#he’s not corrupted. he’s exactly as he was. he just has control over everything now. including heaven. including dean.
quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
most of those are jokes but not the one about dean going slowly insane in heaven as he realizes no one he’s talking to is real and his pseudo-son he once tried to lock in a box to keep everyone safe has now locked him in a slightly nicer box where he can talk to his Fake Mom and Fake Dad and Fake Brother all he wants, and jack even lets him think he’s escaped sometimes and made it to different universes just for fun. i want to say none of this is malicious on jack’s part, and i’m sure he believes that and that he’s being a good and kind god who doesn’t even let dean feel pain and erases his memories whenever he gets too stressed in his tiny heaven enclosure, but also. it’s a little cruel, pulling wings off of flies and all, but not evil, only the sudden overwhelming realization that he can control everything all the time in the hands of a three year old who learned all of his morality from the man he’s inadvertently torturing with paradise.
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chuusmuts · 2 months
imagine kabukimono being needy
smut(?) afab reader (mentioned of tight walls), needy kabukimono, male masturbation, corruption (kabukimono).not proofread.
you can see this as part two of kabukimono finding out you lactate (where he found out about sex/ read a book about it) or another version of innocent kabukimono going wild. kinda want to make this a series, ngl.
when he opened the door to your room, he expected you to be in your room, but he was greeted with silence. he suddenly hit the realization that you were supposedly out to buy some grocery. this scent in your room, it's your scent. he missed it so much, he missed your scent, he missed you. you were just here a few minutes ago, how could he has had miss you so bad already?
he sighed, realising you would be gone for a while. he hated when you were away, even if it was only for a little bit. he needed you here with him, always. he sat down on the floor near the door, resting his head against it. his heart raced at the thought of being alone, it reminded him when he was being thrown away. he wanted to be with you, hold you, touch you, kiss you. but most importantly, he wanted to be held by you. he didn't know what else to do but wait for you to come back home. he tried to calm himself down, he couldn't let his emotions control him.
his eyes roamed all over your room as he missed your presence, and eventually, his gaze fell on a book beside your bed. out of curiosity, he got up and took a look at the book. a book about... oral and sex? what even is that? he'd never heard of it. the cover of the book was very erotic, it's a picture of a man pounding himself into a woman's pussy. since he was an innocent puppet, he was clueless about all of this, but at the same time, he felt like getting to know about this thing called 'oral' and 'sex'.
kabukimono looked at the book with his eyes widened in confusion. he had no idea what oral and sex meant, he didn't even know what a vagina was. out of curiousity, he grabbed the book and flipped through it, feeling both intrigued and uncomfortable. he felt his face heat up as he read through the pages, it was all just too much for him to handle. he started to feel nervous, unsure of whether he should keep reading or not. nevertheless, he continued to read, trying to make sense of everything he saw and read as he was still puzzle about it.
ultimately, he stopped at a page whereas the top of it was written 'how to pleasure yourself when you're missing them'. wasn't that... what he's feeling right now? he missed you so much he felt like dying. but the question was, what's this thing called 'pleasure'? he read this thing so-called masturbation and as he read further, he began to feel a stirring in his lower region. this was all so new to him, yet he found himself wanting to learn more, his inquisitiveness got the better out of him. he had no idea where he was going with this, but he felt like he needed to do something, something toward his cock. should he follow the instructions and actually try to do it?
his hands trembled as he read the next paragraph, which explained how to perform a self-handjob. he felt his cheeks turn red as he read as he felt embarrassed and nervous. he wondered if it was normal for people to masturbate. the fact that he was reading and thinking about doing it made him feel dirty, but he wanted to know if it would really make him feel better or if it would help him forget about his loneliness. glancing down at his crotch, he saw how his cock was starting to become erect. this was all so strange and foreign to him since he'd never experienced this, but he decided to give it a shot. he took off his boxer and noticed the tip of it was already leaking with precum; a clear, colorless, viscous fluid that is emitted from the urethra of the penis during sexual arousal, was what it was written in the book. placing one hand on his cock, he gently stroked it, trying to figure out what exactly he was supposed to do.
step one, find your stroke. it said in the book, to get things started, use your hand to find a rhythm you love. and so, he continued stroking his cock in a slow pace. the longer he stroked it, the more he felt like groaning as his breathing got heavy. he must has had found the rhythm he loved. as he masturbated himself, his gaze fell on your picture that was hanging on the wall, and it only aroused him more. his heart pounded even faster as he unconsciously started to call out your name, groaning and moaning. it felt so good, so amazing that he began to visualize you were the one who was giving him the handjob. he imagined your voice, your soft touch, your gentle caresses, and the way you'd look at him with your cute and gentle smile.
the sensation was incredible, unlike anything he'd ever experienced. he felt like he was melting inside as his body shivered with pleasure. he kept stroking faster and harder, not realizing how much he was moving his hips and how loud he was becoming. the sound of his voice filled with need and desire grew louder and louder, filling the silent room. he called out your name, begging for you to return and hold him, to touch him, to make him feel good. he was lost in the moment, completely unaware of the world around him. he was only focused on the pleasure he was feeling and the fact that he needed you to be there with him.
he continued to follow the instructions as he next rubbed and squeezed his balls. they were (not) surprisingly very sensitive to him and packed with nerve endings. he rubbed them gently with one hand while the other maintained a stroke on his penis. at last, he placed the book aside when he felt he could masturbate himself without guidance.
at one point, he could barely breathe properly, and his whole body tense and started shaking. "ngh... ah... y/n..." he threw his head back and opened his mouth wide as he kept moaning, tears welling up in his eyes, feeling the urge to cum. "need you so bad... i miss y– ngh..." his bangs sticked to his forehead and his neck was shining, glistening as a bead of sweat rolled down while he speeded up the pace and kept squeezing his balls. "w– wanna fuck you... fuck..."
he could feel the muscles in his pelvis tighten and contract as he neared his climax. his cock throbbed and pulsed against his palm, the sensations growing stronger and more intense. he could feel his entire body shake as a stream of precum dripped down the length of his cock. his breathing became ragged and uneven, and his heart raced as he struggled to maintain control. he couldn't hold it in anymore, and finally, he screamed your name, his voice echoing throughout the room, his body convulsing and twitching. he came hard, his cock pulsing and spurting with a hot, sticky fluid.
the hot liquid dripped from his tip onto his thighs, pooling the sheet beneath him. the feeling of cumming was so good, but it wasn't nowhere near enough. oh, how he badly wished it was you who made him cum. he collapsed on the bed, smelling your sweet scent, and all he could think was having your tight walls around his cock as he fuck you dumb. he couldn't wait till you come back to relieve his needs.
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help-itrappedmyself · 2 months
Crimes and Punishments Part 2: Speedsters
“Why are we all here again?” The Flash asked Batman.  Batman just made a noise in response. Like a hmmph, that somehow insinuated that Flash should know the answer to that question. 
Robin hangs up the phone with this Danny person, and states that he should be arriving shortly. And he does, coming right through the window, gaping the whole way.
“Guys, I can’t thank you enough for hosting this meeting. And setting it up and everything, but mostly for hosting. Because my realm is slightly poisonous to you guys and because you’ve given me the chance to visit space! We’re in space right now, how awesome is that?! Can someone tell me all about this place later?” Danny rambles, as excited as Red said he would be. 
Red gives Bruce a smug look in response.
“You’re welcome, Danny.”
“Now that we’re all here.” Batman grunts and everyone starts taking seats around the table.
Danny sheepishly takes a seat at the middle seat facing the window. The three speedsters sit across from him, Bruce at one head and Nightwing on the other. Red sits next to Bruce and Danny, Robin sits next to Nightwing and Danny. Danny pulls out a few pieces of paper and a pen.
Once everyone is situated, Batman gestures to Danny. “You called this meeting, about some broken laws?”
Danny nodded solemnly, his aura becoming slightly darker and more oppressing. He faces Bruce, “Yes, I have on my council the ancients of time and speed.” He turns to the speedsters. “You have been accused of breaking Clockwork, the ancient of time’s, rules about interfering in the timestream. He has stated many instances that you have left your own time, changed the past, and changed the future. Unfortunately, in doing so you have also corrupted reality and interfered in more laws of my dimension in bringing back the dead.”
“I’m sorry, but who exactly are you to be the authority on time and speed and, what, the dead too? Who are you at all?” Flash asks.
“We were told you were King of an alternate dimension, how does our dimension affect yours at all?” Kid Flash asks.
“I’m not the authority for time and speed, those are members of my council. Clockwork has been bringing complaints to me about all of you for a long time, but it wasn’t until I started investigating the other matter-” He makes a gesture towards Red, who nods, “that I discovered that the main cause of these problems has been your meddling with reality. You have created cracks in reality, caused by the fracture in the space-time continuum, and these cracks opened your realm to mine, which is poisonous to yours by the way. Clockwork has been cleaning up your messes in the timestream, and now I have cleaned up the leaks, and there is patchwork being done on reality right now.” He checks the last few points on his paper, making marks for each correction being made.
“You have control over all of that?” Impulse blurts out.
“More like I have control over the people who control all of that. Mostly. I’m in charge of space!” Danny smiles wide, fangs out and aura glowing for a second. “Your main interference with Space is the fact that you broke holes into your dimension, but I’m not big on punishments. Speed, the one who gave you your powers, she said you’d met with her before?” Danny pauses and glances between the speedsters.
“We’ve met the Speedforce.” Flash states. “We don’t fully understand the Speedforce or how it works though.”
“Yeah, that would be her! Dani doesn’t take the time to explain anything, always places to be, you know? But, she presently doesn’t have any complaints. Which complicates matters for me. Clockwork is demanding that she take the gifts she gave you, your powers, but she is refusing.”
The speedsters, having tensed, all relaxed at that.
“But Clockwork demands reparations for all the damage you have caused, and all the work he has put in to correct your mistakes.” Danny shrugs in a what-can-you-do manner. “And you have each meddled in the timestream correct?”
They each confirm.
“Right. We’re going to have to come to an agreement on repercussions for your violation of time law and space law. Now, I can’t say for sure who did what, or how many times, and what damage in particular it caused, which means unless you want to fess up right now, you’re all going to receive equal punishments, on the assumption you each caused a third of the damage.”
“I did most of it.” Flash says immediately. “I was the first to get my powers, I didn’t know how to use them, or how badly messing with the timestream ends up until I did it multiple times.”
“But we all did it!” Kid Flash argues.
“I’m technically messing with the timestream right now.” Impulse mutters.
“You did it while learning too! At least you figured it out before creating something like Flashpoint.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Danny raises his voice over theirs as they start to argue. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” He rubs his head for a moment. “Now, mistakes are understandable, especially while learning new powers. So, in the future, new speedsters will be given leniency so long as you three take responsibility for teaching them the dangers and the rules. We will not punish those learning unfairly.”
The speedsters settle back down in their chairs.
“We can teach new speedsters.” Flash agrees.
“Wonderful! That burden is now part of your punishment.” Danny makes a note on his paper. “One of the main damages done, raising the dead in your alterations of the timeline, will at this point not be undone. From this moment on, everyone stays how they are. We don’t want to go around killing people for your mistakes.”
The speedsters start glancing at the Bats, not having known that was even an option.
“Thank you.” Red states on behalf of the speedsters. Danny nods.
“With that covered,” He looks back at his papers, shuffling through a few. “Clockwork has made an agreement with Dani, as punishment for abusing your powers they will be taken away-”
All the speedsters start to interject, but Danny lets out some eldritch features and lets his aura become more and more powerful and fear-inducing until they all cower back in their seats. Once they are quiet he continues.
“I have been informed that you are all heroes on this planet, so we have all agreed to call this community service. Based on how long you’ve been helping and a few other factors, we made this decision: you will each lose your powers for a total of two months, and then be placed on probation. If you continue to serve your community and use your powers for good, then we will have no further problems. If any of you mess with the timestream on purpose your powers will be revoked permanently. If it is an accident, your powers will be removed again temporarily, but for a time period yet to be determined, but that will be longer than two months. Do you understand?”
They all nod slowly, but the Kid Flash speaks up.
“What if they need us while our powers are gone? We do help, we have people counting on us, what if our teams need us?”
Danny gives him a smile. “The Bats, when I spoke to them about the situation earlier, were concerned about that as well. If you agree to this plan, and we agree to only take one of your powers away at a time, that way the other two can coordinate and help when needed.”
“Will I be sent back to my own timeline?” Impulse’s voice is small and quiet.
“No. Just like with the dead, what is done is done.” Danny makes sure to have eye contact with Impulse. “This agreement does mean you could never go back though, so if you did want to…” Danny trails off.
Impulse shakes his head.
“Okay then.” Danny checks his papers again. “Were there any more questions?”
He gives it a moment.
“Then I will take this agreement back to my people and make sure everything is set. Then we will need to set up a time frame for the removal periods. For now though, everything is done. Thank you so much for your cooperation!”
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kittykattropicanna · 5 months
would you please be able to go into more detail about your prison penpal!simon? why is reader doing it, how did they choose simon (if they had a choice at all), the sorts of letters they exchange? and if they’re any sort of smutty bits for them too? your mechanic au has me absolutely feral beyond words so seeing this made me so excited.
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Omg you’re my first asked AHHHHHH I want to scream thank you so much!!!!! 
Absolutely I can go into detail about PrisonPenPal!Simon :3  I can't get out of my mind how deprived he is argh!!! >:( all this time alone, and now that you're here writing him pretty little letters, he can't imagine life without you :3
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TW: mentions of murder, jail, corruption kink, breading kink, masterbation (Reader & Simon), public masterbation (kinda), smut, not sub!simon but he does cum in his pants, ahhh you're both just so obsessed with each other :3
PrisonPenPal!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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I’ll give you a little back story to why Si actually ended up in jail…
I feel like he retied, left SAS and tried to integrate back into civilian life but failed miserably. He started going out to bars and drinking pretty heavily. The alcohol made him angry, he never was outwardly violent, but everyone could tell he was just a very dark, tortured guy that sat in the back of the bar every night and drank himself stupid. It was like an unwritten rule that nobody bothered him. His a massive guy who’s ex military, if you had half a brain you would leave him alone. 
One night he was leaving the pub and this stupid, stupid 18 year old kid thought it would be funny to try square up to him and impress his friends. 
It didn’t matter how many times they told him to quit it and leave Simon alone, he still trudged up to him with his head held high and chest puffed.  
This kid came up behind Si and punched him in that back of the head. It wasn’t a good punch by any means but it was more then enough to drive Simons drunk brain into utter rage. 
He turned around and punched this kid straight in the head. He went down like a stack of bricks, head making direct impact with the concrete floor, killing him instantly. 
The kid was only 18, he had so much life left to live…..
Of course Si felt absolutely disgusted in himself, he couldn’t believe what he had done. Killed a poor kid who made a stupid decision and ultimately ended his life as well. 
He handed himself over the the police without hesitation. He went quietly and respectfully, cooperated with the police throughout the whole trial, never redirecting blame onto the kid or made it harder then it needed to be. 
He pled guilty for involuntary manslaughter and assault. Gaz, Johnny and Price all pitched in to get him the best defence lawyer humanly possible……ultimately, it worked. Even though the general public was outraged at his light sentence. 
Simons lawyer claimed the punch was in self defence. Someone attacking him from behind also trigged his PTSD resulting in Simon not being able to control his actions in that moment. 
These defences along with him serving in the military for 15+ years and cooperating with the authorities got him 8 years in prison, his sentence was quickly reduced to 4 because of his good behaviour. 
It wasn’t an ideal situation by any means, but it was the best case scenario with the cards he was dealt. 
But lets fast forward to the present….. How did you decide to actually start writing to an inmate? How did you even find out about it?
I have this really cute idea that maybe you were walking through the shopping centre and there was one of those pop up markets that sit in the middle of everything, you know, with the really annoying people that flag you down and you have to awkwardly not make eye contact and walk past them while they’re try and sell you stuff?
Yeah, one of them. This specific stand kinda caught your eye though, It was called “Write An Inmate”
You talked to the guy at the stand about what exactly “Write An Inmate” was and he explained that he was part of the program when he was locked up, how much it helps inmates get through their sentence, helps connect them to the outside world and genuinely just keeps them hopeful. 
