#i also asked me mom if i had more of a puppy or a kitty girl vibe
mxwhore · 9 months
hi tess hi tess
if u were an animal what would you be? why?
oooo great timing! I was just making a fursona... id love to be a fossa
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otterloreart · 24 days
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someone on MLPTP asked for Lil' Litters puppies/kittens so I've been attempting them in the background.
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More information about these sculpts (aka down the rabbit hole) after cut
The coloration of the models in my shots were based off the My Little Puppy "Pretty Poodle" family, but models were reused for other sets
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For example, Sweet Spaniel family had the "blue poodle" model but a unique sitting spaniel, although it looks like the proportions + ears are the same as the other two
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And then the next release had the "Funtime Spaniels" set which had the same poses but was more colorful, and also the puppies with the other "mom dog" sculpts:
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The website Toysisters, where I got the above photos, mentioned that the entire second line of My Little Puppies is hard to find so I looked them up and
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This was the only My Little Puppy 2nd year release I could find and its a single figure for $75.
Also in the 1980s hasbro purchased the rights to a Barbie competitor (originally made in the UK) called Sindy and reused some of the pet molds in pajama party packs:
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And this one also sells for a lot and isn't really available in many places
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I don't bring up the prices, btw, as a critique of vintage toy collecting or anything. I don't make these models because I think people should just make new ones all the time. I /like/ that we're preserving old toys.
Rather, I hope my sculpts are used for collectors who have part of a collection and can't find a real vintage one, or people who think it is sweet and want to make a custom one (like they could do their dog or just a fun new thing). It's just for fun and not a replacement
I think what really disappoints me about all the lil'litters characters is they don't have the colorful marks like the ponies. If you didn't know, the original pony marks were made to imitate the marks on an appaloosa horse
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And to me, while they aren't the only reason the ponies did well, they're definitely one of the things that makes them unique, like the carebears stomachs or strawberry shortcakes' fruit hat
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Like they made a dalmation dog and they didn't even give it like... heart shaped spots. Huge missed opportunity there imo.
Also they did the siamese in reverse dark-light colors and iut looks like a fox. Siamese cats don't work this way, they gotta be darker around the tips for a reason.
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Hasbro did release a line called Little Pretty that had a similar conceit, but I find the sculpt of the toys... underwhelming. They look more like Proto-Littlest Pet Shop to me than My Little Ponies:
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The one on the left is supposed to be a dog and I only figured that out because she has no ears, just hair...
I much prefer the Lil Litters sculpts, they look more detailed and unique to me, and more similar to the OG MLPs
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the My Little Kitty / Lil Litters were actually released concurrently with the Little Pretty line, both around 1990, so the discrepancy in artstyle feels really weird. but also it's just such a weird choice to create two similar looking brands to me? I don't... get it.
This was also year 9 of my little pony so the brand was going wild with the ponies and its interesting to me how plain and early-years the dogs+cats were in comparison
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they were giving the ponies neon colors, false eyelashes and built in pockets and decided that their other animal lines would just be... different colors.
anyways my send-off is here are the first releases of lil litters:
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hamliet · 1 month
Random ask, Hamliet. Can I ask how can your dog and cat not fighting each other? So I had a cat for 3 years, named Gojo (yes, I know it's cringe). And last month my sister who lived with me, got a puppy and want to keep him, she named him Sukuna just to spite me.... And they kept fighting each other. Do you mind if I ask for your advice, please?
HAHAHA I love their names! And it is not cringe! Well, aside from the fact that with their names you were kind of asking for it... (I'm kidding).
So. I think I lucked out to a degree? They have very similar extroverted personalities. That said, I do have some advice for you, so read on!
I've had Alyosha almost four years now, and he's a very friendly puppy who loves humans, dogs, and cats we see on the street. When we visit family who have cats (numerous cats) he would always want to snuggle with them, but only one allowed him. So I knew he liked them before I looked for a cat.
Smokey I got from a shelter, and he was actually being fostered at a home with dogs. He was noted to be good with dogs, but not with other cats, amusingly enough. So I thought it'd be a good fit, and I think it took them all of four days (two of which Smokey spent trying to die on me in the hospital, because he was a very sick kitty; like I got him and the next day had to bring him to the ER) for them to curl up next to each other.
Smokey, dying on me but still wanting to speak to the manager:
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Smokey did hiss the first time he saw Yosh, but he kind of immediately took to me and so started taking to Alyosha soon after that. And Alyosha loves him; they frequently cuddle, and Alyosha refuses to eat his treaties unless Smokey is next to him and also receiving treaties.
Their first cuddle four days after I got him and 3 hours after I took Smokey home from the hospital; try to discern where one fluff ends and the other begins:
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Awaiting treaties (and Smokey mimicking Yosh):
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Also, Smokey is now larger than Alyosha by a fair amount. I accidentally adopted a panther I think -__- wish me luck, he's only eleven months and still growing...
(why is Smokey so large)
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They do fight sometimes, though. It's kind of a sibling relationship. But it's never been like, a violent fight--more like annoying each other and then they slap each other a few times and storm off to me like MOM GUESS WHAT HE DID.
And then other times they team up on me. Like when I gave Alyosha a bath and Smokey sat on the counter watching and hissing... at ME. He then jumped onto the edge of the bathtub and touched noses with the dog like... I'm sorry Mom's such a bitch.
So, it depends on the size difference between Sukuna and Gojo. Is Sukuna a large dog? If that's the case, I would try to keep them from fighting. But if he is not, or even if he is a small puppy now, I would watch them when they fight. Are they actually trying to hurt each other? Or are they just being bratty? If the latter, let them fight; if the former, intervene.
I would also try to use their love for you. Namely, with the dog, since he's young. If the dog sees his beloved human loving the cat, then since he's so young he might not be jealous and might transfer that love to the cat. I think that's partially what happened with Smokey when he was a (younger) kitten--oh, she loves dog, she loves me, dog must also love me. I also think it might make sense when giving treats or something to have your sister start with Sukuna and you start with Gojo, just so that they both know that you prioritize them (to prevent jealousy, I always start with Alyosha since he was here first; I call it birth order rights, jk).
Good luck! And if anyone else has advice, please share!
Leaving you with a photo of the two of them from yesterday evening:
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skz-maybe-incorrects · 5 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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ecargmura · 8 months
Paradox Live The Animation Episode 3 Review - The Found Family
TCW have such a calm and soothing vibe; they’re so warm and adorable too! Compared to BAE who are a group of inseparable besties and cozmez who are actual brothers, TCW feel like a little family with Saimon as the dad, Yohei as the mom, and Shiki and Ryu are their kids. It feels like a nice change in tone from the energetic vibes that the youngsters of BAE and cozmez gave off. Maybe it’s because TCW have actual working adults in the fray?
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Speaking of which, BAE vs cozmez ended with the former as winners, but why did TCW vs Akan Yatsura already spoil the results after the opening sequence? That’s no fun! However, I do think that the prime focus wasn’t about their rap battle but the group as a whole and plot related stuff. The main focus of this episode is like a snippet of TCW’s daily lives with Ryu finding a cat one day and Shiki trying to recover from his trap reactions and anxieties over his mistakes on stage.
Saimon is the gentle father figure to the kids and loyal and trustworthy confidant of Yohei. He’s definitely the glue that sticks them together because he’s the one who found all of them one day, pertaining to his bad habit of picking up strays. I do find him adorable as heck with the way he gets swayed by Ryu’s puppy eyes and the Kurobuchi’s kitty eyes combination and asks Yohei if they can keep the cat. Yohei’s the caring but nagging mother hen who acts like he doesn’t care but truly does. I do wonder how these two met because they seem to be long time friends. Regardless, whoever designed these two and the kids deserve a raise because they’re all so gorgeous. Like, Paradox Live doesn’t skimp with the designs. They’re all legit 10/10’s.
Shiki is very anxious. He has very poor reactions to phantometals and his trap reactions probably are worse than Allen’s. The way he screamed in the middle of the night was really hard to watch. I do wonder what his connection is to Nayuta. Are his reactions related to Nayuta? Other than his trap reactions, Shiki as a character is a very meek individual. He’s insecure, has low self-esteem and always holds back. From what I know, all Paradox Live characters have sad backstories, so I assume the same for Shiki.
Ryu’s the biggest mystery in the group. Nothing is known about him. He has no memories nor a given age. I’m not even sure if Ryu is his actual name. Eccentricities and enigmas aside, Ryu’s biggest unique factor is his inability to have trap reactions. He can use phantometals all he wants and he won’t get withdrawals from them. While Shiki states that it’s a gift, it makes him different from the rest and that worries Ryu. It seems that Ryu’s biggest worries is being ostracized as an anomaly. There are glimpses of his memories as he seemed to have once been a lab rat and ran away. Is he related to Alter Trigger in a way? I have to say, Ryu’s my favorite of TCW despite me simping for how fine Saimon is at times. I think that his positivity is infectious and the way he described Akan Yatsura as Momotaro characters and Zen as muscles was hilarious.
Speaking of which, Akan Yatsura, from their brief screen time, also gives me big family vibes. Given how Iori and Yohei are connected, it’s like Akan Yatsura had a family outing and went to visit Yohei’s bar as a detour. I do wonder if these two groups will focus more on the darker side of this show’s story.
Also, I heard Akira Ishida as the crazy scientist in that one brief sequence change. They legit got a well-known VA like Ishida in this anime as well as Kenta Miyake as the Paradox Devil. They’re not playing around with the VAs at all. Heck, TCW’s voice cast list is pretty stacked. Saimon’s voiced by Ryota Takeuchi; Yohei’s voiced by Yuu Hayashi; Ryu’s VA is Natsuki Hanae and Shiki’s Junta Terashima. I’m familiar with all four VAs, so it feels great that they’re showing off more of their talents.
TCW’s song gives more of a jazz bar vibe and I like it a lot! It’s a lot different from the loud and fast tempo BAE and cozmez songs had. It matches their vibes a lot. Are all of their songs like this?
Anyways, this was a good episode and it makes me want to see more of this adorable family. I’m assuming next episode is focused on Akan Yatsura, and I’m excited to learn about them too! I feel like these episodes are more focused on characterization rather than singing and I’m not too sure how I feel about that. On one hand, it’s nice to learn about the characters and not get the songs overshadowing them. On the other hand, I don’t like that the rapping is always towards the end. Anyways, what are your thoughts about this episode?
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
Authors note: The teaser will act as a teaser but, have information that would help make the SMAU make sense. Anyways I hope you enjoy<3 But sorry the teaser is short.
Andrea and Kitty are twins, not identical twins, but fraternal twins. Kitty is more on her dad’s side for looks while Andrea has more of her mom’s Korean look
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Andrea’s nicknames are
Drea, Puppy/Pup
She got the nickname Puppy/Pup since she is feisty, playful, curious, fearless, and chipper just like a dog, and Puppy goes with Kitty.
Her family calls her Drea, while Kitty calls her Puppy/Pup.
Also, Andrea knows how to speak Korean and French cause she begged her parents to take lessons to learn the languages. For sports, she does figure skating, ballet/dance, gymnastics ( rhythmic snd acrobatic), tennis, and Badminton.
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“Kitty, I can’t believe we’re going to K.I.S.S.!” I exclaimed. “I know, same! Plus We get to learn about our heritage from our Mom’s side and I get to see Dae!” Ever since we went to South Korea for spring break, Kitty met her boyfriend Dae, and sometimes never shuts up about it. To convince our parents we made a presentation on why we should go to K.I.S.S and… they said yes!
We packed up and went to the airport. As we wait in the airport, We were waiting for our flight as this dud bumped into me. “Excuse me!” I said. But I noticed that he had a badge or some sort that said “K.I.S.S.” “Do you go to K.I.S.S? Me and my sister are going to K.I.S.S.” I said proudly. “ No english” he said. “I can speak Korean,but I didn’t want to deal with him, plus I don’t even know if he can even speak Korean” I thought. But it was time to get on our plane.
It was a lot of hours later, but we finally made it to Seoul! We were very lost, but Thank God I knew Korean or we would have been lost. “Where are we even going?” Kitty asked. “Kitty, The exit is here. Let’s go” I said. If We didn’t see the bus, we probably would never make it to K.I.S.S. We ran and got into the bus and waited for it to go to K.I.S.S.
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays
(bold cant tag)
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I don’t own XO,Kitty , Netflix does. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission. Photos are not mine, and but for visual purpose.
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svtdarlingbby · 2 years
Opposites Attract – WoozixReader
Woozi x extraverted! gn!reader
college au!
no warnings! fluff I guess!
word count: 2,682
anon requested: joshua and reader are good friends but has never been introduced to the rest of svt,, once josh finally does everybodh notices how outgoing/extroverted reader can be... and everyone is amazed at how naturally you strike up conversation-- ESPECIALLY woozi. since jihoon is normally known for being cold and such svt is ASTONISHED by how quickly you seem to approach him. and jihoon keeps up a strong front- or at least he tries- but after the weeks go by he finds himself unwinding more and more with reader. and he shouldnt- DOESNT like it, he doesnt like how you melt him down. he tries extra hard to just put up with reader or tries to act annoyed with reader. but when the members are gone- even joshua- and it happens to be just jihoon and reader, how long will that cold persona really last ??
alternatively: playful puppy reader and hissy (cuddly) kitty jihoon.
Wow anon I like how your brain works! I think I got carried away so I'll write the rest in part 2!
You and Joshua had been friends for quite some time. You go way back, meeting one another in elementary school and staying friends since. Naturally and with time, you two begin to create your own paths such as going to different colleges but that doesn't mean you two drifted apart. Even if it had been months since the last time you guys talked, everything seemed like normal and it was never awkward. This time around Joshua had a lot to catch you up on. He managed to make a lot of friends at college and had so many weird stories from his adventures with them.
"And that's how we ended up playing red light green light in the hallway of the science building!" laughed Joshua via FaceTime.
"Wow Josh you really have the craziest friends!" you laughed.
