#i'm just sort of stuck in this limbo of “is this what's happening or no?”
merylstryfestan · 1 year
is it totally possible and most likely that studio Orange made Vash's undercut section of his hair darker than the rest simply because it looks nice? and it's only not like that when he's a child to emphasize how much he and knives were alike? sure yeah, totally.
was i burned the last time i assumed Vash's hair darkening was just a stylistic choice? also yes
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theneighborhoodwatch · 8 months
The neighborhood map changed again! I'm not sure if the black thing (to borrow a Madeline L'Engle term) under Home has grown anymore. Some things I notice are Poppy's house's windows shut, Barnaby's pawprints, vines growing on the roof of Frank's house, and lots of sidewalk chalk doodles presumably from Julie (and maybe Wally drew Frank's face?).
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I've noticed subtle changes to the neighborhood in previous updates too, but with more continuing to happen, as well as content we've gotten this Halloween update, I have a feeling these neighborhood changes are more... current than we might have previously thought.
This is a bit of a long shot, but I think everyone in Welcome Home is active, at least somewhat. Some characters are more aware than others. Maybe they're "waking up"; we've had two puppets, Wally through his doodles and Sally through the Halloween record, speak directly to us now.
In the secret bug audio, found on the transcript page for the Halloween record, the puppets mention that the spooky storytelling went well, as if it's a direct follow-up to the Halloween record. It's a discrepancy, sure, but perhaps not an unfounded one. Maybe the neighborhood's stuck in some sort of limbo between the present and the past, and only now, with the WHRP, Q/A, and us discovering it, is it literally reviving in front of our eyes.
correct me if i'm wrong, but uh - weren't all of those map details present from before the halloween update? i'm looking at these screenshots and my older captures of the map to compare, but i can't find any differences. i'm pretty sure the map's the same, aside from julie and frank's character cards changing to make it more explicit that they were intended as a couple in-universe (haha, knowing what we know, that's not worrying at all. /s)
anyways, to get to the Meat of this ask: i don't sally was speaking to us in the storybook record, just the neighbors As A Group, but i definitely think this update makes it a Lot more likely that home (the town) kind of exists, like, Outside of linear time? that it isn't so much that there's a divide between the stuff that was produced Then and what we see in the present day so much as it is that the stuff that the WHRP is uncovering is like, a window into what's going on in home Right Now, whether they realize it or not (and something may be actively blocking them from realizing??? not sure if it's that or if it's simply willful ignorance; i suppose we'll see.)
i'm reminded of a couple posts i made a little while ago, about the possibility that welcome home as a proper show never Actually existed, and the stuff that the WHRP's digging up is welcome home's attempts to will itself into reality anyway, for lack of a better description. but it also suffers from being tethered to a single person/group of people's Vision of it instead of being allowed to be an ever-evolving thing, or only being allowed to evolve in a Specific way. i dunno. i just kept thinking about that the entire time i was reading through this update.
anyways i'm also thinking about the way wally's eye-eating ability was represented in that post-storybook tape. i kind of like that it seems to be almost Overwhelming for him, like he hasn't gotten much of an opportunity to try it out before (if he's gotten any opportunity) and is like "oh. Oh. Oh. I Get It Now. holy shit." i don't have much to add onto that and that's just how i see it as of the time of this writing, but i would feel foolish if i didn't make note of it for later.
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starlightdelrey · 2 months
axe throwing - a.v + h.m
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spoilers for heart break high season one and two !!!!!
anthony vaughn x harper mclean
request: hi !! could you do a sweet first date type fic for ant and harper ?? i dont really see a lot of love for them so far but I AM OBSESSED! I was thinking maybe they'd go axe throwing for a first date since harper mentioned she wanted to go. ant is lowkey scared he's going to get a limb cut off then overcompensates w the bravado just bc he can see how much she's enjoying herself. u dont have to do this at all obviously but it was just some thoughts i had popping up
in which two of the hartley kids finally get a moment of peace together (or ant thinks he's gonna lose his arm)
lowercase intended
hbh masterlist + main masterlist
cw: mentions of past trauma, mostly fluff, end of season 2, i basically made up my own timeline to make it work, ive never been to axe throwing so i made some stuff up, not proofread !!!!
the hartley high kids were stuck in a sort of limbo - since the school had burn down not even two weeks before the term break, the school board had decided everybody deserved an extended break to help 'unpack their trauma'. almost everyone thought it was a load of bullshit but couldn't fight having almost a month off school.
harper had been struggling, although she'd never admit it to anyone. it was unfair - every time she almost healed from one experience, a brand new one happened. darren had recently been going through a housewife phase, and in one cooking attempt, they'd accidentally set off the fire alarm. it caused the blonde to shut down for almost 24 hours, the experience of being locked in a smoke-filled projection room taking over her thoughts.
ant had accidentally been a lurker for quite a few of these mini events - like witnessing chook stare down harper at the housewarming party. when woodsy had called for harper and amerie during the fire, his whole body had been filled with a sense of dread (although he'd never tell harper how he'd fought to try and get to her).
the two decided to keep everything between them as light as possible, which had led to today's activity being set up.
harper dashed out of her shared home with darren and ca$h (their fake moans and tips for safe sex following her) and started up her borrowed car from robert.
when she drove up to ants place, he was sat outside, waiting already. harper couldn't fight the grin that stretched across her face as he wandered over to the passenger side. anthony had taken the concept of axe throwing and lumberjacks very seriously, and had dressed for the part - a plaid button up tossed, un-buttoned, over a cropped white tank top and a pair of baggy jeans.
he got in and immediately leant forward to kiss the blonde, and she pulled away with a smirk. "what's with the gay lumberjack cosplay?"
"i'm breaking lumberjack stereotypes, harps. be happy for me." but he glanced at her with a lazy grin and she shook her head, trying not to get distracted.
as they drove, ant insisted on being on aux. this meant that when spider called him, the audio was put on speaker.
"heya, spider."
"ant, you'll never-"
"hey spider!" harper piped up chirpily, and spiders whole demeanour over the phone changed.
"fuck off, harper."
"wait until i tell missy what you just said, dickhead. don't think i won't steal your girl." harper grinned as she said it, and ant turned to her quickly.
"you wish, harps."
"i actually don't think we need to throw axes," ant stood stiffly, his gloves shoved in his pocket and axe in one hand.
harper, who was in the middle of putting her safety glasses on, paused and stared. "what?"
"i just like- don't feel like losing an arm today. ya' know?" he looked at her hopefully, and harper raised a brow.
"don't worry, baby. i'll protect you."
the nickname flicked a switch in his mind, and immediately, ant was back to his usual antics. "no need, m'lady. i will be protecting you."
glasses on, harper turned to stick her tongue out at him - only to be met with the flash of a camera. "ew, ant. i look proper munted with these on. delete that."
he didn't respond, and to be fair, she didn't really care all that much anyways. the two walked forward with their safety gear fully on, prepared to let out some of their anger.
at first, they mess around a bit, until harper finally gets her axe to actually hit the target. from then on, it's a full-on war - they're making up mini competitions, tallying points, and getting into arguments.
halfway through, harper's got 12,368 points while ant has -12.
"we should totally turn our competition into a drinking game, harps. it would be so fun."
"and dangerous." harper braces herself and launches her axe at the target. "ant, we suck balls right now - imagine what it'd be like if everyone was drunk?"
"oh. ohhhhhhhh! yeah, i didn't even think of that."
"of course you didn't, babe."
ant grabs harper and yanks her closer to him, hugging her. some employee chides them for being dangerous.
"you're so pretty, harper." he's looking down at her, grinning, harpers cheeks are pink.
"you're not so bad yourself, anthony." her hand wraps around the back of his neck and pulls him closer.
"i cannot believe that we seriously got kicked out for making out!" harper exclaims in the car, pulling out of the parking lot.
"it was totally worth it." ant's still dazed, and he fumbles plugging his phone in.
it goes silent except for the frank ocean playing in the background, until ants phone buzzes with a notification. on instinct, harper's eyes flick to the screen - and her heart jolts.
his lock screen is a recent picture - one of harper, eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched. her tongues poking out and her hairs a little wild, but she looks happy.
"ant! is that the picture you just took of me?"
"of course it is. can't get it out of my head, it's seriously driving me crazy." he looks down at the picture, a slight blush on his face.
"you just wait until i get a new picture of you, vaughn."