First off you were a little hesitant…..speaking to someone who’s in jail because they broke the law sounded a little scary…. 
But hell, its a start of a new year and taking some time out of your day every once in a while to write a short letter to help keep someones hopes up is the least you can do. 
Besides! One of your childhood best friends big brothers went to jail and he wasn’t a bad guy! One of your new years resolutions was to spread more kindness and this is just a perfect way to do so!
Once you got home, you look up the website on the brochure that was given to you and quickly start scrolling through inmates.
They all had profiles with information about them. You couldn’t see what they were in for, but you could see other information like their name, age, date they signed up for the program, time served/time until they get out, amount of letters they have received, a short description of who they are/what they like and a few photos showcasing what they look like. 
You scrolled through a few but they all seemed to have gotten hundreds of letters, you wanted to write someone who wasn’t getting flooded every week with letters, maybe send a letter to someone who could use a pick me up. 
Clicking on the last page you scrolled to the very bottom and click on the last inmate before it even had time to load. 
Once the page opened the name “Simon Riley” appeared on your screen
After looking through his profile a wave of sadness rolled over you 
Name: Simon Riley, most people call me Ghost  Age: 36 Joined: December 26th, 2021 Letters Received: 0 Time served: 3 and a half years  Sentence ends: Year and a half  Description: ex military. I like dogs, big ones not small ones, the outdoors, playing cards and motorcycles. The first thing I want to do when I get out is to eat a steak. 
Attached was three photos. I won’t even lie, they’re definitely dad selfies from different angles HAHAHA they’re such grainy photos too, like they’ve been taken on a 10 year old android. 
Two of the selfies are him with a black balaclava on and the last one was of his face without anything covering it, but again it so grainy you can’t really make his facial features out. 
Simon had joined the program two years ago and hadn't received one letter. You felt horrible, he joined the day after Christmas probably hoping to receive something, anything, but not one person took the time to write him….. 
So obviously Simon was going to be your prisoner pen pal, how could he not be…..
I think the letters start off pretty innocently tbh, you don’t start writing to Simon with the intention of starting any sort of sexual or romantic relationship, it truly is out of the goodness of you’re heart, you sweet girl :(
Simon had totally forgotten about the program honestly, imagine his shock when the prison guard threw him a letter. 
When he frowned and asked who its from the guard just shrugged and said “write an inmate program” and walked off completely unfazed. 
But again, starts out super innocent, things like “I saw that you like big dogs, what’s your favourite breed?” and “what’s your favourite card game? I know how to play blackjack but I’m not very good haha”
I’d like to think you don’t even disclose your gender or name at the start. Keeping everything under lock and key. 
Simon also answers back with pure intentions at first, he has an inkling you may be a women because the hand writing is wayyy to pretty and delicate to come from a man. 
But again! He doesn’t get his hopes up, it could be an old granny for all he knows, but he can’t shake the idea that maybeeeee it could be someone a little more his type, ya know ;)
After a couple weeks of writing letters back and forth you feel like you’re getting to know him a little better. He asks you to call him Simon, not Ghost and he starts writing the cheesiest dad jokes at the bottom of every letter. 
“Two fish are in a tank, one turns to the other and asks “do you know how to drive this thing?” a little army humour for ya’ :)”
His so charming in such a rough and rugged sort of way you know? It sounds silly to say, I mean, you’ve never met him! But the way his handwriting is complete chicken scratch and how he adds little “:)” “:(“ and “>:)” makes you giggle! 
You end up telling him your name and how old you are, I mean, its only fair! You know his name! You definitely didn’t tell him because you wanted to get his mind racing, get him thinking about all the different possibilities, make him fantasize…
Its fair to say you have a little crush on him :( ahhhh its so humiliating! A city girl like you, good job, successful family and a bright future laying in bed every night fucking your pussy with a brand new dildo you bought just so you could imagine Simon, a felon, fucking your little cunt :( 
When Simon sent his letter that week asking for a photo of you, your little crush just got bigger :(
“Its only fair don’t ya’ think? You know what I look like, why don’t ya’ return the favour sweetpea ;)” 
And of course you did!! He asked so politely! 
Putting on your pushup bra, doing your makeup and styling your hair all for him:(((
You get so frustrated because you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard for him, argh! Its all so embarrassing!! Your such a needy girl >:(
You make sure to push up your tits, your bra helping them spill out over your cute little shirt and giving him a good view of your gorgeous body. 
After an hour of taking photos you finally get the shot you were looking for 
Eyes sparkling, cute little smile on your lips, light hitting your face just right, lacy bra slightly peaking out the top of your shirt just enough that it looks like an accident, beautiful tits sitting right in frame so he can get a good look and the slight curve of your waist visible. 
Its perfect, it look so effortless…..in your eyes at least
When Si received your letter, his cock got hard the second he saw your picture :((((
Since his been locked up he hasn’t been able to jerk off properly >:( 
His balls are so heavy as is, and now he has a photo of you 
He could basically cum in his pants at the thought of holding your waist as you ride him. Using his big callused hands to fuck your pretty pussy onto his aching cock >>:((((((
You’re so put together! nice clothes, from the look of the background, nice apartment, clean bedroom. Just the thought of him corrupting you, fucking his baby into you, making you move into a shitty little apartment while he works and you look after his chubby baby makes his dick start to twitch :3
Before he can stop himself, he cums all in his pants :(
He hasn’t cum properly in years! yet a simple photo of you did it for him in seconds!!! You’re such a nasty minx, you know exactly what you’re doing you dirty girl >>:(
That night he lays under the covers, his cell mate fast asleep on the other side of the room as he slowly pumps his cock to the photo of you.
Eyes closed and head thrown back against the thin pillow, he bites his lip so he doesn’t make any noise. 
You see, playboy magazines get passed around all the time, they’re not hard to find if you know the right people, but it just doesn’t do it for Si!!
Of course they’re beautiful women, there’s no doubt about it, but everything so photoshopped :(
Si likes his women natural. No skin smoothing filters or enhancements from photoshop, he likes his women real 
His so deprived that he cums in record time, his hot load shooting all over your face, the once clean photo now sticky and stained….
He wished he had it in him to be embarrassed, but he just can’t! God, he needs to hear your voice, your picture just isn’t enough anymore….
In his next letter he asks if he could use his monthly call to speak to you……Johnnys just gonna have to wait, they can talk football another time >:(
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Aghhhh, PrisonPenPal!Simon is so fucking cocky it hurtssss, PrisonPenPal!Simon is open for requests so feel free to send them throughhhhh, add to the AU, ask me expand on certain topics, whatever floats your boat >:)
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
I’m so glad there is another Lute lover 😭 literally she makes me feral. I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Lute w a super feminine gf (in personality and fashion sense)! If not that’s totally cool and you can ignore this ask!!! Have a great day! :) 💜
her princess
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: headcanons about lute being in relationship with a high feminine girl and everything that comes with it:)
warnings: soft!lute, a bit suggestive part at the end, adam being a dick in one scene
notes: finally getting to the requests! yay! anyway, LOVED WRITING THIS ONE AS I AM PERSONALLY A VERY FEMININE GIRLIE SKDHDDJ
requests: open!!
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★ | let’s start with the fact that you’re literally the purest and most beautiful angel lute has ever seen in her life and in whole heaven. the first time you two meet she literally can’t take her eyes off of you, explaining to herself that she’s just simply admiring how confident you are while being so… girly and the literal opposite of what she has thought her whole life being confident means.
★ | it was nothing special, the first time you two met, just a simple, accidental meeting on the promenade of heaven, lute walking home off-duty when she spots you. if she hadn’t have this much of self control she’d just stop in her tracks and stare at you, but thankfully her mind didn’t let her. she notices the way you’re dressed and how amazingly beautiful your wings present themselves with this whole look and she’s literally speechless. not that she’d utter a word to you if she wasn’t.
★ | it’s obvious you notice her as well, how could you not? an angel like her just walking around the promenade, cmon now, who wouldn’t notice her? you smile softly to her and just turn away, walking your own path, making that dress of yours flatter perfectly. lute’s eyes haven’t left your presence till you literally disappeared from her field of view. and she could’ve sworn her body didn’t have any reaction to you, yet her wings came right in to disobey her. they puffed up ever so slightly, making lute feel the heat going through her back. and since then, you haven’t left her thoughts alone, messing up with her daily schedule and everything she’s known.
★ | adam has picked up on her strange behaviour almost immediately and looked at her suspiciously:
“what’s up your ass this morning, danger-tits?” he asked looking at her with his eyebrows raised. she sighed and rolled her eyes.
“nothing, just…” she stopped mid sentence and huffed. “nothing” she added and flew off, getting ready for her training.
★ | the next time she saw you, she was walking home as well but this time spotted you sitting at the ‘gods-caffe’ eating a donut with sprinkles. she stopped and just simply observed you through the huge window on the wall of the caffe, definitely forgetting about a fact that you can, indeed, see her too. just when you finished your last bite of that donut you instinctively turned your head to the side and noticed her, literally starring at you. at first you were a bit confused but that expression almost immediately turned into a soft smile, as you started to get up from your seat. that action seemed to pull lute out of her state as she immediately started walking away and even flew up just to not let you catch her.
★ | and that simple interaction if you can even call it that, caused another wave of questions from adam to fall over her the next morning:
“okay, you’re quite out of this world, what’s on your mind huh?” he asked smiling like he knew exactly what was going on and put his hands on his hips. lute rolled her eyes and groaned flying away once again, to join the other exterminators in their sparring.
★ | as she finally thought she got over that mystical angel girl that seemed to corrupt her mind, as she was flying around heaven with adam, he bumped into you causing a lot of chaos:
“watch where you’re flying, asshole!” he yelled not even looking at who he’s bumped into. when lute turned her head and noticed you, her eyes immediately went wide and she felt the lump in her throat forming, looking at your another dress fitting you just so perfectly, the colour matching your eyes.
“oh, sorry” you said stroking your cheek where adam’s mask has hit you few second ago. he rolled his eyes and immediately flew off, flying even higher up the clouds. your eyes finally noticed the girl who seemed to be staring at you for a moment now. you smiled to her softly and waved.
“hi” you said with remaining smile, your dress floating in the motion of your wings keeping you in air. lute was immediately pulled out of her thoughts and stared at you even more intensely now.
“uh- hi” she said looking away and her eyes stared following adam who was now waiting above the two of you with confusion forming on his mask.
“i saw you in front of that caffe, and wanted to talk to you but you disappeared” you said with a soft chuckle and lute swore it was the softest sound she’s heard in her life. and then she noticed you were waiting for her response.
“oh yeah- i was just passing by” she shrugged simply, trying to erase the fact that she was literally starring at you that day. “you…” she cleared her throat and looked up at adam again. “i have to go” she said quickly and flew off, joining adam high up. you just followed her with your eyes and with a small frown but decided not to chase them not wanting to get into another conversation with that dude.
★ | and after that incident adam was even more sure what was happening. he started annoying lute all day long about that girl she suddenly lost her ability to speak around and that it’s unknown for her to do so. he started joking about how the girl was literally looking like a doll and that was when lute had had enough of him and decided to take a day off, just to gather her thoughts and, let’s be real here, get a break from this dipshit
★ | on her day off, she decided to simply fly around heaven to let her mind wander and finally get rest. after a lot, and i mean, a lot, of thinking and wondering she’s come to conclusion that it’s immaculate that you’re able to be confident as an angel looking that… feminine. which made her mind spiral even deeper making all of her thoughts just about you, about how you look, about your voice and how soft it is and how outrageously sweet your lips must taste… wait-
★ | she’d probably spend her whole day off just on that when she noticed you sitting on a cloud close to when she was actually flying. she took a deep breath and decided to approach you. she flew up to the cloud immediately and just floated right next to you. your head turned immediately and the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen creeped onto your face.
“hi” she said with more confidence this time her wings immediately opening more and puffing up a bit. you obviously noticed that and chuckled, the sound making lute’s wings puff up even more.
“hi” you responded and moved a bit so she could sit down next to you. and she did.
★ | i’d say your attraction to her grew rather quickly same as hers to you. she was still amazed by your delicate personality and the way you dressed and how you managed to pull it off so… effortlessly. and believe me, it added a lot to her liking to you.
★ | after that accidental meeting on that cloud, lute decided to ask you out to that caffe she saw you in, not even realising it sounded like a date and not just a normal meet-up, but the smile on your face assured her that you didn’t mind it being an actual date.
★ | when you two met up for that date, lute was surprised to find out that you had some kind of a sweet tooth and couldn’t imagine a coffee without something sweet to eat with it. she let you pick whatever you wanted and whichever coffee you wanted and smiled seeing you picked out the sweetest one they offered while also ordering a slice of strawberry-chocolate cake with it. she ordered an expresso for herself without anything to eat.
“i see you like sweet things” she chuckled sitting down at one of the tables against huge windows. you giggled taking a sip.
“what can i say? i guess i like to sweeten up my life as much as i can” you chuckled taking a bite from your cake. “in any matter” you added with a small smirk.
she raised her eyebrow at you not fully understanding. “what do you mean?” she asked taking a sip from her cup.
“i choose sweet people to sweeten up my life as well as the sweetest treats i can find” you laughed and lute’s eyes went wide as she looked away from you with a chuckle trying to hide her embarrassment from that little teasingly compliment of yours.
★ | lute was delighted to find out you loved flowers. the first time she’s ever been in your apartment, she noticed straight away how many plants you had and that you always had some kind of flowers on your coffee table in the saloon. she smiled to herself knowing exactly how to surprise you next time.
“hi!” she yelled flying up to your window one day and waking you up. you yawned and walked over to the window opening it and looking at her surprised.
“lute?” you asked surprised, looking at the girl floating behind your window wearing a wide grin.
lute’s smile widened even more as she took out flowers from behind her back and handed them to you. “just a little treat for you” she said more nervously now but still trying to keep her voice calm. your eyes widened and a smile immediately creeped up to your face.
“my god, thank you!” you said taking the flowers and moving away from the window so she can enter your bedroom. you immediately put the flowers onto your desk and walked back to lute locking her in a hug she definitely wasn’t prepared for. “best morning ever” you whispered with a giggle at which she chuckled nervously.
you leaned away a bit when you felt her wings flatter a bit and she looked away awkwardly, feeling her cheeks starting to burn. you chuckled and decided there won’t be a better occasion than this. softly your hands grabbed her cheeks and you moved your lips to hers, connecting them in a soft and quick kiss just showing your gratefulness. lute didn’t kiss you back, but not because she didn’t want to, but because she was too stunned to do so. when you leaned away with a chuckle she immediately moved her face to yours, locking your lips in another kiss, less soft and definitely less stunned.
★ | something she’d need to get used to is how many little stuff you own. lute isn’t really the one to be nostalgic and sentimental about a lot of stuff, but when she saw your collection of random things that just bring joy or any other feeling to you, that you decided to keep, her brain told her she doesn’t own anything sentimental.
★ | when you started spending even more time together and lute stayed the night with you, she was surprised but very pleasant to get to know about your love for baths and everything that comes with it. she couldn’t believe her eyes the first time she saw how many bath salts and bombs you had not really expecting you to have so many in so many different colours and shapes. she looked through them curious and picked up a heart-shaped, black one smelling it, her eyes going immediately wide when the scent hit her nose.
“you like it?” you asked with a giggle running a bath for yourself, standing next to her.
“it smells marvellous” she said smelling it once again. you just giggled at her reaction and started to take off all your rings to prepare for the bath.
“you can use it if you want” you said nonchalantly with a smile watching her face turn up into a smile.
“really?” she asked looking at you with literal glimpses in her eyes at what you giggled once again.
“of course” you responded with a smile.
★ | speaking of which, lute was surprised to see your collection of rings. of course she noticed those that you were wearing daily but she didn’t expect you to have a full box of different rings and necklaces. she looked through them fascinated and even put on some of them when she was sure you couldn’t see her. she looked down on her hands and smiled enjoying how they looked on her fingers, making them longer and slimmer. when you came into the room her wings immediately went out hiding her while she tried to desperately take off the rings so you wouldn’t notice she tried them on. you slowly walked over to her with a curious smile, moving one of her wings out of your way and noticing how she tried to put all of them in their places. you chuckled softly.
