#i know everyone says time just flies and whatnot
fruitmans · 27 days
My child is 8 months old tomorrow🤯🥹😭😍❤️
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goodmorningdove · 7 months
ooh, tell me about your magical girl show idea!!
Basically the story centers around a girl named lilla who is (unsurprisingly) bullied at school. Like the real bullying that left you with psychological trauma and a fear that everyone you know is talking about you behind your back. Because at one point, everyone was! Anyway she meets this weird fox one day who's like "hey kid i see that you hate all the other kids around you. Do you magic powers so you can get revenge?" And at fist lilla says no because. Thats a talking fox with a creepy voice what the fuck. But after a week or so the bullying gets really bad and she runs away from school to find the fox again and is like "i want to get my revenge on the other kids" so the fox is like "sweet follow me!" And they go to this fountain thats filled with a black sludge and the fox says "all you need to do is drink some of this essence, and all your wishes will come true" so Lilla does! She drinks some of the sludge and it tastes gross but whatever. Magic powers! In front of her appears a magic staff thing idk i needed a physical conduit for the magic itll make sense later. The fox explains that all her magic comes in wish form, all you need to say is "i wish" followed by the thing you want to happen, with a few caveats but those arent important (says the fox). So lilla is like "i wish i could fly!" And shes flying! And she flies home! And then she wishes that she wont get in trouble for missing school that day. The next day she does go to school, wishing that her staff is invisible so that no one laughs at her for having the staff. She makes several wishes that put her schoolmates in embarrassing situations, but near the end of the day, a classmate jokes about Lilla's dead mother, who had been shot in the head a few years back. The kid jokes and laughs about how they wonder if exploding head is genetic, and if lilla's head will explode just like her mom's did! And in a fit of rage, lilla says without thinking "i wish your head would explode!"
And it did.
Lilla wishes for her classmate to ckme back to life, but that is one of the few limits of the magic. You can kill people, but you cant bring them back to life. She wishes herself out of everyone's memories, which leaves her magic staff very small, more like a wand than a staff. The fox explains that the staff will shrink until its out of magic, and she'll need to refill it soon. The most effectiant way to do so is to kill the monsters that attack the world. It is impossible to make a wish that affects the monsters directly, but they are still vulnerable to blades and bullets and whatnot. Plus, a magic staff can absorb them! (Also the monsters are attacking the world because they want to eat it)
Its at this point that Lilla goes and meets others like her. Im trying not to call them magical girls because anyone can become one, but im yet to find a word that actually fits what these people are.
Anyway a bunch of bonus facts that show up way later in the story than i have detailed plans for:
The black sludge IS the fox being. By consuming part of the fox, you allow it to feed on your soul. The staff is a physical representation of the bonus soul energy ypu possess. The fox gives you a grace period to test out your powers before it asks you to collect more soul energy.
If your staff is completely erased, the fox will begin to feed on your personal soul energy, killing you. It also will slowly drain the energy from your staff over time. It would take about 6 months for your staff to go from ideal size to nothing if you didnt use a single wish.
If your staff is too far away from you, the fox cannot use its energy and begins to feed on yours instead.
Perpetual wishes (such as flight and invisibility) drain the staff at an accelerated rate so long as they are active. Summoning wishes (like wishing for a sword) only drain once for the summoning. Magic guns drain once for the summoning of the gun, and once for every bullet fired (so you dont need to reload, they just summon directly in there)
Places you can get external soul energy: if you kill anything with the staff you get its energy. Kill wishes are basically free lol. You can also absorb other people's magic staffs.
Last but not least: the fox is no different than the monsters that attack the world. It just got there first >:3
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b0nten · 1 year
relationship headcanons for your favorite onis <3 // feat. shiki, osusuke, ikari
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imma start off by saying that shiki, ikari and ousuke all gave the same kinda vibe — messy, goofy and whatnot
the differences i’d say are ALMOST invisible
so lets get started
he can’t get enough of you, never
he takes you out on fun and cute little dates, like amusement parks or picknicks or you go to feed the ducks and pigeons at the park and all that stuff
he is so in love with your smile whenever a rollercoaster goes fast and pumps your adrenaline or whenever the birds you feed get close to y’all, and you get excited — he gets more excited just seeing you
he’s literally so cute
also, A BIG BIG BIG BIG BIIIIIIIIIIIIG FAN of matching outfits
you guys make jin throw up 🤮
that’s how cute you are together
shiki has two sides, however — the cute and goofy boyfriend that loved seeing you smile and SOMETIMES he transforms into his second form — the little shit that trolls you all day every day
i have a feeling that he loooooooooves pulling pranks on you and filming them, after which he sends them into the gc for everyone to watch (only if the prank is too good tho, he spares you of extra embarrassment)
shiki is the kind of boyfriend to call you goofy or dumb nicknames
a favorite of his is skrunky
“my wittle skrunklyyyyyyyy”
again, jin is vomiting his existence in the background
mudano ALWAYS tells him to use proper endermeant words but shiki just can’t bring himself to do that
it makes him physically ill ONLY thinking about not calling you skrunkly or his dummy yummy gummy bear
he also LOVEEEEEES to hold your hand or just feel you close, like i said he CAN’T. GET. ENOUGH. OF. YOU.
with him you can joke around and just be yourself and he is SO glad for it
unlike shiki, he ALWAYS bullies you. don’t get mad tho, that’s his love language and he never means to say hurtful things <\3
if he senses however that he’s said something that hit a nerve he apologizes instantly and never ever again in his life jokes about that thing ever again.
also loves to lean with his elbows on top of your head to show off the height difference and doesn’t let you see the light of day about it
when it comes to dates i think he prefers staying in and ordering takeout because everyone except you annoys and angers him <3
that, or he likes to go on walks or picknicks at night. he just likes how peaceful everything is and he can calmly concentrate on your presence
might look hard and manly and mean on the outside and to others, but with you he’s putty
LIVES for your kisses and also can’t get enough of them, loves to carry you piggyback and sometimes he tries his ability and if it’s something cool like wings or those really fast shoes, he flies with you in his arms or runs with you on his back
he really likes how you’re like the only person he doesn’t get annoyed about
i got this thingy that he probably really likes picking you up and twirling you around in his arms
another man who loves your smile but loves your laugh even harder
if he could, he’d make an 8-hour long “y/n laughing — beautiful sounds to fall asleep to” youtube video
absolutely amazing boyfriend
another bully ass bitch
you can already guess, but jic you aren’t sure, he’s going to make fun of you for everything. EVERYTHING
did you trip and fall three years ago while on vacation in rome? no problem, ousuke will remind you about it every day of your life until you die
he’s so cute but so fucking annoying at the same time
did you once burn some food accidentally? that’s okay! even though ousuke doesn’t know how to cook, he’ll still make fun of you for it.
as annoying as he is, you just can’t help but MELT and fall to your knees when seeing him smile
same thing goes for him tho
i think he particularly enjoys watching you do things that you love
for example, when you guys do karaoke in the car, he can almost not keep his eyes off of you when you shout the lyrics to your favorite songs
or when you’re so concentrated when you try out a new recipe, or his absolute favorite — the way you cheer with excitement whenever something goes the way you want it to go.
this beast of a man absolutely loves you
he cannot shut the fuck up about you and annoys tsukuyomi every day and all day
as well as the entire momo corp in his city
speaking of tsukuyomi, i feel like you’d get soooooo good along with him (who wouldn’t tho, just look at him)
especially because ousuke brings him over a lot, or because he drops lots of things over for ousuke, you guys got to know each other better throughout the years. he’s the one you go to for tarot readings or send the newest fashion drops to. literal king.
speaking of fashion, ousuke ALWAYS gets you gifts, and fancy ones too. loves to bring you trinkets from when he’s away on missions and the next second he drops a limited edition handbag or that sweater you’ve been raving about.
most of the time he consults with tsukuyomi just to be sure, but do not fret, he knows what you like better than you do — better safe than sorry when it comes to you, though.
he likes to take you out to fancy restaurants and expect birthdays and anniversaries to be ELITE
im talking trips to exotic places and shit
he literally spoils you so much and loves it.
he’s like a sugar daddy and tsukuyomi always jokes about that, but it kinda annoys him 🙄🙄
he thinks he’s so cool and unbeatable but pat him on the head one time and he’s knocked out in your arms, sleeping like a baby.
love him 10/10 would recommend
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kafus · 6 months
story update time! most of this is from yesterday when i was calling a friend on discord lmao. i got to celestic town and after talking to all the npcs i advanced the story
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man cyrus really thinks in black and white huh. like there's either full balance with no change, or he has to rewrite the entire world in his ideal image or whatever. can very much see why his, essentially, cult recruitment works so well. it's bold and sounds noble and cuts out nuanced thought lol
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at first i was slightly taken aback by the implication that change = bad at all, but after coming back to these screencaps i am pretty sure she means fundamental change with how the human spirit etc works, in reference to cyrus wanting to literally rewrite the universe and the mural of the lake trio behind everyone here
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and of course his threat in this situation is the destruction of an ancient illustration of the deities he seeks to control and destroy. not only is that symbolic for obvious reasons but this is an adult man with supposedly more power than you (a child) and the elderly person next to you who is able to fuck up a cave wall with his pokemon or whatever. he's trying to intimidate you. i won of course btw lol
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further confirming my thoughts earlier, cynthia's grandma goes on to say that sinnoh is filed with the memories and thoughts of countless people and pokemon... why would anyone want to change those memories or thoughts? the world IS wonderful actually. the indomitable human spirit etc. and pokemon spirit SSFDKSDFKS
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anyways ty for the surf HM SDFKSFDKSFD i somehow forgot to take a picture of it but she mentions that the HM belonged to cynthia, but she doesn't use it anymore. i'm assuming this means cynthia either has all her surf users, has spare surf HMs, or literally just flies everywhere. regardless i just think that's cool. my surf HM is the one cynthia used once a long while back. Neat!
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oh and last time i posted about story i made a joke about how nonchalant everyone is about terrorism but i forgot this dialogue happens after the encounter with cyrus in the cave LMAO i really wasn't wrong, that was intentional! cynthia says straight out that she thought they were harmless. everyone is treating galactic like delinquent teenagers spouting nonsense who aren't actual threats. especially after the bomb that went off in the great marsh caused little to no damage, i guess. sinnoh isn't routinely experiencing great threats of violence or threats of destabilizing the region.
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after our conversation cynthia recommends me to go to canalave city to check out the library and whatnot, which i can now do because i have surf, but first here's the dialogue when interacting with the dialga and palkia murals. i just think it's neat
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i did indeed visit the library and since it's been a while since i paid attention in here i actually re-read all the sinnoh myth books. i'm not going to show them as screenshots here since there's way too much text and i don't have interesting things to say about all of it, but all of their text is written out word-for-word here on Bulbapedia if you've never read them before and want to check them out
i do have a FEW stray thoughts though...
in "Sinnoh's Myth" about the lake trio it says:
Bearing with them the power to make vast lands, they rise again.
as far as i know this is the only time that the trio are referenced to have the power to "make vast lands" which feels kind of out of place. like these are the beings of knowledge, emotion, and willpower, not land sea and sky like the hoenn trio or something LOL this really just feels like a throwaway line without much meaning? perhaps you could interpret as them giving people the power to create land but that's a stretch. it is probably not that deep and just awkward writing tbh
in "Veilstone's Myth" it says:
Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied... "If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll." "From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done." "Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologize."
there is the interpretation that this is about Giratina since veilstone is the closest city to Turnback Cave where you can find giratina, and at the end of the myth it says "Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing..." which could be a reference to the distortion world. however, i think there's also a counter-argument to be had here since giratina is considered forgotten by sinnoh as a whole and later in the game cynthia remarks on how it is missing in the myths - she spends a good chunk of the game researching this in the background. so it'd be kinda weird if there was just something directly written about dialogue from giratina in the library.
HOWEVER that being said i think it's definitely still Possible and if it is true that this is about giratina, it puts giratina in a more sympathetic light. i jokingly call giratina Pokemon Satan a lot (in reference to him being the "evil" one as opposed to arceus, not an actual deep reference to christianity or the actual story of satan) but this frames giratina's actions as well intentioned or in self defense, which makes him a lot more interesting as a deity imo. personally i'm not sure whether i believe this is about giratina or not
lastly, while this is well known i still wanna talk about it, in "A Horrific Myth" it says:
Look not into the Pokémon's eyes. In but an instant, you'll have no recollection of who you are. Return home, but how? When there is nothing to remember? Dare not touch the Pokémon's body. In but three short days, all emotions will drain away. Above all, above all, harm not the Pokémon. In a scant five days, the offender will grow immobile in entirety.
this is pretty directly referencing uxie (knowledge), mesprit (emotion), and azelf (willpower) in that order. portraying the lake trio as dangerous and powerful entities that can literally wipe your memories or take away your emotions is interesting juxtaposition to them supposedly being the ones that blessed humans with the ability to feel joy, have memories, and do things... and not only that, they don't seem to want to use that dangerous power either, but it seems to be out of their control - uxie has its eyes always closed (so you can't look into its eyes), mesprit flees from you (that's why it's a roamer) and azelf is able to enter someone else's body (to avoid harm). they're probably so damn secluded in these lake caves so that they don't hurt anyone. they're good natured gods i suppose
sinnoh mythology is very cool and why i love this region so much but anyway i'm going to make a Gameplay Update post as well in a bit SDFKSF
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zeroducks-2 · 5 months
For the ask game
Levi from AoT, or if you prefer a DC character- Damian Wayne!
