#if they ever actually give him screen time that’s not him getting his heartbroken and being treated like shit
withering-chariot · 2 years
It’s so funny how I’d read ppl be like “they describe season 4 as the game of thrones season be prepared >:)” and then after volume 2 I’m just…yeah they rlly lived up to that shit of a finale title didn’t they
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cloudcountry · 1 year
nrc when you dodge their kisses
SUMMARY: The NRC boys try to kiss you, and you dodge. How dare you!
COMMENTS: You already know what I'm gonna say. Azul you're gorgeous and I want actually I NEED you to hmu!! I would treat you so right!! Just one kiss please!! You can tell I'm Azul biased and I am not sorry!!
Riddle Rosehearts immediately turns as red as his hair. He apologizes profusely for assuming you’d be up for a cheek kiss and you have to resist the urge to hug him. You tell him to calm down, that it was a joke. His relief is evident, but you can tell there’s something else on his mind as he stares at you, so you offer him your cheek again.
Trey Clover apologizes immediately, his cheeks flushed pink. This is one of the only times you’ll ever see him rattled, slightly embarrassed that you’d dodged his display of affection. He shakes it off pretty easily though, much to your chagrin. Smooch him.
Cater Diamond knows what you’re playing at. He holds your face still and gives you two big smooches on your cheeks, telling you he loves you before rushing off to class. He’s going to dodge you the next time you try to kiss him as payback.
Deuce Spade looks heartbroken. He apologizes and vows to ask before doing anything like that next time. He asks if he’s made you uncomfortable or if anything is wrong, and when you tell him it’s a joke he gets so relieved. Don’t scare him like that again!
Ace Trappola whines incessantly. Anyone would be lucky to kiss him and you just dodged him! Like he was chopped liver! Is that what he is to you? Huh!? It’s hilarious because he will not SHUT UP until you give him Two (2) kisses to make up for the one he missed and the time he spent lamenting over it.
Leona Kingscholar narrows his eyes and stares at you. You pretend you don’t notice, continuing to walk inside your classroom that he’d so kindly walked you to. Except he doesn’t leave. “Herbivore.” Leona calls, and even though he didn’t touch you, you freeze. “You forgot something.”
Jack Howl assumes you’re not in the mood and shrugs it off. Well, that’s what it would seem like if you weren’t an expert in Jack Howl Communications. His ears are lowered and his tail isn’t wagging as much anymore, and you know it’s because he’s worried. The next time you see him, you cup his face and give him a kiss on the cheek, just to watch him perk up again.
Ruggie Bucchi’s ears flatten almost immediately. He immediately assumes he’s done something wrong and starts bringing you a bunch of snacks to make up for it. He’s laughing on the outside but dying on the inside. He will literally only touch you again when you initiate or until you tell him it’s a joke.
Azul Ashengrotto wants to run away, and he almost does. The world crashes around him and his mind immediately runs to his octopot and all the mockery he faced and how you are the last person he wants to see him that way. You immediately notice that the small joke hurt his feelings in a way that you never wanted to hurt him, and grab his face to kiss him gently. “I’m sorry honey. You were going to miss.” you murmur as you pull away, rubbing circles on his cheek with your thumb, “Had to make sure you didn’t.”
Jade Leech pretends to be wounded. He refuses to accept any affection from you for the next five hours because you broke his heart so bad. Maybe next time you’ll think before you deny the eel the attention he rightfully deserves!! If you try anything, he’ll dodge it with a “oh, I’m sorry. I’m busy. Come back later.” JADE STOP.
Floyd Leech is another whiner. You dodge his kisses, he’ll pout and whine for hours. No amount of kisses you give him to make up for it will be enough. Ten, fifteen, twenty kisses, on his forehead, cheeks, or lips…won’t be enough. He will hold this over your head.
Kalim Al-Asim blue screens and tries to figure out what he did wrong. He apologizes quickly and asks if you want him to keep his distance from you today. He doesn’t phrase it in a dramatic way like some of the students on this list. Instead, his words are genuine and warm, with only your comfort in mind. He’s very observant so he’ll be able to tell if you really do want your space!
Jamil Viper rolls his eyes and goes about his day. He immediately assumes that you’re playing a prank on him, and he fully intends to do what you did to him but doubled. You lean in for a kiss the next day, he dodges it. You try to hold his hand, he moves it at the last second. Just apologize, he’s so petty.
Vil Schoenheit narrows his eyes and stares at you. He doesn’t like playing your silly little games and will immediately ask if that's what you’re doing. No matter your response, he rolls his eyes and lets it go. If you want any of his affection, you’re going to have to initiate next time.
Rook Hunt doesn’t realize you’ve dodged until his lips don’t land on yours. He’s already closed his eyes when he stumbles a bit, his eyes flying open in surprise. You stand behind him with a mischievous little smile, and he immediately knows what you’re doing. He cries out some monologue about your cruelty before giving you a forehead kiss.
Epel Felmier narrows his eyes and refuses to give you kisses after that. His ego is hurt and you’re responsible! You’re going to need to promise to never do it again and give him a kiss to make up for it. How dare you make him out to be a fool!
Idia Shroud wants to crawl into a hole and die. He finally gained the courage to kiss you goodbye for the second time this week, and you dodged him! That was so cringe he thinks he’s going to explode. He only feels a little bit better when you grab his face and kiss him twice - one on each cheek.
Malleus Draconia is frozen, his eyes wide with surprise. You’ve always been receptive to his advances, and now that you’re not he doesn’t know what to do. Recovering quickly, he smirks and looks you dead in the eye. “I suppose you’re avoiding my affection today? Fine. I shall fulfill your wishes, Child of Man.”
Sebek Zigvolt jumps away, his face flaming red. He immediately starts yelling about how he wasn’t trying to give you a forehead kiss, he was just checking over your shoulder to make sure nobody was about to attack you! Cup his cheek and kiss his forehead - watch him get even redder.
Silver blinks slowly before nodding, telling you he understands and he hopes you have a good lesson. Assuming you want your distance, Silver doesn’t initiate any affection for the rest of the day unless you give him explicit permission.
Lilia Vanrouge follows your dodge and lands a kiss on you anyway. He laughs loudly at your surprise, booping you on the nose before practically bouncing off to his next class. If you want to give him a kiss, he’s going to dodge and stick his tongue out at you now.
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babyleostuff · 10 months
hello! i have been following you for a while but im shy about sending reqs hehe. i wonder if you can make ot13 reactions on how they will act if they got into a fight with their partner while they're away? like how do they deal with it and what they'll feel about it? I'm sorry if it's weird! thank you so much!
no worries, i’m more than happy to write any requests you guys send me! hope you enjoy this one and if you have any more requests don’t be shy and ask <3
when seventeen gets into a fight with their partner while they're away | ot13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a leo sun (and as a leo myself), i know that he’d be too prideful to call you and apologise first, no matter if it was a big or a small fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 but then he’d realise how much he misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s not like he can text you or call you and act like nothing happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be heartbroken for the next few days
𓆩♡𓆪 because not only are you hundreds of kilometres apart, but now he also knows that you are angry with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 one night he’d go through your shared photos and that would be his breaking point 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that you were angry with him when you didn’t pick up his calls 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he would keep on calling you until you answered him 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if it meant that he had to sit through the whole night with his phone in his hand 
𓆩♡𓆪 you had no idea how much he relied on your late night conversations
𓆩♡𓆪 when he could see your face and find some peace among the crazy schedules 
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would do everything he could for you to pick up and talk things out 
𓆩♡𓆪 first of all, the chance of you getting into a fight while he is away is like 0.01%
𓆩♡𓆪 the second he hears your annoyed voice, he tries to calm you down and asks you to take a deep breath  
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d want you to explain why you’re mad (and that’s when you’d probably realise how silly it was to get mad in the first place)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if was a more of a serious fight, he’d want to talk it out immediately 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t be able to go about his day, knowing that you were sad and angry 
𓆩♡𓆪 there is no way that Joshua would let the fight drag on for days or he’d go crazy 
𓆩♡𓆪 he could feel his heart breaking, when he saw that you left him on read
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t think he’d try to call or text you immediately
𓆩♡𓆪 because what if you really don’t want to hear from him now? What if you don’t want to hear from him ever again? 
𓆩♡𓆪 usually he wouldn’t be that dramatic about a fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s just the knowledge that you are so far away from each other messes with his head 
𓆩♡𓆪 but the second he sees your name pop up on his phone screen, he tells you how sorry he is and how much he misses you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be so frustrated 
𓆩♡𓆪 why did he allow for the situation to escalate so badly, that you didn’t even want pick up his calls? 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his day like any other, but the only thing he’d be able to think about was your fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 and it would only get worse, to the point where the boys would have to text to you and tell you to call him
𓆩♡𓆪 he was just afraid that if he’d keep on calling and texting you, you’d only get angrier with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had always been convinced that being away from you wasn’t that hard on him 
𓆩♡𓆪 but when you got into your first fight while he was on tour, well, that was hell for him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had never realised how much he actually misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 your calls, your random texts, your facetime dates 
𓆩♡𓆪 you holding his hand, your kisses and your laugh 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had taken so many pretty pictures that he knew you would love to see, but he couldn’t even send you those 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he would either try to talk things out immediately like Joshua, or give you some time to cool off 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that getting into a fight while being apart was stupid, because not only are you a couple of countries away from each other, but now angry as well
𓆩♡𓆪 but after those couple of days if you didn’t pick up his calls or respond to his messages, he’d become the biggest pain in your ass 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t stop calling and spamming you 
𓆩♡𓆪 so you wouldn't have any other option but to talk to him :))
𓆩♡𓆪 don’t to this to me
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever had a fight when he was away, he’d be the saddest and the most heartbroken version of himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t smile, and if any of the boys would try to make him laugh it would be so forced 
𓆩♡𓆪 neither of you took the fights between you very well, and now being apart, there was nothing he could to do comfort you 
𓆩♡𓆪 which only broke his heart even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight wouldn’t last very long though, because after a couple of days you’d call each other in tears saying how much you miss each other
𓆩♡𓆪 now, this man 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d either be spamming your messages with apologies, or be the biggest stubborn baby known to mankind 
𓆩♡𓆪 because if he believes that you are in the wrong, there is no way he’s going to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 he probably vents to Wonwoo at some point 
𓆩♡𓆪 and when the older makes him realise that he is in the wrong, everything changes 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be calling and texting you 24/7, ready to do anything in order to make it up to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there is nothing more he loves in this world than you, and the knowledge that he made you sad and upset is unbearable for him
𓆩♡𓆪 similarly to Seungcheol, I think Minghao would be a bit too prideful to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would be a lot quicker to realise how stupid it was to ignore you and to start this fight in the first place 
𓆩♡𓆪 every time he’d see something that reminded him of you, he’d start to miss you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you weren’t picking up his calls he would spam you with random messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he wouldn’t care if you didn’t respond to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he knew that you missed him as well and that at some point you’d text him back 
your messages <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 another sad baby that would just try to survive the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight would drain him out of all his usual energy, to the point where he wouldn’t even want to bicker with the boys 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else than the thought that you’re all alone at home, sad and upset because of him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t call you at first, because he’d be afraid he’d upset you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still send you your usual good morning and goodnight messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 i think he’d be very mature about the situation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that he needed to apologise as soon as possible, in order to put this fight to an end 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you didn’t want to talk to him, he’d give you some space 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d miss you so much though
𓆩♡𓆪 especially the random texts and memes you’d send each other throughout the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he’d still send them, because he knew that no matter what, they would still put a smile on your face 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his life as if nothing big happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there are always fights in relationships and people are fine, right? 
