#if it was planned out he might even try to snatch some fairy lights to string up
kaleidoscopek9 · 1 year
omg... ok so you know how you said moon would like cling to rooftops when he first went out? what if he found the best spot, and took y/n up there and danced with them and serenaded them? aa
Ooo yes, if he and y/n had a thing for each other, he would totally take them up on a rooftop with him on a lil date under the stars :) Bring his bass to pluck out a small song he wrote for them. It would be a nice private space for him to share his feelings about them.
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The pirate and the pumpkin
Summary: Halloween hits Skyhold, and Bull's got his eye on the cakes. Well, the cakes and a pumpkin.
Bull might not have been as familiar with bas holidays, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy participating in them... especially when there were little cakes to be had.
"No one's going to guess what you are, Chief." Kremsicle was full of snark that evening as the two made it to the grand hall. Bit odd, considering he had been the one to design the costume for him and the rest of the Chargers. The pirate outfit took into consideration his knee brace and eye patch, so he wasn't going to complain.
He was going to ask why the Vint hadn't dressed up as a pirate, mind you. All the other Chargers had gone with the theme, becoming the Bullseye Pirates for the night. He... looked the furthest thing from a pirate, actually. Sure, he was wearing black, but the long coat and symbol of Andraste kind of made the theme switch up.
"Well, they'll be too busy guessing what you are, Creme de la Creme." He chuckled, feeling it rumble in his chest. "You're not a Chantry brother or something, are you?"
Krem made a face at that - whether it was from the suggestion or the difference in the Andrastian factions, he wasn't sure. At least he was certain that his second in command wasn't supposed to be with the church. That didn't leave him with a lot of options, however. It was kind of annoying.
"Krem, there you are!"
Bull felt his eyebrow cock as he watched a familiar figure cross the hall to meet his favorite Vint. Bones - Ian Trevelyan - wasn't dressed as a bag of bones surprisingly. While his dark wig was a bit askew, the mage had taken the time to wipe the skull from his face and instead deepened the circles under his eyes. He had also drawn red dripping from his lip, and when he smiled sharpened teeth glinted in the light.
"Trevelyan, good to see you. Amazing that you could cover all the freckles up." Krem's eyes were as soft as his tone as he looked the mage over. His crush on the man was obvious and kind of endearing in an awkward way. But that crush was the key to his costume, Bull realized, as a grin split his features.
"Better make sure he doesn't put a stake through your heart, Bones."
Of course his second in command was a vampire hunter - he was already aiming for the mage's heart, might as well make a costume out of it.
"Oh, I think I'll be fine, Bull." Bones beamed at him, clearly pleased with how things were going. "Nice pirate costume. I'm guessing you're the captain?"
That's what the hat perched between his horns stood for anyway.
"Something like that." He nudged Kremsicle towards his crush, beaming. "You two have fun, I'm going to get some of those little cakes before they're all snatched up."
Bull left the two, no doubt red in the face, as he headed towards the snack table. It gave him a chance to work the room, see who was what. He spotted more than a few couples trying to be discrete - the Boss and Dorian were off in the corner, chatting and definitely flirting awkwardly. He spied Bones' cousin dressed as a fairy princess getting snacks with her favorite dwarf scout, the two awfully close if he was anything to judge by.
Ah, young love. If it didn't put an ache in his knees.
"Nice hat, Bull." Varric was grabbing a snack too as he made his way to the table to get something to drink. The dwarf was dressed in a long coat that had far too many feathers attached with a toy cat hanging off one of his shoulders. While it was odd to see him with his shirt closed, it was even weirder to see him holding a fake mage's staff in his free hand.
Of all the things he would've expected Varric to dress as... fucking Anders was not one of them.
"Kremsicle made it for me. Thought he was going to be my first mate, but-" he gestured to the vampire and his hunter. "I guess he had other plans."
Varric chuckled deeply as he picked up a cupcake for his plate. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy your second in command has eyes for someone, Bull?"
He made a show of being offended, chuckling. "Me, never. It's good to see him find someone, though I have to admit going for a necromancer wasn't something I expected. Must be a Vint thing."
Bones better be good to Kremsicle, or he was going to need his necromancy to put his bones back in order...
"I suppose the heart wants what it wants." Varric gestured with his fake staff. "Speaking of, I don't see the objects of your affection anywhere. I'm surprised you didn't come with them."
Bull snorted as he grabbed for some mead - he had a taste for it now thanks to said objects of affection. "Akri's in the library trying to pull ahead of Dorian in research. Tried to get him to come down, but their battle is far more important."
He was fond of the man, but he was a giant ass nerd sometimes. And by sometimes, he meant all the time. Honestly, he was surprised the Vint was even down there instead of the library. No doubt his fondness for the Inquisitor had drawn him away from his pile of books.
He should try that some time... Akri needed a little air.
"Such is the fate of one who has something with a mage." Varric chuckled knowingly as he continued to scan the area. "I don't see Jackel though, but she no doubt sees me. Is she hanging from the rafters sniping candy?"
Bull glanced up - it was a little hard, thanks to his lack of depth perception. But he didn't spot a bit of red hair or the glint of her knives. As far as he could tell, the elf wasn't hiding in the ceiling, waiting to get the drop on somebody. Maybe she had already gotten her fill of candy.
Though, knowing Jackel, she could never get her fill. It was part of her charm - she had the sweet tooth to rival any qunari.
"Nope, she's no there." He shrugged. "Guess she'll pop up sooner or later."
Bull grabbed a few tiny cakes for good measure as he nodded to the dwarf. "Enjoy the party. I'd advise staying out of Cassandra's sight."
"I'm a master of that." Varric chuckled. "Have fun, Bull. Say hi to Jackel for me if you find her."
Could do.
He left the snack table after that, staking out a corner of the room to eat his snacks and people watch. Old habits died hard - he was still Qunari deep down, even if he was technically a gray one. As he sipped at his mead, his one good eye scanned the gathered partygoers, trying to pick anything out.
Thanks to that, he saw motion at one of the doors. There was a flash of orange and red, with the familiar speed of someone he knew very well. Something about it made him chuckle as he finished off his mead rather quickly - it was for humans, so it did nothing for him at just one - and headed to the hallway.
Unlike the party, it was dark in the hallway leading from the great hall. Bull cursed as he put his good hand to the wall. Once again, a lack of depth perception was kicking his ass and then some. He felt along the wall, aiming for the stairs. As he walked, he heard the familiar scampering along the beams.
Then she jumped down.
"Evening, captain." Jackel was a small woman, so it didn't hurt when she landed on him with her full meager weight. She too was wearing a costume, bright orange and round. Unsurprisingly, she had decided to come as a pumpkin - or, as he realized with a chuckle, a jack'o'lantern.
Or should he say a Jackel lantern? She was one for puns.
"Evening, Jacks." He chuckle as he handed a small cake up to her. "Having fun?"
She started to munch on it as he walked. "Was keeping an eye on Trevy and Harding. She better not hurt her."
"I think Trevelyan can handle herself, she can summon the dead after all." Bull resisted the urge to make a face at that. He was never going to be ok with necromancy, but the woman was ok. She just... ok, he was still a little Qunari deep down, it was going to take him some time. He was working on it.
He would've expounded on that, but as he walked he got the sense that something was off with his girlfriend. Normally, she was steady on his shoulders as he moved. However, he could feel her fidgeting against the back of his neck, and the outer part of her pumpkin costume kept bumping into her ear.
There was only a few things that could make her fidget like that.
"Too loud for you out there?"
She managed a nod, which was all he needed. Bull left the hallway behind, making his way out of the main building of Skyhold and towards where his room was. All the while, Jacket fidgeted in her pumpkin costume. At least when they went outside, the quiet was better on her ears.
Lucky for her, his room was far from the party. He could feel her relax as he closed the door behind them, submitting them to the quiet of the empty ramparts. Jackel's tense body began to relax as she climbed down from his shoulders and sat on his bed, sighing in relief as her bare feet dangled inches off the ground.
He nodded as he sat next to her on the bed. "Anytime. What set it off this time?"
Jackel shrugged as she reached into her pumpkin costume and pulled out some candy. Perhaps he should have been surprised she had a candy pocket in there, but it made sense considering she was both small and a master thief when it came to sweets. Even better, she tossed him some as she began to eat.
"Fucking ex Templars are loud when they get drunk. I could hear them across the way when I was keeping an eye on Trevy and Scout Harding." She popped a piece of chocolate in her mouth. "Fuckers."
Bull could understand that one - even his ears had hurt a little when those assholes had come in. He could only imagine what it had been like for her and her elven ears.
Never was he more glad to be around explosions in his younger years.
"Well, you can stay here until you calm down and want to go back, or we could just stay here." His knee was beginning to bother him to say the least, so he was fine with staying. "Your choice."
Jackel answered by nudging into his side, still chewing on her candy. That was her way of saying she wanted to stay - she was big on nonverbal cues. Bull nodded as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer and practically in his lap. He could smell the chocolate on her - it didn't quite go with the pumpkin costume, but it was nice.
"I'm just mad I didn't get to see Ian and Krem flirting." She popped another piece of chocolate in her mouth as she nuzzled close, somehow not hampered by her pumpkin costume. "Ian took forever to get his costume right. He really wanted to look good for your second in command."
Bull snorted as he started to munch on a tiny cake he had brought with him. "I have no doubt they're being sickeningly cute right now. Kremsicle's crazy for the guy. I have to question his taste in a necromancer, but I'm biased."
"Your bias is noted." Jackel tossed her wrapper in the trash before she continued. "They'll be dating before you know it, they're already in the couples' costume phase."
Great - just what he needed. At least Krem would be happy. His second in command deserved that much.
But after that, they lapsed into silence as they ate their snacks and enjoyed the quiet. Bull swore he could feel Jackel's hummingbird heart through her costume, though he knew he was probably just imagining things. It didn't matter - he loved the sensation whenever he got it.
Not a bad way to spend his Halloween, honestly. He had Jackel, he had tiny cakes... couldn't get much better than that. Well, maybe if there was a dragon involved... but he was asking for too much there, even he knew it.
But... hey, 2 out of 3 wasn't bad.
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ghoulishpencil · 2 years
“Right.” Finley patted Julian’s paw before taking it, resting his head against Julian’s horn. “Still not the right time.” 
“No. And it’ll never be if I can’t find the — oh thank god.” She sagged in relief when she finally found her sketches. “I was thinking about what you said Finley, about fae hating iron. Did you know that beetles and moths and things are attracted to electric lights?”
“No… I didn’t know that.” Finley and Julian both leaned forward, brows furrowing at the drawings. “Is that some sort of ball?”
“It’s supposed to be wire circling a cylinder.” 
Julian’s nose was all but on the page, his eyes squinting so he could see. “I know I’ve seen the Lady’s beetles gather around the gas lamps when they’re lit. Is that the same thing?”
“Yes. And that’s actually really helpful to hear. I have a bit of an idea that might work. If iron really hurts the fae like you say, then maybe we can make her break the curse.” 
“With a couple balls and boxes?” Finley picked up the book, trying to make out Aster’s notes. “I thought you were a better artist than this.” 
“I was under the blankets so she couldn’t see. Give me that.” She snatched the book back. “I’ll just explain my plans. But we’re going to need a diversion so we can gather everything I need.” 
Julian and Finley leaned in close when she lowered her voice, whispering her thoughts. Outside the door, the wind chimes rang in a sudden breeze. 
The book wasn’t left in the shed. It was Finley’s idea to carefully tear the sheet Aster had drawn on out, feeding it to Julian, who ate it without complaint. Aster carried the book tight to her chest, Julian on one side, Finley the other. A few decisions had been made, one of them being that if the Lady was going to keep going after Aster, she couldn’t be left alone. 
“I can handle myself,” she tried to argue, but it was shut down. 
“She’s gone after you twice since you’ve come back.” Julian filled Finley in on the first incident where he’d found her naked in the hall. “Even if she’s just putting thoughts in your head or making you see things, if we’re there, we can get you out of it. And she can’t possibly attack you if one of us is there.” 
“But — ”
“For once, I agree with Finley.” Julian had sighed at the admission. “You’ve been her target from the start, though I’ve no idea why.” 
“Because she’s new,” Finley said. He blinked when they both stared at him. “Think about it. She moved in with her family and what’s the first thing you did Aster?”
“Clean out that horrible little shed?”
“No,” he said, trying to hide a laugh. “You decided you were going to bring electricity to your home. You were bound and determined to update at least a tiny part of Navia, and for some reason, the Lady doesn’t want that to happen. She’s got everything totally under control, but you came in and shook things up.” 
So even though Finley’s logic made little sense to her or Julian, she was going to always have someone with her, just in case. 
The library’s fire was low in the hearth, but there were a couple of the beetles around as they brought the book back. “Do you remember where you got this godawful thing?” Aster asked, giving it over to Finley. “That thing’s been a literal pain in my neck and for not a lot of gain.” 
“Yeah, I remember. Go pick your next story or whatever. I’ll be with you in a minute.” He tucked the book under one arm, going to grab the library’s sliding ladder and drag it to the far wall. 
“Another fairy tale book?” Julian nodded, leading the way to his preferred shelves. Aster curled a hand into his fur, her heart pounding. Trying to act like nothing was wrong, even when a gentle breeze brushed over her hair. 
“Oh, hello Lady.” Julian’s rumbling voice betrayed nothing. “Have you come to join our reading party. Even Finley has joined in for tonight.” 
He was quiet as he and only he could hear the Lady’s inaudible response. 
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treatian · 2 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Fathers and Sons
Chapter 3: Wild Imagination
He believed he'd be away from them, believed that he'd wind up on the island, and when he opened his eyes, he was there. It was dark, but his eyes cut through the lack of light to observe a familiar scene from his childhood. It was a jungle island. The terrain was rocky and solid but littered with a soft mixture of dirt and sand. Dead branches, fallen leaves, and stones of all shapes and sizes littered the ground around him. In this place, the brush was overgrown, and trees grew larger than he'd ever even known them to grow in the Enchanted Forest. If some myths were to be believed, then this place was even older than his fairy tale home, so he didn't bat an eye at the ancientness he felt around him, though the loneliness of it certainly struck him.
He was never keen on returning to Neverland, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't kept an ear out for stories from there all his life. The same way the hair on the back of his neck pricked up every time he heard his mother's name and tales, Peter Pan would always have that same power over him, he imagined. However, whether or not to let that power show was entirely up to him. So he'd listened over the years as the stories had evolved. Changing from tales of boys running and playing and joyously living their lives to something right out of Lord of the Flies. The boys he'd heard tales of lately were not sweet or innocent. They were ruthless. They were hunters. They were Pan's soldiers and spies, sent about the island to do his bidding, loyal until the end. For that reason alone, he lingered where he arrived on the island and sent his senses out around him, listening for heartbeats and breathing, trying to smell emotion and sense danger.
There was nothing. Nothing and no one around him. He was lucky…for now.
He looked about the island again, trying to get his bearings on where he was exactly but found no helpful landmarks. There was a sense of familiarity with his location but nothing firm. That wasn't shocking, the last time he'd been here, he'd been a human child, and that was hundreds of years before Pan had taken power. It was probably foolish to think that he could tell where he was. That was no matter; where he was on the island was of little consequence. Where he was on the island in relation to where Henry was, was the true matter of importance.
The first step to saving Henry was to find him. But he had to be careful; he couldn't go about it directly because he didn't know where his father could be, and he didn't know it even half as well as he knew his father did. If he went directly to Henry and snatched him up from under his nose with no exit plan, he could ruin everything. There was going to be more to this than just "get Henry." He also needed to get Henry home. The best way to make a plan was to have more information. If he could locate Henry, he could gain some information, perhaps even keep an eye on him to ensure he was alive and stayed alive. His best-case scenario would be to find him with Greg and Tamara before they could turn him over to Pan. But to locate Henry now?
He had to do this carefully. He didn't know the extent to which his father felt magic, but he knew that he was capable of it. The good news was that he was in a place that had its own magical power source, and he knew how to tap into it. The bad news was that using belief over his own magic was far from instinctual. It might slow him down, but that too had its benefits as well as its risks. The advantage to doing this slowly and carefully was blending in, staying under the radar, and winning. The potential risk was Henry.
Neverland was a world run on belief. And he could feel that power waning even as he stood there calculating his next step. Henry, a boy made of nothing but belief, would be a person of great value to a place like this. If he took too long and Pan got his hands on him…it could be devastating.
He knew what he was going to do. He needed to utilize the magic of this world to stay under the radar, but he couldn't use it to go about finding Henry directly. So he'd split the baby. He'd use magic to find where the portal opened; good old-fashioned tracking would help him locate Henry from there.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. He believed. He believed in belief, in the power of it. He believed that the island could take him to the place the portal had opened up, that it could take them to where Tamara and Greg brought Henry through. He believed. He believed. He believed.
And when he opened his eyes, he saw…forest. A different part of the forest. It was right up against the beach but not the sea. There were no tides or waves, but it still smelled salty. Perhaps it was a river or the remains of one. And salt wasn't the only thing he smelled. Magic was in the air. Magic from their realm. The kind of magic summoned by a portal.
It stood out in stark contrast to the island's magic, even if it was only a shadow of its former self. That shadow was far more powerful than what he felt now from the island. And the people who'd been using it. They would be covered in it just as he probably was. That could be a problem, but hopefully, then Pan's Shadow would be drawn to the bigger beacon, the ship and the others, as it faded from him. That left him to simply sniff out the magic clinging to Henry and his captors, and locate them.
He inhaled deeply, then followed the scent. Off the beach. Into the jungle. Though a path that was freshly made. It didn't take long until the scent of magic grew stronger, and he paused at the sound that caught his ears. A heartbeat. Two. Two heartbeats. One calm and normal, another weak and erratic, someone dying. That wasn't good. If it weren't for that last fact, he'd have been satisfied he'd found them and turned away before he revealed himself. But if someone was dying…
The path before him opened up into a clearing, and he took in the sight before him with curiosity first and anger second. The site was obviously a place where people had stopped for an evening and started a fire for warmth. But there was a problem with it. A big one. There was a body beside that fire pit. One that he recognized.
Greg Mendell.
There was no hint of how he died, though he didn't exactly spend much time worrying over it when he considered that he knew who the murderers likely were. And it was hard to focus on him when the sound of the dying heart called to him.
He could hear her gasping for air from across the clearing. She was making noise, the dead leaves rustling around her as she squirmed on the ground as if there was any hope for her.
She was alive. Barely. There was an arrow sticking out of her back, thumping in time to her heart, a signal of just how deep it went. He smelled a poison; if it wasn't the same stuff that Hook had used on him, then it was a close cousin. Dreamshade…he'd read about Neverland having it but never had any in his possession while knowing what it was to identify it. Now he knew. And a lot of good it did him because Henry was nowhere in sight.
He glanced over at Tamara. Part of him rejoiced to see her there, like that. He hated her. For how she'd managed to trick him and how she'd fooled Bae, not to mention how she'd killed him…he wanted nothing more than to watch her suffer and die as his son died. But she was also the last one known to be with Henry, and their campgrounds looked as though they'd been attacked. He had to know if Henry had already been taken. He had to know what he was walking into. And the extra heartbeat in the woods…Henry's? Or something more sinister?
He stepped closer and stood over her, making it so that she had no choice but to see him. Did she know who he was? Exactly who he was? The shock of fear he smelled coming off of her mingled with the stench of death would suggest Bae had told her that much, at least. Good.
"So, where is he?" he asked of her. "Henry."
She opened her mouth, but all that came out were breathless gasps, her fingers flexing as if trying to dig into the ground and hold onto this world. That close to her heart, the arrow had probably pierced her lung as well. She'd be dead soon, and any pertinent information she might have would die with her. He wore his mask of false patience. He knew how to play these situations. And if the reward was great, he knew how to play them even in the direst of situations. If the prize was his grandson, then he could indulge the woman who had murdered his son…for now.
"There, there," he hushed, offering comfort that seared his soul. "I can help you speak." Belief. He believed the arrow hadn't hurt her. He believed the arrow wasn't tipped in poison. He believed…
He waved his hand over her, and it was so. The arrow vanished, leaving her whole once more. And Tamara…Tamara took a deep breath. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked up at him with eyes of gratitude. "Thank you," she said, tearing up.
He wanted to pluck those eyes from her skull.
"Where's Henry?" he asked, focusing on the primary objective. Her heart began to race again, and her face screwed itself up as if she were about to start sobbing. He swallowed hard, preparing for the worst with a reaction like that. "They killed him?"
"I don't think so," Tamara finally answered, allowing him to finally release a breath. "I told him to run, and he did."
"The jungle," she answered, raising her hand to point into the brush. He was less than pleased with that answer. Pan attacked here, leaving Mendell and Tamara for dead; Henry ran off on an unfamiliar island that was no doubt covered with Pan's faithful followers. He wasn't likely to get far, but still…there was always hope. He needed to confirm-
"Pan wants him; he's behind all this. Look, Mr. Gold…I didn't know who I was working for," Tamara finally burst out tearfully. None of it came as a shock to him. It was what he'd suspected since he'd first found out. "I'm sorry about Neal."
His breath caught as he gazed down at her with those sad eyes and tortured face. Her nerve was…incredible. Less than twenty-four hours since she'd murdered his son in cold blood, and now she was saying his name? Crying over him as if she was a grieving widow and not the one who had pulled the trigger.
"I'm so sorry," she wept. He felt his hand begin to shake. He was losing his patience.
He took a breath, made sure his face was stone and kneeled before her. "I know," he whispered with honesty. "You were merely a pawn."
Nothing about what she'd told him concerning her and Pan had been a shock. Only Bae…
"Can…can you forgive me?"
He felt himself smirk as he kept his high ground, kneeling over her as he was. Forgive her? After she'd done this less than twenty-four hours ago, stared down at his son as he lay dying? Shot by her? And she wanted to know if he could forgive her?! He didn't understand why she thought that was a possibility. It wasn't sorrow she felt, just cold, calculated desperation. She was interested in saving her own life and using the father of the man she'd killed to do it. Not even in her wildest imagination…
"No," he growled. Then reached out before that look of hope could die and pulled her heart from her chest. He let her see it in his hand as he rose and squeezed it tight so she wouldn't be able to fight as the pain overwhelmed her. He wanted her to feel how it was to be betrayed by someone she longed for forgiveness from, who could have helped her, been family to her.
Then he crushed it and watched the life drain from her eyes as he avenged his son.
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
Can I ask for 1 “ Why would you choose a pathetic mortal over me? You know how much that hurts me” and 22. “I know you love me but you’ve been brainwashed by mortality to think otherwise” from the yandere monster list for Sebek? Thank you and have a lovely day!
