#hormone classification
er-cryptid · 2 years
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Having a second baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: High-risk pregnancy, slight smut reference
Word count: +4100
Part One | Part Two (soon)
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- The idea of a second baby wasn't in your original plans and both of you are so caught up in being first time mothers that at no point does it cross your mind, but surprisingly it does Melissa's mind. During Luca's one-year anniversary party she comments on how only one of them doesn't seem enough, a thought that returns in the quiet of the night a couple of weeks later after she watches you breastfeed your son while she reads him bedtime stories. The feeling of domesticity and joy doesn't leave her mind, so the redhead knows she definitely wants to have a second Schemmenti baby;  
- She is a little nervous to bring up this topic, after all, you did it the first time and there is a background of fear that she is burdening you with the desire for another baby so early, LuLu is still between comings and goings in weaning, now he can run, speak small sentences and has the whole process of defraying the child, in addition to the routine of working mothers, the ups and downs that can yield a great night's sleep or a next day with an extra dose of caffeine. However the idea of your children being close in age and being best friends speaks louder, scenarios are formed of you walking with them, how Luca would be with his younger sibling, etc;  
- This is what the teacher keeps in mind as a source of courage to bring up the topic while you are doing the nightly routine, she has all the pros and cons on the tip of the tongue, presenting everything eagerly, if she had given you time to speak she would have heard a simple "Yes, I do!", which happens after half an hour of speech;  
- LuLu is about to complete his third semester of life when you finally make a first attempt after going through the whole process of hormones, consultations and procedures again. There aren't many expectations considering that the happy news of the coming of the firstborn came only on the third attempt and you thought you would have to go through the whole emotional roller coaster of negatives because unlike the previous pregnancy there was no nausea, swelling, mood swings and period came down before the 14 days to take the test. But one day before the boy's first daycare presentation you felt sick while Mel was helping him practice the dance, holding on to a thread of hope you do a pharmacy test, not believing the results, another four are done, and finally a call to the obstetrician because you don't understand the lack of symptoms, finding out it's normal to still have periods in the beginning. You let a tear of joy fall, the Schemmenti family is growing; 
- The next day you suffer trying to hide the excitement and after leaving work early do a blood test, just confirming the pregnancy. It's too much to keep to yourself, you can't wait to tell your wife and almost cry while watching your son dancing in a lion costume, reminding you how small and cute he still is, realizing that soon there will be another one, if fate decides another mini Melissa. And he seems to feel, as some theories on the internet say, suddenly running up to you after the presentation, not wanting to leave you until arriving home and when the redhead realizes she starts joking about it (because she is the favorite so far), at the same moment you throw into the air any plans to make an elaborate surprise, mentioning that babies feel when their moms are pregnant again. She can barely contain emotion as she hugs you, thanking you for the family you are giving her, and Luca, even not knowing exactly what it means, is the "big bwudda";  
- Then you have to explain to him in a ludic way about how the family would grow and soon there would be a baby, which you represent with a teddy bear, the boy doesn't understand the concepts very well, but seems like a good thing so he smiles joining in the cheer, which you understand as a good sign while hugging him lovingly;  
- It was just finding out about the pregnancy that the baby started to show it was there, in the first trimester morning sickness hits you one to three times during the day, more than in the other pregnancy, in compensation there are fewer trips to the bathroom, nausea is selective to very sweet or strong smells, contradicting all the maternity books you feel more energetic and to everyone's delight you don't reject any food, in fact your appetite increases, your wife constantly feeds you, happy to say you eat for two;  
- Barb is the first to know, even before the Schemmenti family, and it's LuLu who unwittingly tells her about the pregnancy. It's one of the Friday dinners you have with the Howard couple, the boy is on her lap eating some tortellis when Gerald talks about his older brother, the wife getting excited about some story about the same and of course your son was jealous of that, trying to get her attention back to himself, so he lets out the news excitedly "I'm a big bwudda!". The table goes silent and the best friends stare at each other, Gerald stares at you, then everyone stares at Luca and you sigh, trying to explain that the plan was to tell them in a different way, standing up to show the little 10 week bulge. The couple rushes to congratulate you, hugging your family ecstatic and happy to be a part of this new phase, just as Melissa was with them when they had Taylor and Gina; 
- The next to know were your family members, you waited until the first trimester to tell them considering it was safer due to the possibility of miscarriage in this period. First is your family and then the Schemmenti, they can't believe that their daughter is giving them two grandchildren in a row when they had already given up on having just one come from her, so no surprise that her mother cries with happiness when she receives a cardigan and crocheted little shoes, while her father receives a mini Philadelphia Phillies uniform printed with the number 9, along with a note saying that now he has a baseball team (his favorite sport) of grandchildren. There are lots of hugs, kisses, expert parenting advice and a new trip through the photo album, now focusing on your wife with the siblings, especially with Kristin Marie because they are for sure the most chaotic duo and have the best photos, LuLu loves to see everything pointing out who is who repeating with Nonna;  
- Kristin only gets a t-shirt written "Worst Auntie" thrown at her, it's kind of fun to watch the two insult each other and the blonde dropping the worst stuff about Melissa while telling you to pray that the child, who she already calls Gizmo #2, isn't born identical. Like the fact that her sister threw a chair at her before they turned 10. And the fact that she lives covered in bites in the shared nursery. This is confirmed by their mom. A week later she is proudly wearing the t-shirt while Luca wears a small one with "Worst Nephew" written on it, which she herself ordered to match. Melissa's nightmare becomes more and more reality, the two are joined at the hip, after all, they are two Gremlins;  
- The team is not so surprised by the news, living with you every day they notice little signs that remind them of the first pregnancy, the limitations, the nausea, the glow and all the extra care that Melissa has around. On your day off you show up at school, your son in one arm and a box of decorated cupcakes in the other, you are wearing a light and loose dress, like the other clothes for keeping the pregnancy hidden. She approaches and scolds you for carrying so much weight, which is contraindicated by the doctor, how it can harm you and the baby as well, Barb joins in and the two of them make you sit in the common room waiting for the rest of the staff. They soon show up, without any surprise going to attack the box, except for Gregory, and open big smiles when seeing the theme of the decoration. Janine is the first to run to hug you, followed by Jacob and then the rest of them in a big group hug, all joking as they already knew; 
- As soon as she found out that you are pregnant, the redhead bet the baby's gender, being absolutely sure that you are having a little daughter, she always uses the fact that the Schemmenti have a good intuition and are good at betting in her favor. LuLu seems to agree. This time you also enter the bet, believing faithfully that you will have another boy, just like Mr. Johnson, Gregory and Barb. Alongside Melissa are Janine and Jacob, Ava is the one who mediates the bet. And she is the one who is responsible for the revelation for the matter of impartiality, at 16 weeks the gender can finally be seen in an ultrasound, the result is passed to her. It's a weekend event, all of them and family members are gathered in the home garden, each one is dressed in the color of their bet, you look anxiously at the big balloon (which may be filled with light green = boy or lilac = girl) that Ava is carrying and you choke with surprise when your son approaches with the little plastic fork, poking the latex with curiosity. Dust falling on both of them, leaving him covered in lilac. Mel got it right... again; 
- She is called "Tesoro", "Piccola", "Dolce" and "Cara Mia", all nicknames in Italian referring to how small and calm the baby is, almost no trouble at all, delicate face and fingers whenever appearing on the ultrasound, the little girl doesn't step on your internal organs that often and seems to sleep most of the time. She is also her "Sweetheart", this seems to be the favorite because even though your daughter is calm she has temperamental days and your back suffers the consequences for the change of mood, being called by her Mama like this seems to be the only thing that makes her stop moving;  
- Music is another thing that calms her down, while Luca liked to listen to children's books and long talks, she likes music, any kind of music that Mel, and only Mel, sings makes her a good girl for the rest of the day;  
- The second trimester starts out peaceful, she doesn't show up as much as her brother did and you still don't have to change clothes sizes, even though you eat twice what you did before, with a great appetite that extends to the beginning of strange cravings, a preference for sour and crunchy things, sometimes mixing both, luckily this seems to make the nausea cease. There is still some dizziness, headaches and although not gaining as much weight you feel the legs are swollen. Emotions stabilize after weeks of mood swings, libido increases, you become more physically affectionate. The breasts increase significantly and this is Melissa's doom, you catch her staring at them brazenly many times, after the initial shyness she asks to touch them too, barely being able to hide how this excites and delights her;  
- She knows very well how stretch marks from giving birth can still bother you, so imagine how much you suffer in anticipation with the body changes happening, before it starts to bother you more or make you feel insecure the redhead shows up at home with a dozen specific body creams for stretch marks and massage. You try to argue that these marks only appear in the third trimester, without success, she argues how prevention and moisturizing the skin are great allies for when this moment arrives, but you both know it's just an excuse for her to give you long and tender massages; 
