#i am merely a little bug with no thoughts only sleepy
frogwateruwu · 1 year
Who was going to tell me that caffeine actually works??? Was I just supposed to find this out myself?
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noir-drabbles · 2 years
The White Beast 1
Summary: With you laying a piece of yourself within his spine, Ash was lead to the containment unit where the White Beast lived.
(He be a very soft yandere, the White Beast.)
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There was a shifting, like a bug scuttling it's scratchy legs over his skin, right over his spine. Ash shuddered with no disgust to be found. It was simply... Well, not uncomfortable, but more out of familiarity. Like when Ash settled into his cot for the first time since he's been put in your chamber.
"Im not making you uncomfortable, am I?" There wasn't a physical voice, more like a thought being gently laid over his own head. It was distinct enough in voice to separate it from his own. This sentence alone assures him you don't glean his thoughts.
"If you'd stop shifting, it'd make my skin itch less." Ash is really trying his best not to scratch. It's not a suspicious motion but still. Better to be safe than sorry.
The door slid open and Ash walked through before he could be pushed in. His foot met with lush greenery.
There's no glass to peek into this room. From artificially filtered air to a humid, almost holy garden. The silence did little to dull the shine of the flowers and grass taking root in the ground.
Towards the middle, hunched over a sapling with gold embedded in its bark, was the White Beast himself. Four hands cradled the little tree, white claws carefully feeling each leaf, as though afraid of pricking them. Bone white horns with bark like grooves sprouted over long fuzzy ears. His hair was practically a mane, coiled in messy, uncut curls as they trail down to cover his large body of muscle. The blue veins seen beneath his paper white skin of his neck trailed down his chest, and disappeared under a layer of delicate white fur.
The being looked up with gold, almost sleepy eyes, towering high above him, and tilted his head. The White Beast let go of the sapling just as it's trunk pulsed and unraveled. A shell, to protect the vulnerable plant inside. The White Beast smiled, but Ash knew it wasn't at him.
"Is..." His blood shivered, but his spine stayed steady. He can feel you listening. "... It... Pretty?"
Only then did Ash feel you move. You forced his head to nod as you spoke through him, tongue flicking against his will. "A most wondrous garden. Did you cared for it so, just to welcome me?"
There was a childish shine to the way the White Beast lit up. "A... Paradise... Right?"
It felt so weird, feeling the air move through his throat, the rumble in his chest when he wasn't in command. But Ash trusts you. Deeply so. He can't find it in himself to panic.
"Paradise is bigger. But, this is a start." It's a fine room to sleep him, but a place this small will never be more than a playpen. You can't make a paradise in a place like this.
"I'll..." The White Beast shuffled closer, arms by Ash's feet. He does not touch him. Merely watches, enraptured. "... Make... It... Better."
"I can't wait for the day." How strange, this feeling of thoughts and feelings aligning, a cooperation over the movement of his tongue.
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choking-on-tae · 3 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Waking up next to you for the first time
A/N: I wanted to write something soft for these wonderful boys that I love with all my heart. As usual gifs aren't mine and credits to the rightful owners! x
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Seonghwa opens his eyes to find you already staring at him with a fond smile on your face. His heart rate picks up as he feels his cheeks heating up. He tries not to smile but it's impossible when he sees you looking at him like that.
"Why are you looking at me like that, Y/N?"
"Because you're beautiful." You whisper, gently caressing his cheek with your thump.
If Seonghwa wasn't blushing before he sure is now as he chuckles awkwardly, still not used to hearing your compliments. He quickly composes himself as he moves closer to you. His hand on your waist as he nuzzles his nose against yours.
"I want to wake up next to you from now on. I like hearing your compliments in the morning." You roll your eyes at his cheesy words as you softly hit his chest, making him chuckle.
"I love waking up next to you too, Hwa. Let's do this more often."
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Hongjoong smiles when he sees you're still asleep next to him, or at least he thinks you are. He feels his heart flutter as he moves closer, snuggling closer against you and resting his chin on your shoulder. Your soft chuckle lets him know you're awake. "I thought you were still sleeping." He mumbles, holding onto you tighter as he feels your arm gently holding his own.
"No I've been awake for a while, but you looked so cute when you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you."
Hongjoong's cheeks heat up at you calling him cute and he hides his face in your neck, making you giggle. "You can't say stuff like that in the morning!" He groans.
You turn around in his arms so you're facing him and cross your arms in response. "Oh so I can't call my boyfriend cute?"
"You can! It's just... I didn't expect you to say that."
You chuckle softly when you see his pouty expression and lean in to press a soft kiss against his lips. "Well, you better get used to it because I plan on doing it more often."
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Yunho is the first person who wakes up. He glances at the clock on the nightstand and is surprised to see that it's already nearly 10 am. When he turns around to look at you he sees your sleepy eyes staring at him, which makes him giggle.
"Ah you look so cute when you wake up!"
You groan in response and hide your face under the covers. Yunho is having none of it as he wraps his body around yours and squeezes you tightly. "My precious Y/N is so cute in the morning!"
"Yunho!" You groan, now feeling your cheeks heat up at his words.
"What? It's true! You should see yourself baby you look absolutely adorable."
You poke your head out from under the covers to see your boyfriend's dashing smile. Finally giving in you lift the covers slightly, giving him room to slide underneath them and to cuddle with you, which he does. Yunho holds you close as he rests his chin on your head.
"It's still early. Let's stay like this for a little longer"
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Yeosang feels someone staring at him and so when he opens his eyes, he isn't surprised to see you doing exactly that. "Why are you staring at me, Y/N? Am I that good looking?"
You're surprised by his teasing tone but quickly compose yourself as you lean your head onto your hand, staring at him lovingly. "You are actually. I'm still amazed by how beautiful you actually are."
Now it's Yeosang's turn to feel flustered as he feels his own cheeks heat up at your compliments. He chuckles nervously as he hides his face behind his hands.
"Why are you doing this to me, Y/N? This is so embarrassing!" He laughs, finally removing his hands to look at you. Only to find your face mere inches away from his own. You flash him a charming smile as you lean in to peck his lips softly.
"It's not embarrassing when it's the truth. You're really beautiful, Yeosang. And I hope you know that."
Yeosang smiles softly as he gently takes your face between his hands, staring at you lovingly. "I love you so much Y/N, I hope you know that too."
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San is a big cuddle bug. We've all seen how much trouble he has waking up so when he actually does, he's holding onto you like a koala. His face buried in your chest as he tightly holds on to your waist. You giggle at his cuteness as you gently run your fingers through his hair. Not knowing that this actually woke him up. He hums softly as he tilts his face slightly so he's able to look at you.
"Good morning beautiful." He mumbles, a warm smile plastered on his face as he stares at you.
You feel your own heart flutter as you stare at your boyfriend. "Good morning Sannie. Did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby. I don't remember the last time I slept this well." You chuckle at his words as you gently caress his cheek, admiring his beauty.
"You know, you're really beautiful San."
He lets out a squeak as he removes himself from your arms, moving up a little higher so he's face to face with you. The blush on his cheeks more evident now that he's so close to you.
"You know, Y/N. So are you." He whispers, slowly leaning in until his lips brush against yours.
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Mingi hates waking up in the morning and having to leave his bed. That's why most days when he can he stays in it as long as possible. The fact that you're here laying next to him doesn't make it easier for him to get up. You're laying onto your back with Mingi's head laying on your chest. Both of you are awake but neither one of you actually wants to get up and get out of bed. "You're only making it more difficult to get out of bed." Mingi mumbles, breaking the comfortable silence.
You hum in response as you continue running your fingers through his locks. "Because it was already difficult for me to get up, but on free days I got up so I could see you. And now you're already in my bed so there's no point for me to get up."
You chuckle at his words as you pull him up slightly, so you're able to look at him properly. "You do have a point, but we're gonna have to get up eventually if we still wanna see that movie tonight."
Mingi hums in response as he rests his head on your collarbone, pressing a kiss against the skin there. "I know, but for now I want to cuddle some more."
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Wooyoung wakes up before you do, and spends about 5 minutes staring at his surroundings before he gets bored and turns to you. He gently bites your shoulder, making you chuckle. "What are you doing?" Wooyoung flashes you his charming smile as he leans closer to nuzzle his nose against yours. "Good morning, I just wanted you to wake up."
"And you thought biting me was the best option?" "Yeah."
You chuckle at his cuteness as you snuggle closer to him, resting your head on his collarbone. Wooyoung wraps his arm around you as he presses a kiss against your head.
"I like this a lot." He whispers, holding onto you just a little tighter.
"Me too, I should stay the night more often." You whisper back, now fully snuggling him. Wooyoung giggles as he pulls you up a little so you're face to face to him. You stare at him, waiting for him to make the next move, which he does. Wooyoung places his hand on the back of your head and pulls you down till your lips meet his.
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Jongho's hair is sticking in all directions as he tiredly rubs his eyes. Your heart melts at the cute sight of your boyfriend as you feel yourself smile. Once Jongho looks at you he notices you smiling at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you look adorable."
Jongho seems a little taken aback by your words and can't help but blush as your words. "Why?"
You move to sit up straight and pull him closer to you. Jongho raises his eyebrows until he feels your hands pressing down his hair. It's then that he realizes it must look hilarious and he can't suppress a giggle. "You finally realize now?" You ask, fully knowing why he's laughing.
"Yes, sorry it must look very funny."
"No, it's cute!" You say, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your chest. Normally Jongho is the one who cuddles you so it surprises him when you pull him into your chest.
You press a soft kiss against his forehead as you lay back down, pulling Jongho with you as you close your eyes again. "Let's stay like this for just a little longer. I like cuddling with you."
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sicjimin · 2 years
hmmm what about pregnant!namjoon
he can be maybe three months in, but he'd somehow gotten a false negative or something and just thought he gained a little weight?
but for an episode of run bts or something, they go on a rollercoaster and he just gets so sick. like to the point where they decide to take him to the hospital because it's that bad, and then they do some bloodwork and it turns out he's pregnant???
romantic pairing of your choice!
a.n : another long overdue request is finally doneeeeeeee ahah im sorry this might be a little bit mess ... but i hope you like it :] this is such a cute request I LOVE YOUR PROMPTTT
tw : emeto, mpreg, talk about body proportion
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Seokjin soft voices snapped Namjoon from his thoughts, breaking his gaze from his own self in the mirror. The corner of his lips tugs into a smile when the older wrapped his arms around his waist, stopping him from twirling and checking his appearance the past minutes. 
“Nothing..”, Namjoon mumbles, locking eyes with his boyfriend in the mirror. 
“You hasn’t move a single inch from that mirror, Joon-ah”, Seokjin chuckles, “What are you even looking for? You’re perfect already”
Namjoon snorts, but can’t help the warmth that starts spreading on his cheeks involuntarily. “You’re such a smooth talker hyung”, he huffs, “But nothing really .. i just .. feel weird about my body. Do you think i gained some weight?”, he asks, furrowing his brows in concentration as if he was actually thinking about it. 
For these past weeks, things had been weird for him. He had fallen ill a few weeks ago, started with vomiting after his date with Seokjin, which he brushed off as food poisoning—Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows on that, "But i ate the same thing, and i am okay though?" —and it continues the next morning, jolted awake from his sleep on 4 am, he once again threw up his dinner that he didn't even know still there. This one lasted for 4 days, quite long for a mere food poisoning, that Seokjin even asked him one morning, while Namjoon was busy gurgling milk from his breakfast on the passenger seat, "What if you take a pregnancy test, love?"
And Namjoon had no energy to argue, he did take it—and it was negative. "So .. it seems like you caught a bug", Seokjin gulps when Namjoon showed him the result ; and Namjoon slapped his chest, ending that day facing his back to the older as he was angry—for placing a little hope in his heart only to crush it.
After those 4 days of torture, Namjoon feels fine again for a few weeks—his appetite that had been gone when he was sick, had picked up again. and if he felt nauseous occasionally, he didn't tell his boyfriend.
and it was 3 days ago, Seokjin once again jolted awake when someone beside him rustling, before the weight there disappear, and the next second he heard long, loud belch echoed from the bathroom, and followed with the sound of vomit pouring into the toilet. He wrinkled his nose, rubbing sleepiness that still thick latched on his eyes, "Joon-ah?" ; Namjoon flushed the toilet. 
It happened again the next morning.
But the strange thing is that, even after all the vomiting and nausea he had felt, he didn't seem like he's losing weight. On the contrary, he feel heavier. His stomach looks a little bit bigger and softer- not like what he usually felt. 
Seokjin pull away, "A little bit, i think? But it's nothing to worry about. You don't look any different" 
"You sure?", Namjoon furrows his eyebrows. 
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be", Seokjin frowns at him, leaning closer and pressing a chaste kiss against his forehead, "You can ask Jimin if you feel my opinion isn't enough, or Yoongi. He won't give you sweet talk like me"
"Oh so your answer earlier just a sweet talk?"
Seokjin rolls his eyes, before leaning again and gives the younger another kiss on his cheeks, "Let's hurry.  Manager is waiting"
"You sure we have to ride this?", Jimin groans when the director read them the instruction for their games. Namjoon gulps at the sight of roller coaster in front of him. He already could feel his stomach slowly churn. It's not like he hates this kind of ride—he quite like it, actually. But if he is in a good condition. Not swaying back and forth with nausea for the last weeks.
"Have you tried to ride this, pd-nim?", Jimin's chatters snap him from succumbing into nausea. Namjoon takes a deep breath, and chuckles when Jimin bickers with pd-nim, "Aah i know you're lying pd-nim" 
Namjoon end up riding with Seokjin and Jimin. Already handed with paper in their hand, consist of words that they need to memorize during the ride. They sit in first row, with Seokjin next to Namjoon. Jimin sat behind them—already giggling with excitement while teasing Hoseok that already pale just by watching them. 
And with that, the train starts moving, the sound of the wheels against the track filling their ears. Seokjin reaches over, grabbing Namjoon's hands, and interlocks their fingers together quietly, while start reciting the words written in his paper.
Namjoon bites his lips. His heart thumps louder and louder. He already could imagine losing his lunch after this. No, he shakes his head, trying to focus into his tasks as well. 
Namjoon's breathe hitches on the first turn. His stomach lurch along when the rollercoaster drop and then going up again. He gasps, can't even let himself scream as Seokjin and Jimin did it for him. He squeezes the other hand in his, as the ride speeds up—up and down and turn and go in round. Namjoon holds his breath, trying to hold his stomach at bay. 
At some point, the ride slows down, and Namjoon finds his vision spinning. And his chest feels tight. Like a huge stone was dropped on his chest. He grips onto Seokjin's hand harder, hoping his boyfriend doesn't feel how hot his palm feels. 
 "You okay, Joonie?" Seokjin's voice brings him back to reality. Namjoon shakes his head with a quiet moan, pressing the back of his hand against his mouth. His breathe start pacing up as nausea just become worse and overwhelming when the ride stops. It feels like his body hasn't registered that the rapid movement is already ended.
Namjoon  stands up, feeling dizzy for seconds after his legs touch the ground. He grabs onto Seokjin, holding tightly onto the older's shirt—letting his head drop into the older crooks. He feels the others hand caressing his back, "Breathe honey”, the older whispers as he tries to catch Namjoon's attention. He could hear Yoongi barks at the director to pause the shooting for now.
Namjoon whines, when he could feel his stomach turn. He pulls away, eyes were closed tightly, cheeks puffed out briefly with a squelching noise, and he gulped loudly to force the vomit back down. 
