#it’s a day to try and catch up on shows
s0fter-sin · 3 days
the 141 recovering brainwashed!soap but he’s just a shell of his former self; never speaking, never moving without orders. he never even blinks; just stares straight ahead with his unnatural green eyes.
but ghost can't accept that.
price and gaz can't stand watching ghost torture himself day after day; visiting soap in his cell for hours at a time, trying anything he can think of to bring back his sergeant.
he shows him pictures of the 141 but soap thinks he's being given targets and moves to eliminate them before ghost stops him. he brings him his journal, tries to trigger his innermost thoughts and feelings he never shared with any of them, but after he reads it, soap summarises it like he's giving a mission briefing. impersonal.
it's late when ghost finally calls it; low and defeated after another long day of being stared at with eyes that don't see him. he isn't thinking when he pulls his mask off and harshly scrubs over his face, grinding his palm into his eye.
"don't worry, johnny; we're still fixin' each other's problems," he promises, little more than a whisper as he tries to summon the energy to leave johnny behind. again.
he pushes himself to his feet, his hand on the door handle when-
"what's my problem?"
ghost freezes, something like grief - something achingly closer to hope - chilling him. he slowly turns and though soap is still starring ahead, there's a faint light in his altered green eyes.
"the mask," he forces out. "take it off."
he knows there's no way to remove the mask - the muzzle - from his sergeant's face. it's too high-tech, even for them; the biometric scanner too advanced for any bypass they know of.
it's just another way he's failed him; bringing him home still bound in their enemy's chains.
soap- jolts; a sharp, almost painful looking flinch jerking his body.
"show my face?" and his voice has changed; no longer the monotone delivery that's haunted ghost's every waking moment.
it's smaller. uncertain. recollection of a memory half-destroyed.
"yes, johnny," he breathes.
soap moves unprompted for the first time since they found him; running his finger along the edge of the muzzle where his skin bulges from the pressure, half-visible scars hidden beneath the harsh metal.
"ugly," he murmurs.
ghost immediately shakes his head, almost stumbling back to the table; haphazardly throwing his mask on it. "quite the opposite," he insists.
it doesn't matter if he has no lower jaw left at all; johnny could never be ugly in his eyes.
agonisingly slowly, soap's eyes shift to the mask. he takes in the balaclava and hard shell skull like for all the times he's looked at it since his rescue, he never truly saw it. his lids fall in less of a blink and more stage curtains closing; slow, heavy, requiring effort and no small amount of strength to open once more
"good... to see you again..." he trails off, his hand shifting up to the top of his shaved head; nails digging unforgivingly into his scalp
"simon," ghost finishes for him; that horrid grieving hope tearing at his heart
soap's fingers flex and a drop of blood trails down his forehead, over the ridge of his nose to catch on the muzzle. "s-simon..."
his nails dig deeper, the drop falling to the table just to be followed by more and ghost aches to stop him but he's terrified to interrupt him. terrified to lose him now when he's so close to something.
soap's bloodied nails scratch down the crown of his head, following the line of his stolen mohawk until they come to rest on the back of the muzzle and ghost's heart drops.
they can’t get it off.
they can't get it off and he doesn't know how to explain that to soap; doesn't know if he can stomach watching soap pull at the monstrosity holding him captive, the inevitable bloodbath as the edges cut into his skin.
"show my face," soap repeats.
"johnny..." ghost begins weakly, reaching out to him but he doesn't know how, doesn't know if he even should-
the muzzle clatters onto the table.
the biometrics they couldn't bypass, the fingerprint they needed that they were so sure belonged to makarov.
it belonged to soap.
how cruel to torture him with freedom he didn't understand he could take; didn't even understand he could want.
just the kind of sick game makarov loves.
ghost doesn't know what's louder; his heart pounding in his ears or the long, uninhibited breath soap takes.
his eyes fall shut as he leans his head back with it, the blood still dripping down his face as he straightens through his exhale. his lower jaw is a mess of scars where he fought against the previous iterations of the muzzle, the corners of his lips cut through and cracked.
but the green in his eyes is duller; that light sparking brighter as blue struggles to break through the glow.
ghost's never seen anything so beautiful.
"good to see you again, johnny."
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jennifer-jeong · 2 days
[Fluff + Angst] [Boothill x GN!Reader] Homecoming
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SUMMARY He thought he lost everything, but you were always here, waiting for him to come home
CONTENT Angst to fluff, happy ending implied basically, mentions of past traumas, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES Just read Boothill’s character stories… I am unwell… So I wrote this LMAOO enjoyyy GUH I just started playing the game but alas the hyperfixation is already here Also, Boothill, please actually come home please I have soft pity soon
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Boothill was visiting the Aeragan-Epharshel reserves, seeing what was left of his tribe, his distant family, and because honestly it was just one of those times where he was really missing home. It just hurt because home no longer existed for him. The memories still pop up sometimes. How he searched the entire burnt house for anyone, anything to rescue. It was years ago, but still haunts him, it always will. So that’s why he’s here. Just visiting because why not. No one quite knew him here, but it felt fairly cozy. The few buildings around the area were lively with families and they had farmland and livestock like he always did when he was younger. The sun was setting, lighting everything in golden and orange hues. He enjoyed the warmth on his skin, well, the skin on his face at least. A few of the townsfolk offered him some food since he was just passing by and because the town was so small, everyone knew when there was an unfamiliar face. They also wanted to help him because he helped where he could during the day, just helping people lift and move things, even catching a loose chicken. It was actually pretty nice and for the first time in a while, he smiled, just genuinely enjoying life, watching the sunset, sitting on a bench, eating his food.
It was peaceful and the warm breeze tousled his hair and brushed his face. But he also heard something insane, the name he hadn’t heard in years. It felt like it wasn’t even his name anymore but rather from a previous life in a different body. Worst or maybe best of all, it was your voice.
His eyes were blown wide, mechanical heart somehow racing. Was the robot body driving him insane? The doctor was pretty shady honestly, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she fudged his brain up too.
But still, curiosity made him look around for the source of the voice, even if it didn’t exist.
You watched him look around before shifting on the bench to fully turn to see you. Both your hands were hovering over your mouth, eyebrows upturned as your eyes couldn’t believe it.
When he turned, his eyes locked on your figure. Maybe you were just a hallucination, but hallucinations don’t age, don’t get more mature or taller. You look the same but different, and maybe that was enough evidence for him to believe he wasn’t psychotic.
He stood up slowly, taking careful steps towards you as your hands shook, adrenaline pumping through your body. It felt like it took hours for him to close the few meters between you but once you saw his eyes, you knew. It was him.
“Lord… It really is you,” you breathed out as you reached out slowly, not wanting to spook him but also barely believing that he was actually there. Your hands slowly cupped his face and he forgot how warm things like this felt. Tears pricked at his eyes. At this point he didn’t care if this was a hallucination or not, he just wanted to indulge himself for once. Just believe that he didn’t lose everything. That maybe he could still have you, one of his only friends outside of his family that he had while growing up. His first love that he never had enough time with, not even enough time to confess.
It was almost cruel how you felt the same and how much your heart ached upon seeing his teary eyes, frozen in disbelief, staring into yours. You brushed your thumbs over his cheeks trying to comfort him and show him you really were here.
He started to question himself. Why did he never check out the towns whenever he came back to investigate the IPC on Aeragan-Epharshel? Your house had been destroyed but he never confirmed your corpses, only those of his own family. It was too much, he just assumed the worst at the time.
But now here you are, tears streaming down your face, looking as beautiful as the day he first laid eyes on you.
“Darlin’… what happened to ya fer all these years?” You asked, questioning where he had been but also what happened to his body. You closed your eyes as your eyebrows scrunched together, unable to control your emotions and crying at this point. You quickly pulled him into a hug, arms wrapped around his neck. Reflexively, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in tight. Your chests flush against each other.
God how he wished he wasn’t cold metal right now. He wanted to feel you with his own skin, feel your warmth, how soft you were. But he could only barely make it out with the sensors on his body. Maybe he could get some upgrades? Link some more things to his brain?
He quickly snapped himself out of his own thoughts to finally respond to you. You shivered hearing his voice again.
“It don’t matter now sweetheart. All that matters is that I’m home,” he said slowly and shaky. You squeezed him harder as you started to sob into his shoulder. It made his own tears fall as he started to stroke your back.
“I thought I’d never see ya again,” you choked out.
“Same here darlin’,” he said, voice cracking.
“I’ll tell ya all about it, and ya tell me about yerself too,” he says between breathes, his throat closing from needing to cry. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere this time…
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Thank you for reading!
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kpop---scenarios · 2 days
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader x Lee Felix
Genre: Mafia, Arranged Marriage
Warning: None right now
Word Count: 3.4k
“Babe?” You call out, closing the front door of your apartment behind you. You set your bag down on the table in the front hall, slip off your shoes before making your way further inside. Heading into the kitchen, the lights are dim, your boyfriend's uniform is laid out on the table, ready for him to put on in the morning for the 24 hour shift he was going to be working. You wander into the living room, seeing Seo Joon sitting on the couch with his head laid back, softly snoring as the show he was watching continues. Gently, you push his shoulder to wake him up, grabbing his hand to drag him to your shared bedroom so you could both pass out. It was a long day and you were exhausted.
“How was your day?” Seojoon asks you, his eyes barely open as he slips off his shirt and then his pants, crawling into bed with just his boxers on.
“It was fine.” You mutter. “Pretty uneventful.”
“Sounds about right.” He says, letting out a big yawn. You crawled into bed beside him, scooching closer to him. You lean in to kiss him, his eyes shooting open. He turns his head slightly, so you catch his cheek instead of his lips. You're a little taken aback as you look at him, feeling hurt, which was a feeling you'd come accustomed to over time. You really weren't sure why you'd continued to let it bother you.
“I've got a big day tomorrow, I need to sleep.” He tells you, rolling over to face away from you.
“Yeah okay.” You huff. “My dad called earlier, I need to go see him tomorrow.” You say, rolling over too, your back facing his.
“I don't know why you're telling me, I'll be busy working. Again.” He sighs. You don't respond. You honestly don't know how to respond.
Your relationship with Seojoon wasn't always like this. At the beginning of the two of you dating he was very sweet to you, he would hold you, take you on dates, kiss you and actually be affectionate. Since he became a paramedic a year into your relationship, things have been different. He's been distant, cold and just not the man you fell in love with. You'd tried to talk to him about it - one too many times but he always said he was fine. You knew you weren't going to get anything out of him so you stopped trying. Sex was never a thing with the two of you, he told you from day one that he was saving himself for marriage, but that didn't stop the two of you from doing other things here and there, never consistently.
But now, it's been a year since any of that has happened, the longest it has ever been for you. The last time you rubbed your pussy on his clothed cock, you both came but the look he gave you made you feel like the most disgusting person, he looked at you with disgust. He made you feel insecure, but secure, and most of the time you felt safe with him. You also hoped that one day the man you fell for would return to you but for right now you were just taking it day by day.
The next morning, you're awake and dressed, ready to go to your father's house. Seojoon's side of the bed was cold, he had already been gone for hours.
On your way to your fathers house, you think about the talk you'd been hearing from various sources. Every person had been talking about these rumors that were floating around, things that were happening underground but you hadn't had a chance to speak directly to your father to see if there was any truth to any of it. He was the one you could go to about the things you'd hear and he would always tell you whether or not there was any sort of truth to any of it.
Your father was a very wealthy and a very feared man. A man that Seojoon did not know, and one you weren't sure if he would ever know. He was a man who took what he wanted, hurt whoever got in his way and made deals with a lot of people who others would consider to be the devil. You were the daughter of the second largest mafia organization in the country.
It was a life you had always known. Seojoon has never pressed the issue of meeting your father and you didn't know if you appreciated that fact, or sort of resented him for it. You also didn't think that confessing the fact that your father was participating in drug distribution, prostitution and all other illegal activities would do well to your relationship but part of you also wanted Seojoon to know where you came from. However, if you could trust him with that information, well that was a whole other story.
Late at night, when Seojoon was snoring beside you and you couldn't sleep, you thought about the things he didn't know or didn't want to know about, despite having been together for 3 years. He'd never asked you about your family, your childhood. The only information he ever got was things that you volunteered to tell him. Those thoughts would always leave you feeling confused about him, and whether or not he was truly in this relationship with you.
Your car comes to a stop in front of your fathers large house, two men in all black stand outside the front door, their fingers interlaced in front of them, not a smile on either of their faces.
“Wonho. Shownu.” You smile at both, they each give you a nod before opening the front door for you. You walk in, the familiar scent brings you back to your childhood, growing up in this house. The walls down the long hall are covered with pictures of family, friends and others your father has done business with. You make your way down the long hallway, listening to the buzzing chatter of the men roaming the house. It was always like this, as long as you could remember there were always so many people inside the house at all hours of the day and night. You've seen many things growing up here, men loading weapons in the living room, getting bullets pulled out of them on the kitchen counter. Going into the basement for a popsicle and seeing someone who ratted hung up with chains being tortured. It really didn't take you long to become accustomed to what was going on inside this house.
“Dad?” You call out, standing in front of the living room, but also near the kitchen and his office. It was always one of those three rooms you could find him in.
“In my office with Mia.” He yells back.
You figured. Mia was your half sister, his daughter but with the woman he married before he was with your mother. She was a few years older than you and the two of you never truly saw eye to eye. You felt like she hated you, and though she has never confirmed or denied, you maintained that thought.
“I've been hearing a lot of shit dad.” You say, walking into his office. Mia sits in front of your dad, who sits behind his desk. “You're marrying one of us off?” You say.
Mia looks back at you with wide eyes. “Is that what you wanted me to come today for? To tell me you've arranged a marriage for me? Because if that's true, it's not fucking happ…” She yells before being cut off by your father.
“No.” He says. “Well, not quite.” He continues. “Mr. Lee and I have been discussing joining our organizations. I've been wanting to get into trafficking and more in depth organized crime for a while, and he's been wanting to step foot into drug distribution.” He says. “You two know as well as anyone the best way to combine is through marriage.”
“I'm in a relationship though. A good.. well, a relationship.” You blurt out. Your father did not know about Seo Joon. Or so you thought.
“Yeah I know, with the nurse, or whatever. We're going to have to have a chat about him.” He says, pointing at you.
“He's a paramedic, dad.” You correct him. Your father just stares at you before turning to your sister.
“Mia, I mainly mean you. Mr. Lee has two sons. Lee Felix, and Bang Chan, as you know Mr. Lee took Chan into custody after Mr. Lee's best friend, Chan's father passed away. I don't give a fuck which one you choose, but you need to choose one. We’re having a party if you will, tomorrow. You'll meet them then. I expect you to wow them.” He explains. You take a deep breath, so fucking relieved its not you, but slightly stressed that your father knew about Seo Joon. You shouldn't have been surprised. You should have known your father finds out everything.
‘So I don't have to be there, right?” You ask, smugly smirking at the back of Mia's head.
“You are expected to be there, Y/N.” He says. Your smirk fades quickly. “Understood?” He asks.
You nod your head. “Yes sir.”
“What if I don't want to?” Mia asks, crossing her arms.
“This isn't up for fucking debate, Mia. Either you do it or I'll kick you out and cut you off.” Your father threatens.
The room is quiet.
Mia shuffles in her seat, uncomfortably as the awkward silence continues.
“Do I make myself clear?” He asks.
“Crystal.” She says, abruptly getting out of her chair and storming out of the room.
“Well I'm gonna head out.” You say, clearing your throat before turning towards the door.
“Y/N.” Your dad begins. “That boy. The one you're dating. It would be in your best interest to break things off with him.” He finishes, looking down at a stack of paper.
“We've been together for a while. We live together. I'm not going to just leave him. I know you haven't met him yet but..” you continue on.
“I don't want to meet him. I'm telling you now to end things. That's all. I've got work to do, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't be late.” He says, cutting you off. Typical of your father. You wished one of them had wanted to meet the other one.
You left your fathers house annoyed. Not really wanting to go to the party tomorrow but also at how your father acted. How could he tell you to break up with Seojoon without even having met the guy. As you drive off the property, you call your boyfriend just to check in and see how his day is going.
“What?” He snaps, answering the phone.
“Woah, sorry. Was just calling to check in.” You mumble.
“Well I'm busy, sorry.” He sighs. “How was your dad's?” He asks. You perk up a little at his question.
“It was fine. He wanted to let me know about a party he's throwing tomorrow evening.” You say. “I don't suppose you'd be feeling up to accompanying me?” You ask.
“I have to work, YN. I picked up an extra 12 hour shift after this one so no, I can't come with you to your fancy party. Some of us have to work for a living.” He snaps.
You're quiet.
So is he. For a second.
“I gotta go. Bye.” He says, hanging up the phone. You really fucking wondered why you were even in this clearly one sided relationship.
That night you ate dinner alone, crawled into bed alone, and woke up the next morning alone. You checked your phone and you didn't even have so much as a “Hi” text from your boyfriend. You felt done. You didn't want to try anymore, you didn't want to care anymore. It was exhausting to be in a one sided relationship with him. You were done being the one to call or to text. You were done being the one to start conversations or be affectionate. Whether or not he noticed would be the sign that you needed on if you were going to continue things with him.
Later that afternoon you got ready for the party. You hadn't heard anything from Seo Joon and you weren't going to be the one who messages him first. If he wanted to talk to you then he would reach out to you. Arriving at your father's house, the front door is wide open, you can hear the music from outside, as well as a ton of people waiting to get in. Shownu and Wonho were standing in front of the door, checking the lists to make sure only the ones your father wanted got into the house. There were too many groups who either wanted to ambush your father or get into business with him and he didn't want to deal with it tonight.