- Of course you have experienced the effect of pregnancy on your sexual life before, when you were expecting Luca you barely had sex for months and when it happened was just intense. But this time your libido is at an all time high, every massage or simple touch can make you extremely excited. Melissa is more than happy to satisfy your desires, even if it means morning sex for a whole week or you waking her up in the middle of the night to tell that you are too horny and want her to work it out;  
- This is what goes through her mind when you wake her up in the middle of the night, instinctively turning to kiss you and green eyes twitching in confusion at the sight of the scared expression on your face, pointing to the sheets where a bloodstain is forming between the legs. She gets up waking up immediately, looking for warm clothes and towels to take you to the hospital, Barb and Gerald arrive in less than 15 minutes to stay with Luca, the great friend praying for you the second you walk out the door, your wife having to practically carry you as the abdominal and lower back pain is too much to handle. Neither of you cry on the quick car ride, but Melissa tries to reassure you that everything will be okay, that the daughter is strong, words she herself tries to believe struggling not to let fear and panic take over her as well. She wants to be strong for you. When the nurses rush you to the emergency room, she lets her tears come out;
- After a series of exams, which the teacher accompanies without letting your hand go, the doctor reassures you that it is not a miscarriage, as everyone feared when they saw your situation, but that you have a high risk pregnancy due to preeclampsia that developed from the fourth month on, which you didn't even realize, thinking that the occasional dizziness, headaches and swelling were part of the package. This condition provide high risks for placental abruption, the cause of the pain and bleeding. She ends by saying how lucky you are that it was a minor episode, otherwise there would have been a high possibility of losing your baby girl, which she calls a miracle; 
- From this moment the pregnancy is treated as high risk, besides the complications of the condition there is the constant danger of a very premature birth that would put both of your lives at risk, medications are administered to prevent contractions and the worst from happening. A birth plan is drawn up in which the priority is that you carry the baby the longest time your body allows. Just the idea and all the complex medical terms scare you to death, Melissa is freaking out inside and as much as she tries to hide you feel it in every touch or word, she is 10x more delicate and protective than she ever was before;  
- Your diet is completely adapted with low salt and foods that do not contribute to the increase in blood pressure, you have to measure pressure every day to check if it is under control, after all, the only cure is childbirth. She is super supportive and shares the same meals, no matter how much both hate it because you are used to heavy and full of spices dishes. LuLu is the only one who continues to eat normally, with a lot of tantrums he refuses to eat the same thing, but deep down you know that your wife helps him to finish the dish, the intention is what counts;  
- And the main recommendation is absolute rest, it drives you completely crazy, not for having to stay in bed most of the time or sitting outside, but for Mel watching you like a hawk 24/7. She accompanies you to all the appointments, monitors the medication, gives you massages every night, makes sure you don't make any unnecessary effort, that you get all the love and care. Melissa becomes more protective than ever and does everything to make sure you are well, the first thing is to convince you concentrate exclusively on taking care of yourself and focus on the pregnancy, which makes you a full-time housemom/housewife, without the housework part. Do you want to mop the floor? She can do it while you sit in the armchair. Luca is running around the house having a tantrum? Don't stress, she can handle it. If you asked the moon, be sure that she would give it to you, symbolically or otherwise. She is a naturally overprotective person with those she loves, but when you got pregnant with LuLu you saw the worst side of this trait, which only got worse with the second pregnancy. The redhead is clearly stressed, not surprisingly as a working mom and wife, added to the fact that she won't let you do anything to help; 
- This situation only improves when you reach seven months, which was almost impossible according to the doctors' expectations, you have a history that only contributes to negative predictions, the previous birth having been premature too, even if only by two weeks, preeclampsia and placental abruption are the triad of your risky pregnancy. Melissa lies down next to you after her biweekly appointment, head resting gently against your 28-week belly, she mentally notes that she still has to do a nightly massage, but the tiredness is just too much. Sleep almost takes over until she jumps up when feels something, the always calm and quiet little girl kicks for the first time, right in her face. It's not very strong, just enough for both of you to feel and see the small foot move against skin, it's frighteningly enchanting for both of you, she is so involved that even forgets to record it immediately, finally managing to record a few seconds of movement. Of course the baby had moved several times before, but never kicked like this, it's as if she wants to reassure her moms that everything will be okay. This is the first time in months that you sleep peacefully and well;  
- Luca didn't understand what being pregnant and being a big brother meant until the beginning of the last trimester, right after his two year old birthday. At the party Sofia's mother, the girl who is his best friend and also second cousin, shows up at the party with a baby in arms, he had seen her pregnant with a huge belly and suddenly the dots connected in his little childish mind. You are going to have one of those smaller creatures and he cried a lot during the event in realization feeling deceived, he really believed that you were going to give him a teddy bear, explaining why he constantly asked about when the baby was going to come home. What you do the next day, a small bribe to explain to him again about the baby sister's arrival, LuLu is a little upset about having to share moms with someone else, but soon cheers up when you talk about him having someone to play and make a mess with every day; 
- The little girl will have her own room, initially you thought of making the siblings share the nursery, but you gave up after Kristin Marie's revelations and the possibilities of them disturbing each other's sleeping routine, it also seems easier to take care of them separately. The extra room, for a long time used as storage for the hundreds of toys and educational supplies, is soon renovated, her cousins assume the function, giving you a lilac room, the furniture is in gray and Ipe wood, a large closet full of clothes you bought and won. Just like the firstborn's, there is no specific theme chosen. Days later you realize that some stuffed animals have disappeared from his room, the search for the lost toys leads you to the newly assembled nursery where most of them are, lying around, sloppily decorating the lower shelves, and the one you gave him for birthday is in the crib. "My sissy gonna like Romy!" Luca says excitedly pointing to the bunny, which has been named Romy. You and Melissa face each other, a big tender smile, deeply touched by the cuteness and lovability of your son, delighted at how he is going to be a good big brother;  
- You read dozens of name idea books, in the end being between Carina and Olivia, the first considered for the meaning "Pure, Beloved" and Olivia for being a name Mel has always liked, plus it means "Peace". As a good big brother, LuLu wants to be part of the choice of his sister's name, upon hearing the options he immediately falls in love with Olivia. Little hands touch your belly lovingly as he talks to her, calling her Liv all the time, because he can't speak the whole name, and asks if sissy Liv, as he now calls her, can hear him, she kicks against the little hand as an answer. He stands delightedly celebrating and when you look to the side you find your wife in tears watching their interaction; 
- Olivia's entire pregnancy was a big roller coaster, no matter how much you planned the process in anticipation everything seems to have gotten out of hand in many ways, she was an initially asymptomatic baby, had a disastrous baby shower, then the development of preeclampsia and the placental abruption that scared you to death, from that point on there was so much worry that you almost forgot to enjoy the pregnancy. Of course she would make her arrival another scary roller coaster ride. The day after you are completed 33 weeks of pregnancy and the day before the appointment with the obstetrician you feel a pain so intense that you can hardly get out of bed, the redhead immediately comes to rescue. Everything is very fast, she runs around the house gathering items and Luca on the way to take you to the hospital, first leaving the child with the grandparents, before you notice you are already in the hospital bed with the doctor saying that labor is too advanced to be delayed. Liv decided this is a good day to come into the world;  
- Melissa holds your hand the whole time and says a hundred encouraging words, trying to reassure you that everything will be okay, it's almost 8 intense hours of powerful contractions and lots of swearing until dilation allows you to have the baby. You've had a baby before, taken classes, already knew what to expect and you're still scared at the moment of pushing, a hundred possibilities running through mind while the nurse tells you to push again. Your wife looks you in the eye, a proud smile on the face and whispers "You can do it Amore mio, she's almost here, just one more...", this gives you the strength to keep facing the fear and pain. Minutes later she kisses your forehead telling you how proud she is when you both see the little human in the doctor's hands, but the happiness is immediately replaced by extreme worry, there is no crying, no movement and the staff moves to do the Apgar score on the newborn, you are freaking out inside waiting for someone to tell what is going on. Soon the nurse appears with the little bundle of joy wrapped in a blanket and a smile on her lips, you and Melissa look at each other relieved; 
- There is a reason why the birth was so exhausting for you and worrying for the doctor, why she didn't even cry, Liv literally was born sleeping, making absolutely no effort to help you through the process. Which is a reason to laugh after all the tension. The little girl is so small, calm and fragile that you are too afraid to touch her. Olivia Ann Schemmenti came into the world at 6pm, just one month after her brother's birthday, 4 pounds and 17 inches consistent with prematurity, a copy of you with Melissa's eyes, the opposite of LuLu in personality, perfect in every way, your little miracle. 
