#it’s chilly and there is soup it’s perfect
dinotriple · 2 years
Souper exited for today
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elizasoulmate · 1 year
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Hearty Lentil Soup II - Vegetable Soup
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hellcatinnc · 5 months
Guys Of Love & Deepspace Perfect Partner - SFW Edition
Warning This includes: SFW(Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romantic, cuddles, snuggling, romance, poetry, kisses, french kissing, breakfast in bed, pet names, cuddles from nightmares, taking care of you when your sick, care, cooking together, food, movie watching
Feature: x Fem! Reader
He challenges your mind and can talk to you about some of the most interesting things at times, however he can also bore you sometimes if he gets too lost in his medical advisories
if you ask nicely he will let you lay in his arms as he reads to you may not always be what you want to hear but its his way of comforting you
if you fall asleep on the couch he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he doesn't want you getting chilly and catching cold
he will make you soup and make sure to have medicines on hand for you when your sick
he is the guy that when he kisses you he will always caress your cheek first before engulfing your lips into his
kissing is how he expresses his feelings sometimes when words escape him or he has a hard time expressing them. If he french kisses you while already kissing you then he is showing you the passion you bring out in him
he loves to take you to nice restaurants ones you been wanting to try and the money isn't a issue and he always pays even when you try he will take care of it before you even get a chance to try. He knows you don't have the money his job has and he wants to spend it on whatever your heart wants.
he loves taking you on vacations when his work allows its and tries to make as much time as he can to be on those vacations longer than just a day.
Even though he doesn't always show it due to lack there of knowing how to express how he feels sometimes, he is a doctor because he does care about people but he cares about you more than any of them and you should never forget that.
Most times he will use your name and not pet names but if your good and you beg him to show the endearments you might get him to call you honey or dear but in the bedroom you might just get called kitten if you ask nicely
he gives you the silent treatment when he is mad, but he can't stay mad with you long especially if you bug him and try to cuddle and kiss him he will forgive you in no time
he lectures you because he cares when it comes to your health and how you eat, granted you have to tune him out most times when you want that sweet piece of cake or that bowl of ice cream but he means well.
he is the guy that will put his coat around you when your cold
he carries candy with him all the time and in certain moments that may stress you out he will simply pull one out to make you smile again even if only for a little while
he has a sweet tooth but he tries to keep that from anyone knowing because well he is a heart doctor and telling people whats not healthy and to stay away from would just make him look like a hypocrite
he is very subtle when he does little things to impress you or let you know he cares, if you don't know him well enough you will miss these hints
he will carry an umbrella on rainy days and even when you forget yours, he may not say anything to you but when it starts pouring down he will just open his umbrella and put it over both of your heads
when he doesn't think your looking he will smile if nothing but for a moment because even though he spends so much time babbling about what you should do to change trust me he wants you just the way you are flaws and all even though he can't say it....yet!
he will call you after a late night at the hospital especially after a stressful day and although its a short call and you don't know why he is calling but its because after all the stress in his day your the only one that makes his heart a little lighter
he loves making little snow creatures for you to hold on to when he can't always be with you
he loves cats they fascinate him he loves to watch them as they bask in the sunlight or lay under a table. the first animal you two will probably get will be a cat
he likes sending you text messages some that are meaningless but they make him smile even if you can't always see him smile
He always spoons you every night before sleep
he is very romantic a bit of a hopeless romantic
loves to call you pet names like darling, baby, and honey
breakfast in bed when you worked so hard the day before
will run you bubble bath after a long day
never forgets birthdays, anniversaries, and especially not valentines' day this man lives for these holidays to shower you with gifts
he will stay by your side when your sick taking care of all your needs
he can be clingy but honestly in a good way its part of his charm
he does have abandonment issues but this means when he is loyal to you he will never ever leave you as long as you never leave him
he has lower self esteem than you think he does, he flirts and comes off that he has it all together but when he is vulnerable you can see the scared little boy under it all afraid to live without you and afraid he will mess it up and you leave
he will fall asleep with his head on your lap or lean against you so you can rub his hair
he may seem like a baby girl but down deep he really is just a genuine guy, yes a bit flirty but its all fluff to make you notice him because when you make those advances back you will leave him flustered.
he is very caring and will always be compassionate with your needs
he will always protect you and keep you safe. He is that guy that will pull you into his arms to shelter you from harm, or jump in front of a bullet if he feels its to save your life
he will fall asleep sitting on the couch, in a chair or against the wall because you had to work late and he refuses to go to bed without you.
he is the guy who likes matching shirts, or ones that say he is your is prince and your his princess
he will hold you hand any chance he gets but you can't just drop his hand whenever you want, when he slides his fingers between yours this isn't jsut regular pda he is telling you no matter where you are...you complete him!
he is the guy that will bring you an umbrella then pray you will put it aside and stand in the pouring rain with him. He will be that guy from romantic movie clique where he will pull you close while you are soaked to kiss your lips so tenderly you almost lose your breath.
he is very loyal and if he makes a promise its set in stone if he has to move heaven on earth or dive the lowest depths of the ocean he will make it happen
loves to recite poetry to you to show you his affection
he loves to give you compliments daily like your beautiful, stunning, a model or anything that makes you smile because that was his goal all along. He will do anything for that smile, that smile that you show to only him, its like no other smile that lights up your face and only he notices the difference.
He loves when you tell him about your day if you spend with friends or what not but he does get jealous if they made you smile because really he wants to be the only one that makes you smile. Then he might get pouty and ask if he can join next time.
he will take you to play the claw machine just so he can win every one of the plushies for you
he will take you to the arcade and he will play every game that gives him tickets so he can turn it in and surprise you with something you wanted from the prizes
he can be greedy when it comes to you, he is a introvert anyways so if he could keep you to himself and never share you well he would be in heaven
he likes to be playful in your banter with him he just enjoys this time together this is how he knows your the woman he wants to spend his life growing old with...yes he has been thinking about popping the question way before he should but he is waiting for the time to be the most romantic and when he doesn't think he will scare you away. Know this though he would have already married you if you would have let him.
he will carry your bags with no complaint
He likes to have a romantic night under the stars just you and him and a blanket with your favorite champagne or wine
he will keep the house clean and in order for you if your sick and can't do it because he knows it will be helpful for you
he will cook you a meal and alternate nights of when you cook and do the dishes however he isn't the best cook so be prepared to watch or help one
picnics are cute and sweet and he loves laying in the sunlight with you taking it all in and making memories
he is a good listener since he doesn't talk unless he needs to. He will lay with you for hours as you tell him the good and the bad in your day without every interrupting you or changing the subject.
he tries to be an optimist to keep you level when you feel like the world is caving in on you
when you cry he will be the first there to wipe those tears off your face and make sure you feel validated
he does have a mischievous/cheeky side to him that comes out when you least expect it
he will spend all day playing the claw machine even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics just so he can get the plushie you wanted most
he will turn on the shower and get your towel and stuff together just so you can have a nice hot shower...he might join you though ;)
he will go grocery shopping with you and carry those bags of groceries even though he complains a bit he really means nothing by it more of a banter than anything
he likes when you tug his shirt to let him know you don't want him to leave even if you didn't say it
he likes a good movie on the couch cuddled up next to you, after all the work he does everyday this is perfect way to relax with you in his arms.
he won't tell you but when you feed him things like strawberries by mouth you think he is focusing on the strawberries instead its the feel of your fingers touching his lips which make him want to kiss you, then when you put them in your mouth he can't take it any longer he will pull you in for a kiss by then.
he doesn't mind watching chic flicks with you and you talking about the lead actor being hot but he will sit there and tell you why all the reasons he is a better hunter and that this guy you find so hot to be the most horrible hunter he had ever seen...the green eyed devil bites him from time to time
when you fall asleep on him in a movie he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he won't linger but thats because he respects you in that way
if you have a night mare he will run to your side comforting you. he will tuck your hair behind your ear, turn on the light by your bedside table and let you tell him about it, then he will tuck you back in bed and hold you the rest of the night to watch over you while you sleep
he likes to pick at you at times, like one night he woke you and you were calling his name, he reminded you that dreams are what you think about all day he will tell you with a joke that he knows now you were pining for him all day this is just some of his banter and fun ways he picks on you
when your hands are cold he will intertwine his fingers in your and rub them getting them nice and warm for you
if you find yourself in the hospital he will sit right there with you until your feeling better and can go home he will be very stern but thats cause he cares so if the doctor says lay down he will make sure you do if they say don't talk he will put his finger over your mouth to hush you. this is the serious side of him you never knew was there but he is worried cause you are in the hospital
he can be very over protective at times
when he has alone time with you he doesn't want to share it so he will mute your phone and his if it gets too annoying he will turn them off this is his time right now
he loves to snuggle into your lap and nuzzle into you this is the time you get to feel the closest to him, this is that bit of him thats vulnerable, that part that will admit that in his lifetime he has never met someone as special and as important to him as you are to him
he loves to sleep but has a hard time sleeping most places cause he always has his guard up but when he is in your arms he sleeps the best, soundly and feels safe with you even if he thinks he is the more skilled fighter
if you have something on your mouth he will lean into wipe it from your lips stealing a kiss while he is already there
he is very confident in himself even though he doesn't do well with others most times he is still comfortable in his own skin especially since your beside him touching that very skin as he loves when your caress his hands and arms when you are cuddled in a blanket on a cold day
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trashmouth-richie · 7 months
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eddie x fem reader
chapter summary: how sweet it is, to be loved.
