at least seven months. Before him, your pack used to work together with another guy called Kim Junmyeon, but Junmyeon has moved to another city with his family and has kindly introduced Chan to your pack as his successor last year.
It’s impossible to work on a case like this if you don’t get details (sometimes even backups) from authority. It took a while for your pack to eventually work together with Junmyeon; building the trust that he won’t tell a soul about the nature of your pack took months even though you’ve bound him with a blood pact that would never let him spill the secret the moment he found out about your kind, and then finding the dynamic and the best way to go around things without making the rest of the authority suspicious–that took you almost a year.
“Someone called 911 because they found someone unconscious on the side of the road,” he relays the info calmly. “But the hospital contacted us after identifying the girl as one of the missing persons on the news. Seungkwan was allowed to question her for a bit, but she seemed to be out of it and when he asked if the kidnapper did anything to her, she shook her head quickly and said she’s had enough–said how his eyes were glowing red and her body was tied with invincible ropes.”
You move to sit next to him, your hand rubbing his back comfortingly as you tell him to breathe because he seems so distraught it’s making you feel bad. Chan must’ve not expected this when he joined the force, and while you believe Junmyeon’s judgement and your judgement, you know he’s still easily shaken when things like this happen. His heart and sense of justice are in the right place, but it’s never easy to accept that he can’t really do anything but supply your pack support.
Wonwoo notices the slight glow on your palm, going up and down the younger guy’s back, and he can only guess you’re using your charm to make Chan relax; the guy does need it. He can see his tense shoulders easing a little, and the younger guy automatically leans to you as if to seek more comfort.
You seem tense too, have been since Jihoon brought up that it might be an incubus you’re going against. It’s a pretty obvious suggestion, if he’s being honest, though he knows that an incubus wouldn’t be that obvious unless it’s some sick power display.
As far as he knows, incubus prefers busy, metropolitan cities because there are many more unsuspecting females looking for fun. It takes longer for people to notice when someone goes missing, and they can leave the body just about anywhere when they’re done and no one would find it weird.
This town is fairly small, let alone five–having two people missing with so little time in between would quickly raise suspicions.
So why this town?
“Any more info Seungkwan got from the interview?” you coax softly, and by the way the rest of the pack simply stays silent and watches, Wonwoo guesses this has always been your role: to make people talk.
He doesn’t realize his eyes won’t leave the way your fingers are enclosed against Chan’s bicep in comfort.
“Not yet,” he sighs. “Seungkwan will get another chance to question her again tomorrow. I will inform you if we get something.”
So the pack concludes the meeting after talking a little more with Chan.
Because what else can you do?
But it’s midnight when Wonwoo finds you on the porch by yourself, your eyes a little lost and your fingers drawing patterns into your arm. By the looks of it, you either don’t notice he’s there or you’re just not acknowledging his presence (do you have werewolves hearing?). But when he clears his throat to let himself known, Wonwoo hears your heartbeat jumping for a second before it calms again at the sight of him.
It’s even calmer than the erratic heartbeat you had before.
He wonders why there’s something warm in his chest knowing his presence calms you down.
“Can’t sleep?” you ask, your arms securing the blanket around yourself further to ward off the cold.
He actually went down for water, and it’s pretty chilly outside and his pajamas aren’t doing much to warm him, yet Wonwoo finds himself saying yes and sitting down next to you on the small couch barely enough for two adults.
He’s undeniably conscious of the way your thigh presses against his.
“Can I tell you something?” you ask out of nowhere.
Despite the fact that you’ve only known him for a bit and you really only talk to him from time to time, there’s something about Wonwoo that has always comforted you.
You think it’s his solace.
Maybe it’s because you know Wonwoo knows how it feels to be alone, something that you’ve always had a problem with. Wonwoo is not lonely, that much you can tell, he’s simply content in being by himself. But you… as much as you know the pack loves you and they’d do anything for you, there’s always a part of you that feels like you don’t belong.
You’ve always envied Jisoo for being able to find her place in the pack despite being human, and you know, for her, this is the place that she belongs to. After going through a family that doesn’t value her worth, this pack is everything she could ever ask for.
But your blood makes you even more of an alien at times.
Wonwoo hums, and you take a deep breath before you let it out to him. You’re not even sure why you feel like talking about this to him; maybe he’s just in the right place when you need someone to be, maybe you’ve been bothered for far too long and he happens to be there.
Maybe you just want to talk to him.
“I’m… an outlier,” you admit with a heavy heart, and it’s the first time Wonwoo has ever felt the urge to reach for someone’s hand to comfort them. “I never found out why. But I have wolf blood without any power a werewolf is supposed to have except for the hearing. And mine isn’t even that sensitive.”
His eyes drop to your fingers, they’re gripping the material of your blanket so hard he’s sure they’d leave a mark. “My parents… their pack wouldn’t accept me. My dad kept on stalling, told them my power had just not awakened yet. They could only wait so much, eight years was already pushing it, but I was old enough to understand I wasn’t wanted–so I told my parents I’d like to live with my aunt. She’s a druid, so they’d know I’d be in good hands even though they’re reluctant to let me leave.”
Wonwoo stays silent, not because he doesn’t know what to ask but because he knows you have more to say.
“So I did. My aunt welcomed me with open arms, I helped her practice magic and I’d learned runes and everything she did for as long as she let me. She taught me about them just for fun because she knew they fascinated me. But when I turned 14, my magic awakened so she started teaching me properly.”
There’s a wistful smile on your face, and Wonwoo’s suddenly aware that you’re in a house full of werewolves. Are they awake? Can they all hear you? What will they think of you telling him this? He distinctly remembers you saying something about soundproof charms in each bedroom and a few other rooms, because constantly hearing each other really can’t be good for any of your sanity.
“I was happy, knowing that I have magic and I can do something about it. It’s not easy to be surrounded by werewolves for years and treated like you don’t belong, you know? I heard what they said, but my parents could only do so much. I longed so much for my wolf power, and even though what I got wasn’t that, I was more than happy to accept whatever I was given. I found happiness in my magic–that’s more than enough.”
You exhale a deep breath, the look in your face almost makes Wonwoo reach out and ask if you’re okay. But he feels like you’re in a trance, and he’s afraid he’d break the spell if he calls your name.
It pains him though, to know someone as gentle as you had to go through all that. Yes, he did wonder about your wolf blood, but he never thought you’re less than him even if what he assumed was true.
He’s been here for about three months, and he can’t count the amount of time he’s seen you comfort just about anyone who needs it. From Seungcheol who wouldn’t lean on anyone unless he’s about to burst, Jisoo who basically only confides you other than Jeonghan, or Minghao who would just lay his head on your lap if it’s been a long day… it’s clear to him that you’re the one that glues them together on top of their loyalty to Seungcheol and the pack.
You’re their emotional support.
And from what he gathers of your words, there’s a part of you that still feels like you don’t have a place here and he can’t even begin to think how that’s possible.
He looks up when he hears you sniffle, your eyes glossy with tears though you try your best to blink them back. “I was 19 when my aunt passed. Got taken away by an incubus and laid her life down trying to save me.”
Wonwoo actually reaches out now, his fingers finding your shoulder in hope it’ll comfort you somehow. You can feel his warmth even against the material of your blanket, and you take in a deep breath before you continue as you bask in the small form of comfort.
“I… Jeonghan found me when I was trying to run away. I was barely even conscious, having witnessed my aunt who practically raised me accepting her death,” you choke as you reach this part, and Wonwoo can’t help but scoot closer and pull you into his hold. He’s never really been one to comfort others, but what was he supposed to do when it’s just you and him and you’re being like that? Stay still?
“I fainted almost immediately,” you look down on your lap, trying your best to stay calm. You have no idea if the rapid heartbeat that’s beating against your ears is yours or his, but you really couldn’t care less because the only thing you can focus on is the feeling of his arm around you. “When I came to, I was in the pack’s house and Minghao was tending me. They said they already took care of the incubus and… yeah, that’s how I ended up here.”
Silence envelopes you both for a few moments, and it’s when you feel his fingers grip your arm a little tighter that you ready yourself for whatever he’s about to say.
You’d never expect what he says next though, and you’re already crying into his chest before you even realize.
“I’m glad you’re you.”
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Wonwoo hisses harshly as you tend yet another wound, another attack of some lost, angry spirit that’s thankfully not too out of control.
You hold back a chuckle with twinkles in your eyes as he glares at you, telling you with his eyes that he knows you’re purposefully putting more pressure into the wound.
Seungcheol smiles softly at the exchange, and he looks up to meet Jeonghan’s knowing eyes.
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It’s hard to define your relationship with Wonwoo after that. Evidently, you spend even more time together, and it almost feels like his presence alone is enough to calm you down when you’re not in your best state even though it’s only been a week or so since then.
Wonwoo would linger longer as you practice, as if trying to make sure you won’t break down crying again. And he’ll hover closer now, less reluctant about being near you to the point where it’s often for you to bump into him when you move even a little.
It’s a weird dynamic; as you both mostly talk when everyone else is not there. You’re not complaining though, and you’re thankful that despite the knowing looks the pack is giving you both, no one is saying anything about it.
You’re sure Wonwoo also notices them, but he, too, stays silent and continues his way of being around you.
Which brings you here, almost a month after that night, with Chan once again bringing bad news because, apparently, another female has gone missing since almost a week ago but is only reported to the office this morning.
“But,” he exhales deeply. “We got the missing hour because there’s a truck nearby when it happened and we got access to its dash cam.”
Everyone perks up at the news, but Wonwoo feels you tense beside him, most likely finding the thought of seeing an incubus repulsing even if you know it needs to be done. Your heartbeat jumps a little, and Wonwoo doesn’t miss a second to plant his palm on your back. You shoot him a grateful look, your heartbeat still erratic though you’ve relaxed a little, your body melting into his touch in the subtlest way possible.
Wonwoo can’t explain the tingles across his skin as you do so.
You shiver as the video plays, and you see what appears to be a man walking out of the convenience store with a woman in his arm. The woman is walking, perhaps even voluntarily if you judge from the video, but it’s easy to say her consciousness has probably been put to sleep.
He only appears for about a minute before eventually getting out of the camera’s angle. The guys watch a few times more, trying to see anything more, but you move away after the third time, sure that you’re not finding anything but an old scar opening the more you watch.
The concerned look Wonwoo throws your way makes you feel a bit better, but you can only offer him a weak smile before you settle back on your seat and get lost in your thoughts. Jisoo sits on your other side, her fingers linked with yours because everyone knows your stand on incubuses.
There have been a couple other encounters since that traumatic episode that led to you joining the pack, and while you managed to defeat the monster, you’re also incredibly shaken both times it happened. It was quite the trial to get you back to normal, the pain you’re feeling was so overwhelming that the pack could feel the torment off you.
“Is there a pattern?” Jihoon asks the million dollar question.
Unexpectedly, Chan nods his head yes.
“I don’t understand why a… uh, mythical creature would go by a code, but this guy seems to only strike a woman in her 20s, and they’re always last seen with a jacket. And, well, now we’re assuming the taken time is somewhere at 2 in the morning. We tried asking the cashiers who were on shift for the last two months, even showed them the video and asked to see their CCTV but, apparently, his face.. Uhh.. everyone describes him differently. The cashiers and the cleaners who were on shifts say the few regulars who come at those hours were usually university students, a woman in her late thirties, and two guys who usually come together. We’ve identified and talked to everyone but a few university students and some of them say they did notice a weird guy looming around sometimes but he’s always had his face covered by a shawl or mask. And, well, they say they never see him twice.”
“Some of them… can appear differently to everyone,” you say softly, fingers squeezing Jisoo’s without realizing. “This incubus must be a strong one–one that knows what he’s doing and he’s not just looking for fun. Presumably, he’s strong enough to infatuate people and make them see an image of what they consider… desirable.”
Everyone’s silent, their minds running on a thousand scenarios of what to do with the newfound information.
“And if I may remind you, these… things are demons, we can’t understand them. Maybe they do this just for fun, simply to make us confused. This is different with the incubuses we’ve encountered,” you continue, almost like a robot as the words come out of your mouth and your face remains blank. “We need to prepare more and think through this carefully before we do anything. There’s a chance he’s the one that’s been calling for the creatures the past few months.”
Seungcheol looks at you, the alpha in him almost angry at how small you seem to be right now. It’s in his nature to be protective, but he’s always been more protective of you because he knows how important your existence means to his pack, how the pack instinctively chooses to depend on you when he’s not available.
“It’s late,” he announces, even though everyone knows it’s only somewhere between 8 and 9 in the evening. It’s nowhere near late, but they have enough sense–even Chan–to know why Seungcheol deems the meeting enough. “We’ll discuss more later. Thanks, Chan.”
Everyone goes despite their worry, knowing you prefer to be alone with your thoughts and it’s not yet time for them to voice their concern. It’s Seungcheol, Jisoo and Wonwoo who stay, the alpha and the two people who are sitting beside you to begin with. Seungcheol eventually leaves too after his wolf calms down, sure that it’s okay to leave you alone. He drops a kiss on top of your head before squeezing Wonwoo’s shoulder as if to tell him to take care of you in his place and returns to his room.
“Moon?” Jisoo whispers gently, her thumb caressing the back of your hand. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You don’t say anything, but you shake your head and that’s enough for her because at least you’re answering. She’s witnessed how you had to deal with this before and it’s really not something Jisoo wants to relive again. And if she’s feeling that way, she can only imagine what goes inside your mind.
“Do you want me to leave?” she offers, sharing a concerned look with Wonwoo when you stay silent. Pressing her lips together, Jisoo translates your silence as a ‘yes’ and she whispers comfort to your ears before letting go and taking her leave.
Wonwoo moves to stand up too, figuring you wouldn’t want his presence if you don’t want Jisoo’s. But your fingers move to grasp the end of his shirt, your eyes asking him to stay. So he does–eyes meeting Jisoo’s for a split second as she sends him a gentle smile.
He sits back down next to you, your fingers now gathered on your lap as you look down on them. You’re not sure why you did that. Why did you even reach for him? Did you expect him to comfort you?
“Hey,” he nudges you a little. “You don’t need to bear it by yourself, you know?”
Your tears well up at his words, and Wonwoo quickly takes your hand in his and pulls you to his room before anyone hears you’re crying. They’re worried enough already.
“I’m sorry, I–”
“Ssh,” he cuts you off and pulls you into his embrace. “You don’t need to explain anything to me.”
You take a sharp breath at that, burying yourself further into his collarbone as you steady your breathing because you don’t want to cry over this anymore. Wonwoo’s scent engulfs you and, after so long that you don’t even remember when was the last time it happened, your wolf feels content and you almost purr at the way his arms cage you in like he’s always known that calms you down.
“Don’t feel like crying?” he asks after a while, his finger caressing your arm as you stay in his embrace. You shake your head, and he can feel your hold getting tighter around his waist. “You want to talk?”
Your fingers grip his shirt a little before you eventually nod. A thought passed by your head for a moment; wondering if you didn’t want to talk earlier because you were out in the open, or if you simply wanted to talk to Wonwoo and no one else.
Whatever it is, Wonwoo pulls you to his bed; thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. You’re pressed against each other for no reason at all. You’re not complaining though, and you can even feel your wolf whine when Wonwoo steps away for a bit to rearrange something on his bedside table for three seconds.
“I’m tired…” you start, fingers digging into your palm. “I’m tired of being afraid everytime we encounter this thing.”
Wonwoo lets you speak, figuring that you’d been wanting to say this for quite some time but unsure where to unload.
“I know no one’s asking me to be okay. They’d probably ask me to stay in if that’s what’s best for me. And even though it’s not often that we see an incubus, I’m tired of freezing up at the mention of it, Won. And this one is most likely more dangerous than the ones we’ve fought before and I can’t freak out because Jisoo will be terrified and we need to protect her. But it’s not something that I can control and I’ve been telling myself that–”
You freeze when another pair of lips slots against yours, closing your eyes after a second and you melt when Wonwoo softly grasps your cheeks with his palms to deepen the kiss. Nothing else is happening though; it’s not rushed and it’s just your lips against his over and over again, your hands lay on top of his as he cups your face.
He pulls away when he feels you relax, hazy eyes finding each other before his eyes drop to your lips and he presses his lips once again for a short, chaste kiss.
“Sorry… my wolf…”
You chuckle and shake your head a little, cheeks a little warm at the way he’s still grasping your face and the way his eyes are piercing you. “Mine too. It’s fine.”
Wonwoo smiles; this is something you both would need to address, but now is not the time and he really kissed you because you seemed to panic and he wanted to stop you for a bit.
And, well, his wolf has been craving for you, which brings you both to the current situation.
“Take a breath, okay?” he whispers, squaring up his shoulders and pulling away a little even though his palms stay firm where they’re at. He asks you to breathe with him, and when he’s sure you’ve calmed down enough, he asks if you still want to talk about it.
You bite your lip at the question and, in the end, you can only repeat what you’ve told him. “I just… I’m afraid, Won. What if I’m not strong enough to fight him? To protect Jisoo? To help you guys?”
“You’re not doing this alone, Moon,” he reminds you; his deep voice is everything you need to calm your heartbeat. “I know I haven’t been here for long and you probably know this better, but… we’re a pack for a reason. We’ll find a way together and we’ll think this through together. I’ll protect you, okay?”
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The next two weeks, the pack is busy training and discussing strategies. You’re mostly in your room, preparing all sorts of runes that might be necessary. But, most importantly, you’re making as many protective runes as you can to make sure Jisoo would stay safe. She’d be staying at the house pack, like she always does when you’re all going out for an attack.
You’re usually okay with leaving her alone, confident that your protection is strong enough. But knowing an incubus is behind all this, you can’t help but feel like you need to put an extra layer of protection in any kind of form.
“The wards are set on all perimeters,” Wonwoo informs you as he steps into the room. He was just out with Jihoon to check on the wards around the town, making sure they’re all still intact. You’ve made sure to strengthen them too, because even though the incubus is presumably already in town, you need to make sure he’s not summoning other creatures again. “You put on wards every 3 meters around the house until it reaches the main road?”
You hum, murmuring a short thanks when he places an iced coffee on your table. “Gotta make sure Jisoo is safe. I’ve prepared preactivated runes too for her defense just in case.”
“Oh, the ones that blow up when they’re destroyed?”
“Yup.” You pop the ‘p’, and then stop what you’re doing when you remember something. “Oh, right. I meant to give this to you.”
Wonwoo looks up as you rummage through your small wooden box, pulling out a single ring with small stones adorning one side.
“It took me quite some time to find a moonstone, which is why I only managed to finish this now, but here’s your ring.”
He cocks his eyebrow when you put it on his palm, and you tilt your head to the side, not getting what he’s on about.
“Proposing to me already?”
He laughs when you try to pinch his side, wincing a little at the sting though he’s just glad you seem to finally relax even if only for a few seconds.
“Thanks,” he grins, putting it on his middle finger. “I was kidding about the moonstone, you know? You can just use anything and I would’ve taken it anyway.”
You shrug, telling him you need to keep it in stock anyway. You crack your neck to the side, and Wonwoo frowns at how stiff your body seems to be. He tells you to sit down on the sofa and take a short break, taking your iced coffee with him before you can protest. Just in time, Jisoo walks in with Minghao, bringing tartlets with her.
“Oh, you managed to sit her down.” Jisoo nods appreciatively, setting down the tartlets on the coffee table as she sits next to you and Minghao settles on the floor instead, his figure near your legs. “She’s been standing for too long and she wouldn’t answer when I call for her.”
“She probably tunes you out,” Minghao happily supplies, taking one of the treats and offering you a bite after he does. You happily munch on the dessert, almost choking when Minghao flips another topic. “Anyway, what was that earlier about proposal?”
Wonwoo bursts out laughing as Jisoo tries to grasp the conversation, already used to this kinda situation though it still frustrates her at times. She catches the new accessory on his finger though, and Jisoo immediately grasps his hand and shows Minghao the ring as they all continue to tease you about it.
It’s been like this since a few days ago. The pack has been teasing you both when they figure you’re comfortable enough for that. They’ve caught you with Wonwoo a lot since that day, and they kept quiet because you still looked stressed, simply grateful that Wonwoo seems to be able to comfort you more than any of them could ever do.
They know.
They know.
And they didn’t say anything, still.
But it’s a few days ago when everyone was huddled together in the living room for a movie night. Seungcheol said everyone deserves a break after the amount of training and decided that the pack should just chill together for the night.
You’re particularly tired that day, because you spent the day sparring with Jihoon to make sure you’re not rusty. It went well, but it had been quite some time since you physically trained yourself so it felt like your energy was just drained the moment you stepped into the house.
Everyone was already in the living room when the two of you arrived (minus Jisoo and Wonwoo who were preparing food in the kitchen), and after Minghao informed you it’s movie night, you quickly washed up so you could join them immediately because you’ve missed chilling and being surrounded by these puppies without talking about attacks.
Your body was moving on autopilot once you finished washing up and returned to the living room, because you’re just so drained and your body naturally seek for comfort. Before you even realized, you’re already plopping yourself into Wonwoo’s lap and your head was nestled on his neck.
Wonwoo was so startled that his arms stayed frozen, hovering over your waist and didn’t curl around your figure like they usually would when it’s just the two of you. It took you a full 5 seconds to realize why the room was strangely quiet out of nowhere, and it was already too late for you to deny anything so you just shyly hid yourself deeper into his neck and succumbed to his warmth when he finally wrapped his arms around you.
“Anyway, it will shine when any of us is in danger. My magic will tell you who’s in danger as long as you have it on.” you tell him as he inspects his ring. “And it’ll get warmer the closer you are to them so it’ll help even if it’s not much. Jisoo’s is more sensitive than ours, so what’s considered dangerous for her and for us might be different.”
“So it’s not a proposal?” Minghao asks just to be annoying.
“Okay, let’s stop about the proposal,” Seungcheol announces his presence as he leans on the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. “My Moon is still a child and I will not allow it.”
Jisoo snickers while you laugh at that, knowing full well that Seungcheol will probably let you marry Wonwoo this instant if that’s what you want. He’s your alpha, you’re sure he knows what’s happening between you and Wonwoo before you two even realize yourself.
Which is a weird thought, because you haven’t talked about whatever it is between the two of you. You both decide to focus on the problem at hand, figuring out your relationship could wait.
But it’s clear. And it’s so obvious that your wolf craves for him. Its existence has never been this prominent until Wonwoo.
Anyway, you’re pretty sure Wonwoo can feel the pull too, and you two are just doing a very good job not entertaining the thought because, else, you would’ve jumped at him every single time you’re left alone with the guy.
“Chan’s coming in a bit. Come to the living room after you’re done with your desserts, alright?” He steps in to ruffle your hair and leaves just like that, not waiting for an answer.
You nod at that, taking a deep breath at the thought of discussing it yet again. Wonwoo catches your eyes, giving you an encouraging smile as Jisoo feeds you some more and Minghao hugs your legs before he leans his head on your knee.
You almost cry at how loved you feel right now.
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“I’ll be bait,” you say as calmly as you can despite the erratic way your heart is beating.
“No!” you’re not even sure who says it, probably everyone–bewildered that you would volunteer to do that.
“There’s no other choice and you guys know it.” Your tone is determined even though they know you’re scared, and they know there’s little they can do when your mind is made. You’re probably more stubborn than their alpha at that point. “He only goes for a woman. We can’t afford to use Jisoo. Do you have any other alternatives than to bait him?”
Everyone shuts up at that, knowing that you’re right. They want to believe there’s another choice, but if the incubus is as strong as you assume it to be, as you paint it to be… 
“Anyway, that’s not the important bit,” you pretend to brush it off to change the topic, not wanting the guys to worry too much even though their concern isn’t groundless. “What’s important is what we are going to do after that.”
Everyone’s still wary, and you can feel Wonwoo’s burning gaze on the side of your face though you refuse to acknowledge it. You know he most likely doesn’t agree with your decision–what with the… uhh… relationship between the two of you, he does have the right to be skeptical of your decision. After all, you would be too if this was the other way around.
You’ll talk to him after this.
It’s not that hard to distract everyone with the new topic, because you do need a proper strategy and this one is like never before. After an hour or so, you’re not really listening to them, because you’re busy reading through the old book of your aunt’s to find out more about incubi.
You can’t quite describe the rush that goes through your body as you do so, and while your fear is still there, there’s a new kind of determination that flows through you at the thought of defeating an incubus that’s been wreaking havoc in your little town. Perhaps, the thought crosses your mind, this could be your chance of finally making peace with your past.
The few incubi that you’ve encountered were weak enough to be defeated without you having to use any exceptional magic–some defensive and fire runes and they’re done for. But this one? You’ve been practicing your magic, exerting yourself to summon fire and control your surroundings even though that’s not your expertise.
Wonwoo, Seungcheol, and Jisoo have been taking turns in scolding you, because they can tell you’re getting more and more drained the more you practice. On one hand, they understand where you’re coming from, why you’ve been doing it–but on another, it’s obvious that you’re getting paler by the day and they don’t see what good it would do if you’re not even going to be in your prime condition later on.
It’s midnight when Wonwoo finds you perched on the balcony, and the scene looks awfully familiar to him as he remembers that time he found you alone–the night when it all began.
You hum to acknowledge him, though you don’t turn and you hear him closing the door before you ask, “Can’t sleep?”
Wonwoo chuckles at the question, the exact same one you asked him those nights ago.
“Was looking for you.” He’s glad he can say it out loud now, no longer having to be careful with his affections towards you.
“Miss me already?” you joke, reminding him it was just an hour ago you were together in the living room before everyone left for bed. Unexpectedly, Wonwoo hums an affirmation, his deep voice whispers a low ‘yes’ before his arms cage you from behind, his chest meeting your back.
Wonwoo’s more affectionate since that day, not that you’re complaining, and even though he still lays low with the PDA, it is true that he’s been more touchy for some reason. You think it’s his wolf, because, like right now, it’s become his favorite thing to just bury his nose to the crook of your neck like a puppy. It tickles, but you welcome the sensation of his warm breath against your skin so you don’t intend to say anything about it.
“Want to share your mind?” he asks after placing a soft kiss on your neck, his chin on your shoulder. The position must’ve been uncomfortable–what, with his height and all–but he doesn’t seem to mind and you don’t have any reason to refuse his touch.
“You know.”
