#his actual surname doesn't exist
cicerenella · 7 months
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i love my dumbass country
it's criminal how hima portrayed him. that is, without having a cross on 25/8 (click for better quality)
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selfcontainedunivcrse · 4 months
ive been tossing around my scp oc like a stressball and, like, she was originally supposed to be ur average power-hungry coworker but on the scale of like. REALLY wants to be a manager in the office rather than like. magic-stuff. but now that I'm thinking about it I think as time goes on she does something horrible because she's genre aware just enough to know what makes a main character around here and she wants it badly. I'm unsure what magic she afflicts herself with because it doesn't really matter
I'm also fond of her companion. he's a normal guy . average security guard. he used to work in a federal prison and had a third-life ciris and decided that this would be something more humane. it isn't. they're friends of circumstance because they started at the same time and, well, they were both as good as anyone else to talk to. he is intrigued by her antics until he is Not Amused Anymore you're going to get Shot and you're the only funny one in this place you can't leave me here.
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emdeerm · 2 days
"Trapped in my Hallucinations"
Inspired by this song
Danny faced a new ghost (or Ghost writer again if you want) that hit him with a ray during the battle.
That ray transported Danny into the DC universe but Danny was told that he will be trapped in his own head and have vivid hallucinations of the thing he wants the most. He had 3 months (the time in DP universe slows down at this moment) to break out of this state, or he will be forever stuck there.
Well, Danny gets dropped in Gotham in the Crime Alley. He is scared, hurt and thinks that everything is not real. He doesn't bother changing out of his Phantom form and gets attention of the Bats very quickly. He just kinda ignores them for a while, too preoccupied trying to return. Hey, they are not real. He didn't want to get attached to some random thought his brain made up.
The Bats are concerned about the random hurt Meta child who just showed up one day, doesn't do anything but float around, hurting himself (pain would help to wake up, right?) or muttering to something under his breath. Look, even Damian started to worry about him. You know it's bad when he is willing to let a person into his home for a bit.
At some point, Danny becomes so exhausted that he de-transforms in front of one of them and just collapses. The bat becomes concerned² and takes the teen to the hideout/cave. All of that took like a week and a half.
Danny wakes up, gets told that he should stay in the manor for a while. He doesn't care much at that point. Not real. If the hallucinations are supposed to show what he wants, then being rich was probably one of those things. All he had to do was continue to work on getting back.
He is as withdrawn from the Bats as he was when he was outside. He leaves the building when he wants and returns when he feels like it, nothing is able to contain him, he doesn't interact with them and doesn't react when he learns that his rich made-up caretakers are secretly vigilantes too. His brain was weird. He was kinda expecting something like that to pop up.
The Batfam are now concerned³. The kid doesn't react to anything they show, give tell him. The only thing he actually does is eat, sleep when he collapses (which takes way longer than one would expect), sometimes saves a person on a street if he was passing by and stargaze from the roof. The boy was frantically looking for something but refused to tell, "you will probably mess everything up even more" he told them once (Danny didn't want to involve his hallucinations. He saw their dynamic and world and knew that if he let them closer to himself, he will probably crumble and stay. He couldn't do that)
They don't know what to do. They weren't able to find anything on Danny. No surname, no school, no parents, no friends, library cards, anything! Nothing existed! Their gadgets didn't work on him most of the time.
Damian was the first one to crack Danny out of his funk. He brought a telescope to the roof when Danny was floating there, complained that his glowing was hindering starviewing and got Danny to talk about space. Danny told him a few stories. One of them being how he was in space once (that one episode with Technus and Valerie). He didn't tell the details. Just said he had been there.
Damian and the rest ran with it like their life depended on it.
At some point, Danny discovered the Lazarus Pit in the cave and began spending his time around it. It gave of Ghost vibes and he was missing them a lot. The Bats were very against it but couldn't do anything.
By the end of the second month, Danny was opening up to them a lot more (look, there is only so much stress a teen can take without support or comfort) and was becoming more and more distraught over it. He didn't have any luck waking up.
He asked for advice once. They told him that this wasn't a hallucination world. He didn't believe them until they brought hard evidence. (None of his rouges ever lied about their powers before. He didn't even think that the Ghost was not being honest). Only 2 weeks remained until he'd be stuck in that world forever.
He wasn't sure if he wanted to return anymore. He loved this family. But he also missed his friends and sisters. (We can add Dan too if you want). He asked for their help.
They began working on getting Danny back
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 months
Mo Dao Zu Shi and Self-Yearning For Reconciliation
There is an overarching lesson within the writing of MXTX that forgiveness and moving on doesn't entail non-verbal consent for a relationship to be salvaged once more or reclaimed as it used to be.
Within SVSSS, we are given the character of Yue Qingyuan desperately seeking the friendship and brotherhood he had with Shen Jiu. Only for that relationship to be provided by another way of Shen Yuan who finalizes he is not the man Yue Qingyuan needed closure from, but is the only one able to give it for the man to find peace with his own choices.
To a lesser extent this is also shown with the relationship between Xie Lian, Mu Qing and Feng Xin at the end of TGCF. This time though, despite Xie Lian associating with them with no ill will, he does not let either man make choices for him and resoundingly makes his own boundaries aware within the reclamation of their friendship.
