#i don’t even got an ex but i’ve been ?? i’ve been i was 15 when ctrl came out and i have as much dating experience as i did then and STILL
shijas · 1 year
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eddiesghxst · 11 months
perv loser eddie is something that can actually be so personal. it’s in the way he’s such a loser borderline obsessed little stalker.
i’m not quite sure how to put this into words but he is whipped, the true definition. yes he loves you, blah blah blah. let’s go deeper into that love. it’s psycho, when he sees you for the first time his heart bursts, he follows you around in the halls when you’re in school even tho you don’t know him and he doesn’t even know you. you think it’s a weird coincidence that he’s always there. And when you confront him, his knees literally almost drop to the ground in your presence. when you go see him during a hellfire club session, he stops all d&d when he sees you wait outside the closed door. he ignores all protests from the guys that this is a huge campaign, one HE’S been planning. it doesn’t even matter, he would end all d&d sessions 15 minutes early if you asked him to, he’d cancel a session if you slipped him a note before saying you’d be home with no panties on, he’d forget to tell dustin that he had to blow him off because you needed him to take you out to a new chick flick movie.
like i said previously about the inspiration from an ex thing, i love the way cigarette smoke smells. my ex was a smoker and he knew this and it was “our thing”
i think eddie would be majorly turned on if he found this out. i’m not talking about something odd like this ex of mine would blow smoke in my face or whatever but i’m just saying it was a comforting smell. i’m currently out of the country in europe where everyone smokes and i can smell it drifting up to my apartment window. i can just imagine calling eddie who’s back in indiana and telling him how horny you are, how the smell reminds you of him. he’s such a fucking loser tho. he’s been desperate since you’ve been away, having withdrawals, he’s an addict. he fucks himself to sleep with his hand every night and fucks himself awake every morning trying to get some release, his flesh light and hand won’t ever compare. he smokes and plays guitar and thinks of you, each exhale of smoke and he gets anxious thinking about you.
but when you’re back, he doesn’t let you out of the trailer for a good 24 hrs. his only plan is to smoke with you and fuck your brains out. i mean fucking like a madman. he’s fucking his anger and stress out on you, stress about you being away from his side, anger that you’ve been touching yourself away from him. i’m not talking 2 orgasms and you’re done. we’re talking about several upon several chain orgasms he’s bringing you. he wants you sobbing, he never wants you to leave his side.
he’s a loser.
- 🫶 anon (i went overboard)
no bc ur so right stink. everything abt this is so fucking correct, i’m sick to my stomach i want him
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, eddie has no spine when it comes to his girl. meaning, he will drop everything he’s doing to please you or do whatever you ask for, no matter the request (if he’s in a mood, he might bitch about it a little, but he will bitch and get the job done okay).
so when you ask eddie if he can pick you up from the airport on the day he’s planned to have dnd, obviously eddie pushes his campaign back because hello, his girl needs a ride.
he’s waiting for you at your terminal with a single rose and a cute little teddy bear and you giggle when you see him because he looks so out of place wearing his usual black leather clothing and heavy chains whilst holding the soft items.
you tell him all about your trip on your way to his trailer, telling him about your time sightseeing and trying new foods and meeting new people.
you’re still rambling about your trip when you walk into his trailer, but it doesn’t last long before eddie’s got you bent over the edge of his bed, clinging to the soft teddy bear and moaning his name. “fuck, i missed this pussy. did she miss me? she miss how good i fuck her, hm?” he pants against your ear. you quiver beneath him, crying out for him as you push back against his hips.
“feels so good, eddie. gonna cum, please can i cum?”
and eddie’s shaking his head and clicking his tongue, “no i don’t think so, sweetheart. i gave you one rule—- told you no touching and you broke that rule.“ he says, low with a patronizing tone and you sob into his sheets as a chorus of sorry’s leave your mouth.
“so you don’t get to cum until i say you can, okay? and i plan on really taking my time with this precious cunt of yours since she seemed to miss me so much.” his hand cracks down on your ass cheek and you cry out as he lets out a satisfied hum.
and eddie kept true to his word, he didn’t let up until he was thoroughly satisfied and you were nothing but a cock drunk mess. you both wouldn’t have it any other way <3
more loser perv!eddie ♡
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moonlit-imagines · 29 days
Headcanons for being ex-HYDRA and Bucky being your mentor
Bucky Barnes x teen!reader
prompt: @marvelflame2010: “Hello, can you write headcanons for Bucky Barnes being a mentor to a teenager (around 15-16) that was ex-HYDRA and is trying to be a hero? read your request rules, so I hope that this is proper. Thank you!”
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sometimes it felt like no one knew what you had went through, being abducted and forced to be a weapon for a secret organization whose purpose was to gain more control
but when you met these avengers, it felt like everyone and their momma knew what it was like
bucky barnes, for example
the winter soldier, a WWII soldier deemed missing in action, presumed dead, and happened to be a prisoner of war and beyond
the experimentation and mind control he endured was much like your own, which gave you some comfort
“does it ever feel weird hearing one of your trigger words as a civilian? you know, now that we got ‘reset?’” -you
“not…no, not really? who’s speaking russian around you, y/n?” -bucky
“uh…i mean, no one. i’ve just been watching a lot of russian tv recently” -you
“why would you naturally assume i am also doing that?” -bucky
“why did you assume i didn’t?” -you
ok, thats not the greatest example of bucky mentoring you, but it’s a great example of sarcastic bickering!
honestly, the hardest part was learning how to be gentle again
if you could even say you were ever gentle to begin with being taken so young
it was hard to be so ruthless and unfeeling and have to start feeling
the nights of panic and anxiety were the worst, they made you wish you had that switch in your mind still. you’d whispered the trigger words to yourself sometimes to see if they were still there and if they could “help” you turn off those feelings
but bucky knew. he knew and he learned and he stuck with you
“y/n, those feelings are good” -buck
“no! no, they’re not. why are you saying it’s good to feel bad? i can’t breathe! i can’t think!” -you
“because you have feelings now. it’s the same as when you’re happy. you get to feel happy, it comes with all that other stuff. you have options, opportunities, this is one of them. you just have to take deep breaths” -bucky
combat training was the strangest feeling
“nope. too hard” “pulling your punches now” “your aim there was lethal” “you can’t put that much force into a chokehold” “cutting someone’s finger off isnt cool, y/n. kind of a dick move” “you automatically try to inflict severe injuries, arteries should not be the go-to. disarm your enemy first, if anything”
nothing ever felt right
if you were fighting effectively, you’d risk killing someone, which isn’t what you do anymore
if you held back too much, you’d be injured or killed, and all this would be for nothing
there had to be a sweet spot, but it was never what you were trained for. you were trained to eliminate your targets by any means
but you understood bucky all the same
bucky was there to help you acclimate to the norm too
like, whatever that was
says the guy with the metal arm and fought in world war ii despite the fact it was now like. 2020-something
like a normal ass dinner
“you know, i rarely ever got to go out to eat as a kid” -bucky
“can you ever say something that doesn’t make you sound ancient?” -you
“hey, you wanna pay for your meal tonight or do you want me to?” -bucky
“sorry…” -you
you liked to watch dumb tv shows (the american kind) with him
he’d indulge for a few minutes and then walk off unless he was REALLY interested
actually, he really enjoyed the office
“which avenger would each character be?” -you
“don’t…don’t make me do that” -bucky
“come on! you know, i kind of think phyllis and bruce are alike. like, theyre soft until they get mad and then all bets are off” -you
“that is…dumb” -bucky
sam really loved that bucky was there for you
but he saw that bucky was kind of doing it to distract himself too
“you know, me and steve found bucky just minding his business a while back. all he wanted then was to be alone, mind his business. this? this was what he needed” -sam
“what? a teenage hydra defector?” -you
“i mean, if youre gonna put it that way” -sam
“no, i get what youre saying” -you
steve actually didn’t come up too much, you know?
you thought bucky was trying to keep himself in the present as much as he could
which was what you were trying to learn from him in the end. how to move forward
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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samkerrworshipper · 7 months
togetherness | pt.2
part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5 |
longawaited and has been sitting in my drafts for weeks now cause i wasn’t quite sure if i liked the direction it’s gone in… but highliting different issues n stuff so i hope y’all enjoy! again i’ve edited this on my phone whilst reading from my kindle lol so not going to lie i’m aware that the editing could be shocking… there’s a few more parts sitting in my drafts so lmk if y’all want more
warnings: child exploitation, themes of sexual assault of minors, just general hurt with protective n supportive tillies
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“Now that we’ve settled that, is there anything, anything at all that you’d like to tell me that I could help you with?”
I gulped, there were about six things I could think of just off the top of my head. I was tentative though. I could feel tears starting to form in the back of my eyes as I tried to make the decision in my head.
“No judgement?”
Sam’s immediate nod in response was comforting and apparently enough to get me talking.
“It’s going to sound stupid and I don’t even know what you could do about it considering that I’m probably somewhere in the wrong with it as well.”
Sam looked like a mixture of intrigued and perplexed.
“Y/n, even if I can’t do anything about it, you look like you just need to get it off your chest, I can be that for you as well, just tell me what’s been bothering you so much.”
I sniffled and nodded at Sam, this situation was so abnormally vulnerable for me.
“You know that I was rough around the edges when I got here, I know you haven’t heard the whole story, to put it simply I went through a rough patch when I was 14 and 15, before I got here. I’d just had spine surgery, I thought that I was never going to walk again, let alone play football. I turned to a lot of things, drugs, alcohol, anything. I ran away when I was 14, I don’t remember much of it, just that when I returned home my parents had had enough and they sent me off to the AIS for Tony to train me. Anyways, I’m rambling. Somewhere along the road I sent some explicit videos, photos and texts to my ex boyfriend, graphic ones, there’s a lot of them. He’s been posting them on reddit and twitter and they haven’t gotten any attention yet but with all the media coverage and bad press I’ve had recently I’m worried they are going to be brought up and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Sam’s expression was one thing, completely deflated and shocked. She was typing furiously into her phone whilst she was listening to my story. It took a few minutes of silence for her to reply to me.
“First off I want to start off with telling you how grateful I am for you sharing that information with me, it can’t have been easy and you are incredibly brave for telling me. I’ve got some follow up questions that I need to ask, you don’t have to answer them, I’d just appreciate it if you could try your best, okay?”
I nodded quickly in reply to Sam.
“Okay. How old were you when you sent these videos and how old was your boyfriend at the time?”
“I was 14 or 15, he was in his mid twenties.”
“So that puts him in his late 20s or early 30s right now, if my maths is correct. Did you take these photos and videos or did someone else?”
“I took most of them but he took some.”
Sam nodded at me again.
“Okay based on that question I can tell you that this ex boyfriend of yours is legally in possession of child pornography, that’s an indictable crime. If you want this to well and truly stop then we can go up that path. I want us to talk about this with Tony, it’s ultimately your decision but I think it would be very sensible to take this up with him at the very least. Y/n, you have done absolutely nothing wrong, I need to stress to you how important it is that you understand that. No one is going to blame this on you, because it isn’t your fault, you are a victim of a crime. That isn’t something light. I promise you that I have your best interests in concern when I’m telling you this. I have to ask, have you talked to anyone else about this? Your family? A therapist? A friend? Leah?”
Leah Williamson, my arsenal team captain and my best friend/mom/girlfriend. I shook my head at Sam, I’d wanted to tell Leah, she was the only person I probably trusted enough to tell but I hadn’t seen her in weeks.
“Do you want to talk to someone about it?”
“I was going to talk to Lee about it, eventually. Just with her ACL and us being in different places it didn’t make much sense, plus this stuff is so fucking stupid I didn’t want to bother anyone with it, I’m sorry for bothering you with it, Ellie was right I’m being fucking selfish.”
Sam’s face was unreadable, it was clear she was pretty deep in thought. She sat across from me for a few minutes, in thought, before she stood up and walked around the table, sitting herself down beside me.
“Can I give you a hug?”
I nodded and relaxed a little bit as I felt Sam’s arm snake its way across my shoulders, inevitably bringing me closer to her and into her chest.
“Williamson would want you to tell her, she’ll probably be mad that you didn’t tell her earlier. You are not being a bother to anyone, you have human emotions and this situation you are in is a hard one. You aren't being selfish, you are asking for help, which is a very human thing and you very clearly need it right now, there is nothing wrong with that. Now, how about I call Williamson for you, I’ll see you if you can get down here? I’m going to call Tony down here, I’ll brief him and he’ll help, okay?”
“I don’t want to tell Tony, he’s going to be mad and he’ll probably tell me this kind of behaviour isn’t wanted on his team and then I’ll get sent home.”
I could feel the material of Sam’s jumper that she must have thrown on after training soaking up my tears, that was embarrassing.
“I know you don’t want to, and I can promise you that Tony is going to be nothing but supportive, you’ve done nothing wrong. There is nothing illegal about what you did, now or then. Tony is not going to send you home, I promise. Now, do I need to call Williamson or can you do it?”
Realistically I probably could have, but I really didn’t want to.
“Can you?”
Sam nodded at me immediately, which comforted me a little bit.
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I couldn’t. She should be in Sydney right now to watch the Lionesses play tomorrow night, yeah? I’ll talk to her and we’ll see what we can work out for you. I don’t have her number though, so can you call her on your phone and I’ll talk to her.”
I nodded quickly, shakingly pulling my phone out of my pocket and pushing it out onto the table. I very quickly pulled Leah's contact, I’d called her last night so it wasn’t hard to find. She was the only person in the world that I could talk to when I was at my lowest, the only person who actually cared about me. So last night, whilst I was mid panic attack, on Ellie's and I’s ensuite floor I called her and she’d talked me through it. I should have told her then, it probably would have saved me this whole interaction with Sam, but I hadn’t wanted to worry her anymore, so I blamed it on pressure of being selected to start this week and she’d accepted my answer.
We’d been texting most of the morning, her asking me if I’d gotten sleep and if I was feeling alright, I’d answered shortly with an array of 'yes', because I didn’t want to worry her anymore. I passed the phone over to Sam once I found her phone number and she clicked the call button before pressing the phone up to her ear and standing up from her seat, starting to pace between the seats.
“Hey Leah, this is Sam, Sam Kerr, from the Matildas. Look, I’m here at our Sydney training facility with Y/n, we’ve just had a pretty serious conversation with her about some problems that she’s had recently and I was wondering if you were around so you could be here for her.”
Sam pulled out her own phone again as I assumed she listened to Leah’s response. It amazed me as to how fast her fingers danced across her own screen, it was a different kind of multi tasking.
“Yup, Mmm. Alright, I’ll send you the address, it’s not far from you guys hotel from recollection. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you being able to do this for her, I’ll see you soon and we can talk about it then.”
I gulped as Sam said her farewells and then hung up the phone before walking back over to me.
“She’s coming down, should be here in fifteen or so. She sounded worried about you, mentioned something about you having a panic attack to her on the phone last night and that she was concerned about you. I’ve texted Tony, he’s finishing up with Ellie and then he’s going to be down here. I’m going to get Steph to meet Leah downstairs when she gets here and she’ll bring her up, Y/n, we’re all here to support you however you need, alright?”
Me and Sam stayed silent in the room until about ten minutes later there was a distinct knock against the door.
“Sam, it’s me, unlock the door.”
