#imagine receiving something like this... bring love letters back
maud-heroine · 7 months
Hilary wrote just once to Pat after he went away… one of his old delightful letters, full of beautiful little pencil sketches of the houses he was going to design. Just at the last he wrote:
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— L.M. Montgomery, Mistress Pat (1935)
23 notes · View notes
babybluebex · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: series masterlist | after you receive a series of anonymous love letters, eddie has a confession to make that might make or break your whole friendship. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson (stranger things, 2022) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: smut (minors dni, fingering f!receiving, praise kink, innocence kink, corruption kink), a little possessiveness if you squint, cute fluffy eddie head over heels for you, everyone in this is 18+ and if you aren't, you shouldn't be reading it!𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i wrote this in (mostly) one sitting because the idea came to me and i couldn’t let it go, and it's absurdly long so.... here’s some sweet eddie smut!
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You opened your locker, and watched as it fell out, just like every day. Every day for the past month, someone had been sneaking notes through the vent of your locker door, and you had no idea who was doing it. You thought it would be easy to figure out, the messy, nearly-illegible, handwriting indicative of a boy, but not even asking the Hellfire Club for opinions helped bring an answer. All that had succeeded in was Dustin poking fun at you for getting anonymous love letters, and you had sighed with exhaustion and snatched the first note back. 
You picked up the newest note from next to your shoe, unfolding it to read the newest sentiment. The handwriting was a little messier than usual, maybe rushed or something, and it read the same as every other note: that you were beautiful and smart, that any man who calls himself your boyfriend is lucky, then goes on to ask “Do you still not know who I am? I thought it was obvious, princess. Oh well. Maybe one day you’ll figure it out, and then I can be yours.” Not a single note was signed with a name or anything identifiable, and it was driving you crazy trying to figure it out. 
Before you could properly read the new note, it was being pulled out of your hand, and you whipped your head around to see Eddie, smiling like a goofball and examining the note. “Damn,” he chuckled. “Whoever this is has got it bad for you.” 
“Eddie,” you whined. “Gimme that back, it’s private.”
“What is it?” Eddie asked, examining the note. “Wait… Is this that letter you showed us, like, forever ago?”
“No,” you told him. “It’s like… I’ve been getting them every day since then.”
“Every day?” Eddie repeated, pulling a confused face, a grimace with knitted eyebrows.. “I thought it was just the one?”
“C’mon, seriously, give it back,” you groaned, but Eddie used his height against you, lifting the note above his head and craning his head to read it.
“A month of this?” Eddie asked. “‘I think about you every day, imagining what it would be like to be your man’— does this kinda shit work on you?”
“Eddie, c’mon,” you said, and you grabbed at the note. Eddie was quicker than you, though, turning to defend himself and the love letter. 
“Who is it?” He asked. “Do you know?” 
You sighed, seeing no way out of this. Eddie had been at the helm of teasing when you had first brought the issue to the Hellfire Club, nothing really harmful but it still made your stomach curdle. He seemed more invested in the mystery than even you were, even if he didn’t remember it until now.
“I have no idea,” you admitted. “I’ve been trying to figure it out, but nobody recognizes the handwriting. Anyway, who would like me this much to write weird anonymous love letters?”
Eddie handed the crinkled note back to you, and you almost missed the way his face fell. “You think they’re weird?” he asked, and you shrugged as you folded the letter back up. 
“It’s certainly not normal,” you said. “Why can’t this guy just tell me that he likes me? He can drop this pining bullshit he’s doing.” 
“Maybe he’s scared to tell you,” Eddie offered. He leaned up against the locker next to you, his fluffy curls flattening against the metal, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Maybe he’s so afraid you’ll say no that he can’t even bear to tell you in person.” 
“Well, I can’t say yes if I don’t know who he is,” you sighed. 
“That’s true,” Eddie offered. “But seriously, does that mushy shit work on you?” 
You floundered for an answer, not wanting to give Eddie the satisfaction of being right, but your hesitation was answer enough. 
“It does!” Eddie laughed. “Oh, that’s amazing, you’re a little romantic.”
“I mean, maybe!” you said with a heavy shrug. “It’s just nice to have someone be, like, head over heels for me, y’know? Knowing that I’m appreciated like this…” 
Eddie sighed heavily through his nose, and he said, “Give me that note, I’ll read it to you.”
“Fuck off,” you chuckled, rolling your eyes. 
“No, really,” Eddie said. His chocolatey eyes widened with earnestness, and he added, “If you want someone to appreciate you, I’ll do it.” 
“I already know you appreciate me,” you said. “You’re like my brother, Ed. Anyway, you don’t wanna appreciate me like this.”
“Why not?” Eddie asked, and he took the note from your hand once more. “Is it dirty? Is he sending you dirty letters?” 
“Not always,” you told him. “I haven’t properly read this one yet; someone took it from me before I could.” 
Eddie opened the note and cleared his throat, and he read it off to you. “‘Princess’,” he snickered. “Strong start. He calls you princess?” 
“Shut the fuck up,” you groaned and tried to snatch the note away, but Eddie held you at arm’s length, keeping you away. 
“‘Princess, I thought about you all day’,” Eddie read. “‘It doesn’t help that you look so cute today. You should wear that lipstick more often, it makes your eyes look nice. Sometimes I think about what kissing your perfect lips would be like, having your lipstick stain my mouth. It’s enough to drive a man crazy. Is that something you would like? Do you like to be kissed, princess? When we meet, that’s the very first thing I’ll do, is kiss you. I think about you everyday, imagining what it would be like to be your man.’” Eddie paused to smile at the line that he had picked out before, and he continued. “I’d like you to be my girl, in any way I can have you. I love you.’”
“It does not say that,” you huffed. “He did not tell me he loves me.” 
“Okay, you’re right, that’s not written,” Eddie admitted, and you rolled your eyes. “But it might as well be! This guy's in love with you! That’s some sappy shit, babe, he’s got it bad.”
Before you could retort, the bell sounded, and you groaned as you finally retrieved the note from Eddie’s hand. “I’ll see you this afternoon,” you told him, shoving the note in your pocket. “Forget you ever read that.”
“Forgotten,” Eddie said with a nod. “I’ll see you at Hellfire, princess.” 
“Don’t call me that!” you shouted after him as he left down the hallway, and you sighed and brushed your fingers against your pocket. The note was sweet, but the problem came with Eddie. Now that he had narrated the letter, you couldn’t help but imagine only his voice as you read it back. The image of Eddie slaving over writing the perfect love note stuck in your head, and you physically shook your head to get rid of the thought. 
It wasn’t Eddie. There was no way it could be. You knew what Eddie’s handwriting looked like and it wasn’t what was on the sheet of paper. Anyway, you knew Eddie well, and he wasn’t shy like that. If he liked you enough to send love letters, he would just tell you as much. Deep in your chest, you sorta hoped it was Eddie writing you the letters. Even if it wasn’t sincere and was a prank (which was uncharacteristic for Eddie, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility), the idea that Eddie even noticed your lipstick or had the inkling of a desire to kiss you made your stomach turn flips. It was about time to face the music: you liked him.
You closed your locker with a sigh, and you made your way to class, the letter burning a hole in your pocket. 
Hellfire was successful that afternoon. Not exactly successful for the campaign— by all accounts, half of your group dying from a single hit by Vecna and the last member standing failing to kill him was very unsuccessful— but you always liked hanging out with the guys from Hellfire and always considered it a win. As the only girl, it was sometimes difficult to only hang out with guys, but everyone, even the freshmen, treated you nicely. Dustin looked at you like a sister, and you frequently drove him home after meetings.
“Can we get food on the way home?” Dustin asked as he shoved his binder into his backpack, and you shrugged. 
“Why not?” you asked. “What’re you thinking?” 
“I’m not sure,” Dustin replied. “You can choose.”
“How kind,” you smiled. “How about—”
“Hey, princess,” Eddie began from his place on his Dungeon Master throne. You turned to him, and he beckoned you over with a swipe of his fingers: “I wanna talk to you.” 
You sighed and rolled your eyes, and you shouldered your backpack as you turned back to Dustin. “Go to the car,” you told him and tossed him your car keys. “Get the heat going, alright?” 
Dustin did as you told him, and you tilted your head curiously at Eddie. He had his sleeves rolled up, exposing the tattoos on his lower arms, his hair all frizzy but still looking nice, and he had his plump pink lips pursed. “What’s up?” you asked. 
“I was thinking about your little letter situation,” Eddie began. “The anonymous author and all.”
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Eddie, really, leave it alone, it’s truly not that big a deal.”
“Yeah, but if some creep is trying to put the moves on you, the least he can do is do it in person,” Eddie sighed. “You deserve better than just some creepy love letters shoved in your locker.” 
“Do I?” you laughed, and Eddie’s dark eyes flashed. 
“Of course you do,” Eddie said. “You’re the best girl at Hawkins.”
“Chrissy Cunningham might disagree,” you mumbled under your breath, and Eddie sighed as he rolled his eyes. 
“Well, I think you’re the best girl at Hawkins, and that’s what matters,” he said. “Listen to me: I really care about you, and I hate that these letters are making you so… Uncomfortable.”
“They’re not making me uncomfortable,” you said. “I like them. I’m just annoyed that I don’t know who it is.” 
Eddie slowly stood from his throne, and he moved towards you carefully, like he was afraid that he was going to startle you. “You are beautiful,” he told you. “And you’re funny. And that guy is right, you’re enough to drive a man crazy. And you have, princess, you’ve made me completely mad.” 
You huffed out a wary laugh. “Eddie, what the fuck?” you chuckled, but you were stunned silent when he reached forward and took your hand. 
Eddie took a deep breath, his chest heaving with it, and he said, “I wrote those letters. All of them. Every single one.”
Your heart dropped, and you stepped away from Eddie. “No you didn’t,” you said. “If you liked me, you would’ve just told me.”
“And I wanted to,” Eddie said. “But I was shy and scared. I was terrified that you would reject me, so I… I found a way you couldn’t reject me.” 
Your mouth felt dry, and you felt warm under Eddie’s gaze. “Eddie,” you uttered. “Y-You didn’t really… You’re not…” 
“I can prove it,” Eddie said quickly. He went back to his throne and grabbed his metal lunchbox from the floor, and he opened it up to pull out several scraps of notebook paper, the same ones that your letters came on. You recognized it as the same, because the blue lines were a little smudged— a defect from the notebook itself. “Look, here was me drafting today’s letter during free period, I rewrote it so many times before I got the version I gave you.” 
“B-But,” you stammered. “Your handwriting…”
“I wrote them with my left hand,” Eddie told you. “I knew you’d recognize my handwriting.”
You felt suffocated as you sorted through the scraps of paper from Eddie’s lunchbox, and you grabbed them and held them in a tight fist. “Why didn’t you just tell me?” you asked, tears threatening your eyes. Under any other circumstance, you would have thought it was funny, but your emotions twisted deep in your gut. You had to tell him that the feeling was mutual. “Ed, I wouldn’t have—”
“You wouldn’t have made fun of me?” Eddie supplied, tightening his arms over his chest. “The only girl I hang out with and I fall head over heels for you, how cliche is that? I-I would want you to make fun of me.”  
“No, Eddie, stop,” you said. “Stop putting words in my mouth. I wouldn’t have rejected you.” 
That stopped Eddie dead in his tracks. His fingers played with the ends of his hair, pressing them to his lips, and he finally mumbled out, “Really?” 
“Of course not, Ed,” you told him. Your chest burned with the confession, and you stepped closer to him, taking his hand back. “I really like you. Y-You’re so… Right. You’re just right for me.”
Eddie seemed shocked, taken aback, but his hand stayed in yours tightly. “Really?” he asked. “But I’m… Me.”
“And that’s why I like you,” you said. “You’re so weird and you’re so sweet and… And I’m glad it’s you. I wanted it to be you.” 
Eddie smiled for the first time, and he stepped closer to you until you could nearly hear his heartbeat. “Can I kiss you?” he asked. “I told you that’s the first thing I’d do, is kiss you.”
“Please,” you whispered, and Eddie didn’t waste any time. His hand went to the back of your neck and tugged you into his body, and he kissed you, pressing his lips sweetly to yours. Your hands floated up, and you touched your palms to his chest as you kissed him back. 
You loved the way Eddie kissed you, passionate but not hungry, sweet but not needy, his fingers touching your hair. His mouth felt so nice against yours, and you opened your mouth to deepen the kiss. Eddie tilted his head and his hands went down to your waist, tugging you fully against his body as his tongue carefully snaked into your mouth. 
You finally broke the kiss, and you couldn’t help but smile up at him, and he gave you a wide smile. “Can you keep leaving me those little notes?” you asked. “I really like them. But maybe you can sign them with your name now.” 
“Of course,” Eddie said, and he kissed you once more. “I’m glad you liked them.”
“I do,” you told him, and you placed a quick kiss on his mouth. “Um, maybe you could come by my house tonight. We could… I don’t know, hang out.” 
Eddie smiled. “Sure thing, princess. Give me one more kiss, then you gotta go. Don’t wanna leave Henderson waiting too long.”
You smiled and draped your arms over Eddie’s shoulders, and you kissed him one last time, admiring the taste of him as his tongue claimed your mouth again. He tasted like cigarettes and like the distinctive tang of skin, but it was wonderful no matter what. “Hey,” Eddie whispered when the kiss broke, and his big hand lightly captured your cheek. “You wanna be my girlfriend?” 
“Of course,” you told him. “Oh, Eddie, I’d love to.” 
“Good,” Eddie said softly, his cheeks turning red. “Good, I’m glad. Umm… I’ll see you later tonight.” 
You didn’t leave Dustin waiting for much longer, even though you could have stayed in the drama club room and kissed Eddie for hours. True to your word, you stopped at McDonalds on your way to Dustin’s house, and you sat in the car and ate with him. “What did Eddie wanna talk to you about?” Dustin asked, munching on a fry. “He seemed really intense.” 
You shrugged. “Nothing,” you said. “Just asking about an assignment for a class.”
“Eddie…” Dustin began. “Asked you… about homework?” 
“Why do you doubt me?” you asked, shoving him playfully. “What else would we be talking about?”
“I don’t know,” Dustin started, obviously having made a list. “D&D, maybe? C’mon, what were you guys really talking about? We both know that Eddie would never ask about homework.”
“Why do you wanna know so badly?” you asked. “Why isn’t it enough to just… Not know? Or care?”
“You know me, I have to care,” Dustin told you. “Spill it. What’s up?”
You sighed, looking down at the pack of chicken nuggets in your lap, and you chewed your lip. You knew that Dustin could be trusted with the truth and not to tell anyone else, and something in your chest made you giddy when you considered saying it out loud for the first time. But, did Eddie want Dustin to know? “I’ve been…” you started. “Getting some letters. Like, little love notes in my locker. Like the one I showed you, only way more than just one. Just stuff about how I’m pretty and everything, whatever, right? Eddie was with me when I got the one today, and he was just asking me about the note. Nothing major at all.” 
“Why does Eddie care about love notes?” Dustin asked. “Who are they from? Is he jealous?”
“They’re anonymous, just like the first one,” you told him. “I don’t know who’s writing them or why… Well, why, obviously they like me, but—”
“Can I see one?” Dustin asked. 
“Fuck off!” you huffed with a smile. “No, you cannot, that’s personal and private.”
“But Eddie read one.”
“Because he grabbed it from my hand,” you told him. “Eddie doesn’t care about personal and private, you know that.”
“So why did he ask to talk to you privately, if he doesn’t care about private?” Dustin asked. 
“I don’t know,” you said. Annoyance was starting to bubble in your stomach, and you rolled your eyes. “You’re asking too many questions, you’re starting to act like you’re my little brother. See if I ever bring you to McDonalds after school again.” 
Dustin didn’t seem satisfied with the way you suddenly ended the conversation, but he didn’t pry any further. The rest of the car ride was mostly silent, save for Dustin thanking you when you got him home, and he added, “If you find out who’s sending those notes, let me know, okay? I’m invested in the mystery now.” 
“Sure thing, Dusty,” you told him. “I’ll see you later.” 
The rest of the evening was slow as you waited. You had no idea when Eddie would show up or in what fashion, and you tried to distract yourself until you could see him. You finished your homework, you watched television with your parents, you did everything you could think of, and no Eddie. You knew he wasn’t the type to show up at your front door, holding flowers or something cheesy like that, but you didn’t know exactly what to expect. 
Your answer came after you went to bed, around midnight. You had given up hope of Eddie actually showing up, and your heart raced in your chest. Did he mean it? Did he mean any of it? Or was he just playing a prank, kissing you and fucking with you for fun? It didn’t seem like the type of guy that Eddie was, but your anxiety didn’t let you think any differently. 
You had already settled in bed, trying not to cry because of the whole ordeal, but a light tinkling on your window made you look up from your pillow. It wasn’t raining, you knew that much, and you slowly got out of bed and went to your window. The streetlight cast a shadow through your curtains, and your heart soared when you recognized Eddie’s frizzy curls in silhouette. 
Quickly, you threw back your curtains and were met with Eddie’s smiling face, and you wrenched open the window to get him inside. “My parents are asleep,” you told him softly. “But they’re upstairs.” 
“Good to know,” Eddie said, his smile still a mile wide, and he climbed through your window and wrenched it back closed. Finally, with a sigh, he turned to you, and he, sighing, said, “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart. I had some shit I had to deal with.” 
“It’s fine,” you told him. “You’re here now, that’s what matters.” 
“Glad to hear it,” Eddie said, and he stepped closer, into your space. “Can I please kiss you?” 
“Oh, is that what you wanna do?” you asked with a cheeky smile, and Eddie rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Well, yeah,” he said. He took your hand and pulled you into his body, and he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, making you giggle. “I didn’t sneak in your window at midnight just to shoot the shit, you know? B-But we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
“I know,” you assured him. “What if, umm… I-I want to do stuff with you, y’know? I just… I just want you to know…” 
“Know what, princess?” Eddie asked softly. He led you over to the bed and he sat on the edge, and you were quick to straddle his waist and lay a kiss on his mouth. He didn’t hesitate to kiss back, his tongue snaking into your mouth once more, and his hands went comfortably to your waist, his fingers digging under the waistband of your pajama pants to feel your skin. His hand was still cold from the night outside, and you shivered as his hand ghosted around to the front of your pants. “What do you wanna tell me?” 
“I-I mean, you probably figured this out,” you stammered. “I haven’t ever had a boyfriend and guys at school don’t particularly like me, but, umm…” 
“Baby,” Eddie started, his hands readjusting to sit lightly on your ass. “Are you a virgin?” 
You sighed heavily. “I’m sorry,” you said, and Eddie shook his head quickly, his eyebrows knitting together. 
“No, no, don’t be sorry,” he told you. “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m not upset, baby, I promise.” 
“Do you still wanna…” you started, and Eddie started nodding before you could even finish your sentence. 
“Yes, I do,” he told you. “Very much so.” His hands remained gentle on your ass as he leaned forward and buried his face in your neck, and you couldn’t help but giggle as he kissed over a sensitive spot. “Oh, right there?” he asked as you playfully batted at his head, but then he placed his mouth over the spot and sucked hard, definitely hard enough to leave a mark. 
A gasp left your mouth at the intense feeling that washed through you, and your hands clutched hard at the shoulders of Eddie’s jackets. “Eddie,” you uttered, unable to think of anything more profound to say as you felt heat pooling between your legs. “F-Fuck, Eddie.” 