𓆩♡𓆪 wrong 
𓆩♡𓆪 he spends all of his free time looking through your photos and messages
𓆩♡𓆪 which doesn’t help at all, it only makes him miss you more 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d do everything to be back home with you, cuddling on the sofa and watching your favourite movie 
𓆩♡𓆪 when your calling ID finally popped up on his phone, a couple of tears run down his cheeks, as he picked up his phone to tell you how sorry he was 
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l0vem41l · 3 months
boyfriend hcs for pavitr :3
with you always !
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, potentially ooc, pavitr being a good boyfriend, can interpret as him w/ gayatri,,, but i'm assuming this was an x reader ask!!! 」
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「 gn!reader, romantic relationship <3 」
↳ ft. pavitr prabhakar
author's note: TY FOR THE REQUEST!!! i hope this is what you wanted (*´^`)ゞ jus some hcs of pav being the patootest of cuties (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) also!! to anyone else who has reqz,,, the inbox is open!! two slots d=(´▽`)=b
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▸ fears being the boyfriend that forgets anniversaries, holidays, birthdays, and other occasions. will literally never let himself be that— but,,, he does tend to overcompensate just a little bit. small gifts for every monthsary, love letters and long, sappy texts to commemorate the day the two of you first met, etc etc.
sometimes you joke that he’s going to start celebrating stuff like your 100th kiss. he did genuinely consider that…
▸ if you have terrible emotional permanence or constantly need reassurance in a relationship, pavitr might literally be perfect for you. he’ll make sure that there is not a single doubt in your head that he loves and your company.
you get antsy when you’re left on delivery for too long? he literally checks for notifs from you first thing in the morning— he’s just so excited to talk to you!!!!
you miss him too much when he’s been away for a while? well, actually, he’s been planning a whole ass full-day date for the two of you— and it’s coming up soon! better prepare an outfit!
whatever concerns might swarm your head, pavitr is there to clear it up— if completely honest, he had no clue you felt so nervous about that type of stuff. not that he minds! he’s just been doing all of this organically, so he’s glad to know that it’s comforting to you. bro’s just mad affectionate
▸ the streets in mumbattan are always busy. naturally, pavitr holds the sidewalk rule in his heart like a moral code of conduct. actively makes sure that there is No Chance of you getting a little too close to moving vehicles. holds your hand so much too,, to the point where its easier to count the times where he's not holding your hand.
will complain and exaggerate how much he misses you when you pull your hand away
“pav, my hands are getting all clammy, it’s gonna be gross—” you’re trying to pry your hand away to no avail. he, in fact, chooses to intertwine your fingers just to make a point.
“c’mon, you know i don’t mind!” he grins brightly, swinging your arms as you walk.
always quick to give you a little tug when you start moving a little too close to the active streets.
▸ do not expect movie nights to be quiet. he has opinions, a letterboxd account, and a need to be heard. obviously, he’ll shush up when needed but pavitr is a reactive watcher. will be down just to watch a bad movie with you just to complain or laugh about it.
▸ tells you that he’s got the tissues for more emotional movies only to end up using like half of them. clutching you as tight as he can, practically using you as an emotional support teddy bear.
he’ll say something like, “why are they breaking up? they were supposed to be endgame!” and then glance at you in his arms with the most heartbroken watery eyes ever... and then get even more emotional thinking of that type of situation happening to the two of you. it takes him many gentle words and kisses for the romantic movies with sad endings
when it’s a cute and sappy movie, he’ll want to recreate every cute scene with you. it’s gotten to the point where he’ll literally point at the screen and look at you when a cute moment in the movie happens— and you’ll know exactly what he’s asking.
he’s going “that’s us :D” throughout the entire film.
however,,, no matter what you’re watching, he’ll definitely do the “fake-yawn-to-put-arm-around-shoulders” thing with you no matter how much you insist that it’s fine for him to just put his arm around you. he thinks it’s smooth. don’t ruin his fun :( 
▸ has a photo of you two together as his lock screen wallpaper, has a photo of you with him always, would keep your face in a locket— pavitr loves having photos of you to keep you close to him, even when he’s away. big fan of polaroids and photo booths.
freaked out majorly one day when he misplaced a photo of you while on a mission. hobie had to remind him to breathe as he paced back and forth with hands in his hair, muttering to himself about where he might’ve lost it. bro was STRESSED about losing his fave photo of you in multidimensional travel
…it was in the bottom of his backpack.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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epelletea · 2 years
Your TWST S/O reacts to you singing a familiar tune !! Part 2
Wow I didn’t expect the first part to get a lot of attention so thank you for that!! I decided to do a second part with some more dorms I didn’t do! :) might not do Heartslaybul because I have no idea for it.
Part 1 Part 3
• For context on “Familiar tune” : Basically you sing a song from their story.
Kalim Al Asim
It is never a dull day with this particular lover. Kalim never fails to make your day always 100x better with his joyful personality.
Oh you’re feeling sad?? Not allowed! Kalim is already preparing a surprise party for you later so he can turn that frown upside down! Sad about failing a test? Don’t worry about it! He’ll help you study along with Jamil to make sure you ace that next test.
Oh? How the tables have turned? Looks it was your turn to cheer your poor lover up.
You find your lover sulking to himself in his room about something? You rarely ever see Kalim upset about anything, he usually always takes himself out of the dumps. But looks like today wasn’t that case.
You tried your best to cooing at him telling him you love him too pecking his face all over with kisses.
But this sour mood just wouldn’t budge.
Sitting there trying to think what could help lighten your boyfriend’s mood. The lightbulb above your head lights up.
“Make way it’s Prince Kalim!~”
Why not cheer him up with a song! You remembered the song ‘Prince Ali’ and thought it would be fitting to cheer him up with. Obviously replacing the Ali part with Kalim.
Cheerfully singing the song to him while performing over the top mannerisms praising him and overall showering him with love.
Kalim’s smile soon crept onto his face once more. Happily watching you perform for him. How adorable!~
He joins in singing with you despite not knowing the full lyrics but regardless he was happy dancing with you.
Mission accomplished! You have successfully made your boyfriend happy again!
At the end of the song, he tackles you with many kisses and cuddles calling you adorable and the most best S/O in the world !!
He does ask you if you made up the song yourself. Not wanting to explain to him the whole ‘I know this song because Aladdin was the one who actually sung it’. You simply agree saying you did make it up yourself.
He now wants you to show the song off to Jamil and the others so they can all hear your wonderful song! Oh dear…
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Idia Shroud
Nothing feels better than having another video game date with your lovely boyfriend Idia!~
You knew going outside much wasn’t really India’s thing and wanted to respect that. So it’s the small things that matter with him.
But you couldn’t help but getting slightly bored with playing the same game over and over with him but you didn’t want to say that to him. He would be heartbroken.
But at the same time, after you decided to take a break from the game. Idia was still playing however. He seemed to be very focused in on the game. However you wanted attention.
First you started calling out his name, he didn’t budge only let out little ‘hm?’ Every-time you called him. Eyes still glued to the screen.
You have told him out right that you wanted attention and cuddles. But he simply replies with saying ‘Let me finish this round first.’ That one round suddenly turns into 100 rounds.
With a loud ‘Hmph’ you sat there staring at your boyfriend trying to think of ways to get his attention.
Still focused to the game Idia says a quick ‘I love you.’ Signaling that he still loves you despite being focused on the game.
That’s when the idea hits you. You don’t reply back to him which makes Idia pause his game in confusion. He looks back to you offended that you didn’t say I love you back.
Out loud and obviously in the most dramatic way. You decided to sing “I Won’t Say I’m in Love” in response to Idia not giving you attention.
Idia couldn’t help but sit there confuse but most importantly still offended that you won’t say I love you back.
While you performed, he kept whining saying I love you or telling you to say it back.
But the show must go on! Still singing on anyway, you even dodge his advances to try pull you into a cuddle or tried to kiss you on the lips.
Although, Idia does successfully finally trap your in his arms and he’s not letting go this time. Snuggling into the crook of your neck and refusing to move.
“At least out loud, I won’t say I’m in love..”
After you finish the song, he looks up at you with puppy like eyes that you can never resist. Smooching his pretty blue lips over and over reassuring him that you were only joking with him.
He questions you about the song you were singing because he felt like he had heard it before. Perhaps in a game or show? Wanting to keep your little brat attitude up, you decided to tell him that it’s your little secret and he’s going to have to figure it out himself.
You spent the rest of that day cuddling with him. <3
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Vil Schoenheit
It’s hard to keep up with your basically celebrity boyfriend Vil. He was usually always busy so you really never got the chance to do dates with him.
But today was the day! You finally were able to get a free day with him! He was free from work and was able to spend the day with his beloved S/O.
It was beautiful outside so why not have a picnic under one of the apple trees?
You decided to sing to yourself to past the time while you set up the picnic.
Singing “Whistle While You Work” due to the ironic atmosphere it only felt fitting to do so. Even the little birdies joined in around you singing with you.
Unknowing that Vil was already on his way.
Vil was dressed absolutely amazing and perfect for your date with him but doesn’t he always look so beautiful?
He hears your voice from the distance and a smile creeps onto his face as he follows the source to the voice.
His heart melts instantly at the scene in front of him.
You singing a duet with the birds around you while you were setting the picnic blanket on the ground. Petting it down for it to be fully straight and perfect.
Not noticing your boyfriend standing in front of you. You continued your song and placing down the picnic basket taking out the entries of baked goods you made for the special occasion.
Instead of calling your name to get your attention. He whistles along with you and sits down on the picnic blanket next to you.
Now noticing another pair of hands in front you. You look up shock to see your Vil staring lovingly at you.
Well wasn’t that quite a lovely surprised.
He takes your hand and places a soft kiss on top of it. Cooing at how adorable you are and how lovely the picnic looks.
Flustered and bashful at his compliments. He asks where you have heard that song?
Vil has heard the song plenty of times before due to someone named “Neige Blanche” that was practically that boy go-to song whenever he had to clean.
Not knowing how to respond, you manage to change the topic and show him each dish that you have baked yourself (with a little help from Trey but he doesn’t need to know that..)
The rest of the date went smoothly and perfectly while you two relished in each other presence.
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Moody Monday - Giving Orders
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) dir. Matthew Lopez
"I give the orders in this palace!"