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew Expansion Pack: Deer & Co
A guide both to the Clan Culture concept of "deer" as a classification, how several species are perceived by Clan cats, as well as a glossary of Clanmew terms for their behavior.
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[ID: A red deer stag stands proud next to the word, "KLEKA." Squirrelflight stands next to it, thinking the phrase, "sskif peeg-en-aayoo nomn." Roughly, "I want to eat that butt," directly, "Want: beacon-of-red stag I-will-eat"]
There are six species of "deer" (Kleka) that Clan cats see on a regular basis, five of them titanic giants that are too large to hunt as adults, and one of them just small enough to be targeted. A kleka is defined as, "a fast herbivore with long legs, ending in hard hooves."
All types of deer are big animals, with even the smallest being larger than a cat. They're most often seen in forest or open meadows, so because of this, they're typically associated with ThunderClan and WindClan.
The six species that Clan cats consider a "deer," listed with their human terms and Clanmew translation;
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) = Aug (default) & Aayoo (stags during rut in late summer to early winter)
Fallow Deer (Dama dama) = Niaa (default) & Gruag (stags with full antlers)
Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) = Aeur
Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) = Maa'ar
Horse (Equus ferus caballus) = Ee'ee
Sheep (Ovis aries) = Baa (default) & Bing (bell wether)
"Hey hold on a minute!" You cry, "Those last two aren't deer!"
Go ahead! Try explaining that to a cat who doesn't even know what cladistics are! It eats plants, it has swiveling ears, it has long legs and hooves, and it runs fast. What else could such a creature be? KLEKA IS KLEKA.
(Note: The Chinese Water Deer and Sika Deer are also seen in England; however, not as far north as BB's modeled regions, ergo they are not represented by Base Clanmew.)
But for the sake of organization, this guide will only cover the 'true deer,' reds, fallows, roes, and muntjacs.
Before getting into specific detail about each species, first, here's a couple more general terms for various parts of these animals.
Antler = Grek Branched, pronged horns that grow on male deer, bursting from bloody velvet. Muntjacs don't grow new antlers, but they never lose their 'velvet' either. Shed ones are valued for construction projects. A doe is an antlerless (grekwaro) deer; a buck is an antlerful (grekwang) deer.
Velvet = Gawrek (Meat + Antler) The meat that sheds off a fresh antler. Has been brought to my attention that this is full of estradiol, so, this is a very useful herb for Clan cats to use for feminine hormone treatment! For the velvet texture, "qefyyn", see here.
Horn = Greksh (Antler + Shell) Seen exclusively in sheep, named for the snail shell-like shape and fact that, after death, the horns are hollow. A cow also has greksh, but this currently goes undiscovered. NOTE: A generic horn, like the spines on a hedgehog or spikes on some insects, are called "kik"
Hoof = Kopka The hard stone-claws on the end of a Klek's leg; also seen on two other special non-klek animals; hogs and cows.
Beacon = Peeg When social deer are alarmed and running away, they follow the white flashes of each other's butts. Rabbits also have a beacon in their puffy tails! Clan cats assume that a horse's strange, hairy tail is just some sort of special beacon. It can also mean "rump," as in "rump roast."
Fawn = Myaa A baby deer that hides in grass, and does not run when approached.
Yearling = Mween A baby deer that follows its mother's side, and is now able to run if chased. The offspring of sheep and horses are already Mween just few minutes after their birth, though Clan cats don't encounter them on a frequent enough basis to have unique words for them. If used in a name, feel free to translate as 'foal' or 'lamb' at your discretion.
Herd = Klokok A large group of deer, usually only seen during rut, or in the case of horses, behind fences. Mostly used in the presence of an aggressive stag of some sort who will attack a Clan cat who bothers his does.
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[ID: A red deer stag and a red deer hind, with a field behind them]
We start off with the largest wild animal on this list, and the biggest creature that Clan cats see on a regular basis; the Red Deer.
The rut season is from late summer to early winter, and is the only time in the year that stags have 'antlers' which they use to fight other males for control of a herd. This is reflected in Clanmew; most of the year, all red deer are Aug, the sound of the 'bark' they use to communicate with each other.
ONLY when antlers start coming in do the stags become identified by the other term; Aayoo. Aayoo fill the forest with loud bellowing and clashing as they face off, with some Clan cats even taking the opportunity to watch these titans brawl just for entertainment.
Some Aayoo even have a distinct "Raofa" (lion mane) or "Gaofa" (cravat, tiger mane), which associates them with the legends of the Great Clans. But, eventually, the Aayoo sheds its weapons, and returns to being an Aug before the frost sets in.
They are far too large to be hunted, and most Clan cats would find it dishonorable to take their fawns if they are found hidden. They are a breathtaking and honored animal... though they do look delicious, if you ask Squirrelflight.
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[ID: A fallow stag shows off in front of three does, who hold up signs with various ratings. Nightstar watches on, unimpressed.]
Up next is the deer considered the most beautiful by Clan cat standards; the Fallow Deer.
Just like reds, fallows have a "default" word for those that aren't sporting any antlers; "Niaa." The call of a fallow buck is best described in English as a 'belch,' in Clanmew, they call it "Gruag."
Their behavior is quite different from red deer; instead of one male who fights off any challengers for control of a harem, they have what we call a "lek" system. Gruag will gather in one part of the territory to fight and show off against many rivals, and the Niaa come to this place to watch and pick who they like best.
side note: this is a really rare system to see in mammals and fallow deer have been studied for how unique this behavior is
They come in lots of different colors, from white, to tawny, sometimes even being such a dark brown that they appear black. These colors are beloved, noted as if StarClan themselves like to practice painting on their coats. On top of this, they're the most numerous species of deer to see.
All of these things together gives fallow deer a reputation for being "dramatic" and "fancy" by Clan culture standards, less honorable than the powerful red deer but just as noble. However, this means that their fawns are not treated with the same careful reverence as those of reds, and snatched whenever they're found hiding.
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[ID: A roe deer stands alone, menacingly, with a row of telephone poles behind it]
Roe deer act VERY differently from their larger cousins. A mostly solitary animal with only the presence of antlers and a smaller beacon marking a buck from a doe, Clanmew has only a single word for them; "Aeur." The sound of their very offputting 'alarm bark'.
Opportunists, roe deer will live just about anywhere they can find a small amount of forested cover, meaning they'll happily find room in just about any territory except WindClan's. In the Lake Territory, they're particularly fond of the places where fallows and reds don't have enough space, such as the SkyClan conifer patch.
Clan cats find them deeply unsettling. Though smaller than reds and fallows, a roe deer is still as large as three warriors stacked on top of each other. Males immediately re-grow their dagger-like horns as soon as the old ones fall out, never fully returning to the 'default' form. And, worst of all...
They have the same crepuscular behavior as cats do, active at dawn and dusk. Females typically raise two fawns and manage their own territories, much like a rogue. They even create simple nests which they sleep in every night.
The Clans try to keep away from them, unless they're truly starving. There are tales that those who don't believe in StarClan are doomed to exist as roe deer in their afterlives.
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[ID: A warrior is unsettled by a barking roe deer. It says, "ssoen his ssarababa," roughly, "holy shit," directly, "stars, shit they-say"]
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[ID: A muntjac walking through marshland, being stalked by Stumptail]
Probably not an animal you were expecting to see in England, huh? The Reeves' Muntjac has been an invasive problem since the 20th century, rapidly spreading across the island. Like roe deer, males have antlers while females do not, but there aren't enough differences in behavior for Clan cats to have a dedicated word for the two forms.
So, a muntjac is simply known as a "Maa'ar."
These little buggers will eat just about any plant matter, which can make them quite destructive. Bark, grass, fruits, leaves, anything. Slightly larger than a fox, their only predator is Clan cats, who consider them to be a prized quarry. Their skin creates some of the highest quality leather in all the territories, and their horns and 'tusks' are valued for decorations.
Though solitary, they can still put up a fight. Those fangs and horns aren't just for show; they can gore and kill an unwise hunter, and if that fails, they're much faster than their cutesy little loaf-shape suggests.
They're unique for many reasons, but especially in that they like wet areas. So, unlike the other types of deer, the muntjac is most often seen by ShadowClan and RiverClan. Since RiverClan doesn't have the same taste for mammalian meat that ShadowClan does, in the Lake territory, sometimes muntjac hunting rights cause conflict between the two neighbors.
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transtalesofdoom · 4 months
Rant about the ICD-10 and nonbinary trans identities
This one's actually just build-up to another one, but it makes me very mad, so.