(You have a lovely day too!) 1. "Why would you choose a pathetic mortal over me? You know how much that hurts me” 22. “I know you love me but you’ve been brainwashed by mortality to think otherwise” (Yandere! Sebek Zigvolt x Fem! S/o) (Y/n) considered it an honor and a privilege to work in the Forbidden Fortress. She was proud to follow in her mother’s footsteps and serve the fae royalty who occupied the hallowed halls of the castle. Mortals like her were unlikely to see even a single fairie in their short lives, yet she had the fortune to see dozens of these ethereal beings each day as she performed her duties as a maid. Her pay wasn’t anything to sneeze at either, allowing her mother to live comfortably retired in a cottage in the woods on the money (Y/n) sent her each month. The only thing that the young woman could think of as a downer to her job was her secret admirer. For the past few months, she’d been receiving love letters from an anonymous source as well as the occasional gift being attached to the letter which somehow got into her room despite the fact she locked the door when she left to start her duties each morning. Not only that but the love letters were unsettling, to say the least, containing an uncomfortable amount of detail about what her admirer thought about her and how they felt about watching her work throughout the day. Why it was almost as bad as dealing with the uppity crocodile-fae Sebek Zigvol! Actually, she wanted to retract her statement about the love letters being the only downer to her job. Sebek also made her workdays more tedious when he’d decide to grace her with his presence and his advice about why she did everything so terribly and how she could improve her work to be more efficient. (Y/n) tried to grin and bear it, agreeing to take the fae’s advice into consideration but never doing so since she found it better to keep doing things as she had before. Today, (Y/n) was feeling really worn out when she returned to her room and found the usual love letter and present. For some reason, it just really irked her to see it and she snatched the items up with a snarl and stomped out of her room with malicious intent. Going into one of the small sitting rooms with a fireplace she put her plan into action. Lighting the fireplace she threw the gift and letter into the fire enjoying how it burnt into ash before her eyes. She couldn't help but giggle a little, feeling a weight lift from her chest as the fire crackled merrily as it ate through her offering. “Wow somebody sounds happy” a voice said making (Y/n) jump and turn to see who it was. It was Pietro, one of the few mortal servants other than herself who was allowed to work in the Forbidden Fortress. “Sorry, I was just trying to get rid of some baggage” the girl said with an embarrassed blush. “Oh? Do you need a hand getting rid of the rest of your baggage?” Pietro said with a smile. (Y/n) beamed at him and nodded, leading him back to her room where they scooped up armfuls of old letters and brought them back to the sitting room to feed them to the fire with childish glee.
The young woman couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed herself so much and spent all her free time with Pietro. Burning the old love letters became a weekly ritual between the pair and it was no wonder that (Y/n) began to fall for the boy. However where she’d once had a fair amount of free time suddenly she seemed to be constantly kept busy with requests from Sebek who seemed unreasonably agitated with her. Mumbling under his breath and glaring at her whenever their paths crossed. Still, she tried not to let his attitude get her down, not when she had her time with Pietro to look forward to. “(Y/n) we need to talk…” Pietro said, during one of their letter-burning sessions. The girl looked over at him with a questioning look and hummed for him to continue. “I know you’ve been overwhelmed with the unwanted affections of whoever is writing these letters to you so you probably have no interest in romance but… I really like you… and I think I might love you” the boy confessed with flushed cheeks. “I’m not asking you to return my feelings! I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, and I thought you deserved to know. I still hope we can be friends though…”  he finished with a sigh. “You like me?” (Y/n) said in a quiet voice feeling her own cheeks flushing with color. “I… I… I… like you too, a lot” she finally stammered out leaning against Pietro as she stared intently into the fire. “Not as a friend… more than that… much more than just a friend” she clarified before turning her head with the intent of kissing the boy when the door of the room suddenly burst open with a bang and the light of the fire was drowned out by that of the hallway as a figure loomed large in the doorway casting a shadow over both (Y/n) and Pietro: Sebek Zigvolt. Without a word, the fae stormed in and grabbed the girl by the hair dragging her out, and began walking to his room. “Master Zigvolt! Please you’re hurting me!” (Y/n) cried out trying to get her feet under her so she could walk and relieve the pain on her scalp. “Why would you choose a pathetic mortal over me?” Sebek boomed tugging harder on the young woman’s hair. “You know how much that hurts me” he added with a snarl throwing his bedroom door open before kicking it shut behind them and locking it. Only then did he let go of his darling’s hair. (Y/n) sat on the floor at Sebek’s feet with a bewildered expression as she looked up at him. “What are you talking about Master Zigvolt?” she said, trying not to stutter out the words of her question. “I have been courting you for months, sending you letters full of my feelings and gifts to show my affection. So I know you love me but you’ve been brainwashed by mortality to think otherwise. That mortal rat will die, I swear it for trying to take you from me” Sebek said, his eyes glinting a little in the light. (Y/n) knew he was mad, and she also knew she had to tread carefully if she wanted to keep both herself and Pietro alive. . So thinking on her feet, and getting to her feet she threw herself at the crocodile-fae kissing him desperately. Sebek let out a surprised sound but allowed the gesture, reciprocating before taking control as he backed (Y/n) towards the bed and laying her down on it with his previous rage temporarily forgotten in the excitement of having his beloved human with him. He’d been planning on properly approaching the girl to make their courtship public for weeks now. The young woman kissed him again, keeping him from thinking of anything else. Well, he could always get rid of the intruder tomorrow, tonight he’d enjoy (Y/n)... THE END
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patchies · 3 years
Pairing: Dream x Reader x ???
Summary: An apocalyptic world where creatures of the night roam all around it. Searching for living beings to satisfy their hunger. Vicious creatures they are. It’s said that one person called upon their wrath in revenge. You awake in this place with another human being at your side. No memories whatsoever of the life you’ve had prior to coming here. In search of a way out, and your memories, you stumble upon multiple people with many personalities. Some can’t wait to meet you. If you take it the friendly or hostile way is up to you, but worry not… Nothing can hurt you. Or can it, now?
Warnings: none that I can think of
Word Count: 2.8+k
Author's note: hi, hi, hi! I bring you a new chapter after what... 1 and a half months of not uploading anything? My apologies are probably not enough, but I have been working on chapters, I promise! And, drum roll, please, I might have some art in store for this series. It isn't done, yet, but I'm trying to work on it, guys!
Wattpad link: here
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Chapter 4: Forming Friendship
As the sun starts off the next day, you and Nick depart from your home in search of more resources. He throws in a suggestion that you should spread out, so you could cover more ground, and you agree- not like you have anything else to do for the meantime. Unless you want to be stuck at home playing some card games Nick had found while searching for the paint buckets.
You search the places south, just outside the town. All the buildings look the same to your wondering eyes, nothing valuable piquing your interest that much, so you rather opt for wandering further. Through the greenery until a clearing reveals itself before you.
A beautiful and elegant meadow stretches across the horizon. As if a page was torn from a fairy-tale book, and rightfully so. The only thing missing is a royal castle or fairies' houses. Pollen flies in the air and swirls around you enchantingly and a surge of calmness goes through your being. An accommodation in your body along with the feeling of delight.
The nature has truly taken over most of the world.
It's not like you can complain, really. Colours, textures and elements flow with each other in a beautiful harmony, creating an almost painting-like picture that you can marvel at.
Deep down, you were always a fan of the quietness Mother nature has offered you at times in need. Whenever you felt down, really.
You slightly remember how it helped you with your anxiety, shyness and depression when you used to be socially awkward and unwilling to do something about it. It felt peaceful compared to the continuous pressure many people used to put on you. Not many people were harsh on you, but your social battery could take so much until all you were ready to do was just lie down, put on a playlist of your favourite songs and chill. They denied your want to be left alone when the only thing you needed was space and your own time. Their faces are now blurry images of faces you once used to know, but you don't know if you'll ever get back to your life or how long it might take.
I should throw away my pessimistic thoughts…
That was a part of the old you, though. You'd like to think that you're better now, but your pessimism has stayed with you nonetheless. It's about time you started working on it and who knows? You might get to form plenty friendships here who will be willing to help you.
With a shake of your messy hair, you focus back to the beauty in front of you, pushing the vines away and walking towards the flowery meadow.
Yellow grains contrast gorgeously with the sparse greenery the field has to offer here and there.
You bent down and pluck one of the many Dahlias near your feet, putting the pistil close to your nose.
Sniff, sniff, sniff
The flower alone doesn't smell alluring or sweet, like anything. The stem and leaves, on another note, smell bitter with a slight flowery undertone. It strikes a sense of serenity in you as you inspect the innocent white petals be carried away from you by the wind, flying off to the clear sky to join the fine powdery substance.
You let go of the stem and watch it be snatched, following its trace until it falls between the loads of flowers.
Just then, a gentler breeze begins and takes a handful of leaves of the ground, aiming just below a small hill to your left as if it had a mind of its own. You realize that it might actually do as it points you to a lone building sitting at the base, overflown with the finest flora you've ever faced.
A mere bookshop from what you can see from the distance. The walls are built from brick and it still seems in a decent shape, except the nature, but that gives it a special charm. A great place to get away from all this chaotic and death-threating events for even a while.
You carefully move through the grass and blossoms, trekking your way up to it.
• • •
Meanwhile, somewhere far away from you, a deer curiously, yet cautiously, examines you from a cliffside looking over the whole meadow. Its doe eyes flick from you to a small fawn by its side.
It huffs, shakes its head and turns, departing into the forest.
• • •
The inside is wondrous, despite your expectations of it being completely trashed.
Bookshelves line the walls and are all filed with all styles of literature. Slightly used, torn and unkept. It gives you an idea how no one surely visits this place. The place looks great, so it doesn't make much sense to you. You cannot help but be a little happy over the fact at that despite the telling signs of its abandonment.
Your hand automatically lifts up to slide over the spines of the books, keeping your touch light as you advance further inside. The rough, yet extremely soothing, texture extracts a small smile from you and you close your eyes. You begin dragging your other appendage across the parallel shelf until a thud makes you shoot your eyes open in alert, whipping your head behind you, but finding nothing out of ordinary.
With your now unsure footsteps, you slowly walk to the end of the aisle in front of you, peeking around the corner.
You catch sight of a short boy sitting in front of a shelf, or rather a stand, with comic books. He's sat down near the middle where the wooden stand is, flipping through each comic with haste.
A messy brown nest of hair sits atop his head while a flower crown with some scarce plastic bees thrown in reasts atop and a long green scarf messily wrapped around his neck. It strangely compliments his look that is styled with green, golden and black and despite the apocalyptic surroundings and lack of proper resources, you're surprised he's styled it very prettily.
A black stylish coat with golden accents is thrown on the floor near him along with his messenger bag, its contents peeking out. Especially the thick book with a pack of pencils. You wonder what the book contains, but maybe you'll get a chance to see it sometime.
You cautiously and carefully lean against a counter near you, observing the young boy as he shuffles through numerous comics. He huffs out a long sigh, throwing another book aside. It comes tumbling down back to him due to the amount he has already piled on top of each other. His nimble fingers pick up another one, swiping through it with precision.
He mumbles something quietly, softly putting the comic onto another pile beside him that is neat compared to the other one.
This demeanour continues for a long minute, basically choosing a book in a ratio that one is kept and twelve are thrown away. He never seems too happy with his decision, frowning at some in sadness despite having to give up on them. You don't understand why he doesn't put them onto the obvious piles of his favourites, but you stand in your place.
Having enough of watching, you whistle too loudly to get his attention.
Only to see the guy jump up in the air and slip on a paper he has previously abandoned on the ground. He pointlessly flails his arms around until his elbow hits the ground first, followed by his hip and the rest of his body.
You wince.
As if caught in the headlights, he spins his head to you. The previously left out paper now present on his head. You see confusion, fear and surprise fight against who will persevere on his face, so you lower your shoulders back down and give him an awkward smile, “Uh, sorry?”
He unsurely stumbles to his feet and dusts his clothes off, tightening the scarf around his neck with tense movement. His eyes widen and he makes a quick, though awkward, show of pulling out a stick?
He fumbles around with it for a bit before it extends into a normal looking sword, posing heroically, “I'll- uh, stab you! Yeah! I'll use this sword to stab you.”
You quirk an eyebrow at his choice of words, and at the adorable stutter he did, “Do you even know how to wield a sword?”
“Of course, I do! Wait- do I? No, no, no, you're just trying to make me look silly. I do know-”
Cue an uncoordinated swing of the sharpened weapon at his own leg, but at least his reaction time seems to be fast and he slides his foot out of harm's way just in time. One he created, and he watches as the sword penetrates the wooden boards and he struggles to pull it out.
His action makes you doubt his abilities further and a you can't help the small giggle that escapes you, raising your arms in mock defence when he sends you a defensive glare, “You- you cannot be serious. Quit the child's play, I'm not here to hurt you.”
He stays quiet, still pulling on the handle of the sword with unfortunate outcomes. It slips out of his fists multiple times and he sighs before flopping down onto the floor, defeated, “I guess I really don't know.”
You choose not to retort any sassy comeback to his gloomy self, rather analysing his figure and approaching the weapon. Arms still held above your head to show you don't plan on attacking, your features soft, “Mind me getting the weapon for you? I won't use it against you, I promise.”
“Go ahead,” he gives you an absent wave of his hand and only stares as you grip the handle.
At first, you tug and nothing happens, so you try holding it at a specific place and are delighted when you feel a small button press against your palm, giving it one more tug along with a squeeze of the switch.
An imaginary lightbulb blinks above his head as he sees the sword retract from the ground and you're left gripping the stick in your hand, “See? It isn't as hard, is it now?”
“I admit, you're right,” he accepts the handle from your outstretched hand, storing it into his hoodie pocket.
No wonder you didn't notice it before. He's had it hidden there and he had to have pulled it out when you whistled. Although you personally wouldn't own a weapon like that, it probably comes in handy for situations like these. You aren't sure if it'd be beneficial in an actual fight against a stronger and better crafted weapon, though.
A switchblade would do a better job, surely. From what you've seen, they're a lighter object, more portable and friendlier to beginners. Might even suit his style of fighting better, even if you haven't seen it in action yet, to be truthful, “I do believe I'm right.”
“I would beat you if I had my hatchet!”
You chuckle, “Well, we can always engage in hand-to-hand combat, if you're that confident in getting me. Why use weapons?”
His eyes widen and all his courage dissipates, waving his hands crazily and shaking his head, “When you say it like that, I'll pass you on that offer, thank you. Why didn't you attack me, by the way? Oh, and also, I'm Tubbo, since we seem to be okay with each other.”
Refraining from telling him your name back, you swing your arm at his head and watch him yelp, shut his eyes and flinch from you in humorous satisfaction. You stop it inches from his face, lowering it and stepping away from him, “You should've seen your face, Mr. Tubbo. I'd say we are okay, but I had to pull that on you and to answer your question of my peace towards you… You just seemed harmless.”
He stands up and looks at you in feign anger, jabbing an accusing finger into your chest “You're so cruel, what? I can't trust you now.”
Tubbo crosses his arms, turning away from you. You turn away from him and spot his collection of comics. His previous actions coming to the forefront of your mind, “Hey, why were you browsing through so many comics?”
“I was looking for something,” he shrugs, walking past you and picking up quite a big amount of comic books. He catches the incredulous glance you give the items in his hands and nods his head at them, “They aren't for me.”
“You looked quite sad when you couldn't grab one for yourself, why can't you?”
He's surprised you picked up on that, but he just shrugs, “I would. If my bag allowed me to carry so much at once and I just want to surprise my friends.”
You give a small 'aww', making his ears flush pink and cower away, “I could help you carry them. Where is your camp?”
“I don't think I should be revealing that to strangers, but I've never been the smartest with decisions and I'm sure you'd notice either way,” Tubbo stuffs the books inside his bag, barely closing it, “I could just act like I abducted you.”
“Won't that be suspicious? You actually seem like a person who's too nice to do that.”
The bee boy lightly grins at that while putting his coat on, throwing the messenger bag on his shoulder, “I'm bad at acting, too, so they'd surely notice.”
“Are any of them keeping guard on this place, by the way?”
“No,” his answer is straight-forward, without any hesitation, “It might be very shocking, but none of my friends know about this place. Although I visit quite often than not. It gets quite harsh out there, y'know?”
You hum, choosing to drop the subject and return back to an airier topic, “Which ones do you like?”
Tubbo's quick to light up at the change, dropping to his knees and shuffling through the messy mountain of comics once again. He carelessly throws ten of them at you in happiness and leaves you grasping them to your chest. You laugh at his enthusiasm, reading off few of the titles and shaking your head as he keeps on searching for more.
This was probably a crazy idea, but whatever. Tubbo seems like an adorable person to be around.
Not long after you get ready to leave, keeping the conversation loose and it's almost effortless how you get along. The themes get intertwined between you with ease, pointing to some aspects around you if you want to make a point.
He is a strange guy to get a hold of, but you can say that you like how easy-going talking is with him. The male has visibly suffered some of his own stuff, but he still has this bubbly personality around him that you can't wrap your mind around. Though, you enjoy that little perk he has.
At one point, you lose sight of the boy, looking around you in confusion only to have him appear behind you and throw a freshly made flower crown on top of your head. The question of where he got it from is lost to his ears as he babbles on how he needs to teach you the crafting of one, so you could be 'flower crown buddies'. His own words. Your reaction is to bump your shoulder with his, joking how he is too goofy for you to even want to learn. A look of betrayal is thrown at you and you chuckle.
He proceeds to skip at certain intervals during your trek through the forest, too, visibly being excited to earn a new friend who is close to his wave-length. You don't even notice when you get close, having too much fun getting to know each other and goof around, but Tubbo increasingly slows his steps near an old-looking house.
He turns to you, “Well, this is my stop. I shouldn't take you further or I'll get spanked for not listening to my peers.”
“Uh, I won't respond to that, though I hope everything's alright back at your base. You shouldn't go through child abuse anywhere,” you awkwardly scratch at your neck, handing him the comic books meant for him.
Tubbo light-heartedly laughs at your perplexed self, a jokester-like glint appearing in his eyes as he accepts the papers, “I hope we can meet again.”
“I do, too, and hey. The library can be our place, if you're comfortable enough to call it that,” you heartily smile at him, ruffling his hair and receiving a pouty 'hey! my hair, not yours!'.
He shakes his head to fix your doings, throwing a lop-sided grin, “I can allow that.”
“Well, I should go,” you look up to the sky, seeing the sun brightly shining more to the west side now. It shouldn't be that long before you'll have to get ready for the night and report your findings with Nick. Not like you have much to say to him, but there are some things worth mentioning to him, “I have a friend possibly waiting for me already. It was incredible meeting you, Tubbo!”
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thecagedsong · 3 years
Forgotten Light: Chapter 2: Taken
A/N: remember how I said this was beta? I realized that chapter 2 should have started halfway through chapter 1, before switching to Seth’s perspective. So there will be a bit of repeat with new content at the end, and i’ll post chapter 3 right after this. 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Chapter 2: 
           The last hope that being fairy kind might protect Kendra from the curse evaporated when she turned to look at him with blank eyes.
For once, he was smarter than his sister, and it absolutely sucked. Kendra’s eyes flickered over his shoulder, and he lunged forward, pulling Kendra to the side with him.
“Hey,” Kendra protested. He ignored her in favor of glaring at Ronodin.
“Oh, this is interesting, when I got the update, I was sure you were going to turn the key, Seth,” the dark unicorn said. “But you had Kendra do it instead. Couldn’t bear it yourself so you let your sister take the fall?”
“She volunteered, you know how the magic works,” Seth glared, “Stay away from us.”
Ronodin glanced behind him, “We don’t have much time. Celebrant is coming. We need to get into that room.”
“What’s going on?” Kendra demanded in her bossiest voice, pushing him out of her personal space. Of all the things that had to stick around, it was that tone. He was never going to admit he was glad to hear it.
Ronodin spoke before he could. “Careful with the glove. What’s going on is that that we have a dangerous dragon hunting us and our only chance is to get the Wizenstone before he does.”
“Oh sure, because trusting the dark unicorn is so much better,” Seth said. “We can handle this without you.”
“You’re a unicorn?” Kendra asked, “You don’t look like one.”
“Dragons can take human form, and so can unicorns,” Ronodin explained, “Seth, we have no time. Kendra might have been able to figure this out with her memories, but don’t pretend to be any kind of riddle master without her.”
He seemed sincere, but so did everyone else that ever stabbed him in the back. Ronodin wasn’t wrong that riddles weren’t his strong suit.
“When I get the wizenstone, I’m going to have fun unmaking you,” Seth decided. He turned and pushed the door open, “Kendra, I’m your brother. He’s Ronodin, our sworn enemy. Don’t trust him. I don’t have time to explain —”
There was the sound of marching and Celebrant’s gold army arrived at the top of the staircase. The three of them rushed into the room, closing the door behind them.
It was dark, except a couple of magic orbs here and there. Most of the light came from the shining stone on a short table in the center of the room. White and glowing, it reminded him a little of the Occulus, but instead of being completely smooth and round, it had a bunch of sides that cast little rainbows. The polygon to make all other polygons jealous.
“That’s the wizenstone?” he said.
“It’s gorgeous!” Kendra said.
“Wait until you see what I can get you,” Ronodin said, making no sense. Seth was looking over the room. There had to be something, some trick. After the whole game, the prize just sitting in the middle of the room was too easy.
Indiana Jones style? Nothing happened until you removed the wizenstone, then the room came crashing down on you unless you figured out how to use it real fast?
“And we can’t lock the door from the inside,” Ronodin said behind him. “We have to hurry.”
“Who’s Celebrant?” Kendra asked.
“King of the dragons,” Seth replied, “Bad guy. Wants us dead almost as much as he wants the magic rock.”
“What Seth said, Love.”
Seth grimaced, but didn’t exactly have time to barf over Ronodin flirting with his sister. He’d explain everything after they kept the world from ending.
“You seeing anything, horse boy?” Seth asked.
“No, but Humbuggle is the greatest trickster in history. There has to be something.”
“What about you Kendra? Magic eyes see anything interesting?”
“Magic eyes?” Kendra asked. “It looks pretty?”
“Don’t worry Love, I’ll explain it later,” Ronodin said. “And she doesn’t have her abilities right now, the magic is still turned off.”
Seth glared at the unicorn, “Stop that. She hates you and loves your cousin.”
“Focus Seth,” Ronodin said, “He’s coming with the banishment rod, what’s in here to banish?”
“The table? The orbs?” Seth theorized.
“Such high stakes,” Ronodin said with relish, “All we can do is improvise. We’re so close to the action, and we can’t let him win. Probably not the orbs, the rod only works once, vanishing the table might have the desired effect.”
“Kendra said something about a demon guarding the stone, and the rod should be used on that,” Seth recalled.
“You know, it really sucks to have people talk about me like I’m not here,” Kendra said. “Unless you two are messing with me and I’m not really Kendra.”
The door opened and Celebrant walked in.
“Not a very impressive dragon,” Kendra said. When did she get such a mouth on her? Was she always this sassy?
Then again, she did literally tell this guy in dragon form to crawl back into his hole just a week ago.
“The sister forgot, interesting choice,” Celebrant said, baring his teeth in a way that was all predator. “But to more important things, none of you have attempted to claim the jewel?”
“Kendra was warned that the stone was guarded by a demon, hand over the banishment rod without turning anyone to metal, and I’ll give it a go,” Seth offered.
Something about that bugged him. Demons weren’t trolls, comfortable in their lairs forever, they only stayed in a single place when they were trapped, like Granulus and Nagi Luna. Humbuggle didn’t strike him as the kind to let a loose canon like a trapped demon mess around with his game.
“Ah yes, such little threats would scare you,” Celebrant said. His eyes landed on Ronodin, “What are you doing here?”
“Wouldn’t have missed it,” Ronodin promised, then shot Kendra a wink.
“Stop that!” Seth demanded.
“What matters is that we’re all here,” Ronodin said, “And the Wizenstone is right there.”
Celebrant narrowed his eyes, “I don’t trust you.”
“You probably shouldn’t.”
“Don’t try to stop me.”
“Hey, he’s the real threat here,” Ronodin said, pointing at Seth.
Celebrant shook his head, “None of you are threats. Thank you for opening the door and stepping aside.”
He took the rod off his shoulder and turned to Obregon, “Swear yourself to me once more.”
