#it's 2am and I had a thought that I needed to express
empireofthesunny · 8 months
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I'm sorry-
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 he's not just a man, mom.. ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Athena!Reader Synopsis: Reader has a special bond with both Luke and her godly mother, so when Luke joins Kronos, her head starts spinning in confusion on what to do anymore Warning(s): angst. and uh swears ig Word Count: 4314 A/N: I was inspired from a Tumblr post that was inspired from that one Gilmore girls scene😛😛 the post, I mixed in some show and book moments, sometimes just can't decide what hit harder. love them both💔 ugh why did I yap?? Part 2
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You and Luke were perfect for one another. Like two pieces to the same puzzles. You were childhood sweethearts and everyone knew it. If you told yourself a couple months ago what had happened, you would've laughed so hard your lungs might've collapsed. This was not a happy ending, though it could've been.
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It was an average summer evening at camp half-blood. Normally you'd be busy helping Annabeth prepare for capture the flag, but she insisted on doing it herself. She always thought it would help prove herself more and more to your mother, Athena. You and your mom are quite close, you both talk a lot. You make sure to tell Annabeth that she already has faith in her, but she still feels the need to do this, maybe it'll help her get the quest she's been dreaming of.
Since you're close with your mother, Athena also knows of your long-lasting relationship with Luke, the Hermes head counselor. At first she didn't approve, she thought her daughter could do better than a son of the god of thieves, but she knew she couldn't change it so she let it go. Well sorta, she always gives a slight diss about it every now and then.
Now it was the day of capture the flag, and you had the newcomer Percy Jackson on your team. Annabeth whisked him away as part of her plan while you and Luke fended off the rest of red team. And for the fourth year in a row, your team won at capture the flag. You and Luke were celebrating with the rest of Athena and Hermes cabin, when you heard yelling from behind you.
"What is wrong with you?!" You turned around to see that a cut up and bleeding Percy was yelling at Annabeth for pushing him into the water. As he stood up, you and everyone around you noticed that his cuts began to heal, but before you could question it a symbol appeared above his head. A trident.
"Poseidon," announced Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."
All the campers in the surrounding area stood in shock, but congratulated Percy non the less. You stood there with a big smile, happy he was claimed after spending the entire day before being somewhat of a, well, failure at all camp activities.
"Luke! Percy got claimed isn't that amazing-" You turned to look at your boyfriend, but didn't see him smiling the way everyone else was. His expression seemed different. It was a look of curiosity beyond him being a child of the big three, more as if Luke seemed.. upset? He had a grudging smile hanging off his lips, you were confused but shrugged it off.
The next day at around 10AM you were sitting with Annabeth as she raves to you about how she's finally found the one. And by the one, she means that Percy ended up picking her to go on the quest with him. Annabeth goes on telling you about the quest, about how she has to recover Zeus' lightning bolt before the solstice in a week, she sounds excited but you can tell she's nervous.
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock at your door. You turned and saw your handsome boyfriend, Luke, coming to pick you up.
"Mind if I steal her away for a little?" Luke asked as he smiled at your little sister. She just sighed.
"Fine, bring her back at a reasonable time though. Last time you brought her home at 2AM half the cabin woke up." You and Luke started laughing.
"Annie you were the only one awake," you leaned forward and kissed the top of her head, "I'll be back soon to say goodbye." And the two of you were off.
Whenever the both of you had free time like this you two would head off to the strawberry fields. There aren't always many campers by the fields at once, so you and Luke would just grab and bunch and walk around through the forest before they noticed the missing strawberries. Most campers don't go there for the fear of monsters, but with Luke being the best sword fighter this camp has ever seen in years, you liked your odds. You guys decided to sit by where Percy had gotten claimed the day before, the sound of the ocean is just so calming.
"The Demeter kids really know what there doing with these strawberries," Luke groaned as he took a bite out of one of them.
"I think its in there job description," you both just chuckled and continued enjoying not just the strawberries but each others company. Not many opportunities for being alone lately. Then you remembered the look on Luke's face when Percy got claimed. Why wasn't he happy for him after all the time he spent helping him get claimed just the day before?
"Hey Luke, can I ask you something?" You yourself weren't sure if you should bring it up, but something in your gut was telling you too.
"Of course, you can ask me anything."
"Well, yesterday when Percy got claimed, how did you feel about it?"
"Hmm? I was happy for him, sucks he's gonna have to stay in that cabin all alone though. Why do you ask?"
"Yeah.. well I don't know when I turned to you, you just seemed kind of upset?"
"What? Why would I be upset?" Luke started smiling like you were crazy. Hey, maybe you were just seeing things.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy. Oh what would my mother think of her legacy losing her marbles," you giggled to yourself and turned to Luke, he was laughing but it felt like the mention of your mom hit a nerve. He knows she isn't his biggest fan so that's probably it. You both moved on and continued like normally till the lunch bell went off, which was your sign to start heading back. You both split up and sat at your cabins table with this rest of your siblings.
"Hey Annie," you greeted as you sat in the seat next Annabeth.
"Hey your back," she smiled. "I'm leaving after lunch."
"Better make this lunch count, you're probably not gonna have so many good ones out on the road," you joked. You're not really joking though. You remember back on the times when you and Luke were on the road with barely enough to eat, not fun times. You stopped thinking about it and continued to send your last moments with your dear sister before she goes off her on her dangerous quest. Please gods, mom, let her come back safe. You both finished up and walked over to your cabin and helped her finish packing up.
"I gotta go pick up Percy now."
"I'm coming with you? I'm spending all the time I can with you before Percy and Grover take you away from meee." Annabeth just rolled her eyes at you (you could still see her smile though) as you both walked over to the Poseidon cabin. When you walked in you saw Luke talking with Percy. He was giving him something.
"Hey Percy, watchu got there?" You asked as you leaned on the door frame.
"Some.. converse? Pretty cool.." He looked to Luke to see if he got it right, you just smiled knowing what the shoes really were.
"Maia," Luke said, and the shoes grew some wings.
"Yup, pretty cool shoes." Luke smirked and the two boys stood up and started walking toward the door. Percy stood next to Annabeth and you leaned in and gave them both a hug.
"Come back safe you two," you looked Percy up and down, "no funny business either."
"Haha very funny, we're not like you and Luke," Annabeth rolled her eyes, AGAIN.
"Roll your eyes at me again and they'll get stuck like that." Percy decided to stay silent, which you thought was funny. And just like that, they were off.
You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye, "They grow up so fast," You turned to Luke who was smiling down at you. You couldn't help yourself and just threw your arms around him and kissed him.
As you days went on, you still had that nagging feeling in your gut that something was off. But this time you just decided to ignore it. Questioning Luke got you no where so maybe you were just overthinking it.
The night before the trio was supposed to return, you were instantly pulled into a dream. You were standing back in the spot that you and Luke went to regularly by the water. Except it wasn't any normal dream, it was a demigod dream. And how did you know? You were currently standing next to your mother, Athena.
"Hey mom." You waved, she just nodded back.
"Hello Y/N."
"Soo.. what's up?" Normally you wouldn't be shocked of her appearing in a dream, but this time she had an extra amount of seriousness clouding her features as she continued to stare at the ocean.
"That Luke of yours, he seems off doesn't he?" You wanted to deny it, but you knew she was right. You couldn't help but just nod. "You get your instincts from me you know. I'd take it as disrespect for you to not trust them."
"But mom, I don't even know what it is that's bothering me. What am I supposed to do? Question him from a look I'm not even sure was on his face?"
"If you're not sure, why's it still bothering you?" You went silent, she was right. Mother knows best.
"You've never liked him, is that it?" You accused.
"Excuse me but this isn't a matter of me liking your little boyfriend, it's a matter of whats at stake right now. You saw the look on his face when that forbidden kid was revealed. And what was with that gift, hmm?" Athena was saying so much yet so little at the same time. This is one of the few times you've felt so useless, and it just had to be in front of your mother.
"I-" You looked down at your feet, ".. mom can't you just give me a clue, just once can you help me out here."
"You know us gods can't interfere," she stared daggers at you, and you started getting nervous, more than you already were at least. "I know you're smarter than this" It suddenly dawned on you what she was accusing Luke of, but you know he wouldn't do that, right?
You looked back at her, "He wouldn't."
"You really believe that?" You faltered for a moment.
"Of.. of course I do." Your mom just closed her eyes and shook her head.
"I thought you were smarted than this. I can't believe this boy has left you so blind." And with that, Athena and the setting around you started to disappear. You tried reaching out, trying to say that you are smart, but everything went black.
You shot up from your bed in a cold sweat, you were panting heavily. You turned over to check your alarm.
You looked around to see everyone still asleep. You knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so you just went to go take a shower, wash off all the sweat and think. When you hopped in you just stood there under the water. You couldn't shake the conversation you had with your mother. Luke hadn't left you blind. You've known him for years, you knew him better than anyone. Especially better than Athena.
You got out and got ready for the day. This was the day Annabeth, Percy, and Grover were supposed to return. You tried to think on that instead, the positive. You hoped it was positive at least. It was now around 7:30AM, yes you took that long getting ready, what about it? You had a lot of thinking to do in the shower, and cool enough this was also the time Luke wakes up. You made your way to the Hermes cabin, watching the early birds, or Apollo cabin, sit around making haikus (every now and then they'd make a good one).
You snuck your way into the Hermes cabin, seeing everyone was still asleep. You tip-toed over to your boyfriends bed and kneeled down beside his bed, faces leveled together.
"Hey," you started to softly shake him awake, "Luke wake up." You made sure to whisper so no one around would also wake up. Luke started to stir awake. He softly groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening then. "Hey there gorgeous," you winked.
He chuckled and whispered back, "Hey beautiful." Morning voice is actually so hot. Luke sat up and pulled you up and into bed with him. You tried not giggle too loud as you snuggled closer to him. You were so close you were breathing in his scent. And there it was again, your gut feeling telling you something was wrong. After that conversation with your mom the feeling just got even worse.
"Luke," you laid on you stomach directly next to Luke, who was laying on his back, "aren't you excited? Percy, Annabeth and Grover come back today." You smiled, and so did Luke, but his smile didn't reach his eyes the way they normally do. What's up with him?
"Yup, excited to see them again." Morning voice didn't sound as hot when he didn't sound that happy to see them as he said he was.
"You don't sound that excited."
"Luke are you hiding something?" He shifted for a split second, like he wasn't expecting such a question.
"From you? No, never." You felt uneasy, but what could you even do at this point. You can't go ballistic over an instinct.
"Fine, but you should really brush your teeth."
"You woke me up?"
You just laughed and got up from Luke's bed as he left to go get ready, and brush his teeth from that deadly breathe of his. When he walked out the bathroom in his classic orange camp Half-Blood t-shirt, you knew it was time to head out for breakfast.
As the day went on, you were anticipating the arrival of your fellow campers, mostly your sister. You loved her dearly and missed having her around. Despite her being a few years younger, she was one of your best friends. And finally she was back, and without hesitation you ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
"Annie, you're safe!" You hugged her tightly as you both swung side to side.
"You crushing me," She groaned and you pulled away holding by the shoulders.
"You survived the underworld, you can survive my hugs." You looked around then noticed something. "Wait, where's Percy?" Annabeth looked a little worried.
"We found the master bolt despite it being past deadline. Percy went to give it back alone."
"Kids ballsy," you scoffed. "Or he has a massive death wish." Annabeth laughed softly but you could tell she was nervous. "Hey you guys made it this far, he'll be fine." She just nodded and looked up and you.
"So, wanna hear about the quest?"
"Uh, duh? And don't think mom didn't tell me about the tunnel of love." Annabeth tried looking at you with her intimidating face that read 'shut up or else' but it doesn't work out very well when she's blushing. "She said and I quote 'get your sister away from that reckless water boy'," you quoted while waving around your finger, Annabeth just groaned loudly and walked off with you laughing as you followed behind her.
Annabeth started explaining the story. Clarisse was the lightning thief? Ares covering for her would make sense but you don't know, something didn't add up.
"Yeah we called Chiron but Luke answered, he said he'd tell Chiron about it." Why didn't you know about this? And you knew Chiron definitely didn't either, so what the hell? You were cut from your thoughts when you heard cheering outside. You and Annabeth ran outside and saw Percy walking back to camp. You turned and saw Annabeth eyes go wide and run up to Percy, you saw her whisper something but didn't think much of it and went over to Luke, who was also watching the scene.
"Isn't it cool he made it back" You asked Luke.
"Amazing." Percy and Annabeth were now walking by you two, gesturing for you to follow them, which you did. As you looked over to Luke.
"Why didn't you tell me the Lightning thief was Clarisse." He swallowed.
"Oh, just slipped my mind." And he flashed you that smile of his, it doesn't looked as genuine any more. And now you four were standing in an empty Hermes cabin conspiring. You just zoned out of the conversation. Mom, please, this is the first time I wished you were wrong. Don't hold it against me.
Luke disappeared for a little bit, and to our understanding it was to inform Chiron of who the thief really was. Then, he disappeared with Percy into the woods. You were a little nervous, Luke made a new sword, Backbiter, made of both celestial bronze and steel. Hopefully there sparring would be fine.
Oh how wrong you were.
While alone in your cabin, you were organizing the mess of books when you saw Luke rushing through the doors.
"Luke are you okay, why the rush?"
"We need to talk." You were confused, but weirdly felt sweat a single drop of sweat fall from the back of your neck.
"Of course, whats up?" You said as you slid the last book onto the bookshelf and turned toward Luke.
"Remember our quest together, all that darkness and the monsters growing stronger. Don't you think all this is useless. How we're just pawns for the gods in this silly game they should've been over thrown from years ago-" Luke was rambling.
"Luke.. slow down. What are you saying? What do you mean over thrown?"
"I mean, the only reason their still around is for us, and even then they still don't treat us with the respect we deserve."
"Luke, that's our parents you're talking about. They're trying their best."
“That’s supposed to make me love them? They're killing the world and don't even seem to care. We need to start over, that's what he's been telling me in my dreams."
"Luke, what the hell are you talking about, whose 'he?'"
"Kronos." Your eyes widened, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. this couldn't be true.
"Luke, he's brainwashing you."
"No he's not. He's opening my eyes to the truth. In all the time I've been here, my dad sent me on one quest, a quest that's already been done. And I come back with this!" He angrily pointed at the scar on his face. "And all I got was pity. That's when he started speaking to me. That's where I got the ideas."
Your mouth went dry and your knees started to wobble, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. "You.. you stole the master bolt and Hades' helm, didn't you."
"And it was so easy, the gods are so full of themselves they wouldn't ever believe that someone would steal from them. And ares wouldn't have been easier to turn on my side." You didn't even recognize the man standing in front of you anymore.
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Well, I can't continue keeping secrets from my dear girlfriend. I'm here to take you with me. Your beautiful brain is the last piece I need."
You wanted to cry. The thought was tempting. You saw how kids got ignored, how the unclaimed flooded the Hermes cabin, how most kids never hear from their parents, and how kids of minor gods don't even have cabins. You loved Luke with all your heart, you didn't want to leave him. You knew your choice.
"Luke, this is wrong. You have to know you can't just over throw the gods. They are your family."
"You're the brainwashed one here Y/N, you have to be if you can't see I'm right." He turned for the door, but you caught his wrist.
"You can't start a war like this. So many people will lose their lives." You were pleading with him. He turned to face you.
"It's the only way the gods notice, I have to go now. Last chance, are you coming with me or not." Tears were threatening to escape your eyes.