As I was going through scenes to make gifs of this week, I really started leaning toward an unofficial theme of Henry being strong. This is one of those moments in the film that is a reminder of who His Royal Highness Henry George Edward James Hanover-Stuart Fox actually is. I have a couple of favorite lines in this movie, but this is in my top 5. The transformation we see Henry go through in this scene, and the culmination of him shouting this, perfectly brings together every emotion scorching him after Bea tells him what happened.
For the first time within the royal confines, we see Henry stand up for himself, but not in the way I think he ever expected to do. He even looks slightly shocked and horrified with himself after he says it because he has never allowed himself to use his power as "His Royal Highness" for anything close to it eliciting a behavior he displays. He is so demanding at that moment, for people to listen to him, to listen to his wants and needs, and that he insists upon being the one who makes the decisions in his life. This cannot last, there is too many factors working against him, but the spark is lit, and no matter what, it isn't going to be smothered.
The way Nick delivers this line is incredibly powerful (the whole scene with the way he uses his emotions and the varying expressions on his face). Nick (and the story) built Henry up into this incredibly strong man as the movie went on, and we see that strength exploding from him. (Yes, I do believe that there is a massive level of strength Henry shows often, just because he isn't wild and crazy about it all the time, and sometimes is wrong when displaying it, doesn't make it less.) It's what gives us hope when we see the scenes over the course of the next week. This moment right here, Henry was pushed to his limits, and the way I get breathless each time I watch this, the way I get goosebumps whenever I detect that authority in his voice, it's all because Henry is finally saying that at that moment he's had enough. It makes me so damn proud of him.
Alex would have been so proud of him, too.
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The strength he has to compose himself as he still tries to find a way to contact Alex...
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And after clearly realizing the old asshole is not worth his time, switching his attention to look to Shaan, he changes his wording, not wanting to give more of himself away than he already has with his reaction. So he takes hold of the strength within him and pleads with Shaan to get a message to the White House.
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Shaan looks so incredibly heartbroken here. We don't have nearly enough Shaan (I know, I know, adjustments had to be made). Still, what Akshay Khanna gives to this moment (and others in the tiny amount of time he has been Henry's Equerry on screen) speaks volumes for his acting abilities and for Shaan's relationship with Henry. He is so obviously hurt and shaken and wants to help Henry. The love and support are there, knowing that even before Henry asks it of him, he has already tried to contact the White House, it says so much. And when he says, "My contacts with the White House", I can't help but imagine the turmoil he felt wondering if he should use the emergency line for Zahra, and how it must've hurt him to make the decision not to. But he is there to support Henry as much as he can, in an impossibly difficult situation, one that he obviously had a hand in, knowing what Henry and Alex were up to, and may face ramifications for it himself if things were to go that far. But he tried, and knowing that Henry looked to him to help, that has to feel equally good as bad, given that he can't do anything at all.
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And his reaction when Shaan explains that he cannot help, Henry is devastated, but there's something else there in his eyes, too.
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Henry clearly accepts what Shaan is telling him, but he doesn't react in an outburst. He doesn't plead anymore, he understands what he must do. He is going to have to deal with 'the next worst thing' that's ever happened to him on his own (mostly) and he is going to endure it until he no longer has to. Until all of that strength we know he possesses is unleashed once again.
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cfr749 · 2 months
I still dont understand how you went from Lucy supporter to this nonsense. She is again just a vehicle for the man pain and you are celebrating it. Disappointed and disgusted
Welcome back, anon! First off, thanks for sending two rude messages so I can respond to one and use the other to block you 👋
To be clear, the only reason I’m giving this the the time of day is because I think the “man pain” issue is worth addressing.
I’m always open to talking about this show and issues with misogyny, representation, race, etc. Even with people I don’t completely agree with.
What I’m not gonna do is discuss it with someone who can’t converse like a rational adult and finds joy in sending toxic, judgmental anonymous messages, so this little exchange of ours is over after this.
I am so sorry that my feelings about the show don’t line up exactly with what you want them to be. Sounds like you have some pretty strong feelings of your own though, so here’s an idea 💡 : post them on your own blog!
Shockingly, I’m capable of considering that there might be multiple perspectives on specific decisions the show makes. And that more than one of them can be valid at the same time!
I completely get how this could be viewed as growth for Tim at Lucy’s expense. I agree that sucks. I’ve posted multiple times that I will be LIVID if Lucy doesn’t actually end up with any type of storyline of her own or character development resulting from all the shit they put her through, and just ends up as a supporting character in another Tim-centric SL.
But, I can feel that way and also have other opinions all at the same time:
- I am glad they let Tim be the flawed human instead of the victim.
- I’m glad they didn’t villify Lucy in the breakup because god knows how quickly this fandom would tear her to pieces if she ever did to Tim what Tim just did to her.
- After years of Lucy doing barely anything on screen other than the odd UC op and propping up storylines for Tim and Chenford, I’m glad her character is 3-dimensional again both in the relationship and outside of it.
- I am heartbroken over the break up. I can’t watch the scene without bawling my eyes out. I feel nauseous thinking about it. But I am also glad they now have another chance to get it right this time for Chenford. Specifically because I love Lucy. Because I feel like she deserved so much better than what she got the first time.
- I’d love to see Tim value her and fight for her instead of just having her drop everything on a dime for him bc he deigned to look her direction after getting dumped by his girlfriend.
- I’d love to see him deal with all his unresolved baggage and realize what a complete and total idiot he is for throwing away what they had.
- And I’d love to see Lucy [continue to] recognize her own worth and thrive in the meantime. I am SO proud of who she’s been this season. And I hope she becomes even stronger and more sure of herself.
- I hope she recognizes she deserves so much better than what Tim gave her and that his decision has nothing to do with her worth (even if it feels like that at first), and I hope she *demands* better from him before even considering taking him back.
I’m not psychic. I don’t know what they have planned for the rest of the season (and no, I’m not gonna jump to conclusions off of a few vague interviews either). Maybe I’ll love it; maybe I’ll hate it. We’ll see.
Either way, I’m clear that’s it’s still just a TV show and that these are fictional characters. Are you?
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daceydeath · 1 year
Cigarettes and Cliches (Part 5)
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Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader Word Count: 6.0k Genre: Collage AU, Slow Burn Romance Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing, drinking, smoking, mentions of bullying.
He was the most impractical guy for you to be interested in the incredibly handsome cliché bad boy who collected girls like trophies. As hard as you wanted to stay away you couldn't even if it might cost you everything and leave you heartbroken you couldn't ignore him
Felix had sent you his number over your social before he left to allow you to make a decision if you wanted to text him or not, giving you an out if you didn't want to continue what had happened or allowing you to get to know him better. You waited until that night when you had gone back into your room before you actually saved his number and texted him not really sure what or how to proceed, no one had ever kissed you like that before in fact you had only been kissed four times in your life and you were worried that he could tell how inexperienced you were. In the summer between your fourth and fifth year of high school you had decided that you needed to have a little experience before you arrived into university life, that wouldn't interrupt your grades, but two messy make outs and the first time you had sex had left you pretty well sworn off men so you had never show any interest in getting a boyfriend or hooking up again.
Hi Felix, still don't regret it? you typed the same words out at least ten times before you actually pressed send and threw your phone on the bed and changed yourself into your pajamas. Unsure if you were hoping that he would either see it and reply or be too busy to even see it, the universe decided that it would be the former as your screen lit up only a minute later.
Hey, was wondering if you would msg me. I still don't regret it, do you?
Shit, you didn't know what to say to him usually you guessed you could have asked a friend but there was absolutely no way you were asking either Seungmin or Jeongin about how to flirt with a guy they had told you to stay away from. Pulling your hoodie over the tank top you were wearing to bed you went out to the kitchen to get some water to hopefully make you calm down.
Is no answer your way of saying you do? because I won't ever do it again if you don't want me to or are you just shy and overthinking?
Double shit you panicked when you saw your screen lit up when you returned to your room. Taking a deep breath you picked up your phone and just typed hoping he would get how nervous you were about everything "I liked it, I just don't know what happens now, I'm not very experienced with any of this" you were totally sure that he would laugh at you now and tell you that you should just be friends.
I want to get to know you, nothing has to happen if you don't want it to
His sweet words made your heart calm down he wasn't pushing you, he wasn't going to just ask for a hookup and he seemed to still be genuine I would like that Felix, I need to get some sleep I will talk to you tomorrow? you watched as he saw the message and instantly replied.
Night, I will talk to you tomorrow then
You held your phone to your chest feeling happy but also scared, you knew after everything that happened you shouldn't get involved with Felix but you couldn't help it. He was gorgeous, sure but it was the side of him that he seemed to hide from the others the soft sweet Felix that you were attracted to and unfortunately you were already too far gone now to save yourself. He wasn't going to hurt you more than Nali already had so you were willing to give it a chance at least for now.
Waking up to the sounds of Seung and Innie making too much noise was not unusual for you but the third and fourth voice were different, getting up you quickly washed up and changed into sweats so that you were not in your pajamas and made your way out. Surprised was a little bit of an understatement when you found all eight of them sitting at the dining table or lounging on the couches trying there hardest to be quiet by texting each other instead of speaking.
"You're up" Seungmin ginned from the kitchen pulling your mug from the cupboard to fill with coffee.
"Thank fuck texting while in the same room is stupid" Minho groaned his head falling back on the couch to see you with lopsided smile on his lips.
"Sorry about that I didn't know were were having some early morning get together today?" you furrowed your eyebrows as you made your way over to get you coffee your phone beeping as you went. You pulled it out and saw a text from Felix you look cute this morning while you tried your hardest not to look at him or blush.
"Well we have some good new we heard through the grapevine and we wanted to see your face if it was true" Chan smiled at you affectionately.
"Good news?" you repeated still looking confused while you sipped your coffee.
"Check your school email" Jeongin pushed you softly towards your laptop that was still sitting on the table from the night before.
"Alright, alright Innie" you sighed dramatically pulling the device over to you and opening it to allow it to boot up, trying also to not blush as the way Felix's hand happen you brush against your leg then rest on top of your knee from where he was already sitting at the table. After the few moments it took to wake up you logged into your email account to see what Jeongin was on about. At the top of your inbox sat an email from the university administrators account marked with a reg flag to show it's urgency, clicking on it it opened and you saw several attachments including the minutes from the meeting you had with the head of the university. You clicked the first letter that was attached and read through it twice before you smiled slightly.
"Well?" Han whined "The suspense is killing me".
"The university have finished their investigation and decided that it was in fact an act of bullying against me and an act of defamation against all of your characters" You smiled looking up at them as the all as they watched you read the letter intently "Nali has been found to be the main perpetrator of this and five of her friends have also found to be 'lacking in the correct character', whatever that means, all six will be expelled immediately and will be required to leave campus by no later than the end of the week".
"Yes! you did it" Changbin grinned at you pumping his fist in the air.
"They are also forwarding a copy of the findings to the police should I want to pursue this further" you finished smiling wider "So it's over then?"
"See you were so brave and it paid off" Seungmin patted your shoulder.
"So we should go get food to celebrate" Changbin suggested.
