#i won't name it for real unless i know we're keeping it
depresseddepot · 2 years
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we caught a baby numbered three
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poohsources · 11 months
❛  i promised my parents i'd introduce them to my partner the next time they came around ... will you please pretend to be my girlfriend / boyfriend?  ❜ ❛  you can stop pretending, there's no one around anymore.  ❜ ❛  somewhere along the way, my fake feelings became real feelings for you.  ❜ ❛  if you want others to believe we're dating, you'll have to start acting like you at least like me.  ❜ ❛  do you think they believed we're in love?  ❜ ❛  thank you for pretending to be my boyfriend / girlfriend.  ❜ ❛  if you still need a date for tonight, i'm free.  ❜ ❛  they're looking suspicious. quick, kiss me.  ❜ ❛  give me one more stupid pet name and i'll break up with you right here, right now.  ❜ ❛  can you please pretend to be my partner so this asshole will leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  it says couples only ... let's say we're dating and we'll get in.  ❜ ❛  we don't have to kiss, do we?  ❜ ❛  no one's going to buy it unless we actually commit to the act.  ❜ ❛  i'm not comfortable with doing anything more than holding your hand.  ❜ ❛  it feels wrong to lie to everyone like that. why can't we just tell them we're just friends?  ❜ ❛  fake dating you is a lot more fun than i expected.  ❜ ❛  surprisingly, i really enjoy your company. we should do this again sometime.  ❜ ❛  my date bailed on me, can you take their place instead?  ❜ ❛  can we do this again? but maybe this time as an actual date.  ❜ ❛  relax, so far everything went well and no one is suspecting anything yet.  ❜ ❛  i don't think i can fake being in love with you anymore ... because i've fallen in love with you for real. ❜ ❛  the others are going to catch on if you keep sending me death stares.  ❜ ❛  please say you'll do it so they'll finally stop harassing me to find someone.  ❜ ❛  i heard you needed a date tonight, so here i am.  ❜ ❛  you don't have to do anything if you aren't comfortable with it.  ❜ ❛  shouldn't we go over our stories so we don't accidentally tell people two completely different versions of how we met?  ❜ ❛  wow, you almost convinced me you really meant what you were saying.  ❜ ❛  wait, this wasn't part of the act?  ❜ ❛  we're already so close, no one will suspect a thing.  ❜ ❛  okay, but won't we have to explain it when we break up?  ❜ ❛  if you really want to get out of this so bad, you'll have to be the ones to break up with me in front of our friends and family.  ❜ ❛  i couldn't have asked for a better person to be my fake girlfriend / boyfriend.  ❜ ❛  when did your feelings for me become real?  ❜ ❛  how long do we have to keep this up?  ❜ ❛  i don't like lying to people about things like that ... but if it'll make you happy i'll do it.  ❜ ❛  want to help me make my ex jealous?  ❜ ❛  i know this wasn't part of the plan but i think i've caught real feelings for you.  ❜ ❛  you don't have to pretend anymore ... no one's looking anyway.  ❜ ❛  was any of it real or was it all just fake? because it didn't feel fake to me.  ❜ ❛  will you at least hold my hand?  ❜
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wynsummers · 9 months
i've been thinking about the whole "friction in his jeans" thing a lot lately, and while it is certainly one of the more iconic instances of the lyric in the CD booklet being different from the actual song, it is far from the only one. on top of that, there are quite a few lyrics that play with double meanings that only become clear when they're written out.
so, i present a collection of every lyric in the fob CD booklets that differ from the final version, punctuation and double meanings that aren't noticeable unless the song is written out, and any other interesting details i find in the process, or a really long post of me cornplating about fob:
disclaimer that if the difference is small enough/doesn't change the meaning of the line i won't include it because that would take me years (for example, the book says "light that smoke for giving up on me" and patrick says "yeah, one for giving up on me" but literally who cares that changes nothing. everything i include here is relevant, i think)
follow-up disclaimer that there are a bunch of fucking typos in every single one of these books because these boys never proofread anything but unless i think it's significant in some way i probably will skip it
tell that mick:
"I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle - I confess / now ash yourself out on the insides, when I said I loved you I swear I lied"
grand theft autumn:
"someday i'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you... but for the meantime i'll sport my brand new fashion of waking up with my clothes on at 4:00 in the afternoon"
"pete and i said goodbye to astoria with promise and precision and mess of youthful innocence"
(most of these are just silly but this one fucking hurts)
sending postcards:
"fake it like you matter - cause that's the biggest secret you have to keep"
chicago is so two years ago:
"that means that I believed every single lie you said (and learned from the best)"
"cause every pain of glass that your pebbles tap negates the pains i went through to avoid you / and every little pat on the shoulder for attention fails to mention i still hate you" (pain of glass instead of pane of glass - i think this is supposed to be a parallel. that or pete just misspelled pane)
patron saint:
"I'm holding out and I'm holding on to every letter and every grudge"
*flashes forward 20 years to hmlag*
our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued:
"we're good friends only when you're on your knees"
the icon, the legend
"don't mind me, i'm watching you two from the closet wishing to be the friction in his jeans" 🎉🏳️‍🌈
dark alley:
"joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of 'just friends'"
"I'm hopelessly hopeful that you're just hopeless enough"
champagne for my real friends, real pain for my shrimp friends:
"you steer away in a rearview mirror, make my head swim"
i slept with someone in fob:
"someone old, no one new / always borrowed, always you"
ahem. anyway
sixteen candles:
"i confess, i'm just messed up / dropping 'i'm sorrys' like you're still around"
"to hands"
(that's it. no "between legs, and whatever it takes" just hands. just fuckin. to hands)
"to hotel stares/stairs" (wordplay!! to clarify it literally says "stares/stairs" in the book)
"choose awe or sympathy"
also in the last verse it says 'to the "love"' with the quotes which is just kinda funny
this ain't a scene:
"crashing not like hips or hearts"
i'm like a lawyer:
"i only keep myself this sick in the head cause i know how the words get you (off)"
"collect the bad habits that you couldn't bare to keep" (idk this one might just be a typo)
hum hallelujah:
similarly, this might also be a typo, but "versus" is spelled "verses"
(after) life:
ok. ok. hear me out. this is the cornplatiest i have ever been. but on genius it says "death's in a double bed"
and on the lyric book it says "deaths in a double bed"
that changes everything!!! (not really, i know) it's not death as a concept or figure or whatever it's deaths. as in multiple people dying. aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaughhhhhhhhhhh
moving on
carpal tunnel:
"we take the sip from life's lush lips"
the line "we might've started singing just a little soon" isn't listed, it's just the goodbye line twice
"but i'm just tired yawns for fawns"
you're crashing:
"the cause, the kid, the charm, and the curse"
"lips pressed this close to mine"
"but the prince of this failing empire knows" (hhhnnnggggggghhh)
"i've already given up on myself once but the third time is the charm" that's not how numbers work pete <3
"just kind of figured on not figuring myself out"
folie a deux doesn't have a lyric book. just portraits of the boys with empty white pages that have their names written on them. my poor beautiful masterpiece
not a lyric but for some reason the whole fuckin song is in quotes
the phoenix:
another punctuation thing but instead of "hope to die" it's "hope-to-dies"
"you're wearing our vintage misery"
alone together:
"my heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broke in" instead of "broken" (i love double meanings!! i love wordplay!! i love pete wentz!!)
where did the party go:
"i will appear to you if you make yourself shake fast enough"
the mighty fall:
the lyric book straight up doesn't have big sean's part 💔
rat a tat:
at the end there's this "talk less / mean more / let's be electric / like we were before" that i have literally never heard so i'm assuming it's a neat little cut lyric
save rock and roll:
"i will save the songs / the songs we're singing"
"coming in announced" this one. this one's just a typo. come on boys it's been 12 years at this point read the books more than once
"i just dragged my nails on the tile / i just follow your scent" ?? idk
"this will not be a battle"
for some fucking reason it just says "she's an american beauty" three times at the start of the song 😭
"and as we're drifting off to sleep" isn't in there, it just says "and all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
the kids aren't alright:
indulge me once more, reader. i am cornplating again
instead of "former heroes who quit too late and just wanna fill up their trophy case again" it's "wanted to" do you understand why that makes me insane
also they have it as "will put your curse in reverse" instead of "we" which could be a typo but could also be a neat little change
uma thurman:
"you cut me deep like uma thurman"
jet pack blues:
"i'm the kind that can turn june to september / the last one that you'll ever remember"
"between these two white highway signs"
"i try to picture you without me but i can't"
M A N I A:
hold me tight or don't:
the line "i'm pretty sure that this isn't how our story ends" isn't included
"i know it's just a number but to me you're the 8th wonder"
sunshine riptide:
they didn't include any of burna boy's lines 😒
smfs doesn't have any lyric changes that i noticed, just the usual typos.
update: future emma here, upon further contemplation I have decided to add the line "I'd never go, I just want to be invited" since the first verse definitely says "I'll" (thank you sugarweregoinin and foliejpg for inspiring this revelation)
and there we have it! if you're insane patient enough to have made it until the end, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed! if there are any i missed/any in CDs that i don't have please let me know i find these so fascinating (if you couldn't tell). i just love getting glimpses into their writing process and seeing how the songs we know and love evolve before they get to us. i might also do a post about how spotify/genius gets a bunch of their lyrics wrong because it pisses me off but this is all for now, good day/night!
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iiiiiiis-things · 4 months
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pairing: Duke Dennis x femblack!reader
cw: MENTIONS of fingering, kai being a dumbass, agent is your twin, that's it ??
blurb: soooo yeah i rmb watching markiplier makes literally all the time so this may or may not be a series.
a/n: ummm hey ?? 😂 yes ik i've been gone i'm gonna keep it real school is rlly taking over everything so i won't be posting as frequent i'll post like once or twice a month unless it's a reblog.. but in the summer i do intend to be more present !! (may or may not drop something in valentine's day we'll see 😗)
"duke get your ass in here" he walks infront of you and kai to get to his side of the table and you take the opportunity to smack his ass with the spatula
"ouch! nigga stop!"
he turns around giving you a stank eye rubbing his ass cheek
"once upon a time, in New York City, the bronx. there was a woman who dreamed a dream. to take the previously made invention of pancakes and turn it into something incredibly new and interesting and zesty." before you could finish your intro kai cuts in from the back
"kai shut the fuck up"
"i have decided that it should be up to me a fine ass black woman to revive the art of lost art...of pancake... art"
"you're doing great babe"
rolling your eyes you take a deep breath and continue on to introduce your 'guest' "but as much as i wanted to, this fine ass black woman can't do it alone i present to you." you slam your hands down on the table creating a loud boom before lifting your hand up to your right
Duke walks into the frame and made the poor choice to get his revenge and smack the hell out of your ass with his spatula, which resulted in you smacking the hell out of the side of his fat ass head "known for his strong ass flipping capability, if he were to flip at 100% capacity he would annihilate the entire universe- and trust me. i know" a smile spreads across your face as you you make eye contact with him, he laughs before resuming his composure staring at the camera with an intense look "a lot of people may call him by his nick name 'duke dennis'" you use finger quotes around his name "but his legal name is actually my man. sooo"
"it is?"
"yes it is."
he sides eye you "ion-"
"NEXT! we have the crust nestor" you raise your left hand as Kai walks in rubbing his chin as if he fine or something "if you were to even question anybody who has the greatest, crispiest, goldenest crust" "i don't think that's a word" your brother leans over and whispers
"my bad"
"as i was saying. the greatest, crispiest, goldenest crust in the world.. they would say my brother" you stretch your hands out as you describe him. kai brows furrows at his introductory "i have a name" you look over to him and there was just silence before the video was cut to the next clip
"and if you're wondering who I am, among the two negros standing next to me well, i can't believe you dont recognize me"
"your not that popular" Kai says shaking his head in denial and laying his palms flat on the table
"okay you know what, kai.. you getting on my last nerve" you turn your body around to fully face him lowering your tone as like your mother did anytime she was about to pop the shit out of him for asking to get something from the store "i'm sorry" his head hangs low and Duke turns his head to the side and brings a hand to cover his mouth, hiding his smile.
