#i wasn’t gonna post this because it was just a quick colour study
sinnabunii · 6 months
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startanewdream · 3 years
goodnight kiss
there was this very cute post telling how Ginny kissing Harry goodnight is canon and this idea has been playing around in my mind for a while, so here's a missing moment set during Harry and Ginny's first days of relationship:
The first time it happens, Harry thinks it's his fault for being too distracted.
They are in the Common Room and in an effort to prove that he isn't abandoning his best friends just because he is dating now—and a bit to set an example for Ron and Hermione, just in case—, Harry spends the evening finishing an essay with Hermione and then playing chess with Ron. And if his gaze keeps drifting to Ginny, well, he won't feel guilty about it.
She keeps winking at him every time she sees him, her concentrated face breaking into his favourite grin and it takes even more effort to not drop everything and go to her side. But he endures and he is really involved in his match by the time he feels her sweet flowery perfume; he turns at once.
Ginny gives him a bright smile, places a soft kiss that ends even before he registers the feeling of her lips, and waves at the other two.
"I can't keep my eyes open one second longer," she declares heavily. "See you tomorrow."
And then she is gone to her dormitory leaving only the trace of her scent and Harry can't stop the feeling that he must have done something wrong.
The thought slips from his mind until two days later, when it happens again. Ginny is standing against his legs, reading her notes, when she jumps to her feet, stretching her back lazily. "I think I'm gonna crash early today."
"History of Magic?" Harry guesses, eyeing her notes.
"What else?” A smirk blossoms at her lips. “Maybe tomorrow you could help me study something more interesting."
"I could help you now."
"Tempting," she admits unashamedly. "But I'm really tired and I'd rather keep my stamina for a happy Sunday tomorrow."
And Ginny winks at him, lowering her head enough to brush her lips against his—Harry opens his mouth, desperate to feel her taste, to pull her closer—but she is gone before he has the chance.
It bothers him.
The next night, after a very productive day—not for studies if studies are limited to subjects taught at Hogwarts, that's it—, when they are finally saying their goodbyes by the stairs to her dorm, Harry doesn’t leave it to chance.
He pulls her into his arms and even as his hands are cupping her face, fingers feeling the strands of her hair, his mouth captures her, tongue searching for a permission that she grants him at once, and then there is only her sweet taste and the feeling that Harry never found anywhere else but in her. A moan escapes her lips—a sound that Harry treasures each time he hears it—and when they break apart, at last, oblivious to the wolf-whistling in the room and a break of nervous giggles, her face is all flushed.
“Wow,” she whispers, beaming, her eyes the colour of melted chocolate. “What was that for?”
“A goodnight kiss,” he says, but it sounds more like a question.
“It’ll be really hard to sleep after this, but I appreciate it anyway.”
And then Ginny does it again—she kisses him softly, a peck he barely feels with the way his lips are still tingling after that perfect goodnight kiss, and she is gone.
What is he doing wrong?
The question keeps pounding on his mind all night and the following day. By then even Ron is noticing there is something wrong, but Harry can’t share his struggles with him. For one, Harry is sure Ron never faced the same trouble: he and Lavender only did full snog sessions. For two, it’s about Ginny. He can’t ask her brother what is wrong with his kiss.
Ginny finds him by lunchtime, meeting him in front of the Great Hall with a small basket and asking him if he doesn’t wanna have lunch with her on the grounds. Harry doesn’t miss the glance exchanged between Ginny and Hermione and this doesn’t help much.
Ginny waits until they are sitting by the shadow of their favourite tree to start it. “So, what’s bothering you?”
If it was anyone else, Harry would ignore it or divert the subject. But he doesn’t know anyone else but Ginny who would ask him directly like that and this is one of the things he most likes about her anyway, so his answer is truthful.
“Am I a bad kisser?”
Ginny blinks; whatever she was expecting, it clearly wasn’t this. “The amount of time I’ve spent kissing you for the last week shows that I think you’re a very good kisser,” she says slowly. “Where is this coming from?”
He pursues his lips. “You’re avoiding kissing me.”
Another blink. “Er… no?”
“At night at last.” Another of his concerns arise. “Is it bad breath? I can brush—”
“I like your breath,” she assures him at once. “I like everything about kissing you actually. In case it’s not obvious, which apparently isn’t.”
“You—you avoid snogging me at night. As in you give me this… this peck and then you are gone and—”
“That’s just a goodnight kiss, Harry,” she replies quietly. “We don’t have to turn every kiss into a makeout session—not that I’d mind, but also… I enjoy every kiss we share.” A frown marks her forehead suddenly. “Unless you’re not happy with them? I get it if you were hoping we’d have more moments, it’s just with classes and—”
“No, no.” Now another panic floods him. “Every moment we spend together it’s… like something I could never have even imagined. Or if I could—it’s better.”
She breathes slowly. “Good. Because I swear even a little peck just makes me… sparkle.”
A blush spreads across her face but Ginny looks resolute. “Yeah, let me try to show you. Close your eyes—and don’t move.”
He obeys her diligently, closing his eyes and standing still even as he feels the shadow of her face over his. And then he feels her lips over his very gently, tugging at his lower lip, then upper lip; he never really appreciated before how soft her mouth feels as he stands there, feeling their brush. Then she places a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth, the touch sending shivers down his body as effectively as when they are fully kissing.
“Oh,” he whispers when he opens his eyes to find her staring at him nervously. “I see sparkles.”
A beam draws away any worry from her face.
Later that night, Harry finds Ginny exchanging Charms notes with her colleagues.
“You’ll be staying up?” he asks, glancing at her watch. It’s almost midnight.
“We’re almost finishing the revision for Fourth Grade spells.”
“Do you want me to wait for you?”
“No, go rest. I’m fine. We can meet for breakfast tomorrow.”
“I’d like that,” he agrees, smiling, and Ginny turns briefly to him, sharing a quick kiss—her mates giggle, still unused to them, but Harry hopes to win them over with time.
“Good dreams.”
He is sure he will dream about her, but Harry feels this is not the moment to disclose this information. Instead, he just nods. “And you too.”
And for good measure, he lowers his head to place a soft kiss on her cheek, admiring how the blood flushes there as if attracted to his mouth. Harry smiles to himself. Perhaps he can start his own goodnight kiss tradition.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Stressed Reader Comfort!
Hello!!! I am so happy you requested my dear! I am so happy to write for you. Please drink water and take care of yourself. I know it’s a hard time. But don’t lose hope and don’t let stress eat you up. You are loved and you are needed.
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Pairing : Sanji X Reader
Word count : 2.2K
Warnings : Not proof read, Stress, insomnia, Hurt then comfort and a very adorable Sanji
Sanji post Tagging : @ye-rin164
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 Assignment after assignment. Projects, seminars and exams. Forget about dates, you are not even having time to sleep properly since the last month. Still you stayed up many nights writing all the assignments. Researching stuff needed for the seminars. Memorising all the chapters from all the subjects. Praying to get good credits every time. Even sleeping for those 3 hours a day seemed so stressful because of your piled up assignments, which your teachers just dumped on you mercilessly.
Slowly because of lack of sleep and hectic works, dark circles were visible clearly under your eyes. Headaches became regular now. You weren’t able to focus on things properly. You just… tried to go along with the flow of day. Anything you ate tasted bland making you to loose appetite. All you now wanted was a day to just… rest.
Ignoring the good morning and good night messages from a certain someone made you feel guilty. But because of work, you couldn’t even catch a break. Yes… stress was building up in you.
Researching and taking print outs for the next “group” seminar made you work even harder. Yeah as you know how there is at least one person in the group who doesn’t even attempt to do work. Now you had FREAKING two of them in your 5 member’s team. Guess what happened. You three had to now share the burden of the remaining work.
‘Good thing Sanji isn’t here to see how much of a mess I am right now’, you thought sipping your caffeine. You felt lucky that you were at least getting time to take a quick shower every day.
On the other hand, Sanji knew. He knew how terrible your work was getting, making you to give him a single reply every two days, letting him know you were alive. If you didn’t give him that reply, he’d have gotten a panic attack on how you were. No regular messages, no dates, no video calls, not a single god damn normal call. He was really getting worried. But he stayed patient.
Nami and Robin chan suggested him to go and meet you, but he thought if he went, he’d be a problem to you for not letting you finish your work. His heart was earning to see you. To hug you. To make you something to eat. To just… be with you.
As days passed, you were getting more and more annoyed and you started to have breakouts for almost everything and nothing. Even the smallest things were making you cry. Like once You even cried as you saw a small puppy outside your apartment.
You hated to cry. But because of this pressure you couldn’t even control your emotions. You felt like you were losing yourself.
At Sanji’s house, he and Zoro were doing dishes but Sanji couldn’t help but to worry about you.
“Its just a gut feeling but I cant help but to worry”, Sanji sighed.
“If you feel like shit, why not just go to her place?”, asked Zoro
“Tsk, Its not that easy. What if I interrupt her?”, replied Sanji washing his hands after giving the last plate to Zoro.
The green haired man took the plate and placed it into the shelf. He sighed and said, “Look cook. It’s okay to go and check on her once a while, If you are worried. Maybe she needs you too”
Sanji never thought of that. He was always insecure and felt that he might disturb you if he met you. But this gut feeling of his was telling him to atleast go and see you.
“In 5 minutes, I’m leaving”, the blond told his roommate before going into his room. Zoro just smirked before closing the shef door.
You sat in the corner of the room. Your books were still open and you knew you were supposed to study. Then… the negative thoughts hit you. Your brain wanted to play some tricks on you. And it chose this freaking time to do that.
‘Yeah… you are not gonna get good grades even if you do this’
‘Sanji is so hardworking. He’d be so disappointed to have a person like you as his lover’
‘All your assignments are worthless, stop giving yourself enough credit’, you looked into your mirror.
Tears slid down your face. You looked terrible. With messy hair, unwashed clothes, dirty room. You wanted to tear the place down. You were so hurt and pressured.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. You wiped your tears quickly and stumbled as you made your way towards the main door. You swung open the door and your (eye colour) orbs met the all blue orbs. The golden hair smoothly covered one of his eye. His smile brightly as seeing you.
“Aish! Y/N, how many time have I told you to check before opening the do-”, He didn’t even complete his sentence and you ran into his arms, tightly embracing him, making him to take a step back.
He instantly knew something was wrong with the way to you hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your body. You started to cry as he hugged you.
“Sanji… I… I can’t… I hate this. I don’t like this”, you whimpered between your sobs. He soothingly rubbed the back of your head.
Without breaking the hug, he pulled you inside the house and locked the door. Leaning his back on the door, with still you hugging him, he pulled you even closer. He patted your back while you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“Y/N, look at me dear”, he asked and you slowly looked at him. His expression from worry turned to one of a sad one.
“I missed you so much”, you cried even more looking at him.
“Shhh~~ Y/N, I’m here. Please don’t cry. This hardship will pass away. Don’t let the stress eat you up”, he kissed your forehead as he calmly whispered into your ear.
Actually Sanji was also so hurt because of your situation. But if he wasn’t strong, who would encourage you.
Soothing your tears away, he kissed your eyes.
“I am sorry. I look horrible”, you sniffed and damn yes, he was not happy by the way you said it.
“Don’t ever say that. You are the most amazing and hardworking person. Give yourself a bit more credit”, he shook your shoulders as he said that.
“Listen here, you are tired, but you are still very much beautiful. All you need is a good night sleep”, he said as he pulled you towards your bedroom.
The bed was a mess. Books, papers, laptop, stationary on it. You felt embarrassed as Sanji saw you in your worst state.
“Sorry Sanji for making you see this”, you said as Sanji just made his way into the room and started to quickly clean the bed.
“You are apologising way too much Y/N. If I didn’t support you now, I shouldn’t even call myself your friend let alone your boyfriend”, he said.
Within minutes, he cleared everything up. You went towards the table to continue your work, but then, you felt your wrist being grabbed.
You looked at him and he looked at you with worried eyes.
“Y/N, I never said you should now write your paper”, he said sternly. Even though his voice was deep, his eyes showed worry.
“But I should complete it”, you said but he was quick to pull you towards him. He lifted you up with grace and walked towards the bed swiftly and plopped you on it. You couldn’t even protest because of how quickly it happened.
You tried to get up but then he decided to jump on you and cuddle you. You chuckled at how he behaved like a small child. When he heard your laugh he looked up to you, his head still placed on your chest. Oh how much he wanted to hear that laugh of yours. But you yourself didn’t knew when you fell asleep. As Sanji was looking while you laughed, you almost immediately fell asleep.
He smiled at you as you slept. He woke up and went towards your desk and sat on the chair.
Looking at the assignment that you should start, he analysed what you wrote in the roughly at the side. He took your phone and placed his thumb on the finger print scanner. Yes of course, you guys are having the healthiest relationship. He went towards the pdf of the assignment due dates and found the assignment you were working on. And damn he got angry at how many assignments you were given. The one you were working on was to be submitted the day after tomorrow.
‘Damn… no wonder Y/N had to stay up most of the night for these’, he thought as he called one of the smartest people he knew. No… it wasn’t Luffy. He has the devils Luck to pass his exams.
“Hey Robin chan! This is Sanji”, he said as he looked at the assignment.
“Hi Sanji. What happened?”, she inquired
“Robin chan, I actually need some help”, he started to ask about the assignment and how to collect the required information related to it.
Robin chan understood the situation and started to explain.
“So Sanji, Don’t waste your time searching all the websites. Just go to the websites I told you and you can see almost every possible explanation required to you”
Sanji searched on the laptop as he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear. The un-lit cigarette was dangling between his lips. The habbit of having it made him focus on things even more. But he ofcourse didn’t want to light it and make you wake up from its smell. And for gods sake, it was your divine room. He would never light a cigarette here. Soon he could see the information required to your assignment.
“Oh yes! I got it Robin chan! Thanks for your help”, he thanked her and they both ended the call after the exchanging a few more casual talks.
He looked at some other sites Robin mentioned and found everything that you required for writing this assignment. He actually wanted to write for you but, he knows that you’d feel guilty if he wrote it. So he just searched it for you. Then looked at another assignment which was the next one you had to submit in 5 days from now. So, he started to search for it and found the required information. He looked at the time and noticed that, it was already 2 in the morning. He didn’t even knew how the time passed while he searched for the information.
Sanji stretched his arms and stood up. He walked towards the bad, where you were sleeping peacefully. He smiled at you before kissing your forehead. He hugged you as he slept beside you.
The next day you woke up to the aroma of the food. You woke up from the best sleep you had. It was so refreshing and you felt so much better with it. You got up from the bed and went to the kitchen, where you saw the blond cooking for you.
You hugged him from behind as he grinned at your cute behaviour. “Good morning love”, he greeted you as he placed one of his arm around your shoulder and snuggled closer to you.
“Thanks for making this baby. I am so thankful for this”, you said pecking his cheek. He smiled and continued to make the breakfast.
“Its alright. Well, Y/N, you need to eat before you start writing the assignment. You smiled looking at him. ‘I am sure lucky’, you thought. You ate breakfast and then Sanji showed you the information he collected to write the assignment. Just when you thought you couldn’t fall in love with him more, he proved you wrong.
He was beside you leaning down with the laptop before you two as he was talking about some websites Robin chan mentioned. You placed your hand on his chin and turned him towards you then  pulled him in for a kiss.
“I think, I found the best boyfriend one could have. I’m so lucky”, you said as you hugged him
He blushed so hard when you said that.
That day you both wrote the assignments together and finished them.
“Its okay to ask for help Y/N, I am always happy to help you”, Sanji said as he held the finished papers of the assignment.
You smiled back at him and said, “Thankyou Sanji. I… I’ll ask your help”
So, I hope you liked this one shot. I felt so connected writing this. If you are facing a similar situation. Just remember. You need rest and you can always ask for help. Please give yourself credit and stay positive.
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - working alongside your husband brings moments of domesticity outside your home which you reveal is about to become a little bigger - fluff - x f reader
- an - this was based off of this ask an anon sent in earlier today, i’ve posted atsumu fic that links to this one !! thank you for the idea it was nice to write domestic samu :) this is also for @zumisace because i know you love samu and i love u >:)
“Oi, Samu! Stop flirtin with ya wife right in front’a me and get cookin, I’m starvin!” Atsumu whined as he rested his head against the kitchen prep counter which was currently occupied with countless cooking utensils scattered across the cool metal surface and various ingredients dotted around.
“Yer just jealous I have a gorgeous wife and you don’t” With a smug smile, Osamu wrapped his arm around your waist bringing you in close enough for him to press a quick kiss to your flour dusted cheek.
“Yuck! Not over the food I’m beggin ya!”
You giggled and pulled your husband back in close to you before turning to give a quick smile to his irritated twin.
“Perhaps we should find you a girlfriend Tsumu! I know a few people who I’m sure would be at least willing to go out on a date with you.”
“Yeah, you’d probably have to pay em first!”
You and your husband laughed lightly at the setter’s expense causing him to groan and sit up straight.
“I have plenty of girls linin up for me dont’cha worry bout that!”
Osamu snickered and motioned for his brother to take a tray of freshly prepped onigiri out to the front of the store.
“Yer damn right ya got a line waitin for ya, or more specifically, they’re waitin for ya to bring more food out so get to it.”
Atsumu grumbled but obliged as he slumped off the stool and took the tray with ease out to the front where drooling customers were waiting to pounce on any fresh batch of onigiri they could.
“You’re so mean to him sometimes.” You hummed as you continued to shape the rice into the correct size triangles as Osamu cut seaweed grass into accurate rectangles.
“It’s all outta love darlin.” He offered a warm smile to which you happily returned. “Of course he’s gonna be jealous I have a gorgeous, helpful and amazin wife! Anyone would be jealous.”
You blushed at his words and flicked him lightly leaving small dust prints of flour on his apron. “So gross!” You whined only for him to pull you into his chest and get you to look up at his handsome face.
Despite the fact the Miya brothers were twins, you still couldn’t help but find Osamu significantly more attractive than his older twin. This was even before you’d fallen for the man. There was just something about him that made him more desirable, not intending to offend Atsumu for he definitely wasn’t someone you’d consider unattractive. Perhaps it was his mature and responsible traits or maybe it was his hardworking and determination that drew you in. It didn’t matter either way though. You loved Osamu Miya for everything he was, physical and personal traits all included. He was the man you fell in love with and he was the man who had wanted you to become ‘Mrs Miya’, a title he often liked to refer to you as.
Osamu leaned down and rested his forehead on yours sighing softly. Caressing your cheek with his warm calloused hands, he pulled your face closer to his and pressed a warm and delicate kiss to your lips before securing his hand at the base of your neck while the other found its way around to the small on your back, drawing small circles with his index finger as he tenderly kissed you.
He was always good at catching you in these moments, Osamu never shied away from showing affection towards you whenever you had a second of privacy. The long hours he worked at his restaurants and home office took a toll on your time spent together, only making his levels of clinginess heighten until eventually it would snap and he’d refuse to keep his hands off of you when he’d get to see you again.
When you had suggested helping him in the restaurant he wasn't opposed to the idea at all. He knew he could count on you and that you were more than capable at cooking after being with him for so long. He loved the feel of getting to be domestic with you outside of the warm and loving home the two of you shared.
Finally pulling away, Osamu admired the soft twinkle in your eyes that he always found himself getting lost in.
“God, I’m lucky yer my girl, my favourite, beautiful girl.”
You hummed gently as you wrapped your arms around his small waist.
“Well, I hope you’re ready to potentially let me share the title of your ‘favourite girl’...”
Osamu’s eyebrow quirked in confusion as he muttered a puzzled “huh?” before you pulled one of your arms up to cup his warm cheek.
“I’m pregnant Samu…”
His eyes widened as he searched for any sign of insincerity in your expression. Then again, you weren’t one to pull a joke like this on him in such an atmosphere, you had to be telling the truth.
“Samu?” your voice laced with concern and worry as your husbands mouth stayed shut as he studied your form with soft but shocked eyes.
“Sorry! For real? Like, yer not playin with me are ya?”
“Of course not!”
Osamu felt tears prick in the corners on his eyes and wasted no time grabbing you by the waist and lifting you in the air in pure glee.
“I’m gonna be a dad? Fuck, I love you so so much y/n!” He laughed joyously as you let your own laughter intermix with his own.
Your home was about to become a family home and Osamu couldn’t have been happier. Not only did he marry the woman he loved, but now alongside you, he was going to get to raise a child the two of you had made together. A million different scenarios and questions ran through his mind as he placed you back down and wrapped you in a tight embrace. Would they look more like him or more like you? Were you going to bring your child to work some days or should he take time off. Would his kid be able to tell the difference between him and Atsumu? Would his kid even like onigiri? Oh, who cared? Right now, the most important thing on his mind was how much he loved you and wanted this with you.
Hushed but excited mutters of ‘I love you’ were traded between the two of you as Osamu peppered your face in soft kisses. Absolutely everything was right with the world in that very moment.
“Samu! Yer gotta get out there! Animals I’m tellin ya! Absolute animals out there! It’s like feeding hour at the zoo!”
Well, almost everything was right in the world.
“Comin yer idiot.” Osamu sighed before pulling away from you after you wiped his eyes.
“Thank fuck and- oh! Were ya crying ya little pissbaby?” Atsumu snorted when he saw his brothers slightly reddend eyes.
“Oh please, yer the only pissbaby here with yer stupid corn coloured hair.”
“It’s been toned since highschool actually, Bokkun taught me how to do it so I’d appreciate it if yer acknowledged that.”
“Whatever and besides, ya can call me pissbaby however much ya like but just thought I’d tell ya, I’m the one thats gonna be the dad to a real baby soon so shut yer trap!”
Atsumu’s mouth gaped open as he looked between you and your husband, surprise shown in his expression. You shook your head at the brothers typical bickering and strode over to the two of them grabbing another tray of freshly prepped onigiri to take out to desperate customers.
“I hope we don’t end up with twins.” You muttered as both boys snickered following out behind you as Atsumu bragged back to Osamu that his kid was gonna like ‘Uncle Atsumu’ more than his own father to which Osamu childishly quarreled back.
Nevermind a child, these two were enough for you to handle for now, but you just couldn't wait for your own angel to enter the world and had no worry in the world as you knew they’d have the best dad in the world and a semi-decent uncle.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @tsukishimagizzard @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206
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floralseokjin · 3 years
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Sandeul finds out 
⇢ memoirs of a mistake timeline 
[saga index] [drabble index]
kim seokjin x reader // suggestive // 1,308 words 
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“Okay. I need to go home,” you sighed, rolling onto your front to reach over the side of his bed for your underwear. He was pretty sure it was there anyway. He’d ripped it off in such a rush, he couldn’t quite remember. “I have to ace this test tomorrow.” 
“Sorry. Did I keep you?” Sat up now, you glanced over at him as you clipped your bra around your back, catching the smug smirk across his face, only to his surprise today you didn’t feel like chewing him out. Maybe it was those three orgasms he’d given you this afternoon... 
“Trust me. I’d rather spend my time doing this.” 
He watched you stand up, wrestling on your jeans, your boobs jiggling about. If he wasn’t so beat he was sure his dick would start stirring again. He was weak when it came to your body – just you in general actually. 
“Oh yeah?” He was only in his boxers, still laying on his bed. 
He caught you checking out his chest but didn’t say anything. Hoody over your head now, your muffled voice told him off. “Don’t get cocky.” And then he could see you again, grinning his way. He liked it when you grinned. You’d been doing it a lot more around him recently, which he took as a good sign. 
“I’ll see you in a couple days? Recovery time, right?” You asked. Ever since you’d began having sex at his place and not his car, the frequency had tripled – if that was possible. You’d rush over as soon as Sanduel wasn’t home, making the most of the free time. (Although, you liked to call it secret time, but whatever.) 
“Sure. Don’t want him to drop off.” He looked down at his crotch as he spoke. 
Even though he couldn’t see you, he just knew you’d rolled your eyes. “No third person.” It weirded you out but he just found it hilarious. “Sorry,” he apologised quickly. He didn’t want to push his luck. Oddly enough, he thought you two had some sort of friendship developing right now…
He watched you shove your sneakers on and stood up, finding his sweatpants hanging off the bed where he’d yanked them off in a bid to get inside you as quick as possible. “Hey. I’ll walk you out.” 
You turned to look at him, your eyebrows slightly raised in shock. “You don’t have to.” 
Rolling his eyes, he chuckled. “Well, I’m not going to let you see yourself out, am I?” 
Your face lit up as you laughed along and he felt a twang inside his ribcage. He hoped he wasn’t getting heart burn… “Oh, gentleman. Bang me and then bid me goodnight at the doorstep.” 
