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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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aikoiya · 2 months
Hello there, I love your post and I like your idea about Danny being affected by hamon but now not the time for dp x jjba and i have a long post idea that I would be understanding that it takes you days to research and post your idea.
Danny Phantom (phantom planet not happen in this au idea) x hunter: the parenting and by extension the world of darkness.
A few months before the event of Adorable Family Trip, the D family went to Amity Park for a month to visit one of Big-D ex, Jack Fenton, and while at Amity Park Kitten decided to look into Amity Park folklore. I want to know what 3 folklore that Amity Park has and what Kitten and Big-D thought about it, also bonus point if one of them is not about ghosts.
Also I have fun idea that the D family shenanigans while in Amity Park like Kitten learning about ecto ghost from Maddie ( who has extreme bias), Jack ( who is still learning about ecto ghost), and Big-D ( who usually keeps info until it's relevant), Marckus telling Danny and Dash about his experience with bully and tell them about how Brok Blacklaw eat Marckus book, gross Danny and Dash out, Door and Boy waiting in line at Nasty Burger for the meatiest burger for Boy and telling Jazz about his old 'mining day' unintentionally misled Jazz into thinking he was a miner and not a EOD specialist that he actually is, and Big-D and Jack have a journey and talk about why Big-D broke up with Jack as while Jack is good against ghost, he is not prepared for Big-D reckoning against the various supernatural.
Also for the funny Big-D know Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom when first met and didn't tell his family until on the plane back to Norfolk UK and his reasoning is that "it is obvious".
Holy cow! Honestly, I was confused for a bit. But the further down I got, the more I recognized. Like, Big-D was my first tip off, but it wasn’t until I read Markus, Door, & Boy that it clicked.
Now, I know what we’re talking about. I was afraid this was about Monster Hunter or Hunter x Hunter because I know practically nothing about either of those except dragons & that they are an absolute infestation in Monster Hunter.
You have no idea how lucky you are that my brother got me to watch the animated adaptation on YouTube or I would be completely lost! XD
So, congratulations, I can ramble about this subject!
However, I have only seen the animated adaptation up to Big-D's guide to avoiding arrest & am actually currently watching it as I type because I asked my brother a question about the show & he later said he'd rather watch more of it rather than continue with Lupin III. So, thanks for that. (Jk.)
Brok literally just appeared for the first time. His crew certainly seems to possess quite the motley assortment of very unfortunate faces, don't they?
But, yeah, I haven't seen any of the actual sessions, so my knowledge about how that world works is limited to that.
First off, I love, love, love all the supernatural lore in it. I was literally taking down notes.
Anyway, hmm… Well, I just looked at a list of Michigan cryptids & it talked about Michigan Mermen, though evidently, it's “bad luck to threaten one.” Though, the legend specifically says it's in Lake Superior. At the same time, the 2 lakes are connected by Whitefish Bay, so I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't also appear in Lake Michigan unless it was specifically inhabited by a predator of theirs. There's also apparently the Chicago Mothman, which according to a really cool map someone made from doing a bunch of research (Amity Park Location & Map), is most likely not even a full day's travel from Amity. Then there's the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent, which is, like, right there.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it lived in Lake Eerie. Maybe even just a short walk away from Amity itself.
Though, I do also have something a bit more benign that I made up myself. It's not really a creature. It's just a jukebox that plays creepily accurate music. → The Haunted Jukebox
It's really not much, but I figure that it'd be nice to investigate something that wouldn't try to do unspeakable things to them for once, ya know?
And I do have to say that I very much don't see Jack as the type who'd be into Big-D. In fact, I think the only dude that Jack might have a chance of being into is Vlad, who was never interested & will never be interested. And I don't even know if Jack would be aware of his own interest or if it's ever even crossed his mind.
However, I do have an alternate suggestion. What if Jack & Big-D… were brothers or cousins?
Now, I have a lot of thoughts on not only the Fenton Family’s lineage, but several others too, so here's a link so that I don't have to put it all here. → DP AU - Family Legacy
For that matter, I also hc that Warden Walker is Maddie's dad (but neither are aware). Seriously, go read Grandpappy Walker on Fanfiction.com. It’s an interesting read. However, it never finished. I have other hcs involving her family here, too. → The Walker Family
Now, moving on. This could absolutely work because my theories regarding both the Fenton family & Big-D actually align very well.
Mainly in that I hc that the Fentons are descended from a Lugat, thus making everyone descended from him dhampirs after a fashion.
Now, if we go this route, my suggestion is that Jack was the black sheep of the family… but Big-D was the bedazzled, feral sheep that kept biting everyone. Brilliant & the star of the Fenton family with a brain like a supernatural encyclopedia, but obviously has something very wrong in his head.
In my mind, Jack was never good at learning other languages (which was very important for research) or the apotropaic magics of his family because he could never really wrap his head around the mechanics of how it all worked, so he became frustrated with it all, called it a load of hooey & became determined to prove himself a hunter through the medium he did understand: SCIENCE!!!
And engineering. However, because he'd felt like an outcast due to being unable to understand the magical side of things, he'd begun to reject a lot of the old, tried & true hunter methods, relegating them to the domain of superstition even though a part of him knew that it was all true. He was bitter, okay?
Despite this, he's actually surprisingly honest with himself, considering how full of himself he can be. As such, if he's ever shown concrete evidence that he's wrong, he's actually very quick to adapt & accept that fact.
Then, promptly make amends.
Maddie, however, is ridiculously secular & stubborn. As such, she would be ridiculously difficult to convince regarding subjects involving the supernatural that couldn't be explained using science.
Interestingly, despite being so very different, Big-D was actually one of the only ones in their family who actually heard out Jack’s theories.
At the same time, though Big-D thought that the possibility of this “Ghost Zone” was, indeed, possible, he'd never thought that Jack would not only be able to reach it, consistently of all things, but then prove it!
Personally, I love it when experts of the supernatural are entirely blindsided by something that completely shatters their understanding of the world around them. Like, science is making new discoveries all the time. Why can't the supernatural hunter field also be doing the same?
I'm saying that I think it would be fun if the entirety of Big-D's knowledge of this new plane of existence completely consisted of whatever theories Jack had spoken to him about regarding it.
On the one hand, he's so ridiculously PROUD of Jackie-Boy!!
On the other, Big-D is absolutely shitting his short shorts as it slowly dawns on him the implications of all this.
I mean… this… this is the fucking trans-universal thanatonexus!! Literal proof of alternate & parallel universes!!!
The universe between universes & the moment between times!!!
Big-D needs to sit down before he passes out…
Which, my guy. I have a full freaking masterlist of hcs regarding how the Infinite Realms work, how it interacts with the Living Realms, how ectoplasm is made. As well as hcs about Clockwork & Nocturn. → DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
Clockwork - The Origin of Clockwork - Clockwork Through the Multiverse - Nocturn (My Style)
Peruse at your leisure.
Seriously, I might have a problem…
I mean, if you really think about it, how would Big-D know much of anything about ecto-ghosts? The only people shown to possess portals are the Fentons & Vlad & the only other portals are natural portals which open randomly & very rarely. Like, maybe he's heard stories about powerful beings that could fly & shoot lasers, but I don’t think he’d know anything truly concrete.
But I definitely think he's aware of Danny's time traveling shenanigans, though only from the perspective of having seen imagery of Phantom & Plasmius scattered through time. But not that it’s Danny & the mayor of Amity (at least initially).
Which, I honestly think that they'd legitimately despise each other. D & Vlad, that is.
Which, perhaps Big-D's actual reason for visiting could partially be because of that? Maybe he saw a picture in a supernatural tabloid about a little town in Illinois that was a tourist trap centering around ghosts? And the picture used was of one of Danny & Vlad's fights?
Maybe it was Kitten who was reading it & Big-D was just sort of sipping his drink at breakfast, was chatting with Kitten, & glanced down only to choke on his drink as he recognized the figures from one of the single greatest mysteries in all of hunter history. He gasps & wheezes rather comically as he tries to catch his breath. Kitten is concerned, but the second D caught his breath, he declared that they were headed to Amity Park to visit family.
The terrifying thing is that I actually think that the Fentons of Amity might be the most well-adjusted members of the current Fentons in the family… This realization haunts me…
Holy fudge, I think Jack would end up being the responsible & rational one between him & D…
Like, I can just see Jack looking D dead in the eye & telling him that drugs, psychedelics, alcohol any purer than near beer, & especially sacrifices were not allowed within 5 yards of the perimeter of Fenton Works & neither were D's sexual indiscretions.
If he brings that shit anywhere near his family, no one will find the pieces. And if he gets caught with that sort of thing here, then Jack's never met the man.
Like, the supernatural stuff is fine, whatever.
Typical Fenton clan brouhaha, but Jack raised a couple of wonderful, talented, genius kids.
(Even if Danny was having a rough time keeping his grades up at the moment, he could still reverse engineer any one of their inventions practically on autopilot & sometimes could even surpass Jack himself in terms of guerilla science & ingenuity, but that's not the point!)
His kids were brilliant & they don't do drugs or commit crimes or go out drinking, & he's not about to have one Bignaceous Ditryck T. Fenton walking in & screwing up the 2 (3 if they’ve adopted Ellie) most sane, well-adjusted children born into the Fenton clan in 5 generations just because he couldn't behave like an adult for a week! Like, he loves D, but “Seriously, D, you need serious help.”
Which would probably start a bit of a dismissive handwaving about how, of course, he’d never dream of it! But Jack just narrowed his eyes at the other man’s insane smile before sighing with a slump of his shoulders before letting them in reluctantly.
Anyway, I'd very much appreciate Amethyst Ocean to be a thing here. This is the DP ship that I've been shipping since I first watched the show. And it was made canon.
Of course, in the end, it's your choice. Not mine.
Also, keep in mind that if Phantom Planet isn't canon, then neither is A Glitch In Time. Just something to remember.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
im literally so obsessed with the post saying peter pettigrew would never be a traitor… that’s like basically The first thing we truly discover about him. right there from book three. like that is The Basis of his role in the narrative, that he was the traitor and sirius was not. that he was willing to bow to the winning power rather than risk dying for his friends and values (which is. the one issue the narrative never flinches on. doing the right thing rather than the easy.) like these aren’t real people, they are characters with narrative functions. peter is everything harry doesn’t respect, everything characters like ron and neville defy, when they doubt their places among their friends and still fight for what they believe in, and a foil to snape — snape’s love for lily causes him to make a good choice, peter’s lack of dedication to his friends causes him to make a bad choice. a bad choice that KICKS OFF THE ENTIRE PREMISE. like. yes these are characters and you can choose to play with them like dolls. but hp is a very tight narrative, and it’s silly to claim they are somehow at heart the antithesis of the space they fill.