"like i let you be in my video" "i know, i know" Kai shakes his head "and you come in here disrespecting me like i won't slap the shit out of you" you make italian hands and cock your head to the side "ok sis, i'm sorry" rolling your eyes you wrap up your introduction.
"now let's get started and with this trio of perfection, how could anything go wrong?"
the next clips shows you slamming the bag of flour on the table in front of you as your boyfriend and brother line it up with everything else "we're going in RAW, unpro-" before you can finish your sentence Kai bursts outs laughing and Duke joins him causing you to roll your eyes.
"we're not using recipes! we're not using measuring cups! we've been doing this for hundreds of years" you side eye duke and point his way "him fasho- but uh we totally know EXACTLY, what to do with the ingredients on display on the table on th- here.. on the table.. displayed-here..." (i actually had a stroke writing this)
"it's ok, take your time baby"
"alright, whatever we're starting now. twin give us the count down" agent starts to count down from three and you immediately go for the flour "also i forgot to mention that someone-" you glare at Duke pouring at least 1 cup of flour in your bowl "forgot the buttermilk" for some reason the first thing Kai did was spray his bowl with pam which Duke notices "the fuck?" he stops pouring the sugar in his bowl to look at Kai because for some reason the next thing he decides to do is pour in the milk.
"see unlike these two idiots, i know that your supposed mix the dry ingredients first" you say glancing up at the camera "where are the spoons?" you look around the table as Kai lifts his head and winces "oh shitttttt- my bad yall"
"are you serious?"
you then smack your lips "fuck it" you start to mix the dry mix with your hands after doing that you grab the vegetable oil and pour just a little inside "ice spice is so fine" Kai grabs an egg cracking it inside "she wants me to be in her new music video" Duke furrows his eyebrows grabbing the oil from you "you?" you grab the carton of eggs from Kai's side of the table "yes. me nigga" kai smacks his lips as you accidentally bump into him knocking almost half his mixture out of his bowl "my bad"
"so as you can see my opponents being the dumbass they are used two eggs when your only supposed to used one" you use your white girl voice as you crack an egg into your bowl "yall this how I be in y/n pussy" you look at duke who holds up the bowl and starts to use his middle and ring finger to mix his pancake solution "boy stop lying you be like this" you lift your fingers creating a 'c' motion duke smacks his lips and stops you "girl no the fuck i don't, i be like-" before he could correct me kai yells at us with a face of disgust "OKAY we get it god damn"
after playing around for a little bit time eventually runs out and the three of you attempt to create at least a few decent pancakes "we have syrup right?" Kai asks "duh why the fuck would we have pancakes and no syrup?" Duke responds to Kai. he smacks his lips and his brows come together as he starts to get irritated "bro didn't you forget the buttermilk?" "didn't u forget the spoons?" "okay but at least-"
"oh my god both of y'all shut the fuck up."
you all finish up your pancakes in separate rooms to create a little bit of suspense and to see who pancakes turned out the best and after setting the camera back up it was time to present.
"hey guys" agent waves at the camera as he fixes the flash "i'm going to be the judge of everyone waffles" you look up and fixes his statement "pancakes" "same difference"
"why the fuck is it hard?" agent tries to cut Kai black ass pancake with a knife but it doesn't budge "and black" Duke adds trying to get Kai eliminated but the way your twin was struggling to slice it was already enough. "you see it was a visual representation of my sister" Kai uses his arms to explain as you step forward "nigga u tryna be funny? alls i see is a black ass blob"
"it was supposed to be a monkey."
agent ends up picking up the mess with his hand, but it was so hard he couldn't even take a bite..
"alright next." he moves over next to you and removes the lid on top of your plate and he immediately begins laughing. Duke and Kai comes up to see what so funny as they soon realized what you created "i was inspired by the song peaches and eggplants featuring sexyy red and mulatto" your white girl voice comes back as you hold up the plate for the camera to see. obviously it was a peach and eggplant you even took the time to color your batter but what agent found so hilarious was the powdered sugar and whip cream spread across the peach and syrup leaking from the tip of the eggplant.
"alright, alright cmon lemme taste it" he grabs a fork and begins to slice through "hey!! i can cut through this one!" Duke laugh booms throughout the house as Kai rolls his eyes, after successfully cutting a nice piece of the peach he stuffs it into his mouth and begins chewing "mmm." you look at him with momma lips telling him he better say something good or he was gonna be fired "i mean yeah it's good. like real shit. but-" you whip your head to him seeing what else he has to say "wayyy to much whip cream, it makes the waffle extra sweet it would've been better with a drizzle of syrup" you once again correct him "pancakes" "shut up, tomato tomata"
"ok duke you ready?" "no" " to bad" he removes the lid exposing his pancake which didn't look bad at all but he forgot one thing "just normal waffles?" you scream from behind the camera "PANCAKES" "I KNOW WHAT I SAID" your boyfriend breaks up the small bickering "well shit how was i supposed to know we was making eggplants and monkeys? ain't nobody told me shit." he shrugs as agent cuts through his pancake and drowns it in syrup that spilt over on the plate before stuffing it in his mouth "mmm. it's not bad" you walk back into the camera frame wrapping your arms around Duke waist giving him a peck on the cheek which makes him grin "don't playyyy! see my baby can cook!" "but-" "damnit never mind" duke frowns as he catches an attitude and removes your arms from around him and agent continues "i don't know what the fuck u did but this is the chewiest waffle i ever tasted"
you walk over to the plate and you grab another fork to taste, cutting a small triangular piece you bite the tip off immediately realizing what twin was talking about "it's not necessarily chewy... it's like.. doughy" waving Duke over he walks up behind you wrapping one arm around your waist. lifting up the fork with leftover pancake on it you bring it to his mouth as he takes a big ass bite stuffing the rest in his mouth. Duke chews and chews soon swallowing "i don't see what yall talking 'bout that shit good" he points to his plate. Kai pops up out of nowhere with a fork squeezing inbetween you and agent trying to snag a piece he rolls his eyes and leaves back behind the camera to make sure it was still recording. "what the shit ?? this shit taste like ass" Kai immediately spits it out and Duek smacks his lips "nigga stop playing wimme that shit taste amazing!"
you move over grabbing your own plate over so the three of you can taste it. you and your brother both take a bite of the eggplant as Duke waits patiently for you to feed it to him "mmm. yeahh thats perfect. i don't even wanna taste the peach" kai shakes his head in disbelief that you actually made a decent pancake, rolling your eyes u feed duke a small piece of the eggplant, being a little nervous for his reaction "mmhm." he balls his fist bringing it to his mouth "oh yeah" he points towards your plate "that's the shit right there" you smile glad that he took a liking to your creation "thank you baby" you give him a kiss and Kai once again interrupts "ALRIGHT, my turn!"
"i'm not eating that shit."
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luveline · 2 years
hello pretty!! i’ve been away from your blog for the past few days so i’m not sure if your requests are open or closed. if they’re closed, ignore this. however, if requests are open, do you think you could write something about the reader finding their picture in steve’s wallet? like steve asks reader to grab his wallet and she realizes that her picture is sticking out? maybe on the back of the pic it says like “my girl <3”
thank you so much for your request! you find your photo in steve's wallet ♡ fem!reader | 1.2k words
"We're gonna be late," you say gently. 
Steve, evidently not feeling quite as calmly about it as you do, sends you a remarkably handsome glare. "I know." 
You know that he knows. "Just making conversation, sweetheart." 
He softens at your tone and pet name, pausing in his frantic tying of his shoelaces to smile. "How mad do you think he'll be?" 
"It's Lucas. He won't mind, he's…" You take a step toward him where he's sitting on the bottom step to stroke his hair, though you're careful not to mess it up. "Forgiving." 
You tuck a rogue lock of hair behind his ear and he moves upward into your hand, a stolen moment of affection that you certainly can't afford. He's lovely — how can you not get lost together like this? And you feel so lucky that he not only indulges but encourages these gaps in the day. 
"You're pretty," he says. 
You gasp near fanatically and kiss the top of his head. "You don't have your wallet, do you?" you ask into his hair. 
The both of you laugh at his having been caught. "You do look pretty!" he calls as you ascend the stairs behind him. "I wasn't lying!" 
Steve leaves his wallet everywhere. The car on the daily, his room practically every time you try to leave the house together. He's even left it on his seat at the movies a handful of times. Because he's nice and sweet and you kind of really like him (he's your boyfriend and you love him), you've become his wallet-keeper, of sorts. If he doesn't know where it is, you do. 
You bounce up the steps and into his bedroom, the evidence of your sleepover mostly cleaned away but lingering. The smell of your deodorant and perfume, your dirty pyjamas in his laundry basket, the cup of water he'd brought you this morning on the bedside table. You pull open the drawer and watch the glass ripple with the movement, his wallet exactly where you'd figured it would be next to a box of something you'd rather not share and your hairbrush. 
You notice one of your discarded socks hiding just under his desk and bend to pick it up quickly, but Steve's wallet tumbles out of your hand in your hurry, and coins fly everywhere. 
"You okay?" he calls. 
"Are you putting your jacket on?" 
"Don't change the subject!" 
"Are you?" 
You can hear his low grumbling from here. 
You fall down to your knees and scrabble for his lost change, cents and quarters splayed over the floor. Once you've scooped them into a pile, you push open his wallet with your free hand and shepherd the change back into the little coin pocket, making sure to zipper it closed and avoid what just happened happening again. 
Scatterbrained idiot, you think fondly. Total ditz.
That's when you notice the photo tucked behind his clear panel. Despite knowing more often than not where Steve's wallet is, you don't look inside it unless he asks you to get a five real quick. There's no need to flatten it out, and so you've never seen the photo he keeps inside. 
It's a candid photo of you. You're facing toward him but looking out the window as the first snow of the season came down thick and fine as powdered sugar, a day from your first Christmas together. You'd been in total awe, your hand reaching toward him as it is in the picture, your lips pursed around his name. 
Look, Steve, it's snowing. 
You'd heard the subsequent click of the camera and his flirting remark. "Beautiful. And the snow doesn't look half bad, either." 
Has he had this photo in there since Christmas? How often does he look at it? 
Does he show other people? 
You pull the photo from it's walled casing and flip it over to see if you're right about when it was taken, but Steve has neglected to add the date. All he's written is 'my girl' in his chicken scratch scrawl. It feels painstakingly tender anyhow.
You can imagine him with his open wallet pressed to his chest and a proud smile stretched over his lips. That's my girl. 
"Baby?" Steve calls. 
You slap his wallet closed and pull up onto footing made wobbly by giddiness. "Sorry, I'm coming," you say, pushing out of his room. When he sees you at the top of the stairs, he grins. 
"Get lost?" he asks mildly, extending his hand. 
You intertwine your fingers for those last few steps, an unnecessary contact. He lets your hand drop as soon as you've made it to the front door. 
"I dropped it and all your change exploded." 
"You could've left it. I would've picked it up later." 
You open the front door and turn so you're walking backwards slowly. Steve locks the door. 
"I saw what's in your wallet." 
"Yeah? What's the verdict? Think I need to pick up the graveyard shift?" 
You stop as he turns around. The breeze whips at his hair and jacket, and his cheeks are sensitive to the cold. He looks cute with a blush. 
"The photo. I didn't know you kept my photo in your wallet." 
Steve's smile turns sticky-sweet. Like honey, his lips barely part as he says, "Of course I do." 
Of course he does? Fuck, he really doesn't understand the effect he has on you even know. You try to hold your breath and keep in a flattered laugh, but it bubbles up quick and light, a peel of happy giggles. "Oh, no," you murmur to yourself. 
"It's a really good photo." 