"Joon-ah, are you going to be sick?", Seokjin says softly, his voice laced with concern, as he rubs his hand across the younger's back again, trying to calm him down. Namjoon nods, but before Seokjin could react, he already push himself away and bent over, facing the railing with wet belch gurgled up his throat.
Namjoon shuddered when he gag once again, this time expelled a shower of light brown vomit onto the ground.  He coughed, gasped, and shuddered with an even stronger heave that sent more of his stomach contents gushing out.
"Oh love ..", Seokjin immediately running towards his boyfriend, and carefully wrapping his arms around him, pulling the young boy closer and keep him steady. He rubs comforting circles on his back as he sway forward once again, heaving up more of his last meal. "Let it out .. let it out"
Namjoon feels the tears streaming down his cheeks, and he grips the older hands tight, breathing deeply and trying hard to stay calm, before a fresh heave washes over him, retched up another flood of his undigested lunch. He repeated the motion, bending further at the waist as his stomach seems eager to emptying itself. 
It took him few minutes, and few concerning dry heaves until Seokjin pulls him closer—mumbling a "You're already empty, babe. You're hurting yourself"—and he managed to calm down, straightening his body. 
He felt weak. He was drained from all his energy and all of his strength. 
His knees wobble—and he feels lightheaded. 
He feels someone's hands wrap around his arms, helping his balance as he slowly sinks to the floor, with Seokjin sitting in front of him, "Hey baby, hey, you okay?" 
He looked up through blurred vision, seeing Seokjin's worried face peering down on him, "Are you okay? Do you want to drink something?". His eyes flickered open, glancing behind him to see Hoseok standing right behind them. He blinked, shaking his head slightly, "No.." he whispered. "I'm still nauseous hyung.. dizzy" he mumbles, closing his eyes shut for a brief moment. 
 After that, everything went like a blur for Namjoon. He was being pulled up, supported by Seokjin's arm wrapped around his waist, guided out of the amusement park, towards the car that waited for them. 
He should feel guilty as the shooting has to stop because of him, but he didn't have it in him to feel that. He's too tired, and all he wants now is to curl on his bed. 
When they got back home, Namjoon felt the familiar tugging sensation and nausea hitting him again. He stumbled from the car, ignoring the dizziness that still latching on him to run to their kitchen, opted towards the sink, doubled over and began to vomit into it.
"Hyung ... hurts", Namjoon hisses in pain when the fit passed. He turns off the tap, pushing himself from the sink, and leaning against it, closing his eyes shut and trying to make the world stop spinning for a second. 
"Let's go to the hospital, Joonie", he hears Seokjin say beside him, and opening his eyes sees the older brushing his cheeks over his hands, "I can't keep seeing you throwing up like this. You scare me", his voice softens, as he leans over and grabs Namjoon's arm, trying to support him. 
"No .. i don't want to", Namjoon whines, gripping the counter tighter before he pull himself away, want to rest himself over the couch—but the room spun a bit more and then everything suddenly went black. 
When Namjoon opens his eyes again, he could feel a familiar nausea looming over him. He groans, placing his hand over his stomach and swallow the thick saliva stuck in his throat. He looks around, realizing that he's in a white room ...... that is not his bedroom.
"Hyung?", he calls weakly, turning around quickly to find the figure seated on the chair beside him, sleeping soundly. "Jin hyung ..", he shakes his boyfriend, that immediately stir awake, his eyes blink heavily as he blinks a couple of times.
Seokjin yawns as he sit up in the chair, rubbing his eyes and tilting his head to the side. He smiles widely when his eyes meet with Namjoon's. "You're up? How are you feeling?" 
 "Why are we here?", Namjoon ignores the greetings. Anxiety start bubbling up in his head. Did something bad happen to him?
"You fainted last night", Seokjin  answers simply. "What? No I did not—" but then he remembered. Right.. last night, they were shooting, he threw up few times .. and then everything went black for him. 
"Aahh ... then we can go home, right? I'm awake" 
Seokjin shook his head, "The doctor want to observe you for at least a day, Joonie" 
Namjoon huffs out an annoyed sigh. "Why? It was just motion sickness, and maybe because of the remaining of stomach— ". 
"You're pregnant, Joon-ah", Seokjin cuts his rambles. 
 Namjoon blinked, his heart stuttering as he try to process what the older said. "W-what?", he chuckles, "You're jok—", he stops when Seokjin just smiles at him, "You're not joking?" 
Seokjin shakes his head, reaching up to gently cup the side of Namjoon's cheek with his warm fingers, wiping away Namjoon's sweat covered forehead. "Why should i?"
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Sky Date - Prologue
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date prologue, 云霄之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Do note that you have to read this before embarking on the actual date, because it contains background information and sweet domestic bliss you wouldn't want to miss :>
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[ This date was released on 14 April 2021 ]
[ Part One: A Dream About to Take Flight ]
MC: Ahhh! My life is up to me. Not. Up. To. Fate!
The small dice in my furled hand is tossed around several times. When I loosen my grip, it rolls quickly on the map -- ‘2′.
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Gavin: Hahaha--
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Gavin laughs, but hurriedly retracts his smile when he senses my murderous gaze.
Gavin: It’s okay, things will definitely take a favourable turn in the next round.
Sulky, I let out of a huff. I watch as he picks up the dice, casually rolling a '5′. Then, he cheerfully shifts his own plane on the map by six spaces.
[Note] In the game of Aeroplane Chess, your plane can only leave the starting point if you roll a ‘5′ of ‘6′!
MC: ...
It’s a Saturday afternoon. Gavin and I had nothing to do after eating, so we randomly grabbed a set of Aeroplane Chess from the supermarket to play. But I didn’t expect to have such a terrible gaming experience!
Although it’s been the sixth or seventh round, I just can’t the ‘6′ I need to get my plane out of the hangar. On the other hand, Gavin has always been able to get it to take flight smoothly, and very quickly reaches the goal.
MC: Gavin, with your kind of luck, there’s no need to waste it on playing games with me.
After pondering for a long while, I offer him a serious suggestion.
MC: Let’s head out to buy a lottery ticket?
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Gavin: Why don’t we play something else? The paper model from last time was only half done. Since we have time today, we could get it done at one go.
At this moment, the phone on the floor beside me rings. Seeing the familiar number, I tap on the hands-free function.
Nurse: Miss MC, the physical report done at our hospital is ready. Please bring your receipt and collect it within fifteen working days.
MC: Mm, got it, thank you.
Gavin is currently storing the Aeroplane Chess pieces into the box. Hearing this conversation, he gives me a puzzled look.
Gavin: Haven’t you already gone for a physical examination this year? Are you feeling unwell?
MC: No, no. I’m using the report for the registration.
I deliberately pretend to be secretive, leaning towards him. Then, I show him the registration form that I had submitted online beforehand.
MC: I’m going to get a Private Pilot License.
[ Part Two: First Day of School ]
On the first day of aviation training, I set the alarm to wake me up at 6.30am. Even Gavin is stunned at the level of enthusiasm I have for learning.
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Gavin: The courses for the aviation license can get pretty dry. You have to be mentally prepared.
MC: Are you referring to things like meteorology, aircraft structure, air traffic regulations?
Gavin: Mm. Aside from the exams, such knowledge is necessary for aircraft pilots.
While he speaks, he lifts his head to give me a smile.
Gavin: But they definitely won’t stump you.
After packing my things, I grab a random jacket and prepare to leave.
The classes take place in the suburbs, and it takes an hour to get there. Despite waking up early, I’d be late if I don’t hurry up.
But Gavin is clearly not too worried about this matter. He holds a slice of bread in his mouth while looking at his phone.
Gavin: Since I’m sending you there, you won’t be late. Before your first official lesson, I’ll give you a flight class.
I walk over to him, pulling up the zipper of his uniform, and also picking up the motorcycle helmet from the table.
MC: To prevent this from being a mere flash in the pan, I want to leave the joy of flight to the end of the course. But if going by land would make me late...
Gavin rolls the bread into his mouth, taking the helmet from my hand.
Gavin: No matter the route, you won’t be late. Oh yes, what class are you taking today?
[ Part Two, Option 1: Principles of Meteorology ]
Instructor: I’ll ask some small questions to test your foundation and see if you take note of knowledge in this area.
He opens the PowerPoint presentation, then uses a laser pointer to point at the image on the first page - it's a cumulus cloud with a flat bottom layer and a high, upward curve at the top.
Instructor: Does anyone know what this cloud is called?
MC: Cumulus congestus cloud.
Instructor: Correct. The next question - when the International Civil Aviation Organisation observes cloud volume, how many segments do they divide the sky into?
MC: It should be eight segments.
I recall that Gavin brought this up before.
Instructor: Not bad, miss. You did preparatory work beforehand, didn’t you?
MC: No no, I have a friend who has a better understanding in this area, so I was just influenced.
After saying this, chuckles drift from the surroundings. The instructor nods in understanding.
Instructor: In that case, you won’t have a problem during the exams.
MC: ...I’ll do my best.
After all, my confidence is limited when it comes to exams.
Just as I’m thinking about this, I receive a notification on my phone. Gavin has sent me an incredibly large document file.
Gavin: I don’t know how to teach, so I compiled some materials you might need for the exam.
I grip my phone, suddenly feeling like the weather is so good that it makes one carefree and relaxed.
It’s just an exam. I’ll definitely be fine.
[ Part Two, Option 2: Aviation Regulations Class ]
At 2pm in the afternoon, the sun shines from above. I had a full meal, so fighting against the sleeping bug is a difficult challenge.
Instructor: Before the flight, the captain has to carry out the necessary inspections of the aircraft. Until the inspections are complete, you can’t take off. This regulation is easy to understand. In fact...
When the dullness of the course matches how fine the weather is, the entire classroom gets immersed in a drowsy atmosphere.
I take a few deep breaths and pat my face... but I still feel like sleeping.
Instructor: Okay, we’ll take a 10 minute break. You students look sleepy, so go wash your faces to freshen up.
The moment he finishes speaking, the sound of heads plopping down on the tables can be heard all around.
Just as I prepare to stand up and stretch, my phone suddenly vibrates.
Delivery boy: Hello, I’ve placed your take-out at the main counter.
MC: Take-out?
But I didn’t order take-out...
While I’m puzzled, the young lady from the main counter very politely brings the item to the classroom - it’s a cup of coffee.
There’s only one simple line on the note of the take-out: Persevere for a little longer. Gavin.
I retrieve the coffee from the bag, taking a tiny slip. The instructor walks past, giving me a glance from the side.
Instructor: Are you drinking coffee or milk tea? You’re smiling so happily.
MC: Being able to swim in the ocean of knowledge is always meant to be a happy thing.
The instructor gives me an expression which says, “like I’d actually believe you”.
MC: Instructor, let’s continue with the lesson. I’m not drowsy anymore. Learning for another four hours is no problem at all!
[ Part Three: Being Your Co-pilot ]
Gavin: Do you want to head out for a stroll after dinner? It seems to be really cooling outside.
I’m currently taking out plates from the kitchen drawer, subconsciously craning my head to glance outside.
MC: It’s going to rain, isn’t it...
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Gavin: Really? I’ll check the weather forecast. Earlier in the afternoon, Eli mentioned taking out some time to wash his car at night. I even thought today would be a good day.
I step into the living room, setting down plates on the dining table. 
MC: There are just some cumulonimbus clouds in the sky. It might not really rain.
Gavin scrolls through the real-time weather, then gives me a smile.
Gavin: It’s really going to rain.
He gets up, opening the rice cooker and scooping a full bowl of rice for me.
Gavin: At first, I even thought you’d find such theoretical knowledge boring. I didn’t think you’d learn them so earnestly. Looks like you really want to get the license.
MC: Of course. I want to be your co-pilot.
Although Gavin hasn’t even scooped rice for himself, he’s already served me a huge pile of vegetables.
Gavin: Sure. I’ll wait for the day you get your license.
Just as I’m about to talk about how assured I am about getting the license, I realise that the plate on my hand is becoming fuller and fuller. 
Before I can even voice my question, Gavin responds.
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Gavin: Learning is tough. You need to eat a little more. I also bought you ice-cream. It’s in the second compartment of the freezer. I remember you mentioning that as long as you eat something delicious during difficult times, you can press on easily.
MC: ...hahaha! Mm! After having this meal, I’ll complete all my post-class homework!
[ Aviation Terminology Class ]
MC: Calling for the control tower. Number N8596 has arrived, and is requesting for a landing gate.
Gavin (through the phone): Number N8596, you may use aircraft Gate Number One.
Gavin’s light-hearted laughter drifts from the phone.
Gavin: Shouldn’t your class end at 7pm? It’s only 6pm.
MC: The plan was to be dismissed at 7pm, but... for some reason, those in my class were really interested in the Aviation Terminology class, so they did their preparatory work in advance. The three hour class was over in one and a half hours. The instructor said that we already grasped all the key points, so we were dismissed early. What about you? How much longer till you’re off work?
Gavin: For me... less than half an hour. You could think about what to do with this unexpectedly free hour. I remember that there’s a new dessert shop opposite the cinema.
MC: You remembered? I never even told you about it. How could you remember? Officer Gavin, you better tell me the truth. You didn’t remember it - you specially searched it up.
Gavin: Mm, I specially searched it up. I even found that there are claw machines along the shopping street on the ground level of the cinema. 
MC: Looks like what I’m going to do in the next hour has already been scheduled. 
Gavin: Wait for me at the office first. I’ll look for you once I’m done with the work on hand.
[ Part Four: Flight Practice ]
Today’s the first flight practice class. The instructor is sitting in the co-pilot seat, watching my every move throughout the entire journey.
I wasn't nervous at first, but each time he glances at me, I involuntary wonder if I’ve done something wrong.
In an instant, I recall the fear of taking the aviation exam...
Until the plane successfully takes flight, I keep feeling as though the thing suspending in the air isn’t the plane, but my heart.
Instructor: It’s rare for you to make a trip up here. What’s there to be nervous about? Come, lift your head and look at the sky.
At this moment, countless gripes flash across my mind: What’s so nice about the sky? I’ve seen all kinds of skies. Right now, all I want is to fly the plane...
But the moment I lift my head, I’m rendered speechless.
Instructor: How is it? The first time I saw it, I was so stunned that I couldn't speak either.
MC: It’s really beautiful.
Sunlight casts a layer of golden hue on the soft and white clouds, blending the colours of gold and crimson.
I’m unable to describe how the scenery before me makes me feel. 
It’s a feeling which... makes one feel that life has meaning.
All of a sudden, another thought surfaces in my mind: I wonder what went through Gavin’s mind when he saw such a sight for the first time.
The instructor sitting next to me glances at me from the side.
Instructor: Thinking about your boyfriend again?
MC: [blushing] ...no!
Instructor: It’s normal. Each time I’m flying, I can’t help but think of my wife. There isn’t a reason to it. It’s just a sudden thought, an involuntary reaction.
The instructor laughs as he gives me advice with a contagious smile.
Instructor: If you’re thinking about him, just do it. It’s fine. It’s a normal thing. When you see certain things, your natural reaction is to think of someone.
MC: ...Instructor, I usually can’t tell, but you’re actually quite philosophical.
I grab the joystick of the plane, watching as countless clouds drift past leisurely.
All I want to do is take a photograph of this moment for Gavin.
