#i'd be lying if i said everything was okay but it's also nothing to be worried about
tiny-tf-faces · 1 month
I hope this blog is great AI dataset poison. Of course I have 3rd party sharing turned off, but it's not like an AI company is actually gonna listen to that stuff
The majority of generated transformers imagery I've seen is already just blobs of color. Ironically, robots are hard for AI to understand. And here am I, with hundreds of scruched up little (though maybe even too little to be included in a dataset) images, selected specifically for looking weird, all tagged various transformers characters. Just imagine what all those croissant Arcees could do to an image generator!
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riordanness · 8 months
pick up lines - [p.jackson]
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1.4K wordcount
warnings: none
requested: no
I hated waking up.
Not that sleeping was particularly amazing, being a demigod and all, but waking up really sucked. I'd been resting peacefully (not), when I was rudely shaken from my sleep by the breakfast bell.
Unfortunately, I had never been an early riser, so most mornings, there was a mad rush, involving a lot of mess, losing everything I needed, and desperately trying, (and failing) to clean up my cabin before inspection, which was right after breakfast.
I was generally the one who had the messiest cabin during inspection.
I finally was dressed in jeans and an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt, with my h/c hair pulled away from my face. Then, I ran to the dining pavilion.
I was a daughter of Demeter, the plant goddess. Yeah, I'm sure most of you are thinking: Oh, wow, plants... But seriously, it's kinda cool. I do have some pretty sweet powers. I can grow any plants from practically nothing, control plants and stuff, and sense things in the earth. I can even use plants to travel instantly from one place to another, by just hopping through the trees, or seeds, or flowers, or weeds, or . . . whatever.
I slipped into my seat next to Katie Gardner, my elder sister. She was the counsellor for Cabin Demeter. Katie was super nice, but she was always busy at the moment, mostly hanging out with her new boyfriend, Travis Stoll, Son of Hermes.
"You slept in again," Katie whispered to me, trying, and failing epically, to hide her laughter. "We thought it was best not to try and wake you."
That was probably smart. If someone woke me up, they'd most likely leave that situation with a black eye and seeds growing in their skin. I can be fairly lethal when I want to be.
"I stated up too late again last night," I said back, my voice also low. I didn't like when other kids were listening in on my conversations, especially those Hermes kids.
"Doing what?" Katie smirked, like she knew something I didn't.
"Um..." What was I doing? Hanging out with my best friend of course. Who also happened to be the cutest and most popular guy at camp. The only current Son of Posiedon. Percy Jackson.
"I was with Percy, at the beach. We were finding lost starfish and chucking them back in the water..." My voice faltered. I wasn't good at lying. 'At the beach' was accurate. We'd been laying on a picnic blanket, watching the stars, and just talking about everything and anything, for hours. We did that almost every night. It was the best feeling in the world, just being with him.
"Uh huh." Katie turned back to her food. "He likes you, y/n, I'm sure of it. Just as much as you like him, I bet."
"Katie!" I hissed, my face beet red, but the words pleased me. I'd had a crush on Percy Jackson since the first day he arrived at Camp Half-Blood, tired and bruised and scratched from fighting the Minotaur. He'd limped into camp, stole my heart, and became the coolest guy at camp within a month.
And yes, I was in love with him. We'd been best friends for years, and we hung out all the time. How could I possibly not fall for him, with his stupid trouble-maker grin, his dark, messy hair, his sparkling sea-green baby-seal eyes, and his voice. He was, at least in my eyes, perfect.
Later, I was practicing my sword-fighting in the arena, hacking arms and legs and heads off the stuffed straw dummies. I'd never been the best fighter, but I felt like I was getting the hang of my sword.
"Are you a child of Hermes?" a joking voice rang out from behind me. I spun around, and came face to face with one of the Hephestus kids. Leo Valdez, maybe?
I blew my hair out of my face, breathing hard. "Um, no? Demeter, actually. Why?"
The boy, Leo, cracked a grin. "Because you stole my heart."
I blinked, not sure what to say. I never really spoke to any of the kids from Hephestus cabin, especially not this one.
"Uh, okay... thanks, I guess?"
Leo grinned again, then ran off without saying anything else. Okay... that was pretty weird.
I decided to go for a walk, to cool down and to stretch my legs a bit, so I headed for the basketball courts, where a bunch of kids were playing a really aggressive game.
I plopped down on the grass a few meters back from the courts, and watched the game. It looked like Ares and Apollo (a strange match), against Athena, Dionysus, and a couple other kids, like Jason Grace, Nico Di Angelo, and Percy.
I found myself watching Percy more than the other players, but snapped my eyes away from him once I realised. I didn't want anyone seeing me staring at my best friend.
After a while, the players called for a break, and Jason Grace approached me. "Oh, hey (Y/N)," he smiled at me, sitting beside me and taking a swig of water from a drink bottle.
"Hey," I said back. Again, I was surprised at why Jason was talking to me. He didn't usually. Demeter kids were looked over quite a bit, and Jason was one of the big shots - a child of Zeus. Of course, Percy was a son of Posiedon, and he talked to me, but that was different. I'd known Percy for years, even before we came here at twelve years old. I'd know him since he was seven.
"Are you a child of Hades?" Jason asked suddenly.
I frowned at him. "No. Demeter, actually. Why does everyone keep-?"
I was cut off by Jason grinning and saying: "Because I'm dying to call you mine."
I swallowed. "Um..."
Jason got up and walked away, heading back to his game. I was totally confused, so I stood up, brushed off my jean shorts, and decided to go to the strawberry fields, where I usually spent most of my time, among the plants. Plants always calmed me down, and this random guys telling me pick-up lines were a little stressful. I wasn't the kind of girl who normally got guys, anyway.
After a few minutes of walking up and down the strawberry aisles, I ran into Nico di Angelo. Nico wasn't usually the sort of person you ran into in the strawberry fields, so I was surprised.
"Oh, hi, Nico," I said cheerily, waving at him. Nico and I were actually pretty good friends, so I was glad to see him. We got along surprisingly well, considering our parents' rivalry. You know, the whole Persephone getting kidnapped thing.
"Are you a child of Hephestus?" Nico stammered, blushing with embarrassment.
At this point, I was utterly confused.
"No!" I said, frowning. "I'm a daughter of Demeter, and I know you know that, Nico. And why does everyone keep trying these stupid pick-up lines on me? Besides... you like guys, don't you?"
"Well, um..." Nico shrugged and ran off, leaving me in a state of helpless confusion.
I sank to my knees in the soft grass, picking at it with my fingers. "What's happening with me today?" I wondered aloud.
"Hey, are you Aphrodite?" a familiar voice asked. "Because you're divinely gorgeous."
I glanced up, meeting the sea-green eyes of my best friend. "Percy?" I asked. "You too? What's-?"
Percy stopped me, sitting down cross-legged beside me. "Hey, I've- I've liked you for ages, but I never told you because I was scared you'd not feel the same and so we'd lose our awesome friendship, but the guys found out and so they were trying to make me jealous enough to admit me feelings today, by trying out pick-up lines on you, so, well, I- I decided that I should just tell you.”
I sucked in a breath. "Oh my gods," I managed. "You stupid son of Posiedon."
"What?" Percy chuckled nervously.
"Are you a child of the Sea God?" I asked softly. "Because I'm drowning in your beautiful eyes."
Gathering all my courage, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth against Percy's, feeling him smile against my lips, and I couldn't have wished for anything more.
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final-script · 10 months
Take It Or Leave It… |LN4
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Pairing: Lando Norris x  Leclerc!Reader
Sumary: Where you love your brothers but…
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!There are probably many mistakes (I will correct them later)
Gif: sebxvettel
In her final moments, Hervé made them promise her older children that you would take care of their younger sister.
He made them promise that they would not let anything happen to her and that they would always be for her.
And wow they did… They treated you like a princess.
You could say you couldn't complain about anything… except for one thing.
Since you have use of reason and since you started having some "dates" you had begun to "hate" your brothers, there was no date that they did not ruin.
You had talked to your mom about it and she said that they were just trying to protect you, that they don't misunderstand you, you understood them and you were more than grateful to them.
But… You wanted to be able to experience the power you were with someone, however with your brothers, it was becoming impossible, they scared every boy you were with.
And to be honest, that was beginning to arouse you, to such an extent that you began to hide things from them.
Only your mother and Enzo, (which we can say that despite being the oldest, he was the least overprotective of the 3), were the ones who knew some things.
At the end of the 2022 season you had started to meet with Lando, he treated you wonderfully, enjoying every moment with him.
Very afraid to start something at first, but eager too.
I understood from the beginning that you want to keep the relationship private, unless you were sure that theirs was solid enough.
The moment they talked and decided to start telling it, the first to know were, their parents and your mother.
Perosas who respected their decision, but who recommended that at some point they should tell your brothers.
L- do you think you can go to Silverstone?
Y/N- of course, I will be like in every race.
L- with me. I leave myself speechless - it is my home race and in addition to my family, I would like to have you by my side, it's okay if you don't want to, I'll understand.
You could see a look of discouragement on his face.
Y/N- go with you, I was only surprised that you chose your home race to want to tell everything, I thought you wanted a little tranquility in the midst of all the chaos and considering that it will also be official in front of my brothers, even more.
L- chaos is something I am used to, I can handle it, on your brothers, at some point they will have to know, I do not care what is now, If that means I can have you with me, at least for a career, but like I said, I understand if you don't want to, I've respected your decision forever and will continue to do so, if you want to.
Y/N- who I did to deserve you. I cradle his face in my hands. - I agree with what you say, at some point they will have to find out, you have always respected me and if you want to tell everyone now, okay, I can also get probecho of this situation, everyone will know that you are mine.
We both laughed and kissed.
L- I will talk to the team and let you know that we will be one more this time.
Y/N- and I must warn mom not to come with her. L- and your brothers?
Y/N- when we get together, you will have your own answers.
L-hope to survive.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, talking about making everything public was one thing, but doing it was something else.
As we got closer to the circuit, everything began to become real.
My head generated all kinds of scenarios.
But one that I was sure of and boy had I been thinking about it, for nothing in the world was going to let my brothers get into my relationship.
I loved being protected, but it's time they let me live.
I came back to reality when the car stopped.
L- are you ready?    I hold my hand before I get out of the car.
Y/N- list.          A short kiss before he came down to open the door for me like an English gentleman. 
As expected, many cameras turned to see us, so he took my hand tightly and together with his coach we entered the Paddock.
Inside, surprised looks and gestures were not lacking.
You had managed to calm down a little thanks to the grip of your boyfriend, but again the tension returned when in the distance and as if it were a joke, your 3 brothers were facing each other.
Y/N- I think now I should ask, are you ready?
L- I would be lying if I said yes, but... There is no turning back.
We were at the entrance of the hospitality of Maclaren and a few mentros was that of Ferrari, so as they had already seen us, we would simply wait for them to approach.
Finally they did, but before they spoke I stopped them. 
Y/N- before they start acting like they always do, stop, I'm not going to let them mess this time, not anymore, I understand that they want to protect me, but it's time for them to let me live, don't misunderstand me, I love them, but already vast.
Lando's arm encircled my waist in a supportive manner. 
Y/N- so... It's their decision, I take it or leave it, but I'm not going to part with it.   
Judging by his expressions, my words were not expected.
A- Since when?
CH- Lando and your…
Y/N- Enzo?      He was always the one who had something to say, but strangely he was completely silent.
E- I think I speak for all three, Where you hurt our sister, you are in serious trouble.
Lando released the air that had been contained and took the floor.
L- believe me, it's not in my plans.
Ch- since when?.   He seemed to have recovered from shock.
Y/N - at the end of last season.
A- maman, you know?
 L- she and my parents were the first to know.
CH- I think we can't say much more than what Enzo said, you'll damage our sister and most likely you'll get a slight touch on one of your wheels.       I opened my eyes greatly.
CH- which?!?!, I'm just saying.
Y/N- no one will touch anyone.
Everything went better than I thought and I was grateful for that.
Although she was sure that they would not remain silent and corner Lando as soon as they had the chance.
The Best Kept Secret - Arthur Leclerc X Reader
Grateful, Excited and Expectant - Lando Norris X Reader
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 3 months
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Word count: 1800+
Warnings: confusion, jealousy (just in case), but otherwise nothing
Part XIII | Part XV
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You opened your eyes. The memories of your childhood that Rhysand revived, swirled in your mind. You were on the verge of tears. Parents. Their faces shone bright in your mind. Beautiful, smiling. How could you forget them? And your older brother, ever so loving, caring and protective. His two best friends. Morrigan. Your friends in camps. And so many others. How could you forget them all?
Old feelings mingled with your current ones. It was a bit overwhelming and confusing. You would definitely need time to process the chaos in your head and heart. You should have stopped him sooner, but once you saw fragments of your past, you wanted more.
Big, warm hand squeezed your right one, drawing small circles with a thumb. You looked in that direction. Azriel was kneeling next to you, his eyes scanning your face with worry. You knew him. You knew him for so long. The comfort and peace you felt with him before, doubled. He was always your support, understanding your feelings more than anyone else.
He was worried about you, so you sent him a small smile, assuring him you are okay. Tension in his face melted away, his eyes watered. Even without words he understood. As always.
You turned to your left where you felt another hand holding yours, but the squeeze was much weaker. Rhysand was half sitting, half lying, his side pressed into backrest of sofa, eyes closed. He was pale. If you didn't see his chest heaved with shallow breaths, you would think the worst.
"Rhys?" Your voice was shaking.
Corners of his mouth lifted in a faint smile. "It's the first time you called me Rhys since you came."
"Oh, you jerk." You playfully hit his shoulder and then hugged him. He returned the hug without hesitation. "I'm so sorry," you mumbled into his shoulder. "You should have said something."
"There's nothing to apologize for. I am sorry for all you had to go through. Before and especially since you came here. I know it wasn't easy for you."
You didn't say anything to that mainly because your feelings were all out of place.
"Are you okay?"
"Mm, just bit tired. It was harder than I thought."
"Why didn't you say something? We could-"
"It's okay," he stopped you. "I just need to rest. That's all. And you ought to do so too. I bet you have a lot to think about." He rubbed your back.
You were about to offer him helping to get to his room, but he stopped you before you could open your mouth with shake of his head. "Rest. We will talk about everything later."
Gnawing your lower lip you nodded and stood up. Azriel also got up, following you out of the office, silent like a shadow. Once doors closed behind you, you turned to him.
"I'm fine, Az. Really."
"I'll just walk you to your room."
"I can do that," you smiled. "But I'd love to ask you to take care of him. I think he's more exhausted than he admits." Your gaze travelled back to the office doors.
"Okay," he nodded, looking at you curiously. "Now you really remember." Small amused smile played on his lips, but his eyes were full of sadness and something you couldn't place.
You stepped closer, surprising Azriel with an innocent kiss on his cheek. His body went rigid, eyes widened. This was a game you two used to play, when you were younger, always catching him by surprise. Knowing you since you were born, he usually let his guard down around you, which allowed you to get into his personal space easily. You also learnt a few tricks from him.
"I do," you hummed. His fingers touched the place you kissed and he blushed fiercely. Chuckling you turned around and walked away, leaving him gaping at your back.
You'd turned the corner walking to the main hall towards the staircase.
"I don't understand what he sees in you," a sweet voice spoke from your right. There in the doors to the kitchen stood one of Feyre's sisters, Elain, if you remembered correctly.
"Excuse me?" you raised a brow at her, surprised that she spoke to you.
"Since you came everything is only about you," she said, her brows furrowed. "He also has eyes only for you. Even now, why did he have to be by your side?"
"I have no idea what are you talking about. Who's the he supposed to be anyway?" You'd never talked with her, actually hadn't met her properly until now. But you didn't like the way she looked at you.
Elain looked at you with utter disgust and then just simply pivoted, showing you her back and walked away. Stunned you blinked rapidly. You looked around hoping somebody else witnessed this and could explain you her behaviour. Unfortunately you were alone.
"…bitch…" You heard her low voice as she was muttering something in the kitchen.
Frustrated you returned to your room, decided to forget about that weird incident in the hall and rather concentrate on processing all new feelings.
You took a seat in one of the armchairs you became so fond of and gazing out to the garden you slowly roamed through new memories. It felt like finding pieces of puzzle you didn't realise that were missing. The emptiness you had always felt diminished.
It was hard to say how you felt, what you felt toward people who in few hours changed from strangers to well known faces, family. However you knew for sure that the feelings from before living in Spring Court, weren't so intensive anymore. They were still strong, but strangely subdued at the same time. It was confusing and you could only hope that with time it would clear out.
You didn't know when, but your thoughts wandered back to the cottage. And to him. What was he doing now? Did he already forget about you? Suddenly you felt blue. You'd like to talk with him now. It would certainly help you to sort out the things. You reached for the pendant he gave you, hidden under the clothes. It gave you a feeling of the kind of comfort you felt only with him.
Behind shut eyelids you found yourself back in the forest in front of your cottage, Tamlin stood on the threshold, his back to you. As if feeling your presence, he turned around and when his eyes found yours he smiled happily. Tamlin's emerald eyes and golden hair shone in the sunlight filtering through the treetops. It was so peaceful moment. The moment that was interrupted by a knock on the door.
You exhaled shakily, your heart beating too fast. What was that? It was so real that your chest hurt. You rubbed a non-existent wound and when another soft knock sounded, you called out to whoever it was, to enter. Golden brown head peeked in from behind the door. It was Feyre.
"Can I come in? I brought you something to eat."
You nodded, grateful for her care.
"You missed the lunch, so I thought you might be hungry," she said placing tray on a small table. She looked somehow nervous, eyeing the other armchair. You hadn't talked much with your sister-in-law yet, but she seemed to be a kind person. You asked her to sit down with you. The smile she conjured, was dazzling.