“you can wear them if you want” you said walking away from her and going to the mirror to brush your hair. lute smiled sheepishly at you and picked out one ring putting it on her finger admiring it once again.
“i didn’t know you liked jewellery so much” she said still being focused on her hand. you chuckled softly and shrugged.
“what can i say? i like to have many options” you smiled looking at her through the mirror. “you can keep it” you added looking at the ring she chose.
“definitely not” she said laughing nervously and taking it off. you rolled your eyes playfully, walking over to her and putting the ring on her finger once again, softly looking into her eyes.
“keep it. please.” you said with a smile and lute couldn’t help but look away trying not to blush, as her wings puffed up without her consent.
★ | the same night she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw your collection of stuffed animals. she smiled uncontrollably seeing how deeply you talked about every and each of them and couldn’t wait for you birthday to come so she could surprise you with another one of them. or to be fair, she just couldn’t wait to surprise you with it any day, not looking at the occasion.
★ | lute also didn’t expect your pyjamas to be as soft as they actually were. when the two of you got into your bed, lute wearing some old t-shirt with shorts and felt your silk matching set of pyjama on her skin she literally looked down at you with pure surprise in her eyes which you softly laughed at.
“you like my pyjamas?” you asked and she nodded her head, cuddling you tightly, pressing her skin onto yours her wings puffing up uncontrollably.
★ | deeper in the relationship lute would need to get used to a lot of things with you. for example your mood swings. of course she was a bit moody herself but the first time she saw how easily your mood could be changed just because of a small thing she needed a moment to understand it. she loved your personality and everything that came with it so it didn’t really change much, and just the thought of getting to know more of your sides made her heart flutter which she hated herself for, not being used to having that much feelings for someone.
★ | the first time you offered doing a spy night with her she was a bit sceptical but your puppy eyes made her change her mind very quickly. and just like that she ended up with a black care mask on her face, cucumber on her eyes and some kind of pink mask on her lips.
★ | when you asked her if you could paint her nails she didn’t have anything against it, until you said you wanted to paint them pink. she squinted her face and sighed but agreed, telling you she’d wash it off in the morning when she’d leave.
“pink really suits you” you said painting her toe nails and giggling. lute rolled her eyes but smiled looking down at her pink nails both on her toes and hands.
“sure” she said teasingly and laughed as this time you rolled your eyes.
“really, it brings out your lips” you said and she looked away feeling her blush.
“shut up” she said as her wings puffed up a bit, and her eyes stayed on your ceiling. you chuckled.
★ | safe to say, she didn’t wipe it off in the morning no matter how badly she complained before that she’d do it.
(a bit suggestive!!)
★ | another thing lute was surprised but also delighted to find out was the collection of lingerie and matching sets you owned. she didn’t mean to find them at first, but when you told her she could pick out something from your wardrobe to change into she just… happened to find them and beside the huge blush that covered her face she also couldn’t stop her mind from wandering and imagining you in all of those sets in many, and i mean many, different situations.
you walked back into your room noticing lute was just starting at something in your closet, so you softly sneaked up to her peeking at what she was looking and chuckled softly.
“enjoying my collection?” you asked with a giggle feeling your blush coming out. lute immediately looked back at you with a dumb smile and a nod of her head.
“yeah, very” she said looking away from you and her eyes uncontrollably going back to the underwear and then slowly to your body. you giggled seeing her eyes.
“wait for the day you see me in them” you smiled and kissed her forehead leaving a lip stain there.
“can’t wait” she chuckled and looked at you, grabbing your waist softly and pulling you in for a deep kiss, her wings puffing up immediately, when her lips only touched yours.
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@lizbizbae <3
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pageofheartdj · 4 months
All jokes and horny aside(I do love horny and specific position only🙏 and them fighting over everything always ever and ooc fun scenarious) radioapple are so interesting to think about, about their dynamics, and the characters in general. So I will!
As they are in canon now, Lucifer did not care for Alastor plus the general disgust(and guilt) towards sinners. And then the song happened and Alastor became Lucifer's enemy number one xD If Alastor will drop it, Lucifer won't have a reason to hate on him, but initial negative imperssion is still there.
And Alastor, he is a mysterious guy. The abusive dad is still a theory, him being momma boy and therefore connecting with women better doesn't say anything about his dad situation. The Lilith's deal is also just a theory for now. So for me his immediate negative reaction comes from the same place as his annoyance at Carmilla disregarding him. He wants to be on the top, the most unknown, the most powerful one, the most scary one. He loves attention, he loves keeping everyone alert with his antics.
And he loves being in control, his plans going exactly the way he wants them, not that he can't improvise. He immediately tenses when he sees the sign welcoming dad, he knows. The King of Hell has the ultimate power, the ultimate influence, the ultimate importance. Alastor does not mind someone being more than him in something like he is politely neutral with Zestial. But the hotel carries importance for Alastor's plans so he feels threatened. Before with Charlie's daddy issues I guess he did not expect to see him anytime soon. But here he is, threatening to pull Charlie from his influence, from her needing his powers.
But then we see him being completely chill and not antagonistic at all. One of the reasons I think is that he let his stim out, for a reason being restricted in his activities, the deals he can make, the souls he can take, the kills. And because Charlie needed Lucifer to arrange a meeting with Heaven, something that only Lucifer can do. And that's it. So he lets go for a bit.
Who knows what dynamic season 2 will bring, now that Lucifer stays at the hotel and Alastor took a hard blow at his ego and reputation.
In the wiki it is stated Alastor dislikes people who are like him, but likes people who are more like him, but who knows where is this line. He also said to like Willy Wonka character for being an entertainer and a dick. And Lucifer was told to be like that character. For now Lucifer is a depressed sad baby, but we saw how he can be when he is fucking with others. Alastor likes fun, no matter how this fun is done. Potentially he can enjoy Lucifer's presence. Not to mention, he respects power, at least when the whatever deal with Alastor is done, potentially.
Don't know how prevalent this is now, but both seem to enjoy collecting certain things, like ducks and those firby toys. Both were drawn to dance-vibe with each other.
Speaking of, both love music and play instruments, they can totally jam with each other, making their own little concerts.
Lucifer's idea of sinners will be definetely challenged with Alastor. It's one thing to meet a nice sinner and think 'ah they are not like everyone else'. But it's a completely different thing when this sinner is exactly what you hate about them, the maniac who loves violence. And then you have to come to terms that even THEY can become better, can have something to them. Lucifer drowned himself in guilt and shame, it would be nice to get a bit in touch with people in Hell. Because it seems like he stays away from most things sinners bring with themselves.
Alastor was told to like theatres, so it would be nice for them to go together, to try and see something good from humanity even in Hell. Something that can still keep not being corrupted. And humans creativity and artistism can definetely spark more hope back to Lucifer.
And I think Lucifer would appreciate someone who treats him as equal, it doesn't look like he cares much about being a King, so having someone who will not shy away at punching first can be good.
Lucifer's main support of course would be Charlie(and hopefully hotel crew), but having someone who he can rely to get things actually done is pleasant. He is a King of Hell but he doesn't often act like one, he surely will benefit from someone who can act appropriately spooky. (He can get scary, but I think he needs to get MAD mad for this side of him to appear and at that point you better have Charlie around to calm him down)
And they have to keep the beef part of their interactions, it's just fun to have someone you can freely argue with with no hard feelings afterwards, just a battle of words, their interests don't always aligning. And it's fun to mindlessly banter about them. Like their sweet and bitter food preference, or cooking techniques, etc. Small irrelevant things, or maybe even some clash of ideals, but it is oh so fun to let yourself go lose and not hold back.
It would be nice for them to develop mutual respect and learn to care about each other's boundaries, be it the painful personal history, or choices of leading the relationship.
Yes, the aroace situation. Start with simple, I do not believe Lucifer is straight(nor NT xD) and he is perfectly sex-positive(he started with no experience and no shame either xD). He is more on a demi spectrum for me, getting excitedly horny only with close people(one-times can happen, it's a grey(literally) area). And Alastor... he is touch-aversed until you are close, then the touching is required(both gentle and playful and rough, depending if he wants to sooth himself or get energised or let the stim out). The same with the bed situation. He gets attracted long after all the other bonds are formed. He is sex-indifferent, never wanted with anyone so never went there. He is perfectly content with himself. And when it starts, yet again, depending on what it feels like in the moment.(cannibalism was not the only thing he grew to like in Hell(¬‿¬))
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Gabriel does not like whats changing
The more we kept getting references to feathers and rings being close to Adrien and those in his family, who knew of the peacock miraculous, the more it became obvious that he was a sentimonster brought to life with the help of the peacock miraculous.
(Moments from "Miraculer" and "Gorizilla" subtly showing two rings and feathers being constantly close to the Agreste family and Nathalie)
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And per the power of the peacock miraculous, Adrien's amok was attached to something, specifically two rings, the very ones his parents wore, a terrifying thing to learn because it meant that anyone who was in possession of Gabriel and Emelie's rings, could gain full control of Adrien and make him say and do whatever it is they wanted, which is what Gabriel has been doing a lot, each time worse than the last as he becomes more and more willing to ruin the happiness his son has built on his own.
(In "Adoration, Gabriel attempted to stop a moment that would've solidified Adrien and Marinette's relationship even further, by using one of the rings in his possession to take control of Adrien and stop him from kissing Marinette, forcing him to tell Marinette to leave. )
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We don't know for how long Gabriel has been controlling Adrien throughout his life, but it doesn't seem like it was always this way, at least not when Adrien upheld his title as the "perfect son" to the Agreste family, but when he did, he would almost always start his command with the same words, "Adrien, I am your father...". Gabriel had his little moments in the past where he showed just how much he cherished his son, how worried he was over Adrien's safety if he was ever too close to danger, but the longer he let his obsession over defeating the heroes consume him, the more he lost sight of his moral boundaries, seeing no wrong in controlling Adrien through the ring during times he believed Adrien was showing defiance or was just plain not being the seemingly perfect well mannered son who took his parents word. 
("Megaleech" was one of many times when Gabriel had been shown clearly reaching for his ring to take control of Adrien. )
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(In "Protection," Gabriel aimed to end the relationship between Marinette and Adrien, at first by trying to convince Adrien he shouldn't settle for dating Marinette, believing his own son deserved to be with someone who was considered to be as perfect as he was, like Kagami. When Adrien rejected Gabriel's advice to break up with Marinette, Gabriel used the ring to command Adrien to stop seeing Marinette, an order that was later removed, thanks to Nathalie, who was in possession of Emelie's ring.)
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Unlike in previous seasons, Gabriel is shown to be more willing to use his ring to take control of Adrien during the most important moments of his life, because unlike before, too many things were changing.
Gabriel has always had this picture perfect image in his mind over what his family will be like once Emelie was brought back, and it for one would be exactly as he remembered and expected it to be. But now, everything Gabriel was hoping for his family and their future, is all gradually crashing down, and while he for one wants to believe it is the fault of Ladybug for preventing him from obtaining the miraculous that will restore his family, he also wants to believe it is the "bad influence" of Marinette, and others whom he views as imperfect, that's corrupting Adrien and ruining the perfect future that was made for him, but its not. Things are changing, because the people who are the closest to him are changing. Adrien is changing.
The fact of the matter is, the Agreste family could never go back to the way Gabriel remembered. Emelie had been gone for more than a year now, and while he still clings to the past, Adrien has tried the best he can to move on with his life, by learning to live it.
Adrien has made efforts to learn to live his life by gaining new experiences, meeting new people, building new friendships, forming his own independence by developing his own views and opinions, and has made his share of mistakes while simultaneously learning from them.
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Adrien will always keep his mother's memory in his heart just like Gabriel said he should back in "Felix", but now that Gabriel is watching Adrien step farther and farther away from the son he remembers spent his days in the mansion, close to him and Emelie, it upsets him.
Gabriel has said before in "Passion" that everything he is doing is for Adrien's happiness, but his idea of what Adrien's happiness should be, does not align with what is making Adrien happy now. Adrien was most certainly not meant to find happiness without his mother in his life, he wasn't supposed to question his fathers judgment over what was truly right and wrong, and he was definitely not meant to find true love in a baker girl like Marinette. Gabriel has talked to Adrien about everything in his life that is falling a stray from the path that he believed was best for him, or rather, set for him, but for the majority of those times, Adrien chose to politely disagree with his father and stood up for what he wanted in life.
Adrien didn't want to start a relationship with Kagami again out of his fathers insistence, because they both realized on their own that they were not meant to be. Adrien didn't want to cast Marinette aside because having her in his life gave him that sense of love and happiness he never thought he could have. Marinette wasn't Gabriel's idea of perfect, but Adrien knew she was perfect for him. Gabriel and Adrien's relationship has always been a distant one, and although it was obvious to everyone else that their relationship was strained, Gabriel remained blind to the unhappiness Adrien was constantly facing over his lack of understanding and attention.
In season 5, after Gabriel realized he was dying from the power of Cat Noir's cataclysm, for a few brief moments, he became the understanding father Adrien always hoped for, and even though he never intended it, it was his willingness to allow Adrien the freedom to experience time away from the mansion, with friends, that gave him the chance to properly spend time with Marinette and start a relationship with her.
Gabriel had an agreement with Tomoe to wed Adrien to Kagami, and he made a promise to Emelie that he would bring her back and restore their family, restore their happiness, but that can’t happen if Adrien is making decisions that go against it all. Rather than accept that his son was living his own life, away from the one he wants to think is best for Adrien, he instead found it easier to use the ring that Adrien was bound to, and order him to do as his father told him.
Gabriel has had the advantage of taking control of Adrien at any given point in time, but the one time Gabriel realized he couldn't, was back in "Risk," when Felix took Adrien's place without him knowing. Felix, disguised as Adrien, talked back for Adrien about not wanting to go on the modeling trip, a trip that would last months. Gabriel had angrily disapproved of Adrien's(Felix) defiance and did not hesitate to reach for the ring that would allow him to put a stop to it, but for the first time in likely his entire life, Gabriel had to face Adrien without that sense of control over him conveniently within reach, and it must have been terrifying, because what he saw in Adrien's(Felix) eyes, was something he never thought he would have to actually experience facing alone, but is now forced to face regardless of possessing a means to control him, and that something, was Adrien's free will.
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 11: Fucking machine + Overstimulation + Multiple orgasms with Chan
Wordcount — 1276 words
Includes — (Mild) sadist soft dom!Chan; dirty dialogues, overstimulation, use of toys (fucking machine, dildo), squirting.
Author's note — Love, love, love Chan as a sucker for pain, but not necessarily of it being inflicted on him. I also love picturing him as the kind of man who talks sweetly to you when he is ruining you, so this shows pretty much it. I hope you all like it, and please remember that english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in advance!
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There's nothing innocent about Chan.
Nor the heart-warming smile he offered you the night you two met, nor the way he is holding your hand at times like these even has a pinch of innocence in them.
“One more,” he coos, pushing away the hair sticking to the sides of your face with sweat. “I know you can give me one more”.
A pleasure dom, it’s exactly the label he used on himself when he first revealed to you his preferences. It was all about giving, about making his partner feel good, about driving them to the edge of insanity only to bring them back to reality with an overwhelming sensation of pleasure. 
“Chan,” you exhale, head crestfallen while your cries are drowned by the sound of the machine. “Chan, Chan, Chan”.
“I’m right here,” he tells you, thumb caressing your hand while his dark eyes admire the scene. The lewd noises your cunt makes when it sucks the dildo right inside, and the way you squirm and tremble it’s something he is not going to forget easily.  “I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here”. 
“Too much,” you cry, lifting your face to meet up his gaze; there's a tad of concern in it, but it is nowhere near the amount of lust they hold. “Hurts”.
“You know I can make it stop,” his available hand caresses your cheek while the other one squeezes yours tightly, a romantic gesture in the middle of such a corrupt moment. “Say the word and I will”.
Chan knows you are nowhere near your limits to stop, and he knows that if you were really done with everything you would just say so. But there is always something enticing in reminding you that you are the one in control, the one who —with a single word— can put an end to the moment and still not do it. 