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Date: here
Gavin watching as I drool over the thought of Eli scrubbing his car in the rain while wearing a singlet:
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨lie down darling Its time for a dream✨
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Faking it (dad squad)
So basically this is what happens if the dad squad found out reader faked an orgasm before
This is of course 18+ and the reader is female
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Daichi suwamura
Okay so daichi honestly was never worried about y'all sex life
Like you moan his name everytime why is he worried
It's when you and the rest of the karasuno group get drunk and play truth of dare
When it's your turn.. you're drunk off six shots of tequila and tanaka asks you to reveal your deepest secret
"okay okay! Sooo during me and daichi's fourth anniversary, we fucked and I may have totally faked it"
Wait what.
Everyone else is laughing but daichi is over here having a mental breakdown
You did what?!
How many more have you faked?! Were they all fake?! Did he ever really make you cum?
It did not take long for daichi to drag you away to the nearest bathroom
You gasp when daichi pinned you against the wall his mouth attacking your neck while his hands roamed your body now gripping your hips as he ripped your panties off.
"faked an orgasm?! Damn it how many did you fake? Doesn't matter don't tell me. I'm going to fuck you against this wall and you are going to cum over and over til I know for sure you like having sex with me"
He fucked you until you couldn't think anymore, he also made sure EVERYONE heard it.
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Tooru oikawa
You were having girl talk with the other managers and the topic of sex came up
They all assume he's some sex god which makes you laugh
Oikawa is honestly such a dork during sex that you couldn't help but spills beans
"honestly he was so nervous during our first time, It was so cute..though he didn't really make me.. y'know"
News travelled fast and before you know it at 4am you had a pissed oikawa at your door
The loud harsh banging interrupted your sleep and you went to the door only to see oikawa standing there, your sleepy eyes trailed his body up and down and you noticed he was gripping his phone so tight his knuckles turned white, you didn't even get to speak when the male stormed inside and let's out a frustrated sigh.
"why are rumors about me being bad in bed spreading around?!"
"I dunno...maybe you have a hater, babe it's like 4am..why are you here?"
Oikawa snapped his head towards you before walking towards you anger fuming towards you before he gripped your arm tightly.
"everyone is saying you started the rumor, so tell me little cutie what the fuck have you been saying?"
Your eyes got wide as the conversation with the girls resurfaced in your head and you softly reached out to put your hands on his cheeks which made him relax but he was still clearly annoyed.
"sorry, tooru it was just one little story. Girl talk y'know and it's fine lots of people can't make their partner cum their first time you just ha-"
You were cut off by the male roughly pulling you towards your room, everytime you tried to speak oikawa would glare at you before demanding that you shut up. Once in your room he pushed you on the bed his ego clearing having dropped now that you admitted the truth.
"I am good at sex! I am Great! I just have to prove to you that you are with the best man ever"
As he spoke he started to strip before his cold glare landed on you before he crawled ontop and wrapped a hand around your throat.
"you are going to be begging me to stop making you cum once I'm done with you"
He made you tell everyone that you cummed extra hard that night, even if it was super embarrassing to say.
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Tetsuro kuroo
You two were arguing
It started with him being jealous of a person at work flirting with you and it just blew up
Screams and swears shooting back at the other
Low blows were dealt
You both don't even remember what the fight was about
Then..you said it
"God you are so cocky! It's shit like that, that make me fake orgasms during sex"
He shut up after that one for sure
All he can think about was how many did you fake and how he failed as your lover
Why didn't you tell him you weren't feeling good during sex?
Kuroo remained quiet as he let his brain think, after saying it you quickly walked over and hugged him hoping he wasn't angry at you
"baby! I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I was just upset and you were just upset you forgive me yeah?"
"how many times?"
"that doe-"
"how many damn times?!"
You flinched when he forced you to look at him showing pain in his eyes and you couldn't help but be honest with him.
"only a few, during those times where I was just really sleepy that's it"
Kuroo let's out a shaky sigh before he peppered soft kisses along your neck. He was pretty hurt at the moment but he did want to make it up to you, plus make up sex was always good
"come, let's talk this out yeah?"
His tone was soft as he guided you to the bedroom thought talking wasn't the plan he had, he wanted to make you see stars and make sure he could actually make you cum.
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Koutaro bokuto
Okay so maybe it wasn't a good idea to pump up bokuto's ego every time you guys have sex
All your praise makes him think he's the best in the world
But when it came time for a girls night at you and bokuto's place stuff starts to spill
You told bokuto to spend the night at akaashi or something but you didnt think he would come home
"sooo [y/n]! How is bokuto in bed?! We gotta know"
The question made you embarrassed while bokuto stood outside you guys' bedroom listening in
Yes dear wife tell them how my sex is the best in the world
"koutaro, tries his best. Sometimes he gets a little too excited and cums early so he gets too tired to finish and we end up cuddling before I can climax so I just fake it"
Bokuto automatically swings the door open scaring both you and the girls
He is legit tearing up and about to sob
After, very quickly telling the girls to leave he cries into your stomach while you pet his head
"why didn't you tell me?! I would have made it all better"
"oh..kou..it's no big deal"
Your soothing which would usually work just wasn't working right now, bokuto sniffled as he looked up at you with tearful eyes, you were his baby owl and he couldnt even make you feel good?!
He couldn't believe that! No he won't accept that! Before you can respond bokuto pushed you down on the bed before starting to pull your pants and underwear off your body
"kou! W-what the hell?!"
"just let me do this please! I need to know that I can do this, I just want you to be happy with me..so..let me worship you"
You were shocked but shuddered at the feeling of soft kisses against your inner thigh, with one final sniffle bokuto was now focused on something else.
He proceeded to eat you out that night until you cummed so much that you was sobbing but by the end of it he was so happy to know that he can make you cum and of course he was more mindful about your needs.
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Wakatoshi ushijima
Oh jeez
Okay so he makes it very clear that bedroom talk is off limits
What you two do in bed is your business hell you guys don't really talk about sex and spend more time just doing it
You are very tight lipped about your sex life but tendou Is a very stubborn guy
He is constantly asking you what's it like..mostly cause he wants to tease wakatoshi
After finally bothering you to the point where you wanna hit him you confess
"toshi is great okay?! I mean sure he has his moments of not really getting me there but it's good so stop asking!"
after explaining that wakatoshi tends to be boringly vanilla you expect him to let it go
No bitch this is tendou 'i give no fucks' satori
Proceeds to tease wakatoshi about it every chance he gets
"wow who knew you could be boring in all departments"
"sooooo, you really like it vanilla huh?"
Of course oblivious wakatoshi doesn't pay him any mind until a drunk tendou spills the beans
"guess who told me that you're boring in bedddd~ pfft she said you are so slow that it is like fucking a box"
You of course didn't say that but you were shocked to see wakatoshi at your door the next day
"did you tell tendou about our sex life?"
Well fuck.
you honestly should have expected this. You let out a shaky sigh as you merely avoided eye contact you felt pretty embarrassed and ashamed
"yeah, sorry toshi he kept bugging me about it"
"you telling him is not why I'm upset"
You were honestly shocked and looked up only to see wakatoshi's face close to yours, his eyes were intense and honestly gave you chills.
"did you say I was boring during sex? Is this true?"
"um..yeah but it's okay I mean it's still good it's just very..typical I mean we do the same stuff all the time and you just tend to be, slow"
Wakatoshi was a little shocked by your words but he calmly sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to think of what exactly he needed to do.
"then my future wife, allow me to spend the night making you feel good instead of myself, you can tell me exactly what I need to do in order to bring you to climax again and again."
And you did exactly that, he was quite obedient and even did things he never done before just so he can make you feel good.
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otome-on-the-side · 4 years
 Fluff, with Suggestive Themes
ao3 mirror 
[Part 1] [Part 3]
Despite how much he loathed the idea, Mammon needed to move.
The feeling of your breath- now deep and even- fanning over his neck was killing him. And falling asleep with his head against the car window gave his neck a helluva cramp.
Mammon cracked open an eye, carefully assessing just how asleep you were. Out like a light and almost angelic in your slumber. Mammon groaned at the thought of having to dig around to find his keys, or worse, possibly wake you up.
He was more than good enough with his hands to pickpocket you for his keys if he needed to- but he didn’t really want to know if you had pockets. Patting you down for the possibility- sleepwear only had pockets so often and-
Sleepwear. You were in your pajamas and Mammon, having since calmed down and gone to sleep, was back to wearing his sweatpants. Just his sweatpants. Because he just loooved the feeling of clean sheets on his bare ass and didn’t want to deal with getting changed when he just wanted to pass out.
And here you were, in his lap, face tucked into the crook of his neck, breathing on him, asleep. Innocent as a lamb.
Mammon couldn’t help shifting his weight- listen, he was already uncomfortable, and with the nightmare of an idea that something huge poking you all of a sudden was enough to wake you up- when he felt one of the many things digging into his back shift, and there was a very distinct ‘click’ of the car door unlocking.
If you weren’t a very real weight on him- on his lap, his chest, his shoulder, his neck, all of this listed in a rapid fire montage in his brain that was not helping his current affliction one bit- he might have cursed.
Instead, Mammon very, very slowly made his way out of the car, taking care to jostle you as little as he possibly could; opening the door before gently supporting your shoulders with one arm as he let you slide down a bit, and hooking the other under your knees.
Standing with you in his arms, ears away from his pulse, the rest of you at the very least 6 inches away from his pelvis, Mammon let out a careful sigh.
Now what? He wondered. He turned his head to look at you again, still angelical in sleep.
As much as his traitorous brain wanted to tuck you into his bed and sleep again, he didn’t want to face the possibility of you being upset where you woke up. You’d consented to sleeping in his car, but you hadn’t thrown yourself into his bed for a reason.
He just wanted you to feel safe, comfortable, and happy. And a pathetic, desperate part of him wanted to be the one that did that for you. Even if you didn’t feel the same.
He knew somewhere you wouldn’t mind waking up. He just had to clear out the monster that had invited himself in. Belphegor had better be hoping he found him under your bed or in the closet, because if he didn’t, he’d wring his little neck.
Walking through the halls of the house of lamentation with you in his arms was… tense. Mammon was strangely thankful it was still wee enough hours that no one else should be awake. The last thing he needed was to someone bugging him before he got you back to bed.
Mammon nearly shrieked in surprise, clutching you closer to his chest before he realized who had spoken. You remained tucked close, if only to remind himself that you were there.
Belphegor sat quietly on the floor, knees tucked under his chin, positioned beside your door. The youngest simply looked up, observing your sleeping form for a moment before looking back down on the ground. “So, our human is looking better.”
“No thanks to you.” Mammon spat.
“We’ve fallen asleep together in the observatory before. And Asmodeus crawls into their bed without asking all the time.”
“I know for a fact when they conk out next to you, it’s because they know you’re already there. You think if you pulled one of your pop up pranks right when they were nodding off, they’d have any hope of falling asleep anywhere near you?”
Belphegor hunched his shoulders but held his tongue. For once, Mammon was right.
“And another thing: Asmodeus shouldn’t be doin’ that shit either. Of all the crap to copy from him, why does it have to be the creepy shit?”
Alright, now he was just being hypocritical. “That’s rich, coming from the demon holding them like a bride.”
“S-so!?” He jumped at how loud his voice was before continuing in what barely constituted as a whisper. “I’m allowed! How else am I supposed to put my sleepy human back in bed?! It’s not like I’m joinin’ ‘em!”
Belphegor merely raised an eyebrow in response, before letting himself have a yawn. Rather than continuing to poke at Mammon, he rose to his feet and stretched for a moment. “Well. I’m going to bed. See y’all in the morning.”
“Yeah. You do that.”
His only response was the roll of his eyes as he walked down the hall.
Mammon waited until his brother’s retreating form disappeared around a corner before opening your door with an elbow, taking care that your feet didn’t hit the frame as he passed over your room’s threshold.
It was still dark. Your bed was a rumpled mess from the terrified scramble out of it only hours prior. Belphie clearly hadn’t bothered to straighten anything up.
Gently, Mammon laid you down on your bed before carefully propping your head up with a fallen pillow. He pulled the sheets over your prone form, taking care to straighten them out a bit. Next, he layered on all the blankets that had spilled onto the floor, topping it all off with your comforter.
There: cozy and all tucked in, He thought. Time to get to bed-
A hand that should have been buried in blankets caught his wrist as he turned to leave. Mammon froze in his tracks. Your eyes were barely open, voice quiet.
“Stay with me?” You asked.
Mammon would swear he could feel his heart melting, drops of it falling into his stomach.
“Yeah,” he whispered, any thoughts of refusal crumbled to dust. You were simply too cute and vulnerable to deny.
Your eyes fluttered shut again as his weight made the mattress dip. Carefully, and still above the blankets, he laid on his side next to you. Far enough that you wouldn’t wake up to him breathing down your neck, but close enough to close his hand over the one that had held his wrist. Mammon idly allowed his fingers to trace little circles on your wrist before he too, succumbed to sleep once more.
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softbiker · 4 years
Born to Run - Chapter 17
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Warnings: angst, alcohol abuse, anxiety, heartbreak, police violence (potentially triggering encounter, please heed the warning), language
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: Well, here it is. All I can do is say...I’m sorry. But I promise I’ll fix it. I decided to go ahead and post this tonight because I haven’t gotten to write much lately, I’ve been working constantly and now I’ve got a second job - so I just love getting to write and post when I can. Thank you for sticking with this story. It’s almost a year old now! As always, let me know what you think!!
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“I dunno, Mom - I mean it’s not like I planned this-”
“Well, no, honey,” her mother huffed over the phone. “It doesn’t seem like you planned any of it.”
Y/N winced at the sting of her words but didn’t argue. With her phone wedged between her ear and her shoulder, she grabbed another stack of underwear and socks from the dresser and turned back towards her bed, where a suitcase lay open. A few pairs of jeans and a couple of sweaters were already folded inside. Off to one side, her toiletry bag was stuffed full - skincare and toothpaste and hair products she might not even use but tossed in anyway in her flustered packing frenzy. Her grip on the socks in her hands tightened to keep her fingers from trembling.
It had been 2 days since her fight - breakup - with Bucky. For the first 24 hours, she fell into an anxious, disorganized catatonia; she shuffled from room to room in her house, pacing and biting her nails, opening cabinets at random then promptly closing them. Her fingers tapped restlessly against her thigh, and her heart raced at a breakneck pace. If a single clear thought managed to arrange itself from the scattered clutter of her panic, it was only Bucky’s face, red-eyed and tear-stained as he pleaded with her. After splashing some water on her face and changing into sweatpants, she had put herself to bed, settling in for the longest night of her life. She tossed and turned, hearing the minutes tick by from the clock on the wall. At around 3 am, she threw off the covers in heartbroken frustration and stalked to the kitchen, setting the kettle on for tea and raiding her cabinets for any treats she could find. Thank God she still had that fancy dark chocolate she’d gotten last time she went to the city; it was the only thing her cupboards could provide in the way of comfort food. Armed with a steaming cup of lavender chamomile and an entire half-pound of dark chocolate she settled back under the covers and grabbed the T.V. Remote from her nightstand. If nothing else, she prayed Netflix could distract her, fill her mind with different faces, different voices - drown out the one that wouldn’t leave her.
She managed to doze off towards the end of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, tearful confessions playing in the background of her not-quite-dreams, and woke just before 7. A cold, clear morning greeted her through the window, the air in her room practically frigid, but something in it settled her. Quieted the static that had blurred out all thought since Bucky walked through her door the day before. With a deep breath, she threw off the covers and swung her feet out of bed, leaving the tea cup and chocolate wrapper to deal with later. It was her running shoes she reached for.
An hour and 10 kilometers later, she jogged back up her front porch steps, breathing heavy and feeling light. Her cheeks were charted from the wind, and her nose was running, but the grip on her heart had shaken loose. And as she clambered into the shower, stinging hot and billowing steam, new thoughts began to string together - thoughts for tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that.