Steph’s voice was pretty distinct, even through the heavy door. Sam stood up almost immediately, walking to the door and unlocking it before a grumpy looking Steph and a flustered version of Leah made their way through the doorway before Sam had the opportunity to relock it. Leah’s eyes went straight to my own, her whole facial expression was very controlled, she could command an entire room with that face, I knew from experience.
“Are you okay?”
Her words were directed at me, and only me. I pressed my tongue against my front teeth and lip, trying to decide how to answer the question.
“There’s some stuff that’s been happening that I haven’t told you, I’m not in trouble, or at least that’s what Sam is telling me. It’s some stuff from my past, when I was a kid. Explicit images and photos, on the internet, from when I was a kid. They popped up a few weeks ago, starting when I was in Spain with you before we came here. I didn’t bring it up because I thought I was at fault for it as much as the person who has possession of them. Sam told me that it isn’t, that I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m sorry, I know it was fucking stupid and I should have told you about it or not done it, I don’t even remember taking any of the photos or videos, it just happened and now I don’t know what to do because I don’t want it getting out to the public and I just, I don’t know how to deal with it.”
Leah’s face relaxed a little bit as I progressively talked and rambled. Once I was done she walked over to my spot, seated on one of the chairs and wrapped her arms around me.
“Hey, it’s alright, we’re going to sort this out. She’s right, you didn’t do anything wrong and you should have told me earlier but I am so grateful that you are telling me now, yeah? You are so brave kiddo, that’s child exploitation and whoever has possession of those materials is the one who’s in the wrong, okay?”
I nodded into Leah, Steph and Sam were whispering between each other behind us.
“You have to take legal action though.”
Those words made me feel like I’d been stabbed and my guts had been ripped out of my body cavity.
Leah let go of me very gently and pursed her lips.
“Because this isn’t going to go away if you don’t, and I know that you are strong but you aren’t going to be able to live if you know that this person who has possession of these materials is still out there. You’ve been checked out for weeks now, since before Mallorca. You aren’t going to check back into your life until this goes, I know it. I need you checked in, I need you to be my girl, not the skeleton of your own body that you inhabit as a coping mechanism when something bad happens.”
I think Leah would have said more if it wasn’t for the incessant knocking against the door that came again. Sam was the one who went to the door again, letting Tony in. He looked flustered as well, and a little bit worried. I’d known the man since I was 15, he’d seen me in some pretty interesting situations. Sam intercepted him before he could say anything, pulling him aside and giving him what I assumed to be the rundown of the last hour.
“I don’t think I can handle this getting out, it will, if I take legal action this is going to get out and then I’m going to be Y/n Y/l/n, the Matilda’s exploitative rookie and I’ll never be back here. My career will be over, Jonas won’t want me back, everything I've worked for will be done.”
Leah took a deep breath before wrapping her arms around me and working her hands through my scalp and hair.
“If you take legal action you will be supported, I’ll make sure of it. We are a part of a community of women that uplift us for everything you do, this won’t be any different. There will be some who judge, there is always going to be someone there to judge you. Y/n, you need to do this for your sanity, I won’t lose you to your mental health again, not like last year. Kerr has done the right thing here, bringing this up, it shows me that she cares a lot more about you then you think, it also shows me that she knows what’s best for this team and you. She wouldn’t be doing this if she didn’t think this was the best course of action.”
I nodded into Leah, trying to convince myself that her words were correct. Eventually, after Sam had given Tony the full rundown he sat down across from me, exactly where Sam had been beforehand. Sam and Steph both stood behind me and Leah, Sam’s arms resting gently on my shoulders, it was grounding.
“Sam’s told me about what’s happening. First of all I want to say how sorry I am that you are going through this, it’s not something that anyone should have to deal with, ever. Second of all I want to let you know that this team, this whole nation is in support of you. Look, it’s too late for me to take any action now. I’m going to get the police to come down tomorrow morning, you aren’t in trouble. I just think that they are going to have a better understanding of this situation than any of us could. They’ll come down, we’ll have a talk about all of this, they’ll ask the questions they need to. We don’t need to make any decisions now, we’ll talk to them, Sam and I will be there to advocate for you. After that we can make decisions about taking legal action and whatnot. Otherwise I just wanted to tell you genuinely, from the bottom of my heart how much we all care about you and value you here, we are all going to be here for whatever you need in the future, you are a valued part of this team and family and we are all here to look out for your needs, okay?”
I gulped, I could feel fresh tears springing to my eyes again. I was petrified of the police, to say the least, but Tony’s voice was so reassuring. He was the father that I’d never had and when I was 15 and he’d met me I’d been in a bad place, I’d needed him to be that figure in my life and he had been. He gave me a routine, gave me something to wake up for every morning. I probably wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Tony. He’d given me a chance when no one else had been prepared to and for that I would always be in debt to him for.
“Okay, I’ll get in contact with the police, we’ll get a constable down tomorrow morning and we can have an open conversation with them about it, you are not in trouble, nothing is going to happen that will end in consequences for you. I think though that you need to head back to the hotel and get some proper sleep, your body needs it. So head back, don’t worry about any of this, because I’m going to sort it out and we’ll talk about it in the morning with a clean slate and mindset, alright?”
I nodded at Tony, I didn’t really have much to say.
“Thank you Coach.”
He nodded at me, before standing up and walking around to the other side of the octoval table and giving me a pat on the back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, don’t worry about this anymore, it’s going to be okay. Get back to the hotel, we’ve got an early wakeup tomorrow.”
I nodded at Coach, watching as he left the room just as quickly as he’d entered it.
“I’ve talked to Steph, her and I are rooming together so we’ll switch, she’ll stay with Ellie and you can come and room in with me, I think we’ll keep it that way for the rest of the tournament.”
I looked over at Sam, nodding along with what she was saying. Leah reached her arms around me, a big bear hug.
“And I am here, I expect you to check in with me, at least twice a day. When you guys head off to Melbourne or Brisbane I’m not going to be able to be there, so I need you to stay in contact with me, okay? Anybody does so much as look at you wrong I want to be the first to know, okay?”
I nodded at Leah, half in fear, half in adoration. She was the only person in the world that I actually trusted in. Our bond had been forced, when I’d moved to London to play for Arsenal I’d been moved into the spare room in her apartment and in a very short amount of time we’d created a bond that extended beyond the realm of friendship. I loved her, she was the first person besides Tony to give me a chance and he was obligated to give me on, Leah had chosen to fight for me and to stick by my side even when it wasn’t easy, she was a good person, better than I was sure I’d ever be.
“We’ll drop you back to your hotel on our way home Williamson, it’s the least we could do considering you got here so quickly, can you just give us five minutes to grab our things from the locker room?”
Sam’s voice held no room for argument, she was insisting on giving Leah a ride home and Leah didn’t try to object.
“Please, call me Leah and if it’s no trouble I would really appreciate it. I can meet you guys down in the foyer in about five, I need to go to the loo, so whilst I’m doing that how about you guys go and get your stuff together?”
Sam, Steph and I all walked back down to the change rooms in a comfortable silence. It was when we actually made it back to the rooms that I realised I still had my boots on, the cleats that were spotless from not even getting any wear at training. The cleats that a few hours ago had seemed impossible to tie up. I made quick business of pulling them off of my feet, throwing them into my kit bag and pulling out the pair of Nike dunks that I’d worn in earlier when we’d all come down here for our match analysis. Sam and Steph both made quick work off slipping out of their training kits and changing into sweat pant duos that matched with me. After they’d gotten changed and refreshed we all grabbed our bags and whatever other things we had lying around before making our way down to the foyer.
Leah was waiting for us, tapping her foot violently against the marble floors. When she spotted the three of us out of the corner of her eye her stress ceased almost immediately. I’d learnt a lot about Leah in the amount of time I’d known her. One thing about England’s captain was that she was not as fearless as everyone credited her as being, she put on a brave face, a bloody good one, but she was just as human as everyone else and sometimes it showed, especially when she felt uncomfortable in a situation or she didn’t think she deserved to be where she was. I’d moved in with her initially just before she'd led the Lionesses to their victory at the euro’s, and at the time Leah had been a basket case to be nice. I think that was how we’d bonded, through our similar insecurities of not being good enough to fill the shoes that had been passed down to us.
“C’mon cap, let’s get going.”
Leah smiled at me and nodded. We’d been keeping our relationship under wraps for a few months now. Neither of us were insecure in our situation and we were happy to enjoy our private, happy and blessed life together. Plus we hadn’t really seen much of each other in the past month or so, being caught up with our obligations to our national teams. Leah was also very committed to her rehab and I couldn’t be there for every step of that so we’d spent some time apart. We’d both agreed when the new Arsenal season rolled around that we’d tell the team, but still keep it under wraps from the public for as long as we could. Neither of us were worried about the public finding out, I was out, had been since I was 14. Leah wasn’t officially but she’d also never dated a man and in the eyes of the female soccer world that pretty much means you're gay. It would come out when it did and we were prepared for that to happen.
We walked out to Steph’s car, piling all of our bags in the boot before Sam and Steph slid into the passenger and drivers seats whilst Leah and I both took seats in the backseat. Somewhere along in the drive her hand made its way to my own, resting gently on top of my knee cap. I interlocked our fingers and smiled up at her, this was the part of a secret relationship that I liked, getting moments just between the two of you that only the two of you understood. The sweet nothings. I felt my heart plummet a little bit as we arrived out the front of Leah’s hotel and I realised that I was going to have to say goodbye, potentially for a few more weeks. That was the suckish part of being a professional athlete messing around with another professional athlete, there wasn’t always a timeline on when you’d see each other next, sometimes it was just situational.
I made the call to walk Leah to the door of the hotel, when we got to the doors I gave her a hug, a big, long hug. She hugged me back, tightly. Leah was good at hugs. When we finally had to come apart I looked up at her, with my big green eyes and apparently she couldn’t resist because she reached down and honoured me with a peck. It was nothing more, a small gesture but to me it was everything.
“I love you okay, be safe, text me, call me. I am always here for you, don’t keep me in the dark on things that you think are going to burden me, they aren’t, call your therapist, please.”
I nodded at Leah, she was using her captain's voice with me that she knew I couldn’t refuse.
“When you get back to the hotel I expect you to eat some proper food, not of those bloody granola bars that you insist are nutritional, proper food. Hydrate, at least a litre of water. Sleep, you deserve to sleep, let yourself sleep. Call me in the morning and tell me how you are feeling, okay?”
I gulped and nodded at Leah, an action that I was becoming aware I might have done too much of tonight.
“Love you too, thank you for being here for me.”
“Anytime, I’m only ever one call away, now go home.”
I gave Leah one final look before walking back to the car, closing the door behind me only to be bombarded with googly eyes from the two co captains sitting in the front of the car.
“You and Williamson?”
Sam’s voice was the first one to break the sound barrier, it scared me a little bit.
I made it sound like it was a non fact, like every person on the planet knew that I was in the bed sheets of the Lionesses Captain.
“Fuck, I knew it, McCabe owes me fifty quid.”
Steph’s voice was steadier and surprised me a little bit.
“We all had bets, how long have you guys been together?”
“We’ve been dating for 6 or 8 months, fucking around with each other since I joined Arsenal so about a year or so.”
Steph’s eyebrows rose to the top of her forrid, obviously very surprised by my answer.
“You're trying to tell me that you and Lee have just casually been hiding a relationship behind closed doors for months.”
“I mean we’re roommates, it wasn’t that hard to hide, plus we just aren’t rabbits who need to fuck on every surface unlike Sam and fucking Kristie, I’m never going to be able to mentally burn the image of you two getting at it on the pool table after the olympics, that was fucking traumatic.”
Sam’s face had flushed, we constantly brought it up with her. After our bronze loss to the US in the olympics a lot of the team had gone out in celebration with the Americans, what I hadn’t expected to find that night when I’d walked into the room that I thought was the bathroom was Sam eating her secret girlfriend out on the table. It had messed with my brain permanently.
“Hey you're the one who’s always bringing it up, maybe you were secretly into it, secret fantasy between you and Williamson.”
I loudly gagged from my spot in the backseat, extremely displeased by Sam’s imaginative imagery.
“Nobody thinks that Sam, it’s just you and all of your lost brain cells.”
There was something so comfortable about the dynamic between Sam and Steph, something so sisterly and bonded. They were like family, they messed around with each other and pushed each other but they loved each other and the both of them knew that at the end of the day. They might not have been the closest on the team, they weren’t each other's best friends but they were family and that was all that mattered.
“Whatever you say Stephy.”
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promptful · 2 years
Literally Sleeping Together Prompts
it's cute, lol.
WARNINGS: Suggestive. Nightmares. Parents fighting.
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1) We’re sleeping over at a friend’s house, but both the bed and the couch are taken. We end up on the floor in a cocoon of blankets. And, I don’t know how we got here, but I woke up with your chest pressed to my back. 
2) Preferring to sleep with the other person even though there’s another bed open. 
3) After a “there’s only one bed” kind of event, I slept next to you. But now, my bed seems so empty, and yours seems so comfortable. 
4) I’m damn freezing, and I know you run warm. You wouldn’t mind if I…
5) One character falling asleep watching the other’s chest rise and fall—basking in the vulnerability of it all. 
6) We’re only halfway through our road trip, and there’s no hotel for miles. Thankfully, the trunk is wide open, and I have a few blankets. 
7) This marriage has been nothing but a fake since the start. But we’re staying over at your parent’s home, and they’re expecting us to act like we’re in love… which side of the bed are you, regretfully, taking? 
8) I fell asleep on the couch because I’m sick, and it’s the only way I’ve been able to fall asleep. I woke to you sleeping on the floor next to me. 
9) Nightmares have been coming and going for me all night, but you offer to watch over me and “keep them away.” I know you’re not going to make it five minutes, but thank you. 
10) As a bodyguard, you’ve been posted in my bedroom. Just… come sleep next to me. That way I can be safe, and you can be comfortable. Deal? 
11) I may hate your guts, but I’m not going to just leave you here when you’re like that. Roll over. 
12) Rain is pouring down the windows, and I have no will to go out. Neither do you, coincidentally. Curled around each other, we fall asleep to the television murmuring. 
13) You’ve just come home from work, and are obviously worked up. In an attempt to distract you, I’m running my fingers down your chest, across your belt, down your sides, but you stop me. Embarrassed, you admit you just want to be held, maybe even to fall asleep in my arms. Never be embarrassed about that. 
14) “What are we?” you asked, curled around me and buried underneath the sheets. “I don’t know,” I responded, listening to your heart. Do friends usually snuggle until the sun rises over the horizon? 
15) The rings underneath your eyes are terrifying. Sit your ass down and go to sleep. And to make sure that you actually sleep, I’ll be right here beside you. 
16) All the other hotel rooms are booked, and even though you are my ex, I would rather sleep next to you than a stranger, or even go back out into the snow. Move over, and let’s not talk about it. 
17) You’re seriously allergic to the softener the cabin uses on their sheets. Thankfully, I bring my own—let me just move over. 
18) I’ll kill your friends for showing you that horror movie with the knowledge that you scare easily, but for now, let me hold you and promise that the monsters underneath the bed don’t exist. 
19) My neighbors are partying. Let me sleep over. Please. 
20) It’s 2 a.m. but you call, asking if you can sleep over because your parents are fighting. Oh, darling… 
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 01 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren't expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK's noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 5k+
⏤ author's note❧ I just wanted to state that this is the first time I write a fic - so bear with me, please 😌 - also just as an FYI, I don't have an specific schedule to update since you know.. adult life hahaha but I'm already working on next chapter. I love this story and I hope you get to love it as much as I do 💜
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You were finishing unpacking your clothes when your phone started to ring, you smiled seeing that your screen was flashing with Chris’s name on it. Christian – aka Chris – has been your best friend since you were 15, you met him during your high school years through acquaintances and you clicked immediately.