I know like... if there's ONE detail about him then that's it. It showed up as a recommended post on my dash and I was so baffled for a moment haha. I could understand an attempt to defend his reasoning (I certainly like to understand it) but like... his character is nothing without that moment, it literally defines him as a character, so to say it's bad writing is so silly.
It's like if I made an impassioned post claiming that Voldemort would NEVER kill Lily and James. It moves past headcanon into just... outright denial of the basic facts of the characters and the story. Harry would NEVER have green eyes!!!! Tbh though Peter Defence Movement in general is the last thing I'd have expected a few years ago.
Recently just before I really started getting back into marauders fandom on tumblr, I posted in a discord asking for people's views on Peter, explaining my own interpretation and wanting input. And I was legitimately SO confused when EVERYONE replied in the vein of "hmm well that's not how I see him but ok. he actually was a poor little meow meow who took care of his friends and rubbed their shoulders after a battle, he was a scared little boy and he couldnt help it."
I was VERY taken aback by the complete 180 that peoples views on Peter seemed to have done, since I assumed my portrayal was controversially sympathetic. Fandom used to largely just ignore him, and when he wasn't ignored he was reviled. It once would have been heresy for me to imply Peter had any sympathetic qualities at all lol, whereas here I was pretty solidly shouted down for saying he had the unsavory characteristics we're shown in canon, such as enjoying watching James and Sirius bully others.
It's honestly so fascinating, like when did this happen lmao
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 months
for the soft asks - all of the even numbers that you haven't answered yet :D
Took, I love you, god damn
4. what flower would you like to be given?
Oh, sunflowers! I love sunflowers, they're my favorite
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Alright, alright...hmm
I have nice hair
I have a nice voice
I have pretty eyes
I'm compassionate
I'm smarter than I give myself credit for
I'm kind
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
@mishathewtf @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @kpopfantasywriter @seonghwacore @nineninepetals @zennialemo @missjudge-me @zzzhoonie @hyperbolicgrinch @fourth-quartet (obvs) @clawbehavior and there are so many others...I just love y'all
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
I'm excited to finish my current wip that I'm working on and post it after doing some edits to it. I'm really happy with how it's going so far (I can't write a short fic for Killer and Healer to save my fucking life)
12. how are you?
Tired. A little stressed. And nervous cuz I have a job interview coming up on Wednesday...
14. favorite feel-good show?
Now, Killer and Healer is my go to answer for every show, but it's not really a feel-good show, if you know what I mean. So I'm gonna go with White Cat Legend because there are some episodes, ep. 18 in particular, where I just screech with laughter because it's so god damn funny. But my other feel-good show is any show that talks about Ancient Egypt. I love Egyptology and wanted to be an Egyptologist when I was younger (mainly to study mummies, is anyone surprised that I ended up in forensics? No, you shouldn't be). But yeah, any nature documentary or documentary on Ancient Egypt is my go-to feel good show
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
You're an absolute delight and I love seeing you on my dash and getting asks from you and I thank God every day we became friends because of The Devil Judge
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
You fucking kidding me, of course I do. Love my stuffies
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
To get a fucking job and stop feeling like I'm behind all of my friends, even though I know I'm not. It's just that my timeline has not exactly worked out the way I wanted it to, so...yeah. Getting my job in my field would be the cherry on top
22. what would you say to your future self?
Keep being badass
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
Work on/read fanfiction or watch youtube videos
26. what movie would you want to live in?
Uh...Princess and the Frog. Good music, bombass food...sign me the fuck up
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Hugs. I've been told I give good hugs
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Going into any asian grocery story. See, I lived in Hawaii and spent a lot of time in Chinatown because my great-grandmother used to go there a lot. And Lunar New Year and other stuff like that. So anytime I go into an asian grocery store and smell all the spices and what not, I feel like I'm home
soft asks to get to know people | send me asks
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rikas-things · 30 days
Diabolik Alcoholik part 4
To read more or get caught up, please check out the table of contents:
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Reiji smiled again as he placed his hands on his hips, though it was far closer to a sneer than an honest smile.
"But of course! What, were you not expecting to meet Ayato so soon? Perhaps your guilty conscience has plagued you?"
Her brows furrowed.
"He attacked me first!" She defended, "It was self-defense!"
"That's not at all how it appeared to me," he dropped his smile as he spoke, his voice dry and laced with suspicion.
"I have no reason to-" he held a hand up before she could continue.
"Whether it was or wasn't is of little consequence. The fact of the matter is that you've made an enemy. If you wish to remain in good cheer I suggest you take heed of this: 'to follow your heart is to lose your mind.'"
"What does that mean?"
"Think of it as a warning to keep your wits about you. You seem like the outspoken type, and I'm advising against that. That hotheadedness will not do you good in the long run."
She thought his words over for a moment, not quite sure what the advice he gave had to do with the saying he used but she was willing to try if it meant facing "Ayato's" ire as little as possible.
She grew a determined look in her eyes; she had no idea what kind of family this was or why they invited her into their mansion but maybe she could make this work-who knows?
She could probably make a new friend and become a big sister to some of the little ones!
Whatever they were like, she hoped they'd be nicer to her than Ayato.
"I'm ready. Where can I meet them?"
Reiji put his fingers to his chin as he fell deep in thought.
"Hmm...it seems a few of them have already gathered in the living room."
She eyed him over, wondering to herself how he could tell where they were since she couldn't see a Bluetooth device on his person.
"My brothers are an eccentric bunch, but aside from Ayato, they're mild-mannered."
This time she was completely silent, mulling over one singular word.
To the mind of someone as boy-crazed as Yui, you might as well be telling her you're giving her a million dollars.
While Ayato was awful she couldn't deny he was quite attractive, and, as she gave Reiji a good look, he was also quite handsome in his own right too.
Messy yet fantastic hair, gorgeously soulful eyes, a strong, chiseled jawline...
If his brothers were anything close to what she witnessed here, she knew she'd have the time of her life.
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She ran full speed ahead toward the end of the hallway, hearts in her eyes and arms open wide to accept any beautiful men that were waiting for her-when an ice-cold glass of reality splashed her face.
It came in the form of Ayato Sakamaki, who was wide awake and sporting two large knots on his head and a very unsavory frown.
"This sucks...my head friggin' hurts!" He muttered to himself as he sulked in his chair, his hair and school clothes as disheveled as ever.
As soon as he turned his head, Yui dashed behind the wall and stuck herself against the wall in an attempt to blend in, mortified.
This is bad, this is so bad! She thought to herself. I can't be alone with this guy!
"Hey," a low voice came from her shoulder, which set her alarm off.
Yui turned and nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned to the source of the voice.
"I could smell you from my seat, you idiot!" Ayato roared.
He then sneered at her.
"I got two head injuries 'cause of you! So prepare yourself! I'll show the meaning of the word Hell!" On the last note he showed her a dark grin.
She smiled as she sweated profusely, barely hiding her fear.
How do I get out of this??
"Ahem," another voice rang through the hall.
Reiji appeared with a bitter grin on his face.
"As much as I'd love for you two to finish your chit-chat, it's time for you to make your way to the living room."
As Ayato ranted about Reiji taking too long, Yui let out a long, loud sigh of relief.
A little too loud, as Ayato caught wind of it and turned his attention to her, leading no end of threats and jabs at her expense.
Having heard enough, Reiji intervened as he adjusted his glasses.
"Enough of this, hurry up for the meeting, you two!"
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majestyjun · 1 year
Was gonna do a silly funny award of which tumblrs are the biggest different types of moas and will be caught red handed seeing them simping for their mans and posting fics on them and just being absolute whores 💀
For moawajjunie- of course it’s you 😌🏆 so entertaining and funny seeing you thirsting for him and also cute and endearing haha you really love him (me too 🤭 but I don’t post)
For bamtori - @fairyofshampgyu 🏆all they ever talk about is beomgyu again very funny and endearing seeing
For solomon - @1004tyun & @cherrypeaking 🏆 both of them are a pair of solomons can’t separate
But then that’s all I got I realised sadly 😢 I’m not sure if there’s any proper soobrangdan or nindungie blrs who mostly post and simp over them a lot, there were some but now they’ve deactivated. Anyone want to come over and justify them stealing the title of biggest soobrangdan and nindungie blr🏆?🎉😝
ohh~?? what is this ahaha caught red handed :0
eeek thank uuu :< jjunie my hubby will always thirst n love him until the end <3 mwah mwah mwah lots of kisses for him~~ but also my sister wifeys @hyuk4ngel fay n @mazeinthemoon moony r also so for jjunie
yesss ahaha nia and writing like 99% beomgyu is so cute tho too~~ and would add @hwanghyunjinenthusiast rj bc the bamtori is real LOL
ok but fr those two make me believe in like humanity LOL they’re so cute n lots of lovey on my dash which makes me happy hehe and @tyunkus for their amazing writing
hmm ningdungie would be @huckleberrykai <3 lots of kai love and writing~~ also fr berry is just a qt ^^ and @st4rrykai is also ningdungie w like such cute works
and soobrangdan would be @cheolhub bc sar is like the greatest writer to like ever touch the planet FR and @fairybin mari is also a soobrangdan ahaha and @gyulovly miss daisy but also a big soobrangdan
and ot5 @mazeinthemoon moony shows so much love to all of them (but secret solomon hehe)
eeek i tend to forget things :< pls remind me if i forgot someone bc all writers deserve awards for just like even existing n trying their best bc eventually the writing comes ahaha <3
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
Get to Know Me (tag game)
Thanks @burntheedges and @sydneyinacoma for the tags! 💖
I guess I don’t post much about myself on here, so behold the mystery of Jyar’ika revealed under the cut (because I waffle and didn't wanna take up y’all’s dashes)…
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Ahh space to include GIFs (*is happy*)...
1. Were you named after anyone? Hmm, that’s a sneaky way to get a name reveal outta me. Alright, I don’t mind… apparently one of the hosts on Blue Peter (the longest-running children’s TV show in the world - you’re not getting an age reveal outta me too!) had a baby just before I was born. Why my parents were watching a children’s TV show I have no idea, but this host evidently wrote/sang some kinda song on air about calling her baby daughter Jemma with a J not Gemma with a G. So I was named after a terribly trite and obscure TV reference that nobody will ever remember. You may call me Jem if you wish, my friends all do, and if you’re bothering to read this then you’re in that category.