“I know, princess,” Eddie said softly. “Does that feel good? You like it?”
“Love it,” you told him, and you giggled again when he kissed the spot. 
“Oh, I knew you were sensitive,” Eddie chuckled. “Fuck, I love that. Y’know, I meant it when I wrote that you were beautiful. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Shut up,” you said, but Eddie silenced your protests by pressing his teeth into your sweet spot, drawing another gasp from your throat. 
“I won’t,” Eddie mumbled against your neck. “You’re gorgeous, princess. I’ve wanted you for so long.” 
“Have you ever…” you started, unsure how exactly to phrase the question. It burned at your chest though, and you knew that you had to expel it somehow. “Umm… I don’t know… Jerked off? To me?”
Eddie laughed, then, seeing that you were serious, cleared his throat. “I mean,” he began. “I have, yeah. Is that weird?” 
Your heart thumped inside your chest, and you swallowed thickly. You liked the answer and the thought of it, and you shook your head at him. “I don’t think it’s weird,” you told him. “I just… Wanted to know, I guess.” 
“Now you know, baby,” Eddie said. “Have you ever masturbated to me?” 
You shook your head. “I don’t really know how to do it,” you admitted, feeling foolish for your lack of knowledge. 
Eddie’s eyes softened as he cooed at you. “Aw, my sweet girl,” he whispered softly. “I can show you how.” 
“You know how?” you asked, and Eddie shrugged. 
“I know a little bit more than you do,” Eddie told you, and he tapped your temple with a ringed finger. “Silly thing. Get on your back, princess.”
You scrambled off of Eddie’s lap as your pussy did yummy little flips, and you settled yourself against your pillows as Eddie followed. He pressed his hips between your legs, settling himself right against you, and you squirmed a little at the feel of his cool belt buckle touching the inside of your thigh. Eddie swiped a quick kiss on your lips, and his fingers expertly twisted in your pajama shorts and tugged them down your legs slowly. “God, you’re gorgeous,” Eddie whispered under his breath, his eyes soaking up the sight of you. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, pressing your hands to your face, and Eddie wrapped his long fingers around your wrists and tugged them away, pressing your wrists into the bed beside your head. 
“No, princess, I won’t,” Eddie told you. “I’ve wanted you for months, I only started the letters after Dustin told me I should—”
“Dustin?” you exclaimed. “This was his idea? He was begging me to tell him this afternoon!” 
“No, no, it was my idea,” Eddie said quickly. “He just encouraged me. But he knew; he always knew.”
“That little shit!” you laughed. “He was doing a good job of acting innocent.”
“Sounds like someone I know,” Eddie chuckled, his brown eyes flashing mischievously, and he pressed his hand to your pussy, the only thing separating you being the thin fabric of your panties. “Only you aren’t acting.” 
“Eddie, baby,” you whimpered, and Eddie put a quick, silencing kiss on your lips. 
“I know, princess,” he said, pouting. “You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for you to answer; he slipped one of his fingers inside your panties and felt down your leaking slit until his fingertip nudged your hole. Your hips bucked down into your mattress with shock, and Eddie kissed you again. 
“Pay attention,” Eddie told you. “I’m gonna teach you how to do this, okay?” You nodded quickly, and Eddie’s finger glided back up to the top of your cunt. With two fingers, he carefully spread your lips, and his middle finger expertly pressed against a sensitive spot of your flesh. You gasped at the shock of pleasure it sent into your legs, and Eddie grinned. “That’s your clit, baby, okay? Touch that, and be nice with it. Show me what a fast learner you are.” 
“How do I touch it?” you asked, and Eddie lightly circled the pad of his finger along your clit.
“Play with it,” he told you. “Circle it around, like this. Or this…” His finger started differently then, a motion almost like a light flicking towards your belly. That made your hips jut down again, and Eddie chuckled deep in his chest. “Just like that. Show me, baby, touch your clit for me.” 
Your hand shook as you lowered it down your body, and Eddie flopped himself beside you, undoing his belt as he watched you. Your finger definitely felt clumsier than Eddie’s did, a little softer than his too, but your reacted the same way as you copied the flicking motion he had done; you squirmed under your own touch, playing with your clit until you felt it throb with every pass of blood through your veins. 
“Yeah,” Eddie breathed, his eyes hungrily watching you. “Just like that, princess, I knew you were a fast learner. Keep doing that…” He trailed off, and he was quick to press his mouth to your neck, finding your sensitive little sweet spot again. The throbbing became too much to ignore as he kissed and sucked at your neck, and you finally let out a little whimper. 
“Oh, good,” Eddie whispered in your ear. “Just what I like to hear. So, you can masturbate like that, princess, or…” he paused and lightly let his fingers touch you again, this time circling your leaking hole. Then slowly, he pressed his first finger inside you, past your lips and into your pussy. You whimpered at the odd intrusion, loving every second of it, and Eddie’s kisses touched your neck again. “You can add your fingers. Fuck, you’re tight, aren’t you?” 
Shocks rocked your belly as Eddie’s finger went deeper inside you, deeper than you thought possible, until his knuckle was resting right against your hole, the bull-shaped ring pressing cooly against you. “See, isn’t that nice?” Eddie said softly. “God, you’re so soft.” 
You couldn’t help but whine his name, just a quiet mumble of “Eddie”, and he kissed your neck softly to silence you. “Rub your clit, princess,” Eddie whispered in your ear. “I can make you feel so good.”
You did as he told you, your fingers clumsily playing with the sensitive nerve again, and Eddie curled his finger inside you, pressing the soft pad of his finger into that spongy nerve inside you. A small gasp issued from your mouth, and Eddie’s kisses on your neck became deeper, adding the tips of his teeth, nipping softly at your skin. With the biting at your neck, the stimulation on your clit, and Eddie touching that spot inside you, the experience was almost overwhelming, and you turned your face away from Eddie to keep him from seeing the tears in your eyes. 
“No, no, princess,” Eddie said, and his free hand lightly touched your cheek, turning you back to him. “Baby, why’re you crying? Are you okay?” 
You sniffled and nodded. “J-Just feels good,” you stammered. “I-I’m okay.”
“Do we need to stop?” Eddie asked, his face etched in concern. 
“No!” you cried. “Don’t stop, Eddie, please don’t stop.” 
Eddie nodded, satisfied with your answer, and your chest warmed at his sentiments. He was worried about you. You loved that he had noticed that something was wrong and immediately asked after you. It was endearing, and only proved to you how much he liked you. Or, as he had said as he read the letter… “Do you love me, Ed?” you whispered. 
“Of course I do, princess,” Eddie told you, kissing your cheek. “I’m crazy for you, you’re my special girl.”
“Okay,” you whispered. “I just wanted to know.”
“Do you love me?” Eddie asked, and you looked at him to see his eyes wide and owlish, hopeful for a good answer. 
“Yeah,” you told him. “I love you, Eddie, I really do.” 
“Good, I’m glad to hear that,” Eddie laughed, seeming almost nervous, like he hadn’t expected you to say that. “Are you okay if I add another finger? Will that be too much?” 
“Please,” you told him. As good as his finger felt, you wanted more. You needed more, you needed as much as Eddie was willing to give you. “Eddie—”
He added his second finger inside you without much warning, and the stretch made you whimper in pain. It was painful exactly, but it burned, and you writhed under his grip. “I know, baby,” Eddie pouted. “It feels weird, I’m sorry. But it’ll be better soon, it’ll all feel better soon.” 
Slowly, his fingers worked to fuck you, gently sliding in and out of you as his fingertips grazed that spot inside you. All the while, you were still clumsily playing with your clit. It felt good, but you knew that Eddie could make it a hundred times better, and you whispered, “E-Eddie, oh, fuck… Touch me, Eddie, please, please…”
“Where do you want me to touch you?” Eddie asked. “Use your words, princess, where do you want me?” 
“Touch my clit,” you mewled, your back arching in time with him driving his fingers home inside you. You cried out at the pleasure that hit your belly, and you grabbed hard at your bedsheets. “Eddie!” 
“Shh, princess,” Eddie whispered, laughing lightly. “Don’t want your parents hearing you.” His free hand lightly nudged yours away, though, and his skilled fingers started in on your clit, rubbing it better than you ever could. Your pussy throbbed as he started, clenching around his fingers, and Eddie smiled. “Yes, baby, good girl,” he mumbled. “Are you close? Are you gonna cum on my fingers?” 
Your mind felt cooked, not wanting to work or form words coherently, and you could only manage to whisper, “Eddie.”
“I think that’s a yes,” Eddie chuckled. “Come on, baby, just tell me before you cum. You’re such a good girl, I can’t wait to get inside you.” 
The reminder of what was yet to come made your stomach do flips, and you moaned softly as his fingers sped up. With his speed came a new sensation, one that made your thighs and legs shake, and you whimpered out and turned your head to press your mouth to his. Eddie kissed you back instantly, kissing you hard, his tongue snaking into your mouth, and he fucked you on his fingers, the wet sounds of your pussy almost worringly loud. 
A jolt of electricity hit your body, making your toes curl, and you moaned into Eddie’s warm mouth. “Eddie,” you gasped. “You’re gonna make me cum—”
“Do it, baby,” Eddie told you. “Cum, baby, you can do it.”
He only had to fuck you once more, his thumb rubbing your clit harshly and quickly, and you covered your mouth with your hand to stifle your moan as you gushed all over his fingers. He watched you greedily, drinking up the sight of you as you shook and writhed under his touch, and he carefully pulled his fingers from inside you. Your bedroom was lit only by your bedside lamp, but you could still see your cum glistening on his fingers, and you watched as he licked at his fingers, cleaning himself up. “Good girl,” he whispered, his free hand smoothing down your hair. “You did so well, I’m proud of you. Mmm, and you taste so good too.”
“Will you fuck me?” you asked, and Eddie smiled. 
“Not tonight, princess,” he told you, and your eyebrows furrowed as you whined. “Oh, don’t start with that, baby. It’s your first time, and I want it to be special. I wanna take you on a date and do all that cheesy shit before I really take your virginity. Okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered. “I love you, Ed.”
“I love you too, princess,” Eddie said. “C’mere, I wanna hold you.” 
You squirmed closer to Eddie, and you pulled your panties back on as his arm snaked around your waist. He smelled good, like cheap cologne, and you turned and buried your face in his chest. His hand soothingly rubbed your back, lightly scratching with his dull fingernails, and you licked your lips as a question came to you. “Does Dustin really know about the letters?” you asked, and Eddie smiled.
“I never let him help write them,” Eddie said. “He doesn’t know what they say. I don’t even think he knew that I did it all the time, I think he only knew of the first one.” 
“He’s such a little shit,” you giggled. “I’m gonna kill him.” 
“Not if I do it first,” Eddie said, and he pressed a kiss to your head. 
“Maybe we can kill Dustin together?” you offered, and Eddie laughed, a genuine thing deep in his chest. 
“Whatever you want, princess,” Eddie told you. “I’d do anything for you.” 
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
OOOHHHH, OKAY HERE MY REQUEST FOR YANDERE MILE MORALES SCENARIO! I imagine him being the type of guy to break into the reader's locker and leave a CD(the song is probably cheesy like Radiohead-creep) while leaving a sticky note like “I really, really, like you. And I wanna get to know you more, can you meet at [insert abandoned building here] ❣️”~secret admirer (*cough* it's Miles *cough*) This freaks the reader out, cuz they've been dealing with this bs for 3 months and the authorities can't do shit, can I request the reader confronting their “secret admirer”? 🥺
N/A: I hope you heard me evilly laugh when I first read this. Boutta spill all of my delusions on this. Also i've never written worse luck than the reader had in this one.
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Be Mine? Yes or No.
It's about ten minutes before first period begins and you've already spent five of them rereading the 20th love letter you've received over the course of a few months. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you continue to find more and more things to worry about in this letter. You'd think that this person would stop pestering you, but they really weren't. At all whatsoever. The same little sweet names they'd compliment you with. The same main idea they had in the previous note continuing into the next one. This has been happening over and over.
And it was so, so sweet when this fiasco first started. When you first opened your locker and it was placed so nicely in the center as if someone carefully placed it there. It was definitely spritzed with some kind of cologne, because no scent from someone just rubs off onto a letter like that. The beautiful envelope it was put in, the paper on the inside. The neat handwriting that was clearly practiced just to put some love onto the paper for you to hopefully absorb. And it worked the first three times, but it just kept getting weirder from there.
The way they wrote to you was extremely genuine, something that was hard to find in relationships nowadays. It really made you want to meet this person. They mixed in casual sweet names in Spanish into the writing in a way that wasn't hard for you to understand at all. They definitely had a crush on you. But then they began mentioning you in ways that seemed to make you borderline uncomfortable. Mentioning your beautiful hair, your eyes, your lips, the way you spoke, how you smelled. How they'd watch you and your friends in the park. Slipping in a few mentions of you walking to and from a corner store nobody in your school but you knew about.
They would write about how they could help you with specific classes that they knew you were struggling with. What foods they theorized you don't like(they were right), your type of man and how they fit that exact description, if not, more. How he knows he's the one you'd want and need. How the two of you are meant to be, he'd love you the way you need to be loved and he cant wait to actually meet you. How he'd bring you to the address of your favorite breakfast spot that no one should know about and he'd buy you that plate you always wanted to get that you couldn't afford. How he'd spoil you and-
All of this tension he built up on his own, which was all fueled by his own delusions, drew you to the conclusion that this nigga needed to be put in his place. You wanted a boyfriend. Not a fucking perverted stalker. Whoever this was, he was taking it too far, and was ultimately scaring you. It took you fifteen of these letters for you to realize that he wasn't actually slipping the letter into the locker between the cracks, but he was putting in the real code of your lock to properly unlock it. How he found it out, you have no idea. You didn't know what this guy was capable of and didn't know if he'd hurt you if you said no. But it had to be done somehow or he'd take shit too far and kidnap you or some crazy shit like that.
None of the school officials would help you because they're pieces of shit. Your friends tell you to bag him like dumbasses, and what the fuck are your parents gonna do? Yell at the dean and stand by your locker all day to wait for the guy?? You were all alone in this. So the most reasonable thing you came up with is to bluntly write to him to meet you after school at the park you and your friends go to often since he knows the spot already.
And quite literally the day after, you sat at the bench at the park after school, and he showed up.
You remember being so damn scared. What if he was big and burly and angry? What if he was one of the popular boys and would record the entire interaction? What if he follows you back home? What does he plan to do once you try to tell him off? You shouldn't have done this. The setting sun wasn't comforting you. The abandoned playground that usually was bustling with squealing kids was just making you more nervous. It was silent and cold today, but your mind just wouldn't shut up. Suddenly, the school uniform you wore wasn't as comfortable and you clutched your backpack closer to your body.
The wind blew gently on your bare knees and you heard someone call out your name. You flinched and felt your heart drop and turned to see the source of the voice, hoping for the worst. There was a boy sitting on a bench right next to yours. He was staring at you. It made you feel....unsettled and something else you couldn't put your finger on. To calm yourself, you listed his characteristics in his head. He was....reasonably attractive. Light brown eyes. Sculpted face. A light Spanish accent to his voice exactly how you'd imagine. Neat braids on his head. But something about his aura messed with you. He wasn't as good as he portrayed himself to be. You didn't want to speak and watched him stand from his spot to sit next to you on your bench. You clutched your bag to your chest as you watched him try to calmly approach you without making you too nervous.
With nervous eyes on him, he sits down next to you, letting a small smile grace his lips. "Hey, ma...how you doin'?" He sounded like he was trying to lure a scared dog into his arms. But it was awkward because he was trying to act normal with his dream girl and it was an actual human being and not a dog. "....fine." You respond. He scratches his nape and averted his eyes for a quick second. He really wanted to know why you wanted to talk to him. You gave no context within your letter, and it was a blessing, nonetheless. You actually responded to him. He predicted that he wouldn't get one for another good three weeks to two months almost. But this must be serious. He prepared himself for all possible scenarios that this could end up being.
"So....why'd you want to meet all of a sudden? It's getting late and I don't want you going home in the dark, you know?" You nod and take a deep breath, scared as fuck for how this could end. "Yeah.....so....I just wanted to tell you that I just- I don't want to be with you." It felt like you had to pull the words out of your throat for him to hear. You saw his face drop and decided to explain before he did anything else. "Like....I don't know you. I just realized that. You know so much about me and about my friends and the places I go to. I don't know a damn thing- Are you stalking me??" You turn to face him and stare into his wide eyes. He almost seemed as if he was caught doing some weird shit. And it was weird.
The silence started to make you angry when you realized he probably has been following you all this time. He shakes his head and sits up. "No...no, I haven't been stalking you at all, ma, I promise. I never want to make you uncomfortable, ever. Where are you getting that?" Oh, so now he's gaslighting you. If you brought all of his envelopes to this meeting, you would've dumped all of the evidence on his lap. You roll your eyes, grab your bag, and stand to leave. He stands at the same time as you when he sees you're trying to leave and stands in your way. "Wait, wait, wait, that's it? You not gon' give me a chance?" "A chance? Nigga, you lost your chance when you started being weird and fucking acting like you wasn't being weird this entire time!"
It was hard to get mad at you or reason with you. You were too pretty to get mad at even when you were nearly yelling in his face. And he had no logical reason to behave the way he was behaving, either. So, he might lose you unless he does something risky. And to risk your trust and love is something he doesn't want on the line.
You watch him watch you leave and he picks up his bag as well. The street lights turn on once it gets dark enough and Miles interrupts you walking away. "I'm not letting you walk home in the dark, Y/n." You flinch at his voice and growl a groan in fuming anger. An older lady passes the both of you and praises the mystery boy for being such a good gentleman and how 'there needs to be more of you out on these streets'. You almost slapped the fuck out of her for even hyping him up. He gives her a beautiful smile and tells her to get home safe, while walking you in the direction of your home.
He turns back to you and almost laughs at the face you're making. "I wonder how your mom would feel about you going home in the dark." "Mind yo fucking business." He happily leaves it there, continuing to walk with you down the street. Maybe this way, he can have more than one excuse to continue walking you home from now on. "Ion even know yo name." You mutter under your breath and Miles smiles at you. "My name is Miles. Great to finally meet you in person, Mami." You scoff and gladly let him scroll on his phone. You tried to speed ahead of him in hopes he'd stay at his slower pace, but he always caught up to you. You inwardly groan, knowing he'd probably make it to your door before you get rid of him.
"Glad to know the name of the person who's been stalking me. Now I can report you officially." You smirk at him and he gives one right back. "Just a name won't cut it, ma." "I got photos." "Where?" He hands you your phone back and you snatch it, realizing he was scrolling on your phone the whole time AND deleted your photo evidence. Before you can shove him into the street for a car to run him over, your mom bursts the door open and eyes the boy next to you. "Girl, you finally brought someone home with you." You didn't even realize you were on your street, better yet, your house. And your mom liked him already??
Your face dropped as you approached the front door. "No, no, no, it's not like that-" "What's your name, sweetie?" Miles steps up to the door and holds out his hand for her to shake, a beaming smile on his face. "My name is Miles Morales, ma'am." She shakes his hand before scrunching her eyebrows. " 'Morales'? You know Rio??" "That's my mamá, right there." Horrifying, how quickly a new relationship between the two bloomed right before your eyes as they continued to converse.