What's an ICD? ICD is short for "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems", which is an absolute mouthful. It's basically a catalog of diseases that gets maintained by the WHO and occasionally updated into new versions. The most recent one is the ICD-11 that was published in 2022. It is five times the size of the ICD-10, which was published in 1994. Quite a bit happened in those 28 years, you know?
For this post, the relevant sections are obviously the one regarding trans health. So let's look at them:
The ICD-10 defines "Transsexualism" as
"A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one's anatomic sex, and a wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment to make one's body as congruent as possible with one's preferred sex."
It's categorized under "Mental and personality disorders". Such fun!
The ICD-11 now calls it "Gender incongruence" and defines it as such:
"Gender incongruence is characterised by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnoses in this group."
I don't know why it's british, and I don't care. There's a further distinction between prepubescent patients and those who have entered puberty and above. It's a bit longer and I promise it's the last stupid medical paragraph in this.
"Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood is characterised by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex, which often leads to a desire to ‘transition’, in order to live and be accepted as a person of the experienced gender, through hormonal treatment, surgery or other health care services to make the individual’s body align, as much as desired and to the extent possible, with the experienced gender. The diagnosis cannot be assigned prior the onset of puberty. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnosis."
Thats a lotta words. TLDR: "Person does not identify with assigned sex, likely wishes to transition to the experienced gender." Also important to note: Instead of a Mental Disorder, it's now categorized as a "Condition related to sexual health". Great!
Why is it not great? Because the ICD-11 is not currently in active use. The WHO expects a transitional period of 5 years or longer for countries to implement this. The US, for example, is aiming for an implementation in 2025, but it could extend to 2027 depending on required modifications. Non-english countries, like mine, also require time to translate the thing. Until implementation is complete, a majority of doctors are still trained to use the ICD-10. Health insurance companies also are not required to adopt definitions from the ICD-11 during the transitional period.
By the way, did you spot it? It's a small, but important difference: "the opposite sex" (ICD-10) vs "the experienced gender" (ICD-11). That's right, the current system only acknowledges binary trans people! Good for them, awful for me!
Now, of course there will be doctors who know better and acknowledge nonbinary identities, but under this current catalog, they do not have to. Neither does your health insurance. So if I, who is decidedly not of the binary variety, want health care and I want my insurance to cover it (just to stress again: I am not in the US), my best bet is to lie.
If I want trans healthcare, instead of getting a kind that is best suited for me and my identity, I should tell my health care providers a fabricated story about how very binary my transness is.
You realize what that is, right? It's another gender identity being assigned to me that doesn't match my own. Isn't that ironic?
But hey, only three more years until we get it implemented. Maybe.
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@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
Day 4: Overstimulation, Oviposition/Egglaying, Human Urinal
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𝐄𝐠𝐠-𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐲 ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ Jɪᴢᴢ Fɪɴɢᴇʀs ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ
| PAIRING(s): splorgimum!Mr. Ben x reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 1.3k | CONTENT: crackfic, academic foreplay, eggs, erotic filming | SYNOPSIS: Mr. Ben is down bad for you. Deadass.
“I know you said our sex organs are compatible but our hormones and liquids aren’t, but can’t we try something new? Something fun and, like, ovum adjacent?” you pout.
“I guess I could  figure something out if that’s what you really want,” splorgimum Mr. Ben agrees. “I love that adjective usage, baby. Have you been reading that Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary I got you?”
He licks his lips as he palms himself. It was kinda a weird kink of his, but it made sense for a teacher, you suppose. You just hope this wasn’t going to veer into Geometric Proofs again unless he was going to tessellate that cock into your pussy.
“Yeah, I bookmarked it at defenestration,” you purr with a sultry emphasis on the window ejection term.
He shuts his eyes and groans as he grabs at himself through his dark gray dress slacks. “God, you know what vocabulary does to me. Say something else.”
“Nomenclature,” you hum seductively.
Mr. Ben grunts. “Fuck, say something else. More.”
You walk your knees across the bed to him and lean into his ear.
“Antidisestablishmentarianism,” you say in a tantalizing hush.
Mr. Ben’s hips jerk as he grunts at your foreplay.
“You wanna hear me talk about the Dewey Decimal System?” you coo as you run a hand up his chest.
He looks up to the ceiling as if he’s trying to hold it together and is barely hanging on by a thread. “If you start talking about proprietary library classification systems, I’m not gonna last,” he breathes out heavily.
“Then let’s stop talking, and let’s start fucking,” you suggest with a lewd tug at his raging hardon.
“Yeah,” he agrees, running a thumb over his bottom lip. “Lay back for me, baby.”
You settle onto the soft bed and let him use his spaceboi powers to make your clothes disappear. He breathes excitedly as he pulls out his phone and centers it between your legs. You squirm under the gaze of his camera lens. 
“Lemme just make this Fan Cam of your pussy really quick, baby,” he coos. He taps something on his phone and a bright light illuminates your glistening cunt. “Incredible,” he breathes.
You tug impatiently at his navy blue sports ball themed tie. “Ben, please,” you beg.
“Okay, okay,” he says with a sigh. “Gimme just a sec. Gotta…make sure this… zoom and transition…  is seamless…..” he trails off as he concentrates on his work.
“Don’t you have enough Fan Cams of my pussy, Ben? There’s thousands by this point,” you pout.
He makes a noise like he’s paying attention, but he’s clicking around on his phone again. You hear a slowed down reverb version of Britney Spears’s Toxic playing low in the background. “That’s a good one,” he says to himself.
“BEN,” you call his attention back.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he murmurs with an apologetic grin. He sets his phone aside. “I just hafta make them. You’re my beloved, and your pussy has me in a chokehold.”
You moan at the praise.
“You’re in your Coochie Meow Meow era, and it’s nom nom delish,” he whispers into the shell of your ear as he braces himself above your body.
You grab for his cognac colored leather belt and work it open with deft fingers. He helps to free his massive cock from the confines of his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. 
“Put it in me, please!” you whine.
He shoves himself into you all in one go. You cry out in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck yeah,” he groans as he thrusts sloppily into you.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he stretches you.
“Say something dirty to me, baby,” he urges as he snaps his hips harder.
“The Oxford Comma isn’t mandatory. It’s grammatically optional,” you rasp.
“Ohhh FUCK. Keep going,” he begs.
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,” you moan.
“You’re so Daddy! Periodt!” you wail.
“Hhhngggffff- fuck! I’m Daddy, and you’re Mommy,” he cries out. 
You feel a large oblong spherical shape stretch your walls as you both climax. “Ohmygod, Ben! It’s so big!!!”
He grunts as he empties himself into you, smearing his creampie fingers onto the bedsheets on either side of your head.
“Yeah, baby. I’m giving it to ya real big. It’s that C = 2 π r you love.”
He pulls out of you with a gasp. Your pubic mound looks like it swallowed a giant avocado. “What is that?” you ask breathlessly. You feel so full.
“It’s an egg, just like you wanted,” he hums, rubbing his palm against the shape of it where it bulges out from your lower belly. This should really do it for those belly bulge kink sluts you think to yourself.
 “Push it out, baby. Let’s see it,” he spurs you on.
You start bearing down as hard as you can. “Why does it feel all plastic-y?”
“Please do not be alarmed,” the splorgimum voice reassures you telepathically. “It is not derived from such materials. There is no risk of microplastics in your sexual organs.”
“Oh okay, good,” you breathe a sigh of relief. You push as hard as you can. You feel like the Bettie Page of Easter Bunnies. You push and push until the rounded shape moves from where Mr. Ben placed it.
“That’s it. That’s my little Omelette Princess,” he praises.
You break a sweat working it out of you, but finally it emerges. It shoots out of you like a tshirt cannon at a baseball game. Mr. Ben uses his sensual splorgimum spaceboi powers to make it levitate in the middle of the air. It slowly spins, and you can just make out the words underneath the splotches of your slick dripping all over it.
“Is-Is that what I think it is?” you breathe.
Mr. Ben nods and grins triumphantly.
“A Ryan’s World Giant Mystery Egg Series 12?!” you gasp. Tears brim in your eyes. It’s so beautiful floating in the air. You can barely contain your excitement at the thought of holding it. “But that series isn’t even out yet!”
“Only the best for my girl,” Mr. Ben coos.
“Can we–?”
“Of course,” he affirms with a warm smile. He lets it float down into his hands. You begin hastily unwrapping it together. Something is different about this one.
“A Ticonderoga #2 pencil?” You’re bewildered. Where was the slime packet? The minifigure? The collectable stickers?
You dig in further. Mr. Ben pulls out an SAT Prep book. He groans lustfully. “Gonna set that aside for later,” he says as he gives you a lecherous wink.