You both feel like you’re each other’s soulmate but of course only in a platonic way, although a lot of people tend to misinterpret and think that there’s more to your friendship. It’s hard for people to understand that a woman and a man can be just friends without any sexual desires but to be honest at this point of your life you don’t care about what others might think of your relationship with your best friend.
‘Hey y/n, finished unpacking yet?’ asks your best friend with his chirpy tone as soon as you pick up the call
‘Hey Chris, ughhhhh no... still working on it, but I promise I’m making progress, I finished with almost every room of the apartment, I’m cleaning up in my bedroom right now. I think by tomorrow I might have everything in order’ you say while biting your lip and looking at your clothes scattered all over the new assembled bed, I mean... at least it doesn’t look any more like a tornado came through your window
‘I told you I could’ve helped you; you can be so stubborn sometimes’ you hear your friend sigh and although you can’t see him you know he’s shaking his head at you
‘No no…You’ve already helped me enough, if it wasn’t for you, I would never had the balls to move to another country – so take a rest of me, bestie’ And that is totally true, he had helped you with all the immigration bureaucracy, he also basically got your new apartment. While you were still at your native country, he went on apartment hunting and showed you the different options you had through videocalls, gave you tons of tips so you wouldn't miss anything while moving to another country since he had experience in that area. After all, he had moved to Seoul 2 years prior to you.
‘You would’ve done the same for me, we both know that!’ you smile while hearing your friend because you know that’s also true, you both would do anything for each other without hesitating.
He doesn’t give you the chance to respond anything and keeps going: ‘Anyways, I was actually calling you to invite you to a birthday party tonight – it’s Jackson’s birthday, remember I told you about him? He’s that friend that works at my gym. We were talking today, and I might have slipped that you moved to Seoul recently and he told me to invite you, he really wants to meet you’
‘Me? Why would he want to meet me?’ you respond with a surprised tone
‘According to Jackson’s words and I quote: he is really curious to get to know the only girl I’ve retained in my life without sleeping with her’ he says with amusing tone
He cackles when he hears you snorting ‘Wow, now that’s a good way to convince me to go to a birthday party of someone that I don’t even know’
‘It might not be the best invitation but at least is a chance to meet new people and make some friends’ he says that since he knows you struggle when it comes to meeting new people
‘Um..I have friends, I have you’ you respond almost immediately
‘You’re a sweetheart but I’m talking about other people than me, although you know how I love all your attention on me, babe’he says while chuckling because he’s already imagining how you’re rolling your eyes at him after you heard that pet name
‘Oh my god you’re so full of yourself – ughh, okay you’re right, I should get to know new people. New country, new life… new friends I guess’, you say a little insure knowing you’re not the most sociable person in the world but it would be kind of nice to have people to hang out other than Chris
‘And maybe you can get some action too, it’s been what? A year without any proper activity?’ he talks without any filter like he usually does
‘Wha- Okay, I’m hanging up on you. I’m not in the mood to talk about my sex life right now’ you respond acting offended though you both know that you're just teasing each other
‘Or the lack of –’ When Chris hears your gasp he chuckles and says immediately ‘Sorry sorry, just kidding bestie, I’ll pick you up around 9PM, don’t make me wait pleaseeee, byeeeee byeeeeee see ya. I love you’
You can’t even get mad at him for calling you out on your sadly lack of sex, it’s not like he’s wrong. So, you just laugh it off and respond by saying ‘Fuck off - You’re unbelievable. K, don’t worry I’ll be ready when you get here. See u later, love you too” 
Once you end your call with Chris, you grab some of the last items left in the moving boxes. You come upon a frame, it's a picture of you and your dad when you were 4 years old on your summer vacations at a swimming pool where he was teaching you how to swim. One of the many things that your dad taught you in life. Your eyes start to feel watery at the sight of your dad's sweet smile and with a deep sigh you give a kiss to the picture. You place the frame on your nightstand and while cleaning a few tears that dropped on your cheeks you can only whisper - "I really hope I'm making you proud dad, I'm finally looking for my happiness ".
You look at yourself in the mirror, thinking you did a decent work with your make up and cleaned yourself up pretty good after a long day of putting everything in order at your new apartment. You weren't so sure on what to wear for Jackson's birthday party, so you just went for an all-black outfit: leather jacket, mini leather skirt, a Ramones shirt that you love and combat boots.
After looking at your reflection in the mirror one last time, you took a selfie and sent it over to Chris to ask him if you were dressed properly for the occasion, which he replied with: 'You look gorgeous babe, almost too perfect for the occasion! I'll pick you up in about half an hour ;)' – you can’t help but smile at his compliment. You know he's nothing but honest with you, whenever he had to tell you that you looked like shit, he would do it. And of course, it goes both ways.
Your best friend is punctual as always, 9PM sharp he was at your building entry texting you that he was outside your home. Jackson’s place wasn’t that far away from yours, only about 10 minutes on a car drive. While Chris was driving, you chit chatted about your exhausting day, and he told you that this girl – Hani was her name you wanna say? - that he’s been hooking up for the past month asked him the golden question ‘What are we? Where is our relationship going?’ and that’s where Chris decided to put an end to the hooking up. He just doesn’t want anything serious right now and is totally understandable.
From what your friend has told you, Hani got really upset at his response, although to be fare... he did warn her when they started hooking up that he wasn't looking for anything serious, he’s not an asshole that goes around giving false hopes to any girl.
It’s been like this with Chris for a while now, he did had a girlfriend a few years ago and they dated for about 3 years until he found out that she was cheating him with her boss – pretty shitty move if you ask me – she broke his heart and after that he hasn’t been in a serious relationship with anyone, just hook ups until the girl finally gets tired of being just ‘friends with benefits’, that’s how it usually goes.
When you finally arrive at Jackson’s you start to feel slightly nervous, it’s been a while since you got to meet new people and it’s in a total new environment, new country... totally different cultures, a lot to take in. Chris knowing you, holds your hand tightly for a moment and before entering to his friend’s house tells you ‘Don’t worry, he and his friends are all pretty cool people, they’ll love you - now come on, let’s go and start socializing!’. You chuckle at his enthusiasm and as soon as you enter, you’re greeted by Jackson holding a red cup with beer on it.
Jackson smiles at you and your friend and says ‘You’re y/n, right? Wow, you’re even hotter that what I imagined – sorry I don’t mean to be unrespectful, but you know how weird is to see that this guy over here has a female friend and didn’t sleep with her yet? Anyways, it’s so nice to meet you finally, I’m Jackson’ and he immediately gives you a hug which it honestly startled you.
You chuckle and once he’s finished with the hug, you respond ‘I know, it’s always amusing to see how people get surprised that we’re really just best friends. Um, it’s nice to meet you too and happy birthday! Thanks for inviting me over’ you say shily
He keeps smiling at you while he also hugs your best friend (apparently, he’s a hugger) and says ‘Chris’s friends are also my friends, so please make yourself at home – I haven’t invited a lot of people because I actually have a small group of friends, come with me and I’ll introduced them’ and you both follow him to the living room going through a large hall – which by the way, is so freaking beautiful, you can’t stop staring the marble floors and beautiful art works hanging on the walls and you think to yourself how amazing this apartment looks – your thoughts are interrupted by the group of people who’s now in front of you having a discussion about who was the largest hands in the group - though you're not sure you heard right -
And then Jackson speaks getting everyone’s attention ‘Guys, this is y/n, Chris’s best friend – yes, she’s really his friend and she is a woman, I know!! How crazy it sounds, huh? She just moved to Seoul from basically the other side of the world so be nice to her’
One of the guys with a boxy smile says to Jackson ‘Hey! –  we are always nothing but nice, she’ll think poorly of us if you say it like that!’ and Jackson just laughs it off and starts to introduce each and one of them. There’s 10 people right in from of you – which to you, it sounds like a lot of friends, you never had more than 3 o 4 friends (one of them always being Chris of course) so 10 sounds like a lot of people – you learn that the guy with the boxy smile is called Taehyung, then there’s Namjoon, Seokjin – though he told you to call him Jin -, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok – or Hobi how he introduced himself - , Aria – which you learn is Hobi’s girlfriend -, Joey, Emma – Joey’s girlfriend – , and last but not least Jungkook who smiled you shily and waved his hand to greet you from afar – you almost gasp at how this last guy seemed like he was built by the God’s themselves, you felt like you wanted to look up to the sky and say ‘WOW, well done!’ – to be honest, they were all insanely attractive but there was something that caught your attention straight to Jungkook and you couldn’t quite wrap on your finger what was it.
The night went smoothly, they all seem to be really friendly and made you feel comfortable as if you were one of them already. You spent most of the time hearing their stories about the last trip they went to last year – Hobi’s parents own a lake house in Chuncheon, which you learn is about an hour away from Seoul – and they’re planning to go again in the next month or so – and you’ve been invited to go with them by Hobi himself which you gladly accepted and thanked him for including you even when you just exchanged a few words with him throughout the night.
Your red cup was empty for the third time by now, so you got up and approached to the table were all the drinks were placed and poured yourself some Soju, while you were at it you feel someone approaching you and then a sweet voice sounds saying ‘Are you having a good time so far?’, you look up and realize that is Jungkook who’s now besides you also pouring himself a drink while he smiles at you.
You also smile at him and respond ‘Yes, I really am. Honestly you guys made me feel really comfortable, I tend to be a lot shier when I meet new people, but I don’t feel that way at all with you’
‘I’m glad you feel that way, sometimes these guys can get loud, me myself included, and people look at us like we’re weirdos’ he chuckles and sees you just nodding while you giggle at him and then he continues ‘Mmh, mind if I ask you what made you move in all across the other side of the world? I don’t wanna intrude, I’m just curious’  
Although you feel comfortable talking to him, you don’t want to get into much detail... at least not yet, telling your whole story about how after your dad’s passing last year you felt like you needed to work in your happiness because you knew that’s all your dad wanted, for you to be happy. You don’t dwell on how you realized that you needed to break up your 9-year-old relationship with your boyfriend – now ex-boyfriend – because you really didn’t share anything in common anymore, you grew out towards different paths, and neither of you wanted to accept it.
So you go with a simple response while Jungkook watches you attentively with those beautiful doe eyes where you feel like you can get lost so easily : ‘You’re not intruding at all’ –  you give him a comforting smile and continue – ‘I always wanted to live somewhere abroad, to have that experience at least once in a lifetime, plus Chris had moved here and he used to say to me how much he loved Seoul and how the people here always treated him so nicely. To be honest, he was a great influence on me moving in here. He’s pretty much like a brother to me so it was easier to decide on moving to another country knowing that he was going to be by my side and I was really missing him back home – though please don’t tell him that I said that, because it will just inflate his ego more’ you both snicker once you’ve finished explaining him part of the reasons why you decided to move to Seoul. Is not like you’re lying but you’re leaving a few big details out of the conversation, maybe some other day you’ll have the opportunity to tell him.
‘Well, I hope you really enjoy being in Seoul, I’m sure I’m enjoying you being here’ he admits shily to you. Your cheeks start to feel like burning and you can’t help but to feel hypnotized by him, God did he have to be this fucking gorgeous?
Before you can respond anything back, Taehyung’s loud voice interrupts the moment that you two were having - ‘Hey you two, what’s with the chit chatting? You better not be talking behind our backs’ while the others laugh because they know he just loves gossiping and wants to be included in any of it.
So, you both just laugh it off while you share a look and go back to the others
About 4AM, the night ended for all of you. Chris was insanely wasted, and you were cursing under your breath because you two got here on Chris’s car and you also had drunk a fairly amount of alcohol and weren’t in the best state to drive yourselves home.
Jackson takes a few steps towards you and your best friend - who almost couldn’t stand on his own feet without swaying – it was quite obvious that Chris wasn’t okay to drive so he offered ‘Do you want me to call an Uber for you? I would drive you myself but I’m a little bit tipsy honestly’ and just when you were about to accept on his offer, another voice interrupts ‘I could drive you both home if you want to, I don’t mind at all and I’m okay to drive’, it was Jungkook that was watching the whole scene of drunk Chris holding himself to you from afar
You felt bad for dragging him along with you and Chris’s drunk ass so you said to him ‘I don’t wanna impose you, we could just call an Uber really’, whilst he came closer to you and helped you lifting Chris from yourself as if he weighted nothing and responded sweetly ‘I’m not taking a no for an answer, and you’re not imposing, I offered myself, come on let’s go’. So, you said your goodbyes from a far to all the other guys that were also getting ready to leave and thanked Jackson for inviting you one more time before finally following Jungkook and Chris over to JK’s car.
After the impossible task of getting Chris’s drunk ass in Jungkook’s car, you went into the passenger seat while you heard your best friend from the back mumbling nonsenses that only he could understand. Jungkook asked where to go and you told him your address, you couldn’t leave your best friend alone in that state so that’s where you headed to.
As soon as he started to drive, Jungkook asked ‘How long have you two met?’ hinting on the drunk man that was now singing - or at least he thought that he was doing that - Jason Derulo ‘Swalla’ while lying in the backseat.
‘Too long if you ask me’ you both start laughing and you continue ‘Mmh, it’s been like...15 years since we met. We went to the same high school but didn’t shared classes together because we were on different programs. One day when we were both at recess, there was this guy who was a senior that kept insisting on me dating him and I would always say no. Until that day it got up to the point that he pushed me against a locker’ - Jungkook’s eyes widened while he was letting you continue your story –‘And afterwards the idiot tried to kiss me even when I was pretty clear saying that I didn’t want anything to do with him. That’s when out of nowhere, Chris grabbed the guy and punched him right on the face and told him to fuck off and leave me alone’, you can’t help but smile remembering how your best friend stud up for you even when he didn’t even know you.
‘Wow, well done Chris! From the very first day you were already protecting y/n’ Jungkook said smiling while checking on your best friend through the rearview mirror
‘Yesssssss, I saved noona from that asshole’ you hear from the backseat
‘Noona?’ Jungkook widened eyes look over to you, ‘Wait, are you older than Chris, y/n?’
‘Yes… well only 3 months older than him, my birthday is in May and Chris’s birthday is in August’ - Now that you think of, he only calls you noona when he’s insanely drunk -
You start remembering how one morning you got up seeing that you had 10 voice messages from your best friend, you got so freaking scared for a moment thinking that something bad had happened.
That was until you started playing all the audios and it was clear that he was wasted while he was sending those audios, some of them you couldn’t even understand what language he was speaking, there was another one where he was singing ‘You’re my best friend! No, I didn't stutter till the day end. Through heaven and high water oooooohhhhhhh, it kills me not to tell you, you're my best friend’ and finally the one where he screamed ‘Noona I love you, you’re my bff’ and that was it.
Seeing JK’s still surprised look, you ask ‘What? You thought I was younger? I don’t know why people tend to think that Chris is older than me but no, we’re both 93 liners’
‘I actually did think you were younger; you certainly look like you’re. I didn’t think that you were my noona too’
That’s when your eyes almost pop out of you head and you say ‘Wait, are you telling me you’re younger than me too? I thought all of you in Jackson’s home were about the same age as us’
‘Yes, noona’ says Jungkook while wiggling his eyebrows to you. ‘I’m a 97 liner’, he laughs at your wide eyes
‘Oh my god you’re a baby’ – you can’t help to think that you were almost salivating because of this Adonis that you’re talking to and now that you learn he’s 4 years younger than you, it somehow feels weird.