And he does. He actually does. And it stirs something within him to know there’s little to nothing he can do to help you feel better. His arms move to hold you by the waist instead, and it’s crazy how serene he’s feeling despite the rowdy rhythm his heart is beating into when you snuggle further into his embrace, your thumb caressing his arm.
He knows you don’t need words right now, knows that nothing that comes out of his mouth would comfort you in any way–he’s said all that he could say too, and if he were to say those again, it would just be repetitions and he imagines he wouldn’t like those if it was him in your position.
So he doesn’t say anything and you don’t either. But you slightly pull from him just so you can turn around and take your turn to bury your nose against his neck. You’re not sure how long the two of you spend just standing like that–simply reveling in the way that you’re against each other under the moonlight, his arms around you and his (now) steady heartbeat beating against your ear.
And for the first time in two weeks, you can finally relax and stop thinking about whatever kind of doom that awaits your pack.
The attack will take place in three days. The pack (and Chan) has agreed that would be the perfect time because it’s going to be a full moon and their wolves are always stronger during a full moon–even yours. You always feel the most like a werewolf during those times, something that your parents know, also the reason why they’ve taken to calling you ‘Moon’.
That said, it’d be the safest time for you to be bait because your wolf would be stronger on top of your magic. They’re still unhappy with this part of the plain, but have long accepted that they’d never win against your made mind.
Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Wonwoo are currently out on patrol while everyone else is at the pack house. Jihoon is probably sleeping while you, Jisoo, and Minghao are in the living room talking about magic. Minghao has a little magic within him, not strong enough to use it for fights though it helps to make them trip or get confused from time to time. And Jisoo, well, she finds it fascinating, still.
You’re telling Minghao about runes when Jeonghan barges into the living room, breath heavy and chest heaving hardly like he’s run a marathon, his hurried voice calling your real name and you know it couldn’t be good. Did something happen during the patrol?
Seungcheol is right behind him, and he’s looking at you with something akin to guilt that he immediately drops to his knees and buries his face into your middle. His arms are holding you a little too tight that it slightly hurts, but it’s the look in Jeonghan’s face that gets your heart rate spiking beyond control and goosebumps on your skin.
“They got Wonwoo.” The room immediately goes silent at that, and what he says next barely even registers to you as you look at him wide-eyed, your heart immediately dropping to your stomach and you stay frozen where you’re at. “We–we got ambushed and… and they took him. I’m sorry, Moon.”
Jisoo is quick to take your hand, and you’re so shaken that your mouth keeps on opening and closing without anything coming out of it.
Seungcheol whimpers as his arms tighten even more around you, and you can’t tell if he’s upset or agitated. Probably both; he’s an alpha whose beta has just been taken, presumably right under his nose too. He keeps on whispering something that sounds like apologies.
“We tried to go for him but they masked their smell and we got tricked and–”
“Did they leave anything?”
The older man flinches at your curt tone, though he’s still more worried than he is scared. He nods nevertheless, and he hands you a black feather that you inspect with blank eyes though your minds are already running with a thousand scenarios of how to get Wonwoo back safe and sound.
“This…” you close your eyes in contempt as you finally recognize the feather. “Were you… was there a harpy when you were attacked?”
You release a frustrated sigh when Jeonghan nods. “They’re baiting us. They want us to find them. Harpies’ feathers don’t fall off. They don’t shed, they leave it on purpose so we can track them.”
It’s almost like something switched within Seungcheol at the revelation, and his emotion is so prominent that everyone except Jisoo slightly cowers at his alpha mode, your wolves submitting to him. Jihoon even turns up, his wolf recognizing the distress of his alpha and the whole pack that he woke up not long after Jeonghan and Seungcheol arrived.
“So they want us to attack?” Seungcheol practically growls as he stands up tall, his fingers balled into fists. “Call Chan and tell him there’s a change of plan. If he doesn’t answer in five minutes, we’re doing this without him.”
Chan picks up on the first ring and arrives ten minutes later.
The strategy, to put it simply, doesn’t really exist. The whole bait thing is obviously off the table and now that you know for sure where they’re at, you just need to pick the right time to go and how you’re going to infiltrate them.
If what you assume is true, they must’ve been waiting for you to arrive, too. Are they expecting an attack? Do they want to taunt you? This doesn’t make sense to you.
But, then again, your mind is all over the place because the only thing you can focus on is that they’ve got your Wonwoo and who knows what they’re doing to him now, what they will be doing to him if you don’t come as soon as they wish you to be. They wouldn’t be kind enough to wait for the full moon, knowing you guys are a pack of werewolves.
“As far as I know, there’s an abandoned lab there,” Chan supplies helpfully after you’ve successfully pinpointed their location. “It belonged to an old hospital that’s acquired by a new management, and the new owner couldn’t be bothered to take care of the lab because that building actually belonged to another owner and not the one they bought the hospital from? Anyway, that’s why that building is abandoned and, uh, no one really bothered to do anything about it.”
“Do you have the layout?”
“No,” Chan shakes his head. “But I know it’s just a two-level building with a lot of rooms. Storages, you know? I reckon the layout itself shouldn’t be too complicated. What might be a problem is that… it’s long and big. Imagine a small hospital. Or maybe school? It’s of that size.”
“Okay,” you exhale a deep breath. “So we split. Seungcheol with Jihoon, and Jeonghan with Minghao.”
“And you?” Seungcheol’s so repulsed by the thought of you going in alone that his eyes glowed golden for a bit. You plant your palm on his arm in hope it will calm him down, and it does, at least enough for his eyes to turn back into its hazel shade and you tell him you don’t mind going in with either group.
“Chan, you stay at the pack house with Jisoo. Protect her and be mindful of our signal just in case we’d need police backup, Jisoo would know and she will tell you.” You instruct him carefully, and then proceed to run over the preactivated runes with Jisoo once again. You’ve even given Chan some too just in case, and you have him practice with you while the others get ready. You don’t want to risk anything happening to Wonwoo, so you’ve all unanimously decided that you must go tonight.
You zone out helplessly as you play with your necklace, a glimpse of hope running past you because it hasn’t reacted at all–which means Wonwoo is safe. He’s not put in any immediate danger for your charms to react.
A strong hand finds your shoulder, making you jump a little and taking you out of your trace. “We’ll save him. Wonwoo will be fine.”
Seungcheol sees a speck of gold glistening through your eyes for a millisecond, something that he has never seen in you.
“He has to be.” Your voice is barely a whisper, but it’s firm and it sounds like a promise. He almost flinches at your next words, and he knows if it comes to it, there’s nothing he can do to stop you. “I’ll destroy them if he’s not.”
Unfortunately, Chan is wrong.
The house is way more complicated than he makes it to be and you’re pretty sure Jeonghan and Minghao are fighting against something by the faint sound of growls and things falling to the ground from the other side of the building.
At least the place isn’t as guarded as you prepared yourselves for. Either the incubus is too arrogant for his own good, or you haven’t encountered his subordinates yet. You’ve expected each room to be guarded, but safe for the hellhounds that were guarding the front gate and whatever creatures Minghao and Jeonghan are fighting against; there’s nothing else yet.
But, then again, you shouldn’t be jinxing yourself because, next thing you know, a harpy and what you assume to be a ghoul are attacking the three of you. The ghoul throws you to the wall hard enough that there’s a little crack when you slide down the wall, Seungcheol turns to where you’re at and growl. You groan from the sudden pain, but you attack back immediately after you stand back on your feet, whispering spells as you throw your runes at them.
That’s enough seconds for Seungcheol and Jihoon to take control of the situation.
You activate your other runes while you’re at it, making sure the two monsters wouldn’t be able to leave the room. You’re about to draw a magic circle when you feel your pendant warming up, and by the bewildered look Seungcheol and Jihoon send your way, you know they’re both aware why it’s warming up.
“Go!” Seungcheol screams, pouncing on the ghoul as Jihoon takes care of the harpy. “Find him! We’ll catch up with you.”
You nod with determination and then set up a few other runes before you run out of the room. Wonwoo’s near enough for your bracelet to react, and you run to wherever your feet are taking you, only to freeze on the spot when you see Wonwoo being chained down like he’s some kind of criminal deserving such confinement.
He looks up at you, and you almost cry at how weak he looks despite the clean state of his face–no blood whatsoever. If you’re not too blinded by your worry and the overwhelming feelings of seeing Wonwoo again even if it has only been hours, you’d realize how easy things seem to be. Spending hours thinking about what these things might be doing to Wonwoo feels like years, you admit no matter how dramatic that sounds.
Your worry mixed with fear does not make a good recipe even for only a few hours.
You kneel in front of him, gentle hands cradling his cheeks as you examine his worn out face. There’s not a single scratch on his face, but he might as well look like his soul is sucked out of his body little by little and his eyes are a little empty that tears prick your eyes.
“What did they do to you?” you whisper weakly. Wonwoo doesn’t even have the energy to answer you, though his eyes find yours and he sends you a defeated smile. He coughs at the effort to do that, and that’s when you snap out of it and immediately try to rid him of the chains on his wrists.
“Uh, don’t think it’s a good idea,” an eerie voice greets you, which makes you take a protective stance in front of Wonwoo. You gulp as you take the man in front of you, and if the aura he’s emitting alone isn’t already telling you that he’s the incubus, the horns protruding between his hair certainly did the job. “You see, if you try to force open that chain, that… uh, necklace he has on will thrust silver into his neck and, well, we don’t want that, right?”
The creature has it in him to grin at the pure rage in your eyes when you glare at him, only then realizing they’ve put on a collar on Wonwoo that’s apparently lethal for his being.
“What do you want?”
“In a hurry, are we?” he whistles as he glances at Wonwoo staggering behind you. “I think your furry mate isn't in any condition to go anywhere though?”
You try your best to calm down, because he’d want you unfocused and all over the place. Whatever it is that he wants from your pack, it must have something to do with you if it’s Wonwoo he’s taken.
“What do you want.” You press, not wanting to spend any more second in his presence if you can help it. If not for you then definitely for Wonwoo. If the collar is actually infused with silver as he claims it to be, it’s no wonder Wonwoo is rendered this way. The matter is lethal to werewolves and your neck is tightening at the thought of it; you can only imagine how Wonwoo is feeling.
You’ve never liked dealing with creatures with human natures; they’re too cocky for their own good and it’s getting under your skin. Monsters, you can easily deal with–defeat them and that’s it. But creatures like incubuses, shapeshifters, demons, and so on have human natures and they enjoy instilling fear–enjoy that they’re making the other party scared shitless. They taunt and taunt and taunt until you’re no longer sure which one’s a bluff and which one’s an actual threat.
It’s not enough that you’re scared. They want you confused and they want to play with your minds.
“Okay, because you’ve so politely asked.”
You truly don’t know how he managed to hold you against him within seconds, his scent engulfing you and you almost whimper in fear at the way he noses your hair. And for the first time since you’ve arrived, you see Wonwoo snap his neck up and he practically growls with every strength he still has in him.
“Sol.” He calls for someone, and a wraith appears immediately, bowing his head so low in front of the incubus he almost folds himself in half. “Release the dog.”
Sol treats him so roughly that you step forward to intervene, enraged by the way they address him, but the incubus holds you in place from behind, the hands on your shoulders bringing shivers down your spine, and whispers closely against your ear, his voice firm and brings chills throughout your body.
“Behave, doll. You know what we can do to him,” he reminds you, his teeth grazing your ear that you shiver at the touch. You’d probably be crumbling with fear if not for Wonwoo–your worry for him overrides your traumatic experience with incubi. You want Wonwoo safe, whether you are also safe or not is not important.
What’s important is you don’t want Wonwoo anywhere near this thing and you’re going to make it happen no matter what.
Wonwoo slumps forward the moment he’s released from the chain and the collar, and he coughs so violently like he’s drawing out blood. It doesn’t take him long to get back on his feet though, and even though he’s still weak, there’s an enormous amount of rage within him at the way you’re held against the demon which fuels his body even if his strength was basically nonexistent.
It’s then that he realizes Sol is still holding him, a silver knife against his throat so you both immediately freeze as if breathing would even hurt him.
“Tsk,” the incubus clicks his tongue in annoyance, his fingers descending to your arm and running down your skin. “Ungrateful kids. I released you from your chain and that’s the attitude you’re giving me?”
He grins at the way you go stiff on his hold; a maniac grin so wide that it brings shivers even to Wonwoo who’s a good two meters away.
“Can you guys smell this?” he mocks, his nose nuzzling your neck and Wonwoo tightens his jaw at the sight–agitated and boiling with fury because no one should do that to you; no one should make your eyes sting with fear and your body turn into stone.
He’s worried. But, above all, he’s angry and he feels so fucking useless because he can’t do anything but watch you hopelessly from where he’s at–with a silver knife against his throat that he can feel himself weakening yet again.
What did he say? That he’ll protect you?
What a fucking joke.
“You can’t?” His mocking voice resonates once again, and you can feel his smirk even if you can’t see it yourself. You’re trying your best to focus on Wonwoo instead, and even though your body is still frozen in fear because this incubus is basically pressed against you and you can feel your throat closing up–either from your fear of the proximity or because you can’t stand to see Wonwoo like this, so weak that he’s probably using everything he has to stand on his feet.
Probably both.
“I thought you dogs have such a great sense of smell,” he continues his monologue, still holding you against himself. “But since I’m so kind, I will generously let you know. It’s the smell of dread. Of horror, and, oh, it’s the second most beautiful thing I’d ever encounter. Almost as beautiful as your sexual energy.”
You don’t think it’s possible, but you stiffen even more at his words. These creatures are sexual beings, and you forgot about it because you’re too busy worrying over Wonwoo and your initial fear towards those things have more to do with the death of your aunt than anything. But now that he mentions it–
“And you’re so powerful too,” he hums against your neck, lips grazing your skin and you genuinely feel like throwing up at the contact. You can’t do anything; not when he has his subordinate pressing a silver knife against Wonwoo’s throat, the smallest cut and Wonwoo would probably be paralyzed for God knows how long and the after effect once he wakes up wouldn’t be pretty, too. “You probably knew I took him to bait you, didn’t you? Smart little thing.”
“Get away from her.” Wonwoo growls, his eyes shining bright golden as he does so. Sol presses the blade’s spine deeper to Wonwoo’s neck, unamused with his move.
“Oh, mutt has something to say?” His voice is so sickening, and you hate yourself so much for being immobile under his grasp, unable to do anything but close your eyes when his fingers brush your cheek, his forefinger and thumb stopping on your chin to tilt it up. “Open your eyes, doll. You don’t want to disobey me.”
Your sight is blurry when you do, glassy with tears though it’s still clear to you that Wonwoo is whimpering on the ground, the silver pressed tightly against his neck can easily cut through his skin if Sol tilts the blade even slightly.
They’re doing this to play with you and Wonwoo, and you ask once again what it is that he wants just so Sol would put the knife away from him. What even is Wonwoo suffering for?
“Oh, it’s not obvious?” he slurs his voice, his palm now fully grasping your cheek so you’d turn to him.
Wonwoo tightens his jaw at the scene in front of him, wondering if the guys are still busy outside and if it’s still going to take them long to come here.
He doesn’t want to be rash–can’t be either because the silver pressed against his skin is draining his strength away. He can’t even stand up at this point, and his consciousness is slowly slipping away because the blade keeps on touching his skin. But you look so pale and pretty much petrified that he just wants to do something–anything that would make the aghast look on your face go away.
Wonwoo’s trying his best to stay still as the incubus nuzzles his nose further into your neck, and something is burning in his chest at the way you flinch and hold your breath as he sees the fingers on your arms clutching your tighter.
“Why do you think I’ve been taking those girls? Summoning those creatures?” he drags on. “I’m not interested in humans. Their energy runs out fast and they’re not fun to play with. You… on the other hand.”
You detest the way he's scenting your cheek, his lips grazing the skin there as he grins wider at the way you’re almost shaking from his touch. “Powerful little thing, aren’t you? These mutts wouldn’t last a day without your help fighting those things. I know you already put two and two together; smart girl wants to wait for the full moon to attack, hm?”
You’re thinking of ways to get away from this thing, but anything sort of reckless wouldn’t do good as much as you wish to just use your rune and make a run for it. There’s too much at stake, but most importantly, you can’t risk the wraith actually gashing Wonwoo. What are the members doing outside? How much longer would you have to wait for them? You need at least two of them here, serving as a distraction to buy time so you can use your magic.
“I can’t wait to taste you, doll,” he bares his teeth, and Wonwoo’s fuming even more than he already was, which you didn’t think was possible.
And it’s then that the door bursts open, Seungcheol panting along with Jihoon, Jeonghan, and Minghao right behind him. There’s no time for a grand entrance though, and that split second is enough opening for Seungcheol and Jeonghan to pounce on the incubus behind you, making you fall on your knees from the sudden force.
You can hear the incubus growls from behind, but you look up to see Sol grinning despite Jihoon handling him down, and your eyes widen in horror when you realize why he’s grinning. Minghao’s holding Wonwoo in panic, and you don’t even have it in you to scream, your feet moving on their own because there’s blood slipping down his neck.
You take him away from Minghao, and you hear Wonwoo moans weakly when you quickly use your magic to at least stop the bleeding. Your eyes are red with angry tears; angry that Wonwoo’s hurt for no reason at all, that he has to endure this because the incubus wants you, that humans in this area turn into victims for nothing but entertainment.
It’s Wonwoo’s weak grasp on your wrist that snaps you out of it, and he’s saying something stupid like he’s fine and that you should focus on defeating that thing instead of healing him. You’d argue with him if not for the severity of the situation, and you’re honestly just trying your best to stop his wound from opening up before you get back to attack; Seungcheol and Jeonghan has got the situation for now, you can tell from the way the incubus is struggling against them.
Sol is slumped on the floor, because Jihoon is smart enough to take the silver knife from him and stabs the monster with it because the matter is just as lethal to wraith as it is to werewolf. A group of wraiths enter the room not long after, having been summoned by the incubus and unhappy to see their kin knocked out on the ground.
The incubus grins maniacally when the three werewolves upon him loosen their grip at the commotion. But Seungcheol is stronger than that, and even if he orders the other two to leave the incubus to him as they help Minghao take care of the wraiths, it’s easy to tell Seungcheol is starting to get tired.
They roll on the floor, fighting each other physically, trying to assert dominance over the other and your hands get frantic with Wonwoo on your lap.
“Moon–stop,” Wonwoo whispers weakly. “Seungcheol needs help. I’m good enough for now.”
The wound won’t close and his consciousness is escaping yet again, and you’re about to refuse but a hoard of hellhounds come in and you’ve got no choice but to stop trying to stop his bleeding. It has slowed down at least, and you take comfort in that until Wonwoo actually goes slack on your lap, his neck gushing with blood that you’re sure would leave a scar. His healing ability can’t catch up with the silver and this is already the most you can do in such a tight time.
Despite the rowdy situation in the room, your sob sounds way too clear in everyone’s ears, alerting them all in panic. It’s not sad though; and when they turn to see you, you’re already standing up with tears running down your face. But you don’t try to wipe them, simply let them be as your eyes glow the most golden with a speck of red, the first time Seungcheol has ever feltyour wolf and magic this strong.
Momentarily, everything stops and they’re all staring at you; overwhelmed by the sheer power you’re emitting. Even the hellhounds whimper at this, some of them retreating through the shadows.
Your eyes are locked on the incubus beneath Seungcheol, and it’s pure rage that he registers in your eyes–your aura. He’s sure he’s not imagining the way you seem to almost glow with power, the feeling so immense that his wolf almost wants to submit to you.
For whatever reason, the devil has it in him to smirk, whispering something about how good you’d taste once he has you under him. Seungcheol’s about to attack him for the comment, but he’s suddenly twisting in pain that Seungcheol lets go of him, skin burning hot like he’s boiling inside out.
He’s looking at the scene in front of him in horror, and it’s when he looks at the way you’re snapping your wrist that it’s you doing this. He doesn’t know how you learn to do this, because, as far as he knows, you never did. It’s your rage running over your magic, he concludes, and he sees Wonwoo fainted on the ground and he can’t blame you for reacting this way even if it worries him.
He knows the both of you haven’t addressed it, but it’s clear that your wolves are calling for each other and you’re practically mates even if Wonwoo hasn’t marked you yet. He’d probably go ballistic too if his mate was put on the brink of death for whatever reason.
The incubus is screaming in pain, body twisting in a weird way and it’s seconds after that Seungcheol is one hundred percent positive you’re actually glowing that the whole group of monsters within the room–maybe even building–are starting to run away even though they all failed because you’ve warded the whole building so none of them could get out unscathed.
It gets easier to fight them at this point, but your pack doesn’t need to fight them because, the next thing they know, the wraiths have all dissolved into a puddle of black goos, the hellhounds have all retreated, and the incubus is fighting for his life while you watch him suffer on your feet.
Minghao is the first person to snap out of it, immediately going to Wonwoo and trying to somehow check the older guy. He knows he’s not dead, but he’s getting paler by the seconds and he needs to be treated as soon as possible.
The rest look at each other uneasily, unsure how to handle you going berserk. The incubus deserves this, but with the way you’re going, Seungcheol is mainly afraid you’d lose yourself somehow.
“Moon?” he whispers softly, trying to see if you’ll react.
You don’t, which doesn’t surprise any of them, because you’re probably in a trance and the only thing they can hear is the incubus’ painful scream that’s getting louder by the seconds.
You stare blankly at the devil under you, nothing of remorse within you even though you know you’d never do this to any other being. You don’t even know how you’re doing this, but it doesn’t matter because what matters is what he’s done to Wonwoo and you’re going to make him feel the suffering a hundred times over.
It’s then that the scream suddenly stops, because Wonwoo’s weak voice calling your name echoes through the room, his consciousness slipping back in somehow and you turn to him, your magic calming down at the sound of his voice.
And then there’s a surge of magic resonating throughout the building, strong enough that there’s a gush of wind accompanying it as it goes past all of you.
Next thing you know, your body sways to the side and Jeonghan catches you in his arms.
And then it’s all black.
Your whole body is sore when you come to, and the first thing you notice is that there’s hair near your hand and someone else is caressing your other arm.
It takes quite the effort to even open your eyes, and through your blurry eyes, you register that it’s Jisoo laying on the side of your bed and the girl jumps awake at your soft whimper. The other person in the room is Minghao, and you can’t help but chuckle at how awfully familiar this scenario plays out.
Jisoo cries and hugs you before you can say anything, and you see Minghao sighs in relief before he leaves the room to call for the others. Wonwoo steps in right after Minghao leaves, and you try to sit up with Jisoo in your arms, wincing slightly at how tense your body feels. How long were you out for?
“Good sleep?” Wonwoo muses with a small smile, going to your other side to drop a kiss on top of your head because Jisoo refuses to stop hogging you.
“Like I came back from the dead.” You wince at your strained voice, and Wonwoo tells Jisoo to let you go to give you space before he helps you with a glass of water, the girl simply moving to hug your middle instead, her face buried in your lap. You laugh at her antics, stroking her hair and assuring her you’re fine now.
The whole pack bursts into the room at that moment, and they all engulf you in a hug except for Jihoon who goes to stand beside Wonwoo and watches the scene unfold. Everyone’s been worried though they all know you’ll wake up; and to know that you seem relaxed and even have it in you to smile after the whole ordeal is good enough.
“How are you feeling?” Seungcheol asks, sitting next to you on the bed once everyone except Jisoo lets you go, the girl still stubbornly hugging you even though it must’ve been uncomfortable.
“My whole body’s sore and I’m a little disoriented,” you shrug, honest with your explanation. “How long was I out for?”
“Three days,” your alpha informs you, his hand stroking your hair. “We planned on calling Lisa tomorrow if you still didn’t wake up today.”
“Good call. Lisa would know what to do,” you chuckle hoarsely, making a mental note to hang out with the witch one of these days. “Sorry to make you worried. Did anything… happen?”
The room falls silent at that, even Jisoo’s arms that are holding you tighten at your question. But it’s Wonwoo who speaks up, telling you it’s a long story and that you should eat and wash up before going into that.
“That’s a good idea.” Jihoon nods, and then offers to get the bath ready before telling Minghao and Jisoo to prepare food now that you’re awake. The rest seems to get the message and eventually steps out of the room, leaving you and Wonwoo behind.
“Hi.” You say when he doesn’t say anything. Wonwoo shakes his head and envelopes you in a hug which you accept with all your heart, your fingers grasping the front of his shirt while you bury yourself in his neck. His hug is a little too tight, but you don’t care and you actually welcome it because if there’s anything you need at this second, it’s his arms around you and your bodies against each other.
He whispers something in your ear that you don’t quite register, but you’re crying for some reason and Wonwoo pulls you even closer like it’s possible.
It didn’t register to you at first–what had happened and how you ended up like this. But now that everyone’s left and you don’t have to worry about their wellbeing, the memory of that night returns though there are blank spaces in between.
Still, it is enough to remind you of the way the demon touches you–the way his lips graze your skin and his fingers on your body. You choke at the memory, and Wonwoo seems to get it even though you don’t elaborate; seems to understand why you’re crying and why you’re holding on to him for dear life.
The guys have told him about it; about how you coped before and how it took you quite some time to get over it. And as much as he thought he’s prepared to help you through it, it’s still a blow to his heart to see you like this, his wolf wailing in pain in tandem with yours.
You don’t notice Jihoon by the door, about to tell you the bath is ready but has enough sense to step back when he catches Wonwoo’s eyes.
Wonwoo lets you cry more, and then kisses your forehead once you’ve calmed down, his thumb wiping the tears on your face as his forehead meets yours; his lips centimeters away from your own.
“I know, love. I know,” he whispers as your sobs turn into whimpers. “Let’s get you cleaned up? I’ll come with you.”
In any other scenario, you’d tease him about wanting to see you naked. Maybe flirt a little and then curse at him for making you flustered somehow. But this isn’t your ideal world, and you can do nothing but nod as he takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom.
Wonwoo stays true to his words, and you want to cry at the delicate way he’s treating you. He helps you out of your clothes, and it’s weird that you don’t feel anything as he does so–not the least bit of embarrassment even though he has never seen you naked at all.
He did ask if you want him to move away though, but when you shake your head and say that you don’t mind, he helps you wash up like you’re a kid who doesn’t know how to do it yourself. It’s very intimate in ways that you can’t quite describe, and you let him do everything for you as you simply stay seated in the bathtub.