The dragon fell to one knee and started reciting an oath, while Seth desperately tried to think his way around this. He couldn’t overpower the dragons, none of his abilities seemed particularly useful, even if he had control over them. There was the demon.
Celebrant was satisfied and handed his servant the rod. Obregon accepted.
“Quickly now,” he rushed. Obregon strode to the stone, cautious for something to jump out and eat him. When nothing did, he reached out to take the wizenstone. The rock was big and clumsy, Seth might be able to snatch the rod while the dragon held onto it. Seth would use the rod to banish Obregon, then claim the wizenstone himself. It was a dumb plan, but it was his only plan.
Seth set into a ready-to-run position.
Obregon brushed the stone with his finger, then jerked away. He started to shake and cry out, then dissolved into little confetti pieces, armor and all. Only the banishment rod remained whole, clattering to the ground.
Kendra squeaked, backing hard into the wall. Ronodin seemed even more elated than before. Celebrant glared at the stone.
Seth was glad he had waited before charging forward. This wasn’t the opening scene of the Raiders of the Lost Arc, this was the ending.
“Your turn to try, Your Majesty?” Ronodin asked.
“Not yet,” Celebrant growled.
“I take it your golden minions can’t enter.”
“Only those possessed of themselves can enter this chamber,” Celebrant said, not looking away from the wizenstone.
Tregain burst through the door. “I’m not too late!” The prince’s eyes went immediately to the wizenstone, and he scrambled forward.
“Kendra,” Seth whispered, “touch Ronodin with the glove!”
Kendra glanced at the glove on her hand, while Ronodin glanced back to see what they were whispering about. Seth yanked her hand forward to press against his back. Kendra protested, the stone made confetti out of Tregain, the rod clattering to the ground once more, and nothing happened to Ronodin.
“Fascinating, the gloves don’t work in here,” the unicorn said, which drew Celebrant’s attention. Ronodin turned around covered Kendra’s gloved hand with his own, and gave her a smile.
Kendra blushed and shook everyone off her, edging around the room. “Look, until I know more, everyone just needs to stop touching me. Okay?”
“I don’t get it,” Seth said, “Is the demon the stone? I thought they were more…living. With faces.”
“Demons come in all shapes and sizes,” Ronodin said, “But a solitary pure crystal isn’t one of them. There’s an aura for those with eyes to see, the stone is absolutely the wizenstone.”
All shapes and sizes. Dwarves didn’t have the powers Humbuggle had, and as a whole were proud of their size. Humbuggle had shapeshifted into the man in the trial for the Key of Forgetting. Which meant there was no reason his real form had to be a dwarf.
Not Rumpelstiltskin, he was the Sphinx.  Riddle giver, and the final boss.
Seth dashed forward and grabbed the rod.
“Seth, are you sure?” Ronodin asked. Celebrant shushed him.
“All right Humbuggle, you can come out now!” Seth called walking to the other side of the room, away from the stone and the door. “I solved the riddle. Let me give you the answer! It’s really not fair that you only told stuff to Kendra, you know. She’s terrible at sharing important things, and then you made her loose her memory? Come right now, or I’m calling this spell unopenable. Magic can’t make something impossible!”
“Seth, you figured it out?” Ronodin asked, raising an eyebrow but staying put.
“Like I said,” Seth replied, “Kendra, who lost her memory, had all the answers. It’s impossible to solve it without her information, and impossible to solve before the door of forgetting. You can’t make an impossible prison, not even for this stone, or the magic falls apart. And I need to be able to tell you the answer.”
“Of course,” Celebrant said, eyes gleaming. “Little dwarf, come take the boy’s answer.” Celebrant walked forward, standing right beside the Wizenstone. That was unfortunate.
“For the record, you had plenty of shots, Kendra could have easily figured it out before forgetting everything,” Humbuggle said, appearing between Seth and the stone.
Seth slashed the rod down, but Humbuggle vanished before he finished shouting “Begone!”
The rod vibrated in his hand, pointing directly at the Wizenstone.
It disappeared like a coin in a magician’s hand.
“You fool!” Celebrant roared, marching towards him. Ronodin started laughing.
Humbuggle appeared again, between Seth and Celebrant, shaking his head, “Much, much closer than people have come in centuries. Just a tad too slow. And a bit too obvious.”
“Where’s the Wizenstone?” Celebrant demanded.
“Far away. Banished.” The demon waved a dismissive hand, “None of your business anymore. And if you feel bad, imagine how Tregain must feel. He’s been playing for thousands of years, and died right at the very end. Now that’s tragedy.”
“No one was ever meant to own the stone,” Ronodin said, grinning. Of course he would find this hilarious.
“I provided that hint in the poem,” Humbuggle said, “But Seth didn’t trust plain language and instead trusted the rushed words of his sister. If by some miracle he had banished me, I admit, my enchantments and connection to the stone would have been severed. It would have been his for the taking. Completely possible, and a totally fair use of magic.”
Ronodin shook his head, “Even you don’t own it. You just set up contests for others to try to win. Since it is in your custody though, you can use its magic for your games. Interesting way to be beat the dullness of immortality.”
“Enough out of you,” Humbuggle said. With a clap, the banishment rod was back in his hands. “Time for everyone to go home!”
“All your contests are rigged with the slimmest possibility of sending you away,” Ronodin insisted, “Sending the stone away is the most a contestant can actually accomplish.”
“No one likes a heckler,” Hubuggle grumbled. “Return!”
Ronodin vanished.
“Is it too much to hope you killed him?” Seth asked.
“As for you,” the demon said, eyes gleaming, “Better luck next time! Though don’t look so sad. Think about what you’ve managed to accomplish. The curse of Stormguard castle is over, Seth’s a hero, Kendra too, probably. Gloves have lost their power, though you can keep them as a little souvenir for playing. My added passages are undone. Those turned to metal are freed from their curse.”
Good, that would have been a lot of gravestone designing if his friends weren’t turned back to normal. Would the enchantment un-doing affect Knox in the quiet box? How long could Seth justify keeping him there? It’s probably still the safest place on this preserve.
“What about Jaleesa’s arm?” Celebrant asked.
Humbuggle shrugged, “She chose to break the rules knowing the consequences. I am all about action and consequence, it’s part of playing fair. The arm stays gone. Personal injuries are personal injuries.”
“He chose to claim the unclaimable. He and Tregain are dead and beyond the power of magic.”
One less dragon to try and gobble him up. How many did he have to kill before getting the title of dragon slayer?
“Kendra’s memory?” Seth asked, without much hope.
Humbuggle grinned, “She chose to lose her memory, knowing the outcome. A price has to be paid just to see the Wizenstone. Much less get as close as you did. Be happy the spell didn’t require both your memories.”
“As we’ve already said, all magic done can be undone,” Seth said, irritated, “How do I undo it?”
“Rules are rules,” Humbuggle sang.
“Those rules are crap. Just tell me the answer!”
Humbuggle shook his head, “You chose to send the wizenstone away. You terminated the contest with a draw. King and Queen are free. Life at Stormguard castle can move forward as it did before.” Humbuggle clapped, “Another parting gift, I’ll send you all home! I salute you, brave contestants. You truly surpassed expectations. You survived and ended the contest, and it’s ridiculous how few people are apparently able to do that.” Humbuggle raised the rod.
“Wait, we still have stuff to do here,” Seth said.
“You don’t really get a choice,” Humbuggle said, “Return!”
There was the quick sensation of being shaken before he landed with a thump on his bed back at Blackwell Keep.
Seth groaned. What a waste of time and energy! It wasn’t even possible to get in the first place, they should have just let the dragons go and kill themselves over it. All they got out of the experience was Kendra’s memory taken from her.
He jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, trying to remember the way to his sister’s room in the dark. He heard the faint sound of the undead, which meant he was back to being a shadow charmer.
Of course, the faint sounds of the undead were like a lower frequency pitch, only there because he knew what to look for, under the sounds of the festival night. He really hated festival nights. At least the barriers around the castle were up.
He made his way towards Kendra’s room down the hall. Going slowly, hands outstretched. There was the clanking sound of Mendigo running towards him.
“Mendio, stop,” Seth said, hoping to prevent a collision when he couldn’t see the puppet.
The puppet didn’t respond, and kept running towards him. This was different than Hugo’s free will, he wasn’t following Seth’s orders at all.
The clacking was charging towards him, and Seth flattened himself against the wall to avoid being run over. There was wind as Medigo brushed past, and a human arm.
“Mendigo!” Seth said, chasing after the puppet. They were heading for the front door, and Seth scrambled after them in the dark. “Someone help!” he yelled over the noise of the festival, “Mendigo is kidnapping Kendra!”
A dwarf and Brunwin the minotaur charged past him on the steps to the courtyard, and the three of them followed Mendigo and Kendra down into a door to a cellar. Seth was soaked immediately by the rain, but he couldn’t stop. He could see by the lightning, but that was almost worse, leaving him with blocks of vision missing as he stumbled over the courtyard flagstones.
In the cellar, Mendigo was weaving through rooms, Brunwin gaining on him, as the limberjack upended crates and barrels.
Seth had a brief moment of feeling like Mario as he jumped over obstacles, until finally Mendigo turned into a storeroom. There was a creaking sound, and Seth had just enough time to see the puppet vanish inside the barrel.
The barrel that had been stolen by a killer. They assumed the murderer had come from the barrel, but they had been looking at it all wrong.
Seth jumped into the barrel after her. But Brunwin snatched him out of the barrel before he landed, keeping him on this side.
 “Let them take me to Kendra!” he demanded, struggling against restraining hug. “Let me go! Let them take me to!”
  Tears ran down his face, and his struggles started to slow down as he got more and more tired. Seth tried to choke down the sobs so he could keep asking, keep demanding. He was the caretaker, he should be able to sit in a barrel if he wants. Then he was just crying, and the constriction turned into a real hug.  
           “Come on,” Brunwin said, “The ones who took your sister can’t take you as well, not now and not like this. Straighten your spine, young man. Come and explain what you know.”
           “But…” Seth choked out. “But…”
           “Kidnappers rarely kill, there will be another chance to rejoice in the blood of your enemies, retreat for now.”
           “Seth? What happened?” Grandpa Sorenson entered the storeroom, and Brunwin released Seth so he could hug his grandfather.
           “They-they got Kendra,” he said, wiping his eyes and nose on his sleeve.
           “Return upstairs,” Brunwin advised, “the boy wishes in his distress to be captured by his enemies as well.”
           Grandpa Sorenson nodded, and started leading Seth out of the cell.
           As Seth walked away, Kendra’s words before she lost her memory came back like a broken record.
           “I want you up front.”
           “Tell everyone I love them…I love you most of all.”
           “I don’t tell you enough, but I’m proud of you.”
           At least she wouldn’t remember what a let down he was.
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 4 Back to Beginnings -Life is But a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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 WARNING: mild sexual content 
The cool air that snuck its way between the buildings blew into you harshly. You placed your hand over your mouth, silencing yourself. You clenched your jaws to keep yourself from chattering, afraid that every little thing was going to give your position away. Whoever you were chasing should've been hiding from you, not from them. 
You could hear running in the distance against the pavement, echoing in the alley. It grew closer and closer. Your heartbeat was in your throat, threatening to jump out. You could feel the soft pulse through your fingertips. You couldn't tell if it was from the cold, or from the adrenaline. Was it a bad time to admit you needed to pee? 
You were a horrible bounty hunter. You were too loud, you were clumsy with your gun, and body is just far too slow to give chase. Matter of fact, you looked rather ridiculous. But then again, everybody has to start somewhere, right? 
Home was far away from here, across the solar system. And as much as you were homesick, fuel for your small, dingy ship cost money, and that was something that you did not possessed at the moment. Not one single woolong. Maybe a few coins and a token from the local arcade. You needed this bounty, and you needed it now. 
The running grew louder and louder, the noise filling the alley. You squeezed the handle of your gun, afraid that your it was going to slip. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. You never really prayed before, but maybe you should start now. One step echoed in the alley. Then another. And then another. Each one growing louder than the next. 
You placed your finger on the trigger gently, your hand surprisingly steady. You could see the outline of the woman that was now hunting you, her silhoutte growing bigger and bigger. Even though you were in the shadows of the alley, you definitely were sure that she could see you in the dark clear as day. Then she stopped, maybe a few feet in front of you. In an attempt to scare you, maybe elicit a reaction from you, she flipped out the barrel of her gun, spinning it, and popping it back in, over and over. 
"You're sure one shitty bounty hunter." she spoke. You could hear the smile in her voice, one of the last insults in your short life. You could also hear the age as well, scratchy and hoarse. "But what I will let you keep for the next minute is the smallest bit of nerve for trying to take me out." 
"You have nerve now to assume that I'll accept that." you blurted out without thinking. It may have been stupid, but do you have all the time in the world now to think it over? 
 She scoffed. " Oh, please. You're the one thinking that I'll give up myself that easily. And to a little girl with a gun." 
You swallowed. "You're not wrong, but I might surprise you." 
"Hiding in an alley waiting for the enemy to come to her? Yes, that is very surprising." she cackled, her hair flaying everywhere in the wind. Her arms outstretched, like a villain who just told the hero their heinous plan to take over the world. The dramatics certainly didn't work on you, but you sure thought it was funny. 
You start laughing as you got up and dusted yourself off. Not in a mocking tone, or in a conniving way. It was totally genuine. She noticed this, and immediately stopped laughing.  
"What"s so goddamn funny?" she ran up on you, her faces inches away from yours. You continued laughing, your head down. "Tell me, or I'll blow your fucking brains out!"
She stuck her gun underneath your chin, snarling and hurling threats at you. This still didn't stop your hysterics. "I-i think.." you couldn't even finish this sentence without a chuckle or too. "I-i honestly think.."
"You think? Spit. It. Out." she growled. 
You smiled. "I think.. you are sure one shitty criminal. Your barrel's been empty since your laughing fit a minute ago." 
Her face went blank as she looked at her gun, the barrel unloaded. 
 "Also all your bullets are on the ground behind you." You stated, your mouth into a fine line. She back up, accidentally stepping on few of the bullets. Her legs flew up, landing on her back. You could hear her start wincing and groaning.
"Seriously, how old is your gun?" You snatched her gun out of her hands, inspecting it. At a first glance, it could've been mistaken for a prop gun in an spaghetti western movie. "Wow, this is older than you. And you're ancient."
"Its my lucky gun. Its been with me since I first started in the game." She muttered. She struggled to pick herself up, but before she could, you swiped underneath her knees. She buckled down, stunned.
"I don't think I can let you off that easy. After all, I'm just a little girl with a gun, I don't know what I'm doing." You shrugged.
You aimed your gun at her leg and fired, the shot echoing. Your bounty gasped in shock, then started wailing in agonizing pain. Clutching her leg, she cried out. "Are you fucking insane?!"
"No, I'm just tired." You sighed. "Alright, let's pack it up, John Wayne."
As you finished the story, Spike and Jet could not stop laughing. It wasn't that funny. But with at least with five shots in, it was hilarious. 
"John Wayne?!" Jet choked out, clutching his chest.
 "I'm not kidding."You smiled. "I thought I was a total badass." 
As you all tried to catch your breath, Spike waved over another round of shots. Jet noticed this, and put his hands up. 
"No more, Spike." he said, yawning and stretching. "I think its time we hit the hay." 
"Oh come on, Jet. At least stay for one more round." you lied, secretly wanting Jet to leave so you could have Spike all to yourself. It felt so odd, wanting someone you barely knew near you. Before today's events, you caught yourself multiple times delving into fantasies where you were confessing your love and affection to this mysterious man, and him returning just as much. He would place his hands on either sides of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. His eyes looking into yours,  And then, that classic fairy tale moment would come. A sweet, soft tender kiss, and the flying off into the sunset. Then you realize that you were just creating a version of him that you wanted, and that he probably wasn't thinking of you at all. 
And then there was moments where your mind wanders off, and you begin to think of all the ways he could absolutely destroy you. Emotionally and physically, but mainly physically. You imagined the way he would pin you against the wall, cornering you in.  Trailing his lips against your neck, biting and kissing that sensitive spot that made you go crazy. He would grab your hair, pulling your head back to face him. It wouldn't be harshly, but that he had full control of you. Spike would crash his lips against yours, desperately and passionately, like it was the last time he would ever kiss someone. 
Moaning and whining for more, you would try to snake your wrists from his grip to touch him.  But he would keep you pinned down, only torturing you more. 
"I don't think you deserve to touch me, " he would tease, pulling back from you. "Unless I hear you beg for it. Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you." 
After that, you would put a lid on it for the moment. You would feel the immediate need to drink some water, and an even greater need to take a cold shower. Its not that you didn't want these thoughts, its just you didn't want them to intrude on your mind when you were  conversing with THAT person. Who was now trying to get your attention because you were spacing off. You were spacing off so bad, you hadn't realized that Jet actually did leave, and it was just you and Spike. 
"Hey," he said, waving his head in front of you, "you okay?" 
You nodded, hoping that it wasn't obvious that you were thinking of Spike fucking you six ways to Sunday. "Yeah I'm good! Why you ask?" 
"You were just staring at me like I was a piece of meat." he replied, lighting another cigarette. 
"Well, I don't even like meat, so." you smirked, taking a sip from your drink. 
He raised his eyebrows. "From what I saw earlier at dinner, I know that is a fucking lie." 
You giggled, twirling the small stirring straw in your cup. A little tipsy, and more confident than you usually were, right now was the perfect time to flirt. 
"I do like a sausage every now and then, but, "you shrugged, looking anywhere other than Spike. That was a little too bold. You looked back at Spike, who was just smirking away. 
"I think I'll that hang in the air for just a minute." he replied. 
"I'm sorry, it was just there. I had to." you chuckled. 
You noticed the faintest bit of blush on Spike's face. It could've been from the amounts of drinks he had, or the teasing earlier. You were pretty sure that it was from the drinks. Little comments like those definitely didn't influence that one bit. Or did it? 
"How longer on you planning on staying here?" Spike asked. 
"Until I'm ready to go to bed, and I'm wired." you responded, a little discouraged if Spike was implying that it was time that all parties were going home. 
"No, I mean staying here on the planet. I'll be here until next week." he said. 
"Oh my bad." you replied, your face burning slightly in embarassment. "I think the same as you, until next week. "
"Ah, okay." Spike mumbled. He looked at the tabletop, you both sitting in complete silence. What he said next made your heart jump into your throat. 
"I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to do this next week? Dinner and drinks?" He asked, finishing his cigarette. "Right before we leave, I mean." 
As much as you wanted giggle like a school girl, you played it cool. "Mr. Spiegel, it sure does sounds like you're asking me on a date." 
Spike leaned his head on his hand. "And what if I am?"
"I'd say yes. I need a little fun every now and then." you stated, mirroring Spike.
You both sat there in silence for a little bit. You wanted to say something else, but the silence was doing just right for now. Talking to someone was nice, but just enjoying another person's presence? That felt just right. 
"Question?" you asked. 
"Answer." Spike replied. 
"What  do you do for fun, besides drinking and being cool?" you smiled. 
Spike chuckled. He sat there, thinking. "If you would like, I can show you." he finally said. 
"Show me. I'll follow you wherever you go." you said, taking that last shot. 
"Alright, follow my lead then." Spike said, getting up. He held his hand out to you. You  took it, jumping out of the booth. You staggered backwards, but Spike wrapped his arm around your shoulders to steady you
"Easy there." he grinned. You were a little too tipsy to care about Spike touching you, but it was gladly welcomed with open arms. 
"Let me show you were the real fun is." 
The real fun was in a small jazz bar, with a single man on stage playing the sultry notes of a saxophone. You were prepared for anything, but you thought it was going to be a little bit more exciting than this. But if this is what Spike likes, then you will definitely respect that. 
He sat next you, his arm on his knee, leaning his head in his hand. He looked mellowed out, a blank expression. You were watching him out of the corner of your eye, seeing if his face would change. But it didn't. He kind of looked bored. Hoping you weren't making him bored, you cleared your throat. That got his attention. 
"Hmm?" he asked, his eyes still fixated on the saxophone player. 
"How often do you come here?" you asked him. 
He sighed, leaning back. "Man, I want to say every time I'm on Mars. I've been going to this place since I was younger. Its almost like a safe haven for me. Where do you think I get my good taste in music from?" 
You nodded, chuckling. "I get that." 
"Besides drinking and enjoying some good music," you continued, "what else do you like to do? I already told you my hobbies earlier at dinner, so I guess its your turn to spill." 
Spike leaned backwards, hands interlocked in the back of his head. "My hobbies." he thought. "I want to say make money, eat, and go to sleep." 
You smiled. "No, I'm serious. What do you like to do for fun?" 
"I'm serious too. Now that I think about it, I want to add on watching TV and practicing some punches, so I'm not too rusty." he replied. 
"Who do you practice punches on? Not on anyone on the Bebop, I hope." you said. 
"If I could, I would. Some of them really do know how to push my buttons." he muttered, sticking a cigarette in his mouth, but not lighting it. 
"I'm not pushing any buttons by interrogating you, am I?" you asked, leaning closer. 
"Of course not. I'm just answering some questions for a curious cat." Spike winked at you. 
Your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest, this man was so fucking fine. You bit down your lip, tapping your leg. You hope it wasn't too noticeable that Spike's flirting was taking a HUGE toll on you. You couldn't go back on to your thoughts from earlier, you can't right now. If you did, boy you were in for a treat back at your ship. 
The silence this time was a little different, like something was off. You were expecting the conversation to bounce back, but it didn't. As much as you wanted to initiate talking, you felt like you could be talking too much.  Spike was quiet, and he hadn't really changed positions for a hot minute. You now knew that when Spike got like this, he was thinking. His face would be expressionless, tapping his leg lazily, and just staring whatever direction he felt was necessary. During dinner, while you and Jet were talking, he would get quiet and travel off into his own little space. Now that it was you and Spike, you felt like you were intruding on something. 
You turned your focus back onto the music. Coursing their way into your ears, the deep notes felt like they were pulsing in your body. You still couldn't get over the air between you and Spike. It felt a little somber. 
"Hey," you said softly, touching his arm, "is everything okay?" 
Spike looked at you, his eyes turned down a little. He looked right back at him, waiting on a response. His eyes traveled from your eyes, down to your lips, and then to the rest of you. Was he checking you out? His lips formed a soft smile. 
"Yeah, I'm okay, " he said, "but besides that, did I ever tell you how nice you look tonight?" 
As flattered as you were, you were still concerned over Spike. "No, but thank you. Spike, seriously, you seem off. You were just fine and chatty earlier, but your vibe is definitely off." 
"I don't think we've been hanging out that much for you to see that." Spike shot back. 
"Yes, but I kind of got a knack for reading people." you replied, crossing your arms. You were a little taken aback by his sudden hostility, but you really didn't know what was going through Spike's mind. 
"If I said something that offended you, I-" you began, but Spike put his hand up to you. He shook his head, folding his hands together on his chin, placing his elbows on the table. 
Conflicted with pushing until he tells you and just shutting up, you sat there. You began to distract yourself with thoughts of getting another drink, what you were going to do when this "date" was over. 
"Alright, (y/n)," Spike spoke, his voice smooth, "do you want to know what's really  bugging me?"
You hesitated, anxious that you awoken something that would surely make this the last date. You nodded, turning to face Spike. 
"The past." he murmured, scooting closer to you. 
"The past? Why?" you asked quietly. 
"Why the past? Let's see." Spike stared into your eyes, his gaze unwavering. You looked back, but averted your eyes when you felt like you were overstepping. You already were overstepping with asking if he was okay, but there was something about eye contact that made you uncomfortable. 