"You know I can't. I can't betray my mother." Tears were falling from your eyes, and you saw one fall from Luke's as well. He leaned and kissed you deeply and pulled away.
"Then this is goodbye." He rushed out your cabin and left you in tears. That was the last kiss you'd ever have with him. He was so gone and you didn't think you could bring him back. And that's when Annabeth came running and yelling.
"Percy's in the infirmary close to death, hurry!"
And so you wiped your tears and hurried. And there he was, a greenish grayish color with a lump on his hand.
"What the hell happened to him?" You asked worriedly.
"Looks like a pit scorpion bite, we won't know more till he wakes up." Chiron said.
Annabeth turned over to Chiron, "So did you interrogate Clarisse?"
"And why would I do that?" Chiron asked.
"What are you talking about, didn't Luke tell you she's the lightning thief?" Annabeth said.
"No he didn't," they both turned to you, looking more confused than ever. "He didn't snitch on Clarisse because it wasn't her. Luke's working for Kronos." You voice was cracking and Annabeth and Chiron both exchanged looks of worry.
"Here we are again." Percy said. Annabeth turned around and called him an idiot, ah. Young love. You feel bitter now but whatever.
"Percy. Explain everything now." And he did. He explained Luke's plan, the same one he explained to you, and how he said Percy couldn't be there and had the pit scorpion sting him. You then explained how he tried to recruit you and was now gone to who knows where. It went silent.
"I need to be alone." You excused yourself and went running to your cabin. The second you made it to your ned you collapsed and you immediately sobbing. This was Luke, your Luke, and now suddenly he was working with Kronos?? You just couldn't believe it.
As weeks went on, you became worse. You can never bring yourself to leave your bed unless absolutely necessary. Your friends and family around you started getting worried, they tried so much but nothing seems to work. At camp, you were the sweet older sister people came to for advice, now you were the girl who could barely say three or more words at a time. It got harder when Annabeth left, normally when she's gone the head counselor job would be handed to you. Of course, now that can't happen in your state. You're losing sleep and couldn't be bothered to make your self look presentable.
After about three months, you put yourself to sleep and you were pulled right back into a dream. You were standing in your special spot with Luke, and how bad you wanted to wake up but you couldn't. It was your mother who brought you back here.
"He's never coming back you know." You could barely cry, your eyes were dry. You stood there without saying anything. "I knew I never trusted him."
"Yeah because you always have to be right about everything don't you?"
"You better watch how you speak to me." Athena glared down at you, normally you'd be scared but you couldn't care less right now.
"Why, whats the point? Why are you even here? To what, rub it in my face that you were right about Luke?"
"I'm here to talk some sense into you. You're a daughter of Athena, you should be thinking with your brain, not your emotions. Yet that's the problem, you're not thinking clearly. Your ruining yourself over some guy."
"Mom," your voice was cracking. "please."
"Please what? You're grown enough to know right from wrong. Luke was just a man, nothing more nothing less." And somehow, some tears started to flow.
"No he wasn't," your voice was barely higher than a whisper.
"Speak up, you know how I feel about mumbling."
"He was more than just a man, mother," you were just barely yelling.
"Oh really, what are you saying to me? That a man who can so easily betray the gods and everything you stand for is the man for you? The love of your life? The man you would've married and had a family with?" Athena's words dripped with condescension, and it made your blood boil.
"You know what, yeah. He is, or was, or whatever. And I don't care what you have to say about it. Any future advice you have? Keep it." You were now yelling.
"Watch yourself, you might regret this. No daughter of mine will speak to me like this."
"No mother treats her daughter like her emotions don't matter, you just see me as another pawn to do your bidding. Get me out of this stupid fucking dream. NOW!" You demanded.
Athena looked at you with a face you couldn't decipher, before letting you go. The dream went black and you shot up awake just like the last time. Athena opened your eyes, just not in the way she hoped. What you knew? She didn't care about your emotions, just your ability to carry out her duties. Luke was right, and it pained you. You didn't know what to do, or who to stand with anymore.
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withleeknow · 5 months
thirteen percent.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; mentions of drinking, cursing, hella unedited and tbh i kinda gave up toward the end but i wanted to post smth lmao word count: 1.2k note: inspired by the events of friday night in which i had 1.3 bottle of soju and promptly passed out while unmuted all night in my discord server lmfao
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as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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the first thing you do when you wake up is scowl.
at the sun. at the sky. at the cars and at the people going about their day on the street below. at soonie and doongie when you find them just peacefully existing in their respective corners of the room.
at minho who's looking at you from the doorway with an amused expression on his face.
"look who's finally up," he says, approaching the bed with a glass of water in his hands. "it's almost 1pm, heathen."
you groan, covering your face with your hands as you try to sink further into the mattress. "why are you so loud today?"
"this is my normal volume?"
"your normal volume is loud."
"hmm, could this be because last night you knocked back an entire bottle of soju and then some and therefore you have a raging headache right now?"
you blink, still delirious from the night before. it's obvious that the alcohol hasn't completely left your system and minho is right. there's a pounding in your head and you wish it would stop.
you ignore his sassy quip, trying to recall what happened. "how did i get home?"
it was supposed to be a cozy night in with your friends. you'd been looking forward to last night for weeks because all of you had been so busy with your respective lives, and a fun girl's night was desperately needed. to catch up, to gossip about your partners, to escape your tiresome realities for a few hours.
and of course, to unwind and drink. not to the point of being blackout drunk; just to de-stress a little.
"how do you think?" minho asks, holding out the water for you until you muster enough strength to sit up and take it from him. he watches as you greedily gulp down the liquid to satiate your dry throat, giving him back the empty glass when you're done and lying back down again. he sets the glass on your bedside table before he joins you under the covers. "boyfriend of the year went out in the middle of the night to drag your ass home."
"you took me home?"
"i just said boyfriend of the year, didn't i?"
despite his smartass attitude, minho still snakes an arm around your body to pull you close to him, until your head is lying on his chest while he strokes your hair gently.
"it was just soju. plum soju!" you try to justify your actions, throwing a leg over his and snuggling further into the warmth of his body. "only thirteen percent!"
minho scoffs. "that's how they get you. the fun flavors make you think that you're gonna be fine if you do just a couple more shots. next thing you know, you're sending your boyfriend gibberish messages at 2am."
to emphasize his point, minho shows you his phone, goes straight to the text thread you two share.
you mostly sent him nonsense, seemingly a lot of keyboard smashes and blurry drunken selfies of you and your friends. then came the last few messages.
you: oh naue why rom sponnign you: i wsntto go homrr you: mimo tskeeee me homeee
"oh." you purse your lips. "drunk me was a moment."
"no, she was a lot of moments actually. you stayed up for almost two hours after i brought you home."
"doing what?"
your boyfriend looks down at you, an unimpressed look on his face before he rolls his eyes and sighs, recanting the story of how you exhausted him just hours prior.
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"stop squirming," minho said, trying to keep your head from lolling to the side as he wiped at your face with a cotton pad doused in micellar water.
but you kept giggling, kept trying to hold his cheeks so you could kiss him. "mimo, you're so pretty. my pretty, pr-" hiccup! "pretty mimo."
it took him thirty whole minutes just to take your makeup off, then another forty five to go through your skincare routine.
it was an entire struggle to get you out of your clothes and into your sleepwear because apparently, the feeling of him tugging your blouse over your head and sliding your jeans down your legs tickled that amorous part of your brain - your horndog side, if you will.
you instantly latched onto him, climbing on top of him to sit on his lap, attempting to trail kisses along his neck when all minho was trying to do was put your t-shirt on.
"not now," he scolded you lightly, pushing you away by your shoulders before he held your arms up just long enough to slip the shirt over your body.
"whyyy not?"
"mostly because you're about ten seconds away from passing out."
but that wasn't something that your intoxicated brain could comprehend. all you understood was that your boyfriend didn't want to have sex with you, that he was rejecting you.
you went quiet all of a sudden, your lips pouting, your eyes turning glassy before you practically sob, "you don't want me anymore."
minho could only sigh.
"what now?" he had finally managed to get your restless ass into bed, thinking you'd surely knock out within seconds of hitting the sheets. but when he returned to the bedroom five minutes later, having cleared away your clothes to be put in the washer in the morning, minho found you lying on your side, your eyes glued to your phone, your face illuminated by the blue light coming from the device. "why aren't you sleeping?"
you were going through your camera roll, watching your old videos like they were your favorite tv show. videos of you and him, videos of him and the cats, or just random videos of him that you took when you thought he wasn't paying attention.
it was cute how you were so immersed, how you kept giggling and making heart eyes at the version of minho captured on your phone. it made him smile, just standing there and watching you like that.
it was beyond endearing, but it was also fucking 4:18am.
minho snatched the device away from you and put it somewhere you couldn't reach before he settled into bed with you.
"i miss my mimo," you whined. "give me back my mimo."
he knew there was no use in telling you that you didn't need to miss him when he, the object of your affection himself, was lying next to you. instead, he just yanked you closer, tucking your face into the crook of his neck and holding you tightly so you couldn't move, hoping that it would eventually lull you to dreamland.
"your mimo is right here. now go to sleep, you menace."
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"and not to mention you kept-"
"nope." you put a hand over minho's mouth so he would shut up. "i've heard enough."
he pushes your hand away. "i deserve compensation for what i had to go through last night."
"the satisfaction of taking care of your wonderful girlfriend wasn't enough for you?"
"no," he says. then, you both just stare at each another for a few minutes.
"fine," you relent. "i'll make it up to you with one hundred kisses."
"i want a cat tower."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 14.01.2024]
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northsoulss · 5 months
dating you II - leah williamson
(a/n : will do one for less soon! <3)
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late night walks in the park, hand in hand. pushing each other around like children, running away from her grabbing hands as she tries to tickle you. late night runs to the convenience store to get ice cream just because she was craving it at 2am.
i. shes awe struck when she sees you on television, still panting from the previous match. you spoke loudly into the microphone with pride in your voice that its okay to be who you are, despite people saying its biologically wrong. this response was fired back to the interviewer when you were asked about your relationship status with leah. she sees the determination in your eyes, the pure fire and willpower in your actions. she thinks she snagged the right one this time, a proud grin on her face as she lays on the couch, phone in hand, ready to text you how much she loves you.
ii. you think you love her when she lays in bed at night and stares up at the ceiling. she was wordless and yet so many thoughts filled the room. you smooth her furrowed brows with a brush of your thumbs, and her eyes flutter shut.
“what are you thinking about?” you whisper, and she turns to look at you, the dim light from the moon shining into your room from the open window. she looks like one of artemis’s hunters you think, eyes strong, facial features lit up by the moonlight. your ever so strong, leah.
“nothing you need to worry about.”
iii. she thinks you’re a breath of fresh air when you are waiting in your car for her after a bad match. you sit there in the driver’s seat, window rolled down. earphones plugged in, humming a faint melody of her favourite song that she had recommended to you a week ago. she opens the door with a small sigh, clearly disappointed with how the she played today which does not go unnoticed. the moment she sits down, your hand is on her bouncing knee, rubbing comforting circles onto her skin. you look at her, earphones dangling from your neck, a worried expression on your face that makes her break her composure. you sit there with her till the sun sets, listening and comforting her, reassuring her that her playing skills do not define her as a person.
iv. you love her, now you are certain after seeing her lead you to her favourite spot in the park. the act so intimate, her bringing you to the place she always goes to when things become too much.
“you know, i’ve always wanted to bring someone here. i was always afraid that this place would no longer be special, but i think showing you wouldn’t change anything. it can be our spot now.”
you think your heart strings couldn’t be tugged any further, and yet your heart falls out of your chest and into her hands for her to hold.
“its beautiful, leah.” you kiss the back of her hand, hoping that your small lingering touches will convey your love for her.
v. you know you can rely on her when she swats your hand away from trying to touch the pot that she was stirring.
“stop trying to take over! i told you i’m helping with the chores today, darling.” despite both of you just coming back from training, she insists its her turn to cook, ignoring your insistent protests.
“just let me help lee!”. she blocks the stove with her hip, pushing you away in process. giving you a knowing look, you melt, and give in. you sit at the dining table with a huff, and yet you could not hide the fond smile that crept onto your lips.
vi. she looks at you in admiration, standing at the sidelines as you screamed in victory as you scored a goal which helped your team win against the opponent. you looked magical, hair messy in a ponytail, lips curled up in an open mouthed smile yelling excitedly. you run around the pitch with your team mates, piggybacking one of them happily. your eyes scan the stadium and you quickly spot her in the crowd, blowing her a kiss and a wink. leah smiles widely, a hand coming up to rest on her chest, trying to coax her heart to slow down, feeling like a teenager who got invited to prom by her crush.
vii. you’ve never felt more proud of her, watching her step onto stage to present the sports personality of the year award. your heart swells with pride, seeing her sport a suit with a beaming smile. she looks absolutely radiant, and you are incredibly proud of the person she has become over the many years that you have been with her. you are more than happy to stay on the side to support her as she becomes more popular, to act as her plus one to events. as long as you are with her, nothing else matters.
viii. there are times were she feels more appreciative of you than usual, like when you lay out her training kit that she has to wear the following day on the bed, or leaving small texts to let her know throughout the day that you’re thinking of her.
“hey babes, i know you’re in training right now, but i just wanted to know before i fly off that i really love you, and i can’t wait to see you after my match is over. <3”
she only reads the text an hour later, looking at it with a sad smile, but typing back an equally sappy reply, already missing your constant presence.
“love you too babe. i miss you already. see you soon xoxo”
©️northsoulss 2023, all rights reserved.
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angelic-dew · 1 year
I. Need. Hentengu. Clone. Smut. Pleaseeeee 😭😭
It is an utter need rn- Can you do it with a fem reader pls?? <3 love your work btw
˚₊‧꒰ pleasure.☆꒱‧₊˚.! || pt. 1/2 !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🌿 ୧・author's note :: I dreaded doing this sm i ain't a smut writer. As much as I love these daddies, I can't stop writing for them as well- istg I was up at 2am writing this smh.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ⚡ ୧・summary + word count :: you find yourself getting frisky with two of your beloved boyfriend until the other two walk in and are greeted by a delightful sight that they also wish to partake in! + 3134 words. smut.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🫧 ୧・pairing :: aizetsu, sekido, karaku, urogi x AFAB reader! {she/her pronouns}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🪶 ୧・trigger warnings :: smut, gang bang, anal, oral (giving), degradation, poly relationships, daddy kink, cock warming, dirty talk, marking, biting, double penetration, rough sex, face fucking and grammatical errors. Children dni, this is 18+ content.
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Things weren't meant to escalate this quickly, in fact, they weren't supposed to escalate at all! It was supposed to be quality time spent with your precious boyfriends, nothing more, nothing less. Surely, they are demons, yes, but they are so close to humans and possessed many human qualities. They knew how to strategize, how to be crafty and of course, how to feel emotion. That's what got you three together anyways, their strong desire and undying love towards you. Their precious (Name).
There you were, in your private chambers as all of you sat nicely on the large futon-styled bedding. You, Aizetsu and Urogi this time were only meant to unwind and talk with each other! nothing more and nothing less had to be added, however, you and your tongue slipped up. You asked a question, "You know, when was the last time we actually had this much time to ourselves? I feel a bit bored now that I think of it." This phrase drove Urogi to the edge, you were correct, it's been absolute ages since you all have had so much time to yourselves, and it's also been quite the time since he's never been able to touch you as he's been wanting to recently.