All in all it wasn’t a bad haul. Just strange. You smack the yellow ruler design slap bracelet onto your wrist and watch it instantly wrap around it. “Cool.”
“I guess I, uh, kinda came up with my own Mystery Egg surprises for this one,” he admits sheepishly. “I hope you don’t mind.”
You hold up the Lunch Lady Paulina minifigure and turn it fondly in your hands. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” you say in a reverent, hushed breath.
“No, you’re perfect. I know I’m your bias and that I always munch on it, but I just don’t get it. Why did you choose me?” he asks in a shaky voice.
“We chose each other,” you whisper as you draw him in close.
“You eat it up,” you moan. “No crumbs left.”
“Oh fuck, let’s make a Fan Cam together,” he moans into your mouth as he captures it in a passionate kiss.
“Anything for you, Skinny Legend,” you rasp.
Mr. Ben clicks a few times on his phone before you hear Sza’s voice low from the speakers. You spread yourself open for him and let yourself sink into the comforting and arousing dulcet sounds of
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tagging everybody that wanted to be tagged in the first one plus a couple of extras
@wannab-urs @gracieispunk @milla-frenchy @patti7dc @lumoverheaven @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @xdaddysprincessxx @toxicanonymity @rubyfruitjungle @huffle-punk @jupiter-soups @swiftispunk @bonezone44 @psychedelic-ink@theywhowriteandknowthings @multiversed-daydreamer @beefrobeefcal @clawdee @criticalarchitecture @katiexpunk @covetyou @sugadolly @koshkaj-blog @obscurexsorrows @elegantduckturtle @kdogreads @pedrit0-pascalit0 @admiralackbarssugarbaby @party-hearses
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ghouljams · 3 months
You're probably getting tired of answering asks about the omegaverse universe, but I'm just so in love with how you said that the endotypes were on a spectrum, because I've never been able to quite express that thought, but it's definitely something I've thought too!
I find it a fun idea that an alpha that may act all big and tough is actually extremely submissive in bed, or vice versa with an omega that might seem gentle or compliant, but then is demanding or dominant when having sex. Each person is their own individual with their own personality and sexual interests.
But I also really like the idea of betas being the exact same as an alpha or omega, just without a high enough level of the A or B hormone to have their own little "classification". They're just as capable of reproducing as an alpha or omega, but don't have enough of the hormones required to develop the traits for knots etc. I wonder if people in universe like to think that a beta's place in the pack is to essentially manage the group while the alpha and omega members are vulnerable during their heat/rut, hence why the stereotype of them being calm and unflappable.
I also really love the idea that the concept of gender in the omegaverse is very relaxed compared to that in our world.
Yeah! I've always loved playing with the idea of alphas/omegas that don't fit the traditional omegaverse roles, because humans are so freaking variable that it's hard to say anyone acts one way all the time. Let alphas be subs, let omegas be doms, let betas have literally any characteristics other than "not alpha or omega."
Here's how I view pack dynamics and I'm going to use the 141 as our pack model.
Starting with the high spectrum members of the pack:
Alphas. Not always the head of the pack! They're micromanagers, they need everything to be just so and get anxious when things aren't the way their brain is telling them they should be. They're the bedrock support of the pack, they're the one you go to when you need help with something. They're in tune with the atmosphere and needs of their pack, and strive to keep everyone stable as best they can. Highly reactive to their surroundings they tend to be rash decision makers, favoring being quick and decisive peace keepers over being entirely rational. It takes practice for an alpha to lose some of the overbearing need to help. Price is a classic alpha, he needs his orders followed, he needs everyone in order, and he knows when things are falling out of whack. Price is the man you go to first with a problem because you know he'll solve it quickly and with little mess.
Ghost has a lot of alpha tendencies: He isn't territorial like typical omegas, he tends to lean more towards anxiety when he isn't getting his way, he's not great at the emotional stuff but he'll problem solve if you need him to. He's a micromanager that keeps to himself, but also physically cannot be a lone wolf for too long before that desire for stability kicks in and he finds himself sitting with Soap napping on his shoulder.
Betas. True Betas are rare, most people don't have perfectly equal hormones, but the general "unflappable" comes from that. They're not active or reactive, they think their decisions through and use the resources at their disposal to come to the best outcome. This also ends up with a lot of brute forcing their way through emotional issues, but if the house is burning down they're the ones grabbing an extinguisher while alphas worry over the pack and omegas worry over the house. Betas serve a lot of roles in a pack, but most importantly they're the glue that holds everything together. A pack without a beta or two is setting itself up for failure. They're mutable, versatile, and most importantly they have you back if anything goes wrong.
Gaz is the perfect example of a beta. He has strong morals, but he's also deeply rational and will argue with Price if he thinks he's making the wrong call. He's able to keep his emotions in check to get the job done, and at the end of the day he's the one that can best adapt to the situation at hand. He's invaluable to the team and able to switch between different spectrum needs depending on the situation.
Omegas. You do not want to fuck with an omega on a bad day. The true heads of the pack in a traditional sortie(family/friend group) they're the emotional support and another decision maker for the group. Where alphas think big, omegas think small. They're looking at the minutia of the pack, thinking through what's best for the individual not the group as a whole. More active than reactive, they tend to think their decisions through before delivering the final verdict. This can lead to a lot of indecisive omegas, which is why having a beta around is important. Omegas will always be the first to initiate conversations and conflicts, sometimes sticking their nose where it doesn't belong and getting in trouble. They're great at bringing issues to the surface, not always great at the actual problem solving afterwards(cue the alpha).
Despite being an alpha leaning beta, I think Soap has the best grasp on omega pack positioning. In my mind he's a middle child in a big family, and had to learn to deal with emotional conflict early on. He's good at getting feelings out of people, working through conversations that need to be had and thinking rationally through the moves he's making. I think about the MW2 campaign and Soap being the one to make calls with Ghost's guidance: Soap is a decision maker, but he's also trying to keep the mood light. I think Ghost was surprised to find out that the omega he was talking to over comms was actually closer to being an alpha lol.
Ghost is a flip flopper on the scale, his hormones directly reacting to his stress and trauma, giving him the best opportunities for survival in every situation. He's got a weird mix of omega and alpha instincts: he's deeply territorial(omega) but only about people(alpha), he's not great at the emotional shit(beta lol) but he also starts getting anxious when the pack is having disagreements(omega), he tends to be overbearing(alpha) but he's also a highly rational decision maker(omega). He's an omega that has been forced to slide up the scale in order to survive, only going back to his normal when he feels safe.
Anyway I hope this was interesting to people, these are just my thoughts for my omegaverse. Not my thoughts on the traditional au.
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kiragecko · 29 days
List request batfamily’s worst hair day ever
[Warning for parasites/bugs in Babs' entry.]
Dick - a witch once gave him his dream hair. Waist length, perfectly straight, stayed in a ponytail without needing to be coated with gel first. Even Babs, his primary Mullet-Hater, seemed to find it attractive! And then it turned out the hair was actually sentient, and sucking out his memories. So he had to cut it off. He sulked for weeks.
Babs - the same witch gave her techno-lice. Little nanobots creeping around her scalp, their skittering feet far easier to feel than normal lice, though they were no easier to remove. Also trying to suck out her memories. She could see movement when she looked in the mirror! Babs isn't scared of bugs, but MEMORY-SUCKING BUGS?! She was ready to take a flamethrower to her scalp.
Jason - one of Ivy's creations mimicked certain puberty hormones. Jason spent hours growing hair EVERYWHERE. It was the height of summer. He had a beard! His whole body itched, he stank, and he had to remove layers to avoid heat stroke so everyone SAW. Just awful.
Tim - secretly, he's enjoyed most of his hair disasters. Doing stupid stuff with his hair and then being very deadpan while his companions suffer is delightful enrichment for him. But he was once at a gala, mildly disguised, and someone mistook him for his mom. Because he'd accidentally recreated one of her Business Looks. He'd been in a SUIT! The idea of Butch Janet has traumatized him for life and that was the worst hair day.
Steph - dyed her hair on a day that SOME Rogue had dumped something into the water supply. It turned out a patchwork of green, orange, bleached white, and black. She was terrified of mind control chemicals, or Joker Toxin, but apparently she doesn't get to have BADASS problems. Just an embarrassing dye job that she couldn't afford to get professionally fixed.
Cass - Wanted to go to her second rave. Got distracted by being Batgirl and didn't have much time to get ready. No hairgel in the apartment, and Tim was being moody and no fun, so she tried to find a solution herself. 'School glue' is not like 'children's markers' - it doesn't wash out after. She did not want to cut her hair off, but roots growing out with weird chunky blobs at the ends does not look good.
Damian - unknowingly wore the same spiked hairstyle as 13-year-old Drake for THREE WEEKS as Robin. He was foolish enough to think it LOOKED GOOD. He can trust no one.
