#jaiden animations coming out
grungebutsoft · 6 months
sometimes I like to just think about how meaningful Jaiden Animation’s “coming out” video was to me
like I had already looked into asexuality and aromanticism and the spectrum previous to seeing the video, but watching it was just so validating to me, especially as someone who had looked up to her for years. Like not only did her explanation of her experiences in discovering her sexuality resonate with me, but I also realized that it was OK to be aroace or something of the sort because someone cool whom I looked up to had both accepted her own identity AND told the whole world about it in a very matter-of-fact and nonchalant way.
I also appreciated Jaiden’s video because my younger brother was also a big fan of hers, and so when he saw that video, that was his first encounter with asexuality and aromanticism in the media. Years later, when I was explaining to him my dislike of Mormon culture (in regards to how women are required to marry and have children) in a random late-night conversation while our parents were asleep and we were completing a puzzle, he asked me point-blank if I was aroace. He was the first person I came out to in my family, and his very accepting response (as if it were normal) was something I needed and also something that encouraged me to come out to my older brother.
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Baghera: What's happening?
Slimecicle: [Pretending to cry] No, it's fine! You guys go on, I'll catch up. I'll catch up.
Jaiden: Wait- come out! Come out, you gotta see these boobs!
Baghera: Oh, boobs! :D
Jaiden: You gotta see these boobs.
Baghera: Oh yeah, that's a boobie.
Jaiden: Cellbit, you don't wanna come out and see boobs?
Slimecicle: Why do we– Why are we looking at boobs?
Baghera: Cellbit, if you want to see boobies, you have to go out! [Cellbit doesn't respond] Oh, you don't want to see boobs? You can see an ass too.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Baghera: What's happening?
Slimecicle: [Pretending to cry] No, it's fine! You guys go on, I'll catch up. I'll catch up.
Baghera: Is it because of your parents? Because of your friends? What happened?
Jaiden: Wait- come out! Come out, you gotta see these boobs!
Slimecicle: I ate-
Baghera: [Cutting him off] Oh, boobs! :D
Jaiden: You gotta see these boobs.
Slimecicle: Wtf
Baghera: Oh yeah, that's a boobie.
Jaiden: The underboob on this woman, insane.
Baghera: Yup.
Jaiden: Cellbit, you don't wanna come out and see boobs?
Slimecicle: Why do we– Why are we looking at boobs?
Baghera: Cellbit, if you want to see boobies, you have to go out!
Baghera: Oh, you don't want to see boobs?
Jaiden: Boobs?
Baghera: You can see an ass too.
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pusangkambing · 8 months
Sorry for interrupting how everyone is talking about the current lore and launching back to some time ago but since ive read some twts about qroier and his condoning if cellbit is maybe doing the killings and how he hates the fed and all that and ive always wanted to highlight the difference of how both him and qjaiden saw the trip and few minutes they were given with bobby before he fully died
Qjaiden saw those few moments as mercy. They gave her more time with their son, to make last few happy memories with him to keep forever. And she drowned herself in these memories, it is literally how she coped afterwards. By building herself a home of those memories and isolating herself from everyone else. This affected how she saw cucurucho because cucurucho was the one to give her these final moments.
Qroier saw those few moments as cruelty. They dangled the possibility of him getting his son back right in his face, made him go through so much shit and for what? A few measly minutes? How cruel of them to mock him by giving him these last moments with his son knowing he could never have this ever again afterwards. It was vicious mockery is what he believes they gave him. It affected how he grieved too, barely ever touching his memories because it only serves as a cruel reminder of who's bot there anymore, barely going to the 3rd floor of his house, to bobby's castle, keeping himself away from what both he and bobny built, busy with building the city bobby wanted because that city will be a memory he builds alone and not with bobby. And thats why he hates the federation more than ever now.
Its just interesting...
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qbbhs · 7 months
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grieving on quesadilla island
gabrielle zevin | mary oliver | post by @pixiecaps | anne carson | anne carson | irvin yalom
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Just realised the whole Animation family goes to fnaf
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And you know FINE well I'll keep putting them there! 🎉
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The Animations Family should not go to FNAF!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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lxvepup · 1 year
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The only one to trust you.
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cheddertm · 1 year
i can’t wait for Jaiden to join the Foolish/Vegetta family with Roier, bc Roier cares so much about her and wants her to know that she can rely on other people (even if some people are sus of her which is cringe) and that even without Bobby, they’re still a family <3
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antagonistsbible · 1 month
just told my friend I was aroace and I started describing what it meant and
she was like oh? Like Jaiden animations?
our queen Jaiden animations 🔥
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artisticwolf32311 · 2 months
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Working on a lil animation test :P
Edit:I'm going to f#### cry bro I forgot her scar!!!