You've never felt attraction for a guy younger than you, maybe is the prejudice... You used to notice how guys - not all of them but the majority, at least in your experience - would take more time to mature than girls, so you never dated anyone younger than you, not even someone of your same age. You always aimed for guys older than you.
Although, to be fair, last time you were single you were 19 years old so anyone at that point would be immature probably.
Maybe now that you’re almost 30 it wouldn’t be a bad thing to be open to date younger guys, you could find someone that's younger than you and still have a good time, right?
‘Don’t call me a baby, please’ you notice how Jungkook’s tone changed to a serious one
‘Sorry, I promise I won’t call you like that again’- you can't help snickering seeing how serious he got just because you called him a baby - ‘It’s just that you surprised me, maybe it’s because you’re all muscle and give such a masculine vibe that I thought that you were pretty much the same age as me’
– Oh for fucks sake, that freaking Soju made your tongue start to loosen up, you start panicking once you have finished the last sentence because you realize that you said everything you were thinking out loud, you shouldn’t drink when there’s a guy this hot near you –
You feel Jungkook’s burning gaze and as soon as you look at him you see him smirking at you. Then he opens that beautiful mouth he has and says ‘So…you think I’m pretty masculine, noona?’
‘Isn’t that what I just said?’ you mumble, not even knowing how to divert the conversation because you’re about to pee yourself, he’s so gorgeous you feel like you’ll start stuttering any time soon if he keeps looking at you with those doe eyes
Before he could open again his mouth and make you blush again, you see your building entry and you almost scream interrupting him ‘We’re here!!’
Fuck, why am I getting this nervous around him? I feel like a teenager. Jeez, you must keep it together y/n! - you think to yourself -  
He then stops the car, and you open the door getting out not even waiting a second because you were starting to panic in there. You feel like the Soju has taken all your filters down and you could say almost anything to Jungkook. You just met the guy, you can't start telling him how hot he looks with those cargo pants or how insanely good that sleeve of tatts looks on him…God, maybe it’s just that it’s been so long since you had sex, yes... yes, it must be that!! That explains why you’re just a horny mess.
Jungkook gets out of the car quickly after you and waves you off when he sees you trying to get Chris out of the car, who by the way, is totally passed out by now and once again Jungkook lifts him up like a bag of potatoes and lets you guide him towards your apartment.
The wait for the elevator almost felt eternal but once it arrived you pushed the 7th floor button while you feel JK’s burning gaze on you but neither of you said anything. Once you got to your floor, you quickly open your apartment door because poor JK has been putting up with Chris’s weight for a while.
You guide him through your living room and tell him to drop Chris on the sofa while you place a bucket right next to him in case he wants to throw up at any point. You feel relieved that you finished cleaning up your apartment earlier since you see JK already analyzing everything around the apartment while he says ‘Nice place’ then his doe eyes set on one special picture on your desk next to your laptop while you’re putting a pillow under Chris’s head ‘Who’s this in the picture? Your dad? You look so much like him’
You freeze for a second and respond shortly ‘Yes, that’s my dad’ while you come close to where he is standing watching the photograph, he says ‘You have a tight relationship with him, huh?’
‘Yeah, I did’ you say almost whispering with an unexpected sad tone. JK's eyes widen and realizes that you used the past to refer to your dad and starts cursing himself in his mind for his big mouth ‘I’m so so sorry y/n, I’m such an idiot If I kne- ‘
‘Hey’ - you interrupt and put a hand on his shoulder to make him understand that he didn’t do anything wrong, and you’re not upset at him at all - ‘There’s nothing to be sorry for, how would you know? Besides, it’s not like I can’t talk about it, it’s a sensitive topic for me… yes but it is what it is’ – he looks at you with a look that you got used to see on other people every time they found out that your dad passed away, it’s maybe pity? – ‘He passed away from bones cancer last year, such a fucking painful disease... you see how your loved ones are shutting down little by little while you can’t do anything to help them. We were really close to each other and we used to talk every single day. Even though I miss him like crazy, I know he’s not suffering anymore, and I held his hand until his very last breath. He was a great person but even more a greater dad and I’m proud to be able to say that I’m his daughter’ once you finish saying that you look down and take a deep breath because you know you’re about to cry – well, so long to not sharing your sad stories on the first day of meeting him
And then JK turns you to him and hugs you tightly while saying ‘The ones we love are always in our hearts’ then he grabs you by your cheeks and makes you look at him straight in his eyes while he cleans some of the tears in your face ‘I’m sure your dad is by your side all the time’
You nod at him, and you start to feel like an idiot crying in front of someone you met today, that’s not you – even Chris who was met you for 15 years only saw you crying two times, so you say ‘I’m sorry I’m such a cry baby, I always get really sensitive talking about my dad’
‘Now who’s the one apologizing for no reason noona, huh?’
You both share a look and start laughing while he’s still cupping your face. That’s when you both realize that you’re standing insanely close to each other’s faces, you clear your throat and JK’s hands leave your face. You swear you saw him blushing, but you don’t comment on that. In fact, you don’t say anything at all because you’re spacing out thinking how close you were from each other just moments ago.
You got back to earth once you listen to him saying ‘Um, so… do you need help with anything else? If not, I think I’ll head home, it’s been a long night’
‘It’s been a long night indeed’ you said smiling at him ‘but no, you already helped a lot, this moron is already sleeping so I’m just gonna have a nice long shower and head to bed’
You walk him to your door and meanwhile you’re debating in your mind whether you should ask him his cellphone or not. You feel like you’ll look desperate but since when do you care what people thinks about you? Ughhhhhh your mind is driving you crazy right now
So before saying your goodbyes, you settle on saying ‘Thanks for driving us here and for dragging Chris to the sofa, that was very sweet of you’
He smiles with that pair of lips that could knock someone over in a second and says ‘No worries, I’m glad that I helped. I had a great night being by your side. Sweet dreams, noona’ and he waves goodbye to you while heading to the elevator.
You feel like you’re about to melt thinking how sweet his voice sounds and before closing the door you hear him calling your name once again
‘Yeah?’ you manage to mumble
‘I was wondering if you could give me your cellphone number?’
‘Sure’ – and you can’t help feeling like a thousand butterflies were freed on your belly
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain Part 19
Hey, guys. Sorry it took so long to get this out. The chapter was fighting me and I have had the absolutely worst week. However in slightly happier news, my partner got a new job and that means I should be able to quit mine and go back to writing full time. I'll let you know more when I do, but it's looking more and more likely.
I realized it had been a while since we had an Eddie centric chapter and decided this would be the one. And I left it on a cliffhanger again. But don't worry next chapter will see more than one villain vanquished.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Eddie was seething. He hadn’t been this mad since he learned Max was moving to New York. Actually. No. He was madder then that. He was pissed.
Gareth grimaced. “They won’t do anything?”
“No,” Eddie growled. “Because he technically hasn’t violated the protection order, according to them.”
“If he can’t get with in five hundred feet,” Brian said, “then how did he find out about Steve.”
Eddie threw up his arms into the air. “That’s what I asked.”
“I’m betting,” Mandy said, “that they didn’t have a good answer?”
“Apparently since Seth showed up at Hopper’s,” Eddie snarled, “and not Steve’s shop, that he was just going around to all the tattoo parlors and threatening everyone.”
Jeff rolled his eyes. “I bet they didn’t even check with other tattoo shops and just made that shit up.”
“I even talked to Officer Callahan who was in charge of the original case file because he’s not supposed to be out of jail yet,” Eddie said, beginning to pace. “He never went.”
“What?!” came the shocked cry of outrage from everyone.
“Yeah,” Eddie continued. “Apparently he made a deal with the DA and they didn’t tell me. He got two years probation.”
“That’s bullshit!” Mandy hissed. “He was going to kill you.”
“Criminal mischief,” Eddie said. “Domestic abuse down to criminal mischief. $300 fine, two year probation, and forced to take a class about how not to be a violent offender.”
“It’s because you’re a man, isn’t it?” Gareth asked, licking his lips slowly. “These fuckers don’t think a man can be abused.”
Eddie pursed his lips into a line and nodded.
“Hop’s calling in a couple of favors to keep Steve safe,” he said. “But that does jack shit about me. And this isn’t me calling out that shit. That’s Hop’s prerogative but he’s my dumb ass ex, who’s protecting me?”
“We are,” Jeff said. “You don’t go anywhere without one of us. Garth, since you’re the only one without a roommate at the moment, Eddie’s going to stay with you. Brian, talk to Cecil, he’s studying law. See what he can recommend.”
Gareth and Brian both nodded.
Eddie buried his head into his hands. “This is such bullshit.”
Mandy came up and gave him a hug. “We’ll get through this. We did before and we will again. And this time we have more people that would be willing to help. Steve, Robin, Chrissy, hell the whole of the Royal Pain would throw hands for you.”
Eddie chuckled. He knew that too. “Well, maybe not Erica.”
Brian snorted. “That girl would sell her own mother for a cookie.”
“Not even a Girl Scout cookie,” Jeff agreed. “That girl is bound for world domination.”
“No doubt.”
“You tell me right now,” Wayne said when Eddie had called that night, “do you need me up there? Because work be damned, boy, I’ll be up there in two shakes of lamb’s tail.”
Eddie chewed on his nail. He felt like that little boy all over again. Being given the choice between being with his uncle or being put in a foster home. He didn’t want to be a bother to anyone, but he knew. He knew that Wayne was someone that wouldn’t care. That he could be as big a bother as he wanted, he would still be loved.
He let out a shuddering breath and like that little boy all those years ago said, “Yes. Please.”
“I’ve got some vacation time coming,” Wayne said as if he didn’t have weeks and weeks of it stored up because he was never sick a day in his life. “I cane be up there for as long as you need me, you hear?”
“I’m staying with Gareth for the time being,” Eddie said solemnly, “because Jeff is worried that Seth will follow me home.”
“Smart man, your Jeff,” Wayne agreed. “I have a friend in Indy I can crash on the sofa of for a couple of days until I can find something a little more permanent.”
“Yeah,” he whispered. “Let me know when you get into town and we’ll meet up for lunch.”
“You can finally take me to that pizza place you’ve been going on about for months.”
Eddie laughed, a knot loosening in his chest. “You’ve got it, old man.”
A few days later Steve was waiting for the pizza he had ordered for the shop, playing silly games on his phone when the bell announced new arrivals. He looked up instinctively and grinned.
He waved. “Eddie!”
Eddie lit up with a big smile. “Stevie?” He hopped over, an older man following a little slower behind.
“Hey!” Steve greeted. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Eddie’s smile turned into a grin. “DiMaggio’s is the best pizza place in Indy, not coming here is a crime.”
“If it’s not it certainly should be,” Steve agreed with his own answering grin.
“Steve,” Eddie said, “this is my uncle, Wayne. He’s staying in town for a few days.”
Steve’s mood was dampened a bit, knowing why he was in town. “Nice to meet you. I was planning a trip back down Hawkins at the end of the summer so that Eddie could introduce us, sorry we had meet under lesser than ideal circumstances.”
Wayne blinked at him for a moment before turning to Eddie. “This one is a keeper.”
Eddie blushed, shoving his hair in front of his face, ducking his head to hide his embarrassment.
Steve just smiled fondly at him. “I think that’s up to him.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. “I like him.”
That surprised a laugh out of Eddie causing him to drop the hair. “Me too.”
“Let me just go order our pizzas,” Eddie murmured and darted for the front counter.
“He’s cute,” Steve said, waving his hand to the chair in front of him for Wayne to sit.
Wayne took the seat and smiled. “He certainly is. I’m glad the world didn’t beat the silliness out of him.”
“Me too,” Steve agreed. “I love how earnest and outgoing he is.”
Wayne hummed. “He tell what was going on?”
Steve nodded. “I’m afraid it’s my fault. Seth came after me at a friend’s shop, tried to threaten me into leaving Eddie alone.”
“I don’t think being threatened is the fault of the victim,” he said, his voice a deep comforting rumble.
Steve blushed. “That’s what Jeff and Robin said.”
“Jeff I know,” Wayne said, “Robin I don’t, but it sounds to me like they both have their heads on straight and you should be listening to them and not that voice in the back of your head.” He tapped Steve forehead for emphasis.
The bell above the door rang again and Mike and Will walked in. Steve raised a eyebrow when he spotted them.
“DiMaggio’s is certainly hopping for a random Thursday,” he commented dryly to Will when he lead a slightly reluctant Mike over to their table. Eddie arrived at the table just moments later and there are hugs and greetings all around.
“You caused quite a stir at the latest family dinner,” Will said with a huge grin to Steve.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, how did that happen?”
“Jonathan is back on Mom’s couch,” he said with a smirk.
Steve reared his head back. “And how did that involve me?”
“Argyle kicked him out of the apartment because him and Nancy lied to him about who’s fault your and her relationship ended.”
“Nancy is furious at them both,” Mike said with a half shrug. “I’m not sure their relationship is going to survive that little revelation.”
Steve winced. “Yeah...that’s on them though. How was I to know that Jonathan hadn’t been honest to Argyle about that.”
Eddie bumped his shoulder. “You weren’t.”
“Oh we are totally on your side,” Will said.
Mike nodded. “Yeah, man. It was straight up bullshit all the lying they did.”
“Mom’s pissed because she really liked you,” Will continued, “and believed Jonathan about how things went down. Like of course she did. He’s her son, but she should have tried to get your side of it.”
“Those eight years are totally on her,” Steve said, holding his hands up in surrender. “You’ve been trying to tell her for years to at least talk to me about it.”
Will and Mike nodded.
Mike chewed on his lip as he played with the loose string on the hem of his t-shirt. “Is it bad I hope Nancy and Jonathan break up?”
The table got silence for a moment.
Wayne lifted his chin. “Why’s that, son?”
“Because I don’t think she wants a relationship. I think she was only with Jonathan and Steve,” he said waving at him with his left hand, “is because that’s what you’re ‘supposed’ to do.”
“Steve!” the counter called.
Steve got up to get his pizza order, he stopped back at the table. “I don’t think it’s a bad you want your sister to learn how to be herself without a partner. I think it shows that you’re more mature then she is. You’re a good man, Mike.”
He clapped Mike’s shoulder and then waved goodbye to everyone. He pulled out his keys and walked out to his car, flipping the key ring around as he thought.
He never intended this to happen when he saw his ex at the grocery store, but honestly? Maybe it was a good thing to get all those wounds brought to light so that they could heal properly.
For all their sakes.
Steve was ready for the weekend. His week had been a literal hell. But Eddie had promised that he would have fun. The band had been practicing a couple of new songs and were debuting them Saturday night.
He sat at the curve of the table, sandwiched between Robin, who wouldn’t care, only to tease him mercilessly later, and Mandy who got it, how fucking sexy Eddie and the band was when they were on stage.
Steve wished he could say he was better prepared every time Eddie got on stage, but every week Eddie went out of his way to drive Steve absolutely wild.
“He does this on purpose doesn’t he?” Steve asked after a particularly hot number where Eddie fell to his knees grinding on his guitar.
Mandy laughed. “I would like to put you out of your misery and say yes, but no. When Eddie gets on stage he loses all connection to the audience and just rocks out. His fans love it.”