“Excuse me.” You say. “Pardon me.” You say, moving through the crowd of people towards the front door.
“You look good.” Wonho smiles, winking at you before moving sideways to let you in.
“So do you.” You smile, moving past him inside. It was your typical type of party. Food, a lot of drinks and a lot of serious conversations and deal makings. You quickly grab a drink, chugging it back before grabbing another one and one more just in case. You looked around for your father to say hi, but instead your attention was caught by an extremely handsome man trying to talk to your sister. You sat on the couch behind them, listening to him try to say anything at all to Mia.
“Hey there.” He says, going to tap her on the shoulder.
Mia doesn't even give the poor man any acknowledgement. You take another sip of your drink, smiling as you watch him awkwardly stand there, trying to figure out something else to say.
“Hi.. uh, are you Mia?” He asks. She turns to look at him, scoffing before turning back to those she was talking with. You can't help but laugh, a little too loudly. He turns to look at you as you cover your mouth, trying to hide your giggles.
“What?” He asks.
“I.. nothing.” You smile. “Good luck with her.”
“Believe me.” He sighs, sitting next to you. “I don't want to be talking to her, but my father is making me.”
“You're one of the two who is supposed to get married, aren't you?” You ask.
“How do you know that?” He asks.
“L/N Y/N.” You smile.
“Ahh, the sister to.. that one.” He laughs. “Bang Chan, but you can call me Chan.” He smiles. Before you can answer, a second, overly attractive man stands beside Mia, smiling. He tries to talk to her, but she gives him the exact same treatment as she gave Chan.
“Bro. Don't even bother.” Chan sighs, pulling him to the couch. “YN, this is Felix, Felix, Y/N.”
“Hi.” You smile.
“Mia's sister.” Felix smiles.
“The one and only.” You laugh, finishing your drink. “You're better off not to even try with her, she doesn't want to get married.” You say.
“You say that as if we actually have a choice.” Felix laughs.
“Well, I mean.. it sucks to suck.” You grin.
“You do know that whoever she doesn't pick, is marrying you, right?” Chan says.
You choke. You don't know what you choked on, but it was something. “I.. what? No, that's not a thing that's happening.” You laugh. Your dad would have told you, right? “Besides, I'm in a relationship.” You say.
“Ah, yeah, the cop.” Chan says, rolling his eyes.
“He's a paramedic.” You respond, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh right.” He snickers. “The paramedic.” He says, looking at Felix, who gives him a knowing look.
The rest of the evening you spent with both those men. The conversation flowed so easily, nothing was forced, you never ran out of things to talk about with them. It was honestly refreshing. The fact that they asked you questions about yourself, things that Seojoon hadn't even asked you, and he was supposed to be your boyfriend. At the end of the night you said your goodbyes to them, and you didn't want to. You wanted to continue being with them, there was just something about them that made you feel safe and secure being around them. That night when you got home, your apartment was empty. You walked in, got yourself ready for bed, checked your phone and there were no messages from Seo Joon. At this point, you were tired of him not even trying with you. You didn't care anymore. But you did care about what Chan had said earlier. you couldn't get it out of your head. You laid down, your mind replaying what Chan had said about Seo Joon, over and over.
“Ah, yeah, the cop.”
He wasn't a cop. Those are two very different professions, you can't just mistake a paramedic with a cop. You closed your eyes, and it takes you back to a moment where you had overheard a conversation that made you question, Seo Joon. Honestly at the time you had thought he was cheating on you, but now you weren't sure if it was cheating or maybe he really is a cop?
You were laying in bed, alone, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Seojoon had been in bed with you but you assumed he thought you were sleeping when you heard him on the phone.
“Hey..” he sighs. “Yeah no, I know. No No, I don't think she suspects anything.” He chuckles. You can hear him shuffling around in the kitchen. “Look, I'm trying my best here with her. This shit isn't easy.” He snaps. “I'll try that. Yep, I'll keep you updated. Bye.” He begins walking towards the bedroom, you lay back down, closing your eyes, snoring softly. You can feel the bed dip slightly beside you. He scrolled through his phone for a few minutes before he plugged it in and went to bed. You barely slept that night, wondering if he was cheating and who he was cheating with.
You close your eyes, wanting to stop reliving memories that hurt you. It wasn't beneficial for anyone. You tried to sleep again, until your phone pinged. You had hoped the message was from Seojoon.
It wasn't.
[From: +82-463-3629] Hey, Y/N. It's Chan.
[From: +82-394-1293] And Felix. It was good talking to you today.
[From: +82-463-3629] It was. We wanted to know if you wanted to hangout tomorrow night?’
[From: +82-394-1293] Unless you and your ‘paramedic’ boyfriend have plans?
You chuckle at the conversation already.
[To: +82-463-3629,+82-394-1293] No plans. What did you guys have in mind?
The next night, even though you knew better, you put on your little black dress that hugs your curves, your favorite shoes and got yourself out the door, without a word from your boyfriend, if you could even call him that anymore. You wanted to forget about him tonight. You walk outside your apartment, looking around, you hear a car honk at you. You turn to look, seeing Felix smiling as he holds open the passenger door for you.
“You look beautiful.” Felix says, helping you into the car before closing the door.
“He's not lying.” Chan smiles.
“Thank you guys.” You laugh. “Where are we going?” You ask.
“Some of the men in our group own a club. We were thinking of drinks and maybe some dancing.” Chan smiles. You buckle your seat belt happily.
“Sounds great to me.”
The three of you sit at a table, drinks scattered all around. You're all drunk, laughing, having a great time until you turn your head towards the bar, and you see Seojoon standing there with a woman. Your smile drops, you look away, Chan and Felix notice immediately.
“What?” They both ask. Felix stretches a little, looking at the bar. He spots Seojoon immediately, and understands.
“That's him right?” Felix asks. “Your boyfriend?”
“How did you know that's him?” You ask.
“Believe me, I know a lot of things.” Felix says. You turn around to look at him, just in time to see his arm snake around the waist of a woman you recognized.
Chaeyoung. She was Seojoon's partner at work. Why were they dressed up and at the bar? Why didn't he tell you? Why wasn't he at work? What the fuck was happening?
“You okay?” Chan asks.
“I'm fine.” You smile. “That's his work partner. It's fine. Everything is fine.” You mutter.
Everything was not fine.
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dix0nvix3n · 1 day
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𖤓°⋆ Chapter 1 °⋆𖤓
⋆☀︎。Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader  ⋆☀︎。Media: The Walking Dead; No Apocalypse & Alternate Universe ⋆☀︎。Pronouns: She/Her  ⋆☀︎。 Warning: Smoking (Cigarettes), One mention of weed, Talk of a bad past relationship. (That's it I think?) ⋆☀︎。 Word Count: 2.5k
⋆☀︎。 Author's Note: It's finally here... the beginning of my magnum opus. Even though I only have this one chapter out, there hasn't been a single day since I came up with the idea for the fic where I didn't think about it at least once. I just wanna thank all the people who let me infodump about it; y'all are true soldiers, cause I can really ramble on. Special thanks to @sinkdownbeneath for helping me write the intro because I was completely stuck for months with almost nothing to show, and being the person who let me yap the most, he can account for me pretty much talking about it every day for the past five months. So, anyway, I guess I hope y'all like my first finished something that wasn't just a blurb. Last night I only had a little over 200 words at 10 PM something, and now it's 7:44 AM with 2.5k words as I write this... I don't know what got into me, but anyway, enjoy!
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June 1st, 1992
Daryl finds himself propped up against a tree, catching his breath. The cool summer air around him makes his chest ache with every breath he takes. He had been running, hearing the twigs snap and the leaves crunch beneath his feet as he darted past every tree, trying to evade potential capture from a party that had him jumping out a window when the cops showed up due to a noise complaint.
He spent much of his life within the comfort of the woodland, underneath the thick canopy of leaves and branches, the first roof he ever felt safe under.
He gasped for air, his legs exhausted and his lungs overworked, adrenaline still pulsing through him as he slid down the rough bark of a tree, pulling his legs up to his chest.
He's close to the road, hearing a solitary car cruise past. He can tell it's late from the stars that peek through the leaves that loom above him in the thick black sky, but he spots his glimmer of hope, which seems to be the soft light of a gas station just a bit beyond the road's traffic barrier closest to him.
With a deep inhale, Daryl knew he had to walk to the gas station and reluctantly call for a ride in a phone booth.
After fully catching his breath, he pulled himself off the ground and began walking towards the gas station, already dreading the thought of the phone call.
Reaching the gas station, he saw two cars; one belonged to the lone worker at the cash register inside, and the other belonged to a woman smoking a cigarette at the side of the building. The woman did a quick wave at him, which he found to be a little odd just because most people at this time of night aren't too friendly, but he gave a polite wave back anyway. 
Finally getting up to the phone booth, Daryl looked down at his watch, which read 1:00 AM, causing him to let out a deep sigh, realizing how late it was and how much of an inconvenience it would be for someone to come and pick him up. 
He stepped inside the phone booth, staring at the phone for a minute before popping in the quarters he luckily grabbed from the living room floor of the party. If he hadn't grabbed them, he'd be completely fucked and have to figure out his way back to his apartment.
After dialing the number he knew would pick up, the phone rang just a few times before a tired and clearly just woken up by a phone at one in the morning voice picked up.
"Hey, Mr. H... Could ya pick me up?"
"Thanks. 'm sorry about this; kinda just started walking and didn't stop. Ended up at some party, and now I don' know where I am."
"Yeah. Place is called Peachy Speed, never seen another gas station called this; it must be family-owned or somethin' and the closest road sign says it's on Navel Street. You know where I'm at?"
"Okay, cool. See ya in a bit. Sorry again."
After hanging up, Daryl stepped out of the phone booth with his head held down, letting out a deep exhale and running a hand through his hair until he heard a pair of feet shuffling up to him.
He looked up to see who it was, and it was you, the woman who waved at him.
"Need one?" You held out an open pack of Marlboro Reds, with only one cigarette missing from the pack.
"Oh. Yeah. Thanks." His thoughts stuttered for a moment because he was caught up in the fact that you came over to him. You're really pretty, and now Daryl feels like a nervous schoolboy trying to ask a girl to the prom just because of a simple gesture.
He grabbed a cigarette out of the box and reached to pull his lighter out of his pocket, only not to feel it, and checked the other pocket to have the same luck. "Shit."
You let out a small chuckle. "Need a light too?” You pulled a lighter out of your pocket and handed it over to him.
He nodded his thanks and popped the cig in his mouth before lifting the black bic with a spiderweb seemingly hand-painted on up to the end of the stick. Flicking the flame to life, he took a long inhale and handed you back the lighter, as he really took a moment to take in the sight of you. 
You were in a black tank top tucked into a pair of black ripped jean shorts. Under the pair of jean shorts were fishnets with an intricate pattern of moons and stars, and you had on a pair of slightly battered-up Doc Martens. 
As he exhaled the first plume of smoke into the night sky, he saw your kind smile, which sent a rush of warmth through his face. Your lips had a simple gloss on them, but your eyes were a different story, painted with smokey eyeshadow, sharp graphic eyeliner, and two rounds of mascara on each set of your top lashes. He also noticed the simple yet pretty titanium stud on the left side of your nose and two helix rings on both your ears.
He thought you were gorgeous, his heartbeat a slightly faster pace than what it normally rested at.
"Rough night?" You asked as you lit up a cigarette for yourself, letting out a slight gag at the taste and smell that you weren't used to, which caused Daryl to let out a small chuckle.
"Sorta. More of just hated the fact I had to call and wake someone up to come and get me. First time smokin'?" He said before he took another drag.
"How'd you know?" You said sarcastically as your face contorted in disgust a bit at the taste building up in your mouth and throat after each puff.
"Maybe try a different brand. You'll find one ya like." A small smile graced his lips as he butted off the ash at the end and took another drag. 
"Nah. Think I'm quitting after this one. I'll just stick to weed."
He let out a chuckle. "May I ask, why'd ya even start?"
You let out a small groan, running your hand through your hair in slight embarrassment. "I finally left my shitty boyfriend once and for all. I finally realized he'd never like me for the real me. I constantly had to put on this mask around him, and I finally found out that it was impossible to fix him and the fact he didn't actually like me. I know it sounds weird, but I guess my thought process was that my epiphany about him would stick with me after smoking one like a character in a movie or something." You let out a laugh. "Stupid, right?" 
He snubbed out the end of the cigarette, as it was almost a roach at this point. "Nah, it ain't stupid. A lot of my best thoughts come after smokin' one, cleared my head more times than I can count. You deserve one after the bullshit he put you through, I think. Hope the prick is havin' a shit night after realizin' he's lost you cause ya seem awesome to me so far."
You felt warmth begin to rise in your cheeks at his words. "Thanks. I know I deserve better. I'm just pissed; it took me so long to realize it. So, anyway, what's your name? I can't believe I haven't asked yet."
"Name's Daryl; what's yours?"
You had a few good puffs left of your cig but decided to snub yours out as well since you didn't like it anyway. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Daryl. My name is (Y/N). Do you wanna come sit with me at my spot against the wall? My most likely melted slushy is calling my name to get this taste out of my mouth." 
"Yeah, I can. Might be a bit till my ride gets here, so I might as well sit down." He started walking to your spot, and you followed in tow. 
When you got back to your spot, you looked down at your slushy on the ground. The dark purple concoction of blue raspberry and cherry slushy combo was completely melted. "Goddammit." You didn't fully care though; you paid for that slushy, because you were stubborn it meant you were going to have all of what you paid for, so you drank down the rest of the sugary liquid with a satisfied sigh. It was luckily still cold, at least, and it was just what you needed to get the taste of the cigarette out of your mouth.
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As time passed, you and Daryl talked about whatever came to mind as you doodled some intricate pattern on the front of the pack of the Marlboro Reds with a sharpie, ultimately moving to the back when you ran out of room. You found out that he works as a mechanic for motorcycles and cars at a nearby auto body shop, that he rides a motorcycle that he built himself a few years ago, that he loves to hunt on occasion, specifically with a crossbow, and that he ran from the cops at a house party tonight.
You knew your short time with Daryl was up when you saw a 1987 Ford Sierra MK2 pull into a parking spot at the gas station, and Daryl stood up, doing a quick stretch. The man in the car smiled and made a small wave at you, and you did the same back.
"It was nice meetin' ya, (Y/N). I'd talk more, but I don't wanna keep him up any longer." He said as he gestured a hand towards the man who came to pick him up. 
"It was nice meeting you too. Thanks for talking to me, Daryl." You pulled the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and held them out to him. "Take these. You need them more than me. Plus, I just quit." You grinned at him as he took the box from you. 
"Holy shit, thank you." He smiled back as he placed the box in his own pocket and slowly started walking backward towards the car. "Hope ya have a good night and that Nick the dick has a shit one. 
You let out a laugh at the nickname Daryl gave your ex-boyfriend and waved him goodbye with a "You too." You leaned your head back against the wall, staring up at the night sky as your eyes finally began to feel tired, knowing you should head back to your friend's apartment soon and try and get some sleep before your nine AM shift. 
Once Daryl got in the car, he let out a quiet sigh as he looked out the window at you, wishing he dared to ask for your number. You were the first good conversation he'd had in a while, and his schoolboy-like crush on you kept growing the whole time you talked.
"So, who's that?" The man said as he shifted the car into gear, Daryl noticing the grin on his face.
"A girl that started talkin' to me after our call. Name's (Y/N)." He pulled the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, mindlessly tracing the pattern of doodles you did.
"You ask for her number? The car was now beginning to be backed out of its parking spot.
"Nah. Mind if I smoke?" Daryl shook the pack and began looking for one of the lighters he left in the glove compartment a few weeks ago. 
The man shook his head with a slight sigh and said, "Go ahead." He wasn't shaking his head over Daryl wanting to smoke, but over the fact he wouldn't ask for your number when he obviously liked you, but he knew he couldn't push him; he understood Daryl's nature.
Daryl looked back out the window at you, opening it as he blew out the first cloud of smoke. He then looked back down in his lap where the box lay, flipping it over to the back to see what you had drawn there as well. His breath hitched as he saw it. On the back was your phone number, and above it said, "Call me" with a smiley face. 
The tips of Daryl's ears were beet red, and he tried to hold back his face from turning the same color. He looked back out the window at you to see you grinning at him this time, to which he smiled and waved goodbye to you as the car pulled out of the lot. In Daryl's twenty-three years of life, he could say that this night was one of his best.
"Daryl, why'd you call me Mr. H again? Son, you've known me for five years; how many times do I gotta remind you to call me by my name? It's Dale for you."
Daryl let out a small cloud of smoke this time, wanting to savor this one on the peaceful ride back. "I'll tell ya again, it happens when I'm nervous; didn't wanna wake you up, s'all, and you still are my boss after all."
"Daryl, you're like a son to me, and I told you to never be nervous if you need help, and that includes coming and picking you up in the middle of the night if needed. I'm here for you." Dale placed his right hand on Daryl's shoulder, keeping his left on the wheel as he squeezed his shoulder lightly before returning it to the steering wheel.
"Now, it's not Mr. H or Mr. Horvath, son. It's Dale."
Daryl rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, sir," he joked, letting out a chuckle.
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It was the next day around 10:30 PM when Daryl picked up the phone on his nightstand and finally called the number you gave him, nervously wrapping the cord around his finger. The phone only rang twice before the other end picked up, "Hey, is this (Y/N)?" 
The inner teenage girl in your brain screamed in excitement, so happy that he finally called. "Omg, Daryl! I was wondering when you were gonna call me. I've been waiting since I got off my shift."
"Didn't know if you worked a mornin' or a night shift, and I didn't wanna leave too many voicemails on your friend's phone."
