#it's 5:36 AM at the time if typing this
sscarred-starss · 1 month
I saw you were complaining that you had no asks, so, haiiiiii :3
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rockdwarftv · 2 months
So, you wanna play a Pokémon TTRPG
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But you don't have the time to manage 1K entries in a book? Well, I'm working on the thing for you! PokéD6.
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Now that I've show you my character sheet concept, let me break down some of the things on it. The biggest thing anyone will notice right away is the lack any numbered stats. This system converts existing BSTs (Base Stat Totals) into a 6 point grade. Above, each black diamond (✦) represents one point of that stat's grade. And any pre-existing pokemon can have it's BST quickly converted by simply dividing any given stat's total by 36 and rounding up, to a max of 6! Each grade also has an associated number of dice, which are always equal to the grade itself, and an associated modifier. A stat's modifier is equal to it's grade plus it's IVs. IVs, represented by the hollow diamonds (✧), have also been simplified down into a single dice roll per stat. So, whenever you capture a new pokemon, roll 6d6. Like with stat grades, each diamond represents the IVs value. IVs cap out at 3.
But, you may find yourself asking, what do Stat Dice and Stat Modifiers even do?
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Currently, they're for combat! While the attack itself determines how much damage it can do, the pokemon's stats determine if the attack hits, it's minimum damage, how hard they are to hit, and even how much they can reduce the damage! When attacking, say with a Physical Move, the attacking pokemon rolls 1d6 + their ATK Modifiers against the defending pokemon's DEF Modifier + 3. If the attack hits, roll the move's Power and add any bonuses given. Such as Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) or type effectiveness. The defending pokemon rolls their DEF Dice, subtracting their result from the Power roll.
Power has now been converted into d6s, to find a pre-existing move's Power divide it's power by 25 and round up! With the exception of very high damaging moves, most moves deal 1d6 to 6d6 damage.
So a move like Tackle deals 2d6 damage.
I could go on, but for now I want to leave this here and just see what people think! I've enjoyed working on it and am pretty close to being able to do a simple beta of it. So, have a copy of the pdf and lemme know what you think!
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EDIT (4/20/24): Yo what if I just suddenly dropped even more rules in this post? Yea? Yea! So here's how trainers work!
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Trainers are divided into four Careers; Field Researcher, League Challenger, Contest Coordinator and Pokemon Breeder! These careers determine starting gear, recommend a set of skills (more on those later!!!), and determine how the player can make money. Field Researchers are basically the intern equivalent of a Professor's Aide! They go out, encounter as many new pokemon as possible, and get paid a weekly salary! They can even earn bonuses for finding odd pokemon, such as ones with unusual movesets~! League Challengers are pokemon trainers like in the games! Beat gyms, get badges, take on the champion. Easy as! They get paid based on the trainers they defeat, which can be picked up at a PokeCenter or just given to them immediately. Contest Coordinators focus on training pokemon for Gen 3 style'd Contests! They make money by winning contests, with each rank paying out higher rewards! And lastly, Pokemon Breeders! Like the name says, they make their money by breeding and raising pokemon at the requests of the Pokemon League or other trainers. The more specific the request, the more money they earn for it!
Trainers also have skills! These work a lot like Stat Grades, but they don't have an associated modifier. When making a trainer, a player picks 6 skills out of 12. Players then have 18 points to distribute however they want into those 6 skills, up to a maximum of 5. The other skills are left at 1. The skills available are: Archeology, Cheering, Climbing, Cooking, Fishing, Foraging, Knowledge, Nursing, Riding, Sneaking, Spotting and Swimming!
I'm currently working on reformatting the doc so enjoy the new tidbits for now! See you again when I've finished the doc!
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xkaidaxxxx · 1 month
Fake love.
Hawks x reader
mentions: Angst, Pregnancy, Baby girl.
1.3k words
“ Keigo you don’t love me.” you said. “ I do love you more than anything,” he replied. “No you don’t…I see the way you look at Macy.” you replied. In this situation you are correct. Macy is one of his sidekicks. She’s so beautiful. She looks like she came out of a princess movie. Her hair flows amazingly. Her laughter is contagious and when she smiles she makes someone else’s day better. She has her own faults. Everyone does but she’s such a wonderful match for Hawks. When he comes home from work he somehow manages to bring her up in a conversation and praise her, even during important events where heroes and their loved ones are invited. There was a specific night that embarrassed you and made you cry like there was no tomorrow. “ Hey Hawks, it's been awhile. This must be your wife?” Macy questions smiling at you. “ No she’s my girlfriend.” he corrected her. “ Hi I’m Y/n. It’s very nice to meet you, Hawks mentions you all the time.” You said and the paparazzi showed up at just the right time to hear what you said. Cameras start flashing, voice records out, and notepads. 
“ Hawks, are you dating Macy?”
“ How long has your relationship been going?” 
“ Is there a proposal coming up?” 
“ Do you work with her because you two are dating” 
“ Give us some updates Hawks.”
“ Macy, do you love him?” 
“ Macy, what type of dates have you gone on with him?” 
And many more questions. 
He didn’t even deny it. Not even Macy. She smiled and walked inside in a hurry. You were pushed to the back by the paparazzi. 
“ You all are not allowed out here. Please leave. I don’t want to call the police here and have you all arrested.” he said. 
“You are in love with her!” 
“ You want her out of harm's way!” 
“ Hawks, are you planning to retire to marry her and have children?” 
He walked inside slamming the door forgetting you. 
You cried hailing a taxi to go home. When you walked inside you slammed the door shut and locked it. “ How did he forget about me? Why didn’t he say he’s with someone else..with me? Why have we been dating for 3 ½  years and he hasn’t asked me to marry me? Am I not giving him what he needs? Am I not good enough?” you asked those heartbreaking questions. “ I am good for him. I give him all my love and support. I love him. I cook and clean and always make sure he’s healing well when he has injuries. I wake up in the middle of the night to make sure he isn’t bleeding when he has cuts. I give him all I have to offer and that’s not enough. He doesn’t appreciate me. He doesn’t love me.” you said. That night and almost all the time your bed felt cold regardless if he was there. You knew that the relationship was loveless so why did you stay?
A week later you were tangled in between the sheets with him feeling happy. Happy because he showed you a bit of love. He was being so gentle and kind. He did start paying attention to you but to him it was almost a job. A task that reminds himself to do. It’s not a natural thing like in any relationship. You picked up on it and it made you feel like a burden. Gave you mixed feelings.
Happy he’s putting in effort and hurting because it’s almost a job instead of being a good boyfriend .
“ I’ll be home early today sweetheart.” Keigo said ruffling his wings. You think it’s cute when he does that “ Okay my love. See you soon.” You replied holding his hand to help you balance has you tip toed to peck his cheek. “ nice energy boost sweetheart.” He said flying away. You closed the door.
You guys are playing house at this point.
2 players
You’re the sad housewife
He’s the breadwinner
You prepared dinner and served it, waiting at the table reading the message that he’s close on by.
5 minutes turn to 15 minutes.
15 minutes to 36 minutes.
The food is obviously gone cold.
Eventually it hit 2am, he showed up drunk. You opened the door and saw his hero friends holding him up.
“ Do you need help taking him upstairs?” Best Jeanist asked. “ No sir. Thank you all for bringing him home.” You replied taking him and closing the door.
“Keigo get up. Now!” You ordered. He stood up leaning against the countertop. “I’m s’hungry. Dinner?” He said seeing the cold food.
You didn’t even bother to talk to him. You simply went upstairs to sleep.
This happened a least 5 times. When he was brought home..each time the guys would ask if you needed help. If you were okay. After all, heroes save people. Each time you said you’re good.
He did suddenly change. He did give you more attention. He’s doing it as a routine. Not out of love but out of pity. Out of guilt .
Things he’d say to himself:
-Okay remember ask her about her day.
-watch her as she gets ready for bed and give her a kiss here and there
-don’t forget it’s date night
-Make sure to buy gifts
-never cause something to upset her
4 months went on by.
“ You’re joking. False positive. It’s a false positive.” You said and decided to take another test. Minutes went on by. “ Definitely Positive.” You spoke trying to calm yourself down. You threw away the pregnancy tests. “ I’m pregnant. I need to set up and appointment.” You said. You were thinking about abortion but you’re creating a baby. A life. That’s something you shouldn’t take away. You decided to keep it.
You were 1 1/2 months along. You were getting signs a week ago. Now you’re showing a bit of a bump.
You’re so nervous and excited to have a baby. You thought Keigo will be overjoyed. You were working on a way to tell him about it.
Straight up test in his face?
You chose to sit him down, saying you have a gift and hand him a pregnancy test.
The day finally came an you were glowing! You changed into something cute and did you make up. You wore the jewelry he had recently bought you. “Sit down very quickly. I have news for you!” You said jumping up and down. “Hey I’ll be away for about a year on hero work. The United States is waiting for me. I leave in 3 hours..endeavor is waiting for me outside..I’ll keep you updated. Tell me about your news later or I’ll be late.”he said leaving a peck on your cheek. “ Don’t promise that you’re going to write or call…you’ll be busy and I’ll only be worried if you don’t respond soon.I love you so much Keigo” you said. “ I’m still going to call. I love you princess. I’ll try and get home early.”he said leaving. As soon as you were about to tell him you're 2 months pregnant this man is saying his goodbyes and leaving“ God, Keigo, just please remember we had it all. I gave you absolutely everything I had to offer you.”You said. “Time for a fresh start.” with that you went on about your day. It took about 2 months to find a new place to live. You now live about 2 hours away from the countryside of Japan. It was peaceful. The neighborhood held a welcome party for you. When you went to your monthly check ups the woman would feel bad for you. You had no husband, not even a boyfriend that could accompany you. “ It’s a girl!” the gynecologist said happily. You looked at the screen with tears slipping. “ She’s going to be such a cutie pie.” you said giggling. When you hit 7 months It was even harder. You struggled washing your clothes, picking up things from the floor, you couldn’t put on shoes, so you wore slippers all the time. You’d have sleepless nights when your baby girl kicked and moved around a lot and when you craved something, you’d have to drive yourself to the store. 
Miu decided to come two weeks early. If Keigo stayed by your side during your pregnancy you wouldn’t have struggled much. He’d be taking you to the hospital, not the ambulance. Miu’s dada wasn’t there to see her be born. Wasn’t there to hold your hand, wipe your tears and sweat away as you pushed. It was only the nurses and the doctor. After the birth of your daughter you still gave her , her fathers last name. 
The worst part of all of it is that you’re young. 19 having a child with a 23 year old man. Not a huge age gap,but you are barely starting your life. Soon after your daughter turned 4, you moved back to get her a better education and you a better job. $9,500 yen an hour isn’t bad for a beautiful home and to raise Miu. Everything is good for you and little Miu. You both had each other and that’s all that mattered.
love yall
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joblrcensus · 4 months
it’s time for the JOblr census results 🧡🙌
before we start i want to thank everyone who took their time to answer this silly little project, gathering responses from 203 baby boos!! it’s my first time doing this so hopefully i can bring some excitement with the results <3
so buckle up and let’s get into it
general questions
Which continent are you from?
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Unsurprisingly, the majority is European with a total of 80.8% but it’s amazing to see that they’ve crossed the continent’s border and we also have 9.9% people from North America, 3.9% from Australia & Oceania, 3.4% from Asia and 2% from South America. No person chose the Africa option.
Which country are you from? (optional)
With this being an optional question, 162 respondents out of 203 opted to answer it. Let’s take a look at the top countries by number of people in JOblr (small note: I counted the few people who wrote England or Scotland as part of the UK answer)
Drumrolls 🥁…..
Finland - 29
UK & USA - 15
Germany - 11
Poland - 9
Italy - 8
Australia - 7
Sweden - 6
Austria, Spain, The Netherlands - 5
Croatia, Slovenia - 4
Czechia, France, Romania - 3
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Ukraine - 2
Bolivia, Brazil, China, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, India, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland - 1
How old are you?
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45.8% of us are between 18-25, following by 23.6% between 26-30, 18.2% between 31-45, 10.8% under 18 and two people who are over 45 years old.
Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Remember when they said Joker Out are for the girls and gays? 🏳️‍🌈
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Well that was absolutely not wrong since 77.3% baby boos answered that yes they are part of the community, while 11.8% are questioning and 10.8% have answered no
tumblr activity questions
How do you participate on JOblr?
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a majority of 98 people are mostly reblogging posts in the fandom but sometimes making posts of their own, 38 are only reblogging while 36 lurkers have stepped out of the shadow and made themselves known. The least amount of people (31) said to be active posters
Do you post any of the following?
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It’s already known this fandom is mad talented and entertaining!! It’s always a joy seeing everyone’s creations and posts no matter the type. And the people who are only enjoying and supporting the content are just as important 🫶
Do you also post about Käärijä?
Since these two fandoms are basically overlapping, sometimes even seen as one fandom, I was curious just how much
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50.7% also post about Käärijä outside of Joker Out, while 35% don’t post about him at all (or perhaps very rarely). 14.3% are mainly coming from Käärijä’s fandom
joker out questions
How did you find out about Joker Out?
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Another unsurprising result, with 89.7% of us finding out about them through Eurovision. But it was really cool to see that there are people who discovered them differently. Ten people found out about them through Tumblr or other social media, to four they were recommended by someone and one through a music platform. The “other” option was chosen as well and included:
finding out about JO through Käärijä
through a music blog review
on slovenian radio
Who from the current members is your favorite?
One of the hardest questions but it had to be done
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So Tumblr’s top favorite members areee:
Bojan - 69 votes
Jan - 42 votes
Kris - 40 votes
Nace - 35 votes
Jure - 17 votes
Have you been to a Joker Out concert?
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I did not expect this one to be so balanced but I am pleasantly surprised! 104 people have been to a JO concert, while 99 haven’t. It often feels like you’re the only person who hasn’t seen them live yet but it’s nice to see that you’re not alone, so if anyone feels the same don’t worry our time will come too 🥹
If you answered yes, have you seen them multiple times?
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Out of the 104 people who previously answered yes, there’s still a balance between those who have been to only one concert and those who have been to multiple
If you’re into RPF, which one of the most popular ships (according to AO3) is your favorite?
Another optional question where 181 out of 203 opted to respond to.
Oh boy, ooooh boy this was a tough battle. It felt like I was watching a horse race. I can tell you that all three ships have been at some point in the first place, or even equal. Are you ready to see the most interesting result yet?
Drumrolls again 🥁…….
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BoJere - 58 votes
BoKris - 57 votes
Jance - 56 votes
The “other” option was also chosen and the following ships were included:
aaaand that’s it, you made it to the end 🫶 hope you enjoyed and why not see you on the next census!!
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flyfish1999 · 1 month
THE IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE: The Persona 3 Manga in Chronological Order ... but should it be done ????
hi everyone ^_^)/ !!! it's vity here, and i am once again consuming media in the most confusing way possible, and showing how YOU can too !
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shuji sogabe's persona 3 manga adaptation is kind of infamous for being near-useless at points for people who haven't already played the game at successfully getting across it's story due to it being told in non-chronological order. how much of this is his desire to give ryoji mochizuki as much screentime as possible (see my post, how hard was shuji sogabe really on that ryoji mochizuki grind?) and how much of it is artistic intent ? honestly, i'm still not really sure.
but what i am sure of is how much i've always been interested in the idea of - what if you did put the manga in chronological order? chapter by chapter, page by page? well, i've lost two days of my life. happy mochizuki monday!
as of right now, this is only a reading guide. this expects that you already have a way of reading the manga, and i believe any specific page numbers given are only 100% accurate to the physical release - but i wouldn't expect it to be off by much ! if anyone actually tries this, i would love to hear your thoughts on it! it's certainly an experience, at points. plus, i'm always happy to correct any errors! (thank you to @p3ta for some artistic debate to help me compile this as well as i could!)
GUIDE UNDER THE CUT: ^_^ if you enjoy my p3 work -> buy me a coffee ?
in order:
(this could also be used as a day by day play companion!) continue -> continue reading from current position alternating colours for visibility ! god knows i squinted at the screen typing this all out the first time ... but if you don't like it, just copy and paste it into a txt document !
4/6 : 2(start on page 9, from date) 4/7 : 2(continue) 4/8 : 2(continue), 3(continue) 4/9 : 4(continue) 4/17 : 5(continue) 4/18 : 5(continue) 4/20 : 5(continue), 6(continue) 5/9 : 7(continue), 8(skip to here) 5/23 : 9(continue) 5/30 : 9(continue) 6/1 : 9(continue) 6/6 : 9(continue) 6/8 : 10(continue), 11(continue) 6/13 : 11(continue) 6/22 : 19(skip to here, read to page 5) 7/11 : 14(skip to here, start at page 16) 7/13 : 14(continue) 7/20 : 14(continue), 15(continue, read to page 25) 7/21 : 32(skip to here, read to page 16) 7/28 : 19(skip to here, start at page 6) 8/6 : 20(continue), 21(continue) 8/9 : 21(continue) 8/16 : 21(continue) 9/5 : 21(continue) 9/10 : 22(continue) 9/18 : 22(continue) 9/21 : 22(continue) 9/23 : 22(continue) 10/4 : 22(continue) 10/5 : 22(continue) 10/20 : 23(continue) 10/21 : 23(continue) 10/25 : 23(continue) 10/26 : 23(continue) 10/30 : 23(continue) 11/3 : 23(continue), 1(skip to here, read to page 35), 15(skip to here, start at page 26), 1(skip to here, start at page 36) 11/4 : 32(skip to here, read from page 17 to 21), 16(skip to here), 32(skip to here, read from page 22 to 25) 11/5 : 17(skip to here, read from page 6 to 17) 11/7 : 25(skip to here, read from page 7 to 11) 11/9 : 32(skip to here, start at page 26), 2(skip to here) 11/10 : 2(continue, read to page 6), 12(skip to here, read to page 7) 7.5(skip to here), 12(skip to here, start at page 7) 11/14 : 12(continue), 13(continue) 11/16 : 13(continue) 11/17 : 13(continue), 14(continue, read to page 15) 11/18 : 17(skip to here, read to page 5), 17(skip to here, start at page 18), 18(continue) 11/19 : 24(skip to here) 11/20 : 25(continue) 11/21 : 25(continue, read to page 7), 25(skip to here, read from page 12) 11/22 : 25(continue), 26(continue), 27(continue) 11/24 : 28(continue) 11/30 : 29(continue) 12/1 : 30(continue) 12/2 : 30(continue), 31(continue), 33(continue), 34(continue) 12/10 : 35(continue) 12/16 : 35(continue) 12/20 : 35(continue) 12/24 : 36(continue) 12/29 : 36(continue) 12/30 : 37(continue) 12/31 : 37(continue), 38(continue) 1/1 : 39(continue) 1/9 : 40(continue) 1/12 : 41(continue) 1/21 : 41(continue), 42(continue) 1/25 : 44(continue) 1/30 : 44(continue) 1/31 : 44(continue), 45(continue), 46(continue), 47(continue) 3/4 : 48(continue) 3/5 : 48(continue)
thanks for reading ^_^)/ !!!!
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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bee's record player: march edition. 🎀𓂃 ࣪˖
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 !! notice !! ♡
surpriseee <3 wanted to try and add a little of my personal influence to my girlblog since music is literally my entire life & thought it might be funny to show u all what makes up the chaotic glittery mess that is my brain (and because there are almost 1000 of you beautiful people following me whatt?? thank you😭). i've allllways wanted to do smth like this too so, here u go !! 🩷💗
(+ this is a way for me to rant about my interests without being annoying to my friends / moots 😭. to anybody who has listened to me rant or cry or scream or whatever over music ily guys mwa)
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goddess, laufey
♡ released march 6th, 2024
♡ single
♡ running time: 4 minutes 28 seconds
eternal sunshine, ariana grande
♡ released march 8th, 2024
♡ full album / LP
♡ best songs: supernatural, the boy is mine, we can't be friends (wait for your love), intro (end of the world)
♡ running time: 35 minutes 33 seconds
unheard, hozier
♡ released march 22nd, 2024
♡ extended play / EP
♡ best songs: too sweet (i adore this song.)
♡ running time: 13 minutes 59 seconds
super real me, illit
♡ released march 25th, 2024
♡ extended play / EP, debut! ♡
♡ best songs: magnetic, midnight fiction
♡ running time: 9 minutes 36 seconds
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 BEE'S TRACKS: TOP 10
♡ 10. my world, illit
girly girl song!! i've been obsessed with illit's whole super real me album, their debut is soo good oh my gosh. its criminally short but i seem to have listened to it a lot !! 😭
♡ 9. we can't be friends (wait for your love), ariana grande
i have SO MUCH to say about this song but it resonates with me so much in so many different ways and i just. oh my god. ariana i love u so much
♡ 8. we got so much, le sserafim
k so i initially didn't really like this song but... it's grown on me. a lot. since it first came out. um. it's pretty simple honestly and it's just really girly girl it makes me feel like a school girl i love it
♡ 7. this is what makes us girls, lana del rey
girlblogger anthem!! okay confession i did not get into this song until LAST MONTH. i know. it's terrible and i am ashamed i am so sorry. but i have formed such a strong emotional attachment to this song its crazy i adore it
♡ 6. imperfect for you, ariana grande
exposing myself pt.3 i was in a really big depressive slump for like one half or more of this month actually and this song helped me so much i can't 😭 i love you ari
♡ 5. the boy is mine, ariana grande
(are you noticing a pattern here yet) um another ariana grande song no lol um idk what ur talking about haha 🥰 this song is so twerkable im sorry i wasnt a fan at first but im obsessed i need to stop
♡ 4. smart, le sserafim
no words. once again wasn't a huge fan originally but oh my god im obsessed w it now. afrobeat type of songs are, will, and always be top tier and i will die on this hill. (i've been SO OBSESSED with le sserafim lately but i think thats fairly obvious here😭)
♡ 3. eternal sunshine, ariana grande
i adore this song oh my god. its become one of my favs of all time since it came out. this was on loop for HOURS when i first heard it and its such a comfort song for me. it shows her growth so beautifully and there's so much about it i just absolutely adore like i could write a whole essay on this song and still wouldnt be able to express how much i love it
♡ 2. magnetic, illit
illit was bound to pop up here again this month tbh ok so me and my bsf were listening to this on loop the entire time at school a little after it came out like we were sitting in the front row of our class and were still watching the magnetic mv under the desk on her phone. so in love with this song it makes me so happy n feel so cute i ahh <3
♡ 1. supernatural, ariana grande
SUPERNATURAL IS THE SONG EVER. first day it came out i listened to the album and this was on loop constantly for the next week or more. it's made it up to my top 10 fav songs of all time ever and i listen to A LOT of music. this song is my life<333
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 ALBUMS
♡ 1. eternal sunshine, ariana grande
fairly self explanatory. i love u ari. there was soo much ari this month bc ive been a diehard ari stan since i was 8 and have never looked back. since yes and released in january i have been ecstatic about ag7 releasing in march after 4 YEARS of no ari so this was MONUMENTAL for me 😭😭 THE DROUGHT IS OVER ARIANATORS RISE 🩷🩷🩷
♡ 2. super real me, illit
so basically the day this album came out my best friend was spamming me about them and i only listened to them like 2 days after cuz she was annoying me about it and OH MY GOD. i listened to them and then proceeded to loop the whole album for the next 72 hours 💗 and for a debut as well is amazing ily illit girlies
♡ 3. with you-th, twice
so i wasn't much of a fan at first bc they just sounded really similar and bland to me but its grown on me a lot since it came out and i've been listening to it so much throughout the entirety of march. its just so oddly comforting in a way and feels like a hug in music form (+ rush and bloom are the best songs argue with the wall)
♡ 4. easy, le sserafim
self explanatory. i'm obsessed with le sserafim at the moment and this album is everything to me. ass shaking album 10/10
♡ 5. k-12, melanie martinez
i have been revisiting one of my fav albums of all time this month and its as amazing as always. this has been my favourite album of all time since it came out and i will never ever get over k12 🩷 10000/10!!!! <3
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 ARTISTS
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♡ happy 1 year to portals by melanie martinez! oh my god this album helped me through all of 2023 and i went to see her on tour in london for my birthday last november and it was surreal. she's amazing. i adore her and this album (i have it on vinyl hehe) and love it SOO MUCH 💖
♡ expect ordinary things by ariana grande to be high high on my top 10 next month its been on loop for days now im obsessed
♡ there's going to be a LOT in next month's issue seeing as 2 of my all time favs are coming back next month, so prepare for that! so excited ahh <3 (one has already released at the time of writing this. prepare urselves.)