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(If you're wondering about the GIF, the show was always broadcast live and they had several pets. The outtakes are numerous.)
2. When was the last time you cried? I think I’m weird… I don’t tend to cry? Or only if I’m really really upset. Maybe I’m Cameron Diaz in The Holiday? So yeah, I can’t actually remember 🤔.
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3. Do you have kids? Nope, although it’s a fairly recent decision to not have them. I spent much of my life assuming I wanted kids until I realised I had been conditioned by society to think I did. Since I started considering what I genuinely want and need in my life, I’ve never been happier! I'd make an exception to adopt a certain little green guy, though.
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4. What sports do you play/have played? Ugh, I hate questions like this. Nope, I’m a lazy asshole and now you all know it 🫣. I mean, I activity-hopped throughout my school years (gymnastics, karate, soccer), but these days I live in front of a computer. My exercise is lugging 24 bottles of water up 4 flights of stairs twice a week.
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5. Do you use sarcasm? I’m British. Sarcasm is my mother tongue.
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6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I’m the least observant person ever! So voices a lot of the time, I think. Pretty sure that’s why something clicked inside me as soon as Din Djarin spoke his first on-screen words.
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7. What’s your eye color? Depends on the light, but somewhere between dark blue and grey.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings? I’m an absolute wuss when it comes to scary movies, so I don’t put myself through that. Also, the literature student in me desperately wants to point out that these things are not mutually exclusive, as you can have scary movies with happy endings, so a more appropriate ‘either/or’ scenario would be tragedies or happy endings. But either way, I will say no to the former and yes to the latter. I dislike making myself feel scared or sad – I consume fiction (in all formats) to feel good, so I’ll always look for the positive. I’m currently experimenting to see if I can write a massively angsty fic, and it was supposed to be done by the New Year, but I’m struggling. I will also have to include one of those open-ended ‘maybe it could work out after all’ epilogues. I just can’t leave my characters in pain.
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9. Any talents? Not sure what constitutes a talent… I can sing, play guitar, write a longass Din Djarin fanfic that people seem quite keen on, uh… cook, I guess (though I rarely bother), understand quite a few languages (less proficient at speaking them). I’m sort of a jack of all trades, master of none. I would say I have a talent for procrastination – I can complete a whole workday and get barely anything of substance done!
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10. Where were you born? In a village outside a town in Surrey, England. It's only about 30 miles from London. Lots of trees. Very dull. I left as soon as I could.
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11. What are your hobbies? Writing is my main obsession, specifically Din Djarin-related, of course. Also reading (same genre). Throughout my entire life I’ve enjoyed stories in all formats – reading, writing, watching, listening, proofreading the fuck out of them – so if it’s a good yarn, I’ll have a good time.
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12. Do you have any pets? Not currently, my landlord won’t allow it. I used to own 3 rats who were the most adorable boys and so smart – they knew their names, responded to commands, liked to snuggle. When I can finally buy my own place I’ll probably get a dog, as I like pets that listen to you, even if only sporadically. I had a very non-communicative chameleon once. He was called Minion. He was not a good minion.
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13. How tall are you? 5’4. Not tiny, but sometimes I have to go up on my tippytoes to reach stuff.
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14. Favorite subject in school? English literature (see hobbies question above). When I got to university and enrolled on an English lit/lang degree, I tried to take as many literature courses and avoid the language ones. It wasn’t until years after graduating when I started proofing/editing and writing more seriously that I developed a respect for all the mandatory language courses I had to do. I also liked media studies and film studies; you can guess why. Psychology was interesting too, it’s good to understand human nature if you want to write realistic characters.
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15. Dream job? I wish I could write novels for a living. It’s a goal as well as a dream. I know a couple of authors who’ve self-published via Kindle Direct Publishing (I proofread/edited for one of them), and they were successful enough to turn that into their careers. They keep encouraging me to try, although I’m currently in my ‘obsessed with Din Djarin so just writing fanfic to develop my authorial voice’ era. When my obsession wanes, as obsessions inevitably do, I’ll hopefully feel ready to write something original and take my shot. But I’m not pressuring myself, and right now I’m happy attempting to entertain the Mandalorian fan community. I feel safe here 💖
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Now I know I’m supposed to tag people since that’s the point of a tag game… but I’m that autistic kid in the corner who is too shy and worried about tagging people who might not reply. So I’m foregoing tags today. But, if you’ve bothered to read this and you haven't already played: TAG YOU’RE IT! That’s me tagging you, please take it seriously and thank me for your tag in your own post (I will be genuinely thrilled if anybody does this, and I’m sending advance love to anyone who does – you don’t know how much it means to someone autistic to have the decision-making element dealt with for them). So go on, now it’s your turn!
13 notes · View notes
razorblade180 · 1 year
[Post Twin Snowflakes Finale]
About three months after the blizzard crisis in Atlas, life had gotten back on track for the citizens of Atlas. School was back in session, buildings completely repaired, and new ways of life had begun to feel normal for the heroes most involved with the Shiva catastrophe. However, a new predicament poked its head out at the worst of times. A challenge Summer had not prepared for; common sickness.
“ACHOOOO!” Sneezed the sniffling girl who laid on the couch under covers. “I think I’m actually dying this time guys. Nick, I’m sorry for everything.”
The elder twin blinked slowly as he looked down at his sister. “ It’s the common cold. Shut up.” He dropped a box of tissues on her lap.
“There’s nothing common about this cold. I swear this is somehow Shiva’s last laugh.”
Her dramatic antics were ignored by her brother as he walked over to their family. He had gotten really good at that. Then again, they were dealing with a slight issue. All of them were dressed elegantly for a gala event in honor of Atlas’s restoration. Normally they wouldn’t all entertain something like this, the gathering doubled as an award ceremony. With how many of them contributed in Atlas’s time of need, attendance was all but mandatory as well as a smart way to show things are in fact going smoothly. Naturally, Summer didn’t receive an invitation for any noteworthy contribution but was invited out of principle. Now she couldn’t even show up at all!
“Nick, why are you even going?” Summer groaned. “You’re not getting an award. As far as the public is concerned, there was no grand life or death battle. You were in the hospital.”
“That’s exactly why I’m going. This event is televised and since school and other activities are just starting again it’s not like anyone really knows how well I’m doing these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought I was dying if I didn't show myself tonight.”
Summer pouted. “Hmm, kinda sounds like you don’t want to hang out with me?”
“That too. Being sick sucks.”
Well at least he was honest with her. Summer looked at Valerie getting dolled up by her parents while Winter straightened Sparrow’s tie.
“And why is he going exactly?”
“I still miss him.” Winter said bluntly, reaching for Qrow’s arm. “Miss this idiot too.”
“We love you too.” They said in perfect unison.
Summer looked at Ruby helping Ruth put on her sparkly shoes while Whitley fixed Ruby’s hair. No point or desire to nag the new family. Summer was more jealous how Ruth looked excited about the whole thing. Galas are kinda slow for the most part but watching Ruth get excited made Summer wish she was going.
Weiss came by and gave her daughter an extra pillow. “How are you holding up?”
“My bones ache…”
“Sounds about right. It’s been so long since you’ve been sick that I didn’t realize it was possible.”
“You and I both. Look, I know it’s actually not that big of a deal illness wise, but I’m seriously going to be left here watching you guys on tv?” Summer pouted.
Jaune kinda laughed to himself. Looks like Summer was just as needy as Weiss whenever she got sick. “We will try to be back as soon as possible.” He said with a smile. “Besides, you won’t be completely alone.”
As he said that, a knock came from the front door. Ruby dashed over to open it and let her fellow teammates in.
“Look who finally showed up!” Ruby teased.
Yang flicked her sister’s forehead “Hey! We don’t control the weather. We flew as quickly as possible. Well, most of us.”
Penny came darting in all dolled up for the event. “I didn’t want to ruin the dress.” She said, quickly hugging everyone before speeding towards the living room to see Summer. “Salutations!”
“Well, well, well.” Summer squinted. “If it isn’t my doctor who left me to wolves! I presume the other runaway has joined you?”
Oscar came walking in casually. “Yep. Good to see you Summer. It’s been awhile.”
“Didn’t have to be. Can you imagine my surprise when I came home asking if your flight landed, just to be told you didn’t get off!?”
“Hehehe…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I did, technically. I had to get clothes.”
“Blake me.” Penny said. “I was concerned that the altitude might harm Veronica’s ears, considering they were still injured at the time. I wasn’t about to leave Oscar so I asked him to make a round trip.”
“A round tr- ya stayed!”
“Well we weren’t expecting Veronica to ask for therapy and further medical attention! Also it’s not like we don’t video call you for your scheduled appointments.”
Summer puffed her cheeks out. She wasn’t actually upset at anyone. It was just so unbelievable that within the hour of her telling Veronica to seek professional help, the girl pouched both therapist and doctor from under Summer’s nose.
“Speaking of the thief, how is she?”
An extra pair of footsteps came walking up from behind the couch. “The thief can hear you.”
Summer looked up to the faunus girl staring down at her. Veronica gave a rigid wave then walked over to the other couch to lay on it. Unlike the others, Veronica was dressed in her normal clothes.
“That’s a little casual for a gala, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Good thing I’m not going?”
“Excuse me?” Summer said quickly, looking at Weiss.
“Veronica volunteered to look after you while we’re out. Hopefully this event won’t drag out.”
Penny did a quick scan of Summer’s vitals. “Hmm, even if it does she’ll be fine. It’s a little funny how your slight fever is the normal temperature of a person. You have nothing to worry about. It’s accumulating by the looks of it.”
“Cool.” Summer said not really concerned about that at all as she looked at Veronica. “You volunteered?” She didn’t get a verbal answer. Only a thumbs up.
Weiss gave Summer a kiss in the head and proceeded to leave along with everyone else. “Veronica, call if you need anything.”
“Yes ma’am.” As everyone left, Nick turned towards her to give a smile and wave as he exited. Such a little gesture brought a small smile to Veronica’s face. She put her attention on Summer and stood up. “Need anything?”
“Yeah, an answer. Why aren’t you going with them? If I got an invite then you had to.”
“I did, but it was customary.”
“What? But…you helped dozens. You’re not getting an award?”
“Nope. It’s not like dust infused clothes didn’t exist before I made more, or as if people really knew I was making more. I stayed in my little workshop so often. Even I don’t know if everything I made actually functioned as intended; nor would people tell the difference if they were layered up. Aside from the things I made for our family, that is. My crowning moments are in the final fight which as far as the public is aware, never happened.”