"Yeah, I worked a morning shift at the diner today. I got off at five. Morning shifts are the fucking worst." You're lying on your stomach on the couch, playfully curling the phone's cord around your finger and kicking your feet back and forth in the air.
You and Daryl talked for an hour, mainly talking about the shitty customers you dealt with today, sounding especially frustrated about the woman who yelled at you just because the diner was out of unsweet tea that you couldn't do anything about because the place was also out of tea bags to make more. What did she want you to do? Just up and leave your job and go buy the tea bags, your fucking self?
"Even though I don't want to, I gotta go to bed 'cause I have another morning shift tomorrow. I get off at five, so call me around six-thirty, okay?" 
"I get off at five too. Works for me. Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodnight to you too, Daryl."
The call ended, and you both looked up at your respective ceilings, smiling as warmth bloomed through your faces. You both slept well that night, falling asleep to the thought of calling each other tomorrow.
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⋆☀︎。 Extra author's note: Here's what Dale would look like in 1992, I took Dale's age of 64 from the show since the apocalypse started in 2010 so he'd be 46 in 1992. I think this picture of Jeffrey Demunn is from when he was 43 maybe? I can't remember but that's close enough to 46 and even if he isn't 43 in the image he fits the look of someone in their mid-forties. Just imagine him without the cowboy hat, okay? There's not a lot of pictures of him when he was younger.
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⋆☀︎。 Taglist: @mrdixon , @yevmarie , and @shadowcitrine
⋆☀︎。 Divider creds: @ saradika, go check her account out! She has some very cute dividers!
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lilmashae · 24 hours
Could you do one where Riize members react to there idol significant other in a dating rumor! Love your writing keep it up babes 🤍
im sorry this took me so long to get to 😓
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i think he’d be understanding about it. it’s not your fault — it’s just a part of your job. he’d probably bring it to you first — approaching you casually and just throwing it out… when and if you panic he’ll probably laugh it off and reassure you that it’s fine!
I think he might tease you about it every once in a while! if you have another event or show with the idol you’re being shipped with he’d tell you to go have fun with your ‘boyfriend’ for the day.
but I also think that depending on his mood he’ll become a bit distraught — maybe a bit more clingy than usual.
he’s definitely jealous… but he won’t tell you! if it ever comes up in a conversation i think he’ll show little signs — maybe huffing or rolling his eyes.
‘yeah… did you know you’re trending on twitter?’ your friend shouted through the phone. you exchanged looks with eunseok as you sat up… ‘really? for what..?’ a sly smile crept up on her face. ‘people are shipping you and leehan!’ you could hear her laughing as you glanced over at your boyfriend who tightly clenched his jaw. ‘oh… haha… seriously why would they do that?’ awkward laughter erupted from your chest.
if you try to confront him he’ll SWEAR up and down he isn’t jealous. you could totally tease him about it — just to poke a little fun :) eventually he’ll cave after smothering him in affection and playfully accusing him (rightfully so) of being jealous!
he’s not mad but he definitely isn’t happy or supportive. he’s not indifferent either. i think he’d make attempts to get fans starting a dating rumor between the two of you rather than the other guy… whether he does that by dropping your name in interviews or holding your hand and kissing you in more public areas.
‘why’d you want to go out all of a sudden?’ your boyfriend had dragged you around the area — leading you from place to place until you finally sat in a café. ‘we haven’t gone out in a while…’ he wore a smug smile on his face watching as you took a bite of the dessert before you. ‘here.’ his thumb came up to swipe against your lips. ‘something on my face?’ and he’d place a sudden kiss on your lips before leaning back into his seat. ‘not anymore.’
wonbin probably thinks it’s the end of the world as he knows it. he does not like sharing — especially not you — even if it is just a rumor.
‘wonbinne come back!’ your boyfriend rushed out of your dorms after what was a pointless argument. ‘why’re you upset handsome?’ finally catching up to him you held his hands in your own. ‘im your boyfriend… not him! you did one stupid promotion together why cant anyone drop it.’ he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. admittedly it was a bit humorous watching him stomp around. ‘you are my boyfriend.’ you cracked a smile. ‘that’s why it doesn’t matter... how about we get our managers to schedule a shoot together?’ basically the only resolve is scheming with him to come up with something that’ll get rumors stirring between you two.
another understanding boyfriend! he’s not mad at all.
I feel like if you brought it up with the slightest bit of hesitancy he’d laugh it off — not in an invalidating way but just a ‘it’s okay. relax :)’ sort of way? would definitely reassure you that it’s fine and he trusts you regardless. he knows it’s just media speculation!
“it’s fine baby. no worries.” he’s very much calm about the whole thing even if you’re wigging out. “are you sure? I mean we’re trending… and of course we have to continue working together — what if the rumors get worse?” seunghan’s definitely calming you down in the situation — providing soothing words of comfort etc.
i think he’d be at least a little shocked — maybe even a bit whiny about it. but overall I don’t think he’d mind too much.
you’d sit down and have a very light hearted conversation about it and at the end you’d ask how he felt.
“it’s fine. it’s not like you two are actually together anyways.” he’s mostly indifferent but still wouldn’t mind a bit of reassurance. “you’re sure ‘hee?” and he’d nod. “you know I love you loadsss right?” another dry response but at this point he’s just doing it to egg you on. leaping across the table you smother him with kisses — generously peppering his cheeks with hundred of little nibbles. “I love you too!”
he has such an attitude about it… i feel like he’s not being serious — it’s actually very playful: especially when you ask him to do something and his response is telling you to ask your other boyfriend.
In reality he isn’t really hurt though. he understands it’s just a rumor — and that he’s extremely irrelevant in your person lives/relationship. he’s half asleep lying on your bed.
“anton! get up… let’s go out.” you poke at his sides and watch as he repositions to sink into the mattress. “no way… go out with your other boyfriend.” he groggily mumbles before feeling a pillow land on top of him. “hey! that’s not funny! now get up…” you roll over him and continue to poke at him until he’s up and getting ready. you two end up going out as you planned and everyone is happy <3
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it literally been like three weeks 😭 im so so sorry this took me so long to get to! drafts are a mess and I need to do some organizing but hopefully this isn’t too lazy 🤕
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ijustwantogethigh · 2 days
¿so, like the myth?
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Percy Jackson x Daughter of Amphitrite reader
n/a:some fluff, percy being a stalker, y/n being just a girl, mentions of greek mythology, AMPHITRITE RAAAAAAHHHH
yeah! i love her, she is my mother, self indulgent? maybe, aged-up characters, mentions of sTalking but nothin' super dark, this is nothing like i'am used to writte! enjoy muack muack.
sorry for not writting in litteral month, y'know, not inspired like- never, i hope you'd like this!
Words: 1202
Reading Time: 4m 22s.
when she first arrived at the camp, she was..like a normal girl, nothing special! but.. the way she smiles, how she is so gentle with nature, and the thing that got his attention in first place, was the fact that she spent so much time in the lake, looking at the water but never, never touching it or going to swim at least.
 And when the camp was at the bonfire, she always was in the lake, he obviously never talked to her! but there was something more in her that make him so attracted to her, she wasn’t claimed yet, maybe she was an athena daughter, or an aphrodite child tho, maybe a demeter daughter, she was still in hermes cabin, I was thinking while zooming out in her direction, until Annabeth wake me up from my delusions.
‘’Hey, seaweed brain! Why are you looking at her? that’s creepy..’’ she says, almost laughing at him, she was reading a new book that chiron translated to her, but when percy stopped yapping about how bored he was, she caught him.
Looking at the most recent camper y/n l/n, a very sweet girl, very kind with the kids and a very energetic demigod, she was sitting by the side of the lake, on a towel, the shadow of the trees heading at the lake covering her almost completely, reading and talking to the girls and boys who pass by her side.
‘’mmh? What are you saying annie? didn’t hear you..’’ he says, automatically, he can’t stop his curiosity to show up in every moment, or in every moment he sees her, almost like magic.
‘I WAS saying , stop looking at her, se will think you are a weirdo and probably wouldn’t talk t you..even she does-’’ she was going to start augmenting that, that girl didn’t know he existed, well she probably knew who the amazing percy jackson was, but had no idea how, he was.
‘’Stop Annie, I just don’t know how to talk to her, you know? it’s like- i need to talk to her but i don’t know why i can’t talk to her, and yeah, maybe she doesn’t not know me, but either i know her!.’’ He expressed his frustration to her best friend, and he did know why he didn’t talk to her. The shame of ruining it or not making a good impression terrorizes him.
‘’don’t mortified perce, what if she likes you back mmh?’’
For the rest of the day, Annabeth's words rested in his head all day.
and, a month since that conversation has passed, just like that lake water, she was in the same spot, doing what she was doing a month before, but something was new, this time it was late,she was using a blue bikini, with a white shirt on top, and reading, he hesitated his actions for a moment, but ¿if wasn’t this the right moment, when the right moment began?
and, doubting, in every step he’d take, he walked  by her side, and it all started with a ‘’hey, are you always here?’’ like he never stalked her, in annabeth's words, and a cute friendship began..yeah friendship.
Now, both of them were sitting in a calurus day, not even the shadow of the trees could make them cool. It was late again, like 6:25 pm, everyone was on the lake, refreshing and trying to have a good time while helios wanted to burn them.
‘’we should step on the water, and..y’know.. swim i’am burning here N/n’’ he spoke, groaning, trying to catch ‘’his girl’’ attention, but she frowned, 
‘’why? the water probably is warm and we are gonna burn, sun causes cancer perce, did you bring sunscreen?’’
 she put her book down, looking at him while sitting and grabbing something from his backpack.
‘’Why in the world would I need sunscreen? I’am son of poseidon! that sound ridiculous y/n.’’
‘’Well, I have no godly mother but I need sunscreen. I don't want a sunburn.’’
 she says while putting sunscreen in her face, arms, legs and stomach. 
‘’so..are we going to swim or nah?’’
and both of them walked into the water, the sun wasn’t strong and in fact, the water was warm, there weren't a lot of campers, most of them were in his cabins, or doing his duties, no one was prepared for it.
percy was looking at her while she was swimming and heading her back at him, she summergerd and take a pair of seconds to come back to the surface,and, in above his lover’s head, appear a trident, upside down, with a seashell crown, illuminated by a slightly bluish light.
he was speechless, then she saw it, and looked up, she gasped in surprise and horror, as a deep voice talked, Chiron, repeating.
‘’welcome to the camp, Y/n L/n, daughter of Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, consort of poseidon’’
he looked at her, he was more shocked than her, but she was having s lot of emotions, she laughed, the she cried, and at the end she was angry, she was hitting the water, and murmuring between her teeth, but she started stomping out of the water, all angry.
‘’h-hey, wait f’me y/n!’’ he start walking of the water, but she didn’t run away, she sat on the towel as she looked at the water, slowly moving with the air.
‘’are you okay? how’d you feel?’’ 
‘’i feel like a dam truck ran me over’’
he smiled and sat by her side, trying to comfort her, he hugged her all wet.
‘’why you feel like that mmhh? i know, it’s hard when you first find out, but believe me, is not that bad’’ 
but she sighed, and lean over his shoulder.
‘’i don’t..know, it feels odd…maybe that’s why the ocean call me, or whatever she did..’’
‘’what are you- she call, you?’’
‘’something like that, she called me ‘’my little starfish, come with mama’’ i thought  it was someone who wanted to drown me’’
He laughed, and kissed her temple. He felt like he could do it, well her mother and his father were married..so..eh better not think of it.
but she laughed, but she came back to her sad expression.
‘’but amphitrite is a minor goddess, she doesn’t have a cabin, where the heck i'm sleeping at?’’
‘’Well, your mother and my father are married, both god and goddess from the sea, so we are like, half siblings or we’re married-?’’
she hitted his arm, laughing and blushing.
‘’let’s go to our cabin perce, i'm getting cold’’
she says as she stands up, grabbing her tote bag and the towel, heading back to the camp.
‘’but first let's get dinner, i'm hungry’’
‘’of course, miss starfish’’
‘’shut up, seaweed brain’’.
and both start walking, side by side, holding each others hand, maybe, it was just like the myth.
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singstaircase · 1 day
If I'm with you, I will make it
Summary: A year ago, Jude would have done anything to get (Name) out of his life. But now, standing here in London, he can't imagine being with someone else
Contains: fluff, the champion's league final, hints at an unhappy relationship. This doesn't that follow the actual final.
This is written as a sequel to Can we become we? but can be read as a standalone
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The Champions League final.
It's been Jude's dream ever since he was a kid and he is glad (Name) is here with him on such an important day of his life.
A year ago, he would have been annoyed that his mother brought (Name) to the Champions League final with them. But now, he can't imagine how he would have made this far without her.
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“Good luck,” (Name) tells him one last time, squeezing his hand in reassurance. Jude smiles at her and jogs to catch up with his teammates.
Ten minutes pass in the blink of an eye and soon, the scorecard at the stadium shows Real Madrid 4-4 Dortmund. Nico Schlotterbeck misses his penalty and the Spanish side erupts with joy.
(Name) holds her hands together in front of her as Jude sets the ball down before the goal post. He looks at her one last time before letting out a deep breath and focusing ahead.
(Name) closes her eyes, praying for the ball to go into the net without any problem.
There is a brief moment of silence before the sound of screaming reaches her ears. She opens their eyes to see Jude's mother hugging her husband with tears.
He's done it. Real Madrid won, and Jude is an European champion now and (Name) is there to witness it all in person.
The players of the Spanish side hug Jude one by one and soon, he frees himself from them while moving towards the stands.
(Name) watches him jump over the steps and move toward them. She has both of her hands on their face, trying to blink away the tears.
He hugs (Name) immediately after reaching the area where his family is sitting. The hug feels like a lifeline, the warmth enveloping him as (Name)’s arms wrap around his shoulders.
He whispers, “I did it,” and she responds with a gentle squeeze first. “You did it.”
The hug lingers for a moment longer before Jude pulls away. His smile remains as he turns to hug his mother and so does (Name)’s. His hand finds hers, a silent reassurance amidst all the excitement around them.
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As Jude is descending back to the pitch, an impromptu decision takes hold of him.
He pauses, retracing his steps to the stands and holds (Name)’s face with his hands, leaving a tender kiss on the cheek.
(Name) is left stunned as he makes his way back to his teammates, laughter trailing behind him.
She lightly touches the spot where Jude's lip met her cheek. A serene smile graces her lips as the sound of excitement from the crowd reaches her ears.
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Jude is bubbling with excitement on the pitch, eagerly anticipating the moment to receive his winners medal and lift the Champions League trophy.
Amidst the excitement, he finds himself stealing glances back at (Name), who is engrossed in conversation with his family. Each time their eyes meet, a wide smile effortlessly spreads across his face.
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(Name) makes her way to the pitch alongside Jude's family, after continuous insistence from his Mother
As she stand behind, (Name) watches with a gentle smile as Jude proudly shows his mother the medal. His mother's next actions are an affectionate hug, followed by a playful shove.
Jude stumbles a little and catches (Name)’s gaze. Time seems to stand still as their eyes lock.
Without any audible words, the two rush towards each other. In a rush of emotions, Jude's arms wrap around (Name).
She says something to him with visible excitement but his eyes remain transfixed on (Name)’s.
Jude's ecstasy bursts forth as he embraces (Name) once more, this time lifting her up off the ground. “I did it!” he says, his voice filled with exhilaration and pride.
“You did!” (Name) responds with a yelp of excitement.
As the laughter subsides, Jude, without a second thought, tenderly brings (Name)’s head close to his heart, the rapid beat of his heart matching the rhythm of their laughter.
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The mixture of laughter and elation fills the air, catching Luka's attention.
As he watches, (Name) breaks away from the hug and Jude places his medal around her neck. A moment of pure playful chaos nearly causes them to lose balance but Jude swiftly catches her just in time.
Luka can't help but smile witnessing this. So this is what young love looks like, he thinks.
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Throughout the night, Jude remains inseparable from (Name).
He firmly holds her hand wherever he goes, whether navigating through the pitch or attending interviews, his grip on her hand remains constant.
Even when he momentarily lets go during interviews, Jude effortlessly manages to include (Name) into the conversation, subtly referencing or gesturing towards her.
The flustered face of his wife followed by a smile strong enough to lighten up the entire stadium never fails to make his heart race, not even for a moment.
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(Name) suddenly sits down on the ground, tugging Jude's body with her.
“Tired?” he asks with a laugh. (Name) laughs a little too. “A little. The penalties were nerve-wracking.”
“I think I was more nervous than you,” she says with a laugh as Jude sits down beside her.
They just stare at each other lovingly; the world seems to have stopped and it's just the two of them and their love for each other left.
Their eyes tear from each other at the sound of a loud explosion. “Fireworks,” (Name) quietly lets out as her eyes move up to the sky. Jude's eyes remain fixed on them, watching a small smile form.
And that smile, he thinks, it's more beautiful than the entire star-filled sky.
Jude's mind goes back to the dream he had all those years ago. The ground, London, fireworks painting the dark sky– this is his reality now.
And God, it is so much better than all the dreams he had.
A year ago, he would have been fuming to learn that the person from his dreams is (Name).
But now, he can't imagine it being someone else.
(Name) looks back with the same ethereal smile. Is this what heaven looks like?
As the sound of fireworks grow louder, painting the dark sky, (Name) and Jude lean forward.
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dying, second priority (nsfw)
tashi duncan x fem!reader, 830 words
tashi left you to travel for a match after an argument, but when she comes home after winning, resentment is left at the door.
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Her hands roam your body, her lips on your neck as she’s biting and sucking and kissing, a distraction that you welcome eagerly — cruelty has died between you, and in its place love has grown again. 