Still in sweatpants, hair dripping, she’d scribbled down a list while she sipped her coffee. Names, to-do’s, a seed of a plan. In order, she phoned the clinic, her best friend, her residency program coordinator - and now, at last, her mom.
“I’m driving up to stay with Kat for a few days - maybe a week,” Y/N sighed, ignoring her mom’s comment. “Just to…clear my head, you know?”
“Sure, sure,” her mom agreed. “Though I don’t know why you couldn’t come here…I haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving-”
“Mom.” She closed her eyes, one hand settled on her hip. “It’s not a vacation.”
“No, sweetie, but it doesn’t hurt to come let your mom take care of you…”
Knuckles pressed to her eyelids, Y/N sat down on the edge of her bed. The old mattress creaked, as it had every night she slept in it for the last several months.
“I-I just,” she licked her dry lips and tried to swallow. “I need to be alone for a little bit, Mom. Once I’ve got it all figured out, I’ll let you know. And maybe…who knows, maybe I can come visit soon.”
“Sweetheart.” The voice on the phone is tired, resigned. “Why do you always try to do these things by yourself? You don’t have to be alone.”
Y/N’s throat tightened, her fingers curling into the fabric of her pants. She breathed slowly, warding back the lump that threatened to close off her voice.
“I’m sorry, Mom. But this time I do.”
“You’ve got to go in there and wake him up-”
“I’m not doing it - I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole when he’s like this.”
“Well, someone’s got to. We’re bugging out in just a couple days-”
Heavy-eyed, and feeling like death warmed over, Bucky stirred at the sound of the voices outside his bedroom. Harsh winter sunlight burst through the blinds over his window; even before he opened his eyes it hurt. Something throbbed inside his skull, and his tongue felt thick and heavy in his parched mouth. Why the hell did he feel this bad? He couldn’t remember the last time he drank like this, to the point of blacked out nausea. His stomach roiled as he turned over, and he felt far too old to be drinking like there was no tomorrow, like he hated himself-
And then he remembered.
Suddenly he had no interest in getting up, getting water, getting something that would settle his stomach. He covered his face with his hands, fingers pressing firm against his eyelids and blocking out any light that came through. It was hot in his room, the combination of heating and a pile of blankets that someone had tucked him in with, but he didn’t move the covers, choosing instead to sweat underneath them.
How had he fucked up so badly? The best thing that ever happened to him - and now she was gone, baby, gone. It would’ve been alright, maybe, if Natasha had allowed him to talk to Y/N himself, but-
Natasha. Just the thought of her set his blood on fire, and he sat bolt upright in bed, his eyes flying open - only to immediately regret it as a stronger wave of nausea threatened to claim him. He quickly folded himself in half and put his head between his knees. When his head finally stopped spinning, he propped his elbows up against his knees and threaded his hands through his hair.
Already, he felt a thread of shame and guilt tugging at his gut. It wasn’t right to blame Natasha. He knew that. The lies were all his own; all Nat had done was reveal the truth.
But, God, the look on Y/N’s face - she had never looked at him that way, not even in the beginning when she was afraid he might be a criminal. It chilled him - right down to the marrow of his bones - the cold anger, the mask of disgust and disinterest that she wore to hide the way she hurt. And she did - he could see her pain cracking the ice in her eyes, no matter how she tried to hide it.
He hated himself for it.
A soft knock at the door, and Steve’s blond head poked in.
“Oh,” he said, eyebrows jumping in surprise. “You’re awake.”
Bucky’s scowl deepened as Steve and Sam kindly let themselves into his room and took up post at the foot of his bed.
“Yeah - thanks to you two. You wouldn’t know how to whisper if your life depended on it, Wilson.”
To his credit, Sam didn’t respond - merely rolled his eyes and cast an exasperated glance at Steve. With a sigh, Steve crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes down on the soft blue quilt Bucky had haphazardly wrinkled during the night.
“Look, I understand that you’re really upset right now.” Steve’s voice was soft, barely more than a murmur. “I know…I know how much she meant to you.”
Bucky felt his eyes starting to burn as he stared at his friends, and he hastily scrubbed at them with his palms, sniffing.
“But,” Steve continued, licking his lip. “We’ve got our marching orders - we’re on standby to pull out any day now. We - I - can’t have you going on binders, AWOL for 24 hours, and then stumbling in here piss drunk at 3 in the morning.”
“We thought you were dead, Barnes,” Sam added, clenching his jaw. “We’re on fuckin’ suicide watch, man. You’re gonna drink yourself to death over a breakup? Huh?”
Growling, Bucky reached behind himself for a pillow and hurled it at Sam’s head.
“Shut the fuck up-”
“No, Buck, Sam is right.” Steve’s brows were knitted together tightly. His eyes were sympathetic, but the rest of him was unflinching as stone. “You can’t do that again. What if you’d run yourself off the road, or gotten hit by a car?” Bucky scoffed, but Steve didn’t back down. Raising his voice he went on. “No, I really want you to think - would you be better off dead? Is that what you want? Is that what she would want?”
Eyes squeezed shut, Bucky saw her face right before him once again, her smiles, the way she used to look at him. The panic in her eyes during his parking lot showdown with Rumlow, the way she bit her lip when she was concentrating on something, how sleepy her eyes were in the mornings - each little piece of her, precious secrets he had tucked away in the hidden corners of his heart. He had thought, dreamed, that he had a lifetime to collect them all, fit all her parts together like a puzzle one piece at a time, and love every moment of it. Now, though. These lone pieces are all he has left, and they will never be enough.
What did she want? He knew only one thing for sure - that she was the only person who could say.
“I don’t think it matters to her either way, punk.”
A few miles outside of town, just past the last lonely gas station, was the exit ramp to the interstate. The road had seen better years; the pavement was pitted with potholes and cracks, haphazardly patched with uneven lumps of asphalt that left drivers weaving between lanes and wondering which would do more damage to their tires. But, since this part of the state saw less traffic than other areas, infrastructure money was slow to trickle down towards repair and reconstruction.
Y/N had driven this road a handful of times - as she moved into town, and then when she had taken the drive a couple of times to visit her friends in the city. It was desolate enough to be a slightly depressing drive; nothing but scorched fields for miles on either side of the road, and the steep ditches that banked it on either side were overgrown with wispy stalks of dead grass. Overhead, a grey and overcast sky shadowed everything, promising a winter day best spent indoors.
She tuned in and out of a true crime podcast while she drove, hardly seeing the road in front of her. Her mind was too far gone on the events of the past few days - and everything she had to do with the coming ones. But there was something comforting here, in the grip of the wheel in her hands, a travel mug of coffee still steaming in the cupholder, an open road ahead of her. She felt…awake, present. Bruised, but not broken. And ready to get back up.
Of course, it shook her when a cop car pulled out of the overgrowth on the shoulder of the exit ramp, putting on speed to keep up with her. Mentally she reviewed her driving - still only 5 over the speed limit, her lights were on and working, her tags were in date. They had no reason to pull her over, she rationalized.
And they didn’t. The car stayed right behind her for the next 10 miles, quietly driving at her speed, keeping a couple car lengths’ distance between. No flashing lights, no sirens.
So why were her palms sweating?
After 20 miles, the sirens finally started blaring, blue and red flashes blinking in her rearview mirror. Despite being raised to respect the law, she felt nervous as she glanced back at the car, easing her foot off the accelerator, but not quite braking to pull over. She bit her lip, hesitating another few seconds as the alarm grew louder behind her. Her stomach clenched nervously.
Stop freaking out. You’re just worried about getting a ticket. Sucking in a deep breath through her nose, she scolded herself and gently pulled her car over to the side of the road, careful not to get too far into the muddy grass along the shoulder. Fingers fidgeting nervously on the steering wheel, she watched as the officer got out of his car and strolled up to her window at a leisurely pace. His head was shaved, and he wore dark mirrored sunglasses, in spite of the gloomy light of the day. As she rolled down her window, she squinted at his face, trying to recognize him from the adrenaline-blurred memories of the night Bucky killed Brock Rumlow - but the low slope of his cheekbones, the clean-shave, the firm-set frown are all unfamiliar to her.
“Good afternoon, ma’am,” he greeted her, one hand on his hip. It drew her eyes down towards his gun. “License and registration please.”
Instinctively, she nodded and reached towards her wallet lying in the passenger seat to dig out her license. The officer was silent, propping one hand against her car while he waited; she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears and willed herself to calm down.
Clearing her throat, she gathered her courage and spoke up.
“Excuse me, officer-” He barely glanced up from where he was perusing her car registration. “Why did you pull me over?”
He looked up at her fully at the question, shifting his stance and licking his upper lip.
“One of your tail lights is out,” he said, shoving her papers back through the window. “That’s a real safety issue.”
“My tail light…?” Her tail light - which had been changed only a month ago. She knew, because Bucky did it himself. He had always been worried about her safety; every time she was going somewhere without him, he did a full inspection of the car, testing brakes and changing the oil, going over every last inch of it and then filling up the tank with gas before she left. Last time, she’d sat in the garage nursing a cup of cider as she watched him fiddle with the lights…
She shook her head to lose the thoughts of him.
“I’m sorry, sir, but my tail lights are working just fine, I just had the bulbs changed.” She leaned forward in the seat, peering up at the officer. “Are you sure that there’s something wrong with them?”
Frown deepening even further, he crossed his arms and widened his stance.
“Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to get out of the car?”
“Excuse me?”
“Get out of the car, ma’am.”
“What? Why?”
“Please, just calm down and get out of the vehicle.”
“But-” her protest broke off as he shifted his stance back, one hand inching towards the mace in his belt. She glanced at her phone, sitting in the unoccupied cupholder with her aux cable connected to it. Her fingers twitched - for a microsecond, she contemplated the very bad idea of reaching for it, refusing to get out of the car, calling-calling…someone. Someone.
But surely, if she cooperated, this would all be worked out with just a minor headache, or maybe a ticket, she reassured herself. She repeated it in her head as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, climbing out of the car carefully, her hands held out to her sides where they could be seen.
Once she was out of her car, the officer took a step forward and pushed on her door, shutting it with a resounding click.
“Okay, I’m out of the car…”
“Turn around and put your hands on the hood.”
“I’m sorry, what?” she exclaimed, hearing her voice hitch in alarm. Her eyes cast up the road and back towards the exit ramps - there were no other cars in sight. No witnesses. “Am I under arrest?”
“Shut the fuck up,” he growled, out of patience. His hand went to rest on his gun now. “Turn around and put your fucking hands on the hood of the car.”
Her fists curled and she stood her ground. She willed away her thoughts of Bucky.
“No. I haven’t broken the law, you can’t arrest me for having a tail light out-”
In a blink, his gun was up and trained directly on her.
“Put your hands on the fucking car!” he yelled, loud enough to make her wince at the volume. Her thoughts tunneled on the barrel of the gun aimed at her chest.
Wordlessly, she turned and planted her hands on the cold metal, shivering in just her sweatshirt, her winter coat tossed in the passenger seat while she was driving. The tips of her fingers went numb and her eyes watered, stung by the wind. Her dry tongue pressed against the backs of her teeth - if she tried to swallow she’d choke.
“Who are you?” Her voice shook, but she managed the words. Scared and alone, but she’d fight, goddammit. She’d fight. He would want her to fight. “Who the hell are you and what do you want?”
“Shut up.” A firm, cold point of pressure between her shoulder blades as he pressed the gun against her back. There was a faint buzzing sound and then the rustle of fabric; when he spoke again, it clearly wasn’t to her. “Yes, sir?” He answered his phone. “Yes - we’re on schedule. I have the package. Will confirm when its secure and en route.”
Her heart raced wildly and her mind went white with fear. What was he talking about? This had to be some kind of mistake, a misunderstanding-
Just as she opened her mouth to speak again, the butt of his gun came down against the back of her head; her vision exploded in stars, and then faded to black as she slumped against her car. Barely conscious, she felt herself being dragged away down the road, lifted and shoved into the backseat of the squad car, unceremoniously dumped with her face down against the cold leather. The engine hummed to life; a seatbelt clicked - not hers.
“Sir?” He spoke again from the front seat. “Package is secured.”
She wondered if Bucky was coming to find her. He would, she told herself. He’d come.
And then, nothing.
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cozyteez · 4 years
prince!yunho, II.
"... i am proud to be heir to the throne of this kingdom, and i will do everything i can and more to make sure that narameth is proud to have me as their prince."
yunho set the speech down on the table in front of him and immediately began to pace back and forth
"what are you doing?"
xenia was leaned back in her chair, watching him shake his hands as if there were bugs all over them. with only two days left before the big day, he was beginning to feel a little bit anxious and the run-through he just did made it all little too real for him
he kept walking, inhaling, shaking, walking, exhaling
"that. with your hands."
yunho looked down and stopped shaking them, but immediately began to rub them down his pants
"i think i'm starting to get nervous about all of this...."
"you'll be fine, trust me. the speech is great, everyone already thinks you're great, it'll be great."
yunho just sort of nodded, obviously too lost in his thoughts to really listen. xenia saw this and began to quickly brainstorm ways to take his mind off of it completely
"you know what? how about afterwards i make sure my schedule is totally clear and i get my father to leave out a cake recipe for us in the kitchen. we can bake you a birthday cake, then eat it for dinner, and maybe watch some movies too?"
he took one last deep breath and finally stopped pacing
"that sounds nice"
"now," she quickly gathered her things and stood up "i'm going to go to bed because i've been awake for 17 hours, and i think you should too"
yunho nodded as he started to calm down, she was right. maybe he should sleep it off.
three hours later he's tossing and turning in his bed, trying anything to make his brain just shut up. it was like he was arguing with himself except he didn't even want to. he just wanted to sleep.
'it's gonna be fine, the speech was approved by the advising panel and they said it was great'
'yeah, but what if you mess it up? or it flies off the podium while you deliver it? then what?'
'i can just memorize the speech, it's pretty short and i did write it after all...'
'yeah okay hotshot, do you remember the first time you gave a presentation? your forgot your own name'
'everybody already likes me and they know i'm young, they'll be forgiving if i mess up a little bit'
'they don't even know you. they'll think you're unfit to be king and -'
that's when he swung his feet over the side of his bed and almost mindlessly went down one floor and to the left, straight to xenia's room without a second thought
as kids they'd always sneak into each other's rooms and stay up late, often falling asleep together only to be found the next morning by a caretaker or one of their parents. the first time it happened it was yunho who snuck into xenia's room, and that almost caused a lot more trouble than what it was worth. almost.
he was only 6 and the caretaker went to wake him up the morning after he snuck out, but his bed unmade and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. to this day, nobody has ever seen the queen more upset than she was that morning when the caretaker came rushing into the breakfast room yelling 'the prince is gone! the prince is gone!'
so the queen, the king, the caretaker, and pretty much all available castle staff began searching everywhere for yunho. they closed off all entrances and exits to the castle, nobody was allowed in or out until the prince was found
meanwhile, xenia's mother had gone to go wake her daughter and when she opened the door and turned the light on, she immediately got the nearest staff to fetch the king and queen. she had found yunho sound asleep with his thumb in his mouth curled up in the corner of her daughter's bed, who was somehow sprawled out over most of it despite how small her 6-year-old body was
the queen rushed into the room and scooped up yunho, who immediately wrapped himself around his her and stuck his thumb back into his mouth, too tired from staying up so late to realize what was happening
over breakfast their parents gave them a rather stern talking to about how it's not okay to leave without anybody knowing where you go, because then everyone will think something bad happened
so two days later when yunho really wanted to play a game after bedtime, he simply found some paper and a crayon and left a note regarding his whereabouts before happily setting off to his friend's room
'i am going two nias room. i am safe. love, yunho'
and now yunho's at xenia's door, palms sweaty and hands shaky, about to do the same secret knock they developed almost 15 years ago
as expected, she takes a while to answer. he knew she'd be asleep and began to feel a little bit guilty when he heard her groan and drag her sleepy body across her room
"you better be dying or i - hey, what's wrong?"
yunho begins a rapid fire that xenia was not ready for of all his apprehensions and worries about the speech and how it'll be perceived. he followed xenia back to her bed while she tried her best to let him know she was (sort of) listening by sprinkling in some "yeah"s and "uh huh"s for every couple of sentences that came out of yunho's mouth.
xenia crawled onto her side of the bed as yunho got onto his, still going on about every possible thing that could go wrong
finally, xenia had enough and cut him off
"so why are you here again?"