He carried on chuckling, not bothering to put on a shirt as he walked towards the door.  “Don’t forget dine you too.” Cup ramen and sandwiches went down a treat. 
Walking out of his room and across the short distance of the hallway that opened up into the living room, you following closely behind, the colour from his face drained when he spotted his best friend stood awkwardly between the sofa and the chair. Oh, fuck.
“Hey,” Sanduel greeted, eyes wide when he saw you pop out from behind Seokjin’s back. He felt you freeze, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. He was a mass of panic and dread. You hadn’t wanted anyone to know, you’d been very clear on that, and now look… you’d been caught red handed.  
“Sandeul,” he said, voice painfully tight. 
“Hey,” his friend repeated. The air was suddenly stuffy. Seokjin had a horrible feeling the tips of his ears were red. 
“Hi.” He heard you say – to his surprise. 
To Sandeul’s surprise too. His eyes jumped to your figure and he forced himself to smile. “Hi.” 
Seokjin wanted the ground to swallow him whole everything was so awkward. He felt you turn to look at him. “I’m just, uh, gonna go.” 
He forced himself to look at you finally, nodding his head way too hastily. “Yeah, uh…” 
“See you,” you rushed, and off you went, nodding in Sandeul’s direction awkwardly as you passed him. 
“Yup. See you.” The click of the front door as you shut it echoed inside Seokjin’s head, and then his best friend was ogling him – wanting answers. 
“I’m very confused.” 
“Fuck sake,” Jin groaned, running his hand through his hair. This wasn’t good. 
“That wasn’t real,” Sandeul shook his head. “None of this is real.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Suddenly, he was on the defensive. 
“Just how?” Sandeul was baffled. “I imagine she wasn’t in there to help you study considering you don’t share any classes together.” 
“No, you’re wrong. We had to study the anatomy of the naked body,” he smirked. 
“Fucking hell, dude,” Sandeul exclaimed. “She is so out of your league.”  
“Is not.” Now he was really offended. “We’re on par.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Jin.” 
“Hey man, don’t be a dick.” 
His best friend laughed. “I’m not. See?” He paused to clap. “I applaud you. But she did kinda run off when she saw me.” 
“She had to go,” Seokjin mumbled. “just don’t tell anyone about this, okay? We want to keep it quiet.” He sounded obviously desperate. 
“Yeah, we. It’s a thing we have going on.” He shrugged. “It’s going really well.” 
“Huh? You’re together?!” Sandeul’s volume emphasised his shock. 
“No!” How had he jumped to that conclusion? “We’re just hooking up. A lot.” 
Sandeul used his hands to mimic his brain exploding. “Mind. Blown.” 
“Remember, don’t tell anyone.” His eyes were wide. Maybe you wouldn’t mind if only Sandeul knew? The sex was so good, you couldn’t just end things because one person knew about it… Right? He was sure he could convince you it was all okay, because well, it was okay. 
“As if anyone would believe me anyway,” Sandeul laughed. “You’re secret’s safe with me. She seemed to be very into you, so who am I to judge?” 
Seokjin felt his cheeks heat up at his best friend’s insinuation, despite feeling smug about it… Yes, he’d heard you both have sex, which was sort of weird, but it was good to get confirmation that you were into him… 
Walking back into his room, he picked up his phone to call you immediately, only to see you’d already tried the same. 
1 Missed Call (6 minutes ago)
He sighed to himself and hit redial, psyching himself up. He couldn’t let you end things. You just about had enough time to say his name before he was rushing in. “Hey. Before you say anything, Sandeul is keeping it a secret, okay?”
There was silence on the other end. After a moment, you spoke. “Are you sure? How do you know?” You didn’t sound mad, just hesitant. 
“I asked him to.” 
He didn’t like the sound of your small, unsure sigh. “Seokjin, I don’t know about this –”
“He’s my best friend, I trust him.”
Another silence, plus a heavy breath. “Fine.” 
“Really?” He couldn’t hide the shock from his voice. 
He was a little lost for words, not expecting that to have been so easy. He’d been so sure you’d want to stop hooking up… “So, we’re okay?”
“Yes, we’re okay,” you chuckled. “I don’t know him, but I know you and I trust you, so…” 
“You trust me?” Now he sounded smug. 
“Don’t make me regret it.” 
“I won’t.” It was time to behave again. 
He heard you groan. “How long do you think he was there for?” 
He chuckled lightly. “I don’t know but I’m pretty sure he heard us…”
“Noo,” you groaned louder. “I can’t come to your place again.” 
“Hold up, you have too.” He insisted with a whine. “I can’t go back to fucking in that car again. Please.” 
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Written 2021.   Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
140 notes · View notes
seostudios · 4 years
middle of the night: all about luv - p.js
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you just needed to pass your classes and you'd be out of this hellhole but of course you couldn't do it alone! it was a two man job with your lifestyle so the school assigned you to the one and only park jisung, clumsy straight a student who you may or may not have now taken a liking to....
pairing: park jisung x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 4.5k
info: rebel!reader, nerd!jisung, strangers to lovers!au, non-idol!au, high school!au
warnings: explicit/vulgar language, mentions of drugs, alcohol, little bit alcohol consumption
a/n: hey omg i can’t believe i finally posted a part to this series, i hope u guys enjoy it and PLEASE tell me if you want a taglist okay? thanks! 
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You were fierce, everyone knew. Even those who haven't even seen you and your tricks in-person feared when you attended school. Although you were known to play tricks,  rough-house, and start problems with the other kids who didn't even bother attending school or pursue their actual desires- you had one and was determined to make it come true one way or another. But unfortunately, you were pretty dim compared to the students who roamed the hallways, it never stopped you, Today you decided on approaching your math teacher since she was surprisingly the only one who cheered you on with your aspirations,
"So...I'm passing three of my four courses this semester!?" You eagerly questioned the woman in front of you, "Yes, you are" confirmed with the recent grade updates, you sigh in relief knowing you were passing most of your classes with satisfying marks, so you made your way to the exit. 
However, she pulled you back down to your seat. "You're failing Science Y/n," she added pointing at the 34, "Well I don't even know what's happening in there, how can I pass in such a short time?" 
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He stared out the window of the Science lab. He had plans after school, "Jisung? Park Jisung?" an unfamiliar teacher called from the door frame; his attention was mainly towards the girl behind her which sent shivers down his spine.
"Can you meet me in Room 284 after school?" Of course not, he's finally scored a fucking date with Lee Jieun one of the prettiest and popular girls of the junior division, he looked over to Jieun in the back of the class who was listening in on your conversation along with everybody else in the classroom, she looked disappointed but nodded permitting him to ditch their date, he smiled apologetically at the girl before focusing his attention to the door, 
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Knocks were heard from the door which made your busy teacher who was marking work signal you to go open the entrance to this quite cold classroom. Roughly around 5'11 probably 6'0 boy is wearing a worn-out white shirt, with a navy blue blazer, pants and a poorly tied tie. His attire was mandatory but his hair was unique, rocking pink-brown hair was not something you see every day unless they were idols. The sun shined passed the windows onto the boy making his rosewood hair turn into a more dark salmon colour. "Jisung!" Your Math teacher chirped to the boy pulling out a chair next to yours indicating you two to sit back down. She took a good two minutes out of your time to finish up on marking and organizing the sheets sprawled across the desk, you and Jisung just sat in silence. In all honestly, Jisung was shitting himself. You and the reputation you had here were most definitely the reason why. Shifting his position every ten seconds, the occasional glances to you, and bouncing his leg. Finally, she turned her attention to the pair in front of her, "So you two are probably really confused."she stated looking at Jisung, then you."Poor Y/n here, my favourite student-"She pauses looking at you with a smile and towards Jisung who looked confused on how,"which is surprising to the staff apparently which I have no idea how...she hasn't been...rebellious in a few weeks since she's trying to pass before the summer break."Clasping her hands together she looks up at you two, "Jisung I need you to tutor Y/n until she gets her final grade in." When I tell you his eyes widened enough for you to see the wrinkles on his forehead form, you did. You smiled accepting the help but it quickly seeing his distressed self, "Are you okay? Do you not want to tutor me?"You asked, and it was your first time ever speaking to the boy he never expected you to sound so soft and gentle; predicting beforehand that you had a rough deeper voice. His facial expression softens slightly at your hopeful gaze piercing through him- hoping he'd tutor you, cause frankly, you needed it more than anyone in your division at this point (Maybe you're being a little selfish but who cares.). Jisung was sitting in his seat, zoned out, probably processing all this. It took him a minute, but he finally looked up from fiddling with his fingers. "Oh Of course I will! I can do Wednesdays after school and Saturday around noon?"It was pretty shocking how confident he sounded ordering you around that second- which made the teacher grin at the shy boy's sudden dominance. Chuckling a little with a small smile plastered on your face you say "Works perfectly, I'll be leaving now. Bye Ms.," You said jolting up grabbing your backpack walking towards the door, but before you leave you gotta leave a nice impression on the boy plus its rude to not say goodbye isn't it. 
"Goodbye Jisung Park."
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It was Tuesday and Jisung was sitting in the Music room during lunch eating and catching up on his Health papers when you walked in. This was your usual spot in the late spring when you needed AC and a place to lay down. On a regular day for Jisung, he'd be in the front of the school on the bench working however it was too hot for him today so he opted to break into the already unlocked classroom to eat and study in. Sitting on top of the sink counter you lean to open a window pulling out a cigarette, you came here to smoke and it was a great place since it was deserted. "W-What are you doing?" Jisung asked looking up from his notebook sitting on the carpet. "Do I look like I'm about to jump out the window? no. I'm gonna smoke."You informed sarcastically on the boy. He was slightly taken aback you were so sweet yesterday and today your back with your bad girl reputation still strong. He threw you a quick look before getting up, putting his things in his bag, and throwing out the rest of his lunch. Now, walking towards you he takes the cigarette out your hand before you could even light it and threw it out the open window. "Hey! I wasn't done with that, and I didn't even start with it!" You raised your voice at him which did make him flinch but provoked him to argue back, "Yah! Your smoking is unhealthy and against school rules." He paused but started again, "You want to pass, don't you? I'm helping you pass, aren't I? Get your things together if you want my help Y/n."He spat. Honestly, you didn't think his words would affect you so much but it fueled the fire you started a minute ago. "Shut up Park, stop acting all tough when you know nothing about me, I never needed your help I was just going along with Ms." you argued back before grabbing your backpack and the lighter on the counter before hopping off pushing the tallboy to the side rudely, muttering something about bullshit.
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"I was helping her! And she says you know nothing about me Park! like of course I don't butt why does she need to be an asshole when I'm trying to help her out." Jisung complains to Chenle in front of him. "Maybe she's like addicted," Chenle says trying to make the best out of the situation "Look, she'll warm up to you eventually cause you two will be spending lots of time together now." Jisung huffs in disbelief that Chenle is basically on your side here, getting up from the grassy field to join the rest of his gym class in soccer.
From the corner of his eyes, he sees a figure under the bleachers; you. He knows you are upset with him as much as he is with you but he still wants to encourage you to pass Science with his help. "Park! Get your ass over here!" Yedam, his classmate calls him to grab his things on the field before heading into the change rooms.
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The school bell rang, you watched students walk out of their classrooms to their lockers, friends, lovers. You were leaning against the wall beside the empty Music room contemplating if you should leave and hang out with some friends by Unjeong Lake Park or stay in with Park Jisung to study for Science. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a voice, "Hey." Jisung stood in front of you, backpack resting on one shoulder and a Science textbook in his hand. "Hi," It was awkward being around him after you little tilt.
"Let's go," You trailed behind Jisung watching him take you to an unfamiliar part of the school, the West End. "Why are we here?" You question the pink-haired boy, but all you get in return is silence. At last, he brought you two to the old gym, it hasn't been used in almost 6 years but somehow it looks squeaky clean. "This is my hangout spot after school, I kind of made my friends go down to Unjeong for the day so we could study here until I find a proper place." He explains to you placing his books and bag on the stacked mats, offering to take your bag too, you let him. "So what Unit is your class working on now?" He asked you once the two of you sat on one of the many beanbags in the gym (Probably brought in from his pals), "Well my mom made me take Biology I and I know you are in my class I just don't show up..." You lean back on the beanbag playing with the lighter in your hands "What are we learning Park?" He visibly gulps at you doesn't even know why he's nervous himself, maybe because your scary? Probably.
"Well we're on our last unit of the year and the Unit test and Final Exam are what can get you to pass the class with at least a 60," He said moving to grab his textbook flipping to a page with sticky notes plastered all over. "We are in Unit 5, Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function. It's an easy Unit so we could go through it in two months then spend the two weeks before the final exam prep." Jisung finished speaking and handed you the textbook that was on the Unit page, it didn't look hard but you knew better to judge a book by its cover. "Alright, where do we start." You smile at the grinning boy who's suddenly amused by your aspiration to pass the course.
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It's 2:45 and you are in the middle of the last period, Science. It was your last day of the Science of the year, technically. You still had to prep for your final exam, but this was the final unit test which meant for the next month you'd be stuck in a silent classroom with your peers all silently studying over and writing recap notes for the final exam. You finish writing the date on your page and adding a little smiley face at the end of your name, flipping your paper over you take out your earbuds, and play music to pass time. 
Good, 15 minutes have passed, and you see students getting up to hand in their papers, this where you tag along and hand it in too. Patting the eraser ends on your skirt off you make it back to your desk sitting then turning to look behind you, a few desks down to a now chocolate haired boy. He was finishing up his test when he looked up to see you basically ogling at him. Throwing you an awkward half-assed smile he looks back to the girl behind him, Jieun. 
Jieun and Jisung took a very bad turn once Jisung agreed on tutoring you. She's ghosted the boy and took a liking to her lab partner, Taehyun. It was disappointing to see a girl get jealous over her date tutoring a very incompetent girl like you. If you were in her position, you might've gotten scared but wouldn't drop the kid; it was rude, and honestly, you were glad Jisung accepted that fate and moved on from her. He played with the end of his test sheet before sighing thumping his head against the desk, okay maybe he wasn't that over her yet but he's doing better than you ever would. Over these four months you and Jisung surprisingly got along well, you've opted to occupy a booth int he back of your town's ice cream parlor for studying instead of that abandoned gym in the West End. 
In all honesty, you felt bad about how you treated the tall boy in the first few weeks of tutoring. You showed up late which strung the classes longer making one hour, two. You complained, never listened, argued, actually punched him once. But after warming up to him you've started to take a liking, noticing his features a little more than you did last week, finding his beauty mark under his lip stunning. Nowadays he seems ten times more charming, appealing, engaging, and irresistible to you, memorizing his favourite things how he looks up to Kai, the teacher assistant for the seniors. And that he actually hates Science and prefers Gym and Sociology class. He likes all kinds of ice cream and tries new flavors every visit, he never writes with a red-inked pen since he prefers the black one and always lets you know that too ("Y/n did you know red ink stains are a nasty stain to get out, always use black ink."). You aren't the only one who's learned to love the newly blossomed friendship as he's learned as much as you about him, on how you've always wanted to become a Veterinarian, that your love for animals is just unexplainable and the only things holding you down is this horrible reputation you've built yourself over the two years of attending. But better late than ever to change your ways and Jisung was absolutely mesmerized by your determination to achieve the new milestones you've set for yourself.
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"PARK JISUNG!" You shrieked barging into the empty ice cream parlor to see the boy sitting idling on his device, he looks up at you running towards your booth. "Hey, shhh", he quiets your overly excited self-telling you to sit."I got my Unit Test mark," you stop talking to take your backpack off and pull out your Unit Test which was graded and with a big fat A on it. "Holy shit! Y/n this is amazing!!"He exclaimed eyes going wide seeing the mark, his hard work really did pay off. 
"Now we can start prepping for Finals," Jisung told you after handing your papers back, your shoulders sagged and your smile disappeared, you were hoping to possibly celebrate with your tutor and newfound friend. Shaking your head, you look at him again, "No sorry, I wanna celebrate this tonight," you inform Jisung who looks at you with a somewhat annoyed expression. "Sorry Y/n but one A isn't going to help you get to a passing mark, you need more than that and the only thing that'll help you pass Biology is your Final Exam which is what we need to prep for." What the fuck? Jisung Park, the golden student, and who you thought was your friend basically telling you that your grade wasn't worth all that cheering two minutes ago. That was unbelievable what type of asshole does that, oh wait apparently Jisung Park. You knew you weren't gonna pass with one test, of course not. You might've been dumb but not to that extent, you clench your fists wondering how all that admiration you had for someone just got poured down a drain so quickly. You chuckle heartlessly ' that thought lingered before you look at him and speak.
"Yea of course I know that but do you not understand how big of a milestone this was for me? I am one step behind passing my hardest subject of the semester and you telling me that it's not enough and we need to prepare for a final at the end of a month that has just started is fucking rude Park."You hiss at him now baffled on how he couldn't comprehend after four- almost five months of knowing you. Getting up you grab your backpack and phone and turn to exit the ice-cream parlor. 
You were now outside of the small store, and Jisung didn't even come after you. Sighing knowing you should've known associating yourself with someone with a better reputation wouldn't have been smart. Pulling your phone out, you dial in a friend who you knew would be there for you and who had more free time than most students his age. "Jeno," You stammered through the phone "Y/n? Are you okay?" You smile weakly at his concern, not even a minute into a call."Can you pick me up?" you asked quietly to the older boy. Looking through the big glass window to the back of the shop, you see Jisung sitting there watching you intently, and he knows he hurt you. It wasn't his intent to; he just wanted you to reach your goals and he thought celebrating could've been done another time instead not today, I guess he hit a soft spot seeing your facial expression so fragile.
He saw a motorcycle pull up beside you and a muscular guy go and place a helmet on your head after holding you in his embrace for a moment before the two of you hopping back on the ride driving off to god knows where.
You kick around an empty pop can on the sidewalk waiting for your ride. Jeno knew something upsetting you over the phone so he decided not to question it and get you riled up but to drink a couple of beers and play darts at his crib. A Black 2018 Kawasaki Ninja pulls up in front of you, the driver removes his helmet revealed to be your dear friend, Jeno. He felt your gloomy aura already deciding to just embrace you tightly, "Whatever it is, you did amazing." He assured you before breaking the hug to plop the helmet on you and hopping back on with you behind him seated.
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"Great job Y/n, I can see you making it through the year, I just finished putting in your final mark 89 is an amazing score and all on your own is shocking." Your Science teacher complimented you after holding you back to show your improvement to you, Jeno encouraged you to still study hard solo after acknowledging that you didn't want to work with Jisung anymore, hard work did pay off now your officially finished with your junior year and with flawless grades. "Have a great summer break," You tell her before walking out for lunch. Last day of school before the summer break, it's been a crazy weird year but you don't seem to be upset. Jisung seemed happy without you anyways, you've been skipping Music to sit out on the bleachers while he had gym class, and made sure to visit the West End more often. You didn't realize it yet but Jisung looking happy stung more than it should've.
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Fuck that bullshit Y/n is on, Jisung is miserable without her. He didn't take note of it but he was more than happy to spend his Wednesdays and Saturdays with you. He liked the way your eyes widened or how your jaw almost touched the floor when he teaches you something new, or when your eyed shimmered when your grades went up every quiz. How your nose scrunched up at a difficult question, the way you organized his pencil case when he wasn't looking because 'it had to be cute like him'. He was too much of a coward to keep you by his side, it's safe to say Jisung Park likes you back. Head over heels in love with you probably, but we shouldn't stretch it that far knowing he's working his ass off to get over you, and of his mind but when does he even succeed. It's the last day of school and possibly the last time Jisung gets to see you roam the halls, watch him in Gym class fooling around with his friends, or just see you until the next school year. No, Jisung made it his goal to win you back. He's never seen you that way, never thought he'd need you, all he wants is to see you, hold you.
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"No Park. She's not even here kid," Your friend, Yuna told Jisung who was at your doorstep asking for you. "Just, just tell her to text me." He said frustrated now leaving.
"I thought you said he didn't want anything to do with you?" Jeno asked sitting on the couch of Yuna's living room beside you. "He doesn't, I don't know why-" Yuna was quick to argue with you, "He likes you and you left." Jeno nods agreeing, "I see that happening..." He half-joked. "Listen I know he was a jerk in May, but it's June- July tomorrow! He's not being a jerk right now because what freaking jerk comes to your doorstep BEGGING to talk to you?" Yuna ranted. 
You know he's not a jerk and he meant no harm that day but it hurt. Everyone always sugarcoated things with you so when Jisung was pretty blunt with you, it stung. You whine at all this thinking about Jisung and feelings, plus even if he did like you, there was so much to unravel than just some lame highschooler who wanted to get her shit together. So so much more than just that. Drinking the rest of the alcohol in your plastic cup you sit up straight staring at the two in front of you who were dying to hear your say in this, "Okay so what if we have our happy ending, what'll happen then? He'll figure out how toxic I am and go running back to Jiwoo or whatever name is."Stopping and using a couch pillow to cover your face- did you seriously imagine yourself with a happy ending, you've fucked up so much that it seems impossible to turn back. Yuna notices your heartache and decided to tone down on his jokes and talk to you 'for realsies',"Sweetheart if he leaves you because your teeny issues were too overwhelming for him it's not worth it but from his recent actions it looks like he'd want to be there with you through those issues. Honestly, he could live a little too so dealing with you- and giving me and Jeno here a break should be thrilling."Adding a light-hearted joke was what you needed to place a soft smile on your lips.
“Now go get your man” Jeno says slapping your back playfully encouraging you to leave the house and venture off to him- wherever he is.
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"Can I help you?" A boy wearing Yonsei University sweatshirt asked you. 'This must be Jisung's older brother he told me about' You thought to yourself, "Oh Yes, is Jisung home?" You ask him looking up trying to look as innocent as you can. "Oh you just missed him, he went to get ice cream with his friends," he said. Shouting a quick thanks you run down to the only ice cream parlor Jisung probably knows in town.
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CLOSED is all you see in front of the ice cream parlor. Did Jisung's older brother lie to me? Now that you think of it, he and his brother aren't close enough to share those type of things from what you heard, and what type of boy would avoid the girl he supposedly likes. You sit down on the curb looking off into the little soccer field, watching kids play with their friends thinking, then it hit you. Did Jisung lie to his older brother? C'mon Y/n think of the one place Jisung and his friends could be...The park? Nah, too crowded. The mall? No, too far. Think Think Think, one place. Where in the world could Jisung- WEST END! God, why didn't you think of that in the beginning, of course, he's there. Getting up off the curb you make your way quickly to the back of the school, remembering Jisung telling you a back entrance to the West End.
Reaching the back entrance you see it open indicating someone (Jisung and friends) was inside. Maybe you shouldn't barge in and ruin their fun...opting to send Jisung a text you search your pockets to find, nothing. How could you leave your house without your phone? You're like addicted to it. "Excuse me?" A deep voice booms behind you, turning around you look up at the man. It's Jaehyun, the volleyball team captain. "Y/n." You know him, through Jisung, of course, why else would he be at the West End or know your name. "Hi," your breath rather softly which throws the older boy way off since he knows you for your snarky remarks or overly confident aura...Today you seem the opposite really. "Can you tell Jisung to come out for a second?" you ask avoiding eye contact and resorting to looking at the chalked up pavement. He gives you a thumbs up and heads in.
"Park Jisung-ah!" Jaehyun shouts for Jisung loud enough for it to echo in the empty gym. Looking up and seeing Jaehyun, Jisung excuses himself from his current conversation with Doyoung, Yuta, and Renjun to jog over to his Hyung. "Your chick is here," He says pointing out the door to you, Jisung's eyes lit up already knowing who Jaehyun was talking about peeking his head out the door to see you looking off into the parking lot, watching the sunset. He was pulled right back in by Jaehyun, "You better fix whatever's been going on between you, Y/n looks like an actual school girl being all shy and soft. I'm actually disgusted I need that spunky girl back before I force you two to kiss or some shit," Really Jaehyun? Some advice you got there.
"Alright kid go get your chick" Jaehyun cheered before pushing him and closing the door loud enough to alert and make you turn back.
It felt like a dream, none of this felt real. It hasn't even bee 24 hours since you last saw Jisung, but it's been a month of not interacting to get your heart racing this much. You looked unreal to Jisung, out of a fairytale actually and he looked amazing, like always. This is when he started to panic, you smiled weakly and started walking up to him. He looked down at his shoes not having the balls to look you in the eye, "Jisung look at me you pussy." You said so calmly but so rudely(?). It was funny and made Jisung giggle which made you short circuit.
