#hopefully get through this coming week without anyone else getting sick day 10 will be thursday
whatimdoing-here · 2 years
successfully got dressed and took the kids to the park and got great looks from other parents about my mask i'm JUST TRYING TO KEEP YOU SAFE
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Surprise! - Dad!Owen x Pregnant!Female Reader
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Request: NONE
Word Count: 2133 words
Summary: Part 2 of the Dad!Owen series, you reveal to your friends and family that you’re having a baby
Warnings: swearing
A/N: okay here we go, telling your friends and family that you’re pregnant!  as i said in a post the other day, i didnt realise that on survey monkey you could only see 40 results for free so the baby name survey had to end, but if you didnt get a chance to vote and would like to please let me know and i can set up an alternate way to vote :) without further ado, i hope you enjoy! 
The first person who ended up finding out about your pregnancy was Charlie. You had meant to tell your families first, before anyone else, but things didn’t work out as planned.
It was three days after you had found out, and you and Owen were still buzzing. Charlie had been eyeing the two of you suspiciously the last few days, but didn’t call you out on your oddly happy behaviour until that night.
The boys had come home from set, only filming for a couple of hours to re-shoot a scene that needed changing slightly, and you decided to surprise them with pizza from all three of your favourite pizza place. Owen always texted you when they left set, so you knew exactly when to order the pizza to have it arrive just as the boys did.
And your timing was perfect, the pizza arriving almost in unison with your boyfriend and his best friend.
“Y/N, we’re home! You ordered pizza?” Owen called, and you left your bedroom to head to the kitchen, smiling at the boys.
“Figured you could use a treat after filming. Plus I didn’t feel like cooking, so...” You grinned, wrapping your arms around Owen, who lent down to kiss you gently, his hand resting on your stomach for a brief moment before he pulled away, not wanting Charlie to get any more suspicious.
You and Owen headed over to the table where Charlie had placed the pizza and sat down, waiting for Charlie, who had gone to grab drinks.
“Do you want your wine Y/N?” Charlie questioned, placing a beer on the table for himself and one for Owen. You shook your head.
“No thanks, I’m good.” You replied.
“But you love wine with your pizza.” Charlie frowned.
“Not tonight, thanks.” You said, hoping that he would give up.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked. You nodded.
“Yeah I am.” You told him, picking up a slice of pizza and exchanging a look with Owen, silently begging him to step in.
“She’s got this... thing.” Owen chimed in lamely. Charlie frowned again, before a realisation hit him.
“Holy fuck, you’re pregnant.” He exclaimed. Your eyes widened. Owen choked on his beer.
“What? Why would you think that?” Your voice was slightly shaky.
“You always have wine with pizza, no matter what. And that would explain why you two have been so nauseatingly happy the last couple of days.” Charlie reasoned. You glanced at Owen.
“You can’t tell anyone.” You said after a moment. Charlie’s smile widened.
“So you are pregnant?” He asked, and you nodded. He cheered.
“I’m gonna be an uncle!” You giggled at his excited reaction, watching as he hugged Owen happily, and then rushed around the table to throw his arms around you.
He pulled away, placing a hand on your stomach hesitantly. You gave him a reassuring smile.
“I can’t believe there’s a baby in there.” He said softly, kneeling down next to your chair. Owen copied, kneeling down on the other side.
“Right?” Owen’s voice was just as quiet. “My little girl.”
“We don’t know if it’s a girl Owen.” You reminded him. He shook his head.
“I just know it. There’s no way she’s not a girl.” He replied, and you rolled your eyes slightly.
“Can we go back to eating the pizza now?” You said, and the boys agreed, standing up and sitting back in their chairs.
And with that, the first person knew.
The second person to find out was Savannah. You had been pretty sick, dealing with morning sickness, so Savannah decided what you needed was a little bit of retail therapy. 
Which is how you found yourself trailing behind your best friend as she dragged you from store to store. And everything had been going perfectly fine, until you passed a smoked meat store, and the smell set off your nausea. 
“Sav, I think I’m gonna be sick.” You warned, and she reacted quickly, rushing you into the nearby bathrooms and holding your hair back as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet. 
Once you were done you leant back against the wall of the stall, not even caring that you were sat on the floor of a public toilet. Savannah offered you her water bottle and you took it gratefully, swishing the water around your mouth before spitting it into the bowl and flushing the toilet. 
“Are you okay? You’ve been pretty sick and I’m kinda getting worried about you.” Savannah questioned. You paused for a moment, before deciding how to respond. Hopefully Owen wouldn’t mind another person knowing your secret. 
“I’m pregnant.” You admitted quietly, not wanting anyone in another stall to overhear. Savannah gasped, throwing her arms around your neck. You hugged her back gently. 
“This is amazing Y/N.” She exclaimed. “I can’t believe I’m gonna be an aunty!” 
“You can’t tell anyone yet, other than Owen only Charlie knows.” You told her as she let you go. She nodded quickly. 
“Your secret’s safe with me.” She promised. You grinned, letting her pull you off the floor. 
“Now, can we go look at baby clothes?” Savannah questioned once you were both on your feet. You smiled happily. 
“Of course we can.” You agreed, linking your arm through hers as you headed out of the toilets, so excited that you had another person who you could talk about baby things with. 
Owen’s Mum/Family:
Next was Owen’s mum, who had come to visit for a few days. You had thought of a brilliant way to tell her, after hearing how much she enjoyed building with nano blocks. 
You had gone out before Owen had arrived home from the airport with his mum, and you had picked out the perfect present, wrapping it nicely. 
Finally the time came to give her the parcel, as she sat across from you and Owen in the living room later that night. 
Owen handed her the box, the card you had written on to clarify the situation grasped firmly in his hand as he waited anxiously, his foot tapping.
His mother ripped off the wrapping paper, finding a box of large lego blocks, the kind designed for babies and small children. She looked up, confused, and Owen held out the card.
“Read it out loud.” You prompted.
She took the card, opening the envelope and pulling it out, before opening it up.
“I can’t wait to build with you. Lots of love, your future granddaughter or grandson.” She read out. She gasped, looking between the two of you.
“Are you having a baby?” She questioned. You and Owen nodded. Her hand covered her mouth as she began to cry.
“I'm gonna be an Oma?” She asked, as Owen got up from his spot next to you to go hug his mother.
“You can be whatever you want to be called.” He replied. His mother smiled tearily, holding an arm out for you to join the hug. You grinned, sitting down on her other side and letting her pull you into the hug.
“Can I tell the rest of the family?” She asked, still in the hug.
“Maybe don’t tell everyone yet, cause we’re only 10 weeks, but you can tell Dad and Luka, and everyone else I guess. Just no extended family.” Owen replied.
“Okay I can do that. Congratulations, both of you.” She said, and you both thanked her in quiet voices. 
She stood up, grabbing the box of lego and the card. 
“I’m off to bed if I can manage to sleep. Tomorrow we’re going nursery furniture shopping.” She told you, and before either of you could protest she was gone. 
“Well that went well.” You giggled and Owen nodded in agreement. 
“Three down, only a few more to go.” He said. You made a noise in agreement, snuggling into his side to watch a movie, and you fell asleep with his hands resting gently on your stomach.
Your Family:
Next to learn about the baby was your family. To tell them you had sent them a parcel, with the instructions to call you on facetime before opening it.
You, Owen and Charlie were curled up on the couch, Owen’s head resting just below your stomach and Charlie’s head in your lap, when your phone rang, signifying you had an incoming facetime.
Owen sat up and picked up your phone, handing it to you before curling into your side, and you smiled when you saw it was your mum calling.
“I assume they got the box then.” You spoke before answering, your mum, dad and big brother appearing on the screen.
“Hi guys!” You greeted. “Got the parcel?”
“We did, can we open it now?” Your mum questioned. Charlie glanced at you.
“Want me to leave?” He asked quietly, and both you and Owen shook your heads.
“You can stay.” Owen said softly. You turned your attention back to your family.
“Okay, open it.” You instructed, and your dad ripped the box open, pulling out four smaller boxes, one for each of them and a fourth, which was one of the positive pregnancy tests.
“One at a time?” Your mum suggested and you shook your head.
“Same time, or it will ruin the surprise.”
You watched as they ripped into the boxes, each pulling out a t-shirt.
“Promoted to Nanna?” Your mum read out, a confused look on her face.
“Mine says promoted to Poppy.” Your dad said. You grinned, waiting for the penny to drop.
“Oh shit, you’re not.” Your brother realised, and you laughed.
“Open the last box.”
“How have they not gotten it?” Charlie questioned under his breath, and Owen giggled at the comment.
Your mum pulled the pregnancy test out and gasped, finally realising.
“You’re having a baby!” She exclaimed.
“Surprise!” You laughed.
“When?” Your dad asked.
“Not for a while now, I’m only 11 weeks.”
“Congratulations!” Your mum smiled happily. 
You returned her smile and after a few more minutes explaining, you said your goodbyes and hung up. 
“Now it’s only the cast.” You said, and Owen nodded, repositioning himself so that his head rested next to Charlie’s in your lap. Charlie unpaused the movie you had been watching and you rested your head on the couch. 
This whole thing was getting very real. 
The Cast - Jeremy, Madi, Carolynn, Jadah and Kenny
Finally the time came to tell the cast.
“So, what do you guys think about having a baby around on set?” You questioned casually. Carolynn gasped and Jeremy shot her a concerned look.
“Babies are pretty loud.” Madi replied.
“Yeah, they probably wouldn’t be good to have when you have to be quiet on set.” Jadah agreed. You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing. You met Carolynn’s eyes and she gave you an excited look. You nodded slightly and she squealed, ignoring the weird looks she was getting from Jeremy.
“Why are we talking about babies?” Kenny questioned, sitting back down.
“Y/N asked about babies being on set.” Jadah told him.
“As in working babies or?” Kenny asked and you shook your head.
“Just babies in general.” Owen chimed in.
“Wait...” Madi spoke up, realisation slowly appearing on her face. “Are you pregnant?”
You grinned sheepishly, taking a sip of your drink. The table erupted in noise, everyone excitedly talking over each other, asking all sorts of questions.
“Oh my god shut up.” Charlie yelled over the noise, and the table went quiet. “One at a time.”
“How far along are you?” Carolynn asked.
“12 weeks yesterday.” You replied.
“How long have you known?” Jadah was next to ask her question.
“About 6 weeks.” Owen answered for you. “We wanted to wait a bit.”
“I knew the whole time.” Charlie boasted.
“Only because you live with us and there’s no way we would have been able to hide it from you.” You told him.
“When do you find out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Madi asked.
“She’s a girl.” Owen said. You groaned.
“Stop saying that. We don’t know yet and we won’t know for a little while, but Mr Psychic here seems to be convinced that it’s a girl.” You sighed slightly. 
“I just know it.” Owen said with a huff. 
“Any more questions?” You asked quickly, before he could get sulky. 
“I have one, do you know what a condom is?” Jeremy joked. Madi and Jadah gasped, both hitting his arm.
“We are children.” Jadah reminded him. You laughed.
“Yes.” You answered simply. Jeremy laughed. 
“Fair enough then.” 
You sat back and listened as the conversation moved into baby names, with everyone throwing out suggestions. 
You smiled softly, placing a hand on your stomach. Somehow this had become your life, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi hannah! i may have a request 🥺 i've been watching too much tiktok and this two made me want some jungkook skater au 😳 like the reader saw him and went like love at first sight so she purposely buys a skate and goes everyday to the skatepark and start learning just to impress that hot tattooed skater that kinda looks like a bad boy but he's actually a softie. ♡
late skate
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 7k
glimpse: jungkook would rather wash down his grip tape than spend another hour seeing you land on yOUR ass, a smitten y/n and love at first sight, and tae almost losing his bearings (in all aspects) <3 // gif is from pinterest :D
note: thank you so much for the request babie!!! also i’m sorry since i’ve done this a month late hee-hee bUT but it’s here now!!! fun fact: i used to skate but one time i fell on my ass so hard doing an ollie that i quit ( ˙-˙ )
there is nothing
there is absolutely nothing you hate more than walking home alone and at-
wait u need to shudder
times like these make you both angry and scared because fIRST of all
you’re angry because if oNLY (you’re still hoping that u win the lottery soon) you were born to wealth and ease (if you see park jimin one more time in a billboard you’re about to lose it), you wouldn’t have to worry!! or even work for that matter!!!!
you could have a car by now!!!
but you don’t have a car and you’re still saving up for that because you have to keep up with your bills and this nice and decent apartment that you’re living in right now
well if you’re being honest, you are splitting it with yoongi and that cuts back your expenses significantly but that’s besides the point
which is why you’re being extra thrifty!! save up all the money that you could so you could by yourself a car amongst other financial decisions and nOT be scared shitless when walking home
you’re working at the animal shelter most of the time and it’s very fulfilling because of cOURSE!! your job is to care for animals and give them a better chance at everything :D
the pay is more than decent but it’s not the highest sO what you do on your spare time is pick up any job you could!!
and the income that you need is more and more than decent because taking care of chimmy is not an easy feat
chimmy, your alaskan malamute!!! he’s the first puppy you’ve properly taken care of in the shelter and you’ve fallen head over heels for him
he kept bumping into the wall when he scrambles after you call for him but eH you love the clumsy giant still!!
so much so that you file your adoption form for him and run over to mr. kim’s office hurriedly :D
your boss seokjin’s pretty sweet after all but at the same time he’s intimidating!! too sweet and intimidating at the same time that when he approves your form without much question, you almost kiss his cheek
.... hehe
jin beat you to it and instead he gave you a side-hug with a very strict warning to take care of chimmy and provide everything that he needs
he eats 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 dog food and you could only assume the amount that he needs because of how he towers
the treats?? one time yoongi got overly-excited to take a picture of him and accidentally left the bag on the ground, and when he came back?? chimmy’s managed to inhale all of them
thankfully he’s only loyal to one (1) toy and it’s to this brown angry... entity..? with one tooth that yoongi’s made by himself
but he constantly has to replace the stuffing because chimmy nOTICES when it’s flat and unstuffed from his own doings
hehehe the grooming.....
you thank your lucky stars that jin gives you a discount to have chimmy groomed!! 
one time you were about to have a breakdown because a $100 grooming session simply didn’t click well with your ongoing budget and you decided to do it yourself :D
spoiler alert: chimmy kept barking at you when you held up the mirror to his face because wOOF did you just... d-did you give him bangs.... how was that possible....
and then sECOND of all is that well.,.,.,
you’re scared and that’s it
there is every possible reason for you to be scared :D
you get off from work at 5!! but now it’s quarter to 8 and you totally should’ve booked an uber but it completely slipped your mind
normally, you wouldn’t walk home alone though because chimmy comes with you to the shelter, and then he serves as a therapy dog of sorts to help ease and calm down the new rescues!!
he even has his own little ID oh my god :’)
but he doesn’t come in everyday and well you remember,.,.
no actually, yoongi REMINDS you that today is his day-off at work and explictly implied that he’d very much love to cuddle with a giant alaskan malamute as he gets his well-deserved rest
and yoongs has been the reason to why you don’t unravel every single day and you owe him for your life so yea okay you can have chimmy whenever you need this giant pillow of support <3
but no
you don’t have chimmy with you and you don’t have anyone to bark and be willing to growl n intimidate any creepy dudes you could possibly encounter on this twenty-minute walk home
the extra coffee you’ve drank at 6 in lieu of dinner does not help at ALL
what if you just... run
that way you get home faster and you won’t have to be that antsy!!!
ok maybe just a light jog would do
you wanna go home so badly and take a shower and be sandwiched between your warm sheets and sleep all the way
you miss chimmy and yoongi and you just hOPE that he’d already cooked dinner and you won’t have processed food again for the third time in a week
and after dinner maybE you could treat yourself to online shopping because yoongs has also been pestering you to let yourself indulge once in a while
your thoughts are jumbled once panicked and it reminds you that yes you should definitely get a car and you know what??? you probably should-
wait fUCK
hold on a second
did you just manage to narrowly dodge what seems to be a skateboard in mid-air??????
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
said taehyung is jumping down and crouching to pick up the deck at your feet and squeaks an “oop sorry ‘bout that!!” before going back and
mr. “taehyung, you dumbass!!” is who you presume to be the speaker,, because well no one eLSE is in this skatepark at 9 in the evening,,,, is standing RIGHT underneath the light and is right at your line of sight
it’s as if the clouds are opening up and chimmy’s barking could be heard and everything you deem perfect is ringing right in your ears because god.... holy shit.....
he looks and probably feels like a warm-sized bed that smells of baby powder and fresh linen
he has a hoodie on with the sleeves scrunched up and you tHANK yourself that you’ve saved up enough to get lasik eye surgery because those tattoos...,.,. you r positive that they would be your demise
mr. TYD has a loose bucket hat on yet you could still see his features clearly and you aren’t lying when you say he is perhaps the most breathtaking thing you’d ever seen
even more breathtaking than seeing chimmy in the laundry room and having fished for your one good perfect bra in his mouth
you’re pretty sure this is what love at first sight must feel like
suddenly, you aren’t anxious at all and you’re instantly gravitating towards the ramp without much complaint
there’s a bench conveniently placed in which you could see him but he won’t see you
you find yourself sticking around and smiling when you see him goofing around in all good fun
hopefully you don’t look like a cREEP because you swear you aren’t!!!! and hopefully they don’t notice you either and find out then and there that you’re here in a skatepark withOut a skateboard,,, just sitting,,, to see him
this may not be your best idea yet lmao yes you’re gonna admit that
but it’s probably the first and last time that you’re ever gonna see him so might as well watch him for awhile!! that’s all!!!!
ok wait
this is definitely a bad idea because yoongi calls you and you forgOt to put it on silent and it’s his voice that greets you very rudely as soon as you pick up
“y/n where the FUCK are you???”
oh lmao it’s quarter to 10 already
“jeez, i’m coming home!! calm down!!”
“yeah tell that to chimmy who’s been worried sick with me and won’t stop hOWLING!!!”
you’re scrambling to gather your duffel and sneak oNE last look at him and ur practically pouting as you say goodbye to him under your breath 
“... aw, you worry about me?”
you resume back to jogging on your way home and this time for rEAL
you’re gonna miss him
he’s like one of the random dudes you see in the mall that are sO breathtaking and you know you’re never gonna see them again
you didn’t even manage to catch his name :((
but whoever he is, he feels a little more different than a dude in a mall because this time, you feel like you’re gonna cRY at the thought of it
little did you know that jungkook could see you all this time and he’s sad to see you go 
chimmy is the first to leap at you as soon as you come through the door
and if you didn’t anticipate the giant, then you’d probably be toppled over by now
yoongi finds it weird that there’s this lingering gentle smile on your face
well he shouldn’t be so shOcked because he sees you talking to yourself when you’re watching documentaries and cooking
(( he always checks if there’s a camera hidden somewhere in the kitchen and you were vlogging or something but nO!!! ))
it’s like you’re a third-grader again that goes fERAL at just the thought of their crush
you hope mr. tyd has already eaten breakfast and hasn’t had any injuries with his skateboarding
you’re trying to rationalize with yourself that it’s just a stOOpid and pathetic crush to harbor in less than a day and stop thinking about him
the universe must seem to hate aND love you at the same time because well would you look at tHAT
it’s 5 in the afternoon and you have chimmy beside you and you’re walking home
and that’s practically your routine ever since you’ve gotten this job
it would only differ if a situation like last night happens or when you’re too tired to walk home oR when it’s raining
but right now it’s your normal workday, and you’re walking home, and it’s sunny, aND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU’VE SEEN HIM
this is also the first time that you’ve seen him in such a situation that you didn’t expect :O
the fact that you’ve mayhaps watched kimi no nawa last night with yoongi and perhaps 98 times before that, does not help at all
“you uh, y-you wanna go for a run on the grass, chim??”
there’s this mini field besides the skatepark and chimmy happily jUMPS at the mention of grass :D
aha oh well :D would you look at that :D your dog wants to go run on the grass that’s a couple feet away from the skatepark :D who are you to stop him anyways?? :D
chimmy’s more than happy to comply with your wish and vice versa because he’s having the time of his life clearly
he’s your pawman and the perfect variable so you wouldn’t seem like a third-grader with a helpless crush on anOther third-grader
it seems that hE’S more excited than you though because chimmy runs to the ramp instead of the grass!!!
and in the process he goes UP to greet a guy like he does with you whenever you come home!!! it’s harmless pouncing per se
but it’s not entirely harmless because it feels like chimmy knows EXACTLY what’s in your mind and what he’s doing
...... of course
chimmy has to of cOurse pounce on him
jungkook wasn’t surely expecting a giant and overly-friendly alaskan malamute to pounce on him right when he was about to drop-in
it’s a pleasant surprise either because it’s-
oh my god
is this yOU?????
jungkook was in the skatepark last night with taehyung and they took advantage of it because they were the only ones there!!
tae surely wasn’t kidding when he said that he was a novice because holy sHIT how was it possible that he sent a skateboard flying mid-air after a failed trick??
kook flinches when he follows it in his line of sight and notices that there’s someone down there who might be literally dECKED out of tae’s stupidity
he’s about to yell for this passer-by to dodge and-
time seems to move quicker because you’re already stopping yourself and flinching in place and then looking up
you’re rIGHT underneath this street lamp and jungkook sighs a breath of relief when he realized that you weren’t hit
but at the same time he’s gasping again because wow
t-that’s uhm-
wHEW he has never felt this pressure in his chest ever since he joined a quizbee in 8th grade
would it be-
ok nevermind
you’re really beautiful??? and frankly he has to look away for a second because you’re tOO beautiful that he doesn’t know what to do with himself
that’s it u are under arrest for being too pretty >:(
jungkook’s flustered because there’s just these types of people that put a knot on his chest unknowingly and he doesn’t know how to act normally
you are the equivalent of him not being able to look at the screen because the kdrama was that good and he feels unworthy to even watch it
it’s goosebumps all over his skin and he’d be lying when he says his cheeks are not heating up at aLL
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
his first instinct is to scold taehyung because what iF he ended up hurting you with his skateboard, hmm?? and tHEN what
he expected you to leave after that close-call and if everyone must know, jungkook has an incredible talent at being able to scope out things in his peripheral vision
he could look straight ahead and be able to see what you were also doing at the side
he doesn’t know if that’s a talent or uH everyone has it but whatever he can do that!!!
and you were clearly still there and in fact, even sIT down on the bench
he could see you smiling and giggling and a ginormous part of him assumes that it’s because of him
he prays to god that it’s NOT the guy who almost decked you with a skateboard ://
jungkook was acting weird and he kept smiling and laughing mORE than necessary and taehyung can see right through him
“bro all i did was walk towards you wtf are you laughing,,.,”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHA tae you’re so silly XD”
alrighty then,, maybe jungkook just binge-ate his vitamin gummies which is why he keeps beaming for an unknown reason
koo was so grumpy literally just before he had his skateboard flying and now he’s ???? weird
jungkook was ultimately sad to see you get up and he knows he’s probably never gonna see you again ok alright time to mope
but this
he’s beyond surprised to see that said owner of giant dog happens to be yOU!! of all the people!!!!
it’s you!