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
Part One  Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff Reader  Cho Chang x Hufflepuff Reader (unrequited) CW: angst 
You and Draco had been together for around a year but as you both approached 7th year you could no longer see him the same way as before  
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
Draco was suffering in his own head. Unable to unload anything inside it on anyone else, unable to ask guidance from the one person he trusted the most. The pressures from his father had turned him into someone who he wasn't, sure when he was younger he would tease or push people around but he wasn't evil. The mere fact he was conflicted about his past decisions proved he wasn't who his father wanted him to be. Being with you had made him into a better person, a more forgiving person who wasn't easily led by petty arguments. But now…you hardly talked to one another. 
"He's going to end it with me, I'm sure of it." You vented to Cho in potions with a miserable look on your face. 
"You don't deserve to be ignored or at the least disregarded, I know it was good before but sometimes things happen for a reason, Y/n." Cho reasoned and you had to agree with her, you deserved a better partner.
"Can't imagine myself dating again, I mean I don't know if hat I expected from a teenage relationship but it was more than this." You buried your head in your jumper and Cho giggled. 
"You're quite dramatic when you're lovesick aren't you?" She teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I've just got to stay strong I think, not show him that it's getting to me otherwise he wins." You took a deep breath and sat up straight. 
"Exactly! You're better than that." Cho encouraged you and you got back into your experiment. 
Leaving the class you were chatting to Cho as you saw Draco in his all black suit walking the other direction. He saw you and stopped dead in his tracks. 
"Hey Y/n," Draco said with a small smile. 
"You okay?" Cho asked and you nodded, "I'll see you later then?" She gave you a comforting hug before walking off. 
"What do you want or need, Draco?" You asked with a huff.
"What's wrong? You've been off with me all of this term." He asked, pulling you into an empty classroom.
"Me? Are you seriously asking me what's wrong with me?" You scoffed and sat down on one of the desks. 
"You've been behaving all moody for a while and I have no idea why." Draco looked like he rolled his eyes and you could have laughed at how pathetic it was. 
"Maybe it's because you don't speak to me anymore? Maybe it's because you don't want me anymore? Or maybe, just maybe, I've realised you're not the center of my life anymore and it's not that bad." You hissed back at him with a look in your eyes he'd never seen before. 
"Look I know I've been distant but it's not because of anything you've-" 
"Oh I know, I know it isn't my fault because I haven't done anything wrong. But if you don't want me grow some fucking balls and tell me, yeah?" You walked past Draco and out of the classroom. 
Draco didn't know where to go from here, he just leant against one of the desks and breathed. He felt it was all his body would allow him to do at this point, the way you looked at him was seared into his mind- the true hatred. You could never know the reasons he was so distant but, Draco didn't want to let you go either so he was stuck in a sort of ethical limbo. He couldn't be honest about his connection to the Dark Lord without the possibility of you telling someone. It wasn't worth the risk. 
"I can't believe this is real, it still seems insane that I'm in bed with you." You told Draco as you leant on his bare chest. 
"In what way?" Draco looked puzzled. 
"Because you fucking hated me before, plus…I wasn't your biggest fan either." You laughed and Draco rolled his eyes in his classic way. 
"I don't know if I hated you, I think I teased you because I found you attractive but I was so awful with girls it just came out like that." Draco rubbed his hand up your arm to your hair, playing with it absentmindedly. 
"Well, everyone definitely thought you hated me." You looked up at him with a shit eating grin and he pulled your hair slightly. 
"I can always go back to the teasing if you prefer it?" He asked, "And who's 'everyone' including?" 
"Cho, the Golden trio, Seamus, Susan, Luna-"
"Alright, so a lot of people. God, you have too many friends." Draco smiled and you hit his chest playfully. 
"Just because I have more than two friends doesn't mean I have too many, you're just jealous that you can't make any friends at all." You turned around and leant on your elbows, looking at him as he raised an eyebrow. 
"Is that so?" He asked and you nodded before Draco tackled you to the bed, pinning your arms as you both giggled. 
"I'm sure this will be the best thing for you, eventually." Cho said softly as she held your hand, your eyes were glassy but no tears seemed to form. 
"Maybe, I think it's just that I've existed with him or thinking about him for so long that it feels odd that it might end. It feels wrong to be in this position." You took a deep breath and looked at Cho, trying to smile as she looked at you supportively. 
"You'll get there, I promise you it will get easier day by day you'll realise you don't need him to get through the day. Look how well you're already doing." She gave you the warmest smile and you couldn't help but blush because it made you feel so warm.
"You're right. I need to just…learn to live with it and not dwell. I mean, I have you and I have my other friends so what could really be that bad." You squeezed Cho's hand and sighed. 
"Come on, we've both got quidditch practice." Cho smiled. 
Flying together made you both feel so connected, like you'd always known one another. Even though you didn't play together, some houses would do a general practice every so often where anyone from any team could come along. You were looping around each other, bright smiles on both of your faces as you chased one another and messed around. 
"If you two can stop flirting, we can get down to some actual practice!" Roger Davies yelled from just below you. 
"Flirting? What are you on about?" Cho asked with a pink tinge to her cheeks you couldn't ignore. 
"Oh come on, if you two can't see it you're blind." He called back before flying to the ground. 
"No-no idea what that was about!" Cho stuttered as she also headed towards the ground. You had a puzzled look on your face before flying down to the rest of the group on the ground. 
Draco entered the room of requirement with a little bird. Even though he had so much to accomplish…you were the only thing on his mind. You distracted him from all tasks, not that he didn't welcome distraction from the awful task before him. He'd been trying to repair the vanishing cabinet for about 9 months now and even with the advice from Borgin he hadn't got any closer. There was no way of getting the cabinet to Borgin and Burke's but Draco had no idea if the incantation was even working, every live thing he put in there would come back dead. It wasn't even as if Borgin could apparate into the room of requirement, but Draco didn't have time on his hands. It was why he had been so stressed recently, or really the past 6 months at least and he knew you had felt it. But how could you know? How could you be told what had happened? Draco knew that you wouldn't be on his side of the inevitable war, so what was the point in telling you? 
As he looked around the room packed with relics from the school's past, he couldn't help but remember all the times the two of you had snuck into it. Making out whilst you should've been in potions or fucking in a free period, Draco saw you everywhere in this place and it only made him more eager to get out. He placed the little bird he had seen in the corridor in the cabinet and shut the door. The bird's tweets could be heard as well as the little scratches when it would jump around on the wood, Draco felt guilty about using the bird but he had to try again with something living.
"Harmonia nectere passus," his wand was lifted as he chanted the incantation but there wasn't the familiar whoosh sound, he could still hear the bird "harmonia nectere passus," he repeated and there were no more noises.
After a few moments he repeated the chant again but even though there was a woosh he heard no tweeting. Opening the cabinet the bird lay dead, unmoving and lifeless and Draco couldn't handle it. He stepped backwards after shutting the cabinet and sat down on a rough looking chair before bursting into tears. 
You walked towards the Hufflepuff common room, pausing to groan at the fact you had to tap on all the barrels once again to enter. When you were in first year you got it slightly wrong and got covered in vinegar so you were sure to get it right even if you were in an awful mood. When you walked in you went over to one of the cacti stands and smiled as they danced with their arms moving up and down. The common room was full of plants and due to your love of them you couldn't imagine a place you'd feel more comfortable. 
You dreamed one day of owning a country house with sprawling ivy all over it (even though it ruins the brickwork) and large gardens you could tend to. Your Muggle mother used to always take you to the allotments in the posher part of your town even though you lived on the other side. Falling in love with plants was easy when you felt so calm and fulfilled after being around them, you had never felt so at peace in your life. Being around plants would be so important to you when you eventually left school, living in a city felt almost impossible to you. 
Draco used to love listening to you discuss your favourite flowers, or ways to pot different plants and how fertiliser impacted growth but always made sure to tell him to never use peat fertiliser. He used to laugh because it wasn't as if he was ever going to use any fertiliser anywhere in his life. You felt as if you were yearning for those times, yearning for everything he made you feel. Draco made you feel at home. Being without him for so long was taking a toll on you because you weren't used to it, even an afternoon without one another was surprising. Draco had met your mother for God sake, not that you could meet his parents but either way you were so close with one another- it seemed unimaginable that you could be apart from now on. 