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 EDITOR'S NOTE
this was SO FUN oh my gosh. i am 100% making this a regular thing~ lmk if it was entertaining, improvements needed, artists / albums you'd like me to keep up with etc, or just general comments, ideas, reviews and so on. thank you so much for reading, this was so fun! look forward to next month 💗🫶💖
lots of love 💘
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p3ndeja6 · 8 days
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₊ ⊹🪻 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🔮
n.amaro x reader
summary: you were younger then nick by a couple of years, and sometimes he’d come over to your apartment after late nights at the precinct, he’d come over to just enjoy peace and serenity
content: fluff, reader is in school (2nd or 3rd year of college) suggestive acts (nothing extreme), age gap!, mentions of sexual abuse due to svu cases, nothing too triggering, just a fluffy one shot overall
super short but could make a part two (smut type shit)
✧ ✧
it was late at night, you were working on an essay that was due by the end of the week.. you were getting strained and decided to take a break and call it a day.
You made yourself a quick meal, spicy buldak noodles, a sandwich and your favorite drink that was saved in the fridge. You prepared your meal as you were watching your favorite show. you were almost done preparing your late-night snack when you heard the doorknob shake.
You lived a pretty safe vicinity so the chances of a burgler were slim, but you still were vigilant about your safety, you quickly grabbed your broom and held it tight.
Upon your discovery, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend… nick.
You sighed of relief, and he looked at you worried
“Jesus Nick, you scared me!” “geez sorry, i thought this neighbor was safe?”
you put the broom down, “I mean it is but you never know” “yeah.. tell me about it”
he walked to you as you went back in finishing preparing your ramen, he went behind you and grabbed you hips and nuzzled his head in between your neck, kissing you, making you giggle due to his stubble
he continued and you moved your head slightly to give him more access, he took this as a sign to continue. You tried not to get distracted but you let a soft moan escape.
he laughed,and started moving up your body; cupping your boobs. You laughed and finally pushed him away
“stop Nick” you laughed “I want to eat, I’ve been working on an assignment for the past 5 hours.” he let go and laughed “my hard working girl, okay okay I’ll let you eat but next time, you’re all mine!”
you shook your head in sarcasm, he took of his jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt a couple of buttons down, and took off his shoes. He adjusted himself on your couch, and laid there with his eyes closed taking in the aroma therapy essential oils diffuser thats going around your room.
you look at him, now realizing that he’s here strangely. Nick stops by late nights most weekends or if it’s a weekday he’ll let you know earlier in the day if he’s stopping by, but it’s currently a Tuesday at 12:36 am.
“hey Nick?”
he hummed in response, most likely getting sleepy
“not to sound rude or anything.. but why are you here? It’s late on a Tuesday night, shouldn’t you be at your place?”
He opened one eye and looked over at you
“do you not want me here?” He said a bit suspicious
“oh god, no like yeah I do, but I just realized what day it was and you know you usually let me know when you’re coming over and it’s usually weekends you spend the night with me, I just found it odd you came to visit me tonight” “I love it when you’re here really”
you finally finished your ramen and took it towards the couch where Nick was, and started eating as you waited for a response.
he was hesitant in his answer, he seemed stressed and frustrated.
“today we had a tough case.. a rape case..”
you look at him attentively, making sure you are hearing him and that he has your fullest attention.
you nod in continuous
“and well… it’s about a 8 year old girl who’s after school teacher has been acting inappropriately with her.. you know like touching her where she shouldn’t be touched”
“oh my god” was what you let out
“yeah, and her home life isn’t easy, this one was a bit tough to work on dude to how young and bright this little girl is. I hate to see anyone take it away from her”
you put your ramen down and get close to him, caressing his hand.
“and being here.. with you just brings me peace. All is perfect here, so sorry i came unexpected but i really needed to see you”
you smiled at him
“awe baby, you know you are always welcomed here, I love having you here, never goes a day where I don’t miss you”
you make him look at you and caress his cheek, looking so attentively at his eyes, leaning in and kissing him so gracefully.
he takes you in, and guides a hand on your neck. You move to his lap and continue to kiss him, sucking on each others lips, and you slightly grinding on him
he groans a bit and you continue to bit his lip. You pull away with his lip in between your teeth and stare at him and run a finger across his now plumped lips
“thank you for coming over”
“thank you for having me”
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt. 36
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Pairing(s):Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Warnings: underage smoking (non nicotine, non cannabis)
Words: 3242
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28 Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39
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The time was growing late where you should have been back home already preparing for bed. You couldn't leave the comfort of the forest though, not when you and Edward lay side by side, him listening as you described Dieufel's magic and Nadege taking over Bella's training. Soft grass tickling your bare arms and legs and the singing of evening birds swooping into the trees after a long day. Bugs kept away from you and Edward, probably thanks to whatever supernatural scent was embedded into you.
You also brought up that in just two days you'd be free of all academic obligation. That meant you could finally go on your long overdue date.
Edward smiles, turning onto his side to face you. "I've been thinking of all the things we can do. Can't seem to decide on just one though."
Laughing you follow suit and roll over to talk to him. The sun wasn't bright any longer, but just a few meager rays were enough to dance off of Edward's skin and illuminate the prism-like structure of Edward's skin and how it's almost blinding. Odd how vampires took on such a trait. "Yeah? What are some of your ideas?" All the while you covertly admire how handsome Edward is in daylight. Your fingers itch to touch his luminescent skin and feel it's coolness against your skin.
He watches the subtle twitch of your fingers as you restrain them from reaching out to him. That makes the corner of his lips curl. Boldly he grabs your hand as he replies "Well, I thought about maybe a movie but that's too cliche. Go-karting sounded like fun when I was researching what girls these days like to do on dates."
You snort, hiding your blush while Edward plays with your small fingers. "You sound old when you say things like that."
"I am old!" Edward chortles before shaking his head. He likes how soft your hands are. It really felt like you were made for him the way your hand easily melds into his grasp. Pale fingers weave themselves with your's offering a contrast in skin tone that mesmerizes both you and Edward. "Then I remember you telling me how the pack go cliff jumping. We could probably both appreciate a bit of fun adrenaline."
"What about the sun? If we go during the day people might see you light up like a disco ball." Oh you love his laugh and how it rumbles his whole body. You don't remember him laughing as much as he did when he was with you.
He acknowledges your concern though. "Unfortunately we'll have to go later in the day to avoid that." An apologetic tone laces his words. There were limits on what the two of you would be able to do together. You don't mind though. The most important thing was being with him and nurturing your bond.
An amusement park would be ideal since places like that have many different types of rides to enjoy. The downside was that anything like that would not be found near Forks. You'd have to travel outside of the city, possibly several hours out but thanks to Edward's driving, it wouldn't be a long drive. It would be a sight to see the vampire on a roller coaster. A picture would be necessary to show the others that Edward wasn't us stiff and brooding as they all thought he was. At least with you, he came to life.
"What would you like to do?" He asks you.
You think for a moment and shrub against the blades of grass. "I don't know. I've never been on a date before."
That was news to him. "Really? You and Embry-"
Instantly your upper body shoots up and your hand falls from his. "What're you talking about?" For some reason it made me defensive when Edward brought up Embry. Not like anything happened. It had only ever been a crush plus that one kiss several weeks ago.
Gauging your reaction, Edward makes sure to compose his sentences more delicately. "I'm sorry. Just. . . The way I've seen him look at you and his thoughts. . . I thought there was something between you two."
What had Embry been thinking while around Edward?
Evita was going to need to make more amulets to prevent Edward from reading anymore intimate thoughts.
You purse your lips and relax back down though there's now a frown pulling down your lips. He wasn't exactly wrong. "Nothing like that at least. I did used to have a crush on him a couple of years ago and I think he did too, but nothing came of it. We've just decided to stay friends. Other than that, no dates. This will be my first."
That seems to make him grin a little as he was tickled by that. "I'll make sure not to disappoint."
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The next day was spent with you itching to get out of your summer school classes and Bella continuing her lessons with Nadege while Dieufel and Evita tag teamed on making the wards. Their energy was always spent after making just one and needing a recovery period of at least the rest of the day so they could get back at it the next. However, even after getting out of your lessons, you and Embry had patrol duty and couldn't stay at Sam's for long. Seth is assigned to your shift too but linked to his mind, you feel something off. Unsettled as he attempts to keep whatever secrets that were bothering deep inside of him under lock and key. Embry exchanged a look with you but you shook your head. It was something to discuss later. Right now they had to keep constant vigil. Like the Cullens had reminded them, time was of the essence. No one knew when the Volturi would learn of everything. Not exactly. So every minute counted. Edward, Esme and Rosalie also aided in security as they kept to the treetops. A good thing they didn't require sleep.
Spreading out in a tactical maneuver, your pad along as your eyes easily adjust to the darkening sky. Above you hear branches groan against the landing feet of Edward. A reassuring sound for you as you had broken apart from Embry and Seth. You could still hear them, both in your mind and outside. Random check-ins with one another. Nothing to note. All the anxiety over when the Volturi would arrive was starting to wear on you. You hadn't been able to sleep well to begin with thanks to Xiomara, but now it was damn right impossible to fall asleep right away. If you were lucky it took you about four hours to fall asleep meaning you were getting about three hours worth of genuine sleep. But you couldn't complain. You didn't want to as you felt Seth fretting over something he didn't want you to know about. Even Embry was wearing thin thanks to summer school and was running on exhausted fumes.
Thankfully the both of you would be free soon. It was just one more day then You could focus your energy completely on patrol. Unfortunately you'd had to explain the circumstances to your parents on the simplest level. You kept the major facts away from them like how the Volturi most likely wouldn't like that fact of the existence of your pack and that they most likely wanted to exterminate all of you. Nothing too big.
A twilight glow takes over the sky that gradually fades into indigo and then eventual blackness. If only you could check your phone just to see what time it actually was. You wouldn't know if you're shift was up until the voices of the others became vocal in your mind. The residual scent of magic still hung in the air, waking you up and providing enough energy to keep moving through the part of the forest that was densley packed with trees and foliage alike. It echoes in your bones and fills your lungs up with the sweetest spices that envigorate you.
Thinking about the witches made the time go by faster thankfully as your conversations started to lean towards Bella's involvement.
"I still can't wrap my head around that Bella Swan, the weak human girl, can actually use magic and help us." Embry snorts at the thought and Seth's mind hums in quiet agreement as he half pays attention to the conversation.
"Oh come on. Don't say that. You make it sound like she was completely useless to us before. Just because she's a human doesn't mean she should be disregarded. She has her own given strengths."You roll your eyes at him. Granted she was the one to instigate this whole mess but it had never been her intention.
There's an accusation in his words "When did you two become friends." You didn't appreciate his tone and though you couldn't see him, you stop dead in your tracks and glare toward the direction you scented him.
"We're not."You shrug to yourself knowing Embry wouldn't understand. Though the hackles on your neck are now standing at attention, literally ruffled by him.
Embry wasn't about ready to give up though. Whatever bone he was gnawing on, he refused to relinquish it. "Even if Edward still loves her?"
Finally Seth butts in. "Embry. . ."The last thing he wanted to hear was more arguing. You catch a glimpse of his memory of earlier that morning. Leah was there as well as their mother Sue. Mouths moved with no sound produced but even that bit of a picture quickly dissolved as Seth didn't want anyone to pry.
You feel the skin of your snout scrunch up into a snarl, your teeth showing and your tongue licking across them in agitation. "Why are you bringing this up? Is it so wrong that I don't mind Bella? Can I not just be pleasant toward her for the sake of it? Edward has nothing to do with it."Why was everyone ready to pit you against Bella when she had never really done anything hateful toward you?