Steve looked around the dingy bar and had to agree. They were just as turned on as he was. He shifted uncomfortably in his jeans, clearing his throat. “If we...” he cleared his throat again. “I mean if Eddie were to–if we were–”
Mandy took pity on him. “If you two were going out would the fans tear you to pieces for touching what they can’t?”
Steve bit his lip and nodded, looking at his hands that were twisted in lap.
She gave his knee a squeeze. “I honestly don’t know what the fans would do. But Eddie wouldn’t give a damn what they think. He’s been booed before for a song that they didn’t think was metal enough and he didn’t let that stop him. Not once.”
Steve let out a breath. It was always something that worried him. He knew he went against the grain in everything he did, but he didn’t want that with Eddie. He didn’t want to be with Eddie just because it went against the norm of what was expected of either of them.
They arrived at the club and already Robin was on the dance floor. She loved dancing and soon Mandy, Chrissy, Jeff, and Brian were out there with her. Gareth, Eddie, and Steve watched in amusement as their friends let loose on the dance floor, living it up under the rainbow lights and the thumping beat of the music.
Steve turned around and Eddie wasn’t there.
“You seen Eddie?” he shouted at Gareth.
Gareth shot up and looked around. “Shit.”
Somehow during their watching of their friends cutting it up, Eddie had slipped away.
“You check out back to see if he’s gone for a smoke,” Steve said.
Gareth nodded.
“I’m going to check the bar.”
Gareth nodded again.
Across the crowded room, a man in a tailored white suit grinned as he moved to the back of the club where the restrooms were, eyes glittering with want and rage as he scented his prey.
Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95
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loveliesmoon · 1 year
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
genres: friends to more, first kiss, kissing practice, innocent!jungkook, kissing gets a little heated, gone kinda sexual, mostly jungkook’s pov lolz
warnings: things get a little sexual, no actual smut though
this will definitely be having a part two!! (with maybeeee some soft smut?? 🤭) 💘 enjoy loves <3
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“Sooo kook, have you had your first kiss yet?” I gulp, hearing Y/N’s teasing tone close to my ear. If I'm being honest, I haven’t had my first kiss yet. I’ve had girlfriends in the past, yeah, but I never got close enough to them. I haven’t been able to keep a girlfriend for more than a month or two because of Y/N. She and I have only been friends for about a year, sharing a mutual class at our university. She is the reason I haven’t had a successful relationship.
“I mean yeah, obviously. Who hasn’t..?” My false confidence faltered near the end of my sentence and my face heat up as she laughed. That laugh of “Okay sureeeee whatever you say,” made me frown. “What? You don’t believe me?” I say, clutching my chest for dramatic effect.
She continues laughing, shaking her head, “Honestly no. I could believe it with maybe Eunjoo, but both of you were way too shy to do anything. Did y’all even hold hands?” She smirked, as I grumbled something about minding her own business.
“Okay, so what if I haven’t had my first kiss? Who cares?” I retorted, purposely focusing all my attention on the notebook in front of me. Business Management. Lame. I roll my eyes, finally looking up at where she was sitting. Only to find out she was already looking at me. I felt my face flush again and I quickly look away, “Why’d you ask anyways?” I stammer, the room suddenly feeling much warmer than it did before.
“I was just wondering. Do you want your first kiss?” She spoke casually, making my breath hitch. What kind of a question is that? “W-What do you mean by that?” She shakes her head, “All I’m asking is if you’d like to have your first kiss soon. I wasn’t offering anything. Unless… you want me to school you,” Holy shit. I can’t believe this. I swear I saw her eyes flickering down to my lips. My face felt like it was on fire as I licked my lips nervously. Her stare was unwavering, burning holes through my skin. I was a candle under her gaze, slowly melting away.
“I- are you messing me with? That’s not funny Y/N, ” I uttered, my voice getting caught in my throat. Instead of quickly ruffling my hair or cackling while nearly pushing me off the bed, she instead got closer. “I’m being serious, Jungkook. I’ll teach you,” She must’ve noticed how tense I was because she backed away, acting as if nothing even happened, “Or not. No worries. I get if you’re uncomfortable or if you don’t want to lose your first kiss to me,” she stated and that alone made my heart throb. Y/N has always been a sweetheart, no matter how much she teases or jokes. Abruptly, she checks her phone and quickly gets up, collecting all her things.
“Shit, I was supposed to be home 15 minutes ago. Ji is gonna be pissed. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” she smiles before leaning close to my ear, slowly whispering, “My offer still stands, by the way. Think about it,” She winks, briskly stepping out of my room. I finally let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I was definitely going to be thinking about her offer all night.
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The next morning, I heard her car honking outside my dorm room as I finished getting ready. I barely got any sleep, her offer keeping me distracted. I’ve always been attracted to her. She’s sweet, outgoing while still being laidback, super smart and not to mention how pretty she is. Everything about her is basically perfect. From how her hair sits, how her eyes brighten when she’s excited, how her arms feel wrapped around me when we cuddle (It’s nothing like that, I swear). And that’s where my failed relationships come into play.
According to all my exes, I never shut up about her. Apparently, I give her too much of my time. I remember my last ex, Eunjoo, breaking up with me after a really nice date. We spent the whole day together, and I guess I talked about Y/N the whole time. “Y/N would love this restaurant!” or “I remember when Y/N and I came to this movie theater,” and even “Y/N and I were at this park just last week!”
The guilt ate me live. I didn't mean to bring her up in every conversation; she just happened to be easy to mention. I remember profusely apologizing, but letting ourselves go separate ways. Y/N was instantly there to comfort me, and it made me feel even guiltier. I would've rather Y/N comfort me 24/7 as I sulked about being dumped rather than actually trying to fix my relationship with Eunjoo. I get it, I'm an asshole.
My ringtone pierced through the silence of my dorm room, and I knew exactly who was calling. I rolled my eyes playfully at Y/N’s impatientness. “I'll be down in 3 minutes, take a breather,” I chuckled, hearing her sigh loudly on the other end of the line, “You have three minutes. Get your ass down here before I leave you here,” and just like that, the call ended. I sigh and make my way to her car.
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After our classes, we met up at our normal spot outside of the business hall. Her classes were usually shorter than mine, so she always waited there for me. Today, she was talking with Namjoon. They share the same major so they’re constantly together, studying and doing homework together. What if she’s going to hangout with him today? She promised that she’d see me today. I was gonna bring up her offer from last night.
“Hey Kook! You ready to go?” She smiled, putting all her attention on me. Just as it’s supposed to be. I smiled back before greeting Namjoon, “Hey, hyung,” turning to Y/N again, “Yeah I’m ready. Your place?” I say, grabbing her hand. I respect Namjoon immensely. He’s incredibly intelligent and extremely kind, but this was my time with Y/N. She nodded, saying her goodbyes, making time for another study session.
When we finally got to her place, I got nervous again. She flopped onto the couch, turning on the TV for some background noise. She opens her arms, an offer I would never pass up. I lay on her chest, and melt into her warmth. I was surrounded by her. Her scent especially. It surrounded me in a cozy, comforting embrace that made me feel at home. One of her arms wrap around my shoulder, the other one lazily reaching up to play with my hair. My eyes flutter shut, her nails gently scraping my scalp in a comforting manner. I feel myself get heavy, when my eyes shot open after her words from last night repeated in my head for the millionth time today.
“My offer still stands, by the way.”
The way her words softly left her mouth, her lip even brushing against the cuff of my ear. The memory replayed every second of the day. No matter how many times it came back to me, it still made my whole body hot. Just the mere thought of it now made my get shivers up my spine. She definitely noticed as she hummed out a soft, “You okay, Koo?” still playing with my hair.
I bit my lip. As confident as I wanted to be, I didn’t want this whole thing to be a big joke. I’d never be able to show my face again. I breathed out a quick yeah, but she could tell something was on my mind. “What’s going on? You hesitated,” I sighed, sitting up out of her embrace. She was frowning and I looked down, messing with the hem of her shirt.
“I- um… last night when you-“ She cut me off, instantly apologizing, “Oh Koo, I’m sorry. I genuinely wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. I just thought I would offer. I’m so sorry,” However, when I shifted closer to her, she stopped. Her legs were partly spread as to make room for me when I sat up, and I took that opportunity to press close into her. Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak again. This time it was my turn to cut her off, “I want to take you up on your offer.”
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“This is exciting! Okay, let’s see… We’ll start with little kisses. Simple. Sound good?” She said, a lot more enthusiastic than I thought she would be. She was now sitting up with me, a couple inches apart on the sofa. My face and neck were burning. I nodded, letting her take the lead.
“Okay here… We need to sit closer. Do you mind if I sit a little between your legs?” My eyes widened and I nodded, parting them for her. The growing tension from yesterday was slowly building again. She gently rested her hand on my knee as she started talking, “I really don’t have to explain this one much. It’s like kissing someone on the cheek, but you’re kissing their mouth. Like this,” I try to prepare for the kiss quickly and I adjusted my mouth, fluttering my eyes shut. The kiss was soft and quick, but it set my face ablaze. I just had my first kiss with my favorite person ever! I wanted more, I needed more.
“So, how was it? Do you wanna try again?” She smiled and I nodded quickly. She planted another gentle kiss on my lips. This time it felt more natural, like a genuine kiss rather than a test run. She shifted closer to me, continuing the kiss by softly moving her lips against mine. My eyes flew opened, but immediately shut when I felt her warm hand holding my face. I tried to match the way her lips were moving against mine. I didn’t know what to do with my hands as they awkwardly sat on her knees. As if reading my mind, she guided my hands onto her waist. The kiss continued for a bit longer before she finally pulled away, face slightly red.
“Now that was an actual kiss. You’re actually pretty good, Koo. You’re a fast learner which makes my life easier. All you have to worry about for that one is matching the speed and tone of the kiss. You don’t want to be going too fast or too slow, and you definitely don’t want to be too aggressive or not aggressive enough. It’s easy to tell what someone wants when you’re kissing them though,” Her rambling was adorable. I smiled, not listening to half of what she was talking about. “I wanna try again…” I mumble softly.
As the pair continue gently moving their mouths together, you climb into Jungkook’s lap, straddling him on the couch. Jungkook grabs your waist, pulling you towards him. Your head tilts and he follows suit, going the opposite way. This effectively deepens the kiss and you daringly flick your tongue against Jungkook’s bottom lip. He gasps, giving you full access to his mouth. You slowly slip your tongue into his mouth and he lets out a whine. Worried, you immediately pull away, checking in on the inexperienced boy. But before you can say anything, he pulls you into him and kisses you once more. Your eyes shut and you adjust to his speed which was needier and quicker than before. You run your hands up his chest to his shoulders while his hold on your waist moves down to grip your hips. Jungkook’s aggressive hold made you moan into the kiss, the sound immediately making his body hot.
The growing tension between the two was growing rapidly, like a fire that no one could contain. All Jungkook could focus on was how your hips were pressing into his and how delicious you sounded as the kiss got deeper. It made his mind blank, his whole body feeling light and fuzzy. Out of nowhere, he flips you into your back and he presses himself into you. The two of you moan in unison, as you start reaching to take his shirt off. All that could be heard was lip smacking, panting, and the symphony of moans you were creating. You finally get his shirt off his body. You pull away from the kiss as you hear your roommates loud foot steps stomping up the stairs. Frantic, you yank Jungkook up and snatch his shirt from off the ground. You sprint into your bedroom and close the door, just as Ji-ah unlocks and steps into the front door. She calls out for you, seeing your car parked in your designated spot outside your dorm. However, you can’t call back to her because Jungkook has you pushed against your bedroom door, fervently making out with you. Your eyebrows are screwed up in pleasure as his hands roam from your waist, to your hips, and even squeezing your ass. This makes you moan into the kiss, clutching onto Jungkook’s bare shoulders desperately.
Your roommate finally bangs on your door, and the two of you finally part. Instinctively, Jungkook throws on his shirt and runs to the bed, grabbing a pillow. You turn to him, puzzled when he finally throws another one your way. A pillow fight. You both looked a mess. Messy hair, red faces, out of breath. What better way to cover up a heated make out session with a fake pillow fight. As you open the door, pillow tightly grasped, he throws his pillow at you. It hits you in the back and you run from the door, attacking him with your pillow.
Ji-ah sighs, “Seriously, you guys? You weren’t answering me because of a pillow fight? I thought you were dead,” Before shaking her head, chuckling. “You are some children. Grow up!” She shouts playfully as she closes the door behind her. You glare at him as he laughs, shrugging, “I didn’t want us to get caught,”
You sigh, kissing him once more. You sigh, laying in bed with him. This session was definitely not over.
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sleepnowmychild · 23 days
From no belief in particular to Helpol
Just because I find it interesting that so many helpol people and pagans in general seem to be ex-biblical religions, here’s a slightly different story for you.
I never grew up religious. My dad is actually very anti-religion because of the sheer amount of people who use religion as a weapon to discriminate, and the way many churches can become almost like a tiny cult. But my mums side of the family is Italian Christians (don’t ask me how my parents were even together at one point because I have no clue). So on one side I had my dad telling me to never trust a pastor and that he’d never let me set foot in a church and my Italian grandparents going all in on Christmas family reunions with the nativity scene set up and crosses on all their cards and church Christmas morning.
It made me very neutral. I didn’t care what existed, I was just a kid who was exited to pick grapes on our vineyard (which looking back, the fact I lived in a vineyard and made wine is very,,, hello Dionysus) and get days off school for Christmas holidays etc. I didn’t believe in the Christian god, but as a kid I did believe in an afterlife. I think because it’s easier to process that as a kid than death being just nothingness.
In primary school, we did a whole term in Greek mythology. My first ever myth was echo and narcissus and I still have the painted tea towel I made with echo on it for the art potion of that class. I got very obsessed, very quick, as undiagnosed autistic kids do. I loved mermaids and sirens, nymphs and the sailing part of all the war myths. I’ve always had this deep link to the water, not just the sea but rivers and lakes, any water you can swim in. You’d think I’d end up a Poseidon or Aphrodite devotee because of that huh? Point is I heard the Greek myths young, and because those myths also have Roman equivalents, when my Italian family heard I was obsessed I’d get the Roman version of the stories from them.
For years I was just mythology obsessed with no particular beliefs. I didn’t like how hardcore my Italian family was in their ‘everything is a sin’ mentality and I also felt it was a bit mean of my dad to say every single religious person is a monster. As I came to realise I was trans and bi at around 15, suddenly I was privy to the sheer amount of queerphobia in religion. Turned me away from most of them hardcore. But by the time I was 17, I’d stumbled on the reason those shops with the crystals and little mythology statues exist. Because the old gods of mythology were still worshipped.
I don’t actually remember when I got claimed by Hypnos, but he definitely claimed me. I’d always liked him as a concept because he’s much more chill than some of the more intense gods, but he slowly started creeping into my life when I’d see something and go ‘Hypnos would like that’ or I’d jokingly be like ‘I’m so tired, knock me out Hypnos’ and I WOULD fall asleep easier that night. I can’t exactly explain why, but I’ve got this deep connection to the river Lethe as well. Although not in the sense Lethe is a god, in the sense of its connections to Hypnos. Like there’s a siren of the Lethe inside me screaming to go back home.
In all honesty, there was never a solid moment I was like “I’m helpol now” it just kind of happened. The gods, especially Hypnos snuck into my life back in primary school and slowly made their presence more and more known over the years. And I was fine with that, because this is what my Roman ancestors would have been doing, and this is a religion that doesn’t hate me for being queer.