His mind went crazy as he thought about the thought of his precious (Name) being slumped over his hardened, meaty cock like the previous time; the demon of joy remembered her expressions exactly, almost as if they were ingrained into his mind. He remembered clear as day and it was evident in his glassy, beady, glistening golden eyes that he was up to no good.
Meanwhile, Aizetsu took into consideration your words as well. However, he was much more on the innocent side. He wondered, what could you all do to pass the time? However, Urogi already had a plan set up for that and he knew for sure it was very much effective from past experience.
He shifted his uneasy yet playful gaze towards the demon of sorrow and whispered into his ear. His perfect plan which they can use to pass the time with their beloved human.
Almost instantaneously, a deep, but vibrant cherry-red blush appeared on Aizetsu's mocha cheeks, tinting them with the rosy colour almost perfectly to suit him as he stuttered subconsciously, "A-are you sure about that exactly U-urogi? I mean, I would not want to upset her after all, she might not want it! And we can't force onto our precious treasure!" hints of desperation yet restraint lacing his words.
You tilted your head to the side in utter confusion. Just what were they even going on about, you wondered until you finally spat at them, "Darlings, just what exactly are you two talking about? I don't mean to be nosy, forgive me, but I'm truly curious to know what's wrong." Innocent. That's what you were. You had no idea what was truly going on between the both of them
The two demons looked at eachother then towards you. One was a total blushing mess and one had a certain gleam in his eyes, as if he's been pining and desired this moment before. Just waiting for you to say those words to him. So he can make a deep fantasy of his come true at last! This was given example of taking advantage of the situation.
"Urogi you handle this!" the demon of sorrow said in a flushed tone as the other puffed his chest up and beamed in satisfaction.
"We want to 'play' with you my dear, wouldn't you allow us to do it dear? I'm sure it'd make Aizetsu very pleased," he coaxed, the look of playfulness making sure never to die in his eyes as he spoke; his gaze fixtures on your beautiful body, only earning for him to lick his lips happily at your physique. The poor other demon just covered his face in utter embarrassment at his clone's actions.
You inhaled then exhaled. Taking a good breath.
You thought about it, it's been nearly forever since you showed them some true lovin', who knows how much they've been wanting to feel you again. To touch you. And you couldn't lie, you were also guilty as well, you wanted for them to have their way with you just like all the previous and pleasurable instances. You three have more than enough time as of the present. Why not make up for the lost amounts? After all, what's the harm in it, just another form of quality time.
"Okay, do as you please," you said solemnly, fixing your gaze onto both demons, a sly grin appearing along your face as you do so. They were certainly in for a treat and they weren't complaining.
They fully stripped you away of your pesky garments at this point, and they were so needy. Your clothing had been flung mercilessly on the floor, as for your undergarments? They suffered a worse fate; being ripped clean off of you, only your bare body being exposed for them to look upon. And they won't lie, it surely was missed sight.
Your physique and structure were just alluring making them want you more. They looked upon your breasts, already feeling a burning sensation beneath both of their large, muscular bodies; it was insatiable. Watching almost as if they were mesmerized by how your hair had fallen perfectly in front of your face, only earning a soft, faint, baby-pink blush to tint their cheeks. In pure adoration, their gaze shifted downwards to your wet, gooey cunt that was just as excited as their own massive, meaty cocks that were practically leaking of runny, sticky pre-cum from their thick tips.
The demon of sorrow wasn't exactly what one could depict as melancholy now, he wasn't living up to his name. In fact, he was in utter lust as he looked at his perfect treasure in all of her glory, he needed you so desperately. His member was incredibly hard and stiff, perfect to be in you at this given moment. Just imagining your warm, tight insides needing some loosening after so much time from not being fucked. It was mouth-watering.
Whilst the demon of pure joy felt himself entering the seventh heaven; in utter bliss even and it hasn't even gotten to the best part. Your gorgeous, angelic figure laid out before them was to die for. It was a sight meant for only them and they were surely possessive and territorial over their precious darling.
"C'mon boys, going to play with your slut or what? I thought you'd been awaiting this moment? Don't you want to do as you please? Making me scream; making me say the name of who owns me exactly? Maybe have me do whatever my masters want me to do for them?" you seductively asserted. Knowing they'd snap out of whatever trance they were in from those mere words.
Within moments they pounced on you like wild beasts patiently stalking their prey. Any and all clothing which had been on them was now discarded for they were no longer needed for what they had in store for their pretty little slut.
Aizetsu was certainly the quicker of the two, within an instant he was positioned sitting up as Urogi waited rather impatiently for him to have his fair share of fun. The demon of sorrow picked you up by your thighs with utter ease for his muscular build made it as if he was lifting a feather.
Gradually, he lowered your body onto his lap, his meaty, fat, thick length filling your poor entrance up simultaneously. It went in completely raw and fully hardened, having to force itself into your ass with pure strength just to allow the oozing tip to squeeze itself in. A simple, soft whimper or two emanated from underneath your soft lips as you felt it finally slip into your tight hole. He slowly continued to plant your tensed body onto his length but abruptly stopped and whispered quietly into your ear, "Please relax dear, I don't want it to hurt you."
Acknowledging his words you nodded and took in a few breaths and attempted to cease the tension in your muscles.
He began again, continuing to fill your tight hole up with his member, the length of the whole thing practically too big for you yet you wanted for him to continue. It stretched your warm insides to its heart's content, savoring the delicate warmth and tightness of your hole. Your face became a flushed, rosey, red mess! You timidly shifted your gaze downwards as various soft, sweet, little moans escaped from underneath your filthy lips. Even though it hurt, it was so pleasurable that it overwhelmed the pain, it just felt so good to finally have your ass stretched again. This was the same feeling as last time but better; you were tighter this time, more prone to the pain of it but there came so much delight as well.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room accompanied by Azietsu's faint whispers of encouragement to keep on going, faint words of endearment for you to take his whole length. At last, it was all in. Your insides cradled and gripped around his massive member, it was warm and felt utterly amazing. "A-ahh~ Mmm-" a pleasure-filled cry escaped from under his tongue as he felt your sensitive whole tense up and squeeze around him. God, it felt good, how he missed this.
As the sounds of pleasure filled Urogi's ears, he became even harder than before practically begging to be taken by you and finally, it was his turn to feel away at you, just like how he imagined it. After all, he remembered how his beloved (Name) is. Your tightness could go unmatched by someone else, nothing could ever compare to how warm your precious insides were. Nothing could ever replicate your soft touch. Nothing or anything could compare to how you made him feel for you. How he desired to touch you once more and finally, he was struck with the perfect opportunity.
He wasted no time, using his eagle-like wings to flap himself over towards you and his fellow clone. His length hairy yet somewhat delectable was running with pre-cum from his tip, begging for you to take him completely as the feeling of nothing similar-sized dick brought shivers along your spine. The demon of joy was a tad bit bigger than his sorrowful counterpart. His grith was to die for as you could barely wrap your hand around the full thing. This was perfect.
He grinned like a madman as he used two of those sharp taloned claws of his to your chin and lifted your face up to meet his. The blush that was scattered messily on your face only drove him further. "Be a good girl for daddy now and take me alright? You know what to do, you whore," he said hungrily and more impatient as Aizetsu stayed quiet. Only until you realized and certain wet tongue was running itself slowly along your neck. It caused you to send shivers along your body as well. It was him, himself, your precious lover with the glowing baby blue eyes marking you. It was only playful kitten licks but it began to grow into something much more rougher.
He started biting away at your soft skin. Those sharp, serrated fangs of his deeply gouging themselves into your savory flesh; it drove him wild. Biting until he hit the point where tiny beads of blood began to spill away from your now fresh wound. Licking it away as if it were nothing he starts to suck along your neck playfully, leaving behind deep, passionate yet dark trails of hickeys which are scattered along your neck, some reaching to your collarbone. Low yet pleased hums and groans spill away from your lips.
Urogi can't help but grin in satisfaction from his clone before making sure his gaze is locked on to you. You listen to his words from before and open your mouth widely, stretching it open a bit more just for good measure. You knew how big he was. And loved it.
"That's a good slut, you are just so cute when you listen to daddy you know darling," he chuckled as he now held his thick base within the palm of his hand, his palm acting like a cradle for his impatient member. Slowly, he began to thrust himself into your warm mouth inch by inch. He needed to feel this so badly. After patiently watching and yearning to touch you again, he definitely earned this bit of utter pleasure that you're giving him. Feeling such utter relief he let out a high-pitched but still deep cry of passion and delight that he unnoticeably slipped out. It just felt too good.
He loved the way you made him feel when he was in this state. It brought him such bliss as he felt your moist, wet tongue take in his entire member. It was as if he fell in love with you all over again when he felt you take in all of his meaty goodness and begin to get to work right off the bat with it. Feeling the utterly adoring sensation of your slimy tongue begin to work away with subtle, gentle strokes to his length which gradually got quicker yet still steady in pace. God, he loved you so much, this made the wait worth the while.
Your tongue wrapped itself around his thick length, the best it could, and moved along his base tirelessly and rather eagerly. As if it were hungry, greedy, wanting for him to release the gooey, sweet, creamy treat he had stored within him. As both of your hands made their way up toward his waist, gripping either side firmly. Aizetsu on the other hand was a big fan of the show, a small smile creeping along his face as he watched his clone be sucked off by the shared, beautiful lover.
Jeez, it felt so good, wonderful even but he wanted more; to spice things up and really show you how badly he's been needing you lately. I mean, there's no harm in showing you what he's really made of? It'd be even more pleasurable if he'd do it as well, he knew the feeling of your warm, wet mouth could be irreplaceable. Why not have some fun with it?
His golden eyes came into contact with yours, that same playful gaze being accompanied by some mischief well in his pupils as he placed one of those taloned claws of his on the back of your head. Gripping at your head with all his might, he had a few locks of your hair messily stored within his iron grip. He chuckled deeply before jerking your entire head onto his meaty member with one swift move, causing you to gag when the tip began to slide down your throat due to the force.
"Take it for me you slut," he spoke up, almost like a yell as Aizetsu whispered in your ear softly, "You can do it precious, you know how to make us feel delightful, just keep up with it." How sweet was he? As he now raised his hands up, which were planted on your thighs before, he began to slowly trace them along your figure gently, as if you were made of porcelain. His soft touches linger as he indulges in the utter satisfaction of his cock being snuggled deeply within your tight ass.
Urogi just grinned and forced it in again, this time it went in as planned. His clawed hand still firmly gripped the back of your head and that's when the fun began; he started to thrust and buck his hips slowly into your moist, wet mouth. The satisfaction washing over him 10 fold was unimaginable as he felt your tongue run along his length as he moved repeatedly in and out of your moist carven.
His thrusts became faster, swifter and rougher in pace. He had you gagging repeatedly, over and over, but he didn't care. The more your body forced his member out, the more he desired to have it pushed back in.
The winged demon was utterly mad, his pupils filling with pleasure as cries of pleasure began the escape unnoticeably once more from underneath his now quivering lips. "Oh fuck- that's it baby~ eat up daddy's cock like there's no tomorrow? You're already being such a good girl for me," he teased in between sharp, heavy breaths.
He leaned his head back just a tad bit as waves of contentment washed over him. Urogi's pupils glowed almost hazily as the gentle moonlight crept through the shoji.
His thrusts were becoming more sloppy but still kept its original pace. Your eager and wet tongue hungrily glided along his full length as it kept moving at speeds you felt were too much even for you, but this only made the demon of joy pulse with ecstasy as he started to feel faint twitches in his cock.
"Oi, oi! what's going on here, hm? You two trying to hog all the fun?" all three of your eyes widened. Neither of you said that, but it was a familiar voice. It was high but it had laces of entertainment stored within it, as if it'd been watching all this time.
It could've only been Karaku. Your green-eyed lover, the demon of pleasure and relaxation.
"How long have you been here?" the demon of sorrow spoke up quietly as he buried his face within the crook of your neck, your mouth still full with Urogi's full length.
He let out a small laugh and stepped closer and revealed yet the other demon behind him. The demon of anger, his gaze was cold and filled with fury and irritation. Sekido was watching the show as well, without any of your knowledge. "Long enough to be amused by this, however, you two are despicable. Can't you even see she has needs too? Her cunt is practically drenched," he bellowed, frustration looming through his words.
Playfully, the green-eyed demon added, "Oh, you're right Sekido, mind if we join you two? I bet we could all have so much fun!" It was evident in his voice he enjoyed every moment of what was being bestowed before him.
The winged demon sloppily and roughly thrust his harden, meaty member out of your mouth, a long, gooey string of saliva connecting it to your lips as a remanence of what lewd acts you two just did.
You panted, sharp, heavy breaths escaping from underneath your lips as your mind raced with lustful thoughts which could transpire for the next few hours.
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© angelic-dew :: please don't translate or reclaim without permission <3
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inuyashaluver · 4 months
any more niamh charles coming 🥺🥺🥺
coffee shop - niamh charles
niamh charles x reader
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description: in which a pretty girl comes into your work everyday, are discounts and little notes on her cup considered flirting?
warnings: fluffyyyyy, let’s pretend covid isn’t a thing x
a/n: niamhy baby! i love her, thank you for the request, my love, enjoy!! ❤️ i really don’t know how to feel about this but it’s 2am and I’m delirious so we persevere!
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
when you and your girlfriend, niamh first laid eyes on each other, you both knew it was a forever kind of thing.
you both didn’t really believe in love at first sight until you both came into one another’s life, proving you and niamh to believe the statement wholeheartedly.
it all started in 2020 when niamh was signed to chelsea and moved to london. you at the time were studying law as well as working in a local coffee shop near your flat that niamh wandered into one day and took your breath away.
you were doing a morning shift alone, you’d often do the opening shifts for your boss by yourself because she absolutely adored you, you were also extremely good at your job and she trusted you completely.
you were cleaning the coffee machine and refilling the grounds when you heard the little bell on the door ring. “hi, excuse me?” a soft voice sounded from behind the counter. you turn to face one of the most beautiful girls you’ve ever seen, your breath hitching when you made eye contact.
the girl in front of you also gave you a surprised expression, she thought you were absolutely gorgeous. “hi” you breathe out, moving closer to the counter.
“can i get you anything?” you say shyly, the girl nods and smiles at you, “yeah! could i just get an iced latte to go please?” you nod and put the order into the system, letting out a little laugh.
she raises her eyebrows expectantly at you and you smile, “sorry, it’s just that it’s absolutely freezing and you get an iced drink” you giggle, the girl laughs along with you.
“yeah, i know it’s stupid” she laughs, you shake your head amusingly and retrieve a cup, “it’s not stupid, it’s interesting” you shrug.
the girl smiles brightly at you before you look up at her again, “name?” she looks at you with slight surprise, “sorry?” she utters, “for your coffee” you giggle, niamh exhales quickly at feeling slightly stupid before smiling at you again.
“ah, niamh” she grins, you smile brightly at her and write her name on the cup, moving to prepare the coffee as niamh stares at you in confusion.
“sorry, how much was it?” niamh questions, you wave her off with your hand, “no, it’s on the house, you’re my first customer” you wink (complete lie)
niamh immediately protests until you give her a stern expression and she stops, shaking her head at you and standing near the counter.
“chelsea supporter then?” you grin, making a espresso shot as you look at niamh, she looks down and realises that she’s in her training kit, you distracted her completely.