"No, it's nice." 
"Then what's wrong?" 
He crosses the last of the pathway to meet you in the middle. 
"Nothing's wrong," you clarify, hands cold as Steve pulls them into his own, "I just didn't know you did that. I love you." 
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I love you too. A lot. Obviously I keep you in my wallet." 
He holds his arms out in preparation as you fall into him, your arms wrapping around his broad shoulders with a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm. He pretends you've knocked the wind out of him, leaning backward under your weight. The facade doesn't last long. He groans, his 'I'm really happy and you're really close to me' groan, ducking his head back. You do the same, holding his baby brown eyes. His returning smile is so loving, so disgustingly, overwhelmingly cheesy that you feel quite winded yourself, and you have just enough time to laugh breathlessly before he's leaning down to kiss you chastely. 
He pecks you twice for luck, lips dotting tiny kisses all the way to your ear as he pulls you in tight for another hug. His cheek fits perfectly against your forehead. 
"We're gonna be really late, aren't we?" you ask softly. 
"No." He rubs his cheek against your forehead. "Yeah, maybe. Wanna call it quits?" 
You get your arms hooked behind his neck. "Not a chance," you chastise. Though, if you're honest, around Steve your resolve becomes thin and brittle as sugar paper. If he asked you again, you'd say yes. 
You don't give him the option. "C'mon, loverboy. We have a basketball game to catch." 
If you cling to him the entire time, that's nobody's business but yours. 
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Headcannons
Your Ex Returns To Start Trouble
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So this was originally an anon request in my inbox, but then it disappeared from my inbox before i could answer it. I hope this is what you wanted anon, i couldnt remember exactly how u worded the request.
Swear the little pictures i use for these get stupider every time.
🌿Isnt worried about you going back to them but he is pissed off at the audacity of the young man whose just walked up to you as if hes expecting you to fall straight at his feet
🌿Holds himself back at first, for your sake. He doesnt want to embarrass you by causing a scene at this party. Not when you're dressed up so beautifully, you look classy, like a real sophisticated young lady...
🌿He was watching the encounter from the other side of the room but when he sees your ex approach you, he cuts across the room to your side as if its a race to you.
🌿 "Everything alright angel?" he comes to stand behind you, one hand taking yours. The other holding his drink. He keeps your back pressed against his chest. Holding you very close, very possessive.
🌿You can't see the look hes giving your ex but your ex has just paled. Its the "This is my girl and you're lucky i havent taken your eyes just for looking at her..." look
🌿 You like how possesive Tommys being, you lean back against him, enjoying how safe you feel with him standing with you.
🌿He won't say anything to warn the lad away, the look in his eyes and the fact that hes Tommy Fucking Shelby, should be enough.
🌿"Everythings fine Tommy, i was just telling (your ex's name) about the donation we're making to the local school..." youve given Tommy the name on purpose, letting him know that its your ex... As if he didnt already know. Because your ex isn't the nicest lad and he makes you unconfortable.
🌿"Oh aye, we're going to build them a new gym..." hes making polite conversation but he can't wait to cut in and take you away from him, "now if you don't mind i need to borrow my wife for a moment, dont worry she won't be long..." but youre not his wife and hes going to keep you away from your ex for the rest of the evening. Lets the rest of the peaky boys so know who he is and instructs them to make sure youre not left on your own for the rest of the night.
🌿For the most psrt he'll be the one standing with you, dancing with you, keeping his hands on you at all time so that you know hes there, that youre safe, that youre his.
🌿If that look wasn't enough to deter the prick whose got his eyes on you Tommy will probably approach him later, after the party, they'll have a "quiet word" man to man and well, honestly, I'd be surprised if you ever see your ex again
🌿He wouldnt kill him... Just scare him away, for good.... Unless the stupid bastards feeling brave
🌿If the stupid bastards feeling brave he might end up dead.
🌿Also, if Tommy knows your ex didn't treat you good, if he knows he hurt you in any way at all, he won't be so civil. From the get go there will be threats. The second he sees the man enter the room.
🌿Your ex won't get a chance to speak to you, before he can even get close to you Tommy will have cut in, made no attempt to hide his hatred.
🌿"No, fuckin no..." He'll have grabbed him by the collar, dragged your ex out into the corridor, or maybe even outside into the street, shoved him up against the wall, completely merciless.
🌿"You think I'm a generous man mr (your ex's last name), is that what you've heard? You think I'm generous eh?" "If you can give me one single reason why i shouldn't cut you just for setting foot in the same fuckin city as my girl, i might consider letting you go..."
🌿 His brothers will have come outside to see what the fuss is and if they know who your ex is and what hes done in the past they'll all delight in fucking with him, messing him up.
🌿If they dont kill him, you certainly won't be hearing from him again.
🌿Tommy will be gentle with you inside the party, he'll come back to check that you're alright and reassure you that your ex won't be back.
🌿 "Never have to worry about him again angel, thats a promise..."
🌿Then later, riled up and feeling extra territorial and possesive he'll take you kind of rough, it'll be loving and intense, but rough.
🌿"Whose girl are you y/n?" "Yours Tommy, only yours," "only mine, good girl,"
🐻 You being somewhat younger and him being well, an old, injured man with less stamina than he would once have had in his youth, Alfie might feel a little threatened by the sudden presence of your ex boyfriend.
🐻 You haven't been with many men and actually Alfie is the only one you've ever slept with, so hes concerned you might find yourself wondering what ifs...
🐻 But lets face it, hes got eyes and ears all over Camden Town and he probably knows about your ex being back before you do.
🐻 So what he does is this... He invites your ex boyfriend to visit him in his office, he offers him some bread, is overly hospitable... Your ex doesnt really know who he is or what hes walking into, but he gets a drunk with Alfie in his office and then after a little while of Alfie doing small talk and telling him stories Alfie stops.
🐻 He puts his glass down and the atmosphere changes immediately...
🐻 "Lets get down to business then, enough small talk right, cause somethin ive heard about you yeah treacle... Is that you..." pointing at him across the table with a mean glint in his eyes, "you, are a bit of a cunt..."
🐻 Alfie knows this boy didnt treat you good in the past and actually hes always wished he could teach the selfish bastard a lesson... One about respecting women.
🐻 "See me and you yeah we have somethin in common? Me and you, yeah, we have a mutual... Lets call her a friend yeah, me and you we have a mutual friend, pretty funny that aint it... An old man like me, and a little fuckin boy like you having a mutual friend, yeah i think thats pretty fuckin funny treacle, dont you?"
🐻 Your ex is getting more and more nervous by the second, hes starting to worry hes gotten himself in trouble here, what once appeared to be a friendly business man trying to sell his bread on the street, now appears to be a slightly unhinged, angry potentially violent man...
🐻 "You remember y/n do you? And be careful right treacle be very fuckin careful yeah because if I hear you say her name... If i even think youre about to say her fuckin name... Ive got a gun in my drawer right and i will fuckin kill you yeah, i will, I'll shoot you in the head and all your brains or what little of them youve got anyway, will go splattering up that wall and you know what, it'll make an absolutely horrible mess right... And the smell... The fuckin smell... Course treacle you wont need to worry about the smell will you, you wont have a fuckin nose... "
🐻Alfies going to give him one big speech about how you ought to treat women and then what hes going to do, is reach into his drawer and offer your ex a deal or death.
🐻" My offer to you treacle, and i think its a generous one right, you tell me if you dont think it is but i think you'll probably agree with me yeah cause i really am being very generous," "my offer is this right, you can keep your brains and your nose and your pretty blue eyes treacle and you can fuck off yeah, out of this city, maybe i dont know, maybe go to fuckin wales or somethin i dont know, go join the sheepshaggers in the valleys yeah? But you don't ever set foot in this city ever again... Thats it thats the deal alright? Fuck off, or you die, pretty simple pretty generous i reckon you'll agree..."
🐻 Your ex takes the deal, alfie thinks hes a fucking coward, but your ex takes the deal.
🐻"Oh and one more thing right treacle," just as your ex is about to leave, "if my little girl ever fancies holidaying in Wales yeah, taking a little stroll through those green, green fucking valleys... Well, you'll have to pull your knob out them fuckin sheep and find some other shithole to hide in alright,"
🐻Your ex is trembling, clearly petrified and utterly convinced he's about to die...
🐻 But Alfie isnt a generous man. Hes a jealous one and before he lets your ex go he shoots him in the leg three times.
🐻 Just in case he ever thinks about trying to fuck other pretty girls like you.
🐻"Oh sorry mate sorry, i must have slipped musnt i,"
🐻 When he goes home to you that evening hes brought you flowers and hes feeling extra romantic and soft. "Come here ziskeit, come sit in your old mans lap and tell him how much you love him... Promise you'll never leave him yeah, ever..."
🍂 Idk bestie you might want to try holding your man back
🍂 He's going to be jealous, full of hatred, violent...
🍂 Doesnt really matter whether your ex was a bad guy or not... Only really matters that hes your ex and hes back and arthur fucking hates him.
🍂 Makes it worse that your ex has walked right into the betting shop about to place his bets when he sees you and shoots you a wink.
🍂 "y/n love its been awhile, what're you doin in here? Surely a pretty girl like you can do a bit better than a shithole like this?" neither of you had noticed Arthur until he speaks, one hand on your ex's shoulder. He seems calm for a brief second.
🍂 "watch where youre callin a shithole mate?"
🍂 Your ex turns around slowly to come face to face with a man he wishes he didny recognise. He knows Arthur, everyone in small heath knows arthur.
🍂 "S... Sorry mr Shelby..." he starts but the problem is Arthur had been looking for a reason to smack him since he first saw him walk in...
🍂 "Arthur love he aint worth it, just kick him out of the and be done with it?" you ask knowing that's not whats going to happen... Maybe you are a little scared for your ex?
🍂 When your ex puts two and two together and realises that Arthur is your new man, well he knows he's fucked. He turns to you, tries to plead but that just gives you the ick?
🍂 "Oh grow up (your ex's name), youre a man arent ye?" you turn your back on him then, ignore his cries for help as Arthur and John drag him out of the shop.
🍂 Arthur doesnt kill him but only because his brothers manage to stop him. Hes all fired up though and he wont be calming down any time soon...
🍂 Unless you go to him that is...
🍂 You slip away from your desk and go to him in the street. You see the blood left by your ex and you see the blood on Arthur...
🍂 "Arthur my love come now, lets take you home and get you washed yeah?" you say as you run your hands through his hair.
🍂Hes doing that heavy breathing and when you hug him, combing your fingers through his hair you can hear his heart beat going a million miles an hour.
🍂 So you take him home and you run him a bath and you strip slowly before climbing in with him. You massage him, wrap your legs around him from behind and let your hands soap his body intimately. Then you take his cock in your hand and begin to jerk him slowly, teasing him, kissing all over his neck, humming to him
🍂 Youre calming him down but youre getting him all worked up too.
🍂 You're talking to him in a low, soft voice, telling him how much you love him, how you only have eyes for you, how youre his girl, his woman, telling him you want to make him feel good.
🍂 "good girl, fuckin my girl y/n my fuckin girl," "I'm all yours arthur shelby, all yours..."
🍂 Riding his cock in the bath, splashing water everywhere, him taking all his anger, jealousy and adrenaline out on you.
🍂 And yeah, you don't hear from your ex again but you find out through a friend that he packed up and left town... Once he got out of hospital that is.
🌼 Too confident that you love him and that there isnt anyone better than him, to ever feel jealous or to worry that you might go back to your ex
🌼 "If he wants to humiliate himself let him humiliate himself,"
🌼 Enjoys watching you reject your ex in public, at the Garrisson when he tries to make a pass at you.
🌼 "I've moved on, got myself a real man..." "Oh yeah who?"
🌼 Thats when John will make an appearance, he'll probably walk right up to you and kiss you deeply, hands on your arse squeezing you close to him right in front of your ex. Who just has to stand there and accept it... They're embarrassed thats for sure...