Jisung looks up from his feet to see you staring into his brown eyes, taking in all his features again looking at him from head to toe; how fluffy his dark coffee bean hair was or his cheeks- god you always took the chance to pinch them when you could. His broad shoulders you always wondered how his hugs would be, probably so comfy and perfect. The beauty mark under his lip, fuck always wanted to kiss it. Your thoughts were disrupted when you felt two large hands enclose you in a tight hug; reacting almost immediately you wrap your small hands around his waist and rest your head on his chest while he brings his large hand to caress the back of your head. "I'm sorry, I know what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have made you seem so slow-witted when you totally aren't. I think over that conversation almost every night. I'm so so sorry Y/n," He finishes tightening the hug for a moment sympathetically.
You loosen the hug and tippy-toe up to the boy placing a small peck on his pink lips which caused his cheeks to go crimson. "You're forgiven, Park," you say giving him a tight smile. You see the tall boy pout a little and turn his reddened face to the side before mumbling "I was supposed to do that," which caused a fit of giggles from you. 
"You'll have plenty of opportunities in the future Jisung."
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irwinkitten · 4 years
men of mayhem | a.i
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notes: so the majority of this is written already. but i probably won’t post the next part too soon. however, this is a sons of anarchy!au and i’ve been so excited about. you do NOT need to have watched the show to know what’s going on, but if you have seen the show, you may spot some familiar names and places. to give you a rough timeline, the oc (Michelle) and Ashton are born in 1978 and this part has various stages. She attends university in 1996 and the ending is taking place in the summer of 1998. We don’t see all of the guys in this part, but they will be making more appearances as the story goes on! A big thank you to @sexgodashton​ for going over this with a fine tooth comb and to @spicycal​ and @softbabiestan​ for being my cheerleaders. Love you guys.  warnings: mentions of violence, hints of smut, mentions of guns word count: 5.7k
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               When Michelle Morgan left the small town of Charming at the age of eighteen to pursue her dream career, she knew she was leaving behind more than her parents and baby brother, Matty. She was leaving behind a group who she’d grown up with. Many said that her childhood sweetheart would leave her in the dust, break her heart whilst she was in the big city, studying her chosen profession. But those many knew nothing about her hometown life.
Growing up with the Irwin’s had been something of a blessing for her. The Morgan’s took it as the sign that it was, because nobody in Charming messed with the Irwin’s. Although her father had never joined SAMCRO—the known biker gang who ran many things off the books as well as their mechanics business—he fully supported them, helping out with transport when they needed it. 
Her friendship with Ashton—the only son of Anne-Marie and Bert Irwin—only formed because she’d been cornered by the playground bullies at the age of five, and her vicious kicks to their shins followed by Ashton pulling them away from her had the two kids as thick as thieves since.
They’d been childhood sweethearts from the get go, and with the rest of SAMCRO being an influence in her life, her father knew that she was going to be involved somehow. Her mother  first mentioned being Ashton’s “Old Lady” when they were sixteen—celebrating her sixteenth birthday no less—causing both teens to blush furiously at her words. The other club members had laughed, and despite her bright red face, she scoffed.
“Don’t like the idea of that, lil’ lady?” Bert teased her, the nickname filled with nothing but the affection that he and Anne both had for Michelle.
“Someone is gonna have to pull your sorry asses outta the fire when your plans go to shit. That’s gonna be me. I’m gonna study and get into those bigshot firms. And I’m gonna come back and keep the lotta you out of trouble.” She missed Ashton’s look of awe, but the other club members hadn’t. 
But her words had hit home for them, and so they toasted her luck on her sixteenth birthday.
That night, when the two were hidden away in their den—despite what their parents assumed when Ashton pulled her away—they were lay on the various throws and pillows that lived on the floor, cuddled up as he played with her fingers, gently bringing her knuckles up to his lips.
“Did you mean that Micha? You really gonna go away for however long it takes to be a big shot lawyer?” When it was just the two of them, he never hid from her. The fear was laid out for her to see.
“It’s gonna be seven years of school at least. Maybe a couple more to work with the big firms and get cases under my belt.” 
The silence that followed wasn’t uncomfortable. Silence for them never had been since he’d confessed that he loved her when they were fourteen and had loved her since they were six. 
“Ten years is a long time, sweetheart.” She turned in his arms to face him, her eyes searching his face. She could see the fear sitting there, plain as day for her. 
“It is. But I’m not letting you go, Irwin. We’ve got ten years of love on our side, with another two before I’d have to go to University. Surely we can make it through another ten? I know your dad won’t put you on any of the runs, not till you turn twenty one. Which means we got four years of unfiltered time for you coming to visit, right?” 
“Of course.” He whispered, his lips brushing against hers softly. “Reckon you’ll let me into your pants before you leave?” And she giggled, his own face lighting up in joy.
“Reckon you can wait till I’ve gotta leave. I know you’re not gonna complain when my lips can be put to better use for the next two years.” He rolled over with a playful growl, pinning her down which earned a small giggle as he playfully nipped at her neck. 
“I reckon I can do that. But, I’ve gotta treat my birthday girl tonight.” His lips met hers and she didn’t argue. 
When she was accepted into University, the club had celebrated with her, watching in anticipation for her acceptance. She’d studied so hard for her entrance exams and had already imparted some knowledge to Bert to keep him out of trouble.
Her first year had been daunting. Ashton visited her once a month at most thanks to the cost of gas, but it was enough for them.
That was when people began to tell her that they’d never last. 
Men in her class would tell her that she’d be better off with them, but Michelle held her own. They didn’t like that. They tried to get vicious with her in the mock court sessions and various debates, but she had a secret weapon.
She’d grown up with SAMCRO, and in the words of Chibs, “she’s got balls of diamond that one”. Ashton had laughed at his words, and she’d thrown the drinks mat at his face, making the other club members laugh.
When she’d come home for the holidays, Bert had heard enough from Ashton to track her down and ask her if she wanted a second layer of protection. 
“I can’t give you Ashton, I need him here unfortunately. Him and Hood get into enough trouble.” This made her grin. 
“Throw in Hemmings and Clifford, and that’s going to be a disaster when they start doing runs.” Bert had snorted at her words.
“Either it’ll be crazy enough that it’ll work or a disaster.” He muttered before pulling the two of them back on track. “Instead of Ash, I figured it was about time that Chibs and I taught you how to shoot a gun, don’t you think?” 
“I know how to shoot a gun,” came back the retort, and Bert smiled.
“Ah, but from a moving vehicle? And what about awareness of your surroundings, lil’ lady?” Michelle paused before reluctantly shaking her head at his questions.
“I guess not.” She finally muttered and he grinned.
“Chibs and I will start you tomorrow. Ash can come as well. Maybe get him to rope Hood, Hemmings and Clifford into it. The four of them are gonna be a force to reckon with when he takes over.” 
“Oh no bet on that one. Cal will be his VP. You need to make sure that Bobby doesn’t murder them when they prank him because you know he’s gonna be their easy target.” 
The two of them made their way back into the Irwin household. Michelle laughed as her little brother rushed to greet her. It had definitely been strange being away from Matty for so long.“You’re not wrong. C’mon lil’ lady. You’ve been missed by a lot of people.” 
He’d guided her into the main dining and sitting room to find nearly all of the club there along with what was considered the next generation of club members. All of the younger members kept away from the free flowing alcohol, knowing that the following day was going to be daunting as it was. Michelle was happy enough to stay sober to talk to her parents and sit with Matty on her lap, listening to him going on about all the things he’d done in the months that she’d been away. 
Ashton barely left her side. 
The following morning felt like it was straight out of the movies. But she knew that this was the reality for the club members who did the various runs. 
Unsurprisingly, Ashton helped both Bert and Chibs. Michelle hadn’t expected anything less from her boyfriend, but even then, it still stunned her the trust that he had in her not to hit him with a bullet when it came to being aware of club members versus rivals. 
“Am I gonna really need to know this kinda stuff?” The complaint had been good natured, but the elder Irwin understood her hesitation. He hadn’t risen to her complaint, making her go through their course again. It was late afternoon before Chibs finally called to a halt, and they began to pack down, making sure nothing was left behind.
Once they were ready to go, Bert motioned for the other two to head off. Ashton scowled for a moment before his dad sighed.
“I just need to talk with your girl. I’ve got intel on her uni, and you need to go meet with Hood. the Harris’ have payments due.” With a quick kiss to his girlfriend, Ashton handed Michelle her helmet and then he was gone with Chibs.
“C’mon lil’ lady.” She didn’t hesitate to climb on the back of Bert’s bike. It was a level of freedom that she understood and part of her wanted her own to travel back to uni with, to show those men who thought she was easy that no one messed with her. 
The drive wasn’t too far out of Charming. It was mostly desert, but there was a little spot that gave a nice view of the town.
When the bike was parked up, Michelle was off first, heading to a small bench that had been left there by a previous resident.
“Ashton’s gonna be Club Prez one day. You and I both know this.” Michelle did know this. Both her and Ashton had known since they were kids. Ashton had always so desperately wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps.
“What time frame?” She finally asked, turning her head to the man who had turned into a second father for her.
“Maybe by the time he’s twenty five. I’ve been CP for nearly forty years, and it’s time to retire for me.” This shocked Michelle, her eyes going wide. 
“But, Ash thought he wouldn’t be Prez til he was in his late thirties at least?” The surprise that coloured Michelle’s tone made Bert laugh as he threw his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her gently as he kissed her temple. 
“I’m glad that you both have faith in this old man. But unlike the others, I wanna be able to spoil my grandchildren when they come. I’m surprised that my boy hasn’t made an honest woman outta you.” 
Michelle blushed, making him laugh. “Shove off old man.” She groaned, pushing away from him, making him laugh even more.
“I just wanna know, what’s gonna happen. That’s all.” He raised his hands in surrender, and she sighed.
“We talked about it before I left in September. I want to finish school. He knows I’m already planning to spend maybe a couple of years in the big city in a firm so I have a few cases under my belt. He also knows that I want him. I never really wanted anyone else.” 
“And I know that, lil’ lady. That’s why I want to help you protect yourself. When Ashton becomes Club Prez, you know we’ve got problems that he’ll inherit. The second they find out you’re a lawyer? That’s a pretty lookin’ red target painted on your forehead.” 
Michelle nodded. “That’s why you had me take out the opposition vs our own.” 
Bert nodded. “I don’t anticipate you being part of the club like that. But if you get into a situation, I’ll be relieved to know that one of my girls can get away safely. You know we’d be devastated if we lost you, Anne-Marie especially.” Michelle felt her heart swell for this man and his wife. 
Her parents were good to her, and she knew that. And so were the Irwin’s. But knowing that they valued her like a daughter already made her appreciate just what she had in her life.
“At least by the time I’m finished with school, I’ll be there to haul his ass out of the fire coals.” Her murmured words made Bert laugh before patting her knee.
“And he’d be lucky to have you hauling his ass from the fires. C’mon lil’ lady. Let's get back before he goes off at me. I know you’re only here for a few more weeks, and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible.” 
When the two of them returned, Ashton didn’t hesitate to almost drag Michelle out to the den that they’d built as teenagers, making Bert laugh at her exasperated eye roll. But once the two of them were secluded away from the world, she happily nestled against him, their clothes long gone as she traced his tattoos.
“What was dad after?” His fingers ran up and down her spine, her body melting against him as she fought to keep her eyes open.
“Told me why he was doing that today, why he wanted me to know how to at least fight back.” She murmured and his lips pressed against the top of her head.
“And why would that be, sweetheart?” Her head tilted up so that her chin could rest on his chest, her eyes catching his. 
“You’re gonna be Prez eventually, Ash. Everyone and their mother know about us. He’s worried that when you take over, you’ll be inheriting problems he’s been dealing with for years. Just being associated with you paints a target on my back. When they find out that we’re together? That target moves to my forehead.” There was no way to paint it nicely, but Ashton understood, even if there was crease between his brows at her words.
“Hopefully being in the big city takes it away, you’re out of town for too long.” She smiled sadly at him before letting the subject drop. 
“He also asked why you haven’t made an honest woman out of me. I think he forgets we’re only eighteen, and I’ve barely been away for six months.” Ashton laughed, and the mood changed drastically as she shifted, straddling his hips. 
“Trust me sweetheart, when I’ve saved up, I’ll be making an honest woman outta you. Those big shots can get fucked when they see a nice, shiny diamond on your finger.” 
“Oh there better be a shiny diamond eventually, Irwin.” He laughed as she leaned down to kiss him. 
Time passed by for them. Whilst he was saving up the money he earned from helping the club and working with Bobby in the garage, Michelle worked her ass off. 
Despite repeatedly telling men that she was taken, none really believed it. However, when she landed a few punches after one of them got too handsy with her, they quickly realised that it didn’t matter what they believed.
She could fight back, and she could put them down quicker than they’d ever be able to step away from. 
When Ashton had found out, he’d taken a month away, despite Bert half-heartedly arguing, he realised that if anything, it would keep her safer if they saw what kind of boyfriend she had.
She was surprised when he turned up after her lecture to pick her up. The roar of the bike engine was so familiar that it sounded out of place in the big city.
Michelle had been chatting with Jennifer, as they’d left, deliberately ignoring the few guys that seemed to invite themselves along. When Jen had spotted her ride, she hesitated, unwilling to leave Michelle with the guys from their course, circling around her like vultures.
“I can see if Jack could drop you off, save you from these creeps?” They shared a giggle.
 “Thanks but I need to head to the bar. Old Jerry wants me to stop by soon to try his new cocktails...” The roar of the engine made her pause, her eyes immediately searching out the sound.
“Chelle?” Jen had prodded her to get her attention, but once Michelle spotted the bike, her face lit up in undisguised glee.
“I don’t need to worry about getting a ride, mine just arrived.” The guys that had been lingering, scoffed. 
“Really Morgan? You’re going after a lowlife, probably with no stable job and an arrest record?” She wasn’t sure of his name, Mike or Marc, but his words triggered her anger. As the bike pulled up, she spun around, ready to punch him before remembering where she was.
“If I wasn’t so determined to become a lawyer, I’d have decked you with no hesitation. However, that apparent lowlife has been my best friend since we were kids. Add in the fact he’s literally the love of my life, and you get the picture. No arrest record, his dad runs and owns a garage that he’s set to inherit one day and not to mention, I like my men a little rough around the edges. How about you go fuck the blow up doll your buddies got you for Christmas and get off my fucking ass.” She snapped and she watched as he glanced behind her.
“He gonna come in and save you then?” This time, she smirked.
“When you run around with men that look like they could kill you, you get taught how to defend yourself from creepy assholes. Try it and see where this will get you. Not to mention that I’m a scholarship student. Why would I jeopardize this chance for a career?” Her voice had turned innocent, sweet. But the dare was laid for all to hear.
“You’re an ugly bitch anyway.” He finally muttered before turning on his heel and leaving. She shared a look with Jen before they both started laughing. Michelle hugged her friend goodbye before running to where Ashton was standing, leaning against his bike. 
The hindrance of her skirt meant that he could only pick her up and swing her around, but she was finally in the safest place.
“It’s been a minute.” She finally breathed when their lips pulled away, his smile only having grown wider.
“I know, but there are reasons. However, you’ve got me for a good chunk of time, doll.” This made her light up in excitement.
“How much time?” His smile was impossibly wide at this point as he dipped his head to kiss her once more.
“At least a month.” His voice was low, setting the fire off in her belly, but even that couldn’t squelch the joy that surged through her as she kissed him.
“Lets head back to mine then, handsome. I’ve got some new things for you to enjoy.” He had to swallow his reply as she got herself sat on the bike, a laugh escaping at the put-out look on her face.
“Sorry doll, but it looks so strange to see you dressed like that on my bike.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I haven’t got much of a choice. Dumb dress codes.” Ashton ignored her dar mutter as he placed her helmet on for her before climbing on and kicking the bike into life.
She’d missed the feeling of the bike underneath her. The way the engine rumbled was a reassurance, something that had come with years of riding around with Ashton and being taught to ride by Bert. It was a level of freedom that she never felt in the city, so enclosed and overrun with either pedestrians or cas. Bikes were around, but not ones like these, they were more what Bobby would call flashy toys, built for speed but would never survive one of the runs they did. 
When Ashton pulled up to Michelle’s place, there were nosey neighbours who peered from their windows to see what the noise was about. She outright ignored them as she took Ashton’s hand and led him up the stone steps to the house she was renting, the door barely closed before he had her pressed against the wall with his lips on hers.
 This was another thing she missed as she sighed into the kiss, the soft moan escaping as hands pushed up her skirt, and he began to tease.
“Do you think you’ll get complaints about any noise?” He murmured as his lips moved to her neck and she moaned at the sensations.
“Don’t care.” 
She didn’t hold back and neither did he.
When they were nestled up in her bed, having gotten their welcome home out of their systems, Michelle was dozing off against his chest when he leaned over to the floor, rummaging through his jacket pockets.
“What are you doing? I had a comfy pillow.” She muttered indignantly. He chuckled.
“I had a whole thing planned out, but being with you like this? Honestly it's the best moment I think.” 
This had her confused as he resumed his previous position but this time, she tilted her head so that it was resting on his chest, staring at him.
“And what moment would that be, Irwin?” He gave her the softest smile, one which she knew was reserved just for her.
“The moment to tell you that I’ve loved you for nearly my entire life, and I don’t want a life without you in it. Michelle Morgan, will you marry me?” he had the ring in his hands, and she couldn’t stop the gasp as she sat up, staring at him in shock.
“Ashton, this better not be a joke.” The tears threatened to fall and there was the soft smile again as he leaned forward to kiss her.
“I would never joke about this. You’re too important to me, Micha.” 
The first tear fell as she moved her trembling left hand, offering it to Ashton.
“Yes. Yes I will marry you.” The joy on his face in that moment sealed it for Michelle. As he slid the ring on her finger, he kissed it before his lips found hers once more.
“My sun, my moon, my stars.” He whispered.
When she went into her class on Monday, Jen was the first to notice the very shiny diamond ring on her finger.
“Oh my god, really?” Her friend gasped excitedly before pulling her into a hug. Michelle laughed.
“Really! He had this whole elaborate plan set out but ditched it because it didn’t feel like us. He wants to celebrate, but since he’s staying for the month, his brothers are going to travel up for celebrations next week. Ash wants to meet you and Jack and have a quiet double date before his brothers show up.” 
There were a few mutters from the men around them, but the two girls paid them no attention like they’d done from day one when the two realised they were the only females in the class.
“The only reason she’s getting married is because he probably knocked her up.” Mike-she was certain now after hearing his name called out on the register-muttered.
This time, she wasn’t going to let him slander her name like that. Those kinds of rumours not only fuelled fire but could potentially cost Michelle her career, and she wasn’t about to have any of it. 
Turning in her seat whilst they waited for the lecturer to start, she scowled at him. 
“Kindly refrain from making assumptions and starting rumours that you can’t back up with facts, O’Riley.” She kept her voice levelled, albeit slightly condescending. He scowled at her in return.
“What, scared that I’m right?” The taunt was a clear bait, determined to show she shouldn't be there. Both her and Jen had suffered from them.
The class had fallen silent at this, and Michelle smirked.
“How about I give you the facts first since you’ve spent the entirety of first year trying to make a point that neither Jennifer or I belong. I’ve known my fiance since we were children. Five years old to be precise. Whilst I’m at school, he works for the garage that his dad owns and will one day take over. He tries his hardest to visit once a month but sometimes he can’t because of obligations to the company means that sometimes the garage comes first.” She could see a few of the guys take on board her words.
Jen was smirking.
“If he were to have knocked me up, the last time I saw him was two and a half months ago. Notice how I haven’t swapped to any kinds of baggy clothing? Had I actually been pregnant, I’d have taken a leave of absence for a week so that I could go home and tell him as well as our families. Getting the picture yet?” His cheeks were burning as she so easily put him in his place.
“You have a go at the two of us, saying we don’t belong because we can’t be doing our studies right, we can’t be learning the same things as men. But if I look objectively at the situation, you’ve repeatedly tried to bait Chelle into an argument and lost every time. Most facts she’s been quite open about, and the others seemed to have put two and two together, but you can’t let go of the fact that she rejected you. So you hound her for anything. I hope that if you actually get into Law School after the undergrad program that you have to face her in the courts, because she’s clearly better than you.” Jennifer had spoken up in defence of her friend, and it had fallen silent before the lecturer began to clap.
Michelle hadn’t even realised that they’d eaten into the class time.
“Miss Morgan is correct, Mr O’Riley. Report to my office after class.” 
Unsurprisingly, O’Riley left her alone, and before Michelle knew it, the end of the year was upon them and she was back home with her family. 
She hadn’t had a chance to really pass the news and had forced Calum, Luke and Michael to stay quiet about it. Ashton knew better than to ruin this surprise for her, even though her family had been waiting for the day to happen ever since he’d asked her father’s permission the day after she’d left.
To say they were excited was understatement of the century. Both of them had winced at the high pitched squeal from her mother and her father was laughing at the scene before him.
They welcomed Ashton into their family when he was a child, but this was a different kind of welcome, one that really made him feel lucky to have the parents he had.
Unlike some of the weddings they’d seen from the club members, Ashton had been adamant. The wedding would be how Michelle wanted it, and if anyone had a problem then they could work at the garage instead. 
Bert had surprisingly backed his son up.
“She’s practically been my daughter since he brought her home with a skinned knee and tear tracks down her face. This is her day just as much as his, and if Ash wants it to be how she wants it, then no one will say a fucking word.” 
The prospects had eyed the father/son duo warily before nodding in acceptance. Ashton had already made it clear to them that they’d be around for security rather than the ceremony. 
They’d watched one of their previous comrades learn the hard way not to insult Michelle Morgan around any of them. The last prospect who did that not only lost his chance to be in the club but also ended up in the hospital with broken arms and a bullet to the knee. 
The warning rang loud and clear for them so they weren’t bothered by the fact they’d been relegated to security.
Despite the endless ribbing that Ashton had received from his best friends, he helped Michelle with ideas for what she wanted. They’d decided to plan and book it for the following summer, to let her get through her second year of university without worrying. 
“I’m going to defer a year after we get married.” Ashton stared at her in shock. She’d told him that the career was important to her, and he couldn’t wrap his head around why she would do that. 
He’d pulled her so that she was straddling his lap, the two of them sat on the sofa at his parents’. They were out for the weekend. He knew his dad was preparing for a patchover and his mom wanted as much time as possible with him without the two of them underfoot.
“And why are you deferring a year, doll?” 
“So that I can steal you away for a year. Our honeymoon is going to be much longer than two weeks.” The grin on her lips was almost predatory, and he felt the corner of his own twitch up in response. 
“Oh is it, Miss Morgan?” Her arms were resting on his shoulders as she leaned forwards, nibbling at the skin of his neck, her hips slowly rocking into his. 
He was struggling to stay focused. 
“A full year of us travelling. Motels, fancy hotels or hostels. Travel America and then maybe fly out and travel Europe. A whole year. I’m sure you wouldn’t be adverse to having sex in every state and then as much of Europe as possible.” Her teeth tugged at his earlobe, and he had her pinned on the couch, the look of shock amusing as his lips met hers.
“What my lady wants, my lady gets.” 
Later when they’d redressed themselves and were looking at various places, Ashton let out a sigh. “You realise that it means I’ll definitely be doing more runs. And maybe a few hits?” 
She squeezed his hand gently. “That’s why pops is planning on offering to pay for half of the trip. He knows what your dad does, they’re best friends. He knows what you do. He also knows that you’d protect me and move heaven and earth if you could. I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, so act surprised when he offers it.” This made him laugh as he kissed her temple.
“Secret is safe with me, doll. So July or August for the wedding date?” 
True to his word, Ashton did act surprised when her dad made the offer, however, he didn’t have to fake his shock at the amount that he was offering.
“That’s, surely that would cover the entire trip?” Ashton barely breathed. Marcus Morgan laughed as he slapped Ashton on the shoulder. 
“Son, I’ve been saving for this ever since she brought you home to us to introduce us to her newest best friend. At first it was small amounts which I was prepared to make her college fund, and then you two got together and her mother told me to start saving properly.” Ashton stared at his soon to be father-in-law, stunned.
He could do nothing but hug Marcus tightly in gratitude, in amazement, in awe. He wasn’t entirely sure. But he loved this man just as much as he loved his own dad.
Marcus understood the unspoken words and held onto Ashton just as tightly, giving him a moment to take in the significance of the offer. 
“You realise that the second Michelle finds out, she’ll flip?” Ashton finally asked as he pulled back, and Marcus laughed loudly.