You hug your knees as Wonwoo moves to wash your back, and it’s quite obvious that his clothes are all wet though he doesn’t say anything about it. He doesn’t say anything at all, actually, because he knows that you need solace and you want his company though you don’t wish to talk.
“Let’s get out of the tub?” he tells you softly after he’s done with your body. He grasps your hand and wraps you in a big towel, then tells you to sit down on the edge of the tub.
“Look at me?” He stares into your eyes for a few seconds before telling you to close them again so he can wash your face. His touch is gentle–safe, and you can feel your magic hum in content at the way he’s touching you.
It’s probably asking for more.
You slowly open your eyes when you feel Wonwoo stills but doesn’t move away, finding his face right in front of yours though you don’t flinch at the proximity. You look into his eyes, wondering what goes inside his mind as he looks at you. Was he thinking about that night, too?
Your eyes wander to scar on the side of his neck, and the picture that your picture conjures of Wonwoo unconscious on the floor is way too real that your eyes water almost immediately. He seems to get what you’re thinking about, and before you can remember it further, Wonwoo cups your face and forces your eyes to meet his instead.
“Hey, I’m fine,” his voice echoes in the bathroom. “I’m here and I’m safe. All thanks to you.”
That doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, because you cry even more at his words for some reason and Wonwoo tries not to panic when your cry gets louder.
“I’m sorry,” you break into a sob, hugging the towel further into yourself. Wonwoo gently grabs your arms to help you stand up then brings you into his arms. You’re shaking your head, murmuring further about how you’re sorry for making him go through it though you don’t make any move to get away from him. “It’s–it’s all because of me and you–”
Your words die down when his mouth finds yours, because Wonwoo doesn’t want to hear it and, most importantly, he doesn’t want you to blame yourself for whatever the demon did. He pulls away when he feels you relax, and your eyes are a little hazy like you’re in a trance (which he’s sure he must be sprouting the same look, too), making him chuckle before he drops another chaste kiss on the side of your mouth.
“Don’t apologize,” his stern voice whispers against your ear. “You did nothing wrong, get it?”
It pains him that you don’t seem to believe his words, but he’ll remind you over and over again if that’s what he needs to do.
“Moon, you’re my mate.” Your eyes snap to him in surprise at his statement; feeling the bound is one thing, but hearing Wonwoo vocalizing it out loud is another and you’re pretty sure the whole house can hear your heart beating wildly against your chest. But Wonwoo doesn’t seem to care, and he keeps on talking as he cups your face. “They probably took me because of that, they knew you'd come if it was me in danger. I’d do it too if it was the other way around. All of that? None of it is your fault. We were caught in a situation and things happened. It’s out of our control.”
“But, still…”
“No,” he shakes his head, his smile patient and understanding. “I’m not the only one who got hurt. You did too. Do you want me to apologize for not being able to protect you?”
“No!” you raise your voice before you even realize, getting his point immediately. “But it’s different. He–they…”
He places his finger on your lips, stopping you from talking further. He doesn’t want to hear this–not when you’ve just woken up, not ever. That seems to do it for now, and he silently helps you with your clothes so you’d get out of the bathroom and eat something.
The meal is finished in the blink of an eye, and after more coddling from the pack, you find yourself back in your room by yourself, staring into nothing and thinking about what they’ve just told you about that night prior to you blacking out.
You don’t actually remember much after Wonwoo passed out, and even though it isn’t a story best fitting to be told while you’re having dinner, you insist because you can’t help but feel like there’s something missing in the back of your mind. And, true enough, they said you went berserk.
Not that you’re surprised.
You’ve called Lisa earlier to have a talk with her mom, one of the most knowledgeable mages you’ve known after your aunt. She’s said something about your wolves already bonding with each other even though you’re not marked yet, and it’s not impossible that your wolf was just running on instinct the moment it felt its mate in grave danger.
The combined power of the wolf within you and the magic running through your blood intensified because Wonwoo was basically dying.
“Moon, may I come in?” Wonwoo asks from the other side of the door, and you answer by opening the door slightly with a flick of your wrist. “Am I disturbing you?”
“Nope,” you shake your head, signalling Wonwoo to lay down next to you. “Was just thinking over some stuff.”
Wonwoo doesn’t even need to ask to know what you’re thinking about, settling under your blanket and laying on his side to face you, his eyes scouting your face. 
He was pretty shocked too when he found out you went berserk after he lost his consciousness; he’s always known you’re powerful–but to the point where you’re somehow able to turn a hoard of wraiths without doing anything? To return hellhounds to their shadows? To boil the incubus’ blood from the inside without straining any extra effort?
Seungcheol has told him he was worried you’d lose yourself for a moment there. But you passed out after that sudden wave of magic and Wonwoo figures that means your magic took control of your body if only for a brief period of time.
“How are you feeling?”
“Weird,” you shrug, and then hesitate for a bit before you relay to him the information you got from Lisa’s mom. He doesn’t reply immediately, mind still busy taking in what you’ve just told him as his fingers absentmindedly play with yours. It’s both flattering and frightening to know your bond is already that strong even if he hasn’t marked you yet. But knowing what presumably is your full power got unleashed because he was hurt…
He sees your eyes drop to the side of his neck again, and he lets your finger trace the scar in the most delicate way possible–as if afraid he’ll bleed again if you press too hard. Despite the severity of its wound when it happened, his scar has actually healed though the mark is still there.
“Moon… It’s fine. I’m here with you now and that’s what matters,” he reminds you with a whisper, his hand grasping your wrist to place a kiss there. “It’s just a scar.”
“I… can still feel him if I close my eyes, you know?” you bite your lip as you admit this, not wanting to see Wonwoo’s angry eyes. “It’s always like that after an encounter with an incubus. Usually I’d even flinch when people tried to touch me, but I suppose it’s better now because you’re here? But if I close my eyes it’s like…”
You shiver at the thought, and it feels like something is crawling under your skin as you remember how the incubus held you that night. Wonwoo places his palms on your neck, compelling you to look at him. 
“You’re here with me, okay? Remember that. You’re with me and he can’t touch you now.” Wonwoo’s voice is gentle but firm, you decide, and you find yourself nodding even though the fear is still there in the back of your mind. That’s the least you can do, you think to yourself. Pretend like it doesn’t affect you until it really doesn’t.
You don’t have it in you to cry anymore, but you’re being real when you said you can still feel his touch against your skin, and when Wonwoo’s thumb forces your lip down from the confinement of your teeth because you don’t realize you’ve been biting it, it’s then that you taste the blood on your tongue.
“Don’t do that.” He brushes his thumb against your bottom lip, his eyes can’t seem to look away from it. “You want to talk about it?”
Exhaling a deep breath, you shake your head and bury yourself into his neck instead, your lips grazing the scar there and Wonwoo has to hold back a sigh from the sensation. He wraps his arm around you instead, pulling your body closer to his so you’re pressed against each other.
He can feel you stiffen when his fingers come in contact with the skin under your shirt, though you relax immediately and cuddle yourself further into his hold. The both of you stay that way for a moment, basking in the other’s presence without saying anything as moonlight faintly shines through your window. 
Wonwoo traces a circle on your skin, and your magic once again hums in content at the feeling of it. And while his finger is making circles there, yours once again finds the fading mark of his scar that you know would forever be etched on his skin.
Your eyes find his lips, and it seems that the world stops for a moment because Wonwoo does the same, then your eyes meet his in the exact same second.
“Kiss me?” you breathe in a soft whisper, which only amplifies the effect it has on him–like your words alone don’t make his head go haywire enough. “Make me forget and–”
His kiss is soft despite the rush he’s feeling in his body. And he kisses you like it’s the only thing he wants to do–and maybe it is–and you actually have to gasp for air when it gets too much because you’re starting to get light headed from the whole thing.
You stiffen when his lips find your neck, but he reminds you again and again that it’s him, whispers over your skin to tell him to stop if it gets too much. But you find yourself making ways for his lips to wander further, your fingers already combing through his hair and pushing him deeper into you.
And it seems like your body understands that this man is worshipping you, reacting to Wonwoo in ways that you’ve never experienced before. He doesn’t forget to ask if you’re okay from time to time, doesn’t think at all about his own pleasure even though his wolf is already screaming to mark you already.
His lips find yours again, and, before you know it, Wonwoo’s hovering over you, his fingers intertwined with yours. The kiss is slower this time, and you’re pretty sure a little more and you’d be able to map the shape of his lips.
Wonwoo pulls away to take a breath, but you can’t get enough of him so your lips chase his and he grunts from the sudden force when you pull him down right on top of you. It’s safe for him to assume your wolf is dying to be marked as much as his is begging for the same thing.
“You sure you want to do this?” Wonwoo pants, his eyes piercing into yours from above.
The smile you give him is enough to make all the stars in the sky seem faint, and there’s a sudden wave of fulfillment that rushes through him at the sight of it; like he’s found his other half.
Like a puzzle with the last missing piece.
“As long as it’s with you.”
He wonders why the moon seems brighter tonight.
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taglist: @kyeomjjigae @nothingbutadeadesceane @sleeplessdawn @kpopjackie @everyw0nu @twogyuu
A/N 2: special thanks to @lily-blue for brainstorming with me when i first started writing this 😭 and happy birthday also @sunshinein17 who mentioned you share birthday with wonwoo hehe, hope you enjoy this also ^^ anyway, again!! if you're reading up to this point, thank you for sparing your time to read this rather lengthy fic and please dont hesitate to send your feedbacks bc i honestly wanna know!! i know my 10k++ fics usually have less audience but this is to celebrate wonwoo so 😸
once again, happy birthday, my love🤍🤍🤍
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kitramune · 6 months
Kissing (Rating - T)
Here's a short InuKag drabble I wrote today. I was gonna post it for WIP Wednesday but I ended up considering it finished. Oh, well! This one was inspired by @shinidamachu and her campaign to reclaim the first kiss attempt as a proper InuKag moment.
Kissing did not come naturally into Inuyasha's thoughts. Having grown up without much parental love, and even less romantic prospects, he didn't know if it ever would. He knew about kissing, of course. People did it all the time. Spouses, lovers, parents and their children, people even kissed their pets. But he'd never kissed anyone before – at least that he could remember. He'd definitely never been described as what one might call particularly loving.
But that day, in that moment, when Kagome had yelled in his face and made a big deal about her appearance – which he'd stopped thinking about if he was being honest – and whether he hated her – was she stupid? Why would he protect her and let her see his human form if he hated her?! - it did enter his mind. As swiftly and suddenly as this spitfire girl had come into his life, he found himself drawn to show her how she made him feel.
Her face was just so close. So perfectly shaped into that cute angry huff she got. They were way too close and he could suddenly think of nothing he wanted more than to lean in the extra few inches and learn what her lips would feel like pressed against his.
And why shouldn't he do it? He should totally do it. Just a little. To see if he even liked it. Who knows? It might be gross. Overrated. It'd be easy enough to find out.
He'd already told her she smelled good, so shouldn't he be more open? More honest about what he'd been feeling for her lately? She wouldn't stop going on about Kikyou, and it would at the very least be an effective way to shut her up. Right?
He grabbed her hand as gently as he could, tired of hearing her tirade. Hell, it hurt to hear she still didn't trust him after he'd bared his damn heart to her on his human night! Her eyes conveyed nothing but confusion at his action. Clearly she hadn't expected it. Yeah, well that made two of them, to be honest.
“You have it wrong...”
The second time he tried was admittedly way later than he'd meant it to be. Kagome was clearly not ready for kissing yet the first time, and he wanted to respect that. He did. Even if it drove him crazy sometimes! But hearing her reiterate her promise right before the final battle, well... It pulled at a deep-rooted longing in his chest. She wasn't going to leave him, even for her own safety. She wanted to stay with him forever. He wanted to stay with her forever. That's what people called marriage, right? So if he was proposing, he should kiss her too, right?
He wanted to. He wanted to so badly... He took her hand, just like last time. She still looked surprised, but not in the same way. She almost looked... expectant? And her hand was reciprocating his hold, just slightly, if not a little sweaty, showing her anxiety.
“Then, if that's what you want... I swear on my life to protect you.”
Kagome's giggle rang in his senses as Inuyasha nibbled at her ear, pressing her up against the outer wall of Kaede's hut. She'd been back with him for three days and he swore it was impossible to keep his hands off her. He'd never figured himself for the kind of man who would be this insatiable just to kiss his woman, but here they were, laughing in hushed voices and stealing touches when they were supposed to be working.
“Y'know,” Kagome grinned, returning his affections by kissing at his neck, “You'd better cut that out, cuz if you don't stop soon, I won't let you stop at all.”
Inuyasha groaned, dipping his head to press their lips together in one last taste before he had to let her go. “Don't remind me I have to travel out of province today... If I back out, that lech will catch on and never let us hear the end of it.”
“You better get going so we can afford our own home quickly, then.”
“Yeah,” he sighed in resignation. “Yeah, you're right.”
His wife waved him goodbye with far too much amusement cheer for his liking, and to his credit he did make it a few steps away from her... But then he cursed and rushed back to sweep her up into another deep kiss, eliciting more laughter from the woman now back in his arms.
“Just saying goodbye properly,” he growled.
She nodded through the kisses before managing to speak. “Come home soon, Inuyasha.”
“Yeah. I'll be back home before you know it.”
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teenandbeyond · 7 months
Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader
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 🎶Guess who's back? Back again. Guess who's back, guess who's back— 🎶 Edit: Lemme know if y'all want more oneshots on their lovestory and such (50 notes if you want a back story, if you pass it by even one, I'll give you a backstory and a smut if you want it.)
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Rainy Days
Warning(s): Fluff, (hints at suggestive language) adult Shoto
You and Shoto's dating life after you leave your villianous past behind.
When you wake up, the first thing you see is hetrochromatic eyes already looking at you.
"Good Morning, [Name]."
"G'Mornin," you mutter into a pillow (his intense gaze with no preparation led to you resetting there).
"Your sleep talking is cute every time."
"Ony yud tink tat (Only you'd think that)." You finally turn to meet his eyes, "Want breakfast?"
He nods, "I've been hungry for a while."
You groan as you roll out of the bed, shuffling on some slippers, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner, Sho?"
"You looked peaceful. I could wait," as he got up to follow you, he re-tied his pajama pants.
As you made your way to the kitchen, you yawned, grabbing all the dishes you needed robotically; it was like a seamless routine.
Shoto made himself helpful and helped grab ingredients (which also subtly hinted at what he wanted).
Once everything was set out, he obediently sat at the kitchen island and watched you.
At this point, you'd taught him a little about cooking...but Shoto couldn't be awesome at everything.
After years of teaching him, he'd only managed to master eggs, toast, tea, and cutting vegetables on a good day.
The minute he started your playlist, you sang along like it was your duty as an R&B nerd.
And as he watched you in your element in his kitchen, he felt glad that you were given another chance.
His gaze went down your figure, from your blindingly beautiful smile and plump lips that he could never stop finding attractive no matter how much time passed...
To your hips that swayed with your head to the music; your legs that he loved to hold and have around his—
"Why're you looking at me like that?"
His eyes slid up to meet yours, "I just...I glad that you're with me. I love you."
You didn't know how those three words still managed to fluster you after years.
You smiled, "I love you, too. Wanna try this? See if there's too much seasoning for you?"
Shoto chuckled, "I've been with you long enough to handle some seasoning by now, [Name]."
But he didn't object to being fed, of course he didn't. He loved your soul food no matter what time of day it was.
He was glad that the others weren't here to see this time, sometimes the whole 'you two are a married couple' teasing would get on his nerves.
Let him get spoiled from his Queen in peace.
As he thoughtfully chewed, you kissed his forehead and got back to work.
"Should we go out today?"
"You might want to wear more than just my shirt before we do that."
You rolled your eyes, "Obviously. I hate to see what you'd do if anyone else saw me like this but you."
He stared at you in silence for a long time, you didn't realize he was until you placed the plate in front of him.
Not a twitch.
"Hm?" he blinked back to reality. (Oh, there goes gravity.)
"You okay?"
"I was thinking about what I'd do...Probably not the best thing to happen."
You weren't any less confused as he got to eating.
"What does that mean—?”
"—It'd be better if you didn't know."
Well, okay then...
"Besides, it's raining. There's nowhere to go."
Only now did you notice the rain pounding on the window.
"And on your day off, too..."
You felt fingers intertwine with yours before lips brushed against your knuckles.
"That's okay. We don't need to go out for me to enjoy time with you. Last night, for example—"
"—Anyway. We could watch a movie or binge a show."
"If we get to cuddle, deal."
Cuddling was admittedly Shoto's favorite form of physical affection with you.
He loved the way your head fit perfectly in the crevice of his shoulder and head.
He loved the smell of your shampoo while your hair brushed his cheek.
He loved that the curve of your body fit into his, he loved your warmth.
He loved the little whispers of love and affection passing your lips.
He loved the soft neck kisses.
Your nails grazing his back.
He loved your random muttering in English, hearing the slang he understood, the slang he didn't.
He loved the intimacy, he loved how close he could be to you. The pure affection. Something he'd craved for a long time.
He loved the vulnerabilty.
He loved what it represented, the first time the two of you cuddled after a long night of talking.
He loved the trust. The safety.
He loved cuddling with you because you were truly his home.
He needed you.
Absentmindedly, he began to kiss your neck as he went deeper into thought.
More than he realized sometimes.
His friends made him learn what friendship was.
But you taught him what love was like.
He handn't realized his hands had traveled.
"What happened to inocently watching the movie?"
He smiled into his shirt, "I never said anything like that...besides, what else is there to do to repay you for the breakfast?"
Shoto loved rainy days.
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cantbelieveyouregone · 2 months
Level 65 - 5 Years, 5 Months On Testosterone
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Well, it's been a hell of a long time since I last did this. Almost like a pandemic happened and made me forget because there were slightly more pressing matters at hand. But it's just past trans day of visibility, so figured I should provide some sort of update here.
First big change since you last saw me do this is that I got top surgery. I'm now about two and a bit years past when it happened, and it wasn't completely smooth sailing. Surgery itself went fine, but I ended up having some of my stitching come out during recovery. That's, like, a whole other story, though. It could take up several paragraphs here. I got the periareolar one done, with my chest being just on the borderline of being too big for it, but I begged them to let me have that one, as it'd always been my preferred one if possible.
I'm still trying to get on the waiting list for bottom surgery, but even trying to get through to the GIC to make progress is a nightmare right now. I don't help my case by being someone who absolutely despises making phone calls, so I only try getting in touch by email. I've asked to be put on the list, twice, but I have not received any confirmation if it's happened. Really wish that I wasn't dependent on this whole GIC system, but here we are.
Besides that, in terms of testosterone changes, things have been pretty stable for a while now. My voice hasn't gotten much deeper for like a good couple years. I am a hairy boy - saw it coming, thanks to having beheld my dad swimming, and seeing that we were three for three in having facial hair among my grandfathers and dad as well.
I am still a very physically weak man. Exercise took a backseat for a lot of the lockdown period of the pandemic, as well as me doing very little exercise post-surgery on surgeon's orders. I've really only started picking it up again relatively recently, after moving out of the house I always take these selfies in (my old room - now my dad's work from home office - still has a mirror in it). I can do only about 15 push-ups before I have to stop for a breather, as my endurance has remained atrocious. I managed to do ten bicep curls in a row per arm with dumbbells weighing 8.5kg each, but I truly just reached that point. I can do like 100 sit ups on a workout bench or 50 on the floor in mostly one go, though. And I can do a plank for like two and a half minutes on a good day. So, y'know, I'm not in terrible shape, but I could be better. I want to do bouldering more regularly, but that requires breaking my existing routine to do so, so I find it hard to go very often. At least me and my flatmate walk in to work some days.
I have gained a noticeable amount of weight, compared to my last update, but that's honestly more to do with the fact that I moved out and got a job. My flatmate works at the same place I do, so we go to work at the same time. So I actually eat breakfast every day because they'd quickly notice if I didn't. Lunch is covered by our work, but it's Deliveroo from select places, so it's not the healthiest stuff we have as options. And dinner, again, flatmate and I get back at the same time and make dinner together most nights. Might not seem like a big deal, but before I had a job and moved out, I regularly slept in and didn't have a proper meal until dinner time. So funnily enough, I'm not surprised jumping from one meal a day to three has caused weight gain.
My mental health is an open question as always. I've described myself as "one thing going wrong away from a mental breakdown", and I still think that's accurate. I'm still on meds for anxiety and depression, and I still feel noticeable effects when I forget to take them. I don't think they're going away any time soon. Top surgery has helped with some of the mental health stuff, since it's one less thing for me to worry about on a daily basis, but... y'know, bottom dysphoria still exists, and it's bad. I did make some friends during university which helped to make things tolerable when I definitely otherwise would've been alone, since I pushed a lot of my high school friends away after I dropped out. I'm not in a relationship, and not only do I have limited desire to be until I learn how to take care of myself better, but I still have no idea what anyone would see in me.
I never know how to end these things. I don't know when I'll next remember to actually do one of these, because it's been a long-ass time since I did it before. Maybe I'll do a more detailed update about my top surgery experience. Maybe the folks that follow me ain't here for this, but if my post makes it across the dashboard or in the search of another person going through it, maybe it'll be helpful.
It's kind of why I started doing this in the first place.
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doc-coyote · 1 year
On December 3rd of last year, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Please understand that she is okay, now, she's doing great. But for months leading up to this diagnosis she was in intense pain. The doctors finally figured it out and told her they would do their best to take care of her and they did. What they wouldn't tell her until she was several months free of cancer, when she was diagnosed, it was so bad they thought she was as good as dead.
They only told her this when she had been the best recovery any of these specialist have ever seen. She began chemo as soon as possible. My dad became her primary caregiver and I was her secondary. She went through chemo and then they stopped it in April to let her heal enough to have surgery to cut out what remained after such aggressive chemo. Chemo was miserable. She'd basically get a few days of normalcy only to have to return for her next session.
As the chemo and surgery days were going, they discovered the cause of my mom's cancer. The big one was ovarian cancer but then they also found a dime-sized bit of lung cancer, my mother has never smoked and avoids smokers at all cost. It was genetic, a mutated BRCA2 gene, this is one of the genes that is supposed to stem cellular growth and stop cancer from happening. If you have ovaries, a mutated BRCA2 is bad news.
This gene mutation means she's susceptible to other cancers, she's already got a full double mastectomy planned for once her post chemo treatment is over so she doesn't have ticking time bombs on her chest. The three of us, her kids, got genetic testing to see if we carried the BRCA2 mutation. We don't, had it been me or my brother, it'd have meant early and regular prostate checks. Had it been my sister, she'd be looking at a full hysterectomy like mom had just gotten AND then my nieces would have had to be tested as well. Again, thankfully, that isn't the case for any of us.
This last year has been very long. I was up at all hours for months, on call for my parents. Helping whenever I could. I honestly would keep doing it as long as it means she's fine. She is doing so well that doctors debate studying her for this level of recovery. She's got a few more months of post-chemo and then once she's deemed recovered from the treatment, the masectomies, likely in the fall. She has been completely cancer cell free for months now.
My dad was always a good cook but his skills have quadrupled, bare minimum, from this. Since my mom gets tired quicker now, I've become his TV and movie watching buddy. My nieces love this fact. I'm often still over at my parents' place to help and sometimes just to see how they're doing and hang out. The feeling from last holiday season and this one is night and day.
I'll be going over there on Christmas day to hang out, likely watch a movie with my dad and give them and my nieces presents. My dad has been using an unused umbrella stand he cut as a rolling pin so I got him a real one since that umbrella stand was never meant for this. My mom has wanted new slippers and she even showed me the direct ones she wanted.
My great-grandmother on my father's side lived to be 106. I was six when I met her, she died shortly after that. She got pneumonia on the trip to visit. This locked something in my mind: our family live up to 106. My mom has joked that when I told her this at that age and having seen all we've been through, I might have locked, not just my mind, but reality as well. My mom is 66 this coming March, my dad just turned 67 last month. Roughly 40 more years here for the both of them. I'll be 37 in February, so just shy of 70 years left for me. I sure hope we can all live with that.
I'm just glad my mom proved a bunch of experts wrong just by being her. She said she's focused on the positive as best she can to get through this. It's almost the opposite of how I survive. I want to be like that. But spite and anger can keep me going when hope is lost. She says I've always had back up plans so that makes sense for me. In October, the father of an old friend, died. His dad was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. I'd often thought of him with this all happening with my mom. Hoping his treatment and health were doing better. I'd known his dad for twenty years, he was a few years younger than my parents. This has been one very long year.
I guess I tell you all of this just to say that I love you all. Since the pandemic started, I've begun ending interactions with friends with I love you. I've always done this with my parents so it wasn't difficult to spread it to my friends. So easy was it that I've accidentally said it to strangers like bank tellers and cashiers. I don't ever expect to hear it back, I don't mind if people don't feel comfortable sharing those kinds of feelings but I just want everyone I know to know that they are loved by me. I have been in mostly lurk mode on this site for years now. Liking posts and maybe sharing photos here and there. So, I love you, dear reader, even if you never made it this far in all this writing. I just felt like I should post this here.
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
Bait & Switch
Spencer Reid x GN!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, super fluffy 
Word Count: 3.5k words 
Plot: Reader reveals that they’re going to buy a Nintendo Switch so Spencer invites them to go together with him. In the process, some feelings reveal themselves.  
Author’s Note: My first time writing about Spencer, and actually, my first time writing a fic in a long time haha. Just imagine that this takes place in 2017, although you don’t have to know anything about the Switch in order to read this.
"What's got you in such a good mood, baby?" Derek asked, leaning over his chair. Even without looking up, you could feel the smirk that decorated his face. After almost a month at the BAU, you didn’t need to be a profiler to expect this much from Derek. "Got a date this weekend?"
You tried to focus on your paperwork before relenting, rolling your eyes. Still, you couldn't hide the smile in your voice when you shot back a reply. "With this job? You wish, Morgan."
"Give yourself some credit, beautiful. With your looks I'm sure you could score a good looking fellow for a night you won't forget."
"I'm sure you would know all about that," you replied, this time grinning from ear to ear.
Ever since you joined the BAU, your seat has always been across Derek Morgan. The guy was a terrible flirt but also one of the most trustworthy people you knew, so you couldn't keep up a sarcastic mood for long.
"Actually," you replied genuinely, "I'll be lining up this weekend to buy a Nintendo Switch." Out of the corner of your eye, you could sense Spencer stiffen in his chair next to you.