"I just wanted to let you know that Rhys is okay or better say, he will be. Azriel helped him to get to the bed, he ate and now he's napping."
"I'm relieved to hear that," you said and to your own surprise, really meant it. Rhysand was your brother, your blood. He mattered. Words that held no meaning yesterday, were so important now. You pushed those thoughts back before you began spiralling and rather focused on Feyre.
"I'm happy you are here," she whispered. "He needed you. Even though he has all of us, he needed you. He might not admit it openly, but since the tragedy that happened to your mother and you, he wished only for one thing: to have both of you back by his side. He was so lonely."
A lump rose in your throat. You were at a loss for words.
Feyre was nervously playing with her fingers. "I understand how he feels and what this means to him, but.. I noticed that you were.. well, you still are unhappy here. It reminds me of how I felt back at Spring.. I tried to convince him to let you go back. Don't take me wrong. I like you and I'd love you to be here, but if this isn't the place you want to be.."
"But he rejected," you noted, swallowing bitterness in your mouth. Feyre nodded.
"Please, don't be angry with him for that. He believes this is the only way how to protect you."
"Are you angry with Tamlin for doing the same?" You eyed her curiously.
She looked into the garden, her gaze wandered unfocused. "At that time I was angry, very angry. Now I kind of understand. It was his way of dealing with his trauma. He was so kind to me before and even to my family. What happened under the mountain broke us all. And what helped one, hurt someone else. Now seeing into Rhys' heart I do understand how Tamlin felt. I hope he will find his happiness, too." Even though Feyre just whispered the last sentence, she meant it.
Now it was your turn to answer, but you couldn't do so right away. Searching how you actually felt about that, your fingers once again found the pendant, playing with it. "I'm not angry," you said after a while. "Now when I have part of my memories back, I think I understand, too."
"But you still want to return," Feyre finished for you. "To him." A gentle smile spread across her face as she watched your fingers. You nodded.
"Do you like him?"
Your eyes widened. For some reason you were embarrassed. Like Tamlin? Yes, you liked him, but Feyre was probably referring to different kind of 'like'. "I- I like his company," you stuttered.
She giggled. "You can be honest with me. It'll remain just between us. I won't tell anyone."
You pulled your knees up to your chest, distressed. Feyre watched you curiously, head tilted to the side, a knowing grin on her face. "He's a good male and very kind. Lucien said that your presence helped him recover."
"The redhead?" you sat up straight. She nodded. So he wasn't lying when he said they were friends.
Feyre pressed her lips together, light amusement was replaced by seriousness. "Although I'm afraid of what happened with him after your abrupt departure."
After that Feyre left, muttering something about food getting cold and necessary rest, leaving you even more confused and on top of it worried.
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@impossibelle @sevikas-whore @b0xerdancer @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @nocasdatsgay @yunloyal @nebarious @isabiss @st0rmyt
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natsgrave · 2 months
YOU'RE LOSING ME | wanda maximoff
How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? And you know what they all say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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What are you really willing to do for love? For someone so important to you?
Well, for me, I'll do everything and anything for that person. Even though it hurts. So much.
I rolled to my side and smile instantly crept into my face. There she is, my girlfriend looking so peaceful. I admire her sleeping state and curved her figures inside my mind.
"You know, it's rude to stare." She suddenly spoke making me laugh.
"What? Can't I admire my gorgeous girl?" I teasingly asked.
She slowly opened her eyes revealing my favorite green eyes, "Good morning, Y/N." she whispered with a smile.
"Good morning, witchy." I softly said with a little laugh that I tried to hide causing her to throw a pillow at me.
I love morning like this. Just us not caring about the world.
Just like the clock works before we know it, we already have to leave the bed to face reality.
"It's nice to finally see you awake, love birds." Tony said as he took a sipped of his coffee.
"We're not love birds, Stark." Wanda replied with the roll of her eyes.
Ah, yes, we're secret because she said and I quote she's not yet ready to come out. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt me one bit because it does. All I want is to love her, out in the open and not like this.
I felt a hand touches my shoulder causing me to go back to reality, I look infront of me and met Wanda's soft gazes, "Are you okay? I've called you so many times."
"Oh, yeah. Don't worry, I'm good." I breathed out and walked away not giving her any second glance.
I walked towards the kitchen and make myself coffee when Natasha spoke.
"Still keeping it a secret?" I didn't even notice she's here. And yes, she's the only one who knows about our relationship. We didn't tell her for the record, she just walked in on us… making out.
Anyway, I look up at her and gave her a defeated smile, "Isn't it obvious?"
"How long are you going to ignore that pain inside your chest?" she asked and I didn't answer because honestly… I don't know either.
"Y/N, when are you going to choose yourself? When are you going to see what your worth really is?" She continues holding my shoulder forcing me to face her.
"I love her." I whispered.
"And I know that, I can see that. Hell, you wouldn't even ignore and bare all this pain if you don't." Nat said and lift my chin, "You're like a sister to me and I don't say this often but I do love you, Y/N. I care for you and it's really hard seeing my little sister getting hurt whether she does it unintentionally." She softly added.
"Nat, I-" The words I was about to say instantly cut off when I heard Wanda's laugh ringing loud. I look behind us and see her laughing with Vision. The fucking red walking toaster.
"Are you sure the reason why she's keeping you both a secret is because she is not yet ready or…?" She asked trailing her last word knowing that I'll know it instantly.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I reassured her but deep down, it was for me.
Days turns into weeks which also turn into months. Months and nothing changed, not even a single thing. Every time I try opening the subject to Wanda, she always find a way to divert it into different subject but today, I wouldn't let it happen. Not anymore.
"Wanda, we need to talk." I sternly said as I enter her room.
"Hi to you too, baby." she replied still sitting on her bed.
"We can't go on like this." I directly said starting the topic.
"Y/N, can we–"
"No, we can't. We're going to talk about this right now. God, we've been together for almost three years, Wanda. Three long fucking years and not even single effort you made to change our status."
"Y/N, you know damn well I'm not yet ready to make us public." She said nearly shouting.
"Three years is not enough for you? I didn't say that you make us public, all I want is for the team to know. Just them. I'm tired being your little secret, I'm tired of you being mine just around this goddamn four walls. I respect what you want and need, Wanda. For three years, I prioritized what you want, this, but you have to understand that I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this anymore. I kept pushing my needs aside because I love you, but I can't do it anymore. I want to love you, freely. I kept choosing you, I kept giving you all my best me's until there's nothing left for me. I can't choose you anymore." I ramble, on the verge of crying but I kept all my emotions under control.
"Y/N, I… I'm sorry." Wanda softly said standing infront of me.
"Are you apologizing because you're now realizing all of this or are you apologizing because you still can't give the only thing I want?" I asked quietly.
"I'm sorry because I hurt you and I keep on hurting you."
"THEN TAKE IT AWAY! MAKE THIS GO AWAY BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THIS! DO SOMETHING!" I shouted as my tears finally left my eyes.
"Wanda, I don't know anymore. Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? I'm getting tired. I tried, I keep telling myself to wait until you're ready but every time, this voices inside my head kept telling and asking me, are you even going to get there?" I cried out.
"Are you… Are you tired now, Y/N?" she shakily asked.
I nod and wiped my tears, "I'm so tired, Wanda. I feel so lost, this between us made me doubt myself so much. Am I not worth the risk for you? I'm tired of wondering how can you just pretend everyday like we're nothing." I sobbed and sat on the bed as I rest my face on my hands, "I'm tired of saying that I'm okay, that it doesn't hurt. I'm tired of pretending everyday. I'm tired of waiting for you to fulfill your promises. I'm tired of defending you against Nat especially myself. I believed in you, Wanda. I kept waiting but it seems like in this relationship, it's not us against the world. It's me against you." I said between cries looking at her to see her crying as well.
"Y/N, I know whatever I say right now wouldn't change anything. It won't take the pain that I've caused you but trust me, I love you. I really do. I can understand how hurtful it must have been for you. I know that I failed to treat you with the love and respect that you deserve. I am truly sorry for any pain or suffering that I have caused you. It was never my intention to hurt you, and I can only imagine the amount of pain that I have caused you. I want you to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us. I am willing to work on myself and our relationship to ensure that this does not happen again. I know that sorry is not enough to fix the mess I have made. I promise to do everything I can to show you how much I love and value you as my girlfriend." Wanda sobbingly said as she held my hand.
"There, you're making promises once again. How many time did you promise me that you'll make it up to me? at first you'll make such effort but eventually, you'll stop and forget about it. I don't even know if I can trust anything that's coming out of your mouth right now." I said and walked away from her, "It hurts me to think that we can't share this part of our lives together with those who are important to us. Am I not important to you? Do you not trust me? Or is it just too scary to go against the norm? I can't keep pretending not to be in love with you when we're around others. I want to hold your hand, introduce you to my friends and family, and just be able to love you openly without any fear or shame." I added. "I don't understand." Wanda said. I chuckled, "I know you don't."
"Do you want to end this? Us?" She asked with fears in her eyes.
I stayed quiet for few seconds thinking what I really want before looking back at her meeting her eyes, "Yes." I husked out causing more tears to fall out of her eyes.
"I'm just so tired, Wanda. I'm tired of the stress and the pressure that surrounds us every day. I'm tired of asking 'how long?' I'm tired of feeling like there's never enough time to do everything we want to do. I'm tired of constantly feeling like we're not doing enough, or that we're falling short somehow. Most of all, I'm tired of feeling disconnected from you. It feels like you've been so busy, so caught up in your own life, that you don't take the time to connect with me. I miss those intimate moments where we could just talk about anything and everything, and I feel like we don't have those as often as we should. It has to be done and I don't want to place blame on anyone— not myself, not you, not anyone else." I walked towards her and wiped her tears before pressing our foreheads together, "I'm sorry, I never thought that this day will come. I'm sorry I got tired and couldn't wait anymore. I love you but I can't be with you anymore. My heart won't start anymore." I finished before lingering a long kiss on her head.
"I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry for not showing it enough. I'm sorry I failed us." She sniffles before looking at me and caressed my cheeks, "I love you… in every universe."
I finally understood that true love isn't always about being together; Sometimes, it's about letting go. Because love alone, wasn't enough.
Both ends of rope were held, but they were held by me, and only me.
I love her too much and that's my biggest mistake I'll never regret, and if I'd ever meet her again in another lifetime, I'll beg the god to let me have you this time.
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here's an update for everyone, i'm so sorry for not updating for so long. i hope y'all like this, let me know what you think. enjoy!
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: A little light smut for now! Basically, all that it's going to be is smut with a side of fluff for the last few chapters.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh @tearfallpixie
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The door in front of us unlocked before Noah led me through the threshold, his fingers linked with mine; the ones that weren't wrapped up in gauze. When the lights clicked on, I blinked a few times at the sudden brightness and looked around. I'd been here a few times but now, this time was different. I wasn't here for a party or to hang out for a few hours. I'd be staying here, for how long I wasn't sure.
Noah and I had spent the last few hours in the hospital getting checked out. While Noah's injuries were mild, just a little smoke inhalation, mine were worse. The burns on my hand would heal eventually with some special cream and I had to keep it wrapped. Even though I fell on top of Jolly and Nick, I still bruised my hip and tweaked my elbow. The worst was the amount of smoke I inhaled. Doctors were concerned and wanted me to stay for observations, but I immediately denied. All I wanted was to go home and find comfort in my bed.
Home? I didn't have a home anymore.
Hours later and two different medications for the pain, I was standing in the middle of Noah's living room unsure what to do or where to go. I was exhausted, hungry, and in desperate need of a shower but still felt awkward as I stood there.
"How are you feeling?" Noah asked as he searched for the answer in my face.
I thought about lying, saying I was fine, but with what happened tonight the relationship between Noah and I changed immensely. He deserved to know the truth about everything even if it wasn't something he wanted to hear because it would worry him.
"My throat burns from all the smoke and my hand stings," I sighed quietly.
The doctor said the burning in my throat might last for a few days so I should try not to talk or strain my voice so much. Noah also was dealing with pain in his throat but I was so fucking thankful they didn't have any upcoming shows for a few weeks, enough time for him to heal and rest. It was bad enough that someone snapped pictures tonight of the fire with the guys there and posted them online, the last thing I needed was to be blamed for Noah not being able to perform.
"Why don't you head upstairs and take a shower? I'll make us something to eat then we can rest in bed all day?" Noah suggested with a slight twinkle in his eyes.
"I don't want to impose, Noah. This is yours and Jolly's place. I'll be out of here as soon as I find something."
He brushed a finger along my jawline and I shivered under his touch.
"I've already told you, angel. You can stay as long as you want, don't feel you have to rush out of here. We can figure all this out one day at a time, okay?"
With tears in my eyes, I reluctantly nodded then picked at the grey sweats that the hospital loaned me. "I don't have any clothes."
Noah made a mocking look over me from head to toe while tapping his chin. "I think you're just about my size. I've got some clothes that will fit."
I playfully smacked his chest with my good hand. "You're hilarious."
"Come on, I'll show you to my room and I'll get some clothes for you," he linked our fingers together then led me up the set of stairs to the upper level.
Noah pointed to a room on the right saying it was Jollys room then when we stopped in front of a closed door, he turned to look at me.
"I should have asked if you're comfortable staying in my room with me," Noah said.
The thought of us sharing a bed together made my stomach flip.
"As long as you're fine with me invading your space."
He gave my hand a squeeze. "It's going to be hard getting out of bed in the mornings now that you're here with me. Also, my room might be a mess. I haven't had the chance to unpack from the festival."
I smiled warmly at him. "I can handle a little mess, Noah. Have you seen my life?"
While I thought it was a funny joke, Noah did not.
"Sorry, bad joke," my lips pulled in a tight line.
Noah let me walk inside first and I nearly gasped at what I saw; a clean, tidied up bedroom with a suitcase perched right in front of his closet.
"If this is your definition of a mess, then I would really like to see what you consider a disaster," I chuckled.
Noah brushed a kiss across my forehead before he began rummaging through his dresser to pull out some clothes for me. It was a large Bad Omens hoodie and a pair of black joggers that were long because of Noah's height.
"What, no panties?" I teased with a wink.
Noah's eyes darkened and pulled me into his chest. "Fresh out but I'm sure you'll be fine without them for a little while."
I audibly gulped at how dark his voice had gotten and felt my core twitch with need. It's been so fucking long since I had a release and I wanted some sort of friction.
But the exhaustion of the day outweighed how horny I was.
"I don't have any toiletries or anything," I said, quickly changing the subject.
Noah turned me back to the open doorway of his room and gently patted my ass. "Bathroom is across the hall. There are extra towels in the closet and should be a new toothbrush in the drawer closet to the toilet. For now, you can use my stuff in the shower; top shelf. Tomorrow we can run to the store to buy you some things."
I raised a brow at him. "You thought of everything, huh?"
"If I wasn't afraid of you falling asleep in the tub, I'd run you a bubble bath with candles and all that shit," Noah smirked while running a hand through his hair.
"So romantic," I pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking across the hall into the bathroom.
Once the door was shut I glanced in the mirror and inwardly cringed at how I looked. My hair was covered in shoot and reeked of smoke. The burn on my hand needed more ointment and a new bandage but figured I would wait till after my shower; which would be hard to do with one hand. It felt weird to strip naked in the guys' bathroom and shower in a place that was so private.
The hot water washed away all the events of today, swirling down the drain, as I thought about where my future was headed. The guys all said that I could have my job back if I wanted it and honestly, I did. Now that I had nothing holding me back, I was ready to get back on the road to focus on my career. It wasn't something I expected I would do when I dropped out of college to help my mom but knowing that I was getting to do this with people I cared about; I wasn't complaining.
Holy shit, no wonder why Noah smelled so fucking good.
As the shampoo rinsed from my hair, I thought about how my relationship with Noah drastically changed. In the beginning, I wanted to take things slow but now realizing what he would do for me; I was ready to jump right into this with him.
And jump right into him.
My cheeks burned as thoughts of Noah standing in this shower with me creeped into my mind and I squeezed my thighs tight, hoping it could curb the desire.
With a sigh, I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me. I dried my hair with another when a knock sounded on the door.
Opening door a crack so I could peak through, I raised a brow at him.
"Jolly's going to order us something for breakfast. Anything specific you want?" Noah kept his eyes on my face, not letting his gaze drop past my chin.
It was then I realized how late, or early morning, it was so I shook my head. "I'm fine with anything.
He smiled and went to turn away but his name fell from my lips as I called after him.
"Could you help re-wrap my hand?" I held up my injured hand while opening the door farther.
Now, Noah's eyes dropped to the towel wrapped tightly around me. "Do you want to get dressed first?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "It's nothing you haven't seen before, Noah. In person and with pictures and videos."
A red hue crossed over Noah's nose and I smirked at how cute he looked when embarrassed as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. As he took old of my arm to undo the wrap around my injured hand, I stared up at him through lashes.
"When did you find my Only Fan's page?"
Noah hesitated for a moment, halting putting on the medicated ointment. "I found it during the first night at the Airbnb."
My eyes doubled in size. "You knew about it for that long?"
"Wait," I said again when a frightening thought slammed into me. "Do you still have an Only Fan's account?"
"No," he said with such sternness in his voice while dropping my newly wrapped hand to my side. "I deleted my account the second you left. It was wrong of me to say those things about you then to go back on your page to watch it just didn't feel right."
"I deleted my page," I reassured him.
Noah reached around to grab a brush then began brushing my hair. The sweet action made my heart swell and I let my eyes flutter shut at the feeling.
"I would have been fine if you wanted to keep it, I understand why you needed to start it."
"I don't need it anymore. Plus, it would feel wrong posting on there now that were-." My words trailed off, unsure what to call us.
Noah set the brush down then raised a brow at me. "What are we, angel?"