Oh Levi! I would have never expected him tbh, and I'm going to go for it since someone already asked about Damian
(Ask game here)
1: sexuality headcanon - I was writing gay but I'm not sure if Levi being homosexual is even a headcanon at this point. I used to be in an extremely Dudebro reddit server and even the fucking. Alt-righters. The staunch homophobes. Everyone agreed that there is not one single straight atom in that little man.
2: otp - I really like Zevi but if I have to pick just one, I go with Eruri. Levi is pretty shippable though tbh. I don't think I've ever seen anything I dislike when it comes to his ships. Levi/Miche? Sure why not. Levi/Kenny? ...I mean is that a thing? Cause if it isn't it definitely should be lmao.
3: brotp - Levihan! Despite lots of anime are about friendship and whatnot, not many duos I've seen can top Levihan in terms of people who just really fucking love and respect each other (and the chemistry is through the roof).
4: notp - I know there's going to be people from the backstage who want me to say Ereri but nah, I don't hate it. Surely it's not my favorite ship but you know what, 20 yo Eren who stopped giving a fuck harassing his smol Captain works in my book. I think I'm not into anything in which Levi is a top, though. It just doesn't work with my brain.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - He's been drinking tea for as far as he remembers because there's no way any Underground dweller can just drink water down there, they need to boil the shit out of it and use whatever they have to give it even the bare minimum of flavor.
6: favorite line from this character - It's got to be "Don't die - survive! ...who am I kidding, they're all going to die like flies..." from Return to Shiganshina, it floors me every time.
7: one way in which I relate to this character - I'm uhhhhh short? I'm still taller than him tho I'm pretty sure lmao
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - The hardcore character assassination Isayama subjected him to when he made him choose Armin over Erwin for the Titan serum. There's only one man, huh. Fuck off Hajime, I hope kids pee in your Onsen.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Whoever calls Levi problematic is either under 16 or has read an entirely different manga.
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introjis · 2 months
Is there anyway to commission emojis? /genq
I saw that you had the Palestine donation but it is put on hiatus I saw and the wording was very confusing?
I really love your emojis and have requested the linked universe sky emoji and loved them but I do not wish to request more without commission as I do not wish to annoy you with my requests (lol)!
-Anon again (I’m so sorry for spamming your inbox)
actually the main reason we don't have commissions as of right now is because we (as of this moment) genuinely just want to provide free emojis of whoever's introjects(yes!! including ocs!! and your favorite characters!!)! the Palestine donations are limited to customizing a (handful) of emojis that we're keeping free to use otherwise, we're very happy to get requests! (and you have NOT spammed our inbox- trust me, it wouldn't have flies flying out of it the second we opened it if you had/lh)
if you annoyed us we would say something- but genuinely no one has- besides the one guy who avoided looking through our rules and whatnot and ended up being Unsafe For The Safe For Work and Regression/Little Safe-ness Of The Blog,
we do have paypal partially set up for "commissions" but that is mostly so you get the 5+ changes to a pre-existing character emoji right away instead of a ask per every one of the 5+ changes (which though time consuming- is mostly so everyone can start where their introjects might be the most accurate!!) which we would prefer avoiding until everything is done at least with Palestine
also sorry for the wording being confusing- everyone there mostly wants to distance the project from being themed/branded as dream team twitter fans -> New Thing!!! we're doing our best to help push forwards after multiple allegations and general... Upset? Distrust? with those from Dream smp Mcyts, resulting in multiple leaving the project as they felt uncomfortable/horrified with the allegations and that the content creator could have done such things(at the time he was silent though his recent videos/streams about it seem to point at them being false we're however saying "allegations" as we have not gained all the information/finished watching the videos/vods to fully form our own opinions let alone know which is "right") so we are helping take the old theme, discard it, and fix up the SAME project with a new name and @ and such(with the help of those still in the project!) so we can keep helping palestine with our work! (hopefully this isn't as confusing as previous wordings of it,)
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emeren · 3 years
birthday boy - eren jaeger
shameless birthday fluff for the boy who deserves a happy ending and a happy birthday 
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pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 2.1k 
content warnings: absolutely none, 100% fluff!
notes: i’m emerging from my request writing hole to post this lil one shot for my love’s birthday. i did not read over this so there may be errors or whatnot, but enjoy!
SUMMARY: reader shows eren what it means to have a good birthday.
eren had never been one for birthdays. 
he’d tried, he’d really tried to love them just as much as everyone else did. he could vividly remember all of the kids in his class bringing in donuts and ice cream and handing out little handmade invitations - invitations he never received. 
after two or three failed birthday parties thrown by carla - birthday parties that only armin and mikasa showed up to - eren had stopped trying. he insisted that he hated march 30th and that it was the worst day of the year. his mom always made a big deal out of it anyway, insisting on taking the three kids out for ice cream and a movie in celebration. 
eren would’ve never admitted it, as his pride was too strong, but he liked the small celebration his mom would throw. just him and his two best friends, building blanket forts and being allowed to watch one PG-13 movie for the special occasion. 
he remembered his tenth birthday being the last one that he even bothered acknowledging. that was the last birthday with his mom, the last birthday that didn’t go forgotten on grisha’s busy schedule. that was the last birthday that he went for ice cream and got to watch a PG-13 movie. 
as he got older, birthdays became less of a big deal to his peers. they weren’t large scale, festive events, but rather small group hangouts that involved getting drunk in a field. some sad, petty part of eren enjoyed watching everyone’s special day become exactly like his had always been: just another of 365. 
he didn’t remember telling you what day he was born. in fact, he was sure he hadn’t told you. it’d been a conversation topic he’d narrowly avoided in the past; lucky enough to have met you around april in order to skip over the awkward ‘oh, it’s my birthday’ chat. 
so he was confused. 
he was confused when he pulled his apartment door open, only to be met with your figure holding a carefully wrapped gift. hell, even eren didn’t realize that it was his birthday. he’d stood there in the doorway, gawking at you with a half-asleep look in his eyes. 
“what’s that for?” he’d asked incredulously, pointing at the gift. you laughed, the sound music to his ears as you slipped into his apartment. 
“happy birthday!” you squealed, setting it down and wrapping your arms around his slim figure. eren frowned for a moment, mind counting through the days of the calendar until they landed on march 30th. oh, i guess it is my birthday.
he hugged you back, eyes still warily focused on the gift. “who told you?” he’d questioned. 
you smiled up at him, placing a light kiss on his cheek. “i have my ways.” 
eren didn’t know what emotion it was that burned in his chest at your soft grin. he desperately wished for it to be annoyance, but it wasn’t, so he resorted to feigning it instead. 
“i’d rather we didn’t make a big deal about it,” he grumbled, slipping from your arms and walking towards his kitchen. he didn’t see the way you rolled your eyes or the way you mocked his voice, only turning around to see you approaching him with a bag he hadn’t previously noticed. 
“that’s alright, i was just going to make you some breakfast, if that’s okay?” eren normally would’ve protested any other special treatment on his birthday, but it wasn’t very unusual for you to cook him a meal. eren had a big stomach, and absolutely no skills in the kitchen. he resorted to shrugging, not wanting to show you the way your suggestion made his heart skip. 
and so he watched you. he watched you flit around the kitchen and make him his favorite breakfast (waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, extra side of bacon). your movements were so mesmerizing he’d nearly forgotten about this rotten day, the day that his younger self had declared the worst of the 365. 
“here, shithead. enjoy your meal,” you hummed playfully, sliding the plateful of food in his direction. eren flipped you off, too hungry to pick a fight as he dove into his meal. 
he tried to ignore the feeling of you staring as he scarfed down his waffle. he’d hoped you wouldn’t say anything else about his birthday. “do you wanna open your gift after we’re done eating?” you’d asked. 
eren paused his feast to look up at you, your eyes focused on your own plate as you waited for a response. he was apprehensive, but decided to take the bait nonetheless. “uh, sure.” 
eren could remember the best gift he’d ever gotten. it had been a handmade terrarium from armin and mikasa for his eighth birthday. they’d gone out in the woods behind their houses and rifled through the bushes and weeds to put together a jar filled with all sorts of creatures and plants. eren’s favorite had been the spider - whom he’d lovingly named peter - as he would catch flies and other small insects to feed to him. he’d been so excited about their cheaply made gift that nothing had ever come close to topping it (not that he ever got much in the ways of gifts, anyway).
as you sat him down on the couch, carefully placing an oblong box in his lap, he was unsure. he loved you, no doubt, but he didn’t know what on earth you could’ve gotten him. 
his previous confusion only grew when he opened the box to find a bundle of wildflowers. they were a mix of baby hues, soft and simple. he looked to you, brow raised in question. 
“flowers?” he’d asked, mind pondering all the possibilities. you laughed lightly in response, standing from your seat next to him. 
“c’mon,” you gestured for him, eyes scanning his bare chest. “go put a shirt on and come with me.” 
eren sighed, standing himself as he set the flowers on the couch. “listen. i love you, i really do. but i would just rather we don’t make a big deal out of today, alright?” 
he watched you roll your eyes, watched you fold your arms over your chest.
“i’m not making a big deal out of today,” you’d responded, a hint of annoyance in your voice. “just go put a shirt on. it’ll just be the two of us.” 
eren talked a lot of game regarding his self-proclaimed willpower, but he would never understand how easily he caved to you. thirty minutes later, he was sitting in the passenger seat of your car, eyes mindlessly gazing out the window with the bundle of flowers in his lap. 
you were playing his favorite music, humming along as your fingers tapped against the steering wheel. he’d just stared at you, admiring your beauty as you turned up a desolate road that he’d been too focused on you to recognize.
it wasn’t until the car stopped; surrounded by newly blooming flowers and freshly greening trees, did he piece together where he was.
“mom?” he’d breathed, eyes glancing out the window. you just smiled in response, unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car. eren looked down at the bundle of flowers in his lap, wildflowers, his mom’s favorite. 
in that moment he felt like crying. sure, he’d cried on his birthday before, but this was different. it was a cry of appreciation, one that burned in his chest as you impatiently pulled his door open. he was quick to blink the tears away, putting up a front as he got out himself. 
his mom’s cemetery was atop a hill, located away from the city amongst the trees and wildlife. he remembered picking it for her because of how freeing it felt - it was more of a place for remembrance that mourning. he knew that was what his mom would’ve wanted. 
eren showed his appreciation by wrapping your hand in his, intertwining your fingers as the two of you approached his mom’s headstone. 
“what made you think of this?” he’d asked quietly, setting the bundle of flowers right beneath her name carved within the granite stone. he remained kneeled in front of it; long fingers coming up to trace the words. he’d been surprised by your answer. 
“i know you hate your birthday,” you’d started, watching the moment in front of you. “and i know your mom was the only person that ever tried to make you enjoy it. i hope it wasn’t insensitive of me to bring you here? i just thought maybe you’d want to spend the day here with her.” 
and there it was again: that burning within his chest. he pulled his fingers back from the cold stone, relieved you couldn’t see the mix of emotions on his face. it was on the contrary. he’d never had someone think of him this way, think of what he truly wanted to do. he smiled as he stood to face you. 
“thank you.” he’d said sincerely, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the crown of your head.
the two of you sat for hours, hands wrapped together as eren told stories about his mom and talked to her gravestone as if she were really there, too. he talked about his tenth birthday; how his mom had rented some barely scary movie, but how armin couldn’t sleep for weeks following their watch. he talked about the time mikasa had beaten up one of the popular kids for only excluding eren from his birthday party. before he knew it, he was wrapped up in stories upon stories. 
all too fast, the sun began to dip past the horizon. the two of you stood from the grass, pants slightly damp with mud but neither of you cared. eren leaned down, pressing his lips to the stone as a parting goodbye - something he’d started doing as a kid. 
as you drove away, eren felt content with how the day had gone. he watched the sunset from the window, face flushed and a small smile on his lips. he enjoyed the sweet moment, but couldn’t help the perverted thought that crossed his mind. he’d never had birthday sex before, and oh boy was he excited to try. 
the car stopped outside of his apartment, the two of you walking up to the door hand in hand. he grabbed his keys, about to unlock the handle when you stopped him. 
he loved when you looked at him like that. when your eyes were big and doe-like, filled with a mix of adoration and excitement. your hands carefully wrapped around his jaw, pulling his lips down to meet yours in a tender, warm kiss. 
he could feel his heart clench at the action, pulling away with a smile on his face. “what was that for?” 