In response, you could feel Embry's embarrassment and shame, maybe even a lick of jealousy too as he finally backs down and doesn't say another word much to the relief of both you and Seth. You didn't like fighting with Embry, it never felt right. But it didn't sit right with you what he said. Bella wasn't useless. She just didn't have the special abilities that the pack and vampires did. Well, technically she's had magic in her all this time, just no way of knowing how to wield it or that she could manifest it into something greater.
Around midnight (or so you guess) you hear the voices of the others coming to take over for the rest of the night. Jared, Colin and Paul could already be heard padding through the trees.Glad that you could finally return home, you make a pitstop after you switch back to your human skin and slip on your shorts and tank top. You stumble into Sam's occupied backyard. There are two tents already set up, one for Nadege and Evita and the other for Diuefel though the later is the only one still awake. He's sitting outside the flap of his tent, from his lips is what looks like a cigarette but it smells sweet and calms you. Like herbs and not the sickening fumes of nicotine.
He notices you and smiles softly. "Welcome back. Hard day?"
"Not really. Just tedious." When he pats the spot next to him, you take it. "What is that?"
Pulling the small stick out of his mouth, you notice that the paper is black and not white. "It's a special blend of herbs that help me go to sleep. Even though I'm beyond exhausted I still have difficulties going to bed. Even when I was little it takes me hours to really fall asleep. Annoying but this helps." Dieufel hands it to you. "Try it."
Since it wasn't toxic like nicotine you gingerly take it between your forefinger and thumb, lifting it to your lips. You felt naughty but even sniffing the smoke that twirled from it's lit end has your muscles relaxing.
"Inhale very slowly." Dieufel instructs, watching you carefully. Even though you do as he said, you're still hacking up a lung. Not used to anything other than oxygen circulating in your lungs. You're basically tossing back the herbal smoke at him as your eyes water, throat up in flames. He pats your back and reaches into his tent for a bottle of water. Again he warns you to drink slowly.
You wheeze out that you're okay and hand the bottle back to Dieufel. "S-Sorry."
He chuckles. "Don't worry about it. Not your fault. It happens to everyone their first time." Returning the smoke back to his lips, he expertly inhales, holds it in then leisurely lets it go. Even though you weren't successful, you were still feeling a bit of a soothing effect that has your eyelids growing heavy and you have to lean back on your hands in order to keep yourself up.
"How'd you guys do today?" Voice still raw, at least you were capable of speech once again.
Rolling his neck to produce a nice 'pop', Dieufel groans. "Evita got sick when making her's. She's not used to using so much magic. I was only able to make one as even I am growing weary. But Bella, I don't know how she does it. She's able to take in so much information, absorb and utilize it appropriately. It took me two years before I could successfully conjure flames to light candles. Bella did it in a second after her lesson."
"How long until she's ready to make a ward?"
His grimace was enough of a response to you but he goes on to say "I don't know. Hopefully she'll surprise us. But. . . something like that is complicated. You see how it wipes us out each time. And the refractory period becomes longer. A spell like that is similar to weaving. You twine different spells together for a ward. In order for it to stick, the threads can't risk being unraveled. If it unravels at the wrong time, it could mean calamity to Forks."
From one of his pockets he pulls out the ward he had made today. The carvings that were magically etched into, he explained, were actually the spells woven together. No wonder it felt alive in your palms, warm and buzzing with energy.
He sadly regards it in your palm. "If we had older witches, they would have been done in a faster manner. We're young though, our magic not as strong."
"You guys don't know any other witches that are older?"
Shaking his head, Dieufel takes another drag from his smoke. "Not one that can travel easily. Plus witches tend to scatter themselves in the wind. It's dangerous to have a coven of witches. All that magic concentrated into one place? Any monster could descend on them with no trouble at all. Even with wards erected, there can be leaks if you're not absolutely careful. One leak will be the doom of the entire coven. I'm not going to lie, I feel uneasy with all of us being here. That's how Nadege and I were able to find Evita so easily from the sky."
"Why haven't we been attacked then?" You ask.
"Your guess is as good as mine." Lowly chuckling to not wake up the girl's in the tent next to him. "Could be because of the Cullens. Even other supernatural creatures try to stay away from vampires."
You were unable to stop the flow of questions coming out of you. Curiosity encouraging you. "What other things are out there? Witches, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters. . ."
His smile turns sympathetic. As if you didn't already know the world was actually a more dangerous place to live in since vampires existed. Now the possibilities were vast and endless. "Lets see. . . There's ghouls, you definitely never want to encounter them. A pain to kill. Ghosts certainly. Zombies, in a way. Wraiths. Sea people. Necromancers."
All that was missing were aliens which Dieufel could neither confirm nor deny since he'd never personally seen one.
Noting the subtle fear on your features, he attempts to reassure. "Not all of them are evil. Just like with vampires, there are good ones.Those who resist their thirst for blood and flesh. They still have their humanity."
You glance up at the stars. "Then. . . is it possible that there might be some good members of the Volturi? Those who we can talk sense into."
"If they are then they remain silent. Likely they have no real power and are just as helpless." Finally he's down to the stub of his smoke and Dieufel deposits it into a homemade clay ashtray. "It will not do us any good worrying about what is out of our control. We both need rest. Best if you head home."
That was the best idea you'd heard all day.
You drag your exhausted body home, taking care not to make too much noise as you go in through your bedroom door. Easier. The front door had obnoxious, creaking hinges that no amount of WD40 could fix. Tired, burning eyes barely manage to pick out your pajamas from a small heap near your bed. You let your body fall atop of your mattress face first.
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"(y/n)! Please wait!"
You'd been dreading talking to Embry after the brief spat last night. No longer angry, you just didn't want things to grow awkward. Feet halting, your hands fly up to your backpack straps and grip them tightly; an anxiety soother. "Em. . ."
Equally nervous about confrontation with you, Embry hurries with his words before he lost his courage "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said. I had no right and it wasn't fair of me. I'm. . . I-It's still hard for me to really let you go. . . I get jealous. But I'm working on it, I promise."
Demeanor softening, your lips turn up in an understanding smile. "No, it's okay. Embry. I appreciate the apology. And I get it. I'd probably feel the same way as you if you were the one to imprint on someone." Before your feelings had transgressed to those of romantic, you were best friends first and foremost.
Embry's face brightens and a blinding grin shines. There was nothing more that needed to be said about it.
Once backpacks were dropped off at your place, you and Embry hustle through the woods but stop when you pass by the Black residence. Gloom weighs heavy in your chest, remembering getting into a fight with Jacob over you revealing his imprinting to Bella. Bella needed to know but at the cost of your relationship with him? "Do you think Jake will forgive me?"
"Of course he will." Embry immediately replies with ease. He misses when it was just the four of you guys, back to simpler times where the four of you would spend hours outside in the woods at the back of Jacob's house. "Let him blow off steam. You know how stubborn he is. Give it time. Maybe Sam will let him back to patrol as long as he behaves himself."
One could only hope so as both of you continue to stare longingly at the back of Jacob's house.
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TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​  , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite​ , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd​, @godinho11​ , @arin-swear-rose​ , @alexizodd​ , @melaninsugarbaby​ , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme​ , @itsmytimetoodream​ , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles​ , @nightly-polaris​ , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar​ , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007​ , @theroyalbrownbarbie​ , @jennyamanda8​ , @stevenandmarcslove​ , @biancaindaeyo​ , @loversjoy​ , @turningtoclown​ , @vixorell​ , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels​ , @dumbbitch-juicee​ , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi​ , @minjix​ , @magical-spit​ , @krismdavis​  
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Not sure if anyone saw that I'm gonna binge the 36 issues of Blue Beetle 2006 before Friday - because I'm going to go see the movie and I love them.
Anyways, I apparently decided despite having plenty to do on top of finding the time to do this, I am also going to translate all of Khaji Da's speech.
Has someone already done this? Likely. Are there easier ways to do this? For sure, I think. Will that stop me? God no - just like it didn't stop me from creating the Blue Beetle episode list.
And a special shout out to @fire-fira for providing the decoder and answering my questions about it off of my main. Greatly appreciated.
Not pictured: my bastard cat next to me as i typed this trying to eat Issue 1 of the comic. As is mauling my unopened ciabatta while i wasn't looking earlier wasn't bad enough.
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The document begins (at 5 in the morning....).
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 1. brb x oc
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a/n: * pulls up megaphone * Rooster was raised right by his mom and doesn't care about body types. The lack of plus size fics made me upset so I literally returned to Tumblr to create this blog and write this. This is the first time I'm writing for this fandom so... I HO PE YOU GUYS LIKE IT??? its been centuries SINCE I WROTE aNYTHING ( also god im not creative with titles, please forgive me )
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: mentions of bullying, self doubt, aNGST, mutual pining, Rooster being a sweetheart.
“Hello!” Beatrice calls once she enters Hard Deck by the employee’s entrance, popping out her airpods to slide them inside her bag shoulder, “I’m not late, am I?” she calls to Penny who’s currently fixing the tables ahead of her.
“No, you are just on time!” she calls, her voice a bit muffled since Bea put her bag inside the little closet area for employees. She checked her appearance before going out on the mirror hanging on the wooden wall, pulling her dark brown hair up in a bun and fixing her Led Zeppelin shirt, wiping the dust off her jeans before finally walking out. Once she gets out, Penny is turning the lights on in the back area of the bar that leads to the beach. 
Meanwhile Beatrice grabs one of the bags of ice, carrying it to the ice machine behind the bar, plopping the cold cubes down the container, crumpling the plastic bag once it was empty to toss in the recycler. “I’m here, babes!” a voice calls, then a blonde head of hair shows up, “Hope you two didn’t do everything with me gone!”
“Just waiting for your presence,Michelle!” Penny calls, looking over her shoulder to press a kiss to her niece’s cheek, when she hugs her “Hi, honey, Bea is already here.”
“Bumblebea!” Bea smiles when the blonde comes over to the employees closet as well, removing her denim jacket to expose the low cut red tank top and jeans. “Need help?” Bea nods, pointing to the other bags of ice in the corner, “Friday night, tonight will be a long night huh?”
“Sure will.” Bea noted, the two of them dumping the rest of the ice “How was your date though? With the policeman?” the brunette asked, chuckling when the blonde girl rolled her eyes with a sigh.
“I swear, police officers are the clingiest guys.” Shells said, grabbing the empty bags from Bea’s hand to shove down the recycler, “He didn’t want to leave! I kept saying, ‘hey i gotta go to work,’ and he asked where I worked and I told him he didn’t need to worry about that.”
 The two of them then marched to the storage room area where Shells grabbed a box of handkerchiefs. “Then he said ‘oh it’s not a problem, I can take you’ and–and! Then he said ‘I like you a lot.’ Like!! We’ve only hooked up twice!...” she shakes her head, “I just told him it’d be better if we didn’t contact each other anymore and it was fun while it lasted.”
“He accepted that?”
“Course not, called me a bitch all the way out, I think I saw tears in his eyes before he left.” Shells shrugs, waiting on Bea to grab the recycled straws from the upper shelf, then turns off the light once her friend walks out “I swear, I’ll give up on Tinder like you did. It’s insane!”
Bea chuckles, opening the bag of straws to put them inside a glass, “I mean, you know my sister found her husband on Tinder.”
“Um, yeah, but he’s a handsome doctor from London with the body of a god and deep bronze skin. He’s like a beautiful statue!”
“I shouldn’t have never shown you their wedding picture.” Bea laughs, shaking her head with amusement. “and to think I just wanted to show you how pretty the location was.” the two of them looked at the clock, seeing they had little time before the bar opened for the public, so they had to finish everything up quickly.
Once they did and the bar opened, it exploded with people, the voices getting louder the more people entered. Music floated on the air, much to Bea’s delight as she hummed to herself with the songs. 
To think, just a few months ago she was looking for a job to help her with the bills and if it wasn’t for Shells and Penny, she’d never get it.