"They're kinda insane, but they're good guys. I really want you to meet them at some point! I just know you guys would get along," he said hopefully.
You always loved meeting new people, you were extraverted at heart and genuinely felt happy around people, striking up conversations and listening was your thing.
"Yes! I would love to meet them! How many friends did you say there were?" you asked.
"Okay don't judge but there's twelve of them," laughed Joshua.
"That is a huge friend group oh my god! What are their names?" you asked.
"Well there's Seungcheol and Jeonghan first. They're my age and people say they're the dad and mom of the group. But if we play a game, don't be surprised if Jeonghan cheats," he said laughing remembering his friend's antics.
"Okay, beat Jeonghan at every game, noted," you said.
"Then there's Jun, he's kind of the loudest one and he loves cats. Wonwoo is similar to him. He likes cats but he's kind of quieter but he's super fun once he opens up. Soonyoung is also pretty chaotic, I think you two could have a lively conversation.," said Joshua
"Hey!" you laughed feeling judged but you knew his comment was in good humor.
"Out of everyone, I think Jihoon would be the hardest to open up. He's pretty reserved and introverted but we just drag him along. I know he secretly loves us and has fun," explained Joshua.
"Oooh Jihoon sounds interesting," you said as you thought about making it your goal to become his friend. You knew he probably just needed a little push to open up and have someone there to listen.
"Then we have Seokmin, he's super cheerful and always making us laugh. Mingyu is the 'famous' one as we put it. He's Instagram famous but his chaotic energy matches ours. Minghao is our fashion king, so try not to out dress him," said Joshua as he thought about his friends.
"Wow Josh, you've got so many friends" you remarked trying to remember how many names he has listed so far.
"There's still more! Seungkwan is super lively and he's hilarious. He kind of reminds me of you but you might be a little more dramatic!"
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" you exclaimed, feigning offense.
"You just answered your own question!" laughed Joshua before continuing, "We also have Vernon, he's probably my most chill friend and he can be pretty funny. And lastly, Chan is the youngest so we sometimes like to baby him but man does he have a mouth!"
That was all twelve of Joshua's friends listed out. To most people, the thought of meeting that many new people would be overwhelming. However, you saw this as a new opportunity to make new friends with various types of people. And given your history, most people always liked you as soon as you met them. You had a way of lighting up the room and befriending even the quietest and shyest of people. That's why Joshua has always considered you a great friend, and the prospect of you befriending his friend group had him excited.
Joshua had mentioned that he was planning on hanging out with his friends on campus during the weekend and since you had nothing better to do that was the perfect time to meet them. Thankfully, Joshua had offered you a ride to the college so you guys could go together.
The weekend came by pretty fast, maybe it was your anticipation that made time go by faster. Before you knew it, Joshua was pulling up in front of your house.
"Thanks for the ride, Josh!" you said as you got into the passenger seat.
"No problem Y/N! I'm so excited for you to meet all my friends! And don't worry, we'll do introductions first since there's a lot of them," he said as he started to drive toward the college.
You two were discussing the current song that was playing and before you knew it you guys had pulled into the parking lot. Joshua led the way to the giant dining hall with plenty of space to accommodate his large group of friends. As you walked in, you saw, rather heard, a large group of boys chatting along as they were scattered about across tables.
"Yo look! It's Josh!" yelled one of them before the rest welcomed their friend.
"Hey guys! I've brought with me my friend Y/N who I've been telling you about!" Joshua said as he gestured toward you.
"Hi guys! So you're the famous bunch Joshua keeps talking about!" you waved with a slight chuckle.
"What did he say about us?"
"Wait he thinks we're friends?"
"We're famous?!"
All of their sudden questions made you laugh. It was clear already why they were Joshua's friends.
"Okay, let's have you guys introduce yourselves before Y/N gets confused," responded Joshua, "Let's start left to right."
"Hi, I'm Jun!" waved Jun.
"Minghao, nice to meet you."
"Vernon," he said with a wave.
"Hey I'm Seungkwan!"
"Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Seungcheol."
"I'm Jeonghan!"
"Hey I'm Seokmin!"
"Hi I'm Soonyoung! Call me Soon!" iykyk
"Hey I'm Mingyu."
"I'm Wonwoo."
"Jihoon," he muttered, looking down.
"And I'm Joshua!" he joked as he watched you process all of those greetings.
"Nice to meet you all! It's gonna take me a minute to remember all of your names!" you laughed. Your mind however wandered to the quieter one. Jihoon. He looked pretty shy, hopefully he'd open up a little.
"Alright who's hungry? Let's get us some food!" said Seungcheol as everyone got up.
The dining room was pretty neat and had a lot of options. From common Korean food to western food, it was a food paradise. Joshua had caught up with Jeonghan and Seungcheol leaving you to wander with some of the other boys. He knew that you'd be okay, your extraverted nature allowing you to easily accommodate yourself amongst his friends. Granted, you did feel a little awkward until Soonyoung gestured for you to come with him and Jihoon.
"Y/N! Do you like (favorite food)?" asked Soonyoung.
"Yes! It's my fave!" you replied enthusiastically.
"Great! Cause Jihoon and I were craving some! Right bro?" Soonyoung nudged the quiet boy.
"Yup," he nodded, not wanting the attention on him.
"Hey, I see you've got great taste when it comes to food!" you laughed at your own joke, which made Soonyoung burst into laughter. You were able to see the corner of Jihoon's mouth tilt slightly upward at your antics. Your plan was coming together.
You weren't the only one who noticed Jihoon's little smile. Jun, Minghao, and Vernon found themselves observing your conversation. While they found your pun funny, the three of them felt their eyes widen at the sight of Jihoon smiling at your joke.
"That's the first time I've seen someone make Jihoon smile, especially a stranger," remarked Jun.
"Yeah, I'm kinda shocked to see Y/N talking to him of all people. I mean he kinda comes off as cold according to most people who don't know him well," added Vernon.
"Soonyoung probably dragged them in their conversation in the first place. Maybe this is a good thing guys, Jihoon could use some more friends besides us," explained Minghao.
"Dang, why didn't Joshua bring you around sooner?" asked Soonyoung as the three of you retrieved your bags of food.
"I'm not sure!" you answered right before you saw Jihoon's untied shoe. "JIHOON YOUR SHOE!"
"What?" said Jihoon as he began to feel himself trip. He braced himself to meet the floor until he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. He opened his eyes to see your concerned face. Your exclamation of his name was loud enough to cause a scene resulting in Joshua and his friends' witnessing the scene.
You felt Jihoon's body stiffen as you gently removed your arms from him. It was pretty obvious that he was embarrassed by the situation but you were glad he was safe. Jihoon couldn't tell if you felt the spark of electricity he felt the moment you safely caught him.
"Are you okay?" you asked with concern.
"Yeah, you didn't need to save me," he mumbled, "but thank you."
"Come on Jihoon, she just saved your life! You owe her one!" exclaimed Soonyoung as he tried to lighten the mood.
Jihoon didn't say anything and instead opted to sit away from you and Soonyoung once you reached the table with the rest of the boys. While it did make you a little sad that Jihoon didn't want to sit with you, you made sure to empathize with him and assumed that he probably didn't want to bother you. Despite this, some of the boys weren't surprised by his standoffish behavior. Jihoon was known to be like that especially around new people. He did look annoyed. You wanted to say something, but of course with this many people present the conversation shifted. The guys wanted to know all about you.
"So Y/N, what are your interests?" asked Chan.
"Well I don't know if this counts as an interest but I always love to socialize! I feel so recharged and relaxed in the presence of others!" you explained.
"About half of us here are pretty introverted, that's just so interesting to hear that perspective," remarked Jeonghan.
"That's the beauty of it. To me, every extrovert needs their introvert. Balance is key," you explained as you took another bite of your food.
Even though he was seated further away from you, Jihoon was intently listening to you. He really agreed with your philosophy about introverts and extraverts. Honestly, he wished he could find his respective extravert but he could never admit that out loud.
The conversation went on and shifted, it felt like you had been talking to the boys for hours. It wasn't until one of them pointed out that three hours had passed by!
"Oh wow it is getting late! Hey Y/N, wanna be added to our group chat? You'd fit right in!" asked Seungkwan as he pulled out his phone.
"Sure!" you said as you gave them your number. You looked up and glanced at Jihoon who looked kind of annoyed that you'd be joining their group chat. But you knew that he'd change his mind.
"Alright, Y/N and I have to get going since I've gotta drop them off, bye guys!" said Joshua.
"Bye guys! Wait can I give y'all a hug first?" you asked.
At this point it was easy to tell that they all really seemed to like you and vibed with you well. All of a sudden you felt yourself enveloped in a massive group hug giggling at your new friends. You noticed someone was missing though. Jihoon.
"Hey Jihoon, get in here!" you yelled as the other members opened their arms.
"Uh, no thank you," said Jihoon who sounded annoyed.
"Jihoon, you know you want to!" yelled Soongyoung while he wiggled his eyebrows, further annoying his friend.
As to not cause a commotion, Jihoon begrudgingly joined in the group hug. It warmed your heart to see him be included by everyone and Jihoon even felt a little special that you cared enough to notice he was missing initially. The hug broke apart as you said your final goodbyes before heading off with Joshua.
"I'm surprised you seemed to strike up several conversations with Jihoon," recalled Joshua as the two of you got into his car.
"Why is that?" you ask as you put on your seatbelt.
"Well, the guys and I kind of noticed that he's a really reserved and shy dude. We're just shocked that you even managed to make him smile!" he said as he pulled out of the parking space.
"I made him smile? It seemed like he was kinda annoyed with me," you chuckled nervously.
"Well, you are annoying!" joked Joshua earning him a playful smack on the shoulder from you. "But seriously, thank you for including him and opening up to him. We want him to have more friends that just aren't us."
"No need to thank me! He seems like an interesting guy. I just hope I didn't overwhelm him or anything" you said as you gazed through the window. Your mind wandered to him yet again hoping that he liked you after today.
Jihoon found himself walking with Soonyoung, Jun, Vernon, Minghao, and Seungkwan. They all lived in the same dorm building and were walking back together.
"So Jihoon... what did you think of Y/N?" asked Seungkwan.
"What do you mean? They were kinda loud" said Jihoon as he looked down.
"I mean, they did it to save you from tripping in front of the whole school," stated Soonyoung a matter of factly.
"I could've managed on my own," lied Jihoon.
"Sure, but you do think they're funny," said Jun with a laugh, "We all saw the way you smiled at their joke."
"Well you saw wrong," Jihoon deflected.
"Sure, whatever you say," smirked Vernon.
"Listen, I don't know what you guys are trying to insinuate but-" Jihoon was interrupted when his and the other boys' phones received a notification.
"Speak of the devil," said Minghao as the message was from you.
"Thank you all for such a great time! Let's hang out some more!" Seungkwan read your message aloud.
"We definitely should! Y/N has great vibes, right Jihoon?" Soonyoung said as he nudged his friend.
Joshua dropped you off and left shortly after, allowing you to be in your thoughts. Should you text Jihoon and apologize for embarrassing him? Giving him some space was also an option but you felt bad at the possibility of making him feel uncomfortable. After going back and forth you found yourself pulling up Jihoon's contact from the group chat and began typing a message.
Hey Jihoon, it's Y/N! I had fun today! I also wanted to apologize for causing a scene earlier today. I didn't want to embarrass you or anything. I just didn't want you to fall lol!
Finding that message satisfying, you pressed send and hoped for the best.
Shortly after entering his dorm room, Jihoon noticed your message and felt his heart skip a beat. Just reading your name made his mind race with all sorts of questions. He stared at the message for a few minutes. He found himself loosening up, really appreciating your sincerity and concern for him despite only meeting once. If it were anyone else, he'd probably ignore the message until the next day. But something about your kindness drew him in.
It's okay, thanks for looking out for me
He felt that it was kinda dry, but sent the message nonetheless. He'd feel awkward if he said anything else. A few minutes later, he was met with your reply.
Always! And it was really nice meeting you today. You seem like a cool guy 😎 can't wait to hang out more with you and the guys!!
Man were you enthusiastic. Jihoon found himself smiling at the emoji and your candor through text. He thought about saying something to continue the conversation but felt that he'd make things awkward. Instead, he liked your message. He wasn't cold enough to let you be hanging.
Part 2 coming soon!
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chellesdump · 8 months
Icky Feeling - LiSoo
"Lili is sick and her Mommy told her to stay in bed to rest, but she just can’t stay put, so she ventures into her Mommy’s arms and stays there the whole day, craving all the attention and closeness from Mommy"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lili, mommy! jisoo, autumn, sickness, clingy baby
notes ─ This is for the Sick prompt. I wrote this earlier than ever, today I decided to start being productive from an earlier time. I'm just like Lili when I'm sick, my mom tells me to stay in bed to rest, but I end up migrating to the couch or any place else 😅. Please enjoy :3
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Getting sick would be any kid’s dream, just being able to stay in bed playing video games or watching TV will be the perfect day for any kid but not for this particular one, for Lisa having to stay in bed was something she despised. Due to her personality she preferred to be running around, jumping through the place, making a mess rather than to stay in bed resting, so when her Mommy sent her to bed when she tried to get up earlier she was mad.
It wasn’t that normal for Lisa to get up that early, when it happened her Mommy or Mama would tell her to go play for a little while and eat some breakfast, but this time Mommy had told her to go back to bed, saying something about how You have a fever Lalisa, you need the resting. I’ll warm up the porridge that Jen left for you. 
She wanted no porridge, she wanted to get out of bed and play with her kitties, take Love or all the dogs out on a walk, and even do chores would be ideal rather than being stuck on her bed. She really tried to go back to sleep but her stuffy nose didn’t let her rest, also her tummy was aching… and has it always been this cold?.  
Giving up resting, she stood up grabbed her stuffed puppy, and draped her blankie around her shoulders, when she was ready she made her way to the kitchen to tag along with whatever Mommy was doing, upon arrival the only sound that came out of her mouth, was a tiny and raspy, “Mommy”.