Your shirt is ripped over your head and tossed across the room, your bra close to follow, and bare before her you are able to witness the hunger in her eyes that sinks in through your exposed skin like her nails on your back as she pulls you closer. You’re wilting under her gaze, but you enjoy it. You are hers to consume and renew. 
Tashi pushes you onto the bed. She towers over you as she climbs on top of you, fumbling with the button of your jeans. You’re quick to slip out of them and the rest of your clothes, and you’re quick to pull her out of her black tank top. You hesitate to try with her sports bra — not much is revealed to you of what’s underneath it, but it accentuates the strength of her figure, the muscular curves of her biceps and shoulders. 
“I missed you,” you murmur. Tashi left you to travel for a match on disagreeable terms. The communication you’ve had the last few days has been strained in the tension of your past argument, but as soon as she passed the threshold of your home any conflict between you had died at once. 
Tashi’s lips meet your chest, kissing down your sternum. Her eyes meet yours — you see her longing, tainted still by the taste of resentment but present nonetheless and intoxicating with every moment you spend under her gaze. Your need for one another is too great to leave room for conflict. You need to touch her, hear her, feel the warmth of her skin on yours accompanied with the knowledge that until she’s finished with you she’ll never leave. 
“I missed you too,” she whispers against your skin, and a shiver ripples through you. “I missed having you beneath me, it’s where you belong.” 
Your breath catches, Tashi shifts to push her knee between your legs. You pull her back down to kiss you, impatiently attempting to grind against her leg, but your pursuit is halted when her hands press your hips down hard onto the bed. 
“Did I fucking say you could do that?” Tashi asks, her voice rough with desire. You try to look away, but she grabs your chin and forces you to face her. “Answer me.” 
“No,” you breathe. You have no excuse, no justification other than how much you need her, which is obvious to such a level that an amused sort of pride is dancing in Tashi’s eyes. 
“No,” she echoes. Her tone is demeaning. “I know you’ve been wanting this since I left, don’t ruin it for yourself.” 
You nod, words escaping you. Tashi moves her leg away, and you whine in protest, but she pays no mind to your dismay. One of her hands slides up the inside of your thigh, and she watches you carefully when her fingers glide to your clit, when they begin circling it with movements of newfound gentleness. You let out a sigh. Your hands come up around her back – you need her close, as close as you can get without suffocating. You would die for her, but you’re set on an orgasm first. 
“So beautiful,” Tashi murmurs, almost to herself as she admires you. Two of her fingers slip into you with ease, and the moan you release fills you with as much humiliation as it fills her with satisfaction. She leans back down to kiss your collarbones – she's always loved your collarbones – and you gasp as she nips at your skin. 
Your eyes fall closed under her ministrations. Every second you spend with her so deep inside you, every hickey she’s painting on your neck and chest brings you a step closer to heaven. You think about how visible the marks will be tomorrow, how horribly it’ll feed her ego to see you fail to find something to wear that doesn’t show the evidence of her possession of you. 
Your nails rake down what’s exposed of her back and she groans faintly into your skin. You’re close, it’s an impossible task to last much longer under her. You’ve gone days without the nourishment of her touch, and she makes you new with life, euphoric pleasure racing through you as you’re sent deeper into ecstasy. 
“Good girl,” Tashi hums. Her free hand comes to trace up your neck as she lifts her head, looming above you again. “You’re so close, aren’t you? If you’ve missed me so bad, then show me.” 
The dam of your weakened restraint is torn down at her words, which rip through you like the bliss elicited from her touch as she guides you through your orgasm. You’re hers to consume, hers to renew – you belong below her, and you’re eager to live in her glory. 
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verdemoun · 2 days
charthur in canon context is just so devastating. imagine being charles, after years alone in the wilderness, trying to learn how to engage with people, let alone a group of people, for the first time in decades, and meeting arthur. arthur, who is massive, with an uncanny dead-eyed stare, and gets treated like a dumb workhorse.
but the second they meet arthur is respectfully enamored. charles, who likes people more when they're not talking blah blah, finds himself absolutely rambling the second they're alone because arthur listens and immediately accepts things charles tells him at face value. arthur, who had only learned about how much bison meant to native people hours ago, kills a poacher not (only) because charles encouraged it but because he genuinely believed that the poacher deserved to die
arthur, who has the self-awareness to know they're not good people, and thinks of himself as the lowest of low, tells charles with utmost sincerity that charles is one of the best people he knows. arthur, who throws himself into a firefight to protect a german man he hadn't even really wanted to rescue at the start. arthur, who wants to show off how much he's been using the tracking skills charles taught him. charles being sent out to find arthur because mr 'i'm a bad man' has been missing for three weeks and he's in the swamps up to his waist in mud looking for flowers because a dude he's met twice before asked him nicely. he's forgotten to eat for four days but his white horse is still brushed so spectacularly clean that charles saw her first.
charles catching himself hugging onto arthur a little too long when arthur arrives in lakay. he'll figure out what that feeling is later. charles, constantly torn between encouraging arthur to rest as he starts to get sick and needing him because he knows arthur's smart, he knows arthur thinks what dutch is doing with the wapiti people is wrong. charles realizing arthur trusts him so completely he admits he's dying, and rides quietly listening to the morbid assurance that at least he knows how much time he has left to live a better life like it's exactly what he needed to hear
then having to be the one to say no when arthur offers to stay and help too after the death of eagle flies. because it doesn't make sense. arthur's sick and the wapiti people are already vulnerable. because he knows arthur, and arthur wouldn't be able to live with himself for whatever time he has left if he doesn't try to save as many of the gang, his family, as he can. realizing he doesn't want to be saying no, like the word suddenly burns his in throat and chokes him. because he loves him. holding arthur one last time, knowing better than to hope it isn't the last time he sees him. realizing he loves him in the same second he realizes it's goodbye.
then getting to see him, hold him, one last time, as he carries his corpse to a pretty hillside where arthur would have wanted to be.
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fatuismooches · 2 days
cor monstri.
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synopsis: Having been awake from your centuries-long coma for quite a while, you’ve become accustomed to many of Dottore’s segments and their unique personalities, along with their love for you. However, there seems to be a segment that’s rather elusive, and you’re going to get to the bottom of it.
includes: dottore (zeta segment) w/ gn! reader
notes: This is a commissioned work! I strongly recommend reading this, this, and this, in order to get a better grasp on this particular segment, Zeta (a sincere thank you to these anons!) Fragile reader tries their best in order to make a particular gloomy segment smile, the man who feels the failure of being unable to cure them for so long.
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Il Dottore was a man of many faces, quite literally.
When you were a student with him at the Akademiya, he always wore one - that perpetually annoyed look that kept everyone else away from him, a perfect fit for him as he didn’t want to be bothered. Though you did see his softer sides eventually, it was nothing compared to what you dealt with now. Ever since you woke up from your coma, you were literally looking at his numerous faces all the time.
From 01’s familiar grumpy face to 02’s wide grins, 04’s severe lack of a smile as well as 18’s relaxed nature, and the exuding confidence from 24. There was also your favorite one, the glowing and giddy face of 10 when the child clung to you. Not to mention, all the other segments of Dottore that were around you. It was a lot to see and get used to… but you grew to love them all dearly, so you eventually gave them names. Real names, instead of numbers.
However, there was one segment that was sort of an outlier. It was strange to single him out, considering how eccentric all of the segments were, but with his odd behavior, it didn’t take long for him to catch your eye. 06, now called Zeta, was his name, and you found yourself struggling to understand him, partially because you barely ever saw him. That was probably one of the strangest things - being asleep for four hundred years made it so that all the other segments longed for your company and touch, stealing you away and hogging your attention whenever they had the chance. 
But Zeta, he wasn’t one of the bunch. He didn’t initiate anything but instead watched from afar. You would catch him watching you give a kiss or hug to another segment, before looking away swiftly. You would find him staring at you whenever you laughed or smiled widely, seemingly taking in your expression, before retreating somewhere else. You were confused. Did he not like you or something? Was there a period in Dottore’s life where he didn’t like you anymore?! Alright, you knew that was a dumb question, but still. Zeta never completely ignored you or drove you away, but you wondered why he seemed to be so gloomy and distant around everyone.
Zeta also had a face that was obviously familiar yet unfamiliar to you at the same time. Zeta had that fluffy blue hair you adored, and it was slightly longer than Beta’s hair, but not as long or stylized in the way of the older segments. Sometimes you’d notice it would be unkempt for days, and you’d try to brush it for him, although he initially protested and tried to leave quietly. Still, you made him sit as you weaved the hair brush and your fingers through his locks, which you greatly enjoyed but you weren’t sure if Zeta did as much. 
The other segments usually spoke to you, even if it was just small talk when they were busy. But again, Zeta was an odd one. He was always quiet around you. Regardless, whenever you did something sweet for him, no matter how small, he would show some form of gratitude. That was another odd feature of his, the other segments weren’t nearly as openly kind. Of course, they could say those nice words when it was something big, but Zeta seemed to make it a point. Was he really grateful for such tiny acts? You weren’t sure.
Zeta had those gorgeous red eyes that you loved to peer into, but his eyes seemed different from the other segments, and Prime Dottore himself. The others donned a familiar glint that you loved to see, proof of their ambitions and goals and research regardless of what others thought. Zeta’s eyes, however, seemed rather empty and dull to you. Still beautiful of course, but still. And while Delta had a permanently stern expression, Zeta was also quite serious, but he just seemed… somber, in a way. He never smiled. You wondered why. You think he’d look even prettier with a smile, just like how your other lovers do.
Asking your beloved, Prime Dottore himself, didn’t give you much answers. You should have expected that, but it was still disappointing.
“Dottore, all the segments are from past stages of your life, right?”
“Like how Alpha is from when you were a student and Omega is you from not too long ago…”
“That is correct.”
“So what stage of life is Zeta from?” Your question makes your lover pause for a mere moment, before moving his pen again like nothing happened.
“It was when you were still in your coma,” was his simple response, much to your dismay.
“Okay…? Almost all of your segments are from when I was sleeping! I mean, is there anything… specific that happened during that time? Anything particular?” You pressed, hoping to see why Zeta would be so drastically different from his other segments.
“No, I simply attended to you and my Fatui duties as usual.” You had to stop yourself from groaning at the obvious lie. There had to be something that had happened to make Zeta so stony-faced and subdued, compared to Prime’s outward and self-assured nature. And despite the complications your illness brought, your determination remained and that only meant one thing.
You were going to understand and love Zeta, no matter how much work it took.
Even though you knew where Zeta’s office and room were, whenever you went to find him, he was nowhere to be seen. You don’t know how he manages to be so slippery, but luckily you have a plan. Because no one can be more persistent than you when it comes to pursuing Dottore! You knew that periodically each of the segments reported to Prime whatever they were researching, and that even included Zeta, who seemed to never have much to do with him or have any agents under his command either. (Did he work completely alone? You knew all the segments liked to work by themselves, but they still had agents that worked under them for menial tasks. Zeta didn’t seem to speak to anyone else though.) Regardless, you were just going to lurk near your lover’s office and wait until Zeta finally popped up.
Thankfully, your experiment was a success.
When Zeta exited Prime’s office, you were right there, patiently waiting for him. His normal monotone expression was mildly surprised, probably not expecting you to be right there. Before the segment could speak, you leaned closer, your eyes staring directly into his, which had a permanent darkness underneath.
“Zeta! Hi! Hello! How are you?” Your words came out a bit awkward because of how long you’ve waited for this moment, but you didn’t think it was much of a problem. A few moments passed, as he took in your form, the one that was alive and breathing right in front of him instead of the one that never responded to him. You tried to ignore his intense stare before you got flustered. Just what could he be thinking about? You felt you understood Dottore and all the others well, but Zeta… well, he was a mystery that you’d crack. Hopefully.
“... I am fine. And you?” He had already begun walking but had trouble doing so as you were practically circling him excitedly. The sight made his chest oddly warm, but his usual expression remained, giving away nothing to his true feelings.
“I’m good too! Besides all the other stuff of course,” you didn’t see how his face tightened at the indirect mention of your illness, “But anyway, I have a problem. A very serious problem that only you can help me with,” you declared.
“And that is?” Zeta watched as your cheerful demeanor turned more serious.
“You’re the only segment I’ve barely spent any time with. That makes me quite sad. I want to get to know you some more, Zeta,” you said simply, having no interest in beating around the bush. “I know we haven’t spoken a lot but… I would like to change that. I mean, I know you probably don’t like to speak to people but…” You fiddled with your sleeve a bit nervously now, “But I would still like to try. I like you a lot, you know?” Zeta looked at you as you spoke, noticing every small detail that crossed your face, your eyes that blinked shyly as you bit your lip. Every movement of yours was mesmerizing for the man who once constantly stared at your unmoving face.
“So… what do you say, Zeta?” Ah, that’s right. You were waiting for an answer, now bearing a hopeful look. He should decline, the segment thinks. He’s satisfied with watching you go about your day.
“If that’s truly what you want, then I suppose nothing I say will be able to deter you,” the opposite comes out of his mouth, a feeling that’s buried deep within him, one that can’t help but come out when you’re near. Before he can speak again, to say that being with him probably won’t be the experience you’re looking for, you joyfully celebrate by wrapping your arms around the segment. You fight the urge to kiss him on the cheek.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise it won’t be boring!” Your warmth envelopes Zeta’s body, an unfamiliar sensation that has him frozen. So this is the sweetness that Prime and the other segments indulge in every day? And yet in his mind and body, your coldness from long ago still permeates him. From when you weren’t even able to respond to his words. Before you can notice something is wrong, he tentatively places his hand on your back, making sure his fingers do not twitch from how starved he is for you.
And then your days with Zeta officially began.
Rather quickly into your attempt to understand Zeta, the most important thing for you was to get to know him. Talk with him. Figure him out. You found that this task was difficult yet simple at the same thing. Zeta answered your question concisely as you expected him to, but… that was it. He was to the point and nothing else, not the conversationalist like his other segments. It left you with a lot of gaps to fill. Especially since you had no exact idea of what era of Dottore’s life he was from.
But still, you enjoyed your time with Zeta.
You learned that his area of research was medicine, creating and modifying new types for the Fatui’s use. But more importantly, he helped to create medicine for you. You didn’t expect that - you thought only Prime would do such a thing, but Zeta was incredibly skilled. You learned that he did indeed work with no one else at all, having “no interest in dealing with them,” according to the segment. 
You also learned that he was immensely attentive toward you, especially when your illness seemed to affect you the most. His eyes followed you when you thought he wasn’t paying attention, examining your body language and expression. If you were dizzy, he’d force you to sit down. If you looked to be more tired than usual, he’d make you go to sleep. The most you had heard him speak so fluently without stopping was when you had the “audacity” to still visit him while you were running a slight fever. 
Well, perhaps you should have expected that considering the others would react in a similar way, but you felt as though he was especially serious about it. While the other segments could entertain your excuses to an extent, he wouldn’t. It made you wonder if his stronger feelings had someone to do with his personality. You felt bad for worrying him… perhaps you should try to cheer him up. Actually, making him smile too. Yes, that would do nicely. But how? You weren’t sure if the tricks (more like a bombardment of affection) would work on Zeta. Still, there was no harm in trying.
I. plan a - attack with affection!
“Zeta~ whatcha doing?” You had come up from behind him as he sat in his chair, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Zeta instantly takes note of your warm breath on his neck, the rise and fall of your chest, but ignores his longing for more.
“Reviewing the effects of the medicine on the others,” he replied, neglecting to mention who exactly was being tested on. You sighed, enjoying the fluff of his hair, but slightly disappointed at how he didn’t seem to be fazed whenever you touched him.
“Don’t you think you should take a little break? You’re always working,” you advised as you kissed the stoic man on the cheek. Pretty much all of the segments were constantly working or engrossed with their research, but many found some time to slack off with you, even for a few minutes. Well, it was more like you forced them to do so, but that was beside the point.
“I do not have time to spare with such things,” is Zeta’s immediate answer. All this annoying Fatui work he has to do takes up so much of his time when he should be focusing on helping to cure you. It’s extremely irritating for the segment, but of course, you don’t know that. You whine a bit, nipping his cheek to get him to reconsider, but the consistent somber look remains. 
“At least let me keep you company,” you said. Before he could protest or accept, you had already pulled his chair out to make yourself comfortable on his lap. This technique always worked, tested multiple times by you. You had to fluster him at least a little bit! His deep red eyes bore into yours before he sighed.
“If that is what you would like,” he said as he continued to work on analyzing the records in front of him. You were content with lying against him, head braced against his shoulders. At some point, you noticed his hand now rested on your thigh and then moved up your body, which you delighted in.
“You are very warm,” Zeta finally commented after a while of silence.
“Me? Warm?” You were a bit surprised because you were used to being told that you were pretty cold, mostly due to your illness, but Zeta didn’t seem to think so, considering how his arm was snaked around you firmly.
“Yes. Quite warm.” At least compared to all those centuries ago, Zeta thought. You looked at him curiously.
“Do you like it?”
“I do. It helps with focusing.” You almost giggled at that. Here you were trying to distract him, but he said you were helping him focus.
“Then let me warm you up some more,” you whispered, hands slithering up to his shoulders as you pressed your lips against his neck, leaving long kisses down to his collarbone. You then kissed his cheek, trying to gauge his reaction. Still, he wasn’t even blushing, as composed as always… well, a lot of the other segments were like this too, but you hoped you’d be able to see a similar expression as when you teased Alpha.
“Come on Zeta, don’t I deserve some kisses too?” You teased, as your lips got dangerously close to his, nearly brushing each other. You felt him stiffen up at how close you were, his eyes struggling to stay focused on his papers.