“something like that, yeah, i play for them” niamh smiles sheepishly, you offer her an impressed grin, “wow, niamh, might need an autograph for the wall” you say cheekily, making niamh laugh brightly.
you both small talk while you finish up making her coffee, you both have identical disappointed smiles as you pass her the coffee. “well thank you” her eyes narrow on your name tag, “(y/n), i really appreciate it” niamh grins, you nod with a smile and give her a little wave goodbye as she leaves.
your eyes follow her every move as she leaves the shop, sighing when she leaves out the door.
niamh takes a sip of her coffee and her eyes widen comically, she swears it’s the best coffee she’s had in her life, she looks down at the cup and sees that you’ve written a little note on the cup.
‘famous niamh! have a good day! :)’ she smiles down at the cup, the smile carrying into training and gaining some curious gazes as to why she was treasuring a cup of ice coffee.
you both thought about each other the whole day, hoping you’d cross paths again - unaware niamh made a promise to herself that she’d go to the coffee shop every morning and you made an effort to take every morning shift possible.
the next day, the morning shift was just locals in the cafe, you’d served everyone so you always used the down time at work to study, much to the encouragement of your boss. your textbooks would be sprawled out on the side of the counter to go back to whenever you had the chance.
you were currently highlighting some important passages in your law textbook when you hear the familiar bell of the door, looking up to see a smiling niamh waving to you.
she made you so nervous and she didn’t even know it. in reality, niamh had been hyping herself up for five minutes to even enter the coffee shop.
“niamh!” you say brightly, placing down the highlighter and standing behind the calendar. “busy?” she grins, pointing at the textbook next to you, you glance at it quickly and sigh, “yes, it’s kicking my ass” you laugh, she laughs sympathetically,
“what are you studying?” niamh questions, “law” you exhale, niamh gives you an impressed expression, both of you getting deja vu from the previous day.
“maybe i’m the one who needs your autograph” niamh quips, making you both giggle with each other, “hm maybe if you’re lucky” you grin, taking niamh’s order again. she forces you to let her pay and you give her a large discount, throwing in a little cookie with a cheeky grin.
she groans when she sees the card machine, clearly way less than the actual total, she narrows her eyes at you and you shrug, “pretty girl discount” niamh tenses at your words and her cheeks are slightly blushed. your own cheeks are pink as you make her coffee, changing the subject and small talking with her again.
you both had so much in common it was honestly crazy, everytime the one of you mentioned something, the other would gasp excitedly and talk about it passionately.
the grins and giggles said everything and more, you both really liked each other. when niamh leaves, she looks down at her cup again, laughing brightly at the note you’ve left on her cup.
‘to my dearest fan, niamh, here’s my autograph, don’t sell it! have a lovely day xx’ you left a little signature under it and niamh cheeks hurt from the smile adorning her features. the little ‘xx’ you left had her heart beating rapidly and her cheeks pink, she couldn’t wait to come back the next day.
you glanced at the clock nervously while you waited for niamh the next day, it was five minutes later than she usually comes in the morning. you huff while flipping through your notes and you swear you got whiplash when you heard the bell ring, looking up in relief to see niamh and her bright smile. “you’re late” you tease, she slaked her head and makes her way over to you.
“hello, (y/n)” she sings out, you smile happily at her and grab a cup in your hand. “hi, niamh” you mock her tone, “the usual?” you question, she nods enthusiastically and begins to rave over you,
“no joke, you make the best coffee ever and i’m not even exaggerating” you smile shyly at her, attempting to wave it off but she won’t relent.
“why do you think i keep coming back?” niamh jokes, you roll your eyes with a laugh, “for me?” you cock your head to the side with a teasing smile and niamh feels her heart clench, you were so cute.
“well yeah but also for your coffee” she scoffs, your cheeks burn and you make yourself busy with her coffee, chatting excitedly with each other about anything and everything. again, giving a hefty discount on her coffee making her scowl at you when she taps her card.
when you hand her the coffee, she’s about to do her regular goodbye but she stops herself suddenly. “could i get your number?” she asks nervously, you smile brightly and nod, taking out your phone and exchanging numbers with each other.
she looks at her coffee cup again when she exits with a grin, ‘niamhy! have a lovely lovely day, enjoy your pretty girl coffee with your pretty girl discount xx’ niamh snaps a selfie of her with the coffee and sends it to you, starting an endless texting cycle between the two of you.
you would text for hours and hours, sending each other random photos throughout your days. you both loved it.
after about two weeks of you and niamh chatting and seeing each other everyday, you decide to take the first move this time and write something a little different on her cup this time.
before she leaves, you ask her to read the cup in front of you while you hand it to her. she grins at you brightly, ‘niamhy! can we go on a date please? xx p.s, have a lovely day!’ she looks up at you bashfully and nods, you smile and move around the counter to give her a hug.
you and niamh have a long embrace of you two just hugging, feeling so comforting and familiar as you held each other.
niamh kisses your cheek quickly before she leaves and you feel like your legs are going to give out from under you. niamh bolts out of the shop and lets out a silent scream in her car while she thinks about the interaction.
you went on your date and began dating shortly after about 4 dates. and after about a year, you and niamh moved in with each other and it was the best thing to happen to the both of you.
you genuinely were infatuated with each other, willing to do anything for one another without a second thought.
you’ve now been dating for 3 years and it was just full of genuine love. you were now niamh’s personal barista, the coffee shop job left behind as you were now practising as a lawyer, getting a job at a big company that had niamh bragging and boasting about every second she got.
she had a match and you were able to come, clad in your ‘charles’ jersey with a bright grin and a coffee in hand as you watch. chelsea wins and niamh immediately makes her way over to you, you smile as she approaches and you open your arms to her with a bright grin.
“hello, beautiful” you grin, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as hers held your waist. “hi, baby” she says adoringly, kissing your cheek repeatedly before pulling away to face you.
you hold the coffee in front of her and she gasps in excitement, pulling you into a quick kiss before taking the cup from you.
“my pretty girl and her amazing coffee, who cares about the win” she mocks, you laugh at her and kiss her cheek sweetly. “meet me at the back?” she asks softly, you nod and wave her off, making your way to your shared car.
niamh watches you leave before she looks down at the cup, a heart shaped sticky note taped on the reusable cup, ‘niamhy baby! congrats on the win, my love, you’re amazing and i love you x’
she grins brightly and takes off the note, hanging it up in her cubby to give her motivation. she gives you a big kiss when she makes it to the car, both of you looking at each other full of affection before she drives off.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by _jessflem and 44,232 others
niamhcharles17: hot lawyers make the best coffee
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yourname: i knew you only wanted me for the coffee
↳ niamhcharles17: no, baby! it’s just a bonus
↳ yourname: hm sureeeeee
↳ niamhcharles17: no it’s true!
↳ niamhcharles17: don’t forget you made the first move, babe
↳ yourname: my notes are just irresistible
↳ niamhcharles17: indeed
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7ndipity · 6 months
Their S/o Has Depression
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How they would respond to their S/o having depression(or having had depression in the past)
Warnings: mentions of depressive episodes, not proofread
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! I’ve actually thought about writing something about this several times, as it’s something I’ve dealt with for many years, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.
Reminder to anyone who needs to hear it that you are loved, you will be okay eventually, but it’s okay to not be okay right now. If you need anyone to talk/vent to, I’m here for you💜
Jin: He would probably be really quiet when you first tell him, just trying to understand and take everything in. Tries to pay closer attention to your moods, and handles you a little softer on the days when you need it. He does his absolute most to make you smile everyday, even if it’s just for a second. He knows it doesn’t make the darkness go away, but sometimes those little moments of light are enough to get you through.
Yoongi: He’s also had his share of struggles with this in the past, so I feel like he might have picked up on some cues, but waited for you to bring it up when you were ready. He tries to subtly look out for you without being overbearing, checking in throughout the day and helping out where he can. Understands that some days you just need to be quiet and ride out the storm, so he’ll just lay with you, keeping a hand out for you to grab if you need it.
Hobi: It would hurt his heart so much to know you’ve gone through/are going through that kind of pain, but he would be so grateful that you trusted him enough to share your struggles with him. If it’s ongoing, he would be super attentive to your moods, trying to help out and support you in little ways wherever he can, whether that’s doing the dishes, making sure you’re eating properly, or just showing you funny videos he found online to make you laugh.
Namjoon: He’s been rather open about his own struggles with depression, so I think he’d be very understanding and sympathetic when you tell him. Very proactive about talking through whatever it is you’re feeling, even if you think it’s stupid or unimportant. Tries to get you to go out or take walks with him on better days, just to make sure you get some fresh air and sunlight regularly, and help make sure you're looking after your physical health as well as your mental.
Jimin: It would break his heart to realize that you struggled/are struggling with this, but his sole focus would become how to help/comfort you. He’s really empathetic, so he would pick up on every little shift in your moods. He understands that sometimes you just need to be reminded that you’re not alone, so he’ll just wrap himself around you on days when you can’t do much, holding you together till you can put the pieces back yourself.
Taehyung: As sad as he is to find out about your struggles, I feel like he’s really good at normalizing things like this without being dismissive, checking in with a number system or smth so you don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna(10’s good, 1’s bad) Has a way of saying the most comforting things in the simplest way(like when he reminded that one fan that she was already a good daughter just by existing). Will lay in bed with you on low days, talking about whatever comes to mind just to help distract you.
Jungkook: As soon as you tell him, he goes into protector mode. He can struggle sometimes to find the right words, so he tends to express his care more through actions. If you can’t bring yourself to clean your apartment, he’ll do it for you(while commentating to you as if it’s a talk show). If you need to just sleep, he’ll curl up with you and keep you safe. The type you can call at 2am cause you don’t wanna be alone, and he’s got his shoes on and out the door before you’ve finished talking.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
432 notes · View notes
daisyful-gvf · 1 year
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roommates // by daisyful
pairings: jake x reader
word count: 5k
tags: sex toys, roommates!au, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, pwp basically, pet names because i can’t help myself, dirty talking
notes: i never thought i’d write this many fics with a vibrator involved, but here we are lmao. This happened bc of this post . minimally edited.
“You’re fucking kidding me”
Of course, today of all days, the batteries would die. You huff out a few more curses and remove the lifeless vibrator from between your legs, throwing it on the bed beside you.
For a moment you lay there and frown, wondering if this is a sign you should just go to bed. Today had tested you far too frequently, and you couldn’t deal with much more. The thought of trying to get off any other way after you’d been so close with the toy seemed not worth the hassle.
Then, your brain throws you a hail mary: there’s batteries in the kitchen drawer. Perfect.
You tug on a pair of cotton underwear and smooth out your oversized t-shirt. It settles at the tops of your thighs, and you figure that’s decent enough for a run to the kitchen at 2:00 in the morning.
Your body carries you to the kitchen through the darkness, only broken by the light of the TV your roommate must have left on.
It causes you to roll your eyes—an old western is playing. You never had the pallet for them, even in an ironic sense. But Jake—your roommate of about a year now—loved them, for some reasons he had droned on about before when you expressed your disinterest.
You go straight for the drawer by the fridge, full of scissors and charging cords and pennies and mail, fishing around for the AA batteries.
“Whatcha need?”
“Fuck!” Your chest pounds as you clutch dramatically at your shirt, whirling around to see the source of the voice.
Jake blinks at you, eyebrows raised in amusement. He lays on the couch, in his plaid pajama pants and t shirt, feet covered by a throw blanket.
“You up to something sneaky? Why so jumpy?” He grins.
“Fuck off,” you roll your eyes, “It’s dark, I didn’t see you,” you grumble.
“Jesus,” he laughs, “Bad day?”
You just nod, rummaging again through the drawer for the batteries.
“You need help?” He asks, his voice getting closer as he walks into the kitchen.
“Where are our batteries?” You murmur, closing that drawer and trying the next.
He ‘hmm’s for a second, and then answers, “Why the hell do you need batteries at 2am? You building something?”
“Yes, a robot,” you deadpan, “Mind your business. Do you know where they are?”
“Damn, what’s wrong?” you can hear the smile in his voice and you finally look up at him, growing impatient.
“Do you know where they are or not?”
He looks you over, seemingly trying to understand the situation, and then, you realize that you’re in only your shirt and underwear. You can see him swallow and avert his eyes to the cabinet as he seems to realize the same.
“I think so,” he says softly, “Hang on.”
He fetches a shoe box from the hallway closet and brings it back to the kitchen, plopping it on the counter. There’s various tools and nails and command hooks, and then, alas, he pulls out a small container of AA batteries. Gently, he puts them in your hand.
“There,” he says softly, “You good?”
You nod and mutter a soft thank you before making a quick escape, looking forward to no longer being in front of him in your underwear.
You know it’s no big deal, and that you two have gotten comfortable. But there’s this tension, sometimes. Mostly like this, at night, sometimes intoxicated. Where the stares between you two linger a bit too long, and your mind begins to wonder. You always push it down, because it’s not a good idea, and you know that. And when the light of day comes around, you’re always relieved that things feel normal again.
So that’s what you do; push it aside. Back to the matter at hand: you latch your bedroom door behind you and head straight for the vibrator, popping it’s plastic plate off and fishing out the old batteries. And then you realize. They’re the wrong size.
You take a shaking breath, irritated and tired. Without thinking, you throw it back on the bed and walk back out into the living room, where Jake has cozied up on the couch.
“Do we have triple A?” You ask flatly.
“Hmm?” He looks up at you. His eyes land on your bare thighs again, then flick back up quickly to your gaze.
“Triple A? Batteries?”
“Honey, what is this for?” He mumbles, getting off the couch again to help.
“It’s nothing,” you huff out, beginning to go through the shoebox again.
“Gotta tell me if you want help,” he smirks. You look up and he’s got a cocky hand on his hip, standing a couple of feet away. His hair is messy in the dim blue light, and he looks amused with himself.
No longer in possession of any patience to make up a story or fight off his questioning, you answer.
“My vibrator.”
His lips part in gentle shock, and the cocky expression leaves his face at once.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “You just had to know, huh?”
You laugh, because he looks so shy and unlike himself all the sudden. Possibly delirious from the late hour, he laughs too.
“Sorry,” he murmurs. You can see him blushing even in the low light.
“It’s fine,” you rush out, “I’ve just had a bad day, I’m just—” you give up looking through the box, rubbing a hand over your face, “I’m just frustrated. And I just needed—nevermind,” you shake your head, “It’s dead, I just need the batteries.”
He nods and pulls the shoebox closer to him on the counter, picking through the nails and thumbtacks and tape.
“Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Honey,” he says quietly, “But I don’t think we have any.”
“It’s fine,” you sigh, “I’m gonna go to bed,” you pad a few steps away from him, “Goodnight. This didn’t happen,” you point a finger at him.
He salutes you and grins, headed back to the couch. Shoving your embarrassment down, you head to your room again and prepare for sleep. You can’t be bothered to mess with it again.
You’re just picking up the vibrator and putting the back piece back on when there’s a soft knock at the door.
Tucking the toy behind your back, you crack it open to reveal none other than Jake.
“Um,” he holds up the TV remote, “This has triple A batteries,” he says softly.
You look between the remote and him, a furious blush making its way across your face that he would care so much as to come tell you.
“Oh,” you say, eloquence evading you.
He passes it towards you and you open the door further, taking it from him in your open hand. You other stays tucked behind your back, hiding the toy in a way that feels very scandalous.
“Don’t you need this?” You ask, “You’re watching TV.”
He shrugs, “Not as bad as you do, apparently,” he grins and you can’t help but chuckle. “No, but, seriously, I’m probably gonna go to bed.”
You nod slowly, “Okay. Um,” you swallow. You should feel more nervous than you do. More embarrassed. There’s a bit of it, sure, but not much. It feels oddly comfortable. “Thank you.” You murmur.