How are you going to get out of this? Your stalker is making great friends with your mom, no one can help because he deleted the evidence, and you would soon find out the next morning at school that your locker was clean of envelopes as well. Nothing was working in your favor and you realized that there was no way to escape. He included himself into your life so easily, when you wanted him out, out, out. You hated this shit, but he seemed to love it, sending you a look of appreciation as you both stepped into your abode.
Miles was so grateful for having you as a part of his life. The stars aligned and allowed you both a chance at beauty and growth. He wouldn't let this opportunity waste away like he had done many times in the past. You were his chance at redemption for all of the things he had done and the things that he planned to do later on. You were finally his.
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ghouljams · 4 months
hi!! helloo!!! you're writing is simply AMAZING and i LOVE the way you headcannon the guys!!!
i just had a quick coupla thots and i wanted to share them so i hope this makes sense!!
the first thing i thought of when reading "a letter from your future husband" was johnnys reaction to a return letter
maybe it's too much wine and dancing after a party, maybe it's just too stiflingly hot watching other people in the castle, maybe it's a particularly scandalous letter and reader is just feeling impulsive, but when johnny gets his hands on that letter? by GOD he's drooling and tenting his pants and booking it to his chambers because he won't let anyone else in the castle look at your handwriting before he gets the chance to
when johnny finally sees your handwriting? he's hooked. when he actually READS it? he's FERAL. one of the first lines is something like "I am very thankful for the instructions in your letters, without them, I would have never known personal pleasure before we are officially wed" he nearly cums in his pants but is also SO UPSET that he didn't get to see your corruption in real time- he'd foam at the mouth the first time he sets his eyes on you
you can barely make out the writing in the letter he sends back, because he starts writing it the second he cums all over his hands after reading your letter to him
(ps- have a good day!!)
Soap getting a letter in return?? Oh my.... Well he'd certainly have trouble controlling himself with it.
It's truly unfortunate that he had to rush back home to Scotland without you, his poor bride sitting, wasting away without him in (ugh) England, but certain matters had arisen that needed his attention, his in-person attention. Nothing that would prevent him from writing you though. He's tugging his riding gloves off when the butler hands him a letter with your pretty red seal. Soap takes in a sharp breath through his nose. You only write him when you are truly mad, sending him the sorts of letters that make him sure it isn't anger that guides your hand. The sort of letters he'll punish you for when he sees you next.
He takes it to his room. Cracking the wax seal and palming himself through his trousers at the first glimpse of your neat loops. He hums to himself, bringing the letter to his nose, smelling your soft perfume with a smile. Christ he misses you, sweet thing that you are trying to scare him off. He knows you want nothing more than to melt for him.
"You are a wicked and horrible man," You tell him in your opening line and Soap thinks about digging his teeth into your neck, marking you where someone proper might see, "Never in my life has a man talked to me like you do. I don't even know if I can call you a man, an animal is more appropriate. You do nothing but attempt to lead me to ruin. God only knows the thoughts that you inspire in me, and he will surely condemn me for them.
'Don't call me 'wife' as if that absolves you of the sin you send me. Though I suppose I should thank you for one thing; now that I know I can pleasure myself I have no need for you. You're free to move on to your next plaything and have fun tormenting her. I will welcome the reprieve from your letters."
Soap smiles to himself, he can almost hear your pouting. As if he'd ever want anyone else. Poor thing, who told you you weren't enough for him? It certainly wasn't Soap. It's good knowing you're touching yourself to his letters. He pauses, smells the letter again, imagines he can smell the wetness on your fingers when you wrote it. Naughty thing, did you roll off the bed just to talk to him?
"How would you like receiving obscene letters? No love in them, no politeness or care. You hardly treat me like a woman set to be your wife. If you can't say you love me, why should I do the same? You only want to talk about sex, fine.
'It is unbearable to have you in my thoughts. I never know if I'm upset or pleased, but my skin grows hot and my shift sticks to me. I can't think of anything but your awful letters and your stupid smile and every other terrible part of you. I lay awake at night with my hand between my legs because you have encouraged, no, insisted on such debauchery. I am utterly ruined because of you and I know it must only bring you pleasure to hear that. So stroke your cock to whatever you like, only think of me while you do it.
Imagine me like I imagine you, think of my fingers and my mouth and [scribbled out] Why do your letters make me feel like this, why do they make my heart pound? What power do you have that makes me keep them? Why do I miss you when I despise you so? Why did you have to leave me, I'm sor
I wish I wasn't thinking of you."
Oh, his sweet lass. He kisses your signature, pulls his aching cock free of his pants and groans. He shouldn't have been so cruel to you, poor thing. Of course you're upset, he left you all alone and is teasing you so terribly. Fuck he loves how passionate you are, how your handwriting grows sloppy before you cross it out; loves the slight discoloration to the paper beside the edge of your text where the paper dried.
You are the object of all his desires and yet you write to him like he could have anyone else. He could. He wants you. Wants you in every way he can have you.
Soap strokes his cock and reaches for a pen.
"You think I don't imagine you in every way I could? Your fingers wrapped around my cock, your lips against my throat, your voice in my ear? Do I need to show you for you to believe me?"
He already knows. The next time he sees you, he'll take your hand and place it right where it should be.
"It's just you my bonnie wife, it's only ever been you."
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princess-yuna · 9 days
My Dearest: Part 2
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,744
Summary: It is calling hours in the Bennett estate, and an unexpected caller sparks something interesting.
Content: No use of y/n, reader’s last name is Bennett for fic purposes but feel free to imagine another surname that’s suitable for you, pining, friends turned lovers and a lot of fluff. Reader has a younger sister and an older brother.
A/N: Back at it again with another part! Thank you for showing love on the first part! Please enjoy! Previous | Next
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Your head was spinning since Lady Danbury's ball. The way that Colin looked at you made something stir within you. You were acutely aware of how close you were standing, completely drawn to each other in a way you never were before. It was startling but you welcomed it. You were drawn to him like a moth to a flame, and if you lingered a moment more you would've caught on fire. There was a moment of thought to lean more into it but your mother's call saved you both. You wondered what his lips would feel like against yours and that thought was fleeting once the morning came.
You have spent all morning preparing the drawing room for the arrival of callers for your sister. The way she spoke about certain suitors made you hopeful that she would have an engagement by the end of the season, and you hoped that what happened to you wouldn't happen to her. These men were kind as they greeted you before they sat with your sister for conversation. You had no intention of prying as you read, but you couldn't help yourself from glancing up when you heard your sister's giggle.
Your attention was soon brought to the door as your handmaiden called out to you.
"There is a caller here, Miss Bennett," she stated, her gaze going to the hall briefly before her attention was on you again, "Not for your sister but for you."
The look on your face twisted to confusion as you set your book on your lap and sat up slightly more to fix your posture. You glanced at your mother where she sat across from you as she enjoyed her afternoon tea. Even when she was shocked, she still smiled as she perked up at the potential suitor even when you told her that this was not your season.
"Bring him in then," your mother encouraged.
As the words left her lips, your gaze was met with Colin Bridgerton. For a moment, time stood still and you felt your heart race. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he greeted your mother. You placed your book on the table before you stood to your feet as he approached you. Your mother then found a new spot in the room to allow you privacy but kept you and your sister in her sight.
"You truly can not be calling on me, Colin," you spoke finally in a near whisper, your tone filled with disbelief.
Colin's eyebrow rose in curiosity, but an amused expression crossed his features nonetheless. "I can't see a friend, Miss Bennett?" He sat on the chaise beside where you had been sitting.
"Of course you can," you responded as you slowly sat beside him. This was Colin Bridgerton, one of your dear friends, and you could not stop thinking of him. Even as he called you his friend, you heard that underlying tone. His written words plagued you and his spoken words made your head spin. You had to look away from him briefly to look at your sister who was entirely engrossed in conversation with one of her callers. She seemed oblivious that Colin had arrived moments earlier.
You looked back at him with a calmness that you had to will yourself to muster after taking a steady breath. "And what do I owe the pleasure?" You placed a smile on your face, and your body shifted to show you had interest.
"I wanted to see you. It has been too long since we have last seen each other, especially that you were not here last season," he replied.
That was why the letters were important. It was the only way you communicated with him of your whereabouts. After the failure of not receiving a proposal from Lord Brixton, you have expressed that maybe a season away would be beneficial since your sister was not ready to debut that previous year either. It had spread gossip among the ton that the season was skipped, but it certainly worked to bring attention to your sister. The queen did not announce her diamond for the season, but your sister had sparked enough interest without needing the title. You were thankful that your shame did not extend to her.
You hadn't noticed the gift that was in his hand, and it surprised you as he presented it to you. "I have been wanting to give this to you the next time I saw you," he stated, almost bashfully as you took it from him, "I saw it in Italy and I thought it would suit you."
Your fingers gently grazed the small rectangle box and then you opened it to reveal a dainty necklace that had a small pendant of your favorite jewel. "Oh, Colin, this is beautiful," you spoke gently.
You could feel his gaze on you and your gaze met his. There it was. The quickness of your heartbeat puts you into a frenzy. "May I?" He asked, motioning to the necklace. You simply nodded before you shifted so your back was towards him. Some relief came when the eye contact was broken.
Time slowed down as he placed the necklace around your neck. His fingers gently touched the back of your neck as he clasped the jewelry securely. A soft breath left your lips as you glanced down at the pendant to admire it but then your head turned quickly as his touch lingered on the back of your neck. Your gaze met his again and silence fell for a moment before you spoke up when you knew your gazes lingered too long.
"Colin, I-"
"Miss Bennett?"
A familiar voice knocked you to your senses, and you turned your body forward as your attention was now to the man at the door. Your mouth fell agape in surprise while you quickly rose to your feet. Colin had followed suit, but he was slower than you were.
"Lord Brixton?" Your mother's voice chimed, and she had rushed to her feet to greet the gentleman.
It was like seeing a ghost and you were glued to the floor until you felt your mother's hand on your arm to guide you. Colin was left gawking at the scene of you giving the lord a graceful curtsy as your mother gushed about the man who had mysteriously returned to the ton.
Lord Brixton was a distinguished respectable man. Even when he had left after your first season, he was not the one who was questioned but it was you. There were no suitors for you after the embarrassment of that season. However, you did not find it much of an embarrassment when you had not been in a rush to marry. He was someone who listened, and he valued you like none of the others did, which was why you would have said yes. Though you weren't sure why he would suddenly show up to call upon you and the curiosity was tugging at you.
"Miss Bennett, you look as beautiful as ever," he complimented as you stood before him. His gaze lingered over you as if you were a painting to admire, a look that you have known well in the time he had been courting you. "I do apologize for my abrupt disappearance, but there was an emergency that I need to tend to at my estate," he then said. His gaze shifted to Colin who was now standing behind you. "Ah, Mister Bridgerton, I almost did not see you there. I wish to speak to Miss Bennett, if you don't mind?"
You wanted to tell Lord Brixton to come back another time because there were things you still needed to discuss with Colin. He told you there was more that he needed to say to you when you met at Lady Danbury's ball but it was proven difficult to get a word in without being interrupted. Yet before you could say anything in protest, Colin was the one to speak up.
"I do not mind at all, I was just on my way out," he stated. He stood before you and your mother to give a respectful nod. As he glanced at you, his gaze lingered for a moment before he turned to the Lord to give his farewell before he stepped out of the drawing room.
You knew that he did mind, but he was unable to stop the conversation that you would have with the man who inserted himself back in your life. He was no one compared to Lord Brixton, and his insecurities were not truly known by you but you knew of his hesitance whenever he came around or when you spoke about him. You never brought it up and you were not sure if you should. For now, your focus had to be on the lord in front of you and you gave him the warmest smile before you were trapped in his explanation as to why he left you in further detail.
An explanation that you did not care to listen to as you thought about Colin.
The day came to an end and Lord Brixton had left your home with intentions of courting you again. You retired to your bedroom for the evening as you sat at your vanity as you removed your jewelry. When it came to the necklace, you hesitated a moment before you reached to unclasp it and returned it to the box it came in. You then noticed a paper that was folded neatly inside that you did not see before, and you took it out to unfold it to reveal the familiar handwriting of Colin Bridgerton.
My Dearest,
No jewel can be compared to your beauty, yet here I am gifting you the prettiest jewel that I found in the market while I was in Italy. I wish I could be more eloquent with my words when I am with you but I find myself becoming tongue tied whenever we are near each other. Perhaps I must take a leap. Would you care to join me for a promenade tomorrow?
Sincerely Yours, Colin Bridgerton
You clutched the letter to your chest, a soft smile graced your lips as his words spread warmth through you. By coincidence, you had plans to promenade with you sister and mother tomorrow. Maybe then you would finally have that moment to speak to your dear friend without interruption.
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ancient-and-gauntly · 5 months
Owl Post
Sebastian Sallow x Reader Warnings: None Summary: Sebastian notices you are upset about not getting post, so decides to write you a small love letter to brighten your morning
You sat at the your house table in the Great Hall, a slight frown marring your usually cheerful face. You absentmindedly stirred your porridge, glancing around at the students who were receiving letters and packages from their families and friends. The owls soared gracefully through the enchanted ceiling, delivering messages to eager recipients.
Sebastian, your new long term flame, was sitting a few seats down and couldn't help but notice your disappointed expression. He had overheard you complaining to Poppy about never receiving owl mail, finding the mornings in the Great Hall a bit less exciting compared to others. A mischievous smile played on his lips as an idea sparked in his mind. He decided that he would be the one to change that.
Late that night, Sebastian sat in the common room with parchment and a quill, carefully crafting a heartfelt letter to you. He poured his feelings onto the page, expressing the warmth and admiration he felt for you. He sealed the envelope with a dash of wax and pressed it so it was nice and tightly closed, grinning at the surprise waiting to happen. The next morning, before breakfast, Sebastian carefully made his way to the Owlery to choose and owl to deliver the special letter. He whispered his instructions to the her and watched as it soared off into the early morning sky, disappearing among the clouds.
As you entered the Great Hall that morning, you noticed the familiar fluttering of wings above you. A brown, pleasant looking owl descended gracefully, landing in front of you with a small note attached to its leg. Surprised, you took the letter and untied it from the owl's leg. You could hardly contain her excitement as you recognized Sebestians distinctive handwriting. You look over to him, giving him a questioning look but all he did was shrug and smile, going back to the food on his plate
Curiosity and delight danced in your eyes as you slowly unfolded the parchment and began to read:
My Dearest Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits, and that the sight of this owl bearing my words brings a smile to your face. I've noticed the lack of owl posts in your life, and I couldn't stand the thought of your mornings being any less delightful than they should be.
There's something magical about the way your eyes light up when you're excited or passionate about something. It's a sight I've come to cherish, and it never fails to brighten my day. I've been meaning to tell you how much I love the way you look when you're lost in thought, a thousand galaxies swirling in your eyes.
Some of my fondest memories involve sneaking on to late night walks with you after curfew on those clear nights when the rest of the world was asleep and finding a nice quiet place to just look at the stars while in each others arms. Stargazing with you is like being transported to another realm, where time stands still, and it's just us against the vastness of the universe. Those stolen moments are etched into my heart, and I find myself yearning for more every day.
And I can't help but mention the small glances we share across the common room. It's as if our eyes have a language of their own, speaking volumes in silence. Those stolen glances, the unspoken connection, they make me fall more and more in love with you with each passing day. It's a love that grows stronger, deeper, and more profound.
For the first time in a long time, I feel at home. Not just within the stone walls of Hogwarts, but within the warmth of your laughter, the gentleness of your touch, and the genuine connection we share. You've become an important part of who I am becoming, and I can't imagine it any other way.
I know we've just started this journey together, and I want you to know that I meant every word I said that first night we spent together. I am planning on spending my life with you. Thank you for believing in me and seeing the potential that no one has seen before. 
Forever and Always yours,
Sebastian Sallow
As you reached the end of the letter, face hurting from the smiling it caused you couldn't help but look over at Sebastian once more, who was watching you with an expectant grin. You eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between the two of you. You mouthed a heartfelt "thank you" to Sebastian, your eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Sebastian just winks, a mixture of mischief and genuine affection in his gaze.
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musclefilia · 11 months
König Headcanons (SFW/NSFW)
While König has social anxiety, I don't actually think he's shy at all. I think people forget that extroverts can also have social anxiety which is a bit annoying lol.
That being said... He probably would get pretty reserved around his crush.
Imagining this isn't on some sort of military base where he's busy all the time, I think he'd try to win you over with things like baked goods, and flowers.
If he asked you out, it would probably be via text or letter, being deathly afraid of rejection.
Your first date would be something like a nice but not too fancy dinner. Maybe even at his place, with him doing the cooking.
He's obviously nervous at first, but by the end of it you two comfortably chatting and laughing.
Walk's you home, giving you a little kiss on the cheek at the door (he tries really hard to be a gentleman lol).
After a few more dates, it's safe to say you guys are a couple.
This really brings out the husbandly side of König.
Can come off as a bit clingy... But he means well! He just want's to take care of you (in a non creepy way I swear (T⌓T) ).
Still bakes you pastries, after all he wants to keep his future wife nice and fed.
BIG cuddler. Cuddles in bed, on the couch, in the bath, ANYWHERE. Really he just finds being in proximity of you to be comforting.
Send's you 'guten morgen' texts with pictures of flowers and such (sort of like a grandma)
Uses lot's of pet names (Liebling, Schnucki, Schnuckel)
Overall, he's a total peach (˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)
Not a virgin, but not the most experienced either.
Prefers being on top/in control, but he's definitely more of a service top.
Don't take this as meaning you can't get on top though, it'll just take some time and trust to get to that.
Not really big on pain play, the most he'll go with that is hickey's, some rough thrusting and maybe some pinching.
Pays close attention to you and your pleasure, stimulating you in any way he can.
Can get a little carried away sometimes, leading to him going a bit buck wild (in a good way tho).
Slight breeding kink? I don't think he'd be crazy about it, but he would think about settling down and having kids with you, and well that involves some breeding lol.
Loves oral, giving or receiving.
For giving, he loves holding your thighs and lifting his mask up a bit, giving him full access to eat you out like a man starved.
For receiving, he loves cradling the back of your head as you bob up and down on his length. Might grip your hair a bit, but nothing painful.
Very soft with aftercare, showers you with kisses, cuddles you, or even carries you over to the tub with him to wash off.
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
heeeey, best tips on manifesting someone back into your life??? i’m desperate 🥺🥺🥺 tysm
Tips : manifest a specific person.
(note : these tips are also applicable to manifest an ex back.)
Before we start, I wanna remind everyone that you don't need any of these tips to get your desires, only one thought is enough to make your desire come to you because your thoughts = your reality, you want something you get it, that simple ! since you're the creator of your reality you only do what feels good for you and receive your desires ! 🤍
Tip 01 : circumstances do not matter
When you check the 3D and see something you don't want, remind yourself that you're in control and keep being persistent, so It doesn't matter if your sp doesn't know you or if they're famous or they have blocked you..
Tip 02 : live as if
Living as if means that you live as you already have it, a lot of people call it living in the end, if you adopt the living as if mentality you are gonna live your life as if you already have your sp, act as if it's all done and you got your desires.