"A what switch?" Derek asked, his face scrunching up in confusion.
But before you could begin to reply him, Spencer rolled his chair over and opened his mouth. The both of you knew what was coming.
"The Nintendo Switch. A video game console developed by Japanese company Nintendo that's completely one-of-its-kind, on account of its console functioning like a tablet that can either be docked on a home console and linked to a TV, or used as a portable device with two wireless controllers so you can..."
Not being able to help yourself, you giggled at his info dump. You've always admired how much knowledge he could store in his big brain. But more importantly, you thought he was kind of cute like this. A fire would light in his eyes and it seemed like the world around him ceased to exist.
You only realised you were staring at Spencer when the last bits of his question registered in your mind. "...you going to?"
Blinking your eyes, you snapped to attention. Derek seemed to notice, because you felt his signature smirk return to his face.
"Which store are you going to?" Spencer repeated the question. Anybody else might be annoyed, but he only seemed mildly restless. A rare look for the unathletic genius.
"I'm going to the one three blocks down from here," you replied.
"So am I!" Spencer sat upright in his chair, beaming. You think that this is the most excitement he's expressed to you since you joined the BAU.
Then his confidence seemed to waver. He began tugging at the edge of his sleeve, eyes glancing to the side at nothing in particular when he asked, "W-would you like t-to go together?"
A smile spreads across your face before you can stop it. "Sure! Sounds like fun."
Spencer grinned back, and there was a moment of silence before Derek interrupted the conversation that he began. "Well, I'll leave you and lover boy to plan your date. I'm going to spend my Friday night at the bar."
Your heart thumped involuntarily at the word "date", while Derek turned to Emily. "Hey Prentiss, you want to grab a few drinks and dinner? I'm sure I can get the others to leave work for one night."
"Anything's better than this," Emily shrugged, lifting her mug of already-cold coffee.
Standing up to retrieve her bag, she smirked at you and Spencer, having heard more of the conversation than she let on. "Have a great weekend, you lovebirds. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
She and Derek shared a laugh as they moved towards the Batcave to retrieve Garcia next.
As you watched them go, you feel Spencer's eyes on you and a flush warming your cheeks. You knew they were just teasing you with the word "date", but the truth is you've liked the genius almost as soon as you met him.
You may not have an eidetic memory, but you could still remember the flutter of butterflies that exploded in your chest when you first laid eyes on Dr. Spencer Reid.
He had waved from a comfortable distance, the other hand tucked in the pocket of his dark slacks. He towered over you easily with curly locks that barely touched his sweater vest, and you swore you've never seen anybody more attractive in your life. His intelligence only added to your attraction. 
"Shall I pick you up at 7am tomorrow?"
You turned back to Spencer, who seemed even more nervous now that everybody in the bullpen had left. Yet what he was proposing was rather bold compared to his usual behaviour.
“Pick me up?” You repeated.
“It’ll be easier to find a parking spot that way, and the weather report predicts that tomorrow will be a sunny day, so I know you’d rather not walk three blocks to the store.” He rambled nervously.
“You know me well, Spencer.” A cheeky smile snuck onto your face, and in a moment of false bravado, you said what was on your mind. “7am. It’s a date, then.”
Spencer’s face turned beet red.
You didn’t wait to dwell on his reaction, dumping the last of your paperwork into a pile and picking up your bag. But as you walked to the elevator, you couldn’t help yourself from grinning ear to ear. It was a date. Kind of.
You couldn’t sleep. You had gotten home earlier than usual, but the extra time to plan for your “date” tomorrow proved to be a bad idea.
What would you wear? What would you talk about? Should you extend it to a meal, or dessert, or maybe coffee?
Although you were confident in the moment, you were beginning to regret teasing Spencer before you left. You’d known him long enough to know how he reacted to embarrassment, and there’s a good chance he might back away because of your forwardness. 
You groaned, trying to get these thoughts out of your head. The reality of the "date" was sinking in now. This would be the first time that you and Spencer would be alone in a non-work setting. To say that you were nervous was a gross understatement. 
But there was something worse than showing up nervous, which was showing up nervous and sleep-deprived, so you turned off your bedside lamp and tried to will yourself to sleep. That's when your phone began to buzz.
You were so on edge that the sound almost made you fall off your bed. Turning over your phone, your heart leapt to your throat.
Spencer, 2:03am: Sorry to disturb you when it's so late, but I realised I don’t have your address. Could you send it to me when you're awake?
You gulped. Just relax, just relax, you repeated in your head.
Me, 2:05am: It’s alright, you didn’t wake me up. I’ll attach my address below.
Spencer, 2:06am: Thanks. Having trouble sleeping?
Me, 2:07am: A little
Spencer, 2:08am: Me too.
What was I supposed to reply to that? You silently screamed. But it turned out you didn't have to figure it out.
Spencer, 2:11am: To be honest, I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.
Me, 2:13am: Why?
Spencer, 2:15am: I suppose it’s because we've never spent any time alone before.
Hearing the genius act so shy made you feel a little more brave.
Me, 2:16am: Well, I'm looking forward to the chance
Spencer, 2:17am: I am too.
Despite your nerves, you smiled at his small confession.
Spencer, 2:19am: We should get some sleep.
Me, 2:19am: I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Spence
Spencer, 2:20am: Sweet dreams.
Your anxieties were washed away and replaced with the biggest smile on your face. Without knowing it, Spencer’s words rippled a sense of calm over you, and you fell asleep shortly after. 
The next morning, you woke up with a newfound clarity. You knew what you were going to wear. 
Spencer couldn't stop tapping the edge of his steering wheel. He knew he was nervous, and admitting it to you last night didn't do much to stop that fact from eating away at him.
He texted you 3 minutes ago that he was waiting outside your apartment, but you hadn't replied. Although he knew that there were plenty of logical reasons why you might have missed his text, his hands didn't stop itching to call you and see if you were alright.
Then out of the corner of his eye, you emerged from the corridor and he felt his heart speed up.
You were wearing a blue flannel that he'd never seen you in before with a pair of dark jeans. Your hair, which you usually kept in a up-do at work, was let down in waves, touching your shoulders. And then there was the pièce de résistance, you were wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt with the TARDIS on it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
He didn't break his gaze on you the entire time you got into his car. Even when you beamed at him and wished him a good morning, a small yawn escaping your perfect lips, he was completely tongue-tied.
"Earth to Spencer," you called out, looking up at him curiously. "You there?"
Spencer shook his head suddenly, cursing himself internally for being such a doofus. "Sorry, uh, I was distracted. Good morning." He smiled sheepishly, tucking a stray hair strand behind his ear.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I was thinking we could grab some coffee before we headed to the store? We can make it quick. I know there'll be some people already lining up."
He peeked at you rubbing your eyes and thought it was the cutest thing he's ever seen. “Looks like you might need it," he said without realising he'd just flirted with you.
You giggled, lowering your hands from your face. "Sounds great." 
Spencer wasn't lying when he said it'd be quick, although in truth you could have taken all the time in the world and you would still be happy. The initial awkwardness between you washed away almost immediately as you fell into a quiet conversation about your favourite Doctor Who episodes. 
You wanted to commit the sight of him driving in the morning to memory. The sun had just rose, lighting a gentle halo around Spencer’s messy hair and sculptured face. He was wearing a bigger sweater than usual, the sleeves hanging around his wrists loosely. While his eyes were focused on the road, his lips parted slightly as he softly bantered with you about David Tennant. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and kiss him despite the driving hazard. And despite the fact that you’ve never kissed him, of course. But you could hope. And hope you did. 
Your hope had grown when he parked in front of the coffee house you’d once mentioned was your favourite. Spencer made your coffee order perfectly and you had found yourself hoping that it was because he’d paid extra attention to you, and not because of his brilliant memory. 
And when you reached the video game store and he opened the door for you, you hoped it was because he wanted to make a good impression, not only because he was a gentleman. 
And when he stood between you and a video game rack in line, you hoped that he was trying to shield you from the other people in the store, and you hoped that he was thinking of pressing you against the rack and kissing the daylights out of you. 
You needed to get a hold of yourself. 
The conversation had swapped to the reason why you two were here in the first place, and you found yourself talking to Spencer about Breath of the Wild, a game that brought you back to fond memories of your childhood. 
“The Legend of Zelda was the first video game I ever played, on the first console I ever owned.” You shared, smiling fondly. “It was the video game that my brother and I bonded over, and we bought every game together since.”
Spencer nodded in rapt. You felt him leaning closer to you, although it may have been your imagination. 
“This is actually the first time I haven’t been with him for a new game,” you realised. “Due to our jobs, we haven’t seen each other in awhile, but we still text each other!” You tried to end on a lighter note, not wanting to bring the mood down on this “date”.
Spencer looked at you as if he wanted to say something, but he kept his lips shut. 
“What about you? What was your first video game?” You threw the question to him, trying to divert attention away from your sad-enough story. 
He blushed in response to your question and looked down at his black converse. You noticed he began touching his sleeve in a familiar motion and you looked at him suspiciously. “Spencer?”
“W-well, the t-truth is, I didn’t actually c-come here to buy a Switch, and I don’t play video games at all.“ The last part of his sentence came out rapidly. You might have missed it, if you weren’t already used to the tongue twisters he spit out on a daily basis.
“What?” You exclaimed a little too loudly, causing the other shoppers in line to glance at you weirdly. “Then... Then what are you doing here?” You said quieter this time. Your eyebrows furrowed as your mind scanned the possibilities. 
“W-well, I, uh, wanted to spend time with you,” he blurted out. He raised his eyes to meet yours, his face completely red.
It was your turn to be flustered now. Your voice was quiet and you could feel your hands shaking. “Is this a date, Spencer?” 
“Only if you want it to be, I mean, I want it to be but your opinion matters to me, and I wouldn’t want to bring you on a date if you didn’t want to. We can just hang out like friends if that’s more comfortable--” 
You grabbed his free hand, gently lowering it from where it was moving as he rambled, until your fingers were intertwined. 
“I would like it to be,” a large smile took over your face. You were a little teary despite how weird it was to confess your feelings for him in a video game store of all places. 
Spencer was quiet for a moment, squeezing your hand in return. “Would you like to go for lunch after this? As a date,” he clarified this time. 
"I would love that,” you beamed at him, “as a date.” 
Spencer had always imagined the kind of girl he would fall in love with. Caring, intelligent, had an appreciation for classic literature, maybe. But when he saw you for the first time, every expectation he held flew out of the window.  
You were beautiful. Wavy dark hair tied into a high ponytail, wearing a navy shirt, and funnily enough, a beige cardigan and black converse. Morgan joked that it was like meeting Spencer 2.0, but he disagreed: the two of you were worlds apart. 
You were incredibly tech savvy, although not as much as Garcia, but certainly more than the rest. You loved the smell and taste of coffee without sugar. You were happy to hug everybody you met, from colleagues to victims. You didn’t like paperback so you read everything on a Kindle. 
But the biggest difference between the two of you, was that you were emotionally intelligent. 
All of your brilliance, combined with your PhD in psychology - having worked as a psychiatrist affiliated with Sex Crimes before joining the BAU - you were able to pick out the team’s moods from a single glance. It’s what endeared everyone to you immediately, and what made you such a great profiler.   
But the way you treated him was different. You just, listened to him. While everyone else had gotten into the habit of cutting him off or simply ignoring him when he opened his mouth, your eyes would light up instead. 
He could always tell you were listening because you would look into his eyes when he spoke, and you would ask him questions after he was done. 
It made him feel like the world around him ceased to exist, except for you. 
So he started studying your interests to grab your attention, trying to throw in a few jokes hoping to see you smile. It only took one month for him to seize his chance. Still, never in his calculations did he think you would say yes. 
He smiled at the thought, stroking your hair gently as you cuddled on the couch together, watching you play Breath of the Wild. 
After a more than successful first date, you had asked him to come over the next day to spend more time together. A month ago, he would have politely declined with an excuse like needing to read a new academic journal, but when he arrived at your doorstep he allowed himself to be drawn into your arms, relishing the giggle he earned as a reward for being hugged. 
“Damn it,” you grumbled quietly as you ran out of stamina scaling a cliffside for the fifth time.
Spencer laughed. Without a second thought, he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head. 
In the background Link fell off the cliff once again, the game playing a sound that he came to recognise as Link dying. But there were no curses this time, as you had turned to look at Spencer, nothing but adoration in your eyes. 
“That was our first kiss,” you said so quietly and sweetly that Spencer’s heart melted at the sound of it. 
“First?” He took his chance, leaning closer. “You know, the usage of the word ‘first’ almost always implies that there will be a ‘second’ and a ‘third’ and a...” 
His voice trailed off as your fingers left the controller to touch his lips. Your touch was intoxicating and he wanted more. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Spence,” you started, lifting your finger from his lips. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you-” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he managed to get out in a hurry before capturing your lips in his. He felt your astonishment at first, but you quickly lost yourself in the kiss as he brought his hands up to cup the sides of your face, deepening the kiss further. 
You finally broke apart after awhile, both panting for air and smiling widely. Spencer never thought he could be so lucky. “That’s the second one,” he said quietly, bringing up two fingers to indicate the number. 
You looked at him with love in your eyes and abandoned your controller on the table before throwing yourself at him, flattening the two of you against your couch. 
“Ready for the third?”
Derek Morgan wasn’t an idiot. That’s why he could tell that something had changed over the weekend between his desk mate and boy genius. 
The two came into work together on Monday morning, which was weird in itself, but they also took every opportunity to stick to each other, from coffee breaks to disappearing for lunch and “asking” about paperwork. 
When they vanished for the umpteenth time that day for coffee, Derek leaned over Emily’s desk to confirm his theory. 
“It’s not just me. Pretty boy finally made a move, didn’t he?” He cocked an eyebrow. 
“Definitely. Those two are so obvious that even Hotch has picked up on it. From his office.” She quipped, grinning as her eyes moved to the scene behind Derek. “Speak of the devil.” 
Entering the conversation, Spencer did what he did best. “Did you know that ‘speak of the devil’ is the short form of the idiom ‘speak of the devil and he doth appear’? The phrase can be traced back to the 16th century when mentioning the devil was considered prohibited. In fact, when people were caught saying the phrase--” 
Derek caught your eyes drifting to look adoringly at Spencer. He couldn’t take this anymore. “So what happened between you two last weekend, huh?” he interrupted, smirking. 
Your reaction was better than he gambled. You turned a bright red and your eyes darted between Spencer and Derek in panic, truly flustered for the first time since he’s met you. But Spencer was strangely calm, his eyes travelling from his best friend to Emily in the background trying to stifle her laughter, while a small smile tugged at his lips. 
“We’re dating now,” he announced to the two a little triumphantly, while rubbing your shoulder as a peaceful gesture. 
Derek and Emily were stunned by their friend’s directness, only to be shocked out of it as Hotch walked by. “Finally,” he muttered, loud enough for them all to hear. 
You were the first to crack a smile, then the rest followed suit with laughs and congratulations. Hearing the uproar, Garcia and JJ peeked out of their rooms, joining in and demanding more details about this new but not entirely unexpected development. 
Amidst the chaos, Spencer laces his hands in yours and gives it a squeeze. For the first time in a long time, you feel unequivocally, unmistakably happy. 
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Let me in. (m.)
Pairing- Lee Donghyuck x reader
Genre- Fluff, Smut, tiny bit of angst..?
Word count- 6.03k (ily I'm sorry oof)
Warning- sexual themes suggested, written horribly, slight corruption kink, bestfriend!haechan, slight possessiveness , fingering, praise kink, friends to lovers trope, cliché af. Also definitely not proof read.
Summary- When you let him in, paradise unfolded is an understatement.
(literally the first time i wrote based of a song and it was a really challenging but! fun experience so thank you for requesting this! This also gave me an idea of closing off my previous prompt as starting a song prompt..? )
➳ listen to Ooh La La La by Exo.
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When i turn my head
My eyes meet yours
Once again I'm staring at you
That smile is a bit too much for me
It's hard being friends with a girl, so beautiful, so generous and giving and still not having her all for yourself. Or so was how Haechan felt. 
You were so close to him, yet so far. You always looked out for him as though he was your top priority, and that boosted his ego. You were his, to an extent. It's when Haechan thought it'd be the best to have you come over to the party his frat's throwing, wanting you to loosen up a little, he couldn't hold himself back. 
After the last bell to class rang, Haechan immediately started packing his bag, remembering Mark, his other half as you exclaimed had warned him not to be even a second late, saying something along the lines of 'apparently Johnny won't DJ for us unless we actually give him something materialistic' or something.
You watch with a wide smile, your best friend frantically reaching out under his desk to get out all books only to shove them carelessly into his bag, 
"Calm down, Hyuck. You still have 2 hours to reach there and the frat house' barely half an hour away" Haechan let out a curse having dropped around 3 of his books alongside that one pen he carries around, he turned towards you with his eyebrows furrowed.
Seeing you smile wide at him, laughing even at his misery weirdly had his heart skipping beats. It was a normality now to him. It wouldn't take a genius to guess he's whipped for you, everyone, other than you apparently knew about that. 
Filled with an ease leaving me to burn
I can't breathe when i see your eye smile 
It's like you know that's your charm
"Hey don't smile at me like that! What type of a friend are you even?" Haechan exclaimed dramatically, completely ignoring how his heart had started beating just a little faster, breathing growing just a little frantic, face heating up just a little. 
"What?? I'm not supposed to smile now?" you ask with the same exaggeration, lifting your hands up to hit him softly when he got a hold of your hand, pulling you in for a hug,
"Don't ditch me at the party, I'll be waiting, love you bye!" he said it all in one breath, patting your back, placing a peck on your forehead before leaning down and picking up his  bag before dashing out of the door. 
You stood there still, bringing your palms up to your cheeks to calm the heat down. 
It's the thoughts or prejudice that you had that friends are supposed to stay friends that had you constraining your feelings for the lad. You'd be an idiot to have a whole package of what a good, ideal man is supposed to be like right beside you but still not fall for him. That's impossible even, worse than mission impossible.
"Love you too.." you say out low, mostly to yourself as you give yourself a second to calm down before moving forward to pack your own things up, leaving the classroom as soon as you're done to go set things up before the 'party' tonight. 
It didn't take long for you to decide what to wear. Simple, a skirt and a blouse. They were your usual fit anyway and you didn't like all those jazzy, flashing, revealing clothes people usually wear to parties. A pleated white skirt that fell mid thigh, a black and white striped long sleeve turtleneck shirt which you paired with a silver butterfly pendant, ending it with  black suede boots. 
 Sandra, your neighbor ergo a close acquaintance of yours, offered you a ride to the venue, having her boyfriend DJ there. She informed you how she'd be one of the ones to serve the drinks, adorning a shocked expression when you told her you don't drink. 
"Friend's with Lee Haechan yet you don't drink? No way" the elder exclaimed, you let out a laugh, remembering the last time the said boy had forced a drink down your throat, an action he regrets till date. "He might be a heavy drinker, i think the max i can handle is either a glass of wine or a bottle of breezer, nothing more and nothing less" 
You arrive at the frat house relatively faster than usual, thanks to Sandra's amazing driving skills, but you were immediately abandoned as she spotted her boyfriend, Johnny, in the yet to fill room. No doubts you had arrived early as the boys that you recognize as Felix, Han, Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, Yangyang, Mark, San, and three others you didn't know quite well off, were arranging the red party cups and bottles on the kitchen counter. 
You scan your eyes all around the room to locate your possible crush, well, best friend in the crowd. Eyes landing at the figure leaning against the wall towards the stairs as he spoke to Hyunjin, a white tee tucked into his usual black knee slit skinny jeans topped with a blue checkered oversized t-shirt which was left unbuttoned made him look absolutely breathtaking. Not to mention, his hair was gelled back, with only a few strands let loose to hover over his forehead. Godly. The only word that could describe him. 
Maybe you might've stood there looking at him for way too long, potentially drooling even because he should've felt your intense gaze upon himself, as he turned his head away from the long haired boy, looking all over the place mimicking your actions from before to spot the gaze, landing upon you. 
Haechan physically shudders, how could one look that flawless? He pats his friend on the shoulder, making his way around him with slow strides towards you. It's hard to keep his feelings intact when you look like that, that ethereal, and his hands to himself. That's a catch. He loved seeing you in your plaid skirts. But he hated that it's not just him who gets to see you like that. Haechan wanted you to dress up for him. Look pretty for him. Be pure for him. Be his. And maybe, just maybe, tonight he'd have enough courage to ask you out. 
Your eyes are whispering to me
It's like they're asking me to approach. 
Intoxicated by his looks, being able to see no one but him, you make your way towards him too, replacing the fangirling face with a smile that he adored oh so much. 
"Hyuck! Hey!" you walk faster stepping out of your daze, pulling him into a hug, before hitting his shoulders slightly, "Next time, learn to pick up your phone" you exclaim, pulling away not too far, having his hands rest on top of your hips as you look into his eyes. Haechan mumbled something incoherent under his breath, shaking his head subtly. "sorry sorry, my phone was in the other room and pretty sure you called me when we were checking the music systems" 
"you're lucky Sandra lives like, right next door. I was actually planning on ditching the party and just binge watch the office" you playfully nag at him, hitting his shoulder this time. You push yourself away from him, involuntarily, wanting to cherish his warmth a little longer, but that'd be sketchy.
"Anyways! How do I look?" you wriggle your eyebrows before doing a twirl, which had your skirt slightly lift up a bit, Haechan visibly gulps, stopping you with your hand, "ugly as usual" he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Seeing your face dim down a bit, he lets out a chuckle, "do you really need me to tell you that you're beautiful, doll?" he pulled you in again, lifting his head up when he heard sounds of gagging, a sign of disgust from somewhere around the pair of you. 
" 'do you really need me to tell you that you're beautiful, doll?' oh cut it out you filth." exclaimed a voice in a distorted manner behind you. You turn around to face a senior of yours, a close friend. "Mark!" you extend your hand out to do your infamous handshake, that lasts at least for over 15 seconds that had Haechan roll his eyes. 
"says the filthiest himself" he let out, making you snort in a not so attractive way. "Hey, at least i'm not the one flirting with my best friend here" Mark pointed out, fingers wrapped around the party cup with god knows what drink. "you flirt with anything breathing" you add, laughing as he sends a wink your way. 
"You look stunning, Y/n" "Now who's flirting huh?" Haechan said, suddenly all up his guard. "woaw, not flirting because someone would whoop my ass later, but stating facts is all i did" Mark smirked, turning back as someone screamed out his name, "well I'll catch up later, gotta blast! Byeee!" he let out hurriedly, making his way towards the back of the house.
"I'll go get us some drinks, cranberry? Or lemon?" he asked, knowing the obvious answer. "Cranberry, duh" you reply with sass to which he let out a loud laugh. 
"You got it"
Maybe you believed that it's time you break your own limits, or maybe you just wanted to seem cool to Donghyuck. Whatever the reason was had you drink more than what your tolerance allowed you to. You felt euphoric and sick at the same time. You weren't completely gone just yet, you were still sober, surprisingly. The actual surprise is that Haechan, the usually 'I'll end all drinkers carrier' type of guy, stopped at just a bottle of beer. 
Reaching out to the glass Renjun held out towards you as an offer, you felt your hands being swatted away, making you flinch slightly. 
"That's enough drinks for her tonight" he said, shoving his friends hand away slightly as you whined. "i can handle a drink more" you reply, reaching out again, "no you can't, and no you won't" he insisted, raising his eyebrows at you in a challenging way, wanting to see if you'll oppose him. 
It might've been the intoxicating liquid in your system at the moment, but staring back at Haechan had the bottom of your stomach churning. You look away with the same speed you initiated the eye contact with. 
"You're not my dad.." you mumble, puckering your lips into a small pout as you hear his friends laugh at your slight quarrel. 
"but i am your boy- best friend. And for a fact, i know you'll fall unconscious if you take another drink" Jaemin starts hooting slowly at Haechan's slight slip up.
"Tsk, whatever" you reply, rebelling against him and taking the bottle out of Renjun's hand as he stared at you, amusement clearly evident on his face. 
"Feisty. I like how you don't listen to hyuck, maybe we should be best friends" he let out, holding out his fist to fist bump yours, which you do, sticking your tongue out at your best friend. 
"Okay! Let's play, put a finger down if you have!" Yangyang suggested, eyes scanning all your faces to see if anyone's not feeling the game today. Seeing everyone do nothing but nod, he starts dictating, asking them to put up five fingers. The first person to lose out apparently has to either take shots or confess their deepest secrets. 
The first rounds went well, easy questions which made you feel bored, slight headache striking in, making you rest your head on Haechan's shoulder. Sensing weight on his shoulder, he turned his head towards the side, looking at you with concern, a glint of 'I told you' shining through the orbs. 
"tell me off later, my head hurts real bad" you mumble, soft enough for only him to hear before he could nag at you. Saying nothing else other than shifting closer to you for you to get comfortable he said, "Just sleep, I'll take you home".
The moment you close your eyes after his words, you hear Jeno blurt out the next question, it being his turn to do so. 
"put a finger down if you've ever been head over heels for your best friend", His other friends chuckle, while Jeno smirked at Haechan, too tired to open your eyes to see who put a finger down, you fail to notice Haechan put a finger down, looking down at you all worn out on his shoulder, his circle feigning disgust. 
The game was probably long done, the party might've also ended, you must've fallen asleep because the next time you open your eyes, you find yourself in your best friend's bedroom, still feeling tired. Looking outside the window, seeing it's still dark outside, you turn to the side, flinching just a bit when you find Haechan at the side of the bed, arms folded over the sheets as he rests his head on top of it. It must've been uncomfortable kneeling on the floor for that long. 
You take the chance to look at him properly, well, better than the past god knows how many years into your friendship. You take your time to roam your eyes all over his facials. Gawking at the moles adorning his tanned skin, lifting your fingers up to feather over them. Your hands then move to the scars at each corner of his eyebrows, chuckling as you remember how he got them. 
You brush his dishevelled hair out of his face, the action making Haechan stir in his slumber which had you stop your moments completely. Running your fingers through his hair one last time, about to pull your hands away from him to not wake him up you feel his hands grip your wrist, holding it in place. 
You yelp, not expecting him to be awake, "why did you stop? I was about to fall asleep" he whines out, getting up from the floor, standing to his full height which makes you shift, leaning your back against the headboard to look at him more comfortably. 