Maybe he was your poisoned tree? Infecting all other facets of your life until he took over your psyche and your life with it. Making you progressively weaker as the poison took control over your existence as you were controlled by his actions. For God sake you couldn't do anything without thinking about him, or what he would've said in that situation. He was everywhere you looked and you didn't have to see his face to know it. Why couldn't he just tell you what was going on? You believed that he loved you, you really did so you didn't think he was cheating but, it was something. Something so big that he didn't feel he could tell you. There were always rumors about the Malfoy family but you never really entertained them as real, what if there was some truth in them? Were they all death eaters? That eventuality was suddenly becoming more and more of a reality. You needed to clear your head so you headed towards the only place you knew you'd be alone- The room of requirement.
next part
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creetchure · 8 months
Please tell me about your ideas for the fallout for like everyone post gotham war (if not everyone than just Jason is fine too, i am very curious about your ideas for an arc for him)
hi hello!!! my thoughts are more directed to jason because he's the one who went through the brunt of things, BUT i have thoughts on all of them. i also have sort of separate thoughts because of the detective comics anouncement, but they contain spoilers for the future issues of detective comics, so if you don't want that, i'm putting it under read more after this.
also typing this and realizing it's REALLY long, so i'm gonna put a tldr at the end of each character LMAO
first off, dick is never forgiving bruce for this. we know exactly how protective of his siblings he is -- he killed joker for implying having killed tim -- and i can't see him letting this slide, no matter how much bruce pleads the "it wasn't me i was being influenced by the personality i created as a backup". Of course, because they're bruceanddick and they're always in a cycle of coming back to each other, eventually, little by little, dick is going to start working with him again, but i don't think this is something he'll ever *forgive*. or forget for that matter. so to me, this should spark an arc of nightwing becoming more separate from batman than he's been in years.
TL;DR: Dick isn't forgiving bruce for this, but will eventually work with him again
second off. there are a lot of things i would like to see for jason, some more likely than others. ill start by what i *know* won't happen, but would be best for his character imo.
Jason is a character we've seen move forward and backwards so many times, mostly because he sells well, and so the writers keep him stuck in this red hood limbo of eing a loner and making friends, and hating bruce and forgiving him, and it's been the same arc since his resurection, and i'm tired. which is why i think what'd be best for him is an Oracle arc, for lack of a better term.
Jason will never leave Gotham for an extended period of time. it's home to him as much as it is to Bruce. he might go away for a bit (id like to see him in Blud but ill get into that later), but he'll always come back. he also will never give up trying to protect Gotham and the people in it, because he never has. But he can't be a vigilante in the same way anymore, functionally, what Bruce has done to him is profoundly disabling in day to day life, let alone doing things that are made to trigger the panic response.
I don't think that should stop him. Personally, my vision for it is to put him at the head of a spy network, to render Batman obsolete and stop major crime before it even happens (potentially also feeding batman fake info to make him look bad), but like. you could do other things. it's just the idea that i'm going with.
But I do think that unlike Dick, jason is going to forgive bruce for this (against his better sense or wishes. he does understand how fucked this is) because he understands altered states of mind (NOT talking about the pit. talking about good old fashioned brain fuckery). but it's also going to cause a rift in their relationship that i don't see them bridging anytime soon, and Jason *will* be extremely uncomfortable for a long time.
Thats only if they don't walk back the panic thing, though, which i firmly believe they will. a Red Hood solo has been in the works for ages, and is supposed to come p soon, and i doubt they'd start it off with Jason unable to *be* Red Hood. They might not fully fix it, but they'll make it much more manageable.
overall, i'd like to see Jason in Bludhaven after this for a bit. I kind of just want a focus on him and Dick for a while, though I dread what Tom Taylor might write of the two of them. I'd also like a mantle change, but that's just me dreaming.
TL;DR: if it was up to me, Jason would have an Oracle arc and be the head of a spy network. it's not, and all I can hope for is Jason moving to Bludhaven and detaching himself from Bruce for a while
third off, tim. I don't have many thoughts about him, if I'm honest, mostly because he's one of the least directly affected by Bruce's actions, imo. i'm also less of a fan of his character, making it harder for me to see all the implications that this arc will have on him. I do firmly believe that he'll stick to his siblings rather than Bruce, because he does know how to look at reality and call out Bruce's bullshit.
TL;DR: i don't know/don't care enough about Tim to have that many thoughts. he'll pick his siblings side.
fourth! Cass! She isn't really present in the event much (doesn't sell as well i assume) but this is important to me so. To me, this causes damage to her and Bruce's relationship as well, that he'll have to work to fix. She is loyal to the Bat and what the symbol represents before she is loyal to the man wearing the suit, and I think that to her, this is betrayal of the ideals Batman stands for. bruce isn't a hero in this arc, and he's not a symbol of hope like the bat stands for. What I would like for Cass is for her to keep going on the missions, keep doing good, but doing so independantly from Batman. She stops answering to him entirely up until she feels he has made amends and has worked himself back to the standard he used to be. I want her to stay in Gotham, and keep protecting it the way the Bat should, even from the bat himself.
TL;DR: cass should stay in Gotham and be batman and not return Bruce's calls.
Damian is the one i'm not exactly sure i know where the writers are leading, but i can still speculate and tell you what *id* do.
we know that him and bruce are still going to be friendly and on the same side by the end of this from Batman and Robin #1. we also know Damian in that issue is kind of distant, doesn't really stick around Bruce much. Williamson's damian always reads sort of. depressed. so idk how much of that is in reaction to Gotham war or just from the way Williamson characterizes him, but there's that.
Imo, Damian will forgive bruce, but is also internalizing a lot of the bad shit that happen in Gotham war. Bruce leaving him needs to be something that stays, because he's 14 and his dad is his hero and he left him behind *anyway* and that's bound to fuck you up.
So I think Damian is staying in Gotham, and he's staying with Bruce, but he's also going to be dealing with the aftermath of that for a while, potentially up to a boiling point, which i'd really like to see. Also i'd like to see this compound with the fact that Talia left him with his father, and how that computes together in his head etc etc.
TL;DR: Damian will stick by Bruce for better or for worse, and might have a shit time mentally dealing with the aftermath of this.
I don't have many thoughts on steph, babs, or selina, since 1) i don't know selina and babs well enough to speak on their character, and 2) steph hasn't been there much, and i don't have a Vision for her like i do for Cass.
okay. those are my thoughts. Now for those on the tec announcement
right so. forget literally all i've said about bruce, because he's going to die.
I'm not pulling this out of thin air, in issue 1080 of detective comics, it's said that Bruce is killed by the orghams, leading to the entirety of gotham city forgetting him. Now, I have no idea how this is getting implemented, so I can't say much about how the members of the Batfamily will react. But I can say that this is, in fact, the natural progression for bruce's character.
in the past year or so, both Zdarski and Ram V have been talking about how Bruce is getting too old, and putting more tangible, permanent consequences on what he does (losing a hand, zur, etc).
On top of that, he has been made to make amends with Dick, Tim, and Jason over the course of that same year (nightwing 100, cheer, failsafe arc, etc)
To me, this arc is the culmination of months of foreshadowing.
Though i'll admit, i thought they were going to just retire bruce for a little while, not fucking *kill him*. it won't last for more than a few years, he sells too well, but i genuinely thought this would be like a knightfall situation.
when it comes to the question of who gets to be batman (i swear, last paragraph and i'm done), i think that gotham war also serves to tell us that *no one* will be. I don't see Dick picking it up in those conditions, Jason won't either, Tim is scared of becoming batman, and Damian might but they won't really let him. ofc they won't let Cass take up the mantle either.
Woo. hope you're happy with this and tihs wasn't more than you bargained for. i'm a bit insane about this.
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I'm sorry, people didn't like this season of GO??! Are they okay?? I don't have twitter anymore and i only saw good stuff here in tumblr.. sure, there is angst and we can say that the season ends with a cliffhanger, but NOT liking it??! I adored this season!! We already know that there will be something else from Neil (on amazon or written down somewhere), season 2 is always have been a bridge to what Neil and Terry talked about together.. i don't understand people, i'm kinda glad to not being on Twitter.. i hope Neil will receive only praise here on Tumblr..
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhh yeah... I've seen people say it was queerbaiting, and that Azzie is "the worst now for being an asshole and rejecting Crowley" (was one tweet I stumbled upon), not realizing that Aziraphale's unfailing ability to only see the good in people is what got him in this predicament.