“Like I’d expect anything else from that girl. She’s her mother’s daughter through and through. I can only count my blessings that she found you early on to temper her impulses.” Ashton tried and failed to hide his smirk as his soon-to-be in-law rolled his eyes before they were drawn into a discussion about the newest modifications he’d made to his bike. 
They still continued to plan, even when Michelle was back at University. Mercifully, after her verbal slapdown of O’Riley, both her and Jen had earned the grudging respect from their classmates. 
That respect was a big help when it came to the appointments for her dress fittings and bridesmaid dresses. If Jen hadn’t been one of her bridesmaids, she knew her friend would’ve handed her any and all the notes she needed for missed classes however, both of them relied on the notes from their classmates and the occasional meeting with their tutors.
It was a much quieter year for both her and Ashton, despite all the appointments and meetings for the venues and vendors. It dawned on them how much work it took to pull off the wedding that they were planning, on top of their respective school work and jobs. 
It was exhausting, but they pulled it off, she’d finished top of the class, with Jen close behind her and the business side for the Irwin’s had been thriving. 
Before she really knew it, she was standing in the foyer of the church, gripping her dad’s arm to stop the butterflies causing havoc through her entire body, let alone her stomach.
“You nervous sweet girl?” Her dad's tone was reassurance of all these new exciting feelings. She let out a small breath of air as she finally let it sink in that it was just Ashton waiting for her.
She was marrying her best friend.
“Excited. I still can’t believe he agreed to let you practically pay for our entire trip.” It had been a constant disagreement until her mother had sat her down and told her why her dad was doing this.
“Call it payback for you actually telling him before I could.” And she felt her jaw drop. She knew that Ashton hadn’t told him, or at least they’d suspected she’d gotten away with her slip up. 
Marcus chuckled as he gently tapped under her chin, her jaw shutting with an audible snap. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” She hissed dangerously, and he grinned in return, his eyes suspiciously bright as his hand lifted, the backs of his fingers tracing down her face. She relaxed into the comforting touch almost immediately.
“You’re my child. I’ve raised you and I know you. Ashton is also mine, even though your mother didn’t bring him into the world. The two of you grew up with your mom and I as well as his parents. You might be able to fool the world sweetheart, but you can never fool your parents.”
It was another sigh before she let out a snort of laughter.
“Figures.” The key changed in the music, and the butterflies were back with reckless abandon. 
“Time to get the show on the road, sweet girl. I love you and I’m proud of you.” His lips touched her forehead, and it was almost like magic that her entire body relaxed. The butterflies finally settled as they began the walk down to her future husband.
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@sexgodashton​​, @goth5sos​​, @calumsmermaid​​, @empathycth​​, @wildflowergrae​​, @calpops​​, @rosecolouredash​​, @cal-puddies​​, @clockwork124​​, @loveroflrh​​, @stellar5sosrecs​​, @ashtoniwir​​, @cthla​​, @liketheydidwithyou​​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​​, @bluehairedtracii​​, @drummerboy794​​, @feliznavidaddycal​​, @ukulelecal​​, @thecurlsofgod​​, @converse-luke​​, @madbomb​​, @ccnicole02​​ @youngblood199456​​, @megz1985​​, @lukesidentitycrisis​​, @snapback-irwie​​, @neonweeknds​​, @666yourwitchyfriend666​​, @peachycliffo​​, @cashtonasfuck​​, @ashtaway​​, @conquerwhatliesahead92​​, @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @kchillout​​, @damselindistressanu​​, @colormekaykay​​, @findingliam-o​​, @sublimehood​​, @sugarcoated-pain​​, @singt0mecalum​​, @singledadharrington​​, @calumspeachy​​, @colourfulcalum​​, @lostincalum​​, @burncrashbromance​​, @asht0ns-world​​, @flusteredcliffo​​, @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​​, @fangirl-everythang​​, @lashtondaddies​​, @calumssunshine​​, @ambskiwi​​, @abundant-stars​​, @myescapefromthislife​​, @lmao5sosimagines​​, @beyoncesdragon​​, @jae-writes-fanfiction​​, @cxddlyash​​, @tresfandom​​, @utterly-u-n-p-e-r-f-e-c-t​​, @niallisworld​​, @lietomevalntyn​​, @babylon-corgis​​, @monochrome44​​, @behind-my-hazeleyes27​​, @ghost0fy0u​​, @lyllibug​​, @bloodmoonashton​​, @ghostofmashton​​, @summerellaz​​, @a-little-less-sixteen​​, @cashworthy​​, @smokeinherlungs​​, @longlastingdaydream​​, @h0tsos​​, @sweetcherrymike​​, @5sosnsfw​​, @sugar-nico​​, @sunnysidesblog​​ @angel-cal​​​, @samros95​​​, @maluminspace​​​, @lukeinblue​​​, @cakesunflower​​​, @allamerican-betch​​​, @britnicole11​​​, @gigglyirwin​​​, @everyscarisahealingplace​​​, @loverofcashton​​​, @iovehemmings​​​, @g-l-pierce​​​, @jannimoeller3​​​, @wildmichaelflower​​​, @lukeskisses​​​, @5sossstan​​​, @youngbloodchild​​​, @abb-lan-5sos​​​, @calumsbub​​​, @flameraine​​​, @here-for-the-uproars​​​, @mateisit-balsamic​​​, @ilovelukey​​​, @goldenmndes​​​, @musiclover1263​​​, @alloutofcashton​​​, @tobefalling​​​, @sarahshepherdblog​​​, @cassie-sos​​​, @banditocth​​​, @cthwldflwr​​​, @possesedperson​​​, @treatallwithkindness​​, @spicycal​, @softbabiestan​, 
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Pitter Patter, Part One
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Georgia Valentine (F!MC)
Collab With: @brycelahelalover
Word Count: 4.5K
We loved our last collab we done last time that @brycelahelalover and I decided to do another one. In this one Bryce and F!MC are having a baby and learning to become the best parents they can be, so their child doesn’t have to experience what they did as children. I am adding some personal feelings and thoughts to my part of this collab. So it is a little but about me and what type of person I was going through school and my thought process and how that has developed over the years up until now, when I’m 22. I hope you enjoy this one! Remember to keep an eye out for part 2 which will be posted by Chahnaz, as well as a little side story she wants to write too.
She had always had a hard time trusting people, but in particular, she’d had a hard time trusting men all her life. She was the shy kid in school who had a small group of people she would hang out with and if they weren’t at school she would always find a quiet spot to sit by herself and pass the time by sitting studying for a subject as she ate her lunch. She never caught anyone’s eye, meaning she never had a relationship. Though that was much to her relief as she already had enough to deal with, and there was no way she could handle a relationship. So when she started her time at Edenbrook hospital after graduating med school, she had no idea that she would be where she is now at 31.
--- 8 Years Earlier ---
“You seriously don’t see children in your future?! Like at all?”
Georgia shook her head as she swallowed her bite of pasta salad at the question asked by one of her friends, Angelica.
“Nope. Not at all.”
Georgia shrugged. “I just... don’t feel like that’s in the cards for me so why bother thinking about it?”
Angelica smiled sadly and gently rubbed Georgia’s wrist before saying goodbye and heading back behind the counter of the coffee shop to continue with her work, leaving her friend to study for an exam.
--- Present Day ---
Bryce sat up in bed with a loud yawn as he stretched out, the person beside him groaning in tired annoyance. “Shut up.” they mumbled, rolling over and stuffing the pillow over their head. Bryce grinned lazily before laying over them and resting his head on the pillow. “Ahhh yes. Much comfier... I should have ordered the Georgia style mattress when I brought the frame instead.” he teased. “Get off of me you fat oaf.” Georgia protested, her voice muffled beneath the pillow.
“It even talks.. cool. Creepy.. but still cool. Tell me, do you love me?”
“Yes. You know I do.”
“mhm. Are you in love with me.”
“Bryce...” she sighed.
“Tell me.”
“I can’t breathe. I’ll tell you that for free. Anything else and you’re gonna have to pay.”
Bryce Chuckled rolling off of her and back onto his half of the bed, Georgia throwing the pillow off of her head.
“Wow. You are RED.”
“And you’re clearly in the wrong profession, Sherlock Holmes.” She retorted smugly.
Bryce looked at his girlfriend with his trademark smirk and eyes sparkling with mischief before launching himself at her and smothering her with affectionate kisses and a massive hug, resting his head in the crook of her neck as she hugged him back.
“We need to get up Bryce.”
“I don’t want to.”
“We have to. I have work and you have shopping to do.”
Bryce groaned into Georgia’s neck and she laughed at him. “Come on.”
“Ugh, finee. But you owe me later.”
“I’ll make it up to you, promise.”
“You had better.”
--- 4 Hours Later ---
Georgia was walking through a hall on her way to the cafeteria to get some coffee, when a blur of colour zoomed past knocking her into the wall. “Oof.” she said aloud as someone came back around the corner, when she met the persons eyes she took in a sharp breath. Bryce looked at her apologetically.
“Sorry babe.”
“No, it’s okay. What are you doing here anyway? I thought it was your day off?”
“It was supposed to be, but I’ve been called in to assist on an emergency surgery. We’ll have to finish the shopping together later.”
“Oh. Okay, well... good luck.” She smiled and went up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss before he rushed off again. As she trudged onward, Georgia ran into Zaid who waved her over.
“What’s up?” she asked as she stopped beside him
“Baz told me that you’re needed upstairs.”
“Oh. Okay, thank you.” She smiled as Zaid nodded curtly and left, leaving Georgia to go up to the diagnostics office.
When she got there the team was already half way through a differential, she took a seat and done her best to catch up despite the fiery death glares her boss was giving her. They were strong enough that she could have sworn her skin was burning.
“That would be everything for now. And Valentine.”
“Y-yes, Dr. Ramsey?”
“I won’t accept tardiness on my team. If it happens again you can kiss your spot goodbye. Understood?”
“Yes, Dr. Ramsey, Sir.”
She bowed and backed out of the room as if he was royalty before turning around and heading off to her patients again. Later in the day she met up with Bryce and they went to finish the grocery shopping together. Though the car ride there seemed quiet and tense as Georgia looked out of the window with a distant look in her eyes.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” Bryce asked, concern on his face as he darted glances to the seat beside him. But he got no answer. “Geor-”
“I’m fine.” She snapped out of seemingly nowhere forcing Bryce into a silence making the atmosphere in the car very awkward. When they reached the parking lot of the store and Bryce killed the engine after parking the car she spoke up again. “You stay here. I’ll get everything we need.”
She still had that tone in her voice and Bryce could tell she was doing it again. Trying to put distance between them, and it was then he registered what the look in her eyes truly was. A mix of fear and uncertainty. Sighing, he locked them in the car and took her hand in his tentatively and stroked the back with his other spare one. “Babe. It’s okay.” He whispered looking at her even though she refused to look back at him. “I understand that you get scared. And that’s okay, Just please... don’t push me away. I’m here for you Georgia. Through whatever life will throw at you. I’m in your corner.” He watched for a reaction from her, but she just shook her head as she blinked back tears. “Oh sugarplum.” He sighed, unbuckling her seatbelt and pulling her into his lap. She silently snuggled closer into him as he rubbed soothing circles onto her back and kissed the top of her head delicately as if she was an expensive piece of antique china porcelain he couldn’t afford to break. Georgia cried quietly into his chest until she fell asleep, Bryce laying her in the back of the car and covering her with a blanket before locking the car and heading inside to do the shopping himself. By the time she woke up, they were back at Bryce’s apartment and her head was in Bryce’s lap as he watched a show on TV whilst absentmindedly playing with her hair. Her slight movement and yawn alerted him to the fact she was awake now. He glanced down to find her glistening green eyes looking up at him, they were still tired and had a mix of emotions flowing through them.
“Hey.” He said with a soft smile at her, which she returned.
“Hey.” She whispered back, sitting up to stretch some more before laying back in Bryce’s lap, his hand going back to playing with her hair. “I’m sorry for earlier.” She mumbled, staring at the screen as if it was a window.
Bryce sighed. “It’s alright. You’ve explained everything to me before. I’m not mad. You’re perception of men hasn’t exactly been the greatest growing up. Your dad wasn’t the best, your mom only ever dated men who would break her heart and was too stubborn to end things because she didn’t want to give the man the satisfaction of her doing so. And I’m your first ever love. Navigating a relationship when you haven’t had the best examples is hard, I get that. I mean, look at my parents. I’m blessed because they stayed together, but... they weren’t the best example of what love should be. When I say I’m in your corner, I mean it. We’re in this whole adventure together. It’s new and scary for both of us, but don’t let the feeling of fear rule your thoughts. I’m not leaving you, I love you too much. I’d be insane to leave such a beautiful woman. There’s nobody like you. You’re smart, funny, caring. You may not see it yourself but you’re also very courageous at times. Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you, ever.”
Georgia smiled at him as a tear rolled down her cheek. She had only been awake for approximately 5 minutes and he had made her cry. Bryce looked down when he heard a sniffle and looked at her with a look of adoration mixed with concern.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. It’s just... you’re so sweet when were together. Why don’t you show this side more often?”
“You mean in public with our friends?”
She nodded.
“Because this side of me is reserved for moments like this. Where it is just us, and I can be as sappy and loving and worshipping of you as I like without judgement from the likes of Jackie.”
“Bryce...” Georgia smiled genuinely as he bent down to press a soft kiss to her lips. She kissed him back, and when they pulled away their lips were a little plumper.
--- 3 Weeks Later ---
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Bryce sighed as he got into his car after one of the most intense surgeries he had conducted, he was equal parts worried as he was tired. What was so urgent that Georgia wanted to speak about? He was taken over by confusion as he drove towards his apartment where he knew his girlfriend was waiting for him. As he parked in the lot of the complex, he took a moment to breathe as he killed the engine before heading upstairs on tired feet. As he opened the door, the familiar smell of his favourite rice dish hit his nostrils and he perked up a bit before dread overtook his senses. If she had cooked his favourite meal what was this about if not breaking up? He stepped over the threshold and closed the door, tossing his keys into the bowl on the table by the door, and hung his jacket on the coat stand, before kicking his shoes off and wriggling his toes with a sigh of relief.
“Ah!!” he screamed as his girlfriend ran over and jumped into his arms, hugging tightly.
“I missed you today.”
“I missed you too, honey” he yawned.
Georgia lead him to the couch and sat him down. “You relax here. Dinner is almost ready.” She said with a smile and kiss to his cheek before heading back to his kitchen. When she returned she was carrying a tray that had a massive bowl of rice and chicken on it.
“I’m too tired to lift a fork right now babe. I just got out of an 11 hour surgery and-”
“Stop right there. That’s why there’s only one bowl, I’m going to feed you because you need to eat.”
Bryce smiled with a small chuckle. “You’re going to make an amazing mother to our children one day. You know that?” He asked as he turned his head to look at her, suddenly feeling more alert when he registered how serious her expression had turned. “Is... Is that what you wanted to talk about?”
Georgia placed the tray on the coffee table and sat next to him as he sat forwards and turned his body to face her, and they took each other’s hands.
“Is there something wrong? Are you unable to have them? Because that doesn’t matter if that’s the problem, we can adopt. There’s hundreds of children looking for loving homes. And.”
“Bryce. Will you shut up for one minute and let me talk?” she asked as she cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah. Of course, sorry. I just.”
“It’s okay. I understand. But I wanted to talk about it because I think I’m ready. To start trying for a child. That is.. if you are too?” she said with hopefulness in her tone.
Bryce looked at her as a silence stretched out between them, he watched in awed perplexation as she lightly bit her lower lip, internally asking himself if this was really happening and if he was ready for this step in their relationship too. After a while, Georgia started to get worried.
“Babe? ... B-Bryce?” she asked, her voice loud in the silence bringing Bryce back to the present moment. He looked down at their hands held in one another’s a small smile creeping onto his features as hot tears of emotion pricked his eyes. He looked up to be met with her green orbs sparkling with a mix of emotions as he cleared his throat.
“Yeah.” He nodded, squeezing her hands. “I’m ready too.”
Time seemed to stop in that moment for them yet still go on around them as they hugged tightly whispering sweet nothings to each other and shared kisses that were equally as sweet. They shared the bowl of food and washed it down with their favourite drinks before they both headed to bed, exhausted from their days.
Two months after their discussion, Bryce and Georgia started trying seriously for a child. Soon the days turned to weeks, weeks to months and months to almost a full year until the morning of his 33rd birthday Bryce was woken up by an ear-piercing scream. He flew out of bed and into the bathroom where he found Georgia on the floor crying, and spotted a pregnancy test on the side. He walked over and risked peaking at it, breath catching in his throat as he saw it.
“Babe...” he said quietly as he crouched beside her and pulled her into a hug. Tears glistening his eyes too. Georgia couldn’t manage any words that morning as they got ready and made their way to work other than what food she wanted from the coffee shop as they stopped off on their way to Edenbrook. When they reached the hospital they stopped in the atrium and took a seat on a bench close to the main doors.
“How are you feeling?” Bryce asked
“.... Shocked. I...”
Bryce smiled and squeezed her hand tightly, conveying he knew exactly how she felt with his touch and the look he gave her.
“I wasn’t ready to see a positive after so many negatives. I just. I can hardly process my thoughts. I... How are you feeling?” she asked back looking into his eyes only to be met with a warm, excited smile.
“Honestly. Pretty great, this is like, the best birthday present ever.”
Georgia froze as she suddenly remembered what day it was.
“Ohmygosh. I’m so sorry, I’d planned to cook breakfast for you and everything. Not wake you up by screaming and crying on your bathroom floor.”
“It’s fine babe, honestly. But I have been meaning to talk to you about us too.”
“You have?”
Bryce nodded, uncertainty clouding his eyes for a brief moment before being replaced by his trademark happiness. “I’ve been thinking maybe we should move in together now. I mean, we’re taking the step of having a child, so it only makes sense we live in the same place now instead of separately. Which has been torturous for me by the way.” He said teasingly.
Georgia smiled at him. “We should give it thought for today and talk it over in more detail tonight after work, back at my place.”
“Yeah, sure. No problem.”
They both leaned forward for a kiss, but it was cut short at the sound of a familiar voice ringing out through the atrium.
Georgia cringed at the sound of Dr. Ramsey’s voice and pulled away with a sigh. “Sorry. I should.. get going.” She whispered.
“Okay. Come. Find me. Later.” Bryce said with a smile, kissing her between each word.
Georgia gave him a smile and returned his kisses before taking her bag and following her boss up to the office to start her day at work.
Inside the office before the morning consult started, Dr. Ramsey rounded on the young doctor.
“You’ve had all morning to suck face rookie, I suggest if you want to do it for longer that you give up your spot for someone who will value it and not act with such reckless abandon.”
“Are you a female, Dr. Ramsey?”
“I’m sorry?” He asked, everyone looking at Georgia confused.
“Are you a female? Did you find out this morning that your pregnant? Is it your boyfriends birthday? And last but certainly not least, is the topic of later discussion with your boyfriend already in your mind? In other words... Are you walking amongst the clouds this morning, Dr. Ramsey?”
“You’re pregnant?! Congratulations.” Baz exclaimed happily, wrapping her in a hug. “I’m going to be an uncle, can you believe it?!”
“I’m sure Zaid is going to be thrilled.” A stuck up voice said
“Excuse me. Zaid Mirani is very good with children and not half as bad as he portrays himself.” Georgia said defensively to the posh, stuck up woman who had replaced June’s spot on the team.
“And for future reference, you address Dr. Ramsey with respect as he dese-”
“I suggest you, Dr. Portavia, address the members of my team who have been here longer than you with respect. Including myself. Dr. Valentine is well within her rights to talk to me as she was. We have somewhat of a friendship outside of these walls, I take the boss position too harshly sometimes in moments where I shouldn’t. Now. If we are done with the arguments?”
The team sat around the table. Baz next to Georgia as always and 2 seats left empty between themselves and Dr. Portavia as Dr. Ramsey briefed the team on their new patient.
Consumed by the busyness of her day and lost in the amount of tasks she had to do, Georgia completely lost track of time until she ran into Bryce and saw him in his regular clothes.
“Hey babe.” She greeted with a smile and quick kiss before turning to her patients chart she had placed on the desk of the nurses station.
“Hey.” Bryce said back with a yawn. “How are you?”
“Pretty good. Today is hectic but I’d be lying if that wasn’t one of the aspects of this job that excites me.”
“Today? Honey, when was the last time you sat down?”
“In the diagnostics office after I left you this morning.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes. I’ve had a cereal bar that was in my pocket. Other than that I’ve just been keeping my water intake way up. ... Not really had the chance to stop for longer than 2 minutes.”
“And... what day is it?”
Georgia gave a chuckle. “It’s your birthday silly.” But her expression fell as she took in the serious look of concern on Bryce’s face. “Wh-what is it?”
“It’s 4:27am of the day after my birthday.”
“What? No it’s not.”
“Georgia. I’ve been waiting at your place for you all night.”
“No buts. You’re clocking out and coming home with me. Now.”
Georgia sighed as she felt sadness and a pang of guilt radiate in her chest. She’d missed her boyfriend’s birthday completely, and now she felt completely rotten.
“Oh. O-okay then. I’ll just... get my... stuff.” She stuttered before heading off to the locker room. Bryce flagging down a nearby nurse and asking them to keep an eye on all of her patients. On their way out they passed Ethan coming into the hospital. He stopped in his tracks as he heard Bryce’s hushed words towards Georgia.
“...you’re pregnant now. You can’t pull almost 24 hour shifts and survive on cereal bars and water anymore. You need to take care of 2 people now.”
Equal parts intrigued and worried, Ethan called out to them.
“Valentine. Lahela.”
Georgia and Bryce stopped in their tracks and turned to him.
“Hey Eth- Dr. Ramsey.” Georgia said sweetly whilst Bryce gave a curt nod to the attending.
“Are you only now going home?” Ethan asked
“I uh...”
“She is. Though I don’t see why it concerns you.” Bryce said coolly
“Bryce. He’s my boss.”
An intense awkward moment passed between the three of them as Bryce stared as Ethan with his chest puffed out, holding Georgia’s hand protectively. They all knew why, but Bryce needn’t worry. Ethan was aware that Georgia didn’t reciprocate his feelings towards her in a romantic way and they were contently settled on being friends. That didn’t stop Bryce from being protective of what was his though, he felt it was his duty to protect her from other bachelors. Young or old.
It was Ethan who broken the silence. “Right, well um. Take the day off and rest properly. I’ll see you tomorrow Valentine.” He said with a soft smile and single nod before heading to the elevators, Bryce walking out to his car still protectively holding Georgia’s hand. When they got back to her apartment Bryce carried Georgia up to her front door, only placing her on her feet to open the door before picking her up again and taking her inside and straight to her bed.
“Keep your butt planted here, I’ll heat up your dinner.”
Bryce turned quickly and made his way to the kitchen so that Georgia wouldn’t see the worry in his eyes. When he came back with a plate full of steaming hot food, he found the bed empty.
“Babe?” he sighed, placing the plate on the bedside table
Bryce turned around and saw Georgia behind him.
“I thought I told you to keep your butt on the bed?”
“I needed to pee.”
“... so?”
“So I went. I wasn’t going to pee my bed Bryce.”
Bryce sighed with dejected tiredness. “Just. Eat your dinner, I’ll come by later or sometime tomorrow and we can talk about moving in together then okay?”
“You... aren’t going to stay?”
“I have a shift that starts in an hour and a half. I can’t.”
“Oh. Okay. Well um, see you later. I love you!” Georgia called out as Bryce moved past her and out of the front door. Guilt settled in Georgia’s chest as she heard the door close behind him, her ‘I love you.’ left unreturned.
--- The Next Day ---
It was late in the afternoon the next day and Georgia was half way through her rounds when she bumped into someone’s chest as she rounded a corner.
“Oh! Sor- Oh. Bryce.” She said as she turned her gaze to the floor and maneuvered around him and carried on her way. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since he left her in her apartment to head to work the previous morning, so she knew to avoid him. It had always been that way for her, she had a good relationship with someone, things went great, then she got carried away with something she loves to do and makes them mad, they don’t talk to her, she avoids them. So when Bryce caught her arm gently and pulled her back, it took her by surprise and her breath hitched.
“I have work to do. I need to get to the lab.” She said professionally never meeting his gaze.
“I’ll walk with yo-”
“No. I’m internal medicine. You’re a surgeon. There’s no reason we need to be walking together unless we’re heading to the same patient room.”
“I’m also your boyfriend.”
“Are you? Because the last time I checked, even if a boyfriend is mad with their other half, they at least send them a message saying hey, hoping their okay and ending it with I love you. Which by the way, you never returned. So if you’ll excuse me, I have to get some run-ups done on these blood samples.” Georgia huffed as she turned on her heel and stomped towards the labs.