"You always want to get food" Han rolled his eyes teasing him effortlessly.
"Of course because food is delicious" you added winking at Changbin who laughed loudly.
"Did you want to change or go now?" Jeongin asked quickly putting his hand out to stop you getting out of the chair.
"Seung says I'm cute in sweats I'll have you know Innie" you stuck yout tongue out at him "but I can change so I don't embarrass you" you pouted as he let you stand going to your room again to change.
"Innie that was a dick thing to say" Chan chastised quietly.
"She knows I didn't mean it Chan it's fine" Jeongin laughed making you roll your eyes from your room. It's true you knew he wouldn't make you change and normally you would have told him to get stuffed but Felix was there and it wouldn't hurt to look a little nicer. You slipped into dark blue jeans and a cute little shirt before throwing a cardigan over the top.
"Innie, are pink sweats acceptable?" You yelled through the wall hearing Seungmin laugh which meant Jeongin was rolling his eyes.
"I swear you spend your whole life in sweats except when you go to work no wonder you never get guys attention" Jeongin began rambling as you picked up a purse and opened the door to watch him continue his little rant "you look like one of the guys I'm surprised people don't think we have a male room mate....and you look so pretty right now" he finished quickly as he saw you.
"Aw thanks Innie" you giggled as he flushed "Now can we get food I'm starving" the guys all nodded before beginning to discuss where to go leaving you able to steal a little glance at Felix who was trying to not stare at you which made heat flood your cheeks.
You followed them down the hallway when your phone beeped again Now you look extra cute his message read making you swallow hard and slip your phone into your pocket so the others wouldn't see what he had sent. After pulling the door shut after everyone you made your way to the elevator leaning with your back against the wall you decided to be brave and text him back.
Flirt, but you look cuter you typed quickly pressing send before Hyunjin pulled you into a conversation.
"So now that the mean girls are gone will you give going out a shot? We would make sure you had fun" Hyunjin smirked.
"Maybe" you shrugged watching as Felix pulled his phone from his pocket to check the text he had just received, you saw him smile his eyes flicking you yours for a moment before he put it quickly back in his pocket "who knows maybe I should have a more normal uni experience since that is what Seung and Innie have been going on about for the last two hundred years" you chuckled as both of them groaned in unison.
"We will never live that down will we?" Seungmin sighed looking at you.
"No, not until you say something else that royally annoys me to take its place" you smile sweetly.
The announcement of the expulsions and the reminder of the correct behavior and etiquette towards fellow students was made later that afternoon in a detailed email that was sent to every enrolled students email address as well as their official website and as a press release. The need to show that they had indeed taken action after an investigation and that the students who had broken the university's tenants were swiftly punished was needed to show the city and the rest of the academic world throughout the country that it was indeed a first class school to be trusted. You weren't surprised by that at all in fact you were sure that would happen regardless of the outcome but you were surprised when people sent you messages of support through your socials and email. You knew that the police case would need to happen but until then at least you could attend your lectures again without the worry of what people would say or do.
By the time you got back to the apartment with Seungmin and Jeongin you were still floating on your own little happiness cloud. Felix had flirted with you over text a dozen more times before you all split ways and you felt like you heart was going to skip a beat every time his eyes met yours. He seemed to be so different to how you had seen him before, just another hot fuck boy, but he was genuinely a good guy and so were Minho and Hyunjin. It surprised you how your feelings on them had done a total 180 since meeting them but you were glad that they did.
"You seem actually happy, it looks good on you" Seungmin patted your head as he made his way further into the apartment.
"I am happy but I'm still a little torn that Nali has ruined her education over a guy who had no interest in her in the first place" you admitted softly.
"It's not sad its fucked up" Jeongin rolled his eyes "who goes after their own friend instead of just talking to them about it?".
"She did talk to me about it, she was just too far gone on Felix to think that I was a threat to her being with him" you shrugged "As if I was the reason they weren't a thing".
"It's stupid and insane really, you are too good for Felix anyway why would she even think he would be interested in you?" Seungmin chucked looking at you while you tried to keep your face neutral.
"I guess because I was the one who answered the door bell camera" you furrowed your brows together "she wouldn't have know about me otherwise".
"I'm sorry you lost friends over this" Jeongin smiled at you sympathetically "but you still have us".
"I would say I gained friends actually" you smiled looking at him fondly. "I didn't know I was going to end up with six more friends who treat me better than the few I lost".
"Yeah I'm pretty sure any of us would look after you now which is a little annoying that we have to share you" Seungmin teased dramatically.
"Uhuh and Hyunjin's the dramatic one" you laughed enjoying that it was back to somewhat normal now.
"Were going out tonight if you want to come?" Jeongin added hopefully.
"Where are you going because that will decide my answer Innie" you teased knowing full well that you would probably still say no.
"Its a house party" Seungmin laughed going into the kitchen as you flopped down on the couch.
"Right, no thanks I don't like drunk frat boys" you rolled your eyes.
"House parties aren't frat parties you know" Jeongin defended "this one is a guy in my faculty he's not a frat guy it will be more low key than that".
"How about I think about it. If its really going to be that small I'll go" you humored him knowing you still didn't want to go but if you were ever going to attend a university party a smaller tamer one was your best option to not get too overwhelmed. Your phone ringing ended the conversation there as you looked to see your mother's picture flash up on your screen.
"Hi mama" you answered still smiling at Jeongin who was disappointed he couldn't keep trying to convince you to go with him.
"You are coming home next week for your semester break" your mother's strict voice loudly announced into your ear making you wince.
"Oh I will need to check my schedule" you blinked opening your laptop.
"Your schedule is empty you will be free to come home you are well aware of the rules we have young lady" she continued loudly her voice changing to a meaner tone.
"I mean my school schedule mama, I can't spend any time with you if I have to study for a test or essay that is in the first week back" you explained swallowing hard.
"Oh, of course your school schedule. That is acceptable" she replied curtly waiting for you to check your calendar. You really didn't want Seungmin or Jeongin to meet your parents in person, you didn't want anyone meeting your parents if you were being honest they could be exceedingly harsh if they weren't happy with something and you didn't want them forcing you to move out or forcing you home again which is why before even starting university you told them you would return for all breaks that you could to ensure a safe separation between them and the rest of your life.
"I have three tests in the first week, a essay worth 25% the following week that I am submitting my second draft tomorrow and then a half year exam so I will need to study full time over the next few weeks mama" you rattled off hoping that would be a good enough excuse to stop them coming.
"I will discuss this with your father than" she snipped "but we did not raise you to be so lazy, you should be ready to submit your final essay by now not a second draft what have you been wasting your time on? Have you gotten a boyfriend? your father will drag you home if you have"
"No mama, I may have let one subject slip slightly but I am currently at the top of three other classes" you defended softly not wanting to upset her further, looking up you saw both Seung and Innie frowning deeply at the conversation you were having making you feel even more ashamed of how lazy you must seem to them.
"Hmm, I guess that will have to do I want you to send your test results through for us to be sure you are working hard enough" she finally huffed hanging up without another word.
"Is that seriously how she speaks to you? like all the time?" Seungmin asked softly his eyes turning sad.
"Yeah but she isn't as harsh as my dad can be, hopefully my test scores will be enough to make them happy again" you smiled weakly fiddling with the cuff of your sweater.
"They shouldn't speak to you like that, they should be proud of you and supportive" Jeongin frowned harder.
"They have always been like this Innie. It is totally fine I'm used to it" you swallowed getting up to go hide in your room for a while. You could almost sense that they were going to start whispering about it and maybe even tell the others and you were a little torn they were your parents, you knew they loved you in their own way even if it was perhaps harder than how other parents love their children.
Sighing you flopped down on your bed and blinked back the tears that almost always came to your eyes when you spoke to your mother. Taking your phone out of your pocket and staring at it you texted the one person who currently made you feel good about yourself.
Felix, are you busy? you typed quickly hoping you weren't interrupting him.
For you I'm always free his reply almost instantly appeared on your screen making you feel a little lighter.
Are you going to the party with Seung and Innie? you typed trying to think up something to talk about with him with so you could have at least a little of his time.
I'm thinking about it, Hyunjin wants to go and Minho has been hooking up with a chick that will be there so probably you weren't sure if that was a good thing or not since you really didn't want to think about Felix with someone else. Are you going?
You weren't going and you already know that but maybe if you did you could spend some more time with him you were mulling over when his next message popped onto the screen I'm not pressuring you promise, you don't have to if you don't want to.
Innie asked me to go but I'm not sure that I should you typed back honestly you didn't want to ruin anyone else's night with your awkwardness.
If you change your mind we can hang out just let me know when you get here. No pressure baby your eyes widened he had never called you baby before, he had never used anything other than your name, you felt a jolt of excitement run through you. If he was wanting more you could at least give him a little more than secret conversations and that one kiss that you had shared that you couldn't stop thinking about.
Rolling off your bed you looked through your closet quickly not having any idea what you should be even wearing to something like a house party, would jean do? were you supposed to dress up? would you need to start on your makeup now so it looked good? With too many questions and not enough experience you decided to bit the bullet and ask Innie what you should wear and let him get stupidly excited that you were going with them. Opening your bedroom door you stuck your head out and saw Seungmin pulling ingredients for dinner out of the fridge and Jeongin sitting on the couch on his phone.
"Hey Innie are you busy?" you smiled hopefully as he turned his head towards you.
"What can't you reach now?" he laughed at you getting up slowly.
"Oh it's not something I can't reach it's just I need a little bit of help with something" you explained quickly while confusion bloomed on his face "I need some help with an outfit".
"You what?" his face lit up as you heard the distinct sound of crashing from the kitchen as you ducked back into your bedroom with Jeongin hot on your heels.
"That means you are coming with us right? Because we are going to have so much fun and the other guys will be there so you have nothing to worry about" Jeongin started rambling throwing open your closet door to look at your options.
"Look this isn't some scene from a drama where you give me a make over I just need some advice that's all" you groaned realizing that this was perhaps a terrible idea.
"So wear your ripped jeans, this cropped shirt and your sneakers" Jeongin instructed looking like he was still in thought "you can wear softer make up to make it look less casual if you want then just a long necklace and maybe some rings".
"Not going for a lot of attention after all" Seungmin laughed from your doorway no doubt finding what you were sure was a dumbfounded expression on your face funny "Can't actually believe you would come with us".
"Well I wasn't going to but then after my mother called I thought maybe it would be a good idea since the semester is over tomorrow and I just lied to her to get out of going home for the break" you admitted softly.
"She really shouldn't talk to you like that and we are both sorry she does" Jeongin patted your hair carefully "You are a far harder worker than either of us and we are still doing well in our classes so you shouldn't feel bad".
"Thank you, when are you going to be leaving?" you asked looking at the clothes on the bed that Innie had chucked there.
"You have pleanty of time we will eat first then go about 9" Seungmin smiled broadly at you.
"I'll tell the other's you are coming so that they are slightly less disgusting than usual" Jeongin joked moving to leave you to get changed.