I shrugged while holding the towel closer to my chest so he lifted my chin up towards him. "I'm yours; never stopped. I know I've apologized before but I feel like it hasn't been enough."
"I accepted your apology, Noah. There's no need to continue apologizing," I said.
His fingers dropped my from chin to graze over the skin of my neck across my collar bone then stopped right at the top of my towel. There was a rich darkness to his eyes as they burned into me, something sinister in his mind.
"I really want to kiss you," Noah breathed.
I liked the sound of that.
“I want you to earn your way back up to my lips but you’re going to need to work for it," I ordered while placing my hand on top of Noah's head, which was a task since he was so tall, then pushed him down to his knees.
While looking up at me through his long lashes and hair falling into his eyes, Noah licked his lips. "Can I?
I nodded hastily. "Please."
Noah growled as he lifted me onto the bathroom counter and ripped open the towel, it falling to my sides and I leaned into the coolness of the mirror when his warm tongue flicked over my slick folds. I moaned out his name while running my hands through his hair, hips bucking up into his mouth when he pressed the tip of his tongue on my clit.
"Shit," I breathed, eyes fluttering shut.
"Fuck, angel. I'd get on my knees every day for you. You taste so fucking good," Noah murmured briefly pulling away from my clit.
I hissed in pleasure when his teeth grazed over it before wrapping his lips over my sensitive bud and began sucking. A long finger slide between my lips and I opened myself wider for him as he hooked that finger inside of me. With his mouth biting and sucking on my clit and his finger pumping in and out of me, I felt the coil in my lower belly pull tight. I peered down seeing the tattoos on his fingers disappear into me. My nails scrapped at the roots of his hair as I rode his face closer to my release; it was so close.
"Be a good girl and cum for me, angel."
My orgasm came out in a strangled cry as I writhed above him, his tongue assaulting my pussy as the aftershocks tore through me with such force, I fell slump against the mirror. Noah's soft lips kissed up the inside of my thigh, over my stomach, up my chest between the valley of my breasts where his flicked each nipple with his tongue, then he hovered over my mouth waiting for an answer. His eyes were blown wide with lust and suddenly, I wanted to repay the favor.
"I'd say you earned it," I let out breathless.
Noah's lips attacked my own in a hungry kiss, his teeth biting down almost instantly before his tongue painted over it soothing the pain. I moaned into it when I tasted my arousal on him and my arms hung around his neck, nails scratching over the fabric of his shirt; something I wanted off right now. His large hands ran up and down my bare thighs, goosebumps rising to my skin, and I wrapped my legs around him to pull him closer.
A firm knock on the bathroom door made Noah reluctantly pulled away but continued to hold his grip on me.
"Breakfast is here, and it's getting cold," Jolly called through the wood of the door.
Noah buried his face deep into the crook of my neck to breathe me in. "I've already had the best fucking meal."
Giggling, I brushed away the hair from his face before leaving a kiss on his forehead. "I am hungry."
"Then we'll continue this later," he promised with a gentle kiss to my lips.
"I'll meet you downstairs," I pushed him away so I could hop off the counter and pat his chest. "You should probably shower; you stink."
Noah scoffed with a chuckle and helped me get dressed since I couldn't with my injured hand and I slipped out of the bathroom when he turned on the shower. It shocked me to see Jolly still leaning up against the wall next to the door. He stared at me with a raised brow, a small smile on his lips.
"Hi," I said quietly.
Jolly hummed. "Glad to see you're settling in fine."
Cheeks burning, I pointed to the door behind me. "I was just showering."
"Sure, sounded like it," he winked before ruffling my hair and heading downstairs.
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
86 Baby! [Eddie Munson x Reader]
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Part 1
Title: 86 baby!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (friends to lovers), Implied Steve Harrington x Reader
Timeline: S4, set two weeks before graduation. Some Canon has been altered to fit the story; no Vecna, Byers never moved and Hop is alive.
Summary: In two weeks, you and your best friend Eddie would be graduating, taking your planned road trip and riding off into the sunset to leave Hawkins behind, until one little secret throws everything down the drain.
Warnings: it’s a little angsty, swearing, implied fake relationship, standard tropes, Eddie gets a little mean in part 2, drinking, deception.
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"Sooo..." Eddie draws out as he takes his usual seat next to you in the cafeteria, none of the other regulars appearing yet.
Eddie had met you outside of your classroom to walk with you to the lunch room, appearing outside the wooden door suspiciously early before the first bell sounded, a tradition that had begun on your first day of high school. He'd paused briefly as you approached the usual table and gestured flamboyantly for you to sit down first, sliding your chair in for you slightly before taking his own seat at the head of the table.
He sits awkwardly with one leg up on the plastic chair and one dangling next to you outstretched, but somehow for Eddie, that's what is comfortable.
“Tonight. I'm feeling a really crappy budget slasher and too much pizza," He says with a grin, placing down his metal lunchbox and absently pulling out a baggie of trail mix, which is mostly pretzels, navigating the array of suspicious paraphernalia inside.
"Oh," you reply, brain working overtime as you fight to think of a feasible excuse to avoid your weekly ritual, having forgotten all about it under your current stresses. "I'm sorry I totally forgot to tell you!" You giggle awkwardly, the little chuckle sounding absurdly fake to even your own ears. "I've got to help my mom pack tonight, she's going to see her friend from college over the weekend, I said I'd try and spend some time with her before she left, she's actually picking me up early tonight so you won't have to drop me home." You shrug gently, not quite meeting his eyes as you feel his curious gaze lingering upon you as he takes in your words. Okay, not a complete lie but also not the complete truth either.
"Oh, okay," he mumbles, sounding so dejected that you immediately feel the tugging weight of shame at your avoidance of him.
"Maybe we could do it another night instead, maybe Thursday?" You ask quickly, lifting your eyes to his, seeing that his face portrays every ounce of disappointment that his words did.
"On Hellfire night?" He asks sharply, his tone clipped and rudely sarcastic. "What's going on with you?" He asks brashly, eyes squinting as he examines your face, knowing that something isn't right.
"What do you mean?" You ask, trying to feign innocence.
"What do I mean? Lets see princess, firstly you forget our Monday movie night, a tradition unbroken since the dawn of time within the realms of our friendship, you disappeared on me last week, not warning me that your mom was picking you up early so I waited in the car park for 40 minutes. You didn't show up to our gig last Tuesday, and now you're forgetting Hellfire meets?" You can almost feel the twist of the knife with each of his words, his accusatory tone only increasing the guilt within you. Hearing all the examples together made you feel awful; all the evidence laid bare before you as to why you were a shitty friend recently.
"So come on, what's the jig princess?" He leans forward in his chair, eyes still squinting as you fight not to squirm under his intense gaze.
"Nothing! I told you I wasn't feeling well last week at first break, and I left a message with Miss Thomas to let you know I was going home!" You reasoned, still lying through your teeth at the motive, though you had thought to ask the office administrator to pass along a message to let him know you wouldn't be riding home with him, though they clearly had never reached out to him. "And Tuesday I had to take an extra shift at Benny's," you shrugged, trying to deflect the blame. “You know my car’s fucked, I’m trying to get it fixed.”
Mercifully, Gareth and Jeff were quickly making their way over to the table with their lunch trays and you visibly deflated with relief. Eddie shot a look towards the approaching party and turned once more to glare at you, fixing you with a look that told you that this conversation was far from over.
More of the Hellfire group began to spill in and you were thankful for the distraction, seeing that Dustin was hyped up over something that dominated the conversation you were barely listening to. Eddie was tense throughout the lunch, offering little to the conversation as he sat back and ate his pretzels, glaring about the room and huffing under his breath. The guys knew better than to provoke him when he was in this mood, knowing he was volatile at the best of times and so they carried on their conversation around him, trying to include him every now and then but not pushing.
When the bell rang, you quickly gathered up your bag and the lunch you'd only picked at, having found your appetite severely diminished by the tension and lingering guilt from the conversation with Eddie. Luckily, your Monday afternoon schedule did not coincide with Eddie's and you wouldn't have to see him for the rest of the day. You felt guilt and uneasy at lying to him, having never done so before, but you reasoned that it was for a good cause, even if you did feel conflicted.
The afternoon dragged on as you sat in History class, not paying a single ounce of attention to Mrs Click as you jotted down plans and lists and notes in your little notebook as ideas popped into your head. When the bell rang, signalling the time to head to the last class of the day, you all but sprinted out the front doors of the school and out into the car park where a car was waiting for you. Specifically, a burgundy 1983 BMW 733i.
You turned your head quickly to try and see if anyone was looking and quickly slipped into the passenger side, throwing down your bag into the footwell as you turned to greet your chauffeur.
"Hey," you smiled, looking up at the driver, who offered you a warm smile back, before you nervously look around once again to check that no one was watching.
"Hey you," Steve said with a wide smile, running his hand through his hair as he rested his elbow on the open window.
"Drive! I don't wanna get caught!" You prompted, quickly securing your seatbelt as you ushered him to drive away quickly. He chuckled, shaking his head but did as you requested and immediately began to drive out the parking lot and onto the main road.
"You know if you're ashamed of being seen with me, we might need to have a little chat," he grins, not looking at you but instead focusing on the road in front, a grin tugging at his lips at his own sarcastic comment.
"Oh hush, Hair-ington," you joke, rolling your eyes. "Simply thinking of you. You sure you wanna be seen collecting a kid from high school after you graduated last year, old man?" I joked, trying to push his buttons just a little. His face instantly scrunched up on displeasure until he shot me a disbelieving look.
"Pretty sure your boyfriend is older than me," he grumbles. I immediately know whom he's referring to.
"Eddie is not my boyfriend for the hundredth time," I say quickly, perhaps a little too defensively. "Plus he's still at school, so it's not creepy." You chuckle.
"Yeah because that makes it better," he adds sarcastically. You playfully blob your tongue out at him before nudging him gently by the shoulder.
"Not for much longer though," Steve says after a few moments, referring to our upcoming graduation. A pit of nervous excitement settles in your stomach as you think of your plans for graduation, glad to be rid of Hawkins High.
"I know, less than two weeks!" You babble excitedly, earning a laugh from Steve at your apparent elation.
"You know it's really not all it's cracked up to be, the adult world," he reasons, suddenly looking downcast as he thinks to how his life has turned around.
"Hey, just because you didn't go to college doesn't mean you're a failure you know," I protest, knowing that his lack of college education was always a sore spot with him, having spoken about it at great lengths only last week.
"I know it's just, not really how I thought I'd end up. Always figured I'd be able to leave Hawkins and branch out, broaden my horizons and all that, or I'd get stuck working for my dads company. Never thought I'd be working in a rental video store 40 hours a week and still living at home with my parents at 19," he mutters, grabbing his nose with his hand as you'd observed him so anytime he was upset or stressed.
"Yeah but at least you're free," you counter, adding more before he could protest, "the way I see it, you're making money, that money can go on a deposit or the start of a college fund, whatever you want to do more. Then when you finally get where you want to be, you have the satisfaction that you made it all by yourself, no help from mummy and daddy, just your own accomplishments."
He's quiet for a few seconds as he ponders over your words, nodding gently as he processes them.
"When did you get so wise?" He chuckles, looking over at you, earning a laugh in return.
"I've always been wise, you just never chose to listen." Both of you laugh as you watch the tree line get denser and denser as you pull away from the main roads, out towards the Byers' house.
The Byers house was the perfect place for your secret little meetings. It was hidden away at the ass end of Hawkins, tucked away behind the lab, a fair drive from the centre of town and away from all your friends houses, including the furthest place from the trailer park, (not counting the Wheeler house but that was too risky incase saw you and Mike opened his big mouth). The Byers' house was close enough to Harrington's that he could park up at home on Cornwallis and walk across to the Byers' on Mirkwood through the woods and no one would be aware of anything out of the ordinary, should they come round poking their noses in.
Joyce was a gracious and willing host and had offered you her house for your little meetings, keeping you away from prying eyes, something both of you were thankful for.
Approaching the Byers' house, you climbed out of the BMW and gave a little wave as Steve drove back to his house to park the car; he would join you in 5 minutes after walking the little path that lead him out directly facing Castle Byers, ready for your meeting.
Your little meets had been happening more and more frequently in the past couple of weeks and you were almost sad that they would be coming to an end, both because you were enjoying your time spent with Steve and because it was fun to sneak around. Joyce had naturally been sworn to secrecy and true to her word had not told a single soul, except maybe Hopper. Jonathan had run into you accidentally one day as he arrived home early from dropping Will off somewhere but it really hadn't been too hard to cover up as Steve jolted out the back door and you had stuck around for dinner with Joyce and Jonathan, something not entirely unheard of.
The only issue was Eddie, as proven by your little set-to in the cafeteria today. He was becoming increasingly paranoid and suspicious of your whereabouts and your sudden flakiness, which was alarming. You'd called off your meeting with Steve Thursday in order to sit in on Hellfire instead, trying to prove to Eddie that you were still there for him, though you felt torn once you realised what you'd rather be doing.
The rest of the week came and went and you'd been entirely successful in hiding your rendezvous with Harrington, even seeming to put Eddie's mind to rest once you arrived at Hellfire, much to his surprise. He'd put on quite a show for you that night, his eyes flickering over to you frequently as you listened intently to his stories, the DM telling the cult of Vecna campaign so eloquently that you had been mesmerised by his performance the entire night.
You were never an official member of Hellfire, instead choosing to observe and assist rather than play. Sure you had a few Hellfire shirts gifted by Eddie, some you even used to sleep in that been printed with faults and some practice prototypes on different shirt silhouettes and you'd devised campaigns and character sheet with him occasionally but you never actually joined in the campaigns unless you were acting as an emergency sub. Eddie liked to call you his glamorous assistant, likening you to a magician's right hand lady but you always opposed this, stating you were more like the dungeon master's puppet, pulled by strings for his own means.
With your mom gone, you two had hung out at your place after Eddie had driven you home from Hellfire. You'd ordered a pizza and watched an old horror movie that Eddie loved, hoping that it would make it up to him.
Everything was going well until the following Tuesday came around.
Tuesday: the weekly ritual of Corroded Coffin's scheduled gig at the Hideout, 8pm til 10:30pm, never to be missed. You'd missed the previous week and you knew that you couldn't miss this one, after seeing how hurt Eddie had been, not to mention the offhanded comments from the rest of Corroded coffin at the lunch table. You thought your plan of ditching Phys-Ed Tuesday afternoon and having Steve pick you up around the corner from the school would be flawless; you'd even gone as far as timing your departure with his shift finishing at family video so it would look like a coincidental meet on Cherry, near the church plaza as no one would think twice about him seeing you across the parking lot from the video store and offering you a ride home. Eddie usually skipped that class anyway and had a few deals scheduled in during his self made free period, so he would be conducting business at the bench in the woods, far out of sight of the entire school, and more importantly, your exit route.
All had gone to plan right up until you checked the clock hours later and saw that it was 7:45pm and you were going to be late to the show.
"Shit!" You cried out, throwing down your stuff and quickly reaching for your backpack stuffed on the side of the sofa. You frantically dug through your bag to fish out the handmade corroded coffin shirt that you'd stuffed in there earlier today and quickly threw it on over your bra, which you had stripped down to earlier that evening so avoid getting your shirt dirty.
Steve, who lay on the floor beside you only moments ago looked on with a shocked expression, confusion littering his features as he watched you dress.
"Can you give me a ride to the hideout?" You asked quickly, running to the bathroom to quickly fix your hair and makeup, checking that nothing had smudged.
"Uh yeah, sure," he says, throwing on his shirt from earlier, grimacing as he slips the button up over his sweaty body. He runs a hand through his hair, attempting to smooth it out as he watches you flutter around in a rush.
You appear a moment later, quickly shoving things into your backpack, careful to avoid any liquids from spilling as you try to straighten up Joyce's living room. You all but run out of the door only to exclaim profanities again as you realise you forgot your borrowed keys, knowing that they'd probably been thrown to the bottom of your bag in your haste.
"Relax, I've got it," Steve says, twisting the key in the door that Joyce had graciously had made for both of you for times exactly like this.
"Thanks," you said gratefully, trying to calm yourself but it was a pointless endeavour. Your heart was pounding as you entered the car, eyes never leaving the little digital clock that seemed to taunt you the entire journey. You were thankful that Steve never commented on your frantic demeanour, nor the reason behind it and even more thankful that he'd chosen to drive quickly, just barely on the right side of the law.
You're luck has officially ran out.
With minutes to spare, Steve pulled up to the Hideout and into the parking lot, only to be right in the line of sight of Eddie's van, and more importantly, Gareth. He peered over in curiosity, leaning against the van as he smoked a cigarette, his usual ritual just before they took the stage. He seemed to say something to himself briefly only to be joined by Jeff a moment later, who had jumped out of the van clutching his guitar. You could see their lips moving, both of them looking directly at you, no doubt running their mouths about the curious sight of you in the car with Steve Harrington. You sighed, defeated, knowing that they would never let you live this down and your stomach dropped an inch further with the realisation that there was no was in hell they wouldn't tell Eddie.
"Thanks Steve, I'm really sorry about this," you mumbled, not really knowing what exactly you were apologising for but feeling a level of embarrassment at your actions. You begin to open the car door and grab hold of your bag until he replies, keeping you sat inside the car for a moment longer.
"Hey don't worry about it," he says, running a hand through his hair. "Want me to walk you out?" He asks, his eyes peering into yours as he tries to offer support. 
"No that's okay, I-" you begin to say, only to be cut off by an obnoxious shout.
"Harrington!" Jeff calls out, acknowledging the man in the car as both his and Gareth walk towards you, each with curiously smug smiles on their faces.
"H-hey guys," Steve stammers slightly as he greets them, stepping out of the car as he gives them a small restrained wave with his right hand, whilst holding on to the door.