series summary: You were desperate for a roommate after Nancy got married and moved out. An ad in the paper goes unanswered until someone comes knocking on the door.
special thanks: to anyone and everyone who read a single chapter or kept up with this series to the end, thank you so much- this story wouldn’t be possible without your support.
author’s note: I can’t believe this is the final chapter for this series, I’m feeling so many emotions right now but mostly just love for Eddie and Tooty and everything in between. Thank you to anyone who has helped me beta ( @sweetsweetjellybean especially!)this story or fan girled with me over upcoming chapters. To any of the very talented artists who have made any art for this series, thank you so very much, each and every piece holds such a special place in my heart. To anyone who is mentioned in this story, thank you so so much, @loveshotzz @chechelia @carolmunson @mopeymopeymouse and everyone else— thank you for allowing me to include you in this series. To everyone who has liked, rb’d left a comment or interacted in any way with this series— THANK YOU. This series has brought such joy & heartache to me, and I’m so lucky to have people enjoy it. 🖤
Jelly —grape, not strawberry
Chicken thighs— babe are you making fun of me?
Heartburn medicine
You tap the chewed cap of your pen along the lined paper of a scribble heavy grocery list. Desperately wishing you had x-ray vision to see inside your cabinets and remember what you were in need of, you chew the cap again.
Giggling to yourself every so often at Eddie’s notes on the grocery list. Crossing off items he thought weren’t needed, mostly vegetables he didn’t like. And always making sure you got his favorites. And not, “that healthy bullshit cereal, give me sugar or kill me babe, I will not eat Raisin Bran” 
Peanut butter 
Sunny D
Heavy cream
Chicken stock
Hey sweetheart can you please get me some candy? I like skittles but you know I love m&ms.. and twizzlers, it’s for the shop. :) 
The lady behind the desk chirps a name again, but you are still racking your brain on what else was needed. The soup you had planned on making tonight would be perfect for the chilly weather rolling in. November was coming in like a lion, ferociously cold and temperatures already dipping below zero. 
Eddie loved your potato soup, so much that he begged you to make it after another long, grisly week at the shop. 
He loved everything you made, even your chili that he doctored up by adding sour cream and Doritos to it. Bon Appetit he would say with a smirk on his lips, a heaping bowl steaming in front of him. 
The clerk behind the desk tutted and huffed, the schedule was getting behind.  
“Tooty Munson! Is there a Tooty Munson here?”
You glance up quickly at the sound of your name, “shit,” you breathe, “here, yes,” you scramble shoving the list and pen into your purse, buried amongst the gum wrappers and a spilled container of tic-tacs. 
The receptionist clicks her papers against the formica counter and holds her nose in the air, as if this job and you were beneath her. 
“He’s ready for you now.”
“…alright, Ed, did ya look o’er those applications yet? ‘Tween you D and Mike I don’t think we are going to be able to keep up everything that we got on the schedule.” 
Wayne’s eyebrows are raised as he looks over the bifocals perched on his nose. He had been scouring over the schedules and the books for the better half of the afternoon since lunch hour—trying to figure out how to swing their overloaded schedule. 
It wasn’t that they couldn’t do the work, they were simply short handed. After Boom closed his doors  in Hawkins, he had recommended to his regulars that they travel to Bridgeport to Master Mechanics to see Eddie and Wayne. Business was booming, and the Munson’s could barely keep up.
Early on, Wayne and Eddie decided they would only be open until noon on Saturday’s but now with the packed schedule, they worked til almost dark every night of the week, including some Sundays.
Wayne rubs his short nails through his scratchy mostly white scruff, “we can’t have these boys workin’ like this, they’ll quit on us before you can slap a tick.”
Eddie was leaning against the doorway, a bottle of Coca Cola held limp in his hand, a greasy rag stuffed in his back pocket. 
“Yeah,” he yawns, stretching out his back, “let’s hire ‘em all, we need the extra hands, or I’m gonna need an extra back.”
Wayne grunts in confirmation. The highlighter squeaks as it’s drug across the phone numbers on the applications, “I’ll call ‘em first thing in the morning,” he straightens up his desk and shoves the papers into a drawer. 
His glasses clink as he folds them up and lays them next to a picture of the newlywed Munson’s. He leans back in his chair, the leather crinkling beneath his worn coveralls, “I’m callin’ it for the day,” he exhaled, staring up at the ceiling, “it’s been one helluva week and I’m shot, tell the boys to go home to their wives.” 
“and you too,” he points, “go take care of your wife, Ed, tell her I hope she starts to feelin’ better.” 
Eddie’s curls bounce as he nods his head, completely drained from the week, shit maybe he was getting sick too? “she went to the doctor today, probably just the flu, Max told her it was going around.” 
“Well then,” Wayne says, standing up and clicking off the table lamp, “take tomorrow off and rest–
both of ya, hear me?” 
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” 
Eddie’s tires crunch on the ice and hard packed snow of the driveway, a silent serenity, meaning he is only moments away from holding you in his arms, seconds away from kissing your lips, and if he was lucky, minutes from eating something delicious to fill his grumbling stomach. 
He throws the truck into neutral, killing the engine and tossing the keys around his finger. Tracks from your Jeep tires lead into the garage he had built last spring. A huge project that your friends were paid in beer and a bonfire when it was all finished. 
Thrusting his sore hands into his canvas coat, he ducked his chin into the zipper and braved the asthma inducing gust of wind to the front door as it whipped through his curls. 
The house was oddly quiet, only the hum of the refrigerator making any sort of sound. Usually when he came home you’d be playing the radio, or talking on the phone to Max or Nancy, greeting him with a pop of your head around the wall in the kitchen or from the hallway, the prettiest smile put on your lips. 
“Princess?” he called out in endearment as he untied his boots and put them on the shoe rack. His coatwas already hanging on its hook, usually next to your purse but your purse was thrown onto the arm chair, and your shoes were in the hallway like you had walked right out of them. 
He undid the buttons of his work blues, letting them hang at his waist like a mechanic cape. Socked feet trudge down the carpeted hallway, you must not be feeling any better, probably too exhausted to make it out of bed.
But Eddie was wrong.
You were perched on top of the comforter, coat still on but unzipped staring at the door waiting for his arrival, fuzzy socks on your wiggling toes. 
“Hey, handsome,” you said, trying to keep your pitch even. 
“There’s my girl,” his velvet voice wrapping around you like a hug as he crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching for your left hand and kissing the finger that adorned the prettiest ring he’d ever bought, “how’s my beautiful wife?” 
It had been five months since you said I do. A June wedding in your own backyard, filled with friends who had served as family for years, gathered by your sides. 
“I forgot the potatoes,” you say blankly, a weird little smile on your face. 
Eddie sits down next to you, rubbing your thigh back and forth and letting out an exhausted yawn, “That’s alright, I can make us some grilled cheese if you’re up for—”
“I was looking at my grocery list, and couldn’t remember what I’d forgot.”
Eddie’s confused, but wants to reassure you that its no big deal, he’s a grown man he can certainly make supper for himself and his wife. “Sweetheart it’s okay, don’t beat yours—“
“Can’t make potato soup without potatoes.” And this time you laugh, kind of whimsically and in disbelief. 
His brows turn inward, still he just keeps reassuring you that everything is fine, “It’s okay Tooty, seriously. Let me go make you some—”
And for the third time tonight, you interrupted him, “doctor said that’s normal.”
He’s exhausted and is honestly more confused than he would like to admit, “what? The flu?” 
“No, no. “ you say, a twisted little smirk on your face, “forgetting things, throwing up in the morning, being exhausted… totally normal.” 
“Babe?” He moves to touch the back of his hand to your head, wincing when he realizes that he’s probably freezing.
“I was so scared the last time,” you whisper, teary eyed, “terrified.. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but now—.”
Eddie reaches for your cheeks, holding them softly, his eyes searching yours, desperate to figure out what the hell is going on, “what am I missing here? It’s normal to have… the flu?” 
“No, it’s not the flu,” you finally admit, looking up at him and rubbing the back of his hands with your thumbs, 
“Eddie, I’m pregnant.”
You could fill an empty pool up from the tears that sprung from Eddie’s eyes that night. He was overjoyed, holding you tight while he wept into your hair. Kissing your belly and whispering to the baby. Small streaks of tears flowing down your swollen skin and the faded scar across your lower belly. 
Each month that ticked by, Eddie’s worry only doubled. 
The day after you had found out, he woke early. Watching as your chest rose and fell as you slept soundly in the original mock up of his hellfire shirt.
It was threadbare, cotton worn so thin it was practically see through— but you claimed it as your own back in the early days of your new relationship, hands on your hips and the infamous pout on your lip as you playfully argued with him about how it was now yours. 