"well... because i can't sleep, so -"
"well, i can. so just sleep here and don't wake me up again or i'm going to be tried for treason because i killed narameth's only heir to the throne"
"oh. sorry...."
"don't be sorry just be quiet"
so they laid there in silence, xenia taking mere seconds to fall back asleep as yunho laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. his hands were resting on top of his torso and he tried to match his breathing to hers, thinking it would somehow make him sleepy
eventually the voices in his head did die down as exhaustion fogged his brain, and he was finally able to fall asleep
the next morning yunho wasn't at breakfast. usually the king would ask someone to go wake him up, but today the queen had managed to convinced him otherwise
"let him sleep darling, i'm sure he needs it. slow day today anyways"
an hour goes by and there's still no sign of yunho, so the queen goes to wake him up herself only to find his bed and room empty, the same way she'd found it many times before
she smiled a bit to herself as she walked down to xenia's room, happy that yunho still seems to have a best friend in her despite the fact that both of their lives have gotten exponentially more busy and exhausting over the last couple of years
the queen gently knocked on the door once, twice, then three times before leaning against it
"xenia? sweetheart? is yunho in there with you?"
as soon as she was done talking she heard something heavy hit the ground, followed by xenia's undeniable laughter
they both woke up to the sound of his mother's knocking, and as soon as she began to speak he looked at the clock and realized he slept through breakfast and was probably about to be late to god knows what
so, he leaped out of bed to go get ready for the day. well, he tried to anyways
instead his foot got caught in the comforter and he fell down onto his side, hitting his elbow pretty badly
"... is he alright?"
both xenia and yunho answered her and the same time
"yes" "no"
yunho chucked a pillow that he'd taken down with him at her face
"hey! my elbow really hurts and it's because of your stupid blanket"
he began to flail around in an attempt to untangle his foot as she just kept laughing while hugging the pillow yunho had thrown into her face, her contagious laugh eventually spreading to yunho
by this point the queen had walked away, she always felt a little bit guilty for pushing yunho so hard. he deserved a slow morning
their laughter died down but their smiles never faded
"so do you feel a little bit better about the speech tomorrow?"
"actually, i do. thank you"
"yeah, yeah."
she dismissed his gratitude and began to look around her bed
"...wait. what time is it?"
"uhhh like 10:35?"
"holy - oh my god i'm late" she began to scramble off the bed and towards her closet to find some clothes to wear, bypassing yunho who was still sprawled out on the floor with his foot somehow still stuck in the bedding "yunho! get out!"
"uh, right. sorry." he scrambled to his feet, almost tripping again as he got his foot unstuck at the last possible second. xenia came up behind him and started pushing him towards the door "okay! okay, i'm going! geez!"
just as she was closing the door on him, he stuck his head near the opening
"don't forget to brush your hair, it looks like a bird's nest!"
and with that, she pushed the door in his face and rushed back to her closet to throw on some clothes
as she got dressed she shook her head to herself and smiled. of all the people she could've gotten stuck with in this castle, despite the fact the he just made her late and called her hair messy, she was glad it was him.
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thethrillof · 4 years
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hm! i went w/ the palace, but also both, kinda.
man i’m sleepy.
happy pride right back atcha!
The Radiance had spread through most of the kingdom, but not in the Palace’s retainers. Their devotion would falter in nothing but death.
Their being so linked to Her allowed them to see snatches of the world through the Infected eyes. The Shadow Creepers were too entrenched in instinct to leave where they crawled to follow the paths to where the King was supposed to be. Or there was a deterrence to the place, unknown and infuriating (to Her), of similar make to the space in the center of the City.
The space set between the divide. The space with the Fountain.
When they had seen the statue of themselves, standing high over Dreamers that were faceless, their legs buckled. Their sister had to nearly drag them into a building. They could not stop looking at it.
They could not stop thinking.
This is similar. This is worse.
Hornet is not here.
She said they were healed enough to leave, if they so wished. They took her words as order. They had imposed on her enough. Their place, had they any, would be where they had spent their existence before the Sealing.
And that place is not here.
They considered error. They had little experience in Hallownest itself. They merely knew they had to travel downward, with the Palace waiting near the call of the Abyss.
They are a living mistake, but even they cannot miss the shape of the entrance. The space where the Palace was. A collapsed Kingsmould, broken, unfit to guard even remains.
If there had been a single glance through one of the Infected, perhaps they could process this. Perhaps they could simply set it on the pile of their guilt, their acknowledgement of their failures. Perhaps there would have been understanding that this is what the bugs of Hallownest meant, when ripples of fear and ‘the King is not answering’ turned to ‘the King is gone’ made their falls into Her embrace easier.
Their legs do not entirely give. They are fortunate in this. They are close enough they could lean against a part of it, but the crumbling stone (not metal) would likely collapse as well. They catch themselves enough to sag against their Nail, now nothing but a walking-stick.
Spikes of stone left behind the crumbling doorway inside. As though something massive had simply taken it. Lifted it. Tore it from its foundations.
Put it elsewhere.
There is no elsewhere.
If it had been moved through Hallownest, somehow, they would know. If it had left Hallownest…
If…the Pale King had left….
Of course he had left. Everything was dead. The prayers they should not have been able to string together to him were nothing but wishes. That he would come back to them. That he would find a replacement for them.
And yet, here they are. Where they, perhaps, hoped a sign of him would be.
There is much more for the Hollow Knight to look at than the entrance. The space above where towers once scraped the ceiling is devoid of even ruins. Most of the poles mounted along the remaining path stand higher than what is left.
The yawning emptiness should be incomparable to anything. Held open now, an object of nightmare long before She ripped into their thoughts, the Abyss should be worse.
And yet they cannot raise their head. A cowardly part of them nearly wishes to turn away. To go to even the Abyss. Facing their crimes—being chosen, surviving, leaving—does not make their chest as tight as simply standing here.
They don’t quite understand emotions. They know they have them, despite spending so much of their existence denying it, crushing them down to nearly nothing. They were never taught what each was.
They know grief. They have felt it for nearly all of their imprisonment.
They know hope. It was tangled there, too.
They do not think, and not only because they tell themselves not to.
It is better, or it is worse, that is it purely emotion that moves them to step into the ruins as best they can? There isn’t any need to ask this. Either option is awful.
There is nothing truly recognizable to be found. 
They do not know whether it would be more terrible if there were—a remnant of furniture, pieces of wingmoulds, remains of retainers or the White Lady’s silvery plants—and they numbly banish the thought. 
Their Nail scrapes new lines across grooves, crosshatching marking their steps.
It takes great time and effort to move anywhere. Concave parts catch their feet. Some have holes, cracked deep into the earth, where they cannot tell whether or not Void wisps increase in intensity around.
They keep going anyway.
They don’t know what they’re doing.
Where the Palace once stood is still a wide area. They cannot be truly lost, but they lose sight of their starting point quickly enough. They keep moving, as they don’t know what else to do, this mission they’ve undertaken without orders.
There is nothing here.
There is nothing.
They are tired.
There is no place to sit. They lean, eventually, against a jutting spike that curves high, almost enough to fit them.
They are thinking. About not moving. About simply waiting until their body finally fails. Until they are nothing, or perhaps one with the stone surrounding them, nothing more than another statue, deservedly hidden in obscurity instead of being a beacon in the center of the City.
They can nearly feel the weight of Hallownest, rock and life and space above. Less than there should be.
Everything else is gone. The Palace, truly, should not be a shock.
They stay. In the ruins of home, where no bug dares venture, it is nearly as timeless as waiting in the Egg.
They do not know how long they wait. 
They understand their desire to fade so literally is impossible, but they certainly do not expect anyone to find them.
They dip their head to Hornet once she, somehow, does.
She traverses the ruins from spike to spike, balancing on each dull point as easy as a flat floor. She does not seem pleased. She does not seem angry, either.
She is never angry. She, of all beings, deserves to be. About everything, not only them. And yet.
It is not their place to question what she does.
They follow her lead back out. They exit through an arbitrary gap, not the entrance. This makes it easier to turn back and look again.
Nothing recognizable, still.
“I am sorry I cannot allay your homesickness,” their sister says after a time. “I cannot lie and say it doesn’t hurt forever. But this pain is endurable.”
She would know. She lost everything as badly as they. Worse, they think, though they won’t stack their suffering against anyone’s.
They cannot apologize. They have tried, once she told them she knew they were impure, and how she would not simply kill them for it. They thought she wanted them gone, but she has retrieved them.
They do not understand this.
Instead, they turn their thoughts to her literal words.
Home, sickness. They repeat this thing they cannot say, turning it over in their mind. It feels heavy.
They know much about sickness. They have had enough of sickness, and they do not deserve to escape it. The word is quite apt, leading them foolishly, weakly, so far from where they began.
 They turn their back to the nothing that remains. They may return to the Abyss, one day. But the Palace is gone. There is no home here. 
In truth, there never had been. As the Pale King could not be called Father, the White Palace was not home. They lost both to their own folly. There is no need for their return.
It was familiarity they desired.
…Perhaps it is familiarity she desires, as well. The Hollow Knight is nearly as broken as the Palace, or Deepnest, but they still , barely, remain.
That is what they will be, then. A piece of a home. Something she knows. They would not find this objectionable, even if they could dare to object to their family in even thought.
And as best as they can manage, the White Palace’s memory, in ruin and in glory, will be set aside for this strange, new reason to be.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Sheldon Cooper Prompts
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1 “I don't like bugs, okay. They freak me out.” “Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.”
2 “Why are you crying?” “Because I'm stupid.” “That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.”
3 “I did a bad thing.” “Does it affect me?” “No.” “Then suffer in silence.”
4 “Then it's settled. NAME’s birthday present will be my genitals.”
5 “May I say something?” “Not right now, NAME.” “But I think it may be comforting.” “Buddy —“ “No, it's okay. What?” “When I lost my own father/mother, I didn't have any friends to help me through it. You do.”
6 “On the contrary I find the Grinch to be a relatable and engaging character. And I was really with him, right up to the point that he succumbed to social convention, returned the presents and saved Christmas.”
7 “I'm exceedingly smart. I graduated college at fourteen. While my brother/sister was getting an STD, I was getting a Ph.D. Penicillin can't take this away.”
8 “There's no denying that I have feelings for you that can't be explained in any other way. I briefly considered that I had a brain parasite, but that seems even more far-fetched. The only conclusion was love.”
9 “(3 knocks) “NAME!” (3 knocks) “NAME!” (3 knocks) “NAME!” “What happens if I say come in?” “Well, find out.” “Come in!” (silence) (3 knocks) “NAME 2!” (3 knocks) “NAME 2!” (3 knocks) “NAME 2!” “Come in!” “Keep it up. I've got nowhere else to be.” “Just come in.” “For future reference, if I want to watch Mean Girls, I'll just stream it on Netflix.”
10 “I'd like to go over some proposed changes to the roommate agreement, specifically to address NAME’s annoying personal habits.” “Oh my God! What personal habits?” “I have a list. FYI overuse of the phrase "Oh my God" is number 12.”
11 “Oh, big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.” “‘Not knowing is part of the fun.’ Was that the motto of your community college?”
12 “Thankfully all the things my boyfriend/girlfriend used to do can be taken care of with my right hand.”
13 “Can I respond now?” “Do it.” “You mess with the bull, you get the horns. I'm about to show this guy just how horny I can be.” “Somebody else do it.”
14 “Well, he/she did soften your life, didn't he/she?” “Yes! He’s/She's like the dryer sheets of my heart!”
15 “Oh, I should probably tell you something about this gift.” “You mean, before you give it to me?” “Yes. But may I ask you a question before I give it to you?” “Of course.” “Why are we saying give it to you like that?”
16 “I'm not being weird. Am I being weird?” “Yes. And that's coming from me.”
17 “I thought you didn't like Facebook any more.” “Don't be silly, I'm a fan of anything that tries to replace actual human contact.”
18 “I would have been here sooner but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it.”
19 “This is NAME. He's/she’s your best friend in the world.” “All right, just stop. This is ridiculous.” “Sometimes he/she gets cranky, but you can trust him/her with your life. And he/she does more things for you than I can even begin to list.” “Thank you.”
20 “This is why I've been saying we should keep champagne on ice.” “Sarcasm?” “Yes.” “That was tricky because when it comes to alcohol, he/she generally means business.”
21 “Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.”
22 “I give up. He's impossible.” “I can't be impossible; I exist. I think what you meant to say is, 'I give up; he's improbable'.”
23 “Relax, it's just a dirty sock.” “How on earth can you say ‘dirty sock’ and ‘relax’ in the same sentence?”
24 “NAME , you know me to be a very smart man/woman. Don't you think that if I were wrong, I'd know it?”
25 “So, what do you guys do for fun around here?” “Well, today we tried masturbating for money.”
26 “No cuts, no buts, no coconuts.”
27 “When we watch Frosty the Snowman, he/she roots for the sun.” “Excuse me, but the sun is essential for all life on earth. Frosty is merely a bit of frozen, supernatural ephemera in a stolen hat. A crime, by the way, for which he is never brought to account.”
28 “Do you think we can outrun him/her?” “I don't need to outrun him/her, I just need to outrun you.”
29 “Ah, memory impairment; the free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle.”
30 “What the hell's going on?” “You hypocrite.” “What?” “Little Miss Grown-Ups-Don't-Play-With-Toys! If I went into that apartment right now, would I not find Beanie Babies? Are you not an accumulator of Care Bears and My Little Ponies? And who is that Japanese feline I see frolicking on your shorts? Hello, Hello Kitty!”
31 “You're inferring I'm stupid.” “That's not correct. We implied you're stupid, you then inferred it.”
32 “You got me something?” “Oh. Not just something. It's from the heart, it's holiday-themed, and I swallowed the gift receipt so you can not return it.”
33 “You can't make a half sandwich. If it's not half of a whole sandwich, it's just a small sandwich.”
34 “I can't seem to get in touch with NAME. I tried e-mail, video chat, tweeting him/her, posting on his/her Facebook wall, texting him/her, nothing.” “Did you try calling him/her on the telephone?” “The telephone. You know, NAME, in your own simple way, you may be the wisest of us all.”
35 “How often does one see a beloved fictional character come to life?” “Every year at ComiCon. Every day at Disneyland. You can hire Snow White to come to your house. Of course they prefer if you have a kid.”
36 “Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur. Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty, Purr, Purr, Purr.”
37 “I'm the guy/girl.” “You're not the guy/girl.” “Are you sure? It would explain so much. Your constant presence in my apartment. That baffling dalliance with NAME just to be near me. The way you call me sweetie all the time.” “I call everyone sweetie.” “You tramp.”