"Y/n, didn't think we'd be seeing you tonight," Gareth says curiously, his words holding an air of suspicion which made you nervous.
"Well I'm here," you shrug, trying to downplay your panic, "just like always."
"Except last week," Jeff adds quickly, immediately grimacing as he shoots you a remorseful look at his quipped tone.
"So Harrington, what?" Gareth begins to ask, only to be cut off by a figure moving out from the back door.
"Guys what the hell, we're on in- oh." Eddie says as he thrusts his way out of the back door, immediately coming to realise what he was seeing. His face drops instantly, a harsh glare forming in his eyes as he looks between you and Steve, each of you clearly having just exited the car together.
"Harrington," Eddie nods once, clipped and unpleasant as he stares at you, trying to understand why you would be in the car with Steve.
"Munson," Steve replies, though his tone is lighter and more polite as he nods back to the man who still appears shell shocked.  There's a tense silence that washes over us all for a few moments, with both Gareth and Jeff shooting glances at Eddie who's face seems thunderous.
"I should get going," Steve suddenly says, turning to face you with a look in his eyes that shows his discomfort.
"Yeah totally, thanks for the ride," you reply, trying to keep it short and sweet, not wanting to disclose any information to the 3 boys stood watching your every move. Steve smiles in return and ducks his head back into the car as you walk away from the passenger side, over to where the boys are stood.
"What, no kiss?" Eddie says venomously as he watches Steve drive away. You immediately frown at his words and sudden bad mood, trying not to let his words affect you.
"Yeah because I kiss every guy who offers me a lift when I'm too broke to get my car fixed," you sarcastically reply, hoping to deflect away the insinuation.
"I could have given you a ride," he says, eyes still fixed on the car as it drives away onto the north Highway, back into town. "If you'd been around lately."
He then walks off, not once turning to look back at you. The guys wordlessly follow him, knowing it's time to go on stage, but not before shooting you sorrowful looks of apology, neither of them realising that Eddie would be so wound up.
You follow them through the back door and instantly turn left instead of following them right towards the stage area. You stalk over to the bar, Eddie's bad mood clearly rubbing off on you as you throw yourself onto a high bar stool and order a double vodka and coke, hoping to ease some of the tension in your body with alcohol. The hideout was notorious for forgetting to check ID, and you used that little fact to your satisfaction tonight. The night didn't really improve at all, except that you'd had enough vodka in your system to numb the ache ever so slightly, freeing you from the overwhelming discomfort of conflicting emotions brought on by Eddie's venom. Their set was good but not great like usual, no doubt on account of Eddie's tenseness and vile mood which prevented him from playing as well as usual, his entire body seeming tense as he avoided all eye contact with you throughout the show.
You were in two minds to stick around after the show, not knowing if Eddie would offer you a ride like normal or whether you'd have to hitch a ride home some other way. Walking would be too dangerous and frankly too far to walk, given your alcohol consumption and overbearing weariness, plus calling Steve seemed like a really bad idea, like adding fuel to any already burning fire. You could call your mom but you knew she'd smell the alcohol on you straight away and you'd be lectured until the end of eternity. Maybe Jonathan would come for you ?
When you walked up to the guys after their set, offering to help load the van just like normal, Eddie virtually ignored you and instead hoisted the heavy equipment by himself. Gareth and Jeff had tried to make small talk, trying to diffuse the tension and Richard, the bass player, had looked on in complete confusion at the tense exchange.
"Gareth can you take her home? Got some shit to do," Eddie states blankly, nodding his head towards you, never once allowing his eyes to drift in your direction. He couldn't even use my name. Had seeing me with Harrington really hurt him that badly?
"Uh yeah sure man," Gareth replies, looking at me with what can only be described as pure pity. Eddie doesn't wait around for anything other than a confirmation before he climbs into the van and drives away like a maniac, leaving all of us standing out in the cold.
It's quiet for a few moments, no one really knowing what to say. Do they comment on it or do they avoid the elephant in the room entirely? Either way, you weren't waiting around to find out.
"Y/n, you can-," Gareth begins to say, gesturing towards his car parked a few spaces away.
"Thanks Gareth but it's cool, I'll just call Jonathan, he owes me one," you shrug, trying to downplay the hurt you were feeling, embarrassed that you were left to be a burden on the other members.
Gareth tries to protest but you wave your hand dismissing him, silencing him in the nicest way you could as you begin to feel the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes, willing them to disappear.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, great show," you manage to say before walking back inside the hideout, tears making their way down your face as you can finally hide away from their view. You walk to the pay phone and freeze, thinking of your limited options before dialling an all too familiar number.
"Hello?" The voice answers, sounding sleepy as if you'd probably just woke him up. You check the clock on the way behind you and fight back a sigh, not realising the time.
"I'm sorry, I've just woken you up haven't I," you said sympathetically, feeling guilty of the fact.
"It's fine, honestly, Y/n, you okay?" He asks quickly, sounding concerned. You can hear a faint rustle in the background and you can envision him sitting up in bed, covers falling at his waist as he runs his spare hand through his hair.
You sigh, willing the tears to go away as you fight to take a shaky breath, not really knowing how to answer.
"I- no not really," you fight to get it out, lip wobbling slightly in your pathetic state. "Could you pick me up? I'm alone and I didn't know who else to call, I'm really sorry Steve," you all but whimper, babbling.
"He left you?" Steve sounds outraged, immediately knowing that something must have happened between Eddie and yourself.
"Kind of, he took off," you said, sounding small, not really wanting to go into detail.
"Stay right where you are, I'm on my way. Don't let anyone talk to you or give you a drink or anything okay? I'm coming." He immediately goes into protective dad Steve mode as you hear him bolting around his room for clothes.
"Thank you, so much," you say pathetically.
"I'll be right there Y/n okay, stay safe, I'm coming."
Steve hangs up the phone and you sink down into yourself on the little phone booth, feeling utterly broken and pathetic. The vodka in your system had all but dried up, the actions of tonight sobering you up quickly as you were left alone to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Steve arrived in 7 minutes, which you were sure must have been some sort of record. He immediately burst out of the car after throwing it into park and enveloped you in a tight hug as you cried once again. He pulled back and ran his eyes over you, checking for any signs of you being hurt but then gave you a sad smile when he realised you were only hurting on the inside.
"Come on," he says gently, pulling at your hand as he leads you back to the car, opening the door for you. "Milkshakes make everything better." He gives you a warm smile and closes the door, before walking quickly to his side and climbing in.
"Steve you really don't have to, I already feel bad enough that you had to come get me," you protest but he shushes you quickly, a serious look falling across his face.
"I'm glad you called me, you should have never been left alone."
"He dumped me on Gareth but I knew he didn't want to get involved or really drop me home so I didn't know what else to do," you confessed.
"He should have taken you home, mad or not. You made the effort to be here, he should see that."
The two of you talked in the car for a little while longer, with Steve being the ideal shoulder to cry on, both figuratively and literally and by the end of the night you did feel better.
"I just don't know why he was so angry," you said honestly, finishing the last of the milkshake he'd bought you from Benny's.
"You really don't see it?" Steve replies, giving you a sad smile.
"See what?" You ask naively, unsure of what hr was talking about.
"He's jealous. He probably thinks we are together and that you hid it from him. Not because he thinks he's being replaced as your friend but because he thinks someone else swooped in and took a shot before he could."
"That's... crazy. Eddie doesn't have any intention of 'taking a shot' with me, believe me," you say quickly, feeling as if you'd disclosed too much already.
"So you want him to?" Steve asks curiously, though his question isn't laced with sarcastic undertones or any hint of teasing.
"Yes," you answer quickly and honestly, needing no time to think.
"He drives me crazy, he's so smart but so fucking stupid sometimes. When it started we were just friends then all of a sudden one day I started noticing things about him, stuff I'd never thought of before. I noticed how often he'd look at me or reach out for me, always checking if I was there or if I was paying attention before he'd burst out into dramatics, smiling and laughing with me when it was over. Then the butterflies came each time he'd do something like that and I'd think wow what if he's feeling this too. A few times I was sure he was going to make a move, it all seemed so intimate at times, the looks and the gestures but then, nothing. He'd change the conversation or he'd look away and I'd be reeling thinking of why. I guess he just doesn't see me like I see him."
You couldn't help but babble your way through a monologue Shakespeare himself would be proud of, hardly even pausing for breath as you reeled off your thoughts and emotions into Steve's listening ears.
"I think he does," Steve says calmly after a few moments of quiet. You look at him with sad eyes and he offers a little smile. "You're beautiful, funny, caring, he'd be absolutely blind or crazy if he didn't realise that." You blush at Steve's words, wanting to hide your shy smile but you persist. "I can promise you that the only reason guys aren't lining up at your door is because Eddie has either scared them off or they already think you're a couple. Hell, I'd have shot my shot at you if it weren't so apparent that you were inseparable with him, well, that and your horrible taste in music," Steve jokes.
"Hey! Judas Priest are metal gods and you can't deny that! But thank you Steve," You laugh, along with Steve who's expression had warmed.
"You'll get through this, you and Eddie. You just have to give him some time to come around."
So that's exactly what you did. Problem was, that wasn't what Eddie was doing, he was giving you both space and time.
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sinfulslytherin · 1 year
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Draco Malfoy ff
Summary: Draco helps you to take a shower after your boyfriend hurt you
Warning: Mentioning of abuse, sexual tension
A small sneak peak from my next chapter in the book "Guillotin" on Wattpad <3
"I'm gonna help you shower, just tell me where not to grab." Draco says as he takes the shower head from my hand and turns on the water.
I get nervous. He just needs to open one eye and Draco would be able to see me completely naked.
"Are you facing me?" Draco asks while testing the water temperature on his hand.
"Turn around. I'll start with your hair and...backside. Tell me as soon as it hurts too much"
I can feel the water hitting my skin. His hands go through my hair as he massages my scalp slightly.
"May I touch your shoulders?"
I only nod, forgetting that his eyes are closed.
"I need a verbal consent, Amara." He says while gently pulling my hair back.
His hands carefully wander to my shoulder and I flinch and whine as soon as the water hits my bruise.
"Fuck." I curse.
"It's okay." He quickly let's the water run over the upper part of my back before lowering the shower head to build some distance to my bruised shoulder "That's it. Good job."
I shiver at his praising words and I know he can feel it.
Dracos hand slowly wanders down my back before hesitantly grabbing my waist.
"Is that okay?" Draco asks again, seemingly nervous himself.
"I'm okay with everything as long as you're careful." I say in a small voice.
"Don't say that, Amara. That makes all of this even harder."
I don't quite understand what he means so I just say nothing.
I slowly turn around since I want him to help me with my thigh.
He doesn't expect me to move, so while I turn around his hand which was placed on my waist moves along my stomach.
"Could you please try to be careful on my left thigh. It's on your right." I request while moving.
"Shit, Amara. Warn me before you move." He curses silently.
Before he moves his hand to my thigh, he stretches his fingers and his thumb touches the wound under my breasts.
I flinch.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes before asking "May I clean it?-Otherwise the wound might inflame."
"Be careful please."
Draco carefully lifts the shower head up so that it's on the height of my collarbone. I hiss and curse under my breath as the water hits my wound. Tears form in my eyes.
"It's okay, Amara" Draco tries to calm me down.
His hands move slightly up and his fingers meet the wound as he carefully makes sure that the water runs over it.
While doing so his finger accidentally brush along my under boob.
I turn red.
"Shit- Sorry." Draco apologizes
I look at his face and his ears turn slightly red.
"It's okay." I say, still more focused on the pain.
"I think the water also ran along your thighs while cleaning your wound. May I check if it's still sticky?"
"Yes but please be careful. The bruise on my thigh hurts really bad."
"Can you bring my hand there? Otherwise I might accidentally touch somewhere else.." He requests.
I gently grab is hand and bring it down to my thighs.
He lightly grabs my right thigh and runs his hand and up and down, careful not to go too high.
I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel aroused by his touch. I can feel my breath getting heavier.
He switches sides and is careful due to my bruise.
"You seem to be clean. Can you wash the ends of your hair yourself? I'll grab you a dress." Draco asks.
"Sure. Thank you"
Draco hands me the shower head and carefully tries to find his way out.
As soon as the door closes I wash my ends with shampoo.
I am quickly finished and step out of the shower.
I take a towel and dry my hair before carefully drying my body off. I still feel the pain everytime I come in touch with my bruised skin.
I grab my bra and my panties and put them back on. I take a look in the mirror for a brief second, hating the reflection.
I stare at the wound underneath my breasts. I feel humiliated.
I don't even have enough time to think about how to cover up my bruises as the door opens and Draco steps inside.
He closes the door behind him and looks up.
We both freeze and stare at each other.
My face turns red as I realize that Draco Malfoy just saw me in my underwear.
He looks me up and down before bringing himself back to reality and quickly closing his eyes
"Fuck- I'm sorry I didn't know you already stepped out of the shower." Draco says.
"No, it's okay." I say quietly while trying to calm myself down from the embarassing encounter.
"May I open my eyes?"
Here you can read the whole chapter <3
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randomfoggytiger · 20 days
"I find it tasteless that you don’t really care what KF did to those young people as long as your golden boy comes out looking alright...."
"You’ll defend anything adjacent to D. I see a lot of arguments that do not have anything to back it up, like he probably acted inappropriately while drunk at a party before and so what? I’m taking about MP (who said she was drunk?) being unable to control herself because she needed everyone to know she was with D and touches his dick in her spare time. Disturbingly, that’s what seems to give her self-worth. All that is why she’s not very likable or tolerable. Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help, but as long as people feel they work everything is hunky-dory? It alarming that you don’t care about real harm being done to people’s spines because it’s D’s gf’s father providing the service? I can’t respect people who push any of that bull crap."
-@iwantapenguin, 2024
Lie, verb: lied; lying. To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. To create a false or misleading impression.
Slander, verb: slandered, slandering. To make false and damaging statements about (someone).
Gloves off, then. But next time, tag me properly so I can be notified that you are going to abandon a civil discussion and resort to violence.
Post I'm responding to here (and tangentially, here.)
I shall also give you the curtesy of quoting you directly so that everyone can judge for themselves if my claims are valid, fair, or truthful.
**Note**: I do not begrudge anyone feeling disgusted or grossed out by age gap relationships: the majority of those relationships start from a bad place, continue in a bad place, and are doomed to fail or take both parties down with it. However, the accusations flung against David and Monique without merit-- not those that are or were provably awkward or roughshod -- are a waste of my time, energy, and brain power. Give me proof or give me death.
First: "Whataboutism?" Wherefore art thou, 'Whataboutism'?
Next: "People who post their family’s whole lives on social media for attention or to make money are vultures." Except Monique doesn't get a cut off of management deals, engagement, or even ads. DD and his kids have posted pics of their personal lives, homes, and vacations, as well. They not only let Monique continue to post pics and videos, but also respond to (West) or engage with (David) them. And hi, yes, hello, I also despise family vloggers because they exploit children who can't consent.
Next: "MP has thousands of followers she does not know, so private her account is not." ...What? You can have a private account and still have followers without following them. I know people who operate their dinosaur Facebook accounts like that, young and old generation; and they're most certainly private citizens. I know youngins and oldins who operate their Twitters like that. You probably do, too, or at least know someone who does. I'm hungry for facts, but nothing's been proven with that statement.
Next: "D is so clueless he didn’t know that Gillian was taking BTS pictures on TXF’s set to post on Instagram." David didn't know GA was posting their bts vids online, true; but he was also the one who brought up that she was "always taking pictures and videos" when they were discussing fan engagement; and he and she both laughed over it while he assured Gillian he was okay with "it", regardless.
Their exact dialogue, transcribed:
David: "You know how stupid I am? How innocent and naive I am? You would take a video and I'd go 'oh, cool'."
Gillian: *smiling* "And not realize that I was gonna post it?"
David: *smiling*: "Yeah, and then you'd post it. It'll be like, 'Oh. Well, I should have taken a look at that one.'
Both: *laughing*
Gillian: "Well, you never complained so I thought you were okay with whatever...."
David: "I AM o-- y'know, none of it was terrible; but it was like, I never think to do it."
Also, he clarified in May 2015 (before, as you theorize, Monique could have gotten her hands on his phone or publicly posted about him) that he doesn't trust social media because of the assumptions, misinterpretations, and no-going-back nature of technology: "The 54-year-old actor, who has daughter West, 16, and son Miller, 12, with ex-wife Téa Leoni, admits he only uses Twitter because he was ''prodded to do it.'' The 'Aquarius' star said: ''I'm skeptical of Twitter. I'm prodded to do it, and so I do it. But I feel like there is an opportunity to screw up constantly. You have to be careful. It doesn't go away anymore! I tell my kids the same thing.'" Not because of some high-minded but too-lazy-to-accomplish-her-schemes gold digger posting his private business behind his back.
Next: "A few of his daughter’s friends unfollowed her after the sneaky filming started. The photos are already out there for many people to see curtesy of MP, so I’ll document her ridiculous behavior." Perhaps. I don't discount it. But if David didn't have a problem posthumously with Gillian filming him then, and if he still doesn't have a problem with Monique filming him now-- and I know he doesn't because I've watched him play to the camera in some leaked vids others repost here or there-- it would make sense, logically, why West engaged in the same behavior then and now, on her own and with Monique. Some days he might not want to be on camera for all posterity-- indirectly implying that lightheartedly to Gillian in the above transcript-- hence the leg and feet filming.
Again, we. don't. know. If she's a monster or he's a monster, I cast them off into the abyss. But we, the public, have no actual, factual information of... anything, really, other than rumors, speculations, or opinions. What we do know is: he was fine with Gillian posting, even after being made aware of it. He's fine with West posting his apartment and their family activities. He was fine posting a pic of Miller to his own account. He seemed fine with West's boyfriend posting an intimate father-daughter hug for Bucky Dent's premiere. And he seems fine with Monique posting since then.