“Is it ever possible for you to show restraint?” You smiled at the snarkiness - even though Zeta was more a lot subdued than the others, you still could be a victim of his sarcasm.
“Of course I can. Just not when it comes to you. You’re just too cute,” you said before locking your lips with his, finally indulging in such pleasure. At first, Zeta’s lack of response made you worry that he didn’t want it, but soon enough he kissed you back. It was gentle at first, a bit unnoticeable, but after a few moments, he kissed back harder, catching you off guard. You pulled away, trying to regain your breath, but he then kissed you again, not letting you escape from his grasp. The kiss was greedy, and the way his fingers dug into your arms was as if he felt you would slip away if he didn’t hold onto you hard enough. Of course, you welcomed the feeling along with your beating heart, although you were speechless by the end of it, only staring at the segment with your mouth slightly ajar. Zeta had an amused glint, a refreshing look from his normally empty gaze.
“Why so surprised? Is this not what you asked for?”
“I- Well, yes, it was. And I am not disappointed,” you quickly replied, hoping to seem not too bothered by that sudden assault. Looks like he flustered you instead of you flustering him… but you know what? It was still a win!
“You know what this means, Zeta?” You looked at you silently, beckoning you to continue.
“Mission accomplished! I got you to take a little break, didn’t I?” You giggled at the success of your little plan, while Zeta’s eyes softened a tiny bit, the bags under his eyes looking a little less dark.
“... I guess you did.”
Plan A resulted in a semi-success and failure, but you think you’re a step closer to seeing a smile on Zeta’s face.
II. plan b - gift him something nice!
Gifts were always a good way to make someone smile. How could one not smile, after seeing someone else go out of their way to get something that was thoughtful? No one, that’s right, well, except for Dottore. Some of his segments, to be more specific. You remember quite well when you used to gift Dottore things in the Akademiya, he would always be suspicious of your ulterior motives. Thankfully, he’s changed now, because it would be difficult to have your partner of four hundred years wary of your intentions.
However, you were unaware of what kind of gifts Zeta would like. All the segments had their own preferences that you took into consideration, but you had only gotten to know Zeta recently, so you weren’t sure what he’d like yet. Should you cook for him? You could, but you had already given him a lot of tasty treats. You wanted to get something better for him. In the end, you simply decided to ask him.
“Zeta, what do you like?” You questioned, as you idly observed what he was writing. You think it was something about selling stuff to another Harbinger.
“What do I like?” He repeated. It was an odd question because he thought you’d know such things by now, but he still humored you. “Successful experiments, for one.” You giggled.
“I know that. I mean… if you had to receive something right now, what would it be? A gift, you could say. I could even make something for you!”
“A gift? That’s right, you used to be quite skilled with your hands,” Zeta reminisced about your past creations from when you were a student, more to himself rather than you from his expression, as he ran his longer fingers over the palm of your hands absentmindedly. A good pen that didn’t break would be nice, but he knew that was probably impossible.
“I do not require anything at this moment. There is no need to bother with it.” You hung your head in disappointment, which you should have expected, but you were unwilling to just give up like that.
For a while, you brainstormed. You thought for ages about what gift would be best for Zeta, and one day it hit you.
A picture frame.
Recently you had become knowledgeable about the “Kamera”, a device that took “pictures”, which were images that were captured permanently. It was fascinating to see yourself reflected back at you like that. Zeta liked to stare at you, his preferred method of communication to be honest. So would it not be a nice gift, a picture of you that he could look at whenever you weren’t around? And you could decorate the picture frame cutely! It was perfect! You were excited.
You didn’t bother asking another segment to take the picture for you, because you knew they’d get jealous if they found out what you were preparing for Zeta. You rather not have to think of over a dozen poses to do for each of them right now. You settled on a simple smile for the picture, placed some stickers along the frame that definitely didn’t match the vibe of Zeta’s office, and then put it there one day for him to come and see. You decided not to say anything, wanting to see his reaction.
As soon as he walked into his office, he immediately noticed you lying down, poorly pretending to be reading, and then his eyes wandered to the new addition on his desk. Zeta sighed at your determination, a trait he did admire about you even if you were annoying about it sometimes. Taking a seat, he then looked at the gift you had presented him with. The picture of you glowed back at him, a pretty smile that belonged on your face. It reminded him of the smiles you had back in the Akademiya. There were also the heart stickers that you plastered along the frame, that was simply so you. [Name].
“It is good. You seem adept with a Kamera, which is not surprising.” Your heart stuttered at the praise.
“It is fun to use. We should take some pictures together! I need to add them to my scrapbook.”
Zeta only hummed in response, his mood unusually better than usual, and glanced at the photo for a few more seconds. He then moved it to a better position and returned to his work. You held back a smile.
Plan B was definitely a success!
III. plan c - make him laugh!
Something that always made you laugh was when Dottore or the segments laughed. You always found it captivating to see how different their laughs were. Segments like Alpha and Delta rarely laughed, and when they did, it was more like a scoff. Omega’s laugh, which was usually when he was amused, whether it was genuine or in a mocking way, always made your heart flutter. Beta’s laugh, where you joined in with his hee-hee-ho-hos. So naturally, you wondered how you would get Zeta to laugh. Yes, you knew that you hadn’t even gotten the segment to smile yet, but maybe getting him to laugh could be a step in that direction.
Should you pull out some of your favorite terrible and corny jokes? Well, that probably wouldn’t be very effective - those jokes only served to make you laugh at the segments’ disgusted and humorless expressions. Especially with a segment like Zeta, you think that for all of the loving looks he gave you, he might give you one that made you want to crawl into a hole.
Maybe he was ticklish? It was worth a try, actually - Zandy always ran away when you tried to tickle him, and when you tried to tickle Dottore back in the Akademiya, you think he nearly broke your arm. It didn’t work on the older segments, but maybe it would on Zeta!
On the day you put your plan into action, you were in the perfect position on his lap, examining the best spots on his body that could possibly be ticklish. His ears and neck, or perhaps you should just go for his sides instead. Your hands curled into his shirt automatically, fingers moving up to his side when Zeta spoke.
“I would prefer if you pulled these tricks on the others rather than me, especially when I’m working.” It took a few moments for you to process his words before you sat upright, trying to defend your innocence.
“Hey! I wasn’t going to do anything!” You said, pulling your hands away, but Zeta looked at you blankly.
“There are times when I cannot figure you out, and there are times when you are a very obvious person. This time is the latter.” You pouted at the half compliment, half insult as you snuggled into his shoulder in embarrassment, but Zeta spoke again.
“However, I recommend going for the neck if you are still insistent,” he said, and you immediately regained your energy as your hands gripped his shoulders, wandering dangerously close to his neck. “Though, I believe using your lips would be more effective,” Zeta added on, and you paused as you thought about what he was implying.
“... You’re just trying to get me to kiss you, aren’t you?”
“I am simply giving the answer you seek.”
“You know, you’re just lucky I like giving you kisses,” you mumbled, before giving in to his request. Well, that backfired, but this outcome wasn’t at all bad!
Still, it seems like Plan C resulted in a failure…
IV. plan d - try to discover the truth!
You’ve spent a while with Zeta by now, learning quite a bit about his likes and dislikes - how he didn’t have a preference for being kissed, satisfied with your soft lips being anywhere, how he hated being bothered by any other agents even if it was only occasionally. How his favorite places to kiss you were your wrists and chest, along with the hollow of your neck, exactly where your heartbeat was, and how he quickly became agitated if you showed even the slightest sign of discomfort from your illness.
You loved Zeta and all his little quirks.
But you still had little information as to why he was so dour all the time. It hurts your head sometimes, after listening to Beta’s exuberant rants or Omega’s effortless charisma or even Prime’s endless discussion of his latest research, to Zeta’s quietness that came with dull eyes staring at you. Sure, you had gotten him to open up a bit, but it was just too strange for you to let go of. Maybe you could just ask him, but you didn’t want to be rude… but if you wanted to make him smile, you wanted to know why he was so serious yet so down all the time…
The next best solution was to investigate his stuff. Yes, it wasn’t the nicest thing ever, but you needed answers. You had already glimpsed around Zeta’s office a bit, because you liked to help him wherever you could, and you didn’t see anything that could be a clue. So the next best place was his room. Granted, all the segments’ rooms were pretty bland and empty, but it was still worth a shot.
After you woke up from your coma, the segments started leaving their personal rooms unlocked, because you loved to wander into them and take naps on their beds. Even though they hardly visited their own rooms, it was a nice surprise to come back to the sight of you sleeping peacefully, definitely falling asleep to the scent of their shirt. And it wasn’t like anyone else could find the location of their quarters. Therefore, it wasn’t hard to slip into Zeta’s room.
Of course, his room was practically a copy of all the other rooms. Regardless, your eyes swept through the room, landing on the desk with drawers (because for some reason, they still could work in their own rooms.) That would be a good place to look. Taking a seat at the desk, you found nothing but boring reports, talking about some Patient E43 or X12 or whatever, nothing you were interested in. 
Pulling open the drawers, some more loose papers were scattered about, none catching your eye, until you came across a notebook stashed toward the back. It was oddly familiar to the one you remember reading from when you first woke up, that you found in Prime’s office. Curiously, you picked it up and began to skim through the writing, taking note of the date that was from around two hundred years ago.
“It has been centuries since I last heard [Name]’s voice. I must keep replaying their annoying laugh and nagging tone in my head before I forget how they sound in this deafening silence.”
“Pierro spoke to me today. He didn’t say anything outright, but I knew what he meant. My research has slowed, but can’t these other idiots can operate without me? I have important matters to attend to.”
The entries went on, and on, and on, all detailing numerous failures and unsuccessful attempts of Dottore’s. Then, you got to the ones where the date got closer to the current time, a couple of decades ago.
“Even though my hands brush their skin every day, I seem to still be unaccustomed to the coldness of their body.”
“Their pulse is always the same. A dreadful, slow, heartbeat, that is nearly nonexistent. I despise it. And yet no matter how many trials I run, it remains the same.”
You continued to flip through the notebook that detailed so much about what he did in your coma, unethical actions that bordered on desperation. Even if he didn’t directly say his feelings, you could feel them flowing through you. Suddenly, Zeta’s nature made complete sense. It was due to the overwhelming failure he felt, even guilt, you’d say. Even you thought it was an uncharacteristic thing for him to feel - you rarely ever saw Prime display guilt unless it was a serious argument. But it was the only explanation, from these entries at least. Your heart suddenly began to hurt. You caused Zeta all this pain, in a way…
“Are you finished?” The voice now made your heart spike with surprise as you slammed the notebook shut, scrambling up from your seat to see none other than the segment, looking at you with an expression that seemed to say he wasn’t really surprised.
Now, this was just the most classic, cliche thing that would happen in one of the romance novels that always made you mad, but now that it was happening to you, you felt immense embarrassment.
“I- um, well,” you sputtered, trying to find an explanation, but there was none. “I’m sorry, Zeta. I’m sorry.” You avoided his gaze while he sighed.
“Go ahead. Ask what you’ve wanted to ask since the beginning.”
“Did you write this?” Your voice was quiet, the sadness layering over it thickly, as you put the notebook back where it was. No need for it anymore when you had Zeta in front of you.
“Yes and no. The more recent writing is from me. The earlier ones are from Prime himself, though I suppose you could consider it me as well since I am him from that stage of life,” he said as he began to walk toward you, until he was standing in front of you, taking note of your downcast look.
“Zeta… all of this, I don’t…” The vast emotion you felt from the writing made your head swing because you never thought Dottore could feel so… strongly, in that kind of way.
“Those fools from above tried to take you away from me… they tested me,” he breathed in your scent, finger tracing along your neck to feel your pulse. You tried to ignore how quickly you were heating up by the close proximity. “But they failed. Of course they did.” The malice in his voice then dissipated as he stepped away, gritting his teeth, and you already missed his warmth.
“But I…” You quickly interrupted him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.
“You did not fail me, Zeta. Don’t say that,” you murmured as you brought his hand closer to your face, nuzzling it to your cheek. “I’m alive and breathing in front of you, aren’t I? That’s proof enough of how hard you worked. You don’t need to worry anymore,” you tried to comfort him.
“It is not enough,” he snapped, leaving you silent, as he then realized he didn’t mean to direct that tone toward you, stroking your cheek as a quiet apology. “I should have been able to wake you up sooner. I should have been able to cure you by now. If I was successful, things wouldn’t be the way they are now.” 
Your heart couldn’t help but ache at the segment’s pain. You had no clue that he or Dottore himself felt this guilty when you were sleeping. The only thing you could do was hug Zeta, enveloping him in your arms. It was then you realized that even though you wished you could rid him of his sense of failure and guilt right now, you knew you couldn’t. It was a key characteristic of his at this phase… so you could only promise him something.
“Zeta… I can’t change the past or how you felt back then… but I can promise that my heart will never stop beating for you ever again. My arms will be here when you need them, I’ll talk to you so much you’ll miss the quiet, and I’ll make sure I keep you so warm you’ll overheat. I’ll never keep you waiting ever again,” you said gently but firmly, fingers curling into his shirt, hoping your words would reassure him a little bit. Zeta remained motionless for a few moments, and you worried that you said something wrong, but he then wrapped his arms around you too, holding you tightly.
“I will hold you to that, [Name],” he said, his voice still tinged with his regrets but also held something a bit softer.
“Of course.”
“There will be consequences if you go back on your word.”
“I know.”
“I mean it.”
“Yes, darling. You need not worry again.”
“Hmph…” Despite his gruff words, the way he held you said it all.
Plan D seemed like a failure on the surface, but you think you were pretty successful.
V. plan e - get a smile on that face!
It had been a little while since your numerous encounters with Zeta, and it was from then that you found out how clingy he could be. Nuzzling into your soft body, holding onto you when you said you were leaving, not wanting to relinquish you to the others. Now that you knew what he went through, you easily understood why though. However, you didn’t mention it at all unless you wanted to be ignored. 
And now that you had gotten him to speak a bit more, you were blessed with the usual Dottore you knew and loved - more quips and banter filled the room, instead of the once-normal silence. Still, he liked the quiet between you two better, preferring to observe everything about you and take note of every change you went through, no matter how tiny it was. In a way, it made you more embarrassed than when the other segments would fluster you with words.
More importantly, you were able to become a bit more skilled in convincing Zeta to take breaks. You didn’t want him to constantly work on either his Fatui duties or your medicine, even though he was made to do so. So now you had convinced him to take merely a ten-minute break on your bed after he had finished a nightly check-up. It was always interesting to see how his touch would be fluttering and unsure at first, and then become firmer as he continued to take your presence in. And right now, he was taking in how you were fiddling with his fingers and playing with them. A sure sign that you were thinking of something.
“Is something wrong?” The blue-haired man questioned, as he ran his hand through your messy hair. Zeta liked seeing you like this, even if you tried to shoo him away from how disheveled you looked. It was much more preferable than seeing your unsettlingly perfect appearance and unmoving body, even if you kicked him in your sleep sometimes. 
You sighed as you then turned on your side to face him, squinting your eyes at him carefully. Out of nowhere, you then moved your hands to the sides of his face, squeezing his cheeks in an effort to pull up his lips. Of course, it was over as quickly as it started as Zeta quickly removed your hands, scowling at you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He said, not appreciative of the sudden tugging of his face. You only pouted as he held your hands hostage.
“I’ve spent this much time with you, and I still have yet to see you smile…” You buried your face into the soft pillows to lessen your disappointment.
“A smile?” The segment scoffed. “Is that what you were after the whole time? How meaningless.”
“It’s not dumb! It’s very important to me,” you protested. “Please, can I get a smile? A grin? Even an annoying smirk would do!” You pleaded with Zeta, seeing as it was your last resort, considering all your other plans didn’t work. Unfortunately, it looked like it wasn’t going to work on him in the slightest.
“With sprinkles and cherries on- mhph!”
“Go to sleep,” he interrupted you as he pressed a finger to your lips, silencing your plea, before getting off the bed, already returning to his work. Sadly, your arms weren’t long enough to drag him back in time.
“Zeta,” you whined, wanting to indulge in his embrace some more although the blankets were already quite warm. “Don’t go so quickly.”
“Your eyes are drooping. The medicine is kicking in, so go to sleep,” his dry response made you grumble, but you knew he was looking out for you in his own way.
“Fine… good night, Zeta. Love you.” The segment had no response other than switching off the lights, and letting you get your rest.
You fell asleep thinking that hopefully, Plan F would finally get him to smile, not aware of the small smile that graced his lips.
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vulpixisananimal · 2 days
"Eaaaasy Sif."
(Isabeau was helping you walk across your room. Stars, your legs still felt so weak, but, still you walked.)
"Oh this is anything but easy." (You joke.)
"-snrk- W-well if you can't walk we can try another day-"
"I can walk! I can!" (You say, pouting. You had made a deal that if you could walk to your door then you'd be healthy enough to finally leave your blinding room.)
"Well if You're sure!! I'll let you try by yourself, ok?"
(You nod, Isabeau let's go of your arm, and you took a step. So far so good. Let's try another.)
(Stardust, you look ridiculous~)
(You stumble a little, but catch yourself. Do you MIND?!?)
(Not at all, actually~)
"Are you alright?!?" (Isa asked, oh forever worrying.)
"M' fine, just, Loop being annoying."
"O-oh! Well let Sif be, alright! They're trying their best!!"
(Oh fine, I'll behave~)
"They say they'll behave."
(Isa smiles, you take another step, then another, just, a few more steps and. . . You trip as you make it to your door and you end up hanging onto the handle.)
". . . Eh, close enough." (Isa walked over and offered his hand. You took it.) "I'll help you downstairs."