“That’s…I’m sorry to hear that. You worked so hard.”
“Eh. Can’t say I care too much. Not like I wanted to give a speech or anything. The crowd wouldn’t take too kindly to that anyways if you ask me.”
“Still…” Summer frowned, “You deserve recognition.”
Veronica went silent for a moment. All she could do was shrug, choosing not to think about it too much. It is what it is after all.
“How are your ears?” Summer asked, noticing them. They looked as perky as they were before instead of tapped down.
“I’m not deaf, so that’s swell. Last thing I need to be is a faunus that can’t hear or see well. Enough about me though. You don’t even sound like you should be talking. Do I need to grab a pitcher, meds, or-”
“ARF!!” Came a high pitched cry from the main hall that made Veronica jump.
What came next was the pitter patter of tiny paws on tile that made its way onto carpet. From around the couch, a tiny Dalmatian puppy with perfect spots under his eyes came waddling towards Veronica with a wagging tail
It let out its tiny yet mighty bark again. “ARF!” He nibbled on the tip of Veronica’s worn sneakers.
“N-No.” Summer stuttered, patting the couch cushion to gain its attention. “Dunce, leave her alone. I’m sorry, again.”
“You named them Dunce?”
“Our old dog was named Dolt. I don’t see the problem. Oscar suggested a therapy animal and I chose this little menace. Dunce! I need you to be smart for three seconds and come to mama.”
“It’s fine.” Veronica bent over and picked up the little guy. “Hey Dunce. Smelled a cat did ya? Good thing I don’t spook like my mom.” Veronica watched as his tiny tongue licked her nose before the puppy yawned. “Me too.”
Summer was a little bit shocked seeing Veronica react so casually. Now that she was thinking about it, Veronica overall appeared…low on energy compared to her typical attitude. Her tone was laxed and her gaze held a neutrality to them, but it didn’t feel natural.
“Are you…on antidepressants?” Summer hesitated to say. Veronica raised a brow at the question. Suddenly there was a bit more light behind Veronica’s eyes, but only a bit.
“I mean…I was for a bit, but not anymore. They…they kinda made me worse.” Veronica said in a disheartening voice. “Uh, does he have a cage I put him in? Dogs can catch human diseases y’know?”
“Yeah.” Summer pointed towards the main entryway. “Cage is outside the kitchen door.”
“Is that hygienic?”
“It’s not in the kitchen or right next to it. Keqing it there makes it easy to put him inside when we have to. He listens to microwave beeps more than me.”
Veronica snickered then left to put him away. Summer couldn’t help but feel the awkwardness between them. Maybe it was all in her sick brain, but Veronica’s words felt rather dry. The typical wittiness and snap back wasn’t there. Almost as if her mind was somewhere else. The girl in question came back in with bottles of water and two extra covers. One was draped over Summer.
“Oh. Th-Thank you?”
“I could tell you were shivering.” Veronica used the second cover on herself and turned on the tv. “Ceremony won’t start for a while. Not that it’s gonna be interesting. You should get some rest while you can though.”
“Okay…” Summer said meekly, resting her head. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Veronica. Somehow she looked more tired. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Jet lag. Menagerie isn’t exactly the closest spot to Atlas.”
“That makes sense. Although, if you had no real interest in the gala then why come all the way here in the first place?”
“It’s not Menagerie.” Veronica laid her head down and put her arm over her eyes to block out light. “Sorry, but I need a bit of rest myself. Don’t worry though. I sleep lightly.”
Now she was even apologizing. Something definitely changed over the months. Well…a lot has actually changed. Could it be that Veronica was forcing herself to help as a way of trying to make things better between them? Summer remembered their final conversation. It was messy and complicated, but it wasn’t as if Summer came off as resentful. Maybe Oscar had spoken to Veronica in one of their sessions recently and it really hit home so now she’s contemplating? Whatever it was, Summer didn’t have the energy or intention to force a conversation. Veronica was right about her being tired. The two girls shut their eyes and let rest settle in.
It was about an hour or so before Summer woke up again. As her vision cleared, she saw Veronica sitting in the corner of the other couch watching tv. Summer looked down to find her water bottle and noticed that beside it was cough syrup and a melted ice pouch.
“Your fever broke in your sleep.” Veronica said casually. “Do you remember waking up to take that medicine?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“I thought as much. Anyways, how you feein?”
“Actually…pretty good.” Summer sat up. Her body still had a little fatigue but there was no headache or sore throat. “Sorry if I woke you.”
“I’m here to take care of you. Besides, I got decent rest I suppose.”
Summer wasn’t too convinced about that. Veronica did appear to have a bit more energy but her overall demeanor and even her slouching posture told a different story. There had to be a way to break the ice. Fortunately, Veronica also had things to say.
“How’s school? It’s back in session right?”
Summer nodded. “We actually did a bunch of online classes not long after you left, but a month ago the entire school was up and running again. Normally I’d be pissed but it looks like summer vacation will happen. They’re even considering extending it since some students were trapped in Atlas.
“You guys have already made up for four months worth of work?”
“Atlas has problems. Education isn’t one of them. Especially in a combat school. Not to brag but we’re kinda awesome.”
“I know four of you are, but I never got that impression from your peers.”
Summer blinked twice. If she wasn’t mistaken, Veronica called her awesome. Sure, she mentioned Val, Nick, and Eliza, but she included Summer among them.
Veronica noticed the silence. “Something wrong?”
“N-No! Just uhh…” Summer trailed off. “Anyways, I’m more surprised the field is repaired. You all really set it ablaze.”
“That’s putting it mildly. I set off an inferno that could’ve killed us.”
“Abou that…has that shaken you up or anything?”
“Huh? Not particularly? Sure it was scary but so were a lot of things. Why?”
“Just asking.” So that wasn’t what was bothering her. Perhaps Summer went about this the wrong way? Veronica could be feeling general unease? “Speaking of summer vacation, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“I’m all ears.” Veronica wiggled both pairs of them.
“I was hoping you could help me with a swimsuit?”
Now that was a question Veronica hadn’t expected. She gave full attention to Summer. “Why me of all people?”
“What do you mean why?” Summer pulled the covers halfway up her face. “You look good in everything and know fashion. I wanna look hot.” She muttered.
Veronica felt a flutter in her chest. “Oh, thanks.” She wasn’t expecting such a brutally honest response. “I’ve actually never made a swimsuit before. Not that I couldn’t learn to work with the fabric but it would take time. Can’t guarantee it would hold up against something professional.”
“That’s alright. I more so wanted to pick your brain than have you suddenly make me one for scratch.”
“I can do that. Are you well enough to stand?”
“I am.”
“If you go change into a sports bra and some shorts then I can give my thoughts now.”
Summer squinted. “What makes you think I own sports bras?”
“Because you’re the same girl who walked around in oversized school uniforms and would get away with sweatpants any chance possible.” Veronica said bluntly. Maybe a little too blunt. Summer started to pout. “Shit, I uuh didn’t mean for that to sound-”
Summer stood up and left the covers on the couch to reveal she was already in shorts. The girl huffed while removing her oversized Pumpkin Pete’s t-shirt to show Veronica her black sports bra.
Veronica threw her hands up in disbelief. “So you were just being difficult?”
“Nobody likes being called out so accurately.” Summer crossed her arms defensively. “Let’s make this quick. I’m still cold.”
Veronica got on her feet and got to inspecting. First thing she immediately noticed Summer’s skin in general looked healthier than last time. Not to mention she sounded better internally as well.
“You’ve been eating healthier.”
Summer’s eyes went wide. “You can tell at a glance? I mean it’s not as difficult considering Shiva is gone. I don’t have to worry about making her more capable. I’ve even stuck to the diary suggestions you gave me.”
“You don’t have to follow that. You do realize that, right?”
“I know, but I kinda like it now.”
“Whatever floats your boat I guess.” Veronica looked at several scars imprinted on Summer’s body. It was obvious this desire of hers had more to deal with self confidence than basic attractiveness.
Though her body wasn’t flawless, most of Summer’s scars had healed remarkably well over time; many had faded and naturally gotten smaller as the girl grew up from the accident that was more than a decade ago by now. There were a couple under her right rib cage and left thigh that noticeably had heavier scar tissue but that was fine. Veronica looked at Summer’s face again. Even the slight scar across her cheek and chin were difficult to notice. Her arms obviously had a couple scars from punctures, but once again, they healed pretty well.
“Did you have any ideas in mind? High waisted, strapless, over the shoulder, or basic?”
Summer shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s why I’m asking you. I want to try being more comfortable with myself but any time I go shopping…it all becomes a chore.” She sighed.
“Well since you’re asking me, go with a one piece.” Veronica watched Summer try to stop her face from scrunching up. “What?”
“Isn’t that a little…I don’t know, childish?”
“Only if you’re thinking about a school’s one piece, maybe. Summer, you do know you can’t really pull off what I would pick for myself, right?”
“Yes Veronica. I’m painfully aware of that.” It was hard not to sound jealous. Belladonna and Xiao Long genetics are the ultimate slap in the face in this specific case. “The hell is your dairy diet?”
“Stop crying over nonexistent spilled milk. You are also the daughter of a very beautiful woman who I highly doubt has ever looked ugly. Weiss Schnee might be the definition of beauty.”
“I think you’re underselling how gorgeous your parents are.”
“Oh I’m fully aware people drool over my parents. One more than the other at times. Doesn’t change what I said. Showing more skin doesn’t automatically make you feel more attractive or give off the perception you’re aiming for. You have to learn to work with what you have instead of what you wish for.”
“And what would that be?” Summer asked earnestly, receiving a tap on the leg with Veronica’s
“Like I said, you’re your mother’s daughter. Short torso, but long elegant legs. A one piece Will compliment that while also covering a few scars because let’s be honest, that’s what’s bugging you. Take it a step at a time. Hell, pick a one piece that shows a little of your back if you think that’s manageable. Alternatively, high waisted bottoms are a bikini top that’s more like a crop top or vest. You can feel hot and be modest.
Summer listened to every word. Veronica had gotten so caught up in her craft that she was speaking normally again. Not only that, but what she said felt more than personal advice. It was clear Veronica pulled from personal experience. A mixture of care and stern lecturing. For some reason, that made Summer smile.
It didn’t go unnoticed. “What’s with the grin?”
“I’m relieved. The awkward tension isn’t as bad as earlier. Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep it all in mind.”
Again with the compliments. Veronica wasn’t sure she would get used to them. She walked back to her seat. “You can put back on your shirt now before you catch another cold.”