Beatrice is from a tight, traditional Italian family. While they are progressive in certain areas, most of her family doesn’t think women…should do much. If they have a job it should be a useful job, like banking or something like that, not Liberal arts. Which was what she always wanted to do, being a creative person since she was a child, she just wanted to work with what she liked.
But being the youngest of six siblings, the literal baby that had to stay home while her older siblings went out to live their lives out of state or even out of the country she had very little control in certain choices. Maybe it was the empty nest syndrome, with all her siblings gone from the house, her parents only had herself to… take care of in a way. It took years for her to actually go to her choice in college,juggling between work and long study hours, choosing to leave her job once she had enough money saved up to help herself once she got her place.
During college was when she met Michelle, or Shells, who took her to the Hard Deck a few times. It was distant from her job and her parents’ house and Beatrice loved it. She loved the atmosphere, she felt welcome by Penny and even if this was a Naval bar she didn’t feel like she was intruding in some way.
When Shells mentioned they needed one more person at the bar, Bea said yes immediately. Her parents weren’t happy with her choice, but they couldn’t stop her, especially since her own siblings supported it. So now she was here, working, happy, focusing on how she’d continue her career as an artist.
The bell rang, drinks were served, people were dancing. It was a nice night so far. Bea was washing one of the glasses when she heard a cacophony of voices that she heard a few times and her body heats up. She couldn’t help but just stare at him, he stood out of his group like a beautiful floral patterned thumb. With her eyes following him until they all sat down on their usual spot, Bea couldn’t help but bite her lower lip, feeling her cheeks warm up even more when he laughed at something.
“Ohhhhh, cock-a-doodle-doo huh?” Shells’ teasing voice snapped her out of her staring, Bea’s green eyes wide as saucers, seeing her friend’s teasing grin, “How long until you finally make a move?”
“I…I don’t know what you mean.” she continued washing the same glass, the squeaking sound of the sponge rubbing against it giving her some of a distraction.
“Bea, please,” Shells took the glass from her hand, then tilted her head, “You look at that man like he hangs up the moon every time he comes by.” but her friend then turned to the opposite side, focusing on checking the liquor bottles. Shells sighed, coming to her friend’s side and crossing her arms, the brunette trying too hard to keep her eyes on the label.
“This is a 1975, right?”
“I can’t really see, the label is a bit faded–” the bottle disappears from her hand, Beatrice snapping her gaze to Shells, who holds the liquor under her crossed arms, her eyebrows going up to her hairline. Beatrice sighs defeatedly, “I…I don’t know what you want me to say.” she shrugs “He’s so…” she groans, covering her face with her hands, “He’s so…so hot,Shells. and he sings! and-and he’s funny and…he’s everything I’ve always wanted in a guy.”
“One more reason to go to him.” Shells whispers, “He’s single and handsome. You are single and gorgeous.” the blonde held her fingers up in a V position, before joining the two with a kissing sound, “Perfect match.”
Bea frowned, “It’s not that simple.” she murmured “I…I mean…look at me Shells.” she spread her arms to emphasize. But her friend just frowned, “Oh come on, like…look at me I’m not the type of girl who gets guys like that.”
She was a curvy gal, always had been. Normally, she wouldn’t mind it, but when it comes to guys, more especially when it comes to Rooster she just lost a good amount of confidence. He was literally adonis personified, just the most beautiful man she had ever seen. and she felt less than pretty when she remembered the type of girls that surrounded him or worked with him. 
“You know that’s not true.” Shells said with her voice low, a kind smile on her face, “You have as much chance as any girl out there.” Bea however scoffed, “You gotta believe in yourself Bea. You are gorgeous, any guy would be lucky to have you.”
The brunette’s eyes stung with unshed tears, the same eyes she clenched shut in hopes to hold them in. Memories of past relationships flooding her brain, bringing memories she wished to forget “Can we not talk about this anymore?” Shells is about to say something else but a customer calls for a refill, which Bea thanks every powerful being for, slapping on a smiling mask, “Coming right up!”
Shells only watches her friend go to the opposite side to serve one of the guys there, laughing when he says something to her - clearly drunk -  before walking away. Shells’ stare broke when she heard the bell ring, turning on to face the person. 
She immediately smiled wider, “Hi Bob.”
She likes Bob, she thought he not only was sweet he was also so smart. He knew he had a hard time with the group, especially Jake, but he was getting there. She leaned on her elbows, giving him a sweet smile, “What can I get you?”
The way his cheeks flushed and his eyes tried to look anywhere but the cleavage she put on display was so cute, “Oh, uh, just more beer?”
“Sure! Should I put it in your tab?”
Shells went to the fridge to grab the beers, then paused, sending a look to where Beatrice was currently talking to two female customers. She then looked over her shoulder to Bob, who smiled at her, then past Bob to where his group was…a devilish thought showed up in her brain, “Why don’t you wait with the others? I’ll bring it to you.” 
“Oh, okay! I’ll be there then.”
With the beers on top of a tray, she sent one last look to her friend who was still busy, then sped her step maneuvering through the crowd until she reached them. “There you go, more fuel for the pilots.” she teased, making them laugh while switching the empty bottles with the full ones, throwing some quick looks to her brunette friend, “So,” she rested the empty tray on her hip, “What else can I get you?”
“Your number would be nice, sweetheart.” Jake was quick to say, sending her a wink with the bottle to his lips.
Shells chuckled, “I meant something achievable,Hangman.”
“I think we are all fine.” Phoenix says, “Thanks Shells.”
“Hey, not a problem. Oh, just letting you guys know, I’ll go on a break in a few minutes so if you guys need anything else, you can ask Bea.” She kept an eye on everyone, but especially Rooster. The way his eyes just snapped to her friend made her insides flip in triumph, the little smirk on her face hidden by her biting the inside her cheek, “She’ll gladly serve you.”
Rooster’s eyes finally left the brunette at the bar counter, meeting Shell’s knowing blue gaze only to clear his throat and look away again, “Well” she drawled, walking backwards, sending them a salute, “Enjoy the night!”
The moment Shells approached the bar, she ran to her aunt, whispering something in her ear. Both Penny and Shells looked in Beatrice’s direction, who was leaning down to pick something behind the bar, unaware of the scheming happening behind her back.
Once the time came for Shells to have her break, Penny kept an eye on Beatrice. It took just a few seconds for a known pilot to approach the bar, the bell rang and Beatrice turned around with a wide smile, a smile that faltered for a quick second before returning - albeit a lot milder than before - “Hi!” her voice was higher, so she cleared her throat, “Um,hi.”
“Hey.” Rooster replied, leaning his elbows over the counter, which made Bea suck in a hard breath once she saw the curve of his pecs underneath the white tank top, “Can you believe I came here to get more beer? Just three this time though.”
She couldn’t help but huff out a chuckle, covering her mouth with her hands then “Well, it is a bar.” she adds, “I would be surprised if you came here for groceries.”
When he laughed at her joke she almost felt like fainting, biting her lower lip hard with her head dipped, “I-I’ll go get it.” practically power walking towards the freezer where she stood for a few minutes, letting the cool air hit her cheeks as she tried to calm herself. She shook her head for a quick moment, grabbing the beers between her fingers and turning back around, almost letting out a yelp of surprise to see he was still looking at her “There you go.”
“Thanks.” but he didn’t leave, pointing his index finger at her “Bea, right?” she nods with a small smile, “It’s weird, I’ve seen you for a while and never got your name.”
Maybe because she chickened out every time he seemed to want something, ending up telling Shells to do it, “Oh, well,” she only gave him a weak shrug, then felt like her arms were too exposed, quickly lacing her hands behind her back to hide them the best she could, “I haven’t been here long.”
He hummed, a tiny smile on his face, “I’m Rooster.”
“I know,” she blinks when his eyebrows raise in amusement, “I-I mean, I heard Penny and Shells talking about you and heard your name being called around.” her face was so warm she felt like she was boiling. She hoped the light above her head hid her blush from his view. “I…is there anything else I can get you?”
“I don’t think so, no.” he looks back at his friends, seeing they are still chatting amongst each other. Then his eyes travel to the splotches of ink on her upper arms, the parts that weren’t hidden behind her. However before he could ask her about them, she snaps her head ahead when she sees someone on the table lifting their glass.
‘Sorry I–” she moves her own finger over his shoulder, “I gotta go get this.”
“Oh, oh no no, yeah, go ahead.” he smiled and her knees almost buckled just like that, “I’ll go back then.”
They stood there for a bit longer, until Rooster shook his head, picking the beers with one of his hands “I’l see you around then,Bea.” he smiles then turns on his heel back to the other pilots. Bea just stood there, face flaming and eyes wide, then she cleared her throat walking out from behind the bar to the table.
Penny, who watched the entire ordeal, just smiled, sending Shells a quick text once no one was looking:
“It’s on.”
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sipsandfables · 6 months
Unfiltered Thoughts While Reading: Fourth Wing
Chapter 1
​​I really like Mira so far - not too sure about their mom yet lol
​​Is Brennan REALLY dead? Lol Could be a page pulled from Red Queen
​​Their mom might have been Manon in an alternate universe
​​“Decide, Violet. Are you going to die a scribe? Or live as a rider?’”
​​I love the relationship between the two sisters
​​“He's the most exquisite man I've ever seen.”
I mean, Xaden does sound pretty hot. I’m a sucker for dark hair and dark eyes lol
​​“Flaming hot. Scorching hot. Gets-you-into-trouble-and-you-like-it level of hot.” ​
​​ Nooooo! I had a feeling Dylan wouldn’t make it ​😭​
​​Chapter 2
​​Jack Barlowe - even his name sounds like a dick
​​Chapter 3
​​So there are four wings, with 3 sections in each wing, and 3 squads in each section making it 4 wings, 12 sections, and 36 squads total
​​“I will not die today”
​​Chapter 5
​​so Violets mom opposed General Melgren about the rebel children - wonder if they have animosity
​​Lol well Violets plan of getting Ri to ask her questions didn’t work ​🤣​
​​Damn, does her mom hate her? Why would she send Violet to do this??? Lol
​​Chapter 6
​​Aw, I really hope Brennan isnt actually dead and it’s a plot twist because he seems like a character I’d love
​​Chapter 7
​​It’s so strange that the people with the most motivation for revenge (rebel children) are put in such high power by training to become riders WITH MAGIC AND DRAGONS
​​Oh and look, a bunch of them are gathering to scheme even though it’s illegal for more than three to be seen together lol
​​Violet hanging out in a tree while passing judgement on this group is hilarious
​​“‘Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you're really a violent little thing, aren't you?’”
​​Alright, I admit that I love their dynamic lol
​​Chapter 8
​​I’m surprised Dain didn’t see her rendezvous with Xaden since they touched and he can see memories
​​I wonder if the decrease in the number of dragons willing to bond speaks to the fact that the dragons’ don’t align with humans like before
​​Omggggg I hope Violet gets the black one! If dragons bond with humans like them, it would make sense because she’s so smart
​​Omg was the one and only rider of the black dragon Brennan?! The last time he was seen was five years ago which is when Brennan “died” and the teacher looked at Violet when he told the story of how the rider died
​​Oh I got it wrong, Brennan was the rider that was trying to be resurrected
​​Omg i totally thought it was Jack volunteering to spar Violet. I’m glad it’s Xaden instead hahaha
​​Chapter 9
​​Violence? I love the nickname haha
​​“Beautiful. Fucking. Asshole.” ​
​​Am I the only one getting hot and bothered by this death match? Lollll
​​“Defenseless women have never been my type.”
Okay sir ​👀​​🥵​
​​Man, I get Dain is her bestie but he is trying way too hard to get her out of the rider squadrant - just believe in her
​​Chapter 10
​​Theory time: the rider who died trying to save Brennan was his lover. He didn’t do it for fame, he did it because he loved Brennan. The black dragon is going to take Violet as his rider because of the special bond his rider had with her brother. BOOM
​​I already liked Ridoc before because I resonate with cracking jokes through hard times but now I like him even more and respect him
​​Violets squad: Sawyer, Pryor, Trina, Tynan, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Violet, Aurelie, and Luca
​​I hope everyone on this squad stays alive because I like them and their dynamic. I also hope Sawyer gets a dragon this year ​😭​
​​As I read the Gauntlet practice scenes, I just picture the final challenge on Wipe Out ​🤣​
​​Aurelie ​😭​​😭​​😭​
​​“Do not make me ask three times.” ​
👀​ or what Zaddy?