He nods, and then licks his lip. You stare, because it seems to be almost in slow motion, and his bottom lip is left glossy. Here it is again: the tension. So easy to form in the late hours of the night.
“Mmhm,” he acknowledges your gratitude and he takes a breath, like he’s about to speak, but then his lips shut. He does it again, like he’s working up to saying it.
“Do you wanna make sure they work?” He asks, “Cause I can—if not, I can check my room, or something, um,” his hand grips the doorway and his fingers fidget with the wood. He’s doing a terrible job of acting casual about it, but you find it endearing.
“Sure,” you murmur, “Um,” you fumble with the toy behind your back, “Here, hang on.”
You turn around, just enough that he might not be able to plainly see it in your hand as you mess with it. But you can’t pop open the remote and the toy with both things in your hand, you realize quickly.
“Here,” he says gently, pushing your door open and touching you on the shoulder. He comes around to your side and takes the remote from your hand.
You watch him as he does, and while he looks a little bashful, you appreciate him not acknowledging what’s in your other hand.
With daft fingers, he removes the batteries from the remote as you take them out of the vibrator. You toss the old ones on your bed, and let him place the new ones in your palm. When you click them into place, the toy immediately buzzes to life.
“Oh—shit—“ you breathe, fumbling quickly to turn off the toy. You look at him in a panic, and mutter a soft, “Sorry. Thank you.”
He nods, but doesn’t say anything. He’s got an odd expression, and you think twice before asking, but then you can’t help it.
“What?” you ask.
“Uh,” he chuckles, “I don’t—um,” he runs his hand through his hair and looks back and forth between you and the vibrator, “Nothing.”
He doesn’t move, though. Doesn’t walk to the door, even a little bit.
“Jake,” you sigh, “What is it?”
“I just—“ he starts, and then he nibbles on his bottom lip again, “I probably…shouldn’t…”
You raise your brows at him, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.
“I just—“ he clears his throat, “If—if you had a hard day and you need…I mean, if you need to get off and—and if you just need, y’know, if you don’t wanna have to do a lot of work, I mean, if you’ve had a hard day—“
“Jake,” you giggle at his nonsense, “What?”
He collects himself with a breath, “I can help,” he says finally, “If you’d want that.”
“Help?” Your mouth goes dry at the thought that he’s saying what you think he is.
He nods, “Help. Just this once. Forget about it tomorrow, act like it never happened, all that good stuff, y’know.”
You know you’re standing there with a ridiculous expression on your face, but you can’t help it. You’re stunned.
“Oh,” you finally manage.
He just looks at you, perhaps scared to say anything else.
“You can say no,” he gives you the out, “Or you can say yes. It’s up to you.”
You note how quickly your thighs clench together at the thought, and how your cheeks heat. It’s undeniable that the offer sounds nice. Your day did suck, it would be nice to not have to think about it, just have someone else do the work. Especially someone as attractive as him, who you feel safe with, who you know would take care of you.
“Hm, Honey?” He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “I don’t even have to touch you, I can just use the toy, but maybe—“
“Sure,” you surprise yourself with the answer.
“Yeah?” He trails the back of his knuckles over your jaw, “Sound nice?”
A shaky breath leaves you as his fingers graze softly.
“Okay,” he murmurs, “And really,” he licks his lips, “We’ll forget all about it tomorrow. S’just a favor.”
“Okay,” you agree.
“Wanna lay down?” His voice is lower, gentle still, but almost gravelly.
You nod and sit near the top of your bed, watching him intently as he pushes the remote aside and touches your ankle softly. There’s nothing but the soft whir of the fan for a moment as he looks up at you. Suddenly, he looks so much like himself. So familiar. It puts you at ease, and he must see it.
He traces his palm up from your ankle to the inside of your thigh, where he touches softly.
“That okay?” He murmurs. When you nod, he settles more, laying on his stomach between your ankles.
His palms are large and warm over your thighs, where they work to help you relax through broad sweeps over your skin. The only light is from the salt lamp on your dresser, so he glows soft orange.
You can feel the tension unwind as he sweeps his palm again and presses a kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Can I have that?” he smiles as he nods toward your hand, still clutched around the vibrator.
Quietly, you pass the slender silicone wand to him. He takes it in his large hand and flips it, the side with the button in his palm. He skims it down the inside of your thigh, warming you up to the touch. It steals your breath.
“Relax,” he soothes, kissing your thigh again, “Just me.”
You nod, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
“Help slide these off for me?” He nudges the hem of your shirt up on your hip and tugs at one side of your underwear.
Doing as he asks, you slip fingers under the other side and with him, you drag them down and off your ankles.
He tosses them to the floor and comes back to you, skirting the toy up your thigh again, closer and closer. He’s looking up at you for a moment, and you hold the eye contact and your breath, but then finally he spares a glance to your center.
His breath shudders from him and his eyes close momentarily. When they open, for the first time you see him turned on. You can’t pinpoint what it is in his demeanor, but it’s undeniable. It lights a fire in your belly so quickly you wonder why you didn’t do this ages ago.
“Honey…” he sighs, then a groan sounds from the back of his throat, “I don’t wanna keep you waiting, is that okay? Or you wanna go slow?”
“No,” you answer quickly, “Don’t have to go slow.”
He nods and hits the button on the toy, sending it buzzing to life. You can just barely hear the sharp intake of breath from him.
A bit too slow, even, for your liking, he drags the toy up your thigh again, before finally letting the it rest over your clit. You try not to cry out, instead biting down on your lip hard, and pushing your hips up into the touch.
“You don’t have to do that,” he says calmly, “You don’t need to be quiet. Helps me know better what to do if you’re not quiet.”
“Oka—” it’s cut off with a groan as he nestles it more firmly against you.
“Feel good?” He asks, voice still low. You nod frantically, “You can—“ you sigh, a bit scared to say it. Too turned on to think much more, you just do, “You can touch me, if you want.”
He looks up at you quickly, and oh, his eyelids are heavy with lust.
“Yeah?” he says, as if he’s not sure he’s heard you right.
“Mmhm,” you nod, “Please.”
“Fuck,” it rushes out of him, “Yeah, Honey.”
He moves the vibrator aside for a moment, letting it rest just to the side of you. He removes the hand that was holding your thigh and licks the pad of his thumb before he brings it to you, greeting your clit with slow circles. The touch burns a trail through your body, immediately heating your face and chest.
“Jake,” the way you say his name is nearing pathetic.
“Yeah?” He sounds almost in pain, his voice is tight.
“More,” you shudder.
“How—Jesus Christ“ he clears his throat, “Do you wanna tell me how you like it, or you just want me to—“
“Just—,” you feel frantic, like your skin is too hot, and you don’t know what you need. You reach for him, and your hand lands in the crown of his hair, “Please, something—I—”
“Okay,” he soothes, “Okay.”
Slowly still, he moves the toy down and eases against the slick of your entrance, and when you push your hips into it, he takes it as permission to ease it into you.
“Fuck,” you bite out.
“Good?” he checks in, kissing your leg.
“Yeah,” you gasp.
“Good,” he murmurs, and then he’s settling down, pressing kisses further and further along your inner thigh, until finally, he meets your clit in a gentle kiss.
“Jake,” you groan, loud, “Ohmygod.”
He hums against you, and then before you can even catch your breath, he licks a full stripe, stealing whatever sanity you could have possibly had left.
“Don’t stop,” you know you’re whining but you can’t help it, not even a bit. He licks and sucks slowly, letting the buzz from the toy and the warmth from his mouth carry you to your end. Your hand stays buried in his hair at the roots, where you try not to squeeze it too hard.
It’s almost humorous, that earlier you were trying so desperately to get off, and now that it's a hair’s width away, you wish you weren’t so close. You don’t want the sweet warmth of his tongue to leave. Sadly, you don’t have a choice.
“Gonna cum,” you warn him, so he can back off if he wants, but he just groans into you, and keeps his motions steady.
You can’t breathe when it hits you, nor can you help the way your thighs tense around him. You’re pretty sure you almost pass out for a moment, as your vision goes all white when your eyes roll back. After it passes, and you can take a deep gasp of air again, he’s coming up for air.
“Fuck me,” he groans, “Fuck.”
You blink a few times so you can finally see him in the dim light again. He slides the vibrator from you and clicks it off, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Almost like he can’t help it, he gets up on his knees and grips the length of himself through the pajamas, his eyes rolling back and his lips falling open.
His eyes snap open to meet yours, and his hand falls away.
“Sorry,” he sighs quickly, “Sorry, I—“ he shakes his head, at a loss.
“It’s okay,” your chest heaves as you recover still from the orgasm.
You try to read him, to know where to go with this. Do you thank him? Do you offer to return the favor? That wasn’t part of this, though, maybe—
“Can I do it again?”
Your eyes meet his in some fiery standoff.
He licks his lips, “Can I make you cum again?”
When you’re still silent for a moment, he adds, “Please?”
The groan that comes from you is much too loud and enthusiastic, and before you know it you’re reaching for him.
“Come here,” you plead, and he obliges, slotting with you and hovering over you, meeting you in a warm kiss.
“Fuck,” he says against your mouth, “I promise we can still forget about this tomorrow, if you want—“
“Shut up,” you smile, kissing him harder. He groans back and snakes a hand between your legs, where suddenly he’s nudging two fingers against you.
“Yes,” You answer before he can ask.
You gasp when they sink in, warm and full, so much better than the stupid vibrator.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he says against your cheek, as he’s nipping and licking a trail down your face, “I would—“ he swallows, you can hear it close to your ear, “I would fucking love to be inside you.”
“Oh my god,” it rushes out of you without thought, “Please.”
He groans, but pulls back.
“Are you sure—“
“Yes, Jake,”
“No, Honey, listen to me,” he holds your jaw in his hand, “We can still just pretend this didn’t happen tomorrow if you want, but please think about it for a second. I’m alright with it. Are you?”
You take a deep breath, and yeah, even when you think about it, even when it’s him, you want it. And you know he’d never hold it against you.
“Yeah,” you nod, “Yes.”
His lips curl into a wide grin, and then he’s back against your mouth, matching your fervor with his warm tongue. His fingers work still inside you, curling perfectly over and over.
You want him so badly all at once you can barely stand it, and without a second thought, it comes out of you:
“Can I ride you?”
His fingers halt and he groans so loud you almost wonder if he’s hurt, his head falls to your shoulder. Quickly, he collects himself, pulling his head up to look at you. He’s disheveled, and it’s hot. His hair is everywhere, his lips are swollen.
“As hot as that is, no, babe, this is still about you. Don’t want you to have to do any of the work.”
You’re trying to respond, but the way he said babe rings around in your head deafeningly loud.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he kisses your cheek, “I promise.”
Numb from the pleasure, you nod as he withdraws his fingers. He smiles as he slips off the bed and tugs his shirt over his head. You follow his form, tugging your shirt over yours. His eyes slow for a moment over your chest, and you both take each other in.
You’ve seen him shirtless, as he cooks breakfast, or when he comes home from a jog. You know he has soft sides, a defined chest, and wonderfully strong shoulders. It still makes you speechless.
Even more, when he tugs the string of his pajama pants loose and eases them gently down his hips, letting them fall to the floor, you can’t find words. The curve from his hips to his waist makes your mouth open in an intrigued shock. And god, the thick length of himself that he takes quickly into his hand is enough to stun you forever. You’re shocked you can find words to answer him when he asks,
“You want this?”
It’s low and sultry as he palms himself. His head is cocked just to the side, making dazed eye contact with you.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “I—can I touch you?”
He bites on his bottom lip and nods, stepping closer to the side of the bed so that he’s within reach. Timidly, you reach up to take him into your hand. His hand moves, allowing it, and as your fingers wrap around him, your thighs clench. He releases a slow, shaky breath when you stroke him.
He’s warm, and thicker than at first glance. You can’t resist a peek up at his face as you move your hand slowly over him. His eyes are locked onto your hand, his lips parted in a sigh.
“Feels nice,” he thrusts experimentally into your grip, and his eyes roll back, “Your hand is so soft.”
You can’t help but giggle at that, and his eyes flit to your face. He chuckles too, pushing into your hand again.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “You ready?”
Nodding quickly, you greet him on the bed by sliding your legs back open, letting him kneel between them.
“Slide down a bit, babe,” he says quietly, touching your hip with delicate fingers.
You lay flat on the bed, letting him lean over you and prop himself up with his forearm by your head.
“Hi,” he grins.
“Hey there,” you giggle.
“Gonna kiss you again,” he murmurs as he leans in, his plush lips meeting yours in a lovely embrace. As you’re busy licking at his tongue, he rolls his hips against you, and you’re gasping at the warmth of him sliding against your clit.
“Shit,” he gasps into your mouth, “You’re gonna soak me, Honey. You always this wet, or am I doing that good a job?”
“I refuse to inflate your ego even more this evening,” you smile into the kiss.
“Understandable,” he’s smiling too, “I hope you can tell by how fucking hard I am that you’re doing something to me, too,” he grinds fully into you again and you’re whimpering as he licks at your lower lip.
“Jake,” you whine.
“Tell me, Honey, what is it?”
“Just fuck me, please.”
“Mmm,” he hums as his lips press to your cheek, “Gonna fuck you until you can’t remember the bad day you had, or anything else.”
If you say anything coherent, you can’t recall. It’s mostly a desperate groan, begging without words.
He reaches down and eases himself in, and you force your eyes open to watch his expression as he does. His mouth gapes, his eyes roll back. You wish you could watch it a million times.
And god, he’s warm as he stretches you, as his hips roll flush to you. He’s just big enough that it approaches a mild sting, but it’s welcomed. He props his other forearm on the other side of your head, and his hair falls around you, blanketing you in his body heat.
Just when you’re sure his hips are flush to you, he rolls them hard, sending your eyes back into your head.
“You like that, hm?” He shudders, “You feel so damn good.”
You just nod, struggling to keep your eyes open to look at him.
“Baby,” he says, sugar sweet, “Just take it, Honey, you don’t have to do anything else.”
He pulls his hips back and then rolls back into you, and suddenly that sneaking warmth is building in you again.
With his nose, he nuzzles your head to the side. As he begins to work at a slow, deep pace, he sucks gently on your pulse point. Your head is all blurry stars, your eyes rolling back far too often to see anything, and all you can smell is his shampoo and sweat.
You’re not sure if you’re making noise; you don’t think so, it feels like you can barely breathe. But then, Jake says,
“I know, babe, I know, let go.”
And you’re guessing you’ve said something to clue him into the fact that you’re on the precipice of a second orgasm.
With a sturdy roll of his hips, you’re scratching at the soft skin of his sides and drawing a whimper from as you clench around him like a vice, slamming into a somehow even more visceral orgasm than the first.
As it washes over you, you can hear yourself saying his name like a mantra.
“So good,” he’s still fucking slowly into you.
“Don’t fucking stop,” you whine, “Please, Jake, don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop,” he kisses your cheek, “Gonna give it to you til you’re a cock-drunk mess, Honey, don’t worry.”
You shudder off a string of curses at his vulgar response, and you draw him even closer, one hand on his side, and the other wrapping into his hair. He resumes sucking on the side of your neck, something that makes your stomach flutter. He bottoms out over and over at a wonderous pace, somehow each thrust just as good as the last.
“You like this? Slow and deep?” He murmurs the question against your skin and punctuates the question with a lick.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“You wanna cum around me again?”
“Yeah,” you gasp, “Yeah, fucking—please,”
“Take your time, Honey,” he breathes, “I’m not going anywhere. Just gonna fuck and fuck you.”