Dusk painted the diamond covered ground from the fresh snow over night. Falling as delicately as his lips allover your skin. Soaking up the dainty noises from your throat when he carefully slid into you, tears spilling from both of your eyelashes, love filling the room more sweetly than it ever had before. 
The soft cotton of the blankets hugged your curves, and he exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he gazed down at his beautiful— now pregnant— wife. 
His sweet Tooty, carrying a gift more precious than gold. 
Kissing your cheek—he dressed quietly, scribbling a note on the bedside table about going into town for a bit, but to just relax in bed until he got home. 
You were having a dreamless sleep, not even sugarplums could dance in your head with the overwhelming exhaustion that your body was trying desperately to catch up from. 
Something cold then silky smooth brushed against your cheek, and a velvet voice sang a little good morning greeting into your ear. Your loving husband. Pressing sweet angel kisses behind your ear and on your eyelids. 
Your bedroom was lit with the glow of a warm sun in the afternoon light. Playing a yellowed hue of warmth across your comforter, pulling the caramel color from Eddie’s curls and making his eyes look like a dreamy cup of coffee swirling with creamer. 
His lips hug yours, both smiling into one another. Heart swelling more than your toes would in the months to come. 
C’mon, got a surprise for you, princess. 
The spare bedroom that was once a room for band equipment, then Max’s bedroom for almost a year before she eventually moved in with Gareth and Will, now held storage, was completely organized, and held a wide array of items. 
A crib, brand new and still in the box, a pack n play, a swing, every box of diapers ranging from size 1 - 5, baby gates, outlet covers, fancy locks for cabinets and drawers, rubber bumpers for sharp corners and edges of tables. 
A bookshelf full of baby books, how to’s for new parents, nursery rhymes by mother goose, books suggesting baby names and their meanings, and a guide on how to quit smoking. 
Tucked into the corner of the room by the bookshelf and near the window, was a rocking chair. 
 “Eddie,” you gasp, running sleep from your eyes, “wh-what is all of this?” 
He’s smiling ear to ear, trying to curb his enthusiasm a tiny bit. “I might have gotten a little carried away.” 
Turning towards the shelf you see a plastic sack, full of candy and bubble gum, and mints. “Edward Joseph Munson.” 
“Don’t scold me, mama,” he jokes, grabbing onto your hips and kissing your hairline, “I’m just spoiling our baby.”
God you loved this man, he’d break his neck to give you the world. He was the most loving husband, and now you got to see him step into a new role. One completely foreign to you both, only have shared the idea for a few moments before it was ripped away. 
You lean into him, holding him tight and working your nose into the crook of his neck. “You’re gonna be the best dad, Eddie.”
He doesn’t hide the tear that slips down his cheek, just lets it slide and collect under his chin, his voice is quiet when he asks, “you really think so?”
“I know it.”
Wayne and Karen followed behind the new family in his pickup all the way home from the hospital. They were going to stay for a few days, help you both get adjusted to life as parents.
Karen and Nancy had filled your freezer with casseroles, soups and fresh bread. It was a hot July day when you were scheduled for the c section, and when it was all said and done four days in the hospital was more than enough and you were ready to be at home, snuggled up with your new family. 
It was a battle of which Munson man could shed the most tears. Eddie and Wayne were both wiping away tears for hours. Overjoyed with emotions that everyone was healthy. 
“No you don’t,” Wayne said as you reached for the back door to grab the diaper bag, “you go right inside and get comfy, get them legs up!”
You do as your told, leaving Wayne, Eddie and Karen to carry the load in. The hospital stay was overwhelmingly sweet, but you knew Eddie was itching to get back to normalcy, still not liking the way he felt cooped up in the hospital even though it had been years since you both had the horrifying visit. 
Bags and suitcases are carried in and set into your master bedroom to be unpacked later, bottles and diapers are stacked and put into their respectable places. Karen starts warming up the chicken casserole she had prepared earlier that day. Wayne fussed around with the new dishwasher that he and Eddie had installed the month prior. 
Throughout the commotion you had fallen asleep, legs propped up in the recliner, but you woke to the sound of the front door closing, and there he was.
Eddie was holding them both, large hands cocooned around their swaddled little bodies, crooked into each of his arms. Something he was nervous about but slowly getting the hang of, the nurses told him he was a natural, and Wayne wept into Karen’s shoulder when Eddie introduced the twins to their grandpa. 
His normal obnoxious voice was murmuring low and quiet like a soft lullaby so as not to stir awake the sleeping little babies. 
He looked at them both, adoration and tears springing into his eyes. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. How he could have helped make something so small and delicate, he wouldn’t understand. But, he didn’t need to. 
A boy, born first— with his dark eyes and brown hair, and later the little girl, almost identical to his Tooty, and just as stubborn, both already wrapped around his fingers.
He murmured their names, and caught your eye as he said it, a smile so wide on his face that you were sure new dimples would bust through his cheeks, and you only heard the end of what he was saying. 
If you would have told yourself five years ago that you would one day own a home, get married to and have twins with Eddie Munson, you would have laughed on the spot. That loud mouth jackass of a guy you had once regretted letting move into your home, had moved right into your heart and never left. 
The demons inside you both were finally at bay, finding solace in one another in more ways than you had thought possible. Being loved by Eddie was everything you had thought love should be like. 
And you pinch yourself to make sure it's real, and each and every time, it is. 
“…babies,” he says, a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes as he looks over at you, his family, “we’re home.” 
The end
♡tag list: @dashingdeb16 @emxxblog @pretendthisnameisclever @mommybaby-witch @eddies-acousticguitar @tlclick73 @figmentofquinn @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @whenshelanded @micheledawn1975 @3rd-conchord * @leelei1980 @browneyes8288 @emilyslutface @mmunson86 @josephquinnsfreckles @eddiesxangel @elegantkoalapaper * @str4ngergirlw0rld * @corrodedcoffincumslut @nailbatanddungeon @crybabyddl @zenathebeautiful @astela17 @taintedcigs @bettyfrommars @munsonsuccubus @munson-blurbs @hollandweather @serasvictoria @steviesgrl @curiositydooropened @ashyyboyy @urlbitchin @sllooney @lame0o @ali-r3n @bangaveragewhitewine @b-irock @enam3l @luxaeterna13 @manda-panda-monium @elthreetimes @joejoequinnquinn
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glennrheesworld · 2 months
if you do negan could you do any kind of thing about reader being his son and meeting up after not seeing eachother for the apocalypse
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genre: angst & fluff pairing: Negan x m!reader summary: It's been years since the reader has last heard of and seen his dad, Negan. That's until now. warning: cursing & mention of death
a/n: wrote this whole entire thing at 2AM... my sleep schedule is fucked up 😭 (not proofread)
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Negan had left you and Mom back at home, as he had decided to find the necessary medical supplies to aid Mom’s health condition. But he was taking a while and so you decided to go out and look for him; leaving behind Mom who was sleeping soundlessly.
After aimlessly yet cautiously walking around town, you had found yourself lost. Everything was in ruins and just unrecognizable, which made matters worse. You didn’t know where to go or where to find Negan. It had been a full day and when you finally found your way back home, you came face-to-face with a terrifying scene.
Mom’s heart had stopped. And Mom was no longer Mom, but a corpse rotting on the bed you would often cuddle in with her.
You couldn’t hold back the tears that began to spill, the heartache burning inside you as you clutched at your chest. Dad was nowhere to be seen. So, you stayed there for a week, expecting Dad to show up, maybe even expecting that everything would be back to normal when you closed your eyes every night. Desperately wanting to wake up from this nightmare.
— — —
It had been years since the death of Mom and since you’ve seen Negan. You didn’t know what happened to Dad, but one thing was for sure. You hated him for leaving that day and not returning.
Surviving on your own wasn’t as hard as you thought. Sure, you had no company and were often bored of the silence, yet it was peaceful. You still miss Mom and Dad, but you learned to live on your own, to live for them.
Walking through a now abandoned neighborhood, you could feel the soft breeze of the chilly summer afternoon. You were searching for shelter, as you had been sleeping in a car for the past month before someone decided to ransack the vehicle, taking almost everything, you had inside.
Finally reaching a nice and somewhat clean-looking house, you decide to enter it. Ready in case a Walker lunges at you. You open the door wide enough, holstering your machete as your eyes scan the inside.
After a while of making sure the home was clear of Walkers, you shut the door and let yourself fall on the couch, a sigh leaving your lips.
Your stomach grumbles, reminding you that you haven’t eaten in days. With a soft groan, you get off the couch and walk into the kitchen. It was small, yet colorful. You open the cabinets and cupboards only two find a few canned foods.
Turning the 4 cans, you read the front of them: Canned Corn, Canned Peaches, Tomato Soup, and Baked Beans. It wasn’t something appetizing, but it would do the job. A spoonful of corn is shoved into your mouth, helping to get rid of the hunger you’re feeling. The can was almost empty, and your boredom was beginning to get to you.
But before you can even think of what to do, the sound of footsteps can be heard right outside the front door.
Fuck, why this house out of all?
You thought to yourself before quickly shoving the other canned food into your backpack and getting your machete readying in a strong grip. Your eyes dart around the kitchen, trying to find the perfect hiding spot. The pantry or under the table.