​​“What makes you a rider is what you do after people die.”
​​Things I like about this book so far:
​​Female lead is not annoying. She’s very logical and the writer SHOWS that she’s smart instead of telling
​​The pacing is great. What a page turner! And the chapters aren’t impossibly long. The book is long but it doesn’t FEEL like it
​​The romance between the main ship is not cringe! They’re dynamic is hot. He’s hot. She’s hot. It’s all hot
​​There is more than one badass female characters! It’s giving Throne of Glass series (Aelin, Manon, Lysandra, etc)
​​Chapter 11
​​Does that mean someone will be punished for not burning Brennans things? Or does it not matter because Brennan is ALIVE?!
​​okay, so there’s a lot of representation in this book and I’m loving it (people of color, gay, they/them pronouns, etc)
​​I mean if Dain REALLY cared about her survival, he’d help more! He would have watched her practices and given her ideas on how to make it - not continue to try to get her to quit!
​​Violet is a fucking badass. LETSGOOOO
​​I also love how shameless her mind is when describing how sexy Xaden is lol
​​Also, I notice that Dain isn’t mentioned AT ALL during this whole thing about her making it through the gauntlet. Shouldnt he have been there also defending her win???? Sus
​​Chapter 12
​​Ahhh there’s a Feathertail? Maybe THATS the one that she bonds with since they abhore violence and are smart (sounds like Violet)
​​OR the Feathertail will report back to the black dragon about Violet and he comes during the Threshing ​👀​
​​Damn these dragons are heartless! Poor Pryor. But also, humans are heartless - Tynan and Luca can jump off a cliff
​​I hope that the awesome conversation Violet and Rhi are having throughout this walk means they’ll get awesome dragons
​​OMG finally someone I dislike diess LOL freaking Luca. Bye Felicia
​​Chapter 13
​​Hmmm, if Violet hasn’t felt a connection with the feather one so far then I don’t think they’ll bond. Maybe she hasn’t felt a connection because the black dragon wasn’t on the walk and Tynan will bond with that gold one to teach him a lesson about strength?
​​I wish Tynan also got burned to a crisp during presentation
​​Threshing is giving me “Manon and the Thirteen must fight others for Wyverns” vibes
​​Okay, maybe the gold dragon IS her dragon lol
​​I’m proud of Violet for coming to the Gold dragons defense but I’m relieved that Xaden was there with his dragon hahaha
​​Chapter 14
​​I FUCKING KNEW IT! It’s the black dragon! Here to claim Violet!!! Fuck yes!!
​​This fucking dragon is hilarious. I love him already
​​“"My name is Tairneanach, son of Murtcuideam and Fiaclanfuil, descended from the cunning Dubhmadinn line."
​​Tairn, this dragon is so sassy hahahaha
​​Chapter 15
​​“You’re making us look bad. Stop it.”
I’m ded hahahah this dragon ​🤣​ He reminds me of Venom in the Venom movie with Tom Hardy lol
​​“Was everyone’s dragon a curmudgeon? Or just mine?” ​
​​“"You are the smartest of your year. The most cunning. You defended the smallest with ferocity. And strength of courage is more important than physical strength.” ​
​​What. A. Legend.
​​Chapter 16
​​Damn, even the head dragon isn’t a huge fan of this? Now I’m concerned because General Melgren is obviously a bad guy lol
​​I’m so glad Sawyer got bonded this time around! And Rhi and Ridoc are bonded!!! Yay!
​​Poor Trina
​​Tairn told you to stay with Xaden and you’re not LISTENING!
​​Oh I didn’t see the dragons bond coming!!!
​​Damn Dain, that’s cold. But I knew it - he’s no real ride or die bestie!!!
​​I really do like Violet but her undying faith in Dain is pissing me off
​​Strange how Dain kisses her after all this time only because she has TWO bonded dragons ​😒​
​​Chapter 17
​​But if you really think about it, Violet didn’t take any available dragons away from others - Tairn hasn’t been seen in five years and Goldie was unwanted and a surprise at presentation
​​“Your puny gods”
lol I love Tairn
​​Chapter 18
​​Yes! Finally Violet sticks it to Dain. I’m tired of his shit too
​​Omggggg poor Jeremiah. That was brutal
​​the golden dragon can freeze time?! What a badass power!
​​chapter 19
​​Dang, Xadens rejection to Violet had ME in my feelings - what do you mean you wouldn’t sleep with her to keep her safe?!
​​Omg Andarna is adorable - she better not die EVER
​​Ohhhhh, a Feathertail is a baby dragon?
​​I bet it was Imogen who opened the door for those people to kill Violet
​​Chapter 20
​​Based on the intro of this chapter, now I’m thinking it was Amber because she’s the only female wing leader I can recall
​​Yep, it was Amber!
​​Also, I love their squads banter and camaraderie lol
​​Fucking Dain - you’re the worst
​​I’m glad they were able to show undeniable truth since SOMEONE refused to believe her ​😒​
​​Chapter 21
​​I love that there’s even more representation in here with the hearing impaired scribe
​​Liam sounds hot lol
​​Something sus is happening with this war
​​Chapter 22
​​I’d be staring too ​👀​
​​So our boy Jack is allergic to oranges hmmm? Funny how a guy that talks so much shit can be killed by produce. Just saying
​​Okay now I’ve reached the “when will they get it on?!” Point lol
​​Xaden is just giving out hot compliments left and right ​🥵​
​​FINALLY! It only took two dragons fucking for Violet and Xaden to finally give in lol
​​Nooooooo! Damn Xaden for thinking straight lol
​​Chapter 23
​​I see what Rhiannon is hinting at - that Xaden is only the most powerful rider in their generation for NOW because it was before Violet got here lol Gotta love that bestie support!
​​Man Dain really needs to step up - he’s giving Tamlin vibes right now
​​I knew Jack was allergic to oranges! I hope he’s dead!
​​Chapter 24
​​Damn, still alive
​​A guy burned himself alive with his own power?! Man, this squadrant is insane and brutal
​​Violet’s mom is cold as ice
​​Chapter 25
​​the most valuable thing would be intel! They should think like a Scribe, like Violet
​​Liam and I are on the same page!
​​Break into the Commander’s office?! This could go horribly wrong! What if they see stuff they’re not supposed to?!
​​“‘Scribes freak me out. Quiet little know-it-alls, acting like they can make or break someone by writing something down.’” ​
​​Alright, pretty badass plan
​​Chapter 26
​​Mira!!! I’m so glad they got to see each other and that Rhi got to see her family ​🥰​
​​Omg mated dragons can only be a part for three days?!
​​It’s strange that earlier in the book they made it seem like Tairn hasn’t been seen for five years but if he’s mates to the blue dragon, wouldn’t he be seen wherever Xaden is?
​​Chapter 28
​​I love how intense and dangerous Tairn is one minute and super cheeky the next haha
​​FINALLY JACK IS DEAD! Fuck that guy!
​​And yessssss, Lightening Wielder sounds badass!
​​Chapter 29
​​I swear if Andarna dies in this series, I’m going to RIOT. She’s so pure and wonderful ​🥹​
​​“Get the fuck away from her with that nonsense.”
Xaden does not mince words and I love it haha
​​Xaden and Tairn’s pep talk to Violet is way better than Dain’s
​​I mean she has a point about her powers. They’re badass but yeah, pretty destructive lol
​​Chapter 30
​​Well this escalated quickly ​👀​​🥵​
​​Pretty awesome that dudes take contraception lol
​​Xaden is responsible for all the rebel children?! Omg I bet it was her mom that gave him those scars! That’s what he meant when they ran into the commander previously
​​I’m not a fan of when the male lead says “Don’t fall for me” like bro, it’s too late - I’m invested haha
​​This training session with Carr is hilarious lol
​​I think I like professor Carr more now
​​Chapter 31
​​I’m pleasantly surprised she comes right out and says “yeah I’m probably going to fall for you if we keep this up” lollll most characters in this position stay in denial until it backfires lol
​​“He really does have an incredible body, but he doesn't get to dictate what I do with my heart.”
Preach girl
​​I’m living for all of page 393 - you go Violet!
​​Damn, I really like Violet lol
​​Chapter 32
​​Cheaper 33
​​Phew, thank goodness it was a fake drill!
​​Hmmmm, something tells me this fake war is about to get real
​​Omg why is Andarna so adorable?! Tairn will carry her like a human dad carrying his baby in a bjorn lol
​​Idk that “I’ll miss you, Violet.” from Dain was a little SUS. He was way too quick to make amends with her decision. Something fishy is going on
​​Xaden and the other rebel kids in the fourth wing are also acting sus. Like they know more about this scenario than they’re letting on. Why are they all so tense if it’s just a game? Why did Dain’s dad give Xaden a weird look?
​​Chapter 34
​​did the Gryphons start attacking after unification because Navarre took something from them and made it harder for the Gryphons to get it back after unifying nations?
​​Ah! I had a feeling the Gryphons and their riders weren’t so savage as the Navarre historians and leaders want people to believe!
​​Chapter 35
​​Okay, we can recover from this Violet! Sure everyone including your two bonded dragons and the love of your life lied to you over and over BUT it must have been for a good reason. I’d give them the benefit of the doubt over Dain and the others any day
​​Okay Violet really believing Dain would break rules to save people is ludicrous. I like Violet but her thinking on this is stupid
​​Theory time - Violets mom killed their dad because he was in the know about venin and ready to go public
​​Another theory - Dain and his dad have known about venin this whole time. Dain’s being used to help continue to cover it up. He’s also been lying to her technically as much as Xaden has been
​​I fucking knew it! Dain has been reading her memories this whole time! Duh girl!!!
​​The real question is if more than just Dain and his dad concocted this plan to kill Xaden
​​If Xaden dies, there’s a chance Violet would die because of their dragon bond so wouldn’t her mom know that? But would she even care? Or mayb her mom is like The Hound from the crescent city series
​​Chapter 36
​​“We’re riders. We defend the defenseless. It’s what we do.”
​​Damn, so General Melgren can’t see the fate of people with rebellion relics? Good
​​The level of stress I have reading these last 80ish pages is HIGH
​​I don’t want anyone in this riot to die! Or the Gryphons and their riders!
​​maybe her mom knew she’d survive because of what general Melgren can see? Which might explain why she was fine with making Violet become a rider
​​Whyyyy would you say “we actually might survive this”?!?! Now people will die!
​​“It’s been. My honor.”
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​​I am unwell
​​​😭​​😭​​😭​ Liam
​​Chapter 37
​​So many emotions rn fucking hell
​​Chapter 38
​​Omg if they are going where I think they’re going I’m going to be shooketh ARE THEY TAKING HER TO BRENNAN?!
​​Another theory - the reason why the number of dragons willing to bond is decreasing, is because more dragons are bonding with the rebels and not the Navarre military
​​Violet is annoying me with her thoughts about Xaden right now though. Girl, you saw and fought that evil and you still mad that Xaden didn’t bring you in sooner?! Get over it and live lol
​​The person Xaden is asking to save her HAS to be Brennan - he was a mender
​​Chapter 39
​​we’re getting a Xaden chapter?! Is this the end?!
​​Something doesn’t feel right - did she lose her memories? Why is she being so nice to Xaden right away? Sus
​​Oh good her memory is back! I was about to be pissed if all of book 2 was her trying to recall book 1 lol
​​What happened to Xaden’s mom?! Sounds like another storyline ​👀​
​​Andaran became full grown?! Can wait to hear what she looks like and her special power
​​Well if Violet didnt trust Xaden before, she definitely won’t now! Keep a dead brother secret seems pretty big lol
​​I wonder what Tairn thinks of Brennan since his rider died saving him
​​also, I’d be low key pissed at my sibling! I wonder if Mira knows about Brennan. I assume not - maybe he thinks she’s too much like their mom?
