#jaiden animations aroace
grungebutsoft · 6 months
sometimes I like to just think about how meaningful Jaiden Animation’s “coming out” video was to me
like I had already looked into asexuality and aromanticism and the spectrum previous to seeing the video, but watching it was just so validating to me, especially as someone who had looked up to her for years. Like not only did her explanation of her experiences in discovering her sexuality resonate with me, but I also realized that it was OK to be aroace or something of the sort because someone cool whom I looked up to had both accepted her own identity AND told the whole world about it in a very matter-of-fact and nonchalant way.
I also appreciated Jaiden’s video because my younger brother was also a big fan of hers, and so when he saw that video, that was his first encounter with asexuality and aromanticism in the media. Years later, when I was explaining to him my dislike of Mormon culture (in regards to how women are required to marry and have children) in a random late-night conversation while our parents were asleep and we were completing a puzzle, he asked me point-blank if I was aroace. He was the first person I came out to in my family, and his very accepting response (as if it were normal) was something I needed and also something that encouraged me to come out to my older brother.
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starrycosme · 1 month
Today I came out to my brother as aroace and he said: "Oh, just like Jaiden!"
The relief of immediate understanding... I've never had that before. That's what why good representation is important, you guys. I'm so thankful for that video she made.
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siphisket · 11 days
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happy june 1st lol
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mcytrash · 7 months
Me: i dont rlly care about minecraft rp characters having canon sexualities, I feel like most servers just go from the fantasy books logic in wich this is a place ppl just don't have labels at all and/or characters are matched by the plot and their orientation is simply malleable by plot priorities and that's fine...
Bagi, cellbit, fit, jaiden, mike and bad: here is my character that is canonicaly gay/lesbian/aroace/aro and their orientation is brought up and it makes them have even more depth when considering backstory and current storyline
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highasthesea · 4 months
currently thinking abt that one Jaiden Animations video where she says she felt detached from the LGBTQ+ community bc she was aroace
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emilyrox · 4 months
Alastor not realizing he's an "ace in the hole"
Alastor: Man, what's the deal?
Alastor: Why is no one attractive?!
Alastor: The Pride Ring is BIG. There are like, 3,500 people here.
Alastor: Surely, I am not the outlier in this formula.
Alastor: [on the radio] Why are none of you attractive?!
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nabwastaken · 11 days
yall need to understand how important jaiden animations being a fellow AuDHD Aroace Person of color is to me
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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Not experiencing romantic or sexual attraction apparently equals "antisocial narcissism," lmao. Apparently not wanting to fuck everyone is now a hate crime?
Also take note of the "taught to children" bullshit, I would bet $100 that this is a person who also demonizes the rest of the LGBTQ+ community for being "groomers." Which doesn't even make sense in this context (not that it ever makes sense, mind you) because aroace people are all about not wanting romance and/or sex, and Jaiden's entire video is about her journey of self-discovery and figuring out that she doesn't want a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone?
This is just a great example of how aro/ace people are demonized. Whereas other queer people are demonized and dehumanized for being "sexually deviant" and having their sexual/romantic preferences treated with disgust (if they're not outright treated as evil), aro/ace people are demonized and dehumanized by treating us as if we're missing something fundamentally human. Like we're mentally ill and broken for not experiencing sexual and/or romantic attraction (preferably of the heterosexual sort). It all ties back to an effort to control people's sexualities because to these people the only "acceptable" way to live is in a cis hetero relationship that produces kids.
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gillipop-plus · 4 months
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hello-im-queer · 10 months
I was today's years old when I realized that people actually think that other people are attractive.
PEOPLE JUST LOOK AT A BODY AND BE LIKE : 'whoa I wanna date, hot, sexy, kiss kiss' ?!?!?
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twiyke · 1 year
hey everyone i know i'm not super active in mcytblr rn but with all the talk about misogyny in the gaming community and bias towards m/m stuff (which is absolutely important to talk about!! keep that conversation going) i just. wanna mention.
can we please not girlbossify qsmp jaiden? attributing her character to "way cooler than everyone because she's a girl and not roleplaying gay sex" kind of alienates her and reduces her to a gender and orientation. i love jaiden to bits but she isn't a corporate-stereotype-girl-power-badass and i am very tired of every fem cc/character being shoved into this sanitised feminism box.
it's kind of a disservice that completely overlooks jaiden's on-stream persona. i'm very sick of this mandatory link where to justify a fem character as enjoyable they have to be made into a girlboss. just putting it out there.
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bubbline-aroace-007 · 30 days
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AROACE 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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baepkive · 4 months
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anon-unofficial · 6 months
ok so before I go to sleep tonight I'm just gonna say:
I am SICK and TIRED OF AROMANTICISM BEING IGNORED. today I saw a thread here on tumblr about openly-queer youtubers to check out and I was like oh! okay! I'll just read through the list! :D
and then I saw JaidenAnimations
yk what I saw?
"openly ace"
she is openly AROace
I can't believe I even have to search this up but HERE. YOU. GO.
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I am NOT going to @ the person in the thread who said that because for all I know they could've just been misinformed/uninformed OR it could've just been a mistake, but GOD it pisses me off so badly to have aromanticism not be considered as something important enough to be mentioned, as if it's a synonym to asexuality, which it is NOT.
being aromantic is valid and is as EQUALLY IMPORTANT and AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL as BEING ASEXUAL. OKAY??????
thank you.
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stuffthatsrandomish · 9 months
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Let's all just pray to all that is holy that the eggs come back safe
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koringg · 26 days
“my gay awakening was…” “my lesbian awakening was…” “my bi awakening was…”
my aroace spec awakening was Jaiden Animations, my favorite youtuber as a child, and i’m so glad it was her who showed me who i was
thank you Jaiden
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