🌼 "Oh sorry mate are you a friend of y/n's, I'm John, John Shelby..." Johns grinning like a teenage boy, delighting in humiliating this poor lad.
🌼 But this poor lad cheated on you once and thats why you ended things with him, so you dont feel bad for it and John isnt going to feel guilty.
🌼 He will steer you away from the lad without letting you say goodbye, probably lifting you up off your feet and carrying you away, taking you to a back room for a quickie...
🌼 Just because he can, and because he wants that lad to know exactly whats going on. Hes going to mess you up, your hair will be a mess, your lipstick a little smudged, he might even leave a love bite and then hes gonna pat you on the bum and send you back out into the bar so that your ex can see youre freshly fucked.
🌼 Hes more interested in showering you with love and affection than he is fucking up your ex. But if your ex was particularly horrible to you then John might send Isaiah after him to give him a scare.
🌼 He'll be too busy with you though to be wanting to waste time kicking the lads head in. He'll be feeling possessive, wont be able to keep his hands off you all night.
🌼 But if your ex doesnt take the hint and clear off, if john happens to see him lingering around a few days later, he might just snap
🌼 Because he doesnt like him and he'll be pissed to see that your ex hasn't taken the fucking hint.
🌼 "Do you really need telling twice eh? You gonna keep your fuckin distance or am i gonna have to take your fuckin eyes?"
🌼 He hadn't seen the point in getting violent, completely confident that there was no greater pain he could cause your ex than the pain of knowing that you had moved on, that you were fucking a Peaky Blinder and you were being completely satisfied...
🌼 But if your ex isn't careful he's going to find out that John Shelby can live up to his violent reputation. That he also has a tendency to outdo himself every time too.
🌼If he finds out after the fact from you that your ex was much worse than he first realised, if you open up to him about how your ex hit you or hurt you in anyway... A switch will flip in his head
🌼 He'll hunt the lad back down. "Realised i wasn't actually fuckin finished with you mate," if your ex hurt you John will kill him no questions asked. No one gets away with hurting his flower.
🌼 When he comes back to you he'll be sweet and loving and well, still possesive.
🌼 "Y/N flower come here, come here right now..." he'll hokd your face in his hands, have you standing as close to him as he can get you, "i fuckin love you alright, i love you so fuckin much and i promise you... No slimy fuckin bastard like that, is ever getting his hands on you again alright, no ones gonna hurt you,"
🌼 He'll be more territorial around you i public too, he'll make sure everyone knows that youre his. He'll hold your hand, have his arm around you. He struggles to keep his hands off you at the best of times anyway but it will be much worse (better) after this whole affair.
🌼 Will come home with flowers and expensive gifts for you...
🌼 "Whats the matter john, he remind you you might still have competition or somet?"
🌼 "Nah love, not worried about that, know youre my flower... Just wanted to make sure you know it..." "I treasure you just as much today as i did the first day i met you and every day since..."
🍀 Bonnie doesn't have any exes. Youre the only person he's ever had eyes for, ever since you were both wee and so
🍀 When another family joins yours and his travelling through the midland countryside... And that family happens to be your ex's family... Which puts you and your ex in close proximity again
🍀Bonnie is a little unhappy with that.
🍀He's not insecure, he knows youre his girl and honestly, he knows hes a better catch than your ex...
🍀Hes going to be the most famous boxer in the world... Hes going to give you the whole world one day... Obviously hes a better catch than some Buckland lad you never even slept with..
🍀But he still feels possessive of you, still feels protective. Especially when your ex is being a little bit too familiar with you at the camp. When Bonnie sees your ex putting a blanket around your shoulder and sitting next to you by the fire, bringing your bowl of stew to you so you dont habe to get up... It pisses Bonnie off because he feels like the lads crossing some kind of line.
🍀 But he tries to keep the peace for your sake. His dad reminds him that they may only be around a week or so... But Bonnies getting more annoyed by the day.
🍀 He does stuff to mark his territory, slips under your blanket with you when youre sitting by the fire, kisses you on the cheek on the forehead whenever he sees you.
☘️ Holds your hand at every opportunity. Lets you fall asleep on him by the fire, takes you away from the camp on long long walks so he can get you alone.
🍀 "Know you don't like him Bon... And just so you know i don't like him either... Wish he was gone twice as mucn as you do believe me..." one night you feel guilty, feel like youre keeping secrets from him so you decide to open up and tell him about why you really broke up with your ex.
🍀 "Not a nice lad really Bon, used to get dead jealous like, said me and you were too close but that was when me and you were just friends right... This one time, and it really was just one time i promise... This one time he got so mad when we were arguing about it that he..." Bonnies listening to you carefully, trying to control his emotions cause he doesn't want to upset you when he can already see youre getting upset. When you trail off he swallows a lump in his throat, he actually think he knows what youre going to say before you say it...
🍀 "You remember when i fell out of that tree?" "You came back to us with that great big bruise on your cheek and blood in your hair..." "Didnt fall out of no tree Bon..." you say with a sad smile.
🍀 Before he does anything else he throws his arms around you and pulls you into the tightest bear hug, holds your head to his chest and closes his whole embrace around you protectively, hes veru quiet, concentrating on his breathing, his hearts racing but he knows he can't get angry now... Not when his dove needs comforting.
🍀"Dove you shoulda told me sweetheart, wouldn't have let him anywhere near you if I'd known," "Wish you'd told us when it was had happened, little cunt would have..."
🍀"Bonnie please don't, it was only once, he never did it again..." "Once is once too many little dove, men don't hit women, it ain't right..."
🍀 But when he can see youre getting upset he forces himself to calm down, kisses your temple, your hair, your forehead, kisses your nose and your eyes, is so soft and gentle with you.
🍀"If you don't want me to hit him i won't hit him alright, promise..." "thanks Bonnie," "but I'm also promising you this alright, youre not gonna have to talk to him ever again, not gonna let him anywhere near you, you stay close to me for the rest of the week an i won't leave you alone at all..."
🍀And he doesnt, he stays by your side the whole time, holding your hand, holding your waist, flirting with you whenever he can, doing his best to make you laugh and smile. When youre trying to hang washing up or get on with work he's trying to distract you.
🍀And your ex is frustrated to see it. He never liked Bonnie Gold, probably because he always knew deep down that it was Bonnie your heart belonged to, even if back then you didnt know it. He's getting jealous and maybe even a little angry.
🍀But he doesnt do anything cause he knows Bonnies the best fighter, probably in the whole country? And hes a bit of a coward.
🍀So instead of challenging Bonnie, he starts making snide comments about you. Just little things, cruel things. "So i was right then was I... You and Bonnie, always fuckin said it would happen..." youre doing your best to ignore him, and you dont tell bonnie about whats been said because you know it would only cause trouble.
🍀But then this lad gets himself into trouble, calls you "whore" and Bonnie overhears him.
🍀 "What did you fuckin say?" Bonnie stands up immediately, he knows he promised he wouldnt hit the lad for what was in the past but he's not going to let him get away with bullying you now.
🍀Theres tension, the lad debates whether or not to repeat himself. He backs down but Bonnie isnt about to let him get away with being a coward and a bully... So he grabs him by his braces, lifts him a little off his feet and gets right in his face.. He is a peaky boy after all..
🍀 "You're lucky i made a promise not to fuckin hit you dinlow, but if you ever speak to my girl ever again i wont just fuckin hit you alright?"
🍀He keeps his promise to you, doesnt hurt the lad. And when he returns to your side hes so loving and kind. "Come here little dove, are you alright, don't let him upset you eh, youre my girl now flower, youre so fucking loved."
🐀 First things fucking first, if this ex happens to be someone who hurt you in the past, Isaiah will take his eyes, he shouldnt, but he will. He'll do it without even thinking about it, right there in the street.
🐀For all that hes cocky and over confident on the outside he is a little threatened when your ex turns up.
🐀The guys pretty good looking and Isaiah knows that the two of you were fucking.
🐀When he sees you talking to your ex at the bar he gets mad, he comes over to you immediately but he doesnt say anything. Just presses his body against yours and slips his fingers into the waistband of your skirt.
🐀The actions subtle enough that no one else notices but you do. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties and tugs them up just a little causing them to rub against you.
🐀The action shocks you enough that you start to choke on your drink... Which was Isaiahs intention all along. The minute you start to cough he tucks you away under his arm.
🐀"Alright sweetheart, looks like someones had too much, its alright I've got you girl, ive got you..." patting your back making a scene of stealing you away from your ex and taking you home.
🐀"What was all that about?" you ask innocently, you genuinely dont understand what he was doing... But Isaiah just holds your hand tight and drags you home.
🐀"You playing games with me girl? You forget who you belong to eh?" "Ohhh," you realise giggling when you understand what's going on, "and did you bring me home to remind me who i belong to yeah? You jealous?"
🐀"No, im not fuckin jealous, you just seemed pretty fuckin forgetful is all... Thought id do you a favour, bring you home before you could get yourself in trouble..." "And am i in trouble?" You're being provocative, trying to get yourself into trouble because Isaiah is even better at fucking you when he's a little angry.
🐀Youre in the mood for it rough and posessive and so you push his buttons taking little digs at his ego until he bends you over the dresser, makes you look at yourself in the mirror...
🐀Makes you watch him fucking you from behind, holds you by the hair so he can keep your head up.
🐀"Look at that pretty girl there eh, who does she belong to y/n? Tell me who she fucking belongs to?" you shake your head and refuse trying to tip him over the edge so that he'll fuck you really animalistic and hard.
🐀By the time hes done with you youre exhausted but hes all fired up. He leaves you in bed, tells you to wait there until he comes back, maybe even ties you to the bed frame if he feels its safe to leave you alone like that.
🐀He goes out to hunt your ex man down, he's feeling riled up and in the mood for a fight. Can't believe the cunt had the audacity to flirt with you... He gets the lads involved, Finn and Michael, and they find the lad back at the bar.
🐀Hes drunk now, hes already forgotten who Isaiah is and when he reminds him the stupid boy laughs and shakes his head.
🐀"Nah, no way y/n would go with you mate you must be having a laugh..."
🐀"Oh yeah, whys that mate?"
🐀"Fuckin look at you eh, ugly fuckin bastard..."
🐀But thats as far as he gets before Isaiah starts kicking into him, one boot to the groin has the lad keeled over and choking, but the boys arent going to show him any mercy. They kick and punch and beat him right against the bar.
🐀The other punters clear out, knowing how this fights going to end... They know these Peaky Boys won't stand for being insulted in their own bar...
🐀Doesn't kill him, shoots him in the cock.
🐀"Doin you a favour really, world doesnt need an ugly bastard like you brining babies into the world... Doing the whole world a favour stopping you fuckin..."
🐀When he returns to you hes fired up and high with the adrenaline that hes ready to go with you again, but this time hes more intense about it, not so rough and fast. This time hes going to take the time to make you cum for him over and over again.
🐀Makes you watch yourself in the mirror as he fingers you and makes you cum, tells you to keep your eyes open.
🐀"See love, see how fuckin good i am to you, see how much you fuckin love the things i do for you... No one else is gonna treat you this good, fuckin no one..."
🐀Won't let you rest until youre totally out of your mind with pleasure barely able to get your words out when he asks you who loves you, who makes you feel good, who do you belong to?
🐀Will buy you an expensive locket with his initials engraved into it that he tells you to wear all the time. Just in case you forget who you belong to again.
☘️When John Lennon wrote jealous guy... Just kidding but no really...
☘️Michaels so jealous, he actually tries to pretend that you were a virgin before you met him, that youd never been with another man before him
☘️So when your ex turns up and starts ruining his little fantasy, his presence in town remindkng Michael every day that you had a life before you met him... He can't stand it.