“i just love you, ‘s’all.” you hummed in response, motioning for him to open the door. eren hated that you could make him blush, looking away with a playful roll of his eyes. 
he wasn’t expecting what waited for him behind the door. 
with the flick of the light switch, all of his friends popped up from around the apartment, yelling ‘surprise!’. his eyes widened in shock, a large banner that read off ‘happy birthday eren!’, but the words were all scrunched together at the end, the banner not large enough. 
“connie made that!” armin explained hurriedly, as if noticing the way eren’s eyes traced over the decoration. eren couldn’t help the burning in his chest as he looked at all of his closest friends. 
sasha, connie, jean, mikasa, armin, you. you, who had clearly planned this all. eren wasn’t ever very sappy, at least not since he was in high school. but the burning in his chest had become too much to bear, overwhelmed by all of the decorations and confetti, and thoughtfulness. 
he looked at you, tears in his eyes. he’d never had a big party before. he’d always wanted one, and here it was. “thank you.” 
“goddammit, this is what you get for taking him to the cemetery before his surprise party!” jean yelled, pointing at his friend. “i don’t think i’ve seen you cry since you were an annoying ass teenager!” 
“oh, shut the fuck up,” eren replied lightheartedly, embracing each of his friends. he wasn’t even embarrassed to cry. it’d been so long since he’d felt so loved. 
and so you all sat, eating ice cream and watching a horror movie. eren was in the middle, you curled up on his one side and armin on the other. as all of his friends enjoyed his birthday, squealing at the unnecessary gore, he couldn’t help but smile. 
maybe march 30th wasn’t the worst day, afterall.
<3 <3 <3 
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warmau · 4 years
love struck!au x tbz
find other love struck!aus here: monsta x | day6 | ateez *this post was commissioned through kofi
confident sangyeon spends half the day flirting with you
then shy sangyeon spends the rest of the day running embarrassment laps around the creker building
he has high spikes of adrenaline where its just quite literally circling you with hearts in his eyes and doves singing 
and then low long silent moments where he sits in a corner, muttering at the wall and everyone is like what is going on with him
if he could he might just spend eternity flip-flopping between the two
it’d take an intervention to get him to just seize the opportunity during one of his more positive moods to just ask you on a date
the only problem is he talks so fast and so jumbled and waves his hands around 
and you’re like wh-
and he’s like datetommorrowcoffeeorteawhichdoyoupreferdoyounotevenwanteitherwhataboutumlikeamoviepleasesayyes
once again you are like ?
and sangyeons meter of confidence is slowly depleting hes about to run away until sunwoo is like 
let me step in and translate: 
sangyeon wants to go on a date with you tomorrow
when you brighten up and accept, sangyeon just breathes a sigh of relief and maybe almost tips over from the intense amount of feelings hitting him at once lol
no one takes him seriously when he starts saying he likes you
not because you’re unlikable but because jacob says it with such normalcy that everyone is like
if you liked them, you would definitely be all mushy and shy and embarrassed about it
and jacob is like what are you talking about im not embarrassed to have a crush on someone i think is really awesome 
even kevin is like dude don’t push it - you shouldnt make jokes about liking people
and jacob is just like *blinks*
but seriously, everyone expects him to be writing lyrics in secret and practicing some kind of grand serenade to ask you out - like you’re literally an angel dude so you have to like someone in the most cupid-esque way possible
which jacob is just like :/ about because there’s no right way to show someone how much you like them-
juyeon: sorry what i was not listening?
you on the other hand, don’t ever even catch wind of it because jacob is so sweet at all times
polite, caring, gentle touches, lots of eye contact, little smiles that make your heart melt, the usual
that you just assume he’s like this to everyone so of course you are clueless and his lack of grandiose confessions is making everyone else clueless too
until one day jacob is like fine if no one believes me ill just tell them a
nd everyone in the room is like pfft would love to see you try-
three seconds later jacob is standing in front of you and saying “want to date me?” and you’re so shocked you can’t speak
but the rest of tbz is so shocked at least three of them nearly faint 
keeps his mouth shut
literally like shut shut like not a WORD to you or to anyone in a five foot distance of you
he’ll be talking to chanhee about something and you’ll walk in and suddenly younghoon just hits pause
chanhee is like hello are you broken hello and younghoon is just _____
until you walk out of the room and then he’s like
“-that’s why i think we shouldn’t include that dance move”
and chanhee is like what the hael just happened
you will be in a conversation and pull younghoon over to join you and when you’re like what do you think!!!!!!!1
he looks at you and the cognitive function for speech just disappears 
maybe its your cute face accelerating his heartbeat or maybe its the all the nerves in his body going haywire because all he wants to say is how much he really really likes you
but he can’t just SAY that so instead he says nothing
sometimes he’s lucky and members who understand this younghoon lovestruck glitch are around can save him
but sometimes its just you and him and silence until youre like ok- well-
you think maybe he just doesnt want to talk to you because he doesnt like you
so you apologize for bothering him
and its like everything that has ever blocked him from speaking before just flies out the window
because suddenly younghoon is holding your hands in his and saying
“no, im sorry. i just dont know what to say because i like you so much.”
it’s the longest sentence you’ve ever heard from him
and you are so flustered but all you can say back is
“you can keep saying ‘i like you’ if you want...........”
younghoon for the rest of the week: i like you
you: giddy
tbz: kinda wishing he’d shut it again 
there’s no lovestruck period, it’s straight up infatuation from day ONE
and it comes at full force
hyunjae is like bubblegum, stuck to you and only you
sugary sweet and always reminding you that he is available whenever you decided you want to take him
it can really overwhelm someone, because his attention is fixated and forthcoming
and i mean you’d really have to lack all the common sense in the world not to see that he’s interested
but that’s the thing interest is not always a form of sincerity so you just kind of chalk it up to him trying to be funny
and he sprawls across your lap like a cat
happy with the fact that you just giggle and smile because ok you might never believe that he’s so in love with you it hurts but at least you still let him near you
really people probably ask you if you’re dating him and when you say you’re not their follow up is usually like well arent you exhausted having someone you dont love always around
and you’re like um - no well - i mean - and you are like ok i mean i do love him but im not going to be a fool and fall into a trap of thinking im special
and hyunjae will literally be like they are special. i feel nothing for anyone else, it is just them
and you’re like see! he’s so sweet!
and at some point i think you either drive hyunjae crazy and he kisses you because words are pointless - actions are everything
or chanhee pushes you two into each other from pure, unfiltered annoyance 
“if you love each other stop pretending like it’s a big joke and just DATE!”
return to kindergarten romance
literally he sees you and goes pink to the ears and slinks behind his friends even though he’s taller than most of them
and he can barely hide the fact that he jumps over the rainbow when your shoulders brush in the halls
if no one knew any better, juyeon probably scribbles your name in hearts on a notebook page somewhere
but then crumples it up and almost eats it if anyone tries to see what he’s up to
but again you enter the vicinity and he’s goo - muttering and forgetting to string nouns to verbs or whatever
everyone is so amazed that someone with so much charisma on stage can turn this goddamn goofy around someone he likes
and you are energetic and bright - you always want to pull juyeon into the loop - and you think the flustered look on his face is just from genuine surprise or confusion
and you’re like “oh! let me explain what we’re doing blah blah blah” and yes juyeon knows you guys are going to play monopoly but like words? dont? come ? out ? of ? his ? mouth?
and just like kindergarten he probably ends up writing you a note about how much he likes you (tick this box for yes and this box for no) or some form of that
maybe like a text where he is like hi do you want to go on a date and it was actually supposed to be like a ten page essay about why he likes you but then he got too nervous to send it so yeah
its a text that comes out of the blue and when you agree and see juyeon in person the next day you’re like why didn’t you just ask me like months ago
and once again, words? dont? come? out? of? his? mouth?
gift giving
nonstop gift giving
like to a point where jacob is worried about kevin’s spending habits 
but it is all like handmade items and cute stuff he sees that reminds him of you 
and everyone knows he has a crush before he can even process it because they’re doing a show halfway across the country and everyone is like practicing or doing something on their own
and kevin’s like guys look i saw this in a shop and it reminded me of-
all of tbz looking at him like: we know who it reminded you of
he plays it off though when he gives you the gifts, he’s like ah this was just like in my bag or whatever or oh i made this extra keychain when i had a day off like do you want it
and kevin thinks he is so sly and covering it up so damn well but he isn’t 
you try to give gifts back, mostly because you feel bad that he’s always offering something to you
and one day you are like - at first as a kind of jest - like “here ill just give you myself in return” 
and you throw your arms around his neck like you’ve done a million times before and oh shit you think kevin is going to pass out with how fast his heart starts beating and how he overheats
and you’re like kevin?!??!?! are you ok!?!??! and he’s like areyouserious
and you’re like wh and he’s like are you serious about that,,,,and you’re like oh well i mean do you even want someone like me
and kevin unblinkingly is like of course you are the only person i want
and suddenly you realize that these gifts youve been getting are kevin’s love language and its so freaking cute
(but also stop spending money just give kisses instead) (kevin agrees but he is still like im buying you anything cute i see because u are cute and cute people deserve cute things we love kevin moon logic)
ignores his feelings by throwing himself into his work
much to the surprise of no one, because he’s naturally a workoholic and perfectionist, but this time something is off
no one should be beating themselves up over such miniscule mistakes like he is
and hyunjae is convinced changmin has finally lost it, like the goddamn lid has flew off the kettle with this one
because they finish practice and everyone is clapping and changmin looks like he’s going to crush the speakers with his bare hands
less lovestruck as he is loveconfused because the real reason he’s so upset is like
he wants to focus so hard on being a great performer and whatnot but when he shuts his eyes or takes a moment to breath
his brain is fuzzy with thoughts of you and not like super romantic flowery thoughts like you see in movies or read in comics
its just little snapshots of you being,,,,,,,,,,,you
laughing along with eric, fixing the hem of your shirt in the mirror, waving at changmin before looking both ways and crossing the street to his side
the worst thing is he can’t seem to find a way for it to stop until like you are actually in front of him
like the real you - not the memories and thoughts he has daily of you - no just you
and you’re putting your hands on his face and he’s sweaty and hot from dancing for god knows how long and you’re like 
“don’t wear yourself out like this, take care of yourself - if you don’t want to do it for you - can you do it for me?”
and changmin realizes oh right - for you, for you he could move mountains, for you he could fly, like seriously for you he could do anything
and he thinks he just says this to himself but he just said it outloud and somewhere in the room hyunjae is slapping his knee like
“AH! he’s not nuts - he’s just in love.”
falls head over heels for you and expects you to read his mind about it
you walk into a room and he sits up a little straighter and is like ok one step two step ok come over to me, look at me, pay attention to me
and you - because you are not a mindreader - go to talk to juyeon first
and chanhee is like OH I SEE HOW IT IS and gets all moody there on out
honest to god he probably knows he’s overreacting but he just does not get why you cant tell how he’s feeling
and he asks like everyone this question and theyre like what? because you aren’t making it obvious at all?
and chanhee is like what the hell do you mean i totally make it obvious and everyone is like did you ask them out? did you get them a gift? did you compliment them?
and chanhee crosses his arms like no......but like......i smiled at them in a way i dont smile at the rest of you clowns
tbz: :/ 
either way, you start to notice this pattern, that when chanhee is not getting your attention he gets a little like a cat and curls himself away from you
so you, much like one with a cat, start to shower him in attention
and he just uncurls and gets all giddy and swats anyone away who tries to get into your little bubble with him
and its a bit entertaining really lol but you think its just chanhee being chanhee
till it keeps happening over and over and over again and you’re like ok wait
and chanhee is like hmm and you’re like why dont we just go somewhere alone together like on a date or something if thats what you like so much
and chanhee, who has been under the suspicion you have been going on dates sitting together in the tbz practice room is like 
“oh right! a date, um i guess sure!”
inside he is screaming 
does not waste time, he puts his detective hat on and makes a plan
for one of the youngest members he probably puts the most diligence into liking someone 
its not just lovestruck butterflies and running away whenever you’re around
haknyeon swats all that gooey-mushy stuff away and is like ok lets see what movies do you like? what kind of food do you like? he has to know so that when he asks you out he is ready to impress
it shocks some of his other members, sangyeon has never seen haknyeon almost bite younghoon’s hand when he tried to as him to get off the shared desktop
haknyeon just wants to know everything about you - which kevin says he could probably do by talking more to you
and haknyeon is like go away grandpa and kevin is like WH-
either way, when it all comes to a head and haknyeon has memorized what he’s going to say in his confession to you for the one millionth time
he does not prepare for what actually happnes
which is you bound up to him with your arms open and you’re like let’s hang out! just the two of us!