The door opens and you can hear what sounds like three men talking, steps getting closer, and just before they reach the kitchen, you duck under the table.
Pressing your back against the wall, you bite your tongue to keep quiet and ready for anything. Your eyes follow the shoes as they walk past the table. The noise of cabinets flying open, and dishes being moved around with the sound of two men talking filled the small kitchen before it slowly faded away.
You discreetly watch from under the table, following the men walk out of the kitchen with your eyes, The floorboards and staircase creak as they walk up to the second level of the home. This was your only chance to get out and so you took it.
Sneaking out from under the table you fix your backpack before quietly running out of the kitchen into the living room, almost out the front door before you’re stopped halfway.
“Oh, not so fast young man.” A teasing voice calls after you, having caught you trying to run out of the house. A voice you recognized so well.
You grit your teeth, cursing under your breath, “Shit.” You weren’t expecting anyone to be in the living room.
Slow heavy steps walk to behind you, your back facing this stranger.
“If I were you, I would drop that.” He’s talking about your machete. You feel your eyes sting and your heart begins to beat with anxiety. Something you haven’t felt in so long.
You slowly turn around with hands raised, weapon still in your possession. Your eyes land on his face.
He looked the same but, still different. Something about him had changed and you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
“Dad?” Your voice wavers, holding yourself together.
Negan’s smirk falls off his face when he stares at you, eyes scanning your face. His eyes search yours, trying to read you. Wondering if he was dreaming again.
“Son?” He lowers his bat, face softening when it fully settles in him. He had found you, after years of searching. You were there, standing just a couple of feet away from him. All this time he thought his only son was gone forever, never to be found.
Even though you had so much anger bottled up inside you, you still couldn't hold back the joy and relief you felt when seeing your dad. Without hesitation, you drop your weapon and run toward him, embracing him in a tight and much-needed hug.
“Every day, I thought about you,” Negan tightens the hug, the sensation of feeling the love and relief from him made you at ease. He lets out a chuckle, pulling you back to grab the sides of your shoulders, looking you up and down.
He smiles down at you, eyes teary as he sniffles. “You've grown into a hell of a survivor, kid. I'm proud of you.” He grabs your face before ruffling your hair, earning a slight groan from you.
“I learned from the best.” You tell him, a sad smile on your lips. Negan seems to take notice of it as he pats your shoulder. “I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I promised.”
His words make your heartache.
“It’s all in the past now… I’m just glad to have found you, Dad.” You remind him, blinking back tears before he pulls you back into a hug. This time, something different filled the room.
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catcze · 7 months
Do you think neuvi being a dragon sovereign and all makes him sensitive to cold climates? Bc dragons are like big snakes right? Rip when he visits the fortress it can probably get pretty chilly down there because it's metal and a lot of metals have a high thermal conductivity.
!!! Honestly, i haven't really thought about it before, but now that you mention it i can see that happening HAHAHAH What if that's actually one of the reasons why he doesn't come down there super duper often, but he just can't really say it to anyone because, you know, he'd have to spill the beans on being a dragon sovereign, which he doesn't really wanna do.
Awh I'm just imagining Neuvi on a cold winter day who stays indoors and bundled up under the sheets. You're bustling about, warming some water and soup for him in case the chill reaches his bones, and making sure that your home's heater is working fine. You know, I can kinda see Neuvi always sorta just moving in with you on days where the temperatures are lower— in part because returning home from trials and reading through files to a home that's already warm and cozy is always nice, but also because it's a delight to have someone fuss about him for once. Because sure, the cold weather might not be the best for him, but he can't really bring himself to hate it too much when it's the perfect excuse to stay in your warm home, to be able to cook warm meals with you, and to have you pop your head into the room every now and then, checking if he's fine with the blankets.
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coqxettee · 1 year
Coquette night routine:
My current Spring night routine: 🌸🍵🌙
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Once I get in from being out for the day/doing work I usually get changed into some comfy clothes, and light a candle for a relaxing evening ahead. The sky is still so light outside, (I can’t wait for summer) so I have a lovely evening ahead of me ♡
I tidy my room and make sure everything is clean and put away. I usually open my bedroom window too, to air it (if I haven’t done so already in the day) and to get some of the Spring fresh air before I settle down for the evening. I spray my room with a floral room spritz too ♡
I usually read or journal on my bed until I’m called for dinner. I love reading fairytales in late spring and anything light-hearted/romantic ♡
For dinner I have been having light meals. We’re coming up to summer and the weather has been rather warm recently so something light is perfect. Either soup or salad, and usually before or after dinner I have some cold fruit too ♡
Once I’ve eaten I will watch a comfort film. The Harry Potter series has been added to my countries Netflix recently so I have been watching them every evening. Sometimes I have a light, sweet snack whilst watching too. But I never eat more than 3 hours before bed usually ♡
I make some hot lemon tea and go back into my room to watch a comfort episode of something. I love the Beatrix Potter/Peter rabbit episodes you can watch online for free. They are so comforting, beautiful and radiate such coquette, cottagecore vibes. Perfect for this time of year ♡
Usually I play a wind-down video game. Either Animal crossing or Minecraft. I associate both of these games with Spring because they are light-hearted and allow me to be creative of an evening ♡
Once I’ve let my food digest for a couple of hours or so, I get my yoga mat out and begin stretching for the evening. I try and do Pilates/yoga or a K-pop dance routine everyday and a stretching routine. (Apart from setting my alarm) I also don’t go on my phone from this point onwards, so there are no screens/blue lights before bed ♡
Shower time. I usually shower quite late before bed and every morning too. I just like the way it makes me feel more fresh but obviously not everyone likes doing this so don’t feel you have to! I use my marshmallow shower gel, coconut body cream or my cherry-blossom body cream too. I love washing the day off ♡
Then I take off my days makeup and do my skincare whilst usually watching Vogue beauty secrets. It’s such a comforting thing to watch when your taking off/putting on your makeup. I also spray myself with a lavender body mist to help me sleep, and of course I brush my teeth ♡
I then get changed into a nightgown or some cotton/airy pyjamas. I don’t like to wear anything too constricting in Spring, which is why I love vintage nightwear. Or I wear my Brandy Melville, heart lace pyjamas ♡
I brush my hair through thoroughly whilst listening to classical music, and tie it up either with a ribbon or hair tie so it doesn’t mess up when I sleep ♡
I pick out my outfit for the next day the night before and lay it out on my vanity so I know what I’m wearing the following morning ♡
I turn my electric blanket on if it is a little chilly that night and say goodnight to my parents. I switch my fairy lights on and get into bed ♡
I either listen to relaxing “Lana Del Rey” songs or nursery rhymes ♡
I usually journal about my day to reflect on everything that has happened and I write my to-do list for the following day ♡
I read every night for half an hour or more. Usually it’s a fairytale so my head is filled with magic before I sleep ♡
Before I sleep I play rain music or rainforest sounds, or I choose a subliminal to listen to overnight from my library, and I spray my pillow with “Lavender pillow mist” or I use a sleep oil to help me get to sleep ♡
If I haven’t done it already, I set my alarm for 7AM, to ensure I have a productive morning the next morning. I make sure to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. I love waking up early and listening to the bird song, especially now since the Sunrise is at 4am ♡
I count sheep & swans and like to imagine fantasy lands in my head before I sleep, and hope to be transported there in my dreams, before I finally drift off to the land of Z z z ♡
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winonaparadise · 9 months
short story 💯
wrote a very quick story about a class i took in college. if you like my writing in my videos you may like this
Five years ago today I was clawing through state university. I had switched majors in an effort to come away with something more material from my college experience – but I was also trying to earn as many credits with as few courses to keep my schooling short and cheap.
I took a heavy weighted class in “media law.” A subject notoriously as intricate as it is absolutely fucking stupid. Anything you could learn, Disney will change tommorrow. The professor was an adjunct, splitting his time between the humble basement where boys with Pulp Fiction posters in their dorms fiddled with cameras and the actual law school where he was employed some miles down the road. I have never seen Pulp Fiction, but I’ve fiddled with enough cameras and enough of the boys who own them to have reviewed it twice. This is not a problem to me now.
Then I was stupid. Twenty. And basically friendless. I spent all my time trying to make something the same way the universe spent billions of years pouring hot soup into holes and hoping life would bubble out. I studied Japanese during quiet matches of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I never got a win, and I never got an “A” in Japanese.
Weeks of school went by as I skimmed textbooks, got high, and thought about talking to literally anyone. Academic words danced around the edges of my brain like sand. I wrote essays on the same autopilot I write today. Feverish. Flowing. Fantasizing about what it would be like to go out with someone instead of texting a girl who now lived in Japan and making ramen noodles while listening for footsteps in a digital warzone.
I did all my work. I submitted it on something called “canvas” that the muscle memory in my fingers still types in search bars to this day. I never checked my grades. I knew they were bad.
Classes dragged me through the week on a bungee cord. I lived a block away from the bulk of them and found myself drifting in halls of buildings I’d never attended just to keep myself from meandering back home to draw a bad comic about a girl who lived in hell. 
I knew nobody. I went nowhere. I struggled to do classwork alone on outdoor benches dreaming of someone speaking to me. I needed to live in hell instead.