“i’m so so sorry about him!! he’s just excited to make friends with everyone and i don’t have the sLIGHTEST clue why he came to you!!”
you pointedly look at chimmy and he has the audacity to howl before looking away
it hasn’t dawned on you that you’re talking and apologizing to him but it certainly did on jungkook which is why he’s charmingly laughing already
“no, no. it’s okay, i don’t mind!! his name’s chimmy, then?”
you’re blinking profusely because yes.. right.. HE is talking to you
“yeah, uh, correct!! his name’s chimmy :)”
“that’s cute. anyways, i’m jungkook :)”
aha :D
koo would like to think that he is smooth
and yes you agree
you immediately shake his hand tOO eagerly with a smile on your face as you’re trying to take this all in
“i’m y/n :)”
jungkook’s hand is bigger than yours and your hand fits sNUGLY right into his hold
he has some tattoos on his hands and there’s some peaking from underneath his hoodie
but even with ur lasik vision you cAN’T focus because omg are you seriously holding jungkook’s hand.,.,
jungkook as in THEE jungkook that you’ve immediately clocked and crushed on last night in an instant
your lil moment of just holding each other’s hands is interrupted when taehyung pops out of nOwhere
(( actually he’s been there for the past two minutes and he kept switching between cooing and laughing ))
“yO i’m taehyung!!! you must be y/n, i didn’t nick you last night, did i?”
he takes it upon himself to hug you right then and there
well he’s warm and he passes the internal vibe check yoongi’s hotwired into your brain so you reciprocate!! you like hugs anyway and taehyung’s just like chimmy but in human form
jungkook practically squawks and stammers in his place because w-why.. w-what...... no
chimmy bARKS at taehyung and koo is tempted to do the same too because no man you simply do nOt hug my crush that you know absolutely nothing about
“he’s asking for you.”
kook points to chimmy who’s obviously pouncing on you to come run with him
you excuse yourself so you could go satisfy the giant and jungkook felt like his heart was gonna fall out of his aSS
tae wiggles his eyebrows and has his lips pursed and it’s the shit-eating grin that he immediately flips off as soon as he sees it
“what was that all about?”
you are convinced
you are 100% convinced
your head is fully-set into the game and in no way are you gonna back out
“min yoongi!!”
ah there it is
yoongi’s having the time of his life playing fetch with chimmy! what could possibly be any more important in this world than that
“what did i do now?”
you only call out his full name when a) you’re agitated and when b) he’s ignoring you and you’ve had enough of it
he really doesn’t recall giving you the cold shoulder recently
and he certainly didn’t agitated you when all he’s done is play with chimmy and sleep!!!
“please click this for me pls. click. please. pls click.”
aH yoongi should’ve brought his glasses instead of leaving them on the couch
you’re holding out your laptop to him with your arms outstretched and he has to come really close to decipher and-
... huh
“a skateboard?”
pardon him but he’s really lost on this one ok
he is as lost as he was when walmart decided to completely rearrange the whole store
“... and what do you need a skateboard for? y/n when i said that you should get yourself a four-wheeler, i didn’t mean a skateboard-”
in what part does a skateboard look like an SUV
whY are you like this
“it’s for uh... it’s for fun purposes!!”
you’re trying not to raise any more questions in yoongi’s mind but his head is miles miles away now lol
???? you hate trying new things though ???
one time you traded in your beef ramen for pork ramen because the first one was out of stock and throughout the whole meal you kept thinking how much you regretted it
and besides, skateboarding would be the last thing you’d get into!!!
yoongi distinctly remembers that you’d rather choke on chewing gum rather than get your knees scraped
why was that?? because when your knees get scraped, walking and doing everything else?? impossible 
nice try sherlock but the moment you do so much as to not stand up straight?? sIT down?? yeah your knees would give out 
what has got to be something so special that you’d wanna get into skateboarding and risk yourself into getting your knees scraped??
omg is that what he thinks it is
“... it’s a crush, isn’t it?”
the way you instantly shut him down and practically have to beg him just to press the check out button.,..
yeah yoongi’s gotten his answer alright :D
whatever this is
or whatever that’s going on
you’re sure that you’ve never felt this content for a long time
you now bring a change of clothes so you wouldn’t go skating in your uniform because that just honestly sucks
you may be too tired to walk to the skatepark which is why sometimes you’d book a ride, but no you’re never tOO tired to skate and see jungkook :D
it’s frustrating enough as it is
yoongi used to skate and that’s the reason why you’ve found this shortcut in the first place because this was where the park was!! you’d always think at the back of your head on wHY was yoongi struggling!!!
smh that’s so easy yoongs </3
joke’s on you now though because trying to balance on the board in the first place scared you shitless because hOW were you supposed to do this??
you can ride a bike and that has tWO wheels and this has fOUR bearings!!! how come you can’t balance yourself??
even managing to stand up on the board without panicking for more than ten seconds AND managing to shift from left to right even if it’s albeit shaky at first, took you a wHOLE evening
but you’re so proud of yourself and so is jungkook :D
jungkook finds it the highlight of his night when you’d hold onto him
yes he knOws you have it under control now and you barely hold onto him for support
“just so you won’t fall, that’s all.”
he always evades your eyes when you go look up at him dreamily like that because how could he not???
you’ve covered the basics of pushing yourself then simultaneously riding the skateboard!!
you do that for one WHOLE week and both jungkook and tae (and yoongi) think it’s time that you do something else besides skate in one straight line and occasionally to a left and a right
ok you’re kind of scared shitless because you already fell a couple of times but y’know what?? it’s time!!
society has progressed past the need of you skating in a straight path
the society NEEDS you to do tricks now
confession time:
dear diary the kickflip is simply not kicking the board in an attempt to flip it by itself. it is not. it is not as easy as it sounds. it is the bane of my existence
it’s evident that you’re stalling out of your way with this one but you just need oNE success and that’s it!!! one win to woo jungkook from his feet and then you’d stop
tae has already shut you up too because you keep talking about how your day went when you already is set four times before that
and it must’ve been a lucky first time because you absolutely nAIL it on the first try!!!
you honestly thought you’d land square on your ass and see bruises on it later in the shower but N-O!! you’ve done it perfectly and-
jungkook’s not looking
he didn’t see your feat!!
or maybe he didn’t see it because he chosE not to!!!
maybe doing a kickflip is nothing impressive and it’s obvious that he’s a pro at this compared to you who’s even more of a novice that makes taehyung look like a god
you can’t have that :((
ok ok hOW can you impress jungkook
there must be something you could do to impress him!!
that’s it
this is practically perfect!!
you’re gonna do your first drop-in at a pipe that is nowhere gOOD for a beginner like you :D
one, two, th-
“easy, doll.”
jungkook materializes out of nowhere and you expected him to be skating at the far end!! not mere inches away from your face holding your hANDS
this is the first time you’ve seen jungkook actually this close and you just have this urge to kiss his cheek
he has you whipped for him and he hasn’t even done anything to you!!!
“not the best idea to go down an eight-foot tall half-pipe for your first time, hm?”
he scrunches his nose at your absurd thoughts because absolutely wHY would you do that??
how could you fall in love with him even mORE
“do the two-feet tall one first. go have taehyung teach you.”
the grin in your face goes as fast as it came
no offense to taehyung but he’s not the one your head-over-heels for :((
practically everyone knows about your crush on jungkook BESIDES jungkook himself
you’re tapping tae on the shoulder to come and teach you while you just watch kook shred it at the other side of the park by himself
it’s okay!! progress is progress and you’re gonna get far with jungkook!!
going to the skatepark right after work is now your new routine
sometimes you even come with yoongi when he’s free and he takes all his time to gloat on how you used to make fun of him when he was skating avidly back then
that gives you a grand total of three (3) people teaching you how to skate and giving you pointers
jungkook also now holds conversation from time to time :D
he’d ask you how your day went and you’d have to pretend that you didn’t wait for him to ask so you’re not spilling detail after detail
he now does this thing of pinching your cHEEK when you get something right 
your heart after doing an ollie goes bEEP when he pinches your cheek and tells you eagerly that you did such a good job
yoongi’s laid off his teasing for you and jungkook but god he can’t deny that he gets these weird vibes from him
eh it’s probably nothing
today you’re especially excited because it was an outfit that you just bought and you feel gREAT in it!!!
tbh your day was the absolute worst but jungkook is always a great pick-me-up to whatever day you could have :)
a tennis skirt with shorts already built underneath is the greatest save of ur life
it’s a little on the more expensive side because it IS a name-brand and those don’t come cheap but it’s ok :D it’s gonna be worth it :D it better be :D
oh uhm
jungkook seems different today.... ?
you were used to him looking intimidating and mad even if he wasn’t, but this time it just felt emphasized even more
taehyung’s here but he’s not the only one!!! there’s two guys with jungkook on the other side of the ramp
“those are his friends, i guess?? i don’t know, he hasn’t introduced them to me.”
so you’re nOT the only one who’s lost
jungkook will probably come around later and you could all hang out again :))
chimmy happily chuffs at your side and that just gives taehyung the most wonderful idea he’s ever had this day
“hEY which one of us do you think could out-skate chimmy???”
jungkook is utterly and without a doubt stressed 
he knew that hoseok and namjoon would come over, but he didn’t expect that they’d visit him while he was in the park!!!!
and he already knows what they’re here for and that just makes him grimace :((
“why don’t you want to go pro?”
koo’s ears feel like bleeding when hobi asks him that for the nth time
god it’s always just the sAME question!! he could practically sniff the air on what they’re gonna say next
“jungkook, i think we all know that you’re more than qualified to be a pro!! look at you!!”
it’s the same conversation over and over again
the next things they’d say are that he’s a natural and he’s wasting all his talent doing this thing cASUALLY
he’s not the next tony hawk or anything like that!!! he’s not gonna book a sponsorship and a collaboration with vans!!! but hobi and joon kEEP insisting that he’s that good
“hyung, i think we’ve already talked about this-...”
“yes and you refusE to listen!! why can’t you just accept the fact that you have a much better future in this??”
jungkook’s currently a freelance graphic designer which means he works from home and he’s in charge of his oWN schedule
but it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single day he gets a new commission or anything grand like that
he’s gonna be honest and say that yES he has thought of being a pro skater!! but he’s trying to be as rational as possible about it
because not every competition would be a win and not competitions don’t happen as frequent as a typical job is!!
and what iF jungkook gets injured?? something of an injury that would lay him off from skating 
and being unable to skate??? = he basically gets nOTHING
he feels pressures because hobi and joon are pro skaters already!! and that gives them all the more reason to make jungkook into one
not to flex but uh they’re both quite already kNOWN
and jungkook hasn’t even started his pro career but he’s already known!!! both by his skills and the fact that he’s friends with these two champions
“i literally do not care if you beat me!! just come take the leap and be a pRO already, jungkook!!! it’s a loss as it is that you still consider yourself an amateur.”
their words, not his 
ok uhm what if
what if jungkook opens a skate clinic?? he can do what he loves and in the same time, earn money!!
... yeah
that could work!! and if he feels extra prepared, then yeah maybe he’d be a pro
or would a skate clinic be useless if he isn’t a pro by then???
oh my god
jungkook’s so frustrated with all this sudden bombarding and it makes him want to tug at his hair
as much as he loves his hyungs, sometimes they just can’t seem to know when to back oFF and realize that their nudging is more like shoving
“do something productive and worth your time, jungkook. stop babysitting.”
namjoon says with an edge and that tames jungkook
what makes it worse was what they were implying in the first place
hoseok doesn’t make it discreet to look at taehyung and you
“tae, tae, look!! i’m doing it, i’m doing it!!”
you’re saying over your shoulder because omg you’re getting the lead and chimmy’s slowed down for some reason
well actually taehyung’s took it upon himself to stop behind you
you get an immediate answer when you feel someone effectively hALT you still and you almost fall on your ass just by the sheer strength of someone holding you up
jungkook’s holding you down and his hands are quite heAVy on your arms
there’s this unexplainable look on his face but you’re positive that it’s not one of happiness
“you should probably stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”
to be honest you’re unsure of how to react
but the way that jungkook looks like he’s mad at you and retreats back to those two guys with a scoff in his step -- 
it’s enough
it’s truly enough for you to reevaluate every decision you’ve ever made
maybe it’s simply not just a bad day for you and a case of overthinking thigs,, and it’s perhaps the fact that he want you to stop
stop whatever that is happening
you probably must be frozen in place because chimmy bounds and pounces at you
you probably must’ve looked like an utter fool,, skating in a tennis skirt and trying to outrace a damn dog in a fucking skatepark,, right in front of jungkook and his friends
“y/n, you uh, y’okay?”
tae’s worried because there’s an instant shift to your mood and he could only assume what you were feeling
tears prick at the back of your eyes and that’s the signal for you to gather your things in a flash because the last thing you’d want is to cRY in front of him
“y-yeah! i’m gonna go home, tae. chimmy’s looking for yoongi.”
the dog in question tilts his head because w hat now,,,.,., wha t,.,. he is???
you learned that dogs could smell emotions and that makes you even sadder
chimmy was behaved the whole time; didn’t even try straying you around when he keeps seeing umbrellas on the street even if he loves them
you’re okay
you should be okay
there’s something definitely off
yoongi’s cleaned everything and did his share of chores
the tv is still mounted and the microwave’s clean!!
chimmy didn’t have a toilet accident because if he did, he would’ve already picked it up
there’s definitely something off with yOU
because first of all, why are you here???
“not coming to the park?”
if he can recall correctly, no matter how knackered you were after work, you’d still go to the skatepark!!
... not unless you were injured??
nah because if you were injured then you’d be whining to him now
“nope :)”
you’re lying on the couch where he usually lies nowadays because you weren’t around!!
and you’re drinking from your mug that he’s claimed as his mug
and chimmy’s squished in between the tiny gap of you and the far edge of the couch
“and why?”
he’s always had answers for everything but his mind’s bLANK for this
“wanna spend time with you guys :)”
that’s gotta be the answer, right???
this is definitely weird
for starters, it’s already 11 PM and jungkook’s still in the skatepark and he’s not even skating anymore
he’s just waiting
weird... you aren’t here.......
aH it’s nothing :D you’re probably just tired and didn’t want to go skate
oh and.. you’re not here the next day
or the next
or the nEXT
jungkook spends almost the entirety of his time in the park
he goes there at 3 in the afternoon and comes home at 11 in the evening
no big deal
half of the time is just spent him actually skating and the other is figuring out wHERE you are
uh maybe you’ve started to take ubers now every time you come home??
you’re not walking home anymore and the car would pass by the skatepark and jungkook wouldn’t have a single clue where you are
it’s also this time that it dawns on him that he has no means whatsoever to contact you
he didn’t ask for your number and didn’t exchange socials so he could only gUESS
he can’t come over to your apartment either because he hasn’t walked you home and therefore he wouldn’t know your address
holy shit he’s so dumb and jungkook misses you a lot
like a whole whole lot
he misses you holding onto his shoulders for support and misses your excited grin whenever you nail a trick and had a perfect run
there’s nothing that jungkook could dO besides wait
and miss you so much
and mope
kook doesn’t want to give up and miss a day because what iF you pass by when he’s not there???
he can’t have that and he wON’t have that
he’s just so antsy and he hasn’t had his fix of chimmy bounding towards him and the malamute intentionally pouncing on him whenever he’d drop-in so he could lose his balance
he just needs to see you and your duffel bag and the precious yet beat-up wristwatch you have and-
jungkook’s brought his perfume the past few days because he wouldn’t want to be aND smell sweaty when he sees you again
he’s wearing a shirt this time and nOT a hoodie and it’s actually a nice shirt!! the pale orange makes his tattoos pop
he’s also wearing a watch so he could look business-ish and composed and he kinda hATES watches because uhhhh you ever heard of a phone, buddy??
you’re walking striaght and paying no mind at all and to your surrounding and-
there’s suddenly this cRASH in front of you and it makes you recall in response because that came out of nowhere
... and this feels oddly familiar
only this time though, it’s intentional and it’s jungkook who literally tHREW his skateboard down on the spot in front of you
“y/n? wow, what a coincidence!”
you didn’t expect to see jungkook as soOn as you anticipated that he wouldn’t be here
he laughs nervously and he tries not to overanalyze the fact that your face is blank
“yup. totally.”
you’re avoiding his gaze and meanwhile he’s searching desperately for yours 
what is he feeling and why is it hurt and longing at the same time
“can i walk you home?”
the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even ponder over them longer
“i uh, i rEALLY can’t believe i never asked to walk you home!! or even ask for your number!!! but uHhhh it’s late at night and to be honest i don’t have your number and i just need to know that you’re safe and-”
he stops his rambling right there because he realizes that he’s a stuttering nervous mess
you’re a bit speechless because normally you’re the chatty one but this one.,.,,. this one’s a pleasant surprise
“yeah, yeah. okay :)”
he can’t believe either that you agreed to it but he’s immediately gathering himself and swoops your duffel for him to hold
he’s not gonna entertain a single complaint <3
it’s not exactly the most tensioned silence ever but it’s definitely nOT comfortable
“why didn’t you come to the park?”
okay well sHIT you didn’t expect him to be this straightforward
wait no 
you shouldn’t be surprised!! after all, he probably did mean what he said the last time you’ve seen him
what are u gonna say now
well you coulD say that you’re busy and he’d probably fall for it!!
or reiterate the truth that he’s implied and say it with a straight face
“oh. i started intentionally falling on my ass because i missed you,” jungkook spills out of nowhere while waiting for your answer and he now realizes that might’ve been a little awkward
after all he dID admit that he missed you
“did i uhm... did i say something?”
he rephrases his question and he knows that this was the more appropriate one
your coping mechanism is to kick on the ground as if there were leaves and there are absolutely nO leaves <3
“jungkook, you told me to stop.”
he blinks rapidly at that as he tries to digest your words
he’s trying to backtrack as much as possible and it wasn’t that!!
he simply doesn’t wanna see you hurt
“i can’t explain it but holy shiT i can’t see you hurt!! a-and i know that being hurt in skating is normal but for sOME reason i can’t stand it when i see you in pain o-or-...”
jungkook just can’t explaiN what he feels
“i just -- i just don’t gEt why you’d want to be hurt?? whY are you doing this to yourself??”
you find him ridiculous and this whole situation is just rIDICULOUS
“jesus christ jungkook i did it to try and impress a guy!!”
that earns you a snort and you immediately go defensive
he seems irked and his eyes are just beGGING to be rolled
“who?? taehyung?? the guy who would’ve wiped you out if he did end up hitting you on the head with the deck just a little harder??”
“what? taehyung???” you’re so confused and jungkook hates it even more, “yeah, taehyung!!”
“i like you, jungkook!”
he points to himself to which you eagerly nod your head to
“can you excuse me for one second?”
he barely gives you the time to respond because he’s already walking away and biting his arm
he’s actually sCREAMING
you throw your head back because omg did the two of you just basically admit that you liked each other
jungkook jogs back to where you stand a presses a hefty kISS right on your cheek
he’s on too much of a high that he holds your hand and practically drags you along with him because he’s almost skIPPING from how happy he is
“okay. good. nice. very good!!!” he could now sigh in relief because whEW that robbed him off his breath
“because i fell for you when i first saw you.”
jungkook basically has nO filter now and it’s adorable because god he’s just so soft and you now know what’s going and this wouldn’t be just whatever
“huh. imagine if yOU fell for me too at the same time,,,, that would make me piss my pants.”
he cackles because wow he dO be funny :D
he’s turning to look at you to gauge at your reaction and the waY that you’re holding your eye contact with him is all-telling for your answer
oh my god
jungkook is wrapped around your pinky :’)
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Chapter 10:  Four Years Later.  (The Gangster’s Daughter)
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Warnings: Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Explicit Language, Gangsters, Period Typical Attitudes, Parent Tommy Shelby, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent.
Time had never gone by so slowly. Ever. Of that, Evie was sure.
Never before, had a second felt so much like a minute, nor a minute felt so much like an hour. It was driving her insane as she sat at the kitchen table, eyes fixed firmly on the clock hanging by the door. The peeler in her hand had long since stopped, as had the two black hands dangling teasingly on the clock face.
“Come on,” Evie whispered. Somehow, she hoped willing it would be enough to hurry time up. To push the hands further round and towards the hour. The hour she’d been waiting so long for. Hell, even Finn and Ada sat beside her, completing their chores in an attempt to distract themselves.
Waiting was not a Shelby strong suit.
Ada yawned, visibly uninterested in the task at hand. She had also given up on her task of de-podding peas. Then again, it wasn’t just impatience to blame for her lack of productivity. The exhaustion was all too clear in Ada’s eyes. She probably had only got back a few hours ago from Freddie’s. Since he’d returned from the war a couple weeks ago they’d been all over each other.
Before the war, they’d been bad enough, beginning to scurry about the streets together on secret dalliances. However, separated by the sea, Ada had been writing him, slipping him letters in the wedge she delivered to the post office on behalf of all of them. Polly, Finn, Evie, Martha and Ada had all written to their family, telling them tales of life in Birmingham without them.
It had felt like a world away from Small Heath. The closest they’d got were the letters frequently dropped to and from France, detailing and describing the carnage and chaos abroad. True, Ada had passionately decided to become a nurse only a few months into the war, to travel and join the fighting in France. However, less than one lesson later, the plan had disintegrated.
It was unfair. Or so Evie had griped. Why couldn’t she train as a nurse even if Ada didn’t want to? Why couldn’t she drop out of school and go help her father and uncles? What use was arithmetic anyway at a time like this?
“You’re still a child,” Polly had explained, trying and failing to pacify her. “War is no place for children.”
“Tell that to the boys my age enlisting, pretending they’re older!”
Polly had sighed, wiping her hands on her apron and lighting another cigarette. “If I could, I would.  I’d like to shake some sense into every bloody man who wants to join this blood soaked shit show. However, I swore I’d look after you and this family until the others come home. You are my responsibility and I will not allow anyone else from this house to risk their lives!”
And that had been that. Evie hadn’t dared raise it again, and luckily for Polly, this whole mess had ended just shy of her being legally old enough to volunteer herself. Otherwise, there would have been a whole other war raging, this time in Small Heath.
However, Polly’s best intentions hadn’t been enough to keep everyone in Small Heath safe until the others returned.
It had only been a matter of months after John had left that Martha had gone into labour with their latest child. He’d been excited by the prospect before he’d gone off to war, boasting about the stories he’d have to tell their child when he returned - and soon, considering the way the government said things were going. It’d be over by Christmas. That was what they said.
In a way it had been; the life they’d all known before had ended and all too abruptly.
It had been less than twenty four hours after giving birth to a beautiful baby boy that Martha began to feel unwell. What had at first been a minor fever and headache had quickly turned into something far more sinister.
In a matter of a week she had succumbed to what was later realised to be a sudden wave of fever in the city, leaving her three children parentless and in the care of the remaining Shelbys. Of course, John was informed via letter and the funeral held swiftly.
Evie didn’t know what to think. It had been enough to rattle them all. So much so, there had been an uneasy truce in the house ever since. No one upset the others, knowing that they only had each other to care for them. They had to stick together. Not just then but always. Who knew if the others were coming back, after all.