“Kiss me,” you plead. He answers you quickly, his warm mouth on yours in an instant, warm and fervent. It’s embarrassingly quick, how soon you feel like you can cum again. But you can’t find the shame; he’s working himself perfectly against you.
“Close,” you confess against his lips.
“Good,” his voice is distant, “Let me have it.”
It hits you slow and unhurried, creeping hot vines up your torso and neck, gripping at your cheeks and burning a bolt of pleasure through you. You’re a floating, dizzy version of yourself when you come down.
“Fucking beautiful,” he’s sighing, “Gonna cum, Honey, you feel too good.”
He pulls out and balances on one of his arms as he shoves a hand down around himself. He looks the most beautiful that he ever has, in your opinion, as he cums.
His cheeks are flushed and his brow furrows, and his bitten lips curse softly when he loses it. For a moment he glances down between you, watching as he makes a mess.
You could watch it on repeat forever, and almost lament the moment before it passes.
Finally, he looks up at you. It’s quiet for a second before he grins.
“Hi, Honey,” he smiled wide.
“Hi,” you giggle. He unsticks a piece of his hair from your face as he catches his breath.
“Gonna kiss you again if that’s alright,” he sighs. You nod quickly, and he’s kissing you soft and slow. It’s so tender, you know you probably shouldn’t want it as bad as you do.
He must be on the same page, though, because he just kisses and kisses, licking slowly at your tongue and your teeth.
Some long while later, he comes up for air.
“Let me get my shirt for you,” he says, easing himself off the bed.
He fetches his discarded tee and cleans you with it gently, then wipes himself quickly before he climbs back beside you.
“So,” he breathes, reaching out to skim a finger over your chest, “Why was your day so bad, hm?”
“Jake,” you laugh. You can’t fathom why he’s asking you this right now, and you can’t recall a single thing that happened before the moment he was in your bed.
“Tell me about your day. What was it, hm? That got you so frustrated you had to make yourself cum so bad,” he smirks.
“Jake, Jesus Christ,” you blush, “I have no idea anymore, it was just—“
“So it worked?”
You blink at him.
“I fucked you ‘til you forgot?”
If he was trying to make you laugh, it works, as the giggle that escapes you is borderline maniacal. He joins though, laughing lightheartedly beside you.
“Sorry,” he laughs, “Dumb joke.”
As the giggling winds down, the room is quiet. The thought pops into your head with conviction, and it feels only right to say it aloud:
“You know… I wouldn’t be mad if we didn’t forget this tomorrow,” you offer quietly.
He sighs and smiles at you, his eyes sparkly. He looks like himself; like the Jake you know, but closer, and warmer than before.
“I was kinda hoping you would say that.”
*tag list in progress of being updated*
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nochukoo97 · 9 months
boyfriend drabbles (pt.28)
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pairing: idol!jungkook x gf!reader
summary: the one where you fall sick after you and jungkook get into a fight right before he has to leave for america
word count: 1.3k+
taglist!: @imlyfie @jksgirlhere
boyfriend drabbles masterlist!
You seriously didn’t want to end your last moment with Jungkook before he flew to America this way, but the both of you had been on edge the past few days, so a little argument only fueled the both of you to grow upset and agitated.
Hell, you didn’t even get to say a proper goodbye to him, you simply just acknowledged your boyfriend heading out with his two luggages before he closed the door.
But here you are, sitting alone on the couch of Jungkook’s apartment, nose puffy and red from sobbing earlier. Even though he would be only gone for three days, you knew this fight would make it seem like ages for the both of you.
The next day you were sitting on the counter, picking at your bowl of food. If Jungkook had been here, he would chat with you while the both of you ate, he would sneak little kisses here and there or feed you something. The absence of your boyfriend’s presence further fueled this empty and broken feeling in you.
To add on to that, the time difference with both countries made it worse to communicate, normally Jungkook would stay up late to call you whenever you woke up, but it seemed because of the fight, he had not done so. It hurt you a little inside, afraid that the both of you would be at a silent war with each other for the next two days.
Jungkook on the other hand, was pacing back and forth in his hotel room, his finger hovered above the ‘call’ button of your contact in his phone, yet the previous unsolved argument made him retract his finger, deciding to send you a text instead.
Your phone lit up beside you, catching your attention.
kook ❤️: baby, are you awake?
kook ❤️: miss you, let’s talk when i get home okay?
You almost let out a sigh of relief that he had at least not forgotten to talk to you, quickly picking up your phone, you reply,
me: yes, it’s late over there, why aren’t you asleep?
It was true, it was at least 2am there and you knew he had an early morning the next day. Jungkook paused for a second, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he noticed your thoughtful comment.
You watch as the three dots appear and pause for a minute, Jungkook on the other hand contemplating on how he should respond to you.
kook ❤️: was thinking about you
me: go to sleep baby, you need rest for tmr
Jungkook sinks in his seat a little at your abrupt reply, normally you would have maybe replied with emojis or simply more expression, but it seemed as if the previous argument had still been in your mind.
He quickly reacts to your message with a ‘thumbs up’ and turns his phone off, laying on the cold hotel bed. If not for the argument, he would’ve been on a call with you, falling asleep to you doing chores or random activities, with your presence. Yet now Jungkook feels a part of him empty, laying in silence and hoping his body falls asleep soon.
To be fair, the weather forecast did not say it was about to rain this heavily today. Your initial plan of a quick run to the convenience store near Jungkook’s apartment failed miserably, as you begin to run to the nearest shelter, clothes soaked from the sudden downpour.
A string of curses flows out of your mouth as you try your best to shield yourself with your hands over your head. If Jungkook was there, he probably would have brought an umbrella, or he would have run in the rain together with you, making it seem not bad at all. But of course, with your heart heavy from the argument and the absence of your boyfriend, the rain only further fueled your frustrations.
When you finally reach home after running to the convenience store, you’re dripping head to toe, sniffing as you feel a headache coming in. Falling sick was not on your list either, but it seemed a ten minute run in the rain made your body shut down immediately.
Jungkook had texted you that night, but you had no energy to simply pick up your phone from the coffee table, body limp and weak on the couch as you curl up, shivering from time to time. To add to that, you had run out of medicine in your emergency cabinet, and you knew well enough that going out to buy medicine for yourself was the last thing to do.
“Baby, I’m home,” Jungkook calls out, but he’s only to be met with a dark apartment, looking a little more bare than usual.
Your cat mug was not on the table, the pink blanket you had always left on the couch gone, your laptop on the coffee table gone.
His eyebrows furrow, causing a crease between them as he walks into the kitchen, then the study room, then finally your shared bedroom. Jungkook loses it when he realises, your pillows on your side of the bed are gone, the bedroom slippers you always left near the bedroom door are also gone.
“Fuck, where did you go?” He mutters under his breath, cursing at himself for not calling you before he boarded the plane. You couldn’t have left the house out of anger right? It seemed like it was the only reasonable explanation at this point.
The small light that emits from the gap between the floor and the door of the guest room catches his eye, as Jungkook hums in confusion, why would you be in there?
When he creaks open the door, he’s met with a huge lump of blanket, pillows scattered around the mattress, a mini set up of your mug and tissues and your laptop right next to the bed.
“Jagi, why are you in here?” He pulls open the blanket, making eye contact with you, curled up into a ball, nose red from sniffling.
“Kook, don’t come near me,” You croak out, voice scratchy as you use your foot to push him away. It only makes him step back one step but you’re satisfied with the distance for now.
“Are you sick? Why didn’t you call me?” He approaches you again, ignoring your hands that attempt to swat him away as he places his palm on your forehead.
Hissing, he retracts his hand, “You’re heating up,” Jungkook frowns at you, concern flashed over his face as he studies you.
“I moved here because didn’t want to keep the germs in our room, then you won’t catch it,” You whisper, throat already stinging just after speaking a few words earlier, “I left my phone on my side of our bed, I was too tired to go back to take it,”
Jungkook can only sigh, mentally scolding himself, “How long have you been like this?”
“Two days? I went to the convenience store but it started raining and I forgot an umbrella. It’s okay though, I also didn’t want to worry you too much since you weren’t here,” You let out a smile, stroking his cheek tenderly.
“Next time tell me immediately okay? You’ve been sick and alone for two days, I could have at least sent someone to take care of you,” He looks around the room, a pile of tissues at the corner of your bed as you realise how close he is to you.
“Kook, go out of the room, you’re gonna catch my cold,” You whine, hands pressed against his chest as you attempt to push him away again.
“I’ll rather be sick with you than be away from you,” And with that, he rolls onto the mattress, trapping you in his embrace. Jungkook laughs seeing you squirm about in his hold, rambling on about how he should not be in the room right now.
“I’ll go and buy your medicine soon, in ten minutes okay?”
“Then please stop cuddling me or you’ll have to miss the rest of your promotions,”
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coriolantha · 3 months
‧˚₊•୨ Patience ୧•‧₊˚⊹
mike schmidt x GN! reader
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summary: mike comforts you after you've had a long day₊˚⊹:˚。⋆୨୧˚
tags: fluff, mike being a sweetheart (as always), anxiety, reader has bad self image, insecurities, reader is overwhelmed and needs a break (so real), hugging, cuddling, comfort
wc: 1.1k
notes: hii this is my first fic i've posted on here. ngl i'm... scared. im not proud of this but i can't scrap it this time otherwise i'm never gonna get anything posted LMAO. please leave any criticism in the comments if you'd like, feel free to share any opinions, i want to improve the quality of my writing! thank you sm for reading! 🫶
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today has been punishing.
rain trickled down the foggy window, making soft tapping sounds as they hit and fell, reluctantly racing down to gather in the weep holes. the rough, scratchy carpet beneath you beginning to burn as you shuffled around your desolate home.
exhausted, you gave up trying to distract yourself from your main task; your bedroom.
your eyes darted around your cluttered room, glossing over as you noticed every individual piece of clothing that wasn't hung up, organized, and neatly put away. you began to have a headache thinking about where to even begin. you felt like a filthy slob, your surroundings perfectly reflecting how you've felt all day.
you flicked the lights off, the warmly lit room now becoming pitch black, except for the small gleam of light that came through the open door. you sat on your bed, absentmindedly kicking your various pants and t-shirts away from you to give yourself some room to lay down.
mike wouldn't be back home for a while now. it was only 12:45am, which gave you 5 hours and 25 minutes to attempt to sleep before having to get ready for your office job... which would leave little to no time to spend with mike.
fuck mondays.
turning over to your side, you hugged your knees, shivering. no amount of blankets could fix how cold you felt. the truth was, you missed your boyfriend; longing for his cozy hugs and soft, gentle kisses he'd press against your cheek as he consoled you.
you missed him more than anything in the world.
with a blink, the tears that have been collecting in your eyes came down your flushed face at once. laying there, you accepted your pitiful reality, slowly drifting off into unwanted slumber, in solitude.
the time was around 2am when you felt a dip into the bed. panicking, you quickly awoke, shuffling to sit up as fast as possible. although you didn't know of the time, something felt off. mike wasn't supposed to be home yet, that's for sure.
panic turned into confusion as you heard mike, obviously feeling guilty for having jumpscaring you so badly.
"oh, shit- baby, it's me," he whispered apologetically, reaching his hand out to cup your cheek. turning on the dim lamp, he quickly turned back to face you. his eyes bore into yours, scanning to make sure you were going to be alright.
all day he was desperate to see your face, even after his shorter-than-usual-shift. mike couldn't get enough of your perfection, although you always brushed him off whenever he ever mentioned this to you.
he noticed your terrified expression which started to wear off, beginning to blend into relief.
"it's just me... you don't need to worry about anything, okay? i'm right here, no one's gonna hurt you," he muttered, leaning over to press a chaste kiss on your lips, lingering longer than usual.
weight lifted off your shoulders as you began to put pieces together. now, all you needed was an answer to your burning question.
"mike, why did you come home so early? did something happen?" you asked anxiously, looking right back at your boyfriends affectionate, adoring eyes.
"oh, sweetheart..." he soothed, "i got let out early today. nothing worth worrying about. i guess they didn't need me as much as i thought they did," he let out a quick, dry laugh, shaking his head dismissively.
"fuck, i've missed you all day, i'm so damn glad i could leave that job early. anything to see you, my love," he cooed, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, delicately tucking it behind your ear
you were in awe; it was a miracle he came home early, especially today. you were fighting to hold your tears back, mouth quivering as you bit your bottom lip. mike noticed your change in emotion immediately.
"hey hey hey," he whispered urgently, quickly grabbing your hand and giving it a light squeeze, "what's wrong?" his voice drowned in concern.
"i did nothing all day. the only thing i've done is just stand around and... thought of doing something, but i couldn't. i was so tired, but of what? like, why didn't i clean our room? and the worst part is, you have to come home, tired as hell, ready to go to sleep, only to see your messy room and your partner who still hasn't done anything about it," you quavered, sniffling softly as warm tears fell from your eyes.
mike said nothing, but you could sense how hurt he felt after you talked so badly about yourself. he sighed, laying down on the plush mattress. he patted his chest, inviting you to rest your head there. you did so immediately, closing your eyes as you listened closely to his heart beat.
"you know i love you, right?" he asked gently. you stayed quiet, knowing he wasn't expecting an answer.
"i love everything about about you. but the only thing i don't love is how badly you talk of yourself. i hate it. it doesn't make any sense to me," he stressed, stroking your hair soothingly.
"so what if our room is messy? i don't think about that when i come home. all i think about is how i can finally be with you. i'm not going to let some clothes on the floor get in the way of us, ever. or anything, in fact."
you nodded in agreement silently, your tears dry on your cheeks.
"we can tackle this room together. we can do this however you want- i can pick up your clothes while you organize them into whichever area they go to, and i'll pick up my clothes too, but you won't have to organize that, i'll take care of it. how does that sound?" he asked delicately.
you instantly felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders.
"thank you so much, mike. you don't know how much i needed you today," you exhaled, "really."
he looked down lovingly at you, curled up beside him. he kissed your head tenderly, rubbing up and down your back.
goosebumps spread across your arms. you felt so loved and safe.
"the real question is," you suddenly asked, "how are you so perfect? were you made in a factory or something?"
"says you," he laughed, holding you tighter.
the two of you basked in the love you had for one another for a while. no words were exchanged, only him occasionally rubbing his thumb against your arm, while you began to doze off, which caught his attention.
"want me to turn the light off?"
you nodded, wrapping your arm around his stomach.
he turned over once more, pulling the cord of the lamp light, the room now pitch black.
"i love you," he whispered, turning to his side a little more so he could be pressed closer against you.
"i love you too, mike. always," you mumbled back, the two of you drifting off to sleep.
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dividers by @f-loqweres 🫶
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midniiights-garden · 4 months
A Little Mistake MobAU!Mizu x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Your scary, intimidating mob boss wife attempts to cook for you. It... does not go well.
TWs!! Mentions of blood and gore, mentions of violence, swearing
To most people Mizu was untouchable. A Goddess in her own right. After she murdered her late husband she moved on, driven by rage and bitterness, and ended up starting a rather small but lethal group of assassins. With her as the head, of course. And for a long time she remained bitter and cold, her heart worn out with one too many heartbreaks.
Until she met you.
You were kind yet strict, a diamond in the rough one could say. The only catch? You were a woman.
Mizu was hesitant to pursue you at first, not really sure if she was ready for another heartbreak. Or to confront the fact that she was undoubtly attracted to women. However, it turned out she didn't have to. You made the first move, presenting her a single white tulip, not a word leaving your lips.
And the rest was history.
Now you and her were happily married. Mizu was happier than she ever thought she could be. She could practice her swordsmanship in peace and she had a pretty, intellegent and kind wife to boot.