My media law professor was late the weekend after our first term essays were due. I don’t know what mode of transportation he took to get from one school to the other but today the Carolina sun had drenched him sweaty. We were chilly waiting for him to begin.
“Just about every single one of you failed.” He spat and chugged coffee through the entire period. “While I first was grading I thought I was the one who failed.”
He didn’t let the moment of respite last. “But I also did something I’ve never done before.” He paced like my father did when a restaurant was closed early. “I gave out my first perfect score. Which prevents me from grading on a curve.”
He huffed, he assigned a new reading, and he rushed out like he had lit dynamite. “Do better!” “What an asshole.” The girl who sat next to me in every class spoke as if she had been holding her breath. “Fuck him and fuck whoever got that hundred.”
“I know right!” I launched in on her anger, feeling it too. Back and forth we complained. We walked off campus together. She had long blonde hair and towered over me. I had felt ugly and mousey next to her, but today I felt like her equal. It felt good to bitch.
“I got a fucking 50. What about you?”
“It wasn’t pretty.” I recalled how I stayed up the night before the assignment was due. I milked bullshit into a puree. I got a rush of adrenaline from killing someone with a shotgun through a door in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Pochinki. I was probably close to being expelled. “This class is too fucking hard,” she smoked and shook her head by a bus stop on Tate Street. “I’m not about to lose my freetime over it.”
“Right.” I imagined her at parties. Black silhouettes against colored lights and deafening music. Like The Social Network. “We should be partners for the next assignment,” she got out her phone and passed it to me for my number. I typed it in. I waved her off on the bus. We did the assignment together. We texted each other about our studies. We joked about finding the guy who got the perfect score and beating him senseless. I thought about talking to her about my art or what we were making in other classes, but never did.
Towards the end of the semester I had to plan the next. A whirlpool churned in my stomach as I clicked on “grades” on my campus’ online portal. I had an A+ in a single course. 
Media Law.
My friend from class texted me that she was dreading the final. I texted her that if we failed I would kill Mr. Perfect Score. She texted “lol.”
She passed the course. I got my degree so I assume I did too. We stopped texting.
That professor emailed me asking me to take a course at the law school down the road. He said he would let me sit in and see if I wanted to change majors a third time. I never replied.
A law degree would just make Mr. Perfect Score a hundred times more punchable.
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simmergetic · 6 months
Santa's 'Lil Wonderland
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Happy Holidays! I am so excited to announce that Santa's 'Lil Wonderland is officially uploaded! I put a lot of time and effort into this build and had so much fun creating it. I hope you have just as much fun playing it. Hope you all have a great holiday season. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions!
A few notes...
-this lot has been play tested with no issues found
-it is recommended you clear your cache and thumbnails before attempting to open this lot as it requires a lot of memory
-this lot is free of custom content
-requires ALL expansions including Holiday Stuff
Santa’s Retreat
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“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… Jack Frost nipping at your nose.”
As the freezing temperatures set in over the quaint village, many seek shelter and comfort in Santa’s Retreat in hopes of easing holiday stress. Some will get warm by the fireplace while listening to sounds of the piano, while others might head upstairs for a massage from the village’s best (and only) massage therapist around or sweat out all those Christmas cookies in the hot ‘n toasty sauna. After some much needed relaxation, why not head downstairs and have a good ‘ole toast with those they love around the Christmas tree, perhaps make some hot soup in the mini bar, touch up on piano skills or just simply relax and unwind on the couch with a good movie? No matter who you are, Santa’s Retreat is sure to offer a warm and inviting atmosphere to ring in the holiday cheer and spirit!
Santa’s Toy Store & Workshop
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“Our finest gifts we bring, Pa rum pum pum pum”
What will the kids do on this little holiday trip, you might ask? Fear not, as Santa’s Toy Store and Workshop will be sure to keep the kids entertained for hours! Planes… trains… and automobiles…. Oh my! While parents and grandparents shop around for that one special gift, the kids can let their imagination run wild at the train table, zoom around remote controlled hot rods and helicopters or perhaps find something fun in one of the toy chests! And for parents who are just as much kids like their own, they can head upstairs to Santa’s Workshop and learn how to make their own toys… oh, the simoleons that will be saved this Christmas! And don’t forget to check out those picturesque views on the rooftop… capture that special moment and paint the perfect holiday picture. Just don’t freeze up there… brrrr. It’s a lil chilly!
Santa’s Clubhouse (more pictures coming soon)
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“And they never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games”
Join in any reindeer games, you say? No one needs to feel left out… as there are certainly no shortage of games here at Santa’s Clubhouse! This central area of the village is a great place to seek refuge, catch up with friends and family with chats by the fire and play timeless games upstairs. So… how about a coffee, nice game of chess by the fireplace and a holiday movie afterwards? Sounds quite delightful. What’s that? You’ve got more simoleons than you know what to do with? Hmm… I know! How about a game of poker? Just don’t lose all your money before enjoying the other festive activities this wonderland’s got to offer!
Cheers! Bar & Bistro
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“And later we’ll have some pumpkin pie… And we’ll do some caroling”
Pop! Sizzle! Delish! What better way to ring in the holiday than at Cheers Bar & Bistro? Right next store from Santa’s Clubhouse you’ll find a grand hallway and entrance to this cozy restaurant nestled up on a hill overlooking the entire village. Grab some holiday cheer inspired drinks at the bar and dine downstairs for or make your way upstairs to the family style dining room complete with a fireplace and covered outdoor dining! Whether you’re in it for the drinks or just want a little date night with the honey, Cheers is sure to leave everyone full of tasty food and fun!
Holiday Stop ‘N Shop (pictures coming soon)
“Joy to the world, my shopping’s done…”
So you made it to Santa’s Wonderland… but you just realized… it’s so cold and you didn’t bring your winter clothes…. One stop by The Holiday Stop ‘N Shop will surely fix that! This clothing store features an indoor/outdoor shopping experience with more great views of the village and skating rink. In addition there’s magazines and cologne for sale to make this lil shopping trip well worth it!
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Enjoy! And Happy Holidays to you and your family. <3
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theogonies · 1 year
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headcanons: snow day
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characters | sanji, roronoa zoro, nico robin, nami
content warnings | tooth rotting fluff, zoro's and nami's get a tiny bit suggestive
word count | 1k
winter holiday event masterpost
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Predictably, Sanji can’t imagine any better way to spend a chilly day indoors than preparing a feasts’ worth of delicious food for his loved ones.
His winter menus are especially hearty, comforting, and of course, delicious. Stews, casseroles, roasts, fresh-baked breads and sticky puddings–all catered to your particular tastes and dietary needs. He’s well aware that winter can be a difficult time for many, so when it’s cold and dreary out, he focuses on creating dishes that will soothe your heart and warm your body.
Most of the time, Sanji can be rather territorial when it comes to working the kitchen; if you offer help, he’s likely to ask you to sit at the table and keep him company, safely out of the way. But with the holiday season keeping him busier than usual, you may find him a bit more welcoming when you offer a helping hand.
This goes double if the two of you are already close. Romantic that he is, Sanji can’t get enough of little intimacies like frosting cookies side by side with you, or spoon feeding you whatever soups and sauces he’s working on to check the seasoning.
The chances of getting to lay your hands on one of his chefs’ knives are still slim to zero, though, so don’t get your hopes too high.
If you don’t share his culinary skills, there are other ways to spend time with him while he’s hard at work in the kitchen, too: decorating the dining room for a feast with the rest of the crew later that night, for example, or simply keeping him company. It doesn’t take much more than your presence to make Sanji happy.
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roronoa zoro
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Zoro doesn’t like to break his routine if he can help it, so snow days aren’t really different from any other day to him.
Even when it’s bone-chillingly cold and snowy out, you can find him on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, half-dressed and going through his morning stretches.
Try to entice him back inside all you want. Trying to persuade Zoro to do something he doesn’t want to do is a Sisyphean task, but he’ll be charmed by your concern, even if he doesn’t express that. Outwardly, it’s much more likely for him to brush you off. If he’s feeling generous, he might even explain that training in sub-optimal conditions helps him build discipline.
Post-workout naps are an entirely different matter. While he prefers lazing around on the deck, when it’s cold, he’ll make do with his bunk or other secluded and warm areas around the Sunny.
He may not look or act like much of a cuddler, but when he’s not working himself to the bone, Zoro is extremely physical in his affection, so there aren't many things he loves more than napping together.
Catch him at the right moment, offer him a pile of blankets and pillows, a fire in the hearth, maybe even some steaming mugs of whiskey or cider, and he’ll be like putty in your hands.
And of course, if you’ve got ideas for some other ways to warm him up, he’s all ears.
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nico robin
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As an archaeologist, Robin is no stranger to adverse weather conditions like this, especially following her time fighting in the revolution on Tequila Wolf.
Bad weather is a common occurrence out at sea, but proper snowy days like this are hard to come by, let alone take full advantage of. So when Robin has the chance, she likes to get outdoors in the snow, whether that means winter sports like skiing and snowboarding or more relaxed activities like sledding and snowshoeing.