I think, though, the fears are ABSOLUTELY founded, especially if you've been part of either the Supernatural OR the Sherlock Fandoms and what ended up happening in those endgames.
Here's something I was really blind to when I was deep in the Sherlock fandom before S4 came out: Mofftiss TOLD US countless times, looking back on it, that Johnlock wasn't going to happen, and we thought they were lying, which, TO BE FAIR (and I still believe they doubled down on lying during S3), is something that was hard to believe given the content and subtext of S3 and TAB. Turns out that it was true. But Gaiman has presented scenarios for A/C for their end numerous times, enough scenarios that it COULD be probable doubt in the truth of his statements that Crowley and Aziraphale end up together by the end, but he's also a liar? It's weird to me.
I dunno, I'm not going to get THAT deep into a show ever again, but for me the difference is that I believe him wholeheartedly that he and Pratchett had planned out the entire AziraCrow arc. He clearly loves and respects his old friend, and genuinely seems to want to do right by him.
AND S2 ended in a way that it REALLY feels like there is more but if it doesn't get renewed, while not a satisfying conclusion, it's still a conclusion, and one that we know Neil ISN'T happy if it ends where it did.
That's the difference for me, honestly. Sherlock S4 left us with no cliffhanger and no sense to be made after a 4 season buildup to something that felt empty. This one absolutely has the promise of more. The track record he has with his shows is hopeful to me.
I might be biased because I have loved Neil Gaiman's writing since I was 15. That, and Gaiman isn't shy about putting queer rep in his shows and stories, so... yeah. Anyway.
I think as more and more people rewatch the season and the metas start coming out, I think we will see just how monumental this season was for their relationship, and it was NEEDED because they were sort of STUCK in a limbo.
This, to me, is very similar to OFMD S1's ending. We're gonna be satisfied in GO S3, I have faith in that. But I will NEVER condemn anyone for not having that faith either, BECAUSE of the experience I had in the Sherlock fandom. "Need to see it to believe it" is fine too. :)
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nayeonie99 · 4 months
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Momo x Nayeon / So, what are we?
"Look, you and I need to talk". Momo said to her roommate and best friend Nayeon, before she sat down next to her on the couch.
Nayeon was watching one of her K-Dramas, but she instantly paused it to look at Momo, probably because she could tell by the sound of Momo's voice, that she was being serious about this.
"About what?". Nayeon asked and looked at Momo with her adorable brown eyes. Momo let out a sigh and licked her lips, a nervous habit of hers.
"About us". She said and Nayeon tilted her head slightly, a thing she does when she is confused about something.
"Have you not even-". Momo let out an annoyed sigh and rubbed her temple.
"Just shut up and let me speak alright?".
"I didn't even say an-". Nayeon was about to say, but when Momo glared at her she instantly shut up.
"Surely, I'm not the only one who noticed the tension between the two of us. Not bad tension, it's just...tension, and you could cut it with a knife. All of those times we're watching shit together or us cooking up dinner together. You can't detect even the lightest from that?". Momo asked and bit her lip.
Nayeon didn't say anything, so Momo continued.
"What about those times either of us need to go to work or fucking go to bed and there's some big dramatic act whenever that happens. As well as those hour-long conversations into the night when we both have to go to sleep early, the fucking cheesy nicknames, one of us can barely go out to casually shop without the other wanting to join". Momo said and realised she was raising her voice slightly.
She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm herself down.
"What are we ?". She asked desperately and Nayeon just stared at her with opened mouth.
"We are roommates".
"Yeah no shit we are roommates".
"And friends". Nayeon said.
"And frie- look, we don't need to state the obvious, there's something obviously going on between the two of us. We are constantly playing chicken with each other's boundaries and it's gotten to the point where I can't help but just constantly overthink it and it's basically occupying my thoughts all the time now, so I gotta just fucking swallow my fears and get us to talk and ask you just what the fuck are we?". Momo asked and Nayeon still kept quiet.
"Not even you can answer huh? Look, you know I sure ain't fucking straight. You don't think I'm not going to overanalyse things after a certain point ? There's things that girl friends do and there's things that girlfriends do and I honestly cannot tell where we fucking fall within the limbo and just I want to- need to know, so I could just get the shit sorted in my head".
"Are you mad at me?". Nayeon asked.
"No I'm not mad at you at all". Momo let out a frustrated sigh and combed her fingers through her hair.
"If anything, I'm mad at myself for getting stuck in this constant mental cycle I can't fucking break out of and if this is a way to either hard push the stop button on it or just sort shit out to roll with it and not find myself panicking for numerous hours of the day". Momo said and rubbed her temple.
"We are roommates and we're pretty much besties. I don't want this shit ruined by our or by my paranoia". She said and looked at Nayeon to see her staring at her.
With her big, brown beautiful eyes.
"Look, I'm gonna admit, I kind of love that little bit flirty dynamic between the two of us, it was some fun, friendly shit but over time it's just got confusing to me".
"Like what?". Nayeon asked.
"Like it's gotten to the point where I can't fucking tell the difference between whether this is friendly banter or actually legitimate flirting. Thinking about it, I know I've always been willing to play ball and I've definitely may pushed the whole dynamic forward in my own ways, but this all started with you, didn't it?". Momo huffed out and felt the frustration growing inside of her even more.
"It's always been me hasn't it ? I sure haven't seen you been this way around any of our friends, this has just been an us thing. I can't help but think there's a certain intention from you if it's just us right ?". Momo asked and Nayeon was completely quiet.
"That silence speaks volumes you know? Even a simple denial could have thrown me off the trail, but at this point there's just not denying it, is there ? There's a reason you started this shit isn't it ?". Momo rasped out and got closer to Nayeon.
"And I know that at any point you just gotta say the word and I back off. Just as much as you know that, but there's a part that likes me this close, isn't there ?". She breathed out and came even closer.
"Like all the times we've been cuddling and ended up snoozing off while binging some show together. If there wasn't a part of that which didn't enjoy this in that kind of way, then I wouldn't be here, doing this and having this kind of conversation with you. That's because both you and I know there's something between the two of us and if it takes me making this kind of move to figure that out then so be it". Momo said and leaned her head back against the couch to look at Nayeon.
She was just staring at Momo, her eyes were hazed and her lips slightly parted.
"What do you want from me? Between the cuddles, between the pet names, between all the innuendos between the two of us, between all the you never want to spin away from me, just what is it you want ? Because I sure fucking know what I want there to be between the two of us". Momo said and noticed the shutter and how erratic Nayeon's breathing was getting.
"I can notice your shutter and erratic breathing, what is that for ? Panic? Fear? Confusion?". She asked and got closer with every word.
"Or excitement? Anticipation? Arousal? Tell me baby". Momo breathed out and Nayeon gulped.
"Do you want me to stop this? It doesn't have to go further than your comfort levels".
"No". Nayeon rasped out.
"No? I thought not, and conveniently, I don't want to either. This is exactly how I was hoping it would go". Momo said and Nayeon avoided her gaze.
"No no no no no, don't avert your eyes, I need to watch that pretty face of yours". Momo said and grabbed Nayeon's chin to make her look at her again.
"You always seem so forward, so self-assured, a cocky bitch who didn't seem to care what others think and always seemed open about what she wanted, where'd that all go? Tell me, what do you want me to do to you right now?".
"I want you to kiss me". Nayeon said and Momo had to smirk.
"Kiss you huh? And just how long have you wanted me to do that?". She asked and Nayeon kept quiet again.
"I'm waiting for an answer".
"2 years". Nayeon mumbled.
"That long huh?". Momo asked and Nayeon just nodded her head.
"Well, you made me wait even longer than that didn't you? Just how long it felt, you teasing me, playing with my head and all I've ever wanted is to wipe that smug look off your face and get you to open about how you feel. Deep inside that cocky attitude, deep inside the exterior of confidence and arrogance you've developed, you're nothing more than a meek little submissive, waiting for that one girl who comes in and leaves you a horny, begging mess beneath her fingertips aren't you?". Momo asked and Nayeon blushed crimson red.
"Yes". Nayeon breathed out.
"Good girl". Momo said and stroked Nayeon's cheek with her thumb.
"Then I think we both know just where we want this to go, don't we ?". Momo asked and Nayeon nodded her head.
"Then say it for me then will you?".
"I want you to fuck me and make me yours". Nayeon said and Momo smirked at her.
"Good girl". Momo husked out and pulled her on top of her lap, so Nayeon was straddling her. Momo pulled Nayeon into a kiss, which they both sighed into.