For every mention you have of West and her friends not engaging with Monique years ago, she most certainly does now. And you can't hide that fact behind West using her father as a leg up in the industry without bringing Tea's contacts from both entertainment and finance into the discussion. Tea who, by the way, has been more than cordial and civil in each outing and sighting with David, saying they're friends, saying they still love each other, telling him he's a good influence and father to West, etc. Even after the timeline you allege he started dating Monique. Even after the other dating timeline you allege she gave fans in a conversation somewhere. Even after he flew in and out of New York before the pandemic. Even after spending the pandemic locked down with his son.
Next: "The photos are already out there for many people to see curtesy of MP, so I’ll document her ridiculous behavior. I’m not his gf, I’ve made no vows to him. He likes to make money on voicing his feelings and opinions. While I’ll continue to comment on a public figure." 'Ridiculous behavior', you say, about an adult posting milestones or cute pictures and videos to her Instagram. Interesting. If she were trying to launch her own career-- which you and your responders have said before she would, a couple times, without anything coming to fruition (the archives don't lie)-- your argument would have a leg to stand on. But then again, David and Tea talked about explicit sex (and their sex lives) back in the day; rolled atop each other on a crowded, public beach; sold David's bottom-as-brush paintings for charity; and promoted her charitable causes during their various movie interviews... so, I would still retract half a point.
Next: "She should have the loyalty, respect, love and care to not use him for attention." Would you say he used her for attention during his performance the night before Bucky Dent, pointing at her and waiting for her response during one of his songs? Did he use her for attention during his recent stories about their private lives on recent podcasts? Did he use his children for attention on his podcasts? Did he use Tea for attention during their collaborations? Did she use him for attention to promote her friend's brand during their recent family vacation? If we broaden this out to its conclusion: do the Obamas use their children or each other for attention, setting aside their 'loyalty, respect, love, and care' for each other in order to do so? Or do they just say or post what they want within personalized limitations that are narrowed or broadened as relationships shift and grow?
Next: "He’ll hold her hand or leg in public now that his mother isn’t here to witness them. How romantic." David's stated in the past his mother didn't listen to what the talk shows said or read what the papers wrote about him. If you want to be really technical, he's also said she had dementia or Alzheimer's (can't recall which specifically) for a few years now; and that it was so advanced by the time of her death that she didn't recall one day from the next. Would she have disapproved? You bet your bottom dollar she probably did. She also would have disapproved of him being as explicit and cussy as he was for decades; and she would more than likely have disapproved of him getting tattoos; and she would have most definitely disapproved of all his youthful, adult, and older adult sexual shenanigans, innocent or not. That didn't stop him before.
To be even more technical, most of the pap shots of DD and MP are taken at Soho House and Erewhon Market, two celebrity hotspots that managers, publicists, and paparazzi use to prearrange meetups in order to get the celebrity's name out there in advance of the next promotional tour, as well as merge their interests to get a split of the photograph proceeds. (I covered the topic here.) All David has to do is show up--ultimately, they're business strolls. He's annoyed (even angry) at having to do it; but he still holds up his end of the celebrity bargain 'cuz that's Hollywood, baby. And he's always brought Monique along with him.
Next: "He pushed her hand away when people were looking before...." Continuing on my train of thought. The other times he and Monique were caught unawares by paparazzi (his band at the airport, Vancouver, the beach, etc.) were during the Revival hype. Monique didn't try to snuggle up, grab his hand, or get too close most incidences. The hand move you're referring to was, I believe, after a live show when he was super-duper keyed up, wanted to leave, and was followed (semi-circled?) by fans. Yeah, it could be a sign he wanted physical distance from her... except he acted out the exact same routine with his kids whenever they got papped or surrounded by a crowd: walking ahead of them, retreating into himself, not touching anyone unless they were feeling insecure or scared, looking serious or annoyed unless talked to or joked with. It was a clear pattern to me, so I guess I'm surprised you didn't notice it, too.
Next: "...and made her hold his arm like he was her gramps." I have an older couple-- 70s-- who have been married forever and still hold each other's arm like that, preferring to keep any romantic overtures tightly under wraps. I knew other older couples who would think that's rubbish or insanity. I know other young couples who are physically affectionate in public; and others who, again, would prefer to keep contact to a minimum. I've seen, read, or heard of every shade in-between; and I know you have, too. Maybe David likes how it makes him feel. Maybe Monique likes reenacting Austenian period dramas. Of all the accusations brought against them, this amuses me the most.
To be even more technical, I can pull up preeeeetty much all the paparazzi pics between he and MP in chronological (not release, they were reshuffled) order to prove that he initiated more contact with MP than the other way around, stemming as far back as 2017.
Next: "They didn’t have to have contact with Tim once he started dating their mother but they always did." First of all, I challenge you to prove that assertion. Second of all... why is that the focus of your question? Why did or didn't they have to? That's an assumption equal to the kids having no contact at all with MP for years. We don't know.
Tim said on a podcast that he and Tea shared a trailer to catch a nap early on in their relationship. Their coworkers suspected they were dating the entire first season, long before they announced it publicly (five-six months later around Christmas.) Tea and David previously married each other within eight weeks. Tea moves fast. We don't know how fast; but we do know one source alleged she and Tim were an item since summer (July) of 2014. David then filed for divorce in August, citing an "irretrievable breakdown of the marriage" (meaning Tea was ready to move on, that's her prerogative); and she and Tim spent Season 1 fake kissing but looked like they were "really kissing", according to an onset actor friend. All this to say, pretty sure Madam Secretary's pilot filmed in May; and if she and Tim were "on" by July, etc., it stands to reason she moves at the same pace as she did with her first husband; then David; then (presumably) Tim. Meaning, we don't know how much contact the kids had with Tim; but it was probably, likely, a lot. Monique, meanwhile, lived primarily in California; and she and the kids had separate worlds, we assume, until West graduated and started forming her own relationship behind the scenes. Miller seems to have followed suit; and the rest is history. All of those are provable facts because we have what David and Tea have said about and done with each other; what Tea and Tim have said about each other; what observers have confirmed or denied on all angles of the situation; and what the kids were doing then and doing now.
Next: "She smoked, loved red meat, wasn’t a gym rat etc. It’s just a little thing, not marriage ending but people fair better the more similar their habits." Your previous implication in the comments of our last chat here was that they wouldn't have lasted long because David couldn't mold Tea into the woman HE wanted. You assume he cheated, cheated, cheated until rehab, then cheated, cheated, cheated some more until their second and final breakup (despite the fact sources from her side said the final dissolution was due to her love not being the same as pre-rehab, not that he'd kept acting reprehensibly), then hooked up with a 19-year-old mercenary social climber that, somehow, waited two years before accidentally leaking where she and her boyfriend would be working out (in a reply to the owners of the Instagram gym they would be going to... which means someone had to have been stalking who she was talking to in order to find that information, hm) so he could no longer hide her away like a dirty secret. Those aspects of Tea were brought up to subtly back your larger point, which was to lay the blame at David's feet one way or another. If he deserves it, lay it there. But prove that he deserves it.
Next: "MP is at his beck and call, she will also twin him without hesitation." MP at his beck and call? ...Or maybe she's down to fly free to any cool new location, down to fly wherever he is because he's her boyfriend and she loves him, down to enjoy a financial freedom we mortals could only dream of having, etc., etc.? Assumptions on all sides; and, again, no proof.
Next: "They didn’t follow each other before because they didn’t interact in real life either. She had to leave when they were visiting up until 2022 and 2023. They didn’t have to have contact with Tim once he started dating their mother but they always did." Never denied that was the case. Still don't buy there was some grand conspiracy happening behind the scenes to keep the kids away from the disgusting age gap relationship and the dastardly, evil machinations MP was concocting on her evil Instagram account. I need hard proof before I believe assumptions.
Next: "Regarding Téa you are assuming she must be ok with MP because she’s good with D but I’m pointing out that she admitted she still wanted to strangle him sometimes for the things he does on a national television show" I never said Tea was okay with MP, just that she's more than okay with David despite his relationship.
Also, Tea's throttle comment disproves your angle, actually. Might as well throw it in here because that's a point you've not let go.
Tea's comment with full context:
In fact, the exes are on very amicable terms and talk almost every day, they even shared a rental home with all of their family over the Christmas period. But this doesn't mean the pair's current relationship is always smooth sailing. “On occasion, I want to throttle him,” she said of her former hubby. "But in any real relationship with someone you love, that’s true.”
Tea's quote the previous year, fresh from divorce:
"Listen, David gave me the two greatest gifts on the planet; I don't know how I could ever hate him. We've always loved each other, and we adore these kids," the 'Jurassic Park 3' actress said of her children, Kyd Miller, 12, and Madelaine West, 15. "I'm not playing stupid-I understand feelings can get hurt and things can get icky. We've had our moments like that. But these kids are too important, and he feels the same way. I know it," she continued. "He's a good guy."
Next: "Of course MP showed everyone the second she first hung out with both of them to no one’s surprise." This doesn't hold up in court, either, because West and her boyfriend gushed over MP all summer. West would have complained to her mom or dad if she felt uncomfortable with the video posted; and neither parent have would let that happen again. Furthermore, guess who was relaxed, smiling, and engaging with the camera, other than Monique? West. Guess who hugged up on Monique while her dad and Ben Stiller celebrated Bucky Dent's release with a performance? West. Guess who gave Monique a happy Happy Birthday message? West. Guess who attended a Taylor Swift concert with Monique? West. Guess who went with her to London to, as you say, "babysit" Monique? West. Guess who celebrated her birthday in New York with, you assume, Monique? West. Guess who'll be elsewhere with Monique in future? Probably West.
Next: "What are you taking about fixing things because of what’s written about her? She made fun of people for saying her friend was her boyfriend because they were disgusted by thought of David dating her and didn’t want to believe she was for real. So that was proof she was reading a few tumblrs when her name was first revealed." Logical inference but incomplete reasoning, I believe. David knows exactly what was said about his House of D movie; David knows what everyone was saying and has said about him during his rehab, reunion, and divorce; Tea knows what might be said and forbids Tim to talk about her in interviews; I know and you know what is being said about each other, which is why we're here (but at least I'll respond to you properly with a reblog or @); and Monique knows what people say about her because she possibly Googled herself or, I don't know, took a look at the vitriol in her comments section-- a few of which you've reposted in the past so even I got to see them. Lovely times. Again, no definitive proof.
Next: "How am I supposed to know if she’s read my blog? But what a dedicated reader you are." Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment instead of a barb. I began poking around your archives right around the time you made a post trying to debunk my David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson seasonal palette posts. (If you're trying to put me off, consider that you brought up our difference of opinion once again in the midst of an entirely separate talk about Monique and David's relationship.) You didn't have the curtesy to @ me then (and now); but I started scrolling while waiting for you to respond, came across a host of information, and decided to come back later to iron out some details. Needless to say, you can't passive-aggressively point a finger at me when your posts are supposed to be public to begin with, not even coyly private like you claim Monique's Instagram account is. One pointing forward, three pointing back, after all.
While we're on the topic, I also caught a lie you told during our previous conversation. Back in 2019? you put a cryptic message saying you didn't believe David and West were close because of Monique; and when West posted the next day for Father's Day, you followed up with another cryptic post hinting MP was reading her Tumblr detractors; and when another user called you out for that, you denied, denied, denied that was your intent; and then you confirmed that that had been your intent to me (in essence, restating that you believe MP keeps up with her anti Tumblr accounts and pressures DD's kids through him to post nice family tributes so they'll cover for her manipulative tactics actively destroying everyone's hunky dory life.) It's the same train of thought as "Gillovny is married"; except your theories are couched with half facts instead of pure insanity.
Next: "She’s never looked anorexic to me so thin yes but not too thin. D was only shockingly thin after Téa left him for good in 2011. My criticism has alway been to question the men in her life and her surroundings pushing her to get plastic surgery and to over exercise which made her much slimmer than she was before. Is that constructive enough?" Yes, actually; because this ties beautifully into my next point about your warfare tactics.
Indirect aggression is a form of aggression that hides behind "my opinion" or "my two cents" to bully others without receiving backlash. While it can be used in sexually competitive environments (in same sex bullying, for example), it mainly extends to interpersonal groups, families, and anonymous online forums. To quote National Library of Medicine: "According to Björkqvist [15], females prefer to use indirect aggression over direct aggression (i.e. verbal and physical aggression) because this form of aggression maximizes the harm inflicted on the victim while minimizing the personal danger involved. The risk to the perpetrator is lower because he/she often remains anonymous, thereby avoiding a counterattack. As well, indirect aggression harms others in such a socially skilled manner that the aggressor can also make it appear as if there was ‘no intention to hurt at all’." I recommend reading the study: it has a few fascinating things to say about perceived threats and thinness, as well.
The study continues: "Indirect aggression is circuitous in nature and entails actions such as getting others to dislike a person, excluding peers from the group, giving someone the ‘silent treatment’, purposefully divulging secrets to others, and the use of derisive body and facial gestures to make another feel self-conscious." While I can't see your face while typing out a post, your words do a sufficient enough job: "When has she ever been stunning honestly? She’s comparable to Perry Reeves and Suzanne Lanza. Average, a little masculine, thin and no sagging. The face doesn’t matter to men like David, nor intellect."
Another quote from a study published on PubMed Central: "In indirect aggression, the aggressor often uses others in the social group to harm the target and may avoid direct confrontation, whereas in direct aggression, the aggressor either physically or verbally confronts the target." Examples? Posting one's opinions about another person indirectly to their blog by not, say, tagging or addressing the 'opposition' directly, leaving them to be told about it or stumble onto it later before they can defend themselves... that might, perhaps, fit the bill. As would calling David and Monique names; then, when given pushback, telling detractors they don't need to care about your opinions, anyway. (For the record, I don't. Just found it fascinating to study the oh so subtle shifts of your narrative back and forth. That compliment's a freebie, by the way-- I try to hand out at least one in each negatively bent post.)
Don't get me wrong: if Monique were a provably bad person, I'd dust off my hands and let you have at. But for all your opinions, you have very few facts; and the mess-ups, flubs, or ill-thought actions on MP's part you have mentioned are so disparate and scattered-- and rarely repeated-- that they look less like condemning incidents and more like overblown reactions to mundane or innocent mistakes.
And before you write off my points by claiming I'm claiming you're jealous of Monique or some such nonsense, one of the above studies openly acknowledges that indirect aggression is not built on the premise of intrasexual competition strategy: "...developmental psychologists have tended to not conceptualize females' use of indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy."
Next: "Again with the whataboutism." Art thou 'Whataboutism'?
Next: "So you were at the after party to see people’s reactions and parties where D’s been drunk?" No, and neither were you. You were also not at David's apartment when Monique and the kids might or might not have been there; you were also not in the room when David and Tea and the kids discussed Tim or Monique; and you were also not in either Monique's or David's head during the posts, blocks, unfollows, refollows, etc. decisions that were made. I merely commented on the fact that you have brought up his drinking before events in in the past, your reactions to it, others on here's reactions to it, and David's circle of friends, and what I do and don't know of said friends' behavior in the past.
Next: "D and T were inappropriate but consensual. PM pulled G’s bikini bottom down when she was trying to close the umbrella and I slammed him for that too. She was humiliated and embarrassed when the pictures were released." Conflation. David and Tea were surrounded by people in both instances, knew others could see them, and didn't care, inappropriate or not. Peter Morgan and Gillian were on a private vacation; and their privacy was infringed on by the paparazzi and media. For all the negative talk that came out of that incident, not one person stated that G was unwilling, visibly uncomfortable, or angry at Peter Morgan for doing so; only that she was "humiliated and embarrassed" after the fact. The problem in BOTH situations is that PM and MP were groping their partners in what they took for granted as private situations-- I have a casual understanding of David's friends and wouldn't be surprised if they didn't care about her or his antics in the long run-- and were filmed without any parties' consent.
Next: "D did not know what MP was doing, he almost spilled his drink jumping back away from her and he did not look like he enjoyed that trick in a room full of strangers." I saw the video a couple times. Did you not catch his smirk once he realized she wasn't trying to tickle his stomach but was doing a game to end up at his junk? It wasn't a polite one, either. If she had intentionally crossed a boundary and made him uncomfortable, I condone that behavior.
Next: "Defending that kind of public humiliation is repugnant." That's a lie, and you know it. Not once in our conversation have I taken the position of condoning, endorsing, or rug sweeping manipulative, abusive, coercive, or other boundary stomping behaviors. They are repugnant to me; and though being called 'repugnant' doesn't make a dent because you have no proof to back up your claim. And, frankly, it speaks to your character that you would try to blacken mine.
Next: "I find it tasteless that you don’t really care what KF did to those young people as long as your golden boy comes out looking alright."
Excuse you, that is a lie and slander.
In the comments of our previous conversation, I stated over and over he was a pimp. He should absolutely rot for what he's done. But you assume that Monique is just as guilty: benefiting from a business relationship with him, sweeping his treatment of other girls under the rug, using a victim's story to score back pats for herself. The reality is, the victim sided with Monique, both when MP supported her in the comments and when MP posted her own Instagram story sharing she'd been "there" before. Foregoing the obvious conclusion, you posted their first back and forth with other comments tearing Monique apart as the secret villain in this tragic story. That's disgusting, in my opinion. I tried to understand why you got to that conclusion; but if not only her friends, not only her coworkers, but the victim HERSELF is standing by Monique, then it is not the time to vindictively insinuate she exercised the same mean, grasping, oily tactics as her former boss. Further, that she was exploiting someone else's tragedy and trauma for her own gain.