All they could count on were the people in that house on Watery Lane and the community that flocked around them in their time of need. For example, Evie lost track of the people who offered to watch her cousins or brought them food they’d made. Most of them had been women who’d come to take their husband’s place at the betting shop.
Together, they had muddled through, their own little community.  
Years had passed since then and life had carried on. Until a mere month ago, when the announcement had been made. The war was over. The boys would be coming home.
Now the day was finally here and Evie felt like she could explode with anxiety and anticipation. It was why, as soon as the clock hit the designated hour she was gone.
She didn’t look back, despite hearing the sound her name bellowing behind her as she burst out the door and into the street. Ada, Finn and Polly could stay and prepare lunch if they wanted, but Evie couldn’t wait a damn second more as she sprinted through the street like a wild stallion.
Her eyes remained fixed firmly on the horizon, aiming for the giant brickwork building ahead. The rising plumes of steam and roar of voices were all a blur to her, a blur confirming she was in the right place as she barged past porters and taxis.
Birmingham Train station.
Weeks they’d been stuck in France, waiting for a ride home but they were here now. Arriving on the morning train, just as her father had promised they would be.
So close. They were so close.
Evie didn’t stop until she was on the very platform, eyes focused on the shining train that had drawn to a halt.
A great whine of gears. The brakes hissed. Then the doors opened.
Four years she’d waited for this. Four agonising years, filled with agony that no letter or prayer could fill. Until she saw them there, in person, for herself, she wouldn’t believe it was true - the war was finally over.
Doors began to open and men in uniforms descended in droves, bags and hats flying. The tears, cheers, and fears erupted in a mass symphony of life as people began to run, merging passengers and onlookers in one ocean of bodies.
Evie didn’t know which way was up. She’d never been the tallest of people and she was once again regretting her shorter stature as she jumped up and down on her tiptoes. Her eyes kept darting frantically around the place.
They had to be here somewhere. She could feel it in her bones…
Then she saw them. Well, she saw Arthur to be precise, jumping down from one of the carriages before making way for John. He’d always been hard to miss, more so with his overgrown moustache and loud cheers of relief to be back on Birmingham soil.
“Uncle Arthur! John!” she screamed, hurrying frantically toward them. They barely had time to turn before she was on them, flinging her arms about their necks and peppering their cheeks with kisses. To hell with the Shelby aversion to public displays, Evie was too damned overwhelmed to care. The laughs and hugs she received in return proved they didn’t care either.
“God damn, you grew,” Arthur scoffed, spinning her round and laughing as he took her in. Four years was indeed a long time for anybody, and Evie’s teenage body definitely betrayed the separation, almost like the lines on his forehead did him. “Just get a look at you. Some welcome wagon. Aren’t we lucky bastards.”
“The others are back home waiting. They can’t wait to see you all, the famed heroes.”
“I bet they are,” John grinned, taking his own turn to hug his niece. “I’d kill for a slice of Pol’s gin cake right about now. I’ve only had a bleeding sandwich all day.”
“Hopefully, John you’ll never have to kill for anything again.”
That was the voice that shattered any composure Evie had been holding on to as she turned.
“Dad?” she whispered. “Is it… is it you?”
He nodded. “I promised I’d come back, ey?”
The tears were strong as she staggered into his arms. Her legs threatened to go from beneath her as she tried to control the tidal wave of emotion that flooded through her. She simply let him cradle her to his chest, the itchy wool of his uniform pressed against her cheek.
She didn’t even care. It was merely more proof that this moment was real. It wasn’t a dream or some fantasy. It was real and solid and here. It was everything she’d hoped it would be and more. After all, she hadn’t dared hope they’d all look so in tact, so healthy compared to the previous train loads of injured and sick soldiers that had been pouring into the city for months now.
Yet, here they stood. Barely a scratch on them - just like their letters had said.  
“I told you,” her father breathed, as if sensing her thoughts. “I keep my promises.”
“I know,” Evie sobbed. “I knew you would. You all would. I just… it’s been so long waiting for this moment and now that you’re all here I… I…”
“We know,” John muttered sympathetically. The thin sheen in his eyes told them he knew exactly how she was feeling.
It all felt too good to be true. Any moment she felt as if she’d wake up and this would fade away like sand slipping between her fingers. It was why she was reluctant to release her grip on him, on her father, and let him grab the remainder of his belongings.
“Come on,” Arthur coaxed, clearing his throat in an attempt to prevent himself from being caught further in the emotional reunion. It wouldn’t do for Arthur Shelby to be seen weeping in public now. He may have been in France, but he still had a reputation to uphold. “Let’s get moving, eh? I need a fucking drink.”
“You and me both, brother,” Tommy laughed. “You and me both.”
The rest of the day passed in a wondrous blur.
From the moment they’d stepped foot back into Watery Lane it was as if the whole world had brightened. The sun escaped the cloud cover that had been masking it all day and the smiles on peoples faces were effervescent as they greeted the returning heroes.
Finn, Ada, John’s children, and Polly were all quick to throw their arms around the boys and sob with relief.
“You’re home. You’re really home,” Polly choked, kissing each over and over again until they were thoroughly smothered in her lip rouge. “Thank God.”
“We’re home and here to stay,” John grinned, scooping up his newest child into his arms. Only three, he was the very spitting image of his father. “Isn’t that right, son? Your old man’s home.”
The toddler whined but seemed to understand, pawing at John’s face as if sensing the tears John was doing very well to hide. It broke Evie’s heart, knowing how much Martha would have wanted to see this moment, as delayed as it was. Still, she hoped Martha was watching, wherever she was.
“Come on then, you’re probably famished,” Polly cooed, wiping her own eyes. Arthur had taken one look at the awaiting feast laid out on the kitchen table and cheered. It was only Polly that prevented them from tucking in right away. Instead, they’d all hurried upstairs to wash up, change, and join them back downstairs in time for lunch as per their aunt’s orders.
“You’re no longer in France,” Polly had chuckled. “I’m your commanding officer now. What I say goes.”
“Sir, yes, Sir!” Arthur scoffed, saluting her. Still, he knew better than to argue. It would be shit luck to have survived a war, only to come home and be murdered by Polly Gray. It was why he tried alternative tactics. Tactics that involved opening a bottle of champagne and hurling toasts left, right, and centre.
For all her posturing, Polly eased with every sip of champagne. Everyone was too happy to care about anything other than each other and rejoicing at the domestic scene. For example, no one said anything as Evie had a second glass of champagne, cheering as she watched the room. The laughter was like nothing she’d heard since the day they’d all left, accompanied by the soft hum of the gramophone.
Whatever song was playing though, was drowned out beneath the voices and a particularly bawdy song coming from John. Finn was joining in, much to his delight. Where he’d learned the lyrics, Evie couldn’t be sure. Had Polly been sober she probably would have. She’d most likely have put a stop to it too, rather than joining in.
Before long, the party had decide to migrate elsewhere.
“To the Garrison boys!” Arthur bellowed, met with a raucous cheer of approval.
“Come on,” Tommy smirked, offering Evie his arm as she rose from the table. “I think we can celebrate for one night. Even Pol can forget about a bedtime on a day like this.”
Considering she was already half way out the door, Evie suspected her dad could be right. And so it was, they spent the evening surrounded by an ocean of smiling drunken faces.
Evie danced with anyone who asked, laughing all the while as she twirled, letting the world dissolve into a jubilant haze. She felt euphoric - and that had nothing to do with the several large champagnes she’d thrown back.
It had more to do with the realisation that this was real, and not one of the many dreams she’d woken from, heartbroken, the last four years. Every face, once familiar but now a surprise, were real. She could reach out and touch them and they wouldn’t disappear in a puff of smoke.
Maybe that was why she jumped as she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder. A hand she’d recognise anywhere as her father grinned down at her.
“Dance for your old man?”
Evie laughed, eyebrows raising. “I thought you didn’t dance?”
“On the rare occasion I make an exception - mi’ lady.”
The sight of Tommy Shelby lowering in a mock bow, hand extended was enough to make tears of laughter prick at the corner of Evie’s eyes.
“Sir,” she smirked, struggling not to laugh as he pulled her into a rather good interpretation of a hold. Almost immediately they were swaying around the floor, laughing as they trod on each other’s toes and span about to the lively music. It was as if they were one of the couples she’d seen at the pictures, the whole world revolving around them.
Once upon a time, she’d been small enough that she’d stood on his toes when doing this. He’d held her against his chest, her grinning upwards. Now, though, she was tall enough to almost meet his eye. She could stand on her own two feet. She could dance just as well as he, even if she allowed him to lead.
Four years really was a long time. If she’d asked, Tommy would have told her such. As, for every new line or crease she saw on her father’s face, he saw an equally grown woman where a child had once stood.
For a moment as he’d got off that train, he’d thought Rebecca herself had come to greet him…
“Come on.”
“Tommy Shelby. No.”
“I’ve got you.”
“No. You’ll drop me,” Evie laughed, holding on for dear life as her father dipped her backwards, tilting her toward the floor before hauling her back upright in a well rehearsed motion.  
Tommy just grinned. “See? I’ll never drop you.”
“One more drink and you would have!”
“Never,” he dismissed, laughing with her as the song came to an end. It was swiftly replaced with another. Most people didn’t even notice as they carried on dancing. “Another?”
“Why not?” Evie shrugged, already resuming their hold as she started to dance to the beat. It would take an act of God to interrupt her stride. “Otherwise Arthur’ll ask me again and I’m still recovering from the last dance.”
“I’m sure you are!”
There was nothing overly spectacular about that party that night, not in comparison to the hundreds of other parties occurring across the country. Yet, it raged deep into the night and deep into the hearts of everyone there. For years after, they’d refer to this night with fond remembrance … well, those sober enough to remember it. Not everyone was in great condition come morning.
Evie herself had staggered into a chair at some point during the early morning, struggling to fight the oncoming exhaustion. Dancing all night had done her in. One yawn and she felt herself curl into the edge of the booth she’d chosen, letting sleep wash over her in waves.
She didn’t even realise she’d fallen asleep, not until she felt herself being scooped into someone’s arms some time later.
“Come on, let’s have you.”
She didn’t even need to open her eyes to know her father was responsible as he began to carry her towards the door and the early morning beyond it.
“You’ll be comfier at home, and Pol will gut me if I leave you on that chair any longer,” he continued softly, chuckling as he did. She could feel the way his chest vibrated with it; happiness.
“I’m glad you’re back, Gather,” Evie muttered, but she knew he’d heard her attempt.
“Me too, Chavi. Me too.” She hardly heard him speak in the ‘gypsy tongue’, or so Polly often called it when she was reading tea leaves or cursing about something. It was a soft sound, one that made her smile. “You’re almost too big for this now. It’s like carrying Arthur.”
Evie sniggered but yawned, choosing not to protest. She was just too damn happy to even try. Her family was back together again in one piece, and she knew when she awoke later that nothing could change that.
The Shelbys were home.
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biwenqing · 3 years
So this is for the day three prompt: Social Media AU for Spring Sleuthing over at @tsomdevents! I wrote this fic a while ago, and it fits perfectly for this. But I realized it was going to be more than one chapter. I will continue it once the prompt week is over!
teen | pre-relationship | WIP | ao3 link | formatted as tweets | wc:1767
WZ @theroommatedilema
i made this secret account to live tweet my two oblivious roommates having a quarantine romance. or not. they are idiots. follow to find out will they/won’t they.
he/him | Joined March 2020
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 27 we are starting week 2 of quarantine and i realized i needed to document this. my two roommates who have been dancing around each other since before shit hit the fan are driving me crazy and if i have to watch this the world has to as well.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 27 we need to give them code names because, while i don't think either of them will find this account, best not to tempt fate. so we have 'hot chef' and 'smart aleck'.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 27 all that out of the way, we can now get to the live tweet. hot chef was doing his laundry so he was walking around the apartment shirtless. smart aleck walked into a wall, not once, not twice, but three times. hot chef didn't help this when he put on an apron
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 28 smart aleck started the day by almost burning down our kitchen trying to make breakfast to impress hot chef. luckily i was awake and stopped things before there was a grease fire, before making breakfast myself. they both seemed to like it.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 29 hot chef thinks we should try and exercise, but i think it is cold and slippery out, so if he expects me to join him on his morning runs, he is wrong. smart aleck did make an attempt and i got to watch him wipe out from the window. lucky for him hot chef caught him. yea i know
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 29 follow up to wipe out: hot chef helped smart aleck back into the house and then took care of him, before then still going on his run. smart aleck pouted next to me on the couch, watching out the window for when he came back like a puppy.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 smart aleck has decided he needs to clean and organize the whole apartment. i think he just doesn't want to do his real job. this has led to an argument with hot chef because smart aleck has taken everything out of the kitchen cabinets and messed with his books.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 as a household, we have a pretty solid 'don't touch my stuff' understanding, but that apparently goes all out the window during a pandemic. hot chef keeps all his cooking tools and supplies in a special order that makes sense only to him and i leave it be
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 but smart aleck wants to "help" and didnt ask if anyone wanted help so here we are. don't worry, this account isn't in vain, i can confirm that their argument is more bickering and that bickering is the stereotype of an "old married couple"
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 SA: but you do so much, i wanted to help! HC: if i need help, i'd ask for it SA: *arms crossed* would you? give an example of when you have asked for help. HC: ....i haven't needed help SA: bullshit! remember when you got the flu last year and didn't tell us?
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 SA: you practically passed out before you let WZ and i take you to see a doctor! and then you still argued about us making sure you got the food and fluids and everything you needed so you didn't die! HC: ...i didn't want either of you to get sick
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 SA: oh yes so ignoring the issue really helped? it’s better that you almost died? in case you didn’t already notice, smart aleck is always dramatic.
WZ @theroommatedilema . March 30 for those wondering, smart aleck is not wrong here. this is exactly how events occurred. it was only a few months after I moved in with them. for the fight i think smart aleck somehow won this round. tune in tomorrow for what happens next!
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 4 no updates because they have been pretending to ignore each other and focused on work. hot chef in particular. smart aleck claims it is because hot chef isn’t used to being cared about. he told me this in a deliberate stage whisper.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 4 i think it is important to note that hot chef did still make dinner each night to share... he just went back to his room after.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 5 i got a question asking what we all do for work. that’s classified. and mostly unrelated. though it is how we met in a very odd course of events.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 5 that was not an invitation to send me more questions. i know you are all nosy, or else why would you be following this account. but we have established this account must go unnoticed.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 5 fine. general ages = smart aleck is in his 20s. hot chef is in his 30s. and because you for some reason all want to know: i am also in my 20s.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 5 pets = yes one. smart aleck has a pet cat named goat he inherited from a past roommate. goat the cat tries to eat anything and everything, thus the name. she particularly likes to eat house plants. she likes smart aleck the least, hot chef the most. i hold a pretty solid 2nd place.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 6 update: they made up. a package arrived today and it was apparently a pan to replace one smart aleck had destroyed. hot chef made smart aleck’s favorite dinner. SA talked the whole way through to meal, and HC looked smitten. so we’re back to normal.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 10 where do we rank the level of domestic where one person brushes their teeth/gets ready for the day while the other is in the shower? bonus points for some mild discussion and/or bickering.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 11 smart aleck has a new scheme. he is trying to persuade hot chef to teach him to cook. so far HC has held firm. we mark day one of this new standoff.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 12 i’ve been asked a few times why i don’t just use initials of smart aleck and hot chef’s names. it’s all part of keeping this hidden. i have also chosen nicknames that i don’t think they would think i’d use for them.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 12 smart aleck is the type to figure this out if i’m not careful. he’s both too clever and too dumb for his own good. which is part of the reason i must document all of this, so i can shove it in his face later.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 12 we are also on day two of cooking teaching standoff. i think some of you rightly assume SA is imagining hot chef standing behind him and idk helping him cut vegetables
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 13 standoff continues. i made dinner to see if that would throw the balance off. no change yet
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 14 resolution! hot chef did give in, on the condition that he teaches both of us. i didn’t manage to escape because smart aleck seemed to decide this was the only way. don’t know how this fits into whatever romantic daydreams he had.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 14 i see those comments that this might give me a chance to put them together. but i think it is more fun to not help them at all. they need to do this on their own
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 15 to do such teaching, a grocery shopping mission is needed. because the world is... well. i suggested just they go together so fine. maybe i will try and assist.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 15 level of domestic of sneaking things you know your “just friends roommate” loves but won’t buy for themselves in the cart without them knowing?
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 15 you ask how i know that and it is of course because smart aleck, so proud of himself, announced it as soon as he reentered the apartment. goat the cat tried to get into the bags to eat raw fish while this occurred.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 16 first cooking lesson, some simple stir fry. i already can cook this so i get to just perch at the counter and watch. vote on the poll below how you think this will turn out
[hands brushing softly] [sparks, and not the sexy kind] [food hopefully?]
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 16 everyone who voted for fire won. the neighbors are quite upset. and not even goat the cat will eat the final product. i ordered take out and a fresh fire extinguisher while they dealt with the mild fire and smoke detector.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 17 smart aleck is pouting so there will be no cooking lessons today. the good news (for his employer) is he seems to actually be focusing on doing his job.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 20 hot chef actually asked smart aleck if he wanted to try cooking again. very interesting. this has mostly been coming from SA’s side, so i would call this positive movement.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 20 SA has completely perked up and agreed.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 20 oh apparently the plan is SA will watch and i get the place as the student in the kitchen. this is probably safer for everyone
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 21 for those asking what happen: dinner was made with no issue. I was in charge of the main dish and that left HC to work on side dishes. SA even helped wash and chop some vegetables. goat took some chicken right off SA’s plate and ran away with it growling.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 21 i take that to mean the cat approves of my cooking. but she also tried to steal things from the trash, so that isn’t much of an endorsement.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 22 SA is avoiding work and trying to clean again. he actually asked if he could move stuff around. growth.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 25 hot chef spotted leaving smart aleck’s room this morning?
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 25 false alarm, he was just looking for the cat.
WZ @theroommatedilema . April 30 final report for this month: progress made in communication. new together activity established. the apartment has not burned down. a baby step closer, yet still so far away from them figuring this out...
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softysuho · 4 years
pretty boy & zombies
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pairing: yunho x reader
summary: In the year 3013, the government unleashed their first wave of "natural selection". They took out elderly by offering a vaccine that was told to prevent further sicknesses and stated that it was mandatory. After the elderly were wiped from the earth, phase two was put into action. There they unleashed a monster. The government started the zombie apocalypse in hopes that the elite human race would show itself.
word count: 1.9k (a/n its been awhile and this is lowkey shit, I also can't figure out how to put "keep reading" in with the new Tumblr update, but I hope you all enjoy this drabble💖)
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It was day like every other day, humid and way too hot for any sort of physical activity. The small house you sit in does little to keep the warm weather out, it was a cute place from what was left. There had been an old couple in here prior, from what you gathered. They looked cute and happy in the photos that were scattered across the walls. Most of the food leftover had gone bad, but they did have a decent amount of medical supplies. 
You sighed as you thought back to your home, your parents and your little baby sister. It was hard to keep track of the days you have been without your family, four or five months maybe. Your college days were long behind you now, no more parties, no more all nighters doing homework. Everything had been taken from you. 
On an average day supply run, you can still see the tall billboards, promising a better future. The face of the man who decided to play God and Mother Nature. What bullshit. You wondered if he is dead now, if the zombies got to him like they did to everyone else in the towns. 
One could only hope. 
As for other survivors out there, you know that there are some sharing the near city with you. One day stores could have shelves of food and the next day there seems to be half. Although you haven’t crossed paths with any. Who knows if they would be friendly. 
Maybe they’d put you out of your misery. 
Most days that sounded nice. To be able to join your family in the afterlife. Somedays you knew you didn’t want to die, the fear of what comes next after death chilled your bones. You certainly don’t want to feast off human guts and brains for the next eternity. What if the undead are still the people they were before? Maybe they can only watch themselves turn into a monster.  
As you were running low on filling meals, left with light snacks, you decided it was best to into the deeper parts of the city. It was risky, considering it used to be the most populated, but desperate times come to desperate measures.
You grabbed your gear and your sharp machete and adjusted your makeshift armor straps before taking off. Staying low in the tree was one of the safer moves, taking the longest way into the city in hopes of avoiding hordes. The nature was a beautiful sight, the refreshing smell of pine and the distant trickling of water. Normally it'd be calming if you didn't have to fear the undead lurking.
You wondered if nature would begin to go back in time, before the greedy human fingers that destroyed their beauty. However, you wondered if there would be any animal left once the zombies come and eat them as well. One could only hope they'll be okay.
As the trees began to thin out, you could see the city that used to home to many. The streets were covered in half eaten corpses, trash from the chaos and blood. In the beginning, this sight had you emptying your stomach in a near by bush, 10 deep breaths and one 'you can do this'. These days though, it was just the normal sight you'd become accustomed to.
Normally, these trips would be to the same grocery store you've been too for the last few months. You knew these roads now, and every nook and cranny on the way there. But today was different. You were tired of looking like you just crawled out of an old ladies closet, no offense to her. So you decided to head towards one of the stores with both clothing and food. Hopefully you'd find a new blanket to take as well.
There was a light pep in your step as you made your way there, a small amount of excitement you haven't felt in a long time at the thought of some new clothes. You wondered what else there would be there besides what you need and that thought was fun to think about. So similar to what would've went through your head before the destruction of humanity.
You stuck close to the walls of the tall buildings, trying to be as quiet as you could. You couldn't afford to risk being caught now, out in the open by the dead before you even had a chance to see how bad the rest of the city really was.
What you didn't realize, though, was how lost you were in your thoughts. You inched closer to that dark alleyway you would've avoided originally, one that could hide several lurking bodies within.
It was too late by then, a large and warm hand covered your mouth as an arm wrapped itself around your torso. Alarm bells were going off in your head, slowly realizing that you had to escape before you met your doom. Tears were threatening to spill from your eyes, praying to whatever was out there to let you live for another day.
"Would you shut up? I'd rather not regret saving your ass." It was a harsh whisper against your ear, but it did its job as you calmed in the unknown (hopefully) humans arms. "You were being followed." This time the voice was soft, hand finally falling away from your mouth to pull you closer and further into the darkness.
Only then did you notice the scuffing of feet and deep voices. You could tell they weren't far, and they clearly would've seen you walking alone at some point. A thousand 'thank yous' raced through your head towards the person behind you and you could only hope they could feel how thankful you were. You turned to look towards the stranger, only seeing that is was a male who was taller than you. Or at least, thats what you assumed.
The two of you stayed within the alleyways darkness even after the group walked past and out of ear shot. You heard a breath of relief behind you, followed by a brief brush of shoulders. As the man peered out from the darkness, you saw the messy mop of black hair and a quarter of his face. Inching closer to the man, your eyes popped over his shoulder and scanned for any signs of movement. When you both deemed it safe, he motioned you with his fingers and brought you in the opposite direction of the group.
"The hell were you doing out in the open like that?" He said above a whisper. However you were shocked by the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight, simply managing a small shrug. He rolled his eyes at you in response, "I'm Yunho.. I've been living in that upscale apartment complex a ways down for about a month, and I swear I've seen everyone who is left around here. You're new?"