“No,” you whine, squeezing his rough hand even harder. “Can take more”. 
Chan laughs softly, wholeheartedly. Nothing makes him feel more satisfied than when you bear all the pain he inflicts on you, when you thank him over and over again for ruining you, for removing every single coherent thought engraved in your brain with a couple of hours of overstimulation.
Because things always unfold like this —you, texting him in the middle of the night, asking if you can come over to his playground, if he is in the mood to help you destress.
And every time, Chan accepts willingly.
“You’re doing good so far,” he praises you, lifting your chin with his digits to make eye contact with you. “Taking everything so well, you are making me proud”.
A shy smile escapes through your lips but it is quickly replaced with a grimace of pain when his hand lands flat on your clit, the sting feeling sending shivers down your spine and making your toes curl, “Fuck, Chan!” 
“Come for me,” his hoarse voice resonates near your right ear, his breath caressing your sweaty skin makes you feel a tingly sensation on your neck. “Show me how much you enjoy having your cunt fucked”.
There’s nothing he loves more then being the one fucking you —absolutely nothing compares to the thrill of the intimacy between you two, no machines nor toys involved. But tonight he felt like pleasuring and torturing you in ways he knows his body isn't capable of.
You’ve been laying on your back with your legs spread and a machine thrusting a dildo in and out of your for hours, making you come and cream for more times than Chan remembers now. All he has done is to be by your side during all this time, holding your hand and planting wet pecks on your forehead, praising you and comforting you through it.
There’s nothing innocent about Chan, but even his sadistic side has a certain tenderness to it.
“Again,” you beg in between cries, eyes fluttering to where the toy and you meet —the machine fucks you easily, the dildo all slippery and sticky from how much you’ve come around it. “Do it again, please”.
Although you didn't say exactly what, Chan knows what it is that you want. So he indulges you by slapping your pussy one more time, focusing especially on your swollen clit that pulsates visibly in anticipation. 
“Ngh-” you swallow thickly and buck your hips against the toy, your hands gripping the bed sheets underneath you, “shit”. 
“I know baby,” Chan coos, the empathy in his voice contrasting with the cruelty of his touch. “Feels good, yeah?”
You can hardly answer because you are too focused on your upcoming climax, one that's starting to build up inside your guts and that it's threatening to wreak havoc.
“Too intense,” you breath, heart racing at a thousand miles per hour in anticipation of the ecstasy you are about to experience. “Can’t stop- making a mess”. 
“Don’t worry about the mess,” he purrs, kissing your forehead one more time. “Worry about satisfying me and giving me what I want”. 
The next time Chan touches you, it’s not with a sharp slap but rather with two of his fingertips, rubbing your hardened clit to the pace of the machine fucking your pussy. He knows you well enough to realize that that’s what you are missing, that his touch is the only thing that can make you come. 
“Chan!,” you cry out, moving your hips in circles while you try to get the most stimulation from both him and the dildo. It hurts, but that pain is what triggers your orgasm. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Don’t hold back,” he murmurs, fingers expertly rubbing your clit. “Let all the neighbors know you are having an amazing time with me, will you?” 
You bite your lower lip and shut your eyes tightly while your back arches against the bed. You try to close your legs around Chan’s wrist, your body instinctively moving away from the stimulation, but he doesn’t allow it to.
He holds you firmly in place with his palm against your lower abdomen, his other hand bringing you closer to the highest peak of climax. You try to hold as much of it as you can, but you fail miserably —the satin bed sheets turn a darker color when you squirt all over them, shaking pathetically while you make a mess all over again, just like your previous orgasms.
“Too much?” he asks you, smearing your fluids along your slit. Your body jolts at even the slightest touch, and he knows he has to be very careful right now if he doesn’t want to cause you any discomfort. 
“No,” you gasp with shortness of breath, throat dry and heartbeats resonating loudly even through your eardrums, “so- good”. 
The machine keeps on working the dildo with back and forth motion, but your body feels so numb that you can hardly take it into account. Your hazy gaze focuses on Chan, who’s kneeling right next to you with one of his hands caressing your hair while the other massages your thighs, deciding that you’ve had too much of everything tonight. 
“Was I helpful?” he asks you, moving your body away from the machine. You whine when you feel the dildo going out of you, not used to the sensation of not having your pussy filled with something because of the last hours.
“Always,” you exhale, cupping his face with both your hands when he leans to give you a kiss. “I really needed this. Thank you”.
“I know,” Chan smiles, his dimples gleaming in the dim light of the room you two are in. “My pleasure”. 
Because really, it was.
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c0mbatchameleon · 2 months
hi anna my love would you mind telling us what the possession au is about 🥺🤲🏼💗
Ok so the tldr here is James is a demon that possesses reg. This all came from a drunk 3am note in my phone about the “intimacy of literally inhabiting the same body, to become a singular noun; my thoughts are yours now, you don’t even know where you end and I begin, your soul would feel so empty without me here to fill in all the gaps” etc etc. Right ok. Long ramblings below, be warned.
So picture regulus, our resident high-strung control freak who has lived as a puppet on a string at the whims of his family ever since he was a teenager and they began staging him to join / eventually take over their major capitalist conglomerate empire or whatever. Iffy on the details still but there’s a lot of politics involved. Think like the richest of the rich in the world and they want to keep their family on the top—regulus is their vessel to do so.
And the thing is, he goes above and beyond. He gave up on trying to escape the life he’s been (to him) imprisoned in a long time ago, and his (perceived) lack of control and agency has only driven him to climb higher, hungry for even more disgusting amounts of wealth and power, fuck everyone else, he wants to be at the fucking top, and maybe then he’ll be free. He’s terrible and he’s miserable and he’s everything they wanted him to be, he feels like a slave to time and to the life that was carved out for him, and it manifests in him exerting extreme amounts of control over the one thing he can have some semblance of control over, which is his own body.
(slight tw for disordered / obsessive eating / body habits?)
Picture him scheduling his days down to the minute. He wakes up at 5:30am everyday after getting the exact amount of sleep to complete five rem cycles, he has a strict workout regimen every day perfectly planned out for the week, meals all the same mapped out down to the calorie. You’d think he’s in the army. His skincare routine puts patrick bateman to shame. He jerks off once a week cuz he thinks it has health benefits or keeps him sharp or something (if you’ve watched The End of the Fucking World I’m pretty sure this is where my brain subconsciously picked this from) and it’s mechanical and he’s dead in the eyes and he knows it will take him exactly 5 minutes and 8 seconds to come.
And then. Suddenly. He’s having weird dreams about some man he doesn’t know and they’re making him feel things when he has specifically trained his body to NOT feel things and what’s happening to him? And then dreams become daydreams. And then he’s losing time. HES LOSING TIME. Which is literally his worst nightmare. It’s making him fuckinf spiral, his routines are being thrown off, the small semblance of control is slipping, so he’s already at his wits fucking end when a goddamn voice in his head starts talking to him. Like that’ll do it.
But then the voice, the man, the figure from his dreams, James, is telling him to relax. Telling him you’re so wound up. I can feel it, you know? How tired you are. It’s okay baby, let me take the reins for the day. You just have to sit back up in that head of yours—of ours—and let it all turn to static for a bit. Don’t worry. I’ll give you your body back tonight. Don’t you trust me? Wouldn’t it feel good to just.. let go for a bit?
And eventually regulus discovers that it DOES feel good. He fucking loves it. He gives up control willingly for the first time, he lets James do it all for him, to move him around like a puppet in the most literal sense but it’s different from his family, from everyone else. It’s freeing.
and it’s like this weird corruption-anticorruption thing because yes james is influencing him and planting thoughts in his head and literally taking over his body at points but it’s all to make him do…kinda good things? “Fuck the company, don’t show up today, let’s go to the coast like you used to as a kid,” “don’t pick up the phone, I know you’ve never declined your mother’s call before, but just try. Don’t you feel powerful?” Until eventually reg is sabotaging the company, his family, he’s basically suicide-bombing the stock market, he’s giving all his money away, etc etc. he’s more free than he’s ever felt in his life and to the outside world he looks absolutely insane and, shit, maybe he is, but it feels fucking amazing.
I just love the thought of James’ more mundane influence on him too. He’s craving hot Cheetos for the first time in his life and absolutely appalled and confused and James is like “shit my bad I was thinking abt them.” James has him smoke weed for the first time (the scene I have planned for this……) and he has to take over to roll the joint for him. Why the fuck is reg enjoying abba music? But also—why the fuck is a demon enjoying abba music?
I’ve rambled way too much so I’ll reign it in there. Lots of details subject to change, but this is basically all I’m thinking abt these days.
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zarvasace · 2 months
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Agony and Lost, dark Hyrule and dark Wild :) my long descriptions and a bit more art beneath the cut.
Hyrule is a survivor and a healer. He's ruthless when he has to be but above all, he perseveres and he fixes things when he can. Agony is a Hyrule who gave up, gave in, and now hurts others out of selfishness. He's one of those fey that gleefully leads people to their doom just because he can. Nothing he eats will ever satiate him, and he doesn't often care to try. When he does, it's something meaty and raw and bloody, like the flesh of monsters or unfortunate travelers, and that can calm him down for a while.
Agony is probably the cruelest of these Darks, though he doesn't care for complicated schemes to cause emotional or mental anguish. (And he's not very smart, so he doesn't bother trying to be.) He's more likely to go for a knife than cutting words. He doesn't mind following orders, especially if it's Depth giving them, though he'll wander off and do something else if he doesn't find the orders interesting enough. He doesn't really plan ahead.
Agony fights like a cornered animal, with an old sword or broken glass or his nails and sharp teeth if he needs to. He has spells like Hyrule, though Agony's are generally weaker. He likes using Thunder. He's technically the group's healer, with Life, but unlike Hyrule's, Agony's healing causes even more pain. He gets some use out of Shield and Jump, but can't quite flame up his sword the way Hyrule can. He can't turn into a fairy—he's more undead than he is fey. He has a unique spell he calls Corruption: it lets him spread some of his inherent darkness out by touch. For a being of light, it is painful and dangerous. For a being of darkness, it is refreshing and rejuvenating. 
As for his design: Agony has Hyrule's shape (if emaciated), but is colored much much darker, to evoke the plain black silhouette of the Dark Link enemy in The Adventure of Link. In contrast to Hyrule's warm browns and greens and golds, Agony is cool-toned and so dark you can't see his features clearly. His eyes are toxic green, as if he's absorbed some of the sickness of his world. His hands and feet are bony and lighter, both for some design contrast and to emphasize the bony structure. His hands are not healer's hands, with the long fingers and claws. Even his ears are sharp, and where many of the Darks have fangs, Agony has a full mouth of sharpened teeth.
Agony is what Hyrule would be if Hyrule stopped trying so hard to be good and ran in the other direction. Agony is one of those who will torment and murder his Light without a second thought, if he could. 
Lost is dark Wild. 
What has he lost, you ask? Well, unfortunately, the answer is “everything.” He’s smart, but he lost any hope. He lost his memories. He lost any friends or attachments or love he might have had. He never knows where he is, and sometimes forgets what he’s doing while he does it. He has no warmth left. (Of course, he never actually had a lot of those things in the first place. But he is born from Wild's hopelessness and despair, so he knows that part of him once had light and love. A deeper part of Lost might know exactly what he's doing.) 
Lost is completely and totally an agent of the Calamity and Ganon. He's in more intimate contact with the forces of monsters and corruption than anyone else, and occasionally goes over Depth’s head to do things the darkness specifically asks him to do (if he can remember.) He takes orders without argument. The others find him very annoying to talk to, because while he's fairly quiet, he cycles through the same few topics over and over. He has to constantly be reminded where to go and what to do. Mirage is, surprisingly, the least annoyed by Lost and thus most likely to get Lost babysitting duty. 
Due to his corruption, Lost has an unusual ability: he can, to an extent, control Malice. That means he can plant orders in monsters’ heads and monitor their progress, usually via those black-and-orange Malice eyes stuck on one of them. For that reason, the group can't leave him behind, much as they'd like to sometimes. He's integral to every plan they make because of the monster thing. Nobody ever asks him what he wants to do or what he cares about, because he'll forget about it anyway. If necessary, they just lie and tell him that he agreed earlier. He trusts the others a little too much, judging by how badly they treat him. 
As for his design: Lost is dull and bleached of color. He has lost his zest for life and his blue eyes, replaced by those of Malice. His scars pulse with silvery Malice, and it's unclear whether it actively hurts him or not, but chances are good. He wears a necklace of teeth, but has forgotten whether they're shark teeth (implying a Zora) or just monster teeth. His tunic and cloak are the same as Wild’s, but he's forgotten what they mean. That in itself is Wild’s worst nightmare—wearing the Champion’s Tunic not because he's proud of it or because he wants to remember the others, but because it's simply a convenient piece of cloth. 
Lost is a dulled, downtrodden, resentful Wild. He doesn't care about Wild at all. His purpose is survival, and he will fight for it, as best he can. 
This isn't the best art but I had fun with them :)
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Demons Are A Girls Best Friend
There are other parts!!!! I’m too tired to link them!!!!!! Anywho: Mc has a dirty ass fantasy and the brothers plan it out and this the plan coming to life!!! Yay!!! Inspired by a power metal song about demons taking virginity!!!!!!! The Mc isn’t really a virgin tho!!!!!! Yaaay!!!!
Nsfw ahead: praise, degradation, throat fucking, impact play, spanking, blowjobs, size kink, demon kink, corruption kink, vaginal sex, clit play, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, orgasm control, yeah like almost everything
Chapter 3: “let your carnal lust prevail tonight”
You stood outside of the door, note in hand. The brothers were on the other side, waiting for you to come in so they could commence the scene. You were nervous, heart beating uncontrollably and mind racing. Glancing down, you could faintly see the outline of your underwear through the outfit you had decided on earlier. Perhaps you went a bit too far with the innocent -not-so-innocent act.
All the lights were out in the house now, leaving you to rely on the one and only light source that laid beyond that door. You looked back at the note and with a shaky breath, you opened it.
The room was transformed, it had an old feeling to it. It was a dark brown and smelled of frankincense, it was polished and the light reflecting from the torches made it have a golden-orange hue. You could see a table in front of you with a few chairs and sat on one of those chairs was Satan, flipping through the pages of a Bible. He was dressed head to toe in a priest’s garb, if it weren’t for your knowledge of him already, you would’ve assumed he was a young, attractive priest. He lifted his head to you, eyes just briefly leaving the word.
“How can I help you, young one?” His demeanor was calm and kind. His lips slightly stretched into a smile, but it felt soft, not mischievous in the slightest.
You remembered the note. “I’ve been searching for sanctuary. The storm has run me here.” You answered, trying to think of the best way to fit the plot.
“I see. You’ve come to the right place. I am here with some of my brothers in Christ.” God, this is ironic. If it weren’t for your nervousness, you’d start cackling. “We can house you here.” He placed the Bible down. “Come, sit with me.” He pulled a chair out and turned it so it was facing him.
You nod and move over. Your footsteps were light but even so, the floorboards creaked as though you were in an old house. “Thank you Father.” You sat before him, crossing your legs.
“What brings you so far out in the woods? I’m sure you know it’s dangerous for people such as you.” He acted well, furrowing his brows and adding concern to his eyes.
“Well, I…” this wasn’t in the script, do they expect improv??? “I ran away from my home a long time ago.” Well, might as well make the lore nice and juicy. “I was traveling alone, moving from place to place.”
“Hmm, I see. Humankind often moves about, you are no different. Even so, you must remember that on nights like these, demons come out to play.” Like on cue, one of the torches went out and lightning outside struck. “You are safe here, but you must beware the night.”
Think of something! Think think! You look so awkward!
He shifted in his seat. “Sorry, you must forgive me, I must’ve scared you.” He opened the Bible back up. “You could consider me an expert on demons. Demons crave many things, I’m sure you know. They crave to create chaos where there is calm and corruption where there is innocence.” His words were silk, moving through your ears and sinking into your head. “You are innocent, aren’t you? Untouched by darkness?”
It was arousing how his words sounded so genuine but you knew exactly where he was going. “What do you mean?” You tried to sound innocent, but your blush and the stutter in your voice could not be disguised.