Next: "She can be immature and also be a user who uses situations to her advantage." To quote you once again: that's a lie. Prove it. You can't. You can only assume what her intent, motives, and actions are based on your inference of her character.
Next: "...the old greasy celebrity rocker KR was trying to push on them." You can't prove that; and until you can, I can sit here and say it's a lie. It's your inference against mine.
Next: "She did not say she was mistreated by her boss." I never said her boss mistreated her. I never even got that indication from the post you spread around. She related to her coworker's experience through her personal one. Just because KR was an absolute monster to other girls doesn't mean he was a monster to all of them: monsters, abusers, and manipulators pick on the weakest person who has no one to stand behind and back them up. Her father, for instance, would have been a not insignificant buffer. He's well-connected in California, or so you imply by saying he's met David before. And it stands to reason he would be, supplement and wellness culture being what it is in the Golden State.
Next: "According to you MP was an adult and mature enough so she should have know what those special favors from the boss looked like to everyone else." Let's not get into the "his family and friends should have known Ted Bundy was a horrible person" of it all. No one knows what they're not aware of. I have a close, close family member who grew up adoring an abuser because he'd never abused her; yet was horrified and had to process the fact her other sibling was being used for everything short of penetration. To quote a good ol' Aslan meme: "Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written."
Next: "She wrote a short perfunctory show of support for damage control and went back to thanking her lucky stars she now has an easy life of privilege living in a multi-million dollar Malibu home by the ocean thanks to her boss at SLO." First: prove it. You can't with any degree of fact. Second: I'd be thanking my lucky stars, too. So would you. So does everyone who's been in a tangential situation to an abuser and escaped unscathed-- so unscathed that they didn't even know the boss was perpetuating abuse. And that can at least be proven because, as you say, MP's boyfriend was still buying from that shop days before everything broke out; and she publicly empathized with and received empathy from the victim right after. Has the victim made a scathing comment calling out Monique later? Nope. Bet they're still on good terms, too.
Next: "What else does a very rich 54 year old man want from a 21 year old but lots of sex and an easy relationship with someone who doesn’t know any better?" Lots of sex, an easy relationship free of the complicated dynamics of children from other relationships, and someone to love and love him. Seems logical to me. What is unacceptable in age gap relationships are the predators who aim for 21-year-olds (or 19-year-olds, as you posit) because they pull women their age and can't aim lower; and who lock 'em down and knock 'em up as quickly as possible so they can't escape. Or those who say "yeah, sure, I'll marry you" while dragging their feet until the girl (as they see her) gives up and stays or gets up and leaves. If the latter, they start fresh with another young woman who might not see through their routine bag of tricks. David, for all his faults, has stated his intentions up front and publicly: he's not marrying again. He still wears the ring tattoo from his previous relationship. He relived the trauma of a broken home through his own actions. He still can't dwell on the pain his kids went through during that time. Unless he decides to change his mind, Monique's outta luck. Yet, I don't believe she cares as much as you do if they do get married or not. Certainly not as far as either of us can prove, anyway. By the way, Tea and Tim haven't married yet, either; and they've been together provably longer than Monique and David.
Next: "She was male celebrity obsessed, younger but she went with the one who came into the shop and showed interest." Prove it. You can't. Let's say that's the case: she would've hopped to a new person long before now. David's got friends, she's gone to his parties, she's met his people. Opportunists don't sit long with a second option when they get an opportunity to grab for their first. I read your old posts about her Twitter/Instagram follows; but none of you take into account if she was following other people and pruned those people out as her interests changed. You also can't prove when she followed those accounts: the next day after she opened her account? A month after? A year after? I have accounts open I've never used; I have family and friends that do, as well. Let's say she opened it right away and began using it: again, when did she follow those accounts? Were those celebrities part of a collective that her boss or coworkers said came into the shop? Did she prune out the others after seeing them in person? Why? Because you assume other celebrities are immune to her masterfully unskilled manipulation, but David wasn't?
Next" "You’ll defend anything adjacent to D."
That's a lie.
Prove it. He had to go into a sex addiction program because he hurt his wife and kids. He talks about saving the planet yet doesn't take more than bare minimum actionable steps himself. (What he does in his personal life is of no concern to me; but it is hypocritical of him.) If he backs up Chris Carter against Gillian in the Revival controversy, I will lose a qualitative amount of respect for him (because there is actual, factual proof of wrongdoing on Chris's part to his longtime friend and mother of his goddaughter.) He has blind spots, faults, weaknesses, and failures like any other person.
Next: "I see a lot of arguments that do not have anything to back it up, like he probably acted inappropriately while drunk at a party before and so what?" No, my comment was even you have picked at DD for drinking before his shows. That even he has probably acted on impulse before or during a party. That even he didn't seem too bothered after he realized MP wasn't tickling him. That his expression changed when he saw someone filming their interaction. I also pointed out his and Tea's post-rehab reconciliation shenanigans of equal and greater caliber (having a jolly time at a public ballgame and rolling on top of each around other beachgoers.) I also pointed out that GA had a Portofino moment. Would I grab my boyfriend's junk if we were in public? No. But David did with Tea. The only difference between those situations was DD and T had the power of denial on their side while MP was not afforded that luxury. You called her behavior trashy; but posting someone's junk grab to the internet without their consent is trashier to me.
Next: "Disturbingly, that’s what seems to give her self-worth." Prove it, with testimony and evidence other than assumptions you and other Tumblr, Instagram, or Twitter jockeys assume and interpret. Give me a firsthand witness of her behavior. Give me a former friend or a colleague. Give me a family member. Give me someone other than people on Twitter being blocked by DD's account and assuming it's her. Further, give me proof what they were saying before they were blocked: I don't give mercy to people being snide, snarky, or vile and boohooing about it later. You don't, either, so I'm sure you'll respect that quality.
Next: "Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help...."
That's a lie, and a pretty brazen one.
WebMD, MayoClinic, Medical News Today, healthline, and more medical websites and journals have articles promoting chiropractic methods, as well as the warning signs like any other medical procedure. The only disclaimer they put up was that chiropractic adjustments haven't shown a conclusive improvement in athletic achievement.
One of their articles state: "All chiropractors must earn a postgraduate degree (DC), taking up to 4 years to complete, and are required 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework, and some programs require a bachelor's degree. All states also require chiropractors to be licensed." And all medical doctors and nurses are required to be licensed if they practice medicine; yet, bad apples slip through the cracks. It's slander to paint me as a blackhearted, single-minded, "let them eat cake" person towards victims of possible scammers, manipulators, and frauds just because I don't fall in line with your viewpoint. Further, you indirectly lump me in with your public statements about her "snake oil salesman" father without having any proof whatsoever that chiropractic practice is detrimental other than a few studies-- which I hope you didn't lie about looking up, too-- that the medical community doesn't even stand behind, while using them as your sword and shield. All because you didn't have concrete proof against Monique's father, all because Monique is dating David, all because you don't like their relationship.
More quotes and linked studies from healthline: "For example, in a 2015 study, researchers found that a group of 544 people in chiropractic care reported a high level of satisfaction. ...A 2016 study found that the Cobb angle in a group of five children with scoliosis improved after 8 weeks of chiropractic treatment. Noticeable improvements were seen after 4 weeks of treatment. ...A 2017 case study examined the effect of chiropractic treatment on a 27-year-old woman suffering from back pain, neck pain, and headaches caused by hyperkyphosis posture." They even provide guidelines to find a chiropractor-- "Ask for recommendations from your doctor, physical therapist, or other healthcare provider." And-- "Ask your friends, coworkers, or family members if they have any recommendations."
Next: "Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help, but as long as people feel they work everything is hunky-dory?" Prove it. I have genetic backproblems riddling the maternal side of my family; and my great grandmother, a nurse, and her daughter, my grandmother, both had their spines slowly realigned over time with chiropractic procedures. From an almost noticeable hunch to an almost straight line.
Next: "It alarming that you don’t care about real harm being done to people’s spines because it’s D’s gf’s father providing the service?" I also have a maternal family member who suffers from severe back pain every day but can't afford treatment where she lives. You know how I help? Reflexology. Every time, it takes her back from a ~8/10 to almost nothing-- and this from a woman hypersensitive to her body's workings and with an incredible pain tolerance. And yet, I'd be the first person to sign her up for surgery if I could. I regularly push her to seek medical attention for the most minor inconveniences.
I'm sorry to say that you are either: A. blinded by my lack of agreement into misinterpreting my words to fit your own narrative-- which is really probable, actually-- or B. willfully telling lies, to yourself or others, because it helps you feel like you've come off on top of an argument.
I'm not interested in creating a rift or a war. I'm also not interested in lies, slander, gossip, and bullying disguised as "this is my opinion."
You can attest I've been nothing but kind, overly so, in the past; and that I didn't ever strike out unless you struck first-- and even then, only to mimic your words or phrases back to you.
I do not respect your opinions: they are baseless and poisonous.
I do not respect your tactics: they are beneath you and I.
I do not respect your lies and slander: that is a given.
Fare thee well. I'm sure we shall speak again.
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Mafia! BTS - You're Pregnant and You Don't Want to Keep the Baby
Warnings: mention and discussion of abortion and menstruation, mostly fluff tho
A/N: I've been sick these past couple of days so I re-read some of my old fics. I left off the BTS series on more of a family note but I thought I'd like to write the alternative reaction too. I had no idea I'd be writing this or anything at all but it sort of hit me out of the blue. I hope you like this fic and feel free to send in some requests (no promises, as always). Also, apologies in advance because I didn't proof read.
* * *
You were sitting on the edge of the bathtub, a positive pregnancy test in your hand. You were biting your lip, your chest heavy with anxiety and fear. Lost in thought and emotion, you had no idea how long you had been sitting there contemplating your decisions when suddenly Jin appeared in the bathroom doorway.
"Y/N, what's-" he began yet lost his words when he saw the pregnancy test at your feet. You were playing with your fingers, biting your lip without even raising your gaze to him.
"Are you pregnant?" asked Jin quietly as he knelt down before you and took your hands in his.
"I think so," you whispered as you nodded your head. "But..." you spoke although you did not know what to say or how to say it. “I don’t think I’m ready… I’ve been thinking… I don’t think I’ll ever be.”
"Ever be what, princess?"
"Ready to be a mom," you confessed. The words felt sour on your tongue. You've always been taught to want to be a mother but deep down you never felt the instinct yourself. Becoming a parent felt like a notion forced upon you and whilst you admired women capable of motherhood, you simply never saw yourself in that role.
You confessed all of that to Jin. He held your hand in both of his, his thumbs caressing the back of your palms as he listened to you.
"Alright," agreed Jin once you had finished. "I understand, princess." He kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek. "I would never force you to do anything you were uncomfortable with. You're my everything."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard Jin's warm, gentle voice. You nodded to yourself and could not help but start to cry.
"Oh, princess, it's going to be okay," said Jin and pulled you in his arms. You wrapped your hands around his neck and buried your nose in the nook of his collarbone.
"Are you sure you're not upset?" you asked.
"I told you," he said, pulling away to look you in the eye. "You're the most important thing in the world to me, princess. I want whatever you want," spoke Jin softly and brushed away the tears from your cheeks.
You visited your personal doctor having been under the weather for more than a week. You couldn't keep anything down, not even your favourite foods, you had to pee what seemed to be every five minutes and you were feeling sore all over your body. Namjoon wanted you to see a doctor days ago but you were avoiding going to a hospital. However, you made a deal that if you wouldn't feel better by the end of the week, you would go and here you were.
"It's probably nothing, let's just go home," you said fidgeting your knee as you squeezed on Namjoon's hand that was resting in your lap.
"We're not going anywhere, love," assured Namjoon, "Let's just wait for the results of your bloodwork and then I'll take you home." He kissed your temple as you leaned onto him. You were as pale as a ghost but then again you haven't been feeling like yourself for the past fortnight.
"Ms Y/N?" called the nurse. You and Namjoon both stood up.
"Your test results are back," said the nurse, a strange shimmer in her eye. "Congratiulations, you're going to be parents," she announced.
It can't be. I can't be.
Like the flip of a switch your head swirled with sickness. You tried to catch yourself by Namjoon's arm when suddenly you hit the ground and your vision went dark.
* *
You woke just moments later, lying on a gurney. A soft groan escaped your lips as you reached for your head and rubbed your eyes. The neon white lights blinded you before you blinked and regained your vision.
"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" asked Namjoon, his voice deep with concern yet he tried to sound calm and collected.
"Joon?" you mumbled as you struggled to sit up.
"Hey, hey, it's alright, slowly," murmured your boyfriend as he helped you up. He brushed the hair from your face and kissed your forehead.
"I was so worried," he whispered against your skin.
"Is it... Is it true? Am I pregnant?" you asked grievously as your eyes filled with tears.
"The blood results say so, yes," confirmed Namjoon. He was still cupping your cheeks, caressing you with his thumbs. "You don't seem too thrilled about this news."
“I’m just..." you began but your voice cracked. "I'm just not ready yet, Namjoon. It's too soon.” Your boyfriend studied you a minute.
"Did you know about this? Is this why you didn't want to go and see the doctor?" asked Namjoon, his voice calm and quiet yet laced with sadness.
"I... I don't how... I suspected it, I mean... My period was late but that could be because of the sickness, I just... I don't know," you mumbled, wiping the tears from your eyes but they kept on falling. "I know you want a family, Namjoon. But I'm not ready yet, I just can't-"
"Hey, shh, it's okay... It's okay, my love," spoke Namjoon and pulled you into his arms. "It doesn't matter what I want, princess. If you don't want this, than neither do I, I promise you."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, I'm sure. Whatever you decide to do, I'll always be here for you, okay, love?" spoke Namjoon as he kissed the top of your head.
You were lying in bed with Yoongi on a lazy weekend morning. He was playing with your fingers and tracing sunlight marks across your arms. You had trouble sleeping all night, tossing and turning, feeling too hot then too cold, feeling anxious and sick and then finally you were able to fall asleep near morning. But that singular moment of being held by your boyfriend, of sunshine pouring into your bedroom relieved you of all tension.
That is until a nasty hot washed over your body and settled in your abdomen. Suddenly, you burst out of bed, starling both yourself and your boyfriend but you had no time for explanation. You burst into the bathroom and knelt before the toilet, vomiting like crazy.
Yoongi burst in after you and pulled your hair back, his free hand gently rubbing your back. You flushed the toilet, thinking you were done when suddenly another wave of nausea washed over your stomach.
"Jagi, what's going on?" asked Yoongi when you were finally able to lean against the side of the bath.
"I don't know," you mumbled as you shook your head but the same moment those words escaped your lips, your eyes opened and widened.
"What?" asked Yoongi.
"Nothing," you said quickly but he was not fooled.
"Tell me," he insisted and scooted closer to you where he pushed your hair behind your ear. You looked up into his eyes, studying him as you considered confiding in him or not. But if your suspicions provided to be true, then you would have to talk to Yoongi anyways.
"What... What if I'm pregnant?" you asked in a mere whisper.
Yoongi froze as if someone had just poured a bucket of ice-cold water over his head. His eyes drained of emotion.
"I don't think..." you began as you shook your head. "I don't think I'm ready, Yoongi... I don't... I don't think I'll ever be ready," you confessed. “I like the way things are. Just the two of us,” you whispered guiltily as quiet tears fell down your cheeks. Something about saying those words felt both like relief and condemnation at the same time.
"So do I," said Yoongi and brushed away the tears from your face. You looked up at him once again, wanting to see if he was truthful or just saying that to comfort you. But it wasn't in Yoongi's nature to lie and neither did he do so in that moment.
"But what if I am pregnant?" you asked.
"Then we'll go and see your doctor," said Yoongi calmly as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He kept his warm hands on your cheeks, brushing away your tears.
"Please don't cry, kitten," he whispered, his eyes locked with yours. His heart was breaking seeing you this harsh on yourself, on something that happened by mere chance. "I'll take care of you, Y/N. Whatever you decide to do," promised Yoongi and pulled you into his arms where you locked your hands around his torso and leaned against his chest.
You were pacing up and down the waiting room, nervous for the result of your blood test. It has been more than five weeks since your last menstruation and you've been feeling far too sick for it to be normal - not only in the mornings but all the time. You couldn't sleep and you were sore all over. Although you did not want it to be true, you were not surprised when the pregnancy test was positive. Still, convenience store pregnancy tests were not entirely reliable so you had to see your doctor before you would even mention something to your boyfriend. You could not even imagine how this happened since you were always using protection.
"Ms Y/N?" asked the nurse as she stepped out into the hallway. She invited you back into the doctor's office where you sat down with your gynaecologist.
"We've ran the tests several time, Ms Y/N, but I'm afraid they always came back positive," said your doctor sympathetically. You told her of your concerns before the tests were made and could not do much else but nod. She told you about your options, about continuing the pregnancy and even adoption but those were not really options for you personally. Even when you saw the convenience store pregnancy test come out positive, you already knew you wouldn't go through with it should it be confirmed by your doctor as well.
"Right," you nodded but your voice was hoarse as if you had been crying. You did not think so yet when you touched your cheek you realized it was stained with tears.
You apologized quickly and took out a tissue but the doctor seemed to perfectly understand.
"Then... Would you like to make an appointment to terminate the pregnancy?" asked your gynaecologist. "I must inform you that you will need someone to escort you home after the procedure; your mom, a friend, your partner..."
That made you think of how you were going to tell Hoseok. Whether he would even want to come with you in the first place.
You nodded and discussed the procedure with your doctor but as you arrived home, your head was spinning from all the information. Your chest was heavy with anxiety and your head hurt. But as you opened the bathroom door, you found Hoseok with your positive pregnancy test in his hands. You froze on your tracks, your eyes widening as his gaze found your own.
"Are you... Are you pregnant?" asked Hoseok in disbelief.