You scoffed lowly and looked over your shoulder. Why was he telling you this? Did he want to take you back and murder you for supplies? "I've been living in the woods, there was a farm a little ways out and I've only stuck to the store on that side of town."
Yunho hummed, seemingly lost in thought. He didn't seemed too beat up for being out here alone, not like you at least. There were scratches on your arms from shrubbery as well as old blood from a run in with the dead. Yunho was handsome and from the glimpses of his smile, you could tell it was bright.
You had been walking side by side for awhile now, going into the town deeper than you ever had been. The building were getting taller, more expensive and grand. First floor windows were either boarded up or broken, probably either hiding or stealing. You could picture the busy streets, the high class fashion of the upper working class.
"If you've been here for a month, how come you haven't tried to make friends?" You said softly, looking up at Yunho curiously.
"I had ran into the leader about two weeks ago," He scratched his head, looking from side to side while he kept an eye out. "It was fine at first, we made small talk in one of the stores." Yunho pointed behind him and rolled his eyes, "Somewhere back there, I don't remember. We talked for awhile before one of his buddies came in and claimed he could see a bite mark.. All hell broke out after, but I snuck out the back."
You rose your brows and patted him on the shoulder. "His buddy sounds like a real winner."
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When you reached the building, you were pretty amazed at the shape it was left in. There was only one window that was broken, leaving the rest of them untouched. "I don't think anyone attempted to stay here so it was pretty much abandoned." Yunho smirked to himself and took a deep breath before he opened the front doors. "After you, ma'am." He bowed and gestured for you to take a step indoors. You gaped at the interior, if you thought hard enough you could see this place lit up and running as it should. The fountain glowing as the clear water fell into each bowl, grand chandeliers brightening the room. Your face was stuck, awestruck with a small smile. You wished you could've saw everything work in action or had the opportunity to stay a night here with room service.
"Woah.." You whispered when an arm was thrown around your shoulder.
"Wanna go room hunting with me? I've only been to the first five floors." Yunho whispered back as, he too, studied the hotel lobby. Pursing your lips, you shrugged and looked up at Yunho. Studying his features for a few brief moments. He was, indeed, very handsome.
Yunho watched you from the corner of his eye, his lips twitching into a smile. As fast as he could, Yunho turned his whole head to catch you in the act. The smile turning into a giant smirk. "See something you like?" He spoke first, head cocking to the side. "It's okay, I see something I like as well." A wink was sent your way, causing a blush to cover your features.
"Shut up," You joked, side eyeing him before your elbow met his ribs. He chuckled at you and took your hand to pull you to the stairs. "Find me some nice clothes and I'll reward you with a treat." Instead of your voice giving off a confident tone, it came out small and squeaky, leading your blush to darken a tenfold.
"Oh? And what is the treat? I think I should know before doing what I'm told."
"Guess it depends on how well you do."
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After several hours of searching, jokes and excitement from not expired food, Yunho was able to come up with a nice sturdy set of blue jeans, a pair of leggings, some new combat boots, three shirts and one giant ass hoodie. He looked at you with wide and innocent eyes, silently asking you for his treat.
With a long sigh, you plopped yourself down on the couch and gestured him to come closer. As soon as he was within arms reach, you gripped his shirt and pulled him down on top of you. "Y/n.. you can't have my shirt." He said with a shit eating grin.
"Just shut up and kiss me."
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Wedding Colors (Part 2)
(Hayffie ❤️🧡💛💚💙💖. An exploration of Effie’s evolving character as she faces past and present personal intensities while making preparations for Finnick and Annie’s wedding.)
9:00—mentoring. The buzz that Haymitch had been feeling was killed even before Peeta kicked him out of the hospital room.
The boy was angry. “What if I’d murdered the people who were trying to help us because I didn’t know they were trying to help us!!? Do you think anyone would be asking me to frost a cake for Finnick’s FUNERAL if I’d slit his throat!? I can’t even look at you right now. Just go.”
It didn’t help that Haymitch’s eyes looked so much like Katniss’s.
At least Peeta was becoming more lucid. Haymitch took the boy’s justifiable anger as a positive sign and respected his request to be alone.
At the other end of the hospital, he opened the girl’s door to find Johanna plugged into Katniss’s IV. They both looked up but neither moved an inch.
“Jealous?” Johanna sneered.
“Not my drug of choice, sweetheart,” though her comment was spot-on. To Katniss he asked, “Are you okay with this?”
“It’s fine.” She winced, and he glared at Johanna.
“What? She says she’s fine. Plutarch took her for a walk yesterday afternoon. He probably just held her leash too tight.”
“I can tell them I don’t need the morphling anymore...” Her threat wasn’t far from the truth, and Johanna knew it.
“It’s nothing personal. Plutarch has us all on leashes. Even your *mentor* there.” Johanna looked pointedly at the communicuff on Haymitch’s wrist.
Her mockery pissed him off.
“Plutarch talked to you yesterday?” he asked Katniss.
“Yeah. He’s planning a circus, and he gave me the job of looking happy.”
“You. Happy? I would’ve cast somebody else.”
“I can do it. Since the circus is Finnick and Annie’s wedding.”
“Right. ...I’m going to walk away now and pretend I didn’t see you two... bonding.” He motioned to the IV then said to Johanna, “If she’s screaming in pain later, I’ll be ripping that port out of your arm myself.”
Sarcasm dripped along with the morphling. “Sobriety has had such a calming effect on you.”
“Something for YOU to look forward to soon.”
Johanna’s expression was steady as stone. ...Almost. Nobody would have noticed the subtle flinch, except for an addict.
“Katniss, I’ll see YOU later.” Haymitch closed the door behind him.
So the kids knew about the wedding before he did. What’s the point of wearing this *shackle* on my arm if Plutarch doesn’t tell me anything?!
Haymitch made his way back to Peeta’s room and stood in the corridor looking in through the one-way mirror. The boy was sitting at the art table which orderlies had brought in days before. Delly Cartwright was by his side. They were painting with watercolors. Peeta’s brush stroked out an ocean scene with cresting waves and sea life. With the paintbrush in his hand, Peeta was calm. In that moment, he seemed almost like himself.
The damn communicuff buzzed, and a message from Plutarch appeared on the screen. “Change of schedule. Report for exercise at 10:00. Details await you there.”
Being outdoors sounded better than being shut out by the kids or seeing them in pain. They were still alive, but they were messed up. Like me... Or worse.
Mentor. Johanna’s ridicule settled in his bones.
10:00—exercise The staircase to the surface had been rebuilt quickly after the bombing. The tight control in 13 produced efficiency. He’d give Coin that much credit.
Climbing the stairs was more exercise than he’d get in the yard. By the time he got to the top, he was breathing hard.
“Now that’s a familiar sound.” Effie’s voice came from the shadows and lit him up.
He moved toward her. “Me out of breath? Typical.”
“Last night...”
“Not typical. ...And more fun than this.”
He was surprised to see her. She wore a heavy coat and carried a large canvas sack over her shoulder. Additional bags and a set of leaf scoops were on the floor near her feet. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going for a walk in the woods —with you. Plutarch’s orders.”
Haymitch was confused, but too amused to not play along.
“I see you’re bringing a weapon.” He tugged at the pruners which were hooked through a belt loop on her pants. “Are you gonna protect us from carnivorous trees?”
“Just me, sweetheart. You’re going to protect yourself.” She held out a second set of pruners.
As he took them, he lingered on the fabric covering her hand. “Is this the latest fashion?”
“Cloth is more practical than lace, but must EVERY stitch of fabric here be gray or white?!” She held out a pair of work gloves for him too.
“If I’m wearing these, then how am I supposed to touch you?”
“No touching, honey. We have a project to do. Coin is giving us two hours to gather enough foliage for the district to make wedding decorations.”
“I heard her announcement asking for volunteers. I just didn’t think she was talking about me.”
“You are here at MY request.”
He took a half-step toward her. “So you’re giving me orders to spend two hours in the woods with you without touching you?” He took another half-step and felt the buzz return as their clothing brushed.
“We aren’t in the woods yet,” she said, “You can touch me now...”
The hair on his chin grazed her temple. “Where?”
Warmth flooded her. “You choose.”
He stepped back. “Sorry, sweetheart. If you get to make me a gardener for two hours, then I get to make you wait at least that long.”
“Haymitch! Don’t bother turning me on if you’re just going to make me wait!”
“Well, aren’t YOU the pot calling the kettle black. ...Am I turning you on?”
“You KNOW you are—“
“I have your trackers.” They were interrupted by a security guard, armed with an automatic rifle equipped with a spotting scope.
“Lex, this is Haymitch. He’ll be the other person accompanying us.”
“Glad to meet you,” the guard said as he lifted Effie’s pant leg to fit the tracker on her ankle.
“Wait a minute. This guy’s coming with us, AND he gets to touch you?”
“No need for envy. ...He’ll be touching YOU too.” Effie smirked.
The guard proceeded to clamp the second tracker onto Haymitch’s ankle.”
“Just what I need, another shackle.” He was tired of being treated like a prisoner, and he was sick of sobriety. Even if he could take the tracker off and leave, where would he go? His house was still standing, far away in 12, but that place was just a shell. Nearly every person he cared about who was still alive was in 13. And his duty was here. He’d been waiting his whole life for this stand.
Haymitch scowled when Lex’s hands skimmed Effie’s hip as he clipped a communicator onto her belt loop.
“Look, man, this is just standard procedure. I’m not interested in touching your girlfriend.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.” “She’s not my girlfriend.” They spoke in unison, then looked at each other.
“Sorry. I just assumed... I’ll position myself in the center of the search area. Don’t wander more than 50 yards from me in any direction.”
“Or what? You’ll shoot us?” Haymitch asked.
“It’s not our policy in 13 to shoot civilians.”
“See there, even cave people can be civilized.” Effie muttered under her breath, talking mostly to herself.
“If you move too far out of range, I’ll message you through the communicator. Stay together.”
Haymitch pulled on the gloves then picked up two canvas sacks and the leaf scoops. Stay together. For a moment, it sounded better than ‘stay alive’
In the weeks since the bombing, the exit from 13 into the woods had been cleared and secured. Effie was grateful to not have to crawl through bent metal and broken blocks of cement.
As she stepped outside, a gust of wind whipped her in the face. It carried the fragrance of cedar, like a hope chest, and the smell of approaching rain. Dry ground indicated that none had fallen recently, and she wondered when it would come. Hopefully not before noon! She unzipped her coat just enough to reach inside and pull her sunglasses out from the pocket of her shirt. The lenses tinted the world rose. That view was more familiar.
The guard split off from them to stand watch at the top of the ridge.
“We have three sacks. Let’s fill each one with foliage of a warm color: red, orange, and yellow.” Wasting no time, Effie marched straight into the woods, following a narrow trail.
“The High Priestess of Nature is on a mission,” Haymitch teased from behind her.
Much of the vegetation around them was foreign to him. 13 was far north from the woods he’d forayed into as a boy, breaking laws in order to spend time at the lake. Other plants were the same.
“Uh, priestess... is there poison ivy in the Capitol?”
“Poison?” She stopped in her tracks, imagining a coiling plant about to sink its fangs into her. “I don’t know. What does it look like?”
He pointed to a vine near her feet, and she leaped back, nearly knocking him over. He steadied them both with a hand on her waist.
“THAT!?” she exclaimed, “Well, EVERYTHING here looks like that!”
“Because you’re taking us into a thicket of it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“I AM telling you.”
“What will it do to me?” she whispered, fearing that talking too loudly might wake it up or something.
“If you don’t touch it, then nothing.”
“What if I touch it?”
“See how the leaves are shiny? That oil gets on your clothes and transfers to your skin. It gives some people a rash that itches like hell.”
“Maybe YOU should walk in front.”
“Why? So you can look at my ass?”
“Let’s call that a side benefit to the primary goal of not getting poisoned!”
He reluctantly let go of her waist, turned around, and led them out of the thicket.
They found a wider trail and followed it to a tree with large leaves, red as cranberries. Haymitch recognized it as the same variety growing behind his house. He didn’t pay much attention to that tree at home, except when it looked like this. It’s strange... a person can be around something so often but not think about how remarkable it is until it’s changing.
The wind whipped up again, and leaves were falling like rain. Effie was already scooping them up and filling the sack she’d been carrying.
“Wait,” he said, “Look...”
“What? More poison?”
He pointed to the sky, and she tilted her face up to a shower of red. She slid the sunglasses up to her forehead so she could see the true color. Thin beams of sunlight streamed through the branches. She squinted her eyes but didn’t close them.
“In the Capitol, nature is manicured — controlled. In Capitol Park, all the trees are planted the same distance apart. When leaves fall, a crew of Avoxes carts them away before the next morning. It’s nothing like this. This is wild.”
“...And familiar.” With a gloved fingertip, he touched her windburned cheeks then pulled a red leaf from the top knot of her kerchief. Over her coat he traced from her heart to the small of her back, following the path of the tattoo buried under her layers.
The memory of him holding her there the night before was a freight train barreling through her. “Ohh... this is why we agreed to not touch each other.”
“Yeah, about that... I lied.”
The leaf scoops dropped to the ground, and she interlaced her hands behind his neck. “Just for a minute, alright? Just give me a minute...” She kissed his cut lip, soft like she’d wanted to at breakfast. “Does this hurt?”
StoppIng this is what’s gonna hurt. He kissed her like when he was trying to get her out of his system. Only he knew better now, and he kissed her anyway, slow and certain.
She felt it like madness. “My hands were on my body this morning,” she murmured, “I pretended they were yours. In all the places you touched me. Haymitch... I came so fast.”
“I’m trying to control this. But...” I’ve wondered about it so long. “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
In defiance of gravity, he pulled back from her. “Here’s what’s going to happen... We’ll collect the leaves, and we’ll figure out the rest later. Because if you say another word now about making yourself come, then I swear I’m going to lay you down right here—“
“And you’ll fuck me. ...Say it. Tell me you will.”
He could feel himself bending to her desires. It was unsettling, and erotic. “Yeah. I will. To hell with whoever’s watching! But it’s not just the guard. It’s probably Coin; it may be Snow; it could be anybody. I’ve already shown too much of my hand out here, and the clock is ticking.”
The reminder of Plutarch’s words and of the arena made her refocus. She caressed his neck as she let go.
They channeled the intensity into the work, meandering through the woods along animal trails. Scurrying sounds in the bushes made Effie’s heart race, but she avoided a heart attack like she evaded poison ivy.
“Scurrying things are mostly lizards, field mice, and foraging birds. The real threats are the things you DON’T hear coming.”
“WHY would you say that?! With all of the words you have to choose from in this situation, THAT is what you say to me!?!”
“I’m trying to ease your mind. Good ol’ Lex is up there watching from the ridge. We’re gonna be fine.”
They scooped and clipped foliage from a dozen trees. “Every leaf we collect must be freshly fallen or plucked from the branches. Nothing brown or decomposing is acceptable.”
“Nothing decomposing?! Who’s making these rules anyway?”
“I believe you called her ‘The High Priestess of Nature’.”
“What do you think is happening to leaves when the colors change? Poetry?”
“Maybe poetry. Why not?”
“This is a deciduous forest, sweetheart. These leaves are all dying. There’s nothing poetic about it. Death is a knife in somebody’s back or poison in her veins. And then nothing.”
“If that’s all it is, then why did you tell me to watch the leaves fall? And why did we feel so alive?”
He had no answer.
Returning to the fortress, Effie carried a sack across her back and the scoops in her hands. He slung the other full bags over his shoulders. Neither of them had much breath left to complain about their burdens, but they talked some.
“You’re stronger than you’ve let on.”
“I used to credit cycling classes at Capitol Spin. Now it’s endless staircase climbing in *the dungeon*.”
“What about the strength inside you? Where does that come from?”
“I... I don’t know. That’s not easy for me to feel.”
I feel it. “Thanks for getting me outside today.”
“Will you come to the dining hall this afternoon?”
“I’m all thumbs when it comes to making things like garlands. My parents’ craftiness skipped my generation.”
He seldom mentioned his family. There was so much pain there. She wanted to know more. She wanted to know everything. But if she pushed, he shut down. So she took in his comments whenever they came and tried to piece together a picture of the early life his Games destroyed. The more the images came together, the more protective she felt.
And the more she knew of anger.
She’d always folded anger up tightly and locked it in a box. The act was subconscious. Compartmentalization was happening less readily now, if for no other reason than the boxes she’d stuffed unwanted aspects of herself inside were getting full.
“You don’t have to make anything... I’d just like to see you there.” I’m anxious about facing people.
“After lunch I need to check on the kids, but I’ll try to stop by later.”
“I wish Peeta was recovered enough to participate.”
“He’s decorating in his own way.”
“Is he??”
The trail widened, and Haymitch walked alongside her. “It’s Plutarch’s big secret. If I told you, then I’d have to kill you.” His smile was wide enough to show the gap between his teeth. “And that wouldn’t work because I want you alive.”
The wind rushed around them, and she thought again about how easy it would be to let it take her. “Keep those secrets for now. My world has suddenly become rather interesting. I think I’ll stay alive and find out what’s going to happen next.”
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
No Bad Luck At All
A/N: hey guys so this idea came up to @riseofnightwing​ and i did my best to wirte something good out of it. This is basically a DC/Marvel crossover, hopefully you’ll like it!
Summary: Dick Grayson and Felicia Hardy had hisory and none of them seem to have forgotten about the other. The titans are once again facing Deathstroke. What happens when Nightwing crosses path with the one and only Black Cat.
Warnings: violence, kind of. Smut-ish
Pairings: Dick Grayson x Felicia Hardy/Nightwing x Black Cat
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“C'mon Dickie why don’t you come back to bed?I’ve heard that leaving so early it’s…bad luck” Felicia said mockingly.
Dick chuckled and turned around to see her lying naked on his bed. He was supposed to be leaving for work,like 10 minutes ago. He put his shirt on and sat on the bed trying to find his shoes. He felt a hand running up and down his back and smiled, without looking at her he said “I’ve got to work today, I told you last night but you didn’t seem to care when you crashed down at 2 am, didn’t you?”
Felicia laughed and sat down wrapping dick in a hug, resting her head on his shoulder
“You didn’t seemed to care when I started to su-” he turned around and kissed her deeply, before she could finish that sentence. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and depended the kiss, pulling Dick down into bed with her.
“ I’ve to go to work” he said between kisses
“Call in sick” she replied unbuttoning his pants.
Dick pulled away and looked down at her. There she was, looking so pretty underneath him. She was glowing. He caressed her cheek and kissed her one more time; he grabbed his phone to call in sick. One day wasn’t going to kill anyone. 
“Grayson!” He snapped the moment he heard Donna’s voice. He didn’t notice when his mind drifted back to her. 
“Sorry, I zoned out. What happened?“ 
Donna rolled her eyes. She knew that dick was thinking about her. When was he not? Donna didn’t know exactly what happened between him and Felicia, and frankly she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. The only thing Dick told her about his breakout with the Black Cat was that he found out something bad about her and so he needed to leave. Donna didn’t ask any questions, she knew Dick well enough to know that she was not going to get any. She knew that whatever happened must have been bad enough for him to leave Gotham and her behind, but no matter how sad dick was there were more important matters to address right now.
“What happened is, that we don’t know where Deathstroke is, and we need to know”, Donna said looking at the computer in the Titans tower.
“This is the last place we’ve seen him. Back in this wearhouse, when he killed those man” she added.
“Okay so the last two locations have something in common right? They were all hideouts for drug dealers. Now why Deathstroke is killing those men? I mean is not like he became a dealer and doesn’t want the competition now, right?” He said looking at the screen. 
For the past four weeks they’ve been trying to locate Deathstroke but ended up empty handed. He had been going on a killing spree and taken down a bunch of criminals. Now what the Titans didn’t understand was why. Why Deathstroke was going after those men. Was this part of something else? Probably.
“Do you think they’re connected? I mean what other possible explanation do we have for this? That he left the dark side and is now taking down bad guys out of the goodness of his heart? Yeah right”, said Donna sarcastically.
Dick looked at the screen one more time when an idea popped into his head. He typed something into the computer and a bunch of files appeared on the screen.
“Look at this” he said to Donna “Those guys, the first one he took down they were working for Maroni, but the second group was from Falcone so what does it mean? They were even on opposite sides of town, I don’t-” he stopped talking 
Donna looked at him and waited for him to continue but he didn’t “what, was wrong?” She asked impatiently
“Fuck,i know what he’s trying to do” he said running a hand through his face “he’s trying to pit those two against each other”.
“Why? It’s not like it’s new that Maroni and  Falcone hate each other but what’s in it for Deathstroke?”,she asked confused
“I don’t know but it can’t be good. I mean what better way to distract everyone than putting two of the most important mafia families against each other, knowing exactly that they were going to go against each other?”, he said looking at Donna
“Okay I still don’t know what he gets from this” she said 
“I don’t know,but we need to find out. Now”. Dick got up and left the room with Donna hot on his heels. 
He was trying to figure out what deathstroke could possibly want know. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Fuck- Donna this is going to be like the last time” he said with concern. “Remember when Garth died it was just like this. The criminals, the false leads, Arkham?”
“Jesus, do you really think it’s like the last time?” Donna asked, almost scared.
“I do, yeah”, he said as he entered the training room where Rachel, Jason and Gar were all practicing. “We need a plan, I think I know where he’s going to go next”
Addressing the kids he said: “I need you in the living room, in five minutes.” They all looked at him with questioning looks, but nodded in agreement anyway.
“How could you do this? You knew I was looking for Foreigner and you were working with him!? What the fuck is your problem?” Dick was angry, furious “I trusted you and you went behind my back. You knew and you still decided to go and help him” he couldn’t look at her, she had betrayed him. 
Once everyone was in the room Dick took a few minutes to think what was he going to say to the team** **
The situation was rather delicate, they couldn’t just dive right into it. This was Deathstroke after all; it was going to take more that just brute force the beat the man.
“Okay so we all know that Deathstroke’s back,what we need to know is how to catch him. The last time he was here he killed dozens of man and we didn’t even know what he did it for, but I think I might have a clue now” Dick said as he looked at each one of them.
“Okay so what the fuck does he want now?” Hank asked annoyed.
“Remember how two years ago we found out he was working with Rha’s al Gul to try and create some super-soldier like army?well apparently they hate each other now and he’s trying to get the juice before Rha’s” Donna explained.
“Okay so let me get this straight. These two assholes are having marital problems and somehow we have to pay for it and also do the dirty work? Why can we let Batman take care of this?” Hank said pinching the bridge of his nose. He does that when he’s annoyed. 
“Because Batman’s out of town and we’re the next best thing,so you’re either in or out, but we’re handling this, not batman, not Superman not anyone else. If someone’s against the plan, they can leave now” Dick replied slightly angry. He knew that this whole situation wasn’t their fault but he was tired. Tired of following false leads, of not being able to do the job right.
“Okay so here’s the thing, Deathstroke has been seen blowing up drug organizations for the past two weeks, and we know that they’re were from two of the most important mafia families in Gotham” dick explained “we know now that he’s trying to create a diversion, so he could distract us from what he’s really after” he added.