38 “Do you want to say it?” “Let's say it together.” Both: “We're getting a turtle!”
39 “I've seen and talked to you more in the two days we've been broken up than in the last two months we were together.” “Well, if you want to see less of me, maybe we should go out again.”
40 “Are they making fun of us?” “Yep.” “I miss the old days when I couldn't tell.”
41 “Well, this is very pleasant.” “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.” “And you said there would never be enough pasta for the three of us.”
42 “NAME, could I ask you a question?” “I would prefer that you not, but I wouldn't go so far as to forbid it.”
43 “If you don't mind, I'd like to stop listening to you and start talking.”
44 “There there, everything is going to be fine ... NAME’s here!”
45 “Are you listening to yourself?” “I always listen to myself. It's one of the great joys of my life.”
46 “You know what, go to Hell and set their thermostat.” “I don't have to go to Hell. At 73 degrees, I'm there already!”
47 “NAME, I excel at many things, but getting over you wasn't one of them. I think I need to just be your friend.”
48 “I have a two-part question.” “Go ahead.” “A: Are you kidding? And B: Seriously, are you freaking kidding me?” “A: I rarely kid, and B: when I do kid, you will know it by my use of the word ‘Bazinga’.” “So you're saying the two of you are going to be sleeping in the same bed?” “Yes. Bazinga.”
49 “Get back here, you stupid bird, so I can love you.”
50 “Acquiring a joint pet is a big step for us.” “It's true. It means we care so much about each other, there's enough left over for an eight-ounce reptile.”
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Sweet Pea
TITLE: Sweet Pea CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: One Shot AUTHOR: marvelgirlonamarvelworld (sideblog) ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki taking care of his girl during her period. He’s super attentive,  comforting her and doing everything possible to ease the ache and discomfort. 
RATING: T+ NOTES/WARNINGS: FLUFF, period fluff, some language, angst (if you squint super super hard).
A/N2: So this was a request. Thought I’d also share it here :) Thank you for reading!
The tower was silent. Pleasantly mute and was only disturbed by the distant echoes of leather soles striding mightily against the tiles.
The rays of midday crept through the floor to ceiling windows as the slender figure swaggered down the hallway. The green pine cape, fastened by the golden engraved shoulder blades, swayed to and forth; already foretelling royalty was amongst them all. 
Promptly his strides came to halt, and a shimmer of light formed between his palms. With petals as white as purity and as bright as her soul, the trickster couldn’t help but sigh and continue to smile. A large bouquet of flowers lay carefully cradled on his grasp, while a dreamy teenage smile softly formed on his face. 
Sweet peas. Her favourites.
Loki was anxious, delighted and dazzled to have finally arrived. To come back to her, after weeks seeming like years on a mission gone sideways at the last minute. It had all been wrapped up in day five; however, somebody, whose seldom could not possibly fit in the tower itself, had forgotten to secure the perimeter and bug all enemy radio frequencies. But that was a tale for another time.
There were other matters at hand; to come back to her arms as promised a handful weeks back.
Stealthily the door was pushed ajar…
Darkness engulfed it all. Only shadows cast by the outer lights formed and danced as Loki tiptoed inside; already glimpsing a lump hidden beneath a gray ocean of plush blankets; already discerning and savoring the bitter tang of sickness and ache dancing around.
It amused him to see her asleep. It didn’t seem right, it was midday after all. Something was quite off. Yet Loki was unable to determine with certainty what it was aside from the latter.
The edge of the queen bed shifted and dipped under his weight as the loving-foolish grin never diminished. The delicate floral array remained in his sweaty left palm as he pulled the blanket slightly to the side. And Loki was greeted by a low-pitched mewl and throaty groan.
An airy chuckle escaped his mouth and rested his palm on her hip bone. He could discern her figure curled tight against the pillows, head buried beneath, and limbs tangled between the sheets.
“Loki?” Her call was a murmur, sleepy, anguished, and muffled against the plush feathered thing. Through the shadows, the peeking silhouette of her face met his gaze while his hand rested on her hip. He was unable, however, to notice the faint glimmer and damp streaks on her cheeks, as well as the soft tremble of her lips or the incessant desperation deep within. “Is that…you?”
Her figure eased under his morphine touch and turned to him, craving for more; wanting to feel his magic radiating from his fingertips, desperately seeking to make the pain ease away. 
“Yes,” he responded while imagining her sleepy features now hidden by the dark. “If it wasn’t for Stark I would’ve returned to you sooner as I had promised, darling. Please believe me when I say I will make it up to you, love.”
His voice brought her taxing mind some comfort, distracted her from the ache; the incessant pulses and stings as if her insides were being twisted and needle pinched, as if her back had been replaced by large spikes digging at her insides. Rapidly she swallowed the sudden lump, already feeling tears welling and threatening to spill flush. Damn hormones had her in a wreck; got her craving his sweetness just as much as it infuriated her. She was a mess, good thing he couldn’t see it yet.
“Good thing you’re here now,” her voice was a mere uneven whisper before hugging the pillow flush and in the process…coiling away from his numbing touch. The room was so cold, it only made the pain worse. “I missed you…so much.”
The smile which once was was no more upon hearing her message travel through the void. If it hadn’t been for his enhanced audition Loki would’ve completely missed it. He knew all too well that tone. Something was wrong.
Just as fast the bouquet of blooms was placed on the nightstand and the dim yellow light from their night lamp flickered to life. His face was an anxious grimace as his eyes scanned her figure, noticing her body slightly shiver and her cheek glisten.
“Darling? Are you alright?” He asked, gazing to the barely visible girl buried beneath pillows and blankets. “You’re shaking like a leaf!”
A groan was her only response. The cramps and back pain were too much to bear, drained her energy away. She had not the strength to muster anything but unintelligible gibber against the pillow.
“Love,” Loki uncovered her body and inclined closer, his hands desperately seeking to cradle her face. “You’re worrying me, speak to me,“ with no effort Loki sat her body, her back resting against two pillows, and his lips met her crown. “What is the matter? Have you fallen ill?”
“I don’t know,” her cheeks flamed. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his chest. The sensation of her insides being twisted and the shame impeded her to tell; although his coos and gentleness made her heart swell. She felt like crying again. “I guess, I just don’t feel so well today, that’s all. I’ll be fine.”
Loki closed his eyes and sighed, his hands gently stroked through her hair as frustration seeped through his veins. Her reasoning was nothing but a chain of little half-truths and half-lies. It anguished his heart to see her in such a way.
“Please do not lie to me darling,” Loki implored and cupped her cheeks again. Her puffy eyes were fogged, glazed and overwhelmed. And Loki couldn’t help but kiss away the trails of tears before stroking her nose with his. “Speak to me. It mars me to see you suffering. Let me help you.”
Her lips turned to a pout. She appreciated his caring but his insistence was more than annoying. She’d rather drown in her own suffering just as much as she’d love to have him spoil her…again the stupid fling of emotions. Truth be told, as she looked into his worried eyes, she had no clue what she wanted at all.
“It hurts,” she mumbled and continued to pout before burying his face in the comfort of his chest; shielding her telling eyes from his scrupulous stare. “It hurts so much.”
“What hurts, love?” Loki urged her to go on, already searching through his memory for every single healing and protecting spell to make all her ills disappear for eternity. “Speak to me.”
“Everything,” she rasped. “My back, my stomach…these cramps are too much. I feel like I’m bearing the fucking antichrist!” she cried out. “I’m tired, and I want ice cream, and I wanna sleep without pain just for one night!”
Loki fell silent for a never-ending minute. He was unable to find words fitting to solace her woes. He had nothing but a vague idea of the meaning behind her cry out, all thanks to unintentionally listening to her and the red-head assassin converse about it as he passed by the lounge once; however, seeking a much detailed explanation of it seemed unfit in her frail state. And leaving her while he searched for the red-head was out of the question. 
“Aw, darling,” Loki pulled her aching body and cradled her on his lap. Gentle kisses were peppered all about, stealing some giggles and smiles from her mouth. He’d at least made her smile. “How bad?”
She growled against his chest. Her patience was running thin with his unnecessary questioning. “How bad did it hurt when you apparently tied your testicles to that goat to amuse a giantess, hm?”
Loki pursed his trembling lips, trying his hardest not to laugh at her call out but failing miserably thus chuckling wholeheartedly. Her angry fit was quite humorous to him, somewhat endearing. Though as much as the desire to disprove such unsettling tale nagged him to the bone, he refrained from such. For an idea loomed in the corners of his memory, a way to make it all better, something he knew with all certainty would please her.
Securing her body in his hold, the tricksters stood up and carried the girl across the room where a closed white door stood.
“Loki what are you doing?” Her arms draped around his neck and peeked to his face. Flickers of adoration and tenderness danced in his eyes as well as in his one-sided smile. “Where are we going?”
“I am tending to the needs of my queen,” he surmised as the door opened on its own, just as the white lights blinked in contrast to the dark. Crescendos of his strides ricocheted against the tiled walls and ceased after a brief stance. “I have learned a warm bath works wonders to ease away the pain.” 
Loki gently sat her on the counter before turning his attention to the already filled bathtub. A mixture of herbal and floral scents emanated from it, filling the white-tiled room from corner to corner, and drawing ecstatic sighs from her mouth just as it enticed her hormones to act out.
Her eyes were drawn back to the trickster prince as a shimmer of light formed in his hand before fading just as fast. Her hands covered her mouth while the tears made themselves present again, and this time she allowed them to spill. For between his thumb and index was a heartfelt offering, a single white flower. 
She took the little blossom before throwing her arms around him and burying her face in the crook of his neck. “Oh, Loki…Thank you.”
“Anything for you my dearest,” he confessed, gently caressing her back and momentarily losing himself in the tropical scent of her hair. “Anything,” he repeated again, before undoing the embrace and proceeding to offer to undress her. For he was unsure if she’d be comfortable with it given the situation. Though as for him, his love for her outweighed anything and everything. Loki was willing to do everything for her, no matter what it was.
“You don’t…you don’t have to. I…I can manage…” she squeaked while gazing down to the flower resting on her palm. She wished him to stay, but it was messy, too messy, not to mention the bloating, and that is what frightened her; his reaction, what he’d say or rather think. “It’s just…a a lot of blood and that is really,” she chuckled nervously, “it’s not pretty. I’m not pretty…like this.”
In all honesty, who is ever looking their prettiest when the time of the month comes? Nobody.
“Darling,” Loki cupped her cheek, “I have been by your side long enough to know, that there is nothing at all in the realms, that would incite me to see you with any lesser idolatry and beauty.” Never in the time that had passed had Loki ever developed the courage to confess how great his love was for her until now. “Blood is nothing but stardust coursing through your body. And it is more than normal what you’re going through now. Seeing you as you are will make love you no lesser than I loved you yesterday. I will only love you more than I did then.”
There were no words to be said, only tears and a smile which spoke times ten. His declaration had stolen her breath, quieted say. She wanted to say ‘I love you’ but… one can only say those words so many times before such deep-seated message expanded and turned into something bigger, something impossible to express in such short sentence. It would not encase even a third of it.
With a kiss to her forehead, Loki carried her body bridal-style to the tub, though not before dissipating all her clothes, and lowered her to the warm scented pool. Pale pink foam floated and covered her to the shoulder as she laid back and closed her eyes. 
This was indeed heaven. 
The concoction he’d created, with multiple herbs and flowers, was a secret remedy taught by mother; great to ease the body, though, never once had he imagined it’d ever come in handy. And as he sat at the edge, massaging her shoulders and bathing her, the ethereal prince made a mental note to thank the Allmother for her teachings. 
Loki continued on to massage her scalp before conjuring a fine silver bowl to use and wash away the remnants of soap with clean water. “Feeling better?”
“Much better,” she yawned and smiled. Good thing the bath session was over.
“Come, love,” Loki urged her to stand and covered her body with a towel before carrying her back. “I presume you’d like to wear one of those Midgardian shirts I do not use.”
She hummed in agreement. “This time I can manage.”
“Very well, dear,” he glanced down to her puffy eyes as he approached the other side of the room where another door stood. Loki placed her back on her feet and allowed her to venture into the closet while he patiently waited. “As you wish.”
Leather boots to the side and armor no longer on his body, except for his comfortable cotton Asgardian clothing, Loki patiently idled for her reappearance. He allowed his eyes to wander but were quickly drawn back upon hearing the door click. And that dreamy teenage smile that’d withered before, resurfaced again as she walked out with his shirt and a pair of baggy sweats.
The soft smile of her face made his knees almost give in as he stood before her. Right away he pulled her body flush to his. “I missed you too, darling. So so so much…”
  He’d forgotten to say it back. It’d been so long, and to finally be home and have her in his arms was more than amazing. It was heaven.
Loki undid their embrace and rapidly kissed her lips. He’d almost forgotten how tender and fitting they were to him. “come on, love,” he stepped away, the flavor of her lips lingering as he directed her to bed. “You need to rest.”
“Only if you stay with me,” she said, sitting on the mattress. 
“I have no desire to leave you.”
Back in bed, beneath comfortable plush and fluffy pillows. Loki sat on a chair while his hand remained entwined with hers. A physical assurance while patiently waiting for slumber to take her from him. For this time the pain was lesser, almost nonexistent, a discomfort slowly turning to nothing but a memory. And only with her placidly resting would he be able to feel his heart settling back in his rib cage, would feel his breath return to his chest.
With her head against the plush feathered thing, her eyes lazily wandered to the nightstand where a delicate garland of sweetly scented flowers laid forgotten. They were her favorites.
“What it is, dear? Is the pain not ceasing?”
“They’re beautiful,” her eyes never drifted from the flowers.
Loki followed the trail of her glare and reached for the bouquet and offered it to her, his cheeks turned to a warm blush. “I’d forgotten I brought these,” his free hand lightly scratched the back of his head before chuckling and averting her gaze. “Sweet peas, your favourites as I recall.”
Their hands parted and grasped the floral array. The sweet scent emanating from them made a tear roll down her cheek, made her heart jump and swell against her rib cage. Gosh was his awful sweetness getting the best of her. 
It even surfaced the twisted idea it all was a dream. It rattled her soul to even imagine the possibility. This all was too good to be true.
Sitting upright, her arms desperately sought the trickster. This was very much real. And once again, their lips danced together while the saltiness of astray tears slipped through and danced between them. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, their foreheads rested against one another’s. “Thank you for all of this. I have no idea what I did to deserve you…thank you.”
“Anything for you, darling.” He stated with a smile before urging her to lay back. “Anything to see that smile never fade from you, dear.”
Just as the pain was a distant reminder, so was the once heavy atmosphere as well. For now swayed the sweet richest hints of green and touches spicy floral tenderness while the prince sat there, contemplating her lashes flutter until slumber overcame her body.
  “Anything for my sweet pea.”
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Needed Part III
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Before you read, here’s Part I and Part II!
Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Baby 5, Monkey D. Luffy
Requested By: Tastsumi (Ao3)
Cricket song mingled with the droning of soft snores in the fresh night air. The little insects chirped in the clumps of long grasses ringing the small jungle clearing in which Baby 5 and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates snoozed contentedly beneath the stars. Alas, Baby was not sleeping. Her dark eyes fixated on the forest canopy above, where the glimmering stars peeked through the dense network of interlocking branches and waxy leaves to spill dappled white light over her. She clicked her tongue and rolled onto her side, snuggling into the warm fabric of her sleeping bag. No, there was nothing for it; sleep would not find young Baby tonight. Sighing wistfully, she tossed the blankets off herself and rose, stretching her arms above her head and glancing around the clearing.