"No let them have fun I have seen them drunk anyway" you laughed feeling bad for impinging on their night out.
You had eaten and then gotten ready, still feeling a little out of place with the whole idea that you were actually on your way to a party that would have made your parents furious with you after lying about your workload, but the other part of you felt rebellious and free doing something that you knew was so forbidden to you. You hadn't messaged Felix knowing that either Seung or Innie will have told all of them you were coming too so you hope he wouldn't be unhappy to see you. Walking inside a random open front door that had music pumping away was a odd sensation like ignoring all the times you were told not to get into strangers cars but also slightly alarming considering how drunk some people already were making Seung chuckle as he guided you back towards the lounge where the others probably were.
"Woah, so the message was real" Han crowed loudly making Chan and Changbin turn your way as the three of you made your way through the crowd to them.
"Well I couldn't say no forever could I?" you teased easily falling into the comfort of them surrounding you.
"That's true couldn't have you breaking Innie's little heart now could we" Chan laughed easily his dimples on full display and Changbin moved over and patted the arm of the couch he was sitting on.
"Sit, Innie can go get you a drink and we will look after you" Changbin grinned widely making you giggle as you sat on the arm of the couch and Seung sat on the one opposite you next to Han.
"So what quintessential experience is this supposed to be exactly?" you asked sarcastically as Innie handed you a plastic cup filled with soda.
"Well usually it would be getting drunk and hooking up but you aren't going to do either of those things are you?" Seungmin shrugged "So I guess it's laughing at other drunks and making fun of these guys when they strike out"
"Achievable I say" you smirked taking a sip of your drink while Han protested loudly. You hadn't seen Felix, Hyunjin or Minho since you arrived and you thought about texting Felix but decided that you would just wait to see how things went.
"What are you doing for semester break?" Changbin asked bumping his shoulder against your hip.
"I have nothing planned yet" you smiled putting your cup down next to theirs as you turned to look at Changbin while you spoke to him.
"So you aren't going home then?" he tilted his head watching you closely as he spoke.
"No, my parents wanted me to but I told them I need to study for tests that I have first week back" you bit your lip nervously admitting to acting so childishly.
"Then you can spend more time hanging with us! It would be nice to hang out without always having your little bodyguards around" he winked cheekily.
"My bodyguards?" you chuckled confused.
"He means your room mates" Chan grinned raising gesturing to where Seungmin and Jeongin were talking to a couple of girls without moving too far away from you and the others.
"I thought they were your mates?" you raised your eyebrows at them both.
"They are but we thought maybe we could hang out a bit without them get to know you better" Changbin shrugged casually.
"Sure I guess I have to go back to work next week but I'll have free time" you smiled again before you moved to pick your drink up again, you sat sipping at it as you listed to Chan, Changbin and Han talk about random things you saw a familiar face make his way through the people filling up the kitchen, Hyunjin looked like he had come from outside so you pulled out your phone to see if Felix had sent you anything, you started writing the message that you were at the party when you saw Minho getting dragged though the lounge and up the stairs followed by the wolf whistles and cheers of most of the boys in the crowd making you scrunch up your nose in disgust.
"It's only sex" Hyunjin purred as he snuck in beside you.
"Hyunjin!" you squeaked almost dropping your half full cup on Changbin "fuck don't sneak up on people"
"Sorry princess" he laughed heartily at your still scandalized expression and the looks of amusement on the others.
"And its the whole gross cheer squad thing that's ick" you continued glaring at him slightly.
"Oh so if no one cheered you wouldn't care?" his voice was still low and close to your ear.
"I'm sorry to disappoint but I am never going to care where you stick your dick as long as what happened with Nali never happens to me again" you rolled your eyes making Changbin snicker beside you.
"Aw that stings just a little" Hyunjin continued teasing you.
"Sorry I'm just not that into man whores" you shrugged as nonchalantly as you could.
"You tell him tiger" Han cheered laughing at how Hyunjin's eyes widened at your use of their nickname for him Minho and Felix. With all the teasing you almost forgot about Felix not being with them until Hyunjin left to get another drink.
I decided to come to the party if you still want to hang out you sent the message and kept your phone in your hand so you would feel it go off when he answered back but after twenty minutes without an answer you slipped in back into your pocket and excused yourself to find the bathroom.
The bathroom was unfortunately across the hall from the room Minho had found himself in and his lady friend was obviously having a good time from the volume of her voice bouncing off he walls even louder than the music. Rolling your eyes you stepped into the bathroom to find it thankfully empty so you could at least pee without being interrupted, checking your make up you were beginning to feel a little disappointed that Felix hadn't answered you and perhaps didn't want to waste his time with you, straightening you hair you unlocked the door to find yourself watching Felix's figure emerging from a room a pretty brunette leading the way down the stairs making you realize why he hadn't seen your message. Gulping down the pain that began radiating from your chest you made your way down the stairs slowly as to avoid as many people as possible before heading back towards the others.
"You alright?" Chan instantly asked him and Changbin the ones who had obviously drawn the short straws and were your designated babysitters.
"Actually I'm going to head home, I still don't like parties" you smiled tightly as Chan stood up to step round the table towards you "I can get myself home Chan stay, have fun and I'll see you guys around" you quickly turned walking back out the front door passed Seung and Innie who didn't notice you go.
You walked into the front terrace and saw Felix cigarette dangling from his fingers as he talked to Hyunjin and the collection of girls who were hanging around them, watching as Minho returned looking triumphant but alone to join them taking the cigarette from Felix and putting it to him lips. You closed your eyes for a moment and continued your walk out of the apartment block alone wrapping your arms around yourself to keep yourself warm and cursing yourself for not bringing a jumper but also for going in the first place, yes it had been nice to talk to the boys but you could have done that anywhere and it would have been easier then knowing that although he said he wanted to know you he was still happy to fuck whoever came his way while pretending you held his interest. You were angry at yourself for letting your heart think for you when you logically knew that as a fuck boy he was never going to care about you.
You were so lost in your head you completely missed the collection of drunk guys that were leaning against the wall of the outside of the terrace, looking like they had had at least four too many each until you were just passed them and too close to avoid them.
"Hey pretty baby where you going?" he slurred grabbing your arm and swinging you back to look at him, he was taller than you but the way he leaned over you made you feel even smaller in that moment.
"Please let go of me" you asked voice shaking trying to stay assertive and failing as he cracked a twisted grin.
"I don't think I will pretty girl" he got even closer, his breath reeked of cheap beer and his clothes stank with body odor.
"I think you will if you want to keep that hand" Felix growled making the guy flinch and let go of you "That's what I thought tough when you think its easy for you a coward when you will lose" you began rubbing your forearm to try to make the pain go away.
"Preying on girls half your size...tsk" Hyunjin smirked as Minho flanked Felix's other side
"Should we teach him a lesson?" Minho drawled lazily his face expressionless "I think it's an arm for an arm don't you darling" the guy paled further realizing that you did know them and you weren't scared of them.
"Felix don't' you whispered as he took you arm gently in his hands to look over any injury you had.
"You sure? any of us could take him by ourselves you don't have to worry about it" he muttered not wanting to alert the idiot in front of you.
"He isn't worth it" you mumbled "I just want to go home".
"I'll get you back to your place" he smiled before switching back to his normal self "I'm getting her home take care of the trash for me boys" he smirked at the guy before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walking you away. Once you got to the end of the block Felix let you go so that you were no longer sandwiched to his side.
"Thank you" you smiled shyly shivering slightly from the cold now that he wasn't as close to you.
"Shit are you cold?" he asked quickly shrugging out of his leather jacket and helping you put it on even though it was far too big for you.
"I'm alright, but shouldn't you go back to the party before someone misses you" You almost winced suddenly remembering what you had seen earlier.
"No ones going to miss me" he grinned staying close to your side as you continued walking.
"Not even that girl you were with upstairs?" you weren't meaning to ask him at all let alone blurt it out like that but your mouth had acted faster than your brain had.
"Huh?" he stopped walking grabbing your had to stop you to as he pulled you gently to face him "What are you talking about?".
"I saw you when I was coming out of the bathroom leaving a bedroom with a pretty dark haired girl, I'm not judging I swear, I just thought you would probably be more interested in going home with her than me" you swallowed hard trying to not let any emotion cross your face.
"Oh her! we weren't doing anything together I swear she wants Hyunjin not me and I told her I was taken anyway" He explained his eyes not leaving yours "I told her that although I would love to help her make Hyunjin jealous I have a girlfriend now and I couldn't but that Minho probably would".
You nodded swallowing hard before turning back towards the direction you were walking so not only were you wrong about him hooking up you were wasting your time on him while he was actively seeing someone else.
"Maybe you should get back to your girlfriend then Felix" You sighed tugging your wrist free from his grip and starting to walk again.
"For someone so damn smart you are pretty dense" he groaned catching up with you instantly and grabbing your hand intertwining his fingers with yours "I was talking about you".
"What?" You stuttered out looking at him wide eyed.
"It's easier for me to say I've got a girlfriend then tell them no so they don't get upset, but it also means that while we get to know each other you know I'm serious" he continued smiling "because I want to get to know you".
"But what about when people ask you about your girlfriend?" you asked surprise still coloring your voice.
"Then I will tell them she is beautiful, kind and the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet" he hummed softly raising your hand to his lips and placing a kiss on your knuckles.
"Felix" you bit your lip as he lowered your hand but kept it in his grasp.
"Besides maybe you will want to give me a chance once you decide if I'm more than just a man whore" he smirked playfully.
a/n: Thank you for reading and your continued support of my work I cannot tell you how much it means to me. As always I cherish your comments, reblogs and likes and love you eternally xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @bakedlilgoonie, @shiy, @is2cb97, @beautifulixr, @skyhold-tara, @army-stay-noel, @skizzel-reblogs, @facelesswrittes, @animehideout, @mrsseals16, @honey-pop, @fawnpeaks, @leeknowinggg, @uno7, @seungminluv3, @obeythemasters, @tanzen-ist-gold,
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
What does the not-friend group think of Sabito?
giyuu obviously loves sabito a whole lot. they're the best of friends. he's very nervous about being sabito's sort-of-caretaker now that he's a demon and kind of needs to be hidden from people. but giyuu's also kind of dealing with sabito's turn into a demon worse than sabito himself and is banking his entire mental stability on turning sabito back into a human. he's a little bit codependent
kanae was initially cautious about sabito (as you would be upon meeting any demon, no matter how friendly they supposedly were), but basically the moment she realizes that sabito really is a Good Demon, she's all in on becoming best friends with him. something about his existence is just . it gives her so much hope. hope for what demons could be. (arguably, maybe too much hope. she ought to be more careful or i'll write her another tragic death, but on-screen this time)
shinobu doesn't really know how to feel about sabito. she's distrustful of him at the start, but she's rational enough to recognize that he really is harmless towards humans. so she's generally nice to him, but she still finds mr fox boy sort of off-putting
despite his brother's relative faith in sabito, kyoujurou still didn't really trust the demon for a while! after all, it's a demon's nature to want to hurt and kill and eat people! he doesn't say it because he loves his brother, but kyoujurou thinks senjurou's a bit stupid for trusting sabito. but all it takes is one mission together for kyoujurou to realize that sabito's not only a genuinely good dude, but he's also Very strong. kyoujurou ends up dragging him over to train together a handful of times and ultimately decides that sabito's also very fun to be around. they get on like a house on fire. (kyoujurou also maybe goes to his brother afterwards and is like "hey, i'm sorry i thought you were stupid" and senjurou, heartbroken, goes "you thought i was stupid????")