He tch’ed three times. “This won’t do. Tell me, what have you done?” He was still soft, still quiet, still priestly. “You can tell me, I will forgive you.”
“Brother, don’t torture this child.” Another voice. Lucifer. “They’ve come here for sanctuary and here you are, interrogating them.”
You whipped your head around to see him dimly lit, the golden light making his face warm and ethereal. Perhaps this is what he looked like in the celestial realm. Lucifer was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed with a gentle and welcoming smile on his face. He was dressed similarly to Satan, but his cassock wasn’t plain, it had a red trim with red buttons. Not to mention, the crucifix Lucifer boldly wore around his neck.
“Hello there, did I scare you, dear?” He asked, tilting his head up. “I simply overheard your conversation.”
“No, you didn’t.” You kept your eyes on Lucifer, taking him in.
“Good. Humans have a tendency to not want to follow directions. A little bit of rebellion is normal.” Lucifer crossed his legs against the wall, keeping his gaze transfixed on you.
You heard Satan lean back in his chair, making it creak. “You’re not wrong, but it’s essential to remember that they will be judged when the time comes.” You turned to look at Satan again. He propped his head up on the table and looked at you with concern etched across his face. “Why not let us relieve you of your sins now, lest it be too late?”
You were feeling nervous again, they play this game too well. You were still silent, trying to not trip over your words.
“It’s obvious that they’re scared of being judged.” Lucifer broke the silence and stepped forward, going toward your chair. You felt his hands grip the back of it and his chest was almost pressed against the back of your head. You felt compelled to glance up at him. “It would be hypocritical of me to judge you, dear. After all, we are not perfect.” His eyes were looking down at you, half-lidded and brimming with lust. “Who’s to say we are as holy as we seem?”
God, he was hot right now. You peeled your gaze away from him, afraid you might break away from the script. They would not initiate everything, with your permission. That’s what the note said. You had to wait, which is basically what it meant. You wonder who decided to egg you on like this? Whose idea.
Suddenly, a chair was pulled beside you and Asmo sat in it, legs crossed, looking at you and smiling. “Forgive me for my intrusion! I could feel their nervousness from the other room. I’ve come to alleviate it.” He sounded his usual cheery self, but still managed to fit the role. His cassock was similar to Satan’s, but he also wore a white sash adorned with etched crosses at the bottom.
Lucifer shifted behind you. “So, do you mind telling us what you’ve done? There’s no need to be ashamed.”
You felt as though they were waiting for you to say it, to say you’ve slept with demons. You tried to suck your nerves back in and speak. “I will.”
Satan looked pleased. “Then, is it true? You’ve bedded with demons?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
Asmo’s smile couldn’t help but stretch wider. “There, that wasn’t that hard was it?” He put a hand on your shoulder.
“No, father it wasn’t.” You felt relieved, guess you could say the introduction was over.
“Now,” Lucifer tapped his fingers, “since you’ve been touched by them, do you still crave their touch?”
Well fuck. Your heart rate went right back up. “Sometimes.” You answered, averting Lucifer’s gaze.
“Are you so ashamed you can’t look at any of us?” Asmo pouted. “It’s alright, demons are known to tempt. To seduce.” He didn’t try to hide the growing arousal in his voice.
“Perhaps they are.” Back to Lucifer. “Do you feel shame because you wish to feel their touch again? Or do you feel… something else?” He was loving every second of this, every word.
You could feel their hunger, it was obvious. Blatant. You were scared to indulge, but you were desperate to feel them. “Something else.” You were too quiet.
Satan crossed his legs. “I don’t think we are making you nervous anymore.”
You could really use some water but you didn’t want to stop the scene.
“I don’t think they are either.” Asmo pushed hair out of your face and his touch gave you goosebumps. “I think I know what you’re feeling. Would you like me to say it?”
More lightning outside. The rain on the roof thundered onto the rooftop and sweeping across the window. You could faintly smell the smoke from the candles strewn across the tables and the torches on the walls. You definitely aren’t nervous anymore and yet here you are trying to ground yourself. Truth be told, you’re excited now.
“They won’t admit it themselves. At least not yet.” Lucifer said, encouraging Asmo. “Say it.”
“You want us.” Asmo’s hand was on your thigh now and he was leaning closer to you.
You slowly turned to him. “I do.”
Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle. “You have no intention of repenting, do you?” His hand drifted to your shoulder.
“I came here, not for repentance, but sanctuary sir.” You answered, feeling his hand slide the fabric of your clothes slowly.
Satan was grinning now. “Well, you’re lucky. We can’t do that anyways.” On cue, his tail and horns emerged and from behind you, you heard Lucifer’s wings flap, accompanied by Asmo’s tail that was now wrapped around your calf. “So, with us like this, would you let us indulge in your need?”
You felt heat between your legs grow and grow and all you wanted to do was pounce on one of them and ride them til you were sated, but that isn’t a choice right now. “Can you?” You say.
Asmo feigns shock. “Can we? We are made for it. So!” His tail rubbed your leg. “Why don’t you tell us what they’ve done to you.”
Man, do you really have to admit that? Out loud? Your mind filled with memories of them touching you, how each of the brothers pleased you. You also wondered when you’d see the rest of them. You’ve seen Satan, Luci, and Asmo plenty.
“Ahhh, shy are we?” Lucifer stroked your cheek from behind. “How can we know what you want, what you like, and what you need without you telling us, hm?” He teased you, feeling so powerful.
“Perhaps you don’t wish to be pleased.” Satan said, letting his usual mischievous demeanor take over. “You were indulging us about confessing your sins, perhaps you crave punishment.”
Lucifer hummed his approval. “Ah, I could see that. Perhaps we need to become holy again for them to admit their sins. Now, tell us, do wish for us to continue?” Lucifer was both in the scene but speaking genuinely, you could tell by his touch.
“Yes.” You answered.
Satan retracted his tail and wings and horns. “Maybe you like feeling dirty. Do you?” He asked you, but didn’t let you answer. “I can tell you do.”
“Yeah, I do.” You breathed out and Asmo squeezed your thigh.
“That’s it. Give in to it.” Asmo whispered, watching every little move you made.
Satan played the good priest too well. He instantly shifted back into the demeanor he had before the demonic reveal. He leaned forward and clasped his hands together, eyebrows feigning concern as he teased you with his words.
“A good child of god confesses their sins, no?” He was pouting, shaking his head. “Should you continue to hold your tongue, I fear your punishment might worsen.”
You clenched your legs together, desperate for any friction. Asmo felt as your other thigh pressed into where his hand held your thigh.
“She seems to be distressed, perhaps they’re so ashamed of their sins they can’t even fathom speaking them aloud.” Lucifer was so close, you felt him leaning over you now as Satan stared from directly across you, you couldn’t help but wonder if they could hear your heartbeat.
Asmo could, for sure. “This is why you don’t mess with demons, sinner.” He couldn’t shield the excitement in his voice. “We w—they’ve touched you. You’re dirty.” Asmo’s breath was on your ear and neck. “Defiled.” His voice was low and dangerous, each syllable rolled off slowly and enough force that each one licked at your neck.
You were unbelievably horny, pushed to a point you didn’t expect to reach with just these three. When the rest join, you don’t even know how you’ll handle it.
“We need to purge the demonic essence from ya.” Fuck, like right on cue, Mammon. “Can’t have a sinner in the church right.” He emerged from what seems to be nowhere and crouched in front of you from your left. “So why don’t you tell us what they did.”
A low rumble came from behind you. “So we can do exactly what they did to you.” As Lucifer spoke, Levi, Beel, and Belphie emerged from different parts of the room. All of them but Satan were in their demon forms and now Satan transformed again to join them.
“You’ve wanted this, right? To get fucked by demons, you like the feeling of being fucked by demon scum?” Levi asked you, now moving in your direction. “It’s alright, you can admit it. You can take more than those three, right?”
“Yeah I can.” You say, your breathing fastening. “I can take you all.” Beel was moving toward you now and Lucifer pulled your chair back so there was more space between you, Mammon, and Satan. Enough room for Beel to situate himself between your legs.
Beel looked up at you. “I’ll start us off.” He parted your legs and dipped himself beneath your dress. You felt his fingers trace over the fabric of your underwear and he rubbed his knuckles against your wetness. You weren’t quite yet soaked but it was moist enough for him to tell. You felt him pull them aside and pin them against your thigh using his hand. He used his other hand to part your labia and he licked along starting from the bottom to the top.
You shivered. You looked around seeing what was next. Suddenly, you could see Lucifer’s horns out in front of you as he leaned forward to kiss your neck. He nipped under your ear before traveling down your collar bone. And on the other side of you, Asmo was doing the same. Mammon, Satan, Belphie, and Levi remained watching for a moment, taking in how you responded to their tongues. Satan looked at you with an unreadable expression, simply taking in how your mouth was parting and every tense and twitch you made. You brushed your legs against Beel’s sides, trying to show your appreciation.
“‘I wonder what’ll happen next?’ Is that what you’re thinking?” Belphie said, standing to the side of Satan.
“They clearly want more.” Mammon teased, still crouching. “Y’all are bein’ too sweet? Ain’t that right? They can be a lot louder than that.” He slid himself forward and onto his knees, beside Beel.
“What are you going to do?” As you asked, Asmo’s hand reached around to cup your breast and rub his thumb against it. Mammon lifted up your dress and spread your legs further. You felt Beel’s head retract and Mammon’s fingers press into you. You gasped as he worked to stretch you.
“There ya go.” He said. Beel’s tongue returned to your clit, leaving Mammon to the bottom half. Mammon worked slowly, curling his fingers against your g-spot, working it at a snails pace. Beel was moving similarly, keeping slow to tease you.
Lucifer was busy leaving your right shoulder covered in marks while Asmo played with your breast, rubbing the nipple slowly and sucking at your neck.
“Did the demons do this?” Satan said, bringing you out of your trance.
“Yes.” You responded, feeling how Lucifer’s tongue slid down your neck.
“What are Beel and Mammon doing to you now? Why don’t you tell me?” Satan asked, keeping his legs crossed to hide his boner.
“Beel’s eating me out slowly and Mammon is fingering me even slower.” You felt Beel move slower as you said that, making you whine.
“Hmph.” Satan replied. “You want them go faster don’t you?” Lucifer reached for your other neglected breast, fondling you oh so carefully. “Do enjoy the feeling of them touching you?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Yes to what?” He wanted you to say it.
“Both what? You can say it. Say what you want.” Satan sounded annoyed, but assertive.
“I want them to move faster. And I like how they touch me.” You were blushing as though you’ve never fucked them before.
“You give in so easily, no fight.” Belphie noted, not trying to hide how his cock was pressing against his pants. “Do you like being obedient?” He asked you. “Obedient to demons?” He was smiling, trying to dig into you.
“I–I do.” Mammon stopped fingering you. Beel’s tongue stopped shortly after.
“I didn’t catch that last part.” Lucifer whispered in your ear. “You need to speak up, Mc.”
“I like being obedient to demons.” It wasn’t hard to say at all but it definitely embarrassed you especially how Satan was grinning in front of you. Couldn’t he move anywhere else?
“Are ya mad we stopped?” Mammon’s head came out from under your dress. “Why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want to cum from yours and Beel’s stimulation.” You said, eyes locked on Mammon who was looking at you with hunger on his face.
“They wanna cum now?” Asmo was getting bored, you could tell. “Wow, aren’t you eager.” He pulled your chin toward his face and kissed you. Your tongues connected and you moaned into his mouth, the intimacy of it overwhelming you. He was excited and eager, practically forcing Lucifer to detach from you and for Beel to come out as well.
Lucifer didn’t show any agitation but based off how he pulled your head to face up toward him after your lips departed from Asmo’s, you could tell this was his way of saying “we share”. His lips connected with yours briefly knowing the angle would hurt you. The feeling of his hand around your throat was good, especially how he gripped the underside of your chain.
“Let’s get you out of that and then we’ll give you your first orgasm, hmm? That sound good?” Lucifer let go of your head and you stood and started to pull the dress over your head. Levi grabbed the dress for you and folded it quickly and put it to the side.
“Just panties and thigh highs?” Levi eyed you. “I kinda like that.”
You felt Lucifer’s hands on your hips from behind as Asmo pulled away the chair you were on. He turned you around to face him and then he lifted you to sit you on the table. You felt the coolness of the table and goosebumps rose on your skin.
“Is it too cold?” Levi asked.
“It’s chilly.” You said and more lightning struck, illuminating the room with white light. This strike made you jump a little. “Shit!”
“I think the fear should’ve warmed you enough.” Satan stood and pushed you back onto the table. “If not, I can fix that for you. Asmo, the sash.” Asmo handed him the sash he wore and Satan looked down at you. “You wish to be obedient Hm?”
“Yeah.” You said.
“Then this will make it easier on you.” He pulled your wrists together and tied them in a knot using the sash. Gently, he raised your arms over your head and Beel spread your legs again.
This time, you could see Beel’s expression as his tongue connected back with your clit. He didn’t bother to hold back now, going as fast as he liked and clutching your thighs with his hands. Your legs were cast over his shoulders, giving him exclusive access to your nethers. You gazed down at him looking how he looked at you like he’d been starving desperate for more of your sweet cunt. If it weren’t for the angle, you’d see his drool mixed with your arousal sweeping down his chin and dripping down his neck. When you rested your head back down you realized a small pillow was there to support your neck and head and that your head hung over the table.
“Thought you needed more comfort.” Belphie was behind you, erection in your face, but still clothed. “This next part will be fun.”
You tried to see where everyone was now. Mammon was still over with Beel and Asmo, while Lucifer and Belphie stood behind you and Satan and Levi watched from the side of the table. Levi stretched forward a traced a hand up your side to feel your goosebumps. “We need to warm them up.”
“I see that.” Satan took to the other side of the table and both of the demons stretched across the table to play with your breasts again.
“Ah!” You gasped, feeling how Levi’s fangs gently grazed your nipple and how Satan’s hand tenderly stroked the other.
“They like that, huh.” You could hear the grin in Mammon’s voice.
Lucifer nodded. “Yes but they need to remember they need to obey before getting their release.” You looked at Lucifer who stroked your hair, sitting in a chair right next to your head. “And what’s the best way to obey, Belphegor?”
Belphie released his cock from his pants, the length almost slapping your face. “By pleasing others.” He tapped the tip against your lips. “Open up.”
You opened wide and let him slide in. It was much easier to take his cock from this position, almost giving perfect access to your throat. Belphie gasped as his balls pressed against your lips.
“Good human.” Lucifer stroked your head. “Focus on his cock. You can’t cum until he’s satisfied.” He was gentle but the words stung, but you aren’t surprised. You did say no overstimulation to them, all of whom have a taste for pushing you.
You tried your hardest to ignore the other three demons that were pleasuring you to prevent yourself from getting to your peak. It was hard, especially with all the sounds coming from Beel as he sucked at your cunt. Or how Satan managed to pinch hard enough to hurt but to also make you moan on Belphie’s cock, who in turn would gasp at the vibration. Poor Mammon, who had to resort to coming to the other side of your head to get any attention.
“You should see how hot you look right now.” He said, touching the bulge in your throat as Belphie thrusted. “You can take cock better than any human. Hell, you might have most demons beat. Wonder how good you’ll take more than one in ya.”
Belphie pulled out for a moment, prompting Lucifer to raise your head up to let the blood run back down.
Mammon kissed your cheek. “Yeah, you can do it.” Belphie was grunting and rubbing your saliva all over his length, desperate to feel your tongue again but not wanting to push you too much. You breathed through your mouth, swallowing your saliva, but unable to wipe your drool.
Mammon stood and situated himself behind you, moving in front of Belphie. “Think you can go back and forth?” You watched as Mammon popped his out now and how it was an angry shade, already dripping precum.
“Yeah.” You answered and Lucifer slowly lowered your head back down. “I’m ready.” You felt Levi’s tease your entrance and your lower half jumped a little.
He giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”
Mammon was ready and Belphie was beside him. You opened your mouth and Belphie pushed in first, gasping. “Mm.” He hummed as he pulled all the way out and pushed back in just about halfway and then pulled all the way back out. Mammon angled himself and slowly slid into your mouth, sharply inhaling.