“Georgia!” Bryce called out as he chased her through the halls.
“Just leave me alone, Bryce.”
“Would you just talk to me for a second and tell me what’s wrong?!”
Georgia halted to an abrupt stop.
“I told you what’s wrong Bryce. You’ve not text me back, you’ve ignored my calls and you never returned my ‘I love you.’ yesterday. I’m pregnant with your goddamn child and you’re acting like one all because I lost track of time and almost worked 24 hours! I get that could have endangered the baby but I’m a doctor, Bryce. I was going to eat a proper meal as soon as I got home.”
“And when was that going to be?”
“As soon as I’d filled in those charts and said goodnight to my patients. I was 20 minutes from being done for the day when you dragged me away.”
“I did not drag you!”
“I’m not saying you physically dragged me.”
“Then what are you saying?”
Georgia just gave him a look and just like he had done to her, walked away from him without another word, leaving Bryce to throw his arms up in exasperation before heading back to work. Soon months had passed, and Georgia was now 7 months pregnant. She and Bryce got over there little bump and had made the decision to move into a 3 bed house close to Edenbrook, which they had both gotten the day off of work to move into properly. Georgia watched from the top of the stairs as Bryce carried in the last box from his car, kicking the door shut behind him. Feeling her gaze on him, he looked up flashing his trademark grin with a wink.
“Like what you see?”
“What I see impregnated me, sooo..”
“Fair point.” He chuckled then pointed to the box. “Last one. Where’s it going? It’s not labelled.”
“In our bedroom.” Georgia smiled before heading towards the nursery to carry on clicking the pieces of the plastic drawers that would hold the toys together. She was clicking the wheels in place when Bryce came in the room smiling at her.
“What?” Georgia asked with a brow raised in curiosity.
“Nothing. I just feel like a proper adult now. I have a job, a beautiful girlfriend, we have a baby on the way and we just got our first place together.” He said, sitting next to her and pulling her to his chest as he leant back on the wall. Georgia smiling up at him. “Yeah. It does feel pretty great doesn’t it?” she smiled. They stayed there in the spot for a while, just looking out of the window and watching the trees swaying in the wind before carrying on with building, and setting things up. After a long day moving into their new house, they settled into bed after enjoying a warm bubble bath together, excited for the day they would be able to finally meet their bundle of joy.
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The last post was so cute I wanna try, how about relationship headcanons for A.S.S high ranking members + Narue?
The Director
She doesn't have a lot of free time, so she can't spend as much time she wants with her S/O. Being the director of an entire secret society drains her off of time and energy every single day.
There are weeks where they won't even see each other at all, her work is way more important than any feelings she might have so she can't do anything about it.
When she gets to spend time with her S/O she makes sure to make it count. She goes out on dates and spares no expense on making it an unforgettable experience.
She doesn't see a problem on letting her S/O know about the advanced science society and their goals, but she would avoid letting them know too much about it lest they be targetted by their enemies to find a weak point they can exploit
She is actually a great cook, and always makes some quick desserts to have with her S/O.
She's really affectionate, she adores PDA and insists on getting a "daily fix" of cuddling before she heads out to start her day
Dear lord, she has never been on a relationship and she has no idea what to do. She is 100% a tsundere and she can barely pretend she doesn't find her S/O funny or interesting
She will try every cliche in the book to try and fluster her S/O for once but in the end, this genius manages to fluster herself
She doesn't like going out on dates, preferring to stay inside and studying alongside them in silence
She gets all her relationship tips from Erika since when she sits down and thinks hard on the best way to woo her lover, she ends up in the "just shrink them!" Solution
She loves receiving gifts, especially clothes. She adores wearing them and showing them off to her S/O
She starts working harder after getting into a relationship. If she can finish everything she has to do for the day in half the time, she can spend the rest of the time with her S/O. Obviously, she won't tell them that, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that
Lady Masque
Another girl that has no idea what to do in a relationship. She only knows how to express herself using a sword, and that's not something that's not going to change overnight
She seems distant at all times, but the truth is that she is way too embarrassed to start any form of affectionate interaction with her S/O
She does her best to keep her S/O as far away as possible from the organizations business. But she isn't opposed to letting the more sane members interact with them either
She is only able to compliment her S/O if she is sparring with them. And that means that out of nowhere she is gonna say things like "your hair looks nice today!" Or "you look amazing today" as if she is complimenting their posture of abilities with the sword
She likes going out on dates, but only if she has the contact lens to hide the different colours of her eyes. That being said, she does like receiving compliments about her eyes from her S/O
She practices kissing her S/O using her mask, she just pretends it's them and gives pecks to the solid metal surface (she has cut her lips on it before, but that's a risk that she is willing to take)
Mizuho is already quite more accustomed to being in a relationship, even though she has a few honestly adorable quirks. She feels a lot more comfortable after she starts dating her S/O, they just make her feel secure and happy when they are around
She for some reason doesn't want to sneeze in front of her S/O, no one has any idea why but she will hold it into the point of her tearing up before excusing herself to the bathroom
She will do her absolute hardest to keep her S/O as far as possible from the organization she is part of, she will even exit it if it means nothing they do can affect her S/O in any way
She doesn't like going out to eat (she loves going on dates around town, but eating at a restaurant is something she refuses to do) and instead, she prefers cooking for her S/O. Her speciality is long-cooked dishes that she can put in the oven and forget about it for hours, and that means she can pull complex dishes out of the oven out of nowhere even if she spent the whole afternoon walking around with her S/O
She doesn't like getting any gifts, and the reason is that she is terrible about choosing gifts herself, so she will have to spend a lot of time a gift to give back to them
She loves cuddling, no matter the way they do it. She can be big or the little spoon, it doesn't matter as long as she can get close and personal with her S/O for a good while
How was this little ball of pure rage and sadism able to meet someone that she liked and that someone was also capable of loving this catastrophe in the form of a woman? No idea, but here are the hcs
Kanon wants to look cool in front of her S/O at all times. No one knows why she has this need, but it can get her on incredibly tough situations (especially when she brags about her position and plans to a non-member of the society)
She is incredibly clingy, and won't let go of her S/O arm as long as they are going to the same place. She even grabs them while sleeping, practically choking them while dreaming about hugging them
She sings while tsking a bath or brushing her teeth. Most of the songs she hums are romantic ballad instrumental or death metal chorus, there is no in-between. She will even switch from one to the other in a second
She wants to keep her S/O posted on whatever activities she is doing at the society. She won't hide any details from them, revealing every last detail, because she trusts her S/O that much
Surprisingly she doesn't feel the need to hurt her S/O, being with them makes her feel at peace
Reina has an incredibly high standard for those she considers dating. If she is dating someone, you know that they had to go through hell and back to get her to settle with them
She is very high maintenance, she wants multiple dates every week and at least one gift every three days. She knows her worth, and she will make sure they know it too
She is very territorial about her S/O and only lets her guard down with the other queens since she knows there is no one alive who has the guts to mess with whats hers if they know her power
Outright refuse to eat anywhere that isn't a very expensive place if the main entrance doesn't have three digits on its price, she won't eat it. But on the other hand, she will eat anything her S/O cooks for her. For some reason, she accepts the imperfections and cheapness of those dishes
She has a lot more money than her S/O, but she still insists on them giving her gifts and not the other way around. She wants to live a fairy tale, and she will do her hardest to get that life
She hides her connection to the secret society to keep the image that her S/O has on their head about her being a "pure, gentle and humble princess" intact
She is very shy, so she definitely wasn't the first one to confess. She is the one that plans the dates out since she knows the best places for romantic encounters
She wants to live a fairy tale relationship like Reina, but she is way more realistic about it. She knows to not demand too much out of her S/O and makes sure to repay the love they give her
She cooks bentos to her S/O every morning so they can remember her even when they are apart. She arranges the food in the shape of stars, even if it looks completely random since she is terrible at organazing it like that
She prefers being the little spoon when cuddling, being held by someone just makes her feel secure and loved (it also makes her fall asleep incredibly fast, so she has to be the big spoon when watching movies together)
Loves playing games together, she absolutely sucks at all of them, but she still likes seeing her S/O focus on something mentally draining
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tartxglia · 5 years
Sweat // Jisung
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Pairing: Jisung x Reader
Genre: Smut, Boxer Jisung AU
Requested: Yes, on twt
Words: 3,981 words of pure sexual tension and filth
Warnings: Light choking
It was approaching dinner time and Jisung was still nowhere in sight. You sigh, leaning back on the living room couch with your laptop still on your lap. Your eyes skim the dance video you were watching one last time before you close the lid and head to the basement towards the boxing gym/dance studio you had in your house. Since Jisung was a boxer and you were a dancer, you both wanted a place to practice inside your home. In the end, you decided to have a gym where one section is all mirror walls for your dance needs, and the other section has all the gym equipment a boxer would need. You can hear the sound of leather hitting leather and Jisung’s occasional grunts along with it. When you reach the door of the gym, you pause, opting not to say anything and leaning on the doorframe instead.
Jisung was facing a punching bag, lightly bouncing on his feet and practising quick precise jabs at the bag. He wore a dark, loose coloured muscle tee but it was stuck to his back because of the sweat. The rigorous workout was making him work up quite the sweat, you could practically see the singular bead of sweat currently rolling down his neck and beyond the collar of his shirt. The muscles of his arms flex upon contact with the bag, the force of the punch sending a rippling wave up his arms, travelling through his muscles. And you have a perfect front view thanks to the fact that Jisung had rolled up what little sleeve the shirt had. From time to time he would let out a grunt and god forbid he found out what effects those sounds had on you, he’d be a cocky little shit.
“You plan on standing there the whole night?” Fuck. Too late, he already is a cocky little shit. Jisung finally turns to face the door, raising an eyebrow at you to emphasize his question. You open your mouth for a snarky response but you’re left speechless because damn his messy hair, the wet strands stuck to his forehead–they’re all doing things to you. But you gather your nerves and show indifference.
“I was gonna call you for dinner.” If a snarky response wasn’t gonna work, you’d at least give him a normal one.
“Was that even gonna happen at all if I hadn’t interrupted your staring session?”
“Shut up, I just got here.” Jisung snorts at your answer but doesn’t say anything in response. He’s looking down at his hands, working on getting his gloves off, then his hand wraps. He spins one hand around another, unravelling the wraps and his biceps flex with every round made. It’s so distracting you damn near bump into a dumbbell lying on the ground as you’re on your way to take a seat on the bench, next to his stuff. He approaches you, his hands still unwrapping the last of the wraps on his left hand, God he looks stunning even just walking towards you like that.
“What time is it? Didn’t you have dance practice with Minho today?” He’s finally gotten the wraps off and he’s bundled it in his fist. You narrow your eyes at the traces of anger in his voice at the mention of his close friend. What’s up with that? He and Minho are as thick as thieves so where was this coming from? Just as you’re about to question if there was something going on with their friendship, Jisung dips down, his right arm grazing the side of your body. His face is right above yours, his eyes looking down at yours but you were focused on the sweat sitting in the dip above his upper lip. Since he was so close, you could smell how sweaty he was and you were turned on by it even though you maybe should’ve been repulsed. So you acted like it instead.
“Ew, Jisung! I already took a shower, you stink,” you scrunch up your face in fake-disgust and lean away. Maybe space will let you get your thoughts together? Jisung finally straightens up and in his hand, he’s holding his water bottle. Is that what he was getting? Fucker was being this dramatic just to get to me.
“We met earlier during the day,” he takes a sip of his water and you swallow with him as you watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Why… Do you sound pissed?”
He doesn’t say anything but turns and walks towards his phone which was connected to the gym speakers. With one hand he picks up his phone, his other places his bottle squeezed between his arm and his body and for a moment you feel jealous of the inanimate object. Your thoughts are quickly interrupted when a familiar song starts to play, Booty Man (Cheek Freaks Remix). Your jaw drops as it finally dawns on you why Jisung seemed on edge.
“Seriously Jisung? It was a dance collab, we learnt it for fun, and we danced and filmed it for fun.” Okay, so the song had quite a few dance moves that required some intense movement of your ass and your hips and yes the choreography also had Minho quite close and touching your hips at certain parts. But you and Minho were good friends who had been dancing together for years, Jisung knew this.
“How’d you see it anyway? I posted the video while you were in the middle of practice?” He’s back in front of you by now, standing in front of you who’s sitting on the bench. He bends down again like before, this time you figure he’s probably putting his bottle down but he doesn’t get back up. His two arms fix themselves on the bench, caging you from the sides and his face is again close to yours, maybe even closer, caging you from the top. His eyes do a quick sweep down, and you feel as if you’re naked in his eyes even though you’re completely dressed.
“Dance for me,” his head is tilted sideways, his eyes now meeting yours, and the music still playing in the background. Your body has half a mind to get up and move to the music the way it’s been trained to, but you refuse to give in to his requests.
“Nope, I already showered.” You place a hand on his chest, and you can feel his warmth, still radiating strongly post-workout. You lightly push him back straight and stand level with him as well. “It looks like you already watched the video anyway.” You shrug and turn to leave but Jisung is quick to hold your wrist and spin you back around.
He plasters the front of your body against him, “What, baby, I don’t even get a private show?” He’s smirking down at you and his hand let’s go of your wrist. Your free hand naturally goes up, holding his outer upper bicep. His free arm moves around your waist and pulls you tighter. “Or… I have other ways I could get you to sweat for me.”
“Yeah, I’ll be sweating on my way up the stairs cause we have dinner waiting for us, Jisung.” You try to reason, but it’s quite ironic considering you’ve now wrapped both your arms around his neck, your body arching into his because of how tightly he has you in his grip. Your faces are as close as your bodies, and Jisung can’t stop staring at your lips.
“What’re you talking about?” You can feel his lips lightly brushing yours with every word he speaks, “My dinner is right here.” He doesn’t hesitate to finally seal his lips against yours. The kiss is aggressive and heated, his lips push yours but his arms pull you tighter and tighter, erasing the tiniest of spaces between your bodies. His arms unwrap from around your waist and instead both his hands sit on the curve of your waist and hips, caressing up and down. You can feel his thumb–stretching out and softly stroking your stomach through your shirt.
He separates your bodies for a bit but your lips stay glued together, still moving roughly against each other, your tongues exploring the other’s mouths. How long had the two of you been making out for? You had no idea. It could’ve been a few seconds or half an hour and your mind would still be as mushy, your breath still heaving because Jisung always makes you feel this way.
Your hands climb to his sweaty hair and bury themselves within, alternating between light and harsh tugs to pull out the most delicious of moans and grunts from Jisung. Your mouth swallows up every sound he makes but you feel the vibrations and that’s enough for you. You’re using your hands to push Jisung’s head closer, his lips harder, against your open mouth, your tongue gladly reaching out into Jisung’s hot mouth. Somewhere at the back of your mind, you register his hand trail slowly down from your waist. Before you know it, he’s quickly slipped his hand inside your pants and his finger is tracing a slow line between your folds.
“God, you’re so wet, is this all for me?” Jisung takes the first pause to catch his breath and mutter dirty words to you. His eyes look down at you, half-lidded, studying your glistening wet lips and licking his own. “Dinner’s ready,” he spins the two of you around so he can now sit on the bench, keeping you standing. His eyes flicker up to yours, making sure you’re okay, as his hands unbutton and pull your pants down. With your underwear still on, Jisung runs two of his fingers up and down your covered core, feeling how drenched your underwear is. You gasp in sharply at the touch of his fingers and your hands drop to find his full head of hair again. His thumb finds your clit and presses down, the jolt of pleasure from it makes you close your eyes and throw your head back.
“Nuh-uh, baby. Eyes on me.” Jisung’s fingers pull completely away from you and you whine in protest.
“As soon as your eyes stray, I stop. You got that, babe?” You bite your lips but nod, eagerly complying to his requests but when his arm snaps back up to simply hold your pussy in his hand, you can tell he’s not completely pleased, “Use your words.”
“Yes, yes.” You’re panting and breathing heavy, both because of the way he’s making you feel and in anticipation of what’s going to happen. Jisung finally smirks up at you in satisfaction then works on taking your underwear off. The cold air hitting your wet pussy makes you slightly shiver, but the breath Jisung lets out with his lips close to your southern lips make you weak in your knees. Sensing this, one of Jisung’s hands reaches behind you, grabbing your ass to help you steady yourself, his other hand on the back of your thigh.
With his eyes still fixed on yours, you look down at him as he finally inches forward the last bit to cover your clit with his lips. His tongue immediately finds it and begins to draw circles around, sucking at the same time. You hiss in pleasure and fist his hair in your hands but also push his head closer to you. The hand on your thigh trails lower to the back of your knee and taps the inside, signalling you to open your legs wider. You easily comply, and Jisung’s hand is now right under your heat, one of his fingers easily sliding inside. His movements are teasingly slow and you try grinding down on his fingers to give him a hint but he’s clearly being a little piece of shit so-
“More,” your voice is breathy and you somehow manage to moan mid-word. “Please Jisung, more.” He finally complies and you feel him insert another finger inside, also quickening the pace. His mouth sucks harder on your clit before detaching and furiously flicking his tongue on your clit. You let out a loud moan that bounces off the gym walls and the dance studio mirrors, echoing in the vast room.
Jisung is still fingering you at a fast pace when his mouth completely lets go of your clit that he was previously teasing with light nibbles. He moves from sitting on the bench to kneeling down, sitting on his ankles and he removes his fingers from inside you. He holds eye contact and a strong gaze as he slips the same fingers inside his mouth and moans, “This is the only dinner I need, baby.”
A groan slips from the back of your throat at the sight and honestly, you’re surprised you’re still standing at the sight in front of you. Jisung adjusts the hand holding your ass, his other spreading your thighs–making way for his mouth. As soon as his tongue licks your slit, your knee buckles but Jisung’s strong arms hold steady and help you regain your footing. His tongue slips inside, flicking your inner walls, staring up at you the entire time and you can only tighten your grip on his hair, move your hips, grind on his face. You’re moaning and groaning, all sorts of pleasurable noises slip from your mouth, filling the room. They’re accompanied by the sounds of Jisung slurping and licking, the two creating the best harmonies he’s ever heard.
It’s when he groans–his mouth still buried between your thighs, his tongue somewhere sinfully deep inside you–that you lose it. Your mouth opens and curses fall out, Jisung slurping you up even harder now, trying to get all of your wetness. Your knees are weak, your legs are shaky, but Jisung holds you up, the muscles on his arms otherwise used for boxing coming into use for other reasons. Your breathing is heavy and your chest is heaving up and down and sweat is breaking out especially on your forehead, but you can only stare down at the smile growing on Jisung’s face, “Got you sweating.”
You can only roll your eyes at the audacity of this man. But you pull him up by the collar of his workout shirt before smashing your lips against his, uncaring of the fact that he was eating you out like his last meal just seconds before. Jisung moans into the kiss but doesn’t complain, returning the ferocity of your kiss with his own as he slips his tongue into your mouth. His tongue pulls yours into a sensual dance as he pushes the taste of your wetness onto yours, sharing the taste with you. His hands find their rightful place on your waste and slowly begin to push you, leading you back until your back meets the cold mirror on the dance studio side of the gym.
The cold sensation pulls a shocked gasp from you but you pay it no mind. You fingers trail under Jisung’s shirt to trace his abs underneath before you roll up the bottom hem of his shirt and pull it off. Jisung takes this moment to also take off your shirt, leaving you completely in the nude. When his lips rejoin with yours, it’s not for long as they slowly trail down and linger around your neck. Your fingers are playing with the ridges that make his abs as you slowly trail them even lower to take his shorts off.
You manage to get Jisung as naked as you are and your hands wrap around his dick that’s standing painfully erect. He hisses in response, momentarily pausing his progress on the trail of hickeys he’s painting on your neck and collarbone. You tighten your grip on him, lighting playing with his tip and he snaps. In a flash, he’s turned you around and he’s pushing you against the cold mirror. The sudden sensation of cold on your nipples has a stimulating effect on you and you stick your ass further out, trying to get close to Jisung.
You hear Jisung let out a breathy chuckle right beside your ear and a tingling feeling runs down your back. He’s pushing your upper back against the mirror with one hand, the other is near your front adjusting the opening of your legs in preparation.
“Look how wet you still are, you’re dripping just in anticipation of my cock you think Minho can make you feel like this?” He lightly dips his finger inside your wet core to tease you. The mention of Minho is jarring, and your mind can’t help but come up with scenarios including him in situations such as these. You weren’t blind to how gorgeous of a man Lee Minho was, his beauty could easily surpass yours, his body was probably amazing underneath those clothes and his hips. You’ve seen him move those hips in all sorts of ways during dance practice and the darker parts of your brain haven’t failed to give you sinful images of those hips. 
“Did you just get wetter?” You feel his mouth stretch into a smile against your neck, your heart stuttering as you realise the thoughts you were having. Was it wrong to have those thoughts? Probably. Was it turning you on? Most definitely. Were you embarrassed though? Hell yes.
“God shut the fuck up and fuck me already, Han Jisung.” Immediately his body straightens, his arm wrapping around your neck to bring you standing upright with him. Your neck is nestled in the crook of his elbow that’s lightly choking you as he growls into your ear. You feel him widen the stance of your legs with his foot, sliding yours wider. Then he slowly enters the tip of his cock into you, and it’s enough for you to throw your head back so it’s resting on his shoulder, eyes closed in frustration.
You expect him to be completely inside you by now but being the little fucking tease he is, all he’s been doing is dipping his tip in and out of you–it’s infuriating.
“Jisung-” You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp, the moment you opened your mouth to let out another beg, another whine for his ears to enjoy, he pushed his hips up and was fully sheathed inside you. His mouth is nibbling on your ear before descending to the untouched places on your neck, marking it black, blue and purple with his teeth. You extend your hand out to the mirror walls to steady yourself as Jisung continues his slow thrusts in and out, in and out.
“Watch yourself.” His elbow is no longer choking you, but his fingers are lightly wrapped around your neck, angling your head to face the mirror. He slowly pushes inside, his gaze unmovingly fixed at your vagina, “Look at the way your pussy is clenching my cock, so tight but always ready to accept more, all of me.”
“Yes,” your voice is a croak, “I’m always ready for you.” You’re biting your lip and looking at yourself as Jisung instructed. It’s so fucking hot feeling and watching his cock completely disappear inside of you again and again and again in slow, sensual thrusts.
“For who? Who’s making you feel like this?” You try to grind back into him, seeking for more friction, a faster chase to a second high. “Is it Minho?” You’re groaning–partly in sexual frustration, partly in actual frustration–and the disobedience Jisung witnesses form you has him sharply thrust. It completely tears you apart, in comparison to the slow thrusts you had till now, and he’s balls-deep inside you.
“I asked a question,” he’s growling into your ear. His hands tighten around your neck and it doesn’t take long for you to submit.
“Jisung! Han Jisung, it’s Jisung. He’s the only one who can make me like this.”
“Hmm,” his hum is deep and the breath he lets out doing it sends shivers down your spine again. “Good girl.”
His words are accentuated by sharp thrusts. He’s picking up the pace of his thrusts, they’re sharp and deep, hitting the very insides of you. The slapping of skin fills the room, along with your moaning and his grunting. You’re doing your best to grip the flat mirror in front of you in order to stay upright, in order to take the fucking Han Jisung is giving you. He’s drilling inside you and his cock moves deliciously with the walls of your vagina–sending the both of you in a haze of lust and pleasure with every thrust.
“Fuck, your cock feels so good. Keep going, please, I’m nearly there.” You’re doing your everything to keep steady as Jisung drills into you with no mercy. His hips snap back and forth repeatedly and all you can do is hold the wrist of his hand choking your neck and blindly grasp a flat mirror. After a particularly sharp thrust forward, he pauses, one of his hands moves to your hips and knees your ass, slowly grinding you onto him.
“Show me what those dancer hips can do, baby,” he practically whispers into your ear, then you take control. He let’s go of your neck, pushing you back on the mirror. Your heavy breaths fog up the mirror and you spin your hip around and back into him. Your years as a dancer is paying off, your hip isolation skills allowing you to move your hips in ways that drive Jisung completely crazy as he watches you move.
He leans forward, pressing you against the now foggy mirror even more, and his hand trails south. He plays with your clit, rubbing circles into it and your hips go crazy. You’re picking up speed, grinding harder into him all at the tempo of his fingers. A while later, he joins you in movement and now he’s thrusting forward deep inside you while you grind on him.
You’re a moaning mess, borderline or actually pretty much screaming his name, “Jisung, Jisung, please.” The hand rubbing your clit picks up the pace, and so do his hips. He’s furiously thrusting into you, his animalistic urges rising in his chase for pleasure. His other hand climbs back to your neck and lightly squeezes, but your moans for him only get louder.