As it had turned out, the arrival to Zou had been an ordeal in itself. The resident Minks had been hostile at first, for they had suffered an attack by pirates, not a few days before the Sunny’s landing. Then, Luffy and company had learned that their cook, Sanji, had been abducted by the Emperor Big Mom for a political wedding. They established a plan to send half of the crew onward to Wano, where they would infiltrate the populace alongside the Heart Pirates and gather information on their newest enemy, the Emperor Kaido. The other section of the crew would travel to Big Mom’s territory to retrieve their absconded cook. Several of the Minks had even pledged themselves to their cause, which Baby thought very kind of them.
Since the night in the crow’s nest, Baby 5 had not suffered any more nightmares. To be frank, she was a little surprised to be insomnious on this night; she had not given Doflamingo another passing thought. Yet, here Baby was, wide awake in the middle of the night. Perhaps I’ll take a walk, she reasoned. The last late-night jaunt had ended particularly well, so possibly, her little stroll through the lush woods would result in similar luck. Baby retrieved her trusty bazooka, the only relic of her servitude in the Doflamingo syndicate, and then descended the well-worn path leading into the jungle.
The air was alive with the sounds of the lush wilderness. The cricket song was deafening along the path, for the clumpy grasses towered waist-high. Their wispy fronds kissed Baby’s hips and thighs as she strolled down the slight bumpy incline, tickling her skin with their fluffy yellow-green fibers. Fireflies flitted between the thick tree trunks, flickering greeting at Baby as she passed. A tapir lumbered out into the open, its short, stout snout snuffling through the dirt and overturning rocks in search of grubs; Baby 5 politely waited for it to finish its business. The massive creature regarded her with bright, curious eyes and wiggled its short trunk at her before shambling off into the jungle whence it came. She squatted down to observe a troupe of army ants crossing the pathway, careful not to disrupt their march lest she find herself on the business end of their massive mandibles. The forest was very much awake around her, and so Baby 5 found herself even more restless in the throng of its activity.
With a forlorn sigh, she settled herself on a nice, flat rock. Resting her elbows on her knees and pushing her fists into her cheeks, she sulked about her infuriatingly restless mind. With half-lidded eyes, she traced the trail of a meandering stag beetle trundling over the layer of decomposing leaves. It dug its horns into the spongey soil to reveal wriggling white grubs and tiny scuttling roaches. Eat your fill, little stag beetle, she thought morosely. May sleep find you quickly… whenever bugs sleep.
Baby 5 groaned and hung her head between her knees, tearing her hands into her wavy black hair. Her eyes pulsed with their own heartbeat, clearly wishing to close to the night, but her mind was too busy buzzing with energy to allow that to happen. Could I be anxious? She wondered, chewing on the inside of her cheek. Whatever could I be worried about? She sat up on the rock, tapping her pursed lip with the pad of her index finger. If anyone had cause to be anxious, it would be Luffy, considering that one of his trusted comrades had essentially been kidnapped. Yet, the captain seemed cool as a cucumber, albeit a little miffed at the bold-as-brass transgression against this authority.
Baby 5 knitted her eyebrows together as a particular thought occurred to her. Is it possible that Luffy’s reaction to the situation unnerved her, and she wondered if he was restraining his emotions for his comrades’ sakes? It’s as good an explanation as any.
Baby peered out into the gloom as a twig snapped, piercing the air like a gunshot. The cricket song dimmed as the wee insects investigated the incoming creature, and whether it be friend or foe. Baby craned her neck to peek around the bend in the pathway as the sound of crunching dirt loomed closer by the second. She raised an eyebrow when a pair of familiar sandals tromped into view, followed by a straw hat-wearing noiret who was smiling amiably.
“Oh! There you are, Baby,” Luffy called cheerfully when he spotted her perching on the squat rock. He approached her nonchalantly, stopping to place his hands on his hips and gaze out into the night. The crickets had decided that Luffy was not interested in eating them and had begun sounding their cares with fervor. “It’s a lovely night for a walk,” he remarked, turning glittering black eyes on her. She flushed and fidgeted on the rock.
“Yes, I suppose it is…” His lips edged upwards into a smirk, and his eyebrows crept up.
“Having nightmares again?” he asked worriedly, stroking the pad of his thumb underneath her eyes just like he had done a few nights ago. She turned pink and shook her head vehemently, waving her hands in refusal.
“No, no! I promise I’m not,” she insisted. Her hands fell into her lap with a small sigh. Luffy was there, so she might as well openly ponder the intricacies of her psyche. “Truthfully… I’m worried about you, Luffy.” His eyebrows inched further up, touching the roots of his dark hair.
“Me? Why?”
“Well… Aren’t you concerned about Sanji?” Baby 5’s eyes widened when he clenched his jaw and glanced off into the distance once more. A silence settled between them as Luffy searched for his words. When he turned back to her, he gestured to the rock. Baby 5 obediently scooched over to allow him access to the stony perch, and with a long sigh, he eased himself down beside her. He rubbed his hands together slowly, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.
“Yeah. I am, Baby,” he admitted in a small voice after a few seconds. Baby 5 pressed closer to him and rested her arm on his bicep. She had never heard the sunny, optimistic boy so morose. He laced his fingers together and clenched them so hard that his knuckles glared white. She cooed his name and stroked his arm in an invitation to divulge his complicated feelings to her. “I didn’t wanna say anything, because the others are really worried too… If I had my way, we’d be on Whole Cake Island right now, tearing every house apart lookin’ for him, but… I know that’s dumb. Big Mom is a whole different ball game.” Baby 5’s bottom lip wobbled. His lack of self-confidence broke her heart.
“Luffy, you’ll get Sanji back. I know you will.” He sighed forlornly and hung his head, staring miserably down at his clasped hands. She ran her hand from his shoulder down to his wrist, then forced her fingers in-between his so that she could lace theirs together. Baby gave him a robust and reassuring squeeze, making him peer at her out of his peripheral vision. “You’re the strongest man I’ve ever known. Once you set your mind to something, there’s no stopping you. Big Mom will rue the day she dared to cross you.” A small smile curled onto his lips. He leaned forward to press his forehead against her own, and Baby 5 welcomed it, nestling into him. “Sanji needs you right now, and you’re the type of man that will pull through, no matter the obstacles.”
“Thanks, Baby,” he said softly. She jumped when he suddenly tore away from her to spring from the rock. He flung his arms up into the air and screamed into the night, “Ya hear that, Big Mom? I’m coming to kick your ass! So stay right there so you can get what’s comin’ to ya, ya ugly old hag!” As his voice rippled through the forest, bouncing off the tree trunks and waxy leaves, the nightbirds and crickets silenced in awe. For several seconds after his enthusiastic yowling, it was eerily quiet. Finally, a lone owl decided to hoot back in admiration. “Ah, that felt good,” Luffy exhaled exultantly. Baby 5 giggled. It was so remarkable how he could switch from depressed to determined in a mere instant.
“I’m glad I could make you feel better,” Baby smiled as she stood from the rock. Luffy turned to her and opened an arm invitingly, and she immediately snuggled close to him. Rubbing the small of her back with his big, calloused hand, he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of her head. She squeezed her eyes shut as a big smile bloomed on her face. It always made her so happy to feel that she was needed. Although she no longer felt the compulsion to be necessary twenty-four hours a day, to be reminded of her necessity in someone’s life was still gratifying. Luffy continued to nuzzle his nose into her coarse black hair, until a long, loud yawn split his face. He smacked his lips together and then tiredly mumbled into her scalp, “Le’s go back to bed… I’m sleepy…”
Baby 5 chuckled and rubbed his chest soothingly, then nodded. He wrapped his arms tight around her body, insistent on cuddling as close as possible to the young woman, and so they began to awkwardly penguin-waddle back up the slope. “Baby…?”
“Yes, Luffy?”
“I’m gonna bring Sanji back. Jus’ you watch.” He sounded half-asleep as he walked, his voice drawling with exhaustion. “I’ll meet up with all of you in Wano so we can kick Kaido’s ass too…” Baby 5 hummed merrily and affectionately stroked his forearms as he tightened them around her.
“I know you will- because I need you, Luffy.” He responded with a mumble that was half-gibberish. Baby 5 chuckled and continued to lug his heavy, sleep-deadened body up the path even as her own eyes began to droop with the onset of drowsiness.
I’ll be waiting… because that is what is needed of me.
Enjoy this oneshot? Here’s Part IV! Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork​ @searchfortheonepiece​
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franklyshipping · 4 years
Day 24 ~Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Holy wowie....it's Christmas Eve, day 24 of 25.....let's make this fic a damn good one! LET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @the-dapper-switch
It’s a given that the sleep between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is either non-existent or restless as hell, because that implicit excitement and eagerness for time to hurry the heck up exists within every single damn person who celebrates this season. No matter the gender, age, or any other demographic…sleeplessness is where it’s at on Christmas Eve night. Some, however, can’t be content with staying in bed, especially if they know they’re going to be contributing to the running of Christmas Day itself. That’s why Jameson Jackson was still awake at 3:30am taking a third inventory of all the crockery and cutlery in the household to check that there was absolutely totally definitely enough for everybody. He wasn’t the only one out of bed either.
A bleary eyed Celine had been going from room to room testing out every set of string lights, straightening every ornament, counting every present to make sure they were all in the right place, as well as making sure everything was clean and tidy in general. At least, that was Celine’s excuse. She was mainly trying to do something, anything, other than sleep, particularly since nowadays in her separate body she slept alone…and she wasn’t quite acclimatised yet. She always felt like she was in a bed too big with covers too cold and a room that was too silent, so the amount of sleep she got in general was….not that great.
Celine wrapped her black shawl tighter around her, padding towards the main kitchen in her silky nightgown with the intent of checking that all the cooking utensils were present and correct….but upon seeing the light on, and the dapper man at the counter, she realised someone had beaten her to it. She leant in the doorway as she looked Jamie up and down, before softly clearing her throat.
‘I’d expect Anti to be up in the middle of the night like the snack stealing gremlin he is, but you Jamie?’
Jamie’s eyes widened as he jumped at the sudden noise, whirling round and blushing when he saw Celine smiling at him playfully in the doorway. Jamie signed back with very cute indignance.
‘Miss Celine I assure you I am no gremlin, nor am I a snack stealer! I was doing inventory!’
Celine smiled wider at the man, before walking over to him with her head cocked in curious confusion.
‘I thought the Googles did that in the afternoon?’
Celine became even more curious when Jamie then twisted his lips and fidgeted….then it dawned on her. She wasn’t the only one unable to sleep tonight. She went up to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm as she softly spoke.
‘Can’t sleep either huh?’
Jamie smiled wryly at her deduction, bowing his head a tad. As the festive season had approached, the amount of sleep Jamie had been getting had been decreasing night after night, because he’d insisted upon taking the brunt of the responsibility for quite a lot of things. Jamie still always felt like people saw him as the baby, and he wanted to prove that he could contribute just as much as everybody else.
‘I just want it all to be perfect, I want to be able to say I helped make it perfect.’
Celine let out a gentle sigh, rubbing his arm softly.
‘Everyone will see how much you’ve done, but now you deserve to rest. Go on, I can put all this stuff away, you need to sleep.’
Jamie rubbed his eyes softly, he had to admit that he was getting more and more exhausted by the minute….but then his blue eyes snapped to Celine.
‘I could not possibly let you tidy up after me, and besides, why are you not asleep?’
Jamie cocked his head at Celine as she softly pursed her lips, averting her gaze as she tried to brainstorm up an excuse.
‘I….merely needed a glass of water.’
Their eyes met, and Jamie raised an eyebrow as he smiled at Celine softly.
'I know there are other kitchens closer to your room than this one Miss Celine.’
Celine pursed her lips….dammit.
‘That is not the point, c’mon, bed for you.’
Celine nodded to the doorway with her head as she folded her arms, very much taking up her authoritative stance as she has so often done with Damien or Wilford in the past….but to her surprise, Jamie merely grinned. He copied her stance, and signed before folding his own arms.
‘If you’re staying up then I’m staying up.’
Celine raised an eyebrow at him, and lowered her tone.
‘Jamie. If you don’t go to bed willingly then I will force you, don’t think I won’t.’
Jamie straightened up and tensed a tad. Even though he’d known the lady Celine for a good while now, Jamie did sometimes still feel intimidated by her. The way her eyes would gleam like she always had an internal plan, or the way her voice would change so subtly if someone was being stubborn with her. Jamie would blame this decision later on being tired and therefore not thinking straight, but he mustered up a determined grin as he signed.
‘I’d like to see you try Miss Celine.’
Celine raised an eyebrow at Jamie, and couldn’t help but smile at his cheeky boyishness, despite how he was clearly getting more and more tired. Celine smirked. She knew she just had to get him tired enough so he had no choice but to sleep….and as a sibling, and as a generally devious person, she knew precisely how to do that.
‘As you wish, Mr Jackson.’
She purred, which brought more warmth to Jamie’s cheeks as she coined his phrasing….before he suddenly found himself being tackled down onto the floor of all things! Jamie found himself too flustered and in shock to struggle, and soon Celine was straddling his thighs with a smirk.
‘Oh it has been too long since I’ve done this….’
With malevolent glee, Celine pushed up Jamie’s cotton pyjama shirt before scratching all over his belly with her sharp, magenta nails. Jamie’s eyes bugged out of his sockets as he burst into frantic giggles, wriggling from side to side and flailing as he signed in almost a blur.
‘No! Please not tickling, please I’m too ticklish!’
Celine raised a playful eyebrow as she giggled, continuing her scratching as she mused.
‘Is that so? Interesting….it sounds almost as if you’re too sleepy to handle being tickled, and that maybe you should go to bed….’
Jamie flushed a much darker pink as he hid his face in his hands for a few moments, in an attempt to hide how utterly embarrassed he was at the whole thing. Her nails were so evilly sharp and quick against his trembling tummy, it was honestly true villainy.
‘Miss Celine! This is mean!’
He hurriedly signed before hiding his face again, making Celine giggle lowly as she pinched portions of his tummy, making him flinch and squeak very preciously. As his response, Celine smirked and purred teasingly as a reply.
‘Oh I didn’t know you were a poet Jamie, how charming! I do love a gentleman with an enticing vernacular….’
Jamie whined into his hands, attempting to roll onto his side as bubbily giggles and squeaks flowed from him, he knew he couldn’t take this for long. Now, Jamie would once again blame this on his tired mind not having any sense left….but Jamie felt it was unfair if Celine stayed up whilst he got sleep, in his mind logically speaking, she should be persuaded to go to sleep too! So, he did something that no man had ever dared to do before….he let his hands dart out to experimentally squeeze Celine’s sides....and oh what a wonderful result he got.
Celine’s eyes widened as she hurriedly shuffled off of Jamie, embarrassed at letting out such a loud squeal as she put her hands over her sides…..no-one had ever tickled her back before. Jamie’s eyes gleamed as he sat up and got on his knees, grinning playfully at Celine, who had gulped.
‘Now Jamie…..it’s late, we….we don’t….want to do anything hasty…’
Celine didn’t stammer, however her words came out far less smoothly than she would have preferred, which only made Jamie grin more…..before he pounced. What a brave man. Before Celine knew it, she had devious fingers digging into her sides as Jamie grinned down at her with giddy glee as she cackled.