“Nice and warm.” He pulled out and pressed back in a few times before letting Belphie back into your mouth. They both continued this pattern as Beel was sucking your pussy so hard it’s bound to be sore.
Satan bit into your breast leaving teeth indentations and then biting into your side playfully. You ‘mmpf!’ed onto Mammon’s cock, making him let out a tiny ‘heh’.
“Can’t hear ya with your mouth full. Don’t tell me we gotta teach you manners.” Mammon’s hand on your cheek pinched just slightly.
Lucifer grabbed a handful of your hair to get your attention following Mammon’s comment. “You’re focusing well. Perhaps we should reward you.” He didn’t pull at your hair, but his grip kept you in place. He pushed at his brothers abdomens and used his other hand to put his fingers in your mouth. “Suck.” You were thankful for the little break from dick down your throat and the taste of the leather of his gloves almost soothed your gag reflex, strangely that is. “Now use your teeth and take it off.” You connected with the fabric, carefully avoiding his fingers and pulled, already knowing he’d put forth no effort to help you. It was a struggle but once it was past his wrist, all it took was one big tug.
“Well done.” He removed it from your mouth. “Mammon, hold their head up.” He put the other hand at your mouth, this time making it easier by angling his wrist in front of your teeth so it was also one big tug. “Good.” He took the other glove and put them into his pocket. “Now, Beel, pull them so their head isn’t hanging off.” Mammon lifted your upper body so that you didn’t just get dragged and Belphie pushed the pillow further toward your head.
Mammon was definitely mentally cursing himself for not choosing to fuck your throat first since he was already so ready to cum but it was alright especially for what he got to do next. He leaped up onto the table and raised your lower body so that you were leaning against his stomach and elevated slightly. You were now resting on him, thankful that all the blood could run back down now. Levi raised a glass of water to your mouth and you drank until it was gone. Lucifer was adamant you remained hydrated.
“So, once Beel finishes his meal, we’ll move on to fucking you, hm?” Satan was smiling at you, innocently. “Let’s get you to cum so he can finish eating you up.”
Beel pulled away slightly and allowed Levi to push his tail into your pussy. “Oh fuck.” You said out loud as his tail pressed into you. Levi watched you close your eyes and scrunch them together as the circumference increased.
“Does it hurt?” He asked.
“I’m gonna stretch you slower.” You could feel his tail curl as it neared your cervix so that he didn’t hurt you. “How’s that?”
“That’s good.” You opened your eyes and saw how Beel breathed heavy, eyes fixated on how wet you were. You grew hot at the sight of the droll and arousal coating his chin and even his nose. His forehead too? “You’re such a messy eater.” You told Beel and his eyes snapped to you.
“I’m not full yet.” He kept eye contact as he lowered back to your clit and started to suck.
Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie chuckled at your whines, making you even hotter. Levi was biting his lip. “They’re so sensitive. You should feel how tight they are.” Levi moved the tip of his tail, swirling it around inside. Mammon took the opportunity to clench and tug at your tits, playing with your nipples careful not to press into your marks.
You were so close from Beel’s tongue earlier so it only took seconds to have you nearing your peak. You pushed into Beel slightly and stretched, pressing your back against Mammon. Beel continued to eat to his hearts content, unbothered by you nearly suffocating him with your pussy. If anything, he loved your want for him.
“Beel, it feels so good.” You told him as your heels dig into his back. His knees were hurting but he powered through it as you bucked into him.
Mammon playfully smacked your breast. “Just gonna ignore me huh?”
“Sorry Mammon.” You whined, your right tit stinging a bit now.
“Awww, that’s alright. Did I hurt ya?” He said, rubbing the spot. “You’ll feel nice and good soon, don’t worry.”
Levi didn’t want to disturb the rhythm, so he tried to press into your g-spot retracting his tail just enough for his own comfort. “That feel good, Mc?”
“Yeah.” You tugged against your handcuffs, wanting to pull at Beel’s hair, as you neared your peak.
Levi could feel how you clenched around him, knowing how close you were. “You’re gonna cum soon, you better ask nicely.”
“Can I cum please? Please?” You begged a little bit out of habit.
Mammon rubbed your cheek. “It’s safe to say it’s unanimous, darlin’, you can cum. Cum on Levi’s tail, get it nice and slick.”
“Yes!” You gasped and your mouth went agape as you came. Your breaths were sparse and fast as you rode out your orgasm. You felt Beel pull away, wiping his mouth. Levi slowly retracted his tail and swiped his fingers across it and slid them into his mouth to taste you.
The brothers smiled down at you, watching your face as you caught your breath. Lucifer spoke. “Color.”
You were confused and then you understood. “Green.” Mammon slowly slid back, laying you on the table alone.
“Sit up.” Satan told you and you followed. “Get off the table.” You slid forward and pulled up your thigh highs that had travelled down. “Now turn around and bend over it, hands out in front of you.”
It didn’t take long for you to realize who was about to lead this next part and what this next part was going to be. With Lucifer and Satan standing on either side of you, your head was facing what should’ve been the wall, but instead you had the other 5 either sitting or standing so they could see your face. Beel was sat next to Belphie and at the head, Asmo sat.
“Satan and I are going to ask you a few questions, alright?” Lucifer was already rubbing at the flesh of your ass, a gentle massage preparing you for the sting of his hand that approached. “So, would you like to start?”
Satan hummed. “Yes, I will.” He ran his finger tips across the flesh instead, almost tickling you. “So, Mc, tell us how long you’ve had this fantasy.”
You thought for a moment. “A while, I guess. I can’t answer you confidently.”
“Hm, that’s alright.” Satan sounded pleased.
Lucifer picked up the next one. “Have you always known you’ve wanted to get filled with demon cock?”
“Not always, but for a long time.” The question made you smile, amused by his wording, and that he said that.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked.
“That’s a funny question coming from you.” To be fair, you weren’t the only one amused, Belphie and Satan enjoyed the Lucifer bullying.
“Should you be laughing at the demon with their hand next to your bare ass?” Lucifer asked you.
“I suppose not.” You were honest and you could tell by Mammon’s face that Lucifer was preparing to land a harsh one.
Smack! Wait… that was Satan.
“Lucifer, I was supposed to ask the next question not you.” He sounded aggravated.
“So you punish them instead of me… seems I raised you well.” Now Lucifer’s hand planted itself onto your ass. His smack made you jump and then laugh a little. “To be fair, you get to ask two questions next.” Your laughter was contagious, most likely because Satan and Lucifer were passive aggressively eyeballing each other.
“Stop laughing, Mc.”
“I’m trying.” You responded and Satan smacked again.
“It’s a yes or a no. Haven’t you learned that by now?”
You tried to bite back a smile. “Yes sir I have.” None of the brothers wanted to snitch on you even though you were still smiling.
“Great I just wasted a question because you laughed. I need to punish you again.” He spanked again, this time much harder than before, causing you to clench your eyes shut. “So, next question. And I’m not afraid of the repercussions.” God, you could hear the smug on his face. “Who do you think can spank you better, me or Lucifer?”
Asmo wiggled next to you. “Be careful who you say. Who’s wrath would be worse?”
“Ironic choice of words, Asmo.” Lucifer mumbled.
You waited to answer, biting your lips still. Lucifer wasn’t too keen to wait. “You need to answer.”
“I think… that… right now—“ you tried to emphasize “Lucifer’s stings are worse.” You tip-toed around the question and both hands went down simultaneously. You yelped and looked to Beel who almost looked concerned.
“You can’t seem to answer correctly.” Lucifer chuckled. “So, did that sting worse than Satan’s?”
Satan leaned down to whisper. “Remember, you can always use yellow and tell him to leave.”
You started to grin again. “I’m not doing that.”
“Well, since you asked your question. I’ll ask mine. So, Mc, how many orgasms do you expect to have before our little scene is over?”
Damn, that is a good question. You decided to start small. “At least three.”
Lucifer’s hand didn’t swing down. “Hm… a little weak… but I suppose you will be taking all of us.”
Satan scoffed. “You didn’t ask about their maximum. So, Mc? What’s your maximum?”
You knew to stay low, considering your own strength and nymphomaniacs in the room. “I guess 5.”
Lucifer was much more pleased. “I like 5. Now. Who would you like to fuck you first?”
Why must you pick favorites??? Lucifer and Satan must be trying to stir up trouble. But, the kindness in your heart made you answer. “Belphie. He was so close earlier, and I stopped. It’s only fair.”
Belphie leaned forward, grinning at you. “Aren’t you sweet.”
Satan returned to the attention to him. “Alright then, choose who you want to answer this next question for you.”
“What’s the question?” You asked.
“If we tell you, we choose instead of you.” Lucifer answered for Satan.
You had a feeling it either had to do with how you cum next or the spanks. “Then I’ll choose…” But you can take a lot of pain and you can take a lot of pleasure. “Asmo.”
He got a burst of energy. “Yay!”
“So Asmo, how many more spanking should they take and how should Lucifer and I administer them?” Satan was eager. Very eager to hear his answer.”
“I think there needs to fairness. Each cheek deserves the same amount and I think you two should try to go at the same time. I think we shouldn’t be too mean but not too nice. They’ve felt your lashes before and they know they can take it. Let’s say 20 on each cheek.”
Lucifer looked proud and Satan looked to his elder brother. “Hmm, I like that. Do you?”
“Yes, and it’s only appropriate that Asmodeus counts us off and I think that Mc should count for us.”
Asmo leaned over the table so that his face direly in front of yours. “Think you can take it?”
“Yeah. I want to.” You said.
Asmo held your face. “3…2…1!”
Smack! “1!” They both started softer, but the double impact was enough to shock you. Then again. “2!” They kept going and once you were at “10!” their spankings were bordering on fiery. Asmo stroked you through the pain and he kissed your nose. “14! 15!” You could feel your eyes watering. “16! 17!” You were so close to the end, but you still had three more. And they were only getting harder. “18!” That one had you jumping. “19!” You saw Mammon flinch, but your ass was fully prepped for it.
“Last one.” Lucifer said.
“You’ve been so good, one more.” Satan encouraged you. A few seconds passed and you could hear the air sweep around their hands as they came down.
And fuck…. It hurt. It hurt good. “20!” A single tear went down your face and Asmo wiped it away. You were thankful it was over but you also craved a little bit more, you wouldn’t dare tell the sadists behind you that.
“My hand is stinging a good bit. Perhaps this is why most prefer toys.” Satan noted, tenderly rubbing away the pain along with Lucifer who was admiring the redness of his palm.
“Skin to skin can’t be beat, in my opinion. It’s very intimate.”
“Color?” Satan asked.
“Green, but let me breathe a little bit.”
“Of course.” Satan reaffirmed. “We want this to be special for you, love.” Gently, Satan turned you on your back and the cool of the table soothed the burn on your ass. You could see the redness of their hands, realizing their hands must be hurting too.
Belphie rounded the corner, pumping himself. “You ready? I can’t wait.” He grabbed your hips and stood between your legs. You wrapped them around his waist and nodded.
“Go ahead.”
Belphie pushed in and sighed. “You’re so wet.” He savored the feeling before beginning to thrust. He filled you up nice and whole, thrusting at a pace that wasn’t too slow or too fast.
Asmo swept around and started to play with your clit, watching how you whined and moaned. “So naughty. Who’d think someone a sweet as you could be this dirty?” He admired your face, loving how you started to unravel.
“They’re a slut for some demons, why are you surprised?” Mammon said from behind you. “You could tell from the beginning, couldn’t ya?”
“Of course, but I like to see how she reacts when you tell them how nasty they are.” Asmo responded, diligently teasing your clit.
“Should’ve felt how Mc gripped around me when you called them a slut.” Belphie huffed out, moving faster as he neared his peak.
“A little bit of degradation and some praise and Mc is ready to cum again, I bet.” Levi hovered over your face, smiling. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” He leaned down to kiss you.
“Mc, should I cum inside you or would you rather be cummed on?” Belphie asked, fucking harder.
You broke the kiss. “Cum inside me.” You answered.
“Ask me nicely.” He tried to fight the urge to cum.
“Please cum inside me, Belphie. I wanna cum too.” You whined, feeling your next high approaching.
Belphie, with a groan, came hard. He pressed his cock into you as hard as possible, wanting to not let any drip out. You felt his cum against your inner walls, feeling a new warmth as he released.
“Mm, thank you.” You said and Asmo retracted his fingers temporarily.
“I think you need to take another cock before you get to cum. Now, who do you want to take next?”
You weren’t given the option to choose because the second Belphie left from between your legs, Mammon was pressing into you.
“Me.” He said. “I can’t stand watchin’ anymore. I need to feel your pretty pussy now, darlin’. I wanna make ya cum.” Mammon was sincere in his words but what was the most arousing was the way he pressed down on your abdomen as he filled you to the best of his ability. “Let’s see ya come undone. And once I’m done we’ll get you in a new position.”
“Yes sir.” You curled your toes as Asmo’s fingers returned to your clit playing with it delicately.
Mammon thrusted wildly, taking no time to build up, just wanting to cum in you. “You like getting fucked by a demon, don’t you? You like how this demon dick stretches you, huh?” Mammon would pull your hair if he could but that wasn’t an option so instead, he leaned down and propped himself up on his arms. “Tell Mammon what you like.”
“I love getting fucked by your demon dick.” You told him, legs shaking as Asmo increased his pace. “It’s so good.”
“Aw, atta human.” He kissed you and tangled your tongue with yours messily. When he pulled back, spit dribbled down your lip. “You can make such a fuckin’ mess. Just like when you had those cocks in your mouth earlier.” He was struggling to breathe through his words. “I like seeing your—ngh!”
You squeezed around him spastically, unable to hold back as you reached your second orgasm. “I’m gonna—“
“Cum as I fuck you. Milk my cock, make me cum inside you.”
His words were like a key. “I’m cumming!” You shouted and threw back your head. Asmo giggled and didn’t relent as Mammon prepared to finish inside you as well.
“Fuck, good, good! Oh it’s so good.” He bit into your shoulder and moaned your name. “I’m gonna cum in your fucking pussy.” As you finally finished spasming Mammon came inside you. Now a second demon has released all he could into you. As he pulled back and his cock pulled out, his seed dripped onto the edge of the table. Mammon grinned and wiped it onto his fingers and then placed them into your open mouth. You willingly licked them clean and leaned up as Lucifer brought you more water.
“Color?” Lucifer wiped the sweat from your forehead.
“Who’s next?”
“I’ll take Levi and Asmo.” You said, making Asmo light up and Levi almost stumble.
Lucifer raised a brow. “Then I’ll let them have you.”
Asmo was already prepared for what was next. “Let me guess… double penetration? Let me cum down your throat while Levi fucks you?”
Levi got ready to position you. “I know exactly how to do this most efficiently.” He had you on your side so that your body was on the edge of the table, front facing the two demons. Levi lifted up your leg and propped it up using your arm. Asmo finally let himself free and you could tell he was almost at his limit of waiting.
“Tell us when you’re ready, sweetie.” Asmo said, gently stroking your head.
“I want it.” Asmo’s gentle touch transformed as he grabbed your hair and pushed past your parted lips. Levi started to thrust and both of the demons were not shy with their noises. Asmo moaned happily, praising you over and over while Levi could barely get a word out.
This was a good reminder for you to never be embarrassed to be noisy, you’ll never match the volume as those two inside you. Asmo managed to fuck your throat without gagging you in the slightest while Levi fucked hard enough to hurt but so amazingly.
Beel, Lucifer, and Satan both watched as your ass jiggled with their movements and if it weren’t for Beel’s self control, he’d think it’s jello and probably try to take a bite. Lucifer tried to pretend he wasn’t painfully pressing against the fabric of his costume and that the heat of it was getting to him. Or maybe it was his arousal. On the other hand, Satan was shamelessly teasing himself, likely trying to hold back. Beel knew he was next based off your suggestions and he was already playing with himself, ready to fuck you into the table. Hell, once it comes to them, Levi might have already broke it.
“Mc!” Levi raised his knee up onto the table to give himself more leverage. “I wanna cum on you.”