gyoumei was initially distrusting of sabito, but with his teacher's (genya's) approval of the guy, and eventual proof that sabito's not bad, he decides that he's fine with the kid. they don't interact much, but if ever gyoumei encounters a weird fox that feels a bit too much like a demon, he'll give it a little pet before moving on
look. see, here's the thing. sanemi kind of has this thing where he cannot let himself believe that any demon could do any good. because if he follows that train of thought, it'll lead him to the ultimate realization that he murdered his mother for no reason when she could've been saved and reasoned with. and sanemi can't have that particular breakdown, so he hates sabito on principle. because fuck demons, am i right?
obanai has never encountered a demon who wasn't terrible awful. and in his mind, he never will. because sabito is also terrible awful and obanai Does Not like or trust him. nothing more to say than that
tengen thinks the fox boy is kind of scrawny, but pretty flashy! he definitely approves, even if he's not usually a fan of demons. honestly they don't really interact much.
and sabito interacts with kaigaku even less. kaigaku's kind of on the fence about sabito. he's heard good things from both zenitsu and tengen, but also sabito is a whole ass demon. kaigaku sometimes finds himself almost envious of sabito. all the power of a demon without any of the hunger. the guy's not even an actual demon slayer and yet he's allowed to follow around the goddamn sun hashira on missions. if kaigaku was a demon- ah, well. he's not, so it doesn't really matter
mitsuri thinks sabito's kind of really cool! he's a demon, which made him kinda scary at first, but then he turned out to be a good demon which is crazy but also super cool! he's a genuinely kind guy and really strong, too! mitsuri properly met him when he started hanging out with kyoujurou, and so the three of them tend to hang out all together! also, very important tidbit: his fox form is so fucking fluffy!!!!!!!!!
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jack-ackles · 11 months
[True Beauty]
Warning: han seojun and hwang in yeop fans are requested to NOT read this 🤫
please tell me that it's not only me who finds han seo jun annoying. like,, boy you know that girl doesn't like you, she likes your friend and he likes her too, they love each other and desrve to be together.
then in the end, the way writers made him some kind of sacrificial hero for "giving up" on jukyung and "letting her go" to suho.. when she was never HIS to "give up".... ooooh so fucking sad isn't it?
i hate that majority of posts, tweets etc under true beauty hashtags are about how fucking cool, miserable and heartbroken seo jun because the girl he liked didnt love him back all while jukyung went through hell and back with her journey of self love and body positivity, suho literally lost half of his family and had to suffer so much but ohhhh look, the self appointed kabab me haddi is the show stealer here.
it really really really doesn't help that hwang in yeop just contiues to do roles where he is the miserable second lead who doesnt get the girl (18 again, sound of magic) and now he will play the character of he zi qui in the remake of the chinese drama go ahead where he zi qui was miserable and suffered alot and didn't get the girl (mostly because he ziqui never liked jianjian in a romantic way but his insecurities were eating him up when he found out jian jian and ling xiao were together and not to forget, the major part of go ahead drama was focused on jian jian's father and whole family trying to tell hi zi qui he was the part of family and not outsider and helping him to overcome his insecurities and fear of abandonment.) and you know WHAT? i am TIRED of seeing this actor in these heartbroken second lead roles.. like, PICK A BETTER SCRIPT DAMMIT!!! i'll have to see 1000 more reels of people crying that how his character deserved better, and others are just side characters in their own show because mr. i-am-miserable-because-the-girl-i-like-doesnt-like-me-back deserves better 💁🏻‍♀️
i just can't understand why this guy cant go for different roles and not just the same one again n again. he should try main roles. it definitely is not like he is having shortage of options cuz he prolly is in demand after true beauty. idk how am i supposed to enjoy the go ahead remake with his miserable ass face on screen again.
coming back to the main point: i can't, just can't understand why tf han seo jun is so fucking overrated when he is literally like every other second lead ever! you cannot go through any suho-jukyung content without people crying "but han seojun🥺" under it. this over hyping only makes his character even more annoying because people romanticize him so much that they just make up delusional narratives about how he was better than suho etc etc etc.
han seo jun is likable and cute when you don't have annoying people inserting him everywhere and crying about him. the overhype just repulses me alot.
phewww. i have been wanting to say this all since a long time cuz i am annoyed as fuck seeing han seojun everywhere overhyped to the point that people sideline suho-the actual main lead and downplay everything about him. and also say shit about jukyung.. like, leave my baby alone it's not her problem the kabab me haddi was stubborn. this all just gets on my nerves after one point because not matter how much you try to avoid it.. these things just comes back to haunt you when you try to ignore them.
i just wanted to let it out.
thank you for reading my rant.
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Hi!! I have a maybe weird fruit salad for you 🍍🫐🥝
Hi Kate! Hope you’re having a good week so far! I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner - I didn’t get a notification when you sent it (because dumblr) and then yesterday flew by in a span of 10 minutes (aka 24 hours) BUT I’m here now and I happen to believe that no fruit salad is a weird fruit salad. So thank you for my bowl of pineapples, blueberries and kiwis.
🍍What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
So I used to be a somewhat picky reader when it came to AUs. But lately I’ll give anything a chance - even if it’s something that doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be my thing - because as long as the writing is good and the characterization is done well, any AU can make sense and make a good story.
I’m not sure that I’ve ever read a coffee shop AU, because that used to be one that I’d avoid in my picky days (why? Idk? I love coffee?) but it’s not that I have beef with it anymore I just haven’t gotten around to righting that wrong yet.
I am and always have been a sucker for anything with a magical element, though. Magical, mythological, mystical AUs will always pull me in. Give me witches and monsters and merpeople and powers and abilities and visions and all that jazz.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I think one of the most underrated things in this fandom is when writers take a character who has basically no screen time or canon background and turn them into a fully fleshed character who lives and breathes and loves and has flaws and motivations. It’s the way creators will see a character from a music video or a wine commercial or an SNL skit and make him into a whole man with a whole life. Like the imagination and creativity needed to make something from nothing but scraps?? It’s the Chopped Champions of fanfic. It’s like “okay writers, you’ve got 3 short scenes, 2 lines of dialogue, a pair of glasses and a smirk, create a masterpiece” and then they DO? 🤯
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I think the things that I tend to write the most would fall under the umbrella of fix-it fics, because usually what inspires me to write for a character is some kind of tragedy or heartbreak that I want to undo or give context to. That character isn’t dead, he’s actually alive and well. That character isn’t heartbroken and alone, he’s actually in a really healthy relationship with himself and his partner. That character doesn’t have to face his past or future alone, actually he’s got family to support him and a cat to sit on his lap.
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c0rinarii · 2 months
Gonna recompile some thoughts about the 13SAR characters now that im past midpoint!
Juro: Oh its getting juicy.... unfortunately my boy is still as intresting as a plank of sheet wood but im intrested to see if his character goes anywhere outside of the Kyuta stuff going on. Im also sorry i ever suggested to u to make out with Kyuta.
Iori: SHE'S SO FUNNY.... I aspire to have even an inch of her whimsy and dedication to being so #normal. I too would like to confess to my weird as hell crush disregarding the fact he's a dangerous fugitive. Girl of All Time
Shuu: Frat bot facade is slowly starting to crumble and im here to see it. Uncover the truth, gayboy‼️
Megumi: I FEEL SO SORRY FOR U GIRL.... 😭 May you find peace in the future but its an overall shitty situation to be in. truly have her in my thoughts and prayers
Natsuno: I WAS SO HEARTBROKEN TO SEE HER WHIMSY FADE AWAY ONCE SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF THE KAIJU 😭😭 I love that she managed to maintain her optimism despite the awful situation she's been put in though. Still a joy to see pop up on the screen
Keitaro: HE REALLY IS A GOOD BOY... He's just trying his best and i love him for that. You'll save everyone you care about i promise [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND TAKATOSHI!! I SWEAR]
Takatoshi: Boys be fighting demons and demons is bisexuality. I enjoy him a Regular amount and i appreciate seeing his himboisms so much in the game. I never want to seem him That sad again [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND KEITARO!! I SWEAR]
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Yuki: MY PRINCE.... MY SHINING STUD‼️‼️ I love her a very normal ammount and seeing her slowly uncover the truth is nice to see. Definetily much smarter than she think she is.
Gouto: The fact that he is ong for real Ryoko's government assigned boyfriend is the funniest thing to come out of the game so far. He's still gated behind a huge completion milestone but so far i feel like he's trying to make sense of the situation the best he can. Unlike Tomi though, he's very scared of the circumstances of if he disobeys orders, i think.
Ryoko: She's been such a mood so far that i now think of her with her hands on her head when i stress about my uni deadlines. Im so sorry for Ida being anywhere near her life. She should get a wife to kiss and heal her. I give her full permission to kill anyone who breaks her heart. My snarky queen
Ei: HE ACTUALLY GREW ON ME I CANT BELIEVE IT. He really reminds me if the cool rivals with a soft spot you'd see in shonen anime and I cant be too mad at that. I enjoy how taciturn he can be too.
Nenji: HE'S ACTUALLY SUCH A SWEETHEART... knowing that he was childhood friends with Miwako really made me like him more (esp with how he treats her!) Loveable idiot.
Tomi: MY MUTUAL... OOMF IN ARMS... #GIRL IN LAW. Literally love how's she's written her personality is so so colorful. She has definitely said some out of pocket shit on twitter before and ill defend her with my life.
Miwako: I WILL WRITE YOU INTO RELEVANCY MYSELF‼️‼️There is so much oppurtunity to write her as one of the 15. LET THEM BE 16‼️‼️ HER "easy to develop crushes" SELF CAN BE MADE INTO SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER TO THE NARRATIVE RAUGHHH
Chihiro: I can see she's really trying her best to save everyone from the kaiju and seems to resort to any means neccesary to do so... i appreciate the effort despite the uh. [gestures] unethical treatment towards minors ig
Ida: EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY UR FAULT. I CANT BELIEVE IT. This would be half the disaster if you learnt how to sod it with ur selfish desires i swear.
Kyuta, Not-Tamao, 426, Izumi: I CLOCKED UR SHIT, SNEAKY BITCH. I dont trust a word you say. """"Means well"""" in the end i think but has way more messed up ways to go around it compared to Morimura
Miyuki: So far looking like the only person willing to help these kids in a way that would not give them severe trauma. Rooting for u girl.