☘️When he realises your ex is in town he basically keeps you shut up inside. He doesnt want that man to see you or get the opportunity to speak to you
☘️This pisses you off, naturally, so you sneak out, youre being reckless, and you know what could happen if you get caught, but you do it anyway just to show Michael he cant control you...
☘️You go to visit your ex, you do it publicly so that people can see, so that peaky men see you go into your ex's house.
☘️You don't do anything with him, you just make a 10 minute call, long enough for tea and a quick catch up or long enough for a quick catch up
☘️ When you leave you go out to a bar which is where Michael eventually finds you. Youre in trouble but not as much trouble as your ex.
☘️Before Michael came to pick you up from the bar he made a quick house call. He didnt make it a long one. Long enough to shoot a man dead or scare him out of town...
☘️He didnt want to labour over it, better to just get rid of the bastard and then return to you.
☘️Hes takes you straight home but your telling off begins the second he gets you in the back of that cab.
☘️"The fuck do you think youre playing at love?" hes going to teach you a thing or two about defying your man.
☘️When he gets you home he makes you strip, makes you lie over his lap, arse in the air so that he can spank you until youve tears in your eyes and youre saying sorry over and over again.
☘️But after that hes going to lift you up, take you up to bed, be ever so tender and sweet to you...
☘️ "I know its sore sweetheart, Im sorry love but i had to teach you a lesson eh? You disobey me, you have to learn don't you, you know the rules..." "But its alright now love, Michael forgives you eh, know youre my sweet girl, wouldnt dream of going off with other men..."
☘️ "Im yours and only yours Michael," "Im your girl no one elses, im sorry, we never did nothing..." "I know sweetheart, know youre a good girl really..."
☘️ Hes going to be gentle with you, touching you, kissing you, smothering you with love, he'll tease you and edge you for the rest of the evening, showing you hes the best man for you, that only he knows how to bring you this much pleasure.
☘️ If you want to cum hes going to make you recite your wedding vows to him, no mistakes... Thats the only way he'll let you cum.
☘️ Say your ex was a lying, cheating, abusive cunt who had abandoned you, hurt you, left you up shit creek without a paddle and fucked you over...
☘️ Then Michaels a bitter man with a very strong moral code (one he applies liberally to say the least)
☘️ Hes been waiting for the day your ex dares show his face around town again...
☘️ He takes Isaiah, Bonnie and Finn with him, tells them all the ways in which your ex was a good for nothing, not worth the air he breathes, piece of shit, about all the horrid things he did to you, and they are all in agreement that he needs justice served to him.
☘️ Michael does all the talking when they find him, hes been drinking in a bar, flirting or harrassing local women. Some of them women that the lads are friends with...
☘️ Isaiah and Finn grab the lad by the arms, drag him out the bar into the street, Bonnie is behind him, pressing his knife to the lads throat, and Michael does all the talking.
☘️ "Heard you used to date my lovely y/n... Heard you used to hurt her, is that right? Don't bother lying to me lad, y/n's a good girl aint she, shes honest... Wouldnt lie about somet like that..."
☘️ "Make you feel like a man does it? Hittin women? Make you feel good?"
☘️ He'll hurt him, he'll really lay into him, show him no mercy. The boys will make him beg for his life but in the end Bonnie will slit his throat all the same and then they'll leave him for dead.
☘️"Evil bastards like that don't deserve to walk the same earth as girls like y/n"
☘️ He'll be so loving and gentle to you when he comes home. He won't tell you what hes done because he wont want to upset you, and he knows it will upset you.
☘️But he'll sleep easier knowing the bastard will never get to hurt his girl ever again
☘️And youll enjoy all the pretty new dresses and jewelery thst Michael will buy you because he feels lucky to have you and wants to treasure you.
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕜 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hello!! platonic welt, jing yuan, blade and dan heng with a mafuyu asahina teen!reader??
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hihi! Absolutely! This surprisingly turned out kinda short but... I really hope you'll still like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng is definitely on more calmer side as well but definitely not as... inert as you
✧ your fake self definitely took him by surprise... because why are you being so formal when he's not even this old?
✧ so obviously he tells you to only call him by name, but won't fight if you won't drop this act
✧ but if he somehow sees right through your mask, by you breaking for split second for a second, he won't be straight with it, he'll just ask if you're okey and if you wanna talk
"Are you okey? You seemed down for a second there... If you need someone to slot oz i can hear you."
✧ at first, he thinks this emotionless state is simply your personality, but soon he realizes it's actually trauma...
✧ and when he discovers that, he's gonna get you to face your proboems, maybe talk back to your mother... and if anything, Express crew definitely won't mind new member!
✧ I feel like he'd read poetry so when you describe your mental feelings by comparing them to physical feelings, he gets it almost immidietly
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt has quite an experience with kids already so he quickly noticed there's something up with you, no kid is so formal all the time for no reason...
✧ so he tried his best to make you feel comfortable and sooner or later, he finally saw your real self
✧ surprisingly, he wasn't scared or anything like that, more worried
✧ her sit down calmly with you and offer a talk so you can either rent or so you'll know for the future that you can rely on him and always tell him everything
✧ if you do rant to him, the topic of your mother definitely catches his ear and he'd ask you to tell him some examples
✧ and lemme tell you this, if you weren't part of the Express, you are now
✧ don't worry about your friends and studies, he doesn't mind teaching you and visiting your hometown every now and then
"Oh that? Yes, I do know it. Are you free for around half an hour currently? Because I'd be more than happy to teach you this."
✧ he's also pretty worried about how much you just don't care but he won't force it and instead keeps a close eye on you, since he believes you'll reach out to him whenever you feel the need to
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan is patient Jen di he doesn't mind a single bit actually
✧ even uf you're still on "good kid" phase with him, he'll respect if you decide to keep it up but first hell assure you it's alright to be yourself
"There's no need to be so formal. We're not in a business meeting."
✧ when he notices you really don't feel any emotions, he figures it must be caused by some trauma and first offers talk with your parents
✧ he's really just trying to help but unless you or someone tells him how's your mother really like, he can't do much
✧ but once he discovers the truth, he gets you to apartment or so, close to him so you could calm down but also so it'd still count as living with an adult as a minor
✧ he's also probably gonna try testing out different things to see your reactions on them, and when he sees you actually took a like of aquarium, he takes you there more often!
✧ and somehow, he can tell what you mean whenever you compare your feelings to physical feelings, it takes him up to 2-3 tries to make a decent conclusion but never more!
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ honestly, Blade is similar... I mean, he's literally just a weapon with bi other purpose in life
✧ he actually enjoys how quiet and non problematic you are to the point he doesn't even mind watching over you from the time to time
✧ even if you put in your faje persona, he somehow w sumie w right through you and tells you to "drop it"
✧ that's probably the only thing that annoyed him in you, so he'll tell you once or twice to be yourself around people, but if you won't listen, he'll just leave whenever your "good kid" act is on
✧ also if you notice your mother has bad influence in you he'll get you into Stallaron Hunters, only if you promise bit to bother him later on
✧ get your trauma out by fighting? get your trauma out by fighting without knowing.
"I feel warn when I'm here..."
"I'll turn the heater off."
"Bladie, I don't think it's what they meant..!"
✧ he doesn't get you're actually comparing your emotions to how things feel in touch, probably because he doesn't have much feelings himself...
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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p-redux · 9 months
PSA and Update: Regarding the Sasnak City private fan event on August 26, 2023 with Sam Heughan, Duncan LaCroix, and Charles Vandervaart...
Predictably, I woke up to some hate Anons in my Inbox. And also to an Ask from a go-between person sending me screencaps of a message from the Sasnak City ORGANIZER herself. The message was directed at me and my event source and she gave the go-between person permission to share the screencaps with me. The organizer is very upset that my source shared the event info with me and that I posted it publicly. And she goes as far as saying that because the info was shared, that this will be the end of any more Sasnak City events with Sam et al. C'mon now, I know I'm dramatic, but that's a bit over the top.
Lets' be real, people talk. It's human nature. And A LOT of people talk to me and share things with me. It's naive to think that an event with Sam Heughan will remain completely private. I heard at least a handful of other people who were at the event were also sharing info with people. I have a big audience and my blog is public, so it will have a wider reach, but still, others besides me did the same thing. I didn't sign an NDA and my blog is literally about posting insider info, scoops, etc. That's the way celeb blogs work.
As for the source who was at the event and gave me the info. She asked me to not post until 9:00 PM PST because that would make it 12:00 AM EST, which is the NEXT day. I could see being upset if any info about the event was posted AHEAD of time, or even DURING the event...but NOTHING was posted until AFTER the event was over.
As for Sam et al still being in the city where the event was held and fans possibly going to the airport to wait for them today...um, that's showbiz, baby...Sam has been photographed with fans waiting for him at airports for YEARS. He knows it's part of the deal of being famous. An airport is a public place. This does not put him in "danger," dramatic much? IF any fans go to the airport and get pics with Sam et al, that's literally ALL that it will be--a pic with a fan, not an assassination attempt FFS.
As I was in the middle of writing this, I received a message from someone else saying that the organizer is thinking of "suing." Um, suing WHO? I'm Anon and I didn't sign an NDA, so I can't be sued. And my source is also Anon, I don't know her real name, and I NEVER reveal sources, unless they give me permission. That's why people trust me and know they can come to me with info. You can only sue for breach of NDA if you can serve an identifiable person. There is no identifiable person here.
But, now I'm the one getting angry. The organizer is worried this will be the end of any Sam related Sasnak City events and is making a HUGE stink behind the scenes. It would be in the organizer's best interest to let this go, and stand down. I'd be worried about Sam finding out that she's THREATENING other fans, i.e. ME and my source who was at the event and provided info AFTER the fact.
I won't share the screencap of the organizer's message to me, but let's just say, it's very apparent she overestimates her importance. No one is curing cancer here, it's an expensive, exclusive fan convention. Nothing more, nothing less. Sam goes because he gets paid. Simple as that. Sam is super chill about everything, he doesnt care about any of this drama. I literally know people in L.A. who know him. Keep paying him and he will continue to attend. 🤷‍♀️ Just like any other celeb. Sasnak City events will continue.
It seems to me the organizer is more upset the info was posted before SHE could post it. I outscooped her about her own event--I get that would piss her off. But again, we're talking about a celeb con here, not state secrets.
I've been here a long time, I know how to play this game, who the players are, and people who can relay messages directly to Sam. You don't want to mess with me. Trust.
Again, I would just let this go, chalk it up to, "the event was a success, Sam knows we try our best to keep things private, but leaks happen, it's just how it is," and MOVE ON.
Deep breaths. I'll be at a pool party for a few hours, will check in here and there until later.
People are dying out there in this country and all over the world...let's keep things in perspective...
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starkandthewaynes · 11 months
Ghosts from the past Pt. 7
All the founding members of the Justice League and Dark team were seated around the conference table, with the bats, three young adults, and a toddler. "Batman, what is going on?" Wonder Woman asks as two of the young adults stand up, powering on their presentation. The first slide read: The American government is trying to declare war on ghosts???? Tucker smirks at the clickbait title. "Danny, Jazz, what haven't you told me?" John Constantine asks his niece and nephew. "We're getting there Uncle John." Danny says, crossing his arms. 
Sam nods as she hits a button. "First thing you have to understand, Ghosts, just like people, can be good or bad, and they can reform. They are sentient, they have their own ruling systems of government and laws, and culture. They are a people simply on the other side of the veil." Sam says as pictures are shown of the ghost zone. "Now the Ghost Zone or more widely known by Ghosts as the Infinite Realms is essentially a mirrored dimension to our own, and there are scientists who have punched a whole into this dimension without the citizen's permission. This portal has led to our hometown, Amity Park, being ground zero for the paranormal." Sam says, as the slides continue.  "Now because biased scientists are considered the lead experts in the field of ecto-ology, the united states government has passed laws called the ecto laws and have created their own ghost hunting branch," Tucker says as everyone in the room's stomachs filled with dread. 