"I've had a long, long past (y/n). I've made many stupid mistakes. And even though I know they are all in the past, they keep finding ways to ruin my present. I guess you can say I'm torturing myself with being here, since this was such a big place to hang when I was in-" Spike stopped abruptly, clamping his mouth shut. 
You nodded. "You don't have to say anything else. I understand." You gave him a small smile, placing your hand on his shoulder. Fuck comfort, you thought. Maybe it was just a human thing, to reach out to others when they're in pain, forgetting boundaries and anything that could hold back support. 
He looked at the placement of your hand, then back at your face. It seemed like eternity that you were both like this. He returned the smile, a silent thank you in the air.
 "Now I know that we already kind of drank a lot earlier, but how does another round sound?" you grinned.
 Spike's face lit up. "You read my mind, (y/n)." 
You stumbled your way out of the bar, clinging onto Spike as he led you out onto the street. You were a giggling, drunk mess. You weren't rowdy or anything when you drank, but you sure were the comedian. Spike sobered up a little earlier, so he was a bit straighter than you were right now. 
"I would say, Spike," you slurred, "you sure are a pretty man." 
"Oh thank you. Now lets get you back home." Spike replied, just holding onto you while you tried to walk without falling over. 
"No no, you're not listening. Like you are really, really gorgeous. So gorgeous, you could put Valentine to shame." you laughed. 
Spike chuckled. "Okay, I'll take that." 
"Say thank you."
Spike sighed. Now you were getting a little annoying, but he didn't want to get rid of you for the night just yet. Even if you were drunk and acting a fool, your company was something he needed for a long, long time.
 "Its a pretty night, don't you think, Spike?" you said, pointing out to the stars. 
Spike looked up, amusing you. "Sure." 
"No, say that it looks pretty. Or else you'll hurt her feelings." you smirked, giggling.
 "Whose feelings?" Spike asked genuinely, because you were definitely talking out of your ass. 
"I honestly don't know. But I do know that I'm tired as shit." you mumbled. 
Spike was tired too, but for some reason, he didn't want the night to end just yet. You haven't noticed this, but Spike was walking around buildings to see if you would follow him and not the way home. And your dumbass just did that. It was actually kind of funny, but it was a joke only for Spike. For a brief moment, you walked completely normal, and then the spiral started again.
 "Look miss, if you keep harassing me, I'm going to have to call the police on you, and I really don't want to do that." Spike teased, only adding more fuel to the fire.
 "Ahh, no, please don't do that." you replied sarcastically, putting your hands up. "I've been a good girl, I promise." You half smiled at Spike, and continued staggering to the port where your ships were. 
Spike place his hands in his pockets, trying his best not to reply to that last bit from you. But maybe he could let a little something slip. 
"From what I've seen, you've been a bad girl." Spike taunted. "A very, very bad girl." 
You turned around slowly, raising your eyebrows. Now it was your turn. 
"And what are you going to do about it?" you asked, sauntering over to Spike.
 "Give a guess." he said softly, his voice low and husky from the cigarette he just finished.
 You moved in closer slowly, finding your balance. You looked up at him, boldly running your hands up his chest. Spike flinched from your touch, but melted into it. You ran it all the way from his chest to his shoulders, and finally up to his face. Placing both hands on either side of Spike's cheeks, you brought his face down to yours gently. The smell of alcohol and smoke filled your nostrils, tingling your senses.
 You tilted your head, chuckling softly at how you had Spike wrapped around your finger at this moment. Spike closed the space between you both, taking into account how your hands framed his face so kindly, like you both have been doing this for forever.
 "Mr. Spiegel," you began, smiling, "you're not going to do a goddamn-"
A loud blast burst through the air, scaring you enough to become completely sober. Orange flames and clouds of smoke could be seen from behind the buildings. Alarms from the surrounding structures sounded off, people yelling and asking each other what the commotion was.
 "What the fuck?" you yelled as you watched the flames grow at a steady pace. You shielded your eyes, coughing. 
"Its from the port!" a person shouted. "There was an explosion at the port!" 
You and Spike looked at each other. Without thinking, you both bolted towards the chaotic scene. Every step brought more anxiety, not only for your ship, but for the Bebop. People ran around, to and from the port. You covered your mouth from the sudden inhalation of smoke, coughing more and more. As you came to a clearing, you could see the tumultuous scene before you. 
Your ship was burning, engulfed in a blaze of violently whipping flames. You shielded your face from the heat of your destroyed home, backing into Spike.
 "(y/n), we have to get away from here!" Spike shouted over the screams of panic surrounding you both. He wrapped his arms around you and started pulling you away, your feet dragging. 
You began to hyperventilate, unintentionally filling your lungs with smoke. Either from shock or the smoke, your vision blurred, and finally, slipping to black. 
AN: Thank you all for sticking around. With these last two months, I've lost two jobs and gained one where I'm finally in a good place, financially and mentally, so that's good. I want to push out more fics for characters listed on here and my tumblr (same username as my Wattpad). Once again, thank you guys so much for enjoying this fic, and please, stay safe. 
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immergladsss · 3 years
Lead the Way
Summary: (AU- no curses or magic)  Maria’s life has recently turned upside down by her uncle’s sudden engagement. She escapes to the annual masquerade ball, hoping to find some respite from the chaos back home, only to find a bit more than she bargained for.  ---------------------------------------------------
The harmonious sounds of the merry waltz filled the ballroom, guiding couples along the well-rehearsed dance to the ¾ tune. Pirates and queens, phantoms and fairies, you could see them all floating along the dancefloor. All but a few guests found themselves enjoying the lovely masquerade ball. One of the few being Maria.
She stood in the far corner. Her foot tapping to the beat of the music as she scanned the dancers and few young men loitering about. Neither the thin white veil that cascaded down her shoulders, nor the ornate silver mask on her face, did much to hide the scowl she wore. Inspired by the ballet Gisselle, she was dressed in a lovely white grown, very much the picturesque of a beautiful yet tragic bride-to-be—not that many would notice. It seemed all eyes avoided her except for a few side glances from those currently gossiping. It was well into the night and she had not danced a single waltz.
Maria sighed and took another drink of her wine. She couldn't blame them really. Of course she had gained a reputation after what her uncle put her through. Maria shook her head and rubbed her temple. After many years of claiming the irrelevance of love and desire to maintain his manor free of the opposite sex—ramblings she was forced to listen to for many years, mind you—her uncle came home last month and suddenly announced an engagement!
Apparently, this entire time, he had been pinning after an old childhood love, and randomly stumbled upon her, who by chance, had also remained unmarried. They reconnected and now here they were, soon-to-be-married—within a week from today to be exact. Invigorated by the sudden infection of love, and strongly encouraged by Ms. Heliotrope, her uncle now felt it was necessary for his niece to find love as well. As a result, she spent the majority of the past month rejecting suitor after suitor sent over by her uncle.
And now here she was. After scrambling to prepare for her uncle's fiancé's arrival tomorrow, she managed to get permission to attend the yearly masquerade ball. However, her recent rejection of eligible young bachelors preceded her, and now she was left with no one to dance with.
Maria finished her wine and quickly replaced it with another from a passing servant.
"Doubt you'll receive many offers with that face."
Maria jumped. She turned to eye the young man who had appeared beside her. A bowler hat sat atop a messy mane of brown curls that framed a dark set of eyes that seemed to read her too well. He wore a black leather mask that matched his leather trousers and jacket. The only color on him was a red-feathered scarf around his neck.
"Why do you care?" She took another gulp of her drink.
"Hard to enjoy a ball when you're being glowered at."
"I'm not glowering!"
“And I bet you're in a swell mood too,” the man jeered with raised eyebrows. "You're not hard to miss. Reckon everyone here has noticed you. You cast quite the ghostly figure." His fingers skimmed her arm as he grabbed the of her veil and inspected it. "What are you supposed to be? A will-o'-wisp?"
"No!" Maria snatched the veil from his hand. "I'm Myrtha, queen of the Wilis." She bit her lip and looked around them, feeling a pang of guilt. Had she really ruined the ambiance?
"How fitting," he laughed. "Pray tell, what poor sod left you so heart-broken you're here now glaring at all the other happy couples?"
"That's not it at all! On the contrary, it is I who has been forced to reject every soul my uncle's thrown my way! What are you supposed to be anyway? A bandit, highwayman?"
"Close… I'm just here as myself."
"How cryptic," Maria said with a roll of her eyes. She finished her drink and walked away. She could feel the bandit's eyes boring into the back of her head. As she neared her uncle, she stilled.
"I have no idea what I'm to do with her," Sir Benjamin mumbled to the old parson. "I don't want to force a marriage on her, but she's rejected every suitor in sight."
Maria's body grew cold. The blood that drained from her head threatened to send the room spinning, but Maria clenched her fist and steeled herself. So, is that what this was all about? "Uncle," she called, startling Sir Benjamin and the old man. "You were able to wait for true love, why can't I? Don't I have any say in this?"
Those near turned to watch the confrontation, but there wasn't much left to see as Maria stomped away before Sir Benjamin could respond. She brushed past the bandit, missing the concern that crossed his face, or the scrutinizing look he shot at her uncle and the audience around them.
Maria found an empty lounge room. She pulled off her veil as she sat on the sofa, not bothering to turn on the lights. She hated the hot tears that threatened to spill from the corner of her eyes. Though she was happy for her uncle, she wished he had never gotten involved. Now she was bound to be the laughingstock of the valley.
A handkerchief appeared before her eyes. Maria looked up and scowled. "When did you come in?"
"Not long ago. Wouldn't be much of a bandit if I couldn't sneak around. Here, take it."
Maria warily watched him. She shouldn't be here with him, unchaperoned. If they were caught, she would surely be the talk of the town, none of which would improve her already shaky reputation. But in all fairness, should she care? What did propriety ever do for her except force her to sit in a chaperoned room where she had to listen to every potential suitor drawl on for hours and hours about himself and all his accomplishments while she faked politeness. She sighed. Maria removed her mask and took the black handkerchief to dab her tears, missing the brief widening of his eyes.
"Care to explain what that was about?" He sat on the coffee table in front of her. Lazily resting against his outstretched arms.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Try me.”
“Are you now a sage as well?”
“I can be many things.”  
Maria was unamused. “What can you possibly gain from this? Why are you even here?”
 "Sounds like you got a lot to say and I've been told I have a good ear,” he said with a casual shrug. When Maria remained silent, he beckoned her to start, “Go on, I'm listening.”
Maria stared incredulously before finally shaking her head, it's not like she had much to lose. "Where do I start? One day I'm going about my day when out of nowhere, my uncle starts inviting random men to court me. He didn't even warn me! I had to chase away so many of them. And now everyone's saying I'm some pretentious city-girl, it's humiliating.  I hope after tonight he'll finally consider what I want."
"And what is that?"
"Frankly, I'm not sure. I’ve only just returned from finishing school. At the very least some time to figure it out. Perhaps some adventure would be nice. I definitely don't want to make plans that would take me away from home after only just arriving!"
"That sounds reasonable."
"Doubt many would agree. Apparently, I must marry and have many children and settle down as soon as possible."
"My sister remained unpromised for a long time, she seemed happy. Went off on a few adventures herself."
"I wish that could be me," Maria muttered.
“What's stopping you?”
“Well obviously my uncle,” Maria answered as though it was the silliest question she ever heard. "What about you? I don't believe you're from around here."
He shook his head. "I haven't been here for too long… Scouting the area. Getting to know the people."
"For what reasons?" Maria asked. "Hang on, are you truly nefarious?"
"If I told you I was, would you be afraid?" He asked with a teasing smile.
"Hardly," Maria scoffed, "Doubt you have wickedly ulterior motives seeing as you're here chatting away with me instead of talking to the most important people of this town." He gave her a questioning look with the ghost of a smirk.
"Can I have your name?" Maria asked.
"That'll only ruin the spirit of the event."
"Can you remove your mask then?"
He shook his head, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"Are you afraid of what I might see?"
"No, I'm afraid you'll fall for me."
Maria rolled her eyes. "For all your talk, who's to say it won't be you falling for me."
"Who's to say I haven't already?" He leaned forwards, slightly knocking his knees into hers as he placed his hands on either side of her thighs. Maria's breathing hitched. She felt her cheeks grow warm. His heat was magnifying, and Maria couldn't help but admire his handsome features. Her fingers twitched, wishing to reach out and slip the mask off from his face.
"Would you reject me like all the others? I can promise that with me, you'd be the bride of adventure."
The breath of his whisper ghosted her lips. She felt drawn in, consumed by him. Maria's eyes flickered to his mouth. Was he being serious? She couldn't tell. Before she could make up her mind, he pulled away, leaving her with a bated breath. He was grinning and Maria's heart was racing, mixed with a bit of indignation at having been riled up so easily. She huffed and put her mask and veil back on, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
"We still have time before the night ends. May I have the last dance?"
With a furrowed brow, Maria studied the hand he offered. She hesitantly raised her own and looked into his eyes. They were inviting, darkened by a tempting gaze. She should be wary about him, she just experienced how easily he could sweep her off her feet… but she didn't want to keep her distance. She wanted to know who he was. To see what more he could do.
"Lead the way," she said with a steadying breath as she placed her hand into his, feeling the warmth of his fingers curl around hers.
Out in the ballroom, neither looked away as they took their place amongst the other's and began the dance with a courteous bow. He quickly closed the distance with a strong arm around her waist that pressed her against his body. He guided her, weaving her in between the couples, and spinning them around the room. A few stopped to watch, wondering who was the mysterious man that Maria had not rejected, but the couple didn't notice, completely enraptured with one another. As the clock struck midnight, the song came to a slow end. Still in each other's arms, Maria could feel his rhythmic breathing against her own, sending thrills down her body. She looked into his eyes, marveling at the emotion held within them.
"This is my signal to leave," he said with a soft smile. "Thank you for the dance."
"Will you really not tell me your name?" Maria's hand left his shoulder and traced the outline of his mask. "At least give me that much."
He rested his forehead on hers, drawing nearer to her large and pleading eyes. "Perhaps it's you who is dangerous," he chuckled. With a shake of his head, he relented and leaned in close to her ear. "It's Robin."
"Robin…" Maria whispered. "Will I ever see you again?"
"You'll see soon enough." With that, he pressed a kiss onto the back of her hand and disappeared into the night with one last wink to Maria.
The following day, Sir Benjamin and Ms. Heliotrope apologized over breakfast. They promised to speak with her before doing anything that may affect her life. Though she was content with this response, she was very distracted. Hardly registering the apology or the very near arrival of her uncle's fiancé. While helping a very nervous Sir Benjamin ready the manor for his bride, she remained uncharacteristically silent, only replying simple answers to the various questions thrown her way. Her mind remained occupied by the mysterious man from last night.
Finally, it was the afternoon and Maria waited with her uncle in the parlor. She watched him fidget. He would take a seat, only to spring up immediately at any sound. Maria giggled, "Uncle, it'll be alright."
Sir Benjamin took a deep breath and nodded his head. He began to sit down when a resounding knock came from the door.
"Sir Benjamin," Digweed announced. "Your guests have arrived. Introducing, Loveday De Noir."
Loveday was every bit as beautiful as her uncle described her. She was tall and elegant, with voluminous blond hair styled in a cascading updo. She greeted them with a beaming smile filled with secrets and beautiful blue eyes brimming with mischief. Maria stalled. Loveday's smile and eyes sparked a sense of familiarity within her. It was a look she had seen before.
Digweed cleared his throat, "along with her brother, Robin De Noir."
Maria's heart stopped. She felt a rising heat from her stomach shoot up to her cheeks. With or without the mask, she would recognize him anywhere.
He strutted to her with a roguish smile and bowed. Taking her hand, he placed a lingering kiss on her knuckles that sent a jolt down her arm. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Maria stood stock still, her mind struggling to comprehend. Robin grinned. "Didn't I warn you'd see me soon enough?" He muttered under his breath.
Maria snapped her mouth shut. She shook herself before dropping into a quick curtsy and mustering a curt reply, "Maria Merryweather. The pleasure is all mine."
His eyes darkened with a knowing desire. "I'll make sure of it," he whispered into her ear before stepping away to stand at her side. "Are you ready for our adventure?"
Maria's heart was racing, she felt excitement course through her body. She knew she had a big storm coming, but she was ready to take it head-on. "I'll match your every step, lead the way."
A/N: I’m tired. Im stressed. Ive been writing science non-stop for 3 weeks straight. I wanted to write something fun and was listening to Rewrite the Stars on repeat. This is what happened. 
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withkun · 4 years
volcanic | wong lucas
word count: 4.5k
pairing: female graduate student! reader x fratboy! lucas
genre: enemies to lovers au
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol
a/n: yesterday i had a dream about going on a date with lucas so you can thank @god for inspiring this mess. also the last person i slept with was a trump supporter and kinda inspired the relationship... i have regrets. 
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You hated admitting it to yourself, but you were instantly drawn to Lucas when he first entered the ballroom. Along with his trademark dashing smile, he disregarded the dress code and opted for a formal, black-tie suit. If you hadn’t known better, you would have guessed he was a famous actor or a prince out of a fairy tale. Of course, his entrance garnered everyone’s attention as well. Whispers and quiet giggles began to flood the room.
Flustered, you tore yourself away from him and reached for a small flask buried at the bottom of your purse. Emergency vodka could go a long way on nights like these.
“A bit early, don’t you think?” a smug voice arose.
You gritted your teeth and brought the flask to your lips, then ignored the burning sensation slipping down your throat. “Not at all,” you murmured, your voice almost a growl.
Without prompt, Lucas pulled the flask from your hands and helped himself to a sip. “Svedka,” he complained. “Definitely too early for that.”
You watched him down the remainder of the liquor, your anger beginning to boil. “Don’t you have to prepare yourself for the pageant?”
He eyed you, seemingly finding amusement in your fury. “I am,” Lucas assured you. “I’m actually campaigning right now.”
“I’m not voting for you,” you told him, a self-satisfied grin replacing your scowl.
Unphased, Lucas offered you a wink. “We’ll see,” he said in a sing-song voice, then left you to your devices and an empty flask.
Before you could chase after him and demand replacement vodka, your student organization beckoned you to their table. Begrudgingly, you slumped over and plopped into your chair. Your table consisted of the other members of the executive board, being Taeyong, Johnny, Taeil, Yuta, Jaehyun, and Doyoung. “I will pay everyone at this table fifty dollars to not vote for Lucas,” you muttered, half-serious with a glance to Taeyong. “Back me up Mr. Club President.”
Taeyong widened his eyes, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “We’re just here as a courtesy,” he laughed awkwardly. “Try not to stir any trouble.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, with the knowledge that he was right. The APIDA Graduate Student Organization rarely involved itself in any undergraduate matters, but sometimes aligned with their APIDA counterparts for events like this especially seeing as most of their members once were a part of those groups. Arguably, the Mr. Asia pageant was the most important conglomerate event of the year. Each Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi undergrad student org sent one representative each year to compete for the title of Mr. Asia. The representatives would prepare a talent portion, then partake in a question and answer session. Other attendees would dress to the nines, often seeing the event as an opportunity to flex. Most, however, did not flex to Lucas’ extent. They were also served a meal to be shared with other club members. After, attendees would cast their votes and crown that year’s Mr. Asia.
“No,” you deadpanned, already rummaging through Johnny’s backpack. “Unless maybe you keep me drunk this entire evening. Then I might consider.”
Of course, you knew it was only a matter of time until Lucas ran with his fraternity, Pi Delta Psi, or PDPsi for short. You were hoping you’d graduate before that happened. And yet, in your sixth year at the university you found yourself subjected to the terrors of frat boy Lucas gloating more than usual.
Johnny offered you his coke upon seeing your distress, and you were not surprised to taste an exuberant amount of rum. You wrinkled your face, but still refused to return the mixed drink. Johnny and Jaehyun shared a laugh as you downed the drink. “If I make you another drink will you forgive us for voting for Lucas,” Johnny inquired, his bottom lip pouted.
Meanwhile, Taeil passed his water bottle to you. An inauspicious clear liquid to the untrained eye, but you knew better. You looked positively giddy pouring yourself a glass of lemonade followed with a solid two shots worth of Taeil’s vodka. “You rich boy,” you accused jokingly. “Out here with Tito’s.” With a grateful smile, you offered, “But you are officially my favorite and hereby ‘best boy.’”
Yuta snatched the bottle and poured some in his water before Jaehyun could get his grimy hands on it. “Petition to all vote for Mark Lee,” he said, prompting the club for a cheers.
Your fellow members clinked glasses just as the lights began to dim. With a relaxed sigh, you whispered, “Hear, hear!” At least the booze hit before you had to see Lucas parade around on stage.
The event went as it did each year, Lucas taunting you with knowing smirks occurring as it always did. This time, you had to endure it with him from the spotlight. You made it a game to send him goofy, tipsy expressions that were often accompanied by finger guns and hearts in hopes of throwing him off.  Lucas, unbothered, continued with his act. His confidence only seemed to grow.
However, you had not anticipated Lucas’ performance in the talent show. The performance began slowly as Lucas executed a graceful traditional Chinese dance. The music suddenly changed tempo, and your jaw practically dropped to the table when he ripped off his shirt. You knew he was ripped, but you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his sculpted body. Your increasingly drunk mind went forbidden places before you snapped out of it.
Your friends noticed your cheeks burning red and stifled laughter as Lucas closed his performance. You felt his eyes on your back, your head buried in your hands.
“Oooooh,” Jaehyun teased, “He’s looking at you.”
Although a few seats away, you managed to land a solid knee kick that elicited a sharp yelp from the boy. “He’s not,” you said defensively.
Even Taeyong let out a quiet laugh. “You’ve been flirting for years…”
“You think that excessively hating each other is flirting?” you inquired incredulously.
The boys exchanged looks and knowing smiles, a familiar ritual that occurred each time you and Lucas interacted.
Frustrated, you rose from your seat and made even strides to the restroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, cheeks still ablaze from embarrassment. To your gratitude, you still looked fairly sober otherwise.
You almost jumped when you heard a couple knocks on the restroom door. “Occupied,” you called out.
The handle twisted to reveal a sweaty Lucas, peeking curiously through the crack. “Is it just you?”
“Yes,” your answered with a bitter tone. “What can I help you with in this esteemed ladies’ restroom?”
“Hold out your hands,” he ordered.
You obliged but raised your eyebrows in confusion. Lucas carefully placed a Pepcid capsule in hand, a bottle of water in the other. “What?”
Lucas shrugged. “I get Asian glow really bad too,” he replied, “unless if there’s another reason your cheeks are read.
Overzealous, you swallowed the pill and downed the entire bottle of water. “We both know it’s Asian glow,” you said defensively.
“You’re welcome!” Lucas said, already half out the door.
And once more, he left you stunned and silent.
In your purse, your phone began to buzz with frantic messages from the boys. Jaehyun made fun of you for already breaking the seal, while Taeyong demanded that you respond before he calls an ambulance for alcohol poisoning. A third unknown number accompanied the texts with an invite to the PDPsi after party that night.
You returned to your table to find that the pageant had already moved into the question and answer portion. Mark Lee excitedly described his plans to bring more of the university clubs together for common causes. That meant Lucas was on deck.
Thankfully, the Pepcid worked some of its magic and brought your cheeks back to a normal color.  You almost felt sober again. Still, Lucas’ actions muddled your mind.
With a polite bow, Lucas concluded his session and prompted the closing of the pageant.