"Yay!!" (Say the line.) "Thank you Mr. Amazinglywonderfullfunnybuffisabeau."
"!!!! S-Sif!!!" (He rubs his shoulder, blushing.) "Y-you can't just say that! I have-"
"-The heart of a delicate maiden?" (you wink, cheekily.) "Oh, I know~"
(Isabeau hides his face in his hands. Oh Stardust you flirt~)
(You TOLD me to do it!)
(And you did~)
"A-alright, alright, alright. A-are you ready to go now?"
"Yeah." (You smile.) "Ready now."
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(Before you could respond, Isabeau scooped you up like you were a sack of flower. Now YOU were blushing.) "H-hey!!"
"No way you can tackle stairs, Sif." (Isa gets the door with his shoulder.) "You're taking the Isabeau Express!"
"S-stars. . ." (Ok, it wasn't that bad. Isa was big! And strong! And was carying you very gently. You held on less for dear life, but to try and calm your beating heart.)
(What's wrong, can't hanndle the big guy~?)
(We'll I'M not so OBVIOUS about it!)
"Last stop comin up!" (Isa says as you two get down stairs.) "Please make sure you haven't left any luggage on your seat!"
(You hide your face in your hands.)
"What're you-" (That was Nille, she paused, then burst out laughing.)
"The Isabeau Express is NO laughing matter Pétronille!"
"S-sure-" (She was trying really hard to stop her laughter.) "Wh. well! Is it a luxary experience, Siffy?"
(You simply groan behind your hands. They both laugh a little.)
"A-alright I'll put you down, if you want."
(You, you really don't want to be put down, actually. This is really nice. You shake your head.)
(Oooooh look at youuuuuuu~)
"O-oh!" (You couldn't see it, but he was DEFFINATLY blushing.)
"Oh wow." (Nille punched Isa's shoulder.) "Look at you two, so sweet I'll get a toothache. C'mon, breakfast's ready."
(Oh Stardust, are you suuuuure you want to be caaaaried through where eeeeveryone can see?)
(Shut up shut up shut up PLEASE shut up.)
"Delivery!" (Isabeau yelled as he walked into the common area.) "Someone order a very tired Siffrin?"
(You braved looking from behind your hands, Mirabel, Odile, Bonnie, and. . . Ramos, where all starting on breakfast. Nille joined them.)
"-Snrk- G-good morning you two!!" (Mirabelle was trying REALLY hard not to laugh.)
"Why are you carrying 'Frin like apples?" (Said Bonnie, they were about to dig into some absolutly delicious looking pancakes.)
"I didn't want him to worry about the stairs!" (Isa responds.)
"And so you decided to carry them instead?" (Odile said from behind a book.) "Or is that just your excuse."
"I-It's not!!!"
"Wow Isa, not like you to make excuses." (Ramos says, cheekily.)
"I don't need excuses!!"
"Y-youcanputmedownnow-" (You mutter, stars, you're NEVER going to live this down.)
(Isa puts you down, finally. You stand for a moment, wobbly, before collapsing into a chair. Your familly claps.)
"VERY well done!!"
"So proud!! So cool!!"
"Quite a show, Siffrin."
"Thank you, thank you~" (You weakly give a wave, Stars, it was good to be around everyone again, even if it was a struggle.) "I've been practicing that performance all week."
"It's really impressive!!" (Mira says excitedly.) "That doctor said you'd be out for at least another week! It really is amazing!"
"Worst case of craft exhaustion she'd ever seen, right?" (Odile continues.) "Goes without saying, but you should be dead, Siffrin."
"I feel dead." (You get a bit more comfortable in your chair, oh stars, food.) "Oh, doctor?"
"Don't remember?" (Mira asks,) "W-well you were pretty out of it- Oh! We didn't tell her anything important don't worry!!"
"I knew you wouldn't." (You smile weakly.)
"Hey let Siffy eat, big celebration after all." (Nille says- oh stars there she goes pilling MORE food onto your plate.)
(Can we PLEASE eat already.)
(You dig in. Yummy!! Super yummy!! Oh stars, Bonnie must have gone all out for this!!)
"W-woah, careful Sif."
"Let them carbbing eat, 'Za!"
"YOU'RE language."
(You try not to choke on your food as you laugh. It was nice, being around them all again, REALLY around them all. The past week had been. . . Blurry. You barely remembered anything. Sometimes you weren't you. Sometimes you could barely move. It was all just, so much.)
(But, you were back! You were back here! With good food, REALLY good food. Everyone was happy, everyone was safe, even. . .)
(You swallow your food and put your fork to the side. Right. You need to ask.)
"So. . ." (You look over at them.) "Ramos."
(They sink into their chair a little.) "S-siffrin?"
"Uh, h-hey!"
"So, I gotta say, what you did wasn't very nice."
(They look away.) "Y-yeah, I'm s-"
"But after a week to think about it?" (Joke time.) "I don't really Mind it at all~"
"HAHA!! YES!!!"
(Ramos looks at you, perplexed, bewildered, beffudled; then bursts out laughing. Mission accomplished.)
(WOW, Stardust, you ~really~ are that forgiving, aren't you~?)
(No, you're not. But people deserve a second chance.)
(Ramos shakes their head.) "Haha. . . I-I, I am really sorry, Siffrin."
"Oh, we know." (You say, smiling.) "It really sucked, needing to retry the same day over and over and over again, friends memories changing, getting hurt. But hey, we got our happy ending after all."
(Ramos sunk down again, sheepish.) "S-sorry. . ."
"If it makes you feel any better, we've been through worse."
"That's not a good thing!!!" (Mira exclaims.) "Besides, Madame Odile worked really hard to make sure there wasn't any lingering mind craft on anyone."
"That I did." (Odile nods.) "It was more difficult than I thought, how someone changes a mind is much more intricate than changing a body."
"What bout that star?" (You ask.) "It wasn't a wish, was it."
"Well I'm no expert in wish craft." (Odile says while smugly holding up a hand.) "But the emblem only had extremely potent mind craft molded into it. Ramos?" (She gestures to the defender-in-training.)
"R-right." (They nod.)
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"I, I got it from someone who came to visit the Defenders house one day. We met, he seemed nice, there was. . . Yeah there was someone with him too."
"What'd they look like?" (You ask.)
(They shook their head.) "Don't remember, I tried real hard, but, nothing. . ."
"You tried your best, and that's ok!!" (Mira said supportivley.)
(They smile, and continue.) "We talked, I must have said something, cause they asked about my Guardian, it was, it was. . ." (They snap their fingers.) "About the Island! North of Vaugarde!"
"Oh." (Yeah, of course it was the Island.) "Do you remember anything specific?"
"N-not really, they asked me a lot, about my guardian, about me, and gave me that emblem, saying it would grant my wish."
"Which was to be strong, like Isabeau." (You say.)
"W-well. . ." (They rub their shoulder.) "Yes and no? I-I mean I did! But, w-well. . . . . . . I was, worried, about, Changing. And how my guardian would take it. A new face, new name."
"O-oh!!" (Mira said, surprised. Did they not explain this to everyone yet?)
(They continue.) "T-they're really nice and accepting!! And said they'd accept me whoever I turn out to be, but, b-but. . ." (They pause, as if considering something.)
". . . Are you sure you're okay talking about it? Rams?" (Isa says, well, maybe HE knew about it. They were good friends, after all.)
"Nono, I'm, I'm ok, with sharing it." (They breathe in, and out.) "I'm. . . I'm from Poteria, and, my parents there weren't, weren't the nicest people. When I found out about Changing and, brought it up to them they. . ."
(There was a cold pause, Mira looked worried, Isa supportive, and Nille. . . Nille looked, well, you couldn't place that look.)
(Ramos continues, finally.) ". . They didn't take it well. So, I cut my losses, and ran away. Don't remember much, untill I met my Guardian, Aunya, they were from that Island, back then people remembered it still. They were my real parent."
"That's. . ." (Mira starts.)
"That's great!" (Nille says.) "Glad you found a good place!!"
"Heh, thanks." (They're smiling.)
(. . . You missed a lot, didn't you.)
(Look at your friends, they're cracking jokes, chatting, smiling like nothing happened. It's been a week, have you even realized that yet?)
(. . .)
(And for us, it was so much more~ We spent so long fighting this. . . This coward, trying to figure out what has happening, why it was happening. I was stuck, here, needing to deal with this while you were struck down with that blinding mind craft!)
(They deserve a second chance? That's what you're going to tell me? After All of MY hard work?!?)
"Siffrin?" (You look up, Mirabelle was talking to you.) "Are you okay?"
"Huh?" (You look down, oh, you were gripping your wrist, your knuckles were pale.) "O-oh, yeah, sorry. . ."
"What's going on, Sif?" (Isa asks. You look away.)
(Stars. . . What do you say?)
(What DO you say, Stardust~ Tell them you don't trust Ramos? Their new friend? Or do you suck it down again. Just wait untill it eats, you, alive.)
". . . It's. . ." (You breathe in, and out.) "Just, hard to believe."
(You continue.) "That it's, over."
". . ."
"Ah. . ."
"It's just, over." (You keep breathing.) "It was that easy, there wasn't any burnt sugar, no twist, no reason to be forced back again. Just, snap that emblem and. . ."
"Well there is still the question of who gave it to Ramos, and why." (Odile adds.)
"Timing, M'dame"
"Ah, r-right."
(You shook your head.) "N-no, no there is still that, just. . . It's just, hard, for us to get over." (Hard to get over how Ramos is just, here.)
". . ." (Ramos fiddled with his utensils before speaking.) ". . . Is. . . Is there any way I can, help with that?"
(You don't respond right away. How? How could they help? It wasn't exactly their fault. Well, it was. But they are sorry, and it seems like they do want to help. Stars, what a turnaround.) "Doubt it. It'll just, take time."
"A-alright. . ."
(. . . Let's just move on.) "A-alright, well, is there anything else I should know Ramos?"
"O-oh! Right!" (They nod, and continue.) "I don't remember if those people who gave me the star told me where they're going next. Sorry."
"You shouldn't appoligise." (Odile says.) "Your mind has as many holes as Siffrins right now."
"Hey!" (You say, pouting.)
(Ramos chuckles.) "I guess, b-but uh, speaking of that, just so you know, full transparency and such. I, do still know some Mind Craft. S-sorry."
(Oh. Ew. You make a face.)
"N-nothing as strong as before!! I promise!!"
"Right, right." (You twiddle your fork.) "Just, no touch."
"Yessir." (Ramos nods.) "That's, that's basicly everything I know."
"Well it's a few questions answered." (Nille says, leaning back.) "Just wondering who those two crabbing idiots who started this were."
"And if they're gonna cause more trouble." (Isabeau adds.)
". . . That's it!" (Mirabelle perks up.) "That'll be our new little quest!! The mystery of the mind craft duo!!"
(You look up at her in shock.) ". . . What?"
"Oh!! I LOVE that idea!!!" (Isa joins in.) "Traveling aimlessly could be so BORING, but a mystery? Oh man, it would be right out of a story book!!"
"You guys are weird." (Bonnie says between bites.)
"I have to agree with the kid." (Odile replies.) "But, the idea is novel."
(Ramos looks like they're about to say something, then stops, looking back down.)
(. . . You're not serious Stardust.)
(What, I didn't even think anything~)
(Yes you did!! Are you insaine!?!)
(Yes, yes we are.) "Do you want to come with us, Ramos?"
"H-HUH!?!" (Ramos looks up, surprised.) "Wh-huh??? What??? Me?!??"
"OH GREAT IDEA!!!" (Isabeau says.) "I think you'd have a great time!!"
"Our first destination could be visiting your guardian." (Odile adds.) "And we'd be able to support you if they do not."
"It would be fun!!" (Mira is bouncing in her seat excitedly.)
"I-I dunno. . . I'll think about it." (Ramos says, looking up at you, then away.)
"Take your time!! It's a big decision after all." (Isa says. He gives you a look of thanks, probably for offering to invite them along.)
(I wish I'd strangled you, Stardust.)
(Try winning next time.)
"But first, Siffrin needs to rest up." (Odile looks over at you.) "And we do need to talk about your health."
(You groan.) "Do we gotta?"
(Yes, Stardust~)
"Yes, Siffrin. (Odile echoes.) "Both physically and mentally."
(You wince.) "R-right, we, we would like to avoid passing out for a week."
"You nearly died, Siffrin!!" (Isa exclaims.) "Please please promise me to be careful with time craft? Please?"
"I-I, whuh-" (You blink. What?)
"I doubt they remember." (Odile looks away from you.) "You had a heart attack, Siffrin, likely from extreme exhaustion. A-and. . ." (She pauses, considering her words.) "Because you nearly died, I had, to stop you from looping."
"Oh. . ." (Like, like before.) "But, wouldn't that have, not been that-"
"Siffrin if you died there where would you have looped back to." (Odile leans over to you, looking you in the eye.) "The moment you woke up. Woke up having a heart attack. What do you think would have happened then?"
(O-oh. . .)
(You look down, you were holding your wrist again. The temperature had dropped to Sub-Zero temperatures. If, if she didn't. . .)
". . . T-thank you, Odile."
(She sighs, back to her book.) "Please, just be more careful. Mirabelle, please, I'm done talking."
"O-oh!" (Mirabelle perked up.) "O-ok! Right! So! S-so for one Madame Odile has been looking into some really strong medicine to try and limit craft exhaustion. For emergencies only though!!"
"Ideally we won't need you to loop ever again, really." (Isa mumbles.)
(You nod.) "F-fair, it's, it's really not a nice experience."
(But what if you start looping again~)
(. . . Right.) "Actually, should we get a codeword for if I'm looping again?"
"Like a secret spy or something?!?" (Bonnie says excitedly.)
"Haha! Yeah exactly like that. How about. . ."
(. . . Back to the stage.)
"Back to the stage." (You finish, before realizing what you just said.)
"Huh. . ."
"Uh, cute!"
"Oh!!" (Bonnie raises a hand.) "'Cause it's like you're acting? Like in one of those plays?"
"U-UH-" (Wow ok! You didn't expect Bonnie of all people to get that!) "Y-yeah! Yeah cause we're acting things out, yeah!"
(There was a general nod of agreement. A good codeword. Stars, for such a nice breakfast you sure did need to deal with a lot of existentialism and anxiety. You go to finish up your food, glad that's over-)
"Oh! One more thing, Sif?" (Mirabelle asks.)
(You wince, and finish your bite.) "Uh, yeah?"
"Is, there someone else around? You are saying 'we' a lot."
(Wuhoh. You sink down in your chair.) "O-ohright."
"Around?" (Ramos says from organizing their utensils for the nth time.)
"OH!!" (Mira puts her hands to her mouth.) "U-Uh!! Right, uh, I-I'm sorry I didn't think about-"
"I-if this is private, I can go."
(You look between Mira, Ramos, and the others at the table. Stars, what a thing to jump on you! You did promise you'd be more vulnerable, but-)
(STARDUST! You barely know Ramos! It took you months to work up the courage to tell your family. Are you sure you aren't being mind controlled still~?)
(You massage your temple. Great. Headache.)
"s-sorry. . ." (Mirabelle says, looking down.) "I, didn't mean to-"
"You're fine, loops just being a bitch." (ME? being a WHAT?!? I'm trying to keep you from being an IDIOT Stardust! Stars above you are so DENSE!!) "They're cranky because I'm better at talking to people than them."
(The others at the table laugh, except Ramos, who still looked confused. You said you'd explain to them another time. Whenever that time might be, if ever.)
(But right now, you were hungry.)
(You needed a rest.)
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rishiguro · 2 days
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iwaizumi usually did his best to enjoy the visits to you. he made a conscious effort to show up whenever possible - which lately seemed to be almost every day - and he made sure to soak in every second he got to spend with you.
who knows how many he had left with you.
even on bad days he was always a hundred percent present, waving away any thought of work or other issues and focusing entirely on you. that didn’t mean that he didn’t confide in you or shared anything with you, quite the opposite actually. he was aware of how much you enjoyed listening to him talk - or even rant - about his day.
however, today was different.
you were quiet, more quiet than usual, and barely even looked at him. if you did say something, it were mostly one worded answers and everything came out snappy.
honestly, iwaizumi didn’t want to think about it too much. he couldn’t possibly imagine the situation you were in currently, but he was sure that you weren’t avoiding him like that on purpose.
he couldn’t deny that it made his heart hurt though.
after the n-th minute of awkward silence between the two of you, with you staring at your phone with such an intensity that it was obvious that you forced yourself to not look at him for even a fraction of a second, iwaizumi couldn’t stand the lingering tension any longer.
leaning forward, he put one hand on top of your thigh. “love?” he asked. “what’s wrong?”
you still didn’t even glance at him as you replied monotonously. “nothing”
you clenched your jaw subconsciously, a small movement that your boyfriend didn’t miss. he closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself, allowing a small but compassionate smile to appear on his lips.
“it’s okay. tell me,” he whispered, his free hand reaching out to grab yours.
“i’m fine,” you muttered again as your boyfriend intertwined your fingers, tugging softly at your hand.
“talk to me,” iwaizumi urged again.
“i said i’m fine,” you insisted, your voice however not sounding as convinced as you wanted it to be.
swallowing thickly, he looked down at his hand, fingers softly grazing your thigh. “i heard that,” he says as he looked up, tilting his head as he carefully examined your facial expression. “but i know you’re not”
in return you turned your head completely away from him, muttering at him. “shut up”
skillfully ignoring your words, iwaizumi stood up from the chair and sat down right next to you, his shoulder touching yours. “listen, i know you’re not okay. that’s alright,” he whispered with a low, but warm sounding voice. he stopped for a moment, swallowing down the small lump in his throat. “love, let me be here for you”
he expected many reactions.
iwaizumi saw you shut down completely, going nonverbal for who knows how long. he could see you try to change the topic, ignoring whatever he said until he allowed you to shift the conversation. and he saw you open up to him, confiding in him and revealing whatever was plaguing your mind right now.