MDZS does not offer this reclamation of a friendship or the start of one previously lost with another. Unlike the previous two who did yearn for friendship what was between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian had been a stipulation of burden and assumption that started with Jiang Fengmian. Jiang Cheng was to see Wei Wuxian as a servant made friend when brought in, and Wei Wuxian was protector over friend. There was already a set imbalance due to neither naturally being able to choose the roles within their lives for the other and extending parties stating who and what they were to each other.
Jiang Cheng in his already tenuous esteem with himself and resentment of being told he was already viewed as less from his mother, took Wei Wuxian's existence in his life as a displacement of his own claims within life. His sacrifice of his dogs was the precursor for the beginning of their relationship on the allusion of debts between them.
Jiang Cheng gives up the loyalty of a literal pet, for the loyalty of an eventual man. In other words, I will shelter and protect you in exchange. Jiang Cheng does keep to this as children, with the expense of mocking Wei Wuxian's fears as he is want. His stipulations for this begun to escalate over the years and as such the giving of shelter and safety cannot be made up for Jiang Cheng, forever loyalty is now not enough, but why must Wei Wuxian also be adept at cultivation, why is he to be praised for his deeds more so, why must Wei Wuxian be a bright mind of the war.
If he is to be that, it at least would be overshadowed that he is still only under Jiang Cheng's rule. Otherwise every other action against this, is to demean Jiang Cheng, to oppose him, to cause trouble with ingratitude. It is also why, despite Wen Qing and Wen Ning having sheltered him and Wei Wuxian as well as collected his parents and provided their ashes, Jiang Cheng is able to disregard his obligation to help them. If not for Wei Wuxian's supposed insubordination, Jiang Cheng would not have suffered his own losses. Even when he did protect Wei Wuxian, the loss of it was too much, as with the dogs he had given up as a child, he did not get an active said promise of more dedication made up tenfold for the minimum kindness exhibited by Jiang Cheng. As said by Fang Mengcheng, "Atonement? You cannot actually be feeling grateful to him!”
To want to be good and to protect others, must come with selfish want for exemption of guilt for the harm you have caused. Wen Ning and Wen Qing owed it to Jiang Cheng for the deaths of his parents for carrying the surname of Wen, as such he did not need to repay them. Wei Wuxian sat at the table of the Jiangs and was given a living others would envy, as such he owed his life to Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian taking on the burden of protecter of another, was a betrayal of all that Jiang Cheng's lineage had gave him. To do the impossible because it is right, is not worth the self emulation and ridicule of the many. And while he may resent that kindness in Wei Wuxian, for it to be given to others as well, is a lack of loyalty of the ideals of Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng's growing resentment of Wei Wuxian's choice of kindness over safety, is a a mirrored resentment that Jiang Cheng holds within himself and his lack of respect for his own Clan ideals. A servant under the lord of the house embodies what Jiang Cheng was born to be.
As he throws abuse upon Wei Wuxian at their penultimate clash, while he does say sorry, he is still unable to view it without the veil of debt owed between each other. As Wei Wuxian could not tell him he gave him his core out of pity for his ego to keep him from shattering, Jiang Cheng could not say he protected Wei Wuxian out of a moment of kindness without care for the consequences until it expounded as his reality.
There is a self soothing mechanism, that opening up to truths will eventually mean a mending of what had been, or the beginning of something better. Yet this is only true when both are open to stand together as equals. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng began with obligation and ended with obligation. The obligation to give for doing, the obligation of sorry for redemption.The obligation of servitude for sacrifice.
To rebuild and start again is meant to be the closure of ill will and the understanding of boundaries that cannot be crossed now. Jiang Cheng can only do one but not the other. He chooses hate for his continued nature, even while he is adamantly protecting Jin Ling by the end. While Wei Wuxian knows that resentment is not something that will create true happiness and nurturing growth that people strive for.
Reconciliation is to come to terms with that which you lacked, and to be more, to be better. Jiang Cheng accepts his core nature of resentment which would not last next to the altruism that Wei Wuxian chooses more than once. Kindness and Resentment cannot coexist at the same time. To resent is to be cruel, to be happy is to be kind. Both men are too tired to understand the other, and why they choose to part as a peace offering, an understanding that they will never thrive with the other.
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shin-thalia · 7 months
I have MANY THOUGHTS about Mike's family and here they are
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Okay so I've been thinking and there is NO WAY Mike Schmidt isn't related to Afton.
When we see the actual William Afton reveal, the picture Vanessa shows of her as a kid features the little orange plane.
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This SAME PLANE is the one Garett has in all of Mike's flashbacks, on the day he got taken. When Afton himself shows up, he says "first I killed your brother, now I kill you." Which confirms that yes, he was the one who took Garett on that fateful day.
How would Afton have known to be there? He likely didn't take Garett on instinct because it happened so fast, plus Garett didn't seem scared in the car so he must have known Will to some extent. Plus, it's in a NATIONAL PARK. Was he just waiting there??? Or was it revenge?