It’s in the midst of the chase for his high that you get yours. You’re cumming on his cock that’s still pistoning in and out of you. He groans particularly loud at the feeling of your clenched walls around his cock but keeps going for his own orgasm. The overstimulation is making you rub your thighs together, your knees have already buckled. Jisung’s arms keep you up as he keeps drilling into you the final few thrusts before finally cumming. He lets out a loud moan, later cut off because he attaches kisses to your neck, and you feel warm inside.
The both of you are panting heavily as you lean on the mirror and Jisung leans on you, his cock still inside of you. You take a moment to catch your breath and so does Jisung. Finally, he lifts his sweaty body off of your stick one, his two arms placed on the mirror as he pushes himself back and off you. The feeling of his cock slipping out of you makes you feel empty, and now you can feel some of his cum dripping out of you. But you’re spent, and way more than satisfied so you could care less.
Jisung peels you off the mirror and helps you walk towards your clothes, gently helping you put your underwear and bra on. “Round two in the shower?”
You can’t help but hit him on the shoulder and he’s laughing as he retreats away from you. A small smile graces your face though and you just shrug as you attempt to waddle out the dance studio/gym and towards the shower.
“Hey,” he’s calling out to you again and you turn around, walking slowly backwards now. The fucker had a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face and you wondered what could be possibly going through his head. On his hand, he held his phone, the screen clearly unlocked and on a contact page. Was that...an ‘M’? He finally opens his mouth again to continue and what he said makes you stumble, halting your walk and staring at him with both shock and hidden excitement.
“Round two with a guest?”
[A/N: if you haven’t watched 1Million dance studio’s Booty Man choreo, you gotta do yourself a favour and watch it like rn its beaut]
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calsgirll · 4 years
Paris - Ashton Irwin
Ashton Irwin X Reader
word count: 1711
authors note: this is based around the song Paris by the chainsmokers! I heard the song for this first time in a while and this immediately hit me so here it is!❤️
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  We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
It had been a rough year for you and Ashton, with him on tour and you still living at home with your parents. You felt like he’d had no time for you since he started touring with the guys. Due to your past relationships your brain didn’t settle thinking of all the things he could be doing and you wouldn’t even know. One morning you woke up to the sound of your phone going crazy with text messages from the whole band telling you to open your front door. As you padded downstairs at 3am you tried to keep it quiet knowing your parents where probably asleep, you unlatched the door and peeked out not knowing what it would be and being very wary but you looked down and all you saw was a heart shaped foil balloon with a note and rose attached. You picked it up reading the note which said
‘pack your bags and be ready for 6 am. We’re going somewhere special’- Ash
you smiled rubbing your thumb over the small sticker of the Eiffel tower in the corner of the note.
And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out"
“fuck you ash” you scream at him throwing a mug at the wall in anger “are you serious right now y/n, you really believe a few shitty rumours you saw on twitter?” Ashton asks trying to keep calm while you stand in front of him with puffy eyes and damp cheeks “the paparazzi has photos of you leaving a club with her what am I supposed to think” you say trying to collect yourself “do you trust me at all? Because I’m starting to get the hint that you don’t. you knew what you were getting into when we started dating” he snaps back at you now visibly angry at the fact you’re questioning his fidelity. You grab his hand as he tries to walk out “Ash im sorry, it just gets a lot knowing your out there being an amazing drummer with millions of girls throwing themselves at you” you squeak trying to hold in the tears that are threatening to fall any second, he looks at you with a sympathetic smile and sighs “I know its hard not being together all the time but please stay strong because you know I love you” he pulls you into his large frame.
It felt like that was yesterday, the first real fight you’d both had with each other. It was almost as if it was like a polaroid that was constantly hung up in your head. You where so grateful for him and the fact he stayed with you and allowed you both to get to this point.
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought "How Could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else"
Ashton glanced around at the Paris skyline as you both sat on the balcony. The glimmering Eiffel tower caught his eye, a thought popped into his head as he stifled a giggle you looked at him confused as to what he was so amused about “are you a tower? because Eiffel for you” he says with a smug smirk on his face like he’d came up with the line. You smile at him knowing how much of a idiot he was, you were both glad you had this time together, it felt like you were in a relationship with a ghost as he was almost never home and you were waiting around for someone who was out there with a load of other people probably not even having a second thought about you but he was extremely quick to reassure you that wasn’t the case and if it was as much as it would hurt you both he would break it off knowing that it wouldn’t be fair to you.
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever
You sipped your latte as you sat on a small metal table in front of a small café. Ashton’s scrolling through his phone while you admire the city around you “what are we gonna do today?” you ask Ash like he’s your personal tour guide since he’s been here before. “whatever you want to do, anything you can think of we’ll do it” he says looking up from his phone and squinting when the harsh sunlight hits his hazel eyes. His eyes where like honey in the sun, he always claimed he hated the colour of his eyes whereas you believed they were the most amazing things you’d ever seen “you know I’m bad at making decisions Irwin” you smirk at him “we could go to the Louvre?” he looks up at you once again, you hum in response as you take another sip of your latte “even though they don’t have the best masterpiece, you” he snickered you kicked his shin under the table “youre so lame you know” you state he nods his head gazing back down at his phone.
You look so proud Standing there with a frown and a cigarette Posting pictures of yourself on the internet
You snapped a shot of Ashton next to the Eiffel tower he looked amazing as always he stays stood in the same spot for a while just staring at you, cigarette between your fingers fumbling with your phone he presumed you were adding filters etc. to the picture you just took he strolled over to you resting his chin on your shoulder watching your phone as you tap away at different things trying to make the picture match the theme of your Instagram. As you add the finishing touches to the photo you switch to Instagram before stamping out your cigarette and post it with a rose emoji as the caption and tagging him in it. He turns his head placing a kiss on your cheek “I love you so much” he states, you turn around facing him putting your hand inside his leather jacket wrapping them tightly around his waist “I love you too Ash, thank you” you say breathing in his citrusy cologne “thank you for what?” he asks with a confused look on his face “just being you and sticking with me through all my crazy meltdowns, there’s no one else id rather be with here than you” you say, you feel him kiss the top of your head as he holds you even tighter.
Out on the terrace We breathe in the air of this small town On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the past we were livin' in
You and Ashton found yourselves back out on the balcony in only your robes in a comfortable silence, tipsy and tired. Your mind began to wonder to where it all started.
“no you didn’t even get close to the bullseye, take a shot” you laugh as you watch him swallow down another shot after missing a dart yet again “I’m starting to think you’re cheating” he mutters “how can you even cheat in darts? You’re just a sore loser who’s to drunk to know I’m the best darts player ever” you giggle slightly slurring your words. It was nearly 2 am and all your friends had left after a drunken night of embarrassing ourselves which left you in a bar on your own with the one and only Ashton Irwin who you recognised from that one underwear song a few years back. He was quick to correct you that it was called she looks so perfect and was also quick to tell you he had changed a lot since then. You both started talking also noticing how his friends also left one bye one “and then there where two” he giggles “I guess so what are the plans then” you ask him sipping the tiny straws that are floating in your mojito glass “back to my hotel to watch some shitty lifetime movie?” he ask studying your face to see your reaction by the way it lit up he knew that you were in “watching shitty lifetime movies is actually my favourite past time” you say grabbing your bag and drinking the last of your cocktail.
You thought it was strange how that one night you spent with him ended up becoming such an amazing relationship. Youre glad it happened so naturally because online dating wasn’t your thing it felt kinda forced. The story was definitely one to tell the grandchildren you though smiling looking down at the empty beer bottle in your hand.
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
It was your last night in Paris and you and Ashton decided to go on a walk around the beautiful city, it was almost 9pm and the sky was sparkling almost as much as the Eiffel tower in front of you “shall we go up?” Ashton asks quietly “Ash you know I’m afraid of heights” you whined wondering why your boyfriend would ask such a dumb question after knowing you for so long “come on please it’ll be worth it I promise” he pleads and after around 10 minutes of bargaining you find yourself half way up the tower waiting to get to the top. Your tight grip on Ashtons hand not releasing in fear you may just drop and fall without his strong arm holding you. You make it to the top and see the twinkling city which makes you forget how high up you are because of its beauty. You speed walk to railing wanting to get a closer look not noticing Ashton wasn’t by your side anymore “Ash have you seen how beautiful this is?” you ask expecting him to come to your side but he didn’t “ashton?” you say turning around to find him down on one knee with the biggest smile on his face ever. Your hands instantly fly to cover your mouth which was agape in shock. “y/n will you marry me?”
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riarushi · 5 years
you as the female maknae of nct. (updated ver)
So apparently a lot of you wanted me to update this, so I hope you enjoy! (I added in our new members as well~) ALSO, I’m starting to need new ideas for the Twitter posts, so if you have any, feel free to send them in and I’ll try my best to make it into a post! ~Ness
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Member Interaction:
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The one you can always run to when you need immediate assistance.
Loves it when you do.
Will unnecessarily teach you all his lines in every NCT song he sings in.
“What happens if I’m sick? Y/N can fill in my spot.”
Doesn’t want to spoil you but finds it hard not to once you’re around.
When he hasn’t seen you in a while, he’ll make sure to send a text to check up on you.
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SM won’t let you guys share a room anymore.
Last time, the two of you filled the room with plushies to the point where neither of you could sleep on your beds.
A prominent big brother figure, loves giving you life advice.
You’re his favourite model for photos.
“Just keep doing that, you’ll look even cuter than usual in this picture.”
Would totally start picking fluff off your clothes while you guys stand on stage.
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You’re totally his favourite member.
He just won’t admit it.
Has a little shelf in where he keeps all the handmade presents you make for him.
Probably makes something for you in return.
“Look! It matches the bracelet you made me, too!”
Would want to wear the matching bracelets during SMTOWN shows.
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Can’t restrain himself from wrapping his arms around you every time he sees you.
It doesn’t even matter if you’re filming a variety show or you’re doing a live.
“Y/N~ My small girl~~~”
Takes you out on runs with him sometimes.
Chatting during runs is relaxing and calm, and definitely quality bonding time for the both of you.
You bet he’s not speaking anything other than Japanese with you.
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You’re one of his three (3) children.
Helps you do things without you needing to even ask.
“I looked over your Korean homework, do you want me to help you with that question you didn’t finish?”
Zips your coat up before you leave the dorms, before shoving your bag in your hands.
He made sure not to forget anything you would need for the day while packing it.
Turns off your lights for you before you sleep.
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Comes to visit you while you record in the recording studio.
He likes it when you wave at him through the booth window.
Knows the most pointless trivia about you out of all the members due to all the small talk he makes with you.
“Y/n wouldn’t like that. She thinks that colour doesn’t suit her.”
Sends you a lot of aesthetic posts or motivational quotes.
You’ll wake up to see that he’s sent over forty (40) since last night.
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You guys are literally inseparable dance partners.
Takes you out to go get something to eat or drink after practices.
Always teaches you new words that he learns in Chinese.
Would literally squeal if you wanted to learn Thai.
“Wait, say that again! Your pronunciation was almost better than mine.”
I can see him jokingly fitting Japanese into his conversations with you.
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Unintentionally babies you, but immediately apologizes when he realizes.
Always willing to listen to you vent and give advice.
He would take you out to go grab a drink together on your off days.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m gonna go get some coffee, you wanna come?”
Remembers your usual order, but offers to buy the special if you seem interested in it.
Literally the best big brother figure.
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Despite the fact that he hates skinship, he finds it cute when you grab his arm.
Has definitely gotten closer to you since you moved in, and likes going out with you sometimes.
Probably takes you to dog cafes a lot.
“Do you think that big fluffy one will remember me if I visit it everyday?”
The two of you feel at ease with each other, so you’ve started dropping the polite speech and honorifics with him.
Still continues to choose to be on your team for variety games.
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Showers you with compliments and refuses to stop unless you take them.
“You’re the cutest,Y/N! Just accept it!”
Comes to you for support, and always reminds you that he has your back too.
Buys you things that remind him of you when he’s travelling with 127.
Gives them all to you once he gets back.
Almost half of your plushie collection is contributions from Jungwoo.
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Always greets you by messing up your hair and attempting to give you a fistbump.
It’s his goal to always keep you out of a bad mood.
Very joking, I can see him always smiling and cracking jokes around you.
Absentmindedly grabs your hand and starts playing with your fingers while on stage.
Considers you one of his closest friends.
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Your teacher in lyric writing and other musical aspects.
Can’t resist looking at your notebook whenever he can.
“Oh, Y/N! Y-You’re back... I wasn’t looking at your lyrics. Or anything. Just sitting here and waiting for you.”
Invites you to come watch him record no matter what unit he’s recording for.
He gets excited when you walk in with a cup of watermelon juice for him.
The two of you made a playlist full of songs you both like, and it gets updated often.
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Wants you to join him in his health adventures.
“We can start today! Let’s go get some vegetables and create a delicious and nutritious dish.”
Still continues to wake you up at 3 in the morning to get something sweet to eat.
Also enjoys spending late nights playing video games with you and some of the other members.
Scrambles to turn off the computer and cover the two of you with blankets when he hears someone shuffling outside the room.
It’ll be a while until the both of you develop that healthy lifestyle.
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Has kept himself somewhat polite and courteous around you.
If he’s joking around with another member and notices you, he’ll get embarrassed.
“Y/N! I didn’t see you there just now.. How are you today?”
Really wants to be close with you.
To show how much he cares about his relationship with you, he’ll buy you a little cactus.
Puts it on your desk and leaves a little encouraging note.
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Helps you study Korean mostly, but will help with any subject you need assistance with.
“Oh, this one? It’s actually pretty simple, pass me your pencil and I’ll show you how to do it.”
Casually starts doodling Moomin on the side of your paper while you do your work.
He won’t erase his doodling even if you ask him to.
If your sad, he lets you wrap your arms around his waist and pull yourself into him.
Gets so soft and pats your head.
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Also regular participant in the 3 AM video game party.
Is literally fighting Xiaojun for his favourite gaming buddy back.
“Please stop teaming with him! I’ll play support if you play with me~”
Finds it so hard to not agree to do anything you say.
He’ll get you anything you need. Cuddles? Of course! Something to drink? Take all the water bottles he could find!
You might want to team with him as soon as possible before he spoils you too much.
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“Who’s Mark Lee? My favourite member is Y/N~”
He’s your number one fanboy.
Begs you to do aegyo on the daily, using his own aegyo to try to convince you.
Is always hugging you and resting his chin on the top of your head during fansigns.
After all the NCTzens are done getting their albums signed, he’ll get up and walk over to your part of the table to pretend to get your autograph too.
Casually initiates a lot of skinship.
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Your first and closest friend in NCT.
He shares and does everything with you.
Loves to watch movies with you, the two of you have a movie-watching tradition.
“What should we watch today..?”
Keeps an arm around your shoulders whenever you’re chilling beside each other.
Sometimes surprises you with quick pecks on your temple as he walks by you in fansigns.
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One (1) of your two (2) siblings.
Teases you often, but will always side with you when you’re arguing with someone else.
During practices, he’s completely different and is quite serious.
“Try doing this sort of rhythm instead. It’ll sound more natural.”
Gives really good advice to help you improve your performance.
Despite all the teasing he does, he really cares for you and loves you like a little sister.
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One (1) of your two (2) siblings.
The two of you bicker a lot, but are always comfortable with it because of how chill you are with each other.
Just like real siblings, to be honest.
Usually doesn’t complain when you sneak a bite of his second helping of ramen.
Unless he really doesn’t want to share.
“Hey! That’s the last bit of noodle, give it back!”
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Likes to point out small little habits he notices you have, and gets embarrassed when you do it back.
For example if you point out his scrunched nose, he’ll quickly cover it up with his hands.
“Don’t talk about it like that! I can’t help it...”
While overseas, he’ll constantly look at you for encouragement while speaking in a language you know well.
In return, he’ll help you with perfecting your dance moves.
Finds it to be extremely cute when you wear his caps.
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i-got-these-words · 5 years
Hello, pumpkin >.
I don’t deserve readers like you 💋 And, honestly, call me pumpkin and there’s not much I’ll say no to ;)
He was fucking ecstatic. And it showed.
In the way his steps had a slight skip to them. In the way a silly smile kept tugging at his lips. In the way his right hand kept drifting from his side, seeking a companion in the smaller, slender hand currently nestled in the pocket of Mo Guan Shan’s soft, worn sweatpants.
Don’t, He Tian cautioned himself. Don’t fuck it up.
Don’t make him regret giving you this.
He felt his fingertips tingle with excitement as he recalled Guan Shan admitting that he’d considered wearing the pair of ostentatious studs He Tian had previously purchased. ‘But they’re too obvious’, Guan Shan had revealed. ‘They’d be confiscated by a teacher.’
So, they were now making their way downtown to Tiffany’s, sneakers slapping symphonically against the sun-warmed sidewalk, He Tian’s bound and bounce collocating with Guan Shan’s shift and shuffle in a blend of counterpoise and counterbalance.
A little like their relationship.
“How far is this place?” Guan Shan mumbled, the scowl on his face there out of habit, and not because he meant anything by it; He Tian could tell the difference now.
For instance, the current furrow between his feather-light brows did not indicate displeasure but, rather, deep thought. He Tian had first seen it on a moonlit street court, feinting and fouling because neither of them were ready to face-off one-on-one in a game that couldn’t be buffered by a ball.
“The fuck are you staring at?” A beam of sunlight burst through a break in the clouds and Guan Shan’s scarlet eyes narrowed in a sparkling smoulder.
“I was just thinking…” He Tian replied, the sentence hanging between them as they traversed the crosswalk. “You can’t shoot hoops for shit.” He grinned at the startled look on Guan Shan’s face, revelling in catching him by surprise.
“Fuck you,” Guan Shan growled, throwing his fist back.
He Tian was going to let Guan Shan have it, angling himself so the blow would land against the bulk of his delt. But then Guan Shan froze, colour draining from his face, making the smattering of freckles high on his cheeks more salient.
“What –” Frowning, He Tian snapped his head over his shoulder to see what had caught Guan Shan’s eye. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
Spilling out of a corner store was She-fucking-Li, his entourage of dumbfucks trailing behind him, brandishing popsicles and packets of cigarettes.
“Let’s go back,” Guan Shan blurted, already scrambling away.
The anger sizzling in He Tian’s veins spiked. “No.” He threw an arm out, trying to grab Guan Shan by the elbow but a cyclist cut him off. “Fuck. Guan Shan, wait!”
The skin at the back of He Tian’s neck prickled, and he bristled when a pair of molten eyes, banked but brewing, locked with his own. Gritting his teeth, He Tian flipped She Li off before turning on his heel and storming after Guan Shan.
Seeing the tight line of his shoulders and the tension in his fists, He Tian followed a few steps behind Guan Shan, letting him walk off whatever emotion he was struggling with right now.
One day, She Li, He Tian promised. I’m gonna fuck you up beyond recognition.
As Guan Shan veered off the path that would take them back to school and headed towards a nearby park, He Tian plotted all the ways he was going to make She Li pay. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and shot Jian Yi a quick text about collecting their bags. Ignoring the barrage of whirrs as his phone vibrated with incoming messages, He Tian looked up to find he’d lost Guan Shan.
Ah, dammit.
He sighed, scanning the sparse crowd on an afternoon stroll through the city park, hoping that Guan Shan wasn’t trying to purposely evade him. He acknowledged that Guan Shan might want to be left alone, but just because he acknowledged it didn’t mean he agreed with it.
He Tian considered calling Guan Shan on his cell when he spotted a flash of red floating above the thick, lush bushes beyond the water sculpture. And he felt something inside him clench, sad and sour. She Li did this to Guan Shan; made him cower and hide from the world.
Well, fuck you, She Li. And fuck the serpent’s egg you hatched from.
With slow, unhurried steps, he toddled towards the shoulder-high bushes and slipped through an opening between the bifurcating branches, verdant green leaves skimming over his bare arms.
Guan Shan was sitting cross-legged on the grass, plucking foliage from a berry he’d presumably picked from a bush. He muttered something inaudible as He Tian settled down opposite him.
“We’ll get the studs another day,” Guan Shan repeated, focusing intently on the small collection of berries in his lap. “If you still want to.”
He Tian opted to say nothing, because of course he fucking wanted to. He was livid that She Li had ruined this for them, and he was livid Guan Shan didn’t think He Tian could protect him from a vile snake that was more spit than venom.
The silence stretched taut between them, slackened by the background sounds of birdsong, cascading waters, and bustling families.
Guan Shan levelled him with a look, one that He Tian hadn’t seen before and couldn’t read. “You think I’m scared of him.”
Pressing his lips together, He Tian shrugged. “I don’t know what to think.”
Guan Shan nodded, going back to dusting off the berries. And He Tian understood then; understood that, when the time was right, Guan Shan would tell him exactly what to think.
Lying back on the grass, He Tian propped the back of his head in his clasped hands, squinting against the sun, and studying Guan Shan beneath the sweep of his lashes.
Rays of sun glinted gold off the red in Guan Shan’s hair, coloured his cheeks a sun-kissed rouge, and warmed the wings of the white, silver-speckled butterfly silently perched on the top of his head.
He Tian had never seen anything so beautiful.
He watched as Guan Shan popped a round berry into his mouth, imagined a squirt of juice that tasted both tart and sweet. Then he watched Guan Shan pop another, the blue tinge to his lips making them look bruised and edible.
Lids hooded, he lay like that for a while, staring at those lips as they pinched, puckered and pursed when Guan Shan suddenly snarled, “If you try to kiss me I’ll rip your dick off.”
He Tian smiled, recognising his favourite scowl. In one swift motion, he rolled onto his front and stole a ripe berry from the rapidly dwindling pile. “Question,” he said, smile melting into a smirk as he bit into the fruit, the citrus flow effervescing on his tongue. “How long have you been sitting there thinking about me kissing you?”
The colour in Guan Shan’s cheeks deepened, and He Tian laughed as he was pelted with profanity and flying berries.
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freelance-arc · 4 years
Growth hurts and 2020 is the best year yet.
Sooooo. What’s been happening, yo?
End of January. Damn.
Last year January was about a thousand million years long. My better half bought me a watch to cheer me up. It’s one of my most prized possessions! 
But this year is different. It’s hopeful.
Last year I was listening to Ricky Gutierrez and Tim Sykes, trying to learn as many day trading patterns and indicators as I could. I’d uncovered a rich vein of successful people and FREE INFORMATION and I was gonna take EVERY. LAST. DROP.
Those guys are all about trader mindset. So I started listening to Tony Robbins a lot too, for general mindset advice. 
Now… Tony. Tony, tony, tony. What a guy. He gets you where you need to go, or at least heading in the right direction. He guides you and gives you tools, but he also cranks up your pain. He cranks up the pain of your present position so much, you can’t bear to stay where you are any longer. You HAVE to make the change!
Which is great, if you’re able to make a swift change in your lifestyle. If you have savings to fall back on, Skills that are immediately marketable, and the means to sell them straight away. 
If you don’t have those things like I didn’t, then you have no choice but to keep grinding in the groove that you’re in until you can climb out of it.
You need to work out what you can do, how you can make it profitable, how you can sell it, build a client base, and then generate enough repeat income that you can quit that day job and go it alone. But it takes time to do these, especially when you have to give up the bulk of your every day to someone else’s production and sitting in traffic.
It hurt.
I lost track of how many times I cried. At home, and particularly on the way to work in the morning. Pulling over with tears rolling down my face, having another panic attack.
My pain had been cranked up to a point that I couldn’t bear it any longer. I HAD to get out, but the only thing you can do is remain, and try not to let the pain crush you.
It was hard. So hard. I was a mess.
I wrote a post a while back about how the change is difficult. About the pain of switching yourself from who you are, to who you need to be. It’s not nice. But to climb out of the rut you need to grow strong. And growing strong causes pain and soreness.
You really do give sweat and tears. The blood, sometimes at least, is metaphorical.
Wind on to 2020. Well, I’m a year down the line. The pain was cranked, the mindset has been changed, and I’m now well on the way to my own fleet of private jets!
But seriously, this year feels more positive. MUCH more positive. The light at the end of the tunnel is closer and illuminates SO much more. There’s opportunity everywhere. 
The positivity is flowing ladies and gentlemen. I may not have financial abundance yet, but I’m abundant in positivity!
Because there’s so much opportunity, the risk now is spreading myself too thin. Trying to take on too much in too many different areas, and consequently achieving nothing. Bummer.
There’s so much to be done, and nowhere near enough time to do it!
Finding the time can really be a struggle.