“i said shut up!” however, your boyfriend didn't see you get up so quickly, stepping away from him and raising your weak voice. he wouldn't have imagine you to - literally - turn your back on him, your hands clanching on your sides.
and yet for a brief moment, he was able to catch a glimpse of your face. his blood ran cold when he saw your painful expression, like you were about to start crying. he could see your form trembling and heard you breathe so heavily.
his lips pressed together, iwaizumi took a couple of seconds to himself. he knew he couldn't press the topic like this further. he had been so caught up in trying to figure out just what made you so unresponsive to him that he seemed to have forgotten the bigger picture of things.
you were chronically ill, your health seeming to worsen every day, the "good days" a rarity by now. you were in hospice for heaven's sake, all while everybody elses' lives seemed to go on just fine. friends, family, partner; everybody was able to live their normal life, while you were stuck in a facility to be taken care of; all while teh dream you had followed your whole life was to take care of others.
to give something back.
and now you literally couldn't do this anymore.
taking a deep breath, he took a moment to regulate himself, before softly saying your name. “look, okay, i’m not forcing you to talk to me,” he began slowly, “and please don’t yell at me when all i’m trying to do is be there for you”
“i’m sorry,” you whispered back, dropping your head in shame and slowly turning around. while you might still not look at him and nervously played with your hands, he couldn't help but feel relieved when you at least let your body turn back to him.
nodding slowly, iwaizumi reached out to you and you didn't even hesitate to grab his hand. he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of it. “i know you are, love” the two of you relished in uncertain silence for a few moments before he decided to speak up again. “do you want me to go?” he asked in a hushed voide. when you looked at him with wide and concerned eyes, you saw the compassionate look on his face, allowing you to breathe out calmly.
whatever you would say, he would be okay with it.
“no,” you replied quickly, shaking your head. “i don’t want to be alone”
your boyfriend couldn't help but feel relieved, his smile widening ever so slightly. “okay” he tugged softly at your hand. “come here”
almost like on auto-pilot you obeyed his command, not coming to a stop until your stood right at the edge of the bed, your knees touching the mattress.
“we don’t have to talk,” he muttered, drawing circles with his thumb on the back of your hands, before he raised his head again, looking at you. “but i’m here” you nodded, subconsciously biting your inner cheek. “don’t try to push me away. you know i won’t let you”
slowly your vision grew hazy, tears filling your eyes. you couldn't help but to clench them shut, your fingers tightening around iwaizumi's with every shaky breath you took.
he didn't rush you. he simply sat there, his eyes on you as he continued to caress your hands with his thumb, no matter how tight your grip got.
after you let out a shaken, but calming breath, you finally managed to find some words. “i don’t want to die, hajime,” you whispered. “i don’t want to die. i’m so scared”
iwaizumi didn't even notice that his jaw clenched as did his fingers around yours with every word you spoke. "and i don't know what to do anymore. i can't sleep, i can't eat, i can't even get dressed myself. i need someone to be near me when i'm just showering, because sometimes i can't even stay on my feet for long enough"
"i'm going to die, no, i am dying! and there's nothing i can do about it. nothing is working, nothing is helping" your knees buckled underneath you, making you stumble and ultimately fall. thankfully, your boyfriend had his arms securely around you, pulling you into his lap.
"i don't want to die," you managed to choke out as you pressed your face in his chest, letting your weak body be cradled by him.
iwaizumi desperately wanted to say something. offer comfort, be there for his partner. his heart ached seeing them like this, crying in his arms so helplessly. clenching his own eyes shut, iwaizumi swallowed thickly.
was there even anything he could say?
“you’re not going to die” the words sounded hollow, like they had no meaning.
like he didn’t believe them himself.
“you’re going to stay right here with me,” he muttered into your hair, “and you’re not going anywhere”
iwaizumi waited to believe everything he said. he wanted to picture a future with you by his side, more energetic, positive, healthy.
or at least not stuck in here.
at night he dreamed of a time where the two of you would grow closer every day, move in together, maybe even get married. he yearned for many more happy memories with you.
but he felt like this dream wouldn’t become reality.
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/ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt,iːvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ — “soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.”
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hunnymisworld · 13 hours
How the JJK characters would respond to you:
When you twist your ankle during training.
SFW | Fluff | Short au
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Would probably laugh at you for being "dumb" and "clumsy" before actually helping you when he notices that your ankle start to look swollen T.T
"Stupid ass. I told you to fix your form. You can't fight looking like T H A T"
Trains you to make your fighting style to look effortless.
Will call Shoko to "deal" with your injury T.T (but he will be there with you while you are getting treated) Yes, you're going to THE CLINIC where Shoko is - not just the mini clinic in the the Tokyo Jujutsu High.
Will roast the heck out of you for having a bad stance but is secretly worried about you. (Explains why he rushed you to Shoko's clinic)
A DRAMA QUEEN (but hides it well)
Gives you 5 days to rest your feet.
Let's you observe the training instead.
Will give you advice while he drives you back to your dorm and WILL AGREE if you ask to get ice cream. (Ends up buying ice cream for everybody)
THE FUN AND CHAOTIC TRAINOR (wbk he's the strongest; GOAT fr)
Will help you up but then he noticed you wince when you try to balance yourself up.
"What's wrong y/n? Are you hurt?"
Would carry you on his back towards the clinic and get you the first aid kit (istg this man KNOWS what he is doing - trust him)
Will treat you himself but will call Shoko to ask what dose and type of painkiller you need and buy it for you if you needed it.
"Next time, fix your stance and form. You can try to look at your reflection in the mirror and practice it when your feet gets better"
Gets you something warm to eat before he continue treating your swollen ankle (he takes his time cause he wants his work to be neat)
Gives you a WHOLE WEEK to recover. He would call every now and then to check up on you since he is busy with work but he occasionally comes over if you really can't get up.
THE SERIOUS TYPE (but turns soft when his students get injured during training; he isn't ashamed of showing he cares)
Has FAST REFLEXES and catches you before you even hit the ground.
"Woah there, careful"
You wince and he noticed your ankle start to get red and be swollen.
"Hold on to me, we'll go to the clinic." and carries you bridal style. It's a given that he is strong, he can EASILY carry you without putting much effort.
You can smell his cologne. Best believe when i tell you this man's perfume is just so good you won't even notice his sweat from the training.
When you get to the clinic, he holds your hand while your ankle is being treated and asks if you're in pain from time to time.
You would also have to constantly remind him that you are okay and you can handle the pain.
He would buy you comfort food after getting treated and would give you a LONGGGGG rest day (he'll just wait for you when you're ready for training again)
Would be there all throughout your recovery period. (ISTG this man will assist you in every thing that you do)
"Call me whenever you ever need anything. Don't get up from that bed whatsoever, i'll get you what you need"
Thinks its better to give you advice after your recovery cause he does not want to stress you even more knowing that you made a mistake in your form.
A SOFTIE ALL THROUGHOUT but gets very protective of you when you try to be stubborn and do things yourself. (He'd tell you "I can do it, i know you are capable, but let me") You won't even have a say cause he's so persistent
NOT SHOCKED that you twist your ankle. He already noticed long before you had the wrong form. Yes - he already expected that you'll twist your ankle.
"Did you not learn anything at all when doing the right form?"
You're not sure if he is concerned or pissed that you twisted your ankle accidentally.
He is concerned, he just doesn't show it.
"This is only because you're injured. Dumbass" and proceeds to let you have a piggyback ride.
Silent all the way to the clinic but you caught him a few times glancing and looking down at your swollen ankle.
You jokingly tell him to not worry and that you won't die from it and he'll just reply with "You will if you were fighting with a cursed spirit. Haven't you thought of that?"
His tone was kinda firm so you just went silent. Y/n was S I L E N C E D.
Leaves you while you were getting treated but to your surprise, he bought you A TON of snacks and hands them to you. ( a week's worth of snack)
"I just bought them all since it's gonna take a while for you to recover"
Gives you the whole week to recover.
Would pass by your dorm without your knowledge to secretly check up on you while recovering.
Would be the fastest to pick up the phone whenever you decied to call him to ask for assistance.
Girl was SHOCKED - she thought she really hurt you that bad when you fell.
"OH MY GOD. I'M SO SORRY WHAT- " and proceeds to assist you to stand up.
"YOu twisted your ankle?!" would tear up cause she feels bad for you.
Would call yuji to carry you to the clinic - she can't carry you T.T
IS LIKE A MOTHER. Will nag about how you were not listening and applying the proper forms to prevent injury.
At this point she already called Megumi to go on a little grocery shopping to get you food (yes mother, walk em' boys like a dog)
Would stay in your dorm and have a sleep over for a whole week 'til you recover.
Has the COMPLETE package for a sleep over. (Food - snacks - skin care - new make up and make up brushes) To make up for what happened.
Slightly blames herself for what happened.
Would cook your favorite food for you.
Note: you can comment for other character request.
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ericshoney · 13 hours
Toys! ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: When Nick, Matt and Chris are filming their video with the kids toys, their little sister Y/n couldn't help but join in.
You were happily playing outside with Trevor whilst you heard your three older brothers shouting in the kitchen. You being the curious five year old you were, wandered back inside to see what the identical trio were up too.
"Hey bub, look what we go." Chris said, as he saw you sneak in.
Your eyes then lit up upon seeing all the toys, a few catching your attention straight away, especially the lamb.
"Woah!" You exclaimed, seeing all of them, instantly grabbing the lamb.
"Careful, kid." Matt said, watching you climb up to sit at the island.
"You wanna film with us?" Nick suggested.
"Sure!" You cheered.
They laughed as they got everything set up. You sat on Chris' lap as he was sat in the middle seat, trying to make sure you don't grab everything, but he had trouble himself.
Nick introduced the video, explaining it was his and Matt's idea, as Chris didn't have a clue. He also introduced you as well.
"Want that." You mumbled, pointing to the lamb.
"We'll get to it bub." Nick said.
You watched as Matt then pulled out a giant egg. He opened it and you saw a large unicorn plush. You gasped softly, feeling how soft it was.
"Well we know that's got a seal of approval." Matt said with a giggle.
You watched as they talked through everything, showing the camera and rating how good the toy was. You held onto the unicorn the whole time, until Snowy the lamb arrived.
"Now we know Y/n is very excited about this one." Nick said, watching Matt rip the box open.
You smiled wide as he got it out and turned it on. You let out a small squeal as it started to walk.
"I don't like it." Chris mentioned.
"You don't have too." Nick responded.
"I like it!" You cheered.
"We're glad bub." Matt said.
You pet the head of the lamb, giggling as it responds. Your brothers smiled seeing you happy about the toys.
The video continued on, none of the other toys really caught your attention as you still held onto the unicorn plush tightly. Soon, the guys had finished showing everything they got.
"Well that's it for today. Thanks for watching a bunch of twenty year old guys play with kids toys, with our special guest! Don't forget to like and subscribe!"
Nick then went to turn the camera off as Chris gently put you down on the floor, letting you run off and play with your new toys.
"Well I'm glad we've made her day." Matt said, smiling as he heard your giggles.
"Yeah, but that lamb is gonna piss me off." Chris muttered, hearing the noises from the toy.
"She's happy you dumb shit, let her be." Nick responded.
The three laughed as you squealed and ran past with the lamb dragging behind you as you chased Trevor. They knew you were chaotic, but happy, which made them smile.
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Sam trying to made up with you \\ S.M
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Sammry: Sam had an argument with his father, and he took it out on you. You hadn't spoken with him for a few days, and now he's trying to apologize.
// Hope core? , argument, made-up, good ending!
The sunset sky covered the neighborhood in shades of pink and orange.
Sam walked out of his dad's house, anger written all over his face,
As soon as you heard the door slam, you turned to peek out the window.
Feeling worrid, you called him in the hopes of calming him down.
"Hey, baby?" you greeted,
"What?" Sam snapped, his irritation palpable even through the phone.
"Just wanted to check in, see if you're okay," you said softly.
"I'm fine, Y/n. Can't talk right now,"
"you sure? you can come over if you-"
" Shit, Y\n, can't you fucking give me a moment? " he muttered before abruptly hanging up.
Two days passed without talking to sam.
It wasn't like him to take his anger on you.
You weren't one to easily take offense, but you couldn't shake the disappointment that you felt in your heart.
Despite knowing he wasn't a violent person, his anger still left you feeling upset.
At school, Sam attempted to approach you several times, but you brushed him off, making up excuses.
Each time, his expression fell, a mix of hurt and frustration evident in his eyes.
In the halls of the school, the atmosphere between you and Sam felt strained, a palpable tension that seemed to linger even in the midst of bustling students.
Friends cast curious glances, whispering among themselves as they noticed the rift between the usually inseparable couple.
Sam's attempts to catch your eye during classes went unnoticed as you focused intently on your work.
During lunch, you found yourself sitting with your friends, laughter and chatter filling the air, yet an empty seat beside you served as a stark reminder of the absence of Sam.
Your gaze occasionally drifted to where he usually sat with his friends, but he was nowhere to be seen.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you gathered your belongings and made your way to your locker, hoping to slip away unnoticed,but as you turned the corner, there stood Sam.
"Y/n, can we talk?" he asked, his voice tentative, betraying the vulnerability he rarely showed.
"Sorry, Sam," you replied hastily as you hurried past him in the school corridor. "I've got to go to work now. Change in shifts and all that."
Later that evening, a knock disrupted the tranquility of your home, prompting your mom to answer the door.
You stood at the top of the staircase, listening as Sam's voice reached you, tinged with urgency.
"Is Y/n home? I really need to talk to her," he pleaded.
Your mom welcomed him in with a warm smile, oblivious to the tension between you and Sam. "Of course, come on in, Sam. Is everything okay?"
Sam hesitated for a moment before forcing a smile.
"Yeah, everything's fine, Mrs. Y\l\n, I just need to talk to Y/n."
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As your mom left him to find you, Sam made his way upstairs, his footsteps echoing softly against the wooden floors. Standing outside your door, he called out your name, his voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.
"Y/n?" he called softly, his words barely audible through the closed door.
Leaning against the doorframe, he closed his eyes briefly, searching for the right words to say when you finally opened the door.
He hoped you would give him a chance to make things right, to prove that he was worthy of your forgiveness.
"Y/n, please," he murmured, his voice barely audible even to himself. "I need you."
Y/n opened the door, her eyes meeting Sam's in a silent exchange filled with unspoken emotions.
For a moment, they simply stood there, taking each other in, as if they hadn't seen each other for weeks instead of just a few days.
Breaking the silence, Y/n stepped aside, allowing Sam to enter her room. He hesitated for a moment before following her inside, the door clicking shut behind him.
"Babe," he began, his voice soft with regret as he approached her, "I'm so sorry."
Y/n took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Sam, I didn't take that personally because I know it was from the heat of the moment," she began gently.
"But I wanted you to understand that you shouldn't take out your anger on other people if you're upset about something else."
She paused, meeting his gaze squarely.
"I'm not willing to be in a relationship with someone who gets mad about everything and everyone, even though I know you're not like this all the time."
Her words hung in the air, the weight of them settling between them as they both grappled with the reality of their situation. Sam nodded slowly, a mixture of regret and determination flickering in his eyes.
Y/n took another deep breath, feeling the need to emphasize her point. "Sam, you need to start taking control of how you handle your anger.
It doesn't happen often, but if it's starting now, it could get worse."
She stepped closer to him, her eyes searching his for understanding. "I care about you so much, and I want us to be together. But I can't be in a relationship where I have to worry about you taking out your frustrations on me or anyone else.
We need to find healthier ways to deal with this."
Sam's expression softened, his shoulders slumping as he absorbed her words. "You're right, " he admitted, his voice heavy with sincerity. "I don't want to be that person, and I don't want to lose you.
I'll do whatever it takes to change. I promise."
Y/n reached out, taking his hand in hers. "We can work on this together," she said gently. "But you have to be willing to put in the effort and recognize when things are getting out of control. We need to communicate better and support each other."
Sam nodded, squeezing her hand tightly. "I will. I love you, Y/n, and I don't want to mess this up."
"Why did you and your dad fight this time?" you asked gently.
Sam looked away for a moment, struggling to put his feelings into words, "It was about the house," he began, his voice heavy with frustration. "My dad wants me to help him rebuild it, and he's acting like it's some big bonding experience.
But all it does is remind me of everything that's wrong between us."
Y/n nodded, remembering the scene from a few days ago when she saw Sam storming out of his dad's house, his face contorted with anger and hurt. "He's trying to reconnect with you, Sam. Maybe he thinks this project is a way to make up for lost time."
Sam scoffed, shaking his head. "It's not that simple, Y/n. He thinks building this house will fix everything, but it won't. It can't erase the years of pain and neglect."
"I know," Y/n said softly, squeezing his hand. "But maybe it's a start.
Maybe it's his way of saying he wants to try. But you have to let him in, and you can't let his mistakes push you into hurting the people who care about you."
Sam sighed deeply, the weight of his emotions evident in his eyes.
"I just don't know how to deal with all of it, It feels like too much sometimes."
Y/n sighed and motioned for Sam to sit down on her bed.
They both settled next to each other, the tension slowly easing away.
"You should give him a chance, Sammy," she said softly, her eyes locking onto his. "At least he's trying, right? That's more than he did before."
Sam leaned back, running a hand through his hair as he processed her words. "I know, Y/n. It's just... hard.
All those years of him not being there, and now he wants to play dad all of a sudden."