I think that Mike's mother remarried from the Aftons, and ended up with Mr Schmidt, who she must have married semi-recently if Garett didn't seem scared about Afton's presence. She possibly could have had an affair that Mike was simply unaware of, or he just never knew his real father, that being William Afton.
Going back to the plane- Vanessa had it, as did Garett. Sure, I'm not saying that there's only one of those planes in existence, but this is FNAF we're talking about.
Either Afton took the plane from Garett after killing him and gave it to Vanessa, or Garett and Mike's side of the family got to keep it when Mrs Schmidt separated from Afton.
This also ties to when 'Steve Raglan' was shocked into silence and leaned in to examine Mike's face after reading the name Schmidt. Either he recognized the surname of one kid he killed over a decade ago, or he recognized the family name of the man his ex-wife married. William Afton recognized his son, and his son simply doesn't remember him.
"They say everything you learn in life, down to the last detail, is stored inside your brain. All you have to do is remember."
This EXACT QUOTE from Mike seems a little too on-the-nose when taken into this context.
Now, when we look at it all, we have Mike Schmidt and Vanessa... who are really Michael Afton and Vanessa Afton.
Vanessa is conveniently in a coma at the end of the movie too, so she can't immediately clear up this information until the sequel. The SAVETHEM-style letters read out in the credits also say "COMEFINDME", which directly references the "now.. I'm going to come find you." Line from Michael Afton at the end of Sister Location, in reference to Springtrap. His father. William Afton.
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agentrouka-blog · 11 days
omfg you have every right to be angry over that anon. What a condescending, arrogant ask. There's an extra level of insult, because people aren't just trying to dispute your opinion, they're trying to waste your time, energy, and thinking too. It's not an honest and equal debate, it's just pure entitlement.
Something for your perusal: I've been reading the ASOIAF books again and was curious when I came upon Catelyn's passage up the Eyrie in AGOTA, where she laments that Mya Stone won't be able to marry the boy she's in love with because she's a bastard. Then Catelyn muses that Mya reminds her of Sansa. I thought this was interesting because of how the information is introduced, and then the Mya-Sansa parallels. Sansa becomes a bastard when Jon is a secret prince sort of business. I haven't seen anybody mention this and thought it was curious.
Thank you! <3
And there's actually a lot of stuff in that Mya Stone moment.
For one, it happens at a time when we already know that Sansa's own dreams are as hopeless as Mya's, no matter that Sansa is trueborn, because Cat and Ned both agreed to marry her to House Lannister and at the Trident Joffrey took off his mask and nothing is being done about it regarding Sansa.
Then we have the parallel to Littlefinger, whose crush (trueborn but low status) was always as hopeless as Mya's.
Then we have the fact that Cat foregoes an obvious comparison (tomboyish Arya) by focusing on not one but two other people in regard to Mya. First the unpleasant association with Jon Snow, followed by a softening when she recognizes the resemblance to Sansa.
"Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady," the girl said. It did not please her; it was an effort for Catelyn to keep the smile on her face. Stone was a bastard's name in the Vale, as Snow was in the north, and Flowers in Highgarden; in each of the Seven Kingdoms, custom had fashioned a surname for children born with no names of their own. Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned's bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once. She struggled to find words for a reply. [...] "Mychel's my love," Mya explained. "Mychel Redfort. He's squire to Ser Lyn Corbray. We're to wed as soon as he becomes a knight, next year or the year after." She sounded so like Sansa, so happy and innocent with her dreams. Catelyn smiled, but the smile was tinged with sadness. The Redforts were an old name in the Vale, she knew, with the blood of the First Men in their veins. His love she might be, but no Redfort would ever wed a bastard. His family would arrange a more suitable match for him, to a Corbray or a Waynwood or a Royce, or perhaps a daughter of some greater house outside the Vale. If Mychel Redfort laid with this girl at all, it would be on the wrong side of the sheet. (AGOT, Catelyn VI)
Mya makes her feel guilty and angry when thinking of Jon Snow, but bittersweet when contemplating her similarity to Sansa and the impossibility of her dreams. It's easier to handle Mya's status when connecting her to Sansa, someone Cat knows how to love, rather than Jon, whose existence strips all romance from the veneer of the brutal society and the reality of patriarchy for Catelyn herself. She doesn't hate bastards, she even has sympathy for them. She only hates what Jon represents for herself.
Sansa ends up modeling her own bastard figure after Jon Snow (fourteen and bastard brave), and from what we have seen of Jon's own struggles with bastardy, his own unfullfilled dreams, it becomes easy to directly compare Sansa and Jon as similar souls, with similar hopes and disappointments, with their shared longing for something unattainable by the rules of their society.
Within the one mirroring scene coming down the mountain in AFFC, Sansa contemplates Mya Stone's lost virtue (after Cat's predictions have come to pass) and potential future husband of fitting status who would love her anyway, and she will also be reminded of Jon Snow. "I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. But of course that could never be."
The chapter ends with a proposed miracle transformation. Littlefinger paints the picture of a reveal of true identity: The bastard sheds their mask and is recognized for their true self. Something that can only happen to a false bastard. Like Sansa.
Who is so similar to Jon. With his impossible dreams.