You heard him and looked to his face. You’ve never seen him so red and it was fucking hot. He was sweating and his tail was shaking at the tip. Levi was going to cum soon. Your pussy was aching especially as his cock almost hit your cervix and you haven’t even been fucked by the biggest one of them yet. Asmo had plenty of stamina from his years of excessive sex, but watching how you unraveled from his touch earlier kept on sweeping across his mind. It was fucking insane, honestly, how fast you made him reach his peak.
Levi was actually about to cum though. He pulled out just in time and came all over your stomach. Despite the ache, you wanted more cock and you still had at least one fucking orgasm to go. And if Lucifer gets his way, you have three. Levi clenched his eyes shut and sat back in the chair, winded from him almost violent thrusts. “Fuck Mc. You have the greatest pussy ever.” Levi wiped the sweat from his face and smiled at you.
Asmo wasn’t having how you stopped focusing on him. “Look at me, Mc. Whose cock is in your mouth?” He sounded almost angry. “It’s mine, isn’t it? Nod.”
You nod.
He smiles again. “Good, now swallow it like a good little human. Take it like you’re in love with it.” He thrusted a few more times and came in your mouth. It was much sweeter than regular cum, likely a pro of being the avatar of lust. Demon cum in general tasted much better. “Ahhhh… that’s right. You love demon cum, don’t you?” He patted your face.
You nodded. “Yeah I do.”
“Okay well I’m gonna go with the others and get cleaned up. Once we are all back, we’ll take care of you. But remember, you still have to take Beel and the two sadists.” Asmo reminded you.
Beel came over and stood in front of you. “Mc, I’m gonna fuck your throat next.”
You looked anxious, but you willing opened up.
“I want you on your knees instead.”
Lucifer and Satan couldn’t help but chime in. “They’re excited, don’t disappoint them.” Lucifer said.
Satan agreed. “Perhaps they’ve been waiting for it.” Satan nudged Lucifer and said something to him you couldn’t hear.
Beel undid your binding and helped you to your knees. He used the pillow from earlier and placed them under your knees. “That good?”
“Yes sir.” You reached for his cock, now given full permission to touch him. Beel was big, larger than most, still not the largest in the Devildom (cough cough diavolo cough cough) but large enough to intimidate you. Beel knew you could only take him so much but to see you try made him throb. It was the hottest thing in the world.
“Let’s see if you can fit more than usual.” He suggested, leaning back as you took the tip into your mouth. “Think you can get to the base tonight?”
You tried, slowly moving back and forth, taking in just a little more as you went further down. It really wasn’t the length that was the struggle, it was the pain in your jaw with the thickness. The further back it went, the more it would hurt.
“You’re doing good.” Beel was getting breathy. “You can go slow. I’ve been ready to cum since you first came. You tasted like… better than heaven.” You felt your pussy throb as he sang his praises and when he grunted, fuck it was over with. You took him as far down as you could and somehow managed to get to the balls. “Fuck! Mc!” He kept his hand on the back of your head. “Keep just like that.” He held you at the base. The lack of movement was almost enough to make you gag but he let you release his cock from your mouth before you did.
“Beel, I can keep going.”
“No, let me cum on your tongue, just keep playing with your pussy and open your mouth.” Beel told you.
You didn’t even notice that you were playing with your clit. “Okay.” You parted your lips and stuck out your tongue. He stroked himself hard and fast, much faster than you could suck him off but you knew that was the purpose. He wanted to give you something to work toward. And it was… “I want you to be trained to take it just like this.” Yeah, it’s fucking hot.
You didn’t stop touching your clit and you thought you might cum before Beel especially as you could tell Lucifer and Satan were plotting your fucking. Beel didn’t care. He just wanted to see his cum on your tongue. He wants you to taste him just as he tasted you.
“I’m gonna cum, Beel.” You said and that’s all he needed. Suddenly, your tongue was met with the salty taste of his cum.
“Oh—yeah, that’s good. Fuck.” You came as he finished cumming and you swallowed through the waves of your orgasm. You were pretty sure you were bound for 2 more orgasms now, especially how the two remaining walked over to you, cocks out and dripping.
Beel wiped your lips and raised up from the chair. But then he leaned right back down to kiss your forehead, making you smile a little. He left to join the aftercare prep crew and then now it was just the three of you.
“So.” Satan eyed your slicked up fingers. “You were so desperate that you made yourself cum?” He grabbed your wrist and helped pull you up.
“Yeah, I didn’t even notice I started to touch myself.” You admitted. “I really was desperate.”
“I enjoy an honest submissive.” Lucifer took your fingers into his mouth.
Satan sat on the table and patted his lap. “Sit on my cock. I’m going to make you work for your next orgasm since you’re so eager to.” Lucifer sat in a chair and patted your ass encouraging you to go.
“And while you’re riding him. I’m going to tell you a few things.” Lucifer looked evil right now, but you didn’t have time to admire him especially as you sunk onto Satan’s weeping cock.
“You’re gonna hear what he says too. You’re gonna listen.” Satan leaned back onto the table and put his arms behind his head. “Now ride.”
You were exhausted but with how he was looking at you, you knew you could go for more. You moved roughly, slapping your ass down and panting.
Lucifer cleared his throat. “Mc, you’ve been a very good human tonight, even with all the overwhelming pleasure we’ve provided and the bit of pain from earlier.” You tried to listen and focus on the pleasure at the same time. “We’ve also learned of your demon kink or rather confirmed it. I hope you know that will be something for us to both enjoy, after all, a pathetic human is a beautiful sight for me.”
Satan kept his composure as you rode him, trying to keep himself under control.
“So, to satisfy me and Satan, I want you to beg for us, beg for these demons to make you cum. And don’t just say please. Beg earnestly. And don’t stop riding him.”
You heard his command loud and clear, with the oxytocin running wildly, you knew exactly how to beg. “I need you to make me cum. Fuck me with your demon cocks and fuck me hard, I wanna be a demon fucktoy. Fill me til I go dumb from it.” You hoped that was to Lucifer’s liking. Knowing him, he already had something planned for later for when you’re in private.
“You need it huh?” Lucifer was so ready to have you to himself. “Let me see you cum on his cock and then maybe I’ll take you up on it.”
Satan was enthralled with how your body moved on top of him to the point that he didn’t give two fucks what Lucifer was saying. Lucifer could be calling him garbage and all he could think about was the way you moaned and cried out as you fucked yourself on him.
“Satan, please let me cum.”
“Go ahead. Let me see how tight you can get.” He said and smacked your ass once more. “Then I’ll cum inside of you.” Satan was trembling with how hard he held back. He’s a gentleman, you get to cum first.
“Yes!” You shouted and ground your clit against him as you shook and if it weren’t for Satan holding you up, you would’ve fallen over. Satan was so ready to cum but he waited for you to calm down.
“Can I fuck into you?” He asked, begging silently you’d nod or anything.
He didn’t hesitate, he instantly lifted your hips enough and used his core to fuck upwards. You weren’t overstimulated luckily, but it was enough to make you see stars. It only took a minute of thrusting before he cried out and released into you, adding to Belphie’s and Mammon’s cum. You thanked every Devildom doctor in your head for their contraceptives.
You pulled off of Satan and watched as he lifted up and kissed your shoulder. “I’ll see you in a little bit, love.”
And then there was the most depraved of them left. Lucifer instantly pinned you down to the table. “Color? I can still stop.”
“Green. Finish me.” You touched his hand on your shoulder.
“I won’t be gentle, I regret choosing to go last. I wish I could’ve had you all to myself for this fantasy. Though it’s been lost at this rate, the holiness wasn’t the appeal was it?” Lucifer raised himself so that both his knees were on the table. “It’s the corruption.” He was grinning and ready. He lifted your legs up and cast them over his shoulders. “It’s getting to really understand the feeling of have a demon ruin you. To see you overcome that shyness, the embarrassment. You wished for us to fuck all the innocence out of you.” Then he leaned down and raised your hips to balance on his thighs. “You wanted me to go last and I knew that’s what you needed.” And now you were in a perfect mating press. “You needed me to make sure you became the perfect demon fucktoy.” He chuckled a bit and slowly slid into you. “Those were your words. While I enjoy a demon’s toy, for you to demean yourself to be exclusively for a fuck, I see much more value in you. I understand what you meant, though, you wanted to be fucked like a toy. And that’s what I’ll do. And you’ll cum with me. So col—“
“Green.” He couldn’t even finish. There were no ifs, ands, or buts. “Finish me.”
Lucifer was rough. He fucked hard and fast, animalistically. You immediately started moaning, he had everything perfectly arranged. This whole fantasy wasn’t yours, it was his, all of theirs. To see you completely lose it. You were lost indeed.
“Good. That’s it. Keep moaning like that. Let me see you get fucked nice and dumb.” Lucifer’s wings wrapped around you both and only the occasional lightning outside provided any light. Each blast of white made his eyes glow as he stared down at you, fuck, Lucifer was gorgeous.
“Lucifer! Fuck! You feel so good!” You knew the others could hear especially how the table creaked under you and how Lucifer wasn’t afraid to grunt or moan either. Lucifer’s thrusts were wet and messy, especially as you felt how your arousal was running down your asscheeks. “Lucifer!”
“Mc! Tell me what you want.”
“Lucifer, I want you to make me cum, I need it please, just one more.” You tangled your hands in his hair, fingers tracing his horns. “I’m begging, please!! It’s all I need.”
“I love hearing that. When I tell you to cum, you’ll cum.” Lucifer kissed you. “You need to fight it. The harder you fight, the better the release will be.”
You didn’t respond, instead you cried out as you held back. His words didn’t make it any better, it only made it harder. “Please cum, Lucifer!”
Lucifer watched as you almost began to cry from the overwhelming pressure. “Just a little more. Beg me again.”
“Please! Cum inside me! I can’t take it anymore. I need it so so so bad!” You held onto him for dear life.
“Yes, Mc! Cum for me! I’m—ah—AH!” Lucifer came and you saw stars as you came for the 5th and final time of the night. You could pass out, to be honest. Especially after how Lucifer fucked the god out of you.
After Lucifer came, the illusion surrounding you faded with the candles, torches, and the extra old appearance. The door opened and Beel came in. Lucifer pulled off of you and used a rag Beel gave him to clean himself off. Following Beel came Asmo who immediately tended to the cum covering your stomach, pussy, and the table. Beel helped lift you and you wrapped around him. He carried you to the shower and sat you on the toilet.
Mammon entered with Belphie. “Big ass bathroom. Are you okay, Mc?” He asked, checking the temperature of the water. “Can you even stand to shower?” He looked at you, concern in his eyes. “Ya look wiped the fuck out.”
“I can stand.” You rose up and all three panicked like you were gonna fall even though you stood completely stable. “Thank you for the pampering. I can bathe on my own.” You giggled and hopped in, leaving the boys for the rest of the work.
Once you were cleaned and you attempted to wipe the cum out, instantly regretting letting 4 of them cum inside you, you exited the bathroom where Asmo awaited to help get you dressed. “You okay, hon? Just put on underwear and a shirt for now, I’ll try to alleviate the sting on your butt.”
Asmo massaged cream onto your ass while Mammon helped to lotion you up all over. “I’ve gotcha.” Mammon was almost as precise as Asmo. By the time they were done, Beel had returned to cradle you and bring you to your bedroom.
You were laid down and soon after, the rest of the brothers entered. Lucifer was the first to speak. “Was it too much at all?”
You shook your head. “Somewhat unexpected, but not too much.”
Asmo plopped down beside you and handed you a cupcake. “Here!”
“Water first.” Lucifer said sternly making Asmo pout. You laughed and took the bottle from Lucifer. “Oh… I was going to help you.” He said.
“It’s alright. Are all of you okay?” You asked.
“I was really worried they were gonna slap your ass off.” Beel said.
Mammon looked relieved. “When Asmo said 20 i about fell over!” You couldn’t help but laugh again.
Satan looked offended. “We aren’t that mean.”
“I was worried Mc was gonna tap out after I finished.” Levi said. “You looked exhausted.”
“Thought I looked hot?” You teased.
“Well! You did! But very tired too!” Levi sat beside you and laid on the bed. “But I’m fine I already feel better.”
“Have you decided who to cuddle with now that you’re done?” Belphie asked, not waiting for an answer and laying on top of you.
“I figured you’d all find a way to lay with me. Good thing it’s cold outside.” You said.
“So…” Mammon wondered aloud. “Guess we need to get a spot while we can.”
Lucifer had already moved between everyone and was right up against your side, making Levi, Belphie, and himself the closest demons to you. Everyone looked shocked at his eagerness. Satan looked pissed. But that’s besides the point. Everyone also looked exhausted and the second everyone went silent, you immediately closed your eyes and was out faster than you’ve ever fallen asleep. You couldn’t help but dream about Satan and Lucifer arguing about how to do the impact play part from when Satan was on the phone with Lucifer earlier today. You couldn’t wait to tell them about when you got up.
Note: Jesus ducking Christ don’t write orgies with plot when you have a job and are also a full time college student omfg oh fuckkkk anywho hope you enjoyed if you got this far. I love comments and strange reblog hashtags they make my day. Thank you for your patience again!!!!!!!!
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manofbeskar · 25 days
Okay, I am interested in your Dracule Uta posts now. (She's just so cute and I just know he embroidered that flower on her onesie!!) I need to know more!!
I don't have too much details yet but this is what I have for now:
While Shanks finds her in a treasure chest after raiding another crew, Mihawk instead finds her after killing some marines and discovering her on their ship, eating a devil fruit. He figures the Marines probably don't have good intentions for her so he takes her with him.
For the first few days/weeks, he tries to find another home for her. He thinks his life as a marine hunter and lone pirate is too dangerous to care for an infant. A bit of a Buddy Daddies thing in that way, that he's too dangerous to be around and frankly doesn't want the responsibility.
When he finds out which devil fruit she ate (still the Sing-Sing fruit), he realises he can't risk her falling into the hands of someone more corrupt who can manipulate her powers. He decides to go all in and try his best to raise her properly.
He goes to Shanks for help. He himself never had good parents, but he knows Shanks had a good relationship with Roger and his crew also has older men who may have advice to offer. He gets closer to the RHP this way, learning from them how to best care for a baby.
Shanks grows close to Uta. He likes that her hair makes her look like his and Mihawk's baby. He also treats her like she is their kid, always accidentally calls himself her father. Uta also thinks of him like that. Similar to Buddy Daddies again, Mihawk and Shanks both acknowledge they have parental roles in her life but, at this point in time, don't view themselves as romantic co-parents.
(Of course, they have feelings for each other but Mihawk is oblivious to his feelings and Shanks is secretly crushing hard. He loves how good Mihawk is with the kid and how hard he's trying)
Shanks likes to bribe Uta with sweets to talk him up to Mihawk. Always backfires on him because she's way too frank about it (learned that from Mihawk). She'll just say shit like, "Mihawk, Shanks told me he wants to kiss you!" and it embarrasses Shanks every time.
Uta loves being carried by Mihawk. He carries and controls Yoru so easily. Even teen Uta is practically weightless in his arms. It reminds her of when he first found her and rocked her in his arms as they rode his boat back to his home.
Uta sees Mihawk and Shanks's feelings for each other grow over the years until on her 12th birthday she told them to get a grip and go out already. They went out and have been together ever since.
Mihawk and Shanks figured out a co-parenting arrangement a few years before Shanks docked at Windmill Village. Mihawk thinks it will be good for Uta to go sailing with Shanks every once in a while as his experiences sailing with him have always ended with fun stories and meeting new people.
Mihawk wants Uta to get out there and appreciate the world's vastness. He often takes her sailing (if she isn't sailing with Shanks) and shows her all his favourite spots. Sometimes Shanks comes along and tells her stories of "that time me and Mihawk came here ourselves and this really cool thing happened"
Mihawk let Shanks take Uta for longer than before when he docked at Windmill Village as he wanted Uta to make long-term friends that weren't twice her age like himself and the RHP, so she still meets Luffy. While he is a loner, he wants Uta to experience everything and meet people from all walks of life so she can figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Mihawk trained her to be a strong swordswoman since young. She's very skilled with the blade but told him she wanted to be a singer. Mihawk supports her preference and is happy to listen to all her new songs. As he strived to be the greatest swordsman when he was young, he now wants to help Uta become the greatest musician. He tunes in for every broadcast she does and makes sure the RHP catches them too. Uta still cares a lot about her swordsmanship and practices it often to stay sharp.