and he’s like ok ill go get the other- wait
haknyeon.exe has stopped working
because truth be told he’d spend so much time trying to research and be perfect when all you really like about him is how fun and eccentric he can be
so you just ask him out first and this was not in the plan, but haknyeon is not about to let go of your warm hand as you pull him along beside you
swears to deny it to his grave because one) it’s embarrassing and.........no that’s it. it is embarrassing to have feelings
jacob: feelings aren’t embarrassing! they’re the reason we can care so deeply about others <3
sunwoo: ok nerd........keep it moving
and unlike younghoon who just goes silent around the people he likes or juyeon who tries to find sangyeon to hide behind 
sunwoo just straight up is like cold. and you are like what didi i do?
everyone is just like he’s complicated, it’s just who he is and he’s young so just ignore him
but it makes you sad that sunwoo just doesn’t want to be your friend
he also has such a bad luck, even when he’s not trying to come off mean he probably accidentally spills something on you or breaks something of yours
and instead APOLOGIZING like everyone is telling him to do he just yoinks out of the room and you’re like damn :( 
to be honest, i think the more you guys get distant the more sunwoo falls deeper into it because even with everything
you are always so kind and sweet and how? like how? how are you doing that?
it probably takes a miracle or actually just like someone spilling the beans to you that sunwoo stayed up all night trying to fix the bracelet of yours he broke for it to all change
for you to find sunwoo and hug him and thank him for trying to fix it and the minute you touch him its like 
all these stupid little walls he built melt into nothing and sunwoo is just like i like you so much im sorry im so dumb and you’re like
well you’re like shocked but youre like im sorry i also like you and im also dumb sometimes
both of you standing there wide eyed but also like super super super giddy
one day you aren’t even talking to each other the next day you are cuddling on the couch
kevin: these people are giving me literal whiplash 
thinks you’ll never feel the same way so he does the next best thing, he tries to be your bestest friend
for someone so spunky and confident in himself most of the time you’d think lovestruck eric would just GO for it
but more than he is like outgoing and brave, he is devoted to people he loves
and losing you as a friend over confessing his feelings would probably spiral him into a dark place
so he’ll just take his spot as a super close friend, and horrible wingman 
who tries to get you to admit that you like someone in the group when you have told eric ten times no you dont like changmin like that and yes juyeon is cute but youre not interested
and eric just wants you to be happy and he thinks youre lying and keeping it from him because like you think it would be weird to date someone in tbz
and he’s like cmon tell me! or do you like someone from skz, im friends with felix - do you think he’s cute
and at some point it wears you down and you are just like over to play video games and have fun with eric
and he’s like hey felix said you were pretty when i showed him a photo and you are like ERIC LISTEN TO ME and he’s like blinking like oh?
and you’re like i do like someone but its you and so since that isnt going to happen lets move on
and eric is like lets not move on because from the minute i saw you i thought cupid lodged an arrow so deep in my heart its been stuck their permanently and yes i watched hercules last night so i made that analogy isn’t it about time you kissed me so i would shuttup?
and when you do you’re like ok i have wanted to do that SO many times and he’s like well you should have
and youre like dont be sassy i will bring up every oppurtunity you tried to hook me up with your group member if you do and he’s like
i will shut my mouth forever if that is what you wish <3
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
Earwig pt.2
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x f!reader x Shoto Todoroki Genre: smut Warnings: threesome, spanking, choking, temp play, slight bdsm?, unprotected sex(always wrap it up!), degradation, and I think that’s it??? Summary: After Bakugo and Todoroki hear you talking about them in the locker room, they decide to give you a nice surprise Word Count: 3.5k  A/N: CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP. Also, you don’t necessarily have to read part one to understand this but it’ll help you understand some of the comments they make and whatnot 
Part One
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You giggle and tease the girls as you head out of the locker room, stretching your sore body out. You smile and greet the boys who are already in the class, taking your seat in the middle of the classroom. It gave you a pretty good view of Bakugo but sadly not of Todoroki who sat behind you. 
You pull out your phone and just start to do random stuff on it until class starts. You didn’t even realize class was starting until Mr. Aizawa started talking. You snap your head up and look around with furrowed brows. Normally, everyone would be chatting up a storm until the last second. Today though, only the girls were conversing quietly with each other. Most of them don’t sit near each other though, so they had to get up to stand around the classroom. 
You look around suspiciously, trying to figure out why some of the boys are acting so weird. You sit behind Kaminari and in front of Kirishima. Normally, they’d be yapping your ear off about a new meme or something ‘manly.’ Today though? Nothing. You can’t turn around to look at Kirishima since class has started, and you’d rather not have Mr. Aizawa thinking you’re not paying attention. Again. 
So, you just have to look at what’s in front of you. You can tell Kaminari is in a good mood thanks to his humming. Actually, he’s humming Jiro’s favorite song under his breath and keeps looking to his left at her. She seems to not notice this though since she’s writing down something Mr. Aizawa said. 
Maybe you should be paying attention but you’re just too freaked out right now. 
Next, you look at Ojiro who sits right in front of Kaminari. You can see his ears are dark red and he’s sitting very stiffly. After observing Ojiro, you look at Aoyama, who is pouting to himself as he stares at Mr. Aizawa, but doesn’t seem to be paying attention. 
Yup, something fishy is definitely going on here. 
You look from student to student until you reach Deku who is shaking in his seat and is as red as a fire hydrant. You’d be worried about him if it wasn’t for the fact that all the boys are acting weird. 
You stare at him for a while, trying to come up with answers to why he and the other boys are acting like this. It’s not all of the boys either, from what you can tell. Koji and Sero seem to be acting like normal. You stare at the windows now, the gears in your brain moving faster than they have in a while. 
Movement in front of the window causes you to blink and turn your focus to said movement. You’re met with cocky, crimson eyes who stare at you without hesitation. You stare right back at him, refusing to bow down to the handsome brat. 
He suddenly smirks, making your brows furrow in response. He opens his mouth a little to slip his tongue out, taking his sweet time to lick his lips. Your eyes, obviously, move from his eyes to his mouth to watch the little show he’s putting on. This only causes his ego to boost more than it already is but you can’t help it. With you watching, he pulls his tongue back into his mouth before biting his bottom lip. 
That’s when it hits you. 
They heard! Those nasty, perverted, pigs! 
A gasp flies past your lips before you can stop yourself, bringing all eyes to you. Except for Bakugo. He looks away to look back to Mr. Aizawa, who is also staring at you. 
“Miss (L/n),” you stand as your name is called, your face as hot as the sun,  “you seem quite excited about today’s lesson. Why don’t you tell everyone what you learned last from chapter sixty-nine.” 
You flinch a bit at the number, your mind going back to the hallway when you said you’d want to try that with either of the two men you named. You huff and squint your eyes a bit at Mr. Aizawa as you start to recite a few things that you remembered from the reading. As much as you didn’t want to do the reading, you aren’t about to get left behind or have Mr. Aizawa hold this over your head just like every other mistake you make. 
“Okay. Sit down,” he says, in what you swear is in a tone filled with boredom, in the middle of your response to his demand, making you shut your mouth and try not to glare at him. You do as you’re told and quickly plop down, crossing your arms over your chest. 
You’re going to murder Bakugo and the other boys.
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As soon as class is over, Bakugo is practically the first one out the door. Oh, that prick thinks he’s so sneaky and slick. You practically growl as you follow after him as quickly as you can without bringing attention to yourself. 
He gets outside before you can stop him, your face getting hotter by the second the angrier you get. You bust through the front doors and search among the many bodies for unruly blond hair. You huff when you don’t see him, your hands clenching at your sides. 
You quickly go back in and get your stuff, which you had left in your hurry to catch up to him, before leaving the school to walk the short distance to the dorms. Your eyes widen when you walk into the dorms to see Bakugo leaning against the wall, looking immensely bored. Well, that is until he sees you. A smirk then instantly crawls onto his face as his eyes look you up and down. 
Your mood instantly plummets again as you swiftly start to march towards him, your face growing warm again. His smirk turns mischievous as he pushes off the wall and heads towards the elevators. He walks inside just as you reach him and quickly follow him inside, ready to reprimand him for eavesdropping on the girls and to ask who else heard. 
“Bakugo-” is all you get out before the elevator doors close and your back is suddenly against the wall. You stare at him in shock before realizing, duh, he knows some of your kinks and what you want him to do to you. He presses his body against yours and then brings his hand to your throat, lightly squeezing it and watching your eyes flutter. 
He chuckles lowly as he leans his face close to yours, his nose trailing over your jaw before his lips find your ear. “Well, I sure think I’m packing. Maybe that’s why my ego is so inflated,” he says lowly before nibbling on the lobe of your ear. You whimper softly and arch into him, wanting nothing more than to feel him hard against you. 
“You weren’t lying, were you? This really is all you think about, huh? You’re such a dirty whore. I wonder who’d you rather have pounding into you while the other one puts that filthy mouth to good use,” he growls as he starts to grind against you.
A moan escapes you before you can trap it and lock it deep down inside of you. He kisses down your neck and, even then, you can still feel him smirking. “God, I hate you,” you growl, making no effort to push him away or stop him. 
Why would you? You’ve fantasized about this almost, if not, every day. 
“Oh, it’s not a matter of whether you hate me or not. Either way, you’re still desperate for this coc-” 
He’s cut off by the elevator door opening, making him grunt. He pulls away from you but is sure to grab your wrist to drag you to his room. This is when you notice that he is taking you to his room, seeing as how you live on the second floor whereas he lives on the fourth. 
He opens his door, practically throws you in, before slamming the door shut behind him. You almost start saying that maybe you two should slow things down when you find Todoroki sitting on the bed. When you lock eyes with him, you almost whimper. He stands up and places his hands into his pockets, his face not showing any emotion but his eyes are practically shining. 
Bakugo comes up behind you and pushes his hard-on to your ass, starting to lightly grind against you. “I invited icyhot, hope you don’t mind,” he grumbles in your ear. This time, you do whimper. You don’t have to be facing Bakugo to know he’s grinning that evil grin he does when he’s about to do something bad. 
“Well? Do you just plan on watching?” he snaps at Todoroki, making Todoroki huff a bit. He silently walks over and stands right in front of you, looking at Bakugo’s hands on your waist. 
“Can I touch you?” he asks softly, looking up to meet your eyes. The fact that he even had to ask is so cute. 
“I know you heard us today,” you start, reaching out to run your hands across his broad chest, “I know you heard what I want you to do to me,” you finish in a sultry tone, your tongue coming out to wet your lips. He watches the action before swooping down to connect your lips, a moan escaping you as Bakugo thrusts against your ass harder. 
The kiss is messy and sloppy but you wouldn’t want it any other way. You gently pull on his hair, his hands going from your cheeks to slowly going down to your breasts. You gasp into his mouth when he squeezes them, your back arching away from Bakugo to press your chest further into his hands. 
You hear Bakugo grunt before sliding his hands up under your shirt, bringing the cloth with him, When his hands meet Todoroki, Todoroki pulls away to allow him to take your shirt off. While Bakugo pulls it off, Todoroki is quick to reach behind you and remove your bra. 
As soon as it’s off, Bakugo has his hands on your chest and making you moan with no lips to stop you. Todoroki meets your eyes before leaning down to start kissing down your neck, sucking and biting on random places. By this point, your clit is throbbing and your panties are completely soaked. 
“Guys, I’ve been dreaming about this for a while. Can we speed up the foreplay?” you stutter out, your hands tugging at Todoroki’s double-colored strands of hair. He pulls away to look at you once more, panting a bit from his attack on your neck. Once he’s pulled back though, Bakugo is quick to push you forward before shoving you onto the bed. 
“What was it you said you liked?” Bakugo asks sarcastically, his hands trailing down your back to your ass that you pushed into the air. “Oh, that’s right,” he says after a moment, acting as if the thought just occurred to him. 
You cry out when he spanks you, causing you to arch your back and tightly grip the covers of his bed. “You don’t get to tell us what to do, whore. We are the boss of you, not the other way around.” You mewl lewdly at his words, your mouth watering as you wait for him to say more. 
He spanks you again, causing you to moan loudly. You stare up at Todoroki when he moves to the other side of the bed, watching his face as he gently pushes the hair out of your face. “Don’t I need to be quiet? We are right next to Kirishima’s room,” you reason softly, trying to press your thighs together. 
At this, Bakugo shoves your bottoms down and spanks you harder this time. This spank though involved a tiny spark from his quirk, making you barely be able to hold back a scream. It hurts but the pain is so delicious that you can’t help but to want another hit. 
“I don’t care if he hears it or not. You probably want him to hear you so that he can come join us. Would you like that? Have another man here to fill you up with his cum?” Bakugo growls before spanking your other cheek the same way he hit you last time. You smack your hand over your mouth, tears springing to your eyes. 