“That would suck.” Summer returned to her comfy clothes and blankets. “Gotta admit I’m a little surprised you’ve never worked with swimsuits. Haven’t covered it in fashion class yet?”
Awkwardness came back again. Veronica turned her gaze towards the tv to see the countless citizens in extraordinary outfits as ceremonies took place. She rested her head in her left hand.
“Don’t know. I never went back.” Her ears dropped down.
Summer’s heart sunk, her body leaning back in shock. “Never went back? What do you mean you never went back?”
“I missed a lot when I left the first time. Granted it wasn’t anything I couldn’t make up with effort and my talent, but I didn’t really have one of those. Regular school is hard enough, now I had to fight in order to keep a spot nobody wanted me in to start with. Between my terrible record with fights and whatever bull shit they came up with, I didn’t have the energy. I’ve barely been going to school at all actually.”
“But…you love making designs.”
“I also loved gymnastics and a bunch of other things. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not like I’ve given up on it. At this point it makes more sense to finish school and then go to design school somewhere far from home. Coco Axel herself thinks I have talent and recommended a few schools, so it’s a win.”
Veronica turned to Summer to smile at her humble brag but saw the girl frowning. A twinge of pain hit her chest and the smile she tried to wear didn’t show up.
Summer spoke with genuine concern. “Why don’t I think you believe that?”
“I mean…” Veronica clenched the bottom of her skirt as she held her head down. “I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little disappointed in myself. By all rights, this plan is more favorable than things have been; yet it feels like I broke a promise to myself. As if they won by kicking me out.” Her voice trembled.
“Can we please not talk about this?” She said quickly.
There it was, the frailty from before. Summer took a breath before speaking calmly. “Are you forcing yourself to interact with me because not doing so feels like running away?”
Veronica raised her head with urgency. “No, that’s not…” she sighed, feeling exhausted. “I don’t know why I’m doing what I am anymore. I only know doing nothing isn’t going to fix anything.”
“What are you trying to fix?”
“….Everything?” Tears spilled over that Veronica quickly wiped away. “Myself.”
“I can’t really speak much on school since I don’t have room to talk about the best way to handle it, but don’t think you have to force these things. Especially between us. It’s like you said about my swimsuit. Go at your own pace.”
“If I don’t push myself then I don’t want to move. I know that healing isn’t this linear process but these setbacks and plateaus keep…scaring me. I know I don’t deserve pity for a lot of things I’ve done but these lows are so-”
“Who told you that?” Summer asked sternly, spooking herself a little. “Who said you don’t deserve pity or empathy? I most certainly didn’t and I know nobody who has your best interest said that. Vee, in case you haven’t noticed, not once since you’ve been here have I done something fucked up like guilt trip you or come off as passive aggressive. So you showed up today because you feel guilty? Half the things I’ve done for my family had personal guilt attached to it. That’s all the proof you need that you’re holding yourself accountable and have compassion, but don’t think you have to act on every urge. I see that you’re trying. You got a therapist immediately after I told you.
“I thought you were upset over that?”
“Not literally! I was just being bratty because I’m not fan of sharing. I’m not actually mad you took my advice to get therapy from the person you trust. Cut me a little slack.” Summer gave Veronica a gentle smile. “Have any interesting breakthroughs you’re comfortable with sharing? Oscar has a way of making people cry.”
Veronica wiped her face again. “I don’t know if I can really call them breakthroughs. They’ve been things I pretty much knew about myself but never wanted to admit verbally. Apparently I have a fairly decent understanding of myself. It’s putting in the work positively that sucks.”
“Gotta admit that makes me a little jealous. That man sometimes peels back a layer I didn’t know existed.”
“Heh, well, I guess the closest thing to that is despite my low tolerance and expectations for people, I persist in being close to see if I’ll be proven wrong.” She sniffed. “It’s a big reason why I like Nick. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
Summer can understand that. All of their family is kind and caring but people like her brother and Penny aren’t related to Veronica. She’s so used to being written off by others that she expects it’ll come eventually. However, the truth is that’s not gonna happen with those two. Even in Veronica’s ugliest moments, they never thought less of her or believed she couldn’t be better. Now that Summer thought of it, Veronica most likely thought similarly about this situation.
Summer reached out her hand. “Not to change topics so suddenly, but I’m still cold.”
“Oh, okay.” Veronica removed her own blanket. She wasn’t actually that cold anymore anyways. She walked over to Summer to give her the extra layer but was caught by surprise when Summer grabbed her by the wrist. “What are - ahh!” A firm tug sent Veronica falling forward.
Summer caught the girl in her arms and fell back gently onto the couch with Veronica ensnared. They landed on their sides and Summer kept the girls face close to her chest. “Aah~That’s better.” She didn’t push her luck by rubbing her head.
Veronica squirmed and grunted. “Grr, Summer! I’m not in the mood for-”
“Then use your semblance or punch me in the face to escape. I’m not letting go of you.”
Veronica’s tail swayed back and forth as she tried wiggling side to side before giving up, her body going limp. She wasn’t going to punch a sick person.
“No semblance?”
“…I’m too exhausted to deal with falling.”
“Guess you’re stuck then.” Summer didn’t really believe that was the full reason, she let Veronica get away with it.
Silence built between them for at least a minute as the sound of a clock ticked and the sound from tv not being watched played in the background.
“Why are you doing this?” Veronica finally asked.
“You’re warm and I’m cold. Chalk it up to fulfilling your duties as my temporary keeper.”
“….Why are you really doing this?” Veronica sunk into the embrace.
“….Not sure. Maybe this is my version of tough love? I don’t like seeing you so down on yourself and walking on eggshells around me. Can’t tell if I’m concerned or if it ticks me off.”
“Beats me.” She said dryly.
“Back to what you said, I can empathize a little. There were many times I felt like I was giving every reason for people to let go to the waste side. Even so, my family never let go. I felt like dead weight and yet they still chose to hang on to me. I never really understood why, but maybe there isn’t much to understand?”
“It’s love. The type that feels unconditional and dangerous for everyone involved. Especially the person who doesn’t believe they deserve it.”
Summer felt Veronica tense up. “Not that I’m giving you my blessing or anything like that, but take it from me, Nick does whatever the fuck he wants. His answer to participating less in contests and overseeing school affairs was to get a part time job for crying out loud.” She snickered, “He’s so bad saying no he literally had to give himself an excuse to deny people.”
“Does he work at the cafe he likes so much?”
“Could you smell it on him? Heh, it’s not a terrible scent by any means but man is it a lot to deal with. Anyways, don’t be afraid to be real with him. And if you feel too reliant, bring it up. You could also make my day and fall for someone else.”
“No offense, but do you even know what it’s like to fall for someone? You kinda bask in the limelight.”
“Nope.” Summer said without a second thought. “I’ve been attracted to people but generally all guys I’ve met look disappointed and mundane.”
“Do you think that has something to do with the fact people like Oscar, your father, and Nick set the bar high by sticking by you through medical, physical, and emotional crises? How can any normal guy treat you that tenderly?”
Summer felt like her entire world hit pause. Now she knew for sure Veronica did sessions with Oscar, because not only was that delivery so blunt, the monotone nature of it hit her in the face. That had never crossed her mind!
“Let’s keep the focus on you okay?” Summer said, not wanting to acknowledge that new box of horror right now. “I asked earlier but I’ll ask again. How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
Veronica felt her own heart beating faster. Despite her deep breaths, it wouldn’t calm down. “…It’s not jet lag.” She said on the verge of tears. “I’m so tired all the time. I can sleep for hours and gain little rest. I feel like a bundle of nerves because I don’t know if I’m angry with myself or everyone else. I…I am so lost in it all. I don’t know if I’m doing anything right anymore. Maybe I never was. It feels even shitty to complain like this to you about my problems when yours actually tried to kill you.”
“…..So are yours. They pushed you.”
The words echoed in Veronica’s head. “Ah…I guess I never looked at it like that. Ya know…I would always get so angry hearing someone said ending your life is the easy way out. There’s nothing easy about letting all hope inside you fade and believing nothing gets better. It’s pure torture.”
“What does not giving up mean then?”
“That’s not easy either. It takes pure strength to hold onto hope for a better day.”
“If that’s the case, Veronica, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.”
Summer gently combed through the girl’s hair with her fingers. So much has happened in so little time. Perhaps everything was leading to this moment? Then again, it was nice to think they both reached this point by never giving up instead of believing in something as mysterious as destiny. All Summer knew for sure is whenever she thought about Veronica recently, she only wanted good things to happen to her and for them to talk. Not only about big and serious things, but the silly little topics that no normal person would get hung up on. Not everything in life can be mended and things that are might not be quite the same. Even so, Summer knew in her heart there was one thing she could- no, that she did mend and wanted to share.
“Veronica…?” She said softly.
“Hmmm?” The girl hummed, barely mustering the energy.
“….I forgive you.”
Three words. That’s all it took to undo some of the immense pressure that weighed heavily on Veronica. She couldn’t even question if it was said out of pity or earnestly. The simple fact that she hears what she never believed would undid the rest of her composure. Her arms wrapped around Summer to hold on gently.
No more words were exchanged. Summer continued to play with Veronica’s hair and keep her close as the girl cried into her chest, her body trembling. Summer never found herself as particularly kind in comparison to others she knew. However, right now she couldn’t believe her brother might’ve been right. After all her protests and feelings of disbelief towards her own qualities, here she was, holding on. Maybe there truly was something everyone saw in her and Veronica that the two of them had yet to notice at the time? Summer had to admit that now she wanted to see it too.
Night settled in and the esteemed guests had returned to the manor exhausted. Not so much though that Weiss did them all a favor by having a human-sized Gigas carry the awards and baggage.
“Is it too much to ask for those things to be fun and brief?” Sparrow sighed.
“Yes.” Everyone said.
Ruby held a passed out Ruth in her arms. “One of us had a blast. Out like a light.
Weiss smiled. “Then it’s worth it in the end. You two and Whitley could’ve gone straight home if you wanted to.”
“Nah, Ruth likes Veronica. I was thinking we all might crash here for tonight? There’s definitely enough rooms.”
Nora’s eyes lit up. “Then in the morning we get treated to the most wonderful breakfast by Ruby, Ren, Jaune, Winter, and Yang!”
Sparrow clapped. “Amazing idea.”
Blake however took slight offense. “Are you saying the other half of us spouses are the inferior cooks?”
Weiss, Whitley, and Qrow looked at Blake. “That’s because we are.”
“My cooking is great!”
Yang patted her back. “It is, but let’s be honest. My breakfast brings your parents over.”