Lucas took the stage and elicited quite a few cheers. His frat brothers startled the room as they let out a deep chant in support. Graciously, Lucas approached the microphone and once more glanced in your direction. Without expression, you offered him a thumbs up which he appeared to appreciate.
He surprised you once more with his articulate and thought out answers before you remembered his background. His father, an industrious and well-known businessman in Eastern Asia, likely prepared him for moments like this. Lucas may have been an untouchable playboy, but he was also poised to become a part of his father’s company. Still, you felt a certain genuity to his words despite that.
You turned your attention to your cell phone and took in the options. As your thumb hovered over Mark Lee’s name, you could not stop your eyes from wandering to Lucas’. Biting your lip, you hesitantly selected Lucas.
Within a few moments, the results were in and the MCs called the contestants to the stage. You refused to look at Lucas, instead focusing intently on your restless hands.
You expected to hear Lucas’ name, but instead heard Mark Lee announced as 2020’s Mr. Asia.
Following the applause, the MCs bid everyone a good night. Johnny addressed the table, “We’re all going to PDPsi’s after party, right?”
Looking over your shoulder, you saw Lucas clowning around with his frat brothers, then turned back to your friends. “Do we have to?”
“Absolutely,” Doyoung responded, eliciting flabbergasted responses from the table.
They all stared at you expectantly, knowing that you were cornered. If Doyoung wanted to party, an event none of them would have ever predicted, then you would have to see that through. “Fuck y’all,” you grunted.
A couple hours later, you arrived as a group at the notorious PDPsi frat house with a few handles. You hadn’t changed your outfit, but the boys ensured that you at least let your hair down from your high ponytail and touch up your makeup. They convinced themselves that the night was finally upon them, the night where you and Lucas would finally hook up. Despite their protests, you looked essentially the same. You wore mostly light makeup, but maybe got overzealous applying highlighter. You adorned the same black neck top tucked into a short argyle skirt, but with different shoes. The boys made you wear your “slut shoes,” which were basically just a pair of thigh-high suede black boots. In your hasty attempt to get ready, you barely had time to drink.
The party already was in full swing, and you could easily hear the music from a couple houses down. Beer cans and empty white claws littered the front lawn. A few people played beer pong on the front deck, but they had only filled the cups with water. The boys paired off amongst themselves in preparation for the drinking game, leaving you without a partner. Just as you began to complain, Lucas appeared at your side. “Hey, Y/N, I’m claiming you as my beer pong partner. Oh, and we’re next.”
Lucas practically dragged you away. “I’m terrible at beer pong,” you attempted to dissuade him.
Indifferent, Lucas made the first shot and gave your team the advantage of going first. “Here, I’m better at going second.” He pushed the ping pong ball in your hand.
You considered your options for a second. “You’re lucky I hate losing more than I hate you.” With that sentiment, you watched your ball splash into the back-right cup.
He grinned. “I knew it.”
Despite being a frat boy, AKA master of all party games, Lucas did not have a consistent shot. Still, you fended off the opposing team until you were down to the last cup. Two consecutive shots in and they would win. “Let’s make this interesting,” you offered. “If you miss your shot, you have to do whatever I want.”
With a knowing a smile, Lucas agreed. “If I make it, then you have to do whatever I want.”
You nodded, your confidence swelling, then gleefully watched your ball land perfectly centered in the last cup. And to your horror, you watched Lucas do the same thing.
“Oh, humble winner,” you decreed sarcastically, “what it is that you seek?”
To no one’s surprise, Lucas replied, “I want you to kiss me.”
You saw it coming, but that didn’t mean you were any less disgruntled. In a classic, you-like fashion, you launched into a rant. “Seriously, Lucas?? You’re a robot set to fuck boy mode and I will not be a part of it- “
He took your arm and pulled you away from the deck, into an alleyway. “You lost the bet,” Lucas reminded you. “And all you have to do is uphold your part of the deal.” He gestured around the empty space. “No one will even see it.”
You caught your breath, still enraged. “I was just going to make you find a new beer pong partner if I won. And maybe take a shot.”
“I wish you’d stop denying that there’s something between us.”
Biting your lip, you couldn’t bring your eyes to his and left them trained on the pavement. You never denied that you felt attracted to him. Yet, you also despised him for how perfect everyone perceived him to be. You saw another frat boy when you looked at him, nothing special. “What is there between us,” you asked cautiously.
“You try a little too hard to hate me, don’t you think?” Lucas pulled your chin up to meet his gaze.
Damn it. Sometimes he was too good. With him watching you so closely, you knew you couldn’t lie. “And what game are you playing now?”
“I’m not playing any games,” Lucas answered with sincerity.
Your mind whirling, you pressed your lips against his only for a second. Just a quick peck, nothing more. “And there you have it, humble winner. I’ll be inside drinking myself into an oblivion.”
Lucas grabbed your wrist before you could run off and pulled you closer for another kiss. This one, longer and deeper than before. You couldn’t help but melt into it and wrap your arms around his neck. Soon his tongue danced softly with yours, and you knew you were in for it. He had you.
You pulled away, attempting to catch your breath and gather your thoughts, but Lucas attached his lips to your neck and made his way to your ear. He planted soft kisses along its shape, then lightly bit your ear lobe. His heavy breaths in your ear made a knot in your stomach tighten. “I can’t believe I voted for you,” you admitted, your inhibitions disappearing.
You felt him smile as he kissed your lips once again. “I voted for Mark,” he murmured.
For the first time, he had you laughing genuinely. “In what kind of world do I vote for you and you vote for Mark Lee?” With that, you pressed your body closer to his, close enough to feel a growing bulge grind against your core. Teasing, you drew your hips back and forth.
Lucas soon grew impatient, and growled in your ear, “You’re driving me crazy. We’re going to my bedroom.”
“Not until I say so.” You attached your lips to his again, continuing to rock your hips.
His breath hitched in his throat, and you knew you had the power. Seeming to catch himself, he grabbed your wrists and held them against the brick wall behind you. “I want you,” he said airily, “all of you.”
“Fine,” you agreed, accepting the stalemate. “But no one sees us.”
You snuck around to the back yard first, praying that no one would question her messy hair and how red her lips must have been. Thankfully, you only saw Doyoung who acknowledged your presence with a knowing nod. At least you knew he wouldn’t snitch... most likely.
You skimmed you hand across his book shelf, retrieving his copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. The pages were marred with messy annotations in Chinese and English, so many you could not understand.
Lucas directed you to the far left bedroom on the frat house’s second floor. You stepped over beer cans and finally made your way there. Inside, you were almost surprised with how tidy everything was. He was a fuck boy, but damned if he didn’t keep his room up to A
sian parent standards.
Behind you, you heard the door open and lock click. Lucas pushed you against the bookcase, causing you to drop the book. “I was reading,” you managed as his hands wandered up and down your body and stopping to cup your breasts.”Didn’t take you for a Vonnegut guy.”
He lifted you, bridal style and tossed you onto the bed with ease. “I’m not just a fuck boy,” Lucas said, climbing over you. “I also read books for class.”
“You’re depth is astounding,” you mocked playfully. “I didn’t know you actually do your assignments.”
In response, he lifted his henley shirt over his head and once more revealed his toned torso and upper body. “I’ve changed a lot since I was a freshman, I thought you paid more attention.”
Your eyes glinted mischievously. “Like when you banged half of the AKDPhi sorority girls two years ago.”
“Okay, that was exaggerated,” Lucas grinned, hooking his fingers the hem of your skirt. “I haven’t slept with anyone in a year.”
You pulled your shirt off, prompting Lucas to dispose of your skirt as well. You were left in just your nude bra and panties, and Lucas breathless. “I find that hard to believe,” you scoffed, your tone a bit softer. “Are you going to tell me you’re secretly a virgin as well?”
“I mean,” Lucas scratched his head, “I used to get around.”
You took his moment of weakness in stride, moving so that you were on top of him. You registered the surprise on his face and let out a laugh. “Do you forget that I’m older than you, maybe even more experienced?”
As you undid Lucas’ belt, your eyes met. Both full of hunger and desire. A part of you felt as if you were making a bad decision, becoming another name for him to add to his list. Even so, you didn’t care. You hadn’t felt so alive since you dated your first boyfriend. Everything felt like a rush then, every kiss and every glance. Losing your virginity hadn’t even felt as good as these playful moments together.
With Lucas’ help, you removed his jeans. Both you were similarly half naked, only undergarments shielding the rest of your bodies. In that moment, you finally saw your similarities. Thirsty for control over the way you were perceived, a love for power, and longing for each other. “What do you see in me?” you inquired.
“Someone who could easily kick my ass,” he replied, his tone light but entirely serious. “I can’t believe I managed to get you in my bed.”
You scoffed. “I chose to be here, and I’m the one who made you want it.”
Lucas conceded, leaning up to kiss you, “That’s true. I’ve never dated someone that gives me such a hard time.”
“We’re not dating,” you prompted. “I only hate you slightly less now.”
“You’re the most interesting person I ever met,” Lucas said woefully. “And what do you see in me?”
“A clown,” you answered without hesitation. “Boo-boo the fool, if you will.”
You didn’t stop his hands as the reached for your bra clasp and let it fall off your chest.
“But you’re also sweeter and more genuine than I thought you could be,” you granted. “Thank you for the Pepcid, by the way.”
And with that, you pulled down his boxer briefs. His already hard length popped out, You maintained eye contact as you ran your tongue along the shaft, closing your mouth at the tip. Once again, you continued this motion and began to suckle his testicles and flicker your tongue as your hand firmly stroked his dick. He lost himself, groaning and muttering, “Fuck,” under his breath.
You loved seeing him like this, completely bent to your will. Returning your attention to the tip, you ran your thumb gently across the slit before replacing it with your mouth. You bobbed your head along the length and urged yourself to take more and more. Lucas encouraged you, his fingers tangling in your hair and guiding your motions. With almost its entirety reaching the back of your throat, you gagged.
Honestly, you could’ve went on like this for hours, but Lucas roughly flipped you over and dragged his index finger over your panties. You shuddered as it ran over your clit, then down to the wet spot you left. “My turn.”
In a swift motion, Lucas slid the panties down your legs and threw them aside. Lucas stared at you for a moment, taking in the sight of your naked, waiting body. He wasted no time in pushing your legs back, fully exposing you, and planted butterfly kisses along your thighs. His flat tongue lapped from your entrance and up to your clit, then down again. The anticipation almost made you lose your mind. He closed his lips on your clit, tongue to circling the sensitive bud. You never realized how big his hands were until he slid a finger inside of you. The overwhelming sensation had you gasping, begging for more. And then he slid another finger alongside it, pumping rhythmically as his tongue continued to work on your clit.
You had slept with a few partners before, but none left you as unhinged as Lucas. The pleasure built, somehow rendering you more helpless to his whim, and its release almost had you screaming.
In your shock, you sat up and looked at Lucas with bewilderment. “No one has ever made me come before.” To your embarrassment, it was true. You either grew tired and faked it or they never even made an attempt.
With a devilish look in his eyes, he sucked the two fingers that had previously been inside you. “Maybe you should have given in sooner.”
“Oh, just shut the fuck up and fuck me already.”
He went to open his cabinet drawer beside his bed and searched for a condom. “Protection first.”
You laid back on the bed, still catching your breath. “I’m on the pill,” you confided. “As long as you don’t have the clap, we’ll be fine.”
“Good thing I only have chlamydia.” Lucas kissed you, the taste of your orgasm still on his lips, and positioned himself at your entrance.
His forehead rested on yours, eyes cast down to where your bodies met. Slowly, he thrusted inside you, eliciting your moans. He moved his hips delicately, making you feel every inch bury itself deeper. Instead of immediately jackhammering it in, Lucas took his sweet time and chose his own pace. He brought his lips to your nipple, suckling on it softly. You couldn’t believe his patience.
“I’m going on top,” you managed, pushing Lucas down where you had laid. Although already turned on, you wanted to see Lucas squirm the way he had you. You brought your folds over his cock, driving him just as mad as you predicted. When you finally allowed him back in, he attempted to thrust upward. You shut him down, resting your hands on his pecs. “And now I’m in control,” you gloated. You ground your hips and then slowly brought yourself up and down. “So I’m going to do what I want,” you whispered into his ear.
He looked up to you, an animal-like glare present in his eyes. “Don’t forget who made you come.”
You sped your pace, willfully doing all the work. This time, you wanted Lucas to know he couldn’t do anything but allow himself to be used. And he watched you losing yourself on top of him, never having been more turned on in his life.
As you slowed, he brought your chin down for a chaste kiss. A trick, you realized, but too late, he thrusted into you this time much faster. You felt the hints of another orgasm budding, and involuntarily tightened your walls. Lucas felt the shift, drawing himself out. “You’re not going to come until I want you too.”
Before you could protest, Lucas aligned his head below your womanhood and pulled you in closer. His hands attached to your hips, encouraging you to rock yourself on his tongue. “You’re really something,” you murmured, obliging to his whims.
He murmured against you, sending vibrations up your spine. Soon enough, he had you writhing in your orgasm all over again.
Still unfinished himself, he positioned you on your hands and knees. Lucas pushed himself inside you, then slapped your ass. “God, your body...”
You couldn’t support yourself as he vigorously fucked you, but allowed your hand to float to your clit. As Lucas increase his pace, you felt your breath hitch. His thrusts became sloppier, and you realized he was close as well. Unable to hold out longer, you came again. Lucas followed shortly after, coming onto your back as you laid there, nearly exhausted. He produced a towel and wiped the excess off.
Lucas fell next to you, out of breath, and nearly exhausted. “Wow,” he muttered.
You rose from the bed, still shaking and legs a bit sore. “I’ll be in the shower. You’re welcome to join me as long as there’s no hanky panky.”
“No promises,” Lucas smiled, slowly gathering himself. “I’ll meet you there in a moment.”
You, still naked, walked to Lucas’ bathroom with a sway in your step. Just to mess with him. He gave you a moment for yourself while you turned on the shower and stepped in. You felt as if you were in a different reality, being in Lucas’ bathroom and just having had sex with Lucas Wong. You wondered if the rest of your student organization would be surprised, but suspected that they wouldn’t. Maybe Doyoung would’ve have filled them in when you didn’t return to your shared apartment with Yuta.
Lucas came in soon after, still eyeing your body the way he was before. “You can stay the night if you want, maybe get breakfast tomorrow.”
You kneaded some shampoo into his hair, and repressed a smile. It was like he read your mind. “I suppose so,” you attempted to be casual.
“And back to the dating thing,” Lucas began, “maybe we should try it.”
“Is that code for you want to have sex with me again?”
“I won’t deny that’s part of it,” Lucas admitted.
You turned from him to face the faucet, and felt him behind you once again. This time, you felt comforted by his embrace. “We’ll see how breakfast goes,” you offered.
He laughed, a low sweet sound prompting you to smile. You let yourself go in the moment, enjoying the feeling the water cascade down your skin and Lucas’ presence warming your body. “You’re never going to stop giving me a hard time, are you?”
You shook your head.
OLucas turned you to face him, descending his lips onto yours. “I wouldn’t want you to stop.”
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The Importance of First Impressions
Or: How Remus Got Himself Kidnapped, Like An Idiot.
Hoo boy. This is, or rather was supposed to be my gift for @arc-gx for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange for this past Christmas. I’m sorry for taking this long to get it out, I just kept putting it off and putting it off and all of a sudden it’s mid-January like wtf… Anyway, they asked for Logan angst or intrulogical and I figured “why not both?” and here we are. Again, super sorry this is almost a month late, but here you go. This is actually the first fanfic that I’ve ever actually finished, so any tips are greatly appreciated!
Word Count: 1120
Summary: When a royal wedding is disrupted by tragedy, Roman must go forth and rescue his brother, but does Remus really want to be saved?
Pairings: romantic intrulogical, familial creativitwins
Warnings: Homophobia (being forced into a het marriage), unsympathetic Logan (but it’s just acting dw), minor innuendo, major character near-death, general angst (most of it’s just Roman being dramatic tho)
Today was supposed to be one of celebration, of merriment! The crown prince was to be married, and to the princess of an incredibly powerful neighboring kingdom, one which Prince Remus was to rule over, once the day comes. At least, that was the plan. Tragedy had struck, the prince had been kidnapped by a dark mage, and was being held hostage. Naturally, Prince Roman, being the proud and chivalrous young man that he was, immediately volunteered to lead a mission to rescue his brother. It was only now, as he approached the dark tower which had loomed along the horizon for the entirety of Roman’s travels, that he began to have second thoughts about the advisability of this mission.
He had started this quest with 10 of the kingdom’s greatest knights, only for each to either meet his end or turn around and head home, leaving the prince alone in his journey. He tactfully approached the entrance, checking for any sign of magical traps. Thankfully there were none to be found, and he soon found himself standing in the center of a massive entrance hall.
“Face me, magician!” he bellowed into the empty building. Though he was at first only met with a fading echo, soon enough a deep chuckling ricocheted throughout the chamber, the shadows seeming to bend together into a human form at the top of the ornate staircase across the hall.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting yet more royal blood to enter my domain,” the sorcerer’s hands burst alight with blue flame, brightly illuminating the previously dim room, “did you come here, all on your own, in some vain attempt to ‘rescue’ your brother? How delightfully lamentable. Soon you’ll be disposed of in much the same way he was.”
Roman charged for the stairs, only for the sorcerer to disappear once more. Likewise, the shadows of the room began to pool beneath the prince, forming a swirling mass beneath his feet just before giving way, sending him falling through an inky void. Not for long, however, as soon another such portal formed pulling Roman back to the tower, though he now found himself leaning against the parapets for support, easily hundreds of feet above the entrance hall he stood in only moments before. Before him stood his quarry, an indigo staff materializing in his hands, glowing with arcane energy.
Roman leapt forward, driving his sword toward the man who kidnapped his brother, only for the mage to easily deflect the blade with his staff. He deftly leapt backwards, only for Roman to charge forward again, feinting a similar attack, only to thrust his pommel into the sorcerer’s gut and sweep his leg beneath him.
The spellcaster was caught off guard by the sudden move and found himself on the ground with the tip of the prince’s blade pressed against his windpipe before he could react.
Roman glowered at the man before him. “Give me one good reason not to run my blade through your throat, slime.”
The magician’s eyes widened at his words, he made to scramble backwards, only for the blade to follow until his head knocked against the stone wall of the parapets. “I… You- I-” she stammered, gulping.
The prince raised his blade, ready to end this pitiful excuse for a dark mage until a voice cried out from the stairwell into the tower. “ROMAN, NO! STOP!”
The sound of his brother’s voice made the prince drop his blade in shock. He whipped around to see the crown prince, looking just as resplendent as the day he was kidnapped. He ran between his brother and the sorcerer, ready to protect his captor.
“Remus I- wha-” Now Roman found himself unable to form words. “What in the name of all things good and gay in this land is going on?”
“Well, this might take a little bit of explanation...” Remus failed to meet his brother’s eyes for a moment. “I may have… staged my own kidnapping? With Logan’s help?”
Roman looked aghast “You what?” staged his own kidnapping? How- why- so many questions swirled through the younger prince’s head as he fell to his knees. “I- I don’t… understand.”
“It’s quite simple, actually.” The sorcerer, Logan, had stood back up, dusting himself off. “Your brother asked me to deliver him from the castle to, as I believe he put it ‘get out of that damn nasty het marriage mom and dad are trying to force me into for the good of the kingdom or some dumb crap’, and I simply had to play the part of evil sorcerer in order to scare off any would-be knights in shining armor. I must say, it was rather entertaining. Not to mention some of the… other benefits.” the previously stoic man shot the crown prince a sly look.
“Oh my stars, please don’t. I have to put up with that sort of talk enough whenever he’s around.” Roman looked away from the two, his face growing several shades redder. “So, Remus doesn’t want to come back. But I can’t exactly go home empty handed, what am I supposed to say, ‘Oh I’m sorry guys turns out the prince just noped out of here! Sorry, better luck next monarch!’ I mean I might have to take up the crown at this point, and it’s not exactly as if I could pass off as straight or anything. Mom and Dad aren’t gonna be happy, whatever happens.”
“Well, that doesn’t have to necessarily be the case.” Logan’s hands glowed, producing a large bucket filled with ash. “Here’s what you should do...”
“And so, the prince solemnly returned to the capital, bringing back word that his older brother had perished by the sorcerer’s doing. Roman had dispatched the magician himself, but it was too late for the crown prince. In light of his sorrow over the events which took place, as well as his lack of preparedness, Roman chose to abdicate the throne, leading to a succession crisis lasting nearly a decade. The former prince secluded himself from public life, never really seen in public again. Secretly, he had fled the kingdom not long after his abdication, making a name for himself as a valiant knight. As for his brother, he and the magician who he had asked to kidnap him lived a peaceful, happy life together. The end.”
“Jeez bro, you wrote a whole fairy tale fic just to ship me and Logic?” Remus dangled down from the top bunk of their shared bed in the mindscape.
“...shut up” Roman snatched the leatherbound book from his twin, putting it alongside all the other “side fics” that were never meant to see the light of day, even if Remus kept finding them.
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soradragon · 4 years
Sugary Comfort
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Art’s not mine I found it and credit goes to the wonderful owners of this master piece of a drawing!
First Mikey x reader! I am proud and content with this one!
Thank you my sweet new beta reader for helping me edit this fic I love u and your amazing! <3
Warnings: sensory overstimulation in the beginning, lots of fluff, one pun
Mikey x f! reader
Check out my main masterlist if you liked what you read and wanna read more!
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics don’t be afraid to ask me! ^^
Anyway, enjoy^^
You gazed at the reflection of a girl. She looked utterly exhausted; bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in ages. 
Her lips were tilted up in a sneer; it was evident that she was repressing the urge to scream. But instead of giving in to the voice begging her to do just that, she drove her foot through the water's surface. Not only disfiguring the reflection of the girl, but also dirtying the dress you nitpickingly chose to wear this day. At the time you felt beautiful wearing it. Proud that you chose the right clothes to fit with the dress, completing the look you wanted.
Now, you just didn't care.
You didn't feel pretty nor proud.
You choked out a sob, rubbing the back of your hand against your face harshly.
You wanted all the white noise to stop, wanted the crying to stop, wanted the searing headache to stop. Why couldn't time freeze? Then, maybe the chaos in your head would finally end.
You had tried everything you knew that normally should have worked. Out of all of the times for those methods not to work, why did it precisely choose now when it actually matters?
You followed all the steps. You even rehearsed the steps as you did them.
Step one: When you feel an episode coming, go to a quiet place with dull, even colours. 
You had almost dropped your project when you felt everything becoming overwhelming, muttering an explanation to your teacher before almost booking out of the school building, to the most calming place you could recall; the park.
Step two: Once you have found a quiet place, go sit down and use your headphones to block out all of the sounds.
The headphones did not work.
Your never-ending trains of thoughts took the place of the noise and multiplied it by two. 
Images that flashed before your eyes every time you closed them were too bright. You were unable to figure out the meanings behind the words your mind screamed at you. 
All of it only worsened the already painful headache.
After only a moment you tore the headphones from your head.
Step three: Try even your breathing, and count to ten to ground yourself.
This was the only step that worked. You managed to calm yourself and stop your ragged breathing but it took effort. It took two attempts of counting to ten before it succeeded.
This whole fiasco petered you out mentally and physically. You just wanted this unnecessary sensory to decrease and quiet down to at least a tolerable level. But alas, the world did not want to cooperate this time.
You sighed, casting your gaze to the heavens. 