"The ectolaws state that any beings that are made of or consume ectoplasm in any form are non-sentient and therefore cannot feel pain, they deem it is acceptable to capture and experiment on the beings from the Infinite Realms." Sam says, as Danny wants to run out of the room. "And they have already done so to the ruling monarch of the Realms." Sam says as Danny stands up, taking a deep breath. "Danny?" Sam asks, as Danny stands up on a chair to be seen by everyone. "My name is Danny Fenton, and the Dr.s Fenton, my adoptive parents, are the scientists Sam talked about. Their portal didn't work, until I hit a button on the inside. It gave me a shock, and I woke up to what the ghosts call a half, half-ghost, half-human." Danny says, his eyes watering, but he looks at JJ. 
"After a year of me being my towns only hero, another ghost awoken the evil ghost king, Pariah Dark, a ghost so feared his real name was erased from our history." He says as Jason nods. "He, he took my town into the Infinite Realms, where I then defeated him in single combat. I became the new Ghost King." Danny whispers, looking down. "And now my friends are getting hurt because I can't protect them, because I was hurt." Danny says, sniffling. "And, and I gotta help them, I wanna help them, they're my friends. "I was captured, and then, the Dr. Fentons cut me and hurt me really badly. And, and after they were done, they handed me over to the GIW, where I was hurt and drained." Danny says, as tears go down his face. "Pawpaw had to rescue me, he had to turn me into a toddler to keep me safe, and then Jazzy took me to Gotham." Danny says, as he wipes his eyes. "I need your help, to help my friends, I don't want what happened to me to happen to them, so pwease help, you're my only hope." He says, as he runs to Jazz's arms, crying even more, so she and Red Hood leave. 
"How did the meta-human protection laws miss this?" Superman asks as Sam sighs. "The GIW built a firewall to keep Amity Park separated from the rest of the world. They captured a ghost of technology to create it. Nothing gets in or out unless you have access to ectoplasm." Tucker explains as Sam is watching the door. "He'll be okay, Sam, it's Danny." Tucker says, as Sam shakes her head. "We don't know if he's stuck like that, Tucker!" Sam shouts as Tucker sighs. "I know that, but getting upset won't help him at all." Tucker says as Sam growls. 
"What do you mean?" Wonder-Woman asks as the two friends nod. "Danny was 14 when everything started. We tried calling you guys, to get help, but we kept getting a busy signal, so Danny took on the role of a hero all on his own." Sam says, her voice telling how much she cares. "We were his backup, but there were so many times where we couldn't help him or we just got in his way. Tucker and I were on our family's vacations when he was taken. and by the time we got back, Danny and Jazz were packing, and Danny was a baby." Sam says, as Tucker holds her shoulders. "He's gotten a little older in just the year they've been here. He looks like a three or four-year-old." Tucker says as Sam shakes her head. "We should've seen the signs." Sam says as Tucker shakes his head. "We couldn't have known." Tucker says as John stands up. "I want you two to hear this and listen well. My nephew and Niece don't want you two beating yourselves up over what's happened. You're here now, you're doing your best to help. And as far as his age is concerned, I've had a chat with Chronos about it, the spell will eventually dissipate as Danny gets safer and safer. He's already 6 or 8 since finding Hood and the bats." John says as the two young adults look hopeful. Thank the Ancients. 
@blacksea21090 | @ashenfairytale | @pastalavistamf | @runoverghost | @emergentpanda-blog | @bobred18 | @blankliferain
last next
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klainepornytourney · 5 months
What the hell is going on here, you ask?
Simply put, we’re here for the fuck of it. That is to say, for the fun of our boys and their, er, polls. 😏
We want to show our love for all the smuttiest, most glorious, gratuitous fics that have entertained us since Kurt and Blaine first touched…lips. Fingertips? Let’s be real, soon as their eyes met, the eye fucking swiftly evolved into, well, fucking in the brains of fans around the globe. So, here we are!
The fic tournament will start late February, and run until we're all out of polls. In the mean time, we'll be posting a few fun polls per week about Kurt and Blaine, and their sex lives, so get your headcanons ready and start voting!
While we are supportive of all the ways Kurt and Blaine are DTF, we (unfortunately) DNF with certain kinks and tropes which you might notice the absence of in our posts/polls/tournaments.
You'll find the hows, whats and whatnots under the cut, along with the links to poll masterposts, and if your question isn't answered there, please send us an ask and we'll get back to you!
Which fics will qualify? Any completed E rated Klaine fic posted on ao3 between 2010 and 2023, that is under 10k words and written in English. (Sorry longer fics, you usually have too much plot between all the porny bits and we don't have time to read you all.)
How will the tournament run? We're still working out the exact details of it, so this answer will be updated with more info soon!
How will we keep things fun for everyone? If you want to be excluded, send us an ask and we'll take you off the list, no questions asked. We'll only be naming the fic titles and including fic links in our posts, so there won't be any blogs tagged or ao3 accounts linked. The different kinks and tropes categories will have their own tags so you can filter out anything you don't want to see, while still getting the rest of the polls. We'll provide you with a full list of categories and tags when we've finalized the tournament design.
What will we NOT include? Anything nobody in our group is willing to read. Currently, that list includes mpreg, bestiality, dub/noncon, b!p, adult/minor relationships (unless the 'adult' is 18/19), cheating, incest, watersports/scat, Karofsky, slavery, A/B/O, or fics where they're younger than 15.
We're aware that this may mean some of your fav fics won't be included, but we can only include fics that at least one of us will read due to the selection process.
How do we select fics? Scrolling. So much scrolling. We made lists of all the fics that meet the basic requirements, and then divided them up and started skimming them (okay fine, we ended up reading most of them) to be sure there were no hidden untagged triggers or unhappy endings. Fic quality or popularity was not a factor.
Are there any fics that will be polled differently from the rest? Yes! Some authors have been so particularly prolific, that there's just too much smutty goodness to choose from. Instead, they will have their own categories to narrow the options down before the winners join the general tournament. Again, if you're one of them and don't want to be included, let us know!
If there are a lot of fics in one category, then we'll seed (pun intended) some fics to the next rounds based on publish date.
Will it only be Klaine fics? Of course! They might have some (male) friends along for the ride, or a spectator or three, but they will always both be there, either in person or digitally.
How do I decide which fic to vote for? That's completely up to you! You can vote because you like the author, because it got your motor running, or just because the other one sucked in a not so fun way. Be as subjective or objective as you want, it's porn after all and my kink may not be yours! ;)
Are there any rules for reblogging or commenting on tournament polls? We ask that you don't name any authors or link to their blogs unless you have explicit permission from them. If you come across a fic or a kink you don't like, just filter it out and move on. This tournament is supposed to be fun and we will not tolerate any (kink) shaming or bullying.
As cliché as it sounds, everyone is a winner here. We chose the tournament style for this blog because polls are fun and we like to click things, but the real goal is to celebrate ALL the smut we as a fandom have been so lucky to receive.
Will you reveal yourselves? Nope.
We hope everyone will have just as much fun reading and voting as we had setting this up!
xoxo The KlainePornyTourney mods
Links to various masterposts:
Threesome Mini Tourney
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Non-fic polls masterlist
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charmac · 1 year
Okay so, I got high for the first time in awhile and I'm thinking about Sunny just, It's weird that I always do, near obsessively, have since October of 2022. It's just like, my favourite thing to love and to think about, but I have been watching for a lot longer than that. I'm just gonna delve on my pipeline from casual fan of this show to stan, cos I think it's interesting and I'm high so nothing is stopping me:
For over three years I've been watching this show on repeat, whenever I didn't have a scheduled show to watch, I'd pop it on. But I just watched it casually, normally, like haha funny bad people show kind of way (I am sorry). All I did was watch it over and over, sometimes see a funny viral Sunny Tweet and like it, and then the Podcast came out.
And it weirdly made me more into the show, more introspective about the characters. So I would interact on r/IASIP but they just, didn't really get it properly.
And then S15 aired and Reddit really didn't get it and Charlie Kelly was just this massive presence in my mind, and I wrote a silly little kidfic about him because I was just thinking and thinking. And Reddit didn't get it.
So I I tried to come onto Tumblr, but everyone shipped Macdennis and I. Did Not. like Dennis. I saw him how your average r/IASIP commenter sees him. (So sorry.) I thought shipping Macdennis was fun in a, like, asking Mac to get completely used and fucked over kinda way (again, so sorry). Imagine my shock walking into Sunnyblr with that idea. Tumblr liked Dennis.
So I just kinda did the Episodes on repeat/Podcast/Subreddit kinda vibe for awhile. And then I met Meg and talked to her, and I stood two feet away from Rob and I know it's cringey, lmfao, but something shifted further. I was talking obsessively to my bestie @macdennissurvivor and Twitter started showing me Dennis edits. And then I made a silly little Macdennis edit of my own.
Then I went to the live show in Philly. And the audience was miserable and oh my god none of them get it. But there's so much to get . And Glenn, wow, weird, interesting guy. (And he weirdly kinda clarified that Dennis wasn't straight.) The show was fine but the audience was miserable because none of them get it. They throw out lines and references and it's all a joke. But it's not all a joke, there's so much to get. They're not getting it. Please someone else get it.
And so I dipped my toe back on Sunnyblr. And I got more involved with Sunny Twitter and Nat (legal last name Paddysroyco) Tumblr user @boysareouttonight's Dennis edits were like the final nail in the coffin of being a stan.
I think something shifts when you are able to look past Dennis' facade and actually see the person inside, the character they won't let you see unless you really get it.
And the obsession begins, and continues, and is good to me, keeps me happy and everything here just tickles my brain and makes me engage and talk. And like there's real, actually insanely intelligent discussion on here and meta and analysis and theories and then there's the most cracked out post you've ever seen and then there's something that's somehow both and it's just something else.
I'm at an all-you-can-eat buffet after reaching into the depths of my cupboards for a month straight. And we're getting more, and a lot, and whatever it is is more content. Every frame, every title, every crumb we find, there's other people here who get it all and make it fun, in a way that's not tiring or eye-rolling or completely off the mark, in a way that keeps me full-steam rolling ahead and coming back.
This devolved a little, as thoughts do, but I am happy to be here, I guess. I'm looking forward to this fucking season and whatever lies ahead: whether it's dry for Macdennis or overwhelmingly wet, whether we get solid character development or some weird backsliding, a mix of both, if there's strange retcons or really fucking-good ones, any unexplained moments or looks or props, or expressions, I'm experiencing it all with people who get it. Maybe in a completely unhinged way, maybe in a crazy smart way, or a reasonably sober way, but always from a place of getting it.
We're getting Season 16, it's real, more to the story, more to piece together and layout and pick and prod and compare and re-tell (and re-write if you really want). In, like, 18 days. Fuck me up.
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darnell-la · 2 years
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word count: 3k
paring: Billy Hargrove x reader & a little bit of Eddie Munson x reader
warning: 18+ minors dni, smut, p n v, choking, mention of fingering, blow job, sub!reader, fem!reader, fake hatred, attracted to best friend, dom!billy hargrove, and use of one of our authors name instead of y/n
Note: feel free to share, repost, like and comment!
"Too much, isn't it?" Billy asked as he curled his fingers. "Y-Yes, yes," I breathed heavily as I grabbed back onto his thighs, trying my best to keep in my moans.
We're right under the bleachers at the basketball game. He had told his coach that he had to go to the bathroom, just so he could meet me down here.
He begged me before the game to come down here after halftimes cheer so that we could talk about something serious.
We started our conversation by arguing about how he's always the first to make moves. I told him that I'm just a shy person. He apologized for getting loud with me. 
He opened his arms so I went in for a hug but he quickly turned me around and grabbed my neck, forcing me to stay pinned against his chest.
"Your cunt always squeezes around my fingers. How will you even take me?" He chuckled, picking up his paste as he let go of my neck to cover my mouth.