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asexual-cat-furry · 2 months
TF2 nationality headcanons
(I think of RED and BLU as separate characters, who might just happen to look/act alike)
RED Scout - american (Boston, MA) (his ma has irish ancestry, from Galway - I saw this headcanon somewhere and I love it)
BLU Scout - filipino-american (NYC)
RED Soldier - american obv (Atkins, AR) (I know that he's supposed to be from the midwest but I don't care. I headcanon that his dad is from Idaho and his mom is from Ohio. Also I think he's like 25% native or something because I think it'd be funny/interesting if he's not 100% White American™)
BLU Soldier - american obv (somewhere in Virginia) (he was raised by eagles in the Appalachian wilderness, so he barely speaks coherent english)
RED Pyro - chinese (somewhere in the south, but spent most of their childhood homeless in Shanghai) (they never told anyone and it's unlikely they ever will. The only people who know are Pauling and the Spies, but none of them will tell) (I know it's a popular headcanon but I never really saw them as mexican, sorry)
BLU Pyro - irish (Dublin) (their muffled voice is made harder to decipher due to their hardcore irish accent. BLU Demo can understand it best)
RED Demoman - scottish (Ullapool) (literally canon)
BLU Demoman - scottish (Glasgow)
RED Heavy - russian (somewhere in far eastern Siberia) (his family doesn't look white, especially Zhanna, so I think they're probably some kind of siberian people)
BLU Heavy - ??? (swedish? belarusian? idk man)
RED Engie - american (Bee Cave, TX) (I hc the Conaghers as a whole to be a mix of white & latino, so the Engies speak spanish as a second language and often just switch to it to exchange praise/insults/advice without others noticing)
BLU Engie - american (Bee Cave, TX) (RED Engie's cousin although doesn't have the Conagher surname actually)
RED Medic - german obv (Stuttgart) (jewish, although his family probably converted to christianity many years ago and either way they're not particularly religious, Medic is actually the "most religious" of his immediate family but that's just because he knows Satan exists)
BLU Medic - british-greek
RED Sniper - new zealander, half-māori (born in Auckland, raised near-ish to Perth)
BLU Sniper - australian, half-aboriginal (somewhere in the outback in Queensland) (the half-aboriginal thing is also a headcanon I saw somewhere and happily adopted)
RED Spy & BLU Spy - french (Paris) (they're twins)
Edit: Dang it I forgot the tags
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polisena-art · 4 months
I've always wanted to ask since it's never definite and changes based on adaption, but what's your preference for Panchito's last name? Pistoles? Romero Miguel Francisco Quintero Gonzalez III? No last name at all? Some combination like Pistoles being a stage name? If he lived with José in Rio long enough could he eventually adopt Carioca? It seems to differ for everyone which is one of the cool fandom things
HI! SO- I can safely say I don't consider Panchito's surname to be "Pistoles". To me, that's his stage name and an American stage name at that!! Getting a little meta for a bit here, the name "Pistoles" was chosen for the character simply because it was easier for the American audience to pronounce it with an "e" instead of the original "a" in the spanish word for "pistols". So, going back in universe, imagine that in the 1940s when the Three Caballeros commissioned a small series of posters with the little money they had, they all came with a typo in Panchito's name because of the language barrier/miscommunication with the print shop. But in the end Panchito kinda digged that XDDD "NO, LEAVE IT IN!!! It makes it new and exciting, guys!!!" Paco might say, upbeat and always seeing the bright side of every situation. I like to imagine that his nickname in his hometown and stage name in México was "Panchito Pistolas" and just "Panchito" for family and friends. As for his actual surname I really dig the House of Mouse version, (Panchito Romero Miguel Junípero Francisco Quintero González Tercero) even if it means he would be Francisco twice XD, tbh not the weirdest naming decision to happen in latin america by far...
AS FOR JOSÉ!!! Well, first, I don't think that either one of them would adopt any of each others' surnames (but this is my own bias because I kinda hate the whole changing names for marriage and the burocracy it entails-) Also I'm in the fence whether to consider "Carioca" to be José's real surname or not. This is very much me overanalyzing the character but we are in the "overanalyzing stupid characters website" so whatever- The thing with José is that, here in Brazil, "Zé Carioca" reads simply as a very descriptive nickname meaning "guy from Rio". Reason why I can totally see it being just a nickname that later got turned into a stage name for him. So, it also doesn't make sense to me for Panchito to have it in his name, that Bitch (affectionate) isn't carioca! But anyways, just to clarify, can "Carioca" be a surname? Yes, absolutely!! It is, in fact, a surname that exists in Brazil although it's not a very popular one. But when you consider the character's history and also Zé's cousins (the joke with them being that each has a regional name after "Zé" indicating where they are from), the idea you get is that Carioca is not a family name but a label. The comics have also shown us some of Zé's relatives that could indicate what other alternative surnames he may have but, mind you, none of this means that Zé would have inherited these particular surnames! So we're still in headcanon valley here. First, there are Zé's two grandads: Zé Paiva (or Zeca Paiva) and Josué Carioca. We don't know which one is from mother's side or father's side tho. And later there are more relatives, including two grandmas, one from the Dutch comics, Oma Carioca (aka vovó Carioca), and the other from a recent Culturama release, Isaura Araripe. Once again we don't know which one represents the mother's side and which represents the father's side. In the Culturama special story tho, José's family, including himself, identify as "Araripe" (a real surname but also a play on the word "arara" meaning "macaw" in portuguese).