This got long, I’ll cut it short here. But that’s a perspective from someone who never grew up religious for you.
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thepromptswhisperer · 8 months
Partner X You, & Your Friends Prompts
1. “I know we have plans, but I haven’t seen my friends in forever.”
2. Your friend tells your partner an embarrassing/etc. story about you.
3. You find out that your partner kept a secret from you – one that their friend helped covering up.
4. Your friends are so.done. with hearing you gush about your partner.
5. Your partner cannot fathom how you’re still friends with your ex.
6. (You feel like) Your partner spends more time with their friends than they do with you.
7. “So I’ve heard. [Your partner/crush] hasn’t stopped talking about you since [your date/etc.].”
8. You realize that your partner treats their friends and strangers better than they do you.
9. Your friend and partner (seem to) become best friends.
10. You are attracted to/fall in love with your partner’s friend.
11. Your partner becomes a different person when they are around their/your friend(s).
12. “I don’t mind you guys hanging out here, but could you tone it down a little? (It’s late and I have work tomorrow.)”
13. You’ve been with your partner for months now, and they’ve never invited you to come along to meet their friends.
14. Your partner and your friend have an argument.
15. Your friends test your new partner.
16. Your partner has a set day each week/month/year on which they meet their friends. It’s important to them, so you always try to make it possible for them to attend.
17. “They’ll love you. I promise.”
18. You tell your friends that you’re together with your partner.
19. Your friend gives your new partner the whole ‘don’t hurt them’ speech.
20. Navigating the aftermath of your breakup is difficult, as you and your ex-partner share the same friend group.
21. You couldn’t have made a worse first impression on your partner’s friends. (You try to rectify it when you meet them again.)
22. Your friends encourage you to ask out [your crush].
23. When you arrive home after having spent time with your friends, your partner is right there, waiting for you and eager to hear the newest gossip.
24. “Be honest. What do you think of them?”
25. Your friend and partner have both complained to you about someone. You didn’t know they were talking about the other, and they didn’t know the ‘someone’ was an important person in your life. Now, however, you introduce your new partner to your friend.
26. You told your friend/partner a secret and made them promise to not tell anyone about it. Later, however, you find out that they told their partner/friend.
27. You don’t like your partner’s friends.
28. After an argument with your partner, your friends cheer you up/give you advice.
29. Your partner cheats on you with your/their friend.
30. “Go. Have fun. I’ll be fine.”
31. You overhear your partner’s friends give them a stern talking to after they upset you.
32. You find out that your partner and your friend dated/had sex/etc. before you met/got together with the former.
33. After your breakup, you thought you’d never hear from your ex-partner’s friends again. You were wrong.
34. Your friends seem to like your partner so that you start feeling jealous. (They were your friends first!)
35. Your friend seems to immediately not like your partner, leaving you to wonder why that is.
36. You try to convince your partner, who intends to spend the evening/etc. with their friends, to stay with you (and use unfair methods to achieve your goal).
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Nica!chucky x fem!reader
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Right now you were sitting in the pouring rain on the porch of Tiffany valentine. After being in asylums with nica,going with chucky to insure she doesn’t die then getting betrayed by Tiffany and going to jail 2 months after you turned 18 ,you lied and said that nica forced and lied about the doll after SHE killed everyone.
Just what they wanted to hear.
And you didn’t feel bad about it because you knew that nica had turned her back on you. You had stayed loyal for years then when you met in another asylum after 4 years she had believed that it really wasn’t the doll. Called you out of your name and lead you on.
Tiffany was away and nica was asleep. It was the perfect time.
You had snuck in through the window and went to her and Tiffany’s shared room.
You look at her peaceful expressions. It had sadden you how you enjoyed her looking so nice and peaceful after everything she caused you. If only I would’ve never did that much for her. You thought.
Then got straight to chanting
You made sure to keep it at whisper. You were bringing back chucky. Well…the part that was in nica at least.
“…damballa…awake!” You had the heart with you so it made sure it would work.
It’s not working!
you frustrated and instead of chanting “ade due blah blah blah” again and decided that it still might not work….even with the heart
You groan
“Fucking cunt” you whispered breathing out.
Just then there eyes snap open.
You gasp
“What…what the fuck! Is going on?!” Yep…that’s definitely chucky.
He then looks at you dead in the eye. You can’t help but blush and look down.
“She cut off nicas limps a year ago” you said starting to look up.
He tilts his head to the side less confused and more angry now.
“She…what?!” He then looks down.
“Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me” he says with a sigh.
“I-“ “what the hell has happened?!” He cut you off.
“Well after your bitch of an ex fiancé got me sent to jail I came here to get my revenge.” You say with obvious hate in your voice.
He then looked shocked. “Oh I’m gonna kill her slow” you smiled. “And so you mean…I’ve been like this for over a year?” “Yep” you say with an eye roll.
He started chuckling. “Wow! You know- I-I I really gotta give it to her! That bitch done really really got me!” You knew he was ready to kill her as soon as she walked through that door.
“Well first…you need a new body. Or fixed limps” you said with a sigh sitting your cold,wet ass on the bed.
He sucked in heavily. “How?” You knew just the answer. “There’s a voodoo spell. All have to do is find limps like nicas and sew them back together. Then with the voodoo spell it will immediately heal them and make them fully functional.” You said with a smirk.
He once again tilted his head to the side.
“Well well well…look at what sweet little y/n has planned.” He says with a chuckle.
“Where are we gonna find the body parts?” He asked. “Tiffanys bitchy neighbors.” You said smiling.
“Mhm well ok” he said smiling. “Well then let’s not waste anytime because we don’t know how long she’ll be gone but I suppose probably the whole..well till in the middle of the night sense it’s 5 and she’s busy being Jennifer Tilly and nica was already asleep and ate so I think in the middle of the night.”
You honestly didn’t know but you hoped.
He smiled. But a dangerous smile. “Good girl.” You blush and then went off to the neighbors house.
You had also saw a note that wasn’t for nica but someone else Tiffany forgot to mail to. Probably her neighbors.
“Yup…definitely back in the morning” you sighed out
You came back 5 minutes later with the wife knocked out then got to working which only took 15 minutes.
Then you went up stairs with the wife bleeding out on the ground and most likely dying.
(But you didn’t care)
You made it up the stairs with the body parts and laid everything down like stuff to make sure no huge messes and got ready having chucky in a chair as you kneeled in front of him.
“Sorry. This is really gonna hurt.” You apologized and he just sighed.
“It’s ok.” He nodded his head.
Then you started getting to work completely focused and made sure to attach and Stich on the limps perfectly. You had been done at 7 and it was less bloodier then you thought.
Way faster then you thought to.
And instead of cleaning it up you just immediately started the ritual.
“Shit!” He yelled. “What?! What’s happening?” Yiu asked. Then he calmed down.
“It worked.” He whispered then slightly lifted his leg.
It worked? It worked!
He then stood up stretching his arms and you decided to get up from your kneeling position.
He turned around to you after looking in the mirror.
He put his hand on your cheek.
“Thank you doll”that made you blush so hard
“You’re welcom-“ then all of a sudden…he kissed you! Before you could even really register it or kiss back,he pulled away and smirked.
“W-well I need to get this all cleaned up” you gulped.
He looked over you. “Ok n/n” he then plopped back down on the bed. You quickly got all of the stuff and went downstairs.
As you made your way down the stairs you knew you heard him yell “you know you killed her right!?” You just sighed because you knew and just continued.
As he was up there you had tiny discussion between surgery about how you were gonna get back at her to start off.
He decided to make a phone call.
It ringed three times “hello?” Tiffany spoke.
“Hiya tiff.” Chucky said amused.
“There’s- there’s no way! NO!” Tiffany exclaimed.
“Oh yes but there is. And with the help of my little precious y/n here…I’m back.”
“That bitch!” Tiffany said with venom.
“Ah ah ah! I wouldn’t say that if I were you.”
“Well…what are you gonna do with them chucky?!” She questioned.
“Well let’s just say…you ain’t never getting ya bitch back.”
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ponkwan · 1 year
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the one where you and mingyu kiss, but there’s regret after the two of you do.
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pairing: mingyu x (f)reader
word count: 0.9k
rating: pg-15
content: ANGST!!!!!!, pining, implied unrequited love; ft. close friend!mingyu
warning/s: profanities, reader is treated like a rebound, mingyu and reader are drunk, sad ending :(
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You can tell that he knows it was a mistake the moment he breaks away from the kiss, lips parted before it transforms into a frown, his eyebrows knitting in what seemed like confusion until he fixes his gaze on yours, catching you already looking at his disappointed expression.
“____,” he utters your name slowly, still in disbelief of what just happened, “I’m sorry. That… that—I don’t know why I just—”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off, preventing him from saying anything that’ll make your heart break into tinier pieces. “I get it. You’re drunk. You’re not thinking straight.”
He doesn’t say anything to correct your statement. He just backs away from where he has you caged sitting on the kitchen counter, a heavy sigh escaping him while his hands run through his hair. From those gestures alone, it seems that he’s having a quick replay of events and that he’s slowly getting out of his intoxicated state, regret washing over him this instance.
You don’t say anything more in return either. You only remain there on your spot, the burning sensation on your mouth still present despite the reason for its existence no longer being there. You have this sudden urge to touch your lips because of it, to feel where Mingyu’s lips were seconds ago—where his tongue even glided on when he got carried away and went ahead of himself. But you resist the desire to do so, not wanting him to be aware of how this truly affected you which can make him think of this as a bigger deal than he already does.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he mutters under his breath. “Holy shit. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s fine,” you say, hopping off from your place.
“It’s not.” He looks at you again, though he turns away almost immediately afterwards, perhaps out of guilt. “I just… I just kissed you. I kissed you all of the sudden for fuck’s sake—and because of what? Because I was sad that my ex found someone else? It’s a dick move.”
“It’s fine, Mingyu.”
“It’s not,” he snaps. “Friends don’t pull that shit on each other, you know.”
Your insides churn. Or maybe that’s just the last pieces of your heart finally crashing down from its station inside your ribcage. Whatever it is, you opt to joke a bit in an attempt to salvage what’s left of your dignity. “I know, but I’d appreciate it if you stop treating me like some kind of a virgin who hasn’t been touched before. You’re not the first guy to kiss me out of the blue quite frankly.”
He doesn’t look amused by it. “____…”
“It’s fine,” you repeat for the third time that night, even if it really isn’t. “Like I said, you weren’t thinking straight. Don’t make an issue out of nothing.”
“This isn’t nothing. You should be mad at me.”
“I’m not.”
“You should.”
“I don’t know. Perhaps. Maybe.”
“And you look like you’re not.”
“Yeah, maybe not.”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. Perhaps I’ve always wanted to experience what it was like to kiss you, that’s why. “I mean, it’s partially my fault too. I didn’t stop you. I’m a little drunk myself.” You half heartedly chuckle.
Mingyu stares at you, and you know he’s doing it because he’s trying to read your mind. He doesn’t know how to be subtle whenever he attempts to decipher whatever goes around in your head, since most of the time, you’re able to conceal what you feel excellently to the point you don’t even have to try too hard as well. You just have to keep a straight or casual face, and then that’s it—totally unnoticeable.
“I’m sorry,” he only apologizes again and you close my eyes, smiling as you sigh.
“Stop apologizing. Please. You’re going to make me feel bad.”
“You can’t just—”
“Let’s just forget about it.” You cut him off. “Just treat this as a nightmare or whatever. I don’t care. I just need you to stop saying sorry, Mingyu.”
He takes a deep breath, and finally nods, stepping farther away from you that gives you the space you didn’t know you needed in order to feel calmer.
“Anyways,” you start again, “I think it’s best that I go.”
He meets your eyes. “I… I think you’re right.”
“Good. At least we’re on the same page with that one.”
You’re certain that you’re forgetting a few of your belongings (a jacket and an umbrella) in Mingyu’s unit that you don’t bother finding. You just snatch your bag from the couch and stand there in the living room for a few seconds before looking back at Mingyu who never followed you there and instead stayed in the kitchen, just staring at you as you got your things.
You don’t know what to say to properly express your farewell, so you just ask him a question you already know the answer to. “You’re going to Jeonghan’s birthday celebration, right?”
He decides to walk towards you this time, but only to head to the door so he can open it for you. “Yeah.”
“Okay. Guess I’ll see you then.”
You don’t wait for him to reply. You just march straight to the hall outside, not turning back and letting the heavy feeling in your chest escape in the form of rapid tears and a muffled sound.
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thank you for reading ! feedback is always appreciated ☻
⌗ ⸰ ₊⠀ all rights reserved. no part of my work is to be reposted / translated / used in any kind of platform without my permission. i only use this account to post fics.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 11 months
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Several people have been kind enough to let me publish their thoughts on fandom, community, and queerness to celebrate Pride in the Library. Today's piece comes from @wolfpants.
Dear readers, dreamers, and purveyors of the glittering, gilded aisles of the Drarry Library,
Fandom life began for me at age fifteen. We just got our first family computer, taking pride of place in the utility room between the boiler and my dad’s boxes of tools. I had recently come out as bisexual to my friends at school, who, props to them, had all taken it quite well despite the small town we grew up in (I was very lucky, they were great - everyone else though? Not so much). Still, even with supportive friends offline, I never felt like I could talk to them about what I really enjoyed: watching Buffy, reading Harry Potter and looking for queer subtext (I could never have convinced any of them that Harry’s story screams gay allegory–no matter what JKR has to say on the topic back then or now), scouring bookshops and libraries for any sort of queer content I could get my hands on, desperate as I was to read something that spoke to me, to read about love outside of the heteronormative landscape of the popular media. I wasn’t just tired of boy-meets-girl; I had never identified with it in the first place.
The year we got dial-up internet was the year I discovered Livejournal. The absolute joy I felt, stumbling upon an LJ community specifically dedicated to roleplaying Harry Potter characters in queer pairings. Discovering, beyond that, that people wrote stories about Harry and my other favourite queer-coded character of the series: Draco Malfoy. And then it was Wolfstar (specifically Sirius), then Drarry again, and somewhere along the way my lurking fell off and I stopped reading fic for a while when I moved to London and settled into my first job, my first real relationship, and sitting uncomfortably atop my bisexual identity and not really knowing where that shift happened and why. All the while, I was pursuing a writing career on the more journalistic side: writing for music and film outlets, doing a little bit of secret creative writing on the side, dipping in and out of HP RPGs but never really—connecting. In “real life”, my relationship with my ex was falling apart, and I felt very disconnected from the LGBTQIA+ community because, even though I knew I belonged, I never felt like I could be truly me with anyone—perhaps because I was, unknowingly, still discovering who I really was.
When the pandemic happened, it gave me the breathing space I needed to get to that point. It brought me back to fandom.
It started with reading The Popular Wolfstar Fic Everyone Was Reading, and reopening my ao3 account to re-read some old favourites from over the years. It then unrolled to, hey, I have some free time, why don’t I try writing my own Wolfstar fic for my oldest, dearest friend (who I met RPing on LJ at 15!), which then turned into: you should publish this, and see what happens.