"But too bad you're so innocent and don't want big bad Eddie to know that your bully finger fucks you whenever he pleases, right?" Billy hissed in my ear. Why do I let this happen? Because it feels so good...
"You comin' tonight?" Eddie asked as I walked up to him and Billy, sitting at the same cafeteria table. They barely talk, so seeing them at the same table is kind of new to me.
"Yeah," I said as sat down, not greeting Billy because I and him are everything but friends. He's a big tease and a dick. I hate it.
"How've you been, babe?" Billy asked me. I chuckled and ignored him because he knows I don't want shit to do with him right now. His dirty talks are more personal now. too bad you're so innocent and don't want big bad Eddie to know that your bully finger fucks you whenever he pleases...
"Just leave her alone. You know she doesn't like you" Eddie said, holding in his laugh as Billy laughed. "And we're gonna change that, aren't we, Munson?" Billy said. What? Please, he won't do shit!
"Just chill for right now," Eddie said. "Whatever you say," Billy said with a smirk on his cocky little face then continued eating. I can't wait for the day that Billy's put in his place.
"Why the skimpy shit?" Billy asked as he pulled me into him by my arm. "Why do you care?" I asked, trying to yank myself away from him but he pulled me into him harder.
"You know why," he said. "No, I actually don't," I said, truly not knowing. "When a man finger fucks and eats a girl out without them giving them something back, that means they have some type of feelings for them, Scotlyn," Billy said.
"Well, t-that's not my problem" I stuttered, processing that he just said he has feelings for me. I knew something was off about him pleasing me without asking me to do the same for him.
"Yes, it fucking is!" Billy said through his teeth. He's pissed off that I'm being so dry and sound like I don't care about what he has to say. I can't control it. I'm just shy around him and hate being around him for so long. He teases me so much.
"No, it's not!" I shouted then pushed him off and rushed to the stairs. He tried chasing me but I quickly made my way downstairs to the party.
"Hey, Scotlyn! Come dance with me!" Jane yelled from across the room. She's my little experiment. Not because we're women but because I'm a virgin and she doesn't have a real dick to fuck me with. 
I'm not saving my virginity or anything, there are just no guys I'd have sex with, here. Well, there is. Actually, two, but I'm not going to admit to that.
"You look good today, babe," Jane said as she grabbed my waist and turned me around so that I could grind on her a little. I love dancing with her. It always places a smile on my face. 
"You do as well," I said, holding in my blush. I wouldn't date Jane but I love the way she treats me and how good of a friend she is. She's perfect for what we're doing. 
"I've heard about you and Billy," Jane said in my ear so that no one else around us could hear. "What?" I asked as my heart dropped. No, he did not...
"You and Billy? I heard he was going around saying that y'all are a thing or something" she said. "What? No, no" I said.
"Well, Billy doesn't lie. Unless he's talking about something else, I don't know," she said. "Well, we're not a thing but we do things if you know what I mean," I said. I can't lie to her. She'll end up finding out anyways since billy can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
"Oh, girl, you're lucky," Jane said. "Why?" I asked. "He would never say he's something with someone, even if he was," she said, which is very true.
"Well damn," I said, thinking about what he said when we were upstairs. When a man finger fucks and eats a girl out without them giving them something back, that means they have some type of feelings for them, Scotlyn...
"You good?" Jane asked as she pulled me into her closer. Now she's grinding on me in the rhythm of the music.
"Yes! Yes, I'm good" I said, snapping out of my thoughts. I started grinding into her, basically humping as some people watching. People around here aren't use to girls dancing like this. Especially the girl's who are actually gay.
"Scotlyn, time to go," Billy said, coming out of nowhere as he yanked me away from Jane. "Hey! What the fuck!" I said as I tried pulling away but he was too strong.
"What the hell is your problem!?" I said, still trying to pull back but he ended up pulling me out of the party, towards Eddie's van which Eddie is already in.
"Where was she?" Eddie asked. "Grinding on Jane like a fucking whore," Billy replied in an angry tone as he opened Eddie's van door and pushed me in.
Before I could turn around and jump out, he closed it and Eddie locked the door. "What the hell!" I yelled as I hit the door.
I sat down and crossed my arms, giving up. I'm not even drunk and they're taking me home. I was just getting started with having some fun.
"Calm down, princess," Eddie said as Billy hopped in the van. "Why is he here?" I asked. He has his own car he came here with. He can drive home.
"We went to drop my car off at home. We came back to get you and just as I expected, you were grinding your ass on Jane," Billy said, making me roll my eyes.
"Okey, and!? I'm single and she's my girl!" I shouted. I'm tired of Billy being pissed at me for doing shit he has no right to be pissed off at.
"Your girl? When did you tell me this?" Eddie asked. "Well, she's not my girl but we're very close and it's fine for me to grind on her like non-gay girls do," I said.
"The difference is, is that you and Jane fuck. You let her fuck you like her little slut with her strap. Is that what it's called? Yeah... That's the fucking problem!" Billy said.
"I still don't know why you care," I said, low. "Because he pleases you, Scotlyn. God, you're fucking slow," Eddie said as he backed up out of the driveway then drove off.
"You told him!?" I yelled at Billy. "Duh," Billy said as he and Eddie laughed. "Fucking bitch!" I yelled as I crawled over to him and wrapped my arm around his neck.
"What the fuck!" Billy choked as Eddie laughed at how pathetic Billy looked. "Fucking-" Billy choked as he quickly turned around and pushed me back.
"I'm fucking tired of your ass," Billy said as he hopped in the back with me. "Can you guys just chill out for once? You guys don't need to fake hate each other anymore. I know!" Eddie said.
"Tell her that then!" Billy said. "Fuck you, motherfucker," I said, low, not knowing what else to say. My attitude is very unnecessary. Like always…
Eddie quickly stopped the car, placed it in park then hopped in the back. I rolled my eyes at the two as I relaxed.
"How about we clear the air and talk about what we hate about each other?" Eddie asked. I wouldn't even know what to say. I don't have anything against billy. Nothing at all.
"I fucking hate that you'll let me finger fuck you, eat you out but won't make the move and show me that you want me. It's annoying as fuck," Billy said.
"You let Jane fuck you with that fake shit so you might as well let me give you the real thing. I'm not going to brag Scotlyn, I just- I've been wanting to do this shit with you for so long," Billy said.
"You won't tell people like you didn't tell people at school that we're a thing?" I asked, sarcastically. "I only said we were a thing, as in dating, not fucking, Scotlyn!" Billy shouted.
"Damn. Aggressive much," I laughed. Eddie shook his head as he leaned back against the car door. He knows I don't take a lot of things seriously. That's one thing Billy hates.
"Why can't you just shut up for once!?" Billy yelled at me. I stayed silent at how angry he looked. His face is getting red and his veins are showing almost everywhere.
"I just-" I tried saying. "Shut up! You tease me! You don't listen! You grind on other people! You wear risky shit! I hate that whore shit!" Billy yelled.
I looked at Eddie because he basically just called me a whore. Why is Eddie, my best friend, letting him say this about me?
"Eddie..." I said, wanting him to say something but he just lifted his shoulders and dropped them. Everything about teasing Billy is true.
"He's not going to do shit. He's actually the one that came to me about your bitchy attitude," Billy said as he started making his way toward me. 
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I backed up. "Munson here tells me all about your nasty attitude and how he can't control it," Billy said.
"What? E-Eddie, I'm not trying to come off rude, Eddie," I said. They both laughed. "I know you're not but it pisses me off. Even when I yell at you, your attitude stays the same," Eddie said.
"Maybe you're pissed that you haven't gotten dick or something, I don't know, but Hargrove here is the perfect solution to your bitch attitude," Eddie said, causing my eyes to widen. He never talks to me like that.
"Don't be surprised the freak of Hawkins is speaking to you like that. Just look at you, Scotlyn. You're attitude's shitty, you dress like a fucking tramp and you open your legs so fucking easy for me," Billy expressed.
"I'm not a tramp or a whore, I just- I just like dressing the way I dress," I said. "For me, isn't that right? To piss me off and to tease me, huh?" He asked. He's currently in front of my face. He's so intimating.
"Since Eddie here's too scared to put you in your place, I'll do it for him," Billy said as he grabbed my ankles and yanked me forward, causing my upper body to fall back against the van floor.
"Wait, Billy!" I said as my heart started racing. What is he going to do to me? I know he won't hurt me but he can't "punish" me in front of Eddie. My best friend.
"Billy, stop!" I yelled as I slapped him across his face, making him freeze in place. I didn't mean to slap him and I don't want him to stop. It was just a reflex. I'm so fucking shy about this. 
Billy quickly connected his right hand with my neck as he started unbuckling his jeans. "I'm sick and tired of you and your attitude," Billy hissed. He's defiantly angrier than he usually is. 
"Is your attitude checked yet, princess?" Eddie chuckled with an evil grin across his face. He's most defiantly enjoying this. 
"Fuck you," I choked. Of course I didn't mean it but I said it anyways because that's how I am.  "That's that bitch attitude that we're talking about," Billy spat, inches away from my face. He leaned back up and then took himself out of his jeans. 
Will I even be able to take that in me? He's so big and I'm so tight. I can barely even take his fingers...
"All thoughts running through your head, huh? Don't stress, baby. I bet you're already soaked like always," Billy ripped my panties off viciously, without warning, causing me to gasp.
"And she is," Billy muttered as he stared at my folds. He looks so lost at the sight of me even though he's seen it plenty of times. "She's so wet," Eddie said as he made his way over to us.
"She's always like this. Have a taste, Munson" Billy offered so he did. My best friend wiped two fingers in between my slit, causing a slight moan to escape my mouth.
"So sweet... Who would have thought?" Eddie said. He looks so proud. Like he's proud that I taste good. "I wonder what her moans sound like," Eddie said. He's so interested in his best friend being fucked. Why does he want to see me like this so badly? It's kind of giving me a feeling in my stomach. A good feeling. 
"You heard that, babe? Show Munson how pretty your little moans sound and maybe I'll go easy," Billy said as he looked into my eyes. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you," Billy said. He's still trying to show his soft side. That's why I keep coming back to him. He's so charming, yet, aggressive.
Billy strocked his length as he began to line himself up to my entrance. He's watching my breathing get heavier, the closer he gets. 
"So fucking pathetic," Billy muttered, acting like he was pissed off, to set the mood, as he made his way to push into me slowly. he watched as my head tilted back and how my moans had a hard time escaping my throat from his hand around my neck.
"Fuck!" He grutned, finally burying his cock deep into me. "Billy!" I cried out and kicked. He feels so much better than Jane's strap. Holly fuck! 
"Your first time is going to end up all filled up by me. You're too tight to pull out of in time. Hell, I probably already pre-came in your wet cunt" he dirty-talked as his hips started colliding against mine.
"Should a fuck a baby into you, sweet thing? Just tell me and I'll bread your pretty little pussy" Billy said as he fucked harder.
"Y-Yes, please, cum in me, please!" I begged. He and Eddie looked at each other, surprised at my words then laughed like they accomplished something.
"That's what we want to hear. Are you gonna let us fuck you like a little slut, now that you've finally opened your little pussy up, for me?" Billy asked as he let my neck go to hold himself up.
"Yes," I whined, trying not to sound too needy but I am. I'm very needy right about now. "What a fucking whore you are," Billy voiced as he leaned down toward my face.
"I bet if I fucked my cum in you every day, it still wouldn't be enough for you, huh, you cock drunk, whore?" Billy spoke, now slowly deep stroking into me.
"Mhmm, take my fucking cock, bitch. Take it until I feel like I'm done fucking your slutty cunt" Billy cussed like he's never cussed before.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I moaned out loud as I came all over him without warning. It feels to good. "Mhm, fuck yeah! Right there, huh? I'm right at your spot, baby?" Billy slightly moaned, letting me know he was close. 
"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking wet now, a-and tight. I could just — fuck — I could just cum in you all fucking day," Billy groaned as his liquid started feeling me. 