Hearing her baby call for her Jisoo turned around and found Lisa standing at the kitchen entrance, the little girl looked so miserable and that broke Jisoo's heart, "Lisa-yah why are you out of bed? Let's tuck you in once again" said Soo leading the little back from where she came. Lisa put up resistance after a couple of steps letting her Mommy know she didn't want to go, "No Mommy, no sleep. P'ease stay with you" begged the little, "But you need to rest, I can't have you tiring yourself. You’ll only get worse instead of better, so you need to go to sleep” reasoned Soo.
“No sleep, ‘verything hurts. Stay with Mommy feel better?” whined the little sniffling, “You want to stay with me to feel better?” asked Soo getting a tiny nod as response, “Sure you can stay, let’s go to the kitchen to finish heating your breakfast” said the adult motioning for Lisa to follow her, but the little was tired and motioned to be picked up.
Not wanting the girl to fall and hurt herself from how weak she looked, she complied and picked up the girl placing her on her hip, as soon as she was safe in her Mommy’s arms Lisa snuggled into her chest hugging her puppy and putting her face near Mommy’s neck. Jisoo kept warming up the porridge before serving a portion into a bowl, put the fruits she had cut previously on a plate, and poured some apple juice into a sippy cup before taking everything to the table for Lisa to eat, not forgetting to take her own bowl of bibimbap to eat.
Jisoo ended up having to spoon-feed Lisa since the little girl seemed to not have any force left, when she deemed Lili had eaten enough she let the tired girl rest against her chest once more while she ate her own food.
After picking up everything left from their breakfast, Jisoo headed to the living room to sit on the reclining sofa and rest a little, she felt that the girl was getting a fever so she gave her some medicine before putting some cartoons on the TV to entertain her. Lili seemed to be fighting off falling asleep, Jisoo tried rocking her but to no avail, so she didn’t have any other option than to do whatever she needed with the little clinging to her like a baby koala.
Soo did some easy chores, she folded their clothes, washed the dirty dishes and fed their pets, there were more things to be done but they would be hard to do with the girl lodged on her hip. Soon came time to eat lunch, she had ordered some takeout for both of them, and once it arrived she also warmed up another bowl of porridge for her baby, once again she fed the little her food.
She tried to put down Lili for her afternoon nap but the poor girl couldn't fall asleep for more than a few minutes, her sneezes would wake her up and then she would complain of an upset tummy. Soo had a quiet time with her baby, just reading some book while listening to calm music so Lili could at least wind down a little bit.
After the failed nap time, Jisoo went back to doing little chores around the house, of course with Lili on her hip, since the girl was so clingy all throughout the day. Jennie would send messages asking how Lili was holding up, when Jisoo would tell her how she seemed so pitiful, both their heart's would break.
Once the night made itself present Soo proposed a bath to Lili to help her relax, but she still didn't want to let go of Mommy, so Soo promised to take the bath with her. The bath she prepared was a bubble one with some eucalyptus extract to help the little one with her stuffy nose, combined with some lavender to help them relax for the night.
After their bath, Soo carried the little girl to her and Jennie's room to get her dressed, she picked some warm but breezy pajamas and grabbed a diaper - it wasn't a common occurrence were the girls would use them, but now since Lili didn't seemed to have force to do a lot she decided it was a good precaution -.
Once both her and Lili were dressed and ready for bed, Jisoo gave her a warm bottle of milk that she had prepared previous to their bath. Then she proceeded to lay down with her baby resting on her chest and began singing a lullaby, while patting her bottom and rubbing her back in soothing motions.
When Lili had finally settled in for the night, Soo grabbed her switch to play while she waited for Jennie to come back, after Jen arrived she was quick to check on both of her loves and found them snuggled under the covers snoring the night away.
It took a couple days for the little girl to fully get rid of the sickness, but with the care from her Mommy and Mama, she was able to get through it.
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robbiefischer · 6 months
💍 🎶 🐶 🎄 🍔 for ezra and Patrick and Eliza and Orlando?
Thank you for the ask! I loved getting a chance to think about them, they're not as fleshed out as they could be so this really helped me solidify some stuff about these OCs.
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Eliza has her ears pierced, she has two piercings in each earlobe. She doesn't have or want any other piercings. Ezra has one earlobe piercing in his left ear, but nothing besides that currently. He had his nose pierced when he was younger, but he let it close up after one of the kids in his classroom at the time (he taught preschool) nearly pulled it out. It just wasn't a good idea working closely with unpredictable small children. Patrick doesn't have any piercings, and neither does Orlando nor do they want any.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Patrick doesn't listen to music all that often, but when he does he favors instrumental music because he finds lyrics distracting most of the time. He likes a lot of contemporary classical and minimalist music, especially sparse, atmospheric piano, some soft jazz, lots of instrumental film scores, that kind of thing. Ezra likes a wide variety of music - he'll listen to everything from folk rock to metal to EDM to pop hits and everything in between. He's pretty much always got something playing, even if it's only in his head, and he often listens with noise-canceling headphones on at home since a lot of his favorites stress Patrick out a bit when he's trying to relax after work.
Eliza likes a lot of indie folk and pop, as well as a bunch of singer-songwriters - she's really lyrically-focused. In general, she'd rather listen to softer, slower stuff than faster music but there are some exceptions. She also ends up listening to a lot of musical soundtracks and pop because her oldest daughter, Annaliese is really into both and Eliza is a great mom who supports what her children are into. Orlando listens to music pretty much all the time when he's working but not in a meeting or on a call, and he's not at all picky about what he listens to. He's probably more fond of rock than anything else, but he'll add pretty much anything and everything that's catchy and has a good beat to his Spotify playlist and usually just keeps his likes on shuffle. He actually loves musicals, and will be the first to start belting along with a song in the car while he's driving the kids to school.
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
Ezra and Patrick have an orange boy kitty (with exactly one brain cell) named Charlie and a rabbit named Cocoa that their youngest daughter, Finley, loves more than life itself. He's a family pet because she's only six and way too young to take on full responsibility for any animal, but she'd been begging for a bunny for years.
Orlando and Eliza have two dogs - a husky named Fiona and a golden retriever puppy named Delilah.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Orlando is a total Christmas fanatic. He just loves the entire experience - the food, the music, snowy weather up at their estate, putting up lights, shopping for presents, making gingerbread houses with the kids, decorating trees, just... making it an amazing experience for the whole family. He has the best time playing "Santa" for all of the Calloway kids (but especially his own) and goes all out. Glitter everywhere (that he promises his wife he will be responsible for cleaning up because she hates the stuff), boot prints in the house, "reindeer" tracks out in the snow on the lawn, elaborately wrapped gifts, letters from Santa... the man has no chill about Christmas and everyone in the family loves him for it.
Eliza's a New Year's Eve kind of girl. She looks forward to it all year, but especially after the stress of the winter holiday season. It's always such a busy time at work, then there's just so many family events and so much to do to make everything special for all of the kids in the family. She loves all of the family stuff, but by the end of December she's starting to feel a little bit burned out and is desperately craving some quality time just for her and her husband. Orlando always goes all out for them for NYE - they spend the night in the city at a really fancy hotel, go out for dinner at Eliza's favorite restaurant, they both get all dressed up and just bask in each other's company.
Patrick really loves Thanksgiving. He didn't have great holiday experiences growing up as a kid (his parents are... difficult and have always been super image-oriented, everything was done for appearances rather than enjoyment) so he's still easing into them and building new, pleasant associations with Ezra and their kids. But he loves Thanksgiving food and all of the family time with less stress than Christmas so much.
Ezra's another Christmas lover and everything he loves about it revolves around his family. He loves creating traditions with his husband and kids (they have three - Evan, Alexandria and Finley) and getting to spend tons of quality time with them whether they're decorating the tree, baking and decorating Christmas cookies, going ice skating, picking out matching holiday PJs and curling up on the couch with hot cocoa and a sappy Christmas movie, going to New Islington's tree lighting ceremony or spending evenings out at the Christmas market. He just loves it all. It's also his favorite time of year at work because the preschool and daycare kids just get SO excited and are so cute about it. He spends a lot more time visiting classrooms during the holidays because he loves getting caught up in their excitement.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
Orlando's a fantastic cook, but he almost never bakes. It's not one of his strengths, although he could handle following a basic cookie recipe or something with the kids if one of them wanted to spend the day baking with him. Although he and Eliza split that responsibility pretty evenly, he probably does a bit more of the cooking in their household (it's about 60% / 40% in his favor) and is always happy to take an extra turn if she's not feeling it. He just enjoys it a bit more than she does.
Eliza's a really good cook, but baking is her one true love and she's great at it. She's been baking bread since she was a teenager and was gifted some of her grandmother's sourdough starter, she does really fancy birthday cakes for everyone in the family and is constantly leveling up her skills learning new, complicated techniques and recipes. Most recently she perfected puff pastry. She'd much rather bake than cook, if you gave her the choice.
Patrick isn't really a huge fan of doing either, but he's become a very good cook (because Patrick becomes good at everything he does, he's persistent like that). He hasn't bothered with baking because he really doesn't enjoy it at all. Honestly though, if it were practical for his family, he'd hire a private chef to cook on all of his nights but he just doesn't hate doing it quite that much.
Ezra is a really good cook, and likes doing it. He really loves cooking with their kids and always tries to find ways to get them involved in an age-appropriate way. He's fine at baking if he sticks to the basics. It's not his favorite thing to do, but he's more than willing to whip up a batch of cookies or brownies with the kids if they want to bake or have requested them.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
what are your atsv hcs??? :D
YAY!!!! someone asked !!!!
hi ollie :]]]]
ok so the aranchkids r all datin each other (except for gwen n miles) like miles - pav margo n hobie hobie - pav miles margo n gayatri pav - gayatri miles n hobie i thought a bf for gwen he’s pretty cool 😎(miles n hobie have the tism while gwen pav n margo have adhd, they’re also all polyamorous)
i’mma do like individual hcs now :))
first gotta start w my boy, miles !
he’s transmasc genderfluid n bisexual(with a male preference)
pronouns r he/she/they(just like me ^^)
him n gwen r queerplatonic
he blasts selena every chance he gets(thank mama rio for that <3)
he’s catholic(not really a headcanon but not really canon either)
gets the munchies real bad, he cannot go anywhere without a couple of snacks
was definitely that kid that couldn’t have too sugar
ipad kid
mama’s boy(not really a headcanon but c’mon)
has wanted grills but his parents instantly dissed the idea
carries around all sorts of lip glosses n chapsticks, no chapped lips on his watch
talks in solely spanish when he’s angry or real excited
has freckles(it’s canon but whatevs)
next is my girlie, gwen !
she’s trans n bisexual(the trans part is basically canon but 🤷🏾‍♀️)
pronouns - she/they
she loves punk rock(what her n hobie bond over)
she plays the guitar but drums is more her choice
has the best fashion sense besides hobs n pav
is the certified weird girl of the group /aff
loves 2000’s fashion
her music taste is generically white
once thought she was lesbian until she saw miles
loves no doubt n bikini kill
had a puppy crush on miles
her n penni r besties (canon 2 me)
onto hobie 😎
he doesn’t care about labels
pronouns - any
possess a certain gender most want
looks so cool but once you getta know him he’s such a loser /aff
the troublemaker of the group
since he doesn’t believe in consistency, his style changes but it mostly returns back to punk
uses a bunch of british slang intentionally to confuse the others
is definitely one of those ‘kiss your homies goodnight’ kinda guy(so is miles but don’t feel like addin it)
when he’s overstimulated/goes nonverbal, he talks through his guitar or signs(all the gang know bsl n asl so it’s all good 👍🏾)
my all time fav, pav !!
he’s transmasc n pansexual
his pronouns - he/she/xe/they
has tons of energy
needs all 10 hours of beauty sleep
rants in hindi(i’m assuming that’s what language he speaks but someone correct me if it’s somethin different)
talks way too fast, hobs sometimes translates
has random urges to scream
the mom friend of the group(miles is too again too lazy to add)
sometimes he hangs on the ceiling, says it helps him think
finally, my girl margo !!!
she’s transfem n bisexual(with no particular preference)
pronouns - all
prefers virtual reality to humans
very awkward
had a hello kitty phase from ages 6 to 11(it comes back sometimes)
loves beyoncé n 90’s r&b
can hold her breath for a long period of time
has social anxiety
used to wear glasses but thought they were tacky so she switched to contacts
has worn puff puffs since she was 4, her signature look
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes Pt. 3
Hear me out... Dabi is a fuck boi, Touya is a simp. I’m just saying. This part is Dabi’s point of view and the war that goes on in his brain when dealing with the feelings he has for Y/N. This one is a little shorter but I basically have the next part ready, I just need to tweak it a bit before posting so expect it soon.
Click here for a full list of other parts. Part 4 
Still no smut. It’s a slow burn <3 
Taglist:  @skzero-99 @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaaryn @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess
Word Count: 2 k 
It had taken almost an hour for you to fall back asleep. Dabi played on his phone quietly, glancing over at you every so often, making snarky comments about how you were more than welcome to join him in the bed, which you had completely ignored.
Even though his alpha was begging him to pick your cute little ass up and force you into giving him attention, he resisted, knowing that would only freak you out more and would prolong the inevitable. At some point your resolve would cave. At some point you would reach out to him wanting the attention that only he could give you.
He also knew at some point you would come to the realization of who he was...
He had vowed to stay away from you, to let you move on with life, to let you have a chance at free will. But the moment he saw you in that market, with the Todoroki boy of all people, he couldn’t stop himself. He had naively thought that when he disappeared that Endevor would give up and let you go.  He didn’t think that he would just pass you along to his favorite son. His pride and joy. You were older than the half and half brat by several years. Sure you looked young, but that didn’t change the fact that you were already in your twenties and was following around a teenage alpha like a lost puppy dog.