To feel the other's lips pressed against their own was a dream both of them had for so long. Nayeon wrapped her fingers in Momo's dark, long hair to pull her impossibly closer.
"Momo". Nayeon gasped out when Momo palmed her ass. Momo just smirked into the kiss and bit Nayeon's bottom lip with her teeth to tug it forward a little.
"I love the way you say my name". Momo husked out and started sliding her hands up Nayeon's thighs. She grabbed Nayeon's shirt to take it completely off.
When she saw Nayeon's naked chest, she could feel her cock twitching in her pants.
"Fuck, baby". Momo bit her lip and let her hands roam all over Nayeon's body. She kissed her collarbones and shoulders, while she let her nails run up and down Nayeon's naked back.
Nayeon was whining and panting already which made Momo smirk again. She felt proud knowing she could make Nayeon feel this desperate without really touching her yet.
"Kneel between my legs princess". Nayeon felt a wave of wetness coating her panties at the nickname. She slid down Momo's legs to kneel between them.
"Such a good girl". Momo hummed and stroked Nayeon's cheek with her thumb.
Without loosing eye contact, Momo started taking off her clothes. First her shirt, then her black bra. When Nayeon saw Momo's abs she had to press her thighs together. After Momo took off her pants and boxers Nayeon nearly let out a moan at the sight of Momo's large cock.
"You like what you see?". Momo asked and sat back down on the couch. Nayeon quickly nodded her head, she wanted to touch Momo so bad right now.
"Show me". Momo rasped out and spread her legs a little bit. Nayeon's eyes instantly fell between her legs, Momo was big, really big. She was veiny and pre cum was already leaking out of her tip.
She grabbed Momo's cock in her hand, she has pretty large hands but she could barely wrap her hand around Momo. She started pumping up and down slowly, she felt Momo pulsing in her hand, when she looked up, she saw Momo staring at her with hazed eyes and slightly opened mouth.
Without looking away she leaned down to suck Momo completely in her mouth.
"Mmm yes". Momo moaned and combed Nayeon's hair back, so she could see her face. Nayeon started bumping her head up and down, she grabbed Momo's thighs for support while Momo started thrusting her hips up and down to fuck Nayeon's face.
"Yeah baby just like that". Momo gasped out and pushed Nayeon's head deeper down her length, which made her gag. The room was filled with wet slurping noises and quiet moans.
Nayeon's grip tightened against Momo's thighs, so Momo pulled her head back by her hair, drool was hanging down Nayeon's chin, the sight alone made Momo nearly cum.
"Why did you stop?". Nayeon asked, but Momo just lifted her up to walk into her room, where she threw Nayeon onto the bed.
Nayeon was so turned on, and so was Momo. Momo crawled onto the bed slowly, the sight made Nayeon drip even more. Momo quickly pulled Nayeon's shorts and panties down her long legs, before she threw the clothes on the floor.
Nayeon felt her heart beating faster and faster, she clenched her hands into the bedsheets when Momo laid down between her legs and spread them apart with her hands.
"Fuck, you're soaking wet". Momo breathed out and rubbed her thumb against Nayeon's clit.
"Mmm". Nayeon hummed and bit her lip at the sight of Momo laying between her legs.
"Please". Nayeon whined out.
"Please what? What do you want baby?". Momo asked and slid her fingers up and down her pussy.
"F-Fuck, please taste me". Nayeon cried out and grabbed Momo's hair to push her towards the place where she wanted her the most right now.
Momo wrapped her muscular arms around Nayeon's thighs, she kissed the inside of them slowly, teasing Nayeon.
When Momo finally sucked Nayeon's clit in her mouth, she let out a shaky breath and let her head fall back against the pillows.
"Mmm Momo". She moaned out and this made Momo moan as well. Momo pushed her tongue into her pussy, the taste of Nayeon flooded her tongue and she started tongue fucking her.
"H-Holy shit". Nayeon shakily moaned out and started thrusting her hips back and forth. Her grip on Momo's hair got tighter and tighter, and so was Nayeon's pussy.
"Are you gonna cum for me baby?". Momo asked after she pulled her tongue out of Nayeon to replace it with her fingers.
"Fuuuck yes". Nayeon moaned out and started fucking herself on Momo's fingers.
"Yeah just like that baby, you look so good right now". Momo said and Nayeon cried out in pleasure at the way the Japanese was talking to her.
"I'm gonna cum".
"Yeah cum for me love". After this was said Momo felt Nayeon clenching around her fingers. Her legs were shaking while Momo kept fucking into her pussy to let her ride out her orgasm.
"Shit". Momo said and grinned down at Nayeon who just blushed and then smirked.
Momo slowly pulled her fingers out of her and licked them clean. Nayeon was watching in pleasure.
"Let me feel you clench around my cock like that". Momo rasped out and knelt between Nayeon's legs. She grabbed her cock to slide it up and down Nayeon's slit.
"Mmm so wet". Momo hummed and then pushed into Nayeon. She watched Nayeon's pussy sucking her completely in.
"Shit, so tight". Momo groaned and leaned down to kiss Nayeon.
Nayeon wrapped her arms around the back of Momo's neck and Momo grabbed her legs to wrap them around her hips as well.
"Fuck me". Nayeon breathed out against Momo's lips.
That was all Momo needed to hear, so she started thrusting in and out of her in a steady pace. The bed was rocking with their movements and the headboard kept hitting the wall here and then.
"Oh fuck". Nayeon cried out when Momo started pounding her, she scratched down her back but Momo quickly grabbed her wrists to push them down against the mattress.
Nayeon threw her head back because Momo kept hitting her sweet spot with every thrust she did. Momo kissed down Nayeon's neck and Nayeon started to meet Momo's thrusts halfway.
The room was filled with Nayeon's wet pussy coating Momo's cock, their heavy moans and ragged breathing.
"Ride me". Momo huffed out after she pulled out of Nayeon. Nayeon quickly straddled Momo's lap to sink back down on her large cock.
"Mhm yeah baby, that's it". Momo hummed and Nayeon let out a cry at the feeling of Momo stretching her out so good. She placed her hands on Momo's abs and started bouncing up and down on Momo's dick.
"Fuck yes". Nayeon breathed out and threw her head back. Momo was watching in pure bliss, Nayeon looked like an angel, her flushed cheeks, her hazed eyes and opened mouth drove Momo crazy.
Momo slid her hands up Nayeon's thighs to grab her hips. She started fucking up into Nayeon, she could barely hold herself up on Momo anymore, so Momo wrapped her arms around Nayeon's petite waist to start jackhammering inside of her.
Nayeon let out a squeal and pressed her face in the crook of Momo's face. She clenched her hands into the pillow next to Momo's face.
"Yesyesyesyesyes". She panted out and Momo let out a groan at how tight she was getting. She spanked Nayeon's ass and palmed it with her hands afterwards to pound even harder into her. Their skin was slapping together harshly and Momo felt her abs burning.
"I'm so close". Nayeon cried out and Momo's eyes rolled back.
"Cum all over my cock baby". Momo whispered in her ear and after that Nayeon couldn't hold back any longer and squirted all over Momo's cock.
"Mmm fuck baby". Momo moaned out and then pulled out to cum all over Nayeon's ass.
They were both completely out of breath and sweating. Momo brushed some hair that was sticking onto Nayeon's forehead back and smiled at her afterwards.
Nayeon blushed but smiled back as well. Momo grabbed her chin to pull her down into a slow kiss. They both sighed into it and smiled afterwards.
"How about we take a shower?". Momo suggested. Nayeon just nodded her head and climbed off Momo slowly.
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stealingyourbones · 8 months
Half-Life anon again. Im so glad you already played portal, that would definitely be next on the list!! DOOM is *also* so so good, between it and HL, it's probably the bigger adrenaline rush, and, at least as far as the classic game go, probably far less mechanically complex than HL! If you want the Full Lore for the classic games (1, 2, and 64) be sure to look up the manuals first, since they do the whole "setting up the story in the manual" thing before just dropping you right into the game.
Modern DOOM (2016 and Eternal) has absolutely nuts gameplay that makes you feel like a total badass no matter what difficulty you play on, and lore is all in the games ok, but... well. You'd be hard pressed to find a fan who doesn't think the story is a hot mess of a dumpster fire (including the ones who like or at least don't mind it, such as myself.) Especially Eternal's dlc has a very "but what ACTUALLY happened was [absolutely bs stupid rule-of-cool lore drop that makes no sense]" feel to it. The current lead writer keeps changing and adding lore three years after the fact, and most of us have decided by now that he's full of shit. But hey! You're a DC comics fan, I'm sure you know what that's like! The games are still good and I still love them anyway.