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writeronartblock · 11 days
I just had a very enlightening experience!
Having just watched the new Jaiden video about her ADHD, it gave me thoughts.
I found it very relatable how she felt like she had things under control in her formative years compared to her current self that made her feel like she fell off after leaving high school. How she remembered being well organized and put together as a child but couldn't conjure up that same motivation and work ethic in her adult years. I felt that.
And how even after getting the idea that she might have ADHD, she put off getting diagnosed because of that mental back-and-forth of "oh maybe, oh maybe not". I'm feeling that
I'm at a point where while I am aware that I am some degree of neurodivergent, but don't know how much. And I'm also hesitant with getting a proper diagnosis because I don't know how to explain this to my parents.
It honestly does feel relieving how some of my experiences is/has also been experienced by a person I've looked up to for a long time, it feels validating.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
I don't know how I'm supposed to come out to my mom. I'm mainly scared because of how she just exploded at me when I told her I was ace. I'm planning on maybe just sending her Jaiden Animations video because I've already shown her some of her stuff but I just don't want her to be weirded out by it. But I really wanna come out because I don't wanna have to go through the rest of my life with her talking about romance to me or asking if I have a boyfriend yet.
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
Coming Out as Aro
Request: hi, hope you're doing well today! i saw your fic of asmo and mammon's reactions to reader coming out as ace, and was wondering if you could do coming out as aro for mammon, asmodeus, leviathan and solomon?
A/N: I did a bit of research on this so like let me know if it needs any changing or something!! Like the ace post, i did my research based on different experiences so let me know if it’s any good or not! Happy pride!!
People often forget that Mammon is very emotionally aware of others. Of course, he could tell that there was something on your mind- that you’ve been acting a bit differently than you have before. Usually, he isn’t one to pester you when you look so serious, but he has to know, and he asks and lays his head on your lap, trying to get your attention. You can talk to him about anything- he promises to understand. He’s a demon- even if you’ve done something bad, he wouldn’t blame you, and would probably take the fall for it if it meant you’d relax for a minute. 
Coming out to him is easy- sort of. The words come out in a rush and without even thinking, words exclaimed loudly that has him just nodding. Okay- you’re aromantic. It’s a big deal, but it isn't. He knows how important it is when people come out to others- he is very versed on human interactions and even so, sexuality isn’t confined to just the Human Realm- he’s met his fair share of demons and angels who share your sexuality. He knows what being aromantic is- and of course, he accepts you. 
You may have a new label to you, but you are still you. He likes to be around you. And now without the risk of romance in the air, he’s much more relaxed. He doesn’t stutter over his words- at least not as often as he did before. Words of care and praise are still difficult for him to share, but it isn’t like before. 
With words being difficult for the second-born, he expresses himself through touch, but only if you're comfortable with it. He likes to rest his head on your shoulder or sit by your side, a pen in his hand as he scribbles over your knuckles. You’re still a  close friend and you coming out has changed nothing about it.
In good nature, he is overeager about giving you things that represent your identity. He’ll buy you items in green, and buy small flags in forms of stickers or pins or anything, for you. Mammon cares deeply for you and if you did show hesitation in your coming out to him, he will go overboard in trying to make up for the fact that you thought he was going to react in anything less than positive. Whatever it is that you want- he’ll get it for you. Whether through spending his money or not, is an entirely different story, but he wants you to know that he cares for you. 
Leviathan’s sin gets to him the most when he notices that you want to tell him something but never do. He thinks to himself that he must have upset you in some type of way, or done something to make you not want to spend time with him. He avoids eye contact with you when he asks if something is up- choosing to focus on a game he’s completed long ago. Of course, there’s a reason that you’re acting like this. He’s already degrading himself in his mind; biting his inner cheek in order to avoid having the words spill out and taint whatever relationship you both have at the moment. 
When you come out to him, he’s silent for a moment before nodding. It had nothing to do with him- he can finally breathe. He knows what aromanticism is. He’s consumed enough media and been on enough forums and blogs to know about all types of identities and sexualities. It isn't surprising that he would know what that is. He’s been around and while he may not be socially active, he does still talk to people from the human and demon realm, and knows the varying sexualities.
You coming out to him is a breath of fresh air. He doesn’t have to think about being romantic with you, nor does he have to worry that anything more would happen. You wanting to be friends with him is already a major win for him. He can just be with you and nothing has to change. You two are still friends. Nothing has to change that- and it won’t with your recent coming out, if anything, it only cements things further which the Avatar of Envy is proud of. 