Dabi was livid. He didn’t mean to start the fire, but the alpha inside took over and the next thing he knew, the little runt was running off to go be hero, leaving you behind unprotected and scared. Dumb kid, why would he leave something as precious as you, just to go deal with a stupid fire. You were even crying out for him, begging him to come back, and the damn runt didn’t even care. This isn’t at all the life that Dabi wanted for you, the whole reason he left was to protect you, and look what was happening instead.
So Dabi took you. He took you away from the Todoroki family like he should have done years ago.
Looking over at your sleeping form now, he hopped he made the right decision. He never wanted to get you tangled up in this kind of life. It was why he didn’t take you with him when he ran. Why he left you behind hoping that you would get to make something of your life that you actually wanted.
It was too late though, he couldn’t just back out of the league, and he didn’t want to. He strongly believed in what they stood for and he wanted to be apart of tearing down hero society as the world knew it. He wanted to be the one to bring Endevor down for all the pain and hurt he had caused the people that should have been the most important to him.
He paused, looking back over to you as a soft sigh escaped your lips. His Alpha was begging for release. He needed to get out of here, away from your tantalizing scent. Looking around the room he took stock of what all he had. He probably should get some more water, and he was almost out of cigarettes himself. He briefly wondered how you felt about smoking.. maybe he would quit if you asked. He made a mental list of things to pick up, maybe a couple things for you that would help you relax. He briefly wondered if (F/C) was still your favorite.  
He stood up, frowning as he realized how stupid it was of him to make you sleep in that crappy chair. He should move you over to the bed where you could be more comfortable. He shuffled over to you quietly not wanting to rouse you, attempting to slip his arms under you to pick you up. The soft groan of annoyance that slipped out between your lips had him pausing. You pushed at his chest insistently in your sleep, at one point kicking your leg out narrowly missing his crotch, grumbling to get the fuck off you and let you sleep. You sounded like you were scolding an annoying sibling that wouldn’t leave you alone. He rolled his eyes, grabbing the pillow off his bed and tucking it behind your head instead. He would just let you sleep there if you were going to start cussing at him.
Taking one last glance around the room to make sure everything was secure, he put on his mask that covered his lower half of his face, concealing his identity and closed the door behind him. Locking it.
The little bell above the door chimed as Dabi stepped into the small store. He nodded his head at the beta that was working the register, she was a pretty blonde that had taken quite a liking to Dabi. He was pretty sure she had no clue who he actually was, but he didn’t think she would be surprised. The part of town they were in wasn’t known for being a particularly safe neighborhood.
Dabi meandered through the store isles, picking up what he needed and placing it into the tiny basket that the store provided. He glanced through the shampoo and soap collection… he was pretty sure most girls used conditioner for their hair. Should he get you one that was made for omegas? Or should he get the one that matches the shampoo he uses at home… it wouldn’t be as obvious if he got the one that matches his stuff… and he did love them smell of it on you.
He groaned softly, leaning his head on the top shelf in front of him. Why was he even thinking like this? He was acting like he was pussy whipped. He hadn’t been this considerate of another person in years. In fact, he regularly used girls just to get through his ruts and then would kick them out right after, not even bothering to hear their name. Never has he ever given a shit if they were comfortable or what they would enjoy. He hasn’t cared about any of that shit since he left you behind at that damned house. Yet the second you are back in his life he has his tail tucked between his legs ready to bend to your every whim. You didn’t even want anything to do with him. Fuck, you were literally following his little bro-, that stupid brat around like he was your world just this morning. Like you… actually wanted him. Maybe you did... or maybe the looks you used to give him were all just an act for self perseverance and you were just using the same tactic on the kid.
“What’s wrong handsome? Bad hair day?”
Dabi lazily glanced over to the beta greeting him, having left her stool at the checkout counter to come check on one of her favorite customers. Dabi knew the beta wanted his attention. She had mentioned it one too many times that she could handle a rut just as well as any omega. Hell, Dabi had been seriously considering taking her for a test drive before all of this happened. She was pretty, in a slutty kind of way, perky. He raked his eyes down her body, a frown tugging at his lips as he compared her to you. He preferred you.
“What? You don’t like what you see?” A pout was growing on her lips and Dabi internally rolled his eyes at her pitchy whine. She would never be able to get his mind off of you. It wasn’t worth it.
“Sorry babe. I’m just not feeling great.” This placated her slightly, enough so that she rolled her eyes before turning back to the counter to busy herself with work once more.
Dabi looked back at the selection in front of him, grabbing the matching conditioner to what he already had in shampoo.  He continued on with his shopping at a faster pace now, just wanting to get back to you, to your scent. He paused just before the counter, a collection of nesting blankets up on the wall in front of him of varying styles.
Touya was on fire, but this time the fire wasn’t visible, and it wasn’t because of his quirk. His face was bright red as he stood in front of you, a crudely wrapped present in his hands, your F/C ribbon tied around it with a bow that was a little lopsided.
He had rushed into the kitchen where you and his mother Rei were working on putting together dinner after coming home late from training with his father. His mom had sent him a knowing smile, ruffling his hair to his annoyance, before excusing herself to another room leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen.
He was bursting with anxiety as he handed you the present, watching as you gingerly pulled one side of the ribbon letting it unravel, and pulling the wrapping apart to uncover the soft fur blanket that was bundled inside. The way that your face lit up, your cheeks turning as red as his own as you pulled the blanket out of the wrapping and up to your face to breathe in the smell that he had spent time making sure was covering the entire blanket made all his worries disappear. You liked it.
“I know, that this isn’t really the traditional way since… well you know.., but I wanted to get you something… I wanted to ask you to… if you wanted..” Touya was tripping over his words. Nothing seemed right. Nothing could explain the feelings he had for you, that he knew would only grow as you both reached presenting age, and not to mention maturity after that, he knew that this was only the beginning to what he had hoped would be a long life with you by his side. Even at such a young age, he knew you were it. 
You could feel it too, he thought. You were always so kind to him, even though his father had bought you with the sole purpose of being Touya’s omega just to breed your quirks once you were older. You had always cared for him in a way that was different than how his parents had cared for each other and the moments that you two stole away to be alone convinced Touya that maybe you would be okay with the life that you were forced to live, as long as he was there with you.
The smile that you gave him melted his heart and he smiled back as you nodded. You knew what he was trying to say, you always did.
About three day’s later, Endevor set that blanket up in flames. Belittling the small omega for messy nesting habits, the young alpha for wasting time on courting an omega he already owned.  
Dabi shook his head, grabbing the blanket closest to him causing the beta at the counter to raise her eyebrows, throwing it up on the counter along with his basket of items. He quickly picked out his cigarettes, paying for the items and slipping out of the shop without another word. He wanted to get back to his Omega.
 Once he was back in his apartment, after confirming you were still indeed asleep, he went to work grumbling the whole time to himself about his omega like behavior, putting the items he bought away, the conditioner being slipped inconspicuously in the shower for later use if you wanted. He made quick work of cleaning up the small room of his apartment, even stopping to pick up his clothes and put them in the dirty hamper, along with yours that were discarded on the floor. He felt so restless, anxiously glancing over at the bag with the blanket in it every few minutes before he finally gave up and just spread the blanket across your lap not bothering to scent it. You would ask him if you wanted him to.
Finally, he collapsed onto his bed, peeling his hoodie off and balling it up to use it as a makeshift pillow. He probably should have grabbed a second one while he was out, but he didn’t think about it. He let his mind roam, tucking his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling breathing in your scent, a smirk coming to his lips as he relaxed from the smell. He didn’t need the help of some perky beta, not when he knew he could have you.
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
Tamales and Christmas Lights
Pairing: Steve x Mexican American Reader          Word Count: 6,838
Warnings: light smut, talks of having kids, language, drinking
A/N: This is the first time I have ever written anything for a specific type of reader. I don’t usually write for a specific race or ethnicity because I can’t speak as to the intimacy of living in that person’s shoes. By this I mean more of a family life. I’m eager to learn but for now, I will write what I know and that is a reader of my own background. I hope I don’t alienate anyone too much and that you all enjoy the story for what it is. There is a bit of Spanish in this one, but so long as you read all of the dialogue what is said is explained in English shortly after. Anyway, I’m SUPER nervous about this one, and it’s a little on the short side but I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for your support! xoxo
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“What do you do for the Holidays?”
Steve stiffens for a moment beneath you, bringing your gaze up to his sleepy face.
It’s so late and he’d only just got in an hour ago. Probably on the verge of sleep when you’d asked your quests.
“What?” There’s stress in his eyes and you’re sorry to interrupt the peace of the moment.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He rubs your shoulder, large hands trying to coax you back down onto his chest where you’d been laying with your head cradled underneath his chin.
“You’re lying. And you haven’t answered my question.”
Steve sighs and shakes his head, “Nothing. That’s what I do for the Holidays. I don’t do anything. I should probably change that since Buck is finally back. But I think I overheard Sam making plans to drag him to some party and I’m not up for that.”
“Oh…” You deflate, laying your head back on his chest but he notices the disappointment in your voice and he pushes you up again.
When you don’t move, he forces himself up, pulling back until he can rest against the headboard of your bed. You’re also made to sit up but Steve leans forward to guide you close to his body so that you’re practically straddling him.
“What did you have in mind? That wasn’t an empty oh.” He notices.
You shake your head, suddenly terrified to bring it up.
“Come on, baby, don’t leave me wondering. I’ll assume the worst.” He reminds you.
You smile, appreciating the way he reaches up to grab your chin and give your head a little shake. You probably shouldn’t like it but you love the way he makes these small gestures of possessiveness over you.
There’s something feral within you that purrs into submission when he claims you so openly. You’re his. Heart and soul. He knows it already even though it’s only been a few months of being together.
You fist his white shirt, wrinkling it as you pull him closer and kiss him sweetly despite the aggression in your hands.
There’s just something about him that makes you want to just squeeze him! Like that feeling you get when you see a tiny puppy or kitty and you just wanna hug it and squeeze it and love it to death.
He huffs a small laugh at your reaction, though he doesn’t understand it.
“What was that for?”
You lick your lips, kissing him once more before leaning back and releasing his poor shirt.
“You know you’re mine, right?” You ask him, eyes fixed on his pretty face.
You’re not a fan of the bruising around his left cheekbone, but the rest of him is just as perfect as ever.
“And you’re mine,” he assures you. “And if anyone tries to take you away…”
The implications are tantalizing but you don’t linger there. You laugh and shake your head, turning to the windows of his room to watch the heavy snowfall.
It’s freezing outside. It makes you shiver and you pull yourself closer to Steve, wrapping your arms around him by hooking them underneath his own. You ball yourself up in his lap as best you can and rest your head against his chest again as his own arms come back around you, large hands splayed out on your back as he rubs it to give you warmth and comfort.
“Why did you ask me about the holidays, babe?” he presses.
“I want to take you home with me,” that’s the truth. “My grandma has been asking me when I’m going to get married and maybe if they see I have a big strong boyfriend she and the rest of my aunts will leave me alone.”
Steve huffs another laugh, “Are they seriously asking you when you’re getting married?”
“Yeah,” with a nod, you push up again despite being completely at peace in Steve’s arms. “They’ve been asking since I graduated high school.”
“That’s odd,” he observes and you can see how it might be to others. “It’s always been like that in my family. My grandma got married when she was seventeen. Same for my mom. Had kids pretty quickly too. So, they’re kinda waiting for me to do the same. Because getting married and having kids is what I’m supposed to do.”
“Do you want to get married and have kids?” Steve’s hands stroke your hips, a small movement of passive affection.
He’s eager to give you all the touch you want in private but you know to keep things a little more tame in front of others. Steve isn’t big into the P.D.A.
“Eventually I guess. I don’t know. It’s not a question I feel like I need to answer right now. I’m a little more sure about the marriage than the kids but I’ve got lots of time to think about it.” you shrug.
“Yeah, we’ve got lots of time,” he asserts and your heart shoots into your throat, stomach twisting with fluttering wings that make it feel like you’re doing somersaults.
“We?” you smile, despite yourself.
“I wanna marry you eventually, I thought you knew that?”
“No,” you laugh.
“Oh, well now you know.”
“You can’t just spring that on me, Steve!”
He laughs now, hooking his hands behind your knees and yanks you closer. You’re right on him, and as you settle, you feel a familiar stirring between your bodies as the exhaustion of the mission wears off and his eagerness to show you how much he missed you becomes obvious.
“I think I just did,” he teases. “If you want to take me to meet your family, I am more than happy to come along. We have been together almost a year, it’s about time I think.”
“A year?” you gasp, realizing that it hasn’t been a few months after all.
Time with Steve is so much like a dream that it feels like it’s passed in the blink of an eye.
“Yeah, we hooked up in that closet off the shooting range on New Year’s Eve, remember?”
“Okay, first of all, hooked up? You’re spending too much time with Sam and Bucky.”
Your face heats up, neck burning and ears probably hot to the touch as the memory of you half drunk finding Steve alone in that shooting range.
You’d confessed recklessly and Steve had practically tackled you into the wall when he’d realized you were serious, despite being tipsy.
The frenzy that had followed that first kiss had been uncontrollable and he’d maneuvered you both into the bathroom and then pounded into you with you pinned between him and the counter.
You can still remember the shock of cold smooth concrete under your naked butt.
The next day, Steve had sought you out to tell you that he liked you too and that he wanted to take you out properly and that he was sorry for letting himself get out of hand the night before.
You responded by accepting his invitation but then luring him into your bedroom to ride him until he was breathless and groaning with satisfaction and you were twitching from reaching a third climax.
Your love with Steve has always been rooted in a very physical connection but over time, the emotional depth has increased exponentially and you’re best friends now, as well as lovers.
Now he’s here, remind you of that very beginning and telling you that it’s time to meet your family?
“You don’t have to go, Steve. My grandma will probably ask you a million questions and the rest of my family will be just as nosy and loud. We can get kind of rowdy when we get all together.”