“Great that’s awesome” Jason said sarcastically
“You said you know we’re he’s going to go next. So where is it?” asked Dawn.
“Arkham asylum” dick replied. “I believe he’s trying to break Ivy from there so he can get whatever toxin that he needed to create an army before Rha’s"  he said
“Okay how the fuck do you know all that?” Jason asked while trying to suppress the surprise on his face.
“Because this isn’t the first time he tried something like this. We-” he stopped and remembered that the last time something like this happened someone had ended up dead “someone died okay? And the pattern was the same as it is this time. So trust me I’m not wrong about this. But this time we’ve got the upper hand. We know what he’s trying to do and we’ll stop him for good this time”.
Everyone left to prepare for the mission and dick left with Donna behind him.** **
“You know,we could use an extra hand” Donna said looking at dick
“We’re going to be fine” he sighed, he knew where this was going.
“I’m just saying, the last time she helped it was a success, and this is a job where have to be sneaky as possible. And even though we are more now, I don’t think Rachel and Gar are ready for this type of gig, this is different from everyday missions Dick” Donna said with a worried expression. 
“I’ll think about it” was all Dick said.** _ **“You got it?” Dick asked smiling at her_
 "of course I got it babe” Felicia said smoothly
 "No one saw you right?“ He asked looking back at the building
“Quiet as a cat” she replied with a smile.
Dick laughed and kissed her; he grabbed her head and deepened the kiss getting lost in how good her lips felt against him. Dick hummed against her lips and said: “we should probably go, don’t want the bad guys coming at us now" 
"Your place?” She asked with lustful eyes, knowing the answer alreadyDick took her hand in his and pulled her in for one more kiss before they both jumped off the building.
He browsed through his phone looking for her contact ‘Felicia Hardy’ his thumb ghosted over her name for a second and then he pressed it. ** **
It rang three times before she answered
“Hey Dickie” she answered. In that moment Dick felt something inside of him that he had not felt in a long time. He felt warm inside, like he used to all those years ago, and it only took two words for him to feel like that.
“Hey Felicia, how are you?” He asked in a small voice
“Better now that you called” she replied. Dick could hear the smile on her voice, the line went silent for a second before she inquired.
“Can I help you with anything Dickie?" ** **
Dick swallow hard, and took a couple of minutes to gather his thoughts.
"Look, there’s.. there’s something I need your help with and I know we didn’t exactly ended up in good terms but this is important and I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t” he sighed. 
She hummed but didn’t answer. The silence was prominent, but it didn’t feel awkward, it never was with her. 
“Okay, I’ll help. What do you need me to do?” She spoke after a while.
“Come to the tower and I’ll explain.”
Two hours later Felicia was getting out of the elevator in Titans tower. Dick looked at her and all those feelings he thought that were dormant inside came rushing up like a volcanic explosion releasing it’s lava inside of Dick’s chest leaving him with a burning sensation he hadn’t felt in years. It was all because of her. Little did he know that she felt the exact same.
He took a step forward getting closer to her and she did the same. They stood like that for a minute, her perfume lingered in the air, and the smell made Dick weak in the knees. She was using the same perfume he loved. 
He grabbed her by the waist pulling her close against his chest; his hand gently caressed his cheek, as he looked at her in a way he had never looked anyone before. Her eyes shone with passion and she smiled teasingly, goosebumps lined her skin, the good kind. The kind that make you realise that nothing matters except the man in front of her.
His lips brushed hers -in a not so innocently fashion- fiery passionate and demanding. The kiss was hot, their breaths mingled. She tasted like mint, probably from the gum she was chewing. His hands roamed her body, as he was trying to remember how every inch of her felt. They settled on her waist and hers find their way around his neck pulling him down to deepen the kiss, she pulled his hair and he moaned. She broke the kiss first,lips glistening. She bit her lip trying to suppress a smile, Dick dragged her into his room. 
Their clothes were on the floor in seconds, not caring about anything else right now but the person in front of each other. 
Felicia pushed dick down hard into the bed. He sank down into the mattress, and she straddle his hips,he tried to sit up but she pushed him back down.
"Felicia” he whispered desperately. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips, without warning he flipped her over. Her eyes widened and she laughed a little
 "Eager dickie?“ She asked 
"You’re irresistible” he said while kissing her chest.
 Hands touching every bit of skin. He kissed her one more time and thrust into her. They moaned in unison. They move in perfect synch, as if they were dancing. 
Her toes curled as the waves of her orgasmed washed her away. Dick came soon after collapsing on top of her. He kissed her one more time before he rolled over and laid besides her.
After a few seconds, while she was recovering she declared: “I missed you Dickie" 
“Me too” he replied kissing her temple.
They stayed there for a while, neither wanted to ruin this moment. They knew that whenever the other would move, the spell would break and they would have to go back to reality. 
A few hours later the Titans and the Black Cat were all gathered in the training room; they discussed the plan over and over so that everyone knew what they had to do. Hank Dawn and Kory were going  to keep guard at the entrance of the asylum, while Gar, Rachel and Jason were supposed to be at the back just in case something happened. Dick, Felicia and Donna were going in, making them the first line of defence against Slade.
“Okay, I don’t mean to be the asshole here, but who the hell are you”, Hank asked Felicia,“and what is she doing here?” he added looking at Dick now.
“Felicia Hardy,nice to finally meet you all Titans. Dick told me a lot about you” she answered smiling sincerely.
Dick placed a hand on her lower back and looked at his team: “She’s here to help, the more the merrier. We’re going against deathstroke tonight and any help is welcome.”
Everyone noticed the little touches they shared through the night, the lingering stares the soft smiles. 
"Oh shit, you’re screwing her” Hank hollered. “Holy shit man”, he went over to Dick and patted him on his back. Dick face turned a bright red under the light of the room and Felicia stifled a laugh. 
“Well, I’m screwing him too, if you wanted to know” the Black Cat said. Dick swallowed hard under the stare of his teammates.
“No offense but, what could she possibly do that we can’t?” Jason asked interrupting the awkward moment.Dick was grateful for his little brother for once.
Felicia didn’t answer right away she just looked at him and when Jason went to sit down he felt right off the chair, and landed hard on his ass.
“Ouch, what the fuck” he hissed.
Dick laughed knowing exactly what had happened.
“Have you ever heard the myth that black cats give bad luck? Well now you know it’s not a myth anymore” the platinum blonde woman replied.** **
Rachel was trying not to laugh at Jason when she asked: “So…your powers are what? Bad luck?"  
"Pretty much yeah, and also I’m one hell of a fighter” she smirked. 
“Okay enough chit chatting, we all know the plan right?” Dick asked looking at each one of his teammates.
They all nodded and went on separate ways. Each team knew what they have to do,so it was time to take Slade Wilson down for good.
[Arkham asylum 1.00 am]
The night was quiet, not a sign of Slade anywhere. They had been there for almost two hours and nothing happened. The Titans were starting to get annoyed. Hank, Dawn, Kory have just briefed Dick on the entrance situation, no news so far. This was odd, there was no way that Deathstroke knew their plan.** **
They made sure to be as careful as possible. 
Dick and Donna had managed to get in dressed as guards, while Felicia was supposed to be a transfer inmate from Detroit. So far so good. No one noticed a thing. After all it was Arkham, the worst place in Gotham.
Dick pretended to make rounds throughout the cells and kept a closer eye Into Ivy’s one. He was about to ask Jason if he had any new information on the situation but Kory’s voice interrupted him.
“Dick! We need-” Kory was cut short.
“Kory? Kory!?” he screamed.
“Fuck, Donna get in position” Dick warned her.
The corridors were quiet. It was actually way too silent, the only thing that could be heard was Dick’s heavy breathing. Before he could turn around, a kick landed on his back and he fell forward into the cold marble floor. He got up quickly and drew his escrima sticks, ready to fight. 
“Can’t say I’m happy to see you” Slade mentioned.
“New costume,same old Dick Grayson” he stated with disgust.
“You wanna get to her, you gotta go through me first” Dick announced.
Deathstroke withdrew his sword and slid forward trying to hit dick, but he was fast and deflect the attack with his sticks, pushing him against the wall of the small corridor. Definitely not the best place to have a fight.** **
Slade advanced trying to hit dick once again, and succeed by landing a punch right into the hero’s face; seeing that Dick was stunned Deathstroke took his chance and stabbed Dick under his ribs. 
He grunted in pain touching his side, he saw that red coated his hand 
“Fuck” he muttered. Not caring about the immense pain he was in Dick tried to hit the villain but failed miserably. 
“Not so fast now Nightwing?” Deathstroke voice echoed through the asylum.
“You shouldn’t have come her tonight boy. But you don’t listen, do you?” He voiced.
Dick’s wound was making it difficult for him to fight steadily; the pain was so intense that he was losing consciousness by the minute.
Slade took a step forward, and tried to hit Dick but he failed. Every single one of his punches were avoided, resulting in Dick getting the upper hand in the fight. He hit him the face, and a crunching sound was heard under the mask, and he knew that he had broken Deathstroke’s nose.
The man screamed in pain grabbing his masked face. He cursed Dick, and tried to get to him, but every single time he failed. He avoided the clumsy attack of the man, and kicked him in the stomach.
“You shouldn’t have come here tonight man” Dick said repeating the same words Slade had used with him a few minutes ago. 
Deathstroke was lying on the floor, his mask long forgotten as he held his bloody face grunting in pain. 
Donna came by short after and saw Slade on the floor.
“Well, you look like shit” Donna mentioned trying not to smile too much, “thanks for waiting for me dude”, she said to Dick.
“Yeah, sorry i kinda wanted to kick his ass on my own” smiling at his best friend he asked:
 “maybe next time?” 
Dick and Donna let Felicia out of her cell , thankfully nobody really noticed anything out of the ordinary,but  once again this was Arkham. They met with the rest of the team outside the building they were all fine 
“So…is it over now?” Gar asked putting his jacket back on; he really needed to find a way to not get naked every time he transformed Dick thought.
Donna responded while trying to help his best friend from falling into                the floor: “Yeah, we’re done with Deathstroke for good” “Let’s get home then” Dawn stated.
**[5 am Titans Tower] **
Dick and Felicia were laying in bed,entangled in a mess of limbs. Felicia’s hands ran up and down on his chest and his hands were wrapped around her hips, squeezing them every once in a while.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, you know that right?” he said kissing her temple. Felicia hummed and looked up at him. 
“You’re giving me too much credit Dickie. You did all the hard work” she replied, putting her head back on Dick’s chest.
“Yeah, but i knew you did something the moment his movements started to get sloppy” he stated. 
Felicia spoke after a few minutes, “i’m glad you called me D. i know we didn’t end up in good terms all those years ago, but i wanted you to know that i never stopped thinking about you”
Dick felt his heart fluttered as she spoke. He had missed more than he cared to admit.
He closed his eyes savouring the moment. His sore muscles ached every time he moved and his stab wound hurt like hell, but he felt at peace. it’s been quite some time since he felt like things were going to be okay. And now that she was lying on top of him, half asleep he realized that being around black cats wasn’t bad luck after all.
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mcchipisfried · 4 years
DEArtfest Day 10 - Sickfic
Okay small warning because this has angst. I kinda struggled with the prompt but I hope it's okay?
Gavin was having the best fucking day ever. No really. This was the best day he has had in who knows how many fucking years. It was fantastic. Except for the part where he couldn’t really taste anything he ate. And the coughing. And the huge amounts of tissue paper that he had accumulated around himself. But other than that he could honestly describe himself as the luckiest bastard on Earth.
Gavin Reed caught a cold. He showed symptoms of this the night before and when he found himself waking up the next day, feeling like more of a shit than usual, a raspy throat, and the urge to just lay down and die, he knew he wouldn’t be going into work. Objectively speaking, his day had started out being pretty shitty but after a few phone calls to the precinct and a few texts to Nines, he found himself with three days off from work and a very caring yet very distressed android barging into his room like he was two seconds away from passing out.
“Gavin are you okay!?” Nines yelled as he barged into Gavin’s room only to find him sitting up on his bed, wrapped up in blankets like an old Russian woman, while scrolling through his phone. He quickly looked up and smiled at Nines.
When he texted Nines that he wouldn’t be coming into work for a couple of days and received a response informing him that he would be there in a few minutes, he found himself to be ecstatic at the idea of spending a lazy day with Nines. He wouldn’t even feel guilty since he knew Nines wouldn’t be able to get sick so he looked forward to Nines coming over.
What he didn’t expect though was to be coddled by an overprotective android who would scan him every five minutes to make sure he wasn’t worsening. Nor was he expecting to get told off for taking better care of himself while also getting to see Nines make him soup that would hopefully keep him warm and help in his recovery.
Gavin would deny this to the ends of time but he was honestly very happy with how the situation turned out. He rarely had anyone in his life that actually cared enough about him to take care of him for long periods of time so to get Nines as his now personal nurse, who at the moment would do anything he asked if he made himself sound just a tad bit pathetic was honestly amazing. Even though he would keep telling Nines that he was fine and this was common for humans only to get responses telling him to shush so that he could get better sooner. If it was up to him he’d honestly rather be sick for the rest of the week if it meant he’d get to have Nines this worried and caring, not that he wasn’t but there was a notable difference in how when Gavin tried to start to banter with Nines he’d just simply nod his head and smile.
This began to make his day not so perfect.
Nines was having the worst day ever. Arriving early to the precinct to make sure his paperwork was turned in on time, patiently waiting for Gavin to show up, into finding out he would not be coming into work because he was sick quickly spiraled his normal day into the worst one he’s had in quite awhile.
Finding out his partner was sick was bad enough but to then also realize that hey, your partner is Gavin Reed, notorious for being on the brink of death from sleep deprivation and hunger 24/7, so in his mind, no matter how advanced, the thought of Gavin even remotely being sick was enough to imagine him in a hospital bed with tubes and needles and a silent heart monitor-
No. He knew he was overreacting. He knew that colds typically only last a couple of days with the proper medication, enough sleep, and warm meals for the person to get back to their normal healthy self. But he also knew how careless Gavin was with his health. Even more so with his safety. He was brave and strong for a human, who would throw himself into any fight, guns blazing, so long as he got the job done. Moments like these, when Gavin would get hurt or get sick he would be reminded of his mortality. He wasn’t an android who could be rebuilt and updated over and over. He was a human who, if not taken care of properly, would disappear. He was much like a firecracker, with a very specific time limit and easily blown out. Nines feared that if he didn’t protect Gavin from the wind, he’d burn out. Forever.
Nines tried to treat Gavin like he usually would but it was hard because every time he did his scanners would show his partner, sick, burning up, with an increased heart rate, and even without his scanners he could see Gavin, feeling cold and tired. So very tired, that if he were to fall asleep he might just never wake up again.
Gavin looked at Nines, he’d been quiet for awhile now, spending the whole day taking care of Gavin and even going as far as to clean the apartment just to give him something to do. He wouldn’t look at Gavin and that worried him more than anything else.
“Hey Tin Can, what's wrong?” Gavin asked. Nines slowly turned to look at him, surprised at the question but quickly brushed it off.
“Nothing is wrong, Detective. Did you need something else? I could make you some tea, if you’d like. I heard it does wonders for sore throats.” Nines said, already getting up from the bed where he had been sitting next to Gavin. 
Nines wasn’t looking at him. He wasn’t looking at Gavin. And that scared him. He quickly reached out to grasp Nines’ hand before he got too far and turned to look at Gavin.
“Nines cut the bullshit, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you okay?” Gavin desperately asked. Nines’ throat closed up. Gavin was the one who was sick and here he was still worried about Nines. How selfish of him, to make Gavin worry like this.
Nines smiled politely and gently took his hand out of Gavin’s and shook his head. 
“Nothing is wrong, Gavin”
“Then why won’t you look at me?”
This caught Nines by surprise and he realized he wasn’t looking at Gavin but instead at his hand. Gavin sighed and brought his hand to his lap
“Nines you gotta tell me when something’s wrong. I can’t just scan you and know everything. You have to talk to me, because that’s what partners are supposed to do and isn’t that what we are?” Gavin asked hoping Nines would lift his gaze. He did. And Gavin’s heart tore when he saw the look on Nines’ face.
He looked like he was about to fall apart. He looked scared and sad. So very sad. Too sad. In Gavin’s mind, he never wished to see Nines like that ever again so he jumped up from the bed and brought him into his arms. Nines collapsed into him and they both fell onto the bed, with Gavin holding on to Nines, not letting go.
“I can’t bear to see you like this, Gavin. Every time I look at you my scanner shows me distressed signs that you are sick and not okay. It reminds me that I could lose you to an illness or that you could die on the job and it feels like I can't do anything to protect you from it. I’m one of the most advanced androids ever made and I still can’t even do what I want. Not as a slave to CyberLife or as a deviant!” Nines sobbed into Gavin’s chest, heaving from the roller coaster of emotions that spilled out of him.
Gavin buried his face into Nines’ shoulder, holding him as close as possible. He tried to not think about his future with Nines too often since it usually ended with him imagining leaving Nines alone either from old age or his own stupidity.
“I’m so sorry Nines. I wish I wasn’t...this. I can’t promise you that I won’t get sick again or that I won’t get hurt but I can promise you that I’ll take care of myself” Gavin pulled Nines away from him and forced him to look into his eyes.
“I’ll stop smoking. And drinking. I’ll exercise more, because God knows there's no way in hell I’m letting myself look like Hank” Gavin said, which made Nines laugh. But only a little.
“I’ll be more careful on the job. I can’t control the cases I get but I can be better. And I think you're forgetting that I’m partnered with one of the most advanced android ever created. I’m basically invisible and can only be stopped by my ever growing back pains.” Gavin dramatized his words, resulting in Nines giving him a hearty laugh. This is what Nines should look like. 
He finally looked at Gavin. Really looked at him and kissed him.
“Thank you, Gavin.” Nines said, after breaking the kiss. Slowly coming to lay down next to Gavin. He let Gavin take him into his arms once more and let him take care of him because that's what partners do. They take care of each other.
“Anytime, Tin Can.”
Okay that's it! Hope you guys liked it!
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cbseung · 4 years
cobblestones: modern prince hyunjin - final part
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4] [pt 5] [pt 6] [pt 7] [pt 8] [pt 9] [pt 10] [final]
wow! final part! i can’t believe it! thanks for joining me on this wild ride, and i hope that you continue to read whatever i write next! 
(ps. the next imagine series planned is a bang chan imagine based on the movie hotarubi no mori e!! that’s gonna be a ROLLERCOASTER ride i guarantee that)
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
wc: 2,000 
description: the finale, the conclusion, the end. what’s prince hyunjin going to do now?
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hyunjin watches as your figure retreats farther and farther
he wanted nothing more than to chase after you and explain to you what was actually going on 
but how could he??
his mom explicitly told him
“hyunjin,, if you don’t follow through with this marriage we’ll have to disown you. then what would you do?”
like w0w! harsh mom 
hyunjin really really likes you
this isn’t new information
but he’s not ready to give up everything he’s ever known for you
so he really has no other choice than to marry mirai right?
so what if he has to marry someone he doesn’t love?
his parents have been controlling every single thing he does
all the more reason you shouldn’t follow through with this marriage!!!! hyunjin thinks
“hey! your parents want us to announce the engagement” mirai says as she breaks hyunjin’s train of thought
“right now?”
“right now.”
“can’t they like.. wait a sec?”
“nope! you know how they are”
hyunjin looks exhausted
he HEAVILY sighs and tries racking his brain for ANY excuse he can think of
cause he’s just not ready
and he’s just not sure if he can announce his engagement RIGHT NOW
and it’s not like he can just CANCEL the engagement
cause the last thing he needs is the press to EAT that up
you know and ruin the reputation of the royal family
so if he cancels the engagement now when no one knows about it
then all the better
hyunjin just
needs more time to decide that he’s making the right choice
but his time is literally running out
“hey..” he hears mirai say, “you’re not sure about getting married to me huh”
“ah.. am i that obvious?”
“you look panicked and deep in thought, wanna tell me what’s up?”
“do we have the time?” hyunjin laughs
“eh what are they gonna do? announce our engagement without us?”
“you never know what those crazy royals do”
mirai walks over to hyunjin and sits down next to him
“it’s just..” hyunjin sighs, “i’m not sure about this engagement..”
“is it because of that girl? y/n?”
“i mean, it’s true, i do really really like y/n, and i wish we gave us a shot before this whole thing happened. and i can’t call off the engagement without being disowned by my parents BUT I’M JUST so sick of being controlled by them!”
“hyunjin.. i can’t make this decision for you, but i think you know what you have to do”
truth is
hyunjin has always known what he wanted to do
he just needed a friend to talk to
him and mirai talk for a little longer
and then hyunjin smiles
“ready?” hyunjin asks mirai
“ready!” mirai exclaims
and they both walk out together
»»————- ♔ ————-««
after you left hyunjin in the garden
you go back into the ballroom
and find yeji and felix
“hey.. y/n” felix says
“hey felix, yeji..”
the fact that you’re visibly exhausted raises a couple flags for the both of them
with preparations for the ball and trying to figure out your feelings and getting the most out of your vacation in europe
a lot
“are.. are you okay?” felix asks
“well,, to be honest, no. but! it’s okay, we’re leaving tomorrow night so i’ll be okay”
very vague but they both believe you
“yeji,,, can we,, rent a room tonight? i don’t really feel like staying at the palace anymore...”
“of course we can, we can leave right now since it’s over anyway and it’ll take a long time for us to get ready”
then you turn to felix and say
“felix!! come with us and sleepover!!! i don’t want to leave you just yet” you pout
you’re lucky you’re cute and felix loves you
“of course y/n!”
so the three of you sneak out of the ball 
and plan to spend the night trying to forget about a certain handsome but engaged prince (◕︿◕✿)(◕︿◕✿)
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“hello! my name is mirai, but you may know me better as the princess of japan! i would first like to thank the King and Queen of England and Korea for throwing such a wonderful ball! i know most of you were expecting an engagement announcement, but as you can see, prince hyunjin is not here with me. however, we both came to the conclusion that it is in our best interests that we do not follow through with this engagement. thank you, and there will be no further comment on the situation.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
do you know how long it takes to run around the Buckingham Palace?
i don’t
but hyunjin does
after he’s been running in CIRCLES trying to find you
he needs to tell you something 
and it’s prettttty important
and you should probably know before you leave for home and never see him again 
you know?
ah but too bad you’re miles from the palace huh
at this point hyunjin gives up cause he covered every inch of the palace
(which is a feat within itself because that place is: huge)
so hopefully he finds you tomorrow before you leave for your flight
or else ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
»»————- ♔ ————-««
four hours before you have to hop on a plane and kiss europe goodbye
so of course
where would you be?
drinking coffee on cobblestone streets of course
you more or less
look back at the trip you took
to be fair,
you don’t regret taking the trip
you don’t regret meeting hyunjin
you don’t regret falling for him
if anything
you regret not telling him sooner
but what’s done is done
you get up with your empty coffee in your hand, your phone in the other because you were supposed to text yeji when you were ready to head to the airport
when all of a sudden
you walk smack dab into someone
because really y/n??? AGAIN??