"Did you carry me up here?" you asked, voice a little hoarse as the alcohols after effects had your throat burn. "Nope, you just zapped here. Of course I carried you" he replied, masking his flustered look at how you looked, face glowing, eyes hazed and on bed. His bed. 
"Does it hurt for you to reply normally for once..?" you open your eyes a little wider in genuine curiosity 
Oh la la la, please allow me 
Oh la la la, into your imagination 
I'll go right in, so let me in
I'll dance in your eyes 
Oh la la la, the moment our gazes meet. 
Replying is hard, keeping his eyes away from your lips is hard, to stop himself from slowly leaning forward was hard too. You're killing him. The alcohol in his system did nothing more than fuel his desires for you.
It's weird, how one moment, you're whining at your best friend being a sarcastic hoe to how your breath gets caught in your lungs the next moment at the sight of your crush leaning closer to you. 
It's weird how all those thoughts of, 'friends should stay friends' were thrown right out of the window when he was now, just inches away from you, noses grazing each other.
The proximity was that where you could feel his breath fanning your lips. Now that's weird too, weren't you just having a normal conversation? 
Haechan snaps out of it, you're probably drunk. He pulls away just as you close your eyes, ready to bask in the feeling of his lips against yours. 
"I can't.. You'll forget all this by tomorrow, I'll wake you up before class, have some rest." He said, avoiding eye contact as you felt a pang of disappointment hit you. 
That night, all Haechan could think of was your slightly parted lips, eyes fixated on your lips and your slow, shallow, small breath. 
You've never felt awkward around Haechan, neither do you want to feel awkward around him, but each time you see him, all you're reminded of is how close you were to change your friendship into something else. 
On the other hand, Haechan wanted to hit himself for cowering out once again. He was so close to finally making you his. But now all he's left with is a sexual tension so thick that could be cut by a knife. He wanted you. He craved you.
It only started working him up more the day you called him over to your studio apartment for a movie night, ignoring all past events over the week. Them being, Haechan becoming a much touchy friend. He's always been a physical affection shower either ways. 
Haechan complied, arriving at your place with a large bag of Doritos. Greeting you with a huge smile, ignoring the fast beating of his heart when you reciprocate the same expression. 
"Heyyy! Missed me? I know! I missed me too" Haechan said, making his way around you quickly to hide the crimson that took place on his cheeks, not wanting you to see it. 
"I did" you say quietly, closing the door as Haechan made himself comfortable on your couch, having set the chip packet in the kitchen counter. 
He mentally took a note of your outfit, plain black shorts that were a little too short for the sake of his heart not falling right out, and a white shirt, a crop top, to be precise.
"It's your turn to choose the movie" you say, making your way towards the other side of the couch. "Monsters inc?" he answers as you whine, having already regret the choice of giving him the liberty. 
"Hyuck we watched that movie about like, 5 times, when will you get over it?" you ask
"Never so stop whining and watch the movie with me." he replied with the sass you were oh so familiar with, making you roll your eyes. 
Ah, it's going to be a long night. 
You were lost in your own thoughts, not paying attention to the movie much as you remember the night at the frat house. It's impossible to get Lee Haechan out of your mind. It's impossible because you know he has his eyes on you right now. Looking at you, oblivious to the fact that you knew of his gaze. 
"Hyuck.. " you call him out, turning to face him from your side of the couch. Haechan looks away momentarily, flustered as you caught him stare at you. He hums in response, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen. 
"About that night in your room" you start, turning completely, your body facing him as you sit criss cross. Haechan visibly tenses up, thinking you're about to tell him off for crossing the line, "Y/n, about that, i'm- i'm sor-"
"Do you like me?"
Right now, in this moment, the space between us
Is filled with this strong trembling 
Becoming a rhythm and drawing me in
Let your body move to it however you'd like. 
Haechan was caught off guard by your question, blinking, once, twice, even shaking his head to see if he's imagining things, "Huh?" he asked just for confirmation. 
"Do you like me..?" you repeated, slower, heart racing in anticipation as you lean forward a bit, waiting for his reply.
"What are you going to do if I say.. Yes?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he leaned forward a little too. You had the strong urge to want to lean back from the proximity, feeling blood rush up to your cheeks but you stood your ground, wanting to do this right here. Right now. 
"Then I'll continue what we almost started" you exclaim, the smile he loves so much finding its way onto your face.
"Will you? Really?" he asked, scooting closer to you, something about his eyes switching gazes when you lean further, making your shirt come down a bit. You nod, that's when he pulls you forward by your arms, making you let out a sound of surprise as you crash onto his side, looking at him with your eyes widened. 
"Then yes." he whispered after leaning close to your ears, you feel yourself growing hot each passing second. The position is extremely intimate. You pull away to look into his eyes, to spot any signs of all this being nothing more than just a joke. You lose it when he looks at you with a strong gaze, eyebrows slightly raised, lips drawn into a small smile, immediately pressing yours onto his after staring it for way too long.
His hands found their way around your waist, tugging at you slowly, gesturing you to get onto his lap. 
An odd smile that doesn't let on
Seeing through the curiosity driving me on
And sending a sign
You oblige, as your lips move in unison, Haechan shifted in his seat to a better position, man spreading to let you sit better on his lap all while still not letting go of your lips. 
His hands find their way under your crop top, letting his arms wander the bare skin of your back, his cold touch in contrast to your warm body making you gasp. Haechan takes the opportunity of your parted lips to enter your mouth, tongue pressing against yours making you whine. 
You pull away only when you feel your lungs practically begging for a puff of air even, tugging softly at his slightly grown hair, letting out an airy giggle at the sight of your lip color smeared at the corner of his lips. 
"That was way better than all I've imagined it to be" Haechan smiled at you, pressing his forehead against yours, pulling you closer by the hips. You look away from his gaze, "you've imagined kissing me?" you ask softly, playing with the charm hanging off his neck.
"way too many times to keep a count" he replied, placing another peck on your lips, pulling away immediately, laughing as you subconsciously follow his lips. 
He finally let's you press onto his lips once again, groaning as your teeth clash from how fast you were at finding his lips. You whimper when his hands squeeze at your sides.
You jerk forward, testing the waters as you move your lips from his lips, to his neck, peppering the skin with kisses, giving extra attention to those moles you adored that were scrawled all over his skin, occasionally nibbling at the spot you left a wet trail at. 
It's like you're telling me to open the door
To your slightly open heart and come right in
Please allow me 
Into your imagination 
I'll go right in, so let me in
I'll dance in your eyes
The moment our gazes meet. 
He sighs in content  at the feeling of your plush lips pressed against his skin, "I won't be able to control myself if you keep going, doll" you continue your ministration.  Then don't" you say, trying to sound as sultry as possible. Having waited so long to have Donghyuck as more than just friends had you desperate for any sort of contact from his side. 
You could sense his slight hesitation, maybe he didn't want to rush things, maybe he just couldn't get himself to do it, or maybe, he was just nervous.  
Should I really try making a move now? 
What should be the first thing I say? 
The moment I hesitate, thinking it over
You get up and walk away. 
You stand up, from his lap, looking at his eyes, nodding so softly that he'd miss it if he'd blink as you make your way towards your bedroom, smiling. You tug at your shirt, slowly, above your head, not daring to turn to look back at Donghyuck's reaction, a triumphant look washing over your facial as you hear him growl with that honey voice of his. 
He must've stared at your back a little too long, seeing your hair cover the top half of your torso as you turned towards your bedroom, looking at him one last time before entering the room which was illuminated with just your fairy lights. 
Even as I look at your bold back from far away
Your slow pace is telling me to follow
Girl just tell me what you like
It's like you're telling me to hurry
"she'll be the death of me.. " he ruffled his hair, before getting up to walk down the same pathway as you. 
Walking into your bedroom, Haechan was more than sure that the sight before him was the most ethereal sight he'd seen his entire life. 
You sat by the foot of the bed, adorned in only your black lace bra, the black shorts, and your hair left open in all glory. He swallows the lump forming in his throat, mood switching so fast because the boy you walked away from, Lee Haechan, the one hesitant to take it this far, was now replaced with the Lee Haechan, walking towards you with long, confident strides. 
As he comes to stand in front of you, he bends down, snaking one of his arms around your waist, pulling you up and close to his body. 
"tell me, have you been dreaming about me just the way I've dreamt about you?" he leans closer to the nape of your neck, running the tip of his nose along the unexpectedly sensitive skin up to your ears, nibbling at the earlobe. 
"Have you waited for all this just as much as i have? Tell me, princess" he rasps out as you place your hands gently by the belt loop of his jeans. 
Please allow me
Into your reality 
Not trusting your voice, you nod, wanting to feel his lips against yours once again but Haechan held onto you with a firm grip, 
"Tell me, baby. Words, those are the keys. Use your words" He moved from nibbling onto your earlobe to marking territory onto your skin that had you jerking forward, further into his body. 
I'll approach you, so hold onto me
Tell me that you were waiting
The moment i reached you
You huff out, opening your mouth the exact moment he took hold of your chin with a gentle grip, looking at your orbs with so much expectation, so much adoration, so much love, so much lust. 
"I've waited a long time too." you start 
"I waited for so long; the day in your room, during that night, I was so happy when you approached me, but then you pulled away. You made me wait enough Hyuck, please let me feel you now? I want you. No. I need you" 
You didn't pay attention to his heaving chest, or how his eyes were turning into a whole darker shade of ebony, instead, stood on your tip toe and engulfed his slightly puffy lips with yours. 
Haechan didn't deny the kiss, dying to take you quick there itself when the first sentence left your lip, but he wanted to take it slow, he wanted to show you how much he's waited for this too. How much he likes you and he wanted to make sure you felt it from each action of his. 
He urged you to move backwards, closer towards the edge of the bed, not breaking the kiss even for a second, his hands securing around your waist as he slowly bends down to place you on the quilt. 
His hands make their way back, fiddling with the hook of your bra as he breaks the kiss with one last peck at the corner of your lips. "i need you too, doll. I need you just as much as you need me, maybe even twice as much" he mumbles against the soft skin of your collarbone, tapping at your back with the tip of his finger once he had the hooks undone to pull the material away from your body. 
Shyness suddenly overpowers all lust, you bring up an arm to cover your now exposed breast while Haechan is busy throwing your clothing behind him. 
Turning around, facing you, he smiles at you, gently prying your hand away from your chest leaving your torso bare naked in front of him which had you shut your eyes with embarrassment. 
"Look at me, baby." Donghyuck urges you. 
You give yourself a second, inhaling sharp as you flutter your eyes open, looking straight into his eyes. "You have no reason to hide yourself from me" he pulls away after placing a peck in the valley of your chest. He tugs at the edge of his hoodie, pulling it over his head before discarding it behind.
"Here. Now we both are half naked" he smiles at you as you mirror his expression. 
Donghyuck wasn't all that built, he wasn't not built either. Ever since Renjun started forcefully dragging Haechan to the gym, he'd lost that baby stomach that you loved to poke at during class just to annoy him, now replaced with very faint ab lines which, you were sure you'd grow a liking for pretty soon.
You whimper at the feeling of his lips graze over hardened nipples, jolting forward when he lifts hands from above your hips to your neck where he'd previously left his mark, tracing the reddish purple/brownish skin. 
He latches his lips onto one nib, swirling his tongue around the hardened muscle, his free hand making its way south, waiting for any signs of protest before dragging the short down, shifting his attention over to the untended nipple. 
"beautiful.. " he mumbles against your wet nipple, blowing onto it later, all sensation making you feel ecstatic.
"Hyuck, I need-..need you" you choke out.
"I know, princess. But we need to prepare you a little, hm?" he lets out, voice a few octaves deeper than usual, as he finally tugs your panties down your leg, letting it slide itself onto the floor.
Haechan looks at you, expression blissful from all the attention you're getting. You quickly nod, looking at him giving him a hundred percent access to do you however he likes when you notice his eyes silently ask for consent. 
He feathers his thumb over your clit, smiling at how responsive you are to his touches. He slowly starts drawing circles onto the sensitive bud, pressing his lips to the side of your face, whispering sweet nothings into your ears. 
"Haechan!" you whine out, his words only adding to the pleasure. Experimentally, he moves his finger down to your slit, feeling your slick wetness coat his fingers making him let out a throaty sound of satisfaction. 
He did this to you. 
That had his ego boost shoot right up the roof. He let the tip of his middle finger poke at your entrance, cooing at you while pressing it inside of you. "So wet, baby. All for me?" he questions, slowly moving his wrist back and forth.
You nod frantically, "Hm? Words?" he pushes, slightly picking up the speed. 
"All for you, H-haechan. It's.. It's -all for you" you cling onto his forearm, as he coax you closer to your orgasm. "That's right baby, it's all for me" he presses his lips against your cheeks once again.
He adds in another finger when he knows you're close, speeding up even further, curling the digits in you which had your eyes roll back. 
Your orgasm washes over you with so much intensity the moment he engulfs your nipple once again. Slowly helping you ride out your orgasm, only removing his fingers from within you when you started to writhe from overstimulation. 
"You did so well doll, can you take one more?" he asked sweetly as you calmed down. That's when you realized how selfless he'd been, now looking down at the dent on his jeans which looked a little painful. 
You get up after nodding as you watch Haechan unbuckle his belt, removing the jeans along with his boxer, adding it to the pile of clothes behind him, you lean forward, "Your turn" you tell as Haechan's face contorts into confusion. 
Finally realizing what you mean, he smiles at you, pulling you into another loving kiss as he runs a hand down your messed up hair. "Maybe another time? I just want to feel you around me now, princess, i can't wait longer" 
With that, he made you lay back down, "condom?"
"It's fine, I'm on pills" you rub your hand up and down his hands that were beside you, balancing his body above yours. The thought of going raw inside you made Haechan's member twitch. 
He runs his member up and down your wet sex, coating it with your essence before letting the head poke at your entrance as it expands with each inch he enters in, the wetness making it so much easier to enter. 
He lets out a groan that sounded so much like a whine, finally having been able to feel your walls perfectly fit around his shaft. He leans down, now balancing himself on his elbows as you finally give him the go ahead sign. 
He interlocks your lips with his as he slowly starts moving his hips into yours. "You feel so good for me, doll. Fuck." he rasps out against your lips. 
He had to hang onto the last of his rationality to not ram into you, you just felt that good around him, and he felt so good inside of you. 
Haechan slowly picks up the pace, now moving a little faster against your hips as you reduce down to a moaning mess, chains of his name leaving your mouth continuously.
"Hyuck, i..I'm close" you moan out, the little sensitivity you'd left from your previous orgasm slightly striking in. Your moans encouraged Haechan to go faster.
Testing the water, he pull moves back completely to a point where only his tip's inside of you, "Yeah?"  he questioned while slamming back inside of you, making his tip brush against your soft spot which coaxed you closer to your high. 
"Yes-" you whimper, when he finally let go and snapped, desperate to chase his high. The new pace having him constantly hit the pleasure spot. 
You start clenching around his member, not wanting to orgasm before him. "Fuck baby, me too. I'm close too" 
"Haechan im.. I'm coming-" you let out a long loud moan as you feel yourself being thrown towards your edge, face contorting into that of pure bliss, as the constant clenching helped drag him towards his high. 
"Shit, Y/n" he immediately pulled out, feeling his own high wash over his, pumping the wet shaft a few more times before spurting ribbons of his essence all over your lower abdomen. He kept going until he felt himself grow soft in his grip. 
He clashes down beside you once wiping his hands down on the sheets which you most definitely have to wash the next day. 
"Don't fall asleep on me baby, i want to ask you something" Haechan lets out quickly as he finds you blinking slowly, most probably out of exhaustion. 
"I'm not.." you hoarse out. 
"I mean it when i say, i like you, Y/n. Heck, i think I'm in love with you" he starts flipping so that his back was on the sheets with you on top of him. 
"So.. Will you.. Will you be my-"
"Yes!" you reply fast, suddenly having sparks of energy flow through you. 
"you didn't let me complete my question though" he chuckles, pressing a peck onto the crown of your head. 
"Yes. I will be your girlfriend!" you make yourself a little clearer this time around. Girlfriend. His. 
"That.. Means.. You're mine?" he asks, unsure if he should ask so or not. 
You nuzzle further into his chest, tightening your grip around his bare torso. 
"I'm yours"
Now i approach you,
You and I have grown closer.
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huaxxian · 3 years
Stone Skipping || CH2 ; 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯
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Half a year had passed since [name] and Senku had been revived at the very same day. Experiments were conducted, their home slightly improved, but the two had still made no other progress with the revival serum. Despite that, neither had given up, instead opting to continue trying.
The two teenagers had been gathering sticks in an area near their home, each having an axe of their own. “[nickname],” Senku looks down at their form, who sat in the very same branch he was standing on. Said person looked up at him, tilting their head. “You brought the basket, right?” They nodded in response, silently pointing at the basket below their branch. He nodded thankfully, adjusting the sticks gathered in his arms.
He could see them move to take it from his grasp, but he gave a pointed look, saying, “Don’t you dare take it. I already made you carry three other baskets back home.” A pout overtook their face, but nonetheless, they nodded and sat back down as he cut even more sticks from the upper branches.
rustle, rustle
step, step, step
[name] perked up at the sounds, turning their head to look past Senku’s form. Not even a moment later, an oh-so-ever-familiar form popped from the bushes as he pushed it aside, breathing heavily. The smile on their face widened as Taiju’s eyes widened at the sight of the duo. “S-Senku..! [nickname]!” His eyes teared up.
I found them! They’re alive!
From beside the shorter teenager, Senku smirked at him. “Kukuku, so you finally woke up, eh? You great big oaf, stop making your sibling worry for so long. You don’t want to see them with white hair so quickly, now do you?” He quickly moved down from the tree, offering his hand to [name] after, helping them down.
Immediately upon the teenager’s safe landing on the floor, Taiju started wailing, opening his arms to hurriedly give a hug their way. Not even concerned in the slightest, all [name] did was open their arms, beaming right back.
"You're alive, you're alive!! Senku, [nickname]! I c-can't believe it.."
Well, if [name] wasn't the slightest bit concerned, Senku most definitely was. Placing a foot on his face, the male hurriedly pushed the shortest out of Taiju's way, which ended up being behind him. "Don't hug either of us when you're buck naked, idiot! I'll fucking kill you!" [name] gave his back a pat, shaking their head. "Sen-chan, don't be too mean. You know it's completely just how Tai-chan is." They smiled, turning to the said person. "It's nice to see you after so long.. I would give you a hug, but.. I don't think Sen-chan would let me."
Taiju returned his sibling figure's smile. "It's okay! I get it.." He scratches his head sheepishly, laughing it off. "I think?" They giggled in response, motioning their head to follow them, which he did. Starting their trek back home, Senku spoke, "As of today, it's October 5th, in the year 5738 AD. How long you planning on sleeping in, huh?"
He pointed at [name], who was beside him, skipping as they went. "We've been awake and working for over a half a year now." Taiju blinked in surprise, the information slowly processing in his brain as seconds passed. "Huh?" The brawn of the group looked over to the other brain, confusion evident on his face. "How does Senku know just precisely what the date is..?"
[name] closed their eyes and smiled at him. "Sen-chan just counted, is all." Senku picked at his ear, scoffing. "As if there's another way of keeping track."
Another slow moment of processing.
"..So then, inside that darkness.. the whole time, you.." He glanced at [name] once more. "Did you too..?" His tone of voice had softened considerably, and so had his features. They shook their head. "It was just him, and I knew even then." They smiled and looked forward as Senku pushed aside the branches ahead of them.
"Even if I was able to wake up through sheer willpower alone.. If I were to wake up without means of survival in the midst of winter and with no food supply, it'd be game over. That's why, in order to survive, it was essential that I start in spring."
"That's also precisely why Sen-chan needs an accurate calendar," [name] added, "He wouldn't be able to know otherwise, and luck would be too much of a risk to depend on." Taiju placed a hand under his chin, opening his mouth to ask another question when Senku jerked his head to the front. "Hey, we're here. Don't just stand around gawking, get your ass over here and help out."
Brown eyes widened in astonishment. It wasn't no fancy house, but it was stable and enough. A simple rack made of sticks and vines leaned on the tree's huge trunk, holding several stone spears. "I haven't had enough manpower. [nickname] was of great help, but I didn't want to burn them out than what was necessary. That'd be stupid, I'd be working the only other person in this world death. It took up to an entire day of just drawing up life and survival plans on my own, while they hunted for food and materials. To progress forward into some kind of civilization from here.." He trailed off, glancing behind him to where the two stood, listening to his explanation.
"We've been waiting for you all this time," Taiju pointed to himself, confusion heavily lacing his face. "Yes, you, damnit Taiju. We waited for you because we were both ten billion percent sure that you were alive!" [name] walked forward, now beside the scientist. "You decided to tell Yuzu-chan about your feelings prior to the petrification, and we both knew Tai-chan well enough to know that you wouldn't give up after deciding so."
"Especially not after being cut off in the middle of a man's resolve," he huffed and smirked. "You weren't ball-less to the point of giving up and throwing in the towel after just a measly thousand years!"
Taiju looked down, clenching his fist. It was silent for a few seconds, but as always, with them, it doesn't last long. The fiery determination they had gotten accustomed to seeing had returned ten-fold, and they could only stare as he agreed.
"You're damned right!"
The scientist of the quartet looked over at his assistant. "Can ya get him some damn clothes already?" His nose scrunched in disgust as he pointed shakily at the muscular student, earning a confused and completely innocent look in return. [name] laughed at his obvious disgruntlement, nodding. "I'll go get clothes for Tai-chan!" They waved before carefully climbing their so-called ladder and hurrying inside.
It didn't take long before Taiju had gotten his clothes, and before [name] was forced to rest by the one and only scientist of the group. The two had bickered back and forth repeatedly; Senku insisted that they take a break, since they apparently wouldn't be getting a lot even with Taiju around. Despite his confusion, Taiju agreed with this, making them reach a compromise.
[name] would rest just as the two wanted them to, but not up in the hut. Instead, they'd be napping on a covered area on the ground near the fire Senku was trying to make.
"When we need to use our heads.. I'll leave the thinking up to the two of you, Senku." Taiju glanced at his napping sibling. "And when we need to use our bodies.. you leave that to me." Senku glanced over as well. They looked comfortable enough, not at all irritated by the grass or the fire crackling nearby. Sleeping like a baby, they simultaneously thought, amused.
Senku turned towards Taiju once more. The time humanity took to climb from the stone age to our previous civilization.. was two million years. But, we're going to dash all the way back to the top all at once. "We'll take back the world and I'll identify the scientific cause on why we turned into stone, and how we were revived.. with the help of [name]."
Careful not to shout as he usually does, Taiju nodded and added, "And then.. I'll save Yuzuriha!"
"Three high school kids.. are going to build civilization from zero. We'll become the Adam and Eve of this world." Senku smirked widely, standing up and placing his hands on his waist. "Now, things are starting to get exciting!"
The two were calm and quite frankly, inspired by each other's goals, only to panic as [name] sleepily moved around, adjusting their place during their sleep. They covered each other's mouths and stared worriedly down at the shortest of them three, but fortunately, they didn't wake up. Taiju and Senku looked at each other and nodded, vowing not to cause anymore noise.
Senku pointed at their tree house and mouthed, "Bring them up." The other caught on to this instantly and carefully scooped them up in his arms, making sure that they were comfortable and left asleep. Then, without much difficulty, Taiju brought them upstairs, his friend following in tow. He placed them down on their make-shift bed, pulling the extra animal skin they had used as a blanket over them not long after, patting their head affectionately.
Taiju blinked and turned to Senku. "Wait, so was it just you guys this whole time?" The male in question raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, it's just been us." Taiju stared at him, expecting him to say something. "Why are you staring at me like that for??" He opened his mouth, pointing as he whispered, "You didn't tell them about your fee—"
Senku quickly put a zip on his mouth, grumbling.
The next morning, [name] had woken up to Senku and Taiju still sleeping. It must be pretty early still.. They pushed the blanket away from their form, standing up silently. The teen carefully walked down the ladder, keeping an eye out on the two until they were out of their vision. A yawn escaped their mouth as they stretched their arms and shoulders, shaking their head as they did. What to do..?
[eye color] eyes looked around. They could go hunting for food like mushrooms and animals, but it would be more efficient for Taiju to do it, because he was literal brawn. Though, maybe I should come with Tai-chan later on if he does end up gathering food.. He might take poisonous mushrooms along. [name] could make more jars or baskets, but Senku would most definitely scold them for working too hard. Again.
Honestly, they can't see what he's talking about.
So instead, they opted to walk towards the high school primate's statue. If they could remember correctly, which they could, Tsukasa Shishio's statue was not too far from Yuzuriha and the camphor tree.
True to their memory, it really wasn't far. No animals in sight, nor any other statues in his area. Nature's green, green, and more green is all that could be seen. Pretty, [name] smiled to themselves, gathering the bunch of dahlias and other flowers into their arms. Without much struggle at all, they weaved the bunch into a gorgeous flower crown, one that would surely fit snugly on Tsukasa's head.
They brought it on the male's head, fixing the vines and the petals softly, making sure that his vision wasn't obscured whatsoever. Next, they took a few steps back, admiring their work. As I thought, it does fit Tsuka-chan. [name] nodded in approval and sat down on a nearby root, humming a song they especially liked from back then.
I wonder how everything became like this.. A time-lapse would be interesting to see.
They looked down on the dirt. It was devoid of rocks, unlike the last few areas they've been in. Upon realizing, the teen immediately takes a stick and begins drawing on the ground. Three pairs of nubs.. three heads too. Leek for hair, spiky hair, wavy hair.. Rocket ship. Proud, they grinned and tilted their head, staring down at their work.
It wasn't the best of art, of course. It was merely three little chubby figures that represented the trio that they so deeply treasured. Their proud green faded, and soon, a frown had taken its place. Something's missing.. Quickly, [name] erased the rocket ship outline with their foot to make space. Then, without a shadow of a doubt, they added one more figure.
Long hair and buffy arms.. It's Tsuka-chan!
The grin from before returned anew. The rocket ship outline was quickly drawn again, and for this time, they were satisfied.
"I wonder if Tai-chan is already awake.. or Sen-chan.." They yawned and stood up, brushing away the not-so imaginary dirt around of their skirt. [eye color] eyes glanced behind to check on the statue one last time before smiling. "I'll see you soon, Tsuka-chan.."