The sky was beautiful this evening - painted in orange and pink - and you would have taken the time to admire it, had it been in a different situation.
After hearing a familiar yet obnoxious 'ping' coming from within your bag, you cursed under your breath. You snatched your bag from behind you crudely, zipping it open with a huff. As you turned it on, you flinched at the bright light of your screen.
One unread message from 'Mom.'
She was worried sick no doubt. You felt guilty for worrying her, and wanted to reassure her that yes, you were safe, but felt like trash and were in the middle of an episode that wouldn't stop. No matter how hard you tried, all the obnoxious and illogical sensory your brain's been picking up did not stop. Though, on the other hand, you just wanted to ignore the message and skip the whole situation of explaining everything altogether and just turn off the screen and put notifications on mute. You sent a quick 'k' to whatever she had messaged you and moved on to the mute button.
Your finger hovered above it when a notification popped up, causing you to hesitate.
One new message from 'The great Mikester dude!'
Without thinking, you pressed on the notification, staring with big eyes at the message he had sent you: Guess who and where dudette. :P
"Mikey." You gasped out, manoeuvring your head in all kinds of directions, eyes skimming all over the park, trying to find the one in question. You felt the tingling and buzzing feeling of hope and glee pool in your body, replacing the sadness and anger.
All problems were forgotten or pushed to the back of your mind.
The white noise died down suddenly when you heard a low thud and the slight rustling of leaves. 
There was no other explanation; they were here...You were sure of it. 
Only they could stop the chaos when everything else failed, though you didn't know how, nor the logic in it. 
You guessed it had something to do with their ninja nature or something. (Even though Donnie told you multiple times that it might have been because of the aura they carried with, them, being half turtle and all that jazz had its side effects on some humans, like how a pet could soothe its owner simply by being near them. You still blamed it on them being ninjas.)
With your mind settled down, you could think clearly again. 
You briefly acknowledged the fact that you most certainly were a dishevelled mess. Puffy eyes from crying, clothes covered in mud, and hair all over the place, considering that you've pulled and tangled your hair in frustration. Despite all of this, you didn't care.
You were too busy thinking of a plan to lure them - you guessed it was all of them, though it could be only Mikey - out of their hiding place.
You accidentally placed your hand on your phone, making it vibrate, and your hand shot back as if it had burned you. A few seconds after, a song piped up.  A lot of curses could be heard from the tree where the music came from, the leaves rustled like no tomorrow. Mikey fell out of said tree not long after, hitting the ground with an 'oof' followed by a groan. You stared at Mikey for a couple of seconds before doubling over in laughter as the realisation hit you:
You had accidentally called Mikey!
Well, it sure helped you find him!
You counted that as a win on your part. And it seemed that Mikey was on his own, for normally one of the brothers, cough Raph cough would have jumped out from their hiding place and scolded Mikey.
He rolled into a sitting position, giggling with you.
"Yo, dudette! Fancy seeing you here. Don't mind me dropping in," he said, peering at you with an expecting smile, seeming to wait for a reaction. 
It took you a hot second or two for you to catch on, eventually groaning at the pun and face-palming yourself for your delayed comprehension. He did jazz hands and everything.
The great ninja Michelangelo just punned...
You wanted to kick yourself, you completely forgot that April had warned you about Mikey using puns. She had messaged you not too long ago about how it was a "Big" (with capital B) mistake of Casey to teach Mikey "The Art of puns." For Mikey had become obsessed with them. - Throughout the whole exchange, Casey had managed to steal April’s phone a few times and messaged you some words. Three guesses which one was Casey’s input on the matter. - 
You had no clue what they meant with "mistake" throughout that whole exchange. 
You appreciated a good pun.
This was not a good pun. 
You could just imagine the brothers’ reactions to Mikey's newfound fixation: Raph screaming desperately for Mikey to shut up. Donnie being hella annoyed with something pressed against his (ears?) to drown Mikey out. Leo would definitely try to ignore him, probably without success, because you knew...oh, you knew Mikey would take every chance he got to make a pun.
Your heart went out for them. Needing to go through such torture was horrid, yet it was a funny sight to be completely honest. Not that you would ever tell them, heavens no.
You were not going to poke three bears with a stick - in this case, mutant turtles. You were not ready to die three separate times.
"Dude, that was so bad,” you said, making a face as if you had just been forced to smell Raph's feet. You still regret going through with that bet.
Mikey frowned, throwing his hands in the air. You knew he wasn't really offended, just a bit pouty.
"It's the truth, dude," you retorted absentmindedly, casting your gaze from left to the right before it rested on your bag. Smiling slightly, you snatched it, hauling it over your back before turning back to Mikey who sat contently against the tree. 
"But," you emphasised the word by pointing your index finger in the air, "you can get better,” your grin widened as you spoke.
 “And I, Y/N, know how it's really done."
Mikey's pout vanished and a wide, child-like grin overtook his face. You had his full attention, as he observed you expectantly from his cross-legged position. 
The long uncut grass rippled towards and caressed Mikey, the blades of green curling slightly forward and creating an image of what looked like nature sheltering Mikey from the harsh reality outside of this garden of paradise. 
The green-filled branches of the tree hovered above him, leaves gliding down every now and again, covering Mikey in small dapples of shadow.
Dusk's hew engulfed the image before you in a soft purple radiance. Mikey's skin practically glowed, making him look like a forest fairy.
It was a captivating sight. 
You could mistake it for a painted fairy tale that had come to life. Whoever the painter was had made sure that each tiny detail captured the magic and beauty of the image before you.
A magic-filled world coexisting in the harsh one you stood in... what you wouldn't give to cast all worries aside and join that world.
You were so lost in the moment that you almost forgot to continue.
Shaking yourself free from the enchanting sight, you carried on, albeit flustered, "a-and I could, um, teach you a thing or two. If...If you want me to, that is."
Mikey almost jumped right in your face before the words had completely left your mouth. There were practically stars in his eyes! He actually looked really adorable.
"Really!? You would!? Y/N, you are the best!!"
Mikey engulfed you into a hug, his body nearly covering your entire body from the world.
You gave a chuckle as he kept his arms circled around you, letting you sit in his lap. You didn't mind at all, feeling cosy in his arms.
"Of course I would Mikester. It would be my pleasure!"
You raised your hands to Mikey's cheeks, giving them a couple of pats before you continued.
"That way, you have a reason to end patrol earlier so we can spend more time together," and it would give the others a break from the barrage of bad puns, but you didn't voice that out loud. 
Mikey seemed to agree. He didn't waste any time to establish when and where this 'class-session', as he called it, would be taking place. He wanted it to become, without a shadow of a doubt, a weekly thing, like movie night at the turtles’ place with everyone.
Mentioning movie night brought up some nasty memories of last time -the movie night itself wasn’t bad, just one of your episodes got out of hand -  and Mikey changed the subject promptly after seeing you wince slightly. 
He told you about all kinds of new skateboard tricks he mastered and invented.
After a little while - when everything had been said about skateboarding - Mikey started to eagerly talk about random topics, bringing up stuff like how his training went this morning or what he encountered on patrol. Just little things to draw more time spending in this position. You kept in mind that this peaceful moment couldn't last forever, for both of you would have to separate sooner rather than later. 
You needed to go home to your no doubt worried sick parents, before they would start search parties. And Mikey...had to wait till the next time you two could hang out. (Which wasn't as often as both of you desired)
You listened to his voice silently, only humming a reply whenever Mikey asked for your opinion, snuggling deeper into his embrace as you lost track of time. Drowsiness tugged at your consciousness, beckoning you to close your eyes and let sleep take over. The way Mikey held you close to him made you feel loved and safe, with you resting your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. He rubbed soothing circles on your left shoulder with one hand, making it impossible to resist the urge to let sleep take you away to dreamland. 
You vaguely heard Mikey's voice murmur in your ear, "Sweet dreams, sugar muffin..." You felt soft lips brush against your forehead before sleep took you over.
Michelangelo stayed seated for a little while longer, looking at your sleeping form with loving eyes. If the world would have let him, he would have stayed like this forever. Alas, the moment was broken when your mobile pinged inside your bag, vibrating like crazy.
Mikey panicked. Jumping to his feet (surprisingly without stirring you) without thinking. He opened your bag in such haste he had almost dropped you trying to grab the vibrating phone before it would wake you.
He sighed in relief when the phone stopped its obnoxious buzzing after he managed to keep you from falling. He shifted you gently onto one arm to hold you delicately, yet tightly to his chest, as if he was protecting you from the world around you.
Once he made sure you were nestled comfortably in his hold,  he glanced towards the device lying in his palm. Mikey held it at an arm's length.
One question drifted inside his mind: Who in their right mind would call you this late in the evening?
It was a question where he could get an answer, but Mikey didn't want to pry into your private life without your permission.
But the curiosity gnawed at him like he would do with pizza.
He shook his head and chastised himself for goggling the device longingly. "No, bad Mikey...Be the better man, you can do this," he muttered, moving to put the phone in your bag until your phone buzzed again, displaying the number of notifications on the lit-up screen.
It made him halt in his tracks. 
Mikey knew you were having a bad day today. After all, he saw you crying by the pond in the centre of the park. It was a mere coincidence, patrolling around the park at the time. He had seen you crying and decided right then and there that he would cheer you up. But he had no idea you had that kind of bad day. 
There were seven unread messages and three missed calls from your mother. All of them showed how worried she was about you, asking where you were and if you had one of your sensory overstimulation episodes.
Without really thinking about it, he typed a reply to your mother: Batteries died, was with a friend. Coming home through the fire escape forgot keys.
It wasn’t a  grammatically correct message, he knew. It was the best he could do with one hand and one thick tumb.
Mikey glanced towards you with gentle eyes and a soft smile after sending the message and put your phone back in your bag.
He moved you gently, holding you with both arms again and cradling you against his chest.
You, in turn, stirred and snuggled deeper into Mikey's chest, making his heart soar.
"Time to get you home, sugar muffins..." he whispered softly, brushing a couple of stray hairs out of your face.
Mikey moved swiftly yet precisely, ensuring you did not wake or feel uncomfortable during roof-top-hopping. You needed all the rest you could get; the bags under your eyes made him even more certain of the fact.
Your home came into Mikey's field of vision far too soon. Opening the window and laying you softly onto your bed felt too fast for his taste.
Mikey took extra care to tuck you in. He even attached a little note to your bag for you to find when you would wake up. 
He really wanted to stay longer, but the sound of your parents coming up the stairs told him it was time to go. He opened the door of your room slightly so your parents would know you were home. Michelangelo climbed through the window before your parents could see him.
He watched your parents turn on the light from a rooftop across your window. Your dad gave you an extra blanket before the two of them turned off the light and left your room.
Mikey stayed there on the rooftop for a little while longer before leaving, looking over his shoulder one last time and then he sprinted over the rooftops towards home.
You found the note the next day. You smiled brightly at the words hastily scribbled on the pape. You texted Mikey a reply before you went to look out your window. Your eyes draw towards the morning sky, which was painted in a soft orange hue.  
You repeated the words inside your head, making you excited for the next time you would see your turtle in orange...
Yoo, dudette! Can't wait for the pun-session upcoming Friday! 
I'll pick you up at ten alright? It's a date! ;) <3
Thank you for reading, and keep soaring high!^^
Forever taglist
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soundofez · 3 years
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written for @mlwriterzine​, beta’d by the wonderful @128andfalling​ and @powerdragonmoon​. thanks to the entire team for an absolutely fantastic zine!
[ read on ao3 ] [ or continue below ]
The afternoon sun beats hot on Cat Noir's head as he leaps across the Parisian rooftops. It's just the right sort of summer day for ice cream, or a trip to the beach, or a long nap. Ladybug herself is asleep, snoring gently against Cat Noir's shoulder.
Some tiny part of him is quietly enjoying the feeling. The rest of him is panicking, because there is an akuma on the loose and a sentimonster on his heels.
"Stay away!" he yelps, clutching Ladybug closer to his chest as he flees.
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" the sentimonster replies. "Black cat, I wish but to parley."
"No!" Cat Noir drops into an alley and takes several sharp corners, then knocks a manhole cover spinning to dive into the sewers.
He turns another couple of corners, the back of his neck still prickling with nerves and sticky sweat. The sewers are marginally cooler, shielded as they are from the summer sun, but they are also stiflingly humid.
And, of course, they stink.
Cat Noir keeps running for a few minutes. When the sentimonster doesn't appear, he slows to a jog. "It's amazing you're still asleep, you know," he tells Ladybug as he nudges her mouth shut. "I regret coming down here. You're going to regret it, too."
"These shadows do offend," someone agrees in a mocking voice. A grinning green face melts out of the brickwork at Cat Noir's feet.
Cat Noir screams and breaks into a run again, leaving the sentimonster behind.
"Nor perfect is your face!" it calls after him. "But do attend; pray quit the race?"
Adrien keeps running, of course, ignoring the throbbing dread in his ears, the rising panic in his chest. He's been through these tunnels countless times, trying over and over to keep his Lady safe—but that had been as Aspik, not as Cat Noir, and the sewers had been chilly with spring, not humid with summer.
At least he had not been alone, though.
"Poor cat who loves the ladybug!" the sentimonster calls. Its voice echoes through the sweltering tunnels.
"Mind your own business," Cat Noir snaps. Yes, he loves her. No, she doesn't love him back. He knows all this already, and he's not about to let a sentimonster throw that in his face.
"About that." The grinning green face appears in front of him again, and he nearly trips trying to stop his momentum. He's still catching his footing when it says, "You know very well my drug."
It takes him a moment to understand what the sentimonster is suggesting. The akuma Oberon put people to sleep; the sentimonster woke them up, only to have them fall in love with the first people they set eyes on. He hadn't had the chance to think of its power beyond the chaos it was creating in Paris, but now that he has … Adrien's breath catches despite himself. After all this time, the idea that Ladybug might love him still catches his heart and sets it aflame. "No," he tries to say, but the word comes out as a choked whisper.
The sentimonster's grin vanishes as the rest of its body appears. It shrugs carelessly, but there is a deadly intent in its golden eyes. "Then fate decrees: she shall love me."
Cat Noir snarls, a sound that rumbles from his chest and tears out of his throat with more ferocity than he'd known he had. "No!" He clutches Ladybug's sleeping form closer, turning her head into his shoulder to guard her eyes as he backs away from the sentimonster.
"Those things do best please me that befall preposterously," it muses. "For her to love me is less silly than for her to love thee. Here is the treaty: I wake her, she loves you, you free me, and the butterfly sees defeat."
Adrien stares. "Free you?" he repeats.
The sentimonster ignores the question. Instead, he sticks out a small hand to shake. "Have we a pact, then?"
Adrien eyes the hand warily. "Why help us? How are you helping us? Without the object that made you—"
"My master set me on your path." The sentimonster flutters in an impatient circle around Cat Noir's head. He's small, the size of a child, with pointed ears and gossamer gold wings: a fairy. "And here we chat!" He nods to himself, a sharp, proud motion. "But my master was mistaken: he spoke of who, not how or when." He winks. "Have we a pact, Monsieur Black Cat?"
"But how—?"
The sentimonster's grin vanishes again, his voice turning from sunlight to storm without warning. "I said, have we a pact?"
Adrien scowls. "I won't let you hurt her."
"I shan't," the sentimonster says, rolling his eyes. He sticks out a hand. "My hand shall not bring the ladybug alarm. Here is the charm: I wake her, she loves you, you free me, and the butterfly sees his plans disarmed."
Adrien isn't completely sure what possesses him to take the sentimonster's hand. Still, he only tries to snatch his hand back when he feels a tingle of magic run up his spine. "What was that?" he demands.
"A pact is a pact," the sentimonster intones. "My hand shall not bring the ladybug alarm. Here is the charm: I wake her, she loves you, you free me, and the butterfly sees his plans disarmed." The mocking tone has left his voice: he sounds like he is reciting an oath. "The peafowl, too," he adds, in his own voice again, as he releases Cat Noir's hand. He extends the same hand toward Ladybug. "Now, my cue?"
Adrien doesn't have time to refuse: the sentimonster's hand is already resting on Ladybug's mask, green skin pressed over red fabric. She stirs immediately, and the sentimonster vanishes from sight. "My work is through," says the mocking voice. Adrien starts to look for him, but Ladybug shudders in his arms and draws his eye, as helplessly attracted as Plagg to cheese. Ladybug will always be his first priority.
Her eyes snap open, clear and sharp—Adrien wonders, hopes, dreads that maybe the sentimonster's magic has failed—for just an instant before a blush lights her cheeks, as if her mask is staining them red. Her hand lifts to his cheek. "You're so beautiful," she says softly.
He trembles at her touch, at how tender it is, how adoring. So this is Ladybug in love, he thinks.
"I've been blind," she murmurs. "You're so much more beautiful than he is."
His heart stops, stutters, threatens to choke him with jealousy and guilt. What is he doing? What has he done? He swallows to put his heart back in his chest. "Who is he?" he whispers, because he has to know.
Ladybug leans up. "My sweet Cat Noir," she whispers against his lips, "he doesn't matter anymore."
She presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth, chaste yet intimate, as scorching as the summer sun. He turns toward it despite the gnawing at his heart.
He doesn't matter anymore, he repeats to himself. Whoever he is, he doesn't matter. But he does matter, this mysterious other man—he must, to have held Ladybug's love for so long. Adrien aches to know what kind of person he is, to know why Ladybug has loved him so steadily. He wants to be that person. He wants to be better. His Lady deserves the best.
Ladybug kisses him, and it's everything he'd ever dreamed. He loses himself in the heat of her clinging lips and adoring hands and kisses her back.
His head feels light. He's forgetting to breathe. He breaks the kiss to press his forehead against hers, closes his eyes and sinks to his knees, shaking.
The dread is back and stronger than ever. Maybe it had never left, had instead brewed like a summer storm. It thunders now in his chest, overflows into his already-starved lungs, drowns him with oppressive shame. Why? Why should he be ashamed? Why, when he is so close to having his dreams come true, does he feel so upset?
He can't think. He doesn't want to think, not when Ladybug is trying to kiss him again. It would be so easy to let her, to throw away his reservations and lose himself in all of her, so he does.
There is applause. Adrien agrees. This is very applause-worthy.
Ladybug seems to disagree. At the second clap, she is already out of Cat Noir's arms and on her feet, yo-yo at the ready. "Who—You're the sentimonster!"
The sentimonster performs a flourishing bow, neatly dodging Ladybug's yo-yo as it whips over his head. "I am your humble servant Puck, good Ladybug."
"Cat Noir!" Ladybug cries, and he is on his feet, baton out, an automatic reaction to years of hearing her call for him.
"My hand shall not bring the ladybug alarm. Here is the charm: I wake her, she loves you, you free me, and the butterfly sees his plans disarmed," Puck recites, and Adrien feels that tingle run up his spine again.
"He's on our side, Ladybug," he blurts, and once the words are out he has to blink away the feeling of magical compulsion. "S-sort of," he adds.
Ladybug is scowling. "Then he's like … the other Ladybug?" She shakes her head. "But where is the object that made you? How are you doing this?"
Puck waves a dismissive hand. "Another time, another tale: I've not time to regale," he says. "Hark, instead, to come anon: the manner of defeat of Oberon."
He starts to explain, but after barely two sentences, Ladybug turns to Cat Noir. "If I do this," she says, and there's a new distress in her voice. "If I purify the akuma, I'll stop loving you, won't I? I'll hurt you."
Adrien feels like he's taken a Cataclysm to the gut. She's right—her Miraculous Ladybug will change her back, probably by wiping her memories. She'll go back to normal—or will she? She's so strikingly herself, even now looking farther ahead than Adrien had considered.
Maybe she'll still love him after, when Puck's magic is gone—no. He can't let himself think that. He can't let himself dream of their future after this fight. After today, she will go back to the way she was. She will stop loving him. She will stop loving him. He repeats that to himself until the pain in his heart subsides to a low throb.
Ladybug has already turned back to Puck. "I'm not purifying the akuma," she says.
Puck replies, ever-mocking, but Adrien doesn't hear the words. He breathes slowly, pulling painful words together. "You will," he finally says.
Ladybug's attention jerks back to him. "Cat Noir?"
Adrien drags a shaking breath through his lungs. "We're going to defeat Oberon," he says, "and you're going to purify the akuma."
Ladybug is silent for a long moment. "I don't understand," she says softly. "Don't you get it? I'll forget."
"But you'll do it," Adrien says, equally soft.
Ladybug shakes her head. "I won't—" She gasps. "You … don't love me."
Adrien shudders. He feels older than he is, his heart crumbling in his chest like ancient, sunbleached clothing. He feels like Aspik again, desperate and impatient and helpless. He feels like Mister Bug, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders and darkening his world. It would be easier for her to think that of him, wouldn't it? It would be easier to let her hate him, to think he's betrayed her, so that she could fight the akuma and forget without regrets …
Ladybug is still talking. "You never loved me, did you? It's been a … a joke, this whole time. I knew it, but I still—"
Adrien snaps. "I love you so much," he snarls, unable to bear the unkindness of her thoughts, unable to watch her love twist so easily into hate. "I love you so much I want to keep you like this forever! But I also—I love you for being a hero, Ladybug! For putting Paris first! I wish you wouldn't—I wish you could just be mine—but I'm just being selfish, I know it's better this way. I want to be strong for you, my brave and bold and brilliant Ladybug! I want you to choose me, and I can't have you like this because I'll always wonder if this is real or if it's just … magic."
"I'm still me!" she spits back, almost before he's finished talking. "I am choosing you! I remember everything! If it weren't for him, I could have loved you sooner! I would have loved you sooner! I know it!"
Her words are an unexpected balm on his aching heart. Adrien straightens, meets her eyes. "Then I'll wait," he says, suddenly calm.
"I don't want you to wait," Ladybug begins raggedly.
Adrien stops her with a finger on her lips. "I'll still love you," he promises. "I'll wait, my Lady, as long as it takes."
Ladybug is shaking her head. "I don't want you to wait," she repeats, desperate. "I don't want to hurt you. I want to love you back."
Adrien smiles. "My Lady," he says gently, "you already do. You love me now. You'll love me again."
Ladybug's eyes are bright with tears. "But what if I don't?" she whispers.
He shakes his head. "You will," he promises, kissing her forehead. Then he turns to Puck. "Tell us how to defeat Oberon."
The evening sun is sinking behind the horizon, painting the sky with brilliant reds and deep violets as Cat Noir leaps across the Parisian rooftops. It's a beautiful sight; he stops on a nice rooftop by the Seine to enjoy the view.
The long summer days means that it is actually quite late. Adrien should be getting ready for bed right now. Instead, Cat Noir is out on patrol.
He checks the Ladyblog. Sure enough, there's a picture of their last kiss, their final moment together before the Lucky Charm had set things back. He can still hear her last whispered words in his ear: "To remember me by."
He misses her already, his sweet Ladybug. He wants her back.
It frightens him, how easy it was to let her love him, how easy it was to ignore that she was under the sway of magic. Even now, the thought gnaws at him. Take her, it whispers. She won't mind. She'll be yours. You'll live happily ever after.
The sun has fully set, but the sky still remembers its glow. Even so, dusk carries an unseasonal chill that seeps into Cat Noir's bones.
He closes the Ladyblog and sits down. The roof tiles have kept the day's heat, and it chases away some of the cold. He lies back, soaking in the lingering warmth, and closes his eyes.
"The final hour has arrived," says a mocking voice. "Just say the word: I shall provide."
Adrien doesn't look for the sentimonster, but he opens his eyes to watch the darkening sky. "Never again," he says softly. "Not if I can help it."