So, I did. And I made a tumblr account, and I lurked for a while, shyly reblogging things and scrolling through author accounts I’d admired from a very young age, astonished and really fucking impressed that they were still in the game. I read their new fics, I was drawn back into Drarry, and from there I discovered what a wonderful community this is, not only for its immensely talented creatives, but for its values as a inclusive, equitable, supportive, uplifting, and joyful group of individuals who genuinely welcome everyone with open arms and love. That, in itself, has made it easy to reach out to like-minded folks here, to make life-long friends, to chat to people who have been through similar experiences in questioning their identities (it is truly thanks to this fandom and the many discussions I’ve had with people here that I’ve been able to realise my identity as a NB lesbian). To write! To share! To not be ashamed of my kinks and to discover fun, delicious rare pairs! To look at breathtaking art and read some of the best goddamn writing I’ve ever set eyes on!
I have spent thirty-seven years on this planet. A good chunk of that time has been spent questioning many parts, pieces, and niggly jiggly bits of my identity. Who am I? What am I? Is there anyone out there who is just like me?
After many years of searching in the dark, of asking these questions over and over, I can joyously say that the answer is: yes. And oh, how thankful I am for that, for all of you, because fandom has really been the community I can categorically point to and say: they did that for me, we did that for we, and I will do anything for you.
Happy pride.
Thank you, Wolf, for joining me in the Library. Your love and joy for fandom have left me feeling quite tender-hearted, in the best way. It's so so good to ask the question "Is there anyone out there who is just like me?" and find over and over that the answer chorusing back is "yes." Thank you for adding your yes to our chorus, and joining me for Pride in the Library.
If you want more @wolfpants be sure to check out their work on AO3! I can't help but recommend the fic that made me fall in love with her writing in the first place, Pages of You, which I've featured previously for Happy Hour. It's got Drarry and Wolfstar, and is one of my favorite comfort rereads.
🏳️‍🌈 Lots of Love and Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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manicpixiedckgirl · 5 months
okay, so i posted a timeline. sue me! i quit all other social media last year and needed that dopamine hit. just a lil nicotine patch for online attention. seasonal depression is a bitch okay. i posted it here and to ig, bc ig is to late millennials what facebook is boomers. and people have all said some very nice things, but when you're posting a 10 year timeline, you're usually hoping for someone from your past to see it and go "woah! you're so different now"!
and whaddya know, this time it worked. one of my exes from when i was a teenager saw it. not one of the ones who turned out to be a lesbian, one of the ones who turned out to be a trans man. He just wanted to say hi - that he was so happy to see that i looked happy, and that i looked incredible, especially compared to the scruffy twink they had dated. (okay those are my words not his)
he and I didn’t have a great relationship at first - no one had a great relationship with me before i realized i was a trans woman obviously, but this was pretty young. I was really repressed and weird back then, and still very much without any social graces, and we were only like 16. they caught the full broadside of my emo fuckboy energy and got out fast once they saw that - i don’t blame them. I was crying in their arms about how much i hated my new body hair, and how i wanted to be able to wear dresses, and the next day i’d be completely emotionally unavailable and denying all of it. not exactly boyfriend material, not entirely boyfriend. They were very traumatized too in their own way, just realizing they were trans too, and engaging in a lot of ‘i want to be a gay man’ antics, fucking their way through the pain. He was frankly way too cool and sexually liberated to be wasting his time with that version of me. And it was very obvious to everyone who knew what that was 12-15 years ago that i was a closeted trans girl. we had a friend group that eventually fell apart, and we parted for the first time.
Later, in our late teens/20, we would end up fucking - i had started to accept and announce that my gender was complicated, and i was starting to be kinda faggy and loud about it, and not everyone hated that, and they had just started T and were boy horny. We split a bottle of wine (or was it two? It was probably two) and started watching an ashley tisdale movie. Looking back on it, how it went must definitely have been his plan, but i’ve always been blind about this stuff and was that night. It was definitely bad sex, but it was also fun sex - the first time I enjoyed myself,  and the pressure of having to be a guy wasn’t so overwhelming i didnt effectively black out. he’s one of the first people i ever talked to about feeling complicated about gender, and i think by then he had figured me out, and was just letting me get the rest of the way on my own. I still couldn’t top for him, i never rly could top for anyone, even before estrogen. but we still had fun, with our hands and with our mouths. and then after that, we'd go to art shows and poetry readings and hang out again occasionally, like we talked about doing when we were literal kids, putting on rocky horror in our front rooms.
but life takes you away from people, and he got into film school, and i somehow graduated my chemistry program and moved to the US. he moved to Germany for a while, although i hear he's back home. i got married, got separated, there was a global pandemic. we hadn't talked in years, although i had snooped on him once or twice. He’s a director now - he’s made some impressive arthouse films, all horror and gender and kitchy campy cerebral themes. He’s got a big tv writing credit on the way in irish tv. Idk - it felt rly good to impress him, to say hi, to remember. it's really cool to see other trans people thriving and living life, always. anyone who cleaves reality to themselves and fashions themselves into someone they can love is someone who impresses me. but it's different when it's someone you've known for almost half your life - someone you were a fucked up kid with, not sure if either of you would make it to 18. and to be smiling at each other, looking at 30, and wondering what's next. i'm really proud of the both of us actually. and i needed that today.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Wagh!! Idk if requests are closed but if so sorry and just happy 1.5K!! If not, can I get Mirelurk queen for Ulysses and the prompt ❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜
This is so sweet for him <3
Ulysses really does deserve more love, imho. So hopefully this is a worthy contribution 😅
I hope you love it!
Six watched him, brows set low in determination and focus, as Ulysses demonstrated the motion for them once again.
"Keep your eye on the target; always, and your arm should follow." He told them, his voice uncharacteristically uninhibited by his cumbersome mask in the still-grueling heat of the Mojave evening air. "You worry too much about your form. Allow your mind to hone in on what truly matters. That which you are aiming for."
His dark eyes darted to their face in time to see Six's nod of understanding. With that, he turned back to the large, dead cactus they were using as a target.
"Breathe deeply, so as not to disrupt your aim, and then strike." In one swift thrust, the throwing spear spiraled skillfully through the air before tearing square into the shell of the cactus 15 yards ahead of him. "Simple enough are the motions, for the focused mind unified with the body."
"Easy for you to say." Six retorted. "You never suffered a headwound like mine."
The ex-frumentarius snorted at that.
"How long will you use such a thing as an excuse for your poor discipline?"
"As long as I've still got the scars." They quipped, grabbing up their own spear from the pile the pair had made between them.
"I see." Ulysses said, the slightest hint of a half-smile tugging at one side of his lips. "Your poor excuses will plague me forevermore, then."
"Forevermore?" The courier echoed, their head snapping to face him as their voice raised an octave in surprise. "That's ah... quite the commitment you're making there, Ulysses."
"If it's been this long..." He continued staring ahead, still towards the target, but that half smile on his lips only grew at some continuation of his thought he was choosing to keep unvoiced.
Six couldn't say more themself, couldn't move to practice their spear throwing, couldn't so much as blink as they took in the sight of Ulysses' soft grin. It was... so warm, It gave the, usually cold, man a pleasant sort of glow. Or perhaps that was only the orange hue of the sun as it bowed its head behind the mountaintops. Still though, Ulysses' dark eyes shone, lines were drawn on either side of his mouth that Six had never noticed before, and there was even the small hollow of a dimple at the cheek facing them as he continued looking out to the desert.
Soon enough though, Ulysses felt his partner's eyes on him, and turned to face the pressure of them.
"Six?" The smile faded in an instant, in favor of his usual intense frown.
"Right, right. Sorry, let me just..." They cleared their throat as they squared their feet behind the line Ulysses had drawn in the sand when they'd began their practice session.
Their tongue stuck out the side of their mouth as they closed one eye and set it on their target.
"Both eyes should remain open." Ulysses sounded from their peripheral. They only nodded in response.
"Focus and remember to breathe. Line up the tip of your spear before drawing it back. Maintain your balance, the straightness of your spine, before you thrust."
"Got it."
Six's eyes narrowed, they lined up their spear, trying to think about their form, ensuring it was straight, it was proper, but without focusing too much on it.
Just as Ulysses had said.
They released their breath, pulled their arm back, and threw their body into it as they launched the spear forward and towards the cactus.
Towards the cactus, as in, not the opposite direction. But still, only towards.
Their spear never landed. Not in the target, anyway, but about 3 yards to the right of it, before striking a rock and bouncing up into the air, only to clatter to the ground a moment later, as Six stood slack-jawed with disbelief.
"How...?" They whispered under their breath, completely at a loss.
Only a soft huffing sound tore their eyes from the downed, useless spear.
When they turned to face him, Ulysses was actually laughing.
It was a strange sound. Unfamiliar, but exactly as they had imagined it would be. Low, like his voice always was, but breathy and soft. Like a gust of wind through a deep mine shaft.
And his smile...
It was broader now. More than Six had ever seen it. They couldn't recall actually seeing Ulysses' teeth before, unless he was snarling in rage at some foe, but this... Just the slightest peek of glinting white through his parted lips.
They couldn't help but gawk.
"I'm sure that aim of yours was only on account of the headwound, hm?" He asked as he turned to them, and still, Six could only stare.
Ulysses didn't ask them anything this time around, only raised one brow in question.
"Sorry." Six said, delayed until the smile had completely vanished from their partner's expression. "It's just... I don't think I've ever seen you smile, and... well, twice it's been now. I'm just starting to wonder if I'm dreaming or something." They chuckled a bit themself, shaking their head as they spoke.
"Should we continue to practice the art of the throwing spear, I doubt it will be the last time you see such an expression from me."
Six pursed their lips in embarrassment, but truly, if that's what it took?
Maybe it won't just be the headwound that keeps me from improving at this infuriating form of combat...
"You truly are terrible at this. It's actually quite incredible to observe firsthand."
"Guess I should try again then, huh?"
Ulysses' eyes narrowed at their inquiry, already onto their scheme, and yet...
"Yes, I suppose you should. Otherwise you will never improve." He said the last bit cheekily, knowingly, and as Six stepped forward to retrieve the few spears in the dust ahead of them, Ulysses lips quirked once more into the slightest of fond smiles.
As few times as they've seen it for themselves, he thought, more often than not, they are the cause of this rare expression of mine.
Perhaps I should amend my actions and allow them to regard it more frequently...
Yes. It couldn't hurt to do so. If 'forevermore' truly is where we are headed...
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g0tmilkx3 · 2 years
Sure Looks Strange to Me I
You met Emerald Haywood purely by chance. You didn’t expect to go through a near death experience with her but stranger things have happened.
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WARNINGS: Mature, NOPE spoilers, swearing, crude jokes, drug use (weed), death mention, suggestive language, mentions of oral sex (female receiving), this story is lesbian so yes the relationship moves very fast for no reason, written like a romcom, not proofread
Dividers by: Firefly-Graphics
Part 1 Part 2
“Hey! I’m gonna need help setting these cameras up”
“Why can’t Nessie help?”
“Because she’s retail plus you’re the only other person who knows the system like I do”
“Come on Angel I’m off in 30 minutes” you reasoned. It’d been a long day of monotonous transactions and backroom stocking. There was nothing more you wanted to do than go home and get some much needed rest.
“Dude, stop being a crybaby and just help me out. You can write it off as overtime. Plus you’ve been talking about wanting the new AirPods” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, trying his hardest to sell you on this.
“Ew stop it” you laughed “let’s just get this over with” Angel shot you an appreciative smile as he exited the backroom. You followed behind your coworker turned best friend already counting down the minutes until you were back home and in bed.
After you helped Angel load the newly purchased camera system in the company owned van you two were off.
“…I mean she didn’t even call me after. Not even for the final closure fuck” Angel slammed his hand against the leather steering wheel. The two of you had been driving for almost an hour out to the Haywood ranch. Angel spent maybe 15 minutes of that talking about UFO’s and the rest of the time crying over his ex.
“Dude you complained about her every. day.” you loved your best friend but boy was he delusional. His tumultuous relationship with his now ex-girlfriend was anything but happy. You silently wondered why he was grieving its end so hard. You looked to him — maybe he wasn’t delusional. Maybe he was just in love. What’s the difference anyway?
“Yeah but she was the one” he exclaimed once again “what great couple doesn’t go through shit. Look at Beyoncé and Jay-Z!”
“They’re millionaires! They can afford to be unhappy.”
“Ah you don’t get it” he grumbled gripping the steering wheel. After a beat of silence he turned to you and opened his mouth once again “do you think these guys are in a UFO hotspot?”
“What?” you turned from your phone looking at him incredulously “is that what they told you?”
“They didn’t tell me”
“But they ‘told’ me alright”
He clamped his mouth shut settling back in his seat.
“I don’t know I’ve got a feeling” he added “plus I trust them”
“Yeah me too could you turn the radio on?” you asked before stifling your laughter. He shot you a look that said ‘stop being mean to me’. You patted his shoulder in reassurance “love ya dude.”
“Yeah yeah” he quirked a smile “when we get abducted you won’t be laughing.” Angel never held grudges or took things too seriously. That’s probably why your friendship had lasted so long.
After a short stretch of silence he eventually began drumming his hands on the wheel to the song playing on the radio.
“You’re a strange animal…” he hummed “hey you remember this song? Gordy’s home theme song”
“What?“ you didn’t bother looking from your phone this time.
“Aw come on. You’re a strange animal that’s what I know” he excitedly continued “with Jupe from Kid Sheriff”
“I was born this century you know?”
“You’re just uncultured”
“Nobody remembers that show man” you laughed going back to your word scrabble app.
The two of you soon turned down a long stretch of dirt road. Down the long and winding pathway a sizable house peaked into view. It sat smack dab in the middle of a substantial piece of land.
“Okay, now be on the lookout for UFO’s” Angel muttered eyes to the sky. You quietly laughed at your friend remembering just how much you loved him and his quirks.
You and Angel had known each other since middle school. You both decided early on that the two of you were going to be glued at the hip. You just worked together. It made sense.
He was the first person you told about your sexuality. You half expected him to change or to say something weirdly sexual like most boys that age, but he only smiled. His freshmen face stretched around his newly acquired braces and with a simple sentence he whisked away all of your anxieties.
“Who do you think can kiss the most girls by the end of the year, you or me?”
It was history from there. He won by the way.
That memory was just a fading melody that echoed in the back of your mind from time to time. Your friendship had been through much more since then. From pointless fights to late night bonding. At some points the two of you spent so much time with each other that you couldn’t stand each other. Nonetheless you were like siblings in every sense of the word. You couldn’t live with him and you couldn’t live without him. You liked to think he felt the same about you.
As Angel unloaded the truck you were caught up staring up at a cloud that wasn’t moving. And no you weren’t bugging, the shit literally wasn’t moving. It was standing still amongst the other clouds, like a fixture.
“Imma pop out” you faintly heard behind you.
After a few more minutes you weren’t alone anymore.
“Like the view?”
You turned to the person who spoke. She smiled at you once you made eye contact.
“I uh” you turned back to the cloud before shaking your head and looking to the client “I apologize. Um yes its beautiful Ms. Haywood”
You took her soft hand in yours noting how firm her handshake was. She didn’t let you go as you you took a step down from the rock you’d been standing on.
“No need to apologize pretty lady” she quirked a smile at you “and Em is fine”.
You felt warm all over as her eyes trailed your movements. You looked to your hands surprised to see that they were still connected. You shyly pulled your hand back and flexed your fingers. They tingled — you already missed the warmth Em’s hand gave you.
“I better go help Angel”
“Dudes weird” she said with no real heat behind her words.
“Yeah but he’s my weirdo” You continued your walk towards Angel who was using the dolly to move the camera equipment inside the clients house. Mr. Haywood led the way.