Tip 03 : let go of that sp
Let go of the idea of this one person being what you want and let yourself dream a little about the general idea of what you want: companionship, trust, sharing, love, celebration, etc. Let yourself appreciate these dreams without attaching them to some specific person. Let yourself see how these things are already in your life to some degree. When you let go of that specific person, then the universe will be free to bring you a manifestation of what you desire more perfect than you are able to imagine.
Tip 04 : visualisation
Visualize what it feels like to be with your sp and allow yourself to get excited about it to match the vibration of your sp and attract it to your life, the more vivid your vision, the better details really help your manifestation be stronger, you could also try creating a vision board for your perfect relationship. This can be a big help if you have trouble picturing things in your mind.
Tip 05 : journaling
These are some topics to journal about :
Journal about memories you wanna create with you sp as if they already happened.
Reflect on how your sp changed your life.
Design solutions to challenges you might encounter with you sp.
Write a letter of gratitude for having that sp in your life.
Write yourself letters pretending it was from your sp, write down anything you wanna hear from them.
Tip 06 : affirmations
Affirmations will always remind you that you are worthy of your sp's love, they can positively change the way you think, you can use affirmations to confront limiting beliefs.
Make a list of your desired affirmations to manifest your sp, you can write them down on a journal or on your notes app and repeat them everyday.
You can also use self love affirmations to become their energetic match, when you are being at your best you will attract that sp who meets all your standards
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
ooo how about.. how would the assassins (your usual bunch) react to an s/o who loves and is really good giving the sloppy toppy? 👁️👅👁️
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: it's been a while since I wrote some ac content hehe 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: MDNI, NSFW content, smut, oral (m. receiving)
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。・:*˚:✧。altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ oh altaïr just loves that about you. He'll kindly ask for you to give him head after a long or frustrating day as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kisses the back of your neck, breath fanning over the shell of your ear to seduce you (not that it takes a lot seeing as this is something you love to do).
♡ altaïr is the type to have you on your knees beneath his desk - it's one of his favourite places for the two of you to do this when the door is locked. He often has to pour over paperwork and letters and it's the least favourite part of his job.
♡ so, he'll just sit back, spread his legs to make room for you and set a hand upon your head as you get to work. He'll pet your hair and just feel the way you bob your head up and down as he loses himself in the sensation of you swallowing him down your throat and he'll be sure to remember this the next time he's stressing over work
。・:*˚:✧。ezio auditore
♡ oh Ezio is just thrilled that you enjoy giving him blowjobs so much. To begin with, he was very insistent on returning the favour but you've made it clear to him that's it's not necessary because you're not only doing it for him, you're doing it because you enjoy it. He never really asks for you to do this for him because he knows you'll do it of your own volition anyway.
♡ Ezio never seems to live alone throughout the franchise so I imagine that he prefers to do this in hidden places instead: maybe some secret spot of his down by the river arno, in some ruins in roma or perhaps in the tunnels beneath it, upon some rooftop with a view of costantinopoli's unique skyline. Either place is public, sure, but no one really goes there at the times he brings you there and so there's only the slightest risk of being caught.
♡ he tries to keep any groans and moans to a minimum so that the two of you won't be caught but he just loves to murmur words of praise to you all while you're down on your knees. He likes making you look up at him with your pretty eyes while you're down there. He lets you take the lead physically but he'll enjoy commanding you to go faster or slower or to take it deeper or use your tongue.
。・:*˚:✧。ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he's quite shy about it but he'll never refuse you. He feels a little bad that you give him oral much more than he returns it but you've reassured him time and time again that this is something you're doing for the both of you and not just him so it's ok! He never, ever has any complaints though.
♡ seeing as Achilles' injury means he rarely leaves Davenport Manor, you and Connor often do this out in the woods around the homestead in a specific area that the two of you frequent just to be intimate together without having to worry about keeping things down so that the old man downstairs won't overhear you (you'd both be beyond mortified).
♡ Ratonhnhaké:ton knows he's big so he'll let you have complete control over what's going on. He'll have his hands on your head but it's mostly to just comb his fingers through your hair while he thanks you and tells you how good you make him feel through muffled whimpers as he bites his lips. He might tug your hair when he gets close to coming but he'll apologise the moment he realises he's doing it too much.
。・:*˚:✧。arno dorian
♡ as much as Arno respects that this is something you really love doing and he does like getting head from you, he's the type that genuinely prefers to give oral than to receive it. But at the same time he wants what will make you happy so he lets you have your fun.
♡ Arno tends to only do these things in private with you so this will mostly only happen in his home at the café-theatre or maybe in the club hall beneath it when he knows no one will walk in on the two of you.
♡ as said above, Arno prefers to give oral than to receive it and so his compromise is that when you want to give him oral, the two of you will often sixty-nine. He just loves having you sit on his face while your lips wrap around his cock and he can taste you on his tongue while he can feel the vibrations of your moans.
。・:*˚:✧。jacob frye
♡ Jacob thinks your mouth is absolutely incredible. He loves that you're always so eager to give him head and just how good you are at it. He's not too shy to spread his legs apart to make room for you while he pats his lap to beckon you over.
♡ If you're in a train carriage alone, Jacob will lock the doors, draw the curtains that look into the other carriages, and will set a pillow on the floor for your knees so that you don't get uncomfortable. He's not against a quickie here or there in some semi-public place where you could get caught so long as it's not somewhere dirty - you're a lady and you deserve better than that in his eyes.
♡ one of his favourite ways of doing this is to have you kneeling or sitting on the floor with your back to the wall, the back of your head touching it. He'll have you look up at him while he lets you take the lead or he starts off slow until he builds up to fucking your face. He just loves the noises you make and he's quick to bring you to your feet and messily kiss you the moment he's done or he wants to move on to something else.
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zgvlt · 2 years
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launch our love jade leech x reader
summary: You and Jade send out your wedding invitations. (Almost) nobody knew you two were dating in the first place
author's note: written for a discord server event! bc june is wedding szn. and also because i realized i needed more silly (and domestic) jade in my life. this is sillier than most of my writings bc i wrote it to destress from my finals hehe
tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff, established relationship, marriage, weddings, some cursing, 6.7k+ words, not beta read
you can also read this on AO3
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“Jade, you’re smiling. Is something funny?”
“Aren’t I always smiling, my dear?”
“Not always, not with your teeth.” So you said, but weren’t you the one baring your teeth at him right now? “You’re amused by something. Care to share?”
Maybe Jade didn’t seem like the type, but he loved jokes—stupid jokes, and even funny things that weren’t actually jokes. He just liked being able to laugh at something, someone, and oh, he was going to have the biggest laugh of his twenty something years of life—both on land and in sea. 
In fact, he might have been laughing right now just at the very thought of the situation.
“Perhaps I’m just happy?” he mused, knowing for certain that you didn’t buy it. You knew him too well, for too long—sometimes he still found himself thinking just how odd it was for the two of you to have gotten so close, but it certainly made things more interesting, didn’t it? It would be difficult to imagine how he’d be living his life now if you weren’t by his side. “You bring me happiness. Is that so unbelievable?”
“No, but isn’t it weird that years ago I would have thought your words were some ploy to tease me, or make fun of my feelings for you?” you said, a laugh escaping your lips. “I can’t believe I fell for you first. So cringe of me, honestly.”
“Yes, but I had been the one to ask you out first,” he reminded you, clicking his tongue in the process, “really, you made your feelings so obvious but you simply wouldn’t do anything. Did you ever feel bad for me, poor Jade Leech who knew nothing about human romance customs, having to do all the hard work in courting you?”
“Yes, and in my pity I stayed with you for eight years,” you deadpanned, clearly enjoying the joke as much as he was. That was something about you he’d always loved—you always got a chuckle out of him, not merely from your words, but even your mannerisms and willingness to just go along with whatever he was saying, inserting your own quips as well. “And will continue to for even more years than that.”
“My love is so gracious,” he praised, clearly teasing but voice laced with unmistakable affection, “if this is what it feels to be pitied by you, then I’ll simply have to have your pity all to myself, hmm?”
Jade really couldn’t help himself then, laughing as you were torn between letting him know he was being infuriating, or saying something terribly sappy yourself.
“I still don’t believe you, by the way,” you said, returning back to the original topic of conversation, “but I think I know why you’re so excited now. It has to do with the invites we sent out earlier this morning, doesn’t it?”
“Heheh. I might be losing my touch if it’s that obvious,” he replied, both of you knowing it had more to do with you than him. 
The invites. They were pretty things—pearl white envelopes with intricate calligraphy at the very center, something formal to fit both Jade’s disposition and the event, but the design of the letter inside clearly had your touch. He actually still had a few unsent ones himself, ones he would deliver himself once he returned to the Coral Sea.
Save the best for last, of course.
“You think any of them would have gotten it by now?” He responded to your question with a smile that showed his teeth, he was certain of it this time. Oh, he was more than sure at least one person would have gotten it, received by the ones that lived closer, already opened by the ones a little less busier, and he was elated in anticipation of their responses. “Judging by the look on your face, that’s a yes. Should I mute my phone?”
“Absolutely not,” he replied immediately, and then added for good measure, “additionally, could you make sure every call is on speaker phone?”
As though simply waiting for his cue, your phone began to ring, and Jade had no doubts someone had already read the invite and was more than ready to make a complaint, or ask for an explanation, or both.
“Is it–” he looked over your shoulder to read the caller ID– “ah, I was wondering which one of the two. Go on and answer. I’ll just be here, listening attentively.”
“Fine, fine, but get ready. Once this call ends we’re clearly going to get them non-stop, either from your phone or mine.” You took a deep breath, as if to prepare yourself for your impending doom, before pressing the answer button.
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“You fucking fuck,” Ace said, slowly and almost threateningly, and Jade almost let out a huff of laughter at that alone. Only almost, for he had wanted to stay silent for a little longer just to hear what either one of you would talk about. “I raised and looked after you for over three years–”
“Now who’s doing the raising in the group, you say? If not me, it’s obviously–”
“Shut up! I need to tell you how disappointedI am!”
Jade threw you a look and you only shrugged. Ace always seemed like the annoying older brother type of friend, but was he actually some secret mother hen type? He always pictured that role for… essentially every other close friend you had, but he supposed distance could bring the fretting out of anyone.
“As I was saying, you know how much I L-word you, you little shit, but what is this behavior? Is this how you repay me?” On second thought, this was annoying older brother behavior. “How could you do this to your best friend—no, absolutely no oh, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek, is my blah blah now! Betrayal! One second I have Jade’s contact name renamed to your TOTGA, next second you’re getting married to him?”
At Ace’s exclamation Jade allowed himself to unstifle his laughter, slapping his thigh with the free hand, the one not attached to the arm that was draped around your own laughter-induced quivering shoulders.
“The One That Got Away. Coined by Cater, but Ace found it too funny so it stuck as an inside joke about… well, obviously about you,” you explained, near groaning at the reminder, “basically, Ace thinks you were incapable of returning my feelings.”
“Hey, I never said that! I just said you were too much of a wuss to actually do anything. You cried when he became a fourth year, remember? Ace… I want to see Jade, huhu. I’m so sadddd, wah wah wah, wah, wah.”
“What a subpar impersonation. I wish I was there to witness it myself.” It was a little hard to shake off the image in his head once Ace got it in there—he hated seeing you upset of course, but you crying because you missed him? That would have certainly been a cute sight. He wondered if Ace or one of your other friends had managed to have that, or any other similar event, recorded on video. 
He’s not quite Azul but he’s made his fair share of deals, too.
“And for your information, Ace, you might like to know that it was I who made the first move, so you would be right about your assumptions.”
“Thank you for your service. My dear friend would have stayed single, still living in the college, doing nothing but taking care of Grim until the ripe old age of a hundred and one otherwise,” Ace might have sounded like he had significantly calmed down, but you seemed to know better. 
Ace was never particular about the respect for seniority, and while some parts of him had already matured, according to you that is, some parts were bound to stay the same. 
“But also, I just know you’re part of the reason why I never found out the two of you got in a relationship in the first place! So what was the reason? A prank?”
“Of course not. What kind of man would have a joke run for as long as eight years?” Jade said, pretending he wasn’t that type of man. Honestly speaking, he really never intended it to be secret or anything. Azul and Floyd knew because it was impossible to hide things from either one—the latter being his brother, the other being your supplier of potions in your earlier years of visiting him and his family.
It just so happened that with a strange set of circumstances it would appear you never got the chance to tell anyone, he was too private a person to share the more intimate details of his life, and the two of you decided to just stick with it for as long as either one of you didn’t get caught.
“Okay, fine, I know why Jade wouldn’t say anything… but you, don’t think I have forgotten about you. Actually, shit, I’m tired of shouting. Give me a sec.”
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Giving the phone to our favorite Deucey-Weucey. Nice going with the invites by the way—flying envelope followed me around in the middle of the street until I opened it. I thought my unpaid taxes were haunting me!”
Ah, yes, the wonderful flying tracker envelopes. Jade had paid good money for those—for convenience, else it would have been too difficult sending formal, non-digital invites to everyone all across the land, but he would not deny that the idea of an envelope hunting and chasing down your mutual friends was fun to imagine. 
“You were shouting that loud in public? Also… are you joking? Ace, pay your taxes?”
“Pass. Oh, and don’t tell Deuce I said that, by the way. He’s freaking out more than me—he’s been spamming me with texts because I got to call you first—and we don’t need the policeman to freak out even more because of my inability to be a law-abiding citizen. He just finished his shift, too! … Yo, Deuce! Guess who I’m on the phone with—Oi! At least ask before–”
“First of all, congratulations,” a different voice came out of the phone speaker this time, a little gentler and kinder but clearly holding back. Ah, Jade thought to himself, here was the other one he was waiting on for your end.  “Bet you Ace didn’t even say that, right?”
“He didn’t,” the two of you replied at the same time, much to the chagrin of the voice whining at an audible distance.
“Oh, hello,” Deuce greeted, oddly politely, “you don’t mind if I shout at your spouse-to-be, right? I’ve been holding back from doing so for about twenty or so minutes now.”
Well, Jade always liked politeness. Why, it reminded him of himself, after all.
“Fufu… go for it,” he said, but honestly you could have been the one to agree to it yourself with the way you readied yourself by pushing the phone slightly further away than when you were talking to Ace. Interesting reaction.
“You can cover your ears, I just need to get this out of my system… WHAT THE HELL? THIS IS WORSE THAN ANY OF ACE’S PRANKS!” Jade had to wonder if that was more compliment or insult. Deuce was less harsh than Ace with his wording, but the tone of voice was more intimidating, a little delinquent-like. You seemed used to it, though, maybe even a little fond and reminiscent.
“We kept comforting you because we… okay fine, Ace, shut up, because I thought you kept getting rejected, but not only have you been together all this time, the two of you are getting married? Also meaning, time had passed since you proposed… or Jade proposed to you?”
“Actually,” Ace interjected, loud enough to be picked up by the microphone, “since when did the two of you get together? This is very important by the way, please answer correctly.”
“Answering correctly… ah, I see what’s going on here,” Jade replied with an amused laugh, “I hope you got the right answer, then. The last week of my third year, so before the summer of yours.”
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before the two of them began making a ruckus once more.
“Fucking Ortho?! Out of all of us, Ortho gets it right?” Ace bemoaned, “The way we dissed him too for guessing incorrectly. Of course he knew without actually knowing. I mean thank the Seven it wasn’t Sebek or Jack or I would never let myself live it down, and if it was Epel he would never let us live it down, but wow.”
“They made me bet as well, by the way,” you told Jade, “betting on my own love life… or lack of, at the time.”
“And you got it wrong?” he snickered, always happy for something new to tease you about. “Please do tell, when did you think we would get together?”
“Uh… I don’t remember?”
“Never. You said the two of you were never, ever, ever, getting together,” Deuce reminded you, pretending to simply be helpful even though it was obvious he was attempting to get back at you one way or another. Well, it was helpful to Jade, at least. He’s not surprised by the answer, it would have been rather typical considering your mindset back then, but your reaction right now was very adorable. 
He had no plans of teasing you about it at this very moment, but he stored that information for another time.
“Wait, I just realized something. You were also crying to us that time, so then… you were crying because–”
“Oh,” you sounded a little bashful, “it was because I thought we wouldn’t be together because… you know, Jade would be out there in some mountain, probably without phone reception, and I would be stuck in NRC, so…”
“...so you didn’t think you two were actually in a relationship,” your statement was finished for you by Deuce, who sounded, and probably looked, exasperated, “and then you two actually were, but you were either still sad about the distance or too embarrassed to tell us you were mistaken that you never told us.”
“Yeah, something like that, and also I kept getting teased about it so as payback I kept holding off telling all of you, until…”
“Until you literally forgot to ever tell us,” Ace groaned, “shit, that’s one long grudge.”
Well, Jade might have had some part to do with you not talking about it after your third year. He was the one who convinced you it’d be fun to let them figure it out for themselves. If they weren’t able to tell while they still got to see you every day, how much harder would it be for them once you all went your separate ways all over Twisted Wonderland?
“Okay, maybe deserved on our end, but I don’t want to take responsibility so fuck you… oh, and congratulations to both of you lovebirds… er, fish?”
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You were still in the middle of your call with Ace and Deuce, voice call turned video call as the three of you planned a pre-wedding meet-up with the rest of your friend circle for the purpose of deciding who your best man would be (thankfully not a problem he has to deal with, considering Floyd was the only real choice), when he received a call on his phone.
“Who is it?” you asked, breaking away from the conversation for a few seconds.
“Trey,” he replied, quite normally if he would say so himself, although you must have known better based on the way you were looking at him.
“Don’t stress him out too much, Jade.” He agreed, although he certainly didn’t promise anything. If he was being honest, one of the calls he was anticipating getting was from the bakers’ son. Perhaps because it was interesting seeing the seemingly ordinary people break out of their restraints and say something funny. 
“Say hi to Trey for me! Or tell him to call me… not any time for the rest of the day or night, if I’m being honest.”
With that he slinked away from the bedroom to the living room, letting himself relax atop the sofa as he answered the call. 
“You know, Jade, most people send in their order forms online these days. Or in person, if they want a taste test first.”
“Oh, do you not want to comment on the invite first? The RSVP is included in the envelope, but you could let me know right now. How many guests do you intend on bringing? You could always bring your siblings—given my being a twin, I’ve always been fond–”
“Jade,” Trey interrupted, already sounding exasperated, “am I really a guest when you’re asking me to make your wedding cake?”
“And the wedding favor pastries as well, if you don’t mind,” Jade supplied, smiling to himself. Good, Trey was reacting exactly how he wanted him to. Sure, he did not doubt the man probably had some degree of surprise regarding his relationship status, but that seemed to be a second thought in the dread of dealing with what would presumably be at least a medium sized order. 
“We would appreciate your suggestions as well. Which do you think would be better: cupcakes, quite overused but popular for a reason; small cakes, so we don’t have to go through the hassle of giving away slices of the wedding cake; or something a little less fancy, like cookies or brownies?
“Also, what do you think about the cake itself? How many tiers are the norm for wedding cakes? Why is it that most people go for height when you can go for width and length? What do you think about including mushrooms–”
“Jade, absolutely not. We can add the fake sugary ones if you want, but no real mushrooms,” Trey sounded somewhere in between flabbergasted and disgusted at the suggestion. Now, wasn’t it obvious he was just joking? He wasn’t really going to insist on adding mushrooms in the cake… unless it was actually an unfounded good combination?