"We were well met; this is good-bye."
Adrien speaks without quite knowing why. "Wait."
"How quickly did you change your mind!"
"Not that," Adrien says, annoyed. "Just … Will you be okay on your own? If Mayura finds you …"
Puck scoffs. "Would that she knew, perhaps she would try; I give grace to you, who played my demise." He sounds as mocking as ever, but Adrien thinks that there's honesty, too. "Still, caution is wise. I'll soon take my leave. I'll fly 'til I spy my true lord, the Fey King."
Adrien finally turns toward the fairy. "The Fey King?" he repeats, astonished.
Puck winks. "I go, I go; look how I go, swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow." He vanishes on the spot.
Adrien stares after him for a moment before returning his gaze to the still-darkening horizon. He stays there for a while longer, simply watching the sky.
Through a sea of stars, the moon rises full and yellow, reflecting the light of the fallen sun but none of its warmth. Adrien wonders at its brightness; wonders if it is false for the moon to borrow the light of the sun when it possesses none for itself.
The roof is cold. Cat Noir pulls himself to his feet and makes his way home, where he detransforms and burrows under his bed covers.
"Plagg," he whispers.
The kwami yawns. "Hmm?"
"Are fairies real?"
"Some of 'em, sure. His Majesty Oberon is an especially sanctimonious … fellow."
"So he's real? The 'Fey King' that Puck is looking for?"
Plagg yawns again. "Yup. But if he asks, don't say I told. He likes his secrecy."
"... Plagg?"
"Ladybug does love me, doesn't she?"
Plagg doesn't reply.
The kwami grumbles to himself. "Fine, yes, she loves you," he eventually replies, quick and dismissive. Plagg has always been evasive and uncomfortable regarding Adrien's more romantic tendencies. Most of the time, Adrien lets it slide.
Most of the time. "I'm serious, Plagg."
The little cat groans. "Of course you are. I don't get you humans! You have the cheese right under your nose, and you still turn away. It'll spoil if you leave it for so long."
"Cheese isn't the same thing as love," Adrien scolds, but Plagg's words burn doubt into his heart. "Besides," he adds, "it wasn't her." He says this to remind himself as much as to remind Plagg.
Plagg doesn't buy it. "She said so herself, didn't she? That she was still Ladybug."
Adrien hesitates. "Yes," he finally agrees.
"So why didn't you just take up that sentimonster's offer?"
Guilt brews in his chest again, flooding into this throat and drowning him. "It's wrong, Plagg."
"If you know that, then why are you still asking me?"
Adrien doesn't reply.
Plagg shakes his head pityingly. "Dumb kid," he says with sad affection, but he sounds almost admiring, too. "Let's stop with all this stupid 'love' stuff, already. Cheese is just better." He sighs longingly. "Did you see the moon tonight? All lovely and gold. What I would give for just a nibble! No, a lick!"
Adrien can't help but laugh. "The moon isn't made of cheese, Plagg."
"Lies and slander!"
When had he started grinning? He closes his eyes and lets the smile grow. "Good night, Plagg."
"No, not good night! Take back what you said about the moon! Adrien! … Adrien! You wretched little …! Don't think you've won this one, Adrien, we are going to talk about this tomorrow, and you will admit that the moon is made of cheese."
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, the sun will rise. Tomorrow, he will see Ladybug again.
Tonight, Adrien sleeps and dreams.
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lovinglysavage · 3 years
My Best Friend
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Member : NCT's Jisung
Pairing : College student Jisung × College student Fem reader 
Genre : Childhood friends to lover ( a very very tiny bit of angst )
Warnings : Major fluff 
Word Count : 3.1k + 
This is my first Tumblr story , so hopefully you will like it and Jisung is such a big UwU , he's one of my ults , so yeah ......
Jisung was always the shy one among your group , not meaning that you were literally an extrovert but he was the quietest one in your group of friends . But did you mention that he's the cutest one among you all ? Guess nope , but that's you being you , not a big deal .
Your group consisted of you , Jisung , Jaemin , Jeno , Renjun , Haechan , Chenle , Karina , Ningning , Giselle and Winter . 
You were the youngest one and you even had your 2 elder brothers in your group - Jaemin and Jeno . Jisung was your childhood friend, someone you had known since diapers . Someone who knew you better than all your friends and someone to whom you could share everything .
But when did all those laughter - filled times spent with him change , to you dreaming about him ? Probably somewhere along , you might have developed feelings for this cute mochi . And honestly , who wouldn't when he was literally a whole package ?
And that was what you were doing ( dreaming about Jisung ) when a loud yell interrupted your beautiful dream , " Y/N , YOU DO REALIZE THAT COLLEGE'S OPENING TOMORROW , RIGHT ? " , your mom said , you mean yelled . You signed internally . Your brothers weren't preparing , so why you ?
Soon enough , Jeno came inside and first thing that he did was , to ruffle your silky , straight hair into a bird's nest . You weren't the one to back down , so you slapped his hand away before sticking your tongue out at him , just to annoy him.
The white faced Samoyed did get a bit annoyed but not enough for him to chase you around the house . The day passed by pretty quickly and soon the next day , you found yourself standing infront of the mirror , dressing up for college . You went out together with your brothers after having a simple breakfast . 
As soon as you reached college , you met your besties - Giselle , Karina , Winter and Ningning . You all group - hugged . Soon enough , the bell rang indicating that classes were about to begin . Bidding goodbye to your brothers , you held Ning’s hand before running to class . As soon as you both reached class , you broke down in laughter Ningning joining you a bit later because you looked like you both had run a marathon , completely messed up . Calming yourselves , you both entered the classroom .
Your eyes scanned the room looking for a specific person . You saw him sitting at the last row’s side-most bench , near the window with his airpods plugged in each of his ears . Rushing to sit next to him , you almost stumbled and fell but because you were good at body-balancing ( which I suck at ) you somehow managed to stand straight again and reach him . He probably might’ve seen you stumbling because there was a small ( helpless ) smile on his face . 
You literally snatched his airpod away from his ear so that he could hear you . “ JISUNGIE !!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH “ , you could feel the others in the class staring at you and you swore mentally that this was going to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your college life . Apologizing with a soft voice which was complete in contrast to the voice you used to greet Jisung , you bowed and sat down , watching Ningning approaching you with a smirk on her face ( I actually meant beautiful face ) anyways ......
Shoot , you forgot that you left her there . “ Care to explain what the excitement was all about ? “ , she asked while nudging you with her elbow . You just smiled at her , knowing that she knew the answer the answer to her question . She shook her head while letting out an audible sigh . She knew of your tiny crush , well not so tiny because you were pretty sure your feelings for him had grown , reaching a stage where you could call it Your First Love .
The day went pretty nice except for the embarrassing moment of the morning . Reaching home , you replayed all the events of the day in your head , smiling like a lovesick girl ( stan BP for clear skin ) to yourself when you remembered that you and Jisung held hands while coming back from school . 
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( I skipped like for 7 - 8 months , nearly till the time when people have their year end party / prom . Though I know that the skip is a bit too long , please bear with me )
The year went by pretty quickly and you had made some new friends - the closest to you among your new friends was Jake ( Enyphen ) . He was from Australia and you both had become close pretty quick without any of you noticing . You introduced him to your friend’s circle and everyone welcomed him warmly , except for ......
Jisung .
But that was understandable , given how uncomfortable he was with people he didn’t knew but the thing that was totally unexpected to you was that he never spoke to him , despite him trying to make efforts to initiate a conversation . 
Today , was your first college prom and your dad promised to drop you three off to school . Your mom was pretty excited about the prom and dolled you up to perfection . Wearing a white - off shoulder dress , paired with white heels , you looked pretty nice , or that’s what you thought but your brothers couldn’t be in peace until they pissed you off and they did just that by calling you a porcelain doll and said that you looked like a zombie in the mornings . 
Though you were pissed off because you believed that you did not look like some zombie or alien , you calmed yourself because today you had decided that you’ll confess to Jisung and no one other than Ningning knew of your plan . She had obviously agreed to help you given that she was the second closest to you . But the thing you had no idea of was that there were two people who had decided to confess to you tonight . By the time you had reached the school grounds , the prom had already begun . You took your time to reach the entrance of the building where the prom was held .
Decorated in soft , dim , fairy lights , the whole place looked magical . You walked in slowly , looking at every person , you passed by . Everyone was dressed from head - to - toe glamorously . Your brothers went forward to where your friends were standing and you followed them . The boys were dressed in suits and the girls in dresses . As soon as you all got together , everyone’s eyes were on you . Your group had been come to be known as the college’s visual and heartthrob group .
Your eyes scanned the entire area , looking for a very special person whom you had decided to tell your feelings to . There he was , in a corner , sipping Fanta from his glass . He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt tucked inside and a red rose on his left breast pocket . You eyes were fixed on him until Karina diverted your attention from him and pulled you to the dance floor .
The prom continued smoothly . It was 9 pm when Ningning nudged you signaling that you should probably go out to carry out your plan . You nodded and together , you both exited the prom room . Suddenly Jake appeared out of nowhere . “ Hey Y/N , I actually wanted to say something to you , can you please let us have a private moment ? ” , he said , directing the last sentence to Ningning . She nodded awkwardly before going back into the room . By then you had started to feel a tad bit uncomfortable . 
“ So , what did you want to say ? ” , you spoke , hoping to get done with whatever thing you were dealing with now . “ I - I ac - actually like you Y/N ” , he said or rather stammered . You did not know how to react to it . To say that you were shocked was an understatement . Letting out a small sigh , you wanted to speak but he pushed you against the wall , a small yelp escaping your lips . He leaned down , next to your ear . “ And I will not accept a NO , L/N Y/N ” he whispered which sent a shiver down your spine . 
He went back to where he was standing but his hands were still on either side of your face . You didn’t know what to do , your legs were already giving up due to nervousness . He turned his face for a bit mumbling something you weren’t sure of but when his face began to zoom in , you figured out what his intentions were . You wanted to push him away but were too scared to do so . Your hands were balled against the delicate material of your dress . Closing your eyes and keeping your breath held , you weren’t sure what was happening . 
Just a few minutes ago , everything was fine and going according to your plan but now ? Why did everything turn around like this ? You didn’t have an answer .
Just when you thought that you were about to punch him and knock his teeth out , you heard someone’s voice you least wanted to hear at this position . “ JAKE !!!! You --- ” , Jisung’s deep voice , laced with fury boomed throughout the hallway . He stormed towards you , rashly pulling him away from you , creating a distance between you two . And before he could do anything else , Jeno had already lifted Jake by his collar . You did not want to stay there anymore and before anyone could say anything , you stormed out from the hallway .
After calming yourself down a bit , you started walking to your favorite place in the whole of the school - The Rooftop . Since the whole school was decorated with lights , the rooftop was also lighted by the fairy lights . Sitting on one of the benches , you couldn’t help but play the the evening’s drama in your head . Thinking about it , you teared up again .
Just then , a warm coat covered your shoulder . You turned back to see Jisung looking at you with an expressional face . “ Th - Thank You ” , you spoke , sniffing in the process . Jisung wanted to hug you and whisper sweet , comforting words in your ears given how adorable you looked but was too afraid to do so . 
He inhaled deeply . “ I , have something to tell ” and with that he walked off , you tailing behind him , walking as fast as you could with your heels . He might had sensed your difficulty because he slowed down a bit but was still ahead of you by a good four feets . He finally stopped when you both had reached the garden . 
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Though it was decorated with lights , the garden was still dark . You walked very carefully as if there were laser lights on the ground because of your massive fear of crawlies and bugs . Suddenly there was a a buzzing sound coming from somewhere near and you strided as quickly as you could to catch up with him . Jisung actually didn’t move much since he was well aware of your severe  Entomophobia . 
You didn’t know that and blindly walked , bumping into a rock - hard chest and just as you were about to fall , a warm hand pulled you back , making you dash against the hard chest , again . 
You let out an Ouch . Then it dawned on you that your face was pressed against someone’s chest and that someone had their arms around your waist . “ It’s me , so don’t freak out . ” So , it is Jisung after all . Wait... , it is for God’s sake Jisung ??? , your thoughts went from calm to a storm , real quick . You coughed a little before moving away from him . You didn’t dare look into his eyes but a soft whistle caught your attention . Though you weren’t sure if whether you had heard it right , you still turned back to confirm your thoughts .
Seeing complete darkness back , you softly asked , “ Are we there yet ? ” Your answer seemed to have woken him from his thoughts as he just nodded . “ Yes ” , his words were a bit too distant for your liking . Just as you were about to ask him if something’s wrong , the whole garden started lighting up .
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It looked beautiful . You didn’t realize when he had come to stand behind you . “ Like it ? ” You might’ve nodded your head bit too quickly because a crack came . He chuckled at your embarrassed face .
Thinking that he might have had done this to make you feel better , you started tearing up . Noticing this , his face turned dejected . “ I thought you might like it but I messed things up even more . I always mess things up ” , he said in a low whisper .
He wanted to say that he liked you , liked you a lot but being such a scaredy-cat , he could not do anything but watch others sending letters , chocolates and gifts , some even gave you very expensive items that if he wanted , he could give those to you with just a flick of his fingers but he didn’t want to do it that way . He wanted to make his confession special .
So when he revealed to his ( and your ) friend’s group that he wanted to confess , they all suggested to try doing it with lights because of your love for lights and that is how he came up with this idea . He thought he could confess amidst the light of fireflies in the garden and maybe , just somehow you might reciprocate his feelings and make him the happiest boy alive . 
But looking at you now , he was almost sure that there was no way his dream was going to be a living reality . He opened his mouth to say Let’s go , when you turned around and hugged him so very tight that the audience of the night , watching the confession drama , swore that Jisung was suffocating while engulfed in your bear hug . 
But you cared less than their opinion . Looking up at him with glossy eyes , you said ( read : finally ) the words you wanted to say to him for the whole night , “  This is why I love you so much . You always cheer me up . Tell me , where can I find another you ? You know it’s so unfair that you always make my heartbeat faster but me , I’m nothing more than a friend to you , right ? Don’t worry , nothing will change after my confession , we’ll still be the best of friends but just know that I love you , really - really love you ” , your eyes never once losing their shine though your voice did become softer .
His pupils quivering when he freed himself from you , anxious beads of sweat rolling down the sides of his temples , wetting his fringe , just a teeny - tiny bit . His scoff made you turn towards him . Lips parting to express your confusion , you were about to ask him when his lips shut yours with a soft peck .
“ You speak too much ” , he said with a warm smile on his face . “ I have something for you ” and as soon as he said that , all of your friends , including your brothers stood up from behind the bushes , organizing themselves to form something and when they did , you were on the brink of tears . 
Written in neon lights on the biggest bush with each of them holding a heart shaped balloon and fireflies hovering above your heads , you couldn’t tell if this was just a dream or really happening . Either ways you were so very happy that tears gushed out from your eyes . 
“ I have wanted to tell this to you for a long time but did not---- ” , you didn’t let him continue , pulling him into a long and loving kiss .
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His eyes went wide but secretly deep - down , he loved it , the fact that you were brave enough to take the initiative delighted him . Screaming could be heard from behind , the single ones were cringing , holding onto each other while the taken ones were looking everywhere except looking at you both . 
You broke the kiss , hiding your beet-red face in his chest . He smiled , looking at you as if you were the most important treasure in his life .  You could hear cheering and whistling in the background , now that you’ve broken your long kiss.
“ There’s just another thing left to do ” , Jisung whispered “ Will you be my Girlfriend ? ” . You were almost on the verge of scoffing at his words , “ NO , because you are so dumb ” . He pouted , tilting his head to one side . After trying your best to not fall for his cuteness , you eventually gave in muttering a small yes that could be heard only by you both . He scrunched his nose before giving you the cutest smile you’ve seen till date .
“ THANK YOU (for loving me) ” ( the unspoken words were understood by you both so there was no need for you to speak that out ) , you both muttered at the same time before you turned back to face your brothers who were wearing large smiles , finally looking up at the sky to see the fireworks that ended your dramatic yet loving , sweet and dream-like night . 
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                                             Hope , y’all like it
                                   Have a great day / night ahead 
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Stole My Heart - D&D Series
Don’t @ me about the dumbass title okay?
Series Pairing: reader x Knight! Chan, reader x Dark Prince! Hyunjin, reader x Thief! Felix, reader x Fairy! Jisung 
This chapter will have Chan and Felix, but will pretty much be Felix focused. With a tiny character reveal in it (in a way) so pay attention.
Genre: Angst? (I don’t think it’s true hardcore angst), Fluff, Smut (Switch!Lix)
Word Count: 3,010
Warnings: Kinky? The last one turned out much softer than I anticipated, so we’ll see if this one is the same way or not.....Basically Felix is just being a little shit in this....which really ain’t wrong but anyways...., unprotected sex, marking, bondage, spanking?,  degradation(very very light?), orgasm denial, overstimulation,  oral (female rec), cumplay, probably some other filth too...
Previous Part ____ Next Part
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Chan woke you late into the night, giving you an apologetic look, “Sorry....we have to go now though. I already have everything ready.” He says handing you a smaller bag as he slings a much larger one over his shoulder before offering you his hand to lead you out. “Just follow my lead.” He whispers before slowly peeking his head out the door and slipping out leading you by the hand. He weaved through the gloomy run down halls in this part of the prince’s castle before slipping past the guards into the dungeon.
Felix hearing footsteps looking up in shock to find you and Chan looking right back at him, “Well...guess the prize for recapturing me the quickest goes to the lovebirds hmm?” He playfully rolls his eyes with a small smirk.
“Do we look like we’re here to capture you?” You quip back as Chan tosses him a pair of clothes to disguise himself in.
Felix’s toothy grin only grows further, “Oh...I get it, little princess wants out of the cage.....I’ll help but I have conditions...I’ll let you know after I change.” He eyes you complacently before winking, “You can watch if you want princess.”
You sneer at him for that your jaw clenching as you quickly turn your back, Chan giving him a threatening look. Felix only got more under your skin when you heard him laugh, followed by the light sounds of cloth being tossed around.
“Alright, now onto business.....I am a thief after all, so it’s not like I’d just do this for nothing now would I?” Felix coyly inquired. You felt a growing desire to punch Felix square in the jaw, sure the Felix you know could be cocky, and tease, one might even say he could be a little shit, but he wasn’t nearly so unbearable as this!
“How about to spite Hyunjin?” Chan offers thinking Felix might like to toy with the dark prince. 
Felix hums in thought, “I guess that’s a start, but not enough......however as it stands I’m not quite sure what you’d have to offer me. So I’ll help, but I get to tag along until I’m repaid what I feel is worth my help.”
Before Chan can say something to argue you quickly speak up to agree, “ That’s fine, just hurry up and lead the way.” 
This Felix may be hard to handle, but if he was with you then that means he’s not being killed for his crimes. Who knows what that would mean in real life, but if you ever wanted to see your Felix again you were going to keep this one close and safe just in case to be sure you’d get your boy back, even if it was going to be a rough ride along the way. 
Felix nodded and started to lead the way, as you glanced back to give Chan a scolding glare as he mumbled about ways to get rid of Felix once you were all out of here. Upon reaching a window Felix opened it and peeked out sitting on the sill and offering you a hand, “Alright princess you’re up first.” 
Only once he helped you out did you realize how high up you were and how dangerous this plan really was sticking close to the building with a small whine, “....L-Lix.....I-I’m not good with heights...”
Felix smirks at the sound you make laughing lightly and following close behind leaving Chan to follow behind you both, “It’s alright I won’t let you fall.” 
Despite his smug assurance he carefully keeps an eye on you and keeps his word, holding your hand to stabilize and guide you along the way until you made it to a less cared for part of the castle. 
“They don’t guard as much here.” Felix tells you and Chan before looking at Chan, “We’ll have to climb down, but then Y/N can jump down to us. This will be the easiest place to slip down and try to get past the walls, there’s a weak area where a service gate used to be.”
With that Felix started down leading the way for Chan so that he wouldn’t fall,  motioning you down before Chan was entirely stable onto the ground, so that he could be the one to catch you when you jumped. You knew he did it on purpose, but you also weren’t sure how much time you had left until you all got caught, so you jumped anyways. Felix smoothly catching you and settling your feet carefully on the ground before once again taking the lead on where your small group of three needed to go.  Felix led you to the far edge of the castle and peaked his head out before motioning for you to stick close to the building.
“Stay here I’m going to go get the guard to move then I’ll have you guys follow.” Felix tells you before slipping through the opening and past the wall. For a bit you heard and saw nothing causing Chan to become worried that Felix had just left.  Right as Chan was getting ready to go though there was a crash and when you looked around the corner there was a chest that looked like it had been dropped out of the castle causing it to bust and scatter coins and gems everywhere giving a good distraction for you and Chan to slip out the same way Felix had before, where you found the boy waiting for you leaning against the run down wall. 
“We can go on foot, but as soon as Hyunjin finds out we’ll have trouble with his men since they have horses. We might stand a better chance of that if we hide our scent so their dogs can’t find us. But or best bet would be to hide our scent and try to find a faster way to travel.” Felix advises and he leads the way through the forest just outside the castle. Despite the dark Felix had no problems making his way through the forest, knowing it like the back of his hand after all the times he’s broken into, and out of, the castle.
You looked to the side and saw a flittering blue light, it was a deep blue and yet glowing bright as it danced through the dark forest, vaguely you heard Felix and Chan’s voices but you were so transfixed on the light that you almost started to follow it until Chan gently grabbed your arm to drag you along the way. You gasped watching the little light flicker out saddening you a bit as you focused back on the boys again following them into the morning light. You changed clothes again, each of you hiding your clothes off your path somewhere to hopefully throw the dogs off a bit until you reached some stables.
Chan sighed softly, “Do you think we’ll be able to afford them?”
“I think you can likely bargain with these, but I can’t cause I’m wanted.”  Felix holds up a pouch of gems and gold, which he snatched from the chest before it crashed out of the castle.  
“Alright Y/N and I’ll-” Chan started and you sighed softly to yourself when Felix cut him off already preparing yourself to stop the potential fight before it officially started.
“Y/N can stay with me, I have a hideout not too far away we can wait for you at. I’m not dumb enough to let you both go over there just to be left.” Felix counters with a bite, and you had to admit that Chan probably would have done that to him.
You find yourself agreeing before Chan can shoot back with a harsh tone to mach Felix’s, “That’ fine. Just go get the horses Chris, we’ll be waiting for you.”
Felix rambled off some general directions to his hideout before grabbing your hand and racing off to his hideout giggling mischievous as he knew Chan would struggle to find you both after those “directions” he gave. You found yourself rolling your eyes and pinching his side as you pulled you into a small home that on the outside looked to be abandoned a good ways away from the village. 
Felix yelped at your pinch before laughing, “Aw don’t tell me you’re defending him right now? He’s so strict~ I can’t believe you’re with him, do you even have any fun?”
“Oh so this is just fun to you?”You scoffed, “ Listen here brat!  Chris and I have plenty of fun when we aren’t worried about babysitting your ass!”
Felix snickers with a smirk, “ Yeah okay, maybe it’s a little fun....but you and I we could have some real fun...” he slowly stalks closer brushing his thumb over your cheek as he cups your face, leaning in with that shit eating grin, “What do you say? Might even pay me off for helping.....besides we have time to kill until lover boy figures out where we are~”
In a flash you had a firm grip on his jaw replacing his smirk with a gasp, causing you to be the one with a smug grin now, “Fine, you want to have fun baby boy? Let’s have fun~”
You pushed him back with your grip until you could toss him onto the bed. Making quick work of his clothes and licking your lips, “Look how pretty your skin is....it looks so fragile....” 