An animalistic growl comes from him as his free hand reaches forward to snatch your head up by your hair, making you stare up at Todoroki. “Admit it, you slut. You’d like that. Just like how you’re gonna love having me stuffing one of your holes while Todoroki stuffs the other one,” he says darkly. 
A guttural moan escapes you as your eyes roll back into your head, your wet flower clenching around nothing. “Look at her. Maybe we should go over and invite him right now,” he threatens. 
“Please, fill me up with your coc-” 
You cut yourself off with a shrill moan when he spanks you again. You notice then that Todoroki has taken off his clothes and is currently pumping his hard length. Just like you thought, he’s long and thick. You wonder how big he is compared to Bakugo. 
You gasp when you feel Bakugo’s length suddenly rubbing against your wet heat. “This what you want, huh? You want this hole stuffed by me, whore?” You nod your head with a whine, leaning your hips back to rub yourself against him. You’re quick to reach back and wrap your hand around his length, almost moaning at how thick and heavy he is in your hand. 
You gasp again when your face is suddenly shoved into the mattress while his other hand snatches your hand away from him. “Did I say you can touch me?” he hisses. You feel him get off the bed and walk to somewhere else in the room. 
You didn’t dare lift your head from the bed to look. 
You inhale sharply when you feel Todoroki’s hands on your head, his fingers gently turning your head to look up at him. “You aren’t acting like the good girl I know you are,” he says softly, his already deep voice sounding lower than usual. You whimper at his words, it being better than anything you’ve ever dreamed. “How was that? Was that ‘deliciously dark’ enough for you?” he teases, a smirk coming to his face. You mewl at this, quickly nodding your head to show him how pleased you are. You just knew he’d talk like that once he’s riled up. You lean your weight on one hand and let the other reach out to him, starting to slide your hand up and down his member. 
Your focus is pulled away from him when the bed shifts with Bakugo’s weight, your lip coming between your teeth when he forces your hand away from Todoroki to put them behind your back to tie them. Once your hands are tied up nice and tight, he forces you forward to where your chin is just over the bed. Bakugo has a tall enough bed frame to where you’re face to face with Todoroki’s hard member. 
Now that you’re getting a better look, you see a vein protruding on the bottom that runs up his entire length. When your eyes reach the tip, you see precum gathering at the slit, making your mouth water once more. 
“Do you think I even have to prep her? I bet she’s stretched out from all the times she’s shoved a dildo up her tight hole while imagining it’s one of us,” Bakugo says to Todoroki, his hand coming down on your right cheek again. Your body jumps with the hit to your already sore ass, a whining moan slipping past your lips. “Say, I wonder who she fantasized about more,” he says to himself as if he’s thinking out loud. 
He brings his fingers to your sopping heat, pulling your panties to the side to spread your juices from your dripping hole to your clit. “She’s so wet. She loves the way we’re treating her, icyhot.” You turn your head to look at Todoroki’s face, finding that he’s biting his lip. You shudder as Bakugo takes his sweet time pulling your panties away, a strand of your arousal sticking to your panties as he pulls them down your legs. “God, you’re soaked,” he hisses, dropping the panties to your knees before grabbing your hip tightly with one hand. 
The other hand goes back to touching your wetness, going against his idea of shoving himself right into your warmth. You moan when he gathers your arousal on his fingers and starts to rub at your swollen clit again, your eyes fluttering as you finally get some relief to the throbbing nub. With him pleasing you, you felt bad that Todoroki is just standing before you watching. 
You shift your head forward and lick a stripe up the vein you were eyeing earlier. He hisses and brings his hands to your head again, his nails lightly digging into your skull as you suckle on his tip. You moan around him when Bakugo slips two fingers into you at once, your mouth going further down Todoroki’s length with each pump of Bakugo’s fingers. 
When he adds a third finger, you accidentally deepthroat Todoroki and gag around him. You pull back quickly but keep your mouth around him, your tongue lapping at the head. “Look at you being such a good girl for me,” Todoroki says between pants, his hips starting to lightly thrust. 
You hum in response, glad that you’re pleasing him. “She’s not a good girl. She’s anything but. She’s just a nasty little whore that wants us to use her as a sex toy,” Bakugo says behind you as he pulls out his fingers. You pull away from Todoroki’s member to wail when Bakugo finally pushes into you, stretching your walls out more than your fingers or toys ever could. “See? Look at her. This is all she’s good for,” Bakugo growls as he bottoms out before pulling his hips back to just snap them back against your ass. 
You cry out in pleasure, your eyes rolling in your head for the nth time. You’re temporarily distracted when Todoroki turns your head back to his member and uses his other hand to grab ahold of his wet shaft. He then presses the head to your lips with a smirk, raising his brow up at you after holding it there waiting for you to open up. You instantly drop your jaw and stick out your tongue, his member sliding along your tongue towards the back of your throat. 
You close your mouth around him and let him thrust since you’re having trouble moving with Bakugo pounding into you with each of his thrusts and moving your body. You moan with each of Bakugo’s thrusts, letting Todoroki feel the vibrations and making him grunt each time you do it. 
You gasp around Todoroki’s shaft when his member suddenly starts getting really warm, making you become concerned for a moment before you realize what he’s doing. Before it can get too hot, he starts to drop the temperature and cools your mouth with his member until it’s as cold as ice. You moan loudly and clench around Bakugo, feeling Todoroki’s hands start to wander your back and do the same thing his member just did. Seeing Todoroki use his quirk on you, Bakugo decides to use his again. 
You scream when Bakugo spanks you harder than ever before with his quirk, your scream thankfully being muffled since your mouth is full. Your scream causes Todoroki’s head to drop back, his mouth falling open as he starts to thrust faster in your mouth. Before you even realize, you’re cumming around Bakugo. Your body shakes a bit from the power of it, your eyes squeezing shut. 
“That’s it. Cum with me stuffed in your tight hole. I can feel you pulsing around me,” Bakugo hisses, his hips starting to smack against your ass quicker and quicker. Todoroki starts to push deeper into your mouth, making him deepthroat you with every thrust. You moan when you can, your walls clenching around Bakugo and making your entrance cling onto him every time he pulls out. 
It didn’t take long for Todoroki to shoot his load down your throat, some of his seed slipping past your lips and goes down your chin and neck. He stays in your mouth for a moment before slowly pulling out, your lips catching any cum that was stuck to his shaft.
Bakugo cums next, pulling out just in time to cum on your sore ass. He lets out a guttural moan as he does, his head tilted back when you turn to look at him. When he finishes, your legs are quick to give out and you slide them to lay down flat on the bed. 
That is the best sex that you’ll ever have in your life, you’re sure. 
“Next time, we are switching holes,” Todoroki says, leaving no room for questions. 
“Fine. Ten minutes and you’ll get your turn,” Bakugo grumbles as he lays down on his back next to you. You grunt, both too tired to go another round but also too impatient to wait any longer to have them again.
Again, characters are aged up 
More with Bakugo
I lowkey wanna write a part three-
Tag List: ik some of you didn’t asked to be added but you commented on the first part so I figured you’d wanted to be made aware of the second part. Let me know if you want to be removed :) @bobasuki​, @toxicfirewolf2020, @whoreforouterbanks, @on-jah-bruh, @eternal-0ve, @todorokishotolover, @lovemythos, @coolbabydumpling, @cathwritestragediesnotsins​, @jabby16​, @spitfyrefae​, @living-the-husbando-life​, @nikatastic​, @courtneypaigemartin​, @kac-chowsballs​, @the-sander-fander​, @dweebbblog​, @inumorph​, @earthfce​, @m-jkttyl​, @psicotropicwanderlust​, @spicyhokage​, @lifudesuka​, @woahcalmdownjamal​, @notyourmommy​, @shotos-bitch-babie​, @cece-lives-here​, @nojammsss03​, @honneymusterd​, @fee-btheweeb​, @an-unlikely-ghost​, @shadowdreas​, and @astroepiphany
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
New: Bug Report Ticket System
Hi everyone, Zuko here, just stopping in to tell you that I've taken my next step as an indie game developer, which means creating a bug reporting system that makes a lick of damn sense!
Through 100% my own fault, bug reporting for Shepherds of Haven's alpha build and public demos has become something of an absolute chaos pit, for both me and users! I never implemented a proper, dedicated system for bug reporting, partly out of my own arrogance and the apparent lack of necessity: at the game's launch, there were relatively few bugs, everyone's gameplay experience was fairly tight and uniform, and it was easier for me to keep track of and squash bugs on the spot!
But as the game gets bigger (625,000 words, now! More than all three LOTR books combined), of course more bugs and glitches are going to crop up, and in peskier, harder to find places! Add that to the growing community with multiple platforms and me having less time to spend online to actually answer, track, or address bugs immediately, and you get a recipe for one overwhelmed author!
I'll talk a bit more about the issues I've been facing and what necessitated this new system down below (for anyone who's interested), but the long and short of it is, I've created a brand new bug report ticketing system!
Report Bugs Here 🐛
Track Submitted Bugs Here 🔍
How it works:
Use the "report bug" form to submit any bugs or errors that you've noticed while playing ShoH! (Please submit one bug per ticket.)
An automated workflow will immediately plop your ticket into the Trello board (the tracking link above), where you can view all submitted tickets by users, their statuses in my queue, how I've prioritized them, and my responses and explanations about them - all in one place!
This solves basically every issue I was having with bug reports, including having to explain across multiple platforms the same solutions to the same bugs (but in such a fragmented way that users wouldn't see my answers or the progress reports on said bugs)!
Important: From now on, I will only be accepting bug reports through this method. I know this might be a pain in comparison to submitting via any platform, but it will really help me keep everything in one place in an organized, non-overwhelming fashion, and it will definitely improve both the user and author experience in a very vital way!
That said, I know not everyone will see this post at first, so if you submit a bug report through another method, I will be copy-pasting a gentle redirect to this form! Sorry if you get sick of seeing it, and please don't take offense if this happens to you - I truly appreciate the time you all take to help improve the game and submit your feedback! I just need to make it a uniform experience across all platforms for my own sanity, so I'll be minimizing exceptions to this rule as much as I can! 😃
You can, of course, discuss bugs and whatnot elsewhere and with other users (such as on the forums, Discord, etc.), especially if you want to check with others and see if what you're experiencing is actually a bug or brainstorm/roundtable it. Just operate under the strict assumption that I will not see any of it until you actually submit a ticket through the form! I wish I could keep track of every conversation about the game, but at this point, so much flies under my radar that this is actually probably true...
That's all for now: you can read on to see a little bit of my struggles below and how this solution will help, but other than that, I hope you're having a fantastic start to your week! 💖 Remember to eat well, get some sleep, and stay hydrated!
Essentially, the old bug report "system" consisted of me actively encouraging everyone to send me bug reports through any and all platforms they had access to. This meant I was getting bug reports through:
Patreon comments on public posts
Patreon PMs
Tumblr PMs
Tumblr asks
Tumblr comments on public posts
COG forum posts
COG forum PMs
Discord PMs
Discord conversations in channels
What on earth was I thinking lol?
This created numerous problems...
The obvious difficulty in keeping track of all of these bug reports across disparate platforms, leading to things slipping under the radar or stacking up in an overwhelming, confusing way, and duplicates cluttering the queue
Less time online means less time to find and address the bug immediately, leading to more duplicates and growing user confusion the longer it went unaddressed or unacknowledged
No ability to uniformly address the bug across all platforms with context, explanations, or solutions. A user reporting a bug on Tumblr might lead to me replying on Tumblr that it could be fixed by doing XYZ, or was caused by ABC and was not actually a bug at all. However, another user on Patreon or on the forum would not see said explanation/solution, would report the same bug on Patreon or the forum, and would unfairly suffer through me saying "I already answered this!" (but not to them).
Most platforms are not conducive to the back-and-forth required to truly and effectively hunt bugs. If a user sends in an ask on Tumblr about a bug, but I need more context (such as "what choice did you make in Chapter 2?) to find it, I just have to publish their ask with my response and pray they see it and send in another ask! It's just clunky and inefficient!
This new system hopefully addresses all of those problems! By having one method to submit bugs and one repository to see where they all go (including everyone else's tickets and reports), everything is just going to be better! 😊
One of the most important things for me is that the new repository lets everyone see my comments, explanations, and solutions regarding the current bug reports. Please check to see if your bug has already been submitted to the queue if you can, and check out my comments by clicking on any tickets with a speech bubble, such as on the right below!
Tumblr media
Last thing: there are already some tickets in the system that I put there in order to test it, but which are essentially bug reports that I've received in the last week or so, and which I just copy-pasted into the form to have them all in one place! So if you see your bug report under "Anonymous," just know that it was me who put it there and that I appreciate your time and effort in making the report! Thank you!
Your patience and encouragement is much appreciated, and thank you for tolerating my chaos prior to me getting this nice new automated system up and running! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to receiving your tickets! ✨
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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nomazee · 3 years
always (coming back to) you
pairing: hinata shoyo x gn reader  genre: best-friends-to-lovers/coming of age (?) warnings: mild angst, slight spoilers for the manga timeskip word count: 1.4k
hinata shoyo loves a lot, but it’s always been you.