“Also, for the love of the Queen, please just go to the bakery for a taste test… ugh, I can’t believe you’re getting married before me. What in Wonderland…”
“Really makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” And because Jade was secure with his sense of humor, he laughed at his own joke. What Jade would give to be able to see the look on his face right now, curious about what sort of face he must have pulled in that dead silence of five seconds. “Oh, and I just thought of something… what do you think about mushroom shaped biscuits as wedding favors?”
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You had received a few more calls last night, mostly quick congratulations paired with a “but… have you always been together with Jade? Somehow, I always thought…” 
Those people never pried too much, likely to save themselves from the potential embarrassment of having forgotten such an important detail about a friend, maybe preferring to ask someone else about the details. None of them were too interesting so Jade didn’t mind much. 
The real fun continued the very next day. The intended guests seemed to have enough decency to not call past midnight, although he did spot a few 3 a.m. text messages sent to some group chat you happened to be in, so the night was relatively peaceful. Someone, however, seemed to be a particularly early riser, dragging the both of you with him with one notification.
Not a call, just a notification that somehow jolted you awake, your sudden movement waking him as well.
“I thought it was for work… I panicked.” Despite the fact that it was very much a weekend, it seemed that it was hard to get rid of habits. “Who else just sends sudden calendar invites to unplanned video calls aside from… oh, this makes sense, actually.”
You suddenly got up from bed and Jade, admittedly still a little sleepily, watched as you tried to fix yourself up—slowly walking to the bathroom as you washed your face, even brushing your teeth. That told Jade he would not be expecting you to head back to sleep despite the fact that the sun had likely risen at most about half an hour ago. If it weren’t for the fact that you were just straightening out your rumpled sleepwear, he would have thought you had planned on going out.
“Already so energetic in the morning,” Jade commented. For a busy man like him, he quite liked getting to sleep in whenever he could with his beloved at his side, but he was just as content watching you in the early hours of the day. Seeing you go about your morning, yes, but more so waking up in the same room as you, something that would become more common once the two of you got married.
He had always missed mornings with you whenever he was under the sea instead of by your side.
“Jade, do I look presentable?” you suddenly asked, plopping back down on the bed, lowering your head to lock eyes with him. He’s not quite sure what you’re expecting out of him considering the biased lens he views you in.
“You know my heart is aflutter whenever I see you,” he answered, not dishonest in the slightest but always worded in a way he knew you would like, “my darling is as beautiful as usual, brilliant and timeless like the most precious pearl.”
“And that’s not what I was asking. Presentable is different from beautiful.” Still, you looked appreciative of his praise, allowing yourself to accept it instead of turning it down, and really, that’s the reception Jade likes the most from you. “Oh well. Vil will probably understand anyway.”
Oh? He knew you and Vil kept in touch even after his graduation, but among his list of people who he thought would contact you next, he had not considered someone as busy as Vil Schoenheit to be next. Not that he had any plans of going back to sleep when you were already awake, but now he was more enthused to listen in—intrigued in all matters that had to do with you, and he supposed because it had to do with him, as well.
He doesn’t even have to tell you—you put it on speaker immediately.
“You know, most people these days try to soft launch their relationships on MagiCam, but you did not even do a normal hard launch, no, you went all the way with a wedding announcement. Do you think yourself a celebrity with this kind of secrecy?”
“Ahaha, well–”
“Oh, and before I forget, I’ll be sending you my work schedule. We can’t have you looking like a potato on your wedding day, can we? Do you already have something to wear? If not, I can introduce you to some designers, no need to worry I still remember what styles you like best, and then we can choose which outfit you’ll want to wear best during the ceremony itself, and then the reception—
And we can’t forget about make-up! You–ah, Jade, hello, I just noticed the top of your head peeking near out of frame. I can send you both some palettes that would work best with your skin, the Seven knows I have too much unused make-up from brand deals, and–”
“Vil,” you interrupted suddenly, “not that I don’t appreciate the help, because I do, I mean I haven’t even thought of getting into more comfortable clothes for the reception? But why are you doing so much? Aren’t you busy?”
“I would have to agree. It’s as if you have chosen to take up the task of being our wedding planner.”
“Because it’s bad manners to outdress the newlyweds,” Vil explained, as if it was the simplest thing in the world to understand, “so just this once, the both of you have to look better than me. Understood?”
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Jade took over the kitchen most days, for as long as he had the time for it. Not only was he confident in his skills but he enjoyed the act of cooking just as much as getting to show off his skills for you.
And of course, because there was the thrill of letting slip that there was some special secret ingredient that always left you slightly perturbed or excited. Not that there was any most of the time, he just wanted to see if you would keep buying it, and he would eat up the slightest hesitation before you eventually gave in because A) you trusted him and knew deep down he was either playing with you or added something he knew you liked, or B) you just wanted to eat your meal already.
One of those was more romantic than the other.
Regardless, he was cooking for you because you seemed like you needed the energy. While the both of you agreed on wanting to get married soon—considering the two of you lived together and were as domestic as couples could get to the point that it was as if he was already a married man anyway—you seemed to wonder if there was enough time to plan everything that still needed to be planned. 
“Of course there will be,” he reassured you, momentarily abandoning the meals he had not finished plating to step closer to you, “we still have four months to go, and I’m here to help you, remember?”
“I know, and I love you even more for it.” You don’t waste a single second after he places his hand atop yours, turning your palm over to interlock fingers properly. That’s another thing Jade adores about you—how easily you can confess and show your feelings for him. “A part of me was just hoping wedding planning would be a little easier than it actually is.”
“I’m sure it’s made easier with magic involved,” Jade said with a laugh, “although ceremonies are much simpler under the sea.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean that kind of preparation.” You seemed to be experiencing some degree of unease, likely at the thought of something. “More so… people.”
Jade smiled. Close-lipped.
“If there’s anyone being a bother, or being troublesome–”
“Jade, no,” you interrupted quickly, as if suddenly fearing for the lives of several people. “Not like that. I received an email from Professor Crewel a while ago. Apparently our wedding has become a hot topic in the staff room.”
He blinked, pretending to be surprised.
“Oh my, now why would that be?”
You need not answer that question, not when it was so obvious. You had wormed your way into their hearts in the span of four years, perhaps even more considering how often you visited for the sake of Grim, and now they were attached to ex-Ramshackle Prefect, current pseudo-NRC staff. 
(Neither of you were really sure if beast caretaker was a real position considering Crowley had yet to house any beasts beyond Grim, but you liked the allowance and the ability to come and get your cat-not-cat whenever you wanted.)
“I don’t know,” you sighed, legitimately looking a little confused, “but Professor Crewel… he offered to help with the clothes, but I said Vil was already doing that, so instead he said he’d send over some gifts. I mean I expect that on the ceremony day itself, but not months before?”
“May I ask… did you happen to have a favorite professor?” Because it was easy to tell why one of them was buttering you up so suddenly, although he was a tad unsure if it would be for naught. Perhaps you already had someone in mind.
Before you could answer, a song he could not recall having heard before rang out in the room. It was, for a lack of a better term, the type of tune that would be catchy at first until it inevitably became the most annoying sound in existence. Earworm might have been the word for it.
“Ah, Crowley is calling. I forgot that was the ringtone I set for him,” you said, as if that was enough to explain everything. 
It was.
“My child, who has grown up so fast to the point of finally getting married.” You exchanged looks with Jade, and while he was evidently more amused than you, he understood the incoming headache. Crowley himself was the incoming headache. “I would just like to remind you that this most generous, gracious, giving headmaster of yours is also your guardian by law, yes?”
As much of a secretive man the headmaster could be, now was certainly not one of those times, and the realization of what your old professors were up to had dawned on you.
“Professor Crewel’s quite generous as well,” you said, “you know, he offered to buy me a few things for the wedding”. It was as if you were pretending to be deep in thought, when in reality you were baiting the crow into either telling you what he wanted outright, or at least offering you something a stingy man like him normally wouldn’t. 
Then again, Jade was just a little concerned that even if Crowley did get you something, it would come from NRC’s budget. None of his business, but there was the probability of you feeling guilty over that. 
“What, so are you choosing Divus then?”
“Who said I would be choosing Professor Crewel?” 
Truthfully Jade did think that, among the whole staff, Headmaster Crowley or Professor Crewel would have been the best choices to take the position of your guardian down the aisle, but perhaps that was merely his impression of who would most want to be in that position as opposed to who you would want.
“See, I was just thinking of having Grim stroll down the aisle considering he’s the closest I have to family, but Jade and I have been talking about whether he should be a flower boy or the ring bearer.” 
Yes, that much was true, and while a basket would have been heavy he was partial to flower boy simply because it would be funny to watch him throw petals around the beach, accidentally having his paws sink in the sand, but he could not say that or else be accused of bullying your beloved beast by you.
“So since it can’t be Grim… since he looks after Grim when I can’t, I thought Professor Trein–”
“Absolutely not!” You had ruffled the feathers of the headmaster with one utterance of a name, as though you and the senior professor had personally offended him. With how dramatic he used to be, and seemingly still is, it was very likely he felt that way, Jade thought. “Trein has already walked down the aisle for SO many weddings! This is incredibly unfair for the childless like me.”
“Isn’t Professor Crewel in the exact same situation?” 
“No, he has his puppies. That makes him a father. Meanwhile there’s me. I am alone and childless and you are the closest thing I have to a child, will you deprive me of the opportunity to flaunt–ahem, to show my support for the marriage of two very wonderful NRC alumni?”
“Wow,” Jade said, almost in disbelief at such a poor excuse, “that sounded very convincing and not at all falsified. I might ask you to replace my father at this point.”
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Jade had expected that his brother would momentarily make a fuss, that his twin would be filled to the brim with excitement while complaining about how the wedding date was too far and how he should have it sooner. 
He also anticipated his parents' congratulations, their happiness in spite of wanting a ceremony under the sea as well, their wishes that you had visited with him today so that they could spoil you with something extravagant for the occasion.
But Azul? Sure, he had expected some degree of fretting, but the octomer was stressing about the wedding as if he was the one getting married. Dear Sea Witch, if this was how Azul was going to act at being his wedding’s caterer, just how much worse would he fuss if he ever got married?
“You should have told me sooner, Jade!” Azul exclaimed, already grabbing a scroll with one tentacle to jot down estimates—Jade was unsure of the specifics but it figured it must have been the usual: assumed guest count (Azul had not even bothered to ask, somehow he just put a number eerily close to the own estimate you and Jade had in your heads), times and dates, which foods and drinks he’ll likely end up having prepared, even from where best to source ingredients around June, the month of the wedding.
“Ah, Trey’s handling the wedding cake and favors, but not the desserts themselves, so feel free to cancel those two out,” the moray added, stifling a laugh at how cross Azul suddenly looked with him.
“I don’t know if I’m more upset at you going to Trey for that when I’m perfectly capable, or for not telling me before I finished the estimate costing. Do you know how difficult it is to cater for big events?”
“With the amount of experience I’ve had assisting you? Of course I know,” Jade pointed out dryly, “and I know just as well that you are incredibly capable. This is simply a small feat for you, Azul.”
“Most caterers in the industry ask for six to twelve months in leeway preparation time when it comes to reservations.” It was phrased to be informative, but really it sounded like he was being chided. “If you had not come to me, I am certain everyone else would have rejected you. Aren’t you fortunate to have me as a… to have connections to someone as capable as me?”
A part of him still hesitated to call Azul a friend. Perhaps it was a case of old habits dying hard, or just for the sake of either one of their prides, but he would never call Azul a friend to his face. Azul was just Azul, who he and his brother stuck around with since childhood because he was interesting, but–
“And congratulations, Jade. I’m happy for you. Who would have thought you would ever marry,” Azul said, smirking and yet refusing to lock eyes with him. Jade thought he might have been a little teary-eyed, but it was harder to tell underwater. Even if he was sure, he had no plans of making fun of Azul for it, just this once.
Just this once, he might admit to himself that Azul was a friend.
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Jade has long prepared for his speech, has it memorized down to the very last word. Even if he hadn’t, it would be relatively easy to say everything on the spot—discuss how he fell for you, the story of how you two got together, the love he did and does and forever will have for you, and of course, how the two of you managed to keep everything a secret until recently. Still, he prepared for it, mostly because he had one last surprise saved for the very end. 
You’re a little teary-eyed near the end, what people thought was the end, of his speech; he thinks he can spot his father crying as well, and he wonders if that’ll stop or worsen by the time he has to give out his speech. Azul’s there, nodding his head in approval and clapping as if he had just finished giving a business presentation instead, while Floyd is cheering and hollering and amazingly, his tie has yet to be fully discarded.
On your end of guests, he can spot a few of your friends be mildly surprised from witnessing how heartwarming he could be when he felt like showing it; Malleus Draconia simply radiating joy from being present, still really odd to know his significant other was friends with a future King; Leona, placed at the table farthest from Malleus’, not looking particularly enthused, almost as if he hadn’t brought an expensive gift in hopes of one-upping his fellow prince (although he was certain Kalim had one-upped them both on accident).
The professors were also there, and he had overheard them (rather, Crowley and Crewel, who you eventually decided both got to represent you down the aisle) arguing amongst themselves earlier about who got to dance with you first.
The answer was him, your groom, quite clearly, and perhaps Floyd will want to steal either him or you away for a little bit.
When the clapping ceases he lets out a most bright grin, then again when was he not genuinely smiling and laughing today, before speaking into the microphone once more.
“Once more, I thank all of you for attending this special day. You have all helped make this a memory-filled day… but before I hand the microphone over to my father, I have an announcement to make.” He turned to look at you, still seated beside him and beaming in approval, even throwing a little thumbs up from beneath the table. 
He loved you even more for not only letting him, but encouraging him to have one last hurrah.
“I have heard a lot of complaints regarding how sudden we announced our wedding, or perhaps more appropriate to say our relationship status.” He had received a few chuckles out of that one, but who was Jade if not someone who wanted the last laugh? “We, my beloved and I, understand your complaints, and so we took your feedback, went over it carefully, and decided to do better next time.
“That is to say, you are all invited to our second wedding in the Coral Sea. Same date next year, no dress or tail code this time, fufu…”
He loved it—the commotion it caused, the way his father was weeping a little harder, he did wish for the two of them to have the Coral Sea ceremony; the way Azul was calculating the costs of everything again, now with the included costs of actually having the guests be able to breathe; party animals like his brother, Kalim, and Cater easily anticipating another celebration; Ace, Deuce, and Jack having war flashbacks to what happened the first time they visited the place; and most importantly, your reaction.
You already knew what was coming, but he always loved watching the different expressions bleed into your face, and there was just something about how happy you were at the reminder that you’d get to celebrate your union again, but this time in his culture.
With the microphone safely out of his hands and plopped in front of his father, his lips near your ear. The world may already know, but even then he whispers the words themselves as though they were still a secret—
“I love you.”
“You only love me because chaos always follows me around,” you said, clearly joking. Because he’s him, he returns the favor.
“Oh yes, because I stayed in this relationship for over eight years for a joke. I pity you, my dear.”
“Mhmm, if this is what it feels to be pitied by you, I can’t wait to experience it for the rest of our lives.” He’s unsure of who laughed first, but what does it matter, really? 
A few of your fingers slipped underneath his gloved hand, idly writing something against his skin that warmed his heart—your new initials. 
“I love you too,” you whispered back, and he smiled because he knew. Beneath the politeness and the jokes, the truth was not something that he had to wrangle out of you, but something easily seen and easily told.
“So… how are we pranking them next?”
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velvetures · 8 months
alr alr alr so hear me out just HEAR me out right
Gaz. Right, right. Showing the reader he's a certified munch. Right. Idk how it would go. I imagine he maybe helped them out with something and they owe him a solid and then bro just like "fuq all this sexual attention bruv. Bring dat arse here and let me sip on ye like sum fine wine" or sumn. Idk. BUT PLS CONSIDER IT PLS I LOVE THIS MAN SOO MUCH
Tip the Driver
summary: you go above and beyond the call of duty and it earns you a certain operator's constant attention and adoration. he's insistent that he pays you back... and you're utterly shocked at what he suggests.
t/w's: canonical violence, blood, GSW, Gaz eating pussy like a champ, fem-reader, fem oral receiving, dirty talk, fingering, female orgasm, male orgasm, public?fuck,... probably missed a bunch..
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MRAP's didn't make for the best office... but it was yours whether or not you liked it all that much or not. Between the .50 cal bolted to the roof and the unmoveable windows, it made for a shitty view just about everywhere you received orders to go. Be it sand and dusty nothingness or abandoned and flaming city streets with car alarms blaring after a bomb strike. Your "office" hardly proved to be comfortable, but no one could contest your ability to drive the damn thing and keep the men inside of it safe.
The most important of all was Task Force 141 on the frequent occasions that your specialist skills were necessary for getting the boys in and out of a tight situation when a helo couldn't be afforded. It was a pain in the ass job that hardly anyone ever wanted... and you couldn't say that you'd initially volunteered for it either. You'd been forced after multiple vehicle squads declined to work with the 141.
Nothing ever went to plan with them.
It all happened far too quickly.
What started as a simple insertion by vehicle turned into nearly inescapable hellfire raining down on the sides of your armored truck. Banging heavy brass and lead rounds against the walls and drowning out the sounds of Captain Price’s orders. The whole plan went to shit the first second an RPG took a nose dive less than fifteen feet in front of your truck; stalling the movement of the small convoy and pinning you between two rocky cliffs pinched off and slowly closing up even tighter.
One moment you were doing the only thing asked of you: drive Task Force 141 through the gap to the small terrorist encampment on the other side, and hide yourself until they needed a quick escape. The next you were knelt down in the back, tightening down a tourniquet around Kyle Garrick’s thigh and preparing with shaky hands to pack a steadily bleeding bullet wound. There was hardly a second to think about anything, much less second guess your best instincts after Soap and Ghost hauled Gaz back to the truck and made a very harsh demand that you “pack him tight”.
Honestly, you didn’t even know what that meant. But Gaz -in all his inhuman strength- had enough patience and discipline to ignore the pain he was feeling to walk you through exactly what it took to keep him from bleeding out before you could get him somewhere for real medical attention. From cutting his own pant leg open to handing you each tool or material necessary, Kyle couldn’t have been a better patient to learn with. But it didn’t make you feel any better for looking up at him every few seconds and seeing him practically chewing on his own belt to keep from screaming or cracking his teeth.
“Doin’ good sweetheart…”
“That’s it, keep it -fuck- keep it tight like that…”
“Can’t be shy with me. Need you to be tough, m’kay?”
Every little praise or motivation he gave made eased your worries, but damn if you didn’t feel the littlest bit guilty for needing a wounded man to give you reassurance. It should’ve been the opposite. You easing his nerves. Telling him he’d be okay, and that there wasn’t anything to worry about. But there wasn’t a single thing you could do except following his directions to the letter, and hope that he didn’t pass out before you could finish up.
“For a gearhead, you’ve got nice hands…”
“Aren���t you a little too pretty to get stuck drivin’ us around?”
The longer you stayed in the back with Gaz, trying to mop up the blood pooling on the floor and around him, the more invested he became with you; not just what you were doing to make sure he didn’t die. Naturally, you’d known Kyle well enough to say you were acquaintances but it was never significant enough to say more than a friendly hello and goodbye when you caught each other’s attention. But with each milliliter of blood lost, Kyle Garrick began losing that well-mannered silence he was so often teased about. Enjoying the sight of you that close to you, and mentioning even the smallest little goofy detail he could muster up in half-consciousness.