Duke - still isn't sure what happened. He was in one of Ivy's parks, but when she finally turned up to free him she acted like HE was the one who had brought the weird hair-growing mist. Complained about him damaging her plants with his 'mammalian filaments'. Why would ANYONE choose to grow a 3 foot halo of hair that grew AROUND the underbrush he was trying to get out of?? He was stuck for almost 40 minutes! At least she just gave him a shave and kicked him out, it could have been a lot worse.
Bruce - involved alien ... pollen? Slime? Difficult to fit in an Earth classification system. His hair started melting, very slowly. As it melted, it stretched and oozed across his face. And then everywhere it touched also started sprouting wet hair? He has locked the report.
Alfred - back in his pre-butler days. Involved a theatrical wig attached with ENTIRELY the wrong adhesive. By the time he realized that taking it off was not going to work, the wig was half destroyed and he'd lost several patches of hair. There was no recovery by that point.
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eliana-system · 5 months
My opinion on the "the brain is an organ so psychological conditions are physical disabilities" argument, as someone who studies psychology
(only means I've read about and studied this subject)
Well, every mental disability has to do with something physical, like hormones, different neuronal paths, etc. However, this isn't how disability are classified as physical or mental. The need for this classifications is because the symptoms are very different. There are physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. Of course, some disabilities have symptoms in the other category, but the difference is still there. Psychological symptoms mostly impact the behaviour and the moods, and thoughts processes. So that means hormones, brain's perception of the world, neuron's paths, brain structure.
Depression can be seen in the brain, but most symptoms are psychological. You can develop physical symptoms with depression (lack of vitamins) but the illness is defined by psychological ones (mood, insomnia, no motivation to do things you love...). Cancer has psychological repercussions (like most of not all physical disabilities; denial, depression, mood swings) but the symptoms diagnosing cancer are physical (presence of a cancerous tumor).
Think of the difference between physical pain and psychological pain. Both can be seen on scans. Both are painful. Both can be disabling. Both can lead to death. But they are not the same and are not healed the same way. They also are not treated the same way by society.
The thing is, yes the brain is an organ, but the difference between physical and psychological disabilities is important in many ways. Treatment options. How they are viewed by society.
The brain is the chief of the body, and psychological problems often originate only from the brain while physical problems don't. I'm sure there are conter examples and I know some disabilities fall in both categories. However the difference is there, not only scientifically but also created by society. And the difference is relevant today.
A little precision on autism/ADHD/dys, because it's mostly the disabilities I've seen argued on the subject. Most of these neurodivergence's symptoms are psychological. I've yet to see physical symptoms except guts problems (which btw should be looked at to make sure it isn't due to something comorbid, which there are a lot of)
PS: An example of both physical and psychological disability (I think) would be a thyroid problem, which creates mood swings.
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docgold13 · 1 month
The dynamic where the stronger you get the dumber you are shows up with DC villain Blockbuster. That's how he is in YJ. I think the comics too not sure. Brain vs Brawn is one of these weird comic book conceits that we just accept. My favorite is that in the microscopic world time speeds up and for giant beings time slows down. I like believing ants that live for 1 year led a long full life from their perspective.
fascinating. I like the idea of ants or even microscopic organisms having a dilated notion of time. The impact of gravity on time is a real mind-bender.
Characters like Blockbuster, Hulk and Maul seem to be influenced by W. H. Sheldon's old-school classification of body types... the idea that Mesomorphs are big, muscular and dim of wit, while Ecotomorphs are lean, lanky and smart.
This system of classification doesn't stand up to scientific investigation at all. There is no statistically significant evidence showing a correlation between body-type and cognitive faculties.
To the contrary, growth hormone treatments have been shown as frequently quite helpful for children who are experiencing intellectual delays and testosterone supplements can be effective in reducing cognitive declination in the aged.
The idea that Bruce Banner turns into a big, lumbering id-monster when stressed makes for a fun story and an interesting exploration of how fear and anger can cloud judgement, but the idea that big and muscular correlates with dumb and gullible is misleading.
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sprout-fics · 10 months
I really love the omega universe stuff but I have a hard time imagining what they look like. Could describe to me what they look like and do they turn into actual wolves or like werewolves and how their heat works lol
There's no werewolves in this story, lol. Everyone is human, and traditional omegaverse rules apply
Longer answer below the cut
Omegaverse comes in many different flavors. For this specific AU all of TF141 and related characters appear completely human, with the caveat that Alphas appear noticeably larger and more muscular than omegas and betas. All characters have a heightened sense of smell that can be used to scent others designations, and retractable fangs that usually show only during times of high stress and/or arousal. These are typically used to secure mating bites on another person's gland, which is a small spot along the neck that produces hormones.
Omegas and alphas go through periods of hormone changes. In my personal version this is once every few months, which extends to menstruation for uterus owners as well. (Side note, Omega/Alpha/Beta designations are secondary gender classifications, which are unrelated to biological sexes)
For Omegas, this hormone cycle is essentially ovulation on steroids. Omegas get extremely horny, sexually aroused, produce natural lubricant from their genitalia, and resort to instincts based largely in arousal. This typically includes urges to be 'knotted' by an alpha and impregnated. Other symptoms include muscle aches, cramps, hot flashes, sweating, etc. Think of it as 'horny flu'. This can get to the point where it's so severe that consent becomes an issue unless discussed prior with a partner
Alphas go through similar experiences, but from an opposite perspective, which includes the desire to breed a partner. They can become aggressive during their hormonal cycles, known as 'ruts'. Male alphas possess a trait known as 'knotting' which is an engorged swelling at the base of a penis, intended to lock with their partner and ensure impregnation. There's different takes on this, but in my version knots appear only in ruts or when an omega in heat is present.
Betas do not go through hormonal cycles, and it for this reason they're actually pretty respected, because they aren't as volatile, and don't have to worry about heats or ruts. They also have a perceived bias of being more level headed, and not aggressive like alphas or lean towards submissive traits like omegas. Gaz in this AU, is a beta specifically because he tends to be very easy going, but possesses a specific skill of clarity and frankness related to emotions which is a huge asset to the team and their dynamic. Betas are essentially just generic human, with the exception of fangs.
All characters can bond-bite, which is a deep and potentially irreversible sign of trust between two or more partners. It's similar to a wedding vow in that it is very sacred and should not be taken lightly.
There are wolf-like elements to this AU. Price and Ghost have the ability to warn or coax betas or omegas into submission via growls/purrs/scent throwing/etc. Ex: An alpha growling and posturing an opposing alpha into surrender, or coaxing an omega into docility via 'scruffing' or purring.
That's the gist of it. Everyone has different takes on this concept. This is just personally how I prefer things, which is humans with worse hormones, more horny, and with vague wolf-like social hierarchies.
...I feel like I just wrote an omegaverse sex ed guide LOL
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lorynna · 7 days
Hello, I just saw your reblog of the post about chromosomes and swyer syndrome etc (sorry English is not my first language) and if it's okay I have a question, since you seem to know things in the subject ?
I recently peak, and as a TRA/TIF i was led to believe by a big number of people that every single "intersex" person has both genitals. Like, a vulva and a penis. Of course I read more on this subject thanks to radblr and I now know that it's not the case. But are there any people with DSDs who have both ? If so what causes it ? Maybe there are already big radblr posts on this but I'm new here and I haven't found any yet, sorry. Thank you, you have a great blog!
(if you don't know the answer, could you recommend sources on the subject so I can educate myself more ?)
no reason to apologize, English isn't my first language either btw. 🩷
I am not and don't want to claim to be an "expert" or even very well versed in the subject of chromosomal constellations when it comes to the case of DSD/intersexuality. I didn't study biology or anything of that sort. The only thing I did was look at different studies and quickly summarized what was said on the repost you are referencing.
I am sorry you have been mislead by other people. DSD is described as "discordances among the chromosomal, gonadal, and phenotypic sex determination criteria". It is quite complicated, has a wide range and can look very different from person to person.
Not everyone has both a vulva and a penis (in fact mixed or ambiguous genitalia is very rare among the different types of DSD) and some people do not even know that their chromosomes don't match the typical XX and XY constellations of male and female until they get tested. Although having a vulva and a penis at the same time can occur, real hermaphrodites (=people that can produce both female and male gametes at the same time) don't exist in the human race.
What causes DSD is something that is too complicated for me to get into depth about but it can occur due to natural or synthetic hormonal exposure during embryo development. I quote one of the studies I linked below:
"Evidence shows that endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the environment can cause reproductive variation through dysregulation of normal reproductive tissue differentiation, growth, and maturation if the fetus is exposed to EDCs during critical developmental times in utero."