[No thoughts on Tamao since i consider Erika as 426]
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solarsonicsoda · 3 months
Rebbie's Wrestling Show Reviews - RevPro: Live in Southampton 28 (11/2/2024)
For the first time since I started this whole blog, I went to a live wrestling show! So I thought, why not give a brief review. This was one of RevPro’s weekly shows, and the go-home before High Stakes in Crystal Palace (which I am also attending!!!), so for those unfamiliar with these bigger indies, it's essentially their version of a tv taping. These shows and their big shows are all available on RevPro OnDemand. The company is known for a strong relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, being where they send trainees on excursion and in the past frequently seeing major NJPW stars hold the British Heavyweight Title.
These shows are a breeze for me to reach down at The 1865 in Southampton, and always feature a pretty lairy crowd. It's a music venue, with the stage featuring some chairs with a few more on most sides of the ring. Wrestlers enter through a small walkway in the far corner of the building with a projected screen on the stage. It's an intimate and ever so slightly awkward venue, but I absolutely love it, and it's so easy to attend. Without further ado, let's get into the show, as the ever wonderful Francesca introduced the action.
Robbie X def. Joshua James by pinfall in 11:54
This was a really hot match to start things off. Robbie X is really popular with this RevPro crowd, and he earns it by always putting on a show. He’s facing Mustafa Ali in Crystal Palace, which is sure to be a highlight. On this night though, he was up against Joshua James, one of the Contenders. These are essentially the RevPro own guys. Something I love about RevPro crowds is how much they get behind the Contenders. They’re one of our own! Both men got a great reaction, and this was an awesome big vs small match. Josh James had a great power game on display, and Robbie is an awesome seller, so this went really well. It was never slow, just all action, and maybe my favourite match of the night in the end. Robbie is able to get the win when he hits the Handspring Cutter out of a James pounce, which was a counter of a previous handspring cutter attempt. That was pretty fun! The night is off to a great start!
I feel it pertinent to mention it here as James sported the memorial armband and t-shirt, but this is the first show I’ve seen since Mad Kurt sadly passed away late last year. Mad Kurt was on the first few shows I saw in The 1865, and made an immediate impression. I’d known him from Twitter and had no idea what to expect from his wrestling, and I was charmed by his mixture of silly comedy and serious wrestling acumen. I was heartbroken by the news, and I’m so sorry to all those who knew him for their loss. There were multiple tributes to him throughout, and he is extremely missed. Mad Kurt Forever. If you want to support his family monetarily for the various costs in this trying time, you can do so via the GoFundMe here.
“Flash” Morgan Webster def. Will Kaven via pinfall in 10:12
The Modfather, one half of the British Tag Team Champions with Mark Andrews/Dani Luna, takes on Will Kaven of… PORTSMOUTH?! For those unaware, Portsmouth is the next city over from Southampton, so Kaven always gets a strong reaction from us Southampton fans… Portsmouth is actually more local to me originally than Southampton but shhh don't tell anyone!! This is another good match, a pair of guys who can mix high flying with a more grounded game, and we see all sides of that in this one. Webster is highly popular, and Kaven is highly unpopular, and it makes for a fun match. I think the crowd may have been a smidge tired here, but they still had plenty of energy! Webster gets the win with the Shadows Over Malice swanton bomb.
Anthony Ogogo def. David Francisco by TKO in 14:52
Speaking of loving the Contenders, here’s David Francisco! We love David in RevPro, and the big man from Portugal was just as popular on this night. There was even a great chant I don't think I’d heard before of “Francisco” replacing “You are gold” in Spandau Ballet’s Gold. That’s inspired! His opponent was AEW’s Anthony Ogogo, the former Olympic bronze medallist boxer. For some reason, he still has The Factory’s logo on his jacket despite the group disbanding almost a year ago. This one was all about Ogogo, and he worked well as a heel, jibing back and forth with the crowd who had lots of banter for the “Pound Shop David Haye” as they chanted. He had a pretty good match with Francisco, who was predictably over like rover, and had a few nearfalls that could have been an upset. In the end though, despite showing resilient including a subtle rope break that fooled Ogogo, Francisco was knocked out, with the Union Jack being draped on him by the olympian. Fun if unremarkable match.
Post-match, Ogogo got on the mic, bragging about his big American house, fighting with the crowd (including a passing fan and his middle finger), and most importantly, deriding Ricky Knight Jr. for being “cocky”. However, RKJ was actually here, and he met Ogogo in the ring! They had a war of words, with RKJ again challenging Ogogo for High Stakes. He promises to take all the vision in Ogogo’s damaged eye. Both men invoke the names of each other's families, and it’s when Ogogo says RKJ’s newborn daughter takes after him in being “butters, mate” as he put it that we get a big brawl. The backstage area clears out to seperate them, with great difficulty, but they are eventually split, with Ogogo seemingly going out the wrong door. I say this because during the next match, he quietly trots from there to the entrance way and heads to the back. 
Luke Jacobs def. Yuto Nakashima by pinfall in 12:17
Beef! This is a clash of two big men, and the crowd were excited. We have here the first wrestler on the card that I’ve never seen in any capacity, that being Yuto Nakashima! One half of Young Blood passed me a few times pre-show and he is a big guy! Off the bat, love his vibe! A lot of personality and aura from him, as he enters with a big chain and wild hair. Jacobs also heads to the ring and looks in great shape! These two started a little slow in my opinion, but they ramped up and this one got pretty good by the end! Big strikes, and the highlights were some gnarly headbutts as these two had a colossal tussle. This also saw one of my favourite spots they do at these RevPro shows, as they cleared the chairs in front of me for Yuto to throw Jacobs clattering through them. Jacobs is able to secure the win in the end though, hitting Yuto with a great lariat. I was even further sold on Yuto with his post match sell, as he stumbled wildly all the way to the back, falling into the crowd and ring multiple times. He was also prone to a dance any chance he got the whole show long, and I love him for that.
This brought an end to the first half of the show, bringing a short intermission. Ogogo made conversation near the bar and took a few photos with fans, and Sha Samuels & Morgan Webster joined the merch table, taking photos and selling their wares. I was able to meet them both, and bought a shirt and print from Webster, despite some hassle with my card! I forgot to get a photo though, so I’ll have to see them again at another show! Both were lovely and shortly after that, our second half began.
Oskar Leube vs. JJ Gale ended in a no contest in 9:57
We came back with the other half of Young Blood taking on the other half of the High Stakes match between Luke Jacobs and JJ Gale. This match was really fun! This was my first time seeing Leube, and I was extremely impressed with his work. The man walked past me a couple times during the show and he is TALL. He uses that size well in the ring but is really smooth with everything he does. JJ Gale was a great opponent for him too, using his quickness to build a pretty cool match. Sadly, this one ended pretty quickly with a no contest, as Mark Trew & Kieron Lacey attacked both men, even wielding chairs. Yuto returns to help his partner, but he’s overwhelmed by the tag team. In the end, it’s Luke Jacobs who clears the way, wanting Gale at his best for the big show the following week. They end up brawling anyway though, as Young Blood stand off with Trew & Lacey.
Mark Trew & Kieron Lacey def. Harry Milligan & Michael Oku (w/ Amira) by pinfall in 13:42
Trew & Lacey are already in the ring as the following match gets announced, with their opponents meeting them for their match. There’s a big “Mad Kurt” chant to start this one, which was touching. This was a decently fun match, with the champion and his younger ally contesting with the nefarious Trew & Lacey. Trew losing his beanie also elicits a big reaction from this crowd. This one is moving along decently enough, until Trew & Lacey bring Amira into the path of Oku’s shooting star press over the top rope to the outside. Amira’s down, and a distraught Oku carries her to the back for attention… Bit of an odd move to choose for that spot if you ask me, but who am I to judge? But Trew & Lacey capitalised off this numbers advantage to get the win over Milligan. Post-match, Young Blood take their chance to strike as Trew & Lacey continue to beat up Milligan. This brings out Oku, who’s keeping an eye on Young Blood. Leube gets on the mic and demands a tag team match at High Stakes! Exciting stuff.
Cameron Khai def. Richard Holliday by pinfall in 12:59
We were breathing rarefied air next, when Richard Holliday from Connecticut, America came to the ring. He grabbed the mic from Francesca and began to introduce himself. He says he’s familiar with our game as a UK crowd, and said if we want to get ourselves over, we have to make a chant for him. He isn’t pleased with the crowd’s chants of “Dick”, saying he thought we were more original than that, as he finds one fan willing to sing his praises in song form. Sadly, I can’t for the life of me recall what the song is called, so you’ll just have to imagine the tune. It’s here that Holliday’s foe comes out: Cameron Khai! Khai is a really talented young wrestler who I’ve seen a couple times now, and he has had some absolutely great matches. One to watch for the future as he develops further! This is a decent match, but I think it’s pretty heavily overrun by fan chants. They were certainly entertaining though! Chants of “Dick Vacation” anger Holliday, as well as “You’ve got one fan, and he’s shit!” chants. There’s a fun moment as Holliday does some corner strikes, each punctuated by a call of “You’re not shit” directed at his loyal fan. What a heel! Not all of the chants were great though, you can imagine some of the humour derived from Richard’s first name. The chants really did distract from the in-ring action though, which I can’t imagine was desired. The finish comes when Khai is able to roll up Holliday with a small package pin for the win. Holliday sulks in the ring post-match, refusing to leave, which is a thread we’ll come back to shortly. 
Seeing Holliday for the first time, I was pretty impressed with his charisma. You can definitely see the comparisons to his former tag partner MJF in his promo skills. He was solid in the ring too, definitely doing his part for the match. Sadly, his promo riling up got out of hand. Excited to see what more he can do though!
Spike Trivet def. Sha Samuels by pinfall in 14:17
Richard Holliday is still in the ring as Francesca announces our main event, which comes with a small video package and everything! How fancy! It’s Sha Samuels intervention that ousts Holliday, with the East End Butcher clearing him from the ring with his entrance. Holliday lingers outside, seeming unhappy with this from Samuels. Trivet is out next, being understandably booed for being Spike Trivet. This grudge match, built from Trivet’s general attitude and attacking Samuels at Uprising, is a decent match! A fun spot is Samuels going to use his scarf, which the referee takes away, but Samuels using this chance to use his braces on Trivet. He gets as good as he gives! There’s some back and forth decent stuff, until Holliday returns to the ring side area. Samuels takes exception to this, as does the referee, which allows Trivet the chance to grab a weapon from the earlier discovered toolbox, and get the win over Samuels. 
Post match, Holliday and Trivet argue over beating up Samuels, before they decide to both do it. This brings out Cameron Khai and Flash Morgan Webster to even the odds, with all 5 men brawling all over the place! Right in front of me, Webster and Trivet went flying into the merch section! I couldn’t follow it all! It was a pretty fun ending after a few matches with a little less pizazz. Samuels ends the show on the mic cursing out his enemies.