With that, they turned back, walking back home.
When they had arrived, the two were already awake and kicking, arranging their respective areas. Taiju had noticed them first, and with a happy shout, had alerted Senku as well. "You're back," the scientist nodded towards them in greeting. In contrast to his reaction, Taiju immediately got down from their little hut and bounded towards his sibling, hugging them tightly.
"Keep hugging them like that and they'll run out of air, you big idiot." Senku retorted as he followed suit, albeit less enthusiastically and more calmly. [name] only smiled in return, patting the taller on the back. "Big oaf, you up for gathering food?" Enthusiastically, the male in mention nodded his head, quickly taking a basket from nearby. [eye color] eyes glanced at the scientist, as if waiting.
Feeling their expectant stare, Senku snickered and picked at his ear with his pinky. "Of course, you're joining him too [nickname]. Keep him out of trouble, and make sure the idiot doesn't get himself attacked or poisoned." He pressed a hand against his mouth, as if trying to block the snickers.
Not that he was actually trying, though. It was actually the opposite.
Satisfied and amused, [name] closed their eyes and smiled, taking a basket as well. Taiju immediately dashes off, leaving a trail of dust behind him, and causing it to spread everywhere. [name] coughed and looked away from all the sand and dust before waving at the scientist. "We'll make sure not to take too long, Sen-chan.."
Senku gave another nod before turning away. The [hair color]-haired teen hurried, and with some effort, was able to catch Taiju before he could get too far from them.
"[nickname], what should we gather first?" [eye color] eyes looked around cautiously, taking in the environment. From what they could tell, there were some pigs nearby. The rustling as well as their familiar grunts is what gave it away. They quickly pressed a finger to their mouth, to which Taiju immediately silenced himself, waiting for their next order.
"There are pigs nearby. We don't know where the mushrooms are at right now, and since the pigs seem to be a closer choice, let's go with that.." [name] spoke as softly as they could, but loud enough for Taiju to still understand their message. He nodded in determination and moved to single-handedly take any pig on, but stopped as they placed a pale hand on their arm, halting him in his position. He looked towards his sibling in confusion, tilting his head.
[name] smiled at him and shook their head, motioning him to stay still, so he did. Taiju watched curiously as the teen quietly grabbed onto a branch and pulled their upper body up, causing them to now stand. Surprisingly enough, despite all the movement, the rustle of leaves seemed natural, as if it was just a rustle of the wind and not a teenager climbing a tree. He could only watch as [name] looked down at him from their position above, saying, "Please stay here, Tai-chan.. I'll bring them to you, so brace yourself to catch one or two, okay?"
Taiju beamed up at them. "Okay." He responded, lowering his stance and opening his arms wide. His sibling smiled at his determination and switched from tree to tree, getting closer to the area of the pigs, as evidenced by the growing sound of grunts. Few adults.. few young ones, [name] mused to themselves. Some squeals were pitched, but majority weren't.
I can't overwhelm Tai-chan with too many pigs. I can't trap them when they're this close either. The very best I can do is to get one or two younger pigs.. But how do I? They glanced around. They moved to another tree, one that was to the left of the pigs. Tai-chan is to the right. The pigs can't move to the north, there's no entrance or exit there. It's blocked. [name] quickly stood still and observed keenly from above.
There were four adults, but only two piglets to be seen. Sen-chan would be satisfied with one, or at the very most, two of them.
And so, they formulated a plan.
Without further a do, they dropped from the tree, not bothering to cover the noise. The pigs became alert, and soon enough, their eyes had caught on to the teen's form. They grew increasingly loud in sound and scattered, moving towards their left, the other remaining direction for escape. Quickly reacting, [name] ran towards the two mini-groups (stomping and making loud noise with their feet all the while), forcing the piglets to separate from their adults. This time, they moved towards Taiju's direction, just as they had planned.
[name] immediately began creating even more noise, as well as increasing their speed. In panic, the pigs hurried even closer towards Taiju's direction.
Any moment now. [eye color] eyes made contact with familiar brown ones, and they nodded. Taiju shouted as he tackled the two piglets into his grasp, making the shorter of the two smile and stop abruptly. With heavy breathing, they helped him place one piglet in each of their baskets.
"That was a good idea, [nickname]!" Taiju laughed and gave them a particularly hard pat on the back in congratulations, causing them to lose all the air they had regained and double over, coughing all the while.
"Ack— I'm sorry [nickname]!!"
"Wow, you guys got so much," Senku stared down at the two's baskets, which now sat on the floor. "You got some crazy cheats going with your endurance there, Taiju.." He trailed off as he glanced to his assistant. "You didn't just dash wherever did you? [nickname] looks like they went through a hurricane." The scientist laughed as he pointed at them.
He wasn't wrong there. The poor [hair color]-haired teen had their hair all over their face, with tangles way more than they'd like. Leaves, petals, and even sand had gotten into their hair as well; Senku could only wonder what the hell Taiju had put them through to come back this haggard. [name] only smiled patiently as Taiju turned red in embarrassment, causing him to laugh even more.
"He did exactly that, actually.." Their words only made Taiju shout apologies, to which they shook their head at in amusement. "I couldn't stop him at all, sorry Sen-chan.." They chuckled and jokingly bowed their head in apology. Senku snickered again and walked towards them, patting away all the sand away from their hair. He removed the leaves and petals along the way, tugging gently at the strands that had gotten tangled.
"Don't you worry about it at all. I can't blame you when he's like this." He ignored Taiju's pouting at the side and only continued fixing his [hair color]-haired friend's head. It didn't take much arranging to actually clean [name] up, and soon enough, all was well. They smiled at him gratefully and he returned it slightly before backing away and moving towards the baskets.
Taiju watched in curiosity as he sat on the ground, expecting him to do something completely different, only to see him blatantly separating what they had found. [name], on the other hand, watched in amusement at their brother's reaction as Senku began listing them all off. "Amanita virosa, poisonous! Hypsizygus tessellatus, brown clamshell, edible! Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric, poisonous! Can't you just tell that thing's no good?! It looks like it came from Mario!"
With every mentioned name, Taiju's confused and aghast expression worsened, making them chuckle. "Calm down, Sen-chan.. That was a pretty good haul for the first time. I'm sure Tai-chan will take that into mind next time?" The two looked over to him. One stare was filled with doubt, and the other was one of utter patience and belief. Taiju doesn't respond, only choosing to blink at them in confusion. Senku sighed, "He probably won't, you know. Oh well, I'll bid you good luck when the time comes."
The scientist takes a few of the edible mushrooms and placed them on the sticks over the fire. The trio surrounded the fire they had made in silence, waiting for Senku's word. He first handed a decent-sized one over to Taiju, then proceeded to give an even bigger mushroom to the other teen. [name] blinked slowly as Senku gave them a stern glance. "Get some more fat in your bones, you look like you could get blown away by the wind any moment now."
From beside the [hair color]-haired teen, Taiju also added, "You always ate too less during lunch time too! Get some more food!" He immediately begins handing more mushrooms over to them, with Senku following right away. "I don't think I can stomach t-this much, you two.." [name] gently pushed the food away and just stuck with the one the scientist had given them. "But, I guess I can try eating this one at least..?" they smiled.
It wasn't the best compromise, but it satisfied the two males enough to leave them alone for now. Taiju took the first bite, making [name] and Senku stare expectantly. "D-Delicious!" He shouted in glee, "What'd you season these with?!" Senku grinned and begin taking normal-sized bites into his food as well.
"Just regular old salt that [nickname] and I extracted from the sea water. With just salt added, humans can eat just about anything. Salt is also indispensable when preserving food, and probably was the primitive man's greatest discovery." He explained. Taiju, upon finishing his mushroom, thanked the male whole-heartedly. "For all the things things I'd never be able to figure out! Both of you. I'll repay you in kind with determination and strength!"
He then finished his food and stood up, puffing his chest out in determination. Without even a warning, he took a basket and scurried off, shouting, "All right!! Time to go gather on the back side!"
Senku had opened his mouth to tell him that it was okay, but he had already been too far from their sight. He shook his head and turned to his side, where they sat with an amused smile and a still completely unfinished mushroom. "I don't get how you can keep up with him. He has too much stamina, he has got to be cheating with something." He grumbled, and gathered the sticks his friend had left into his hands. "Should you really be asking me that, Sen-chan? You have known them longer than I have, if anything, I'm surprised you've survived this long.." [name] chuckled and continued eating.
"Speaking of which, the back side is near towards the cave where you came from, right, Sen-chan?" The scientist hummed in confirmation. "Yeah, why?" He glanced over his shoulder, seeing them stand up and brush away any dirt that could have gotten on their skirt. "Maybe we should follow Tai-chan, he might assume there's someone else out there aside from us if he sees the pot.." Not expecting it, Senku let out an amused scoff. "I wouldn't be surprised if he did, he is a big oaf after all. Sure, let's go. His mind can go to absurd places and it'd be easier to explain when we're there."
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[ Author's Note ] // So far, these are all the chapters I've pulled from quotev. As of this very moment, I'm working on two separate chapters: a 100-hearts special, and the next regular chapter. For those of you who found this in Tumblr, I made a poll before on what the readers would like for the special. As it turns out, 'Crossover Traveling' won. No one really expressed what they wanted aside from my friends, who I asked personally. I ended up choosing Kimetsu no Yaiba as your destination. That's all for this note, thank you so much for reading, and for your time!
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theamberwriter · 3 years
Ficmas Day 1: One More Sleep [Tenya Iida]
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Pairing: ProHero!Tenya Iida x Fem!Reader
Song: One More Sleep by Leona Lewis
Word Count: 5.4k
A/N: I tried to get this done a few days ago, but I was just so tired 😭 Anyway, I hope that you guys like it!
Tenya rubbed his eyes groggily, staring at the ceiling. He rolled over to look at the clock on the nightstand. 3:43 AM. How frustrated he was by this. He should've been asleep hours ago. He sat up, deciding it was no good. Sleep wouldn't come, not until you were here by his side.
    He checked his phone for the date. December 21th. Four. More. Days. Five more grueling, restless nights. Tenya figured he should've been used to this. Spending time apart. Your relationship had been that way since the beginning. You traveled for work while he stayed put. Doing the hero gig he'd always dreamed of.
    But now - so close to Christmas - it was impossible to think of anything else but you. Here. In the bed you'd spend nearly a year deciding on because he insisted you had to look at all the options first. Your side was barely worn. It made his heart ache in ways he was too stubborn to admit.
    Tenya wondered if it's be too cruel to ask you to stop. To stop traveling. To stay put, just for a little while. No more calling at wild hours. No more flickering signals or long distance fees. Just you and him. Together in the home that you'd bought. The place you made love and fought and kissed endlessly to make up for lost time.
    But when was enough, enough?
    He swung his feet out of bed, put on his glasses, and slid on his slippers. A blue bathrobe hung from the best post. It was one you'd bought him last year from somewhere over seas. You had said it reminded you of his eyes. Apparently you'd worn it considerably before gifting it. It was drenched in your scent by the time it reached his hands. The collar smelled like your shampoo, the rest of smelling of your favourite spray. You'd bashfully admitted you wore it because you missed him. And this one little thing made you feel closer.
    Your smell had been washed from it by now. But he silently wished it was still there as he put it on. He only flicked on a few lights as he made his way to the kitchen. A warm cup of tea on a cold, snowy night sounded wonderful. Tenya looked out at the piling snow as he waited for the water to boil.
    He worried your flight would get delayed. Or worse – it'd be put off until after the storm passed. Sure, he'd video chatted you early that evening. But he felt like he'd die if he had to wait even a single day more than he already had to. He ran a hand through his hair. What a funny thing love was.
    Tenya had never expected you to come into his life. He never really expected to share love with anyone. It was just another thing his brother talked sweetly of. Telling him, “Tenya, you'll know when she's the one.” Tenya breathed his brother's every word like gospel.
    Except for that one.
    What had Tensei meant by you'll know – it wasn't very informative. It didn't help too much. It only kept him guessing as he passed attractive women. Until Tenya found you. It wasn't love at first sight. Not entirely. But the first words he thought when he saw your face? I just found my wife.
    It had been such a nauseating, powerful experience. One little glance as you said 'hello' from your new spot at a desk in his agency. Tenya had rushed away, and left out the back so he wouldn't have to pass you again.
    It was the single most powerful moment in his life.
    Many things had changed over the years. You were one of those earth shattering experiences for him. Breaking open the egg that was the world. Showing him more than he would've thought possible. Four years ago, that thought that he'd fall in love with a stranger and get married to them just two years after would've seemed ridiculous. But here you two were.
    You worked as a travel writer. Going to exotic places. Trying new things. Meeting new people. While Tenya was living his dream. Fulfilling his brother's legacy as Ingenium. He never thought being alone could feel so hollow and bitter and cold. He'd never really felt lonely when he was alone, until you two made a home together. Tenya worried that home was too boring for you. Surely it had to be after seeing so much of the world. It gnawed at him. No matter how much reassurance you gave him that coming back home to him was always the best part of the trip.
    Tenya contemplated his tea as he poured in the water. Watching as a deep red color soaked out from the leaves. Only four more days, he kept reminding himself. Five more nights, and she'll be with you. But the mantra didn't help at all.
    Tenya went to his reading chair by the window. Yours was next to his, a table separating them. Your side was stacked with books. Even your chair had a few on it. Bookmarks spouted from a few. Tenya was sure you'd never finish them. But watching you try was endearing nonetheless. Your wedding picture sat on the table, along with a vase of your favourite flowers. He went every day to get one while you were away.
    He counted twenty three. Twenty three flowers. Twenty three days apart. But only four more until you were back in his arms. Until he could kiss you and hold you. Feel your warm skin against his own. They'd made you stay longer, so you'd have writing material through the first of the year. Didn't they know you had a husband and a dog to get back home to?
    That picture encapsulated the best day of his life. A face splitting grin on his own. You wore a goofy smile because he'd made you laugh. Tenya cried when he saw you come down the aisle. Though he desperately tried to hide them. You teased him later about that. He simply covered you with kisses.
    A small lump formed in Tenya's throat as he watched your dog slump sadly down onto the floor in front of your chair. He rolled his eyes up at Tenya and whined, his tail wagging only once. Things just weren't the same with you away. Tenya blew on his tea with a sigh.
    “I know boy, I miss her, too,” he said softly. Then took a sip. The hot tea did nothing to warm the cold that settled in him.
    Only four. More. Days.
    Tenya didn't sleep much after that. Dozing on the couch until the morning light woke him up. He was very stiff and chilled to the bone. Like someone had left a window open. Tenya searched the house, simply pushing the heater up when he found no cause for alarm.
    Tenya was very surprised as he let the dog out. The snow was ludicrously high. Five feet, give or take. He was willing to say give. Your poor pooch could barely get down to use the bathroom. Tenya just knew he was going to have to shovel a path for him.
    Was his ideal morning bundled up and shoveling snow? He was fairly sure that no body's was. But he diligently donned his his coat, hat, scarves, gloves, and snow boots. Being a good dog father and shoveling a path down into the yard.
    Tenya chuckled at the thought of you out here last year in the snow. A hair dry plugged into the side of the house. He yelled at you about the hazard, trying to argue that a hair dryer was not the most efficient way the clear snow. You started a snow ball fight after that. You'd both gone in drenched, and took a nice, hot, steamy shower together. His body tingled warmly at the thought, his face (and quite a few other places) feeling hot.
    After shoveling, it was shower time. Then he made himself and the dog breakfast (yes, he makes the dog's food because he is a very good doggy daddy). After was time to tend to all the chores he'd been putting off in the wake of his depression. This included wrapping your gifts. Tenya knew you'd be home for Christmas, but it'd been too painful to wrap them before. Between his loneliness and the excitement that bubbled in him at the thought of you coming home in a few days, he felt numb but jittery. One canceling the other out.
    And there was still so much to do.
    Ochaco and Izuku had accidentally, inadvertently invited themselves over for Christmas. They wanted to throw a party. And somehow Tenya had gotten wrapped up in it all. He hadn't been able to get a hold of you to try and talk them down. So he did the responsible thing and said he'd take care of it all. They gushed about what to bring and who to invite, he just had to take care of the house and making sure everything was perfect. He supposed this was a sort of coming home celebration for you, so it didn't annoy him quite as much.
    Tenya measured the dimensions each and every package he wrapped. Then he measured the wrapping paper. The process was tedious, but it ensured every piece of paper was used to the fullest. He pulled off the smallest pieces of tape that he possibly could, so he didn't waste the roll. Honestly, Tenya thought of how you might react as you opened them all. The excitement, the embarrassment, the sheer happiness that he wanted so much to bring you. He'd gone overboard, sure. But you were worth every penny. And all the burnt fingers. The thing he'd tried to make you did not go as well as he wanted. But Tenya just knew you were going to love it.
    After wrapping, he figured having a nice tree to put them under would help. He'd only gone out and bought one. Nothing was decorated. That was something you two usually did together. There wasn't a tinkle of a light anywhere to be seen. Though he knew Ochaco and Izuku expected the place to look as warm and cozy as it always did this time of year.
    The decorations were stored in a closet under the stairs. You had made it a giant Janga tower. Honestly, Tenya was a little scared to pull everything out. If he was crushed to death by decorations, no body would know for days. He studied your tower for a while. Thinking about when you'd put them in. You had struggled tremendously. He'd just chuckled. Tenya always thought everything you did was endearing. In it's own sort of way. In the love touched way.
    When Tenya was sure nothing was going to fall, he started to pull things out and organize them into piles. Garland, ornaments, outside lights, indoor lights, the tree angel, upstairs decorations, table runners, stockings – he sprinted through the house as he sorted. He planned to start upstairs, then work his way down.
    By the time he finished the upstairs it was early evening. He'd missed lunch, stopping only briefly to feed the dog. Now it was dinner time. He had no gumption to cook, though. So he heated up leftovers and sat at the table. Tenya stared at your empty chair as he ate. It was made up with a place mat, and a book, and your favourite mug.
    Three more days.
    It surprised him in the morning when there was a ring at the doorbell. Tenya had been up, working slowly at things around the house. He wasn't planning on company. Nor for Ochaco and Izuku to be standing behind the door. They had their own bags and piles of things in their arms. They grinned widely at him.
    “What a surprise,” Tenya said, then moved aside. “Come in out of the snow. I hope the roads weren't too bad.”
    They nodded and ducked in. “Thanks!”
    “Most of the snow is melted already,” Ochaco pouted. “Izuku and I built a snowman yesterday, but he was just a pile of mush things morning!”
    Izuku looked around, clearly surprised by the bare walls and shelves and tree. “Tenya, you haven't started decorating yet?”
    Tenya looked away ashamedly. Eyes wandering on their own to a picture of you. His guests' eyes followed. Ochaco's grin dropped.
    “Oh,” she said, putting her stuff down. “You're probably waiting for [Name], right?”
    “Tenya, if you didn't want to have the party, you could've said something,” Izuku insisted.
    Tenya had tried to tell them he didn't want to throw the party. Not at his house anyway. But they were so excited that they didn't listen. “It's fine. [Name] is coming home on Christmas. It'll be nice to have everyone here to welcome her back. I've just been putting it off. I didn't want to decorate alone.”
    Ochaco hugged him tightly. “I'm sorry, Tenya. We're here to help!”
    “Yeah!” Izuku looked disproportionately determined for the task. But Tenya was glad that his friend was as enthusiastic as ever. He needed the energy boost. “We're going to make it amazing for when [Name] comes home! You have nothing to worry about.”
    The pair ran off, doing what, Tenya didn't know. But he sure was glad to have friends like them. They helped him finish decorating downstairs. And he made them lunch. Soon everything was dripping with sparkling lights and garlands and glitter. Three stockings hung on hooks that suctioned to the wall, one for you, one for Tenya, and one for the dog. He hoped to add more stockings in the near future. But how was that going to happen when you were barely home together long enough?
    Ochaco and Izuku treated Iida to dinner that evening. Taking him to a restaurant down the way. They chatted quietly, mostly going over holiday plans.
    “We're going to my parents' on Christmas Eve,” Ochaco noted, looking over the menu. “Then Deku's mom and All Might are coming with us to the party Christmas day. I hope you don't mind.”
    Tenya shook his head. “No, it'll be nice to see them.”
    “Are you doing anything Christmas Eve? You could always come with us,” offered Izuku.
    “I'm going to my parents house. Tensei and his wife will be there.”
    Ochaco's eyes lit up. “I didn't know he got married!”
    “Not too long before I did. She's a lovely woman, and takes very good care of my brother. We're all very grateful to her.” Tensei smiled lightly, thinking about his brother's wedding. It'd been a very beautiful ceremony with many tears. He was best man, and dreaming about the day he was going to propose to you.
    They ate and talked and laughed. For just a little while, Tenya felt like himself. Izuku and Ochaco walked him back home. It was dark now, and cold bit through their coats.
    “Oh, before we go – I have invites for you to pass out at your agency.” Ochaco produced a stack of envelopes from her pocket. “Could you give them out next time you go in?”
    “I managed to get a few days off to prepare for [Name]'s arrival, but I can run them in tomorrow,” Tenya said, taking the stack.
    “Let us know when you're back,” said Izuku. “We'll help you decorate the outside.”
    Tenya shook his head. “You've already done so much, I couldn't ask for more.”
    “It's really no problem. We don't mind helping.”
    “Very well, then.” Tenya nodded. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
    As Tenya shut himself in for the night he sighed, leaning his head back against the door.
    Just two more days.
    Tenya set off bright and early the next morning. The air was still frosty and the sky looked like it wanted to flood the ground with more white. He was going to try and make this trip quick. He'd been getting increasingly pitying looks. He didn't want to hang around long, to see their eyes boring holes in him.
    He hesitated at the doors, watching as his breath floated up to the sky. Even with gloves on, it felt like the cold seeped through from the door handle. Tenya didn't bother going to his office. He stopped at the front desk. The woman there smiled up at him.
    “Good morning, Mr. Ingenium,” she greeted. “How can I help you?”
    “I need you to distribute these to all of the staff and heroes,” he said, pulling a large stack of envelopes from his coat. He'd spent the entire night trying to remember all of the staff at his agency.
    “Can do.” She took the envelopes. But she didn't shift her gaze. “You look tired, sir. Are you doing okay?”
    “There's a lot to do, is all. My wife will be home in a few days.” Tenya cleaned his glasses, looking for an excuse to break eye contact.
    “Right,” she bit curtly. “Your wife.”
    Tenya leaned on the counter, hoping to charm her with a smile. He was far too tired for this today. He was going to have to hire a new secretary sometime soon. “Izumi, it would mean a lot if you could pass these out to everyone. I'd be very grateful.”
    The woman softened. “Anything you want, sir.”
    He nodded. “Thank you.”
    Tenya left swiftly, before he had to endure anymore one sided flirting. The distaste his secretary expressed for his wife got tiresome. Along with her not-so-subtle hints for him to have an affair with her. He had more important things to worry about. Like making sure you came home to a magical display.
    “Izuku,” he started, phone to his ear as he walked down the road. “I just left I should be home....soon....”
    “Okay Tenya!” Izuku cheered from the other side. Then there was a long pause. “Tenya?”
    But the man was distracted by the window he was passing. “I'll call you back when I get to the house.”
    “Wait, is something wro –”
    Tenya hung up, staring at the window display. It was perfect. It was just what he was looking for to top off the season. You were going to love it. He rushed in, demanding the display in the window. He wasn't usually the type. But he was just too excited. The clerks gently packaged it, tying neat bows around the box. Tenya had to stop himself from sprinting full force down the road.
    He rushed a message to Izuku when he got home. But there was no hope of sitting still for him. By the time Ochaco and Izuku got there, he'd already had half the outside decorated. He was on the roof, hooking up the lights. He waved down at them.
    Ochaco floated up the rest of the boxes for the roof. Izuku nearly floated away as he tried to help finish the lights. Tenya caught him and hauled him down. It felt like they were back in UA as students with the ensuing chaos.
    Tenya treated the pair to a home made dinner. They had a few drinks and some laughs. But honestly, he just wanted to chug through the next few days. Today was the twenty third. Two more days to Christmas. Two more days to you coming home.
    The trio examined their handy work when the sun went down. The house glowed and twinkled. It really did look like a winter wonderland. Tenya just knew you were going to love it. He was looking forward to seeing your face as you watched the display they made.
    Just a few more days.
    The morning of the twenty fourth was a lazy one. He didn't want to get out of bed. Tenya wanted to lay there until the following night. When you'd be there with him. To finally warm the thorough chill that hadn't left him in days.
    But eventually he pulled himself up, going to the vase in the living room.
    “Twenty five,” he muttered, slipping a flower in. “Twenty six....you'll have a very big bouquet this time, [Name].”
    Tenya set to breakfast. He'd lost all his fire from yesterday. He was a tired shell now. He was so sure you were going to love what he found for you. But now one, long agonizing day laid ahead of him. The house was decorated, inside and out. Presents were wrapped. The tree was ready. Filled to the brim with perfectly packaged gifts, awaiting your arrival.
    Tomorrow would be the party. You'd arrive after dark, hopefully with people still around to greet you. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing. Ochaco and Izuku were going to take care of all the other little details. All of the invites read a potluck and BYOB. In the meantime, he had to wait the day out. The only thing he had to look forward to distract him was seeing his family later that evening.
    Christmas morning was to be lonely. Then, by three, the house would start filling up. By eight, you should be walking up the front entrance. By 8:01, you'd be in his arms and smothered in kisses. With any luck, you'd be making love by midnight.
    Tenya went out and shoveled snow again. More than two feet had fallen in the night. The more snow that fell, the more he worried the weather was going to be too rough for your plane. He needed you, sooner rather than later preferably.
    The day seemed to crawl away. Only a few minutes had passed every time he glanced at the clock. Had it always been so difficult to entertain himself? He'd already showered, made lunch, brushed snow meticulously from the front porch and back deck. He uncovered all of the decorations he'd put up the day before.
    He was impatient by the time he had to leave to see his family. Even the ride there drove him crazy. The road seemed to stretch. The cars squeezing from every side. Would the tedium ever cease?
    As the evening with his family began, he discovered it would not. Even as he laughed with his parents and brother, as he listened to stories and shared a few. His eyes never left his watch for long. It didn't go unnoticed, but it was left unmentioned. Just a look exchanged around him.