(note: this was sitting in my google docs for a while now. it’s something i looked back on every once in a while and smiled because i think this is one of the works i’m most proud of. i love shoyo as a character so much and i love writing about him and twisting him as i see fit to write narratives upon narratives about him. i hope everyone who reads this enjoys :)  thank you to @bearykei for beta-reading this! it was interesting to have someone with such a drastically different writing style beta-read my work and i really enjoyed seeing all your edits :0 thank you so much mwah)
Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
He found this newfound feeling to be odd, at first. It made his chest ache a little bit, but it was a good kind of ache—the kind of ache that comes after spiking a volleyball really good. The kind of ache that rushes through his body after a grueling night of practice. The kind of ache that reminds him of all the hard work he’s put into the things he loves. 
Shoyo loves, he loves so hard, and it’s something he can’t help. It’s a trait that’s been wired into his brain since he was born—flooding through squishy, tiny baby fingers and a mind not yet exposed to all the world has to offer. 
Shoyo loves his mom, loves his sister, loves volleyball, and loves you. He’d never be able to rank these things—if he ever called anything his “favorite” he’d be too guilty to function. But he knows, definitely, absolutely, certainly, that he loves these things—and he loves them very much. 
Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
He first experiences this in his last year of junior high, sitting in the grass (it’s damp from last night’s rain, but he ignores your complaints about it), half-melted popsicle in hand as he talks to you about volleyball—because that’s all his world is at this point in his life. Barely passing school, and volleyball (the former is only there to keep the latter going.) 
“And I want to get better,” he tells you. You’ve heard this so many times before, and he knows you have, but not once have you ever complained about it. “I’m short, but I’m good. I know I am.” 
“I know you are, too,” you tell him. He spares a glance at you, and your eyes are shining, your attention all on him, sticky fruit-popsicle melting down the side of your hand. You don’t seem to mind it, though (ironically enough, with you complaining about the wet grass just before.) 
Something stirs in his lungs, circulates like spinning tumbleweeds (like the ones he sees in those weird American cartoons that he watches with you,) and it makes him ache, but it feels good. You’ve complimented him tons of times before. He’s not sure what makes this so different, what makes this sudden pain kick up in his system. Shoyo looks at you, really looks, and he doesn’t think anything is different, actually. Everything is the same. 
He brushes it off, and even when the pain comes back every time he sees you, he pointedly ignores it. 
Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
He realizes this in his last year of high school. You’re sitting on the same patch of grass you’ve always sat in, though it’s no longer damp, nor are there any popsicles to be found. It’s quiet, it has been for a minute, and when Shoyo looks at you, there are shattered silver stars gleaming in your eyes. 
You’re hurting. And he knows it’s because of him, because he told you he wants to leave the country, because he told you he wants to leave you (whether that be an intentional desire or not), because this marks the end of innocent adolescence, and the beginning of dreary adulthood and sole self-reliance. 
Shoyo’s lips part. He’s clumsy with words of consolation. He’s only known how to brush things off with playful distractions and make weird volleyball metaphors, but he doesn’t know… this. He doesn’t know what to do with this. With you. With the ever-aching feeling swirling in his diaphragm. 
“I can…” He pauses. “I don’t have to go—” 
“Are you insane?” You’re bordering on a shout when you whip your head towards him, brows furrowed in what looks to be aggravation and eyes wide in disbelief. He blinks at you. All of this is unfamiliar, every aspect of this conversation—the look in your eyes, the crease between your eyebrows, the anger in your voice, the fear and sadness that had planted itself in your expression just moments before. Shoyo is treading knee-deep in unfamiliar waters and he doesn’t know what to do with the violent tides that sweep beneath his feet. 
“I would— I would never hold you back from your dreams, Shoyo,” you spit at him. The meaning of your words is well-placed, but the tone of your voice makes his eyes widen in fear and his form shrink back. “Never. I’m your b—est friend, and this is what you’ve fought for your whole life. I wouldn’t hold you back from this just because of some stupid, selfish wish.” 
The force behind your voice crumbles, tears welling up in those shattered-silver-stars as your expression twists—it’s ugly, and it’s raw. A sob escapes you and God, Shoyo has never felt so strongly for something in so long.
He breaks. He sobs. You fall into each other’s arms, clutching onto one another desperately as if that will keep Hinata Shoyo from flying away. 
(It doesn’t.) 
(Shoyo never asks you what your stupid, selfish wish was all about.) 
Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
He tells you this after years of waiting. He doesn’t tell you this at the airport when he leaves for Brazil, or in the one visit he took back to Japan during his time playing beach volleyball on the other side of the world. He doesn’t tell you this during the calls you share with him in his early mornings and your afternoons. He waits, because Hinata Shoyo has learned how to wait. 
Shoyo has landed himself a place on a professional volleyball team. You’ve voiced your elation over this fact countless times, over calls and text and blurry selfies of you with tears in your eyes and a stupid, wide smile on your face. Work has been busy for you, but when he tells you “Come to my game, it’s a big one. I’m seeing Tobio again,” you don't hesitate for a second to call in sick and buy a ticket. 
(It’s expensive, and when Hinata finds out how much you paid for it he chastises you playfully, claiming that he would’ve gotten you a ticket for free.) 
He wins. Of course he wins. Shoyo flies and laughs and plays and he wins. He catches your eye in the crowd after the game ends and he smiles, reserved for you and you only, and you can’t help but smile back. 
You meet him hours after his game ends—interviews and cleaning up and whatnot take an awfully long time. You both sit on a park bench, having walked quietly side-by-side for half an hour until he reached a spot he deemed perfect for the evening. 
It’s not the same patch of grass you both used to sit in, but it’s something, and you think Shoyo is more than enough to make up for the lack of a familiar atmosphere. It’s a bit cold, but you think it’s a shame you remembered your jacket—glancing at Shoyo, you find that he looks so much warmer than the fabric you’re wearing. 
Shoyo is glancing at you too, soft smile and warm eyes and gentle flush and all, and his head is ringing loudly trying to process every detail of your presence. 
Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
(God, he loves you so much. So he tells you.)
It’s a very simple ordeal. 
You open your mouth, and he thinks you’re starting to say something like “that was a good game!” or any other mundane praise, and he knows that he should let you speak. But he’s been building up this adrenaline for years now, and nothing can stop him when he says “I love you” in that gentle tone he reserves just for you. 
You stop talking. Shoyo thinks that maybe a rejection is coming soon, but he can’t bring himself to be so upset about it. Because he did it—did what he’s been yearning to do ever since that one afternoon in his last year of high school, and the thought alone makes him invincible to whatever comes out of this very spontaneous confession. 
He tilts his head towards you. You’re staring at him. He smiles again, wide and unabashed and warm. He feels your warm lips on his and he knows he should push you away for the sake of his PR team. But, God, Hinata Shoyo is invincible right now, and getting caught in some mundane “scandal” misinterpreted by the media is the least of his concerns right now. 
(Hinata Shoyo loves you. 
He tells you, now, in subtle ways, like the way he drags his fingers against your face when you’re still sleeping, the way he kisses your temple in half-hazy consciousness, and the way he traces the ring on your left ring finger with his lips.) 
taglist: @akaashi-bby @tsukisemi @peteunderoos @virgomooning @losertsukki @vhskenma @alysken @webworld @tendo-sxtori​ @tanakas-hugs-and-kisses​ @wompwomphq @shehellamad (strikethrough cannot be tagged!)
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cordeliaflyte · 3 years
Would love to know your thoughts on the rutger bregman book when you finish it!!!
dearest merle! it took me months to answer this ask - something i'm ashamed of - but i finally got around to finishing the book today.
the below is a condensed version of the ten pages of notes i took while reading it, which are rather chaotic and repetitive at points - but in my defence, bregman repeated his own arguments too.
one of the main arguments that bregman makes is that "evil" or "immorality" - which we'll define as causing unnecessary harm - are rarely caused by the individual, but rather the society they live in. i agree - nothing exists in a vacuum. however, society, as a nebulous concept, isn't imposed on us by some imperceptible power - it is crafted by people. people in society have different levels of power, and the harm they can cause to others is directly proportional to said power - but be it on a micro or macro scale, our actions have an impact on others and while they are influenced by the society we live in, we must nonetheless strive to minimise the harm we cause - and few of us do.
bregman illustrates many of his arguments with heartwarming stories about people coming together in times of crisis - take, for example, natural disasters - and overcoming adversity, selflessly looking out for their neighbours. but crisis very often leads to the creation of divisions, an us vs them mentality, and a complete disregard for the safety of others. the current pandemic is a prime example - see the widening of class differences, the rise in racist hate crimes, and people refusing to take safety precautions because they are inconvenient to them.
another argument repeated quite often throughout the book is the fact that media cherry-picks the most sensationalistic and senseless acts of death and despair, because human suffering is simply more interesting that the mundane - people talking to friends, creating art, laughing and learning. again, i agree with him - many of the more tabloid-adjacent news outlets would have you believe that the everyday norm is dismembered heiresses being found on riverbeds and charming, precocious children being held for ransom in tiny basements. the news doesn't often focus on the mundane - but the mundane isn't just love and work and friendship and boredom and chores, it is also, for billions of people around the world, sexual violence, familial abuse, workplace and housing discrimination, etc. these things aren't sensationalistic either - they're frightfully common, frightfully boring, and thus, they're rarely reported on.
throughout his book, bregman mentions that when he told people what he was working on, they approached the idea that humans are good with a large dose of cynicism, simply because we are raised to believe humans are selfish (which isn't the case worldwide, not all cultures are individualistic). they pick the easier choice - accepting the image of the world and their fellow humans that they are presented with at face value. i'd argue that it is the tendency of humans to pick the easier choice, to obey, to avoid challenging their worldview that leads to - for a lack of better term - immorality (see definition in point 1).
often, when bregman presents his feel good stories about people cooperating in adversity, he also mentions troubling details that, again, show undue harm being done. one of the examples he used were six boys from tonga, aged 13 to 16, who were shipwrecked on an island, and instead of descending into a "lord of the flies" style madness, they built their small community on the basis of communication and cooperation, never resorting to violence, and acting mature beyond their years. after a year spent on the island, they were rescued - and promptly arrested, an event which was probably racially motivated. and the reason they were shipwrecked in the first place was attempting to flee their school, where, according to their reports, they were neglected.
bregman contrasted the example of the boys forming a peaceful society on a small island with the chaos that always ensues when adults in reality shows are put in similar situations. the contestants are pitted against each other by the show runners, who seek to frustrate them and make them lose control for the amusement of the audience. whenever contestants try to cooperate, form a mutually beneficial society for a short while - a radical idea - they are punished. "goodness" - i.e. harm reduction - and radical thought being punished just don't seem like particularly helpful examples for the "humans are inherently good" thesis
bregman seems to be a big fan of primitivism, constantly citing civilisation as a source of harm - a position i'm always sceptical about, because personally i love vaccines and dental care, but i know this is a knee-jerk reaction and bregman isn't plotting a return to a land without dentists. but what i do take ire at is the idea that humans are somehow "corrupt" versions of their natural selves and that our lives have grown too complicated, and only a return to "primitive" society can return us to the aforementioned natural selves.
tied to the previous point - his arguments remind me of the "noble savage"'... archetype? he seems to paint a picture of "primitive" indigenous people as role models for those "corrupted" by civilisation, who in turn must be saved by a return to their "purer" selves, instead of individuals with flaws and agency.
speaking on indigenous populations - bregman also invokes the inhabitants of the easter islands. for a long time, the world at large believed that a hundred years or so before colonization, the islanders effectively perpetrated a genocide, killing off a large proportion of their population - a claim which was later disproven. yay! humans can live in peaceful societies without committing genocide, and thus, are not inherently evil! disregarding the fact that european colonists later massacred a large part of the islands population, and sold most of the survivors into slavery?
i was very excited for one of the chapters, entitled "after auchschwitz". i was interested how bregman would reconcile his argument with the tragedies of the twentieth century - the holocaust, but also genocide, and to a lesser extent war in general.