“oh my god you’ve GOT to be kidding me”
“hey uh you should watch were you’re going”
waaaait a sec 
you’d know that voice anywhere
you look up and 
lo and behold
a handsome boy who goes by the name of prince hyunjin
and wow he still looks as pretty as you remember (╯︵╰,) even IF you saw him just the day prior
“uh hello? anyone home? look i know americans are dumb but i didn’t know they were this dumb” hyunjin says smiling
you glare at him
but then crack a smile
“y/n! thank god! i’ve been looking everywhere for you!!”
are you flattered?
you’re kinda flattered
a little confused
“wait hyunjin! how did the engagement announcement go?”
part of you is hoping he says it went horrible and no one’s gonna follow through with it
“oh you didn’t see? it’s not happening, i talked to mirai right before we were supposed to announce it”
“wait what? haha funny joke!!”
listen this is your way of coping with it because there’s no way hyunjin cancelled his engagement right
“nope not a joke but listen i owe you an explanation”
you both sit at the cafe you were just at
and he starts with an
“i’m sorry”
which is 
something you didn’t know you needed? but nonetheless
he laughs
(it’s a great sound if i do say myself)
“where do i even begin? i’m sorry for not taking you out on that date i promised, i’m sorry for not being in contact with you that week, i’m sorry if i made you feel like you were annoying or clingy or anything bad because you’re not. i’m not gonna make excuses for myself because you’ve never been nice to me,, actually well, the first time we met you weren’t the nicest to me”
“hey you called me dumb the first time we met!”
“... anyways,, i-”
“wait, sorry, why’d you end the engagement in the first place”
“truth is, my parents were threatening to disown me if i didn’t follow through with it”
now you’re in full panic mode
he really did just drop everything
“wait WHAT”
“yeah,, but i decided i was sick and tired of them controlling everything i did so i kinda just.. left?”
“well why not”
“i mean, does felix know? do you even have a place to stay? oh my god where are you gonna live how are gonna eat you can’t just-”
“hey, hey, relax it’s okay, i got it covered, i have connections too you know, the many perks of being a prince, er- well, ex prince now that my parents will probably disown me” 
“but hyunjin-”
“hey it’s okay, i may not know what i’m doing but at least i’m free to make my own decisions, like taking you on that date i promised you” hyunjin says smiling
okay fine
you decide to drop it for now
and give hyunjin the benefit of the doubt
and besides he has yeji and felix and now you 
so he’s not completely alone
hyunjin intertwines his hands in yours and starts leading you to god knows where when you remember
you kinda leave europe in like three hours
“WAIT” you say 
“WHAT now”
you roll your eyes at him and say, “i need to meet yeji! we’re going home in three hours!”
“oh, OH, wow thank god i found you before you left huh”
“yeah that would’ve been,, pretty bad, so what now?”
“what now?”
“i mean, i have to go home, you have to deal with your parents and the whole british/korean media..”
“ah you’re right,,,,but still, let’s do it
“i’ve been thinking, i think i’m gonna pursue dancing.. i’ve got a little pocket money maybe i’ll go to school, or audition for a company, who knows? the ends are limitless, but all i know is that i want to give us a shot ”
you’re not fond of the whole long distance thing
but you’re not fond of not exploring whatever is going on with you and hyunjin
and i don’t think your feelings are going away anytime soon
so you might as well give it a try
“yeah let’s do it! who knows what’ll happen, but all i know is that i wanna explore whatever is happening here”
hyunjin pulls you in for a hug and mutters
“you won’t regret this, princess”
cue the blush
you and hyunjin walk together until you meet up with yeji and felix
yeji sees your hands intertwined and gives you the ‘bro what the heck’ look and you give the ‘i’ll explain everything on the plane ride home’ look
“jin, i have to go, they’re waiting for me” you pout
“ah right,, let’s exchange numbers”
“we don’t have each other’s numbers? and we’ve known each other for a month now? we’re so lame”
we’ll be lame together”
“oh god ssh”
“you better get used to this!!” hyunjin teases
“ah whatever,, bye hyunjin, i’ll see you soon okay?”
“don’t miss me too much, y/n!”
“ah too late!”
five years later
after five years
you and hyunjin are finally moving in together
five years of texting ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ to each other
five years of flights to and from seoul where hyunjin’s dance university was
five years of facetime calls
and they were all finally coming to an end
hyunjin’s parents understood where he was coming from and decided to support him and his dance career
and he still got to keep his prince title
(lucky him am i right)
but most importantly
according to hyunjin
the most important thing to him 
wasn’t his title
wasn’t even his dancing
nope! the most important thing to prince hwang hyunjin
was you
the end. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
a/n: wow wow wow i’m done FINALLY DONE!! 
i hope you enjoyed the series!! to be honest, i wanted the story to go a TOTALLY DIFFERENT direction but i’m kinda happy how this turned out
this is the first time i did something this big of a series, so i’m sorry if it wasn’t the greatest! i’m always up to hear some constructive criticism! 
thank you for being so patient with me and this series, and please look forward to more stuff i write! 
good night!
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overwatchshotz · 5 years
Couples fight (reaperxF!reader) 1
Just writing a collection of moments where you and our beloved Reaper argue like couples do sometimes. But there are always sweet endings with our edgy man.
Warnings: Female pronouns, cussing, mentions of sexual activity. And physical fighting (one sided) that turns into kissy faces.
She had an attitude today, she was tired, she was bored, and she missed him terribly. But he was always just gone. Work she could understand, she worked with him, but lately he was just gone for hours sometimes days even. And she was getting sick of that. If he didnt want her, tell her, she rather cry her tears tonight and be moving on the next day.
"I'm back." His voice heard in the for the most part silent room, she was reading. "For how long?" She asked. Her tone not pleasant, he could pick up on that as soon as he entered the room, just from body language alone. "A while" he said going over to her to try his luck with a simple move of the mask and kiss on top of her head. "So 5 minutes?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. Starting to take off his hood and coat. He had a very long day.
"Oh my God, those are actually removable?" She gasped raising her brow. He tossed his garments onto an armchair beside him, mask gone, only his scarred face and goatee, still nicely groomed. His brown orbs now a reddish color. He combed his beard with her fingers now free from his usual clawed gauntlets. "Is there an issue?" He asked. "Perhaps....are you going to stay long enough to actually talk about it?" She asked putting her bookmark in her book and tossing it to the coffee table.
He stood there arms now crossed. "Speak." He saying simply. "What have you been doing whenever you arent around, or not on missions?" She asked. "Afraid I'm unfaithful? Never took you as the type." He said amusement in his gruff tone. "I've heard rumors about you being unfaithful to your past organization...so you ARE the type maybe." She said with even more amusement when his eye seemed to twitch. She wasn't with him during those days, they became an item after he joined Talon.
"Watch it..." he warned. "No, you watch it. I want to know where you've been going and why." She wasnt afraid of him in the slightest, she was never afraid of anyone in her life, it's something he liked about her. "It's none of your business Y/N..." he was getting pissed. "It is my business if you want to keep getting between my legs Gabriel. I dont sleep with cheaters nor traitors." She said sternly. "I'm not the one getting between your legs sweetheart, you crawl onto my dick." He chuckled at the look of her face. He could play the game of who can piss off the other just as well as she could.
"Now tell me princess, what did daddy say no to that has you so pouty?" He asked in a mocking manner. Knowing she hated to be called princess. ((In this situation anyway)) and in a moment, he moved his head to the side dodging a oncoming fake plant (they were not around enough to take care of real ones). "F*ck you! You know what fine dont tell me, but whatever you're up to, I hope she, he or it is worth it and if you f*ck up I'm not backing you!" She got up the chair she said in and went for the door.
He was infront of her in seconds, "You're not walking away from me, and you will not walk out of here making a scene..." now if she wasnt so mad at him, him being so tall and towering over her, she would have been turned on, but right now she wanted to hit him. "I'll make biggest scene and show you how I could have been an actress." She said. "How dramatic you are I dont doubt it." He said, that's it. She pushed him back against the door and her fist went to his face, he moved his head and her fist went through the door.
"Come at the king....best not miss...and you're the only one who got a chance to try twice." He said. " 3..." she corrected and brought her knee up to get him in the stomach, he grabbed her leg and shoved her backward. Their living quarters was like a studio apartment, she stumbled onto the bed on her back. "Always loved seeing you like that..." he was sounding playful. "You better start taking me seriously..." she growled as she grabbed a lamp and threw it at him too, he wisped and was behind her now.
"Hard to when you're acting like a child throwing a tantrum..." his arms wrapped around her, holding her to him tightly, she kicked her legs trying to get him to falter in some way. "Now let me guess what's really wrong...." he grunted when she bit his arm. "You're lonely, horny, and bored. And I have been too busy for your liking and you're insecurities, which I'm surprised you have any, are making you come up with insane theories." He grunted again when she managed to stretch her leg up and behind his head, the position forcing him to let go and she got his arm, they wrestled a little bit,but she but him in an arm bar.
"F*ck" he grunted. "You will tell me what you've been up to, or we are over..." she threatened as she tightened her hold. Despite all this, he loved her, and he sighed, getting his other arm and managing to grab his own hand and started to lift her, forcing the arm bar to break and she let go, her body landing on the bed, her body bouncing in a delightful way in his sight.
"What If you couldnt know?" He said looking down at her, exhausted. "You know how many things I told you that you couldnt know? Just tell me if you're screwing around with someone else just tell me so I could get up, get out and move on." She said. "Y/N..." he sighed, she was going to be mad either way. "I'm not seeing anyone sexually...or romantically...besides you. If you want to label us that." He said. "Then?" She nudged him with her foot.
"I've been trying to fix myself..." Gabe finally said. "Fix yourself?" She said slowly, trying to understand. "Yes, I want to be normal again...I'm tired of my body feeling like its constantly on fire, I hate when my face decays and I have to go a week sometimes weeks without kissing you." "Who have you been seeing?" She asked. He gave her a look, he's trying to open up here and she's still on that question. "The one who turned me into this...monstrosity..." he sounded sad, disgusted with himself. He should have never aloud Moria to help him...she was helping herself...and left him to rot...literally then regenerate, he was in pain most of the time, even when he and Y/N are together he hid the fact, something he became pretty good at.
"So me touching you, hurts you?" She asked. "In the last 10 minutes, yes..." he joked. But she felt horrible. "Then why would you be with me if you're in constant pain?" She asked. "Because of a silly little L word...besides, its most of the time, it seems when I have you, that sensation overtakes the pain..." he smirked at the small blush on her face. "Go to someone else...to help you I mean...Moria won't help, she'll probably just experiment more in the name of finding a cure..." she said.
He sighed "I there is no one else..." he said. She now wrapped her arms around his neck, "Not true, you see here's the thing, I know people...people that even Talon can't connect with...very special friends that If I call would love to meet you." She said, lips brushing against him, barely connecting. "And how come you've never mentioned them?" He asked his hands going to her hips. "It's your fault, you don't let me in...how am I supposed to know these things if you dont talk" she said. "Point taken....in Talon you never know who your friends are..." he said. "True but then why do you let me "crawl onto your dick" hmmm?" She raised a brow. He chuckled "You're cute...that's why." "Bull...I think it has something to do with that silly L word you were mentioning." She pressed. "Maybe I "Like" you...just a little bit..." he said.
She kissed his lips slowly, pressing herself more into him. She missed his lips. "Bull" she said pecking his lip. "Mmmmm maybe I like you a little more than a bit..." he said, she kept pecking his lips "bull..." she said again. He hummed, laying her down, getting ontop of her. "Alright, alright....since you literally twisted my arm...I love you..." he said. "Love you too...asshole..." she said making nip at her lip. "I think I need relief (pet name of your choice)..." "Go to Moria..." she said playfully making him growl and kiss her hard, she laughing into the kiss.
Ah Silly little L word...
Hope you enjoyed, as always Gif is not mine, and if you guys would like me to write something, use that ask box. And I will write it hopefully. I will put up a notice and "rules" soon.
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jenevievemccoy · 4 years
When the Ground Shifts Beneath You || Part 4
Kai is there for Jenevieve when she first wakes up in the hospital
This takes place on 09/09/20
(it’s long but each blurb is pretty small)
Jenevieve had been through hours of surgery and was still not fully back with it. After she got out of surgery she slept for a couple hours. She woke up a few times briefly as the nurses came in and out, then she was still really high off the drugs they gave her. Finally Jene opened her eyes and was not nearly as doped up. Jene looked over to see Kai. Jene reaches over and took his hand in hers. “What are you doing here?”
Kai looked over at her, he’d been sitting there for a few hours waiting for the girl to wake up. “i heard you were in here...i wanted to make sure you were alright.” he told her softly before shrugging his shoulders. “figured i’d wait for you to wake up.”
Jenevieve smiled softly. “I’m glad you are here.” She said turning over on her side slowly as she was in a lot of pain. “I’m okay. Just... I’ve been better.”
“i was hoping for that reaction.” kai said as he offered her a smile. “if it helps, you look as beautiful as you always do. all you can do that now is get better again.”
Jene nodded. It warmed her heart that he waited for her to wake up and came as soon as he heard. “Kai, that’s flattering but I look pale and sick and like I almost just died because that’s what just happened.”
“at first you were pale, the color’s starting to come back now..you still look like you.” he told her softly. “what happened?”
“Before I got here I was blue so I guess that’s an improvement.” Jene always had blue tinted skin because of her heart condition. “You just can’t say anything” she trailed off. “The last thing I really remember is going with my dad... I replaced JP.”
he nodded his head, “now you’re going to continue to improve, alright?” he told her, hopefully enough to convince her. “i won’t...” he trailed off as he looked at her. “you — what? jene...why did you go with him?”
"Hopefully." This whole experience really scared her. She usually wasn't all that scared with being on the hospital before but this time really got to her. "I didn't know... I didn't have a choice really. I got called down to the deans and when I saw him I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed me. I didn't know that was going to happen..." She said as a few tears fell. "You aren't going to leave right?"
“it’s going to happen.” he told her softly, slowly reaching out to grab her hand. he looked up at her as she continued to explain what was going on, “hey...it’s not your fault. did you tell anyone here that it was your dad? maybe they can help?” he questioned as he wiped the tears from her face. “i’m not going to leave you.”
Jenevieve gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm not telling anyone about it till I walk to Juliet. She was in here earlier why I was napping, I think she just needed a break or maybe to talk to my mom or something." Jene said as a shrug. "good." She smiled. "So, how are you enjoying france so far?"
kai looked at her and nodded his head. "i think that's fair, talk it out first before you do anything but i don't think he should be allowed to see you anymore, it's not worth you almost dying." he said with a sigh before offering her a smile. "i'm getting to see you so i'm doing just fine, there's plenty of time to see it later."
Jenevieve nodded. "We will figure it out." She said with a nod. "I don't want to see him, ever again. But I also don't want them to see them either." She said biting her lip. "I bet you would rather be anywhere else but here, you can go if you want."
"none of you should have to see him, especially after this." he told her softly. "jene, i want to be here. i've been waiting hours just for you to wake up." he continued before laughing a little. "don't worry."
"I really want him to disappear forever." She said as she wiped away some tears. "are you sure?" She questioned. "I feel like this is a terrible start to a good trip..."
"he should, for now at least you're in france and he isn't here." kai told her softly. "yeah i'm sure, i'm not going anywhere." he let out a sigh and looked at her. "is there anything i can do to make it better?"
"Kai.... he's in france." She said looking away from him. "I don't know if he left yet but he was just here, this just happened..." She said biting her lip. "Um... could you come over here and lay with me..." She said with a frown.
“he’s what?” kai questioned, running a hand through his hair. “he followed you all the way here?” he continued before nodding his head. “yeah, of course.”
"I think he got here before we did...." She trailed off. "asshole." She said thinking of her father. Jene scooted over to make room for kai
“i’m sorry jene...he’s an asshole.” kai said with a sigh before getting up from his chair and laying down beside her. this was different from the last few times they’ve seen each other, he’d never been this close to her before.
Jene nodded. "Yeah he is." She mumbled. Jene still didn't really know the full extent of what really just happened and that scared her the most. Jene rested her head on his shoulder and curled up next to him. Usually it was JP with her when she was in the hospital, she liked having the feeling of someone there with her. She pressed her eyes closed. "T-thanks.."
he hated that she had to go through all of this continuously — maybe now things would be able to change. kai wrapped his arms around her, slowly rubbing her back. “anytime...”
There was a feeling of protection that washed over her and she really loved it, feeling safe especially after what just happened. "Did you eat? you have been here a while?"
“i had a little bit if food earlier, i’ve only been here a few hours. are you hungry?” he asked as he looked down at her.
"Okay good." She said with a nod, she wanted to make sure he was all good. "Me? No." She said simply. "I can never eat after surgery." She said using that as an excuse.
“don’t worry about me.” he told her softly, continuing to rub her back. “are you sure?” he questioned. “you’ve never really hungry, are you?”
“I will always worry about you.” She said softly. “Yeah I’m sure.” She said with a nod. “What are you saying?”
“i can take care of myself, let me worry about you.” he told her softly. “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you eat before.”
“I know, but I still care.” She said with a shrug. “You must have at some point.... I just don’t like eating in front of people.”
"you can still care about me." kai said with a laugh before shaking his head. "no you never have, not even the popcorn." he teased. "you're not comfortable eating?"
“Worrying is part of caring.” She pointed out. “Just not in front of people. I’ve just been this way for a while.”
"you're right." he smiled at her. "not even in front of me?"
Jene shook her head. “Nope, no one. Not even JP or Juliet. Not axel anymore.” She shrugged. “I mean, I just don’t want to be judged while eating”
"who's going to judge you while you eat?" kai asked her softly. "i don't think either jp or juliet would do that to you."
"I don't know, I was like 14 when this all started, you know, 14 year olds are self conscious." She pointed out. "It just grew from there and its just a comfort thing now. My therapist says it has to do with my anxiety." That wasn't a complete lie, thats what it did start out as, but now she just had an eating disorder. "Can we talk about something else."
kai nodded his head, "yeah that makes sense..." he trailed off and nodded again. "yeah, we can talk about whatever you want."
Jenevieve |
Jenevieve shrugged. "Something happy would be nice. I hate hospitals"
"should we talk about france?" he asked with a smile.
Jene nodded. "Maybe we could make some plans? I want to go to paris."
"yeah we can make some plans. what do you want to see in paris?" he questioned softly.(edited)
Jene thought for a moment, thinking of what she wanted to do. "Maybe see the eiffel tower. And go to Paris fashion week in the end of september."
"we'll go see the eiffel tower then. are you planning to get more shoes at fasion week?" he teased. "you might deserve a few more pairs."
"I'd relly like that." She said holding him. "Of course. I on;y brought 30 pairs of shoes so I could buy at least 10 pairs in each location. Would I really be me if I didn't buy shoes everywhere I go?" She said with a laugh.
he smiled and kissed the top of her head. "only 30 and you're going to add 10 more pairs at each place? are you going to wear all of those shoes?" he questioned with a laugh.
Jenevieve blushed when he kissed the top of her head. "There is a perfect show for each outfit. And sometimes I do a shoe change depending on the day. Best part is, they are all heels." She said with a laugh. "I'm 5 foot. I identify with heels."
"you wear multiple pairs of shoes a day?" he asked with a laugh. "i don't think i've ever met someone do that before." he continued, laughing harder. "you trying to be taller around me?"
"Well sometimes the day calls for an outfit change too." She pointed out. "I got nice heels, daily heels, wedges for when my feet hurt and stuff like that." She explained. "How else am I supposed to reach you."
"i've never met anyone else that needs a mid outfit change." he smiled at her, he liked that she was different. "shoes for every occasion, got it." he teased. "well laying down like this you don't need them..."September 10, 2020
"Kai, I'm a fashionista. I need to keep on top and look perfect all the time." She said with a laugh. "Well, they took my shoes and gave me these ugly socks with the floor grippies on them, you know, for the old people. So I guess I don't need them, but I feel weird without them."
"you look good no matter what, you choose to have a million shoes." he teased, laughing along with her. "yes the grip socks so you don't slip on the floor if you get up." he offered her a smile, "you've earned a nice break."
"You are lying. This is probably the first time you are seeing me without make up." She said burring her face into his shoulder. "I could use a pair of heels to dress up this hospital gown." She pointed out. "I feel naked without heels, well besides this half dress I am pretty naked so there is that.
"i'm not lying. you have no make up and you look great." he told her with a smile. "a pair of shoes to lay in bed? you would say something like that." he teased, laughing a bit before letting out his joke. "see you say things like that and now i have to try to not picture you naked."
"Make up just makes me look better." She said with a smile. It gave her. "I only take them off to sleep, but sometimes I fall asleep and wake up with them on." She said with a chuckle. "Really Kai?" She said with a laugh. "Get your mind out of the gutter."
"maybe but it adds to the beauty you've already got." he smiled at her. "how can you fall asleep with shoes on your feet still?" he teased, shaking his head as he looked at her. "i'm kidding." he laughed. "my mind is good, you're the one who brought up being naked."
“Whatever you say.” She said as she pulled away to look up at him, her eyes meeting his. “Because I’m crazy and sometimes I pass out fully dressed.” She said with a smile. “Well I said I feel naked. I’m wearing a hospital gown” she said shaking her head. “Oh my god, stop picturing me naked you weirdo.”
“that’s a step in the right direction.” he teased, shaking his head at her confession about falling asleep wearing her shoes. “my shoes come off as soon as i enter my room, maybe you should be doing the same.” he smiled at her. “i’m sorry you’re stuck in just hospital gown.” he looks at her. “you’ve already put the picture in my head.”
"It doesn't happen often, but it has happened before." She said with a laugh. "I'll give my feet a break and take my shoes off when I get into my room for a little." She said with a smile. "Ehhh, I'm use to it. With my conditions, I've been in the hospital my whole life for different things, different surgerys." She shrugged, she got sick of being in the hospital though, but she was in them much more frequently when she was growing up. "sorry. I didn't mean to."September 11, 2020
he laughed as she spoke, “it makes for a funny story at least.” he told her. “a break will be nice, at least if you take them off when you enter you’re room you’re less likely to fall asleep like that.” he teased her. “yeah that’s with your conditions though...this is different.” he sighed, even if she was telling the truth that didn’t make the situation any better. “i’ll forgive you.” he continued, offering her a smile.
Jenevieve nodded, "That is true. I'm pretty boring so I need a few good funny stories." She pointed out. "Well, not really. I'm still here because of my heart... but I don't really want to get into that." She said, looking away from Kai. "You better forgive me. I can't have you all mad at me, you are like, the only person I have left."
kai looked at her and shook his head, "i don't think you're boring." he told her, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. "you don't have to tell me anything you're not ready to or something you might just not want to." he continued moving his hand along her back in attempt to comfort her. "don't worry, you're forgiven jene."
"You don't? Compared to Juliet I am boring." She said with a shrug. "I just don't want to think about it right now. I trust you." She said with a smile. "I turst you a lot, really."
"i wouldn't compare the two of you, you're too different." he responded with a shrug. "we don't have to, we'll talk about something else." he said offering her a smile. "i'm glad you do."