She carried a bamboo sword as a kid, then got Shanks's old one with the red hilt as a hand-me-down when she was 15. For her 18th birthday, Mihawk had a Yoru-inspired blade crafted for her. She named it "Musica". It looks similar to Yoru but the orbs are red and heart-shaped, the blade isn't black, and it's shorter.
She lives at Kuraigana with Mihawk but splits her time between there and wherever Shanks is. When Perona moved in, they became close friends. Perona loves hearing about her Mihawk stories. She also regularly duels with Zoro when he moves in, insists he doesn't stand a chance against Mihawk if he can't even beat his first student.
Uta's favourite colour is teal because it's the colour Yoru's blade shines.
Her eyes have rings as Mihawk also taught her powerful observation haki (I don't know if the rings are directly relevant to that but I like how the rings look on her)
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survivalove · 3 months
one example of atla fans’ media illiteracy is that they don’t understand the past avatars’ advice was written in a way that’s so vague that aang literally does everything they told him to do.
i see so many takes being like aang just ignored his past lives or even yangchen would’ve blah blah and i’m like. how did you miss the point that badly???
so i’m gonna point out all the ways the writers wrote around what the previous avatars said so that aang actually does what they all advised:
starting with the most obvious point: none of them actually tell him to end ozai.
kyoshi: “only justice will bring peace.”
aang? takes away ozai’s bending so the fool rots in a prison cell for the rest of his life.
the world? at peace.
kuruk: “aang, you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world.”
aang? makes his own choice against what everyone tells him to do and literally ends a war that was going on for centuries.
the world? destiny changed!
yangchen (because for some reason you all don’t get this one and it’s just never been clearer to me lmao): “selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs, and do whatever it takes to protect the world.”
so let’s point out some key words:
selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs, and do whatever it takes to protect the world.
and let’s go back to aang taking ozai’s bending away, but before that, when he says this right before even meeting the lion turtle.
aang: “I guess I don't have a choice, Momo. I have to kill the Fire Lord.” - Selfless duty
see even just like you guys, aang didn’t catch the signs, but that’s okay! cuz shortly after this the lion turtle starts to move and makes itself known to aang, and reward him for sticking to his faith.
now, let’s look at what the lion turtle was actually saying and how this aligns with yangchen’s advice:
lion turtle: “To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable or you will be corrupted and destroyed.” - is the willingness to Sacrifice his literal Spirit sinking in yet??
if not, here’s what was actually happening while he said that:
[As he speaks, Ozai's energy begins to make its way to Aang's body, consuming the blue and replacing it with red energy. Cut to a view above Aang looking down at his face as the energy reaches his face and continues to cover the beams shining out his mouth and eyes. Cut to a side-view as the red light begins to take control and the blue light diminishes. Cut to close-up of Aang as the red energy has taken over almost completely with just one eye left...]
WHATEVER IT TAKES?? literally? like hello
i feel like because this is a kid’s show and that it was obviously gonna have a happy ending, that people take for granted what aang did and what he was willing to do.
he put his literal spirit on the line to end the war, and this was after he was running trying to spare ozai for an hour.
and then you say you wanted him to end him. and sure yeah, let’s pretend that doesn’t go against the whole show and would’ve ruined his entire arc for a seeeecond, how exactly is that supposed to be more satisfying or end any differently to what we got? aang would’ve still been hit with the rock ex machina. ozai would be dead sure but the climax would be a lot less visually appealing, and everyone in the world would STILL be at peace except for…. oh right. AANG.
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bluheaven-adw · 1 year
It's here!!!!!!! I hope this was worth the wait :)
Images and information on a DTIYS below the jump!
This first bit of this might be familiar as it's been posted before. New stuff added at end!
Dark Excalibur Au
Everything happens exactly the same up to then very end of Wizards. The only difference being Jim is able to pull Excalibur then, on his own, making him Nimue's champion. Nimue grants him his crown and restores the trollhunter amulet to him. (Sorry Douxie and Krel, you'll get your time to shine later).. this is when Excalibur's aesthetic changes.
While Jim is 100% human now, he's not without after effects from being a troll. Not much physically (a bit stronger and faster), but personality wise... he's a bit more feral, confident, not really any trace of his former anxieties (except when it comes to Claire). He's not without fear (we don't need gritshaka Jim here...) but has mastery over it. Sometimes he can get a bit more... chaotic and temperamental... than before, but despite that, he's still Jim to his core. Despite all that he's been through, he's still ultimately kind, pure of heart, always tries to do the right thing, fiercely protective of those he loves.... as Blinky put it, a man of honor, courage and valor.
He's stopped fighting his destiny and stepped into it fully instead.
To quote Sakon...
Jim's problem has always been that he cares too much, and the anger inside him burns against the injustice of the world. It's Jim against the world, and the world /will move.
He still has way to much in the self sacrificial department…... but usually remembers that he has a team... literally the roundtable... a wizard, a sorceress... and a literal goddess….. backing him up.
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You'll notice the blade is whole, not just repaired. Nimue, who for obvious reasons, is not a fan of merlin or arthur... originally only repaired Excalibur's blade instead of healing it. The fractures remained as a check on its power.. kind of like a short circuit. Jim gets no such hobbling. He's entrusted with Excalibur's full power. And if Sakon will allow me to borrow again, his check is in the gem in his crown, but it's only temporary as he learns to control Excalibur's power, and his newfound station and abilities... just a bit of a reminder, but one he rarely, if ever, needs.
There is no incantation on the amulet. It's not needed anymore. All Jim needs to do is think it, and it's there. Excalibur is not tied to the amulet like Daylight was. He can use it without the armor, or dematerialize it if wanted. The armor has two forms, much like Daylight and Eclipse, the 2nd is only a thought away. Normally a steely blue grey, it can shift to black, and if Jim really leans into the power of Excalibur then the whole thing, from crown to blade, turns pitch and lights up. There's so much magic running through him from the sword that his eyes glow with it.
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Someone on IG asked if the Dark/Feral bits denoted corruption or Jim gone rogue. The Dark just denotes the color change for Excalibur. No corruption! It's just rockin the black instead of gold. As for feral.... in the sense that he's a tad more aggressive, more willing to finish the fight so to speak. He's got a little wildness, a little otherworldly magic, to him (not in the sense that he's a wizard, just that he's got the magic of Excalibur and being goddess touched).
Now, for the DTIYS!
Rules are
Draw it in your style!
Please no tracing, I want to see what you come up with
Use #DarkExcaliburDTIYS when you post!
Tag me and I will share
Please out a copy of my original art in your post
This will run until June 1
I will pick my top 3 across all platforms
There will be prizes, I just have no clue what lol.
I will link a folder filled with references for you to use! From the armor, to color keys (whenever tumblr lets me paste the stupid link 😡
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sonicexelle-junkary · 9 months
I have suddenly gotten very hyper-fixated on FNF vs Sonic.exe (insert update/ encore) which led to me being back into Sonic and Sonic.exe, Then I found your blog while catching up on 10 years of missed lore and I am over the moon!!! I love the corruption!AU its gorgeous, I just read through everything I could in the tag lol I do have a few questions though- maybe suggestions to stew ups some ideas, just suggestions <3 I saw a post about how did Sonic get infected? My brain went right to "How did The Rot get on the planet? Was it dwelling underground or..." What my brain went to was an astroid and Sonic being Sonic went to check it out, because he's the hero! he has to make sure people are okay! But that made me think? Would Sonic be patient zero? or are there a bunch of others who have turned already? City's are canon within the comics. The Rot wants to infect would it restrain itself? Say like scoping the area, say go out act as normal as possible and observe others, looking for the biggest group of people (family, friends, etc.) strategizing basically? or does it attack first chance? would it be able to use its host's "powers" like chaos control, Sonic's speed, Silver's telegnosis, and Espio's invisibility? What does it do when there's nothing left to consume? one last thing, wherever it comes from, would it have to practice speaking? like patient zero, being the first to be consumed, would it have to "test it out"? Sorry for the rant, I'm just in love!! <3 It has my gears turning
I’m glad you like the au! This type of story has always been my favourite, so seeing people enjoy it makes me very happy!
A few of these questions have already been answered in previous asks, so I’ll answer the ones that I haven’t answered yet
How did The Rot come to Sonic’s world? Is Sonic patient zero?- Now that’s spoiler territory. You’ll know soon enough. He is ‘patient zero’. That’s all I’ll tell you.
Would The Rot restrain itself from infecting? Does it attack first chance?- The Rot doesn’t have an ‘urge’ to spread. It’s just doing what it wants to do. Like an animal in nature. It will wait as long as it needs to before it infects someone, that wait time can be days or weeks, even months if it comes to that.
Would it have to practice speaking?- Not exactly. It already knows how to speak as it can simulate lungs and vocal cords and whatever else it needs to speak. Though it takes a while before their hosts voice becomes less layered and growly and more clear and unsuspecting. The more hosts it has, the easier it can be to speak clearly. Until then, it rarely speaks in front of others, only saying short words or sentences when it needs to.
What does it do when there’s nothing left to consume?- Well, there has been a thought bubbling around in my mind about that for a while… but I sure ain’t gonna tell you it. You’re just gonna have to figure that question out yourself.
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nanomooselet · 4 months
My Brother's Keeper (III)
So, what's the big difference between Knives and Wolfwood that leads to such disaster? Why, it's the same as the difference between Vash and Meryl. The one which meant Zazie singled out Meryl despite her relative powerlessness.
And more than that.
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Wolfwood has been forced to represent Knives. But he has far more in common with Vash - similarities which, unfortunately, extend to both being victims of Knives's abuse.
The Eye of Michael took Wolfwood from his home because he did well on a test he couldn't have consented to, chemically mutilated him, hurt him when he tried to escape, mocked and belittled him, and used Livio as a hostage to coerce him into being their hatchet-man. Now everything that was ever good in his world depends on him doing what they want, and he can't trust them to keep their word on that anymore.
Hell, Nick's place in the Hopeland Orphanage (earmarked as a storehouse for potential EOM subjects), being likely born S+ chemically compatible, even being orphaned young and poor (and thus being taken in by an orphanage) all meant he was denied a say in his future, long before he was even aware he had one. Almost every major event in his life has been dictated by things he couldn't control, and by now he's resigned to it, just as Vash is resigned to shouldering blame and punishment for everything that Knives does (supposedly) because of him. Wolfwood's been made into the Punisher, and the Punisher is a weapon. He is wielded by another, as Vash is himself often used and fought over.
When in the position of putting aside punishment to protect what they love most, Wolfwood discards his weapon/shield to take the agony of sacrifice upon himself, just as Vash has always done.
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Knives, though... Okay. Fair warning. I've seen it said that Vash "maintains the status quo" while Knives "fights for the oppressed". Now, Knives really is one of my favourites; I wouldn't have examined him so closely if he wasn't. But I don't even remotely share that assessment of the situation.
(And if this seems an excessive amount of attempted placation, I can only say that I'm a long-term BioWare fan who frankly never liked or trusted Garrus Vakarian or Anders, so being skittish about voicing criticism of the fandom boyfriend has become a habit.)
Orange were far, far nicer than I would have been when they said Knives isn't a villain. Or rather, I think when they said they prefer "nuance and complexity" to boiling a character down to merely "villain", that was taken to be a much more positive description of Knives than they intended it to be. They did give Knives nuanced and complex motivations. But they do not mean he is truthful, objective, rational, or morally superior to his victims.
I don't think Knives is the blade and liberator of the downtrodden he names himself. Not even of the Plants. He's something more horrifying and more hateful.
Knives, you see, actively seeks out power. He's motivated above all by a desire for authority, superiority, dominance and control. There are a lot of shots where he stands above - particularly above Vash, who's often kneeling before him. His followers call him "lord". Conrad tells Legato they need forgiveness from Wolfwood, but the one he actually begs for it is Knives. That's exactly what Knives wants. It means he's strong.
To Knives, possessing power and being in power means he's right. He's safe. He can't be controlled as long as he is in control (he cannot be victim as long as he is perpetrator). He's the shadow ruler of the most powerful and wealthy of the seven cities, which practices eugenicist control of its population. He controls the July military police, who carry missile launchers, drive armoured vehicles, and are pointedly demonstrated to be both brutal and deeply corrupt. He steals (or "liberates from oppression") Plants from remote communities like Jeneora Rock, which even before he arrived had no clean drinking water, while July is explicitly described as having a "monopoly" on the sale and distribution of water-producing Plants (they also manufacture and sell weapons). He deliberately sows misinformation and lies to (among other things) persecute and exert control over his brother, who is thus branded a dangerous fugitive and subject to constant violence and pursuit. He founded a religion that glorifies death and preys upon even those like the Windmill Village, who didn't rely on Plants for anything and yet were driven away or slaughtered to the last.
After Knives crashed the ships, he took it on himself to build a new system. This one installed him in a position to exploit the disadvantaged and powerless, these disgusting parasites, for his own ends. All the while making plans to wipe them out - because as he conceptualises the world, it will make what he loves (what belongs to him) as safe and as pure and as perfect as himself. He made himself into a weapon that only he will ever wield. And he wields himself against those who have no way to meaningfully fight back, who have no way even to understand what it is that he so despises them for.
Knives never makes sacrifices. He demands them. Someone else always has to take the blame. Someone else always has to suffer the consequences. Often that someone is Vash, often it's the other Plants, often it's humans - and always it's Rem, even though Rem is dead and has been for a century and a half.
It can't be Knives. He's never to blame. Yet everything that Knives has become, he's chosen to be. Still he refuses to accept any responsibility or compromise, anything that might lead to him being vulnerable. Even as those he claims to protect are ruined as a result of his negligence and cruelty.
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Not wanting to kill anyone… that's just a coward's idealism. Even a kid could tell you that. Folks only get to live 'cause other people die. That's the world we live in. I don't have the luxury of being afraid to make tough decisions. I have to choose in order to protect the things that are dear to me.
Very nice speech, beautifully staged and affecting (also though Wolfwood is delivering it to Vash, it's for the benefit of Meryl, as she checks the derringer is loaded, trying to keep her hands steady). But… what choice besides killing has there been for Wolfwood? He took Livio in as his brother and all that did was make Livio a target as well.
It was Vash who actually gave him a choice.
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No, what's coming out of Wolfwood's mouth is dogma of the Eye of Michael. Wolfwood is doing what Knives would do, will do, has done from the very start and has spent every moment of his life furiously trying to justify ever since: paying in blood for the safety of him and his, telling himself it's the only way.
What makes Wolfwood different from Knives in this instance is that he actually bothered listening when Vash talked, then trusted him at least to try and do what he could. And that means the justification, for Wolfwood, is falling pitifully short. He owes everything to Vash's kindness. He knows Vash isn't naïve, or a coward, or childish, or weak. Vash embodies a hope he's never known before in his life, and Wolfwood can no longer convince himself surrendering to despair and complacency is the right thing to do. Not if there's a choice.
He doesn't believe there is one. Belief isn't for him. He's no priest. He's just an undertaker.
But given that, if that's what he is, then... maybe…
There's no way to return his humanity./That monster was not the kid you knew.
You don't, by any chance, think you can make up with Millions Knives, do you?/When you get to Knives, you aren't stupid enough to think you two can just talk this thing out, are ya?
Do you think sacrificing yourself will make everyone happy?/Think sacrificing yourself will make us little guys happy?
Wolfwood... Wolfwood knows. What Vash can't accept. What Knives really is. Has personally been subject to Knives's handiwork, been Knives's instrument going to and fro on the earth, and walking up and down in it. You know what? This time, Knives should be the one to make a sacrifice. After a lifetime of spouting bullshit and ruling absolute over a world that because of him, demands either sacrifice or death, it might finally be his turn. If Wolfwood can convince Vash to make him take it.
But of all the fucking times for Vash to dig in his fucking heels, of course it had to be over this.
(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part IV)
(Part V)
(Part VI)
(Part VII)
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