"I just got it confirmed by my doctor," you nodded, your voice falling silent.
"What are you going to do?" asked Hoseok out of breath.
You shook your head as tears crept into your eyes. You couldn't understand why you were crying out of the sudden but you were. Perhaps it was the pressure, the anxiety, the hormones or all at once, yet suddenly you found yourself crying against Hoseok's chest. He sat you up on the bathroom counter and ran his fingers through your hair.
"It's okay, shh, it's okay, my princess," spoke Hoseok softly as he tried to calm you down.
"I'm not... I'm not going to keep it, Hobi," you sobbed quietly. "A-Are you angry with me?"
"What?" said Hoseok as he pulled away, holding your shoulders. "Why would I be angry with you, Y/N? It's your body and it's a big decision. Whatever you want to do, is alright with me, do you hear me?" he asked, looking you deep in the eye. Hoseok brushed the tears from your cheeks as you proceeded to tell him about your appointment.
"They said I need someone to help me home afterwards," you spoke slowly.
"You know I'm coming with you, Y/N," assured Hoseok. "If you like it or not, I'll be there. Always, okay?"
You nodded as more tears fell down your cheeks and you wrapped your arms around Hoseok's neck. "Thank you," you whispered.
"Jimin?" you began slowly as you found your boyfriend sitting on the sofa, his gaze firmly on his favourite tv series. But once he heard your voice, his eyes found you and softened immediately. Jimin opened his arms for you and you gladly accepted, snuggling into his chest as your legs rested in his lap. But your chest was heavy with concern and anxiety. You weren't feeling like yourself these past days so you went to your doctor for a check-up. Yet then the results of your bloodwork came back, the doctor informed you that you were pregnant. You had never imagined this to happen and it was beyond you to even try to calculate when or how this happened. But the bloodwork was run several times and there was no doubt that you were pregnant.
You have never even talked to Jimin about whether he wants a family or not, you've barely even thought about whether you want one. But during the past few days that was all you could possibly think about. The more you contemplated it, the more you realized you did not want to continue this pregnancy. There were times in your life when you thought you wanted to have a family at some point but now that you were actually in this moment of decision, you could not possibly imagine raising a baby and starting a family. Perhaps it was too soon, perhaps you did not wish for a family at all. For now, Jimin was all you wanted and could ever need.
"Sweetheart?" asked Jimin, "Y/N? Are you okay?" he spoke once again, waking you up from your thoughts. Jimin pulled back slightly and looked you in the eye. You blinked and nodded your head.
"Yeah, no, I'm, I'm okay," you stuttered although even you did not believe your own words.
"What is it, sweetheart? Tell me," asked Jimin gently and caressed your cheek.
You licked your dry lips and glanced away.
"You trust me, don't you?" said Jimin and raised your chin to face him.
You bit the corner of your lip as you sat up on your own and felt yourself fidget unconsciously.
"I... Um..." you began but you seemed to have forgotten all the words. "I, um... I have to tell you something, Jimin," you said carefully and pushed the hair from your eyes. You were twitching your leg nervously against the sofa but did not know how to stop it.
"What is it? Tell me," insisted Jimin and took your hand, "Are you sick?"
"I'm pregnant," you blurted out. Instead of your chest releasing the anxiety it only grew larger and heavier, weighing you down. Your eyes watered with tears.
"Wh... You're... You're pregnant?" stuttered Jimin, his eyes wide and puzzled like a child's.
"But I... I don't want to keep it. I won't keep it," you mumbled distressed. "I just can't. I don't want to be a mom, Jimin," you hurried as big fat tears fell from your eyes. Jimin watched you as you spoke those words before he took your face into his hands.
"Whatever you decide to do, Y/N, I'll support you," he assured.
"You will?" you whispered timidly, looking up into his big brown eyes.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I will," he assured and pulled you close as he kissed your forehead.
"I'm sorry," you said, feeling guilty as hot tears wet Jimin's shirt. "I'm just really scared," you confessed.
"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart, okay? Nothing," promised Jimin. "If you don't want to keep it, we can go see your doctor first thing tomorrow, alright?"
"Okay," you nodded against Jimin's chest as he caressed your hair until you calmed down.
You waited in front of the doctor's office for your appointment. It's been the second time that week that you've visited your gynaecologist; the first time because you've missed your period and weren't feeling quite yourself with all the muscle soreness and morning sickness. When your doctor gave you the news that you were pregnant, she could tell by the look on your face it was something you did not want; at least not at this point. She told you your options but to you there was only one - abortion.
"I'm here," said Taehyung out of breath. Your eyes widened as you looked up at his face. You haven't told anyone you were pregnant, least of all your boyfriend who had a soft spot for every baby and toddler in this world.
"Wh... What are you doing here?" you stuttered in absolute horror.
"You don't think I'd let you go through this on your own, my love?" spoke Taehyung softly and caressed your cheek before taking your hands into his lap. His fingers traced comforting shapes in your skin but you were too stunned to notice.
"How did you find out?" you asked dismayed. Taehyung turned to look at you, an utterly foreign expression on his face. His eyes were soft but sad and his features sombre.
"How could you think I wouldn't?" he spoke gently, "They called me since I'm your emergency contact and you didn't arrange for someone to escort you home," explained Taehyung.
"That's... That's why you're here?" you asked slowly.
"I'm here for you, Y/N," said Taehyung and squeezed your hands reassuringly, "And whatever you want."
"I wish you'd told me, though," he added.
"I thought you'd want to keep it," you spoke quickly yet quietly.
"I would," confessed Taehyung, "But it's your body and I would never force you to do something you weren't ready to do, Y/N." He tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear before he pressed his lips softly to your forehead.
Your eyes watered. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Tae," you admitted. As you spoke those words, your doctor appeared in the doorway and invited you inside.
"It's alright, my love," spoke Taehyung comfortingly and kissed your hand. "I'll be right here when you wake up and I'll take you home, alright?"
You nodded and wiped the tears from you eyes. "Thank you," you murmured and hugged him before you went with your doctor.
You were pacing up and down your bathroom, staring at the timer on your phone. You had taken a pregnancy test because your period was unusually late. Although there was no guarantee it was going to be positive, you had a feeling about it. It's been on your mind for days and so was the decision of what to do if you were indeed pregnant. You had no idea what Jungkook's stand was on it but it was your body at the end of the day and you had no intention of starting a family yet. Perhaps one day in the future but doing so now would be a mistake.
Your phone began buzzing just before the test showed you were pregnant.
"What's going on?" asked a deep voice. You gasped and jumped around, startled by Jungkook's presence. He wasn't supposed to be home for hours and you had hoped you had more time to consider what to say to him, how to tell him the news and your decision.
"Is that..." began Jungkook as he noticed the blue-white stick in your hands.
"I..." you stuttered.
"Are you pregnant, Y/N?" asked Jungkook in disbelief as his gaze found yours. His eyes were wide and his lips parted.
"I... I think so," you admitted and showed your boyfriend the pregnancy test. Your hands were shaking from all the emotion. You did not know what to feel. Jungkook frowned.
"Are you scared of me, kitten?" he asked carefully, his voice deep and husky.
"N-No," you said and shook your head. "I... I don't know..." You bit the inside of your cheek, fidgeting with your hands.
"Y/N..." breathed Jungkook as he reached out for you and pulled you to his chest. You leaned your head against his torso as he caressed your hair and you finally let out all the emotion. Tears stained Jungkook's shirt.
"I... I'm really scared, Jungkook," you sobbed quietly. "I... I don't w-want to be p-pregnant," you confessed, your entire body trembling.
"Shh, it's okay, kitten, it's okay," spoke Jungkook against the top of your head where he left soft, comforting kisses. "Everything will be alright, I promise."
"Hey," said Jungkook as you began crying even harder. He cupped your cheeks and made you look at him whilst he brushed away your tears. "We'll see your doctor so that they can confirm you're really pregnant. And if you are, then we'll make an appointment to do whatever you decide to do, alright? Everything will be okay," promised Jungkook once again.
You nodded and hugged him tightly. "Are you not angry with me?" you stuttered.
"Why would I be angry with you, princess?" asked Jungkook astonished.
"Because... Because this even h-happened or I... I don't know..." you whispered as more tears stained your boyfriend's shirt.
"This isn't your fault, kitten. It just happens sometimes," spoke Jungkook quietly as he kissed your forehead.
"And... And you're not angry because I want to end it?" you asked once again.
"I want whatever you want, kitten. That's never going to change," murmured Jungkook against your lips before kissing you gently.
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barbiegirldream · 10 months
Related to Q/T (not very Dream sympathic even though I'm a big fan) : I doubt it's for clout, Tommy has always been pretty consistent about doing what he likes.
I think it's just simply what happened for all the streamers (Q, Slime, Phil, Tommy...) and that's why the skit is like that, bc it's what happened for them. Because I really don't see Tommy just switching on his friends, especially not for clout.
BUT, and that's what is so terrible about this situation, they just don't get how much hatred is throwned at dream fans and Dream himself ? Like, for them it was a "Q didn't say anything bc he doesn't have to say anything. Dream copied, he deal with the accusations it's his own bed." So Q not saying anything is OKaying the USMP and Dream is a drama queen for airing public messages and overreacting. In that vision, Dream is the one breaking the friendship, creating drama for nothing, and overreacting. Not continuing the USMP is Dream's decision (and that's something so many people are saying against it !).
But that's completely disregard the amount of hate and vitriol the USMP got because they can't know, you don't know how hard someone can be harrassed. The space with at least 1k of people doxxing Dream ? The ss where there was a coordinate effort to attack him ? I remember externs mocking us for speaking about "sending assassins" before realizing that oh, actually it happened.
So I do get Tommy's video : Dream should have stayed silent about everything and just went "the USMP will not happen yet, wait for it". But I dislike how that take completely disregard that he was pressed by very real hatred both online and IRL, and that's something that people love to ignore about Dream and his stans.
So yeah. Dream made his bed, but I'd like for once to have those guys have the same pressure put on them and see how they react.
PS : absolutely hate to see people discard that T made his own reputation and that he should be thankful for Dream's friendship. I can't bother to watch him anymore, but he is talented and has always been pretty straight about himself. It's also more than getting on the QSMP.
Sorry if it cloggs for asks, it was a bit long and not very positive. Feel free to ignore, your blog just made me feel free enough to share this.
None of this is true tho... like no one thinks Dream aired private messages there were no private messages. they made fun of the long twit longer because they can't genuinely comprehend someone stalking and committing crimes bad enough for the FBI to get involved. They genuinely think Dream is lying out of his ass unaware this isn't even the first time it's happened to Dream. You know who's more than aware? Tommy more than any other random CC on the internet knows exactly what happened to Dream because Dream talked Tommy through the same debacle. Tommy just had an entire livestream tour around England telling everyone how Dream protected him and prepared him because of Dream's experience with criminals trying to ruin his life. This round of doxxing happened because they wanted Dream scared enough to not do the USMP which it worked he didn't they won. But it's still not enough. These freaks spend all their time tweeting about Dream because he's all they care about. QSMP is just their new camp from which to throw grenades at Drean.
Tommy's reputation is as a Dream SMP streamer it's all he ever wanted his reputation to be. Tommy's youtube channel is based off the DSMP. Tommy literally said with his own mouth you can thank Dream for everything about his channel because Dream told him how to do everything from thumbnails to video descriptions. I remember during Minecon Tommy going I had a brilliant idea and by that I mean Dream had an idea and I went oh yeah that's good. Tommy has never ever in the past shied away from giving Dream and anyone else who inspired him their flowers. The simple truth is he probably thought he could get away with the joke and being a teenage boy comes with an inherent cruelty to it 🤷‍♀️
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dnangelic · 10 days
tell us your favorite quotes from your character. give us an idea of who they are by the things they’ve said. then tag your friends.
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i feel sorry for it, all beaten up like that! i think it must be very valuable. we'll take better care of it.
i can do it! i won't give up on him! i don't want him to forget everything! i don't care if he doesn't need me anymore, as long as he remembers me!
i want to stop it, but...!! what should i do? what do i have to do to stop it? i don't know what to do... why? why am i always... always... so powerless?! 'we'll... we'll think of something...! we can do something... i know we can! dad's looking into all kinds of stuff, dark and i will help too! i-i'm not saying this very well... but we've gotta do something! we will do something! no matter what! we'll do something...!!'
at that moment... i didn't care that dark's feathers were scattered all around me... or that i'd hurt my arm so badly. because... there was something that hurt much more. that in the end, i couldn't save them. all i wanted was to save them... the two girls who believed in me.
no... daisuke knew that feeling. i can't believe that i've changed my mind, i can't forgive myself, and i feel like i'm blaming myself... 'but if you can change, good things will happen.'
riku-san ....... wait for me. if you're waiting for me, then i can do my best.
but... it may be true... that i'm always relying on dark. that i can't do anything just by myself. i don't really know --- what my real dream is.
...i have to tell her. right now. i have to tell her right now. riku will no longer believe me. but what if i tell her? riku-san may come to hate me. ---i'll be hated? but, it's no good. i can't keep lying to her.
if [ my not being around ] is really good, then it can't be helped. it's not about whether or not people are happy i'm here or not here. i can't say it well, but [...] i just want all the people who are important to me to always be happy. for that reason, if there's something i can do, i want to do anything i can. but... if there's something i can do, if me being here can make people happy, then that would make me really pleased.
it's okay. no matter where you go, i'll come and steal you away. there's nothing that can't be stolen by dark. i am --- phantom thief dark.
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most fairy-tales are warnings... against human pride and cruelty. purity always has its opposite... if humans had no impurities, they could never be considered pure. it's just like you and me.
...am i not [someone with a pure heart?] why then, do i live?
i don't want you to forget me! i don't want you to ever forget.
no one tells me what to do... but me!
let's go on living always thinking about the fun things. it's true that humans have unattractive or weak points, but hating or being jealous is only going to make you tired. and also, it's probably best not to want to test people. humans who test people will just get tested by others. let's start by trusting in others. humans who don't trust others could never gain trust from them.
humans... create things to try and stop time... which is out of their control... so that they, who aren't eternal, can believe in eternity. if you believe in it...eternity is real.
do you know what it means to never change?
if... if not for you, i wouldn't be here either. that's what i am. i am able to live, because you are here.
even if there are imperfections, the real thing is the real thing. no matter how good a copy is, it can't beat the real thing. if you're willing to pretend it's for someone else's sake, then don't do it.
listen, if i ... if i was a monster... what would you do? if i wasn't human, but something else. something supernatural. what would you do?
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allamericansbitch · 8 days
Tw: light mention of sa Thank you for letting me rant! Okay so I went to the lover secret sessions, I have a picture with taylor, I was in her house, she literally hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek and we exchanged "I love you's" and I ate her handmade cookies. And I'm not one of those people who met taylor once and act like she's their best friend because she's not and I know that and I've been criticising he hell out of her since last year. And there are so many celebrities out there who also do problematic shit but have a record for that and their reputation was never good in general and taylor isn't like that. Taylor is wildly beloved in the industry and there isn't any single story about her being mean perse to people. Like I haven't seen one single story of a person who met her saying that she was mean or something whereas other celebrities who have a long time record of being problematic often also have a record of being shitty people in general. Then there's this whole thing where she's been donating to every single city she tours in and she did that for the entire US leg, there were reports of her doing it in Brazil and Mexico and Australia and recently there was a new article that she's also continue doing it in Europe which is a great thing! Then the whole giving 50 million in total bonuses to all her eras workers was also a great thing. So I can still confidentially say that she still somehow cares about people. Definitely not enough and not how she should be but she isn't as terrible as some other celebrities (which obviously doesn't make her actions less worse cause they're still bad but just saying).
I'm just really conflicted by who she is because she's (apparently, that's what people say at least) one of the nicest celebrities out there but her recent actions have shown that she isn't a good person. I think it comes all down to how you define "good/bad person" because someone can be very nice and gentle with people but still lack at morals which is like the definition of taylor. I'm really confused by her because she's been so public last year (I'm not criticising that! She's allowed to go out and be papped and be public) that we've seen all her good and bad behaviour in public with our own eyes and she wasn't even trying to hide any of it when she was willfully out there with racists, zionists and sexual abusers. And I just really want to know what happened to the old Taylor? The one who didn't want the red tour movie to be out because the director turned out to be problematic, the one who said she believes in sa victims, the one who sounded so well-spoken on the whole mental health topic during the folklore long pond sessions. Given that the last thing I mentioned wasn't even four years ago. So what happened? Like she was talking so carefully about people's mental health when she explained her song this is me trying and now it seems like she forgot about all that. Maybe it's also because she became a billionaire and somehow she thinks that's a power move and since she's so on top of the world that nearly nothing can bring her down again she just doesn't care? But when she talked about sa, mental health and everything back then it really seemed like she meant it and it's hard for me to believe that she was lying back then because I really don't think she was but something drastically shifted in the last two years and all I know is that it's not the same taylor I met and hugged and said "I love you" to five years ago and it just makes me so sad. And sometimes I feel so guilty because even if I'd wanted to I could never completely unstan the person who was like the best part of my life once. I'm sorry if this comes out as parasocial but these are all my real feelings towards her and I would just like to know what happened to her? Because on the one hand (with some examples I mentioned up there) she seems like one of the most down to earth celebrities ever but on the other hand she's like completely out of touch with the real world with her jet usage, her being a billionaire, her now speaking up about things that really matter and all that. Like can one person be both of these things at the same time? Was the whole persona she was till 2023 just fake? Or did something genuinely happen last year? I just have so many questions and oh god what I'd do to just have like 30 minutes with her and have a real productive conversation about the whole last year to understand what's going on in that brain of hers because I truly don't understand and I don't wanna sound apologetic towards her but sometimes I think she doesn't even know herself what she's doing or she knows that she's doing something wrong (anti hero) but she just can't change it idk I just have too many questions and I know this will never ever happen but how much I'd wish that someone would bring her to her senses so that she becomes more lovable again.
i actually think about this a lot, the people who went to the secret sessions and how they deal with being so disappointed in her and her actions (or lack thereof) because that adds a hell bunch of layers to it and makes unstanning or anything similar much more complicated.
i genuinely think the thing that caused all of this was her ego being way too boosted. coming out of the pandemic and seeing how many more fans she had gotten with folklore/evermore, how many more younger fans had found her through tiktok etc, kind of broke something. and then how huge the eras tour is and her showing her whole ‘are you not entertained’ mindset/attitude really just showing she loves the attention and doesn’t care what happens as long as it’s her in the spotlight.
i don’t think her past self was a lie, i just think it’s something she thinks she doesn’t have to do anymore.
and what makes a good/bad person is a huge conversation that differs from person to person obviously, but i don’t think taylor being nice to those around her exclusively makes her an angel; we’ve just gotten so used to celebrities being so awful behind the scenes that it’s refreshing to know that a celebrity any for a change. i just think she’s very very ignorant about issues bigger than just her, she’s the kind of person to be nice to others when they’re in the same room but not pay attention to what’s going on outside of it- and that’s because of privilege. she’s never had to look outside of herself so why start now. and that just ramps up because she’s now a billionaire and is truly on a whole other planet than everyone else, like that study a previous anon brought up about once someone becomes a billionaire they loose empathy for others because they no longer relate to the masses, they are so disconnected from reality.
it sucks that this happened to someone so many people admire and use as a comfort zone but at the very least so many people are feeling the same way.