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So, we coooould make Zé Carioca's registry name be any mix of these like "José Araripe Carioca" or "José Paiva Araripe" OR "José Carioca Araripe" OR "José Paiva Carioca" OOOOR if you're a fan of long names "José Carioca Araripe Paiva". The mother's family name comes first in Brazil but since we don't know which one that would be, you can pick and choose to your heart's content. I said all that BUT I'm also a big fan of the "descriptive" nature of "José Carioca" as a name for the character, because it almost grants him a kind of anonimity. There are millions of Zés in Brazil and millions of cariocas (in relation to place of birth) too. Which makes him LITERALLY JUST A GUY!!! Just a little guy commiting scams all around and nobody fucking knows his real name-- A REAL POWER MOVE in my opinion. That said, I would also find it very funny if he had the most WIDELY USED Brazilian surname and ONLY THAT, making him "José Silva" or "José da Silva", so he could maintain that "generic guy" energy in his registry name as well.
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kygerbearr · 10 months
can i get some information?
in hokkaido japan there's these rockets that hang from poles to show you where the road is when it snows over (due to the high elevation there)
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also in arizona its illegal for a business to deny any person water because of how hot it is there. they also opted out of daylight savings time and all of america could also do that if they wanted, its just that every other state votes to keep it for some reason.
canada having bagged milk is actually only for the eastern side of canada. the western side of it not as much. also the backs of signs in british columbia are painted green
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on google maps coverage of curacao, if you look down at the car there's a sticker on some of the roof rack on the car. this is consistent across curacao's google map coverage
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buzz lightyear and woody are actually in the files in the original ps2 version of kingdom hearts 2 and a model for the world on the gummi ship menu is in some screenshots of early kh1 gameplay suggesting they intended on including toy story as a playable world from the very start i stole this image from reddit
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polar bears are to my knowledge the only ursidae that actively hunt humans and are also the only carnivorous bears. at least i think. dont fact check it just trust me on this one
in gex 3 deep cover gecko for ps1 and n64, in the 3rd level Tut TV there's a sign on the wall that says "ankh if you're corny" but there's also an unused texture that says horny instead of corny this is the only image i have of it sorry that its small
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thomas edison in fate grand order is a furry lion man who is every single president of the united states of america (past, present and future) built into one person. also his super move is proving God doesn't exist and he looks like this
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this photo of the sun photoshopped into the background of a place is in the philippines and you can tell because of the color of the sattellite dish as well as the ads for cigarettes
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thyis is a grizzly bear you can tell because hes brown. also they only really exist in alaska/canada/montana/wyoming-ish
oh yeah also tsela and yiska from the smoke room vn are names that are words in navajo. not exactly directly translateable as Diné Bizaad, the language of the navajo, essentially operates in "pictures". describing things and such. tsela can be translated to the best of my ability as "like stone"
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while yiska essentially carries the message of "the night has passed" (used in both the word for Tomorrow and Saturday)
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cynthia's last name, tsosie, essentially means "slender". I cannot provide an excerpt from my navajo-english dictionary since it's not in there, but it's also from 1958 and so its probably a little bit incomplete. the fact that she uses the name cynthia, a non-navajo name, reflects her decision to leave the reservation.
the name Begay is also a real life navajo surname that is an anglicization of biye', which means his/her son. i wish i could speak more on the accuracies within TSR's clifford route regarding navajo culture and history but that would be spoilers. all i will say is that the soap thing was a very real thing that was commonplace
speaking of clifford, his last name Tibbits could be a reference to Howard Clinton Tibbitts, a photographer who was well known for his photographs along the sites of the southern pacific railway which encompassed Arizona and into Apache and Puebloan territories. and yes, even Utah. rather telling
anyways that is an amount of information
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i just realized that i have been pronouncing Yves wrong 😭 i’ve been saying yeahvis when it’s actually eve 😕😕 makes me think how long would be allow me to embarrass myself or would he correct me on the spot
Usually, you would get to know his name through verbal means first. Yves would introduce himself and you would most likely think the spelling of his name was "Eve". He wouldn't let you discover his existence through written texts, not under 'normal' circumstances, at least.
Maybe you're working as a freelancer and Yves made contact through email or other text-based means. Perhaps you were made aware of him as your supervisor before commencing your research project, finding it strange how he doesn't have a surname. Or, you already knew the spelling of his name through that dating app you downloaded in hopes of finding love.
He already knew that you're going to mispronounce it as English phonetics differ greatly from French. Yves will correct you as soon as he saw fit, he sees no point letting you use the wrong pronunciation of his name. If anything, it would simply be detrimental to his intention to appear as someone you could trust. Furthermore, Yves is actually finicky with his true identity despite being a scarily adept social shape shifter, he doesn't want to be misrepresented again if he could help it.