It's been 4 years now. Mizu, being the secretly loving wife she was, snuck out of your shared bed early to cook for you. Did she know how to cook? No. Not at all. But it couldn't be that bad, right?
On the morning of fourth year anniversary you wake to the sound of Mizu swearing, said wife no where to be found and the smell of charcoal coming from the kitchen. You stumble out of bed, searching for Mizu only to find her in the kitchen with the fire exstinguisher in hand, a pan full of... something... being the cause of the smell.
"...happy anniversary?" Mizu greets quietly, smiling sheepishly at you as she lowers the fire extinguisher.
You sigh. How could you ever get mad at that precious face? All you do is walk forward, wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing her softly.
"Tried to cook, huh darling?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
Mizu blushes out of embarassment, looking away.
"I... I didn't think it'd be that hard... I just wanted to surprise you since you're always cooking for us," she murmurs, now deciding to hide her face in the crook of your neck.
You giggle, squeezing her softly before planting a kiss to her forehead.
"Awww, darling. Thank you very much for trying. Lets try together now, huh? So that you know what to do for next time."
You spend the rest of the morning cleaning up Mizu's mess (much to her absolute embarassment) and then cooking alongside her, showing her how to adjust the heat, how to know when something was done cooking and showing her how to crack an egg. Somehow she really struggled with cracking an egg.
Unfortunately around an hour after finishing breakfast Mizu recieved word that she was needed. She left begrudgingly, apologizing profusely as she left to deal with... whatever it was she dealt with. You knew the gist, but you really weren't interested in the nitty gritty of it.
She returns at 2AM, her previously crisp white shirt drenched in blood. She had several scratches on her body and she was obviously not in a great mood. Before you could say anything she had tossed herself on top of you, curling into your warmth and staining your clothing with blood. Not that you cared right now.
You decide not to speak, instead holding your precious wife close as you wipe the blood splatters off her face. You watched as her face finally relaxed, the scowl wearing off and replaced by a more serene, content expression.
"Tired?" You whisper.
"Yeah...." She replies. "...I'm sorry for not being here today, my love."
You shake your head, understanding the severity of her work.
"No, it's alright. You're here now, right? That's all that matters. You're here."
Mizu looks up at you, her eyes tired yet undoubtly so grateful for your entire exsistance.
"I love you... I love you so much," she whispers hoarsely.
"I love you too, Mizu. Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary, love."
You spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking with your loving wife knowing you had your entire lives ahead of you. You knew whatever happened, she would be yours and you would be hers.
(A/N: Dedicated to the lovely @emiliabby!! Tysm for tagging me in that idea post <33)
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here we are, no one else
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Summary: Wanda and R finally get a moment alone
Word Count: 1768 Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader Part 6 of 'Half of My Hometown' series masterlist <- previous part | next part ->
»»————- ★ ————-««
“No Vision tonight?”
Your voice breaks Wanda out of her mindless stare at the floor. She looks up, smiling as she meets your eyes, while slightly shaking her head.
“No. He’s not even in the country, Tony needed him for some intelligence mission.”
“Shame,” you mumble. The woman across from you smirks and raises an eyebrow in amusement at your sarcastic tone, and it’s only then that you catch what you said. Even though you’ve clearly been caught, you clear your throat and quickly try to change the subject to distract her. “You know… it’s been years, but I still feel weird calling him ‘Tony’.”
“Do you still remember all the names we used to call him?” Wanda asks and, though it's light-hearted, you pick up on the slight edge to her tone. 
You sheepishly nod, floods of former nicknames for your current boss resurfacing in your mind. Across from you, Wanda’s tight posture loosens slightly, and you realise the implicit meaning behind her question – testing where you stood with Stark, and whether you'd judge the decisions she had made in your absence.
“I can’t really mention those to Vision,” she adds shyly. Your gaze snaps back up to hers with wide eyes and an open-mouthed expression at the thought, just to see her grinning widely.
“Definitely not,” you laugh, surprised by how at ease you feel again tonight, “those names should… well… they should not leave Sokovia.”
“Probably where Stark would ship me back to if he found out.”
“You and me both,” you hum, “though it would be nice to go back home.”
“Not much left of it though.” Wanda frowns and drops her eyes to the ground, the mood sobering quickly.
Seeing her this dejected is enough to make you frown too, so you bump her shoulder with your own and shoot her a toothy grin once she meets your eyes, “I’d have you though, wouldn’t I? The two of us back in former Sokovian land? That’s home enough for me anyday.” She smiles at that, and you feel a warm sense of satisfaction in your chest with the knowledge that you caused that.
“What about right here? It’s got us back together again, maybe we could call this New Sokovia.”
“Right here? This little patch of corridor?”
Wanda nods, “Yes, exactly! We meet here often enough, it’s basically our spot, and if home is where the two of us are…”
“I’ll bring a sign next time. ‘Welcome to New Sokovia. Population: 2 (only at 2am)’, sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Wanda laughs again with a wide and carefree smile on her face; a small noise which somehow has the power to warm you so completely from the inside out, as well as draw happiness to your own lips. You've missed this. You've missed her.
But then, quickly, your expression drops – something you only notice you've done when you see it mirrored by Wanda, whose face now shifts to concern over your disheartened look. Before she can ask what's wrong, you blurt out what it is that you've just remembered. 
“I won't be here tomorrow.”
Typically, agents only work the night shift a few days a week, at the most. You had volunteered yourself to take the hours permanently – you enjoy the late nights, and it spared a few of your coworkers who prefer to have proper sleep schedules – but even with that, you'd worked every night for over two weeks. A break was long overdue.
Wanda still hasn't answered, and you begin to thrum your fingers against your leg. The ease of your previous conversation is now long gone, replaced by pounding nerves for her reaction. It was only one night, that shouldn't be a big deal, but it hasn't happened yet since your reunion with Wanda, due to the unusual scheduling.
Her question gives little away.
“I, uh… I won't be here tomorrow,” you repeat redundantly – clearly she heard you. “I have the day off so… well, you know, if you're waiting here then it'll probably be someone else who comes past at 2am. Not that it will be any problem! Of course you're allowed to be here so they won't have an issue, but… just…”
You trail off, after finally noticing that Wanda hasn't said a word – nor even been able to say a word – amid your rambling. Once you stop talking, the lingering silence is enough to make you squirm, bouncing on the balls of your feet and swinging your arms as you refuse to make eye contact.
“Oh,” is all Wanda finally says.
You force your eyes upwards, daring to read Wanda’s face even while you fear the expression you might see; but hers only matches yours, eyes down towards her hands and lower lip ever so slightly caught between her teeth. She's disappointed, but not with you. There’s a question that’s been dying on your lips nearly every night for two weeks, and a wave of realisation washes over you that this is your opportunity to ask it, the best opportunity you’ll ever have.
“Would you meet during day? With me. During the day. Meet with me during the day. Would you want to meet up during the day instead?” You had to blurt the words out quickly before self-doubts could silence you, but as your cheeks burn, hindsight tells you that waiting a little longer to talk wouldn’t have hurt. At least just long enough to form the sentence. Regardless, your embarrassment from the situation now only served to aid the self-doubt which had finally caught up from your actions, and you quickly stutter over your next words while seeking to give Wanda a get-out clause, if she wanted to take it. “Obviously you don't have to, especially if you've got training or-”
“I'd love to.” Wanda cuts you off with a teasing smirk, well aware of how much you would have continued to talk had she not interrupted. “I finish training at 1.”
“I’ll meet you at 2?” you offer, “2pm. I’ll bring lunch, and you can take some time to wind down and get out of that uncomfortable looking outfit you have to wear.”
“My costume?” Wanda gasps in mock offence, while you struggle to contain your laughter – your teasing comment getting exactly the reaction you knew it would. “It looks very cool! Admit it looks cool!”
You hum, resting a hand on your chin in thought and drawing out the wait for as long as you can. “I did hear the full leather look is the next big trend,” you shrug with a devilish smile that Wanda would have seen had she not started celebrating the admission early. So you continue, “...if you’re in The Matrix.”
Her victory is swiftly ended; her arms drop to her sides and a pout overtakes the prior smugness while a deadpan gaze bores into you. 
There’s a familiarity to her expression that sends you hurtling into your memories, stabbing at your heart when you remember the giggles of you and your accomplice, celebrating to yourselves everytime you managed to lure a young Wanda into your verbal (or even sometimes physical) traps. Over a decade later, you catch yourself before you can turn to share your joy with Pietro. He’s just another face you won’t ever see again. 
Wanda doesn’t see the way your smile falls, something you're glad for. So when she turns to you with a renewed spark in her eye, even when you know that means she has a retaliation incoming, you coerce the prior amusement back into your expression.
“You’re just jealous,” she says with a light shove to your shoulder, and sticking out her tongue too for good measure, “because you used to wear your homemade costume everywhere, but I’m the one with the real one! Didn’t you wear that thing to bed?”
You gasp now, surprised that she not only remembered it, but also decided to use it against you.
“You're going to bring my costume into this?”
“Alright, бубамара (ladybug)…” you trail off, grinning wildly as her face flushes redder than the aforementioned costume. “I should have known that’s where the red theme comes from.”
Scare resources forced you down creative routes to stay entertained in your childhoods – one such time involved cobbling together various clothing scraps and other well-worn items into costumes to imagine yourselves in lives that weren’t your own. You pictured yourself as a hero, strong enough to stop the onslaught of missiles raining down in Sokovia. Wanda, meanwhile, became a ladybug.
“It’s the colour of my powers,” Wanda whines, bashfully defending herself. But you still have thirteen years worth of teasing to unleash.
“Which is coincidentally the same colour? Or were you subconsciously channelling the bug all along?”
“...I don't even know why I missed you.”
Your face softens a little, taking in her words as the confession they are, that she’d missed you. Despite the demons in your brain, you find that you aren’t surprised by it – she’s already shown you that she’s missed you beyond a doubt, and those feelings don’t go unreciprocated. Still, the explicit reassurance of your friendship always manages to bring a warmth to your heart and this time is no different. Wanda clearly takes in your expression because she relaxes too, her shoulders sagging and a slight upwards turn appearing on her lips.
…It’s the perfect time to double down.
“The costume memories were a big gap! It’s understandable to miss them, Wands! But don’t you worry, I’ll just tell your team about it and make sure they give you plenty of reminders.”
“You wouldn't-” 
You really wouldn't. Your lack of communication with the Avengers aside, the moments between you and Wanda – the shared memories, experiences, and jokes – they're something you're fiercely protective of. A feeling only comparable to jealousy sets in when you imagine one of Wanda's new friends calling her ‘ladybug’ the way you do. It's your nickname for her, a term for only you to use and nobody else should even get to know it. Not that you'll ever let Wanda know that.
Instead, you look down at the watch on your wrist, flashing the display to her as you grin and begin to walk backwards. Her head tilts in confusion and you almost hesitate to go. Almost. “Oh, would you look at the time? I better get back to my patrol. Got a lot to discuss with any Avengers I run into, afterall.”
Wanda's eyes darken, squinting and daring you to say anything about your childhood nickname for her. You smile innocently in return.
“See you at 2pm, бубамара! Dress comfy!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
Series Taglist: @holiday-house-of-m @emiliaisdead @wonderingnerd @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @chasethemoon @alexawynters @username23345 @marvelogic
A/N: went home for Easter and lost absolutely all my motivation to write, but it's here now 😭 anyway, comment/reblog with your thoughts on this one and what you want to see in future! :)
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taeraemisu · 7 months
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can you hear me? ; hanbin zb1
synopsis ; in which reader thought they were crazy when they start to heart a certain voice in their head, finding out their soulmate is universes away from them.
genre ; somewhat soulmates au, fluff but angst, different universes, the classic you-can-hear-your-soulmates-voice-in-your-head au
pairings ; hanbin x reader
word count ; 1.5k words
requested ! can be found here
a/n ; it’s been so long since i have written something how are yall doing :’)
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reality 831 . .
you slumped on your chair, groaning. the assignments never end. day after day, you were constantly staying up till 2am in attempts to finish up your work. you were getting barely two hours of sleep, that is not healthy at all.
you glanced at your phone sitting beside the papers spread all over your desk. 2:53am.
that’s a new record.
you stretched your arms around. you told yourself to finish one more assignment and then take a break. classes doesn’t start till 8am for you so you still have a little time to squeeze in an hour worth of sleep.
you sat up straight, picking up your pencil and went back to staring at your brightly-lit laptop. you kept reading the same words over and over again, your eyes kept dropping every second. you fought against yourself, trying to stay awake. but—
‘hello? can you hear me? is this working?’
you instantly snapped your eyes open. what the hell?
that was not your own thoughts, was it? were you that tired that you were starting to hallucinate the sound of your own thoughts? you shook your head, snapping your laptop shut. you needed a break.
you lay down on your bed, too tired to think when—
‘is this too late … are you asleep?’
you opened your eyes. that voice, again. there was no way it was just a hallucination at that point, right?
‘why is my luck so bad, do i seriously have no soulmate?’
“soulmate?” you whispered to yourself. how was that possible? at that point, you knew that voice was not your own. it was a sweet, melodic voice. for a moment, there was silence. and you wished the voice came back. it was so soothing, so calm. a few seconds of him speaking could put you to sleep for a lifetime.
‘hello …?’
there was no response so you gave up. maybe it was just your tiredness. you have been sleeping rather late—
‘you heard me.’
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‘so let me get this straight, soulmates exist?’
‘yes..? did you not know? it’s literally all everyone talks about.’
you finally figured out the tiny voice in your head, and for the first few weeks, you thought you were crazy. no one else had a voice claiming to be their soulmate, yet why was a strange little voice trying to convince you that he was yours?
‘soulmates don’t exist.’
‘i wouldn’t be talking to you if they didn’t.’
you scrunched your nose. you were on the bus, heading home and anyone looking at you would have thought you were crazy. you were making different facial expressions on your face. and you had a voice talking to you in your head.
‘i have never heard anyone talking about this before.’
‘really? it’s the one thing my parents have always been talking about. i have been trying for years and it finally worked.’
you tilted your head. maybe you should ask your own parents.
the bus came into a halt and you realised it was your stop. you quickly got up from your seat and got off the bus stop, still skeptical about this whole thing. he had a nice voice, you would give him that.
‘i must be crazy, there is no way this is real.’
‘i am real, i swear!’
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reality 832 . .
‘yn, let’s meet!’
the both of you have been talking for over a month now. hanbin has slightly convinced you that soulmates do exist and that he is one hundred percent real, but you were still skeptical of everything.
so what better way to convince you than meeting up?
hanbin got no response, did he scared you away?
‘meeting up? you are crazy, sung hanbin.’
your laughter echoed around his head. he smiled at your reply. he had only been hearing your voice for the last month and he never knew he could be smitten from the sound of your laughter. he would gladly choose to hear just your laughter for the rest of his life.
‘what if we are living in different countries? do you not think?’
‘i work at ludia cafe, do you know that place?’
there was a moment of silence and hanbin was afraid he had scared you away. maybe you were looking up the cafe right now, maybe you both were actually living in different countries—
‘i live near there.’
hanbin immediately beamed and gathered his things. he could not wait to meet you.
‘can’t wait to see you.’
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hanbin stood outside the cafe, looking around. he had no idea how you looked like, but he was sure that if he heard your laughter for even a second, he could recognise you right away.
his heart skips a beat whenever he spot a a figure approaching him, but his heart plummets when he realised it was not you.
‘hanbin, are you playing with me right now?’