    They knew, of course. That he counted down every second until he'd see you again. The light and fire you brought into his life was wonderful to see. But how they wished you didn't leave so much.
    Tenya went to bed when he got home. But sleep didn't come. Not for a very long time. He tried to force himself asleep, just a single thought leaping in his head.
    One. More. Night.
    A new tickle of joy danced in his chest as he realized the day. Christmas. You were going to be home. He was going to be counting down the hours until he saw you.
    Tenya zipped through his morning. Shoveling the fresh few inches of snow. Hand making the dog's food for the next week. Making breakfast for himself, showering, and pulling out the outfit you'd picked over video call a week ago. Just a red sweater with stripes and snowflakes and charcoal grey slacks. He spent time cleaning, making sure every inch was dusted.
    He had his fire back – until he checked his phone just after lunch.
[NAME] (Wife)
My plane is being delayed. I won't be home until tomorrow. I'm so sorry, my love, I wanted to be home for Christmas. So, very much....
    Tenya felt a little bit of himself break. He slumped in his reading chair, phone discarded on the table. He stared blankly ahead of him. His worst fear had come true. One more day had turned into two. And with this snow, two could easily turn into three or four.
    Ochaco and Izuku came not too long after. They knocked on the door, rang the door bell. The dog barked. Eventually they tried the handle, letting themselves in. They exchanged a worried look as they spied their friend. They could see the hollowness of his eyes.
    “Tenya...?” Ochaco whispered.
    “She's not coming,” he muttered numbly.
    Izuku put a hand on Tenya's shoulder. “What do you mean?”
    “[Name]'s flight – it's been delayed. She won't be home until tomorrow....” Tenya could barely scrap his eyes to his phone. He didn't want to look at it. To see anything else that might ruin him.
    “But she'll be home, at least.”
    “You don't understand. You two have each other. Tensei will be spending the holiday with his wife. And I have her. If [Name] isn't here....”
    Izuku and Ochaco glanced at each other again.
    “We'll still have a good time, Tenya,” Ochaco said, trying to cheer him up.
    “Yeah, people will start to be here soon! You won't even know she's missing!” Then Izuku began to panic. “Not that we don't want her here. But maybe getting your mind off of her will help. Not that you shouldn't miss your wife on a holiday but –”
    Tenya chuckled. At least something was normal. Izuku eased some at the sound. He and Ochaco set up the kitchen, while Tenya put away anything he didn't want broken. You never knew if someone was going to get rowdy.
    As the first people showed up, the booze flooded in. Tenya had only meant to have one. But he was having a self-pity streak. One became two, two became three. Different Christmas mixes that people brought, some made right in his kitchen; homemade egg nogs, and Christmas cocktails, holiday ciders. He claimed they were just to try. Normally, he'd be following people around. Putting down coasters, ensuring that they didn't slosh on the couch, making sure no one was scuffing up the floors. But Izuku was already doing a pretty good job of that. Probably to make sure Tenya didn't have to worry. But it left him too idle.
    Tenya chatted with his co-workers as they came. They complimented his house, saying they wouldn't have expected anything else from an Iida. He went around, greeting everyone. Thanking each person for coming. Each drink numbing just slightly more. He spent a good deal of time talking to Izuku's mom and All Might.
    He was caught in the middle of an inescapable conversation with his insufferable secretary when Izuku came to tap him on the shoulder. His friend pointed towards the entrance to your house. Tenya's eyes followed his arm, going wide at what they found. They swept to the clock on the wall – it only read 5:23. In alarm, he triple checked what he was reading, to be sure he was right. With a puff from his quirk, Tenya launched himself.
    You screamed as he tackled you. He kept you upright, making you didn't fall. Tenya smooshed your face with too many kisses to keep up with. He squeezed you tightly in his arms. You could smell the liquor on him. Since when did he drink? You hoped this wasn't the start of a bad habit.
    “[Name]! You're here!” he exclaimed in disbelief. He held you at arm's length, looking you up and down just to be sure you were real.
    You laughed, nodding. “Yeah!”
    “But your plane –”
    “I – uh – I lied.” You glanced away from him, your face hot. “My flight was actually bumped up. I wanted to surprise you. I wasn't expecting you to get stupid drunk.”
    Tenya sunk to the floor, and pulled you into his lap. He was so cute with his goofy grin and the pink dusting on his cheeks. He rubbed his cheek against yours. Your guests chuckled at the sight. You pulled him in for a long, hard kiss. So glad to finally have him in your arms. You could feel every bit of his body against yours. You had to calm his hands as they roamed freely over your body. They were dipping into places that shouldn't be caressed in public.
    Finally – no more counting the days.
    No more nights between you.
    No more hours to wait.
    You two were together. And it was the sweetest feeling in the world.
    “Why wouldn't I have been upset by the delay?” he rambled. “I've missed you, and I didn't want to think of another day without you here. I needed a little boost. Drinking was perhaps not the best choice.”
    Tenya clung to you all night, never letting you out of his sight. Seeing everyone was lovely. You really couldn't have asked for a better homecoming. The lights he'd put up outside were spectacular. And the warm cozy air your home had taken on was supernatural. Or maybe it was just because you were glad to be home.
    It was nearly midnight when everybody finally left. Ochaco and Izuku had stayed to help you clean. Tenya wouldn't let you go long enough to do anything. You were about to force him upstairs when he stumbled over to the tree.
    “No, no, no – you have to open this. While it's still Christmas. Please,” Tenya pouted, and forced a little black box with a shimmering silver lid into your hand. The childish pout on his face was adorable, but he really should've been getting to bed.
    “Tenya –”
    “Open it.”
    You eyed him suspiciously, but planted yourself on the couch. He adhered himself to your side. He held you closely, head on your shoulder. A red ribbon was tied lovingly around the box. It was always too beautiful to unwrap. You had a suspicion Tenya hadn't done this himself. He packaged things neatly, but aesthetics weren't his forte.
    You pulled the ribbon, then peered into the box. You looked at him, then in the box, then back again.
    “You did not go out and spend a fortune,” you scolded.
    Tenya shrugged. “You deserve the world.”
    “Tenya!” But you couldn't deny it was beautiful.
    It was simple, with a thin silver chain. Hanging from the end was a pendant. It had your birth stone in set on the part where the chain went through. And there was immaculate scroll work around the edges. Tenya took it briefly from your hands, the pressed the sides.
    The front popped open. A lump pressed in your throat. A miniature of your wedding photo was nestled inside the frame. Tenya turned it over, revealing both of your initials along with your wedding date on the back.
    “I left the other half open, for when we have a family of our own,” he muttered drowsily. “I love you more than the world. I'm very happy you're finally home. I'd be very happy if you didn't have to leave again.”
    “I love this. I love you,” you murmured in reply, then turned your head to kiss him.
    You put the locket back in the box, then helped him stand. You hauled Tenya upstairs, and got him changed. He insisted on brushing his teeth, even though he coud barely stand up right. The necklace took up a home on your night stand. You were going to wear this every day that you could. It was your new favourite piece of jewelry.
    Once you were settled into bed, he immediately took you in him arms. He hummed in content.
    “How would you feel about being a secretary?” Tenya slurred, nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck. “I'm going to need a new one soon. Mine is gonna get fired.”
    You sighed. “I actually wanted to talk to about that. I wanted to wait until you were sober. But – I'm going to quit my job. That way I can be home with you. If we want a family....I'm also tired of spending so much time away from you. You can't imagine how lonely the world is without you with me to see it.”
    Tenya sighed. “I want your....baabbeeezzz...”
    You chuckled. “Tenya? - Love?”
    A light snoring told you he was out cold. You smiled to yourself as he snuggled closer to you. You relaxed into him. You'd been waiting for this for ages. Or, it felt like ages anyway. You didn't want to be away from him anymore. Coming home to the one you love? It was amazing. But getting to stay home with them? That was the best Christmas gift you could ask for.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 3.3k
warnings: fluff at first, angst ig, angry levi, hitch, swearing, arguing/fighting, yelling
sorry it took a while to get this out there. school started for me last week and it’s been hard getting back into the groove of things. thank you for being patient with me!
listen to the music masterlist
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A couple of days passed since Zeke's sudden arrival. Eren agreed to your terms of his brother's stay with reluctance. He understood where you were coming from, though. Armin was right about him respecting your decision.
Tonight you and your bandmates would meet your large friend group at a nice restaurant nearby. You stood in the bathroom attached to your room, styling your hair the way you wanted.
In the last two days, you received texts from a few of your curious friends. They all seemed very interested in who you were bringing to dinner. If only they knew it was the strong-willed girl you'd had a crush on for years.
Sasha and Connie put the pieces together and teased you relentlessly about 'bringing a date to dinner'.
You were nervous to see the reactions of your friends when you walked in with Mikasa. Unlike you, they didn't get a warning of her return.
Stepping back from the counter and smoothing down your outfit, you exhaled softly. You took one final glance at the mirror and left the bathroom.
Two blonds were arguing in the living room when you entered.
"What's going on?" you asked cautiously.
"We can't leave him alone in the house while we're out. He's like a child! He already broke two vases because he slipped while looking for spare change!" Armin explained. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. He ran a hand through his silk hair then placed both hands on his hips.
Zeke protested, "Y/n, you can trust me. Don't listen to him, he's delusional." He was still in his usual attire, a t-shirt, and jeans.
Armin's face turned red from anger. "Why you-"
"You broke my vases?" you interrupted.
"He did! I watched him do it the second time!"
You learned the hard way that messing with Armin was a death sentence. Especially when he was mad. The argument had to stop before it turned physical.
"Zeke, get dressed. You're coming with us, but you sit far away. You don't talk to us or our friends." You pointed a stern finger at him.
He pouted and groaned like a child before slumping his shoulders and stomping down the basement stairs.
Armin rubbed a hand over his face and, in an annoyed fashion, checked his watch. "Will they ever be done?"
You chuckled. "You're always the first one ready. Don't you know that by now?"
He rolled his eyes and fell back on the couch. "Shut it."
Eren appeared at the basement door, looking frustrated. In his hand, he held out the tie to the suit he was wearing. "How the hell do you tie this thing?"
Armin sighed and stood back up, his rest short-lived. They made their way over to him and began to walk him through each step while his eyebrows only furrowed more.
His long hair fell around his face as he tried his best to maneuver the tie correctly. His face lit up once he got it right.
"How have you gone this long without knowing how to tie a tie?" Jean leaned his head out of the hall bathroom, which you didn't even know he was in.
"Shut up, Kirstein. I get by." He glared.
Jean laughed and fully emerged from the bathroom wearing a beige suit vest and slacks. Underneath, he wore a cream-colored dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was tied back in a short ponytail with a few strands falling loose.
Your eyes shifted back to Eren, who was struggling to put on his suit jacket and you stifled a laugh.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny." His words were hard to understand since he held around three bobby pins between his teeth.
You laughed some more despite his agitation. You were disrupted by the light clacking of heels on the stairs to the second story. Looking in that direction, you saw Mikasa walking down and you had to stop your mouth from dropping open.
She was wearing a simple tight black dress that reached just above her knees. Silver dangly earrings were in her ears and a dainty silver necklace hung around her neck. Her ring adorned fingers played with the hem of her dress. She smiled at you from across the room.
Eren bumped your hip and you nearly shrieked. His presence next to you had gone unnoticed until then. He snickered at you and nodded to Mikasa. You narrowed your eyes and tugged a lock of hair out of his bun.
His smirk dropped. "What'd you do that for? Now I have to do this all over again. Bitch." he grumbled the insult and left your side.
Mikasa walked over to where you stood. "Hi."
"Hi." You returned her smile.
She sucked a quiet breath. "You look nice."
You couldn't fight the grin that spread across your face at her simple compliment. "As do you."
She smiled again and you felt you might collapse from the surge of butterflies in your stomach.
Zeke came up from the basement, gaining everyone's attention. "What the hell are you wearing?" Eren chided.
He was adorned in a baby blue suit with ruffles decorating the dress shirt. You struggled to hold in your laughs, as did the woman beside you.
"Don't talk about it." Zeke lowered his eyes to the floor as Eren laughed loudly without shame.
"Marco's here to pick us up," Jean announced, shoving his phone into his pocket. He wanted to see Marco's reaction to Mikasa's homecoming at the dinner, but that dream was cut short when she answered the door to him the day prior. He was shocked, to say the least.
Sure enough, when you looked tho the front door, you could see the glare of Marco's headlights in the darkness.
He waved you all over to get in his car. Jean sat in the passenger seat, perks of dating the driver. In a backseat that was designed for three people, you were crammed inside with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. Zeke was forced to ride in the trunk.
Mikasa was pressed up against your skin. In the confinement of the car, you could feel her warm breath tickling your shoulder whenever she spoke.
A shiver ran through your body and your hands gripped your knees. Nobody noticed, thank god. You were very grateful that the only light sources were phone screens and the button rims inside the car.
Everyone chatted mindlessly until Marco turned a corner into a parking lot. He parked the car near the entrance and got out with everybody following suit.
Once you were inside, you were greeted with the familiar smell of the restaurant. It was the one you always went to when meeting up with the group. You didn't know the owners, but Reiner did, and he was the one who planned these gatherings.
"Welcome to Galliard's!" greeted a blond man whose name tag read Colt. A look of recognition crossed his face. "Oh, it's you guys. Right, this way." He grabbed a menu for each person and led you to a large booth in the middle of the restaurant.
You took a good look at everyone. You all went to the same high school, some of you just didn't meet until later. Like you, Sasha, and Connie.
Five people were seated at the table. Two were missing. Ymir and Historia were late. Figures.
They all saw Mikasa looming behind you since each of them had some form of shock on their face. Several voices suddenly arose from the group.
"When did you get back? And why did I not hear about it?" voiced a betrayed Bertholdt.
"Mikasa, I didn't know you would be here," Annie said coolly.
"Oh my god, Mikasa!" Connie tried to act surprised.
"Mikasa! I had no idea you'd be here." It turns out Sasha was just as bad of an actor.
"This is your plus one, Y/n?" Reiner held a knowing expression.
"So no one is happy to see me?" Eren sounded hurt.
Reiner wasted no time standing up to pull you in for a hug. He pulled back after a few seconds and held you by the shoulders at an arm's length away. "Like the beard?" He gestured to his chin.
"Sure, Reiner, it suits you." You patted his shoulder and he returned your cheerful smile. He moved to talk to the others as Bertholdt came into your view.
When he hugged you, you noticed how much taller he was than you. You had to stand on your tip-toes to see over his shoulder. "What the hell, Bertholdt?" You fucking ladder," you blurted.
He laughed at your lovely way with words. "Hi, Y/n. It's been a while. I'm glad to see you're still doing well."
"It has. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How's it going at the school?"
"It's definitely going. I'll tell you about it in a second. You wanna sit down?" He moved to the side to let you slide into the booth. Mikasa was on your right and Bertholdt was on your left.
Everyone was seated except for Zeke, who stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Eren told him to find someone to get him to a table. He just pushed up his glasses and left.
Across from you sat Sasha, Connie, and Jean who were laughing their asses off at something Marco said. Reiner, Eren, and Armin sat on the cushy bench across from Annie who sat on one of the three chairs pulled up to the table.
"So, Mikasa, when did you get back?" Annie asked.
"Earlier this week."
"What? You've been here that long and we didn't know?" Reiner gaped at her.
"We thought it'd be a nice surprise." You shrugged.
"I thought you were bringing a date. Or is she your date?" Connie teasingly wiggled his eyebrows while Sasha laughed loudly.
You blushed madly at his question. "Shut up, guys! You already knew I was bringing her, anyway."
"You knew?" Bertholdt's eyes boggled.
"No wonder you're so calm. Out of everyone I'd expect you two to go ballistic," Annie pointed out.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Connie lifted his arms in an attempt to appear threatening.
A new voice spoke, "It means you're an idiot." You looked up to see Ymir stood behind Annie's chair with one hand around Historia's shoulders and one in the pocket of her suit jacket.
"Ymir, hi!" You greeted and she raised an eyebrow.
"This is your date?" She chuckled.
"She's not my date," you grumbled, folding your arms. Ymir just snickered and sat in the chair next to Annie's, Historia sitting next to her.
"Quit it, Ymir. Is that all you have to say to someone we haven't seen in two years?" she scolded her girlfriend.
"How is it, Mikasa?" Ymir turned and asked.
"It's good. Glad to be back." She gave a small smile.
"That's good to hear! We're all happy you're back," Historia said with enthusiasm. Mikasa nodded in response.
You picked up your conversation with Bertholdt from earlier about his job. He was an elementary school teacher and from what he told you, he was very good at what he did.
Other conversations went on, jokes were told, and by the time the waitress came to the table for your orders, you'd caught up with everyone. The whole group was excited Mikasa came home and it showed.
Her hand brushed against yours multiple times under the table and your shoulders tensed up whenever they touched hers. She didn't seem to mind the contact. You wished she'd just take your hand since you were too scared to do so yourself.
Those moments of giddiness were short-lived because you noticed two familiar figures at a table toward the back.
Hitch smiled maliciously and waved at you while bringing her champagne glass to her lips. Marlo sat across from her on his phone, drumming his knuckles on the table.
Your eyes widen and you quickly move away from Mikasa, startling her.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" She placed a hand on your shoulder with a worried expression.
"I'll be right back." You brushed her hand off and shimmied out of the booth, heading to the bathroom.
You pushed the door open and luckily no one was inside. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the counter as your mind raced. What the hell were they doing here? Why tonight? Your blood was beginning to boil as you became angrier by the second.
The door swept open and in walked the woman of the hour. "Hello, Y/n," she sang.
"What are you doing here? Can I not have a meet-up with my friends without you riding my dick?" you sneered, looking at her in the mirror.
Shock flashed across her face and she let out a breathy laugh. "Such colorful language, Y/n! I didn't expect that from you!" She turned to face the sinks and your eyes met in the mirrors.
"What are you doing here, Hitch?"
"I'm having a nice dinner with my friend, that's what I'm doing. It just so happens you were here tonight as well," she said.
"So it's a coincidence? If you say so, I don't believe you."
"That's exactly what it is. You don't have to believe it, but it's the truth. I can promise I wasn't planning on spying on you tonight." She blew her bangs away from her face.
She honestly couldn't tell if she was lying or not but your anger level was rising quickly and you didn't know if you'd be able to stop yourself from saying something you would regret.
"What is your problem, Hitch? Seriously, have you nothing better to do? I haven't seen half of those people in months." You tore your eyes away from the mirror to fully look at her.
"I told you, Y/n. I wasn't here for you. I don't have a problem." She narrowed her eyes as she stood at her full height, facing you.
You scoffed. "Tell me what your problem is. I want to hear you say why you're doing all this. You never did give me an explanation."
"I don't have a problem."
"Yes, you do. Why did you follow me in here? Do you think you can intimidate me or something?"
"I know I can intimidate you. Stop acting like you're the one with the power right now. I'm the one who has the guts to tell people what we were. You wanna know my problem? My problem is you. You couldn't get over a stupid high school crush. You still aren't over it and it's fucking weak."
You backed away as she got angrier with every word she spat. She hesitated for a moment and inhaled sharply.
"What's weaker is how much I care. I gave a shit about you and you couldn't see that she didn't. I knew about your feelings the whole time. You think I'm dumb? I know you thought of me as a distraction. And I liked being your distraction. But you run away from everything. You're a fucking coward."
You were too shocked to even try to apologize. Your mouth fell open and tears pricked your eyes.  Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were big. She blinked several times and the light caught a few wet streaks on her face when she turned her head.
"Hitch, I-"
"Please, don't say anything."
The state of shock you were sent into was broken when a sudden bang sounded outside of the bathroom.
Hitch looked desperate to get out of the situation, so she took the opportunity to bolt out of the bathroom. You took a moment to compose yourself before leaving to assure your friends you were okay.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom, you stopped dead in your tracks when you were greeted with the jarring sight of Zeke seconds away from being punched in the face.
A man with short black hair was kneeling on Zeke's table with one hand gripping his collar and the other pulled back in fist.
"Zeke Jaeger right? You owe me a lot of money and my wedding ring," the man seethed and punched Zeke hard in the jaw.
He fell to the floor, clutching where he was hit. You stood there, stunned. Just as the man was bringing his leg forward to kick him, your instincts kicked in and you rushed to crouch in front of him.  You braced yourself for the impact that never came.
"You'd really kick a woman?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.
You looked up and saw him being held back by a man with a slicked back undercut and a bomber jacket adorned with patches.
Eren and Mikasa were at your side in an instant with the others following closely behind.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" Mikasa put her hands on your shoulders and you nodded. Eren shot you a worried glance while tending to Zeke.
The short man was still being held back by the guy from before, but now someone new was at his side. He looked like bomber jacket dude but with a different hair color and style. He was trying to talk down the black-haired man.
Bomber jacket interrupted, "Look, dude, you're scaring my customers. We don't do that shit in here. One of my waitresses panicked and called the cops. They'll be here soon for you if you don't take this the fuck outside."
"Porco! Watch your language," the brunette hissed. 'Porco' glared at, who you assumed was, his brother.
Eren and Mikasa helped Zeke up and began to lead him out of the restaurant. You and the others followed, except Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt who stayed to talk to the restaurant owners.
Once you had safely gotten outside, you sat Zeke down on a bench. Sasha managed to snag some napkins for his wound.
Everyone except for you, Eren, and Mikasa were seated on the sidewalk. You three were also on the bench.
The door to the restaurant was pushed open and two voices were heard. The short man was walking out and a taller blond man was lingering behind.
He noticed Zeke and stopped his mumbling. He pointed a shaky finger at him and his face contorted into a nasty glare.
"Where's my money, bitch?" he shouted.
"Levi, why don't you calm down before you do something again." The blond man said.
'Levi' scoffed. "I just want my money back. And my wedding ring. Where the fuck is my wedding ring?"
The color drained from Zeke's face. Levi yelled at him again, "Where the fuck is it?"
"I pawned it."
If looks could kill, Zeke would be dead. The pure anger that was displayed on the man's face was enough to make you cower.
"Let me at him!" Levi purged forward and Jean attempted to stop him, but just ended up on the concrete. He pushed past Eren and in the blink of an eye, Zeke was on the ground. He was getting the shit beat out of him in front of your eyes.
Your friends yelled at him to get off. The man who was following him tried to hold him back, but Levi seemed even angrier than he was inside the restaurant. Eren tried pulling Zeke away with help from Mikasa.
Sirens sounded in the distance and you knew they were growing closer with each passing second. The staff hadn't called off the police, you realized. "Guys," you called.
"I'm gonna kill you!"
The sirens were muffled by the yells.
"Stop, Levi!"
They were clearer.
"Get off him!"
They were loud.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Blaring lights could be seen over the hedges.
"Get off my brother!"
"Guys!" you yelled over everyone. You pointed to the police cars that were now pulling into the parking lot.
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posted: 9/7/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Please Hate Me //part 33
Fandom: Marvel 
Summary: Based on “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​
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[Somewhere in a universe far, far away…] 
There was a soft brush of fabric on the polished floor that accompanied the approaching steps of leather shoes. Frigga stopped a little to Heimdall's left. 
"What do your golden eyes see, my friend?" 
"They see many things, my queen." 
Bifrost glimmered in the million colors under their feet. Lines and flashes passed faster than the human eye could see. The sword that was the key to every way, waited in Heimdall's hands.
"What do you see of my troubled sons?" 
"They are both learning through new experiences." 
Frigga sighed. "Which usually means they’ve gotten in even more trouble. Tell me, what is it this time?" 
Heimdall stood tall on the dais, the armor forged in ancient times by the hands of legends half forgotten by time still impeccable. The worlds moved before his eyes, with no secrets hidden from the gaze of the All-Watcher. 
"They are faring well, my queen. Even Loki." 
"I had hoped that banishment to Earth would be a better choice than the dungeons." Frigga's hand clutched the gown over her heart. "What did he do this time?" 
A smile ghosted on the lips of the All-Watcher. "It appears that he's made friends. Quite close ones, I dare say." 
"Oh, dear," Freya repeated in a completely different tone. A wicked light played in her eyes. "Do tell, my friend." 
[The same universe, a little closer] 
Life in big cities bears a certain strain on everyone's minds. Despite what the newspapers, thirsty for anything and everything worthy and unworthy of filling the pages with, would like you to believe, life had always been difficult. 
Time is always lacking, and money is never enough, and no matter how much you strain your brain, it just sometimes happens that you might not remember about the things stored at the very back of your tiny shop, tucked cozily into the corner of a very calm street. 
"Well," the man said. "I had no idea that I still had those in the freezers. I could've sworn that I have cleaned them before the winter and left nothing except for the packed broccoli. It must be your lucky day, my boy." 
The boy indeed felt very lucky. It was not everyday that one could be sent out to fetch ice cream for a living god in the middle of winter. 
"Have a nice day, sir!" he called on his way out. 
The chilly breeze bit into his cheeks, warmed up in the comforting interior of the grocery. Snow shined on the few surfaces not yet stamped on. The sidewalk Peter chose was a slippery trap that only his spider senses got him through unscathed. 
Loki sensed his coming, and looked over his shoulder at the approaching boy. His other arm was currently wrapped around your shoulders, tucking you closer into him. Peter tried his best not to stare too openly, but couldn't stop the grin from splitting his face. He sat on the other side of the god, the bench icy cold. 
"Thank you, my boy." The god took the ice cream with obvious delight. It had been your idea to spend the few hours before Peter's totally-not-a-date trying out the goods New York had to offer. At first, Loki had snickered at the suggestion of trying out whatever ice cream was available in the middle of winter, but after a few interesting flavors were discovered, Loki apologized. There was an almost disturbing variety of flavors Loki couldn't even imagine existing. 
"You're welcome, Mr. Mischief. I'm sure there would be a bigger choice if it was summer. I always go to that one vendor two streets away from my house, because he has this special recipe that absolutely blows my taste buds away every time." 
"Sounds intriguing." Loki's mind conjured the last time his taste buds had been blown away. If he recalled that unfortunate event correctly, it had something to do with pizza and a bet. "But I think I'll pass for now." 
The look of pure adoration in the boy's eyes hadn’t  perished. 
"I still can't believe you won't get sick after having so many," you said, and watched Loki devour the caramel. 
"It must be nice to be a god," Peter sighed. "You have awesome superpowers, get to do what you want and they even make action figures of you…" 
Loki frowned. "The what?" 