While Valerie was busy getting distracted by Dunce’s adorableness, Nick followed Oscar and Penny to the living room to hopefully find it in one piece. Immediately as they walked in they came back out waving everyone over silently but frantically. The curious bunch made their way over.
Everyone had to restrain their gasps before smiling. This sure wasn’t expected. Both girls were completely knocked out on one sofa holding one another. Empty water bottles were everywhere and there were a couple empty snack bowls as well. Summer looked rather pleased in her slumber while Veronica was in a deep sleep. A soft purring could be heard coming from her as she leaned into Summer’s embrace.
No one had the heart to wake them. As they left, Weiss turned off the tv, Yang and Blake grabbed the trash, and Jaune put a cover over them that had fallen off. Nick however, grabbed something a bit more memorable; a quick photo to show them later if the need arises. Would they threaten his life? It was possible. Would that make him any less correct? Absolutely not.
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ronika-writes-stuff · 2 years
(This is part one btw)
After a long ass break, my motivation finally returned.
The writing slump is still there, so I decided to post whatever I managed to write so far (it's not much).
Also, nsfw content ahead.
Shit shit shit. 
Ram quickly glanced at the bed sheet which was half wrapped around both their legs and desperately prayed that Bheem had not noticed anything.
"I-I need to use the bathroom."
But instead of letting go, Bheem wrapped both of his arms around his waist firmly and pulled him back to the center of the bed.
He could feel Bheem's chest pressed against his back as he inched closer and rested his head on Ram's shoulder, his hot breath tickling his neck and ear. 
"You need to use the bathroom…For what, exactly?"
Bheem's voice had changed. 
Instead of the usual soft tone laced with affection, He  sounded hungry and….eager. 
Ram wondered if his heart was going to beat itself out of his chest. 
"I- Bheem…What kind of question is that?"
Ram impatiently tapped the arm which was still holding him in a firm grip.
"It'll only take a moment so let me just-"
"Are you sure about that?"
Bheem's legs curled around him. 
Bheem hummed softly against his ear and then sat up straight. 
"Perhaps I should just show you."
With that, his arms left Ram's waist and his hands traveled downward… slipping inside the sheets, opening the knot of his dhoti and reaching Between his legs.
And then he grabbed his hardened length and squeezed. 
The touch was so brief and sudden that Ram didn't even realize a moan had escaped from his throat.
And then he felt an uncomfortable rush of emotions.
Shame crept on him for being seen by Bheem like this in the first place. 
Embarrassment from being touched like that so…brazenly. 
and somewhere, between these two, the desire to feel more. 
He wanted to push bheem away and dash outside without a backward glance. 
But He also wanted Bheem to touch him again and maybe never stop. 
Unlike moments before, Bheem's tone suddenly became very hesitant and he had shifted away a little from Ram.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"It's fine."
He said it in such a quiet voice that Bheem almost missed it.
But then he noticed the way Ram had lowered his head and was now shyly looking at him beneath his lashes, eyes shining with both uncertainty and anticipation. 
It was so endearing, Bheem couldn't help but tighten his hold on Ram and bury his head in the crook of the other man's neck.
The move startled Ram,but he didn't resist. 
After a moment, he relaxed in his arms, the tension seeping out of his body. 
And then Bheem's hands began moving…
He Squeezed Ram's waist once, making him jump, then slipped his hands inside his Kurta and began exploring.
He spread his palms across the other man's abs, fingers circling his nipples, hands roaming around his chest, all the while pressing soft kisses along the collarbones.
Within seconds, Ram was squirming and biting his lip to prevent any noise from coming out. 
Bheem's touch was burning him from the inside. Everywhere he touched, It felt like he left a Fiery trail of sensation behind.
And those sensations were starting to travel downwards, making his already hard erection desperate for release. 
"B-Bheem… I need…"
Bheem didn't pause his actions, but brought his face close to ram's ear, gave it a lick, making him shiver. 
"What do you need, Ram?"
He saw a gorgeous blush grace ram's face, eyes lowered and hands fidgeting. 
"You… you know what it is …"
Bheem's hands came to rest on his chest.
He gently flicked his nipple and pinched the other.
"Bheem - mh!"
Ram's moan turned into a whine. 
"Hmm.. I don't think so… you need to be a little more clear, my Dear."
He couldn't see Bheem's face, but he could feel his smirk, amused and seductive, and felt his face heat up even more. 
"I…you know!"
He's actually whining now, but he can't be bothered.
"You-you even felt....so why-"
"I want to hear it from you. In your voice. I want to know if you truly want me. If my touch really is welcome.
Is that such a difficult request?
Won't you tell me what you want from me, bangaram?"
Tagging : @hissterical-nyaan @hufhkbgg @ssabriel @burningsheepcrown @rambheemlove @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @ramcharantitties @eremin0109 @kashpaymentsonly @maraudersbitchesassemble @thewinchestergirl1208 @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @itsfookingloosah @darlingletshurttonight @juhiiiiii @how-is-it-in-london @bromance-minus-the-b @obsessedtoafault @fangirlshrewt97 @mayasalvator3 @sinistergooseberries  @phoenix666stuff  @siriuslykrishna   @vahnithedreamer  @italianeyes  @yehsahihai  @hxnky-pxnky  @get-some-help  @rationalelderberry  @kalaavathi @iluvitwhenweplay-1950 @iam-siriuslysher-lokid  @ronaldofandom   @sally-for-sally  @mesimpleone @melancholicmonody @preetee-wid-4-es @the-lekhika @stanleykubricks
Please tell me what y'all think 🥺🥺
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wordstome · 7 months
🧸🪐❄️ 🥐 💖💖❕❕
babes I forgot that 50cal was a sideblog and went "omg another cherished mutual named rags!!" 💀
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual? oooooh. Honestly, just engage with me a lot. Kind of a no-brainer, but if you show up in my notifications a lot I recognize you and go :] cherished mutual. Never worry about spamming me!! Also helps if you reblog content from fandoms I'm interested in or general tumblr humor posts. Like if you put "by allah you people are dogs. I will reblog as usual" type posts on my dash I swear fealty to you
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now I kid you not, engaging with and making content for the COD fandom is really helping me a lot, so that's one. (I love this cozy little corner of the fandom.) Another is that I'm kind of in a more chill period of my life. I've been a student for like. 16 years straight, so it's nice to be taking a breather. And third, I don't think my social life has ever been better. It really helps to get out of the house and spend time with people I care about a lot &lt;3
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh Oh, there's too many to count. But off the top of my head right now, it's a tie between no little german boy don't go to the weed cave and inshallah they find him. also, I don't count this one as it's not really a reference so much as one video that has become an inextricable part of my personality, but this specific video is the reason why I say "scheiße" instead of "shit" when something startles me, like losing my balance or dropping something etc. I can't explain why it cracks me up so hard, but it makes me laugh every time.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Look. We all have that one, super-indulgent daydreaming scenario that we're more embarrassed to admit we have than most kinks. Mine is a kind-of harem fic with literally as many COD characters as I can cram into it (we're talking 141, vaqueros, warzone operators, ghosts) where MC kind of serves as a Penelope Garcia (from Criminal Minds) figure? In my mind MC only ever talks to them over their comms, and they're fun to talk to, easy to get along with, and very flirty. But none of them have ever actually met MC in person: they don't know what they look like or anything, they've only ever heard MC's voice. Shenanigans ensue. In terms of who I'd trust most to write this, I'd trust any of the authors I follow to write this, but if I must pick, it would be @danibee33. I love you girl &lt;3
Honorable mentions go to: pop star x König au written by @cookiepie111, hostage is "rescued" by König only for him to just. take you home and keep you by @gremlingottoosilly, König taming a barracks bunny by @kneelingshadowsalome, and "you cannot stand König because he's a weird little guy who gives off freak vibes but the two of you are stuck alone together on a lengthy mission in an isolated location and hmm. well maybe you can fuck him just once, what could go wrong? oh no, he's a freak (affectionate) and you might like him, actually" by @50cal-fullauto (lol)
(sorry for the all the tags. but I love you all so much. also, please don't feel any pressure: I don't expect you guys to write anything for these ideas, I just think that you guys would totally nail these concepts)
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bagheerita · 3 months
for the ask game - d, i, j, x, y!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
This is kind of hard because there's very few pairings that I straight up DON'T like and of those I feel like there are reasons I don't like them, either because they just don't make sense to me or because I don't like one of the characters, so there isn't really a WISH to like them. There are certain pairings I wish I liked *better* than I do... SGA is my main fandom at the moment, and I wish I liked Teylabeth more than I do, or really any pairings with Weir; I feel like Sparky has a lot of potential, but I haven't found any fics for it that make sense to me.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not really a fandom, but overexposure to McShep through tumblr has made reading fics that focus on it less enjoyable, and so I don't usually read new fics anymore, though I'll occasionally reread ones I already know I like. It's fine as a pairing, but I feel like a LOT of fans consider it "canon" and... okay, do what you want, but that's not something I can agree with.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The Shape of Water. And in general, other movies. I feel like single movies don't have the same fandom potential as series, but I'll see people making gif sets and realize "hmm I should check that out on AO3 and see what they've got..." I found a really great fix it/continuation for the Shape of Water that I adore.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I love it when characters are convinced of their own unworthiness or unlovable-ness and are then surprised and touched when someone is loyal and loving to them. ❤
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Merlin, Clone Wars/The Bad Batch/(anything star wars that isn't the movies/OG novels/The Mandalorian/TBOBF), Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, Black Sails, some show called 911 that is all over my dash now, Ted Lasso. Though as we go down this list I know less and less about these fandoms. (Edit: how could I forget fucking BG3??? it's everywhere and i have no idea what's going on) There's also a lot of fandoms I'm only "in" for one reason, like for She-ra I like the fanart but I don't read much fic and am not really interested in the headcanons, and for The Last Kingdom I like gifs and tumblr posts but also don't read much fic.
Thanks for the ask! 💕
Ask game!
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dream-phantasm · 1 year
Every adventure requires a first step.
Ace Trappola x Yuu: New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year’s Eve! Hope your resolutions came true this year and that your future resolutions also come true! 
Hope you enjoy!
SUMMARY: The Heartslabyul boys stay up past 12 to celebrate New Years. They discuss their success with their resolutions this year. Yuu wants Crocs. Ace seems to have something else in mind.
"My resolution was to get all over 80 percent!" Deuce proclaimed. Cater casually took the report card he left on the table. 
"Hehe, you only got two subjects over 80 though…" Cater grinned without pity. 