‘no, i am waiting outside the cafe.’
it was silent for a few minutes. what happened to you?
‘are you sure you are outside?’
hanbin nodded even though no one else was around him to see it.
‘i am outside right now and i see no one.’
hanbin found it odd. he was outside too but there was no one standing around besides a stray cat mindlessly walking around.
‘the bright blue sign of ludia is staring right at me—‘
hanbin’s eyes widen when he heard that. blue? he looked up to the signage above him. it was purple.
‘what? are you at the wrong place? the sign is purple.’
hanbin looked around. maybe you were colour blind? yet, there was no one else on the streets besides him.
‘what? there is a banner right in front of the store. they have hamster decorations all over the place—‘
hanbin tilted his head. that was literally the cafe he works at. it was as if you both were standing at the exact same spot, but at different points of time.
‘—and they have a poster of strawb—.’
‘—strawberry latte.’
hanbin finished your sentence and that is when it finally dawned on him.
you weren’t from his reality.
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reality 831 . .
‘so your reality has soulmates, but mine doesn’t?’
‘seems like so.’
you pouted. why were you stuck in the boring reality?
‘that’s no fun.’
hanbin’s chuckle bounced around your head and you swear you could just faint at any moment. you wished you could just record his voice and keep it on replay for the rest of your life.
‘yet, how are you talking to me? shouldn’t you be talking to your soulmate?’
‘i guess i already am.’
you laid down in your bed, thinking. you and hanbin had tested the theory out, you both went to the same places over the past few weeks and you finally confirmed one thing.
hanbin is from a different universe.
it explained a few things, like how there were small differences between the places you both went to ‘together’. or how in his universe, the idea of soulmates actually exists while in yours, it was just a mere fantasy.
yet you both found each other.
though it was fun to talk to him, the fact you could not physically meet him frustrated you. he is your soulmate, yet how are you guys universes apart?
‘hanbin, i need to study right now. i can’t talk to you.’
you could imagine hanbin pouting and you had to resist the urge to tell the whole universe apart just to go over and see him.
‘i can still talk to you..’
‘i need to focus.’
it was silent for a moment before hanbin came back again.
‘okay, see you yn.’
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reality 832 . .
hanbin pouted when he didn’t hear a response from you. even though he was so glad that he finally connected with his soulmate after so many years, yet, why did you have to be living so far away?
‘yn, are you there?’
no response.
‘can you hear me?’
he started to notice your replies were getting shorter and shorter. and you would go days and weeks without saying a word. what happened?
hanbin almost leapt out of your seat when he finally heard your voice. it’s been weeks, where have you been?
‘what happened? were you busy with school?’
no response for the next few minutes and hanbin panicked again. oh no, were you going to disappear again?
‘can you hear—‘
‘we should stop this.’
hanbin blinked slowly. what? stop what?
‘this. us talking. it’s not.. good.’
his mouth went dry while he started to pace around his room. you were his soulmate, you both never physically even met. you both physically cannot ever meet.
‘we don’t live in the same universe. we are so far, i cannot spend the rest of my life trying to talk to my soulmate through the voice of my head.’
hanbin stood still. it’s true, he has been thinking about it for a while. but, you were his soulmate. even if you both were universes apart.
‘i’m sorry hanbin. if only life gave you a better soulmate.’
‘that’s not true!’
hanbin protested but he heard no response.
‘i will find you yn, trust me on this. maybe there’s a yn that exists in my universe. maybe there’s a hanbin in yours. we can talk lesser! just don’t stop talking to me?’
you didn’t respond and hanbin ruffled his hair. he wanted to hear you for one last time. he would do anything to hear you again.
‘yn, can you hear me?’
your voice never came back.
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© taeraemisu do not copy my works !
perm taglist ! (send an ask) ; @wtfhyuck
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Confession | Bang Chan
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Summary: you accidentally send a confession text to best friend!chan
Warnings: mentions of anxiety
Notes: idk why I'm so overwhelmed with the feeling of this scenario, but my GOD would I loved to be in his arms rn
@minnysproutgriffinteddy I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it!
Oh, you did it now.
Your hands grip your hair at the roots, panic seeping into your system. Your cellphone fell onto your lap when you quickly dropped it, the screen open and brightly showing your worst nightmare. Your heart was pulsating against your chest as anxiety pumped the blood faster.
The accidental confession text was staring back at you. Chan's message in response was that you "needed to talk" and he was heading over now. If you thought your heart couldn't sink any lower than it already had that evening, you were unfortunately quite wrong. The sound of your doorbell rang throughout your apartment, signalling your best friend's arrival. He was there to confront you on your text. Confront you about your feelings.
You only meant to joke about it like you always did. Only meant to tease Chan for complimenting your outfit a little too much. You knew it meant nothing for him to address your attire, as you both casually did so often enough. But your little joke somehow warranted an intrusive thought to confess. The entire reason he was now at your place at 2am was because your impulsiveness took over and before you could contemplate sending, your thumb already sent the message. Now, you were sitting awfully still in your bedroom, praying he went away.
He didn't. The doorbell rang a second time. You glanced down to your phone, noticing it flashing a new message from your best friend. Chris was now wondering if you were even home, and if calling would be better. You really had no choice but to answer him, knowing he would ring your phone fairly soon if you didn't respond. After all, you can't go from continuous texts to leaving him absolutely ghosted after you confessed.
At least, it wasn't right.
You tossed your phone back onto the bed as if it burned you. "Oh my god!" You whisper shout into the air, staring at your thrown phone like it was poisonous. "Oh my god!"
Barely finding the strength, you stood on your wobbly legs and ran to open your apartment door. The last thing you wanted was for Chan to panic and believe you were in danger of any sort, potentially bringing other people into your business out of worry. If you didn't answer soon, he would only assume the worst.
"What am I going to do?!" Your hands fly up to your mouth, teeth sinking into your nails as your bad habit resurfaces. The embarrassment had sunken so far at that point, you contemplated just faking your death anyway. It would potentially be much easier to deal with then having to face your best friend after confessing your long-term crush on him. Besides, who were you going to be able to consult with after this? When he was the one you sought all comfort from.
Finally finding it in you, your hands landed on the door handle. Tightening your grip around it, you pull it open to meet your best friend's worried face. You could see the relief fall on his expression when he saw that you were alright. His tousled hair, pajama shorts and black hoodie indicated he had rushed over from his dorms.
"Chris..." your voice drifts off, unsure how to address the situation. Your eyebrows were furrowed and lips curled back in hesitation.
What you weren't expecting was Chan to enter the apartment, hand briefly hitting the door and forcing it firmly shut. His free hand immediately raised up to your face, dipping past it and into the hair beneath your ear. The light pressure he added to the tips of his fingers guided you to tilt your head to the side, his face swooping down to meet your lips. The force to his movement pushed you back against the hallway wall, his left hand coming up to steady himself against it.
You felt the surprise wash over your senses as his lips engulfed your own, molding into you. You couldn't help raising your hands to his waists, only lightly gripping his hips in fear of acting too far. Still, the sweet kiss had you absolutely melting in his hold. Your eyes clenched shut tightly.
Chris pulled away after a moment to catch his breath. His forehead rests tenderly against yours, a smile gracing his pink lips as he meets your gaze. "I don't think you understand how much it means to me that you have felt the same."
Your heart beat could be heard so vividly. "Christopher Bang, you let me go through this embarrassment this entire time?"
He laughs lightly, breath fanning your cheeks. "Trust me, you were not alone. I felt like my soul left my body when I saw that text."
"I think I may have missed a few things here," you say. The way his eyes were staring into yours made it seem so obvious he was in love with you. You weren't sure if they had always looked like that, now wondering if you just never noticed. You wanted to look away from the intense emotion, but it kept you still like a magnet.
"I've wanted to confess to you for a very, very long time. I let many opportunities escape me and had recently settled for leaving us the way things were. I would have rather kept you close to me as a best friend than push you away by confessing. It wasn't important to me what you were, as long as it was with me."
Your lips form into a soft smile, hands coming up to wrap around his neck. "Oh, Chan. I never knew you could be such a romantic."
With that, you pulled his head down back to your lips, begging to feel it all over again. The one hand on the wall moved to your waist, sliding to reach the small of your back to push you closer. Your body pressed firmly into his as he made you feel things you never thought you'd be able to with him. With every connection of your lips, Chan whispers his feelings for you, filling up every one of your senses with his love.
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
congrats on 2k babes!🫶🫶🫶💖💖💖💖 if no one requested it yet, i’d like to request #7 with neteyam bc yk i’m in love with neytiri and i need her validatiooon
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another drabble for 2k and its neteyam!!!! ugh love that guy (it's currently 2am but i could not sleep so 🫶)
yawntutsyìp - darling, little loved one
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
neteyam was everything you could've asked for in a mate. he was loving, he was caring, he was kind. He knew you inside and out as you did him. but something that constantly ran through your mind was if you were good enough for him. more specifically if his mother thought you were.
you adored Neytiri. she was brave, she was powerful and she was protective. she was someone you truely looked up to. which is why when neteyam would ask you (beg you) to eat dinner at his home, however you were always weary.
"we've been together for a long enough time now, you shouldn't be afraid of my mother." neteyam was sitting across from you holding your hands tight in his grip.
"i'm not afraid! i've spoken with your mother before i just don't want her to think badly of me. i want to be a good mate for you." neteyam's expression softened as he let out a sigh before squeezing your hand reassuringly.
"my beautiful girl you know you are a good mate for me. you are wonderful in every aspect, and i know my mother sees that." you looked up to him giving him a loving gaze, kissing his lips softly before caressing his cheek.
"i'll go, okay?" neteyams smile lit up as he engulfed you in a tight embrace.
"thankyou yawntutsyìp, thankyou."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
you were seated around a low table that was set up with an array of food including bugs, small servings of fruit and the meat jake had caught early that week.
the atmosphere in your mates home was calm, it was like a warm hug almost, love filling the entire space.
"so neteyam says you are very good at weaving?" jake started the conversation right after slurping his food. neteyam smiled at you, motivating you to speak to the slightly intimidating Olo'eytkan in front of you.
"yes, yes! i make lots of jewellery for my friends and mother, and i tend to help make alot of the materials around here."
" can you make me a pretty necklace pleassee" tuk smiled up at you her eyelashes batting as she begged.
"tuk, you do not beg to the guests." neytiri chimed in, giving you an apologetic look.
"oh no! it's okay i'd love to make tuk one. she could have a matching one for the one i made neteyam? maybe?"
tuk excitedly jumped around before giving you a big hug. "thankyou thankyou." you smiled hugging her back before digging into your food.
neytiri smiled at the two girls bonding. and neteyam caught on giving his mother a knowing smile. neytiri looked at him, while you were still animatedly talking to tuk. and gave him a nod.
the nod was important. it was to say. she is a perfect mate, she is good to have around and neteyam was filled with joy as soon as he caught on.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
leaving neteyam's tent it was time for you to head home, so as he always did he started walking you home with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
"it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be" you smiled up at him, happy that the night went so well.
"my family loves you, you're going to have to come around more often."
"what about your mother? does she like me?" neteyam squeezed you a little tighter as he smiled down at you.
"my mother adores you." your face lit up, a huge smile bursting onto your face.
"she does?! oh i'm so glad." you stopped to give him a tight embrace, overwhelmed by the joy of being accepted by his mother.
"so this means you might just have to eat dinner with me every night, isn't that terrible?" you gave him a little nudge, rolling your eyes.
"i'll have to get started on tuk's necklace then if i'm coming back."
"i think you'll have to gather more supplies because she will be begging for jewellery everytime you come over." giggling you realised that you had reached where your family was situated in high camp.
neteyam leaned down to give you a soft good night kiss. "i'll see you tomorrow teyam." you gave him another kiss.
"sleep well pretty girl."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
thankyou for reading (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) reblogs super duper appreciated!!
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lehguru · 1 year
'cause i care, i care about you
there's nowhere i'd rather be
than right here right around you
i care, i care about you
nagi loves to play games until late during his break, but he loves you more
word count: 803
warnings: thank u @mars-yknow for beta reading! ily bby ♡♡; gender neutral reader, slight best friends to lovers, nagi is a lil simp + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
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‘you up?’
the text lit up his phone screen and made a loud ping echo through the speaker. his dark eyes switched quickly from the game in front of him to the device, your contact name making him want to grab the phone immediately. the game turned red, his teammates complaining about his death. after muting himself and taking his headphones off, seishiro opened up your text. as nonchalantly as he could, he typed back.
‘yea. u good?’
he noticed the time. 2AM. if you were texting him, something bad must’ve happened. he came back to playing, but his eyes often flicked to his phone again, anxiety building up in his chest. at the exact moment he won the match and the player of the game started to appear, you replied:
‘i’m good. had a nightmare tho’
that was everything he needed to hear. he got up from his pink chair – chosen by you – and picked up his coat, running from his bedroom and into the living room. while he was putting on his shoes, he texted you that he was coming to your house.
and he did.
less than ten minutes after he last texted and saw your messages, the white haired male was in front of your door, knocking softly on the wood. you opened it, your sleepy eyes meeting his own; as you allowed him inside your home, you murmured.
“you didn’t have to come.” he let out a soft hum while taking off his shoes. “i didn’t want to disturb your gaming, i know you missed it.”
he wanted to tell you that you were more important than any videogame. he wanted to tell you that you were more important than his job as a professional soccer player. he wanted to tell you that he would leave anything and anyone for you, but everything that came out of his mouth was a weak “‘s cool”.
as if it was almost automatic, from the many many times he went to your place, his feet dragged him to your bedroom, you following him close behind. when he entered your room, a soft smile appeared on his lips. one of his hoodies was thrown on your bed – he assumed you were wearing it before he came – and the perfume you wear daily entered his nostrils; it was relaxing and he adored the soft scent. he threw his body on your chair, making you chuckle while you sat down on your bed.
“do you wanna talk ‘bout your nightmare?” he asked you, his black eyes scanning your expression. you blinked at him, your eyes heavy and slightly puffy, and shook your head. “aight. move over.”
he got up and kicked your leg with his foot, to emphasize his words. you moved to the side, expecting him to just sit down on your bed with you, but the boy pulled you to lay down with him. his arms quickly wrapped around your body, holding you close; he threw his leg over your hips as soon as you tried to squirm away from his grasp. even if he felt his heart racing at the thought of you that close, nagi managed to remain calm on the outside, his face looking at you with his usual neutral expression.
“sleep.” he murmured, his lips a little too close to your ear. you put your face against his neck, feeling the smell of his soap and his cologne slowly put you to sleep again.
you tried to deny it; you recalled reo saying that you and seishiro would get married in a couple of years, but you played it off as just a joke. you two were just really good friends. the way he looked at you told you something else.
his hand softly rubbing your back brought you back to reality. his fingertips softly traced your spine on top of the shirt you wore, rubbing circles when he got tired of the up and down movement. giggling, you whispered against his skin:
“what are you doing?"
with a chuckle of his own, seishiro answered: "what are ya doin'? sleep.”
you didn’t even know what got into you, but the words went past your lips before you could stop them.
“why did you come?” a sigh left your mouth and you pulled away from his neck. “‘m very grateful you’re here, but… we could’ve stayed texting. why did you come here?”
he looked into your eyes, an unreadable expression on his face. even if you couldn’t predict what he was thinking, there was something inside his raven irises that deeply shook you; your hand instinctively came up to hold his face and nagi leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
“i will be here for anything you need. anytime.” with a soft yawn, he finished “i love you.”
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used on them belong to their respective creators!!
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