DOOM 3 is... sort of its own thing, in a weird limbo state. It's not really part of the same continuity as the rest of the games, and it leans a bit more heavily on the horror and suspense themes than the "you're not stuck with them, they're stuck with YOU" theme of the other games, so dont go into it expecting the same feel. It doesn't run quite as fluid as the other games, but it's the first true 3D game, as opposed to the classic 2.5D.
Anyway! That is all for now (again) but if you keep talking about these games, I will happily keep infodumping to you as long as you'll let me. :3
!!! Dude I’m so fuckin down for u to continue infodumping!
Good to know that the 2016 Doom’s storyline is a bit wild. As long as I can throw hands with demons I don’t mind >:D
Both Doom 1 and 2 are so fun dude!!! I also played My House.wad because it sounded cool and oh boy was it cool!!!! House of Leaves is on my reading list so I’m interested to see how the feller that made the .wad was inspired by it.
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thisonesatellite · 9 months
@wistfulcynic tag-summons me and of course i answer. Not least because she has written some of my favorite stories of all time. 😘
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
OK -- rubs hands. Here we go.
First fic: The road, taken (OUAT /CS)
Look. i was never going to write. i was never even going to get an AO3 account. But then i did (honestly, i'm not even sure why i decided to apply), and then i had this random thought which would not leave, and after three days of constantly imagining Emma and Killian meeting in a bar fight, well--- i wrote it.
Mostly to get it out of my head.
This fic shows very clearly that i was not yet a writer, but i think it also shows the things i would eventually gravitate towards (plot and realistic dialogue underpinned with Feelings), as well as my absolute and unwavering commitment to HEAs, you feel me.
And four short years later here we are, with four fandoms and 37 fics. What have i done.
Last fic: despite all my rage (stucky)
My latest OTP Bucky/Steve hath taken me over and this fic is the perfect illustration of the dangers of telling anyone about anything at all, because i mentioned working on an MMA documentary to @angelicalslayer and she said, "ooooh, stucky cage fight fic!", and then THIS HAPPENED.
i am not sorry.
Only once: Actually, i have two fandoms i dipped into only once.
we build our lives out of chaos and hope (dramione) a sort of homecoming (Leverage)
The dramione fic is an EWE exploration of Draco's and Hermione's lives, both of which get stuck after the war ends and remain in limbo for a decade until they are thrown together by chance. After which they are forced to work out their issues and also face a new threat.
Dramione had the great misfortune that i slid into stucky immediately after i discovered it and got stuck there (hehe). i have been trying to claw my way back to dramione ever since -- i have a really epic fic idea already in mind which i would LOVE to write. Unfortunately i am horribly linear and cannot do more than one fic at a time, and people keep bullying me lovingly into stucky events, so i won't get around to it until next year. But i will write it. i loved writing chaos and hope.
The Leverage outing? i don't know what happened. Stress, too much work, real life drama, and stucky cage fight plot boas came together and needed an outlet, and suddenly i had a Leverage fic.
i am once again not sorry.
Fave fic in most works: we kill the flame (OUAT /CS)
CS is my most prolific OTP so far - although i no longer write it - and this fic i think was by far my best outing. i built an entire world for it, during which i realized i love world building even though it's a ridiculous amount of work that takes a ridiculous amount of time. And this particular sandbox i built is my best one.
Cyberpunk dystopia, plot, action, Feelings, more plot, more action, and then a HEA -- i put all my favorite things into this one, and even viewed from a distance of nearly three years, i still love it.
Fic i wish more people had read: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (stucky)
i realize that Western AUs are not everyone's cup of tea, so i get why this one is bringing up the rear, it's just that i put so much work into the historical accuracy and transposing the canon into post-Civil War America that i kind of wish more people had given it a try. But i do get that this is a matter of taste.
i'm not angry or disappointed or anything, i loved writing it, and i worked with incredible people ( @angelicalslayer again, she is just that fabulous), as well as participated in my first bang ever, so it was totally worth it. Besides giving me a whole new appreciation for people who write historical fiction, bc omg the work.
Fic i agonized over the most: if you live by the word, you die by the pen (OUAT /CS)
The plot. OMFG the plot. The plot got so loose.
Look. i love wrangling my plot boas, OK? i complain about them a lot, because they always try to strangle me, but all in all i love it.
But. This fic. First of all, i tried a whole new style (noir -- basically stumbling around in the footsteps of Dashiell Hammett and James Ellroy) AND murder mystery AND magic AND linguistics AND battles AND upwards of eight main protagonists (how very LA Confidential of me) and anyway, i nearly didn't survive it.
The only reason i did survive is @wistfulcynic (because she always is) and she is also the only reason that the result is in any way worth reading (BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS IS). In this case she worked harder than ever, but also i tempted her with a linguistics component, because that is how you get the linguists to help you.
Fic that sprang fully formed: a handful of dust (stucky)
i had already left CS and found dramione and was nearly done with writing chaos and hope when i re-binged CATFA and CATWS for the n-th time and finally decided to check out the stucky ficdom. And promptly got sucked into the best vortex ever.
And then this fic just sprang up in my head. No warning. i looked up and there both bois were, looking at me in challenge, going, 'are you going to write us a different post-Potomac ending or what', and really--- what was i supposed to do but nod and write it?
So i did.
And i've been HEA-ing them ever since. (Usually after sending them through various types of AU hell, but as long as they end up happy together, who's counting?)
Fic i'm proud of: all
Look. i'll be honest. i'm proud of all of them, ngl. My writing is not as easily accessible as many others' -- both in style and in subject matter -- but i absolutely love the process of writing and i am proud of every fic i managed to finish and put out there.
Absolutely no pressure tags: @ohmightydevviepuu, @bittersweet-in-boston, @cable-knit-sweater, @mxaether, @greekgeek24 , @angelicalslayer 💖
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look, i might delete this later but. i was just crying really hard while reading loveless (and i'm still crying haha), and honestly, same as with heartstopper, a part of me is just wretched that this sort of book, this sort of series exists now.
because it didn't then. it didn't when i needed it.
(i'm not saying this to shit on the fact that these types of stories exist now btw. i'm just. processing my feelings about that fact that they didn't when i was young.)
like. there was nothing. there was the vague awareness that gay men and lesbian women existed. bisexuality wasn't a thing. the asexual and aromantic spectrum? unheard of.
i might have fucking realized way earlier that i liked girls (and that that wasn't a bad thing) if i'd ever so much heard of the concept of bisexuality as a teen.
and then later, when my best friend found out she was bisexual and that for her happened to coincide with lots of making out and having sex with both girls and boys (we didnt' know anyone who was non-binary, nor did we know more than 2 genders existed at all), it just. it was kind of clear to me that well then that couldn't be me either?
sure, i'd fallen in love with a girl by that age (and oh my how badly that ended, but that's a whole other story), but since nothing ever happened between us by any allosexual standards i still didn't... clock it as something i could possibly derive a sense of identity from.
i always felt like i was in this kind of... limbo. crushing on boys but not actually wanting to kiss them (--yet, as i later on in my demisexual journey found out), crushing on girls and having the imminent sense of shame and wrongness about it.
i just. my life would have been so different if i'd seen these kinds of stories being told. but maybe being queer for every generation at least to some degree means living through your own coming of age again and again in so many different stories until you've let yourself feel all of the feelings you were never allowed to feel.
maybe being queer is about patching it all up, and filling the patches and cracks with gold threads, you know like that ancient golden vase where its cracks were stuck together again with gold?
i dont' fully know what i'm saying at this point, and i've also got some things that need doing, so this is where this post ends haha <3 (end post with a bang? nah, more like end it with some unnecessary blabbering :) )
(edit: i'm not gonna delete it, and i'm glad it resonates with people.)
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folansstuff · 7 months
So I'm not caught up what's going on with illyana and realm of x that you seem frustrated about
So, my issues with Realm of X is not really based on Illyana specifically, but more an issue with the book as a whole?
The TLDR is like; the books massively disconnected from the main FoX plot, but also doesn't follow up on plot threads from previous books, and gives it's characters little to do despite telling us things are happening. I'll slap the rest under the read more cause it might get long.