“What’d you mean by that?” She asked stopping in her tracks.
You glanced behind you before eventually coming to a stop and turning fully towards her.
You took note of how she looked. She wore a pair of cut off jean shorts that showed off her legs. A bit of sweat was gathering at the collar of her Coyote top. You couldn’t help the feeling of fondness blossoming within you as you surveyed the sight before you. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from blurting out something stupid. Like calling the stranger who was also a client cute.
“Im sorry?”
She chuckled to herself taking a few steps towards you. You stayed put, using your hand to shield your eyes from the sun. You thought you caught a glimpse of an object darting behind a cloud but Em’s voice brought you back down to earth.
“Is he your friend, boyfriend… life partner?”
It took you longer than you’d like to admit to catch her subtlety. It was so obvious now. Everything about her was calling out to you. Pulling you closer. You soon realized why she wanted to know the information so timely.
“Oh” you laughed nervously “he’s uh my friend”
“Just friends” she raised her eyebrows eyeing you from head to toe. The hot drag of her gaze down your body took your breath away. “that’s great news!”
“Why is that?” You coyly questioned, looking up at her from under your lashes.
“Because” she simply stated. Her knowing smile and charming eyes filled you with desire. Before you knew it she was turning away to walk to her truck.
“Because?” you called behind her not bothering to follow.
“Because I wanna be your friend too” she called back without turning around.
“Cryptic” you replied through a surprised laugh. She threw a peace sign behind her before hopping in the Haywood truck and driving away.
“Hey are you gonna keep flirting or help me with this?” Angel teased. His words didn’t deter you from longingly staring at the flying dust Em left behind.
“I wasn’t flirting” you retorted feeling your face heat up.
After installing the system Angel and Oj, who asked you to not call him Mr. Haywood, took to the grounds to adjust the cameras. You watched curiously from the computer room as the bright blue sky came into view. You hummed curiously wondering why Oj had you and your friend carry out the peculiar request.
There was that cloud again. In full view not moving an inch. You peered closer to the screen trying to see some form of movement. Anything to show that the cloud was real and you weren’t going crazy.
“Havin’ fun” you jumped out of your skin at the unexpected visitor. Whipping your head around a flutter of butterflies erupted in your belly as you seen the younger Haywood smiling at you.
“I uh sorry I was just making sure the cameras were set up correctly”
“Why are you apologizing” she chuckled stepping closer to you “it’s your job, no?”
“Uh yes it is my job” you scratched the back of your ear nervously turning back to the monitors. You heard her steps near you until she stood next to you.
“What’s up there?” You eventually asked turning to her. You were surprised to find her eyes already on you.
“Who knows” she finally ripped her gaze from you and to the monitors “but we gone find out”
You raised an eyebrow wondering if Angel wasn’t so crazy after all. What are the odds that these strangers are also looking up searching for more.
“Angel thinks you guys are in a ufo hot spot” you laughed but soon faltered when you realized she want joining in “holy shit are you guys?”
The younger Haywood laughed a bit before shrugging and looking back to the monitors. She squinted her eyes searching for something. You assumed she searched for what you were searching for.
You watched her. It was kind of hard not to. There was something about her. Something that piqued your interest. You wanted to bury your nose in her fluffy hair and inhale her scent. You wanted to kiss her soft neck and hear what sounds she made. You wanted to taste her lips. God did you want her lips. You drunk her in, staring at the long expansion of her neck when someone interrupted your fascinated stare.
“Hey it’s time to head out”
You turned to Angel who looked at you like he’d just caught you red handed. His teasing smile made your face heat up in embarrassment.
“Leaving already?” Em questioned turning back to you a frown on her face “that was quick”
You decided not to mention how it took about an hour to get everything set up. But she was gone for most of the set up so there was no real way she’d be able to know.
“She’ll take your number” Angel interjected, already grabbing your phone from your back pocket. He ignored your hushed protests and handed your device (unlocked) to Em who chuckled at the two of you. You resisted the urge to sink to the floor as she winked at you.
“Thank you Angel” she smiled to you as she handed the phone back to him “I’ll be in touch”
“Sounds good” you squeaked before grabbing your phone and scurrying to the waiting van. Once inside you exhaled finally getting a good look at the newly acquired contact.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎
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“Those guys are kinda dicks” Angel said once he closed his car door “if they don’t give me a good review Al is gonna be on my ass”
“Hey I’ve been waiting in the car for like 30 minutes. What took so long? Also, since when do you care what our manager thinks?”
“They needed help setting up a decoy for horse training or some shit” he shrugged pulling out of the driveway “and I care about what Al thinks since he threatened to fire me if I got one more bad review”
“You just talk too much” you snickered teasing him.
“What am I supposed to do? Sit there in silence and work?”
“Uh yes?”
“At least I’m not like you. Trying to get laid on the job”
“I was not”
“Dude you were looking at her like you wanted to go down on her”
“Jesus Christ angel”
“What?” He laughed narrowly dodging your playful shoulder slap “if it makes you feel any better she looked at you the exact same way”
“Well that’s good to know” you sarcastically retorted “I don’t even think she’s gonna text-“
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘So when can I see your pretty self again?’
“Don’t tell me that’s the carpet muncher”
“Shut up” you landed your shoulder slap this time “are you even allowed to say that?”
“Hey!” he swerved a bit before straightening the van back up “also, yes my best friend is a lesbian I get a pass or two”
“She asked when can she see me again” you smiled down at your phone.
“Tell her tonight”
“No” you scoffed “I don’t wanna seem too desperate”
“But you are…” he raised an eyebrow to you.
“Look at the road dude” you sighed when he complied “I am ugh I don’t know”
“Just say tonight. It’s okay, she’s the one who text you first. Plus we left her house like 15 minutes ago. If anything it’s her that’s desperate”
“Okay okay okay” you worried your bottom lip as you hesitantly typed a reply.
You: ‘How about tonight?’
“If she thinks I’m a creep you’re dead”
“You’re awesome nobody will think you’re a creep” Angel promised.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘Sounds good. Come over to mine?’
You: ‘See you after 7?’
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘See you then 🤩’
You stayed mostly silent the rest of the car ride; occasionally cracking a joke with Angel or singing along to a song on the radio. Truthfully, you were in a daze.
It was strange actually. How could a girl you’d met an hour ago and who you exchanged barley 10 words with have you so hung up and nervous. There was something different about this one. Or maybe you were becoming delusional like Angel and his ex.
“Dude you are the worst when you have a crush” your best friend teased as you pulled back into Fry’s Electronics “you’ve been giving googly eyes to your phone since she text you”
“Do you think her strap is big?”
“Okay this conversation is over” he waved you off ignoring your delighted laughter.
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You cursed quietly to yourself as you pulled up to the Haywood ranch. So many things rushed through your head. Anxiety had you strung tight, how long would it be before you snapped? You had the right to be anxious after all. You were in the middle of nowhere meeting up with a stranger who was probably going to kill you. You barley even thought this through. Why do pretty girls render you useless?
What if she’s a bad person? She could have lured many unsuspecting girls here. With her undeniable charm and convincing smile, she could’ve convinced you to do anything.
What if she thinks you’re a bad person? Or worse, boring. You placed your hand on the gearshift contemplating putting the car in reverse and hightailing it out of there, never to return. The generic jingle of your ringtone snapped you from your thoughts.
“Don’t do it” Angel said without even greeting you.
“What are you talking about?” You took your hand from the gearshift and leaned back in your chair.
“I know you and I know you’re thinking about not going in right now”
“How did you know that?”
“Because I know you!”
“I can’t do this Angel” you confessed “I’m too nervous I don’t wanna embarrass myself”
“See now that’s literally impossible. You’d embarrass yourself by not walking in that house.” He was right. You hated when he was right. “Just talk to her about movies, you love movies”
“I don’t wanna talk her ear off.”
“It’s a first date who cares?”
“Date?” You shrieked “this is not a date!”
“You’re so bad at this.”
“I can’t do this, nah” you mulled over your choices: you can either go in and embarrass yourself or leave and embarrass yourself “Nope.”
“You didn’t even give yourself a chance” he offered “give yourself a chance”
“But what if it goes wrong”
“Let’s make a deal in 15 minutes I’ll call you and give you an excuse to leave if it’s going good just stay! Simple”
“Simple…” you nodded “okay yeah sounds good I’ll just do that” you took your keys out of the ignition “15 minutes Angel.”
“15 minutes and I’ll E.T phone home you”
You stopped your movements “you know you can just say phone home I know what the reference is”
“Of course you do…” your friends voice dipped out. The lights in your car dimmed until you were shrouded in darkness. You whipped your head around as the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Something within you stirred, somehow you knew you weren’t safe in that moment. It felt almost like a centuries long instinct within you was rising up. Telling you to get out of there. You breathed out slowly searching for the newcomer, you were quickly realizing that you weren’t alone anymore. The warm glow from the house became more and more muted until darkness overtook the structure. The incessant low buzz of electricity was absent. The emptiness of the countryside made the ringing silence all the more noticeable.
You took a shaky breath as you gripped your keys, ignoring the sharp metal digging into your palms. The dirt beneath your feet sunk under your weight as you stepped out of your car and surveilled your surroundings. Nothing. Nothing but darkness.
After a beat the house began emitting a warm glow lighting the area enough for you to see Em standing on the porch.
You faintly felt the vibrations of your phone turning back on.
“I thought I heard somebody out here”
“The power went out?” You sauntered over to her taking in how cute she looked under the stars.
“Yeah it does that sometimes” she supplied before turning back to the house. You shook your head ridding your mind of the odd occurrence and stepped into the antique house behind Em. The two of you soon stood before a liquor cabinet “would you like a drink? I got bourbon, tequila, vodka…”
You eyed the wooden cabinet before you as Em grabbed a couple of glasses and ice.
“I don’t really drink” you hummed turning to the girl as she sat the glasses on the table.
“I got weed” she tried.
Your matched smiles led the two of you to standing in a random room upstairs listening to records with the window open.
She took a long drag before handing the joint to you. She eyed whatever it was outside of her window as you stared at a poster on her wall.
“That horse is just hard headed” she shook her head as she sucked her teeth “I just wanna know how that nigga got out”
“How many horses y’all got?”
“Shit I don’t know at this point. Oj dumbass stay selling my daddy’s horses”
Your gaze was kept on the poster showing a clip of their great great great grandfather on a horse. Em gave you the rundown of her family as she rolled the joint the two of you were smoking.
You were so distracted that you hadn’t realized your companion moving from the window to the space just behind you. You felt a comforting heat radiating from her body as she lightly pressed against the back of you. Her hand stretched past you and pointed to one of the frames.
“Allegedly this frame got fucked up, but they decided to keep it in” her breath brushed against your sensitive ears. She smelled like vanilla and cherries mixed with fresh wood and weed. You deeply inhaled letting her scent intoxicate you. You slowly turned around, words dying on your lips finding her closer than you expected. Her nose brushed against yours as her hands softly gripped your hips.
Her lips were as soft as they looked you realized once they covered yours. She breathed you in, pulling you closer than you were before. Your begging hands tangled in her fro as you repeated her movements and pulled her closer. Electricity surged down your body as she walked you back to the waiting bed. The two of you refused to pull away from each other as your back pressed against the cold plush linen. Your mouths continued moving against each other — soft wet tongues massaging the other. Her kiss was so passionate it felt as if she was stealing the oxygen from your body. But you weren’t complaining. She briefly pulled away, her chest heaving as she took you in.
“I’m sorry I just-“ she cut herself off pressing her mouth back against yours. Her skilled tongue slipped into your mouth once again, this time with more vigor. Your bodies pressed heatedly against each other as your heartbeats began drumming in tandem. You could taste her desperation you could feel her desperation as her hands began pulling your shirt up. Her warm hands lingered on your belly, she ran her finger tips across your warm skin. Butterflies fluttered in their wake. Her sensual touch dragged across your belly before moving up to your breast.
A melodic sound filtered through the air. It pulled you from the pleasure you were receiving but only for a second. Soon the sound was gone and you were plunged back into the promise land of bliss. She didn’t waste time going back to feeling every exposed part of you. Her hand slipped under your bralette. Warm fingers brushed against your nipples making them hard. A long awaited moan climbed up your throat. She smiled against your lips.
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I smiled once again hearing your desperate moans fill the air. They sounded like music and I was prepared to listen to your song forever. You felt so right beneath me. Like you were meant to be there.
I couldn’t help myself from trailing my lips down to your waiting neck. Inhaling the sweet scent you gave me only made my panties grow wetter in anticipation. I resisted the urge to grind my hips down against yours. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t searching for some sort of relief. From the moment I saw you standing there staring off into the clouds I knew I had to be near you. I had to say something to you or I feared the moment would have passed me by.
My phone began ringing again. This time I groaned in frustration, pulling away from my honey suckle I put my phone to my ear.
“There is a bug on camera 1”
“What?” I rolled my eyes as I realized what the peculiar tech guy meant “man I told you to stop watching our shit”
I stood up shooting an apologetic look to you. You only shook your head a bashful smile on your face. I watched as you sat up and straightened your shirt then you moved to fixing your hair. We’d only been kissing for 5 minutes and you already looked fucked out. I wanted to see how you’d look after I had my way with you. Showing you just how much I like you. Showing you how pretty you are to me.
“Yeah but camera two is out” he exclaimed nervously “like ancient fucking aliens out”
“Shit!” My heart dropped to my stomach as I sprinted out of the room only Oj on my mind.
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You could only sit and watch as Em abruptly left the room phone in hand. You wanted to be angry but there was something in her voice that made an uneasy feeling stir in your body.
Staring out of the window you saw what looked like sand and dust falling from the sky… or being sucked up into it. No. That can’t be it.
You squinted your eyes trying to catch a better glimpse. Em’s vocie echoed from outside.
“OJ ITS IN THE CLOUDS” her urgency startled you “RUN OJ RUN!” She continued with renewed exclamation.
Fear circle your body as you watched Oj run away from something you couldn’t quite see. Whatever it was it was big. It was angry and it was trying to suck Oj up into the sky.
You stood frozen watching the scene before you play out. Surely you had to be hallucinating. Were you simply sleep deprived. Was the weed you smoked laced with a foreign substance?
You didn’t have the chance to puzzle together what you were seeing because you were soon blacking out.
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“Shit is she okay?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know I ain’t a doctor” Em brushed some of your hair back “first fine girl I get back to the ranch and this bullshit”
“We need to wake her up somehow” Oj’s gruff voice vibrates your ears.
“I’m gonna go get some wet towels”
A sharp pain shot through your head. Bright light poured into your retinas making a pain you never felt before rush through your head.
“Em come back she’s waking up”
“I’m coming I’m coming”
You groaned watching as 3 Oj’s changed to 2 then eventually 1. Em soon came into view. She dabbed your forehead with a cold wet towel.
“You okay pretty girl?” She frowned continuing her actions.
“Angel” you muttered.
“That’s cute she thinks I’m an angel” Em cooed, her eyes growing soft as she felt her heart melt.
“Angel” you groaned again still struggling to regain consciousness. Your phone was vibrating off the hook. No doubt it was Angel calling to check on you.
“I think she talkin’ about Angel”
You dragged your phone from your back pocket and wearily dragged your finger across the screen to accept his call.
“Oh my god you’re alive!”
“Did you get that on film?” You croaked eager to see if your friend had also witnessed the spectacle.
“No. There was a fucking praying mantis!” He replied.
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