(this chapter, i might add, was preceded by a quote by anne frank - you know the one, about the inherent goodness of people. i was hoping that bregman would comment on the fact that anne wrote the quote before she and her family were sent to a concentration camp)
so you can imagine my surprise when the chapter was not, in fact, about concentration camps or genocide. but rather about. unethical 70s sociological experiments.
no really! a chapter titled "after auchschwitz" was, in fact, primarily about the stanford prison experiment. an experiment that was, granted, inspired by concentration camps, but still. it's misleading to invoke "real", large scale violence, and focus instead on "simulated", small scale violence.
we all know that the stanford prison experiment was, as far as experiments go, rubbish to legendary degrees. it doesn't prove anything - but it does, perhaps, show that people under large psychological duress are capable of evil, even when they themselves are not "evil".
it is, i'd argue, the human tendency to obey authority and especially to conform to societies standards that poses the largest danger. disobedience is man's original virtue and whatnot.
and when he does briefly refer to concentration camps, bregman treats them like a very 1940s phenomenon, disregarding the fact that they have been around for much longer and still exist today.
in cases like that one experiment with electric shocks. you know the one. do not, perhaps, show an innate tendency to violence, but rather people succumbing to pressure. but history is full of unprovoked instances of violence, of pogroms and lynchings. there is usually an instigator, yes, but judging from reports, people in the right mindset don't need much persuading to butcher other people.
also re: electric shock experiment - those who thought they gave the assistant lethal shocks showed extreme guilt and some even cried but like... so what? what use is a conscience if it doesn't stop you from, to your knowledge, killing someone? are your feelings really more important than your actions?
he doesn't say this, but a lot of the arguments he presents do seem to boil down to "people aren't evil, they're just stupid!" which doesn't sound more encouraging, i'm afraid.
an alternative takeaway would be "people are good, unless they have power" - which isn't exactly a radical, revolutionary idea. most people have heard the maxim "power corrupts". but the thing is that almost everyone holds some amount power over others - the oppressed factory worker in a poor nation who works 12 hours a day for pittance might still execute power over his wife, who relies on him for money, and she in turn might hold power over her children, and so forth. and that power is often used to cause undue harm and exercise control.
he criticises machiavellianism, saying it doesn't reflect how society works, and one of his proofs is that his philosophies were espoused by bismarck, churchill, and stalin - hardly admirable figures in terms of (you guessed it!) causing harm. but i don't see how that discredits machiavelli? like all of the above were very succesful
and he keeps repeating the primitivism argument throughout the book which gets tiring. like i'm truly sorry you were born in the last 5% of human existence thus far when, in your opinion, humanity started going to the shits, but it's getting a bit tiring
he cites money and nations as concepts as harbingers of the current (negative) state of humanity, saying they're very recent concepts and have no basis in reality. they're artificial concepts, sure, but their effect is very much real, and while achieving a nation-less, money-less society is possible on a small scale, i think that at this point they are such large aspects of life that reigning them in seems impossible.
and invokes the noble savage again and again, showing himself in favour of tribal societies, depicting them as egalitarian - i'm sure many of them are, but many also have a strict hierarchy or like. practice fgm. once more he seems to treat tribal people as a monolith of goodness as opposed to... people.
he also cites prehistoric people, their egalitarianism and low rates of violence but. forgive me for my ignorance because i did not research this. how do people know. doesn't the definition of prehistory include a lack of records??
he also mentions that in small, tribal societies, conformism can be a good thing, as it makes people act for the communal good. this is another knee-jerk reaction of mine but i think of conformism as society's most significant vice, so this strikes very much against my beliefs
later on, he also says reproduction is another proof of humanities goodness. perhaps it's a controversial opinion, but i disagree. i find it hard to find reasons for reproduction that aren't egoistic. it's survival instinct, sure, but it's not an "inherently noble pursuit".
later yet, he brings up schools which grant large degrees of freedom to students and shows how they're good for developing their minds. this might be a me thing but i know from experience that when i'm granted freedom without structure, i do nothing - though perhaps that speaks ill of me, and not humanity.
there have, in fact, been many studies on schools like this being helpful to student development and i certainly won't argue with them - but let me nit-pick. bregman says that fewer students have adhd in these schools, as it is a condition caused by being locked inside a room all day which is not only offensive, but also just plain wrong
and also while showing how granting children freedom lets them develop (which i naturally agree with) he brings up that "dangerous playground" study. you know the one. this isn't a coherent argument, this is just my bias speaking , but as a child, i promise i had no desire to play with rusty nails in abandoned warehouses. i liked my boring playgrounds with wooden swings.
then there is a chapter on communism and how it could be a remedy to societies ailments. but bregman and i seem to operate on very different definitions of communism. he naturally starts with saying maoist china and stalinist russia and cambodia under pol pot weren't really communist which... sure, if you want to argue semantics, i'm all for it, but it's an old and essentially useless argument. if "real communism" has never been tried (as the author claims) - why?
and then we pass to perhaps the most bizarre fragment of the book. paraphrasing only slightly: "but why are we now so opposed to the word communism? when we pass each other salt at the dinner table, is that not communism? when we selflessly hold a door open for someone, is that not communism?" i.... no?? no it's not. that's not what communism is girl stop
he then also says facebook is actually communist in many ways since a lot of its value comes from photos people willingly share for free. i could not make this up if i tried.
i think that in most terms i agree with bregman on policy - direct democracy, school and prison systems, changes to the criminal justice system - and our reasoning is partially similar, but i don't think the information we both have access to proves that humans are inherently good.
and then come perhaps my least favourite arguments because i for one am a spiteful bitch but yes. it is time for christian ethics 101 and turning the other cheek.
he cites ghandi and mlk as examples of turning the other cheek working. i think ghandi went too far with his policy, what with saying "jews ought to have marched silently to their deaths or committed mass suicide to make nazis feel ashamed" and like. we do remember they killed mlk, right?
as an example of turning the other cheek, he cites humane prisons in norway, where prisoners are granted much larger freedoms than usual and are on equal footing with the guards, who aren't armed and act more as councillors. i don't really see how this is an example of turning the other cheek, though - the guards are not the victims of the inmates (it was a prison for violent offenders - many of them murderers). i agree with him that prisons, if they must exist, should treat inmates humanely and with respect, but i don't see how this relates to the turning of the cheek. statistically, many of these men probably murdered their mates in a drunken dispute, or killed their wives - and i don't think turning the other cheek would have helped their victims.
he also cites south africa in the sixties as an example of turning the other cheek, when anti-apartheid activists would meet up with pro-apartheid activists and talk - this included nelson mandela who had frequent talks with the leader of a white supremacist paramilitary organisation of afrikaners staunchly opposed to black south africans getting the vote. and it worked - the man, whose aim was starting a civil war, relented. but racism isn't a simple matter that can simply be solved by talking. and it is often a pragmatic policy which i don't disparage, but turning the other cheek and having to treat someone who refuses to acknowledge your humanity with an exorbitantly disproportionate amount of respect is inherently degrading.
skipping ahead, in the epilogue bregman lists ten rules he tries to live by, and one of them is, i shit you not, "don't punch nazis". and punching nazis doesn't stop them from being nazis, but turning the other cheek gets people killed
the rise of fascism is perhaps one the largest threats we are dealing with and fascists are not just isolated and misinformed (and in this day and age, ignorance is a choice). they are dangerous.
this is by no means an essay or an exhaustive list, just a slightly chaotic and much overdue collection of opinions which i don't know how to put under a read more. take care <3
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Next of Kin (Part 2)
Birds of Prey x Sionis-Zsasz!reader
a/n: HDTVTVRBEHS IM SO SORRY I COMPLETELY ABANDONED THAT STORY OH MY GOD im gonna be honest with you guys. its not good. i forgot the original ending i wanted.
prologue part 1
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“Boss?” You heard a henchman wake you from your slumber in your own room. Opening your eyes to complete darkness, you tried not to lose your temper.
“What the hell do you want?” You asked with a huff.
“Right, uh, you told us to tell you when we had a location on those ‘Birds of Prey’ or whatever...we do.” You ripped your sleeping mask off of your eyes and bolted out from under the satin covers.
“You do?! Where? Tell me now!” You shouted while scrambling across the room to get yourself ready for this spur of the moment fight. The blue robe you wore dropped to the ground just before you pulled on a pair of pants and continued. You had to look good for this special occasion.
“A old factory, I guess. ACE or some shit.” He shrugged, looking away respectfully as you got your clothes on.
“ACE Chemicals?” You pulled the shoulder holster over your arms and covered it with a jacket, waiting for the oaf to confirm.
“Uh, I think so.” He was basically useless, an alarm clock at best. You swiped your weapons from your nightstand and pushed past him, ready to end a few lives. It was an eye for two eyes kind of situation.
“Should I call for backup?” He followed behind you as weapons were shoved into all sorts of pockets on your person, so you did what any reasonable person would do and shot him in the foot, the sweet sound of a yelp calmed your shaky nerves.
“Did I say we should call for backup? No, so don’t ask.” He dropped to the floor as he clutched onto his injured appendage, but you just kept on walking. This was personal, you were the only one who could avenge Dad and Papa Vic.
Now you were jogging to the car and stepping on the gas the moment you sat in the driver’s seat. There was no time to lose, no time at all. It was a bit relaxing to hear Britney Spears on the radio as you cut off traffic over and over again. There was a moment of contemplation when someone honked their horn at you, and I mean contemplation of murder. You were going to murder the person honking at you.
But you didn’t have time to stop. Who knows how long those little Birds would be at the factory and how long it’d be until you caught them again. So upon arrival, you ran to the trunk and pulled out the Thompson, your lovely little submachine gun.
With that rested over your shoulder, you left the car running and walked straight into the factory. There was no telling what they were doing here, but damn all the dangers of walking into a severely damaged chemical plant. You wanted your revenge, even if you didn’t make it out of here alive. Ideally, yes, you’d live the rest of your days sleeping peacefully knowing that you put your parent’s killers down, but as long as they were gone, you’d be fine with whatever may happen.
“This is officially the final step to my breakup! This is where I became ‘Harley Quinn.’” You heard a familiar annoying voice echo through the abandoned building.
“This place is starting to creep me out...” Another voice muttered, the voice of a singer. Someone who you and your family trusted until she stabbed you each in the back. God, your blood was boiling just thinking about having relations to these cruel women. But luckily for you, you were about to return a favor.
There’s one little detail I left out, you have been carrying a single hand grenade on your person since you learned about your Dad’s cause of death. It was the perfect revenge. In your head, at least. You yanked the ring with your teeth, you just had to give it a try! But grenades don’t work like that, that’s just a trope in media to made it look badass, as if a giant explosion isn’t badass enough. So you pulled the ring with all your might, this time with your fingers, and popped the pin out. The girls had yet to notice your presence, but that was about to change.
Timing was everything here: you had to give yourself time to escape, but you couldn’t give them time to escape. Maybe ypu should have thought this through before pulling the pin.
Fuck it, toss! The Birds were standing on the grates of the second floor, so there was an alerting clink when the bomb landed.
“Oh, shit!” Harley screamed and bolted. “Run for it!” As they scattered in all different directions, you spectated in excitement. The one that killed Papa Vic, the Crossbow Killer, hopped off the platform and landed on the concrete rubble below, then the sudden force of the explosion pushed them every which way. You, too, actually.
“What the hell? Who’s here?!” Canary cried as she checked her face for cuts, finding blood on her hands. Each of you was covered in dirt and grime, blood and bruises.
“Everyone okay?” The cop asked her company and heard a bundle of groans from the pack, could be worse?
Oh, it could be worse...especially once you revealed yourself to the little ragtags.
“Hi there!” You introduced. “A few of you remember me, huh? Hey, Harley, Miss Lance.” You waved with a pistol in your hand and Papa Vic’s sharp gift in the other.
“‘Course you’re here for revenge.” Harley blew a raspberry as she crossed her arms, but the rest of the group just stared at you. “You’re dads started it.”
“Wait, they were together?” Cass asked the wrong question at the wrong time.
“Shut up, kid. Love you.” Harley pushed the child out of the way and stepped forward. “So ya wanna get back at us, huh? Got it all planned out? Ya don’t have the discipline, sweetie. That’s what did your dads in.”
“Quiet!” You shouted with a haunting similarity to Roman. “Listen, I don’t need to kill all of you. I’d really love to, but I won’t.” You explained as you paced around shifting bricks. “Harley and the crossbow girl are who I really want. I thought about offing the songbird for being a narc, but if she flies away now, maybe I’ll let her go.”
“My name is Huntress.” The girl in distasteful purple makeup growled, you just had to laugh.
“I don’t give a shit what your name is, I just care how you die.” You held the blade out for her to see. “Stab my Papa through the neck, I do the same. It’s only fitting I use the knife he gave me to do it. Poetic, huh?”
“I wasn’t even the one that killed him! Technically it was the kid, tell ‘em!” Said the Joker’s ex-lady.
“Wow, thanks for throwing me under the bus!” Cassandra threw her hands up and you pointed your bedazzled gun at Harley’s chest. “Shit, look out!”
“It might not be a grenade, but it still goes ‘boom.’” You slowly tightened your finger around the trigger, but ducked and missed when a brick came flying towards you, courtesy of Little Miss Trouble.
“Fuck’s sake!” You screamed and came running towards the other target, who flipped you over her back, causing you to land on yours. I can’t even describe the noise you made.
“I had been planning to kill Victor Zsasz for years, alright? I had every right to do so.” She went off for the team to witness. “He murdered my entire family in front of me when I was a child! Do you know what it’s like to be an orphan?!” Huntress’s voice was sharp and rough, there was a slim chance that she’d be taking any more shit today.