“Gaz… you need to rest,” You’re hardly able to get the words out with all of the anxiety you have building with each bullet lodging itself in the side of your truck. “Can’t have you leaving us…” He just chuckles with a little wince. Leaning his head back against the back of your driver’s seat with one hand resting over his thigh and the other instinctively resting on the grip of his pistol still tucked against his hip.
“Not leaving if you’re around… s’pecially now that i’ve got your attention..” He gives a shy little smile. “You’re a really pretty for a MRAP driver… well… the only pretty one…” His eyes cut down and away from yours. “But still…”
You’d have been mush with such a cute admission had it not been for the firefight happening just outside your vehicle. And it was the limit of your power to ensure that Gaz was stable until there wasn’t a shot fired and you heard a nearly breathless all-clear from Captain Price outside. When the back doors swung open, the rest of Task Force 141 took in the sight of your blood-soaked gear, red-stained hands, sweat dripping down your neck, and Kyle slumped against you sleeping off the exhaustion with a fairly decent field dressing.
They were impressed.
Enough so that Price ordered Ghost to drive and let you sit in the back next to Gaz who had unconsciously laid up against you like a body pillow of sorts. Your mission had been busted by bad intel and a tip-off. It led to all of you regrouping back at base.
The 141 hauling Kyle off to the infirmary to get legitimate treatment, and you back to the garage where your truck had been shot to hell and back and needed repairs… If you could make them.
It was a good thing you’d been in a MRAP… but even they could only take so much abuse before bulletproof panels started bending and cracking under pressure. On first inspection you’d seen the pinholes of light shining from the garage lights through the walls onto the blood-stained floor in the back. And that was an entirely different struggle you’d been attempting to overcome. Seeing the dark red remanence of Gaz’s injury puddled and dried all over the desert tan painted floor. You’d been so upset by it that you attempted to scrub it off by hand since nothing else had worked. For two days you scrubbed at it… your squad mates passing by to yet again see you down on your hands and knees with a scrub brush, hot water, and bleach. But you’d hardly made a dent in the unmistakable stains by the time that Gaz was given full release from the doctors on staff.
Fuck, the only reason you knew that was because he’d been the one to come and find you still scrubbing at the back of your truck.
The light tap on the open back door halted your frenzied scrubbing. Looking up from the pink-tinged bubbles surrounding your hands, you came to meet Kyle standing there a bit stiffly with a somewhat curious look on his face.
“Sorry about that…” His apology isn’t exactly a joke, but you can tell that a part of it bothers him. “I’m normally not that messy.”
“You hardly have a reason to be sorry.” You feel responsible for reassuring him. Having it in the back of your mind that without saying it, he’d go on believing that you were inconvenienced by the whole ordeal, instead of deeply, and for some reason -very- emotionally protective. “It’s the least I can do to let you bleed in my truck.”
Kyle chuckled, stiffly moving to pull himself up into the vehicle. He sat down even more slowly with his boots facing away from the stain you’d been scrubbing at. “I guess you have had at least a couple fingers shoved inside my thigh… maybe we’re even?”
He earns a laugh from you.
Probably the most genuine one you’ve let out since the day he got injured. Gaz can’t help but be reminded of just how pretty you are in that moment. Kneeling there with a mop bucket and suds of soap surrounding your knees with baby hairs sticking to the sweat on your forehead. He’d not been too under the influence to exaggerate just how pretty he thought you were. And the fact that your job entailed driving on an equal skill level to being part of the presidential motorcade certainly added attraction points.
That little crush he nursed was ignored as much as possible. But remembering small flashes of your worried face looking over him a few days back haunted every waking moment of his day. While a little crush on a pretty girl was one thing, adding fuel to that fire was burning Kyle’s self-control into ashes.
He wanted to think there was some way of… flirting with you, he supposed. Giving a hint that he wasn’t just coming to waste time in the garage with you because of how well you shoved gauze into the hole in his thigh. But he could only think of one decent idea… and damn if he didn’t think it was the most feral thing he’d ever dreamt up. Seeing you just sitting there like that enticed his pain-med-laced thoughts with enough eroticism to even make Soap’s head spin like a fucking top.
“You feeling okay Gaz?” The sound of your voice breaks him from the thoughts.
His nods, one hand sliding over the heavily bandaged spot on his thigh under his pants. “Yeah, just thinking about something…”
Your eyebrows quirk up. “What’s that? Must be important for you to be staring off into nothingness like that.”
“Just how I’m going to pay you back for keeping me alive.” He smiles, lazily drawing his gaze down to look at you. His forearms resting on his thighs gently, looking down at you sitting just out of arm’s reach on the floor. “And I think I know how to do it.”
Kyle’s wide stance and downright confident swagger merely sitting there makes the slight bleach smell in the air pale in comparison to the dizziness his heavy gaze does. From the black boots, to the jeans, hoodie and black baseball cap, he’s nothing short of pure masculine energy. And fuck does he know it. Screaming felt like an appropriate response to his comments, yet the only think that could come out of your mouth was a nervous giggle. Soft and a little hesitant. Flashing your nervous anxiety like a white flag right in Kyle’s face.
“Somethin’ funny?” He smirked a little, adjusting the bill of his cap and tugging it down closer to his eyebrows. You shake your head ‘no’, trying to recover and sober up quickly.
“Oh, no… please, do tell.” He presses smoothly, dark eyes brightening with what you can only compare to champagne and chocolate diamonds glittering in warm, cocktail bar lighting. Enticing… rich… and oh-so-pretty.
“Just, sounded a little suggestive is all.” You smile, saying it with an uncertainty that wavers between it being a joke, and a question as to his seriousness. Trying to keep the ball in his court as not to foul up on whatever kind of situation Kyle came here to trap you in.
If it’s naturally possible, his eyes darken. “What if I was being a lot more suggestive?” His upper body leans a little closer. “What would you think then?” You feel your own stomach twist into tight knots.
“I’d think you’re crazy.”
Gaz laughs. Actually laughs out loud, and grins down at you.
“Crazy, huh?” He reaches a hand out, fingertips touching the underside of your chin and guiding your face up to meet his. His huffs a little chuckle, almost mesmerized by you and the way you think. “Well, I might just be,” He answered quietly.
“But that isn’t going to stop me.” You swallow thickly, feeling his thumb brush over the swell of your bottom lip ever so softly.
“Stop you from doing what exactly?” Gaz chuckles lowly again, giving a moment to look at the blood stain on the floor and the hell of a time you’d been having trying to remove it.
“Showing you the one other time I don’t mind making a mess.”
You can’t be sure if it’s just how time suddenly bends around Gaz, or if you just can’t care enough to keep track of it. But you find yourself sitting naked in the drivers seat of your own MRAP, pants hanging from one ankle, shoes lost somewhere in the cab, and your panties shoved into Gaz’s back pocket. Be an hour or five, you’d already lost count of the times Kyle gave you the same praise as he did when you were helping patch him up.
Only this time, he was muffling your screams of pleasure with his hot mouth pressed against yours and fingers so deep inside your cunt that it was almost too easy to make you come for him. Your slick dripped from your clenching pussy into the fabric seat cover, soaking Kyle’s whole hand and your ass.
“That’s it… such a pretty pussy…” His low rumbling praise against your ear feels like electric static running down your spine. “What a lucky man… getting to shove my fingers in it, and see how wet I can make you.”
Lithe digits massage against the squishy front wall of your cunt, while his other hand doubles to put pressure on your stomach while rubbing at your clit with his fingertips all at the same time. You’re helpless to do more than let your head heavily thump against the tinted window behind you and squeeze your eyes shut to keep from utterly losing your mind. Kyle Garrick has turned you into a whimpering, messy, slutty-looking mess. And god is he more than happy to let you know just how good it looks from his angle.
“Fuucckk yesss..” He groans, kneeling closer to your pussy. Resting his cheek against your inner thigh and pressing a sloppy kiss to it when he’s able to draw yet another orgasm from you. Rending your legs truly useless and unable to fend off his attacks in any meaningful way.
It’s exactly where he wants you.
You’re pinned back against your seat with your knees on either side of your head and a dizzy look on your face as Kyle blows a teasing breath against your swollen clit, staring down at you damn near drunk off the sight alone. It makes you yelp, but with all of his methodical preparation, the only thing keeping him from sinking his tongue into your wet hole is wanting to see what other sounds he can drag out of you without touching that sensitive collection of nerve endings. Gaz couldn’t get enough of seeing your legs limp and easily maneuvered out of his way so that nothing more than your submissive little expressions and dripping cunt are on display.
“Told you I don’t like making messes…” His tongue licked lazily at the crease of your thigh, teasing himself with just the slightest tase of your arousal. Edging himself with the full prize of tasting all of his hard work.
“But I want you to look this slutty all the time, pretty girl…” He grinned darkly.
Finally lowering himself to your core, he curls his tongue through your folds with a satisfied groan. Purposefully burying his nose against your clit and sucking at your release until he’s certain he won’t need to eat for the rest of the day. You’re too wrecked to squirm anymore. Merely staring up blankly at the celling as he tongue rolls over your clit and dips down to gather up your slick before it drips down onto the seat again.
“Oh my god…” It’s a miracle you can utter a single word.
Kyle squeezes at the muscle and fat on your thighs in reward for finding your voice, if even for just a moment. That’s good… he thinks, knowing you can take this much pleasure and not give up when he’s still not satiated with the taste of your come sliding down his throat. He’s nearly lost all composure of himself as well; but damn if he didn’t just want to tie your legs to the driver’s seat and steering wheel just so he could lap at your cunt for hours without you interrupting him. Wishful thinking for this only being the first time he’d been able to taste you. But he was certain there wouldn’t be a single day in the future he’d go without at least the slightest tease of your pleasure lingering on his lips.
“One more,” He demands, teasing your hole with his thumb as his tongue traces your inner lips languidly. “Feed me baby…”
There’s not a moment’s hesitation.
You nearly come on command at this point. So overstimulated but desperate for more that when Kyle gently grazes his teeth over your clit, everything unravels in a fuzzy lost of your eyesight and a shock of sensation so strong in your body that Gaz manages to actually make your legs shake one last time. It’s so damn strong tears flood your eyes, and it’s not until you feel him slowly pumping a few of his fingers in and out of your weeping cunt that you realize he’s actually helping you ride it out by stroking at your g-spot tenderly and kissing your inner thigh.
He looks just as lost in the moment as you feel.
His mouth parted and still lapping at your folds like he’s possessed to do nothing else. Your arousal slicking the entire lower half of his face, and his baseball cap turned around backwards with a light grey t-shirt that he’d have to let dry before getting out of your truck due to the cum splatters covering the front. As if that wasn’t enough to turn you on seeing Kyle Garrick on his knees and pussy drunk off you, the large wet spot just to the left of his zipper made your weakened muscles clench around his fingers. Kyle follows your line of sight, chuckling quietly and gently palming at his softening cock through his pants with a small shrug.
“It’s my favorite…” He explains soft but very honestly, eyes flashing back to where he begins slowly removing his fingers from your cunt. Eyeing his own fingers and how your walls accommodate them before sinking his own fingers in his mouth to finish ‘clean up’ on his favorite messy job.
“Now we’re even?” You ask, a little dazed and reaching a hand out to find his for some stability and reassurance. Kyle laughs softly, helping you readjust your legs and lifting you up to sit in his lap to ward off the after-sex chills raising up on your bared skin.
“I suppose so,” His wetted lips press against your temple and linger there reverently for a minute or two.
“Or… we could… keep doing each other favors?” His voice lowers a bit, sounding far too unsure for your liking.
“I don’t want to do favors, Gaz.” You smile.
“I just wanna do you.”
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dewitty1 · 5 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up December 2023 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚・*:.。.♡⑅୨୧̩̩̩̥✼• .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
All Things Go by iota @sorrybutblog
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out. Rec Post
The Inconvenient Death(s) of Harry Potter by nv-md (ANW815) @nv-md
Harry and Draco have spent the decade since the War avoiding each other, even as they’re forced to work together at the Ministry and their friend groups begin to alarmingly overlap. But what happens when Harry meets a tragic end (in a manner of speaking) and Draco’s the only one who can save him? Or Harry won’t stop dying, Draco’s had too much coffee, and there’s more than enough time for them to make a mess of each other’s lives. Rec Post
Constellations on your skin by shushu_yaoi_lj @orange-peony
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. “Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks. “The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.” Rec Post
and the world is tumbling down by thewakeless @thewakeless
Draco is thirty-five and content. He’s a writer, a painter, and has built a life for himself totally separate from the one he envisioned as a sullen, fearful boy at Hogwarts. Everything is calm—until his house begins trying to kill him. Rec Post
The Cursed Manor by AhaMarimbas @mars-bar81
Ophelia’s been a paranormal investigator for almost ten years, and she’s starting to run out of haunted and cursed sites to explore. When her eclectic roommate and assistant reveals that he owns a large, cursed Manor, Ophelia finds a lot more than just a new career opportunity. Rec Post
The Unknown Door by waterwings @amywaterwings
There is something wrong with the Bellcrest. The heart of the place beats rotten. Everyone says so. Where Draco is a magical property manager, Harry is a recluse, and they’re definitely not hiding from their problems in the run-down flats of the Bellcrest. Not at all. Not one bit. Rec Post
Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by flightinflame @flightinflame
Eighth-year offers Draco a brief respite before he returns to Azkaban. With a restricted wand, and memories of a girl who shouldn’t exist, he has very little hope for the future. But when Harry brings Teddy into the school, and proves to be utterly clueless, things change beyond anything he could imagine. Rec Post
Historians by oknowkiss @oknowkiss
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Draco's First Holiday by Meowfoy @resilientkitteh
Draco catches Blaise cheating, breaks up with him and decides to leave his French Villa behind to swap houses with a woman named Hermione and her husband Ron. His relaxing vacation becomes far more interesting when a handsome stranger (Harry) knocks at his door in the middle of the night. They meet and get to know each other, and suddenly Draco feels much better about his decision to leave France behind for Britain.
Englishman Extraordinaire by BlueSundayCake @bluesundaycake
When Draco's life goes to shit, he gets scammed. Maybe it's for the best. Who doesn't love new beginnings?
Letters by CoffeeDragon87 @coffeedragon87
When Harry Potter turned eleven he received a letter that changed his life forever. When Harry Potter, now a dashingly handsome bachelor, Head of the Auror Department and loving godfather, is thirty-five history repeats itself.
With and Without You by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Harry and Draco realize that they’ve been living in the same building for the past five years, hiding from the Wizarding world in Muggle London for a variety of reasons. They grow unexpectedly close and Harry realizes that Draco’s relationship with his boyfriend is abusive, spiraling as he tries and fails to figure out how to help. In Harry’s rejection of the Wizarding world in general, he has fallen out of touch with his friends and his magical abilities, but has to reconnect with both in order to find himself again.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all & I hope 2024 is good to you! Happy New Year! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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cvlutos · 1 year
WARNINGS: Dark Content | Sexual Themes | Implied Prostetution | Violence | Yandere | Etc. | Proceed with Caution Dearest. | Inspired By Lovely @elenamegan14, who I absolutely adore.
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Hello Aristotle Family, I have received word that your father, James Aristotle, has passed, truly a sad day and I give you time to grieve. Yet time is money and I fear that a certain family, your family to be exact, is still quite indebted to me. I do send my condolences. Though fear not, it is not much I desire from you, dear Aristotle family.
I ask for your eldest child to be sent to NRC and aid me. You needn’t know why, but they will indeed be safe. All that the eldest needs to bring are whatever they desire. Shelter and all other needs will be provided. Within this envelope contains a special boating ticket and I do hope you do not lose this. I expect the eldest child to arrive before the end of fall.
I’ll Be Waiting,
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Pulling the fabric of your thick coat closer to your form, your luggage trapped between your legs as your sit on the deck of the large ship. It’s crowded, all eager to board off the boat and onto what one would consider paradise island. It’s dark and unseeable. Yet the anticipation is tastable, like fresh oranges, and you can already taste the citrus without having to bite it. We all sit in the dark, for the inside of the boat is only for the rich, nobles, and royalty. Not poor underdressed commoners. With little to their name. We are forced to be outside like dogs. The sun set hours ago, and the moon missing as if stolen from the sky. The only thing illuminating the path is the ship lights at shine onto the fog-covered ink of the ocean.
Consider yourself lucky.
A letter was sent from none other than Dire Crowley, owner of NRC. Night Raven Club or Night Raven Coterie. It rests heavy within the inside of your coat, as do the thoughts of worry and fear in what you have to do for Dire Crowley. NRC is a notoriously dangerous, yet lavish place, having been around for generations. It’s also known for draining the very pockets of men and women alike, leaving those same men and women begging for scraps along the island, begging to be able to get back into the club, like drug addicts going through withdrawals. Until the next boat arrives to take them home. Though most go kicking and screaming, dragged onto the ship. Yet the boat itself is unpredictable and unreliable. Once you’re on the island, you can’t get off, at least not easily.
People have gambled away all they have and all they are. Truly a dangerous place.
Consider yourself one in a million.
Crowley had sent you a special invitation, promising a beautiful bedroom for your stay, for as long as you carried out whatever he needed to be done. Though, this letter wasn’t for you directly, but for your family. Due to your father, a man who so desperately sold off almost everything to NRC, leaving his wife and children in ruins, and went crawling to Crowley for it all back. Your father believes Dire Crowley to be a kind man. A very kind, gracious man, that understands and is oh so forgiving. So Dire Crowley did what your father asked, gave back all that your father foolishly lost. Though not without something in exchange. Your family would forever be indebted to the man named Dire Crowley, and would do all he needed to be done when he asked. A deal could last generations if Dire Crowley so wished.
Your father has passed. Escaped the consequences of his actions, so you, as the eldest, must do what your father can’t.
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Night Raven Coterie.
The Club of Twisted Imagination.
It’s a name everyone knows. A name that you either despise or worship. Like a whiskey that burns your throat when you drink it, so painful, but so good. It’s a name that lulls you into eternal sleep. That burns your skin worse than that of the bluest flames. That poisons you and kills you. That leaves you stranded in the desert with nothing but the clothes on your back. That drags you into the deepest parts of the ocean or lures you into the hungry den of lions. Or a heavy collar that restricts who you are.
With its great seven-standing beauties and the poor souls trapped within its confines. Unable to escape. Unable to ever be free.
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Order. Order. Order. Rules. Rules. Rules. Nothing more. Nothing less. This club room is almost as twisted as the island. With 810 rules, written and posted on the walls before you enter the room that rests beyond the crimson-red door. Tables and chairs were all placed orderly, with red painted roses in the center. It’s almost like a never-ending tea party. All were directed towards a stage of checkered patterns of red and white, with heavy velvet curtains hiding the stage. Til the exact moment, exactly with the clock, do the curtains open.
The Queen’s Arrival.
Riddle Rosehearts, The Red Rose Tyrant.
Short in stature but large in presence. A boyish, arrogant look as he entertains and dances across the stage before strutting down the catwalk and onto a smaller circular stage. Closer to you. Closer to the rich and desperate people. Begging to be hit by his leather riding crop, begging for him to look down on them with a sneer. He’s alluring, sweeter than the sweetest tart, and scolding like freshly brewed tea. He’s merciless. Unforgiving. Bad-Tempered. Selfish. Spoiled. A sadist that ties sinful men and women to their chairs and punishes them. He’s cruel and all things within that room, behind that door, the door in the color of blood-painted roses, must be orderly.