Me after finishing the final page:
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https-furina · 11 months
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sugar ‘n’ spice — 100 follower celebration event!
this event is closed!
wowee, we hit 100 followers in such a quick span of time i’m sobbing - i didn’t think i’d get 50 and i got double?? as a thank you, i’m just going to be hosting a small prompt event. i appreciate you all so much and i hope you continue to like and support my work going forward in the future !! <3
biggest thanks to mika bc she’s the reason i ended up getting these last few followers mwah many kisses for you and your kaeya cult ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
rules of sugar ‘n’ spice:
— these will be small headcanon/drabble type scenarios. chances are i will not be going over a thousand words unless i get carried away on plot! i’ll just be doing the normal genshin universe and not alternate universes for this! — i will be attempting gn!reader for the entire event. — i will only be accepting fluff situations for all of the prompts as i typically don’t write smut outside of the event (and none of them are angst.) — one genshin character per prompt! no minors - if you need assistance with characters i write for, you can find them all in my masterlist under their respective countries (i am doing both the men and women.)
to participate, simply choose a prompt number from the list below (utc) and send in an ask specifying the character + prompt number!
event prompts:
1. “nobody in the world has hands this soft.” 2. “you look like you need a hug.” 3. “well, if i tell you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.” 4. “it was just a nightmare, it’s okay.” 5. “wash your hands, then hug me.” 6. “can we share the blanket?” 7. “you’re adorable when you’re mad.” 8. “are you sure you’re not cold?” 9. “i want to spend all my time with you.” 10. “ready for our dance?” 11. “you mean more than anything.” 12. “you’re cute even when you make that face.” 13. “keep it.” 14. “your eyes are beautiful.” 15. “look at the moon.” 16. “is that my shirt?” 17. “i don’t wanna go without you.” 18. “move over.” 19. “when i’m with you, nothing else matters.” 20. “i planned the perfect date.” 21. “is this romantic enough for you?” 22. “stop making me laugh!” 23. “my hands are cold” “is that a pickup line?” 24. “i can’t be mad at you.” 25. “come on, you’re in love with them.” 26. “i love you, but you need to shut up.” 27. “i love your smile.” 28. “gimme your hand.” 29. “you smell fantastic.” 30. “thanks for marrying me.” 31. “i made dinner. surprise!” 32. “don’t touch me while i’m trying to fall asleep.” 33. “i can’t believe you did this for me.” 34. “i have never loved you as much as i do right now.” 35. “i wouldn’t wanna fight you. you’re pretty feisty.” 36. “you’re in denial” “i am not in denial.” 37. “why are you smiling at me like that?” 38. “they’re coming. kiss me!” 39. “i’m flattered you’re jealous.” 40. “i want a baby.” 41. “cheers to you and me.” 42. “would you warm me up?” 43. “that was the worst joke i’ve ever heard.” 44. “all i want is you.” 45. “if i kiss you right now, i won’t be able to stop.”
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© https-heizou 2023.
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Sometimes you have to learn to share
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Requested? no
Warnings/Notes: jealousy, drama in friendships, jennie being a smol sassy bean, Sua lowkey jennie bashes, kind of ooc but i feel like pissed of and jealous Sua is lowkey a bitch.
Note 2: i spent days on this bc i have minimal time to dedicate a day to wrote so i thing it may flick between tenses.
Fic type: fluff, slightly angst
Reader: fem reader
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You’d been Boras best friend for what felt like a lifetime. The two of you having met when you were trainees eventually debuting in different companies. Her in Happy face, later DCC and you in YG entertainment. Which was were you had originally met Jennie, finding her having some extra practice in on of the practice rooms.
You fondly remember how she had been so on guard about you interrupting her, assuming you were some crazy fan that had walked in rather than what you were; a trainee who had booked the practice room for extra practice the before before your debut.
That night the two of you had decided to share the room, intending to practice together as one was preparing for debut and the other a solo comeback. However the night took a turn when you fell trying to do a flip and Jennie managed to keep you from falling flat on your face. After that the two of you spent the night talking and getting to know each other, only realising how much of a fuck up that was when the morning staff entered the room and you were both very late for your schedules.
It was 2 months after that day that you two saw each other again, your schedules aligning and you running into each other in the YG canteen. Well she was running you were daydreaming. Regardless, it ended in her ice coffee all over your white shirt and her “helping” by rubbing it in even more. You proposed changing while she went to the studio since she seemed so desperate to get there fast but you never would of guessed leaving with her number.
She laughed at your shocked face when she had asked if she could give you her number, giving the excuse of replacing your shirt. Taking the opportunity to grab your wrist and pull out a marker, scribbling something down before skipping away.
“X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X, Jennie x”
It was the weekend when you finally text her, filled with nerves and slight embarrassment at your awkwardness. Fearing she might not remember you at all.
Unknown 10:23 am: Hey! Its y/n
Unknown 10:26 am: realised you probably don’t know my name, we met in the practice room.. then you spilt your coffee on me
Jennie 🫢 12:34 pm: Oh hey sorry, i was recording!! I’m free in an hour if you want to go shopping and replace that hideous shirt
Clumsy Girl 12:34 pm: So my shirts hideous now 🤨 I’m not good enough for the likes of miss Jennie Kim of BLACKPINK? I see i see 😂
Jennie 🫢 12:35 pm: Well… it was a nice colour?? 😂 AND i didn’t even mention your shoes 😉
Clumsy Girl☺️ 12:35 pm: So i guess ill meet you outside the building in 10, should i dress up for u little miss Chanel?
Chanel Princess 👑 12:36 pm: Like you could 😂😉
Chanel Princess 👑 12:36 pm: See you in 5! ☺️ I wait for no one 😌
You remember having to sprint half way there just to be on time, only for her to record your out of breath half walk half jog when you arrived. Claiming it was the best thing she had scene all day. And although you had planned on going on a shopping spree you had seen an arcade and practically dragged the girl in claiming she had to play at least one game.
Having spent the day playing game after game, you ended the night with a go on the claw machines winning her a dumpling plush and claiming it looked just like her. You could see the red taint her cheeks and how her gummy smile practically lit up the whole street and in that moment you couldn’t understand why anyone could possibly hate her.
Though the sky was dark and the air has began to get chilly, you decided to walk her home talking about anything and everything until you saw her starting to get a bit cold. Stopping you had attempted to take off your jacket only for her to raise a brow at you,
“If you think your going to go all knight in shining armour on me and give me that flimsy hoodie to ‘keep me warm’ then your dead wrong” she huffed pulling out a designer jacked from her bag and slipping it on.
“I am prepared and stylish!” She flicks her hair dramatically with a wink, “besides, it takes more than a half ripped hoodie that smells of arcade and practice room to woo me miss lover girl” she gives you a light shove.
Raising your hands in defence you nod approvingly “noted.” Smiling softly you pick up your conversation once more, unaware to the buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
Walking her up the drive to her house you could help but smile when she stopped at the door to give you a shy wave, holding back her grin before she all but skipped inside leaving you a giddy mess as you made your way back to your own house, finally fishing your phone out of your hoodie.
27 miss calls from Dancing Queen 💃🏻
23 messages from Drancing Queen 💃🏻
112 messages from Dreamcatcher and Y/N 💖
Gasping you quickly dialled Boras number going straight to answer machine, which was expected given it seemed like you had been ignoring her. Trying her phone again, this time it picked up,
~on the phone~
You: Bora Hey! I’m so sorry i was out and-
Siyeon: She doesn’t want to talk to you.
You: W-What? But she called me? Many times i might add
Siyeon: Maybe because you missed out weekly film night and didn’t even give us a reason why… we were all worried you know.
You: I’m so sorry! I can come round now? With ice cream and more stuff and-
Sighing you decided to just go home figuring your friends would talk when they felt less hurt. Walking inside your bedroom you went straight to bed feeling incredibly guilty.
For the next few weeks you got radio silence from dreamcatcher, bar Jiu who had called a few times to check you were okay. Feeling alone you leaned on your members a lot more and made many new friends in the company. Eventually regularly having lunch with ur band mates, Blackpink and even some of the soloists and BTS members.
With all the radio silence on dreamcatchers end you felt your friendship with them drifting away to the point you figured they didn’t want to be around you any more. It hurt more that bora, a long time friend you saw as an older sister was leaving you out also.
But with all the lunch time hangouts around friends you and Jennie were only growing closer and closer and maybe you were so focused on your new routine and daily life you forgot to check in with dreamcatcher as much, missed some of there calls and even declined a few while hanging out with them.
It had been 4 months since your first date with Jennie and you could honestly say you were head over heals in love with her. She was the cutest person you’d ever met with twice as much sass. But despite her walls to protect her self deep inside was a shy and caring person who wouldn’t harm a fly, unless your names Lisa and you wear her clothes.
So caught up in your conversation with Jennie you failed to notice Bora, Gahyeon and Yoohyeon coming into the canteen planning to have lunch with you since they figured you still ate alone being to shy to talk to anyone. But there you were on a massive table of boisterous idols laughing and joking with your eyes locked on Jennie’s both of you smiling so wide as you conversed. Giggling and laughing about something nothing but love in your eyes. The boiling point being when she leaned in to peck your lips before winking and scurrying off with the rest of her group leaving you a bright red mess. The boys all cheering and making kissing noises at you while you sat still in shock.
Huffing she stormed off throwing the lunch she had made for you in the trash and angrily texting you to meet her at your dorm later, claiming you had to talk. Which leads you to now. Standing in your groups kitchen awkwardly as the older girl prepares food for you girls, the girls in questing hiding in there rooms from fear of Boras rage never having seen her so pissed.
“So,” she starts cutting the pepper way more harshly than needed causing you to wince “I hear you and Blackpink’s Jennie Kim are very… close”
Laughing awkwardly you hum, “w-well we are kind of close I guess..” you back away slightly as her chopping speeds up sparing a glance to the girls who were peering out their doors, silently asking for help but receiving doors shutting as an answer..
“Look Bora, Jen just-“ the chopping stops but she doesn’t turn to face you, but you can feel the way her face screws up and eyes harden. The air turning cold and tense around you.
“I mean, Jennie, she’s just so nice and sweet. Jennie is a caring person and we got close while around the company, Jennie even likes the show i wanted you to watch and-“
“Jennie this! Jennie that! WHO CARES ABOUT JENNIE!?” She turns around knife pointing at you.
“Bora.. i.. do..?” You chuckle awkwardly eyes flicking between her and the knife until she slams it down. “I like her a lot actually!”
“But does that dumb bitch spare a thought for you! Or is it all money and sex for her, wouldn’t put it past her“ she laughs “probably just using you because she’s bored and your such an easy target for a slut like he-“
“Don’t even finish that sentence!” You growl turning around to get the door intending to tell her to leave but freezing when u see Jennie standing there, silent tears rolling down her face as she begins to back up.
“Jennie! No don’t leave please!” You pull her into your arms as she cries, feeling Bora glare daggers at you from the kitchen.
“Well she should, There isn’t any room for her or food” she huffs with a laugh “Go on little miss big shot idol, leave!”
“No.” Tightening your arms around a shaking Jennie you glare at your old friend. “She stays. You go! You can come back when you learn some fucking manners”
She storms out telling you how Jennie will be bored of you in a week and not to come crawling back to her when that happens. But you couldn’t give a shit about that right now. Kissing jennies head you pull her to the couch and wipe her tears as she sniffles. “Y-you know none of thats true right, i would never-“
“I know” you smile, rubbing her back as she leans into you. “Why would you do that for me, loose a friend I mean?” You look at her like she had grown another head, “because bora was out of line and i care about you… i care about you a lot”
You feel her smile into your chest. “Does that mean were dating?” You let out a shocked laugh before exclaiming “was that not clear the last 3 times we made out!”
“Oh shush” she huffs curling into you as she turns on a movie to watch, rearranging herself till she was basically tucked into you like a baby kitten. Your baby kitten.
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A/n: i accept no dreamcatcher or blackpink bashing tho!
Anyway! I hope you like it ;)
ps. originally was a male reader but i changed it sooo
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xochaithoughts · 7 months
paid readings— open + as i’ve gotten more requests for paid readings, i’ve put together a list of services below! feel free to message me if you have questions or perhaps have something in mind that i don’t explicitly offer yet. + as a reader, my strengths lie in my affinity for all five clairs, energy work, and my empathic abilities. if this resonates, please read with me 🖤 for readings that list a clair description, it means that i will explain, show, and/or tell you whatever has come up for me in one of those areas during your reading.