The last thing you want to do is chas him off with an overbearing family, but at the same time...you love them! If he’s going to be in your life, he needs to accept them too, right?
What if he can’t? What will that mean for the two of you?
“Growing up it was just me and my mom,” Steve explains, stroking the length of your arms. “A big family is just what I need, I think.”
You watch him as he leans forward, his lips finding that stupid spot on your neck that always makes you melt.
As his tongue darts out, tracing a small circle, you absolutely collapse against him, arms wrapping up around his shoulders loosely, eyes very slightly rolling into the back of your head.
“Are you sure?”
“So sure,” he whispers, the heat of his breath raising goosebumps on your skin.
He pulls you down against his stiffened cock and you moan as he throws you back onto the bed.
“Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself,” Steve urges, reaching over to place his hand in yours so that you can stop pulling and tugging at your own fingers.
“I’m nervous,” you admit, staring at the peach colored house with bright red trimming around every window and the bright red doorway. It’s absolutely covered in lights, twinkling in different colors. Traditional tiny lights but then around the tree in the front yard are huge bulbs, green, blue, yellow, and red.
They’re novelty lights? You’re not sure if that’s what they are, but you find them silly. Your grandpa’s idea probably.
Your grandmother’s house hasn’t changed one bit since you were little. The only thing that changes are the cars parked along the street, the large rose bushes along the front porch are bare.
Several green hard plastic chairs line the front wall angled oddly as someone had most likely been sitting there last night. Aunts and uncles, your mom and dad probably talking late into the night.
Even sitting in the car, with the engine idling, doors shut tight, you can already hear one of your aunts laughing her head off inside the house. The shouts of kids playing also reach your very normal ears. Steve must be able to hear everything.
“Do you think they won’t like me?” Steve worries, and now it’s your turn to turn and soothe his nerves.
“Oh, no, Steve. That’s not why. I know they’ll love you. I’m just afraid of what they’ll say. Or that they’ll smother you. I haven’t exactly told anyone in my family that I’m dating anyone much less…”
The two of you never talk about his official title. Who he is. Even though he’s retired in many ways, he’s still the first. Sam might be Captain America now, but everyone knows Steve as the original Captain America. There isn’t a person on this planet that doesn’t know who he is.
Normally, it doesn’t matter. To you, he’s just Steve Rogers. Super soldier, for sure, but just a man that swept you off your feet with his sweetness and kindness and okay, those damn shoulders and his ass is biteable. But he’s just Steve!
Your family will see the title first, you’re sure of it. They’ll see Captain America.
“Are they not big Captain America fans?” his teasing is gentle and innocent.
“Steve!” you shut your eyes and chuckle, “ I’m seriously so worried.”
“I can take it, hon. I’m a big boy. Come on, let’s get in there. I wanna meet your grandma.”
Suddenly he throws his door open and steps out of the car, shutting it off as he goes.
“Wait!” you gasp, scurrying to get out with him. 
You scamper around the car until you’re beside him and take hold of his hand. He pulls you towards the door confidently but you let go of his hand and rush forward before he can reach it.
Fixing your hair, you push the door open and are immediately assaulted by the smell of spicy menudo. It makes your mouth water. The smell of spices and pine sol. Fabuloso is mixed in there too, your mom’s idea to mix the two cleansers together and use them to make a unique smelling concoction that gets the linoleum floors cleaner than if you used one or the other.
The low sofas are covered in shining clear plastic, no doubt put in place by your grandma just before all the family began to arrive. The flat screen is decorated with a simple green garland, beside the TV console is a low table where the remote sits on a lace doily, underneath in a wooden pocket are several magazines and underneath the pocket on the base of the table sits a blue round tin of butter cookies that no doubt has all of your grandma’s sewing things instead of the treats it promises.
The house isn’t big. In fact, it’s on the small side. The large master bedroom is situated at the back of the house along with the bathroom, past the kitchen where you can see the light on all of your aunts sitting around the table exchanging their respective chisme and keeping their hands busy with something you can’t see.
From the hallway to your right where the only two guest rooms are located along with a second half bath come running two of your younger cousins. They’re children still, your youngest Tia’s kids.
They don’t even notice you as you stop walking, choosing to run instead towards the back door in the distance past the kitchen, master bedroom, and bathroom.
One of your other aunts, the second oldest, turns her head as they run behind her.
“Que chingaos les dije?! Stop running in and out or I’m gonna kick your asses!” She yells at them, but the kids ignore her and disappear through the door. It slams shut behind them.
“Lulu, no les puedes decir algo?! They keep running in and out of here like wild animals.” Your second eldest aunt demands.
“They’re just playing, leave them alone.” Your Tia Lulu waves her sister off.
To your right you finally notice the centerpiece of the living room, a huge christmas tree with red, blue, and green glass ornaments. The lights are white, twinkling in different patterns, tinsel covering every branch to an obscene amount. At the top sits an old porcelain angel that your grandmother had once told you she’d received from her own grandmother and had actually been made in Mexico by some nun at an old church that had been knocked down a long time ago to make room for a cattle ranch.
The base of the tree is almost completely obscured by the dozens and dozens of presents from very large to very small. Each one is addressed to one or other member of the family. The kids especially all get gifts from each of your uncles and aunts.
You take another step towards the kitchen only to be stopped again as the restroom in the hallway to your right flushes and from inside it emerges your grandfather, buckling his belt as he lumbers out.
“Grandpa,” you call to him excitedly and he whips his head up then beams at the sight of you.
“Mijita bonita, cuando llegaste? Aye, chula…” His words fade out as he reaches you with his arms outstretched and pulls you into a quick tight hug.
His large hands pat you on the back several times before he kisses your cheek. He brings his hands to your shoulders and pushes you back a little to get a look at you.
“When did you get here?” he repeats, and gives your arms a squeeze.
“Just now,” you begin, but as you’d hugged your grandpa had turned you around and Steve moves in behind him.
He meets your eyes, shrinking a little, drawing his shoulders in to make himself smaller in the very normal person sized house.
“Grandpa, uh, I have um...this is my boyfriend, Steve,” with one arm extended you gesture towards the super soldier standing by the door.
“Steve?! ¿Trajiste un gringo?”
Your grandpa whips around, searching at average height level for the white boy you’ve brought and finds himself face to face with Steve’s chest.
He adjusts quickly, finding Steve’s face and with a gasp, he slams his hand over his heart and laughs.
“That’s Captain America!” he laughs.
The declaration brings the kitchen to a pause and like dominoes all of your aunts rise one by one, moving into the doorway of the kitchen to catch a glimpse at the commotion in the living room.
More gasps follow and soon you can’t hear yourself think as they all break into a cacophony of excited chatter.
Your Tia Lulu is the first to shove her way through, as she’s the youngest, she smiles at Steve flirtatiously before shoving your grandpa out of the way.
“Move aside, dad! Hello, hi. I’m Consuela but everyone calls me Lulu. You can call me sweetheart.” She throws out her tongue as she laughs, a clear joke but Steve good naturedly takes her hand and shakes it, a shy but kind smile on his handsome face.
“Oh my God, Tia, stop,” you plead.
“I’m just kidding, werca fregada. Don’t get your panties all in a twist.” She swats at you while your grandpa retreats to the sofa where he must have been sitting before, stuffing fives, tens, and twenties into envelopes for the kids.
Grandma and Grandpa never get anyone anything. They just put money in envelopes for the kids.
As your aunts file in, all five of them, you wait until Steve looks at you to bite your bottom lip and mouth a quick apology.
He shakes his head, setting your heart at ease as your aunts circle around him talking fast and occasionally asking him a question or two which he answers readily.
“A year.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Well, I’m not Captain America anymore.”
“Consulting mostly.”
“Yeah, I-I have my own place.”
“It’s a rental.”
Your aunts gasp at that in particular, “Ooh, it’s a rental. Those can be so expensive. Did you get the insurance?”
“Uh, well, no. I didn’t mean, it’s actually one of Tony’s-Stark. He had it set aside for us when he found out we were coming to visit.”
The madness reignites at the mention of Iron Man and as they plunge into more questions, your turn just in time as your mom makes her way over to you.
“Why didn’t you call me?” she wraps you up in her arms and you hug her back, holding it for a little longer than you normally would but you’ve been so stressed with bringing Steve here that you feel a relief wash over you not only because she’s there to help you, but to finally have it happening means you can stop the anticipation.
“I’m sorry, mom. I decided to get him down here super last minute and I kinda wanted it to be a surprise. Where’s dad?”
“He’s out back with your tios. Drinking already,” she shakes her head but there’s no surprise there from anyone. “They’ve got the pit going. Chicken and fajitas to go with the menudo.”
“It smells so freaking good,” you laugh.
“Is he really your boyfriend? How long has this been going on? How come you haven’t told me?”
The hurt in your mom’s voice is subtle but you hear it and lament it.
“I was going to tell you. Every time I called. But at first it was too new and then after that I just didn’t know how to explain it to you. I know you hate my job. Now I’m dating a former Avenger?”
It’s her turn to look apologetic.
“Mija, you could have told me. I do hate that you put yourself in harm’s way, but that’s your job. No mom is going to like that.”
She takes a moment to glance at Steve, then with a flick of her eyebrows and a quick nod in his direction, she scoots closer, “Isn’t he like super old?”
You laugh and nod.
“He’s older than grandpa,” She laughs with you as you whisper, Steve giving you two a quick glance.
“He doesn’t look it,” your mom admits.
A tiny upturn to the corner of his lip tells you he can hear everything you’re saying.
“Is it serious?” She asks, letting you steer her towards the kitchen as her probing continues.
Inside the kitchen you find the entire kitchen table cleared of the usual place mats and ceramic Jesus centerpiece to make room for the bowls of masa, cooked seasoned pork and chicken for the filling of what will be tomorrow’s tamales.
At the stove you see your grandma a well worn lime green apron tied tightly around her waist and neck, huddled over the very tall and large pot, stirring and adding seasoning to the murky russet soup inside.
“I hope that has lots of posole!”
Your grandma turns at your voice and her face lights up.
“Mijita, chula!” she gushes, rushing forward to wrap her arms around you and kiss your cheek with a loud smack.
“Hi, grandma, I missed you so much,” you realize, hugging her tight.
“Por qué no nos dijiste que ibas a venir? Werca, cabrona!” she smacks you hard and you laugh, holding her hands as she pulls back to look at you. “You need to eat more.”
“Grandma, I’m eating fine,” you laugh, amused by the direction her thoughts go.
“She brought a boy home, mom,” your mom gives you away, then sticks her tongue out at you as she replaces her mother’s place at the pot.
“You brought a boy?” she’s ecstatic! “A boyfriend?”
“Yes, he’s a boyfriend.”
“What’s his name?” she starts wiping her hands on her apron, cleaning them up to meet Steve.
“His name is Steve.”
“Es un gringo?!” her exclamation of surprise is just like grandpa’s.
“Yes, he’s white, does it matter?”
“Pos, no. It doesn’t matter, as long as he’s nice to you. Is he good to you?”
“He’s the best, grandma. He insists on taking me out every Friday to eat and watch a movie.”
Well, every Friday that you or he aren’t on mission. And it’s such a small thing but you know it’ll make her happy to know that he takes you out.
“Ooh, that’s good,” she approves. “Does he have a good job?”
“He’s a consultant where I work.”
“With the Avengers?” she gasps.
“A consultant? What does that mean? Is he a nerd?”
You laugh, throwing your head back, “He’s the biggest nerd, though he’ll never admit it.”
“Well, andale, let’s go meet your boyfriend,” she pushes you towards the doorway and you make to lead the way. “Is it serious?”
She whispers the second question, though you know that Steve will be able to hear.
Is it serious? “I uh…”
“Ayt! Don’t you all have husbands?”
Saving Steve from your aunts, your grandma moves forward and pushes and pulls and slaps them away from him, shoving them back towards the kitchen.
“Esos tamales no se van hacer solos.”
“Ow, mom! Stop hitting us,” your eldest aunt Margarita frowns.
“Magge, no te da verguenza?”
“Why should I be embarrassed?! Have you seen her boyfriend? Steve, do you like older women?” your Tia throws back at him as your other aunts push past you, patting you in the back and whispering congratulations at your luck.
“Technically I’m older,” he calls and everyone looks at him, not talking, apparently in shock at the fact that he truly is over a hundred years old.
“Oh my God, your boyfriend is Captain America?!” your grandma realizes, turning to slap your shoulder lightly for not explaining yourself.
Everyone bursts into laughter, the chatter moving into the kitchen as you join the laughter, Steve smiling from ear to ear as your mom rushes back out, eager to meet him.
Grandma pulls him into a hug and he gently returns it, smiling politely as she gushes over how handsome he is and how tall and then getting angry at you for not feeding him before admiring the exquisite shape of his body.
“Your grandpa had a body like this when he was young, mija,” grandma assures you. “I don’t know what happened.”
“Probably all the tamales,” you tease and she smacks you gently again before laughing in genuine amusement.
You can’t find Steve anywhere. The kids are all inside, watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in the living room, crowded around the flat screen with expressions that range from amusement to boredom.
Mostly it’s the older kids that are tired of the claymation film. They’ve seen it every year since they were old enough to sit up.
“Should I change it?” you wander in from the front, your Tias laughing as the door shuts behind you cutting the sound off.
One of the things you’d missed was the happiness that filled the house this time of year. Even though they fight like cats, it’s cats that are sisters and love each other deep down.
They always end up laughing again eventually. 
Your cousin Claudia sits up at your offer, “Yes! Put something else on!”
“No!” the littler ones revolt.
“Even if it’s Elf?”
You stop by the TV, remote already in hand and all of their eyes light right up.
“Okay, okay, put Elf!”
Their accents make you smile. Like you, they’d probably grown up speaking mostly spanish as a toddler and then as you’d started school, English had begun to push in as your default leaving you with a heavy accent for a few years.
Now it’s almost completely gone and only emerges when you shout angrily, or so Steve says.