"Exposing the fetus to EDCs, during this critical stage, can affect tissue differentiation, growth, and physiologic maturation and may also affect later development of secondary sex characteristics. Incomplete or partial differentiation of genitalia can result in development of both male and female reproductive organs, making it a challenge to clearly identify an infant as either male or female physically at the time of birth. Multiple genetic and nongenetic factors are capable of disrupting the dimorphic processes of sex determination, where developing gonads become a testis or ovary, and subsequent sex differentiation, where internal ducts and external genitalia form "
I linked some studies below, elaborating on what can cause DSD, different types of DSDs and other interesting studies you sure won't regret to check out.
have a nice day💐
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Having a baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +1600
Part One | Part Two
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- She is scared to death of the idea of being a mother, first of all that it's something she put off all those years married to Joe because she knows it's a big responsibility she's not ready for, and second that Melissa thinks she's too old to have a baby. When you bring up the subject she immediately denies and laughs nervously, putting her cards on the table being sincere, you understood and respected her;
- But nothing is the same after that conversation, the famous "baby fever" happens and all she sees are babies, dozens and dozens of chubby babies, full of hair, gaping smiles and sweet eyes. And then her cousin had a daughter, Sofia, a baby who is obsessed with you and won't leave your lap at family reunions, in those moments she catches herself imagining how a baby of the two of you would look like. She always imagines a chubby baby with rosy cheeks, olive eyes, and a Schemmenti appetite;
- And it's at one of these reunions that she decides to give the possibility of having children a chance even at 50, you are cradling Sofia in the bedroom when she enters, with a plate of lasagna in hand and a rehearsed speech in mind, but when the teacher sees the scene she softens completely forgetting any words she has rehearsed. "I think I want one." She whispers sitting next to you on the bed, absorbed in the beauty of the scenery, pushing her own insecurities into the background and imagining a shared future;
- When you start talking about the possibilities, she tells you that she knows a guy and soon realizes the equivocation, retracting it by saying that she knows a guy who owns a fertility clinic and owes her a favor. After a few consultations you opt for artificial insemination and spend weeks choosing a donor, Melissa thinks it's stressful at first, but soon gets excited, especially when she and Barbara start ranking the "ugliest men no one would choose". After almost a month you find the perfect man, Italian family, green eyes, red hair, law degree, in appearance almost a male version of your wife;
- The first attempt is frustrated, there were six negative tests thrown away and a sensitive redhead for days, she is impatient and can't wait to work. The team finds her behavior awkward, and you fend off curious colleagues, choosing to hide from them and everyone else that you are trying to get pregnant, except Barb. The second attempt filled you with hope with a false positive from the pharmacy test and that was snatched away from you with the blood test, Melissa left the clinic silent and on the way home asked if you still want to go through this, the hormones, consultations, procedures and the disappointment. And it's not as if you can continue to pay for so many attempts on a teacher's salary. You say you feel equally frustrated, but want to give it one last chance and that you can turn to adoption;
- As some say, the third time is the lucky one. One trimester after the second attempt you decide to give insemination one last chance and, not wanting to give your already frustrated wife hope, you decide to do the test alone when suspicious. Almost a dozen positive pharmaceutical tests and one blood test confirm what you both hoped and wished for. A Schemmenti baby on the way;
- The reveal is simple but symbolic, you order an apron with the words "Mommy Schemmenti" embroidered on it. Melissa weirds out the random gift, especially since she hardly ever wears an apron for cooking, so she makes a sexual joke, teasing about a new kink she's heard about and whether this is an invitation for you two to try it. When you tell her that the two of you will be Schemmenti mommies she finally understands and can't help but shed tears of happiness, lovingly hugging and kissing you for the rest of the night, thanking you for bringing your child into the world;
- You decide to keep the pregnancy a secret, at least during the first trimester because it is the most delicate and intimate, the teacher is a fierce, loving and protective mother. The first weeks were physically exhausting, all those nausea, excessive trips to the bathroom, the fatigue and vomiting, the last one was the worst part, the baby apparently rejects any food that is not salad and yogurt. Melissa seems almost offended when you run to vomit after eating pasta a carbonara and questions the Italian origin of the donor while rubbing your back in front of the toilet;
- This woman has always had a hand on you, whether it's over the table at a dining table, the hand on your thigh at work meetings, on your back while you're leaving Abbott, etc. But since the discovery of your pregnancy this has become more than frequent, she simply won't leave your side, accompanies you everywhere you go and to all your appointments (she has even considered combining your two classes in just to be with you), takes care of your every need and desire. Do you want a weird milkshake in the middle of the night? She'll do it. Do you feel pain in your back or feet during class? Melissa will give you a massage at lunchtime. Did someone bother you? She will already be taking out her earrings to make that person cry;
- And that's how everyone finds out you're pregnant, you've just reached your second trimester and the baby has started to show, a visible lump that you hide with clothes. But Janine broke the air conditioner, again, and you had to take off the extra layer, which caught Ava's attention, the woman commented that you have put on weight and said she would send you a tik tok of a diet that is making success, Melissa doesn't lose your look of pain knowing how much you are struggling with the physical changes and self esteem. "She's not fat, she's carrying my baby, idiot!" your wife raises her voice and stands up, already taking off the earrings, ready to attack but you stop her;
- The team is simply delighted with the news, the next day they show up with gifts (among them an Eagles bodysuit and another written "Philly, No one like us. We don't care.”, brownies and Ava starts a bet about the baby's gender behind your back, Melissa secretly enters the bet, she is sure that the baby will be a boy. Earlier the redhead wanted to find out almost immediately, so you were weirded out when she suggested a cliché baby shower reveal and insisted it be at the school. Obviously Barbara was in responsible, the only one who wouldn't open her mouth to anyone and so it was, you found out only when the slice was removed from the cake, revealing a dark blue. She, Janine and Gregory won the bet;
- The Schemmenti's don't exactly know how to react or what to say with the news, the siblings and cousins soon show excitement, always waiting for the moment when Melissa would bring additions to the family and a cousin to their children. Her parents seem more skeptical, they have seen their daughter have her heart broken and everything seems so fast with you compared to her previous relationships, deep down they are just afraid that she will over indulge and get hurt again, but they quickly get excited about the arrival of the new grandchild, her mother shows you all the embarrassing photo albums, told you about how Melissa was as a kid and gave you tips, you come home with copies of photos of your wife as a child and a happy heart knowing how lucky your child is;
- She likes to call the baby "Tesoro (Treasure)" and "Amore mio (my love)", Melissa has the habit of talking to your belly, the boy is very agitated by the presence of the other mother, but is also easily calmed down by her voice and affectionate nicknames. If he won't let you sleep, your wife will read children's books. If he is agitated while you are teaching, she will lecture the little Schemmenti, which he seems to understand and won't kick your internal organs for the rest of the day. Before bed is her favorite time to talk to your son, Melissa likes to have deep conversations with the child while you fall asleep, admiring their interaction;
- Although it doesn't seem so, she is still scared to death to be a mother, but ready and willing to do her best for your son. Sometimes insecurities surface and Melissa soon goes looking for advice, usually from Barbara, the first grade teacher reassuring her about motherhood and always giving affirmations about how she will be a great mother, the kids love her and so does the bambino, and he hasn't even been born yet;
- When your waters break a month earlier than expected, the usually composed and rational Melissa gives way to a terrified and crazed mother, running around before putting you in the car and making at least three tickets on the way to the hospital. She doesn't leave your side at any time, except when you ask for something, and she holds your hand through the six hours of labor, not caring about the painful squeeze and the swear words directed at her, the redhead knows it's not easy and all worth in the end, when you hear that loud cry that sounds like music to your ears;
- Melissa is the first to hold him and suddenly she finds herself very vunerable, the teacher can't help but shed tears as she stares at your little angel curled up in her arms, fragile and lovely, so perfect as you once imagined, with coppery hair, olive eyes, chubby cheeks and a killer smile, moody like his mother, a perfect little Schemmenti.
I have material for a second part that maybe will post, I confess I got excited, but also need a name for the little Schemmenti. Help an undecided author, because I write for you, the readers, and nothing more fair than that you choose.