Ice skating dates are a favorite of hers. It comes quite easily to her thanks to her natural elegance and grace, and with the help of the Hana Hana no Mi, there’s no need for you to worry about having a hand to brace yourself against or catch you if you fall.
Snowy days are also the perfect opportunity to pull Robin out of her more reserved persona. She loves childish activities like making snow angels and snowball fights–although she may fight a little dirty in the latter, acting uninterested only to nail you in the back with a perfectly formed snowball as soon as your guard is down.
She especially enjoys building snowmen. Chopper and Luffy often join in with her on this, but while their sculptures tend to be more goofy and “creative” in nature, Robin is a genius when it comes to putting whatever materials are at hand to use in creating some of the cutest snowmen you’ve ever seen. Snow kittens, snow mice, snow bears–anything soft and fluffy will do.
Once you’re both nice and tired, she’ll pull you indoors for a mug of hot tea and a nap, preferably curled up by the fire.
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Nami prefers to take advantage of the snow from indoors; why sacrifice warmth and comfort when the wintry scenery is just as beautiful through the windows?
Her energy tends to be lower in the cold, so her favorite way to spend a winter morning is curled up with you in bed. Waking up slowly, watching the snow outside as you wrap the blankets tighter around yourselves and keep each other warm with your body heat–all the ingredients of a perfect winter morning to Nami.
When (and if) you can drag her out of bed, though, she becomes a master at creating the perfect cozy atmosphere; lots of blankets and pillows, a crackling fireplace, and your favorite warm drinks are a given.
If you’re up for it, she also loves snuggling up while you both indulge in quieter, independent activities like reading, drawing, or knitting.
Once she’s a little more awake, Nami becomes a little more open to things that require more active involvement. If there’s a town close enough, she loves shopping for gifts (although she tends to end up buying more for herself than others–it’s the thought that counts!)
A personal favorite winter activity of hers is getting massages, or paying a visit to saunas and hot springs. Nami works hard in her day to day routines as a Strawhat, so enjoying the warm and calming atmosphere while feeling her sore muscles loosen and relax is a win-win in her books. Even better if it’s an opportunity to share an intimate moment with you.
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aliferous-ly · 1 month
Season 9 was particularly special, for Pearl. Not just because of her alien landscape (though it was a blast to plan and create), but because she found herself nestled comfortably in the embrace of deepening friendships.
The soup group, for one. She adored being part of a designated Squad on the server, and they had a thing and everything. It was absolutely perfect!
And then, of course, the friends of Decked Out 2-point-oh. She spent endless hours in the dungeon's depths. Becoming the Queen of Decked Out 2 felt... deeply right.
The Citadel was a fantastic labor of love, and as Pearl fell in love with it she felt closer to Tango as a result. So much so that with the new season starting, she rather wished to remain nearby Etho and Tango. The three of them shared a bond she couldn't put to words.
Pearl wound a bright red scarf around her neck. It was chilly, today. She patted the Post-Office Pigeon on the head.
Shouldering her mailbag, Pearl wondered vaguely if she should get a dog.
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imperfectpompom · 1 year
“Ah! Shit…” Wei Wuxian almost drops his chopsticks as the temperature of his mouthful of chilli oil soaked noodles hits him. “Shit!”
Wei Wuxian fans himself frantically with his hands as he tries to blow the steam out of his mouth. Across from him, Lan Zhan watches amusedly as he blows on his noodle soup patiently. Even the way he eats his food is perfect. God dammit - Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a chance. 
As his eyes start to water Wei Wuxian brings his gaze up using one hand to cover his mouth as he debates spitting his mouthful from hell out and the other still fanning his face. God he hopes the mascara he’s wearing doesn’t run. All he had wanted was Lan Zhan to notice his pretty eyelashes. Should have known something like this was coming when he put it on earlier. 
Eventually Wei Wuxian gives up on chewing and gulps the mouthful down. 
You would have thought that by now he’d burnt all of his mouth’s pain receptors off with spice haha!! Guess not. 
“Shit that hurts…” Wei Wuxian reaches for his glass and chugs the whole load of his water down. He usually doesn’t bother pouring the water glass when he sits down, but thank God Lan Zhan did. 
Wei Wuxian sighs as he places the cup back onto the table. Way to impress his crush… 
“Are you okay, Wei Ying?” 
Wei Wuxian flicks his head up back to Lan Zhan’s gorgeous face with a smile plastered on his face. “Yeah, of course! Not the first time I’ve burnt my mouth hahaha… Only my pride was injured.” 
Lan Zhan’s eyes twinkle with unspoken laughter. “Of course. Do you need any medicine?” 
Wei Wuxian runs his tongue along the top of his mouth - he swears that burning his mouth has never actually hurt before!!! It usually just goes a bit numb. 
He can’t believe he’s saying this, “Well, if you have any then yeah that would--”
Wei Wuxian is cut off by two lips pressing to his own. 
His eyes go wide as he takes in a sharp inhale through his nose - he would recognise this skin tone and these unbelievably close facial features anywhere. 
Lan Zhan???
No that can’t be right. 
Oh, who cares?!?! Wei Wuxian closes his eyes as the insistent lips press closer and a tongue runs across the line of his mouth he drags in a shaky sigh through his lips, opening up to the very much wanted visitor. Wei Wuxian’s body quakes as Lan Zhan’s tongue brushes against his own, his third eye opening as he brings his hands up to run along the sharp line of Lan Zhan’s jaw. 
However, all good things must come to an end and Lan Zhan is retreating back to his seat far too soon for Wei Wuxian’s liking. 
His hands are still hovering mid-air where they were cupping Lan Zhan’s cheeks when Lan Zhan breaks the silence. 
“All better now.” 
Lan Zhan frowns at him, “I kissed it better for you.” He turns back to his meal. 
Wei Ying slams his hands down on the table and literally jumps over it, coming to a rest when he finds himself straddling Lan Zhan’s legs on the other side. 
“Do it again.”
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thebearer · 9 months
the reader being obsessed with pumpkin foods during fall, cause same lol, and wanting to experiment making a bunch of different things with Carmy who doesn’t love it lol
carmne's not a pumpkin fan but for you? the biggest pumpkin fan.
pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin sauce he'd perfected for this chicken dish that you always crave when it starts getting chilly. he's more of an apple fan tbh, so he does a lot more with that.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Rosa Diaz x teen daughter! reader
Warnings: none?
In which, Rosa comes down with a cold and the squad shoos her home but she refuses- so reader comes to the rescue
“You look like hell, Rosa.”
“I’m fine.” Rosa spat.
“No, you are not.” Jake continues. Rosa only rolled her eyes before resuming her work. “Lieu, would you please tell her she looks like crap.”
Jeffords turned around and said, “You look like crap.”
“I’m working.”
“You’re sick. Literally not one of us have seen you this pale.” Terry continues.
“At least take this.” Charles put a pill on her desk- an antihistamine.
“Ha ha.” Amy quipped, “I called your daughter.”
“Amy, are you insane? Why would you do that?” Rosa laid back in her seat, “Why would you call my daughter over this?”
“Because out of everyone you know, I know you’d listen to her.” Amy shrugged.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“No, you are not.” Amy replies calmly, “Just go home and take it easy for the rest of the day.”
“But you might want to wait for your daughter to get here.” Holt’s voice cut through the room. “I do not think it is safe for you to make your own way home. She should be here in 16 minutes. Her school has let out for the day.”
“Whaaat? Still crazy to hear that.” Jake laughs.
“Get back to work.” Terry reminded, “Rosa stop doing your work.”
“Fine, whatever.” She gave up, saving the document onto her desktop then just laid back in her chair to wait for you.
“Bye, Rosa.” Jake grins. Rosa grumbles, putting her jacket on while you went to press the lift button.
“You know, I love you but I don’t see how having you take a detour to go home with me will keep either of us safer.”
“Okay, but it did shut them up, didn’t it?”
Rosa chuckles, “Didn’t you have something on?”
“I did. But I decided not to go.”
“I’m a little afraid to ask, but why?”
“That’s a problem for another day. You just focus on resting today.” You told her.
“y/n.” She warned.
“The guy’s a douchebag.” You gave in, “Apparently he orders the most expensive thing on the menu then makes his date pay every time. And he doesn’t exactly take no for an answer, if you get what I mean.”
“Okay, that’s good- don’t ever feel like you need to go on dates because you don’t want to cancel on people.”
“I know.” You assured, “How are you feeling?”
“Never felt this sick in 10 years.” She snorted, “But, I bounce back quick.”
“That’d be right.” You stifled a laugh, “I’ll make us some soup when we get back- and you, take a shower and get into bed.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She joked, “I’m tough.”
“Oh, there’s no denying that.” You put an arm around her, and you see a tiny little smile tug on her lips, “You are tough. You’re a badass.”
“I mean, so are you, y’know?” She continues.
“Please, you’re my daughter. I taught you everything you know. You’re a badass too, mamita.”
“Oh, boy we need to get you into bed.”
“y/n, I’m not trying to be funny.”
“You realise none of my dates have went well so far?”
“So? It’s not your fault the people who’ve tried to take you out are jerks or you just didn’t vibe with them.”