"Still, an improvement." Riddle nodded. He sounded almost proud. After all, he had been the one to tutor the two first years in his free time. "Thank you, dorm head!" Deuce beamed. "What about you, Ace?" He turned his gaze to the other first year lazing on the lounge. 
"Hm? What?" Ace discreetly shoved his report card under the couch cushion. Everyone definitely noticed. 
"Ace..." Trey chuckled. "Trey!" He hissed back. "Hand it over." Riddle's eyes narrowed as he put down his tea cup. 
"Uh! Calm down, everyone." Yuu spoke up quickly. "Yeah, he probably failed at everything dazo!" Grim cackled, gorging himself on more tarts. "Not the egg tarts!" Deuce rushed to protect all the egg tarts. "I didn't fail! You barely made it, thanks to Yuu!" Ace retorted. 
"Yeah, you're just jealous you don't have my henchman, who's so smart dazo!" Grim sneered. "I think I'll just take that as a compliment." He laughed. "Hmph, we'll see." Ace huffed, his eyes followed the unofficial 'Ramshackle' prefect as they negotiated for one of Deuce's egg tarts.
"What was your resolution, Ace?" Trey hummed. "Hmm…" Ace made a show of being deep in thought before snapping his fingers. "Not telling." He grinned. 
"Aw! I was so excited. My resolution was to post a hundred photos on Magicam!" Cater exclaimed. "I'm sure you've already achieved that with how much I've seen you snap photos…" Riddle raised an eyebrow. "But! I have to pick and choose a lot of those to get the best ones to post! It's way harder than you think!" He pouted. 
"My resolution was to get better at cooking." Trey explained. "I took the Masterchef course so, I'd say I've definitely accomplished it." 
"See, why don't you all take Trey as an example?" Riddle huffed. "Of course! Clover is a wonderful role model!" Deuce quickly agreed. 
"Oh, please. What was your resolution, dorm head?" Ace rolled his eyes. "...it was…ahem, to have more fun." Riddle said, embarrassed. "And did you?" Yuu asked curiously. "Of course, ever since…then, I've been having lots of fun with all of you." He replied earnestly. "Aw, how sweet! You're so cute!" Cater squealed. 
"Stop squeezing me." Riddle yawned, weakly pushing away Cater. "I'm so tired…but it's almost 12…" Deuce nearly leaned against Ace's shoulder before shaking his head, snapping out of his stupor. "It's way past all of your bedtimes, you need to brush your teeth and immediately get to bed after this, alright?" Trey instructed them. 
"You're not my dad." 
"Well, mine was to buy a pair of Crocs…but I don't know if those exist in Twisted Wonderland." Yuu sheepishly admitted, "Definitely haven't found any yet. So, I guess I failed mine." 
"Fuyga, I want to eat tons of food for my resolution dazo!"
"You already do that, Grim…" Yuu muttered. "The countdown is starting!" Cater exclaimed, his phone lighting up. "Ah, finally!" Deuce gasped, fully awakened. They rushed outside into the Heartslabyul garden. Outside, there were several other Heartslabyul students waiting and several more looking out their room windows. 
10, 9, 8…
"I'm so excited dazo!" Grim jittered and looped around their legs. "Ah!" Ace shouted. "Stop moving around so much!" Yuu scolded Grim as he caught Ace. The monster didn't respond, dashing between the other's legs. 
"Sorry 'bout that." He helped stabilize Ace. 
"Screw it."
7, 6, 5…
Ace grabbed him by the shirt. "Ace?!" He gasped.
4, 3, 2…
He pushed forward, his lips meeting his. Yuu could taste the flavour of the cherry tart he had seen Ace eating earlier. Ace let go with a smirk, "Completed."
Cheers erupted around them as midnight struck. Yuu's face was flushed in the firework's light. "I- Um. Ar-Are we dating now or something? Uh, oh wow." He spluttered. "If you want." Ace winked. He was trying to play cool but he was definitely freaking out on the inside. 
"Ah…is it too late to buy Crocs?"
"Stupid, I'll find you some Crocs. Kiss me back now." Ace groaned. Yuu complied as the others cheered around them. 
AO3: HERE If you see it posted anywhere or by anyone else, it's not me.
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rae-arts777 · 2 years
Halloween Night
Summary: Makoto and Laurent taking their kids out for halloween night, this one for @fa1ryfru1t from a wonderful prompt I saw them post on twitter! 
10 year old Elizabeth waited impatiently in the living room. She stared out the window watching kids already walking the streets for trick or treating. Laurent, holding a fussy 3 year old Naozumi, was tearing up the living room looking for his son’s favorite stuffed toy.
“Papa! People are already trick or treating! There won’t be any more good candy left soon!” Elizabeth pouted. 
“I know princess, but you know Zumi can’t leave the house without his toy, unless you want to be listening to him cry for the whole night. Plus your father will be home soon and then we can all go together.” 
Makoto rushed through the door, looking like a total wreck, “Sorry! Busy day! 10 minutes let me freshen up and then we can take the kids out- and why is Naozumi crying?” 
“Dada..!” Naozumi whined and reached for Makoto. 
Laurent handed him off to him “can’t find his toy, and Elizabeth is ready to go.” 
“Come on! Hurry!” Elizabeth ran to the front door “I want to show everyone my cool doctor outfit!” 
“15 minutes and then we can go” Makoto headed to the bedroom 
“You said 10!” 
“Well now I need 15!” 
Elizabeth pouted and sat at the front door waiting. 
After 15 minutes, Laurent had finally found Naozumi’s toy, and Makoto was ready to go. 
“One quick picture of our little doctor and astronaut!” Makoto put Naozumi next to Elizabeth and pulled out his phone. 
“Hmmmm! One picture and then let's go!” Elizabeth was bouncing a bit on her feet impatiently. 
As soon as Makoto snapped the picture, Elizabeth made a dash out the door “OKAY! Now trick or treating!” 
“Lizzie!” Laurent ran after her, fearing she would get lost in the crowd of kids. 
Makoto just shook his head chuckling and followed behind them, holding Naozumi’s hand. 
The family of 4 spend a good 2 hours out. Laurent had to end up switching out with Makoto to watch Elizabeth since he couldn’t keep up with their energetic daughter. Elizabeth started eating some of her candy while they were still walking around. 
“Hey, no more you’re going to get a stomach ache.” Makoto told her. 
“It’s halloween! The night of candy!” 
“Last halloween you puked right on the carpet and cried all night about your stomach hurting missy.” Makoto reminded her. 
Elizabeth looked away and continued to eat her candy bar. “That wasn’t me, that was an imposter.” 
“Suuuuuure, last one or else I take away your candy bucket.” he warned. 
Laurent carried Naozumi on his shoulders, also holding his son’s candy bucket. 
“Are you having fun, my little shooting star?” Laurent asked 
“Yeah..” Naozumi said quietly, he squeezed his stuffed toy tighter in fear of losing it again, “it’s dark…” he commented on how dark it was starting to get. 
“It’s okay, papa won’t let any monsters get you, plus the street as night lights!” Laurent pointed to the street lights “so no need to be scared.”
“Monsters..” Naozumi pointed at some kids dressed in scary costumes. 
“Oh those? No, they’re fake monsters, but hey, if they’re real, papa and dada will scare them away, don’t you worry.” 
“hmm ..” Zumi sniffled a bit, as it got darker, everything seemed to get more scary. 
Laurent took him off his shoulders and cradled his son, “It’s okay, you just hang on to papa, I promise nothing is going to hurt you.” 
Naozumi just buried his face in his papa’s chest, clinging tightly onto Laurent’s shirt. 
The family headed home, Laurent heading to put their son to sleep. Makoto and Elizabeth went through the candy to make sure they were all safe. 
“I got so much candy!!!” Elizabeth squealed, I bet I got the most out of all the kids in the neighborhood!” 
“I’m sure you did,” Makoto said, munching down on the candies she didn’t want. 
“Since it’s halloweeeeeen.” Elizabeth looked up at her dad with big eyes “can we watch a scary movie?” 
“Since it’s halloweeeen, papa and I are going to watch a scary movie and you are going to bed.” 
“Come on! I’m old enough! I'm a big girl, nothing scares me!” 
“Oh? Well then, you can watch a scary movie, if you work weekends at the shop.” Makoto smirked. 
“Eh?! No way! I’m too little for that!” 
“Well too bad then, big girls have jobs at their dad’s coffee shop.” makoto smirked 
Elizabeth pouted but did not fight back knowing it was a losing battle. 
Soon, Elizabeth went to bed as well, Laurent and Makoto finally having a moment to relax. Laurent handed his husband a glass of wine and sat with him on the couch. 
“How many more years till we can just put a bowl of candy out and stay iiiin?” makoto pouted 
“I think we’re stuck having to go out trick or treating for the next 10 years.” Laurent chuckled 
Makoto pouted and turned on the movie. 
First 5 minutes in, a death scene occurred, and the two heard a scream from behind them. 
Elizabeth dashed back up the stairs crying, Laurent shooting up and dashing after her “Princess it’s okay! It’s just a movie it’s fake!” 
Makoto sighed and chugged his wine, getting up and then following Laurent “Lizzie I told you weren’t ready for scary movies!” 
Another successful Halloween for the Edamura-Theirry Family.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Hawaiian Symbolism, Morgan, TWD Food Videos, and Emily Being in Savannah
More symbolism and SM convos:
Norman did post something the other day, two young actors who are clearly involved in the spin-off, as they were dressed in like ragged apocalypse clothes. One of them was playing and singing Wonderwall by Oasis on a ukulele and looked a little like that actor.
Ummm, Daryl saw a ukulele in the subway tunnel in Acheron Part 2.
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Okay just so much TWD stuff on insta today. They’ve been making these cute little promotional videos by AMC that have humorous themes. Todays was “famous food from the walking dead.” Lots of funny things like Dwight’s club sandwich, Carol’s cookies, Jerry’s cobbler, Negan’s spaghetti, etc. Also featured are Daryl’s snake jerky, with Beth yet again featured saying the line (“Enjoy you snake jerky…”) and also featured was White Trash Brunch from Alone. So much Beth love.
She is the only character to be shown in two different famous food scenes !
True!! The Hawaii reference. Dales RV is like full of Hawaii references, too. Hmm.
Also the Hawaiian dancer on the dash of Isobel’s helicopter? Am I remembering that right?
Or no, the van, the MRAP, has a Hawaiian dancer on the dash.
The hula dancer and also with a ukulele there was a sign saying aloha.
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Something important here for sure. Definitely a link to the CRM.
Tarah, what things in Dale's RV that were Hawaiian references?