"I get it," Y/n replied, her voice filled with empathy.
"But rebuilding that house isn't just about the physical structure. It's about rebuilding your relationship, too.
Maybe it won't fix everything, but it's a start.
And it's more than a lot of people get."
Sam nodded slowly, the weight of her words sinking in.
"Yeah, you're right. I just need to let go of some of this anger and give him a chance."
"And if it gets too overwhelming, you can always talk to me,"
Y/n said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We can figure it out together."
" I hope that things will get better Sam, if you want, tomorrow after school, I can come and help you both with the house "
Sam looked at Y/n, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Really? You'd do that?"
Y/n nodded, a determined smile spreading across her face.
"Of course, Sam, why not? I want to help you both however I can."
Sam's lips curved into a grateful smile. "Thank you, Y/n. That means a lot to me."
"Anytime," you replied, squeezing his hand gently.
Sam laid back on your bed, exhaustion evident in the lines of his face. He turned to look at you, his eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination.
"I really hope things will get better," he said softly, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions.
she reached out, brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead. "They will, Sam," she replied.
Y/n nestled closer to Sam, curling up beside him and resting her head on his chest.
Sam wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.
She sighed contentedly, feeling a sense of peace wash over her in his embrace.
With her hand resting lightly on his chest, she traced lazy patterns against his shirt, finding comfort in the rhythm of their breathing as they lay there together.
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Sam hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched for the right words. "Um, Y/n?" his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I, uh, I know things have been kinda uncomfortable lately, but... can I kiss you?"
Y/n lifted her head from his chest, a playful glint in her eyes.
"can you what?......Hmm," she teased, pretending to ponder his request. "I don't know, Sam. I'm still a little mad at you, remember?"
Sam's lips curved into a sheepish grin. "Yeah, I remember," he replied, his tone apologetic yet hopeful. "But I promise, I'll make it up to you."
Y/n chuckled softly, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "Well, I guess you can kiss me this time," she teased, her voice laced with affection. "But don't think that means I'm letting you off the hook that easily."
Sam grinned, his heart soaring at her playful banter.
"Deal," he said, leaning in to capture her lips in a tender kiss, grateful for the chance to make things right with the girl who meant everything to him.
As their lips met in a tender kiss, Y/n shifted slightly, draping her leg over Sam's, a playful gesture that sparked a surge of warmth between them.
Sam instinctively responded, his hand moving to gently hold her leg, pulling her closer as their kiss deepened.
Their bodies pressed together, fitting perfectly as they lost themselves in the moment.
As they kissed, Sam's mind swirled with a torrent of emotions, his heart overflowing with love and longing for the girl in his arms. Breaking away for a moment, he looked into her eyes
"Fuck, I missed those lips," he whispered huskily, his voice tinged with raw emotion. "I've been thinking about kissing you all day."
Y/n's cheeks flushed pink at his words, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You have?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sam nodded, his thumb gently tracing her jawline as he spoke. "Every second," And they melted back into each other's embrace, their kiss deepened.
Sam's hands began to wander, slowly drifting down to Y/n's waist and then lower, settling on her ass.
He gave a gentle squeeze, his touch filled with longing.
Y/n quickly pulled back, playfully slapping his hand away.
"Nah uh, too soon," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Sam chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender "Alright, alright," he said, his grin widening. "I guess I got a little carried away."
Y/n laughed softly, her heart lighter than it had been in days.
"We just made up, Sam," she reminded him, her tone both playful and affectionate.
"Yeah, I know," he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at her.
"I'm just so glad to have you back. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too," Y/n admitted, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "But let's take it slow, okay?"
Sam nodded, his hand finding hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Slow is good," he agreed.
"You know," his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of humor,
"I think I owe you one for putting up with me all these years."
Y/n chuckled, nudging him playfully. "Oh, you definitely do," she replied, her eyes twinkling with affection.
"Well, consider this my first installment," Sam said, his tone serious now as he reached out to cup her cheek, his touch tender and sincere. "I promise to make it up to you every single day from now on."
Y/n's heart swelled with warmth at his words, knowing that despite his rough exterior, Sam was truly committed to making things right between them. "I'll hold you to that," she said softly,her expression softening with sincerity. "Sam, I appreciate your efforts, really," she began, her voice warm and genuine.
"But remember to do this for yourself as well, not just for me."
Sam's brow furrowed slightly in surprise, his gaze meeting hers with a mix of understanding and gratitude. "I will," he replied earnestly, his voice tinged with determination.
Y/n glanced at the clock on her bedside table, noting the late hour. "It's getting pretty late," she replied, her voice soft with exhaustion.
"I should probably start getting ready for bed soon."
Sam nodded in agreement, checking his own watch.
"Yeah, you're right," he said, a yawn escaping his lips.
"I didn't realize how late it had gotten."
Y/n smiled, reaching over to gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear. "It's been a long day," she said sympathetically, her gaze lingering on his tired expression.
"we got school tomorow, you should go back home" Sam's eyes widened in realization as Y/n mentioned school.
"Oh, shit, you're right," he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and disbelief. Why did I think tomorrow was Saturday?"
Y/n chuckled at his reaction, shaking her head fondly. "Yeah, we probably should get some sleep," she agreed, a playful glint in her eyes.
Sam grinned, leaning in to press a quick kiss to her forehead.
"As much as I'd love to stay, I guess I should head back home," he said, his tone tinged with mock disappointment.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, giving him a gentle shove.
"Don't act too broken up about it," she teased, a smile playing on her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."
With a laugh, Sam got up from the bed, stretching his arms above his head. "Yeah, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," he replied, flashing her a wink before heading toward the door. "Try not to miss me too much."
Y/n couldn't help but burst into laughter at Sam's playful comment. "Oh, fuck off," she retorted, her laughter bubbling over as she shook her head in mock exasperation.
Sam grinned, the sound of her laughter filling him with a sense of joy and warmth. "Hey, at least I'll leave you with a smile on your face,".
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, still chuckling at his antics.
"Yeah, yeah, you're a real comedian," she teased, her laughter slowly subsiding as she watched him.
As Sam lingered by the door, he turned to Y/n with a gentle smile, his eyes soft with affection. "Will you walk me to the door, ma'am, or are you ready to hit the hay?"
Y/n stretched out on her bed, feeling the pleasant tug of sleep beginning to pull at her. With a contented sigh, she glanced up at Sam, "huh? ready to hit the hay?" you giggled "Mhmm," she hummed thoughtfully, her voice tinged with sleepiness. "I think I'm ready to catch some Z's."
Sam chuckled softly, nodding in understanding. "Alright, sleepyhead," he teased, taking a step toward the door.
"Sweet dreams, Y/n."
Y/n smiled "You too, Sam," she replied.
As Sam stepped out the door, a sudden thought crossed his mind, prompting him to pause and turn back. With a sheepish grin, he quietly reopened the door, intending to steal one last kiss goodnight.
he has too, he just has too.
However, as he entered the room, he was greeted with an unexpected sight. Y/n was in the midst of removing her bra under her shirt.
Caught off guard, Sam's cheeks flushed slightly as he cleared his throat.
Y/n glanced up, confused "Missed me after a second outside?" she quipped, her laughter dancing in her eyes. "Well, um, if you already got back in, can you... help me with that?"
Sam's eyes widened in surprise before a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Oh, gladly," he replied, his voice laced with playful enthusiasm as he crossed the room to her side.
Moving closer to Y/n, he reached behind her back, his fingers deftly finding the clasp of her bra.
He unhooked it with skilled ease.
Y/n watched him with a mixture of amusement and affection, her eyes locked on his as he worked. "You're surprisingly good at this," Sam grinned, a hint of pride in his expression. "What can I say? I'm a quick learner," he replied, his voice light with humor.
Y/n placed her bra on the bed, a playful glint in her eyes as she turned back to face Sam. "So, why did you come back?" she asked "Forgot something?"
Sam chuckled, running a hand through his hair sheepishly. "Well, I did forget something," he admitted, his gaze meeting hers with affection. "I forgot to say goodnight properly."
Y/n's smile softened at his words, touched by his sincerity. "That's sweet," she replied, her voice warm with affection, "Plus, I couldn't resist the opportunity to lend a hand with... bra removal duty."
Y/n laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I appreciate the offer," she said, her cheeks flushing slightly.
Sam's eyes softened with affection, a smile playing on his lips. Without a word, he closed the distance between them, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat at the unexpected gesture, She melted into the kiss.
When they finally pulled away, their gazes locked in a shared moment of quiet understanding.
Sam smiled, his hand reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from Y/n's face.
"Goodnight, Y/n," he whispered softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
"Goodnight, Sam," Y/n replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
As Sam was about to closed the door behind him, Y/n saw her mom standing in the hallway, about to enter her bedroom.
"Going home already?" her mom asked, her tone teasing.
"No sleepover today?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, unable to suppress a grin. "Yeah, I know, shocker, right?" she replied sarcastically, her voice laced with amusement.
Sam chuckled at their banter, stepping forward to greet Y/n's mom with a warm smile. "Sorry to disappoint, Mrs. Y\L\N," he said with a hint of humor. "But duty calls."
Y/n's mom smiled warmly at him, placing a hand on his arm affectionately. "Oh, don't worry about it, Sam," she said kindly. "You're always welcome here. You're practically like a son to me."
Sam's smile widened at her words, touched by her sentiment. "Thanks, Mrs. Y\l\n," he replied sincerely.
With a final wave, Sam made his way down the hallway.
Bonus part:
A few minutes later, Sam was back home, lying in bed with his phone in hand, he decided to send her a text.
-"Hey, just realized I didn't get my 'bra removal duty' badge.Next time?"
He hit send, grinning at the thought of making her laugh.
Almost immediately, his phone buzzed with Y/n's reply:
~ "lol, you'll have to earn that one, Monroe. 😜"
-"Alright, what's the next badge I should work on? 'Perfect boyfriend' badge?"
Y/n responded quickly, her amusement evident:
~"You're on your way to earning that one, but there's still some work to do. How about the 'not storming off' badge?"
Sam laughed out loud, shaking his head. He replied:
-"Ouch, harsh but fair. I'll start working on that one. Any tips?"
Y/n's response was immediate and playful:
~"Tip #1: Don't yell at your girlfriend when you're mad. 😉"
Sam grinned, typing back:
-"Noted. Tip #2?"
Y/n's reply came with a hint of affection:
~"Tip #2: Always kiss her goodnight if you are around, even if you have to come back for it."
-"Consider it done. Anything else?"
Y/n took a moment before replying:
~"Tip #3: Just be you, Sam. The good and the bad."
Sam felt a surge of emotion at her message.
He typed back, his tone more serious:
-"I promise. And I'll keep working on earning all those badges."
Y/n's final message was simple but filled with warmth:
~"I know you will. Goodnight, Sam. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight, Y/n. Sweet dreams to you too."
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animestsstuff2 · 18 hours
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Bakugou Katsuki x fem reader
Had this lil idea of what it would be like to date Bakugou in secret, how dating him is pretty unconventional and he doesn’t go by any traditional standards.
Possible part 2..?
Dating Bakugou was anything but normal but you were okay with that. He showed you he cared in his own ways, even if they were unconventional. The fact your relationship was a secret also didn’t bother you. He kinda implied he’d like to keep it quiet at the beginning telling you “those damn extras will just try n’ nosey in, ‘specially that raccoon eyes one”
You were honestly surprised you were dating sometimes, considering how opposite you both were. You personalities often collided and so did you quirks, it was actually the reason for most of your interactions when you first started U.A. He hated your quirk. It surprised him during battle training. A water based quirk that allowed you to manipulate any water source, his sweat included and thats what got him. He lost to a stupid extra like you all because you fired his sweat back at him.
He was hell-bent on beating you where-ever and whenever he could, first the damn nerd and now some extra who wouldn’t bat an eye his way outside of training. What? did you think you were above him? Bakugou noticed his thoughts there after were almost always of you, at least once a day you popped into his mind. He realised he wasn’t just thinking of different ways to beat you, he was just thinking about you..
What lead to the weird relationship you shared before he asked you out was also unconventional. It was after school one day, Bakugou yelling for you to slow down and asking forcing you to come train with him. He was thinking all day of a way to get back at you for beating his ass in some basic training a few weeks ago. You tried to object, voice calm and contrasting the blondes shouts but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
This was the spark that lead to you both dating. You didn’t mean to hurt him as bad as you did, in all honesty you panicked. The blonde was moving more feverishly through the air, more agile and quicker than usual. He was determined. Your typical calm composure broke and you slammed him into the training post with a flush attack. You didn’t mean to slam him as hard as you did nor did you mean to take so much water from the nearby fountain. You winded and basically waterboarded the poor boy.
“Bakugou! Im so sorry. I panicked I didn’t mean to be so rough” you squeaked, dropping to your knees as your hands grabbed at his face, holding it as your concerned eyes met his wild ones. His breaths shallow as he tried to catch his breath. Your hands moving down to squeeze his biceps as you took deep breaths hoping he’d mimic you, which he did.
“Get off me! M’fine” he was more flustered over the coldness of your hands on his face and arms than the initial winding. His cheeks turning red as he shoved you and quickly stumbled up only to stagger as pain erupted from his lower back. You quickly rushed over to him, looping his arm over your neck. His voice loud in your ear as he tried to get away but with each sharp movement came another pang of pain in his back.
“Bakugou! We have to get you to recovery girl” you chewed on your lip, feeling guilty as ever for hurting the blonde. Your thoughts running rampant.
Well if he didn’t like you before he definitely doesn’t now!
“No, just bring me back to my dorm you damn wuss” he grumbled and you nodded not wanting to argue with him any longer.
The walk back to the dorms was thankfully short but seriously tense and awkward. The guilt was eating at you as you chewed your lip. The blonde staggering trying not to lean his weight on you. His heavy arm around your shoulder was already a bit much. The communal area thankfully was empty but Bakugous dorm was on the 4th floor and of course the elevators were broken. You both quietly grumbled as you took to the stairs, getting up to the second floor when you heard voices.
“Hey Denki you know were Bakugous at?” Kirishima asked from round the corner. Bakugou tensed and so did you as you glanced up at him.
“Your room is on this floor isn’t it?” He mumbled, probably the quietest you’d ever heard him. You just nodded as his body trembled ever so slightly from the exertion.
“Just go there till these damn extras clear off” he grumbled, more annoyed than before. He just wanted his bed didn’t wanna sit in some girly pink room that would probably give him a migraine. You helped the blonde get quickly into your room hearing their voices get louder as you caught a glimpse of the red head as he turned the corner. His eyes missing the tuft of blonde you shoved inside your door.
“H-here you can sit on my bed” you mumbled as you helped him onto the bed. Your room actually surprised him slightly. He really expected it to be glitter vomit everywhere. His eyes narrowed in on you as you stood in front of him, picking at your fingers. Your eyes glancing at his red ones but quickly flicking away.
“Im only stayin’ till the coast is clear or my back feels better. Don’t wanna be round you more than I have to” he grumbled out and you nodded watching as he sat still hunched over. His fingers curled into the plush comforter on the edge of your bed.
“Im really sorry again Bakugou, do you want anything? Any water or a heat pack” you apologised again, bowing as your thoughts scattered in your brain.
Great! There go any chances of him ever liking you. Your crush on Bakugou was honestly a curse that you loved and hated. The blonde grew on you for some reason much without your consent. You tried to be as secretive as possible but it must be so obvious considering how flustered you get round him. Your cheeks always get so red Uraraka constantly thinks you’re sick. The only time you can really think is when you’re training but thats just cause you wanna impress him, so much for that, nearly crippled the boy.
“Heat pack would be good” he mumbled quietly, not wanting to accept your generosity charity. You nodded, quickly going into the small box at the end of the bed that had a small collection of medical items, heat packs especially for when you got your period.
You cracked the pack and handed it to him watching as he reached his hand round only to jerk and pull it back. A breath leaving his mouth as he hunched over again. Your eyes widened as you stepped over, grabbing the heat pack from him and moving onto the bed.
“Let me, please I don’t want you hurting yourself anymore” you quickly said, leaving no room for protest from him as his cheeks heated. “U-um, where does it hurt the most?”
“Just above my lower back..yea, there” okay both your cheeks were burning as your hands gripped the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up to reveal the blondes toned back. A red ugly mark directly in the centre. Your light touches made the blonde suck a breath in as his stomach tensed. Your fingers ghosting the edges of the mark scared of hurting him anymore. His back was littered with small scraps and scars. The pale skin marred.
“Y’gonna put it on or what?” He forced out, voice hoarser than he intended. You puffed your cheeks out as you laid the patch over the red mark. His skin tingled from your cold hands as you dropped the shirt and shuffled back round to sit beside him. His head hung low eyes downcast as the quietest thanks left his lips you almost didn’t hear it.
“You don’t need to thank me, Its my fault your hurt” you laughed sheepishly and the blondes head snapped to yours eyes narrowed.
“Just accept it alright! Last time i ever thank you for somethin’” you nodded, a smile on your face at his antics.
It certainly wasn’t the last time he thanked you for something and something developed from that interaction after all Bakugou was actually forced to stay for an hour before he was able to walk without your aid. To most people nothing special occurred in that hour, two classmates in ones bedroom hanging out but this was Bakugou Katsuki, the man who didn’t willingly have friends nor enjoyed hanging out with the ones he was forced to have but being in your room for an hour was more than enough time for the crush you had on him to explode as you sat on the bed together and made the tiniest small talk ever! And his thoughts of you finally became clear and a weird feeling settled in his chest. His behaviour towards you changed too, he treated you differently it was really only noticeable if you paid close enough attention but your classmates chalked it up as Bakugou just not bothering someone as quiet as you as much.
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