“Maybe I’m the problem.”
“No one’s perfect but you can’t say that because I see you as you are and I can confidently say you’re a good person.” Rosa spoke tiredly, “There are plenty of people in the city. You’ll meet someone before you know it.”
“You mean it?”
“Fuck do you mean? Of course I do.” She answered straightforwardly, “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Ah…I guess after three suckish dates in a row, my confidence has taken a hit. But thanks, Mom.”
The rest of your walk home was rather quiet with Rosa trying to keep warm in this chilly weather while her body temperature rose. So, once you both got home, you quickly turned the heat up so she would be more comfortable. “I’m gonna take a shower now, then I’m off to bed.”
“Good, you’d better. I’ll wake you up when the food’s done so you can eat some then take something for your fever.”
“Okay, honey.” Rosa rolled her eyes playfully, “Be careful.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I said that first.”
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shegatsby · 2 years
May i make a Hannibal x reader request where the reader washes Hannibal’s hair and styling it the way he likes it for him after he’s been badly injured and can’t do it himself @iamcavainna
A/N; Sorry for the wait, I was on a vacation. Sorry for any typos. Love you all. xxx
When Hannibal Lecter opened himself to you vaguely, you had 2 choices, either ran away from him for the rest of your life or be on his side. You wanted to see where this could take you, it had been 5 years ever since. In those years you adopted a cat, (even though he claimed that he would never help you take care of it, over the months he grew attached to your cat, just like any other cat dad) you travelled with him through Europe. At first you were on egg shells around him because you had no idea what was he capable of. Thankfully he reassured you all the time that he won’t do anything to harm you. He didn’t want to admit it but the bond between you and him was deeper on his side. He loved your aura, energy. You didn’t know much about him completely but you knew that people who are rude to him disappear without a trace, soon you figured out the pattern. This was a topic which you never discussed. It didn’t bother you that he knew more about you than you know about him because it was his way of taking care of you. When you have the cold he makes you your  favorite soup, when it’s your birthday he gets you the perfect gift one could ask for. On the other hand Hannibal Lecter was hard to crack but after 5 years he was letting you in, and tonight was the evidence of that.
You were in Italy, Portofino. The villa he rented was at the top of the hill, so the entire city felt like under your feet like a red carpet, he knew how to treat you like the Queen you are. The view took your breath away each time, your sun kissed skin felt warm and smelled like salt due to swimming all day. Hannibal left you alone today, he said he had to take care of something, you didn’t ask. Now that it was getting late you started to worry, you called him several times but he didn’t pick up. Boney fingers of worry clutched your stomach, your mind started to wander at dark places. You placed the book you were reading aside, the marble floors of the balcony felt chilly under your bare feet. As you went down the marble stairs the door of your villa was opened by none other than Hannibal Lecter.
He was limping, you could see the shimmer of scarlet on his golden wedding ring, shining under the yellow lights. You two decided to wear rings so that people wouldn’t be suspicious. You sometimes forget to wear it, leave it on the kitchen counter by the sink but Hannibal, for the last 4 years, you have never seen him without the ring. Deep down you knew he liked to play your husband. Since it was summer he had a white shirt with buttons, and light brown shorts. You thought he didn’t notice you because you hid yourself in the shadows, he threw his keys into the bowl next to the hanger, shut the door rather harshly, the reason why he was limping because he had a long and slim cut behind his knee, he leaned his back on the wooden door, closed his maroon eyes and exhaled deeply. ‘’This is the first time you see me like this, my dearest. I do apologies.’’
As you approached you could see the small drops on his shirt, and his face. ‘’Please, do not be scared.’’
You could see he needed your help, this was a first. You let him lean on you, together you went to the large bathroom in your shared bedroom.
You filled the tub, put bath bomb, and lit some candles. You knew he liked your candle collection. As you undressed him you noticed the bruises on his bronze chest,  in that silence you shared a deeper level of understanding. You helped him to the tub, Hannibal sighed in relief, it had been a long day.
You didn’t want to invade his personal space but desperately wanted to wash his thick hair, you wanted to be bold so you poured some shampoo into your palm and just started to wash and massage his scalp. Hannibal threw his head back and moaned, this must be the first time you’ve seen him this relaxed and care free. When you were done you lifted yourself to leave, wanted to give him some space but he grabbed your hand, tightly, ‘’Don’t go.’’ Now his maroon eyes landed on yours, asking for more.  He wanted you by his side all the time, but Hannibal being Hannibal, he could never say it out loud and open.
You helped him out of the tub, and gave him a white towel, he stood in front of the mirror, water dripping from his deliciously looking body and the towel hanged around his hips loosely. You decided to dry his hair and brush it, he didn’t stop you nor said anything. In fact, he was surprised how bold you are in your actions today. ‘’Thank you love, just the way I like it.’’ He said looking at his hair on the mirror. He turned to face you, ‘’You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.’’
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littleoanh · 2 years
Hey! Hope you don't mind me requesting about the bonten trio (could be individually or poly, your choice) suddenly turning into cats after our reader here accidentally spilled this drug she bought online that was said to keep people stunned, which would be perfect for her future missions, it sure did stun people but she didn't know that it'll turn people into cats.
Mikey had you taking care of them since it's your fault lmao
The drug lasted for 4 days but when they finally turned back to normal, the cat ears and tails remain with the addition of them being extremely needy like cats in heat, and now you're required to take care of their... Needs. (The smut part but you don't have to make it if you don't wanna)
Is this weird? Omg ⊙﹏⊙
Anyways have a good day!
A/N: Hello darling!! I haven’t written a (semi) hybrid type before … I did my best (TT.TT). Also I hope you don’t mind, I change a small part of your request but it should still follow what you are asking for. 
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Characters: [Cat boys!] Bonten Trio x fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, hungover (mentioned drinking, smoking, and taking molly), pill tablets (turn Bonten Trio into cats), Bonten Trio are being troublemakers as cats (zoomies, napping, peeing on furniture/closet, making biscuits, napping on undergarments, scratching and biting), and hybrid smut (foursome, minor non-con, groping, dry humping, mention breeding, unprotected vaginal sex, anal sex, blowjobs, brief Rinzu moment, creampies, and swallowing cum)  
Special Thanks: @rindoom, @sweetbbyshion, @mekiza, @dark-mnjiro, and @i-am-tiny-sun for giving me writing ideas and advice for male cat’s behaviors. And a shout out to EB for proofreading and beta reading! 
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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Being in Mikey’s office is unusually chilly, not because it’s cold but because of how cold and empty his eyes stare into yours. The type of stare that sends chills up and down your spine and the hair on the back of your neck stands tall. His poker face is unreadable. You have no idea what he is thinking and deep down, it scares the shit out of you. The longer he watches you, the harder your heart pounds against your chest.
There is a light nudge against your bosom, your eyes glance downwards to find one of three small cats you’re holding in your arms, look at you and purr. The small cats you have in your arms are very unique and can’t be found in any pet store. Not even the black market would they have them.  The one that is nudging you has long purple and black fur. The one in the middle has short purple and black fur and is snuggling against your sternum. The last cat has long pink fur and earrings on his tiny, pointed ears. He meows to grab Mikey’s attention.
“...How?” Mikey finally breaks the silence, you take a big gulp before proceeding with caution.
“Well …”
“I think this is the end for me… I’m dying.” Sanzu laid on the cold hardwood floor with an awful hangover. Last night, the Bonten Trio and you went club hopping. A lot of drinking, smoking, and taking ecstasy took place. In the early hours of the morning, you all decided to crash at your apartment since it was the closest.   
“I feel sick.” Rin was nauseated and sweating profusely. He began regretting taking so many shots while rolling. Except doing the body shot with you. Ran had double vision. The room was spinning and it seemed like there were clones of everyone in the room.
“We should get some Ochazuke.” You suggested. You were the only one that opted out of taking molly. Your throat was dried from singing, cheering, shouting, and dehydration though. (Ochazuke is a bowl of rice with assorted toppings and the soup base can either be green tea or broth. Good for hangovers.) They all murmured in agreement to have it delivered to your apartment. You tumbled toward your bedroom to find your cell phone and place the order.
“Fuck, I need some antacid.” Sanzu struggled getting up to find some tablets to help with his upset stomach. His droopy eyes saw a bottle on your counter, “Oh here it is…” He picked up the bottle and uncapped it.
“Give us one too.” Rin tiredly lifted himself up, Sanzu gave him two tablets and Rin crawled across the room to hand one to his big brother. The three of them plopped it in their mouths and swallowed it.
“Something… doesn’t feel right.” Ran sat up from the couch, there was definitely something wrong with his body.
“Yeah… the fuck was in that antacid.” Both Rin and Ran staggered toward Sanzu, snatching the bottle from his hand to read. His eyes bulged out, “The fuck, Sanzu?! This isn’t antacid you dumb-” The Bonten Trio all dropped to the ground, the bottle in Rin’s hand spilled the pills on the floor. 