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
Last Line Paragraph Tag | Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Dropping by with a little treat from John's AU where Oliver is grilling the shite out of Leslie. I couldn't bring myself to cut out any of his jokes, so you're getting an extended last line. ❤️
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"Coffee run, boys. Anyone want something?", Oliver hollered, stiring up the rest of the detectives that were in at the early hour, "No? Byyyyeee." He sing-songed the rest as he threw on his jacket and Leslie did the same, rushing to leave before both could get wrapped up in actual orders. "Aye, you fuck, I wanted-", Ross' yell was cut off as McKenzie slammed the door to their division shut, whistling to himself on their way to the stairs. "Graham will retaliate, you know that, right?" "I promised Maxie I'd get him a coffee, there's only so much I can carry.", he explained while Leslie followed closely, "Plus, Ross has legs and cheated me out of my poker win last week. So… he can suck it." Parish chuckled, but it felt more forced than anything with his mind still racing with questions, "Weren't you also cheating?" "Beside the point." "Mhm.", he hummed as they hit the ground floor and made their way out the precinct. "You know, my jokes are only good if people are paying attention to them…", Oliver began while the two set on their usual route to a small bakery nearby. "I was listening, it just wasn't funny." The deadpan answer did little to convince him of the lie based on the snort he replied with, "Sure. Repeat it back to me, will ya? Then I can decide if it sounded funny or not."
"Fuck off.", Leslie remarked, pulling his coat closed against the sudden gust of wind that blew in. "That's what I thought.", McKenzie sent him a cocky smirk over his shoulder as they navigated the crowd moving down the street, "What did Rina do this time?" "Nothing." "And you've been looking like I kicked you in the nuts the whole morning over nothing. How long have we known each other to think this would work with me? Hell, I think even Vaughn would pick up on your lie, and he is as oblivious as they come." A groan left Leslie, but deep down he was thankful someone cared enough to notice the mood he was in and try to get him out of it, "I have no idea how we're still friends, you don't ever let up." "Why my ma said I'd make a great detective, and how right she was…" In ways Oliver truly was like a K9 that had caught a perp's scent, refusing to let go until getting an answer, on top of it all he was competitive as hell. The bakery's sign finally came into view, making him wonder if he could actually get away with not providing any details for once. Doubtful. "Well?", McKenzie asked again, swinging the door open and entering the shop first with Leslie close on his heels. "Coffee first." "Fine, but you try to dodge my questions, I'm locking you in the interrogation room until you start singing like a canary. I have all the time and patience in the world." "Buchanan will have your balls." He rolled his eyes as they took their place in line, "Think I care about what old Jerry will do?" Doubtful again.
Parish occupied his time by mindlessly watching the people seated at the tables in the back of the bakery, wishing his heart would skip a beat the same way it did for Sabrina when his gaze was met on accident by a woman sitting on her own. The little smile she gave him only darkened his mood as he forced his eyes back ahead and Oliver's hand landed on his back in silent support. "Jesus. It's bad." "I'm absolutely fine." "Sure, Sabrina. You're picking up all her sad habits.", Oliver grumbled, "Lying you're okay, going through life deep sighing over somebody you can't have for some stupid ass reason." He rattled out an order when their turn came and paid for everything, giving Leslie a much needed break from arguing over the ugly truth. "Just ask her out. You have to start somewhere.", his fellow detective insisted as they set on waiting to the side, "Who cares if she went on a date yesterday? Like, fuck, you sure won't be sending 100 roses to her and panic-calling her over a little bat paying you a friendly visit. You already have an advantage - you know what she likes and what she wants before she even figures it out." "60." "Huh?", McKenzie gave him a dumbfounded look. "60 roses is what Bruce sent." A snort left him at the choice of nickname, "Batman ain't cheap, I'd give him that. Though, I'd argue blowing your hotshot lawyer money on a bouquet is kinda idiotic." "Hotshot?" "Oh, yeah.", Oliver nodded at his raised eyebrow, "I looked him up myself, too. Fucker's a new partner in Atlanta. Has his name on the plaque and everything. I wanted to barf at his fancy photoshoot on their website, haven't seen anyone looking so sure of themselves while holding scales. Lady Justice is shakin'."
"Not making me feel any better about this." "I wasn't trying to.", a playful slap landed on his shoulder, "I'm trying to kick your ass into action. Get your girl. Getting laid will fix you both, I promise." "We've been over this." Thanfully, the woman out front waved Oliver over to pick up his bag, stopping the conversation they've had plenty of times before in its tracks. Or so Leslie thought until he was dragged back into it the moment they were back outside. "Spill, Parish and I don't mean my coffee.", McKenzie instructed him with narrowed eyes as they set towards the precinct and he passed him the takeaway to light up a cigarette, "You can even tell Rina you bought her the croissant. My treat." "We talked like we do every night yesterday…", the storm clouds above them certainly matched his mood, "and she let it slip that she's invited him over because his neighbors were annoying the shit out of him with loud sex." Oliver laughed way too loudly at that, startling a woman walking ahead of them and getting a dark look from her he met with a wink, "Batman wishes he was gettin' some." "I asked her to keep me posted, so I know she and Sav are safe." "Reasonable.", he agreed, "Considering they just met." Leslie sighed, "I expected a text, you know, 'We're all good, he left. Goodnight.' She called me instead… sounded completely off, mind you, I was close to jumping on my bike and driving there." "Don't tell me-" "No! Nothing of sorts."
"Good, because it would suck to get arrested for murdering one of Maxie's case victims." "After dancing around the subject, Rina announced that Bruce is stayin' over." "Uh-oh.", Oliver let out a whistle, "She actually went for it. Damn, I-" "In the guest bedroom.", Parish interjected before he could go on a tangent about Sabrina getting laid. He suspected he'd get an extra detailed version of possible events as punishment. The detective's eyes shone with a devilish gleam at the news, "Poor Batman. But… wait… why the fuck did she call you?" "She wanted me to convince her sleeping with him was a bad idea." The two came to a halt in front of their building, not exactly rushing to go back inside despite the subject. Oliver took a long drag from his cigarette, gaze running over his face before he exhaled some of the smoke and muttered, "And you did just that. Cockblocked him, six ways from Sunday." "No." The rest of the vapor left him at once, making him choke at the confession. "God-fucking-damn.", McKenzie croaked out between coughs as he hit his chest dramatically, "This ain't how I want to die. Especially before seeing you get laid for good." Leslie said nothing and tightened his grip on the bag in his hands, focusing his attention on the street, watching each passing car, instead of meeting what he knew would be his fellow detective's disapproving gaze. "You're an idiot, you know that?" "Thanks."
"It's accepted you look a person in the eye when they speak…", he gritted out, taking another pull of nicotine. "What do you want me to say?" "That you didn't actually encourage her to sleep with him and are now in this shit mood because of it? I'd start with that." "I told her the truth.", Leslie replied flatly, "You saw how she was after their lunch. I don't even want to ask how close they were at it…" "I didn't give them the chance to. For you." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, skipping over the part where he had mentioned protection, because Oliver wouldn't let him live that one down, "I reminded her it's rare she ever feels so strongly about anyone, that she shouldn't worry about the rules of dating or how soon it is." McKenzie dropped his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it with way too much force before throwing it in the nearest trashcan, "You basically shoved her in his bed, gotcha. How the fuck aren't you day-drinking? I'd be spiking my coffee right now." "Rina didn't say she would. In fact she made it a point to say how he's probably already asleep." Just shut up, Parish. His reply received a humorless laugh, "Oh, definitely. You hearin' yourself?" "Sadly, yes." "Good, because currently I feel like walking into traffic to put myself out of this misery…", Oliver pointed ahead of him and clicked his tongue, "but knowing my luck, the closest I'd get is getting run over by a kid biking to school, scarring us both in the process." "Dramatic." McKenzie blinked slowly, "I'm dead serious. And your phone?"
"My phone?", Parish felt his pockets with his free hand, wondering if he had managed to swipe it with another 'magic trick'. Certainly wasn't uncommon for him to pickpocket for kicks, even their Chief, Buchanan. "Yes. Why were you staring at it like it held the solution to all of our cases, and then some?" He produced the device to Oliver, his screen still on Sabrina's open message that he had reread an embarassing amount of times and tried to convince himself it had nothing to do with her late night guest. "I will be in a little bit later today.", McKenzie read her text that wasn't anything unusual to receive from any of the other detectives in Missing Persons, for Sabrina though, it felt out of character, monumental. Both of them were aware of that. "Leslie 'God-how-much-I-wish-you-had-a-middle-name-right-now-so-I-can-scold-you-like-a-mother-would' Parish.", the first part flew past his lips in record speed, "You got this from her and are still thinking she hadn't followed your advice to grab the handsome egomaniac by his horns?" Leslie hoped his shrug was nonchalant enough, "There could be another explanation. Many, in fact." Based on the 'Are you kidding me' look he received, his partner in crime wasn't buying it, "You sweet summer child."
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Tagging, @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @thesingularityseries @josephseedismyfather @unholymilf @madparadoxum @shellibisshe @shegetsburned @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @strangefable @onehornedbeast @voidika @direwombat @florbelles @corvosattano @theelderhazelnut @harmonyowl @simplegenius042 @clicheantagonist @euryalex @aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @dumbassdep @wrathfulrook @nightbloodbix @quantum-lover and anyone that would like to share a line or a couple ❤️
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Malfunction (Steam Powered Giraffe)
What's their malfunction?/It's a start; can we teach them not to fall apart?/Their malfunction isn't us, it's all the clamor and the fuss/When I say that I love you, damn it Janet, take it as truth/Everything's a little broken/To be pristine well you must be jokin'
"Please please listen to it oh my god. oh God. aauauagh. it's about feeling imperfect and how that sucks but it's not like "oh everyone's perfect" it's "so what? everyone's imperfect!" it's also just. bunny (the writer and main singer) said it can be interpreted as dysphoria as well"
Famous Last Words (My Chemical Romance)
Cause I see you lying next to me/With words I thought I'd never speak/Awake and unafraid/Asleep or dead
I am not afraid to keep on living/I am not afraid to walk this world alone/Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven/Nothing you can say can stop me going home
"Living as yourself is fucking hard! Coming to terms with love and grief and pain all at once! And if you fuck up enough you DO die. There's no second chances, and it's hard to believe even if you're living it!"
"To me this song is like. “Man. Life is fucking difficult and there’s so many things being demanded of me but fuck it we ball I’m gonna keep going even if I have to go at it alone sometimes, even if people I love have to leave my life eventually, through death or something else. Keep living.” And that fucking got me when I first entered a really low point in life. And it still gets me, especially now. It’s a song that will always be there for me and many others. Fucks my shit up but puts it back together too."
"Without context: this is an insanely beautiful and powerful song that calls for the listener to keep going even when they’re alone and incomplete. Unlike a lot of songs off the album, it doesn’t have nihilist or defeatist undertones; it’s a direct call to keep moving, to feel everything and know you’ll be okay if you just keep MOVING. With context: the band recorded this album in a famous haunted mansion whose dreary atmosphere wreaked havoc on their already very stressed psyches. Mikey Way, the bassist and younger brother of the singer, suffered a mental breakdown so severe he had to temporarily leave the band and the mansion. Before that, he would sneak into his brother’s room at night and sleep on the floor to feel safe. The band wrote this song for him while he was away. It directly references the nights spent on his brother’s floor, the conversations they had, and the long-standing fear that the singer has of losing Mikey (a fear so strong it’s present through all four albums major as a significant theme.) Mikey himself later said that when the band played the song for him, he immediately felt better about the album than he had in months, and was able to record it with them soon after. When you know why the song calls you to keep walking this world alone, to not be afraid to keep on living, to forgive - what was already a powerful anthem can move someone to tears easily."
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
One in the same (Hunter x grimwalker!reader
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One in the same (Hunter x grimwalker!reader)
You were getting a drink in the middle of the night when you heard a knock at your door. You walked over and opened the door. "Hunter?" You said in surprise, looking at the shaking boy standing in your doorway. "Can I come in?" He asked shakily. "Yes, yes come in." You moved to the side, letting Hunter walk in. He sat on your couch and you gave him a blanket. "What's wrong buddy?" "I- Belos-" Hunter stuttered. "It's okay you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No, it's okay, just" Hunter sighed, "just give me a minute." You gave him a simple nod.
"Okay so I don't have time to say everything, but Belos is evil or something. He's been lying about well... Everything. And I'm something called a grimwalk-" He stopped himself mid-sentence, "Forgot that last part it's not important." "You're a grimwalker?" Hunter looked down in shame. "Neat me too." Hunter snapped his head up to you, shock present on his face. "Do you know what a grimwalker is? Because I'm not completely sure myself but I can assure you, you probably aren't one." "Nah I know I am, it's a long story how I found out, and I barely know anything, about the origins. I don't know who made me. I don't know who I'm based on." Hunter looked at you eyes wide.
Neither of you talked for a few minutes. "How are you so calm about it?" Hunter broke the silence. You simply shrugged in response. "I don't know I never panicked, I'm not whoever I'm based off. Also, it's not like I can change anything now." Hunter paused. "But, what if you're supposed to be like the person you're a clone of." "I probably am supposed to be like them, but I never really cared, like I said I'm not them. Hell, I never knew them for all I know I am a carbon copy when it comes to personality, I'll never know. But to be honest I don't care." Hunter looked down lost in thought. "I think I feel a little better now, just wish I knew more about our species." Hunter sighed"Same but we can find out together." "I'd like that"
It had been around a half month since Hunter moved in. Despite him saying he would learn more about grimwalkers with you, he always avoided the topic. After awhile you decided to ask him about it. "Hunter?" "Yeah?" "Why don't yo want to talk about grimwalkers." Hunter paused. "I'm not avoiding it, or at least I'm not trying to, I just have other things I'm focused on a lot of other things." "Like?" "The day if unity plus I'm like a wanted criminal or something." You sighed and sat by him. "Hunter I can tell your nothing telling me something. If you don't want to talk, that's okay. But please just know that I'm here for you." Hunter gave a weak smile in response.
Later that night Hunter couldn't fall asleep, like usual. But this time it was because of what you said earlier. Would you really still like him if you knew he was a clone of a witch hunter? You said that you 'aren't who you were a clone of' but, you didn't even know how you were based off, so it's way easier to say that, for you. I mean you could be a clone of one of the best people alive. Hunter got up and went outside to take get some fresh air. "What are you doing?" Hunter suddenly heard your voice by his ear. Hunter snapped his head towards you. "What are you doing up?" He asked "I could ask you the same question. But I already asked you a different question." Hunter ran his fingers through his hair. "I couldn't sleep. So I wanted to see if fresh air would help." "Fair enough."
You stared at him for a few seconds. Before going back inside. You went back to your room and tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't. So instead you also got up. As soon as you reached the living room you saw Hunter on the couch. "Oh hey Goldie what are up doi-" "Y/n." Hunter cut you off. You were slightly nervous because of how serious his voice was. "Yeah?" "I have something really important to tell you." "What is it?" You asked nervously. "It's about grimwalkers." Hunter said slightly mumbled. You immediately straightened up. " You were right I have been avoiding talking about it." " Wow really." You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "Hey." "Sorry." You chuckled slightly
"Anyway, I've been avoiding talking about being a grimwalkers because of who I'm based off of." Hunter took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm a clone of a witch hunter who was probably one of Belos's friends."
There was an eerie silence when you spoke up. "And?" You asked. "What?" Hunter said. "Was that it?" Hunter nodded confused. "I don't care you aren't whoever that is but I can kinda relate." "You can? But I thought you said you never worried about it?" "You never tell the person your comforting about the bad parts," you gave a forced chuckle, "I was worried every once in a while. When I was worried it was bad like really really bad, I'd have break downs worried about what I was supposed to be in life. I was made for a purpose that I probably wasn't fulfilling." Hunter looked down, "I hear that." He stated. You continued "But over time I realized there wasn't much to do about it, I was a clone. So I started living my life as normal, nothing really changed besides me knowing about it, right?" You turned to the blonde boy, " Listen I know it isn't as easy as 'stop worrying' believe me. You might not ever stop worrying, but it gets easier to deal with. And I'll be there every step of the way."
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