Little and often helps. Do a little bit, every day. Before you know it you have infrastructure and assets. Things to step you up to the next level. I’ve been writing and studying. Sometimes just 10 minutes a day, but it adds up. I’m at the point now of having a portfolio of work to show potential clients.
All because I started writing and kept going.
Focused work towards a defined goal creates results.
What’s the point of this though? What’s the takeaway?
So focusing is key. You have to keep doing that thing you do, every day as much as you can. Keep your mind on task and don’t let the distractions creep in.
I tell you what though. It is confusing sometimes trying to maintain an overview of the whole project, as well as being able to concentrate on the small details, like the colours for the brand.
I have discovered the way to do it is to deal with one thing at a time, and get organised. It’s almost too obvious.
Handle things as they come up. Make lists, keep them all in the right place. Hell, it took me an hour this morning before I started writing to sort out my Drive, and put the finished posts, unfinished pieces, ideas and lists into their correct places.
Now that’s been done though, on to the next step. Lesson learned.
Once everything’s sorted, keep it that way, it’s so much easier and more productive when you can find THAT THING you need, cos it’s in its place.
As far as my own actions recently go, I’ve been reading Think And Grow Rich. Dan Lok says he read it about 10 times. There’s probably something in that!
It’s a good book so far. I can see why people rave about it. The main takeaway of the book so far is that belief is important. Like, REALLY important. You have to believe, with unstoppable force that YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.
He gives affirmations to do daily to ready you for money and success. Because after all if you aren’t prepared for it you could very easily lose your hard-earned fortune when it comes.
Writing practice is important, especially as a copywriter. I won’t get very far if I can’t write will I? haha! To that end, I’ve been writing daily. Churning it out and making improvements. I think it’s helping, that my writing is improving.
I’ve kept training, although at a reduced level. I had to drop 15Kg off my shoulder press due to this damn injury. I bought a new shoulder brace and have been taking Ibuprofen to ease the pain and any inflammation. I’m itching to get back to speed again, I have to admit.
My Grandmother passed over Christmas, and her Funeral was last week. It was sad, but as I stood there, remembering her I just wanted to make her proud. I knew I have to stay on this path and see it through, to achieve all my dreams. I think she’d be proud of that.
On a lighter note. There’s LOADS of motivational stuff on Insta! It’s so good. I found a page for writers, and it was full of gold. There’s writers, artists, gym peeps and trainers, and of course Garyvee. I’ll share some of my favourites for y’all to check out.
Please dig into your niche and let me know which are the best people and pages to follow! 
Slow steady progress has been January, that’s okay though cos Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t expect your dreams to be either. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, this is decisive focused action to take you to your abundance lifestyle.
Build your dreams.
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Mid-Year Round Up
Hi lovelies, I am a bit late posting this up but this is my mid-year round up of the books I’ve gotten through! If any of you want to also check-in, if you haven’t already done so, I’d love to read about how you guys are getting on and what you are reading!
First of all, confession time. I am doing, errrrr, not great on my reading challenge. I had the goal of reading 100 books in 2019 and I have read 28 so far so I am 22 books behind schedule! But I’m thinking when I go on holiday at the end of the month I will maybe read a few short enjoyable books to help catch up!
So let’s have a quick overview of my books read so far. My favourites have definitely been Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage the Bones and Ali Smith’s Spring. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern disappointed me but mostly the books so far have been fab- more good than bad. I have also worked hard in trying to read as many books by women and by POC as I possibly can. Check under the divider for a full breakdown!
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green- really enjoyed this as my first read of the year, it’s a bit slow start but overall it is an excellent meditation on the role of technology, social media, and celebrity culture in the modern world.
Lethal White by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)- definitely not as good as the first two books in this series and I am a bit worried that the characterisation is going in a direction I won’t like, but still a fantastically told story.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison- I’ve read this book several times before but as you all know by now, anything by Morrison is gonna get top marks from me, she really writes like no one else. 
Nisei Daughter by Monica Itoi Sone- a humourous, moving, and incredibly insightful account of one woman’s experience of growing up Japanese-American and her experiences in the internment camps. An important read for our time!
Complete Writings by Phillis Wheatley, ed. Vincent Carretta- a brilliant collection of all Phillis Wheatley’s letters, poems, and revisions. I feel really honoured to have got the chance to do so much work on Wheatley over the last few months.
Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald- such a dreamy but weirdly sinister book, it is really up my street, also full of interesting things to write on and discuss.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston- every time I read this I love it more and more.
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison- I had never read this before because it was so huge but I’m glad I did!
Spring by Ali Smith- I think this is my joint favoruite book of the year so far. Ali Smith blows me away every time!
Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward- Also tied for first place so far this year. I was so happy this turned out to be unbelievably good as I was a bit underwhelmed by Sing, Unburied, Sing which seemed incredibly derivative and lacking in an original voice.
The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man by James Weldon Johnson- I read this for class and I thought it was great.
My Antonia by Willa Cather- I also read THIS for class (there is a theme lol) and I actually enjoyed it so much more than I was expecting to. It was so interesting and I ended up writing a really long essay on it.
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral by Phillis Wheatley- this is an excellent and incredibly interesting collection. 
The Sun Also Rises by Ernet Hemingway- this book was another surprise to me! I didn’t think I would like it as much I did!
The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy by Edward Kamau Brathwaite- a pretty fantastic example of Caribbean literature. It’s also worth listening to online if you can find audio. Hooray poetry!
An Introduction to West Indian Poetry by Laurence A. Breiner- lol can you tell I took a Caribbean poetry class???!!? This is a great introductory textbook. 
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley: America's First Black Poet and Her Encounters with the Founding Fathers by Henry Louis Gates Jr.- another textbook I read as part of my research, very good and very readable though, would recommend!
Monkey Bridge by Lan Cao- a well written novel about the experiences of a Vietnamese family who emigrate to the United States during the Vietnam War.
Omeros by Derek Walcott- well I do love me some Walcott poetry. 
The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness by Paul Gilroy- this is a very dense book but it is useful for my research.
Literary Theory: An Introduction by Terry Eagleton- a bit outdated now but still a good place to start to learn some theory! Very accessible!
Corregidora by Gayl Jones- I read this for class and I thought it was very interesting. I enjoyed studying it but as a reading experience it wasn’t my favourite novel. 
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton- I read this for class and it was probably my least favourite assigned novel from this year so far. I definitely found myself wading through much of it. 
Quicksand by Nella Larsen - I actually thought I would enjoy this more as I think Passing is one of the best modern short novels out there but I think this one is a bit less sophisticated. 
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston- this book is really interesting and works really well when read alongside Toni Morrison’s Beloved. 
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner- another surprise, I expected to like this a lot more than I did. I think this is just another example of a book that is great to study but not necessarily an enjoyable read.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern- wow this is the most disappointing book of the year for sure. It’s just...not...that good? It took me weeks to get through because it’s kinda boring?
American Studies: A User's Guide by Philip Joseph Deloria and Alexander Olson- this was assigned reading, the worst book so far this year. It is very simplistic and common-sense and not particularly useful to me.  
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Sway Pt.7 - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
It’s only appropriate for me to post this particular fic today...
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Here / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Authors Note: ...I uhm... Hope that cover doesn’t look TOO much like a wedding... Despite the jokes in this...! I edited it several times! Having said that I did get to use another Dirty Dancing 2 image - THAT THIS ENTIRE FIC STARTED BASED ON WAY BACK WHEN!!! So I’m happy about that! I also had to take advantage of Danny in a suit! So... I essentially wanted to write this, then cut it, then wrote it to take Sway to 10 parts... and it’s ended up really long!
Gosh darn, I just read this back to edit and... There’s a few super significant paragraphs in here I forgot I ever wrote...
Disclaimer: As ever, I only own my OCs! 
Premise: As Danny’s departure for the Rayburn’s 45th Anniversary looms, you reminisce on Anniversaries of your own... However, deep down, you know you’re only wasting precious time...
Word Count: 8991
Warnings: DUI / Swearing / Sexual Amble (!!!)  / Another load of people talking trash about Danny. Oh god, and I promised we’d get LESS angsty didn’t I?! 
I believe, things happen for a reason Even though you might not see it at the time Cause now I know Every plan that came unravelled Every crooked path I travelled in my life Led me here to your side
Could it have been easier? Yeah A little smoother ride? Maybe so But lying here with you, would I change one thing ‘bout that road? No  --- Looking at you looking out the window right now, Those eyes, that dress, that smile, that laugh If I could hit pause I would somehow  But it don’t work like that --- There’s nothing I wouldn’t try  If I thought it would change your mind And I know as soon as you walk out that door… Pain’s a comin’, tears are runnin’ Yeah that’s kind of the way I’m feelin’ Trying to stop your leaving…
Present Day - Your Apartment, Late
You were standing on your balcony, tapping your fingers against a glass of water and watching the sun sink down over your favourite skyline. Another day gone, and you were fast running out of time… The Rayburn’s 45th Anniversary was in just 2 weeks… If you couldn’t stop Danny from leaving… You shook your head, not wanting to think on it, and let out a groan. He joined you, winding his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek and nuzzling his face into your neck; his hum was content… The Anniversary though, only made you think of your parents. You and Danny were fast approaching your 3 year mark. Which made you crack a smile, remembering your Dad’s jest in the middle of his toast. So much had changed over the past year… You entwined your fingers with Danny’s as you placed your hands on his; resting your head against him. AT LEAST during that time, you and him had been something consistent… ***
Previously… You realised, staring at the pile on your kitchen counter, that you might need more help than you thought. And certainly wouldn't be able to get all this in your car at once... 
You must have been staring at it for a good few minutes because you heard your balcony door slide across, and were greeted with a call of: "Need any help!?" Danny had gone out for one last cigarette before he put in a couple of hours in the restaurant ahead of tonight. The party would take all day to set up, so you'd offered to go down early to help your parents and friends. "No, no baby that's okay I...!" He threw his smoke down and hurried over, you sighed; "You need to get down to the restaurant." He hummed "Yeah, maybe, but you know I'm never late... C'mon, there's a lot here..." He stacked a few boxes, and held his hand out for what you were already carrying, you held it behind you defensively. "Uh uh! No! You don't get to see this yet!!" He laughed; "Why not!?” Mostly because whatever him, Javi, and Javi’s cousin had decided to dress Danny in remained a mystery - turns out Javi called in a fashion industry favour - and you wanted to be just as mysterious. But you also liked the way Danny would study every inch of you if you ever wore something he'd never seen before. You'd rather he saw this on than off... Well. Maybe off. Later. “Because...!” You didn't need a reason That only made him laugh harder “Don't tell me!! This wedding anniversary is going to turn into an actual wedding...” That made you gasp for effect, but laugh, "Will you stop...!!!" He joked about this way too often. But you only left him shaking his head as he collected the boxes and opened the door for you, "Which car?" "911..." "You’re NOT gonna fit all this in that car!” "It'll fit!” “Nah! We'll put some in mine and I'll follow you down.” “You don’t have to do that...” “I know I don't...” He leant across to catch your lips “But I'd sure like to...”
 You managed to squeeze nearly everything into your car’s limited two-seater space, but Danny still insisted that he help you out. So, now he was following you down the seaway. When you pulled up Danny stayed in his car and just stared. "What?" You opened his car door “It's on a yacht!?” You looked back, it could probably be classed as a liner. Looking like a classier version of somewhere you might have a high school prom. “Yes.” “... Don't tell me your dad bought this.” “Noooo... His friend is letting us borrow it.” Danny shook his head. “His friend!?” *
“Where's papa!?” You embraced your mom “Oh. Called to some project. It’s okay... Men will only get in the way!!” You raised an eyebrow, there were plenty of males around helping! Also... “Oh! Danny!! You sweetheart! You didn't have to!” “What? No, my pleasure...” He put the boxes on the table your mother indicated and joined you, “See you later…!” “Yeah have a good day...” You embraced him He looked around “Well, I know you will...” Kissing your cheek he turned to accept your mom's hug, "Don't go day drinking too much!!" He walked backwards back towards the gangplank with a cheeky wink; only making your mom laugh. “God, I like him...” “I know.” “And so does your father…” She turned to you with a suggestive look. “Yeah, I know!' That much was obvious. Even though Danny was your boyfriend your dad treated him like the son he never had.
 Everything was ready and set up; except you. Still trying to get those finishing touches looking just right... You sighed, for some reason the place cards on this particular table just weren't playing ball. Your mother called you from across the deck, "Y/N!!!! Are you still not dressed!?" "Mama!! This just isn't working!!" She shook her head "Too much like me for your own good!" She took your arms and steered you away from the table: "Oh yeah... Because I certainly got the perfectionist thing from you with my work in progress..." It was the way she had described Danny as being like your father when she’d first met him. "Danny is a fine man. I'll deal with the table..." She pulled you down a deck and headed towards a large suite of rooms, “Absolutely he is fine..." You tried to hide your smirk, "Do you know what he's wearing?" "No..." "Has he seen your dress?" "No. Mama. I wasn't about to ruin the main event!" She laughed and ushered you into a dressing room; "Now get changed!! People will be arriving soon!!"
You shook your head as she closed the door behind you. You took a quick shower and dried your hair... You already knew it was going up tonight... You took care with your makeup. Going for a little of that classic movie star flawlessness from all those old films your parents loved to watch. Approaching your dress you ran the fabric through your fingers, white into powder blue; halter neck with a cut taken straight out of the 50s. Sporadic clusters of Swarovski crystals covered the skirt and the ribbon that tied it coloured the same blue the dress bled into. You studied it in the mirror for a second and twirled. The only thing that disappointed you was that the cut was modest; whilst the chain was visible the ‘D’ wasn't... You sat and began on your hair, when there was a knock at the door, you beckoned them in and heard your mother gasp. "Oh... My baby is so grown up...!!" She approached you, and taking the straighteners from you she helped finish your look.  "I can't wait to see his face." “Mom, this is your anniversary..." "I know I just..." She hummed, sliding pins into your hair "... You remind me so much of us..." You couldn’t stop the smile; but it felt strange, that your mom would compare you and Danny to her own relationship with your father. In your eyes the two were completely different… Maybe she saw something you couldn’t see… But that also meant, as Danny has teased so many times, she saw real longevity in this. For once, you were starting to believe that too. She finished with a pretty hair slide from another one of your favourite designers, leaving some of your hair to frame your face. "You are so perfect..." You almost beamed, but then pulled at the chain again: "Just this... You can't see it... " "Come here... We'll see if we can't make a change..." She took the fine chain in her fingers and uncoupled it, looping it around your neck again she pulled it to make more of a choker and linked the ends back together through the ring to hold it in place, "There... " "Why didn't I think of that!?!" She chuckled "Thinking too much! As always…" she presented you with a box, "But, I also want you to wear this..." You hesitated, looking to her, and opened it with a gasp; "Mama. No..! It's too much!! I can't!!" You knew the bracelet well. The amount of times your mom had worn it for dance competitions... It was the first thing your father had ever saved up and brought her. It held the same significance to your parents as your necklace did for your own relationship. "You can, and we want you too..." ***
Amanda and Evelyn were the first two people you really greeted with enthusiasm. You did, however, have to raise your eyebrows at Amanda’s outfit – never passing up the chance to take someone home (and her relationship with Javi more of a… *cough* summer fling *cough*) her dress was skin tight and verging on inappropriate. That was just like Amanda, though. Evie had gone full on floor length ballgown – never missing the opportunity to dress up. You were thankful they were here, to take your mind off waiting in anticipation for Danny to show. Suddenly there was a buzz around you, and Amanda had to catch someone to explain what was going on. “OH. Someone pulled up with a Zegna Maserati. God, Y/N, I thought your dad was the only one outside of Italy with a car like that!?” “Isn’t it his!?” “No. Different number plate – Your dad came in the Lambo anyway…” What-!? It MUST have been your fathers. “So who are they!?” “You mean the man who looks like YSL dressed him personally?” They jerked their thumb over their shoulder “Talking to your dad…” Now this you had to see. “…If he’s single…” Evie suggested, but you laughed; “I’ll put a word in…” You walked through the crowd, aware they were both following behind you, just as intent on finding out who was the new celebrity. “-Wait!?---Is that--!?” You hushed them in the event this was a mirage. Your dad tapped his arm and he turned. The air left the deck; for both of you. His blue eyes fell on yours and he swallowed hard. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You could just about make out the look on your father’s face, but everything else melted. You bit your lip shyly, and made your way across the floor to him. The crowd parting for the daughter of the couple they were all here for. You noticed your friends hung back in order to let you have this moment. How many people here knew about you and Danny? It was clear none of them knew who he was – but the fact that putting him in a suit and a fancy car made them all want to know him was very telling of Miami high society. You swept your gaze over him and realised you’d be thanking Javi for a very long time. The suit was fitted; taking every advantage of Danny’s height and body shape – they had obviously tailored. It looked black and simple until you got closer; his jacket gave him smooth lines, the silk iridescence of his collar was bordered in a deep, rich navy which translated into the lining, shining ever so slightly against his shirt in the lighting. The shirt was crisp and bright white – but the stitching black in contrast - the fabric of high quality, to let you know if for any reason you might want to rip through those buttons, it wouldn’t be happening easily. As both of you were having difficultly finding words, your dad stepped in. Introducing you like Danny was a friend and potential suitor; “Mr. Daniel Rayburn, allow me to introduce you to my daughter, Miss. Y/N Ervin.” Danny at least managed a laugh; “It is a pleasure. Although I do believe I’ve seen you around…” “…I was just about to comment it’s lucky I’m not single Mr.Rayburn… Though I’m not sure looking at you tonight that would stop me…” He held out his hand, as if for you to shake and you realised that your dad had not only leant him the car; he was wearing a Cartier watch. And your breath caught again as you pulled his hand towards you. “…Oh my god! DAD!!” Your dad laughed, Danny only looked a little confused, “…You gave him…!?!” The bracelet that your mother had given to you was clearly all part of the plan. Stupidly it hit you that Danny probably hadn’t even gone to the Restaurant today; the cufflinks that he was sporting matched the bracelet perfectly. They had always been your parent’s lucky combination… The fact you and Danny were now wearing them at their 35th wedding anniversary was no mere coincidence. As Danny turned your wrist in his, the significance hit him also. “Oh…” He turned to your father; “…I…” Jack Ervin just laughed, harder than before; Danny at a loss for words was a rare event. Which meant it was much more than just obvious how grateful he was. “Think nothing of it.” You took the opportunity of Danny’s attempt to express his gratitude to study Javi’s fine work closer. The bow-tie had the same gleaming effect running through it that his suit jacket did; but his belt… His belt held the unmistakable Zegna ‘Z’. Was this a big Ervin-Viva Caputa colab that you had missed out on!?! With that expensive glass of champagne in his hand, he certainly looked the part. And everyone on that boat knew it. And he was here, talking to you! “Okay. What the HELL did Javier even do?!” That got their attention back on you, but Danny only held his hands up innocently “I dunno! Ask him!” You then rounded on your father; “You let him DRIVE the Maserati!?” Your father looked like he was about to cry laughing “YES.” “Danny!!! Danny!! Dios Mio just LOOK at you!!” Your mother had swept through the crowd almost as easily as you. Her red dress exquisitely beautiful and looking like something a Flamenco dancer would wear, she embraced her favourite Rayburn and looked him over. She turned to you, because nothing got past her, and gave you an approving nod and wink. Before turning back to him, taking his face in her hands; “How is my boy?!” He laughed and pink dusted his cheeks, “I’m… I’m good! Yeah!” He took her hands in his; “How are you? Oh my gosh – Yeah! Happy Anniversary! Both of you! Congratulations!” “Oh-! It’s nothing! It’ll go quick!” She beamed, but your father made sure to at least thank Danny. Before your mother took your hand and placed it in Danny’s “Enough from us!! This should be a celebration of everyone in our family!” She gave a wink to Danny, who gave another slightly embarrassed laugh “You look like the most important man in the room. This is good! It suits you! Muy muy guapo!” Then she took your fathers hand and dragged him away from you both.
Danny blinked a few times and turned to you, still watching them leave… And it took you a while to pull your eyes back to him, although you knew you weren’t the only one staring; Tonight his intense blue eyes were softer, they matched his demeanour rather than his sharp suit; “I can’t breathe you look SO good.” “I feel it…” He ran a hand over his chest, “But I can’t say it’s me…” You laughed “…I’d rather be on this boat with you in a T-Shirt over this too… I know what’s you. I love you because you are you.” “Still…” He scanned the party, “I think I’ve managed to make an impression on them… And you…” He tipped his expensive glass and whistled “A significant portion of people want to BE me. For once…” he couldn’t help laughing; “You are, as always, stunning…” “Stop…” You murmured it, pushing gently against him, which made him laugh again; “No way… Not tonight… I’m lucky to get to show you off…” “You!?” You shook your head as he wound his arm around you and pulled you in so that he could kiss your forehead “…Baby, no, tonight I get to show you off! I am the Lucky one.” Without your parents here you suddenly remembered the exactly reason you’d thought about inviting him in the first place. “AH!” You made him jump at your suddenly exclamation and the way you held his shoulders “…I asked you here to meet my friends; right!?” “Well, it’s not like I haven’t…” “Yeah, but…” You made a face that said not really “…And you do NOT have to answer all their questions…! In fact, please DON’T.” “Oh, What kinda conversation is this gonna be?” He raised an eyebrow suggestively; but that just made you agree with him. “Yeah. It’s gonna be exactly that.” You turned to Amanda and Evie, and then almost found yourself with a smug smirk at the way they were both staring at Danny. Caught up in that thought, it was him who waved to them both; making them give each other the same look and him stifle a laugh. “Do I have to fend these two off?” “…Hey. I saw you first.” You nudged him into quiet agreement as they came over at your beckon. “I know we’ve done drinks… Kinda… But, Amanda, Evie – Danny. Danny, my two best friends.” Then you added a warning; they all had great ammunition on you the other party could use, “The three of you collude on anything – Not kidding, you’re going overboard…!”
 They loved him, it wasn’t surprising to you that they did. Considering that you were pretty sure they also both wanted to date him. It was the impression you’d got that very first time. The impression didn’t change now. Your friends might have been from this world and have long strings of high-class toy boys. But they found it refreshing that Danny was a down to Earth, Southern working boy from the Keys. And older. The more he talked, the more impressive the looks they kept giving you were. He’d passed the best friends test; you knew he would. The two most important people on this ship to you loved him. And your parents loved him… More importantly than that, Danny had done all that hard work himself. Showed what the Rayburn’s really knew…
You introduced him to many members of your family. Danny even managed to stumble through some basic – if not broken, but incredibly polite – Spanish to your fathers’ mother. She had her husband and son to look out for her, so she’d never really had to learn English. Which means every time she turned to you to pay Danny another compliment, making you go bright red and laugh, she completely lost him. Which was great, because every time she did you could see him desperately wanting to ask you what she said. From your father’s father Danny figured where you’d both got your business head from. A retired self-made business man, and extremely proud of his son’s success – and that his son had surpassed him. Although, he had that American patriarchal air that demanded respect from everyone. In a different way from his own father, Danny noted quickly – he could see exactly where Jack had learned to be a man. All at once he was grateful for your family – at the acceptance he seemed to be receiving even from those on the extended side… Maybe he’d finally get the family he always wanted… Dinner was a little different and overly formal. Walking around a party hand in hand with you, and a glass of something strong to calm his nerves, worked on Danny like a charm. But here, sitting in a suit and surrounded by topical conversation of those living the high-life he had very little opinion on ,or stomach for, made Danny look uncomfortable. You noticed it straight away, so you moved your chair closer to his and spent a lot of time with your hand resting comfortingly on his thigh. When he could, his hand would find yours and you could almost feel the nerves. Every so often you’d whisper comforting phrases to him or give him context – because he would be expected to talk. He seemed to position himself as a say little but say something that sounds profound. And it was expertly done; although there was a little shake to his voice from time to time. You knew that would bother him – but he was so far out of his comfort zone now you couldn’t help but be proud. Of course, as ever your father and mother were on hand to help out and you would pick up pieces of his sentences to elaborate on. When they asked about his family, he got into his element because no word of that was stretched truth; he came from this – even if it was different in the Keys. Eventually though, he got back into his nervous ticks and the two of you drifted from the main table conversation into your own world; he held your hand even tighter and he tried not to look like he was getting the I need a cigarette jitters… You kept him steady until most of the table began to disperse. To which he breathed a sigh of relief and you gathered him gently in your arms. He wouldn’t have to suffer much longer… You hoped.