So the book has a really interesting set up (the gals are stuck in Vanheim, Curse has brought them there, etc etc) and feels like it's going to follow up on some of the plot threads from Vita Ayala's New Mutants run + X of Swords (eg, Illyana no longer being bonded to Limbo, Satyurne no longer having control of Otherworld) + the post-Hellfire Gala thing.
The issue is that it's none of these things? It's techincally connected to FoX since they mention mutants being stuck there other than them, but we never see them and it never seems to really matter outside the first issue. Illyana's lack of magic has nothing to do with being separated from Limbo, but is instead because Vanheim is anti-magic and it only rarely touches on her thoughts about that than "she's sad". And we so far don't really understand what Saturyne is doing at all other than some really 'power' with Vanheim and... aliens? Some sort of cosmic thing? Who knows.
Typhoid Mary is around, Marrow does even less, Dust gets to do some cool stuff, but she's still sidelined, Illyana's general headstrongness that defines her character, even in the Krakoan era is gone (which is still wild even with the concept that she's struggling without her powers, she would still be throwing hands! Instead Typhoid Mary just calls her useless and she instantly cowers to that assessment.) And Dani, poor fucking Dani, is cut off from her Valkyrie powers for reasons we may only find out 4 issues in. (And that's only if Sif being in the preview means anything). We don't see Curse develop either, even though this should really be her star showing post-Nature Girl stuff.
So things are just sort of happening. And the narration tells us things are happening kinda aimlessly? And that's wild since this is supposedly a four issue miniseries, but even the preview from the last issue doesn't seem to be interested in plot progression at all.
The only, like, truly nice thing I can say is that issues 1, 2 and 4 look nice. The art is cool, the characters have neat outfits, and any book that makes Illyana this pretty looking is a positive to me. But then there's issue 3, which looks Not Great, but with comics I understand that can happen sometimes.
Now I'm not editorial, obviously, but I can only assume the book is like this because of some sort of strange circumstances. This does feel like a book that is only in the FoX line because of like, a release date change or something? Or scheduling? Cause even with the other FoX books, which I've generally thought were okay on average, they at least felt like they were meant to be there.
And I want to clarify, this new issue could completely 180 my opinion! We've only seen previews, and stranger things have certainly happened, but I am not optimistic about it. Ultimately don't know where this goes. My old theory was that they were going to kill/seal off Dani and Yana, but Dani is heading a Unlimited book and Yana is so popular that only Tom Breevort's weird hatred of her could get in the way. So I'm just sorta lost. Maybe they'll all just stick around and have magic adventures until the House of X stuff.
Either way I'm not keen.
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countlessrealities · 7 months
🗑️ ⚖️ 💚 right back at you!
Scrapped / on pause / WIP ideas meme || Selectively accepting !
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🗑️ a scrapped element of the blog
This is something that I never actually applied to this blog because I scrapped the idea before I had the chance to try it out, but I think it should count since it's about one of my current muses.
When I firstly designed my HCs for Evil Rick, he was very different from the version I've chose to adopt for my portrayal. The initial idea I had for him had been to base his character mostly on the stereotype of what in the mind of the public is a "sociopath" (I know, I know, we aren't using that sort of terminology anymore, but it's for the sake of simplicity). So, brutal, unrefined, unable to understand basic social / human behaviours and uninterested in learning to. He was basically just an asshole who had no driving force in life if not satisfy his darker impulses. Also, he was supposed to behave more like he does in the show while under Evil Morty's control.
Whoever has even just glanced at how I write him now, you can see that he's nothing like that. Sure, he's merciless, can't feel empathy, he's extremely gory at times, but his whole personality is centre on quiet and emotionless detachment. There's a long list of reasons why I picked this version over the other, but I won't list them. I just wanna mention that I ended up making up almost the opposite (attitude wise) of how he acted while puppeteered by Evil Morty because, for how I write him, my Evil Morty would want to put as much distance between himself and his Rick, thus why he distorts his personality. And also because he knows that Evil Rick would find it insulting.
⚖️ something stuck in limbo
I've been pondering for a couple of weeks now to add a certain muse to my roaster. I've been writing him on Discord with @mcltiples (so I blame her for giving me the thought to add him on here too) and I think I'm doing pretty decently. Plus, he's fun to write and I need more psychos on my muses list.
I'm still pondering it because 1. I already have several muses and 2. a close mutual of mine writes the same character and that makes me a little hesitant because I don't want it to look like I'm trying to copy them / steal their spotlight.
I know, I know, point 2 is probably all just paranoia, but I can't help worrying about it. As for point one, I'm planning to remove a muse (Stan) from my roaster with the new year, so that could technically mean having an open spot.
💚 a coming idea that still needs development
This one is an element that I've often included in my portrayal, but without really defining it or diving in depth: Morty's anger issues and trauma-induced coping mechanisms.
There are a few specific HCs I tend to use and mention often (like how he spent a really long time unable to even just look at public bathroom, or how Rick has resorted to take him purging regularly), but the real extent of the damage Morty carries? That's pretty unknown to me too xD
I'd really like to develop these aspects more, decide what he has gotten over, what is still haunting him, and what had gotten lost in the cynic attitude and mindset he has been forced to adopt for the sake on not falling into an endless breakdown. Also, since most of the emotions linked to all this events manifest through anger (something that happened even before Rick) it's also very hard to tell how he truly feels about something. Whether he is truly angry or if rage is the manifestation of something else (guilt, fear, sadness, sorrow, remorse, etc).
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rhyme-thinks-stuff · 7 months
🧨🌌 ❤️ for the life series ask!
ask game link!
i almost finished this and then lost the post Q-Q
so take two:
🧨 favorite season and why?
Oof I love them all for different reasons and it's especially close between Double Life and Last Life, but I think I'm going to go with Double Life since it has a very special place in my heart as the season that got me into the series, and I just rewatched it
🌌 what happens when the players die?
I hadn't thought about this much before, but I think I like the idea that they become ghosts until the end of the game, mostly unable to interact with or be perceived by the living players and possibly unable to even see each other. I really like ghosts
I'm not sure what I think happens after they leave the game. Maybe they get back to where they were before the game started, maybe they get stuck in a limbo of some sort. Whatever it is, I think it can mess with their memories. Sometimes they remember what happened, sometimes they don't. But I think it'd be interesting, if every time you watch someone die you know they might not come back the same next time.
❤️ best double life pairing?
Pearl and Scott! They're so dysfunctional i love them <3
I have many thoughts about them and it's hard to fit them into words but like. The way they were a team last season, but that bond breaks. The way they hurt each other. The way they start to make amends at the end, but it's too late really. the way it ends, with Scott giving Pearl the win. And the way that Scott and Pearl are so loyal to the people they choose to be their allies. idk
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fluxherbaria · 1 year
Hi, i don't know if you'll see this but, i just spent the whole day reading your work, Wild. I feel like I'm stuck in some sort of liminal limbo after the very last chapter. The story seemed to transition from prose to poetry that by the end i was struggling to keep up with it, however much i wanted to... i just wanted to know what was going on but it seemed i wasn't getting through any of it and feel a bit sad for having lost track of where the story was going 😕. This isn't an attack or anything! Kinda just me not getting what was happening hehe~
If you don't mind my asking... what happened there, in the last chapter? Like i read it, they came back but it just felt like an incomplete sentence. I know there's something I'm meant to be getting there. I read it the chapter and didn't at all know what i read TT I've no idea what to make of it. I figured you might be able to help a reader out, if that's okay. I just want to know how the story ends...
hello! sorry for the late reply I am hardly in this space - I appreciate the question, hopefully some thoughts many years after the fact attempts to answer it. I understand you, if I felt this way after reading something I would also find the answers interesting, so I'll try for ya and I hope you get something out of it! feel free to let me know I suppose I didn't think this story as a whole was about what's next in their lives, in a way, it was about getting there. so it's ending was always going to look a lot like the beginning of something else, not included in the story. the House is meant to be a transitional place between the unreality of D's flat and the real world they have shielded themselves from. so it's a step out the door, rather than leaving the room they've been circling within. I imagined after confronting reality in the last chapter in small doses, drip by drip, they would Go On to find something more concrete and substantial they could live amongst, explore together. they confront things here - the past, secrets - and have to sift through the mess of After, the war ended, the future unclear, and try and figure out what to hold onto, what to leave behind - and most difficult, listen for the voice that makes these calls. I originally planned for it to go further and confront more people, more decisions, but because of a variety of reasons (mostly in my personal life, but also wanting to leave it slightly open-ended) I didn't clean it up in the end. I could see how that's unsatisfying but then I'm not really sure what else could fill in the gaps. since then all my stories end like that. brief bulbs of hope, but still in the same room thanks for the time it took to read it, and for thinking about it too x
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musekicker · 1 year
and another Offering au drabble.