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Trying to find my screenshots!
What Lies Ahead
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Am I correct in what you said about the food that there were two favorite food clips from Daryl both included Beth?
Yes you are! Snake jerky and white trash brunch.
Here’s a link to the reel! Idk if you can watch without an acct but you can try https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoIom-RPdbp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I never noticed. I love that they're all Beth colors.
Thanks for the link I was able to watch. That's so cool. It's as if they want us to associate Daryl with Beth.
Right I was trying to think of other Daryl foods. The peanut butter in Dwight’s room at the sanctuary came to mind. Ofc that’s a callback to white trash brunch.
Definitely or a reminder again of Beth since she's the one in Alone that took the peanut butter.
It’s so devastating. Hearts Still Beating is such a major moment of descent for Daryl. How they corrupt the peanut butter, a Beth symbol, to show how he doesn’t enjoy it. He’s just like shoving it in his mouth for survival. He then kills that guy in cold blood. Peanut butter is also a Morgan thing. Why is he so connected to Beth??
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Morgan is definitely connected to Beth. I've always thought he found her when she was left in the car after Grady. But that's a very long ramble that's been rambled many times, haha.
That would definitely be cool. I also feel it means he could see her first, recognize her. Morgan is often seen around arrows and traffic signs. I know I’m a broken record but I see him as a navigator. Like someone to follow closely. He knows the way. I read some of the old theories about how he had gurneys at his hideout.
That maybe he knew about Grady or had heard something about it. Like maybe he and Dwayne were trying to get there. Maybe he was near Atlanta when he found her. Afterward he ended up at Terminus, followed the carvings to the church. I can’t remember if there’s any indication as to where Eastman lives. The woods between Macon and Atlanta seem endless.
It’s always been interesting to me that he encounters Daryl first when he gets to Virginia.
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Oh and per Morgan’s arrows, twice they are specifically yellow. There are arrows with yellow fletching in Clear and a big yellow arrow in Eastman’s house. He’s also seen in front of yellow traffic arrows in Good Out Here, the episode of Fear where Nick Clark dies. It’s maybe a yellow brick road reference. But I think it also is meant to conjure out memories of Beth, who wore yellow. Daryl is also seen with the arrows with yellow fletching. They’re at his house in Alexandria near his work bench.
Sorry I said twice above but it’s really three times lol.
It's funny that you see Morgan as a Navigator. I have always thought of him as a prophet which is very similar if you think about it. I just have always felt that there's too many hints around Morgan that relate to Beth that there has to be some type of connection.
I was just thinking the other night with the announcement that this is the last season of Fear and how this is also the first season that they filmed in Savannah, Georgia and how we saw that posting of Beth excuse me Emily taken in Savannah. She said she was in Savannah at a wedding. In the picture she was wearing the same top that she wore on TTD the first time of the two times that she was a guest for s11. We know how she loves to tell us exactly where she is. Unless she doesn't want us to know where she is. I guess all these little things laid up to I really am looking forward to Fear and what it might reveal.
Same! It would be SOO cool if she showed up in Fear. EVERYone would then tune into the Daryl spin-off bc we would know she was alive but also would know that Daryl doesn’t. That would be awesome!
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I also love Morgan as a prophet. With all his breaking the fourth wall instances, he’s like a prophet to tptb. Through a Biblical lens I see him as the prophet Jonah, the original Christ archetype who tried to avoid his responsibilities and ended up being caught in a storm and swallowed by a whale.
Also I agree with you both about Fear. I almost feel it would be too good to be true if she showed up there.
But like I can’t forget how she was in Savannah. And she was wearing that sweater. I remember too it was weird because she posted herself in Savannah, then like a week later she posted herself in a cute dress for her hallmark movie promo tour.
She mentioned specifically she got the dress in Savannah where she had been for a wedding. It just felt weird like that maybe someone had said something, like be careful ppl will pick up on the fact you were in Savannah. And so she felt the need to say why she was there. She never said why she was in Montreal for example. She posts herself in a lot of locations with no explanation. So why Savannah?
I have had the exact same thoughts about Emily mentioning Savannah. It just seem so purposeful of a explanation of why she was where she was when normally she might state where she is without an explanation as you mentioned about her being in Montreal. It almost felt like it was over thought about. How people might realize that she was in Savannah at the same time as Fear was filming and think it was a bit of a coincidence.
It's like someone loudly saying "don't look, don't look" which only makes you look more closely. The other coincidence was in the picture she is wearing the TTD sweater. I don't remember anyone mentioning that she had worn it in many pictures from other locations. Just a lot of litte odd things that makes a person wonder.
Speaking of wondering has there been any more mention of Montreal and what she was working on?
Agreed!! Also per Montreal, there’s been no mention specifically. However she has a new hallmark movie coming out, and I am wondering if that was it.
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songbird-sunrise · 1 year
Ooc: Hmm you don’t have to answer this publicly it can just sit in your ask box or something else I don’t mind.
I havent actually been following songbird!wilbur for a significant amount of time, really, the impact was being friends and sometimes friends of friends of people who were running the anonverse and bedrock verse. I feel like I’m overstating my connection, I’m often just following bloggers who are friends with the rp ers, and they are some of the most passionate people they’re totally insane and I love being witness to it
hell, I only started following a couple of months ago, and I didn’t even see whatever meat of conflict that has happened. I’ve just watched it unfold on my dash whatever’s been happening. I don’t think I’ve even sent in an ask.
so that’s to say, I have such a lack of connection to this story, no complex history, no deep understanding, which makes it so much more impressive that the little parts I’ve seen are so emotionally beautiful to me. Even just like the blog header. I’ve been hearing about this story for so long that part of it is the thrill when I do figure out something that’s happened
but more of it? Maybe even most of it? Is because of how much dedication and soul has gone into this story. There is a reason that so many people are passionate, there is a reason that some days I see more fanart of songbird on the dash than like cwjlbur or ccwilbur combined. Because you have made something exquisite with this story and what an honour right? To bear witness to it, even this late, even this far behind.
I think the message, the little scraps of it that my colander brain (system lol) can pick up and I think the message of that. Getting better. Finding community and trust. Finding yourself. I think it’s wonderful.
(What’s embarrassing is that i am for all intents and purposes a fake fan </3 not caught up on any lore I just stare at your header and feel Emotions, so all of this could be entirely 10000% wrong which is why it’s a bit of a like… maybe don’t publish it but perhaps I deserve public punishment for being a clown on anon and sharing emotions)
so yeah uhh you’re amazing I love your rp character and I hope to one day be one of the people posting about them when a particularly cool thing happens. I thank you and applaud you for the amount of work that you have put into this story. Good job. Happy new year to you and happy new year to songbird!wilbur too.
what an exquisite thing I get to see, what could I feel other than honour.
OOC: Ohhhh my god. oh wow. oh holy shit. this is like the sweetest thing I've ever gotten wtf
usually I don't get very sentimental on here ooc but hey. I'll do it for today
it's been a bit rough writing on songbird-sunrise lately. Nothing I write feels good, and it all feels like such a chore most days. But hearing that you, someone who only recently got involved, loves this silly little character I've made so much absolutely warms my heart. It reminds me of why I do this in the first place
songbird-sunrise is, in a way, my love letter to the dreamsmp and c!wilbur. I know you said your analysis on songbird's themes was probably wrong, but you're actually completely right. We want to show the messy, complicated, hard, and beautiful parts of healing and finding yourself. And the fact that it's conveyed to you without even seeing everything is just. fucking amazing. it's nice to have a direct reminder that I'm actually good at what I love to do for lack of better words
all this to say, thank you. thank you for sending this ask, and thank all of you out there. Whether you're an old fan, a new fan, someone who sends a lot of asks, someone who likes to lurk, someone who makes art, analyses, all of you. thank you, and I promise that there are still some big things planned. The journey of healing is never over, and really, songbird!Wilbur is just beginning :)
-holly and wilbur
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derry-rain · 1 year
For the fandom meme - H,I,Y and A 😄
HIYA! :)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
Interesting! Ordinarily I'd say "any of these", but if I really think about what I get fandomy over outwardly, I think it tends to be tv shows. The others tend to rotate more in my head, whereas there are edges of playgrounds in tv shows that I like to spend time in. There are exceptions, of course, I'm never quite able to predict what will grip me fandom-wise - I think I've been there for all of the above, except anime - but yeah, tv shows tend to be where I land.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Hmm, yes and no. It's not a tumblr thing. Every platform I've been on has had fandoms that just get plain fucking irritating after a while. Whether it's people flocking to BNFs, ship wars of any depth at all, people insisting certain fanon interpretations are basically canon, or - and particularly badly in historical fandoms and I've been in too many of them to count - people smugly wanking on about historical fact when you're out here like "yes, I am also aware of This Knowledge but counterpoint, I'm writing fanfiction and chose not to care about it"*. I guess any time anyone puts their head up and starts thinking they're better/being treated as if they're better than anyone else. Mate, we're all in fandom and we all do it in our own way.
Uh, that is to say, yeah, I break or even dip from fandoms frequently.
* I'm not talking about people who love the history, discuss the history or share the history (I do too!), or the folks who love to incorporate research in their work, just the people who think it makes them superior in a fandom space. So no, I don't mean you.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Oooh, ok. I think a lot of you are into Supernatural in a fandom way? And also Top Gun? Which is a movie I haven't seen. And I keep promising to watch. And then. Like. I don't.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Hnnnngh. EOIN/PADDY from SAS: Rogue Heroes because they're perfect little furies. Also I'm sort of rotating Mike/Johnny in my mind to see if there's anything that falls out right now.
Lots of Klinger ships in in M*A*S*H, just because of the grand rewatch. Mulcahy, Blake, Soon-Lee and BJ for sure. Actually, having just watched Goodbye, Farewell and Amen, I'm gonna add BJ/Mulcahy to this.
And then there's my various babies - Tom/Greg (Succession), Keeley/Roy/Rebecca (Ted Lasso). Liebgott/Webster (Band of Brothers)... kind of dude heavy at the moment, but that's probably a reflection of my current fandoms (mostly military).
Pilkington/Hodgson! The original lad/nerd pairing. For the most discerning. I have gotten two (2) other people to write this and I love them for it.
Little/Armitage - See next ask. I love this.
Goodsir/Gore - hot for soft bois.
Hickey/Gibson - unhinged and true.
Tozer/Irving - I don't know why this has me by the throat, but it does.
Sophia/Jopson - don't touch me don't talk to me i wrote this like... idk a year or two ago and never posted it. but they should kiss.
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