** Later that evening, as you still hadn’t left the table (Danny needed that quiet…), further family members began to wonder exactly who your man was. That left you sitting with Danny and your aunts. Your father was an only child, but your mother came from a family of 4 sisters. She was the youngest. They were all fussing over him and asking questions; at first they were the right kinds of questions, where he grew up, what he did before Miami, where he lived now, what he was doing now… and then they weren’t… where did he attend college… what car did he drive… what was his job… what was his salary..? At the point he said he was the chef, and not the owner/manager – although really Danny was both – and then they broke into the salary question Danny cleared his throat, you could tell that made him uncomfortable…  And you didn’t like that… Putting your hand on his knee again you pulled him back to you; “Baby… Do you mind getting me a drink?” He looked more than grateful; kissing your cheek gently, “Sure thing, I’ll be back…!” He took his leave politely and wandered off. You took a breath – and turned back to the table. They were also watching him walk away with some interest. Although as soon as he was out of earshot they all turned to look at you, and the conversation continued. In Spanish. “Isn’t he too old for you!?” That first shot hurt, but it didn’t hit as hard at the others; “There is no way he makes enough for you to both live comfortably on.” “…And he’s living in downtown…” “He must have borrowed that suit…” “Agreed, he looks so awkward in it… He can’t be from here…” “-And the car!” “Y/N, really… He didn’t even get a college degree?” You could hardly believe what you were hearing. SURELY, SURELY your family could not be as bad as the Rayburns!?! In fact, this was WORSE. Because the Rayburns didn’t say it out loud. “You can do better… Look at the men around here…! What about the men you work with!?” What hurt even more is that they actually tried to make themselves sound sympathetic towards you; like Danny was just a mistake you’d made. No – your mistake was clearly thinking this was a good idea, and forcing Danny to be here with you in the first place. You stood in one movement. Attempting to swallow the lump in your throat. “You’re right. I can do better. And so can he!” You left, but you didn’t get very far before you got upset and started crying. Unfortunately for you, Danny was just strolling back to your table. When he saw you, his face became instantly worried and he attempted to catch your arm; “Y/N… What’s wrong!?” But you didn’t want to make a scene here… It was your parents anniversary after all. You shook your head and ran quickly for the stairs to the lower level rooms. He wasn’t the only one to notice that you were clearly upset. As he called after you, Amanda and Evelyn rushed to him. “What happened?!” “…I dunno… She…!” He hesitated… Putting the glass he was holding down, he followed you “Y/N! Wait!” You locked yourself in one of the bathrooms and sat down. Just a few deep breaths. Just a few deep breaths… that’s all it would take. Hot tears stung your eyes as you tried your best not to ruin your makeup by having them stream all over your face. You were angry, at them for saying those things. At everyone else here for clearly thinking it – you’d seen the way some of them were looking at him like he wasn’t good enough for you… - At yourself, for not standing up for the man you loved SO much. You wanted to yell at all of them. Danny didn’t have to be here. He’d be having a better time anywhere else in the world right now than being in that suit on this ship. But he was here for YOU. He was dressed up for YOU. They weren’t worthy of his time or his presence here… Hell, they didn’t deserve to be in the same room as him. Danny loved you dearly, he had a better heart and mind than half those people on deck… His family couldn’t see that either; you didn’t know why you’d expected Miami socialites to be any different. You heard a knock at the door; “Y/N… C’mon… What’s wrong…” Now he sounded visibly upset, which didn’t help you. You found yourself holding back sobs. “…Baby…” his voice was soft “…Baby, I’m here… C’mon…” You heard other hushed voices, and he replied to them. They were both female. Of course Amanda and Evelyn would be just as concerned. He knocked again; “Y/N… Darlin’… Open the door… Let me in… Or… Let them in… I don’t know, just… Baby please don’t cry…” Saying that made you actually sob. And you heard the noise he made. “…Y/N… Please… I’m right here… Sweetheart… I’m here…” Only now you continued to sob. You heard a fourth set of footsteps and the hushed voices fell silent for a minute… Three sets of footsteps disappeared… Then there was another knock. “Danny? Girls? What happened?” “We don’t know… Y/N got upset and ran down here… Danny followed her, we wanted to support her too…” Danny moved away from the door and bit his lip, “She’s cryin’…” Jack noticed that Danny looked like he was about to tear up too… “Okay… Go back to the party all of you… It’ll be alright… I’ll get her out…” The two girls left, looking to him sympathetically. Danny was reluctant, but followed. Jack placed a hand on his shoulder; “Danny… I’m sorry…” “For what?” “...I know this isn’t easy for you…” “I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing it for her.” Jack nodded “I know. And you have no idea how much I appreciate all you do for her… I’m very proud that you are with my daughter…” “…Thank you?” Danny wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to react. Jack just smiled, like he understood how Danny was feeling; “Whatever they say… Hers will always be the only opinion that matters.” “I agree…” Danny said it softly, but then smiled “I… Kinda think that yours matters too…” Jack laughed. “You’re too good. Mr.Rayburn. Too good. Wait at the top of the stairs, I’ll have her back to you in 5…” With that, Danny headed back to the top deck, and your father tapped on the bathroom door. “Y/N.” Oh, great. Way to ruin your parents party by having your dad find you crying in a bathroom… “Open the door. I’m the only one here…” You reached up and unlocked it. He slid it open, shaking his head. It hurt him to see you like this as much as it did Danny and your friends. He shut the door behind him and locked it, sitting next to you he took you in his arms and handed you his pocket handkerchief. “Estrella… What’s wrong? What happened? Who said it?” “Who said what…?” You dabbed at your cheeks to stop your tears ruining any more of your makeup than they already had. “I’ve been watching all night, to know that you have been watching all night. I’ve seen the way they look at him too…” You didn’t answer, still sniffing away… “…You know. Your mothers’ sisters never liked me either. Hated me in fact. I was a nothing too. I could dance, great, but how was that going to make a good living?” He knew exactly what had happened. You wondered if your father was protecting Danny just as much as you were. He chuckled; “Better believe that all changed when I was able to get them into places like this…” He shook his head “…Why they act so high and mighty I don’t know… They’re not exactly from the echelons of Miami either…” He rubbed your arm affectionately. “Your mom’s father however… Now of course no man was ever good enough for his youngest… But… All he cared about was how I was going to treat her… He knew there was more value in love than money. Still, Jorge decided that maybe I ought to earn something if I wanted to raise a family…” “…You built the business… for mom?” He shrugged “For mom and you… When you came along. The point is, I value what her father values…” You raised an eyebrow; “So… He’s not good enough for me?” He laughed; “No one will ever be good enough for you, until one is. And… he IS.” He brushed some of your hair back into place; “I believe I’m right if I make the statement Danny is the best thing that ever happened to you…” “He is…” You didn’t hesitate. You knew that. Like fact. “Then, he is more than good enough for you. And I will let those hateful bitches know that myself.” You choked on something between a sniff and a laugh; “Papa. I probably wouldn’t say that to their faces!” “Watch me.” He smiled; “For the record. Danny is better than ¾ of the people out there.” “They’re your friends.” Weren’t they? People your parents liked? “…They’re friends we have to make. The society in which we live. We all know who the real friends are…” He fumbled around in his pocket; “…The whos-who… Probably not to be associated with after tonight…” “Because of how they are treating Danny!?” “…Something like that…” He twirled what looked like a pen, and held it out to you “I don’t want anyone I know, or invited tonight, to cause anything to happen between the two of you. You are happy. The happiest I’ve ever seen you, and I’ll be damned if I let some high-and-mighty socialite ruin that… For either of you.” You laughed, realising he was holding out liquid eyeliner, you took it with a grateful smile; “I thought you might be crying over something else, tonight… So… I thought I’d keep it just in case. You don’t look too bad. Touch it up, but hurry now, your man is waiting…” You dried your eyes one final time before he helped you stand up. You embraced him; “Gracias Papa!” “It’s nothing… Not for my little girl…” He exited the bathroom and then turned back “He looks good in YSL don’t you think?” You turned to the mirror, yeah; a little bit of a touch up and you’d be fine. “…He looks a bit awkward. He was carrying it well, then when we all sat he looked uncomfortable… Now he’s standing again he’ll…” You looked to your fathers face; “What?! I have to admit that! He’d rather be in a T-shirt, or chefs whites c’mon daddy…!” “…You noticed what he’s wearing didn’t you.” “He’s wearing your watch…” You let the eyeliner glide smoothly as you began touching up “…He’s wearing the cufflinks that match this bracelet, don’t think I don’t know what you and mom are up to…” you smiled. “…Yes. Mr. Daniel Rayburn looks fantastic. He really does. But it’s not him, and he knows it’s not him.” “…And so do you, so, tell him to be comfortable... He looks awkward because he’s trying to make that suit look natural. He is wearing it, it is not wearing him.” “Then YOU tell him that. He respects you.” “But he loves YOU. We both know he didn’t turn up to this party for your mother and I… He came because you didn’t want to turn up with anyone else…” When you reached the top of the stairs, Danny was indeed waiting for you, and you weren’t even on the top step before he’d gathered you in his arms again; “Are you Ok?” “Yeah… God, I’m sorry… I just…” You shook your head, “I know… This isn’t you… And you want to be anywhere else right now… I’m sorry I made you come here… and wear a suit and…” He shook his head, and his smile was brilliant. “Baby girl… I am here… with YOU… You look amazing, and I am proud to look at least half decent next to you… Darlin’… When you are here, make no mistake, there is no place on Earth I would rather be than right here with you in my arms…” “But they-” “I know. I’ve only been used to it my entire life…” He shrugged, and rolled his eyes “What is one more night.” “Tonight wasn’t meant to be one more night, though, it was meant to be your night off…” “Tonight is very much a night on…” He guided you through the crowd, his hand respectfully around your waist “…Overtime…! Tomorrow, we will have a lazy day… on the couch… watch movies… I might even consider ordering take out… God, what am I saying…!” You wrapped your arms around him as you continued to walk… Funny thing was, you knew that would be a better day than you would ever have hanging out with half the people here tonight. Guests had begun to gather around the bottom of the stairs with drinks. You guessed your parents were about to make their big toast… You both collected your own drinks and found Amanda and Evie. Both glad you were okay, even more glad you were back in Danny’s arms.
“…I want to give a toast to the best thing that ever happened to us over the past 35 – married – years… Our daughter-” oh God! You placed one hand to your forehead – Here we go! You weren’t surprised that Danny led the cheer on that one. Your father continued his speech, making increasingly embarrassing anecdotal comments about your first steps, first words, your first car and teaching you how to drive (the red tape mark and the boat thankfully remained buried and your Rayburn boys were sworn to absolute silence), college degree, graduation, first job… promotion… Everything part of a world Danny wasn’t from. But Danny, seeing the look on his face, was living all of those moments with your father… He couldn’t be prouder of the person Jack was talking about, even though he wasn’t a part of any of it. He couldn’t be any prouder of you. That he got to experience you. “But I didn’t want to make a toast just to our daughter, on an anniversary, right!?” Your father laughed and left a pause for emphasis; “I also wanted to make a toast to the best thing to ever happen in her life…” You felt Danny hold his breath as you looked to him; your father was really toasting him!? “So…” Your father raised his glass with a wink; “Mr.Danny Rayburn… I want to thank you for putting that smile back on me daughters face, I’m grateful for the way she talks about you… For you bringing her down to Earth, because you did that when she needed it most…” He laughed “I… Just hope I get to make many more of these!” You and Danny shared a significant look; doubtless your dad was thinking about Wedding speeches already. Your dad took a sip of his drink through the applause, with Amanda and Evelyn pushing Danny’s shoulders with a bit of pride of their own (they’d seen this through from the beginning, after all), and just when you thought he might switch subjects, he continued; “…I ALSO want to say a big thank you to Danny and his incredible team at Viva Caputa! Thank you for the catering tonight!” Another round of applause went up and you turned, quick; “What!?” Danny raised his glass to your father; you smacked his arm “WHAT?! Why didn’t you TELL ME!” “Mmmm… Mmmm…!” Danny shook his head like that one was remaining a secret. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it!” He laughed, murmuring; “It’s Ok… The guys have a well-deserved day off…” Danny had his arms around you for the duration of your parents’ speeches and toasts, every so often he would brush his fingers against your side gently, calming… Like he was never going to let you go... In a room full of people like this, you belonged here with him.
 Your parents took centre stage and held each other. Barely a breath was taken over the hushed crowd as they recognised the stance instantly. The way your heart skipped as the music swelled. They were about to perform the dance that had won them state… AND nationals, and had put your parents on the map. Everyone in the dance world knew them because of these very moves. It was your favourite; because of the story it told. Every time they performed it they added a slightly different element, because it was about them. About their relationship; and of course, in 35 years plus of performing this that relationship had grown and changed…
Danny nudged you, making you look at him; “What?” “We should…” he tilted his head to the dancefloor, you looked back to your parents, the next graceful turn they made. It was all so natural to them… Look at the way they looked at each other… Was that how you looked at Danny when you were in his arms like that? “No… This is them… It’s all them…” “Trust me… We should…” “Danny..?!” He took your hand, with confidence and pulled you out. He was crazy, this was THE dance, this was your parents dance.  If you were going to go onto the dancefloor at all, it wouldn’t be this early! You did trust him, though, implicitly. You took a breath and watched him pick up the next bar of music, the way he moved. Then you realised, he wasn’t just matching the music… He was matching your dads’ movements. OH MY GOD--!? No way, your parents--- Did your parents teach HIM this!? He held out his hand, and you took it, instinctively. You knew this dance off by heart, you couldn’t believe that your parents would be this sneaky… But your heart… You couldn’t have loved any of them any more than you did right then…
 *** You approached him again. You'd been trying to help your parents usher people off the ship or get them home safe. This left Danny to his thoughts... Something you weren't always sure was good... He hadn't touched his shoulder all evening, which was a good start. But it also wasn't like you hadn't noticed him sneaking his painkillers every so often either. "Darlin'..." He turned back to you from looking at the city lights, as you wound your arms around him, he had a cigarette in his hand and you were glad he was unwinding... He'd lost his tie; his top shirt buttons were undone and all at once you knew he was more comfortable. "You ready to go?" "Mmmhn?" He looked around at the remaining guests. "It's not over yet?" You shrugged "It is for me..." He looked to his half-finished glass and gave his own shrug, placing it on the nearest table he took your hand in his; "Better say goodbye to your parents. Is there anything we need to take back?" "Don't think so... We can always head down tomorrow... It’s not like this liner is GOING anywhere..."
Danny called your dad over; "Thanks, again, it’s been great." "Come now, Danny, it’s always my pleasure. I'm glad you came." He nodded to you "She's even more so... It'll be smaller next year!" He made the promise like Danny's presence would be concrete. You liked that. Your dad embraced you. "Estrellita... You have yourself one hell of a man... You are lucky." "I know papa..." "With any luck, one day you'll get your own one of these... Then you can learn from my mistakes..." "Oh. Y’know... Only around 34 years to go... Then..." He looked to Danny, then continued in Spanish "Don't let this one go...!" "I don't intend to..."
Your mother hurried over upon realising you were both leaving "Oh...!!! No!! Not my favourite daughter and her other half!" "Mom I'm your only daughter!" "Yes, well, I'm more concerned over our Danny here...! You won't stay?" “If she calls it I'm following her, M'am!" Maria was obviously disappointed as she embraced him "You really outdid yourself tonight Danny, in every capacity. You should be really proud of yourself." "Ah! It was nothing...!" His smile was shy and you could swear that red was crossing his cheeks for once. "No. It was everything!!" She smiled, then turned to you, as your dad also embraced Danny tight. "My darling girl... My sisters they..." "Mama I know..." She gave you a look that let you know there was possibly a world of hell coming "... You will look after him?" "Always." "He will certainly look after you." She smiled "... I could not have wished for better for you..." Honestly what was with your parents!? It was like he had gotten down on one knee already. They were almost definitely hoping for it. Geez... They were probably planning it all in their heads already. But you were sure neither of you were ready for that. "Oh!" Danny held out the Maserati keys "Better give these back..." Your dad didn't hold his hand out, rather backed away; "What? It's not like anyone else will be driving her tonight." Danny froze and looked at him like he was insane "No! Jack-! I can’t-!" Your father winked, patting him on the shoulder "Go on. Take her out. You deserve it!"
Danny stared hard at the car as he unlocked it; "Is this a good idea?" "How many have you had?!" "Like... More than should be allowed, but I'm lucid, is this legal?!" You noticed that someone, somewhere had changed the number plates back to your dads. "...Either my dad has a city agreement..." it wouldn’t surprise you "Or its going to be one of those legal for rich people fines..." Danny raised a questioning eyebrow, but now wasn't the time to get into those details. You both entered the sleek, stylish Maserati and he turned the key in the ignition. Making the "oh." sound that turned him into another boy-with-a-toy at the hum of the engine. You could hardly believe your dad was about to let him take you on a thrill ride in THIS car. "You ever actually driven a supercar before!?" He noticed the way you checked your belt more than once. "...Yeah, I drove this down here didn't I?" "Carefully, like your life depended on it, I bet!!" "My life DOES depend on it.” He looked to the dashboard "Sorry this can go HOW fast!?" "Don't you DARE!" "Oh God! How many of these are there, 100?" He put the car in gear and laughed nervously, checking around he reversed smoothly out of the parking space "...There'll be 99 after tonight!" "Don't say that!" Your voice practically pitched, and he took a deep breath. "I made a promise to get her back in one piece. I have a feeling your dad didn't mean the car...." You were watching him very carefully. Although he looked a little jumpy, and his eyes held all the excitement he wasn’t allowing to show on his face, he was checking and double checking every road and mirror as he pulled out of the Marina. He tapped the screen and the SatNav flickered into life; "Ah ha..." "Daniel. Eyes on the road..." He rolled his eyes "Back to Daniel, am I?" He took your hand "Darling." He emphasised the G like he was trying to be sophisticated "Would you please zoom out the navigation system so I can see the appropriate stretch of road." You were staring at him like he was crazy "I certainly will... On one condition." "Which is?" He leant over towards you, but kept his eyes on the road "Drive with two hands, and STOP talking like that." Danny laughed hard; "I’m trying to be the kind of man that owns one of these.” "Then you missed the point! My dad just wants you to be YOU." "And what do you want…?" He glanced at the screen to watch the road that headed up the coast line and onto the interstate, where he would really let this car fly... You smiled across at him "...Well. I know who I fell in love with. That's all I ever asked for.” "...I don't think he exists anymore..." "Hmm!?"             "... You already made him a better man..." He paid attention to his mirrors again and blatantly didn't look at you "...So he just hopes you’re still in love with him." You shook your head, what was with Danny tonight? Did it had something to do with your dumb crying episode, which you were now SO over. "You tell him not to worry...." You looked out to sea, dark, the waves every so often lit by street lamps "...I'm not sure I've ever loved anyone more than I do him..."
You continued to stare out of the window as he brought the car up to the increasing speed limit – affording him to look back to you. Every moment he spent with you he tried to savour, if only life had a pause button he knew he’d find himself pressing it often. He’d always thought this was way too good to last… But he was also quick to realise that he could probably put you through anything, not that he would want to, but your versatility would allow him to – AND let him find you still holding onto his hand at the end of it all. Somehow this was working out for him; you, Nolan, the restaurant. Suddenly he stopped looking for all the things that could go wrong – and was starting to allow himself to enjoy everything that was going right… You wound the window down as the engine revved at the gaining speed, allowing the cool evening air that rushed past you to fill the car. Danny continued to carefully push the car into the next set of numbers – when they started to turn red at the top end of the speedometer he held his hand out for yours. “I’m scared of what you’re about to do…” He laughed, “You just gotta trust me.” You took his hand in answer and the next thing you knew the car was more than flying as he broke into triple figures. You found yourself getting that shot of adrenalin as the world passed you by in a blur, flashes of colour every so often melding into the dark of the evening. “Oh My God!!” You couldn’t help but let out something akin to a scream, which only made him laugh harder as he continued to let the speed climb. Even with just one hand on the wheel; he managed to hold the car steady. And even with his hand in yours his eyes were focused on nothing but the road.
He took it back down in notches, almost letting the car coast until the dash started to read something more sensible. Both of you were near breathless and he let your hand go; looking across to you. “Guess there’s still 100 of these!” You put a hand to your heart; “I think my heart is going at the number of miles an hour you were just at.” He chuckled; “That was good fun!” “Don’t be getting ideas.” “Aw, and here I was thinking about taking the Porsche out…” “Hands off the 911 Mr!!” “MMM… Careful…” He produced the keys from his pocket; spinning the keychain around his index finger; “Wait WHAT!?” “You forgot about it. I didn’t.” “Danny you are NOT driving that car.” He looked across to you almost disbelieving; “C’mon! What is one more joyride?” You tipped your head; thinking that phrase was a double entendre “Take me home and I’ll consider it.” “Hm.” He acted like it was a hard choice “Ok… Home…” He looked to the time on the illuminated clock; “Yeah… let’s… go home…” Then he looked across to you like he was about to say something impressive; “Our home.”
 * The Anniversary the year after had been a smaller affair with closer friends and family. As had happened with your surprise birthday party (you still weren’t forgiving anyone for that!) and Nolan’s birthday, Danny had closed down his restaurant for the evening. That also meant your parents got to invite his whole team (And Nolan, but that was given.) – especially after the efforts for their 35th. “Well, Danny… Team… You’ve all outdone yourselves once again!” Danny wasn’t one to be shy, but this time when he smiled to your dad’s compliment, he looked to the table… “Aw… It was nothin’…” He laughed “We’re happy to. You guys have given me the best time of my life. Honestly, I can’t thank you enough!” He had his arm over the back of your chair, barely moving from touching you or being that close all evening… You loved and trusted this whole group. None of them were judgemental. With time, and it wouldn’t be much longer, Danny would love them all too and accept that he was somewhere he finally belonged. It wasn’t a class, or a title, not even a name… But friends and family, real family. Sometimes family didn’t have to be blood relatives, after all. “To Y/N, and Danny. Thank you for everything, and I truly mean everything, over the past 2 and a half years….” Then he laughed again “2 and a half! Wait until it’s 35!”
Present Day – Your Apartment, PM
Even with the AC on nearly as high as it would go, with Danny all over you it was still SO hot in your apartment. Not that in the literal heat of the moment you particularly cared but hell… It was making your short breaths even shorter. Wrapped up in your white sheets on one such Sunday morning was where you found yourself today. “Danny… it’s… too hot…” You were breathless as much as you were laughing as he kept kissing you. The man was nothing if not persistent. Your bedroom window was open, as was the balcony door and you still had the AC cranked and you were still falling victim to the Miami sun. “Baby girl, trust me, there is NOTHING as hot as you…” Aw Geez… How the hell was this not affecting him too? Was he just so used to working out in it at the Keys? Or in a hot kitchen day-in-day-out in the middle of summer? Both. You guessed. Your office was air conditioned, your car was air conditioned... You only had to face the heat on the short walk from one to the other or when you wanted to face it on a beach. This was neither of those things. You laughed again as he kissed the base of your neck; “Alright, quit it!” “Nah…” He bit your collar bone harder than he perhaps meant to, judging by the resulting gasp from you. “…You need to know…” He kissed up your neck and then your jaw line to your lips; “…You’re so fucking hot.” “Yeah, that’d be the weather…!” You giggled again. “Or you?” “Mmm…” He gave you a playful smirk; “Well, hell, I know exactly how I make you feel…” There was no better feeling than being one with Danny. Now in a different way to how you were one and the same on the dance floor, but it gave you the same sensation none the less. Tangled up with him like this, even with it being too damn hot, made you feel like there was no place on Earth worth being than here. Oh-! “…That was…” “What?” You said it under your breath, but Danny Rayburn thought he caught on anyway… His blue eyes were alert, bright and intelligent and cool as the Miami water. “Sorry. Did you just say, sexy?”
Your problem now was… How many more times were you going to get to do this? Fast running out of lazy days where you could just DO this. I mean, in his parent’s house in the Keys!?!? Was Danny thinking straight?? Did he really know what he was doing…? Did he honestly think it was best for everyone for him to be heading there…?
@stcphstrange - I read a good portion of these paragraphs whilst editing and immediately thought of you... ☺❤😚
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I use these GIFs you keep seeing because when I see them I think of the way I think of him looking at Reader... And I have a lot of feelings...!
*AFTER EDIT - 8/6/19* OKAY. So, those of you that have read this before now... I’m so so sorry you’re likely to miss this. But. The gorgeous Amanda (my Amanda, not readers Amanda... but if she wants to date Javi that’s fine by me!) presented me with this GIF of Mr.Mendelsohn. and HOLY SHIT If it isn’t Danny (and what he’s WEARING!) in this part!!!
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