As the opening narration begins, you catch Claudia’s eyes and give her the remote, “Have you seen Steve?”
“Captain America?” she smirks, getting a serious kick out of your choice of boyfriend.
But you’d also seen her all flustered when she’d met him. She thinks he’s hot and honestly, he is so you can’t blame her. At sixteen, she’s lost almost all of her bashfulness.
“Yes, Steve. Have you seen him?”
“He went out back with Tio, I think.”
“My dad?!” you gasp, already terrified of what they might be talking about.
“Yeah, he looked nervous. You should probably go save him from Tio’s interrogation.”
“Yeah, thanks,” you throw at her, already moving towards the back door in a hurry.
The inside of the house is toasty warm, especially with the tamales cooking and the menudo on low heat to keep it warm in case anyone wants thirds or fourths.
“Where are you going?” your mom asks as you pass by.
She’s sitting at the kitchen table, across from your grandma talking in hushed tones.
“To get Steve, Claudia said he was with dad.”
“Well, leave them alone, I’m sure he’s being nice.”
Your grandma laughs and you shove the door open and disappear back out into the chilly winter night.
Wrapping your arms around yourself to combat the chill that begins to set in, you scan the backyard and move past your tios sitting around the clearly diy firepit one of them had built for your grandparents, each one knocking back a beer in either bottle or can.
They’re not as loud as your tias but they’re still talking loudly, laughing and then arguing over the superbowl.
“No manches, guey. That linebacker doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. He should have stayed in Atlanta.”
You tune them out as you spot Steve and your dad standing by the table of barbecue a little further out by the back corner of the chain link fence.
Steve is standing with one hand on the tongs, flipping over some of the leftover chicken your grandma asked your dad to cook since someone will eat it eventually.
They’re talking, both in deep conversation until Steve smiles and seems to relax. Your dad, who stands at five feet, nine inches in height, has to reach up to clap Steve on the shoulder then smiles too, both of them turning their focus on the chicken.
“What the fuck?” you mutter, moving towards them with purposeful steps.
Both of them look up as you approach and immediately Steve hands your dad the tongs before moving towards you and peeling off his black leather jacket.
“Hon, why are you out here without a coat? It’s cold.” he says sweetly.
He can’t feel the temperature like you can but he can tell when you’re cold.
“Dad? What are you two doing out here?”
You’re so suspicious of your dad, worried he might be saying things to hurt Steve, but both of them look happy even.
“I’m showing him how we make the chicken,” your dad says innocently.
“Uh huh...sure you are.”
“He was,” Steve promises.
“I don’t trust you,” you say sternly, using one finger to point up into Steve’s ridiculously handsome face. “You’re just trying to suck up to my family.”
“Me?” he gasps, forced innocence on his face now too.
You narrow your eyes at both of them in turn, wrapping your arms around yourself again as Steve rubs them to try and warm you up.
“Come on, let’s go back inside,” Steve urges you, then turns to look at your dad. “Thanks for the lesson, Hector, I’ll keep it in mind for the future.”
“What lesson?”
“Never you mind, nosy. Come on, before you catch a cold.”
Steve sits you on the sofa once he’s got you inside and settles in pulling you against his side then kissing your temple before turning his focus on Buddy the Elf sitting in a bathroom singing with Zoey Deschanel as she showers.
“When did you sneak off to talk to my dad?”
Eyes narrowed, you watch him for any of his usual tells that he might be lying or hiding something from you.
So far, nothing.
“I didn’t sneak off. You were busy talking to your aunt and your dad invited to show me how to make the chicken. He was nice, serious about you. He wanted me to know that he’s got his eyes on me and if I hurt you all of your uncles will come find me and castrate me.”
He smiles wide, amused by this for some reason.
“It’s been a while since I’ve felt fear like that. Your dad really meant it.”
You’re not convinced but he reaches down to take hold of your chin and force you to look at him.
“Give me a kiss, pouty.” he requests.
How can you resist? You lean up and give him a quick kiss but then the kids say, “Ooooooh.”
You turn to them and throw Claudia a pillow but she laughs and catches it, leading the rest of them into giggles.
The night grows older and everyone comes inside. As midnight approaches, the kids filter into their usual seats at the feet of their respective parents. Your six aunts and their husbands pile onto the sofas or linger in doorways, all attention diverted to the Christmas tree and the piles of presents underneath.
Your grandma and grandpa get center seating on the longest sofa, both of them ready with cash envelopes in hand for giving out as soon as the time comes.
Your dad on the other hand sits himself by the tree and while all of the adults talk amongst themselves, the kids are as quiet as they will ever be, little to teen eyes all trained on the pile of gifts.
“Mija, ven siéntate aqui. Magge, dale el asiento a tu sobrina,” your grandmother calls, waving you over to sit beside her.
Your aunt looks from your grandmother to you and then back, looking almost affronted by the request until your grandma gives her a face of deep annoyance.
Your aunt has a moment of realization, then sighs but begins to get up.
“No! Tia, it’s okay. I’ll stand. I’m alright here.”
“Don’t argue with me and get your butt over here,” your grandmother interrupts.
“She never sees you,” your tia reminds you. “Come sit here, I’ll sit on your tio’s lap.”
“Like hell you will, you wanna break my legs?”
“Callate lo sico, estupido imbecil,” she smacks him in the arm but then sits in his lap and he smirks as he wraps his arms around her waist.
Steve pushes you towards her, then leans down to kiss your cheek.
He knows you hate to leave him standing there.
“Go, sit with your grandma.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, of course babe. Go.” He kisses your cheek again then pushes you towards the sofa.
As you settle in, giving him another look of consideration, your grandma takes your hand and holds it gently plucking a smile from your worried expression.
“He’s okay, no one is going to take him from you.”
Not that you think anyone would, but it’s a common phrase among couples who are glued at the hip.
As your grandma’s old cuckoo clock chimes in midnight, your dad points at your cousin Claudia who gets up and quickly shuts off the living room light leaving all of you in the glow of the white twinkle lights.
As your dad begins to call out names, the kids scoot closer in excitement and watch as they’re each handed gifts after gifts.
Eventually the floor begins to fill with crumpled up wrapping paper and colorful bows and ribbon. Toys are yanked from boxes and the laughter begins to fill the room again.
Your aunts and uncles also get their names called and you don’t feel bad that your name is never called.
They had no idea you were coming and your Tia Magge leans towards you, “I’m sorry we didn’t get you anything, Mija. We didn’t know you were coming.”
“Oh, I know, Tia. It’s okay. I just wanted to see you all and bring Steve to meet you.”
As you gesture towards where you left him standing, you find him missing but think nothing of it as he might have just gone to the bathroom.
There are only two gifts left under the tree, one very large one which your dad calls out for your grandpa, and then he pulls a shoe sized box, wrapped in silver paper onto his lap but gestures at your grandma who lets go of your hand and begins to call names out and pass the envelopes with money to the kids.
Because you can’t stand sitting there any longer, the mess on the floor still growing, you get up and move into the kitchen.
Trash bag in hand you move back out to the living room and begin to stoop over and pick up the wrappings of all the presents exchanged tonight.
Your grandma calls out Claudia’s name and as the teen sits back down, your dad clears his throat.
“We have one more gift, and it’s for my beautiful daughter,” he says, shocking you into standing as he calls your name.
“Me?!” you gasp, completely in shock.
You hadn’t been expecting anything though you and Steve had definitely brought gifts for everyone.
Your gift had been the ability to see such bright smiles as they opened said presents.
“Here,” your dad holds it out and you let go of the trash bag as Claudia takes it from you.
With a quick wipe of your brow, you take the gift and look for a name so that you’ll know who to thank, but there’s no name.
“Open it!” One of the younger kids says with excitement.
“Yeah, rip it!” another urges.
“Rip it?” you chuckle, and rip it.
It is indeed a shoebox, but as you lift the lid and place it underneath, you find in the shoebox another box, slightly smaller, also sealed up tight this time in pink shiny wrapping paper..
“Oh my God,” you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
You open that box too, tossing the wrapping paper to Claudia who tosses it for you as you find yourself staring at yet another box, wrapped in green snowflake paper.
“What the hell is going on here?” you laugh again, tearing it open and finding a smaller one.
This goes on and your family laughs at you as you open box after box after box, until finally the smallest box is the size of laptop charging block.
“How the hell does anyone even find a box this small?!” you gasp, shaking your head as your shoulders shake with laughter.
You tear the last box open, discarding the bright red paper then open the top to find a small black velvet bag with a drawstring pulled shut.
Your exclamation brings laughter from the room and as you pull the bag open, you turn it over since the room is in semi-darkness and you can’t see in.
Onto your palm tumbles a silver ring. Sitting on top is an emerald cut diamond, solitaire, that glimmers in the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree.
“What the-?” you start, but from the hallway behind your mom emerges Steve, looking nervous as fuck.
He swallows hard as he walks towards you, stopping only when he’s right in front of you then slowly, as butterflies tumble violently in your lower belly, he kneels.
“Oh my God…” you whisper, too shocked to speak any louder.
He says your name, clears his throat because his voice shakes, and you smile, on the verge of laughing or crying. You’re not sure which.
“In just about a week we’ll have been together for exactly one year, but I’ve known since you pulled that bullet out of my a-my backside and called me a big baby for whining about it that you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
“Both of us work in a very dangerous job but I don’t think I know anyone else who is as brave or strong or sure of themselves as you. I wasn’t sure what to expect from life after I gave up being Captain America.
“Suddenly there were an infinite amount of possibilities ahead of me and yet, not once did I think that marrying anyone would be the path I’d take. I’d given up on love, on the chance of a normal life, but you’ve woken me up. You’ve pulled me out of my past and with you I can see that future we talked about the other morning.
“I see my life as your husband and father to our kids laid out in front of us and I can’t wait to get started. So, I guess, I just need to ask?”
Your family laughs, reminding you that you two are not alone.
“You’ve always said that if someone proposed to you, you wouldn’t want it to be in public and well, these people are your family so they’re not public. They represent a life I would very much like to be a part of. I’ve had no one for so long, I want this family, so will you marry me? Will you let me be a part of your family?”
You’re in shambles. You’re sobbing, smiling through the waterworks as your heart pounds so hard in your chest and all of the oxygen threatens to leave your brain.
“Yes!” you gasp, and the room explodes with cheers and applause.
Steve takes the ring and quickly slips it onto your finger before rising and pulling you flush against his body. He kisses you eagerly, laughing against your own lips as you kiss him back just as passionately.
As he pulls back, an audible smack snuffed out by the roar of excitement in the room, you search his eyes for any form of doubt.
There’s none.
“Is this what you were talking to daddy about? Asking me to marry you?”
“It was the right thing to do,” Steve explains, and you feel vindicated in your earlier suspicions.
“Jerk!” you smack his chest but he pulls you in for another kiss.
The two of you share in the moment for only one more second before your grandmother is pulling you two apart so that she can hug you and kiss Steve’s cheek. Your mom is also in tears, hugging you tight as your dad hugs you both, then shakes Steve’s hand before pulling him in for a quick hug.
There’s a terrifying POP that sends you and Steve ducking from instinct, but you find your grandpa holding up a bottle of champagne.
“¿Dónde está la música? Turn on the radio! Let’s celebrate!” He shouts, lifting the bottle to his lips.
As the kids spring up and split up throughout the household to play with their toys, your aunts and uncles begin to pair off, swaying and singing at the very top of their lungs as Feliz Navidad fills the room.
Steve makes his way back towards you, swerving past your excited family until he has his arms around you again, pulling you in close until he can sway you to the beat of the music.
“I’m guessing the party is just getting started?”
“Oh, babe, you just gave them the fuel to go until the sun comes up.”
Steve chuckles leans down to kiss you again, summoning an encore of cheers.
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Housewife like S/O
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Dorm Leaders x Reader
Author’s Note: An adorable request from @Memen666 . I can already see all the dandelion seeds flying about. How beautiful ~! ACHOO! And quite fluffy. Please do remember to take care of yourselves and enjoy the garden.
I actually had trouble with this admittedly. I hope you enjoy this small patch of flowers. 
Riddle Rosehearts
- Oh no. There’s two of them now. You and Riddle became the mom and dad of Heartslabyul whether you liked it or not. Also known as good cop and bad cop. Luckily ever since he started dating you, he was a little bit more lenient on the rules. Even as his S/O you try your best to cover for Ace, Deuce and any of the other dorm students who slipped up on a rule.
- Unbirthday parties became a little less chaotic with you around since things are being done much faster. Under the careful watch of the queen of hearts and his lover. Things tended to go smoothly. I’m looking at you Ace and Deuce + Grim.
- It took him by surprise when you started packing a lunch for him, meeting him before school started to give it to him. At first it was really embarrassing especially if other people decided to watch you two but all the care you put into the lunch made all the embarrassment melt away.
- The little sticky note telling him that he’s halfway done with his day never failed to put a smile on his face. Also the themed lunches are the cutest thing. Sometimes he feels bad for eating such an art but it’ll be more insulting not to eat it at all.
- Overall Heartslabyul is even more orderly than before. If that was even possible.
Leona Kingscholar
- If anyone was benefiting from your natural caring nature it was Ruggie. Instead of the young Hyena running about to look out for Leona, you always tended to beat him to the punch. Only if you weren’t whisked off to take a nap with the big kitty, of course.
- At lunch you’d meet him at school gardens with a homemade lunch. Filled with a variety of cooked meats and steamed vegetables. He always finishes everything you make him even if it isn’t to his tastes. Big kitty just wants his meat.
- You're always either trying to get him up to study or you’re wrapping him in a blanket so he’s cozy. There’s no inbetween. Unless it’s exam season. Then you bet your ass, you’ll be quizzing and making sure your lover is studying.
- Growing up in the Afterglow Savanna, he’s quite submissive towards you overall. It sometimes takes him off guard how kind you are. Though when you set your mind to something, that’s when you kinda resemble the women back home. 