“What are you guys-?” Your eyes widened at the scene, instantly sobering up, “Oh, what the fuck?!” You ran over to Ran first as he is the closest, you checked his pulse to find him still alive and breathing normally. Then you checked both Sanzu and Rin to confirm they are fine. You saw the spilled content on the floor, wondering what they took. You picked up the bottle from Rin’s hand. “Oh SHIT.” They took a pill from your online purchase that is supposed to temporarily stunned people. “Okay… no need to panic.” You gave yourself a pep talk, “They will be okay. What’s the worst thing that can happen?”
Then the worst thing that happened. 
“WHAT IN THE NAME IN HELL IS HAPPENING?!” The sudden explosion of smoke startled you and you started coughing, trying to fan out the smoke. Once it was cleared up, something strange happened. Bonten Trio’s bodies disappeared but their clothes remained on the floor. “Where-where did they go?!” Your mind was thrown in a loop of panic and confusion, thinking you had accidentally taken out Bonten’s no. 2 and two important executives. 
“Meow?” Your ears perked up. Was that the sound of a cat? More meowing surrounded the room. Looking down for the source of the sound, you thought you were hallucinating. Three small cats coming out of the clothes, one pink and two black and purple cats.
“What-what? What the fuck is this…?” The small cats appeared to be confused as well, “Ran…? Rin? Sanzu?” They all looked up at you, responding to your call, “Oh. My. God.” You placed both hands on your mouth in shock, “You guys turned into cats!” You snatched the pill bottle from the floor again to look at the warning label, in very small block letters … it mentioned this will turn the user into a cat… “WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY PRINT THIS IN SMALL BLOCK LETTERS?!”
[End Flashback]
“I called the company threatening to kill every single one of them… and then I came here.” You finish telling your story to Mikey of what happened while petting Ran’s head on your lap. Rin is laying on your shoulder, snuggling into the crook of your neck. Sanzu is on Mikey’s lap purring while Mikey is surprisingly petting Sanzu’s head. “They said they should return back to normal in four days.” 
“I see…” Mikey continues to pet Sanzu with a poker face. You are uncertain if he is planning your demise or torturing you for turning his top men into cats. His dark orbs are now staring in your direction. “You’re off from missions until further notice.” You gulp nervously. Rin licks your neck in comfort. “You will be taking care of them and keeping them safe. You’re dismissed.” 
“Yes, Mikey.” You gather Rin, Ran, and Sanzu into your arms and walk out of Mikey’s office. You let out a deep sigh, they start wiggling around in your arms, giving you their big cat wide eye looks. “Okay, I will have to take care of you guys… how hard can it be?”
You spoke… way too soon. THESE BOYS WERE TROUBLEMAKERS.
Rin was the calmest cat between the three, but he does have zoomies in the random hours of the night, frequently pouncing (lovingly surprise attack) you, and gave you the most evil look when he wants you to pay attention to him. Ran wasn’t that terrible, he is normally sleeping underneath the sun rays with his feet up in the air (which you found adorable and discreetly took photos). Completely relaxed. He has a mischievous side though. He would sneak in the bathroom to watch you shower or change, constantly making biscuits and snuggling against your breasts. Sometimes you would find him in your panty drawer too, sleeping on top of your undergarments. Sanzu… was the worst one of the three. It was like he purposely torments you. Climbing on top of cabinets and pushing items off with an evil smile. He pees on all your furniture AND your closet while staring at you dead in the eyes. Every time you try picking him up, he scratches you or bites you. 
Four days was too long. 
You practically beg them to be good on the last day, luckily they comply. It’s a peaceful last day. They all snuggle up with you on your bed and you can feel their warmth from sleeping underneath the sun. It is the perfect ending… As you sleep, you begin having vivid dreams. Pleasure rolls over your body and you sigh contently. Soon it begins to feel too real. You slowly flutter your eyes open, am I still dreaming?
Ran, Rin, and Sanzu are somewhat back to normal, completely naked but their cat ears and tails remain. Your tank top was lifted, your bare tits are being groped and licked by both Ran and Sanzu. Rin is straddling you, rubbing his raw cock against your clothed pussy. “Wha-what are you guys doing?” They continue with their task at hand as if in trance, not hearing your question. You try to pry them off of you but Sanzu grabs hold of both your wrists and  holds it above your head. 
“[Y/n] …” Sanzu licks your wrist up to your fingers and then sucks them while his lustful eyes gaze into yours. 
“Sanzu, why are you doing this?” You try not to moan but your hips thrusts forward, betraying you. The way he sucks on your fingers is too erotic.
“We can’t help it… it’s too much.” Ran’s purple hues are now looking at yours, they are glossy and his mouth is practically drooling over your nipple. 
“What’s too much?” You ask breathlessly.
“Need to breed you.” Rin’s downturned eyes are feverish, not slowing down his humping. “Wanna feel your warmth. Please…” 
“We wanna feel you.” Sanzu’s tail slithers back and forth on your stomach, pleading to touch you even more. The movement is so deviously smooth and titillating, it makes your eyes flutter.  
“We promise we will make you feel good.” Ran continues to play with your nipple with his fingers, tugging at it as he kisses up towards your collarbone. “Let us breed you.” Your eyes widen, you never crossed this far in line with your coworkers before. 
“No-no. I can’t do that.” You try to get away from them but they firmly hold you down in place. 
“[Y/n], you promised us!” Rin’s needy tone surprises you, you never heard him like that before.
Sanzu leans down and talks huskily into your ear. “Mikey said you have to take care of us.” He moves down to bite your shoulder and you let out a whimper, wanting more.
“So you need to take care of our needs.” Ran licks on the side of your face, reminding you that Mikey did say you have take care of them. Letting out a sigh, you lift your hands, caressing both Ran’s and Sanzu’s cheek. Their cheeks are so warm.
“Just… just this once.” Ran and Sanzu practically rip your tank top off with their long nails, while Rin grips your booty shorts and panties and yanks it off in one fluid motion. You barely have time to blink before you're put into a kneeling position in the middle of the bed. Rin in front, Sanzu behind, and Ran is standing in front of you with his hung cock in your face.
“[Y/n], please touch me…” Ran begs you while stroking his hard cock. You grab his length and slowly stroke it. It is thick, you’re uncertain if it can fit in your mouth. Rin rubs his tip against your wet folds before sinking into you.
“Ah!” You are surprised how big Rin is. You hold onto his shoulders to keep from losing balance, your body shaking hard from the pleasure. Ran sees his chance to shove his cock into your mouth mid-moan. He moans, feeling the vibrations of your moans on his cock. The sensation was overwhelming. He grips your hair, pulling himself further into your mouth.
“Feel so good. So warm.” Rin fucks into you in hard and deep, making you moan louder into Ran’s cock. The fit is so tight, it’s like a vise grip on his cock. 
“Good girl.” Ran uses his tail to wrap around your throat while thrusting, making your jaw go slack. Drool drips down your chest. Sanzu rubs your wetness from underneath, stroking Rin in the process. You shudder hard when they moan in unison. It was music to your ears. Sanzu runs his pulsing cock under the three of you, coating his shaft in your wetness. He then pushes his cock into your puckered hole. You nearly scream from the pain.
“Shh. Shh. It’s okay.” Sanzu coos while having his tail stroke your face to help relax you. “I promise it will feel good.” He plays with your nipples, pulling and tweaking them while Rin reaches his hand down to play with your clit to help relax you. Sanzu inches his dick slowly, trying to go deeper. “Such a good girl.” He praises you, voice low and husky until he bottoms out. He waits patiently, leaving open mouth kisses all over your back. “So tight. I can almost cum instantly.” He licks your ear before biting it. “Can I please move now?” His voice strains with neediness. You nod, giving him consent.
Sanzu pulls back out then slams into you, Rin and Ran follow the same rhythm. The intensity and pleasure makes Rin even more needy. Seeing how unfocused Sanzu’s expression is, Rin reaches out to tug his hair and slams his lips onto his. Sanzu immediately reciprocates, gripping Rin’s jaw. Their tongues dance with each other. It gets sloppier. Drool drips from both of their swollen lips. Your mind is going blank causing your vision to get blurry. You lift your hand to play with Ran’s balls, squeezing them and earn a purr from him. 
“Fuck baby, please do it again.” He begs you. Rin is now busily licking, sucking, and biting your now red tits. Marking you. Seeing how fucked out you are, makes him even more feral. He roughly fucks you harder, getting closer to ejaculation. 
“S’close. S’close.” He repeatedly announced, his thrusts are getting sloppier by the second. 
“Me too.” Sanzu says breathily, continuously rutting his dick into your asshole. 
“I’m cummin’!” Ran goes deeper into your throat, letting out a deep moan. You gag but he holds your head firm, shooting his warm cum down your throat, forcing you to drink it all. Rin is next to shoot his cum into your cunt and Sanzu follows. The immense amount of throbbing cocks cumming inside of you, pulls you over. You convulse violently through your intense orgasm, holding onto Rin’s shoulders again.  You went limp in Sanzu’s arms, trying to catch your breath. The boys are snickering at your jelly form, sprawling over them. 
“We’re not done with you yet.” Sanzu grips your jaw and kisses your cheek.
“Rinnie, you can’t keep hogging her. It’s my turn next.” Rin reluctantly removes his cock from your soaking pussy and lets his older brother replace him.
It’s only for just one night, right?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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