+ please note that the descriptions underneath my reading types are there to guide you through what the reading may look like and get a general feel of what i will be looking for. i do not always follow this exact format. feel free to include any context or specific questions in reading requests.
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please note: i will not answer death, health, or certain money question -> ex. what does my dead relative want me to know? will my surgery go well? what stock should i purchase?
currently i am only accepting payment through my cashapp ($theoraclenextdoor). please message me with the request for your reading and confirm with me before sending any payment. all pricing in usd.
©️2023. cancersstellium. all rights reserved
general readings 2...3...4 pricing includes: number of cards pulled (ex. $3 = 3 cards). please specify type of reading (ex. love, career, general) energy/energetics 7…11…22 -> where is your energy at currently? where is it stuck? where does it flow freely? are you in your wounded masculine/feminine energy? (note: energetics is not about gender) pricing includes: 2-3 cards (general overview)… 4-5 cards + a colour of your energy as it is now… 5-6 cards + a description on how your energy feels manifestation 7…14…21 -> what are you currently manifesting? what’s blocking you from your manifestation? what area of your life has the strongest potential for positive manifestation? pricing includes: 1-2 paragraphs… 3-4 paragraphs… 5-6 paragraphs + ‘clair’ description the oracle’s advice (channeling) 3…6…9 -> wisdom is knowledge gained through experience. though i possess much wisdom on my own, in this reading my advice is blended with the divine’s channeled wisdom. pricing includes: 2-4 sentences (best for: yes/no questions)… 1-2 paragraphs… 3-4 paragraphs, includes ‘clair’ descriptions or signs to look out for the bigger picture 18..36 -> ask me anything and i’ll pull a nine card spread, read and reflected on in 5 different ways: by column, by row, diagonally, as a whole, and with the centre card in consideration. pricing includes: 2-3 sentences on each card set… 2-4 paragraphs + further reading of the 2 directions that intuitively feel the most pertinent (ex. row & column, diagonal & centre card) dream mirror 7…8…9 -> do you have a dream you feel means something? i’ll need as many details as possible. let’s interpret it together. pricing includes: depth of reading. experimental pricing. this will also depend on how much you can recall monthly or weekly forecast 5…15 -> similar to a weather forecast, here i will tell you what the allotted time ahead looks like for you. pricing includes: general 3 card forecast (can specify love, career, etc) … mini astrological forecast & analysis based on your natal chart + 5 card draw for specific question (ex. is december a good month for a fling?) yahtzee (dice divination) 5 -> dice can be a helpful tool in divining the future in simple terms. while a yes/no question is essentially what can be answered, my dice always yield more than you are expecting pricing includes: yes/no [sample dice reading > “should i go the party on saturday?” dice roll: u: 5, d: 2, f: 6, b: 1 , l: 4, r: 3. oracle’s answer: yes. it’ll be a good opportunity for you to get out and grow socially! although you might find yourself worried about the logistics, now is the time to leave behind that need for structure and planning. i think you’ll be surprised at how fun it will be.] mini astrology reading 6…9 -> send me your natal chart and ask me that question that you know is written in the stars. pricing includes: 1 questions answered in 1-2 paragraphs… up to 2 questions answered in 3-5 paragraphs (*reading does not include interpretation of personal transits or chart degrees) dealer’s choice tbd -> unsure about which service will yield the best answer? tell me a little about yourself (>2 paragraphs please) and i’ll let you know which reading i think you should seek with me.
legal disclaimer: these readings are for entertainment purposes. my readings should not be used in place of legal, medical, mental health advice. as readings are subject to the reader’s interpretation, they should not be regarded as absolute.
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
Probably Bad Advice, But Good to Know if You Use Needles:
Are you someone who self-injects a medication that doesn't come in a pre-loaded syringe? A trans guy on T perhaps? Someone who uses insulin?
Let me ask you a question you probably haven't been asked before: Do you like your needle?
I have been on testoterone for 9 years now. I have used almost all the needles. I'm also a nurse, so not only have I used them on myself, but I've used them on other people. I teach a class of people how to use them at least once per month.
I have preferences.
So I want to arm you with information about the types of needles available to you and how to get them if you want something different than you currently have.
Aspects of the Needle:
Gauge: Gauge is the "thickness" of the needle. Larger numbers mean a smaller size needle. For example, a 14-gauge is horrifyingly large, while 36 is so teeny you can barely see it.
You may think you always want the smallest needle, but what you really want is the smallest needle your medication can easily pass through. I once injected penicillin G into someone with a 25 gauge and it took over a minute. Horrible experience, 0/10. Insulin is really thin, though, and can go through a 30 or 32-gauge pretty easily.
The smallest size for testosterone or other hormones packed in cottonseed oil I'd recommend would be a 25-gauge. I have had pharmacists argue with me that I couldn't possibly inject testosterone through this small of a needle. But I have never had a problem with it.
Length: The ideal length depends on where you want the medication to end up. Generally, people who self-inject are trying to get medication into either fat (subcutaneous) or muscle (intramuscular). If you're injecting into fat you typically want a shorter needle (1/2-5/8th inch).
If you're injecting into muscle, take into account how much fat you have on the part of your body you're injecting into. You need a needle that can get through that fat and also get into the middle of the muscle. Someone of average body composition needs at least a 1-inch needle to get through their fat and into their muscle. Someone with little fat might only need a 5/8th inch. Someone with a lot of fat might need up to 3 inches of needle to get to their muscle. You probably want the shortest one that will do the job.
Syringe: The syringe is the actual plastic barrel and plunger setup that attaches to the needle. A lot of times these come apart from the needle by twisting- this is usually either a proprietary twist or a more universal connection called a luer-lok. The size of the syringe is based on the volume of medication you're injecting. Most doses that are a half-milliliter or more can get away with a standard 3-mL syringe. These are super easy to find.
If you're injecting less than half a milliliter, I'd ask for a u-100 insulin syringe. They break the milliliter down into 100ths, which lets you dose with extreme precision. If you take 0.45mls, it's a LOT easier to dose this in a u-100 insulin syringe than it is a 3-mL syringe.
Safety features: I am all for safety features if I'm using needles on someone else. Safety features include plastic pieces that cover the needles, or springs that pull the needle into the syringe after the plunger has been completely depressed. They let you get the needle from the patient to the sharps bin safely without accidentally stabbing anyone.
But if you're self-injecting and like to re-use your needles (which is not necessarily a bad thing as long as you do not share), they can be a pain in the butt. A lot of time, unless you specifically only use your needles one time, you're going to want ones without the safety. You just have to remember to keep your needles in a place where no one else will come into contact with them, preferably stored in isopropyl alcohol and air dried thoroughly before use. If you use them more than about 4 times they will get dull and painful, jsyk. And you need to pay special attention to cleaning your skin and the vial top carefully with isopropyl before use- scrub for 15 seconds, then let dry for 30 before running the needle through either skin or the rubber stopper. If you don't take these precautions you run the risk of getting an abscess at your injection site.
If you have the kind of safety that flips up over the needle, you can easily remove this prior to injecting just by moving it back and forth perpendicular to the syringe. It should snap off but still allow the needle cover to be replaced (which you'll want if you store your needles because it keeps them clean and sharp). The ones that suck in the needle basically you just need to get a different one. These suck in more ways than one.
Asking for Needles:
Let's say after reading this that you want to try a new needle. I will tell you right now that your doctor clicks the first needle on the drop down list unless you specify. I swear it is not weird to be like "hey, I know you wrote for a 20-gauge last time but that's a huge needle and I'd like to try a 25 instead." They probably don't know they wrote for a 20-gauge. They probably don't know what a 20-gauge looks like. You can also say something to the effect of "the safety features keep tripping when I'm drawing up my medication, and then I can't use it. Can you order a luer-lok syringe/needle combo instead?"
Eventually, you'll find the ideal combo for you. Mine is a 25-gauge, 1-inch insulin syringe with a luer-lok coupling that I use to inject 0.45mL of testosterone. I use a 20-gauge to draw up the testosterone and can easily switch the 25-gauge onto it before injecting.
According to my doctor, these do not exist, so I generally have her prescribe whatever she feels is right but then buy my needles directly from the pharmacy. Some pharmacies need a specific prescription for the needle you want, while others are fine with selling you the needles you want as long as you have a prescription for any needles, and some will sell them to you over the counter without a prescription of any kind. Shop around for the pharmacy willing to sell you a needle. At my pharmacy they're like $0.30/each but I only use one per month-ish.
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munsonxmayhem · 2 years
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By chance.
Joseph Quinn x Fan!Fem!Reader
- none yet
(but my writing is intended for 18+)
It was a breezy, cloudy day in the streets of London as you walked around aimlessly. A week ago, you’d decided you finally going to visit for the first time. Here you were, some would say you were lost; but you were too much of an explorer to put it that way. You were simply: discovering.
You made your way to a small coffee shop, the bell chiming as you walked in. The air was warm and smelled of coffee beans and baked treats. You smiled as you ordered your coffee, finding a small table by the large window in the front.
After you’d finished the coffee, it had started to rain outside. Not a downpour, or a storm; just a light sprinkle that left small polka dots on the sidewalk and street. You continued your walk, making your way to the hotel you were staying at. “Oh!” You gasp as you bump into someone, blissfully unaware of their presence as you stared up at the beautiful buildings beside you.
“I’m sorry!” You apologize quickly, leaning down and grabbing what they’d dropped. As you look back up to hand it to them, you were met with a familiar set of brown eyes. Joseph Quinn. You’d watched quite a few things he was in, most recently being Stranger Things; I guess you could say you were a fan.
“That’s alright, darling.” He smiles, taking his bag he’d dropped. His fingers brushed yours as you handed it to him, sending sparks through you. “Y-you’re-“ You stutter. Blushing, you brush the hair from your face, shaking your head. “You’re Joseph Quinn.” You finally get out, obviously flustered. “I am, and you are?” He holds his hand out for a handshake. You take his hand, shaking it gently. “(Y/N), love your work.” The heat that has already across your face is only embarrassing you further. He lets go of your hand, and you smile.
“Do you want a picture or anything?” He asks, sweetly. “Uh.. yeah, sure! Why not?” You laugh, nervously, pulling your phone from your pocket. He leans down, an arm wrapping around your waist as you snap a selfie.
“Thank you..” You say, shyly. “Of course, love. You just visiting or?” He inquires, raising a brow. “Oh, yeah. I look that touristy, huh?” You joke, gesturing to your outfit. He laughs, “No! No, just uh..” He waves to you, “Your accent.” You nod, “Can’t argue with that.”
He furrows his brow while he thinks for a moment, “Can I see that picture?” He asks, holding his hand out. You nod, “Yeah, of course!” Handing hum your phone, he holds it up to a point where you can’t see your screen. He smirks as he hands the phone back to you, “Makes a perfect contact photo.” He states as you take the phone.
“What do you m-“ You’re cut off by his phone going off. He nods to your phone, as he pulls out his. Your phone chimes and you open it, “Drinks tonight? x” You gasp at the text, looking up at him. He laughs, “What do you say?” Speechless, you go to the message, your fingers typing shakily. He opens his phone, reading the text on his screen: “You’re on :)” He chuckles, putting the phone in his pocket.
Just then it starts to rain a bit harder, and he looks up. “I guess I’ll see you tonight then?” He asks and nod. “I guess you will.” He waves as you both part ways, you heading quickly to your hotel.
As you get to your hotel room, you close the door shut behind you, leaning your back up against it. Did that really just happen? You take out your phone, looking at the messages. It did. Hurriedly, you drag yourself to the shower, washing off the sweat and dirt of a days worth of exploring.
As you’re drying yourself off, you hear your phone chime. Running into the room you grab the phone and open it, a message from Joseph: “How’s 7 sound?” You smile, checking the time. 5:36. You respond, “Sounds perfect.” With that you jump up to start getting ready, not believing what you were doing it for.
Part II
AN: I got told I should do more Joseph x Fan content, so enjoy.
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