Azul Ashengrotto
- You doting on him made him highly suspicious of you at first. Surely you were only acting this way because you wanted something from him. When you showed how sincere your actions were. The boy just wanted to curl up in his octo pot and chastise himself for suspecting someone so pure.
- He prefers when your affection for him stays behind closed doors. Your sudden kisses on his cheek when you visit him in his dorm never fail to make him into a blushing mess, internally of course. He has an image to maintain after all.
-  If you’re dating long enough. I can see him let you go through his contracts with him. Helping him file them and overall just keep them in order. It never really occurred to him how stressful the process was until you began helping him regularly. Azul can’t help but admire your concentrated form at times and tucks some hair behind your ear before heading back to work. It’s a comfortable lifestyle and he hopes to continue it with you.
Kalim Al-Asim
- You are the angel on his shoulder. Whenever he’s about to do something exciting, (read as reckless/stupid), He tends to run off to find you to ask if you’d like to join him. Whenever you explain why his idea is a bad one. He gives you the biggest puppy dog eyes, only to be defeated by your own. Plus Jamil’s lectures.
- In a way he’s your angel as well. Reminding you to take breaks while whisking you away from your work. It’s hard to keep track of your stamina when you’re so focused on everyone else. Kalim reminds you that you gotta think of yourself as well.
- With all the affection you give him. He tries to give it back to you ten-fold! Make him lunch. Congrats! You’ve earned yourself a full 8 course meal! Of course, he’ll stop if you tell him to. He just wants to make you as happy as you make him.
Vil Schoenheit
I see this as a I scratch your back you scratch mine type of relationship. This is the part where I realize I have no clue how to write for Vil.
Your sincerity makes his heart melt as he’s used to people sucking up to him, simply to make their ‘image’ look better. It feels like a breath of fresh air whenever he comes home to you or spots you in the crowd while he walks down the runway.
He appreciates every little thing you do for him and tries his best to repay you. Even if he doesn’t have time to spare. So, you two would follow his beauty routine together or he’ll treat you to a nice dinner out some nights.
You’re his rock in this twisted, stressful world and he feels so lucky to have met and fall for someone like you.
Idia Shorud
- Please don’t put your hair into the hairstyle of death.
- Every little gesture makes his heart skip a beat. Sure, it gets annoying when you tell him that he needs to rest but the concern in your eyes tells him you’re right.
- Ever since he started dating you. He noticed he had a little bit more energy than usual. He’s been eating regularly and he swears that Ortho has been peppier than usual.
- Idia loves it when you look after Ortho. He can’t help but want to tear up a bit when he sees his little brother laughing and running around like a real kid.
- He believes that you deserve much better than him and your constant reassurance gives him relief yet angers him. The anger isn’t towards you of course but to himself because of the way he is. If you were a regular couple you’d go out for dinner, hang out in places that aren’t his room, you’ll be able to see your friends more. Yet here you are sticking by him. For you, he wants to try to better himself. 
Malleus Draconia 
- Why is this fetus trying to care for me?
- He finds your doting adorable and it reminds him of when Lillia took care of him when he was a child.
- It comes as a bit of shock at first. Though he warms up to it quickly. Just the fact that you talk to him without fear, intrigues him and now here you are caring for him deeply. Now that he thinks about it. This is how married couples act in novels, is it not?
- Malleus tries his best to dote on you as well. Helping out with small tasks such as laundry and washing dishes, though you have to show him how to do it first since others always did it for him. Expect him to watch you with curious eyes as you go throughout your day without using magic. “Humans are quite creative when it comes to solving their problems, aren’t they?”
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Inasa with a Hispanic chubby s/o...
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this man bold bold
he’s tanaka in different font 
like the moment this dude saw you, he was so in awe at your beauty that his best mates actually thought a villain had hit him with some kind of paralyzing quirk or something
inasa.exe has stopped working...
but then
you about died 
y/n.exe has stopped working...
now don’t get me wrong, you were a flirt and all that, BUT SHIT
you were stumbling over your words
stumbling over languages
one second you’re saying something in japanese and the next your cursing in spanish
“pero que le pasa a este pendejo making me fucking blush like this.”
you scold him for being so bold and you blush even harder when he starts pouting and g4kwgwo4rogn
after that, you become quick friends
my shit is always friends to lovers hmmm should experiment a bit more
he’s a loud gentle giant
he’s almost always screaming out his compliments at you and while you appreciate it, you feel as though he’s challenging you
bakugou/inosuke mode unlocked
its just the two of you complimenting each other everyday; him out of passion and you bc you a flirt ;)
“OH Y/N YOU LOOK SO RADIANT TODAY” “oh? tell me, mi amor, how is it that your ass is looking even finer today?”  “AAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA!”
nothing to see here, just a pair of simps simpin for eachother
this man adores you
like fuck when I imagine Inasa in love all I can see it a puppy
Zack Fair puppy type beat
I wanna say you can dance salsa and bachata with inasa but tbh he would be so excited that he’ll just end up stepping on you the whole time
but older Inasa would hopefully be a lot calmer soooo 😳
when he meets the fam
Ay ay ay
Mami ain’t ever letting go
it’s like meeting the man of her dreams but the downside is that man of her dreams is with her child 
“Ay pero que guapo! Cásate con el (y/n)!” Inasa just looks at you with that cute confused yet excited face of his and asks,” What did mama say?” (Yes he calls your mom mama lol)
You’re all flustered and blushing, “She says she wants me to marry you.”
Inasa.exe has stopped working...
Inasa.exe is rebutting...
Inasa.exe is now fully operational...
you just about died
omggg I just had this thought
when the two of you are laying down, he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and just like snuggle into your chub
it’s his designated pillow spot so like-
i love this dude so much and it shows 😔
sigh. opens up yagami yato fluff audios 😪
Hope you enjoyed!
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ecto-american · 3 years
The Other Side
Phic Phight Oneshot for Kiinotasha and KC: (AU) Born a halfa and raised in the Ghost Zone by his mother, Danny struggles with his human identity when a permanent man made portal appears in the Ghost Zone.
On AO3 and FFN
Danny never questioned his life until that man made portal spawned. He never forgot when he first saw it six years ago while playing with Youngblood.
Naturally, they were playing aliens and spacemen, Danny's favorite. Earlier in the play session, they had found it, and it was deemed part of their spaceship. It was just a metal outline, an octagon. Thick enough that they could sit, and they pretended that the limited space was the entrance. Obviously on the left side was space, and the right side was their ship. Eventually their moms called them home, and during dinner when asked about his day, he told his mom about it.
She frowned, and she asked him for more details. Having played on it all day, he described it perfectly. His mom paled, and she forbid him from going there again, but she didn't expand on why.
He saw no reason to be afraid. It was just a metal shape. There were far more dangerous places in the Ghost Zone. So the next day, he told Youngblood about his mom's weird reaction. His mom had reacted the same, but didn't say why. His dad explained that it was dangerous, but not what about it was dangerous. Danny didn't have a dad, but he was sure that if he did, he probably would have said the same thing. But neither child could get it. What was dangerous about a shape?
So they just played with it again the next day, and they lied to their moms about what they did.
Two years later, another ghost had join to make them a trio. Her name was Box Lunch, and she was honestly a lot of fun. But she was still a girl, and they didn't tell her about their secret fun location until they were sure she didn't have cooties. When they showed her, she instantly knew what it was.
"That's a ghost portal!" she exclaimed. Youngblood and Danny thought she was stupid. Ghost portals didn't stay anywhere permanently. They opened and closed at random, when the human world and Ghost Zone would temporarily merge and allow for a rip to tear. But it always mended back together quickly.
"No it's not," Youngblood scowled. Box Lunch made a face at him.
"Yeah-huh!" she insisted. "My mommy and daddy get into the human world all the time! She said some people there have been trying to make a permanent portal to here!"
"Nu-uh!" Youngblood argued. "My dad said that humans wouldn't do that, they're more afraid of us than we are of them!"
"Yeah-huh!" Box Lunch said more forcefully. "My parents were human once, they said that people constantly wanna hunt us in the human world! And that they're coming here!"
"If they're afraid of us, then why come here?" Youngblood challenged.
"What else would it be?" Box Lunch asked, crossing her arms.
"It's a weirdo ghost's lair!"
And as they bickered back and forth, Danny had remained quiet. He didn't know how to feel about any of this. His friends often forgot that Danny wasn't just a ghost. He was also human.
Not that he was a ghost who was once human, that died. He was both, and he always had been. Born that way, according to his mom, because his dad was human. Danny didn't know too much about him, and he never really thought to ask.
He knew that his name was Jack, and how he looked like. His mom had hung a photo of him in his room so that he'd know; blue eyes, black hair, with a square jaw and in a distinctive orange jumpsuit. The orange suit always reminded him of the blue one his mom wore underneath a lab coat. She said he looked just like his dad when he was in his human form, and he could absolutely see it. Though as a ghost he had white hair that he seemingly inherited from nobody, with his mom's light blue skin and yellow-green eyes. As a ghost, he matched with a black jumpsuit, though as a human, he preferred regular clothes.
Most ghosts had learned of Danny's true nature early on as the news slowly spread when he was born. They loved him and accepted him as one of them. He could go out into the Zone as a human, but it always felt weird. So he was always a ghost.
That night, as he got tucked in for bed, he decided to bring the metallic object up again.
"Box Lunch said that the big metal shape is a permanent ghost portal," he blurted out. His mom stared at him with wide yellow eyes, and so he knew that Box Lunch was actually right. "Is it?"
She sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"I believe so," she confirmed. Danny sat up.
"Is that why you don't want me going near it?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied. Danny cocked his head curiously.
"But if I'm also human, wouldn't they be okay with me?" he wondered. His mom paused for a long, long time. "I'm also one of them."
"I don't know, honey," she admitted. He could tell that she did know. She kissed his forehead. "I'll talk to you about it when you're a little bit older, okay?"
"I promise. Now good night, sweetie."
It was four more years before it really became relevant again. He had essentially forgotten about the unoperational portal as homeschooling, other friends, and general undead life had continued on for him and his mom.
Youngblood didn't age, since he was once human and died, and so as Danny got older, they hung out less. While Box Lunch, a born ghost, grew, he became distant from her too for unrelated reasons. Danny wasn't alone, however. For a while, he hung out with other ghosts who had died young before he met his best friend. He was a bit older than him when he had died, sixteen to his fourteen, but Johnny 13 (and his shadow) and him had almost instantly become friends and hung out nearly every day. Often his girlfriend joined them too. His mom also allowed him to keep a newly dead dog that had followed him home, that alternated from a puppy to a large hulking beast of a monster dog. Danny named him Cujo.
Ghost Writer provided lessons in the arts on Tuesdays and Thursdays for him and a few other younger ghosts, which did include Johnny and Kitty. On the other days, his mom homeschooled him in her passion: the sciences. His favorite memories were of him and his mother in her lab, doing home experiments and building a wide variety of things.
She indulged in whatever nonsense he wanted to build, which included but wasn't limited to: rock cannon, small spaceships, figuring out how they could grow potatoes on the moon like the man in the martian book did, using ecto energy to cook poptarts.
Often her friend, Technus, but better known to Danny as Uncle Nico, came by to do more of the tech-based stuff. Danny believed that Uncle Nico could do anything with technology. He was one of the ghosts that often went through the natural portals, and whenever he came back, he had something for Danny. Typically game consoles and games, but sometimes fun little useless knick knacks that Danny treasured deeply. He fixed those game consoles many times, and also showed him how to download and install cheats and mods to make them more fun.
And after a morning full of science or the arts, Danny would eat lunch then rush off to play with his friends, Cujo always on his heels.
Looking back, he never did much as a human. He had to resort to his human side to rest, or would default to it if he fell asleep. It felt weird being in human form amongst ghosts, and so he was just always a ghost. He never thought much about it, and nobody ever asked him to be a human around them. It was just how things were.
On the day he'd never forget, it was just him and Johnny. His girlfriend had opted not to come. Danny couldn't remember the original topic, but it made him remember the portal. As soon as he told Johnny about it, the two idly scratching Cujo as the dog slept in between them in puppy form, the ghost's eyes lit up excitedly.
"Dude! We have to check it out!" Johnny insisted.
"I dunno," Danny hesitated. "My mom said that I should stay away."
"Come on, it'll be sick! I've always wanted to go back to the human world," Johnny begged. "And you've never even been there, despite being half-human!"
Danny paused. Well, when you put it like that...
"Okay!" he agreed. He floated up from his seat a bit so he could untangle his legs to stand. Cujo immediately got up from his spot laying near them, tail wagging excitedly. "Let's go! I think I still know where it is!"
It had changed since he last saw it. It now had huge yellow and black doors in place of the previous blank space, and it seemed somehow bigger than he remembered it years ago. But it was unmistakably the man made portal.
Even now, he didn't get what would be too scary about it that his mom would encourage him to stay far away. It was just a door.
"This is so fucking cool," Johnny whispered as he touched the door. "Imagine...no more trying to hunt down a portal. We can just come and go as we please...seeing our lost loved ones...seeing my mom again…It's been so long...I dunno if she'd even remember me..."
Danny didn't say anything, but he did begin to think and truly wonder for the first time what his dad was like. His mom never talked about him, and he never really asked. He and his mom were happy, and he also had Uncle Nico. Was his dad kind? Did he also like science? Why wasn't he here? Did his dad even know about him?
"Do you think we can open it?" Danny asked. Cujo licked his fingers, and Danny scratched his head. Johnny glanced over his shoulder at him.
"I dunno," he admitted. His hand turned into a fist and he knocked on the door. "It seems really solid. I don't think we can just break it or something."
"Hm. Lemme see," Danny mused. He came closer, and he put his hand on the door. It was cold, and Johnny was right; it was metallic, just like the outer edge he used to play on, and it would not break easily. His finger traced the middle line of the two doors. "Hm. Maybe we can pry the door open."