"Fucking hell," Billy said as he pulled out of me and flopped on the side of me. I can feel how warm he is in me. Some cum is even making its way out of my hole. 
"Fuck..." Eddie moaned low. I quickly looked up to see my best friend jerking himself off. "Mmm" he moaned, shutting his eyes as he came all over his chest and hand. 
I slowly got up and crawled over to him, wanting to try something out and see if he'd let me. "What, Scotlyn?" he asked in an embarrassed voice.
I stayed silent as I removed his right hand from his cock and connected my right with it instead. I looked up at him with innocent eyes as I slowly pulled my tongue out. He groaned low at the sight of me like this. 
I slowly licked around his cock then wrapped my mouth around his cock. "Scotlyn, baby, fuck!" Eddie pathetically moaned. I can how sensitive he is because his legs are twitching. 
"She got fucked and now she's cock drunk," Billy spoke as he crawled next to us and sat down to watch. "Y-Yeah," Eddie tried laughing but it ended up coming out as a whimper as I picked up my paste. I just can't get enough, now.
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notmorbid · 7 months
open throat.
dialogue prompts from open throat: a novel by henry hoke.
i've never eaten a person, but today i might.
i try to understand people, but they make it hard.
no one sees me unless i want them to.
god, i can't believe it's dark already.
you know i don't like change.
we all have to work to deprogram our scarcity mentalities.
it's called different things by different people.
which 'hollywood' letter would you jump off?
all i can see is what's right in front of me.
i hear them talk about me.
i'm a good listener.
i promise, i'll just listen, and i won't interrupt or project.
i can't get up. i think i never will.
how did you not feel it? it's a fucking earthquake.
you said not to call.
look, fuck it. i'm coming home.
am i real? am i alive?
i'm worried the ground won't ever be solid again.
it's hard to say how it feels.
phones don't work for me.
who would i call? what would i say?
is there a warning sign for me?
i probably wouldn't eat a child.
i try to keep those thoughts from my head.
a therapist is something i want.
i don't know if i feel good or bad.
my mother gave me a name i can't share.
my father gave me a name i won't repeat.
i want to go to a place where i won't be hated.
my mother taught me to hunt, but my father taught me to be hunted.
i traded old fear for new fear.
that's the trauma talking. it's all trauma.
what scares me most is what i don't understand.
i'm kind of a poet.
god, i need to go back to being nobody.
everything is gay now.
old is fine. i'm old because i'm not dead.
i wanted to die, but i'm not that lucky.
i don't want my story to end here.
i think i've always felt this way.
i'm not sure how to have a body again.
i'm vegan. or i'm trying to be.
if you feel alone in the world, find someone to worship you.
i found a picture of you. you're famous.
i don't believe in coincidences.
i don't trust screens to tell me who i am.
we made it. we're in the happiest place on earth.
you didn't do anything bad. you're perfect.
i would only slow you down.
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Tumblr 101
This is an important read for anybody who is new to Tumblr and/or only likes instead of reblogs.
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These icons are at the bottom right corner of every post you see.
On the left is the comment option, the speech bubble. Comments are a quick way to make your thoughts known on a post without reblogging it. Comments are good for chatting with someone after they answer your ask as an alternative to spamming their ask box. Commenting + liking is NOT an alternative to reblogging.
In the middle is the reblog option, the two arrows. This is the most important thing to know about using Tumblr. Reblogging is how Tumblr functions. When you reblog something (art, fic, meme, whatever), you display it on your own blog while keeping the connection to the original poster/creator. This is how creators get their works seen! If you like something, reblog it! I cannot stress this enough!
Reblogging is not to be confused with reposting. You will see artists say to not repost their art. This means that you are not allowed to copy-paste somebody else's art and make it into your own post. This is stealing, and it hurts artists. Reposting erases all connections to the real artist and makes it seem like you made it even though you didn't. If your repost gets reblogged by people who don't know better, all of the attention will go to you instead of the actual artist. Most people get very hostile when they discover somebody reposting art, so it's a good thing that I'm teaching you now!
While we're on the topic of supporting artists, let's take a minute to talk about commissions. Art is hard work, and therefore, art is usually not free. Most artists and writers have a Ko-fi or similar way of accepting tips and donations from people who like their work and want to support them. If you want something drawn/written for you, be respectful! Find somebody who has open commissions and ask them how much it will cost to buy their time and talent. Many artists and writers also open drawing/writing requests or prompts, which are free. However, free to request does not mean free to use. If you want to save and use somebody's art, you have to pay them for it unless they say otherwise.
Finally, on the right is the like option, the heart. Likes are the most misused feature on Tumblr. Here's a little secret: likes are useless here. Liking a post is not an alternative to reblogging. Tumblr has no algorithm, so the only thing that will support your favorite artists is you reblogging their work! Likes are little extras that you give along with a reblog, or drop on somebody's post to tell them that you see it. For example, I only use likes on my friends' text posts, such as answered asks or vents, or on something that I reblog as a reminder to myself that I've seen it before (and as extra love for the creator). When I admire some art or writing, I give them a like and a reblog.
An extra warning for people who have never reblogged anything but have hundreds of likes: you will likely be blocked on sight by a lot of people. Having so many likes but no reblogs means that you look like a bot and that you are actually messing up the system. Nobody will think that you're cringe for reblogging what you like! Now is the time to start interacting for real! Be free, have fun, and reblog to your heart's content!
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How about the ask box? This can go by many names as customized by the user. This is a place for people to start a conversation, ask a question, or play an ask game. If somebody answers your ask and you want to keep talking, the polite thing to do is either comment or reblog it. Spamming somebody's inbox with individual sentences instead of keeping it in one post is time consuming and widely considered to be annoying.
Last but not least, your follower count. Here's another secret of Tumblr: nobody cares about your follower count! Nobody can see it except for you and it won't make you or your posts any more visible because there's no algorithm. If you want interaction, find some friends and cool artists and reblog their stuff. Very few accounts are considered to be "Tumblr famous" and frankly, you don't want that kind of attention here.
Please let me know if you have any questions! How you interact with this post is your first test so I can see that you are listening and learning! 💜
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goldheartedsky · 2 months
tagged by my beloved @ongreenergrasses for this writer's ask so here we go!!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 192, though some of them are art. So if we're talking strictly *fics*, then I think around 180?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
a whopping 1,012,726!!!! 😵‍💫
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's almost entirely TOG, but I have written for Captain America, Agent Carter, Wolf, Close Enemies, and there are a few orphaned hockey RPF fics written by me floating around Ao3 🫣
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Carry the Field, When All The Boys Can’t Be Men, Fireproof, Lines in the Sand, and Tripping On Stars which, honestly I kind of expected, though it does bum me out that none of my AndyBooker fics made it into the top 5
5) Do you respond to comments?
almost always unless it's like... real weird or an emoji that I don't know how to respond to hahah
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I might have to go with Beginning to Feel the Years, solely because it's so open ended with the angst. I really love angst with a happy ending because I love a little ray of hope through the clouds, but the morning after this fic is just going to be so hard, no matter what.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I really gotta hand it to North Star for the softest ending in the world. I said fuck the haters and gave Andy a husband, 2 kids, and a picket fence with zero regrets
8) Do you get hate on fics?
not usually, people tend to save that for Tumblr, but I did get a little whining on Change Your Ticket when I started redeeming Francesca the way she deserved.
9) Do you write smut?
the fact that this is even a question and not an automatic yes is so funny. Of course I write smut. Raunchy smut, romantic smut, angsty smut, you name it, I've written it.
10) Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Other than old Bandom crossover fics, I don't think so! I think the only thing that might count as a crossover fic is the MajidxManuel Wolf/Close Enemies fics
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
NO thank god 🥲
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but I've gotten a few podfics done by @cookiemom6067
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, but I'd honestly love to cowrite one!
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
As much as I want to say it's AndyBooker, I really gotta give it up to Steve/Bucky. They were the blueprint for a lot of my shipping patterns now.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Everything gets finished eventually, though it might take me a bit right now
16) What are your writing strengths?
Other than my smut writing skills, I think either dialogue or handling a lot of tough topics with nuance. People in fandom right now love their black and white subjects and I am all about that grey matter.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
action sequences, without a doubt.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I tend to either keep it to small little pieces of dialogue in latinized form (especially with stuff like Arabic/Yiddish) but with Prodigal Son, I really wanted the language to be a little symbolic of how othered Ilan feels. Because most people can't read Hebrew, keeping it in its original form felt the most isolating. If you're not Jewish and know Hebrew, you won't know what Ilan's saying unless you *try* to translate it, which is more than what he gets in the fic.
So I think it can be an interesting plot device, depending on how you use it.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter but I was like...12 and that fandom got abandoned quick ahahah
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
FAVORITE? Oof I usually say the Cherry Wine fics or North Star, but I'm gonna broaden my answer this time and offer a couple little one shots. I REALLY love Color Him Father just because I love the idea of transmasc!Booker, and then the one I love that doesn't get enough love is From Adam’s Rib, my golem!Winter Soldier fic
tagging @druckkugelschreiber @quinbi @captain-grammar and @shatterthefragments, as well as anyone else who wants to do this!
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tricoufamily · 1 year
hiii!!! i love your posts so much 🥺🥺😭😭 how do you get texture on sims in blender like that? (i. e. leather jacket or skin texture) your sims look so real
thanks! here's a basic rundown of just the textures (again i really want to do an updated, in depth render tutorial, i just keep having problems w it). i'm gonna work under the assumption you know how to set up a basic material! tons of tutorials on that. unless they start telling you to use a mix shader and a transparent shader and all that. don't listen to them (ask me if you don't know there's a better way lmao)
so first i always rip sims with hq textures - if you click the button once on simripper it should remember next time and you won't have to do it again.
then i make a bump map in photoshop just by taking that diffuse map, and in photoshop (i don't know how it would be done in other photo editors) i set it to grayscale and change it to 16 bits per channel instead of 8. to be totally honest, changing it to 16 bits doesn't make much of a difference w sims but it's good practice for any 3d modelling
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then in blender, click your sim, click the beach ball looking tab to go to materials, and you can see i've got a bunch, but when it opens there'll just be the default. i name that [sim name]_base always. it's really important to name these because sometimes there's a ton.
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then i make a bunch of copies of it like this
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rename it whatever, like [sim name]_skin.
now take your sim into edit mode in blender and in your second window open uv editor and click this button
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it's sync selection, meaning you can click from the uv map instead of the sim which is a lot easier. select all the skin (and while we're at it, click mesh, clean up, and merge by distance to get rid of the seams!)
click the skin material you made with all skin selected and click assign.
now in the second window go to material editor. get an image texture and put in that bump map. set it non-color!!!!! and then get a bump node and connect the bump to the normal slot of the principled bsdf and connect the color of the bump node to the height slot of the bump. and then your sim will look insane but that's ok
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roughness on the principled bsdf determines how shiny the thing will be - 1 is completely matte 0 is completely reflective. i'm setting the skin to 0 for this example, but obviously the number you want will depend on your render. here is nervous's skin with no bump map:
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and here it is with a bump map and a reeeeally low strength. still looks weird because you probably wouldn't want the skin roughness set to 0, but i just wanted to demonstrate what the bump map does. (in this render i just had the roughness set to the default 0.5)
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now for clothes, i usually use the normal map that comes when you rip your sim. most clothes have them, but i somehow had the literal worst luck in the world not a stitch of clothing he was wearing had a normal map like HUH. but here's how you'd set that up. ESPECIALLY make sure you set it to non color this time or it won't work at all.
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so for nervous's jacket i actually used the bump map with an even smaller strength. i don't recommend this bc it looks weird, but because i wanted it to shine, it looked even weirder with no normal map. i am not in love with how the jacket looks actually but c'est la vie.
and i turned down the roughness low because it's leather, for the rest of his clothes i made the roughness 1!
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