“Yes, you idiot.” You glared up at her while she planted a foot on either side of your torso, aiming an arrow at your head. “I was adopted by Roman and Vic after they found me on the street.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that they took everything from me.” The others simply watched the show, how could they not? Helena’s stone-cold voice was chilling.
“And what do you think you did to me?” You asked with and unsteady tone. “I’m a goddamn orphan again!” You caught the back of her knee and escaped her reach for just a moment as you leveled the field by drawing your weapon once more. “I had it good before you came in and ruined it all.”
“Your fathers were the scum of the Earth, the world’s better without them.” It was a wonder how none of her team had hopped in yet, but it worked out for you. “If you thought they deserved to live, you would’ve shot me by now.”
“She’s got a point, y/n/n.” Harley chimed in, throwing you right off your rhythm. Leaving it to the psychiatrist to evaluate you during something like this. “Remember our nights at the club? I saw how controlling Romy was over ya. An’ how Vicky kept secrets. An’ how they put ya into some really uncomfortable situations an’ whatnot. I dunno what when on behind closed doors, but...admit it, y/n, it wasn’t as perfect as ya make it out ta be.”
“They did their best.” You watched each face turn to pity you, it broke you all over again. “Fuck! Fuck you guys!” You dropped your guard and pouted at how easily manipulated you could be.
“That’s more like it.” Renee chuckled as Dinah walked past her. Dinah had seen just as much as Harley, that’s why she went right up to you and took you in her arms.
“You should stick with us for a while. I promise we aren’t that bad.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove //
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
bookstore employee bang chan :D - pictures anon
/cracks knuckles/ FUCK I’M SO READY FOR THIS the unhingedness has still not left me i’m not sorry
bang chan has loved reading since he was a kid like he’s a fucking nerd ok i know he loves his music but here he’s a READING NERD which means his written grammar is impeccable and his spelling is perfect but then he opens his mouth and it’s just all weird-ass australian slang like fucking shrimp on the barbie and people are like. you’re telling me this is the same man who wrote that beautiful dissertation on some fucking obscure-ass book and chan just nods like. yeah
anyway boy’s working on his like phd or smth in literature idk what genre you can insert whatever you want but he loves books + has no money bc he’s a ~phd candidate~ so he works part time at this little bookstore that really looks like it’s on the verge of being shut down bc it’s so small but chan absolutely fucking loves it there like??? it’s aesthetic as fuck and cozy and the old couple who owns the store thinks of him like he’s their second grandson (which minho, the actual grandson, complains about every time he comes to visit - grandparents are just like ‘chan helps around here more than you do you ungrateful child’ and then minho secretly trips chan behind one of the bookshelves but it’s all in good fun i swear) and all in all chan is just in love with his job and even if he sometimes goes nuts working on his theses and whatnot he wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world which is why when he learns that the bookstore is about to go bankrupt and some huge shitty company wants to buy it off he’s like. i’m going to save this place if it’s the last thing i do (tell me chan wouldn’t. that’s right you’re fucking wrong and i’m right)
enter you, the child of an influential arrogant asshat of a politician who wanted you to go into like politics or whatever and you said ok i’ll become a lawyer SO I CAN TAKE YOUR SHITTY LAWS AND BILLS TO COURT BC YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE anyway you’re kinda known in the community for your pro bono work + activism and so you happen to stumble by the bookstore on a day off and chan is an absolute blessing and you kinda offhandedly remark that you’d like to stay here forever and chan just. the smile just kinda drops off his face and he’s like. well it might not be here much longer bc reasons and this FIRES YOU THE FUCK UP bc if there’s anything you like to do it’s promoting small business against large corporations and you’re like. here’s my card call me if you’re ever in need of a lawyer to represent you or just want someone to help build this place back up bc you know people + people like you and then you leave with like. a bag full of books and chan’s just staring out the door open-mouthed and the couple has to remind him to close his mouth or flies will get in KSDJGHSKDJGHKG
it takes a lot of fucking work and sleepless nights and chan learns more about the law than he ever wanted to but even though he gets even more stressed because he has a dissertation to defend in a matter of months in the end he doesn’t regret a single thing bc it’s so fucking awesome to watch you work and stand up for what you believe in and in general be a good fucking human being despite your absolute asshat of a parent and at one point your parent swings around and is like stop wasting your life but like. in politician speak and you just fire back with don’t tell me how to live my life, it’s going to be more fulfilling than yours and chan’s like. you don’t have to fuck up your family relationship for me and you just scoff and say our relationship’s been fucked up since my parent chose money over morals and that’s when chan knows he’s fucking in love like oh my GOD he’s head over heels
culminates after a hugely successful book sale in which it feels like you got the entire city to crowd into the bookstore and buy books ! and chan is just over the moon bc his favorite bookstore is going to be saved and you’re beaming bc chan is so happy and the old couple is looking over like oh my gosh they’re so cute kiss kiss kiss and and yeah after a week of successful sales you and chan go to a restaurant to celebrate and when you walk out after dinner you kiss him on the lips and he goes beet red under the street lamps like his ears are flaming and you’re just grinning bc omg you just kissed the guy you’ve been in love with for months and chan’s crying inside bc omg the person he’s been in love with for months just kissed him and yeah it’s the start of a beautiful lovely relationship. 
chan successfully defends his thesis and gets his phd and you roll up to celebrate immediately afterward
you get introduced to minho and suddenly chan regrets existence as you both clown him for everything stupid he’s ever done
the old couple upstairs adopts you as an honorary grandchild too and minho throws a little bitch fit but you shove him into a bookshelf so it’s all good
it’s v cute v sweet you two are the ultimate power couple and everyone you meet is in awe of your combined existence (minho included even though he won’t admit it) and yeah. it’s lovely. 
and that’s how it goes
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kats-kradle · 3 years
Hi hello yes I actually found your blog while I was looking for Ronon Dex whump, something there is not nearly enough of, and I just wanted to say that should you ever want to share your thoughts about him, whump-related or otherwise, I'm around to hear them,,, I care him very much (which is why I like to see him hurt... funny how that works).
OHOHOHOHOHO DID SOMEONE SAY THE MAGIC WORDS “RONON WHUMP”????? And yes there is not NEARLY enough Ronon whump!!! Buckle up I don’t think you know what you’ve unleashed by offering to let me talk about this XD i have 43 (i counted thats not an exaggeration) unfinished fics where i whump this man so i have A Lot of Thoughts on this so i’ll try to keep my headcanons and general thoughts from getting mixed up so here we go (also I haven’t actually seen past season 3ish but I know like everything)
Just general thoughts
I just love the team dynamic in general the actors had great chemistry with each other
They don’t whump Ronon enough and that is A Crime.    
But when they do whump him OH BOY ITS GOOD
Just off the top of my head I can think of     the episode where John and Elizabeth were possessed by those people who     wanted to kill each other and ronon got SHOT that was dope especially when     it showed the surgery but I was so mad there was no aftercare
Also just the fact that after Ronon was shot the guy possessing John said (about John) something like “if only you could hear him right now he is screaming so loud” or something to that effect and I’m not really a John whumper but oh boy the thought of John fighting as hard as he could to try and get control back because he wants to help Ronon rlly adds to the experience
After atlantis flies and John is going around checking the damage and he finds Ronon with the shard of glass in his shoulder juts the way he kneels down next to him is so soft and his voice goes soft too its great
I haven’t gotten there yet but ohoho the enzyme episode where Ronon gets drugged and then has to go through withdrawal ohooho I may have watched that scene a few hundred times
I just love also how fiercely loyal Ronon is and how much he trusts them
That ep where those villagers were going to give them to the wraith and Ronon literally would rather die than let his friends be taken to the wraith I love how John and Teyla go through like  45 heart attacks that’s one of the ones I haven’t gotten to yet but ive  seen gifs and oh boy oh boy does it look good
The way I generally describe Ronon is he’s     like a bug fluffy dog. Like he’s kind of silly sometimes and he’s very     loyal and will kill without hesitation if it means keeping his friends     safe
Also just that whole scene when Ronon arrives     when John is asking Elizabeth if he can stay is just like a kid asking his     mom if he can keep a dog he found
And Ronon has such a sweet smile also I love it when hes happy (but also I love it when hes in pain)
Stargate Atlantis was very well directed because for most definitions of “good acting” you can see “oh this character is sad. Now they are happy” which I do understand that many people prefer  this because they have difficulty interpreting facial expressions but I absolutely adore how subtly expressive the actors are because to me it’s fascinating to decode what the character is feeling. They act like real people and talk in the way real people would and it seems super natural and not scripted, and you can just tell in their interactions that the characters care for each other a lot and its beautiful
Now that I’ve said something vaguely scholarly-like its time to move on to the mess of headcanons
So when rewatching season 2 with my sister I realized the amazing potential for angst involving Kell (his old commander who he killed) so in my mind even though he’s very loyal to John at first it was more of a “you saved my life now I’ll watch your back because I owe you” and he had difficulty trusting any of them but especially John this changes over time ofc but he can’t help being wary of command 
I also hc that Kell  would punish the soldiers in his division for being “unfit” for battle so like if they broke a leg or something they would be punished  (this is mostly just for my guilty pleasure of ANGST) so that way they     would “be more aware” of their surroundings and whatnot 
Also disobey direct  orders was a big no no and you know how laid back John usually is with  orders so the first time Teyla disobeyed a direct order after Ronon joined the team John was grumbling about it in a way Teyla knew wasn’t serious but Ronon just kind of panicked and started lying his ass off and saying he threatened her into doing it and he should take the punishment which led to an awkward conversation (awkward for Ronon, it left his teammates ready for some murdering)
He hides injuries  because he was alone for so long and never had anyone to take care of him so he just forgets that he has to mention it and in his mind some injuries might not be that bad 
Beckett is constantly  chasing him around after missions desperately trying to get him to hold  still for long enough to do a check
Ronon hates pain medicine because it tends to dull his senses so in his mind all the more  reason to avoid Beckett
He is really good friends with Beckett but just not when he’s hurt
Usually he wanders into the medbay after bad nightmares if Beckett is on night shift and will just sit there
One time he hesitantly asked if Beckett could check to make sure that the tracker was actually gone for good
Ronon was expecting to get laughed at but Beckett took the request with the upmost seriousness and ran all the tests he could think of to calm Ronon’s fear
One time Ronon stumbled into the medbay and he obviously hadn’t slept in a while and was flinching at every noise so Beckett made up an excuse to “take some blood to test and see if it would be compatible with vaccines for the common sicknesses  humans get” and just like. Sedated him. Ronon felt betrayed at first but quickly realized that Beckett only did it because he cared about him and wasworried. He did try to get more sleep after that tho
Oh and you can bet Beckett goes off at him if he ever ends up in the medbay which he does to everyone but  especially Ronon because usually he’s either dragged there or he’ll come  in like “yeah so three days ago for the last mission I got hit in the side and now I’m coughing up blood so…” and then will just like pass out
While he was a runner he trained himself to be a light sleeper so adjusting to Atlantis was difficult because the ocean would wake him up every night at first
Also thunderstorms are The Worst to him because 1. It gives him PTSD for when he was a soldier and the wraith were attacking and 2. When he was a runner thunderstorms were almost a death sentence because the wraith could track him but he couldn’t hide he couldn’t hear and he couldn’t see so yeah thunderstorms are real bad for him
He has a constant fear of leading the Wraith to his new home and his new family oh also I decided that he doesn’t know if his mother died or not so every place they go he’s hopeful he’ll see her
This is a hc I had before I knew it was basically canon but he and the team hang out in the cafeteria a lot especially after nightmares they just all gravitate there
Also I haven’t gotten here yet so I’m just going off of what I know but he kind of tried to leave after Beckett died because he managed to find a way to blame himself also one of my hcs is that Beckett would tell him  about Scotland all the time and had decided that if they ever got the opportunity to go to Earth then Ronon was coming to Scotland with him sooo     ehehhe the angst of Ronon going to earth for Beckett’s funeral and going     to Scotland with Beckett but not in the way either of them wanted
On to softer hcs just cuz
He loves hugs. 7 years of being alone would  make anyone want a hug.
Children gravitate to him for some reason. Logically it doesn’t make sense because he’s so big and a bit intimidating but children just adore him
He carries extra snacks for Rodney
He can’t swim. Somehow he went his entire life without knowing how to swim which Rodney is astounded by and goes on about it for a minute or so
John took it upon himself to give him swimming lessons. John was a terrible teacher but Ronon managed to get the idea
He loves cocoa, specifically loaded with marshmallows. Teyla jokes he likes the marshmallows more than the cocoa
Wow this has gone on so much longer than I thought it would
So that’s it! you unleashed the beast. I now demand to hear your thoughts on ronon because boy oh boy hes a great whumpee and im not sure ive met many if anyone who likes to whumpe him so im super excited!!
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