The first time that happens, Yves would patiently let you finish saying your piece before calmly correcting you at the end. He wouldn't explain why it's spoken that way unless you ask him about it: to which he will thoroughly explain the linguistics and Etymology of it.
However, if you keep forgetting or maliciously reoffend, Yves will keep correcting you the moment the incorrect pronunciation of his name left your lips, rudely cutting you in the middle of your sentence if he has to.
He wouldn't get annoyed. He wouldn't get irritated, Yves will simply correct you as an instinctive reflex. Neither will he praise you for finally saying his name right, as that was the bare minimum.
Yves had always pronounced your name flawlessly no matter how complicated or ethnic, the least you could do is pronounce one syllable correctly: Yves is pronounced as "Eve".
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princesssascha · 14 days
hey please reply??? Can I change my dob from 1997 to 2001 ?? Can I change my boyfriends surname and caste change & does it change on people’s memory & documents too???
DOB & surname change + success story
I saw a success story once of someone your age saying that she manifested a dob change, it didn't affect people's memories but it did affect her documents. The docs didn't magically change dates but she had to get her new ID with her new real dob.
That doesn't mean it can't affect other people's memories, it just didn't happen in her scenario.
That story was honestly so inspiring because it shows that you really are the creator and although it seems impossible for most people, she persisted and her 3D complied.
Time is a man-made concept to make life a little easier. After all it's easier to say "let's meet this Sunday at 4:30pm" than if we didn't have time measurements. Time itself however does not exist. You make it real.
I actually had my mom change her surname after her divorce even tho she didn't want to at first. I never used her previous surname as she only had it for the duration of her marriage and I wasn't used to it, so I really didn't even do it on purpose. She said that she won't go back to her previous surname, but a few months after her divorce she changed it!
I manifested it and I wasn't even aware that I did it until a few months later. I ignored the 3D and persisted that we have the same surname because we're family and again, the 3D complied.
People change surnames all the time, so it's totally possible for your boyfriend to have a different surname.
If your bf doesn't want to change his surname; make him want it.
Hope that answered some of your questions, remember, you are the creator
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kwillow · 28 days
What does Theopolis like to be called? Baron North? Mr. North, or maybe his middle name? I suppose the diminutive - Theo is only for his closest, eee… "friends?" Sure, if I'd called him like that, he probably would have me executed, right?
And how does he address other poeople typically? Does he use first names, surnames, or nothig?
It varies! A safe bet for your average acquaintance would be his last name and an honorific - Mr. North, Lord North or Baron North.
He wouldn't care for most people calling him by his first name - though he might accept someone he's on friendly terms with doing so. His mother called him "Theopolis" (as well as a catalogue of pet names), so it's not like he dislikes it, just considers it very presumptuous for someone not in his close circle. For example, Hyden calls him "North," but Theo wouldn't mind if Hyden addressed him on a first-name basis.
Despite his obsession with decorum and his nobility, he isn't as much of a stickler for being called "Baron" or "Lord" as one might imagine. He only inherited the title after his mother's passing, and he went into years of isolation and mourning immediately after. Because of his hermitage, he hasn't been able to exercise the right to be called Lord North or Baron North much with other people; the words feel strange and unfamiliar to him to hear referring to him compared to "Mister" or "Master." He feels that his mother is the one with the real right to the title, even after her death. That said, he WILL insist upon being called "his lordship" if he wants to exercise what limited authority he has. (It's another matter whether or not someone actually complies.)
Funnily enough, none of the current cast of characters refers to Theo as just "Theo." He's never used the nickname before. Nobody's liked him enough to give him one. (Well, his mother liked him, but she wasn't one for butchering her beloved son's perfect name by shortening it.)
In previous incarnations of his character, he's first called Theo by one of my other characters, Jack - a guy who doesn't respect fancy titles but likes Theo anyway. Theo grouses about the diminutive but grows to accept it. I have vague plans for an incarnation of Jack to exist in Amaranthine's universe, but nothing solid yet - but when he does appear, he'll probably be the one to call Theo "Theo." :)
When it comes to referring to others, Theo tends to use an honorific and their last name - "Mr. So-and-So," "Mrs. Smith," so on. He will respect noble titles if they have them - so he calls Hyden "His Grace" and "Duke," even though no one is enforcing it. He very rarely addresses people with their first names; it feels too informal for him. If he really wants to show displeasure, he will often drop the honorific and just use their last name. If he's really pissed, he breaks out the nouns, and people become their occupation - Soldier, Ambassador, Butler - instead of a name, more of a role or object than a person.
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ae-neon · 1 year
I think reading Throne of Glass is actually making me realise how lazy and disinterested sjm is with acotar?
Like Celaena matters. Her personality and her past and the things she likes to do are all heavily influencing the story. The world around her is alive and she's a part of it all.
Feyre doesn't exist? Her homeland has no name. Her village has no name. Her parents have no names. Her past is her not mattering to her parents, her not getting an education - she "exists" in a series of negatives
The history of Prythian and the whole world exists only in partials - the first War and the second War. Everything and anyone who gets mentioned exists then, now or both. Everything in the inner circles past happened 500 years ago or is happening now. Outside of that everything is as vague and nameless as it can be. Things just pop into existence when it's convenient.