Castle Limbo was a cold, grey place. A ancient place where people had long said death lived. They had meant the concept of death rather the personification. But it ended up being true either way.
Puss had no idea of knowing any of this of course. He had not thought that Death was a physical being and could even touch him much less have a place to call home. Not what he was concerned about currently.
The moment they were in the castle, Death dropped Puss to the floor. Being a cat, Puss managed to land on his feet. On instinct Puss reached for his sword. Then he remembered that the Death worshippers had taken his sword. 
Puss looked up to Death, and knew that he could not even begin to truly take him on without some sort of weapon. The wiser option was to escape for the moment and find a weapon or a way out. 
So he backed up a few steps and then ran. Death just watched him run. Did not even reach out for the cat.
Puss ran and ran, having to adjust his route when finding a hall way blocked off by walls of thorns. He was turning to do just that when he first saw them.
There were creatures, shadows with glowing eyes and vague features. He saw bunny ears, fox tails, various other elements of other animals. And they were all getting closer.
Puss almost backed right up into the thorns wall. Cornered, he hissed at the creatures.
"Stay away!" Puss shouted, swiping at one with his claws.
His claws passed through the creature like it was just smoke. And it came back together easily. Even though his claws clearly did not damage, the shadow thing backed off. It and the others melded back into the shadows and were gone.
Puss had no idea what had just happened. But he couldn't dwell on it. He had to find a way out.
What felt like hours later, Puss had learned a few things about this castle.
All the windows had black vines covering large portions of them, no space for even a cat to fit through. And even if he wanted to try, the thorns on them were long and wicked.
There were hallways that were also blocked off by walls of the same vines.
And finally, the castle seemed empty. Except for the shadow creatures that he would still see out of the corner of his eyes time to time.
It was all so frustrating and at one point Puss just tried to claw at the vines in one of the windows, his claws the only sharp thing besides teeth he had on him. In his haste one of the thorns stuck his paw. Puss let out a light hiss as the pain and looked to his paw.
Nothing terribly bad by wound standards. Even as long as the thorn had been there was only a small bloom of red on his paw. It still made him freeze, thinking about how the Death worshiper had cut him earlier, calling out to Death and marking him as offering.
He was still frozen when out of nowhere it seemed, Death was there. He appearance so quiet it startled Puss and he stumbled back a bit. Puss's tail fluffed up, ears back.
Death on his end seemed calm. Calm and amused. Something that replaced the fear Puss was feeling with anger. Puss was sure Death could feel the anger radiating off of him. And that was part of Death's amusement.
"Have you gotten it out of your system?" Death asked.
Puss hissed, paws clenched. He winced, remembering now that he had hurt one of his paws.
"If you mean that if I've gotten wanting to get away from this place and you out of my system, the answer is no." Puss said.
Death shrugged.
"Somehow I'm not surprised. That aside, You were running around for hours. I'm sure that you must be exhausted." Death pointed out.
Puss didn't want to agree with Death on anything. But he was very tired. And he knew he would not be able to get himself out of this if he was too tired to do anything.
"I could rest." Puss said slowly, even admitting this feeling like giving Death a win.
The wolf had to know what Puss was feeling, looking too smug to not know.
"Then you should probably see your room." Death said.
At that, Death opened the door closest to them. Puss had to wonder if he had been manipulated to end up right here. Or some magic might be at play.
Puss was sure what he expected to see when he entered the room. But it certainly wasn't room that had a bit of a comfortable vibe to it. There was good lighting from the magical light globes around the room. A big bed that covers look to be the fur pelts of animals that Puss was unsure what they were. The same kind of pelt was used for a rug. 
The biggest draw in this castle though was the fireplace, which flames sparked to life the moment Puss entered the room.
Puss had to wonder was this all already here or did Death somehow set this all up during his running around? And if so, how?
Puss would had asked these question but Death interrupted those thoughts by taking Puss's wounded paw by the wrist.
"You hurt yourself." Death said.
Puss tried to pull his paw away, but Death's grip was strong on his wrist.
"You should be more careful." Death said.
Another insufferable smirk was on Death's face. And Puss only wanted to swipe at that face with his claws. Death broke Puss out of his angry thoughts when he pressed a thumb down on the wound. 
Puss let out a yowl and once again attempted to pull away. Nothing changed except the blood that started up again.
"The way you wounded yourself..." Death said. "One would think you were calling to me yourself."
There was something in that tone that Puss didn't like. He wasn't entirely sure what it was. or maybe he did and didn't want to admit it. All he knew was that he really wanted Death to stop touching him right now.
Death did eventually take his thumb off the wounded area before his eyes met Puss's.
"Should probably take care of this. Don't want it getting infected and you dying on me now." Death said.
He laughed a little, as if what he said was some sort of joke. Puss did not find this funny and glared. At least Death finally let go of his wrist.
Puss sat in one of the rooms chairs a bit later as Death started to tend to the wound, Puss noted that some of the shadowy creatures he had seen in the halls earlier were peering in, like curious children.
"What are those?" Puss asked.
Death looked over towards the door. Some of the shadow creatures shrank back a bit. 
"Those are shades." Death said. "Spirits that have not moved on for various reasons. In limbo until they are ready to move on."
"Does that... make this place limbo?" Puss asked.
Death chuckled, finishing wrapping the wound.
"Oh no, this is not THE limbo. Though it does have some things in common with limbo." Death said. "And you do not need to fear the shades. They are harmless." Death said.
Puss huffed.
"I fear nothing." Puss said.
Death laughed again.
"Oh, Puss in Boots. We both know that is not true." Death said. 
Puss opened his mouth to argue when Death just picked him up.
"Hey! What do you think-" Puss cried.
"You said you were tired. I am only bringing you to your bed." Death said.
"I can walk to the bed myself!" Puss snapped.
Death didn't reply to that and gently placed Puss in the bed. Puss glared.
The bed was a lot more comfortable then he thought it would had been. Or wanted to admit it would. And with all the running around he had done, he really was so tired. It might had been a mix of those things alone that were making his eyes already beginning to droop. He still suspected some sort of magic involved.
"You-" Puss said.
"Shh." Death said, pulling up the covers to cover the cat. "You need that rest."
Puss didn't recall much after that. Nothing more then what he was sure was a kiss on his neck.
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wafflesetc · 1 year
One of the things that Sean always talked about was reminding Hailey that she is broken. And in 10x09, he told Hailey that he finds the broken and fixes them. Do you think Sean will try to do that with Hailey? Could that be the reason why he reaches out to Hailey in 10x12?
Hmmm. I think that in some capacity, from Sean's POV he thinks that the two of them are connected on some level. In some ways I think he sees himself in pieces of Hailey. Sean is fixated on Hailey, he's known that since one of the first times he met her. He knows that she is struggling with Jay gone and because of this, there is a certain level of vulnerability that he can prey on when it comes to Hailey. I think this is what he's been doing with Hailey - toying with her, playing games - and because of how she's trying to focus on anything other than her personal life, she's sort of falling into her trap. I do think that is what is going to happen in 10x12.
Personally, I think that Sean is going to call her, presumably to give her information about the case. I'm think that it is something that leads along the lines of it being a larger network, maybe that something that crosses state lines. Because it crosses state lines, it's out of Hailey's jurisdiction, so she'll pass the information on to the feds, but she will realize, she needs to move on from the case. She needs to let Sean go, let the girls go - and in doing so, she will ultimately come to have to face the reality that is her personal life.
I DO NOT think she is "letting Jay go" and I do not believe anything is going to happen with Upstead, but I do think that Hailey has been stuck in this weird limbo and she's going to have to realize she has to let go of her current situation. That it's happening - he is gone- and she's going to have to figure out who she is again, just like he is.
I have said this before, but growth hurts. In order for a relationship to grow, each person has to grow individually. In the end, when he comes home, they'll both be stronger individuals not only for themselves, but for the other, which will only make their marriage that much stronger.
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