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Wild and Free. Bathing in the coolness of the Savanna freshwater springs. It’s loud and in constant motion. It’s rowdy and not for that of fate of heart. A more hands-on experience, with colors of browns and yellows. With floral from the savanna decorating the hot and steaming room, it’s the perfect place for fights. For arguments. With no tables or chairs, most men and women find themselves staring up at the stage, bodies close and compact. Like an herd a suspecting prey. Until a sudden roar sends everyone into a frenzy.
The Roar of a King.
Leona Kingscholar, The King of Beasts.
With a cocky smirk and emerald eyes, he stalks onto the stage. Displaying nothing but power. Nothing but strength. Barely dressed with anything, yet leaves you begging for more. Pleading for the lion beastman to drag you onto stage and ravish you. He dances feverishly and leaves you stubbing out the door, or passing out amongst a wall, drenched in sweat. He’s confident, so cocky in his position as Prince. Ordering you to follow and listen, and you do. He’s the bad boy, a predator to prey. The lion hiding within the tall grass. There are no rules in the savanna. There are no rules. Once you open the burnt yellow-colored door, any and all could happen. Only pray that you survive.
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Deep and cool within the darkest depths of the ocean. Of smooth jazz and a nightclub atmosphere. Soft lighting and candles. Many call this the Mostro Lounge, though the clubroom has its special performances. Most times, it has an average audience. A break from the other rooms of NRC’s the Great Seven, a place of twisted relaxation that comes with a price. Soft cushioned seats, all well dressed, well behaved, till the siren sound begins and comes the beauty of the depth.
The Emergence of the Sea Witch.
Azul Ashengrotto, The Deep-Sea Merchant.
Seduction at its finest. An alluring smile and charming voice, as if had eight arms that pulled you onto the stage. His moves hypnotizing as he gracefully moves across, like a fish in water. Simple, soft, seductive. Drowning in the embellishments of his voice, till you, his chosen one makes it onto stage and he dances around you. Constricts you in the tentacles in this voice, luring you into false, calm waters before the climax. A loud symphony of instruments and heat. Like the arrival of a new storm. The only thing that can save lies within a golden contract, one in which you only have to sign your name. All this lies within the deep, lies behind the lilac purple door.
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Energetic. A party all day, every day. A truly freeing place that makes you want to do nothing but dance and jive. But to dance and spin around several unique dance partners. Or sing and listen to the various instruments, from the thrumming of drums to the strings of guitars. The smell of the sun and the taste of spice, the sound of jewelry being thrown and forgotten, till you dance and find yourself naked. Your clothing and all your money gone from you. Til none other than the diamond in the rough appears.
Like the sound of sand in an hourglass,
Kalim Al-Asim, The Cave of Wonder’s Diamond
All that is left behind disappears into the sand of the fourth room. As the sway of energetic hands and hips brings you into a hypnotizing stare, as he moves across the room, with a smile on his face. He has an innocent aura, but aside from the overly friendly touches, he doesn’t seem all that innocent. He gives you all you desire; all that you want and beg for. You’ll forgive him for all that’s stolen. With desperate hands and desperate voices, begging him to do this and to dance this way, he obeys. Like a mouse, ready to be swallowed by the snake. Greed to appease you all. All awaits you within the land of sands, behind the door of orange.
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The room of pure perfection and poison. Of dark violets and bold red. With nothing, the smell of intoxicating perfume and caramel apples that were to die for. Everything within this room is beautiful. So perfect. With little room for sitting, but all the room for an enormous stage and a special performance for those who could afford it. Not just anyone can waltz into the room of beauty, it’s come with a deadly cost, and the beauty will get what is owed.
A Poisonous smoke that chokes you.
Vil Schoenheit, The Fairest Queen.
Slow. Seductive. Like aphrodisiacs had been pumped straight into your veins as he sings. It’s hot, as have you squirm in your seat, gasping for air, for relief at any movement he makes. Any roll of his hips, the dragging of his hands, the deepness of his voice. Yet you feel tied to your sit, unable to move as he poisons your very blood. Mirrors placed all across the room, showing you your own patheticness as you watch him dance. As you lean into his tempting touch only for him to pull away and the intoxicating show to end and you must leave the room behind the door of dark purple and deep red.
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A room of technology. Yet never the main show. Don’t expect much when arriving, for the main show never seems to appear. It’s a dead room most nights, with only a few there to sit and relax in silence. Now don’t be mistaken. An audience waits on his beck and call, waiting souls for the moment he announces he desires to perform. On the nights he does, it’s packed, people upon people, pushing and shoving to get a glimpse of him.
The Cries of the Dead.
Idia Shroud, The King of the Underworld
Like cries and mourning of the King of the Dead, begging for just a small feeling of his leather boots, just to slightly touch. As he degrades his audience for being so desperate for him. Deep and brooding, hot and heavy. It’s loud and last hours before it dies down and he once again retreats. Spending most of his time entertaining his fans with calls and private appearances. Truly a costly performance. One that you will pay with your life behind the door of blue.
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Lastly, Diasomnia.
Truly a hard room to find. Only those that are deemed worthy can find the door of green and watch what happens beyond. With candles of green flames and music that feed on you, leave you drowsy. Slumping in seats, allowing whomever to do what they please with you. Though the room is classy, truly the place of nobility, as the sound of trumpets brings your attention to the stage.
The Royalty of a Dragon.
Malleus Draconia, The King of Briar Valley.
It’s stranger than most. Whether he chooses to do an alluring dance or to sing into a mic. Maybe he’ll choose to play the violin, or simply read a book. Anything he chooses to do with being done gracefully. And be completely unforgettable. Treating each of his guests like royalty, treating each of them like prized treasure in his cave. He’s loving, yet so fierce. Yet not a sight for just anyone. You must be lucky. Special. One in a Million to find the door of green and push past painful thorns.
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Prepare yourself, [Name] [Surname] of the Aristotle Family.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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okay but imagine the Ministry of Magic discovering an obscurus and they really want to lock them up because obscurus are incredibly dangerous beings but thing is, is that the reader is super fucking chill aside from their inferiority complex and near crippling depression and learned how to control their power.
still, they try to hold a trial in the hopes of painting this college-aged kid into some sort of evil mastermind to at least lock them up until Dumbledore unsurprisingly steps in to defend the reader because having an obscurus within the Order of the Phoenix would basically mean it was game over of the Death Eaters that were trying to bring back the Dark Lord and all that by regretfully revealing the reader’s letter to Hogwarts was never delivered and that must’ve been the major factor into becoming an obscurus. but to punish them for something they haven’t done? the big man wouldn’t have it. instead Dumbledore asks to make things right by suggesting (s)he come to Hogwarts and take up a caretaker position or something and receive private lessons during the weekends and summers.
the teachers are hesitant to accept the reader until the yandere mentality sets in. i mean, how can you hate someone that has been caught nearly a dozen times playing go-fish with the house elves? swiftly does Mcgonagall begin to fuss over the reader as if (s)he was their own child. and eases the students anxiety. but the parents aren’t having it. one of them goes as far to start a petition to have the reader removed from the school but Dumbledore is quick to shut it down. still, somehow the reader is able to get ahold of a paper copy of the petition and is devastated when (s)he sees that Molly Weasley signed it because (s)he’s grown fond of the Weasley kids. whatever progress they’ve made in pulling the reader out of their shell is lost and (s)he makes an effort to avoid the kids who share a name with the parents on the list even though is devastates many of them.
the summer between Harry’s first and second year is when Molly approaches the reader in one of the shops, who’s renting a room in Diagon Alley for the break, because the twins just won’t shut up about the entire situation. and Molly instantly regrets ever signing that petition. this isn’t a monster. she realizes. this is a child. and her motherly instincts are put in overdrive after noticing the reader’s sleep deprived state of somewhat dirty jeans.
maybe Narcissa or Bellatrix au where she wasn’t imprisoned is in the same shop. kind of eavesdropping after Draco nervously whispered that, that was the obscurus. and they pass by as they leave the shop but make sure to stop long enough to make a snide comment about ‘making friends with the wrong sort’ or something like that.
the reader spends the next summer being caught in a tug-of-war between the two families.
I can’t tell you how much I absolutely love this idea!!!
But I think Dumbledore would most likely originally involve himself and become invested in Obscurus!Reader because he’d be reminded of his own sister. Given that she was an Obscurial and what all she had to suffer with, as well as her death which was caused by her brothers and Grindelwald. I could see Albus inserting himself and taking in the Reader to redeem himself in his mind with the guilt of his sister. I mean sure it’ll also come in handy having an Obscurial as part of the Order, after some training and care they’ll get to a point where they won’t nearly be as much of an uncontrollable force that needs to be under constant supervision.
I can’t help but imagine that the Reader grew up in some kind of toxic environment, physical or physiological. And that kinda fed into their Obscurus as well as not getting their Hogwarts letter. But the moment the Reader could they got themself out of whatever unhealthy situation and took time for themself to heal and work with what they had become in regards to the Obscurial. They’d do little bouts of magic here and there when they could and no one was around in case something went awry. But eventually they’re able to keep themself under wraps for the most part but that doesn’t mean they have complete control over themself or their Obscurus.
I also really like the idea that the Reader is completely in the dark about about being a witch or wizard. Like, they’re a muggle who has no idea about magic and the first time they did something magical they thought they were a freak or an abomination, telling not a soul about it and repressing themselves. Like, maybe they even grew up in a pretty average family, they were loved and cared for by the people around them but their own self hatred and loathing for being able to do things that others couldn’t and wasn’t the overall norm whatsoever is what the Obscurus forming within them feeds off of. The Reader really is their worst enemy in this situation. They still comes off pretty calm and collected but their inner turmoil is to another level. So after everything with the Ministry and Albus taking them in, the Reader will have to come to terms with who and what they are (both as witch/wizard and an Obscurus) and that being able to do magic is perfectly normal in the new environment they’re fining themself in.
Regarding the teachers, they all are extremely apprehensive about bringing an Obscurial to the school and especially having them be around the students as a whole. Minerva makes it very clear that she isn’t so sure about this situation but she’ll go with it given how invested Albus is and the conviction in his voice when he speaks about the Reader and helping them. The other teachers are still very much on edge, Snape quipping up every so often with his own input and doesn’t help. But it’s Hagrid who is the most optimistic and welcoming of the idea, which has all the other teachers questioning if he actually understands the severity of the situation and the consequences of things if anything bad happens. But nothing any of the other staff have to say changes Hagrid’s attitude about it. If Dumbledore is adamant about this Obscurus coming to Hogwarts and taking part in what goes on then Hagrid will be the first to welcome and accept them.
Before the Reader gets to Hogwarts, I could see Albus giving them their own little place on the grounds to live, similar to Hagrid. And both Albus and Hagrid (maybe some of the other teachers, ie. Minerva, Flitwick, Sprout, Trelawney etc) doing their best to make it look and feel like a home for the Reader so during their stay it won’t feel like just some shed they’re forced to live in. Albus will incorporate things he knows they like or are particularly fond of. If they like plants then he’ll have Sprout and Hagrid help make them their own little garden. If they love to read he’ll use magic to give them their own library. If they love to bake or cook then he’ll magically connect their home to the kitchens where they can use whatever they want or need, not to mention the house elves can help them too.
Once the Reader does get to Hogwarts they’ll be assigned to help out Hagrid for the most part. But Albus wants the teachers to come around to the Reader, to see what he sees in them, to get to know them better, so he’ll have the Reader help the respective teachers with some tasks here and there. Whether it’s cleaning out cauldrons for Severus, helping Sprout tend to her nursery, assessing the quidditch field and all the equipment to peak condition for game play with Hooch, or aiding Madame Pomphrey wherever she needed it. And it doesn’t take too long for most of the teachers to come around to the Reader and grow attached to them and their company.
Minerva was surely the first to come around and it only took a few days before she was already fretting over the Reader like a worried mother hen. She would even go as far as to request that the Reader help out the most in her class, even if all they ended up doing was just sitting and being there that would be more than enough for her. She just wants them close given how much she worries about them and what they’re up to or how the students may be treating them when they’re not in her sight.
Also, I could see the Weasley twins being the very first people to interact with the Reader, much to Percy’s anxiety. And boy, are the twins absolutely taken with the Reader. Fred and George completely disregard the whole Obscurus thing, as far as they’re concerned the Reader is just the Reader. Nothing more, nothing less. And if anyone talks bad about the Reader, or tries to do anything to them, then the twins will have a new target for their pranks. And said pranks may end up becoming less fun and more aggressive. But not only do the twins become attached to the Reader but so do Harry and Hermione. Ron is more cautious when it comes to getting close to the Reader when compared to Harry and Hermione. All Harry needs to know is that Dumbledore and Hagrid talk so highly and affectionately about the Reader for him to be more than willing to protect them with his life. Not to mention if the Reader were to take up an older sibling role for him then Harry would be hooked. It’s safe to say that that’s exactly what the Reader will eventually become to a lot of the other students at Hogwarts.
Regarding the petition, oh Merlin I have so many different ideas about this. I could see Lucius being the one to start up the petition himself or get it started by someone else, either way he has a part in it and his name is the first one signed. The petition was probably started before the school year began, before anyone knew who the Reader was and it most likely stemmed from a rumor that was being spread amongst the Ministry. I could imagine the Ministry would want to keep the news of an Obscurial pretty tight lipped, especially given that they weren’t able to lock up them up, so hence the rumors spreading about. Out of fear and worry for her own children, Molly doesn’t think twice about signing the petition but Arthur isn’t too quick to do so. Hell, he might not have signed it at all thinking that if Albus was so willing to take in and have an Obscurial at the school whatsoever then it mustn’t nearly be as horrendous as people are making it out to be. But Molly doesn’t want to take any chances, not when her babies are involved which is more than understandable.
But I like to think that Molly meets the Reader before they themself ever knew of any petition, let alone saw it with their own eyes. Like, I imagine the twins excited writing to Molly and Arthur that there was an Obscurus at school, how cool and incredible they were, and that the twins made friends with them. Overall just Fred and George happily gushing about their new friend to their parents and even sending pictures of them with the Reader along with the letters. Once Molly receives their letters, reads about how much her children have grown so very fond of this person and then seeing that the person she had feared and worried so much about, that she signed a petition to get rid of them, was just a few years older then her own children making them just a child themself. She would be so overcome with guilt and regret. Even though she knew she was doing the right thing deep in her heart, Molly couldn’t help but feel utterly terrible. So overwhelmed and riddled with guilt for what she’d taken part in against someone who was just a child themself and was merely dealt the cards they were dealt, she couldn’t contain herself anymore and would just sob. She’d never forgive herself for her actions, even if they were out of the goodness of her heart and for her children.
It doesn’t help that when the kids come home for summer break they all talk so fondly of the Reader. Even Percy has taken a liking to them. And when Harry comes around he can’t help but talk about them too, even Hermione mentions them in her letters. It all just further shows how wrong Molly had been and makes her feel all the worse. She would bring up inviting the Reader to spend the next years holiday break with them as a family and the overjoyed reactions her children and Harry give her is just too much. It’s so apparent how much the Reader has come to mean so much to all the kids and Molly can’t help but think she could have ruined it all with signing that godforsaken petition.
I imagine that when the Reader does come across the petition it’s some time after they spend Christmas with the Weasley’s. So, they’ve already met Molly and had been warmly welcomed to the family with open arms. So, seeing Molly Weasley’s name on a petition to get rid of the Reader was heart wrenching to say the least. But it wasn’t just Molly’s name they saw, there were also some of the Hogwarts teacher’s names too, along with the familiar surnames of other students they’ve grown close to. The whole thing is just utterly heart wrenching to the Reader.
Sure, the petition was from the early beginnings of their first year being a part of Hogwarts before they even got there and Albus shut it down real quick. But that doesn’t take anything away from this new revelation. Even if a number of the people who signed the petition had changed their minds after meeting/interacting with the Reader themselves or from hearing how their children talked about the Reader so fondly and adoringly, that didn’t take the hurt away from any of it.
I could even see Draco having been the one to give a copy of the petition to the Reader, especially if his father was the one who started it. Whether it was out of malice and he just wanted to hurt the Reader, or it was because he had seen the Weasley family out and about with the Reader during the holidays and Molly Weasley being especially attentive towards them knowing damn well she signed a petition to get rid of them. Maybe Draco’s own attachment to the Reader was kicking in and he was absolutely appalled at witnessing Molly Weasley pretend to be so motherly with the Reader when she herself had taken action against them. He needed the Reader to know that Molly wasn’t what she seemed to be.
Either way, this new development with the petition would really cause the Reader to close themself off and shut down. They’d start by asking for a few days off before talking to Albus about the whole thing and how they didn’t feel like they should be at Hogwarts at all anymore. No matter how much Albus would try to talk them out of it, he would allow them to take some time off and go back to the Leaky Cauldron where they were staying before, or he’d even go as far as to have another home made for them so they could have their own place that wasn’t on the school grounds where they could think things through and just be.
At first, the kids and other teachers just think that the Reader is taking few days off like they said but then a few days turn into a few weeks and then a month, now everyone is more than concerned. The teachers would be much more in the loop then the students would be but that doesn’t mean that it makes the teachers feel any better with what they’ve been made aware of. Meanwhile, the twins, Harry, Hermione and Ron are on the case. They immediately go to the Reader’s little place on school grounds to see if they’re there and to talk to them but the place is empty. Their stuff is still there but they’re nowhere to be found. They all immediately run to Hagrid after that to ask him about what he knows and he’s a crying, snotty mess that just breaks down and tells them all about the petition and that the Reader left, feeling that Hogwarts wasn’t really their home after all.
I like to imagine that the Hogwarts castle just isn’t the same after the Reader leaves. Even the students who didn’t interact with them would feel the empty and melancholic atmosphere that seemed to fill the castle more than ever before. All the kids who were close to the Reader and some of the staff members would reach out to the Reader through letters but getting nothing in response. Everyone just hopes and waits for the Reader to walk through the doors of the Great Hall again or seeing them passing in the corridors like they were so used to. But that never happens and the year eventually comes to an end. Maybe there will be a new petition in the making though but this times it’s to bring the Reader back to Hogwarts and it gets even more signatures then the last one.
(Also, I really want to write a letter from yan!Molly Weasley to Obscurus!Reader after they left due to the petition and Molly just apologizing to them and trying to get them to go back to the school or at least getting the to answer the letters they’ve gotten from the people desperately worried about them.)
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jkoo-njoo · 1 year
college crush - 4
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summary : college au l when the frontier between a crush and an obsession blurs, how can you draw the line?
pairing : shy n clingy bf! jk × black fem! reader
genre : fluff, soft yandere | headcanons
word count : 3980, on going story
warnings : a bit angsty in the beginning with very harsh self-talk, description of self-neglect and implication of suicidal thoughts because Jungkook has low self-esteem
author's note : thank you so much @armydgirl for commenting “I need more of this” under the last chapter because it motivated me to finish this in like 2 days when I’ve been stuck on this for months. I’m really thankful for everyone who’s been reading this story so far ! There is one last chapter left. What do you think will happen ? (∩˃o˂∩) enjoy my loves and as always, all comments are well appreciated ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა ₊˚⊹♡
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4/ when imagination and reality combines, your dreams come true
- No-thing : there is no good or bad
The morning after you received the apology letter from your secret admirer, and now intruder, you were feeling pretty excited
It’s like their morbid obsession rubbed off on you and you were kind of starting to feel the same ? towards them ?