Less than 10 chapters into ToG and Dorian is a crown prince admired by his people, a womaniser, a reader, a dog lover, a bit of a rebel, has a sigil, a surname, named family members, a strained relationship with his father, a conflicting view of the future of the kingdom and an antagonist in Duke Perrington
In less than 10 chapters!
Feyre doesn't even have all this in her whole series. And she's the only POV in the original trilogy.
If Rhysand didn't exist I'm pretty sure sjm might have just shelved acotar or left it as a standalone. She clearly doesn't give a fuck.
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the-ace-with-spades · 9 months
10 Things I Hate About You hangster AU (but expanded)
because it's occupying my mind too much - featuring Bradley as Kat, Nat as Bianca, Jake as Patrick, and Bob as Cameron (plus Reuben as Micheal and Mickey as Mandella)
All the Top Gun stuff still happened so Ice and Mav adopted Bradley when Carole passed away when he was around eight. They were already in the process of adopting at the time (because this is an au where systemic homophobia doesn't exist) and not long after, Bradley got a little sister - Natasha.
She's two years younger and a bit shy at first but definitely becomes a social butterfly with some help. They get along like a house on fire and despite being siblings, they consider themselves best friends.
It all changes when Ice gets sick.
The diagnosis is followed by a heartbreaking six months and Ice passes away three days before Bradley starts high school. Bradley is grieving and Nat is grieving and Mav is grieving and can't keep up with how to help them.
After Ice's death, Mav switched to an instructor position so he wouldn't be deployed anymore - he's only been taking non-deployable roles since. He considered retiring altogether but he knew it'd be hard to find a job that would pay as well and had the same benefits. He still works crazy hours but tries to be a present parent to them both.
Bradley goes through a rebellious phase, something happens during his sophomore year and then all his misbehavior goes down to something else - he's bitter and cynic and Mav doesn't know what is going on. He's worried but he prefers this Bradley over the Bradley he had to pick up from the police station every week or who had to be tested with an alcomat after coming home on Sunday morning or who skipped school for a week straight.
Nat, who was used to having Bradley as her best friend, tries to find her own friends. Turns out, people don't like strong, intelligent, and confident girls so she switches how she lets people perceive her (ala Bianca in the movie). Mav is absolutely paranoid she's going have a similar rebellious phase as Bradley so he implements a shit tone of rules to follow for her before she enters that phase, one being no going outs and no dating unless Bradley is with her there.
Bradley never goes out anymore. Since the summer between sophomore and junior year, he's been concentrating on one thing only and that was getting his application to USNA packed with as many extra points as he can. People say he's a military freak and an asshole and in general, he's got a very small circle of friends (basically just Mickey, who is also planning a military career and can get along with everyone to the point he doesn't mind Bradley's sharp attitude).
Cue Bob arriving into town as a new kid when Nat is a sophomore/junior and Bradley is a senior and he is instantly head over heels for Nat. From his new pal, Reuben, he hears all about Mav's strict rules for Nat and about her asshole big brother Bradley and they make a plan so she can start dating.
That's when they approach Jake, the only openly queer guy that might be enough to face Bradley's cold asshole attitude.
(Obviously, all the stuff with Joey happens and stuff goes more or less like in the movie from now on...)
Things it'd also include:
Nat wearing one of Carole's dresses (that she found in the attic) and Bradley getting mad at her for it.
Bradley wearing Ice's uniform jacket (minus ribbons and all the rank stuff) to prom.
People calling Bradley 'Kazansky' despite never having his surname changed
Jake's unknown year which was rumored to be prison time, etc. was actually the time he spent in a 'special school' his parents sent him to 'remove' his queerness. He came back to town when his meemaw found out and took him in to live with her. He's openly gay now but no one dares to comment because he's also the resident bad boy.
The thing that changed Bradley's attitude was definitely a bad situation with Joey (trying to force him into sex and saying shit about Bradley's family to the whole school when Bradley didn't let him coerce him into it).
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Tumblr media
John Doe (Malevolent) Propaganda:
Spooky gay eldritch disaster (am I doing this right?)
Could have chosen any name for himself and picked John because a kind person called him that :)
fractured piece of an eldritch god that shares a body with a private eye after being fractured. chooses the name John Doe after said private eye goes into a coma
Because he's an eldritch god who wants to feel human and who overcame a lot of obstacles and dangers!!! He sincerely cares about the main character!!! And he chose a name himself! Isn't he cute??? He lost his body, he almost lost his memory, he fought for his right to exist, he loves animals, he loves his friend Arthur and I love him!
Being an ass, friendship, spooky supernatural stuff, he’s got it all
My man heard the name John Doe, realized he didn’t actually have a name, and just. Took it for himself.