With our show over, I went over to the merch table once again, this time getting a signed print from JJ Gale, where I had to get his PayPal for payment as I had no cash, as well as meeting Young Blood. The pair of them were lovely, and I actually remembered to get a selfie with them! I also bought a signed print of Yuto, as they only took cash and I only had £5. They better come back to Southampton so I can get a signed print with Oskar!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this was a pretty fun show. I’ve certainly seen bigger barnburners on these Southampton live shows, but this was good fun ahead of High Stakes. There wasn’t too much build to the big show, but look, I had fun. What more do you want from me? I think this show gets a high 3 STARS OUT OF 5 from me!
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hairrington · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me ranting about Stancy because I'm heated.
First of all fuck the writers for how they simply made Steve's entire character being solely Nancy's love interest again. They destroyed literally all his development in a matter of minutes. Stancy wouldn't be half as bad if he had something else going on. Like his relationship with Dustin was so sidelined this season because of this, it's disgusting that we never got a heartfelt scene with both of them. They didn't even hug before splitting up, we deserved to see Steve comforting Dustin after Eddie's death. We deserved to see him mourning Max and feeling helpless, because his character was set up to be the protector of the group, we deserve to see his trauma being taken seriously for once.
The Duffers say they love Steve but they never give him any moments outside of being heartbroken about a girl he hasn't interacted with in years. Please let him move on for fucks sake. Let him be a real character and not just a punching bag, let us see how he deals with his physical and emotional scars. Literally he gets beaten to almost death every season but is supposed to be fine? His trauma is so fucking overlooked I'm tired. Like Joe Keery is a capable actor he could bring so much more to the table if the Duffers would actually care about Steve.
I liked how he talked about his dreams for once but the fact that they made it about Nancy is fucking disgusting and insane. She was about to reject him again I'm sure, the way she looked at him. Plus omg his dream of having a huge family is Nancy's biggest nightmare. If they really make Stancy happen in s5 I'll throw up. They are not compatible. Nancy's dream is about her career and adventure, while Steve wants to settle. This is a recipe for disaster. If they were to end up together they would resent each other in the future.
Like I hate how Jancy still doesn't communicate but at least Jonathan knows what Nancy truly wants and he's scared of losing her in the process. However the way they ended this season they truly set up Nancy to possibly do the same thing to Jonathan like she did to Steve I'm so disgusted.
Steve got rejected twice now please let him move on I'm gonna cry he deserves so much more than this. I don't understand the decision of bringing Stancy back when he canonical was over her in s3. He deserves love and respect and finally being the first choice. He doesn't find this in Nancy. The happiest we have ever seen him was around Robin and Dustin, he deserves someone who shares such characteristics and who's down to settle with him.
If you ever were to write a fix it fic I'm so down to read it because I trust you more to get his character right than the show writers.
+ Also him saying he always imagined a future with her. Boy it’s been years let her go. Like she’s been dating Jonathan for a lot longer. I feel like Steve is holding on to her cause she was his first love but at certain point you have to let her go. Nancy is just going back and forth at this point. I hope this speech was Steve finally cutting the cord and getting himself some closure so he can fully move on. Like say you weee the right girl at the wrong time and move on. I also don’t understand how Nancy was the thump on the head. Like they were together after he was an asshole to her and he changed for her. So clearly he wasn’t at fault she just didn’t love him
THANK YOU!!! I SEE NOTHING BUT FACTS. it was so randomly thrown together and SUCH a waste of plot and screen-time!!! i feel like they wanted some sort of romance or angst and did it in the silliest and most wasteful way possible!!!
and on top of everything, when jonathan asked if they were okay, i just KNEW nancy was gonna be lie and be like "yeah!" it's getting to be so predictable and frustrating 😭
omg thank you!!! 🥺 i am VERY tempted to write a fix-it fic where both steve and nancy get the ending they deserve!!!
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rakuya-nikki · 11 months
Mushoku Tensei - Entry #9
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I just spent the past few days rewatching Season 1 of Mushoku Tensei, and then watching the first episode of Season 2, which had only released yesterday.
Man, what a show.
It's... such a difficult show to talk about. It's one of the few series I genuinely can't bring myself to give anything lower than a 10/10 for, and yet, it's also a series I feel like I can't — or, rather, shouldn't recommend to anyone else.
It's a hard watch, sometimes. Some scenes can be genuinely difficult to sit through, and in this most recent watch through, I genuinely had to look away in embarrassment at times. I feel like anyone not used to "anime bullshit" would write this show off as something truly terrible. Pedophilic fantasy fulfillment, even. And I couldn't say they're wrong to think that.
Yet... the show is seriously so much more. If you're able to just ignore the weird jokes it sometimes makes (of which, is more scarce than you might be led on to think), you can see so much. Gorgeous art and animation. Immaculate world building. Incredible pacing. Actual growth.
Growth, that's the thing. We don't cut to Rudeus being 16 and being OP and surrounded in his own harem. He starts from infancy, and while there are plenty of time skips, they're never big enough to leave huge gaps. You always know what he's doing, how he's using his time to live and grow and experience. It really makes it all feel so personal, so immersive. The idea that his "superpower" in this world is having high cognitive function at infancy, which allowed him to take advantage of the time to learn things no other child could, just feels so natural, and so well used here.
And it's also through that that we get the sense that this story isn't taking the "past life NEET" idea lightly. They're not trying to let the NEETS watching/reading live out their fantasies, per se. It's an actual plot device, something that has given Rudeus trauma, and affects him.
It's why I give patience to his perversion. Even if anime things are anime things, I've heard a lot by now that this is something he'll learn to grow through and make up for. "We're in it for the long haul," or so I hear a lot. And, even if small and gradual, I see that in the first season. His tiny bits of growth. The ways he was traumatized, the way the effects of that trauma changed him, the way his shut-in lifestyle, and really that lifestyle in general, can warp someone's perception of the world.
Everything the show does makes it feel so real, and so natural. That's why it's immersive, being one of the most immersive shows I've ever seen. The world building, like I mentioned earlier, goes so far. So many things are just... in the background. Not pointed out or given anything more than a few seconds of screen time. Things that, in the original light novel, may have more purpose, but generally just serve as to make the world feel more rich. The languages, too, as far as I've heard, are actually, like... real languages. Not real as in they're from real life, but real as in they have, like... structure? Consistency?
And the characters are just so... amazing. I love everyone so much. They feel so human, so unique. Eris, Roxy, Ruijerd, just so many characters that are depicted so well. Eris is the standout, so far. The growth she goes through in the show is incredible, and she's such a fun, enjoyable, interesting character. It also makes me really feel the heartbreak when she separates from Rudeus at the end of Season 1. Like, I genuinely feel heartbroken when the Dead End squad splits up.
It's hard. I wanna gush about this show to all my friends, but... I really don't think my friends should ever come anywhere near this show. It still has yet to reach a point in the anime where Rudeus really starts to concretely redeem his horniness, and frankly by the time that does happen, his pedophilic actions will have already happened and been depicted in the show. For a lot of people, not only is that unforgivable in nature, but it's not something they'd want to see at all. And I understand that, 100%. If anything, I worry that I'm weird for being able to still love the show.
But I do. I really do love this show, so, so much. It's one of few shows that I've rewatched more than twice now. Something about everything just draws me in like nothing else. It really is the godfather of the Isekai genre. Granted, Isekai is a bit of a guilty pleasure anyways, but this one actually has structure, it has meaning, and it has beauty. There's a world in this story. A world where things happen. Where people change and grow. Where people die. Where people separate.
I'm not sure what it says about me that I'm able to ignore the weird shit and still love it, but that's just how it is. I really just can not wait to see more episodes, now. Every week is going to be filled with anticipation, waiting for the new one to drop.
I gush about One Piece and other things all the time, so I guess keeping this passion bundled up couldn't hurt.
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berestweys · 2 years
Kinnporsche Rewatch - Episode 3
Summary: Paranoid fashionista gains confidence in himself by learning to party. Meanwhile, a boy who owns many bathrobes saves the boy who’s supposed to be saving him.
Favorite Line: “I’m sad I’ve done everything that I hate today.”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Shows Tankhun porn. Takes him to a bar when he’s not supposed to leave the house. Practices his butt off to get better at bodyguard activities. As a result, gets a begrudging compliment from Chan! Ultimate victory! Pulls everyone including Kinn into a dance competition.
Why is Chay crying? Chay remains absent from the plot.
Woe is Big: Forced to guard Kim, who they both know doesn’t need any sort of protection, Big is mocked for his devotion to Kinn. Kim offers to sing him “a heartbroken song.” Kim is a sociopath, unlike pinnacle-of-humanity-Kinn. Big does not deserve this disrespect! Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: Stroking his stuffed toy’s arm in a suggestive way while shrieking repeatedly during the porn show. Reveals he’s a dancing machine once Porsche finally convinces him to go to Yok’s bar.  
A Woman Speaks: Yok, dressed in all black and looking smoother than ever, parties with the boys all night.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Pete’s not eating but he is doing shots! Provided by Porsche and paid for by Tankhun. Ends his evening curled up in Yok’s lap like a little kitten.
Vegas Report: WAAAAHHHHHHHH No Vegas 
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Kinn inexplicably appears while Tankhun, Pol, Arm, and Porsche have the porn going. Why? Could it be he missed Porsche too much and had to check on him?  Pfffft no way. Later he notices Porsche’s discomfort while they’re beating up Mes, and has Pete remove Porsche from the room. Instead of hiding behind Porsche like he’s supposed to do when he’s in danger, Kinn pulls Porsche out of the line of fire, saving his life for the second time while risking his own. Rejects his boytoy because he can’t stop thinking about Porsche, and again goes to find him and tends his wound. It’s only Episode 3, but Kinn is already so gone.
VegasPete: Hmmph. :/  
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. Kim is here, but he hasn’t met Chay. He was mean to Big so I’m not inclined to give a shit about him yet.
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 0
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 0
Kisses: FINALLY!!!! Kinn and Porsche’s first kiss is on the dock, harking back to that one time when Porsche jumped off a boat in a desperate attempt to escape being anywhere near Kinn. Sure wish Porsche had been sober, but the kisses were so soft that I won’t complain too much.
Tits Out: Half naked bodyguards in the pool!!! I repeat, half naked bodyguards in the pool!!! Kinn in the tub daydreaming about Porsche. First prize goes to Arm though, for dousing himself in drink while gyrating and stepping on Pol.
What’s Gun wearing? Indeterminate. This episode suffers from a sad lack of Minor Family.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: It’s actually heartwarming to see Porsche basically bully Tankhun into leaving the safety of the compound, with the result being Tankhun is later willing to do it without prompting. Porsche is good for this family. Speaking of, even though Porsche is great for the Theerapanyakul children, he is super ill-suited to this life. He’s a bubbling cauldron of empathy! He cares about people so much. He’s beside himself about Mes, a dude who tried to kill him, because he can’t stop imagining what will happen to Mes’ kids. Kinn, who’s also too soft for this world, cannot help but give him the big eyes and the sweet kisses.
On a less serious note, the Tay/Time/Tem mini drama going on in the background really should have gotten more screen time.
Have I calmed down? No. I love Porsche too much. And I am increasingly ravenous for Vegas to just BE HERE ALREADY.
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 4
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