"The humans made this," Johnny spoke. Danny stared at him. No shit. "No, no, I mean. Maybe you should do something to it as a human." Danny thought on this, and he shrugged. Couldn't hurt.
His transformation rings came and went, leaving him in his human state. He was just in a t-shirt and jeans today, and he stayed floating near the portal.
His hand had barely touched the portal when it opened for him.
Danny gasped in shock, jerking his hand back as it opened. Johnny had also jumped, going backwards a bit, and Cujo's fur went up as he barked. It fully opened, and he couldn't see anything but the green ooze. This wasn't anything like Uncle Nico had mentioned natural portals being like. They normally acted like a window you could see through. But it was an unnatural portal made by man.
"Maybe this isn't such a-" Johnny began, but Danny had already stepped through.
There was a weird in between area that shined bright blue that he never heard Uncle Nico describe. But in this in between, he could see exactly what the ghost had mentioned. He knew he was still in the Zone, but he could look out the portal into the human world like a window.
A man in an orange jumpsuit, with black hair that was graying, was sitting in a room that reminded him very much of his mom's lab. He was staring at the portal in confusion, likely because it had randomly opened, and Danny instantly knew who it was. He had no idea if his dad could see him, but he found himself rushing backwards, and back into the Zone.
The second he returned, he became a ghost again, and he silently began to fly away as he tried to process. Johnny asked no questions, only following, Cujo following them both.
That night, at dinner, he finally asked.
"What was dad like?"
His mom stared at him for a moment.
"Well, he was very sweet," she said slowly. "Very bubbly personality. Always went out of his way to help his friends." She smiled softly as she talked about him. "Adored fudge."
"Did he like science?" Danny wondered. His mom gave a short laugh.
"Oh boy he adored it. Not the best at it, but he had a lot of enthusiasm," he replied. "We used to do experiments together all the time."
Danny stared down at his food as he thought. He looked up to her, and he could tell that she already knew what he was going to ask.
"How come I never met him?" he wondered. She sighed.
"...He doesn't like ghosts," she replied. "Aspiring ghost hunter when I met him, actually. I was alive then. Had the same ambitions." At his shocked look, she laughed again. "I know, ironic. We had dated for about two years officially. But then...I died. It was winter, and I was driving late at night during a snowstorm. My car slid off the road, and into a river. And I died from my injuries. I found that I could disguise myself as human, and I was in denial. So I just...continued on."
"...Why?" he asked. His mom shrugged in defeat.
"I guess I just didn't want to admit that it was over. I hadn't done everything I wanted to do yet. I was still in college, and I felt like my life had been forcibly finished before it had even truly started," she admitted. "Jack had proposed, but I had declined. I was too afraid to tell him. He began pursuing ghost hunting more seriously as a profession and building weapons and portals. I found out I was having you, and he was so excited to be a dad. I began getting scared. I didn't know how long I could continue the lie. I didn't know how it all would affect you. Then the police found my car and body, and I knew I couldn't avoid the inevitable any longer. So I left. I had no clue how to face him, or even how safe you might be if we talked. Especially after you were born, and I realized that you were half ghost."
The more she talked, she more somber she became. By the end, she was sniffling a little. Guilt began to wash over him.
"Have you ever talked to him again? Like after I was born?" he wondered. She shook her head no. "How come you've never taken me to the human world?"
"I had considered it. But it's too dangerous," she explained. "Humans aren't like ghosts. If they knew that you were also ghost...you wouldn't wanna find out what happens."
"...Do you regret any of it?" Do you regret me?
She smiled softly despite the conversation.
"You were the best thing to ever happen to me," she told him. "I may have been very anxious about being alone, and how you may turn out despite it all. But you were born healthy and perfect in every way. You're absolutely the light of my afterlife."
Danny smiled back, feeling some reassurance. His mom stood up, leaning over to peck his forehead before picking up her plate. He heard Cujo scramble out from under the table, ears up in excitement.
"I think I'll finish this later," she told him. "I'm not too hungry tonight." She glanced down at the dog. "This isn't for you."
Cujo whined, following her as she put her plate in the microwave. Danny nodded, sparing a small smile to Cujo and ushering for him to come over. He slipped him a piece of chicken as his mom left.
Later that night, Danny couldn't sleep. He was too busy sorting out his rushing thoughts. He was of course still him. Nothing really changed, but there was this new growing emptiness. Danny was still Danny, but there was a whole other side to him that knew nothing about. It began to eat at him more and more. Who was this human side besides just human Danny who lived in the Ghost Zone? He didn't know.
He now wished that his mom had taken him to the human world before so that he could know. She did say that there was a risk in the humans knowing he was also a ghost, which he didn't get. The ghosts accepted him as one of their own, so why wouldn't the humans? He didn't get humans at all. And he needed to know more about them. He was one of them.
By breakfast, his mind was made up.
After an unusually boring lesson with Ghost Writer together, Danny immediately went to Johnny once their small class of sorts were dismissed.
"I have to go back." Danny couldn't breath for a moment. "I have to see what it's like. Like you said, I'm also human, and I've never been there. All my unlife, I've been a ghost, here, in the Ghost Zone. My dad's in the human world. And I need to know what it's like to be human. What it means. So I can maybe meet him one day."
Johnny nodded.
"I think I get it," he said slowly. "I'll come with you. Keep you company. I think I could pass for human pretty well, even if I have to say that I have some kind of sickly disease that keeps me pale."
Danny grinned.
"Thanks," he replied. "Come on."
It took no time at all to find the portal. Danny stared up at it, his breath once more stolen as he tried to think of a reason why he shouldn't go through it.
Nothing came to mind.
"It's okay if you don't wanna," Johnny said. Danny shook his head no.
"I have to do this," he replied. "I need to do this."
Johnny patted his back, and that was all the subconscious encouragement Danny needed to turn human and press his hand to the door. Once more, it opened. The fact that he's even able to open it made him know that this was something he was meant to do. He once again stepped through with Johnny right behind him.
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britishassistant · 3 years
@emyluwinter submitted: Hi!!With you again a freelance newspaperman who writes about the reporter Yuu and the Prefect!! I am very glad that you liked my little stories so much that I wrote earlier!!! It's very encouraging that my work is appreciated.
So today will be a small addition to the latest events related to the villainy of Crowley in the form of the kidnapping of Yuu's "family" and friends,and after the final" conversation " of the Prefect with Crowley.
Because of the noise and shouting, opening the room with a spare key, several henchmen cautiously look inside. Yuu had already changed back into civilian clothes and put on extra gloves to hide the knuckles on his hands that had been cut from the blows. - Um....chief, how are you? Yuu takes a deep breath. - Your boss should call a doctor. - So we were talking about you, micro-chief, - one of the minions adds, almost in a whisper. - Huh?Why am I a micro-chef? - Yuu looked at them in confusion. - Well...it's like you've just "talked" to the leader of one of the most powerful villains in the League of Villains.. - Plus your uncle, Mr. Cruel. - Your' family ' and friends are all right. We're not crazy enough to hurt them. - I don't really want to have a walrus's heel sewn on my forehead, - one of the henchmen added ruefully. Yuu couldn't believe it. - Are they really all right? - That's right, micro-chief! But please leave before Mr. Cruel breaks us down into test tubes. We want to live. - And I have a cat at home, how can I be without it. So we'll show you to the exit. Yuu chuckles uncomfortably.It was the first time he had felt so strange. Perhaps it was a mixture of shock, fear, and despair, laced with anger and rage. But for a second, he felt all the power that Crowley held in his hands. But now all this was not necessary, only his loved ones were important.
- Thank you..no, really, I'm grateful that they're safe and sound. - Yuu felt that all these minions were no different from civilians, and they just worked wherever they wanted. And now they are worried about the fact that their superiors have made a lot of mistakes. - Your cameraman friend is a great word player! - I lost three rounds in a row to him. Minions distract Yuu with simple and cute conversations. Some of them showed their pets. Yuu was even asked to sign an autograph as their favorite reporter. They were very moved by their understanding. Although for the most part, they behaved so as not to run into even more trouble. ***
TWST Anita hugged her baby tightly. - Oh Yuu, I was worried if you were okay. - Sorry, Mom - Yuu could barely hold on, they were terribly tired for this day and the last thing they wanted to do was go back to the kidnappings and villainies. TWST Roger patted their hair affectionately. - We were tied up just for show. The rest of the time off-camera, we sat on their couch. - He won four games of cards with the guards,- Anita added, chuckling softly. - Well, they're not stupid enough to harm us.- Roger chuckled. Yuu was just glad that they were all right. Yuuken held Grimm in his arms while standing next to them. - You held out well. - I should have burned all his feathers! - Grimm snorted. - And you cheated, Yuuken! You've made up more than half the words! - No, I didn't cheat, the guards told you the words. Yuu took a deep breath, the growing panic attack quickly passed in his parents ' arms and listening to Yuuken and Grimm. Uncle Divus arrived just a few minutes before the lair to make sure they were all right. None of the minions or minions were even willing to leave shadows in his path. "I sincerely apologize, Anita, that that idiot with the feathers would do something like that. Divus said guiltily, looking at his sister. - Don't take Divvy personally, I know that neither you nor Yuu will let us offend anyone. Everything ended well. - Anita said gently. Cruel relaxed a little at the realization that there was nothing wrong with the people close to him. Looking at the tired Yuu,Kruel just silently hugged him and hugged him very tightly. - You did very well, Yuu. I'm proud of you. - Thank you, Uncle Divvy...I think this time it's over once and for all. -I heard from the guards that Prefect beat him to the intensive care unit, but I don't know how he managed to get in. Yuu chuckled mirthlessly - yes, Prefect helped me out when it was most needed. Ah...I saw him get through the vent or something. Roger swore softly. - Damn it, I wanted to get his autograph! - Roger!Why do you need an autograph? - Little kitty King even has one, I also want an autograph!
Grimm uneasily climbs onto Yuu's shoulders and rubs his head against Yuu's cheek. He watched Yuu more closely than anyone else and saw the state they were in. - Hey .. Yuu. - Yes, Grimm? - Let you take a vacation, your hands are shaking like you're not letting go of a jackhammer. - Grimm glared at Yuu. - I absolutely agree with him, Yuu. Honey, you need a break, you have black eyes and you've lost weight since the last time we met. Being under constant stress is detrimental to your health. - Div, what about that country house you were talking about the other day? - Roger immediately joined in, taking up the idea. - I'm driving, so we can all go together. - Yuuken, you'll go too, no objection,- Anita smiled softly. - Yes, ma'am. I'll just talk to my superiors about letting us go for a couple of days. - Weeks at least,- Сruel added. *** Sitting surrounded by at least 15 pups, Yuu felt like he was falling asleep, they were really too tired for everything that had happened. The quiet snuffling of the pups around him brought him back nostalgically to the time when Yuu was just learning to play the piano with his father and, due to his age and height, couldn't reach the pedals below. How he and Uncle Divus would look at all sorts of fashion magazines, and Yuu would try to draw this or that dress or suit with crayons under his uncle's guidance. Even now, he could hear his mother and father discussing something with Uncle Divvy over a bottle of wine and quiet laughter. Grimm and Juuken fell asleep in a couple of minutes lying on the couch. Grimm climbed onto Yuuken's stomach and used it as a pillow.
Only in the evening, waking up from the doorbell, Yuu sleepily opened his eyes, they slept so soundly and well that they did not even notice how one of the particularly daring and playful puppies tried to gnaw his sleeve. - Who's, Uncle Divvy? - Yuu rubbed his eyes and yawned contentedly. Cruel carried several boxes into the room. - Courier with delivery, although it is strange that no one expected a special package. - What's is Divvy? - It came in the name of Yuu. - Me? - After getting out of the trap of the puppies, Yuu looked at the boxes with a puzzled expression. They were all in his name. And then Yuu noticed several small cards attached to the boxes. In the first box were expensive bagels with filling and frosting. It was a gift from Tsunotaro with an apology that they had to go through all this and Crowley had caused them so much inconvenience.
In the boxes from Tsunotaro there was also a basket of wild roses with a very pleasant and subtle aroma. Several varieties of very delicious tea and a letter was enclosed in an envelope. - "The items are very expensive and refined. Who is this secret fan, sweety? - Anita smiled softly. - From a friend, Mom...a very kind and good friend. - Yuu pulled out the letter and sat down on a chair and began to run his eyes over the beautiful written lines. Malleus certainly tried to put all his feelings and sincere empathy into the lines. The letter was very touching and full of grace, but the one phrase that caught Yuu's attention most was the one from the villain. "If you or your loved ones need help, please contact me first. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, it doesn't matter who I have to stand up against, whether it's villainous or even heroic, I will always help you no matter what happens, my dear and sweet reporter. Your loyal friend and " pink ink was added "and the most important terrible villain" - this must have been Vanruge. ... your loyal friend and loyal fan. Enjoy your vacation, we'll probably take a break for a while, too. " At the bottom was another postscript in pink ink : "One of the minions had the temerity to fall asleep in a den with the windows open. And now in our shelter a flock of birds, rabbits, squirrels and other small creatures that need to be attached" Yuu choked on a laugh as he imagined the mighty Tsunotaro surrounded by all these cute little animals. Finally, this long day gave Yuu something good, at least they will spend a few days with their family and close friends. Finally, the long-awaited rest and a short vacation came. By the way, the bagels with stuffing that were sent were damn delicious. - To bribe me on an empty stomach, up villainy is not otherwise-Yuu grinned, finishing another bagel. Thank you for your attention!
The perfect little ending to ease the sad of the last submission!! Yuu getting away with beating up Crowley! Crowley’s henchpeople treating Yuu with more respect and kindness than birb dad does!! Yuu’s dad wanting the Prefect’s autograph!! Forcing Yuu onto a vacation because their family loves them and wants them to feel safe and happy!! Yuuken and Grim going home with them and falling asleep in the puppy pile together!! Malleus’ care package and Lilia’s additions to his note!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!
Thank you so much for sending this in!!
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