Was it ok though… to feel this way. You didn’t know
Anyways !
Even though it sounds like you are not making much sense, you’ve had a very fulfilling sleep actually
And it is now time to tackle the daily tasks your world awaits from you : attend classes, study and work
Before leaving you remember to put up the little surprise for your admirer
You already prepared the note in response to their apology letter the night before, so you just install it evidently in the middle of your main table with a glass of water
(you figured since you want them to clean your place they will be thirsty afterwards — hence the water)
Then you attended to your occupations
With an intrigued heart beating hard in your chest from anticipation, and a slight smile on your face
- Any-thing : signs follow, they do not precede
Because Jungkook didn’t have class this morning but he knew you did, he decided to pay you a visit
This visit is special : it is the first one in a few weeks, right after the apology letter
For some context…. it was not looking good for him. Like, he’s been going through a very tough period
When he took the hoodie with him on his last visit, he felt so proud of himself for having the courage to take a piece of you and bring it back to his home
He has never felt this euphoric
He would put the hoodie up to his nose and smell it to ingrain your body odor in his brain
He would wear it to bed and hug himself imagining it was you cuddling him with your arms circling around his waist and messaging his back to soothe him
The euphoria lasted a few days
He didn’t even go back to your place or send letters in the meantime like,,, he was fully satiated
Then your sent started to fade away progressively and he figured he needed to go back to your place
But he realized that… you were kind of actively using this hoodie. You must have noticed it was gone
What if you knew it was him ? What if you were hating him for stealing something from you ?
In his defense, it wasn’t exactly stealing because he planned on putting it back
He wanted to put his scent on it and give it back to you, so you could get intoxicated about him the same way he was about you
But his doubts and insecurities started eating him alive
“What if she thinks you stink ? She would never accept back a hoodie from a dirty man.”
“Scratch that : she would never accept the hoodie back from you at all, because she hates you.”
“You broke into her home so many times and stole from her. Don’t you think there’s consequences to your actions ?
“Karma exists and she’s out to get you”
“Don’t even think you have a chance with her anymore. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t love you and never will again.”
“Hell, I’m sure she forgot you since you don’t even send letters anymore.”
“You’re nothing but a fleeting bad memory, plaguing her brain.”
“Stay away from her, you monster.”
The mental self-harm was so harsh, he absolutly didn’t leave his room anymore
Not to study, not to work — not even to eat
He didn’t go to photography class anymore because he couldn’t even have the guts to face you after all this
He felt so so bad for so long
At some point, he was truly starting to decay and felt like he wanted to see you one last time before dying.
So, he showered for the first time in like a week
Dressed up in all black, popped on a large black bob
And went out, looking for you
It was something like 2 PM on a Wednesday
According to your schedule, you were supposed to be at the campus library studying a bit before your afternoon classes
And like clockwork, right after entering the library, he spotted you from afar
You were at the very end of the long hall, sitting alone with your books and your computer.
Your back was facing him so you couldn’t notice him staring at you with tears in his eyes
How could he let himself rot away when you were the light he needed in his life ?
How could he leave you this way when you needed him to protect, love and provide for you ?
It was inconceivable that he wasn’t taking care of you anymore, and that he even entertained the idea of never doing it ever again
He needed to bounce back immediately.
So, he sprinted back to his place,
Shuffled through his desk to grab a piece of paper and a pen,
And got to work.
He was still crying uncontrollably while trying to put his thoughts onto the paper
After 3 crappy letters and lots of crossed-out sentences, he figured he needed to calm down in order to properly deliver the best piece of literature ever
The one letter that could melt the heart of a statue and that will recover your relationship, without a doubt.
That’s when he came up with the apology letter you received.
Shortly after writing it, he decided on an express delivery to your place,
So you could read it and contemplate on his fate during the night or whatever
And while you do that, he would come the next day bearing gifts :
a brand new hoodie to replace the old one, a flower bouquet to decorate your house and give you a piece of himself and some of your favorite fruits to nourish your tummy and your soul
Their job was to make you realize that he was very serious about this relationship with you.
To remove any doubts about taking him back into your life
This was his plan, and to him it was infaillible.
Fast forward to today
There he was, in front of your door, with his arms full of gifts for you, and on the verge of throwing up and pissing himself on the spot
He waited there a good 10 minutes until someone across the corridor unlocked their door to come out of their room.
Since the last thing he wanted to do was get caught, he hurried inside your place.
He closed his eyes, and almost started to hyperventilate but he managed to calm himself down.
One — inhale… exhale
Two — inhale… exhale
Three — inhale….
On the exhale, he slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by the silence and stillness of your room.
He felt so at ease, so happy to be back — where he belongs.
After a few more seconds in contentment, he decided to install his things and get back out
But as he emptied his arms onto the table, he noticed you left a note on it
He wasn’t sure if it was for yourself or for him, so he took it out of pure curiosity
Upon reading it, his heart almost jumped out of his chest
It was your answer to the apology letter.
You responded to him !!!!
Oh my God.
You finally acknowledged him
AND you deliberately wanted him to alter your living space to clean and order your things
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
This was a gift from God
He was so happy, he fell down on his knees and held the note right over his heart
After getting down from the high, he arranged his gifts onto your table and got to work.
He never cleaned a place this meticulously in his entire life
This was almost cathartic
Like he was cleaning his sins away and prepping for a squeaky clean new slate for your relationship to start again from
When he was done he felt very proud of himself and was so happy to have been able to tremendously help you for something you needed
He didn’t plan on writing anything because he didn’t expect you to answer to him ;
But since you did, and he executed your request, he took a piece of paper and one of your cute bullet pens to write back to you :
“I cleaned your whole entire place just as you asked, my princess. I will always do absolutely everything that you ever request from me, with immeasurable joy and love every single time. I can’t wait until I can permanently take care of you and provide for you at all times. I can’t wait until the day I can hold you close in my arms, look straight into your gorgeous sparkling irises and tell you that I live for you, for you are my entire life. I bought you a new hoodie as I promised. I also bought some beautiful scented flowers and your favorite fruits. Please accept all of this as a proof of my endless unconditional love for you. Take care of yourself my angel, and never forget that you are the light that guides me through darkness. If you ever need me again, I’ll always be right here. — your secret admirer”
He has to physically contain himself from taking anything before leaving
But it’s less difficult than last time, because he never felt so fulfilled in his entire life
He realized that he feels the most joyful and alive when he does things for you.
He is now convinced that he truly lives for you, and that you are promised to him.
After a long and exhausting day, you finally went home.
The excitement and curiosity was eating you alive.
Did they come today ? Did they notice the little note ? Did they clean the house ?
You were truly hoping that they did come, and that if they did, they didn’t ignore you, because that would be sad.
As you open the door, you immediately notice how your room smells fresh and fruity
A quick look around reveals that your room is very much clean, as if it had been ran over by a cleaning crew
But the most surprising thing is the pile of stuff on your table
There were : a new and very cool hoodie, apples raisins and peaches, and a large bouquet of flowers with a very sweet scent.
You were filled with glee and contentment
This is the confirmation that this really isn’t a prank by your friends, but that there is truly someone out there that is invested in you
That is so cute ?!
You are so caught up with all of these gifts and new realizations that you almost don’t notice the letter
A new letter from your secret admirer !!!
This is a gift from God
After reading it… you feel like crying.
Nobody ever made you feel this way. Nobody ever went out of their way to make sure that you were good, that you had everything you needed, that you were taking care of yourself.
To have someone you don’t even know care that much…. is something indescribable.
You couldn’t not develop some feelings back for them, even if you wanted to
They were becoming a constant presence in your life and you truly didn’t want it to stop.
This night, you both fell asleep under the same sky, and asking the same stars to reunite you, for you belonged together.
- Some-thing : flowers bloom, even in concrete
The next morning, Jungkook is going to the local cafe for his occasional dose of caffeine, when he sees something that makes him stop dead in his tracks.
You are walking around the campus, with the brand new hoodie he gave you just the day before.
You must have felt his eyes bore holes into your sides, because you turn around and look right into his eyes.
Realizing you’ve met eyes with the cute nerdy guy from photography class, you politely smile and wave your hand at him
Then, you keep going your way, oblivious about what you’ve caused
He could only instinctively wave back at you with a shy smile
He keeps staring at you walking with a bouncy and bright demeanor until you are out of sight
This whole encounter is so overwhelming to him that he has to rush to the nearest campus toilet
He just saw the literal [love of his life] walk around outside with something he choose specifically for her and smile at him.
You were accepting and proudly using his gifts for you. His proof of his love for you.
It is the absolute and ultimate proof that you are also totally in love with him
He could not contain his emotions even if he tried to. It was too much
So, he locks himself inside a toilet to hide his boner and cry from joy
He is as hard as he is happy. This is everything to him.
Literally all of his dreams are coming true.
So, he decides that from now on, he’ll send you more gifts and love letters than ever
Because he just cannot get over the fact that he can send you stuff and you will just… use them ??
Absolutely crazy and groundbreaking.
The next few weeks, on top of following you everywhere and taking pictures of you, he started stalking you on social media
If he felt like a pretty discrete and laid back admirer before, he definitely feels like a total stalker now
But he isn’t a creep, and you’re receptive to his moves. So it’s not bad, right ?
He was mainly in search of a potential wishlist you posted or some posts where you expressed your interest in something
He has bookmarked almost all your “I want this 😖” & “I wish 😿” tweets
Each time he would find a post of you wanting anything, ranging from :
New clothes or cute jewelry to plushies plants and books,
He would buy it and deliver it to your place with an affirming love note attached
Saying stuff like :
“you deserve everything that you ever want and need my love”
or :
“as long as I’m alive, rest easy and know that you will always be taken care of”
But, he also had his own wishlist of stuff he wanted to offer to you
Recently, he bought a cute platted skirt that would would perfectly hug your waist and make your legs stand out — in his opinion — just because he thought it would fit your style
(and it did)
He had tons of carts scattered everywhere on the internet, even on lingerie websites,
Not because he wanted to see you in them but because he wanted you to feel good, comfortable and valued in your own body
Ok he’s obsessed with you but. He’s still an asexual
Talking about that, he is not worried about his sexuality, in fact he is so grateful he fell for you because your were so open and accepting
He overheard you talking about never feeling like anyone would love you just for you, and being scared of being used for your body and never finding true love
That there are multiple ways to love others, and that a relationship shouldn’t revolve around sex
He knew that he had all of his chances and he was the absolute best candidate that met all your standards and that could please and fulfill you in the right way.
Also, he doubled the amount of time he spent at your place
(behind your back, as always)
With each visit, he brings your favorite fruits and sometimes restocks your fridge and cupboards if he sees you’re running out of everything
How does he even manage to finance this lifestyle, you ask ?
Well, do you remember: he is a talented photographer.
He was booked and busy before, but retired when he started college due to lack of time and the loss of all the passion and drive necessary to keep up that kind of side hustle
Now that his passion and drive was back — all thanks to you — He started selling his services as a photographer and as a video editor again.
And he was making bank !
You are such a blessing in his life, he will never be thankful enough for your existence.
You were creating all these opportunities for his to grow as a person and improve his life, it was crazy how he changed so much in so little time.
And to recap the state of The Plan ™️ : he’s making Big Moves.
He was slowly but steadily becoming a known and stable occurrence in your life
Half of the plushies you owned were bought by him.
Some of the coolest clothes and shoes and jewelry : bought by him.
The books that you were obsessed about recently ? You guessed it, bought by him.
Even the only pieces of lingerie you had were bought by him.
He was nourishing your body and nurturing your heart.
Seeing you walk around campus proudly while constantly wearing the very outfits Jungkook once daydreamed about has been an insane experience
Knowing that you were eating the food he bought for you and consuming the letters he kept writing and gifting to you….
(he still checked your bins regularly to make sure you were still accepting him)
It made him feel immense pride and contentment.
He was at his peak in terms of interaction in his life right now.
He never made it this far in a relationship
And he knew he wanted more ; but he didn’t want to burn his wings by flying too high too fast.
He knew that patience was key
And he was right because eventually, you were the one to cross the bridge.
- Every-thing : no matter what happens, the universe expands and time flows
One day, you left a note asking for the number of your secret admirer.
It was random, truly, because you usually never answer to their letters directly.
Sure, you would stick a post-it sometimes suggesting a new type of fruit for them to bring to your place for you to try
Or expressing appreciation for an item they bought you recently and that you really enjoy
But it was still very scattered and anecdotical
So much that Jungkook cherished each and every note of yours in a special binder — and if he could frame them he would.
All that to say : that day was different.
You felt it in the air
It’s been 3 months now since the secret admirer thing has started to be pretty serious… with the admiration.
But at this point, you wanted more.
Did you want attention ? distraction ?… love ?
You couldn’t pinpoint a specific need, and you didn’t know exactly what were your motivations ; but you knew something was missing.
Also you needed an answer to your never ending questions
Who are they ? What are they passionate about ? How do they envision their future ?
…Why you ?
Interrogations and curiosity bubbled in your mind like a bottle of sparkling water
You pondered for quite some time about the way you would go to reach your goal
Should you :
ask them to take you on a date, or
invite them over for dinner at your place, or
go to the cinemas with them, or
have a picnic in a park with them, or…..??
The thing is : every option seemed dangerous, especially because you actually didn’t know a single thing about them
Sure, as of now they’ve never attempted to hurt you and they claim to love you much more than life itself
But. You weren’t reckless nonetheless and you’ve watched too much true crime documentaries to even entertain these ideas
So you settled on a post-it note with “can I have the number of my secret admirer, so I can admire them too ?” written on it
Simple is king !
You went to sleep that night with a knot in your stomach and your heart beating loud in your chest as if it were the day before a final exem
The next day, Jungkook entered your place bearing gifts as always without expecting a thing
While checking around as usual, he noticed the post-it on the door of your fridge asking for his number
… Huh ?!
He literally froze in disbelief and read it over and over again to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
How come you were asking for his number. His. number.
The plan was working like a charm in such a way that he would’ve never expected in a million years
This was so much more than what he could’ve ever asked for
He did try to think about how to make a move to get closer to you ; but he didn’t feel ready yet and wanted to wait more
And now, you’re the one who decided to take matters into your own hands and accelerate everything
It was absolutely crazy
You. wanted. HIM.
Well… not really exactly him
In fact, he noticed you used non-gendered pronouns to address him and realized that you barely knew anything about him
Progressively, he got down from his high and he wiped the tears that fell from his eyes unbeknownst to him
He did want to give you his number, but… the group project in photography class was coming sooner or later and he didn’t want you to connect the dots just yet
He decided to buy a new SIM card from which he will text you
So, he wrote you back immediatly, telling you to wait for him to be ready for you and that he’ll give it to you soon.
A few days later, he came back and instead of delivering the usual LLOTD [love letter of the day] he wrote a note specifically to answer the number question
"Looking at the crescent moon, I see your face in its bright pure aura. Knowing that eventually its going to become a full moon lighting up the sky during the night, like your beautiful face lights up my life each time I look at you, makes me realize I love looking forward to the future only when I know you're going to be in it."
At the end of the poem, he wrote his special number with a heart next to his usual "— your secret admirer" signature
He went back to his place being very much full of glee, and eager to get a response from you.
When you got home from class, you saw his note and your belly immediately filled up with butterflies
Finally, it was time.
Seeing your emotional reaction to their answer you knew you did the right thing
You were going to get your answers to the many questions you've been asking yourself
But, more importantly, you were going to get closer to them.
You pondered for a long time before decinding on what to text them
You wanted to try and write a poem for them too but you felt like you couldn't match their skill and profoundence of their words just yet
You settled on :
"Hey ^^ this is [y/n]. Thank you for giving me your number ! I can't wait to get to know more about you"
Little did you know that… the best was yet to come.
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sserajeanspics · 3 months
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sakura weverse update
Thankfully, I was able to spend my birthday meaningfully, so came here late 😭😭 Once again, thank you so much for congratulating me on my birthday, FEARNOT 🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷 Wow!!! I'm 26 years old!!! I've already been an idol for half my life!!🤔Very surprising... It's amazing... When I first started as an idol, I never imagined what the future brings. I always thought life was unpredictable, but I've been able to continue this far because of the people around me who always support me. I'm so grateful for that :) When I was young, my birthday was a happy day when I could receive gifts and eat what I liked. It was a day when I felt like the arrow was pointing towards me, so I always eagerly waited for my birthday feeling excited. After turning 20, I started to feel a bit anxious about birthdays... 😅 Honestly, I felt a little scared that my time as an idol was getting shorter... And recently, especially this birthday, it became a birthday with a slightly different meaning for me. I realized that birthdays are not only about receiving congratulatory greetings, but also about being able to express gratitude to the people around me. It's a bit embarrassing, but for the first time in my life (excluding my school days), I wrote letters to each my family members and gave them as gifts for my birthday this year! I felt grateful knowing that my family was preparing gifts because we could spend my birthday together with them after a long time. I wanted to express my gratitude to them as well. As I wrote about how grateful I am for giving birth to me and raising me for 26 years, many emotions have overwhelmed me, so I was writing the letters while holding back tears... 😅 And seeing my parents shedding tears while reading the letters that i gave, I felt a mix of emotions. At a young age, they've been worried endlessly about their daughter entering this world, living far away where she isn't within easy reach, likely feeling lonely... I felt sorry, but still, seeing my parents shedding tears while sincerely supporting my dreams made me think this way. Latelt, I've actually been feeling that there would come a time when the effort I keep putting in for myself will reach its limit— like the effort, if it's all just for myself, might exhaust me, reaching some sort of emotional limit. But seeing my parents, I started to feel that maybe working hard for someone else could be another way.
If I think that all my efforts are for myself only, I feel like I might lose strength when I detach from that passion, and it would be even harder when results don't come. But when I think about supporting my parents who sincerely cheer me on, and for FEARNOTs who support me as passionately, and for the members and staff who share the same dream, strangely, I feel energized. These are just my thoughts, but I believe that to be able to continue something for a long time, perhaps this kind of mindset is also necessary :) I received so much love from many people on my birthday this year. It made me truly happy to realize that there are so many FEARNOTs around the world celebrating my birthday and supporting me. The online world continues expanding and may not always spread positivity every day, but I'm still grateful for the internet because it allows me to know that there are people who like me and celebrate my birthday😊 I remember my mom saying once on my birthday, "I hope you become an idol who, just like your name which holds the meaning "may good things bloom," receive congratulations from many people.' Following my mom's wish, I was able to become an idol who is indeed loved by many people. I have experienced many failures and I'm learning various things as a person, but I've come to think that I'm happy with who I am now. Everyone has imperfections and areas where they are still immature, but I believe that's how we can continue to grow. I’m still in the process of learning a lot about myself, and every day, I strive to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday, continuing to reflect and improve along the way. The world may sometimes be noisy with negativity, but I still believe that there are many happy, positive, joyful, and precious things in this world. Despite its flaws, I still find this world beautiful. It's not all good, but it's not all bad either. I wish to be the kind of person in your life who brings even a little bit of positivity and goodness. :) Thank you for celebrating my 26th birthday with me, and please continue to support me in the future as well☺️
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