There is a link to a form where you can leave ideas of names, if some are repeated a lot they will be chosen or will be chosen by voting, democracy XD
Name Ideas Form
Name Voting
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hollowboobtheory · 7 months
what is the oral pregnancy risk radfem post
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like lets unpack this shall we
get this your girlfriend is an adult (i hope) who is capable of understanding the risk of pregnancy and consenting to sex even considering that risk. crazy i know. this is what we mean when we say that radfems infantilize women*.
ik this is crazy but an unwanted pregnancy wouldn't be so scary if your conservative buddies hadn't overturned roe v wade so thanks for that hshahahahahahahahshshahahbkzhadhag dkjhaha fuck you.
birth control is safe to take for most people. this kind of fearmongering only serves those who want to ban it and i hope i don't need to explain why that would be bad for women*.
i mean as an obvious antinatalist you should agree with birth control being good for women*, actually.
some antinatalists advocate for compulsory birth control so points for originality i guess
if you can't or don't want to take hormonal contraceptives for whatever reason you still have options. spermicide, condoms (or dental dams in this weird ass scenario you've invented for some reason), cervical caps, copper iuds, hysterectomy if you're serious about never getting pregnant ever. i.
some people want to get pregnant.
some people are aware that pregnancy carries risks and will permanently change their body and want it anyway. this is called informed consent and women*, being adults and all, with brains and stuff, having the capacity for wacky shit like critical thought and decision making, are capable of it actually.
this post smells like political lesbianism and i don't even feel like getting into that but just know that as a dyke i personally feel fetishized as fuck by it.
what do you want to do then, die? what's your solution here? where's the better world you're advocating for? (political lesbianism probably but yeah. whole fucking rabbit hole there)
*people who are able to get pregnant and/or subjugated under patriarchy but frankly if i'm dealing with someone this deep into the radfem koolaid that feels like a pointless distinction to make i'll just confuse them. my point here is that even if gender was an innate, fixed, and binary biological classification, they'd still be wrong.
anyway this post made me realize that radical feminism is a form of fatalism and possibly a death cult. idk still working on that particular hot take it's a work in progress so don't hold me to it
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carmendei-agere · 1 month
This part will go into all the nations and their stance on classifications, ect.
Mondstadt, the nation of Freedom.
Mondstadt has a good view on classification. If you want to have a job as a little, you must take at least one day off a week to regress. This is shared by the fact that every new regressor among the Knights will get a Caregiver/Babysitter assigned to them among joining (as long as they don't have one when signing up) who will act as someone to guide you through the ranks, make sure you're working good, help you regress, ect.
Regarding Venti in specific, Venti thought of himself as a neutral, but got classified as a little, and he didn't take it too well. He thought he could not regress, and it didn't really go well.
Liyue, the nation of Contracts
Liyue is sometimes a mixed bag. With classification being a new term, most of the older residents are rather...negative. The more older people tend to not regress anymore due the hormones in their brain telling them that they're too old, and they don't need to do it anymore. So, with the classification being new, and the older people not needing to/understanding it, they can be rather annoyed.
Regarding work, it's the same as Mondstadt. If one wishes to be among the Millelith, they must be accompanied by a babysitter/caregiver at all times, as well as the weekends off.
As for Zhongli? He's a flip. Sometimes he'll regress due to stress at the parlour/PTSD from the archon war, and sometimes he'll care for Xiao.
Inazuma, the nation of Eternity.
Classification is seen as something special in Inazuma. It's seen as being eternally youthful. Littles are often heavily loved in Inazuma, given gifts and such. If you want to become a member of the army, soldier, what have you- you must also be be accompanied by a caregiver/little. To prevent misclassification, you will be reclassified upon your first day. However, members of the personal Shogun's bodyguards must either be neutrals, or Caregivers.
[Because Ei is a regressor hehe...]
Sumeru, the Nation of Wisdom
No littles are allowed to be scribes/be in the Akademiya. Reclassification is done at least once a month, and anybody found to be a little will be kicked out, there and then. However, upon any public event for the Akademiya [trial days for the people who want to become students or teacher's interviews], you will be checked, and reclassified without question. No littles are even allowed on Akademiya grounds without this, and people use this as a way to get reclassified for free.
Nahida is a caregiver for Scaramouche. Despite scaramouche being unable to get tested, Nahida has made an alternative test, and so- he is a little.]
Fontaine, the nation of Justice.
If a little is found breaking a law, then a caregiver must be present during all of the court case. Aside from that, caregivers are mostly optional in Fontaine, and there is no real consequence for not having one.
[Furina is a regressor, Neuvillette is a flip, too. Wriothesley is a little.]
In the fortress of meropide, however...there is a small nursery on the bottom floor for regressors to relax in, and when regressing/"crashing", Wriothesley makes sure that all the littles and their cg's are given adequate time to regress before working- and they will be paid for how many hours they've missed.
The Fatui / House of the Hearth.
Littles are allowed in the House of the Hearth, and while Caregivers and Neutrals are permitted to take rather dangerous- and almost lethal missions, littles are not. if permitted to go on a mission, the only "mission" the littles have are intelligence gathering.
The fatui only have one little, Childe. He was adamant that he was a caregiver, but due to his trauma from the abyss/recent fontaine archon quest, the trauma made him re-classify once he returned back from fontaine. He's constantly taking suppressants in order to not regress and "prove his worth", but Dottore, Pantalone, Columbina, Arlecchino and Sandrone are all very well-trained caregivers. Although they don't particularly agree with the lifestyle Childe has, they make him take breaks, and even send him on less-dangerous missions.
The Tsaritsa is a Caregiver.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Texas - where a woman with a life threatening pregnancy has to go before the state Supreme Court for a life saving abortion but this freak gets transferred because to a women's prison
By Anna Slatz December 12, 2023
A trans-identified male convicted of rape and child sexual abuse has been transferred to a women’s federal prison after launching a lawsuit against the Bureau of Prisons claiming “discrimination.” July Justine Shelby, born William McClain, was convicted on multiple counts of child pornography trafficking after being caught distributing photos of infants being sexually abused.
Shelby was initially arrested in November of 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana, after being linked to a cellphone found to contain graphic images of child rape. Shelby had been sending the images to another man later identified as a romantic interest of Shelby’s named Beau Thornburgh.
Shelby had met Thornburgh while in prison, and the two had developed a relationship over the course of their 12 years incarcerated together.
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When arrested, Shelby was on parole for rape and child molestation, and was not permitted to own a device which had access to the internet.
He was also subjected to GPS monitoring, which was quickly analyzed and used as additional evidence to connect him to Thornburgh, with Shelby appearing to regularly visit the other man’s residence. Thornburgh was also a registered sex offender at the time.
Shelby, who already identified as transgender at the time, was sentenced to 180 months in federal prison on charges of child pornography distribution and sent to Otisville FCI — a medium security institution for male offenders in New York.
He quickly began to present obstacles to his sentence, almost immediately filing a petition to have his conviction vacated after alleging his counsel had been “ineffective.” The court dismissed his motion, noting that he failed to demonstrate any evidence of the claim.
In 2020, Shelby filed a handwritten emergency writ of habeas corpus, claiming that his life was at risk in a men’s institution.
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In the document, Shelby claimed multiple constitutional grievances, including that his First, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights were being violated on the basis of his gender identity.
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Despite having been moved to a women’s prison, Shelby has continued to pursue legal action and demand various remedies. Among his new complaints are that he has been housed with the “worst of the worst” female offenders, and that his risk classification has been set too high.
In an April 2023 complaint, Shelby stated that the females on his unit have “made it clear” that he was not welcome at the facility, and that he lived in “fear” of being attacked by the “violent females” he was being housed with.
Shelby’s transfer appears to be the result of the Biden administration’s attempt to restore Obama-era guidelines surrounding the housing and treatment of transgender offenders in the federal system.
In January of 2022, the Bureau of Prisons re-issued its Transgender Offender Manual, which included guidelines previously scrubbed by the Trump administration with respect to gender self-identification for federal inmates. Under Trump, housing was based on biological sex alone, but the Biden policies re-invoked Obama-era guidelines which make a transgender inmate’s “personal safety” a priority.
The guidelines also stated that ‘misgendering’ is expressly forbidden, and that taxpayers must subsidize cosmetic surgeries, sex hormones, and brassieres for men who claim to identify as transgender.
According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, there are approximately 1,980 transgender offenders in the federal system, of which 1,295 are trans-identified males. Of them, almost 50% are in custody for sex offenses. This is compared to just 12% of the general federal inmate population, meaning that trans-identified males are incarcerated for sex offenses at a rate of almost four times that of non-transgender inmates.
Between 2022 and 2023, there was an almost 23% increase of federal inmates who identified as transgender.
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beyblaiddyd · 2 months
People on naruto forums will be like
Name: Kyōsei josei-ka no Jutsu [Forced-Feminization Technique]
Rank: B
Chakra Usage: High
Classification: Taijutsu
Requirements: Byakugan KKG
Description: A martial arts technique where the user strike a nerve cluster that causes their opponent's body to instantly undergo the changes of roughly four years of feminizing hormone therapy
And then get mad when you tell them you're not approving that and you have to deal with 30 of these people a week
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