No matter what, you're still his Henry. The pack that you share with him bonds the two of you, and he’s glad that your friendship will always be set, that nothing really has to change between the two of you. He still brings you to his room to read manga and play videogames. Your friendship hasn’t changed with him, other than him being much more relaxed around you. 
Knowing how important representation is, he will often call out canon aromantic characters to you. Leviathan wants to share his own hobbies with you in some type of way, and by expressing characters that can be like you, is something that he sees can bring the both of you closer. He’s excited for you, wanting to show you that you are being represented. 
There’s something that you’ve been meaning to tell him and Asmodeus isn’t sure what it is, but he knows that it must be important enough to cause you to be much more reserved around him. He’s sure that he’s made himself to be someone that you can come to when you have any type of issues. You must know that he’s been around for a very long time, enough to know that whatever it is that you’re facing, it’s something that will be no match for him. He can handle whatever it is that you want to throw his way. He holds your hand, and you come out to him with a nervous smile and he takes it well.
He knows what aromanticism is- understands that there are varying levels to it much like other sexualities and genders. You’re beside him, fiddling with your hands, twisting your fingers into one another, as you explain where you fall onto the spectrum. He listens and nods at all the right times. He wants to know where you lie- what your definition of your sexuality is. 
He’s romantic by nature, and he never wants to make you uncomfortable- to push you to feel something that you shouldn’t. Of course, he can’t sully change himself due to his own sin, but any advances that are made towards you are empty, there’s no real flirtatious vibe that they once held, just something that’s rather sickly sweet that has you rolling your eyes and scoffing at his mannerisms. If you were to set any boundaries with him, he’d be entirely respectful. There may be moments where he’d cross that line, but he apologizes immediately, wanting to avoid making you uncomfortable. 
You don’t have to be romantic with him, and he knows you don’t feel much towards romantic advances and it takes a bit for him to get used to, like how hand holding isn’t much for you but it means a lot to him in a sense where he can still be close to you. 
Whatever you choose to be with him, he’s happy with it. You’re happy with yourself, and he isn’t going to be one to push you. He understands what his sin is, but even so, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Asmodeus has people and demons throw themselves at him, even as an angel, he was ethereal. And perhaps that has placed his ego on a pedestal, and to have you not attracted to him in any manner, makes him feel loved in a different type of way. He cares greatly for you, and he is always going to be your close friend.
Solomon can tell that there is something that you want to talk about with him, but he isn’t quite sure what it is that you want to talk about. Or if there even is something that you want to talk about- you could possibly just be anxious about something all together. He lets you know that he is there for anything that you want to talk about- whether it be for something miniscule as messing up a potion or something as grand as dealing with mental issues. You coming out to him- if that’s something that you want to call it or not- is not what he had expected that you wanted to talk about.
It came to a surprise to you a long time ago that he had been around for a very long time, so aromanticism is something that he knows about. But, while he may know about it, it isn’t something that he wants to take from you. He tells you that there’s nothing to worry about- if you had any worries about your relationship with him- and wants to know more. You explain to him what aromanticism is to you- how you seem to define it.
There’s a stop in your words, and even some repeat. You’re stuttering and twisting the fabric of your shirt, and even though he's accepting and validating your identity, there's still a part of you that is anxious to talk about it so openly with him after spending so much time contemplating. You know him- he’s a good friend, and you know that he’s been around for a long time, longer than you’d ever be able to comprehend. But it still doesn’t stop the anxiety that bubbles in you.
Of course, he’s happy that you told him. You have no reason to feel anxious, but he isn’t one to tell you how to feel- especially when it’s something that deals with this. He doesn’t want you to feel weird around him, so he asks what your boundaries are, because your feelings come first. 
If there was a shift in the relationship, it isn’t noticeable. Solomon likes to spend time with you and that won’t change. You both still hang out, and he still teaches you bits of magic that you aren’t familiar with. There’s a certain playfulness that has come from you coming out to him. At the end of the day, you mean a lot to the sorcerer and he is going to treasure the type of friendship that you have given to him.
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Me: watching Jaiden animations coming out video
Jaiden: talking about aro
Me: trying not to let it show that I just had an "oh fuck" moment
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pusangkambing · 1 year
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Take my messy q!jaiden design reference!
Click for better quality!
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strawberry-pretzels · 9 months
i thank jaiden animations for making my whole experience being aroace easier. it's been so hard coming out to some people about who i am seeing if i could trust them these days -- but when i do they usually say, "oh, like the jaiden animations video? that's so cool!" like im serious. it's been such a huge help and i don't have to give a 2 hour explanation on why i can even be considered valid at all. hit post
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thesunsetflag · 2 months
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Happy international Ace Day!! ♠️♠️
Snapshot from Jaiden Animations’ coming out video
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