"I feel like everyone does though." Jene liked his hand rubbing her back, it felt nice. "Are you excited for college?" She questioned. "Who is your new roommate?" She added on. "Me too, Kai."
“i’m not everyone else.” he explained. “hopefully it’s different from the dramas of high school.” he let out a laugh as he looked at her. “i’m excited for a new chapter in my life.” he continued before thinking for a moment about his roommate. “alfie...i haven’t met him yet.” he told her, smiling softly before slowly inching her face closer to hers.
"No, you are not. You are better." She said with a soft smile as she closed her eyes. "That would be nice. I hate all this drama shit. I liked my life better when I was invisible in this school." she said as she opened her eyes back up. "Any plans for this new chapter?" She questioned. She hoped to start off new. "I don't know who that is either, I got rid of Savannah finally. I got Balo? Whoever that is." She said as she looked into his eyesSeptember 12, 2020
“i try to be.” he teased, smiling softly at her. “i’m hoping college keeps it away, but you never know at luxor.” he told her before shrugging his shoulders. “less studying, more exploring a place i’ve never seen but still managing to pass my classes.” he laughed, knowing he wanted to do more in his life. “what’s wrong with savannah? i guess you’ll meet her soon enough.”September 13, 2020
"Luxor is a cesspool of drama" Jenevieve pointed out. "I can't wait to be hammered with questions about this. They have been relentless with break up questions." She said rolling her eyes. "Well you have a genius by your side, I'll always help you with school work." She pointed out. "Me and her did not make ideal roommates."
“you’re telling me, i’ve been trying to get rid of it.” kai said, nodding his head. “you don’t have to answer any of them, especially if you don’t want to.” he said before offering her a smile. “i can handle my classes, but i’m glad to have you by my side.” he nodded his head. “why’s that?”
"it doesn't go away. The only way is to cut yourself off from anyone and let everyone forget you even existed, which is harder than you think, obviously. "Yeah. I know. Thats what I've been doing honestly." She said with a shrug. "I'll always be by yourside." She said inching her face closer to his. "We just weren't the best of friends."
“you don’t need to cut everyone off, you just have to make sure you don’t let them get to you.” he told her softly. “it’s none of their business.” he said, placing his hand on her cheek, the other still rubbing her back. “i’m glad you’re not going anywhere.” he continued, inching his face closer. “it happens, maybe you’ll have a good fresh start.”(edited)
"Everything gets to me." She said with a sign. "I got to have tougher skin I guess." She mumbled as she looked up at him. "I'm glad too." She said with a nod, they were pretty close now and she could feel them butterflies inside. "I like a fresh start."
“you have to brush it off your shoulders.” he told her softly. “you’ll get used to it, don’t worry.” he smiled at her, brushing his lips against hers. “you can have anything you want.”
Jenevieve nodded. "Yeah, I can brush it off." She said. her heart skipped a beat as their lips ever so lightly touched. "I don't know what I want."
kai smiled, “i’ll be here.” he told her softly, “you have time to figure it out.” he continued before softly kissing her lips.
Jenevieve nodded at his words. It felt nice to have someone to lean on, especially right now. Jenevieve reached her hand p and placed it on his cheek as she kissed him back
kai smiled her, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb before slightly deepening the kiss between them.
Jenevieve pulled away after a moment. "Wha-what was that for?" She asked, unable to hide her smile
kai smiled as he looked at her, "i've been wanting to do that for a while."
Jene but her lip. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
kai looked at her and smiled. "i'll forgive you, i didn't want to do it and have you hate it."
Jene shook her head. "I'd never hate it." She reassured him. "I just got issues."
“i wanted to make sure you’d kiss me back.” kai laughed a little. “who doesn’t?”September 14, 2020
Kai, I'll always kiss you back." She said pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I just don't know why you'd like me."September 15, 2020
"i didn't think you would at first." he said with a laugh. "why wouldn't i like you?"
"I'm not the prettiest person in this school." She mumbled, she believed that to be true
"you could give so many people a run for their money, seriously jene, you're beautiful." kai told her softly.
"Well I'm glad someone thinks so." She said with a weak smile as she rested her head against hisSeptember 17, 2020
“i’m sure there’s more than one someone.” he told her softly. “how are you feeling now that you’re awake?”
Jene nodded. "I feel a little better, still feel like shit, my body is just very weak from not having my pacemaker in, my heart was overworking but my body wasn't getting enough oxygen and shit." She pointed out. "I'm better now that you are here though."September 18, 2020
kai nodded his head as she spoke, not really knowing much about her condition except that her heart didn't work as properly as it should. "you'll continue to get better now, don't worry. i'm here until you don't want me to be."September 20, 2020
Jene nodded. "I am really happy you are here." She said with a smile. "So, have you started any classes yet."September 21, 2020
kai smiled at her. “i’m glad.” he said before shaking his head. “not yet which has been nice, i’ve just been getting to know france.”
Jenevieve smiled softly. "I'm taking a few college level courses that they offer in the high school program, so if you ever need help, you know who to ask."
“if i need help with any classes you’ll be the person i ask.” kai said with a smile. “do you know when you get out of here?”
“Sounds good to me, don’t tell the whole world but I’m a lot smarter then I let on.” She said simply. “I’m not sure yet. I mean, I just only woke up and you were here. I figure when you leave the doctors will come in and give me the load down.”
kai laughed a little and nodded his head. “i could of guessed that. you’re no where close to stupid, jene.” he told her softly, nodding again as she spoke. “did you want to to leave so you can figure everything out?”September 24, 2020
Jene nodded. "Well I try not to be stupid." She said with a smile. "I mean, I am getting pretty tired. If you do go, will you come back later?"September 25, 2020
kai laughed a little and nodded his head, "you're not stupid to me." he smiled back at her. "yeah, of course. did you want me to go?"
Jene bit her lip. "I don't want you to go, but I do want to take a nap and talk to my doctors and I know Jules is out there probably waiting"
"so talk to your doctors, take a nap, and ask jules to get your phone so you can give me a call. sound alright?" he smiled.
Jenevieve nodded. "You will be my first call." She said with a smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I'll talk to you soon."
kai kissed her lips back, smiling before nodding his head again. "sounds good, i'll have my phone on me."
Jene smiled. "Okay. I'll keep you updated" She said with a smile. "I'll see you later"
kai nodded his head. "i'll see you later." he placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up and walking over to the doorway.
Jenevieve watched as he left, she had a nice big smile on her face just thinking about him, she curled up in her bed and closed her eyes to take a nap.
kai smiled as he watched her close her eyes, waiting for that moment before exiting the hospital and heading back to unpack his dorm room.
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anciientboosh · 4 years
Hey, there! For the writer asks, how about 3, 11, 20, and 33?
Hey Ioco! Thank you so much for the asks, you’re a star <3 
3. What was the first story you ever wrote? 
This is a hilarious story I’m about to share with you. And Boosh related, oddly enough, which is even more fitting. When I was in primary school (I think it was about year 5 or 6 - so I would have been somewhere around the age of 9 or 10) my school held a competition where they asked a bunch of us to write stories and then the winners would read them out to the school and get some book coupons or something. 
At that age I would always be writing little bits anyway, I’d spent most of my times scribbling little plays to perform for my grandparents or my own bedtime stories (but this is the one I remember clearest as my first proper story). It’s also worth mentioning that at the age of 8 me and my slightly older cousin had already discovered Boosh on the telly, and we would pretend to go to sleep, only to stay up until about 2am to watch new episodes of Boosh Season 2 on BBC Three without any responsible adults knowing. And around this time Season Three was airing at the much more reasonable time of about 10/11pm, which made it so much easier for a 10 & 12 year old to watch it in secret... Can you see where this is going yet? 
Basically, I sat for a whole week every day after school to write my story, and I won the competition for my year, and all the winners were asked to read out their stories to the whole school. 
I wrote a fairy tale about two shopkeepers who made friends with a fox, but the fox turned out to be evil and bit the tall shopkeeper - making him sick with poison. Then he stole a magic apple from him so the girlish (but definitely not a girl) shopkeeper couldn’t cure his friend. The shopkeeper had to travel all through the woods to meet his wizard friend (that I cleverly called Nazoo) who gave him a potion to make him be able to find the fox and get the magic apple back just in time to give it to his friend and save him from dying. 
I basically ripped off a Boosh episode, gave it a twist, and that was the first proper story I ever wrote. My mum still has it somewhere I think... I should dig that out and post it here, cause I think it’s a pretty funny story. 
11. What’s your favourite book? 
Gosh this is rough. 
My first instinct was to say Good Omens (for very similar reasons as to what you replied I think!) because my mentor at university recommended it to me when I rocked up to his office sobbing because I had other tutors telling me my writing was a bit ‘eccentric’ and ‘flowery’ and ‘too casual, like you’re just talking to your reader and not telling them a story’ etc etc. And Good Omens, as you say, was a wonderful comfort to me as a young writer to realise that this eccentric, causal, jokey, conversational kind of style does work and can be published. 
But, the one series I continue to go back to at least once a year? Series of Unfortunate Events. I love the style (again, casual and conversational, like it’s a friend telling you a story rather than a stuffy narrator) and I still find them very charming. Especially as a kid they were the first books I fell in love with, and you know, they have a very good message of ‘don’t trust the people in charge just because they’re in charge, question everything, think for yourself’ which was refreshing for children's oriented books. Also each of those Baudelaire children was a mood. I too like to just build random contraptions for fun - I too like to read every book on a shelf - I too like to bite things as a way of expressing myself. I could go on.
Have I rambled enough yet? Probably. 
20. Do you prefer to write fiction or poetry? 
Oh my gosh this is possibly the hardest question anyone could have asked me. Both. I love both. If I’m not writing one I’m writing the other. Really I don’t think I can chose. It’s too rough. 
Thus far, poetry is the only medium I have managed to get published. I’ve managed to make the cut into a few anthologies with so far five (hopefully soon to be six) poems, so on the one hand logic dictates that would be my favourite. It’s also just so freeing. I find poetry I can be a bit more abstract with than fiction - and I like to be abstract, all my art is like that for the most part - and poetry has less rules. You can rhyme or you don’t. Stanzas or prose is fine. Speak it, read it, sing it. Subject matter is open. Don’t bother using a subject at all if you don’t want, just pour your heart onto the page - I love that freedom... but then there’s fiction. 
And I love to tell stories. There’s something so rewarding about sitting with a project for so long and then being able to put the product in the world with a story. Characters too, I really really bond with the characters I write - whether they’re mine or someone else’s in fanfiction - and I like being able to walk in their shoes a bit and lose myself in their heads and take them on journeys and develop relationships. My pretty flowery style suits itself a bit better to fiction, as well, I believe just because I can ramble for paragraphs about something if I let myself and poetry is a bit more compact than that. 
So I’m sorry, I find I cannot answer that one. It’s probably like 51% Fiction 49% Poetry 
33. Which themes do you like to write about the most? 
I find myself constantly drawn to this theme of family, but more often than not the situations I find myself drawn to writing about is this idea of a found family? Even the pairings and characters I’m drawn to for my fanfiction are those that have either been abandoned or went out of their own accord and found a family structure of their own (No one will ever convince me that Vince hasn’t built his own family in Howard, Naboo, and Bollo. Ever. That’s his family). 
Also Good vs Evil comes up a lot, and this relates back to Good Omens influence on me as a young writer I think, about the idea that no one is inherently good, or evil, that people are simply people and I like to therefore go through a process of looking at a characters flaws and how that doesn’t necessarily make them bad or broken, but how it contributes to them as a person. How they can still function and be strong through their bad points. 
There’s probably more, but I am well aware I am really going off on one even for me so yeah. I’ll stop now. Sorry for the word vomit!
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hecate-herself · 4 years
Quarantine prompt 1 for LiVer?
Day #1
“You. Me. Quarantined for two weeks. Anything could happen.” Silver purred, dragging his right index finger up Li Ming’s arm, starting from the back of his hand and working his way up to just below the dragon’s shoulder. Li Ming slapped his hand away.
“Yeah. I may kill you. Or we may both get sick.” Of all the people to get stuck inside with, for an entire two weeks, it had to be an insufferable Fae intent with trying to bed any sentient creature with a pulse, himself included. He got up and brushed imaginary lint off his immaculate suit. “If you don’t mind, I do still have work that requires being done, quarantined or not. I imagine that you have… something?”
“I am sure I can come up with something to keep myself entertained.” Silver said with a flourish of his hand. “Have fun.”
 Day #2
Li Ming had seriously over estimated quite how much work he had to do and had managed to work his way through about a quarter of it in the first day of the quarantine. He spent the second one giving all of his belongings, and the rooms currently not being occupied by a certain Fae, a very thorough cleaning.
He did catch glimpses of Silver as he went about his day, he was mainly draping himself over various pieces of furniture, clearly preening and trying to gain his attention, he refused to let it work (though he was a little worried about what would happen if a Fae of Silver’s archetype couldn’t get the attention that they needed) and did his best to just avoid him.
Day #3
Silver was bored. Other than the few glimpses of the other dragon (it was downright sinful to look that attractive in shirt and trousers, with the shirt sleeves neatly rolled up to his elbows, though they had slipped down and Li Ming had clearly given up after a while and just shoved them up over his elbows) he was left to his own devices.
On the third day, Silver was tired of lingering and waiting for attention, if Li Ming was going to try and ignore him, then he would have to do his best to make him pay attention.
He waited until he knew that Li Ming was sorting through the papers on his desk before he knocked and barged into the study without waiting for a response. “I made coffee.” He said a little too proudly as he set the tray down. “Drink it with me and then you can go back to boring old work. And you don’t owe me a thing for this lovely cup of coffee, you drink it with milk and no sugar, right?”
“Right.” Li Ming said slowly. “I suppose that your payment is my attention for ten minutes?”
“If you want to think of it like that, then yes.” Silver said, smiling, showing a flash of his teeth.
“Then I do not want it.” Li Ming said, pushing the cup away. “And go away. I am busy.”
Day #6
He had run out of things to do on the fifth day of the quarantine. The paperwork was done, not that he could leave to return it to his majesty Ao Shun, and his office and room was immaculate. He supposed that thoroughly scrubbing down the kitchen wasn’t going to hurt anyone.
Silver walked in whilst he was on his knees scrubbing the floor.
“If this is your way of asking me to cook dinner tonight… it is working.” He said, Li Ming could feel his eyes on him, and he quickly got to his feet, aware that there was a flush to his face, but he would swear until he was blue in the face that it was because of how hot it was in the kitchen.
“If I wanted you to cook dinner then I would simply order you to do it.” Li Ming said, attempting casual disdain and entirely unwilling to admit that Silver had him at a disadvantage, he had won the point this time.
“I will have you know that I am an excellent chef.” Silver replied. “I will prove it to you tonight.”
“All you want is my company for an hour?”
“I wouldn’t say no to it.” Silver said with a toothy grin. “What do you say? I cook dinner, you can sit around and drink wine whilst you wait for it to be cooked. I will even wash up afterward.”
“You have a deal.” Li Ming said cooly, having someone else cook for him was a tempting offer, it wasn’t that he didn’t like cooking, it was that he couldn’t be bothered to put as much care into it as he should do. Silver grabbed his hand and before Li Ming could yank his hand away, he had brushed his lips across the back of his knuckles.
“We have a deal. And may I suggest you use some moisturiser?”
 Day #7
He slept in. Li Ming couldn’t remember the last time that he had slept in this late, but it was… good. He stretched out in the large and plush bed, his silver hair fanning out on the pillow around him. He would need to give it a thorough brush now, as he hadn’t tied it up before retiring for the night.
He’d spent longer in Silver’s company than he thought he would have done. And he had actually enjoyed himself, he loathed to admit it, but he had really enjoyed the evening, assisting Silver when it had been asked of him, imbibing on a few glasses of wine, probably more than he should have had done, the pair of them had emptied the wine bottle and were halfway through a second when they had called it a night.
Silver had kissed the back of his hand again, catching it as Li Ming set down the towel that he had been using to dry the wine glasses and Li Ming had forced down his blush and exerted a little control over his environment, dropping the temperature by a few degrees to cool himself down and hopefully soothe his heart. If Silver had noticed this reaction, he hadn’t said anything except to wish him a good night.
“Did you oversleep?” Silver asked as he came downstairs, hair damp from the shower. “The great and powerful lord Li Ming had a lie in. Oh you must fan me, I think that I may pass out.”
“I’ll leave you on the floor if you do.” Li Ming replied. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” Silver shrugged. “I’m bored. What are you planning on doing today?”
“I haven’t decided yet… Do you want a coffee?”
“I thought that you would never ask.”
 Day #10
“Think, you only have to deal with me for another four days.” Silver said, he had draped himself across a chaise lounge with some book that Li Ming didn’t recognise, though he assumed it to be licentious, in his hands. He reached for his bookmark. “Are you going to miss me?”
“No.” Li Ming lied.
“Not even a little bit?”
“Not even a little bit.”
 Day #11
Silver cooked dinner again, but Li Ming didn’t sit around to talk to him like he had done beforehand. He did the washing up, and he left Silver alone in the kitchen, staring after him before giving up and sitting down to nurse his glass of wine alone.
 Day #12
He was ready to leave, he just needed to get through the last two days. He needed to spread his wings and have a proper stretch. Li Ming didn’t like being cooped up inside. He needed the fresh air, to feel the wind on his skin, or scales, to feel it ruffle his hair. He wanted to feel the rain on his skin, or the snow if he could. Maybe he would go somewhere cold and icy for a few days of peace and alone time.
And nursing a mildly fractured heart, granted he had deliberately done the damage himself, but it still stung.
Who would have thought that within twelve days Silver would have gone from detestable to… desirable?
Leaving as soon as possible and never talking to him again was the best course of action. He couldn’t be with a Fae, he wouldn’t allow himself to stoop so low. Even fraternising with him was something to be frowned upon. He was beneath him.
God he wanted Silver beneath him.
He quickly schooled his wandering mind. Such thoughts simply would not do.
He entererd the study and stopped. Silver was at the desk. “Are you… doing work?” Li Ming asked very slowly in complete and utter confusion. As far as he was aware, Silver did not do any work. He was completely unproductive.
“I am.” Silver said, flicking his eyes up to look at him, sliding his gaze over Li Ming’s smart, three-piece suit. It was the first time since the first day of the quarantine that he had dressed so formally. “Do you have a problem with that?”
“Not at all. I just thought that I would die of old age before I witnessed it.”
“Don’t you have a very long life span?”
“A very, very long one.” Li Ming nodded. “I stand corrected. Maybe you aren’t entirely useless.”
 Day #14
“I will miss you.” Silver said softly, Li Ming thought that he would manage to escape the house before Silver had woken up, but evidently, Silver hadn’t gone to bed. And evidently, he had had several drinks whilst he had been waiting. “I just wanted you to know that before you ran off to wherever dragons run off to.”
“Home.” Li Ming said after a long moment. “I was going home.”
“I don’t know if I believe in the concept.” Li Ming shrugged. “And I think that I will miss you too. In a weird, maybe I don’t entirely hate you, kind of way.”
“Kind of… I guess I will have to take that.” Li Ming took another step toward the door. “Will I ever see you again?”
“I don’t know.” Li Ming replied. “I suppose that you will, work takes me all over, and with the prince here, then I imagine that it wont be long before I return here. I must see to my Lord first.” Silver nodded. “What? Will you actually miss me?” He had meant to sneer it, to put some spin on it like he didn’t desperately want the man to say-
“Yes.” Silver confessed after a heartbeat. “I will.” Li Ming swallowed and set his case down by his feet. “I like to think that I have gotten under your scales.”
“If you mean that you irritate me, then yes. You have done a marvellous job of getting under my scales. Like a grain of sand.” God he hated sand.
Silver wasn’t sand though. Silver was too…
“I don’t hate you.” Li Ming found his mouth moving before his brain clocked on. “I have never hated you. It’s just that we are two very different men. We are two different for us to be anything more than what we are now.”
“Must we be?”
“I don’t think either of us are willing to change for the other.” Li Ming shook his head. “It isn’t in our nature to change like that. I am sure that it would probably destroy you if you tried to change for me. And if I tried to change for you-”
“You would lose everything. Which would destroy you, even if not literally.” Li Ming nodded. “I can understand that. Well. Goodbye. It has been a fun few weeks, working my way underneath your scales.” He nearly managed to smile. “I will see you whenever you are back next, I hope?”
“Maybe you can cook me dinner again.” Li Ming said. “I’ll bring the wine. And then we go back to pretending that we hate each other.”
“That sounds like a good plan.” Silver said. “I know exactly how to get on your nerves now, Li Ming. I think we drew this game, but I’ll win the next.”
“What are you talking about? I have won.” Li Ming said, smiling as he shook his head.
“How have you won?” Silver asked incredulously. Li Ming took a step closer to him.
“By doing this.” Li Ming ducked his head, he was about an inch and a half taller than Silver, and he kissed him. It was a soft, barely there kissing. Just a brush of his lips against Silver’s. Silver was quite taken aback by how cold Li Ming was, and he would have pulled back had Li Ming not stepped away first.
Silver stared at him.
“I will see you next time.” Li Ming said, it was very much a promise. “Good bye, Silver.”
I accidentally wrote a lot, and sorry it probably wasnt as fluffy as you wanted? I just... got abducted by an idea
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Taken By Sleep
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of illness/death, hospital setting
Word Count: 3588
Author’s Note: This is my second entry for @ohprettyweeper​‘s MotH Challenge! Like last time, the prompt is bolded within the fic. Requests will be back next week! (pic credit)
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You grabbed your bag from the passenger seat and closed the car door with your hip. There were still a few minutes before visitation hours officially started, but you hoped that the nurses would be nice and let you slip in a few minutes early. With Tyler’s condition getting worse, you tried to get in as much time with him as possible.
Your phone buzzed as you were walking through the front doors of the hospital. Without missing a beat, you pulled it out of your pocket and read the text.
Josh: Got a late start. Will be at the hospital ASAP
You finished typing out a response just as you reached the front desk. The nurse smiled at you.
“Y/N Joseph, nice to see you again.”
“You too,” you said, trying to put on a brave face. “I’m sure you know why I’m here.”
“I do, but visitation hours don’t start for another ten minutes.”
You tried not to let the disappointment show on your face. Instead, you forced a smile and headed down the hallway that you knew led to the coffee shop. Picking up a drink for you and Tyler would help kill time and hopefully cheer him up a little bit.
You arrived back at the check-in desk at exactly 10:59, armed with two warm drinks and a smile on your face. The nurse looked up as you gently set one of the drinks on the counter.
“There’s still a minute,” she smiled.
“My husband is terminally ill, I think you can make a sixty second exception.”
“ID, please.”
You grabbed your ID and slid it across the counter to the nurse. By the time she was done checking you in, the clock read 11:00.
“Have a nice day.”
“You too.”
You grabbed the second drink from the counter and walked down the hallway towards Tyler’s room. He was already awake as you slowly pushed the door open with your forearm. His face lit up as soon as he realized that it was you and not another nurse.
“Lovely,” he grinned.
You smiled at the nickname he had given you years ago. “I brought you some coffee.”