I LOVE HIM. MY SON. HE'S TRYING TO CHANGE AND BE BETTER AND :(((( He's a fragment of the soul of the King in Yellow (god of trickery and suffering iirc??) that gets trapped in a book in our realm while the rest of the King stayed in his own separate realm. When a human named Arthur Lester opens the book they get linked and John gains control of Arthur's eyes & kills his partner (oops!). They proceed to go on a quest to find a way of separating them because neither likes the situation, and at first John (or The Entity, which is what he's called at first) just wants to trick and use Arthur, and control his entire body (through the first season he also gets a hand & a foot) even though he doesn't remember being The King In Yellow at the time, but Arthur makes him change and become more human. His turning point is when Arthur is shot and falls into a coma for a month. They get treated at a hospital and while John waits for Arthur to wake up so they can carry on, the body itself still gets taken care of. The time John spends alone, contemplating on humanity & everything he's seeing and learning from Arthur, as well as the way a certain nurse speaks to him every day (specifically, she greets him good morning and good night, despite the body being unresponsive, John still hears because he is an entity linked to the body) and calls him John (they didn't have ID on when they were found so they were classified as John Doe), changes his outlook and plans for good, and he asks Arthur to call him John; from this point on he admits he cares for Arthur, looks for his wellbeing too, and in general attempts to be a better person and to live for himself. The rest of the podcast (ongoing!!) explores Arthur & John's relationship, struggle to survive, adventures in the eldritch… All while tackling each of their issues with themselves and each other and watching them both grow. John in specific learns to be the person he wants to be, how sometimes you'll take a step forward and two backwards; he can be cruel and manipulative sometimes but he still tries. Personally I love his journey, it's very realistic and you can see he is trying his best, and how he wants to be better than he was as the King In Yellow, and how much Arthur has changed him and how much he cares about him because of that; and how he's slowly growing into being his own person :) if it ends badly ill cry so hard but!!! he's John Doe because that's the name he was being addressed as, and he's made it his, and being John means he's no longer the King and that he wants to be different, and John can fail or make mistakes but it's part of who he is now, and that's what matters. I am So Normal About Him
JOHN DOE (Malevolent) SWEEP
John Doe (Ace Attorney) Propaganda:
technically John Doe is the fake name he uses to hide his identity as an assassin but uh, that's still the name he goes by. its because his real surname is literally "de killer" so.
His real name is Shelly de Killer, but he uses the pseudonym John Doe. Does that still count?
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sky-scribbles · 8 months
The Karlach/Gideon Nav comparisons have sunk deep into my brain at this point, so I think it's about time I laid out my Locked Tomb AU thoughts. Because there are some very fun necro & cavaliar pairings to find among the tadfools and their supporting cast:
For the Second House, we have an obvious cavalier: Lae'zel, trained for the frontlines since hatching, ready to march to war for her Emperor god-queen even if she doesn't know why. Her necromancer is harder to pin down - it could be Shadowheart for the Harrow and Gideon vibes, but I want to use Shadowheart elsewhere. Ghustil Sturnugoss could work, perhaps - until Lae'zel starts to see through the lies she's been raised on...
The Third House smacks of nobility and charm, so my gut says Wyll is our cavalier - yes, he's a spellcaster, but he's the Blade of Frontiers. He wields a rapier; he's Wyll, the protecor. He's asking to be a cavalier. As for his necromancer, the person he's bound to serve, to die for... well, I guess it has to be Mizora, who has plenty of Third charisma herself. Not all cavaliers serve willingly.
We have a much more stable duo for the Fourth: Isobel and Aylin! Isobel is a cleric, made for warding and guarding just like Isaac, and Aylin has a very Fourth House-esque tendency to, as Gideon put it 'charge in headfirst and get all crazy'.
The Fifth house are tricky. They're spirit-speakers, so Withers is the obvious choice, but who's his cavalier? An aged-up Arabella? But she feels more like a necromancer to me, so I landed on an alternative: put an actual spirit into the necromancer role, and make it Thaniel. And have his protector be Halsin, who could fill Magnus's surrogate dad role quite nicely. (Rumour has it that not only does Halsin the Fifth wield knuckle-knives, he carried two knuckles and has a tendency to chuck his rapier away and just slash at you like a bear.)
Gale 'which way to the nearest library?' Dekarios is just begging to be the necromancer of the Sixth House - he even has a House-esque surname, though we'd have to change it so he doesn't sound like he comes from some nonexistent Tenth House (Hekarios? Sextarios?) And if his cavalier is someone who'll remain at his side through thick and thin, protect him from the world and from himself... I guess I have no choice but to make Tara a tabaxi and give her a sword. She deserves it.
I confess to drawing a blank for a really fitting match for the Seventh, so for lack of a better place to put them, let's make it Jaheira and Minsc, since Minsc pretty much sees himself as her cavalier in canon anyway. I suppose if you spec Jaheira as a Spores druid, she does at least have the 'walking corpse' thing down.
The cavalier of the Eighth House is another forced into service: Astarion, serving his necromancer Cazador. He's been trained to be his necro's resource, not his equal; he exists for Cazador to draw on and suck dry. He owns nothing but his sword (and unlike Colum, he doesn't even have his honour; it was tortured out of him long ago.)
And finally, Shadowheart as the Ninth House necromancer - a young acolyte raised in an underground cloister among those who worship silence, darkness and loss; her own memory betraying her, loving her order despite the fact that it has broken her again and again. With her cavalier, Karlach, who just wants to get out of her indentured service already and to be given back her fucking longsword.
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