You lean down licking over his abs drawing another gasp, one almost whiny in nature from his lips, before biting down hard on his hip, not even wasting time to tease that before slowly moving on from that mark back up to leave smaller love bites and hickeys until something you see in your peripheral catches your attention and you smirk again. Leaning in to give Felix a short teasing kiss, pulling away with his bottom lip between your teeth and a small growl. You gently grip his hair to guide him to the position you want, sitting at the edge of the bed, legs spread and arms behind his back.
“Close your eyes and stay like that baby boy I have a surprise for you~” You purr kissing his temple before pulling away to quietly grab the rope with some of his thieves tools. Coming back to tie his hands behind his back. Felix gasps turning towards you as his eyes snap open wide, resulting in you slapping his inner thigh and gripping the base of his cock lightly, “You just can’t behave your bratty ass hmm?”
“Why don’t you make me? After all what would be the fun in just giving in?” Felix smirks before quickly shutting up and even blushing just slightly at the sight of you stripping before him, unable to do anything but look on. Of course you didn’t know the little plan he was already concocting in his mind at the sight of you.
You chuckled humorlessly and straddled his lap, letting just his tip brush against your folds until you could draw a small whine from him, it being enough to urge you to slowly lower, taking him in inch by inch.  Felix trying to throw his head back in a quiet moan with his eyes screwed shut. 
You gripped his jaw again growling lowly, “Oh so now you want to close your eyes?” You mock grinding your hips just a little before stilling again and lightly slapping his cheek, “ Now you don’t get to, you better keep your eyes on me~ And when your close you better tell me~” 
Felix’s brows furrow as he tries to focus on keeping his eyes on you, it proving to be harder as you start to bounce on his cock. Setting a fast pace for your own pleasure,letting his dick hit all your deepest spots each time you drop your hips again. Soon you’re leaning forward against his chest as your hips continue to work you both towards your highs, low pants and moans filling the room with each even small movement you make. As you lean against him though Felix looks over your shoulder his gaze dropping to your ass as is bounces each time you drop back down causing him to let out a loud moan wishing he could grip it and guide your movements, the sight working him up further. Feeling his cock twitch and him get louder at the sight of your ass, you start to drop down harder, letting out a louder, whinier moan yourself at how his tip hits so deep now with more force. 
Felix almost loses it at the sound you make, “F-Fuck Y/N~ I-I’m close~” He moans. His voice and your own high being so close almost convince you to give in, but your plan was to teach him a lesson and that’s what you intended to do as you suddenly pull away, gripping the base of his cock just to be safe. A smirk graces your lips as you revel in his whines and the slight noticeable and needy squirm of his hips before you’re gripping his hair again, and laying back now.
“You want to cum, then beg for it~” You tell him with a smirk and as he opens his mouth your grip urges him between your legs, “With your actions.”
You then let go of him and let him do the work now, your hands gripping at the pillow under your head as Felix wastes no time with teasing. Seamlessly he switches between licking and sucking on your clit, and fucking his tongue as deep into you as he can, curling it to search for the spot that would drive you crazy. When he finds it your head is thrown back in moans eyes screwing shut as he easily uses that spot and the sensitivity of your clit to draw your high out, leaving you to squirt onto his face, your thighs, and the sheets.  When he didn’t stop after you came, still lazily lapping at your clit your eyes shot open, prepared to stop him as overstimulation. Opening your eyes though you were met with a smirk, one that you didn’t understand the reason for until you saw the ropes that had been keeping his hands behind his back cast aside. 
“My turn~” Felix’s voice is smooth as he grips your wrists pinning them above your head as he hovers over you, “You should have just let me cum Y/N, maybe I’d go easy on you if you had~” 
Felix chuckles at your whimpers when he grinds against your still sensitive core before suddenly thrusting into you and settling on a rough pace, rubbing at your throbbing clit with his thumb. He was looking forward to getting you back for denying him, but was planning on doing that in an entirely different way that you had done. Moving his thumb only for a moment to spit at your lower half, his thumb helping it to mix with your juices. Your sensitivity and how worked up Felix was meant that neither of you lasted long, Felix giving you a minute as he stilled cumming inside of you as your pussy clenched sporadically around him, drawing out every drop and filling you with a satisfying warmth. Just because he came though didn’t mean he was done with you though.
“Keep your hands to yourself unless you want them tied up....and if that happens I’ll leave you tied up for Chris to have fun with when he gets here.” Felix firmly warns as his fingers replace his cock inside of you, chuckling as he feels you clench around them, whining at his words, “Oh? Seems like you’d like that huh?”
Felix’s teasing along with the feeling of his fingers got you worked up again far too easily, becoming putty beneath him at the simplest of things at this point. Your brows furrowed though as you felt him curling his fingers not to hit your spot, but to draw his cum back out of you. Your confusion was short lived though as you saw him leaning down to lick up everything that he fingered out of you moaning against your pussy lips at the taste, before fingering more cum out of you, using his other hand to pin your twitching hips and softly hushing your whines at the sensitivity, “Baby if you keep whining like that you won’t be able to hear the pretty sounds your dirty cunt us making right now~ And  I might not be able to every stop if you keep it up.”
Part of you wanted to push and see just how long Felix could go for, but another part of you wasn’t sure if you could handle that and still walk later to get moving, so you bit your lip to keep quiet as he switched between fingering and licking your core.
“As sweet as you taste anyways, I think we taste far better together......would you like a taste?” Felix smirks at you licking his upper lip clean of cum to put on a show. That smirk only growing as you break and give a small whine nodding softly. Felix responds by leaning down and licking up some more letting it rest on his tongue as he comes back up to face you. His hand leaving your hips to grip your jaw like you gripped his earlier and coaxing your mouth open, letting his tongue lull out so it could drip down into your mouth before his grips leaves and his lips are on yours, tongue battling with yours as his fingers seek your pleasure now, slowing to gently ride you through your high when it hits, you squirting and trembling beneath him. Felix breaking the kiss to let you catch your breath before jumping away a tiny bit when you both hear someone clearing their throat. Chan standing in the doorway, eyes dark with lust and jealousy as the look he gives you makes heat spike and pool in your gut yet again knowing you were in for it now.
That’s it, have fun with that ending guys! Hehe
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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summary|The espionage group consisting of Mari, Grimm, Ruggie, Leona, Kalim, and Jamil are in need of assistance in order to pull off the plan to take back the magic stone stolen from them by fairies. Fortunately, help has arrived in the form of a worldwide supermodel.
word count|3385
credit goes to @wakaoujisenhime​ for giving me the idea to write this!
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“Are you saying these guys will be performing during the fashion show? Perhaps you mistook it for a vegetable competition.” 
“Puppies, it’s time for training!” 
“You guys are…!” 
And with those words, Mari knew they were in for a ride. Then again, she did expect this to happen as soon as the Headmaster had explained the situation to her. It seemed like it’d be fun, like an espionage mission for the spy movies she used to watch in her world. How exciting! 
“Vil! And Sir Crewel!” Kalim exclaimed with a grin. 
“With our support, you guys will definitely become the stars of the fashion show,” Vil spoke as he gazed at the group with a judgemental glint in his lilac eyes. He glanced at the teacher beside him, smirking. “Right, Sir Crewel?” 
“Of course, Schoenheit.” 
The both of them chuckled. 
“The two most troublesome people are here,” Ruggie said, ears folded and eyebrows furrowed. 
“Jamil, you asshole. Do you know what you’ve done?” Leona growled, glaring daggers at him. 
“I also thought this was a tough decision.” Said boy wore his usual level-headed expression. “Top model Vil and fashionista Sir Crewel. If those two coached us, we could beat this challenge. But in order to make this show a success as amateurs, I could only seek help from them.”
“There’s no one better suited for the job than them,” Mari spoke up, shrugging. It was true. Vil was the one that had always been seen working relentlessly to maintain his beauty and Sir Crewel was known for his talent when it came to fashion. It was impossible to think of anyone else that would rival them in their fields in NRC. 
“As expected of Scarabia’s dorm head, he’d do literally anything to achieve his goal. How amazing…” The hyena muttered under his breath. 
“Distract the queen-- No, distract the entire audience then snatch the crown away in the meantime. “The title of this operation will be “Monopolize both the crown and their attention”! I will make this a success!” Vil exclaimed, a smirk of pure confidence on his handsome face. The girl often wished she had just an ounce of his self-confidence. Maybe then life would be easier for her. 
“Ugh, what a pain…” Leona grumbled.  
“Alright. First of all, you guys should have matching costumes,” Crewel told them. 
“Would that include us? Ruggie, Grimm, and I won’t really be participating in the fashion show,” Mari asked, raising her hand as if she’s in class. 
“Of course! You may not be part of it, but you still need proper clothes in order to sneak in,” he answered. “Entering a formal venue with dirty fur is unacceptable for my puppies.” 
Right. Good point. 
“Be grateful. I’ll make the most exotic and most exquisite costumes of all time.” Their teacher smirked. “I’ll be the one to make you guys stand out the most!” 
And so it had begun. The group had been subjected to wearing countless fabrics to find the perfect one to use. Crewel got to work designing their costumes. 
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Bursts of sparkles enveloped them, then dissipated to reveal them in the costumes their teacher had designed for them. Everyone was dressed in pristine white clothes with floral patterns and flowers in their hair. 
“How’s that? You could clearly see a bunch of puppies with gorgeous fur.” Crewel was satisfied with his own work, smiling at them. 
“As expected of our teacher,” Vil commented, also smiling in appreciation of the craftsmanship. “The color is not too outstanding in order to draw out their own beauty, very stoic and kinda mysterious. The endless longing for the unknown, that is the true meaning of exotic.” 
“Hmm. It’s easier to get along with someone who understands fashion like you,” the teacher said, glancing at him.
It’s nice that they were enjoying themselves, at least. Mari giggled lightly as she twirled in her dress. The light fabric was easy to move in and felt comfortable. If they ever needed to run, it wouldn’t hold her back at all. Their teacher probably considered this. She looked at the mirror to see how she looked and it’s fair to say that his work was amazing. It made her feel… otherworldly. She already was from another world but to look the part was a different matter. 
“We’ve tried on different clothes again and again…” Jamil crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. His lips pulled downwards. 
“I’m already tired and training hasn’t even started yet,” Ruggie sighed, closing his eyes. His ears were folded. 
“Is that right? Designing costumes is always like this. Right, Leona?” Kalim spoke up, turning to the beastman prince. 
“Kind of…” Leona crossed his arms as well, seeming disinterested in the situation. 
“I think the trouble was worth it. Sir Crewel certainly did a fantastic job,” Mari commented as she stared at the floral lacing that ran across her waistline, fingers delicately tracing over it. A small smile graced her lips. 
“It’s too early to be relieved,” Vil told her. “If the people wearing these clothes don’t act in a proper manner, the silk shirts they’re wearing might as well just be sack rags.”
“To become the center of attention on the fashion show, we must have some sort of performance.” He smiled. “A gorgeous walk with a gorgeous performance. Both of these are necessary.” 
“First, I’ll have you guys show me your style of walking.” 
Leona smirked. “All we have to do is walk? It’s so easy that I could do it in my sleep.” 
Jamil rubbed his chin, a thoughtful look on his features. “If we’re too self-conscious, we might wander off at some point.” 
Kalim gave a light laugh. It was as if he was the sun, radiating warmth. “No need to be nervous. Just relax and do it.”
Soon enough, the three were put to the test and let the model judge their skill. 
“Very unexpected. I never thought that you could walk elegantly,” Vil said. “Impressive, Jamil.” 
Said boy smirked. “It’s my honor to receive such praise from you, Vil.” 
He turned to Scarabia’s dorm leader with a smile. “Kalim had a very noble posture. The education from your hometown has been beneficial for you.” 
Kalim chuckled. “Is that so? Hehehe, I’m kinda embarrassed. Though, I only have great posture thanks to my love of dancing and not from the education I learned.” 
“It’s true. Kalim had been learning traditional dances ever since he was a kid, while I took an interest in street dancing,” Jamil said, his lips pulled upwards. Nostalgia glinted in his eyes. 
“I see. So that’s why you guys have such trained bodies.” Vil was clearly pleased with the two. Then, he frowned and turned to Leona, deciding to finally address the elephant in the room. Er, lion in the room. “Compared to that… Leona, what’s with your lame walking?” He glared at him. 
“Ah? It’s the same as those Scarabia guys.” He closed his eyes, crossing his arms. 
“It’s not the same at all. Jamil’s light step, Kalim’s nobility. You have neither of those,” he berated him, giving him an icy glare. “Your feet are dragging along the floor and you have atrocious posture. Your head was swaying as you were walking. It feels like your shoulders are cutting through the wind. It’s very boorish!”
“The title of prince sounds incredulous to me.” 
“How ironic that the feline can’t catwalk…” Mari mumbled. 
“He literally just criticized Leona.” Ruggie’s eyes widened in shock. 
“Schoenheit,” Crewel spoke up, “For a useless dog like him, shouldn’t we train him to walk on two legs first? If we let him be, it’d be like letting a newborn kitten walk on the runway.”
“Indeed,” the model agreed with him, a troubled expression on his flawless features. “Having Leona perform when he doesn’t even have the basis of walking is kinda hard. If we can’t handle both at the same time, then we should focus on walking.” 
He sighed. “I hate to admit it, but he has a commanding aura that could make him the main model. It’d be a waste if we don’t utilize that.” 
“Scarabia got 100 points for walking. So now, try challenging the dancing part.” Vil gave his underclassmen a pleasant smile. “You guys will have the role of making the festival livelier. Your performance could also make the shitty main model stand out more.”
“Ah, we must follow Schoenheit’s plan to fill the hole that Kingscholar built,” Crewel said. 
“Leona is so hopeless. I wonder if the both of us can cover him well.” Jamil rubbed his chin in thought. 
“Let’s do our best! I already promised Leona that I’m going to take care of him.” Kalim, the little cinnamon roll, had a look of determination on his face. 
“As a student from Savanaclaw, I feel so ashamed. I’m so sorry that he’s such a troublesome leader.” Ruggie sighed. 
Man, they were all roasting him so much. Mari bit her lip, trying not to laugh at the situation as she didn't wanna be mean to him. 
“I could also be your coach on teaching you how to walk on two feet,” Grimm told him, smirking. 
“You guys…” Leona growled, glaring at them. “The moment I stay quiet, you all really couldn’t shut your mouths.” 
Then, Crewel hit him with his whip. “Stop barking!” 
She flinched at the noise. Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
The teacher smiled and placed a hand on his hip. “Listen up, puppies. Take in Schoenheit’s lesson and finish up the most perfect show ever!” He ordered them. 
“Come on. Immediately start the lesson for the Fairy Gala!” Vil smirked. 
And with that, he started coaching the three performers. In the meantime, Mari and Ruggie decided to practice their part. She sat down on a chair, wearing a plastic crown that she pinned to her hair. It took them a few attempts to get it right. 
“Wow, their performance is exquisite! I can’t help but keep my eyes on these mysterious fairies!” Mari exclaimed, doing her best to act her part as the fairy queen. It was difficult to keep herself from laughing. 
“Got it!” Ruggie grinned, holding up her plastic crown that he swapped out. “Did you notice it?” 
She shook her head. “That was perfect! I didn’t feel a thing. How long did it take?” 
“Shishishi,” he did his signature laugh, “Only 6 seconds to take out the pins. Leona really thought that I’d need 10 seconds.” 
“Great! Now all we need is for those three to get their act straight,” Grimm cheered and they decided to check on their progress, making their way to Pomefiore’s ballroom. 
“It hurts,” Kalim groaned. “Sorry for bumping into you again.” 
“Kalim, just now you were supposed to step forward. Timing is key,” Jamil told him in a calm manner. 
“You have beautiful posture but you make too many mistakes when you swing your body that way,” Vil spoke up. 
“When I get too excited, it’s hard to control my arms.” The white-haired dorm leader rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish expression on his face. 
“And Jamil, you make no mistakes with your dance but it’s too perfect to the point that it lacks the atmosphere that would make the festival livelier.” 
“Vil, thank you for your hard work. We came to see how practice is going,” Ruggie said, walking into the room with his hands resting behind his head. “Is our leader doing well?” He snickered, turning to Leona. They were greeted with a chaotic sight. Leona was balancing a couple of vases on his head and shoulders. Sounds of water sloshing around coming from inside the vases. 
His eyes widened in shock. “What’s happened?!” 
“Vil! Get these off of me!” Leona barked at the model. 
“It’s a method for correcting your posture. You must walk around the room without pouring any water from the vase,” he responded. 
“You bastard…!” Leona growled, before he got splashed with water. His clothes became soaked. 
“Restart.” Vil remained calm, crossing his arms. “Don’t worry. We have plenty of water to refill.” 
“AH I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! I QUIT!” The soaked beastman cried out. “I don’t care if it going to keep snowing, I can’t keep doing these stupid things.” 
Ruggie sighed, his ears folded. He shrugged. “Leona is hopeless. Kalim and Jamil keep messing up when dancing. Can we really keep up when the day of the Fairy Gala arrives?” He wondered. 
“If they fail to capture the audience’s attention, we’ll be the ones in danger when we need to swap out the crown.” Grimm wore a fearful expression, holding onto Mari for comfort. 
Mari caressed her partner’s fur, contemplating what’s to come. “Maybe we should try a different plan…” She mumbled. But then again, it’s likely too late for that. 
“No problem,” Vil reassured them, still oddly calm as ever. “I’ll bet with my model spirit that I'll make the “Monopolize both the crown and their attention” plan successful.” 
“But how are you going to do it?” Ruggie asked. 
A smile formed on his handsome features. 
“There’s only one way to make this work.” 
Then his face broke out into a harsh glare, piercing the souls of anyone who dared look directly into his eyes. “By being stricter! If I need to force your own body to memorize the correct posture, then I will beat them into you so that you can never forget!” 
The three men screamed in pain and shock. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, including the stealth group. 
“He’s using magic to slap their butts!” Ruggie exclaimed. 
Vil crossed his arms, continuing to direct his merciless glare at them. If looks could kill, they’d be sent straight to the Underworld. “Three of you, stand up. From now on, if you sit down without my permission, I’ll have you squat 500 times.”
“Leona, place the vase on your head and redo it. If you pour it, squat for an hour.” 
His expression turned into one of exasperation. “We can’t keep doing this if you don’t train your body.” 
He turned to the two Scarabia students. “Kalim and Jamil, three-legged run around the school if either one of you makes a mistake. It’s a joint responsibility.” 
“No way…!” 
Leona glared back. “Acting all bossy… Just who the fuck do you think you are?!” 
“Worldwide supermodel, Vil Schoenheit!” he shouted and used his magic to spank their butts once more. The force was so strong that it caused tears to come out of Kalim’s eyes. 
“What a demon coach…” Grimm muttered under his breath and hid behind his supervisor. 
Grueling training has begun for the three poor unfortunate souls. 
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Today was the day of the Fairy Gala. The group had been preparing, making sure that everything was perfect. Vil was applying makeup on them, his expertise in cosmetics was truly something awe-inspiring. He made sure to accentuate their best features and give them makeup looks to die for. 
“It’s your turn,” he turned to the prefect, who sat on a chair in front of him. His fingers hooked from under her chin and tilted her head up to get a better look at what he’s gotta work with. She gazed back at him with curiosity sparkling in her eyes. He hummed for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Your inner beauty revolves around your motherly heart. So, I’d like to give you a more innocent and demure, yet mature look.” 
The model got to applying the makeup. She followed whatever instructions he gave her while he did so. It was quite a pleasant experience getting her makeup done by him. As he worked, the rest of the group fixed their costumes. 
“Where do I wrap this cloth?” She could hear Kalim ask from behind Vil. 
“Give it to me. Just put it on your shoulder… Okay, done.” Jamil helped him out. 
“Wearing these expensive clothes really got me feeling nervous… And itchy,” Ruggie mumbled. 
“Just act natural and the fairies will think you’re one of them. Don’t be nervous,” Leona spoke up. 
Vil stepped back to survey his work, seeing whether he was satisfied with it or not. He leaned in and added a few more finishing touches and a small smile pulled at his lips. He took a small hand mirror and showed it to her. 
Her eyes widened in shock. She looked… ethereal. The overall style was more natural compared to the others as he didn’t want it to clash with the overall aesthetic of her costume. She had dusty rose pink strawberry-scented lip gloss that shimmered in the light and highlights only served to make her seem angelic. A delicate beauty that seemed out of this world. The true meaning of exotic. 
He took everything into account and made a masterpiece. And it was enough for Mari to see herself as gorgeous, which she believed to be an impossible feat until now. 
“I take it that you’re speechless at my skill.” Vil’s voice reached her ears. All she could do was nod in silence, mouth agape. He chuckled. “You’ve graduated from potato to beautiful fairy. At least, for today. If you worked harder, you could maintain your beauty.” 
She looked up at him with a shining grin and sparkling eyes. “Thanks, Vil!” 
After sprinkling fairy powder on her, he stepped back and allowed the rest of the group to see her. But if one were to look closer, they might’ve noticed the red dusting his ears. 
“Everyone is so sparkly...” Grimm smiled. 
“That is thanks to the needlework, but the effect mostly comes from the fairy powder,” Jamil explained. 
“It looks really good on you guys,” Mari complimented them, chuckling. 
“That’s my line,” Leona said, then turned to her. He eyed her up and down before he smirked. “Not bad for a herbivore, I guess.” 
“Yeah, you look exactly like a fairy.” Jamil smiled, crossing his arms. 
She couldn’t help but blush at the compliments, “Thank you…” 
“Are you guys ready?” Vil asked. He gave them a firm glare. “If you lose focus now, our strict lessons will be for nothing. Look at the mirror, check your makeup.” 
They all checked their appearances one last time to make sure everything was perfect. 
“We started from an unsightly situation so I wasn’t sure if this was going to work.” He sighed, before a smile creeped up on his lips. “But I guess it’s not that bad after seeing the finished look.” 
“Vil…” Kalim sniffed, before he wrapped his arms around the tall blond and embraced him. “VIL! Thanks to you, I can dance on the runway. I’ll do my best!” 
“Don’t forget about the original goal,” he reminded him. His features softened up, a gentle smile on his face. It was rare to see him like this. “The mission is to get back the stone that the fairies stole from us.”
Aw, they looked so cute like that. After that little exchange, Scarabia’s dorm leader let go of him.
Vil closed his eyes and crossed his arms. “If we lose the magic stone, the usual school life will never come back again.” 
He gave them a harsh glare. “Listen up, okay? It’s war on the runway.” 
Then, he smirked. “Grab the crown and their attention with the greatest performance of all time!” His words were encouraging, filling the girl with a sense of determination. The fire in her soul burned brightly, undying. 
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Vil looked out the window with an unreadable expression. He was confident in his ability to coach, so he shouldn’t have to worry about them messing up. At least, that’s what he told himself. However, something else was on his mind. It irked him to think that a magicless potato of a freshman would have such an effect on him. But he remembered the way she gazed at him with such genuine admiration. Her smile seemed to shine brighter than any star. 
He was no idiot, and he was certainly not the type to deny his feelings. He knew exactly what he was feeling. Rook had always blabbered to him nonstop about this sort of subject. Not only that, but he was aware that he wasn’t the only one. Other men had been vying for her attention for far longer than he has been. 
But no matter. He just had to show her why he’s the best option.
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