“You did?”
You noticed that the bags under his eyes had gotten deeper since you had last seen him yesterday. His hands shook a bit as he reached out to take the coffee from you, but you tried not to pay too much attention. Tyler hated when anyone brought too much attention to his condition.
“I got here too early and the nurse wouldn’t let me come see you yet, so I thought getting you a nice warm drink might cheer you up.”
“I appreciate it. Thank you, lovely.”
You walked over and took a seat next to his hospital bed. The chair was still in the same position that you had left it yesterday. Tyler slowly brought the cup to his lips and took the tiniest of sips.
“Josh said that he got a late start this morning but he’ll be here as soon as possible.”
Tyler nodded as he pulled the lid off the top of his cup.
“It’s hot,” he explained. “Hopefully this cools it down.”
“How was last night?”
“Fine,” he shrugged. “I didn’t eat much, but I guess that isn’t really news.”
You reached out and grabbed his hand, “You should try and eat, Ty. You need to keep your strength up.”
“I know. I’m trying. I really am.”
“That’s good.”
You gave his hand a light squeeze. He managed a weak smile before bringing the cup to his lips again.
“I talked on the phone with your mom last night. She said that they’re going to try and come visit again next week.”
Tyler nodded slowly, “She told me about that. All my siblings are coming into town.”
“Are you going to be able to handle that?”
He let out a weak laugh, “It’s family, I’m not really sure that I have a choice.”
You rubbed your thumb against the back of his hand and smiled. Even when he was sick, he was still putting others before himself.
“You know, I watched a movie last night,” he continued.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I can’t remember the name, but you would have really liked it. I wish I had waited to watch it when you were here.”
“You didn’t know I would like it,” you reassured him. “Maybe I’ll watch it at home tonight and then we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“Ok,” he smiled and gave your hand a light squeeze. “I’ll ask one of the nurses what movie it was.”
Suddenly, he pulled away his hand from yours as he started coughing yet again. You quickly took his coffee out of his hand and began to rub his back. He sounded worse than he had yesterday, if that was possible, but you tried not to worry too much. Tyler was going to be ok.
“Sorry,” he muttered once he finally calmed down.
“No, don’t apologize.” You handed his coffee back to him. “You’re ok.”
Tyler was about to say something else when the door to the room swung open. Josh stood in the doorway, holding a variety of coffee cups in his hands. His face fell when he realized that you and Tyler already had drinks.
“And here I was thinking I was being original,” he sighed.
Tyler began to laugh, but it was short lived before he was bent over in another coughing fit. You grabbed his hand and began to rub his thumb.
“I got here too early and had time to kill,” you explained.
Josh nodded as he handed out the drinks that he had brought. The name brand coffee was a welcome change from the watered down drink that you had previously been sipping on. Tyler took a deep breath after recovering from his coughing fit and took his cup from Josh.
“What have I missed?” Josh asked as he pulled over a chair from the other side of the room.
“Not much,” you said. “I really didn’t get here that long ago.”
“How are you feeling, Ty?”
Josh leaned forward so that he could rest a hand on Tyler’s arm.
“I’m ok,” Tyler nodded.
You and Josh shared a knowing look. Tyler was never one to let people know if he wasn’t ok. He could have a limb missing and he would still tell people that everything was just fine.
“Have you been working on much music?” Josh asked.
“Not much,” Tyler answered. “Whenever I try to write, my hand just tires out too fast. I’ve got some good stuff up here, though.”
Tyler smiled and pointed to his temple, earning a laugh from both you and Josh. He seemed pleased by that.
“I’m excited to start working on the next album with you.”
“Don’t worry, Josh. I’ll be out of here and we’ll be working hard before you know it.”
You smiled, but couldn’t help the pang of sadness that shot through your chest. In the back of your mind, you knew there was a possibility that there wouldn’t be a next album. Tyler might never be out of the hospital again. It was hard for you to think about,
Tyler must have noticed your distress, because he reached over and grabbed your hand.
“Are you doing alright, lovely?”
“Yeah, I’m ok,” you nodded.
“Ok, good.”
Josh reached over and gave you a pat on the back as well. You took a long sip of your drink and tried to direct your mind elsewhere. There was no point in worrying about something that wasn’t even guaranteed to happen.
*     *     *
You and Josh decided to head down to the cafeteria around noon to grab something for the three of you to eat. Worries were still sitting at the back of your mind--as they seemed to be every day--but you were trying to make the most of what time you had.
“Are you sure you’re doing ok?” Josh asked as you walked. “You seem more out of it than usual today.”
“I’m just worried,” you shrugged. “He seems worse than usual and I can’t tell if it’s my imagination or not.”
“I think it’s just your imagination. Tyler seems fine to me.”
“You’re right. And the nurses seem pretty optimistic about his condition. I really shouldn’t be so stressed over this.”
“Exactly,” he said, pulling you into a side hug. “Remember what we said when he was first diagnosed?”
“No matter how much time he has, we’re going to enjoy every second together.”
“Right,” you repeated.
Tyler smiled as you and Josh walked into the room, now holding trays full of food. He carefully looked over his options.
“Are you going to eat?” you asked.
“I’m going to try,” he said as he reached for a sandwich. “This food looks pretty good.”
“Remind me to bring you some outside food tomorrow, Ty,” Josh said. “I’m sure you’re tired of hospital food.”
He simply shrugged, “There’s worse things to eat.”
“Like bananas.”
Tyler scrunched up his nose, “Yeah, like bananas.”
You laughed and grabbed the food that you had picked up for yourself before taking a seat back in the chair next to Tyler’s bed. He looked over at you and smiled.
“Did I tell you how nice you look today, Y/N?” Tyler said.
“I think you mentioned it,” you giggled, thinking of the numerous times that he had given you the same compliment already.
“Good,” he said. “Because you deserve to hear it.”
“You look handsome today too, Ty.”
“I do?”
“Yes, very handsome.”
He set his sandwich down for a moment and simply grinned in the direction of his legs. It was nice to still see him get so giddy over the simplest things, especially when everything around him seemed so dismal.
“What about me?” Josh chimed in with a laugh.
“You’ve never looked better,” Tyler said, still wearing the same dorky smile.
“Thank you.”
“Thanks for bringing me food, guys. This sandwich is pretty good.”
You reached out and lightly rubbed his arm, “It was no problem.”
*     *     *
“I should probably get going,” Josh announced. “Jim will be needing dinner soon.”
You checked the time, which to your surprise showed that it was already six in the evening. Time had flown by and you only had an hour left with Tyler before the nurses would finally kick you out.
“Alright, drive safe,” you said.
Josh pushed himself up out of his chair and walked over to the far side of Tyler’s bed so that he could give him a quick hug.
“Same time tomorrow?” Josh asked as he started to back out of the room.
“It never changes,” Tyler smiled.
“Great,” Josh grinned before turning and walking out the door.
He waved through the window before disappearing. You scooted your chair a little closer so that you didn’t have to stretch as far to reach Tyler’s hand.
“You know, I like when Josh is here, but I look forward to the hour at the end of the day that I get to spend with just you,” Tyler smiled.
You squeezed his hand, “I enjoy spending time with you, too.”
“I can’t wait until I get to come home again. I miss snuggling up with you in our bed. Especially when you fall asleep on my chest halfway through the movie we’re watching.”
“Things will be like that soon enough, Ty.”
He nodded, “I think about those moments a lot.”
“What moments?”
“Moments where the only thing that matters is you and I. Like when we got married. Or when we go on walks in the morning and the sun has just come up over the hill. Or right now.”
“Those are good moments,” you said, bringing his hand to your lips so that you could press a kiss to his knuckles.
“You know what the hardest part of all this is?” he asked.
You felt a lump form in your throat, but you swallowed it and kept talking, “What is that, Ty?”
“The thought that, if I don’t get better, I might have to leave you.”
Your eyes were brimmed with tears before he had even finished his sentence, “You’re not gone yet.”
“Not yet,” he smiled. “And I won’t be anytime soon.”
“That’s right.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
With a shaky hand, he reached up and gently brushed one of your tears away. You grabbed his hand and held it to your cheek for a moment, just enjoying being close with him. He smiled and slowly rubbed his thumb along your cheekbone.
The two of you sat and talked for the rest of the hour, reliving some of your favorite memories together or just talking about life. Aside from the occasional coughing fit, Tyler seemed to be doing pretty good. He was happy, to say the least.
Right at seven, one of the nurses popped in and told you it was time to go. You gave her a thumbs up and said you would be out in just a minute, you just wanted to say goodbye to Tyler real quick.
“I’ll be back right at eleven tomorrow, ok?”
“I think the nice nurse is working the morning shift tomorrow, so you might be able to slip in early.”
“You know I would be here fifteen minutes early, anyway,” you laughed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, lovely.”
You bent over the edge of the bed so that you could give him a kiss. He held you close for a moment, claiming that he just wanted to admire you, before taking hold of your hand.
“I love you,” he smiled. He made a point of telling you every day before you left.
“I love you too, Ty.”
You each squeezed your hand for a moment before you let go and walked out into the hall. Tyler’s face had fallen a little as soon as you left the room, but you knew that you couldn’t stay.
*     *     *
You closed the front door with your hip and walked into the kitchen. Your arms were full of groceries that you had put off buying for weeks in hopes that Tyler would be able to go with you. Grocery shopping on your own had never exactly been a hobby of yours.
Tyler had texted you while you were driving home. Now that you were no longer occupied, you decided to take a look at it. It was a short text, but it made you smile nonetheless.
Thinking of you tonight (just like every night). I love you
You typed out a response and set your phone back on the counter. As soon as all the groceries were put away and dinner was made, you were going to watch the movie that Tyler had told you about earlier that day. It would help you take your mind off of not being by his side while also giving you a way to feel closer to him, which you were thankful for.
You hummed as you finished putting things away. It was one of the few things that made the house feel less empty.
*     *     *
The sound of your phone vibrating against the wooden coffee table woke you up. You hadn’t even realized that you had fallen asleep towards the end of the movie, but it explained why you were still on the couch in the living room at close to two in the morning. The endcard of the movie was shining on the screen.
“Phone,” you muttered as you reached forward.
You blinked your eyes a few times to clear the sleep from them. Your eyes scanned the name and your stomach immediately sank. The contact name was one simple word.
You hit answer call immediately and brought the phone to your ear, clearing your throat as you did so to sound less sleepy.
“Is this Y/N Joseph?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Sorry to bother you so late, but we have news about your husband.”
“Is he ok?”
“Unfortunately, he passed away about an hour ago due to complications from his illness. Doctors tried to revive him, but they were unsuccessful. I’m sorry.”
You sat frozen in place, staring at the ground. Everything had seemed fine earlier today. Had Tyler even known that something was wrong?
“Is there anything that I need to do?”
“We’ll be in contact with you about steps to take from here.”
“Ok, thank you.”
It felt like time had stopped as you slowly reached forward and set your phone on the coffee table. All of the air from your lungs was gone, taken away in an instant. Your hands were shaking as you reached up and brushed back the hair that was stuck to your forehead.
You weren’t sure how long it was before you finally got yourself to get off the couch and walk towards your bedroom. Your legs felt stiff and slow, like they weren’t moving quite right. Nothing felt right, if you really thought about it. The world felt different, now that you knew he was gone.
The bed was cold as you slid under the covers and pulled them up around your neck. You no longer felt tired. Or sad. Or anything, really. Everything just seemed empty. But it was late and now you had a whole new list of things that would have to be dealt with in the morning, so you decided to try and get some rest.
All you could think of as you fell asleep was Tyler.
*     *     *
“Hey, come on,” Josh said, pulling the covers down off of your shoulders a little bit.
“No,” you grumbled, pulling them right back up again.
“Y/N, you can’t stay in bed forever. That’s not what Tyler would want for you.”
“Don’t you dare drag him into this,” you snapped, finally turning to look at him.
You know you looked like a mess. The last few days had consisted of nothing but laying in bed sobbing. It was the only thing that you could get yourself to do.
“I didn’t mean it like-,” Josh sighed. “I’m just worried about you.”
“I’ll be fine. I just need some time.”
“Will you at least come downstairs with me? I brought stuff to make you your favorite lunch.”
You felt the bed dip with Josh’s weight. He rested a hand on your arm and gently rubbed it with his thumb.
“Do I have to get dressed?”
“Nope, you can wear exactly what you’re in right now.”
“I’ll be down in a second.”
You waited until you heard the sound of the bedroom door closing before you actually got up. Slowly, you shuffled towards the bathroom, deciding that you could probably do with a quick face wash and brushing out your hair.
You took a long look at yourself as you stood at the bathroom sink, still not quite wanting to go through the motions of washing your face. Your entire face was puffy from crying, especially around your eyes. The bags under your eyes were deep from barely sleeping and Tyler’s sweatshirt that you were wearing was dotted with stains from crying. It was a wonder that Josh could even manage to look at you, really.
You took your time making yourself look somewhat decent before heading downstairs. Josh was already in the kitchen, working on making the food for the two of you. Jim, who you hadn’t realized Josh had brought along, perked up when he noticed you come down the stairs.
“Do you want to take a seat at the counter?”
“Sure,” you mumbled.
You slid into one of the stools and rested your elbows on the counter. Josh managed a small smile and you wondered how he seemed so put together despite everything that had happened.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“I just don’t understand,” you said, voice already beginning to break. “He seemed like he was doing well when we went to see him a few days ago, and then I got the call that he was gone. They said that he had more time.”
“They can’t always accurately predict those things.”
“I know. I just wish that I had known it was our last day together. I could have prepared myself or said more to him.”
Josh walked around the counter and pulled you into his chest. You were surprised that there were any more tears left in you.
“I just… I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.”
“I don’t think any of us were.”
“How am I supposed to move on from this? And keep living without him?”
Josh stepped away to hold you at arm’s length.
“We’ll find little ways to make it through. Then, one day, it might not hurt as much to think about.”
You nodded slowly, “There’s so much that needs to be done. His family and the funeral and the fans. There’s too much.”
“Hey,” Josh rubbed your arm slowly. “Right now you only need to focus on today. This moment, even. Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah, I can.”
“Tyler loved you. Never forget that. He would want you to be happy.”
You wiped away a tear with the back of your hand, “You’re right.”
Josh smiled and went back to making food. You took a deep breath and leaned back in your chair. He was right, the pain wouldn’t last forever. Things would just have to be handled one at a time.
Then, one day, you and Tyler would be together again.
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plumfulkiss · 4 years
water (9/10)
summary: will comes into his own for connor’s safety.
 It had been three weeks, nine hours, and eleven minutes since Connor had been taken away into the mysterious      upstairs    Will was told he had no business looking around in. Whether or not this was true, he wasn’t sure he could argue on simply because he’d been too busy to even try looking. He wanted to; don’t get him wrong. However, Maggie kept him busy, along with everyone else. Like before, his emotions fell to the wayside, pushed down, as he focused more and more on work and not on what could be happening somewhere above his head.
 He tried once, though. During a lunch break he went to Ms. Goodwin’s office, just to hear a hint of what had happened. She told him that it was out of her hands now, which was worrying, but she tried to dissipate that and send him back on his way. Connor was      fine,    she asserted, and promised to look into where he was at as soon as she had a free moment.
 That was two weeks ago.
 The longer he went without seeing Connor, this time not of his own choice, the more he felt a shift in the dynamic he had with everyone else. Natalie, for instance, had cornered him two days after he was sent away, needing answers.
 “I don’t have all of them,” He began to answer, but then struggled to find the words. “He… he asked for my help so, so I helped him.”
 Natalie glanced over her shoulder, then at the ceiling. “And?”
 He shrugged his shoulders.
 She smiled, perhaps forced but all the while careful. “And it was history.”
 History inferred that it was over. Will shook his head.
 Today was another day, day twenty one since Connor had gone. He didn’t have his phone; Will confirmed this when he saw it sitting on the lounge counter twenty one days ago. Nobody had ever come to get it for him, and he couldn’t deliver it, so it sat in his little nook and waited. He would look at it when he came in and when he left to take it with him. It was dead by now; he thought to charge it once but didn’t want to intrude. Now it was sitting there by his keys.
 Maggie called for him, giving him the fourth patient in the last hour, and suddenly it clicked how uneasily things were sitting, especially today. He approached the counter, leaning against it, staring at her.
 “Do you know where he is?” He asked, not accusatory, at least, not yet. She raised her brows at him as his furrowed. Accusation arrived. “You do, don’t you?”
 He tapped his hand on the counter, halfway between a touch and a smack. “Everybody knows but me, is that it? We’re all just going to pretend what Ava did was okay and let her stick around and do whatever she pleases upstairs but we wipe Connor off the map? Is that it, Maggie?”
 “Shush.” She ordered, grabbing the collar of his scrubs and pulling him into leaning over the counter. “I’m not supposed to tell you. Sharon can’t tell you either. If anyone knows something, they      can’t    tell you.”
 “Why not?” Will practically pleaded.
 Maggie’s gaze didn’t meet his, instead glancing past him, out the windows, where a large van was getting loaded with…      something.    Will followed it, and things snapped. He twisted back around. “      Maggie,    he’s not-”
 She bit her lip.
 “He is, isn’t he? Do you know where he’s going?” Will questioned, suddenly buzzing with adrenaline and worry. What would they do?
 Maggie shook her head. “I just was told to keep you busy today.”
 For some reason, this struck Will in the wrong way. He tossed his hands up, angry, and then brought them down on the counter. “Who’s got him? Does Goodwin know? Wh-”
 “Goodwin knows what I know, and it’s out of her hands.” Maggie murmured lowly, seriously. “It’s got to do with the board, maybe even PD or someone even higher.”
 “My      brother    knows about this?”
 “I didn’t say that!”
 Will’s heart was pounding in his ears. Anger turned to misery. “Maggie…” He spike, dripping with worry, realizing that he shouldn’t have just sat here and done what he was told for the past twenty one days.
 He sighed, teeth tugging on his lip. “      What do I do now?”  
 She touched his arm gently, silent, almost mourning. “We’ll figure out something, Will.”
 He shook his head, casting a glance back at the now departing vehicle. If they weren’t figuring something out yet, they likely never would. Suddenly the lightbulb clicked on in his head. Will glanced back at Maggie, eyes suddenly glimmering bright with ideas. “I… I think I have to go home early, Mags.”
 Maggie smiled, crossing her arms over her chest, quirking a brow. For a moment she wondered if she should tell him everything, but knew there was no time. They would meet again, and she would tell him then. For now there was a car driving away and a boy about to chase after.
 “Go get him, Halstead.”
 Will was out the door.
 It had been three weeks, ten hours, and twenty five minutes since Connor was taken away, and Will was following behind him in his rinky-dink car out of Chicago. It was a slow ride, which wasn’t necessarily bad, but it gave Will time to think about what he was doing. Chasing after a      boy,    of all things, because he cared about him and couldn’t let him disappear. Following wherever he led, or, rather, was being led to, because he didn’t get to apologize for not protecting him the way he should. Falling forever in love, which was a strong word that Will didn’t think he should use about Connor until now.
 The car turned off onto a side road, and Will followed, slipping his spare pair of sunglasses over his face. It would be clear he was tracking the van, but hopefully not as clear that he was      Will Halstead    tracking the van.
 It swerved slightly and he tapped the breaks, trying to catch a glance of what was happening through the tinted windows. He saw a shadow shifting, standing, and then there was another      swerve    and the back doors tore open.
 Will slammed on the breaks as Connor quite literally fell out of the vehicle, shooting forward in his seat from the sudden stop of movement. Their eyes met, but it didn’t feel whole.
 For lack of a better word, Connor looked sick. He was pale; coated in sweat and looking a little hollow in the cheeks. There was bruising along his arms from being hooked up to something. His footing wasn’t the most stable, seeing as he near ate pavement directly after shooting out from the van doors. Something was missing, and it occurred to Will that it might not be at surface level.
 Behind him, horns honked and the van shoved to a stop as well, pulled over to the side of the road. Someone was getting out, and Will was too.
 He slammed the door of his car and it shivered, taking off in front of him and literally running into Connor, grappling him. His hands fell into place, knotted into Connor’s hair and around his waist, and they were closer than ever before, and it was okay.
 “Hey,” Connor murmured, his voice struggling. Lack of use or perhaps emotion had pinned his throat shut.
 Will smiled, but then it wasn’t okay. The people—wearing black, shades, concealing their faces—were stomping towards the two, and fast.
 Will watched them, a delayed reaction beginning to form, almost too late. “Get in the car,�� he murmured, and then, louder, “Get— Get in the car, Connor, we’ve got to go-”
 And the two were scrambling, near tripping, back into the car, tossing seatbelts on and pulling back into driving, only to realize that (      legally)    there was nowhere else to go. “Shit,” Will said under his breath, glancing towards Connor, then at the people now running their way. Another blaring      honk    from behind them both. Will tossed the car forward, not thinking, adrenaline-fueled, and suddenly here they were in a god-damn      car chase    like in a crime movie. Was this crime? Will couldn’t tell, but he certainly hoped not.
 Connor grabbed onto the safety handle above his head, grappling it and leaning forward in his seat. He might have been yelling as Will      swerved    back into place on the road, but the blood pulsing in his veins was a little too loud for comfort. Will tossed his head behind him, watching as the van loaded back up and tried to follow the same path. Another slew of curses fell from his mouth, or perhaps Connor’s mouth, and they had a long way to go.
 “We’ve got to lose them when we merge back on,” Connor said, a little drowsy but alert enough to be watching the van over his shoulder as well, still holding on. Will nodded, not strong enough for words.
 When they were back onto the main road, Will practically floored it, changing lanes whenever possible and      definitely    breaking a law or two, but with enough time the van was nowhere in sight, still on the road but further back, a blip along the horizon. For the first time Will could relax, take a breath, think about what on Earth he was doing, and where he was going.
 Connor took a breath, and Will glanced at him, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Nice to see you again,” Will offered, and Connor smiled too, almost bashful, dazed.
 Wait, dazed? His eyes looked droopy and his hands were shaking.
 “Connor, what’s wrong?” Will asked, dropping a hand onto Connor’s thigh to keep him grounded in reality.
The brunette’s hand fell over it, clasped, enough to make Will shudder. Cold. “They… put stuff in me. Knocks me out...” He murmured, brow furrowing in thought as things got dimmer and dimmer. “I’m fine,” He continued, looking to Will and smiling, still trying to make the connection in his mind, confused. He finally got it and glanced up brightly. “Ketamine.”
 Hesitantly, Will nodded, glancing in his mirror again and shifting to grabbing Connor’s hand quietly. “Get some sleep then, Rhodes. I’ve got it under control.”
 Connor nodded, shifting in his seat to lean back. His eyes shut and he was out like a light almost immediately.
 Will let go, rolling his shoulders, watching the endless road ahead of him. He wondered if he could ever turn back around, go home. He wondered if this was all worth it. This was a lot deeper-rooted than he had realized this morning, and all for Connor? His phone buzzed and  he reached to silence it while he had time, watching the road, watching the sky, watching Connor.
 Something told him that things would work out, be fine, but then he saw the missed calls from Natalie Manning and Ava Bekker.
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