Jamie was certain that he wouldn’t. He giggled as he watched Celine’s face scrunch up with her mirth, he’d never even see her smile brightly, let alone laugh like this! Honestly, it struck Jamie a little bit….he was suddenly very aware of how utterly beautiful Celine was, especially when she looked so happy like this. Therefore, Jamie reasoned that it was only right that he kept her happy for as long as he could. He stuck his tongue out at her playfully as he kept tickling, which made Celine (attempt to) growl up at him.
Jamie scrunched up his face as he chuckled fondly down at Celine, making her blush as she realised that in her mirthful state she couldn’t possibly hope to intimidate him. Jamie decided to let Celine breathe for a moment though, smiling at how adorably pink-cheeked and smiley she was. Then, Jamie decided to smirk and sign something that he knew would rile Celine up, just because he was having so much fun with both making her laugh, and riling her up.
‘You know, swearing is rather un-ladylike Miss Celine.’
Celine’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened. Jamie’s grin told her that of course he was only saying this to be teasy…but before she could retort he started scratching at her ribcage; she absolutely lost her shit, in the most playful manner of course.
Celine shrieked, and with a burst of strength managed to push and buck Jamie off of her so he was sprawled on his back on the floor, gasping with cute bemusement as Celine gasped for air. However, it didn’t take her long to catch her breath….and lock eyes with the cheeky gentleman.
‘I’m going to make you wish you hadn’t gone against me, little boy.’
Jamie gulped, squeaked, and started trying to shuffle away from Celine on his butt….but Celine was quick to catch his ankles in a headlock, and smirked as she observed the bare feet trapped in her grasp.
‘Now then, what do we have here…..’
Jamie whimpered and started shaking his head, already smiling and nearly beet red as his hands became a near blur.
‘Please Miss Celine not my feet! I’m so sorry please don’t tickle me there, I’m sorry I’m sorry!’
Celine giggled with a purr that was probably the most sly, sultry, terrifying sound that Jamie had ever heard in his whole life. As Celine brandished the nails of her free hand, she crooned like the Devil.
‘Not yet you’re not, but you will be.’
Jamie just shrieked. He was used to having his feet absolutely wrecked with tickles from other people of course…but never in his life had he had such evil, properly sharp nails raking up and down his pale, soft soles. It was ticklish agony like he’d never known before, and his signing was, in a word, wild.
Celine giggled fondly, humming an absent tune to herself as she scraped her nails up and down his inner arches, cooing evilly.
‘Such a ticklish little thing….careful with that pretty voice of yours darling, we wouldn’t want to wake anyone, would we-?’
Jamie squealed frantically and hid his burning face in his hands, images flashing in his mind of other egos coming and discovering them….oh god he was getting so humiliated just from thinking about it! He curled up his torso in a foetal position, doing everything he could to hide from the torture; Celine found it incredibly adorable as she scratched the hyper sensitive balls of his feet.
‘Mmm that’s right, imagine if Anti saw this….I bet he’d join in and reeeally tire you out….’
Now, Jamie was flailing, and he had tears building in his baby blue eyes as he gazed at Celine desperately.
Celine cocked her head at the desperate man affectionately, before giggling and releasing his feet as she purred.
'Well, since you asked like such a nice gentleman.’
Jamie gasped and immediately curled his legs close to him, using his hands to grip and rub the soles of his feet for a good few minutes. Jamie was a mess of residual gasps and giggles as chills course through his body, but soon he peeked at Celine over his knees as he signed with a bashful smile.
‘….I find that I am rather tired now….’
Celine smiled at that, whilst blinking frantically a few times…even she couldn’t hide that her eyes were starting to droop. Now it was Celine who would blame tiredness on the boldness of her next words.
‘As am I….I heard you have a lot of warm quilts in your room….they ah, sound much more pleasant for sleeping under on Christmas Eve….’
Celine’s brain didn’t even have time to process what she was subtly asking, before Jamie gasped with excited glee and shot up to his feet, offering Celine his hand.
‘Please do join me, a lady should never be cold or alone on this night!’
The apples of Celine’s cheeks turned a soft pink as she happily allowed Jamie to bring her to her feet, and after putting away cutlery, crockery, and picking up and drowsy Gooper….there then came the perfect night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. Wherein the two slept together, in the most basic, literal, innocent sense of the phrase. With warmth, safety, and love without obligation or expectation attached. It was just, love.
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periwinkledoodle · 4 years
Chapter 1: Bo the Funkster and His Shady Owl
Honey Lee
How do you pack for a boarding school for the magically gifted? No seriously, I’m asking. The question had so paralyzed me for weeks that there I was at 5 am on a Sunday staring at an empty suitcase. 
My parents had enrolled me, their ‘gifted’ child into Ilvermorney’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after I’d accidentally transfigured my Algebra teacher’s toupee into a small chihuahua. I mean the resemblance was uncanny but my feeble explanations weren’t fooling anyone. My letter addressed to Ms. Hun Mi Beatrice Lee arrived shortly after.
“Hey Honeycomb, do you wanna eat breakfast before we go or take it on the way to the airport?” It was my Dad calling from down the hall in our Familie’s tiny San Francisco Apartment. He was probably packing snacks and making a Spotify playlist for the drive to the Airport. He knows exactly how to prepare for this. I grumbled to myself. It was a knack of his to anticipate and prepare, not just for himself but for our little family of three. When I went to my first sleep-away camp he made sure to tuck Mr. Pinky into my duffle even though I insisted I was too old for stuffed animals. When Mom lost her job he was prepared with taped re-runs of Gilmore Girls, a steaming pan of bulgogi and extra savings from a rainy day account he’d meant to surprise us with.  
“I’ll eat on the way” I shouted back after a pregnant pause. Maybe it’s not too late to ask him to pack for me. I jumped at the knock on my door.
“Uuuuh-” I responded dumbly, unable to come up with a believable excuse to shoo away the intruder. The door creaked open and my Mom stood there sleepy-eyed with an extra cup of coffee in her hands.  
“Coffee?” She smiled sweetly, handing me my favorite ceramic travel mug. The one with the San Francisco skyline. The one not from Starbucks. She took a sip of her own before eyeing my room. I could see her face change as her eyes drifted to the empty suitcase at the end of my bed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and another sip of coffee. When she opened her eyes again she took the coffee mug out of my hands and pointed down the hall to the bathroom.
“Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, razor, lotion. Go!”
All I could do was nod and scurry to my task as Mom called down the hall “Ed! Put the pancake batter in the fridge and come help me!”
Twenty minutes later my parents were high-fiving each other as we merged onto the freeway to the Airport with my entire wardrobe and most of my essentials stuffed into two bags in the trunk.
“We’re only a few minutes behind schedule, which is fine because I set aside at least ten minutes of buffer time for getting your mom out the door so really we’re ahead of things- Ow!” Dad rubbed the spot where mom’s elbow met his ribs. Mom turned around in her seat to hand me back my coffee.
“Ready?” She asked
I nodded. How are you supposed to tell your parents you’re woefully unprepared to be a witch when they’re making big sacrifices to make the best of the situation? Ilvermorney was not cheap I knew that much.
“The real question is-”
I groaned as dad reached for his iphone
“Are you guys ready for this fire mixtape?”
“Dad it’s called a playlist and please never call something ‘fire’ ever again” I shouted over the speakers blasting Magic by Pilot.
My family has never been one for emotional goodbyes so forty minutes later at the departures curb my Dad handed me my bags and my itinerary with sticky notes marking extra instructions for my transfer from JFK to the School’s rail shuttle. Mom handed me some extra cash for breakfast and they were off. Not two minutes later my phone buzzed with a text from Mom.
We’re so proud of you. X.
I’ll admit my eyes did sweat a little as I took a deep breath and headed to the bag drop line.
Having a whole 7-hour flight to ease my social anxiety nerves did not prepare me for the three-hour train ride with no assigned seating from New York to Mt. Greylock. After wandering the full length of the train trying to act like I knew where I was going I finally settled into an empty compartment towards the front of the ‘student rail shuttle’ or at least that’s what was plastered on each train car. After a full five minutes of peace and quiet, what I can only describe as a Crayola box on heelies rolled into my compartment, stuck out his hand and said “Hi, I’m Bo the Funkster” before dropping his bags and a tiny bug-eyed owl in the corner.
“Hi,” I said weakly, shaking his hand. From head to toe, the guy was a loud assortment of patterns right down to his banana socks and checkered vans. I was still confused as to how they had wheels.
“You got a name?” he asked cheerily
“Babe” He quipped without skipping a beat. Fluttering his eyelashes teasingly.
I huffed uncomfortably “N-no that’s my name. Well, actually my name is Hun Mi but my sister couldn’t pronounce it when I was born so she called me Honey and now it’s the only name I ever remember being called.”  
“That’s cute” He smiled sincerely
“Yeah, she was cute like that. My parents miss her a lot.” I said more to myself than anyone else until I saw his smile drop. Oh boy, major overshare. I mentally slapped myself. Recover! Recover!
“I mean, she died from cancer a long time ago so it’s fine”
His eyebrows knit together and mouth agape no doubt looking for a socially acceptable response to ‘Hi my name is Honey, my sister died of leukemia what’s your childhood trauma?’  
Way to put oil on the fire Honey.
But to my surprise Bo the Funkster pat a hand on my knee. “Dude, that sucks. I’m sorry” He leaned back in his seat and studied me for a minute. “So your first semester at Ilvermorney?”
“Can you tell?”
“Uh, yeah. But you’re good don’t sweat it. I’ll help you out. Hit me with your questions.”
“Yeah about wizarding, Ilvermorney, whatever. There’s no shame in being new to the wizarding community but you probably want to know a few things am I right?”
I nodded
“Well then, young padawan-” he gestured  “proceed.”
Two and a half hours later we had exhausted our Q&A and had resorted to swapping opinions on the best movies of the summer. The train turned a sharp corner into bright forested hills and the glow of the late afternoon light made me feel like we had entered another world altogether.
Bo caught me staring “Yeah, it’s pretty” he admitted crawling his lanky limbs over his seat towards the window, he wedged the rusted thing open to let the summer breeze in.
“C’ mere” He motioned
I scooted over to the window and followed suit as he stuck his head out the window and inhaled deeply.
“Aahh, the last breath of summer,” he remarked before grinning at me wildly and cupping his hands to let loose a piercing howl that echoed over the hillside. I blinked. He abruptly put his hand up and shushed.
“I didn’t-”
“SHHH!” he wagged his shushing finger more forcibly.
I rolled my eyes to the sky but without missing a beat several eerie howls drifted back over the hills to us. I could feel my eyes grow wide.
“werewolves” Bo the funkster declared waving his arm out the window in proud presentation before sitting back in his assigned seat looking very pleased with himself.
“But it’s daytime, don’t they only change with the full moon?”
“Woohoo, look who knows her stuff!” He cheered. Then leaning forward with an unsettlingly fascinated look in his eye “It is a full moon!”  Without looking he jabbed a finger at the sky. I almost didn’t look half expecting him to just be messing with me, but there it was hanging proudly in what was left of blue in the sky.
“The nighttime part isn’t necessary and werewolves can howl in their human form too. Piece of trivia for your DA course.” He clicked some finger guns at me and winked before stepping out of the compartment without explanation.
What a weirdo. I smiled in spite of myself.
“Buckle up!” He called from down the car
Buckle up?
The train lurched and took off the tracks and I white-knuckled the armrest searching furiously with my other arm for a nonexistent seatbelt. The shifty Owl who I’d almost forgotten about perched atop the now falling luggage let out a grumbly and distinctly human-like “Who” that would haunt my dreams for weeks.
I gaped at it in absolute horror.
Once I regained my balance, and a piece of my sanity, I dared to steal a glance out the window, rather than engage the bird in a staring contest I was likely to lose. The sight that met my eyes made both my stomach and my heart leap. Unsure of whether it was nausea or nerves, I took a deep breath and leaned out the window again for a closer look. As the train gracefully ascended around the mountain it passed through a flock of what I can only describe as grey eagle-like Pegasus. Pegasuses? Pegasi? There were so many things I still didn’t know.
Now is not the time to dwell on self-doubt. I lectured.
Looking again, I saw emerging from the trees at the top of the mountain piercing spires and castle windows glittering in the setting sun.
Maybe this place can be home. I hoped. The thought of finding a place to belong made me loosen my grip on the seat cushioning until another unsettling “who” came from the beady-eyed monster in the corner.
“BO!?” I called out nervously
No response.
I swear to God-  
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cb-143 · 5 years
Afterglow - Namjoon x fem reader
wc: 635
warnings: none? oh, mentions of inappropriate acts :x
a/n: I’ve written this like a year ago, but I loved it so much that I thought I had to post it, and since today’s his birthday, it fits perfectly :’)
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Namjoon laid under her, his hand by her head. His long fingers ran through her short, dark hair.
She could hear his heart beat. It was beating slower against his chest than it had done merely minutes ago. The only evidence of her previous, dark and filthy activities were their naked  bodies, the blissful expression on his face, and the tiredness on hers.
"Joonie~" she cooed, fingers dancing up his naked chest like a litte, agile spider.
"Hmm?" Sleepiness laced his voice. Namjoon felt relaxed, felt spent, comfortable. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as silence filled the room. A feeling of regret, a wish that she just hadn't said a thing replaced the rosy feeling within her.
"'s nothing. Let's just sleep."
"Hey, no, it wasn't nothing if it made you speak up. Now I want to know just what is on my little bug's mind."
"No." Embarrassed, she shied away from him, trying to hide her smile. She had messed up by making him curious. Now, she thought, she had to ask. "I was just wondering. Hmm. Well, you're always... very..." she couldn't continue, cheeks heating up.
"Oh come on, please." Namjoon encouraged her.
"You're so dominant." her voice went quieter the further into the sentence she got. "And I'm-"
"My perfect little babygirl." He really wasn't wrong. She was his sub, thrived in being a good girl for him and she loved both his praise and punishment.
"But there's certain... eh, thingies, that I'd like to try as well."
Namjoon smirked. He felt the butterflies in his tummy, his heart doing a salto. Minutes after their intimate act, she behaved like an innocent angel. It was adorable, but moreover, it gave him the chance to tease her about this for the next few days.
"And what are those things, hm? Come on, tell me. Use your big-girl words." Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Don't say that! You're just making fun of me!" She pouted, felt offended at his cliché words. He never took her seriously.
"I'm not. I promise you, I am listening to you, and I want to know what you have to say."
"I.. well, for one, I'd like too.. tease you, too. Like you do with me." Her cheeks  began to hurt from the awkward smile she wore, and it was not getting any easier for her. "I want to touch you, but like, not let you, well, finish, or, ehm,  do more after you finished, you know? But also, more importantly, I can't do that like this. You'd have to be tied up a n d blindfolded."
"So," Namjoon summed up, a lot more mature and open, "you want to pleasure me, and not let me cum, or you want to overstim me, right? I could dig that. But why tie me up? I'm genuinely curious now." That evil asshole.
"Hrm.. you just look at me  with those eyes and," she looked into them now, getting lost in the pretty brown they were coloured with, "it's very, I'm not sure how I'd describe it. I can't even focus. It makes me vulnerable. Like I melt, and it makes me bend to your will. And then you'd be free again and take the lead."
"And would that really be so bad?"
"Yes!" Y/N seemed offended at his question, but her reaction amused him; he wanted her to elaborate.
"Because I am supposed to be the dominant one."
"But are you really so dominant if all I have to do is look at you? If I can do this.." trailing off, his hands wandered, exploring her skin to make her shiver, "and you're mine."
Y/N slapped his hands away, decided to ignore the rude way his voice had seemingly dropped an octave or two.
"Just go to sleep, you nerd."
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