Peter blanched. He started fumbling with his jacket and 'accidentally' looked at his watch. "Oh, I think I’ve gotta go, it's getting so late and I don't want to make MJ wait—" 
Loki reached out and fixed the hair Peter had been nervously fighting with for the past few hours they'd all spent outside. "Don't forget the ring, boy." 
"Thank you!" 
The boy was beaming on his way out of the park. 
"I'm never washing my hair again." 
The totally-not-a-date that was steadily approaching was something Peter wasn't sure he was ready for. So many things could go wrong—and he had already imagined most of them. It wasn't as if he couldn't sleep all night thinking about it, he just… Was busy. Thinking. 
Peter straightened the jacket that was in absolutely no need of straightening. His hand moved to his hair, but he stopped it halfway with a smile. It'd  been touched by the hand of god, so it was as good as it could ever get. 
On his way out of the park the three of you had been resting in for a while, Peter's mind was in a strange disarray of thoughts. However, he was still capable of noticing the interesting new graffiti decorating the Avengers' statues set up in the middle of the park. Whoever decided to redecorate them this time, certainly had a pair of skillful hands. The wild mustache covering half of Iron Man's face looked almost lifelike. 
Loki and you watched the boy leave, nervousness apparent in his every too-stiff step. 
"They grow up so fast," you sighed, leaning further into Loki. 
He nodded. His finger circled lazily around your shoulder, drawing spiralling patterns. Loki turned his head toward the memorial statues raised in the central part of the park. People took pictures in front of them, posing and smiling as they milled around. Those were the heroes, after all. Saviors of the day. 
Loki added a mustache to another statue. 
You noticed and eased a giggle. "They're going to be so pissed." 
"My very soul aches at that thought. What a terrible crime." 
The patterns changed as you shifted slightly. The presence on his shoulder was warm and softened by the fabric of clothes that kept the winter frost from you. 
"I thought using magic in this world was difficult." 
"It is.There's a lot more focus required to make it work than I'm used to. It's nothing dramatic, though. I've heard of worlds where the trickle of magic is even more strained, to the point where it barely exists at all." 
"Do you miss them? The other worlds, I mean. Like Asgard." 
The patterns changed again. They slowed down, became more deliberate. 
"Sometimes," was the honest answer and the one he gave after careful consideration. 
"Will you leave, then?" 
Loki looked down at his wrist, where a thin band of metal used to reside, blocking every and all effort he might take against leaving Earth or using magic in any form. It was no longer there, which meant, although it would be extremely difficult to conduct, Loki could technically leave. 
The only obstacle was that it was no longer his priority. 
"I've never been one to sit aimlessly on my ass for too long, and especially not when and where I had been forced to do so. I think I could name more than a few places I'd like to pay a visit," he admitted, putting his cheek on the top of your head. His throat bobbed slightly. "The only problem is that I just recently found out how terribly boring touring alone might be. It's a real wonder why anyone bothers to do so anymore, and," he swallowed, "I think I could use some company." 
Loki cursed himself for putting his head on top of yours, and blocking the view of your face. Especially as he still didn't get any answer. His heart jumped into his throat, making it difficult to breathe. 
"...I mean, I know it's still so early, and that's okay if you feel overwhelmed or unsure and I won't force you into anything more than you're willing to do—” 
Loki's rumbles were cut short when you finally moved to look up at him. The wild gleam in your eyes and a wicked smile so similar to his struck him dumb. 
"You'd never be able to leave this planet without me." 
A choked breath, so similar to a whispered name ghosted over his lips. "Of course I wouldn't. What would be the fun in that?"
[The galaxy, elsewhere] 
"Oh, dear," the queen broke the biscuit in half with perfect manners. Barely any crumbs dared to ruin the fragile dessert. "I guess he really is experiencing something new." 
Heimdall sipped the tea. Servants at the queen's quarters left them with a small table full of goods of the highest sort. The warm breeze played with the curtains with the subtle shimmer of gold. The trees rustled on the wind, losing old leaves to it. 
"He's also plotting an escape," Heimdall added. His helmet laid on his knee. 
Frigga waved the biscuit in a gesture that had very little to do with manners. "That sounds more like him." 
The softest hint of a smile graced her features. 
"I wonder what will become of him. Maybe it's in my nature as a mother, but no matter how much I try, I can't help but continue to worry about him, even after all these years." 
"I swore to keep an eye on him, and I will." Heimdall put a hand to his heart. There was no smile on his face, only seriousness as he recalled an oath he'd never break. 
"Thank you, my friend."
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lovee-infected · 4 years
♦♥ Paint them red ♠♣
[Yandere!Riddle Rosehearts x reader] [pr 2] [pr 1]
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(y/n) Stood there helplessly , after all she knew better : it's always the same.
"30 days , one month , don't be late "
and again
and again...
There was no end .
Fixing her dress , she bows to Riddle with a : " Thanks for the tea , Riddle ." , leaving immediately , trying her best not to run as long as being in his sight .
(y/n) was no longer a hopelessly romantic child , but a young , well grown lady instead. The girl who was known for being loud and carelessly excited about new things long away died inside her ; all that was left was an obedient , quite shell , serving its master.
It's been years since (y/n) firstly stepped into rabbit's trap and now , she could feel the hole being digged deeper and deeper each time she returned to start this mad game over which was getting longer and deeper each time ... slowly turning from a hollow to a pitch black well...
How slow and temporary , she didn't ever see this coming
At first all was a simple tea party , or that's what she thought . They'd normally talk but (y/n) wasn't ever the one to ask ; perhaps it begun because she found it rude to ask a host questions at first , but it continued because she no longer dared to ask anything . It was pretty unnoticeable at first since she was just trying to be polite against Riddle , considering his countless questions a small trend out of curiosity , but soon , things changed
Riddle begun with any simple thing others might ask : Her favorite books , animals , opinion on sweets , favorite activities to do...
(y/n) wouldn't be bothered by answering any of them , though it sometimes took hours
She must've admitted that she quite enjoyed herself spending time with him , someone who's always willing to listen to you instead of forcing you into listening to them : Riddle was often the listener , not the speaker . There were very few times she could get him talking about himself but it didn't get any further than simple comments on different types of tea and sometimes his obsession with rules . She'd asked him about his family a couple of times and he'd just...change the topic by asking more questions before she could argue
He didn't ever say a word , but (y/n) could tell it from his face : He wasn't happy . She'd spent countless hours talking about her friends and family , how much they mean to her and she loves them expecting him a similar reply or at least , a note to his family and friends . But he'd always end up being quieter than ever , not even looking her in eyes . When they were younger it used to bring him blushes on cheek and watery eyes , making him have to turn back and wipe them away before (y/n) could've seen , but she always saw .
Perhaps that was what made her want to keep playing his game for sometime longer , hopeful that she could actually change him . She thought that it's what makes her a nice person , a good friend . She really thought that it was what Riddle needed .
But he didn't
(y/n) used to believe that she was changing him , that she was taking the pain away , that she was taking making him stronger than before .
(y/n) didn't realize how she was the one being changed by Riddle , slowly becoming his doll .
Even his questions slightly changed from simple friendly ones to deep , personal accusations .
He would ask her about he smallest spots on her life : What time she'd wake up , what she'd eat , how many hours would she spend outdoor , anything she does durnig her days , even dreams she'd have
None of these seemed to be any big deal on their own , but things are different when there's someone knowing them all .
With all these years being asked and exposed from head to toe , he was starting to know (y/n) better than she did herself :
He could tell what would be the first thing that'll come to her mind when she wakes up tomorrow , and what she'd whisper slowly before closing her eyes to sleep
He could tell what will make her smile when she walks in to her house and what will make her cry after quiting her classes .
Her whole personality was a half written book and Riddle had decided to write the rest of it after reading all that was written .
sending a mild shiver down her body and mind . He was neither asking nor or dering , he was speaking of a speaking of a fact . A request can be denied , and order may be disobeyed , but his words...they were like predictions of her future . What she will do in three days...one month . He was the puppeteer and she the small , naive doll.
(y/n) could sense his heavy gaze on her each time hey met ; all of her.
She could find herself being judged into his eyes :
Head to toe
left to right
Outside to inside
She could feel them all watched-
And she didn't like it
More roses would grow every months . More time would be spent on that hellish tea parties . All of her now non-existing personality had been wiped off her , since the day her curiosity killed the cat .
She couldn't take it anymore , she was sick of it , all of it . Sick of being haunted by Riddle's phantom . She was sick of not being able to smile in years . She was sick of his '30 days , one month ' . She was sick of him
Month after month , party after party , year after year...
What was wrong with her ? Why didn't she ever try to run away ? 'because he would find her-'?
No he wouldn't
He wouldn't even realize how she ran off , forever. What was there to stop her...?
Roses and more roses
They weren't yet done , and will never be...
(y/n) stepped into the empty area , all quiet and dark now . She must've returned home hours ago , but no . Not until this ends , so she can have a peaceful sleep after years . Wind growled and trees shook , while the moon brightened up her figure standing right in the middle of the forest .
She gazed upon the rose bushes with hatred , wishing that she could burn each and every one of them in flames ; flames that have been burning her for so long .
But no , there was no use destroying all that was created by her own hands , she wasn't going to touch any of red roses. All she needed were the white ones . No more painting , never again .
She tightened her fist , feeling her blood boiling . She's been played with over the years , just to end up here . Heart broken and tired . She suddenly remembered the old moments this place carved into her heart ; times that were actually sweet . It wasn't like this before , and she never thought that it would be . There were many times she thought that she was in love with Riddle , even after he turned into a monster she'd never expected him to be . There was no deny of it , Riddle was her closet one now , he's been for so long . No one ever knew her like he did , not a single soul wished to listen to her like he always does , there wasn't and will never be anyone more willing to meet her each and every time like Riddle would , never .
She could feel her eyes teary and her throat heavy ; she couldn't help it . Riddle had stolen all of her , including her heart . She was supposed to be mad but she couldn't , Riddle was a part of her now . Just as much as she wanted to run away from him , she wished there to be a way to stnad by his side for an eternity , forever . She didn't need anyone else when he was around , he couldn't think of anything else than him . Riddle had become her one and only option , but this wasn't right . This couldn't be right. There was no way she could walk up to him throwing herself into his embrace , telling him how she felt and asking him to stop playing with her . She wish she could but no , he will never change , unlike her . She now hated how much she'd changed into such a pitty full doll , she couldn't take it anymore . There was no way of Riddle ever letting go of her thoughts , he'll always be a part of her . (y/n) wished they could've stayed together forever but this wasn't a fairy tale , life never was. She now had to let go of her fantasies and live the reality for once .
"Forgive me..." , she said as tears fell down her eyes . Her vision went blurred but that wasn't going to hold her back from seeing white roses through the night . She cut them one by one , ruthlessly , crazily , hatefully
She cursed herself for the first time she stepped there , cursed the world by making the two of them meet the day , and cursed Riddle for catching her heart and getting her to where she was .
She cried as her hands turned just as injured as her heart , filthy and drowned in blood , making her let out a silent scream
12 , 13...
She rose both of her hands to catch the last rose , the 13th...
Just to feel choked on neck and pulled back harshly by hair at once .
Riddle harshly pulled (y/n) by neck , almost breaking it . Her body hardly met the ground ,starting to wheeze , The freezing cold ground now seemed a lot warmer than her frozen mind . She apparently lost the ability to move or talk , not even daring to look up , begging him for mercy .
He knew she'd come back
Just as he knew her everything
"I'd warned you about my temper , (y/n) .Thought that you were smart enough to listen "
(y/n) wished to find a source of anger through his voice , but she didn't . It would've been way better than this terrifyingly calm and cold tone of him which made her blood run cold and her throat dry .
" I knew that you'll one day try to run away , had no idea that it'd come this soon though..." , he said , slowly pulling (y/n) up by hair , making her silently cry with her eyes closed , biting her lip to shut her scream .
"Tell me , (y/n) , " his eyes weren't at her , but at the now destroyed rose bush : " You seriously did think that all that was bounding you to me were these roses...? " his hand was pulling her hair recklessly , yet his voice managed to be calm as ever , that was just like him .
" Roses will wither , tea will run cold , copper will ring , that's the matter of nature, " his words brought you back to your first day here , the day you two met . Withered roses , half empty tea cups and ringed chest clock ...
" Not all relationships can be bound by such things , they cannot be measured by mortality and such short lasting stuff..." , he continued with his rhythmic tone , making (y/n) feel worse and worse.
" If it were just roses , you would've ran away long ago . There was something else , right ? Something that kept you coming to me ," his words are as deep as ever , making she ask herself the same question :
'Why didn't she ever run away?'
Right , there wasn't any force on her ; there never was. She was there because of the choices she , and she had made so far . It was her choice to go to the deeper part of the forest thougt her parents had forbidded her from doing so . It was her choice to come back one month after painting first half of the roses and it was her choice to keep playing this game until now , what could the reason be ? Fear ? Respect ? Curiosity..?
" What could the reason be (y/n) ? Why did you choose to come back to me each and every time? " he asked , but he certainly wasn't expecting an anwser .
" Can't you see this ? it's because I am your choice . You've got a great family , wonderful friends , and an amazing life . But were they really enough for you ? Did they ever satisfy you like they should ? "
For once , she didn't get what Riddle was saying . Satisfied ? Why shouldn't she be satisfied ? Did he really think that she preferred to be caught in the middle of the woods here with him than being out with the ones whom she really loved?
" You laugh with them , cry with them and smile with them , day to day , hour to hour , minute to minute . But is that really enough for you ?"
(y/n) remained blank at his words , unsure what to say or how to feel but...what if he wasn't that wrong...?
" When was the last time someone asked you how you feel ?"
Last time ? It was Riddle of course . He'll ask the same question everytime they meet , not even caring if he keeps getting the same anwser as before .
" You talk with them , from how cute kittens are to how sweet lollypops can be , but what was the last time you talked about yourself ? "
Last time...was there even a first time ? Did they even care to ask her about herself ? She didn't know . She was the questioner out there , unlike how she was with Riddle .She was the one to always bring up topics , no one would ever ask her anything but regular stuff or things she'd bring herself . She thought that it was all she needed to live , wasn't it enough..?
" You know it yourself , don't you ? No one out there cares for you , (y/n) . Not a single soul . Your parents protect you as a responsibility , your friends talk to you as their own entertainment and others , others are just passing by . You're nothing but an invisible shallow to them , do you like it? "
(y/n) wished she could've argued him on that point , but realizing how he had a point his throat went dry again , unwilling to face reality :
No she didn't , she hated it . She hated it all . She hated how she smiled and shouted just to gain attention . She hated all times she cut off into her friends chats just because no one was going to ask her to join , she hated everyone around her for not ever coming to her unless having a trouble or being in need and she hated how fake all her life were ,
" You needed a listener , someone who would really care to know about you and only you , someone like me . No one will ever know you like I do , not a single soul will wish to listen to you like I always do , there wasn't and will never be anyone more willing to meet you each and every time like I would , never . "
Riddle's words were too complicated for her to describe ; gloomy and sad , fluffy and sweet , bitter and sour , just like Riddle himself ; a total riddle .
" I'm the one for you (y/n) , and you're the one for me . Our bound isn't a simple strand that can be destroyed by cutting roses off , and you know it . "
He suddenly freed (y/n)'s hair , making her head bang the ground again . He leans toward her to pull her up from behind , holding her from the armpit. Just as your first time .(y/n) was now feeling all dizzy and shakey , not even able to stand if he wasn't holding her . She felt weak in legs , arms , mind , all of her . No longer sure if it was a dream or reality .
He helped her try to stand on her own feet , but didn't let go . He lowered his head to whisper into her ear : " Roses will grow again , but I won't let go of you this time . "
(y/n) was expecting something different , something romantic or low-key sweet , something that a lover might say . But uh , not all love stories are like those ordinary ones , not all fairy tales have a sweet , happy ending .
Riddle held her by waist with his left hand , while holding her right hand with the right , bringing her closer to the very last rose left . For the first time she knew what he was about to do , with your bloody hand still fresh and pleasing for him : " And now , you shouldn't waste that all " he says before bringing her hand closer to the rose , making her fingers meet its petals . This time Riddle wasn't the only one painting it , he was just holding her hand . She brushed her fingers down the soft petals , careful enough to do it as soft as possible . Her first time doing this was filled with excitement and her 10 minutes ago with hatred , but now , all that was left was a simple breeze among flowers , she couldn't even feel anything . It couldn't be called sad or happy , it couldn't be called neutral either . All that she could feel from the moment was the sight of her fingers dancing on petals , and on the other side...Riddle . His warm breathe brushing her neck , their bodies touching and tied closed as if they were actually hugging . And his heart...the feeling of it beating at (y/n)'s back . This sound was just as it were years ago , just as calm , just as rhythmic , just as beautiful
(y/n) felt empty yet...safe right there . Her future had dark and cold inside if she were to have an compliment on it now , but for now , being held close to Riddle into his warm and calming embrace , seemed enough for her ;
Enough to believe in fairy tales ...♥
This was supposed to be finished ten days ago lol , happy non-birthday to you Ana @yandere-romanticaa 💕💕💕
Tagging : @twst-soul @kanaverni @twistedlymad @yandere-of-your-dreams @ghostiebabey @roaringyouth @yandere-wishes @tsuisute ♥
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Alright orginally I wanted to do these all in one go, but I figured it'd be easier for me to get them in segments that way you guys get more content. Okay heads up, guys I will be going with my family to the zoo tomorrow so I'm not gonna be posting much that day. I'll try to push something out but no guarantees!
Lost Boys Fem!S/O Gives Birth [1/4]
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Days pushed into weeks. Weeks to months. Finally, months turn to weeks. Now it was to the point David was getting increasingly impatient. While the due date was up for speculation, 9 months began to tip towards ten. Anxious couldn't even begin to cover it. He wanted his child, he wanted to see their face, most of all he wanted you to stop hurting!
Early mornings of you crying from the sheer aching pains in your back sent him into a tizzy, he couldn't get any sleep while you were in agony. He'd lie beside you in the wee hours of the morning flipping through the stupid pregnancy book Dwayne found for him. 
"A late due date is not uncommon. Your baby will come when they're good and ready," David read to himself out loud laying beside you in bed, his face souring into a grimace. Patience was a virtue he had yet to achieve. "I don't want to wait."
With the prospect of childbirth looming over the two of you he had decided since your first trimester to sacrifice his comfort by sleeping beside you. Originally they had simply housed you in Star’s bed, but due to her wretched half-vampire form she would have no risk if the sun were to catch her. David, on the other hand, would quickly burn to a crisp at the first sign of daylight. Thus, he took it upon himself to search his way through the dismantled hotel until he found the most stable room held together between peeling walls and cave formations, tucked away from any prying light. Holes were sealed up, cracks were filled, your bed even had a canopy of thick black curtains covering it to prevent any stray beams that felt welcome.
Laying beside him you only shrugged your shoulders with a soft sigh, running your hands over your stomach. You had just gotten used to this speech by now. David tried everything to help you go into labor. Weird foods, extra long walks, those stupid exercises, even sex! 
Nothing. Your little one was as stubborn as their father. 
"You know color me crazy," you started to say, petting the platinum blonde vampire tenderly ", but I don't think grumbling at a fetus will make them come any faster."
"Shows what you know." David laid the side of his head atop your belly ready to burst. Carefully he peeled away his leather glove, sliding his hand beneath your shirt. Your skin was warm and taut, stretching to its limits. He had watched the time slip away faster than he expected, and yet somehow it felt not fast enough. When he closed his eyes he could hear the muffled, warped heartbeat submerged below. The momentary peace soothed his soul. He could sense their stirring mind. It was muddied, a cluster of emotions, no thought.
The silence gave you a moment to breathe and savor the tender moments with David until a sharp sting pulled at your abdomen. It spread across the base of your stomach, digging into the small of your back and spreading outward. You nearly recoiled from him with a harsh gasp hissed through your teeth. David sat up immediately.
“What is it,” he demanded, taking your hands into his. “Are you okay?”
It only lasted a minute or two and just like that the ache had faded away. Taking a moment to breath you simply smiled and waved it off. "Relax it's just a cramp," you assured him. “It just caught me off guard is all.”
"I'm not so convinced." He pulled himself to your side. "That's the third time it's happened in an hour, love. They’re getting shorter in between. Are you sure you aren’t in any pain, kitten?." 
You kissed his cheek softly, tucking away a lock of snow that had fallen in his face. "I'll be fine. I promise. Don’t worry about me okay? It’s already gone." 
What you weren’t aware of was that you had spoken far too soon. The discomfort persisted even into the daytime, and David's observation was starting to hold some weight. Earlier that night it had only begun as a slow ache that came once every two hours. But that time had split in half. Then again. Until you were feeling a persisting ache in your muscles that left you gasping for air almost every five minutes. In the late hours of the afternoon you softly awoke still wrapped in David’s arms. Again another pain came and went, this time you had to bite down on your lip to avoid any sudden sounds. Slowly you managed to wiggle out of his grip, hoping another blood bag may be enough to curb your discomfort. It wasn’t a surprise when even motion became a taxing endeavor. Every step weighed heavy on your body, you thought you might have to sit down before you had even left the room. Barely shuffling through the corridors, you had begun to use the walls as support.
You clutched at your stomach, dragging in labored breaths trying to catch yourself against the edge of the lobby fountain when you finally stumbled out. It was too much even to move now, and the reality of the situation was settling in. These weren’t your false contractions that visited you maybe once an hour, if that. There was maybe a minute in between them now. With what little strength you had left, you lowered yourself onto the floor. You couldn’t hold back whatever agonized groans that had previously been stifled, clenching your eyes shut. This was definitely a bad decision on your part.  
Your absence was quickly noticed by David. The bed felt lighter, he could sense some sort of difference in weight and with a tired groan he rolled over to reach you... Where were you? 
At first he lazily ran his hand over the sheets, expecting you to only be a few inches from him. When you proved further than he expected, he began rapidly patting around the mattress. His body began to panic when his fingers still failed to find you, then across the cave he heard an echoed whine. That's when he shot up out of bed from his slumber, looking at the empty space where you should've been. "Y/N," he called out, hearing you scream a second time. "Y/N!!" 
In a frantic dash he swung himself over the bed, nearly flying through until an unexpected obstacle had him skidding to a horrified stop. 
You were clinging onto the edge of the fountain just out of his grasp, the cruel sun enveloping you entirely leaving him to cower in the shadows. Paul and Marko had dove from the cave when they overheard you crying, circling through the dark until they saw David diving into the room just as limited against the ring of fire as they were.
“Y/N, hang on,” Paul called, but the moment his fingers touched the light they burst into flames. Immediately he recoiled with a shriek, grasping at his burnt flesh. There was no way they could reach you. Not until the sun went down. Everything began to hurt at once. GThere was a heavy layer of perspiration coating your skin. You hadn’t even realized your water broke until you could hear it. Like someone pouring out a bucket of water, the ground beneath you now soaked. 
David rapidly paced watching you sob alone against the fountain. What should he do? What could he do?? Just like Paul, he began to reach his hand out to touch the light. Of course it caught aflame and he rapidly shook it to dispel any further burn.
“David please, stay back,” you begged, trying to prop yourself against the concrete edge behind you. The sun proved a worthy adversary to you as well, firmly planting you in place with not an ounce of strength to spare between you and the constant contractions. David steeled his resolve, stepping forward towards you. Your words were falling on deaf ears, even Paul and Marko making a mad dash to hold him in place. With every ounce of strength he had, David tore away- right into the sun. 
Within moments the merciless rays lit his back up into a cruel bonfire. You screamed, sobbing and begging him to go back. Instead he fought to lift you into his arms, dragging his feet through hell. You were clinging to his jacket, unable to watch the look of agony he presented until finally he had collapsed with you in tow into the dark. Marko quickly covered the flames with an old tarp draped over the couches, patting it away as fast as possible. The stench of charred flesh made his nose ache, it was foul. 
Even in his weakened state David dragged himself to your side, pushing away your hair from your burning face. It took everything you had to stay still. There was no doctor here to warn you of when it was safe to push. 
With every passing hour it grew more intense. David had no choice but to feel how dilated you had become. To hell with modesty, if you weren’t ready and you tried to push the baby out you’d both die. He’d read enough of those books Dwayne brought to know what to do. Paul held your hand, helping you sit up in place. He swore you might break his hand, and once if was time you began to panic. Both vampires had to keep you firmly in place while your body began to stretch and tear. Dwayne had finally arisen, bringing in an armful of towels and a tub of warm water. At the suggestion he took over, you rapidly shook your head. It was one thing to have David with his hands up there, so instead he was on cleaning duties. Your screams filled the cave, every room vibrating with the unimaginable pain you felt. It was pushing out, all you could do was cry. All four boys were talking you through it. No one could have really prepared you for this. Stories and films always made it seem like the birth could easily take three hours tops. It had been almost the entire day. Thirteen hours from the contractions to now your labor, clinging to every excruciating minute. You felt like you were dying, everything becoming numb… and then you could hear the first sounds. Coughing and sputtering as fluids were thrown up.
All of you were just silent, David’s face in utter awe. Gently Dwayne handed him a towel, scooping up the blood caked infant now wailing in his arms. Tears spilled over his cheeks, wiping away the muck that hid his precious child from him, utterly speechless.
“Oh… shit dude,” Paul finally spoke, causing a breathless laugh from you. Even David chuckled.
“Well c’mon man don’t keep it a secret,” Marko chimed in, trying to get a peek. God, it was so tiny. Dwayne leaned over David’s shoulder at the newborn nestled against his chest.
“..It’s a girl..,” he asked. David’s nod sent a rush of warmth through you, an uncontrollable wave of tears and laughter spilling from you. Still recovering from his own endeavors into the sun, he handed your newborn daughter to Marko, who in turn, placed her in your arms. Her petit fingers grasped at your shirt, whimpering against your chest.
 “She’s… beautiful,” you hiccuped, utterly breathless. You looked over at your burnt partner trying to recover with a blood pack stolen from the fridge, bits of flesh reviving back into healthy skin. When he could finally recover enough to move beside you, he simply pulled you into his arms, softly thanking you over and over for his beautiful little one. She clung to his hand as it ran over her petite head whimpering until he gently cradled her in his arms once more. A sense of relief washed over you, laying against David's chest barely able to catch your breath. Tonight he would go hunting to recover, and for the first time he wouldn't be bringing back blood for you, but for your newborn daughter.
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